twilight Crossword Puzzles

ga 2023-09-25

ga crossword puzzle
  1. mentally stable
  2. short boy
  3. name of the canal separating the Americas
  4. asthma "solution"
  5. short girl
  6. "here's johnny!"
  7. opposite of a word
  8. quirrel's home
  9. fastest land mammal
  10. clown killed by space turtle
  1. source of the stupid run
  2. upside down country
  3. kirby's return to __________ ______
  4. "still a better love story than ________"
  5. "as an AI language _____"
  6. july 21 2023
  7. discontinued planet
  8. dinosaur era
  9. positioned at the end of a race
  10. nose candy
  11. assistance

21 Clues: short boyshort girlnose candyassistancejuly 21 2023dinosaur eraquirrel's homementally stable"here's johnny!"asthma "solution"opposite of a wordupside down countrydiscontinued planetfastest land mammalsource of the stupid run"as an AI language _____"clown killed by space turtlepositioned at the end of a racekirby's return to __________ ______...

lexei 2023-10-10

lexei crossword puzzle
  1. candy i hate
  2. 6th hour
  3. favorite color
  4. my roman empire
  5. someone she doesnt like
  6. fav bath and body works smell
  7. favorite musical
  8. favorite candy
  9. favorite tswizzle album
  10. favorite lip brand
  11. favorite food
  12. dads name
  13. favorite book
  14. fav lana song
  1. favorite drink
  2. mcdoanlds order
  3. fav sad song atm
  4. least favorite color
  5. 2 favorite holidays
  6. favorite animal
  7. future cat name
  8. favorite number
  9. favorite season
  10. favorite alc

24 Clues: 6th hourdads namecandy i hatefavorite alcfavorite foodfavorite bookfav lana songfavorite drinkfavorite colorfavorite candymcdoanlds ordermy roman empirefavorite animalfuture cat namefavorite numberfavorite seasonfav sad song atmfavorite musicalfavorite lip brand2 favorite holidaysleast favorite colorsomeone she doesnt likefavorite tswizzle album...

Zo 2024-09-25

Zo crossword puzzle
  1. fav little guy 2
  2. nice with a croissant
  3. smart little guys
  4. home home
  5. X2
  6. X
  7. fav little guy 1
  8. little you's fav book
  9. lake swimming
  10. nomination
  12. level 3
  13. often ordered in 3s
  14. misses you
  15. forever in
  1. forks
  2. community
  3. red and white
  4. kiwi passionfruit
  5. full fat only
  6. t shirt tat
  7. with you
  8. flakey, buttery
  9. spoons
  10. theory
  11. year 4
  12. nice with a coffee

27 Clues: XX2forksspoonstheoryyear 4level 3with youcommunityhome homeTHE WORSTnominationmisses youforever int shirt tatred and whitefull fat onlylake swimmingflakey, butteryfav little guy 2fav little guy 1kiwi passionfruitsmart little guysnice with a coffeeoften ordered in 3snice with a croissantlittle you's fav book

5/03 Spelling List 2024-05-02

5/03 Spelling List crossword puzzle
  1. Opposite of big
  2. To look quickly
  3. "In _____"
  4. Washing clothes
  5. The time before night time as the sun is setting
  6. To flip
  7. Unknown
  8. Used to cross over rivers
  9. A mini horse
  10. No hair
  11. How a frog feels
  1. Sunlight
  2. When either the sun or the moon covers one another
  3. Moonlight
  4. Hair that is not wavy or straight
  5. Someone who steals things
  6. Hair on your upper lip
  7. "_____ Bear"
  8. Super rough and harsh
  9. Hair growing on your chin

20 Clues: To flipUnknownNo hairSunlightMoonlight"In _____""_____ Bear"A mini horseOpposite of bigTo look quicklyWashing clothesHow a frog feelsSuper rough and harshHair on your upper lipSomeone who steals thingsUsed to cross over riversHair growing on your chinHair that is not wavy or straightThe time before night time as the sun is setting...

movies 2024-03-06

movies crossword puzzle
  1. crazy _ asians
  2. movie about the Manhattan project
  3. 3rd twilight movie
  4. _ boy
  5. The _ (hugh jackman is the dad)
  6. Demi Gods
  7. _ girls
  8. 10 things i _ about you
  1. what was I made for?
  2. one number less than 14
  3. redrum
  4. _ me (Lisa McVey)
  5. Scrub Scrub

13 Clues: _ boyredrum_ girlsDemi GodsScrub Scrubcrazy _ asians_ me (Lisa McVey)3rd twilight moviewhat was I made for?one number less than 1410 things i _ about youThe _ (hugh jackman is the dad)movie about the Manhattan project

Book Project Crossword Puzzle 2022-03-04

Book Project Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what color goths/emo's wear
  2. sharp teeth
  3. butler of alexander
  4. what vampire skin look like (color)
  5. where alexander lives
  6. the setting
  7. nowhere to be found
  8. valentine maxwell
  9. human sleep schedule
  10. twilight/ bella's boyfriend
  11. raven's brother
  12. what vampires crave for
  13. the temperature of vampire skin
  1. vampire boyfriend/co-main character
  2. vampire bed
  3. main character
  4. vampire sleep schedule
  5. raven's mom
  6. restaurant where alexander talks to raven's parents
  7. emo

20 Clues: emovampire bedsharp teeththe settingraven's mommain characterraven's brothervalentine maxwellbutler of alexandernowhere to be foundhuman sleep schedulewhere alexander livesvampire sleep schedulewhat vampires crave forwhat color goths/emo's weartwilight/ bella's boyfriendthe temperature of vampire skinvampire boyfriend/co-main character...

Actives/founders of Pi Theta Xi 2016-10-07

Actives/founders of Pi Theta Xi crossword puzzle
  1. Active/Solo
  2. Active/Slips
  3. Active/Suga'
  4. Founding Member
  5. Treasurer/Alumni Liaison/Soundtrack
  6. Founding President
  7. President/social chair/troll
  8. Founding Pledge Educator
  9. Quarter Master/ Tic Tac
  10. Founding Vice President
  11. Active/Slim Jim
  1. Founding Secretary
  2. Active/ Va Jay Jay
  3. Founding Sargent at Arms
  4. Pledge Educator/Epi
  5. Sargent at Arms/Juliet
  6. Founding Member
  7. Active/Cosmo
  8. Vice President/Brotherhood Chair/ Twilight
  9. Social Media Chair/ Sid
  10. Rush Chair/ Co Pledge Educator/Clamps
  11. Secretary/Philanthropy/Historian/Marketing/Aqualad

22 Clues: Active/SoloActive/SlipsActive/Suga'Active/CosmoFounding MemberFounding MemberActive/Slim JimFounding SecretaryActive/ Va Jay JayFounding PresidentPledge Educator/EpiSargent at Arms/JulietSocial Media Chair/ SidQuarter Master/ Tic TacFounding Vice PresidentFounding Sargent at ArmsFounding Pledge EducatorPresident/social chair/troll...

English 2 Honors Vocab Crossword (#2) 2023-03-15

English 2 Honors Vocab Crossword (#2) crossword puzzle
  1. amusing or comical
  2. consist of
  3. door-like part of window
  4. a large amount of or excess
  5. "actions speak louder than words"
  6. to lie about something being genuine
  7. opposite of congruous
  8. atone for sin or guilt
  9. malicious or bitter
  10. relating to twilight
  11. frivolousness
  12. immorality
  1. "we the people..."
  2. to rise and fall
  3. photographic memory
  4. anxiety
  5. obsessed with luxury
  6. essential
  7. unsettle
  8. acclamation ("_____ to you!")
  9. foul and decaying smell
  10. subservient
  11. paranormal
  12. harmless

24 Clues: anxietyunsettleharmlessessentialconsist ofparanormalimmoralitysubservientfrivolousnessto rise and fall"we the people..."amusing or comicalphotographic memorymalicious or bitterobsessed with luxuryrelating to twilightopposite of congruousatone for sin or guiltfoul and decaying smelldoor-like part of windowa large amount of or excess...

J+A 2023-01-12

J+A crossword puzzle
  1. A’s favorite color
  2. Perfect show to make out to
  3. Cover of the playlist (J)
  4. The best thing that’s ever been
  5. What must it be like?
  6. First movie
  7. Og
  8. To kiss in cars
  9. New day
  10. Opening line
  11. Firstborn
  1. Mutual order (1st)
  2. First flowers
  3. I told you I loved you
  4. like the necklace
  5. Potential dealbreaker?
  6. J’s favorite color
  7. First date
  8. Describes J in our song
  9. Cover of the playlist (A)

20 Clues: OgNew dayFirstbornFirst dateFirst movieOpening lineFirst flowersTo kiss in carslike the necklaceMutual order (1st)A’s favorite colorJ’s favorite colorWhat must it be like?I told you I loved youPotential dealbreaker?Describes J in our songCover of the playlist (J)Cover of the playlist (A)Perfect show to make out toThe best thing that’s ever been

cannibal crossword 2024-11-18

cannibal crossword crossword puzzle
  1. selfie
  2. ol sparky
  3. insane in the brain
  4. childhood fear
  5. forbidden fruit
  1. twilight monsters
  2. insane in the membrane
  3. chosen few
  4. squeezed
  5. found under a full moon

10 Clues: selfiesqueezedol sparkychosen fewchildhood fearforbidden fruittwilight monstersinsane in the braininsane in the membranefound under a full moon

The Star-Spangled Banner Vocabulary 2017-02-07

The Star-Spangled Banner Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Wide
  2. Shows it's true
  3. Exploding
  4. Saluted
  5. Flying or waving (like a flag)
  6. Walls of the fort
  1. Dangerous
  2. When the sun comes up in the morning
  3. Sparkled
  4. When the sun is just beneath the horizon at night
  5. Bravely
  6. Bright Light

12 Clues: WideSalutedBravelySparkledDangerousExplodingBright LightShows it's trueWalls of the fortFlying or waving (like a flag)When the sun comes up in the morningWhen the sun is just beneath the horizon at night

26 2024-07-18

26 crossword puzzle
  1. Fierce nocturne
  2. Rainforest tree dweller
  3. Laughing scavenger
  4. Termite-loving digger
  5. Twilight insect catcher
  6. Bioluminescent beetle
  7. Masked scavenger
  8. Big-eyed Madagascar native
  9. Howling desert dweller
  10. Flightless New Zealand bird
  11. Cunning night prowler
  12. Burrowing Australian
  13. Odorous defender
  1. Bottom-feeding swimmer
  2. Echolocating flyer
  3. African tree hopper
  4. Wall-clinging lizard
  5. Scaly anteater
  6. Stealthy predator
  7. Spiny insect eater
  8. Tallgrass prowler
  9. Furbearing nocturnal
  10. Wise nighttime hunter
  11. Attracted to lights
  12. Pouch-bearing climber

25 Clues: Scaly anteaterFierce nocturneMasked scavengerOdorous defenderStealthy predatorTallgrass prowlerEcholocating flyerLaughing scavengerSpiny insect eaterAfrican tree hopperAttracted to lightsWall-clinging lizardFurbearing nocturnalBurrowing AustralianTermite-loving diggerBioluminescent beetleWise nighttime hunterCunning night prowler...

Inside Jokes 2022-06-21

Inside Jokes crossword puzzle
  1. The number one rule
  2. Everyone Say
  3. Twilight
  4. negative mindset goes
  1. It's Always
  2. Layla is
  3. Who steals?
  4. positive mindset goes
  5. Mr. Lee is
  6. Don't Gamble With

10 Clues: Layla isTwilightMr. Lee isIt's AlwaysWho steals?Everyone SayDon't Gamble WithThe number one rulepositive mindset goesnegative mindset goes

paramore songs 2024-05-01

paramore songs crossword puzzle
  1. "black and white reruns"
  2. most popular interlude
  3. ignore
  4. crush 3x
  5. when the lines cross
  6. singles club
  7. first song on self titled
  8. switch it on
  9. third song on brand new eyes
  1. sad work
  2. "we all learn to make mistakes"
  3. opposite of shrink down
  4. twilight
  5. opposite of never
  6. opposite of careless
  7. "everything i would've died for just yesterday"
  8. it's around a house

17 Clues: ignoresad worktwilightcrush 3xsingles clubswitch it onopposite of neverit's around a housewhen the lines crossopposite of carelessmost popular interludeopposite of shrink down"black and white reruns"first song on self titledthird song on brand new eyes"we all learn to make mistakes""everything i would've died for just yesterday"

Alexa and her amazing boyfriend 2023-04-27

Alexa and her amazing boyfriend crossword puzzle
  1. food we suck at making
  2. where we first met
  3. getting gourds
  4. first date downtown
  5. raccoon named?
  6. what team?
  7. best girlfriend in the world
  8. movies on halloween
  1. vinyl pickup
  2. your first tv recommendation
  3. my secret name
  4. give me back my (clothes)
  5. whos better dressed

13 Clues: what team?vinyl pickupgetting gourdsmy secret nameraccoon named?where we first metfirst date downtownwhos better dressedmovies on halloweenfood we suck at makinggive me back my (clothes)your first tv recommendationbest girlfriend in the world

showbizz 2013-05-20

showbizz crossword puzzle
  1. stekelig dier
  2. deel van een tenniswedstrijd
  3. winnares The Voice van Vlaanderen
  4. godsdienst
  5. welke rapper liep onlangs tegen een paal
  6. kleinst denkbare hoeveelheid
  7. vlaams tv-station
  1. actrice in twilight
  2. ontkenning
  3. dierenverhaal
  4. land dat eurovisiesongfestival 2013 won
  5. artiestennaam Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta
  6. twee puntjes boven een klinker

13 Clues: ontkenninggodsdienststekelig dierdierenverhaalvlaams tv-stationactrice in twilightdeel van een tenniswedstrijdkleinst denkbare hoeveelheidtwee puntjes boven een klinkerwinnares The Voice van Vlaanderenland dat eurovisiesongfestival 2013 wonwelke rapper liep onlangs tegen een paalartiestennaam Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta

The Impossible Knife of Memory 2016-05-12

The Impossible Knife of Memory crossword puzzle
  1. decorative design or pattern
  2. done without will
  3. walk about
  4. an event causing great damage
  5. small grocery store
  6. collective thinking
  1. doctor who works on foot, leg, and ankle
  2. hatred for yourself
  3. known to understand a few
  4. leave secretly
  5. old and torn
  6. twilight, dusk
  7. dry

13 Clues: drywalk aboutold and tornleave secretlytwilight, duskdone without willhatred for yourselfsmall grocery storecollective thinkingknown to understand a fewdecorative design or patternan event causing great damagedoctor who works on foot, leg, and ankle

Find the Author! 2012-12-11

Find the Author! crossword puzzle


Find the Author! 2012-12-11

Find the Author! crossword puzzle


Twilight Saga CRossword 2012-10-25

Twilight Saga CRossword crossword puzzle
  1. The blonde of the Cullen Family
  2. Werewolf that secretly loves Bella
  3. The strong man of the Culleen Family
  4. The girl who can see the future in the Cullen Family
  5. Mr.Cullen
  6. A vampire in love With Bella
  7. Mrs.Cullen
  1. The main character
  2. The daughter of Edward And Bella
  3. Bella's dads name
  4. The newbie of the Cullen Family

11 Clues: Mr.CullenMrs.CullenBella's dads nameThe main characterA vampire in love With BellaThe blonde of the Cullen FamilyThe newbie of the Cullen FamilyThe daughter of Edward And BellaWerewolf that secretly loves BellaThe strong man of the Culleen FamilyThe girl who can see the future in the Cullen Family

Readathon Crossword 2021-10-23

Readathon Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Something you say in a children's game and the title of a Stephen King book
  2. Weird dude who's obsessed with sweets
  3. R.L. Stine series
  4. Austen
  5. First release
  6. True story
  7. Play by Shakespeare
  1. Canadian e-reader
  2. Tiny royalty
  3. babysitter's ____
  4. Greek goddess of wisdom
  5. Read
  6. Barnes & _____
  7. It's a book but not
  8. Word before monument or fiction
  9. Page holder
  10. Between daylight and darkness

17 Clues: ReadAustenTrue storyPage holderTiny royaltyFirst releaseBarnes & _____Canadian e-readerbabysitter's ____R.L. Stine seriesIt's a book but notPlay by ShakespeareGreek goddess of wisdomBetween daylight and darknessWord before monument or fictionWeird dude who's obsessed with sweets...

news 2024-04-04

news crossword puzzle
  1. Swedish word for hicuups
  2. Something to sit upon
  3. Causing a ruckus
  4. Lock
  5. Adolescent without a home
  6. Crowd of people
  7. To be destroyed
  1. Something that only appears at twilight
  2. Tool used to cut logs
  3. A fortunate coincidence
  4. A performer at a circus
  5. Foot protectors
  6. A body
  7. A coniferous tree
  8. To be of an opinion
  9. Paint holder
  10. A word describing underhanded trickery

17 Clues: LockA bodyPaint holderFoot protectorsCrowd of peopleTo be destroyedCausing a ruckusA coniferous treeTo be of an opinionTool used to cut logsSomething to sit uponA fortunate coincidenceA performer at a circusSwedish word for hicuupsAdolescent without a homeA word describing underhanded trickerySomething that only appears at twilight

The Impossible Knife of Memory 2016-05-12

The Impossible Knife of Memory crossword puzzle
  1. decorative design or pattern
  2. walk about
  3. collective thinking
  4. known to understand a few
  5. doctor who works on foot, leg, and ankle
  6. dry
  7. hatred for yourself
  8. twilight, dusk
  1. old and torn
  2. leave secretly
  3. an event causing great damage
  4. small grocery store
  5. done without will

13 Clues: drywalk aboutold and tornleave secretlytwilight, duskdone without willcollective thinkingsmall grocery storehatred for yourselfknown to understand a fewdecorative design or patternan event causing great damagedoctor who works on foot, leg, and ankle

How well do you know me? 2023-06-29

How well do you know me? crossword puzzle
  1. something i enjoy
  2. my eye colour
  3. my favourite time of day
  4. my zodiac sign
  5. who loves who more
  6. my dream holiday
  1. my dream car
  2. something i love
  3. my favourite tv show
  4. my dog's name
  5. my favourite colour
  6. something i hate
  7. my favourite movie

13 Clues: my dream carmy eye colourmy dog's namemy zodiac signsomething i lovesomething i hatemy dream holidaysomething i enjoymy favourite moviewho loves who moremy favourite colourmy favourite tv showmy favourite time of day

Puzzle Title 2024-06-10

Puzzle Title crossword puzzle
  1. Find them in twilight
  2. Those closest
  3. Granted by God
  4. Softly shooting
  5. No fit? back in
  1. Lacks class
  2. Causing a stink
  3. Volcano trait
  4. A.C. with no cooling
  5. A long English word
  6. Down by the river

11 Clues: Lacks classVolcano traitThose closestGranted by GodCausing a stinkSoftly shootingNo fit? back inDown by the riverA long English wordA.C. with no coolingFind them in twilight

Executive Laughs 2023-05-03

Executive Laughs crossword puzzle
  1. Tallest
  2. Top Woman in Charge
  3. Santo's birthday
  4. Newest Hire
  5. Nabeel's Moon
  6. New Father
  1. Kim's "Dog"
  2. Two of them, this one with an h
  3. Heather's Dog RapGroup, no hyphen
  4. Character in Twilight
  5. Detective on SVU Law & Order
  6. Nicest Sweetest Oldest
  7. Red, Jeremy's best friend
  8. Will's favorite water

14 Clues: TallestNew FatherKim's "Dog"Newest HireNabeel's MoonSanto's birthdayTop Woman in ChargeCharacter in TwilightWill's favorite waterNicest Sweetest OldestRed, Jeremy's best friendDetective on SVU Law & OrderTwo of them, this one with an hHeather's Dog RapGroup, no hyphen

"THE FIFTH GAME" 2021-11-02

"THE FIFTH GAME" crossword puzzle
  4. "THE BIG DAY"
  1. "THE ONE"


japanese theme-ish 2023-08-14

japanese theme-ish crossword puzzle
  1. Japanese liqueur
  2. Gathering of witches
  3. Japanese crime fighters
  4. band of the
  5. talking mushroom
  1. Japanese high school crime fighters
  2. closet human relative
  3. twilight
  4. makes dashi
  5. in 80 days

10 Clues: twilightin 80 daysmakes dashiband of theJapanese liqueurtalking mushroomGathering of witchescloset human relativeJapanese crime fightersJapanese high school crime fighters

my little pony 2021-08-15

my little pony crossword puzzle
  1. the main land
  2. shy
  3. inverted fluttershy
  1. firebreather
  2. to see the world
  3. princess
  4. a purple character
  5. eve
  6. 7 colored airhead

9 Clues: shyeveprincessfirebreatherthe main landto see the world7 colored airheada purple characterinverted fluttershy

Classic TV Shows 2024-08-13

Classic TV Shows crossword puzzle
  1. _____ and Mindy
  2. _______: The Next Generation
  3. I Love _____
  4. The Twilight _____
  1. _____ & Hutch
  2. ______ Pyle, U.S.M.C.
  3. _____ Days
  4. The Mary ___ Moore Show
  5. ________'s Island

9 Clues: _____ DaysI Love __________ & Hutch_____ and Mindy________'s IslandThe Twilight ___________ Pyle, U.S.M.C.The Mary ___ Moore Show_______: The Next Generation

eberron puzzle 2021-06-27

eberron puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. realm of madness
  2. the azure sky
  3. churning chaos
  4. sea of fire
  5. The Sovereign of Magic and Mayhem
  6. the perfect order
  7. the region of dreams
  8. She bestows luck and spreads joy
  1. realm of the dead
  2. faerie court
  3. twilight forest
  4. endless night
  5. plain of ice
  6. the eternal day
  7. the battleground
  8. the voice of the silver flame

16 Clues: sea of firefaerie courtplain of iceendless nightthe azure skychurning chaostwilight forestthe eternal dayrealm of madnessthe battlegroundrealm of the deadthe perfect orderthe region of dreamsthe voice of the silver flameShe bestows luck and spreads joyThe Sovereign of Magic and Mayhem

Zelda games 2021-07-13

Zelda games crossword puzzle
  1. A Monkey
  2. Kingdom in Tri Force Heroes
  3. World Majora's Mask takes place in
  4. Water loving tribe
  5. (super obvious) Princess of Hyrule
  6. Who is an evil phantom?
  7. Sorceress of Shadows
  1. His master is Demise
  2. Sword spirit
  3. a Pirate
  4. Nayru is oracle of what?
  5. Spirit _____.
  6. Ocarina of ____.
  7. Princess Hilda is the ruler of what?
  8. The Twilight Princess
  9. A fly monster

16 Clues: A Monkeya PirateSword spiritSpirit _____.A fly monsterOcarina of ____.Water loving tribeHis master is DemiseSorceress of ShadowsThe Twilight PrincessWho is an evil phantom?Nayru is oracle of what?Kingdom in Tri Force HeroesWorld Majora's Mask takes place in(super obvious) Princess of HyrulePrincess Hilda is the ruler of what?

Krēsla 2023-11-20

Krēsla crossword puzzle
  1. Bellas matu krāsa
  2. Bellas vīrs
  3. filmas nosaukums
  4. Bellas meita
  1. Galvanais vilkacis
  2. asinsūcējs
  3. Edvarda uzvārds
  4. vampīru mīļākais ēdiens
  5. galvanā varone

9 Clues: asinsūcējsBellas vīrsBellas meitagalvanā varoneEdvarda uzvārdsfilmas nosaukumsBellas matu krāsaGalvanais vilkacisvampīru mīļākais ēdiens

El Principito Capítulo 6 (No hay artículos en las respuestas.) 2022-10-05

El Principito Capítulo 6 (No hay artículos en las respuestas.) crossword puzzle
  1. sunset
  2. 43
  3. sweetness
  4. to move
  5. to drag
  1. unfortunately
  2. twilight
  3. to be enough

8 Clues: 43sunsetto moveto dragtwilightsweetnessto be enoughunfortunately

twilight crossword groupB 2023-01-15

twilight crossword groupB crossword puzzle
  1. to injure someone by making a hole in their skin
  2. the red liquid that your heart pumps around your body
  3. a dead person that sucks people’s blood by biting their necks
  4. a magic bird that is born from a fire, according to ancient stories
  5. extremely impressive, serious, or difficult so that you feel great respect, worry, or fear
  6. a large wild animal that can run very fast, eats grass, and has horns
  1. the scientific study of living things
  2. someone who does not eat meat or fish
  3. to begin to take part in an activity that other people are involved in
  4. American English a formal dance party for high school students, often held at the end of a school year
  5. to take air, liquid etc into your mouth by making your lips form a small hole and using the muscles of your mouth to pull it in

11 Clues: the scientific study of living thingssomeone who does not eat meat or fishto injure someone by making a hole in their skinthe red liquid that your heart pumps around your bodya dead person that sucks people’s blood by biting their necksa magic bird that is born from a fire, according to ancient stories...

"Games at Twilight" 2021-10-12

"Games at Twilight" crossword puzzle
  1. a feeling of great happiness and triumph.
  2. relating to a tomb; gloomy, dismal
  3. a recognition of achievement, an honor
  4. a funeral home or morgue.
  5. public shame or disgrace.
  1. a feeling of sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
  2. in a way showing arrogant superiority.
  3. exhibiting extremely wild or violent behavior.
  4. mournful, especially in an exaggerated manner
  5. no longer existing or functioning.
  6. quenching or satisfying

11 Clues: quenching or satisfyinga funeral home or morgue.public shame or longer existing or functioning.relating to a tomb; gloomy, dismalin a way showing arrogant superiority.a recognition of achievement, an honora feeling of great happiness and triumph.mournful, especially in an exaggerated mannerexhibiting extremely wild or violent behavior....

Star Wars Twilight 2018-05-04

Star Wars Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Destroyer
  2. Capital Ship
  3. interceptor
  4. Base
  5. Rank
  1. sniper
  2. Bomber
  3. cold planet
  4. planet is in it
  5. class
  6. base on hoth

11 Clues: BaseRankclasssniperBomberDestroyercold planetinterceptorCapital Shipbase on hothplanet is in it

new moon (twilight) 2022-05-16

new moon (twilight) crossword puzzle
  1. where bella saves edward
  2. where bella lives
  3. main character
  4. edward's specie
  5. edwards dad
  1. what jacob is
  2. where bella's mom lives
  3. brand of edwards car
  4. name of the book
  5. main vampire
  6. bella's best friend

11 Clues: edwards dadmain vampirewhat jacob ismain characteredward's speciename of the bookwhere bella livesbella's best friendbrand of edwards carwhere bella's mom liveswhere bella saves edward

Hobbit 2013-10-10

Hobbit crossword puzzle
  1. having something
  2. another word for skinny
  3. old navy is a...............
  4. main branch
  5. I a sad or..................
  6. no air
  7. word for crowd together
  8. distraught with fear
  1. he.............suddenly
  2. not often but rarely
  3. last for a long time
  4. i find the key
  5. a glow when the sun is under the horizon
  6. as a result
  7. extremely beautiful

15 Clues: no airas a resultmain branchhaving somethingextremely beautifulnot often but rarelylast for a long timedistraught with fearhe.............suddenlyanother word for skinnyword for crowd togetherold navy is a...............I a sad or..................i find the keya glow when the sun is under the horizon

Puzzle 2022-06-09

Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. can make you walk
  2. put in a special place
  3. a fish species
  4. a length
  5. newspaper
  1. animal park
  2. a correct way
  3. dark
  4. a country
  5. a thing can sent out

10 Clues: darka lengtha countrynewspaperanimal parka correct waya fish speciescan make you walka thing can sent output in a special place

about me 2023-05-22

about me crossword puzzle
  1. how many brothers
  2. how many siblings
  3. birth year
  4. how many sisters
  5. what is my name
  6. tv show
  1. last name
  2. movie
  3. what is my middle name
  4. color

10 Clues: moviecolortv showlast namebirth yearwhat is my namehow many sistershow many brothershow many siblingswhat is my middle name

Spooky Staff Dev! 2024-10-20

Spooky Staff Dev! crossword puzzle
  1. A sheet with holes
  2. trick or treat reward
  3. cinderella's carriage
  4. "____ feet"
  5. a scary laugh
  1. british mommy
  2. small fay creature
  3. caused to tremble
  4. The Cullens in Twilight
  5. Salem's trials

10 Clues: "____ feet"british mommya scary laughSalem's trialscaused to trembleA sheet with holessmall fay creaturetrick or treat rewardcinderella's carriageThe Cullens in Twilight

All About You 2021-12-14

All About You crossword puzzle
  1. Your volleyball position
  2. Favorite Sport
  3. "We do not care what you did Carlisle''
  4. Favorite color
  1. Anniversary month
  2. Hannah McGowan
  3. Eye Color
  4. Middle name
  5. Birthday Month
  6. Clusters Favorite Candy

10 Clues: Eye ColorMiddle nameHannah McGowanFavorite SportBirthday MonthFavorite colorAnniversary monthClusters Favorite CandyYour volleyball position"We do not care what you did Carlisle''

All About TWILA 2021-11-08

All About TWILA crossword puzzle
  1. Lucky number
  2. Hubby First name
  3. Favorite Movie
  4. Worst fear
  5. City Twila grew up in
  6. Number of kids
  7. Favorite food
  8. Figurines that Twila collects
  9. Favorite color and color of prom dress, shoes, etc.
  10. Grandkids are all _______
  11. Breed of animals at home
  1. word to describe Twila
  2. number of siblings
  3. years worked for BRS/RBR
  4. Favorite vacation spot
  5. Favorite Summer/Fall activity
  6. Favorite season
  7. Years married
  8. Favorite music Genre

19 Clues: Worst fearLucky numberYears marriedFavorite foodFavorite MovieNumber of kidsFavorite seasonHubby First namenumber of siblingsFavorite music GenreCity Twila grew up inword to describe TwilaFavorite vacation spotyears worked for BRS/RBRBreed of animals at homeGrandkids are all _______Favorite Summer/Fall activityFigurines that Twila collects...

Hobbit 2013-10-10

Hobbit crossword puzzle
  1. word for crowd together
  2. another word for skinny
  3. a glow when the sun is under the horizon
  4. not often but rarely
  5. I a sad or..................
  6. as a result
  7. extremely beautiful
  8. he.............suddenly
  1. main branch
  2. i find the key
  3. no air
  4. having something
  5. last for a long time
  6. old navy is a...............
  7. distraught with fear

15 Clues: no airmain branchas a resulthaving somethingextremely beautifulnot often but rarelylast for a long timedistraught with fearword for crowd togetheranother word for skinnyhe.............suddenlyI a sad or..................old navy is a...............i find the keya glow when the sun is under the horizon

Another hearthstone crossword 2015-04-13

Another hearthstone crossword crossword puzzle
  1. "Infinite value"
  2. Twilight Drake's 1 mana nightmare
  3. Tuck ...
  4. Oasis Snapjaw>Divine Spirit>Power Word: Shield>Divine Spirit
  5. 'Inspired'
  6. The Scourge will consume vou!
  7. Of course I played well. I'm ...
  8. Nefarian's sister
  9. Prosterino killer
  1. Deathrattle: Your opponent wins
  3. 4Head
  4. Number of different Murloc cards and tokens
  5. At least he's got chicken
  6. 100 gold quest

15 Clues: 4HeadTuck ...'Inspired'WEEEEEEEEEE!100 gold quest"Infinite value"Nefarian's sisterProsterino killerAt least he's got chickenThe Scourge will consume vou!Deathrattle: Your opponent winsOf course I played well. I'm ...Twilight Drake's 1 mana nightmareNumber of different Murloc cards and tokens...

Lyria's puzzle 2020-09-10

Lyria's puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. most common meat
  2. is on riverdale
  3. known for flower necklaces
  4. NBA is also another name for him
  5. beautiful water
  6. based off vampire movie
  7. the color of grass
  8. warriors
  1. involves numbers
  2. a symbol is the mocking jay
  3. sports car
  4. they are in court often
  5. it hops a lot
  6. has Houston in it
  7. team in Houston

15 Clues: warriorssports carit hops a lotis on riverdalebeautiful waterteam in Houstoninvolves numbersmost common meathas Houston in itthe color of grassthey are in court oftenbased off vampire movieknown for flower necklacesa symbol is the mocking jayNBA is also another name for him

Vocab Activity 4 2022-02-10

Vocab Activity 4 crossword puzzle
  1. acclaim or praise
  2. an established principle
  3. pertaining to twilight
  4. to regard with respect
  5. questionable authenticity,but widely believed
  6. submissive;slavish
  7. marked by luxury or pleasure
  8. effective;desired outcome
  9. to fill beyond capacity
  1. to alienate
  2. mutually destructive
  3. release of emotional tension
  4. relating to a things basic nature
  5. rotten and foul smelling
  6. relating to laughter

15 Clues: to alienateacclaim or praisesubmissive;slavishmutually destructiverelating to laughterpertaining to twilightto regard with respectto fill beyond capacityan established principlerotten and foul smellingeffective;desired outcomerelease of emotional tensionmarked by luxury or pleasurerelating to a things basic nature...

zigzagging 2022-04-12

zigzagging crossword puzzle
  1. kings or rulers
  2. a high patio or deck
  3. something bad happening in the moment
  4. a lie or scheme
  5. bad or disobedient
  6. a dotted pattern
  7. going back and forth
  1. someone that takes care of sheep
  2. early in the morning
  3. a kind gesture
  4. ghosts or scary figures
  5. home or where someone lives
  6. to fix something
  7. not enjoyable
  8. confused

15 Clues: confusednot enjoyablea kind gesturekings or rulersa lie or schemeto fix somethinga dotted patternbad or disobedientearly in the morninga high patio or deckgoing back and forthghosts or scary figureshome or where someone livessomeone that takes care of sheepsomething bad happening in the moment

Anne of GreenGables 2022-06-12

Anne of GreenGables crossword puzzle
  1. According to
  2. Compared to show differences
  3. help make clear
  4. distress
  5. sorrow for having done wrong
  6. similar or related in quality or character
  7. the time of day between daylight and darkness
  1. full of sorrow
  2. Consider
  3. with a feeling sorrow
  4. quit
  5. in a serious and solemn manner
  6. with longing or unfulfilled desire
  7. effort
  8. accord own mind

15 Clues: quiteffortConsiderdistressAccording tofull of sorrowhelp make clearaccord own mindwith a feeling sorrowCompared to show differencessorrow for having done wrongin a serious and solemn mannerwith longing or unfulfilled desiresimilar or related in quality or characterthe time of day between daylight and darkness

Jim at Bat 2021-09-21

Jim at Bat crossword puzzle
  1. unbelievably
  2. sees/hears/becomes aware of
  3. area of grassy land
  4. unclear
  5. happening soon
  6. acts of throwing a ball
  7. when the moon blocks the sun
  8. the soft light just before sunrise or after sunset
  9. something that survived from the past
  10. hard-shelled insect
  1. happiness (from meeting a need or reaching a goal)
  2. ordinary
  3. criticizes
  4. positive-thinking
  5. tired
  6. surprised
  7. shaking (in fear)
  8. smash together

18 Clues: tiredunclearordinarysurprisedcriticizesunbelievablyhappening soonsmash togetherpositive-thinkingshaking (in fear)area of grassy landhard-shelled insectacts of throwing a ballsees/hears/becomes aware ofwhen the moon blocks the sunsomething that survived from the pasthappiness (from meeting a need or reaching a goal)...

Queen Peggy 2016-03-24

Queen Peggy crossword puzzle
  1. talks on
  2. mother's name
  3. age
  4. favorite puzzle
  5. chocolates
  6. 4 part book she liked
  7. maiden name
  8. hat tonight
  9. where she goes on Fridays
  10. number four child
  11. color of dress tonigt
  12. bird
  1. likes to look at
  2. color of eyes
  3. where she was born
  4. favorite color
  5. cooks
  6. age when married
  7. first grandchild
  8. TV show
  9. wanted to be
  10. card game she played
  11. church
  12. youngest grandchild
  13. hobby
  14. number of grandchildren
  15. nationality

27 Clues: agebirdcookshobbychurchTV showtalks onchocolatesmaiden namehat tonightnationalitywanted to becolor of eyesmother's namefavorite colorfavorite puzzlelikes to look atage when marriedfirst grandchildnumber four childwhere she was bornyoungest grandchildcard game she played4 part book she likedcolor of dress tonigtnumber of grandchildren...

Famous Authors 2012-10-29

Famous Authors crossword puzzle
  1. I Am Number 4
  2. the Hunger Games
  3. Vampire Diaries and the Secret Circle
  4. Gallagher Girls Series
  5. The Last Song
  6. Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance
  7. Percy Jackson
  8. To Kill A Mockingbird
  9. Fallen series
  10. Inkheart
  11. Harry Potter
  1. Vampire Academy
  2. City Immortal Instruments
  3. The Host and Twilight Series
  4. Divergent
  5. The Lord of the Rings
  6. My sisters keeper
  7. the hush hush series
  8. Romeo and Juliet
  9. Tomorrow When the War Began
  10. The chronicles of Narnia

21 Clues: InkheartDivergentHarry PotterI Am Number 4The Last SongPercy JacksonFallen seriesVampire Academythe Hunger GamesRomeo and JulietMy sisters keeperthe hush hush seriesThe Lord of the RingsTo Kill A MockingbirdGallagher Girls SeriesThe chronicles of NarniaCity Immortal InstrumentsTomorrow When the War BeganThe Host and Twilight Series...

Famous Authors 2012-10-30

Famous Authors crossword puzzle
  1. To Kill A Mockingbird
  2. The Last Song
  3. Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices
  4. My Sisters Keeper
  5. Hush Hush Saga
  6. Gallagher Girls Series
  7. Divergent
  8. Vampire Diaries and the Secret Circle
  9. Vampire Academy
  10. Inkheart
  11. Percy Jackson saga
  12. The Lord of the Rings
  13. Romeo and Juliet
  1. The Chronicles of Narnia
  2. Tomorrow When the War Began
  3. The Inheritance Cycle
  4. The Host and Twilight Series
  5. Harry Potter
  6. I Am Number 4
  7. The Hunger Games
  8. Fallen Series

21 Clues: InkheartDivergentHarry PotterThe Last SongI Am Number 4Fallen SeriesHush Hush SagaVampire AcademyThe Hunger GamesRomeo and JulietMy Sisters KeeperPercy Jackson sagaTo Kill A MockingbirdThe Inheritance CycleThe Lord of the RingsGallagher Girls SeriesThe Chronicles of NarniaTomorrow When the War BeganThe Host and Twilight Series...

Christmas 2021 2021-12-22

Christmas 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. One of my guys
  2. Baby
  3. Twilight character
  4. Patches?
  5. Tender of flowers
  6. Home base
  7. Television host
  8. One of your guys
  9. Daughter of a queen
  10. Summer wedding couple
  11. Recent trip
  1. A true delight
  2. Pandemic pizza
  3. Tom and Ken
  4. Friendly raccoon
  5. #1 hotel
  6. A new preferred pod
  7. Curmudgeonly new dad
  8. Cone purveyor
  9. First date place
  10. Summer activity
  11. Giannis
  12. Bricks
  13. 2020 Christmas dinner
  14. December 17th
  15. Squirrels

26 Clues: BabyBricksGiannis#1 hotelPatches?Home baseSquirrelsTom and KenRecent tripCone purveyorDecember 17thA true delightPandemic pizzaOne of my guysSummer activityTelevision hostFriendly raccoonFirst date placeOne of your guysTender of flowersTwilight characterA new preferred podDaughter of a queenCurmudgeonly new dad2020 Christmas dinner...

Set 22-23 2019-06-16

Set 22-23 crossword puzzle
  1. disturb water to make it muddy
  2. twilight
  3. shy
  4. persuade
  5. poetry
  6. human shaped robot
  7. empty space
  8. promise or vow
  9. a blended metal
  10. cook directly with heat
  11. fish eggs
  12. steal
  13. lift
  14. provoke or annoy people
  1. wander around
  2. scam, fraud or trick
  3. multicoloured coat on an animal
  4. support beam in a building
  5. covered walkway
  6. hard work
  7. a weakness of character
  8. joined next to
  9. entrance way
  10. clever or skilful
  11. type of weasel

25 Clues: shyliftstealpoetrytwilightpersuadehard workfish eggsempty spaceentrance waywander aroundjoined next topromise or vowtype of weaselcovered walkwaya blended metalclever or skilfulhuman shaped robotscam, fraud or tricka weakness of charactercook directly with heatprovoke or annoy peoplesupport beam in a buildingdisturb water to make it muddy...

Mia Moray 2023-05-16

Mia Moray crossword puzzle
  1. Grand Blank Hotel
  2. First Date
  3. TV Dad
  4. Refreshing Summer Beverage
  5. We call them Zoopers
  6. How I like my coffee
  7. My Former Flame
  8. The One Winged Angel
  1. A one-word Arrested Development question “Blank?”
  2. An Animal I Like
  3. $30 For Kit Kat?!
  4. He made people cry
  5. A chore I don’t enjoy
  6. My fav Twilight Boy
  7. English Teacher
  8. I hate him
  9. Pretty Dang Cool
  10. Last Date
  11. I hate exercising this
  12. Big Bad Blank Daddy

20 Clues: TV DadLast DateFirst DateI hate himEnglish TeacherMy Former FlameAn Animal I LikePretty Dang CoolGrand Blank Hotel$30 For Kit Kat?!He made people cryMy fav Twilight BoyBig Bad Blank DaddyWe call them ZoopersHow I like my coffeeThe One Winged AngelA chore I don’t enjoyI hate exercising thisRefreshing Summer Beverage...

Khelani 2022-01-28

Khelani crossword puzzle
  1. amount of sisters
  2. Name of cat
  3. baby sisters name
  4. bestfriend
  5. My age
  1. middle name
  2. Middle sisters name
  3. favorite movie
  4. Birthday
  5. favorite color

10 Clues: My ageBirthdaybestfriendmiddle nameName of catfavorite moviefavorite coloramount of sistersbaby sisters nameMiddle sisters name

Joepie 2013-01-12

Joepie crossword puzzle
  1. Huidversiering
  2. Winkelstraat in Antwerpen
  3. Cosgrove Actrice Icarly
  4. Knappe jongen
  5. Haarkleur
  6. koude periode
  7. Accessoire
  8. Hoofdacteur Twlight
  9. Make up
  10. Kledingwinkel
  11. 18 jarige jonge zanger
  12. Bekend jongere tijdschrift
  13. Groot evenementen gebouw in Antwerpen
  14. tv-zender
  15. Rare zangeres
  16. Lectuur
  1. President van Amerika
  2. Lid van One Direction
  3. Belgische Hollywood vrouw
  4. Bloem
  5. Vampieren film
  6. Radiozender
  7. Hot or...?
  8. Blonde Amerikaans zangeres
  9. Belgische Justin Bieber
  10. Burgemeester Antwerpen
  11. Hoofdstad Frankrijk
  12. Muziekinstrument

28 Clues: BloemMake upLectuurHaarkleurtv-zenderHot or...?AccessoireRadiozenderKnappe jongenkoude periodeKledingwinkelRare zangeresHuidversieringVampieren filmMuziekinstrumentHoofdacteur TwlightHoofdstad FrankrijkPresident van AmerikaLid van One Direction18 jarige jonge zangerBurgemeester AntwerpenCosgrove Actrice IcarlyBelgische Justin Bieber...

Pop World 2024-03-16

Pop World crossword puzzle
  1. A generation above and two below
  2. The youngest
  3. Uncles wife
  4. Marvel fan
  5. The foreign one
  6. Your wife
  7. He loves shampoo? and an IPA
  8. Pops favourite pastime.
  9. The White Walker
  10. The oldest
  11. Your home
  12. The cool one?
  1. The funny one
  2. The filmmaker
  3. Charlies dark-haired clone
  4. The stealer of bacon
  5. Your sassiest child
  6. Twilight hector
  7. A BFG
  8. The future driver of grave digger
  9. The paddle board king
  10. Charlie's partner in crime

22 Clues: A BFGYour wifeYour homeMarvel fanThe oldestUncles wifeThe youngestThe funny oneThe filmmakerThe cool one?The foreign oneTwilight hectorThe White WalkerYour sassiest childThe stealer of baconThe paddle board kingPops favourite pastime.Charlies dark-haired cloneCharlie's partner in crimeHe loves shampoo? and an IPAA generation above and two below...

F&B Rare Beer Crossword 2024-02-08

F&B Rare Beer Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. copy or simulate
  2. teach or coach
  3. spicy, sexy or warm
  4. contaminated or tarnished
  5. a rich and precious colour
  6. a pattern of small tiles
  7. nicknamed 'The Centennial State'
  8. hip young progressive
  9. hot chocolate drink
  10. god of thunder
  1. of crows; kill
  2. half-light before darkness
  3. fleshy seeded fruit
  4. mysterious or difficult to understand
  5. breathe out
  6. mythical horned creature
  7. plan of action
  8. condensed water vapour
  9. knitted long-sleeved garment
  10. cloudy or unclear

20 Clues: breathe outof crows; killteach or coachplan of actiongod of thundercopy or simulatecloudy or unclearfleshy seeded fruitspicy, sexy or warmhot chocolate drinkhip young progressivecondensed water vapourmythical horned creaturea pattern of small tilescontaminated or tarnishedhalf-light before darknessa rich and precious colour...

12 2024-08-26

12 crossword puzzle
  1. Neon Vernacular poet
  2. Anthills of the Savannah
  3. Warmth of Other Suns
  4. Nigerian novelist
  5. Ghanaian writer
  6. Cane poet
  7. All the King's Men
  8. Mumbo Jumbo writer
  9. Twilight playwright
  10. Jazmin's Notebook author
  11. Devil in a Blue Dress
  12. Plum Bun author
  13. Conjure Woman stories
  14. Dark Princess author
  1. Middle Passage
  2. Citizen poet
  3. Meridian author
  4. Makes Me Wanna Holler
  5. Boondocks creator
  6. Fire Next Time
  7. Clotel novelist
  8. If He Hollers writer
  9. Jazz author
  10. Breath, Eyes, Memory
  11. Iron City author

25 Clues: Cane poetJazz authorCitizen poetMiddle PassageFire Next TimeMeridian authorClotel novelistGhanaian writerPlum Bun authorIron City authorBoondocks creatorNigerian novelistAll the King's MenMumbo Jumbo writerTwilight playwrightNeon Vernacular poetWarmth of Other SunsIf He Hollers writerBreath, Eyes, MemoryDark Princess authorMakes Me Wanna Holler...

Golden Hour Quest 2024-11-19

Golden Hour Quest crossword puzzle
  1. The time of day when the sun sets and night begins.
  2. The soft, diffused light in the sky after the sun sets, before it becomes fully dark.
  3. The period of fading light just after sunset.
  4. The line where the earth or sea seems to meet the sky.
  5. The expanse above the earth, visible during the day or night.
  6. To gradually lose brightness or color as daylight turns to night.
  1. A steady, soft light often seen at sunset or twilight.
  2. The vibrant hues that paint the sky during sunset.
  3. A warm, yellow-toned color often seen in the sky at sunset.
  4. The moment when the sun disappears below the horizon.

10 Clues: The period of fading light just after sunset.The vibrant hues that paint the sky during sunset.The time of day when the sun sets and night begins.The moment when the sun disappears below the horizon.A steady, soft light often seen at sunset or twilight.The line where the earth or sea seems to meet the sky....

GUARDIANS of GA'HOOLE 2013-04-17

GUARDIANS of GA'HOOLE crossword puzzle
  1. sorens brother
  2. bald eagle, free flyer
  3. pit guardian at St.Aggies
  4. sorens friend
  5. A bug owls young owls like to eat
  6. bald eagle, friend of Streak
  7. main character
  1. glyfies pit guardian
  2. the orphanage
  3. blind snake
  4. great gray owl
  5. sorens sister

12 Clues: blind snakethe orphanagesorens friendsorens sistersorens brothergreat gray owlmain characterglyfies pit guardianbald eagle, free flyerpit guardian at St.Aggiesbald eagle, friend of StreakA bug owls young owls like to eat

jkl 2023-09-15

jkl crossword puzzle
  1. Before lunchtime
  2. Year with an extra day
  3. Goes around the earth
  4. Time when sky darkens
  5. Timekeeping device
  6. Before November
  7. Between morning and evening
  1. Period of 1000 years
  2. One rotation on Earth
  3. Daylight saving practice
  4. Morning's opposite
  5. 60 minutes

12 Clues: 60 minutesBefore NovemberBefore lunchtimeMorning's oppositeTimekeeping devicePeriod of 1000 yearsOne rotation on EarthGoes around the earthTime when sky darkensYear with an extra dayDaylight saving practiceBetween morning and evening

Offset 6 2023-03-24

Offset 6 crossword puzzle
  1. What does "Hakuna Matata" mean
  2. Who is Mufasa’s trusted advisor in The Lion King
  3. What animal is Indiana Jones afraid of in the movies?
  4. My favourite Taylor Swift song ( the best TS song)
  5. How many Twilight books are there?
  6. Which Marvel movie's soundtrack won two Grammys
  7. How many Twilight movies are there?
  8. South Park takes place in which state
  9. What movie won the first ever Oscar for Best Animated Film
  1. I have had it with these mother-fucking ___ on this mother-fucking plane
  2. 8 Mile is named after a road in which city
  3. What rock star moonlights as a horror movie writer and director
  4. Which astronomer is name-dropped in Bohemian Rhapsody
  5. Rihanna's make up brand ___ Beauty
  6. What is the name of Andy’s neighbor in Toy Story
  7. What did Britney Spears famously carry on her shoulders during one of her performances
  8. Baby Yoda's real name in Mandalorian
  9. Which character has the most screen time in the Lord of the Rings franchise
  10. What is Scrat the little squirrel dude in Ice Age spend the whole time trying to collect
  11. How many original Avengers die at the end of Avengers Endgame?
  12. Cartoon TV show about a dysfunctional family with a talking animal
  13. Which singer holds the record for the most Grammy nominations

22 Clues: What does "Hakuna Matata" meanRihanna's make up brand ___ BeautyHow many Twilight books are there?How many Twilight movies are there?Baby Yoda's real name in MandalorianSouth Park takes place in which state8 Mile is named after a road in which cityWhich Marvel movie's soundtrack won two GrammysWho is Mufasa’s trusted advisor in The Lion King...

Unit 7 Vocabulary Words - Science 2023-02-07

Unit 7 Vocabulary Words - Science crossword puzzle
  1. seamount who's top is above water
  2. undersea explorer
  3. two words; reef that grows from the land into the ocean
  4. another word for sunlight zone
  5. two words; shallow area of land sloping away from the continent
  6. ocean zone with water always at 32 degrees F and extreme pressure
  7. use of soundwaves to measure distance in water
  8. ocean zone with only a few creatures including sea spiders and angler fish
  9. another word for the midnight zone
  10. scientist who studies the ocean
  11. underwater mountain
  1. two words; island formed by the collective growth of coral polyps
  2. living animals able to glow in the dark
  3. two words; reef forming a barrier between the ocean and land
  4. mini submarine for exploring deep in the ocean
  5. two words; steep drop off from continental shelf to sea floor
  6. flat topped underwater mountain
  7. another word for the twilight zone
  8. deep valley in the sea floor
  9. two words; relatively flat area of the sea floor
  10. ocean zone with most sunlight and animals; all sea plants grow here
  11. ocean zone with no plants; some animals including sperm whales live here
  12. reef growing in a circle formation, usually around a volcanic island
  13. vehicle too small for people that explores deeper than a submersible

24 Clues: undersea explorerunderwater mountaindeep valley in the sea flooranother word for sunlight zoneflat topped underwater mountainscientist who studies the oceanseamount who's top is above wateranother word for the twilight zoneanother word for the midnight zoneliving animals able to glow in the darkmini submarine for exploring deep in the ocean...

Crosswords With My Babyyyy 2024-11-20

Crosswords With My Babyyyy crossword puzzle
  1. A verb indicating longing for someone or something absent
  2. A character from Twilight
  3. My feeling for you
  4. A term of endearment often used for someone you love
  5. Connects two phrases in a sentence
  6. A verb used when someone speaks or expresses something
  7. A small word that shows direction, purpose, or intention
  8. A possessive pronoun that refers to oneself
  9. Something to do while you work
  10. Two of these go in a pod
  11. The period of time between birth and death
  12. The first half of a popular Chinese dish
  13. Views and Scorpion
  14. Former Wyomissing resident’s last name
  15. Something unexplained
  16. A pronoun used to refer to the person being addressed
  17. What you do before the traffic light turns green
  1. A pronoun used to refer to a male person or animal
  2. A college town
  3. Popular Dance
  4. Shoe my baby wore in high school
  5. Opposite of can, often used to express impossibility
  6. A preposition that shows accompaniment or connection
  7. Perfume
  8. Complain quietly
  9. A pronoun used to refer to the person being addressed
  10. To use time or money on something
  11. Twilight Movie, some say the best one
  12. Pretty flower
  13. A definite article that specifies a noun
  14. Popular TV series
  15. The part that remains after something is taken or used
  16. A preposition that indicates belonging or origin

33 Clues: PerfumePopular DancePretty flowerA college townComplain quietlyPopular TV seriesMy feeling for youViews and ScorpionSomething unexplainedTwo of these go in a podA character from TwilightSomething to do while you workShoe my baby wore in high schoolTo use time or money on somethingConnects two phrases in a sentence...

October Date Night 2023-10-21

October Date Night crossword puzzle
  1. First Pet
  2. Anniversary
  3. Number of siblings (R)
  4. The anniversary we are reaching this year
  5. Asked you to be my girlfriend
  6. Your Favorite Color
  7. Can't beat their Sprite
  1. First Nephew
  2. Your favorite Movie
  3. Your Favorite Fruit
  4. Pookie's Favorite Animal
  5. First Niece
  6. Your love language

13 Clues: First PetAnniversaryFirst NieceFirst NephewYour love languageYour favorite MovieYour Favorite FruitYour Favorite ColorNumber of siblings (R)Can't beat their SpritePookie's Favorite AnimalAsked you to be my girlfriendThe anniversary we are reaching this year

Kitty Kitty 2023-04-06

Kitty Kitty crossword puzzle
  1. a sever hearing impairment
  2. park in Orlando
  3. a very small amount
  4. you do this during REM sleep
  5. garments for the feet
  6. not pleasant to taste
  7. Cat breeders
  8. A group of kittens
  9. Emerald, Leaf
  1. a group of cats
  2. Tigger
  3. remains of cut down trees
  4. Illinois is the land of
  5. the quality of being sweet
  6. male parents
  7. Domesticated
  8. soft glowing light from the sky

17 Clues: Tiggermale parentsDomesticatedCat breedersEmerald, Leafa group of catspark in OrlandoA group of kittensa very small amountgarments for the feetnot pleasant to tasteIllinois is the land ofremains of cut down treesa sever hearing impairmentthe quality of being sweetyou do this during REM sleepsoft glowing light from the sky

SPY x FAMILY 2023-07-08

SPY x FAMILY crossword puzzle
  1. 爆弾
  2. 事故
  3. 大使館
  4. かつら
  5. that doesnt make a sound 音で無いピストル
  6. 任務
  7. guy 悪い人
  8. 小麦粉
  9. that case だったら
  10. school 名門校
  1. 職業
  2. 黄昏
  3. 超能力者
  4. 精神科医
  5. cleverest 一番賢い
  6. 小麦粉
  7. 爆発

18 Clues: 爆弾職業黄昏事故任務爆発大使館かつら小麦粉小麦粉超能力者精神科医guy 悪い人school 名門校cleverest 一番賢いthat case だったらthat doesnt make a sound 音で無いピストル

Learn A Word A Day crossword 2023-05-24

Learn A Word A Day crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to admit
  2. light in colour or shade
  3. gathering
  4. dusk
  5. an instruction written by a medical practitioner
  1. an opening
  2. a person who operates
  3. fellow worker
  4. the action of leaving
  5. an agreement
  6. a series of linked metal rings
  7. another word for strict

12 Clues: duskto admitgatheringan openingan agreementfellow workera person who operatesthe action of leavinganother word for strictlight in colour or shadea series of linked metal ringsan instruction written by a medical practitioner

Vocabulary for Short Story Unit 2021-10-24

Vocabulary for Short Story Unit crossword puzzle
  1. a trick
  2. to make a loud rattling sound
  3. mangled; jagged; torn
  4. self-respect; dignity
  5. fall down
  6. heavy load or obligation
  7. almost dark
  1. wrinkly and small
  2. able to be seen
  3. calm or peaceful
  4. slim; thin
  5. the desire to learn about something

12 Clues: a trickfall downslim; thinalmost darkable to be seencalm or peacefulwrinkly and smallmangled; jagged; tornself-respect; dignityheavy load or obligationto make a loud rattling soundthe desire to learn about something

my little pony 2016-02-03

my little pony crossword puzzle
  1. Pegasisisis home
  2. twilights brother
  3. Pinkie spends a lot of time here
  4. Element of Magic
  1. twilights home
  2. Twilights old foal sitter
  3. Element of Honesty
  4. Loves Rarity
  5. Element of kindness
  6. Element of generosity
  7. Element of Loyalty

11 Clues: Loves Raritytwilights homePegasisisis homeElement of Magictwilights brotherElement of HonestyElement of LoyaltyElement of kindnessElement of generosityTwilights old foal sitterPinkie spends a lot of time here

Twilight Book 1 Vocab 2024-09-10

Twilight Book 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. developing from a child to an adult
  2. spread out from a source
  3. continuously without end
  4. a flowery plant
  5. outer limits of an area or object
  6. avoid notice or attention; secretively
  1. mutual trust and friendship
  2. intense happiness and excitement
  3. using more words than needed
  4. the back of a persons neck
  5. unwilling or unable to believe something
  6. constantly encountered
  7. state of suffering
  8. a place of safety or refuge
  9. dislike intensely
  10. calm,peaceful,untroubled;tranquil

16 Clues: a flowery plantdislike intenselystate of sufferingconstantly encounteredspread out from a sourcecontinuously without endthe back of a persons neckmutual trust and friendshipa place of safety or refugeusing more words than neededintense happiness and excitementcalm,peaceful,untroubled;tranquilouter limits of an area or object...

Author Search 2023-03-30

Author Search crossword puzzle
  1. Created It Ends with Us
  2. Created It
  3. Created Divergent
  4. Created Track Series
  5. Created Hunger Games
  1. Created Smile and Sisters
  2. Created Twilight
  3. Created Maze Runner
  4. Created Harry Potter
  5. Created Frazzled

10 Clues: Created ItCreated TwilightCreated FrazzledCreated DivergentCreated Maze RunnerCreated Harry PotterCreated Track SeriesCreated Hunger GamesCreated It Ends with UsCreated Smile and Sisters

Spy X Family 2024-02-23

Spy X Family crossword puzzle
  1. Keluarga Twilignt adalah keluarga ............
  2. Bilangan ahli keluarga X Famili
  3. Pembunuh upahan
  4. Kelebihan Anya
  5. Konsep cerita
  1. Apakah maksud perkataan 'Spy'
  2. Anak yatim
  3. Nama perisik lelaki
  4. Negara
  5. Nama gelaran perisik lelaki

10 Clues: NegaraAnak yatimKonsep ceritaKelebihan AnyaPembunuh upahanNama perisik lelakiNama gelaran perisik lelakiApakah maksud perkataan 'Spy'Bilangan ahli keluarga X FamiliKeluarga Twilignt adalah keluarga ............

Twilight crossword- independent novel study 2022-05-30

Twilight crossword- independent novel study crossword puzzle
  1. name of the book
  2. Edwards favourite song
  3. a Vampire's favourite game
  4. Edwards true form
  5. Bella and Edward are in..
  6. makes a Vampire's skin glissen
  7. weather forecast in Forks
  1. Bella's father
  2. little town in Washington
  3. Bella's old friend
  4. type of car Edward drives
  5. where Bella originally lived
  6. main character
  7. Bella's soulmate

14 Clues: Bella's fathermain charactername of the bookBella's soulmateEdwards true formBella's old friendEdwards favourite songlittle town in Washingtontype of car Edward drivesBella and Edward are forecast in Forksa Vampire's favourite gamewhere Bella originally livedmakes a Vampire's skin glissen

Twilight crossword- independent novel study 2022-05-30

Twilight crossword- independent novel study crossword puzzle
  1. name of the book
  2. Edwards favourite song
  3. a Vampire's favourite game
  4. Edwards true form
  5. Bella and Edward are in..
  6. makes a Vampire's skin glissen
  7. weather forecast in Forks
  1. Bella's father
  2. little town in Washington
  3. Bella's old friend
  4. type of car Edward drives
  5. where Bella originally lived
  6. main character
  7. Bella's soulmate

14 Clues: Bella's fathermain charactername of the bookBella's soulmateEdwards true formBella's old friendEdwards favourite songlittle town in Washingtontype of car Edward drivesBella and Edward are forecast in Forksa Vampire's favourite gamewhere Bella originally livedmakes a Vampire's skin glissen

Twilight crossword- independent novel study 2022-05-30

Twilight crossword- independent novel study crossword puzzle
  1. name of the book
  2. Edwards favourite song
  3. a Vampire's favourite game
  4. Edwards true form
  5. Bella and Edward are in..
  6. makes a Vampire's skin glissen
  7. weather forecast in Forks
  1. Bella's father
  2. little town in Washington
  3. Bella's old friend
  4. type of car Edward drives
  5. where Bella originally lived
  6. main character
  7. Bella's soulmate

14 Clues: Bella's fathermain charactername of the bookBella's soulmateEdwards true formBella's old friendEdwards favourite songlittle town in Washingtontype of car Edward drivesBella and Edward are forecast in Forksa Vampire's favourite gamewhere Bella originally livedmakes a Vampire's skin glissen

13 Nights of Halloween 2023-10-04

13 Nights of Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. soundtrack band for Maximum Overdrive
  2. haddonfield boogeyman
  3. flesh eating fish
  4. blood sucker
  5. actor in Bodies Bodies Bodies that dated a Kardashian
  6. 1..2..______ coming for you
  7. one who eats human flesh
  8. The Exorcist actress
  1. name of the terrifier
  2. blood sucker
  3. the_____zone
  4. "Here's Johnny!"
  5. to hex someone
  6. Coraline writer and director
  7. used for carving

15 Clues: blood suckerthe_____zoneblood suckerto hex someone"Here's Johnny!"used for carvingflesh eating fishThe Exorcist actressname of the terrifierhaddonfield boogeymanone who eats human flesh1..2..______ coming for youCoraline writer and directorsoundtrack band for Maximum Overdriveactor in Bodies Bodies Bodies that dated a Kardashian

The oliver crossword 2024-08-04

The oliver crossword crossword puzzle
  1. America’s favorite gay polycule of the 60’s
  2. women are like
  3. a gamepigeon classic
  4. the lemon twigs favorite sport
  5. Great Black Wasp
  6. men are like
  7. how many dollars?
  1. imagining the people
  2. boat
  3. it’s like a curse
  4. one of many curt boettcher projects
  5. refrigerator guy
  6. Bermuda, Bahama
  7. this pony killed Lou Reed

14 Clues: boatmen are likewomen are likeBermuda, Bahamarefrigerator guyGreat Black Waspit’s like a cursehow many dollars?imagining the peoplea gamepigeon classicthis pony killed Lou Reedthe lemon twigs favorite sportone of many curt boettcher projectsAmerica’s favorite gay polycule of the 60’s

Wonders of the Sea 2024-11-11

Wonders of the Sea crossword puzzle
  1. A friendly sea animal that likes to play.
  2. The top part of the ocean where sunlight can reach.
  3. A sea animal with a long body and 10 arms, often found in the twilight zone.
  4. A fast-swimming, scary sea creature with sharp teeth.
  5. A sea creature that has a big shell on its back and swims fast.
  6. The deepest part of the ocean where no sunlight can reach.
  7. A sea creature that looks like a plant, but is an animal.
  8. Light from the sun that helps plants grow.
  9. The middle part of the ocean where there is less light.
  1. A sea creature with a big round head and eight arms.
  2. What is it called when energy moves from the sun to plants, then to small animals, and finally to bigger animals that eat them?
  3. When something goes away and can't be seen anymore.
  4. Things we use from nature, like food or water.
  5. Animals that can only live in water.
  6. The largest animal in the ocean.
  7. Garbage and dirty things that harm our oceans and the sea animals.

16 Clues: The largest animal in the ocean.Animals that can only live in water.A friendly sea animal that likes to play.Light from the sun that helps plants grow.Things we use from nature, like food or water.The top part of the ocean where sunlight can reach.When something goes away and can't be seen anymore....

spelling 2020-10-07

spelling crossword puzzle
  1. argument
  2. like the sun
  3. bad dream
  4. something which is full of delight
  5. shines bright to help you see
  6. fights dragons
  7. something your eyes give you
  1. when something is possible it ...
  2. another word for scare
  3. to make something bright
  4. another word for joy
  5. between day and night
  6. two weeks
  7. opposite of low

14 Clues: argumentbad dreamtwo weekslike the sunfights dragonsopposite of lowanother word for joybetween day and nightanother word for scareto make something brightsomething your eyes give youshines bright to help you seewhen something is possible it ...something which is full of delight

Twilight crossword- independent novel study 2022-05-30

Twilight crossword- independent novel study crossword puzzle
  1. name of the book
  2. Edwards favourite song
  3. a Vampire's favourite game
  4. Edwards true form
  5. Bella and Edward are in..
  6. makes a Vampire's skin glissen
  7. weather forecast in Forks
  1. Bella's father
  2. little town in Washington
  3. Bella's old friend
  4. type of car Edward drives
  5. where Bella originally lived
  6. main character
  7. Bella's soulmate

14 Clues: Bella's fathermain charactername of the bookBella's soulmateEdwards true formBella's old friendEdwards favourite songlittle town in Washingtontype of car Edward drivesBella and Edward are forecast in Forksa Vampire's favourite gamewhere Bella originally livedmakes a Vampire's skin glissen

Twilight crossword- independent novel study 2022-05-30

Twilight crossword- independent novel study crossword puzzle
  1. name of the book
  2. Edwards favourite song
  3. a Vampire's favourite game
  4. Edwards true form
  5. Bella and Edward are in..
  6. makes a Vampire's skin glissen
  7. weather forecast in Forks
  1. Bella's father
  2. little town in Washington
  3. Bella's old friend
  4. type of car Edward drives
  5. where Bella originally lived
  6. main character
  7. Bella's soulmate

14 Clues: Bella's fathermain charactername of the bookBella's soulmateEdwards true formBella's old friendEdwards favourite songlittle town in Washingtontype of car Edward drivesBella and Edward are forecast in Forksa Vampire's favourite gamewhere Bella originally livedmakes a Vampire's skin glissen

Twilight crossword- independent novel study 2022-05-30

Twilight crossword- independent novel study crossword puzzle
  1. name of the book
  2. Edwards favourite song
  3. a Vampire's favourite game
  4. Edwards true form
  5. Bella and Edward are in..
  6. makes a Vampire's skin glissen
  7. weather forecast in Forks
  1. Bella's father
  2. little town in Washington
  3. Bella's old friend
  4. type of car Edward drives
  5. where Bella originally lived
  6. main character
  7. Bella's soulmate

14 Clues: Bella's fathermain charactername of the bookBella's soulmateEdwards true formBella's old friendEdwards favourite songlittle town in Washingtontype of car Edward drivesBella and Edward are forecast in Forksa Vampire's favourite gamewhere Bella originally livedmakes a Vampire's skin glissen

Big/ Little Hints 2023-03-21

Big/ Little Hints crossword puzzle
  1. Star Sign
  2. Favorite Season
  3. Favorite Dessert
  4. Favorite Past Time
  1. State I Live In
  2. Favorite Color
  3. Favorite Food
  4. Favorite Movie
  5. Favorite Sport

9 Clues: Star SignFavorite FoodFavorite ColorFavorite MovieFavorite SportState I Live InFavorite SeasonFavorite DessertFavorite Past Time

Hobbit 2013-10-10

Hobbit crossword puzzle
  1. not often but rarely
  2. old navy is a...............
  3. extremely beautiful
  4. as a result
  5. I a sad or..................
  6. another word for skinny
  7. he.............suddenly
  8. main branch
  1. no air
  2. a glow when the sun is under the horizon
  3. distraught with fear
  4. last for a long time
  5. word for crowd together
  6. i find the key
  7. having something

15 Clues: no airas a resultmain branchhaving somethingextremely beautifulnot often but rarelydistraught with fearlast for a long timeword for crowd togetheranother word for skinnyhe.............suddenlyold navy is a...............I a sad or..................i find the keya glow when the sun is under the horizon

Anne of GreenGables 2022-06-12

Anne of GreenGables crossword puzzle
  1. According to
  2. Compared to show differences
  3. help make clear
  4. distress
  5. sorrow for having done wrong
  6. similar or related in quality or character
  7. the time of day between daylight and darkness
  1. full of sorrow
  2. Consider
  3. with a feeling sorrow
  4. quit
  5. in a serious and solemn manner
  6. with longing or unfulfilled desire
  7. effort
  8. accord own mind

15 Clues: quiteffortConsiderdistressAccording tofull of sorrowhelp make clearaccord own mindwith a feeling sorrowCompared to show differencessorrow for having done wrongin a serious and solemn mannerwith longing or unfulfilled desiresimilar or related in quality or characterthe time of day between daylight and darkness

Pop Culture Icons 2023-09-11

Pop Culture Icons crossword puzzle
  1. - King of Rock and Roll
  2. - World's most famous cola
  3. - Charlie Brown's gang
  4. - MI6 spy with a license
  5. - Material Girl singer
  6. - Comic book universe
  7. - Wizard with a lightning scar
  8. - Magical animation studio
  1. - Vampire romance series
  2. - Sci-fi epic saga
  3. - Hollywood's iconic blonde
  4. - Fab Four from Liverpool
  5. - Gotham's caped crusader
  6. - Moonwalk dance pioneer
  7. - Talk show queen

15 Clues: - Talk show queen- Sci-fi epic saga- Comic book universe- Charlie Brown's gang- Material Girl singer- King of Rock and Roll- Vampire romance series- MI6 spy with a license- Moonwalk dance pioneer- Fab Four from Liverpool- Gotham's caped crusader- World's most famous cola- Magical animation studio- Hollywood's iconic blonde...

Lesson 4 Vocab 2024-09-30

Lesson 4 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. acclaim or praise
  2. established principle
  3. pertaining to twilight
  4. regard with respect, awe, adoration
  5. questionable authenticity, but wildly believed
  6. submissive; slavish
  7. marked by luxury or pleasure
  8. producing desired outcome
  9. overwhelm; fill beyond capacity
  1. to alienate
  2. mutually destructive
  3. a release of emotional tension
  4. relating to things basic nature; inherent
  5. rotten or foul smelling
  6. laughter, laughable

15 Clues: to alienateacclaim or praisesubmissive; slavishlaughter, laughablemutually destructiveestablished principlepertaining to twilightrotten or foul smellingproducing desired outcomemarked by luxury or pleasurea release of emotional tensionoverwhelm; fill beyond capacityregard with respect, awe, adorationrelating to things basic nature; inherent...

herlaina's cakes and more 2024-10-24

herlaina's cakes and more crossword puzzle
  1. everyone's favorite game
  2. twilight sparkle
  3. female mouse
  4. associated with formula 1
  5. april 4 2005
  6. a childhood street!
  7. your favorite social media platform
  8. a trainer throws this
  1. a beloved instrument
  2. used when one has open wounds
  3. beedrill!
  4. a car cannot move without a ...
  5. our equivalent of the bubonic plague
  6. popular seasoning
  7. your people love this

15 Clues: beedrill!female mouseapril 4 2005twilight sparklepopular seasoninga childhood street!a beloved instrumentyour people love thisa trainer throws thiseveryone's favorite gameassociated with formula 1used when one has open woundsa car cannot move without a ...your favorite social media platformour equivalent of the bubonic plague

do you pay attention to me when i talk (revenge. taylors version. from the vault) 2023-05-15

do you pay attention to me when i talk (revenge. taylors version. from the vault) crossword puzzle
  1. comfort show
  2. the waterfall that megan & i almost died for
  3. one of my majors
  4. childhood best friends name
  5. favorite taylor swift song
  6. my minor
  7. fav movie for crying
  8. my other major
  9. my fathers name
  1. moonwalking when uncomfortable
  2. twilight banger
  3. bone injury
  4. favorite flower
  5. fav *fun* drink
  6. i havent done a cartwheel since i was__.

15 Clues: my minorbone injurycomfort showmy other majortwilight bangerfavorite flowerfav *fun* drinkmy fathers nameone of my majorsfav movie for cryingfavorite taylor swift songchildhood best friends namemoonwalking when uncomfortablei havent done a cartwheel since i was__.the waterfall that megan & i almost died for

Twlight 2024-05-10

Twlight crossword puzzle
  1. Moved in with her dad
  2. Bella’s moms name
  3. Like dogs
  4. Name of book
  5. Bloody monsters
  6. The single Cullen
  7. Bella’s childhood best friend
  8. The town she moved too
  1. What vampires are accused of
  2. The dad of Bella
  3. when you don’t eat meat
  4. scares and unknown
  5. What vampires live off of
  6. Where Jacob lives
  7. Where she came from

15 Clues: Like dogsName of bookBloody monstersThe dad of BellaBella’s moms nameWhere Jacob livesThe single Cullenscares and unknownWhere she came fromMoved in with her dadThe town she moved toowhen you don’t eat meatWhat vampires live off ofWhat vampires are accused ofBella’s childhood best friend

Soldiers Heart 2024-09-16

Soldiers Heart crossword puzzle
  1. - something that weights down
  2. - soldier's bag used to carry supplies
  3. - bad language
  4. - right before dark
  5. - something that remains when part is removed
  6. - sure to happen
  7. - to leave
  1. - sickness with diarreha
  2. - causing horror
  3. - emotional condition
  4. - rebelling against authority
  5. - causing great fear or suffering
  6. - small fight
  7. - to come to an agreement
  8. - to become more mild

15 Clues: - to leave- small fight- bad language- causing horror- sure to happen- right before dark- emotional condition- to become more mild- sickness with diarreha- to come to an agreement- something that weights down- rebelling against authority- causing great fear or suffering- soldier's bag used to carry supplies...

about me 2023-05-22

about me crossword puzzle
  1. how many brothers
  2. how many siblings
  3. birth year
  4. how many sisters
  5. what is my name
  6. tv show
  1. last name
  2. movie
  3. what is my middle name
  4. color

10 Clues: moviecolortv showlast namebirth yearwhat is my namehow many sistershow many brothershow many siblingswhat is my middle name

The Legend of Zelda Japanese Subtitles 2020-02-23

The Legend of Zelda Japanese Subtitles crossword puzzle
  1. Steam Whistle of the Earth
  2. Fruit of the Mysterious Tree: Chapter of Space-Time
  3. Hourglass of Dreams
  4. Mujura’s Mask
  5. The Dreaming Island
  6. The Adventure of Link
  7. Ocarina of Time
  8. Triforce of the Gods
  9. The Hyrule Fantasy
  10. Breath of the Wild
  1. The Three Triforce Musketeers
  2. Twilight Princess
  3. Skyward Sword
  4. Baton of Winds
  5. Four Swords
  6. Triforce of the Gods 2
  7. Fruit of the Mysterious Tree: Chapter of Earth
  8. The Wonder Hat

18 Clues: Four SwordsSkyward SwordMujura’s MaskBaton of WindsThe Wonder HatOcarina of TimeTwilight PrincessThe Hyrule FantasyBreath of the WildHourglass of DreamsThe Dreaming IslandTriforce of the GodsThe Adventure of LinkTriforce of the Gods 2Steam Whistle of the EarthThe Three Triforce MusketeersFruit of the Mysterious Tree: Chapter of Earth...

:) 2021-04-18

:) crossword puzzle
  1. Homonym of 2
  2. Our religion
  3. Shortest sentence in the English language
  4. Synonym of together
  5. Robert’s favorite bachelorette contestant
  6. How ____ past me are you?
  7. Second person pronoun
  8. High school dance
  9. French dude
  10. Last requests of the dead
  1. Our drive-in date movie
  2. Lady Gaga’s favorite cookie
  3. Volcano’s romantic phrase (3wds)
  4. Competitive number puzzle
  5. First date (2wds)
  6. Your answer (hopefully)
  7. First person pronoun
  8. The only person I beat at tennis

19 Clues: French dudeYELLOW CAR!Homonym of 2Our religionFirst date (2wds)High school danceSynonym of togetherFirst person pronounSecond person pronounOur drive-in date movieYour answer (hopefully)Competitive number puzzleHow ____ past me are you?Last requests of the deadLady Gaga’s favorite cookieVolcano’s romantic phrase (3wds)...

Cartoon Characters 2021-06-28

Cartoon Characters crossword puzzle
  1. his name is porky
  2. he steals gifts
  3. it’s a dog
  4. he loves money
  5. he is a lime telly tubby
  6. is a sponge
  7. three colours pink green and blue
  8. white duck
  1. she is purple
  2. he loves honey
  3. he is a bunny and played in looney tunes
  4. a smart mouse
  5. yellow and he’s a dad
  6. a mouse
  7. orange fuzzy cat
  8. black duck
  9. the third telly tubby
  10. he really wants to eat Jerry
  11. he is a starfish

19 Clues: a mouseit’s a dogblack duckwhite duckis a spongeshe is purplea smart mousehe loves honeyhe loves moneyhe steals giftsorange fuzzy cathe is a starfishhis name is porkyyellow and he’s a dadthe third telly tubbyhe is a lime telly tubbyhe really wants to eat Jerrythree colours pink green and bluehe is a bunny and played in looney tunes