winter Crossword Puzzles

winter d'haese lenka 2014-01-07

winter d'haese lenka crossword puzzle
  1. het is van bomen gemaakt en je schrijft erop
  2. een oranje langwerpige groente
  3. kleur van de zon
  4. je draagt het op je rug voor school
  5. Het is een dier met twee poten en het legt eieren
  6. je draagt het om beter te zien wanneer de zon schijnt
  7. je draagt het aan je voeten voor buiten
  1. het warmste seizoen van het jaar
  2. het is een sieraad voor rond je pols zo weet je hoe laat het is
  3. je steek je stylo's erin
  4. voertuig om verre reizen mee te maken
  5. waar je uit drinkt
  6. een voorwerp waar we mee kunnen bellen
  7. een sieraad dat je in je oor kan steken
  8. een meubel waar je op zit

15 Clues: kleur van de zonwaar je uit drinktje steek je stylo's erineen meubel waar je op ziteen oranje langwerpige groentehet warmste seizoen van het jaarje draagt het op je rug voor schoolvoertuig om verre reizen mee te makeneen voorwerp waar we mee kunnen belleneen sieraad dat je in je oor kan stekenje draagt het aan je voeten voor buiten...

Winter Nefeli Peerlinck 2014-01-07

Winter Nefeli Peerlinck crossword puzzle
  1. waarmee je eet
  2. een planeet
  3. groot en zwaar dier
  4. klein huisdier
  5. een leesteken
  6. schrijf nl voluit
  1. iets wit dat uit de lucht valt
  2. meisjesnaam
  3. een groente
  4. een seizoen
  5. doorzichtig, klein en nat
  6. keukengerei
  7. opening in de muur
  8. een ander woord voor niet veel
  9. voertuig

15 Clues: voertuigmeisjesnaameen groenteeen seizoeneen planeetkeukengereieen leestekenwaarmee je eetklein huisdierschrijf nl voluitopening in de muurgroot en zwaar dierdoorzichtig, klein en natiets wit dat uit de lucht valteen ander woord voor niet veel

Team Winter Crossword 2014-12-03

Team Winter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a drink that you put marshmallows on
  2. Santa's pets
  3. children make this when it snows
  4. hot alcoholic drink
  5. the religious celebration of the birth of Jesus
  6. decorate the house with a Christmas ________
  7. chestnuts roasting on an open ______
  8. keeps the neck warm on a cold day
  1. the opposite to hot
  2. the night before christmas
  3. snuggle up under a _______
  4. the coldest season of the year
  5. get opened on Christmas morning
  6. slippery substance when water is below zero degrees
  7. goes off with a bang, contains a rubbish joke

15 Clues: Santa's petsthe opposite to hothot alcoholic drinkthe night before christmassnuggle up under a _______the coldest season of the yearget opened on Christmas morningchildren make this when it snowskeeps the neck warm on a cold daya drink that you put marshmallows onchestnuts roasting on an open ______decorate the house with a Christmas ________...

winter Tiana Eeckhout 2016-01-04

winter Tiana Eeckhout crossword puzzle
  1. soap op één
  2. programma over een studentenhuis
  3. komische televisieserie op één met Loes van den heuvel, Marijn Devalck, Ann tuts, Herman Verbruggen…
  4. programma waar mensen voor 100 dagen worden opgesloten in een huis met camera’s
  5. Vlaamse reportage reeks gepresenteerd door Paul jambers
  6. misdaadreeks op vtm met Sven de ridder, Eline Kuppens, Filip peeters….
  7. praatprogramma op één gepresenteerd door Freek Braeckman en Tomas De Soete
  8. kookprogramma met Jeroen Meus
  1. programma op vtm waar Nathalie Meskens de afgelopen tv - week overloopt met Tine Embrechts en Sven de ridder
  2. misdaadreeks met Veerle Baetens
  3. komisch programma met bejaarden
  4. soap op vtm over de van den Bossche’s
  5. misdaadreeks op één met Clara cleymans
  6. vlaamse telenovela over een wilde man op een eiland
  7. politieserie op vtm gebaseerd op boeken

15 Clues: soap op éénkookprogramma met Jeroen Meusmisdaadreeks met Veerle Baetenskomisch programma met bejaardenprogramma over een studentenhuissoap op vtm over de van den Bossche’smisdaadreeks op één met Clara cleymanspolitieserie op vtm gebaseerd op boekenvlaamse telenovela over een wilde man op een eiland...

Winter Kathy Tombeur 2016-01-11

Winter Kathy Tombeur crossword puzzle
  1. een type dans dat zich vooral baseert op het klassiek ballet, zij het met invloeden van moderne stromingen zoals rock en hiphop.
  2. oorspronkelijk diende om de Koninklijke gezelschappen te entertainen.
  3. de aandacht vestigen op de bewegingen van de buik en de buikstreek
  4. benaming voor iedere traditionele dans die uitgevoerd wordt en eigen is aan een bepaalde streek of land.
  5. uitsluitend gedanst op countrymuziek en dit dan ook in countrybars en ballrooms.
  6. een dansstijl die focust op het interpreteren van de eigen dansideeën.
  7. een dansvorm die zich kan voordoen bij eender welke dansstijl, er zijn enkele uitzonderingen.
  1. een vorm van dans die gebruikt wordt als fitnessmethode.
  2. een verzamelnaam van tal van dansstijlen die hun oorsprong vinden in Latijns-Amerika.
  3. dansvorm die gekenmerkt word door een klepperend geluid dat geproduceerd wordt als de danser met zijn schoenen op een harde ondergrond tapt.
  4. een dans die wordt uitgevoerd door een groep die opgebouwd is door lijnen van mensen die tegelijkertijd en synchroon dansen.
  5. een dansvorm die uitgevonden werd op de Caraïben, met name dan door de Spaanstalige bevolking.
  6. een verzameling van allerhande soorten dansen die in een danshal worden uitgevoerd.
  7. een stijl die zich vooral naar de hiphop cultuur toe typeert.
  8. een van de bekendste en meest fascinerende dansstijlen op de wereld.

15 Clues: een vorm van dans die gebruikt wordt als fitnessmethode.een stijl die zich vooral naar de hiphop cultuur toe aandacht vestigen op de bewegingen van de buik en de buikstreekeen van de bekendste en meest fascinerende dansstijlen op de wereld.oorspronkelijk diende om de Koninklijke gezelschappen te entertainen....

Winter Delphine Roeland 2016-01-25

Winter Delphine Roeland crossword puzzle
  1. zon
  2. haar
  3. hand
  4. lied
  5. oranje
  6. naam
  7. hallo
  8. blauw
  1. zee
  2. vriendschap
  3. huis
  4. niemand
  5. ja
  6. nee
  7. liefde

15 Clues: jazonzeeneehaarhuishandliednaamhalloblauworanjeliefdeniemandvriendschap

Winter Celyne Kellens 2016-01-25

Winter Celyne Kellens crossword puzzle
  1. is een liefdevolle en aanspreekbaar individu, maar kan streng zijn als ze moet zijn.
  2. heeft een grote vlek voor Tinker Bell in zijn hart
  3. ze is een geboren grappenmaker
  4. zus van tinkerbel
  5. erg jaloers op
  6. allerbeste vriendin
  7. koosnaam
  8. is sluw, humeurig, rancuneus, en narcistische, maar heeft een goed hart.
  1. beste vriend van Clank
  2. is veel meer snuggere, maar is erg lief en sympathiek
  3. is een water-talent elf
  4. waar Peter Pan, Kapitein Haak en Tinkerbel leven
  5. een van de meest getalenteerde licht feeën
  6. Het kleine elfje
  7. probeert altijd haar best uit te zien en houdt van het geven van beauty tips en makeovers aan haar vrienden, bloemen en dieren

15 Clues: koosnaamerg jaloers opHet kleine elfjezus van tinkerbelallerbeste vriendinbeste vriend van Clankis een water-talent elfze is een geboren grappenmakereen van de meest getalenteerde licht feeënwaar Peter Pan, Kapitein Haak en Tinkerbel levenheeft een grote vlek voor Tinker Bell in zijn hartis veel meer snuggere, maar is erg lief en sympathiek...

Winter In Burlington 2020-02-03

Winter In Burlington crossword puzzle
  1. sponsor of free skating across Burlington
  2. the first name of the park with an outdoor ice rink
  3. a type of skating, a number or a bodily shape
  4. do you want to build a ______?
  5. popular past time at hole #4 in Tyandaga
  6. need skates? don't worry! we have some
  7. pick up hockey
  8. keeps the ice nice and smooth
  1. an alternative way to play sticks and pucks
  2. when throwing stones is acceptable
  3. a beloved sport across all of Canada
  4. the worst part about snow...
  5. festival of _____ by the water
  6. the star of the parade
  7. (acronym) great way to get back to nature with their winter hikes

15 Clues: pick up hockeythe star of the paradethe worst part about snow...keeps the ice nice and smoothdo you want to build a ______?festival of _____ by the waterwhen throwing stones is acceptablea beloved sport across all of Canadaneed skates? don't worry! we have somepopular past time at hole #4 in Tyandagasponsor of free skating across Burlington...

Olympic Winter Sports 2021-01-30

Olympic Winter Sports crossword puzzle
  1. this sport is undertaken on three terrains uphill, downhill and flat.
  2. the average speed for this sport is 135km
  3. competitors race inside an ice rink over 400m.
  4. lots of protective gear is worn in this sport.
  5. athletes compete in ski jumping and cross-country skiing.
  6. stones are thrown across ice towards a target.
  7. an alternative version of the sport speed skating.
  1. this sport is played alongside music.
  2. scoring in this sport is based off distance, style and balance.
  3. athletes lie down on a sled and slide down ice.
  4. skiers race down a slope wearing skis fixed with fixed-heeled bindings.
  5. this is the form alone which the athlete can score points from performing artistic and aerial tricks.
  6. this sport is done while lying face-down.
  7. while standing on an object athletes slide down a slope and perform tricks.
  8. it is a combination of cross-country skiing and another sport.

15 Clues: this sport is played alongside music.the average speed for this sport is 135kmthis sport is done while lying face-down.competitors race inside an ice rink over 400m.lots of protective gear is worn in this sport.stones are thrown across ice towards a target.athletes lie down on a sled and slide down ice....

winter sport terms 2021-02-15

winter sport terms crossword puzzle
  1. wooden sleid to slide down snow
  2. hockey on ice
  3. iron baldes under boots to get acros ice
  4. making figures out of ice
  5. skiing but with dope tricks
  1. making balls of snow and throw at eachother
  2. flying over mountains with a suit
  3. fishing in the winter
  4. it brown and it warms you up
  5. car on ice with teams
  6. snow falling down from a mountain
  7. surfing on snow
  8. bowling on ice
  9. elevator to get quiker on mountains
  10. long sticks to stand on

15 Clues: hockey on icebowling on icesurfing on snowfishing in the wintercar on ice with teamslong sticks to stand onmaking figures out of iceskiing but with dope tricksit brown and it warms you upwooden sleid to slide down snowflying over mountains with a suitsnow falling down from a mountainelevator to get quiker on mountains...

Winter Class 2 2021-01-12

Winter Class 2 crossword puzzle
  1. totally different
  2. a small shop selling fashionable clothes
  3. a good or a thing
  4. a person who helps in planning
  5. a job that you do for sb
  6. to meet sb or visit sb at a specific time or a place
  7. a shop sells food and things used in the home
  8. loose, wide-legged clothes or jeans
  1. centre city
  2. call restaurant to book seats
  3. a plan for a day
  4. old-fashion
  5. a machine could clean the floor
  6. a small hole in a part of the body
  7. a thing can cover the floor

15 Clues: centre cityold-fashiona plan for a daytotally differenta good or a thinga job that you do for sba thing can cover the floorcall restaurant to book seatsa person who helps in planninga machine could clean the floora small hole in a part of the bodyloose, wide-legged clothes or jeansa small shop selling fashionable clothes...

Winter Trail Items 2021-01-10

Winter Trail Items crossword puzzle
  1. Dropping from animal
  2. On frozen lake
  3. Water flow
  4. Flakes from sky
  5. Broken branches
  6. Setting star
  7. Hard stones
  8. Tall stick weed
  1. Old from pine tree (2 words)
  2. Where small lake animal lives (2 words)
  3. Track (2 words)
  4. Drops to ground (2 words)
  5. Juicy from a bush
  6. We mow it
  7. Part of forest

15 Clues: We mow itWater flowHard stonesSetting starOn frozen lakePart of forestTrack (2 words)Flakes from skyBroken branchesTall stick weedJuicy from a bushDropping from animalDrops to ground (2 words)Old from pine tree (2 words)Where small lake animal lives (2 words)

Tiere im Winter 2017-12-14

Tiere im Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Tiere, die während des Winters häufig erwachen und sich auf Nahrungssuche begeben halten … ?
  2. Reptilien und Amphibien können ihre Körpertemperatur nicht regulieren. Man bezeichnet solche Tiere als?
  3. Ein großer, weiß-schwarzer Zugvogel.
  4. Ein Säugetier mit braunem Fell und langen Ohren.
  5. Tiere überwintern bewegungslos in frostsicheren Verstecken. Wie nennt man diese Überwinterungsform?
  6. Wie nennt man ein großes Säugetier, dass man häufig bin uns im Winter beobachten kann?
  7. Graukranich, Mauersegler und Bachstelze sind … ?
  8. Dieses Tier lebt in einem Kobel.
  9. Kohlmeise und Rotkehlchen bleiben im Winter bei uns. Wie nennt man solche Vögel?
  10. Ein Reptil mit einer schuppigen, grün bis braunen Haut und einem langen Schwanz.
  1. Ein Amphib, das in vielen Seen und Teichen beheimatet ist.
  2. Wie nennt man die Überwinterungsform des Igels?
  3. Wie nennt man das Säugetier, dass häufig in Laubhaufen überwintert?
  4. Viele heimische Säugetiere kann man auch im Winter beobachten. Sie sind ... ?
  5. Tiere, die ihre Körpertemperatur regulieren können, bezeichnet mal als?

15 Clues: Dieses Tier lebt in einem Kobel.Ein großer, weiß-schwarzer Zugvogel.Wie nennt man die Überwinterungsform des Igels?Ein Säugetier mit braunem Fell und langen Ohren.Graukranich, Mauersegler und Bachstelze sind … ?Ein Amphib, das in vielen Seen und Teichen beheimatet ist.Wie nennt man das Säugetier, dass häufig in Laubhaufen überwintert?...

Derby Winter Addition 2021-11-30

Derby Winter Addition crossword puzzle
  1. frozen precipitation
  2. ____Bear
  3. A big New England storm
  4. I very big snow storm
  5. The____is very cold and where some penguins live
  6. A hot drink for after playing in the snow
  7. slippery
  8. You can warm your hands hear
  1. You where this on your body outside to keep you warm
  2. it is__outside
  3. A lot of fluffy whiteness
  4. This knocks down trees
  5. Fluffy whiteness
  6. These keep your hands warm!
  7. I am so___

15 Clues: ____BearslipperyI am so___it is__outsideFluffy whitenessfrozen precipitationI very big snow stormThis knocks down treesA big New England stormA lot of fluffy whitenessThese keep your hands warm!You can warm your hands hearA hot drink for after playing in the snowThe____is very cold and where some penguins live...

Winter Activity Crossword 2023-02-23

Winter Activity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. In the winter bears and other animals
  2. A structure made of brick, stone or metal to hold fire and used for heating a room
  3. something scented you light with a match
  4. Ice sport played with a puck
  5. Special shoes for ice skating
  6. Outdoor Winter activity that involves going down a slope
  7. African American holiday
  1. Sung "All I want for Christmas Is you" (Defrosted)
  2. A domed shaped hut made from snow
  3. a long thin piece of ice formed when dripping water freezes
  4. Freshman and Sophomore trip in January
  5. Clothing you wear around your neck
  6. Black and white bird that cannot fly and live in Antarctica
  7. a shape made in snow by lying on your back on the ground
  8. You wear these on your hand to keep them warm

15 Clues: African American holidayIce sport played with a puckSpecial shoes for ice skatingA domed shaped hut made from snowClothing you wear around your neckIn the winter bears and other animalsFreshman and Sophomore trip in Januarysomething scented you light with a matchYou wear these on your hand to keep them warm...

Winter Movie Crossword 2023-06-09

Winter Movie Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Movie about the Jamaican bobsled team
  2. Voice for Manfred in Ice Age - Ray _____
  3. Western thriller directed by Quentin Tarantino "The _______ Eight"
  4. Movie about a group of sled dogs stranded in antarctica (5,5)
  5. The best christmas movie ever! (3,5,7)
  6. Ice skating movie based on true story "I, _____"
  1. He stole christmas :( (3,6)
  2. American film series "The Chronicles of ______"
  3. Family movie featuring The Wet Bandits (4,5)
  4. Post-apocalyptic TV series set on a perpetually moving train
  5. Gruesome movie featuring Leo Dicap in the wilderness (3,8)
  6. Outstanding christmas rom-com movie featuring Hugh Grant(4,8)
  7. Hit disney theme tune (3,2,2)
  8. Stephen King movie staring Kathy Bates
  9. "You know nothing ____ _____" (3,4)

15 Clues: He stole christmas :( (3,6)Hit disney theme tune (3,2,2)"You know nothing ____ _____" (3,4)Movie about the Jamaican bobsled teamStephen King movie staring Kathy BatesThe best christmas movie ever! (3,5,7)Voice for Manfred in Ice Age - Ray _____Family movie featuring The Wet Bandits (4,5)American film series "The Chronicles of ______"...

Winter Holidays Crossword 2023-11-29

Winter Holidays Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Christmas tree decoration
  2. African holiday celebrating the first harvest
  3. striped winter candy stick
  4. hindu festival of light
  5. red nosed
  6. traditional Christmas drink made from eggs, cream, and flavoring
  1. winter _, shortest day of the year, usually around December 21st
  2. candle-holding structure used during Hanukkah
  3. his life inspired Santa Claus
  4. traditional game played during Hanukkah
  5. new years tradition leading up to midnight
  6. _ calendar Christian month leading up to Christmas)
  7. twas the _ before Christmas
  8. number of nights of Hanukkah
  9. the day before (new years and Christmas both have one)

15 Clues: red nosedhindu festival of lightChristmas tree decorationstriped winter candy sticktwas the _ before Christmasnumber of nights of Hanukkahhis life inspired Santa Claustraditional game played during Hanukkahnew years tradition leading up to midnightcandle-holding structure used during HanukkahAfrican holiday celebrating the first harvest...

Winter Wonderland Crossword 2024-08-20

Winter Wonderland Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of clothing worn around the neck for warmth
  2. Clothing worn on hands to keep them warm
  3. Equipment used for sliding down snow-covered slopes
  4. A severe snowstorm with strong winds
  5. A vehicle used for sliding down snow-covered hills
  6. A warm drink made with milk and chocolate
  7. A type of deer that lives in cold climates
  8. A thin layer of ice on surfaces
  1. A single piece of snow with a unique pattern
  2. A type of tree that stays green in winter
  3. A shoe with a blade for gliding on ice
  4. A natural light display in the sky, also known as the Northern Lights
  5. A figure made of snow, often with a carrot nose
  6. A hanging piece of ice formed by dripping water
  7. A dome-shaped house made of ice blocks

15 Clues: A thin layer of ice on surfacesA severe snowstorm with strong windsA shoe with a blade for gliding on iceA dome-shaped house made of ice blocksClothing worn on hands to keep them warmA type of tree that stays green in winterA warm drink made with milk and chocolateA type of deer that lives in cold climates...

Winter Spelling Words 2023-12-05

Winter Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. being made solid by cold temperatures
  2. the final or twelfth month of the year
  3. a knitted or woven shirt or pullover
  4. hand coverings for warmth or protection
  5. bits of frozen crystal-like precipitation
  6. long and particularly heavy snowstorm
  7. the first month in the calendar year
  1. solidified by cold temperatures
  2. statues made out of snow
  3. the cold season between fall and spring
  4. hand coverings with one section for the thumb
  5. long bands of cloth worn around the neck
  6. light, frozen water crystals
  7. second calendar month of the year
  8. narrow cart for traveling over snow or ice

15 Clues: statues made out of snowlight, frozen water crystalssolidified by cold temperaturessecond calendar month of the yeara knitted or woven shirt or pulloverthe first month in the calendar yearbeing made solid by cold temperatureslong and particularly heavy snowstormthe final or twelfth month of the yearthe cold season between fall and spring...

Wildcat Winter Crossword 2024-01-26

Wildcat Winter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ice crystal
  2. dress warm so you don't ______
  3. "the temperature fell ______ zero last night."
  4. a knitted top
  5. shaking from the cold
  6. the snow is 2 feet _____
  7. be careful not to _____ and fall on the ice.
  1. to move on snow with long narrow strips attached to the feet
  2. the color of fresh snow
  3. snowstorms with wind
  4. footwear in the winter
  5. area around the north pole
  6. a winter toy for kids to slide down snowy hills
  7. pellets of frozen rain
  8. soft white pieces of frozen water that falls to the ground

15 Clues: ice crystala knitted topsnowstorms with windshaking from the coldfootwear in the winterpellets of frozen rainthe color of fresh snowthe snow is 2 feet _____area around the north poledress warm so you don't ______be careful not to _____ and fall on the ice."the temperature fell ______ zero last night."a winter toy for kids to slide down snowy hills...

Spanish winter words 2024-01-19

Spanish winter words crossword puzzle
  1. Blizzard
  2. Chill
  3. frigid(feminine)
  4. Frozen(masculine)
  5. Snow
  6. Hail
  7. Shiver
  8. Cold(feminine)
  1. White
  2. Frost
  3. Sleet
  4. Arctic
  5. Ice
  6. Winter
  7. Ski

15 Clues: IceSkiSnowHailWhiteFrostChillSleetArcticWinterShiverBlizzardCold(feminine)frigid(feminine)Frozen(masculine)

French Winter Vocab 2024-01-19

French Winter Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. also slippery when cold but hard to see on roads
  2. you lay down to make it
  3. very cold and white
  4. house made of snow
  5. ball up and throw
  6. slippery when cold
  7. slide down the snow with one on each foot
  1. slide down the snow with both feet on it
  2. activity on ice you also need to do it hockey
  3. fun to ride in the snow
  4. sweet treat using snow
  5. falls from the sky when its cold enough
  6. keeps your hands from getting too cold
  7. keeps you warm in the winter
  8. kinda frozen kinda not

15 Clues: ball up and throwhouse made of snowslippery when coldvery cold and whitesweet treat using snowkinda frozen kinda notfun to ride in the snowyou lay down to make itkeeps you warm in the winterkeeps your hands from getting too coldfalls from the sky when its cold enoughslide down the snow with both feet on itslide down the snow with one on each foot...

test 2023-06-11

test crossword puzzle
  1. What weather does winter bring?
  2. What can you build during winter?
  3. What festive holiday is celebrated during winter with gift exchanges and tree decorations?
  1. Do the days become longer or shorter during winter?
  2. During winter you can have ________ fights.
  3. What activity can you enjoy during winter on ice?
  4. What can you see in the chilly air during winter?

7 Clues: What weather does winter bring?What can you build during winter?During winter you can have ________ fights.What activity can you enjoy during winter on ice?What can you see in the chilly air during winter?Do the days become longer or shorter during winter?What festive holiday is celebrated during winter with gift exchanges and tree decorations?

animal crossing (acnh) 2023-08-23

animal crossing (acnh) crossword puzzle
  1. a very demanding 'instant friend' in winter
  2. the carpet camel
  3. one of the hardest to find fish
  4. monkey with no manners
  5. "not frog aye be"
  6. what you want your bank account to be
  7. "czar of halloween"
  8. "stovetop ankle-weight"
  1. same as tommy
  2. the perfect fish for hide-and-seek
  3. most expensive river fish
  4. hairy abomination found in winter at night
  5. 1,200,000 bell purchase
  6. mr.krabs but better looking
  7. the thing that won't leave
  8. trash-selling maniac

16 Clues: same as tommythe carpet camel"not frog aye be""czar of halloween"trash-selling maniacmonkey with no manners1,200,000 bell purchase"stovetop ankle-weight"most expensive river fishthe thing that won't leavemr.krabs but better lookingone of the hardest to find fishthe perfect fish for hide-and-seekwhat you want your bank account to be...

Acorn Academy Winter Camp 2021-02-01

Acorn Academy Winter Camp crossword puzzle
  1. you make it with snow and then throw it
  2. the hottest season
  3. it is white and cold
  4. there are four of them in each year
  5. the thing you like the most
  1. what you do with clothes
  2. a winter sport with one board
  3. the coldest season
  4. you make it with snow. It looks like a person
  5. a winter sport with two poles

10 Clues: the hottest seasonthe coldest seasonit is white and coldwhat you do with clothesthe thing you like the mosta winter sport with one boarda winter sport with two polesthere are four of them in each yearyou make it with snow and then throw ityou make it with snow. It looks like a person

Christmas Crossword 2022-12-14

Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is another name for father Christmas
  2. What falls from the sky during winter
  3. What to people slip on during winter
  4. What does Santa drive
  5. What are Santa's workers called
  6. What animal drags Santa's sleigh
  1. Who is Santa's wife
  2. How is the weather in winter
  3. What is the most commonly baked thing during Christmas
  4. What do you get on Christmas morning

10 Clues: Who is Santa's wifeWhat does Santa driveHow is the weather in winterWhat are Santa's workers calledWhat animal drags Santa's sleighWhat to people slip on during winterWhat do you get on Christmas morningWhat falls from the sky during winterWhat is another name for father ChristmasWhat is the most commonly baked thing during Christmas

Fashion fever 2014-02-27

Fashion fever crossword puzzle
  1. It is a special type of clothes , you can swim with this clothing in the water
  2. It is and accesory, ypu put your money on this accesory
  3. boots There are shoes, only the girls wear them andthey wear this shos in the winter.
  4. It is an accesory, you wear around your waist.
  5. Only they wear girls and there are shots
  6. Is is an accesory, you put your objects in this accesory when youwalk on the streets.
  7. There are an accessory, they protect your hands from cold and alone we wear in winter
  8. It a set of styles when you put in a each ocassion.
  9. It is an accesory, you putthem in you fingers
  10. Is is a shoes, you wear this when you do sport
  11. It is a cloth, is similar to jacket but this protect you in a very cold days
  12. , There are a type of shoes, you wear in the summer, only the girls wear them
  13. Is a cloth , you wear in cold days or in formal ocassions
  1. It is an accesory, only the boys wear them in formal oassions on in his job.
  2. It is an accesory ,a girls wear this arouns her wrist
  3. Its a tissue, the clothes wears this tissue is only for the winter
  4. It is an accesory, only the girls wear them , you put it in your ears
  5. jeans We wear them in winter and therwe are very expensive
  6. It is an accesory , you wear in the summer and to protect your eyes from the sun
  7. It is a type os shoes, you wear in the winter , it can be short or long.
  8. It is a tissue, you wear this tissuue in your summer clothes.
  9. Its a cloth , only the girls wear them and they wear in formal ocassions , they can be shorts or longs.
  10. It is an accesory , you protect your neack in cold days.
  11. It is and accesory , in the summer you protect your hear from the sun.
  12. Is is an acessory, you put it in your feets in cold days

25 Clues: Only they wear girls and there are shotsIt is an accesory, you wear around your waist.It is an accesory, you putthem in you fingersIs is a shoes, you wear this when you do sportIt a set of styles when you put in a each ocassion.It is an accesory ,a girls wear this arouns her wristIt is and accesory, ypu put your money on this accesory...

Fashion fever 2014-02-27

Fashion fever crossword puzzle
  1. Its a cloth , only the girls wear them and they wear in formal ocassions , they can be shorts or longs.
  2. It is a tissue, you wear this tissuue in your summer clothes.
  3. , There are a type of shoes, you wear in the summer, only the girls wear them
  4. Only they wear girls and there are shots
  5. It is an accesory ,a girls wear this arouns her wrist
  6. boots There are shoes, only the girls wear them andthey wear this shos in the winter.
  7. It is an accesory, you wear around your waist.
  8. It is an accesory, only the girls wear them , you put it in your ears
  9. It a set of styles when you put in a each ocassion.
  10. It is an accesory , you protect your neack in cold days.
  11. It is a special type of clothes , you can swim with this clothing in the water
  12. Is is an accesory, you put your objects in this accesory when youwalk on the streets.
  13. Is a cloth , you wear in cold days or in formal ocassions
  1. Is is an acessory, you put it in your feets in cold days
  2. There are an accessory, they protect your hands from cold and alone we wear in winter
  3. It is an accesory, you putthem in you fingers
  4. It is an accesory , you wear in the summer and to protect your eyes from the sun
  5. Its a tissue, the clothes wears this tissue is only for the winter
  6. It is a cloth, is similar to jacket but this protect you in a very cold days
  7. It is a type os shoes, you wear in the winter , it can be short or long.
  8. Is is a shoes, you wear this when you do sport
  9. It is an accesory, only the boys wear them in formal oassions on in his job.
  10. It is and accesory , in the summer you protect your hear from the sun.
  11. jeans We wear them in winter and therwe are very expensive
  12. It is and accesory, ypu put your money on this accesory

25 Clues: Only they wear girls and there are shotsIt is an accesory, you putthem in you fingersIs is a shoes, you wear this when you do sportIt is an accesory, you wear around your waist.It a set of styles when you put in a each ocassion.It is an accesory ,a girls wear this arouns her wristIt is and accesory, ypu put your money on this accesory...

Arctic crossword! 2014-03-17

Arctic crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. the knife used for skinning animals is called an _____
  2. in the winter they wore heavy______
  3. snow goggles were made from caribou ________
  4. what type of house do they live in in the winter?
  5. how the arctic peoples of canada got their food
  6. how many layers of skin were used when making winter boots
  7. kids clothing is made from young, medium or old animals?
  1. the arctic peoples clothing were mostly made out of animal skins and _____
  2. the arctic peoples of Canada used these to fish during the summer
  3. the meat is kept fresh by ________ it
  4. the region Asha, Rachel and Madeline are studying
  5. it is very _______ in the arctic
  6. who is the head of the family
  7. the arctic peoples could not rely on _______for food
  8. who makes the clothing in the family?
  9. what type of house do they live in in the summer?

16 Clues: who is the head of the familyit is very _______ in the arcticin the winter they wore heavy______the meat is kept fresh by ________ itwho makes the clothing in the family?snow goggles were made from caribou ________how the arctic peoples of canada got their foodthe region Asha, Rachel and Madeline are studying...

Clothing 2021-08-27

Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. You wear this type of clothing on your head.
  2. Don’t leave your house without these on your feet!
  3. This is the coldest season.
  4. You wear these pants in summer when it’s hot out.
  5. You wear this warm, fuzzy top in winter.
  6. If you wear these, you can swim really fast!
  7. In this season, hanami is popular.
  1. Kids UP teachers wear this type of pants every day.
  2. You wear this around your neck to formal events or work.
  3. It’s pants and a top in one!
  4. You often wear this formal outfit with a tie.
  5. You wear these on your hands in winter.
  6. When it’s cold, you should wear this outside.
  7. It’s a top and a skirt in one!
  8. You wear this if you go swimming in cold water.
  9. You wear this type of jewelry on your finger.

16 Clues: This is the coldest season.It’s pants and a top in one!It’s a top and a skirt in one!In this season, hanami is popular.You wear these on your hands in winter.You wear this warm, fuzzy top in winter.You wear this type of clothing on your head.If you wear these, you can swim really fast!You often wear this formal outfit with a tie....

French crossword puzzle 2023-02-08

French crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. you use it to see things from far away
  2. we use it when it is sunny
  3. its a sport that involves a ball that is orange
  4. you wear it on your head during the winter
  5. its a sport that involves a black and white ball
  6. journey
  7. we bring it to school everyday except if you forget it at home
  8. its a person that made you
  9. we wear it on our feet when its snowing outside
  10. everybody has it except for some people
  1. you use it around your neck in the winter
  2. its long yellow it has white when you bit into it and we put it in our mouth
  3. you use it when your hurt
  4. some people use it when there on a vacation
  5. you use it on your hands during winter
  6. something that some people have

16 Clues: journeyyou use it when your hurtwe use it when it is sunnyits a person that made yousomething that some people haveyou use it to see things from far awayyou use it on your hands during wintereverybody has it except for some peopleyou use it around your neck in the winteryou wear it on your head during the winter...

Limiting Factors 2023-12-15

Limiting Factors crossword puzzle
  1. Producing new individuals to maintain a population is _____.
  2. Abiotic and biotic limiting factors _____ the size of populations.
  3. Climate change can ___ where species live and how they interact.
  4. Each ecosystem has its own carrying capacity that depends on the ability of the producers to ____ the ecosystem food web.
  5. The total number of individuals that an ecosystem can sustain indefinitely is the carrying ____.
  6. Earth's climate changes over _____.
  7. Energy enters the ecosystem as sunlight, or _____energy.
  8. _____ changes put pressure on populations.
  9. In ____ ecosystems, there must be survivors of every species in sufficient numbers to reproduce.
  10. The rate at which a species can increase its population is its reproductive ____.
  11. Growth and survival rate are ____ when animals arrive at a location before or after their normal seasonal food sources
  12. Winter is the main limiting factor for many temperate and ____ populations.
  13. _____ destruction is a serious limiting factor for many organisms.
  1. In the temperate and polar latitudes, ____ is a major factor in population limitation.
  2. Populations are limited by food _______.
  3. _____ can occur at any stage in the life cycle of an organism.
  4. Many organisms use ______, reduced activity, and winter sleep to wait out the winter.
  5. Climate change is predicted to cause _____ in species extinction over the next 100 years.
  6. _____ production is the amount of food that can be consumed and redistributed throughtout the ecosystem over the course of a year.
  7. During winter, days are shorter, so production by _____ organisms slows or stops entirely.
  8. Every living thing has ____ requirements for life.
  9. Without an environment that provides for the physical conditions needed to reproduce, ____will not be born.
  10. A ______ organism can enter a population and kill large numbers of individuals.
  11. Birds, because of their ____, are famous for migrating to warmer regions.
  12. Food provides the ____that is essential for survival.
  13. Lack of ____ is one of the most important limitations on populations.
  14. Many organisms require ______ conditions in order to reproduce.
  15. Photosynthetic organisms capture the energy and transform it into ____, like sugar, that we call food.

28 Clues: Earth's climate changes over _____.Populations are limited by food _______._____ changes put pressure on populations.Every living thing has ____ requirements for life.Food provides the ____that is essential for survival.Energy enters the ecosystem as sunlight, or _____energy.Producing new individuals to maintain a population is _____....

Seasons 2023-07-03

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. The season between winter and summer, characterized by blooming flowers and warmer temperatures.
  2. The ninth month of the year, following August.
  3. The tenth month of the year, following September.
  4. The third month of the year, following February.
  5. The fifth month of the year, following April.
  6. The season following spring, known for its hot weather and longer days.
  7. The first month of the year, following December.
  8. The seventh month of the year, following June.
  1. The eighth month of the year, following July.
  2. The eleventh month of the year, following October.
  3. The coldest season of the year, following autumn and characterized by low temperatures and snow.
  4. The twelfth month of the year, following November.
  5. The season between summer and winter, marked by falling leaves and cooler temperatures.
  6. The second month of the year, following January.
  7. The fourth month of the year, following March.
  8. The sixth month of the year, following May.

16 Clues: The sixth month of the year, following May.The eighth month of the year, following July.The fifth month of the year, following April.The ninth month of the year, following August.The fourth month of the year, following March.The seventh month of the year, following June.The second month of the year, following January....

Cozy Living Crossword 2023-11-02

Cozy Living Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A source of light in your apartment.
  2. A window covering to keep the cold out.
  3. The place where you can wash the day away.
  4. The white, frozen precipitation that falls from the sky.
  5. The warm, cozy piece of fabric you might use on a cold winter evening.
  6. The room where you cook your meals.
  7. A small space on the floor where you can relax and enjoy the winter view.
  1. A heating system often found in apartment buildings.
  2. A place to store your clothes.
  3. A cozy activity during a snowy day.
  4. What you need to clean the floors.
  5. A piece of furniture to sit on.
  6. A frozen body of water for winter sports.
  7. A device to keep your apartment warm.

14 Clues: A place to store your clothes.A piece of furniture to sit on.What you need to clean the floors.A cozy activity during a snowy day.The room where you cook your meals.A source of light in your apartment.A device to keep your apartment warm.A window covering to keep the cold out.A frozen body of water for winter sports....

Seasons 2022-03-18

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. who has summer when the north pole tilts away from the sun
  2. what takes 24 hours
  3. what season comes after winter?
  4. what season comes after summer?
  5. who has summer when the north pole tilts toward the sun
  6. what takes 365 days?
  7. what season is it in the northern hemisphere when the north pole tilts away from the sun
  1. when the earth goes around the sun
  2. what the northern hemisphere gets during winter
  3. when the earth spins on its axis
  4. divides the earth into two hemispheres
  5. what season is it in the northern hemisphere when the north pole tilts toward the sun?
  6. what the northern hemisphere gets during summer
  7. the two halves of the earth

14 Clues: what takes 24 hourswhat takes 365 days?the two halves of the earthwhat season comes after winter?what season comes after summer?when the earth spins on its axiswhen the earth goes around the sundivides the earth into two hemisphereswhat the northern hemisphere gets during winterwhat the northern hemisphere gets during summer...

Review Week 2022-04-01

Review Week crossword puzzle
  1. Did you check the lost and _____ for your missing mittens?
  2. This ____ we are in grade 2!
  3. I ____ that we are going to have a fun week.
  4. There are a ____ weeks of school left before Easter!
  5. Winter is over! It is now ______.
  6. In math we learn to add and ______.
  7. When the sun goes down it will be ____ outside.
  1. I told a _____ joke to the class.
  2. Today I will go for a walk because it is sunny.
  3. Will my insulator _____ if I use cardboard to build it?
  4. Remember to ____ your snack while you listen to the story.
  5. The ____ place olympian receives a gold medal.
  6. In the winter we can skate, sled and build snowmen.
  7. ______ we have a dance party today?

14 Clues: This ____ we are in grade 2!I told a _____ joke to the class.Winter is over! It is now ______.______ we have a dance party today?In math we learn to add and ______.I ____ that we are going to have a fun week.The ____ place olympian receives a gold medal.Today I will go for a walk because it is sunny.When the sun goes down it will be ____ outside....

Rowan Of the Bukshah 2016-03-09

Rowan Of the Bukshah crossword puzzle
  1. The type of book
  2. Opposite of Death
  3. The animals that Rowan looks after
  4. ______ falls in winter
  5. The village leader
  6. The special paintings hung that anger the mountain
  7. Authors last name
  8. Main Character
  9. The season at the start of the book
  1. A huge __________ that is angry
  2. The journey they go on
  3. The temperature
  4. The evil people
  5. The woman he saved from the evil land
  6. The number of people that must go where the beasts lead them
  7. The witch
  8. The Village they live in
  9. The man he saved from the evil land

18 Clues: The witchMain CharacterThe temperatureThe evil peopleThe type of bookOpposite of DeathAuthors last nameThe village leaderThe journey they go on______ falls in winterThe Village they live inA huge __________ that is angryThe animals that Rowan looks afterThe man he saved from the evil landThe season at the start of the book...

Clothing 2023-01-25

Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. edge of shirt sleeve
  2. Sewn edge of clothes
  3. Flowy article of clothing worn on the waist
  4. Clothing to wear on legs
  5. Nice jacket that rhymes with razor
  6. Blue pants made of denim
  7. Winter weather shirt
  8. Worn mostly by women
  9. Fastener where 2 sets of teeth meet
  1. C word for sweater
  2. Worn in winter
  3. Stretchy pants
  4. What clothes are made of
  5. Another name for pants
  6. Where your arms go through
  7. Fancy fabric with decorative holes
  8. White shirt worn under jacket
  9. Most common article of clothing, walking billboard

18 Clues: Worn in winterStretchy pantsC word for sweateredge of shirt sleeveSewn edge of clothesWinter weather shirtWorn mostly by womenAnother name for pantsWhat clothes are made ofClothing to wear on legsBlue pants made of denimWhere your arms go throughWhite shirt worn under jacketFancy fabric with decorative holesNice jacket that rhymes with razor...

Fantastic Characters Lessons 1-4 Crossword Evaluation 2022-06-16

Fantastic Characters Lessons 1-4 Crossword Evaluation crossword puzzle
  1. cold
  2. vacation
  3. fall
  4. mountain
  5. sun
  6. week
  7. snow
  8. season
  9. mild
  1. spring
  2. winter
  3. travel
  4. summer
  5. cool
  6. hot
  7. cousin
  8. luck
  9. wind
  10. weekend
  11. heat

20 Clues: hotsuncoldcoolfallluckwindweeksnowheatmildspringwintertravelsummercousinseasonweekendvacationmountain

In the garden 2022-05-30

In the garden crossword puzzle
  1. doniczka
  2. jesień
  3. drzewa
  4. lato
  5. gałęzie
  6. wiosna
  7. ul
  8. nasiona
  9. biedronka
  10. motyl
  11. korzenie
  1. zima
  2. kolce
  3. ławka
  4. zioła
  5. komar
  6. ziemia,gleba
  7. piasek
  8. liść
  9. mucha

20 Clues: ulzimalatoliśćkolceławkaziołakomarmuchamotyljesieńdrzewawiosnapiasekgałęzienasionadoniczkakorzeniebiedronkaziemia,gleba

Days of the week, Months, Seasons & Numbers Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-06

Days of the week, Months, Seasons & Numbers Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. May
  2. February
  3. winter
  4. two
  5. three
  6. April
  7. five
  8. one
  9. four
  10. Monday
  11. Thursday
  12. spring
  1. March
  2. fall
  3. summer
  4. Wednesday
  5. Friday
  6. Tuesday
  7. dates
  8. January

20 Clues: MaytwoonefallfivefourMarchthreeAprildateswintersummerFridayMondayspringTuesdayJanuaryFebruaryThursdayWednesday

Weather and Season French 2022-10-18

Weather and Season French crossword puzzle
  1. vent
  2. rafale
  3. froid
  4. chauffer
  5. grele
  6. gel
  7. le printemps
  8. tomber
  9. brouillard
  10. sec
  1. chaleureuse
  2. bruine
  3. nuageux
  4. l’hiver
  5. calmes
  6. pluie
  7. brise
  8. inondation
  9. ete
  10. neiger

20 Clues: geletesecventfroidpluiegrelebrisebruinerafalecalmesneigertombernuageuxl’hiverchaufferinondationbrouillardchaleureusele printemps

What's the date ? 2021-09-20

What's the date ? crossword puzzle
  1. printemps
  2. août
  3. jeudi
  4. février
  5. janvier
  6. été
  7. lundi
  8. octobre
  9. mercredi
  10. mai
  1. mars
  2. samedi
  3. dimanche
  4. juillet
  5. automne
  6. mardi
  7. hiver
  8. juin
  9. vendredi
  10. avril

20 Clues: étémaimarsaoûtjuinjeudimardihiverlundiavrilsamedijuilletautomnefévrierjanvieroctobredimanchevendredimercrediprintemps

Starter Unit: Days, months and seasons 2021-05-06

Starter Unit: Days, months and seasons crossword puzzle
  1. marzo
  2. giugno
  3. venerdì
  4. febbraio
  5. martedì
  6. ottobre
  7. estate
  8. aprile
  9. domenica
  1. maggio
  2. giovedì
  3. mercoledì
  4. luglio
  5. novembre
  6. agosto
  7. inverno
  8. sabato
  9. primavera
  10. autunno
  11. lunedì

20 Clues: marzomaggiogiugnoluglioagostosabatoestatelunedìaprilegiovedìvenerdìinvernomartedìottobreautunnonovembrefebbraiodomenicamercoledìprimavera

French 2021-11-17

French crossword puzzle
  1. Sunday
  2. May
  3. April
  4. Spring
  5. June
  6. March
  7. winter
  8. Wednesday
  9. Thursday
  10. december
  11. Fall
  1. Saturday
  2. January
  3. February
  4. summer
  5. November
  6. July
  7. August
  8. september
  9. October

20 Clues: MayJuneJulyFallAprilMarchSundaysummerSpringAugustwinterJanuaryOctoberSaturdayFebruaryNovemberThursdaydecemberseptemberWednesday

weather project crossword: Mary Gallacher 2023-02-01

weather project crossword: Mary Gallacher crossword puzzle
  1. ugly
  2. july
  3. beautiful
  4. snowing
  5. stormy
  6. cloudy
  7. raining
  8. cold
  9. may
  10. windy
  11. summer
  1. april
  2. september
  3. winter
  4. hot
  5. sunny
  6. fall
  7. spring
  8. febuary
  9. december

20 Clues: hotmayuglyjulyfallcoldaprilsunnywindywinterstormycloudyspringsummersnowingrainingfebuarydecemberseptemberbeautiful

Spanish crossword 2023-03-23

Spanish crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Itsraining
  2. Itssnowing
  3. Theweatherisbad
  4. Itshot
  5. itssunny
  6. Itscold
  7. winter
  8. itsfoggy
  9. How'sthewather
  10. itsmisting
  11. itscloudy
  1. Theweatherisgood
  2. partly
  3. Itsrainingpressprog
  4. itswindy
  5. Itssunny
  6. Itssnowingpressprog
  7. spring
  8. summer
  9. itscool
  10. itsdegrees

21 Clues: partlyItshotspringsummerwinteritscoolItscolditswindyItssunnyitssunnyitsfoggyitscloudyItsrainingItssnowingitsdegreesitsmistingHow'sthewatherTheweatherisbadTheweatherisgoodItsrainingpressprogItssnowingpressprog

Chapitre 11 Vocab 2023-03-16

Chapitre 11 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. ski
  2. rain
  3. summer
  4. skier
  5. daytime
  6. surfer
  7. time
  8. beach
  9. assembaly
  10. winter
  11. sail
  1. pool
  2. dip
  3. summit
  4. beatiful
  5. skier
  6. cloud
  7. lesson
  8. stay
  9. sun
  10. pass

21 Clues: skidipsunpoolrainstaytimepasssailskierskiercloudbeachsummitsummerlessonsurferwinterdaytimebeatifulassembaly

PErfecto 2023-03-15

PErfecto crossword puzzle
  1. Propose
  2. Position
  3. Return
  4. Written
  5. Dead
  6. Discover
  7. Attracted
  8. Broken
  9. Winter
  10. Read
  1. Made
  2. Fallen
  3. Covered
  4. Undo
  5. Seen
  6. Resolved
  7. Turned
  8. Saying
  9. Ear
  10. Open

20 Clues: EarMadeUndoSeenDeadOpenReadFallenReturnTurnedSayingBrokenWinterProposeCoveredWrittenPositionResolvedDiscoverAttracted

In Summer 2023-06-15

In Summer crossword puzzle
  1. 격렬한
  2. 하고있다
  3. 파랑색
  4. 여름
  5. 놓다
  6. 마시다
  7. 화려하게
  8. 겨울
  9. 타는
  10. 상상하다
  1. 안다
  2. 민들레
  3. 함께
  4. 단단한
  5. 따뜻해
  6. 하늘
  7. 편안하다
  8. 껄껄한
  9. 윙윙거리는 소리

20 Clues: 안다함께여름하늘놓다겨울타는민들레격렬한단단한따뜻해파랑색마시다껄껄한하고있다편안하다화려하게상상하다윙윙거리는 소리

Christmas is coming!!! 2012-12-20

Christmas is coming!!! crossword puzzle
  1. komin
  2. prezent
  3. Św.Mikołaj
  4. kolęda
  5. skarpeta
  6. renifer
  7. zima
  8. narta
  9. łyżwa
  10. dzwonki
  1. jemioła
  2. bałwan
  3. zimno
  4. świeczka
  5. kościół
  6. elfy
  7. lód
  8. indyk
  9. gwiazda
  10. śnieg

20 Clues: lódelfyzimakominzimnoindyknartałyżwaśniegbałwankolędajemiołaprezentkościółrenifergwiazdadzwonkiskarpetaświeczkaŚw.Mikołaj

PLAY TIME 2015-11-16

PLAY TIME crossword puzzle
  1. 여름
  2. 영원한
  3. 호수
  4. 위로하다
  5. 겨울
  6. 아름다운
  7. 일하다
  8. 취미
  1. 계절
  2. 천국
  3. 가을
  4. 야채
  5. 춤추다
  6. 직장, 일
  7. 걱정하다
  8. 과일
  9. 태어나다

20 Clues: 계절천국여름가을야채호수겨울과일취미춤추다영원한일하다위로하다걱정하다아름다운태어나다직장, 일

Months and seasons 2018-03-19

Months and seasons crossword puzzle
  1. May
  2. winter
  3. tomorrow
  4. autumn
  5. June
  6. February
  7. now
  8. November
  9. spring
  10. October
  1. July
  2. yesterday
  3. April
  4. today
  5. January
  6. December
  7. August
  8. September
  9. summer
  10. March

20 Clues: MaynowJulyJuneApriltodayMarchwinterautumnAugustsummerspringJanuaryOctobertomorrowDecemberFebruaryNovemberyesterdaySeptember

Jahreszeit 2018-11-16

Jahreszeit crossword puzzle
  1. scheint
  2. blühen
  3. Herbst
  4. verliebt
  5. Sonne
  6. besonders
  7. kalt
  8. Winter
  9. Frühling
  1. wieder
  2. regnet
  3. Blumen
  4. baden gehen
  5. schön
  6. Sommer
  7. dunkel
  8. Radfahren
  9. Spaß
  10. leicht
  11. bald

20 Clues: SpaßbaldkaltschönSonnewiederregnetBlumenblühenHerbstSommerdunkelleichtWinterscheintverliebtFrühlingRadfahrenbesondersbaden gehen

SEASONS 2022-05-02

SEASONS crossword puzzle
  1. SÜGIS
  2. KUUM
  4. KÜLM
  5. UNINE
  7. SUVI
  8. VIHM
  9. KUNA
  1. AVAMA
  2. ISA
  3. VESI
  5. TALV
  7. PALAV
  8. KEVAD
  10. KUU



VOCABULARY 3 WIKTORIA crossword puzzle
  1. OGON
  2. MAŁY
  6. NIEBO
  9. LATO
  10. KWIATY
  1. ZIMA
  4. Z
  5. KOTY
  6. TYLKO
  10. ZABAWA


Espanol Crossword 2023-10-11

Espanol Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Gracias
  2. Cien
  3. Mil
  4. Adios
  5. Nombre
  6. Invierno
  7. Como
  8. Por favor
  9. Llamo
  10. Llueve
  1. Cumpleanos
  2. Tu
  3. Nieva
  4. Uno
  5. Verano
  6. Igualmente
  7. Primavera
  8. Diez
  9. Hola
  10. Otono

20 Clues: TuUnoMilCienDiezComoHolaNievaAdiosOtonoLlamoVeranoNombreLlueveGraciasInviernoPrimaveraPor favorCumpleanosIgualmente

mio4a 2024-01-25

mio4a crossword puzzle
  1. elokuu
  2. helppo
  3. vaikea
  4. lyhyt
  5. matala
  6. maaliskuu
  7. puhdas
  8. kesäkuu
  9. hutikuu
  10. likianen
  1. lokakuu
  2. kesä
  3. syksy
  4. korkea
  5. ruma
  6. talvi
  7. pitkä
  8. heinäkuu
  9. kevät
  10. toukokuu

20 Clues: kesärumasyksylyhyttalvipitkäkevätelokuuhelppovaikeakorkeamatalapuhdaslokakuukesäkuuhutikuuheinäkuutoukokuulikianenmaaliskuu

lesson 7 vocab 2024-03-19

lesson 7 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. beautiful
  2. hot
  3. stormy
  4. cool
  5. outside
  6. wind
  7. snowing
  8. often
  9. sometimes
  10. winter
  11. freezing
  1. rain
  2. almost
  3. bad
  4. cold
  5. sunny
  6. lots
  7. too
  8. cloudy
  9. summer

20 Clues: badhottooraincoldcoollotswindsunnyoftenalmoststormycloudysummerwinteroutsidesnowingfreezingbeautifulsometimes

Vuokko 4B 2024-02-09

Vuokko 4B crossword puzzle
  1. kettu
  2. ankka
  3. silmälasit
  4. nätti
  5. kesä
  6. syksy
  7. huhtikuu
  8. talvi
  9. norja
  10. suomi
  1. maaliskuu
  2. elokuu
  3. kesäkuu
  4. marraskuu
  5. kevät
  6. aamulla
  7. sika
  8. tammikuu
  9. uusi
  10. vanha

20 Clues: kesäsikauusikettuankkakevätnättisyksytalvinorjavanhasuomielokuukesäkuuaamullatammikuuhuhtikuumaaliskuumarraskuusilmälasit

Espana Evie 2023-10-03

Espana Evie crossword puzzle
  1. April
  2. Saturday
  3. Febuary
  4. Thursday
  5. September
  6. November
  7. Monday
  8. Wednesday
  9. June
  1. March
  2. December
  3. August
  4. May
  5. Friday
  6. October
  7. January
  8. Winter
  9. Tuesday
  10. Sunday
  11. July

20 Clues: MayJulyJuneMarchAprilAugustFridayWinterSundayMondayOctoberFebuaryJanuaryTuesdayDecemberSaturdayThursdayNovemberSeptemberWednesday

Chinese portrait Mrs Cloet 2024-09-16

Chinese portrait Mrs Cloet crossword puzzle
  1. blanc
  2. italien
  3. décembre
  4. chaud
  5. été
  6. hiver
  7. Algérie
  8. violet
  9. année
  10. nourriture
  11. saison
  1. allemand
  2. espagnol
  3. parce que
  4. juin
  5. février
  6. vert
  7. samedi
  8. mois
  9. jaune

20 Clues: étéjuinvertmoisblancchaudhiverjauneannéesamedivioletsaisonitalienfévrierAlgérieallemandespagnoldécembreparce quenourriture

Christmas Crossword Puzzles (Easy) 2023-12-11

Christmas Crossword Puzzles (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. White stuff that covers the ground in the Northern Places
  2. Famous Reindeer
  3. A show with ballerina's
  4. Where you go to sing door-to-door
  5. A famous snowman
  6. Christmas deocorations
  7. Tree-topper
  8. A plant you have to kiss under
  1. Christmas tree decoration
  2. Christmas Month
  3. Thing you hang on your fireplace
  4. The person who gives you presents on Christmas
  5. Season where it snows
  6. Something you give to someone on Christmas Day
  7. Santa's helpers
  8. A warm drink you drink around the cold winter days
  9. Green Christmas Thief
  10. A symbol of Christmas

18 Clues: Tree-topperChristmas MonthFamous ReindeerSanta's helpersA famous snowmanSeason where it snowsGreen Christmas ThiefA symbol of ChristmasChristmas deocorationsA show with ballerina'sChristmas tree decorationA plant you have to kiss underThing you hang on your fireplaceWhere you go to sing door-to-doorThe person who gives you presents on Christmas...

maxime 2022-02-08

maxime crossword puzzle
  1. ik ben een lange gele vrucht
  2. je draagt me op het hoofd in winter
  3. ik sta achter de dorphuizen
  4. ik heb 4 wielen
  5. ik ben in je huis
  6. ik vlieg
  7. ik ben het beste eten
  8. je rijdt met me
  9. ik heb twee langen oren
  1. thuis, onder de tafel op de vloer
  2. ik breng licht in de nacht
  3. ik verwarm
  4. je draagt me in winter
  5. je zit op me
  6. ik ben bitter
  7. ik ben je vader niet, ik ben je ...
  8. ik ben in de hemel
  9. de kinderen gaan er 5 dagen per week

18 Clues: ik vliegik verwarmje zit op meik ben bitterik heb 4 wielenje rijdt met meik ben in je huisik ben in de hemelik ben het beste etenje draagt me in winterik heb twee langen orenik breng licht in de nachtik sta achter de dorphuizenik ben een lange gele vruchtthuis, onder de tafel op de vloerje draagt me op het hoofd in winter...

Matrix Vocabulary Crossword 2013-04-02

Matrix Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. winter, the nights are___.
  2. leave work and return home
  3. are small and cute
  4. can see them in the sky at night
  5. good time to make a snowman
  6. is when life begins
  7. is to hot as winter is to ____
  8. high in the sky in the afternoon
  9. days are long and hot
  1. the sun rises
  2. of fat is _____.
  3. is to girl as man is to _____
  4. all
  5. do this in autumn
  6. noon, the sun is ____ in the sky.
  7. people sleep at this time
  8. falls from the sky
  9. learn to this in school

18 Clues: allthe sun risesof fat is this in autumnare small and cutefalls from the skyis when life beginsdays are long and hotlearn to this in schoolpeople sleep at this timewinter, the nights are___.leave work and return homegood time to make a snowmanis to girl as man is to _____is to hot as winter is to ____can see them in the sky at night...

Rowan Of the Bukshah 2016-03-10

Rowan Of the Bukshah crossword puzzle
  1. Opposite of Death
  2. The evil people
  3. The journey they go on
  4. The type of book
  5. ______ falls in winter
  6. Authors last name
  7. The man he saved from the evil land
  8. The Village they live in
  9. A huge __________ that is angry
  1. The special paintings hung that anger the mountain
  2. The number of people that must go where the beasts lead them
  3. The witch
  4. The season at the start of the book
  5. The temperature
  6. The woman he saved from the evil land
  7. The animals that Rowan looks after
  8. The village leader
  9. Main Character

18 Clues: The witchMain CharacterThe evil peopleThe temperatureThe type of bookOpposite of DeathAuthors last nameThe village leaderThe journey they go on______ falls in winterThe Village they live inA huge __________ that is angryThe animals that Rowan looks afterThe season at the start of the bookThe man he saved from the evil land...

Night and Day 2021-02-16

Night and Day crossword puzzle
  1. hours in a day
  2. After Winter/neutral tilt.
  3. Tilted towards.
  4. The Sun is the other way.
  5. December 20 or so, longest night.
  6. The Milky Way is this type.
  7. We are in the Milky Way ______?
  8. Associated with night, sometimes visible in daytime.
  9. These galaxies are hard to describe.
  10. September/March, equal day night.
  1. Here comes the sun.
  2. These galaxies are a mix.
  3. These galaxies can look like balls.
  4. Tilted Away.
  5. The sun is one.
  6. June 20 or so, longest day.
  7. After Summer/neutral tilt.
  8. months in a year

18 Clues: Tilted Away.hours in a dayTilted towards.The sun is one.months in a yearHere comes the sun.These galaxies are a mix.The Sun is the other way.After Winter/neutral tilt.After Summer/neutral tilt.The Milky Way is this type.June 20 or so, longest day.We are in the Milky Way ______?December 20 or so, longest night.September/March, equal day night....

Seasons(Weather) 2023-07-26

Seasons(Weather) crossword puzzle
  1. It's frozen water crystals falling from the sky, typical in winter.
  2. It's the season between autumn and spring, known for cold weather and snow.
  3. Change It's the transition between different seasons throughout the year.
  4. It's a measure of how hot or cold the air is.
  5. It's water droplets falling from the sky, typical in spring and sometimes in summer.
  6. It's the time when it's dark outside, and the moon and stars are visible.
  7. It's a visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals in the sky.
  1. It's the season between winter and summer, known for blooming flowers and warmer weather.
  2. It's the movement of air from one place to another.
  3. It's the season between spring and autumn, known for hot weather and longer days.
  4. It's the star in our solar system that provides light and warmth.
  5. It's the season between summer and winter, known for colorful leaves and cooler temperatures.
  6. It refers to the day-to-day atmospheric conditions, such as rain, snow, or sunshine.
  7. It's the time when day and night are of equal length, occurring in spring and autumn.
  8. It's the time when the sun is visible during the day.

15 Clues: It's a measure of how hot or cold the air is.It's the movement of air from one place to another.It's the time when the sun is visible during the day.It's the star in our solar system that provides light and warmth.It's a visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals in the sky.It's frozen water crystals falling from the sky, typical in winter....

Winter 2022-11-25

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. temperature
  2. snow on the ground
  3. month
  1. boot for sliding on ice
  2. long, thin piece of ice
  3. team game

6 Clues: monthteam gametemperaturesnow on the groundboot for sliding on icelong, thin piece of ice

Winter 2019-01-25

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. People do this sport in winter for fun
  2. We feel this when it's cold outside
  1. People love to drink this when it's cold outside
  2. He knows when you are sleeping and when you are awake
  3. They guide Santa's sleigh
  4. He's green and known for stealing all your presents

6 Clues: They guide Santa's sleighWe feel this when it's cold outsidePeople do this sport in winter for funPeople love to drink this when it's cold outsideHe's green and known for stealing all your presentsHe knows when you are sleeping and when you are awake

winter 2019-01-22

winter crossword puzzle
  1. in de zomer is het warm maar nu is het
  2. de vader en moeder hebben 1
  3. in de herfst valt regen, in de winter valt er
  1. je hebt geen huis
  2. bruin is een
  3. dit komt na de herfst

6 Clues: bruin is eenje hebt geen huisdit komt na de herfstde vader en moeder hebben 1in de zomer is het warm maar nu is hetin de herfst valt regen, in de winter valt er

winter 2021-03-15

winter crossword puzzle
  1. - house made of snow
  2. chocolate - hot and yummy
  3. man - the man made of snow
  4. - the color is white
  5. - cold and harsh
  1. - Christmas
  2. - winter holidays

7 Clues: - Christmas- cold and harsh- winter holidays- house made of snow- the color is whitechocolate - hot and yummyman - the man made of snow

Winter 2023-03-10

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. This sport is like snowboarding but rather than one board, it involves two. It also requires poles.
  2. This is a sport involving ice skating and pucks.
  3. The opposite of hot
  4. Figure ____ is like dancing, but on ice.
  1. This winter sport is like surfing, but instead of going over waves in the ocean, you go down a snowy mountain.
  2. A piece of ice that hangs down from the edge of a roof

6 Clues: The opposite of hotFigure ____ is like dancing, but on ice.This is a sport involving ice skating and pucks.A piece of ice that hangs down from the edge of a roofThis sport is like snowboarding but rather than one board, it involves two. It also requires poles....

winter 2023-05-11

winter crossword puzzle
  1. chocolate made with marshmallow and candy cane
  2. Man that gives gifts
  3. what people need during chrismas
  1. supprises from people
  2. canes red and white peppermint stick
  3. white stuff from the sky

6 Clues: Man that gives giftssupprises from peoplewhite stuff from the skywhat people need during chrismascanes red and white peppermint stickchocolate made with marshmallow and candy cane

Winter 2014-01-07

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. kalter Mann
  2. Sportgerät
  1. kein Unterricht
  2. Arbeitsgerät
  3. nicht warm
  4. damit fahre ich durch den Schnee

6 Clues: nicht warmSportgerätkalter MannArbeitsgerätkein Unterrichtdamit fahre ich durch den Schnee

Winter 2015-05-30

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Emmas's favourite animal
  2. Clare's favourite activity
  1. a difficult winter sport
  2. Ben plays this all the time
  3. Daddy is going to try to run half of one of these
  4. football team at the bottom of the ladder

6 Clues: Emmas's favourite animala difficult winter sportClare's favourite activityBen plays this all the timefootball team at the bottom of the ladderDaddy is going to try to run half of one of these

Winter 2021-12-02

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Greenery for Christmas
  2. When it's cold
  3. Bright on your house
  1. Gift on Christmas morning
  2. Who you live with
  3. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

6 Clues: When it's coldWho you live withBright on your houseGreenery for ChristmasGift on Christmas morningI'm dreaming of a white Christmas

Winter 2022-02-22

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. frozen water
  2. common winter wear
  3. children like to make them from snow
  1. winter storm
  2. festival during winter
  3. to be worn on head

6 Clues: winter stormfrozen watercommon winter wearto be worn on headfestival during winterchildren like to make them from snow

Winter 2021-12-20

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Wer fehlt heute?
  2. Welchen Vornamen gibt es in unserer Klasse doppelt?
  3. Bald ist .......?
  4. Haben wir heute Schule?
  1. Wie heißt die Lehrerin?
  2. Wie heißt der Lehrer?

6 Clues: Wer fehlt heute?Bald ist .......?Wie heißt der Lehrer?Wie heißt die Lehrerin?Haben wir heute Schule?Welchen Vornamen gibt es in unserer Klasse doppelt?

Winter 2023-12-15

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. A season that is cold.
  2. a flake of snow.
  3. a small wild canine.
  1. a feathered animal.
  2. an animal who leads Santa's sleigh.
  3. Frozen raindrops.

6 Clues: a flake of snow.Frozen raindrops.a feathered animal.a small wild canine.A season that is animal who leads Santa's sleigh.

Winter 2024-01-18

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. when you are a little cold
  2. frozen rain in tiny crystal form
  3. big white predator
  1. completely unique crystal
  2. a tasty warm treat
  3. wear this to feel warm and cozy

6 Clues: a tasty warm treatbig white predatorcompletely unique crystalwhen you are a little coldwear this to feel warm and cozyfrozen rain in tiny crystal form

winter 2024-03-11

winter crossword puzzle
  1. Frozen water that falls from the sky in white flakes when it is cold.
  2. Frozen water, often found on the ground or in bodies of water during winter.
  3. A figure made of snow, typically shaped like a person with a carrot for a nose, coal for eyes, and sticks for arms.
  1. Hand coverings worn for warmth and protection, typically made of fabric or leather.
  2. A long piece of cloth worn around the neck for warmth or style.
  3. A warm garment worn over clothes for protection against cold weather.

6 Clues: A long piece of cloth worn around the neck for warmth or style.Frozen water that falls from the sky in white flakes when it is cold.A warm garment worn over clothes for protection against cold weather.Frozen water, often found on the ground or in bodies of water during winter....

winter 2024-01-31

winter crossword puzzle
  1. my middle name
  2. favorite animal
  3. favorite color
  1. how many times have I dyed my hair
  2. original hair color
  3. how many animals do I have

6 Clues: my middle namefavorite colorfavorite animaloriginal hair colorhow many animals do I havehow many times have I dyed my hair

Winter 2024-05-22

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. (Keeps you warm in the cold)
  2. (Frozen water on the ground)[3]
  3. (Keeps hands warm)[6]
  4. (Wintery blow)[4]
  1. (Makes you shiver)[5]
  2. (White stuff falling from sky)[4]

6 Clues: (Wintery blow)[4](Makes you shiver)[5](Keeps hands warm)[6](Keeps you warm in the cold)(Frozen water on the ground)[3](White stuff falling from sky)[4]

PeyongChang 2018 2017-11-01

PeyongChang 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. Played at the 2017 Bridgestone Winter Classic
  2. First contested in Norway in the late 19th century
  3. __________ skiing emerged from a need to travel over snow-covered terrain
  4. Cross-country skiing + ski jumping
  5. PyeongChang 2018 mascot
  6. Number of Olympic Rings
  7. teams make timed runs down narrow, twisting, banked, iced tracks in a gravity-powered sled
  8. Number of new medal events
  9. __________skating was first contested in the Olympic Games at the 1908 Summer Olympics
  10. Competitors will be shreddin' the gnar on one
  11. Competing in __________ skating in the 80s and 90s, Bonnie Blair became one of the most decorated Winter Olympic athletes
  12. Never before a mixed-doubles event
  1. Not to be confused with the bobsleigh
  2. Held on a 111.111 meter track
  3. sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting
  4. Host city of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games
  5. __________ skiing features aerials, moguls, cross, half-pipe and slopestyle
  6. __________skiing, also downhill skiing
  7. No bones about it, __________ racing involves plummeting head-first down a steep and treacherous ice track on a tiny sled

19 Clues: PyeongChang 2018 mascotNumber of Olympic RingsNumber of new medal eventsHeld on a 111.111 meter trackCross-country skiing + ski jumpingNever before a mixed-doubles eventNot to be confused with the bobsleigh__________skiing, also downhill skiingHost city of the 2018 Winter Olympic GamesPlayed at the 2017 Bridgestone Winter Classic...

spelling words 2023-01-23

spelling words crossword puzzle
  1. take other peoples things
  2. something you do when it snows
  3. put on cakes
  4. cover presents in
  5. do this when your happy
  6. a winter sport
  7. something that happens in winter
  1. show affection
  2. drinking some liquid
  3. trip over something and slide
  4. hurting someone repeatedly
  5. make with your mouth

12 Clues: put on cakesshow affectiona winter sportcover presents indrinking some liquidmake with your mouthdo this when your happytake other peoples thingshurting someone repeatedlytrip over something and slidesomething you do when it snowssomething that happens in winter

Winter 2018-01-16

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Feiertag am 24. Dezember
  2. Wintersportart auf dem Eis
  3. Wird zu Weihnachten geschmückt
  1. Beliebteste Wintersportart
  2. Tiere die im Winter keine Nahrung brauchen halten...
  3. Wird aus drei Schneekugeln und einem Hut gebaut

6 Clues: Feiertag am 24. DezemberBeliebteste WintersportartWintersportart auf dem EisWird zu Weihnachten geschmücktWird aus drei Schneekugeln und einem Hut gebautTiere die im Winter keine Nahrung brauchen halten...

winter 2014-01-12

winter crossword puzzle
  1. snow fort
  2. something you make and have fights with
  3. winter sport down mountain
  4. statue you make in snow
  1. things you wear on hands
  2. sports event every four years

6 Clues: snow fortstatue you make in snowthings you wear on handswinter sport down mountainsports event every four yearssomething you make and have fights with

Winter 2014-01-07

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. damit fahre ich durch den Schnee
  2. Arbeitsgerät
  1. kein Unterricht
  2. Sportgerät
  3. nicht warm
  4. kalter Mann

6 Clues: Sportgerätnicht warmkalter MannArbeitsgerätkein Unterrichtdamit fahre ich durch den Schnee

Winter 2023-01-31

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. white, soft and sometimes hard
  2. you can do backflip and ride on snow piles
  3. Snowballs, eyes and one carrot
  4. very hard and slippery
  1. you can slide forward and do tricks
  2. very small and fine

6 Clues: very small and finevery hard and slipperywhite, soft and sometimes hardSnowballs, eyes and one carrotyou can slide forward and do tricksyou can do backflip and ride on snow piles

Winter 2022-04-23

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. a best friend made in the snow.
  2. a throwing device made from snow.
  3. angel an imprint of a angel in the snow.
  1. a nice hot drink.
  2. something you can catch on your tongue.
  3. a fun snow event.

6 Clues: a nice hot drink.a fun snow event.a best friend made in the snow.a throwing device made from snow.something you can catch on your tongue.angel an imprint of a angel in the snow.

winter 2019-12-17

winter crossword puzzle
  1. you decorate it.
  2. takes bad children.
  3. keeps you warm.
  4. you can build with it.
  1. pretty paper over it.
  2. delivers at night.

6 Clues: keeps you decorate it.delivers at night.takes bad children.pretty paper over can build with it.

Winter 2023-11-13

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Welke kleur staat in de advendskrans voor hoop
  2. Welke feestdag valt er op 25 december
  3. Welke feestdag valt er op 6 december
  4. Op welk dier zat Maria
  1. Wat valt er op 14 februari
  2. Op welke dag begint de winter

6 Clues: Op welk dier zat MariaWat valt er op 14 februariOp welke dag begint de winterWelke feestdag valt er op 6 decemberWelke feestdag valt er op 25 decemberWelke kleur staat in de advendskrans voor hoop

Winter 2023-11-24

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. A round mass of snow that can be thrown
  2. Low temperature, making things feel chilly
  3. Inside or within a building or house
  4. Turned into ice due to extremely low temperatures
  1. A large piece of cloth used to keep warm
  2. Covered with or having a lot of snow

6 Clues: Covered with or having a lot of snowInside or within a building or houseA round mass of snow that can be thrownA large piece of cloth used to keep warmLow temperature, making things feel chillyTurned into ice due to extremely low temperatures

winter 2023-12-22

winter crossword puzzle
  1. it's cold
  2. holiday
  3. a white ball
  1. made of snow
  2. hot dirnk
  3. only in winter

6 Clues: holidayhot dirnkit's coldmade of snowa white ballonly in winter

winter 2024-01-23

winter crossword puzzle
  1. something you ride down on a steep hill
  2. angle you go in to the snow and lay down
  3. ball it is made out of snow and, you throw it at someone
  4. day you don't go to school and its a _______
  1. skating you go on ice and wear shoes with blades
  2. its made out of 3 big snow balls
  3. flakes that fall from the sky and are white
  4. surf boarding but in the summer

8 Clues: surf boarding but in the summerits made out of 3 big snow ballssomething you ride down on a steep hillflakes that fall from the sky and are whiteangle you go in to the snow and lay downday you don't go to school and its a _______skating you go on ice and wear shoes with bladesball it is made out of snow and, you throw it at someone

Winter 2024-05-22

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. (Keeps you warm in the cold)
  2. (Frozen water on the ground)[3]
  3. (Keeps hands warm)[6]
  4. (Wintery blow)[4]
  1. (Makes you shiver)[5]
  2. (White stuff falling from sky)[4]

6 Clues: (Wintery blow)[4](Makes you shiver)[5](Keeps hands warm)[6](Keeps you warm in the cold)(Frozen water on the ground)[3](White stuff falling from sky)[4]

Winter Karen Govaert. 2014-01-07

Winter Karen Govaert. crossword puzzle
  1. dat krijgen we soms tijdens een les IO
  2. is een vak waarbij je heel erg creatief moet zijn
  3. het is een vak over onze taal
  4. opdrachten is een vak dat je alleen in deze richting vind
  5. opvoeding het is een vak waarbij elk kind hem eens kan uitleven
  6. is een vak waarbij je alles te weten komt over de natuur
  7. is een vak dat heel makkelijk is en vooral gespreekt word in engeland
  8. is een taal / vak dat we nu dit jaar nog niet krijgen
  1. is een vak waar je veel te weten komt over computers
  2. wetenschappen is een vak waar wij dit jaar voor gekozen hebben
  3. is een vak waarbij je alles komt te weten over de wereld en steden enzo..
  4. is een taal dat wij hier niet op deze school kunnen krijgen / volgen
  5. het is een taal die heel moeilijk is & gebruikt wordt in frankrijk
  6. is een vak dat bijna niemand heel erg leuk vind
  7. hoe onze studie richting noemt

15 Clues: het is een vak over onze taalhoe onze studie richting noemtdat krijgen we soms tijdens een les IOis een vak dat bijna niemand heel erg leuk vindis een vak waarbij je heel erg creatief moet zijnis een vak waar je veel te weten komt over computersis een taal / vak dat we nu dit jaar nog niet krijgen...

winter Ines Tuytschaever 2014-01-21

winter Ines Tuytschaever crossword puzzle
  1. is groen en lijkt op een appel
  2. vanbuiten is het groen en van binnen wit
  3. je hebt het in het geel,groen en oranje
  4. het zit in iets bruin en vanbinnen pitjes en je hebt het in groen en geel
  5. het is rood met zwarte pintjes vanbuiten
  6. het wordt gebruikt met Helloween om gezichten in te maken
  7. de steel bevat meerdere bladeren
  1. het is een hartvormig en rood
  2. het is groen of rood
  3. het is rond
  4. is een kleine oranje rondje
  5. wie is er dol op een banaan
  6. als je het pelt moet je wenen
  7. van welk fruit maken ze wijn
  8. het is rood met een groen steeltje

15 Clues: het is rondhet is groen of roodis een kleine oranje rondjewie is er dol op een banaanvan welk fruit maken ze wijnhet is een hartvormig en roodals je het pelt moet je wenenis groen en lijkt op een appelde steel bevat meerdere bladerenhet is rood met een groen steeltjeje hebt het in het geel,groen en oranjevanbuiten is het groen en van binnen wit...

Winter Chloë Godaert 2014-01-21

Winter Chloë Godaert crossword puzzle
  1. Het is rond, langs de buitenkant is het geel of rood. Binnenin is het wit of geel. Binnenin zit er een dikke, rode pit in.
  2. Het is groot, rond, geel en bovenaan zijn er groene blaadjes die uitsteken.
  3. De buitenkant is paars. Binnenin is het geel en zitten er groene pitjes in.
  4. Tegengestelde van framblij.
  5. Het is rond, groen en sappig.
  6. Het is binnenin geel/oranje. Langs de buitenkant is het rood, groen of geel.
  7. Het hangt aan een klein trosje met meestal 1 of 2. Het is rood, klein en rond. Binnenin zit er een pitje.
  1. Het is een klein,groen bolletje. Het hangt aan een tros.
  2. Het is rond en oranje. Je kan er sap van maken of gewoon opeten.
  3. Het is langwerpig en geel.
  4. Langs de buitenkant is het groen en binnenin rood. Er zitten kleine zwarte pitjes in.
  5. Het is klein, rood en het heeft kleine groene pitjes.
  6. De schil is groen en binnenin geel/oranje.
  7. Het is een fruitsoort met een groene schil. Het heeft is een harde fruitsoort.
  8. Het is rond, een bruine schil en binnenin is het groen. Het heeft kleine pitjes.

15 Clues: Het is langwerpig en geel.Tegengestelde van framblij.Het is rond, groen en sappig.De schil is groen en binnenin geel/oranje.Het is klein, rood en het heeft kleine groene pitjes.Het is een klein,groen bolletje. Het hangt aan een tros.Het is rond en oranje. Je kan er sap van maken of gewoon opeten....