winter Crossword Puzzles

8th Grade Spanish 2023-09-20

8th Grade Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. spring
  2. 20
  3. Hello
  4. Friday
  5. table
  6. computer
  7. bookbag
  8. pencil
  1. notebook
  2. Saturday
  3. winter
  4. chair
  5. window
  6. door
  7. It is hot.
  8. January
  9. book
  10. pen
  11. He/She wants
  12. there is there are

20 Clues: 20pendoorbookchairHellotablespringwinterwindowFridaypencilJanuarybookbagnotebookSaturdaycomputerIt is hot.He/She wantsthere is there are

La Ropa 2024-01-12

La Ropa crossword puzzle
  1. shirt
  2. suit
  3. tshirt
  4. necklace
  5. belt
  6. socks
  7. gloves
  8. bathing suit
  9. sandals
  1. tie
  2. dress
  3. sweater
  4. jacket
  5. winter hat
  6. scarf
  7. bracelet
  8. pants
  9. ring
  10. coat
  11. skirt
  12. boots
  13. earings

22 Clues: tiesuitringcoatbeltdressshirtscarfpantsskirtbootssocksjackettshirtglovessweatersandalsearingsbraceletnecklacewinter hatbathing suit

Jahreszeiten und Wetter 2023-10-11

Jahreszeiten und Wetter crossword puzzle
  1. mars
  2. aldri
  3. bursdag
  4. sjeldent
  5. veldig
  6. årstid
  7. Frühling
  8. sommer
  9. overskyet
  10. påskeferie
  11. fordi
  12. idag
  13. jul
  1. Winter
  2. regner
  3. varmt
  4. påske
  5. snø
  6. høst
  7. snør
  8. alltid
  9. desember
  10. iblant

23 Clues: snøjulmarshøstsnøridagvarmtaldripåskefordiWinterregnerveldigårstidsommeralltidiblantbursdagsjeldentFrühlingdesemberoverskyetpåskeferie

Crossword 2024-01-31

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. muzej
  2. dosadno
  3. cilim
  4. zima
  5. kengur
  6. frizider
  7. strasno
  8. lijepo
  9. papuce
  10. glava
  11. usi
  1. supa
  2. ljeto
  3. brat
  4. sporo
  5. kosa
  6. tesko
  7. nikada
  8. oci
  9. uvijek
  10. veliko
  11. zirafa
  12. skola

23 Clues: ociusisupabratkosazimaljetosporomuzejcilimteskoskolaglavanikadakenguruvijekvelikolijepozirafapapucedosadnostrasnofrizider

THE SEASONS las estaciones 2024-07-24

THE SEASONS las estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. summer
  2. breeze
  3. rain
  4. flowers
  5. orange
  6. frozen
  7. spring
  8. sun
  9. ice cream
  10. change
  11. leaves
  12. snowman
  13. sunset
  1. trees
  2. beach
  3. winter
  4. life
  5. umbrella
  6. white
  7. snow
  8. animals
  9. autumn
  10. green

23 Clues: sunrainlifesnowtreesbeachwhitegreensummerbreezewinterorangefrozenspringautumnchangeleavessunsetflowersanimalssnowmanumbrellaice cream


  1. зима
  2. Красный
  3. облачно
  4. Белый
  5. Яблоко
  6. бабушка
  7. Виноград
  8. Розовый
  9. 11
  10. Черный
  11. солнечно
  1. Киви
  2. 20
  3. Коричневый
  4. лето
  5. ветрено
  6. Груша
  7. весна
  8. ананас
  9. 15
  10. арбуз
  11. дядя
  12. Зелёный

23 Clues: 201511КивизималетодядяГрушаБелыйвеснаарбузЯблокоананасЧерныйКрасныйоблачноветренобабушкаЗелёныйРозовыйВиноградсолнечноКоричневый

Estaciones, meses y días 2013-01-10

Estaciones, meses y días crossword puzzle
  1. January
  2. March
  3. December
  4. Saturday
  5. Wednesday
  6. February
  7. Winter
  8. July
  9. Friday
  10. August
  11. Autumn
  1. October
  2. Tuesday
  3. September
  4. April
  5. Spring
  6. November
  7. Sunday
  8. Monday
  9. Thursday
  10. Summer
  11. June
  12. May

23 Clues: MayJulyJuneMarchAprilSpringSundayMondayWinterFridaySummerAugustAutumnJanuaryOctoberTuesdayDecemberSaturdayNovemberFebruaryThursdaySeptemberWednesday

For Ilya 2 2013-02-11

For Ilya 2 crossword puzzle
  1. жаркий
  2. лето
  3. обычно
  4. интересный
  5. часто
  6. отец
  7. декабрь
  8. никогда
  9. октябрь
  10. знать
  1. становиться
  2. август
  3. зима
  4. среда
  5. вместе
  6. старый
  7. семья
  8. думать
  9. друг
  10. холодный
  11. месяц
  12. благодарить
  13. работать

23 Clues: летозимаотецдругсредачастосемьямесяцзнатьжаркийавгустобычновместестарыйдуматьдекабрьникогдаоктябрьхолодныйработатьинтересныйстановитьсяблагодарить

crossword 2013-11-13

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Lunedì
  2. Ottobre
  3. Novembre
  4. Settembre
  5. Giovedì
  6. Giugno
  7. Gennaio
  8. Luglio
  9. Agosto
  10. Maggio
  11. Marzo
  12. Aprile
  1. autunno
  2. Venerdì
  3. Mercoledì
  4. Dicembre
  5. Sabato
  6. inverno
  7. Febbraio
  8. Martedì
  9. primavera
  10. Domenica
  11. estate

23 Clues: MarzoLunedìSabatoGiugnoLuglioAgostoestateMaggioAprileautunnoVenerdìOttobreinvernoMartedìGiovedìGennaioDicembreNovembreFebbraioDomenicaMercoledìSettembreprimavera

Months, Days, Seasons 2014-01-28

Months, Days, Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Thursday
  2. June
  3. Sunday
  4. Summer
  5. Wednesday
  6. October
  7. September
  8. Monday
  9. February
  10. Fall
  1. July
  2. Saturday
  3. April
  4. Winter
  5. November
  6. Friday
  7. March
  8. Tuesday
  9. December
  10. Spring
  11. January
  12. August
  13. May

23 Clues: MayJulyJuneFallAprilMarchWinterFridaySundaySummerSpringMondayAugustTuesdayOctoberJanuaryThursdaySaturdayNovemberDecemberFebruaryWednesdaySeptember

Weather French 2017-02-22

Weather French crossword puzzle
  1. summer
  2. Spring
  3. cloud
  4. freezing
  5. thunder
  6. humid
  7. sun
  8. the hurricane
  9. It’s very cold
  10. rain
  11. tornado
  1. snow
  2. storm
  3. wind
  4. blizzard
  5. frozen
  6. hail
  7. windy
  8. autumn
  9. winter
  10. ice
  11. Verglace

22 Clues: icesunsnowwindhailrainstormcloudwindyhumidsummerSpringfrozenautumnwinterthundertornadoblizzardfreezingVerglacethe hurricaneIt’s very cold

Prevedi 2017-10-15

Prevedi crossword puzzle
  1. VOLK
  3. JESEN
  5. JEŽ
  7. HRANA
  8. VIDRA
  9. REKA
  10. SOVA
  1. PLES
  2. BOBER
  3. ZIMA
  4. GOZD
  7. JELEN
  8. DREVO
  9. ZAJEC
  10. MRAZ
  11. PESEM


Spanish Date Words 2019-11-07

Spanish Date Words crossword puzzle
  1. week
  2. viernes
  3. today
  4. sabado
  5. seasons
  6. spring
  7. Sunday
  8. yesterday
  9. lunes
  10. Thursday
  1. otoño
  2. day before yesterday
  3. Wednesday
  4. weekend
  5. cumpleaños
  6. señor. pescador
  7. mañana
  8. winter
  9. día festivo
  10. Tuesday
  11. verano

21 Clues: weekotoñotodaylunesmañanasabadospringwinterSundayveranoweekendviernesseasonsTuesdayThursdayWednesdayyesterdaycumpleañosdía festivoseñor. pescadorday before yesterday

Das Jahr 2021-02-08

Das Jahr crossword puzzle
  1. drei
  2. fsd
  3. jkdlsa
  4. jk
  5. kl
  6. hkl
  7. jkji
  8. dfsfs
  9. erster
  10. fad
  11. jklh
  12. nkh
  13. nklö
  1. f
  2. fd
  3. gs
  4. kl
  5. zweiter
  6. jkhl
  7. klj
  8. lköö
  9. jkl
  10. dsf
  11. vier

24 Clues: ffdgsjkklklfsdhklkljfadjkldsfnkhdreijkhljkjilkööjklhviernklödfsfsjkdlsaersterzweiter

Los días, los meses y las estaciones (no accents) 2020-04-03

Los días, los meses y las estaciones (no accents) crossword puzzle
  1. May
  2. April
  3. October
  4. Spring
  5. December
  6. June
  7. November
  8. March
  9. Thursday
  10. Friday
  11. Saturday
  12. Summer
  13. Fall
  1. July
  2. Wednesday
  3. September
  4. January
  5. February
  6. Monday
  7. Sunday
  8. Winter
  9. Tuesday
  10. August

23 Clues: MayJulyJuneFallAprilMarchSpringMondaySundayWinterFridayAugustSummerOctoberJanuaryTuesdayFebruaryDecemberNovemberThursdaySaturdayWednesdaySeptember

Stagione, mesi, giorni della settimana 2020-06-16

Stagione, mesi, giorni della settimana crossword puzzle
  1. November
  2. Spring
  3. Thursday
  4. July
  5. Sunday
  6. February
  7. May
  8. September
  9. August
  10. January
  11. Friday
  12. Winter
  13. Saturday
  1. December
  2. October
  3. Tuesday
  4. March
  5. Monday
  6. Summer
  7. Wednesday
  8. April
  9. Autumn
  10. June

23 Clues: MayJulyJuneMarchAprilSpringMondaySundaySummerAugustAutumnFridayWinterOctoberTuesdayJanuaryDecemberNovemberThursdayFebruarySaturdayWednesdaySeptember

Spanish Weather & Body 2020-10-02

Spanish Weather & Body crossword puzzle
  1. hand
  2. eye
  3. arm
  4. leg
  5. head
  6. winter
  7. Its windy
  8. stomach
  9. foot
  10. spring
  1. Its cold
  2. Its hot
  3. mouth
  4. its snowing
  5. nose
  6. finger
  7. summer
  8. its raining
  9. Its sunny
  10. fall

20 Clues: eyearmleghandnoseheadfootfallmouthfingerwintersummerspringIts hotstomachIts coldIts sunnyIts windyits rainingits snowing

El Calendario 2021-10-15

El Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. week
  2. weather
  3. spring
  4. today
  5. month
  6. date
  7. birthday
  8. November
  9. Thursday
  10. year
  11. twenty-nine
  1. summer
  2. Wednesday
  3. tomorrow
  4. thirty-three
  5. yesterday
  6. fall
  7. winter
  8. season
  9. January
  10. sixteen
  11. day

22 Clues: dayweekdatefallyeartodaymonthsummerspringwinterseasonweatherJanuarysixteentomorrowbirthdayNovemberThursdayWednesdayyesterdaytwenty-ninethirty-three

Spanish Vocab 2021-10-11

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. November
  2. it's sunny
  3. December
  4. July
  5. summer
  6. April
  7. May
  8. fall
  9. October
  10. March
  11. it's windy
  12. it's rainy
  1. it's snowing
  2. February
  3. it's windy
  4. June
  5. September
  6. August
  7. it's cold
  8. spring
  9. January
  10. winter

22 Clues: MayJulyJunefallAprilMarchsummerAugustspringwinterOctoberJanuaryFebruaryNovemberDecemberSeptemberit's coldit's sunnyit's windyit's windyit's rainyit's snowing

Español 1 In Class Quiz 7 2021-11-11

Español 1 In Class Quiz 7 crossword puzzle
  1. which
  2. if
  3. who
  4. because
  5. where to
  6. but
  7. while
  8. fall
  9. how many
  10. and
  1. por qué
  2. how
  3. which ones
  4. spring
  5. summer
  6. what
  7. winter
  8. how much
  9. when
  10. where
  11. or

21 Clues: iforhowwhobutandwhatwhenfallwhichwherewhilespringsummerwinterpor québecausehow muchwhere tohow manywhich ones

Months, Days of the week and Seasons 2021-09-29

Months, Days of the week and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. july
  2. august
  3. november
  4. summer
  5. fall
  6. tuesday
  7. monday
  8. saturday
  9. september
  10. sunday
  11. june
  12. march
  13. thursday
  1. winter
  2. wednesday
  3. friday
  4. spring
  5. october
  6. january
  7. february
  8. april
  9. december
  10. may

23 Clues: mayjulyfalljuneaprilmarchwinteraugustfridaysummerspringmondaysundayoctobertuesdayjanuarynovemberfebruarysaturdaydecemberthursdaywednesdayseptember

Days, months, seasons 2023-05-08

Days, months, seasons crossword puzzle
  1. prosinac
  2. srpanj
  3. lipanj
  4. kolovoz
  5. nedjelja
  6. subota
  7. zima
  8. svibanj
  9. utorak
  10. ožujak
  11. ponedjeljak
  12. listopad
  13. proljeće
  1. jesen
  2. petak
  3. siječanj
  4. četvrtak
  5. veljača
  6. rujan
  7. srijeda
  8. travanj
  9. ljeto
  10. studeni

23 Clues: zimajesenpetakrujanljetosrpanjlipanjsubotautorakožujakveljačakolovozsrijedasvibanjtravanjstudeniprosinacsiječanjčetvrtaknedjeljalistopadproljećeponedjeljak

Exploratory French 2022-11-02

Exploratory French crossword puzzle
  1. nationality
  2. age
  3. Mr.
  4. Miss
  5. spring
  6. tomorrow
  7. weather
  8. day
  9. goodbye
  10. month
  11. well
  12. summer
  1. hi
  2. date
  3. when
  4. birthday
  5. today
  6. hello
  7. Mrs.
  8. fall
  9. bad
  10. where
  11. winter

23 Clues: hiageMr.daybaddatewhenMissMrs.fallwelltodayhellowheremonthspringwintersummerweathergoodbyebirthdaytomorrownationality

Zach Vocabulaire 2022-12-27

Zach Vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. Saturday
  2. Door
  3. Eraser
  4. Wednesday
  5. Spring
  6. To read
  7. French fries
  8. Winter
  9. Summer
  10. Tuesday
  11. Thursday
  1. Monday
  2. Autumn
  3. Sunday
  4. To travel
  5. To swim
  6. To eat
  7. Ruler
  8. Pizza
  9. French
  10. Friday

21 Clues: DoorRulerPizzaMondayAutumnSundayEraserSpringTo eatFrenchWinterFridaySummerTo swimTo readTuesdaySaturdayThursdayTo travelWednesdayFrench fries

Seasons, months, and weather. No accents 2023-02-06

Seasons, months, and weather. No accents crossword puzzle
  1. January
  2. it's raining
  3. March
  4. sun
  5. it's hot
  6. it's windy
  7. fall
  8. clouds
  9. october
  10. it's snowing
  1. summer
  2. a tornado
  3. July
  4. it's cold
  5. fog
  6. spring
  7. June
  8. winter
  9. wind
  10. december

20 Clues: fogsunJulyJunewindfallMarchsummerspringwintercloudsJanuaryoctoberit's hotdecembera tornadoit's coldit's windyit's rainingit's snowing

Atsaya 2023-02-06

Atsaya crossword puzzle
  1. rabbit
  2. snow
  3. milk
  4. chicken
  5. apple
  6. wolf
  7. water
  8. springtime
  9. winter
  10. baby fox
  11. adult
  1. mouse
  2. squirrel
  3. drink
  4. berries
  5. pancake
  6. autumn
  7. dog
  8. little animals
  9. little
  10. to mate
  11. summer

22 Clues: dogsnowmilkwolfmousedrinkapplewateradultrabbitautumnlittlewintersummerchickenberriespancaketo matesquirrelbaby foxspringtimelittle animals

La ropa/las estaciones 2023-01-29

La ropa/las estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. summer
  2. pants
  3. socks
  4. towear
  5. orange
  6. new
  7. spring
  8. blue
  9. tobelucky
  10. red
  11. ugly
  12. tobehot
  1. pants
  2. shoes
  3. blouse
  4. jacket
  5. tshirt
  6. yellow
  7. shirt
  8. black
  9. winter
  10. white
  11. dress
  12. green

24 Clues: newredblueuglypantsshoespantssocksshirtblackwhitedressgreensummerblousejackettoweartshirtyelloworangewinterspringtobehottobelucky

Weather Project Crossword 2023-01-31

Weather Project Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. summer
  2. january
  3. july
  4. easy
  5. april
  6. march
  7. boring
  8. pen
  9. printemps spring
  10. december
  11. may
  12. calculator
  13. awful
  1. fall
  2. winter
  3. june
  4. notebook
  5. horrible
  6. october
  7. cellphone
  8. shorts
  9. amusing
  10. difficult
  11. boring

24 Clues: penmayfalljulyjuneeasyaprilmarchawfulsummerwintershortsboringboringjanuaryoctoberamusingnotebookhorribledecembercellphonedifficultcalculatorprintemps spring

FR1 days of the week/months/seasons 2022-09-26

FR1 days of the week/months/seasons crossword puzzle
  1. July
  2. Sunday
  3. February
  4. June
  5. Thursday
  6. August
  7. November
  8. Wednesday
  9. Winter
  10. September
  11. May
  1. Fall
  2. October
  3. April
  4. January
  5. December
  6. Spring
  7. Monday
  8. Saturday
  9. Tuesday
  10. March
  11. Friday
  12. summer

23 Clues: MayFallJulyJuneAprilMarchSundaySpringMondayAugustWinterFridaysummerOctoberJanuaryTuesdayDecemberFebruarySaturdayThursdayNovemberWednesdaySeptember

Months, Seasons, Days of the Week 2022-09-21

Months, Seasons, Days of the Week crossword puzzle
  1. july
  2. friday
  3. june
  4. spring
  5. december
  6. september
  7. january
  8. october
  9. august
  10. wednesday
  11. may
  1. fall
  2. february
  3. thursday
  4. monday
  5. november
  6. winter
  7. march
  8. tuesday
  9. saturday
  10. sunday
  11. april
  12. summer

23 Clues: mayjulyfalljunemarchaprilmondayfridayspringwintersundayaugustsummertuesdayjanuaryoctoberfebruarythursdaynovemberdecembersaturdayseptemberwednesday

Les jours, semaines et saisons 2023-08-11

Les jours, semaines et saisons crossword puzzle
  1. April
  2. Autumn
  3. May
  4. June
  5. Tuesday
  6. Friday
  7. October
  8. July
  9. November
  10. March
  11. Summer
  1. December
  2. September
  3. January
  4. Monday
  5. Thursday
  6. Saturday
  7. Wednesday
  8. February
  9. Sunday
  10. Winter
  11. Spring
  12. August

23 Clues: MayJuneJulyAprilMarchMondayAutumnSundayWinterFridaySpringAugustSummerJanuaryTuesdayOctoberDecemberThursdaySaturdayFebruaryNovemberSeptemberWednesday


GÜNLER - AYLAR - MEVSİMLER crossword puzzle
  1. February
  2. Tuesday
  3. October
  4. August
  5. November
  6. September
  7. July
  8. Thursday
  9. Wednesday
  10. Automn
  11. January
  12. Summer
  1. Saturday
  2. May
  3. Monday
  4. Spring
  5. Friday
  6. Winter
  7. Sunday
  8. March
  9. December
  10. April
  11. June

23 Clues: MayJulyJuneMarchAprilMondayAugustSpringFridayWinterSundayAutomnSummerTuesdayOctoberJanuarySaturdayFebruaryNovemberThursdayDecemberSeptemberWednesday

El Calendario 2023-09-26

El Calendario crossword puzzle
  1. Fall
  2. December
  3. August
  4. Wednesday
  5. July
  6. February
  7. Winter
  8. March
  9. Spring
  10. Monday
  11. Thursday
  12. Saturday
  13. May
  14. Friday
  1. November
  2. Sunday
  3. September
  4. January
  5. Tuesday
  6. October
  7. June
  8. Summer
  9. April

23 Clues: MayFallJulyJuneMarchAprilSundayAugustWinterSpringSummerMondayFridayJanuaryTuesdayOctoberNovemberDecemberFebruaryThursdaySaturdaySeptemberWednesday

Days, Months, Seasons, 2023-10-03

Days, Months, Seasons, crossword puzzle
  1. august
  2. september
  3. december
  4. may
  5. july
  6. november
  7. thursday
  8. spring
  9. monday
  10. winter
  11. saturday
  1. february
  2. fall
  3. march
  4. october
  5. wednesday
  6. friday
  7. tuesday
  8. april
  9. sunday
  10. january
  11. june
  12. summer

23 Clues: mayfalljulyjunemarchaprilaugustfridaysundayspringmondaysummerwinteroctobertuesdayjanuaryfebruarydecembernovemberthursdaysaturdaywednesdayseptember


GÜNLER - AYLAR - MEVSİMLER crossword puzzle
  1. Friday
  2. Sunday
  3. Automn
  4. February
  5. October
  6. Saturday
  7. May
  8. Wednesday
  9. December
  10. November
  11. April
  1. Summer
  2. Monday
  3. Thursday
  4. June
  5. January
  6. March
  7. Winter
  8. Tuesday
  9. September
  10. August
  11. Spring
  12. July

23 Clues: MayJuneJulyMarchAprilSummerMondayFridaySundayAutomnWinterAugustSpringOctoberJanuaryTuesdayThursdayFebruarySaturdayDecemberNovemberSeptemberWednesday


GÜNLER - AYLAR - MEVSİMLER crossword puzzle
  1. Summer
  2. Friday
  3. September
  4. December
  5. July
  6. Monday
  7. January
  8. April
  9. May
  10. Thursday
  11. Wednesday
  1. February
  2. November
  3. Saturday
  4. Tuesday
  5. Spring
  6. Sunday
  7. August
  8. Automn
  9. March
  10. June
  11. October
  12. Winter

23 Clues: MayJulyJuneMarchAprilSpringSummerFridaySundayMondayAugustAutomnWinterTuesdayJanuaryOctoberFebruaryNovemberSaturdayDecemberThursdaySeptemberWednesday

RTI 2023-10-30

RTI crossword puzzle
  1. otoño
  2. invierno
  3. miércoles
  4. verano
  5. lunes
  6. noviembre
  7. abril
  8. agosto
  9. octubre
  10. martes
  11. julio
  12. diciembre
  13. enero
  1. viernes
  2. primavera
  3. mayo
  4. marzo
  5. sábado
  6. jueves
  7. domingo
  8. septiembre
  9. junio
  10. febrero

23 Clues: mayootoñolunesmarzoabriljuliojunioeneroveranosábadoagostojuevesmartesviernesoctubredomingofebreroinviernomiércolesprimaveranoviembrediciembreseptiembre

La Ropa 2023-12-13

La Ropa crossword puzzle
  1. hat
  2. shoes
  3. bathing suit
  4. high heels
  5. socks
  6. watch
  7. jacket
  8. boots
  9. pants
  1. coat
  2. clothing
  3. dress
  4. winter hat
  5. shorts
  6. scarf
  7. tennis shoes
  8. necklace
  9. t-shirt
  10. blouse
  11. skirt
  12. shirt

21 Clues: hatcoatdressscarfshoessocksskirtwatchbootsshirtpantsshortsblousejackett-shirtclothingnecklacewinter hathigh heelstennis shoesbathing suit

Find opposite word to 2023-12-03

Find opposite word to crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. day
  3. often
  4. ill
  5. start
  6. true
  7. none
  8. lady
  9. full
  10. open
  11. wife
  1. alive
  2. long
  3. loud
  4. near
  5. dirty
  6. late
  7. town
  8. light
  9. enjoy
  10. big
  11. domestic
  12. never

23 Clues: dayillbiglongloudnearlatetowntruenoneladyfullopenwifealivedirtyoftenlightenjoystartneverwinterdomestic

Spanish One Winter Vocab All Words 2024-02-02

Spanish One Winter Vocab All Words crossword puzzle
  1. regalo
  2. scarf
  3. stocking
  4. to slip
  5. glove
  6. paz
  7. toy
  8. to celebrate
  9. winter
  1. to give
  2. joy
  3. bota
  4. to wish
  5. snowman
  6. pino
  7. blanket
  8. abrigo
  9. pala
  10. to go up
  11. leña

20 Clues: joypaztoybotapinopalaleñascarfgloveregaloabrigowinterto giveto wishsnowmanblanketto slipstockingto go upto celebrate

The birds 2024-02-23

The birds crossword puzzle
  1. Brit
  2. sweet
  3. wheels
  4. math
  5. skull
  6. sheets
  7. lady
  8. a name
  9. compass
  10. snack
  11. mail
  12. sunny days
  1. comfy
  2. meat pie
  3. protection from rain/sun
  4. land
  5. flying
  6. milk
  7. winter cold
  8. kettles

20 Clues: Britmathlandladymilkmailcomfysweetskullsnackwheelsflyingsheetsa namecompasskettlesmeat piesunny dayswinter coldprotection from rain/sun

Las Estaciones By Sydney 2024-07-24

Las Estaciones By Sydney crossword puzzle
  1. Beach
  2. Squirell
  3. Sun
  4. Winter
  5. Pumpkin
  6. Autumn
  7. birds
  8. Flowers
  9. De calamelo Candy cane
  10. Summer
  1. Leaves
  2. honey
  3. arena Sandcastle
  4. Spring
  5. Bees
  6. Tan
  7. Snow
  8. Walnuts
  9. Christmas
  10. de Jengibre Gingerbread man

20 Clues: SunTanBeesSnowhoneyBeachbirdsLeavesSpringWinterAutumnSummerPumpkinWalnutsFlowersSquirellChristmasarena SandcastleDe calamelo Candy canede Jengibre Gingerbread man

Las Estaciones By Sydney 2024-07-24

Las Estaciones By Sydney crossword puzzle
  1. Beach
  2. Squirell
  3. Sun
  4. Winter
  5. Pumpkin
  6. Autumn
  7. birds
  8. Flowers
  9. De calamelo Candy cane
  10. Summer
  1. Leaves
  2. honey
  3. arena Sandcastle
  4. Spring
  5. Bees
  6. Tan
  7. Snow
  8. Walnuts
  9. Christmas
  10. de Jengibre Gingerbread man

20 Clues: SunTanBeesSnowhoneyBeachbirdsLeavesSpringWinterAutumnSummerPumpkinWalnutsFlowersSquirellChristmasarena SandcastleDe calamelo Candy canede Jengibre Gingerbread man


  1. зима
  2. Красный
  3. облачно
  4. Белый
  5. Яблоко
  6. бабушка
  7. Виноград
  8. Розовый
  9. 11
  10. Черный
  11. солнечно
  1. Киви
  2. 20
  3. Коричневый
  4. лето
  5. ветрено
  6. Груша
  7. весна
  8. ананас
  9. 15
  10. арбуз
  11. дядя
  12. Зелёный

23 Clues: 201511КивизималетодядяГрушаБелыйвеснаарбузЯблокоананасЧерныйКрасныйоблачноветренобабушкаЗелёныйРозовыйВиноградсолнечноКоричневый

Los meses, días, y las estaciones 2024-09-18

Los meses, días, y las estaciones crossword puzzle
  1. Wednesday
  2. winter
  3. July
  4. weekend
  5. Tuesday
  6. month
  7. spring
  8. April
  9. today
  10. fall
  11. week
  1. Sunday
  2. June
  3. January
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. Monday
  7. day
  8. season
  9. Saturday
  10. March
  11. summer
  12. yesterday

23 Clues: dayJuneJulyfallweekmonthMarchApriltodaySundayFridaywinterMondayseasonsummerspringJanuaryweekendTuesdayThursdaySaturdayWednesdayyesterday

Einheit 7 2021-04-14

Einheit 7 crossword puzzle
  1. podzim
  2. červen
  3. ptát se
  4. smutný
  5. léto
  6. čtvrt
  7. dárek
  8. syn
  9. dostat
  1. půl
  2. začít
  3. hodiny, hodina
  4. zima
  5. chlapec
  6. stát
  7. poschodí
  8. květen

17 Clues: půlsynzimalétostátzačítčtvrtdárekpodzimčervensmutnýdostatkvětenptát sechlapecposchodíhodiny, hodina

Weather by Desmopatty 2021-03-25

Weather by Desmopatty crossword puzzle
  1. you use it when it is rainy
  2. a flash of light
  3. large, destructive storm
  4. temperature in winter
  5. it rumbles “kaboom”!
  1. Scientist who studies the weather
  2. it blows
  3. temperature in Summer
  4. It falls in Winter
  5. ice crystals
  6. water falling in drops from the sky.

11 Clues: it blowsice crystalsa flash of lightIt falls in Winterit rumbles “kaboom”!temperature in Summertemperature in winterlarge, destructive stormyou use it when it is rainyScientist who studies the weatherwater falling in drops from the sky.

Unit 11 Festivals. Androcles and the lion 2019-03-31

Unit 11 Festivals. Androcles and the lion crossword puzzle
  1. Actors and musicians come from all over the ___________ for this summer festival
  2. a season when children have holidays in school
  3. he was very surprised, that lion did not eat Androcles on the arena
  4. In China people hang them for the autumn festival
  5. lion holded out his ___________
  6. a season when new flowers blossom
  7. they cought Androcles in the forest
  8. soldiers threw Androcles there to fight the lion
  9. In China for harvest festival people make cakes in the shape of __________
  10. there was a _________________ in lions paw
  1. a season when leaves on the trees change color and fall down
  2. the coldest season in the year
  3. in Spain people have fantastic ___________ at night during their spring festival
  4. a country where people have summer festival and invite musicians and actors
  5. a country where people make snow buildings and ice slides for winter festival
  6. we use this word in negative sentences instead of word "some"
  7. Androcles ran for hours and hours and stopped near the ____________
  8. in is a country where people make huge statues and then burn them for their spring festival
  9. In Japan people make statues of ________ for winter festival

19 Clues: the coldest season in the yearlion holded out his ___________a season when new flowers blossomthey cought Androcles in the forestthere was a _________________ in lions pawa season when children have holidays in schoolsoldiers threw Androcles there to fight the lionIn China people hang them for the autumn festival...

dieren in de winter 2014-01-25

dieren in de winter crossword puzzle
  1. Dit heb je nodig om een onderkoeld dier op te warmen.
  2. Diegene die je moet bellen wanneer je een onderkoeld dier vindt.
  3. Slapen in de winter en soms wakker worden om te eten.
  1. Dier met een zwarte rug en een witte buik dat op de Zuidpool leeft.
  2. Dier met een gewei.
  3. Dier met een witte vacht dat op de Noordpool leeft.
  4. De kikker en de vleermuis doen dit in de winter.
  5. Welk dier kan je niet zien in de winter? Een reiger of een uil?
  6. Vliegt naar warme landen in de winter.

9 Clues: Dier met een gewei.Vliegt naar warme landen in de winter.De kikker en de vleermuis doen dit in de winter.Dier met een witte vacht dat op de Noordpool leeft.Dit heb je nodig om een onderkoeld dier op te warmen.Slapen in de winter en soms wakker worden om te eten.Welk dier kan je niet zien in de winter? Een reiger of een uil?...

5F Spelling Crossword Week #11 2021-11-10

5F Spelling Crossword Week #11 crossword puzzle
  1. I think _____________ wood for the winter fire would be hard work.
  2. Sometimes fifth grade students react before _____________.
  3. The pirate told the sailor that the decks needed _________________.
  4. The cup was __________________ with coffee and difficult to carry.
  5. When we visited Maine we went _______________ on the beach.
  6. I like to wear ______________ in the winter because they are really warm.
  1. I hope to go __________________ down the kindergarten hill this winter.
  2. Many people ___________ up during the holidays due to tons of food and little exercise.
  3. The gymnast ________________ over and over during her floor routine.
  4. I hope to get __________________ by dieting.
  5. Jackson is __________________ an new sweater for Mr. Fye.
  6. Mr. Fye is ___________________ his hair to look good for picture retakes.
  7. I plan on ________________ delicious food over Thanksgiving break.

13 Clues: I hope to get __________________ by dieting.Jackson is __________________ an new sweater for Mr. Fye.Sometimes fifth grade students react before _____________.When we visited Maine we went _______________ on the beach.I think _____________ wood for the winter fire would be hard work.The cup was __________________ with coffee and difficult to carry....

The four seasons 2013-07-03

The four seasons crossword puzzle
  1. ligdol
  2. rach
  3. kaitz
  4. shayach le(mishu)
  5. ona
  6. aviv
  7. alim
  8. stav
  9. la'asot
  1. magafaim
  2. legaref
  3. acharey
  4. kfafot
  5. choref
  6. lirod leshakshek
  7. chol
  8. dli
  9. geshem

18 Clues: onadlirachcholavivalimstavkaitzligdolkfafotchorefgeshemlegarefachareyla'asotmagafaimlirod leshakshekshayach le(mishu)

Snowy Day Spanish 1 - La Dia de Nieve Espanol 1 2014-11-30

Snowy Day Spanish 1 - La Dia de Nieve Espanol 1 crossword puzzle
  1. lawn
  2. december
  3. New Year
  4. winter
  5. frost
  6. storm
  7. bush
  8. grass
  9. house
  1. to ski
  2. snow day
  3. snow
  4. february
  5. frozen
  6. snowfall
  7. Christmas
  8. tree
  9. january

18 Clues: lawnsnowtreebushfroststormgrasshouseto skiwinterfrozenjanuarydecembersnow dayNew YearfebruarysnowfallChristmas

weather 2022-03-29

weather crossword puzzle
  1. hot
  2. partly
  3. It'ssnowing
  4. goodweather
  5. Whatistheweatherlike?
  6. Autum
  7. winter
  8. It'sraining
  1. badweather
  2. hot
  3. cloudy
  4. spring
  5. cool/chilly
  6. windy
  7. snowing(n)
  8. itssunny
  9. raining(l)
  10. cold
  11. summer

19 Clues: hothotcoldwindyAutumcloudyspringpartlysummerwinteritssunnybadweathersnowing(n)raining(l)cool/chillyIt'ssnowinggoodweatherIt'srainingWhatistheweatherlike?

- 2017-11-09

- crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. ciepło
  4. słonecznie
  5. pada deszcz
  6. pochmurno
  7. zima
  8. wiosna
  9. 1
  1. wietrznie
  2. jesień
  3. burzowo
  4. pada śnieg
  5. zimno
  6. 3
  7. 2
  8. lato

17 Clues: 54321zimalatozimnojesieńciepłowiosnaburzowowietrzniepochmurnosłoneczniepada śniegpada deszcz

Clothes and seasons 2024-02-26

Clothes and seasons crossword puzzle
  1. koszula
  2. spodnie
  3. lato
  4. wiosna
  5. zima
  6. natura
  7. sweter
  1. drzewo
  2. spodenki
  3. kwiat
  4. jesień
  5. koszulka
  6. spódniczka
  7. buty
  8. pora roku
  9. płaszcz
  10. nosić

17 Clues: butylatozimakwiatnosićdrzewojesieńwiosnanaturasweterkoszulaspodniepłaszczspodenkikoszulkapora rokuspódniczka

Daily Class Content 2024-03-20

Daily Class Content crossword puzzle
  1. South
  2. Early Spring
  3. Autumn
  4. Morning
  5. Sage
  6. Evening
  7. Summer
  8. East
  9. Late Spring
  1. Night
  2. Sweetgrass
  3. Tobacco
  4. Cedar
  5. North
  6. Noon
  7. West
  8. Winter

17 Clues: NoonSageWestEastNightSouthCedarNorthAutumnSummerWinterTobaccoMorningEveningSweetgrassLate SpringEarly Spring

February Words and Jobs 2022-02-22

February Words and Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. chocolate
  2. singer
  3. carpenter
  4. winter hat
  5. gloves
  6. hairdresser
  7. Valentine's Day
  8. February
  9. teacher
  1. scientist
  2. farmer
  3. doctor
  4. love
  5. firefighter
  6. boots
  7. cook
  8. second

17 Clues: lovecookbootsfarmersingerdoctorglovessecondteacherFebruaryscientistchocolatecarpenterwinter hatfirefighterhairdresserValentine's Day

units 14-15 2016-04-09

units 14-15 crossword puzzle
  1. лето
  2. море
  3. волшебный
  4. зима
  5. туфли
  6. футболка
  7. цветок
  8. носить
  9. осень
  1. остров
  2. английский
  3. солнце
  4. погода
  5. музыка
  6. юбка
  7. весна
  8. нас, нам

17 Clues: летоморезимаюбкатуфливеснаосеньостровсолнцепогодамузыкацветокноситьфутболканас, намволшебныйанглийский

- 2017-11-09

- crossword puzzle
  1. burzowo
  2. 3
  3. pochmurno
  4. 2
  5. pada deszcz
  6. jesień
  7. lato
  8. wietrznie
  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. zimno
  4. pada śnieg
  5. ciepło
  6. wiosna
  7. zima
  8. 1
  9. słonecznie

17 Clues: 45321zimalatozimnociepłowiosnajesieńburzowopochmurnowietrzniepada śniegsłoneczniepada deszcz

December 2013 2013-12-02

December 2013 crossword puzzle
  1. Post-Christmas celebration
  2. "Its a ____ _____ Christmas, its the best time of the year"
  3. "The Nutcracker" dancer
  4. created y Coca Cola for the season.
  5. "The cold and frosty season of ___" (Chaucer)
  6. a create was stirring, not even a _______.
  7. Craig Newmark's popular online site, Craig's ___
  8. carols
  9. blessed
  10. Light show of the North
  11. North pole transport
  12. Vancouver's ______ Town
  1. Ski-lodge beverage
  2. hibernate
  3. Resolution time
  4. Going Down Hill
  5. First day of summer or winter
  6. cold
  7. "Doe, a ___..."
  8. decorate
  9. 'All our joys/Are but ___': Thomas Campion
  10. "T'is the season to be _______"
  11. Jewish festival this month
  12. "________ is better than receiving.
  13. "All I want for Christmas is my two front _________"

25 Clues: coldcarolsblesseddecoratehibernateResolution timeGoing Down Hill"Doe, a ___..."Ski-lodge beverageNorth pole transport"The Nutcracker" dancerLight show of the NorthVancouver's ______ TownPost-Christmas celebrationJewish festival this monthFirst day of summer or winter"T'is the season to be _______"created y Coca Cola for the season....

UK Wildlife 2020-11-26

UK Wildlife crossword puzzle
  1. spotty garden bird
  2. field and bank
  3. great crested is one
  4. flying south in the winter
  5. includes bees, wasps and moths
  6. seeds of the oak tree
  7. type of small toad
  8. fluffy tailed rodent
  9. frequently coppiced tree
  10. type of ladybird
  11. Oryctolagus cuniculus
  12. animals that eat others
  13. hibernates in winter
  14. red and grey
  1. type of falcon
  2. greater spotted, lesser and green
  3. Wildlife and .......... Act
  4. a beetle trap
  5. red breasted bird
  6. a water loving mustelid
  7. common woodland bird
  8. largest member of the weasel family
  9. Britain's only venomous snake
  10. large bird of prey
  11. type of owl
  12. make up much of the grass snake's diet
  13. tiny insectivore

27 Clues: type of owlred and greya beetle traptype of falconfield and banktype of ladybirdtiny insectivorered breasted birdspotty garden birdlarge bird of preytype of small toadgreat crested is onecommon woodland birdfluffy tailed rodenthibernates in winterseeds of the oak treeOryctolagus cuniculusa water loving mustelidanimals that eat others...

Duff 2021-02-26

Duff crossword puzzle
  1. Beagle
  2. number of grandchildren
  3. First born
  4. car
  5. cartographer study
  6. best baloney
  7. All Souls principle
  8. Laclede___
  9. The Black Vultures
  10. Colorado
  11. conjunction
  12. Auntie Babe telephone exchange
  13. park cabin town
  14. kids club
  15. exclamation
  16. type of jar
  17. astrology sign
  18. Bakery owner
  19. angling method
  20. pronoun
  21. wedding color
  22. beloved wife
  23. _____gazing
  1. mile high city
  2. French city
  3. telephone exchange abbreviation
  4. 6th grade teacher
  5. beer
  6. Human Resources
  7. first car
  8. winter sport
  9. outdoor gear
  10. day of birth
  11. 6 and 7 grade location
  12. St Louis landmark
  13. vehicle driver
  14. high school mascot
  15. preposition
  16. White___
  17. nature walk
  18. mountain chain
  19. Dr and Lou

42 Clues: carbeerBeaglepronounColoradoWhite___first carkids clubFirst bornLaclede___Dr and LouFrench cityconjunctionexclamationprepositiontype of jarnature walk_____gazingbest baloneywinter sportoutdoor gearday of birthBakery ownerbeloved wifewedding colormile high cityvehicle driverastrology signangling methodmountain chainHuman Resourcespark cabin town...

Puzzle 5 2024-07-03

Puzzle 5 crossword puzzle
  1. The __ filled the air. (6)
  2. Singing group (6)
  3. Belief (5)
  4. What word describes heavenly beings? (7)
  5. Shortest day (8)
  6. What are the words of a song called? (6)
  7. What do people do during Christmas? (9)
  8. The air was cold and __. (5)
  9. Despite the cheer, he felt a hint of __. (10)
  10. Pleasant sound blend (7)
  1. What word means lively celebration? (9)
  2. Dearly loved (7)
  3. They attended __ on Christmas Eve. (6)
  4. What do carolers do during Christmas? (4)
  5. Cold season (6)
  6. What do we often light during Christmas? (6)
  7. Jesus is known as the __. (6)
  8. Customary practice (9)
  9. What word describes winter or Christmas time? (6)
  10. He had a __ time at the party. (5)

20 Clues: Belief (5)Cold season (6)Dearly loved (7)Shortest day (8)Singing group (6)Customary practice (9)Pleasant sound blend (7)The __ filled the air. (6)The air was cold and __. (5)Jesus is known as the __. (6)He had a __ time at the party. (5)They attended __ on Christmas Eve. (6)What word means lively celebration? (9)...

Salisbury 2024-07-23

Salisbury crossword puzzle
  1. fancy GB supermarket
  2. dirt path to the library
  3. name of dad's car
  4. local k-9 private school
  5. grade school teacher
  6. hotchkiss mascot
  7. SCS mascot
  8. it's no big surprise, it's my ....
  9. childhood bestie
  10. first dog
  11. best local trail
  12. built by grandpa bob
  13. the town beach
  14. local winter resort
  1. my road or neighboring town
  2. fireworks location
  3. backyard winter activity
  4. secret room location
  5. first name of Sunday School teacher
  6. nickname for HVHRS
  7. SCS nurse
  8. our village
  9. SCS principal
  10. big white halloween costume
  11. school after SCS
  12. name of library
  13. best pizza
  14. pulley apparatus near the garage
  15. spooky location or memorial day parade end
  16. neighbor pal

30 Clues: SCS nursefirst dogSCS mascotbest pizzaour villageneighbor palSCS principalthe town beachname of libraryhotchkiss mascotschool after SCSchildhood bestiebest local trailname of dad's carfireworks locationnickname for HVHRSlocal winter resortfancy GB supermarketsecret room locationgrade school teacherbuilt by grandpa bobbackyard winter activity...

Seasons and Weather 2024-02-28

Seasons and Weather crossword puzzle
  1. heavy rain, lightening, thunder
  2. I can't see, its too...
  3. a city with wind is...
  4. the earth orbits around this big star
  5. leaves fall
  6. a sheet of small, white ice crystals on the ground
  7. a cool breeze
  8. April showers bring may flowers
  9. you can see a good sunset when it's...
  10. a desert is...
  1. the windows in the winter are...
  2. covered with water
  3. you can relax on the beach when it's...
  4. puff in the sky
  5. falling in drops
  6. let's go to the beach
  7. hats and coats
  8. water vapor frozen high up in the atmosphere
  9. a thick cloud
  10. a short period of rain
  11. cars can't drive when the road is...
  12. frozen water

22 Clues: leaves fallfrozen watera thick clouda cool breezehats and coatsa desert is...puff in the skyfalling in dropscovered with waterlet's go to the beacha city with wind is...a short period of rainI can't see, its too...heavy rain, lightening, thunderApril showers bring may flowersthe windows in the winter can't drive when the road is......

DIE ZEIT MESSEN - JPA Gr. 4 2017-09-20

DIE ZEIT MESSEN - JPA Gr. 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 60 Sekunden
  2. 1 Jahr
  3. 60 Minuten
  4. der dritte Tag der Woche
  5. der dritte Tagvon der Woche
  6. Die erste Jahreszeit
  1. der letzte Tag der Woche
  2. die letzte Jahreszeit
  3. der Monat im Winter
  4. 7 Tage

10 Clues: 7 Tage1 Jahr60 Minuten60 Sekundender Monat im WinterDie erste Jahreszeitdie letzte Jahreszeitder letzte Tag der Wocheder dritte Tag der Wocheder dritte Tagvon der Woche

Daniel and Shannon's Wedding 2024-04-01

Daniel and Shannon's Wedding crossword puzzle
  1. Groom's home state
  2. Shannon studied at college
  3. Joint mission trip
  4. Proposal location
  5. Shannon's new last name
  6. Tallest mountain hiked together
  1. Daniel's favorite winter activity
  2. Daniel's favorite restaurant
  3. Shannon's favorite winter activity
  4. Honeymoon location

10 Clues: Proposal locationGroom's home stateJoint mission tripHoneymoon locationShannon's new last nameShannon studied at collegeDaniel's favorite restaurantTallest mountain hiked togetherDaniel's favorite winter activityShannon's favorite winter activity

First Day of Winter 2017-12-19

First Day of Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Method of railed transportation, often downhill
  2. Often roasted on an open fire
  3. Warm garment, sometimes ugly
  4. Old silk hat wearer
  5. Equal parts day and night, Yule
  6. Stanley cup game
  7. single or paired winter sport
  8. Recurring activity like kissing beneath 5 down
  9. Solid state of water
  10. "Walking in a winter ________"
  11. Solstice fireplace item
  1. Season nap for many animals
  2. Nose nipper of song
  3. Pile of snow
  4. Plant of Norse legend
  5. Needle baring tree
  6. Fractal precipitation
  7. Olaf gets his own personal ______
  8. Sweet warm drink
  9. Olaf for one
  10. One horse, open type of vehicle
  11. Formed by dripping water in freezing temperatures
  12. Projectile made of snow
  13. Severe weather event consisting mostly of snow

24 Clues: Pile of snowOlaf for oneSweet warm drinkStanley cup gameNeedle baring treeNose nipper of songOld silk hat wearerSolid state of waterPlant of Norse legendFractal precipitationProjectile made of snowSolstice fireplace itemSeason nap for many animalsWarm garment, sometimes uglyOften roasted on an open firesingle or paired winter sport...

Trouwpuzzel Selma en Rik 2012-06-20

Trouwpuzzel Selma en Rik crossword puzzle
  1. Wat is de tweede naam van Selma?
  2. Favoriete sport in de winter?
  3. Lievelingseten van Rik?
  4. Hoe heet de poes?
  5. Aan welk water wonen Rik en Selma?
  6. Wat voor een merk auto rijden Rik en Selma?
  7. Lievelingsdier van Selma?
  8. Waar gaan ze heen op huwelijksreis?
  9. Welke plaatjes verzamelde Selma vroeger?
  10. Wat bakt Selma het liefst?
  1. Waar zijn Selma en Rik vaak te vinden in de winter?
  2. Waar hebben ze elkaar leren kennen?
  3. Wat doen Selma en Rik het liefst op zondag?
  4. Hoe heet de broer van Selma?
  5. Een van Riks vroegere sporten?
  6. Hoe heet de tweelingbroer van Rik?
  7. Lievelingskleur?
  8. Wat voor een boot hebben Rik en Selma?
  9. Favoriete vakantieland van Rik?
  10. Favoriet automerk van Selma?

20 Clues: Lievelingskleur?Hoe heet de poes?Lievelingseten van Rik?Lievelingsdier van Selma?Wat bakt Selma het liefst?Hoe heet de broer van Selma?Favoriet automerk van Selma?Favoriete sport in de winter?Een van Riks vroegere sporten?Favoriete vakantieland van Rik?Wat is de tweede naam van Selma?Hoe heet de tweelingbroer van Rik?...

Trouwpuzzel Selma en Rik 2012-06-22

Trouwpuzzel Selma en Rik crossword puzzle
  1. Welke plaatjes verzamelde Selma vroeger?
  2. Lievelingseten van Rik?
  3. Wat bakt Selma het liefst?
  4. Lievelingskleur?
  5. Aan welk water wonen Rik en Selma?
  6. Hoe heet de tweelingbroer van Rik?
  7. Favoriete sport in de winter?
  8. Wat is de tweede naam van Selma?
  9. Wat voor een boot hebben Rik en Selma?
  1. Waar gaan ze heen op huwelijksreis?
  2. Lievelingsdier van Selma?
  3. Waar zijn Selma en Rik vaak te vinden in de winter?
  4. Hoe heet de broer van Selma?
  5. Een van Riks vroegere sporten?
  6. Wat doen Selma en Rik het liefst op zondag?
  7. Favoriete vakantieland van Rik?
  8. Favoriet automerk van Selma?
  9. Hoe heet de poes?
  10. Waar hebben ze elkaar leren kennen?
  11. Wat voor een merk auto rijden Rik en Selma?

20 Clues: Lievelingskleur?Hoe heet de poes?Lievelingseten van Rik?Lievelingsdier van Selma?Wat bakt Selma het liefst?Hoe heet de broer van Selma?Favoriet automerk van Selma?Favoriete sport in de winter?Een van Riks vroegere sporten?Favoriete vakantieland van Rik?Wat is de tweede naam van Selma?Aan welk water wonen Rik en Selma?...

Latin II Lesson 15 2022-11-26

Latin II Lesson 15 crossword puzzle
  1. one love, chicken
  2. peace
  3. hat
  4. approach
  5. capital city of the empire
  6. be able
  7. ara
  8. weather
  9. spring
  10. summer
  11. hiems
  12. I like car grease and I cannot lie
  13. kind
  14. line of march
  15. ante
  16. aestas
  17. interrupt
  18. before
  19. love
  20. name
  21. level
  22. winter
  23. amor
  1. donut shop
  2. parade
  3. pain, grief
  4. Buccee's biggest fan
  5. I like to wave flags, rifles, swords
  6. fons
  7. altar
  8. ____ outpost
  9. age
  10. acer
  11. shepherd
  12. time
  13. where shopping is a pleasure
  14. hesitate
  15. appello
  16. break
  17. freedom
  18. accedo
  19. aetas
  20. I like to paint signs, the bigger the better
  21. aequor
  22. fierce

45 Clues: hatagearafonsacertimekindantelovenameamorpeacealtarhiemsbreakaetaslevelparadespringsummeraestasbeforeaccedoaequorfiercewinterbe ableweatherappellofreedomapproachshepherdhesitateinterruptdonut shoppain, grief____ outpostline of marchone love, chickenBuccee's biggest fancapital city of the empirewhere shopping is a pleasure...

Holiday Crossword, By Kade Kniffen '24, TTimes Writer 2022-11-11

Holiday Crossword, By Kade Kniffen '24, TTimes Writer crossword puzzle
  1. The first Christmas song that comes to mind
  2. A thick and creamy Christmas drink
  3. The season with the snow
  4. What you hang above the yuletide fire
  5. Have a holly _____ Christmas
  6. A calendar leading up to Christmas
  7. A drink that thaws you on the inside
  8. The world-renowned snowman
  9. Best served with a cold glass of milk
  1. Walking in a winter __________
  2. _____ bells ring, are you listening?
  3. What we decorate on the Christmas tree
  4. The main spectacle during New Year’s Eve
  5. “Hooray!”
  6. The creature that sits on the shelf
  7. The legal burglar on Christmas
  8. A hope that is never fulfilled
  9. What you hang outside your door
  10. Better get studying!
  11. 10… 9… 8… 7…

20 Clues: “Hooray!”10… 9… 8… 7…Better get studying!The season with the snowThe world-renowned snowmanHave a holly _____ ChristmasWalking in a winter __________The legal burglar on ChristmasA hope that is never fulfilledWhat you hang outside your doorA thick and creamy Christmas drinkA calendar leading up to ChristmasThe creature that sits on the shelf...

Clothing and Weather en Espanol 2022-10-18

Clothing and Weather en Espanol crossword puzzle
  1. You wear these when it is cold
  2. this is when the weather is clear
  3. I would wear this during summer
  4. This happens during thunder storms
  5. a lighter coat
  6. These appear before a thunderstorm
  7. When a cloud is very low
  8. This is the weather during fall
  9. how it is during winter
  1. You would where this at the pool
  2. This happens during rainy season
  3. This happens during winter
  4. how it is during summer
  5. there is lightning during these
  6. there is a lot of this during a tornado
  7. you wear these on your feet
  8. _______ Storms
  9. it is this in a rain forest
  10. A heavier jacket
  11. I would where this during summer

20 Clues: _______ Stormsa lighter coatA heavier jackethow it is during summerhow it is during winterWhen a cloud is very lowThis happens during winteryou wear these on your feetit is this in a rain forestYou wear these when it is coldthere is lightning during theseI would wear this during summerThis is the weather during fallYou would where this at the pool...

Spanish Shopping Vocab 2020-04-27

Spanish Shopping Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. you put this on when getting out of the shower
  2. keeps your hands warm in the winter
  3. you wear this in the rain
  4. ____ colors absorb sunlight
  5. normally worn in summer or while exercising
  6. doesn't reach
  7. a type of jewlery you wear around your neck
  8. women use this to carry their wallets
  9. men usually wear this on their neck to special events
  10. holds pants up
  1. worn on your feet in the gym
  2. it fits me
  3. the perfect size
  4. used when proposing
  5. a bracelet that shows the time
  6. another word for buy
  7. to put on a different outfit
  8. you wear this over your torso
  9. worn on your feet in the winter
  10. something you can't live without

20 Clues: it fits medoesn't reachholds pants upthe perfect sizeused when proposinganother word for buyyou wear this in the rain____ colors absorb sunlightworn on your feet in the gymto put on a different outfityou wear this over your torsoa bracelet that shows the timeworn on your feet in the wintersomething you can't live without...

mappy 2020-12-11

mappy crossword puzzle
  1. gift 23
  2. a train 13
  3. a christmas song 1
  4. to keep your house warm 6
  5. Kiss me underneath the - 20
  6. a tree 24
  7. a comforting drink 15
  8. a christmas movie 2
  9. large animal with antlers 12
  10. christmas hater 3
  11. my hand warmer 9
  12. popular snowman 10
  1. a toy 16
  2. ball of fluff 21
  3. all i want from christmas is - 22
  4. frozen 7
  5. taylor swift song 4
  6. shelter made of ice 14
  7. a sport to do in winter 11
  8. Rise of the Guardians 18
  10. what bears do in winter 19
  11. red nose 25
  12. a break from school 17
  13. to keep your ears warm 8

25 Clues: gift 23a toy 16frozen 7a tree 24a train 13red nose 25ball of fluff 21my hand warmer 9christmas hater 3a christmas song 1popular snowman 10taylor swift song 4a christmas movie 2a comforting drink 15shelter made of ice 14KOREAN'S STREET FOOD 5a break from school 17Rise of the Guardians 18to keep your ears warm 8to keep your house warm 6...

g29 2024-06-25

g29 crossword puzzle
  1. Sheltered from prevailing winds, less precipitation.
  2. Humid with mild temperatures.
  3. Cold temperatures with frequent rainfall.
  4. High humidity and persistent cloud cover.
  5. Extremely cold, dry winter conditions.
  6. Exposed to prevailing winds, leading to higher precipitation.
  7. Hot, humid, with intense rainy season.
  8. Moderate temperatures with seasonal variations.
  9. High temperatures and very low rainfall.
  1. Pertaining to glaciers or their effects.
  2. Deep, narrow inlets with climates affected by the sea.
  3. Significant drop in precipitation during summer.
  4. Cool with frequent rain events.
  5. Regions that consistently experience high heat.
  6. Extremely cold temperatures with little heat.
  7. Ground that remains completely frozen.
  8. Warm temperatures with high humidity and precipitation.
  9. Mild temperatures during winter months.
  10. Permanently frozen ground or ice.
  11. Climate affected by altitude.

20 Clues: Humid with mild temperatures.Climate affected by altitude.Cool with frequent rain events.Permanently frozen ground or ice.Ground that remains completely frozen.Extremely cold, dry winter conditions.Hot, humid, with intense rainy season.Mild temperatures during winter months.Pertaining to glaciers or their effects....

Vocabulario 2013-07-23

Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. gloves
  2. lake
  3. winter
  4. spring
  5. sandals
  6. dress
  7. scarf
  8. fall
  1. bag/ purse
  2. jacket
  3. socks
  4. nice shirt
  5. umbrella
  6. shirt
  7. hat
  8. summer
  9. boots

17 Clues: hatlakefallsocksshirtdressscarfbootsjacketgloveswinterspringsummersandalsumbrellabag/ pursenice shirt

units 14-15 2016-04-09

units 14-15 crossword puzzle
  1. музыка
  2. нас, нам
  3. лето
  4. английский
  5. море
  6. цветок
  7. солнце
  8. носить
  1. осень
  2. зима
  3. туфли
  4. весна
  5. футболка
  6. волшебный
  7. погода
  8. остров
  9. юбка

17 Clues: зималетомореюбкаосеньтуфливеснамузыкапогодаостровцветоксолнценоситьнас, намфутболкаволшебныйанглийский

Daily Class Content 2024-03-20

Daily Class Content crossword puzzle
  1. South
  2. Early Spring
  3. Autumn
  4. Morning
  5. Sage
  6. Evening
  7. Summer
  8. East
  9. Late Spring
  1. Night
  2. Sweetgrass
  3. Tobacco
  4. Cedar
  5. North
  6. Noon
  7. West
  8. Winter

17 Clues: NoonSageWestEastNightSouthCedarNorthAutumnSummerWinterTobaccoMorningEveningSweetgrassLate SpringEarly Spring

Temperate Deciduous Forest 2021-11-22

Temperate Deciduous Forest crossword puzzle
  1. what is the relationship between the bird and deer?
  2. what is the relationship between the red fox and rabbit?
  3. Similar to the red fox, what adaptation allows the white tailed deer to survive during winter?
  4. Is the human impact negative or positive on this ecosystem?
  5. what is the elevation of this ecosystem?
  1. What is the main abiotic factor of this ecosystem?
  2. Genus what, is the scientific name for the oak tree?
  3. what is the largest city near one of these forests?
  4. What kind of rain forest is this ecosystem similar to?
  5. What falls off the trees in winter and grows back in fall?
  6. What adaptation allows fox to stay warm during winter?
  7. Odocoileus what is the scientific name for a white tailed deer?
  8. Is this ecosystem found north or south of the equator?
  9. This word twice is the scientific name for a red fox.
  10. does this ecosystem receive high or low amounts of water?
  11. what small animal is found in this ecosystem?

16 Clues: what is the elevation of this ecosystem?what small animal is found in this ecosystem?What is the main abiotic factor of this ecosystem?what is the relationship between the bird and deer?what is the largest city near one of these forests?Genus what, is the scientific name for the oak tree?This word twice is the scientific name for a red fox....

Avengers - Styx and Stones... 2013-06-06

Avengers - Styx and Stones... crossword puzzle
  1. Who won the game last night!!!!
  2. Member of Original Solar Power Line who is getting married this winter
  3. secret agent member of the original AGS line
  4. Who prefers Mary Ann over Ginger
  5. Place in standings if we played 5 games
  6. What time do we play next week
  7. Team that stole the final rose last winter season
  1. This season's Bachelorette (sorry George, but have to pay homage to The Flash. (Flash - this is the real test if people really read your emails)
  2. How much does a post game pitcher cost at the Rinx Bar
  3. Member of Original Solar power line who only played 3 games last winter
  4. Who do we play next week
  5. How many fingers in a Hawkeye salute
  6. Where do we play next week
  7. Hercules girlfriend
  8. Who scored the first goal last night
  9. What night is the Bachelorette on? Hint: This is not the reason we play on Thursday over this day.

16 Clues: Hercules girlfriendWho do we play next weekWhere do we play next weekWhat time do we play next weekWho won the game last night!!!!Who prefers Mary Ann over GingerHow many fingers in a Hawkeye saluteWho scored the first goal last nightPlace in standings if we played 5 gamessecret agent member of the original AGS line...

Oliwia A. 2021-01-20

Oliwia A. crossword puzzle
  1. holiday free during winter
  2. agent’s place where you can buy a trip
  3. clothes for swimming
  4. princess lived in there
  5. we buy tickets there
  1. glasses for the sun
  2. place by the sea
  3. this swim on water
  4. place to wait for the plane
  5. car collision
  6. you can lie on it on the beach
  7. change place

12 Clues: change placecar collisionplace by the seathis swim on waterglasses for the sunclothes for swimmingwe buy tickets thereprincess lived in thereholiday free during winterplace to wait for the planeyou can lie on it on the beachagent’s place where you can buy a trip

Annie's Xmas Puzzle 2014-12-21

Annie's Xmas Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. black long sleeve garnet
  2. warmth in the cold winter
  3. trekking in the meadows
  4. paint for your face
  5. new kicks for the kitchen
  6. up and down you go
  1. comfort at the block
  2. giant mint patty
  3. game you hate, family you love
  4. round and round you go
  5. light for the winter
  6. gift from tortuga

12 Clues: giant mint pattygift from tortugaup and down you gopaint for your facecomfort at the blocklight for the winterround and round you gotrekking in the meadowsblack long sleeve garnetwarmth in the cold winternew kicks for the kitchengame you hate, family you love

Winter Olympics 2014-02-25

Winter Olympics crossword puzzle
  1. skiing you go downhill skiing
  2. you us a puck and sticks
  3. you go downhill with a board in your feet doing tricks
  4. jumping a competition on how far a competitor can jump in skis
  5. you throw a 44 pound stone to a target
  1. skating a race skating in ice
  2. consists in two sports in one
  3. skiing you make jumps and do tricks
  4. skating you do elegant tricks ice skating

9 Clues: you us a puck and sticksskating a race skating in iceconsists in two sports in oneskiing you go downhill skiingskiing you make jumps and do tricksyou throw a 44 pound stone to a targetskating you do elegant tricks ice skatingyou go downhill with a board in your feet doing tricksjumping a competition on how far a competitor can jump in skis

WINTER FUN 2015-12-13

WINTER FUN crossword puzzle
  1. Keep your hands warm when you go outside!
  2. They pull Santa's sleigh!
  3. Tastes like peppermint and looks like a hook!
  4. Falls from the sky like rain, but when it is cold!
  1. Made out of snow and has sticks for arms!
  2. Warm chocolate drink that is yummy!
  3. You wrap these and give them to friends!
  4. Jingle when you shake them!
  5. Time off from school!

9 Clues: Time off from school!They pull Santa's sleigh!Jingle when you shake them!Warm chocolate drink that is yummy!You wrap these and give them to friends!Made out of snow and has sticks for arms!Keep your hands warm when you go outside!Tastes like peppermint and looks like a hook!Falls from the sky like rain, but when it is cold!

winter time 2019-12-18

winter time crossword puzzle
  1. winter drink
  2. this hangs on your mantle
  3. you throw them
  4. you build these
  1. you put these in your house
  2. santa eats them with milk
  3. it comes from the sky
  4. you do this down a hill
  5. he gives you presents

9 Clues: winter drinkyou throw themyou build theseit comes from the skyhe gives you presentsyou do this down a hillsanta eats them with milkthis hangs on your mantleyou put these in your house

Winter Fun 2020-12-11

Winter Fun crossword puzzle
  1. These keep my hands warm in winter and my fingers close together.
  2. A hot yummy chocolate drink I can have on a cold day.
  3. Protect my feet in the snow.
  4. How your teachers feel when you work hard, pay attention and have a great day of school!
  5. Opposite of hot.
  1. Keep my hands warm in winter and have a place for each of my fingers.
  2. In this season, I have to dress warm when I go outside.
  3. A fun type of fight I can have outside with my family and friends.
  4. Keeps my head warm when I go outside

9 Clues: Opposite of hot.Protect my feet in the snow.Keeps my head warm when I go outsideA hot yummy chocolate drink I can have on a cold day.In this season, I have to dress warm when I go outside.These keep my hands warm in winter and my fingers close together.A fun type of fight I can have outside with my family and friends....

Winter sports 2020-05-19

Winter sports crossword puzzle
  1. how fast? What_____?
  2. train, bus, car
  3. like ice
  4. almost the same
  5. not married
  1. opposite to narrow
  2. not hard
  3. place of work
  4. liked by many

9 Clues: not hardlike icenot marriedplace of workliked by manytrain, bus, caralmost the sameopposite to narrowhow fast? What_____?

Winter Crossword! 2021-11-11

Winter Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. holiday decorations
  2. holiday gift
  3. Represents a human made of snow
  4. Symmetrical ice crystal
  5. baked or cooked snack or dessert
  1. cookie man
  2. land vehicle that slides across a surface, usually of ice or snow
  3. a hot drink made with milk or water and chocolate
  4. striped, sweet candy with a curved end

9 Clues: cookie manholiday giftholiday decorationsSymmetrical ice crystalRepresents a human made of snowbaked or cooked snack or dessertstriped, sweet candy with a curved enda hot drink made with milk or water and chocolateland vehicle that slides across a surface, usually of ice or snow

Winter Fun 2021-11-23

Winter Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Navidad
  2. Christmas
  3. nine candles
  4. The night before Christmas
  5. on the tree
  6. Stockings
  1. Gingerbread house
  2. presents
  3. December 25

9 Clues: NavidadpresentsChristmasStockingsDecember 25on the treenine candlesGingerbread houseThe night before Christmas

Aanya - winter! 2022-02-01

Aanya - winter! crossword puzzle
  1. The thing you love to do in the winter
  2. Mama's best friend in the evenings?
  3. What we call Pinky in the evenings
  4. Who you're having a play date with this weekend
  1. Your favorite uncle?
  2. Skating We tried this with Mavis and Ocie
  3. Joe He's helped you with your skiing this spring
  4. Mama would probably fall off one of these
  5. Your roommate and playmate

9 Clues: Your favorite uncle?Your roommate and playmateWhat we call Pinky in the eveningsMama's best friend in the evenings?The thing you love to do in the winterSkating We tried this with Mavis and OcieMama would probably fall off one of theseWho you're having a play date with this weekendJoe He's helped you with your skiing this spring

winter holidays 2022-01-31

winter holidays crossword puzzle
  1. A brown rodent that comes out of his burrow on February 2
  2. A little man that protects a pot of gold
  3. If you don't wear green on this day you will get pinched
  4. A piece of paper with a sweet message written on it
  1. A holiday were a groundhog comes out of a hole
  2. A sweet, brown treat
  3. A sweet, hard candy with a loving message given on Valentine's day
  4. The part of a plant that is colorful and fragrant
  5. A magical man with a bow and arrows

9 Clues: A sweet, brown treatA magical man with a bow and arrowsA little man that protects a pot of goldA holiday were a groundhog comes out of a holeThe part of a plant that is colorful and fragrantA piece of paper with a sweet message written on itIf you don't wear green on this day you will get pinched...

Winter Cross 2022-12-30

Winter Cross crossword puzzle
  1. A type of severe snowstorm
  2. The shortest (or longest) day
  3. A handed down belief or custom
  4. Added to makes things look more attractive
  1. A time of "comfort and joy"
  2. A source of light
  3. The coldest season
  4. Better given than received
  5. Frozen precipitation

9 Clues: A source of lightThe coldest seasonFrozen precipitationA type of severe snowstormBetter given than receivedA time of "comfort and joy"The shortest (or longest) dayA handed down belief or customAdded to makes things look more attractive

Winter Crossword 2023-01-23

Winter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A slippery surface
  2. A hat to keep your head and ears warm
  3. A vehicle that people to remove snow
  4. This happens when water reaches 32 degrees Fahrenheit
  5. The first month of the year
  1. A long, winter slumber
  2. Frozen precipitation
  3. An extreme snowstorm
  4. A season full of snow and hot cocoa

9 Clues: A slippery surfaceFrozen precipitationAn extreme snowstormA long, winter slumberThe first month of the yearA season full of snow and hot cocoaA vehicle that people to remove snowA hat to keep your head and ears warmThis happens when water reaches 32 degrees Fahrenheit

Winter Holidays 2022-12-13

Winter Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. popular winter holiday
  2. the opposite of dark
  3. a piece of frozen water
  4. has decorations and lights
  1. a seasonal sweet treat
  2. a warm drink
  3. a downhill activity
  4. has a carrot nose
  5. to give to someone

9 Clues: a warm drinkhas a carrot noseto give to someonea downhill activitythe opposite of darka seasonal sweet treatpopular winter holidaya piece of frozen waterhas decorations and lights

Winter Weather 2023-02-02

Winter Weather crossword puzzle
  1. color of snow
  2. opposite of hot
  3. vehicle used to move snow off of the streets
  4. worn to keep your ears warm
  1. frozen water that forms into a point
  2. children throw these at each other and often have ______ fights
  3. commonly made by children with snow to resemble a person
  4. a pair of hand protection used to keep your hands warm
  5. water vapor frozen into ice crystals that fall softly

9 Clues: color of snowopposite of hotworn to keep your ears warmfrozen water that forms into a pointvehicle used to move snow off of the streetswater vapor frozen into ice crystals that fall softlya pair of hand protection used to keep your hands warmcommonly made by children with snow to resemble a person...

Winter crossword 2022-11-16

Winter crossword crossword puzzle
  1. fluffy,cold,white,wet
  2. a wrapped gift
  3. lighting the Menorah.
  4. Spinning game.
  5. warm chocolate
  1. What you are good at.
  2. Lighting the candles.
  3. He is watching you when you are at home.
  4. Santa is watching.

9 Clues: a wrapped giftSpinning game.warm chocolateSanta is watching.What you are good at.Lighting the candles.fluffy,cold,white,wetlighting the Menorah.He is watching you when you are at home.

Winter crosswords 2022-12-01

Winter crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. water that has frozen and become solid
  2. the most popular American sitcom from 1994
  3. a group of people who are related to each other
  4. Type of sledge pulled by animals,especially horses
  1. a severe snow storm with strong winds
  2. Official day when you do not have to go to work
  3. to turn from something solid into something liquid
  4. a special boot to move quickly on ice
  5. a piece of clothing that is worn on the hand

9 Clues: a severe snow storm with strong windsa special boot to move quickly on icewater that has frozen and become solidthe most popular American sitcom from 1994a piece of clothing that is worn on the handOfficial day when you do not have to go to worka group of people who are related to each otherto turn from something solid into something liquid...

Winter Holidays 2022-11-28

Winter Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. an annual celebration of African-American culture from December 26 to January 1
  2. things you light on Hannukah and put in the Menorah
  3. the groundhog's day ground hog name
  4. the state that groundhog's day takes place in
  1. January 31
  2. santa____
  3. holiday with reindeer and trees
  4. the kwanzaa candle holder
  5. there is 8 nights

9 Clues: santa____January 31there is 8 nightsthe kwanzaa candle holderholiday with reindeer and treesthe groundhog's day ground hog namethe state that groundhog's day takes place inthings you light on Hannukah and put in the Menorahan annual celebration of African-American culture from December 26 to January 1

Thema winter 2023-11-13

Thema winter crossword puzzle
  1. hoeveel kaarsen staan er op de adventskrans
  2. pannenkoekenbakken
  3. er hangen kerstballen in
  4. bescherming voor de handen tijdens sneeuw
  5. het is wit en koud
  1. 25 december
  2. hangt in de kerstboom
  3. de dag na oudjaar
  4. drie (6 januari)

9 Clues: 25 decemberdrie (6 januari)de dag na oudjaarpannenkoekenbakkenhet is wit en koudhangt in de kerstboomer hangen kerstballen inbescherming voor de handen tijdens sneeuwhoeveel kaarsen staan er op de adventskrans