ww2 Crossword Puzzles

Notable Names 2022-04-05

Notable Names crossword puzzle
  1. Which leader planned the attack on Pearl Harbor?
  2. Who was president when WW2 began?
  3. Who was the leader of France?
  4. Who was president when WW2 ended?
  5. Who was the leader of Germany?
  6. Who was the leader of Italy?
  1. Who was the prime minister of Japan?
  2. Who was the US a general during the war that later became president?
  3. Who was the leader of Russia?
  4. Who was the emperor of Japan?

10 Clues: Who was the leader of Italy?Who was the leader of Russia?Who was the leader of France?Who was the emperor of Japan?Who was the leader of Germany?Who was president when WW2 began?Who was president when WW2 ended?Who was the prime minister of Japan?Which leader planned the attack on Pearl Harbor?...

European History Crossword 2022-11-01

European History Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Treaty that ended WW1 but started WW2
  2. The organized murder of millions of Jews
  3. War between 1914-1918
  4. Tension between the US and Soviet Union for 45 years
  1. Night of broken glass
  2. Hatred of Jews
  3. A military operation that brang food to the west side of Berlin
  4. The economic depression that put many in debt
  5. The wall that divided Berlin for 30 years
  6. War against Hitler and the Nazis

10 Clues: Hatred of JewsNight of broken glassWar between 1914-1918War against Hitler and the NazisTreaty that ended WW1 but started WW2The organized murder of millions of JewsThe wall that divided Berlin for 30 yearsThe economic depression that put many in debtTension between the US and Soviet Union for 45 years...

Andrews Family Crossword 2022-06-17

Andrews Family Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. golf master
  2. your holiday
  3. roo-er #2
  4. bicycle rider
  5. rocket man
  6. cheerleader
  1. unicorn lover
  2. you're good at this
  3. underwater vehicle
  4. number master
  5. golf buddy
  6. horrible war
  7. roo-er

13 Clues: roo-erroo-er #2golf buddyrocket mangolf mastercheerleaderyour holidayhorrible warunicorn lovernumber masterbicycle riderunderwater vehicleyou're good at this

Propaganda 2023-04-30

Propaganda crossword puzzle
  1. a mode of communication to share an ideal
  2. A hate towards Jewish people
  3. The killing of a large group of people that all have something in common
  1. The time period that Jews were persecuted after WW2
  2. The country that Nazism was the most common
  3. political group within Germany in WW2
  4. The leader of the Nazis during WW2

7 Clues: A hate towards Jewish peopleThe leader of the Nazis during WW2political group within Germany in WW2a mode of communication to share an idealThe country that Nazism was the most commonThe time period that Jews were persecuted after WW2The killing of a large group of people that all have something in common

Seinni heimsstyrjöldin 2025-02-04

Seinni heimsstyrjöldin crossword puzzle
  1. Fólk kom saman á Þingvöllum 17.júní 1944 til að fagna lýðveldinu Íslandi
  2. Voru með herstöð á Íslandi til ársins 2006
  3. Eiginkona Hitlers
  4. Þegar Sovétmenn hertóku_____________var stríðinu lokið í Evrópu
  5. Sérstök hverfi fyrir gyðinga á tímum nasismans
  6. Þeir sem vildu flýta aðskilnaði Íslands við Danmörku
  7. Sóknaraðferð nasista sem bar mikinn árangur
  8. Árás japanskra flugsveita á þessa eyju 7.des 1941
  9. Bandamenn námu land á þessu svæði á svokölluðum D-day
  1. Bandalag Þýskalands, Ítalíu og Japans
  2. "Vandamál" þegar íslenskar konur áttu í samskiptum við bandaríska dáta
  3. Borg í Þýskalandi sem lög um gyðinga eru kennd við
  4. Forseti BNA sem fyrirskipaði kjarnorkuárásirnar á Japa
  5. Hertóku Ísland 10.maí 1940
  6. Stofnun sem átti að tryggja frið eftir WW2
  7. Borg í Rússlandi þar sem ein stærsta orrusta WW2 átti sér stað
  8. Kjarnorkusprengju varpað á borgina 6.ágúst 1945
  9. Hjallar sem herinn byggði og Íslendingar nýttu svo sem húsnæði
  10. Jóhanna_________ var fyrsta íslenska lögreglukonan

19 Clues: Eiginkona HitlersHertóku Ísland 10.maí 1940Bandalag Þýskalands, Ítalíu og JapansVoru með herstöð á Íslandi til ársins 2006Stofnun sem átti að tryggja frið eftir WW2Sóknaraðferð nasista sem bar mikinn árangurSérstök hverfi fyrir gyðinga á tímum nasismansKjarnorkusprengju varpað á borgina 6.ágúst 1945Árás japanskra flugsveita á þessa eyju 7.des 1941...

IRP 2024-03-12

IRP crossword puzzle
  1. name of camp for younger kids before auschwitz
  2. term for world war 2
  3. term for german soldiers
  4. what the jews were not treated as
  5. head bad guy of world war
  1. the camp the jews were being held at
  2. the block that Moshe was taken too
  3. what the jews had at the concentration camps to stay alive
  4. the religion that was being targeted in ww2
  5. the use of transportation in ww2

10 Clues: term for world war 2term for german soldiershead bad guy of world warthe use of transportation in ww2what the jews were not treated asthe block that Moshe was taken toothe camp the jews were being held atthe religion that was being targeted in ww2name of camp for younger kids before auschwitz...

Early cold war & 1950's 2024-01-17

Early cold war & 1950's crossword puzzle
  1. the competition between nations regarding achievements in the field of space exploration
  2. began a massive air lift to feed and supply the city
  3. helped soldiers go back school fully paid
  4. period In U.S when everyone was so caught up in containment of communism
  5. USSR
  6. policy to contain communism where it exists and not spread
  7. fbi
  1. HUAC
  2. soldiers coming home to wives after WW2
  3. belief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall
  4. NATO
  5. a type of government as well as economic system
  6. the first of which was the first satellite to be placed in orbit
  7. United States would provide political, military and economics assistance to all democratic nation under treat from external or internal authoritarian
  8. aid given to countries recovering from ww2

15 Clues: fbiHUACNATOUSSRsoldiers coming home to wives after WW2helped soldiers go back school fully paidaid given to countries recovering from ww2a type of government as well as economic systembegan a massive air lift to feed and supply the citybelief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall...

Wesley Vietnam crossword proble 2022-05-06

Wesley Vietnam crossword proble crossword puzzle
  1. Before ww2 vietnam was apart of what empire
  2. Who was the us secretary of defense
  3. Who invaded vietnam during ww2
  4. Government was described as
  5. where was vietnam split
  6. Many south vietnamese were unhappy with
  7. A US navy destroyer was attacked in the gulf of what
  8. The united states was afraid communism would spread to the rest of
  9. The conflict in Vietnam that developed following World War II can best be described as this type of War.
  1. Which President sent a half a million US combat troops to Vietnam?
  2. south vietnam came under attack from what group
  3. If one country fell to communism the neighboring country would too
  4. What was the first Asian Nation to fall to Communism?
  5. Describe the type of military force President Kennedy sent to Vietnam
  6. How many military advisers did president kennedy send to Vietnam
  7. South
  8. Who was the leader of the communist Vietnamese resistance movement?

17 Clues: Southwhere was vietnam splitGovernment was described asWho invaded vietnam during ww2Who was the us secretary of defenseMany south vietnamese were unhappy withBefore ww2 vietnam was apart of what empiresouth vietnam came under attack from what groupA US navy destroyer was attacked in the gulf of what...

Cold War 2023-12-05

Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. In 1964, North Vietnam fired torpedoes at a US ship in the Gulf of Tonkin, which in turn caused the US to declare military action against North Vietnam in this war
  2. A direct and dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War and the moment when the two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict
  3. An alliance between the Soviet Union and its communist satellite nations
  4. The Democratic side of Berlin
  5. Failed invasion that the US had on Cuba prior to the Cuban Missile Crisis
  6. The war that led to all the tension
  7. A place of extreme tension Ex. Berlin
  8. A physical barrier between East and West Germany
  9. A time in history when there was extreme tension between the USSR and the US
  1. The leader of the USSR during the Cold War
  2. When The United States and Soviet Union competed with one another for political influence and military power
  3. A system of carrying supplies into Berlin by plane day and night. British and American pilots flew in lots of food, fuel, and raw materials
  4. After WW2, who continued to occupy Western Europe?
  5. The country that was reunified after the collapse of the USSR
  6. When Both countries competed to be the first to put a man in space and to land on the moon
  7. The US and USSR during WW2
  8. 1919-1920, many in the United States feared recent immigrants and dissidents, particularly those who embraced communist, socialist
  9. The Communist side of Berlin
  10. The imaginary dividing line that divided democratic countries in Western Europe and the Communist countries in Eastern Europe
  11. The war where the United States had to take a stand against Communist aggression in Korea.

20 Clues: The US and USSR during WW2The Communist side of BerlinThe Democratic side of BerlinThe war that led to all the tensionA place of extreme tension Ex. BerlinThe leader of the USSR during the Cold WarA physical barrier between East and West GermanyAfter WW2, who continued to occupy Western Europe?...

Social Studies Crossword! 2024-11-04

Social Studies Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. A rapid movement of people to a newly discovered goldfield.
  2. Movement from one place to another
  3. a large American wild cat with a plain tawny to greyish coat, found from Canada to Patagonia
  4. A New Zealand Māori term used for the concept of guardianship of the sky, the sea, and the land
  5. An impersonal supernatural power which can be transmitted or inherited.
  6. an intensive or sudden military attack.
  7. A surprise visit at dawn, especially by police searching for criminals or illicit goods.
  8. Someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence.
  9. The local hospital stops paying employees as much, the employees start to (?) against it
  10. Was in command of two significant air battles in WW2, helping the Allies to win the Battle of Britain and the Battle of Malta.
  11. If you scream in a library you get put on a (?)
  1. Being unfair on a certain group of people
  2. In tug of war what do you need to do?
  3. Donated to OBHS the land for our school lodge - Mt Aspiring.
  4. Interpreted as 'sacred', or defined as 'spiritual restriction', containing a strong imposition of rules and prohibitions.
  5. Was a talented sportsman who was an All Black player and manager, rugby coach, NZRFU President, Otago representative cricket player, and New Zealand Army major in the 19th Armoured Regiment during WW2.
  6. (?) Of Waitangi
  7. The house leader who greatly improved plastic surgery for soldiers in WW2
  8. This region holds New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Samoa.
  9. Maori name for New Zealand
  10. Whilst giving birth what do you need to do?

21 Clues: (?) Of WaitangiMaori name for New ZealandMovement from one place to anotherIn tug of war what do you need to do?an intensive or sudden military attack.Being unfair on a certain group of peopleWhilst giving birth what do you need to do?If you scream in a library you get put on a (?)A rapid movement of people to a newly discovered goldfield....

school 2022-05-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. book
  2. WW2
  3. German
  4. instrument/singing
  1. this
  2. computers
  3. food
  4. atoms
  5. 1+1
  6. sports

10 Clues: WW21+1thisbookfoodatomsGermansportscomputersinstrument/singing

Crossword Puzzle # 4 2022-04-04

Crossword Puzzle # 4 crossword puzzle
  1. What was the name of Britain's air force during WW2?
  2. During WW2 Canada was a part of what empire before making an independent decision on entering the war?
  3. Who was the leader of Canada during WW2?
  4. What was the name of the gardens that Canadian families had at home during WW2 to help with low food supplies?
  1. What organization was created after WW2 to promote international co-operation?
  2. What was the way the Canadian government made sure certain goods got shared evenly?

6 Clues: Who was the leader of Canada during WW2?What was the name of Britain's air force during WW2?What organization was created after WW2 to promote international co-operation?What was the way the Canadian government made sure certain goods got shared evenly?...

Early cold war & 1950's 2024-01-17

Early cold war & 1950's crossword puzzle
  1. the competition between nations regarding achievements in the field of space exploration
  2. began a massive air lift to feed and supply the city
  3. helped soldiers go back school fully paid
  4. period In U.S when everyone was so caught up in containment of communism
  5. USSR
  6. policy to contain communism where it exists and not spread
  7. fbi
  1. HUAC
  2. soldiers coming home to wives after WW2
  3. belief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall
  4. NATO
  5. a type of government as well as economic system
  6. the first of which was the first satellite to be placed in orbit
  7. United States would provide political, military and economics assistance to all democratic nation under treat from external or internal authoritarian
  8. aid given to countries recovering from ww2

15 Clues: fbiHUACNATOUSSRsoldiers coming home to wives after WW2helped soldiers go back school fully paidaid given to countries recovering from ww2a type of government as well as economic systembegan a massive air lift to feed and supply the citybelief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall...

Early cold war & 1950's 2024-01-17

Early cold war & 1950's crossword puzzle
  1. the competition between nations regarding achievements in the field of space exploration
  2. began a massive air lift to feed and supply the city
  3. helped soldiers go back school fully paid
  4. period In U.S when everyone was so caught up in containment of communism
  5. USSR
  6. policy to contain communism where it exists and not spread
  7. fbi
  1. HUAC
  2. soldiers coming home to wives after WW2
  3. belief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall
  4. NATO
  5. a type of government as well as economic system
  6. the first of which was the first satellite to be placed in orbit
  7. United States would provide political, military and economics assistance to all democratic nation under treat from external or internal authoritarian
  8. aid given to countries recovering from ww2

15 Clues: fbiHUACNATOUSSRsoldiers coming home to wives after WW2helped soldiers go back school fully paidaid given to countries recovering from ww2a type of government as well as economic systembegan a massive air lift to feed and supply the citybelief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall...

Early cold war & 1950’s 2024-01-13

Early cold war & 1950’s crossword puzzle
  1. NATO
  2. helped soldiers go back school fully paid
  3. aid given to countries recovering from ww2
  4. USSR
  5. began a massive air lift to feed and supply the city
  6. policy to contain communism where it exists and not spread
  7. the competition between nations regarding achievements in the field of space exploration
  8. belief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall
  1. fbi
  2. soldiers coming home to wives after WW2
  3. the first of which was the first satellite to be placed in orbit
  4. HUAC
  5. United States would provide political, military and economics assistance to all democratic nation under treat from external or internal authoritarian
  6. a type of government as well as economic system
  7. period In U.S when everyone was so caught up in containment of communism

15 Clues: fbiNATOHUACUSSRsoldiers coming home to wives after WW2helped soldiers go back school fully paidaid given to countries recovering from ww2a type of government as well as economic systembegan a massive air lift to feed and supply the citybelief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall...

Early Cold War 2024-01-13

Early Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. the competition between nations regarding achievements in the field of space exploration
  2. began a massive air lift to feed and supply the city
  3. helped soldiers go back school fully paid
  4. period In U.S when everyone was so caught up in containment of communism
  5. USSR
  6. policy to contain communism where it exists and not spread
  7. fbi
  1. HUAC
  2. soldiers coming home to wives after WW2
  3. belief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall
  4. NATO
  5. a type of government as well as economic system
  6. the first of which was the first satellite to be placed in orbit
  7. United States would provide political, military and economics assistance to all democratic nation under treat from external or internal authoritarian
  8. aid given to countries recovering from ww2

15 Clues: fbiHUACNATOUSSRsoldiers coming home to wives after WW2helped soldiers go back school fully paidaid given to countries recovering from ww2a type of government as well as economic systembegan a massive air lift to feed and supply the citybelief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall...

WWII 2021-03-26

WWII crossword puzzle
  1. One important goal of the _____________ strategy was to minimize Allied losses
  2. Britain and France minimized Hitler's actions when Germany invaded Czechoslavakia, this is an example of what policy
  3. This battle was significant because it was a turning point for the Allied forces in Europe
  4. The United States used __________ to persuade US citizens to support the war effort, to encourage the US to stay neutral, and to convince US citizens to report suspected communists
  5. The transition of factories from peacetime to wartime was made possible by availability of labor and raw materials; efficiency in factory technology; AND America's support for the war
  6. Which of the following countries was NOT an ally of the United States during WW2: Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia
  7. The goal of the federal government's rationing program was to ensure ______ items were available for the war effort
  8. The primary goal of the Japanese attack at _____ ______ was to destroy the American naval and air presence in the Pacific
  1. This target was chosen for the first atomic bomb, because it provided the greatest psychological impact on Japan
  2. This battle was a turning point in the war in the Pacific, because the Japanese were unable to recover from their military losses
  3. President Harry Truman's decision to use atomic bombs was primarily based on his belief that an invasion of ______ would result in excessive casualties
  4. The ______ _______ is an organization that was formed after WW2 to help all countries of the world find peaceful solutions to their conflict
  5. The United States was hesitant to address this atrocity, because Americans were deeply afraid of being pulled into an international conflict; continued competition for scarce jobs during the Great Depression; and nativist sentiment reflected American distrust toward foreign groups
  6. The ________ Airmen shattered stereotypes for African Americans
  7. Which of the following leaders was NOT a dictator: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Churchill
  8. During WW2, the primary duty of the _______ Code Talkers was transmitting secret messages between United States forces during combat
  9. Fighting on multiple ______ was a key challenge faced by the United States during WW2

17 Clues: The ________ Airmen shattered stereotypes for African AmericansOne important goal of the _____________ strategy was to minimize Allied lossesFighting on multiple ______ was a key challenge faced by the United States during WW2Which of the following leaders was NOT a dictator: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Churchill...

John bitzer 2023-03-09

John bitzer crossword puzzle
  1. what marine division withstood 180,000 chinese soldiers in korea
  2. The forest where the marines fought in the great war.
  3. what crisis did the marines prevent in the 1880's
  4. consist of three or more platoons
  5. how many marines received the medal of honor in WW2
  6. most feared marine of all time
  7. Biggest defeat for marines in the pacific
  1. first commandant of the marine corps
  2. where soldiers sleep
  3. where naval vessels are constructed
  4. what was the marine corps based upon when it first started
  5. what theater did the marines fight in during WW2

12 Clues: where soldiers sleepmost feared marine of all timeconsist of three or more platoonswhere naval vessels are constructedfirst commandant of the marine corpsBiggest defeat for marines in the pacificwhat theater did the marines fight in during WW2what crisis did the marines prevent in the 1880'show many marines received the medal of honor in WW2...

Mini Crossword 2024-04-25

Mini Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wrote in women's _____ to share her opinions and life.
  2. What is the organization that aids during times of war and disaster?
  3. What rights did Eleanor Roosevelt fight for?
  4. What behavior threatened national security post WW2?
  1. The first First Lady to serve in office 3 terms.
  2. What collar job was created post WW2 for women?
  3. The city where the social system was prevalent.
  4. What did women gain in 1919?
  5. What field did women work in on the battlefield?
  6. Women faced _____ in the workforce?
  7. Eleanor Roosevelt worked in ____?
  8. Fictional character used to promote women in the workforce.

12 Clues: What did women gain in 1919?Eleanor Roosevelt worked in ____?Women faced _____ in the workforce?What rights did Eleanor Roosevelt fight for?What collar job was created post WW2 for women?The city where the social system was prevalent.The first First Lady to serve in office 3 terms.What field did women work in on the battlefield?...

VE day crossword 2021-05-10

VE day crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the day VE day is celebrated
  2. the country that surrendered ending the war
  3. ww2 ended in 194...
  4. the frequency of UK observance of VE day
  5. the kind of party famous on VE day
  1. prime minister during ww2
  2. month of VE day
  3. victory in ......... day

8 Clues: month of VE dayww2 ended in 194...victory in ......... dayprime minister during ww2the day VE day is celebratedthe kind of party famous on VE daythe frequency of UK observance of VE daythe country that surrendered ending the war

WWII 2021-05-17

WWII crossword puzzle
  1. Meeting between Germany and the Allies where Hitler was allowed to take the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia
  2. Another term for military draft
  3. This technology allowed the British to prevent a land invasion by Germany by allowing them to detect enemy planes approaching
  4. The D-Day invasion began on the beaches of ____.
  5. Japanese suicide pilots
  6. Hitler's lightening war
  7. 1st of 2 cities bombed using the Atomic Bomb
  8. The policy used by Britain/France before WW2 to give into Hitler's demands to avoid going to war
  9. Women participated in the war effort by taking over jobs in _____ where they often made military equipment.
  10. Strategy of skipping over Japanese strongholds and capturing weaker targets that would put the Allies closer to Japan itself
  11. Before 1941 the US was _____, meaning they did not want to get involved in European conflicts
  1. The Japanese bombed this US naval base, bringing America into the war (5, 6)
  2. Secret project led by Dr. Robert Oppenheimer to create the atomic bomb (9,3)
  3. Battle in Russia that allowed the Russians to push the German army back towards Germany
  4. Japan's objective in creating an empire was to obtain ______. (3,9)
  5. Civilians helped in the war effort by ________ or limiting their use of certain items like fuel, sugar, & meats
  6. British leader during WWII
  7. Decisive US naval victory over Japan that turned the tied of the war and allowed America to go on the offensive
  8. A policy where all of a nation's resources are devoted to the war effort (5, 3)
  9. Name of the US President during WW2
  10. Leader of Japan during WW2
  11. The conquest of Okinawa and _______ brought the Americans closer to Japan (3, 4)

22 Clues: Japanese suicide pilotsHitler's lightening warBritish leader during WWIILeader of Japan during WW2Another term for military draftName of the US President during WW21st of 2 cities bombed using the Atomic BombThe D-Day invasion began on the beaches of ____.Japan's objective in creating an empire was to obtain ______. (3,9)...

World War 2 2019-06-04

World War 2 crossword puzzle
  1. the deliberate extermination of an ethnic, racial, or religious group
  2. war fought between 1939 and 1945 which was the most destructive war the world has ever seen
  3. the mass murder of 6 million Jews by Nazis during WW2
  4. giving in to the demands of an aggressor in the hope of preventing war
  1. agreement in which each side promises not to attack the other
  2. Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies during WW2
  3. to keep objectionable material from being revealed
  4. German term for lighting war; German strategy of rapid assault during WW2

8 Clues: Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies during WW2to keep objectionable material from being revealedthe mass murder of 6 million Jews by Nazis during WW2agreement in which each side promises not to attack the otherthe deliberate extermination of an ethnic, racial, or religious group...

World War II - So far 2021-03-31

World War II - So far crossword puzzle
  1. the name of the German air force
  2. German Military Tactic
  3. one of Britain's famous planes in WW2
  4. in Operation Barbrossa where did Hitler attack
  5. the name of the alliance between Germany, Italy and Russia
  6. the plan to get men out of Dunkirk. Operation ______
  7. the country that Germany invaded which caused WW2
  1. a word given to Britain's policy of allowing Germany to take over countries
  2. name of treaty after WW1
  3. the area of Czechoslovakia that Hitler and Britain agreed Hitler could have
  4. the name of the alliance between Britain, France, USA and China
  5. the surname of the British PM who planned Dunkirk
  6. the area where Germany attacked France (the forest)
  7. the first battle ever fought in the air was called the Battle Of ________
  8. the leader of Russia
  9. the name of the event where London was bombed

16 Clues: the leader of RussiaGerman Military Tacticname of treaty after WW1the name of the German air forceone of Britain's famous planes in WW2the name of the event where London was bombedin Operation Barbrossa where did Hitler attackthe surname of the British PM who planned Dunkirkthe country that Germany invaded which caused WW2...

klara's piece of art 2023-01-31

klara's piece of art crossword puzzle
  1. The lowest point in a business cycle
  2. When you have gold you need also___so you are not fake
  3. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was between Germany and…
  4. SS officer rank before Obersturmführer
  5. average change of prices over a given time period
  6. Bank that is supervised by the state
  7. Unemployment that was shown in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
  8. The highest point in a business cycle
  1. People who have skill issue or are looking for a new job
  2. You are feeling like a piece of sh#t, but it is used in the economy too
  3. A holiday when banks are closed
  4. A currency that tends to keep its value regardless of inflation
  5. which month did WW2 started
  6. Money in a specific country
  7. She is not like the other American banks
  8. difference between the actual GDP and the potential GDP
  9. You need a certificate for gold and also
  10. The most basic type of money
  11. WW2 in cz ended on which day in may 1945

19 Clues: which month did WW2 startedMoney in a specific countryThe most basic type of moneyA holiday when banks are closedThe lowest point in a business cycleBank that is supervised by the stateThe highest point in a business cycleSS officer rank before ObersturmführerShe is not like the other American banksYou need a certificate for gold and also...

Post War America 2022-04-20

Post War America crossword puzzle
  1. US group to protect themselves from the Soviet Union
  2. helped WW2 veterans go back to normal life
  3. a wall that separates East and West Berlin
  4. North and South Korea fight over their border
  5. Everyone will die if we nuke each other
  6. nukes were pointed at the US from Cuba
  7. Someone who wanted to find all communists in the US
  1. People tried to take over Cuba's leader but failed
  2. the 35th President of the US
  3. the US helped European countries hurt by WW2
  4. US and Soviet Union competition to make more weapons
  5. the US helped Greece and Turkey stop communism

12 Clues: the 35th President of the USnukes were pointed at the US from CubaEveryone will die if we nuke each otherhelped WW2 veterans go back to normal lifea wall that separates East and West Berlinthe US helped European countries hurt by WW2North and South Korea fight over their borderthe US helped Greece and Turkey stop communism...

The Holocaust 2023-03-14

The Holocaust crossword puzzle
  1. A place where Jewish people were forced to live
  2. Setting someone free from imprisonment
  3. A place where Jewish people were gathered with other hated groups by Nazis
  4. Nazis mass killing Jews and other groups during WW2
  5. hostility and ill-treatment especially on the basis of ethnicity religion or political beliefs.
  6. Laws passed that restricted the rights of Jewish people in Germany
  1. A member of the German army during WW2
  2. An entire group of people killed purposefully
  3. Unjust treatment of people
  4. Jewish people hated by others
  5. Information meant to mislead
  6. A person seeking a safe place to live
  7. A person seeking a safe place to live

13 Clues: Unjust treatment of peopleInformation meant to misleadJewish people hated by othersA person seeking a safe place to liveA person seeking a safe place to liveA member of the German army during WW2Setting someone free from imprisonmentAn entire group of people killed purposefullyA place where Jewish people were forced to live...

World War 2 2016-02-15

World War 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Leader of Germany during WW2
  2. Type of government lead by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism
  3. Prime minister of Italy during WW2
  4. Lightening warfare
  5. Agreement between Hitler and Stalin not to attack one another
  6. Secret military project created to build the first nuclear weapon
  7. Month when Pearl Harbor was attacked
  8. Communist dictator of Soviet Union
  9. Hitler's secret police
  1. German air force
  2. First city where the United States dropped the atomic bomb
  3. Agreement signed by several nations to outlaw offensive war and prohibited the use of war except in self defense
  4. French system of underground bunkers along their border with Germany
  5. US policy to avoid involvement in world affairs
  6. Planes that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan
  7. Day when a million troops stormed the beaches of Normandy
  8. Who attacked Pearl Harbor

17 Clues: German air forceLightening warfareHitler's secret policeWho attacked Pearl HarborLeader of Germany during WW2Prime minister of Italy during WW2Communist dictator of Soviet UnionMonth when Pearl Harbor was attackedPlanes that dropped the atomic bombs on JapanUS policy to avoid involvement in world affairs...

The Battle of Midway 2020-06-04

The Battle of Midway crossword puzzle
  1. was a commander of the japanese fleet
  2. a country that got a state bombed by japan in ww2
  3. ocean they were fighting over
  4. a island in between Hawaii and Japan
  5. number of americans killed
  6. a country that was on germany's side in ww2
  1. the battle of midway happened in this
  2. number of japanese killed
  3. a important carrier in a fleet
  4. was a commander of the us navy fleet in Midway

10 Clues: number of japanese killednumber of americans killedocean they were fighting overa important carrier in a fleeta island in between Hawaii and Japanthe battle of midway happened in thiswas a commander of the japanese fleeta country that was on germany's side in ww2was a commander of the us navy fleet in Midway...

Unit 8 2024-05-08

Unit 8 crossword puzzle
  1. airplanes made in WW2 in Georgia
  2. known as the father of two ocean navy
  3. The insect that planted eggs in cotton
  4. the stock market crash
  5. the new deal program that made jobs for teens and kids
  1. ships made in Savannah Ga in WW2
  2. Provides weapons to all
  3. gave farmers money to stop producing crops
  4. the new deal program that brought electricity to rural area
  5. deal Programs that helped in the great depression

10 Clues: the stock market crashProvides weapons to allships made in Savannah Ga in WW2airplanes made in WW2 in Georgiaknown as the father of two ocean navyThe insect that planted eggs in cottongave farmers money to stop producing cropsdeal Programs that helped in the great depressionthe new deal program that made jobs for teens and kids...

Unit 8 2024-05-08

Unit 8 crossword puzzle
  1. airplanes made in WW2 in Georgia
  2. known as the father of two ocean navy
  3. The insect that planted eggs in cotton
  4. the stock market crash
  5. the new deal program that made jobs for teens and kids
  1. ships made in Savannah Ga in WW2
  2. Provides weapons to all
  3. gave farmers money to stop producing crops
  4. the new deal program that brought electricity to rural area
  5. deal Programs that helped in the great depression

10 Clues: the stock market crashProvides weapons to allships made in Savannah Ga in WW2airplanes made in WW2 in Georgiaknown as the father of two ocean navyThe insect that planted eggs in cottongave farmers money to stop producing cropsdeal Programs that helped in the great depressionthe new deal program that made jobs for teens and kids...

WW2 STUFF 2012-07-05

WW2 STUFF crossword puzzle
  1. Explosions every where, especially London
  2. People cowered from the bombs in these
  3. Nobody like this man and he didn't like himself
  4. Death and puishment for Jews
  5. Hitler had a furry one
  6. A dog and a Prime Minister
  7. Gouten Targ is hello in .......
  1. These were used to destroy houses and cities
  2. Germans didn't like them especially Hitler
  3. Nevill Chamberlain did this to Germany
  4. Peole were very hungry
  5. An end to you
  6. Ships sailed, People saved in France
  7. Hot spot for Bombs

14 Clues: An end to youHot spot for BombsPeole were very hungryHitler had a furry oneA dog and a Prime MinisterDeath and puishment for JewsGouten Targ is hello in .......Ships sailed, People saved in FranceNevill Chamberlain did this to GermanyPeople cowered from the bombs in theseExplosions every where, especially London...

WW2 Warships 2023-09-20

WW2 Warships crossword puzzle
  1. - U.S. aircraft carrier that served in the Pacific Theater.
  2. - Sister ship of the Bismarck, known for its constant threat in the North Sea.
  3. - American aircraft carrier that played a pivotal role in the Pacific.
  4. - American battleship sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  5. - German battleship that famously sank the HMS Hood.
  6. - U.S. aircraft carrier involved in the Battle of Midway.
  7. - Japanese aircraft carrier involved in several key battles.
  1. - British battleship that engaged the Bismarck and Prinz Eugen.
  2. - British ocean liner famously sunk by a German U-boat in WWI.
  3. - German pocket battleship scuttled after the Battle of the River Plate.
  4. - British battleship lost in a confrontation with the Bismarck.
  5. - British battleship, the last to be constructed for the Royal Navy.
  6. - German battleship known for its commerce raiding in the Atlantic.
  7. - Japanese battleship, one of the largest ever built.
  8. - U.S. battleship where the Japanese surrender was signed.

15 Clues: - German battleship that famously sank the HMS Hood.- Japanese battleship, one of the largest ever built.- U.S. aircraft carrier involved in the Battle of Midway.- U.S. battleship where the Japanese surrender was signed.- U.S. aircraft carrier that served in the Pacific Theater.- Japanese aircraft carrier involved in several key battles....

Young Historians 2022-04-26

Young Historians crossword puzzle
  1. selective Training Service Act was the first ______ draft
  2. formed the America First Committee
  3. and Britain wanting to give Germany what they wanted: appeasement, France and Britain wanting to give Germany what they wanted
  4. US president during WW2
  1. than 1 country working together
  2. was the leader of germany during WW2
  3. Lightning War
  4. The second place Hitler invaded
  5. Russia's leader

9 Clues: Lightning WarRussia's leaderUS president during WW2than 1 country working togetherThe second place Hitler invadedformed the America First Committeewas the leader of germany during WW2selective Training Service Act was the first ______ draft...

Pima Air Museum Basics 2024-11-22

Pima Air Museum Basics crossword puzzle
  1. The largest non government funded air and space museum in the world.
  2. The original method of propulsion for planes.
  3. The Sr-71 ________ was created by Skunkworks.
  4. ________ creates many highly classified aircraft.
  5. The ______________ was the largest bomber in WW2
  6. Turbines, scramjets, propellers are all means of ________.
  7. Similar to a jet engine but uses internal combustion.
  8. The force created by an aircraft's engines allowing forward motion.
  1. The Sikorsky UH-60 is also known as the ________.
  2. A type of engine that is used in many modern planes.
  3. All planes, cars, motorcycles, etc, have some kind of an ______.
  4. The first ever helicopter used in combat.
  5. The United States space program.
  6. The U.S’s most used bomber in WW2.
  7. A _______ engine that only works at speeds of mach 6 and faster.

15 Clues: The United States space program.The U.S’s most used bomber in WW2.The first ever helicopter used in combat.The original method of propulsion for planes.The Sr-71 ________ was created by Skunkworks.The ______________ was the largest bomber in WW2The Sikorsky UH-60 is also known as the ________.________ creates many highly classified aircraft....

Pima Air Museum Basics 2024-11-22

Pima Air Museum Basics crossword puzzle
  1. The force created by an aircraft's engines allowing forward motion.
  2. All planes, cars, motorcycles, etc, have some kind of an ______.
  3. The Sikorsky UH-60 is also known as the ________.
  4. A _______ engine that only works at speeds of mach 6 and faster.
  5. The original method of propulsion for planes.
  6. The first ever helicopter used in combat.
  7. The ______________ was the largest bomber in WW2
  8. The U.S’s most used bomber in WW2.
  1. The largest non government-funded air and space museum in the world.
  2. The Sr-71 ________ was created by Skunkworks.
  3. ________ creates many highly classified aircraft.
  4. Similar to a jet engine but uses internal combustion.
  5. The United States space program.
  6. Turbines, scramjets, propellers are all means of ________.
  7. A type of engine that is used in many modern planes.

15 Clues: The United States space program.The U.S’s most used bomber in WW2.The first ever helicopter used in combat.The Sr-71 ________ was created by Skunkworks.The original method of propulsion for planes.The ______________ was the largest bomber in WW2________ creates many highly classified aircraft.The Sikorsky UH-60 is also known as the ________....

Stauffer 2018-11-22

Stauffer crossword puzzle
  1. Dot's Elder son
  2. Luke's grandmother
  3. Built Satellites G.E.
  4. Mansfield pitcher
  5. WW2 vet
  6. Star of "Seussical"
  7. H.S. Academic team
  8. precocious twin
  9. Oldest surviving Kirkner
  1. Nancy's main squeeze
  2. Tong's mother-in-law
  3. The Queen Easter Hare
  4. Youngest sister
  5. Gone but remebered
  6. Dot's Husband
  7. Rodeo rider
  8. Prom Queen
  9. elder wombmate

18 Clues: WW2 vetProm QueenRodeo riderDot's Husbandelder wombmateDot's Elder sonYoungest sisterprecocious twinMansfield pitcherLuke's grandmotherGone but remeberedH.S. Academic teamStar of "Seussical"Nancy's main squeezeTong's mother-in-lawBuilt Satellites G.E.The Queen Easter HareOldest surviving Kirkner

Girl In the Blue Coat 2023-05-25

Girl In the Blue Coat crossword puzzle
  1. Invaders
  2. political organization
  3. Blue
  4. Black
  5. WW2
  6. 1942
  1. Main character
  2. Political police force
  3. A captial
  4. someones love
  5. Bas's brother

11 Clues: WW2Blue1942BlackInvadersA captialsomeones loveBas's brotherMain characterPolitical police forcepolitical organization

Princess Priya 2025-01-15

Princess Priya crossword puzzle
  1. Groupies
  2. Newest furry friend
  3. COVID mishap
  4. Too cute to eat
  5. Dog of Honour
  6. This Era suits you
  7. Nickname in the sky
  8. Sees half
  9. Where we hatched
  10. Gym bud
  1. Brown girl brain
  2. WW2 Expert
  3. It's me, hi
  4. Uber
  5. Has a crush on you
  6. Group mum
  7. Camping trip
  8. Christmas
  9. SASP 2023

19 Clues: UberGym budGroupiesGroup mumChristmasSees halfSASP 2023WW2 ExpertIt's me, hiCOVID mishapCamping tripDog of HonourToo cute to eatBrown girl brainWhere we hatchedHas a crush on youThis Era suits youNewest furry friendNickname in the sky

Royal College History 2021-06-18

Royal College History crossword puzzle
  1. first Royalist to revive Knighthood
  2. When did The Royal College win the coveted Herman Loos Challenge Cup
  3. the first Secretary of the social services league
  4. what is the 3rd Oldest Shield played for at The Royal College
  5. one of the College mottos
  6. When was the house system introduced to college
  7. The hockey encounter played against Trinity College Kandy
  8. the first recipient of the Turner prize
  1. who introduced the prefect system to college
  2. the first event which the cadets band played at
  3. The number of Old Royalists who fought in WW2
  4. The competition which the school song was sung
  5. the sport which the 3rd oldest shield is played for
  6. the principal who introduced the college colors
  7. a country where Old Royalists served during ww2

15 Clues: one of the College mottosfirst Royalist to revive Knighthoodthe first recipient of the Turner prizewho introduced the prefect system to collegeThe number of Old Royalists who fought in WW2The competition which the school song was sungthe first event which the cadets band played atthe principal who introduced the college colors...

Early cold war & 1950’s 2024-01-13

Early cold war & 1950’s crossword puzzle
  1. NATO
  2. helped soldiers go back school fully paid
  3. aid given to countries recovering from ww2
  4. USSR
  5. began a massive air lift to feed and supply the city
  6. policy to contain communism where it exists and not spread
  7. the competition between nations regarding achievements in the field of space exploration
  8. belief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall
  1. fbi
  2. soldiers coming home to wives after WW2
  3. the first of which was the first satellite to be placed in orbit
  4. HUAC
  5. United States would provide political, military and economics assistance to all democratic nation under treat from external or internal authoritarian
  6. a type of government as well as economic system
  7. period In U.S when everyone was so caught up in containment of communism

15 Clues: fbiNATOHUACUSSRsoldiers coming home to wives after WW2helped soldiers go back school fully paidaid given to countries recovering from ww2a type of government as well as economic systembegan a massive air lift to feed and supply the citybelief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall...

Early cold war & 1950's 2024-01-17

Early cold war & 1950's crossword puzzle
  1. the competition between nations regarding achievements in the field of space exploration
  2. began a massive air lift to feed and supply the city
  3. helped soldiers go back school fully paid
  4. period In U.S when everyone was so caught up in containment of communism
  5. USSR
  6. policy to contain communism where it exists and not spread
  7. fbi
  1. HUAC
  2. soldiers coming home to wives after WW2
  3. belief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall
  4. NATO
  5. a type of government as well as economic system
  6. the first of which was the first satellite to be placed in orbit
  7. United States would provide political, military and economics assistance to all democratic nation under treat from external or internal authoritarian
  8. aid given to countries recovering from ww2

15 Clues: fbiHUACNATOUSSRsoldiers coming home to wives after WW2helped soldiers go back school fully paidaid given to countries recovering from ww2a type of government as well as economic systembegan a massive air lift to feed and supply the citybelief that if one nation fell to communism they all fall...

VE day crossword 2021-05-10

VE day crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the day VE day is celebrated
  2. the kind of party famous on VE day
  3. prime minister during ww2
  4. the country that surrendered ending the war
  1. ww2 ended in 194...
  2. the frequency of UK observance of VE day
  3. victory in ......... day
  4. month of VE day

8 Clues: month of VE dayww2 ended in 194...victory in ......... dayprime minister during ww2the day VE day is celebratedthe kind of party famous on VE daythe frequency of UK observance of VE daythe country that surrendered ending the war

Female Role Models in STEM by Last Name 1 2021-11-30

Female Role Models in STEM by Last Name 1 crossword puzzle
  1. assisted in developing cotton gin
  2. was a naval officer in WW2
  3. Formed a company to research and produce renewable fuels
  4. received a nobel prize for physics 1963
  5. worked on codebreaker during WW2
  1. Created a frequency-hopping signal that allowed torpedoes to not become jammed
  2. discovered the XY and XX chromosomes
  3. 2020 Nobel prize in chemistry
  4. created a new device and procedure to guarantee clean water
  5. Developed first method to measure carbon dioxide levels in seawater

10 Clues: was a naval officer in WW22020 Nobel prize in chemistryworked on codebreaker during WW2assisted in developing cotton gindiscovered the XY and XX chromosomesreceived a nobel prize for physics 1963Formed a company to research and produce renewable fuelscreated a new device and procedure to guarantee clean water...

ww2 leaders 2021-05-04

ww2 leaders crossword puzzle
  1. MacArthur
  2. Mussolini
  3. Rydz-Śmigły
  4. Stalin
  5. Zhukov
  6. Rokossovsky
  7. S. Truma
  1. Kai-shek
  2. Hitler
  3. Zedong
  4. Churchill
  5. Law Montgomery
  6. Sikorski
  7. Tojo

14 Clues: TojoHitlerZedongStalinZhukovKai-shekSikorskiS. TrumaChurchillMacArthurMussoliniRydz-ŚmigłyRokossovskyLaw Montgomery

WW2 vocabulary 2022-10-24

WW2 vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe
  2. to start using a plan or system
  3. to say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done
  4. to stop fighting and admit defeat
  5. to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product
  6. to try to hurt or defeat using violence
  7. to win against someone in a fight, war, or competition
  1. to go or move something forward, or to develop or improve something
  2. to not succeed in what you are trying to achieve or are expected to do
  3. to enter a country by force with large numbers of soldiers in order to take possession of it
  4. to begin to exist or to make something begin to exist
  5. to fall or to allow something to fall
  6. a sudden, unexpected, and usually unpleasant event or experience
  7. to happen or come after something

14 Clues: to start using a plan or systemto stop fighting and admit defeatto happen or come after somethingto fall or to allow something to fallto try to hurt or defeat using violenceto begin to exist or to make something begin to existto win against someone in a fight, war, or competitionto move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe...

News Paper Cross word 2023-06-09

News Paper Cross word crossword puzzle
  1. Lightning battle
  2. Japan Attack
  3. cause of WW1
  4. 3 terms
  5. News Paper
  6. Italian Ruler
  7. North American Free Trade Act
  8. Japan Bomb
  1. sitting battle
  2. In the air
  3. Cause of WW2
  4. not Germany half of Poland
  5. Olympian
  6. German ruler
  7. No fighting

15 Clues: 3 termsOlympianIn the airNews PaperJapan BombNo fightingJapan AttackCause of WW2cause of WW1German rulerItalian Rulersitting battleLightning battlenot Germany half of PolandNorth American Free Trade Act

WW2 Terms 2021-05-10

WW2 Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Germany, Italy and Japan-the losing side of WW2
  2. Britain, Russia, and the United States the winning side of WW2
  3. Prejudice against people who are Jewish
  4. A powerful weapon that uses nuclar energy to create mass destruction
  1. a group that still exists today and tries to keep world peace
  2. people used less resources so that certain foods and supplies could be used in the war
  3. Trying to eliminate an entire group of people; Jews and other groups were targets of the Holocaust, and example of genocide
  4. The Germans used large and fast moving armies to quickly defeat other nations this means Lightning War
  5. An attack on this American naval base made the United states join WW2
  6. the Allied countries had a large attack against the Germans and landed on French beaches-June 6,1944

10 Clues: Prejudice against people who are JewishGermany, Italy and Japan-the losing side of WW2a group that still exists today and tries to keep world peaceBritain, Russia, and the United States the winning side of WW2A powerful weapon that uses nuclar energy to create mass destructionAn attack on this American naval base made the United states join WW2...

Definitions of dragons in dragon city singles 2024-10-08

Definitions of dragons in dragon city singles crossword puzzle
  1. Stronger aluminium
  2. Snow bird leader
  3. WW2
  4. Makeup just makeup
  5. Sleep&Dream
  6. Gods blessing
  7. Powers everything
  8. Under trees
  1. Gods elf
  2. Something on a candle
  3. Really really cold
  4. Stuff that the devil collects
  5. T Rex
  6. Everything living
  7. Hurricane
  8. Joy
  9. Look at the top left corner of your screen
  10. Another word for ground
  11. Past the sand
  12. Devils order

20 Clues: WW2JoyT RexGods elfHurricaneSleep&DreamUnder treesDevils orderPast the sandGods blessingSnow bird leaderEverything livingPowers everythingStronger aluminiumReally really coldMakeup just makeupSomething on a candleAnother word for groundStuff that the devil collectsLook at the top left corner of your screen

WW2 Vocabulary 2020-05-07

WW2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The successful invasion of Western Europe on June 6th 1944
  2. When the US claimed and Island from the Japanese in 1945
  3. When 60=80 thousand American and Filipino prisoners where loaded onto trains
  4. An invasion of French North Africa that was allied Hiroshima When the US used two nuclear weapons on the Japanese in 1945.
  5. A major battle of the Pacific War, between the US and the Japanese
  6. The 8-month period at the start of WW2
  7. A battle that happened after Pearl Harbor and the Coral Sea battle.
  1. When Germanys allies attacked the S.O. to take control a city in Southern Russia
  2. A naval battle between Japan, the US and Australia in the Pacific Theatre.
  3. The military blockade done by the Nazis against the soviet city.
  4. An Air raid in 1942 by the US on several Japanese areas, like Tokyo.
  5. A surprise attack on the U.S. in Hawaii by the Japanese
  6. The battle in which the Air Force battled the Nazis Germany.
  7. Aka the Axis Invasion, it happened in June 1941 and repopulated the western S.U.

14 Clues: The 8-month period at the start of WW2A surprise attack on the U.S. in Hawaii by the JapaneseWhen the US claimed and Island from the Japanese in 1945The successful invasion of Western Europe on June 6th 1944The battle in which the Air Force battled the Nazis Germany.The military blockade done by the Nazis against the soviet city....

Young Historians 2022-04-26

Young Historians crossword puzzle
  1. selective Training Service Act was the first ______ draft
  2. formed the America First Committee
  3. and Britain wanting to give Germany what they wanted: appeasement, France and Britain wanting to give Germany what they wanted
  4. US president during WW2
  1. than 1 country working together
  2. was the leader of germany during WW2
  3. Lightning War
  4. The second place Hitler invaded
  5. Russia's leader

9 Clues: Lightning WarRussia's leaderUS president during WW2than 1 country working togetherThe second place Hitler invadedformed the America First Committeewas the leader of germany during WW2selective Training Service Act was the first ______ draft...

Vocabulary WW2 2022-10-05

Vocabulary WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. to provide evidence to make more certain; confirm
  2. a list of possessions or good on hand
  3. a serious and earnest effort towards a goal
  4. cautious, very careful
  5. logical and well organized
  6. to wire or equip with electric power
  1. to hold someone or something responsible
  2. clothed or covered
  3. done in hurry
  4. to take or receive from a source
  5. to remove the water
  6. a change in form, position, or condition
  7. causing wear by rubbing
  8. causing shock or horror

14 Clues: done in hurryclothed or coveredto remove the watercautious, very carefulcausing wear by rubbingcausing shock or horrorlogical and well organizedto take or receive from a sourceto wire or equip with electric powera list of possessions or good on handto hold someone or something responsiblea change in form, position, or condition...

WW2 Crossword 2024-01-18

WW2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What battle was the major turning point for the war in the Pacific?
  2. Who was the Norwegian traitor who helped Germany defeat Norway?
  3. Anschluss involved German unification with what country?
  4. Who was one of the leading spokesmen for the isolationist America First committees?
  5. What was the name of the practice of seizing all private land and crops and forcing farmers to labor whenever they were told but not for themselves “ for the good of the country” that was enforced in the Soviet Union?
  6. The German invasion of which region sparked World War II in Europe?
  7. Who commanded U.S. forces at the Battle of Midway?
  1. What French port did the German forces drive the British and French forces northward to on the English Channel and surrounded them?
  2. Who commanded U.S. forces at the Battle of Midway?
  3. Who became known as a dictator in Italy?
  4. Who was the Dictator of the Soviet Union?
  5. What was the name of that region that Czechoslovakia was forced to surrender?
  6. What nation was forced to surrender one region of its land to Germany at the Munich Conference?
  7. Who was the Prime Minister of England who met with Hitler and tried to appease him by allowing him to seize territories?
  8. What African nation did Italy attack in 1935?

15 Clues: Who became known as a dictator in Italy?Who was the Dictator of the Soviet Union?What African nation did Italy attack in 1935?Who commanded U.S. forces at the Battle of Midway?Who commanded U.S. forces at the Battle of Midway?Anschluss involved German unification with what country?Who was the Norwegian traitor who helped Germany defeat Norway?...

Battles and Wars of the Past 2021-07-16

Battles and Wars of the Past crossword puzzle
  1. Famous civil war battle
  2. Largest amphibious invasion to ever take place, WW2
  3. Battle of Lexington and ________
  4. Crucial and decisive naval battle in the Pacific Theatre of WW2
  5. Rare strategic defeat for the Royal Navy, AKA battle of the Virginia Capes
  1. AKA the Battle of Sharpsburg
  2. First major battle of the Civil War
  3. Fought between the British and French
  4. Largest military campaigns of the Vietnam War,
  5. Fought during the siege of Boston named after a hill

10 Clues: Famous civil war battleAKA the Battle of SharpsburgBattle of Lexington and ________First major battle of the Civil WarFought between the British and FrenchLargest military campaigns of the Vietnam War,Largest amphibious invasion to ever take place, WW2Fought during the siege of Boston named after a hill...

Unit 3 Review 2023-03-13

Unit 3 Review crossword puzzle
  1. guarantees of equal opportunities and protection under the law
  2. love for one's country
  3. symbol for joining the army
  4. the process of becoming stronger or given more authority
  5. the US and 26 other nations made up this group during WW2
  6. located in Hawaii and was attacked by Japan
  1. African American student who bravely attended all white school
  2. symbol for women joining the workforce
  3. to separate or keep apart
  4. Germany Italy and Japan made up this group during WW2

10 Clues: love for one's countryto separate or keep apartsymbol for joining the armysymbol for women joining the workforcelocated in Hawaii and was attacked by JapanGermany Italy and Japan made up this group during WW2the process of becoming stronger or given more authoritythe US and 26 other nations made up this group during WW2...

cars 2017-03-22

cars crossword puzzle
  1. saintly drive
  2. scuderia
  3. rugby winger
  4. russian getting noisier
  5. eastern flower with dash
  6. youngest sibling
  7. avoid the issue
  8. minty
  9. amphibious fairy
  10. small person
  11. needs reigning in
  1. stingray american fish
  2. protection on offer
  3. best name
  4. italian chinese species
  5. italian lover
  6. posh and hallmarked in the dark
  7. sport bad dress sense
  8. winning rutter
  9. ww2 fighter

20 Clues: mintyscuderiabest nameww2 fighterrugby wingersmall personsaintly driveitalian loverwinning rutteravoid the issueyoungest siblingamphibious fairyneeds reigning inprotection on offersport bad dress sensestingray american fishitalian chinese speciesrussian getting noisiereastern flower with dashposh and hallmarked in the dark

European countries 2020-09-06

European countries crossword puzzle
  1. baguette
  2. crumpets
  3. beer
  4. potato's
  5. good chocolate
  1. happiest counrty
  2. vikings
  3. its invasion started WW2
  4. olympics
  5. spaghetti

10 Clues: beervikingsbaguettecrumpetsolympicspotato'sspaghettigood chocolatehappiest counrtyits invasion started WW2

sw asia subjects 2022-11-17

sw asia subjects crossword puzzle
  1. hitlers minions
  2. the hatred of jews
  3. an action where hitler used gases to kill jews
  1. The targets of ww2
  2. the movement to move jews back into palestine
  3. the dictator of germany in ww2
  4. a complete stop in trade with another country
  5. an extremely religous group who planned 9/11

8 Clues: hitlers minionsThe targets of ww2the hatred of jewsthe dictator of germany in ww2an extremely religous group who planned 9/11the movement to move jews back into palestinea complete stop in trade with another countryan action where hitler used gases to kill jews

sw asia subjects 2022-11-17

sw asia subjects crossword puzzle
  1. hitlers minions
  2. the hatred of jews
  3. an action where hitler used gases to kill jews
  1. The targets of ww2
  2. the movement to move jews back into palestine
  3. the dictator of germany in ww2
  4. a complete stop in trade with another country
  5. an extremely religous group who planned 9/11

8 Clues: hitlers minionsThe targets of ww2the hatred of jewsthe dictator of germany in ww2an extremely religous group who planned 9/11the movement to move jews back into palestinea complete stop in trade with another countryan action where hitler used gases to kill jews

sw asia subjects 2022-11-17

sw asia subjects crossword puzzle
  1. hitlers minions
  2. the hatred of jews
  3. an action where hitler used gases to kill jews
  1. The targets of ww2
  2. the movement to move jews back into palestine
  3. the dictator of germany in ww2
  4. a complete stop in trade with another country
  5. an extremely religous group who planned 9/11

8 Clues: hitlers minionsThe targets of ww2the hatred of jewsthe dictator of germany in ww2an extremely religous group who planned 9/11the movement to move jews back into palestinea complete stop in trade with another countryan action where hitler used gases to kill jews

WW2 English Crossword Puzzle 2024-06-27

WW2 English Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. War 2, Allies vs. Axis
  2. A country contributing to the WW2 by providing navy support
  3. enemies of WW2
  1. many people dying
  2. demise of people
  3. A way that people broadcasted news about the war back in the day
  4. a heavy mobile weapon
  5. person who died serving for their country

8 Clues: enemies of WW2demise of peoplemany people dyinga heavy mobile weaponWar 2, Allies vs. Axisperson who died serving for their countryA country contributing to the WW2 by providing navy supportA way that people broadcasted news about the war back in the day

Adolf Hitler 2024-11-22

Adolf Hitler crossword puzzle
  1. What Was Hitler's Title?
  2. How Did Hitler Die?
  3. How Many Million Jewish People Were Killed By The Nazis?
  4. Where Was Hitler From?
  1. What Type of People Did Hitler Hate?
  2. What Was The Name of Hitler Followers?
  3. How Many Counties Did Hitler Conquer During WW2?
  4. What Was Hitler's Major Ally During WW2?

8 Clues: How Did Hitler Die?Where Was Hitler From?What Was Hitler's Title?What Type of People Did Hitler Hate?What Was The Name of Hitler Followers?What Was Hitler's Major Ally During WW2?How Many Counties Did Hitler Conquer During WW2?How Many Million Jewish People Were Killed By The Nazis?

Gotlands ModellAviatörers Quiz 2025-01-20

Gotlands ModellAviatörers Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Sköts av medlemmarna
  2. Ort på Gotland
  3. Kallas modell från WW2
  4. Gräns
  5. Utfärdare
  6. Vanlig motor
  7. Antal
  8. Metod för batteri
  9. Ägandeform
  10. Är alla
  11. Används ofta på fältet
  12. Startmetod
  1. Reglerar el
  2. plastmaterial
  3. Projekt
  4. Klädsel
  5. Trevlig träff
  6. 15 februari
  7. Förbund
  8. Klubb
  9. Vanligare nu
  10. Från första världskriget
  11. Cub Vanlig på fältet
  12. Vanligt batteri

24 Clues: GränsAntalKlubbProjektKlädselFörbundÄr allaUtfärdareÄgandeformStartmetodReglerar el15 februariVanlig motorVanligare nuplastmaterialTrevlig träffOrt på GotlandVanligt batteriMetod för batteriSköts av medlemmarnaCub Vanlig på fältetKallas modell från WW2Används ofta på fältetFrån första världskriget

Modern World History 2023-05-19

Modern World History crossword puzzle
  1. Who lost WW2?
  2. A war tactic where all branches focus on a single place to end a battle quickly. Also called lightning war.
  3. Who was the leader of Germany in WWII?
  4. Who was the leader of the USSR in WWII?
  5. First US president during WWII.
  6. What country got hundreds of miles back from the treaty of versailles.
  7. Who won WW1 and WW2?
  8. A machine made to separate seeds from cotton to make it purer.
  9. The country that took the blame for WW1.
  1. The president of the us during WW1.
  2. Who lost WW1?
  3. International peace keeping organization made of more than 40 countries.
  4. What type of government did the USSR have?

13 Clues: Who lost WW2?Who lost WW1?Who won WW1 and WW2?First US president during WWII.The president of the us during WW1.Who was the leader of Germany in WWII?Who was the leader of the USSR in WWII?The country that took the blame for WW1.What type of government did the USSR have?A machine made to separate seeds from cotton to make it purer....

Russia USSR World Geography 2024-11-12

Russia USSR World Geography crossword puzzle
  1. Russian Tittle for Head of state...Putin
  2. World's Largest inland Body of water
  3. Vast Northern region of Russia with long harsh winters
  4. Space station of the Soviets that operated 1986 to 2001
  5. Treaty Signed in 1972 between US and USSR to limit Nuclear Weapons
  6. Russian Capitol formerly Leningrad
  7. Large Controversial Region annexed by Russia from Ukraine in 2014
  8. Policy of Gorbachev of openness in 1980s
  9. Longest river in Europe Valdai Hills to Caspian Sea
  10. Soviet secret Police agency notorious for repression
  11. Conflict with no fighting but involved spies and arms build up between US and USSR
  12. First Leader of the Soviet Union
  1. WW2 leader of Russia following Lenin, and Famous for Purges
  2. Major Turning point in WW2 with heavy losses but Nazis were repelled
  3. Political Ideology that became state doctrine of USSR
  4. Capitol City of Russian Empire on the Neva River
  5. 1991 marked the fall or ______ of the USSR
  6. Russian Leader who introduced PERESTROIKA

18 Clues: First Leader of the Soviet UnionRussian Capitol formerly LeningradWorld's Largest inland Body of waterRussian Tittle for Head of state...PutinPolicy of Gorbachev of openness in 1980sRussian Leader who introduced PERESTROIKA1991 marked the fall or ______ of the USSRCapitol City of Russian Empire on the Neva River...

WW2 English Crossword Puzzle 2024-06-27

WW2 English Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Many people Dying
  2. A country that contributed to the WW2 by helping through Navy
  3. Allies vs. Axis
  1. A way that people broadcasted news about the War back in the day
  2. A heavy mobile weapon
  3. Demise of People
  4. Enemies in WW2
  5. Person who died fighting for his country

8 Clues: Enemies in WW2Allies vs. AxisDemise of PeopleMany people DyingA heavy mobile weaponPerson who died fighting for his countryA country that contributed to the WW2 by helping through NavyA way that people broadcasted news about the War back in the day

Causes of world war 2 2012-05-27

Causes of world war 2 crossword puzzle
  1. who was the prime minister during ww2.
  2. who was Germany dictator in ww2.
  3. What does Stalin control?
  4. African country invaded by Italy in 1935.\
  5. The term lightning war is also called?
  6. Britain and France declared war on ___________.
  1. where Hitler put most of the Jewish people before sending them to camps.
  2. what month did world war two began.
  3. Germany's invasion of this country triggered World War Two.
  4. Hitler began increasing the size of this in 1934.

10 Clues: What does Stalin control?who was Germany dictator in ww2.what month did world war two began.who was the prime minister during ww2.The term lightning war is also called?African country invaded by Italy in 1935.\Britain and France declared war on ___________.Hitler began increasing the size of this in 1934....

World War dos 2023-05-06

World War dos crossword puzzle
  1. The opposition of war and violence
  2. The German annexation of Austria
  3. Japanese suicide bombings
  4. An alliance formed after WW2 between North American countries and Western European countries
  5. The segregation and extermination of Jews in Europe
  6. An area of mostly ethnically german people that was annexed by Germany
  7. Where Jews and other groups were sent to either work or die
  8. Policy meant to contain communism
  1. To satisfy or pacify by giving into demands
  2. A fast moving attack used by german forces meant to overwhelm the enemy
  3. Plan to send aid to western European countries
  4. The law that allowed the U.S. to send aid to the allied nations during WW2
  5. The German air force

13 Clues: The German air forceJapanese suicide bombingsThe German annexation of AustriaPolicy meant to contain communismThe opposition of war and violenceTo satisfy or pacify by giving into demandsPlan to send aid to western European countriesThe segregation and extermination of Jews in EuropeWhere Jews and other groups were sent to either work or die...

Imitation game 2023-05-22

Imitation game crossword puzzle
  1. The action of keeping something secret or the state of being kept secret
  2. Unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing nonsense
  3. A person employed by a government or other organization to secretly obtain information on an enemy or competitor
  4. Alan's best friend at school and his machine's nickname
  5. Need to know, only
  6. Women in the Navy during WW2
  7. Joan's family name
  8. Crime for which Alan Turing was arrested after the war
  9. German Machine used to code their communication
  10. An exceptionally intelligent person or one with exceptional skill in a particular area of activity
  11. A synonym for cables
  12. Bombardment
  1. British fighter aircraft used by the Royal Air Force during World War II.
  2. unusual recruitment method designed by Alan Turing
  3. convert (information or data) into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access
  4. A detective's job
  5. name of the mathematician who cracked Enigma
  6. a secret or disguised way of writing, a code
  7. Prime Minister during the WW2
  8. A piece of machinery used to transfer motion to another similar piece of machinery, used to represent the settings on your phone
  9. Deadly poison

21 Clues: BombardmentDeadly poisonA detective's jobNeed to know, onlyJoan's family nameA synonym for cablesWomen in the Navy during WW2Prime Minister during the WW2name of the mathematician who cracked Enigmaa secret or disguised way of writing, a codeGerman Machine used to code their communicationunusual recruitment method designed by Alan Turing...

Concentration Camps Caleb Owens 2024-04-09

Concentration Camps Caleb Owens crossword puzzle
  1. What did all SS units wear on their caps?
  2. What was the annexation of Austria called?
  3. What was the deadly gas used in the chambers Who were the majority of prisoners in the concentration camps.
  4. What were the stationary gas chambers referred to as?
  5. After 1942, why were camps built close to railroads?
  6. How many camps were built to follow through the Final Solution?
  7. How many prisoners were taken in concentration camps during WW2?
  8. What did most early camps make prisoners do?
  1. What was the first concentration camp?
  2. Who was responsible for sending prisoners to concentration camps?
  3. Who commanded Auschwitz?
  4. Who did Heinrich Himmler choose to command the concentration camps?
  5. What was the first extermination camp called?
  6. What did all Jews have to wear on their coats?
  7. How many Jews died during WW2?
  8. What were the prisoner's weekly wages?

16 Clues: Who commanded Auschwitz?How many Jews died during WW2?What was the first concentration camp?What were the prisoner's weekly wages?What did all SS units wear on their caps?What was the annexation of Austria called?What did most early camps make prisoners do?What was the first extermination camp called?What did all Jews have to wear on their coats?...

Unit 5 2025-02-11

Unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. germany
  2. US,France,Britian, soviet union
  3. the us would send supplies to countires that would protect us
  4. a goverment where everyone shares everything
  5. leader of france
  6. germany and soviet union to not attack eachtother for 100 years
  7. A goverment type where someone controls all
  8. military leader of japan
  9. us not letting them sell weapons to other countries
  10. A new form of fighting with swift attacks used by hitler
  11. leader of the nazis
  12. Someone who controls the goverment and army
  1. giving someone what they want so they dont want more
  2. Leader of italy
  3. leader of the soviet union
  4. US naval base that was bombed by Japan
  5. book written by Adolf
  6. a saved up of food to give to soldeirs
  7. let germany invade the sudentland
  8. a very patriotic goverment where people are punished to go againt their goverment
  9. a form of art to presuade someone to do something used in war
  10. british prime minister during ww2
  11. what we did to japanese people after pearl harbor
  12. goverment used by the germans during ww2

24 Clues: germanyLeader of italyleader of franceleader of the nazisbook written by Adolfmilitary leader of japanleader of the soviet unionUS,France,Britian, soviet unionlet germany invade the sudentlandbritish prime minister during ww2US naval base that was bombed by Japana saved up of food to give to soldeirsgoverment used by the germans during ww2...

World War 1 & 2 2025-01-16

World War 1 & 2 crossword puzzle
  1. WW1 ends with Germany forced to sign the treaty of ___________
  2. Terrorist who fired the fatal shots
  3. _______ warfare characterised much of the fighting during World War One
  4. An elected dictator
  5. Being a strong supporter of the rights and interests of one's country.
  6. An agreement made between two or more countries to give each other help
  7. created to help ensure world peace
  8. Austria- Hungary and Germany fought on this side in WW!
  9. created after WW2 to help memebers defend each other
  1. The Allies blamed Germany for this
  2. Why did Russia drop out of WW!
  3. The side Germany, Italy and Japan fought on
  4. Great Britain, France, United States and ______ fought on the Allied side
  5. What was the name of the Japanese attack on the US naval base
  6. A message sent to Mexico by Germany
  7. Hitler unjustly blamed ______ for Germany's problems
  8. Franz Ferdinand was heir to this empire
  9. The invasion of _______ by Germany, is the start of WW2
  10. This country announced an unrestricted submarine warfare campaign
  11. German submarine torpedoed the passenger liner

20 Clues: An elected dictatorWhy did Russia drop out of WW!The Allies blamed Germany for thiscreated to help ensure world peaceA message sent to Mexico by GermanyTerrorist who fired the fatal shotsFranz Ferdinand was heir to this empireThe side Germany, Italy and Japan fought onGerman submarine torpedoed the passenger liner...

WW2 Review 2022-05-24

WW2 Review crossword puzzle
  1. The supreme commander of allied forces in Europe
  2. The name of Hitler's master race
  3. accepted and signed Japan's surrender from ww2
  4. The fortifications made along France and Germanies border was called the _____ line
  5. Areas where Jewish people were put to remain away from the general population
  6. The treaty of _____ which angered Hitler
  1. The battle in which French and English troops were rescued by civilian boats
  2. The gas used at Auschwitz
  3. Germany’s destiny is to conquer land in “The East”(The Soviet Union) and repopulate it with German settlers
  4. The _____ conference where the "final solution" was created to exterminate Jewish people
  5. The action of giving someone/something what it wants to prevent conflict
  6. The leader of England during WW2
  7. Opperation _____ was the invasion of North Africa
  8. The facist dictator of Italy

14 Clues: The gas used at AuschwitzThe facist dictator of ItalyThe name of Hitler's master raceThe leader of England during WW2The treaty of _____ which angered Hitleraccepted and signed Japan's surrender from ww2The supreme commander of allied forces in EuropeOpperation _____ was the invasion of North Africa...

WW2 EX 2024-02-07

WW2 EX crossword puzzle
  1. Decided that the U.S. fleet had to be destroyed
  2. Navy base in Hawaii attacked by the Japanese
  3. Japanese suicide pilots
  4. Political movement based on nationalism
  5. Living space for Germans
  6. Sea and air battle
  7. German Empire
  1. Surprise air attacks are followed by massive attacks on land
  2. Leader of Britain
  3. Giving in to keep the peace
  4. German brand of fascism
  5. American General
  6. Huge Allied invasion to retake France
  7. Commanded Allied forces in the Pacific

14 Clues: German EmpireAmerican GeneralLeader of BritainSea and air battleGerman brand of fascismJapanese suicide pilotsLiving space for GermansGiving in to keep the peaceHuge Allied invasion to retake FranceCommanded Allied forces in the PacificPolitical movement based on nationalismNavy base in Hawaii attacked by the Japanese...

somethingggggggggg 2021-06-16

somethingggggggggg crossword puzzle
  1. The nickname of a country above France.
  2. Had a revolution where do beheaded the king.
  3. A country that says it is democracy but is'nt.
  4. Has the largest population in the world.
  5. the smallest country. Btw it has - in it.
  6. Got invaded by both Soviet and Germany in the start of ww2.
  7. I live in this country.
  1. Has started two world wars.
  2. A country that has the strongest military in the world.
  3. Is a full dictatorship and their leader is kim jong un.
  4. Has the second largest population popualation in the world.
  5. Germany wanted this country to invade united states during ww2.

12 Clues: I live in this country.Has started two world wars.The nickname of a country above France.Has the largest population in the world.the smallest country. Btw it has - in it.Had a revolution where do beheaded the king.A country that says it is democracy but is'nt.A country that has the strongest military in the world....

sw asia subjects 2022-11-17

sw asia subjects crossword puzzle
  1. hitlers minions
  2. the hatred of jews
  3. an action where hitler used gases to kill jews
  1. The targets of ww2
  2. the movement to move jews back into palestine
  3. the dictator of germany in ww2
  4. a complete stop in trade with another country
  5. an extremely religous group who planned 9/11

8 Clues: hitlers minionsThe targets of ww2the hatred of jewsthe dictator of germany in ww2an extremely religous group who planned 9/11the movement to move jews back into palestinea complete stop in trade with another countryan action where hitler used gases to kill jews

Vocab a seperate piece 1-4 Brennan and Krist 2022-03-14

Vocab a seperate piece  1-4     Brennan and Krist crossword puzzle
  1. insinuated
  2. Funny
  3. Russian War tactic in WW2
  4. Bounce
  5. higher-up
  6. worshiped
  1. coax
  2. muscle memory
  3. damaging
  4. planner

10 Clues: coaxFunnyBounceplannerdamaginghigher-upworshipedinsinuatedmuscle memoryRussian War tactic in WW2

General Knowledge of History 2022-09-03

General Knowledge of History crossword puzzle
  1. the most influential us president, who presided over the cuban missile crisis
  2. codename for landing in normandy
  3. the first leader of the ottoman empire
  4. the best tank of the soviet union
  5. last leader of the soviet union, who dismantled a superpower
  6. a polish-french female scientist, who discovered radium and polonium
  7. a type of steam engine, can travel for vast distanced with tracks
  8. the program to bring back humans to the moon, that had been test-launched in sept 3 2022
  9. the scientist who invented the telephone
  10. the first leader of the soviet union
  11. the great economic decline in 2008 and continued until 2010
  12. leader of russia in ww1
  13. the scientist who theorized general relativity
  14. the first satellite in space
  15. machine that can transmit morse code
  16. the most far-travelling satellite ever built by humans
  17. a very progressive female prime ministre of the uk
  18. "discovered" america and settled in the name of the king of spain
  19. the fourth generation fighter jets that the us still use and its the main fighter of all the us figting army branch
  20. the first person who invented the touch-screen phone, the iphone 1
  21. the name of the doctrine that the us prevented any european colonization in the americas
  22. the largest tank battle in history
  23. first philippine female president, and the first president of the fifth republic
  24. turning point of the eastern front of ww2
  25. invented the steam engine
  26. french emperor, who invaded europe with impressive tactics
  27. the person who first stepped on the moon
  28. a nuclear accident in 1986 when a nuclear reactor overloaded and explodes
  29. the man who invented the nuclear bomb
  30. invented dc circuit and the light bulb
  31. leader of germany in ww2
  32. developed by stephanie kwolek, this material can block bullets and can be a soft kind of fabric
  33. the last president of the us in the cold war
  34. emperor of rome, who tranformed the little republic to an empire
  35. the trading road used by ancient china, rome, and india
  36. prime ministre of the uk in ww2
  37. built by mikhail kalashnikov, a jam-free automatic rifle
  38. a important discovery, produces heat and can power a steam engine
  1. the first us president, who won the american revolutionary war
  2. first president of us in ww2
  3. the first north korean "leader"
  4. a chinese dictator, the first communist chinese "leader"
  5. the measurements created my the french revolutionist, to destroy any resemblance of british influence in france
  6. a programming language, where minecraft is based
  7. the first man in space
  8. a important discovery, used by wagons, cars, and tanks
  9. the first khan of the mongol empire, who invaded north china during her reign
  10. the great economic decline in 1929 all the way into the late 1930s
  11. the name of the doctrine that states that communism should be contained
  12. the 40th president of the us, called the soviet union an "evil empire"
  13. metal used in the construction of the pyramids
  14. leader of the soviet union in ww2
  15. former philippine president, who was overthrown after 24 years in power
  16. the president who won the civil war and ended slavery
  17. the first female in space
  18. the largest operation in history, comprising of 3 million soldiers
  19. cuban dictator, who had been assassinated by the CIA 628 times and failed
  20. second president of us in ww2
  21. cracked the enigma code which helped the allies win the war
  22. a backwards, agrarian cambodian dictator. who is responsible for the deaths of 2-3 million cambodians
  23. the first rocket that reached the stratosphere, built by humans
  24. invented ac circuit
  25. the most advanced aircraft ever built, took 1.5 trillion to develop and still cost 115 million
  26. the french dictator during the french revolution, who started the reign of terror
  27. created the "final solution" that will systematically eliminate all jews in the continent
  28. the measurements created by the british
  29. painted the mona lisa, and patented the farm silo
  30. leader of japan in ww2
  31. turning point of the pacific front in ww2
  32. first circumnavigator who travelled the world
  33. the first computer, to predictly calculate artillery shell trajectory
  34. leader of germany in ww1

72 Clues: invented ac circuitthe first man in spaceleader of japan in ww2leader of russia in ww1leader of germany in ww2leader of germany in ww1the first female in spaceinvented the steam enginefirst president of us in ww2the first satellite in spacesecond president of us in ww2the first north korean "leader"prime ministre of the uk in ww2...

Puzzle of War 2021-02-09

Puzzle of War crossword puzzle
  1. Shows your true alliance
  2. Some hate it and someone caused it
  3. Good on food and on the ground
  4. This is where you write words in boxes...
  5. Once a great empire... now it's Turkey (underscore between words ***_*****)
  6. The aviation of war
  7. It tricks the mind
  8. This was taken by Germany and the Soviet Union in WW2
  9. The most essential rule
  10. People used this to write, and it's the most annoying grammar app
  11. This was the last Axis power to fall in WW2
  12. The prosperous west!(there is an underscore _ between the words).
  13. These guys are made to stop war and help developing countries
  1. Taken: Brought to you by Germany
  2. The most common ender of life in war
  3. The original source of heat
  4. What countries always fought over
  5. The very center of and egg
  6. Stop invaders with force
  7. The country that refuses to join war, but always does in the end
  8. This is where you fight in war
  9. This is like a mini-bomb
  10. This makes death AND explosions
  11. You're usually always protected by one

24 Clues: It tricks the mindThe aviation of warThe most essential ruleShows your true allianceStop invaders with forceThis is like a mini-bombThe very center of and eggThe original source of heatGood on food and on the groundThis is where you fight in warThis makes death AND explosionsTaken: Brought to you by GermanyWhat countries always fought over...

Ghost in the fog 2023-10-26

Ghost in the fog crossword puzzle
  1. The country that invadeAlaskaislands of alaska
  2. The biggest naval battle of WW2 which decimated the Japanese fleet
  3. The US flying boat
  4. Name of the second atomic bomb
  5. Name of the first atomic bomb
  6. The main US fighter plane used early in the war
  7. One of the islands invaded starts with K
  8. Capital City of Japan
  9. Emperor of Japan
  10. Samurai code followed by the Japanese forces
  11. Nickname of the cryptographers working to decode Japanese radio messages
  1. Type of bomb dropped on Hiroshima
  2. Site of the second atomic bombing
  3. The first Japanese strike on the US which decimated the US Pacific fleet
  4. Japanese fighter plane known for outclassing US fighters
  5. US president during WW2
  6. US bomber used to bomb Japan
  7. The ocean that the Japanese and US fought for control over
  8. Name of the US Navy ship that evacuated the citizens of attu
  9. What US soldiers call the Japanese soldiers who fought using the fog as a shield
  10. One of the islands invaded starts with A
  11. site of the first atomic bombing

22 Clues: Emperor of JapanThe US flying boatCapital City of JapanUS president during WW2US bomber used to bomb JapanName of the first atomic bombName of the second atomic bombsite of the first atomic bombingType of bomb dropped on HiroshimaSite of the second atomic bombingOne of the islands invaded starts with KOne of the islands invaded starts with A...

Modern US History Review 2023-06-02

Modern US History Review crossword puzzle
  1. Poet of the Harlem Renaissance
  2. Initials of the man who said "I Have a Dream"
  3. The US fought a war here 1950-1953
  4. Taking risks in the stock market
  5. The time period associated with the 18th amendment
  6. The belief in the equality of men and women
  7. herbicide used in Vietnam Agent ________
  8. First man on the moon
  9. music festival in New York 1969
  10. Treaty that punished Germany after WWI
  11. Allied invasion of Western Europe June 6, 1944
  12. Eleanor_________ was a active supporter of the New Deal
  1. The nation of Japan attacked us here 12/7/41
  2. US general WW1
  3. US helped fight the communist in the North here
  4. Journalists who exposed corruption
  5. Dictator of Germany WW2
  6. US President who made the decision to use atom bomb
  7. Provides for a pension in old age
  8. Know for his Great Society and Civil Rights laws
  9. Scandal that led to Nixon's resignation
  10. World War I US President
  11. Population expansion after World War II
  12. Initials of the President during Great Depression AND WW2

24 Clues: US general WW1First man on the moonDictator of Germany WW2World War I US PresidentPoet of the Harlem Renaissancemusic festival in New York 1969Taking risks in the stock marketProvides for a pension in old ageJournalists who exposed corruptionThe US fought a war here 1950-1953Treaty that punished Germany after WWI...

Unit 5- World Wars 2023-05-19

Unit 5- World Wars crossword puzzle
  1. This nationalist group led by Adolf Hitler blamed the defeat of WW1 on the Jews
  2. Dictator who led the revolution in Russia towards communism promising to get out of WW1, land, and bread to the people of Russia
  3. Part of the cause for this ten year time period was the overproduction of goods
  4. In order to avoid machine gunfire, people used ____ warfare during World War 1
  5. Sinking of the Luisitania, unrestricted submarine warfare and ____ (2 words) brought the US into WW1
  6. This treaty ended WW1 and placed on the blame for WW1 on Germany
  7. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism were main causes of World War ____
  1. Organization created after WW2 to help countries resolve conflicts without going to war (2 words)
  2. This Japanese attack of this US military base caused the US to declare war on Japan & enter WW2 (2 words)
  3. The first communist country, which replaced the Russian Empire
  4. In 1945, this country surrendered during WW2 after Hitler committed suicide

11 Clues: The first communist country, which replaced the Russian EmpireThis treaty ended WW1 and placed on the blame for WW1 on GermanyIn 1945, this country surrendered during WW2 after Hitler committed suicideIn order to avoid machine gunfire, people used ____ warfare during World War 1...

WW2 2020-04-27

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. country that bomed peral harbor
  2. woman who worked in bomber plant in fort worth
  3. where the men went to during ww2
  4. during ww2 women worked in these
  5. deedie favro built these
  6. US Army Corps 379th Bomb Group
  1. place that was bombed by japan
  2. image used to inspire women in the workplace

8 Clues: deedie favro built theseplace that was bombed by japanUS Army Corps 379th Bomb Groupcountry that bomed peral harborwhere the men went to during ww2during ww2 women worked in theseimage used to inspire women in the workplacewoman who worked in bomber plant in fort worth

Period 3 - William 2024-03-28

Period 3 - William crossword puzzle
  1. US General who wanted to be able to use nuclear weapons
  2. A crisis between the Black Sea and Mediterranean
  3. US military alliance with Western Europe
  4. Theory of how WW2 started.
  1. A US foreign policy created by President Truman
  2. Name of the failed US offensive
  3. This existed in Europe after WW2
  4. Where Korea was supposed to be split in two
  5. Leader of North Korea during the Korean War
  6. The year where the Soviet Union test fires its own first nuclear bomb

10 Clues: Theory of how WW2 started.Name of the failed US offensiveThis existed in Europe after WW2US military alliance with Western EuropeWhere Korea was supposed to be split in twoLeader of North Korea during the Korean WarA US foreign policy created by President TrumanA crisis between the Black Sea and Mediterranean...

History,World War 2 2024-07-19

History,World War 2 crossword puzzle
  1. leader of the nazis
  2. how many shelters were there
  3. when did ww2 start
  1. Who was the prime minister at that time
  2. when did ww2 end
  3. A plane used in war
  4. Englands planes for war

7 Clues: when did ww2 endwhen did ww2 startA plane used in warleader of the nazisEnglands planes for warhow many shelters were thereWho was the prime minister at that time

The Cold War 2024-01-11

The Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Ongoing rivalry between the U.S and the Soviet Union and their allies developed after ww2.
  2. Soldiers came back home to their wives and an era of prosperity began.
  3. Offered military and economic aid to any democratic nation under threat from comunist forces.
  4. Known as the second red scare a period of anti-communist suspicion in the U.S.
  5. Imaginary line dividing Europe between soviet influence and western influence.
  6. Massive aid given to countries recovering from ww2 to help rebuild their economies.
  7. A political strategy by the U.S to prevent the spread of communism after ww2.
  1. Defense treaty established by the Soviet Union and other states in central and Eastern Europe.
  2. Built 41,000 miles of interstate highways creating jobs for returning soldiers.
  3. Allowed returning soldiers to go to school fully paid by the goverment they were also given a stipend.
  4. Both the U.S and the USSR wanted to be the best this started due to the launchment of the sputnik.
  5. Soviets blockade railroad and water access to allied-controled areas of Berlin.
  6. Created in response to cold war tensions U.S, Canada, and 10 other Western European nations allied and protected each other.
  7. The belief that if one country falls into communism then the rest will follow along.
  8. A classless society in which everyone the benefit of labor and the government controls all property and wealth.

15 Clues: Soldiers came back home to their wives and an era of prosperity began.A political strategy by the U.S to prevent the spread of communism after ww2.Known as the second red scare a period of anti-communist suspicion in the U.S.Imaginary line dividing Europe between soviet influence and western influence....

English class puzzle 2023-10-24

English class puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a Mongolian military leader who lived in the 12th and 13 century
  2. Where the fighting started in the Civil War
  3. one of the Axis countries
  4. The number of years that the Vietnam War lasted
  5. The President of the United States during the War of 1812
  6. president of the United States during World War 1
  7. dictator of Rome and put an end to the Roman Republic
  8. A powerful leader of Vietnam that fought for its independence
  9. Last name of winning general in the Civil War
  1. Superpower that supported North Korea during the Korean War
  2. ruled Italy during WW2
  3. he ruled China from 1949-1976
  4. The country that the United States fought in the War of 1812
  5. Prime Minister of United Kingdom during World War 2
  6. A general of the United States during the Korean War & WW2
  7. He conquered much of Europe and Asia in a short time
  8. general in the French Revolution
  9. Who the United States fought in a war in 1898

18 Clues: ruled Italy during WW2one of the Axis countrieshe ruled China from 1949-1976general in the French RevolutionWhere the fighting started in the Civil WarWho the United States fought in a war in 1898Last name of winning general in the Civil WarThe number of years that the Vietnam War lastedpresident of the United States during World War 1...

WW2 sections 1-3 2024-02-02

WW2 sections 1-3 crossword puzzle
  1. "Stott" is short for this name
  2. The last name of the president after FDR
  3. Japan attacked this country and killed 20,000,000 of their people
  4. British Prime Minister's last name
  5. Temporary imprisonment of members of a specific group
  6. The last name of Russia's leader
  7. Germany invaded this country in 1939, officially starting WW2
  8. a propaganda poster meant to get women to join the workforce
  9. German for “lightning war”, a sudden attack with speed and firepower.
  1. initials of the American president during most of WW2
  2. Japan forced the 75,000 POWs to march 60 miles
  3. Government with a single party or leader controlling the lives of citizens
  4. posters and songs meant to make people feel a certain way
  5. Germany's air attack on Britain
  6. Acronym for 150,000 women serving in the military
  7. the last name of Germany's leader
  8. The last name of the general who planned D-Day
  9. the last name of Italy's leader

18 Clues: "Stott" is short for this nameGermany's air attack on Britainthe last name of Italy's leaderThe last name of Russia's leaderthe last name of Germany's leaderBritish Prime Minister's last nameThe last name of the president after FDRJapan forced the 75,000 POWs to march 60 milesThe last name of the general who planned D-Day...

Raeanna's Crossword 2023-05-05

Raeanna's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. how many people escaped the berlin wall
  2. who brought the Iron Curtain down?
  3. what was one of the countries behind the Iron Curtain?
  4. The iron curtain was the what barrier diving europe into two seperate areas?
  5. what was a chilling symbol of the Iron Curtain?
  6. who tore down the berlin wall
  7. what war did the iron curtain happen?
  8. what was one of the countries behind the Berlin wall?
  1. who elected the ideological barrier?
  2. what did the unites states fear the USSR held over eastern european countries after ww2?
  3. how tall was the berlin wall
  4. the divide was thought to be as impenentrable as iron
  5. who didnt like the berin wall
  6. who was the president when the berlin wall fell
  7. what did the united states fear the USSR held over eastern european countries after ww2?

15 Clues: how tall was the berlin wallwho didnt like the berin wallwho tore down the berlin wallwho brought the Iron Curtain down?who elected the ideological barrier?what war did the iron curtain happen?how many people escaped the berlin wallwhat was a chilling symbol of the Iron Curtain?who was the president when the berlin wall fell...

sw asia subjects 2022-11-17

sw asia subjects crossword puzzle
  1. hitlers minions
  2. the hatred of jews
  3. an action where hitler used gases to kill jews
  1. The targets of ww2
  2. the movement to move jews back into palestine
  3. the dictator of germany in ww2
  4. a complete stop in trade with another country
  5. an extremely religous group who planned 9/11

8 Clues: hitlers minionsThe targets of ww2the hatred of jewsthe dictator of germany in ww2an extremely religous group who planned 9/11the movement to move jews back into palestinea complete stop in trade with another countryan action where hitler used gases to kill jews

Changing Views of Conflict #1 2022-11-28

Changing Views of Conflict #1 crossword puzzle
  1. objectors in 1900 were treated...
  2. Western Front in WW1 was located in ______.
  3. other Commonwealth nations was C_______.
  4. Gallipoli campaign ultimately ______.
  5. decided to send NZ soldiers to WW1?
  6. back home experienced s_____.
  7. was ___'s idea to send men to Boer war.
  8. Maori were not allowed to fight in Boer W.
  9. lost many men in the battle of M________
  10. campaign on the shores of Turkey.
  11. with German heritage were treated ....
  12. NZer's reacted to news of WW2 with some
  13. had more in common with Aussies than.....
  14. first overseas war.
  1. objectors refused to _______in war.
  2. faced by troops at Gallipoli.
  3. contribution of men to WW1 was above ...
  4. Maori volunteered to fight in WW1.
  5. NZers were 'j_______' during the Boer W patriotic^'Jingoistic' means extremely________.
  6. were fighting for control of ____.
  7. 2 campaigns that NZ fought in (WW2)
  8. German territory in WW1 to be occupied.
  9. Maori with Pakeha ______ enlisted in Boer W.

23 Clues: first overseas war.faced by troops at Gallipoli.back home experienced s_____.objectors in 1900 were treated...campaign on the shores of Turkey.Maori volunteered to fight in WW1.were fighting for control of ____.objectors refused to _______in war.decided to send NZ soldiers to WW1?2 campaigns that NZ fought in (WW2)...

History 2023-02-08

History crossword puzzle
  1. When did WWI start?
  2. When did the "Scramble for Africa" begin?
  3. Which was the biggest CONNECTED (not colonial) empire in history?
  4. When did the first European Settlers land in America?
  5. Which was the biggest colonial empire?
  6. What was the bloodiest war in history? (write it shortly)
  7. In which part of Europe was the Holy Roman Empire?
  8. In which year did the Cold War start?
  9. Which chinese dynasty was the biggest?
  10. What is the oldest country in the world?
  11. Which country founded Germany?
  12. In which century have there been the most wars? (add th in the end)
  1. When did the Yugoslav Civil War begin?
  2. In which year did the U.S.S.R collapse?
  3. Which is the most powerful alliance?
  4. When did the Greek Revolution start?
  5. Which Empire lasted the longest, Rome or Byzantium?
  6. Which Vietnam won the Vietnam War, North or South?
  7. What was the icon of Ancient Athens?
  8. In which continent have there been the most wars?
  9. Who won the Pelloponesian War?
  10. Which part of Germany was under the U.S.S.R after WW2?

22 Clues: When did WWI start?Who won the Pelloponesian War?Which country founded Germany?Which is the most powerful alliance?When did the Greek Revolution start?What was the icon of Ancient Athens?In which year did the Cold War start?When did the Yugoslav Civil War begin?Which was the biggest colonial empire?Which chinese dynasty was the biggest?...

Gems Christmas Crossword 2024-11-25

Gems Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Who disappeared in July 1986?
  2. Who lived at 21 Deanway?
  3. What is our local foodbank called?
  4. What do the tea and coffee that we serve at meetings have in common?
  5. Who is our President?
  1. Where did the Green Team take a bus to?
  2. What river passes through St Giles?
  3. What word describes both people who worked in an M-Room during WW2 and Samaritans volunteers?
  4. What form of wool do you use to wet felt?
  5. Which Spice Girl spoke at this year's NFWI conference?
  6. What plant does tea come from?
  7. What colour gin was made at Latimer House during the WW2?

12 Clues: Who is our President?Who lived at 21 Deanway?Who disappeared in July 1986?What plant does tea come from?What is our local foodbank called?What river passes through St Giles?Where did the Green Team take a bus to?What form of wool do you use to wet felt?Which Spice Girl spoke at this year's NFWI conference?...

APUSH Cold War 2013-04-11

APUSH Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Where US held missiles pointed at Soviet Union
  2. The huge population increase after WW2
  3. Diplomatic war between US and Soviet Union
  4. The competition of satellite launch during Cold War
  5. US came out of WW2 a......
  1. The closest the world came to a third world war
  2. The American's fear of communism
  3. Dictator of Soviet Union
  4. The competition of weapon production during the Cold War
  5. Where Soviet Union held missiles pointed at US

10 Clues: Dictator of Soviet UnionUS came out of WW2 a......The American's fear of communismThe huge population increase after WW2Diplomatic war between US and Soviet UnionWhere US held missiles pointed at Soviet UnionWhere Soviet Union held missiles pointed at USThe closest the world came to a third world war...

Libyan Independence Crossword Puzzle 2014-02-02

Libyan Independence Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Granted Libya independence
  2. Year Libya gained independence
  3. Part of libya that was already in contact with britsh when Italy joined WW2
  4. Country that Libya first leaned to for help when Italy joined WW2
  5. Leader of Libyan independence movement and Libyas first king
  1. Leader of Italy when they took over Libya
  2. First inhabitants of Libya
  3. Part of Libya that French controlled towards end of independence movement
  4. "Libyan political leaders met in ___________,Egypt to resolve past differences"
  5. who did libya fight against for independence

10 Clues: First inhabitants of LibyaGranted Libya independenceYear Libya gained independenceLeader of Italy when they took over Libyawho did libya fight against for independenceLeader of Libyan independence movement and Libyas first kingCountry that Libya first leaned to for help when Italy joined WW2...

The Holocaust 2024-04-01

The Holocaust crossword puzzle
  1. A Day where Germans destroyed all Jewish owned stores in Germany
  2. Hostile or discriminatory actions towards Jews
  3. A ruler with total power of a country
  4. Posters and news spread to persuade a certain audiance
  5. The scapegoats of WW2
  1. A place where Jews were held against their will
  2. world wide state that causes WW2
  3. One of the many ways the Germans tortured the Jewish
  4. Deliberate mass murder of a particular race
  5. A dictator that took over and saved Germany

10 Clues: The scapegoats of WW2world wide state that causes WW2A ruler with total power of a countryDeliberate mass murder of a particular raceA dictator that took over and saved GermanyHostile or discriminatory actions towards JewsA place where Jews were held against their willOne of the many ways the Germans tortured the Jewish...

ww2 in japan 2022-05-23

ww2 in japan crossword puzzle
  1. what the plans were called of the atomic bomb
  2. what Japanese did to try and sink U.S ships
  3. president at the end of ww2
  4. place were the first atomic bomb was dropped
  5. what the U.S soldiers did to get from island to island
  1. a key airstrip that the U.S acquired that allowed them to carry out land invasions
  2. place were the second atomic bomb was dropped
  3. leader of japan during ww2
  4. place were the Japanese's attacked America
  5. battle that set the Japanese's on the defensive

10 Clues: leader of japan during ww2president at the end of ww2place were the Japanese's attacked Americawhat Japanese did to try and sink U.S shipsplace were the first atomic bomb was droppedwhat the plans were called of the atomic bombplace were the second atomic bomb was droppedbattle that set the Japanese's on the defensive...

spelling 2025-01-23

spelling crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of space inside a 3D shape
  2. The distance around a shape
  3. Made to suit your environment
  4. Friendly countries that may work together for military purposes
  5. The murder of Jews and others during WW2 with the intent of wiping out their nationality
  6. A person who chooses to serve in the military
  1. Sorting based on similarities
  2. A person called by their government to serve in the military
  3. Variety, unique, different
  4. Name given to Germany and their allies during WW2

10 Clues: Variety, unique, differentThe distance around a shapeSorting based on similaritiesMade to suit your environmentThe amount of space inside a 3D shapeA person who chooses to serve in the militaryName given to Germany and their allies during WW2A person called by their government to serve in the military...

Wars -Wyatt Robertson 2023-10-31

Wars -Wyatt Robertson crossword puzzle
  1. Suits that were considered unpatriotic by Americans
  2. Olympic runner that embarrassed Hitler at the Olympics
  3. Japan attacked a U.S military base in Hawaii
  4. Gang in Serbia that planned the assassination of Franz Ferdinand
  5. People who wanted to keep fighting in Vietnam
  6. Thought that if one country fell to communism, the rest would follow
  7. Border dividing South and North Korea
  8. Country that was building an empire in all of Asia during WW2
  9. Telegram sent to Mexico from Germany
  1. Nickname for WW1 since it was the first major war
  2. Country that supported North Korea during the war
  3. British ocean liner that was sunk by Germany
  4. Country that supported South Korea during the war
  5. Flammable jelly used by the US during the Vietnam war
  6. Capital of South Vietnam that fell at the end of the war
  7. Style of fast warfare used by Germany in WW2

16 Clues: Telegram sent to Mexico from GermanyBorder dividing South and North KoreaJapan attacked a U.S military base in HawaiiBritish ocean liner that was sunk by GermanyStyle of fast warfare used by Germany in WW2People who wanted to keep fighting in VietnamNickname for WW1 since it was the first major warCountry that supported North Korea during the war...

Unit Ten Vocab Crossword (Trust Me It’s Solvable) 2024-04-16

Unit Ten Vocab Crossword (Trust Me It’s Solvable) crossword puzzle
  1. Move!
  2. Illegalize
  3. Cheap(Like-Me)
  4. Dropping to Rock Bottom
  5. Begging
  6. Blamed
  1. Grow
  2. Targets
  3. Old and Skinny
  4. Look!
  5. Struggle
  6. MAN FROM WW2 who starts with an H

12 Clues: GrowMove!Look!BlamedTargetsBeggingStruggleIllegalizeOld and SkinnyCheap(Like-Me)Dropping to Rock BottomMAN FROM WW2 who starts with an H

Famous War Generals 2024-11-17

Famous War Generals crossword puzzle
  1. A very powerful Confederate general that was given a nickname for being impenetrable.
  2. Fought in the Second Punic War against Rome.
  3. Well, I guess he formed America?
  4. Future president that fought in the civil war.
  5. Formed the Roman Empire.
  6. Muslim General that expanded the Islamic empire and was undefeated.
  7. Rules the Hunnic Empire
  1. Name was Arthur Wessley, and was the 1st of his position; British that fought against Napoleon.
  2. US General that fought against Native Americans.
  3. WW2 and Korean War general famous for the Pacific Front.
  4. WW2 General of D-Day and future president.
  5. Fought the Persians to create his vast empire.
  6. French army commander that had a series of wars named after him.
  7. Created the Second largest empire in history.

14 Clues: Rules the Hunnic EmpireFormed the Roman Empire.Well, I guess he formed America?WW2 General of D-Day and future president.Fought in the Second Punic War against Rome.Created the Second largest empire in history.Future president that fought in the civil war.Fought the Persians to create his vast empire.US General that fought against Native Americans....