www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

Audi 2024-04-03

Audi crossword puzzle
  1. Mikor adták ki az audi rs7-et?
  2. Mikor csatlakozik az audi a f1 hez?
  3. Én menyiren szeketem egy 10-es skálán az audit 10-10
  4. Hány lábujjunk van?
  5. Mikor tesztelték az Audi a8 at
  6. Az audi TT-t mikor gyártották meg?
  1. Hány csontunk van?
  2. Hány foga van egy embernek?
  3. Mennyi hajunk van kb
  4. Hány ujjunk van?
  5. Hány valtozata van az audi a6 nak
  6. Mikor gyártoták az audi a4 b9 et

12 Clues: Hány ujjunk van?Hány csontunk van?Hány lábujjunk van?Mennyi hajunk van kbHány foga van egy embernek?Mikor adták ki az audi rs7-et?Mikor tesztelték az Audi a8 atMikor gyártoták az audi a4 b9 etHány valtozata van az audi a6 nakAz audi TT-t mikor gyártották meg?Mikor csatlakozik az audi a f1 hez?Én menyiren szeketem egy 10-es skálán az audit 10-10

Ch. 4 Crossword 2022-09-13

Ch. 4 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the movement of people from place to place (83)
  2. a system based on free enterprise (95)
  3. the variations in the population that occur across an area (85)
  4. a system in which production & distribution of goods/services are made by a central authority (95)
  5. number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)
  6. a system in which tradition & custom control economic activity (95)
  7. number of deaths per year for every 1000 people (83)
  8. the growth rate of a population (83)
  1. a system in which people have the right to own property or business with limited govt interference (95)
  2. way of life of a group of people (79)
  3. form of govt in which all key powers are given to the central govt (88)
  4. group of people who share a common ancestry(79)
  5. form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)
  6. govt in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens (89)
  7. form of govt in which powers are divided between national and state govt (88)
  8. physical geographic features (mountains/rivers) that act as a boundary between 2 areas (90)
  9. the number of years it takes for a population to double in size (83)
  10. the average number of people living on a square mile (85)
  11. region that includes a central city & its surround suburbs (103)
  12. govt in which 1-person rules with unlimited power (88)
  13. govt in which a small group holds power (88)
  14. a system in which govt supports & regulates enterprise (95)

22 Clues: the growth rate of a population (83)way of life of a group of people (79)a system based on free enterprise (95)form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)govt in which a small group holds power (88)group of people who share a common ancestry(79)the movement of people from place to place (83)number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)...

Chapp 4 2022-09-13

Chapp 4 crossword puzzle
  1. the average number of people living on a square mile (85)
  2. form of govt in which all key powers are given to the central govt (88)
  3. a system based on free enterprise (95)
  4. govt in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens (89)
  5. number of deaths per year for every 1000 people (83)
  6. govt in which a small group holds power (88)
  7. physical geographic features (mountains/rivers) that act as a boundary between 2 areas (90)
  8. form of govt in which powers are divided between national and state govt (88)
  9. number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)
  10. form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)
  1. region that includes a central city & its surround suburbs (103)
  2. the number of years it takes for a population to double in size (83)
  3. way of life of a group of people (79)
  4. a system in which production & distribution of goods/services are made by a central authority (95)
  5. a system in which tradition & custom control economic activity (95)
  6. govt in which 1-person rules with unlimited power (88)
  7. group of people who share a common ancestry (79)
  8. a system in which govt supports & regulates enterprise (95)
  9. a system in which people have the right to own property or business with limited govt interference (95)
  10. the growth rate of a population (83)
  11. the variations in the population that occur across an area (85)
  12. the movement of people from place to place (83)

22 Clues: the growth rate of a population (83)way of life of a group of people (79)a system based on free enterprise (95)form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)govt in which a small group holds power (88)the movement of people from place to place (83)group of people who share a common ancestry (79)number of deaths per year for every 1000 people (83)...

Chapppp 4 2022-09-13

Chapppp 4 crossword puzzle
  1. a system in which tradition & custom control economic activity (95)
  2. a system in which govt supports & regulates enterprise (95)
  3. the growth rate of a population (83)
  4. group of people who share a common ancestry (79)
  5. physical geographic features (mountains/rivers) that act as a boundary between 2 areas (90)
  6. the average number of people living on a square mile (85)
  7. way of life of a group of people (79)
  8. form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)
  9. the movement of people from place to place (83)
  10. a system in which people have the right to own property or business with limited govt interference (95)
  11. govt in which a small group holds power (88)
  1. a system in which production & distribution of goods/services are made by a central authority (95)
  2. the number of years it takes for a population to double in size (83)
  3. region that includes a central city & its surround suburbs (103)
  4. number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)
  5. a system based on free enterprise (95)
  6. number of deaths per year for every 1000 people (83)
  7. govt in which 1-person rules with unlimited power (88)
  8. govt in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens (89)
  9. form of govt in which powers are divided between national and state govt (88)
  10. the variations in the population that occur across an area (85)
  11. form of govt in which all key powers are given to the central govt (88)

22 Clues: the growth rate of a population (83)way of life of a group of people (79)a system based on free enterprise (95)form of autocracy with a king or queen (88)govt in which a small group holds power (88)the movement of people from place to place (83)group of people who share a common ancestry (79)number of births per year for every 1000 people (83)...

Король Матиуш I: 14-15 2023-01-19

Король Матиуш I: 14-15 crossword puzzle
  1. жестокий правитель (Стр. 94)
  2. власть без ограничений (Стр. 92)
  3. деньги, которые побеждённое государство платит победителю (стр. 86)
  4. изысканное, необычное блюдо (стр. 86)
  5. запасы еды (стр. 91)
  6. деньги за работу (стр. 90)
  1. резко и неожиданно сдвинуться с места, например, от испуга (стр. 85)
  2. враньё, вздор (стр. 91)
  3. с характером, своевольный, как Эмиль (стр. 85)
  4. когда важные вопросы решают не согласно законам, а самостоятельно, не следуя общепринятым правилам (стр. 87)
  5. любимец (стр. 88)
  6. обвинение, упрёк (стр. 90)
  7. простодушный, доверчивый, без достаточного жизненного опыта (стр. 93)

13 Clues: любимец (стр. 88)запасы еды (стр. 91)враньё, вздор (стр. 91)обвинение, упрёк (стр. 90)деньги за работу (стр. 90)жестокий правитель (Стр. 94)власть без ограничений (Стр. 92)изысканное, необычное блюдо (стр. 86)с характером, своевольный, как Эмиль (стр. 85)деньги, которые побеждённое государство платит победителю (стр. 86)...

Evaluating Expressions: Substitution 2020-12-01

Evaluating Expressions: Substitution crossword puzzle
  1. 6e
  2. 8c + 6a
  3. e - a
  4. 2d-4a
  5. a + b
  6. 10e - b
  7. 4d + b
  8. 8d+4e
  9. 9d + 9c
  10. 20d+c
  11. 9c - 3a
  12. 3d-2b
  1. 3c-a
  2. 11c
  3. 10e
  4. a+b+c
  5. 2b
  6. 9e
  7. 4e
  8. 15a
  9. 6b - c
  10. 8b + 5a
  11. 10b+6c
  12. a+2b

24 Clues: 6e2b9e4e11c10e15a3c-aa+2be - a2d-4aa + ba+b+c8d+4e20d+c3d-2b4d + b6b - c10b+6c8c + 6a10e - b8b + 5a9d + 9c9c - 3a

Evaluating Expressions: Substitution 2020-12-01

Evaluating Expressions: Substitution crossword puzzle
  1. a+2b
  2. 6b - c
  3. 3c-a
  4. 10b+6c
  5. 10e - b
  6. 8d+4e
  7. 4d + b
  8. 20d+c
  9. 2d-4a
  10. 6e
  11. 8b + 5a
  12. 2b
  13. e - a
  1. 4e
  2. 8c + 6a
  3. a+b+c
  4. 3d-2b
  5. 10e
  6. 15a
  7. 11c
  8. 9d + 9c
  9. 9c - 3a
  10. a + b
  11. 9e

24 Clues: 4e6e2b9e10e15a11ca+2b3c-aa+b+c3d-2b8d+4e20d+c2d-4aa + be - a6b - c10b+6c4d + b8c + 6a10e - b9d + 9c8b + 5a9c - 3a

Countries and Numbers 2014-09-18

Countries and Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. a person from Great Britain
  3. 37
  4. 92
  5. 40
  6. 19
  7. 11
  8. a person from France
  1. 15
  2. a person from Spain
  3. 79
  4. 84
  5. a person from the usa
  6. 13
  7. 12
  8. 55
  9. 61
  10. a person from Italy
  11. 30
  12. a person from Germany

20 Clues: 15798413125537619240193011100a person from Spaina person from Italya person from Francea person from the usaa person from Germanya person from Great Britain

SIGNAL CODE TEST 4 2024-07-12

SIGNAL CODE TEST 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 46 (2)
  2. 80M
  3. 84
  4. A30 (2)
  5. 122 (2)
  6. 2 (2)
  7. 106
  8. 23C
  9. 39 (2)
  10. 72R (3)
  11. 118 (2)
  1. 42 (2)
  2. 69 (3)
  3. 24O
  4. 67S
  5. 284 (2)
  6. 34S
  7. 65 (2)
  8. 99 (2)
  9. 82
  10. 34C
  11. 65P (2)
  12. 43 (2)
  13. 22R
  14. 108 (3)

25 Clues: 848224O67S34S80M34C10623C22R2 (2)42 (2)69 (3)46 (2)65 (2)99 (2)43 (2)39 (2)284 (2)A30 (2)65P (2)122 (2)108 (3)72R (3)118 (2)

les nombres de 1 à 100 2024-09-23

les nombres de 1 à 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 80
  2. 84
  3. 13
  4. 21
  5. 60
  6. 10
  7. 3
  8. 62
  9. 39
  10. 46
  11. 92
  12. 14
  13. 71
  1. 17
  2. 98
  3. 33
  4. 43
  5. 55
  6. 77
  7. 7
  8. 56
  9. 22
  10. 100

23 Clues: 731780849833134355217760106256223946921471100

8a 2024-03-13

8a crossword puzzle
  1. Tai yra gėrymas kurį mes geriame ryte prieš darbus.Jame yra choristerolio.
  2. Prieskonis iš kurio galima pasigamyti arbata bei naudoti kaip prieskoni.Kas tai?
  3. Vienametis iki 60cm aukščio išaugantis žolinis augalas. ... žydi birželio-liepos mėnesiais.Koks tai augalas?
  4. Produktas kurį naudojame kepiniuose.Yra ir labai skani bandelė su ...Kas tai.
  5. Sunkiai atidarantis, vidus baltas bei vandeningas.Koks tai riešutas?
  6. Skanus gėrymas į kurį mes dažniausiai norime įsipilti pieno.Tas prieskonis auga ant medžio.
  1. Labai brangus prieskonis, bet padedantis pasveikti.Jį galime irgi naudoti kaip arbatą.Kas tai?
  2. Saldus patiekalas paruošiamas verdant įvairias uogas ir vaisius.
  3. Tai yra prieskonis kuris pagerina mitybą, padeda suvirškinti.Tai gali būti ir arbata, ir prieskonis bei priedas.Dažnai šį prieskonį sutinkame bandelėje.
  4. Riešutas kurio pavadinimas siejasi su miega.

10 Clues: Riešutas kurio pavadinimas siejasi su miega.Saldus patiekalas paruošiamas verdant įvairias uogas ir vaisius.Sunkiai atidarantis, vidus baltas bei vandeningas.Koks tai riešutas?Tai yra gėrymas kurį mes geriame ryte prieš darbus.Jame yra choristerolio.Produktas kurį naudojame kepiniuose.Yra ir labai skani bandelė su ...Kas tai....

Cruzadinha... 2021-02-09

Cruzadinha... crossword puzzle
  1. Antecessor de 9550
  2. 6 unidades de milhar + 5 centenas + 4 dezenas + 2 unidades
  3. Trezentos e setenta e oito mil, quatrocentos e seis
  1. Maior número natural par de 3 dígitos
  2. 400000+90000+600+20+8
  3. Sucessor de oitenta e três
  4. 900+30+8
  5. 3 dezenas + 18 unidades

8 Clues: 900+30+8Antecessor de 9550400000+90000+600+20+83 dezenas + 18 unidadesSucessor de oitenta e trêsMaior número natural par de 3 dígitosTrezentos e setenta e oito mil, quatrocentos e seis6 unidades de milhar + 5 centenas + 4 dezenas + 2 unidades

Nascar Drivers 2023-10-26

Nascar Drivers crossword puzzle
  1. #6
  2. #27 xfinity
  3. #6 until 2022
  4. #21
  5. #18 arca
  6. #9
  7. #99
  8. #7 xfinity
  9. #91 2022 Glen
  10. #24 until 2016
  11. #84
  12. #54
  13. #1
  14. #19
  15. #19 trucks
  16. #88 until 2018
  17. #20 xfinity
  18. #16 xfinity
  1. #45
  2. #8
  3. #2 xfinity
  4. #18 xfinity
  5. #9 xfinity
  6. #88 trucks
  7. #41
  8. #98 xfinity
  9. #11 trucks
  10. #2 trucks
  11. #31
  12. #45 until 2022
  13. #24
  14. #91
  15. #44-#45 xfinity
  16. #22
  17. #23
  18. #38 trucks
  19. #42 until 2023
  20. #1 in 2018
  21. #34
  22. #98 trucks
  23. #16
  24. #20 arca
  25. #97 arca
  26. #51 trucks

44 Clues: #6#8#9#1#45#41#21#31#24#99#91#84#22#23#54#19#34#16#18 arca#20 arca#97 arca#2 trucks#2 xfinity#9 xfinity#88 trucks#11 trucks#7 xfinity#38 trucks#1 in 2018#98 trucks#19 trucks#51 trucks#18 xfinity#27 xfinity#98 xfinity#20 xfinity#16 xfinity#6 until 2022#91 2022 Glen#45 until 2022#24 until 2016#42 until 2023#88 until 2018#44-#45 xfinity

1GTA - p. 84 2017-03-31

1GTA - p. 84 crossword puzzle
  1. ketting
  2. vastmaken
  3. knippen
  4. dorp
  5. bogen
  6. schaar
  7. huid
  8. kunst
  9. glijden
  10. hout
  1. knoop
  2. stukje
  3. veer
  4. schilderij
  5. voorbeeld
  6. pijlen
  7. slang
  8. rietje

18 Clues: veerdorphuidhoutknoopbogenslangkunststukjepijlenschaarrietjekettingknippenglijdenvoorbeeldvastmakenschilderij

Unit 8a 2021-02-01

Unit 8a crossword puzzle
  1. - to move head from side to side
  2. - pieces from sth that has been destroyed
  3. - sth you have to do because it is your responsibility
  4. - to strongly advise sb to do sth
  5. - piles of bricks, stones and building materials
  6. - total destruction
  7. - to move away from sth else
  8. - very large body of moving sea water
  9. - floating on water
  1. - a barrier to stop sea water from coming inland
  2. - an administrative area
  3. - very fast-moving body of water
  4. - to go somewhere which may be dangerous
  5. - very large
  6. - to stand close to others because you are cold or frightened
  7. - to completely cover sth
  8. - to die from being unable to breathe because water has filled the lungs

17 Clues: - very large- total destruction- floating on water- an administrative area- to completely cover sth- to move away from sth else- to move head from side to side- very fast-moving body of water- to strongly advise sb to do sth- very large body of moving sea water- to go somewhere which may be dangerous- pieces from sth that has been destroyed...

Mathematic Crossword puzzle By: Dannelle Elvina Kuanda 2022-09-15

Mathematic Crossword puzzle By: Dannelle Elvina Kuanda crossword puzzle
  1. 3y+4x-x
  2. 9^3
  3. What is the sum of a quadrilateral?
  4. 20 is less than 98
  5. a drop of 30 marks
  6. There are 3 angles on a straight line. One of them is 84° and the second angle is 60°. Find the value of the third angle.
  7. Expand 5(y-2)+4y
  8. ° Angle sum of interior angles of a 12-sided polygon
  9. HCF of 64 and 144
  10. Prime factor of 108
  11. 27^x+9
  12. √1936
  13. Root of 3249
  14. 5^5
  15. LCM of 8 and 12
  1. 2x+2x+2x+2x
  2. An increase of $59
  3. 69.235 Round to the whole number
  4. triangle ABC, angle a= 83° angle b= 90°. Find angle c
  5. An isosceles triangle, Angle M and N are equal. Angle O is 20°Find angle M and N
  6. Angle of circle
  7. Round 8.093 to 3 significant figure
  8. (3+3)×(10÷2)
  9. triangle xyz, angle x= 30°and z= 50°. Find angle y
  10. A polygon has an angle sum of 2520°. How many sides does it have?
  11. Simplify 12x^2-4x+2xy
  12. Write the expression using index notation t×t×u×u×t×u×t×t×u×t×u×u×u
  13. Given that x=6 and y= 13. x+y
  14. 5.1 is greater than 4
  15. -4t+6t

30 Clues: 9^35^5√193627^x+9-4t+6t3y+4x-x2x+2x+2x+2x(3+3)×(10÷2)Root of 3249Angle of circleLCM of 8 and 12Expand 5(y-2)+4yHCF of 64 and 144An increase of $5920 is less than 98a drop of 30 marksPrime factor of 108Simplify 12x^2-4x+2xy5.1 is greater than 4Given that x=6 and y= 13. x+y69.235 Round to the whole numberWhat is the sum of a quadrilateral?...

7 Down 2023-05-03

7 Down crossword puzzle
  1. Hemingway's "In ___ Time"
  2. Red light
  3. Fauna
  4. Mummify
  5. Fill in ___ blank
  6. Roadside rubbish
  7. Smog and debris
  8. ___ quote me on this, but...
  9. Shuffle: intern venom
  1. Netflix show: "How to get away with ___"
  2. ___ as pdf
  3. Change of "heart"
  4. Read every word in order ([3A][12D][12A][11D][10A][14A][1D][4A][6A][8A][15A][13D][9D][3D][2A][5A])
  5. Verb
  6. Common connector
  7. Petroleum-based non-biodegradable product
  8. Scene-filming attempt

17 Clues: VerbFaunaMummifyRed light___ as pdfSmog and debrisRoadside rubbishCommon connectorChange of "heart"Fill in ___ blankScene-filming attemptShuffle: intern venomHemingway's "In ___ Time"___ quote me on this, but...Netflix show: "How to get away with ___"Petroleum-based non-biodegradable product...

Algebra: Solving Equations Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-15

Algebra: Solving Equations Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Solve the equation: 3b+2(b-4)=47
  2. Solve the equation: -1/9*x=-8
  3. Solve the equation: 8a-3(2a+5)=13
  4. Ed earned $112 for 8 hours of work. At this rate, how much will he earn for 40 hours of work?
  5. Simplify the expression: 8(x-4)-10x
  6. Solve the equation: 5k-32=13k
  7. Solve the equation: 22x+70=17x-95
  1. Solve the equation: 3/5(2x-4)=18
  2. Of the 50 fish that Jim caught from the lake, 14 were trout. The estimated population of the lake is 7,500 fish. About how many trout would you expect to be in the lake?
  3. There are 90 books on 5 shelves, how many books are there on 14 shelves?
  4. Solve the equation: 6/5(8k+2)=-36
  5. Solve the equation: -3=12y-5(2y-7)
  6. Solve the equation: 40+14g=2(-4g-13)
  7. Solve the equation: -8+a/3=4

14 Clues: Solve the equation: -8+a/3=4Solve the equation: -1/9*x=-8Solve the equation: 5k-32=13kSolve the equation: 3b+2(b-4)=47Solve the equation: 3/5(2x-4)=18Solve the equation: 8a-3(2a+5)=13Solve the equation: 6/5(8k+2)=-36Solve the equation: 22x+70=17x-95Solve the equation: -3=12y-5(2y-7)Simplify the expression: 8(x-4)-10x...

Los Números 0 - 100 2017-11-05

Los Números 0 - 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 70
  2. 15
  3. 30
  4. 84
  5. 51
  6. 12
  1. 63
  2. 20
  3. 95
  4. 90

10 Clues: 63209570901530845112

fun with times tables 2018-10-18

fun with times tables crossword puzzle
  1. 34x3
  2. 10x50
  3. 35x4
  4. 21x4
  5. 11x7
  1. 75x3
  2. 25x4
  3. 10x5
  4. 12x12
  5. 29x3

10 Clues: 75x334x325x410x535x421x429x311x710x5012x12

SQUARE ROOTS 2013-05-28

SQUARE ROOTS crossword puzzle
  1. 84
  2. 97
  3. 14
  4. 1764
  5. 30
  1. 256
  2. 1267
  3. 324
  4. 52.7
  5. 2155024

10 Clues: 84971430256324126752.717642155024

Procedural Maths Quiz 2022-05-22

Procedural Maths Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The next number in the sequence 100, 125, 150 ...
  2. 4 × 25 =
  3. 1000 ÷ 10 =
  4. 6000 - 328 =
  5. 64 + __ = 100
  6. The value of the digit 2 in 6230
  7. Half of 84 =
  8. 2 × 30 =
  9. How many minutes are there in 3 hours?
  10. 96 × 5 =
  11. 7 groups of 8 =
  12. 40 × 700 =
  13. 40 hundreds =
  1. 900 + 600 =
  2. The smallest number that can be made with the digits 2, 0, 1 and 3
  3. Double 38 =
  4. 1195 rounded to the nearest 10
  5. The largest number that can be made with the digits 5, 0, 4 and 6.
  6. 720 + __ = 1000
  7. 6352 + 398 =
  8. 1000 - 200 =
  9. 8000 + 4 tens + 2 =
  10. 196 ÷ 4 =

23 Clues: 4 × 25 =2 × 30 =96 × 5 =196 ÷ 4 =40 × 700 =900 + 600 =Double 38 =1000 ÷ 10 =6000 - 328 =Half of 84 =6352 + 398 =1000 - 200 =64 + __ = 10040 hundreds =720 + __ = 10007 groups of 8 =8000 + 4 tens + 2 =1195 rounded to the nearest 10The value of the digit 2 in 6230How many minutes are there in 3 hours?The next number in the sequence 100, 125, 150 ......

8a 2023-09-27

8a crossword puzzle
  1. strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way
  2. containing a lot of careful detail
  3. causing a lot of disagreement between people and causing them to separate into different groups
  4. causing doubt, uncertainty, or suspicion
  5. dishonest talk or behaviour, especially by saying different things to two people
  6. the power to produce a desired result or effect
  1. serious and sincere : not lighthearted or playful
  2. consisting of different types, methods, styles
  3. you are certain that you are right and that everyone else is wrong.
  4. lively and enthusiastic

10 Clues: lively and enthusiasticcontaining a lot of careful detailcausing doubt, uncertainty, or suspicionconsisting of different types, methods, stylesstrange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous waythe power to produce a desired result or effectserious and sincere : not lighthearted or playful...


  1. 15.632 + 18.964
  2. 46.325 + 29.648
  3. 10.506 x 5
  4. 20.320 x 6
  5. 96 x 25
  6. 21.843 + 23.642
  7. 9.876 x 2
  8. 19.723 + 37.621
  9. 87.364 - 42.861
  1. 76.812 - 38.249
  2. 95.324 - 26.348
  3. 26.798 + 62.852
  4. 45 x 24
  5. 84 x 32
  6. 84.361 - 36.483
  7. 72 x 34
  8. 12.523 x 2
  9. 76.189 - 32.681

18 Clues: 45 x 2484 x 3296 x 2572 x 349.876 x 210.506 x 520.320 x 612.523 x 215.632 + 18.96476.812 - 38.24995.324 - 26.34826.798 + 62.85246.325 + 29.64884.361 - 36.48321.843 + 23.64276.189 - 32.68119.723 + 37.62187.364 - 42.861

Happy Birthday Andy! 2020-03-25

Happy Birthday Andy! crossword puzzle
  1. #1216
  2. 4-11-81
  3. 3-3-16
  4. #275
  5. #515A Forney Loop
  6. #110
  7. 1-16-86
  8. #8788
  9. 10-19-01
  10. #2041
  11. 17 coasters
  1. #1875
  2. 8-30-86
  3. #35 Wiesenstrasse
  4. 231 50th
  5. 60514
  6. District 86
  7. 1852 (year founded)
  8. 3-31-17
  9. 5’2”
  10. #3327

21 Clues: #275#1105’2”#1875#121660514#8788#3327#20413-3-168-30-864-11-813-31-171-16-86231 50th10-19-01District 8617 coasters#35 Wiesenstrasse#515A Forney Loop1852 (year founded)

Happy Birthday Andy! 2020-03-25

Happy Birthday Andy! crossword puzzle
  1. #1216
  2. 4-11-81
  3. 3-3-16
  4. #275
  5. #515A Forney Loop
  6. #110
  7. 1-16-86
  8. #8788
  9. 10-19-01
  10. #2041
  11. 17 coasters
  1. #1875
  2. 8-30-86
  3. #35 Wiesenstrasse
  4. 231 50th
  5. 60514
  6. District 86
  7. 1852 (year founded)
  8. 3-31-17
  9. 5’2”
  10. #3327

21 Clues: #275#1105’2”#1875#121660514#8788#3327#20413-3-168-30-864-11-813-31-171-16-86231 50th10-19-01District 8617 coasters#35 Wiesenstrasse#515A Forney Loop1852 (year founded)

KING JAMES A 2! 2023-04-13

KING JAMES A 2! crossword puzzle
  1. (2) although; even though (Eze 13:7; Phm 1:19)
  2. (13) charity; relief to the poor (Mat 6:1; Luk 11:41; Act 3:2)
  3. (4) a store or shop; pharmacy, spice dealer (Exo 30:25; 2Ch 16:14; Neh 3:8)
  4. (1) ambassadors, delegation (Luk 14:32)
  5. (4) praise the lord (Rev 19:1)
  6. (7) belong or pertain to (Num 16:30; Jer 10:7; Neh 2:8)
  7. (28) clothing; attire (Jdg 17:10; Act 1:10)
  8. (2) immediately, at once (Mat 13:20; Mar 1:30)
  9. (1) to punish by imposing a penalty or fine (Deu 22:19)
  10. (16) old person yet still alive, elders (Ezr 3:12; Job 12:12; Isa 3:2)
  11. (2) the armpit; the hole in the garment in which the arm is put (Jer 38:12; Eze 13:18)
  12. (4) in error, incorrect, improper (2Ch 6:37; Dan 3:29; Luk 23:41)
  1. (1) an herb of the parsley family (Mat 23:23)
  2. (83) messenger; one sent on a mission (Mat 10:2; Mar 6:30; Luk 9:10)
  3. (21) terrified, fearful (Mar 9:15, Mar 14:33)
  4. (5) pupil of the eye (Deu 32:10; Psa 17:8; Pro 7:2)
  5. (1) friendly, agreeable, or lovely (Psa 84:1)
  6. (45) To clothe; to line up an army for battle (Gen 41:42; Jdg 20:20; 1Ch 19:9)
  7. (2) fishing rod with hook (Isa 19:8; Hab 1:15)
  8. (3) traveling at a great pace, swiftly (2Sa 18:25; Psa 68:12; Jer 46:5)
  9. (1) fever; chill (Lev 26:16)
  10. (5) correctly, properly (Psa 50:23, Pro 15:2; Jer 8:6)
  11. (1) excommunication with a curse (1Co 16:22)
  12. (3) to praise or approve (Luk 11:48; Act 24:15; Rom 7:15)

24 Clues: (1) fever; chill (Lev 26:16)(4) praise the lord (Rev 19:1)(1) ambassadors, delegation (Luk 14:32)(28) clothing; attire (Jdg 17:10; Act 1:10)(1) excommunication with a curse (1Co 16:22)(1) an herb of the parsley family (Mat 23:23)(21) terrified, fearful (Mar 9:15, Mar 14:33)(1) friendly, agreeable, or lovely (Psa 84:1)...

number 2021-02-26

number crossword puzzle
  1. 60
  2. 75
  3. 22
  4. 100
  5. 93
  1. 13
  2. 48
  3. 12
  4. 17
  5. 84

10 Clues: 601348127517228493100

multifaction by 4 2024-07-12

multifaction by 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 4x56
  2. 4x78
  3. 4x9
  4. 4x16
  5. 4x21
  1. 4x8
  2. 4x109
  3. 4x64
  4. 4x88
  5. 4x12

10 Clues: 4x84x94x564x784x644x884x164x124x214x109

Text 8A 2025-01-15

Text 8A crossword puzzle
  1. urheilija
  2. valmentaa
  3. käsitellä
  4. etu
  5. ennustaa
  6. värvätä
  7. vaikutus
  8. sijoittaa
  9. olennainen
  1. vähentää
  2. arvioida
  3. tarkkuus
  4. olennainen
  5. alusta
  6. suoritus
  7. omaksuminen
  8. potentiaali
  9. tuore, äskettäinen

18 Clues: etualustavärvätävähentääarvioidatarkkuussuoritusennustaavaikutusurheilijavalmentaakäsitelläsijoittaaolennainenolennainenomaksuminenpotentiaalituore, äskettäinen


WHERE CAN I TURN FOR PEACE? crossword puzzle
  1. ROMANS 15:4 (3 words)
  2. HEBREWS 2:18
  3. D&C 84:24 (4 words)
  4. ALMA 34:14
  5. D&C 105:25 (3 words)
  6. HEBREWS 1:10 (4 words)
  7. HEBREWS 1:10
  8. HEBREWS 2:17
  9. MATT. 9:22 (4 words)
  10. MATTHEW 8:26 (5 words)
  1. D&C 135:4 (5 words)
  2. 1 TIMOTHY 6:6
  3. HEBREWS 3:16 (3 words)
  4. HEBREW 12:11 (3 words)
  5. 2 CORINTHIANS 12:9 (4 words)
  6. MATT 11:29 (5 words)
  7. MATTHEW 11:28 (3 words)
  8. 1 THES 5:11 (3words)
  9. ACTS 9:31 (2 words)
  10. JOHN 14:27 (6 words)
  11. D&C 25:5 (3 words)
  12. D&C 28:1

22 Clues: D&C 28:1ALMA 34:14HEBREWS 2:18HEBREWS 1:10HEBREWS 2:171 TIMOTHY 6:6D&C 25:5 (3 words)D&C 135:4 (5 words)D&C 84:24 (4 words)ACTS 9:31 (2 words)MATT 11:29 (5 words)1 THES 5:11 (3words)JOHN 14:27 (6 words)D&C 105:25 (3 words)MATT. 9:22 (4 words)ROMANS 15:4 (3 words)HEBREWS 3:16 (3 words)HEBREW 12:11 (3 words)HEBREWS 1:10 (4 words)...

Défi intergalactique 2024-12-04

Défi intergalactique crossword puzzle
  1. 23
  2. 38
  3. 69
  4. 72
  5. 48
  6. 34
  7. 57
  8. 13
  9. 11
  10. 79
  11. 16
  12. 20
  13. 45
  14. 63
  1. 51
  2. 28
  3. 14
  4. 51
  5. 85
  6. 78
  7. 74
  8. 83
  9. 53
  10. 91
  11. 67
  12. 40
  13. 10
  14. 59
  15. 61
  16. 92
  17. 15
  18. 89

32 Clues: 5128145123853878697274834853913467405710135961921115791620894563

Crossword Puzzle 2019-09-16

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. when you're part of a group its called a ... "rule 135- 136"
  2. if someone/something looks sketchy you call them ... "rule 84-86"
  3. when a person is in a state of unhappiness "rule 165 - 167"
  4. when you don't approve something you ... "rule 19-20"
  5. originally, tradition "rule 150"
  6. period of 10 years "rule 108 - 109"
  7. something that's not usual "rule 113-115"
  8. who a person is "rule 170 - 173"
  1. changing "rule 160 - 163"
  2. the type of person you are shown by the way you behave "rule 160 - 162"
  3. when you agree to something you make an ... "rule 120"
  4. 'gezondheid' "rule 164"
  5. wish or hope strongly "rule 105 - 106"
  6. heavier than something else "rule 138 - 140"
  7. in the end "rule 150"
  8. an result you get if you choose between a couple options "rule 15-17"
  9. if you work very hard you're ... "rule 45-49"
  10. liquid that can make you drunk "rule 155 - 158"
  11. if you can't accept other races it's called ... "rule 63-65"
  12. when you feel bad about something you did you feel ... "rule 75"

20 Clues: in the end "rule 150"'gezondheid' "rule 164"changing "rule 160 - 163"originally, tradition "rule 150"who a person is "rule 170 - 173"period of 10 years "rule 108 - 109"wish or hope strongly "rule 105 - 106"something that's not usual "rule 113-115"heavier than something else "rule 138 - 140"if you work very hard you're ... "rule 45-49"...

MATH 2021-05-28

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. 499
  2. 2565
  3. 81
  4. 30
  5. blindness180
  6. reflexangle
  7. 44135
  8. 6/10
  1. 308025
  2. 0
  3. 24559
  4. 100000
  5. 10
  6. 84
  7. 56

15 Clues: 0813010845649925656/102455944135308025100000reflexangleblindness180

Today's crossword - till A7 2020-09-11

Today's crossword - till A7 crossword puzzle
  1. - Grill
  2. - wiederlich
  3. - Gewürz
  4. - meine(r/s)
  5. - Ananas
  6. - satt
  7. - einfach
  8. - empfehlen
  9. - Rindfleisch
  1. - Wein
  2. - Pormonee
  3. - Teig
  4. - Rechnung
  5. - Zutat
  6. - froh
  7. - Schinken
  8. - Bratensoße
  9. - füllen
  10. - Zitrone
  11. - Karamell
  12. - bezahlen
  13. - übrig
  14. - beweisen
  15. - Dose

24 Clues: - Wein- Teig- froh- satt- Dose- Grill- Zutat- übrig- Gewürz- füllen- Ananas- Zitrone- einfach- Pormonee- Rechnung- Schinken- Karamell- bezahlen- beweisen- empfehlen- wiederlich- meine(r/s)- Bratensoße- Rindfleisch

Don't Call Me Ishmael 2022-06-01

Don't Call Me Ishmael crossword puzzle
  1. Exhibiting extremely wild or violent behaviour (82)
  2. Giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen (73)
  3. Made (a story) more interesting by adding extra details that are (usually) untrue (93)
  4. Basic; undeveloped; limited; (of something) in an immature form (66)
  5. Having a sound mind; not mad or mentally ill (69)
  6. Done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed (85)
  7. An explanation, made on the basis of limited evidence; as a starting point for further investigation; a theory (89)
  8. Leave a person or place, without intending to return (61)
  9. A performance or interpretation, especially of a dramatic role or piece of music (96)
  10. An extreme or irrational fear of, or aversion to, something (76)
  11. A state of great comfort or elegance, usually associated with great wealth (64)
  1. A machine with a heavy blade used for beheading people (77)
  2. In an uninteresting manner that lacks strong emotion, features, or characteristics (70)
  3. Showing no emotion because of shock, fright or sadness, etc. (63)
  4. In a very strange or unusual manner (93)
  5. Show or feel barely suppressed anger, hatred, or another powerful emotion (79)
  6. Flowed or leaked slowly through porous material or small holes (81)
  7. Dancing in a way that involves twirling or spinning (84)
  8. Intensely painful OR very embarrassing, awkward, or tedious (62)
  9. Suggesting something supernatural; unearthly (80)
  10. Bounced off a surface (usually used with reference to a bullet) (65)
  11. Not even; not regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable (87)
  12. Achieving a significant amount or result (65)
  13. (Something) made more severe by various circumstances (68)
  14. A religious discourse which is intended primarily for spiritual edification (95)
  15. Remained hidden, in order to wait in ambush for someone or something (83)

26 Clues: In a very strange or unusual manner (93)Achieving a significant amount or result (65)Suggesting something supernatural; unearthly (80)Having a sound mind; not mad or mentally ill (69)Exhibiting extremely wild or violent behaviour (82)Dancing in a way that involves twirling or spinning (84)Done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed (85)...

222 2023-04-13

222 crossword puzzle
  1. (2) the armpit; the hole in the garment in which the arm is put (Jer 38:12; Eze 13:18)
  2. (1) to punish by imposing a penalty or fine (Deu 22:19)
  3. (7) belong or pertain to (Num 16:30; Jer 10:7; Neh 2:8)
  4. (4) in error, incorrect, improper (2Ch 6:37; Dan 3:29; Luk 23:41)
  5. (4) a store or shop; pharmacy, spice dealer (Exo 30:25; 2Ch 16:14; Neh 3:8)
  6. (1) excommunication with a curse (1Co 16:22)
  7. (1) ambassadors, delegation (Luk 14:32)
  8. (3) traveling at a great pace, swiftly (2Sa 18:25; Psa 68:12; Jer 46:5)
  9. (4) praise the lord (Rev 19:1)
  10. (83) messenger; one sent on a mission (Mat 10:2; Mar 6:30; Luk 9:10)
  11. (2) fishing rod with hook (Isa 19:8; Hab 1:15)
  12. (1) an herb of the parsley family (Mat 23:23)
  13. (1) friendly, agreeable, or lovely (Psa 84:1)
  1. (21) terrified, fearful (Mar 9:15, Mar 14:33)
  2. (5) correctly, properly (Psa 50:23, Pro 15:2; Jer 8:6)
  3. (1) fever; chill (Lev 26:16)
  4. (2) immediately, at once (Mat 13:20; Mar 1:30)
  5. (13) charity; relief to the poor (Mat 6:1; Luk 11:41; Act 3:2)
  6. (2) although; even though (Eze 13:7; Phm 1:19)
  7. (28) clothing; attire (Jdg 17:10; Act 1:10)
  8. (5) pupil of the eye (Deu 32:10; Psa 17:8; Pro 7:2)
  9. (3) to praise or approve (Luk 11:48; Act 24:15; Rom 7:15)
  10. (16) old person yet still alive, elders (Ezr 3:12; Job 12:12; Isa 3:2)
  11. (45) To clothe; to line up an army for battle (Gen 41:42; Jdg 20:20; 1Ch 19:9)

24 Clues: (1) fever; chill (Lev 26:16)(4) praise the lord (Rev 19:1)(1) ambassadors, delegation (Luk 14:32)(28) clothing; attire (Jdg 17:10; Act 1:10)(1) excommunication with a curse (1Co 16:22)(21) terrified, fearful (Mar 9:15, Mar 14:33)(1) an herb of the parsley family (Mat 23:23)(1) friendly, agreeable, or lovely (Psa 84:1)...

U4 Los números 2022-03-22

U4 Los números crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 0
  3. 89
  4. 33
  5. 80
  6. 50
  7. 60
  8. 30
  9. 79
  10. 49
  11. 90
  12. 20
  13. 67
  14. 21
  15. 76
  16. 11
  17. 72
  18. 70
  19. 84
  20. 10
  1. 92
  2. 57
  3. 24
  4. 99
  5. 18
  6. 9
  7. 53
  8. 15
  9. 46
  10. 27
  11. 41
  12. 96
  13. 40
  14. 68
  15. 36

35 Clues: 099257249918895333154680502741966030794990204067683621761172708410100

Tables, Tables Tables everywhere ....Find the product in the below crossword 2020-10-08

Tables, Tables Tables everywhere ....Find the product in the below crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 54
  2. 39
  3. 108
  4. 120
  5. 98
  1. 84
  2. 45
  3. 70
  4. 99
  5. 81

10 Clues: 8454394570998198108120

multifaction by 4 2024-07-12

multifaction by 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 4x56
  2. 4x78
  3. 4x9
  4. 4x16
  5. 4x21
  1. 4x8
  2. 4x109
  3. 4x64
  4. 4x88
  5. 4x12

10 Clues: 4x84x94x564x784x644x884x164x124x214x109

Chapter 3 Science 2019-05-26

Chapter 3 Science crossword puzzle
  1. A gas or vapor changes directly into a solid without first changing into a liquid (91)
  2. The pressure caused by the collisions of particles in a vapor with the walls of a container (89)
  3. A temperature of 0 kelvins (78)
  4. A substance changes from a gas or vapor to a liquid (90)
  5. The phase change in which a substance changes from a liquid into a gas (88)
  6. The energy an object has due to its motion (71)
  7. The inverse variation of the volume of a gas with it pressure if the temperature and the number of particle are constant (79)
  8. The result of a force distributed over an area (75)
  1. A materials have a definite shape and a definite volume (69)
  2. The energy a substance must absorb in order to change from a liquid to a gas (88)
  3. A change in which a system absorbs energy from its surroundings (86)
  4. A substance changes from a solid to a gas or vapor without changing to a liquid first (91)
  5. A change in which a system releases energy to its surroundings (86)
  6. The energy a substance must absorb in order to change from a solid to a liquid (86)
  7. A material has a definite volume but not a definite shape (69)
  8. The process that changes a substance from a liquid to a gas at temperatures below the substance’s boiling point
  9. A substance changes from one state of matter to another (84)
  10. The direct proportion of the volume of a gas to its temperature if the pressure and the number of particles of the gas are constant (78)
  11. A material has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume (70)

19 Clues: A temperature of 0 kelvins (78)The energy an object has due to its motion (71)The result of a force distributed over an area (75)A substance changes from a gas or vapor to a liquid (90)A materials have a definite shape and a definite volume (69)A substance changes from one state of matter to another (84)...

10 codes Part 2 2024-11-30

10 codes Part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. 10-16
  2. 10-48
  3. 10-7
  4. 10-25
  5. 10-3
  6. 10-18
  7. 10-1
  1. 10-50
  2. 10-99
  3. 10-27
  4. 10-66
  5. 10-84
  6. 10-80
  7. 10-77
  8. 10-4

15 Clues: 10-710-310-410-110-1610-5010-9910-2710-6610-8410-8010-7710-4810-2510-18

Shin Megami Tensei V Megami Demons 2024-02-25

Shin Megami Tensei V Megami Demons crossword puzzle
  1. 22
  2. 76
  3. 42 (Special Fusion)
  4. 15
  5. 70
  6. 84
  7. 47
  1. 67 (Special Fusion)
  2. 37 (DLC)
  3. 52
  4. 35
  5. 29 (Special Fusion)

12 Clues: 523522761570844737 (DLC)67 (Special Fusion)42 (Special Fusion)29 (Special Fusion)

Hartford CT 2021-12-20

Hartford CT crossword puzzle
  1. Or 91
  2. Bronin’s first name
  3. CBS
  4. Won’t see Southwest or Delta here
  5. NBA fans that visit go here
  6. Tom Sawyer, in Hartford?
  7. 84 west will bring you here
  8. Supposed to move, now at Gillette
  9. “Hartford _____” (two words)
  10. Closer than Logan
  11. Speakeasy for bowling
  12. Forty minutes down 91, on a good day
  13. Still brick, though the rest are now paved
  14. To the south
  15. Formerly Comcast, The Meadows, amongst others
  16. 1944 fire; 167 dead
  17. Left for Carolina
  1. “Hartford is New England’s _________” (two words)
  2. The Wolfpack call this home
  3. The tallest of them all
  4. Business of The Hartford
  5. Ex-New Britian
  6. This nurse isn’t on the nice list
  7. Around 85 miles NW, as the crow flies
  8. “____” Championship. Formerly called the “Greater Hartford Open”
  9. Oldest continually operating museum of its kind, opened in 1844
  10. “Mr. Hockey”, his last year was in Hartford
  11. Now coed, this university was once all female

28 Clues: CBSOr 91To the southEx-New BritianCloser than LoganLeft for CarolinaBronin’s first name1944 fire; 167 deadSpeakeasy for bowlingThe tallest of them allBusiness of The HartfordTom Sawyer, in Hartford?The Wolfpack call this homeNBA fans that visit go here84 west will bring you here“Hartford _____” (two words)Won’t see Southwest or Delta here...

Review 4 2024-03-26

Review 4 crossword puzzle
  1. One _ _ _ _ _, two teeth.
  2. The blue whale is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ animal in the world.
  3. When I wake up, I brush my teeth and take a _ _ _ _ _ _.
  4. My paper is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than my desk.
  5. If you are sick, you should take _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  6. My cat eats too much. He's the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cat on my street!
  7. Children in Bronxville Elementary do this at school. (p.80)
  8. Mice are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than elephants.
  9. Country on page 117.
  10. I have a cold. I'm sneezing and I have a _ _ _ _ _.
  11. Below your head, above your arms, beside your neck.
  1. Country with a yellow star on a red flag.
  2. A pain in your teeth.
  3. Hair on someone's face.
  4. _ _ _ _ _, next, finally.
  5. In picture 2 (p. 85) there are two of this bird.
  6. What are the girls doing on page 84?
  7. Name of the reading on page 126.
  8. Country on page 100.
  9. My dad is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person in my family.
  10. Eating bad food will hurt your _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  11. My fan is _ _ _ _ _ _ than my air conditioning.

22 Clues: Country on page 100.Country on page 117.A pain in your teeth.Hair on someone's face.One _ _ _ _ _, two teeth._ _ _ _ _, next, finally.Name of the reading on page 126.What are the girls doing on page 84?Mice are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than elephants.My paper is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than my desk.Country with a yellow star on a red flag....

282 2019-09-16

282 crossword puzzle
  1. 62
  2. ...a tree
  3. 27
  4. 95
  5. 51
  6. Ben and Lucy
  1. ... a bike
  2. 49
  3. 36
  4. 84
  5. flying a ...
  6. doing ...
  7. 73
  8. swimming with goggles and a tube
  9. Lucy and Ben's dog

15 Clues: 4962368473279551...a treedoing ...... a bikeflying a ...Ben and LucyLucy and Ben's dogswimming with goggles and a tube

Every Last Word - Crossword 2022-05-11

Every Last Word - Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a request made in an urgent and emotional manner. pg 290
  2. a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse.pg 149
  3. of, worked by, charged with, or producing electricity. pg 26
  4. play (a guitar or similar instrument) by sweeping the thumb or a plectrum up or down across the strings. pg 313
  5. walk or move in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way. pg 339
  6. the process of making known one's thoughts or feelings. pg 85
  7. with exaggerated vigour pg 181
  8. the branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles. pg 84
  1. a fellow member of a team. pg 18
  2. tell (a story) again or differently. pg 77
  3. a state of confusion pg 133
  4. forthcoming; about to happen. pg 106
  5. suggesting that you think someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind pg 85
  6. change (something) so much that it appears to be entirely new. pg 45
  7. a fertile spot in a desert, where water is found. pg 347

15 Clues: a state of confusion pg 133with exaggerated vigour pg 181a fellow member of a team. pg 18forthcoming; about to happen. pg 106tell (a story) again or differently. pg 77a request made in an urgent and emotional manner. pg 290a fertile spot in a desert, where water is found. pg 347...


OPERASI HITUNG crossword puzzle
  1. 9.876 x 2
  2. 46.325 + 29.648
  3. 87.364 - 42.861
  4. 12.523 x 2
  5. 45 x 24
  6. 84.361 - 36.483
  7. 96 x 25
  8. 95.324 - 26.348
  9. 26.798 + 62.852
  1. 21.843 + 23.642
  2. 76.189 - 32.681
  3. 19.723 + 37.621
  4. 72 x 34
  5. 20.320 x 6
  6. 10.506 x 5
  7. 15.632 + 18.964
  8. 84 x 32
  9. 76.812 - 38.249

18 Clues: 72 x 3484 x 3245 x 2496 x 259.876 x 220.320 x 610.506 x 512.523 x 221.843 + 23.64276.189 - 32.68119.723 + 37.62146.325 + 29.64815.632 + 18.96487.364 - 42.86176.812 - 38.24984.361 - 36.48395.324 - 26.34826.798 + 62.852

Text 84-85 2024-03-14

Text 84-85 crossword puzzle
  1. gratis
  2. Einwohner
  3. beeindruckend
  4. La plus grande maison du Canada
  1. Wald
  2. Wal

6 Clues: WalWaldgratisEinwohnerbeeindruckendLa plus grande maison du Canada

Mord i katakomberne, kap. 16 til 18 2023-10-16

Mord i katakomberne, kap. 16 til 18 crossword puzzle
  1. langsommere, mindre skarpe s.78
  2. lykke og fromme gøre nggt.i håb om at det lykkes
  3. frysen s.80
  4. gengive på en misvisende måde s,81
  5. vagten s. 86
  6. personer, som lider eller dør for en sag s.79
  7. per automatik s.80
  1. mørke former der ses mod en lys baggrund s.81
  2. virkelighedstro s.80
  3. pludselig skræk, hvor man mister sin dømmekraft s,78
  4. - en gammel person s.79
  5. lejde fritagelse for noget s.86
  6. amo Jeg elsker dig på italiensk s.83
  7. kan man sige at blive sprunget i luften? s.86

14 Clues: frysen s.80vagten s. 86per automatik s.80virkelighedstro s.80- en gammel person s.79langsommere, mindre skarpe s.78lejde fritagelse for noget s.86gengive på en misvisende måde s,81amo Jeg elsker dig på italiensk s.83mørke former der ses mod en lys baggrund s.81personer, som lider eller dør for en sag s.79...

Maggie L. Maths Arithmetic 2021-05-18

Maggie L. Maths Arithmetic crossword puzzle
  1. 2/6+3/6
  2. 692-408
  3. 72÷6
  4. 722x7
  5. 36÷2
  6. 843x3
  7. 7633-200
  8. 768-110
  9. 863+21
  10. 20x14
  11. 6.50+4.44
  12. 2x408
  1. 5546748-10
  2. 3x84
  3. 2.9-1.5
  4. 27÷100
  5. 3/7-2/7
  6. 985-722
  7. 84÷10
  8. 1450+7290
  9. 12/24-6/24
  10. 6.78-5.4

22 Clues: 3x8472÷636÷2722x7843x384÷1020x142x40827÷100863+212/6+3/6692-4082.9-1.53/7-2/7985-722768-1107633-2006.78-5.41450+72906.50+4.445546748-1012/24-6/24

1GTA - p. 84 2017-03-31

1GTA - p. 84 crossword puzzle
  1. hold
  2. glad
  3. heat
  4. while
  5. dryer
  6. back
  7. shut
  8. dark
  1. screen
  2. wall
  3. face
  4. remove
  5. washer
  6. light
  7. plate
  8. use
  9. degree
  10. button

18 Clues: usewallfaceholdgladheatbackshutdarkwhilelightplatedryerscreenremovewasherdegreebutton

Grade 4 Procedural Maths Task (25 marks) 2022-05-22

Grade 4 Procedural Maths Task (25 marks) crossword puzzle
  1. Half of 84 =
  2. 40 × 700 =
  3. 8000 + 4 tens + 2 =
  4. The next number in the sequence 100, 125, 150 ...
  5. 196 ÷ 4 =
  6. 2 × 30 =
  7. 1195 rounded to the nearest 10
  8. 6000 - 328 =
  9. The largest number that can be made with the digits 5, 0, 4 and 6.
  10. 64 + ___ = 100
  11. 1000 ÷ 10 =
  12. 96 × 5 =
  13. 900 + 600 =
  1. 720 + ___ = 1000
  2. The value of the digit 2 in 6230
  3. 50 ÷ 2 =
  4. 80 + 80 + 80 =
  5. 4 × 25 =
  6. 6352 + 398 =
  7. The smallest number that can be made with the digits 2, 0, 1 and 3
  8. Double 38 =
  9. 40 hundreds =
  10. How many minutes are there in 3 hours?
  11. 1000 - 200 =
  12. 7 groups of 8 =

25 Clues: 50 ÷ 2 =4 × 25 =2 × 30 =96 × 5 =196 ÷ 4 =40 × 700 =Double 38 =1000 ÷ 10 =900 + 600 =Half of 84 =6352 + 398 =6000 - 328 =1000 - 200 =40 hundreds =80 + 80 + 80 =64 + ___ = 1007 groups of 8 =720 + ___ = 10008000 + 4 tens + 2 =1195 rounded to the nearest 10The value of the digit 2 in 6230How many minutes are there in 3 hours?...

TTS Kimia Unsur 2022-11-08

TTS Kimia Unsur crossword puzzle
  1. Gas yang dihasilkan oleh kendaraan bermotor
  2. dimanfaatkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yaitu digunakan sebagai
  3. Kelimpahan logam alkali di alam terdapat di
  4. Sebagai komponen kabel listrik (alat-alat elektronik) merupakan kegunaan dari unsur
  5. Sifat kimia logam alkali dari atas ke bawah semakin
  6. Warna yang dihasilkan ketika bismut dibakar dengan oksigen
  7. Logam alkali yang bereaksi dengan air menghasilkan gas
  8. Proses produksi asam sulfat menggunakan bahan baku belerang dioksida adalah proses
  9. Cara yang digunakan untuk mengolah belerang yang ada di dalam tanah adalah cara
  10. Jumlah unsur pada golongan 1A
  1. Unsur yang digunakan pada pembuatan bahan cat dan pembuatnya merah pada kembang api
  2. Senyawa KCl dan K2SO4
  3. Unsur pada golongan 4A yang tidak ditemukan bebas di alam adalah
  4. Yang merupakan oksidator kuat pada golongan 7A adalah
  5. Radon memiliki sifat
  6. Bahan yang digunakan untuk pembuatan tinta rahasia yaitu
  7. Unsur yang paling banyak di dalam atmosfer bumi
  8. Unsur golongan 5A yang bersifat racun dan banyak digunakan dalam pembuatan herbisida adalah
  9. Unsur yang dimanfaatkan sebagai obat gatal kulit adalah
  10. Kepanjangan dari unsur Rb adalah
  11. Proses pemurnian biji bauksit untuk memperoleh aluminium oksida adalah proses
  12. Unsur pada golongan 8A yang banyak digunakan sebagai bahan pengisi bola lampu pijar adalah
  13. Salah satu cara pembuatan klorin yaitu dengan proses
  14. Gas yang digunakan untuk mengisi balon udara pada golongan 8A adalah

24 Clues: Radon memiliki sifatSenyawa KCl dan K2SO4Jumlah unsur pada golongan 1AKepanjangan dari unsur Rb adalahGas yang dihasilkan oleh kendaraan bermotorKelimpahan logam alkali di alam terdapat diUnsur yang paling banyak di dalam atmosfer bumiSifat kimia logam alkali dari atas ke bawah semakinSalah satu cara pembuatan klorin yaitu dengan proses...

Latitude and Longitude 2024-08-07

Latitude and Longitude crossword puzzle
  1. City located at 25 N latitude, 80 W longitude
  2. City located at 33 N latitude , 112 W longitude
  3. City located at 46 N latitude, 96 W longitude
  1. State located at 43 N latitude, 84 W longitude
  2. State located at 35 N, 85 W longitude
  3. City located at 29 N latitude, 95 W longitude
  4. City located at 45 N latitude, 122 W longitude

7 Clues: State located at 35 N, 85 W longitudeCity located at 25 N latitude, 80 W longitudeCity located at 29 N latitude, 95 W longitudeCity located at 46 N latitude, 96 W longitudeState located at 43 N latitude, 84 W longitudeCity located at 45 N latitude, 122 W longitudeCity located at 33 N latitude , 112 W longitude

MTH 84 2022-07-22

MTH 84 crossword puzzle
  1. ⁶⁄₈ to ¹⁵⁄₂₀
  2. ⁹⁄₁₅ as a percent
  3. ⁶⁄₉ to ¹²⁄₁₅
  4. ratios are always written in __ terms.
  5. Joe makes $120 in 20 hours. How much does he make in 8 hours?
  1. Public schools typically have 1 teacher for every 25 students. If there are 450 students in a grade, how many teachers are there?
  2. Hannah's Target bill is $84 dollars pre-tax. If tax percentage is 8%, how much is her total? Round to the nearest dollar
  3. rate with a denominator of 1
  4. ¾ written as a proportion
  5. 7/50ths as a percentage.
  6. Two similar rectangles are next to each other. One is 6 by 8, the other is t by 4. Solve for t.

11 Clues: ⁶⁄₈ to ¹⁵⁄₂₀⁶⁄₉ to ¹²⁄₁₅⁹⁄₁₅ as a percent7/50ths as a percentage.¾ written as a proportionrate with a denominator of 1ratios are always written in __ terms.Joe makes $120 in 20 hours. How much does he make in 8 hours?Two similar rectangles are next to each other. One is 6 by 8, the other is t by 4. Solve for t....

Math 2025-02-26

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 82-26=
  2. 82-72=
  3. 56-13=
  4. 18-11=
  5. 49-30=
  6. 84-24=
  7. 7-4=
  8. 16-12=
  1. 75-30=
  2. 15-9=
  3. 19-4=
  4. 62-40=
  5. 100-6=
  6. 99-9=

14 Clues: 7-4=15-9=19-4=99-9=75-30=82-26=82-72=56-13=62-40=18-11=49-30=100-6=84-24=16-12=


  1. I love this game. It's _______.
  2. She is 8 years old, she's very _______.
  3. The coffee is _____.
  4. During the winter, it's ______.
  5. I am the only child. My family is _______.
  6. Basketball players are _____.
  1. Now I'm _______, but I want to grow up.
  2. I have 6 brothers and sisters. My family is ____.
  3. The math test is very __________.
  4. My grandfather is ________. He's 84.

10 Clues: The coffee is _____.Basketball players are _____.I love this game. It's _______.During the winter, it's ______.The math test is very __________.My grandfather is ________. He's 84.Now I'm _______, but I want to grow up.She is 8 years old, she's very _______.I am the only child. My family is _______.I have 6 brothers and sisters. My family is ____.

semana de arte moderna na europa 2024-08-27

semana de arte moderna na europa crossword puzzle
  1. - O movimento surgiu em 1907, tendo como principais artistas: George Braque e Pablo Picasso com a geometrização, abstração das formas e foi inspirada nas máscaras africanas (p.85).
  2. – artista que pertenceu ao surrealismo, pintou bigodes na Mona lisa (p.89).
  3. – Apareceu na década de 1920 em Paris, nos estilos literários criado por um grupo de poetas, destacando André Breton que publicou o primeiro Manifesto (p. 89).
  4. – artista do movimento artístico dadaísmo, transformou o objeto em arte com uma crítica radical com a obra “A Fonte (1917)”, (p. 87).
  5. – é o termo que significa “sobre realismo”, criado pelo escritor Guillaume Apollinaire, para se referir as imagens do inconsciente, onirismo e recebeu influência da metafisica de Giorgio de Chirico (p.89).
  6. - Veio com a ideia de progresso e inovação tornando uma das bandeiras na arte, característica que levou os primeiros movimentos desse período conhecido como avant-garde ou vanguarda (p.84).
  1. - Surgiu na Europa, final do século XX no momento de grandes avanços científicos e tecnológicos (p.83).
  2. - Surgiu com o Manifesto de Filippo Marinetti no jornal Le Figaro, defendendo a arte um estilo de arte que se popularizasse utilizando de todo tipo de produto, os artistas estudavam a ciência, a tecnologia com a industrialização, velocidade e dinamismo (p86).
  3. – o significado da palavra esta quando o artista se apropria do objeto industrializado e eleva a categoria de arte a depender do conceito imposto a peça composta (p.87).
  4. - Foi o movimento que teve influência do pós-impressionismo, rompeu com a perspectiva clássica, buscando por liberdade criativa, revelando o lado selvagem “fauve”, com cores fortes, formas simplificadas nas composições e distanciamento da realidade (p.84).
  5. – O movimento artístico surgiu com a Primeira Guerra Mundial (1914 – 1918) em Zurique (Suíça), com uma arte de protesto, caráter irracional, oposição a razão e a logica, denominados com o discurso de antiarte (p.87).

11 Clues: – artista que pertenceu ao surrealismo, pintou bigodes na Mona lisa (p.89).- Surgiu na Europa, final do século XX no momento de grandes avanços científicos e tecnológicos (p.83).– artista do movimento artístico dadaísmo, transformou o objeto em arte com uma crítica radical com a obra “A Fonte (1917)”, (p. 87)....

Unit 2 2023-01-25

Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. emits helium nuclei
  2. distance between crests
  3. The mnemonic device that finds the atomic # and mass
  4. gains electrons
  5. a range of all types of radiation that have electric and magnetic fields
  6. spherical shape
  1. elements in column 8A
  2. electrons occupy orbitals of lowest energy first
  3. repeating properties
  4. has 5 orbitals
  5. Bowling Ball Model
  6. this charge is carried by subatomic particles
  7. shiny
  8. most reactive nonmetals
  9. discovered the proton

15 Clues: shinyhas 5 orbitalsgains electronsspherical shapeBowling Ball Modelemits helium nucleirepeating propertieselements in column 8Adiscovered the protondistance between crestsmost reactive nonmetalsthis charge is carried by subatomic particleselectrons occupy orbitals of lowest energy firstThe mnemonic device that finds the atomic # and mass...

SQUARE ROOTS 2013-05-28

SQUARE ROOTS crossword puzzle
  1. 1267
  2. 30
  3. 2155024
  4. 324
  1. 52.7
  2. 14
  3. 84
  4. 1764
  5. 97
  6. 256

10 Clues: 1484973025632452.7126717642155024

multifaction by 4 2024-07-12

multifaction by 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 4x56
  2. 4x78
  3. 4x9
  4. 4x16
  5. 4x21
  1. 4x8
  2. 4x109
  3. 4x64
  4. 4x88
  5. 4x12

10 Clues: 4x84x94x564x784x644x884x164x124x214x109

multifaction by 4 2024-07-12

multifaction by 4 crossword puzzle
  1. 4x56
  2. 4x78
  3. 4x9
  4. 4x16
  5. 4x21
  1. 4x8
  2. 4x109
  3. 4x64
  4. 4x88
  5. 4x12

10 Clues: 4x84x94x564x784x644x884x164x124x214x109

kerjakan soal pembagian matematika berikut..? 2023-08-23

kerjakan soal pembagian matematika berikut..? crossword puzzle
  1. 86:6
  2. 98:9
  3. 88:7
  4. 86:4
  5. 96:8
  1. 65:5
  2. 125:12
  3. 125:5
  4. 125:6
  5. 85:5

10 Clues: 65:586:698:988:786:496:885:5125:5125:6125:12

Kolonisering og imperialisme 2020-10-21

Kolonisering og imperialisme crossword puzzle
  1. europeiske ledere samlet her seg i 188-84-85
  2. navnet på kanalen mellom Middelhavet og Rødehavet
  3. noen mennesker er. bedre tilpasset omgivelsene og overlevde derfor
  4. ekspansjon i oversjøiske områder
  5. skapte et fiendskap mellom de europeiske folka og medvirket til den krigerske stemningen
  1. fikk drahjelp av _ om konkurransen om fjerne områder
  2. type årsak som gikk ut på jakta på penger, profitt og eksotiske varer
  3. koloni av shonafolket som var en viktig brikke i et britisk Afrika "fra Kopp til Kairo"
  4. falsk, usann vitenskap
  5. britisk naturforsker
  6. et område som står under "vern" av en mektigere stat
  7. fornavnet til Rhodes
  8. kontinentet der den skarpeste konkurransen om nye kolonier kom
  9. land som hadde store ambisjoner om å skape et imperium fra Atlanterhavet i vest til Indiahavet i øst

14 Clues: britisk naturforskerfornavnet til Rhodesfalsk, usann vitenskapekspansjon i oversjøiske områdereuropeiske ledere samlet her seg i 188-84-85navnet på kanalen mellom Middelhavet og Rødehavetfikk drahjelp av _ om konkurransen om fjerne områderet område som står under "vern" av en mektigere stat...

Toasty Day Crossword 2022-05-04

Toasty Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Game 93
  2. Game 87
  3. Game 101
  4. Game 100
  5. Game 95
  6. Game 88
  7. Game 90
  1. Game 96
  2. Game 85
  3. Game 99
  4. Game 92
  5. Game 89
  6. Game 86
  7. Game 91
  8. Game 94

15 Clues: Game 96Game 85Game 99Game 93Game 87Game 92Game 89Game 86Game 91Game 94Game 95Game 88Game 90Game 101Game 100

8a 2020-08-22

8a crossword puzzle
  1. storage form of carbohydrates
  2. tests that utilizes Milton's reagent
  3. storage form of iron in macrophages
  4. storage form of lipids
  5. most abundant connective tissue fiber
  6. structural protein present in chromosomes
  1. iodine solution used to determine the presence of starch
  2. substance that bridges the tissue and the dye
  3. type of fiber demonstrated by Taenzer-Unna orcein
  4. deposits demonstrated by Von Kossa

10 Clues: storage form of lipidsstorage form of carbohydratesdeposits demonstrated by Von Kossastorage form of iron in macrophagestests that utilizes Milton's reagentmost abundant connective tissue fiberstructural protein present in chromosomessubstance that bridges the tissue and the dyetype of fiber demonstrated by Taenzer-Unna orcein...

samsung phones 2015-03-18

samsung phones crossword puzzle
  1. my dad's phone
  2. is for notes and it's the 4
  3. the new
  1. the new for selfies
  2. zoe's phone

5 Clues: the newzoe's phonemy dad's phonethe new for selfiesis for notes and it's the 4

Periyodik Sistem 2024-10-28

Periyodik Sistem crossword puzzle
  1. Mat yüzeyli, ısı ve elektriği iyi iletmeyen element grubudur
  2. Yarımetal grubunda bulunan bir element
  3. Periyodik tablonun babası olarak da bilinir. Elementleri artan atom ağırlıklarına göre sıralamıştır
  4. Periyodik cetvelde atom numarası soldan sağa....
  5. Periyodik cetvelde atom yarıçapı soldan sağa....
  6. Elementleri 8 erli gruplar halinde sıralayan bilim insanı
  7. Periyodik tabloda A ve B olmak üzere toplam ... adet grup vardır
  8. Son katmanında 2 elektron bulunmasına rağmen 8A grubunda bulunan element
  1. 7A grubunun özel adı
  2. Periyodik tablodaki dikey sütunlara ne ad verilir?
  3. Tamamı gaz, kararlı yapıya sahip elementlerden oluşan gruptur
  4. Parlak yüzeyli, ısı ve elektriği iyi ileten element grubudur
  5. Elementleri 3 erli şekilde gruplayan bilim insanı
  6. Soygaz grubunda bulunan bir element
  7. Periyodik tablodaki yatay satırlara ne ad verilir?
  8. Periyodik tabloya son iki sırayı ekleyen bilim insanı

16 Clues: 7A grubunun özel adıSoygaz grubunda bulunan bir elementYarımetal grubunda bulunan bir elementPeriyodik cetvelde atom numarası soldan sağa....Periyodik cetvelde atom yarıçapı soldan sağa....Elementleri 3 erli şekilde gruplayan bilim insanıPeriyodik tablodaki dikey sütunlara ne ad verilir?Periyodik tablodaki yatay satırlara ne ad verilir?...


TEMBANG MACAPAT crossword puzzle
  1. sedih nelangsa, keranta ranta
  2. isine roso seneng asih, tresno
  3. isine roso rumaket, kulina
  4. 10i,10a,8e,7u,9i,7a,6u,8a,12i,7a
  5. wedharing rasa
  6. tibane swara ing pungkasane gatra
  7. wilangan larik
  8. 12a,7i,6a,7a,8i,5a,7i
  9. 12u,6a,8i,12a
  1. isine rososumeh
  2. isine roso sedih nglokro
  3. isine roso seneng
  4. suku kata saben gatra
  5. isine roso sengsem, sedih prihatin

14 Clues: 12u,6a,8i,12awedharing rasawilangan larikisine rososumehisine roso senengsuku kata saben gatra12a,7i,6a,7a,8i,5a,7iisine roso sedih nglokroisine roso rumaket, kulinasedih nelangsa, keranta rantaisine roso seneng asih, tresno10i,10a,8e,7u,9i,7a,6u,8a,12i,7atibane swara ing pungkasane gatraisine roso sengsem, sedih prihatin

Science 8A 2023-05-10

Science 8A crossword puzzle
  1. a thin line of light coming from a source is called a light ____
  2. sun, stars, and fire are _____ source of light
  3. objects that allow some light to pass through
  4. an artificial source of light
  5. An _____ happens when a planet or a moon gets in the way of the Sun’s light
  6. source of light energy
  7. A lighthouse produces D____ beams
  8. During a ______ eclipse, Earth gets in the way of the Sun’s light hitting the Moon
  9. when light is blocked by an opaque object, a ____ is formed
  1. A ____ eclipse happens when the Moon gets in the way of the Sun’s light and casts its shadow on Earth
  2. objects that allow all light to pass through
  3. bouncing of light rays off a surface
  4. an important form of energy
  5. objects that don't allow light to pass through
  6. a spotlight produces P____ beams
  7. a bundle of light rays is called a ___ of light
  8. light travels in _______lines

17 Clues: source of light energyan important form of energyan artificial source of lightlight travels in _______linesa spotlight produces P____ beamsA lighthouse produces D____ beamsbouncing of light rays off a surfaceobjects that allow all light to pass throughsun, stars, and fire are _____ source of lightobjects that don't allow light to pass through...

English 8a 2024-11-27

English 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Scheune
  2. Nebel
  3. basieren auf
  4. lutschen
  5. Trick
  6. unterhalten, bespaßen
  7. when mr Wunder says that he is the best teacher in the world that’s a clear ______________
  8. Geschenk
  1. vernünftig
  2. mutig
  3. This story does not sound very c_____________
  4. Müll
  5. beanspruchen
  6. Zähne
  7. Koch
  8. Nacken
  9. zugeben

17 Clues: MüllKochNebelmutigTrickZähneNackenScheunezugebenlutschenGeschenkvernünftigbasieren aufbeanspruchenunterhalten, bespaßenThis story does not sound very c_____________when mr Wunder says that he is the best teacher in the world that’s a clear ______________

Family2 2020-12-12

Family2 crossword puzzle
  1. Bob Cratchits daughter 6*
  2. famous scientist born on Christmas Day 5 6*
  3. Raced in Hamilton’s car last weekend 6 7
  4. sang Christmas no.1 reet petite 6 6*
  5. Christmas no.1 96 97 98 5 5*
  6. 3rd manic street preacher album 4 5*
  7. captain of hibs 1/1/73 3 6*
  8. Barbra Windsor character in eastenders 5 8
  9. One of Mars two moons 6
  1. capital of Tenerife 5 4*
  2. Dons manager before Steve Paterson 7 6
  3. World Cup 82 5
  4. girl in wizard of Oz 7 *
  5. Croatian Wimbledon champ 5 10
  6. sang 1st two lines of band aid 84. 4 5*
  7. hibs goalie for the last 3 years 4 8
  8. footballer with 57 Scotland caps born Christmas Day 4 10*
  9. helmetheb city anagram*

18 Clues: World Cup 82 5One of Mars two moons 6capital of Tenerife 5 4*helmetheb city anagram*Bob Cratchits daughter 6*girl in wizard of Oz 7 *Croatian Wimbledon champ 5 10Christmas no.1 96 97 98 5 5*captain of hibs 1/1/73 3 6*sang Christmas no.1 reet petite 6 6*hibs goalie for the last 3 years 4 83rd manic street preacher album 4 5*...

Bengals Player Bash 2023-01-25

Bengals Player Bash crossword puzzle
  1. DE #94
  2. K #2
  3. RB #28
  4. LB #55
  5. RB #34
  6. C #64
  1. DT #98
  2. CB #20
  3. WR #85
  4. S #30
  5. QB #9
  6. DT #92
  7. S #24
  8. TE #88
  9. WR #1
  10. WR #83

16 Clues: K #2S #30QB #9S #24WR #1C #64DT #98CB #20WR #85DE #94DT #92RB #28TE #88WR #83LB #55RB #34

Periodic Table Math 2023-09-10

Periodic Table Math crossword puzzle
  1. combine me with oxygen to make Carbon Dioxide
  2. I have 46 electrons
  3. I am the smallest atom
  4. My atomic symbol is Ag
  5. My real name is antimony
  6. I have an average of 28 neutrons
  7. My atomic symbol is Yb
  8. My atomic symbol is Fe
  9. I have an atomic number of 84
  10. I have 28 protons
  11. Combine me with sodium to get salt
  12. I have an average of 114 neutrons
  13. Combine me with hydrogen to make water
  14. I have an atomic number of 83
  15. I have as atomic mass around 7
  1. I have 7 protons
  2. I have 29 protons
  3. I am named after a famous scientist
  4. I have 35 electrons with a -2 charge
  5. I have an atomic number of 5
  6. I have an atomic mass around 200
  7. I have 6 electrons with a neutral charge
  8. My atomic symbol is UUP
  9. My real name is tin
  10. I generally have 45 electrons
  11. I have an atomic mass around 11
  12. I have 10 protons
  13. I have an atomic mass around 127
  14. I generally have 42 electrons
  15. I have close to 59 atomic mass

30 Clues: I have 7 protonsI have 29 protonsI have 28 protonsI have 10 protonsI have 46 electronsMy real name is tinI am the smallest atomMy atomic symbol is AgMy atomic symbol is YbMy atomic symbol is FeMy atomic symbol is UUPMy real name is antimonyI have an atomic number of 5I have an atomic number of 84I generally have 45 electrons...

Aljabar 2022-10-05

Aljabar crossword puzzle
  1. Bentuk sederhana dari 7a+2-3a-1
  2. Bentuk sederhana dari 2(a-4)
  3. 2x+4 disebut suku dua
  4. Bentuk sederhana dari 2a+5-(a-7)
  5. Dalam 2x+4, angka 2 disebut
  6. Bentuk sederhana dari (2a+6) :2
  7. Bentuk sederhana dari 4a+5(2a-7)
  1. Dalam 2x + 4, huruf x disebut
  2. Dalam 2x + 4, angka 4
  3. Bentuk sederhana dari 4ax5
  4. Dalam 2x + 4, 2x dan 4 disebut
  5. Nilai 3a + 5 untuk a = 2
  6. Bentuk sederhana dari (-8a+20):(-4)
  7. Banyak suku pada bentuk 2a + 3b - 4c -5
  8. Ali membeli 3 keranjang apel. Kemudian dia membeli lagi 5 buah apel. Jika k menyatakan satu keranjang apel, nyatakan banyak apel yang Ali punya

15 Clues: Dalam 2x + 4, angka 42x+4 disebut suku duaNilai 3a + 5 untuk a = 2Bentuk sederhana dari 4ax5Dalam 2x+4, angka 2 disebutBentuk sederhana dari 2(a-4)Dalam 2x + 4, huruf x disebutDalam 2x + 4, 2x dan 4 disebutBentuk sederhana dari 7a+2-3a-1Bentuk sederhana dari (2a+6) :2Bentuk sederhana dari 2a+5-(a-7)Bentuk sederhana dari 4a+5(2a-7)...

Cap 29. No innovar acelera la extinción humana p. (320-322) 2018-04-13

Cap 29. No innovar acelera la extinción humana p. (320-322) crossword puzzle
  1. (adj. singular) sobresealiente, único, talentoso, fenomenal (1)
  2. (n) probabilidad, suerte, contingencia, fortuna (2)
  3. (v) malgastar, derrochar, tirar, botar (26)
  4. (adj) opuesto, oponente (21)
  5. (adj) beneficio, ganancia, ventaja. (84)
  6. (v) animar, alentar, confortar, tranquilizar (3)
  1. (v) ponerse viejo, deteriorarse (44)
  2. (n. singular) avance, progreso, mejora (8)
  3. (v) desbaratar, deshacer, derribar (11)
  4. (v) gastar, tirar, derrochar
  5. (adj. singular) libre, desocupado, utilizable (69)
  6. (adj) ilustrado, experto, que tiene mucho conocimiento (5)

12 Clues: (v) gastar, tirar, derrochar(adj) opuesto, oponente (21)(v) ponerse viejo, deteriorarse (44)(v) desbaratar, deshacer, derribar (11)(adj) beneficio, ganancia, ventaja. (84)(n. singular) avance, progreso, mejora (8)(v) malgastar, derrochar, tirar, botar (26)(v) animar, alentar, confortar, tranquilizar (3)...

Numbers from 50 to 100 2022-10-27

Numbers from 50 to 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 62
  2. 85
  3. 69
  4. 73
  5. 90
  6. 83
  7. 51
  1. 100
  2. 56
  3. 71
  4. 87
  5. 92
  6. 52
  7. 60

14 Clues: 56627185879269739052836051100


SOAL UNSUR PERIODIK crossword puzzle
  1. logam tidak keras yang memiliki simbol Sn di tabel periodik?
  2. unsur radio aktif dengan nomor 88 adalah?
  3. mineral yang paling umum mengandung tembaga?
  4. unsur logam lunak, putih keperakan, dan alkali?
  5. unsur kimia yang paling elektronegatif?
  6. unsur gas mulia yang paling banyak di udara adalah?
  7. aat tunggal yang tidak dapat diuraikan lagi menjadi zat yang lebih sederhana?
  8. bagian yang sangat terkecil di alam semesta?
  9. Fe, Cu Ni, Al adalah contoh jenis unsur
  10. unsur yang memiliki nomor atom 83 adalah?
  11. satu satunya unsur logam yang berbentuk cair pada suhu dan tekanan standar adalah?
  1. gula termasuk senyawa atau campuran?
  2. unsur yang memiliki manfaat aloi logam di 6A adalah?
  3. zat yang mengandung inti tidak stabil dan senantiasa memancarkan radiasi secara spontan?
  4. logam yang dapat bereaksi dengan air dingin
  5. unsur yang ada di bagian 6B yang memiliki lambang Cr adalah?
  6. unsur yang ada di golongan 2A yang memiliki nomor atom 56 adalah?
  7. unsur yang memiliki simbol Ir adalah?
  8. unsur kimia yang bisa digunakan sebagai obat untuk menstabilkan suasana hayi para penderita gangguan bipolar?
  9. unsur yang juga disebut sulfur dengan bentuk asli zat pada kristal warna kuning adalah?
  10. unsur yang di butuhkan oleh semua kehidupan adalah?
  11. berapa jumlah unsur yang ada di golongan 8A dalam tabel periodik?

22 Clues: gula termasuk senyawa atau campuran?unsur yang memiliki simbol Ir adalah?unsur kimia yang paling elektronegatif?Fe, Cu Ni, Al adalah contoh jenis unsurunsur radio aktif dengan nomor 88 adalah?unsur yang memiliki nomor atom 83 adalah?logam yang dapat bereaksi dengan air dinginmineral yang paling umum mengandung tembaga?...

curriculum by Moiș Andreea 2022-03-15

curriculum by Moiș Andreea crossword puzzle
  1. cel mai lung ciclu curricular
  2. numarul minim de ore prevazut in planul cadru pentru fiecare disciplina
  3. ciclul curericular care cupriunde clasele a7-a a9-a
  4. Totalitatea noțiunilor,ideilor,informațiilor
  5. un document care stabileste disciplinele numarul de ore in functie de nivel si profil
  1. ansamblul documentelor scolare care fac referire lacontinuturile de predare,invatare
  2. un grupaj de discipline scolare care au in comun anumite obiective
  3. stiinta si teoria despre metode
  4. aria curriculara limba si.......

9 Clues: cel mai lung ciclu curricularstiinta si teoria despre metodearia curriculara limba si.......Totalitatea noțiunilor,ideilor,informațiilorciclul curericular care cupriunde clasele a7-a a9-aun grupaj de discipline scolare care au in comun anumite obiectivenumarul minim de ore prevazut in planul cadru pentru fiecare disciplina...

Kimia Unsur 2022-11-08

Kimia Unsur crossword puzzle
  1. Katalis pada pembekuan minyak menjadi lemak
  2. Sifat mirip logam alkali
  3. Bahan aktif dalam detergen
  4. Unsur logam yang ada di MSG
  5. Golongan stabil dalam bentuk garam
  6. Unsur dibuat dari radium
  7. Unsur nomor atom 56
  8. Mineral yang mengandung logam Mg
  9. Penetralisir asam lambung
  10. Penemu sinar X
  11. Pencegah kerusakan gigi
  1. Warna nyala logam Mg
  2. Penghilang kesadahan
  3. Logam lunak,putih keperakan, dan sangat reaktif
  4. Campuran Cu dan Sn
  5. Gas mulia terbanyak diudara
  6. Golongan yang paling stabil
  7. Golongan yang hamppir semua unsur dialam
  8. Logam alkali tanah yang tidak dapat bereaksi dengan air
  9. Sukar bereaksi
  10. Sangat reaktif dan oksidator kuat
  11. Pengisi tabung pernafasan penyelam
  12. Garam inggris
  13. Gas yang terdapat diudara 78%

24 Clues: Garam inggrisSukar bereaksiPenemu sinar XCampuran Cu dan SnUnsur nomor atom 56Warna nyala logam MgPenghilang kesadahanPencegah kerusakan gigiSifat mirip logam alkaliUnsur dibuat dari radiumPenetralisir asam lambungBahan aktif dalam detergenUnsur logam yang ada di MSGGas mulia terbanyak diudaraGolongan yang paling stabilGas yang terdapat diudara 78%...

chimica 2020-03-06

chimica crossword puzzle
  1. Ione dell'acqua
  2. metallo+ossigeno
  3. Deboli forze di attrazione
  4. Il numero di ossidazione di un atomo vare 0 nello stato...
  5. Legame tra molecole
  6. acqua ossigenata
  7. Cl2O5 (nomenclatura IUPAC)
  8. FON
  9. Gruppo 8A o 0
  10. che legame c'è il NaCl?
  1. In quale legame si ha la condivisione di un doppietto?
  2. Ossido ferroso
  3. Legame all'interno della molecola
  4. che cos'è Z?
  5. elemento più elettronegativo
  6. Legame tra un dippietto e uno ione positivo
  7. H è combinato con un elemento meno elettronegativo di se stesso
  8. Anidridi+acqua
  9. quali atomi ricevono elettroni?
  10. Ione negativo

20 Clues: FONche cos'è Z?Ione negativoGruppo 8A o 0Ossido ferrosoAnidridi+acquaIone dell'acquametallo+ossigenoacqua ossigenataLegame tra molecoleche legame c'è il NaCl?Deboli forze di attrazioneCl2O5 (nomenclatura IUPAC)elemento più elettronegativoquali atomi ricevono elettroni?Legame all'interno della molecolaLegame tra un dippietto e uno ione positivo...

chimica 2020-03-06

chimica crossword puzzle
  1. Ione dell'acqua
  2. metallo+ossigeno
  3. Deboli forze di attrazione
  4. Il numero di ossidazione di un atomo vare 0 nello stato...
  5. Legame tra molecole
  6. acqua ossigenata
  7. Cl2O5 (nomenclatura IUPAC)
  8. FON
  9. Gruppo 8A o 0
  10. che legame c'è il NaCl?
  1. In quale legame si ha la condivisione di un doppietto?
  2. Ossido ferroso
  3. Legame all'interno della molecola
  4. che cos'è Z?
  5. elemento più elettronegativo
  6. Legame tra un dippietto e uno ione positivo
  7. H è combinato con un elemento meno elettronegativo di se stesso
  8. Anidridi+acqua
  9. quali atomi ricevono elettroni?
  10. Ione negativo

20 Clues: FONche cos'è Z?Ione negativoGruppo 8A o 0Ossido ferrosoAnidridi+acquaIone dell'acquametallo+ossigenoacqua ossigenataLegame tra molecoleche legame c'è il NaCl?Deboli forze di attrazioneCl2O5 (nomenclatura IUPAC)elemento più elettronegativoquali atomi ricevono elettroni?Legame all'interno della molecolaLegame tra un dippietto e uno ione positivo...

chimica 2020-03-26

chimica crossword puzzle
  1. In quale legame si ha la condivisione di un doppietto?
  2. Gruppo 8A o 0
  3. Anidridi+acqua
  4. Legame all'interno della molecola
  5. Acqua ossigenata
  6. Elemento più elettronegativo
  7. Legame tra molecole
  8. Numero di ossidazione di un atomo vale 0 nello stato...
  9. FON
  10. H è combinato con un elemento meno elettronegativo di se stesso
  11. che legame c'è in NaCl?
  1. Legame tra un doppietto e uno ione positivo
  2. Ione dell'acqua
  3. Deboli forze di attrazione
  4. Ione negativo
  5. Ossido ferroso
  6. Quali atomi ricevono elettroni?
  7. CL2O5 (nomenclatura IUPAC)
  8. Che cos'è Z?
  9. Metallo+ossigeno

20 Clues: FONChe cos'è Z?Gruppo 8A o 0Ione negativoAnidridi+acquaOssido ferrosoIone dell'acquaAcqua ossigenataMetallo+ossigenoLegame tra molecoleche legame c'è in NaCl?Deboli forze di attrazioneCL2O5 (nomenclatura IUPAC)Elemento più elettronegativoQuali atomi ricevono elettroni?Legame all'interno della molecolaLegame tra un doppietto e uno ione positivo...

Tahun 5 Cempaka 2023-09-12

Tahun 5 Cempaka crossword puzzle
  1. Z + 7.12 = 10.71
  2. one hundred forty two thousand six hundred and fifty seven
  3. 3.5 days =_______ hours
  4. 4 September 2023 to 23 September 2023 = _____days
  5. 35 X ( 322 + 254 )
  1. 54 402+ 314 296 =
  2. RM8 749 + RM522 X RM 8
  3. Round off 740 652 to the nearest thousand
  4. Digit value for the underline digit 681 532
  5. 130% of 50

10 Clues: 130% of 50Z + 7.12 = 10.7154 402+ 314 296 =35 X ( 322 + 254 )RM8 749 + RM522 X RM 83.5 days =_______ hoursRound off 740 652 to the nearest thousandDigit value for the underline digit 681 5324 September 2023 to 23 September 2023 = _____daysone hundred forty two thousand six hundred and fifty seven

8A-module 8 dole 2016-12-14

8A-module 8  dole crossword puzzle
  1. 危险;风险
  2. 出现;显露
  3. 并排地(词组)
  4. (使)碰撞
  5. 冰箱
  6. 更糟的
  7. 注意力
  8. 从。。跌落(词组)
  1. 及时(词组)
  2. 拐角;街角
  3. 注意
  4. (肤色)苍白的
  5. 转到(某物的)另一边
  6. 高兴的

20 Clues: 注意冰箱高兴的更糟的注意力危险;风险拐角;街角出现;显露(使)碰撞及时(词组)并排地(词组)(肤色)苍白的从。。跌落(词组)转到(某物的)另一边

PQ Crossword Puzzle 2019-10-21

PQ Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. product type identification code
  2. fill me up with cases that requires more attention from CS
  3. i could either come in frame or in canvass
  4. i have all information about tasks, emails and chatlogs
  5. I help you access and view reproofs easily
  6. code sent to the printers
  7. i could never be rushed
  8. internal numbers dedicated for printers
  9. I help you generate a replacement order
  10. i am created once a customer email/call the CS
  11. external term for overnight
  1. a type of cloth usually used for art prints
  2. i am smooth and is highly recommended for photos
  3. i am slipped inside an envelope
  4. i am very useful for knowing the location of time sensitive deliveries
  5. you need me to complete the task
  6. other term for printer
  7. product code for save the dates
  8. i come in free on any a7 cards purchased
  9. customer is not paying for the replacement

20 Clues: other term for printeri could never be rushedcode sent to the printersexternal term for overnighti am slipped inside an envelopeproduct code for save the datesproduct type identification codeyou need me to complete the taskinternal numbers dedicated for printersI help you generate a replacement orderi come in free on any a7 cards purchased...

theme 2 A5-A7 2018-01-05

theme 2 A5-A7 crossword puzzle
  1. dunkel
  2. Frau
  3. Leute
  4. Seife
  5. Bruder
  6. hässlich
  7. schmutzig
  8. ordentlich
  1. Bett
  2. wählen
  3. spülen
  4. halb
  5. hassen
  6. vollkommen
  7. stark
  8. Schmutz

16 Clues: BetthalbFrauLeuteSeifestarkwählendunkelspülenhassenBruderSchmutzhässlichschmutzigvollkommenordentlich

Addition 2024-07-11

Addition crossword puzzle
  1. 12 + 68
  2. 100 + 80
  3. 23 + 77
  4. 3 + 15
  5. 13 + 68
  6. 22 + 36
  7. 12 + 5
  8. 91 + 20
  1. 101 + 699
  2. 18 + 83
  3. 5 + 11
  4. 11 + 40
  5. 35 + 50
  6. 35 + 52
  7. 55 + 26
  8. 5 + 6
  9. 6 + 4

17 Clues: 5 + 66 + 45 + 113 + 1512 + 512 + 6818 + 8323 + 7711 + 4035 + 5013 + 6835 + 5222 + 3655 + 2691 + 20100 + 80101 + 699

Exam 4 Review- Chapter 21 2013-04-18

Exam 4 Review- Chapter 21 crossword puzzle
  1. individuals in developed nations live longer than individuals in developing nations
  2. Cellular clock theory
  3. The decay of mitochondria creates continual loss of energy which leads to aging
  4. “wear and tear arthritis” – most frequent type
  5. upper boundary for life
  6. are thought to counteract free radicals
  7. Aging occurs because unstable oxygen molecules, known as free radicals, that are produced through normal metabolic processes, bounce around inside cells, damaging DNA and other structures
  8. prejudice against others because of their advanced age
  9. ages 85 and older
  10. These type of stereotypes can isolate older adults
  11. ages 65-74
  1. Most rapidly growing segment of the US population is people over
  2. autoimmune response – whole body
  3. Aging in the body’s hormonal system can lower resilience to stress and increase the likelihood of disease
  4. said we just need to look to the media to see how we view older adults
  5. ages 75-84

16 Clues: ages 75-84ages 65-74ages 85 and olderCellular clock theoryupper boundary for lifeautoimmune response – whole bodyare thought to counteract free radicals“wear and tear arthritis” – most frequent typeThese type of stereotypes can isolate older adultsprejudice against others because of their advanced age...

Vocabulario 8A 2023-10-17

Vocabulario 8A crossword puzzle
  1. tree
  2. building
  3. ruins
  4. amusement park
  5. band/newspaper stand
  6. countryside
  1. coast
  2. glacier
  3. mountain range
  4. zoo
  5. fountain
  6. church
  7. stadium
  8. bank
  9. statue
  10. volcano

16 Clues: zootreebankcoastruinschurchstatueglacierstadiumvolcanofountainbuildingcountrysidemountain rangeamusement parkband/newspaper stand

Vers la fédération canadienne 2022-05-17

Vers la fédération canadienne crossword puzzle
  1. Migration des régions rurales vers les villes (2 mots, p.82)
  2. Ensemble des pouvoirs qui ne sont pas prévus dans la Constitution (2 mots,p.88)
  3. Système économique sans droits de douane (p.78)
  4. Système politique avec le pouvoir divisé entre le gouvernement fédéral et les gouvernements provinciaux (p.88)
  5. Association de plusieurs états avec un gouvernement central (p.85)
  6. Régime politique dans lequel le chef d'État officiel est un membre de la royauté dont les pouvoirs sont limités par une constitution (2 mots,p.90)
  7. manufacture, bâtiment ou on fabrique des produits (p.79)
  8. Qui s'oppose à l'intervention de l'église (p.75)
  1. Concentration de la population dans les villes (p.82)
  2. Ensemble de changements économiques entraînès par des innovations techniques (p.78)
  3. Personne qui travaille dans une usine (p.84)
  4. Pouvoir du gouvernement fédéral qui lui permet de s'opposer aux lois des provinces (3 mots, p.88)
  5. Obtenu grâce au mouvement de l'eau (p.80)
  6. État souverain membre du Commonwealth (p.90)
  7. Le fait de quitter son pays pour s'installer dans un autre (p.82)
  8. Réunion de plusieurs partis qui acceptent de coopérer (p.85)
  9. Système politique avec deux partis principaux (p.75)
  10. Argent investi pour en tirer un profit (p.79)

18 Clues: Obtenu grâce au mouvement de l'eau (p.80)Personne qui travaille dans une usine (p.84)État souverain membre du Commonwealth (p.90)Argent investi pour en tirer un profit (p.79)Système économique sans droits de douane (p.78)Qui s'oppose à l'intervention de l'église (p.75)Système politique avec deux partis principaux (p.75)...

Aljabar 2022-10-05

Aljabar crossword puzzle
  1. Dalam 2x+4, angka 2 disebut
  2. Bentuk sederhana dari 2a+5-(a-7)
  3. Bentuk sederhana dari 7a+2-3a-1
  4. Dalam 2x + 4, huruf x disebut
  5. Bentuk sederhana dari (2a+6) :2
  6. Dalam 2x + 4, angka 4
  7. Dalam 2x + 4, 2x dan 4 disebut
  1. 2x+4 disebut suku dua
  2. Banyak suku pada bentuk 2a + 3b - 4c -5
  3. Bentuk sederhana dari 4ax5
  4. Nilai 3a + 5 untuk a = 2
  5. Bentuk sederhana dari (-8a+20):(-4)
  6. Bentuk sederhana dari 4a+5(2a-7)
  7. Ali membeli 3 keranjang apel. Kemudian dia membeli lagi 5 buah apel. Jika k menyatakan satu keranjang apel, nyatakan banyak apel yang Ali punya
  8. Bentuk sederhana dari 2(a-4)

15 Clues: 2x+4 disebut suku duaDalam 2x + 4, angka 4Nilai 3a + 5 untuk a = 2Bentuk sederhana dari 4ax5Dalam 2x+4, angka 2 disebutBentuk sederhana dari 2(a-4)Dalam 2x + 4, huruf x disebutDalam 2x + 4, 2x dan 4 disebutBentuk sederhana dari 7a+2-3a-1Bentuk sederhana dari (2a+6) :2Bentuk sederhana dari 2a+5-(a-7)Bentuk sederhana dari 4a+5(2a-7)...

Periodic Families 2016-12-04

Periodic Families crossword puzzle
  1. Group 14
  2. Period 5 Group 3
  3. In computer chips
  4. Rhymes with moron
  5. Period 3 Group 13
  6. I
  7. Period 5 Group 14
  8. Group 16 Period 5
  9. Named after a super smart guy
  10. Period Group 1
  11. Period 6 Group 11
  12. Atom has 15 electrons
  13. Period 4 Group 4
  1. Superman would not like it
  2. Period 2 Group 1
  3. It's what we need in air
  4. A liquid with 35 protons
  5. In bleach
  6. Opposite of she
  7. I live downstairs from oxygen
  8. Atomic number 84
  9. Period 4 Group 8
  10. Named after the guy who invented the PTE
  11. Period 6 Group 6
  12. Period 6 Group 14
  13. Most of air is this gas
  14. Atomic number 33

27 Clues: IGroup 14In bleachPeriod Group 1Opposite of shePeriod 5 Group 3Period 2 Group 1Atomic number 84Period 4 Group 8Period 6 Group 6Atomic number 33Period 4 Group 4In computer chipsRhymes with moronPeriod 3 Group 13Period 5 Group 14Group 16 Period 5Period 6 Group 11Period 6 Group 14Atom has 15 electronsMost of air is this gasIt's what we need in air...

IESS Semester 1 Crossword Year 7 2020-12-13

IESS Semester 1 Crossword Year 7 crossword puzzle
  1. Fill in the blank. 1,42m = _____ cm
  2. 41 * 0,3
  3. A number larger than 23,4 but smaller than 23,6
  4. 650 ÷ ( - 10 )
  5. 2 3/4 * 1/2
  6. 4520000 ÷ 100
  7. 5/7 * 2/3
  8. 592 ÷ 0,1
  9. 5x + 30 = 90
  10. -29 - ( - 3 )
  11. 19,43 - 9,52
  12. 3/8 + 1/4
  13. 462 + ( - 38 )
  14. 244 ÷ 0,04
  15. 10% of 245
  16. 9/2 ÷ 3 4/5
  17. 13²
  18. 9,16 * 1000
  19. 23,7 ÷ 3
  20. 0,836 * 300
  21. 62,2 * 7,3
  22. 54 - 2,4
  1. 843 * 3,9
  2. 23 - 2 - ( - 126 ) + 9
  3. π to 6 decimal places
  4. 3/4 ÷ 5/7
  5. 12 * ( - 7 )
  6. Write 38/4 as a mixed number in simplest form
  7. 655,765 + 42,3
  8. √1,44
  9. 44 * (7 + 3)
  10. 3x - 4 = 68
  11. 23 * 0,01
  12. 9596 ÷ 400
  13. 4/5 - 7/15 (in simplest form)
  14. 87,4 ÷ 5
  15. 0,45 + 21,956
  16. 10000 ÷ 0,5
  17. (543 - 3) + 4 - (5 * 2)

39 Clues: 13²√1,4441 * 0,387,4 ÷ 523,7 ÷ 354 - 2,4843 * 3,93/4 ÷ 5/75/7 * 2/3592 ÷ 0,13/8 + 1/423 * 0,01244 ÷ 0,0410% of 2459596 ÷ 40062,2 * 7,32 3/4 * 1/23x - 4 = 689/2 ÷ 3 4/59,16 * 100010000 ÷ 0,50,836 * 30012 * ( - 7 )5x + 30 = 9019,43 - 9,5244 * (7 + 3)4520000 ÷ 100-29 - ( - 3 )0,45 + 21,956650 ÷ ( - 10 )655,765 + 42,3462 + ( - 38 )π to 6 decimal places...

Procedural Maths Quiz 2022-05-22

Procedural Maths Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The next number in the sequence 100, 125, 150 ...
  2. Double 38 =
  3. 2 × 30 =
  4. 4 × 25 =
  5. 96 × 5 =
  6. Half of 84 =
  7. The value of the digit 2 in 6230
  1. 900 + 600 =
  2. 7 groups of 8 =
  3. The largest number that can be made with the digits 5, 0, 4 and 6.
  4. The smallest number that can be made with the digits 2, 0, 1 and 3
  5. 1195 rounded to the nearest 10

12 Clues: 2 × 30 =4 × 25 =96 × 5 =900 + 600 =Double 38 =Half of 84 =7 groups of 8 =1195 rounded to the nearest 10The value of the digit 2 in 6230The next number in the sequence 100, 125, 150 ...The largest number that can be made with the digits 5, 0, 4 and 6.The smallest number that can be made with the digits 2, 0, 1 and 3

Week 9 Vocab 2022-03-09

Week 9 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. (p. 63): very bad; awful
  2. (p. 53) to stop or put an end to something
  3. (p. 34) to push or extend outward; project
  4. (p. 35) minor or preliminary battle between small military units
  5. (p. 100) physically strong; sturdy; thick
  6. (p. 94) to scatter or sprinkle
  7. (p. 98): to send out or discharge
  8. (p. 94) not capable of being physically moved
  9. (p. 31) having or showing vitality or strength; sturdy or durable; well-constructed
  10. (p. 46): respected or cherished with awe; venerated; honored
  11. (p. 103) clothes, esp. those characteristic of a particular profession, way of life, or the like
  1. (p. 67): planned or occurring in a secret or surreptitious manner, especially for subversive or illicit purposes
  2. (p. 32) to state with force or confidence
  3. (p. 101) resembling crystal; transparent; clear
  4. (p. 58): giving knowledge to;enlightening
  5. (p. 86): having many complexly interrelated parts, angles, or aspects; involved; elaborate
  6. (p. 84) capable of being hurt or injured
  7. (p. 50) gloomy or sad; serious
  8. (p. 99): to cause or encourage to act or move quickly
  9. (p. 55): only moderately good; fair

20 Clues: (p. 63): very bad; awful(p. 94) to scatter or sprinkle(p. 50) gloomy or sad; serious(p. 98): to send out or discharge(p. 55): only moderately good; fair(p. 84) capable of being hurt or injured(p. 32) to state with force or confidence(p. 58): giving knowledge to;enlightening(p. 100) physically strong; sturdy; thick...

Maths Practical Test by Dannelle Evelyn 2022-09-16

Maths Practical Test by Dannelle Evelyn crossword puzzle
  1. The difference between 12 and an unknown number
  2. Round 30.674 to whole number place
  3. 4(2x+9)
  4. In an isosceles triangle, Angle B and C are equal. Angle A = 100, find angles b and c
  5. (7x8)-(-2x6)
  6. Find the HCF of 48 and 64
  7. The difference between 30 and 18
  8. A profit of $84
  9. 3x^6 x 2x^5
  10. The odd prime number between 21 to 25
  11. In Parallelogram ABCD, AB=DC, AD=BC, Angle C° = 32° find Angle A°
  12. There are 2 angles on a straight line in which one of them is 76°, Find the value of the other angle
  13. Express 3.328 to 3 significant figure
  14. The sum of interior angle for dodecagon
  1. Find the value when a=3, b=4, 4a+5b
  2. 2x4+2
  3. A debt of $30
  4. The sum of 36
  5. Given that a=2 evaluate 3a(2a+a)
  6. The sum of 40 and 8
  7. 3y(2x+y)
  8. cube root of 5
  9. LCM of 7 and 42
  10. y^12÷y^6
  11. In triangle XYZ angle X°=59° and angle Y°=54°, Find angle Z°
  12. In a straight line, there are 2 angles in which one of the angles is 147°. Find the value of the other angle
  13. The size of one interior angle for an octagon
  14. bxax3
  15. square root of 19

29 Clues: 2x4+2bxax34(2x+9)3y(2x+y)y^12÷y^63x^6 x 2x^5(7x8)-(-2x6)A debt of $30The sum of 36cube root of 5A profit of $84LCM of 7 and 42square root of 19The sum of 40 and 8Find the HCF of 48 and 64Given that a=2 evaluate 3a(2a+a)The difference between 30 and 18Round 30.674 to whole number placeFind the value when a=3, b=4, 4a+5b...

Les nombres 70-100 2021-05-04

Les nombres 70-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 95
  2. 98
  3. 74
  4. 89
  5. 80
  6. 70
  7. 87
  8. 76
  1. 96
  2. 99
  3. 77
  4. 81
  5. 73
  6. 78
  7. 90
  8. 84
  9. 92
  10. 79
  11. 71
  12. 75

20 Clues: 9699957798817374789084927989807175708776

Dracula crossword 2021-05-23

Dracula crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The "gift" that Dracula gives Renfield in Scene 4 is his ____ (p. 88)
  2. In which city do Mina and Jonathan get married? (p. 72)
  3. Who visits Renfield in Scene 2? (p. 79)
  4. Dracula lives in ______ Manor (p. 73)
  5. The surname of the caretaker of Dracula's Manor (p. 83)
  6. What was in the boxes? (p. 84)
  1. Another word for vampire (p. 89)
  2. The two characters that die in Scene 7 are Arthur Holmwood and _______ Morris (p. 98)
  3. The item of clothing Mina wears to cover up her neck (p. 92)
  4. Dracula says that Mina's life is as _____ as a spider's web (p. 95)

10 Clues: What was in the boxes? (p. 84)Another word for vampire (p. 89)Dracula lives in ______ Manor (p. 73)Who visits Renfield in Scene 2? (p. 79)In which city do Mina and Jonathan get married? (p. 72)The surname of the caretaker of Dracula's Manor (p. 83)The item of clothing Mina wears to cover up her neck (p. 92)...