www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

Magearna Moveset 2024-01-05

Magearna Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 90 Fairy Sp
  2. 42 Normal St
  3. 84 Electric Sp
  4. 1 Normal St
  5. 66 Fighting Sp
  6. 24 Electric St
  7. 78 Normal St
  1. 60 Steel Ph
  2. 72 Steel Sp
  3. 12 Rock Ph
  4. 18 Steel St
  5. 30 Psychic Sp
  6. 54 Psychic St
  7. 1 Steel Ph
  8. 6 Normal St
  9. 48 Steel St
  10. 36 Ice Sp

17 Clues: 36 Ice Sp12 Rock Ph1 Steel Ph60 Steel Ph90 Fairy Sp72 Steel Sp18 Steel St1 Normal St6 Normal St48 Steel St42 Normal St78 Normal St30 Psychic Sp54 Psychic St84 Electric Sp66 Fighting Sp24 Electric St

Equations 2021-04-16

Equations crossword puzzle
  1. 5x5
  2. 8x8
  3. 8x12
  4. 18x2+84
  5. 14+10-20
  6. 5+2
  1. 10x3+9
  2. 10+10-4
  3. 3x4-7
  4. 18/6

10 Clues: 5x58x85+28x1218/63x4-710x3+910+10-418x2+8414+10-20

Numbers 1 - 100 2023-09-18

Numbers 1 - 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 31
  2. 72
  3. 11
  4. 50
  5. 84
  6. 96
  1. 67
  2. 45
  3. 23

9 Clues: 674531722311508496

Squids Crossword 2022-02-01

Squids Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 76-now
  2. 76-86
  3. 80-11
  4. 67-72
  5. 64-14
  6. 76-now
  7. 65-16
  8. 64-now
  9. 77-now
  10. 90-now
  11. 76-18
  12. 73-now
  13. 87-94
  1. 95-now
  2. 85-93
  3. 71-now
  4. 74-96
  5. 94-09
  6. 62-70
  7. mac 67-now
  8. 70-91
  9. 70-now
  10. 68-17
  11. 69-82
  12. 87-now
  13. 62-now
  14. 64-now
  15. 68-18

28 Clues: 85-9376-8680-1174-9694-0962-7070-9167-7268-1769-8264-1465-1668-1876-1887-9495-now76-now71-now70-now87-now76-now64-now77-now62-now64-now90-now73-nowmac 67-now

Excel A 2012-12-08

Excel A crossword puzzle
  1. instead of pressing enter on the keyboard, you can press the enter button on the what?
  2. equation in a worksheet
  3. used to perform numeric calculations and to analyze and present numeric data.
  4. view that shows just the worksheet
  1. pointer used to edit cell contents in active cell or formula bar
  2. rectangle that outlines the cell you are working in
  3. keyboard shortcut that goes to the last cell in a worksheet
  4. saves an Excel file
  5. built-in formula
  6. intersection of a column and a row
  7. A5/A7 is an example of what operator
  8. pointer that changes the location of selected cells

12 Clues: built-in formulasaves an Excel fileequation in a worksheetintersection of a column and a rowview that shows just the worksheetA5/A7 is an example of what operatorrectangle that outlines the cell you are working inpointer that changes the location of selected cellskeyboard shortcut that goes to the last cell in a worksheet...

Cohort 8a 2021-03-09

Cohort 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Its not my fault _____
  2. Nukes
  3. Frogs lol
  4. Drugs
  5. Teal is _____
  6. a mess
  1. Hi ________
  2. Sorry teacher I just have ___________
  3. D--K Head
  4. We no longer have any white board markers
  5. Covid Rules
  6. Kim
  7. I love math
  8. We just got a letter we just got a letter wonder who its from

14 Clues: KimNukesDrugsa messD--K HeadFrogs lolHi ________Covid RulesI love mathTeal is _____Its not my fault _____Sorry teacher I just have ___________We no longer have any white board markersWe just got a letter we just got a letter wonder who its from

Salomėja 8A 2021-05-12

Salomėja 8A crossword puzzle
  1. Tai keturkampis, kurio dvi priešingos kraštinės lygiagrečios, o kitos dvi kraštinės nelygiagrečios.
  2. Tai tiesė jungianti dvi negretimas daugiakampio viršūnes
  3. Tai trumpiausio kelio ilgis
  4. Jį gauname susukę pusskritulį apie jo skersmenį
  5. Tai matematikos dalis, tirianti erdvinius ryšius
  6. Tai užrašas iš simbolių, laikantis formavimo taisyklių
  7. Jį gauname susukę statųjį trikampį apie jo statinį.
  1. Tai mokslas, tiriantis struktūrų, kitimų ir erdvių modelius
  2. Tai gamtos mokslas, tiriantis visas materijos formas
  3. Jį gauname susukę stačiakampį apie bet kurią jo kraštinę
  4. Tai daugybos rezultatas
  5. Tai tiesi linija neturinti nei pradžios, nei pabaigos
  6. Tai iracionalus skaičius
  7. Tai lygiagretainis, kurio visos kraštinės lygios

14 Clues: Tai daugybos rezultatasTai iracionalus skaičiusTai trumpiausio kelio ilgisJį gauname susukę pusskritulį apie jo skersmenįTai matematikos dalis, tirianti erdvinius ryšiusTai lygiagretainis, kurio visos kraštinės lygiosJį gauname susukę statųjį trikampį apie jo statinį.Tai gamtos mokslas, tiriantis visas materijos formas...

Diancie Moveset 2024-01-05

Diancie Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 56 Psychic St
  2. 1 Rock Ph
  3. 70 Rock St
  4. 1 Normal Ph
  5. 77 Fairy Sp
  6. 35 Rock St
  7. 63 Rock Sp
  8. 84 Rock Ph
  1. 42 Psychic St
  2. 28 Rock Sp
  3. 7 Psychic St
  4. 21 Normal Ph
  5. 49 Rock Ph
  6. 14 Rock Ph
  7. 1 Normal St

15 Clues: 1 Rock Ph28 Rock Sp49 Rock Ph70 Rock St14 Rock Ph35 Rock St63 Rock Sp84 Rock Ph1 Normal Ph77 Fairy Sp1 Normal St7 Psychic St21 Normal Ph42 Psychic St56 Psychic St

Jirachi Moveset 2024-01-04

Jirachi Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 98 Steel Sp
  2. 21 Water St
  3. 56 Psychic St
  4. 77 Normal Ph
  5. 70 Psychic Sp
  6. 84 Psychic St
  7. 7 Normal Sp
  1. 91 Normal Ph
  2. 1 Normal St
  3. 28 Psychic Ph
  4. 63 Psychic St
  5. 35 Psychic St
  6. 42 Psychic Sp
  7. 49 Steel Ph
  8. 1 Psychic Sp

15 Clues: 1 Normal St98 Steel Sp21 Water St49 Steel Ph7 Normal Sp91 Normal Ph77 Normal Ph1 Psychic Sp28 Psychic Ph63 Psychic St56 Psychic St35 Psychic St42 Psychic Sp70 Psychic Sp84 Psychic St

Genesect Moveset (Gen VIII) 2024-01-14

Genesect Moveset (Gen VIII) crossword puzzle
  1. 1 Bug Ph
  2. 56 Bug Sp
  3. 21 Bug Ph
  4. 84 Normal Sp
  5. 7 Normal St
  6. 63 Normal St
  7. 35 Steel St
  8. 1 Normal Ph
  9. 70 Electric Sp
  1. 28 Fire Ph
  2. 49 Electric St
  3. 14 Steel Ph
  4. 42 Bug Ph
  5. 91 Normal Ph
  6. 77 Normal St

15 Clues: 1 Bug Ph56 Bug Sp21 Bug Ph42 Bug Ph28 Fire Ph14 Steel Ph7 Normal St35 Steel St1 Normal Ph84 Normal Sp91 Normal Ph63 Normal St77 Normal St49 Electric St70 Electric Sp

Scream Tail Moveset 2024-01-05

Scream Tail Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 91 Normal Sp
  2. 56 Psychic Ph
  3. 49 Normal Sp
  4. 77 Steel Ph
  5. 35 Psychic St
  6. 70 Normal St
  7. 28 Normal Ph
  8. Rem Fire St
  1. 14 Normal St
  2. 1 Normal St
  3. 42 Fairy Ph
  4. 63 Dark Ph
  5. 21 Dark Ph
  6. 1 Normal St
  7. 84 Normal St
  8. 7 Normal St
  9. 1 Normal Ph

17 Clues: 63 Dark Ph21 Dark Ph1 Normal St42 Fairy Ph1 Normal St7 Normal St1 Normal Ph77 Steel PhRem Fire St14 Normal St91 Normal Sp84 Normal St49 Normal Sp70 Normal St28 Normal Ph56 Psychic Ph35 Psychic St

Flutter Mane Moveset 2024-01-05

Flutter Mane Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 49 Fire Sp
  2. 91 Normal St
  3. 70 Ghost Ph
  4. 7 Psychic Sp
  5. Rem Fire St
  6. 77 Normal St
  7. 35 Fairy Sp
  8. 56 Rock Sp
  1. 28 Normal St
  2. 1 Ghost St
  3. 21 Dark St
  4. 42 Ghost Sp
  5. 63 Psychic Sp
  6. 1 Ghost Ph
  7. 1 Ghost St
  8. 14 Normal St
  9. 84 Fairy Sp

17 Clues: 49 Fire Sp1 Ghost St21 Dark St1 Ghost Ph1 Ghost St56 Rock Sp42 Ghost Sp70 Ghost PhRem Fire St35 Fairy Sp84 Fairy Sp28 Normal St91 Normal St7 Psychic Sp14 Normal St77 Normal St63 Psychic Sp

homework 2024-09-25

homework crossword puzzle
  1. 10+2
  2. 9x2
  3. 50-37
  4. 100-84
  1. 30-15
  2. 16+1
  3. _x5=100
  4. 7x2
  5. 20-9
  6. 21-2

10 Clues: 7x29x216+110+220-921-230-1550-37100-84_x5=100

Group Lunch 2020-09-10

Group Lunch crossword puzzle
  1. I was 84 when Jesus was born
  2. I was a friend of Josiah
  3. Figuratively called ‘a mother in Israel’
  4. Psalms 83:18
  5. My name comes from a root meaning ‘red’
  6. Put the knife down
  7. John 4:24 (3 words)
  8. A courageous woman
  9. I killed the chief of a king
  10. A non biblical doctrine
  11. Symbolically likened to the Babylonians
  12. First faithful human prophet mentioned
  13. Original Song
  14. Very detailed and accurate in my writings
  15. Repeated twice in this crossword
  16. My book was composed in 607BCE
  1. My title was used by others before JW’s
  2. 2020 Conv’ Symp’ Teaching With _______
  3. Often perceived as a sign of weakness
  4. I experienced a severe sickness
  5. Made from goats hair
  6. 2020 Conv’ Symposium Showing ________
  7. Associated with judgment or punishment
  8. Brought great suffering to the Egyptians
  9. A prominent plant of the Bible
  10. Sinai region is called ‘_____ country’
  11. Samson and David encountered one of these
  12. 70 offered at an ancient festival
  13. Intensity
  14. I caught sight of God’s glory
  15. I came from a priestly family
  16. Completeness
  17. Population of mid 1st Century Rome
  18. Tenth in line from Adam
  19. Citizens said it signified ‘Gate Of God’

35 Clues: IntensityPsalms 83:18CompletenessOriginal SongPut the knife downA courageous womanJohn 4:24 (3 words)Made from goats hairA non biblical doctrineTenth in line from AdamI was a friend of JosiahI was 84 when Jesus was bornI killed the chief of a kingI caught sight of God’s gloryI came from a priestly familyA prominent plant of the Bible...

Construction Management Branch 2019-07-18

Construction Management Branch crossword puzzle
  1. Contract type for paving, painting, roofing, etc.
  2. New contract vehicle
  3. Amount of contractors for new contract vehicle
  4. Approval administration for 8a contracts
  5. CMB Design Support Staff
  6. CMB Environmental "guru"
  1. Contract type being phased out
  2. CMB Project Management
  3. CMB Primary Focus: Execution and _________
  4. Small ______ set-aside
  5. Office that awards all CMB Annual Work Plan contracts

11 Clues: New contract vehicleCMB Project ManagementSmall ______ set-asideCMB Design Support StaffCMB Environmental "guru"Contract type being phased outApproval administration for 8a contractsCMB Primary Focus: Execution and _________Amount of contractors for new contract vehicleContract type for paving, painting, roofing, etc....

8a 2020-06-30

8a crossword puzzle
  1. het tweetal
  2. trein, auto, fiets, vliegtuig
  3. de situatie op een bepaald moment
  4. regen, sneeuw of hagel
  5. het einddoel bereiken
  6. een plezierreisje
  1. een onverwachte gebeurtenis
  2. het weerbericht
  3. weggaan

9 Clues: weggaanhet tweetalhet weerberichteen plezierreisjehet einddoel bereikenregen, sneeuw of hageleen onverwachte gebeurtenistrein, auto, fiets, vliegtuigde situatie op een bepaald moment

A7-Unit1-Acloserlook2 2023-07-16

A7-Unit1-Acloserlook2 crossword puzzle
  1. I have a ... class every Tuesday.
  2. The Red River ... through Ha Noi.
  3. Trang and Minh play ... everyday after
  4. The sun ... in the west every evening.
  5. The sun ... every morning.
  1. The flight from Ho Chi Minh ... at 10:30.
  2. We have a new ... each term.
  3. The train ... at 10 a.m.
  4. Their lesson ... at 9 a.m.

9 Clues: The train ... at 10 a.m.Their lesson ... at 9 a.m.The sun ... every morning.We have a new ... each term.I have a ... class every Tuesday.The Red River ... through Ha Noi.Trang and Minh play ... everyday afterThe sun ... in the west every evening.The flight from Ho Chi Minh ... at 10:30.

Kimia 2022-11-03

Kimia crossword puzzle
  1. Nama lain golongan VIIA
  2. Golongan 8a
  3. Nama unsur Sn
  4. Nama unsur Ne
  5. Golongan 1a
  6. Nama unsur Ca
  7. Energi yang dibebaskan atau diserapkan apabila suatu atom menerima elektron disebut afinitas...
  8. Sebuah bola masif bermuatan positif yang di dalamnya tersebar elektron sehingga keseluruhannya bersifat netral disebut...
  9. Nama unsur Al
  10. Nama unsur P
  1. Nama unsur C
  2. Sebuah bola pejal atau biliar yang bermuatan positif yang memuat beberapa partikel bermuatan negatif atau elektron disebut...
  3. Nama unsur Li
  4. unsur logam yang terdapat dalam mineral silvit adalah...
  5. Golongan 6a
  6. Unsur gas mulia bersifat radioaktif
  7. Dobereiner mengembangkan sistem periodik...
  8. Asam pirosulfat
  9. Nama unsur H

19 Clues: Golongan 8aGolongan 6aGolongan 1aNama unsur CNama unsur HNama unsur PNama unsur LiNama unsur SnNama unsur NeNama unsur CaNama unsur AlAsam pirosulfatNama lain golongan VIIAUnsur gas mulia bersifat radioaktifDobereiner mengembangkan sistem periodik...unsur logam yang terdapat dalam mineral silvit adalah......

Multiplication CrossNumber Puzzle 2016-01-13

Multiplication CrossNumber Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 7162 x 34
  2. 8216 x 6
  3. 3192 x 83
  4. 6372 x 72
  5. 759 x 86
  1. 937 x 59
  2. 354 x 96
  3. 7202 x 81
  4. 786 x 62
  5. 8673 x 98
  6. 5686 x 73
  7. 7164 x 9

12 Clues: 937 x 59354 x 968216 x 6786 x 627164 x 9759 x 867202 x 817162 x 348673 x 983192 x 836372 x 725686 x 73

Leis morais - Espiritismo 2024-05-04

Leis morais - Espiritismo crossword puzzle
  1. 7a lei divina ou natural
  2. 5a lei divina ou natural
  3. 2a lei divina ou natural
  4. 9a lei divina ou natural
  5. 1a lei divina ou natural
  6. 10a lei divina ou natural
  1. 4a lei divina ou natural
  2. 8a lei divina ou natural
  3. 3a lei divina ou natural
  4. 6a lei divina ou natural

10 Clues: 4a lei divina ou natural7a lei divina ou natural8a lei divina ou natural3a lei divina ou natural5a lei divina ou natural2a lei divina ou natural9a lei divina ou natural6a lei divina ou natural1a lei divina ou natural10a lei divina ou natural

Βρίσκω το αποτέλεσμα 2023-12-20

Βρίσκω το αποτέλεσμα crossword puzzle
  1. 1.904:34
  2. 924:11
  3. 9.504:12
  4. 8.448:3
  5. 6.498:19
  1. 816:12
  2. 4700:100
  3. 7506:27
  4. 1.980:15
  5. 9516:3

10 Clues: 816:12924:119516:37506:278.448:31.904:344700:1009.504:121.980:156.498:19

Popular dishes p.84-85 2021-03-22

Popular dishes p.84-85 crossword puzzle
  1. tärnad
  2. blandning av torkad frunkt
  3. slags träslag(valnöt)
  4. räka
  1. krydda
  2. kålrot
  3. brödtärning
  4. buljong
  5. pekannöt
  6. konjak

10 Clues: räkakryddakålrottärnadkonjakbuljongpekannötbrödtärningslags träslag(valnöt)blandning av torkad frunkt

8A review 2023-02-03

8A review crossword puzzle
  1. make sth. better(v.)
  2. having a lot of money
  3. come to know
  4. very very old,in the past
  5. something not known by others
  6. king’s son
  7. [OPP.]same
  1. a person who runs a part of the company
  2. find sth. for the first time
  3. a hundred years
  4. somebody is nice and kind
  5. =brain
  6. [OPP.]full
  7. make a decision(v.)

14 Clues: =brain[OPP.]fullking’s son[OPP.]samecome to knowa hundred yearsmake a decision(v.)make sth. better(v.)having a lot of moneysomebody is nice and kindvery very old,in the pastfind sth. for the first timesomething not known by othersa person who runs a part of the company

Wk 1 History 2024-09-15

Wk 1 History crossword puzzle
  1. When did Western fiction appear? p. 84
  2. The Hawaiians helped the "Jefferson" when they got stuck on which reef near which island? p. 76
  3. About 60,000 people lived in which state in 1800? p. 80
  4. What year did the ship "Neptune" reach the Island of Attoi? p. 72
  5. When did Thomas Jefferson become president? p. 78
  6. Who designed the new Capitol? p. 81
  7. Who needed iron tools, muskets, cannons, and gunpowder from the Yankees for their conquests? p. 76
  8. Where were labrets worn? p. 74
  1. Who drew the most famous portrait of Washington? p. 82
  2. Which ship was looking to get sea otter pelts trading? p. 73
  3. How many states were there in 1800? p. 78
  4. Which newspaper was founded by Noah Webster in 1793? p. 86
  5. Black men and women made up what percent of the population? p. 79
  6. What was the most populous state in 1800? p. 79
  7. Which traders had really good sea otter pelts? p. 74

15 Clues: Where were labrets worn? p. 74Who designed the new Capitol? p. 81When did Western fiction appear? p. 84How many states were there in 1800? p. 78What was the most populous state in 1800? p. 79When did Thomas Jefferson become president? p. 78Which traders had really good sea otter pelts? p. 74Who drew the most famous portrait of Washington? p. 82...

English 8A 2022-12-12

English 8A crossword puzzle
  1. you might have a ———- sleep
  2. extremely important
  3. a sudden sharp feeling
  4. a coworker
  5. a flood
  6. to put to use
  7. a copy
  8. to intimidate
  9. ham for thanksgiving is a…
  1. to remove
  2. multiple instruments
  3. a shade of blue
  4. raise hand for…
  5. to nickname
  6. fear of small spaces

15 Clues: a copya floodto removea coworkerto nicknameto put to useto intimidatea shade of blueraise hand for…extremely importantmultiple instrumentsfear of small spacesa sudden sharp feelingham for thanksgiving is a…you might have a ———- sleep

English 8A 2022-12-12

English 8A crossword puzzle
  1. you might have a ———- sleep
  2. extremely important
  3. a sudden sharp feeling
  4. a coworker
  5. a flood
  6. to put to use
  7. a copy
  8. to intimidate
  9. ham for thanksgiving is a…
  1. to remove
  2. multiple instruments
  3. a shade of blue
  4. raise hand for…
  5. to nickname
  6. fear of small spaces

15 Clues: a copya floodto removea coworkerto nicknameto put to useto intimidatea shade of blueraise hand for…extremely importantmultiple instrumentsfear of small spacesa sudden sharp feelingham for thanksgiving is a…you might have a ———- sleep

English 8A 2022-12-12

English 8A crossword puzzle
  1. to put to use
  2. multiple instruments
  3. a coworker
  4. to remove
  5. to intimidate
  6. raise hand for…
  7. ham for thanksgiving is a…
  1. fear of small spaces
  2. you might have a ———- sleep
  3. a copy
  4. a shade of blue
  5. extremely important
  6. to nickname
  7. a sudden sharp feeling
  8. a flood

15 Clues: a copya floodto removea coworkerto nicknameto put to useto intimidatea shade of blueraise hand for…extremely importantfear of small spacesmultiple instrumentsa sudden sharp feelingham for thanksgiving is a…you might have a ———- sleep

Akvilė 8A 2021-05-12

Akvilė 8A crossword puzzle
  1. erdvinis kūnas, kurį gauname sukdami pusskritulį apie jo skersmenį.
  2. Keturkampis, kurio dvi kraštinės lygiagrečios, o kitos dvi nelygiagrečios.
  3. erdvinis kūnas, kurį gauname sukdami stačiakampį apie vieną jo kraštinę.
  4. spindulys dalijantis kampą pusiau.
  5. Skaičius, kurį įstatę vietoj nežinomojo gauname teisingą lygybę.
  6. Turi pradžią ir pabaigą.
  7. iracionalus skaičius
  1. Tiesė per kurią sulenkus figūrą ji sutaps.
  2. Keturkampis, kurio priešingod kraštinė lygios ir lygiagrečios, priešingi kampai lygūs.
  3. turi pradžią, bet neturi pabaigos.
  4. Stačiojo trikampio kraštinė, kuri yra prieš statųjį kampą.
  5. Lygiagretainis, kurio visos kraštinės lygios.
  6. Stačiojo trikampio kraštinė, kuri sudaro statųjį kampą.
  7. Nelygybė, kurioje yra nežinomasis.
  8. Geometrinė figūra, kuri turi 4 kampus, 4 viršūnes ir 4 kraštines

15 Clues: iracionalus skaičiusTuri pradžią ir pabaigą.turi pradžią, bet neturi pabaigos.Nelygybė, kurioje yra nežinomasis.spindulys dalijantis kampą pusiau.Tiesė per kurią sulenkus figūrą ji sutaps.Lygiagretainis, kurio visos kraštinės lygios.Stačiojo trikampio kraštinė, kuri sudaro statųjį kampą.Stačiojo trikampio kraštinė, kuri yra prieš statųjį kampą....

Solgaleo Moveset 2024-01-04

Solgaleo Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 1 Steel Ph
  2. Prev Normal St
  3. 1 Psychic St
  4. 35 Normal St
  5. 21 Psychic Ph
  6. Evo Steel Ph
  7. 1 Normal St
  8. 7 Steel Ph
  1. 84 Normal Ph
  2. 42 Dark Ph
  3. 77 Rock St
  4. 28 Steel Sp
  5. 1 Psychic St
  6. 70 Fire Ph
  7. 49 Steel Ph
  8. 14 Steel St
  9. 56 Electric Ph
  10. 63 Grass Sp

18 Clues: 42 Dark Ph1 Steel Ph77 Rock St70 Fire Ph7 Steel Ph28 Steel Sp49 Steel Ph14 Steel St63 Grass Sp1 Normal St84 Normal Ph1 Psychic St1 Psychic St35 Normal StEvo Steel Ph21 Psychic PhPrev Normal St56 Electric Ph

Sandy Shocks Moveset 2024-01-05

Sandy Shocks Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 49 Steel St
  2. 56 Electric Sp
  3. 7 Electric Ph
  4. 1 Electric St
  5. 84 Electric Sp
  6. 77 Psychic St
  7. 35 Normal St
  1. 28 Normal Sp
  2. 14 Ground Ph
  3. 21 Electric Sp
  4. 63 Ground Sp
  5. 1 Normal St
  6. Rem Fire St
  7. 91 Electric St
  8. 1 Electric Sp
  9. 1 Electric St
  10. 42 Steel Ph
  11. 70 Psychic Sp

18 Clues: 49 Steel St1 Normal StRem Fire St42 Steel Ph28 Normal Sp14 Ground Ph63 Ground Sp35 Normal St7 Electric Ph1 Electric St1 Electric Sp1 Electric St70 Psychic Sp77 Psychic St21 Electric Sp56 Electric Sp91 Electric St84 Electric Sp

Iron Leaves Moveset 2024-01-05

Iron Leaves Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 1 Normal St
  2. 35 Normal St
  3. Rem Electric St
  4. 1 Normal Ph
  5. 49 Grass Ph
  6. 42 Fighting Ph
  7. 21 Fighting St
  1. 1 Normal St
  2. 63 Fighting Ph
  3. 1 Normal St
  4. 56 Psychic Ph
  5. 28 Dark Ph
  6. 14 Normal Ph
  7. 77 Bug Ph
  8. 7 Grass Sp
  9. 84 Psychic St
  10. Rem Dark St
  11. 91 Grass Ph
  12. 70 Psychic St

19 Clues: 77 Bug Ph28 Dark Ph7 Grass Sp1 Normal St1 Normal St1 Normal St1 Normal PhRem Dark St91 Grass Ph49 Grass Ph35 Normal St14 Normal Ph56 Psychic Ph84 Psychic St70 Psychic St63 Fighting Ph42 Fighting Ph21 Fighting StRem Electric St

CryptoFun 2024-10-08

CryptoFun crossword puzzle
  1. bWFzaWg=
  2. Naknaknak Nak Naknaknak nak? Naknaknak Nak? Naknak Naknak. Naknak Nak.
  3. fa83556e549d9030b1fa310dcce9904a37833328
  4. -- . -- -... .. -.- .. -.
  5. 01111001 01100001 01101110 01100111
  6. RbNW
  7. Rmwlmvhrz
  8. Naknaknak Nak Naknaknak nak? Naknaknak Nak? Naknak Naknak. Naknak Nak.
  1. CKrdDv7
  2. 籴籪籲籷
  3. Sierra Echo Charlie Alfa Romeo India Kilo
  4. >6>AF?J2:
  5. 120deef87dca255179d0bd25c321c4c3c23262fb8538dbfd86b4b715a8214cf23f285e9b659378ab0c2ef6f463b9b7e1ad6ea7a732cbd1e9501aa589f8b7a3fa
  6. DLrLeKy
  7. 68 65 80 65 84
  8. 5r964h5c0

16 Clues: 籴籪籲籷RbNWCKrdDv7DLrLeKybWFzaWg=>6>AF?J2:5r964h5c0Rmwlmvhrz68 65 80 65 84-- . -- -... .. -.- .. -.01111001 01100001 01101110 01100111fa83556e549d9030b1fa310dcce9904a37833328Sierra Echo Charlie Alfa Romeo India KiloNaknaknak Nak Naknaknak nak? Naknaknak Nak? Naknak Naknak. Naknak Nak....

Kirjalik jagamine 2023-06-01

Kirjalik jagamine crossword puzzle
  1. 5910:985
  2. 9216:96
  3. 6237:693
  4. 3336:4
  5. 4648:83
  6. 3852:963
  1. 965:5
  2. 5418:86
  3. 3625:5
  4. 2385:265

10 Clues: 965:53625:53336:45418:869216:964648:835910:9852385:2656237:6933852:963

Kimya ödevi 9/C 85 2023-05-15

Kimya ödevi 9/C 85 crossword puzzle
  1. periyodik sistemdeki düşey sütunlar
  2. elektron almış ya da vermiş atom ya da atom grupları
  3. çubuk şeklinde cam malzeme
  4. aynı veya farklı atomların birbiri ile etkileşmesi sonucunda oluşan kimyasal tür
  5. bir atomun bağ elektronlarını kendine çekme yeteneğinin ölçüsü
  6. HNO3 ün yaygın adı
  7. 8A grubu özel ismi
  8. latincede bir
  1. koni şeklinde ağız kısmına doğru daralan cam malzeme
  2. sıcaklık ölçmeye yarayan dereceli cam malzeme
  3. sembolü N olan element
  4. periyodik sistemdeki yatay satırlar
  5. latincede altı
  6. bir elementin fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerini gösteren en küçük birim

14 Clues: latincede birlatincede altıHNO3 ün yaygın adı8A grubu özel ismisembolü N olan elementçubuk şeklinde cam malzemeperiyodik sistemdeki düşey sütunlarperiyodik sistemdeki yatay satırlarsıcaklık ölçmeye yarayan dereceli cam malzemekoni şeklinde ağız kısmına doğru daralan cam malzemeelektron almış ya da vermiş atom ya da atom grupları...

Pangkat 2 dan 3 2023-02-06

Pangkat 2 dan 3 crossword puzzle
  1. 17 pangkat 3
  2. 44 pangkat 2
  3. 6 pangkat 3
  4. 27 pangkat 3
  5. 30 pangkat 3
  6. 9 pangkat 3
  7. 7 pangkat 2
  8. 16 pangkat 3
  9. 77 pangkat 2
  1. 33 pangkat 2
  2. 12 pangkat 3
  3. 13 pangkat 3
  4. 25 pangkat 2
  5. 84 pangkat 2
  6. 100 pangkat 2
  7. 62 pangkat 2
  8. 3 pangkat 3
  9. 65 pangkat 2
  10. 19 pangkat 3
  11. 54 pangkat 2

20 Clues: 6 pangkat 33 pangkat 39 pangkat 37 pangkat 217 pangkat 333 pangkat 244 pangkat 212 pangkat 313 pangkat 325 pangkat 284 pangkat 227 pangkat 362 pangkat 230 pangkat 316 pangkat 365 pangkat 219 pangkat 377 pangkat 254 pangkat 2100 pangkat 2

Giratina Moveset 2024-01-04

Giratina Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 63 Dragon Ph
  2. 28 Normal Ph
  3. 56 Fighting Sp
  4. 7 Dragon Sp
  5. 21 Ghost Sp
  6. 77 Ghost Ph
  1. 42 Ghost Ph
  2. 84 Ghost St
  3. 14 Rock Sp
  4. 1 Flying St
  5. 35 Normal St
  6. 1 Ghost Ph
  7. 49 Normal St
  8. 70 Ground Sp

14 Clues: 14 Rock Sp1 Ghost Ph42 Ghost Ph84 Ghost St1 Flying St7 Dragon Sp21 Ghost Sp77 Ghost Ph63 Dragon Ph28 Normal Ph35 Normal St49 Normal St70 Ground Sp56 Fighting Sp

Trashawn Spelling words 2013-06-28

Trashawn Spelling words crossword puzzle
  1. High School St. Louis City 294 31% 14.7
  2. Sr. High School Mehlville R Ix 1963 13% 18.1
  3. High School St. Louis City 1394 72% 15.8
  4. International Studies St. Louis City 801 74% 13.0
  5. Sr. High School Bayless 483 30% 20.5
  6. High School St. Louis City 1193 79% 15.5
  7. East High School Hazelwood 1799 48% 18.1
  8. Gardens Sr. High School Riverview Gardens 2176 57% 20.3
  9. Sr. High School Mehlville R Ix 2032 4% 18.9
  10. Careers Center. St. Louis City 319 84% 15.5
  11. High School Affton 101 855 15% 18.0
  12. Horton Watkins High School Ladue 1145 8% 13.5
  13. Tech. School. Normandy
  14. Sr. High School Hancock Place 476 43% 16.7
  15. High School St. Louis City 1554 78% 14.1
  16. High School St. Louis City 1440 53% 13.7
  1. Tech. Tuition St. Louis City 223 55%
  2. Career Academy St. Louis City
  3. Groves High School Webster Groves 1355 12% 16.5
  4. High School Mo School For The Blind 26 0% 2.2
  5. Sr. High School Lindbergh R Viii 1938 6% 16.9
  6. Njrotc Academy St. Louis City 735 63% 10.9
  7. South-berkeley High School Ferguson Florissant R Ii 752 65% 17.4
  8. Access Job Training St. Louis City 114 88% 6.3
  9. Sr. High School Ritenour 1858 42% 20.9
  10. Visual-perf. Arts High School St. Louis City 584 63% 9.7
  11. High School St. Louis City 1309 66% 14.5
  12. High School Wellston 154 85% 11.0

28 Clues: Tech. School. NormandyCareer Academy St. Louis CityHigh School Wellston 154 85% 11.0High School Affton 101 855 15% 18.0Tech. Tuition St. Louis City 223 55%Sr. High School Bayless 483 30% 20.5Sr. High School Ritenour 1858 42% 20.9High School St. Louis City 294 31% 14.7High School St. Louis City 1394 72% 15.8...

5th grade Topic 8 review 2021-09-12

5th grade Topic 8 review crossword puzzle
  1. If x=6, what is 24 divided by x?
  2. When h=21, what is h x 4?
  3. value of 7+2a-3 when a =4
  4. value of c x 3 for c =24
  5. Tina has 7 more cards than Ben. B=8, so Tina?
  6. value of 20-4z+3 when z =3
  7. first step? evaluate 10-6 divide by(1+2)
  8. Solve the equation, 14g=42 by testing 2,3,4,5
  9. (6 + 4 divided by 2)- 1 x 3
  10. 12 cousins, 4 Smith, Perez=3x Ho, Perez?
  11. Terry had $56 then paid d. If d=$31, $56-d=?
  1. $14 spent from m amount of money
  2. Jerry has b cards. He gave 8 to his brother.
  3. Value of 12 x k when k is 7
  4. value of 3 + 6 divided by 2 x d if d =7
  5. In the table n divided by 6, evaluate n=78
  6. evaluate p - 12 for p =22
  7. Age total=16, Julie=22, Tom=2x Bill, Tom?
  8. five less than a number
  9. Evaluate k divided by 9 when k = 54

20 Clues: five less than a numbervalue of c x 3 for c =24When h=21, what is h x 4?value of 7+2a-3 when a =4evaluate p - 12 for p =22value of 20-4z+3 when z =3Value of 12 x k when k is 7(6 + 4 divided by 2)- 1 x 3$14 spent from m amount of moneyIf x=6, what is 24 divided by x?Evaluate k divided by 9 when k = 54value of 3 + 6 divided by 2 x d if d =7...


FIGHTING ILLINI FOOTBALL #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Punter with KC Chiefs in '08.
  2. '23 late-season QB sensation.
  3. Father-son receiving team.
  4. 1967 Coach's Alma Mater
  5. Center drafted by Bears in 2022.
  6. National titles number.
  7. Holds frosh record for 100-yd.rushing games
  8. Ended career 86 for 86 in PATs.
  9. Between Beckman and Smith.
  10. '83 inductee at Pro Football Hall of Fame.
  11. Only First-Team All-American Kicker.
  12. Ron Turner's better-half.
  13. Dad was Indiana Head Coach.
  1. Father of Illini Athletics.
  2. Big Ten's MVP in 1983.
  3. Tepper's first Bowl. (2 words)
  4. Had over 100 catches one season.
  5. 330 rushing yards at Wrigley Field.
  6. Career sack leader.
  7. 4-year back from Urbana in early 2000s.
  8. Coach Elliott's hometown.
  9. Assistant won two state titles at Schlarman.

22 Clues: Career sack leader.Big Ten's MVP in 1983.1967 Coach's Alma MaterNational titles number.Coach Elliott's hometown.Ron Turner's better-half.Father-son receiving team.Between Beckman and Smith.Father of Illini Athletics.Dad was Indiana Head Coach.Punter with KC Chiefs in '08.'23 late-season QB sensation.Tepper's first Bowl. (2 words)...

Kimia 2022-11-03

Kimia crossword puzzle
  1. besarnya energi yang di perlukan untuk melepaskan satu elektron dari suatu atom netral dalam wujud gas dengan muatan+1 ciri-ciri dari energi
  2. sistem periodik yang kita pakai sekarang merupakan pengembangan dari sistem periodik yang di susun oleh
  3. unsur-unsur di kelompokkan berdasarkan kenaikan massa
  4. sistem periodik modern disusun berdasarkan kenaikan jumlah
  5. jika unsur-unsur di susun berdasarkan kenaikan nomor atom sifat unsur tersebut akan berulang pada unsur ke 8. Pernyataan ini di kenal dengan hukum oktaf yang dikemukakan oleh
  6. atom yang berakhiran 2 elektron di sebut
  7. besar jumlah elektron semakin banyak di sebut
  8. energi untuk menangkap elektro
  9. kerapatannya rendah, rapuh, bersifat isolator, tidak mengkilap dikelompokkan sebagai unsur
  1. semakin banyak jumlah kulit maka jari-jari atom semakin
  2. dobereiner mengembangkan sistem periodik
  3. unsur-unsur dengan sifat yang mirip akan membentuk kolom baru yang di sebut
  4. golongan 1a adalah golongan paling
  5. unsur yang termasuk duplet
  6. atom yang berakhiran 8 elektron di sebut
  7. golongan ke 8a adalah golongan
  8. singkat dari sistem periodik unsur
  9. golongan 7a adalah golongan paling
  10. kerapatan, tinggi,padat,bersifat konduktor, mengkilap di kelompok sebagai unsur
  11. unsur dari golongan halogen yang energi ionisasi yang paling besar adalah

20 Clues: unsur yang termasuk dupletgolongan ke 8a adalah golonganenergi untuk menangkap elektrogolongan 1a adalah golongan palingsingkat dari sistem periodik unsurgolongan 7a adalah golongan palingdobereiner mengembangkan sistem periodikatom yang berakhiran 8 elektron di sebutatom yang berakhiran 2 elektron di sebut...

Miraidon Moveset 2024-01-04

Miraidon Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 84 Electric Sp
  2. 7 Electric Sp
  3. 63 Steel St
  4. 1 Dragon Sp
  5. 21 Electric Sp
  6. 28 Electric Sp
  7. 70 Psychic Sp
  8. 77 Dragon Ph
  1. 91 Fire Sp
  2. 42 Dragon Sp
  3. 1 Electric St
  4. 56 Electric Sp
  5. 1 Electric Sp
  6. 98 Normal Sp
  7. 14 Electric St
  8. 35 Psychic St

16 Clues: 91 Fire Sp63 Steel St1 Dragon Sp42 Dragon Sp98 Normal Sp77 Dragon Ph1 Electric St7 Electric Sp1 Electric Sp70 Psychic Sp35 Psychic St84 Electric Sp56 Electric Sp21 Electric Sp14 Electric St28 Electric Sp

Walking Wake Moveset 2024-01-05

Walking Wake Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 84 Water Sp
  2. Rem Fire St
  3. 14 Water Sp
  4. 77 Fire Sp
  5. 28 Dragon Sp
  6. 21 Normal St
  7. 1 Dragon Sp
  1. 35 Dragon Ph
  2. 42 Dragon Ph
  3. 56 Water Sp
  4. 63 Dragon Sp
  5. 70 Dragon Ph
  6. 1 Normal St
  7. 1 Water Ph
  8. Rem Dark St
  9. 7 Dark Ph
  10. 1 Normal St

17 Clues: 7 Dark Ph77 Fire Sp1 Water Ph56 Water Sp84 Water SpRem Fire St14 Water Sp1 Normal StRem Dark St1 Normal St1 Dragon Sp35 Dragon Ph42 Dragon Ph63 Dragon Sp70 Dragon Ph28 Dragon Sp21 Normal St

Walking Wake Moveset 2024-01-05

Walking Wake Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 84 Water Sp
  2. 1 Fire St
  3. 14 Water Sp
  4. 77 Fire Sp
  5. 28 Dragon Sp
  6. 21 Normal St
  7. 1 Dragon Sp
  1. 35 Dragon Ph
  2. 42 Dragon Ph
  3. 56 Water Sp
  4. 63 Dragon Sp
  5. 70 Dragon Ph
  6. 1 Normal St
  7. 1 Water Ph
  8. 1 Dark St
  9. 7 Dark Ph
  10. 1 Normal St

17 Clues: 1 Fire St1 Dark St7 Dark Ph77 Fire Sp1 Water Ph56 Water Sp84 Water Sp14 Water Sp1 Normal St1 Normal St1 Dragon Sp35 Dragon Ph42 Dragon Ph63 Dragon Sp70 Dragon Ph28 Dragon Sp21 Normal St

Zarude Moveset 2024-01-05

Zarude Moveset crossword puzzle
  1. 48 Bug Ph
  2. 54 Normal St
  3. 72 Fighting Ph
  4. 60 Grass Sp
  5. 66 Grass St
  6. 42 Dark Ph
  7. 84 Grass Ph
  8. 30 Normal St
  9. 18 Normal St
  1. 1 Normal Ph
  2. 90 Grass St
  3. 24 Normal Ph
  4. 12 Grass Ph
  5. 36 Grass Sp
  6. 6 Normal St
  7. 78 Normal Ph
  8. 1 Normal Ph

17 Clues: 48 Bug Ph42 Dark Ph1 Normal Ph90 Grass St12 Grass Ph36 Grass Sp60 Grass Sp6 Normal St66 Grass St84 Grass Ph1 Normal Ph24 Normal Ph54 Normal St78 Normal Ph30 Normal St18 Normal St72 Fighting Ph

Bedke family 2023-06-10

Bedke family crossword puzzle
  1. 29 / 56.5
  2. 21.5 / 01.5
  3. 1954.5
  4. 22
  5. 32.5
  6. 1958
  7. 16.5 / 62.5
  8. 71.5
  9. 63.5
  10. 35
  11. 52.5
  12. 56.5 / 29
  13. 63 / 23.5
  14. 18
  15. 26
  16. 51
  17. 30
  18. 81.5 / 83.5
  19. 28.5
  20. 64.5
  21. 11
  22. 34.5
  23. 71
  24. 14
  25. 15
  26. 56
  27. 02.5
  28. 45.5
  29. 41.5 / 44.5
  30. 42
  31. 52
  32. 50
  33. 45
  34. 02
  35. 12.5 / 13.5
  36. Place of reunion
  37. 17
  38. 22.5
  39. 74
  40. 82.5
  41. 54.5
  42. Reunion name
  43. 65
  44. 34
  45. 62.5 / 65.5
  46. 35.5
  1. 00/11.5/20/51.5/70/80/1949.5/1958.5
  2. 25
  3. 13
  4. 64
  5. 1954.0
  6. 63.5 / 73
  7. 83
  8. 72
  9. 72.5 / 74.5
  10. 23
  11. 25.5
  12. 82
  13. 33
  14. 27.5 / 18.5
  15. 32 / 33.5
  16. 73.5 / 54
  17. Older Brother
  18. 57.5
  19. 60
  20. 55
  21. 31.5 /26.5
  22. 27
  23. 43
  24. 31
  25. 61
  26. 1949.0
  27. 17.6
  28. 53
  29. 81
  30. 41
  31. 40
  32. 01 /55.5 / 43.5 / 42.5 / 21 / 15.5
  33. 12
  34. 84
  35. 62
  36. 57
  37. 61.5 / 14.5
  38. 24
  39. 17.5
  40. 16
  41. 10
  42. 1949
  43. 44
  44. 28 / 1954
  45. 84.5

91 Clues: 2513642283722335823318266055513027431131617153148115415640128462574252504524021716741044653432.5195825.571.563.552.557.528.564.534.517.602.545.517.522.582.5194954.584.535.51954.01954.51949.029 / 56.563.5 / 7332 / 33.556.5 / 2963 / 23.573.5 / 5428 / 195431.5 /26.521.5 / 01.572.5 / 74.516.5 / 62.527.5 / 18.581.5 / 83.541.5 / 44.561.5 / 14.5...

DISPATCH 84 2024-06-21

DISPATCH 84 crossword puzzle
  1. The location of the court where a case will be heard
  2. A recent case addressing combining disabilities
  3. filing a claim with the Court
  4. NOT a magic word to trigger rebuttal of the Combined Values Chart
  1. a challenge filed with the Court
  2. obtaining the result that does the right thing
  3. one factor to consider when comparing the Combined Values Chart vs. adding impairments
  4. works with the District Attorneys to recover money paid via fraud
  5. often used to determine venue
  6. a benefit to assist injured employees with educational training

10 Clues: filing a claim with the Courtoften used to determine venuea challenge filed with the Courtobtaining the result that does the right thingA recent case addressing combining disabilitiesThe location of the court where a case will be hearda benefit to assist injured employees with educational training...

Product Knowledge 2023-11-29

Product Knowledge crossword puzzle


2. ünite 2022-04-25

2. ünite crossword puzzle
  1. üzümlü keke benzetilen atom modeli
  2. kütle no aynı proton s. farklı atomlar
  3. ametal olan fakat 1A da olan element
  4. Ar elementinin adı
  5. yukarıdan aşağıya doğru gidildikçe atomun hacmi ...
  1. elektron s. ve dizilimleri aynı olan tanecikler
  2. eksi yüklü taneciklerin(iyon) genel adı
  3. periyotik tablodaki yatay sıraların adı
  4. bilardo topuna benzetilen atom modeli
  5. 8A grubunda bulunan elementler
  6. atomun elektron almış ya da vermiş halidir
  7. atomun yörüngesinde bulunan tanecikler

12 Clues: Ar elementinin adı8A grubunda bulunan elementlerüzümlü keke benzetilen atom modeliametal olan fakat 1A da olan elementbilardo topuna benzetilen atom modelikütle no aynı proton s. farklı atomlaratomun yörüngesinde bulunan taneciklereksi yüklü taneciklerin(iyon) genel adıperiyotik tablodaki yatay sıraların adı...

2. ünite 2022-04-25

2. ünite crossword puzzle
  1. adı
  2. 8A grubunda bulunan elementlerin sistematik
  3. eksi yüklü taneciklerin(iyon) genel adı
  4. atomun elektron almış ya da vermiş halidir
  5. yukarıdan aşağıya doğru gidildikçe atomun hacmi ...
  6. ametal olan fakat 1A da olan element
  7. Ar elementinin adı
  1. atomun yörüngesinde bulunan tanecikler
  2. kütle no aynı proton s. farklı atomlar
  3. periyotik tablodaki yatay sıraların adı
  4. elektron s. ve dizilimleri aynı olan tanecikler
  5. üzümlü keke benzetilen atom modeli
  6. bilardo topuna benzetilen atom modeli

13 Clues: adıAr elementinin adıüzümlü keke benzetilen atom modeliametal olan fakat 1A da olan elementbilardo topuna benzetilen atom modeliatomun yörüngesinde bulunan taneciklerkütle no aynı proton s. farklı atomlarperiyotik tablodaki yatay sıraların adıeksi yüklü taneciklerin(iyon) genel adıatomun elektron almış ya da vermiş halidir...

unsur kimia 2024-10-29

unsur kimia crossword puzzle
  1. unsur kimia dengan nomor atom 1
  2. unsur yang memiliki nomor massa 107.87
  3. unsur kimia dengan lambang Na
  4. unsur yang memiliki nomor massa 26,9
  5. unsur dengan lambang Mg
  6. unsur kimia dengan nomor atom 16
  1. unsur kimia dengan lambang C
  2. unsur yang terletak pada golongan 8A periode 3
  3. unsur kimia dengan lambang Ca
  4. unsur yang terletak pada golongan 1A periode 4
  5. lambang unsur besi
  6. unsur dengan lambang S

12 Clues: lambang unsur besiunsur dengan lambang Sunsur dengan lambang Mgunsur kimia dengan lambang Cunsur kimia dengan lambang Caunsur kimia dengan lambang Naunsur kimia dengan nomor atom 1unsur kimia dengan nomor atom 16unsur yang memiliki nomor massa 26,9unsur yang memiliki nomor massa 107.87unsur yang terletak pada golongan 8A periode 3...

Just words 2022-02-21

Just words crossword puzzle
  1. something is getting bigger and bigger: it ---
  2. American for mobile phone
  3. Bayern Munich --- the Bundesliga table
  4. the opposite of sad
  5. a hair dryer is an electric ---
  6. I'm sorry, I --- what I did
  7. opposite of leave 8a room)
  8. having nothing to do makes you ---
  1. trees, trees, trees and trees: a real ---
  2. --- and wife
  3. breakfast in the morning, --- in the evening
  4. the person living next to you
  5. James Watt invented the steam ---
  6. in fall, trees lose their ---

14 Clues: --- and wifethe opposite of sadAmerican for mobile phoneopposite of leave 8a room)I'm sorry, I --- what I didthe person living next to youin fall, trees lose their ---a hair dryer is an electric ---James Watt invented the steam ---having nothing to do makes you ---Bayern Munich --- the Bundesliga tabletrees, trees, trees and trees: a real ---...

Ch 5 2022-11-19

Ch 5 crossword puzzle
  1. elements in group 8A
  2. column of elements in a periodic table
  3. arrangement of elements in columns
  4. elements in group 1A of the periodic
  5. elements that are poor conductors
  6. one twelfth the mass of a carbon
  7. elements in group 2A
  8. pattern of repeating properties
  1. elements that form a bridge
  2. row in a periodic table of element
  3. elements in group 7A
  4. elements that are good conductors
  5. electron that is in the highest
  6. elements with properties that fall

14 Clues: elements in group 8Aelements in group 7Aelements in group 2Aelements that form a bridgeelectron that is in the highestpattern of repeating propertiesone twelfth the mass of a carbonelements that are good conductorselements that are poor conductorsrow in a periodic table of elementarrangement of elements in columnselements with properties that fall...

homework 2024-09-25

homework crossword puzzle
  1. 10+2
  2. 9x2
  3. 50-37
  4. 100-84
  1. 30-15
  2. 16+1
  3. _x5=100
  4. 7x2
  5. 20-9
  6. 21-2

10 Clues: 7x29x216+110+220-921-230-1550-37100-84_x5=100

Macan Electric 2024-10-28

Macan Electric crossword puzzle
  1. air suspension w/PASM is ____ on the Macan4
  2. the newly designed Porsche____package lasts 10 years
  3. the ___ ____ has current of almost 1000 amps
  4. warn & ____ _____ can intervene in an imminent collision
  5. _____ reality HUD display
  6. the name Macan means____
  7. the ___ offers 84 litres of storage space
  8. there are 8 available___ ____ for the Macan
  1. check your current charge in your____app
  2. the Macan can be optioned with a_____ display
  3. the____ sound ststem includes 14 speakers
  4. maximum charging_____is 270kw
  5. the Macan___accelerates to 60 in 3.3 seconds
  6. 98% of braking can be used through ____
  7. the HUD is adjusted by the ____ _____
  8. the electric macan has a____ wheelbase than the predessor
  9. advanced climate control includes____ zones
  10. access your apps in the ___ ____
  11. A ___ speed transmission is used in the Macan

19 Clues: the name Macan means_________ reality HUD displaymaximum charging_____is 270kwaccess your apps in the ___ ____the HUD is adjusted by the ____ _____98% of braking can be used through ____check your current charge in your____appthe____ sound ststem includes 14 speakersthe ___ offers 84 litres of storage space...

Addition och subtraktion tvåsiffriga tal - korsord (skriv tal med bokstäver) 2023-09-06

Addition och subtraktion tvåsiffriga tal - korsord (skriv tal med bokstäver) crossword puzzle
  1. 96 + 25
  2. 40 + 34
  3. 90 − 74
  4. 65 + 45
  5. 83 − 75
  6. 72 − 22
  7. 88 + 97
  1. 76 + 66
  2. 35 + 31
  3. 85 − 17
  4. 67 − 17
  5. 33 − 21

12 Clues: 76 + 6635 + 3185 − 1796 + 2540 + 3490 − 7465 + 4583 − 7572 − 2267 − 1788 + 9733 − 21

CROSSWORD UNIT 6 pgs. 84, 85, 86, 87 2024-01-08

CROSSWORD UNIT 6 pgs. 84, 85, 86, 87 crossword puzzle
  1. awake from sleep, despertar(se).
  2. purchase, comprar.
  3. not remember, olvidar(se) de.
  4. adj. lost, perdido, ausente.
  5. science fiction, ciencia ficción.
  6. alfombra, tapete, manta.
  1. brief abstract, resumen.
  2. device that opens a lock, llave.
  3. decipher, decodificar, descodificar.
  4. descubrir, enterarse de, averiguar.

10 Clues: purchase, comprar.brief abstract, resumen.alfombra, tapete, manta.adj. lost, perdido, ausente.not remember, olvidar(se) de.awake from sleep, despertar(se).device that opens a lock, llave.science fiction, ciencia ficción.descubrir, enterarse de, averiguar.decipher, decodificar, descodificar.

Tumbi Treasure Hunt 2016-11-06

Tumbi Treasure Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. What is found in I block?
  2. Who is the Head Teacher of Mathematics?
  3. What is the name of the year 7 deputy for 2017?
  4. Which staffroom is your three year advisors located?
  5. What subject is taught in B10?
  6. What subject is taught in H5?
  7. What is the name of the yellow sporting house?
  8. Name one other deputy.
  9. At which end of the oval is the cricket nets located?
  10. What is the name of Tumbi's principal?
  1. Courts The BBQ area is located next to the ?
  2. What is the name of your male year advisor?
  3. How many classrooms are there in B Block?
  4. What is the name of the subject taught in J1?
  5. What is the name of the green sporting house?
  6. What subject is taught in C Block?
  7. Name one of your female year advisors?
  8. Tumbi's motto is Standing ?
  9. Located in B7 B8 and B9 is ?

19 Clues: Name one other deputy.What is found in I block?Tumbi's motto is Standing ?Located in B7 B8 and B9 is ?What subject is taught in H5?What subject is taught in B10?What subject is taught in C Block?Name one of your female year advisors?What is the name of Tumbi's principal?Who is the Head Teacher of Mathematics?...

Cohort 8a 2021-03-09

Cohort 8a crossword puzzle
  1. a mess
  2. 360 west
  3. Frogs lol
  4. Covid Rules
  5. Kim
  6. Sorry teacher I just have ___________
  7. Drugs
  1. I love math
  2. Nukes
  3. Teal is _____
  4. We just got a letter we just got a letter wonder who its from
  5. Its not my fault _____
  6. We no longer have any white board markers
  7. Hi ________

14 Clues: KimNukesDrugsa mess360 westFrogs lolI love mathCovid RulesHi ________Teal is _____Its not my fault _____Sorry teacher I just have ___________We no longer have any white board markersWe just got a letter we just got a letter wonder who its from

Vocabulary 8a 2019-12-05

Vocabulary 8a crossword puzzle
  1. , , The __________ plays my favourite song.
  2. , , A _________ in the back can be very hurtful.
  3. , , If you´ve got a _____________, you should go to a dentist.
  4. , , I will arrive ____________ 12 o´clock.
  5. , , My __________ are broken. I need to go to Fielmann.
  6. , , Mrs Geipel is the _________ of all the teachers in our school.
  7. , , I have __________ money to spend for food.
  1. , , __________ trouble can make people´s lives very difficult.
  2. , , The CIA is a _________ agency.
  3. , , I can climb a _____________.
  4. , , An exciting story has a lot of ___________.
  5. , , An _________ works for an agency.
  6. , , It is __________ to take drugs.
  7. , , The ___________ stole my bike.

14 Clues: , , I can climb a _____________., , The CIA is a _________ agency., , It is __________ to take drugs., , The ___________ stole my bike., , An _________ works for an agency., , I will arrive ____________ 12 o´clock., , An exciting story has a lot of ___________., , The __________ plays my favourite song....

Curzadinha 8A 2020-07-16

Curzadinha 8A crossword puzzle
  1. As características da colonização nessa região são: cultivo de produtos em pequenas propriedades familiares e uma economia voltada ao sustento dos colonos e ao pequeno comércio local
  2. Na época da colonização, os povos nativos foram (...) pelos colonizadores. Suas terras foram tomadas e milhares foram mortos nas lutas e batalhas de resistência.
  3. Na época em que os colonos chegaram à América do Norte, centenas de povos (...) já habitavam o local.
  4. Sistema de produção agrícola baseado em três características principais: grandes propriedades de terras, mão de obra escrava e monocultura
  5. Um dos países de onde vieram grupos de imigrantes para as colônias dos EUA
  6. As características da colonização é a produção agrícola voltada à monocultura e à exportação, com a utilização de trabalho escravo nas plantações.
  7. Os Estados Unidos da América são um país situado na América do Norte, formado por meio da colonização (...)
  8. Um dos povos nativos que habitavam os EUA antes da chegada dos europeus.
  1. Comércio (...), nome dado ao comércio que ligava três continentes.
  2. No século XVI iniciou-se a colonização inglesa na América do Norte, mas somente no século XVII os ingleses empreenderam iniciativas mais efetivas de ocupação (...)
  3. A região dos EUA era habitada por muitos povos (...) antes de ser ocupada pelos europeus.
  4. A manutenção dos (...) e das tradições era um importante meio de resistência africana na América do Norte.
  5. A colonização inglesa na América do Norte apresentava características diferentes dependendo da (...)
  6. O ritmo (...), desenvolvido no início do século XX, é um exemplo de tradição com origem afrodescendente.

14 Clues: Comércio (...), nome dado ao comércio que ligava três continentes.Um dos povos nativos que habitavam os EUA antes da chegada dos europeus.Um dos países de onde vieram grupos de imigrantes para as colônias dos EUAA região dos EUA era habitada por muitos povos (...) antes de ser ocupada pelos europeus....

Ulrikedal 8A 2024-02-15

Ulrikedal 8A crossword puzzle
  1. Tequila!
  2. McQueen
  3. Släng dig i väggen Gordon Ramsey
  4. Överlevt en obduktion
  5. Hög dejtfrekvens
  6. Sista bossen av läderpaj
  7. Ständigt i bar överkropp
  1. Snygg
  2. Slagits mot dörrkarmen
  3. Mr dupont
  4. Korridorens slutförvar
  5. Full fart från start
  6. Parantesens beskyddare
  7. "Fan va najs"

14 Clues: SnyggMcQueenTequila!Mr dupont"Fan va najs"Hög dejtfrekvensFull fart från startÖverlevt en obduktionSlagits mot dörrkarmenKorridorens slutförvarParantesens beskyddareSista bossen av läderpajStändigt i bar överkroppSläng dig i väggen Gordon Ramsey

Periodic Table Crossword Puzzle 2021-05-18

Periodic Table Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. good conductors of heat and electricity
  2. group 1 or 1a
  3. a negatively charged subatomic particle
  4. a horizontal row of elements
  5. a vertical column of elements
  6. another name for metalloid
  7. group 17 or 7a
  8. a neutral subatomic particle in the nucleus
  9. another name for a group
  10. symbol for the atomic mass unit
  1. group 2 or 2a
  2. properties of both a metal and nonmetal
  3. group 16 or 6a
  4. poor conductors of heat and electricity
  5. another name for the period
  6. region in the atom
  7. a positively charged subatomic particle
  8. the center of an atom
  9. group 18 or 8a
  10. The smallest particle that has the properties of an element

20 Clues: group 2 or 2agroup 1 or 1agroup 16 or 6agroup 18 or 8agroup 17 or 7aregion in the atomthe center of an atomanother name for a groupanother name for metalloidanother name for the perioda horizontal row of elementsa vertical column of elementssymbol for the atomic mass unitgood conductors of heat and electricityproperties of both a metal and nonmetal...

Tran 2015 2015-07-29

Tran 2015 crossword puzzle
  1. 9A
  2. 2A
  3. 3B
  4. 10B
  5. 1C
  6. 4C
  7. 1J
  8. 3F
  9. 2H
  10. 5D
  11. 1A
  12. 2D
  13. 1F
  14. 4A
  15. 2G
  16. 1Q
  17. 1D
  18. 1G
  19. 1o
  20. 3D
  21. 1H
  22. 1P
  23. 3A
  24. 9A
  25. 1K
  26. 6C
  27. 1N
  28. 5B
  29. 2J
  30. 8A
  31. 9B
  1. 3G
  2. 5A
  3. 2F
  4. 2C
  5. 1I
  6. 3I
  7. 3H
  8. 3L
  9. 10C
  10. 4B
  11. 2E
  12. 2I
  13. 2B
  14. 7C
  15. 1L
  16. 4E
  17. 1M
  18. 8B
  19. 7A
  20. 7B
  21. 7D
  22. 3C
  23. 4D
  24. 1E
  25. 10D
  26. 10A
  27. 2K
  28. 6D
  29. 3K
  30. 6A
  31. 5C
  32. 3E

63 Clues: 3G5A9A2F2A2C1I3I3B3H3L1C4C1J4B2E3F2I2H2B5D1A7C2D1L1F4E1M4A2G8B1Q1D7A7B7D1G3C4D1o3D1H1E1P3A9A1K2K6C6D1N3K5B2J6A5C8A3E9B10B10C10D10A

Chlamydiales 2022-05-24

Chlamydiales crossword puzzle
  1. 24β
  2. 11α
  3. 24α
  4. 16
  5. 25β
  6. 3οα
  7. 26γ
  8. 21β
  9. 19γ
  10. 11β
  11. 34
  12. 24γ
  13. 27α
  14. 19β
  15. 31α
  16. 26β
  17. 23
  18. 14
  19. 8a
  20. 26δ
  21. 21
  1. 6
  2. 30β
  3. 27β
  4. 18α
  5. 11γ
  6. 19α
  7. 25α
  8. 33
  9. 12β
  10. 20
  11. 28α
  12. 10β
  13. 17
  14. 22α
  15. 31β
  16. 15
  17. 18β
  18. 10α
  19. 13
  20. 22β
  21. 29
  22. 12α
  23. 27γ
  24. 26α
  25. 32
  26. 7

62 Clues: 6716332017153413293223148a2130β27β18α24β11γ11α19α24α25α25β3οα12β28α26γ10β21β22α31β19γ11β18β10α24γ22β27α12α19β31α27γ26α26β26δ

2 n guna kirima 2024-07-12

2 n guna kirima crossword puzzle
  1. 44x2
  2. 27x2
  3. 13x2
  4. 32x2
  1. 42*2
  2. 28x2
  3. 12x2
  4. 30x2

8 Clues: 44x242*227x228x213x212x232x230x2

Numbers 20-60 2023-09-14

Numbers 20-60 crossword puzzle
  1. 6x11
  2. 46-15
  3. 8x7
  4. 2x30
  5. 60-2
  6. 18+26
  1. 13+16
  2. 12+23
  3. 7x6
  4. 10+13
  5. 84-37

11 Clues: 7x68x76x112x3060-213+1612+2346-1510+1384-3718+26

JW encouragement 2020-03-20

JW encouragement crossword puzzle
  1. Deuteronomy 32:4 Jehovah’s activity
  2. 1 Corinthians 2:12,13 human quality often ignored
  3. Revelation 7:12 at the end
  4. Matthew 5:45 God to us
  5. Ephesians 2:4-7 his kindness towards us
  6. John 21:15-17 Peter’s feeling
  7. Matthew 10:32 known by Jehovah
  8. 2 Timothy 4:10 bad love leads to this
  9. John 3:16 Jesus
  10. Matthew 5:44 love who?
  1. Psalm 139:17,18 our feeling about Jehovah’s thoughts
  2. 1 John 4:19 How did Jehovah love us?
  3. John 17:5 Jehovah did to Jesus
  4. 1 John 4:10 greatest gift
  5. John 13:35 most important characteristic
  6. Romans 8:38,39 what can separate us from God’s love
  7. Genesis 1:26,27 Man’s privilege with animals
  8. Deuteronomy 12:31 false worship
  9. John 5:17 what Jehovah is doing
  10. Galatians 6:10 strength of love
  11. Romans 5:10 gain what Adam lost
  12. John 8:29 what Jehovah will not do
  13. Psalm 84:10,11 where to spend time with Jehovah

23 Clues: John 3:16 JesusMatthew 5:45 God to usMatthew 5:44 love who?1 John 4:10 greatest giftRevelation 7:12 at the endJohn 21:15-17 Peter’s feelingJohn 17:5 Jehovah did to JesusMatthew 10:32 known by JehovahDeuteronomy 12:31 false worshipJohn 5:17 what Jehovah is doingGalatians 6:10 strength of loveRomans 5:10 gain what Adam lost...

Evan's Exemplary Crossword Creation 2024-05-22

Evan's Exemplary Crossword Creation crossword puzzle
  1. Glorified patterns
  2. b^2-4ac
  3. The dot family
  4. Harry Potter’s favorite spell
  5. horizontal
  6. Straight
  7. Body Spray The worlds best people repellent
  8. SLICE
  1. minimum, maximum
  2. The air purifier’s twin brother
  3. y=mx+b
  4. Our educational protector and mascot
  5. Many addition
  6. Mrs Plunkett’s most hated writing utensil
  7. than Right alligator chomp
  8. The property based off of a lie
  9. than Left alligator chomp
  10. PEMD_S
  11. vertical
  12. The world's best calculator

20 Clues: SLICEy=mx+bPEMD_Sb^2-4acStraightverticalhorizontalMany additionThe dot familyminimum, maximumGlorified patternsthan Right alligator chompthan Left alligator chompThe world's best calculatorHarry Potter’s favorite spellThe air purifier’s twin brotherThe property based off of a lieOur educational protector and mascot...

2. ünite 2022-04-25

2. ünite crossword puzzle
  1. üzümlü keke benzetilen atom modeli
  2. kütle numaraları aynı proton s. farklı atomlar
  3. ametal olmasına rağmen 1A da olan element
  4. Ar elementinin adı
  5. yukarıdan aşağıya doğru gidildikçe atomun hacmi ...
  1. elektron sayıları ve dizilimleri aynı olan tanecikler
  2. eksi yüklü iyonların genel adı
  3. periyodik sistemdeki yatay sıraların adı
  4. bilardo topuna benzetilen atom modeli
  5. 8A grubundaki elementlerin sistematik adı
  6. atomun elektron almış ya da vermiş halidir
  7. atomun yörüngesinde bulunan tanecikler

12 Clues: Ar elementinin adıeksi yüklü iyonların genel adıüzümlü keke benzetilen atom modelibilardo topuna benzetilen atom modeliatomun yörüngesinde bulunan taneciklerperiyodik sistemdeki yatay sıraların adı8A grubundaki elementlerin sistematik adıametal olmasına rağmen 1A da olan elementatomun elektron almış ya da vermiş halidir...


  1. My sister is my parent's ...
  2. Gayung
  3. My mother is my father's ...
  4. Sudip
  5. Kursi panjang
  6. One, two, ..., four
  7. My aunt's daughter
  8. Orang tua
  9. The number before twelve
  10. Selimut
  11. 84 in English is ... four
  1. Lampu taman
  2. Sixty four plus thirty six is one ...
  3. My mother's sister
  4. Seven plus eight is ...
  5. The number after sixteen is ...
  6. Almari baju
  7. Kompor
  8. My father's son is my ...
  9. Twenty one, ..., nineteen, eighteen

20 Clues: SudipGayungKomporSelimutOrang tuaLampu tamanAlmari bajuKursi panjangMy mother's sisterMy aunt's daughterOne, two, ..., fourSeven plus eight is ...The number before twelveMy father's son is my ...84 in English is ... fourMy sister is my parent's ...My mother is my father's ...The number after sixteen is ...Twenty one, ..., nineteen, eighteen...

Los números hasta 100 2023-11-21

Los números hasta 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 83
  3. 33
  4. 4
  5. 29
  6. 40
  7. 5
  8. 13
  9. 72
  10. 61
  11. 38
  12. 11
  13. 50
  14. 100
  15. 42
  16. 22
  17. 14
  18. 26
  19. 20
  20. 94
  21. 70
  22. 23
  1. 99
  2. 57
  3. 1
  4. 58
  5. 60
  6. 12
  7. 85
  8. 80
  9. 46
  10. 90
  11. 16
  12. 25
  13. 15
  14. 66
  15. 78
  16. 30
  17. 18

39 Clues: 1459910835733586029124013728561803846119016502515426678221430262094701823100

math crossword puzzle 2023-10-17

math crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 43 x 12
  2. 9 x(-7)
  3. 31x13
  4. positive visual
  5. line of integers
  6. positive or negative number
  1. 84/12
  2. negative visual
  3. 12- (-13)
  4. to tell if below zero or above zero
  5. 67+(-12)
  6. 31-(23)

12 Clues: 84/1231x1343 x 129 x(-7)31-(23)67+(-12)12- (-13)negative visualpositive visualline of integerspositive or negative numberto tell if below zero or above zero

kruiswoordpuzzel 2013-06-06

kruiswoordpuzzel crossword puzzle
  1. wie zit er op boksen?
  2. hoeveel kinderen zitten er in groep 8a?
  3. wat is de lievelingskleur van Zoë?
  4. hoe heet juf Gijsbers van haar voornaam?
  5. welke juf is er hoogzwanger?
  1. hoeveel katten heeft Tessa?
  2. hoe heet onze musical?
  3. welke meester hadden we vorig jaar?
  4. wat is de naam van onze school?
  5. wie is er goed in voetbal?
  6. wie is er nederlandskampioen turnen?
  7. wanneer is juf Gijsbers jarig?
  8. hoelang bestaat onze school al?
  9. hoe heet de dochter van juf de Visser?
  10. wie is er kinderburgemeester?

15 Clues: wie zit er op boksen?hoe heet onze musical?wie is er goed in voetbal?hoeveel katten heeft Tessa?welke juf is er hoogzwanger?wie is er kinderburgemeester?wanneer is juf Gijsbers jarig?wat is de naam van onze school?hoelang bestaat onze school al?wat is de lievelingskleur van Zoë?welke meester hadden we vorig jaar?wie is er nederlandskampioen turnen?...

Sarah Bohr Diagram Crossword 2024-02-15

Sarah Bohr Diagram Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Is a gas from Group 8A
  2. It's Atomic radius is 2.5
  3. Melting point is 842 celsius
  4. Has the smallest atomic radius in the column 2A
  5. It's symbol is NA
  6. It was discovered in 1860
  7. It's atomic mass is 85.4
  1. Has the atomic mass of 24.3
  2. It has the largest atomic radius
  3. Discovered in 1790
  4. It's atomic number is 19
  5. Its density is 5.0
  6. Group 1A but isn't a metal
  7. Has the electronegativity of 0.9
  8. Has the boiling point of 1347 celsius

15 Clues: It's symbol is NADiscovered in 1790Its density is 5.0Is a gas from Group 8AIt's atomic number is 19It's atomic mass is 85.4It's Atomic radius is 2.5It was discovered in 1860Group 1A but isn't a metalHas the atomic mass of 24.3Melting point is 842 celsiusIt has the largest atomic radiusHas the electronegativity of 0.9...

Decimal Crossword (round to nearest 10th, no spaces) 2020-12-04

Decimal Crossword (round to nearest 10th, no spaces) crossword puzzle
  1. 2.2(3.73)
  2. 8,73/.3
  3. 305.35/.503
  4. 47.83/12
  5. 6.82/4
  6. 82.28/2
  7. 7.34(5)
  1. 2.3(4)
  2. 24/.89
  3. .29(.84)
  4. 32.8(.6)
  5. 5.43(2.9)
  6. 1.26/6

13 Clues: 2.3(4)24/.891.26/66.82/48,73/.382.28/27.34(5).29(.84)32.8(.6)47.83/125.43(2.9)2.2(3.73)305.35/.503

Integer operations crossword Marissa 2019-10-08

Integer operations crossword Marissa crossword puzzle
  1. 95 + (-31)
  2. -45 divided -5
  3. 24 + 57
  4. 65 - (-32)
  5. 58 divided by 4
  6. 32 x 64
  7. -87 - (-102)
  8. -54 divided by (-9)
  9. -65 + 32
  1. 4 x 64
  2. -24 x 12
  3. 84 divided by 6
  4. -32 - 65
  5. 46 x (-2)
  6. 81 - 65
  7. 65 + (-32)

16 Clues: 4 x 6424 + 5781 - 6532 x 64-24 x 12-32 - 65-65 + 3246 x (-2)95 + (-31)65 - (-32)65 + (-32)-87 - (-102)-45 divided -584 divided by 658 divided by 4-54 divided by (-9)

Japanese Numbers 2021-09-10

Japanese Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. The number 84
  2. The number 10 000
  3. The number 23
  4. The number 1
  5. The number 13
  6. the number 20
  7. The number 31
  8. The number 30
  9. The number 100 000
  10. The number 100
  1. The number 600
  2. The number 2
  3. The number 27
  4. The number 10 (the morning dew)
  5. The number 1000
  6. The number 78

16 Clues: The number 2The number 1The number 84The number 23The number 27The number 78The number 13the number 20The number 31The number 30The number 600The number 100The number 1000The number 10 000The number 100 000The number 10 (the morning dew)

Lessons 85 & 86 2023-01-03

Lessons 85 & 86 crossword puzzle
  1. casual to the point of sarcasm and disrespect; showing inappropriate levity; frivolous
  2. being scornful and mocking in a humorous way; sarcastic
  3. proper and polite behavior; propriety in manners and conduct; the fitness of a composition’s style to its subject
  4. uncontrollably noisy; marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter
  5. mournful or sad; expressing sorrow often for something past
  6. a cry of sorrow and grief; a mournful poem; elegy; regret strongly
  7. correct or appropriate behavior
  1. a soft partly suppressed laugh; chuckle
  2. sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled; causing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
  3. 1) using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor; 2) bent to one side
  4. 1) a place for the burial of a corpse; 2) of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought; 3) causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm; 4) dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises
  5. a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person; lament
  6. showing lack of due respect or veneration; characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality
  7. humorous or mocking imitation of something

14 Clues: correct or appropriate behaviora soft partly suppressed laugh; chucklehumorous or mocking imitation of somethingbeing scornful and mocking in a humorous way; sarcasticmournful or sad; expressing sorrow often for something pasta cry of sorrow and grief; a mournful poem; elegy; regret strongly...


TEMBANG MACAPAT crossword puzzle
  1. paugeran 7u, 10u, 12i, 8u, 8o
  2. larase tembang macapat gambuh
  3. tembang macapat minangka pralambang laku uriping
  4. cacahing larik saben sapada
  5. wis lair lan wes cetha priya utawa wanita
  6. watake tembang gambuh
  1. tambuh,embuh,jumbuh lan mbuh
  2. paugeran 12i, 6a, 8i, 8a
  3. rasa tresna
  4. tembang macapat iku sawijining kasusastraan Jawa kang awujud

10 Clues: rasa tresnawatake tembang gambuhpaugeran 12i, 6a, 8i, 8acacahing larik saben sapadatambuh,embuh,jumbuh lan mbuhpaugeran 7u, 10u, 12i, 8u, 8olarase tembang macapat gambuhwis lair lan wes cetha priya utawa wanitatembang macapat minangka pralambang laku uripingtembang macapat iku sawijining kasusastraan Jawa kang awujud

Class VIII A 2024-03-19

Class VIII A crossword puzzle
  1. who is the class leader 8A
  2. the cake with a hole
  3. what is the traditional house in western Sumatera
  4. what is Faris's shoe brand
  6. The President of America now.
  7. capital of Indonesia
  8. Who is the best Badminton player in SMART E.I
  9. the highest mountain
  10. similar large
  1. the smallest dinosaur
  2. The biggest animal in the sea
  3. what is the brand of Ayyash bag
  4. The smallest modern dinosaur
  5. The cleanest country in the world
  6. What is the biggest country in the world
  7. where is Indonesian center
  8. what is the best application

18 Clues: similar largethe cake with a holecapital of Indonesiathe highest mountainthe smallest dinosaurwho is the class leader 8Awhat is Faris's shoe brandwhere is Indonesian centerThe smallest modern dinosaurwhat is the best applicationThe biggest animal in the seaThe President of America now.what is the brand of Ayyash bagANCIKA FILM PREVIEW IN THE MONTH...

MTA Crosswords Pages 75 - 142 2017-03-09

MTA Crosswords Pages 75 - 142 crossword puzzle
  1. Built into IPv6 for security (Page 132)
  2. Used to query Microsoft directories (Page 76)
  3. An IP address has two parts a network and a _____ (Page 86)
  4. Backup power supply - UPS
  5. What is this address? 169.254.x.x (Page 112)
  6. A safe place to run cables (Page 142)
  7. Last longer than a power spike (Page 136)
  8. Primary authentication protocol within a Microsoft domain (Page77)
  9. Does not automatically download email to the client (Page 75)
  1. Protocol used to send error messages (Page 78)
  2. IPv6 Uses this this type of math (119)
  3. Interference cause by machines (Page 134)
  4. Video type for UDP traffic (Page 83)
  5. Tunneling protocol that works with IPsec (Page 78)
  6. Point to point ______ Protocol (Page77)
  7. Ports 1024 through 49,151 are known as ________ ports (Page80)
  8. Used to retrieve email from servers (Page 75)
  9. Address starts with fe80 - Link _____ (Page 125)

18 Clues: Backup power supply - UPSVideo type for UDP traffic (Page 83)A safe place to run cables (Page 142)IPv6 Uses this this type of math (119)Built into IPv6 for security (Page 132)Point to point ______ Protocol (Page77)Interference cause by machines (Page 134)Last longer than a power spike (Page 136)What is this address? 169.254.x.x (Page 112)...

Week 2 NU 176 2023-04-18

Week 2 NU 176 crossword puzzle
  1. Lifts up and supports each individual team member
  2. refers to care of the body, mind, and spirit of the person
  3. A legal document made and signed by a competent adult about end-of-life care and decisions about life-sustaining concerns
  4. Not doing or leaving something out that was ordered or expected, failure to address a concern
  5. transition to less concern for material possessions, meaningless relationships, and self interest
  6. used for people 65 to 74 years old
  8. Professional negligence
  9. used for people 75 to 84 years old
  10. Used to guide practice
  1. used for people 85 to 100 years old
  2. Failure to use care and caution to prevent harm
  3. Also known as "Eclectic"
  4. Rules and regulations that guide society in a formal and binding manner
  5. Study of moral actions & values
  6. Identify legal and ethical limits to care
  7. A statement that outlines a nurse's values, ethics, and beliefs
  8. used for people older than 100 years

18 Clues: Used to guide practiceProfessional negligenceAlso known as "Eclectic"Study of moral actions & valuesused for people 65 to 74 years oldused for people 75 to 84 years oldused for people 85 to 100 years oldused for people older than 100 yearsIdentify legal and ethical limits to careFailure to use care and caution to prevent harm...

Titas.Aleksejevas.8a 2020-11-29

Titas.Aleksejevas.8a crossword puzzle
  1. British English plants such as wheat, barley, and oats or their seeds.
  2. the season between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes cooler.
  3. a round soft red fruit eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable.
  4. grateful and glad about something that has happened, especially because without it the situation would be much worse.
  5. a sweet juicy fruit that has a round base and is thinner near the top, or the tree that produces this fruit.
  6. a sauce made from the juice that comes from meat as it cooks, mixed with flour and water.
  7. one of a number of small round green or purple fruits that grow together on a vine. Grapes are often used for making wine.
  1. a very large orange fruit that grows on the ground, or the inside of this fruit.
  2. a long pointed orange vegetable that grows under the ground.
  3. the flesh of animals and birds eaten as food.
  4. a small red sour fruit.
  5. a small flat sweet cake.
  6. a bird that looks like a large chicken and is often eaten at Christmas and at Thanksgiving.
  7. the time when crops are gathered from the fields, or the act of gathering them.

14 Clues: a small red sour fruit.a small flat sweet cake.the flesh of animals and birds eaten as food.a round soft red fruit eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable.a long pointed orange vegetable that grows under the ground.British English plants such as wheat, barley, and oats or their seeds....

Math Review Crossword 2020-11-15

Math Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Solve the following: 984x325
  2. Solve the following 11/12 - 2/7
  3. Solve the unit rate: 5 books for $12
  4. Find the LCM of 3, 10, and 20
  5. Solve the following decimal multiplication: 1.247x9.63
  6. Solve the following fraction: 9/11 - 5/8
  7. Find the LCM of 11, 6, and 19
  8. What is 1+3.56-0.5566+12
  1. Solve the unit rate: 11 batteries cost $24
  2. Solve the following: 5.084+37+9.42+7.002
  3. Solve the following fraction: 9/15 + 2/10
  4. What is .624 divided by .30
  5. Solve the following 6,432x75
  6. Change 11/18 into a decimal
  7. What is 3 to the fourth power
  8. What is 40% of 16

16 Clues: What is 40% of 16What is 1+3.56-0.5566+12What is .624 divided by .30Change 11/18 into a decimalSolve the following: 984x325Solve the following 6,432x75Find the LCM of 3, 10, and 20What is 3 to the fourth powerFind the LCM of 11, 6, and 19Solve the following 11/12 - 2/7Solve the unit rate: 5 books for $12Solve the following: 5.084+37+9.42+7.002...


  1. farklı element atomlarının bağ yapması
  2. periyodik cetvelde dikey sütunlara denir.
  3. 8A grubunun özel ismi
  4. iki ametal atomun ortaklaşa yaptığı bağ
  5. metal ve ametallerin elektron alışverişiyle yaptığı bağ
  1. bir atomun kimyasal bağdaki elektronları kendine doğru çekme yeteneğinin bir ölçüsüdür
  2. periyodik cetvelde yatay sütunlara denir
  3. elektriği ileten maddeler
  4. maddenin en küçük yapı taşı
  5. atomdaki yüksüz parçacıklardır.
  6. negatif yüklü iyonlardır.

11 Clues: 8A grubunun özel ismielektriği ileten maddelernegatif yüklü iyonlardır.maddenin en küçük yapı taşıatomdaki yüksüz parçacıklardır.farklı element atomlarının bağ yapmasıiki ametal atomun ortaklaşa yaptığı bağperiyodik cetvelde yatay sütunlara denirperiyodik cetvelde dikey sütunlara denir.metal ve ametallerin elektron alışverişiyle yaptığı bağ...


  1. periyodik tablo icadını yapan kişi
  2. dış katman elektron dizilimi aynı olan elementlerin oluşturduğu birlik
  3. gaz halde bulunan bir atomdan bir elektron koparmak için gereken enerjiye denir
  4. periyodik cetveldeki 8A grubu
  5. periyodik cetveldeki 1A grubu
  6. aynı gruptaki elementlerin kimyasal özellikleri
  7. lityumun simgesi
  8. kimyasal çözümleme yoluyla ayrıştırılamayan ya da bireşimle elde edilemeyen madde
  1. periyodik tablonun ilk elementi
  2. atomların büyüklüğü ölçülürken dikkate alınır
  3. B grubu elementlerinin genel adı
  4. elektronegatifliği en yüksek olan element
  5. elektron bulutları uzayda küresel şekilde dağılmış atomların genel adı
  6. periyodik tablodaki satırlara denir
  7. sodyumun simgesi

15 Clues: sodyumun simgesilityumun simgesiperiyodik cetveldeki 8A grubuperiyodik cetveldeki 1A grubuperiyodik tablonun ilk elementiB grubu elementlerinin genel adıperiyodik tablo icadını yapan kişiperiyodik tablodaki satırlara denirelektronegatifliği en yüksek olan elementatomların büyüklüğü ölçülürken dikkate alınır...

Sarah Bohr Diagram Crossword 2024-02-15

Sarah Bohr Diagram Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Is a gas from Group 8A
  2. It's Atomic radius is 2.5
  3. Melting point is 842 celsius
  4. Has the smallest atomic radius in the column 2A
  5. It's symbol is NA
  6. It was discovered in 1860
  7. It's atomic mass is 85.4
  1. Has the atomic mass of 24.3
  2. It has the largest atomic radius
  3. Discovered in 1790
  4. It's atomic number is 19
  5. Its density is 5.0
  6. Group 1A but isn't a metal
  7. Has the electronegativity of 0.9
  8. Has the boiling point of 1347 celsius

15 Clues: It's symbol is NADiscovered in 1790Its density is 5.0Is a gas from Group 8AIt's atomic number is 19It's atomic mass is 85.4It's Atomic radius is 2.5It was discovered in 1860Group 1A but isn't a metalHas the atomic mass of 24.3Melting point is 842 celsiusIt has the largest atomic radiusHas the electronegativity of 0.9...

Qual o nome da música? 2021-10-24

Qual o nome da música? crossword puzzle
  1. O clipe foi gravado em um casamento
  2. A 8° música do cd Pensando em Deus
  3. Dia 20 de julho comemoramos o dia dele
  4. Música baseada no versículo de Salmos 84:3
  5. Tradução em português de Happy
  6. A oração que Jesus ensinou
  7. Música que dá o título do EP em 2018
  1. O último lançamento
  2. Música que o Gabriel Guedes fez um feat
  3. de Deus Música que a Cassiane fez uma participação

10 Clues: O último lançamentoA oração que Jesus ensinouTradução em português de HappyA 8° música do cd Pensando em DeusO clipe foi gravado em um casamentoMúsica que dá o título do EP em 2018Dia 20 de julho comemoramos o dia deleMúsica que o Gabriel Guedes fez um featMúsica baseada no versículo de Salmos 84:3de Deus Música que a Cassiane fez uma participação

UFLI Lesson 84 2024-04-18

UFLI Lesson 84 crossword puzzle
  1. _______ for your turn.
  2. A day of the week.
  3. To stay
  4. Used to make art.
  5. A word that means a lot.
  6. Sadness
  7. "What did you ____?"
  8. One part of soil.
  1. to get
  2. A possibility but not for sure.
  3. The hero of a story, the ______ character.
  4. Something used for carrying items.
  5. The day in between yesterday and tomorrow.
  6. A sport done on the water.

14 Clues: to getTo staySadnessUsed to make art.One part of soil.A day of the week."What did you ____?"_______ for your turn.A word that means a lot.A sport done on the water.A possibility but not for sure.Something used for carrying items.The hero of a story, the ______ character.The day in between yesterday and tomorrow.

Medium Difficulty 1 2022-09-23

Medium Difficulty 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 17*4
  2. 33*7
  3. 1800/2-(-35*2)+14
  4. 29+(-11)
  5. 21*9
  1. 407*2
  2. 66*3
  3. 186/6
  4. (13*3)-20
  5. 336/4

10 Clues: 17*433*766*321*9407*2186/6336/429+(-11)(13*3)-201800/2-(-35*2)+14

THE TIME 2022-03-17

THE TIME crossword puzzle
  1. 61
  2. hundred 100
  3. 55
  4. 96
  1. 33
  2. 84
  3. 47
  4. 29
  5. 72

9 Clues: 3384472961725596hundred 100

+,- 2024-07-11

+,- crossword puzzle
  1. 65-55
  2. 42+26
  3. 512-56
  4. 400-46
  1. 10+11
  2. 23+23
  3. 102-18
  4. 92-29
  5. 300-250

9 Clues: 10+1165-5523+2342+2692-29102-18512-56400-46300-250

+,- 2024-07-11

+,- crossword puzzle
  1. 65-55
  2. 42+26
  3. 512-56
  4. 400-46
  1. 10+11
  2. 23+23
  3. 102-18
  4. 92-29
  5. 300-250

9 Clues: 10+1165-5523+2342+2692-29102-18512-56400-46300-250

Maddenin Tanecikli Yapısı 2018-01-31

Maddenin Tanecikli Yapısı crossword puzzle


Periodic Table of Elements Crossword 2024-11-12

Periodic Table of Elements Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. K 19
  2. Si 14
  3. Kr 36
  4. He 2
  5. Cr 24
  6. Cl 17
  7. Li 3
  8. Xe 54
  9. Hg 80
  10. Mn 25
  11. Pt 78
  12. O 8
  13. Cu 29
  14. B 5
  15. Pb 82
  16. Ni 28
  17. W 74
  18. At 85
  19. S 16
  20. Al 13
  21. U 92
  22. N 7
  23. Br 35
  1. Co 27
  2. Be 4
  3. Zn 30
  4. I 53
  5. P 15
  6. Pu 94
  7. Mg 12
  8. Au 79
  9. C 6
  10. H 1
  11. F 9
  12. As 33
  13. Ne 10
  14. Fe 26
  15. Og 118
  16. Rn 86
  17. Ca 20
  18. Ag 47
  19. Ti 22
  20. Ar 18
  21. Ts 117
  22. Na 11
  23. Sn 50

46 Clues: C 6H 1F 9O 8B 5N 7K 19Be 4I 53P 15He 2Li 3W 74S 16U 92Co 27Zn 30Si 14Kr 36Pu 94Cr 24Mg 12Au 79Cl 17Xe 54Hg 80Mn 25As 33Ne 10Pt 78Fe 26Cu 29Rn 86Pb 82Ni 28Ca 20At 85Ag 47Ti 22Al 13Ar 18Na 11Sn 50Br 35Og 118Ts 117

6° Ano 2023-08-29

6° Ano crossword puzzle
  1. Qual é o maior animal terrestre vivo conhecido?
  2. Em quantas regiões o Brasil está dividido?
  3. Como se diz "gato" em inglês?
  4. 112/14
  5. Qual é a cor de uma esmeralda?
  6. Planeta do Sistema Solar.
  7. 217/31
  8. 117/9
  9. 420/28
  1. 84/21
  2. 144/48
  3. 924/42
  4. 253/23
  5. 279/31
  6. Norte, sul, leste e?
  7. 140/7
  8. 204/34
  9. Quantos ossos tem um tubarão?

18 Clues: 84/21140/7117/9144/48924/42253/23279/31112/14217/31204/34420/28Norte, sul, leste e?Planeta do Sistema Solar.Como se diz "gato" em inglês?Quantos ossos tem um tubarão?Qual é a cor de uma esmeralda?Em quantas regiões o Brasil está dividido?Qual é o maior animal terrestre vivo conhecido?

Cask of Amontillado and The Scarlet Ibis Vocabulary Words 2019-12-02

Cask of Amontillado and The Scarlet Ibis Vocabulary Words crossword puzzle
  1. repeated
  2. unsteadily/insecurity
  3. to beg earnestly for.
  4. red wine from Bordeaux region of France
  5. ability to make a mistake
  6. shifting range of colors
  7. freedom from punishment; exempt from punishment
  8. deception, fraud.
  9. potassium nitrate
  1. stubbornness or persistence
  2. cask holding 126 gallons.
  3. to spoil something
  4. palace; splendid home.
  5. gloomy, sad
  6. ability to not make a mistake
  7. peaceful
  8. near, about to happen
  9. condition that destroys/prevents growth
  10. a fortification wall; a bulwark or defense
  11. cask holding 84 gallons.

20 Clues: repeatedpeacefulgloomy, saddeception, fraud.potassium nitrateto spoil somethingunsteadily/insecurityto beg earnestly for.near, about to happenpalace; splendid home.shifting range of colorscask holding 84 gallons.cask holding 126 gallons.ability to make a mistakestubbornness or persistenceability to not make a mistake...

unsur kimia 2024-10-29

unsur kimia crossword puzzle
  1. unsur kimia dengan nomor atom 1
  2. unsur yang memiliki nomor massa 107.87
  3. unsur kimia dengan lambang Na
  4. unsur yang memiliki nomor massa 26,9
  5. unsur dengan lambang Mg
  6. unsur kimia dengan nomor atom 16
  1. unsur kimia dengan lambang C
  2. unsur yang terletak pada golongan 8A periode 3
  3. unsur kimia dengan lambang Ca
  4. unsur yang terletak pada golongan 1A periode 4
  5. lambang unsur besi
  6. unsur dengan lambang S

12 Clues: lambang unsur besiunsur dengan lambang Sunsur dengan lambang Mgunsur kimia dengan lambang Cunsur kimia dengan lambang Caunsur kimia dengan lambang Naunsur kimia dengan nomor atom 1unsur kimia dengan nomor atom 16unsur yang memiliki nomor massa 26,9unsur yang memiliki nomor massa 107.87unsur yang terletak pada golongan 8A periode 3...

compound interest 2012-12-12

compound interest crossword puzzle
  1. a person or organization that lends money
  2. the value of an investment or loan on a date before the end of the term
  3. the interest paid on the principal and its accumulated interest
  4. the final value of an investment, including the principal and the accumulated interst. also called the future value.
  5. a feture of the TI-83 plus/84 plus calculators that is used for financial calculations.
  1. the lenght of time for which interest is calculated before being accumulated interest
  2. the number that is multiplied by the principal when caluculating is accumulated value
  3. the money paid on a loan or investment. a percent of the principal.
  4. to sell an investment at a value less than its usual price
  5. the value of the initial investment or laon.
  6. the value of an investment or loan at the end of the term

11 Clues: a person or organization that lends moneythe value of the initial investment or laon.the value of an investment or loan at the end of the termto sell an investment at a value less than its usual pricethe interest paid on the principal and its accumulated interestthe money paid on a loan or investment. a percent of the principal....

Math Crossword 2023-05-23

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 6+x=13
  2. 12x+4=76
  3. 24x-12=84
  4. x-14=58
  5. x/6-7=-1
  6. 11+x=52
  1. x/2+4=16
  2. 3x-2=13
  3. x/10+5=10
  4. x-2=-22
  5. x-21=42
  6. x+4=22

12 Clues: 6+x=13x+4=223x-2=13x-2=-22x-21=42x-14=5811+x=52x/2+4=1612x+4=76x/6-7=-1x/10+5=1024x-12=84