
  1. 2. Gospel written around 70 AD
  2. 5. Another name for the deuterocanonical books
  3. 6. Bibles which, along with Catholic Bibles, base the Old Testament on the Septuagint
  4. 8. A letter in the form of apocalyptic literature
  5. 11. Tell of the birth, life, ministry, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus
  6. 12. Bibles which organize the Old Testament according to the offical canon of Judaism
  7. 15. Name comes from the Greek word for "seventy"
  8. 18. Language most of the Old Testament was originally written in
  9. 19. Another word for "letters", used in the New Testament
  10. 20. Ruled the tribe of Israel for a time after the Hebrews conquered the Promised Land of Canaan
  11. 21. One of two Gospels written between 80-90 AD
  1. 1. Word means "speaking the mind of God"
  2. 2. System of government when Israel was ruled by Kings Saul, David, Solomon, and others
  3. 3. Jewish captives were taken away to this ancient city after the destruction of Jerusalem
  4. 4. Sequel to the Gospel of Luke (4 words)
  5. 7. Meaning of the word "catholic"
  6. 9. Traditional author of the Pentateuch
  7. 10. City destroyed in 586 BC
  8. 11. Language the New Testament was originally written in
  9. 13. Religion practiced by Jesus Christ
  10. 14. One of two Gospels written between 80-90 AD
  11. 16. Bible book that contains stories about Creation, the Flood, the tower of Babel, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
  12. 17. Son of Abraham, through whom Muslim Arabs trace their ancestry
  13. 20. Gospel written around 95 AD