- 4. “May the odds be ever in your favor”
- 8. Before sunrise and after sunset, also a book involving vampires
- 10. Everyone in Matthew’s English 9 classes read this book about an unruly teen who runs away to New York
- 1. Log Entry: Sol 549… He’s a botanist!
- 2. This is both a famous play read in 9th grade and a board game
- 3. Alohamora! Expelliarmus! Expecto Patronum! Are all spells in this popular series
- 5. This book displays the string bond between a pig and a spider
- 6. His real initials are JG. Also read in Miriams 11th grade English
- 7. Beware of the three witches for “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”
- 9. Would you like a lotus flower? Or maybe you're looking for the master bolt?