All Crossword Puzzles

Rohan 2024-09-20

Rohan crossword puzzle
  1. severe
  2. green seed
  3. courteous
  4. to save pilots
  5. annoyance
  6. value
  7. an operator
  8. imposter
  1. link
  2. seperate
  3. boomerang
  4. icefall
  5. relaxed
  6. a bigot

14 Clues: linkvaluesevereicefallrelaxeda bigotseperateimposterboomerangcourteousannoyancegreen seedan operatorto save pilots

crucigrama de estados de agregación de la materia 2024-09-20

crucigrama de estados de agregación de la materia crossword puzzle
  1. punto mas allá del cual las fases liquidas y gaseosas no pueden distinguirse.
  2. estado en el cual las partículas pueden moverse libremente, lo que permite que los líquidos adopten la forma de su recipiente.
  1. estado en el cual las partículas estas mucho mas separadas y se mueven rápidamente y de manera aleatoria.
  2. punto donde las tres fases (liquido, gases, solido) coexisten en equilibrio.
  3. formado por la unión electromacnetica entre los electrones y los protones.

5 Clues: formado por la unión electromacnetica entre los electrones y los protones.punto donde las tres fases (liquido, gases, solido) coexisten en equilibrio.punto mas allá del cual las fases liquidas y gaseosas no pueden distinguirse.estado en el cual las partículas estas mucho mas separadas y se mueven rápidamente y de manera aleatoria....

Thinuli 2024-09-20

Thinuli crossword puzzle
  1. painful
  2. food nut
  3. men’s behaviour
  4. slows you from fall
  5. annoyance
  6. respect
  7. employed driver
  8. false knowledge boaster
  1. partner
  2. disconnect
  3. rebounding, reflecting
  4. mass of snow
  5. calm, cool
  6. sexist

14 Clues: sexistpartnerpainfulrespectfood nutannoyancedisconnectcalm, coolmass of snowmen’s behaviouremployed driverslows you from fallrebounding, reflectingfalse knowledge boaster

TTS Pendidikan Pancasila Kelas VIII 2024-09-20

TTS Pendidikan Pancasila Kelas VIII crossword puzzle
  1. Undang-undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia dikenal dengan sebutan dengan....
  2. Konstitusi tidak tertulis adalah..
  3. Konstitusi tertulis di sebut dengan...
  4. Masa sidang I melakukan pembahasan tentang...
  5. salah satu tugas panitia kecil adalah menampung dan mengintervensi rumusan dasar negara yang disebut dengan..
  6. Panitia sembilan berhasil merumuskan naskah yang di sebut dengan...
  7. konstitusi dalam bahasa ingris dikenal dengan...
  8. piagam jakarta terdapat naskah yang di rubah yaitu kata ketuhanan dengan kewajiban menjalankan syariat2 islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya menjadi...
  1. Contoh kostitusi tidak tertulis
  2. wakil ketua panitia sembilan
  3. Merupakan salah satu anggota Panitia Sembilan yang berasal dari daerah menado sulawesi utara
  4. Ketua panitia kecil adalah...
  5. merupakan salah satu pembahasan dalam sidang panitia sembilan
  6. Konstitusi dalam lingkungan sekolah di sebut juga...

14 Clues: wakil ketua panitia sembilanKetua panitia kecil adalah...Contoh kostitusi tidak tertulisKonstitusi tidak tertulis adalah..Konstitusi tertulis di sebut dengan...Masa sidang I melakukan pembahasan tentang...konstitusi dalam bahasa ingris dikenal dengan...Konstitusi dalam lingkungan sekolah di sebut juga......

Group Activity 2024-09-20

Group Activity crossword puzzle
  1. limited access of any resources
  2. encrypted messages
  3. example of integrity
  4. example of integrity
  1. It involves a range of technologies, processes and practices designed to safeguard the CIA of information
  2. data at-rest
  3. Component of cybersecurity
  4. combination of date and time
  5. reading by authorized parties
  6. authorized parties are able to modify

10 Clues: data at-restencrypted messagesexample of integrityexample of integrityComponent of cybersecuritycombination of date and timereading by authorized partieslimited access of any resourcesauthorized parties are able to modifyIt involves a range of technologies, processes and practices designed to safeguard the CIA of information

GVA (Gerak Vertikal ke Atas) 2024-09-20

GVA (Gerak Vertikal ke Atas) crossword puzzle
  1. Benda yang bergerak ke atas dengan kecepatan yang semakin berkurang.
  2. Konsep yang menjelaskan pergerakan benda melawan gaya gravitasi.
  3. Konsep yang menjelaskan kecepatan yang berkurang akibat gravitasi.
  4. Titik tertinggi yang dicapai benda dalam GVA.
  1. Benda yang sering digunakan untuk menguji GVA.
  2. Jarak vertikal yang dicapai oleh benda dalam GVA.
  3. Rumus untuk menghitung tinggi maksimum pada GVA.
  4. Hasil pengukuran waktu dalam gerak vertikal.
  5. Faktor yang mempengaruhi gerak vertikal ke atas selain gaya.
  6. Energi yang dimiliki benda pada titik tertinggi.

10 Clues: Hasil pengukuran waktu dalam gerak vertikal.Titik tertinggi yang dicapai benda dalam GVA.Benda yang sering digunakan untuk menguji GVA.Rumus untuk menghitung tinggi maksimum pada GVA.Energi yang dimiliki benda pada titik tertinggi.Jarak vertikal yang dicapai oleh benda dalam GVA.Faktor yang mempengaruhi gerak vertikal ke atas selain gaya....


  1. Refugio que brinde protección contra las inclemencias del tiempo y un espacio seguro para vivir.
  2. Acceso a agua potable para la hidratación y la higiene.
  3. Necesidad de una dieta adecuada y suficiente para mantener la salud.
  4. Es el proceso mediante el cual se intercambian información, ideas, sentimientos y significados entre individuos o grupos.
  5. Es el conjunto de medios y procesos utilizados para mover personas, bienes y mercancías de un lugar a otro.
  1. Se refiere a las prendas y accesorios que las personas utilizan para cubrirse y adornarse. Tiene múltiples funciones, que van desde la protección y la comodidad hasta la expresión de identidad cultural y personal.
  2. Protección contra la violencia, el abuso y la explotación, así como estabilidad económica.
  3. Oportunidades de aprendizaje que permiten el desarrollo personal y profesional.
  4. Es una institución que se dedica a la intermediación financiera, facilitando la gestión de dinero y el acceso a servicios financieros para individuos, empresas y gobiernos.
  5. Acceso a atención médica y servicios de salud para prevenir y tratar enfermedades.

10 Clues: Acceso a agua potable para la hidratación y la higiene.Necesidad de una dieta adecuada y suficiente para mantener la salud.Oportunidades de aprendizaje que permiten el desarrollo personal y profesional.Acceso a atención médica y servicios de salud para prevenir y tratar enfermedades....

unit 7 part 2 2024-09-20

unit 7 part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. We will meet together at ________
  2. I have accepted this hard ________ of being a leader
  3. Sam is the ________ of football team
  1. you have great speaking _______!
  2. our class is having a _______ for our sports day
  3. The control tower asked the pilot to give the _______of his airplane.
  4. I became artist because my parents __________d me to draw
  5. you may go home when you have ___________ed your homework
  6. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay helds _______ of being first person to climb Mt Everest
  7. the vet healed my pet parrot's broken __________

10 Clues: you have great speaking _______!We will meet together at ________Sam is the ________ of football teamour class is having a _______ for our sports daythe vet healed my pet parrot's broken __________I have accepted this hard ________ of being a leaderI became artist because my parents __________d me to draw...


TTS FISIKA KELAS X IPA crossword puzzle
  1. Contoh alat ukur massa
  2. Contoh alat ukur suhu
  3. Proses membandingkan suatu besaran yang telah diukur dengan besaran lain yang sejenis
  4. Besaran yang satuannya dapat diturunkan dari satuan besaran pokok
  5. Besaran Fisika yang mengukur jarak antara 2 titik
  6. Untuk mengkonversi satu satuan ke satuan yang lain dibutuhkan…
  7. Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur diameter luar dan diameter dalam suatu benda
  1. Segala sesuatu yang dapat diukur dan dinyatakan dengan angka dan satuan
  2. Standar dari suatu besaran
  3. Besaran yang satuannya telah ditetapkan secara nasional
  4. Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kain toko kain
  5. Contoh alat ukur waktu
  6. Ukuran jumlah materi yang terkandung oleh suatu benda

13 Clues: Contoh alat ukur suhuContoh alat ukur massaContoh alat ukur waktuStandar dari suatu besaranBesaran Fisika yang mengukur jarak antara 2 titikAlat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kain toko kainUkuran jumlah materi yang terkandung oleh suatu bendaBesaran yang satuannya telah ditetapkan secara nasional...


PHÂN HÓA THEO ĐỘ CAO crossword puzzle
  1. Đai cận nhiệt đới gió mùa trên núi có nhiệt độ trung bình năm ...25 độ C
  2. Đai nhiệt đới gió mùa ở miền......có độ cao 900 - 1000m
  3. Phân hoán theo độ cao thể hiện rõ nhất qua yếu tố khí hậu, đất và .............
  4. Đất feralit có đặc tính......
  1. Đai ôn đới gió mùa trên núi có...........nhỏ nhất
  2. Đất chủ yếu ở đai ôn đới gió mùa trên núi là đất....
  3. Trong đai cận nhiệt gió mùa trên núi xuất hiện các loài chim, thú cận nhiệt phương..........
  4. Thiên nhiên nước ta phân hóa thành mấy đai cao?

8 Clues: Đất feralit có đặc tính......Thiên nhiên nước ta phân hóa thành mấy đai cao?Đai ôn đới gió mùa trên núi có...........nhỏ nhấtĐất chủ yếu ở đai ôn đới gió mùa trên núi là đất....Đai nhiệt đới gió mùa ở miền......có độ cao 900 - 1000mĐai cận nhiệt đới gió mùa trên núi có nhiệt độ trung bình năm ...25 độ C...

tetees 2024-09-20

tetees crossword puzzle
  1. Lembaga tinggi negara yang berperan dalam mengawasi pelaksanaan hukum
  2. Perlindungan yang diberikan negara kepada setiap warga negara
  3. Lembaga yang memiliki kewenangan dalam menangani tindak pidana korupsi
  4. Pengadilan yang khusus menangani kasus pelanggaran hak asasi manusia
  5. Proses penyelidikan oleh pihak kepolisian sebelum persidangan
  6. Kewajiban warga negara dalam menaati peraturan hukum
  7. Tindakan melanggar hukum yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau sekelompok orang
  8. Lembaga yang berwenang dalam memutus perkara hukum
  1. Hukum yang mengatur hubungan antara individu dengan negara
  2. Proses hukum untuk mendapatkan keadilan
  3. Undang-Undang Dasar yang menjadi dasar negara Indonesia
  4. Hak untuk mendapatkan perlindungan hukum dari tindakan sewenang-wenang
  5. Hak yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu di hadapan hukum
  6. Lembaga yang bertugas melakukan penegakan hukum di laut Indonesia
  7. Asas yang mengedepankan persamaan di depan hukum

15 Clues: Proses hukum untuk mendapatkan keadilanAsas yang mengedepankan persamaan di depan hukumLembaga yang berwenang dalam memutus perkara hukumKewajiban warga negara dalam menaati peraturan hukumUndang-Undang Dasar yang menjadi dasar negara IndonesiaHak yang dimiliki oleh setiap individu di hadapan hukum...

Eksplorasi Warna Primer dan Sekunder I 2024-09-20

Eksplorasi Warna Primer dan Sekunder I crossword puzzle
  1. Hasil pencampuran warna merah dan kuning.
  2. Hasil pencampuran warna kuning dan biru.
  3. Warna yang memiliki kesan kecerdasan, kesejukan, dan logika.
  4. Warna hasil pencampuran dari dua warna primer.
  5. Warna yang kerap identik dengan kesan emosional.
  1. Unsur seni rupa yang berperan penting dalam membuat karya.
  2. Warna merah kuning biru termasuk warna.
  3. Warna yang memiliki kesan positif keberanian.
  4. Hasil percampuran warna merah dan biru.
  5. Warna yang dihasilkan dari perpaduan warna sekunder dan primer.

10 Clues: Warna merah kuning biru termasuk warna.Hasil percampuran warna merah dan biru.Hasil pencampuran warna kuning dan biru.Hasil pencampuran warna merah dan kuning.Warna yang memiliki kesan positif keberanian.Warna hasil pencampuran dari dua warna primer.Warna yang kerap identik dengan kesan emosional....

General Knowledge 2024-09-20

General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Antelope
  2. Dye for temp. tattoo
  3. Tiny
  4. Wine in French
  5. Folk knowledge
  6. Sarcastic writing
  7. Mixes
  8. Martial artist Chuck _____
  9. Eight musicians
  10. Related
  11. Robert, of Goodfella's
  12. Great conductors
  13. Make lace
  14. Gets by
  15. Brat
  1. Aussie bird
  2. Leer
  3. Innocent
  4. Moose's kin
  5. Bruise
  6. 13, movie with Tom Hanks
  7. Zebra pattern
  8. Least fatty
  9. Hayworth, actress
  10. Talk back
  11. Writer of fables
  12. Vamoose!
  13. Responds to

28 Clues: LeerTinyBratMixesBruiseRelatedGets byAntelopeInnocentVamoose!Talk backMake laceAussie birdMoose's kinLeast fattyResponds toZebra patternWine in FrenchFolk knowledgeEight musiciansGreat conductorsWriter of fablesSarcastic writingHayworth, actressDye for temp. tattooRobert, of Goodfella's13, movie with Tom HanksMartial artist Chuck _____

TTS Asmaul Husna Kelas V 2024-09-20

TTS Asmaul Husna Kelas V crossword puzzle
  1. Dengan Asmaul-Husna Al-Muhyi Allah bekuasa untuk..
  3. bukti kalau Allah memiliki sifat AL-MUHYI,Bahwa Allah menyelamatkan kita dari..
  4. Raja yang mementang kekuasaan dan kekeuatan Allah swt
  5. Allah Swt yang memberi kehidupan kepada...
  6. pemilik Alam semesta...
  7. cara meneladani sifat Al-Bais kita dengan membiasakan sifat
  8. Allah memiliki sifat Al-Mumit...
  9. maha menghidupkan
  10. Allah selain membangkitkan juga bisa.....benda-benda yang diam
  1. Allah memiliki sifat Asmaul-Husna yai
  2. semua mahluk pasti akan mengalami...
  3. aLLAH Maha membangkitkan semua manusia di alam kubur
  4. Allah memiiki sifat Asmaul-Husna Al-Qayyum..
  5. setiap mahluk tidak dapat .....Kematianya
  6. kita meneladani Al-Qyyum berati kita harus rajin
  7. jumlah Asmaulhusna adalah...
  8. pentunjuk hidup
  9. Nama-nama Allah yang indah...
  10. bagaimana sikap kita saat meneladani sifat Al-Qayyum

20 Clues: pentunjuk hidupmaha menghidupkanpemilik Alam semesta...jumlah Asmaulhusna adalah...Nama-nama Allah yang indah...Allah memiliki sifat Al-Mumit...semua mahluk pasti akan mengalami...Allah memiliki sifat Asmaul-Husna yaisetiap mahluk tidak dapat .....KematianyaAllah Swt yang memberi kehidupan kepada...ALLAH MEMILIKI KEKUATAN DI ATAS SEGALANYA......

Mrossword 2024-09-20

Mrossword crossword puzzle
  1. A sloth bear who mentored mowgli and some wolf cubs.
  2. In the muppets, He is a brown bear who wears a hat and a pink and white polka dot necktie.
  3. He spends his days looking for food, often by stealing picnic baskets from park visitors.
  4. The mighty dragon warrior.
  5. A teddy bear who really enjoys marmalade.
  1. His catchphrase is “I’m a raging ball of brown fur”.
  3. The sweetest of all bears because he’s full of honey.
  4. A happy-go-lucky, 900-pound grizzly bear, his best friend is named Elliot.

9 Clues: The mighty dragon warrior.ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT WILDFIRES.A teddy bear who really enjoys marmalade.His catchphrase is “I’m a raging ball of brown fur”.A sloth bear who mentored mowgli and some wolf cubs.The sweetest of all bears because he’s full of honey.A happy-go-lucky, 900-pound grizzly bear, his best friend is named Elliot....


KPNDISI GEOGRAFIS crossword puzzle
  1. yang menghubungkan kutup utara dan kutup selatan disebut....
  2. Unsur-unsur cuaca dan iklim yang dapat mengurangi kadar air sehingga cenderung menjadi kering adalah ....
  3. merupakan kondisi udara yang terjadi dalam suatu wilayah dalam jangaka yang panjang
  1. inonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki kepulauan denga jumlah wilayah perairan yang luas dari pada daratan. Ciri tersebut merupakan ciri negara indonesia dilihat dari faktor ....
  2. indonesia terlatak di antara dua benua dan dua samudra merupakan letak indoneisa bedasarkan....

5 Clues: yang menghubungkan kutup utara dan kutup selatan disebut....merupakan kondisi udara yang terjadi dalam suatu wilayah dalam jangaka yang panjangindonesia terlatak di antara dua benua dan dua samudra merupakan letak indoneisa bedasarkan....Unsur-unsur cuaca dan iklim yang dapat mengurangi kadar air sehingga cenderung menjadi kering adalah .......

Bagaimana Cara Kita Melihat? 2024-09-20

Bagaimana Cara Kita Melihat? crossword puzzle
  1. Bayangan yang ditangkap oleh retina berbentuk ...
  2. Retina, Kornea, dan Lenda merupakan bagian ... mata.
  3. Ketidakmampuan mata untuk melihat benda yang jaraknya jauh adalah gangguan mata rabun ...
  4. Bagian mata ditengah Iris adalah ...
  5. Rabun jauh, rabun dekat, dan mata silindris merupakan gangguan pada ...
  6. Lensa berfungsi untuk ... dan meneruskan cahaya yang masuk ke dalam mata.
  1. Alis, bulu mata, dan lipatan mata merupakan bagian mata yang dapat ...
  2. Bagian dalam mata yang berfungsi melindungi bagian depan mata adalah ...
  3. Melindungi mata dari air dan keringat agar tidak masuk kedalam mata adalah fungsi dari ...
  4. Penderita gangguan mata rabun jauh dapat dibantu dengan menggunakan kacamata ...

10 Clues: Bagian mata ditengah Iris adalah ...Bayangan yang ditangkap oleh retina berbentuk ...Retina, Kornea, dan Lenda merupakan bagian ... mata.Alis, bulu mata, dan lipatan mata merupakan bagian mata yang dapat ...Rabun jauh, rabun dekat, dan mata silindris merupakan gangguan pada ...Bagian dalam mata yang berfungsi melindungi bagian depan mata adalah ......


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. Alat musik tradisional dari Sunda yang terbuat dari bambu dan dimainkan dengan digoyangkan?
  2. Seni yang mengandalkan unsur suara atau bunyi sebagai medianya?
  3. Perlengkapan yang digunakan oleh para pemain drama disebut?
  4. Seni yang menggunakan kata-kata sebagai unsur utamanya?
  5. Perlengkapan yang disimpan di atas panggung dalam pertunjukan drama disebut?
  6. Benda-benda seni rupa terapan juga sering disebut sebagai seni...
  7. Istilah bahasa Inggris untuk fungsi manajemen perencanaan?
  8. Di kota manakah notasi Kepatihan diciptakan?
  9. Lukisan Sorrow karya Vincent van Gogh menggambarkan sosok apa?
  1. Jenis musik tradisional Jawa yang menggunakan notasi Kepatihan?
  2. Tarian asal Bali yang terkenal dan dipertunjukkan dengan gerakan dinamis dan musik gamelan?
  3. Pelukis terkenal asal Spanyol yang dikenal sebagai pencetus aliran kubisme?
  4. Karya seni patung termasuk ke dalam karya seni rupa ... dimensi
  5. Patung Liberty, simbol kebebasan, berada di negara mana?
  6. Teknik yang digunakan untuk membuat reklame visual yaitu?

15 Clues: Di kota manakah notasi Kepatihan diciptakan?Seni yang menggunakan kata-kata sebagai unsur utamanya?Patung Liberty, simbol kebebasan, berada di negara mana?Teknik yang digunakan untuk membuat reklame visual yaitu?Istilah bahasa Inggris untuk fungsi manajemen perencanaan?Perlengkapan yang digunakan oleh para pemain drama disebut?...

Foreign Phrases Quiz-8th Grade 2024-09-20

Foreign Phrases Quiz-8th Grade crossword puzzle
  1. that’s life; that’s how things happen
  2. overthrow of a government by a group
  3. one whose remarks or actions cause embarrassment; or someone strikingly unconventional
  4. a decisive finishing blow
  5. French meaning: already seen
  1. a group developing new or experimental ideas, especially in the art world
  2. a person or thing especially dreaded or avoided
  3. French meaning: blank page
  4. a very controversial issue that generates fervent public debate
  5. goodbye, until we see each other again

10 Clues: a decisive finishing blowFrench meaning: blank pageFrench meaning: already seenoverthrow of a government by a groupthat’s life; that’s how things happengoodbye, until we see each other againa person or thing especially dreaded or avoideda very controversial issue that generates fervent public debate...

Cardiac Crossword 2024-09-20

Cardiac Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Implants an aortic valve.
  2. Takes a recording of pressures within the heart and lungs.
  3. Opens a stiffened valve using a balloon.
  4. Chemically 'unpicks' a clot to restore blood flow in an artery.
  5. Finds aberrant issues in the conduction system.
  6. Looks at the patency of blood vessels.
  7. Planned shock that attempts to restore normal cardiac conduction.
  8. Opens the internal lumen of an artery using a mesh structure.
  1. Implantable short term cardiac conduction surveillance.
  2. 24hour, at home, wearable cardiac conduction monitor.
  3. Repairs or strengthens the valve shape.
  4. Samples small sections of myocardium to test for rejection.
  5. Looks at cardiac structures, valve movement and muscle capacity.
  6. Implanted cardiac conduction and fatal arrhythmia surveillance and safety net.
  7. Reduces the mitral valve opening.
  8. Shows best view of cardiac structures, valve movement and muscle capacity.
  9. Provides a new pathway for coronary blood supply past an area of blockage.
  10. Implanted cardiac conduction surveillance and safety net.

18 Clues: Implants an aortic valve.Reduces the mitral valve opening.Looks at the patency of blood vessels.Repairs or strengthens the valve shape.Opens a stiffened valve using a balloon.Finds aberrant issues in the conduction system.24hour, at home, wearable cardiac conduction monitor.Implantable short term cardiac conduction surveillance....

Vocab #88 2024-09-20

Vocab #88 crossword puzzle
  1. Oscu
  2. Dia
  3. Indigenous
  4. Osculate
  5. Antithesis
  6. Sapient
  7. idio
  8. Gen
  9. Platy
  10. Stylos
  11. Genos
  12. Hetero
  13. Idio
  14. Sap
  15. Hypo
  16. Tergiversate
  17. Salient
  18. Diapason
  19. Idiosyncrasy
  1. Heterogenous
  2. Ultimatum
  3. Ultima
  4. Osseous
  5. Platitude
  6. Syn
  7. garrulous
  8. Hypostyle
  9. Salire
  10. Ana
  11. Oss
  12. Tude
  13. Vert
  14. Anti
  15. Anathema

34 Clues: DiaSynGenAnaOssSapOscuidioIdioTudeHypoVertAntiPlatyGenosUltimaStylosSalireHeteroOsseousSapientSalientOsculateDiapasonAnathemaUltimatumPlatitudegarrulousHypostyleIndigenousAntithesisHeterogenousTergiversateIdiosyncrasy

tts asiq 2024-09-20

tts asiq crossword puzzle
  1. tempat perlindngan sementara yang dibuat dari bahan alam saat bertahan hidup di hutan
  2. Nama sungai terpanjang di dunia
  3. proses perpindahan air dari permukaan bumi ke atmosfer dalam siklus air
  4. teknik penting untuk menjaga tubuh tetap hangat dengan melapisi pakaian atau bahan dari alam
  5. gunung tertinggi di dunia
  1. sumber protein yang sering dikonsumsi saat survival, biasanya ditemukan di bawah batu atau kulit kayu
  2. tanda yang ditinggalkan di alam untuk menandai jalur atau arah perjalanan
  3. hewan dengan kemampuan berkamuflase yang baik di hutan tropis
  4. tumbuhan yang mampu bertahan di lingkungan kering
  5. cara membaca arah di alam tanpa kompas dengan menggunakan matahari atau bintang

10 Clues: gunung tertinggi di duniaNama sungai terpanjang di duniatumbuhan yang mampu bertahan di lingkungan keringhewan dengan kemampuan berkamuflase yang baik di hutan tropisproses perpindahan air dari permukaan bumi ke atmosfer dalam siklus airtanda yang ditinggalkan di alam untuk menandai jalur atau arah perjalanan...

KB "PIRING TERBANG" 2024-09-20

KB "PIRING TERBANG" crossword puzzle
  1. Bilang (Formal)
  2. Turun
  3. Jalan yang turun sekali
  4. Semua
  5. Berputar di satu area
  6. Tidak biasa/normal
  7. Membuat bentuk
  8. Tempat teh
  9. Kamu pikir itu benar
  10. Lebih dari satu lantai
  11. Ke (Formal)
  12. Membuat orang tidak sedih lagi
  13. Berisik
  14. Sedikit sama tapi
  15. Ada musik dan kamu...
  1. Terima kasih ke Tuhan
  2. Melihat sedikit-sedikit
  3. Bawa orang ke sebuah tempat
  4. Banyak uang
  5. Orang kecil/pendek
  6. Jadi
  7. Tidak ada uang
  8. Taruh sesuatu di bawah matahari
  9. Anak perempuan
  10. Konjungsi untuk 2 Orang dan 2 Aktivitas tidak sama
  11. Kotor dan tidak bagus
  12. Bagus sekali dan wahhhh...
  13. Ekspresi penasaran
  14. Senang

29 Clues: JadiTurunSemuaSenangBerisikTempat tehBanyak uangKe (Formal)Membuat bentukTidak ada uangAnak perempuanBilang (Formal)Sedikit sama tapiOrang kecil/pendekTidak biasa/normalEkspresi penasaranKamu pikir itu benarTerima kasih ke TuhanBerputar di satu areaKotor dan tidak bagusAda musik dan kamu...Lebih dari satu lantaiMelihat sedikit-sedikit...

NASTIA / NASTYA (lol! i need to memorize it..) 19/9 2024-09-20

NASTIA / NASTYA (lol! i need to memorize it..) 19/9 crossword puzzle
  1. most important or first in order
  2. a calm and controlled state of mind (kamala harris during the debate haha)
  3. causing harm or damage (usually in a health context!)
  4. cautious or careful about possible dangers (not to be confused with weary...)
  5. to weaken something or make it less effective
  6. feeling very tired or exhausted
  7. causing a lot of destruction or suffering (remember, can be abt weather for ex)
  1. something that is so strong or intense it can almost be felt
  2. to support or maintain something
  3. to begin or start from a specific point
  4. showing that something or someone is not worth considering / not important
  5. existing as a natural or basic part of something (BUILT-IN!!)

12 Clues: feeling very tired or exhaustedmost important or first in orderto support or maintain somethingto begin or start from a specific pointto weaken something or make it less effectivecausing harm or damage (usually in a health context!)something that is so strong or intense it can almost be felt...

GLBB (Gerak Lurus Berubah Beraturan) ) 2024-09-20

GLBB (Gerak Lurus Berubah Beraturan) ) crossword puzzle
  1. GLBB terjadi di ruang?
  2. s merupakan besaran dari.
  3. berkaitan dengan mata angin petunjuk atau lokasi suatu tempat.
  4. besaran yang menunjukkan seberapa cepat benda bergerak.
  5. besaran yang menunjukan posisi suatu benda.
  1. seluruh rangkaian saat ketika proses perbuatan atau keadaan berada atau berlangsung.
  2. besaran yang menunjukkan perubahan posisi suatu benda.
  3. Faktor yang mempengaruhi GLBB.
  4. ukuran metrik yang sedikit lebih panjang dari satu yard di sebut juga dengan.
  5. besaran yang menunjukkan arah dan besarnya suatu besaran.tetap.

10 Clues: GLBB terjadi di ruang?s merupakan besaran dari.Faktor yang mempengaruhi GLBB.besaran yang menunjukan posisi suatu benda.besaran yang menunjukkan perubahan posisi suatu benda.besaran yang menunjukkan seberapa cepat benda bergerak.berkaitan dengan mata angin petunjuk atau lokasi suatu tempat....

1.2 A&P 2024-09-20

1.2 A&P crossword puzzle
  1. two or more organs working together to perform specific functions
  2. body part organized to perform a specific function
  3. organized groups of similar cells
  4. all chemical reactions that occur within an organism to maintain life
  5. chemical combinations of two or more atoms
  1. the processes that maintain homeostasis
  2. the speed at which the body consumes energy
  3. a state of regulated physiological balance
  4. tiny particles of matter
  5. transmitter that senses environmental changes

10 Clues: tiny particles of matterorganized groups of similar cellsthe processes that maintain homeostasisa state of regulated physiological balancechemical combinations of two or more atomsthe speed at which the body consumes energytransmitter that senses environmental changesbody part organized to perform a specific function...

Lord Of The Flies 2024-09-20

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. The monster that the littluns are afraid of
  2. The signal that ralph uses to try and get rescued
  3. The twins in the novel, they are seen as a single entity
  4. The leader of the boys
  5. The word the boys use to describe the younger boys
  1. representing death and decay, the boys mistake this for the beast
  2. Represents Jack turning from civil to savage
  3. The resolution at the end of the novel
  4. A representation of unity, authority and order
  5. The site of the plane crash
  6. represent rules and order
  7. Ralph's intelligent glasses wearing friend.

12 Clues: The leader of the boysrepresent rules and orderThe site of the plane crashThe resolution at the end of the novelThe monster that the littluns are afraid ofRalph's intelligent glasses wearing friend.Represents Jack turning from civil to savageA representation of unity, authority and orderThe signal that ralph uses to try and get rescued...

The Mysterious Tadpole and Magnets 2024-09-20

The Mysterious Tadpole and Magnets crossword puzzle
  1. Alphonse went here when he was too big for the house.
  2. Metal box.
  3. To not look in a trusting way.
  4. Pushes together and sticks.
  5. Not happy.
  6. A magnet shaped like a stick.
  7. To be able make someone or an animal do something.
  8. Alphonse's favorite food.
  9. Doesn't understand.
  10. Opposite of North.
  11. Pushes away
  12. Animals learn a new skill or command.
  13. Alphonse and Louis look for the treasure of a pirate _ _ _ _.
  1. A magnet shaped like a 'U'.
  2. Smart.
  3. To get something.
  4. A baby frog or baby Alphonse.
  5. North and South side of a magnet.
  6. Country where Alphonse came from.
  7. Normal. Not different or special.
  8. Opposite of South.
  9. The high school swim team's teacher.

22 Clues: Smart.Metal box.Not happy.Pushes awayTo get something.Opposite of South.Opposite of North.Doesn't understand.Alphonse's favorite food.A magnet shaped like a 'U'.Pushes together and sticks.A baby frog or baby Alphonse.A magnet shaped like a stick.To not look in a trusting way.North and South side of a magnet.Country where Alphonse came from....

PRONOUN 2024-09-20

PRONOUN crossword puzzle
  1. The Avengers will kill Thanos in next movie, but me personally like Thanos, I like . . . . idealism.
  2. I park my car at the back of the building. Where do you park . . . . car?
  3. They were naughty students, I didn't like . . . . . from the beginning.
  4. Let me do my job. And I will let you do . . . . .
  5. My friend and I are tired for this moment, so please don't disturb . . . .
  6. This is their book. That book is………
  7. She is beautiful. I never meet that………. before.
  8. Erica leaves New York today, . . . . goes by the plane
  1. I think I recognize that flash-disk, I believe that is . . . . . there's my name on it.
  2. We have to work fast, because the success of this team depends on . . . .
  3. If you don't change your bad attitude, everybody will hate . . . . .
  4. This my Brother, . . . . name is Jack.
  5. I don't go out of … when I am sad.
  6. We have pen. This cellphone is not….., but theirs
  7. Look at . . . ! I can do back-flip.
  8. Our destiny is in our hand, what are we gonna be in the future depends on . . . . .
  9. Nobody helps Mr. Roger in the warehouse, he check all the boxes by . . . . . .

17 Clues: Look at . . . ! I can do back-flip.This is their book. That book is………This my Brother, . . . . name is Jack.I don't go out of … when I am sad.She is beautiful. I never meet that………. before.Let me do my job. And I will let you do . . . . .We have pen. This cellphone is not….., but theirsErica leaves New York today, . . . . goes by the plane...

CIVIL War 2024-09-20

CIVIL War crossword puzzle
  1. What act allowed women to work as nurses in the army?
  2. Who was the first superintendent of women nurses?
  3. What was the bloodiest war in American history?
  4. Who was the "Angel of the battlefield?"
  1. Who defeated General Lee at Peters-burg?
  2. Who was the General known for being overly cautious?
  3. What fort were Prisoners of War who begged for mercy killed?
  4. Where was the Confederate surrender taken place?
  5. Who was the General who left his plans in a bunch of cigars?

9 Clues: Who was the "Angel of the battlefield?"Who defeated General Lee at Peters-burg?What was the bloodiest war in American history?Where was the Confederate surrender taken place?Who was the first superintendent of women nurses?Who was the General known for being overly cautious?What act allowed women to work as nurses in the army?...

Quarterfaux Moribund Key 2024-09-20

Quarterfaux Moribund Key crossword puzzle
  1. Undead Apotheosis
  2. The Title of the most fearsome lich to terrorize Golarion
  3. Your Nemesis (No Spaces)
  4. The Ideal type of creature all members of the Way aspire towards
  1. The Champion of the Way (No Spaces)
  2. Where shrived souls are hidden from their judgment
  3. That which the way seeks to create
  4. The Goddess of Death

8 Clues: Undead ApotheosisThe Goddess of DeathYour Nemesis (No Spaces)That which the way seeks to createThe Champion of the Way (No Spaces)Where shrived souls are hidden from their judgmentThe Title of the most fearsome lich to terrorize GolarionThe Ideal type of creature all members of the Way aspire towards

Vocabulaire du logement 2024-09-20

Vocabulaire du logement crossword puzzle
  1. logement privé dans une ville ou un village, dans un immeuble à plusieurs étages
  2. propriété historique, luxueuse, grande, élégante qui témoigne de la richesse et du statut social
  3. lieu de travail, généralement avec bureau
  4. maison de campagne traditionnelle en bois et en pierre
  5. bâtiment collectif avec plusieurs logements
  6. résidence luxueuse, souvent avec de grands jardins
  7. logement à deux étages
  8. lieu où les aliments sont préparés
  9. petite pièce unique pour une personne ou un couple
  1. habitat familial avec plusieurs pièces, souvent avec cour et jardin
  2. espace au sommet d'une maison
  3. Espace souterrain ou espace où sont stockés des objets, des produits, des vins, etc.
  4. Il peut être facilement démonté et plié dans un sac spécial
  5. endroit pour se détendre et recevoir des visiteurs
  6. espace destiné à l´hygiène personnelle

15 Clues: logement à deux étagesespace au sommet d'une maisonlieu où les aliments sont préparésespace destiné à l´hygiène personnellelieu de travail, généralement avec bureaubâtiment collectif avec plusieurs logementsendroit pour se détendre et recevoir des visiteursrésidence luxueuse, souvent avec de grands jardins...

Chemical Reactions 2024-09-20

Chemical Reactions crossword puzzle
  1. Anything that has mass and occupies space, including solids, liquids, and gases.
  2. Substances formed as a result of a chemical reaction, existing after the reaction has taken place.
  3. A measure of the amount of matter in an object, typically measured in grams or kilograms.
  4. A representation of a chemical reaction that shows equal numbers of each type of atom on both sides, illustrating the conservation of mass.
  5. A physical system that does not exchange matter with its surroundings, allowing for the conservation of mass during reactions.
  1. Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist known as the "Father of Modern Chemistry," who established the law of conservation of mass in the late 18th century.
  2. A process in which reactants are transformed into products through the rearrangement of atoms.
  3. The principle of maintaining a quantity in a closed system; in this context, it refers to mass not being created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.
  4. The branch of chemistry that deals with the quantitative relationships of the reactants and products in chemical reactions.
  5. Substances that undergo a chemical change in a reaction, present before the reaction occurs.

10 Clues: Anything that has mass and occupies space, including solids, liquids, and gases.A measure of the amount of matter in an object, typically measured in grams or kilograms.Substances that undergo a chemical change in a reaction, present before the reaction occurs....

BV Vocab 2024-09-20

BV Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A person who is dissatisfied, rebellious, and likely to complain or make trouble. Also, a group of settlers in Georgia who were dissatisfied with the Trustees' policies and rules of the new colony.
  2. A translator and trader part of the Yamacraw Tribe who helped translate and trade between James Oglethorpe and Chief Tomochichi
  3. Having a lot of different people or qualities
  4. The chief of the Yamacraw Indians and helped James Oglethorpe establish the colony of Georgia
  5. A condition in which a human owns another human to do the owner’s work and responsibilities
  6. Military measures or resources for protecting a country or colony
  7. Individuals or businesses that owe money to financial institutions or other individuals
  8. A document that represented an agreement between the British parliament, The King, and James Oglethorpe to establish a settlement in Georgia
  9. The action or process of establishing a colony or colonies in a place
  10. An English settler who was the founder of the colony of Georgia and helped the working poor start a new life in the New World
  11. Settlers who came from Scotland to Georgia to protect the colonies from Spain (Spain was located in Florida)
  1. The desire to promote the welfare of others by donations of time, money, or property
  2. German-speaking protestant refugees from Salzburg who immigrated to the Georgia colony to escape religious persecution
  3. A colony whose purpose is to protect another colony from attacks, usually placed in the middle of the colony that is getting attacked and the colony that is attacking
  4. An organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need
  5. A colony or any small community of people
  6. The process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and purchased

17 Clues: A colony or any small community of peopleHaving a lot of different people or qualitiesMilitary measures or resources for protecting a country or colonyThe action or process of establishing a colony or colonies in a placeAn organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need...


GAME KETERAMPILAN crossword puzzle
  1. sinonim dari kata hadir
  2. antonim dari kata baik
  3. sinonim dari kata bagus
  4. antonim dari kata besar
  5. sinonim dari kata pelan
  6. antonim dari kata mati
  1. antonim dari kata kasar
  2. antonim dari kata cepat
  3. antonim dari kata palsu
  4. antonim dari kata malas
  5. sinonim dari kata bangun
  6. antonim dari kata kotor
  7. sinonim dari kata mapan
  8. sinonim dari kata debu

14 Clues: antonim dari kata baiksinonim dari kata debuantonim dari kata matiantonim dari kata kasarantonim dari kata cepatantonim dari kata palsuantonim dari kata malasantonim dari kata kotorsinonim dari kata hadirsinonim dari kata bagussinonim dari kata mapanantonim dari kata besarsinonim dari kata pelansinonim dari kata bangun

Brianna Ley - Renaissance and Reformation 2024-09-20

Brianna Ley - Renaissance and Reformation crossword puzzle
  1. mother of elizabeth
  2. member of follower of the western catholic churches
  3. non-religious
  4. six wives
  5. individuality
  6. Rebirth
  7. pastor during the protestant reformation
  8. painted the school of athens
  9. declare invalid
  10. mass production of books
  11. rich people
  12. defines the doctrines of the catholic church
  13. last monarch of the tudor dynasty anneboleyn mother of Elizabeth
  1. founder of the printing press
  2. native languages
  3. buying salvation
  4. church of england
  5. catholic missionaries
  6. stopped religious war
  7. period of the catholic resurgence in repose to the protestant reformations
  8. allowed Germany to divide into catholic and Lutheran
  9. religious movement that swept through europe
  10. branch of Christianity
  11. painted the Sistine chapel
  12. painted the mona lisa
  13. sculpted David

26 Clues: Rebirthsix wivesrich peoplenon-religiousindividualitysculpted Daviddeclare invalidnative languagesbuying salvationchurch of englandmother of elizabethcatholic missionariesstopped religious warpainted the mona lisabranch of Christianitymass production of bookspainted the Sistine chapelpainted the school of athensfounder of the printing press...

The difference between Canada and the United States. 2024-09-20

The difference between Canada and the United States. crossword puzzle
  1. Canada speaks French and English. In the United
  2. States speaks English, Spanish,and French.
  1. has more languages then Canada has only two and the
  2. difference between Canada and the United States is

4 Clues: States speaks English, Spanish,and French.Canada speaks French and English. In the Uniteddifference between Canada and the United States ishas more languages then Canada has only two and the

GLB (Gerak Lurus Beraturan) 2024-09-20

GLB (Gerak Lurus Beraturan) crossword puzzle
  1. getaran yang merambat disebut
  2. GLB memiliki kecepatan yang
  3. simbol a dalam GLB
  4. simbol v dalam GLB
  1. simbol s dalam GLB
  2. simbol t dalam GLB
  3. satuan dari besaran jumlah zat
  4. gerak benda dengan kecepatan konstan
  5. simbol posisi sudut
  6. nilai percepatan GLB

10 Clues: simbol s dalam GLBsimbol t dalam GLBsimbol a dalam GLBsimbol v dalam GLBsimbol posisi sudutnilai percepatan GLBGLB memiliki kecepatan yanggetaran yang merambat disebutsatuan dari besaran jumlah zatgerak benda dengan kecepatan konstan

Sistem Komputer kelas 7 2024-09-20

Sistem Komputer kelas 7 crossword puzzle
  1. jenis aplikasi pengolah lembar kerja
  2. jenis aplokasi pengolah grafis
  3. jenis aplikasi penerbitan
  1. jwnis aplikasi pengolah data
  2. jenis aplikasi pengolah kata
  3. jenis aplikasi pengolah kata

6 Clues: jenis aplikasi penerbitanjwnis aplikasi pengolah datajenis aplikasi pengolah katajenis aplikasi pengolah katajenis aplokasi pengolah grafisjenis aplikasi pengolah lembar kerja

BV Vocab 2024-09-20

BV Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A person who is dissatisfied, rebellious, and likely to complain or make trouble. Also, a group of settlers in Georgia who were dissatisfied with the Trustees' policies and rules of the new colony.
  2. A translator and trader part of the Yamacraw Tribe who helped translate and trade between James Oglethorpe and Chief Tomochichi
  3. Having a lot of different people or qualities
  4. The chief of the Yamacraw Indians and helped James Oglethorpe establish the colony of Georgia
  5. A condition in which a human owns another human to do the owner’s work and responsibilities
  6. Military measures or resources for protecting a country or colony
  7. Individuals or businesses that owe money to financial institutions or other individuals
  8. A document that represented an agreement between the British parliament, The King, and James Oglethorpe to establish a settlement in Georgia
  9. The action or process of establishing a colony or colonies in a place
  10. An English settler who was the founder of the colony of Georgia and helped the working poor start a new life in the New World
  11. Settlers who came from Scotland to Georgia to protect the colonies from Spain (Spain was located in Florida)
  1. the desire to promote the welfare of others by donations of time, money, or property
  2. German-speaking protestant refugees from Salzburg who immigrated to the Georgia colony to escape religious persecution
  3. A colony whose purpose is to protect another colony from attacks, usually placed in the middle of the colony that is getting attacked and the colony that is attacking
  4. An organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need
  5. A colony or any small community of people
  6. The process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and purchased

17 Clues: A colony or any small community of peopleHaving a lot of different people or qualitiesMilitary measures or resources for protecting a country or colonyThe action or process of establishing a colony or colonies in a placeAn organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need...

Owl Pellets 2024-09-20

Owl Pellets crossword puzzle
  1. how owls swallow their food
  2. an animal that eats meat
  3. birds of prey
  1. frequently found in owl pellets
  2. when animals are active at night
  3. how an owl makes a pellet

6 Clues: birds of preyan animal that eats meathow an owl makes a pellethow owls swallow their foodfrequently found in owl pelletswhen animals are active at night

Unit 1&2 2024-09-20

Unit 1&2 crossword puzzle
  1. A festival celebration where people walk through the streets
  2. Type of calendar that is based on the cycles of the Moon's phases
  3. One part of 100
  1. An illness
  2. Nothing more than; only
  3. A family that rules a country for a long time
  4. To maintain something in its original state.

7 Clues: An illnessOne part of 100Nothing more than; onlyTo maintain something in its original state.A family that rules a country for a long timeA festival celebration where people walk through the streetsType of calendar that is based on the cycles of the Moon's phases

hewan 2024-09-20

hewan crossword puzzle
  1. hewan pemakan daging
  2. hewan bertelur
  1. hewan pemakan tumbuhan dan daging
  2. hewan pemakan sayuran
  3. hewan menyusui

5 Clues: hewan menyusuihewan bertelurhewan pemakan daginghewan pemakan sayuranhewan pemakan tumbuhan dan daging

Kings of Israel 2024-09-20

Kings of Israel crossword puzzle
  1. During his reign, Tiglathpileser king of Assyria took some people captive to Syria.
  2. With Elisha, shot the arrow of victory over Syria.
  3. During his reign, Samaria captured and Israelites carried away to Assyria.
  4. Struck down by fifty men of Gilead.
  5. Killed by Zimri.
  6. Army reduced to only 50 horsemen, 10 chariots, and 10,000 footmen.
  7. King when Benhadad besieged Samaria.
  8. God saved Israel by his hand.
  9. Only reigned seven days.
  1. Conspired against and struck down by Shallum.
  2. Married Jezebel, daughter of Ethbaal, king of Sidonians.
  3. Wiped out Baal from Israel.
  4. Fell through a lattice in his upper chamber.
  5. Only reigned one month.
  6. Exacted a tax of fifty shekels to give to king of Assyria.
  7. Exalted out of the dust, but walked in the ways of Jeroboam.
  8. Built the city of Samaria.
  9. Killed by Baasha at Gibbethon.
  10. Made Israel to sin.

19 Clues: Killed by Zimri.Made Israel to sin.Only reigned one month.Only reigned seven days.Built the city of Samaria.Wiped out Baal from Israel.God saved Israel by his hand.Killed by Baasha at Gibbethon.Struck down by fifty men of Gilead.King when Benhadad besieged Samaria.Fell through a lattice in his upper chamber....

ANN 19/9 2024-09-20

ANN 19/9 crossword puzzle
  1. the taste of something in your mouth
  2. something that people think is better or more important than it actually is(taylor swift for you!)
  3. pies, tarts, small little cakes! what you buy at a bakery
  4. tools used for eating or cooking like forks spoons and knives
  5. something that is better or more important than people usually think
  6. a taste that is salty or spicy not sweet
  1. real or genuine, not fake
  2. a place where bread cakes and other baked goods are made or sold
  3. instead of the elevator, you take the ___
  4. maracuya in russian
  5. malinaaaa! hahah

11 Clues: malinaaaa! hahahmaracuya in russianreal or genuine, not fakethe taste of something in your moutha taste that is salty or spicy not sweetinstead of the elevator, you take the ___pies, tarts, small little cakes! what you buy at a bakerytools used for eating or cooking like forks spoons and knives...

Religions of Europe 2024-09-20

Religions of Europe crossword puzzle
  1. The place of worship
  2. French is an example of what language
  3. The sign of Islam
  4. Russan is an example of what Language
  1. The sign of Christianity
  2. The Holy book of Judaism
  3. The Holy book of Islam
  4. The Holy site of Islam
  5. The father of the three main groups

9 Clues: The sign of IslamThe place of worshipThe Holy book of IslamThe Holy site of IslamThe sign of ChristianityThe Holy book of JudaismThe father of the three main groupsFrench is an example of what languageRussan is an example of what Language

Hero 2024-09-20

Hero crossword puzzle
  1. Encouraging or making you feel you want to do something
  2. Daring, Courageous, Fearless
  3. The ability to push through difficult times and situations
  4. Not deterred by danger or pain; brave
  5. Reliable and always true
  1. Not afraid
  2. Having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles.
  3. Putting the needs and wants of others before oneself’s
  4. Showing a strong desire to follow through with a particular plan
  5. Not Proud or arrogant

10 Clues: Not afraidNot Proud or arrogantReliable and always trueDaring, Courageous, FearlessNot deterred by danger or pain; bravePutting the needs and wants of others before oneself’sEncouraging or making you feel you want to do somethingThe ability to push through difficult times and situations...

GVB (Gerak Vertikal ke Bawah) 2024-09-20

GVB (Gerak Vertikal ke Bawah) crossword puzzle
  1. Hukum yang menyatakan bahwa percepatan akibat gravitasi adalah konstan.
  2. Gerak yang terjadi akibat gaya gravitasi.
  3. Jarak yang ditempuh benda dalam GVB.
  4. Jenis gerakan pada GVB.
  5. Percepatan benda dalam GVB.
  1. Energi yang dimiliki benda pada ketinggian.
  2. Fenomena ketika benda jatuh mengalami tahanan udara.
  3. Jenis gerakan yang terjadi pada GVB.
  4. Faktor yang mempengaruhi lama waktu jatuh.
  5. Besaran yang diukur dalam satuan meter per detik kuadrat.

10 Clues: Jenis gerakan pada GVB.Percepatan benda dalam GVB.Jenis gerakan yang terjadi pada GVB.Jarak yang ditempuh benda dalam GVB.Gerak yang terjadi akibat gaya gravitasi.Faktor yang mempengaruhi lama waktu jatuh.Energi yang dimiliki benda pada ketinggian.Fenomena ketika benda jatuh mengalami tahanan udara....

Med 2024-09-20

Med crossword puzzle
  1. ww
  2. kjdk
  3. smns
  4. ww
  5. ee
  1. djk
  2. wkjd
  3. s,jsk
  4. kjkr
  5. eoe
  6. ksjk
  7. ksj
  8. kjsk
  9. rkjf

14 Clues: wwwweedjkeoeksjwkjdkjkrksjkkjdksmnskjskrkjfs,jsk

Justin & Kaylee 2024-09-20

Justin & Kaylee crossword puzzle
  1. Grooms favorite food
  2. Where Justin proposed
  3. Brides favorite food
  4. Who said I Love You first
  5. First date and trip
  6. Favorite TV show
  7. Maid of honor
  8. Justin siblings
  9. Groom and Bride
  10. Justin favorite hobby
  11. Grooms mom
  12. Kaylee siblings
  1. Their dogs names
  2. Justin birth month
  3. Justin's middle name
  4. one of the honeymoons
  5. Brides mom
  6. What is anniversary month
  7. How long together before engagement
  8. Where did they meet
  9. Kaylee's middle name
  10. Who talks the most
  11. Kaylee birth month

23 Clues: Brides momGrooms momMaid of honorJustin siblingsGroom and BrideKaylee siblingsTheir dogs namesFavorite TV showJustin birth monthWho talks the mostKaylee birth monthFirst date and tripWhere did they meetGrooms favorite foodBrides favorite foodJustin's middle nameKaylee's middle nameWhere Justin proposedone of the honeymoonsJustin favorite hobby...

Spelling 2024-09-20

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. Very annoying
  2. Type of nut
  3. Someone who cares
  4. Saves a pilot
  5. Charges
  6. Thankyou
  7. Drives a car
  8. Not a nice person
  1. friend of someone
  2. Moves away
  3. Bounce off
  4. Snow crashes
  5. Doesn't care
  6. Mean person to others

14 Clues: ChargesThankyouMoves awayBounce offType of nutSnow crashesDoesn't careDrives a carVery annoyingSaves a pilotfriend of someoneSomeone who caresNot a nice personMean person to others

5 words 2024-09-20

5 words crossword puzzle
  1. A scientist is conducting a...
  2. A room used for scientific experiments
  1. A invention by Galileo Galilei, help him find the moons of jupiter
  2. A yellow fruit (Minions)
  3. A citrus fruit

5 Clues: A citrus fruitA yellow fruit (Minions)A scientist is conducting a...A room used for scientific experimentsA invention by Galileo Galilei, help him find the moons of jupiter

Dict 2024-09-20

Dict crossword puzzle
  1. to say what will happen before it happens
  2. formal words spoken or written by a jury that charge a person with a crime
  3. public words issued by an official that explain a law or command
  4. a reference book in Which spoken or written words can be defined
  5. to speak against; to say the opposite
  1. the decision a jury make in a trial; the decision said by the jury
  2. the manner in which something is expressed in words
  3. a leader who speaks and rules with total power
  4. what is written down as someone says it
  5. a judges ruling or statement

10 Clues: a judges ruling or statementto speak against; to say the oppositewhat is written down as someone says itto say what will happen before it happensa leader who speaks and rules with total powerthe manner in which something is expressed in wordspublic words issued by an official that explain a law or command...


  1. Russian OC in the US typically have an advanced _________.
  2. What this statement is, "Most people don't realize they are joining a cult."
  3. A psychological trait of a recruit.
  4. All cult leaders are this.
  5. Triads engage in highly _________ behavior.
  6. Used to keep members away from friends and family.
  7. This term refers to the equilateral triangle.
  8. This group has a pyramidal structure with 4 or 5 ranks.
  9. One of the four most common types of cults.
  10. The structure used by cults.
  11. This membership requires three sponsors.
  1. Triad membership requires a sponsor and this.
  2. There are _____ overarching and sometimes overlapping categories of Russian OC.
  3. Russians, like Sicilians, distrust this.
  4. The yakuza view themselves as modern ________.
  5. One of the seven elements of indoctrination.
  6. The Branch Davidians were in this type of common cult.
  7. A main method of cult recruitment.
  8. The vory is exclusively for _________.
  9. Yakuza have existed in this country for about 300 years.

20 Clues: All cult leaders are this.The structure used by cults.A main method of cult recruitment.A psychological trait of a recruit.The vory is exclusively for _________.Russians, like Sicilians, distrust this.This membership requires three sponsors.Triads engage in highly _________ behavior.One of the four most common types of cults....

Greek and Latin 2024-09-20

Greek and Latin crossword puzzle
  1. To speak against, to say the opposite.
  2. To say what will happen before it occurs.
  3. Public words issued by an official that explain a law command.
  4. the manner in which something is expressed in words (Written or spoken).
  1. Formal words spoken or written by a jury that charge a person with a crime.
  2. The decision the jury makes in a trial, the decision said by the jury.
  3. What is written down as someone says it.
  4. A reference book in which is spoken or written words are defined.
  5. A judge’s ruling or statement.
  6. A leader who speaks and rules with total power.

10 Clues: A judge’s ruling or statement.To speak against, to say the opposite.What is written down as someone says it.To say what will happen before it occurs.A leader who speaks and rules with total power.Public words issued by an official that explain a law command.A reference book in which is spoken or written words are defined....

Verb Conjugations 2024-09-20

Verb Conjugations crossword puzzle
  1. I eat
  2. she has (a coffee)
  3. he listens
  4. to listen
  5. they finish
  6. I bring
  7. she studies
  8. they bring
  9. we surf (the internet)
  10. he swims
  11. you read
  12. he cleans
  13. they see
  14. you cook
  15. you finish
  16. we sleep
  1. you (pl) play
  2. I put
  3. he plays
  4. she sees
  5. you (pl) sleep
  6. they cook
  7. you (pl) read
  8. he opens
  9. she puts
  10. I clean
  11. to have lunch
  12. you run
  13. you (pl) study
  14. you play
  15. we open
  16. we swim

32 Clues: I eatI putI bringI cleanyou runwe openwe swimhe playsshe seeshe opensshe putshe swimsyou readyou playthey seeyou cookwe sleepthey cookto listenhe cleanshe listensthey bringyou finishthey finishshe studiesyou (pl) playyou (pl) readto have lunchyou (pl) sleepyou (pl) studyshe has (a coffee)we surf (the internet)

Civil Engineering Crossword Puzzle 2024-09-20

Civil Engineering Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Framing Metal structural system often used in high-rise buildings
  2. Tunnel Facility used to test the aerodynamics of buildings or bridges
  3. The process of stabilizing land to prevent it from sliding
  4. The portion of a building or bridge above the ground
  5. The development of land for cities and large communities
  6. Engineering focused on the flow of water, essential for dams and bridges
  7. Engineering The field of civil engineering dedicated to designing structures that withstand seismic activity
  8. Artificial island built for the Kansai International Airport
  9. Underground public transportation system in Tokyo
  10. Retrofitting Strengthening existing buildings to resist earthquakes
  11. Manufacturing building components offsite for later assembly
  12. Protection Techniques to prevent erosion on hillsides
  13. Skyscraper structure common in urban Japan
  14. System for supplying water to farmland
  15. Technology used to make buildings more earthquake-resistant
  16. Large underground passage often used for highways or railways
  17. Techniques for making structures resistant to fire
  18. Process of joining metals in construction
  19. Structure to manage water flow, often built along rivers
  20. Power generated by the movement of water through turbines
  21. Subsidence Gradual sinking of the ground, a concern in certain areas of Japan
  22. Japan's airport built on an artificial island
  1. Shinkansen, the high-speed rail network in Japan
  2. Process of removing sediments from river or seabeds
  3. Method of creating new land from oceans or rivers
  4. Famous civil engineering feat connecting Honshu and Shikoku islands
  5. Bridge A bridge built using projecting beams supported only at one end
  6. Reinforcement bar used in concrete structures
  7. Concrete technology, widely used in modern construction
  8. Structure built to prevent ocean water from flooding coastal areas
  9. Stability The process of ensuring hillside stability in construction
  10. Soil behavior during earthquakes, turning solid ground into a liquid-like state
  11. Japan's high-speed railway network
  12. Dam Temporary structure used to divert water during construction
  13. Location of a major civil engineering effort after the 2011 tsunami
  14. Strengthening a material or structure, often with steel or fiber
  15. Techniques used to prevent water intrusion into buildings or tunnels
  16. Famous Japanese road-building company involved in Tokyo Olympics
  17. Material used to reinforce soils in civil engineering projects
  18. Coastal structure for docking and servicing ships
  19. Seismic activity, a critical factor in Japanese engineering design
  20. World’s longest suspension bridge in Japan
  21. Bridge Type of bridge known for its curved structure
  22. Artificial island in Tokyo Bay, home to the famous Rainbow Bridge
  23. Undersea highway tunnel connecting Kanagawa and Chiba
  24. Major expressway network in Tokyo
  25. Temporary structure used to support workers during construction
  26. Long bridge-like structure, often built over valleys or highways
  27. Temporary mold used to shape poured concrete
  28. Joint A structure allowing for temperature-related expansion in bridges
  29. Deep foundation technique used in soft soils

51 Clues: Major expressway network in TokyoJapan's high-speed railway networkSystem for supplying water to farmlandProcess of joining metals in constructionWorld’s longest suspension bridge in JapanSkyscraper structure common in urban JapanTemporary mold used to shape poured concreteDeep foundation technique used in soft soils...

vôlei 2024-09-20

vôlei crossword puzzle
  1. Lugar onde foi criado o voleibol.
  2. Lugar onde pode ser disputado o jogo de vôlei
  3. no chão.
  4. com os braços estendidos para que a bola
  5. Fundamento realizado com as mãos e os antebraços
  1. Criador do vôlei.
  2. Primeiro fundamento para dar inicio ao jogo.
  3. Quantidade de sets em um jogo de vôlei.

8 Clues: no chão.Criador do vôlei.Lugar onde foi criado o voleibol.Quantidade de sets em um jogo de vô os braços estendidos para que a bolaPrimeiro fundamento para dar inicio ao jogo.Lugar onde pode ser disputado o jogo de vôleiFundamento realizado com as mãos e os antebraços

Public safety 2024-09-20

Public safety crossword puzzle
  1. System of rules enforced by institutions
  2. Legal representation of the accused
  3. Supervised release instead of prison time
  4. Act that violates legal Norms
  5. Imprisonment of convicted individuals
  6. Material presented to prove or disprove allegations
  7. Scientific methods to solve crimes
  8. Court’s punishment decision for a crime
  9. Legal body for resolving disputes and crimes
  10. Programs to help offenders reintegrate into society
  1. Conditional release from prison before sentence ends
  2. Legal proceedings against someone accused of a crime
  3. Detaining someone suspected of a crime
  4. Temporary release with monetary assurance
  5. Law enforcement responsible for maintaining public order
  6. Group of citizens deciding trial verdict
  7. Formal charge or accusation of a crime
  8. Managing individuals convicted of crimes
  9. fair treatment in the legal system
  10. Examination of evidence in court

20 Clues: Act that violates legal NormsExamination of evidence in courtfair treatment in the legal systemScientific methods to solve crimesLegal representation of the accusedImprisonment of convicted individualsDetaining someone suspected of a crimeFormal charge or accusation of a crimeCourt’s punishment decision for a crime...

Foreign Phrases Quiz-7th Grade 2024-09-20

Foreign Phrases Quiz-7th Grade crossword puzzle
  1. in reality; in effect; situations true for practical reasons
  2. enjoy the present; seize the day
  3. genuine
  4. the current state of things; the way things are now
  5. warning
  6. in accordance with law; formal, official status of a matter
  1. buy at your own risk
  2. a person’s honesty and sincerity of intention
  3. when necessary or needed; done for a particular purpose

9 Clues: genuinewarningbuy at your own riskenjoy the present; seize the daya person’s honesty and sincerity of intentionthe current state of things; the way things are nowwhen necessary or needed; done for a particular purposein accordance with law; formal, official status of a matterin reality; in effect; situations true for practical reasons


SERBA-SERBI AKSARA crossword puzzle
  1. Nama pengajar Aksara bidang menulis
  2. Ekskul aksara diikuti oleh murid kelas..., 5 dan 6
  3. Salah satu nama peserta aksara kelas 6.
  4. Aksara dimulai sejak kurang lebih ... tahun yang lalu
  5. Salah satu kegiatan ekskul aksara adalah menyusun...di papan tulis.
  1. Pada saat menulis kita harus menulis kata yang...
  2. Hari ini adalah pertemuan ke ....ekskul aksara.
  3. Jadwal aksara bidang menulis pemula dilaksanakan pada hari...
  4. Salah satu nama peserta aksara kelas 5.
  5. Tujuan ekskul aksara adalah mengajarkan murid menulis...
  6. Selain menulis artikel peserta aksara juga diajarkan untuk ... tulisan.
  7. Salah satau nama peserta aksara kelas 4.

12 Clues: Nama pengajar Aksara bidang menulisSalah satu nama peserta aksara kelas 5.Salah satu nama peserta aksara kelas 6.Salah satau nama peserta aksara kelas 4.Hari ini adalah pertemuan ke ....ekskul aksara.Pada saat menulis kita harus menulis kata yang...Ekskul aksara diikuti oleh murid kelas..., 5 dan 6...

Riview PKN MIDTEST P1 2024-09-20

Riview PKN MIDTEST P1 crossword puzzle
  1. Penerapan Sila Kedua adalah . . .
  2. Simbol Sila Kelima Pancasila adalah . . .
  3. Apakah warna Bendera Negara Indonesia ?
  4. Simbol Pancasila ada pada _________________________________ Garuda Pancasila.
  5. Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia adalah . . .
  6. Apakah arti warna Merah pada Bendera Indonesia ?
  7. Simbol Sila Kedua Pancasila adalah . . .
  8. Pancasila memiliki __________ sila.
  1. Simbol Sila Keempat Pancasila adalah . . .
  2. Simbol Sila Pertama Pancasila adalah . . .
  3. Garuda Pancasila berwarna kuning . . .
  4. Beribadah dan Berdoa sesuai ajaran . . .
  5. Simbol Sila Ketiga Pancasila adalah . . .
  6. Apakah arti warna Putih pada Bendera Indonesia?
  7. Penerapan Sila Kelima adalah bersikap . . .

15 Clues: Penerapan Sila Kedua adalah . . .Pancasila memiliki __________ sila.Garuda Pancasila berwarna kuning . . .Apakah warna Bendera Negara Indonesia ?Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia adalah . . .Beribadah dan Berdoa sesuai ajaran . . .Simbol Sila Kedua Pancasila adalah . . .Simbol Sila Kelima Pancasila adalah . . .Simbol Sila Ketiga Pancasila adalah . . ....

TTS (jenis kelompok sosial) 2024-09-20

TTS (jenis kelompok sosial) crossword puzzle
  1. contoh sekelompok remaja yang melakukan vandalisme
  2. sekelompok orang yang memiliki tujuan dan pusat perhatian yang sama
  3. orang berbondong bondong keluar dari gedung yang kebakaran untuk menyelamatkan diri
  4. orang banyak yang berkumpulan dan melakukan suatu hubungan...?
  5. contoh orang orang yang ingin menyaksikan kecelakaan
  1. lawles Kerumunan yang melakukan tindakan melanggar norma dimasyarakat adalah pengertian dari
  2. kelompok sosial yang bersifat sementara dan memiliki tujuan tertentu
  3. kelompok sosial yang memiliki ikatan batin yang kuat
  4. kelompok sosial yang belum mengenal pembagian kerja
  5. contoh kelompok sosial yang mengenal sistem pembagian kerja

10 Clues: contoh sekelompok remaja yang melakukan vandalismekelompok sosial yang belum mengenal pembagian kerjakelompok sosial yang memiliki ikatan batin yang kuatcontoh orang orang yang ingin menyaksikan kecelakaancontoh kelompok sosial yang mengenal sistem pembagian kerjaorang banyak yang berkumpulan dan melakukan suatu hubungan...?...

Business Term 2024-09-20

Business Term crossword puzzle
  1. the total products or services sold by a business
  2. when total costs are equal to total revenue
  3. received from the sale of products or services
  4. goods
  5. to be greater
  6. the amount of a product producers are willing to sell at a specific price
  1. the amount of a product consumers are willing to buy at a specific price
  2. expenses are more than profit
  3. interdependence between two or more groups
  4. to be smaller
  5. the money left after paying for business expenses
  6. the sum of all expenses

12 Clues: goodsto be smallerto be greaterthe sum of all expensesexpenses are more than profitinterdependence between two or more groupswhen total costs are equal to total revenuereceived from the sale of products or servicesthe total products or services sold by a businessthe money left after paying for business expenses...

GJB (Gerak Jatuh Bebas) 2024-09-20

GJB (Gerak Jatuh Bebas) crossword puzzle
  1. Kecepatan awal pada gerak jatuh bebas.
  2. Besaran yang menyatakan perubahan kecepatan per satuan waktu.
  3. Istilah untuk kecepatan akhir benda saat menyentuh tanah.
  4. Istilah untuk benda yang jatuh tanpa hambatan udara.
  5. Benda yang tidak terpengaruh oleh gesekan saat jatuh.
  1. Bentuk grafik kecepatan terhadap waktu dalam GJB
  2. Besaran yang nilainya 9,8 m/s² di permukaan bumi.
  3. Benda yang dilepaskan tanpa kecepatan awal dan hanya dipengaruhi oleh gravitasi.
  4. Gerak jatuh bebas termasuk jenis gerak ini dalam fisika.
  5. Hukum yang menjelaskan hubungan massa dengan gaya gravitasi.

10 Clues: Kecepatan awal pada gerak jatuh bebas.Bentuk grafik kecepatan terhadap waktu dalam GJBBesaran yang nilainya 9,8 m/s² di permukaan bumi.Istilah untuk benda yang jatuh tanpa hambatan udara.Benda yang tidak terpengaruh oleh gesekan saat jatuh.Gerak jatuh bebas termasuk jenis gerak ini dalam fisika....

seni musik 2024-09-20

seni musik crossword puzzle
  1. alat yang menggunakan senar
  2. alat musik yang ditindis
  3. not keenam
  4. alat musik yang ditiup
  5. not pertama
  1. not ketujuh
  2. not keempat
  3. alat musik yang dipukul
  4. not ketiga
  5. not kelima
  6. not kedua

11 Clues: not keduanot keenamnot ketiganot kelimanot ketujuhnot keempatnot pertamaalat musik yang ditiupalat musik yang dipukulalat musik yang ditindisalat yang menggunakan senar

"DICT" Vocabulary Words 2024-09-20

"DICT" Vocabulary Words crossword puzzle
  1. Law/command
  2. Written
  3. Judge
  4. Formal
  5. Before
  1. Trail
  2. President
  3. Opposite
  4. Expressed
  5. Book

10 Clues: BookTrailJudgeFormalBeforeWrittenOppositePresidentExpressedLaw/command

Marketing Mix 2024-09-20

Marketing Mix crossword puzzle
  1. the goods & services combination the company offers to the target market
  2. activities that persuade target customers to buy
  1. the amount of money the customers have to pay to obtain the product
  2. company activities to make the product available to target customers

4 Clues: activities that persuade target customers to buythe amount of money the customers have to pay to obtain the productcompany activities to make the product available to target customersthe goods & services combination the company offers to the target market

Parts of Speech 2024-09-20

Parts of Speech crossword puzzle
  1. a word that has the same or similar meaning
  2. a doing word
  3. a word that sounds or looks the same, but means something different
  4. a describing word
  5. an adjective that ends in -est
  6. a person, place, or thing
  1. a word that has opposite meanings
  2. an adjective that ends in -er
  3. a word that describes position
  4. a word that describes verb

10 Clues: a doing worda describing worda person, place, or thinga word that describes verban adjective that ends in -era word that describes positionan adjective that ends in -esta word that has opposite meaningsa word that has the same or similar meaninga word that sounds or looks the same, but means something different

Marketing Mix 2024-09-20

Marketing Mix crossword puzzle
  1. activities that persuade target customers to buy
  2. the amount of money the customers have to pay to obtain the product
  1. the goods & services combination the company offers to the target market
  2. company activities to make the product available to target customers

4 Clues: activities that persuade target customers to buythe amount of money the customers have to pay to obtain the productcompany activities to make the product available to target customersthe goods & services combination the company offers to the target market

voleibol 2024-09-20

voleibol crossword puzzle
  1. primeiro fundamento para dar inicio ao jogo.
  2. g. Morgan- Criador do voleibol.
  1. Lugar onde pode ser disputado o jogo de volei

3 Clues: g. Morgan- Criador do voleibol.primeiro fundamento para dar inicio ao jogo.Lugar onde pode ser disputado o jogo de volei

Fosfatos, vanadatos e tungstanatos 2024-09-20

Fosfatos, vanadatos e tungstanatos crossword puzzle
  1. Clorofosfato de chumbo
  2. Fosfato hidratado de sódio e alumínio
  3. Fosfato de lítio com ferro e manganês
  4. Tungstanato de cálcio
  5. Fosfato hidratado de cobre e alumínio
  1. Fluo-cloro-hidroxi-fosfato de cálcio
  2. Tungstanato de ferro e manganês
  3. Fosfato de terras raras
  4. Fosfato de lítio e alumínio
  5. Clorovanadato de chumbo
  6. Fosfato hidratado de ferro

11 Clues: Tungstanato de cálcioClorofosfato de chumboFosfato de terras rarasClorovanadato de chumboFosfato hidratado de ferroFosfato de lítio e alumínioTungstanato de ferro e manganêsFluo-cloro-hidroxi-fosfato de cálcioFosfato hidratado de sódio e alumínioFosfato de lítio com ferro e manganêsFosfato hidratado de cobre e alumínio

U3L1-2 2024-09-20

U3L1-2 crossword puzzle
  2. ONE
  3. THREE
  6. FOUR
  8. SIX
  1. TWO
  3. FIVE
  4. SEVEN
  5. EIGHT
  7. TEN


Accounting 2024-09-20

Accounting crossword puzzle
  1. person in charge of finances in a company
  2. one form of intangible assets
  3. our material
  1. What report describes the company's financial condition?
  2. journal created when there is a change in the balance of an account.
  3. the first stage in the accounting cycle
  4. one of the name account in current assets
  5. one form of investment

8 Clues: our materialone form of investmentone form of intangible assetsthe first stage in the accounting cycleperson in charge of finances in a companyone of the name account in current assetsWhat report describes the company's financial condition?journal created when there is a change in the balance of an account.

AP Lang, List One, Part II 2024-09-20

AP Lang, List One, Part II crossword puzzle
  1. A rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order.
  2. A statement or assertion that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
  3. Example: "The Bible is the word of God because God says so in the Bible."
  4. "Wanna grab a bite?" instead of "Do you want to get something to eat?"
  5. Example: "She is reading a book."
  6. The omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence.
  1. Example: "Each of us saw her duck."
  2. A set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory.
  3. Example: In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Atticus Finch is a character known for his moral integrity.
  4. The most intense, exciting, or important point of something; a culmination or apex.
  5. Example: "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."

11 Clues: Example: "She is reading a book."Example: "Each of us saw her duck."Example: "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."A set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory.The omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence."Wanna grab a bite?" instead of "Do you want to get something to eat?"...

Spanish CrossWord 2024-09-20

Spanish CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. I have my first spanish quiz of the year tomorrow and I am very
  2. if you want to go surfing you have to have this
  3. to go anywhere international you have to have this on you
  4. to do this you need a line and some worms
  5. when you get to a hotel they come to take your bags
  1. what you do when you enter a hotel to get your room
  2. an animal based activity on the beach
  3. its no wonder my friend could find her stuff her room was
  4. you need this if you want to board your plane
  5. on Valentines day many people give chocolate because they are

10 Clues: an animal based activity on the beachto do this you need a line and some wormsyou need this if you want to board your planeif you want to go surfing you have to have thiswhat you do when you enter a hotel to get your roomwhen you get to a hotel they come to take your bagsits no wonder my friend could find her stuff her room was...

Teka-teki Spensa 2024-09-20

Teka-teki Spensa crossword puzzle
  1. Konjungsi pemilihan
  2. informasi objek
  1. Tertata/runut
  2. kalimat utama di awal paragraf
  3. deskripsi Gambaran

5 Clues: Tertata/runutinformasi objekdeskripsi GambaranKonjungsi pemilihankalimat utama di awal paragraf

Agresi militer 2024-09-20

Agresi militer crossword puzzle
  1. sebutkan 1 pemerintah
  2. nama pemimpin
  3. hasil perundingan
  4. sebutan lain agresi
  5. pesawat pengebom
  1. aksi milliter tunduk
  2. kota mana
  3. aa maramis
  4. pasukan menyerang
  5. menghentikan agresi

10 Clues: kota manaaa maramisnama pemimpinpesawat pengebompasukan menyeranghasil perundingansebutan lain agresimenghentikan agresiaksi milliter tunduksebutkan 1 pemerintah

Agresi militer 2024-09-20

Agresi militer crossword puzzle
  1. sebutkan 1 pemerintah
  2. nama pemimpin
  3. hasil perundingan
  4. sebutan lain agresi
  5. pesawat pengebom
  1. aksi milliter tunduk
  2. kota mana
  3. aa maramis
  4. pasukan menyerang
  5. menghentikan agresi

10 Clues: kota manaaa maramisnama pemimpinpesawat pengebompasukan menyeranghasil perundingansebutan lain agresimenghentikan agresiaksi milliter tunduksebutkan 1 pemerintah


  1. Odiaba escribir apuntes y tenía pésima ortografía
  2. Fue el amor ácido de María y Alejandra
  3. Es el papá de María
  1. Fue el amor ácido de Juancho
  2. Es el nombre del perro que le puso María
  3. Es la autora de el libro "EL CLUB LIMONADA"
  4. Era divertida, hablaba sin parar y también hablaba con los árboles

7 Clues: Es el papá de MaríaFue el amor ácido de JuanchoFue el amor ácido de María y AlejandraEs el nombre del perro que le puso MaríaEs la autora de el libro "EL CLUB LIMONADA"Odiaba escribir apuntes y tenía pésima ortografíaEra divertida, hablaba sin parar y también hablaba con los árboles

Maungarongo 2024-09-20

Maungarongo crossword puzzle
  1. te waka o maungarongo
  2. akomanga pepi
  3. tumuaki
  4. akomanga o matua uperu
  5. kura waenga tuarua
  6. te awa o maungarongo
  7. te kura tuatahi o te kaupapa maori ?
  8. wiki ha
  9. te aho matua tuatahi
  10. poitarawhiti tuakana
  1. kura waenga tuakana
  2. kapa haka wharekura
  3. kaitataki kotiro kura waenga 2024
  4. iwi o tamaki makaurau
  5. kaitataki tama kura waenga 2024
  6. te kohanga reo
  7. akomanga o whaea ariia
  8. te kura

18 Clues: tumuakite kurawiki haakomanga pepite kohanga reokura waenga tuaruakura waenga tuakanakapa haka wharekurate awa o maungarongote aho matua tuatahipoitarawhiti tuakanate waka o maungarongoiwi o tamaki makaurauakomanga o matua uperuakomanga o whaea ariiakaitataki tama kura waenga 2024kaitataki kotiro kura waenga 2024te kura tuatahi o te kaupapa maori ?

Brandy and Brew Quiz 2024-09-20

Brandy and Brew Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Popular Tequila
  2. London Dry Gin
  3. The best cheap vodka
  4. Natty
  5. ______ Man
  6. _____ Guy
  7. Jay's favorite nip
  1. ____ box
  2. Hindu term of endearment
  3. _____ Boy
  4. BoozeBarn manager
  5. BrandyBrew manager
  6. ____ Ball
  7. ______ Lemon
  8. Star delivery is here
  9. best selling vodka

16 Clues: Natty____ box_____ Boy____ Ball_____ Guy______ Man______ LemonLondon Dry GinPopular TequilaBoozeBarn managerBrandyBrew managerbest selling vodkaJay's favorite nipThe best cheap vodkaStar delivery is hereHindu term of endearment

Holes 2024-09-20

Holes crossword puzzle
  1. how big and long did the holes have to be in holes.
  2. who does zero hit in the head with a shovel in holes.
  3. Yelnats backwinds.
  4. who does Stanley write or send a letter to in his family.
  5. what is zero’s real name in holes.
  6. a circle number.
  7. what does Stanley have in the men in his family line.
  1. how much money was on the Killing Kate Barlow wanted poster in holes.
  2. what was the boats name in holes.
  3. what gender is only allowed at camp green lake in holes.
  4. what do arrive in.
  5. what did they do at the camp called green lake in holes.
  6. who does Stanley arrive with in the bus on the way to camp green lake.

13 Clues: a circle number.what do arrive in.Yelnats backwinds.what was the boats name in holes.what is zero’s real name in big and long did the holes have to be in holes.who does zero hit in the head with a shovel in holes.what does Stanley have in the men in his family line.what gender is only allowed at camp green lake in holes....

Private Enterprise Crossword Puzzle 2024-09-20

Private Enterprise Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Worries about future or problems.
  2. Place for buying and selling.
  3. Belonging to an individual entity.
  4. Business organization for economic activities.
  1. Money earned from work/business.
  2. Sectors producing goods and services.
  3. Person who buys and uses.
  4. Motivators encouraging specific desired actions.
  5. Authority managing a nation's affairs.
  6. Organized set of interconnected parts.

10 Clues: Person who buys and uses.Place for buying and selling.Money earned from work/business.Worries about future or problems.Belonging to an individual entity.Sectors producing goods and services.Authority managing a nation's affairs.Organized set of interconnected parts.Business organization for economic activities....

U2L3-4 2024-09-20

U2L3-4 crossword puzzle
  2. FOUR
  3. TWO
  4. SEVEN
  6. SIX
  7. NINE
  3. THREE
  4. TEN
  5. ONE
  6. FIVE
  7. EIGHT


Working with Numbers 2024-09-20

Working with Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. a whole number -2,-1,0
  2. number distance of a number on the numberline
  3. equal to =
  4. number being multiplied repeatedly
  5. form 4x4x4
  6. than >
  1. means left to right
  2. number of times you multiply the base
  3. neither positive or negative
  4. than <
  5. means up and down

11 Clues: than >than <equal to =form 4x4x4means up and downmeans left to righta whole number -2,-1,0neither positive or negativenumber being multiplied repeatedlynumber of times you multiply the basenumber distance of a number on the numberline

ANIMALS 2 2024-09-20

ANIMALS 2 crossword puzzle
  1. papiga
  2. čebela
  3. volk
  4. hobotnica
  5. hrček
  6. kača
  7. kenguru
  8. puran
  9. žirafa
  10. raca
  11. pujs
  12. riba
  13. osel
  14. kamela
  15. zajec
  1. kobilica
  2. konj
  3. krava
  4. pingvin
  5. sova
  6. želva
  7. opica
  8. medved
  9. morski pes
  10. ovca
  11. mravlja
  12. pes
  13. koza
  14. podgana
  15. mačka
  16. delfin
  17. ptič
  18. severni jelen
  19. piščanec

34 Clues: peskonjvolksovakačaovcakozaracaptičpujsribaoselkravaželvaopicahrčekmačkapuranzajecpapigačebelamedvedžirafadelfinkamelapingvinmravljakengurupodganakobilicapiščanechobotnicamorski pesseverni jelen

Cambios de Estado 2024-09-20

Cambios de Estado crossword puzzle
  1. Proceso en el que un sólido se convierte en líquido cuando se calienta. Este proceso ocurre porque al recibir calor, las partículas que componen el sólido comienzan a moverse más rápido.
  2. Cuando un líquido se enfría y se convierte en un sólido.
  3. Es la acción en la que un líquido se transforma en gas al calentarse. Esto ocurre porque cuando el líquido, como el agua, recibe calor, sus partículas comienzan a moverse más rápido.
  4. Cuando un gas se enfría y se transforma en líquido.
  1. Es el cambio en el que un gas se convierte directamente en sólido sin pasar por el estado líquido. Esto ocurre cuando el gas se enfría y las partículas se juntan tanto que forman un sólido.
  2. Cuando un sólido se transforma directamente en gas sin convertirse en líquido primero.

6 Clues: Cuando un gas se enfría y se transforma en líquido.Cuando un líquido se enfría y se convierte en un sólido.Cuando un sólido se transforma directamente en gas sin convertirse en líquido primero....

Teka-teki Spensa 2024-09-20

Teka-teki Spensa crossword puzzle
  1. Konjungsi pemilihan
  2. informasi objek
  1. Tertata/runut
  2. kalimat utama di awal paragraf
  3. deskripsi Gambaran

5 Clues: Tertata/runutinformasi objekdeskripsi GambaranKonjungsi pemilihankalimat utama di awal paragraf

Willamina's Reading Vocabulary Crossword 2024-09-20

Willamina's Reading Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. opponents
  2. Naive
  3. Reprimanded
  4. To not show any emotion
  5. Overwhelmed in good emotion
  1. covered in something
  2. very close to
  3. Having an opinion
  4. To watch somebody stealthily
  5. strong
  6. Winding
  7. Show sadness
  8. Evil

13 Clues: EvilNaivestrongWindingopponentsReprimandedShow sadnessvery close toHaving an opinioncovered in somethingTo not show any emotionOverwhelmed in good emotionTo watch somebody stealthily

Spelling words 2024-09-20

Spelling words crossword puzzle
  1. The study of pastCapableculture
  2. Something needed
  3. Something old or outdated
  4. To travel completely around something
  1. A complex society
  2. Living in groups with no permanent homes
  3. The practice of farming
  4. Capable of traveling through and over
  5. An inherent quality or characteristic that is present from birth
  6. A collection of historical documents or records

10 Clues: Something neededA complex societyThe practice of farmingSomething old or outdatedThe study of pastCapablecultureCapable of traveling through and overTo travel completely around somethingLiving in groups with no permanent homesA collection of historical documents or recordsAn inherent quality or characteristic that is present from birth

Vocabulaire pour les Contes de Fées 2024-09-20

Vocabulaire pour les Contes de Fées crossword puzzle
  1. Les personnes combattent avec cette.
  2. Il marie La Reine.
  3. Les sorcier l'utilisent.
  4. Toutes les histoires ont cette.
  1. La famille royale habite ici.
  2. Les bons sont ______.
  3. Ils sont les grands personnes.
  4. Ce mot est une sorte d'histoire.

8 Clues: Il marie La Reine.Les bons sont ______.Les sorcier l'utilisent.La famille royale habite ici.Ils sont les grands personnes.Toutes les histoires ont cette.Ce mot est une sorte d'histoire.Les personnes combattent avec cette.

nombres propios 2024-09-20

nombres propios crossword puzzle
  1. niño 8
  2. niña 9
  3. niña 17
  4. niño 5
  5. niña 7
  6. nombre niña 3
  7. nombre niña 3
  8. nombre niña
  9. nombre niña 4
  10. niña 8
  11. niño 3
  12. niña 14
  13. niño 1
  14. niña 10
  15. niño 10
  1. niña 12
  2. niña 5
  3. niño 6
  4. niña 16
  5. nombre niña 2
  6. niña 13
  7. niño 7
  8. niño 2
  9. niño 9
  10. niño 4
  11. niña 15
  12. niña 6
  13. niña 11

28 Clues: niña 5niño 6niño 8niña 9niño 5niña 7niño 7niño 2niño 9niño 4niña 8niño 3niño 1niña 6niña 12niña 16niña 17niña 13niña 15niña 14niña 11niña 10niño 10nombre niñanombre niña 2nombre niña 3nombre niña 3nombre niña 4

ANIMALS 2 2024-09-20

ANIMALS 2 crossword puzzle
  1. opica
  2. žirafa
  3. kobilica
  4. ovca
  5. mravlja
  6. pes
  7. golob
  8. ptič
  9. severni jelen
  10. kenguru
  11. kamela
  12. zajec
  13. podgana
  14. pujs
  15. koza
  16. konj
  17. želva
  1. raca
  2. delfin
  3. volk
  4. piščanec
  5. mačka
  6. čebela
  7. morski pes
  8. papiga
  9. puran
  10. medved
  11. osel
  12. kača
  13. pingvin
  14. hobotnica
  15. hrček
  16. bik
  17. riba
  18. krava
  19. sova

36 Clues: pesbikracavolkovcaoselkačaptičribapujskozakonjsovaopicamačkapurangolobhrčekzajeckravaželvadelfinčebelažirafapapigamedvedkamelamravljapingvinkengurupodganapiščaneckobilicahobotnicamorski pesseverni jelen

Words with Th 2024-09-20

Words with Th crossword puzzle
  1. is the opposite of that
  2. word that comes before a person, place, or thing
  3. a tub of water for washing
  4. is another word for skinny
  5. a word that means two
  1. a small road
  2. a word that show the order
  3. an activity with + - x
  4. a word to compare
  5. the opposite of this

10 Clues: a small roada word to comparethe opposite of thisa word that means twoan activity with + - xis the opposite of thata word that show the ordera tub of water for washingis another word for skinnyword that comes before a person, place, or thing

Wonder 2024-09-20

Wonder crossword puzzle
  1. Consisting of several different tunes that are played or sung at the same time
  2. ~가 상속됨
  3. A contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and delirium
  4. Unable to control their feelings or behaviors because they are extremely tired
  5. 유전학자
  6. Extremely or so terrified
  1. 범생이/선비
  2. A treatment that helps someone feel better
  3. Relating to or relating from a motion
  4. 때늦은 지혜/후부가듬자

10 Clues: 유전학자범생이/선비~가 상속됨때늦은 지혜/후부가듬자Extremely or so terrifiedRelating to or relating from a motionA treatment that helps someone feel betterA contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and deliriumConsisting of several different tunes that are played or sung at the same time...

Wonder 2024-09-20

Wonder crossword puzzle
  1. Consisting of several different tunes that are played or sung at the same time
  2. ~가 상속됨
  3. A contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and delirium
  4. Unable to control their feelings or behaviors because they are extremely tired
  5. 유전학자
  6. Extremely or so terrified
  1. 범생이/선비
  2. A treatment that helps someone feel better
  3. Relating to or relating from a motion
  4. 때늦은 지혜/후부가듬자

10 Clues: 유전학자범생이/선비~가 상속됨때늦은 지혜/후부가듬자Extremely or so terrifiedRelating to or relating from a motionA treatment that helps someone feel betterA contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and deliriumConsisting of several different tunes that are played or sung at the same time...

Complete the crossword puzzle! 2024-09-20

Complete the crossword puzzle! crossword puzzle
  1. pintar
  2. pekerjaan ruah/PR
  3. orang tua
  4. bodoh
  5. prajurit/ksatria
  6. enak
  7. ingat
  8. mahal
  9. saudara (laki-laki)
  10. lupa
  1. sombong/arogan
  2. cokelat
  3. singapura
  4. rumah sakit
  5. janji
  6. saudara (perempuan)
  7. anggur
  8. Palestina
  9. televisi
  10. nanas

20 Clues: enaklupajanjibodohnanasingatmahalpintaranggurcokelattelevisisingapuraorang tuaPalestinarumah sakitsombong/aroganprajurit/ksatriapekerjaan ruah/PRsaudara (perempuan)saudara (laki-laki)

TTS Perangkat Keras 7-KSY1 2024-09-20

TTS Perangkat Keras 7-KSY1 crossword puzzle
  1. Bagian perangkat keras yang berfungsi sebagai otak komputer
  2. Perangkat keras untuk memindahkan data dari satu komputer ke komputer lain secara fisik
  3. Jenis perangkat input yang digunakan untuk mengetik
  4. Komponen perangkat keras yang menyimpan data sementara saat komputer berjalan
  5. Alat input yang digunakan untuk menunjuk dan mengklik pada layar
  1. Alat output yang mengeluarkan suara
  2. Perangkat yang digunakan untuk mencetak dokumen di atas kertas
  3. Perangkat keras yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan data secara permanen
  4. Alat output yang menampilkan gambar dan video

9 Clues: Alat output yang mengeluarkan suaraAlat output yang menampilkan gambar dan videoJenis perangkat input yang digunakan untuk mengetikBagian perangkat keras yang berfungsi sebagai otak komputerPerangkat yang digunakan untuk mencetak dokumen di atas kertasAlat input yang digunakan untuk menunjuk dan mengklik pada layar...

soal tts 2024-09-20

soal tts crossword puzzle
  1. Siapakah ibu dari sayyid hasan dan husein?
  2. Siapa yang pertama kali merayakan Maulid Nabi secara formal
  3. Mukjizat terbesar Nabi Muhammad adalah....
  4. Siapa sahabat Nabi yang terkenal dengan julukan "Al- Amin"
  5. Apa julukan yang diberikan kepada Abdullah?
  6. Pengganti Nabi SAW yg memimpin umat islam disebut
  7. di kota apa nabi muhammad di lahirkan?
  1. Sahabat Rasulullah SAW yang digelari dengan nama bapak kucing adalah?
  2. Siapakah penulis terkenal yang menulis epik "Mawlid al-Nabi"?
  3. Nabi Muhammad saw hijrah dari makkah ke…
  4. Siapakah istri Rasulullah SAW yang tidak dimadu?
  5. Apa makna dari kata "Maulid" dalam bahasa Arab?
  6. Siapakah raja yang bertempur menyerang ka'bah disaat rasulullah lahir?
  7. Apa pekerjaan rasulullah sebelum beliau diutus sebagai rasul Allah
  8. Perkataan Nabi Muhammad yang dijadikan rujukan dalam hidup disebut…

15 Clues: di kota apa nabi muhammad di lahirkan?Nabi Muhammad saw hijrah dari makkah ke…Siapakah ibu dari sayyid hasan dan husein?Mukjizat terbesar Nabi Muhammad adalah....Apa julukan yang diberikan kepada Abdullah?Apa makna dari kata "Maulid" dalam bahasa Arab?Siapakah istri Rasulullah SAW yang tidak dimadu?Pengganti Nabi SAW yg memimpin umat islam disebut...