All Crossword Puzzles

Word Study Week 5 2024-09-19

Word Study Week 5 crossword puzzle
  1. a collection of writing that carries information to be shared with someone new
  2. to send or carry out of the country
  3. to carry something from one place to another
  4. capable of being easily carried
  5. to receive or carry into the country
  6. the path boats and supplies travel overland from one body of water to another
  1. to carry the weight of something
  2. a case for carrying loose papers
  3. an attendant who carries travelers' luggage for them
  4. to banish out of the country

10 Clues: to banish out of the countrycapable of being easily carriedto carry the weight of somethinga case for carrying loose papersto send or carry out of the countryto receive or carry into the countryto carry something from one place to anotheran attendant who carries travelers' luggage for them...

sejarah kemerdekaan indonesia 2024-09-19

sejarah kemerdekaan indonesia crossword puzzle
  1. tempat Ir. Soekarno dan Drs. Moh. Hatta diamankan
  2. Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia
  3. kota di Jepang yang dibom 9 Agustus 1945
  4. monumen nasional
  5. kerja paksa
  1. Maeda pemilik rumah untuk mempersiapkan kemerdekaan
  2. Badan Penyelidik Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia
  3. penjahit bendera merah putih
  4. kota di Jepang yang dibom 6 Agustus 1945
  5. tanggal jepang mendarat di Indonesia
  6. melik pengetik naskah proklamasi

11 Clues: kerja paksamonumen nasionalpenjahit bendera merah putihmelik pengetik naskah proklamasitanggal jepang mendarat di IndonesiaPanitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesiakota di Jepang yang dibom 9 Agustus 1945kota di Jepang yang dibom 6 Agustus 1945tempat Ir. Soekarno dan Drs. Moh. Hatta diamankanMaeda pemilik rumah untuk mempersiapkan kemerdekaan...

The Newly Wed Challenge 2024-09-19

The Newly Wed Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Groom's month of birth
  2. Groom's first high school
  3. Bride's favorite part of chicken
  4. Bride's first high school
  5. Bride's profession
  6. Sport played by bride in high school
  7. Groom's favorite musical instrument
  1. Groom's profession
  2. Bride's month of birth
  3. Groom's first keyboard owned
  4. Bride's favorite sports team
  5. Groom's favorite sports team
  6. Year of birth (1986)
  7. Year of birth (1990)

14 Clues: Groom's professionBride's professionYear of birth (1986)Year of birth (1990)Groom's month of birthBride's month of birthGroom's first high schoolBride's first high schoolGroom's first keyboard ownedBride's favorite sports teamGroom's favorite sports teamBride's favorite part of chickenGroom's favorite musical instrument...

Different Health Resources and Facilities 2024-09-19

Different Health Resources and Facilities crossword puzzle
  1. I do a physical and a medical examination to diagnose or know your diseases or ailments.
  2. This facility offers health care to people who are living in the city or urban area.
  3. This is a facility for the consultation, treatment, surgery, and hospitalization needs of patients.
  4. I am a specialist in children’s health and diseases.
  5. We perform operations and other surgical-related cases.
  6. It is a station that gives emergency care or treatment before medical aid can be given.
  7. This facility offers health care needs to children, teachers, and other personnel in the school.
  8. I specialist in heart diseases.
  9. Health assessments for the people in barangays or rural areas are being offered in this facility.
  10. I specializes in skin problems and diseases.
  11. Oral or dental care is being offered in this facility.
  12. I specialist in muscular disorders.
  1. Laboratory clinic tests in blood, urine, stool, and saliva as well as x- ray and ultrasound are offered here.
  2. Medicines are sold in this store or facility.
  3. I offer health services to women during pregnancy and childbirth.
  4. This facility provides care to women’s health during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum (after birth).
  5. I give dental care by checking the over-all status of the teeth and gums in the mouth.
  6. I assist the doctor in giving health care.
  7. It is a facility that roll-outs programs like advocacy on nutrition, feeding program and giving of free vitamins and minerals for good nutrition.
  8. I treat persons with poor eye conditions and diseases.

20 Clues: I specialist in heart diseases.I specialist in muscular disorders.I assist the doctor in giving health care.I specializes in skin problems and diseases.Medicines are sold in this store or facility.I am a specialist in children’s health and diseases.I treat persons with poor eye conditions and diseases....

CRUZADINHA 8º ANO - 3º BM 2024 2024-09-19

CRUZADINHA 8º ANO - 3º BM 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. A taxa de____: indica o número de crianças que morre antes de completar um ano de idade em cada grupo de mil crianças nascidas vivas.
  2. Outra questão importante é que, apesar das melhores condições de vida de sua população, os países desenvolvidos também apresentam ____, como desemprego, falta de moradias, criminalidade, entre outros.
  3. A_____: também chamada esperança de vida, indica o número médio de anos que uma pessoa poderá viver, considerando as mesmas condições de vida no momento do nascimento.
  4. Por causa da posição geográfica que ocupam na superfície terrestre, os países desenvolvidos e subdesenvolvidos muitas vezes recebem, respectivamente, a denominação____. Isso acontece porque os países desenvolvidos, com exceção da Austrália e da Nova Zelândia, encontram-se na porção norte do planeta, enquanto a maioria dos países subdesenvolvidos situa-se na porção sul.
  5. Os países precisam de duas ____ para alcançar o desenvolvimento: promover o aumento e a distribuição de suas riquezas e aperfeiçoar constantemente suas instituições políticas e sociais, de modo que a sua população seja beneficiada por esse desenvolvimento e lhe seja garantido o pleno exercício de seus direitos humanos.
  6. Países em ____: países que apresentam características do subdesenvolvimento, como problemas sociais e econômicos.
  7. De maneira geral, um país é ____ quando o conjunto de sua população tem um elevado nível de bem-estar material (acesso à alimentação, à moradia, a roupas, entre outros bens) e imaterial (acesso aos bens culturais e de saúde).
  8. países _____: países subdesenvolvidos extremamente pobres, nos quais a população convive com sérios problemas socioeconômicos.
  1. Apesar dessas diferenças econômicas, é importante ressaltar que todos esses países subdesenvolvidos apresentam, com maior ou menor intensidade, os graves _____ típicos do subdesenvolvimento, como desemprego, pobreza, fome etc.
  2. Os Países____: apresentam baixo crescimento e atraso tecnológico de sua economia, geralmente afetada por crises periódicas, assim como pelas precárias condições de vida de grande parte da população, com altos índices de pobreza, desemprego e fome.
  3. Para medir o nível de desenvolvimento de um país, a ONU, por meio do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (Pnud), analisa três dimensões da vida: educação, renda e saúde, levando em conta um conjunto de indicadores que retratam a situação econômica e social dos países. Combinados, esses indicadores geram o ____ (IDH).
  4. A taxa de____: proporção de pessoas, acima de 15 anos de idade, que não sabe ler nem escrever pequenas frases.
  5. Os Países____: apresentam crescimento econômico acompanhado pela melhoria das condições de vida de sua população. Em geral, esses países se destacam pelo elevado nível de industrialização, pelo domínio tecnológico mais avançado e também pelas melhores condições de vida da população (altos rendimentos, baixas taxas de mortalidade e analfabetismo, elevada expectativa de vida).
  6. A divisão do mundo em países desenvolvidos e subdesenvolvidos, assim como todas as outras propostas de____, é uma forma simplificada de analisar o espaço mundial. Isso porque a realidade é bem mais complexa, o que significa dizer que, tanto entre os países desenvolvidos quanto entre os subdesenvolvidos, existem grandes diferenças.
  7. A_____: ou renda média por pessoa, é obtida pela divisão entre o valor da riqueza produzida em um país e o número de habitantes.

15 Clues: A taxa de____: proporção de pessoas, acima de 15 anos de idade, que não sabe ler nem escrever pequenas frases.Países em ____: países que apresentam características do subdesenvolvimento, como problemas sociais e econômicos.países _____: países subdesenvolvidos extremamente pobres, nos quais a população convive com sérios problemas socioeconômicos....

Language Development: A Crossword Puzzle 2024-09-19

Language Development: A Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The study of how people learn their first and second languages (24 letters)
  2. The stage where children's language skills become more advanced, resembling adult speech (14 letters)
  3. The stage where babies make sounds like "goo goo" and "ga ga" (11 letters)
  4. The language you learn after your first language (14 letters)
  1. The stage where children's sentences become more complex, but may miss some words (15 letters)
  2. The stage where children use single words to communicate (11 letters)
  3. The stage where children combine two words to form simple sentences (11 letters)
  4. The language you learn first (13 letters)

8 Clues: The language you learn first (13 letters)The language you learn after your first language (14 letters)The stage where children use single words to communicate (11 letters)The stage where babies make sounds like "goo goo" and "ga ga" (11 letters)The study of how people learn their first and second languages (24 letters)...

Crucigrama primer parcial 2024-09-19

Crucigrama primer parcial crossword puzzle
  1. es el conjunto de relaciones o la dispocicion de las partes que forman un todo

    1 Clue: es el conjunto de relaciones o la dispocicion de las partes que forman un todo

    energy 2024-09-19

    energy crossword puzzle
    1. / Energy carried by vibrations through a medium.
    2. / Energy stored in bonds of molecules.
    3. / Energy due to an object's movement or position.
    4. / Energy due to movement of electrons.
    5. / Stored energy based on position.
    1. / Energy from heat.
    2. / Energy from atomic reactions.
    3. / Energy of motion.
    4. / Energy in the form of light or electromagnetic waves.

    9 Clues: / Energy from heat./ Energy of motion./ Energy from atomic reactions./ Stored energy based on position./ Energy stored in bonds of molecules./ Energy due to movement of electrons./ Energy carried by vibrations through a medium./ Energy due to an object's movement or position./ Energy in the form of light or electromagnetic waves.

    6th Grade Unit 3 Words 11-20 2024-09-19

    6th Grade Unit 3 Words 11-20 crossword puzzle
    1. Prince Hamlet made a solemn ___ to avenge his father's murder.
    2. My aunt always gives me ___ advice.
    3. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a ___ who influenced the civil rights movement.
    4. A long ___ formed at the bus stop.
    5. Doctors often advise their patients to ___ their intake of fatty or salty foods.
    1. Nothing can ___ thirst better than water.
    2. After many years of searching, she found her true ___ as a horse trainer.
    3. Thugs will often choose to ___ weary travelers as they make their way home.
    4. Despite people's efforts to remain young looking, skin will eventually ___ with age.
    5. Mountain bikes are built to withstand the most rugged ___.

    10 Clues: A long ___ formed at the bus stop.My aunt always gives me ___ advice.Nothing can ___ thirst better than water.Mountain bikes are built to withstand the most rugged ___.Prince Hamlet made a solemn ___ to avenge his father's murder.After many years of searching, she found her true ___ as a horse trainer....

    Evidence 2024-09-19

    Evidence crossword puzzle
    1. It is an example of a secondary source.
    2. Sources that provide accurate, balanced information that can be found in all forms.
    3. Why this source is created?
    4. A material which may be created long after an event takes place.
    5. Asking high quality of these is the starting point of looking at a primary source.
    6. The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is valid or not.
    1. It is an example of a primary source.
    2. Making sure whether this evidence is reliable or not.
    3. An opinion in favour of something or a prejudice against something.
    4. Who is telling the story?
    5. An original material and has not been handled or processed in any way.

    11 Clues: Who is telling the story?Why this source is created?It is an example of a primary source.It is an example of a secondary source.Making sure whether this evidence is reliable or not.A material which may be created long after an event takes place.An opinion in favour of something or a prejudice against something....

    Evidence 2024-09-19

    Evidence crossword puzzle
    1. It is an example of a secondary source.
    2. Sources that provide accurate, balanced information that can be found in all forms.
    3. Why this source is created?
    4. A material which may be created long after an event takes place.
    5. Asking high quality of these is the starting point of looking at a primary source.
    6. The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is valid or not.
    1. It is an example of a primary source.
    2. Making sure whether this evidence is reliable or not.
    3. An opinion in favour of something or a prejudice against something.
    4. Who is telling the story?
    5. An original material and has not been handled or processed in any way.

    11 Clues: Who is telling the story?Why this source is created?It is an example of a primary source.It is an example of a secondary source.Making sure whether this evidence is reliable or not.A material which may be created long after an event takes place.An opinion in favour of something or a prejudice against something....

    Evidence 2024-09-19

    Evidence crossword puzzle
    1. It is an example of a secondary source.
    2. Sources that provide accurate, balanced information that can be found in all forms.
    3. Why this source is created?
    4. A material which may be created long after an event takes place.
    5. Asking high quality of these is the starting point of looking at a primary source.
    6. The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is valid or not.
    1. It is an example of a primary source.
    2. Making sure whether this evidence is reliable or not.
    3. An opinion in favour of something or a prejudice against something.
    4. Who is telling the story?
    5. An original material and has not been handled or processed in any way.

    11 Clues: Who is telling the story?Why this source is created?It is an example of a primary source.It is an example of a secondary source.Making sure whether this evidence is reliable or not.A material which may be created long after an event takes place.An opinion in favour of something or a prejudice against something....

    Evidence 2024-09-19

    Evidence crossword puzzle
    1. It is an example of a secondary source.
    2. Sources that provide accurate, balanced information that can be found in all forms.
    3. Why this source is created?
    4. A material which may be created long after an event takes place.
    5. Asking high quality of these is the starting point of looking at a primary source.
    6. The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is valid or not.
    1. It is an example of a primary source.
    2. Making sure whether this evidence is reliable or not.
    3. An opinion in favour of something or a prejudice against something.
    4. Who is telling the story?
    5. An original material and has not been handled or processed in any way.

    11 Clues: Who is telling the story?Why this source is created?It is an example of a primary source.It is an example of a secondary source.Making sure whether this evidence is reliable or not.A material which may be created long after an event takes place.An opinion in favour of something or a prejudice against something....

    Creation of American Government 2024-09-19

    Creation of American Government crossword puzzle
    1. Having to do with courts of law and justice.
    2. Between or connecting two or more states.
    3. A basic right, law, or ideal of behavior.
    4. An agreement to protect a possession or right.
    5. A system of government that gives all key powers to the national or central government.
    1. An activity or task that is assigned to a person or group.
    2. Fair and equal treatment under the law; the use of authority to uphold what is right and lawful.
    3. A person chosen to speak or act for another person or group.
    4. A settlement of differences in which each side gives up some of its demands.
    5. To approve.

    10 Clues: To approve.Between or connecting two or more states.A basic right, law, or ideal of behavior.Having to do with courts of law and justice.An agreement to protect a possession or right.An activity or task that is assigned to a person or group.A person chosen to speak or act for another person or group....

    el metodo cientifico 2024-09-19

    el metodo cientifico crossword puzzle
    1. Es un proceso sistematico utilizado para desarrollar y probar conocimientos cientificos
    2. Se recopilan datos y informacion relevante para probar o refutar la hipotesis
    1. Se sacan conclusiones basadas en el analisis de datos
    2. Se formula una hipotesis que explique el fenomeno observado

    4 Clues: Se sacan conclusiones basadas en el analisis de datosSe formula una hipotesis que explique el fenomeno observadoSe recopilan datos y informacion relevante para probar o refutar la hipotesisEs un proceso sistematico utilizado para desarrollar y probar conocimientos cientificos

    Greek and Latin Word Study: Week 5 - "PORT" 2024-09-19

    Greek and Latin Word Study: Week 5 - "PORT" crossword puzzle
    1. a collection of writing that carries information to be shared with someone new
    2. to send or carry out of the country
    3. to carry something from one place to another
    4. capable of being easily carried
    5. to receive or carry into the country
    6. the path boats and supplies travel overland from one body of water to another
    1. to carry the weight of something
    2. a case for carrying loose papers
    3. an attendant who carries travelers' luggage for them
    4. to banish out of the country

    10 Clues: to banish out of the countrycapable of being easily carriedto carry the weight of somethinga case for carrying loose papersto send or carry out of the countryto receive or carry into the countryto carry something from one place to anotheran attendant who carries travelers' luggage for them...

    I did a thing :thumbs_Up: 2024-09-19

    I did a thing :thumbs_Up: crossword puzzle
    1. Another word for trip
    2. some food is grown this way
    3. someone without a leg may have one of these
    4. If something is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you may want to research it
    5. if you have done good work you might be
    6. the top of a mountain
    1. Another word for whisper
    2. Another word for quietly
    3. rich people are upper _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    4. if you stab a balloon it _ _ _ _
    5. another word for discombobulated
    6. Someone may be doing this to you

    12 Clues: Another word for tripthe top of a mountainAnother word for whisperAnother word for quietlysome food is grown this wayif you stab a balloon it _ _ _ _another word for discombobulatedSomeone may be doing this to yourich people are upper _ _ _ _ _ _ _if you have done good work you might besomeone without a leg may have one of these...

    Central Ohio fire Museum 2024-09-19

    Central Ohio fire Museum crossword puzzle
    1. The first fire trucks were pulled by?
    2. women and children created the bucket?
    3. The truck was pulled by horses?
    1. Who drives the back wheels of the tiller trucks?
    2. What's the name of the company who built the truck in the play area?
    3. What was the original bricks made out of
    4. How many steps are in the escape plan?
    5. What should you do before you go to bed The door
    6. Who is the horse that pulls the steamer?
    7. The mouse Who is on the steps saying hi to everyone?

    10 Clues: The truck was pulled by horses?The first fire trucks were pulled by?How many steps are in the escape plan?women and children created the bucket?What was the original bricks made out ofWho is the horse that pulls the steamer?Who drives the back wheels of the tiller trucks?What should you do before you go to bed The door...

    Textiles 2024-09-19

    Textiles crossword puzzle
    1. ppieceof cloth commonly used in sewing

      1 Clue: ppieceof cloth commonly used in sewing

      BAI 4 2024-09-19

      BAI 4 crossword puzzle
      1. LION
      2. JARS
      4. CABINET
      1. FLOWER BUD
      2. ENGINEER
      3. ZOO
      4. COINS
      5. OWL
      6. UMBRELLA


      vocab 2024-09-19

      vocab crossword puzzle
      1. - wary and unwilling to take risks.
      2. - showing little forethought or preparation : OFFHAND
      3. - a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant.
      4. - crouch down in fear.
      5. - not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
      6. - an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
      7. - a great number
      8. rude in speech or behavior
      9. - remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
      10. - to spend money or to waste.
      11. - extremely bad; appalling
      1. - in a very difficult situation.
      2. - a reflective looking inward : an examination of one's own thoughts and feelings
      3. - an expression of praise
      4. - excessive pride
      5. - lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas)
      6. fool or cheat (someone).
      7. Noun- a quick, clever reply to an insult or criticism.
      8. - believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
      9. - wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.

      20 Clues: - a great number- excessive pride- crouch down in fear.fool or cheat (someone).- an expression of praiserude in speech or behavior- extremely bad; appalling- to spend money or to waste.- in a very difficult situation.- wary and unwilling to take risks.- not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant....

      pointles crossword 2024-09-19

      pointles crossword crossword puzzle
      1. the top of a mt
      2. a place were helicopters land
      3. you do this to hakers in video games
      4. to be quiet
      5. something that is intregeing
      6. a fake limb
      1. a place were aircraft land
      2. to do it the plant way
      3. the best animal in the world
      4. made a disistion
      5. past tense sending something to a nother contryy

      11 Clues: to be quieta fake limbthe top of a mtmade a disistionto do it the plant waya place were aircraft landthe best animal in the worldsomething that is intregeinga place were helicopters landyou do this to hakers in video gamespast tense sending something to a nother contryy

      pointles crossword 2024-09-19

      pointles crossword crossword puzzle
      1. he top of a mt
      2. a place were helicopters land
      3. you do this to hakers in video games
      4. to be quiet
      5. something that is intregeing
      6. a fake limb
      1. a place were aircraft land
      2. to do it the plant way
      3. the best animal in the world
      4. made a disistion
      5. past tense sending something to a nother contryy

      11 Clues: to be quieta fake limbhe top of a mtmade a disistionto do it the plant waya place were aircraft landthe best animal in the worldsomething that is intregeinga place were helicopters landyou do this to hakers in video gamespast tense sending something to a nother contryy

      Awalan 2024-09-19

      Awalan crossword puzzle
      1. Nenek sedang ... bunga di taman.
      2. Kata dasar "tulis" jika diberi awalan me- menjadi...
      3. Ayah ... mobil ke garasi.
      4. Kata dasar "makan" jika diberi awalan me- menjadi...
      1. Andi sedang ... buku di kamarnya.
      2. Ibu ... baju kotor sebelum dicuci.
      3. Ibu ... nasi goreng untuk sarapan.
      4. Bunda ... kue ulang tahun untuk adik.
      5. Kata dasar "lihat" jika diberi awalan me- menjadi...
      6. Sebelum tidur, Ayah selalu ... doa.

      10 Clues: Ayah ... mobil ke garasi.Nenek sedang ... bunga di taman.Andi sedang ... buku di kamarnya.Ibu ... baju kotor sebelum dicuci.Ibu ... nasi goreng untuk sarapan.Sebelum tidur, Ayah selalu ... doa.Bunda ... kue ulang tahun untuk adik.Kata dasar "tulis" jika diberi awalan me- menjadi...Kata dasar "lihat" jika diberi awalan me- menjadi......

      September Black History that I Bet You Didn’t Know About! 2024-09-19

      September Black History that I Bet You Didn’t Know About! crossword puzzle
      1. Elected president of Senegal
      2. First African American woman to travel in space
      3. Four African American girls killed
      4. Wins the first U.S. Open Tennis Championship
      5. first African American appointed federal judge
      6. First African American Rhodes Scholar
      7. Wins Springarm Medal for his achievements in music
      8. First African American to head a daily newspaper.
      1. First woman of any race to practice medicine in Alabama
      2. Federal troops enforce court-ordered integration as _____ children integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Ark.
      3. Number of African American girls killed in Birmingham church bombing.
      4. Patents control device for internal combustion engine
      5. First African American woman to travel in space
      6. First African American Rhodes Scholar
      7. Civil and women’s rights advocate
      8. Patents electric highway trolley
      9. Civil and women’s rights advocate

      17 Clues: Elected president of SenegalPatents electric highway trolleyCivil and women’s rights advocateCivil and women’s rights advocateFour African American girls killedFirst African American Rhodes ScholarFirst African American Rhodes ScholarWins the first U.S. Open Tennis Championshipfirst African American appointed federal judge...

      Crossword Week 9 Term 3 2024-09-19

      Crossword Week 9 Term 3 crossword puzzle
      1. to do with plants
      2. google metal
      3. Australian tree
      4. "___! Be quiet!"
      5. huge fire
      1. government of the people
      2. black gemstone
      3. ornamental shoulder piece
      4. ruined, scratched
      5. this is one

      10 Clues: huge firethis is onegoogle metalblack gemstoneAustralian tree"___! Be quiet!"to do with plantsruined, scratchedgovernment of the peopleornamental shoulder piece

      Vocabulary Set 3 - Natalee Sherouse 2024-09-19

      Vocabulary Set 3 - Natalee Sherouse crossword puzzle
      1. A pool is usually only about one ______ deep.
      2. Ryan Reynolds is a very ___________ actor.
      3. Collecting books as a firefighter was considered ______ in the book Fahrenheit 451.
      4. The flash is known to be very ______.
      1. The police made sure to ______ a good plan to catch the criminal.
      2. The ____ got jammed and they couldn't keep the fish on the line.
      3. The Johnsons had been getting very _____ after the Christmas Partymas Party.
      4. After an hour of discussion the jury came to a ________ conclusion.
      5. She had made many ______ promises in her lifetime that she intended to keep.
      6. She spoke in a _______ manner at the funeral.

      10 Clues: The flash is known to be very ______.Ryan Reynolds is a very ___________ actor.A pool is usually only about one ______ deep.She spoke in a _______ manner at the funeral.The ____ got jammed and they couldn't keep the fish on the line.The police made sure to ______ a good plan to catch the criminal....

      I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter Vocabulary Chs 11-20 2024-09-19

      I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter Vocabulary Chs 11-20 crossword puzzle
      1. to steal things from a place
      2. strike repeatedly with fists
      3. lacking good taste, rude
      4. showing impressive beauty
      5. mentally ill person
      6. mad or insane
      7. normal, average
      8. confused and unable to think clearly
      9. goods that are exported or imported illegally
      10. a ridiculous but amusing person
      1. lacking in imagination, creativity, or excitement
      2. extremely distasteful,unacceptable
      3. showing no emotion, dull
      4. abnormally thin or weak due to illness or lack of food
      5. copy
      6. full of activity
      7. a feeling of pain and hopelessness
      8. deeply upset
      9. dull, bleak, lifeless, depressing
      10. make or become less valuable or respected

      20 Clues: copydeeply upsetmad or insanenormal, averagefull of activitymentally ill personshowing no emotion, dulllacking good taste, rudeshowing impressive beautyto steal things from a placestrike repeatedly with fistsa ridiculous but amusing persondull, bleak, lifeless, depressingextremely distasteful,unacceptablea feeling of pain and hopelessness...

      Science recap 2024-09-19

      Science recap crossword puzzle
      1. preserving and protecting the environment
      2. gases, carbon, etc.
      3. all types of water
      4. well-substantiated explanation acquired through the scientific method
      5. observations about the world around us
      6. all living organisms
      7. proposed explanation
      1. change in weather
      2. the ground, rocks, minerals, etc
      3. manipulated or changed by the researcher
      4. period of rapid industrial growth

      11 Clues: change in weatherall types of watergases, carbon, etc.all living organismsproposed explanationthe ground, rocks, minerals, etcperiod of rapid industrial growthobservations about the world around usmanipulated or changed by the researcherpreserving and protecting the environmentwell-substantiated explanation acquired through the scientific method

      North america 2024-09-19

      North america crossword puzzle
      1. A big statue in New York.
      2. This is where Bad bunny was born.
      3. The largest river in north america.
      4. The capital of United States.
      1. a volcano located in Mexico.
      2. a big sing that's located in Los Angeles.
      3. The capital of spain .
      4. there traditional food is pozole.

      8 Clues: The capital of spain .A big statue in New York.a volcano located in Mexico.The capital of United States.This is where Bad bunny was born.there traditional food is pozole.The largest river in north america.a big sing that's located in Los Angeles.

      Vocab Hoework 2024-09-19

      Vocab Hoework crossword puzzle
      1. to cripple, disable, injure
      2. ridiculous and unpredictable behavior or actions
      3. giving freely, generous, plentyful
      4. in a disguised state
      5. to regard with reverence
      6. energetic, willing and able to start something new
      7. described in well-known stories
      8. to exchange playful remarks
      9. slanting or sloping
      10. economical, avoiding waste and luxury
      11. with extreme care or caution
      1. reckless and heartless
      2. sturdy, not easily worn out or destroyed
      3. declared openly and without shame
      4. overcrowded, filled
      5. to change direction or course suddenly
      6. to make valueless
      7. to provide more than is needed or wanted
      8. harm or loss

      19 Clues: harm or lossto make valuelessovercrowded, filledslanting or slopingin a disguised statereckless and heartlessto regard with reverenceto cripple, disable, injureto exchange playful remarkswith extreme care or cautiondescribed in well-known storiesdeclared openly and without shamegiving freely, generous, plentyfuleconomical, avoiding waste and luxury...

      Training and Developing Employees 2024-09-19

      Training and Developing Employees crossword puzzle
      1. training via the Internet or the organization’s intranet( two words)
      2. occurs when companies use their own expertise(two words)
      3. Inner drive that pushes someone to take action and achieve goals.
      4. the difficulty level of written materials
      5. A temporary job that helps students gain real-world experience in their field of study.
      1. activities intended to improve competencies over a longer period of time
      2. An organization’s planned efforts to help employees acquire job related knowledge.
      3. a training method that represents a real-life situation
      4. Individuals undergoing training to gain skills and knowledge for a specific job or field.
      5. Assistance or help provided to someone to achieve a goal or overcome challenges.

      10 Clues: the difficulty level of written materialsa training method that represents a real-life situationoccurs when companies use their own expertise(two words)Inner drive that pushes someone to take action and achieve via the Internet or the organization’s intranet( two words)...

      Sports 2024-09-19

      Sports crossword puzzle
      1. This sport requires racquets
      2. This sport requires a bat
      3. Have to hit the ball with hands
      1. Played with hoops
      2. This sport ends with the letter L
      3. San Francisco Giants
      4. This sport starts with the letter S
      5. Shooting an arrow

      8 Clues: Played with hoopsShooting an arrowSan Francisco GiantsThis sport requires a batThis sport requires racquetsHave to hit the ball with handsThis sport ends with the letter LThis sport starts with the letter S

      Jesse's Favorites 2024-09-19

      Jesse's Favorites crossword puzzle
      1. Happiest Place on Earth
      2. Radioactive debris
      3. Cheesy slice
      4. Caped crusader of Gotham
      5. Disney alien
      6. Color of Envy
      1. Dribble & shoot
      2. Large reptile of the swamp
      3. Controversial pizza topping
      4. famous cartoon genre outside the US
      5. a NFL team

      11 Clues: a NFL teamCheesy sliceDisney alienColor of EnvyDribble & shootRadioactive debrisHappiest Place on EarthCaped crusader of GothamLarge reptile of the swampControversial pizza toppingfamous cartoon genre outside the US

      Do You Know Ro? 2024-09-19

      Do You Know Ro? crossword puzzle
      1. Rochelles favorite TV network
      2. Last two numbers of Ro's birth year
      3. Why are we celebrating today?
      4. Rochelles Shoe size
      5. Rochelle prefers to watch these
      6. Name of Rochelles first great grandchild
      7. Rochelle likes this type of music
      8. Rochelles favorite flower
      9. Rochelle was born here
      1. How many years has Rochelle lived in Sacramento
      2. Rochelle has this many siblings
      3. Rochelles dream vacation location
      4. Rochelles preference of morning drink
      5. Rochelles favorite color
      6. Rochelle has this many grandkids

      15 Clues: Rochelles Shoe sizeRochelle was born hereRochelles favorite colorRochelles favorite flowerRochelles favorite TV networkWhy are we celebrating today?Rochelle has this many siblingsRochelle prefers to watch theseRochelle has this many grandkidsRochelles dream vacation locationRochelle likes this type of musicLast two numbers of Ro's birth year...

      Science 2024-09-19

      Science crossword puzzle
      1. What is it connected to
      2. How could you use this
      3. How do you use this
      4. What do have to have in you hypothies
      1. what is science about when its fun
      2. What is in your hypothies
      3. What other word can go with this

      7 Clues: How do you use thisHow could you use thisWhat is it connected toWhat is in your hypothiesWhat other word can go with thiswhat is science about when its funWhat do have to have in you hypothies

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      cars 2024-09-19

      cars crossword puzzle
      1. offroad ute
      2. hyper car and 2 fastest car
      3. is a fancey and fast car
      4. best car
      5. fast
      6. is americane mucels
      7. the simble is a bull
      8. fastest car
      1. it is a supercar
      2. is a mercatise
      3. bad car
      4. supras compition
      5. royce is a realy fancey car and exspensive
      6. it is a good drag racing car
      7. supercar
      8. its name is the same as a attack

      16 Clues: fastbad carbest carsupercaroffroad utefastest caris a mercatiseit is a supercarsupras compitionis americane mucelsthe simble is a bullis a fancey and fast carhyper car and 2 fastest carit is a good drag racing carits name is the same as a attackroyce is a realy fancey car and exspensive

      Around town 2024-09-19

      Around town crossword puzzle
      1. 9
      2. 10
      3. 8
      4. 1
      5. 11
      6. 7
      7. 6
      1. 5
      2. 12
      3. 4
      4. 3
      5. 2

      12 Clues: 594382176121011

      ANIMALS 2024-09-19

      ANIMALS crossword puzzle
      1. severni medved
      2. noj
      3. čebela
      4. morski konjiček
      5. hrček
      6. zajec
      7. mačka
      8. pajek
      9. želva
      10. piton
      11. puran
      12. pujs
      13. kit
      14. krokodil
      15. leopard
      16. flamingo
      17. opica
      18. žaba
      19. veverica
      20. raca
      21. pes
      22. orel
      23. kenguru
      24. konj
      25. hrošč
      26. kača
      27. pingvin
      28. papiga
      29. koza
      30. gosenica
      31. podgana
      32. tjulenj
      33. nosorog
      1. gos
      2. morski pes
      3. želva
      4. ptič
      5. zebra
      6. netopir
      7. piščanec
      8. ovca
      9. povodni konj
      10. metulj
      11. mravlja
      12. severni jelen
      13. tiger
      14. volk
      15. krava
      16. lisica
      17. riba
      18. kamela
      19. miš
      20. žirafa
      21. osel
      22. lev
      23. hobotnica
      24. slon
      25. gorila
      26. delfin
      27. medved
      28. koala
      29. sova
      30. kokoš
      31. muha
      32. kobilica

      65 Clues: gosnojkitmišlevpesptičovcavolkpujsribaoselslonžabaracaorelkonjkačasovamuhakozaželvazebrahrčekzajecmačkapajekželvatigerpitonpurankravaopicahroščkoalakokoščebelametuljlisicakamelažirafagoriladelfinmedvedpapiganetopirmravljaleopardkengurupingvinpodganatjulenjnosorogpiščaneckrokodilflamingovevericakobilicagosenicahobotnicamorski pespovodni konj...

      Papatuanuku 2024-09-19

      Papatuanuku crossword puzzle
      1. the only kingdom country in the pacific
      2. a rise in average temperatures,sea level rise
      3. a country in the pacific owned by France
      4. the smallest bunch of countries in the Pacific
      5. the sea next to New Zealand
      6. one of the main points of hdi
      7. the largest and the most populated island in french polynesia
      1. the movement of people from one place to another to settle
      2. where the people from Kiribati migrate to.
      3. the poorest country in the Pacific
      4. the biggest country in Oceania
      5. the biggest group of islands in the Pacific
      6. the biggest group of islands in the Pacific
      7. the action of coming to live in another country and staying there permanently
      8. a movie inspired by one of the countries from the pacific

      15 Clues: the sea next to New Zealandone of the main points of hdithe biggest country in Oceaniathe poorest country in the Pacificthe only kingdom country in the pacifica country in the pacific owned by Francewhere the people from Kiribati migrate to.the biggest group of islands in the Pacificthe biggest group of islands in the Pacific...

      Knightley Hammond 2024-09-19

      Knightley Hammond crossword puzzle
      1. A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives
      2. freedom of religion, assembly, press and speech
      3. part of government who makes the laws
      4. a person who supports a political system where a central government shares power with state or territorial governments
      5. an economic system where the market not the government determines prices and products
      1. part of government who executes the law
      2. relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns
      3. gross domestic product
      4. 19th century belief that America was destined to expand westward across North America
      5. responsible for interpreting and applying the law

      10 Clues: gross domestic productpart of government who makes the lawspart of government who executes the lawfreedom of religion, assembly, press and speechrelating to ordinary citizens and their concernsresponsible for interpreting and applying the law19th century belief that America was destined to expand westward across North America...

      Greek and Latin roots 2024-09-19

      Greek and Latin roots crossword puzzle
      1. telescope for looking at the sun
      2. thorough knowledge
      3. one whose sleep walking is supposedly caused by the moon
      4. of or pertaining to the moon
      5. a star fish with more then five rays
      6. hardest substance
      7. kindly;jaunty
      1. plant which turns tward the sun
      2. shot through, possessed
      3. rich find in a gold mine
      4. lunar month or the time from one new moon to the next
      5. glass in closed sun room
      6. pertaining to the sun
      7. plentiful;good
      8. a layer under the earth where water flows
      9. light gas used in balloons
      10. a structure for bringing water

      17 Clues: kindly;jauntyplentiful;goodhardest substancethorough knowledgepertaining to the sunshot through, possessedrich find in a gold mineglass in closed sun roomlight gas used in balloonsof or pertaining to the moona structure for bringing waterplant which turns tward the suntelescope for looking at the suna star fish with more then five rays...

      BÀI 3 2024-09-19

      BÀI 3 crossword puzzle
      1. PORK FAT
      3. NECK
      4. PARENTS
      2. STORK,CRANE
      3. KNOCK ON DOOR


      Papatuanuku 2024-09-19

      Papatuanuku crossword puzzle
      1. one of the main points of hdi
      2. the movement of people from one place to another to settle
      3. where the people from Kiribati migrate to.
      4. the only kingdom country in the pacific
      5. the sea next to New Zealand
      6. the biggest group of islands in the Pacific
      7. the action of coming to live in another country and staying there permanently
      8. the largest and the most populated island in french polynesia
      9. a country in the pacific owned by France
      1. the biggest group of islands in the Pacific
      2. a rise in average temperatures,sea level rise
      3. the biggest country in Oceania
      4. the poorest country in the Pacific
      5. the smallest bunch of countries in the Pacific
      6. a movie inspired by one of the countries from the pacific

      15 Clues: the sea next to New Zealandone of the main points of hdithe biggest country in Oceaniathe poorest country in the Pacificthe only kingdom country in the pacifica country in the pacific owned by Francewhere the people from Kiribati migrate to.the biggest group of islands in the Pacificthe biggest group of islands in the Pacific...

      Kei te pehea koe? 2024-09-19

      Kei te pehea koe? crossword puzzle
      1. Shy
      2. Angry
      3. Cold
      4. Thirsty
      5. Hot
      1. Hungry
      2. Well
      3. Good
      4. Sick
      5. Sad
      6. Tired

      11 Clues: ShySadHotWellGoodSickColdAngryTiredHungryThirsty

      Human Rights Crossword 2024-09-19

      Human Rights Crossword crossword puzzle
      1. Prolonged cruel/unjust treatment or control
      2. Practice of ensuring that people feel a sense of belonging and support regardless of their differences
      3. Formal politeness and courtesy in behaviour or speech
      4. State of being equal in status, rights, and opportunities
      5. Unjust treatment based on characteristics like race, gender, or age
      6. Authority of a state to govern itself or another state
      7. State of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority
      8. Concept of moral rightness based on ethics, law, and fairness
      9. Act of supporting a cause or proposal
      1. Process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want or control what happens to you
      2. Power to act, speak, or think without hinderance/restraint
      3. State of being worthy of honour and respect
      4. Unity/agreement of feeling or action among individuals with common interest
      5. Formal agreement between countries regarding human rights such as the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights"

      14 Clues: Act of supporting a cause or proposalProlonged cruel/unjust treatment or controlState of being worthy of honour and respectFormal politeness and courtesy in behaviour or speechAuthority of a state to govern itself or another stateState of being equal in status, rights, and opportunitiesPower to act, speak, or think without hinderance/restraint...

      Middle Ages Crossword Puzzle 2024-09-19

      Middle Ages Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
      1. they killed around 40 million people
      2. people blamed for the black death
      3. capital of the abbasid dynasty
      4. where the vikings came from
      5. governing body King Edward created
      6. when a king is no longer a rightful ruler
      7. capital of the rightly guided caliphs
      8. prisoners of war
      9. sister-city of fez
      10. timbuktu was famously known for these
      11. event the black death contributed to
      12. used to ride across the Sahara Desert by the Berbers
      13. effect that helped slop the black plague
      14. series of religious wars over Jerusalm
      1. dominant germanic kingdom in europe
      2. holy city of three religions
      3. arabic word for god
      4. 40-50% of its population died of the black plague
      5. hatred of jews
      6. a mosque that was the center of muslim learning
      7. empire that took over gold trade after the fall of the empire of ghana
      8. led the church in the western roman empire
      9. the believe and worship of one god
      10. people who prayed in a synagogue
      11. this throne was fought over during the one hundred years' war
      12. people who prayed in a mosque
      13. the top of the feudal system
      14. people who prayed in churches
      15. holy book of islam
      16. capital of Marrakesh

      30 Clues: hatred of jewsprisoners of warsister-city of fezholy book of islamarabic word for godcapital of Marrakeshwhere the vikings came fromholy city of three religionsthe top of the feudal systempeople who prayed in a mosquepeople who prayed in churchescapital of the abbasid dynastypeople who prayed in a synagoguepeople blamed for the black death...


      TEKA TEKI BAHASA LAMPUNG crossword puzzle
      1. KEPALA
      1. RAMBUT
      2. TANGAN
      3. GIGI


      Middle Ages Crossword Puzzle 2024-09-19

      Middle Ages Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
      1. timbuktu was famously known for these
      2. led the church in the western roman empire
      3. a mosque that was the center of muslim learning
      4. sister-city of fez
      5. capital of the rightly guided caliphs
      6. arabic word for god
      7. effect that helped slop the black plague
      8. people who prayed in a mosque
      9. holy city of three religions
      10. used to ride across the Sahara Desert by the Berbers
      11. 40-50% of its population died of the black plague
      12. this throne was fought over during the one hundred years' war
      13. where the vikings came from
      1. hatred of jews
      2. people who prayed in a synagogue
      3. dominant germanic kingdom in europe
      4. prisoners of war
      5. event the black death contributed to
      6. the believe and worship of one god
      7. capital of the abbasid dynasty
      8. when a king is no longer a rightful ruler
      9. they killed around 40 million people
      10. holy book of islam
      11. people who prayed in churches
      12. governing body King Edward created
      13. capital of Marrakesh
      14. the top of the feudal system
      15. people blamed for the black death
      16. series of religious wars over Jerusalm
      17. empire that took over gold trade after the fall of the empire of ghana

      30 Clues: hatred of jewsprisoners of warsister-city of fezholy book of islamarabic word for godcapital of Marrakeshwhere the vikings came fromthe top of the feudal systemholy city of three religionspeople who prayed in churchespeople who prayed in a mosquecapital of the abbasid dynastypeople who prayed in a synagoguepeople blamed for the black death...

      SPELLING WEEK9 2024-09-19

      SPELLING WEEK9 crossword puzzle
      1. Having many different qualities that make yyou unique.
      2. When something is done extremely fair.
      3. A girls 15th birthday party.
      4. Something related to water.
      1. A group of people named a s....
      2. A statement asked to help view your understanding.
      3. Something you feel when you are sick or naucious.
      4. A teal ish color.

      8 Clues: A teal ish color.Something related to water.A girls 15th birthday party.A group of people named a s....When something is done extremely fair.Something you feel when you are sick or naucious.A statement asked to help view your understanding.Having many different qualities that make yyou unique.

      North america 2024-09-19

      North america crossword puzzle
      1. a state with a lot of sharks
      1. a lot of cities
      2. a popular state
      3. carolina a bad storm

      4 Clues: a lot of citiesa popular statecarolina a bad storma state with a lot of sharks

      LA NECESIDAD DE LA ÉTICA 2024-09-19

      LA NECESIDAD DE LA ÉTICA crossword puzzle
      1. Reglas de comportamiento.
      2. Acto de pensar en algo detenidamente.
      3. Conocimiento de uno mismo y de sus actos.
      4. Conjunto de principios que guían el comportamiento humano.
      5. Disciplina que estudia el comportamiento humano.
      6. Forma de actuar de las personas.
      7. Capacidad de elegir y actuar con autonomía.
      8. Modificación de una situación.
      9. Cualidad moral que busca el bien.
      10. Sentimiento que trasciende la razón.
      11. Principios que orientan la conducta.
      12. Conjunto de conocimientos organizados.
      13. Seres con capacidad de razonar y sentir.
      14. Conjunto de creencias, normas y costumbres.
      1. Prácticas repetidas de un grupo social.
      2. Deber de actuar conforme a la ética.
      3. Derechos fundamentales de los seres humanos.
      4. Elección entre varias opciones.
      5. Compromiso con los propios actos.
      6. Búsqueda del bien común.
      7. Manera de actuar de una persona.
      8. Conjunto de hábitos adquiridos.
      9. Aplicación del conocimiento científico.
      10. Normas impuestas por la sociedad.
      11. Proceso de cambio profundo.
      12. Acción concreta de los principios éticos.
      13. Conjunto de reglas y principios.
      14. Rama de la ética que vincula ciencia y moral.
      15. Apreciación moral de un acto.
      16. Conjunto de personas que comparten cultura y organización.

      30 Clues: Búsqueda del bien común.Reglas de comportamiento.Proceso de cambio profundo.Apreciación moral de un acto.Modificación de una situación.Elección entre varias opciones.Conjunto de hábitos adquiridos.Manera de actuar de una persona.Forma de actuar de las personas.Conjunto de reglas y principios.Compromiso con los propios actos....

      Dict Choice Board 2024-09-19

      Dict Choice Board crossword puzzle
      1. Public words that explain a law.
      2. written down as someone says it
      3. Judges ruling.
      4. words spoken by a jury that charge a person for a crime
      5. To say what will happen before it happens
      1. Decision the jury makes
      2. leader who rules with total power
      3. to say the opposite
      4. manner in which something is spoken.
      5. Reference book which words are defined in.

      10 Clues: Judges say the oppositeDecision the jury makeswritten down as someone says itPublic words that explain a law.leader who rules with total powermanner in which something is spoken.To say what will happen before it happensReference book which words are defined in.words spoken by a jury that charge a person for a crime

      Ekonomi 2024-09-19

      Ekonomi crossword puzzle
      1. tangga tertutup Untuk Kebutuhan Sendiri atau kelompokinya Sendiri lalah (Rumah tangga tertutup).
      2. transaksi Jual beli berbasis daring MenggunaKan Media elektronik Digital linternet Pengertian dari (eCommerce).
      3. Inovasi Pada Industri Jasa Keuangan yang memanfaatkan Kemajuan teknologi Merupakan Pengertian dari (Fintech)
      4. utama dinegara berkembang Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun Inlah (Kemiskinan).
      5. Meningkatkan proses produksi yang efisien menghubungkan bisnis dengan pelanggan secara global dan Menciptakan inovasi untuk Mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi addah salah satu ciri dari (ekonomi Digital). Salah satu bentuk Perdanaan yang modalnya Berasal dari pemilik modal atau disebut Pengalang dana oleh (crowfanding)
      6. financing Bantuan modal / menghubungkan Pengusaha mikro dan pemilik matal secara (digital).
      7. campuran Yo Mencakup Indikator susenas Inti dan Indeks pembangunan ialah (Indikator Campuran)
      8. bisnis e-Commerce yang beroperasi di Indonesia adalah (tokopedia).
      9. akses internet satu Faktor pendorong pertumbuhan e-Commerce diindonesia adalah (Peningkatan akses Internet).
      10. ekonomi Kondisi dimana Masyarakat Suatu negara atau Wilayah Mengalami Peningkatan Pendapatan yg disebabkan oleh Kenaikan produksi barang dan Jasa adalah ( Pertumbuhan ekonomi).
      11. akses Keuangan Bagi UMKM ini Merupakan salah satu Manfaat Bagi (Konsumen).
      12. Whitman rostow Teori Yg Menyatakan bahwa Pertumbuhan ekonomi tidak hanya tentang peningkatan angka statistik, Superti produk domestik bruto (pdb). Menurutnya Perubahan ekonommi Mencerminkan pembahan struktur dan Cara berpikir Masyarakat Merupakan teori Menurut (Walt Whitman Rostow).
      13. budaya Masyarakat, nilai budaya, keyakınan agama dan tingkat pendidikan Contoh dari (Sosial Budaya)
      14. pendapatan pendapatan Yg dihasilkan Masyarakat ialah pengertian dari (Ketimpangan pendapatan).
      15. Keungan bagi masyarakat untuk membantu Kehidupan dan keuangan sehari-hari lalah (microFinancin)
      16. Merupakan perusahaan ys Menyediakan platform Jual beli secara (Online).
      17. ekonomi Pembangunan ekonomi Yang dilaksanakan suatu negara dipengaruhi oleh (faktor ekonomi)
      1. yg menyediakan transportasi pengairan, Orainast, bangunan gedung dan fasilitas publik Lalah (Infrastruktur).
      2. digital Meningkatkan proses produksi yang efisien menghubungkan bisnis dengan pelanggan secara global dan Menciptakan inovasi untuk Mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi addah salah satu ciri dari (ekonomi Digital).
      3. satu Komponen yang diperlukan di dalam e-Commerce adalah (lokapasar).
      4. ya tidak bekerja sama sekali, atau sedang mencari Pekerjaan, disebut dengan (Pengangguran).
      5. kegiatan ekonomi Yo Menyebabkan Jumlah barang dan Tasa serta (Output)
      6. dan Investasi penting untuk mengem bangkan (Perekonomian).
      7. ricardo Salah Satu faktor dari teori klasik dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi yaitu (David Ricardo)
      8. perusahaan Fintech lindonesia adalah (Gopay)
      9. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yg menjelaskan peran Penting Pengusaha dalam Pertumbuhan ekonomi Yaitu teori (Schumpeter).
      10. bucher teori pertumbuhan ekonomi historis lalah ( Karl Bucher).
      11. dapat Memberikan Manfaat ekonomi Bagi hapapun termasuk pelajar, salah satu Manfaatnya Yaitu pelajar dapat menjadi (Reseller).
      12. gateway yang digunakan untuk melakukan Pembayaran Membeli Makanan, Belanja, hingga pembayaran tagihan Yaitu Jenis Fintech (Payment gateway)
      13. tinggi teknologi ya diterapkan, kuantitas clan kualitas produksi barang dan tasa suatu negara Maka akan (Meningkat).

      30 Clues: perusahaan Fintech lindonesia adalah (Gopay)dan Investasi penting untuk mengem bangkan (Perekonomian).bisnis e-Commerce yang beroperasi di Indonesia adalah (tokopedia).kegiatan ekonomi Yo Menyebabkan Jumlah barang dan Tasa serta (Output)Merupakan perusahaan ys Menyediakan platform Jual beli secara (Online)....

      Eternity Washington 7th 2024-09-19

      Eternity Washington 7th crossword puzzle
      1. keep hair tied back
      2. Helps prevent accidences
      3. A cutting board for meet and a cutting board for veggies
      4. Having a clean kitchen before cooking
      5. Taking a step back if injured
      6. Always wear closed toe shoes
      7. Always lift lids of saucepans away from you
      8. keeping floor clear of clutter
      9. Washing hands before cooking
      10. Always unplug small appliances at once
      11. Roll up sleeves or change clothes before cooking
      12. cleaning up after cooking
      13. Rising off food before cooking
      1. Always hold knives by the handle
      2. Keeping knives in a safe place
      3. Wearing gloves before touching the food
      4. Always clean pots and pans after cooking
      5. 40-140
      6. Keeping raw meat, seafood, eggs from other foods
      7. Keeping food in a refrigerator
      8. Taking off jewelry before cooking
      9. Never mix chemicals or cleaning products together
      10. Staying away if sick
      11. Always cut food on a cutting board
      12. Keeping food at the right temperature

      25 Clues: 40-140keep hair tied backStaying away if sickHelps prevent accidencescleaning up after cookingAlways wear closed toe shoesWashing hands before cookingTaking a step back if injuredKeeping knives in a safe placeKeeping food in a refrigeratorkeeping floor clear of clutterRising off food before cookingAlways hold knives by the handle...

      The American Revolution - 1750s to the 1780s vocab 2024-09-19

      The American Revolution - 1750s to the 1780s vocab crossword puzzle
      1. An agreement for mutual benefits between an individual, group, or community and its government
      2. gathering of the 13 colonies except one: Georgia
      3. British general who surrendered at the battle of Yorktown in 1781
      4. Last battle of the Revolutionary War
      5. Colonits who called for independence from Great Britain during the American Revolution
      6. A riot that occurred in the city of Boston
      7. Signed by Great Britain and France; officially ending the French and Indian war
      8. “Give me liberty or give me death!”
      9. The reason America celebrates the 4th of July
      10. Colonists disguised as Indians tossed several hundred chests of tea into the Harbor
      11. Theory that individuals have unalienable rights given to them by nature or god
      12. Commander in chief of the British army during the American revolutionary war
      13. Author of common sense
      14. A series of laws passed by the British in 1774 enacted to punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party
      1. First military confrontation of the Revolutionary War; occurred in Massachusetts
      2. Colonists who remain neutral
      3. The war between Great Britain and its American colonies occurring between 1775 and 1783
      4. The philosophy concept expressing balance sought in the system of the government in the united states
      5. A time of great philosophical thought and scientific invention in Europe
      6. English philosopher with the idea of Natural rights and the social contract
      7. A pamphlet authorised by Thomas Paine and published in 1776
      8. First president of the United States
      9. A group of people who remain neutral in foreign affairs
      10. colonists who were ready to fight at a minute’s notice
      11. Sole control of the supply of a good service
      12. British law passed in 1756 that imposed a tax on all printed material; contributed to the start of the American Revolutionary War
      13. the “seven-year war” between England and France
      14. Signed by the United States and Great Britain in 1783; officially ended the Revolutionary War and acknolodged America’s independence
      15. Author of the declaration of independence

      29 Clues: Author of common senseColonists who remain neutral“Give me liberty or give me death!”Last battle of the Revolutionary WarFirst president of the United StatesAuthor of the declaration of independenceA riot that occurred in the city of BostonSole control of the supply of a good serviceThe reason America celebrates the 4th of July...

      DAKWAH ISLAMIYYAH 2024-09-19

      DAKWAH ISLAMIYYAH crossword puzzle
      1. menuntut kedudukan atau meminta dihormati daripada orang ramai dengan amalan yang ditujukan untuk akhirat.
      2. Sifat dan tingkah laku keji yang terdapat pada diri seseorang yang berlawanan dengan nilai dan perlakuan syarak.
      1. Sifat tidak berperikemanusiaan
      2. perasaan tidak senang yang muncul dalam hati seseorang terhadap seseorang yang lain. Sifat ini berpunca daripada rasa tidak puas hati terhadap nikmat atau kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh orang lain.
      3. sombong

      5 Clues: sombongSifat tidak berperikemanusiaanmenuntut kedudukan atau meminta dihormati daripada orang ramai dengan amalan yang ditujukan untuk akhirat.Sifat dan tingkah laku keji yang terdapat pada diri seseorang yang berlawanan dengan nilai dan perlakuan syarak....

      Robert's Puzzle 2024-09-19

      Robert's Puzzle crossword puzzle
      1. A traditional story explaining natural or social phenomena, often involving gods or heroes.
      2. A short story that teaches a lesson, usually with animals as characters.
      3. Traditional stories passed down through generations, often with cultural lessons.
      4. A story written to be performed, often with dialogue and characters.
      5. Books: Books that provide facts and information about a specific topic.
      6. Books: Books with lots of images that tell a story.
      7. A book about someone’s life written by someone else
      8. Tale: A story featuring magical events and characters, often with a moral lesson.
      1. A book about a person’s own life written by that person.
      2. A traditional story that may be based on historical events but is often exaggerated.
      3. Fiction: Stories that explore futuristic concepts, technology, or space travel.
      4. Stories set in imaginary worlds with magical elements.
      5. Rhyme Books: Collections of short, rhythmic poems for young children.
      6. Fiction: Stories set in the past that incorporate real historical events or figures.

      14 Clues: Books: Books with lots of images that tell a story.A book about someone’s life written by someone elseStories set in imaginary worlds with magical elements.A book about a person’s own life written by that person.A story written to be performed, often with dialogue and characters.Rhyme Books: Collections of short, rhythmic poems for young children....

      The War of The Wall Vocabulary 2024-09-19

      The War of The Wall Vocabulary crossword puzzle
      1. a distinctive, typically pleasant smell
      2. the act or process of freeing someone or something from another's control
      3. violently hostile or aggressive in temperament
      4. a smell that is only smelled briefly or faintly
      5. when separate people or things are brought together
      6. the action or power of focusing one's attention or mental effort
      7. to move your hand or head in a way that tells someone to come nearer
      1. a bag carried on the shoulder by a long strap and typically closed by a flap
      2. a plan or program of action
      3. a tool with a long, metal blade that has a sharp edge for cutting especially wood or stone
      4. words inscribed, as on a monument or in a book.
      5. a mental state between sleeping and waking in which a person does not move but can hear and understand what is being said
      6. a polite remark or respectful act
      7. having a hole or empty space inside

      14 Clues: a plan or program of actiona polite remark or respectful acthaving a hole or empty space insidea distinctive, typically pleasant smellviolently hostile or aggressive in temperamentwords inscribed, as on a monument or in a book.a smell that is only smelled briefly or faintlywhen separate people or things are brought together...

      The War of The Wall Vocabulary 2024-09-19

      The War of The Wall Vocabulary crossword puzzle
      1. a distinctive, typically pleasant smell
      2. the act or process of freeing someone or something from another's control
      3. violently hostile or aggressive in temperament
      4. a smell that is only smelled briefly or faintly
      5. when separate people or things are brought together
      6. the action or power of focusing one's attention or mental effort
      7. to move your hand or head in a way that tells someone to come nearer
      1. a bag carried on the shoulder by a long strap and typically closed by a flap
      2. a plan or program of action
      3. a tool with a long, metal blade that has a sharp edge for cutting especially wood or stone
      4. words inscribed, as on a monument or in a book.
      5. a mental state between sleeping and waking in which a person does not move but can hear and understand what is being said
      6. a polite remark or respectful act
      7. having a hole or empty space inside

      14 Clues: a plan or program of actiona polite remark or respectful acthaving a hole or empty space insidea distinctive, typically pleasant smellviolently hostile or aggressive in temperamentwords inscribed, as on a monument or in a book.a smell that is only smelled briefly or faintlywhen separate people or things are brought together...

      maras crossword 2024-09-19

      maras crossword crossword puzzle
      1. best clothing brand
      2. whos lias bestie bob
      3. what is this
      4. who made this
      5. best duo
      6. best season
      7. my least fav colour
      1. another word for poo
      2. who says "hey sisters
      3. who has an orange face
      4. longest hair in class
      5. who is crazy

      12 Clues: best duobest seasonwhat is thiswho is crazywho made thisbest clothing brandmy least fav colouranother word for poowhos lias bestie bobwho says "hey sisterslongest hair in classwho has an orange face

      Chile development 2024-09-19

      Chile development crossword puzzle
      1. also known as a stage in development
      2. to make a difference in someone's life
      3. think deeply and carefully about something that has happened
      4. a child between the ages of 1 and 3
      5. consists of a mother a father and maybe even kids
      6. society or its organization
      7. to have an affect in someone's life
      8. give assistance
      9. to give something or someone a chance
      10. to grow and become more mature
      11. things you get from your mother and father to make you
      12. a feature or quality belonging to a particular person, place or thing
      13. a plan or action to help someone or something
      14. to move forward on onward in something
      15. the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy
      1. to help someone through something
      2. to talk to someone or multiple people about something
      3. a recently born child or animal
      4. refers to the changes in skills abilities and behaviours
      5. a point were people are not the same
      6. facts people have told or learnt
      7. a very young child or baby
      8. knowledge through study or being taught
      9. to be sad, happy, angry etc
      10. to be free from from illness or injury
      11. relating to the body not the mind
      12. to check the progress of someone or something
      13. give support to someone and help them boost confidence
      14. your brother or sister
      15. to grow taller in size

      30 Clues: give assistanceyour brother or sisterto grow taller in sizea very young child or babyto be sad, happy, angry etcsociety or its organizationto grow and become more maturea recently born child or animalfacts people have told or learntto help someone through somethingrelating to the body not the minda child between the ages of 1 and 3...

      Vocab 2 2024-09-19

      Vocab 2 crossword puzzle
      1. Example: "She is reading a book."
      2. The most intense, exciting, or important point of something; a culmination or apex.
      3. Example: In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Atticus Finch is a character known for his moral integrity.
      4. A set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory.
      5. A rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order.
      1. Example: "The Bible is the word of God because God says so in the Bible."
      2. The omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence.
      3. Example: "Wanna grab a bite?" instead of "Do you want to get something to eat?"
      4. Example: "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."
      5. A statement or assertion that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.

      10 Clues: Example: "She is reading a book."Example: "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."A set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory.The omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence.Example: "The Bible is the word of God because God says so in the Bible."...

      random 2024-09-19

      random crossword puzzle
      1. song
      2. marry poppins
      1. next week
      2. stores stationary
      3. another name for vivid
      4. ur name
      5. horror movie
      6. brainrot

      8 Clues: songur namebrainrotnext weekhorror moviemarry poppinsstores stationaryanother name for vivid

      The Lincoln Highway 2024-09-19

      The Lincoln Highway crossword puzzle
      1. To come together, or assemble
      2. Something that is like a miracle
      3. Leaving with only your bare ___________
      4. What some may assume of something
      1. The amount of people in an area
      2. An event to celebrate or religious occasion
      3. To owe something to another
      4. Another word for questioning, or to ask
      5. Ones mental sharpness

      9 Clues: Ones mental sharpnessTo owe something to anotherTo come together, or assembleThe amount of people in an areaSomething that is like a miracleWhat some may assume of somethingAnother word for questioning, or to askLeaving with only your bare ___________An event to celebrate or religious occasion

      Crucigrama de QUimica 2024-09-19

      Crucigrama de QUimica crossword puzzle
      1. cambio de estado de liquido a gaseoso
      2. tipo de cambio donde pierde energía en forma de calor
      3. cambio de estado de solido a liquido
      1. tipo de cambio donde se añade calor
      2. cambio de estado de gaseoso a liquido

      5 Clues: tipo de cambio donde se añade calorcambio de estado de solido a liquidocambio de estado de liquido a gaseosocambio de estado de gaseoso a liquidotipo de cambio donde pierde energía en forma de calor

      Science recap 2024-09-19

      Science recap crossword puzzle
      1. variable
      2. change
      3. Footprint
      4. variable
      1. variable
      2. Revolution
      3. sustainability

      7 Clues: changevariablevariablevariableFootprintRevolutionsustainability

      LATIHAN I 2024-09-19

      LATIHAN I crossword puzzle
      1. Arah mata angin
      2. Keterangan simbol- simbol
      3. Tempat di bumi dalam bentuk perairan di darat dan di laut, daratan di permukaan maupun di dalam bumi
      4. Kondisi rata- rata udara di wilayah sempit dalam waktu singkat
      5. Letak berdasarkan garis lintang dan bujur
      6. Letas suatu wilayah berdasarkan susunan batuan
      7. Perbandingan jarak sebenarnya dg jarak pada peta
      8. Peta dalam bahasa Inggris
      9. Warna pada peta yang menunjukkan hutan, dataran rendah, dan vegetasi
      10. Terdiri dari Ayah, Ibu, dan Anak
      11. Gambaran permukaan bumi pada bidang datar yang diperkecil dg skala
      1. Flora atau fauna di wilayah peralihan
      2. Hasil tambang
      3. Negara terluas di Asia Tenggara
      4. Letak objek di permukaan bumi
      5. Iklim Indonesia
      6. Salah satu unsur iklim
      7. Lempeng di sebelah utara Indonesia
      8. Sejarah Keluarga
      9. Ahli pembuat peta

      20 Clues: Hasil tambangArah mata anginIklim IndonesiaSejarah KeluargaAhli pembuat petaSalah satu unsur iklimKeterangan simbol- simbolPeta dalam bahasa InggrisLetak objek di permukaan bumiNegara terluas di Asia TenggaraTerdiri dari Ayah, Ibu, dan AnakLempeng di sebelah utara IndonesiaFlora atau fauna di wilayah peralihan...

      Crossword Spelling Week 9 2024-09-19

      Crossword Spelling Week 9 crossword puzzle
      1. Give Up On Something
      2. Type of American Money
      3. Female Leader
      1. Bob down exercise
      2. A team
      3. Another word for Silent
      4. Teal

      7 Clues: TealA teamFemale LeaderBob down exerciseGive Up On SomethingType of American MoneyAnother word for Silent

      Crucigrama de cambios de estados 2024-09-19

      Crucigrama de cambios de estados crossword puzzle
      1. cambio de estado de sólido a líquido.
      2. cambio de estado de líquido a sólido.
      3. cambio de estado de líquido a gas.
      4. cambio de estado de gas a líquido.
      1. cambio de estado de gas a sólido.
      2. cambio de estado de sólido a gas.

      6 Clues: cambio de estado de gas a sólido.cambio de estado de sólido a gas.cambio de estado de líquido a gas.cambio de estado de gas a líquido.cambio de estado de sólido a líquido.cambio de estado de líquido a sólido.

      Smiley face 2024-09-19

      Smiley face crossword puzzle
      1. Fall over a fruit peel
      2. Opposite of talk
      3. Change the ending of intrested
      4. I crept through the house...
      5. Confused
      6. Change the end of Report
      1. Another word for look
      2. A Non real limb
      3. Pleasent or Pleased
      4. A whisper like talk

      10 Clues: ConfusedA Non real limbOpposite of talkPleasent or PleasedA whisper like talkAnother word for lookFall over a fruit peelChange the end of ReportI crept through the house...Change the ending of intrested

      BÀI 2 2024-09-19

      BÀI 2 crossword puzzle
      1. TOO EASY
      2. TAMARINE
      3. NUMBER 6
      4. MARBLES
      5. NUMBRE 5
      1. PEAR
      2. CAR
      3. EXAM
      4. SQUASH
      5. NUMBERS
      6. NUMBER 4


      Madison and Paul Crossword 2024-09-19

      Madison and Paul Crossword crossword puzzle
      1. Groom's drink of choice
      2. Bride and Groom's first pet
      3. Bride's newly maiden name
      4. Groom's hometown
      5. Bride and groom's favorite car
      6. Groom's middle name
      7. Bride's hometown
      8. Groom's favorite sport
      9. Location of first trip together
      10. Where the groom attended college
      11. Month of the proposal
      1. Where you will find the bride and groom on a Friday night
      2. bride's heritage
      3. Best Man
      4. Birth month of the bride
      5. Birth month of the groom
      6. Bride's favorite food
      7. Groom's favorite activity
      8. Location of honeymoon
      9. Location of the proposal
      10. Groom's eye color
      11. Matron of honor
      12. Total number of nieces and nephews
      13. Animal the bride studies

      24 Clues: Best ManMatron of honorbride's heritageGroom's hometownBride's hometownGroom's eye colorGroom's middle nameBride's favorite foodLocation of honeymoonMonth of the proposalGroom's favorite sportGroom's drink of choiceBirth month of the brideBirth month of the groomLocation of the proposalAnimal the bride studiesBride's newly maiden name...

      Madison and Paul Crossword 2024-09-19

      Madison and Paul Crossword crossword puzzle
      1. Groom's drink of choice
      2. Bride and Groom's first pet
      3. Bride's newly maiden name
      4. Groom's hometown
      5. Bride and groom's favorite car
      6. Groom's middle name
      7. Bride's hometown
      8. Groom's favorite sport
      9. Location of first trip together
      10. Where the groom attended college
      11. Month of the proposal
      1. Where you will find the bride and groom on a Friday night
      2. bride's heritage
      3. Best Man
      4. Birth month of the bride
      5. Birth month of the groom
      6. Bride's favorite food
      7. Groom's favorite activity
      8. Location of honeymoon
      9. Location of the proposal
      10. Groom's eye color
      11. Matron of honor
      12. Total number of nieces and nephews
      13. Animal the bride studies

      24 Clues: Best ManMatron of honorbride's heritageGroom's hometownBride's hometownGroom's eye colorGroom's middle nameBride's favorite foodLocation of honeymoonMonth of the proposalGroom's favorite sportGroom's drink of choiceBirth month of the brideBirth month of the groomLocation of the proposalAnimal the bride studiesBride's newly maiden name...

      estados de la materia 2024-09-19

      estados de la materia crossword puzzle
      1. compuesto por átomos ionizados, donde los electrones circulan libremente.
      2. grupo de fermiones, que son capaces de experimentar la interacción nuclear fuerte
      3. Partícula elemental del tipo de los bosones portadora de la interacción nuclear fuerte
      1. tipo de partícula elemental con un papel fundamental en el mecanismo que origina la masa de las partículas elementales
      2. fluido cuyo volumen es constante bajo condiciones de temperatura y presión constantes.

      5 Clues: compuesto por átomos ionizados, donde los electrones circulan libremente.grupo de fermiones, que son capaces de experimentar la interacción nuclear fuertefluido cuyo volumen es constante bajo condiciones de temperatura y presión constantes.Partícula elemental del tipo de los bosones portadora de la interacción nuclear fuerte...

      Bailey Coposky - Renaissance and Reformation 2024-09-19

      Bailey Coposky - Renaissance and Reformation crossword puzzle
      1. settles reformation wars,1555
      2. settles religious turmoil in england
      3. non catholic christians
      4. rich people
      5. native language
      6. rebirth
      7. catholic missionaries
      8. nunchucks,orange,sistine chapel
      9. another protestant leader
      10. human emotion
      11. invented early copy machine
      12. early copy machine
      13. make invalid
      1. split in catholic church
      2. sai,red,school of athens
      3. meeting of clergy,1545-1563
      4. author,inventor,mona lisa,scientist
      5. catholic counter punch
      6. church of england
      7. 3 dimensional appearance
      8. bo staff,purple,bronze david
      9. henry vll 2nd wife, beheaded, elizabeths mom
      10. non religious
      11. new christian churches left catholicism
      12. buying salvation
      13. 6 wives

      26 Clues: rebirth6 wivesrich peoplemake invalidnon religioushuman emotionnative languagebuying salvationchurch of englandearly copy machinecatholic missionariescatholic counter punchnon catholic christianssplit in catholic churchsai,red,school of athens3 dimensional appearanceanother protestant leadermeeting of clergy,1545-1563invented early copy machine...

      Óxidos e hidróxidos 2024-09-19

      Óxidos e hidróxidos crossword puzzle
      1. Óxido de nióbio-tântalo e terras raras
      2. Óxido de ferro (Fe3O4)
      3. Óxido de manganês
      4. Óxido de ferro e cromo
      5. Óxido de nióbio, tântalo, ferro e manganês
      1. Agregado de gibbsita, diásporo e boehmita
      2. Hidróxido de alumínio
      3. Óxido de estanho
      4. Óxido de titânio
      5. Óxido de ferro e titânio
      6. Óxido de alumínio
      7. Hidróxido de ferro
      8. Óxido de ferro (Fe2O3)
      9. Óxido de titânio

      14 Clues: Óxido de estanhoÓxido de titânioÓxido de titânioÓxido de alumínioÓxido de manganêsHidróxido de ferroHidróxido de alumínioÓxido de ferro (Fe3O4)Óxido de ferro e cromoÓxido de ferro (Fe2O3)Óxido de ferro e titânioÓxido de nióbio-tântalo e terras rarasAgregado de gibbsita, diásporo e boehmitaÓxido de nióbio, tântalo, ferro e manganês

      EDSea 2024-09-19

      EDSea crossword puzzle
      1. A code to live by
      2. Colorful beads that are fun to trade
      3. Hold it high and find your friends
      4. What we're here to do
      5. Low end frequency
      1. Rave accessory made to be held
      2. Where the little fishies hide
      3. Eight tentacles, count 'em
      4. Our favorite flower
      5. Beautiful underwater beings

      10 Clues: A code to live byLow end frequencyOur favorite flowerWhat we're here to doEight tentacles, count 'emBeautiful underwater beingsWhere the little fishies hideRave accessory made to be heldHold it high and find your friendsColorful beads that are fun to trade

      Cements 2024-09-19

      Cements crossword puzzle
      1. Soothing effect on pulp by ZnOE cement
      2. _______property which allows zinc polycarboxylate cement can produce low film thickness
      3. Luting agent is used for_____
      4. Method used for manipulation of Zn phosphate cement for cementing otho bands
      5. Type of bonding of zinc polycarboxylate cement with tooth
      1. Procedure done to enhance bonding between zinc polycarboxylate and tooth
      2. Use of ZnOE cement is contraindicated with this restorative material
      3. Type of setting reaction ZnOE cement undergoes
      4. Eugenol is replaced by this to reduce irritation

      9 Clues: Luting agent is used for_____Soothing effect on pulp by ZnOE cementType of setting reaction ZnOE cement undergoesEugenol is replaced by this to reduce irritationType of bonding of zinc polycarboxylate cement with toothUse of ZnOE cement is contraindicated with this restorative material...

      Ontario Crossword 2024-09-19

      Ontario Crossword crossword puzzle
      1. What is the official language of Ontario?
      2. Who is the current premier of Ontario?
      3. Ontario is the ______ largest province in Canada.
      4. What is the official flower of Ontario?
      5. How many of The Great Lakes border Ontario?
      6. What is the official stone of Ontario?
      7. What is the largest indigenous group in Ontario?
      8. Ontario is home to ______ falls.
      1. Where did Terry Fox stop his run?
      2. What is the capital of Ontario?
      3. What city is home to the house of commons?
      4. Where in Ontario was Sir Fredrick Banting from?
      5. Popular baseball team from Toronto.
      6. What percentage of Canadians live in Ontario?
      7. The food chain Beavertails are from what town in Ontario?
      8. What is the oldest provincial park in Ontario?

      16 Clues: What is the capital of Ontario?Ontario is home to ______ falls.Where did Terry Fox stop his run?Popular baseball team from Toronto.Who is the current premier of Ontario?What is the official stone of Ontario?What is the official flower of Ontario?What is the official language of Ontario?What city is home to the house of commons?...

      spanish 2 - chapter 1b vocab 2024-09-19

      spanish 2 - chapter 1b vocab crossword puzzle
      1. martial arts
      2. band
      3. swimming
      4. rehearse
      5. chorus, choir
      6. hockey
      7. to rehearse
      8. among, between
      1. practice
      2. club
      3. to win/to earn
      4. to return
      5. young people
      6. team
      7. voice

      15 Clues: clubbandteamvoicehockeypracticeswimmingrehearseto returnto rehearsemartial artsyoung peoplechorus, choirto win/to earnamong, between

      spanish 2 - chapter 1b vocab 2024-09-19

      spanish 2 - chapter 1b vocab crossword puzzle
      1. martial arts
      2. band
      3. swimming
      4. rehearse
      5. chorus, choir
      6. hockey
      7. to rehearse
      8. among, between
      1. practice
      2. club
      3. to win/to earn
      4. to return
      5. young people
      6. team
      7. voice

      15 Clues: clubbandteamvoicehockeypracticeswimmingrehearseto returnto rehearsemartial artsyoung peoplechorus, choirto win/to earnamong, between

      E3 Vocabulary quiz 2024-09-19

      E3 Vocabulary quiz crossword puzzle
      1. of, relating to, or resulting from motion
      2. grayish white
      3. having an excessively sweet attitude, tone, or character
      4. a gift or sum of money) larger or more generous than is usual or necessary
      5. without a clearly defined shape or form
      6. having or showing a tendency to be easily angered
      7. Speak or write about (something) with great hostility
      8. intimidate (someone), typically into doing something, with stern or abusive words
      9. involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation
      10. a man or boy) uncouth and aggressive
      1. corresponding in size or degree; in proportion
      2. make (a person, idea, or piece of legislation) weaker or less effective
      3. offend (someone) by not acting in accordance with their wishes
      4. lacking harmony
      5. effusively sentimental
      6. sharpness or keenness of thought, vision, or hearing
      7. make more cheerful or confident
      8. kept secret or done secretively
      9. a person who takes particular pleasure in fine food and drink
      10. to suffer intense longing or yearning. Usually used with “for”

      20 Clues: grayish whitelacking harmonyeffusively sentimentalmake more cheerful or confidentkept secret or done secretivelya man or boy) uncouth and aggressivewithout a clearly defined shape or formof, relating to, or resulting from motioncorresponding in size or degree; in proportionhaving or showing a tendency to be easily angered...

      Textiles 2024-09-19

      Textiles crossword puzzle
      1. fine metal with a point on one end and a hole on the other, used for stitching.
      2. cloth made by weaving or knitting of fibres
      3. matted fabric wade of condensed fibres
      4. a string used to attach pieces of fabric
      5. a plan (detailed drawing on how a garment is wanted to look.
      1. loop of thread/yarn used by a single pass or movement of the needle
      2. a strong synthetic fibre used in civil engineering construction that stabilises loose soil.
      3. a continuous strand (man made/natural) used in weaving and knitting
      4. clothes, especially formal clothes, worn on a special occasion.

      9 Clues: matted fabric wade of condensed fibresa string used to attach pieces of fabriccloth made by weaving or knitting of fibresa plan (detailed drawing on how a garment is wanted to look.clothes, especially formal clothes, worn on a special occasion.loop of thread/yarn used by a single pass or movement of the needle...

      GDA | TLC Crossword 2024-09-19

      GDA | TLC Crossword crossword puzzle
      1. Raise the ____ (GDA|TLC Raiser Facebook Challenge)
      2. "In For _____" Aka Puppy Collge
      3. Location of GDA | TLC Campus
      4. Puppy Program Coordinator's Name
      5. one of the GDA | TLC Colors
      1. What day of the week is Puppy Go Home?
      2. This Great Dane has its own comic strip
      3. # of weeks for PK

      8 Clues: # of weeks for PKone of the GDA | TLC ColorsLocation of GDA | TLC Campus"In For _____" Aka Puppy CollgePuppy Program Coordinator's NameWhat day of the week is Puppy Go Home?This Great Dane has its own comic stripRaise the ____ (GDA|TLC Raiser Facebook Challenge)

      Gr. 5 Word Wonder 2024-09-19

      Gr. 5 Word Wonder crossword puzzle
      1. to make somebody feel that they do not belong (unwelcoming)
      2. to walk away from somewhere quietly so that you are not noticed; creep
      3. to bring something back from somewhere
      4. not very good; average
      5. to force someone to do something they don't want to do
      1. not moving or not intended to be moved
      2. pause in indecision before saying or doing something
      3. violently hostile or aggressive
      4. to remove or erase
      5. perplex and confused; very puzzled

      10 Clues: to remove or erasenot very good; averageviolently hostile or aggressiveperplex and confused; very puzzlednot moving or not intended to be movedto bring something back from somewherepause in indecision before saying or doing somethingto force someone to do something they don't want to doto make somebody feel that they do not belong (unwelcoming)...

      October 2024 2024-09-19

      October 2024 crossword puzzle
      1. The Red Brick School is a popular stop in this small town
      2. The name of a modest country church near Smithfield built in the 1800’s
      3. The Spoon River Valley _________ Drive
      4. Spoon River Drive is primarily located in this county
      1. A fish commonly found in the Spoon River
      2. Cafes on the drive are known for this midwestern pork sandwich
      3. Last name of the man who wrote Spoon River Anthology
      4. Always held the first two full weekends of this month
      5. The Spoon River joins this river
      6. Along Route 123 you will find a bridge on a bend near Ellisville
      7. The first scenic drive was organized in 1968 as a celebration for 150 year statehood of Illinois

      11 Clues: The Spoon River joins this riverThe Spoon River Valley _________ DriveA fish commonly found in the Spoon RiverLast name of the man who wrote Spoon River AnthologyAlways held the first two full weekends of this monthSpoon River Drive is primarily located in this countyThe Red Brick School is a popular stop in this small town...

      ANIMALS 2024-09-19

      ANIMALS crossword puzzle
      1. this animal flies in the air and has feathers
      2. this animal loves to play fetch and loves being pet
      3. really tall and has spots
      4. kinda looks like a dog and is scared but if you come close they will not be so afraid
      5. can sting you and lives in the water and starts with a J
      6. the animal lives in the water and has sharp teeth and can smell blood
      7. they live in the forest and they are either the same color as dirt or the same color as the tv when its off
      8. gives us one of the best parts about breakfast
      9. looks like rosie kinda and lives in the mountains sometimes
      10. one of the fastest animals
      11. has a big main
      12. this animal loves to run on a wheel
      13. has spots and gives us milk
      14. crazy acts like a human sometimes and the color of the animal is the same color as dirt
      15. in the movie shrek
      1. the animal jumps and the color is the same color as shrek
      2. has beaks and gives us eggs
      3. swims in the water and has gills
      4. quacks a lot and likes to be in water and likes to eat bread
      5. lives in flordia and live in water and the same color as shrek
      6. has lines and is the same color as a ghost and the same colors as the tv when its off
      7. really big and the same color as the couch and has big tusks
      8. caused a really big sickness in 2020
      9. some of them have venom and they like to eat mice
      10. really small but when you come close and can make there spikes come out and hurt you,and in video games
      11. this animal loves to eat hay and its really tall
      12. lives in water and can pinch ur toes
      13. my favorite animal
      14. luna loves to try and get them of are backyard wall but they are to fast
      15. likes to hide in walls and chew on cheese

      30 Clues: has a big mainmy favorite animalin the movie shrekreally tall and has spotsone of the fastest animalshas beaks and gives us eggshas spots and gives us milkswims in the water and has gillsthis animal loves to run on a wheelcaused a really big sickness in 2020lives in water and can pinch ur toeslikes to hide in walls and chew on cheese...

      Vocab 2 2024-09-19

      Vocab 2 crossword puzzle
      1. Example: "Every day, every night, in every way, I am getting better and better."
      2. Example: "The Bible is the word of God because God says so in the Bible."
      3. Example: "Wanna grab a bite?" instead of "Do you want to get something to eat?"
      4. A thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another.
      5. A concise statement of a principle or truth.
      6. Example: "We shouldn't listen to John's argument about climate change because he's not a scientist."
      7. Example: "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."
      8. A set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory.
      9. An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.
      10. A rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order.
      1. Example: In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Atticus Finch is a character known for his moral integrity.
      2. A comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
      3. Example: "She is reading a book."
      4. Example: "Each of us saw her duck."
      5. A statement or assertion that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
      6. A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
      7. Example: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers." Add “alliterative” to definitions and examples.
      8. The omission or absence of a conjunction between parts of a sentence.
      9. Example: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
      10. Example: "O, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?"
      11. The most intense, exciting, or important point of something; a culmination or apex.

      21 Clues: Example: "She is reading a book."Example: "Each of us saw her duck."A concise statement of a principle or truth.Example: "O, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?"Example: "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."Example: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."A set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory....