animals Crossword Puzzles
Animals 2023-02-20
23 Clues: dog • cat • hen • pig • cow • frog • lion • bear • bird • duck • mouse • snake • shark • parrot • rabbit • monkey • rooster • giraffe • octopus • dolphin • starfish • elephant • crocodile
Animals 2023-02-20
- This arachnid has a stinger on its tail and is known for its venom.
- This large mammal has thick skin and a horn on its nose.
- This intelligent mammal is known for its playful behavior and love of swimming.
- This marsupial is native to Australia and is known for its powerful legs and ability to hop.
- This large mammal is known for its big teeth and love of water.
- This slow-moving mammal spends most of its life hanging upside down in trees.
- This tall mammal has a long neck and spots on its fur.
- This large reptile is known for its strong jaws and lives in the water.
- This sea creature has eight arms and is known for its intelligence and ability to camouflage.
- This large mammal has a long trunk and large ears and is known for its intelligence.
- This flat fish has a stinger on its tail and lives in the ocean.
- This large cat has orange fur with black stripes.
- This intelligent primate is closely related to humans and is known for using tools.
- This pink bird is known for standing on one leg and is found in warm climates.
- This colorful bird has a large bill and is native to Central and South America.
- This black and white bear is native to China and eats bamboo.
- This masked animal is known for its love of trash and ability to climb trees.
- This large bird cannot fly but is known for being the fastest running bird.
- This fast-running cat is known for its spots and is the fastest land animal.
- This large mammal has long tusks and is known for living in cold climates.
- This striped animal is related to horses and lives in Africa.
- This large primate is native to Africa and is closely related to humans.
- This unique mammal is native to Australia and has a bill like a duck and lays eggs.
- This cute animal is native to Australia and eats eucalyptus leaves.
- This shark has a distinctive head shape that looks like a hammer.
25 Clues: This large cat has orange fur with black stripes. • This tall mammal has a long neck and spots on its fur. • This large mammal has thick skin and a horn on its nose. • This black and white bear is native to China and eats bamboo. • This striped animal is related to horses and lives in Africa. • This large mammal is known for its big teeth and love of water. • ...
animals 2023-02-21
23 Clues: govs • suns • cūka • muša • kaķis • vista • čuska • alnis • zaķis • kāmis • zirgs • lācis • slieka • ērglis • tītars • ķengurs • zilonis • tīģeris • briedis • pērtiķis • kamielis • papagailis • bruņurupucis
Animals 2023-02-24
- giraffe in indonesia
- sapi in English
- camel in Indonesia
- cow in indonesia
- mouse in indonesia
- leherku panjang
- Tiger in indonesia
- musuhnya kucing
- I am king of rimba
- aku bertelur
- I like fish
- I like carrot
- aku berkokok dipagi hari
- bebek in English
- burung dara in English
- Harimau in english
- snake in Indonesia
- aku bersuara mbekk
- I life in water
- hidup di gurun pasir
- fish in English
21 Clues: I like fish • aku bertelur • I like carrot • sapi in English • I life in water • leherku panjang • fish in English • musuhnya kucing • bebek in English • cow in indonesia • camel in Indonesia • mouse in indonesia • Harimau in english • snake in Indonesia • aku bersuara mbekk • Tiger in indonesia • I am king of rimba • giraffe in indonesia • hidup di gurun pasir • burung dara in English • ...
Animals 2023-03-01
- This animal is used in horseback riding
- This animal can fly
- This animal has a trunk
- This animal is the most common family pet
- This animal has orange and black stripes
- This animal gives us milk
- This animal lives in the bayou and ponds
- This animal goes oo oo ah ah
- This animal lives in coops
- This animal is pink
- This animal slithers
- This animal has white and black stripes
- This animal is super fast
- This animal is from Shrek
- This animal is really tall
- This animal sometimes faints
- This animal is a spawn from satan
- This animal lives in dirt
- This animal has a mane
- This animal lives on a farm and eats slop
20 Clues: This animal is pink • This animal can fly • This animal slithers • This animal has a mane • This animal has a trunk • This animal is super fast • This animal is from Shrek • This animal gives us milk • This animal lives in dirt • This animal lives in coops • This animal is really tall • This animal sometimes faints • This animal goes oo oo ah ah • This animal is a spawn from satan • ...
animals 2023-02-08
- can jump in the air
- can produce milk
- have a hard shell
- are red and orange and are very cute
- washed up on the shore and shaped like a star
- weight over more than a ton
- have the ability to bite you
- have a stripe pattern on there back
- climb in the trees
- have pouches
- really nice to humans communicate using there mouth
- always travel in packs
- are very slimy
- we are them
- really like kelp and swim on there backs in the ocean bays
- are covered in wool
- are mans best friend
- are scared of humans
- can produce milk and some can have horns and not a cow
- are very lazy and hang in the trees
- are scared of water
- like to roll in the mud and are pink
- have hoofs on there feet
- only swim in the water at night
24 Clues: we are them • have pouches • are very slimy • can produce milk • have a hard shell • climb in the trees • can jump in the air • are covered in wool • are scared of water • are mans best friend • are scared of humans • always travel in packs • have hoofs on there feet • weight over more than a ton • have the ability to bite you • only swim in the water at night • ...
Animals 2023-02-14
- I am nocturnal
- I look like a dog, but I am wild
- I am black and white and like cold weather
- I'm a primate and can swing from trees
- I slither
- Likes to chase mice
- I am in a book where I wear red pajamas
- I carry my house on my back
- I hibernate all winter
- My name rhymes with house
- My home is called a den
- I am the king of the jungle
- Man's best friend
- Flying mammal
- I live in trees and eat nuts
- Rudolph is one
- Has a trunk
- I have very long legs and neck
- Large marsupial
- I am a large cat with stripes
- I live in the desert
21 Clues: I slither • Has a trunk • Flying mammal • I am nocturnal • Rudolph is one • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • I live in the desert • I hibernate all winter • My home is called a den • My name rhymes with house • I carry my house on my back • I am the king of the jungle • I live in trees and eat nuts • I am a large cat with stripes • I have very long legs and neck • ...
animals 2023-03-30
- they can count
- a cow's baby
- people go on a boat to try to see them
- has a verry long fluffy tail and lives in the trees
- has a lot of spots
- its green and small and live in the water
- has a lot of spines
- says miauw
- eats cheese and is verry small
- they talk to you
- eats bamboo
- can rotate his neck 360 degrees
- lays eggs
- climbs and swings everywhere
- has black with white stripes
- plays in the mud
- people do a sport on it
- is red and lives in the woods
- has very long antlers
- many people have it as pets
- they have a very long neck
- bear lives in the northpole
- can talk with dolphins
23 Clues: lays eggs • says miauw • eats bamboo • a cow's baby • they can count • plays in the mud • they talk to you • has a lot of spots • has a lot of spines • has very long antlers • can talk with dolphins • people do a sport on it • they have a very long neck • many people have it as pets • bear lives in the northpole • climbs and swings everywhere • has black with white stripes • ...
animals 2023-03-30
- laut lehmade jaoks
- süstalt ühendama
- toitev silo
- manustama hapniku
- poegimisala
- liigesepõletik
- söömine karjamaal
- lihatootmine
- mugav eluase
- kuiv allapanu
- masin mida kasutatakse lüpsmisel
- niiskustaseme kontroll
- piimaveised
- lehmasid jälgima
- söödasegu
- toiduainete spetsialist
- kõrvade sälgutamine
- regulaarne toitumine
- ternespiima manustamine
- kuldi kõrvalmaitse
- ei peeta aedikus
- kummivoolik
- regulaarne toitumine
- hammaste lõikamine
- nöopiirkonna vigastatud
- õhkuahmima
- mõjutab suremust
- suurlaut
- päevläbi sööma
- rauasüst
- südamelöögid
31 Clues: suurlaut • rauasüst • söödasegu • õhkuahmima • toitev silo • poegimisala • kummivoolik • piimaveised • lihatootmine • mugav eluase • südamelöögid • kuiv allapanu • liigesepõletik • päevläbi sööma • lehmasid jälgima • süstalt ühendama • ei peeta aedikus • mõjutab suremust • manustama hapniku • söömine karjamaal • laut lehmade jaoks • kuldi kõrvalmaitse • hammaste lõikamine • kõrvade sälgutamine • regulaarne toitumine • ...
animals 2023-03-30
- vabapidamine
- õhku ahmima
- sõrgade lõikamine
- tasakaalustatud dieet
- rauasüst
- kana munad
- vabad hingamisteed
- mõjutab surevust
- lehmade lüpsmine
- nöopiirkonna vigastused
- vastsündinud sead
- saba eemaldamine
- regulaarne toitumine
- manusta hapniku
- industrialiseeritud põllumajandus
- piima veised
- suur laut
- liigesepõletik
- mugav eluase
- lehmasid jälgima
- toitev silo
- kõrvade sälgutamine
- lihatootmine
- poegimisala
- südamelöökide sagedus
- niiskustaseme kontroll
- kummivoolik
- süstalt ühendama
- pulli igemed
- kuiv allapanu
30 Clues: rauasüst • suur laut • kana munad • õhku ahmima • toitev silo • poegimisala • kummivoolik • vabapidamine • mugav eluase • lihatootmine • pulli igemed • piima veised • kuiv allapanu • liigesepõletik • manusta hapniku • lehmasid jälgima • mõjutab surevust • lehmade lüpsmine • süstalt ühendama • saba eemaldamine • sõrgade lõikamine • vastsündinud sead • vabad hingamisteed • kõrvade sälgutamine • regulaarne toitumine • ...
Animals 2023-03-29
47 Clues: byk • kot • koń • lis • wąż • lew • foka • żaba • owca • wilk • sowa • ptak • pies • koza • ryba • robak • krowa • zebra • orzeł • pająk • motyl • indyk • goryl • rekin • jeleń • mucha • małpa • mrówka • żyrafa • tygrys • kaczka • papuga • delfin • kurczak • pingwin • wieloryb • pszczoła • dinozaur • krokodyl • aligator • rozwiazda • wiewiórka • niedźwiedź • żółw wodny • jaszczurka • ośmiornica • żółw lądowy
animals 2023-04-11
- slimy creature
- fast and hops high
- powerful hind legs and can box
- big animal with long neck
- say ooh ooh ah ah
- mythical creature with a horn
- … and the hare
- many spikes on back
- black and white big creature
- says meow
- repeats what you say, can fly
- lives in antarctica waddles
- big fish with many teeth, very territorial
- where dogs descended from
- extinct creature lived millions of years ago
- trash panda, mini robber
- says quack quack
- a big mouse
- biggest land animal with tusks and trunk
- black and white stripes
- lays eggs that we eat
- descended from wolves
- lives in and out of water
- american symbol
24 Clues: says meow • a big mouse • slimy creature • … and the hare • american symbol • says quack quack • say ooh ooh ah ah • fast and hops high • many spikes on back • lays eggs that we eat • descended from wolves • black and white stripes • trash panda, mini robber • where dogs descended from • big animal with long neck • lives in and out of water • lives in antarctica waddles • ...
Animals 2023-04-28
- I’m grey but my sister is rainbow
- creepy crawly
- I’m a singer in Zootopia
- I do tricks at the zoo
- they made a movie out of my dad!
- I’m small, cute, fluffy, and I’m a pet
- what’s does the - say!?
- I’m a meme
- Likes to chase mice
- Fastest bird
- I’m normal at weddings
- I like lettuce
- slithery slithery..?
- I’m an INSANE breed of fox
- I’m such a shocking animal
- I’m in Shrek
- Flying mammal
- some of my brothers live in the woods
- I’m Eli’s favorite animal
- I’m fat.
- I’m a crab?
- I’m always in danger during hunting season
- Dragon ancestor
- Big cat that likes water
- Man's best friend
- I’m McDonald’s most popular food item
- I don’t look like a leaf but my name has leaf in it?
- I’ll chomp your fingers off.
- King of the jungle
- Female Lion
- I laugh like a mad man
- known for racing
- I’m pink
- MNs state bird
- Lyle Lyle..?
- I’m a fluffy cow
- I’m the most known pet snake
- I’m a pet noodle
- I’m in The Little Mermaid
- Has a trunk
- Large marsupial
- Some people call me a cheetah but I’m not
- I’m Eli’s SECOND favorite animal
- blob blob
- Slowest animal
- spiky fish that’s caught in MN
- I’m a savanna cow
- My name is a fruit
50 Clues: I’m pink • I’m fat. • blob blob • I’m a meme • Female Lion • Has a trunk • I’m a crab? • Lyle Lyle..? • Fastest bird • I’m in Shrek • creepy crawly • Flying mammal • MNs state bird • ITS A UNICORN! • I like lettuce • Slowest animal • Large marsupial • Dragon ancestor • known for racing • I’m a fluffy cow • I’m a pet noodle • Man's best friend • I’m a savanna cow • King of the jungle • My name is a fruit • ...
Animals 2023-04-28
- the foot of an animal that has claws or nails, such as a cat, dog, or bear
- a large insect with a long, thin, brightly coloured body and two pairs of transparent wings
- an animal with a thick, hard shell. It eats plants, moves very slowly, and sleeps during the winter.
- a type of insect with large, often brightly coloured wings
- a small flying insect that bites people and animals and sucks their blood
- the hard, pointed part of a bird's mouth
- a large insect with long back legs that can jump very high
- an adult female chicken
- one of the many soft, light things that cover a bird's body
- a small, red beetle that is round and has black spots
- the part of the body that joins the head to the shoulder
- a flying insect, often black and yellow, that can sting
- one of the many very small, flat pieces that cover the skin of fish, snakes, etc.
- the flat part of the body that a bird, insect, or bat uses for flying
- a large African animal with a very long neck and long legs
- the organ through which fish and other water creatures breathe
- a part of an animal's body, sticking out from the base of the back
- a very large grey mammal that has a trunk
- long, pointed tooth of some animals such as elephants
- the thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals
- a small, brightly coloured bird, often kept as a pet
- a growth of long hair on the neck of a horse, lion, or other animal
- the long, tube-shaped nose of an elephant
- a large bird with very long tail feathers
- part of fish anatomy that help them move and balance
25 Clues: an adult female chicken • the hard, pointed part of a bird's mouth • a very large grey mammal that has a trunk • the long, tube-shaped nose of an elephant • a large bird with very long tail feathers • a small, brightly coloured bird, often kept as a pet • part of fish anatomy that help them move and balance • long, pointed tooth of some animals such as elephants • ...
Animals 2023-05-02
- It is a colorful bird and it can speak.
- It gives milk
- Its baby is lamb.
- It doesn't have to drink very often.
- It is orange and it lives in the forest.
- lives in Australia
- It has eight legs. people are often afraid of it.
- It is a pink farm animal.
- Cats eat this animal.
- It is awake at night. It is a symbol of wisdom.
- It is usually green and it is an amphibians.
- it loves swinging in the tress and it eats bananas.
- Likes to chase mice
- It is a very long animal and it doesn't have legs.
- It cares apples on its bag.
- It has black and white stripes.
- It is a small cute pet. It eats carrots.
- Flying black mammal
- It is black and orange and it lives in the jungle.
- It is a wild dog.
- It is a pink bird with long legs.
- It has a lot of "legs". It lives in the see.
- It is a dangerous fish. It lives in the see.
- It is a bird and it cannot fly.
- It is a bird and it can run very fast.
- It has a very long neck.
- You can ride on this animal.
- Has a trunk
- It is the king of all animals.
- it is a black and white animal. It eats bamboo.
- Man's best friend
- It lives in the forest and sleeps in the winter.
32 Clues: Has a trunk • It gives milk • It is a wild dog. • Its baby is lamb. • Man's best friend • lives in Australia • Likes to chase mice • Flying black mammal • Cats eat this animal. • It has a very long neck. • It is a pink farm animal. • It cares apples on its bag. • You can ride on this animal. • It is the king of all animals. • It is a bird and it cannot fly. • It has black and white stripes. • ...
animals 2017-03-21
Animals 2017-06-15
21 Clues: Hai • Kuh • Bär • Maus • Hund • Eule • Fisch • Kamel • Katze • Ratte • Pferd • Frosch • Spinne • Elefant • Nilpferd • Eidechse • Krokodil • Schlange • Fledermaus • Kanarienvogel • Meerschweinchen
Animals 2017-03-01
- Big and fat animal that lives near the water.
- I am a very big animal and I live in the sea.
- No legs, many different types.
- I have eight legs.
- Very small animal, often white in colour.
- Long and green, with a long tail.
- I am small but very long. I also have a long tongue.
- I am very tall.
- Re-order these letters "EABR"
- I am like a horse, but have white and black stripes.
- Woof!
- I like to eat bamboo.
- Ribbit!
- Milk.
- A sheep with horns.
- I am fluffy and white like a cloud.
- Orange and black stripes.
- Quack!
- You can ride me, I've a small tail and four legs.
- Has a long nose!
- I like to eat bananas.
- I lay eggs.
- Not a dog.
- I live in the sea, am very big and scary. I like to eat other animals.
- Small animal with a tail, often green in colour.
- I can fly.
26 Clues: Milk. • Woof! • Quack! • Ribbit! • Not a dog. • I can fly. • I lay eggs. • I am very tall. • Has a long nose! • I have eight legs. • A sheep with horns. • I like to eat bamboo. • I like to eat bananas. • Orange and black stripes. • Re-order these letters "EABR" • No legs, many different types. • Long and green, with a long tail. • I am fluffy and white like a cloud. • ...
Animals 2017-06-04
- Very sleepy furball
- Graceful as a ______
- Oink oink
- Big tall fast bird
- Masked trash panda
- Timon from the lion king
- Cute little polka-dotted insect
- Cat that runs real fast
- waddling bird in antarctica
- Lizard that sells insurance
- Striped danger cat
- Big hairy primate
- Red claws go snap snap
- Ryan or a baby goose
- Flies fast and drinks sugar water
- Bird with a rainbowy tail
- Shell reptile
- Sprays water out of its head
- Cat thing that laughs
- Like a llama but not
20 Clues: Oink oink • Shell reptile • Big hairy primate • Striped danger cat • Big tall fast bird • Masked trash panda • Very sleepy furball • Graceful as a ______ • Ryan or a baby goose • Like a llama but not • Cat thing that laughs • Red claws go snap snap • Cat that runs real fast • Timon from the lion king • Bird with a rainbowy tail • waddling bird in antarctica • Lizard that sells insurance • ...
Animals 2020-03-26
- a baby deer
- a baby duck
- a baby pig
- They Go Snap And Are Large Reptile
- a baby platypus
- a baby kangaroo
- Can Be Black And White Also Eat Bamboo
- a baby chicken
- a baby goose
- Bambaii was this animal
- A Baby Sheep
- Largest Asian Antelope and its scientific name is a Boselaphustragocamelus
- This Animal Starts Off As A Caterpillar
- This Animal Will Sting You If You Come Near Its Hive And Is Black And White
- a baby horse
- a baby cat
- a baby lion
- most people have this as a pet and it can guard your home
- a baby cow
- a baby swan
20 Clues: a baby pig • a baby cat • a baby cow • a baby deer • a baby duck • a baby lion • a baby swan • A Baby Sheep • a baby horse • a baby goose • a baby chicken • a baby platypus • a baby kangaroo • Bambaii was this animal • They Go Snap And Are Large Reptile • Can Be Black And White Also Eat Bamboo • This Animal Starts Off As A Caterpillar • most people have this as a pet and it can guard your home • ...
ANIMALS 2020-03-26
- tall as a tree
- the light is blinding me!
- predator of the sea
- hey can I have some dumplings
- clawing cuteness
- don't make me sit on you, trust me, you will die
- the camera adds ten pounds
- and a hop and a hop
- you just have to be the largest animal
- Man's best friend
- Choose one, black or white
- slow down
- lazy cuteness
- how can I not see my footprints in the sand?
- why you banging your chest
- in the jungle the might jungle
- I am as sleek as a...
- full moon man
- not to big, not to small, just right
- this is an easy one (.^.) turn it upside down
20 Clues: slow down • lazy cuteness • full moon man • tall as a tree • clawing cuteness • Man's best friend • predator of the sea • and a hop and a hop • I am as sleek as a... • the light is blinding me! • Choose one, black or white • why you banging your chest • the camera adds ten pounds • hey can I have some dumplings • in the jungle the might jungle • not to big, not to small, just right • ...
Animals 2020-02-29
26 Clues: ló • sas • hal • béka • cica • cápa • nyúl • kutya • medve • malac • bálna • tehén • ketrec • kecske • zsiráf • víziló • bárány • delfin • strucc • hörcsög • papagáj • oroszlán • szurikáta • tengeri malac • farmon élő állat • kisállat/ háziállat
Animals 2020-03-17
- Slowest animal of the world
- Has spots rather than stripes
- Looks like seal and has horn
- Supposed to be very wise
- The announcer of spring
- Largest of the ape and monkey families, full grown
- Has most legs
- The largest mammal
- Has the most impressive tail
- The only poisonous snake in Estonia
- Tallest bird
- Animal who never sleep
- Famous amphibian
- The symbol of peace
- Only birds known to be capable of flying backwards
- What type of animal is an Ibis?
- Has got a hump, lives in Africa
- Marsupial
- Fastest runner on the land
- Bird who can't fly
20 Clues: Marsupial • Tallest bird • Has most legs • Famous amphibian • The largest mammal • Bird who can't fly • The symbol of peace • Animal who never sleep • The announcer of spring • Supposed to be very wise • Fastest runner on the land • Slowest animal of the world • Looks like seal and has horn • Has the most impressive tail • Has spots rather than stripes • What type of animal is an Ibis? • ...
Animals 2020-05-03
- has 8 legs and lives in the sea
- feed them bread in a pond
- also love mud,are fat and live in a rain forest
- a scaly no-legged reptile that hisses
- they love mud
- this eats everything and is an intruder to the old garage.
- dad and martin(Friday night dinner)should know this.
- has a shell and lives in the sea and is not a snail
- produces milk and is beef
- eaten with chips
- naughty and loves bananas
- Has a trunk
- think roast dinners
- Man's best friend
- has a pouch and jumps a lot
- head in the sand
- nunu. nunu. nunununununununununu...JAWS!
- not 3 humps
- Likes to chase mice
- use plastic and are bad for the environment.(YOU)
20 Clues: Has a trunk • not 3 humps • they love mud • eaten with chips • head in the sand • Man's best friend • think roast dinners • Likes to chase mice • naughty and loves bananas • feed them bread in a pond • produces milk and is beef • has a pouch and jumps a lot • has 8 legs and lives in the sea • a scaly no-legged reptile that hisses • nunu. nunu. nunununununununununu...JAWS! • ...
Animals 2020-05-01
- loves acorns
- loves bananas
- hangs from trees
- thanksgiving
- black and white horse
- no legs or arms
- black and white bear
- can catch with tongue
- tall and pink
- really slow
- big eyes
- gives us bacon
- can give a horrible smell
- color full feathers
- quack quack!!
- meows
- large trunk
- can be a hunter and be hunted
- howls
- only comes out at night
- mans best friend
21 Clues: meows • howls • big eyes • really slow • large trunk • loves acorns • thanksgiving • loves bananas • quack quack!! • tall and pink • gives us bacon • no legs or arms • hangs from trees • mans best friend • color full feathers • black and white bear • black and white horse • can catch with tongue • only comes out at night • can give a horrible smell • can be a hunter and be hunted
Animals 2020-04-28
- Large canine
- big striped tiger
- an animal with a shell that lives in the ocean
- an animal that loves fish and stars in the movie Brave
- an animal that is king of beasts
- a mammal in the ocean
- They love the bananas
- The furry pet that owns the house
- Small or long that can live in the desert or in jungles
- nocturnal bird
- a decent sized dinosaur
- domestic wolf
- Birds that feed on the dead
- They have a long nose that can grow up to around 6ft
- nasty birds that live in the city
- the person who created this
- a bear that lives in china that eats bamboo
- the biggest whale in the world
- They make the milk
- an animal that lives on a farm
20 Clues: Large canine • domestic wolf • nocturnal bird • big striped tiger • They make the milk • a mammal in the ocean • They love the bananas • a decent sized dinosaur • Birds that feed on the dead • the person who created this • the biggest whale in the world • an animal that lives on a farm • an animal that is king of beasts • nasty birds that live in the city • ...
Animals 2020-04-27
- quacks
- is a bigger ape
- we eat during thanksgiving
- lives in caves
- is pink and oinks
- is big and lot fur
- has a long neck
- has black stripes and white
- is scaly
- has a trunk
- barks
- in the movie jaws
- is red and small with black spots
- lives in the water
- is orange and has stripes
- has a shell
- you can win it a fair
- is slow
- is small and everywhere
- meows
20 Clues: barks • meows • quacks • is slow • is scaly • has a shell • has a trunk • lives in caves • is a bigger ape • has a long neck • in the movie jaws • is pink and oinks • lives in the water • is big and lot fur • you can win it a fair • is small and everywhere • is orange and has stripes • we eat during thanksgiving • has black stripes and white • is red and small with black spots
Animals 2020-04-27
51 Clues: lew • sęp • kot • jeż • koń • wąż • pies • wilk • sowa • ryba • bóbr • żaba • orka • mysz • sowa • żółw • krab • krab • foka • słoń • orzeł • zając • motyl • krowa • rekin • małpa • struś • baran • pająk • gołąb • osioł • zebra • papuga • delfin • królik • mrówka • bocian • kangur • żyrafa • tygrys • pingwin • pantera • koliber • krokodyl • wielbłąd • wieloryb • pszczoła • szympans • nietoperz • ośmiornica • bear niedżwiedż polarny
Animals 2020-04-29
- Man's best friend
- sharks are not whales
- go moo
- lives in schools
- have goatys
- like to drink blood
- bite
- Has a trunk
- you can find in trees
- like to jump
- Likes to chase mice
- can get very big
- are the mane predatorys
- hibernate
- are going to really
- live on the bottom of the sea
- goes really good
- Large marsupial
- pray for god
- Flying mammal
20 Clues: bite • go moo • hibernate • have goatys • Has a trunk • pray for god • like to jump • Flying mammal • Large marsupial • can get very big • lives in schools • goes really good • Man's best friend • are going to really • like to drink blood • Likes to chase mice • sharks are not whales • you can find in trees • are the mane predatorys • live on the bottom of the sea
animals 2020-04-29
- big fish of the sea
- produces beef
- head can do a 360
- produces wool
- insect commonly found under things
- well known sea animal
- cant walk backwards
- tiny insect that you see when its about to rain
- farmers hate them but are well known pets
- brought coronavirus to Australia
- mans best friend
- black, loud type of bird
- eight legs
- there are trapes made especially for them
- nine lives
- gives bacon
- make nests
- male predator
- spotted insect
- eats chickens and hunts at night
20 Clues: eight legs • nine lives • make nests • gives bacon • produces beef • produces wool • male predator • spotted insect • mans best friend • head can do a 360 • big fish of the sea • cant walk backwards • well known sea animal • black, loud type of bird • eats chickens and hunts at night • brought coronavirus to Australia • insect commonly found under things • there are trapes made especially for them • ...
animals 2021-01-06
- fasted animal
- the tortoise and the _____ raced
- big mane
- wise old ________
- also known as the white fox,or snow fox
- pulling santas sleigh
- black and white stripes
- "meow"
- most common a amphibian
- most common pet in the U.S.
- red butts
- starts with a y and has horns
- "big bad ________"
- trunk
- unicorn of the sea
- most people eat ______ on Thanksgiving
- jumps and has a joey
- 8 legs
- rolling mud
- long neck
20 Clues: trunk • 8 legs • "meow" • big mane • red butts • long neck • rolling mud • fasted animal • wise old ________ • "big bad ________" • unicorn of the sea • jumps and has a joey • pulling santas sleigh • black and white stripes • most common a amphibian • most common pet in the U.S. • starts with a y and has horns • the tortoise and the _____ raced • most people eat ______ on Thanksgiving • ...
Animals 2021-01-12
- biggest fish in the sea
- makes honey
- pulls santas sleigh
- what animal has the longest neck
- provides milk
- Honu
- pink bird
- used to make bacon
- lays eggs
- mans best friends
- fastest animal
- strongest bird
- all white bear
- a cobra is a type of?
- biggest land animal
- likes cheese
- has 8 arms
- mo'o
- king of the jungle
- what type of animals is nemo
- says meow
21 Clues: mo'o • Honu • pink bird • lays eggs • says meow • has 8 arms • makes honey • likes cheese • provides milk • strongest bird • all white bear • fastest animal • mans best friends • king of the jungle • used to make bacon • biggest land animal • pulls santas sleigh • a cobra is a type of? • biggest fish in the sea • what type of animals is nemo • what animal has the longest neck
animals 2021-01-12
20 Clues: pony • pack • meyow • mufasa • cheese • who who • antlers • ruff ruff • long neck • long trunk • bounce bounce • black stripes • swim in ocean • slowest animal • type of dragon • pond preditors • fast preditors • sssssssssssssssss • predator of ocean • black and white stripes
animals 2020-10-02
- a boy chicken
- a big monkey like
- lives in desert and has humps
- an animal that has horns and it is brown and its horn look like a tree
- a large animal that is brown and has sharp teeth
- A white and black cute animal
- whale largest sea animal
- turns into B_______Y
- big monkey and starts with g
- a living man
- cute orange animal that starts with F
- a stick insect that is small and T H I N
- another mouse but harmful
- a flying animal
- small red or blacck animal
- annoys u (flying)
- a big animal with sharp teeth and it is yellow it has hair on its neck.
- eats banana
- long green animal
- brown animal U RIDE ON
- CUTE AND GREY mammal or rodent..?
- fastest animal
- Everyone
- a small white animal that eats carrot
- beatiful flyers
- smallest animal (type of fly)
- woof
- biggest animal (land)
- big rabbits that has pockets
- a green animal that has shells
- meow meow
31 Clues: woof • Everyone • meow meow • eats banana • a living man • a boy chicken • fastest animal • beatiful flyers • a flying animal • long green animal • a big monkey like • annoys u (flying) • turns into B_______Y • biggest animal (land) • brown animal U RIDE ON • whale largest sea animal • another mouse but harmful • small red or blacck animal • big monkey and starts with g • big rabbits that has pockets • ...
Animals 2020-10-21
- hee-haw hee-haw
- hop-hop-hop like _________
- they are the softest animal in the world
- fastest animal in the world
- a common pet
- tallest animal in the world
- they are black and white and super fuzzy
- a striped type of cat
- after a while _____________
- five little __________ jumping on the bed
- it is a holiday in february
- they are black and white striped
- santa uses these to pull his sled
- ROAR!!!!!
- MOO!
- see you later ___________
- you can ride it, uses a saddle
- has a trunk
- we eat them for Thanksgiving dinner
- they are pink and sometimes stand on one leg
- a common pet
21 Clues: MOO! • ROAR!!!!! • has a trunk • a common pet • a common pet • hee-haw hee-haw • a striped type of cat • see you later ___________ • hop-hop-hop like _________ • it is a holiday in february • fastest animal in the world • tallest animal in the world • after a while _____________ • you can ride it, uses a saddle • they are black and white striped • santa uses these to pull his sled • ...
Animals 2020-11-11
- Long-necked animal that feeds on the tallest trees.
- animal with large legs, wrinkled and thick fur.
- animal that has a bag in its belly, lives in the desert and makes great leaps.
- Animal that weaves webs.
- An animal that makes honeycombs, produces honey and distributes pollen from flowers.
- Horned animal that produces milk.
- animal with thick hair and claws to catch its prey.
- animal that belongs to the family of insects, that work together to collect their food and create their ant hills.
- Animal that has a shell and walks very slowly.
- domestic animal, four-legged, furry and is man's best friend.
- pink farm animal short legs and thin, curled tail.
- An animal that flies very high and breaks its own beak.
- animal that is similar to a bird but does not fly and can withstand very cold climates.
- Domesticated animal used for horseback riding.
- creeping animal that has two fangs, and its venom is deadly.
- domestic animal with short tail and long ears. It can jump and it likes carrots.
- Wild animal that has black and white stripes, lives in Africa.
- A domestic animal that meows and purrs, it is independent and belongs to the feline family.
- pet that repeats all the words you say.
- animal that belongs to the feline family, the king of the jungle.
20 Clues: Animal that weaves webs. • Horned animal that produces milk. • pet that repeats all the words you say. • Domesticated animal used for horseback riding. • Animal that has a shell and walks very slowly. • animal with large legs, wrinkled and thick fur. • pink farm animal short legs and thin, curled tail. • Long-necked animal that feeds on the tallest trees. • ...
animals 2020-11-10
- love nuts
- very independent
- its fur produces coats.
- they are easy prey for lions
- they cackle
- they are in the desert
- howling animal
- slow animal
- very friendly animal
- walk sideways
- has eight legs
- they existed in the Mesozoic era
- largest animal in the world
- produces honey
- King of the jungle
- change colors
- produces milk
- sleep to much
- many black and white lines
- he likes carrots
20 Clues: love nuts • they cackle • slow animal • change colors • produces milk • sleep to much • walk sideways • has eight legs • produces honey • howling animal • very independent • he likes carrots • King of the jungle • very friendly animal • they are in the desert • its fur produces coats. • many black and white lines • largest animal in the world • they are easy prey for lions • ...
Animals 2020-11-25
Animals 2020-11-05
- You can find me in Finding Nemo
- Bambi is a
- we are going extinct because of global warming
- my ears are so large and I have a very good memeory
- I have large antlers and weigh a ton
- I have the longest neck, which makes me the tallest animal
- they are young and love to play especially with a ball
- we make honey, we are harmless, and we are important to the environment
- we like to get into trash, people say we look like robbers
- before we had cars we had a ... and buggie. They pulled wagons.
- we spray when we are scared, to get rid of the stench you need to take a bath in tomato juice
- we can thank them for all of the dairy products at the grocery store
- a lot of people have a phobia of these eight eyed creature
- they look like rats, but are much smaller and have bigger ears and a smaller tail
- the biggest mammal in the ocean
- They have beautiful wings and many people are terrified of them
- king of the jungle
- it is said that we are the closest species to
- they are not a bird, they are blind and like to eat fruits and insects
- I'm an insect that is black, white, and red
- if you have one of these at your house, you will notice they sleep a lot
- eight tentacles and dwells at the bottom of the ocean
22 Clues: Bambi is a • king of the jungle • You can find me in Finding Nemo • the biggest mammal in the ocean • I have large antlers and weigh a ton • I'm an insect that is black, white, and red • it is said that we are the closest species to • we are going extinct because of global warming • my ears are so large and I have a very good memeory • ...
ANIMALS 2020-11-13
- It a cephalopod mollusc with eight sucker-bearing arms.
- It lives in the African savannah and has a long trunk.
- It is a black striped quadruped with white.
- It's red with black dots and it flies.
- It is man's best friend.
- It is an insect that has eight legs.
- It is a very large aquatic manimero with a hole in the upper part of the head to breathe
- It is a black and white seabird and it lives in Antarctica. It likes carrot
- It likes eucalyptus leaves and it is from Australia.
- It is green and jumps.
- It like to eat cheese.
- It likes to eat bamboo.
- It likes to eat banana.
- It is a ruminant animal and it has horns curved back.
- It lives in the African savannah and it has a very long neck.
- It is used to carry heavy load on its back.
- It is bred to produce milk and meat.
- It is the king of the jungle.
- It likes carrot and it moves by jumping.
- It moves by jumping and it carries its young in a bag and it lives in Australia.
20 Clues: It like to eat cheese. • It is green and jumps. • It likes to eat bamboo. • It likes to eat banana. • It is man's best friend. • It is the king of the jungle. • It is bred to produce milk and meat. • It is an insect that has eight legs. • It's red with black dots and it flies. • It likes carrot and it moves by jumping. • It is a black striped quadruped with white. • ...
Animals 2020-12-16
20 Clues: riding • flying • prickly • long neck • pink color • forms milk • has a trunk • forms honey • likes banana • chasing mice • small animal • ordinary pet • living in asia • black and white • like blueberries • living underwater • lives in the forest • crawls on the ground • likes to jump on the grass • crawls through small holes
Animals 2020-12-07
- it tiny but considered strongest animal in the world.
- intelligent, playful animal and an excellent friend to man.
- reptile with a large jaw.
- crawls and its poisonous.
- gallops is herbivorous and transports carriages.
- eats grass and produces milk.
- cheese loving rodent.
- born from a Caterpillar
- has a very long neck.
- has long ears and eats carrots.
- jumps and boxes.
- jumps from hair to hair.
- tender sleepy and has 7 lives
- heave big and with a long trunk
- its very heave with a big mouth
- has 2 hump.
- wild dog who likes the moon
- flies very higth and has excellent vision
- is big hairy an fat
- live in the water and has many thorns.
20 Clues: has 2 hump. • jumps and boxes. • born from a Caterpillar • is big hairy an fat • cheese loving rodent. • reptile with a large jaw. • has a very long neck. • jumps from hair to hair. • crawls and its poisonous. • tender sleepy and has 7 lives • wild dog who likes the moon • heave big and with a long trunk • ...
Animals 2021-02-08
21 Clues: два • три • паук • утка • слон • лиса • один • птица • четыре • восемь • улитка • бабочка • лягушка • муравей • обезьяна • двадцать • двенадцать • Тринадцать • пятнадцать • одиннадцать • летучая мышь
animals 2021-02-09
- cephalopod with eight long tentacles
- desert large ungulate with a hump
- plantigrade, can be polar, brown or black
- African herivore, likes water
- baby dog
- colourfull talking bird
- small nocturnal carnivore, washes its food
- no legs and carries its house on its back
- biggest mammal in the world, aquatic
- cowboys's best friend, has hooves
- beak, webbed feet, flat tail, fur, perry
- bovine kept to produce milk and meat
- salmon, cod, bass, trout, carp, Nemo, ...
- Patrick in Spongebob Squarepants
- black and white bird in Antarctica
- big carnivore with black and orange stripes
- Australian that eats eucalyptus
- South American wooly ruminant
- friendly aquatic mammal, famous for jumps
- small jumping amphibien
- fastest animal in the world
- grown kitten
- likes bananas
- largest deer with broad antlers, Canadian
- small orange canine supposedly really smart
- grey bird considered a pest
- ruminant with wool
- crawling, no legs, pink, lives underground
- African black and white striped horse
- Alsacien black and white bird, red beak
- Chinese black and white, eats bamboo
- eight legs and a web, loves bugs
- kids like riding them
- has tusks and a trunk
- insect that make honey
- king of the savanna
- crustacean, Sebastian in the little mermaid
- wild canines, lives in packs
- seabird, likes stealing fries from tourists
- large North American bovine
- African flightless bird, the largest
- cartilaginous predatory fish
- doglike nocturnal scavenger
- African ungulate has two horns on the snout
- farm animal with horns and a beard
- Australian, hops, carries baby in its pouch
- insect in large colonies with a queen
- spotted African feline
- doe, stag and bambi
- cobra, python, anaconda, viper, ...
50 Clues: baby dog • grown kitten • likes bananas • ruminant with wool • king of the savanna • doe, stag and bambi • kids like riding them • has tusks and a trunk • insect that make honey • spotted African feline • colourfull talking bird • small jumping amphibien • grey bird considered a pest • large North American bovine • doglike nocturnal scavenger • fastest animal in the world • ...
Animals 2021-02-09
- likes bananas
- big carnivore with black and orange stripes
- large North American bovine
- crawling, no legs, pink, lives underground
- beak, webbed feet, flat tail, fur, perry
- has tusks and a trunk
- cephalopod with eight long tentacles
- ruminant with wool
- grey bird considered a pest
- large aquatic predatory reptile
- biggest mammal in the world, aquatic
- Chinese black and white, eats bamboo
- cobra, python, anaconda, viper, ...
- plantigrade, can be polar, brown or black
- salmon, cod, bass, trout, carp, Nemo, ...
- African flightless bird, the largest
- small nocturnal carnivore, washes its food
- insect that make honey
- South American wooly ruminant
- bovine kept to produce milk and meat
- no legs and carries its house on its back
- Australian, hops, carries baby in its pouch
- farm animal with horns and a beard
- Patrick in Spongebob Squarepants
- doglike nocturnal scavenger
- small orange canine supposedly really smart
- seabird, likes stealing fries from tourists
- African herivore, likes water
- cowboys's best friend, has hooves
- colourfull talking bird
- black and white bird in Antarctica
- African ungulate has two horns on the snout
- doe, stag and bambi
- largest deer with broad antlers, Canadian
- baby dog
- Alsacien black and white bird, red beak
- cartilaginous predatory fish
- Australian that eats eucalyptus
- wild canines, lives in packs
- African black and white striped horse
- grown kitten
- eight legs and a web, loves bugs
- king of the savanna
- crustacean, Sebastian in the little mermaid
- fastest animal in the world
- desert large ungulate with a hump
- spotted African feline
- friendly aquatic mammal, famous for jumps
- small jumping amphibien
- insect in large colonies with a queen
50 Clues: baby dog • grown kitten • likes bananas • ruminant with wool • doe, stag and bambi • king of the savanna • has tusks and a trunk • spotted African feline • insect that make honey • colourfull talking bird • small jumping amphibien • large North American bovine • grey bird considered a pest • fastest animal in the world • doglike nocturnal scavenger • cartilaginous predatory fish • ...
Animals 2021-02-19
- Four legged animal that likes to sleep
- Two legged animal that climbs trees and likes to sleep
- Four legged animal that produces milk
- Big,and is on of the top on the food chain
- Four legged animal that is a humans best friend
- has no legs and slithers
- People ride them
- Loves bamboo
- Long neck and loves leaves
- Orenge wiith black stripes
- Two legged animal that lays eggs
- can turn its head 270 degrees
- Flys with wings
- Has black and white stripes
- hunts for food and howls
- has antlers and is alway hunted
- Four legged animal with horns
- we shear them for there wool
- Four legged animal that is used for bacon
- small, sneaky, and can run fast
20 Clues: Loves bamboo • Flys with wings • People ride them • hunts for food and howls • has no legs and slithers • Long neck and loves leaves • Orenge wiith black stripes • Has black and white stripes • we shear them for there wool • can turn its head 270 degrees • Four legged animal with horns • has antlers and is alway hunted • small, sneaky, and can run fast • Two legged animal that lays eggs • ...
Animals 2021-02-25
20 Clues: eggs • beef • wool • Easter • Ice bear • Pink bird • eight legs • Dory or Nemo • Arachnophobia • loves garbage • They have tusks • pink curly tail • sassy house pet • spoiled house pet • Sidekick in Shrek • King of the jungle • princess and the ___ • Black and white bear • Jumped over the hound • teenage mutant ninja ___
animals 2021-03-09
23 Clues: pig • cat • cow • dog • duck • frog • lion • bull • horse • zebra • mouse • sheep • tiger • turkey • parrot • donkey • rabbit • chicken • giraffe • elephant • crocodile • rhinoceros • hippopotamus
Animals! 2021-03-14
25 Clues: hai • susi • myyrä • siili • pöllö • norsu • valas • orava • apina • karhu • kettu • kotka • saukko • majava • seepra • strutsi • kirahvi • leijona • tiikeri • paviaani • delfiini • pesukarhu • simpanssi • virtahepo • sarvikuono
Animals 2021-05-04
- important role in the transporttation in old times.
- that can change color
- aquatic mammal
- be an intermediary for various types of diseases
- shells
- webs on their feet
- has a long neck
- the tail to avoid enemy attacks
- black and white stripes
- of the jungle
- mammal
- has horn and hard skin
- big ears and likes to hop.
- in the cold and waddles
- larges mammals in the world that live on land.
- crustacean which have five pairs of legs
- a trunk
- to chase mice
- large and long ears
- that live in two ecosystems
20 Clues: mammal • shells • a trunk • of the jungle • to chase mice • aquatic mammal • has a long neck • webs on their feet • large and long ears • that can change color • has horn and hard skin • in the cold and waddles • black and white stripes • big ears and likes to hop. • that live in two ecosystems • the tail to avoid enemy attacks • crustacean which have five pairs of legs • ...
animals 2021-04-22
- can produce honey
- it's producting milk
- have brown fur
- it eats meat
- have a keen sense of smell
- it has beak
- it lives underwater
- have sharp hooves
- have big body size
- eat seed
- can fly
- have a keen sense of hearing
- can live in water and on land
- run fast
- have a keen sense of smell
- it can swim
- has theeth that are canines
- has a tongue as long as its body
- has a long trunk
- giraffe has seven bones in its neck
- it usually jump
- it has four legs
22 Clues: can fly • run fast • eat seed • it can swim • it has beak • it eats meat • have brown fur • it usually jump • has a long trunk • it has four legs • can produce honey • have sharp hooves • have big body size • it lives underwater • it's producting milk • have a keen sense of smell • have a keen sense of smell • has theeth that are canines • have a keen sense of hearing • can live in water and on land • ...
Animals 2021-05-01
- have long ears
- can fly but nit a birds
- have 6 legs and loves sugar
- live on land
- hibernate
- don't have backbone
- have a long neck
- have eight legs
- have scales
- have no legs
- have fins
- are white and give us wool and meat
- move slowly
- live in the ocean
- have wings
- they spin webs
- can run fast
- we can ride them
- have fur
- they are pink and love mud
20 Clues: have fins • hibernate • have wings • move slowly • have scales • have no legs • live on land • can run fast • have fur • have long ears • they spin webs • have eight legs • we can ride them • have a long neck • live in the ocean • don't have backbone • can fly but nit a birds • they are pink and love mud • have 6 legs and loves sugar • are white and give us wool and meat
animals 2021-04-30
- monkey in indonesia
- ular in indonesia
- Octopus in Indonesia
- Singa in English
- babi in English
- Harimau In English is
- bebek in english
- owl in Indonesia
- Ayam Jantan in English
- cat in Indonesia
- in Indonesia
- dog in indonesia
- the species who can you Found in the Komodo
- Rebbit in Indonesia
- kupu-kupu in english
- frog in Indonesia
- cow in indonesia
- memiliki gading
- laba laba in English
- kerbau in english
- horse in Indonesia
- Mouse in indonesia is
- bear in Indonesia
- elephant in indonesia
- Ant in Indonesia
25 Clues: in Indonesia • memiliki gading • babi in English • dog in indonesia • cow in indonesia • Singa in English • bebek in english • owl in Indonesia • Ant in Indonesia • cat in Indonesia • frog in Indonesia • ular in indonesia • kerbau in english • bear in Indonesia • horse in Indonesia • Rebbit in Indonesia • monkey in indonesia • kupu-kupu in english • Octopus in Indonesia • laba laba in English • ...
ANIMALS 2021-05-02
- Amphibians
- Venomous animals
- Animal with a pocket
- An animal that changes its color
- Livestock
- Animals that forage at night
- That eat bamboo
- Animals that have a trunk
- Animals that live in artic regions
- Animal with thorns
- Beasts
- Animals that live in the soil
- Animal name from Australia
- An animal with tentacles
- Del horse drown carriage
- A mammal that lives in water
- Animals that have a hump
- That destory
- Two-legged animals, perching
- The name of the animal poultry
20 Clues: Beasts • Livestock • Amphibians • That destory • That eat bamboo • Venomous animals • Animal with thorns • Animal with a pocket • An animal with tentacles • Del horse drown carriage • Animals that have a hump • Animals that have a trunk • Animal name from Australia • A mammal that lives in water • Animals that forage at night • Two-legged animals, perching • Animals that live in the soil • ...
Animals 2021-04-30
- has a hump for food reserves.
- in its stomach it produces silk liquid to make a web to trap its prey.
- has a two forked tongue and serves as a prey detection function.
- black ink to evade his enemies.
- have sharp hearing and vision so they can get food at night.
- have webbed feet so they can swim.
- as a maze to breathe in cloudy water.
- has an antenna to find food and communicate with fellow ants.
- able to emit ultra sonic sound to get food.
- has a pouch in his stomach for babysitting.
- has a venom's sting to protect itself from predators.
- has sharp fur to protect itself from enemies.
- has a sharp mouth to suck blood.
- has a long tail so it doesn't fall off when jumping.
- sever its tail to attract its prey.
- has webbed feet for swimming.
- have wings so they can fly.
- have echolocation to know the place or road around it.
- has a long neck for picking up food.
- can change color to trick the enemy.
20 Clues: have wings so they can fly. • has webbed feet for swimming. • has a sharp mouth to suck blood. • black ink to evade his enemies. • has a hump for food reserves. • have webbed feet so they can swim. • has a long neck for picking up food. • sever its tail to attract its prey. • can change color to trick the enemy. • as a maze to breathe in cloudy water. • ...
ANIMALS 2021-04-29
- Animal that has a very long neck
- An animal that has an antler
- small insects that suck human blood
- buaya in English
- a pet who likes to eat carrots and its ears are erect
- a very large animal has a long nose and tusks
- a kind of bird whose neck can rotate 135 degrees
- an animal that walks on its stomach
- this animal likes to eat bamboo
- an animal called the king of the jungle
- an animal that can bark
- Ketupai in English
- An animal from Africa known for its black-and-white body.
- This animal loves bananas
- kura-kura in English
- An animal that produces milk
- Animals that have wings but cannot fly and can live in cold temperatures
- The animal that produces honey
- An animal that has
- a Baby cat
- a baby dog
- siput in English
22 Clues: a Baby cat • a baby dog • buaya in English • siput in English • Ketupai in English • An animal that has • kura-kura in English • an animal that can bark • This animal loves bananas • An animal that has an antler • An animal that produces milk • The animal that produces honey • Animal that has a very long neck • this animal likes to eat bamboo • small insects that suck human blood • ...
ANIMALS 2021-04-29
- this animal likes to eat bamboo
- siput in English
- An animal from Africa known for its black-and-white body.
- a Baby cat
- a baby dog
- a very large animal has a long nose and tusks
- An animal that has an antler
- The animal that produces honey
- small insects that suck human blood
- an animal called the king of the jungle
- an animal that walks on its stomach
- An animal that has
- This animal loves bananas
- Animal that has a very long neck
- Ketupai in English
- kura-kura in English
- a pet who likes to eat carrots and its ears are erect
- Animals that have wings but cannot fly and can live in cold temperatures
- an animal that can bark
- a kind of bird whose neck can rotate 135 degrees
- An animal that produces milk
21 Clues: a Baby cat • a baby dog • siput in English • An animal that has • Ketupai in English • kura-kura in English • an animal that can bark • This animal loves bananas • An animal that has an antler • An animal that produces milk • The animal that produces honey • this animal likes to eat bamboo • Animal that has a very long neck • an animal that walks on its stomach • ...
Animals 2021-04-09
ANIMALS 2021-04-27
- mammals that have pouches; this animal is a tyipical Australia animal
- an amphibian; can jump
- can imitate human voices
- a pet; water bird
- can adpt itself by changing its skin color
- a group of legless and long body reptiles that are widespread throughoutt the world
- a wild animal of the dog family
- a very small insect that lives under the ground in large and well organized social groups
- a large; strong bird with a curved beak that eats meat and can see very well
- has two beautiful wings and has a mouth to suck and function as a nectar sucker
- can fly; can make a nest and makes honey
- mammals; has ivory
- predators and scavengers, have sharp teeth and strong jaws to attack, bite, and tear food.
- a large Africal animal with very long neck and long legs.
- very thick fur to protect themselves from very cold weather; big body; the color of body fur is white and the calves are short and fat
- animal that has thick hair and the shape of sharp spines.
- a sea mammal that is large, smooth, and grey, with a long pointed moouth
- the large species of lizard found on Komodo island
- the group animals like humans
- the large breed of cat; carnivore
20 Clues: a pet; water bird • mammals; has ivory • an amphibian; can jump • can imitate human voices • the group animals like humans • a wild animal of the dog family • the large breed of cat; carnivore • can fly; can make a nest and makes honey • can adpt itself by changing its skin color • the large species of lizard found on Komodo island • ...
ANIMALS 2021-04-27
- mammals that have pouches; this animal is a tyipical Australia animal
- an amphibian; can jump
- can imitate human voices
- a pet; water bird
- can adpt itself by changing its skin color
- a group of legless and long body reptiles that are widespread throughoutt the world
- a wild animal of the dog family
- a very small insect that lives under the ground in large and well organized social groups
- a large; strong bird with a curved beak that eats meat and can see very well
- has two beautiful wings and has a mouth to suck and function as a nectar sucker
- can fly; can make a nest and makes honey
- mammals; has ivory
- predators and scavengers, have sharp teeth and strong jaws to attack, bite, and tear food.
- a large Africal animal with very long neck and long legs.
- very thick fur to protect themselves from very cold weather; big body; the color of body fur is white and the calves are short and fat
- animal that has thick hair and the shape of sharp spines.
- a sea mammal that is large, smooth, and grey, with a long pointed moouth
- the large species of lizard found on Komodo island
- the group animals like humans
- the large breed of cat; carnivore
20 Clues: a pet; water bird • mammals; has ivory • an amphibian; can jump • can imitate human voices • the group animals like humans • a wild animal of the dog family • the large breed of cat; carnivore • can fly; can make a nest and makes honey • can adpt itself by changing its skin color • the large species of lizard found on Komodo island • ...
Animals 2021-04-30
- is a water bird that has short legs and webbed feet
- is a nocturnal creature that active at night and sleep in the day
- is a mammal that has muscular tail, large feet and a pocket in front of its stomach to carry its children.
- is an animal that has two big legs to jumping and we can find it on grassy place
- is a big bird that fly very high to hunt its prey like chicken
- is a small insect that lives in the colony
- is a horse-like animal that has a black and white color
- is usually known as the king of the jungle
- is an animal that lives underwater
- is a creature that has no hand but moves by its stomach and injects venom
- is an animal that lives in the desert and has its hump
- is a bird which can follow and repeat the word we say
- is a four-leg carnivorous mammal that has a very good sense of smell, and barking.
- is a lizard that can change color based on its surrounding or camouflage
- is a flying creature that is smaller than eagle
- is an animal that have two grasping claws and eight small legs
- is an animal that produces milk
- is an animal that have very long neck
- is the creature that moves very slow and its stomach is slimy
- is an insect that have eight legs and inject venom
20 Clues: is an animal that produces milk • is an animal that lives underwater • is an animal that have very long neck • is a small insect that lives in the colony • is usually known as the king of the jungle • is a flying creature that is smaller than eagle • is an insect that have eight legs and inject venom • is a water bird that has short legs and webbed feet • ...
Animals 2021-09-20
- She is a white bird
- An animal you can ride
- Think of Rascal
- Is a bird of prey
- A tamed wolf
- A male chicken
- loves carrots
- A untamed dog, gray
- Baby bird that flies
- Holds many ticks
- She gives eggs
- Annoys farmers
- They give milk
- A pink animal
- Nest is called a dray
- It lays eggs; cannot fly, black and white
- They have a mane and roar
- The tamed lion
- Black and beady eyes
- Has a white tail and black paws
20 Clues: A tamed wolf • A pink animal • loves carrots • She gives eggs • Annoys farmers • They give milk • The tamed lion • A male chicken • Think of Rascal • Holds many ticks • Is a bird of prey • She is a white bird • A untamed dog, gray • Baby bird that flies • Black and beady eyes • Nest is called a dray • An animal you can ride • They have a mane and roar • Has a white tail and black paws • ...
Animals 2021-09-20
- Annoys farmers
- Think of Rascal
- It lays eggs; cannot fly, black and white
- Has a white tail and black paws
- A tamed wolf
- A male chicken
- The tamed lion
- Baby bird that flies
- She gives eggs
- Holds many ticks
- A untamed dog, gray
- Nest is called a dray
- loves carrots
- They give milk
- A pink animal
- She is a white bird
- An animal you can ride
- Is a bird of prey
- They have a mane and roar
- Black and beady eyes
20 Clues: A tamed wolf • loves carrots • A pink animal • Annoys farmers • They give milk • A male chicken • The tamed lion • She gives eggs • Think of Rascal • Holds many ticks • Is a bird of prey • A untamed dog, gray • She is a white bird • Baby bird that flies • Black and beady eyes • Nest is called a dray • An animal you can ride • They have a mane and roar • Has a white tail and black paws • ...
Animals 2021-08-28
22 Clues: Hiu • Ular • lebah • domba • tupai • koala • singa • bebek • lalat • nyamuk • Jaguar • Marmut • kambing • merpati • beruang • kelinci • Kura-kura • kupu-kupu • Babi hutan • burung hantu • Berang-berang • burung kakak tua
Animals 2021-09-29
- katicabogár angolul
- macska angolul
- zebra angolul
- tehén angolul
- zsiráf angolul
- csirke angolul
- hangya angolul
- méhecske angolul
- medúza angolul
- víziló angolul
- tengeri csillag angolul
- malac angolul
- krokodil angolul
- kacsa angolul
- pillangó angolul
- nyúl angolul
- majom angolul
- kaméleon angolul
- bálna angolul
- elefánt angolul
- mókus angolul
- róka angolul
22 Clues: nyúl angolul • róka angolul • kacsa angolul • majom angolul • zebra angolul • tehén angolul • bálna angolul • mókus angolul • malac angolul • macska angolul • zsiráf angolul • csirke angolul • hangya angolul • medúza angolul • víziló angolul • elefánt angolul • pillangó angolul • kaméleon angolul • méhecske angolul • krokodil angolul • katicabogár angolul • tengeri csillag angolul
Animals 2021-09-30
24 Clues: Bär • Hund • Ente • Affe • Löwe • Hase • Pferd • Fuchs • Katze • Tiger • Fisch • Biene • Zebra • Frosch • Spinne • Elefant • Pinguin • Papagei • Giraffe • Hamster • Schnecke • Kaninchen • Schmetterling • Landschildkröte
Animals 2021-05-25
23 Clues: xfo • tca • woc • gdo • gip • tba • ebe • taog • hisf • rabe • semuo • rezab • knesa • linas • srokt • pehse • gerti • kynome • bitbar • cnechik • hatneple • dybralid • lidcoerco
Animals 2021-05-08
- catch fish in Antarctic.
- swims in sea.
- a climbing animal.
- snoink.
- a nasty rodent.
- as wise as a/an ——-
- leaves a slimy trail behind.
- a farm dog.
- hunky black animal.
- a furry rodent.
- a ——— never forgets.
- striped safari animals.
- loads of tentacles.
- another spiky creature.
- a wild dog.
- makes honey.
- a big bird with biggest egg in world.
- a small cute animal.
- carries its home about.
- spiky creature.
- lives in cold icy seas.
- like an octopus.
- tall necked creature.
- Peter, Benjamin, flopsy and mopsy.
- a woolly nosy animal.
- a pink graceful bird.
- king of the jungle.
27 Clues: snoink. • a farm dog. • a wild dog. • makes honey. • swims in sea. • spiky creature. • a nasty rodent. • a furry rodent. • like an octopus. • a climbing animal. • as wise as a/an ——- • hunky black animal. • king of the jungle. • loads of tentacles. • a small cute animal. • a ——— never forgets. • tall necked creature. • a woolly nosy animal. • a pink graceful bird. • carries its home about. • ...
Animals 2021-05-27
- I am pink and small.
- I live in the sea. I have black ink.
- I am big and black and strong.
- I am brown. I like bananas.
- I am a pet. I like to go on walks. Woof!
- I am brown. I live in Australia.
- I am white and fluffy. Baaaaa!
- I have no arms or legs.
- I am black and small. I am strong.
- I sleep all Winter.
- I can fly. My body is brown but my head is white.
- I am black and white. I live in Africa.
- I am green. I can jump. I have a long tongue.
- I am pink. I like dirt. Oink!
- I have 8 legs.
- I am a King
- I am black and white. I like the cold.
- I am small. I like cheese.
- I am black and white. I eat bamboo
- I live in the sea. I have sharp teeth.
- I am orange with black stripes.
- I can swim. Watch out! I sting.
- I can fly. I sing every morning.
- I am black and white. I eat grass and give milk.
24 Clues: I am a King • I have 8 legs. • I sleep all Winter. • I am pink and small. • I have no arms or legs. • I am small. I like cheese. • I am brown. I like bananas. • I am pink. I like dirt. Oink! • I am big and black and strong. • I am white and fluffy. Baaaaa! • I am orange with black stripes. • I can swim. Watch out! I sting. • I am brown. I live in Australia. • ...
animals 2021-06-10
24 Clues: asa • Urso • Pato • Vaca • Leão • Zebra • Koala • Burro • Porco • cauda • riscas • Macaco • tromba • Coelho • Cavalo • pintas • Girafa • Ovelha • Galinha • Pinguim • Elefante • Crocodilo • Hipopotamo • pescoço longo (hífen em vez de espaço)
Animals 2021-06-17
24 Clues: arı • fil • ayı • fare • kedi • inek • kurt • eşek • aslan • yunus • köpek • balina • yarasa • tavşan • timsah • zürafa • maymun • kaplan • kaplan • papağan • kurbağa • güvercin • uğur böceği • köpek balığı
Animals 2021-06-20
- - I fat and lazy and I roll around in mud
- - I breathe out of gills
- - I eat bamboo
- - I have a hard shell
- - I have a lot of sharp teeth and i have grey skin
- - I run so fast you can hardly see me
- - I really fat and swim in the water
- - most of my life I sleep and I eat eucalyptus leaves
- - I lay eggs
- I love bouncing up and down
- - I have a really long neck
- - I have 8 legs
- I move yery slowly and I hang of trees
- - I'm blue and I swim in the ocean
- - I have 2 long legs
- - I can fly anywhere I like
- - I have a big snout
- - I slither around the place a
- - I go woof woof
- - I roar very loudly
20 Clues: - I lay eggs • - I eat bamboo • - I have 8 legs • - I go woof woof • - I have 2 long legs • - I have a big snout • - I roar very loudly • - I have a hard shell • - I breathe out of gills • - I have a really long neck • - I can fly anywhere I like • I love bouncing up and down • - I slither around the place a • - I'm blue and I swim in the ocean • - I really fat and swim in the water • ...
Animals 2021-06-20
- - I have 8 legs
- - most of my life I sleep and I eat eucalyptus leaves
- - I roar very loudly
- - I can fly anywhere I like
- - I have 2 long legs
- - I have a lot of sharp teeth and i have grey skin
- - I have a big snout
- - I eat bamboo
- - I breathe out of gills
- - I go woof woof
- I move yery slowly and I hang of trees
- - I'm blue and I swim in the ocean
- - I lay eggs
- - I have a hard shell
- - I have a really long neck
- - I really fat and swim in the water
- I love bouncing up and down
- - I slither around the place a
- - I fat and lazy and I roll around in mud
- - I run so fast you can hardly see me
20 Clues: - I lay eggs • - I eat bamboo • - I have 8 legs • - I go woof woof • - I roar very loudly • - I have 2 long legs • - I have a big snout • - I have a hard shell • - I breathe out of gills • - I have a really long neck • I love bouncing up and down • - I can fly anywhere I like • - I slither around the place a • - I'm blue and I swim in the ocean • - I really fat and swim in the water • ...
animals 2021-06-04
- A jockey rides it
- Black and white and has an orange beak
- Pounds on its chest
- Has spots
- A slithering invertebrate
- Has a long neck
- Has a pouch for babies
- Moves very slowly
- Eats bamboo
- Has a hard shell
- Has gills
- Black and white
- White and lives in the arctic
- Eats birds, rodents, and rabbits
- Lives in the forest
- It stings
- Hangs from trees with its tail
- It barks
- The male carries the babies
- Has a long trunk
- Has stripes and a carnivore
21 Clues: It barks • Has gills • It stings • Has spots • Eats bamboo • Black and white • Has a long neck • Has a long trunk • Has a hard shell • A jockey rides it • Moves very slowly • Pounds on its chest • Lives in the forest • Has a pouch for babies • A slithering invertebrate • The male carries the babies • Has stripes and a carnivore • White and lives in the arctic • Hangs from trees with its tail • ...
animals 2021-06-07
- In Greek mythology, Arachne was the first of this animal
- Despite their name they do not have a red nose
- Small snake who live underground
- The mother in Brave turns into one of these
- Used to turn into a cat in Minecraft
- The only bird with q and z in their name
- They have trunks which they can trumpet with
- Looks like a lizard but lives in the water
- When they sting, they die
- Small primates from Madagaskar
- Keeps cool by bathing in mud
- They can see clearly eight times longer than a human
- Simba
- Birds who are often associated with pirates
- King Louis from the jungle book is this animal
- Where they go, they slither
- A bird who lives off of animal carcasses
- Dinosaur with three horns and a shield
- Has a distinct laugh
- According to Phoebe Buffay they hold claws in their tanks.
- People ride on their backs
- Their babies are called fry
- baby sheep
23 Clues: Simba • baby sheep • Has a distinct laugh • When they sting, they die • People ride on their backs • Where they go, they slither • Their babies are called fry • Keeps cool by bathing in mud • Small primates from Madagaskar • Small snake who live underground • Used to turn into a cat in Minecraft • Dinosaur with three horns and a shield • A bird who lives off of animal carcasses • ...
Animals 2021-06-22
- - Loves to sleep
- - I love garbage cans
- - I have black and white stripes
- - Has a fear of cats
- - Loves to repeat its owner
- - Has a baby in its pouch
- - Loves banana
- - I Have very beautiful feathers
- - Live in the ocean
- - Loves bamboo
- - I love to slither
- - Another word for hen
- - Loves honey
- - Wakes up really early in the morning
- - King of the jungle
- - Furry friend
- - I smell really badly when scared
- Bear-Lives in colder temperature
- - Has Trunk
- - Has whiskers
20 Clues: - Has Trunk • - Loves honey • - Loves bamboo • - Furry friend • - Loves banana • - Has whiskers • - Loves to sleep • - I love to slither • - Live in the ocean • - Has a fear of cats • - King of the jungle • - I love garbage cans • - Another word for hen • - Has a baby in its pouch • - Loves to repeat its owner • - I have black and white stripes • Bear-Lives in colder temperature • ...
Animals 2021-06-22
- - Has a baby in its pouch
- Bear-Lives in colder temperature
- - Another word for hen
- - Has whiskers
- - I have black and white stripes
- - Has Trunk
- - Wakes up really early in the morning
- - I love to slither
- - Has a fear of cats
- - Loves banana
- - Loves bamboo
- - Furry friend
- - King of the jungle
- - I love garbage cans
- - Live in the ocean
- - I smell really badly when scared
- - Loves honey
- - I Have very beautiful feathers
- - Loves to sleep
- - Loves to repeat its owner
20 Clues: - Has Trunk • - Loves honey • - Loves banana • - Loves bamboo • - Furry friend • - Has whiskers • - Loves to sleep • - Live in the ocean • - I love to slither • - King of the jungle • - Has a fear of cats • - I love garbage cans • - Another word for hen • - Has a baby in its pouch • - Loves to repeat its owner • Bear-Lives in colder temperature • - I Have very beautiful feathers • ...
Animals 2021-06-15
- Large animal with a horn
- King of the jungle
- Hoots in the night
- Fastest land animal
- Black and white birds, live at the south pole
- Only Eats Meat
- Likes to catch salmon in rivers
- Long reptile with no arms or legs
- Wooly farm animal
- Has black and white stripes
- Tallest land animal
- Hopping Australian marsupial
- Like to roll around in the mud
- We get milk from this animal
- Has big ears and likes to hop
- Loves bananas
- Only eats plants
- Big ears and likes cheese
- Man's best friend
- We get eggs from this animal
- Jockeys ride these
- Has big antlers
- Scary bug with 8 legs
- Sprays a bad smell
- Likes to chase mice
- Large animals with a trunk
- Starts life as a tadpole
27 Clues: Loves bananas • Only Eats Meat • Has big antlers • Only eats plants • Man's best friend • Wooly farm animal • King of the jungle • Hoots in the night • Jockeys ride these • Sprays a bad smell • Fastest land animal • Likes to chase mice • Tallest land animal • Scary bug with 8 legs • Large animal with a horn • Starts life as a tadpole • Big ears and likes cheese • Large animals with a trunk • ...
Animals 2021-07-27
- Slow and steady, steady and slow, that's the way I always go."
- A large American wild cat
- This animal is a type of giant cat. The males grow manes of fur around their heads.
- It's like a duck, but bigger
- This African animal is covered in black and white stripes.
- A colourful bird that can speak
- It looks like a horse with long ears
- Likes to chase mice
- They live in the sea, in rivers and in lakes
- A bird that catches and eats small animals
- It looks like a snake, but it's a fish
- This animal is a primate. Humans are primates too.
- Large marsupial
- One of the big cats
- Has a trunk
- Small animal that cats love to chase
- Flying mammal
- A bird with big eyes that's active at night
- This farm animal has feathers and lays eggs.
- This farm animal has wool that humans turn into yarn.
- Man's best friend
21 Clues: Has a trunk • Flying mammal • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • One of the big cats • Likes to chase mice • A large American wild cat • It's like a duck, but bigger • A colourful bird that can speak • Small animal that cats love to chase • It looks like a horse with long ears • It looks like a snake, but it's a fish • A bird that catches and eats small animals • ...
Animals 2021-08-20
- Likes to chase mice
- Has a trunk
- sea unicorn
- Man's best friend
- Flying mammal
- frog relative
- is a tadpole then...
- has a long neck
- huge aquatic mammal
- no legs no arms and a reptile
- likes cheese
- Large marsupial
- a very small fly
- red and black dotted beetle
- urban bird
- sea reptile
- has 8 legs
- poops dirt
- Africa's top predator
- goes through metamorphosis
- huge ape
21 Clues: huge ape • urban bird • has 8 legs • poops dirt • Has a trunk • sea reptile • sea unicorn • likes cheese • Flying mammal • frog relative • Large marsupial • has a long neck • a very small fly • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • huge aquatic mammal • is a tadpole then... • Africa's top predator • goes through metamorphosis • red and black dotted beetle • no legs no arms and a reptile
Animals 2022-05-12
- soars high in the sky
- wears a black mask
- can live in water or on land
- fly’s south in the winter
- hops on 2 feet
- bison’s american nickname
- largest land mammal.
- mix of a horse and a donkey
- has the strongest bite of any land animal.
- swims in the water
- grows horns
- makes its house out of sticks
- hibernates in the winter
- found in claremore lake
- cow with no legs
- mans best friend
- has long ears
- howls at the moon
- North American marsupial
- makes noise with its tail
- makes mounds from underground
- silverback
- black and white bear
23 Clues: silverback • grows horns • has long ears • hops on 2 feet • cow with no legs • mans best friend • howls at the moon • wears a black mask • swims in the water • largest land mammal. • black and white bear • soars high in the sky • found in claremore lake • hibernates in the winter • North American marsupial • fly’s south in the winter • bison’s american nickname • makes noise with its tail • ...
Animals 2022-05-06
- Largest animal in the world
- Mans best friend
- Aquatic mammal that spends most of its time in water but can't swim
- Only marsupial found in north america
- Commonly called bugs but are actually arachnids
- Most venomous fish in the world
- Tallest living mammal
- Fastest land animal
- Largest turtle in the world
- Fastest bird
- Bear known for being all white but not albino
- Commonly ate for Thanksgiving
- Largest marsupial
- Largest seal
- Known for as the only fish with the ability to fly/glide
- Largest fish
- one of the most common and biggest sea food crustaceans
- Animal that kills the most people
- Wild horse native to Africa known for its stripes
- Largest living rodent
- Flying mammal
21 Clues: Largest seal • Largest fish • Fastest bird • Flying mammal • Mans best friend • Largest marsupial • Fastest land animal • Tallest living mammal • Largest living rodent • Largest animal in the world • Largest turtle in the world • Commonly ate for Thanksgiving • Most venomous fish in the world • Animal that kills the most people • Only marsupial found in north america • ...
Animals 2022-05-10
- USA's national bird
- flying bug that used to be a caterpillar
- its scientific name Canis latrans, which means ‘barking dog’
- makes up for not being able to fly by being the world’s deepest diving bird
- aquatic mammals They don’t have gills like fish, and need to come to the surface of the water to breathe. are known for their high intelligence.
- are small to medium-sized marsupials
- an amphibian with amazing self-healing powers
- sea animals that uses echolocation to find food
- a __ Sty
- they squeeze their prey in a deadly embrace.
- diet consists almost entirely of ants
- nut loving mammal
- humans closest living relation in the animal kingdom
- has high intelligence it's capable of learning over 100 words!
- has a multi-layered coat, a thick tail, and furry paws to keep the cold out
- amazing South American fish is able to generate electricity
- __ got your tongue?
- Females are called “jills,” males are called “hobs,” and young are called “kits.”
- like the domestic dog, is a subspecies of graywolf largest wild members of the dog family.
- are monkeys in the genus Papio
- small workhorse
- world’s largest land animal
- largest animal that has ever lived.
- Its scientific name, Lycaon pictus means ‘painted wolf’
- __'s milk
- means ‘earth pig’ in Afrikaans,
- a draft ___
- secretive jungle cat found in forests in Southeast Asia and China
- members of a group of invertebrates that also includes snails and slugs
- you dirty ___!
- world’s tallest and heaviest bird
- is critically endangered; has humps
- world’s largest rodent
- are large mammals that live in the Arctic and subarctic regions all around the world; they members of the deer family.
- can reach speeds of up to 75 mph
- Unlike manatees (their closest living relations) they are not found in freshwater habitats
36 Clues: a __ Sty • __'s milk • a draft ___ • you dirty ___! • small workhorse • nut loving mammal • __ got your tongue? • USA's national bird • world’s largest rodent • world’s largest land animal • are monkeys in the genus Papio • means ‘earth pig’ in Afrikaans, • can reach speeds of up to 75 mph • world’s tallest and heaviest bird • largest animal that has ever lived. • ...
Animals 2022-04-29
- lays eggs
- can jump really high, lives in Australia, and their babies are called joeys
- big farm animal that people ride (equine)
- super cute, and digs through your trash; nature's bandit
- Mans best friend
- very long neck, and lives in Africa
- very big, long nose, big ears; lives in the plains of Africa
- big cat, a group of them is called a pride; lives in Africa
- lives by lakes or ponds, and their babies are tadpoles
- biggest deer species, that is around 7 feet tall and has a big nose
- big furry animals, that are most common in Alaska and Canada; they hibernate
- super cute, are like smaller horses with long ears; the sound they make is called braying
- chews through wood to create dams, and can be found in the UP
- bred for meat or dairy "moo moo"
- tiny rodents that live in and around your house, and chew everything
- big black and white bears found in China
- farm animal that is bred for their meat (bacon), have big round noses.
- fuzzy house pets that do their own things.
- underwater creatures that we catch for fun and to eat; can be found in lakes and oceans
- this animal lives by lakes or ponds, they have hard shells and can be found in Michigan
- predator bird and the symbol of our nation
- they are farm animals and their babies are called kids
- long animal that slithers
- furry canines that live in Alaska and Canada and travel in packs
24 Clues: lays eggs • Mans best friend • long animal that slithers • bred for meat or dairy "moo moo" • very long neck, and lives in Africa • big black and white bears found in China • big farm animal that people ride (equine) • fuzzy house pets that do their own things. • predator bird and the symbol of our nation • they are farm animals and their babies are called kids • ...
Animals 2022-06-01
ANIMALS 2022-05-23
26 Clues: GATO • sapo • LEÃO • POLVO • ZEBRA • PORCO • iaque • urubu • COBRA • JACARÉ • GIRAFA • BALEIA • COELHO • iguana • MACACO • PÁSSARO • lagarto • CANGURU • ELEFANTE • CACHORRO • ÁGUA VIVA • TARTARUGA • UNICÓRNIO • HIPOPÓTAMO • abelha rainha • fish, peixe raio-x
Animals 2022-06-02
25 Clues: cápa • fóka • páva • teve • róka • béka • bálna • kakas • vidra • ponty • pulyka • teknős • harcsa • kecske • galamb • delfin • víziló • farkas • gepárd • szarvas • papagáj • pillangó • oroszlán • szurikáta • tengeri csillag
Animals 2022-05-20
21 Clues: pink • Milka • Can fly • Dagobert • Ssssssss • Is wolly • The King • hign neck • big donkey • Eats carots • Has a trunk • Grunt noises • Wears a mask • eats penguins • Flying mammal • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • Lives in the ocean • Likes to chase mice • My dog stepped on a ... • The ancestor of the human
Animals 2022-07-20
25 Clues: big • pig • fin • cat • dog • cow • leg • arm • fast • tail • fish • cute • slow • tiger • wings • claws • horse • scary • teeth • snake • small • monkey • lizard • chicken • elephant
ANIMALS 2022-06-28
21 Clues: topo • rana • CANE • pesce • asino • gatto • mucca • papera • pecora • maiale • criceto • cavallo • uccello • gallina • scimmia • farfalla • coniglio • tartaruga • coccinella • pappagallo • coccodrillo
Animals 2022-06-27
- Says roar
- Quack quack
- Has a trunk
- Gets cheese from
- Flying mammal
- You have one
- The state bird
- You can ride one
- Lives in the ocean and looks like a star
- The only bird that can fly backwards
- A small fish kids love to fish
- Likes to chase mice
- Has a big fin and lives in the ocean
- Lays eggs and you eat it
- Whats like a horse and spits
- My favorite animal
- Man's best friend
- 8 legs
- Has black and white stripes
- Don't poke the what
- Sally
- Another name for a rabbit
- I went swimming with one
- A bird that talks
- Eats from the top of a tree
- An animal you catch in you house
- A pet that swims
- Sheds its skin
- Gets milk from
- Says oink
30 Clues: Sally • 8 legs • Says roar • Says oink • Quack quack • Has a trunk • You have one • Flying mammal • The state bird • Sheds its skin • Gets milk from • Gets cheese from • You can ride one • A pet that swims • Man's best friend • A bird that talks • My favorite animal • Don't poke the what • Likes to chase mice • I went swimming with one • Lays eggs and you eat it • Another name for a rabbit • ...
Animals 2022-06-27
- Lives in the ocean and looks like a star
- Whats like a horse and spits
- Another name for a rabbit
- Has a big fin and lives in the ocean
- Flying mammal
- Don't poke the what
- You have one
- Eats from the top of a tree
- A bird that talks
- Lays eggs and you eat it
- The state bird
- Sally
- Gets milk from
- Man's best friend
- Quack quack
- I went swimming with one
- Sheds its skin
- A small fish kids love to fish
- The only bird that can fly backwards
- A pet that swims
- Gets cheese from
- Has a trunk
- Has black and white stripes
- Says oink
- My favorite animal
- You can ride one
- Likes to chase mice
- 8 legs
- Says roar
29 Clues: Sally • 8 legs • Says oink • Says roar • Has a trunk • Quack quack • You have one • Flying mammal • Sheds its skin • The state bird • Gets milk from • A pet that swims • Gets cheese from • You can ride one • A bird that talks • Man's best friend • My favorite animal • Don't poke the what • Likes to chase mice • I went swimming with one • Lays eggs and you eat it • Another name for a rabbit • ...
Animals 2022-06-27
- Man's best friend
- Has black and white stripes
- 8 legs
- Sheds its skin
- The only bird that can fly backwards
- Lives in the ocean and looks like a star
- Gets milk from
- My favorite animal
- A pet that swims
- Likes to chase mice
- Has a big fin and lives in the ocean
- Another name for a rabbit
- Sally
- Whats like a horse and spits
- Gets cheese from
- The state bird
- Quack quack
- Don't poke the what
- Says oink
- Eats from the top of a tree
- A small fish kids love to fish
- You have one
- I went swimming with one
- A bird that talks
- Says roar
- You can ride one
- Lays eggs and you eat it
- Flying mammal
- Has a trunk
29 Clues: Sally • 8 legs • Says oink • Says roar • Quack quack • Has a trunk • You have one • Flying mammal • The state bird • Sheds its skin • Gets milk from • Gets cheese from • You can ride one • A pet that swims • Man's best friend • A bird that talks • My favorite animal • Don't poke the what • Likes to chase mice • I went swimming with one • Lays eggs and you eat it • Another name for a rabbit • ...
Animals 2022-06-27
- Eats from the top of a tree
- A pet that swims
- Likes to chase mice
- Has a trunk
- I went swimming with one
- Says oink
- Has a big fin and lives in the ocean
- You can ride one
- Lives in the ocean and looks like a star
- Has black and white stripes
- Gets cheese from
- The state bird
- Another name for a rabbit
- You have one
- Quack quack
- Gets milk from
- Don't poke the what
- Whats like a horse and spits
- A small fish kids love to fish
- Lays eggs and you eat it
- 8 legs
- My favorite animal
- Sheds its skin
- The only bird that can fly backwards
- Flying mammal
- Man's best friend
- Says roar
- A bird that talks
- Sally
29 Clues: Sally • 8 legs • Says oink • Says roar • Has a trunk • Quack quack • You have one • Flying mammal • Sheds its skin • The state bird • Gets milk from • A pet that swims • You can ride one • Gets cheese from • Man's best friend • A bird that talks • My favorite animal • Likes to chase mice • Don't poke the what • Lays eggs and you eat it • I went swimming with one • Another name for a rabbit • ...
ANIMALS 2022-06-27
24 Clues: cane • topo • rana • capra • asino • gatto • pesce • pollo • mucca • papera • pecora • maiale • gallina • cavallo • criceto • uccello • scimmia • tacchino • coniglio • farfalla • tartaruga • pappagallo • coccinella • coccodrillo
Animals 2022-06-22
- pests
- long necks
- very deadly
- faster than any human
- Australian icon
- can fly
- Man's best friend
- doesn't live long once hatched
- mostly seen at night time
- flowers
- Likes to chase mice
- is very small
- Is spiky
- Large marsupial
- lives in the cold and can fly
- Flying mammal
- associated with dots
- unwanted pests in most houses
- landfill is killing them
- they are extinct
- Has a trunk
21 Clues: pests • can fly • flowers • Is spiky • long necks • very deadly • Has a trunk • Flying mammal • is very small • Large marsupial • Australian icon • they are extinct • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • associated with dots • faster than any human • landfill is killing them • mostly seen at night time • lives in the cold and can fly • unwanted pests in most houses • doesn't live long once hatched
Animals 2022-07-26
Animals 2022-11-05
- it has hooves
- it makes honey
- it is a flying animal that lives in caves. It also kinda started COVID.
- it makes dams
- it jumps and has a pocket filled with a ¨Joey¨
- likes cheese
- it has a trunk
- it moos
- it goes ¨oink¨
- it is a horse with a horn
- has a blow hole
- it is the tallest animal in the world
- fastest animal alive
- it is a horse with stripes
- it is mainly known for Thanksgiving
- it likes carrots
- it does tricks in the ocean, and some people ride them sometimes
- it has 8 tentacles
- it is the BYU mascot
- A mans best friend
- gold+fish=
- it is a/the sea serpent
22 Clues: it moos • gold+fish= • likes cheese • it has hooves • it makes dams • it makes honey • it has a trunk • it goes ¨oink¨ • has a blow hole • it likes carrots • it has 8 tentacles • A mans best friend • fastest animal alive • it is the BYU mascot • it is a/the sea serpent • it is a horse with a horn • it is a horse with stripes • it is mainly known for Thanksgiving • it is the tallest animal in the world • ...
ANIMALS 2022-11-10
Animals 2022-11-10
- The Second Largest feline in North America
- Natively found on the Australian continent
- Long, black tongue can grow to 18 inches long
- They are thought to be stubborn
- One will stand on guard to watch for predators
- I like to move it move it
- Can travel in super pods of more than 1,000
- Spends much of the time high in the trees
- Primarily hunts and feeds on Earthworms
- Ability to land on their feet
- Also known as the Prairie Wolf
- Known for its ferocity
- Stuffs food into pouches in its cheeks
- Can be found on every continent on Earth – except Antarctica
- Known to eat pebbles to aid digestion and buoyancy
- A symbol of strength and nobility, they once adorned many of the flags, banners, and coats-of-arms of medieval Europe
- One of the strongest bite forces in the animal kingdom
- Often use rocks to crack open food
- Known for their stout bodies
- Mans best friend
20 Clues: Mans best friend • Known for its ferocity • I like to move it move it • Known for their stout bodies • Ability to land on their feet • Also known as the Prairie Wolf • They are thought to be stubborn • Often use rocks to crack open food • Stuffs food into pouches in its cheeks • Primarily hunts and feeds on Earthworms • Spends much of the time high in the trees • ...