animals Crossword Puzzles

Animals 2023-02-20

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. parrot
  2. rooster
  3. giraffe
  4. frog
  5. octopus
  6. rabbit
  7. dolphin
  8. snake
  9. elephant
  10. bird
  11. monkey
  1. mouse
  2. starfish
  3. dog
  4. cat
  5. crocodile
  6. lion
  7. hen
  8. shark
  9. bear
  10. pig
  11. duck
  12. cow

23 Clues: dogcathenpigcowfroglionbearbirdduckmousesnakesharkparrotrabbitmonkeyroostergiraffeoctopusdolphinstarfishelephantcrocodile

Animals 2023-02-20

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. This arachnid has a stinger on its tail and is known for its venom.
  2. This large mammal has thick skin and a horn on its nose.
  3. This intelligent mammal is known for its playful behavior and love of swimming.
  4. This marsupial is native to Australia and is known for its powerful legs and ability to hop.
  5. This large mammal is known for its big teeth and love of water.
  6. This slow-moving mammal spends most of its life hanging upside down in trees.
  7. This tall mammal has a long neck and spots on its fur.
  8. This large reptile is known for its strong jaws and lives in the water.
  9. This sea creature has eight arms and is known for its intelligence and ability to camouflage.
  10. This large mammal has a long trunk and large ears and is known for its intelligence.
  11. This flat fish has a stinger on its tail and lives in the ocean.
  12. This large cat has orange fur with black stripes.
  13. This intelligent primate is closely related to humans and is known for using tools.
  1. This pink bird is known for standing on one leg and is found in warm climates.
  2. This colorful bird has a large bill and is native to Central and South America.
  3. This black and white bear is native to China and eats bamboo.
  4. This masked animal is known for its love of trash and ability to climb trees.
  5. This large bird cannot fly but is known for being the fastest running bird.
  6. This fast-running cat is known for its spots and is the fastest land animal.
  7. This large mammal has long tusks and is known for living in cold climates.
  8. This striped animal is related to horses and lives in Africa.
  9. This large primate is native to Africa and is closely related to humans.
  10. This unique mammal is native to Australia and has a bill like a duck and lays eggs.
  11. This cute animal is native to Australia and eats eucalyptus leaves.
  12. This shark has a distinctive head shape that looks like a hammer.

25 Clues: This large cat has orange fur with black stripes.This tall mammal has a long neck and spots on its fur.This large mammal has thick skin and a horn on its nose.This black and white bear is native to China and eats bamboo.This striped animal is related to horses and lives in Africa.This large mammal is known for its big teeth and love of water....

animals 2023-02-21

animals crossword puzzle
  1. kaķis
  2. govs
  3. čuska
  4. kamielis
  5. alnis
  6. zaķis
  7. bruņurupucis
  8. kāmis
  9. briedis
  10. lācis
  11. cūka
  12. muša
  1. slieka
  2. vista
  3. ķengurs
  4. pērtiķis
  5. zilonis
  6. tīģeris
  7. zirgs
  8. ērglis
  9. tītars
  10. suns
  11. papagailis

23 Clues: govssunscūkamušakaķisvistačuskaalniszaķiskāmiszirgslācissliekaērglistītarsķengurszilonistīģerisbriedispērtiķiskamielispapagailisbruņurupucis

Animals 2023-02-24

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. giraffe in indonesia
  2. sapi in English
  3. camel in Indonesia
  4. cow in indonesia
  5. mouse in indonesia
  6. leherku panjang
  7. Tiger in indonesia
  8. musuhnya kucing
  9. I am king of rimba
  1. aku bertelur
  2. I like fish
  3. I like carrot
  4. aku berkokok dipagi hari
  5. bebek in English
  6. burung dara in English
  7. Harimau in english
  8. snake in Indonesia
  9. aku bersuara mbekk
  10. I life in water
  11. hidup di gurun pasir
  12. fish in English

21 Clues: I like fishaku bertelurI like carrotsapi in EnglishI life in waterleherku panjangfish in Englishmusuhnya kucingbebek in Englishcow in indonesiacamel in Indonesiamouse in indonesiaHarimau in englishsnake in Indonesiaaku bersuara mbekkTiger in indonesiaI am king of rimbagiraffe in indonesiahidup di gurun pasirburung dara in English...

Animals 2023-03-01

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. This animal is used in horseback riding
  2. This animal can fly
  3. This animal has a trunk
  4. This animal is the most common family pet
  5. This animal has orange and black stripes
  6. This animal gives us milk
  7. This animal lives in the bayou and ponds
  8. This animal goes oo oo ah ah
  1. This animal lives in coops
  2. This animal is pink
  3. This animal slithers
  4. This animal has white and black stripes
  5. This animal is super fast
  6. This animal is from Shrek
  7. This animal is really tall
  8. This animal sometimes faints
  9. This animal is a spawn from satan
  10. This animal lives in dirt
  11. This animal has a mane
  12. This animal lives on a farm and eats slop

20 Clues: This animal is pinkThis animal can flyThis animal slithersThis animal has a maneThis animal has a trunkThis animal is super fastThis animal is from ShrekThis animal gives us milkThis animal lives in dirtThis animal lives in coopsThis animal is really tallThis animal sometimes faintsThis animal goes oo oo ah ahThis animal is a spawn from satan...

animals 2023-02-08

animals crossword puzzle
  1. can jump in the air
  2. can produce milk
  3. have a hard shell
  4. are red and orange and are very cute
  5. washed up on the shore and shaped like a star
  6. weight over more than a ton
  7. have the ability to bite you
  8. have a stripe pattern on there back
  9. climb in the trees
  10. have pouches
  11. really nice to humans communicate using there mouth
  1. always travel in packs
  2. are very slimy
  3. we are them
  4. really like kelp and swim on there backs in the ocean bays
  5. are covered in wool
  6. are mans best friend
  7. are scared of humans
  8. can produce milk and some can have horns and not a cow
  9. are very lazy and hang in the trees
  10. are scared of water
  11. like to roll in the mud and are pink
  12. have hoofs on there feet
  13. only swim in the water at night

24 Clues: we are themhave pouchesare very slimycan produce milkhave a hard shellclimb in the treescan jump in the airare covered in woolare scared of waterare mans best friendare scared of humansalways travel in packshave hoofs on there feetweight over more than a tonhave the ability to bite youonly swim in the water at night...

Animals 2023-02-14

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. I am nocturnal
  2. I look like a dog, but I am wild
  3. I am black and white and like cold weather
  4. I'm a primate and can swing from trees
  5. I slither
  6. Likes to chase mice
  7. I am in a book where I wear red pajamas
  8. I carry my house on my back
  9. I hibernate all winter
  10. My name rhymes with house
  11. My home is called a den
  12. I am the king of the jungle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. Flying mammal
  3. I live in trees and eat nuts
  4. Rudolph is one
  5. Has a trunk
  6. I have very long legs and neck
  7. Large marsupial
  8. I am a large cat with stripes
  9. I live in the desert

21 Clues: I slitherHas a trunkFlying mammalI am nocturnalRudolph is oneLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceI live in the desertI hibernate all winterMy home is called a denMy name rhymes with houseI carry my house on my backI am the king of the jungleI live in trees and eat nutsI am a large cat with stripesI have very long legs and neck...

animals 2023-03-30

animals crossword puzzle
  1. they can count
  2. a cow's baby
  3. people go on a boat to try to see them
  4. has a verry long fluffy tail and lives in the trees
  5. has a lot of spots
  6. its green and small and live in the water
  7. has a lot of spines
  8. says miauw
  9. eats cheese and is verry small
  10. they talk to you
  1. eats bamboo
  2. can rotate his neck 360 degrees
  3. lays eggs
  4. climbs and swings everywhere
  5. has black with white stripes
  6. plays in the mud
  7. people do a sport on it
  8. is red and lives in the woods
  9. has very long antlers
  10. many people have it as pets
  11. they have a very long neck
  12. bear lives in the northpole
  13. can talk with dolphins

23 Clues: lays eggssays miauweats bambooa cow's babythey can countplays in the mudthey talk to youhas a lot of spotshas a lot of spineshas very long antlerscan talk with dolphinspeople do a sport on itthey have a very long neckmany people have it as petsbear lives in the northpoleclimbs and swings everywherehas black with white stripes...

animals 2023-03-30

animals crossword puzzle
  1. laut lehmade jaoks
  2. süstalt ühendama
  3. toitev silo
  4. manustama hapniku
  5. poegimisala
  6. liigesepõletik
  7. söömine karjamaal
  8. lihatootmine
  9. mugav eluase
  10. kuiv allapanu
  11. masin mida kasutatakse lüpsmisel
  12. niiskustaseme kontroll
  13. piimaveised
  1. lehmasid jälgima
  2. söödasegu
  3. toiduainete spetsialist
  4. kõrvade sälgutamine
  5. regulaarne toitumine
  6. ternespiima manustamine
  7. kuldi kõrvalmaitse
  8. ei peeta aedikus
  9. kummivoolik
  10. regulaarne toitumine
  11. hammaste lõikamine
  12. nöopiirkonna vigastatud
  13. õhkuahmima
  14. mõjutab suremust
  15. suurlaut
  16. päevläbi sööma
  17. rauasüst
  18. südamelöögid

31 Clues: suurlautrauasüstsöödaseguõhkuahmimatoitev silopoegimisalakummivoolikpiimaveisedlihatootminemugav eluasesüdamelöögidkuiv allapanuliigesepõletikpäevläbi söömalehmasid jälgimasüstalt ühendamaei peeta aedikusmõjutab suremustmanustama hapnikusöömine karjamaallaut lehmade jaokskuldi kõrvalmaitsehammaste lõikaminekõrvade sälgutamineregulaarne toitumine...

animals 2023-03-30

animals crossword puzzle
  1. vabapidamine
  2. õhku ahmima
  3. sõrgade lõikamine
  4. tasakaalustatud dieet
  5. rauasüst
  6. kana munad
  7. vabad hingamisteed
  8. mõjutab surevust
  9. lehmade lüpsmine
  10. nöopiirkonna vigastused
  11. vastsündinud sead
  12. saba eemaldamine
  13. regulaarne toitumine
  14. manusta hapniku
  15. industrialiseeritud põllumajandus
  16. piima veised
  17. suur laut
  1. liigesepõletik
  2. mugav eluase
  3. lehmasid jälgima
  4. toitev silo
  5. kõrvade sälgutamine
  6. lihatootmine
  7. poegimisala
  8. südamelöökide sagedus
  9. niiskustaseme kontroll
  10. kummivoolik
  11. süstalt ühendama
  12. pulli igemed
  13. kuiv allapanu

30 Clues: rauasüstsuur lautkana munadõhku ahmimatoitev silopoegimisalakummivoolikvabapidaminemugav eluaselihatootminepulli igemedpiima veisedkuiv allapanuliigesepõletikmanusta hapnikulehmasid jälgimamõjutab surevustlehmade lüpsminesüstalt ühendamasaba eemaldaminesõrgade lõikaminevastsündinud seadvabad hingamisteedkõrvade sälgutamineregulaarne toitumine...

Animals 2023-03-29

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. robak
  2. kot
  3. orzeł
  4. koń
  5. pszczoła
  6. motyl
  7. dinozaur
  8. rozwiazda
  9. jeleń
  10. tygrys
  11. mucha
  12. kaczka
  13. aligator
  14. wąż
  15. kurczak
  16. papuga
  17. delfin
  18. wiewiórka
  19. małpa
  20. pies
  21. koza
  22. ryba
  1. wieloryb
  2. byk
  3. niedźwiedź
  4. krowa
  5. zebra
  6. mrówka
  7. pająk
  8. indyk
  9. lis
  10. goryl
  11. żyrafa
  12. foka
  13. żółw wodny
  14. rekin
  15. żaba
  16. owca
  17. krokodyl
  18. żółw lądowy
  19. jaszczurka
  20. wilk
  21. sowa
  22. lew
  23. ptak
  24. ośmiornica
  25. pingwin

47 Clues: bykkotkońliswążlewfokażabaowcawilksowaptakpieskozarybarobakkrowazebraorzełpająkmotylindykgorylrekinjeleńmuchamałpamrówkażyrafatygryskaczkapapugadelfinkurczakpingwinwielorybpszczoładinozaurkrokodylaligatorrozwiazdawiewiórkaniedźwiedźżółw wodnyjaszczurkaośmiornicażółw lądowy

animals 2023-04-11

animals crossword puzzle
  1. slimy creature
  2. fast and hops high
  3. powerful hind legs and can box
  4. big animal with long neck
  5. say ooh ooh ah ah
  6. mythical creature with a horn
  7. … and the hare
  8. many spikes on back
  9. black and white big creature
  10. says meow
  11. repeats what you say, can fly
  12. lives in antarctica waddles
  1. big fish with many teeth, very territorial
  2. where dogs descended from
  3. extinct creature lived millions of years ago
  4. trash panda, mini robber
  5. says quack quack
  6. a big mouse
  7. biggest land animal with tusks and trunk
  8. black and white stripes
  9. lays eggs that we eat
  10. descended from wolves
  11. lives in and out of water
  12. american symbol

24 Clues: says meowa big mouseslimy creature… and the hareamerican symbolsays quack quacksay ooh ooh ah ahfast and hops highmany spikes on backlays eggs that we eatdescended from wolvesblack and white stripestrash panda, mini robberwhere dogs descended frombig animal with long necklives in and out of waterlives in antarctica waddles...

Animals 2023-04-28

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. I’m grey but my sister is rainbow
  2. creepy crawly
  3. I’m a singer in Zootopia
  4. I do tricks at the zoo
  5. they made a movie out of my dad!
  6. I’m small, cute, fluffy, and I’m a pet
  7. what’s does the - say!?
  9. I’m a meme
  10. Likes to chase mice
  11. Fastest bird
  12. I’m normal at weddings
  13. I like lettuce
  14. slithery slithery..?
  15. I’m an INSANE breed of fox
  16. I’m such a shocking animal
  17. I’m in Shrek
  18. Flying mammal
  19. some of my brothers live in the woods
  20. I’m Eli’s favorite animal
  21. I’m fat.
  22. I’m a crab?
  23. I’m always in danger during hunting season
  24. Dragon ancestor
  1. Big cat that likes water
  2. Man's best friend
  3. I’m McDonald’s most popular food item
  4. I don’t look like a leaf but my name has leaf in it?
  5. I’ll chomp your fingers off.
  6. King of the jungle
  7. Female Lion
  8. I laugh like a mad man
  9. known for racing
  10. I’m pink
  11. MNs state bird
  12. Lyle Lyle..?
  13. I’m a fluffy cow
  14. I’m the most known pet snake
  15. I’m a pet noodle
  17. I’m in The Little Mermaid
  18. Has a trunk
  19. Large marsupial
  20. Some people call me a cheetah but I’m not
  21. I’m Eli’s SECOND favorite animal
  22. blob blob
  23. Slowest animal
  24. spiky fish that’s caught in MN
  25. I’m a savanna cow
  26. My name is a fruit

50 Clues: I’m pinkI’m fat.blob blobI’m a memeFemale LionHas a trunkI’m a crab?Lyle Lyle..?Fastest birdI’m in Shrekcreepy crawlyFlying mammalMNs state birdITS A UNICORN!I like lettuceSlowest animalLarge marsupialDragon ancestorknown for racingI’m a fluffy cowI’m a pet noodleMan's best friendI’m a savanna cowKing of the jungleMy name is a fruit...

Animals 2023-04-28

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. the foot of an animal that has claws or nails, such as a cat, dog, or bear
  2. a large insect with a long, thin, brightly coloured body and two pairs of transparent wings
  3. an animal with a thick, hard shell. It eats plants, moves very slowly, and sleeps during the winter.
  4. a type of insect with large, often brightly coloured wings
  5. a small flying insect that bites people and animals and sucks their blood
  6. the hard, pointed part of a bird's mouth
  7. a large insect with long back legs that can jump very high
  8. an adult female chicken
  9. one of the many soft, light things that cover a bird's body
  10. a small, red beetle that is round and has black spots
  11. the part of the body that joins the head to the shoulder
  1. a flying insect, often black and yellow, that can sting
  2. one of the many very small, flat pieces that cover the skin of fish, snakes, etc.
  3. the flat part of the body that a bird, insect, or bat uses for flying
  4. a large African animal with a very long neck and long legs
  5. the organ through which fish and other water creatures breathe
  6. a part of an animal's body, sticking out from the base of the back
  7. a very large grey mammal that has a trunk
  8. long, pointed tooth of some animals such as elephants
  9. the thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals
  10. a small, brightly coloured bird, often kept as a pet
  11. a growth of long hair on the neck of a horse, lion, or other animal
  12. the long, tube-shaped nose of an elephant
  13. a large bird with very long tail feathers
  14. part of fish anatomy that help them move and balance

25 Clues: an adult female chickenthe hard, pointed part of a bird's moutha very large grey mammal that has a trunkthe long, tube-shaped nose of an elephanta large bird with very long tail feathersa small, brightly coloured bird, often kept as a petpart of fish anatomy that help them move and balancelong, pointed tooth of some animals such as elephants...

Animals 2023-05-02

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. It is a colorful bird and it can speak.
  2. It gives milk
  3. Its baby is lamb.
  4. It doesn't have to drink very often.
  5. It is orange and it lives in the forest.
  6. lives in Australia
  7. It has eight legs. people are often afraid of it.
  8. It is a pink farm animal.
  9. Cats eat this animal.
  10. It is awake at night. It is a symbol of wisdom.
  11. It is usually green and it is an amphibians.
  12. it loves swinging in the tress and it eats bananas.
  13. Likes to chase mice
  14. It is a very long animal and it doesn't have legs.
  15. It cares apples on its bag.
  16. It has black and white stripes.
  17. It is a small cute pet. It eats carrots.
  18. Flying black mammal
  1. It is black and orange and it lives in the jungle.
  2. It is a wild dog.
  3. It is a pink bird with long legs.
  4. It has a lot of "legs". It lives in the see.
  5. It is a dangerous fish. It lives in the see.
  6. It is a bird and it cannot fly.
  7. It is a bird and it can run very fast.
  8. It has a very long neck.
  9. You can ride on this animal.
  10. Has a trunk
  11. It is the king of all animals.
  12. it is a black and white animal. It eats bamboo.
  13. Man's best friend
  14. It lives in the forest and sleeps in the winter.

32 Clues: Has a trunkIt gives milkIt is a wild dog.Its baby is lamb.Man's best friendlives in AustraliaLikes to chase miceFlying black mammalCats eat this animal.It has a very long neck.It is a pink farm animal.It cares apples on its bag.You can ride on this animal.It is the king of all animals.It is a bird and it cannot fly.It has black and white stripes....

animals 2017-03-21

animals crossword puzzle
  1. kutya
  2. macska
  3. zebra
  4. kígyó
  5. elefánt
  6. medve
  7. teknős
  8. zsiráf
  9. hernyó
  10. malac
  11. teve
  12. róka
  1. kacsa
  2. tigris
  3. pillangó
  4. bárány
  5. madár
  6. nyúl
  7. farkas
  8. tehén

20 Clues: nyúlteverókakutyakacsazebrakígyómedvemadármalactehénmacskatigrisbárányteknőszsiráfhernyófarkaselefántpillangó

Animals 2017-06-15

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Maus
  2. Hund
  3. Nilpferd
  4. Eidechse
  5. Krokodil
  6. Elefant
  7. Pferd
  8. Kanarienvogel
  1. Frosch
  2. Spinne
  3. Hai
  4. Kuh
  5. Meerschweinchen
  6. Fisch
  7. Bär
  8. Kamel
  9. Katze
  10. Schlange
  11. Ratte
  12. Eule
  13. Fledermaus

21 Clues: HaiKuhBärMausHundEuleFischKamelKatzeRattePferdFroschSpinneElefantNilpferdEidechseKrokodilSchlangeFledermausKanarienvogelMeerschweinchen

Animals 2017-03-01

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Big and fat animal that lives near the water.
  2. I am a very big animal and I live in the sea.
  3. No legs, many different types.
  4. I have eight legs.
  5. Very small animal, often white in colour.
  6. Long and green, with a long tail.
  7. I am small but very long. I also have a long tongue.
  8. I am very tall.
  9. Re-order these letters "EABR"
  10. I am like a horse, but have white and black stripes.
  11. Woof!
  12. I like to eat bamboo.
  1. Ribbit!
  2. Milk.
  3. A sheep with horns.
  4. I am fluffy and white like a cloud.
  5. Orange and black stripes.
  6. Quack!
  7. You can ride me, I've a small tail and four legs.
  8. Has a long nose!
  9. I like to eat bananas.
  10. I lay eggs.
  11. Not a dog.
  12. I live in the sea, am very big and scary. I like to eat other animals.
  13. Small animal with a tail, often green in colour.
  14. I can fly.

26 Clues: Milk.Woof!Quack!Ribbit!Not a dog.I can fly.I lay eggs.I am very tall.Has a long nose!I have eight legs.A sheep with horns.I like to eat bamboo.I like to eat bananas.Orange and black stripes.Re-order these letters "EABR"No legs, many different types.Long and green, with a long tail.I am fluffy and white like a cloud....

Animals 2017-06-04

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Very sleepy furball
  2. Graceful as a ______
  3. Oink oink
  4. Big tall fast bird
  5. Masked trash panda
  6. Timon from the lion king
  7. Cute little polka-dotted insect
  8. Cat that runs real fast
  9. waddling bird in antarctica
  10. Lizard that sells insurance
  1. Striped danger cat
  2. Big hairy primate
  3. Red claws go snap snap
  4. Ryan or a baby goose
  5. Flies fast and drinks sugar water
  6. Bird with a rainbowy tail
  7. Shell reptile
  8. Sprays water out of its head
  9. Cat thing that laughs
  10. Like a llama but not

20 Clues: Oink oinkShell reptileBig hairy primateStriped danger catBig tall fast birdMasked trash pandaVery sleepy furballGraceful as a ______Ryan or a baby gooseLike a llama but notCat thing that laughsRed claws go snap snapCat that runs real fastTimon from the lion kingBird with a rainbowy tailwaddling bird in antarcticaLizard that sells insurance...

Animals 2020-03-26

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. a baby deer
  2. a baby duck
  3. a baby pig
  4. They Go Snap And Are Large Reptile
  5. a baby platypus
  6. a baby kangaroo
  7. Can Be Black And White Also Eat Bamboo
  8. a baby chicken
  9. a baby goose
  10. Bambaii was this animal
  1. A Baby Sheep
  2. Largest Asian Antelope and its scientific name is a Boselaphustragocamelus
  3. This Animal Starts Off As A Caterpillar
  4. This Animal Will Sting You If You Come Near Its Hive And Is Black And White
  5. a baby horse
  6. a baby cat
  7. a baby lion
  8. most people have this as a pet and it can guard your home
  9. a baby cow
  10. a baby swan

20 Clues: a baby piga baby cata baby cowa baby deera baby ducka baby liona baby swanA Baby Sheepa baby horsea baby goosea baby chickena baby platypusa baby kangarooBambaii was this animalThey Go Snap And Are Large ReptileCan Be Black And White Also Eat BambooThis Animal Starts Off As A Caterpillarmost people have this as a pet and it can guard your home...

ANIMALS 2020-03-26

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. tall as a tree
  2. the light is blinding me!
  3. predator of the sea
  4. hey can I have some dumplings
  5. clawing cuteness
  6. don't make me sit on you, trust me, you will die
  7. the camera adds ten pounds
  8. and a hop and a hop
  9. you just have to be the largest animal
  1. Man's best friend
  2. Choose one, black or white
  3. slow down
  4. lazy cuteness
  5. how can I not see my footprints in the sand?
  6. why you banging your chest
  7. in the jungle the might jungle
  8. I am as sleek as a...
  9. full moon man
  10. not to big, not to small, just right
  11. this is an easy one (.^.) turn it upside down

20 Clues: slow downlazy cutenessfull moon mantall as a treeclawing cutenessMan's best friendpredator of the seaand a hop and a hopI am as sleek as a...the light is blinding me!Choose one, black or whitewhy you banging your chestthe camera adds ten poundshey can I have some dumplingsin the jungle the might junglenot to big, not to small, just right...

Animals 2020-02-29

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. kutya
  2. sas
  3. kecske
  4. hörcsög
  5. oroszlán
  6. malac
  7. farmon élő állat
  8. bárány
  9. bálna
  10. delfin
  11. nyúl
  12. tehén
  13. hal
  1. ketrec
  2. béka
  3. szurikáta
  4. cica
  5. zsiráf
  6. víziló
  7. medve
  8. tengeri malac
  9. cápa
  10. strucc
  11. kisállat/ háziállat
  12. papagáj

26 Clues: sashalbékacicacápanyúlkutyamedvemalacbálnatehénketreckecskezsiráfvízilóbáránydelfinstrucchörcsögpapagájoroszlánszurikátatengeri malacfarmon élő állatkisállat/ háziállat

Animals 2020-03-17

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Slowest animal of the world
  2. Has spots rather than stripes
  3. Looks like seal and has horn
  4. Supposed to be very wise
  5. The announcer of spring
  6. Largest of the ape and monkey families, full grown
  7. Has most legs
  8. The largest mammal
  9. Has the most impressive tail
  1. The only poisonous snake in Estonia
  2. Tallest bird
  3. Animal who never sleep
  4. Famous amphibian
  5. The symbol of peace
  6. Only birds known to be capable of flying backwards
  7. What type of animal is an Ibis?
  8. Has got a hump, lives in Africa
  9. Marsupial
  10. Fastest runner on the land
  11. Bird who can't fly

20 Clues: MarsupialTallest birdHas most legsFamous amphibianThe largest mammalBird who can't flyThe symbol of peaceAnimal who never sleepThe announcer of springSupposed to be very wiseFastest runner on the landSlowest animal of the worldLooks like seal and has hornHas the most impressive tailHas spots rather than stripesWhat type of animal is an Ibis?...

Animals 2020-05-03

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. has 8 legs and lives in the sea
  2. feed them bread in a pond
  3. also love mud,are fat and live in a rain forest
  4. a scaly no-legged reptile that hisses
  5. they love mud
  6. this eats everything and is an intruder to the old garage.
  7. dad and martin(Friday night dinner)should know this.
  8. has a shell and lives in the sea and is not a snail
  9. produces milk and is beef
  1. eaten with chips
  2. naughty and loves bananas
  3. Has a trunk
  4. think roast dinners
  5. Man's best friend
  6. has a pouch and jumps a lot
  7. head in the sand
  8. nunu. nunu. nunununununununununu...JAWS!
  9. not 3 humps
  10. Likes to chase mice
  11. use plastic and are bad for the environment.(YOU)

20 Clues: Has a trunknot 3 humpsthey love mudeaten with chipshead in the sandMan's best friendthink roast dinnersLikes to chase micenaughty and loves bananasfeed them bread in a pondproduces milk and is beefhas a pouch and jumps a lothas 8 legs and lives in the seaa scaly no-legged reptile that hissesnunu. nunu. nunununununununununu...JAWS!...

Animals 2020-05-01

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. loves acorns
  2. loves bananas
  3. hangs from trees
  4. thanksgiving
  5. black and white horse
  6. no legs or arms
  7. black and white bear
  8. can catch with tongue
  9. tall and pink
  1. really slow
  2. big eyes
  3. gives us bacon
  4. can give a horrible smell
  5. color full feathers
  6. quack quack!!
  7. meows
  8. large trunk
  9. can be a hunter and be hunted
  10. howls
  11. only comes out at night
  12. mans best friend

21 Clues: meowshowlsbig eyesreally slowlarge trunkloves acornsthanksgivingloves bananasquack quack!!tall and pinkgives us baconno legs or armshangs from treesmans best friendcolor full feathersblack and white bearblack and white horsecan catch with tongueonly comes out at nightcan give a horrible smellcan be a hunter and be hunted

Animals 2020-04-28

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Large canine
  2. big striped tiger
  3. an animal with a shell that lives in the ocean
  4. an animal that loves fish and stars in the movie Brave
  5. an animal that is king of beasts
  6. a mammal in the ocean
  7. They love the bananas
  8. The furry pet that owns the house
  9. Small or long that can live in the desert or in jungles
  1. nocturnal bird
  2. a decent sized dinosaur
  3. domestic wolf
  4. Birds that feed on the dead
  5. They have a long nose that can grow up to around 6ft
  6. nasty birds that live in the city
  7. the person who created this
  8. a bear that lives in china that eats bamboo
  9. the biggest whale in the world
  10. They make the milk
  11. an animal that lives on a farm

20 Clues: Large caninedomestic wolfnocturnal birdbig striped tigerThey make the milka mammal in the oceanThey love the bananasa decent sized dinosaurBirds that feed on the deadthe person who created thisthe biggest whale in the worldan animal that lives on a farman animal that is king of beastsnasty birds that live in the city...

Animals 2020-04-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. quacks
  2. is a bigger ape
  3. we eat during thanksgiving
  4. lives in caves
  5. is pink and oinks
  6. is big and lot fur
  7. has a long neck
  8. has black stripes and white
  9. is scaly
  10. has a trunk
  1. barks
  2. in the movie jaws
  3. is red and small with black spots
  4. lives in the water
  5. is orange and has stripes
  6. has a shell
  7. you can win it a fair
  8. is slow
  9. is small and everywhere
  10. meows

20 Clues: barksmeowsquacksis slowis scalyhas a shellhas a trunklives in cavesis a bigger apehas a long neckin the movie jawsis pink and oinkslives in the wateris big and lot furyou can win it a fairis small and everywhereis orange and has stripeswe eat during thanksgivinghas black stripes and whiteis red and small with black spots

Animals 2020-04-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. pingwin
  2. krokodyl
  3. nietoperz
  4. zając
  5. motyl
  6. kot
  7. ośmiornica
  8. wilk
  9. jeż
  10. małpa
  11. żaba
  12. mysz
  13. kangur
  14. koń
  15. żółw
  16. krab
  17. foka
  18. pająk
  19. szympans
  20. gołąb
  21. koliber
  22. zebra
  23. słoń
  1. lew
  2. papuga
  3. delfin
  4. orzeł
  5. sęp
  6. królik
  7. mrówka
  8. wielbłąd
  9. krowa
  10. pies
  11. bocian
  12. sowa
  13. ryba
  14. bóbr
  15. rekin
  16. bear niedżwiedż polarny
  17. orka
  18. żyrafa
  19. struś
  20. sowa
  21. baran
  22. krab
  23. wąż
  24. pantera
  25. tygrys
  26. wieloryb
  27. pszczoła
  28. osioł

51 Clues: lewsępkotjeżkońwążpieswilksowarybabóbrżabaorkamyszsoważółwkrabkrabfokasłońorzełzającmotylkrowarekinmałpastruśbaranpająkgołąbosiołzebrapapugadelfinkrólikmrówkabociankangurżyrafatygryspingwinpanterakoliberkrokodylwielbłądwielorybpszczołaszympansnietoperzośmiornicabear niedżwiedż polarny

Animals 2020-04-29

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. sharks are not whales
  3. go moo
  4. lives in schools
  5. have goatys
  6. like to drink blood
  7. bite
  8. Has a trunk
  9. you can find in trees
  10. like to jump
  11. Likes to chase mice
  1. can get very big
  2. are the mane predatorys
  3. hibernate
  4. are going to really
  5. live on the bottom of the sea
  6. goes really good
  7. Large marsupial
  8. pray for god
  9. Flying mammal

20 Clues: bitego moohibernatehave goatysHas a trunkpray for godlike to jumpFlying mammalLarge marsupialcan get very biglives in schoolsgoes really goodMan's best friendare going to reallylike to drink bloodLikes to chase micesharks are not whalesyou can find in treesare the mane predatoryslive on the bottom of the sea

animals 2020-04-29

animals crossword puzzle
  1. big fish of the sea
  2. produces beef
  3. head can do a 360
  4. produces wool
  5. insect commonly found under things
  6. well known sea animal
  7. cant walk backwards
  8. tiny insect that you see when its about to rain
  9. farmers hate them but are well known pets
  10. brought coronavirus to Australia
  11. mans best friend
  1. black, loud type of bird
  2. eight legs
  3. there are trapes made especially for them
  4. nine lives
  5. gives bacon
  6. make nests
  7. male predator
  8. spotted insect
  9. eats chickens and hunts at night

20 Clues: eight legsnine livesmake nestsgives baconproduces beefproduces woolmale predatorspotted insectmans best friendhead can do a 360big fish of the seacant walk backwardswell known sea animalblack, loud type of birdeats chickens and hunts at nightbrought coronavirus to Australiainsect commonly found under thingsthere are trapes made especially for them...

animals 2021-01-06

animals crossword puzzle
  1. fasted animal
  2. the tortoise and the _____ raced
  3. big mane
  4. wise old ________
  5. also known as the white fox,or snow fox
  6. pulling santas sleigh
  7. black and white stripes
  8. "meow"
  9. most common a amphibian
  1. most common pet in the U.S.
  2. red butts
  3. starts with a y and has horns
  4. "big bad ________"
  5. trunk
  6. unicorn of the sea
  7. most people eat ______ on Thanksgiving
  8. jumps and has a joey
  9. 8 legs
  10. rolling mud
  11. long neck

20 Clues: trunk8 legs"meow"big manered buttslong neckrolling mudfasted animalwise old ________"big bad ________"unicorn of the seajumps and has a joeypulling santas sleighblack and white stripesmost common a amphibianmost common pet in the U.S.starts with a y and has hornsthe tortoise and the _____ racedmost people eat ______ on Thanksgiving...

Animals 2021-01-12

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. biggest fish in the sea
  2. makes honey
  3. pulls santas sleigh
  4. what animal has the longest neck
  5. provides milk
  6. Honu
  7. pink bird
  8. used to make bacon
  9. lays eggs
  10. mans best friends
  11. fastest animal
  1. strongest bird
  2. all white bear
  3. a cobra is a type of?
  4. biggest land animal
  5. likes cheese
  6. has 8 arms
  7. mo'o
  8. king of the jungle
  9. what type of animals is nemo
  10. says meow

21 Clues: mo'oHonupink birdlays eggssays meowhas 8 armsmakes honeylikes cheeseprovides milkstrongest birdall white bearfastest animalmans best friendsking of the jungleused to make baconbiggest land animalpulls santas sleigha cobra is a type of?biggest fish in the seawhat type of animals is nemowhat animal has the longest neck

animals 2021-01-12

animals crossword puzzle
  1. ruff ruff
  2. mufasa
  3. sssssssssssssssss
  4. type of dragon
  5. fast preditors
  6. swim in ocean
  7. long neck
  8. black and white stripes
  9. cheese
  1. bounce bounce
  2. long trunk
  3. pony
  4. meyow
  5. slowest animal
  6. pack
  7. predator of ocean
  8. who who
  9. pond preditors
  10. black stripes
  11. antlers

20 Clues: ponypackmeyowmufasacheesewho whoantlersruff rufflong necklong trunkbounce bounceblack stripesswim in oceanslowest animaltype of dragonpond preditorsfast preditorsssssssssssssssssspredator of oceanblack and white stripes

animals 2020-10-02

animals crossword puzzle
  1. a boy chicken
  2. a big monkey like
  3. lives in desert and has humps
  4. an animal that has horns and it is brown and its horn look like a tree
  5. a large animal that is brown and has sharp teeth
  6. A white and black cute animal
  7. whale largest sea animal
  8. turns into B_______Y
  9. big monkey and starts with g
  10. a living man
  11. cute orange animal that starts with F
  12. a stick insect that is small and T H I N
  13. another mouse but harmful
  14. a flying animal
  15. small red or blacck animal
  16. annoys u (flying)
  17. a big animal with sharp teeth and it is yellow it has hair on its neck.
  1. eats banana
  2. long green animal
  3. brown animal U RIDE ON
  4. CUTE AND GREY mammal or rodent..?
  5. fastest animal
  6. Everyone
  7. a small white animal that eats carrot
  8. beatiful flyers
  9. smallest animal (type of fly)
  10. woof
  11. biggest animal (land)
  12. big rabbits that has pockets
  13. a green animal that has shells
  14. meow meow

31 Clues: woofEveryonemeow meoweats bananaa living mana boy chickenfastest animalbeatiful flyersa flying animallong green animala big monkey likeannoys u (flying)turns into B_______Ybiggest animal (land)brown animal U RIDE ONwhale largest sea animalanother mouse but harmfulsmall red or blacck animalbig monkey and starts with gbig rabbits that has pockets...

Animals 2020-10-21

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. hee-haw hee-haw
  2. hop-hop-hop like _________
  3. they are the softest animal in the world
  4. fastest animal in the world
  5. a common pet
  6. tallest animal in the world
  7. they are black and white and super fuzzy
  8. a striped type of cat
  9. after a while _____________
  10. five little __________ jumping on the bed
  1. it is a holiday in february
  2. they are black and white striped
  3. santa uses these to pull his sled
  4. ROAR!!!!!
  5. MOO!
  6. see you later ___________
  7. you can ride it, uses a saddle
  8. has a trunk
  9. we eat them for Thanksgiving dinner
  10. they are pink and sometimes stand on one leg
  11. a common pet

21 Clues: MOO!ROAR!!!!!has a trunka common peta common pethee-haw hee-hawa striped type of catsee you later ___________hop-hop-hop like _________it is a holiday in februaryfastest animal in the worldtallest animal in the worldafter a while _____________you can ride it, uses a saddlethey are black and white stripedsanta uses these to pull his sled...

Animals 2020-11-11

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Long-necked animal that feeds on the tallest trees.
  2. animal with large legs, wrinkled and thick fur.
  3. animal that has a bag in its belly, lives in the desert and makes great leaps.
  4. Animal that weaves webs.
  5. An animal that makes honeycombs, produces honey and distributes pollen from flowers.
  6. Horned animal that produces milk.
  7. animal with thick hair and claws to catch its prey.
  8. animal that belongs to the family of insects, that work together to collect their food and create their ant hills.
  9. Animal that has a shell and walks very slowly.
  10. domestic animal, four-legged, furry and is man's best friend.
  1. pink farm animal short legs and thin, curled tail.
  2. An animal that flies very high and breaks its own beak.
  3. animal that is similar to a bird but does not fly and can withstand very cold climates.
  4. Domesticated animal used for horseback riding.
  5. creeping animal that has two fangs, and its venom is deadly.
  6. domestic animal with short tail and long ears. It can jump and it likes carrots.
  7. Wild animal that has black and white stripes, lives in Africa.
  8. A domestic animal that meows and purrs, it is independent and belongs to the feline family.
  9. pet that repeats all the words you say.
  10. animal that belongs to the feline family, the king of the jungle.

20 Clues: Animal that weaves webs.Horned animal that produces that repeats all the words you say.Domesticated animal used for horseback riding.Animal that has a shell and walks very slowly.animal with large legs, wrinkled and thick farm animal short legs and thin, curled tail.Long-necked animal that feeds on the tallest trees....

animals 2020-11-10

animals crossword puzzle
  1. love nuts
  2. very independent
  3. its fur produces coats.
  4. they are easy prey for lions
  5. they cackle
  6. they are in the desert
  7. howling animal
  8. slow animal
  9. very friendly animal
  10. walk sideways
  1. has eight legs
  2. they existed in the Mesozoic era
  3. largest animal in the world
  4. produces honey
  5. King of the jungle
  6. change colors
  7. produces milk
  8. sleep to much
  9. many black and white lines
  10. he likes carrots

20 Clues: love nutsthey cackleslow animalchange colorsproduces milksleep to muchwalk sidewayshas eight legsproduces honeyhowling animalvery independenthe likes carrotsKing of the junglevery friendly animalthey are in the desertits fur produces coats.many black and white lineslargest animal in the worldthey are easy prey for lions...

Animals 2020-11-25

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. róka
  2. kutya
  3. hörcsög
  4. csibe
  5. teknős
  6. kígyó
  7. malac
  8. zebra
  9. nyúl
  10. patkány
  11. majom
  1. kacsa
  2. egér
  3. oroszlán
  4. macska
  5. elefánt
  6. tigris
  7. hal
  8. nyuszi

20 Clues: halrókaegérnyúlkutyakacsacsibekígyómalaczebramajommacskateknőstigrisnyuszihörcsögelefántpatkányoroszlán

Animals 2020-11-05

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. You can find me in Finding Nemo
  2. Bambi is a
  3. we are going extinct because of global warming
  4. my ears are so large and I have a very good memeory
  5. I have large antlers and weigh a ton
  6. I have the longest neck, which makes me the tallest animal
  7. they are young and love to play especially with a ball
  8. we make honey, we are harmless, and we are important to the environment
  9. we like to get into trash, people say we look like robbers
  10. before we had cars we had a ... and buggie. They pulled wagons.
  11. we spray when we are scared, to get rid of the stench you need to take a bath in tomato juice
  1. we can thank them for all of the dairy products at the grocery store
  2. a lot of people have a phobia of these eight eyed creature
  3. they look like rats, but are much smaller and have bigger ears and a smaller tail
  4. the biggest mammal in the ocean
  5. They have beautiful wings and many people are terrified of them
  6. king of the jungle
  7. it is said that we are the closest species to
  8. they are not a bird, they are blind and like to eat fruits and insects
  9. I'm an insect that is black, white, and red
  10. if you have one of these at your house, you will notice they sleep a lot
  11. eight tentacles and dwells at the bottom of the ocean

22 Clues: Bambi is aking of the jungleYou can find me in Finding Nemothe biggest mammal in the oceanI have large antlers and weigh a tonI'm an insect that is black, white, and redit is said that we are the closest species towe are going extinct because of global warmingmy ears are so large and I have a very good memeory...

ANIMALS 2020-11-13

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. It a cephalopod mollusc with eight sucker-bearing arms.
  2. It lives in the African savannah and has a long trunk.
  3. It is a black striped quadruped with white.
  4. It's red with black dots and it flies.
  5. It is man's best friend.
  6. It is an insect that has eight legs.
  7. It is a very large aquatic manimero with a hole in the upper part of the head to breathe
  8. It is a black and white seabird and it lives in Antarctica. It likes carrot
  9. It likes eucalyptus leaves and it is from Australia.
  10. It is green and jumps.
  1. It like to eat cheese.
  2. It likes to eat bamboo.
  3. It likes to eat banana.
  4. It is a ruminant animal and it has horns curved back.
  5. It lives in the African savannah and it has a very long neck.
  6. It is used to carry heavy load on its back.
  7. It is bred to produce milk and meat.
  8. It is the king of the jungle.
  9. It likes carrot and it moves by jumping.
  10. It moves by jumping and it carries its young in a bag and it lives in Australia.

20 Clues: It like to eat cheese.It is green and jumps.It likes to eat bamboo.It likes to eat banana.It is man's best friend.It is the king of the jungle.It is bred to produce milk and meat.It is an insect that has eight legs.It's red with black dots and it flies.It likes carrot and it moves by jumping.It is a black striped quadruped with white....

Animals 2020-12-16

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. riding
  2. likes to jump on the grass
  3. has a trunk
  4. forms milk
  5. black and white
  6. living in asia
  7. flying
  8. prickly
  1. likes banana
  2. crawls on the ground
  3. long neck
  4. chasing mice
  5. pink color
  6. crawls through small holes
  7. like blueberries
  8. small animal
  9. living underwater
  10. forms honey
  11. ordinary pet
  12. lives in the forest

20 Clues: ridingflyingpricklylong neckpink colorforms milkhas a trunkforms honeylikes bananachasing micesmall animalordinary petliving in asiablack and whitelike blueberriesliving underwaterlives in the forestcrawls on the groundlikes to jump on the grasscrawls through small holes

Animals 2020-12-07

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. it tiny but considered strongest animal in the world.
  2. intelligent, playful animal and an excellent friend to man.
  3. reptile with a large jaw.
  4. crawls and its poisonous.
  5. gallops is herbivorous and transports carriages.
  6. eats grass and produces milk.
  7. cheese loving rodent.
  8. born from a Caterpillar
  9. has a very long neck.
  1. has long ears and eats carrots.
  2. jumps and boxes.
  3. jumps from hair to hair.
  4. tender sleepy and has 7 lives
  5. heave big and with a long trunk
  6. its very heave with a big mouth
  7. has 2 hump.
  8. wild dog who likes the moon
  9. flies very higth and has excellent vision
  10. is big hairy an fat
  11. live in the water and has many thorns.

20 Clues: has 2 hump.jumps and boxes.born from a Caterpillaris big hairy an fatcheese loving rodent.reptile with a large jaw.has a very long neck.jumps from hair to hair.crawls and its poisonous.tender sleepy and has 7 liveswild dog who likes the moonheave big and with a long trunk...

Animals 2021-02-08

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. птица
  2. четыре
  3. утка
  4. обезьяна
  5. одиннадцать
  6. Тринадцать
  7. лиса
  8. двадцать
  9. один
  10. летучая мышь
  11. три
  1. паук
  2. бабочка
  3. лягушка
  4. двенадцать
  5. восемь
  6. улитка
  7. муравей
  8. два
  9. слон
  10. пятнадцать

21 Clues: дватрипаукуткаслонлисаодинптицачетыревосемьулиткабабочкалягушкамуравейобезьянадвадцатьдвенадцатьТринадцатьпятнадцатьодиннадцатьлетучая мышь

animals 2021-02-09

animals crossword puzzle
  1. cephalopod with eight long tentacles
  2. desert large ungulate with a hump
  3. plantigrade, can be polar, brown or black
  4. African herivore, likes water
  5. baby dog
  6. colourfull talking bird
  7. small nocturnal carnivore, washes its food
  8. no legs and carries its house on its back
  9. biggest mammal in the world, aquatic
  10. cowboys's best friend, has hooves
  11. beak, webbed feet, flat tail, fur, perry
  12. bovine kept to produce milk and meat
  13. salmon, cod, bass, trout, carp, Nemo, ...
  14. Patrick in Spongebob Squarepants
  15. black and white bird in Antarctica
  16. big carnivore with black and orange stripes
  17. Australian that eats eucalyptus
  18. South American wooly ruminant
  19. friendly aquatic mammal, famous for jumps
  20. small jumping amphibien
  21. fastest animal in the world
  22. grown kitten
  23. likes bananas
  24. largest deer with broad antlers, Canadian
  1. small orange canine supposedly really smart
  2. grey bird considered a pest
  3. ruminant with wool
  4. crawling, no legs, pink, lives underground
  5. African black and white striped horse
  6. Alsacien black and white bird, red beak
  7. Chinese black and white, eats bamboo
  8. eight legs and a web, loves bugs
  9. kids like riding them
  10. has tusks and a trunk
  11. insect that make honey
  12. king of the savanna
  13. crustacean, Sebastian in the little mermaid
  14. wild canines, lives in packs
  15. seabird, likes stealing fries from tourists
  16. large North American bovine
  17. African flightless bird, the largest
  18. cartilaginous predatory fish
  19. doglike nocturnal scavenger
  20. African ungulate has two horns on the snout
  21. farm animal with horns and a beard
  22. Australian, hops, carries baby in its pouch
  23. insect in large colonies with a queen
  24. spotted African feline
  25. doe, stag and bambi
  26. cobra, python, anaconda, viper, ...

50 Clues: baby doggrown kittenlikes bananasruminant with woolking of the savannadoe, stag and bambikids like riding themhas tusks and a trunkinsect that make honeyspotted African felinecolourfull talking birdsmall jumping amphibiengrey bird considered a pestlarge North American bovinedoglike nocturnal scavengerfastest animal in the world...

Animals 2021-02-09

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. likes bananas
  2. big carnivore with black and orange stripes
  3. large North American bovine
  4. crawling, no legs, pink, lives underground
  5. beak, webbed feet, flat tail, fur, perry
  6. has tusks and a trunk
  7. cephalopod with eight long tentacles
  8. ruminant with wool
  9. grey bird considered a pest
  10. large aquatic predatory reptile
  11. biggest mammal in the world, aquatic
  12. Chinese black and white, eats bamboo
  13. cobra, python, anaconda, viper, ...
  14. plantigrade, can be polar, brown or black
  15. salmon, cod, bass, trout, carp, Nemo, ...
  16. African flightless bird, the largest
  17. small nocturnal carnivore, washes its food
  18. insect that make honey
  19. South American wooly ruminant
  20. bovine kept to produce milk and meat
  21. no legs and carries its house on its back
  22. Australian, hops, carries baby in its pouch
  23. farm animal with horns and a beard
  24. Patrick in Spongebob Squarepants
  25. doglike nocturnal scavenger
  1. small orange canine supposedly really smart
  2. seabird, likes stealing fries from tourists
  3. African herivore, likes water
  4. cowboys's best friend, has hooves
  5. colourfull talking bird
  6. black and white bird in Antarctica
  7. African ungulate has two horns on the snout
  8. doe, stag and bambi
  9. largest deer with broad antlers, Canadian
  10. baby dog
  11. Alsacien black and white bird, red beak
  12. cartilaginous predatory fish
  13. Australian that eats eucalyptus
  14. wild canines, lives in packs
  15. African black and white striped horse
  16. grown kitten
  17. eight legs and a web, loves bugs
  18. king of the savanna
  19. crustacean, Sebastian in the little mermaid
  20. fastest animal in the world
  21. desert large ungulate with a hump
  22. spotted African feline
  23. friendly aquatic mammal, famous for jumps
  24. small jumping amphibien
  25. insect in large colonies with a queen

50 Clues: baby doggrown kittenlikes bananasruminant with wooldoe, stag and bambiking of the savannahas tusks and a trunkspotted African felineinsect that make honeycolourfull talking birdsmall jumping amphibienlarge North American bovinegrey bird considered a pestfastest animal in the worlddoglike nocturnal scavengercartilaginous predatory fish...

Animals 2021-02-19

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Four legged animal that likes to sleep
  2. Two legged animal that climbs trees and likes to sleep
  3. Four legged animal that produces milk
  4. Big,and is on of the top on the food chain
  5. Four legged animal that is a humans best friend
  6. has no legs and slithers
  7. People ride them
  8. Loves bamboo
  9. Long neck and loves leaves
  10. Orenge wiith black stripes
  1. Two legged animal that lays eggs
  2. can turn its head 270 degrees
  3. Flys with wings
  4. Has black and white stripes
  5. hunts for food and howls
  6. has antlers and is alway hunted
  7. Four legged animal with horns
  8. we shear them for there wool
  9. Four legged animal that is used for bacon
  10. small, sneaky, and can run fast

20 Clues: Loves bambooFlys with wingsPeople ride themhunts for food and howlshas no legs and slithersLong neck and loves leavesOrenge wiith black stripesHas black and white stripeswe shear them for there woolcan turn its head 270 degreesFour legged animal with hornshas antlers and is alway huntedsmall, sneaky, and can run fastTwo legged animal that lays eggs...

Animals 2021-02-25

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. teenage mutant ninja ___
  2. spoiled house pet
  3. eggs
  4. beef
  5. They have tusks
  6. Arachnophobia
  7. Pink bird
  8. Jumped over the hound
  9. sassy house pet
  10. wool
  11. Easter
  1. princess and the ___
  2. Sidekick in Shrek
  3. eight legs
  4. King of the jungle
  5. pink curly tail
  6. Ice bear
  7. Black and white bear
  8. loves garbage
  9. Dory or Nemo

20 Clues: eggsbeefwoolEasterIce bearPink birdeight legsDory or NemoArachnophobialoves garbageThey have tuskspink curly tailsassy house petspoiled house petSidekick in ShrekKing of the jungleprincess and the ___Black and white bearJumped over the houndteenage mutant ninja ___

animals 2021-03-09

animals crossword puzzle
  1. horse
  2. pig
  3. hippopotamus
  4. cat
  5. zebra
  6. mouse
  7. sheep
  8. chicken
  9. cow
  10. tiger
  11. frog
  12. dog
  13. lion
  14. rabbit
  1. rhinoceros
  2. duck
  3. turkey
  4. parrot
  5. elephant
  6. crocodile
  7. donkey
  8. giraffe
  9. bull

23 Clues: pigcatcowdogduckfroglionbullhorsezebramousesheeptigerturkeyparrotdonkeyrabbitchickengiraffeelephantcrocodilerhinoceroshippopotamus

Animals! 2021-03-14

Animals! crossword puzzle
  1. pesukarhu
  2. pöllö
  3. norsu
  4. valas
  5. strutsi
  6. kirahvi
  7. virtahepo
  8. delfiini
  9. majava
  10. kettu
  11. seepra
  12. kotka
  1. paviaani
  2. myyrä
  3. siili
  4. sarvikuono
  5. susi
  6. simpanssi
  7. saukko
  8. orava
  9. apina
  10. hai
  11. leijona
  12. karhu
  13. tiikeri

25 Clues: haisusimyyräsiilipöllönorsuvalasoravaapinakarhukettukotkasaukkomajavaseeprastrutsikirahvileijonatiikeripaviaanidelfiinipesukarhusimpanssivirtaheposarvikuono

Animals 2021-05-04

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. important role in the transporttation in old times.
  2. that can change color
  3. aquatic mammal
  4. be an intermediary for various types of diseases
  5. shells
  6. webs on their feet
  7. has a long neck
  8. the tail to avoid enemy attacks
  9. black and white stripes
  1. of the jungle
  2. mammal
  3. has horn and hard skin
  4. big ears and likes to hop.
  5. in the cold and waddles
  6. larges mammals in the world that live on land.
  7. crustacean which have five pairs of legs
  8. a trunk
  9. to chase mice
  10. large and long ears
  11. that live in two ecosystems

20 Clues: mammalshellsa trunkof the jungleto chase miceaquatic mammalhas a long neckwebs on their feetlarge and long earsthat can change colorhas horn and hard skinin the cold and waddlesblack and white stripesbig ears and likes to hop.that live in two ecosystemsthe tail to avoid enemy attackscrustacean which have five pairs of legs...

animals 2021-04-22

animals crossword puzzle
  1. can produce honey
  2. it's producting milk
  3. have brown fur
  4. it eats meat
  5. have a keen sense of smell
  6. it has beak
  7. it lives underwater
  8. have sharp hooves
  9. have big body size
  10. eat seed
  11. can fly
  12. have a keen sense of hearing
  13. can live in water and on land
  1. run fast
  2. have a keen sense of smell
  3. it can swim
  4. has theeth that are canines
  5. has a tongue as long as its body
  6. has a long trunk
  7. giraffe has seven bones in its neck
  8. it usually jump
  9. it has four legs

22 Clues: can flyrun fasteat seedit can swimit has beakit eats meathave brown furit usually jumphas a long trunkit has four legscan produce honeyhave sharp hooveshave big body sizeit lives underwaterit's producting milkhave a keen sense of smellhave a keen sense of smellhas theeth that are canineshave a keen sense of hearingcan live in water and on land...

Animals 2021-05-01

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. have long ears
  2. can fly but nit a birds
  3. have 6 legs and loves sugar
  4. live on land
  5. hibernate
  6. don't have backbone
  7. have a long neck
  8. have eight legs
  9. have scales
  1. have no legs
  2. have fins
  3. are white and give us wool and meat
  4. move slowly
  5. live in the ocean
  6. have wings
  7. they spin webs
  8. can run fast
  9. we can ride them
  10. have fur
  11. they are pink and love mud

20 Clues: have finshibernatehave wingsmove slowlyhave scaleshave no legslive on landcan run fasthave furhave long earsthey spin webshave eight legswe can ride themhave a long necklive in the oceandon't have backbonecan fly but nit a birdsthey are pink and love mudhave 6 legs and loves sugarare white and give us wool and meat

animals 2021-04-30

animals crossword puzzle
  1. monkey in indonesia
  2. ular in indonesia
  3. Octopus in Indonesia
  4. Singa in English
  5. babi in English
  6. Harimau In English is
  7. bebek in english
  8. owl in Indonesia
  9. Ayam Jantan in English
  10. cat in Indonesia
  1. in Indonesia
  2. dog in indonesia
  3. the species who can you Found in the Komodo
  4. Rebbit in Indonesia
  5. kupu-kupu in english
  6. frog in Indonesia
  7. cow in indonesia
  8. memiliki gading
  9. laba laba in English
  10. kerbau in english
  11. horse in Indonesia
  12. Mouse in indonesia is
  13. bear in Indonesia
  14. elephant in indonesia
  15. Ant in Indonesia

25 Clues: in Indonesiamemiliki gadingbabi in Englishdog in indonesiacow in indonesiaSinga in Englishbebek in englishowl in IndonesiaAnt in Indonesiacat in Indonesiafrog in Indonesiaular in indonesiakerbau in englishbear in Indonesiahorse in IndonesiaRebbit in Indonesiamonkey in indonesiakupu-kupu in englishOctopus in Indonesialaba laba in English...

ANIMALS 2021-05-02

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. Amphibians
  2. Venomous animals
  3. Animal with a pocket
  4. An animal that changes its color
  5. Livestock
  6. Animals that forage at night
  7. That eat bamboo
  8. Animals that have a trunk
  9. Animals that live in artic regions
  10. Animal with thorns
  1. Beasts
  2. Animals that live in the soil
  3. Animal name from Australia
  4. An animal with tentacles
  5. Del horse drown carriage
  6. A mammal that lives in water
  7. Animals that have a hump
  8. That destory
  9. Two-legged animals, perching
  10. The name of the animal poultry

20 Clues: BeastsLivestockAmphibiansThat destoryThat eat bambooVenomous animalsAnimal with thornsAnimal with a pocketAn animal with tentaclesDel horse drown carriageAnimals that have a humpAnimals that have a trunkAnimal name from AustraliaA mammal that lives in waterAnimals that forage at nightTwo-legged animals, perchingAnimals that live in the soil...

Animals 2021-04-30

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. has a hump for food reserves.
  2. in its stomach it produces silk liquid to make a web to trap its prey.
  3. has a two forked tongue and serves as a prey detection function.
  4. black ink to evade his enemies.
  5. have sharp hearing and vision so they can get food at night.
  6. have webbed feet so they can swim.
  7. as a maze to breathe in cloudy water.
  8. has an antenna to find food and communicate with fellow ants.
  9. able to emit ultra sonic sound to get food.
  10. has a pouch in his stomach for babysitting.
  1. has a venom's sting to protect itself from predators.
  2. has sharp fur to protect itself from enemies.
  3. has a sharp mouth to suck blood.
  4. has a long tail so it doesn't fall off when jumping.
  5. sever its tail to attract its prey.
  6. has webbed feet for swimming.
  7. have wings so they can fly.
  8. have echolocation to know the place or road around it.
  9. has a long neck for picking up food.
  10. can change color to trick the enemy.

20 Clues: have wings so they can fly.has webbed feet for swimming.has a sharp mouth to suck ink to evade his enemies.has a hump for food reserves.have webbed feet so they can swim.has a long neck for picking up food.sever its tail to attract its prey.can change color to trick the a maze to breathe in cloudy water....

ANIMALS 2021-04-29

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. Animal that has a very long neck
  2. An animal that has an antler
  3. small insects that suck human blood
  4. buaya in English
  5. a pet who likes to eat carrots and its ears are erect
  6. a very large animal has a long nose and tusks
  7. a kind of bird whose neck can rotate 135 degrees
  8. an animal that walks on its stomach
  9. this animal likes to eat bamboo
  10. an animal called the king of the jungle
  1. an animal that can bark
  2. Ketupai in English
  3. An animal from Africa known for its black-and-white body.
  4. This animal loves bananas
  5. kura-kura in English
  6. An animal that produces milk
  7. Animals that have wings but cannot fly and can live in cold temperatures
  8. The animal that produces honey
  9. An animal that has
  10. a Baby cat
  11. a baby dog
  12. siput in English

22 Clues: a Baby cata baby dogbuaya in Englishsiput in EnglishKetupai in EnglishAn animal that haskura-kura in Englishan animal that can barkThis animal loves bananasAn animal that has an antlerAn animal that produces milkThe animal that produces honeyAnimal that has a very long neckthis animal likes to eat bamboosmall insects that suck human blood...

ANIMALS 2021-04-29

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. this animal likes to eat bamboo
  2. siput in English
  3. An animal from Africa known for its black-and-white body.
  4. a Baby cat
  5. a baby dog
  6. a very large animal has a long nose and tusks
  7. An animal that has an antler
  8. The animal that produces honey
  9. small insects that suck human blood
  10. an animal called the king of the jungle
  1. an animal that walks on its stomach
  2. An animal that has
  3. This animal loves bananas
  4. Animal that has a very long neck
  5. Ketupai in English
  6. kura-kura in English
  7. a pet who likes to eat carrots and its ears are erect
  8. Animals that have wings but cannot fly and can live in cold temperatures
  9. an animal that can bark
  10. a kind of bird whose neck can rotate 135 degrees
  11. An animal that produces milk

21 Clues: a Baby cata baby dogsiput in EnglishAn animal that hasKetupai in Englishkura-kura in Englishan animal that can barkThis animal loves bananasAn animal that has an antlerAn animal that produces milkThe animal that produces honeythis animal likes to eat bambooAnimal that has a very long neckan animal that walks on its stomach...

Animals 2021-04-09

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. cobra
  2. abelha
  3. jacaré
  4. urso
  5. cavalo
  6. sapo
  7. ovelha
  8. gato
  9. vaca
  10. pato
  1. macaco
  2. coelho
  3. pássaro
  4. rato
  5. girafa
  6. elefante
  7. leão
  8. cachorro
  9. porco
  10. galinha

20 Clues: ratoursoleãosapogatovacapatocobraporcomacacocoelhoabelhajacarégirafacavaloovelhapássarogalinhaelefantecachorro

ANIMALS 2021-04-27

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. mammals that have pouches; this animal is a tyipical Australia animal
  2. an amphibian; can jump
  3. can imitate human voices
  4. a pet; water bird
  5. can adpt itself by changing its skin color
  6. a group of legless and long body reptiles that are widespread throughoutt the world
  7. a wild animal of the dog family
  8. a very small insect that lives under the ground in large and well organized social groups
  9. a large; strong bird with a curved beak that eats meat and can see very well
  10. has two beautiful wings and has a mouth to suck and function as a nectar sucker
  11. can fly; can make a nest and makes honey
  1. mammals; has ivory
  2. predators and scavengers, have sharp teeth and strong jaws to attack, bite, and tear food.
  3. a large Africal animal with very long neck and long legs.
  4. very thick fur to protect themselves from very cold weather; big body; the color of body fur is white and the calves are short and fat
  5. animal that has thick hair and the shape of sharp spines.
  6. a sea mammal that is large, smooth, and grey, with a long pointed moouth
  7. the large species of lizard found on Komodo island
  8. the group animals like humans
  9. the large breed of cat; carnivore

20 Clues: a pet; water birdmammals; has ivoryan amphibian; can jumpcan imitate human voicesthe group animals like humansa wild animal of the dog familythe large breed of cat; carnivorecan fly; can make a nest and makes honeycan adpt itself by changing its skin colorthe large species of lizard found on Komodo island...

ANIMALS 2021-04-27

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. mammals that have pouches; this animal is a tyipical Australia animal
  2. an amphibian; can jump
  3. can imitate human voices
  4. a pet; water bird
  5. can adpt itself by changing its skin color
  6. a group of legless and long body reptiles that are widespread throughoutt the world
  7. a wild animal of the dog family
  8. a very small insect that lives under the ground in large and well organized social groups
  9. a large; strong bird with a curved beak that eats meat and can see very well
  10. has two beautiful wings and has a mouth to suck and function as a nectar sucker
  11. can fly; can make a nest and makes honey
  1. mammals; has ivory
  2. predators and scavengers, have sharp teeth and strong jaws to attack, bite, and tear food.
  3. a large Africal animal with very long neck and long legs.
  4. very thick fur to protect themselves from very cold weather; big body; the color of body fur is white and the calves are short and fat
  5. animal that has thick hair and the shape of sharp spines.
  6. a sea mammal that is large, smooth, and grey, with a long pointed moouth
  7. the large species of lizard found on Komodo island
  8. the group animals like humans
  9. the large breed of cat; carnivore

20 Clues: a pet; water birdmammals; has ivoryan amphibian; can jumpcan imitate human voicesthe group animals like humansa wild animal of the dog familythe large breed of cat; carnivorecan fly; can make a nest and makes honeycan adpt itself by changing its skin colorthe large species of lizard found on Komodo island...

Animals 2021-04-30

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. is a water bird that has short legs and webbed feet
  2. is a nocturnal creature that active at night and sleep in the day
  3. is a mammal that has muscular tail, large feet and a pocket in front of its stomach to carry its children.
  4. is an animal that has two big legs to jumping and we can find it on grassy place
  5. is a big bird that fly very high to hunt its prey like chicken
  6. is a small insect that lives in the colony
  7. is a horse-like animal that has a black and white color
  8. is usually known as the king of the jungle
  9. is an animal that lives underwater
  10. is a creature that has no hand but moves by its stomach and injects venom
  1. is an animal that lives in the desert and has its hump
  2. is a bird which can follow and repeat the word we say
  3. is a four-leg carnivorous mammal that has a very good sense of smell, and barking.
  4. is a lizard that can change color based on its surrounding or camouflage
  5. is a flying creature that is smaller than eagle
  6. is an animal that have two grasping claws and eight small legs
  7. is an animal that produces milk
  8. is an animal that have very long neck
  9. is the creature that moves very slow and its stomach is slimy
  10. is an insect that have eight legs and inject venom

20 Clues: is an animal that produces milkis an animal that lives underwateris an animal that have very long neckis a small insect that lives in the colonyis usually known as the king of the jungleis a flying creature that is smaller than eagleis an insect that have eight legs and inject venomis a water bird that has short legs and webbed feet...

Animals 2021-09-20

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. She is a white bird
  2. An animal you can ride
  3. Think of Rascal
  4. Is a bird of prey
  5. A tamed wolf
  6. A male chicken
  7. loves carrots
  8. A untamed dog, gray
  1. Baby bird that flies
  2. Holds many ticks
  3. She gives eggs
  4. Annoys farmers
  5. They give milk
  6. A pink animal
  7. Nest is called a dray
  8. It lays eggs; cannot fly, black and white
  9. They have a mane and roar
  10. The tamed lion
  11. Black and beady eyes
  12. Has a white tail and black paws

20 Clues: A tamed wolfA pink animalloves carrotsShe gives eggsAnnoys farmersThey give milkThe tamed lionA male chickenThink of RascalHolds many ticksIs a bird of preyShe is a white birdA untamed dog, grayBaby bird that fliesBlack and beady eyesNest is called a drayAn animal you can rideThey have a mane and roarHas a white tail and black paws...

Animals 2021-09-20

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Annoys farmers
  2. Think of Rascal
  3. It lays eggs; cannot fly, black and white
  4. Has a white tail and black paws
  5. A tamed wolf
  6. A male chicken
  7. The tamed lion
  8. Baby bird that flies
  9. She gives eggs
  10. Holds many ticks
  1. A untamed dog, gray
  2. Nest is called a dray
  3. loves carrots
  4. They give milk
  5. A pink animal
  6. She is a white bird
  7. An animal you can ride
  8. Is a bird of prey
  9. They have a mane and roar
  10. Black and beady eyes

20 Clues: A tamed wolfloves carrotsA pink animalAnnoys farmersThey give milkA male chickenThe tamed lionShe gives eggsThink of RascalHolds many ticksIs a bird of preyA untamed dog, grayShe is a white birdBaby bird that fliesBlack and beady eyesNest is called a drayAn animal you can rideThey have a mane and roarHas a white tail and black paws...

Animals 2021-08-28

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. kambing
  2. burung hantu
  3. merpati
  4. domba
  5. Ular
  6. koala
  7. kelinci
  8. Babi hutan
  9. Berang-berang
  10. singa
  11. Jaguar
  12. bebek
  13. lalat
  14. Marmut
  1. Kura-kura
  2. beruang
  3. lebah
  4. tupai
  5. burung kakak tua
  6. kupu-kupu
  7. Hiu
  8. nyamuk

22 Clues: HiuUlarlebahdombatupaikoalasingabebeklalatnyamukJaguarMarmutkambingmerpatiberuangkelinciKura-kurakupu-kupuBabi hutanburung hantuBerang-berangburung kakak tua

Animals 2021-09-29

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. katicabogár angolul
  2. macska angolul
  3. zebra angolul
  4. tehén angolul
  5. zsiráf angolul
  6. csirke angolul
  7. hangya angolul
  8. méhecske angolul
  9. medúza angolul
  10. víziló angolul
  11. tengeri csillag angolul
  12. malac angolul
  13. krokodil angolul
  1. kacsa angolul
  2. pillangó angolul
  3. nyúl angolul
  4. majom angolul
  5. kaméleon angolul
  6. bálna angolul
  7. elefánt angolul
  8. mókus angolul
  9. róka angolul

22 Clues: nyúl angolulróka angolulkacsa angolulmajom angolulzebra angolultehén angolulbálna angolulmókus angolulmalac angolulmacska angolulzsiráf angolulcsirke angolulhangya angolulmedúza angolulvíziló angolulelefánt angolulpillangó angolulkaméleon angolulméhecske angolulkrokodil angolulkaticabogár angolultengeri csillag angolul

Animals 2021-09-30

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Hund
  2. Fuchs
  3. Katze
  4. Schmetterling
  5. Affe
  6. Fisch
  7. Frosch
  8. Löwe
  9. Kaninchen
  10. Giraffe
  11. Hamster
  12. Spinne
  13. Zebra
  1. Ente
  2. Pferd
  3. Tiger
  4. Elefant
  5. Landschildkröte
  6. Pinguin
  7. Bär
  8. Papagei
  9. Biene
  10. Hase
  11. Schnecke

24 Clues: BärHundEnteAffeLöweHasePferdFuchsKatzeTigerFischBieneZebraFroschSpinneElefantPinguinPapageiGiraffeHamsterSchneckeKaninchenSchmetterlingLandschildkröte

Animals 2021-05-25

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. xfo
  2. tca
  3. hisf
  4. kynome
  5. knesa
  6. lidcoerco
  7. linas
  8. tba
  9. rabe
  10. pehse
  11. dybralid
  12. gerti
  1. taog
  2. cnechik
  3. semuo
  4. rezab
  5. woc
  6. gdo
  7. gip
  8. srokt
  9. hatneple
  10. ebe
  11. bitbar

23 Clues: xfotcawocgdogiptbaebetaoghisfrabesemuorezabknesalinassroktpehsegertikynomebitbarcnechikhatnepledybralidlidcoerco

Animals 2021-05-08

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. catch fish in Antarctic.
  2. swims in sea.
  3. a climbing animal.
  4. snoink.
  5. a nasty rodent.
  6. as wise as a/an ——-
  7. leaves a slimy trail behind.
  8. a farm dog.
  9. hunky black animal.
  10. a furry rodent.
  11. a ——— never forgets.
  12. striped safari animals.
  13. loads of tentacles.
  14. another spiky creature.
  15. a wild dog.
  1. makes honey.
  2. a big bird with biggest egg in world.
  3. a small cute animal.
  4. carries its home about.
  5. spiky creature.
  6. lives in cold icy seas.
  7. like an octopus.
  8. tall necked creature.
  9. Peter, Benjamin, flopsy and mopsy.
  10. a woolly nosy animal.
  11. a pink graceful bird.
  12. king of the jungle.

27 Clues: snoink.a farm dog.a wild dog.makes honey.swims in sea.spiky creature.a nasty rodent.a furry an octopus.a climbing wise as a/an ——-hunky black animal.king of the jungle.loads of tentacles.a small cute animal.a ——— never forgets.tall necked creature.a woolly nosy animal.a pink graceful bird.carries its home about....

Animals 2021-05-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. I am pink and small.
  2. I live in the sea. I have black ink.
  3. I am big and black and strong.
  4. I am brown. I like bananas.
  5. I am a pet. I like to go on walks. Woof!
  6. I am brown. I live in Australia.
  7. I am white and fluffy. Baaaaa!
  8. I have no arms or legs.
  9. I am black and small. I am strong.
  10. I sleep all Winter.
  11. I can fly. My body is brown but my head is white.
  12. I am black and white. I live in Africa.
  13. I am green. I can jump. I have a long tongue.
  1. I am pink. I like dirt. Oink!
  2. I have 8 legs.
  3. I am a King
  4. I am black and white. I like the cold.
  5. I am small. I like cheese.
  6. I am black and white. I eat bamboo
  7. I live in the sea. I have sharp teeth.
  8. I am orange with black stripes.
  9. I can swim. Watch out! I sting.
  10. I can fly. I sing every morning.
  11. I am black and white. I eat grass and give milk.

24 Clues: I am a KingI have 8 legs.I sleep all Winter.I am pink and small.I have no arms or legs.I am small. I like cheese.I am brown. I like bananas.I am pink. I like dirt. Oink!I am big and black and strong.I am white and fluffy. Baaaaa!I am orange with black stripes.I can swim. Watch out! I sting.I am brown. I live in Australia....

animals 2021-06-10

animals crossword puzzle
  1. Elefante
  2. asa
  3. Zebra
  4. Koala
  5. Galinha
  6. Urso
  7. Pato
  8. Hipopotamo
  9. pintas
  10. Pinguim
  11. pescoço longo (hífen em vez de espaço)
  12. cauda
  13. Ovelha
  1. riscas
  2. Macaco
  3. tromba
  4. Coelho
  5. Crocodilo
  6. Burro
  7. Vaca
  8. Cavalo
  9. Leão
  10. Porco
  11. Girafa

24 Clues: asaUrsoPatoVacaLeãoZebraKoalaBurroPorcocaudariscasMacacotrombaCoelhoCavalopintasGirafaOvelhaGalinhaPinguimElefanteCrocodiloHipopotamopescoço longo (hífen em vez de espaço)

Animals 2021-06-17

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. arı
  2. tavşan
  3. aslan
  4. timsah
  5. fil
  6. kurt
  7. zürafa
  8. maymun
  9. kaplan
  10. kaplan
  11. köpek balığı
  12. köpek
  13. eşek
  1. balina
  2. papağan
  3. yarasa
  4. fare
  5. kedi
  6. inek
  7. uğur böceği
  8. güvercin
  9. kurbağa
  10. ayı
  11. yunus

24 Clues: arıfilayıfarekediinekkurteşekaslanyunusköpekbalinayarasatavşantimsahzürafamaymunkaplankaplanpapağankurbağagüvercinuğur böceğiköpek balığı

Animals 2021-06-20

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. - I fat and lazy and I roll around in mud
  2. - I breathe out of gills
  3. - I eat bamboo
  4. - I have a hard shell
  5. - I have a lot of sharp teeth and i have grey skin
  6. - I run so fast you can hardly see me
  7. - I really fat and swim in the water
  8. - most of my life I sleep and I eat eucalyptus leaves
  9. - I lay eggs
  10. I love bouncing up and down
  1. - I have a really long neck
  2. - I have 8 legs
  3. I move yery slowly and I hang of trees
  4. - I'm blue and I swim in the ocean
  5. - I have 2 long legs
  6. - I can fly anywhere I like
  7. - I have a big snout
  8. - I slither around the place a
  9. - I go woof woof
  10. - I roar very loudly

20 Clues: - I lay eggs- I eat bamboo- I have 8 legs- I go woof woof- I have 2 long legs- I have a big snout- I roar very loudly- I have a hard shell- I breathe out of gills- I have a really long neck- I can fly anywhere I likeI love bouncing up and down- I slither around the place a- I'm blue and I swim in the ocean- I really fat and swim in the water...

Animals 2021-06-20

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. - I have 8 legs
  2. - most of my life I sleep and I eat eucalyptus leaves
  3. - I roar very loudly
  4. - I can fly anywhere I like
  5. - I have 2 long legs
  6. - I have a lot of sharp teeth and i have grey skin
  7. - I have a big snout
  8. - I eat bamboo
  9. - I breathe out of gills
  10. - I go woof woof
  11. I move yery slowly and I hang of trees
  12. - I'm blue and I swim in the ocean
  1. - I lay eggs
  2. - I have a hard shell
  3. - I have a really long neck
  4. - I really fat and swim in the water
  5. I love bouncing up and down
  6. - I slither around the place a
  7. - I fat and lazy and I roll around in mud
  8. - I run so fast you can hardly see me

20 Clues: - I lay eggs- I eat bamboo- I have 8 legs- I go woof woof- I roar very loudly- I have 2 long legs- I have a big snout- I have a hard shell- I breathe out of gills- I have a really long neckI love bouncing up and down- I can fly anywhere I like- I slither around the place a- I'm blue and I swim in the ocean- I really fat and swim in the water...

animals 2021-06-04

animals crossword puzzle
  1. A jockey rides it
  2. Black and white and has an orange beak
  3. Pounds on its chest
  4. Has spots
  5. A slithering invertebrate
  6. Has a long neck
  7. Has a pouch for babies
  8. Moves very slowly
  9. Eats bamboo
  10. Has a hard shell
  1. Has gills
  2. Black and white
  3. White and lives in the arctic
  4. Eats birds, rodents, and rabbits
  5. Lives in the forest
  6. It stings
  7. Hangs from trees with its tail
  8. It barks
  9. The male carries the babies
  10. Has a long trunk
  11. Has stripes and a carnivore

21 Clues: It barksHas gillsIt stingsHas spotsEats bambooBlack and whiteHas a long neckHas a long trunkHas a hard shellA jockey rides itMoves very slowlyPounds on its chestLives in the forestHas a pouch for babiesA slithering invertebrateThe male carries the babiesHas stripes and a carnivoreWhite and lives in the arcticHangs from trees with its tail...

animals 2021-06-07

animals crossword puzzle
  1. In Greek mythology, Arachne was the first of this animal
  2. Despite their name they do not have a red nose
  3. Small snake who live underground
  4. The mother in Brave turns into one of these
  5. Used to turn into a cat in Minecraft
  6. The only bird with q and z in their name
  7. They have trunks which they can trumpet with
  8. Looks like a lizard but lives in the water
  9. When they sting, they die
  10. Small primates from Madagaskar
  11. Keeps cool by bathing in mud
  1. They can see clearly eight times longer than a human
  2. Simba
  3. Birds who are often associated with pirates
  4. King Louis from the jungle book is this animal
  5. Where they go, they slither
  6. A bird who lives off of animal carcasses
  7. Dinosaur with three horns and a shield
  8. Has a distinct laugh
  9. According to Phoebe Buffay they hold claws in their tanks.
  10. People ride on their backs
  11. Their babies are called fry
  12. baby sheep

23 Clues: Simbababy sheepHas a distinct laughWhen they sting, they diePeople ride on their backsWhere they go, they slitherTheir babies are called fryKeeps cool by bathing in mudSmall primates from MadagaskarSmall snake who live undergroundUsed to turn into a cat in MinecraftDinosaur with three horns and a shieldA bird who lives off of animal carcasses...

Animals 2021-06-22

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. - Loves to sleep
  2. - I love garbage cans
  3. - I have black and white stripes
  4. - Has a fear of cats
  5. - Loves to repeat its owner
  6. - Has a baby in its pouch
  7. - Loves banana
  8. - I Have very beautiful feathers
  9. - Live in the ocean
  1. - Loves bamboo
  2. - I love to slither
  3. - Another word for hen
  4. - Loves honey
  5. - Wakes up really early in the morning
  6. - King of the jungle
  7. - Furry friend
  8. - I smell really badly when scared
  9. Bear-Lives in colder temperature
  10. - Has Trunk
  11. - Has whiskers

20 Clues: - Has Trunk- Loves honey- Loves bamboo- Furry friend- Loves banana- Has whiskers- Loves to sleep- I love to slither- Live in the ocean- Has a fear of cats- King of the jungle- I love garbage cans- Another word for hen- Has a baby in its pouch- Loves to repeat its owner- I have black and white stripesBear-Lives in colder temperature...

Animals 2021-06-22

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. - Has a baby in its pouch
  2. Bear-Lives in colder temperature
  3. - Another word for hen
  4. - Has whiskers
  5. - I have black and white stripes
  6. - Has Trunk
  7. - Wakes up really early in the morning
  8. - I love to slither
  9. - Has a fear of cats
  1. - Loves banana
  2. - Loves bamboo
  3. - Furry friend
  4. - King of the jungle
  5. - I love garbage cans
  6. - Live in the ocean
  7. - I smell really badly when scared
  8. - Loves honey
  9. - I Have very beautiful feathers
  10. - Loves to sleep
  11. - Loves to repeat its owner

20 Clues: - Has Trunk- Loves honey- Loves banana- Loves bamboo- Furry friend- Has whiskers- Loves to sleep- Live in the ocean- I love to slither- King of the jungle- Has a fear of cats- I love garbage cans- Another word for hen- Has a baby in its pouch- Loves to repeat its ownerBear-Lives in colder temperature- I Have very beautiful feathers...

Animals 2021-06-15

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Large animal with a horn
  2. King of the jungle
  3. Hoots in the night
  4. Fastest land animal
  5. Black and white birds, live at the south pole
  6. Only Eats Meat
  7. Likes to catch salmon in rivers
  8. Long reptile with no arms or legs
  9. Wooly farm animal
  10. Has black and white stripes
  11. Tallest land animal
  12. Hopping Australian marsupial
  1. Like to roll around in the mud
  2. We get milk from this animal
  3. Has big ears and likes to hop
  4. Loves bananas
  5. Only eats plants
  6. Big ears and likes cheese
  7. Man's best friend
  8. We get eggs from this animal
  9. Jockeys ride these
  10. Has big antlers
  11. Scary bug with 8 legs
  12. Sprays a bad smell
  13. Likes to chase mice
  14. Large animals with a trunk
  15. Starts life as a tadpole

27 Clues: Loves bananasOnly Eats MeatHas big antlersOnly eats plantsMan's best friendWooly farm animalKing of the jungleHoots in the nightJockeys ride theseSprays a bad smellFastest land animalLikes to chase miceTallest land animalScary bug with 8 legsLarge animal with a hornStarts life as a tadpoleBig ears and likes cheeseLarge animals with a trunk...

Animals 2021-07-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Slow and steady, steady and slow, that's the way I always go."
  2. A large American wild cat
  3. This animal is a type of giant cat. The males grow manes of fur around their heads.
  4. It's like a duck, but bigger
  5. This African animal is covered in black and white stripes.
  6. A colourful bird that can speak
  7. It looks like a horse with long ears
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. They live in the sea, in rivers and in lakes
  10. A bird that catches and eats small animals
  1. It looks like a snake, but it's a fish
  2. This animal is a primate. Humans are primates too.
  3. Large marsupial
  4. One of the big cats
  5. Has a trunk
  6. Small animal that cats love to chase
  7. Flying mammal
  8. A bird with big eyes that's active at night
  9. This farm animal has feathers and lays eggs.
  10. This farm animal has wool that humans turn into yarn.
  11. Man's best friend

21 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendOne of the big catsLikes to chase miceA large American wild catIt's like a duck, but biggerA colourful bird that can speakSmall animal that cats love to chaseIt looks like a horse with long earsIt looks like a snake, but it's a fishA bird that catches and eats small animals...

Animals 2021-08-20

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. Has a trunk
  3. sea unicorn
  4. Man's best friend
  5. Flying mammal
  6. frog relative
  7. is a tadpole then...
  8. has a long neck
  9. huge aquatic mammal
  1. no legs no arms and a reptile
  2. likes cheese
  3. Large marsupial
  4. a very small fly
  5. red and black dotted beetle
  6. urban bird
  7. sea reptile
  8. has 8 legs
  9. poops dirt
  10. Africa's top predator
  11. goes through metamorphosis
  12. huge ape

21 Clues: huge apeurban birdhas 8 legspoops dirtHas a trunksea reptilesea unicornlikes cheeseFlying mammalfrog relativeLarge marsupialhas a long necka very small flyMan's best friendLikes to chase micehuge aquatic mammalis a tadpole then...Africa's top predatorgoes through metamorphosisred and black dotted beetleno legs no arms and a reptile

Animals 2022-05-12

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. soars high in the sky
  2. wears a black mask
  3. can live in water or on land
  4. fly’s south in the winter
  5. hops on 2 feet
  6. bison’s american nickname
  7. largest land mammal.
  8. mix of a horse and a donkey
  9. has the strongest bite of any land animal.
  10. swims in the water
  11. grows horns
  1. makes its house out of sticks
  2. hibernates in the winter
  3. found in claremore lake
  4. cow with no legs
  5. mans best friend
  6. has long ears
  7. howls at the moon
  8. North American marsupial
  9. makes noise with its tail
  10. makes mounds from underground
  11. silverback
  12. black and white bear

23 Clues: silverbackgrows hornshas long earshops on 2 feetcow with no legsmans best friendhowls at the moonwears a black maskswims in the waterlargest land and white bearsoars high in the skyfound in claremore lakehibernates in the winterNorth American marsupialfly’s south in the winterbison’s american nicknamemakes noise with its tail...

Animals 2022-05-06

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Largest animal in the world
  2. Mans best friend
  3. Aquatic mammal that spends most of its time in water but can't swim
  4. Only marsupial found in north america
  5. Commonly called bugs but are actually arachnids
  6. Most venomous fish in the world
  7. Tallest living mammal
  8. Fastest land animal
  9. Largest turtle in the world
  10. Fastest bird
  11. Bear known for being all white but not albino
  12. Commonly ate for Thanksgiving
  1. Largest marsupial
  2. Largest seal
  3. Known for as the only fish with the ability to fly/glide
  4. Largest fish
  5. one of the most common and biggest sea food crustaceans
  6. Animal that kills the most people
  7. Wild horse native to Africa known for its stripes
  8. Largest living rodent
  9. Flying mammal

21 Clues: Largest sealLargest fishFastest birdFlying mammalMans best friendLargest marsupialFastest land animalTallest living mammalLargest living rodentLargest animal in the worldLargest turtle in the worldCommonly ate for ThanksgivingMost venomous fish in the worldAnimal that kills the most peopleOnly marsupial found in north america...

Animals 2022-05-10

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. USA's national bird
  2. flying bug that used to be a caterpillar
  3. its scientific name Canis latrans, which means ‘barking dog’
  4. makes up for not being able to fly by being the world’s deepest diving bird
  5. aquatic mammals They don’t have gills like fish, and need to come to the surface of the water to breathe. are known for their high intelligence.
  6. are small to medium-sized marsupials
  7. an amphibian with amazing self-healing powers
  8. sea animals that uses echolocation to find food
  9. a __ Sty
  10. they squeeze their prey in a deadly embrace.
  11. diet consists almost entirely of ants
  12. nut loving mammal
  13. humans closest living relation in the animal kingdom
  14. has high intelligence it's capable of learning over 100 words!
  15. has a multi-layered coat, a thick tail, and furry paws to keep the cold out
  1. amazing South American fish is able to generate electricity
  2. __ got your tongue?
  3. Females are called “jills,” males are called “hobs,” and young are called “kits.”
  4. like the domestic dog, is a subspecies of graywolf largest wild members of the dog family.
  5. are monkeys in the genus Papio
  6. small workhorse
  7. world’s largest land animal
  8. largest animal that has ever lived.
  9. Its scientific name, Lycaon pictus means ‘painted wolf’
  10. __'s milk
  11. means ‘earth pig’ in Afrikaans,
  12. a draft ___
  13. secretive jungle cat found in forests in Southeast Asia and China
  14. members of a group of invertebrates that also includes snails and slugs
  15. you dirty ___!
  16. world’s tallest and heaviest bird
  17. is critically endangered; has humps
  18. world’s largest rodent
  19. are large mammals that live in the Arctic and subarctic regions all around the world; they members of the deer family.
  20. can reach speeds of up to 75 mph
  21. Unlike manatees (their closest living relations) they are not found in freshwater habitats

36 Clues: a __ Sty__'s milka draft ___you dirty ___!small workhorsenut loving mammal__ got your tongue?USA's national birdworld’s largest rodentworld’s largest land animalare monkeys in the genus Papiomeans ‘earth pig’ in Afrikaans,can reach speeds of up to 75 mphworld’s tallest and heaviest birdlargest animal that has ever lived....

Animals 2022-04-29

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. lays eggs
  2. can jump really high, lives in Australia, and their babies are called joeys
  3. big farm animal that people ride (equine)
  4. super cute, and digs through your trash; nature's bandit
  5. Mans best friend
  6. very long neck, and lives in Africa
  7. very big, long nose, big ears; lives in the plains of Africa
  8. big cat, a group of them is called a pride; lives in Africa
  9. lives by lakes or ponds, and their babies are tadpoles
  10. biggest deer species, that is around 7 feet tall and has a big nose
  11. big furry animals, that are most common in Alaska and Canada; they hibernate
  12. super cute, are like smaller horses with long ears; the sound they make is called braying
  1. chews through wood to create dams, and can be found in the UP
  2. bred for meat or dairy "moo moo"
  3. tiny rodents that live in and around your house, and chew everything
  4. big black and white bears found in China
  5. farm animal that is bred for their meat (bacon), have big round noses.
  6. fuzzy house pets that do their own things.
  7. underwater creatures that we catch for fun and to eat; can be found in lakes and oceans
  8. this animal lives by lakes or ponds, they have hard shells and can be found in Michigan
  9. predator bird and the symbol of our nation
  10. they are farm animals and their babies are called kids
  11. long animal that slithers
  12. furry canines that live in Alaska and Canada and travel in packs

24 Clues: lays eggsMans best friendlong animal that slithersbred for meat or dairy "moo moo"very long neck, and lives in Africabig black and white bears found in Chinabig farm animal that people ride (equine)fuzzy house pets that do their own things.predator bird and the symbol of our nationthey are farm animals and their babies are called kids...

Animals 2022-06-01

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. tehén
  2. madár
  3. majom
  4. szúnyog
  5. kecske
  6. pók
  7. denevér
  8. méhecske
  9. lepke
  10. bálna
  1. csirke
  2. medúza
  3. bagoly
  4. oroszlán
  5. kígyó
  6. nyúl
  7. teve
  8. bika
  9. légy
  10. cápa

20 Clues: póknyúltevebikalégycápatehénmadármajomkígyólepkebálnacsirkemedúzabagolykecskeszúnyogdenevéroroszlánméhecske

ANIMALS 2022-05-23

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. GATO
  2. POLVO
  4. PORCO
  9. abelha rainha
  10. iguana
  12. MACACO
  3. ZEBRA
  5. sapo
  6. fish, peixe raio-x
  7. lagarto
  9. LEÃO
  10. iaque
  12. urubu
  13. COBRA


Animals 2022-06-02

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. teknős
  2. harcsa
  3. páva
  4. galamb
  5. víziló
  6. gepárd
  7. oroszlán
  8. kakas
  9. béka
  10. szurikáta
  11. ponty
  1. szarvas
  2. cápa
  3. pulyka
  4. tengeri csillag
  5. fóka
  6. kecske
  7. papagáj
  8. delfin
  9. bálna
  10. pillangó
  11. farkas
  12. teve
  13. róka
  14. vidra

25 Clues: cápafókapávateverókabékabálnakakasvidrapontypulykateknősharcsakecskegalambdelfinvízilófarkasgepárdszarvaspapagájpillangóoroszlánszurikátatengeri csillag

Animals 2022-05-20

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Dagobert
  2. hign neck
  3. Grunt noises
  4. pink
  5. Can fly
  6. Ssssssss
  7. Eats carots
  8. Has a trunk
  9. big donkey
  10. Milka
  11. Wears a mask
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Man's best friend
  3. eats penguins
  4. The ancestor of the human
  5. Lives in the ocean
  6. My dog stepped on a ...
  7. Flying mammal
  8. Is wolly
  9. The King
  10. Likes to chase mice

21 Clues: pinkMilkaCan flyDagobertSsssssssIs wollyThe Kinghign neckbig donkeyEats carotsHas a trunkGrunt noisesWears a maskeats penguinsFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLives in the oceanLikes to chase miceMy dog stepped on a ...The ancestor of the human

Animals 2022-07-20

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. monkey
  2. pig
  3. fin
  4. tiger
  5. cat
  6. dog
  7. chicken
  8. scary
  9. teeth
  10. slow
  11. snake
  12. small
  1. elephant
  2. big
  3. fast
  4. tail
  5. wings
  6. fish
  7. claws
  8. horse
  9. cute
  10. cow
  11. leg
  12. arm
  13. lizard

25 Clues: bigpigfincatdogcowlegarmfasttailfishcuteslowtigerwingsclawshorsescaryteethsnakesmallmonkeylizardchickenelephant

ANIMALS 2022-06-28

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. cavallo
  2. uccello
  3. pesce
  4. CANE
  5. tartaruga
  6. coccodrillo
  7. pecora
  8. pappagallo
  9. scimmia
  1. topo
  2. criceto
  3. rana
  4. farfalla
  5. asino
  6. gallina
  7. papera
  8. gatto
  9. coccinella
  10. maiale
  11. coniglio
  12. mucca

21 Clues: toporanaCANEpesceasinogattomuccapaperapecoramaialecricetocavallouccellogallinascimmiafarfallaconigliotartarugacoccinellapappagallococcodrillo

Animals 2022-06-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Says roar
  2. Quack quack
  3. Has a trunk
  4. Gets cheese from
  5. Flying mammal
  6. You have one
  7. The state bird
  8. You can ride one
  9. Lives in the ocean and looks like a star
  10. The only bird that can fly backwards
  11. A small fish kids love to fish
  12. Likes to chase mice
  13. Has a big fin and lives in the ocean
  14. Lays eggs and you eat it
  1. Whats like a horse and spits
  2. My favorite animal
  3. Man's best friend
  4. 8 legs
  5. Has black and white stripes
  6. Don't poke the what
  7. Sally
  8. Another name for a rabbit
  9. I went swimming with one
  10. A bird that talks
  11. Eats from the top of a tree
  12. An animal you catch in you house
  13. A pet that swims
  14. Sheds its skin
  15. Gets milk from
  16. Says oink

30 Clues: Sally8 legsSays roarSays oinkQuack quackHas a trunkYou have oneFlying mammalThe state birdSheds its skinGets milk fromGets cheese fromYou can ride oneA pet that swimsMan's best friendA bird that talksMy favorite animalDon't poke the whatLikes to chase miceI went swimming with oneLays eggs and you eat itAnother name for a rabbit...

Animals 2022-06-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Lives in the ocean and looks like a star
  2. Whats like a horse and spits
  3. Another name for a rabbit
  4. Has a big fin and lives in the ocean
  5. Flying mammal
  6. Don't poke the what
  7. You have one
  8. Eats from the top of a tree
  9. A bird that talks
  10. Lays eggs and you eat it
  11. The state bird
  12. Sally
  13. Gets milk from
  14. Man's best friend
  15. Quack quack
  1. I went swimming with one
  2. Sheds its skin
  3. A small fish kids love to fish
  4. The only bird that can fly backwards
  5. A pet that swims
  6. Gets cheese from
  7. Has a trunk
  8. Has black and white stripes
  9. Says oink
  10. My favorite animal
  11. You can ride one
  12. Likes to chase mice
  13. 8 legs
  14. Says roar

29 Clues: Sally8 legsSays oinkSays roarHas a trunkQuack quackYou have oneFlying mammalSheds its skinThe state birdGets milk fromA pet that swimsGets cheese fromYou can ride oneA bird that talksMan's best friendMy favorite animalDon't poke the whatLikes to chase miceI went swimming with oneLays eggs and you eat itAnother name for a rabbit...

Animals 2022-06-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. Has black and white stripes
  3. 8 legs
  4. Sheds its skin
  5. The only bird that can fly backwards
  6. Lives in the ocean and looks like a star
  7. Gets milk from
  8. My favorite animal
  9. A pet that swims
  10. Likes to chase mice
  11. Has a big fin and lives in the ocean
  12. Another name for a rabbit
  13. Sally
  1. Whats like a horse and spits
  2. Gets cheese from
  3. The state bird
  4. Quack quack
  5. Don't poke the what
  6. Says oink
  7. Eats from the top of a tree
  8. A small fish kids love to fish
  9. You have one
  10. I went swimming with one
  11. A bird that talks
  12. Says roar
  13. You can ride one
  14. Lays eggs and you eat it
  15. Flying mammal
  16. Has a trunk

29 Clues: Sally8 legsSays oinkSays roarQuack quackHas a trunkYou have oneFlying mammalThe state birdSheds its skinGets milk fromGets cheese fromYou can ride oneA pet that swimsMan's best friendA bird that talksMy favorite animalDon't poke the whatLikes to chase miceI went swimming with oneLays eggs and you eat itAnother name for a rabbit...

Animals 2022-06-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Eats from the top of a tree
  2. A pet that swims
  3. Likes to chase mice
  4. Has a trunk
  5. I went swimming with one
  6. Says oink
  7. Has a big fin and lives in the ocean
  8. You can ride one
  9. Lives in the ocean and looks like a star
  10. Has black and white stripes
  11. Gets cheese from
  12. The state bird
  13. Another name for a rabbit
  14. You have one
  15. Quack quack
  16. Gets milk from
  17. Don't poke the what
  1. Whats like a horse and spits
  2. A small fish kids love to fish
  3. Lays eggs and you eat it
  4. 8 legs
  5. My favorite animal
  6. Sheds its skin
  7. The only bird that can fly backwards
  8. Flying mammal
  9. Man's best friend
  10. Says roar
  11. A bird that talks
  12. Sally

29 Clues: Sally8 legsSays oinkSays roarHas a trunkQuack quackYou have oneFlying mammalSheds its skinThe state birdGets milk fromA pet that swimsYou can ride oneGets cheese fromMan's best friendA bird that talksMy favorite animalLikes to chase miceDon't poke the whatLays eggs and you eat itI went swimming with oneAnother name for a rabbit...

ANIMALS 2022-06-27

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. papera
  2. pappagallo
  3. tacchino
  4. cavallo
  5. cane
  6. criceto
  7. farfalla
  8. uccello
  9. scimmia
  10. pollo
  11. maiale
  1. capra
  2. asino
  3. gatto
  4. coccodrillo
  5. gallina
  6. tartaruga
  7. pesce
  8. coccinella
  9. topo
  10. pecora
  11. coniglio
  12. rana
  13. mucca

24 Clues: canetoporanacapraasinogattopescepollomuccapaperapecoramaialegallinacavallocricetouccelloscimmiatacchinoconigliofarfallatartarugapappagallococcinellacoccodrillo

Animals 2022-06-22

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. pests
  2. long necks
  3. very deadly
  4. faster than any human
  5. Australian icon
  6. can fly
  7. Man's best friend
  8. doesn't live long once hatched
  9. mostly seen at night time
  10. flowers
  11. Likes to chase mice
  12. is very small
  1. Is spiky
  2. Large marsupial
  3. lives in the cold and can fly
  4. Flying mammal
  5. associated with dots
  6. unwanted pests in most houses
  7. landfill is killing them
  8. they are extinct
  9. Has a trunk

21 Clues: pestscan flyflowersIs spikylong necksvery deadlyHas a trunkFlying mammalis very smallLarge marsupialAustralian iconthey are extinctMan's best friendLikes to chase miceassociated with dotsfaster than any humanlandfill is killing themmostly seen at night timelives in the cold and can flyunwanted pests in most housesdoesn't live long once hatched

Animals 2022-07-26

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. 돌고래
  2. 동물원
  3. 동물
  4. 늑대
  5. 오리
  6. 개미
  7. 박쥐
  8. 염소
  9. 코끼리
  10. 암탉
  1. 암소, 젖소
  2. 기린
  3. 여우
  4. 얼룩말
  5. 어린 양
  6. 사자
  7. 사슴
  8. 돼지
  9. 호랑이

25 Clues: 기린여우동물늑대사자오리사슴개미박쥐염소돼지암탉돌고래동물원얼룩말코끼리호랑이어린 양암소, 젖소

Animals 2022-11-05

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. it has hooves
  2. it makes honey
  3. it is a flying animal that lives in caves. It also kinda started COVID.
  4. it makes dams
  5. it jumps and has a pocket filled with a ¨Joey¨
  6. likes cheese
  7. it has a trunk
  8. it moos
  9. it goes ¨oink¨
  10. it is a horse with a horn
  11. has a blow hole
  12. it is the tallest animal in the world
  1. fastest animal alive
  2. it is a horse with stripes
  3. it is mainly known for Thanksgiving
  4. it likes carrots
  5. it does tricks in the ocean, and some people ride them sometimes
  6. it has 8 tentacles
  7. it is the BYU mascot
  8. A mans best friend
  9. gold+fish=
  10. it is a/the sea serpent

22 Clues: it moosgold+fish=likes cheeseit has hoovesit makes damsit makes honeyit has a trunkit goes ¨oink¨has a blow holeit likes carrotsit has 8 tentaclesA mans best friendfastest animal aliveit is the BYU mascotit is a/the sea serpentit is a horse with a hornit is a horse with stripesit is mainly known for Thanksgivingit is the tallest animal in the world...

ANIMALS 2022-11-10

ANIMALS crossword puzzle


Animals 2022-11-10

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. The Second Largest feline in North America
  2. Natively found on the Australian continent
  3. Long, black tongue can grow to 18 inches long
  4. They are thought to be stubborn
  5. One will stand on guard to watch for predators
  6. I like to move it move it
  7. Can travel in super pods of more than 1,000
  8. Spends much of the time high in the trees
  9. Primarily hunts and feeds on Earthworms
  1. Ability to land on their feet
  2. Also known as the Prairie Wolf
  3. Known for its ferocity
  4. Stuffs food into pouches in its cheeks
  5. Can be found on every continent on Earth – except Antarctica
  6. Known to eat pebbles to aid digestion and buoyancy
  7. A symbol of strength and nobility, they once adorned many of the flags, banners, and coats-of-arms of medieval Europe
  8. One of the strongest bite forces in the animal kingdom
  9. Often use rocks to crack open food
  10. Known for their stout bodies
  11. Mans best friend

20 Clues: Mans best friendKnown for its ferocityI like to move it move itKnown for their stout bodiesAbility to land on their feetAlso known as the Prairie WolfThey are thought to be stubbornOften use rocks to crack open foodStuffs food into pouches in its cheeksPrimarily hunts and feeds on EarthwormsSpends much of the time high in the trees...