animals Crossword Puzzles
animals 2022-11-10
21 Clues: ahm • luik • karu • siil • kits • hani • Ilves • Mäger • jänes • põder • kobras • hüljes • öökull • rästik • rebane • naarits • jäälind • Saarmas • lendorav • nahkhiir • metssiga
Animals 2022-11-09
- Known as a fast and hairy animal
- Known as a berry eater
- A Animal who likes to bark
- Known as Sea eagle
- Known as a simp and a harami
- Known as a animal that produce milk for us
- Known as a animal that lives in the sea
- Known as a big part of the cat family
- Likes to chase mice and loves to play
- Known as a bug with colorful wings
- Known for a fast pony
- Known as a banana eater
- Known as apes
- Known as calling their friend its name
- Known as for the funny pictures
- Known as a wild animal
- Known as a winter animal
- Known for their long neck
- Known as a animal that also lives in the sea. It has legs that they use to swin with
- Known as a cute little house pet
- Known as a desert animal. Example like the Arab Desert
- Known for its long trunk
22 Clues: Known as apes • Known as Sea eagle • Known for a fast pony • Known as a berry eater • Known as a wild animal • Known as a banana eater • Known as a winter animal • Known for its long trunk • Known for their long neck • A Animal who likes to bark • Known as a simp and a harami • Known as for the funny pictures • Known as a fast and hairy animal • Known as a cute little house pet • ...
Animals 2022-11-11
20 Clues: âmô • ôhô • atim • kâkwa • niska • wâpos • pisiw • maskwa • kinepik • mikisow • pîyesîs • kinosew • mahihkan • ankwacas • mistatim • mahkesîs • ocikomsis • miskinâhk • wâwâskesiw • paskwâwimostos
animals 2022-10-11
- a eight legged insect that spins webs
- Large marsupial
- a baby cat
- Man's best friend
- this animal is very very very fast but gets tired very fast
- Big cats with black coats
- Long hair on the neck of '2 down'
- A big, strong farm animal
- Flying mammal
- Has a trunk
- a big cat with black stripes
- It looks like a horse with long ears
- a reptile that looks like a crocodile
- A female chicken
- i am a bird not like the rest and i live in a rain forest
- They live in the sea, in rivers and in lakes
- Likes to chase mice
- The female of '5 down'
- we are not a human, not a rock, not a tree what am i?
- An animal raised for its meat and wool
- this animal is not like the others it doesn't have fur or paws but has hands what am i?
21 Clues: a baby cat • Has a trunk • Flying mammal • Large marsupial • A female chicken • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • The female of '5 down' • Big cats with black coats • A big, strong farm animal • a big cat with black stripes • Long hair on the neck of '2 down' • It looks like a horse with long ears • a eight legged insect that spins webs • a reptile that looks like a crocodile • ...
animals 2022-10-07
- used for meat
- baby cat
- baby deer
- baby goat
- feed to horses
- female horse
- female deer
- baby dog
- male chicken
- lays eggs
- male pig
- male deer
- female sheep
- dual purpose bird for meat and eggs
- used to make milk
- thanksgiving dinner
- used for wool
- baby cow
- baby kangaroo
- wild bird that lives in the city
- female pig
- male sheep
- used to pull carts
- baby horse
- used for honey
- used for leather
26 Clues: baby cat • baby cow • baby dog • male pig • baby deer • baby goat • lays eggs • male deer • female pig • male sheep • baby horse • female deer • female horse • male chicken • female sheep • used for meat • used for wool • baby kangaroo • feed to horses • used for honey • used for leather • used to make milk • used to pull carts • thanksgiving dinner • wild bird that lives in the city • dual purpose bird for meat and eggs
Animals 2022-10-27
- Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
- I can find her pet…..
- it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
- The cat runs… catch the mouse
- snake is…’s dangerous
- The hen cannot ……high
- The synonym of small is ……
- tiger is a……. animal
- The synonym of beautifully
- it eats bamboo
- the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
- the animal live……in the zoo.
- My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
- It is the biggest land animal
- Feather the bird has…..feather.
- The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
- Camel is animal….on desert
- Zebra lives in the……..
- cat is a …..animal
- A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
20 Clues: it eats bamboo • cat is a …..animal • tiger is a……. animal • I can find her pet….. • The hen cannot ……high • Zebra lives in the…….. • snake is…’s dangerous • Camel is animal….on desert • The synonym of small is …… • The synonym of beautifully • the animal live……in the zoo. • It is the biggest land animal • Feather the bird has…..feather. • The cat runs… catch the mouse • ...
Animals 2022-10-27
- it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
- snake is…’s dangerous
- Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
- it eats bamboo
- The synonym of beautifully
- tiger is a……. animal
- the animal live……in the zoo.
- Feather the bird has…..feather.
- I can find her pet…..
- A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
- the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
- Zebra lives in the……..
- The synonym of small is ……
- The cat runs… catch the mouse
- The hen cannot ……high
- cat is a …..animal
- The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
- My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
- Camel is animal….on desert
- It is the biggest land animal
20 Clues: it eats bamboo • cat is a …..animal • tiger is a……. animal • The hen cannot ……high • I can find her pet….. • Zebra lives in the…….. • snake is…’s dangerous • The synonym of small is …… • The synonym of beautifully • Camel is animal….on desert • the animal live……in the zoo. • It is the biggest land animal • Feather the bird has…..feather. • The cat runs… catch the mouse • ...
Animals 2022-10-27
- The hen cannot ……high
- the animal live……in the zoo.
- it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
- snake is…’s dangerous
- The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
- cat is a …..animal
- The cat runs… catch the mouse
- The synonym of small is ……
- The synonym of beautifully
- It is the biggest land animal
- tiger is a……. animal
- I can find her pet…..
- Feather the bird has…..feather.
- the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
- Zebra lives in the……..
- it eats bamboo
- My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
- Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
- Camel is animal….on desert
- A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
20 Clues: it eats bamboo • cat is a …..animal • tiger is a……. animal • The hen cannot ……high • I can find her pet….. • Zebra lives in the…….. • snake is…’s dangerous • Camel is animal….on desert • The synonym of small is …… • The synonym of beautifully • the animal live……in the zoo. • It is the biggest land animal • Feather the bird has…..feather. • The cat runs… catch the mouse • ...
Animals 2022-10-27
- The cat runs… catch the mouse
- the animal live……in the zoo.
- it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
- tiger is a……. animal
- snake is…’s dangerous
- the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
- cat is a …..animal
- The hen cannot ……high
- The synonym of beautifully
- Feather the bird has…..feather.
- Zebra lives in the……..
- it eats bamboo
- My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
- It is the biggest land animal
- The synonym of small is ……
- Camel is animal….on desert
- The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
- A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
- Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
- I can find her pet…..
20 Clues: it eats bamboo • cat is a …..animal • tiger is a……. animal • I can find her pet….. • The hen cannot ……high • Zebra lives in the…….. • snake is…’s dangerous • The synonym of small is …… • Camel is animal….on desert • The synonym of beautifully • the animal live……in the zoo. • It is the biggest land animal • Feather the bird has…..feather. • The cat runs… catch the mouse • ...
Animals 2022-10-27
- The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
- it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
- Feather the bird has…..feather.
- I can find her pet…..
- A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
- the animal live……in the zoo.
- the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
- cat is a …..animal
- My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
- The synonym of small is ……
- The cat runs… catch the mouse
- snake is…’s dangerous
- Zebra lives in the……..
- It is the biggest land animal
- The hen cannot ……high
- Camel is animal….on desert
- tiger is a……. animal
- it eats bamboo
- Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
- The synonym of beautifully
20 Clues: it eats bamboo • cat is a …..animal • tiger is a……. animal • The hen cannot ……high • I can find her pet….. • Zebra lives in the…….. • snake is…’s dangerous • Camel is animal….on desert • The synonym of beautifully • The synonym of small is …… • the animal live……in the zoo. • It is the biggest land animal • Feather the bird has…..feather. • The cat runs… catch the mouse • ...
Animals 2022-10-27
- is very small and is red and white
- can jump very far and eats insects
- is a big fish and is a preditor
- a insect with 8 legs
- Flying mammal
- Likes to chase mice
- a very slow reptial
- the biggest animal
- black and white strips
- hunts alone and is small
- the fastest animal in the world
- king of the jungle
- has really good stamina
- the closest thing to a real human
- the fastest land animal
- a very venomous reptial
- is very big and is a preditor
- orange and blak strips it is also a preditor
- Large marsupial
- Man's best friend
- Has a trunk
21 Clues: Has a trunk • Flying mammal • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • the biggest animal • king of the jungle • Likes to chase mice • a very slow reptial • a insect with 8 legs • black and white strips • has really good stamina • the fastest land animal • a very venomous reptial • hunts alone and is small • is very big and is a preditor • is a big fish and is a preditor • ...
Animals 2022-09-07
22 Clues: hiu • kuda • sapi • ayam • unta • ikan • buaya • singa • zebra • tikus • gajah • lebah • semut • burung • kucing • jerapah • beruang • pinguin • kelinci • kangguru • kupu-kupu • lumba-lumba
Animals 2022-08-25
- 蛙 It is green and it makes this sound 'ribbit'.
- 馬 It has four legs.
- 熊 This animal hibernates in the winter.
- 豚 This animal is pink and it makes the this sound: 'oink'.
- きりん It has a long neck.
- 牛 This animal produces milk.
- くも This insect has eight legs. Did you know that these animals don't belong to the insect group, but to the arachnids group?
- やぎ Did you know that when they get excited or startled their body stiffens up and it looks like they are fainting?
- 鶏 This animal lays eggs.
- かたつむり This animal is probably the slowest in the world. It is also slimy!
- フクロウ This animal can rotate it's head 270 degrees!
- 象 It is big and grey and has a big trunk.
- 蟻 This is a very tiny insect, but even though they are small, they can work together like a real champion team and when you found one, usually there are many, many others.
- カンガルー The furthest jump recorded is around 12.8 meters from a momentum built up speed.
- もぐら They say this animal is blind, right? But they are not blind! They just have tiny eyes behind their fur and it is hard for them to see.
- かば It is grey and can be very heavy.
- 白鳥 They are one of the largest flying birds.
- 犬 It has four legs and bark.
- くじゃく Sometimes it has a very beautiful tail.
- 鳥 This animal can fly.
- オウム Some of these animals can actually talk!
- うさぎ This animal belongs to the mammals.
- くじら It is one of the biggest animals on the planet!
- 猫 Did you know that in 2021 there were around 220 million owned who had this animal at home?
- 蜂 It flies and is yellow and black.
- 羊 It is white and fluffy.
- てんとう虫 Did you know that there are around 6000 different species of this animal?
- コアラ Did you know that these animals are herbivorous?
28 Clues: 馬 It has four legs. • 鳥 This animal can fly. • きりん It has a long neck. • 鶏 This animal lays eggs. • 羊 It is white and fluffy. • 犬 It has four legs and bark. • 牛 This animal produces milk. • 蜂 It flies and is yellow and black. • かば It is grey and can be very heavy. • 熊 This animal hibernates in the winter. • うさぎ This animal belongs to the mammals. • ...
animals 2022-11-22
24 Clues: 양 • 꽥꽥 • 어린양 • 야행성 새 • 사막에 살아요 • 하늘의 지배자 • 엉덩이는 빨개요 • 목이 아주 길어요 • 꼬꼬댁하고 울어요 • 도토리를 좋아해요 • 평야를 빨리 달려요 • 별모양으로 생겼어요 • 코를 손처럼 사용해요 • 여자를 비유하는 동물 • 남자를 비유하는 동물 • 몸에 얼룩무늬가 있어요 • 사람이랑 비슷한 유인원과 • 말이랑 비슷하지만 더 작아요 • 물속에 사는 다리가 많은 동물 • 수족관에서 쇼를 볼 수 있어요 • 배주머니에 새끼를 넣고 다녀요 • 쥐랑 비슷한 애완용으로 키워요 • 겨울에 입는 패딩에 털이 들어가요 • 호랑이와 비슷하지만 작고 사나워요
Animals 2022-11-17
- Peter
- Can turn its head all the way around
- lizard that blends in with its surroundings
- pull plows
- Also called loscut
- Female calf
- also called swine
- Tuna
- Tallest animal
- on the North Dakota Flag
- honey
- Mickey
- Can go long periods of time without water
- A French delicacy
- back riding
- king of the jungle
- k-9
- Emperor
- turns into a butterfly
- beat their wings 90 times per second
- has eight tentacles
- slow-moving
- Eggs come from
- Cat
- Baabaa
- this bird is at every meal
- will eat almost anything
- largest land animal
- Flightless bird
- Slow moving animal
30 Clues: Cat • k-9 • Tuna • Peter • honey • Baabaa • Mickey • Emperor • pull plows • slow-moving • Female calf • back riding • Eggs come from • Tallest animal • Flightless bird • also called swine • A French delicacy • Also called loscut • Slow moving animal • king of the jungle • has eight tentacles • largest land animal • turns into a butterfly • on the North Dakota Flag • will eat almost anything • this bird is at every meal • ...
ANIMALS 2022-11-17
Animals 2017-01-22
25 Clues: ronk • rähn • siil • konn • luik • tuvi • nirk • hunt • mutt • ööbik • mäger • ilves • põder • jänes • lõoke • tuhkur • rebane • rästik • öökull • hüljes • kobras • pääsuke • saarmas • kuldnokk • toonekurg
Animals 2016-09-19
- It's a mammal of the family Ursidae.
- It's a mammal animal that lives in the sea.
- It's a mammal that lives in the jungle.
- It has a long neck.
- Is the biggest reptile.
- It doesn't have legs or arms.
- They are considered birds but they do not fly.
- Sometimes, this animal repeat what you're saying.
- It's got long ears.
- It's a big bird that eats mouses...
- It's typic from Australia.
- It's the biggest animal in the ocean.
- Man's best friend
- It's an animal that normally lives in a farm.
- It's a mammal animal that you can ride in it.
- It's like a tiger but smaller
- It has got a long horn.
- It's a mammal animal, he's pink.
- Their skin is composed of two different colours.
- It's a bird that you will see him at night.
20 Clues: Man's best friend • It has a long neck. • It's got long ears. • Is the biggest reptile. • It has got a long horn. • It's typic from Australia. • It's like a tiger but smaller • It doesn't have legs or arms. • It's a mammal animal, he's pink. • It's a big bird that eats mouses... • It's a mammal of the family Ursidae. • It's the biggest animal in the ocean. • ...
animals. 2016-09-15
- eats bugs
- goes moo!!!
- what you eat on thanksgiving
- has gills
- eat and found in the trash
- mostly in the grass
- likes cheese
- barfs everywhere
- eats bamboo
- eats hay
- eats carets
- plays fetch
- goes baa!!!
- really green
- eats fly's
- eats nuts
- lives in the ground
- stings you
- eats corn
- a big dogs baby
- chases mice
- nocturnal
- has a log tale
23 Clues: eats hay • eats bugs • has gills • eats nuts • eats corn • nocturnal • eats fly's • stings you • eats carets • plays fetch • goes baa!!! • goes moo!!! • chases mice • eats bamboo • really green • likes cheese • has a log tale • a big dogs baby • barfs everywhere • lives in the ground • mostly in the grass • eat and found in the trash • what you eat on thanksgiving
Animals 2016-12-16
- Mans best friend.
- Wives of lions.
- Extinct and are ancestors of the elephant.
- The name is on shoes and cars.
- _____ live in dumpsters and eat everything.
- ______ are white and eat crumbs.
- There fat and eat peanuts and live in Africa.
- A _____ leaves a slimy trail behind it and has a foot.
- Eat _____ food and have claws and dogs chase them.
- A ______ lives in the ground and digs around
- ______ will eat your book, cloths, bed, lamp, soap, glasses.
- ________ are bigger than sharks.
- They are the kings of the jungle dumb and fat.
- Have a long sword just like a swordfish.
- Eat penguins and seals.
- Lion __________ ______ are carnivores and live on mountains.
- The only flying mammal.
- ____ are common in the ocean they eat algae and other _____.
- turtle _____________ live in the ocean and eat only algae.
- King of the pride lands.
20 Clues: Wives of lions. • Mans best friend. • Eat penguins and seals. • The only flying mammal. • King of the pride lands. • The name is on shoes and cars. • ________ are bigger than sharks. • ______ are white and eat crumbs. • Have a long sword just like a swordfish. • Extinct and are ancestors of the elephant. • _____ live in dumpsters and eat everything. • ...
ANIMALS 2017-11-27
- Té el cos retxat.
- Mamífer aquàtic, és molt simpàtic i intel·ligent.
- És petit, no té ossos i s'arrossega per terra.
- Mamífer aquàtic més gran del món.
- Com que té una closca molt pesada sempre va a poc a poc.
- Millor amic de l'home.
- Al trot o al galop, és el mitjà de transport dels indis i vaquers.
- Té vuit potes i fa por a molta de gent.
- Té les ales grans, colorides i guapes i surt d'un capoll.
- Té banyes, taques i fa muu...
- Els vespre d'estiu no ens deixa dormir.
- Quan vagis a nedar ves alerta que alomillor et pica.
- Ós gran, blanc i negre que menja bambú.
- És el rei de la selva i té una gran melena.
- Pon ous i a l'escola en tenim.
- Té moltes dents, és llarg i viu a l'aigua.
- És l'animal que té el coll més llarg.
- És molt gran, té les orelles molt grans, viu a Àfrica i té trompa.
- Viu al mar, és vermell o marró i camina de costat.
- És un felí que molts tenim a casa.
20 Clues: Té el cos retxat. • Millor amic de l'home. • Té banyes, taques i fa muu... • Pon ous i a l'escola en tenim. • Mamífer aquàtic més gran del món. • És un felí que molts tenim a casa. • És l'animal que té el coll més llarg. • Ós gran, blanc i negre que menja bambú. • Té vuit potes i fa por a molta de gent. • Els vespre d'estiu no ens deixa dormir. • ...
ANIMALS 2017-12-06
ANIMALS 2018-01-24
20 Clues: Kaa • Tom • Rio • Nemo • Maya • Simba • Bambi • Spike • Dumbo • Jerry • Spirit • Georgeù • Ferdinand • Tick-Tock • Peppa Pig • Shere Khan • Clarabella • Bugs Bunny • Cip and Ciop • Winnie The Pooh
Animals 2017-12-04
- lives in a cave
- sharp teeth and swims in the ocean
- shed skin and slithers
- eats fish
- red nose and seen during christmas
- has a mane and roars
- blows water from trunk
- baby dog
- runs to red stuff
- barks
- swims in the ocean
- hops
- black and white stripes
- nieghh!!
- tallest animal in animal kingdom
- scary insect and is brown
- scary 8 footed insect
- nocturnal
- swings in trees
- fastest animal
- waddles
- eats bamboo
- roll in mud
23 Clues: hops • barks • waddles • nieghh!! • baby dog • eats fish • nocturnal • eats bamboo • roll in mud • fastest animal • lives in a cave • swings in trees • runs to red stuff • swims in the ocean • has a mane and roars • scary 8 footed insect • shed skin and slithers • blows water from trunk • black and white stripes • scary insect and is brown • tallest animal in animal kingdom • sharp teeth and swims in the ocean • ...
Animals 2019-03-19
44 Clues: Hai • Eule • Affe • Wild • Igel • Ente • Gans • Esel • Hase • Käfer • Luchs • Biber • Amsel • Adler • Kröte • Schaf • Ziege • Biene • Dachs • Taube • Wespe • Hummel • Ameise • Eisbär • Qualle • Specht • Frosch • Papagei • Forelle • Libelle • Känguru • Pinguin • Schnecke • Waschbär • Faultier • Schlange • Kaninchen • Fledermaus • Murmeltier • Marienkäfer • Straußvogel • Schildkröte • Eichhörnchen • Meerschweinchen
Animals 2019-05-28
27 Clues: lapė • uodas • ernis • voras • meška • kiaunė • audinė • elnias • žiogas • liūtas • tigras • bebras • žirafa • šernas • šeškas • vilkas • erelis • ežiukas • briedis • banginis • babuinas • svirplys • kranklys • dramblys • drugelis • raganosis • laumžirgis
Animals 2019-05-26
- rencana kegiatan yang dituliskan dalam bentuk rancangan kerja yang akan dilaksanakan
- rumusan asas yang menjadi hukum
- simpul masalah bagian dari
- tokoh yang berwatak baik
- drama ringan bersifat menghibur
- drama tanpa gerak
- topik langkah awal menulis karya ilmiah
- orang yang menyusun resensi
- tokoh yang berwatak jahat
- drama yang menonjolkan seni suara atau musik
- menilai baik buruknya karya sastra
- kuat lemahnya penurunan suatu kata dalam kalimat
- pelaku yang mempunyai peran lebih
- gagasan umum dalam suatu drama disampaikan oleh pengarang kepada pembaca atau penonton
- tahap kegiatan untuk menyelesaikan suatu aktivitas
- denotasi sebutan lain dari makna lugas
- karya fiksi yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk dialog
- isinya mudah dipahami dan dibenarkan oleh akal sehat
- drama tanpa kata-kata
- bagian tengah cerita
- judul bab 1 dalam sistematika karya ilmiah
- kata-kata penutup berisi simpulan dari keseluruhan dialog
- susunan teks teratur dengan pola yang baku
- drama yang menonjolkan seni drama dan tari
- keterangan mengenai tempat, waktu, suasana dalam naskah drama
- sesuatu yang harus diselesaikan atau dipecahkan
- tidak dalam bentuk percakapan
- naik turunnya lagu kalimat
- teknik pengumpulan data
- ragam bahasa dalam bentuk populer
30 Clues: drama tanpa gerak • bagian tengah cerita • drama tanpa kata-kata • teknik pengumpulan data • tokoh yang berwatak baik • tokoh yang berwatak jahat • simpul masalah bagian dari • naik turunnya lagu kalimat • orang yang menyusun resensi • tidak dalam bentuk percakapan • rumusan asas yang menjadi hukum • drama ringan bersifat menghibur • ragam bahasa dalam bentuk populer • ...
Animals 2019-05-26
- kata-kata penutup berisi simpulan dari keseluruhan dialog
- gagasan umum dalam suatu drama disampaikan oleh pengarang kepada pembaca atau penonton
- isinya mudah dipahami dan dibenarkan oleh akal sehat
- drama yang menonjolkan seni suara atau musik
- tahap kegiatan untuk menyelesaikan suatu aktivitas
- drama tanpa kata-kata
- judul bab 1 dalam sistematika karya ilmiah
- menilai baik buruknya karya sastra
- drama tanpa gerak
- tokoh yang berwatak jahat
- susunan teks teratur dengan pola yang baku
- rumusan asas yang menjadi hukum
- tidak dalam bentuk percakapan
- ragam bahasa dalam bentuk populer
- drama ringan bersifat menghibur
- kuat lemahnya penurunan suatu kata dalam kalimat
- teknik pengumpulan data
- keterangan mengenai tempat, waktu, suasana dalam naskah drama
- sesuatu yang harus diselesaikan atau dipecahkan
- rencana kegiatan yang dituliskan dalam bentuk rancangan kerja yang akan dilaksanakan
- tokoh yang berwatak baik
- bagian tengah cerita
- orang yang menyusun resensi
- simpul masalah bagian dari
- drama yang menonjolkan seni drama dan tari
- sebutan lain dari makna lugas
- pelaku yang mempunyai peran lebih
- naik turunnya lagu kalimat
- langkah awal menulis karya ilmiah
- karya fiksi yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk dialog
30 Clues: drama tanpa gerak • bagian tengah cerita • drama tanpa kata-kata • teknik pengumpulan data • tokoh yang berwatak baik • tokoh yang berwatak jahat • simpul masalah bagian dari • naik turunnya lagu kalimat • orang yang menyusun resensi • sebutan lain dari makna lugas • tidak dalam bentuk percakapan • rumusan asas yang menjadi hukum • drama ringan bersifat menghibur • ...
Animals 2019-07-29
- has four legs and can be found on a farm
- it can be found on a farm and may produce milk
- likes mud
- has stripes
- it can be wild or domestic
- is on the Australian emblem
- has wings
- has a trunk
- lives where its cold
- it has no legs
- king of the jungle
- lives in the savannah and has stripes
- this animal has a woolly coat
- lives in the savannah
- is pretty much a dinosaur
- eats eucalyptus leaves
- has scales
- eats bamboo
- can be pet or pest
- hibernates in winter
- eats nuts
- Flying mammal
- can be very protective
23 Clues: likes mud • has wings • eats nuts • has scales • eats bamboo • has stripes • has a trunk • Flying mammal • it has no legs • can be pet or pest • king of the jungle • hibernates in winter • lives where its cold • lives in the savannah • eats eucalyptus leaves • can be very protective • is pretty much a dinosaur • it can be wild or domestic • is on the Australian emblem • this animal has a woolly coat • ...
ANIMALS 2019-07-28
20 Clues: Question 8: • Question 4: • Question 3: • Question 1: • Question 5: • Question 9: • Question 2: • Question 7: • Question 6: • Question 11: • Question 12: • Question 18: • Question 15: • Question 20: • Question 13: • Question 16: • Question 19: • Question 10: • Question 14: • Question 17:
Animals 2019-08-22
- bird traditionally eaten at Christmas
- Boofy was this animal
- Marcus pretends to be this animal sometimes
- little red insect with black spots
- large lizard from up north (that can also be eaten by humans)
- Skippy was one
- bird that shares its name with a fruit
- wise bird
- large mammal with a good memory
- leaves a silvery trail
- famous feature of the Melbourne Cup
- Australian bird well known for swooping
- bird that feasts on roadkill
- bright pink bird
- poultry that can’t fly
- Nemo is this kind of fish
- popular origami bird
- animal that hides nuts and acorns
- American animal known for scavenging through trash
- Great White, Hammerhead etc.
- New Zealand has more of these animals than humans
- loyal human companion
22 Clues: wise bird • Skippy was one • bright pink bird • popular origami bird • Boofy was this animal • loyal human companion • poultry that can’t fly • leaves a silvery trail • Nemo is this kind of fish • bird that feasts on roadkill • Great White, Hammerhead etc. • large mammal with a good memory • animal that hides nuts and acorns • little red insect with black spots • ...
animals 2019-10-22
- its tipical from New Zealand
- its an animal that does flips in aquariums
- its the fastest animal in the world
- its tipical from Australia
- it has a lot of colours in it
- its one of the tallest animals of the world
- repits the things you say
- its oa very big cat
- there are a lot in the sea
- the feamels are the ones o unt
- its the bigest anima in the world
- it's a sea depredador
- its the best friend of the human
- it is one animal that sleeps a lot
- its similar a cangaro but smaller
- it makes hooney
- the cats kill them
- itz similar to a rat but it is niceer
- its black and wite
- they can lift 100 times their weight
20 Clues: it makes hooney • the cats kill them • its black and wite • its oa very big cat • it's a sea depredador • repits the things you say • there are a lot in the sea • its tipical from Australia • its tipical from New Zealand • it has a lot of colours in it • the feamels are the ones o unt • its the best friend of the human • its the bigest anima in the world • ...
animals 2019-10-22
- it is white and black
- it eats zebras
- it has milk
- it changes colour
- it lays eggs
- in japan you eat it a lot but with rice
- a predator of the ocean
- it lives in a tree
- it likes cheese
- you can ride it
- you can see it in the forest
- it likes flies
- it lives in an anthill
- a typical christmas meal
- the biggest animal of the ocean
- you can see it in a place with water
- you can see it in swamps
- the fastest animal in the world
- is the protagonist of a very famous film
- it likes bananas
20 Clues: it has milk • it lays eggs • it likes flies • it eats zebras • it likes cheese • you can ride it • it likes bananas • it changes colour • it lives in a tree • it is white and black • it lives in an anthill • a predator of the ocean • a typical christmas meal • you can see it in swamps • you can see it in the forest • the biggest animal of the ocean • the fastest animal in the world • ...
Animals 2019-10-19
Animals 2019-10-31
20 Clues: Foca • Toro • Topo • reno • Buey • morsa • Sepia • cabra • erizo • potro • Águila • nutria • armiño • Medusa • liebre • Ardilla • Percebe • mapache • Avestruz • Puercoespín
animals 2019-04-14
- a large wild animal that has four long thin legs, brown fur, and antlers male
- an African animal that looks like a horse and has black and white stripes covering its body
- a large animal that is used for riding and for carrying and pulling things
- a large animal of Africa and Asia that has a long neck and one or two large humps on its back and that is often used for desert travel
- a large, wild cat that has a coat of usually yellow or orange fur and black stripes and that lives in Asia
- a long,thin animal that has a soft body with no legs or bones and that often lives in the ground
- a kind of insect that has a long thin body and brightly colored wings and that flies mostly during the day
- a kind of small insect that lives in an organized social group
- an Australian animal that moves by hopping on its powerful rear legs
- a very African animal that has an extremely long neck and legs
- a small animal that is related to lions and tigers and that is often kept by people as a pet
- any one of a group of large and heavy animals that have thick hair and sharp claws and that can stand on two legs like a person
- a large reptile that has a long body, thick skin,and a long, thin mouth with sharp teeth and that lives in the water in regions with hot weather
- an animal with a thick woolly coat that is often raised for meat or for its wool and skin
- a very large gray animal that has a long,flexible nose and two long tusks
- an animal that has a long, thin body and no arms or legs
- a large, hairy wild animal that has a big head and short horns
- a small animal that usually lives in holes in the ground and has long ears,soft fur, and back legs that are longer than its front legs
- an Australian animal that is like a small kangaroo
- a type of animal that is closely related to apes and humans and that has a long tail and usually lives in trees
20 Clues: an Australian animal that is like a small kangaroo • an animal that has a long, thin body and no arms or legs • a large, hairy wild animal that has a big head and short horns • a kind of small insect that lives in an organized social group • a very African animal that has an extremely long neck and legs • ...
Animals 2019-04-14
- medved
- hobotnica
- ovca
- zajec
- hiter
- perje
- dolg
- kokoš
- krila
- lev
- pingvin
- stopala
- lisica
- živali na kmetiji
- dlani
- ušesa
- počasen
- krokodil
- žirafa
- usta
- gorila
- barven
- kača
- črte
- luske
- raca
- zobje
- prašič
- kremplji
- želva
- piščanec
- papiga
- piton
- riba
- telo
- žaba
- slon
- divje živali
- volk
- pajek
- opica
- nos
- noge
- nevaren
- sova
- koza
- rep
- kratek
- konj
- delfin
- petelin
- morski pes
- glava
- roke
- kamela
- krava
- dlaka
57 Clues: lev • nos • rep • ovca • riba • telo • žaba • slon • dolg • volk • noge • sova • koza • usta • konj • roke • kača • črte • raca • želva • piton • zajec • hiter • perje • kokoš • krila • pajek • opica • dlani • ušesa • glava • luske • krava • zobje • dlaka • medved • papiga • lisica • kratek • žirafa • delfin • gorila • barven • kamela • prašič • pingvin • nevaren • stopala • počasen • petelin • kremplji • piščanec • krokodil • hobotnica • morski pes • divje živali • živali na kmetiji
Animals 2019-04-16
- the fifth sign of the zodiac
- predatory arachnid with eight legs, two poison fangs, two feelers, and usually two silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body; they spin silk to make cocoons for eggs or traps for prey
- social insect living in organized colonies
- the twelfth sign of the zodiac
- any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout
- small slender-bodied chiefly marine decapod crustaceans with a long tail and single pair of pincers; many species are edible
- limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous
- bottom-living cephalopod having a soft oval body with eight long tentacles
- the tenth sign of the zodiac
- small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs
- small rodent having a pointed snout and small ears
- feline mammal usually having thick soft fur
- any of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae having long ears and short tails; some domesticated and raised for pets or food
- large feline of forests in most of Asia having a tawny coat with black stripes; endangered
- solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
- five-toed pachyderm
- the fourth sign of the zodiac
- domestic swine
- any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales
- female of domestic cattle
20 Clues: domestic swine • five-toed pachyderm • female of domestic cattle • the fifth sign of the zodiac • the tenth sign of the zodiac • the fourth sign of the zodiac • the twelfth sign of the zodiac • social insect living in organized colonies • feline mammal usually having thick soft fur • small rodent having a pointed snout and small ears • ...
Animals 2019-07-12
- barks and a pet
- its small and goes baaaa
- its white and is in australia
- Its an animal that the moari hunted
- purrs and a pet
- it goes baaaaa
- tallest land animal
- Its small, soft and cute
- it goes oink
- its got hair and you can ride on its back
- cute, soft and hops
- found in Canada
- it has a tail and like killing chickens
- orange and black stripes
- lives in Australia and most are grey
- likes bamboo
- has a mane
- has a trunk
- it goes nae and you can ride it
- squeeks and has whiskers
- lays eggs
- it goes moooo
- its small and barks
- black and white stripes
- it howls when its a full moon
- four legs and lives in the mountians
26 Clues: lays eggs • has a mane • has a trunk • likes bamboo • it goes oink • it goes moooo • it goes baaaaa • barks and a pet • purrs and a pet • found in Canada • its small and barks • tallest land animal • cute, soft and hops • black and white stripes • orange and black stripes • its small and goes baaaa • squeeks and has whiskers • Its small, soft and cute • its white and is in australia • ...
animals 2019-12-08
- It is a reptile that has a shell
- It is a very large reptile
- He is the king of the jungle
- Aquatic predator
- Aquatic mammal
- It's a seabird, not flying
- It is the biggest predatory bird
- Animal in which people ride
- Honey making animal
- It is a pet but is not the dog
- Live in snowy areas
- Marine animal that has eight tentacles
- Animal that gives milk
- The largest land animal
- Domestic animal
- Animal that crawls on the ground
- It is a variation of the jaguar and cheetah but it is black
- It is an animal that has a very long neck
- The largest aquatic animal
- It is a black and white animal
20 Clues: Aquatic mammal • Domestic animal • Aquatic predator • Live in snowy areas • Honey making animal • Animal that gives milk • The largest land animal • It is a very large reptile • It's a seabird, not flying • The largest aquatic animal • Animal in which people ride • He is the king of the jungle • It is a pet but is not the dog • It is a black and white animal • ...
Animals 2019-12-08
40 Clues: krab • bóbr • wilk • łapa • sowa • wąsy • ssak • ufać • ogon • struś • rekin • dziób • pióra • wilki • łapać • klatka • uroczy • płetwa • karmić • pazury • kangur • sierść • pingwin • wierzyć • skorupa • brzydki • szympans • wielbłąd • jadowity • straszny • skrzydło • oszukiwać • zagrożony • nietoperz • ugryzienie • ośmiornica • niewidzialny • inteligentny • odpowiedzialny • niedźwiedź polarny
Animals 2019-11-09
21 Clues: cow • tail • kura • duck • lion • claw • motyl • rekin • sheep • futro • pióro • delfin • donkey • kangur • pingwin • giraffe • elephant • skrzydło • niedźwiedź • żółw lądowy • pysk, paszcza
animals 2019-11-20
- Likes to chase mice.
- Small mammal with big ears.
- Mammal with a long neck.
- Has a trunk.
- They wear a shell.
- Large marsupial.
- Robust mammals with horns on the forehead.
- They are very bulky with a big mouth and they really like water.
- Wanted to eat little red riding hood.
- Skewered mammal.
- Flying mammal.
- They like nuts a lot.
- Rodent mammal resembling time with chubby body.
- Microscopic organims.
- Reptile of large and strong jaws.
- Man's best friend .
- The jungle laughed.
- Mammal that lives in the sea.
- It was used medicine to get blood bowel movements.
- The animal most similar to the humans.
20 Clues: Has a trunk. • Flying mammal. • Large marsupial. • Skewered mammal. • They wear a shell. • Man's best friend . • The jungle laughed. • Likes to chase mice. • They like nuts a lot. • Microscopic organims. • Mammal with a long neck. • Small mammal with big ears. • Mammal that lives in the sea. • Reptile of large and strong jaws. • Wanted to eat little red riding hood. • ...
animals 2019-11-20
- The animal most similar to the humans.
- Small mammal with big ears.
- Flying mammal.
- Skewered mammal.
- Large marsupial.
- They wear a shell.
- Reptile of large and strong jaws.
- Has a trunk.
- They like nuts a lot.
- Rodent mammal resembling time with chubby body.
- Mammal that lives in the sea.
- Robust mammals with horns on the forehead.
- Man's best friend .
- They are very bulky with a big mouth and they really like water.
- Microscopic organims.
- Mammal with a long neck.
- Wanted to eat little red riding hood.
- The jungle laughed.
- Likes to chase mice.
- It was used medicine to get blood bowel movements.
20 Clues: Has a trunk. • Flying mammal. • Skewered mammal. • Large marsupial. • They wear a shell. • Man's best friend . • The jungle laughed. • Likes to chase mice. • Microscopic organims. • They like nuts a lot. • Mammal with a long neck. • Small mammal with big ears. • Mammal that lives in the sea. • Reptile of large and strong jaws. • Wanted to eat little red riding hood. • ...
Animals 2019-11-20
- hunan's best friend's
- animal that flies and has feathers
- is an animal that always goes in a group and whit a person accompanied
- is a pink animal that bathes in mud
- the mare's couple living in the water
- is an animal with very long ears and is hairy
- animal that can eat humans and lives in the water
- animal that lives in Australia and hangs trough the trees
- animal that it's body is full of stripes and that lives in the jungle
- small animal that lives in the water
- animal that has black and white sports on its body
- is an animal that has lot of hair on one part of the body
- animal that lives in the water and can bite you
- is an animal that lives in the north pole
- is an animal with a lot of hair that likes salmon
- animal that jumps a lot and lives in Australia
- partner is a mare
- animal that can be large small herbivoreand can also be carnivorous
- animal that lives in an anthill
- is a feline
20 Clues: is a feline • partner is a mare • hunan's best friend's • animal that lives in an anthill • animal that flies and has feathers • is a pink animal that bathes in mud • small animal that lives in the water • the mare's couple living in the water • is an animal that lives in the north pole • is an animal with very long ears and is hairy • ...
Animals 2019-11-28
50 Clues: at • arı • kaz • fil • kuş • ayı • keçi • kurt • kedi • boğa • fare • eşek • deve • inek • köpek • geyik • karga • goril • horoz • akrep • tilki • sinek • tavuk • balık • koyun • aslan • yılan • zebra • panda • ördek • kaplan • tavşan • maymun • panter • kartal • zürafa • hayvan • baykuş • kurbağa • çekirge • penguen • örümcek • solucan • gergedan • orangutan • su aygırı • salyangoz • kaplumbağa • evcil hayvan • bear kutup ayısı
Animals 2020-01-10
- save a _____ eat a cow
- a swatter was named after them
- slowest animal in the world
- Love to chase after squirrels
- love honey
- baby rats
- make honey
- a hug grey animal found in Africa
- they wake you up at sunrise
- love to chase after mice
- loves bamboo
- princess give them a kiss
- love to eat cheese
- cute but feisty
- they loving swimming and they are cute
- collect acorns for winter
- can survive without water for multiple days
- the movie jaws
- they turn pink because of the shrimp they eat
- ___ tigers and bears OH MY!
- as blind as a ____
21 Clues: baby rats • love honey • make honey • loves bamboo • the movie jaws • cute but feisty • love to eat cheese • as blind as a ____ • save a _____ eat a cow • love to chase after mice • collect acorns for winter • princess give them a kiss • slowest animal in the world • ___ tigers and bears OH MY! • they wake you up at sunrise • Love to chase after squirrels • a swatter was named after them • ...
Animals 2023-05-11
- very common meat source
- animal withe most yearly human kills
- kung fu _?
- says everything you say back to you
- biggest producer of milk
- biggest animal in the ocean
- can parachute from trees
- _ella
- common prey for lions
- most common city bird
- mans best friend
- the ancestor of dogs, lives in packs
- australias deadliest fish
- someone who doesn't leave his house is called a house _
- has a trunk
- can spew fire from its mouth
- main charcter of happy feet
- lays eggs in beaches,neves sees her children
- best mode of transport before cars
- the slowest animal
- is very slithery
- is small,bites and lives in a basement
- they typically eat wood
- _king
- needs a tank,very common house pet
- likes to roll in the mud
26 Clues: _ella • _king • kung fu _? • has a trunk • is very slithery • mans best friend • the slowest animal • common prey for lions • most common city bird • very common meat source • they typically eat wood • biggest producer of milk • can parachute from trees • likes to roll in the mud • australias deadliest fish • main charcter of happy feet • biggest animal in the ocean • can spew fire from its mouth • ...
Animals 2023-05-07
- Very fat water animal with large teeth
- Large animal with trunk
- Spits up to 10-15FT with pinpoint accuracy
- Very slow sleeps up to 14HRS a day
- Large Marsupial
- Also called a drop bear
- Long droopy nose
- Is a ultra noob and it stats with a W and ends with a L
- Black and orange stripes
- Wears a mask
- Largest rodent in the world
- Flies in a V-Shape and migrates every year
- Tosses up to 1500LBS of trash each year
- Largest sea animal
- Can ride on its back/ Lives on a farm
- Pink fish that always frowns
- Will can not eat this
- Mans best friend
- hated by dog lovers
- Consumes 10%-15% of its body weight in one night
- What Dad cant shoot
- Large mane and King of the jungle
- Catches trout in its mouth at a river
- Wild dog
24 Clues: Wild dog • Wears a mask • Large Marsupial • Mans best friend • Long droopy nose • Largest sea animal • hated by dog lovers • What Dad cant shoot • Will can not eat this • Large animal with trunk • Also called a drop bear • Black and orange stripes • Largest rodent in the world • Pink fish that always frowns • Large mane and King of the jungle • Very slow sleeps up to 14HRS a day • ...
Animals 2023-05-24
- fun to watch at the zoo as long as they don't throw
- the mama of a lamb
- wears a shield around
- lays a golden egg in a fairy tale
- one of the most feared things on the planet
- they live in a moveable house
- supposedly as intelligent as a 3 year old
- can cause swelling and difficulty breathing if stung
- a lot of these are found in south Florida
- some people have one on their shoulder
- eating this can make you sleepy
- Kermit
- not a unicorn, but has a similarity
- they are annoying when they get in the house
- they inspired airplanes
- they look slippery, but they are dry
- most dangerous animal in Africa
- don't want to swim with one
- tastes pretty good and they are cute too
- world's largest mammal
20 Clues: Kermit • the mama of a lamb • wears a shield around • world's largest mammal • they inspired airplanes • don't want to swim with one • they live in a moveable house • most dangerous animal in Africa • eating this can make you sleepy • lays a golden egg in a fairy tale • not a unicorn, but has a similarity • they look slippery, but they are dry • some people have one on their shoulder • ...
Animals 2023-05-16
24 Clues: Goa • Ikan • Ular • Ayam • Paus • Sapi • Laut • Domba • Gajah • Singa • Buaya • Danau • Burung • Monyet • Sungai • Kambing • Harimau • Jerapah • Lumba-Lumba • Hutan (Luas) • Kerbau/ Banteng • Peternakan/ Pertanian • Kura-Kura (Laut) / Penyu • Hutan Rimba (Sempit dan Sulit Dimasuki)
animals 2023-05-16
35 Clues: pig • cat • dog • cow • wolf • hiir • rott • lion • near • fish • crab • lama • robin • snake • bunny • horse • zebra • tiger • panda • koala • turtle • monkey • giraffe • gorilla • papakoi • dolphin • elephant • flamingo • kapibara • kangoroo • squirell • butterfly • guineapig • karu polar bear • panda punane panda
Animals 2023-05-15
- mans best friend
- black and white bear
- makes its house out of sticks
- grows horns
- found in claremore lake
- cow with no legs
- hibernates in the winter
- silverback
- has long ears
- howls at the moon
- swims in the water
- has the strongest bite of any land animal.
- mix of a horse and a donkey
- makes mounds from underground
- largest land mammal.
- wears a black mask
- soars high in the sky
- fly’s south in the winter
- bison’s american nickname
- can live in water or on land
- makes noise with its tail
- hops on 2 feet
- North American marsupial
23 Clues: silverback • grows horns • has long ears • hops on 2 feet • mans best friend • cow with no legs • howls at the moon • wears a black mask • swims in the water • largest land mammal. • black and white bear • soars high in the sky • found in claremore lake • hibernates in the winter • North American marsupial • fly’s south in the winter • bison’s american nickname • makes noise with its tail • ...
animals 2023-05-17
- loves to eat grass.
- loves to play in the mud.
- loves to eat other animals.
- Large marsupial.
- gives us wool.
- have a long neck.
- eats bamboo.
- lives in a cold area.
- gives milk.
- Likes to chase mice.
- likes to jump and race.
- lives on water.
- king of the jungle.
- loves to eat hay.
- Man's best friend.
- Has a trunk.
- gives us meat.
- gives eggs.
- loves to climb along the trees.
- Flying mammal.
20 Clues: gives eggs. • gives milk. • Has a trunk. • eats bamboo. • gives us wool. • gives us meat. • Flying mammal. • lives on water. • Large marsupial. • loves to eat hay. • have a long neck. • Man's best friend. • loves to eat grass. • king of the jungle. • Likes to chase mice. • lives in a cold area. • likes to jump and race. • loves to play in the mud. • loves to eat other animals. • ...
Animals 2023-06-03
21 Clues: łapa • ogon • wąsy • buda • bóbr • sowa • pióra • struś • dziób • kangur • płetwa • pazury • klatka • pingwin • nasiona • skorupa • szympans • jadowity • ośmiornica • smycz dla psa • przysmaki dla psa
Animals 2023-06-15
20 Clues: Pig • Bat • Owl • Bee • Dog • Lion • Crab • Frog • Rhino • Otter • Sheep • Spider • Rabbit • Dolphin • Penguin • Peacock • Chicken • Squirrel • Guinea pig • Snow Leopard
Animals 2023-06-11
- (Feathered creature)
- (Large tusked mammal)
- (Man's best friend)
- (Striped big cat)
- (Black-and-white striped animal)
- (Nocturnal bird of prey)
- (Aquatic creature)
- (Slow-moving reptile)
- (Primate known for swinging)
- (Cunning mammal)
- (Hibernating mammal)
- (Intelligent marine mammal)
- (Slithery reptile)
- (Flightless bird)
- (Tall African creature)
- (Small hopping mammal)
- (Equestrian mammal)
- (Independent feline)
- (King of the jungle)
- (Australian marsupial)
20 Clues: (Cunning mammal) • (Flightless bird) • (Striped big cat) • (Slithery reptile) • (Aquatic creature) • (Man's best friend) • (Equestrian mammal) • (Hibernating mammal) • (Feathered creature) • (Independent feline) • (King of the jungle) • (Large tusked mammal) • (Slow-moving reptile) • (Small hopping mammal) • (Australian marsupial) • (Tall African creature) • (Nocturnal bird of prey) • ...
Animals 2023-06-26
- Found throughout the South-East Asian jungles!
- Despite its large, muscular body, this animal actually rests more than 20 hours a day
- Has a transparent 3rd eyelid to protect eyes in the water!
- Found throughout the world's oceans!
- First domesticated 5,000 years ago!
- Some species can change color from dark to light, and back again.
- Rub ants on their feather to remove harmful acids
- Most popular meat goat in the world
- Can move up to 2ft of soil in just 15 seconds!
- These fish are known for their ability to leap and fight when hooked.
- These parrots can be trained to be "talking birds" that mimic human speech
- The blue-ringed octopus produces some of the deadliest poison in the world
- Commonly found on white-tailed deer
- Renew their horns every year!
- The camel with two humps!
- Found close to marshes, streams and lakes!
- There are around 40 different species!
- This animals use a tar-like liquid from their eye glands to mark their territory!
- Has the longest tongue of any animal in relation to its body size!
- One of the noisiest birds in the world!
20 Clues: The camel with two humps! • Renew their horns every year! • Commonly found on white-tailed deer • First domesticated 5,000 years ago! • Most popular meat goat in the world • Found throughout the world's oceans! • There are around 40 different species! • One of the noisiest birds in the world! • Found close to marshes, streams and lakes! • ...
animals 2023-06-01
Animals 2023-06-19
- Slithering reptile
- Feathered creature
- Common household pet
- Flightless bird
- Canine predator
- Striped predator
- Sly mammal
- Large mammal with a trunk
- Fastest land animal
- Playful primate
- Aquatic vertebrate
- Small mammal with long ears
- Ursine creature
- Intelligent marine mammal
- Bovine mammal
- Largest primate
- King of the jungle
- Equine animal
- Apex predator of the ocean
- Loyal companion
20 Clues: Sly mammal • Bovine mammal • Equine animal • Ursine creature • Flightless bird • Largest primate • Canine predator • Loyal companion • Playful primate • Striped predator • Aquatic vertebrate • Slithering reptile • Feathered creature • King of the jungle • Fastest land animal • Common household pet • Intelligent marine mammal • Large mammal with a trunk • Apex predator of the ocean • ...
ANIMALS 2023-05-31
- - Small bird capable of hovering in mid-air while feeding on nectar
- - Large herbivorous mammal with a horn on its nose
- - Slow-moving mammal that spends most of its time hanging upside down
- - Unique mammal with a duck-like bill and lays eggs
- - Colorful bird with a long, iridescent tail
- - Tallest land animal with a long neck
- - Fastest land animal, known for its speed
- - Intelligent marine mammal known for its playful behavior
- - Tiny fish with a horse-like head and a curled tail
- dragon - Largest living lizard, native to Indonesia
- - Tall wading bird with pink feathers and long, thin legs
- - Intelligent primate, our closest living relative
- - Small spiny mammal that curls into a ball for defense
- - Nocturnal bird of prey with excellent night vision and silent flight
- - Great ape known for its intelligence and ability to use tools
- bear - Arctic mammal with a thick layer of blubber and white fur
- - Largest cat species, known for its striped fur
- - Black and white bird that cannot fly
- - Marine creature with eight arms and a soft body
- - Arboreal marsupial native to Australia, known for eating eucalyptus leaves
20 Clues: - Black and white bird that cannot fly • - Tallest land animal with a long neck • - Fastest land animal, known for its speed • - Colorful bird with a long, iridescent tail • - Largest cat species, known for its striped fur • - Marine creature with eight arms and a soft body • - Intelligent primate, our closest living relative • ...
Animals 2023-06-19
- Apex predator of the ocean
- Tall African herbivore
- Intelligent marine mammal
- Striped big cat
- Hopping marsupial
- Eight-armed sea creature
- Flightless marine bird
- Equine mammal
- Slow-moving mammal
- Enormous marine mammal
- Primate with a tail
- Australian tree-dweller
- Majestic predator
- Large tusked mammal
- Fast-running flightless bird
- Small bushy-tailed rodent
- Fastest land animal
- Large aquatic reptile
- Largest primate
- Powerful bird of prey
20 Clues: Equine mammal • Striped big cat • Largest primate • Majestic predator • Hopping marsupial • Slow-moving mammal • Large tusked mammal • Fastest land animal • Primate with a tail • Large aquatic reptile • Powerful bird of prey • Tall African herbivore • Flightless marine bird • Enormous marine mammal • Australian tree-dweller • Eight-armed sea creature • Intelligent marine mammal • ...
Animals 2023-06-08
- Largest living primate, native to the forests of Africa.
- BEAR Arctic bear adapted to a cold environment with a thick layer of fur.
- Large bird of prey with strong vision and a hooked beak.
- Marsupial with a powerful hind legs and a pouch for carrying its young.
- Legless reptile known for its ability to slither and its venomous species.
- Large semi-aquatic mammal with a barrel-shaped body and massive jaws.
- Tallest land animal, recognized for its long neck and patterned coat.
- African equine known for its black and white striped coat.
- Nocturnal bird of prey with excellent vision and silent flight.
- Fastest land animal, capable of reaching incredible speeds.
- Cephalopod mollusk with tentacles and the ability to camouflage.
- Intelligent marine mammal known for its playful behavior and acrobatics.
- Bear native to China, known for its distinctive black and white markings.
- Canine with a strong pack instinct and sharp hunting skills.
- Majestic big cat often referred to as the "king of the jungle."
- Flightless bird that lives in the Southern Hemisphere and waddles on land.
- Largest land mammal known for its long trunk and ivory tusks.
- Arboreal marsupial from Australia known for its cuddly appearance.
- Large, horned mammal native to Africa and Asia.
- Striped feline known for its strength and agility.
20 Clues: Large, horned mammal native to Africa and Asia. • Striped feline known for its strength and agility. • Largest living primate, native to the forests of Africa. • Large bird of prey with strong vision and a hooked beak. • African equine known for its black and white striped coat. • Fastest land animal, capable of reaching incredible speeds. • ...
Animals 2023-05-29
- A transparent sea creature with tentacles that can sting
- An animal that can jump high and carries its babies in a pouch
- A nocturnal bird that can rotate its head
- A striped big cat with sharp teeth and claws
- A sea creature with eight tentacles
- an animal with antlers that lives in forests
- A tall animal with a long neck
- A bird that cannot fly but is an excellent swimmer and lives in cold place
- A smart and friendly sea animal that loves to swim and jump in the water
- A wild animal in the ocean with sharp teeth
- A colorful insect that likes to fly around flowers
- A big and strong animal with thick fur and likes to eat honey and fish
- Known as "King of the jungle" because of its strength and roaring sound
- A small and furry animal with long ears and a fluffy tail
- A strong and fast animal that can be ridden and used for transportation
- An animal that moves without legs
- A very big animal with a long trunk
- A playful animal that likes to swing from trees
- An animal with a hump on its back that can survive in hot and dry deserts
- An animal with black and white stripes that lives in grasslands
20 Clues: A tall animal with a long neck • An animal that moves without legs • A sea creature with eight tentacles • A very big animal with a long trunk • A nocturnal bird that can rotate its head • A wild animal in the ocean with sharp teeth • A striped big cat with sharp teeth and claws • an animal with antlers that lives in forests • ...
Animals 2023-06-13
26 Clues: jeż • osa • mewa • żółw • gady • foka • ssaki • płazy • komar • ważka • wydra • orzeł • jeleń • struś • borsuk • kleszcz • gryzonie • wielbłąd • torbacze • wieloryb • biedronka • wiewiórka • nietoperz • nosorożec • ośmiornica • jaszczurka
Animals 2023-07-04
- food stealer
- not a fish has no brain or blood
- lays eggs has a beak lives in a farm mostly
- likes nuts climbs trees
- has a small brain existed for more than 55m years
- massive sea creature with a blow whole
- bamboo eater
- dangerous 3rd largest mammal lives around 8 months is a vegetarian
- myth can fly
- man's best friend
- madagascar is where its from can run fast
- Dangerous sea creature
- 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, 2 ears and hair
- lives in sea can be small or big
- spotty predator
- long pink tail rodent
- lives in a cave
- furry farm animal
- pink farm animal
- Hunts at night eats rodents
- chase's mice
- creepy,8 legs and 8 eyes
- jumpy
23 Clues: jumpy • food stealer • chase's mice • bamboo eater • myth can fly • spotty predator • lives in a cave • pink farm animal • man's best friend • furry farm animal • long pink tail rodent • Dangerous sea creature • likes nuts climbs trees • creepy,8 legs and 8 eyes • Hunts at night eats rodents • not a fish has no brain or blood • lives in sea can be small or big • ...
Animals 2023-08-13
20 Clues: morze • – lew • papuga • – mysz • – słoń • – zebra • – rekin • - rzeka • – tygrys • - kangur • – gepard • – żyrafa • – dżungla • - goryl • - krokodyl • – wieloryb • – sawanna • – pustynia • – nosorożec • – jaszczurka
Animals 2023-08-15
- A predatory fish with sharp teeth and a streamlined body, found in oceans.
- A graceful and strong animal often used for riding and pulling vehicles.
- A delicate insect with colorful wings that goes through metamorphosis.
- A highly intelligent marine mammal that is skilled at swimming and playing in the waves.
- A creature that lives in water, breathing through gills and often having scales.
- A bird raised for its eggs and meat, often found on farms.
- A tall mammal with a long neck and distinctive spotted pattern on its body.
- A small mammal with long ears and a fluffy tail, known for hopping and eating vegetables.
- A domesticated farm animal that provides milk and meat, often seen in pastures.
- A horse-like animal with black and white stripes, native to Africa.
- A small,
- A large, furry mammal that can be found in various habitats around the world.
- A nocturnal bird of prey with large, round eyes and the ability to swivel its head.
- A massive land animal with a long trunk and large, floppy ears.
- A reptile with scales and the ability to shed its tail as a defense mechanism.
- A water bird with a flat bill and webbed feet, commonly seen in ponds and lakes.
- A bird that cannot fly but is an excellent swimmer, living in cold regions.
- A fierce big cat with distinctive orange fur and black stripes, found in various habitats.
- A reptile with a long snout, sharp teeth, and a tough, scaly hide.
- A small amphibian with long hind legs that can jump long distances.
- A nocturnal mammal with a masked face, known for its cleverness and dexterity.
- A flying insect that collects nectar to make honey and helps pollinate plants.
22 Clues: A small, • A bird raised for its eggs and meat, often found on farms. • A massive land animal with a long trunk and large, floppy ears. • A reptile with a long snout, sharp teeth, and a tough, scaly hide. • A horse-like animal with black and white stripes, native to Africa. • A small amphibian with long hind legs that can jump long distances. • ...
Animals 2023-07-07
- Fastest land runner
- Striped wild animal
- Colourful talkative pet
- King of the jungle
- Likes to chase mice
- Produces wool
- Strong and hairy primate
- Giant sea creature
- bird with excellent
- boxing king
- Tall animal with a long neck
- Largest land mammal
- smart sea animal
- Man's best friend
- Swinging primate
- Produces milk
- symmetrical wing pattern. Does the same job as a bee
- Basically an alligator
- Always stands on only 1 leg
- slithery creature without legs which are sometimes venomous
- Creates honey
- Cute bear that eats bamboo
- animal that pulls carriages
- Basically a crocodile
- creates small colonies underground
- Nocturnal bird known for its wisdom and silent flight
- black and white bear
- Bird that can't fly
- Striped animal that looks like a horse
- 8 legged sea creature
30 Clues: boxing king • Produces wool • Creates honey • Produces milk • smart sea animal • Swinging primate • Man's best friend • King of the jungle • Giant sea creature • Fastest land runner • Striped wild animal • Likes to chase mice • bird with excellent • Largest land mammal • Bird that can't fly • black and white bear • Basically a crocodile • 8 legged sea creature • Basically an alligator • ...
Animals 2023-07-07
- Fastest land runner
- animal that pulls carriages
- Swinging primate
- Panda panda Small panda
- Strong and hairy primate
- Striped animal that looks like a horse
- Creates honey
- Giant sea creature
- Produces wool
- creates small colonies underground
- Tall animal with a long neck
- Likes to chase mice
- Produces milk
- Colourful talkative pet
- slithery creature without legs which are sometimes venomous
- Nocturnal bird known for its wisdom and silent flight
- Man's best friend
- King of the jungle
- boxing king
- Striped wild animal
- Basically an alligator
- Cute bear that eats bamboo
- bird with excellent
- smart sea animal
- Largest land mammal
- Basically a crocodile
- symmetrical wing pattern. Does the same job as a bee
- black and white bear
- Always stands on only 1 leg
- 8 legged sea creature
- Bird that can't fly
31 Clues: boxing king • Creates honey • Produces wool • Produces milk • Swinging primate • smart sea animal • Man's best friend • Giant sea creature • King of the jungle • Fastest land runner • Striped wild animal • bird with excellent • Largest land mammal • Likes to chase mice • Bird that can't fly • black and white bear • Basically a crocodile • 8 legged sea creature • Basically an alligator • ...
Animals 2023-07-07
- Panda panda Small panda
- Tall animal with a long neck
- Cute bear that eats bamboo
- Swinging primate
- black and white bear
- smart sea animal
- Produces milk
- boxing king
- slithery creature without legs which are sometimes venomous
- symmetrical wing pattern. Does the same job as a bee
- creates small colonies underground
- 8 legged sea creature
- bird with excellent
- Striped animal that looks like a horse
- Bird that can't fly
- Produces wool
- Striped wild animal
- Man's best friend
- Always stands on only 1 leg
- Basically an alligator
- Colourful talkative pet
- King of the jungle
- Basically a crocodile
- Fastest land runner
- Strong and hairy primate
- Largest land mammal
- Giant sea creature
- Likes to chase mice
- animal that pulls carriages
- Super Bowl
- Creates honey
- Fifa
- Nocturnal bird known for its wisdom and silent flight
34 Clues: NBA • Fifa • Super Bowl • boxing king • Produces wool • Produces milk • Creates honey • Swinging primate • smart sea animal • Man's best friend • King of the jungle • Giant sea creature • Bird that can't fly • Striped wild animal • Fastest land runner • Largest land mammal • Likes to chase mice • bird with excellent • black and white bear • Basically a crocodile • 8 legged sea creature • Basically an alligator • ...
Animals 2023-08-09
- An equine with black and white stripes that lives in savannas.
- A green hopping insect that chirps on warm summer evenings.
- A black and white seabird that lives in cold climates.
- A nimble animal that lives in trees and climbs around.
- A spotted feline that blends into the jungle.
- A graceful white bird that swims in lakes and rivers.
- An Australian marsupial that loves to eat eucalyptus leaves.
- A bear with black and white fur that lives in China.
- A pet that purrs and loves to play with yarn.
- A large reptile that lives in water and on land.
- A hopping marsupial with long back legs.
- A desert animal with a hump and feet adapted for sand.
- A clever animal with a bushy tail.
- A big, furry animal that lives in the forest and loves honey.
- Feathered creatures that fly in the sky, like songbirds.
- A farm animal with wool that is sheared to make clothes.
- A small amphibian that hops on lily pads.
- A farm animal that lays eggs and goes "cluck cluck."
- The king of the jungle, with a big mane and a powerful roar.
- A giant gray animal with a long trunk for eating and drinking.
- A marine mammal that swims and lives on icebergs.
- A smart marine mammal that jumps out of the water.
- A large animal with a horn on its nose.
- A small mollusk that carries its shell on its back.
- Tiny insects that work together to build colonies.
- A fierce feline with orange and black stripes.
- A mammal with a long neck that eats leaves from tall trees.
- A big bird of prey with broad wings and sharp talons.
- A furry friend that barks and protects you.
- A colorful bird that mimics sounds and talks.
30 Clues: A clever animal with a bushy tail. • A large animal with a horn on its nose. • A hopping marsupial with long back legs. • A small amphibian that hops on lily pads. • A furry friend that barks and protects you. • A spotted feline that blends into the jungle. • A pet that purrs and loves to play with yarn. • A colorful bird that mimics sounds and talks. • ...
Animals 2023-07-29
- A strong and fierce animal that lives in the jungle. It is known as the "king of the jungle."
- A tall animal with a long neck and spots on its body. It eats leaves from tall trees.
- Extinct creatures that lived millions of years ago. Some were as big as buildings.
- A large animal with tough, thick skin and a horn on its nose.
- A small mammal with long ears and a fluffy tail. It hops and eats carrots.
- A big, furry animal that hibernates during winter. It loves to eat fish and berries.
- A playful animal that swings on trees and eats bananas. It has a long tail.
- A fluffy animal with a thick coat of wool. It says "baa" and is often seen on farms.
- A wild cat with beautiful stripes on its fur. It hunts for food in the jungle.
- A giant, gray animal with a long trunk and big ears. It loves to eat leaves and fruits.
- A domestic animal with four legs that gives us milk. It has spots or patches on its body.
- Small creatures with six legs, like ants, bees, and butterflies.
- A cute animal with whiskers and sharp claws. It likes to sleep and catch mice.
- A colorful bird that can imitate human speech. It loves to repeat words and phrases.
- A cute bird that cannot fly but swims in the water. It looks like it's wearing a tuxedo.
- A friendly animal with four legs and a wagging tail. They are often kept as pets.
- A long, slithery reptile with no legs. Some snakes are venomous.
- A flying insect that collects nectar from flowers to make honey. It lives in beehives.
- A tiny animal with a long tail. It likes to eat cheese and lives in small holes.
- Animals that live in water and use gills to breathe. They come in many colors and sizes.
20 Clues: A large animal with tough, thick skin and a horn on its nose. • Small creatures with six legs, like ants, bees, and butterflies. • A long, slithery reptile with no legs. Some snakes are venomous. • A small mammal with long ears and a fluffy tail. It hops and eats carrots. • A playful animal that swings on trees and eats bananas. It has a long tail. • ...
animals 2023-08-15
- meow
- moo
- the fastest bird
- I wanna ----- for Christmas
- pink barnyard animal
- has a long neck
- king of the jungle
- you swing it in baseball
- mans best friend
- rhymes with hole
- sprays smelly spray
- unicorn of the sea
- rib it
- black and white with stripes
- fastest cat alive
- they huddle in antarctica
- who who
- eagle symbol of united states
- quack quack
- unwanted in your house
20 Clues: moo • meow • rib it • who who • quack quack • has a long neck • the fastest bird • mans best friend • rhymes with hole • fastest cat alive • unicorn of the sea • king of the jungle • sprays smelly spray • pink barnyard animal • unwanted in your house • you swing it in baseball • they huddle in antarctica • I wanna ----- for Christmas • black and white with stripes • eagle symbol of united states
Animals 2023-08-17
- Only mammal capable of flight
- Howls at the moon
- Biggest sea creature
- Bird that represents knowledge
- Slowest animal on earth
- Has sharp fangs and slithers on the ground
- Uses their stink spray to ward off predators
- Has a long trunk or snout
- Known for their spitting
- Man's best friend
- King of the jungle
- Has the longest neck in the world
- Builds dams
- White and black farm animal
- Carries its baby in their pouch
- Has 8 limbs
- Largest and heaviest species of deer
- Able to camouflage
- Has nine lives
- Neither from Guinea nor is a pig
20 Clues: Builds dams • Has 8 limbs • Has nine lives • Howls at the moon • Man's best friend • Able to camouflage • King of the jungle • Biggest sea creature • Slowest animal on earth • Known for their spitting • Has a long trunk or snout • White and black farm animal • Only mammal capable of flight • Bird that represents knowledge • Carries its baby in their pouch • Neither from Guinea nor is a pig • ...
Animals 2023-07-05
- farm animal with a beak
- Spotty fast
- Nayyyy
- bah
- Night dog
- Pink farm animal
- Alvin
- 8 legs
- Big munching hip
- Buff
- Flys eat rodent
- venomous creatures
- Mythical
- Sea creature small
- slippery scaly
- likes nuts climbs trees
- Humans evolved from them
- chases mice
- Slimy slow
- Type of fish
- venomous type of snake
- Farm animal with horn
- Lake type of duck
- Swamp
- 4 legs mammal trods antlers
- Ink
- Lake
- Sleeps during day
- Sword
- eats bamboo
- jumpy
- Money snip snip
- puff poisonous
- Flys
- Dangerous sharp teeth sea
- Swamp
- Black bird
- patch Australia jumpy
- Aggressive
- Flappy Dino sort of
- stripy
- sting
- Eats mice hunts at night
- 2 arms 2 legs ears and hair
- rex. Roar
- Massive sea creature
- House rodent
- Orange wild creature
- man’s best friend
49 Clues: bah • Ink • Lake • Flys • Buff • Sword • jumpy • Alvin • Swamp • sting • Swamp • Nayyyy • 8 legs • stripy • Mythical • Night dog • Black bird • Aggressive • Slimy slow • Spotty fast • eats bamboo • chases mice • rex. Roar • Type of fish • House rodent • puff poisonous • slippery scaly • Money snip snip • Flys eat rodent • Pink farm animal • Big munching hip • Sleeps during day • Lake type of duck • man’s best friend • venomous creatures • ...
animals 2023-07-19
24 Clues: hiu • sapi • ayam • unta • ular • kuda • buaya • singa • elang • tupai • bebek • tikus • gajah • domba • semut • kerbau • monyet • jerafah • beruang • harimau • kangguru • kelelawar • kura-kura • lumba-lumba
Animals ! 2024-01-20
30 Clues: ours • chat • lion • aigle • tigre • singe • poule • chien • vache • crabe • cheval • tortue • lézard • cochon • requin • serpent • giraffe • dauphin • baleine • abeille • pieuvre • fourmis • papillon • araignée • éléphant • chouette • pingouin • crocodile • grenouille • poisson rouge
ANIMALS 2023-09-29
- hangs upside down
- slithers and is venomous
- has 8 legs and makes webs
- eats seed and worms and goes "tweet"
- has black spots and runs at 50-80 mph
- eats bananas and swings with its tail
- moves its head at 270 degrees and has bright eyes
- has a fluffy tail and eats acorns
- has a long neck
- an's best friend
- eats grass and makes the noise "moo"
- slides across the ice with its tummy
- has a trunk
- big, brown, and furry
- has a hard shell on its back and lays eggs in the sand
- has sharp teeth and swims in the ocean
- like a horse and its black and white
- has 4 wings and lands on flowers
- two lumps on its back and walks on sand
- jumps when it runs and sits on its tail
- runs during races
- something that you eat lays eggs
- likes to chase mice
- is green and jumps on lily pads
- has two long ears and hops
- loves to eat bamboo
- is small and grey loves to eat leaves on trees
27 Clues: has a trunk • has a long neck • an's best friend • hangs upside down • runs during races • likes to chase mice • loves to eat bamboo • big, brown, and furry • slithers and is venomous • has 8 legs and makes webs • has two long ears and hops • is green and jumps on lily pads • has 4 wings and lands on flowers • something that you eat lays eggs • has a fluffy tail and eats acorns • ...
animals 2024-01-05
20 Clues: wąsy • łapa • krab • bóbr • sowa • struś • rekin • pióro • futro • dziób • pazury • płetwa • kangur • muszla • wielbłąd • skrzydło • szympans • nietoperz • ośmiornica • niedźwiedź polarny
Animals 2023-10-31
- An enclosed space for poultry, like chickens or hens.
- A building for housing horses or other livestock.
- A compartment or enclosure for an individual animal, like a horse or cow.
- A transparent tank or container for keeping fish and aquatic animals.
- A large enclosure for keeping and displaying birds.
- A structure created by spiders to catch prey.
- A bird's home where eggs are laid and chicks are raised.
- A glass enclosure designed for keeping small reptiles or amphibians.
- A network of tunnels and burrows where rabbits live.
- A group of animals living together, such as ants or penguins.
- A container or enclosed area for housing and observing live animals or plants.
- A fenced area for confining livestock or horses.
- A hidden animal den or shelter.
- A dwelling for bees where they live and produce honey.
- A shelter or place where dogs are kept.
- A place where cats are bred, housed, or boarded.
- A hole or tunnel dug in the ground for habitation by small animals.
- The dwelling place of certain predatory animals like bears or wolves.
- A small structure where animals, like sheep or goats, are kept.
- A place where birds rest or sleep, typically high off the ground.
20 Clues: A hidden animal den or shelter. • A shelter or place where dogs are kept. • A structure created by spiders to catch prey. • A fenced area for confining livestock or horses. • A place where cats are bred, housed, or boarded. • A building for housing horses or other livestock. • A large enclosure for keeping and displaying birds. • ...
ANIMALS 2023-11-02
- Man's best friend
- has 8 legs
- delicious to eat
- jumping insect
- Large marsupial
- small parasites
- fastest land animal
- jumping amphibian
- largest animal
- honey-eating mammal
- Has a trunk
- cat's enemy
- most feared fish
- huge lizard living in rivers
- Likes to chase mice
- small bird living in house roofs
- can change its color to mimic its surroundings
- long neck
- Flying mammal
- jumping mammal
20 Clues: long neck • has 8 legs • cat's enemy • Has a trunk • Flying mammal • jumping insect • jumping mammal • largest animal • Large marsupial • small parasites • most feared fish • delicious to eat • Man's best friend • jumping amphibian • Likes to chase mice • fastest land animal • honey-eating mammal • huge lizard living in rivers • small bird living in house roofs • ...
Animals 2023-11-13
- Like to swing
- Make a jacket from it
- Orange or gray
- Carry people
- Man's best friend
- Like to swim
- Used in a sport
- Live in mountains
- Big dog
- Can fly
- Have a shell
- Black and white
- Big cat
- Chubby cheeks
- Very tiny
- Have a trunk
- bear Live in cold
- Like mud
- They roar
- Very tall
- Lay eggs
- Very fast
- Can hunt them and make jerky from them
- Like to hop
- Like trash
25 Clues: Big dog • Can fly • Big cat • Like mud • Lay eggs • They roar • Very tall • Very fast • Very tiny • Like trash • Like to hop • Have a trunk • Carry people • Like to swim • Have a shell • Like to swing • Chubby cheeks • Orange or gray • Used in a sport • Black and white • bear Live in cold • Man's best friend • Live in mountains • Make a jacket from it • Can hunt them and make jerky from them
Animals 2023-11-04
35 Clues: hai • ahv • lehm • koer • hani • part • hiir • orav • hunt • kala • siil • karu • kass • kits • lõvi • siga • panda • jänes • eesel • sebra • tiiger • kalkun • hobune • lammas • kaamel • rebane • papagoi • elevant • känguru • hamster • gorilla • pingviin • krokodill • ninasarvik • kaelkirjak
-Animals 2023-10-30
- king of the jungle
- pink, tall, three toed, long legs
- bloodsuckers
- lands tallest animals brown patterns, long lashes
- devil fish, eight tentacles
- they change colors
- honey lovers
- lands largest animal
- puppy of the sea
- twinkle twinle little...
- you see their twins in the circus
- heartless, brainless, boneless
- stripes, stripes, stripes, black and white!
- mans best friend
- tree lovers, hole makers
- they love the heat
- do not talk of they will never stop talking
- yarn lovers
- one flower to the next makes the best honey
- snakes of the sea
20 Clues: yarn lovers • bloodsuckers • honey lovers • mans best friend • puppy of the sea • snakes of the sea • king of the jungle • they love the heat • they change colors • lands largest animal • tree lovers, hole makers • twinkle twinle little... • devil fish, eight tentacles • heartless, brainless, boneless • you see their twins in the circus • pink, tall, three toed, long legs • ...
Animals 2023-11-03
- has 8 tentacles
- is the king of the jungle
- Has a long neck
- has black and white stripes
- has black stripes and looks like a cat
- likes blood and lives in water
- is a house pet that has claws
- Winnie the pooh
- has black spots
- is from Shrek
- Swims in water and is slimy
- eats bananas
- bacon
- Saddle goes on it
- has 2 big ears and a trunk
- eats bamboo
- is a trash bandit
- make eggs
- it flies and chirps
- it barks
20 Clues: bacon • it barks • make eggs • eats bamboo • eats bananas • is from Shrek • has 8 tentacles • Has a long neck • Winnie the pooh • has black spots • Saddle goes on it • is a trash bandit • it flies and chirps • is the king of the jungle • has 2 big ears and a trunk • Swims in water and is slimy • has black and white stripes • is a house pet that has claws • likes blood and lives in water • ...
Animals 2023-12-06
- Colour changer
- Pulls Santas sleigh
- It sleeps tonight
- Eats algae for its colour
- Warms their tummies with morning sun
- Limb regrower
- Speedy
- Mans best friend
- The mimic
- Australian tree bear
- Eyelidless
- The five legged
- The slow
- Flightless native
- Dinosaurs last decendants
- Poisionous dessert dweller
- Brain regenerator
- Largest land animal
- Monkeys underwater
- Dares to eat the kiwi eggs
- Most posionous fish
- The fat pidgeon
- The prickly
- Biggest bear
- The biggest
- Three hearted
- Apperance differs underwater
- Nocturnal underwater creature.
- Wagon puller
- Australian hopper
- Totally different
- Four can take out an Alligator
- Easily identiviable
- Muddy muddy
- A living stick
- Garbage lover
- Aquatic unicorn
- Tusk haver
39 Clues: Speedy • The slow • HONK HONK • The mimic • Eyelidless • Tusk haver • The prickly • The biggest • Muddy muddy • Biggest bear • Wagon puller • Limb regrower • Three hearted • Garbage lover • Colour changer • A living stick • The fat pidgeon • The five legged • Aquatic unicorn • Mans best friend • It sleeps tonight • Australian hopper • Totally different • Flightless native • Brain regenerator • Monkeys underwater • ...
animals 2023-12-08
animals 2023-12-08
animals 2023-11-15
- I'm only awake at night, I can howl
- I'm orange, and I have black stripes, and and my man is a lion
- I am the world's most dangerous animal, I have long teeth
- most people have me, but I'm not a cat
- miav miav
- I look like a star and live in the sea
- ist a zodiac sign and I don’t have bones
- I sleep in the day and awake at night
- I like rolling in muddy pool
- I can jump on my tail
- I'm really big
- I live in the sea, and I'm blue, and I love fish
- I have antlers and I pack animal
- I live in the forest, and I'm the same animal as Winnie the pooh
- panda, I'm a panda, but I'm red
- I live in Australia, and I have thick fur
- the cats eats me, and I have a long tail
- I have really sharp teeth, and I live in the sea
- when people think on me, they think I'm green, and I can jump and live in lake
- if you touch me, it will hurt you, and I live in the sea, and I'm red/orange
- big cat
- I weigh about 150,000 kg, and I live in the sea
- I'm dark green and live in a lake, and I'm really dangerous
- I can fly, and I say pip pip
- I live in burrow under the ground, and I eat meat
- I'm long, and I have toxin in my teeth
- I have 8 arms, and I live in the sea, and when I'm scared, I use ink to get away
- I have a long neck
- I'm white and can be black and brown, I say mæææææ I'm
- I like carrots, and I can jump high
- I have blacks' blotch, and I can run really really fast
- I eat bamboo, and I am white and black
- I live in the sea, and I'm green
- I'm black and white and have stripes
- I live in the rainforest and trees and I climb
- I live in the trees, and I'm really fast, and I can be orange, brown and black
- you can ride on me, and I like apples and carrots
37 Clues: big cat • miav miav • I'm really big • I have a long neck • I can jump on my tail • I can fly, and I say pip pip • I like rolling in muddy pool • panda, I'm a panda, but I'm red • I live in the sea, and I'm green • I have antlers and I pack animal • I'm only awake at night, I can howl • I like carrots, and I can jump high • I'm black and white and have stripes • ...
Animals 2023-12-05
animals 2023-12-12
20 Clues: wool • croak • tall neck • lays eggs • big shrimp • eats bread • chases mice • king julian • pointy nose • bigger mouse • waddle waddle • gobble gobble • live on beaches • mans best friend • big eyed reptile • not an alligator • killed Steve Irwin • ..... in a half shell • invasive fish species • in the trees outside the club
Animals 2023-11-29
20 Clues: Oso • Pez • Rana • Mono • Gato • León • Tigre • Perro • Pájaro • Jirafa • Delfín • Conejo • Caballo • Canguro • Tortuga • Elefante • Pingüino • Mariposa • Cocodrilo • Serpiente
Animals 2023-11-17
- important PNW fish
- Whisenhunt's favorite internet cat
- Allister's favorite dog
- striped; refused to be tamed or domesticated many times over history
- wanderer in zoos; tail feathers are a big deal
- often a pet; illegal in California
- fishing bait; 5 hearts
- scaly; cold-blooded; some change color
- he tried hard in a fairy tale from Angola
- human's best friend
- an amphibian, not a frog or toad
- the first PNW bird to find your feeder!
- slithery and scary to many
- so sleepy; so slow
- can chomp a boat in half - for real
- eats ants
- has spots; big kitty
- a cartilage fish
- matriarchal; very intelligent; pachyderm
- very tall
- WA's state bird
- a cousin of wolves
- an animal that purrs
- fuzzy; cottontail
24 Clues: eats ants • very tall • WA's state bird • a cartilage fish • fuzzy; cottontail • important PNW fish • so sleepy; so slow • a cousin of wolves • human's best friend • has spots; big kitty • an animal that purrs • fishing bait; 5 hearts • Allister's favorite dog • slithery and scary to many • an amphibian, not a frog or toad • Whisenhunt's favorite internet cat • often a pet; illegal in California • ...
animals 2023-09-05
- common rodents that store acorns
- cephalopod known for its intelligence
- spiky echinoderm
- a scaled, armored mammal
- Australian gliding marsupial
- animal known for its long trunk
- rodent known for having soft fur
- egg laying mammal named for a mythological figure
- amphibian known for its regenerative abilities
- inappropriate looking clam
- Animal known for its short trunk
- a deep sea fish that some consider unsettling
- dangerous African herbivore
- large Australian bird
- second largest filter feeder
- African antelope
- animal controlled by a popular superhero
- large prey animal ridden by humans
- distinctive bear native to Asia
- large "killer" cetacean
20 Clues: African antelope • spiky echinoderm • large Australian bird • large "killer" cetacean • a scaled, armored mammal • inappropriate looking clam • dangerous African herbivore • second largest filter feeder • Australian gliding marsupial • distinctive bear native to Asia • animal known for its long trunk • Animal known for its short trunk • common rodents that store acorns • ...
animals 2023-09-08
23 Clues: ikan • paus • kuda • unta • rusa • katak • bebek • badak • domba • kucing • komodo • burung • anjing • kelinci • merpati • kambing • keledai • kuda nil • kangguru • kupu-kupu • kura-kura • lumba-lumba • ayam betina
Animals 2023-09-24
- At dusk, hippo leave their watery daytime spot
- Provide a critical food source for birds, fish, snakes, and wildlife,
- mainly feed on plants and anime with limited movement
- Ride and transport
- use a section method to suck up crustaceans
- Hunt at night
- Keeping populations of producers in check
- feed in the morning and evening and spend most of the day resting under cover along the banks
- chase mice
- Adept runners, climbers, and swimmers
- eat anything that passes by
- Eating fish they help create balance in food chain
- Climb down to the ground tomove between trees
- Spend about half of the day eating
- Maintaining healthy ecosystems
- They hisses
- Picks stuff with there trunks
- Prefer to eat large hoofed mammals
- Eat grass and other low growing vegetables
- Raised for their meat, milk, or hides or for draft purposes
20 Clues: chase mice • They hisses • Hunt at night • Ride and transport • eat anything that passes by • Picks stuff with there trunks • Maintaining healthy ecosystems • Spend about half of the day eating • Prefer to eat large hoofed mammals • Adept runners, climbers, and swimmers • Keeping populations of producers in check • Eat grass and other low growing vegetables • ...
ANIMALS 2023-09-24
- What animal has a mighty roar and sharp claws?
- What bird is known for its ability to mimic human speech?
- What bird is a symbol of strength and freedom?
- What bird is known for its speed and hunting skills?
- What animal is a big cat that is known for its spotted coat?
- What animal is known for its intelligence and playful nature?
- What animal is the fastest land animal?
- What animal is a flightless bird that lives in cold climates?
- What bird is known for its down feathers and honking sound?
- What animal wears a black and white striped coat?
- What marine animal is a predator with sharp teeth and a powerful tail?
- What animal has a pouch on its stomach where it carries its young?
- What animal is often used for transportation and recreation?
- What bird is known for its bright red breast and cheerful song?
- What bird is known for its webbed feet and quacking sound?
- What animal eats bamboo and has black and white fur?
- What animal is a great ape that is known for its playful nature?
- What bird is the largest bird in the world and cannot fly?
- What animal is a good source of milk and meat?
- What bird is nocturnal and has excellent eyesight?
- What animal has no legs and slithers on the ground?
- What animal lives in a colony and works together to build its nest and gather food?
- What animal lives in a pack and howls at the moon?
- What animal has wings and can soar through the sky?
- What animal has a long trunk and tusks to help it eat?
- What animal is the largest cat in the Americas?
- What animal has wings and goes through a metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a pupa to an adult?
- What marine animal has a shell that protects it from predators?
- What animal stands tall with a long neck?
- What animal is an amphibian that has a long tail and can sometimes regenerate lost limbs?
- What marine animal has a gelatinous body and tentacles?
- What animal is an amphibian that can live in both water and on land?
- What animal pollinates flowers and produces honey?
- What marine animal has eight tentacles and can change its color?
- What marine animal is the largest mammal in the world?
- What animal has a thick horn on its nose?
- What bird is the second-largest bird in the world and cannot fly?
- What animal is known as man's best friend?
- What animal is the largest ape and is known for its strength?
- What animal hibernates in the winter?
- What marine animal is known for its intelligence and playful nature?
- What bird is known for its beautiful plumage?
- What animal spends most of its time in the water but gives birth on land?
- What animal eats eucalyptus leaves and is known for its cuddly appearance?
- What animal swims like a dolphin and looks like a fish?
- What animal is the king of the jungle?
- What animal is known for its intelligence and playful nature?
- What animal has eight legs and spins webs to catch its prey?
- What animal is known for its independence and love of napping?
49 Clues: What animal hibernates in the winter? • What animal is the king of the jungle? • What animal is the fastest land animal? • What animal stands tall with a long neck? • What animal has a thick horn on its nose? • What animal is known as man's best friend? • What bird is known for its beautiful plumage? • What animal has a mighty roar and sharp claws? • ...
Animals 2023-12-14
- Jumps up 15 feet up in the air
- Has a trunk
- Moves very slow
- Large marsupial
- Lives in the Pacific Ocean
- Hunt fish
- Man's best friend
- Lives in the zoo
- Hops all day long
- Lives in a cage
- Runs realy fast all day long
- Lives in the sea
- Swims in ponds
- Sleeps in the day
- Likes to chase mice
- Climbs like crazy
- Eats a lot of bame boo
- Galups every day
- Eats garbage
- Flying mammal
20 Clues: Hunt fish • Has a trunk • Eats garbage • Flying mammal • Swims in ponds • Lives in a cage • Moves very slow • Large marsupial • Lives in the sea • Galups every day • Lives in the zoo • Sleeps in the day • Climbs like crazy • Man's best friend • Hops all day long • Likes to chase mice • Eats a lot of bame boo • Lives in the Pacific Ocean • Runs realy fast all day long • Jumps up 15 feet up in the air
Animals 2023-12-21
- Lives in the North Pole and is small and fluffy
- Water creature with fin and blow hole
- Likes yarn
- Sharp teeth, lives in water, can bite you hard and eats fish
- Produces milk farm animal
- You can ride on it, Don't FALL!
- Can turn its head all the way around
- Our state bird
- Christmas deer
- Big main, lives in Africa
- Large beak with webbed feet
- Is fat and loves bamboo
- Could be super fluffy, usually cute, and loves to play fetch
- Likes mud, eats scraps
- Striped creature with sharp teeth
- lays eggs
- underwater sea creature with a home on its back
- GINORMOUS sea creature
- Big tail, sly
- Big and brown
20 Clues: lays eggs • Likes yarn • Big tail, sly • Big and brown • Our state bird • Christmas deer • Likes mud, eats scraps • GINORMOUS sea creature • Is fat and loves bamboo • Big main, lives in Africa • Produces milk farm animal • Large beak with webbed feet • You can ride on it, Don't FALL! • Striped creature with sharp teeth • Can turn its head all the way around • ...