animals Crossword Puzzles

animals 2022-11-10

animals crossword puzzle
  1. Ilves
  2. Mäger
  3. naarits
  4. siil
  5. hüljes
  6. kits
  7. öökull
  8. põder
  9. hani
  10. Saarmas
  1. ahm
  2. luik
  3. lendorav
  4. kobras
  5. karu
  6. jäälind
  7. jänes
  8. nahkhiir
  9. metssiga
  10. rästik
  11. rebane

21 Clues: ahmluikkarusiilkitshaniIlvesMägerjänespõderkobrashüljesöökullrästikrebanenaaritsjäälindSaarmaslendoravnahkhiirmetssiga

Animals 2022-11-09

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Known as a fast and hairy animal
  2. Known as a berry eater
  3. A Animal who likes to bark
  4. Known as Sea eagle
  5. Known as a simp and a harami
  6. Known as a animal that produce milk for us
  7. Known as a animal that lives in the sea
  8. Known as a big part of the cat family
  9. Likes to chase mice and loves to play
  10. Known as a bug with colorful wings
  11. Known for a fast pony
  1. Known as a banana eater
  2. Known as apes
  3. Known as calling their friend its name
  4. Known as for the funny pictures
  5. Known as a wild animal
  6. Known as a winter animal
  7. Known for their long neck
  8. Known as a animal that also lives in the sea. It has legs that they use to swin with
  9. Known as a cute little house pet
  10. Known as a desert animal. Example like the Arab Desert
  11. Known for its long trunk

22 Clues: Known as apesKnown as Sea eagleKnown for a fast ponyKnown as a berry eaterKnown as a wild animalKnown as a banana eaterKnown as a winter animalKnown for its long trunkKnown for their long neckA Animal who likes to barkKnown as a simp and a haramiKnown as for the funny picturesKnown as a fast and hairy animalKnown as a cute little house pet...

Animals 2022-11-11

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. ocikomsis
  2. paskwâwimostos
  3. ankwacas
  4. kinepik
  5. mikisow
  6. ôhô
  7. maskwa
  8. miskinâhk
  9. mahkesîs
  1. kâkwa
  2. mahihkan
  3. niska
  4. atim
  5. wâpos
  6. âmô
  7. mistatim
  8. wâwâskesiw
  9. pîyesîs
  10. pisiw
  11. kinosew

20 Clues: âmôôhôatimkâkwaniskawâpospisiwmaskwakinepikmikisowpîyesîskinosewmahihkanankwacasmistatimmahkesîsocikomsismiskinâhkwâwâskesiwpaskwâwimostos

animals 2022-10-11

animals crossword puzzle
  1. a eight legged insect that spins webs
  2. Large marsupial
  3. a baby cat
  4. Man's best friend
  5. this animal is very very very fast but gets tired very fast
  6. Big cats with black coats
  7. Long hair on the neck of '2 down'
  8. A big, strong farm animal
  9. Flying mammal
  1. Has a trunk
  2. a big cat with black stripes
  3. It looks like a horse with long ears
  4. a reptile that looks like a crocodile
  5. A female chicken
  6. i am a bird not like the rest and i live in a rain forest
  7. They live in the sea, in rivers and in lakes
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. The female of '5 down'
  10. we are not a human, not a rock, not a tree what am i?
  11. An animal raised for its meat and wool
  12. this animal is not like the others it doesn't have fur or paws but has hands what am i?

21 Clues: a baby catHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialA female chickenMan's best friendLikes to chase miceThe female of '5 down'Big cats with black coatsA big, strong farm animala big cat with black stripesLong hair on the neck of '2 down'It looks like a horse with long earsa eight legged insect that spins websa reptile that looks like a crocodile...

animals 2022-10-07

animals crossword puzzle
  1. used for meat
  2. baby cat
  3. baby deer
  4. baby goat
  5. feed to horses
  6. female horse
  7. female deer
  8. baby dog
  9. male chicken
  10. lays eggs
  11. male pig
  12. male deer
  13. female sheep
  1. dual purpose bird for meat and eggs
  2. used to make milk
  3. thanksgiving dinner
  4. used for wool
  5. baby cow
  6. baby kangaroo
  7. wild bird that lives in the city
  8. female pig
  9. male sheep
  10. used to pull carts
  11. baby horse
  12. used for honey
  13. used for leather

26 Clues: baby catbaby cowbaby dogmale pigbaby deerbaby goatlays eggsmale deerfemale pigmale sheepbaby horsefemale deerfemale horsemale chickenfemale sheepused for meatused for woolbaby kangaroofeed to horsesused for honeyused for leatherused to make milkused to pull cartsthanksgiving dinnerwild bird that lives in the citydual purpose bird for meat and eggs

Animals 2022-10-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
  2. I can find her pet…..
  3. it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
  4. The cat runs… catch the mouse
  5. snake is…’s dangerous
  6. The hen cannot ……high
  7. The synonym of small is ……
  8. tiger is a……. animal
  9. The synonym of beautifully
  1. it eats bamboo
  2. the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
  3. the animal live……in the zoo.
  4. My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
  5. It is the biggest land animal
  6. Feather the bird has…..feather.
  7. The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
  8. Camel is animal….on desert
  9. Zebra lives in the……..
  10. cat is a …..animal
  11. A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)

20 Clues: it eats bamboocat is a …..animaltiger is a……. animalI can find her pet…..The hen cannot ……highZebra lives in the……..snake is…’s dangerousCamel is animal….on desertThe synonym of small is ……The synonym of beautifullythe animal live……in the zoo.It is the biggest land animalFeather the bird has…..feather.The cat runs… catch the mouse...

Animals 2022-10-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
  2. snake is…’s dangerous
  3. Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
  4. it eats bamboo
  5. The synonym of beautifully
  6. tiger is a……. animal
  7. the animal live……in the zoo.
  8. Feather the bird has…..feather.
  9. I can find her pet…..
  10. A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
  1. the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
  2. Zebra lives in the……..
  3. The synonym of small is ……
  4. The cat runs… catch the mouse
  5. The hen cannot ……high
  6. cat is a …..animal
  7. The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
  8. My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
  9. Camel is animal….on desert
  10. It is the biggest land animal

20 Clues: it eats bamboocat is a …..animaltiger is a……. animalThe hen cannot ……highI can find her pet…..Zebra lives in the……..snake is…’s dangerousThe synonym of small is ……The synonym of beautifullyCamel is animal….on desertthe animal live……in the zoo.It is the biggest land animalFeather the bird has…..feather.The cat runs… catch the mouse...

Animals 2022-10-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. The hen cannot ……high
  2. the animal live……in the zoo.
  3. it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
  4. snake is…’s dangerous
  5. The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
  6. cat is a …..animal
  7. The cat runs… catch the mouse
  8. The synonym of small is ……
  9. The synonym of beautifully
  1. It is the biggest land animal
  2. tiger is a……. animal
  3. I can find her pet…..
  4. Feather the bird has…..feather.
  5. the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
  6. Zebra lives in the……..
  7. it eats bamboo
  8. My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
  9. Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
  10. Camel is animal….on desert
  11. A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)

20 Clues: it eats bamboocat is a …..animaltiger is a……. animalThe hen cannot ……highI can find her pet…..Zebra lives in the……..snake is…’s dangerousCamel is animal….on desertThe synonym of small is ……The synonym of beautifullythe animal live……in the zoo.It is the biggest land animalFeather the bird has…..feather.The cat runs… catch the mouse...

Animals 2022-10-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. The cat runs… catch the mouse
  2. the animal live……in the zoo.
  3. it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
  4. tiger is a……. animal
  5. snake is…’s dangerous
  6. the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
  7. cat is a …..animal
  8. The hen cannot ……high
  9. The synonym of beautifully
  1. Feather the bird has…..feather.
  2. Zebra lives in the……..
  3. it eats bamboo
  4. My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
  5. It is the biggest land animal
  6. The synonym of small is ……
  7. Camel is animal….on desert
  8. The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
  9. A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
  10. Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
  11. I can find her pet…..

20 Clues: it eats bamboocat is a …..animaltiger is a……. animalI can find her pet…..The hen cannot ……highZebra lives in the……..snake is…’s dangerousThe synonym of small is ……Camel is animal….on desertThe synonym of beautifullythe animal live……in the zoo.It is the biggest land animalFeather the bird has…..feather.The cat runs… catch the mouse...

Animals 2022-10-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. The mouse …..quickly when the cat want to catch him.
  2. it is good to drink ice because the weather is so…..
  3. Feather the bird has…..feather.
  4. I can find her pet…..
  5. A moveable organ for flying ( one of a pair)
  6. the animal live……in the zoo.
  7. the cat…..the mouse. The cat is running very fast.
  8. cat is a …..animal
  9. My father works in his office. He is…..busy now
  10. The synonym of small is ……
  1. The cat runs… catch the mouse
  2. snake is…’s dangerous
  3. Zebra lives in the……..
  4. It is the biggest land animal
  5. The hen cannot ……high
  6. Camel is animal….on desert
  7. tiger is a……. animal
  8. it eats bamboo
  9. Horse is a strong animals. It can…..heavy things
  10. The synonym of beautifully

20 Clues: it eats bamboocat is a …..animaltiger is a……. animalThe hen cannot ……highI can find her pet…..Zebra lives in the……..snake is…’s dangerousCamel is animal….on desertThe synonym of beautifullyThe synonym of small is ……the animal live……in the zoo.It is the biggest land animalFeather the bird has…..feather.The cat runs… catch the mouse...

Animals 2022-10-27

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. is very small and is red and white
  2. can jump very far and eats insects
  3. is a big fish and is a preditor
  4. a insect with 8 legs
  5. Flying mammal
  6. Likes to chase mice
  7. a very slow reptial
  8. the biggest animal
  9. black and white strips
  10. hunts alone and is small
  11. the fastest animal in the world
  12. king of the jungle
  1. has really good stamina
  2. the closest thing to a real human
  3. the fastest land animal
  4. a very venomous reptial
  5. is very big and is a preditor
  6. orange and blak strips it is also a preditor
  7. Large marsupial
  8. Man's best friend
  9. Has a trunk

21 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendthe biggest animalking of the jungleLikes to chase micea very slow reptiala insect with 8 legsblack and white stripshas really good staminathe fastest land animala very venomous reptialhunts alone and is smallis very big and is a preditoris a big fish and is a preditor...

Animals 2022-09-07

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. lumba-lumba
  2. sapi
  3. beruang
  4. kupu-kupu
  5. kangguru
  6. zebra
  7. tikus
  8. ayam
  9. lebah
  10. ikan
  11. semut
  1. buaya
  2. kuda
  3. jerapah
  4. hiu
  5. pinguin
  6. singa
  7. kelinci
  8. unta
  9. gajah
  10. burung
  11. kucing

22 Clues: hiukudasapiayamuntaikanbuayasingazebratikusgajahlebahsemutburungkucingjerapahberuangpinguinkelincikanggurukupu-kupulumba-lumba

Animals 2022-08-25

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. 蛙 It is green and it makes this sound 'ribbit'.
  2. 馬 It has four legs.
  3. 熊 This animal hibernates in the winter.
  4. 豚 This animal is pink and it makes the this sound: 'oink'.
  5. きりん It has a long neck.
  6. 牛 This animal produces milk.
  7. くも This insect has eight legs. Did you know that these animals don't belong to the insect group, but to the arachnids group?
  8. やぎ Did you know that when they get excited or startled their body stiffens up and it looks like they are fainting?
  9. 鶏 This animal lays eggs.
  10. かたつむり This animal is probably the slowest in the world. It is also slimy!
  11. フクロウ This animal can rotate it's head 270 degrees!
  12. 象 It is big and grey and has a big trunk.
  13. 蟻 This is a very tiny insect, but even though they are small, they can work together like a real champion team and when you found one, usually there are many, many others.
  14. カンガルー The furthest jump recorded is around 12.8 meters from a momentum built up speed.
  1. もぐら They say this animal is blind, right? But they are not blind! They just have tiny eyes behind their fur and it is hard for them to see.
  2. かば It is grey and can be very heavy.
  3. 白鳥 They are one of the largest flying birds.
  4. 犬 It has four legs and bark.
  5. くじゃく Sometimes it has a very beautiful tail.
  6. 鳥 This animal can fly.
  7. オウム Some of these animals can actually talk!
  8. うさぎ This animal belongs to the mammals.
  9. くじら It is one of the biggest animals on the planet!
  10. 猫 Did you know that in 2021 there were around 220 million owned who had this animal at home?
  11. 蜂 It flies and is yellow and black.
  12. 羊 It is white and fluffy.
  13. てんとう虫 Did you know that there are around 6000 different species of this animal?
  14. コアラ Did you know that these animals are herbivorous?

28 Clues: 馬 It has four legs.鳥 This animal can fly.きりん It has a long neck.鶏 This animal lays eggs.羊 It is white and fluffy.犬 It has four legs and bark.牛 This animal produces milk.蜂 It flies and is yellow and black.かば It is grey and can be very heavy.熊 This animal hibernates in the winter.うさぎ This animal belongs to the mammals....

animals 2022-11-22

animals crossword puzzle
  1. 야행성 새
  2. 물속에 사는 다리가 많은 동물
  3. 몸에 얼룩무늬가 있어요
  4. 수족관에서 쇼를 볼 수 있어요
  5. 꼬꼬댁하고 울어요
  6. 코를 손처럼 사용해요
  7. 배주머니에 새끼를 넣고 다녀요
  8. 여자를 비유하는 동물
  9. 남자를 비유하는 동물
  10. 도토리를 좋아해요
  11. 쥐랑 비슷한 애완용으로 키워요
  1. 겨울에 입는 패딩에 털이 들어가요
  2. 엉덩이는 빨개요
  3. 사막에 살아요
  4. 목이 아주 길어요
  5. 사람이랑 비슷한 유인원과
  6. 평야를 빨리 달려요
  7. 꽥꽥
  8. 하늘의 지배자
  9. 별모양으로 생겼어요
  10. 호랑이와 비슷하지만 작고 사나워요
  11. 말이랑 비슷하지만 더 작아요
  12. 어린양

24 Clues: 꽥꽥어린양야행성 새사막에 살아요하늘의 지배자엉덩이는 빨개요목이 아주 길어요꼬꼬댁하고 울어요도토리를 좋아해요평야를 빨리 달려요별모양으로 생겼어요코를 손처럼 사용해요여자를 비유하는 동물남자를 비유하는 동물몸에 얼룩무늬가 있어요사람이랑 비슷한 유인원과말이랑 비슷하지만 더 작아요물속에 사는 다리가 많은 동물수족관에서 쇼를 볼 수 있어요배주머니에 새끼를 넣고 다녀요쥐랑 비슷한 애완용으로 키워요겨울에 입는 패딩에 털이 들어가요호랑이와 비슷하지만 작고 사나워요

Animals 2022-11-17

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Peter
  2. Can turn its head all the way around
  3. lizard that blends in with its surroundings
  4. pull plows
  5. Also called loscut
  6. Female calf
  7. also called swine
  8. Tuna
  9. Tallest animal
  10. on the North Dakota Flag
  11. honey
  12. Mickey
  13. Can go long periods of time without water
  14. A French delicacy
  15. back riding
  16. king of the jungle
  17. k-9
  18. Emperor
  1. turns into a butterfly
  2. beat their wings 90 times per second
  3. has eight tentacles
  4. slow-moving
  5. Eggs come from
  6. Cat
  7. Baabaa
  8. this bird is at every meal
  9. will eat almost anything
  10. largest land animal
  11. Flightless bird
  12. Slow moving animal

30 Clues: Catk-9TunaPeterhoneyBaabaaMickeyEmperorpull plowsslow-movingFemale calfback ridingEggs come fromTallest animalFlightless birdalso called swineA French delicacyAlso called loscutSlow moving animalking of the junglehas eight tentacleslargest land animalturns into a butterflyon the North Dakota Flagwill eat almost anythingthis bird is at every meal...

ANIMALS 2022-11-17

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  2. URSO
  3. POLVO
  8. GALO
  13. COBRA
  14. RATO
  15. MACACO
  17. TIGRE
  1. LULA
  4. GATO
  9. TOURO
  10. GIRAFA
  11. VACA
  12. FOCA
  15. LEÃO
  17. PATO
  19. PERU
  21. CABRA
  23. PORCO


Animals 2017-01-22

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. pääsuke
  2. siil
  3. rebane
  4. rästik
  5. ööbik
  6. nirk
  7. hunt
  8. ilves
  9. kobras
  10. mutt
  11. lõoke
  1. ronk
  2. tuhkur
  3. rähn
  4. konn
  5. luik
  6. kuldnokk
  7. tuvi
  8. saarmas
  9. öökull
  10. mäger
  11. hüljes
  12. toonekurg
  13. põder
  14. jänes

25 Clues: ronkrähnsiilkonnluiktuvinirkhuntmuttööbikmägerilvespõderjäneslõoketuhkurrebanerästiköökullhüljeskobraspääsukesaarmaskuldnokktoonekurg

Animals 2016-09-19

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. It's a mammal of the family Ursidae.
  2. It's a mammal animal that lives in the sea.
  3. It's a mammal that lives in the jungle.
  4. It has a long neck.
  5. Is the biggest reptile.
  6. It doesn't have legs or arms.
  7. They are considered birds but they do not fly.
  8. Sometimes, this animal repeat what you're saying.
  9. It's got long ears.
  1. It's a big bird that eats mouses...
  2. It's typic from Australia.
  3. It's the biggest animal in the ocean.
  4. Man's best friend
  5. It's an animal that normally lives in a farm.
  6. It's a mammal animal that you can ride in it.
  7. It's like a tiger but smaller
  8. It has got a long horn.
  9. It's a mammal animal, he's pink.
  10. Their skin is composed of two different colours.
  11. It's a bird that you will see him at night.

20 Clues: Man's best friendIt has a long neck.It's got long ears.Is the biggest reptile.It has got a long horn.It's typic from Australia.It's like a tiger but smallerIt doesn't have legs or arms.It's a mammal animal, he's pink.It's a big bird that eats mouses...It's a mammal of the family Ursidae.It's the biggest animal in the ocean....

animals. 2016-09-15

animals. crossword puzzle
  1. eats bugs
  2. goes moo!!!
  3. what you eat on thanksgiving
  4. has gills
  5. eat and found in the trash
  6. mostly in the grass
  7. likes cheese
  8. barfs everywhere
  9. eats bamboo
  10. eats hay
  1. eats carets
  2. plays fetch
  3. goes baa!!!
  4. really green
  5. eats fly's
  6. eats nuts
  7. lives in the ground
  8. stings you
  9. eats corn
  10. a big dogs baby
  11. chases mice
  12. nocturnal
  13. has a log tale

23 Clues: eats hayeats bugshas gillseats nutseats cornnocturnaleats fly'sstings youeats caretsplays fetchgoes baa!!!goes moo!!!chases miceeats bambooreally greenlikes cheesehas a log talea big dogs babybarfs everywherelives in the groundmostly in the grasseat and found in the trashwhat you eat on thanksgiving

Animals 2016-12-16

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Mans best friend.
  2. Wives of lions.
  3. Extinct and are ancestors of the elephant.
  4. The name is on shoes and cars.
  5. _____ live in dumpsters and eat everything.
  6. ______ are white and eat crumbs.
  7. There fat and eat peanuts and live in Africa.
  8. A _____ leaves a slimy trail behind it and has a foot.
  9. Eat _____ food and have claws and dogs chase them.
  10. A ______ lives in the ground and digs around
  1. ______ will eat your book, cloths, bed, lamp, soap, glasses.
  2. ________ are bigger than sharks.
  3. They are the kings of the jungle dumb and fat.
  4. Have a long sword just like a swordfish.
  5. Eat penguins and seals.
  6. Lion __________ ______ are carnivores and live on mountains.
  7. The only flying mammal.
  8. ____ are common in the ocean they eat algae and other _____.
  9. turtle _____________ live in the ocean and eat only algae.
  10. King of the pride lands.

20 Clues: Wives of lions.Mans best friend.Eat penguins and seals.The only flying mammal.King of the pride lands.The name is on shoes and cars.________ are bigger than sharks.______ are white and eat crumbs.Have a long sword just like a swordfish.Extinct and are ancestors of the elephant._____ live in dumpsters and eat everything....

ANIMALS 2017-11-27

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. Té el cos retxat.
  2. Mamífer aquàtic, és molt simpàtic i intel·ligent.
  3. És petit, no té ossos i s'arrossega per terra.
  4. Mamífer aquàtic més gran del món.
  5. Com que té una closca molt pesada sempre va a poc a poc.
  6. Millor amic de l'home.
  7. Al trot o al galop, és el mitjà de transport dels indis i vaquers.
  8. Té vuit potes i fa por a molta de gent.
  9. Té les ales grans, colorides i guapes i surt d'un capoll.
  10. Té banyes, taques i fa muu...
  11. Els vespre d'estiu no ens deixa dormir.
  1. Quan vagis a nedar ves alerta que alomillor et pica.
  2. Ós gran, blanc i negre que menja bambú.
  3. És el rei de la selva i té una gran melena.
  4. Pon ous i a l'escola en tenim.
  5. Té moltes dents, és llarg i viu a l'aigua.
  6. És l'animal que té el coll més llarg.
  7. És molt gran, té les orelles molt grans, viu a Àfrica i té trompa.
  8. Viu al mar, és vermell o marró i camina de costat.
  9. És un felí que molts tenim a casa.

20 Clues: Té el cos retxat.Millor amic de l'home.Té banyes, taques i fa muu...Pon ous i a l'escola en tenim.Mamífer aquàtic més gran del món.És un felí que molts tenim a casa.És l'animal que té el coll més llarg.Ós gran, blanc i negre que menja bambú.Té vuit potes i fa por a molta de gent.Els vespre d'estiu no ens deixa dormir....

ANIMALS 2017-12-06

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. VACHE
  9. LAPIN
  11. CHIOT
  12. TORTUE
  14. SOURIS
  3. SINGE
  4. CHIEN
  6. CHAT
  8. OURS
  10. OISEAU
  11. GIRAFE
  12. COCHON
  13. LION
  14. LOUP
  15. POULE


ANIMALS 2018-01-24

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. Simba
  2. Kaa
  3. Cip and Ciop
  4. Nemo
  5. Spike
  6. Clarabella
  7. Bugs Bunny
  8. Dumbo
  9. Jerry
  1. Shere Khan
  2. Georgeù
  3. Ferdinand
  4. Tick-Tock
  5. Bambi
  6. Spirit
  7. Tom
  8. Maya
  9. Rio
  10. Peppa Pig
  11. Winnie The Pooh

20 Clues: KaaTomRioNemoMayaSimbaBambiSpikeDumboJerrySpiritGeorgeùFerdinandTick-TockPeppa PigShere KhanClarabellaBugs BunnyCip and CiopWinnie The Pooh

Animals 2017-12-04

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. lives in a cave
  2. sharp teeth and swims in the ocean
  3. shed skin and slithers
  4. eats fish
  5. red nose and seen during christmas
  6. has a mane and roars
  7. blows water from trunk
  8. baby dog
  9. runs to red stuff
  10. barks
  11. swims in the ocean
  12. hops
  1. black and white stripes
  2. nieghh!!
  3. tallest animal in animal kingdom
  4. scary insect and is brown
  5. scary 8 footed insect
  6. nocturnal
  7. swings in trees
  8. fastest animal
  9. waddles
  10. eats bamboo
  11. roll in mud

23 Clues: hopsbarkswaddlesnieghh!!baby dogeats fishnocturnaleats bambooroll in mudfastest animallives in a caveswings in treesruns to red stuffswims in the oceanhas a mane and roarsscary 8 footed insectshed skin and slithersblows water from trunkblack and white stripesscary insect and is browntallest animal in animal kingdomsharp teeth and swims in the ocean...

Animals 2019-03-19

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Fledermaus
  2. Luchs
  3. Biber
  4. Kaninchen
  5. Hummel
  6. Straußvogel
  7. Ameise
  8. Eichhörnchen
  9. Forelle
  10. Kröte
  11. Känguru
  12. Affe
  13. Qualle
  14. Wild
  15. Specht
  16. Igel
  17. Meerschweinchen
  18. Schlange
  19. Esel
  20. Dachs
  21. Taube
  22. Hase
  23. Frosch
  1. Eule
  2. Schnecke
  3. Käfer
  4. Marienkäfer
  5. Papagei
  6. Waschbär
  7. Amsel
  8. Adler
  9. Murmeltier
  10. Schildkröte
  11. Libelle
  12. Eisbär
  13. Schaf
  14. Pinguin
  15. Ente
  16. Faultier
  17. Ziege
  18. Gans
  19. Biene
  20. Hai
  21. Wespe

44 Clues: HaiEuleAffeWildIgelEnteGansEselHaseKäferLuchsBiberAmselAdlerKröteSchafZiegeBieneDachsTaubeWespeHummelAmeiseEisbärQualleSpechtFroschPapageiForelleLibelleKänguruPinguinSchneckeWaschbärFaultierSchlangeKaninchenFledermausMurmeltierMarienkäferStraußvogelSchildkröteEichhörnchenMeerschweinchen

Animals 2019-05-28

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. babuinas
  2. kiaunė
  3. ežiukas
  4. liūtas
  5. kranklys
  6. bebras
  7. lapė
  8. žirafa
  9. raganosis
  10. voras
  11. drugelis
  12. meška
  13. erelis
  1. banginis
  2. uodas
  3. svirplys
  4. audinė
  5. elnias
  6. ernis
  7. žiogas
  8. briedis
  9. tigras
  10. dramblys
  11. laumžirgis
  12. šernas
  13. šeškas
  14. vilkas

27 Clues: lapėuodasernisvorasmeškakiaunėaudinėelniasžiogasliūtastigrasbebrasžirafašernasšeškasvilkaserelisežiukasbriedisbanginisbabuinassvirplyskranklysdramblysdrugelisraganosislaumžirgis

Animals 2019-05-26

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. rencana kegiatan yang dituliskan dalam bentuk rancangan kerja yang akan dilaksanakan
  2. rumusan asas yang menjadi hukum
  3. simpul masalah bagian dari
  4. tokoh yang berwatak baik
  5. drama ringan bersifat menghibur
  6. drama tanpa gerak
  7. topik langkah awal menulis karya ilmiah
  8. orang yang menyusun resensi
  9. tokoh yang berwatak jahat
  10. drama yang menonjolkan seni suara atau musik
  11. menilai baik buruknya karya sastra
  12. kuat lemahnya penurunan suatu kata dalam kalimat
  13. pelaku yang mempunyai peran lebih
  14. gagasan umum dalam suatu drama disampaikan oleh pengarang kepada pembaca atau penonton
  1. tahap kegiatan untuk menyelesaikan suatu aktivitas
  2. denotasi sebutan lain dari makna lugas
  3. karya fiksi yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk dialog
  4. isinya mudah dipahami dan dibenarkan oleh akal sehat
  5. drama tanpa kata-kata
  6. bagian tengah cerita
  7. judul bab 1 dalam sistematika karya ilmiah
  8. kata-kata penutup berisi simpulan dari keseluruhan dialog
  9. susunan teks teratur dengan pola yang baku
  10. drama yang menonjolkan seni drama dan tari
  11. keterangan mengenai tempat, waktu, suasana dalam naskah drama
  12. sesuatu yang harus diselesaikan atau dipecahkan
  13. tidak dalam bentuk percakapan
  14. naik turunnya lagu kalimat
  15. teknik pengumpulan data
  16. ragam bahasa dalam bentuk populer

30 Clues: drama tanpa gerakbagian tengah ceritadrama tanpa kata-katateknik pengumpulan datatokoh yang berwatak baiktokoh yang berwatak jahatsimpul masalah bagian darinaik turunnya lagu kalimatorang yang menyusun resensitidak dalam bentuk percakapanrumusan asas yang menjadi hukumdrama ringan bersifat menghiburragam bahasa dalam bentuk populer...

Animals 2019-05-26

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. kata-kata penutup berisi simpulan dari keseluruhan dialog
  2. gagasan umum dalam suatu drama disampaikan oleh pengarang kepada pembaca atau penonton
  3. isinya mudah dipahami dan dibenarkan oleh akal sehat
  4. drama yang menonjolkan seni suara atau musik
  5. tahap kegiatan untuk menyelesaikan suatu aktivitas
  6. drama tanpa kata-kata
  7. judul bab 1 dalam sistematika karya ilmiah
  8. menilai baik buruknya karya sastra
  9. drama tanpa gerak
  10. tokoh yang berwatak jahat
  11. susunan teks teratur dengan pola yang baku
  12. rumusan asas yang menjadi hukum
  13. tidak dalam bentuk percakapan
  14. ragam bahasa dalam bentuk populer
  15. drama ringan bersifat menghibur
  16. kuat lemahnya penurunan suatu kata dalam kalimat
  1. teknik pengumpulan data
  2. keterangan mengenai tempat, waktu, suasana dalam naskah drama
  3. sesuatu yang harus diselesaikan atau dipecahkan
  4. rencana kegiatan yang dituliskan dalam bentuk rancangan kerja yang akan dilaksanakan
  5. tokoh yang berwatak baik
  6. bagian tengah cerita
  7. orang yang menyusun resensi
  8. simpul masalah bagian dari
  9. drama yang menonjolkan seni drama dan tari
  10. sebutan lain dari makna lugas
  11. pelaku yang mempunyai peran lebih
  12. naik turunnya lagu kalimat
  13. langkah awal menulis karya ilmiah
  14. karya fiksi yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk dialog

30 Clues: drama tanpa gerakbagian tengah ceritadrama tanpa kata-katateknik pengumpulan datatokoh yang berwatak baiktokoh yang berwatak jahatsimpul masalah bagian darinaik turunnya lagu kalimatorang yang menyusun resensisebutan lain dari makna lugastidak dalam bentuk percakapanrumusan asas yang menjadi hukumdrama ringan bersifat menghibur...

Animals 2019-07-29

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. has four legs and can be found on a farm
  2. it can be found on a farm and may produce milk
  3. likes mud
  4. has stripes
  5. it can be wild or domestic
  6. is on the Australian emblem
  7. has wings
  8. has a trunk
  9. lives where its cold
  10. it has no legs
  11. king of the jungle
  1. lives in the savannah and has stripes
  2. this animal has a woolly coat
  3. lives in the savannah
  4. is pretty much a dinosaur
  5. eats eucalyptus leaves
  6. has scales
  7. eats bamboo
  8. can be pet or pest
  9. hibernates in winter
  10. eats nuts
  11. Flying mammal
  12. can be very protective

23 Clues: likes mudhas wingseats nutshas scaleseats bamboohas stripeshas a trunkFlying mammalit has no legscan be pet or pestking of the junglehibernates in winterlives where its coldlives in the savannaheats eucalyptus leavescan be very protectiveis pretty much a dinosaurit can be wild or domesticis on the Australian emblemthis animal has a woolly coat...

ANIMALS 2019-07-28

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. Question 12:
  2. Question 8:
  3. Question 15:
  4. Question 5:
  5. Question 20:
  6. Question 9:
  7. Question 16:
  8. Question 2:
  9. Question 17:
  10. Question 6:
  1. Question 11:
  2. Question 18:
  3. Question 4:
  4. Question 3:
  5. Question 1:
  6. Question 13:
  7. Question 19:
  8. Question 10:
  9. Question 7:
  10. Question 14:

20 Clues: Question 8:Question 4:Question 3:Question 1:Question 5:Question 9:Question 2:Question 7:Question 6:Question 11:Question 12:Question 18:Question 15:Question 20:Question 13:Question 16:Question 19:Question 10:Question 14:Question 17:

Animals 2019-08-22

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. bird traditionally eaten at Christmas
  2. Boofy was this animal
  3. Marcus pretends to be this animal sometimes
  4. little red insect with black spots
  5. large lizard from up north (that can also be eaten by humans)
  6. Skippy was one
  7. bird that shares its name with a fruit
  8. wise bird
  9. large mammal with a good memory
  10. leaves a silvery trail
  11. famous feature of the Melbourne Cup
  1. Australian bird well known for swooping
  2. bird that feasts on roadkill
  3. bright pink bird
  4. poultry that can’t fly
  5. Nemo is this kind of fish
  6. popular origami bird
  7. animal that hides nuts and acorns
  8. American animal known for scavenging through trash
  9. Great White, Hammerhead etc.
  10. New Zealand has more of these animals than humans
  11. loyal human companion

22 Clues: wise birdSkippy was onebright pink birdpopular origami birdBoofy was this animalloyal human companionpoultry that can’t flyleaves a silvery trailNemo is this kind of fishbird that feasts on roadkillGreat White, Hammerhead etc.large mammal with a good memoryanimal that hides nuts and acornslittle red insect with black spots...

animals 2019-10-22

animals crossword puzzle
  1. its tipical from New Zealand
  2. its an animal that does flips in aquariums
  3. its the fastest animal in the world
  4. its tipical from Australia
  5. it has a lot of colours in it
  6. its one of the tallest animals of the world
  7. repits the things you say
  8. its oa very big cat
  1. there are a lot in the sea
  2. the feamels are the ones o unt
  3. its the bigest anima in the world
  4. it's a sea depredador
  5. its the best friend of the human
  6. it is one animal that sleeps a lot
  7. its similar a cangaro but smaller
  8. it makes hooney
  9. the cats kill them
  10. itz similar to a rat but it is niceer
  11. its black and wite
  12. they can lift 100 times their weight

20 Clues: it makes hooneythe cats kill themits black and witeits oa very big catit's a sea depredadorrepits the things you saythere are a lot in the seaits tipical from Australiaits tipical from New Zealandit has a lot of colours in itthe feamels are the ones o untits the best friend of the humanits the bigest anima in the world...

animals 2019-10-22

animals crossword puzzle
  1. it is white and black
  2. it eats zebras
  3. it has milk
  4. it changes colour
  5. it lays eggs
  6. in japan you eat it a lot but with rice
  7. a predator of the ocean
  8. it lives in a tree
  9. it likes cheese
  10. you can ride it
  1. you can see it in the forest
  2. it likes flies
  3. it lives in an anthill
  4. a typical christmas meal
  5. the biggest animal of the ocean
  6. you can see it in a place with water
  7. you can see it in swamps
  8. the fastest animal in the world
  9. is the protagonist of a very famous film
  10. it likes bananas

20 Clues: it has milkit lays eggsit likes fliesit eats zebrasit likes cheeseyou can ride itit likes bananasit changes colourit lives in a treeit is white and blackit lives in an anthilla predator of the oceana typical christmas mealyou can see it in swampsyou can see it in the forestthe biggest animal of the oceanthe fastest animal in the world...

Animals 2019-10-19

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. sheep
  2. panda
  3. chicken
  4. jaguar
  5. spider
  6. duck
  7. butterfly
  8. cat
  9. lion
  10. whale
  1. bee
  2. shark
  3. fish
  4. eagles
  5. monkey
  6. crocodile
  7. giraffe
  8. turtle
  9. crab
  10. owl

20 Clues: beecatowlfishduckcrablionsheepsharkpandawhaleeaglesmonkeyjaguarspiderturtlechickengiraffecrocodilebutterfly

Animals 2019-10-31

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. morsa
  2. Toro
  3. Topo
  4. reno
  5. cabra
  6. Puercoespín
  7. potro
  8. Medusa
  9. Avestruz
  1. Foca
  2. Águila
  3. Ardilla
  4. nutria
  5. Percebe
  6. Sepia
  7. mapache
  8. erizo
  9. armiño
  10. Buey
  11. liebre

20 Clues: FocaToroToporenoBueymorsaSepiacabraerizopotroÁguilanutriaarmiñoMedusaliebreArdillaPercebemapacheAvestruzPuercoespín

animals 2019-04-14

animals crossword puzzle
  1. a large wild animal that has four long thin legs, brown fur, and antlers male
  2. an African animal that looks like a horse and has black and white stripes covering its body
  3. a large animal that is used for riding and for carrying and pulling things
  4. a large animal of Africa and Asia that has a long neck and one or two large humps on its back and that is often used for desert travel
  5. a large, wild cat that has a coat of usually yellow or orange fur and black stripes and that lives in Asia
  6. a long,thin animal that has a soft body with no legs or bones and that often lives in the ground
  7. a kind of insect that has a long thin body and brightly colored wings and that flies mostly during the day
  8. a kind of small insect that lives in an organized social group
  9. an Australian animal that moves by hopping on its powerful rear legs
  10. a very African animal that has an extremely long neck and legs
  11. a small animal that is related to lions and tigers and that is often kept by people as a pet
  1. any one of a group of large and heavy animals that have thick hair and sharp claws and that can stand on two legs like a person
  2. a large reptile that has a long body, thick skin,and a long, thin mouth with sharp teeth and that lives in the water in regions with hot weather
  3. an animal with a thick woolly coat that is often raised for meat or for its wool and skin
  4. a very large gray animal that has a long,flexible nose and two long tusks
  5. an animal that has a long, thin body and no arms or legs
  6. a large, hairy wild animal that has a big head and short horns
  7. a small animal that usually lives in holes in the ground and has long ears,soft fur, and back legs that are longer than its front legs
  8. an Australian animal that is like a small kangaroo
  9. a type of animal that is closely related to apes and humans and that has a long tail and usually lives in trees

20 Clues: an Australian animal that is like a small kangarooan animal that has a long, thin body and no arms or legsa large, hairy wild animal that has a big head and short hornsa kind of small insect that lives in an organized social groupa very African animal that has an extremely long neck and legs...

Animals 2019-04-14

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. medved
  2. hobotnica
  3. ovca
  4. zajec
  5. hiter
  6. perje
  7. dolg
  8. kokoš
  9. krila
  10. lev
  11. pingvin
  12. stopala
  13. lisica
  14. živali na kmetiji
  15. dlani
  16. ušesa
  17. počasen
  18. krokodil
  19. žirafa
  20. usta
  21. gorila
  22. barven
  23. kača
  24. črte
  25. luske
  26. raca
  27. zobje
  28. prašič
  1. kremplji
  2. želva
  3. piščanec
  4. papiga
  5. piton
  6. riba
  7. telo
  8. žaba
  9. slon
  10. divje živali
  11. volk
  12. pajek
  13. opica
  14. nos
  15. noge
  16. nevaren
  17. sova
  18. koza
  19. rep
  20. kratek
  21. konj
  22. delfin
  23. petelin
  24. morski pes
  25. glava
  26. roke
  27. kamela
  28. krava
  29. dlaka

57 Clues: levnosrepovcaribateložabaslondolgvolknogesovakozaustakonjrokekačačrteracaželvapitonzajechiterperjekokoškrilapajekopicadlaniušesaglavaluskekravazobjedlakamedvedpapigalisicakratekžirafadelfingorilabarvenkamelaprašičpingvinnevarenstopalapočasenpetelinkrempljipiščaneckrokodilhobotnicamorski pesdivje živaliživali na kmetiji

Animals 2019-04-16

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. the fifth sign of the zodiac
  2. predatory arachnid with eight legs, two poison fangs, two feelers, and usually two silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body; they spin silk to make cocoons for eggs or traps for prey
  3. social insect living in organized colonies
  4. the twelfth sign of the zodiac
  5. any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout
  6. small slender-bodied chiefly marine decapod crustaceans with a long tail and single pair of pincers; many species are edible
  7. limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous
  8. bottom-living cephalopod having a soft oval body with eight long tentacles
  9. the tenth sign of the zodiac
  10. small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs
  1. small rodent having a pointed snout and small ears
  2. feline mammal usually having thick soft fur
  3. any of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae having long ears and short tails; some domesticated and raised for pets or food
  4. large feline of forests in most of Asia having a tawny coat with black stripes; endangered
  5. solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times
  6. five-toed pachyderm
  7. the fourth sign of the zodiac
  8. domestic swine
  9. any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales
  10. female of domestic cattle

20 Clues: domestic swinefive-toed pachydermfemale of domestic cattlethe fifth sign of the zodiacthe tenth sign of the zodiacthe fourth sign of the zodiacthe twelfth sign of the zodiacsocial insect living in organized coloniesfeline mammal usually having thick soft fursmall rodent having a pointed snout and small ears...

Animals 2019-07-12

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. barks and a pet
  2. its small and goes baaaa
  3. its white and is in australia
  4. Its an animal that the moari hunted
  5. purrs and a pet
  6. it goes baaaaa
  7. tallest land animal
  8. Its small, soft and cute
  9. it goes oink
  10. its got hair and you can ride on its back
  11. cute, soft and hops
  12. found in Canada
  13. it has a tail and like killing chickens
  1. orange and black stripes
  2. lives in Australia and most are grey
  3. likes bamboo
  4. has a mane
  5. has a trunk
  6. it goes nae and you can ride it
  7. squeeks and has whiskers
  8. lays eggs
  9. it goes moooo
  10. its small and barks
  11. black and white stripes
  12. it howls when its a full moon
  13. four legs and lives in the mountians

26 Clues: lays eggshas a manehas a trunklikes bambooit goes oinkit goes mooooit goes baaaaabarks and a petpurrs and a petfound in Canadaits small and barkstallest land animalcute, soft and hopsblack and white stripesorange and black stripesits small and goes baaaasqueeks and has whiskersIts small, soft and cuteits white and is in australia...

animals 2019-12-08

animals crossword puzzle
  1. It is a reptile that has a shell
  2. It is a very large reptile
  3. He is the king of the jungle
  4. Aquatic predator
  5. Aquatic mammal
  6. It's a seabird, not flying
  7. It is the biggest predatory bird
  8. Animal in which people ride
  9. Honey making animal
  1. It is a pet but is not the dog
  2. Live in snowy areas
  3. Marine animal that has eight tentacles
  4. Animal that gives milk
  5. The largest land animal
  6. Domestic animal
  7. Animal that crawls on the ground
  8. It is a variation of the jaguar and cheetah but it is black
  9. It is an animal that has a very long neck
  10. The largest aquatic animal
  11. It is a black and white animal

20 Clues: Aquatic mammalDomestic animalAquatic predatorLive in snowy areasHoney making animalAnimal that gives milkThe largest land animalIt is a very large reptileIt's a seabird, not flyingThe largest aquatic animalAnimal in which people rideHe is the king of the jungleIt is a pet but is not the dogIt is a black and white animal...

Animals 2019-12-08

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. klatka
  2. struś
  3. wielbłąd
  4. krab
  5. jadowity
  6. odpowiedzialny
  7. płetwa
  8. ugryzienie
  9. pazury
  10. nietoperz
  11. wierzyć
  12. kangur
  13. wilki
  14. wąsy
  15. ssak
  16. straszny
  17. brzydki
  18. ufać
  19. skrzydło
  1. oszukiwać
  2. rekin
  3. szympans
  4. pingwin
  5. niewidzialny
  6. uroczy
  7. inteligentny
  8. zagrożony
  9. niedźwiedź polarny
  10. karmić
  11. dziób
  12. ośmiornica
  13. pióra
  14. bóbr
  15. wilk
  16. łapa
  17. sowa
  18. skorupa
  19. sierść
  20. łapać
  21. ogon

40 Clues: krabbóbrwilkłapasowawąsyssakufaćogonstruśrekindzióbpiórawilkiłapaćklatkauroczypłetwakarmićpazurykangursierśćpingwinwierzyćskorupabrzydkiszympanswielbłądjadowitystrasznyskrzydłooszukiwaćzagrożonynietoperzugryzienieośmiornicaniewidzialnyinteligentnyodpowiedzialnyniedźwiedź polarny

Animals 2019-11-09

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. donkey
  2. tail
  3. pingwin
  4. żółw lądowy
  5. kangur
  6. futro
  7. niedźwiedź
  8. giraffe
  9. cow
  10. pysk, paszcza
  1. delfin
  2. elephant
  3. kura
  4. motyl
  5. duck
  6. rekin
  7. sheep
  8. pióro
  9. lion
  10. claw
  11. skrzydło

21 Clues: cowtailkuraducklionclawmotylrekinsheepfutropiórodelfindonkeykangurpingwingiraffeelephantskrzydłoniedźwiedźżółw lądowypysk, paszcza

animals 2019-11-20

animals crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice.
  2. Small mammal with big ears.
  3. Mammal with a long neck.
  4. Has a trunk.
  5. They wear a shell.
  6. Large marsupial.
  7. Robust mammals with horns on the forehead.
  8. They are very bulky with a big mouth and they really like water.
  9. Wanted to eat little red riding hood.
  10. Skewered mammal.
  1. Flying mammal.
  2. They like nuts a lot.
  3. Rodent mammal resembling time with chubby body.
  4. Microscopic organims.
  5. Reptile of large and strong jaws.
  6. Man's best friend .
  7. The jungle laughed.
  8. Mammal that lives in the sea.
  9. It was used medicine to get blood bowel movements.
  10. The animal most similar to the humans.

20 Clues: Has a trunk.Flying mammal.Large marsupial.Skewered mammal.They wear a shell.Man's best friend .The jungle laughed.Likes to chase mice.They like nuts a lot.Microscopic organims.Mammal with a long neck.Small mammal with big ears.Mammal that lives in the sea.Reptile of large and strong jaws.Wanted to eat little red riding hood....

animals 2019-11-20

animals crossword puzzle
  1. The animal most similar to the humans.
  2. Small mammal with big ears.
  3. Flying mammal.
  4. Skewered mammal.
  5. Large marsupial.
  6. They wear a shell.
  7. Reptile of large and strong jaws.
  8. Has a trunk.
  9. They like nuts a lot.
  1. Rodent mammal resembling time with chubby body.
  2. Mammal that lives in the sea.
  3. Robust mammals with horns on the forehead.
  4. Man's best friend .
  5. They are very bulky with a big mouth and they really like water.
  6. Microscopic organims.
  7. Mammal with a long neck.
  8. Wanted to eat little red riding hood.
  9. The jungle laughed.
  10. Likes to chase mice.
  11. It was used medicine to get blood bowel movements.

20 Clues: Has a trunk.Flying mammal.Skewered mammal.Large marsupial.They wear a shell.Man's best friend .The jungle laughed.Likes to chase mice.Microscopic organims.They like nuts a lot.Mammal with a long neck.Small mammal with big ears.Mammal that lives in the sea.Reptile of large and strong jaws.Wanted to eat little red riding hood....

Animals 2019-11-20

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. hunan's best friend's
  2. animal that flies and has feathers
  3. is an animal that always goes in a group and whit a person accompanied
  4. is a pink animal that bathes in mud
  5. the mare's couple living in the water
  6. is an animal with very long ears and is hairy
  7. animal that can eat humans and lives in the water
  8. animal that lives in Australia and hangs trough the trees
  9. animal that it's body is full of stripes and that lives in the jungle
  10. small animal that lives in the water
  1. animal that has black and white sports on its body
  2. is an animal that has lot of hair on one part of the body
  3. animal that lives in the water and can bite you
  4. is an animal that lives in the north pole
  5. is an animal with a lot of hair that likes salmon
  6. animal that jumps a lot and lives in Australia
  7. partner is a mare
  8. animal that can be large small herbivoreand can also be carnivorous
  9. animal that lives in an anthill
  10. is a feline

20 Clues: is a felinepartner is a marehunan's best friend'sanimal that lives in an anthillanimal that flies and has feathersis a pink animal that bathes in mudsmall animal that lives in the waterthe mare's couple living in the wateris an animal that lives in the north poleis an animal with very long ears and is hairy...

Animals 2019-11-28

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. köpek
  2. kaplan
  3. horoz
  4. kurt
  5. tavşan
  6. boğa
  7. kaz
  8. tilki
  9. orangutan
  10. penguen
  11. sinek
  12. su aygırı
  13. koyun
  14. fare
  15. gergedan
  16. eşek
  17. yılan
  18. zürafa
  19. bear kutup ayısı
  20. kuş
  21. zebra
  22. panda
  23. baykuş
  24. ayı
  25. inek
  1. keçi
  2. geyik
  3. kaplumbağa
  4. karga
  5. goril
  6. kurbağa
  7. arı
  8. kedi
  9. akrep
  10. maymun
  11. çekirge
  12. fil
  13. tavuk
  14. panter
  15. balık
  16. evcil hayvan
  17. örümcek
  18. at
  19. salyangoz
  20. aslan
  21. kartal
  22. hayvan
  23. deve
  24. solucan
  25. ördek

50 Clues: atarıkazfilkuşayıkeçikurtkediboğafareeşekdeveinekköpekgeyikkargagorilhorozakreptilkisinektavukbalıkkoyunaslanyılanzebrapandaördekkaplantavşanmaymunpanterkartalzürafahayvanbaykuşkurbağaçekirgepenguenörümceksolucangergedanorangutansu aygırısalyangozkaplumbağaevcil hayvanbear kutup ayısı

Animals 2020-01-10

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. save a _____ eat a cow
  2. a swatter was named after them
  3. slowest animal in the world
  4. Love to chase after squirrels
  5. love honey
  6. baby rats
  7. make honey
  8. a hug grey animal found in Africa
  9. they wake you up at sunrise
  10. love to chase after mice
  11. loves bamboo
  12. princess give them a kiss
  1. love to eat cheese
  2. cute but feisty
  3. they loving swimming and they are cute
  4. collect acorns for winter
  5. can survive without water for multiple days
  6. the movie jaws
  7. they turn pink because of the shrimp they eat
  8. ___ tigers and bears OH MY!
  9. as blind as a ____

21 Clues: baby ratslove honeymake honeyloves bamboothe movie jawscute but feistylove to eat cheeseas blind as a ____save a _____ eat a cowlove to chase after micecollect acorns for winterprincess give them a kissslowest animal in the world___ tigers and bears OH MY!they wake you up at sunriseLove to chase after squirrelsa swatter was named after them...

Animals 2023-05-11

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. very common meat source
  2. animal withe most yearly human kills
  3. kung fu _?
  4. says everything you say back to you
  5. biggest producer of milk
  6. biggest animal in the ocean
  7. can parachute from trees
  8. _ella
  9. common prey for lions
  10. most common city bird
  11. mans best friend
  12. the ancestor of dogs, lives in packs
  1. australias deadliest fish
  2. someone who doesn't leave his house is called a house _
  3. has a trunk
  4. can spew fire from its mouth
  5. main charcter of happy feet
  6. lays eggs in beaches,neves sees her children
  7. best mode of transport before cars
  8. the slowest animal
  9. is very slithery
  10. is small,bites and lives in a basement
  11. they typically eat wood
  12. _king
  13. needs a tank,very common house pet
  14. likes to roll in the mud

26 Clues: _ella_kingkung fu _?has a trunkis very slitherymans best friendthe slowest animalcommon prey for lionsmost common city birdvery common meat sourcethey typically eat woodbiggest producer of milkcan parachute from treeslikes to roll in the mudaustralias deadliest fishmain charcter of happy feetbiggest animal in the oceancan spew fire from its mouth...

Animals 2023-05-07

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Very fat water animal with large teeth
  2. Large animal with trunk
  3. Spits up to 10-15FT with pinpoint accuracy
  4. Very slow sleeps up to 14HRS a day
  5. Large Marsupial
  6. Also called a drop bear
  7. Long droopy nose
  8. Is a ultra noob and it stats with a W and ends with a L
  9. Black and orange stripes
  10. Wears a mask
  1. Largest rodent in the world
  2. Flies in a V-Shape and migrates every year
  3. Tosses up to 1500LBS of trash each year
  4. Largest sea animal
  5. Can ride on its back/ Lives on a farm
  6. Pink fish that always frowns
  7. Will can not eat this
  8. Mans best friend
  9. hated by dog lovers
  10. Consumes 10%-15% of its body weight in one night
  11. What Dad cant shoot
  12. Large mane and King of the jungle
  13. Catches trout in its mouth at a river
  14. Wild dog

24 Clues: Wild dogWears a maskLarge MarsupialMans best friendLong droopy noseLargest sea animalhated by dog loversWhat Dad cant shootWill can not eat thisLarge animal with trunkAlso called a drop bearBlack and orange stripesLargest rodent in the worldPink fish that always frownsLarge mane and King of the jungleVery slow sleeps up to 14HRS a day...

Animals 2023-05-24

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. fun to watch at the zoo as long as they don't throw
  2. the mama of a lamb
  3. wears a shield around
  4. lays a golden egg in a fairy tale
  5. one of the most feared things on the planet
  6. they live in a moveable house
  7. supposedly as intelligent as a 3 year old
  8. can cause swelling and difficulty breathing if stung
  9. a lot of these are found in south Florida
  10. some people have one on their shoulder
  11. eating this can make you sleepy
  1. Kermit
  2. not a unicorn, but has a similarity
  3. they are annoying when they get in the house
  4. they inspired airplanes
  5. they look slippery, but they are dry
  6. most dangerous animal in Africa
  7. don't want to swim with one
  8. tastes pretty good and they are cute too
  9. world's largest mammal

20 Clues: Kermitthe mama of a lambwears a shield aroundworld's largest mammalthey inspired airplanesdon't want to swim with onethey live in a moveable housemost dangerous animal in Africaeating this can make you sleepylays a golden egg in a fairy talenot a unicorn, but has a similaritythey look slippery, but they are drysome people have one on their shoulder...

Animals 2023-05-16

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Burung
  2. Peternakan/ Pertanian
  3. Domba
  4. Singa
  5. Kambing
  6. Jerapah
  7. Buaya
  8. Paus
  9. Lumba-Lumba
  10. Sapi
  11. Kura-Kura (Laut) / Penyu
  12. Laut
  13. Goa
  1. Kerbau/ Banteng
  2. Hutan Rimba (Sempit dan Sulit Dimasuki)
  3. Ikan
  4. Ular
  5. Gajah
  6. Hutan (Luas)
  7. Harimau
  8. Monyet
  9. Ayam
  10. Danau
  11. Sungai

24 Clues: GoaIkanUlarAyamPausSapiLautDombaGajahSingaBuayaDanauBurungMonyetSungaiKambingHarimauJerapahLumba-LumbaHutan (Luas)Kerbau/ BantengPeternakan/ PertanianKura-Kura (Laut) / PenyuHutan Rimba (Sempit dan Sulit Dimasuki)

animals 2023-05-16

animals crossword puzzle
  1. wolf
  2. butterfly
  3. hiir
  4. rott
  5. karu polar bear
  6. turtle
  7. gorilla
  8. pig
  9. cat
  10. monkey
  11. fish
  12. dog
  13. guineapig
  14. squirell
  15. lama
  16. dolphin
  1. elephant
  2. robin
  3. flamingo
  4. snake
  5. giraffe
  6. lion
  7. kapibara
  8. bunny
  9. horse
  10. near
  11. papakoi
  12. kangoroo
  13. zebra
  14. crab
  15. tiger
  16. panda
  17. koala
  18. panda punane panda
  19. cow

35 Clues: pigcatdogcowwolfhiirrottlionnearfishcrablamarobinsnakebunnyhorsezebratigerpandakoalaturtlemonkeygiraffegorillapapakoidolphinelephantflamingokapibarakangoroosquirellbutterflyguineapigkaru polar bearpanda punane panda

Animals 2023-05-15

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. mans best friend
  2. black and white bear
  3. makes its house out of sticks
  4. grows horns
  5. found in claremore lake
  6. cow with no legs
  7. hibernates in the winter
  8. silverback
  9. has long ears
  10. howls at the moon
  11. swims in the water
  12. has the strongest bite of any land animal.
  13. mix of a horse and a donkey
  1. makes mounds from underground
  2. largest land mammal.
  3. wears a black mask
  4. soars high in the sky
  5. fly’s south in the winter
  6. bison’s american nickname
  7. can live in water or on land
  8. makes noise with its tail
  9. hops on 2 feet
  10. North American marsupial

23 Clues: silverbackgrows hornshas long earshops on 2 feetmans best friendcow with no legshowls at the moonwears a black maskswims in the waterlargest land and white bearsoars high in the skyfound in claremore lakehibernates in the winterNorth American marsupialfly’s south in the winterbison’s american nicknamemakes noise with its tail...

animals 2023-05-17

animals crossword puzzle
  1. loves to eat grass.
  2. loves to play in the mud.
  3. loves to eat other animals.
  4. Large marsupial.
  5. gives us wool.
  6. have a long neck.
  7. eats bamboo.
  8. lives in a cold area.
  9. gives milk.
  10. Likes to chase mice.
  1. likes to jump and race.
  2. lives on water.
  3. king of the jungle.
  4. loves to eat hay.
  5. Man's best friend.
  6. Has a trunk.
  7. gives us meat.
  8. gives eggs.
  9. loves to climb along the trees.
  10. Flying mammal.

20 Clues: gives milk.Has a trunk.eats us us meat.Flying mammal.lives on water.Large marsupial.loves to eat hay.have a long neck.Man's best friend.loves to eat grass.king of the jungle.Likes to chase mice.lives in a cold area.likes to jump and race.loves to play in the mud.loves to eat other animals....

Animals 2023-06-03

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. wąsy
  2. płetwa
  3. buda
  4. pazury
  5. struś
  6. szympans
  7. przysmaki dla psa
  8. dziób
  9. jadowity
  10. smycz dla psa
  1. łapa
  2. ogon
  3. kangur
  4. pióra
  5. pingwin
  6. bóbr
  7. nasiona
  8. ośmiornica
  9. klatka
  10. skorupa
  11. sowa

21 Clues: łapaogonwąsybudabóbrsowapiórastruśdzióbkangurpłetwapazuryklatkapingwinnasionaskorupaszympansjadowityośmiornicasmycz dla psaprzysmaki dla psa

Animals 2023-06-15

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Squirrel
  2. Lion
  3. Penguin
  4. Rhino
  5. Crab
  6. Bat
  7. Owl
  8. Otter
  9. Sheep
  10. Guinea pig
  11. Dog
  1. Dolphin
  2. Pig
  3. Spider
  4. Snow Leopard
  5. Rabbit
  6. Frog
  7. Peacock
  8. Bee
  9. Chicken

20 Clues: PigBatOwlBeeDogLionCrabFrogRhinoOtterSheepSpiderRabbitDolphinPenguinPeacockChickenSquirrelGuinea pigSnow Leopard

Animals 2023-06-11

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. (Feathered creature)
  2. (Large tusked mammal)
  3. (Man's best friend)
  4. (Striped big cat)
  5. (Black-and-white striped animal)
  6. (Nocturnal bird of prey)
  7. (Aquatic creature)
  8. (Slow-moving reptile)
  9. (Primate known for swinging)
  10. (Cunning mammal)
  1. (Hibernating mammal)
  2. (Intelligent marine mammal)
  3. (Slithery reptile)
  4. (Flightless bird)
  5. (Tall African creature)
  6. (Small hopping mammal)
  7. (Equestrian mammal)
  8. (Independent feline)
  9. (King of the jungle)
  10. (Australian marsupial)

20 Clues: (Cunning mammal)(Flightless bird)(Striped big cat)(Slithery reptile)(Aquatic creature)(Man's best friend)(Equestrian mammal)(Hibernating mammal)(Feathered creature)(Independent feline)(King of the jungle)(Large tusked mammal)(Slow-moving reptile)(Small hopping mammal)(Australian marsupial)(Tall African creature)(Nocturnal bird of prey)...

Animals 2023-06-26

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Found throughout the South-East Asian jungles!
  2. Despite its large, muscular body, this animal actually rests more than 20 hours a day
  3. Has a transparent 3rd eyelid to protect eyes in the water!
  4. Found throughout the world's oceans!
  5. First domesticated 5,000 years ago!
  6. Some species can change color from dark to light, and back again.
  7. Rub ants on their feather to remove harmful acids
  8. Most popular meat goat in the world
  9. Can move up to 2ft of soil in just 15 seconds!
  10. These fish are known for their ability to leap and fight when hooked.
  1. These parrots can be trained to be "talking birds" that mimic human speech
  2. The blue-ringed octopus produces some of the deadliest poison in the world
  3. Commonly found on white-tailed deer
  4. Renew their horns every year!
  5. The camel with two humps!
  6. Found close to marshes, streams and lakes!
  7. There are around 40 different species!
  8. This animals use a tar-like liquid from their eye glands to mark their territory!
  9. Has the longest tongue of any animal in relation to its body size!
  10. One of the noisiest birds in the world!

20 Clues: The camel with two humps!Renew their horns every year!Commonly found on white-tailed deerFirst domesticated 5,000 years ago!Most popular meat goat in the worldFound throughout the world's oceans!There are around 40 different species!One of the noisiest birds in the world!Found close to marshes, streams and lakes!...

animals 2023-06-01

animals crossword puzzle
  1. frø
  2. hest
  3. gris
  4. panda
  5. bi
  6. snegl
  7. hund
  8. zebra
  9. tiger
  10. kanin
  11. kat
  1. jaguar
  2. ræv
  3. elefant
  4. kylling
  5. giraf
  6. pingvin
  7. slange
  8. ged
  9. ko

20 Clues: bikofrørævgedkathestgrishundgirafpandasneglzebratigerkaninjaguarslangeelefantkyllingpingvin

Animals 2023-06-19

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Slithering reptile
  2. Feathered creature
  3. Common household pet
  4. Flightless bird
  5. Canine predator
  6. Striped predator
  7. Sly mammal
  8. Large mammal with a trunk
  9. Fastest land animal
  10. Playful primate
  1. Aquatic vertebrate
  2. Small mammal with long ears
  3. Ursine creature
  4. Intelligent marine mammal
  5. Bovine mammal
  6. Largest primate
  7. King of the jungle
  8. Equine animal
  9. Apex predator of the ocean
  10. Loyal companion

20 Clues: Sly mammalBovine mammalEquine animalUrsine creatureFlightless birdLargest primateCanine predatorLoyal companionPlayful primateStriped predatorAquatic vertebrateSlithering reptileFeathered creatureKing of the jungleFastest land animalCommon household petIntelligent marine mammalLarge mammal with a trunkApex predator of the ocean...

ANIMALS 2023-05-31

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. - Small bird capable of hovering in mid-air while feeding on nectar
  2. - Large herbivorous mammal with a horn on its nose
  3. - Slow-moving mammal that spends most of its time hanging upside down
  4. - Unique mammal with a duck-like bill and lays eggs
  5. - Colorful bird with a long, iridescent tail
  6. - Tallest land animal with a long neck
  7. - Fastest land animal, known for its speed
  8. - Intelligent marine mammal known for its playful behavior
  9. - Tiny fish with a horse-like head and a curled tail
  1. dragon - Largest living lizard, native to Indonesia
  2. - Tall wading bird with pink feathers and long, thin legs
  3. - Intelligent primate, our closest living relative
  4. - Small spiny mammal that curls into a ball for defense
  5. - Nocturnal bird of prey with excellent night vision and silent flight
  6. - Great ape known for its intelligence and ability to use tools
  7. bear - Arctic mammal with a thick layer of blubber and white fur
  8. - Largest cat species, known for its striped fur
  9. - Black and white bird that cannot fly
  10. - Marine creature with eight arms and a soft body
  11. - Arboreal marsupial native to Australia, known for eating eucalyptus leaves

20 Clues: - Black and white bird that cannot fly- Tallest land animal with a long neck- Fastest land animal, known for its speed- Colorful bird with a long, iridescent tail- Largest cat species, known for its striped fur- Marine creature with eight arms and a soft body- Intelligent primate, our closest living relative...

Animals 2023-06-19

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Apex predator of the ocean
  2. Tall African herbivore
  3. Intelligent marine mammal
  4. Striped big cat
  5. Hopping marsupial
  6. Eight-armed sea creature
  7. Flightless marine bird
  8. Equine mammal
  9. Slow-moving mammal
  10. Enormous marine mammal
  11. Primate with a tail
  1. Australian tree-dweller
  2. Majestic predator
  3. Large tusked mammal
  4. Fast-running flightless bird
  5. Small bushy-tailed rodent
  6. Fastest land animal
  7. Large aquatic reptile
  8. Largest primate
  9. Powerful bird of prey

20 Clues: Equine mammalStriped big catLargest primateMajestic predatorHopping marsupialSlow-moving mammalLarge tusked mammalFastest land animalPrimate with a tailLarge aquatic reptilePowerful bird of preyTall African herbivoreFlightless marine birdEnormous marine mammalAustralian tree-dwellerEight-armed sea creatureIntelligent marine mammal...

Animals 2023-06-08

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Largest living primate, native to the forests of Africa.
  2. BEAR Arctic bear adapted to a cold environment with a thick layer of fur.
  3. Large bird of prey with strong vision and a hooked beak.
  4. Marsupial with a powerful hind legs and a pouch for carrying its young.
  5. Legless reptile known for its ability to slither and its venomous species.
  6. Large semi-aquatic mammal with a barrel-shaped body and massive jaws.
  7. Tallest land animal, recognized for its long neck and patterned coat.
  8. African equine known for its black and white striped coat.
  9. Nocturnal bird of prey with excellent vision and silent flight.
  10. Fastest land animal, capable of reaching incredible speeds.
  11. Cephalopod mollusk with tentacles and the ability to camouflage.
  1. Intelligent marine mammal known for its playful behavior and acrobatics.
  2. Bear native to China, known for its distinctive black and white markings.
  3. Canine with a strong pack instinct and sharp hunting skills.
  4. Majestic big cat often referred to as the "king of the jungle."
  5. Flightless bird that lives in the Southern Hemisphere and waddles on land.
  6. Largest land mammal known for its long trunk and ivory tusks.
  7. Arboreal marsupial from Australia known for its cuddly appearance.
  8. Large, horned mammal native to Africa and Asia.
  9. Striped feline known for its strength and agility.

20 Clues: Large, horned mammal native to Africa and Asia.Striped feline known for its strength and agility.Largest living primate, native to the forests of Africa.Large bird of prey with strong vision and a hooked beak.African equine known for its black and white striped coat.Fastest land animal, capable of reaching incredible speeds....

Animals 2023-05-29

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. A transparent sea creature with tentacles that can sting
  2. An animal that can jump high and carries its babies in a pouch
  3. A nocturnal bird that can rotate its head
  4. A striped big cat with sharp teeth and claws
  5. A sea creature with eight tentacles
  6. an animal with antlers that lives in forests
  7. A tall animal with a long neck
  8. A bird that cannot fly but is an excellent swimmer and lives in cold place
  9. A smart and friendly sea animal that loves to swim and jump in the water
  10. A wild animal in the ocean with sharp teeth
  11. A colorful insect that likes to fly around flowers
  1. A big and strong animal with thick fur and likes to eat honey and fish
  2. Known as "King of the jungle" because of its strength and roaring sound
  3. A small and furry animal with long ears and a fluffy tail
  4. A strong and fast animal that can be ridden and used for transportation
  5. An animal that moves without legs
  6. A very big animal with a long trunk
  7. A playful animal that likes to swing from trees
  8. An animal with a hump on its back that can survive in hot and dry deserts
  9. An animal with black and white stripes that lives in grasslands

20 Clues: A tall animal with a long neckAn animal that moves without legsA sea creature with eight tentaclesA very big animal with a long trunkA nocturnal bird that can rotate its headA wild animal in the ocean with sharp teethA striped big cat with sharp teeth and clawsan animal with antlers that lives in forests...

Animals 2023-06-13

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. jeż
  2. wielbłąd
  3. żółw
  4. płazy
  5. wiewiórka
  6. ważka
  7. wydra
  8. kleszcz
  9. torbacze
  10. wieloryb
  11. foka
  12. jeleń
  13. struś
  1. mewa
  2. gryzonie
  3. ośmiornica
  4. biedronka
  5. osa
  6. borsuk
  7. ssaki
  8. komar
  9. gady
  10. jaszczurka
  11. orzeł
  12. nietoperz
  13. nosorożec

26 Clues: jeżosameważółwgadyfokassakipłazykomarważkawydraorzełjeleństruśborsukkleszczgryzoniewielbłądtorbaczewielorybbiedronkawiewiórkanietoperznosorożecośmiornicajaszczurka

Animals 2023-07-04

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. food stealer
  2. not a fish has no brain or blood
  3. lays eggs has a beak lives in a farm mostly
  4. likes nuts climbs trees
  5. has a small brain existed for more than 55m years
  6. massive sea creature with a blow whole
  7. bamboo eater
  8. dangerous 3rd largest mammal lives around 8 months is a vegetarian
  9. myth can fly
  1. man's best friend
  2. madagascar is where its from can run fast
  3. Dangerous sea creature
  4. 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, 2 ears and hair
  5. lives in sea can be small or big
  6. spotty predator
  7. long pink tail rodent
  8. lives in a cave
  9. furry farm animal
  10. pink farm animal
  11. Hunts at night eats rodents
  12. chase's mice
  13. creepy,8 legs and 8 eyes
  14. jumpy

23 Clues: jumpyfood stealerchase's micebamboo eatermyth can flyspotty predatorlives in a cavepink farm animalman's best friendfurry farm animallong pink tail rodentDangerous sea creaturelikes nuts climbs treescreepy,8 legs and 8 eyesHunts at night eats rodentsnot a fish has no brain or bloodlives in sea can be small or big...

Animals 2023-08-13

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. – tygrys
  2. – nosorożec
  3. - kangur
  4. - krokodyl
  5. – dżungla
  6. – rekin
  7. – żyrafa
  8. - rzeka
  9. – pustynia
  10. – słoń
  1. – zebra
  2. papuga
  3. - goryl
  4. – jaszczurka
  5. – gepard
  6. – wieloryb
  7. morze
  8. – sawanna
  9. – mysz
  10. – lew

20 Clues: morze– lewpapuga– mysz– słoń– zebra– rekin- rzeka– tygrys- kangur– gepard– żyrafa– dżungla- goryl- krokodyl– wieloryb– sawanna– pustynia– nosorożec– jaszczurka

Animals 2023-08-15

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. A predatory fish with sharp teeth and a streamlined body, found in oceans.
  2. A graceful and strong animal often used for riding and pulling vehicles.
  3. A delicate insect with colorful wings that goes through metamorphosis.
  4. A highly intelligent marine mammal that is skilled at swimming and playing in the waves.
  5. A creature that lives in water, breathing through gills and often having scales.
  6. A bird raised for its eggs and meat, often found on farms.
  7. A tall mammal with a long neck and distinctive spotted pattern on its body.
  8. A small mammal with long ears and a fluffy tail, known for hopping and eating vegetables.
  9. A domesticated farm animal that provides milk and meat, often seen in pastures.
  1. A horse-like animal with black and white stripes, native to Africa.
  2. A small,
  3. A large, furry mammal that can be found in various habitats around the world.
  4. A nocturnal bird of prey with large, round eyes and the ability to swivel its head.
  5. A massive land animal with a long trunk and large, floppy ears.
  6. A reptile with scales and the ability to shed its tail as a defense mechanism.
  7. A water bird with a flat bill and webbed feet, commonly seen in ponds and lakes.
  8. A bird that cannot fly but is an excellent swimmer, living in cold regions.
  9. A fierce big cat with distinctive orange fur and black stripes, found in various habitats.
  10. A reptile with a long snout, sharp teeth, and a tough, scaly hide.
  11. A small amphibian with long hind legs that can jump long distances.
  12. A nocturnal mammal with a masked face, known for its cleverness and dexterity.
  13. A flying insect that collects nectar to make honey and helps pollinate plants.

22 Clues: A small,A bird raised for its eggs and meat, often found on farms.A massive land animal with a long trunk and large, floppy ears.A reptile with a long snout, sharp teeth, and a tough, scaly hide.A horse-like animal with black and white stripes, native to Africa.A small amphibian with long hind legs that can jump long distances....

Animals 2023-07-07

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Fastest land runner
  2. Striped wild animal
  3. Colourful talkative pet
  4. King of the jungle
  5. Likes to chase mice
  6. Produces wool
  7. Strong and hairy primate
  8. Giant sea creature
  9. bird with excellent
  10. boxing king
  11. Tall animal with a long neck
  12. Largest land mammal
  13. smart sea animal
  14. Man's best friend
  15. Swinging primate
  16. Produces milk
  17. symmetrical wing pattern. Does the same job as a bee
  1. Basically an alligator
  2. Always stands on only 1 leg
  3. slithery creature without legs which are sometimes venomous
  4. Creates honey
  5. Cute bear that eats bamboo
  6. animal that pulls carriages
  7. Basically a crocodile
  8. creates small colonies underground
  9. Nocturnal bird known for its wisdom and silent flight
  10. black and white bear
  11. Bird that can't fly
  12. Striped animal that looks like a horse
  13. 8 legged sea creature

30 Clues: boxing kingProduces woolCreates honeyProduces milksmart sea animalSwinging primateMan's best friendKing of the jungleGiant sea creatureFastest land runnerStriped wild animalLikes to chase micebird with excellentLargest land mammalBird that can't flyblack and white bearBasically a crocodile8 legged sea creatureBasically an alligator...

Animals 2023-07-07

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Fastest land runner
  2. animal that pulls carriages
  3. Swinging primate
  4. Panda panda Small panda
  5. Strong and hairy primate
  6. Striped animal that looks like a horse
  7. Creates honey
  8. Giant sea creature
  9. Produces wool
  10. creates small colonies underground
  11. Tall animal with a long neck
  12. Likes to chase mice
  13. Produces milk
  14. Colourful talkative pet
  15. slithery creature without legs which are sometimes venomous
  16. Nocturnal bird known for its wisdom and silent flight
  17. Man's best friend
  18. King of the jungle
  1. boxing king
  2. Striped wild animal
  3. Basically an alligator
  4. Cute bear that eats bamboo
  5. bird with excellent
  6. smart sea animal
  7. Largest land mammal
  8. Basically a crocodile
  9. symmetrical wing pattern. Does the same job as a bee
  10. black and white bear
  11. Always stands on only 1 leg
  12. 8 legged sea creature
  13. Bird that can't fly

31 Clues: boxing kingCreates honeyProduces woolProduces milkSwinging primatesmart sea animalMan's best friendGiant sea creatureKing of the jungleFastest land runnerStriped wild animalbird with excellentLargest land mammalLikes to chase miceBird that can't flyblack and white bearBasically a crocodile8 legged sea creatureBasically an alligator...

Animals 2023-07-07

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Panda panda Small panda
  2. Tall animal with a long neck
  3. Cute bear that eats bamboo
  4. Swinging primate
  5. black and white bear
  6. smart sea animal
  7. Produces milk
  8. boxing king
  9. slithery creature without legs which are sometimes venomous
  10. symmetrical wing pattern. Does the same job as a bee
  11. NBA
  12. creates small colonies underground
  13. 8 legged sea creature
  14. bird with excellent
  1. Striped animal that looks like a horse
  2. Bird that can't fly
  3. Produces wool
  4. Striped wild animal
  5. Man's best friend
  6. Always stands on only 1 leg
  7. Basically an alligator
  8. Colourful talkative pet
  9. King of the jungle
  10. Basically a crocodile
  11. Fastest land runner
  12. Strong and hairy primate
  13. Largest land mammal
  14. Giant sea creature
  15. Likes to chase mice
  16. animal that pulls carriages
  17. Super Bowl
  18. Creates honey
  19. Fifa
  20. Nocturnal bird known for its wisdom and silent flight

34 Clues: NBAFifaSuper Bowlboxing kingProduces woolProduces milkCreates honeySwinging primatesmart sea animalMan's best friendKing of the jungleGiant sea creatureBird that can't flyStriped wild animalFastest land runnerLargest land mammalLikes to chase micebird with excellentblack and white bearBasically a crocodile8 legged sea creatureBasically an alligator...

Animals 2023-08-09

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. An equine with black and white stripes that lives in savannas.
  2. A green hopping insect that chirps on warm summer evenings.
  3. A black and white seabird that lives in cold climates.
  4. A nimble animal that lives in trees and climbs around.
  5. A spotted feline that blends into the jungle.
  6. A graceful white bird that swims in lakes and rivers.
  7. An Australian marsupial that loves to eat eucalyptus leaves.
  8. A bear with black and white fur that lives in China.
  9. A pet that purrs and loves to play with yarn.
  10. A large reptile that lives in water and on land.
  11. A hopping marsupial with long back legs.
  12. A desert animal with a hump and feet adapted for sand.
  13. A clever animal with a bushy tail.
  1. A big, furry animal that lives in the forest and loves honey.
  2. Feathered creatures that fly in the sky, like songbirds.
  3. A farm animal with wool that is sheared to make clothes.
  4. A small amphibian that hops on lily pads.
  5. A farm animal that lays eggs and goes "cluck cluck."
  6. The king of the jungle, with a big mane and a powerful roar.
  7. A giant gray animal with a long trunk for eating and drinking.
  8. A marine mammal that swims and lives on icebergs.
  9. A smart marine mammal that jumps out of the water.
  10. A large animal with a horn on its nose.
  11. A small mollusk that carries its shell on its back.
  12. Tiny insects that work together to build colonies.
  13. A fierce feline with orange and black stripes.
  14. A mammal with a long neck that eats leaves from tall trees.
  15. A big bird of prey with broad wings and sharp talons.
  16. A furry friend that barks and protects you.
  17. A colorful bird that mimics sounds and talks.

30 Clues: A clever animal with a bushy tail.A large animal with a horn on its nose.A hopping marsupial with long back legs.A small amphibian that hops on lily pads.A furry friend that barks and protects you.A spotted feline that blends into the jungle.A pet that purrs and loves to play with yarn.A colorful bird that mimics sounds and talks....

Animals 2023-07-29

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. A strong and fierce animal that lives in the jungle. It is known as the "king of the jungle."
  2. A tall animal with a long neck and spots on its body. It eats leaves from tall trees.
  3. Extinct creatures that lived millions of years ago. Some were as big as buildings.
  4. A large animal with tough, thick skin and a horn on its nose.
  5. A small mammal with long ears and a fluffy tail. It hops and eats carrots.
  6. A big, furry animal that hibernates during winter. It loves to eat fish and berries.
  7. A playful animal that swings on trees and eats bananas. It has a long tail.
  8. A fluffy animal with a thick coat of wool. It says "baa" and is often seen on farms.
  1. A wild cat with beautiful stripes on its fur. It hunts for food in the jungle.
  2. A giant, gray animal with a long trunk and big ears. It loves to eat leaves and fruits.
  3. A domestic animal with four legs that gives us milk. It has spots or patches on its body.
  4. Small creatures with six legs, like ants, bees, and butterflies.
  5. A cute animal with whiskers and sharp claws. It likes to sleep and catch mice.
  6. A colorful bird that can imitate human speech. It loves to repeat words and phrases.
  7. A cute bird that cannot fly but swims in the water. It looks like it's wearing a tuxedo.
  8. A friendly animal with four legs and a wagging tail. They are often kept as pets.
  9. A long, slithery reptile with no legs. Some snakes are venomous.
  10. A flying insect that collects nectar from flowers to make honey. It lives in beehives.
  11. A tiny animal with a long tail. It likes to eat cheese and lives in small holes.
  12. Animals that live in water and use gills to breathe. They come in many colors and sizes.

20 Clues: A large animal with tough, thick skin and a horn on its nose.Small creatures with six legs, like ants, bees, and butterflies.A long, slithery reptile with no legs. Some snakes are venomous.A small mammal with long ears and a fluffy tail. It hops and eats carrots.A playful animal that swings on trees and eats bananas. It has a long tail....

animals 2023-08-15

animals crossword puzzle
  1. meow
  2. moo
  3. the fastest bird
  4. I wanna ----- for Christmas
  5. pink barnyard animal
  6. has a long neck
  7. king of the jungle
  8. you swing it in baseball
  9. mans best friend
  10. rhymes with hole
  11. sprays smelly spray
  1. unicorn of the sea
  2. rib it
  3. black and white with stripes
  4. fastest cat alive
  5. they huddle in antarctica
  6. who who
  7. eagle symbol of united states
  8. quack quack
  9. unwanted in your house

20 Clues: moomeowrib itwho whoquack quackhas a long neckthe fastest birdmans best friendrhymes with holefastest cat aliveunicorn of the seaking of the junglesprays smelly spraypink barnyard animalunwanted in your houseyou swing it in baseballthey huddle in antarcticaI wanna ----- for Christmasblack and white with stripeseagle symbol of united states

Animals 2023-08-17

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Only mammal capable of flight
  2. Howls at the moon
  3. Biggest sea creature
  4. Bird that represents knowledge
  5. Slowest animal on earth
  6. Has sharp fangs and slithers on the ground
  7. Uses their stink spray to ward off predators
  8. Has a long trunk or snout
  9. Known for their spitting
  10. Man's best friend
  11. King of the jungle
  1. Has the longest neck in the world
  2. Builds dams
  3. White and black farm animal
  4. Carries its baby in their pouch
  5. Has 8 limbs
  6. Largest and heaviest species of deer
  7. Able to camouflage
  8. Has nine lives
  9. Neither from Guinea nor is a pig

20 Clues: Builds damsHas 8 limbsHas nine livesHowls at the moonMan's best friendAble to camouflageKing of the jungleBiggest sea creatureSlowest animal on earthKnown for their spittingHas a long trunk or snoutWhite and black farm animalOnly mammal capable of flightBird that represents knowledgeCarries its baby in their pouchNeither from Guinea nor is a pig...

Animals 2023-07-05

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. farm animal with a beak
  2. Spotty fast
  3. Nayyyy
  4. bah
  5. Night dog
  6. Pink farm animal
  7. Alvin
  8. 8 legs
  9. Big munching hip
  10. Buff
  11. Flys eat rodent
  12. venomous creatures
  13. Mythical
  14. Sea creature small
  15. slippery scaly
  16. likes nuts climbs trees
  17. Humans evolved from them
  18. chases mice
  19. Slimy slow
  20. Type of fish
  21. venomous type of snake
  22. Farm animal with horn
  23. Lake type of duck
  24. Swamp
  25. 4 legs mammal trods antlers
  26. Ink
  1. Lake
  2. Sleeps during day
  3. Sword
  4. eats bamboo
  5. jumpy
  6. Money snip snip
  7. puff poisonous
  8. Flys
  9. Dangerous sharp teeth sea
  10. Swamp
  11. Black bird
  12. patch Australia jumpy
  13. Aggressive
  14. Flappy Dino sort of
  15. stripy
  16. sting
  17. Eats mice hunts at night
  18. 2 arms 2 legs ears and hair
  19. rex. Roar
  20. Massive sea creature
  21. House rodent
  22. Orange wild creature
  23. man’s best friend

49 Clues: bahInkLakeFlysBuffSwordjumpyAlvinSwampstingSwampNayyyy8 legsstripyMythicalNight dogBlack birdAggressiveSlimy slowSpotty fasteats bamboochases micerex. RoarType of fishHouse rodentpuff poisonousslippery scalyMoney snip snipFlys eat rodentPink farm animalBig munching hipSleeps during dayLake type of duckman’s best friendvenomous creatures...

animals 2023-07-19

animals crossword puzzle
  1. sapi
  2. jerafah
  3. ayam
  4. kangguru
  5. kerbau
  6. bebek
  7. ular
  8. monyet
  9. gajah
  10. domba
  11. semut
  12. harimau
  1. hiu
  2. buaya
  3. singa
  4. elang
  5. tupai
  6. beruang
  7. lumba-lumba
  8. unta
  9. kuda
  10. kelelawar
  11. tikus
  12. kura-kura

24 Clues: hiusapiayamuntaularkudabuayasingaelangtupaibebektikusgajahdombasemutkerbaumonyetjerafahberuangharimaukanggurukelelawarkura-kuralumba-lumba

Animals ! 2024-01-20

Animals ! crossword puzzle
  1. tigre
  2. singe
  3. abeille
  4. chat
  5. araignée
  6. tortue
  7. éléphant
  8. chien
  9. pieuvre
  10. grenouille
  11. fourmis
  12. chouette
  13. pingouin
  14. requin
  1. aigle
  2. serpent
  3. giraffe
  4. dauphin
  5. cheval
  6. baleine
  7. ours
  8. poule
  9. papillon
  10. crocodile
  11. lézard
  12. lion
  13. poisson rouge
  14. vache
  15. cochon
  16. crabe

30 Clues: ourschatlionaigletigresingepoulechienvachecrabechevaltortuelézardcochonrequinserpentgiraffedauphinbaleineabeillepieuvrefourmispapillonaraignéeéléphantchouettepingouincrocodilegrenouillepoisson rouge

ANIMALS 2023-09-29

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. hangs upside down
  2. slithers and is venomous
  3. has 8 legs and makes webs
  4. eats seed and worms and goes "tweet"
  5. has black spots and runs at 50-80 mph
  6. eats bananas and swings with its tail
  7. moves its head at 270 degrees and has bright eyes
  8. has a fluffy tail and eats acorns
  9. has a long neck
  10. an's best friend
  11. eats grass and makes the noise "moo"
  12. slides across the ice with its tummy
  13. has a trunk
  1. big, brown, and furry
  2. has a hard shell on its back and lays eggs in the sand
  3. has sharp teeth and swims in the ocean
  4. like a horse and its black and white
  5. has 4 wings and lands on flowers
  6. two lumps on its back and walks on sand
  7. jumps when it runs and sits on its tail
  8. runs during races
  9. something that you eat lays eggs
  10. likes to chase mice
  11. is green and jumps on lily pads
  12. has two long ears and hops
  13. loves to eat bamboo
  14. is small and grey loves to eat leaves on trees

27 Clues: has a trunkhas a long neckan's best friendhangs upside downruns during raceslikes to chase miceloves to eat bamboobig, brown, and furryslithers and is venomoushas 8 legs and makes webshas two long ears and hopsis green and jumps on lily padshas 4 wings and lands on flowerssomething that you eat lays eggshas a fluffy tail and eats acorns...

animals 2024-01-05

animals crossword puzzle
  1. ośmiornica
  2. szympans
  3. nietoperz
  4. płetwa
  5. dziób
  6. wąsy
  7. łapa
  8. krab
  9. kangur
  10. muszla
  1. struś
  2. niedźwiedź polarny
  3. wielbłąd
  4. pazury
  5. rekin
  6. pióro
  7. skrzydło
  8. futro
  9. bóbr
  10. sowa

20 Clues: wąsyłapakrabbóbrsowastruśrekinpiórofutrodzióbpazurypłetwakangurmuszlawielbłądskrzydłoszympansnietoperzośmiornicaniedźwiedź polarny

Animals 2023-10-31

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. An enclosed space for poultry, like chickens or hens.
  2. A building for housing horses or other livestock.
  3. A compartment or enclosure for an individual animal, like a horse or cow.
  4. A transparent tank or container for keeping fish and aquatic animals.
  5. A large enclosure for keeping and displaying birds.
  6. A structure created by spiders to catch prey.
  7. A bird's home where eggs are laid and chicks are raised.
  8. A glass enclosure designed for keeping small reptiles or amphibians.
  9. A network of tunnels and burrows where rabbits live.
  10. A group of animals living together, such as ants or penguins.
  1. A container or enclosed area for housing and observing live animals or plants.
  2. A fenced area for confining livestock or horses.
  3. A hidden animal den or shelter.
  4. A dwelling for bees where they live and produce honey.
  5. A shelter or place where dogs are kept.
  6. A place where cats are bred, housed, or boarded.
  7. A hole or tunnel dug in the ground for habitation by small animals.
  8. The dwelling place of certain predatory animals like bears or wolves.
  9. A small structure where animals, like sheep or goats, are kept.
  10. A place where birds rest or sleep, typically high off the ground.

20 Clues: A hidden animal den or shelter.A shelter or place where dogs are kept.A structure created by spiders to catch prey.A fenced area for confining livestock or horses.A place where cats are bred, housed, or boarded.A building for housing horses or other livestock.A large enclosure for keeping and displaying birds....

ANIMALS 2023-11-02

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. has 8 legs
  3. delicious to eat
  4. jumping insect
  5. Large marsupial
  6. small parasites
  7. fastest land animal
  8. jumping amphibian
  9. largest animal
  10. honey-eating mammal
  11. Has a trunk
  1. cat's enemy
  2. most feared fish
  3. huge lizard living in rivers
  4. Likes to chase mice
  5. small bird living in house roofs
  6. can change its color to mimic its surroundings
  7. long neck
  8. Flying mammal
  9. jumping mammal

20 Clues: long neckhas 8 legscat's enemyHas a trunkFlying mammaljumping insectjumping mammallargest animalLarge marsupialsmall parasitesmost feared fishdelicious to eatMan's best friendjumping amphibianLikes to chase micefastest land animalhoney-eating mammalhuge lizard living in riverssmall bird living in house roofs...

Animals 2023-11-13

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Like to swing
  2. Make a jacket from it
  3. Orange or gray
  4. Carry people
  5. Man's best friend
  6. Like to swim
  7. Used in a sport
  8. Live in mountains
  9. Big dog
  10. Can fly
  11. Have a shell
  12. Black and white
  13. Big cat
  14. Chubby cheeks
  15. Very tiny
  1. Have a trunk
  2. bear Live in cold
  3. Like mud
  4. They roar
  5. Very tall
  6. Lay eggs
  7. Very fast
  8. Can hunt them and make jerky from them
  9. Like to hop
  10. Like trash

25 Clues: Big dogCan flyBig catLike mudLay eggsThey roarVery tallVery fastVery tinyLike trashLike to hopHave a trunkCarry peopleLike to swimHave a shellLike to swingChubby cheeksOrange or grayUsed in a sportBlack and whitebear Live in coldMan's best friendLive in mountainsMake a jacket from itCan hunt them and make jerky from them

Animals 2023-11-04

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. krokodill
  2. koer
  3. hai
  4. hiir
  5. siil
  6. kaelkirjak
  7. elevant
  8. kalkun
  9. hamster
  10. hobune
  11. gorilla
  12. sebra
  13. pingviin
  14. rebane
  1. ninasarvik
  2. lehm
  3. hani
  4. part
  5. orav
  6. tiiger
  7. ahv
  8. hunt
  9. kala
  10. karu
  11. panda
  12. papagoi
  13. kass
  14. kits
  15. känguru
  16. jänes
  17. lammas
  18. lõvi
  19. kaamel
  20. siga
  21. eesel

35 Clues: haiahvlehmkoerhaniparthiiroravhuntkalasiilkarukasskitslõvisigapandajäneseeselsebratiigerkalkunhobunelammaskaamelrebanepapagoielevantkänguruhamstergorillapingviinkrokodillninasarvikkaelkirjak

-Animals 2023-10-30

-Animals crossword puzzle
  1. king of the jungle
  2. pink, tall, three toed, long legs
  3. bloodsuckers
  4. lands tallest animals brown patterns, long lashes
  5. devil fish, eight tentacles
  6. they change colors
  7. honey lovers
  8. lands largest animal
  9. puppy of the sea
  10. twinkle twinle little...
  1. you see their twins in the circus
  2. heartless, brainless, boneless
  3. stripes, stripes, stripes, black and white!
  4. mans best friend
  5. tree lovers, hole makers
  6. they love the heat
  7. do not talk of they will never stop talking
  8. yarn lovers
  9. one flower to the next makes the best honey
  10. snakes of the sea

20 Clues: yarn loversbloodsuckershoney loversmans best friendpuppy of the seasnakes of the seaking of the junglethey love the heatthey change colorslands largest animaltree lovers, hole makerstwinkle twinle little...devil fish, eight tentaclesheartless, brainless, bonelessyou see their twins in the circuspink, tall, three toed, long legs...

Animals 2023-11-03

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. has 8 tentacles
  2. is the king of the jungle
  3. Has a long neck
  4. has black and white stripes
  5. has black stripes and looks like a cat
  6. likes blood and lives in water
  7. is a house pet that has claws
  8. Winnie the pooh
  9. has black spots
  10. is from Shrek
  1. Swims in water and is slimy
  2. eats bananas
  3. bacon
  4. Saddle goes on it
  5. has 2 big ears and a trunk
  6. eats bamboo
  7. is a trash bandit
  8. make eggs
  9. it flies and chirps
  10. it barks

20 Clues: baconit barksmake eggseats bambooeats bananasis from Shrekhas 8 tentaclesHas a long neckWinnie the poohhas black spotsSaddle goes on itis a trash banditit flies and chirpsis the king of the junglehas 2 big ears and a trunkSwims in water and is slimyhas black and white stripesis a house pet that has clawslikes blood and lives in water...

Animals 2023-12-06

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Colour changer
  2. Pulls Santas sleigh
  3. It sleeps tonight
  4. Eats algae for its colour
  5. Warms their tummies with morning sun
  6. Limb regrower
  7. Speedy
  8. Mans best friend
  9. The mimic
  10. Australian tree bear
  11. Eyelidless
  12. The five legged
  13. The slow
  14. Flightless native
  15. Dinosaurs last decendants
  16. Poisionous dessert dweller
  17. Brain regenerator
  18. Largest land animal
  19. Monkeys underwater
  20. Dares to eat the kiwi eggs
  2. Most posionous fish
  3. The fat pidgeon
  4. The prickly
  5. Biggest bear
  6. The biggest
  7. Three hearted
  8. Apperance differs underwater
  9. Nocturnal underwater creature.
  10. Wagon puller
  11. Australian hopper
  12. Totally different
  13. Four can take out an Alligator
  14. Easily identiviable
  15. Muddy muddy
  16. A living stick
  17. Garbage lover
  18. Aquatic unicorn
  19. Tusk haver

39 Clues: SpeedyThe slowHONK HONKThe mimicEyelidlessTusk haverThe pricklyThe biggestMuddy muddyBiggest bearWagon pullerLimb regrowerThree heartedGarbage loverColour changerA living stickThe fat pidgeonThe five leggedAquatic unicornMans best friendIt sleeps tonightAustralian hopperTotally differentFlightless nativeBrain regeneratorMonkeys underwater...

animals 2023-12-08

animals crossword puzzle
  1. roster
  2. cow
  3. bull
  4. dog
  5. rabbits
  6. snake
  7. lion
  8. fish
  9. pig
  10. chickens
  1. elephant
  2. duck
  3. cat
  4. sheep
  5. bear
  6. shark
  7. monkey
  8. horse
  9. scorpion
  10. bird

20 Clues: catcowdogpigduckbullbearlionfishbirdsheepsharksnakehorserostermonkeyrabbitselephantscorpionchickens

animals 2023-12-08

animals crossword puzzle
  1. roster
  2. cow
  3. bull
  4. dog
  5. rabbits
  6. snake
  7. lion
  8. fish
  9. pig
  10. chickens
  1. elephant
  2. duck
  3. cat
  4. sheep
  5. bear
  6. shark
  7. monkey
  8. horse
  9. scorpion
  10. bird

20 Clues: catcowdogpigduckbullbearlionfishbirdsheepsharksnakehorserostermonkeyrabbitselephantscorpionchickens

animals 2023-11-15

animals crossword puzzle
  1. I'm only awake at night, I can howl
  2. I'm orange, and I have black stripes, and and my man is a lion
  3. I am the world's most dangerous animal, I have long teeth
  4. most people have me, but I'm not a cat
  5. miav miav
  6. I look like a star and live in the sea
  7. ist a zodiac sign and I don’t have bones
  8. I sleep in the day and awake at night
  9. I like rolling in muddy pool
  10. I can jump on my tail
  11. I'm really big
  12. I live in the sea, and I'm blue, and I love fish
  13. I have antlers and I pack animal
  14. I live in the forest, and I'm the same animal as Winnie the pooh
  15. panda, I'm a panda, but I'm red
  16. I live in Australia, and I have thick fur
  17. the cats eats me, and I have a long tail
  18. I have really sharp teeth, and I live in the sea
  19. when people think on me, they think I'm green, and I can jump and live in lake
  20. if you touch me, it will hurt you, and I live in the sea, and I'm red/orange
  1. big cat
  2. I weigh about 150,000 kg, and I live in the sea
  3. I'm dark green and live in a lake, and I'm really dangerous
  4. I can fly, and I say pip pip
  5. I live in burrow under the ground, and I eat meat
  6. I'm long, and I have toxin in my teeth
  7. I have 8 arms, and I live in the sea, and when I'm scared, I use ink to get away
  8. I have a long neck
  9. I'm white and can be black and brown, I say mæææææ I'm
  10. I like carrots, and I can jump high
  11. I have blacks' blotch, and I can run really really fast
  12. I eat bamboo, and I am white and black
  13. I live in the sea, and I'm green
  14. I'm black and white and have stripes
  15. I live in the rainforest and trees and I climb
  16. I live in the trees, and I'm really fast, and I can be orange, brown and black
  17. you can ride on me, and I like apples and carrots

37 Clues: big catmiav miavI'm really bigI have a long neckI can jump on my tailI can fly, and I say pip pipI like rolling in muddy poolpanda, I'm a panda, but I'm redI live in the sea, and I'm greenI have antlers and I pack animalI'm only awake at night, I can howlI like carrots, and I can jump highI'm black and white and have stripes...

Animals 2023-12-05

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. 奶牛
  2. 长颈鹿
  3. 鹿
  4. 小羊
  5. 狐狸
  6. 老虎
  7. 绵羊
  8. 鲨鱼
  9. 老鼠
  10. 熊猫
  11. 火鸡
  12. 狮子
  1. 龙虾
  2. 斑马
  3. 大象
  4. 蚂蚁
  5. 袋鼠
  6. 松鼠
  7. 母鸡
  8. 山羊

33 Clues: 鹿龙虾奶牛斑马大象小羊狐狸老虎绵羊鲨鱼蚂蚁袋鼠老鼠松鼠熊猫母鸡火鸡山羊狮子长颈鹿

animals 2023-12-12

animals crossword puzzle
  1. killed Steve Irwin
  2. mans best friend
  3. chases mice
  4. king julian
  5. pointy nose
  6. croak
  7. not an alligator
  8. wool
  9. gobble gobble
  10. lays eggs
  1. big shrimp
  2. ..... in a half shell
  3. big eyed reptile
  4. eats bread
  5. live on beaches
  6. tall neck
  7. in the trees outside the club
  8. bigger mouse
  9. invasive fish species
  10. waddle waddle

20 Clues: woolcroaktall necklays eggsbig shrimpeats breadchases miceking julianpointy nosebigger mousewaddle waddlegobble gobblelive on beachesmans best friendbig eyed reptilenot an alligatorkilled Steve Irwin..... in a half shellinvasive fish speciesin the trees outside the club

Animals 2023-11-29

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Tigre
  2. Perro
  3. Canguro
  4. Pez
  5. Cocodrilo
  6. Elefante
  7. León
  8. Pingüino
  9. Mariposa
  1. Pájaro
  2. Jirafa
  3. Oso
  4. Caballo
  5. Rana
  6. Mono
  7. Delfín
  8. Gato
  9. Conejo
  10. Serpiente
  11. Tortuga

20 Clues: OsoPezRanaMonoGatoLeónTigrePerroPájaroJirafaDelfínConejoCaballoCanguroTortugaElefantePingüinoMariposaCocodriloSerpiente

Animals 2023-11-17

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. important PNW fish
  2. Whisenhunt's favorite internet cat
  3. Allister's favorite dog
  4. striped; refused to be tamed or domesticated many times over history
  5. wanderer in zoos; tail feathers are a big deal
  6. often a pet; illegal in California
  7. fishing bait; 5 hearts
  8. scaly; cold-blooded; some change color
  9. he tried hard in a fairy tale from Angola
  10. human's best friend
  11. an amphibian, not a frog or toad
  12. the first PNW bird to find your feeder!
  1. slithery and scary to many
  2. so sleepy; so slow
  3. can chomp a boat in half - for real
  4. eats ants
  5. has spots; big kitty
  6. a cartilage fish
  7. matriarchal; very intelligent; pachyderm
  8. very tall
  9. WA's state bird
  10. a cousin of wolves
  11. an animal that purrs
  12. fuzzy; cottontail

24 Clues: eats antsvery tallWA's state birda cartilage fishfuzzy; cottontailimportant PNW fishso sleepy; so slowa cousin of wolveshuman's best friendhas spots; big kittyan animal that purrsfishing bait; 5 heartsAllister's favorite dogslithery and scary to manyan amphibian, not a frog or toadWhisenhunt's favorite internet catoften a pet; illegal in California...

animals 2023-09-05

animals crossword puzzle
  1. common rodents that store acorns
  2. cephalopod known for its intelligence
  3. spiky echinoderm
  4. a scaled, armored mammal
  5. Australian gliding marsupial
  6. animal known for its long trunk
  7. rodent known for having soft fur
  8. egg laying mammal named for a mythological figure
  1. amphibian known for its regenerative abilities
  2. inappropriate looking clam
  3. Animal known for its short trunk
  4. a deep sea fish that some consider unsettling
  5. dangerous African herbivore
  6. large Australian bird
  7. second largest filter feeder
  8. African antelope
  9. animal controlled by a popular superhero
  10. large prey animal ridden by humans
  11. distinctive bear native to Asia
  12. large "killer" cetacean

20 Clues: African antelopespiky echinodermlarge Australian birdlarge "killer" cetaceana scaled, armored mammalinappropriate looking clamdangerous African herbivoresecond largest filter feederAustralian gliding marsupialdistinctive bear native to Asiaanimal known for its long trunkAnimal known for its short trunkcommon rodents that store acorns...

animals 2023-09-08

animals crossword puzzle
  1. kelinci
  2. merpati
  3. kambing
  4. kuda nil
  5. burung
  6. kangguru
  7. ayam betina
  8. keledai
  9. paus
  10. unta
  11. rusa
  12. domba
  13. anjing
  1. kucing
  2. katak
  3. ikan
  4. lumba-lumba
  5. kupu-kupu
  6. bebek
  7. komodo
  8. kura-kura
  9. badak
  10. kuda

23 Clues: ikanpauskudauntarusakatakbebekbadakdombakucingkomodoburunganjingkelincimerpatikambingkeledaikuda nilkanggurukupu-kupukura-kuralumba-lumbaayam betina

Animals 2023-09-24

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. At dusk, hippo leave their watery daytime spot
  2. Provide a critical food source for birds, fish, snakes, and wildlife,
  3. mainly feed on plants and anime with limited movement
  4. Ride and transport
  5. use a section method to suck up crustaceans
  6. Hunt at night
  7. Keeping populations of producers in check
  8. feed in the morning and evening and spend most of the day resting under cover along the banks
  9. chase mice
  10. Adept runners, climbers, and swimmers
  1. eat anything that passes by
  2. Eating fish they help create balance in food chain
  3. Climb down to the ground tomove between trees
  4. Spend about half of the day eating
  5. Maintaining healthy ecosystems
  6. They hisses
  7. Picks stuff with there trunks
  8. Prefer to eat large hoofed mammals
  9. Eat grass and other low growing vegetables
  10. Raised for their meat, milk, or hides or for draft purposes

20 Clues: chase miceThey hissesHunt at nightRide and transporteat anything that passes byPicks stuff with there trunksMaintaining healthy ecosystemsSpend about half of the day eatingPrefer to eat large hoofed mammalsAdept runners, climbers, and swimmersKeeping populations of producers in checkEat grass and other low growing vegetables...

ANIMALS 2023-09-24

ANIMALS crossword puzzle
  1. What animal has a mighty roar and sharp claws?
  2. What bird is known for its ability to mimic human speech?
  3. What bird is a symbol of strength and freedom?
  4. What bird is known for its speed and hunting skills?
  5. What animal is a big cat that is known for its spotted coat?
  6. What animal is known for its intelligence and playful nature?
  7. What animal is the fastest land animal?
  8. What animal is a flightless bird that lives in cold climates?
  9. What bird is known for its down feathers and honking sound?
  10. What animal wears a black and white striped coat?
  11. What marine animal is a predator with sharp teeth and a powerful tail?
  12. What animal has a pouch on its stomach where it carries its young?
  13. What animal is often used for transportation and recreation?
  14. What bird is known for its bright red breast and cheerful song?
  15. What bird is known for its webbed feet and quacking sound?
  16. What animal eats bamboo and has black and white fur?
  17. What animal is a great ape that is known for its playful nature?
  18. What bird is the largest bird in the world and cannot fly?
  19. What animal is a good source of milk and meat?
  20. What bird is nocturnal and has excellent eyesight?
  21. What animal has no legs and slithers on the ground?
  22. What animal lives in a colony and works together to build its nest and gather food?
  23. What animal lives in a pack and howls at the moon?
  24. What animal has wings and can soar through the sky?
  25. What animal has a long trunk and tusks to help it eat?
  26. What animal is the largest cat in the Americas?
  27. What animal has wings and goes through a metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a pupa to an adult?
  1. What marine animal has a shell that protects it from predators?
  2. What animal stands tall with a long neck?
  3. What animal is an amphibian that has a long tail and can sometimes regenerate lost limbs?
  4. What marine animal has a gelatinous body and tentacles?
  5. What animal is an amphibian that can live in both water and on land?
  6. What animal pollinates flowers and produces honey?
  7. What marine animal has eight tentacles and can change its color?
  8. What marine animal is the largest mammal in the world?
  9. What animal has a thick horn on its nose?
  10. What bird is the second-largest bird in the world and cannot fly?
  11. What animal is known as man's best friend?
  12. What animal is the largest ape and is known for its strength?
  13. What animal hibernates in the winter?
  14. What marine animal is known for its intelligence and playful nature?
  15. What bird is known for its beautiful plumage?
  16. What animal spends most of its time in the water but gives birth on land?
  17. What animal eats eucalyptus leaves and is known for its cuddly appearance?
  18. What animal swims like a dolphin and looks like a fish?
  19. What animal is the king of the jungle?
  20. What animal is known for its intelligence and playful nature?
  21. What animal has eight legs and spins webs to catch its prey?
  22. What animal is known for its independence and love of napping?

49 Clues: What animal hibernates in the winter?What animal is the king of the jungle?What animal is the fastest land animal?What animal stands tall with a long neck?What animal has a thick horn on its nose?What animal is known as man's best friend?What bird is known for its beautiful plumage?What animal has a mighty roar and sharp claws?...

Animals 2023-12-14

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Jumps up 15 feet up in the air
  2. Has a trunk
  3. Moves very slow
  4. Large marsupial
  5. Lives in the Pacific Ocean
  6. Hunt fish
  7. Man's best friend
  8. Lives in the zoo
  9. Hops all day long
  1. Lives in a cage
  2. Runs realy fast all day long
  3. Lives in the sea
  4. Swims in ponds
  5. Sleeps in the day
  6. Likes to chase mice
  7. Climbs like crazy
  8. Eats a lot of bame boo
  9. Galups every day
  10. Eats garbage
  11. Flying mammal

20 Clues: Hunt fishHas a trunkEats garbageFlying mammalSwims in pondsLives in a cageMoves very slowLarge marsupialLives in the seaGalups every dayLives in the zooSleeps in the dayClimbs like crazyMan's best friendHops all day longLikes to chase miceEats a lot of bame booLives in the Pacific OceanRuns realy fast all day longJumps up 15 feet up in the air

Animals 2023-12-21

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. Lives in the North Pole and is small and fluffy
  2. Water creature with fin and blow hole
  3. Likes yarn
  4. Sharp teeth, lives in water, can bite you hard and eats fish
  5. Produces milk farm animal
  6. You can ride on it, Don't FALL!
  7. Can turn its head all the way around
  8. Our state bird
  9. Christmas deer
  1. Big main, lives in Africa
  2. Large beak with webbed feet
  3. Is fat and loves bamboo
  4. Could be super fluffy, usually cute, and loves to play fetch
  5. Likes mud, eats scraps
  6. Striped creature with sharp teeth
  7. lays eggs
  8. underwater sea creature with a home on its back
  9. GINORMOUS sea creature
  10. Big tail, sly
  11. Big and brown

20 Clues: lays eggsLikes yarnBig tail, slyBig and brownOur state birdChristmas deerLikes mud, eats scrapsGINORMOUS sea creatureIs fat and loves bambooBig main, lives in AfricaProduces milk farm animalLarge beak with webbed feetYou can ride on it, Don't FALL!Striped creature with sharp teethCan turn its head all the way around...