body parts Crossword Puzzles

Body Parts 2023-10-24

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. pierna
  2. pies
  3. cabeza
  4. cuerpo
  5. uña
  6. codo
  7. nariz
  8. brazos
  9. dientes
  10. cuello
  11. huesos
  12. piernas
  1. corazon
  2. ceja
  3. ojos
  4. pie
  5. boca
  6. brazo
  7. oido/oreja
  8. mano
  9. rodilla

21 Clues: pieuñapiescejaojosbocacodomanobrazonarizpiernacabezacuerpobrazoscuellohuesoscorazondientesrodillapiernasoido/oreja

Body Parts 2024-09-24

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. hips
  2. waist
  3. chest
  4. middlefinger
  5. nose
  6. toe
  7. back
  8. bellybutton
  9. cheek
  10. lips
  1. stomach
  2. ringfinger
  3. pointerfinger
  4. elbow
  5. eyelashes
  6. thumb
  7. pinky
  8. neck
  9. tongue
  10. chin

20 Clues: toehipsnoseneckbackchinlipswaistchestelbowthumbpinkycheektonguestomacheyelashesringfingerbellybuttonmiddlefingerpointerfinger

Body parts 2024-10-15

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. sơn màu
  2. mắt
  3. miệng
  4. màu đỏ
  5. ngón chây
  6. màu cam
  7. tay
  8. bạn bè
  9. thầy cô
  10. màu hồng
  11. chạm
  12. đóng
  1. đây là
  2. màu vàng
  3. tai
  4. cái mũi
  5. vai
  6. vẽ
  7. mở
  8. bơi
  9. kia là
  10. nhảy
  11. chân

23 Clues: vẽmởmắttaivaitaybơinhảychạmđóngchânmiệngđây làmàu đỏkia làbạn bèsơn màucái mũimàu camthầy cômàu vàngmàu hồngngón chây

Body Parts 2024-11-07

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. hip
  2. back
  3. stomach
  4. toe
  5. mustache
  6. face
  7. eyebrows
  8. chin
  9. teeth
  10. heart
  11. neck
  1. arm
  2. head
  3. brain
  4. waist
  5. beard
  6. hair
  7. finger
  8. elbow
  9. mouth

20 Clues: armhiptoeheadbackhairfacechinneckbrainwaistbeardelbowteethmouthheartfingerstomachmustacheeyebrows

Body Parts 2024-11-18

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Question: "What you brush in the morning"
  2. Question: "Body part that walks"
  3. Question: "Front of the head"
  4. Question: "Body part with fingers"
  5. Question: "Body part that smells"
  6. Question: "Body part that hears"
  7. Question: "Joint that bends"
  8. Question: "Part of the mouth"
  9. Question: "What grows on your head"
  10. Question: "Part of the face"
  1. Question: "Body part that eats"
  2. Question: "Top part of the body"
  3. Question: "What you use to taste"
  4. Question: "Part of the hand"
  5. Question: "Body part that sees"
  6. Question: "Connects head to body"
  7. Question: "Part of the upper body"
  8. Question: "Opposite of front"
  9. Question: "Bottom of the face"
  10. Question: "Joint in the arm"

20 Clues: Question: "Part of the hand"Question: "Joint that bends"Question: "Part of the face"Question: "Joint in the arm"Question: "Front of the head"Question: "Part of the mouth"Question: "Opposite of front"Question: "Bottom of the face"Question: "Body part that eats"Question: "Body part that sees"Question: "Top part of the body"...

Body parts 2013-02-10

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Brust
  2. Augen
  3. Ellbogen
  4. Schulter
  5. Waden
  6. Knöchel
  7. Handgelenk
  8. Lippen
  9. Ferse
  10. Taille
  11. Mund
  1. Zeh
  2. Kinn
  3. Oberschenkel
  4. Augenbrauen
  5. Hals
  6. Beine
  7. Bauch
  8. Wangen
  9. Hüfte
  10. Knie
  11. Rücken
  12. Daumen
  13. Fuß
  14. Kopf

25 Clues: ZehFußKinnHalsKnieMundKopfBrustAugenBeineBauchWadenHüfteFerseWangenLippenRückenTailleDaumenKnöchelEllbogenSchulterHandgelenkAugenbrauenOberschenkel

Body Parts 2013-05-08

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. the bottom part of your face, below your mouth
  2. the part of the face that is used for eating and speaking
  3. the part of the body between your head and your shoulders
  4. the part of your face through which you breathe and smell
  5. joint above your foot
  6. joins your arms to your body, below your neck
  7. the part in the middle of your arm where it bends
  8. used for standing and walking
  9. the front of your body between your neck and your waist
  10. joint above your hand
  11. the part of your body above your neck
  1. the short, thick finger on the side of your hand that can touch the top of all your other fingers
  2. the soft thing inside your mouth that you use for tasting and speaking
  3. one of the five, long, separate parts at the end of your hand
  4. two organs, which you use to see with
  5. the middle part of your leg where it bends
  6. two organs that you hear with
  7. the front part of the head where the eyes, nose, and mouth are
  8. the front part of your body just below your chest
  9. one of the two soft, red edges of the mouth
  10. one of the five, separate parts at the end of your foot
  11. the back part of your foot
  12. two flat parts on the ends of your legs that you stand on
  13. the top part of your leg above your knee
  14. two long parts at each side of the human body, ending in a hand

25 Clues: joint above your footjoint above your handthe back part of your foottwo organs that you hear withused for standing and walkingtwo organs, which you use to see withthe part of your body above your neckthe top part of your leg above your kneethe middle part of your leg where it bendsone of the two soft, red edges of the mouth...

Body Parts 2014-02-06

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Dos
  2. Cou
  3. Visage
  4. Jambe
  5. Tête
  6. Nez
  7. Orteil
  8. Epaule
  9. Dents
  10. Dent
  11. Bras
  1. Oreille
  2. Genou
  3. Joue
  4. Doigt
  5. Yeux
  6. Main
  7. Bouche
  8. Pied
  9. Cheveux

20 Clues: DosCouNezJoueTêteYeuxMainPiedDentBrasGenouDoigtJambeDentsVisageOrteilBoucheEpauleOreilleCheveux

Body parts 2013-11-12

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. eight
  2. six
  3. fingers
  4. four
  5. head
  6. seven
  7. nine
  8. leg
  9. stomach
  10. foot
  1. nose
  2. one
  3. eyes
  4. arm
  5. ten
  6. two
  7. elbow
  8. hand
  9. chest
  10. three
  11. ears
  12. mouth
  13. five

23 Clues: onesixarmtentwolegnoseeyesfourheadhandnineearsfootfiveeightelbowsevenchestthreemouthfingersstomach

Body Parts 2014-05-06

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. people tell you to shut your _________
  2. sleeves are for your ____________
  3. they hold your phone
  4. you roll your __________
  5. not your front
  6. allows your arms to move
  7. the pointy joint
  8. all of you
  9. they allow you to balance
  10. where your teeth are
  1. most vital organ
  2. food goes down your __________
  3. what your teeth are in
  4. other holes in your face
  5. where your brain is
  6. holes in your face
  7. the other pointy joint
  8. shoe size = ________ size
  9. they tap your phone
  10. you walk using your ___________
  11. where the food goes
  12. there's a drum in there
  13. holds your heart
  14. ________lace
  15. curly or straight

25 Clues: all of you________lacenot your frontmost vital organthe pointy jointholds your heartcurly or straightholes in your facewhere your brain isthey tap your phonewhere the food goesthey hold your phonewhere your teeth arewhat your teeth are inthe other pointy jointthere's a drum in thereother holes in your faceyou roll your __________...

Body Parts 2015-12-02

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Barbilla
  2. Cuello
  3. Ojos
  4. Tobillo
  5. Oreja
  6. Lengua
  7. Pierna
  8. Pelo
  9. Cejas
  10. Dientes
  11. Pie
  12. Cabeza
  13. Barriga
  1. Espalda
  2. Nariz
  3. Dedo
  4. Rodilla
  5. Hombro
  6. Muñeca
  7. Pecho
  8. Boca
  9. Codo
  10. Mano
  11. Brazo
  12. Dedo del pie

25 Clues: PieDedoOjosPeloBocaCodoManoNarizOrejaPechoCejasBrazoCuelloHombroLenguaMuñecaPiernaCabezaEspaldaRodillaTobilloDientesBarrigaBarbillaDedo del pie

Body parts 2020-02-02

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. спина
  2. ступни
  3. шея
  4. зубы
  5. губы
  6. усики
  7. шерсть
  8. панцырь
  9. зуб
  10. глаза
  1. клюв
  2. ступня
  3. нос
  4. перья
  5. крылья
  6. уши
  7. нога
  8. тело
  9. хвост
  10. голова

20 Clues: шеяносушизубклювзубыгубыногателоспинаперьяусикихвостглазаступниступнякрыльяшерстьголовапанцырь

Body parts 2021-02-12

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Joint above your hand.
  2. The front of your body between your neck and waist.
  3. Between head and body.
  4. The soft thing inside your mouth that yu use for tasting and speaking.
  5. The part of your fae through which you breathe and smell.
  6. The front part of the head where the eyes, nose and mouth are.
  7. A symbol of love.
  8. The back part of your foot.
  9. It turns red from sunburn.
  1. The part of the face that is used for eating and speaking.
  2. Use for standing and walking.
  3. One of the hard white things in your mouth that you use for eating.
  4. The bottom part of your foot.
  5. One of the five separate parts at the end of your foot.
  6. What you hear with.
  7. Joint abouve your foot.
  8. The middle part of your leg where it bends.
  9. What you see with.
  10. The bottom part of your face, below your mouth.
  11. The short, thick finger on the side of your hand that can touch the top of all your other fingers.

20 Clues: A symbol of love.What you see with.What you hear with.Joint above your hand.Between head and body.Joint abouve your foot.It turns red from sunburn.The back part of your foot.Use for standing and walking.The bottom part of your foot.The middle part of your leg where it bends.The bottom part of your face, below your mouth....

Body Parts 2020-06-15

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. The 10 wiggly things on your hands
  2. Slipping some boots on your ____ is a good idea if it's raining
  3. The front surface below your neck and above your stomach
  4. Owls can turn this body part 360° around, and we cannot
  5. If this body part gets too dry, you'll likely put some chapstick on
  6. The ten wiggly piggies on your feet
  7. Some are stronger than others, and it is used to smell
  8. It's a big space above your eyebrows and below your hair
  9. Sometimes these have freckles on them, and they pop out when you smile
  10. The two hairy worms above the eyes
  11. This body part contains your palm and knuckles
  1. These usually have to bend if you want to sit on the ground or in a chair
  2. The little hole in the middle of the belly
  3. It is below your mouth and connected to your jawline
  4. It is much easier to sleep if you close these two things on your face
  5. These show if you wear a tank top
  6. You eat with it and sing with it and talk with it
  7. Connects the foot to the leg
  8. You probably can't lick it!
  9. Used for hearing, you have two on the side of your head
  10. Thankfully, this body part is the keeper of the brain
  11. This is the extension body part for your hand

22 Clues: You probably can't lick it!Connects the foot to the legThese show if you wear a tank topThe 10 wiggly things on your handsThe two hairy worms above the eyesThe ten wiggly piggies on your feetThe little hole in the middle of the bellyThis is the extension body part for your handThis body part contains your palm and knuckles...

BODY PARTS 2020-08-06

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. gyomor/has
  2. hát
  3. tüdők
  4. lábfejek
  5. máj
  6. vese
  7. váll
  8. talp
  1. száj
  2. bőr
  3. agy
  4. tenyér
  5. szív
  6. gerinc
  7. nyelv
  8. borda
  9. köröm
  10. fül
  11. csípő
  12. könyök
  13. térd

21 Clues: bőrhátagymájfülszájszívveseválltérdtalptüdőknyelvbordakörömcsípőtenyérgerinckönyöklábfejekgyomor/has

Body Parts 2021-01-15

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. knee
  2. nose
  3. stomach
  4. leg
  5. face
  6. eyebrow
  7. foot
  8. toe
  9. head
  10. tooth
  11. body
  12. arm
  13. forehead
  1. lip
  2. finger
  3. chest / breast
  4. skin
  5. tongue
  6. hand
  7. shoulder
  8. eye
  9. back
  10. Hair
  11. ear
  12. neck
  13. mouth
  14. chin
  15. bottom

28 Clues: liplegeyetoeeararmkneeskinnosehandfacebackfootHairheadneckbodychintoothmouthfingertonguebottomstomacheyebrowshoulderforeheadchest / breast

Body Parts 2018-10-10

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. I help you to think
  2. This covers the body
  3. Brown, Black, Red or Blonde
  4. You wiggle them
  5. A hard structure made out of bones that supports the body
  6. An organ on your face that you see with
  7. This pumps the blood in our body parts
  8. Close your _________ while you're eating
  9. The upper part of the leg
  10. Where your biceps are
  11. It's red and you have it around 5 litres
  1. They're at the end of your fingers
  2. It's oval and stand on your neck
  3. Joint between the arm and the hand
  4. The flat space of skin above the eyes
  5. We taste with this
  6. We chew with these
  7. If you eat too much, its hurts
  8. The baby sucked his _____
  9. The part of your face that you use to smell and breathe

20 Clues: You wiggle themWe taste with thisWe chew with theseI help you to thinkThis covers the bodyWhere your biceps areThe baby sucked his _____The upper part of the legBrown, Black, Red or BlondeIf you eat too much, its hurtsIt's oval and stand on your neckThey're at the end of your fingersJoint between the arm and the hand...

Body parts 2018-01-18

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. лодыжка
  2. зуб болит
  3. шея
  4. плечо
  5. голова болит
  6. живот
  7. спина болит
  8. голова
  9. колено болит
  10. нога
  11. локоть
  1. кашель
  2. ухо болит
  3. живот болит
  4. нога болит
  5. тошнит
  6. палец ноги
  7. колено
  8. спина
  9. горло болит
  10. стопа
  11. простуда
  12. рука
  13. кисть руки
  14. палец руки

25 Clues: шеяруканогаспинастопаплечоживоткашельтошнитколеноголовалокотьлодыжкапростудаухо болитзуб болитнога болитпалец ногикисть рукипалец рукиживот болитгорло болитспина болитголова болитколено болит

Body parts 2020-10-27

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. coordinates the muscle movements ordered by the motor cortex
  2. is the airtight box that houses the bronchial tree, lungs, heart, and other structures
  3. muscles regulated by the parts of the brain known as the cerebral motor cortex and the cerebellum
  4. carry blood away from the heart
  5. Are tiny cells nervous system depend a lot on
  6. this circulation carries blood from the heart to all the other parts of the body and back again
  7. system is made up of blood vessels that carry blood away from and towards the heart
  8. system includes all of the bones and joints in the body
  9. This circulation is a short loop from the heart to the lungs and back again
  10. skeleton forms the central axis of the human body and is composed of 80 bones
  11. nervous system is The brain and the spinal cord are the
  12. skeleton consists of 126 bones
  1. muscle is found in the heart
  2. fluid helps protect the nerve tissue, keep it healthy, and remove waste products
  3. is a long bundle of nerve tissue about 18 inches long and 1/2-inch thick
  4. sends an electrical signal through the spinal cord and peripheral nerves to the muscles, causing them to contract
  5. is a complex living organ that is made up of many cells, protein fibers, and minerals
  6. carry blood back to the heart
  7. system includes the nose, mouth, throat, voice box, windpipe, and lungs
  8. muscles controlled by structures deep within the brain and the upper part of the spinal cord called the brain stem
  9. nervous system Is The nerves that go through the whole body make up the
  10. are Tiny hairs in your nostrils
  11. is part of the digestive system as well as the respiratory system because it carries both food and air
  12. , or windpipe, is the continuation of the airway below the larynx
  13. acts as a scaffold by providing support and protection for the soft tissues that make up the rest of the body

25 Clues: muscle is found in the heartcarry blood back to the heartskeleton consists of 126 bonescarry blood away from the heartare Tiny hairs in your nostrilsAre tiny cells nervous system depend a lot onsystem includes all of the bones and joints in the bodynervous system is The brain and the spinal cord are the...

Body Parts 2018-03-05

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. connects your hand to your arm
  2. your skeleton is made up of this
  3. to grow in size or amount
  4. when a doctor examines your body (2 words)
  5. you have 10 of them on your feet
  6. the lower part of your face
  7. this covers the outside of your body
  8. to be better (2 words)
  9. to be dependent on something
  10. this organ pumps your blood
  11. the upper part of your face
  12. to feel weak or unstable
  1. found inside your mouth
  2. processes your thoughts
  3. to be of equal proportion
  4. you buy this at Mcdonalds (2 words)
  5. to exercise (2 words)
  6. this is found in your neck
  7. this covers your heart
  8. joins your leg to your foot

20 Clues: to exercise (2 words)this covers your heartto be better (2 words)found inside your mouthprocesses your thoughtsto feel weak or unstableto be of equal proportionto grow in size or amountthis is found in your neckthe lower part of your facejoins your leg to your footthis organ pumps your bloodthe upper part of your faceto be dependent on something...

body parts 2021-04-01

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. body
  2. head
  3. arm
  4. cheek
  5. finger
  6. eyes
  7. eye
  8. tongue
  9. leg
  10. forehead
  11. neck
  12. mouth
  13. foot
  14. hand
  15. stomach
  16. knee
  17. lips
  1. hair
  2. eyebrow
  3. ear
  4. chin
  5. mouth
  6. shoulder
  7. teeth
  8. nose

25 Clues: armeareyelegbodyhairheadeyeschinneckfoothandnosekneelipscheekmouthmouthteethfingertongueeyebrowstomachforeheadshoulder

Body parts 2022-06-06

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Nariz chiquitas o grandes
  2. Dientes bancos o amarillos
  3. Frente pequeña
  4. Piernas largas
  5. Brazos alargados o cortos
  6. Dedo del pie
  7. Codo.
  8. Rodillas
  9. Cabello largo o Corto
  10. Dedos estirados
  11. Cadera angosta .
  1. Estomago
  2. Pecho aplio.
  3. Pies chiquitos
  4. Boca
  5. Hombro
  6. Oidos
  7. Manos delgadas
  8. Cuello ancho
  9. Rostro alargado o chico
  10. Ojos rasgados, grandes o chiquitos

21 Clues: BocaOidosCodo.HombroEstomagoRodillasPecho aplio.Cuello anchoDedo del piePies chiquitosFrente pequeñaManos delgadasPiernas largasDedos estiradosCadera angosta .Cabello largo o CortoRostro alargado o chicoNariz chiquitas o grandesBrazos alargados o cortosDientes bancos o amarillosOjos rasgados, grandes o chiquitos

Body Parts 2022-05-20

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Ventre, estomac.
  2. Une dent.
  3. Touche.
  4. Le nombril.
  5. Les cheveux.
  6. Le cou.
  7. Le visage.
  8. Les orteils.
  9. Plie.
  10. Tortille, bouge.
  11. Sors.
  12. Les jambes.
  13. Secoue.
  14. Les oreilles.
  15. Le nez.
  16. Les doigts.
  1. La bouche.
  2. Le pied.
  3. Les épaules.
  4. Les fesses.
  5. Le dos.
  6. Les pieds
  7. Attrape.
  8. Les mains.
  9. La tête.
  10. Les yeux.
  11. Les coudes.
  12. Les hanches.
  13. Claque.
  14. Les dents.
  15. La langue.
  16. Les genoux.
  17. Les bras.
  18. Ouvre.

34 Clues: Plie.Sors.Ouvre.Touche.Le dos.Le cou.Claque.Secoue.Le nez.Le pied.Attrape.La tête.Une dent.Les piedsLes yeux.Les bras.La bouche.Les mains.Le visage.Les dents.La langue.Les fesses.Le nombril.Les coudes.Les jambes.Les genoux.Les doigts.Les épaules.Les cheveux.Les orteils.Les hanches.Les oreilles.Ventre, estomac.Tortille, bouge.

Body parts 2021-09-06

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. plecy
  2. serce
  3. wargi
  4. język
  5. włosy
  6. nos
  7. oczy
  8. dłoń
  9. buzia
  10. palec u ręki
  11. bark
  12. ramię
  1. twarz
  2. kolano
  3. mózg
  4. noga
  5. brzuch, żołądek
  6. palce u stóp
  7. szyja
  8. głowa
  9. zęby
  10. stopa
  11. ucho

23 Clues: nosmózgnogaoczydłońzębybarkuchotwarzplecysercewargijęzykszyjawłosygłowabuziastoparamiękolanopalce u stóppalec u rękibrzuch, żołądek

Body parts 2021-06-06

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. csípő
  2. has
  3. hair
  4. ujj (kéz)
  5. shoulder
  6. köröm
  7. arc
  8. feet
  9. He ___ have red apples. = Neki nincsenek piros almái. (rövidítve!)
  10. lábujj
  11. száj
  12. eye
  13. térd
  14. back
  1. She ___ brown eyes. = Barna szemei vannak.
  2. I___ am tall. = Magas vagyok.
  3. head
  4. kézfej
  5. mellkas
  6. I ___ a new sport car. = Új sportkocsim van.
  7. ear
  8. arm
  9. leg
  10. You ___ dirty. = Koszos vagy.
  11. foot
  12. váll
  13. fog
  14. It ___ empty. = Ez üres.
  15. orr
  16. fogak
  17. We ___ have long nails. = Nekünk nincsenek hosszú körmeink. (rövidítve!)

31 Clues: haseararmlegarcfogorreyeheadhairfeetfootvállszájtérdbackcsípőkörömfogakkézfejlábujjmellkasshoulderujj (kéz)It ___ empty. = Ez üres.I___ am tall. = Magas vagyok.You ___ dirty. = Koszos vagy.She ___ brown eyes. = Barna szemei vannak.I ___ a new sport car. = Új sportkocsim van.He ___ have red apples. = Neki nincsenek piros almái. (rövidítve!)...

Body Parts 2022-01-11

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Lèvre
  2. Les cheveux
  3. Une dent
  4. La jambe
  5. L'oreille
  6. Le doigt
  7. Bouclé
  8. La bouche
  9. Le sourcil
  10. La tête
  11. Le nez
  1. Roux
  2. Blond
  3. La main
  4. Le coude
  5. Le bras
  6. L'oeil
  7. Le visage
  8. La poitrine
  9. Chauve

20 Clues: RouxLèvreBlondL'oeilBoucléChauveLe nezLa mainLe brasLa têteUne dentLa jambeLe coudeLe doigtL'oreilleLe visageLa boucheLe sourcilLes cheveuxLa poitrine

Body parts 2022-11-28

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. These are long and strong. I use them to run.
  2. I use this to think.
  3. These hide my teeth. They are red. Women put lipstick on them.
  4. I use this to smell.
  5. This means my legs can bend. They connect my thighs and calves together.
  6. I use these to see.
  7. I put my shoes on and walk around on these.
  8. This is found on my head and can be brown, blonde or ginger.
  9. This holds the food that I eat.
  10. These let my arms bend.
  11. This includes my lips and teeth. I use it to eat and to drink.
  1. This connects my head to my body.
  2. These connect my arms to my body
  3. I have 10 of these on the end of my hands
  4. I have one on the end of each arm. They each have 5 fingers.
  5. I use these to bite and chew my food. They are white.
  6. I use these to listen to music and sounds.
  7. this holds my heart and my lungs. It rises when I breathe in and out.
  8. The top part of my leg above my knee.
  9. I have 10 of these. They are on the end of my feet.
  10. These connect my legs to my body.

21 Clues: I use these to see.I use this to think.I use this to smell.These let my arms bend.This holds the food that I eat.These connect my arms to my bodyThis connects my head to my body.These connect my legs to my body.The top part of my leg above my knee.I have 10 of these on the end of my handsI use these to listen to music and sounds....

Body Parts 2022-01-20

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. fingers of the feet
  2. common place for stress fractures
  3. connects parts of the arm
  4. put chapstick on them
  5. animals do not have one of these
  6. on top of your neck
  7. touch the ground when walking
  8. doctors stick stuff in this
  9. what allow you to walk
  10. allow you to hear others talking
  11. connects head to body
  12. use these to carry items
  1. gets sore often
  2. bruises form easily on them
  3. you watch movies with these
  4. allows u to smell candles
  5. makeup gets done here
  6. the grinch has a small one
  7. where food goes
  8. connects arm to body
  9. on top of head and get brushed
  10. where superman logo is on his suit
  11. in your mouth and get brushed
  12. all of the parts together
  13. allows you to taste things
  14. high five

26 Clues: high fivegets sore oftenwhere food goesfingers of the feeton top of your neckconnects arm to bodyput chapstick on themmakeup gets done hereconnects head to bodywhat allow you to walkuse these to carry itemsconnects parts of the armallows u to smell candlesall of the parts togetherthe grinch has a small oneallows you to taste things...

body parts 2023-02-16

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. lýtko
  2. rameno
  3. tvář
  4. dlaň
  5. oko
  6. hruď
  7. záda
  8. noha
  9. zápěstí
  10. koleno
  11. hlava
  1. pata
  2. vlasy
  3. nos
  4. obličej
  5. čelo
  6. noha (od kotníku dolu)
  7. oko
  8. krk
  9. loket
  10. ústa
  11. stehno
  12. kotník
  13. ruka

24 Clues: nosokokrkokopatačelotvářdlaňústahruďzádanoharukavlasylýtkolokethlavaramenostehnokotníkkolenoobličejzápěstínoha (od kotníku dolu)

Body parts 2023-04-26

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. forehead
  2. waist
  3. ankle
  4. hair
  5. forearm
  6. back
  7. ribs
  8. nose
  9. wrist
  10. knees
  11. ears
  12. fingers
  13. feet
  14. hands
  15. tongue
  1. belly
  2. chest
  3. arms
  4. shoulder
  5. neck
  6. mouth
  7. lips
  8. legs
  9. breastbone
  10. shoulders
  11. cara
  12. teeth
  13. eyes

28 Clues: armsnecklipshairbacklegsribsnosecaraearseyesfeetbellychestwaistanklemouthwristkneesteethhandstongueforearmfingersforeheadshouldershouldersbreastbone

Body parts 2023-05-02

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. elpuño
  2. elcodo
  3. elesqueleto
  4. lalengua
  5. lapestaña
  6. elombligo
  7. eltalón
  8. elhombro
  9. lacara
  10. lacabeza
  11. eldedodelpie
  12. elpie
  13. elpárpado
  14. lanariz
  15. eltobillo
  16. lamuñeca
  17. eldedo
  18. lapiel
  19. losnudillos
  20. laspiernas
  21. laespalda
  22. labarbilla
  23. elpelo
  24. lauña
  25. elsobaco
  26. elpulgar
  27. lapelvis
  28. lascostillas
  29. lasnalgas
  30. losojos
  31. elmuselo
  32. lafrente
  1. lacolumna
  2. lacalavera
  3. Elcuerpohumano
  4. elcuello
  5. lagarganta
  6. losdientes
  7. lasamígdalas
  8. laboca
  9. laespinilla
  10. elbrazo
  11. ¿Cómotesientes?
  12. elcerebro
  13. elpulmón
  14. larodilla
  15. lasnarices
  16. lacintura
  17. lamano
  18. elmúsculo
  19. elpecho
  20. elcorazón
  21. labarba
  22. loslabios
  23. elabdomen
  24. laceja
  25. lasmejillas
  26. elhueso
  27. lasangre
  28. lacadera
  29. lapantorrilla
  30. elestómago
  31. elbigote
  32. laoreja

64 Clues: elpielauñaelpuñoelcodolabocalacaralamanoeldedolapiellacejaelpeloeltalónelbrazolanarizelpecholabarbaelhuesolosojoslaorejaelcuellolalenguaelhombrolacabezaelpulmónlamuñecalasangreelsobacolacaderaelpulgarlapelviselbigoteelmuselolafrentelacolumnalapestañaelombligoelcerebrolarodillaelpárpadolacinturaeltobilloelmúsculoelcorazónloslabioslaespaldaelabdomen...

Body parts 2023-03-27

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. hnefi
  2. mjöðm
  3. brjóst
  4. upphandleggur
  5. handakriki
  6. öxl
  7. læri
  8. framhandleggur
  9. mitti
  10. rasskinnar
  11. nafli
  1. þríhöfði
  2. tvíhöfði
  3. hnéskel
  4. magi
  5. olnbogi
  6. hæll
  7. úlnliður
  8. háls
  9. ökkli
  10. kálfi

21 Clues: öxlmagilærihællhálshnefimjöðmmittiökklikálfinaflibrjósthnéskelolnbogiþríhöfðitvíhöfðiúlnliðurhandakrikirasskinnarupphandleggurframhandleggur

Body parts 2023-03-24

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Touche!
  2. Attrape!
  3. Le corps
  4. Les coudes
  5. Les épaules
  6. Remue!
  7. La langue
  8. Les sourcils
  9. le cou
  10. Les doigts de pieds
  11. Tire (la langue)!
  12. Le visage
  13. Les oreilles
  14. Les jambes
  15. La tête
  16. Plie!
  17. Les genoux
  1. Les cheveux
  2. Le nombril
  3. Bouge!
  4. Les bras
  5. La bouche
  6. Ouvre!
  7. Secoue!
  8. Les hanches
  9. L'estomac
  10. Les doigts
  11. Les pieds
  12. Le nez
  13. Les mains
  14. Les dents
  15. Claque!
  16. Les yeux

33 Clues: Plie!Bouge!Ouvre!Remue!Le nezle couTouche!Secoue!Claque!La têteAttrape!Les brasLe corpsLes yeuxLa boucheL'estomacLes piedsLa langueLes mainsLes dentsLe visageLe nombrilLes coudesLes doigtsLes jambesLes genouxLes cheveuxLes épaulesLes hanchesLes sourcilsLes oreillesTire (la langue)!Les doigts de pieds

BODY PARTS 2023-06-05

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. - Part of the body where the face is located.
  2. - Joints connecting the thighs and lower legs.
  3. - Organs on the sides of the head for hearing.
  4. - Body parts used for standing and walking.
  5. - Joints connecting the upper and lower arms.
  6. - Body parts with fingers and thumbs for grasping.
  7. - Digits at the ends of the feet.
  8. - Lower limbs between the hips and feet.
  9. - Muscular organ inside the mouth used for tasting and speaking.
  1. - Rear surface of the body.
  2. - Thread-like strands that grow on the scalp.
  3. - Hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing.
  4. - Outer covering of the body.
  5. - Organs that allow us to see.
  6. - Facial feature used for smelling and breathing.
  7. - Thin digits at the ends of the hands.
  8. - Area of the body between the chest and pelvis.
  9. - Opening in the face used for eating and speaking.
  10. - Limbs between the shoulders and hands.
  11. - Part of the body connecting the head and shoulders.

20 Clues: - Rear surface of the body.- Outer covering of the body.- Organs that allow us to see.- Digits at the ends of the feet.- Thin digits at the ends of the hands.- Limbs between the shoulders and hands.- Lower limbs between the hips and feet.- Body parts used for standing and walking.- Part of the body where the face is located....

BODY PARTS 2023-05-25

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. 15
  2. 18
  3. 2
  4. 17
  5. 5
  6. 1
  7. 19
  8. 10
  9. 9
  10. 22
  11. 3
  12. 24
  1. 4
  2. 23
  3. 7
  4. 8
  5. 16
  6. 14
  7. 11
  8. 12
  9. 21
  10. 6
  11. 20
  12. 13

24 Clues: 478251693231516181411171219102122201324

Body Parts 2023-05-27

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Leher
  2. Wajah
  3. Alis
  4. Perut
  5. Mata
  6. Bahu
  7. Lengan
  8. Paha
  9. Tangan
  10. Dahi
  11. Mulut
  1. Lutut
  2. Hidung
  3. Dagu
  4. Pipi
  5. Bulu Mata
  6. Bibir
  7. Kaki
  8. Dada
  9. Kepala
  10. Telinga
  11. Rambut
  12. Kaki

23 Clues: DaguPipiAlisKakiDadaMataBahuPahaDahiKakiLututLeherWajahPerutBibirMulutHidungKepalaLenganRambutTanganTelingaBulu Mata

BODY PARTS 2023-05-31

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. - The terminal part of the leg, used for walking and standing
  2. - The joint connecting the thigh to the lower leg
  3. - Hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food
  4. - The facial organ used for smelling and breathing
  5. - The muscular organ inside the mouth, used for tasting and speaking
  6. - The organ of hearing, used for sound detection
  7. - The posterior part of the body, opposite the chest
  8. - The organ of sight, used for visual perception
  9. - The prehensile part at the end of the arm, used for grasping and manipulating objects
  1. - One of the digits of the hand, used for fine motor tasks
  2. - The joint connecting the foot to the leg
  3. - The area of the body between the neck and the abdomen
  4. - The joint connecting the arm to the torso
  5. - The lower limb extending from the hip to the foot
  6. - One of the digits of the foot, used for balance and propulsion
  7. - The thread-like strands that grow on the head and body
  8. - The part of the body connecting the head to the torso
  9. - The opening through which food and drink enter the body, used for eating and speaking
  10. - The uppermost part of the body containing the brain and sensory organs
  11. - The upper limb extending from the shoulder to the hand

20 Clues: - The joint connecting the foot to the leg- The joint connecting the arm to the torso- The organ of hearing, used for sound detection- The organ of sight, used for visual perception- The joint connecting the thigh to the lower leg- The facial organ used for smelling and breathing- The lower limb extending from the hip to the foot...

Body parts 2024-06-06

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. The extremities at the end of the legs, supporting the body's weight and enabling bipedal movement.
  2. The joints that connect the thighs to the lower legs, allowing the legs to bend and extend.
  3. The muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system.
  4. The organs of vision that allow us to see and perceive the environment.
  5. The extremities at the end of the arms, including the fingers, used for manipulating objects.
  6. The organs responsible for hearing and balance.
  7. The articulated parts at the end of the hands, used for grasping and manipulating objects.
  8. The organs of the respiratory system responsible for gas exchange, allowing the inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide.
  9. The joints that connect the upper arm to the forearm, allowing the arm to bend and extend.
  10. The upper part of the body that contains the brain, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.
  1. The part of the body that connects the head to the torso, containing vital structures like the trachea and esophagus.
  2. The front part of the torso that protects the heart and lungs.
  3. The opening in the face used for ingesting food, breathing, and verbal communication.
  4. The main organ of the central nervous system, responsible for processing sensory information, controlling movement, and regulating bodily functions.
  5. The organ of smell and the primary pathway for air intake in the respiratory system.
  6. The articulated parts at the end of the feet, helping with balance and locomotion
  7. The upper limbs of the human body, extending from the shoulders to the hands.
  8. The rear part of the torso, containing the spine and muscles that support the body.
  9. The lower limbs of the human body, extending from the hips to the feet.
  10. The joints that connect the arms to the torso, allowing a wide range of arm movements.
  11. The joints that connect the legs to the torso, supporting the weight of the body in an upright position.
  12. The part of the body that contains digestive organs such as the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas.

22 Clues: The organs responsible for hearing and balance.The front part of the torso that protects the heart and lungs.The muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system.The organs of vision that allow us to see and perceive the environment.The lower limbs of the human body, extending from the hips to the feet....

Body parts 2023-09-23

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. губы
  2. ягодицы
  3. брови
  4. язык
  5. рука
  6. голень
  7. талия
  8. кисть
  9. виски
  10. палец на ноге
  11. плечо
  12. макушка
  13. голова
  14. скулы
  15. ресницы
  1. уши
  2. локоть
  3. лоб
  4. колено
  5. нога
  6. рот
  7. грудь
  8. лодыжка
  9. затылок
  10. запястье
  11. нос
  12. глаза
  13. поясница
  14. пупок
  15. шея
  16. желудок

31 Clues: ушилобротносшеягубыногаязыкрукабровигрудьталиякистьвискиглазаплечопупокскулылокотьколеноголеньголоваягодицылодыжказатылокмакушкажелудокресницызапястьепоясницапалец на ноге

Body parts. 2023-11-30

Body parts. crossword puzzle
  1. The organ in your body where food goes and begins to be digested after you swallow it.
  2. Powerful muscular organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
  3. The joint connecting the upper and lower arms.
  4. The short hairs that grow on the edges of the eyelids and help protect the eyes from dust and debris.
  5. The upper part of the leg between the hip and knee.
  6. The part of the face above the eyes and below the hairline.
  7. The organs that process all your body waste.
  8. The organs responsible for vision.
  9. The row of connected bones down the middle of the back.
  10. The sides of the body, between the waist and thighs, they support the upper body.
  11. The hard covering at the end of a finger or toe
  12. Long, tube-like organs in the digestive system responsible for absorbing nutrients from food and eliminating waste from the body.
  13. The line of hair that grows over your eye
  14. The hair that grows on a man's cheeks and chin.
  15. The broad areas on either side of the neck that connect the arms to the upper body.
  16. The joint between the thigh and lower leg.
  17. The prominent bony area at the bottom of the face, below the lower lip.
  18. The front part of the body between the neck and the stomach
  19. The two holes in your nose.
  20. Five long parts of the hand that are used for holding things.
  21. The lines in your skin caused by age.
  22. Two organs that people use to breathe air.
  23. The fleshy, movable folds that surround the mouth’s opening.
  24. This is your 'thinking machine' inside your head.
  25. The muscular back part of the leg below the knee.
  1. The mouth plays a significant role in communication and digestion.
  2. The structure of bones that form the head and face of a person.
  3. The back part of your foot that is below the ankle.
  4. The part of the leg that makes contact with the ground, consisting of the sole, toes, and heel.
  5. The hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
  6. The joint connecting the forearm to the hand.
  7. There are about 206 in your body.
  8. It grows on our body.
  9. The muscle at the bottom of your mouth that tastes things and helps you pronounce words.
  10. The fleshy parts on the sides of the face, beneath the eyes, and next to the nose.
  11. The thin folds of skin that cover and protect the eyes.
  12. It covers almost the entire body and helps keep all the organs and muscles in place.
  13. A body tissue that can contract and produce movement.
  14. The joint connecting the leg to the foot.
  15. A large organ of the body that cleans the blood.
  16. Food goes down this to get to your stomach.
  17. The central part of the face, responsible for smell and breathing.
  18. All of the bones in your body.
  19. The organ in the body that holds urine after it passes through the kidneys and before it leaves the body.
  20. The slender part of the body connecting the head to the shoulders.
  21. These transport blood through your body. They are like little tubes.
  22. These are the bones that protect the organs in your chest.
  23. The short, thick finger on the side of your hand.
  24. Organs of hearing and balance located on either side of the head.
  25. The inside part of the hand between the wrist and the fingers.

50 Clues: It grows on our body.The two holes in your nose.All of the bones in your body.There are about 206 in your body.The organs responsible for vision.The lines in your skin caused by age.The joint connecting the leg to the foot.The line of hair that grows over your eyeThe joint between the thigh and lower leg.Two organs that people use to breathe air....

Body Parts 2023-11-14

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. - "Connects your head to your body"
  2. - "Helps you chew your food"
  3. - "Used for tasting and talking"
  4. - "Connects your arm to your body"
  5. - "Used for smelling and breathing"
  6. - "Helps you walk and run"
  7. - "Used for eating and speaking"
  8. - "Each hand has five of these"
  9. - "Used for hearing"
  1. - "Bends when you sit or walk"
  2. - "Supports your spine"
  3. - "Protects your heart and lungs"
  4. - "Found at the end of your foot"
  5. - "Where your brain is located"
  6. - "Used for reaching and lifting"
  7. - "Has fingers for grasping objects"
  8. - "Connects your upper and lower arm"
  9. - "Grows on your head"
  10. - "Used for standing, walking, and kicking"
  11. - "Used for seeing"

20 Clues: - "Used for seeing"- "Used for hearing"- "Grows on your head"- "Supports your spine"- "Helps you walk and run"- "Helps you chew your food"- "Bends when you sit or walk"- "Where your brain is located"- "Each hand has five of these"- "Used for tasting and talking"- "Used for eating and speaking"- "Protects your heart and lungs"...

body parts 2024-04-24

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Bald means you don't have any
  2. Sensitive when things get loud
  3. Use it to think
  4. Joint in your arm
  5. Between arm and chest
  6. Also a young cow
  7. You have 2 on your face
  8. Walk on these
  9. Run with it
  10. Wave
  11. Mascara
  12. Tasty
  1. Attached to your foot
  2. A giraffe has a long one
  3. Smile
  4. You see with these
  5. Used to swallow
  6. It hurts when you're hungry
  7. Torn ACL
  8. Kiss
  9. Behind you
  10. The middle one is a bad gesture
  11. You sit on it
  12. Used to chew
  13. Sniff

25 Clues: KissWaveSmileSniffTastyMascaraTorn ACLBehind youRun with itUsed to chewYou sit on itWalk on theseUsed to swallowUse it to thinkAlso a young cowJoint in your armYou see with theseAttached to your footBetween arm and chestYou have 2 on your faceA giraffe has a long oneIt hurts when you're hungryBald means you don't have any...

Body parts 2024-04-23

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. kodrast
  2. debel
  3. suh
  4. ušesa
  5. komolec
  6. star
  7. usta
  8. duh
  9. roke
  10. visok
  11. prst na nogi
  12. skedenj
  13. obraz
  14. zobje
  15. mlad
  1. trebuh
  2. raven
  3. lasje
  4. koleno
  5. vrat
  6. dolg
  7. stopalo
  8. rama
  9. noge
  10. senca
  11. lep
  12. oči
  13. grd

28 Clues: suhduhlepočigrdvratdolgramanogestarustarokemladravenlasjedebelušesasencavisokobrazzobjetrebuhkolenokodraststopalokomolecskedenjprst na nogi

BODY PARTS 2023-10-09

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. good for walking
  2. organ for see
  3. we brush
  4. body
  5. back
  6. serves to listen
  7. the eyes are on top
  8. serves to speak
  9. feel something
  10. sharp part of the face
  1. hard pieces in the mouth
  2. it in the middle part of the body
  3. hollow neck tube
  4. to hear
  5. part where the brain is located
  6. to smell
  7. to taste
  8. protection of the thoracic cavity
  9. superior member
  10. holds the head
  11. front part of the head

21 Clues: bodybackto hearto smellto tastewe brushorgan for seeholds the headfeel somethingserves to speaksuperior memberhollow neck tubegood for walkingserves to listenthe eyes are on topfront part of the headsharp part of the facehard pieces in the mouthpart where the brain is locatedit in the middle part of the bodyprotection of the thoracic cavity

Body Parts 2023-10-07

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Organs for smelling
  2. Part of the body located between the shoulders and the hips
  3. Part of the face that can show happiness
  4. Organ responsible for thinking and coordination
  5. The sense associated with the nose
  6. Used for eating and speaking
  7. Part of the body often adorned with makeup
  8. We use these to see
  9. Body part for tasting different flavors
  10. The sense associated with the eyes
  11. These are connected to the wrists
  12. We use these to grasp and manipulate objects
  1. The part of the face above the eyes
  2. The longest part of the body, from hip to knee
  3. The body's natural covering
  4. The lower part of the body, often where a belt is worn
  5. Organs for hearing - Ears
  6. Central organ of the circulatory system
  7. Organ for digestion
  8. The uppermost part of the body

20 Clues: Organs for smellingOrgan for digestionWe use these to seeOrgans for hearing - EarsThe body's natural coveringUsed for eating and speakingThe uppermost part of the bodyThese are connected to the wristsThe sense associated with the noseThe sense associated with the eyesThe part of the face above the eyesCentral organ of the circulatory system...

Body parts 2023-10-17

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. soft part inside the mouth that you can move around and use for eating and speaking
  2. the thickest finger on your hand
  3. front part of your face below the mouth
  4. each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand.
  5. the organ where food begins to be digested
  6. one of the long parts of your body that your feet are joined to
  7. the joint between your foot and your leg
  8. one of the five moveable parts at the end of your foot
  9. long tube in your body through which food passes after it leaves your stomach
  10. the part of the body that joins your head and your shoulders
  11. the joint between the thigh and the lower leg in humans.
  1. organ in your chest that pumps blood through your body
  2. one of the two organs that you breathe with
  3. the opening and cavity in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips, through which.
  4. top part of your leg between your knee and hip
  5. the row of bones down the centre of your back that supports your body
  6. part of your body where your hand joins your arm
  7. the front part of your body between the neck and stomach
  8. the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks.
  9. front part of your head, where your eyes, and nose are.
  10. the end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb.
  11. either of the two fleshy parts which form the upper and lower edges of the opening of the mouth.
  12. each of a pair of globular organs of sight in the head of humans and vertebrate animals.
  13. the joint where your arm bends
  14. one of the two organs in your lower back that separates waste products from your blood and makes urine

25 Clues: the joint where your arm bendsthe thickest finger on your handfront part of your face below the mouththe joint between your foot and your legthe organ where food begins to be digestedone of the two organs that you breathe withtop part of your leg between your knee and hippart of your body where your hand joins your arm...

Body parts 2024-01-16

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Albue
  2. Håndledd
  3. Bryst
  4. Nese
  5. Hals
  6. Øyevipper
  7. Øyebryn
  8. Munn
  9. Lepper
  10. Panne
  11. Hår
  1. Fot
  2. Bein
  3. Arm
  4. Tenner
  5. Tunge
  6. Rygg
  7. Kne
  8. Tær
  9. Finger
  10. Ører
  11. Mage
  12. Skulder
  13. Negler
  14. Øye
  15. Hånd

26 Clues: FotArmKneTærØyeHårBeinRyggNeseHalsØrerMageMunnHåndAlbueTungeBrystPanneTennerFingerNeglerLepperSkulderØyebrynHåndleddØyevipper

Body Parts 2024-01-24

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. helps you hug people
  2. connects your hand to your arm
  3. the top of your body
  4. the fingers of your foot
  5. the top of your torso
  6. the middle part of your leg
  7. the middle of your arm
  8. the bottom of your torso, the food you eat goes here
  9. connects your arms to your torso
  10. helps you hear
  1. the part of our body that touches the ground
  2. connected to your arm
  3. on your hand: helps you hold things
  4. helps you see
  5. in your mouth, helps you eat your food.
  6. the middle part of your body
  7. helps you talk
  8. helps you smell
  9. grows on your head
  10. helps you walk

20 Clues: helps you seehelps you talkhelps you walkhelps you hearhelps you smellgrows on your headhelps you hug peoplethe top of your bodyconnected to your armthe top of your torsothe middle of your armthe fingers of your footthe middle part of your legthe middle part of your bodyconnects your hand to your armconnects your arms to your torso...

Body parts 2024-04-07

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the body above the hips; often associated with body shape.
  2. The part extending from the shoulder; used for grasping and holding.
  3. The strip of hair above the eye; protects the eyes from sweat.
  4. The upper part of the leg; supports body weight and movement.
  5. The front part of the lower leg.
  6. Th muscular organ inside the mouth; used for tasting and speech.
  7. The part of an arm connecting the upper and lower arm.
  8. The joint connecting the arm and torso; allows arm movement.
  9. Hard, bony structure in the mouth; used for chewing food.
  10. The joint connecting the legs to the torso; the upper part of the lower body that supports body weight.
  11. The organ used for smelling and breathing; it filters the air.
  12. The front part of the torso.
  13. The area between the chest and lower body.
  14. The joint connecting the foot to the leg; allows foot movement.
  15. The muscular back part of the lower leg; used in walking and running.
  16. The sides of the face below the eyes; often associated with blushing.
  1. The bones that form the frame of the mouth; holds the teeth.
  2. A foot finger; used for balance.
  3. The curved bones surrounding the chest; protect the internal organs.
  4. The front part of the head above the eyebrows.
  5. The bottom part of the face; helps in speech and chewing.
  6. The digits extending from the hands; used for touching and holding.
  7. The short, thick finger; used for grasping.
  8. The organ where food is taken in; used for talking and expressing emotions.
  9. The part of an arm - a joint connecting the hand to the arm; allows hand movement.
  10. The lower part of the leg; used for standing and walking.
  11. The soft, rounded parts surrounding the mouth; used in speech and expression.
  12. The organ of seeing.
  13. The part of the human body at the end of the arm; consists of a thumb, four fingers, and a palm.
  14. The joint connecting the thigh and lower leg; allows bending of the leg.
  15. The part of a body that connects the head to the body; supports the head and allows movement.
  16. The back part of the foot; used in walking and standing.
  17. The organ of hearing; responsible for detecting sound.
  18. The rear part of the torso.
  19. The part that goes from the top of the lower body to the floor; used for walking and running.

35 Clues: The organ of seeing.The rear part of the torso.The front part of the torso.A foot finger; used for balance.The front part of the lower leg.The area between the chest and lower body.The short, thick finger; used for grasping.The front part of the head above the eyebrows.The part of an arm connecting the upper and lower arm....

Body Parts 2024-03-18

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. - горло
  2. - ухо
  3. - икра
  4. - живот, желудок
  5. - feet - ступня - ступни
  6. - нос
  7. - teeth - зуб - зубы
  8. - щека
  9. - локоть
  10. - рот
  11. - палец
  12. - нога
  13. - шея
  14. - голова
  15. - лицо
  16. - большой палец
  1. - запястье
  2. - челюсть
  3. - пятка
  4. - палец ноги
  5. - подбородок
  6. - лоб
  7. - плечо
  8. - лодыжка, щиколотка
  9. - бедро
  10. - кисть руки
  11. - бедро
  12. - колено
  13. - спина
  14. - грудная клетка
  15. - рука (от кисти до плеча)

31 Clues: - ухо- лоб- нос- рот- шея- икра- щека- нога- лицо- пятка- горло- плечо- бедро- бедро- спина- палец- колено- локоть- голова- челюсть- запястье- палец ноги- подбородок- кисть руки- большой палец- живот, желудок- грудная клетка- лодыжка, щиколотка- teeth - зуб - зубы- feet - ступня - ступни- рука (от кисти до плеча)

Body parts 2024-09-19

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. jalalaba
  2. jalg
  3. käe laba
  4. tooth
  5. kõrv
  6. õlg
  7. põlv
  8. jalad
  9. kael
  10. suu
  11. juuksed
  1. varvas
  2. sõrm
  3. küünarnukk
  4. pea
  5. selg
  6. nina
  7. käsi
  8. silm
  9. nägu
  10. kõht
  11. teeth

22 Clues: peaõlgsuusõrmjalgselgninakäsikõrvsilmpõlvnägukõhtkaeltoothjaladteethvarvasjuuksedjalalabakäe labaküünarnukk

Body Parts 2024-09-18

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. pierna
  2. frente
  3. brazos
  4. dedos de los pies
  5. rostro
  6. cuello
  7. lengua
  8. pestañas
  9. estómago
  10. cabeza
  11. labios
  12. hombros
  13. cachetes
  1. dientes
  2. pelo
  3. pie
  4. ojos
  5. dedos
  6. boca
  7. bigote
  8. orejas
  9. pecho
  10. rodilla
  11. nariz
  12. uñas
  13. cejas

26 Clues: piepeloojosbocauñasdedospechonarizcejaspiernafrentebrazosbigoteorejasrostrocuellolenguacabezalabiosdientesrodillahombrospestañasestómagocachetesdedos de los pies

Body Parts 2024-09-18

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. pierna
  2. frente
  3. brazos
  4. dedos de los pies
  5. rostro
  6. cuello
  7. lengua
  8. pestañas
  9. estómago
  10. cabeza
  11. labios
  12. hombros
  13. cachetes
  1. dientes
  2. pelo
  3. pie
  4. ojos
  5. dedos
  6. boca
  7. bigote
  8. orejas
  9. pecho
  10. rodilla
  11. nariz
  12. uñas
  13. cejas

26 Clues: piepeloojosbocauñasdedospechonarizcejaspiernafrentebrazosbigoteorejasrostrocuellolenguacabezalabiosdientesrodillahombrospestañasestómagocachetesdedos de los pies

BODY PARTS 2024-11-16

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. /ʃɪn/ is the front part of your lower leg below your knee.
  2. /kɑːf/ (UK) or /kæf/ (US) is the meaty part at the back of your lower leg.
  3. /θrəʊt/ is the tube inside your neck for food and air.
  4. /ɪnˈtɛstɪn/ is the long tube in your body that helps digest food.
  5. /dʒɔː/ is the part you move to chew and talk.
  6. /ˈtɪʃuː/ is a collection of cells that form the different parts of humans, animals and plants.
  7. /ˈfɪŋɡərprɪnt/ is the special pattern on your fingertip that only you have.
  8. /ˈɔːɡənz/ are the important parts inside your body that has a special job.
  1. /ˈnɒstrɪlz/ are the two holes in your nose for breathing.
  2. /ˈkɪdni/ is the bean-shaped organ that cleans your blood.
  3. /ˈɪndeks fɪŋɡər/ is the finger next to the thumb.
  4. /weɪst/ is the middle part of your body where you wear your belt.
  5. /ˈæŋkl/ is the joint that connects your foot to your leg.
  6. /hɑːrt/ pumps blood through your body.
  7. /θaɪ/ is the upper part of your leg above your knee.
  8. /spaɪn/ is the line of bones from your neck to your lower back.
  9. /hɪp/ is the joint where your leg connects to your body.
  10. /rɪbz/ are the bones that surround the chest.
  11. /ˈstʌmək/ holds food after you eat.
  12. /skælp/ is the skin on top of your head where hair grows

20 Clues: /ˈstʌmək/ holds food after you eat./hɑːrt/ pumps blood through your body./dʒɔː/ is the part you move to chew and talk./rɪbz/ are the bones that surround the chest./ˈɪndeks fɪŋɡər/ is the finger next to the thumb./θaɪ/ is the upper part of your leg above your knee./θrəʊt/ is the tube inside your neck for food and air....

BODY PARTS 2022-08-07

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. nez
  2. cils
  3. épaule
  4. sourcils
  5. bouche
  6. bras
  7. main
  8. jambes
  9. doigt
  10. poignet
  11. genou
  1. pied
  2. dents
  3. front
  4. oreilles
  5. coude
  6. langue
  7. cheveux
  8. lèvres
  9. yeux
  10. orteils
  11. cou

22 Clues: nezcoupiedcilsbrasmainyeuxdentsfrontcoudedoigtgenouépaulelanguebouchejambeslèvrescheveuxpoignetorteilsoreillessourcils

Body Parts 2020-06-15

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Sometimes these have freckles on them, and they pop out when you smile
  2. Its a big space above your eyebrows and below your hair
  3. If this body part gets too dry, you'll likely put some chapstick on
  4. The two hairy worms above the eyes
  5. The 10 wiggly things on your hands
  6. Connects the foot to the leg
  7. You eat with it and sing with it and talk with it
  8. The front surface below your neck and above your stomach
  9. These show if you wear a tank top
  10. It is below your mouth and connected to your jawline
  11. Used for hearing, you have two on the side of your head
  1. Owl's can turn this body part 360° around, and we cannot
  2. You probably can't lick it!
  3. Some are stronger than others, and it is used to smell
  4. The little hole in the middle of the belly
  5. This is the extension body part for your hand
  6. Slipping some boots on your ____ is a good idea if it's raining
  7. These usually have to bend if you want to sit on the ground or in a chair
  8. The ten wiggly piggies on your feet
  9. This body part contains your palm and knuckles
  10. It is much easier to sleep if you close these two things on your face
  11. Thankfully, this body part is the keeper of the brain

22 Clues: You probably can't lick it!Connects the foot to the legThese show if you wear a tank topThe two hairy worms above the eyesThe 10 wiggly things on your handsThe ten wiggly piggies on your feetThe little hole in the middle of the bellyThis is the extension body part for your handThis body part contains your palm and knuckles...

Body parts 2019-02-21

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Lūpos
  2. Veidas
  3. Blakstienos
  4. Kojų pirštai
  5. Dantys
  6. Antakiai
  7. Plaštaka
  8. Kūnas
  9. Liežuvis
  10. Akys
  11. Skruostas
  12. Kulnas
  13. Plaukai
  1. Nosis
  2. Rankų pirštai
  3. Ūsai
  4. Burna
  5. Kakta
  6. Pėdos
  7. Krūtinė
  8. Pėda
  9. Kaklas
  10. Petys
  11. Kojos
  12. Rankos
  13. Barzda
  14. Galva
  15. Kelis
  16. Ausys

29 Clues: ŪsaiPėdaAkysNosisLūposBurnaKaktaPėdosPetysKojosKūnasGalvaKelisAusysVeidasDantysKaklasRankosBarzdaKulnasKrūtinėPlaukaiAntakiaiPlaštakaLiežuvisSkruostasBlakstienosKojų pirštaiRankų pirštai

Body Parts 2020-10-04

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. the opposite of the front
  2. this is where your heart lives
  3. you brush these to keep them white
  4. it supports your head
  5. this is the top of your face
  6. you wear mittens or gloves on this
  7. use these to kiss
  8. use this to text your friends or wear a ring
  9. you use these to hear
  10. you use this to talk
  1. this is the side of your face
  2. this is the bottom of your face
  3. you use this to taste
  4. you have 10 of these on your feet
  5. you use this to think
  6. it can be long, short, curly, or straight
  7. you use this to smell
  8. you use these to run
  9. this is where you put your shoes
  10. you use this to hug someone

20 Clues: use these to kissyou use these to runyou use this to talkyou use this to tasteit supports your headyou use this to thinkyou use this to smellyou use these to hearthe opposite of the frontyou use this to hug someonethis is the top of your facethis is the side of your facethis is where your heart livesthis is the bottom of your face...

Body Parts 2020-08-17

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. 2
  2. 19
  3. 9
  4. 11
  5. 12
  6. 6
  7. 20
  8. 17
  9. 14
  10. 8
  1. 10
  2. 13
  3. 4
  4. 15
  5. 18
  6. 16
  7. 3
  8. 1
  9. 5
  10. 7

20 Clues: 2496315781013191511181216201714

Body Parts 2020-08-17

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. 2
  2. 11
  3. 19
  4. 8
  5. 18
  6. 6
  7. 14
  8. 3
  9. 16
  10. 15
  11. 20
  1. 13
  2. 4
  3. 17
  4. 12
  5. 5
  6. 10
  7. 1
  8. 7
  9. 9

20 Clues: 2485613791311191712181014161520

Body Parts 2020-03-04

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. foot
  2. eye
  3. neck
  4. toes
  5. mouth
  6. fingernails
  7. arm
  8. forehead
  9. thumb
  10. nose
  11. ear
  12. tongue
  13. lips
  14. knee
  1. teeth
  2. shoulders
  3. chin
  4. hair
  5. bellybutton
  6. hand
  7. elbow
  8. head
  9. leg
  10. ankle

24 Clues: eyearmlegearfootneckchintoeshairhandheadnoselipskneeteethmouthelbowthumbankletongueforeheadshouldersbellybuttonfingernails

body parts 2020-10-26

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. is in mouth and white.
  2. is next to body.
  3. is between head and body.
  4. we have five down of each our hand.
  5. is next to head.
  6. is under nose.o
  7. is under the neck.
  8. is on nose.
  9. is on foot.
  1. is under chest.
  2. is on mouth.
  3. we write with it.
  4. is between stomach and foot.
  5. is between eyes and hair.
  6. is on head.
  7. is on ankle.
  8. is under the body.
  9. is on body.
  10. is next to neck.
  11. is under shoulder.

20 Clues: is on on on on on on under under nose.ois next to next to next to neck.we write with under the under the under in mouth and between eyes and between head and between stomach and foot....

Body Parts 2020-09-24

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. These are the thin lines of hair which is above each eye
  2. This sense organ covers the body
  3. we taste with this
  4. The part of your face between your eyes and your hair
  5. It is a body part that used for standing and walking
  6. It is at the end of your arm that has fingers and a thumb
  7. The part of your body between your hand and your arm
  8. We see with these
  9. We smell with this
  10. where the legs bend
  11. It is a part of the face that is used for eating and speaking
  1. One of the two flat parts on the ends of your legs that you stand on
  2. A system of study and language used by visually impaired
  3. One of the five, long, separate parts at the end of your hand
  4. where your arm joins your body next to your neck
  5. One of the five separate parts at the end of your foot
  6. It grows on your head
  7. We chew with these
  8. The part of the body between your head and your shoulders
  9. It is above your neck that contains your brain,eyes,ears,mouth,nose,etc

20 Clues: We see with thesewe taste with thisWe chew with theseWe smell with thiswhere the legs bendIt grows on your headThis sense organ covers the bodywhere your arm joins your body next to your neckIt is a body part that used for standing and walkingThe part of your body between your hand and your armThe part of your face between your eyes and your hair...

Body parts 2021-01-06

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. homlok
  2. lábfejek (!)
  3. lábujjak
  4. has
  5. térd
  6. mell
  7. kéz
  8. fenék
  9. száj
  10. szemöldök
  11. ajkak
  12. láb
  1. ujjak
  2. fül
  3. nyak
  4. fog
  5. mellkas
  6. könyök
  7. szemek
  8. comb
  9. haj

21 Clues: fülfoghaskézhajlábnyaktérdmellcombszájujjakfenékajkakhomlokkönyökszemekmellkaslábujjakszemöldöklábfejek (!)

body parts 2021-09-07

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. bone
  2. hand
  3. eye brow
  4. mustache
  5. legs
  6. waist
  7. back
  8. eye lashes
  9. mouth
  10. nose
  11. del pie toes
  12. feet
  13. body
  14. ears
  15. wrist
  16. finger
  17. arm
  18. knee
  19. eyes
  1. (cabello) hair
  2. tongue
  3. shoulders
  4. throat
  5. skin
  6. beard
  7. teeth
  8. finger nail
  9. blood
  10. chin
  11. ankle
  12. stomach
  13. neck
  14. chest
  15. face
  16. elbow
  17. heart
  18. head

37 Clues: armbonehandlegsskinbackchinnosefeetneckfacebodyheadearskneeeyesbeardwaistteethbloodmouthanklechestelbowheartwristtonguethroatfingerstomacheye browmustacheshoulderseye lashesfinger naildel pie toes(cabello) hair

body parts 2021-02-24

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. - пятка
  2. пищевое отравление
  3. боль
  4. боль в ухе
  5. грипп
  6. запястье
  7. больное горло
  8. большой палец руки
  9. желудок
  10. щека
  1. - бедренная кость
  2. лоб
  3. - бедро
  4. коленка
  5. шея
  6. обезболивающее
  7. лодыжка
  8. сердечный приступ
  9. грудная клетка
  10. кашель
  11. горло
  12. локоть

22 Clues: лобшеябольщекагриппгорлокашельлокоть- пятка- бедроколенкалодыжкажелудокзапястьеболь в ухебольное горлообезболивающеегрудная клетка- бедренная костьсердечный приступпищевое отравлениебольшой палец руки

Body Parts 2021-07-29

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Atsiighąą’
  2. Ajáád
  3. Atsii’
  4. Atsoo’
  5. Awoo’
  6. Anáá’
  7. Abid
  8. Akee’
  9. Azid
  10. Agod
  1. Agąąn
  2. Álázhoozh
  3. Ajéí Yilzólii
  4. Anii’
  5. Akétsoh
  6. Ajéídíshjoolí
  7. Azéé’
  8. Atsi’ts’iin
  9. Ajaa’
  10. Awos

20 Clues: AbidAwosAzidAgodAgąąnAjáádAnii’Azéé’Awoo’Anáá’Ajaa’Akee’Atsii’Atsoo’AkétsohÁlázhoozhAtsiighąą’Atsi’ts’iinAjéí YilzóliiAjéídíshjoolí

Body Parts 2021-11-05

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. foot
  2. nose
  3. neck
  4. shoulder
  5. head
  6. face
  7. heart
  8. eye
  9. finger
  10. throat
  11. hand
  1. tooth
  2. toe
  3. body
  4. stomach
  5. arm
  6. hair
  7. elbow
  8. mouth
  9. back

20 Clues: toearmeyefootbodynoseneckheadhairfacebackhandtoothelbowmouthheartfingerthroatstomachshoulder

BODY PARTS 2021-11-10

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. dedo (mão)
  2. cotovelo
  3. peito
  4. pescoço
  5. mão
  6. braço
  7. sobrancelha
  8. ombro
  1. cabelo
  2. perna
  3. testa
  4. dedo (pé)
  5. nariz
  6. cabeça
  7. barriga
  8. joelho
  9. orelha
  10. dente
  11. boca
  12. olho

21 Clues: mãobocaolhopernatestanarizpeitodentebraçoombrocabelocabeçajoelhoorelhabarrigapescoçocotovelodedo (pé)dedo (mão)sobrancelha

Body Parts 2023-04-12

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. lips
  2. green
  3. gray
  4. arm
  5. squared
  6. mouth
  7. leg
  8. nose
  9. short
  10. round
  11. eye
  12. ear
  1. small
  2. straight (hair)
  3. red
  4. Hand
  5. long
  6. blonde
  7. brown
  8. head
  9. narrow
  10. blue
  11. foot
  12. curly (hair)
  13. wide
  14. big
  15. black

27 Clues: redarmlegbigeyeearlipsgrayHandlongheadbluefootnosewidesmallgreenbrownmouthshortroundblackblondenarrowsquaredcurly (hair)straight (hair)

Body Parts 2023-04-26

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. You use these to see
  2. Located on the side of your face
  3. The bone at the front of the knee joint
  4. Inside you'll find your heart, lungs, and ribs
  5. The large bony frame near the base of the spine
  6. The upper leg
  7. The part of your body that carries the food from the throat to the stomach
  8. The backside of your lower leg
  9. Lets you bend your arm
  10. You use this to smell
  11. Another word for stomach
  1. Separation between the leg and foot
  2. A beautician can extend these
  3. Lets you rotate your hand
  4. Your teacher's surname
  5. Head ___ knees and toes
  6. A part of your hand
  7. You have 8 of these
  8. Bottom of your jaw
  9. Bottom of your foot

20 Clues: The upper legBottom of your jawA part of your handYou have 8 of theseBottom of your footYou use these to seeYou use this to smellYour teacher's surnameLets you bend your armHead ___ knees and toesAnother word for stomachLets you rotate your handA beautician can extend theseThe backside of your lower legLocated on the side of your face...

Body parts 2023-06-06

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. The slender, jointed digits on the hands used for fine motor skills and manipulation.
  2. Tissues responsible for movement, providing strength and enabling bodily functions.
  3. The facial organ responsible for the sense of smell and part of the respiratory system.
  4. Filamentous strands that grow from the skin, providing insulation and protection.
  5. Hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
  6. Upper limbs of the body, extending from the shoulders to the hands.
  7. Organs of vision that allow us to perceive and process visual information.
  8. Hard coverings at the end of fingers and toes, protecting the fingertips and providing support.
  9. The respiratory organs responsible for breathing and exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  1. Muscular organ in the mouth that assists in speech, taste, and swallowing.
  2. The central organ of the nervous system, controlling thoughts, emotions, and bodily functions.
  3. The body parts at the end of the legs that provide support, balance, and locomotion.
  4. The outer covering of the body, protecting it from the environment and regulating temperature.
  5. The muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body, supplying oxygen and nutrients.
  6. Lower limbs of the body, used for standing, walking, and running.
  7. Rigid structures that form the skeleton, giving the body shape, support, and protection.
  8. Body parts at the end of the arms, consisting of the palm, fingers, and thumb, used for grasping and manipulating objects.
  9. Organs of hearing that enable us to perceive sound and maintain balance.
  10. The uppermost part of the human body, containing the brain, eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.
  11. The opening through which food enters the body and where speech and other vocalizations are produced.

20 Clues: Hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.Lower limbs of the body, used for standing, walking, and running.Upper limbs of the body, extending from the shoulders to the hands.Organs of hearing that enable us to perceive sound and maintain balance.Muscular organ in the mouth that assists in speech, taste, and swallowing....

Body Parts 2023-06-12

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. - Sensory organ that allows us to see.
  2. - Joint between the upper and lower arm.
  3. - Body part at the end of the leg used for standing and walking.
  4. - Upper part of the body that contains the brain and sensory organs.
  5. - Body part with fingers and a thumb for gripping and manipulating objects.
  6. - Hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing.
  7. - Facial feature used for smelling.
  8. - Part of the body that connects the head to the torso.
  9. - Soft and movable parts of the mouth.
  10. - Sensory organ that helps us hear.
  1. - Joint between the thigh and the lower leg.
  2. - Part of the body between the hip and the foot.
  3. - Part of the face used for eating and speaking.
  4. - One of the digits on the hand.
  5. - Covering on the scalp that grows from follicles.
  6. - Prominent part of the face below the lower lip.
  7. - One of the digits on the foot.
  8. - Rear part of the body, opposite the chest.
  9. - Joint connecting the arm to the body.
  10. - Part of the body between the shoulder and the hand.

20 Clues: - One of the digits on the hand.- One of the digits on the foot.- Facial feature used for smelling.- Sensory organ that helps us hear.- Sensory organ that allows us to see.- Soft and movable parts of the mouth.- Joint connecting the arm to the body.- Joint between the upper and lower arm.- Joint between the thigh and the lower leg....

Body Parts 2013-02-04

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. mână
  2. faţă
  3. picioare
  4. mâini
  5. coadă
  6. ochi (mai mulţi)
  7. guri
  8. laba piciorului
  9. nasuri
  10. ochi (doar unul)
  11. dinţi
  12. braţe
  1. nas
  2. cozi
  3. feţe
  4. braţ
  5. dinte
  6. gură
  7. labele picioarelor
  8. ureche
  9. picior
  10. urechi

22 Clues: nasmânăcozifaţăfeţebraţgurigurămâinicoadădintedinţibraţenasuriurechepiciorurechipicioarelaba picioruluiochi (mai mulţi)ochi (doar unul)labele picioarelor

BODY PARTS 2013-03-02

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. naso
  2. dente
  3. guancia
  4. denti
  5. pancia
  6. gomito
  7. orecchio
  8. anca
  9. spalla
  10. pollice
  11. braccio
  12. vita/fianchi
  13. mento
  14. dito della mano
  15. piedi
  1. labbra
  2. bocca
  3. faccia
  4. collo
  5. occhio
  6. ginocchio
  7. piede
  8. capelli
  9. polpaccio
  10. sopracciglia
  11. ciglia
  12. gamba
  13. polso
  14. caviglia
  15. fronte
  16. testa
  17. mano
  18. schiena
  19. lingua
  20. pugno
  21. dito del piede

36 Clues: nasoancamanoboccacollopiededentedentigambapolsotestamentopugnopiedilabbrafacciaocchiocigliapanciagomitofrontespallalinguacapelliguanciapolliceschienabraccioorecchiocavigliaginocchiopolpacciosopraccigliavita/fianchidito del piededito della mano

BODY PARTS 2013-05-24

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. PANZA
  3. BOCA
  6. CODO
  9. CARA
  10. PELO
  11. PULMON
  12. PUPILA
  13. DEDO
  15. CADERA
  18. CUERPO
  19. OJO
  20. IRIS
  1. BRAZO
  3. PIE
  4. CEJAS
  9. PECHO
  10. HUESOS
  12. UÑA
  14. LABIO
  15. PIES
  16. CABEZA
  17. MANO
  18. NARIZ
  19. PIERNA
  20. OREJA


Body parts 2013-09-24

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. mouth
  2. hair
  3. ear
  4. tongue
  5. finger
  6. eyebrow
  7. eye
  8. cheek
  9. chest
  10. back
  11. lip
  12. foot
  1. thumb
  2. neck
  3. face
  4. chin
  5. leg
  6. bottom
  7. teeth
  8. forehead
  9. elbow
  10. knee
  11. hand
  12. hand
  13. head
  14. nose

26 Clues: legeareyelipneckfacechinhairkneehandhandbackheadnosefootthumbmouthteethcheekelbowchestbottomtonguefingereyebrowforehead

Body Parts 2014-03-05

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. shoulder
  2. leg
  3. mouth
  4. tooth
  5. cheek
  6. head
  7. ear
  8. knee
  9. foot
  1. elbow
  2. back
  3. hand
  4. hair
  5. waist
  6. stomach
  7. tongue
  8. arm
  9. nose
  10. eye
  11. finger

20 Clues: legarmeareyebackhandhairheadnosekneefootelbowmouthwaisttoothcheektonguefingerstomachshoulder

Body Parts 2014-03-05

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. foot
  2. finger
  3. cheek
  4. knee
  5. hair
  6. waist
  7. head
  8. shoulder
  9. hand
  1. tongue
  2. nose
  3. stomach
  4. back
  5. tooth
  6. eye
  7. mouth
  8. leg
  9. elbow
  10. ear
  11. arm

20 Clues: eyelegeararmfootnosebackkneehairheadhandcheektoothmouthwaistelbowtonguefingerstomachshoulder

body parts 2014-03-21

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. duim
  2. enkel
  3. vinger
  4. tenen
  5. knie
  6. neus
  7. haar
  8. voet
  9. oog
  10. tanden
  1. borst
  2. wenkbrauw
  3. nek
  4. gezicht
  5. oor
  6. elleboog
  7. heup
  8. been
  9. voeten
  10. hand

20 Clues: nekooroogduimknieneushaarheupbeenvoethandborstenkeltenenvingervoetentandengezichtelleboogwenkbrauw

Body parts 2014-09-17

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. ear
  2. cheek
  3. lips
  4. knee
  5. hand
  6. stomach
  7. arm
  8. head
  9. face
  10. shoulder
  11. elbow
  12. teeth
  1. foot
  2. chest
  3. chin
  4. neck
  5. eye
  6. skin
  7. waist
  8. toes
  9. hair
  10. leg
  11. mouth
  12. finger
  13. back
  14. nose

26 Clues: eyeeararmlegfootchinneckskinlipskneehandtoeshairheadfacebacknosechestcheekwaistmouthelbowteethfingerstomachshoulder

BODY PARTS 2014-04-18

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. włosy
  2. brzuch
  3. pośladek
  4. szyja
  5. stopa
  6. nos
  7. ucho
  8. palec
  9. łokieć
  10. głowa
  11. kostka
  1. łydka
  2. nadgarstek
  3. plecy
  4. bark
  5. język
  6. kolano
  7. udo
  8. noga
  9. oko

20 Clues: udonosokobarkuchonogałydkawłosyplecyjęzykszyjastopapalecgłowabrzuchkolanołokiećkostkapośladeknadgarstek

Body parts 2014-05-01

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. cabeza
  2. espalda
  3. muneca
  4. Frente
  5. pecas
  6. codo
  7. musculos
  8. tobillo
  9. cheeks
  10. Lengua
  11. mente
  12. corazon
  13. Pecho
  1. cuerpo
  2. Cejas
  3. dedos
  4. pestanos
  5. estomago
  6. pulmones
  7. muslo

20 Clues: codoCejasdedospecasmuslomentePechocuerpocabezamunecaFrentecheeksLenguaespaldatobillocorazonpestanosmusculosestomagopulmones

Body parts 2014-01-29

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Organ tat pumps blood around your body
  2. Hair on or under the chin
  3. What joins your arm to your body
  4. Hairy patches over each eye
  5. Hard coverings on the ends of your fingers
  6. Normally, you have one of these on each hand
  7. Two of them put air into your blood
  8. What joins your leg to your body
  9. What joins your hand to your arm
  10. What joins your head to your body
  11. The joint that lets your leg bend in the middle
  1. Hair under the nose
  2. What joins your foot to your leg
  3. What joins your lower arm to your upper arm
  4. The organ you think with
  5. Small hairs on each eyelid
  6. The bit of your body you sit on!
  7. Having no hair
  8. Like fingers, but on the feet
  9. Organ that covers your whole body!

20 Clues: Having no hairHair under the noseThe organ you think withHair on or under the chinSmall hairs on each eyelidHairy patches over each eyeLike fingers, but on the feetWhat joins your foot to your legWhat joins your arm to your bodyThe bit of your body you sit on!What joins your leg to your bodyWhat joins your hand to your arm...

Body Parts 2015-08-08

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. 뒤꿈치
  2. 팔꿈치
  3. 손가락
  4. 무릎
  5. 얼굴
  6. 머리
  1. 어깨
  2. 머리카락
  3. 다리
  4. 발가락

22 Clues: 어깨다리무릎얼굴머리뒤꿈치팔꿈치손가락발가락머리카락

BODY PARTS 2016-11-24

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. espalda
  2. cabeza
  3. dedos
  4. lengua
  5. pulgares
  6. culo
  7. hombros
  8. diente
  9. dedos de los pies
  10. pies
  11. cuello
  12. piernas
  1. cara
  2. pelo
  3. manos
  4. boca
  5. barriga
  6. dientes
  7. pie
  8. rodillas
  9. nariz
  10. piel
  11. orejas
  12. ojos

24 Clues: piecarapelobocaculopielpiesojosmanosdedosnarizcabezalenguadienteorejascuelloespaldabarrigadienteshombrospiernaspulgaresrodillasdedos de los pies

Body Parts 2017-01-14

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. bones
  2. nails
  3. heart
  4. hair(c)
  5. throat
  6. tongue
  7. hair(p)
  8. nose
  9. shoulders
  10. hands
  11. stomach
  12. face
  13. eyelids
  14. forehead
  15. lungs
  16. eyelashes
  17. kidneys
  18. foot
  19. freckles
  20. eyebrows
  21. chin
  22. elbows
  23. wrists
  24. eyes
  1. neck
  2. mouth
  3. back
  4. brain
  5. head
  6. skin
  7. knees
  8. blood
  9. arms
  10. ears
  11. toes
  12. cheeks
  13. teeth
  14. lips
  15. legs
  16. fingers
  17. ankle

41 Clues: neckbackheadskinnosearmsearstoesfacelipsfootchinlegseyesbonesnailsmouthheartbrainkneesbloodhandsteethlungsanklethroattonguecheekselbowswristshair(c)hair(p)stomacheyelidskidneysfingersforeheadfreckleseyebrowsshoulderseyelashes

Body Parts 2016-05-24

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. tooth
  2. stomach
  3. mouth
  4. face
  5. nose
  6. hand
  7. fingernail
  8. tongue
  9. forehead
  10. elbow
  11. toe
  12. cheek
  13. back
  14. head
  1. hair
  2. shoulder
  3. chest
  4. foot
  5. leg
  6. knee
  7. wrist
  8. thumb
  9. throat/neck
  10. lip
  11. finger
  12. chin
  13. eye
  14. arm
  15. heart
  16. ear

30 Clues: leglipeyetoearmearhairfootkneefacenosehandchinbackheadtoothchestmouthwristthumbelbowcheekheartfingertonguestomachshoulderforeheadfingernailthroat/neck

Body parts 2017-02-21

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. This body part is where your torso is and it is on the front
  2. This body part allows you to see
  3. This is at the bottom of your leg
  4. This body part allows you to hear different things
  5. This part of the body consist of the bottom of your face
  6. This body part is on your hand and allows you to grab things
  7. This part allows for you to have food stored
  8. This body part allows for you to eat
  9. This part of the body is located on your side
  10. This part of the body is in the middle of the leg and allows for you to bend
  11. This body part allows for you to walk and run around
  12. This part connects the Knee and hip together
  13. This body part is where you would put pads on for football
  1. This part of the body is on your foot and there is multiple of them
  2. This part of the body is in the middle of your arm
  3. This body part is on your leg on the back side
  4. This body part is where your adams apple is located
  5. This body part consists of the back of your foot
  6. This body part is what covers your brain
  7. This part allows for your hand to twist around
  8. This part of the body connects the foot and leg
  9. This part is a whole in the middle of your stomach
  10. This part of the body has fingers
  11. This body part is connected with your hands
  12. This body part is on your face and allows you to smell

25 Clues: This body part allows you to seeThis is at the bottom of your legThis part of the body has fingersThis body part allows for you to eatThis body part is what covers your brainThis body part is connected with your handsThis part allows for you to have food storedThis part connects the Knee and hip togetherThis part of the body is located on your side...

Body Parts 2017-02-21

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. where your arms bends
  2. you eat with this
  3. lowest part of your body
  4. you hear with this
  5. attached to the neck
  6. where you can rotate your hand
  7. two of them
  8. center of your stomach
  9. part of your foot
  10. many of them on the foot
  11. attached to the head
  1. what helps you walk
  2. what you type with
  3. comes after the neck
  4. what separates the leg and foot
  5. seperation between stomach and legs
  6. center of your body
  7. soccer players where yards for them
  8. end of your face
  9. middle of the leg
  10. head ____ knees and toes
  11. many girls complain they are huge
  12. you smell with it

23 Clues: two of themend of your faceyou eat with thismiddle of the legpart of your footyou smell with itwhat you type withyou hear with thiswhat helps you walkcenter of your bodycomes after the neckattached to the neckattached to the headwhere your arms bendscenter of your stomachlowest part of your bodyhead ____ knees and toesmany of them on the foot...

Body Parts 2017-03-13

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. hair*
  2. tooth*
  3. eye
  4. shoulder*
  5. knee
  6. hand
  7. stomach
  8. forehead*
  9. leg
  10. mouth
  11. arm
  1. elbow*
  2. foot
  3. finger*
  4. ankle
  5. body
  6. head
  7. ear
  8. nose
  9. chest*

20 Clues: eyeearlegarmfootbodykneeheadhandnosehair*anklemouthelbow*tooth*chest*finger*stomachshoulder*forehead*

body parts 2017-05-31

body parts crossword puzzle
  1. Ohr
  2. kurz
  3. Mund
  4. linker Arm
  5. groß/hoch
  6. Zähne
  7. lang
  8. Schulter
  9. Finger
  10. Körper
  11. Auge
  1. Füße
  2. Arm
  3. klein
  4. Haare
  5. Zahn
  6. Bein
  7. Bart
  8. Fuß
  9. Nase
  10. groß

21 Clues: OhrArmFußFüßekurzMundZahnBeinlangBartNasegroßAugekleinHaareZähneFingerKörperSchultergroß/hochlinker Arm

Body Parts 2018-04-18

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. lèvre
  2. muscle du mollet
  3. gencive
  4. genou
  5. cil
  6. l'index
  7. front
  8. bras
  9. mâchoire
  10. sein
  11. joue
  12. coude
  1. hanche
  2. talon
  3. jambe
  4. menton
  5. doigt
  6. moustache
  7. bouche
  8. sourcille
  9. paupière
  10. barbe
  11. aisselle
  12. visage
  13. cheville
  14. poitrine

26 Clues: cilbrasseinjouetalonlèvrejambedoigtgenoubarbefrontcoudehanchementonbouchevisagegencivel'indexpaupièreaissellemâchoirechevillepoitrinemoustachesourcillemuscle du mollet

Body Parts 2022-03-24

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Knie
  2. Finger
  3. Gesicht
  4. Hand
  5. Gesicht
  6. Zeh
  7. Schulter
  8. Mund
  9. Zunge
  10. Haare
  1. Rücken
  2. Auge
  3. Nase
  4. Brust
  5. Kopf
  6. Fuss
  7. Zahn
  8. ellenbogen
  9. Bein
  10. Ohr
  11. Arm

21 Clues: ZehOhrArmKnieAugeNaseHandKopfFussZahnBeinMundBrustZungeHaareRückenFingerGesichtGesichtSchulterellenbogen

Body Parts 2022-04-04

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. Ear
  2. Parts of the body
  3. Leg
  4. Fingers
  5. Neck
  6. Throat
  7. Shoulder
  8. Hair
  9. Arm
  10. Tongue
  11. Knee
  12. Ear
  1. Woman
  2. Face
  3. Skin
  4. Tooth
  5. Back
  6. Mouth
  7. Eye
  8. Hair
  9. Stomach
  10. Foot
  11. Ankle
  12. Man
  13. Hand
  14. Chest
  15. Nose

27 Clues: EarLegEyeManArmEarFaceSkinBackHairNeckFootHandHairNoseKneeWomanToothMouthAnkleChestThroatTongueFingersStomachShoulderParts of the body

BODY PARTS 2021-12-08

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. Arme
  2. Kopf
  3. Nase
  4. Zahn
  5. Fuß
  6. Füße
  7. Ohren
  8. Zehen
  9. Bauch
  10. Schulter
  11. Rücken
  12. Finger
  1. Knie
  2. Hände
  3. Beine
  4. Ellbogen
  5. Backen
  6. Zähne
  7. Augen
  8. Mund
  9. Hals
  10. Kinn
  11. Haare

23 Clues: FußKnieArmeKopfNaseZahnFüßeMundHalsKinnHändeBeineZähneOhrenZehenAugenBauchHaareBackenRückenFingerEllbogenSchulter

BODY PARTS 2021-12-06

BODY PARTS crossword puzzle
  1. for walking or running
  2. one of the hard bony parts attached in a row to each jaw serving to bite and chew food o in animals as weapons
  3. the upper limb of the human body
  4. the part at the end of the arm in humans, or in other animals
  5. the joint between the foot and leg
  6. a large organ in the humano and animals with backbones located in the upper abdomen releasing bile and cleansing the blood
  7. the opening through which a person or animal takes in food
  8. the end of the leg, below the ankle joint on which the body stands and moves
  9. the part on either side of the body where the arm joins the rest of the body, from the base of the neck to the upper arm
  10. one of a pair of organs in the rear of the upper abdomen that filter waste from the blood produce uric acid or urea and maintain water balance in the body
  11. the bend or joint of the arm between the upper arm and forearm
  1. e front portion of the body enclosed by the ribs; thorax
  2. a saclike part of the body where food is stored and partially digested
  3. any of the jointed end members of the hand
  4. the center of a person's total personality of a person's intuition or sensibilities
  5. either of the two saclike organs used for breathing in the chest of humans and air breathing animals
  6. observation and appreciating something
  7. organs of smell and through which a person breathes
  8. the upper part of the body, containing the skull with mouth, eyes, ears, nose, and brain
  9. the joint of the human leg between the thigh and the lower leg

20 Clues: for walking or runningthe upper limb of the human bodythe joint between the foot and legobservation and appreciating somethingany of the jointed end members of the handorgans of smell and through which a person breathese front portion of the body enclosed by the ribs; thoraxthe opening through which a person or animal takes in food...

Body Parts 2022-01-17

Body Parts crossword puzzle
  1. leg
  2. teeth
  3. foot
  4. ear
  5. chest
  6. chin
  7. arm
  8. eye
  9. elbow
  10. freckles
  11. hand
  1. eyebrows
  2. nose
  3. eyelashes
  4. finger
  5. hair
  6. stomach
  7. shoulder
  8. neck
  9. face
  10. mouth
  11. knee
  12. head

23 Clues: legeararmeyenosefoothairneckfacechinkneeheadhandteethchestmouthelbowfingerstomacheyebrowsshoulderfreckleseyelashes

Body parts 2023-08-25

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. gle
  2. akbc
  3. otof
  4. ihra
  5. seon
  6. acfe
  7. edha
  8. etcsh
  9. udsohlre
  10. tohmu
  1. kcne
  2. sare
  3. octhasm
  4. mra
  5. rgeifn
  6. enke
  7. adnh
  8. yese
  9. bewlo
  10. rhatto

20 Clues: glemrakcnesareakbcotofenkeihraadnhseonyeseacfeedhaetcshbewlotohmurgeifnrhattoocthasmudsohlre

Body parts 2023-08-25

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. gle
  2. akbc
  3. otof
  4. ihra
  5. seon
  6. acfe
  7. edha
  8. etcsh
  9. udsohlre
  10. tohmu
  1. kcne
  2. sare
  3. octhasm
  4. mra
  5. rgeifn
  6. enke
  7. adnh
  8. yese
  9. bewlo
  10. rhatto

20 Clues: glemrakcnesareakbcotofenkeihraadnhseonyeseacfeedhaetcshbewlotohmurgeifnrhattoocthasmudsohlre