diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Chapter 36-38 2014-10-21

Chapter 36-38 crossword puzzle
  1. impaired glucose tolerance-Referring to people who maintain a normal blood glucose level but develop hyperglycemia when challenged with an oral glucos
  2. A crystalline iodine-containing hormone; its chief function is to increase the rate of cell metabolism.
  3. Complications associated with atherosclerosis of middle to large arteries such as those in the heart and brain.
  4. Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland.
  5. Referring to persons who maintain a normal blood glucose level but develop hyperglycemia when challenged with an oral glucose tolerance test. Also kno
  6. A chronic condition, congenital or developed before puberty, characterized by arrested physical and mental development, with dystrophy of the bones an
  7. A variety of metabolic disorders marked by inability of the body to store or utilize glucose. Includes type 1, type 2, and gestational.
  8. Deficiency of sugar in the blood.
  9. Hypothyroid condition causing an edema of tissues, loss of hair, and physical and mental sluggishness in adults.
  10. A radioactive isotope of iodine used for treating hyperthyroidism in certain patients.
  11. Thyroid-stimulating hormone stimulates the thyroid gland to release its hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine.
  12. An abnormal sensation, such as burning or prickling.
  13. Severe condition resulting from an abnormal increase of thyroid hormone secretion.
  1. Adrenocortical steroid hormones that regulate carbohydrates, protein, and fat metabolism. They have antiinflammatory, antiallergenic, and immunosuppre
  2. The major natural glucocorticoid hormone secreted by the human adrenal cortex.
  3. Formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; present in 5% to 10% of the diabetic population. There is no secretion of insulin from the panc
  4. Underactivity of the thyroid gland.
  5. Abnormal condition caused by overactivity of the thyroid gland.
  6. Complications that arise from destruction of capillaries in eyes, kidneys, and peripheral tissues.
  7. Excess of sugar in the blood.
  8. The intermediate stage between normal glucose homeostasis and diabetes.
  9. A comprehensive program of diabetes care that includes self-monitoring of blood glucose four or more times daily, and, for those patients with type 1
  10. Fludrocortisone and aldosterone; maintain fluid and electrolyte balance and are used to treat adrenal insufficiency caused by hypopituitarism or Addis
  11. One of the thyroid hormones: an organic iodine-containing compound liberated from thyroglobulin by hydrolysis.
  12. A subclass of diabetes mellitus seen in women who show abnormal glucose tolerance during pregnancy.
  13. Functional disturbances and/or pathologic changes in the peripheral nervous system.
  14. Formerly known as non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; represents about 90% of the diabetic population. The pancreas still maintains some ability

27 Clues: Excess of sugar in the blood.Deficiency of sugar in the blood.Underactivity of the thyroid gland.An abnormal sensation, such as burning or prickling.Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland.Abnormal condition caused by overactivity of the thyroid gland.The intermediate stage between normal glucose homeostasis and diabetes....

MNT 407 2012-11-28

MNT 407 crossword puzzle
  1. long-term complication of diabetes
  2. study of cancer
  3. a primary concern in COPD
  4. deficiency of in type I DM
  5. sticky cells that line blood vessels in early atherosclerosis
  6. rebound hyperglycemia
  7. short-term complication of diabetes
  8. long-term complication of DM
  9. characteristic of type II DM
  10. compound activated by renin
  11. excessive CO2 in the blood
  12. agent that induces cancer
  13. risk factor for CHD
  14. hypertension
  15. form of cancer treatment
  16. excessive production of this in CF
  17. glycosylated hemoglobin
  1. spreading of cancer to other tissues and organs
  2. BP of 120-139/80-89
  3. excessive thirst
  4. equals 43 mEq of sodium
  5. long-term nutritional concern in cardiac transplantation
  6. component of cardiac remodeling that delays HF
  7. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  8. risk factor for HTN
  9. restriction of this nutrient often needed in COPD
  10. form of COPD
  11. excessive urination
  12. Dr. B's favorite coffee shop
  13. Brenda's favorite Nutr 407 class (and a MNT tool used for DM)
  14. disease of bronchial hyper-responsiveness and airway inflammation
  15. risk factor for type II DM
  16. hormone that opposes insulin action
  17. condition of LBM wasting in heart failure
  18. primary symptom of diabetes
  19. low intakes of this nutrient increase the risk of HTN
  20. nutritional concern in cystic fibrosis
  21. shortness of breath
  22. compound involved in the control of BP

39 Clues: form of COPDhypertensionstudy of cancerexcessive thirstBP of 120-139/80-89risk factor for HTNexcessive urinationrisk factor for CHDshortness of breathrebound hyperglycemiaequals 43 mEq of sodiumglycosylated hemoglobinform of cancer treatmenta primary concern in COPDagent that induces cancerdeficiency of in type I DMrisk factor for type II DM...

Patient Stories 2022-11-16

Patient Stories crossword puzzle
  1. cells
  2. anemia
  3. lungs
  4. ironfood
  5. asthmasound
  6. lungs
  1. molecules
  2. glucose
  3. cain'tcook
  4. greatest
  5. stomach
  6. asthmaattack
  7. boomboom
  8. heart

14 Clues: cellslungsheartlungsanemiaglucosestomachgreatestironfoodboomboommoleculescain'tcookasthmasoundasthmaattack

Microbiology Crossword Module 3: Autoimmune Disoders 2023-02-09

Microbiology Crossword Module 3: Autoimmune Disoders crossword puzzle
  1. An antibody that binds to a self-antigen
  2. Reduced insulin production is called
  3. An example of an autoimmune disorder resulting from a viral infection is
  4. Arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma are examples of __________ autoimmune disorders
  5. Do males or females experience autoimmune disorders more
  6. When the immune system creates antibodies that attack your own cells
  7. Self-tolerance is the result of mechanisms that lead to the ___________ of self-reactive cells
  8. An antigen that is also referred to as a self-antigen that is expressed on your own cells
  9. specific Is type one diabetes tissue-specific or systemic
  10. Which cells are auto reactive in diabetes
  11. A tissue specific autoimmune disorder that causes hyperthyroidism is
  12. In MS, this tissue is attacked on the neuronal cells
  1. The acting antibody in graves disease is
  2. The deletion of self-reactive cells once they have entered the lymph is referred to as ________
  3. The cells in which type of diabetes attacks
  4. The ability of the immune system to differentiate between self and non-self
  5. The editing and prevention of self-reactive B and T cells in their site of maturation is called ________
  6. An T or b cell that binds to an autoantigen
  7. An example of an autoimmune disorder resulting from psychological stressors is
  8. In graves disease there is an ___________ of thyroid

20 Clues: Reduced insulin production is calledAn antibody that binds to a self-antigenThe acting antibody in graves disease isWhich cells are auto reactive in diabetesThe cells in which type of diabetes attacksAn T or b cell that binds to an autoantigenIn graves disease there is an ___________ of thyroidIn MS, this tissue is attacked on the neuronal cells...

Personal health crossword 2018-01-03

Personal health crossword crossword puzzle
  1. dumping_ground_for_trash
  2. when_the_ozone_traps_gases
  3. first_aid_for_the_airways
  4. made_of_O3
  5. chemicals_used_to_kill_pests
  6. specific_medical_care
  1. neurological_disorder
  2. aSpecialist_that_deals_with_apperance
  3. applications_to_preform_sterilization
  4. Type1herediteryType2_is_up_to_you
  5. restoringyourheartbeat
  6. number_six_with_hands_only
  7. rain_with_chemicals

13 Clues: made_of_O3rain_with_chemicalsneurological_disorderspecific_medical_carerestoringyourheartbeatdumping_ground_for_trashfirst_aid_for_the_airwayswhen_the_ozone_traps_gasesnumber_six_with_hands_onlychemicals_used_to_kill_pestsType1herediteryType2_is_up_to_youaSpecialist_that_deals_with_apperanceapplications_to_preform_sterilization

abc 2023-12-13

abc crossword puzzle
  1. again
  2. laundry
  3. insulin
  4. thinking
  5. parts
  6. land
  7. help
  1. safeplace
  2. adding
  3. different
  4. gone
  5. together
  6. kind

13 Clues: gonekindlandhelpagainpartsaddinglaundryinsulintogetherthinkingsafeplacedifferent

Tópico 8. Distúrbios pancreáticos - da pancreatite ao diabetes mellitus 2021-05-03

Tópico 8. Distúrbios pancreáticos - da pancreatite ao diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Principal fator etiológico mecânico da pancreatite; relacionado com a vesícula biliar
  2. Principal molécula que desencadeia a liberação de insulina pela célula beta do pâncreas
  3. Tipo de diabetes provocado por resistência insulínica e pela disfunção das células beta a longo prazo
  4. Distúrbio inflamatório no pâncreas que varia quanto à gravidade
  5. Comportamento consequente ao aumento da lipólise (e ácidos graxos livres); regulado pelo hipotálamo.
  6. Tipo de diabetes causado pela deficiência de secreção de insulina provocada pela destruição das células beta
  7. Tipo de condição inflamatória do pâncreas, devido à ativação inapropriada das enzimas pancreáticas, com manifestações que podem variar de leves a graves e potencialmente fatais
  8. Comportamento consequente à depleção volumétrica encontrado no diabetes; regulado pelo hipotálamo.
  9. Tipo celular importante por sofrer com espécies reativas de oxigênio geradas pela glicotoxicidade; Relacionada com o sistema cargiovascular
  1. Tipo de tumor pancreático muito grave e a neoplasia mais comum desse órgão
  2. 4 Principal transportador de glicose que depende de insulina ser exposto na membrana de mioócitos ou adipócitos
  3. Comportamento consequente ao aumento de glicose e de água na urina; regulado pelo hipotálamo.
  4. Principal fator etiológico comportamental da pancreatite
  5. Nome de uma importante causa de doença renal crônica, está associada a demandas aumentadas de trabalho e à microalbuminúria imposta por níveis de glicemia inadequadamente controlados
  6. Característica comum de um grupo de distúrbios metabólicos conhecidos como diabetes melito
  7. Tipo de condição inflamatória do pâncreas que provoca destruição progressiva e irreversível do pâncreas endócrino e exócrino. Caracteriza-se por episódios de dor e distúrbio epigástrico, embora sejam menos intensos
  8. Sigla (em inglês) para um conjunto de moléculas tóxicas derivadas da ligação de carboidratos + proteínas de forma não enzimática

17 Clues: Principal fator etiológico comportamental da pancreatiteDistúrbio inflamatório no pâncreas que varia quanto à gravidadeTipo de tumor pancreático muito grave e a neoplasia mais comum desse órgãoPrincipal fator etiológico mecânico da pancreatite; relacionado com a vesícula biliar...

Fármacos diferentes a la insulina utilizados en el tratamiento del paciente con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 2024-06-21

Fármacos diferentes a la insulina utilizados en el tratamiento del paciente con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Clorpropamida, tolazamida y tolbutamida son farmacos de primera generacion del grupo de las...
  2. ¿Cual fármaco es sensibilizador de insulina?
  3. Hormona que aumenta los niveles de glucosa en la sangre al liberar glucosa almacenada en el hígado
  4. ¿Péptido que estimula la secreción de insulina, inhibe la secreción de glucagón y favorece la saciedad temprana?
  5. ¿Cuál es el efecto secundario más grave que se ha descrito con el uso de metformina? (2 palabras)
  6. Tipo de insulina de acción rápida que se administra antes de las comidas para controlar los picos de glucosa postprandial (2 palabras)
  7. ¿Qué fármaco imita la función de las hormonas que secreta el páncreas?
  8. ¿Cuál es el mecanismo que inhibe la metformina para controlar la glucemia?
  1. ¿Hormonas que se producen en el tracto gastrointestinal y aumentan la secreción de insulina?
  2. ¿Agonista del receptor de GLP-1 con formulaciones tanto oral como subcutánea, utilizado en el tratamiento de la diabetes tipo 2?
  3. ¿Que tipo de fármacos sirven para pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 pero no funcionan para pacientes con diabetes tipo 1?
  4. ¿Que fármaco inhibidor de la dipeptidil peptidasa-4 estimula la produccion de insulina en el páncreas?
  5. Fármaco del grupo de secretagogos que estimula a que el páncreas produzca más insulina
  6. Hormona producida por el páncreas que permite a las células absorber glucosa de la sangre para usarla como energía
  7. ¿Cuál es el fármaco de primera elección en los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 y resistencia a la insulina?

15 Clues: ¿Cual fármaco es sensibilizador de insulina?¿Qué fármaco imita la función de las hormonas que secreta el páncreas?¿Cuál es el mecanismo que inhibe la metformina para controlar la glucemia?Fármaco del grupo de secretagogos que estimula a que el páncreas produzca más insulina...

Chapter1-health 2024-08-16

Chapter1-health crossword puzzle
  1. 잘안맞아(옷이)
  2. 미루지마
  3. 스케일링하다
  4. 치실을하다you
  5. 다이어트해?
  6. 수면마취하다(me)
  1. 정밀검사
  2. 신체측정
  3. 당뇨병
  4. 만성질환
  5. 식단조절을 하다
  6. 내시경을받다
  7. 치통이생기다
  8. 치석

14 Clues: 치석당뇨병정밀검사신체측정만성질환미루지마스케일링하다내시경을받다치통이생기다다이어트해?잘안맞아(옷이)식단조절을 하다치실을하다you수면마취하다(me)

Bab 12.7 2023-11-02

Bab 12.7 crossword puzzle
  1. keadaan yang dicirikan oleh pemanjangan tulang yang abnormal
  2. simtom hipertiroidisme termasuklah ——— secara berlebihan
  3. pesakit dijangkiti diabetes insipidus disebabkan lobus posterior kelenjar pituitari gagal merembeskan hormon ———
  4. keadaan yang berlaku bawah mata seseorang apabila mengalami hipotiroidisme
  5. pesakit dijangkiti diabetes melitus disebabkan tidak menghasilkan atau tidak menggunakan ———
  1. antara simtom diabetes insipidus
  2. keadaan paras glukosa darah sangat rendah
  3. Kekerdilan berlaku apabila organ gagal ——— dan nisbah bahagian badan kekal seperti kanak-kanak
  4. hipertiroidisme berlaku sekiranya rembesan ——— terlalu banyak

9 Clues: antara simtom diabetes insipiduskeadaan paras glukosa darah sangat rendahsimtom hipertiroidisme termasuklah ——— secara berlebihankeadaan yang dicirikan oleh pemanjangan tulang yang abnormalhipertiroidisme berlaku sekiranya rembesan ——— terlalu banyakkeadaan yang berlaku bawah mata seseorang apabila mengalami hipotiroidisme...

Unit 6 2020-11-30

Unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. süsivesik
  2. lahjapiim, pett
  3. madala rasvasusega
  4. tasakaalustatud
  5. lisaaine,lisand
  6. kooritud, rasv osaliselt eemaldatud
  7. kiudaine
  8. antioksüdant
  9. koostisaine, koostisosa
  10. allikas, pärinemiskoht
  1. hapnik
  2. kaltsium
  3. säilitusaine
  4. toitaine
  5. valk
  6. tarbima
  7. hindama,hinnangut andma
  8. täispiim
  9. portsjon
  10. suhkruhaigus
  11. tarbija
  12. piimatooted,piimapood

22 Clues: valkhapniktarbimatarbijakaltsiumtoitainetäispiimportsjonkiudainesüsivesiksäilitusainesuhkruhaigusantioksüdantlahjapiim, petttasakaalustatudlisaaine,lisandmadala rasvasusegapiimatooted,piimapoodallikas, pärinemiskohthindama,hinnangut andmakoostisaine, koostisosakooritud, rasv osaliselt eemaldatud

Kryds og tværs - sygdom 2023-02-23

Kryds og tværs - sygdom crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes
  2. Orem
  3. Pulmonales
  4. Tidlig opsporing score
  5. Tidlig opsporing score
  6. Nervelidelse
  7. Død
  8. Kan sidde i klem
  9. Trakea
  10. Højre
  11. Åndedræt
  1. Prioriteringsredskab
  2. Sygdom i hjernen
  3. Iltmætning
  4. Venstre
  5. Tand
  6. Hjerteinsufficiens
  7. Rokketand
  8. Early warning score
  9. Egenomsorg
  10. Lungeblærer
  11. Vi tænker med den

22 Clues: DødTandOremHøjreTrakeaVenstreDiabetesÅndedrætRokketandIltmætningPulmonalesEgenomsorgLungeblærerNervelidelseSygdom i hjernenKan sidde i klemVi tænker med denHjerteinsufficiensEarly warning scorePrioriteringsredskabTidlig opsporing scoreTidlig opsporing score

PBS Diabetes Crossword Puzzle 2013-01-17

PBS Diabetes Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What is the organ associated with the enocrine system located behind the stomach?
  2. How much energy it takes to raise one gram of water one degree celcius?
  3. What is the indicator for a carbohydrate?
  4. What system(s) does the pancreas belong to?
  5. A non-protein chemical compound that is bond to a protein?
  6. A coenzyme used to transport chemical energy within the cells?
  7. What eye problem can diabetes cause due changes in the blood vessels of the retina?
  8. A peptide hormone that opens up the cells for glucose to enter them?
  9. A simple sugar
  10. A molecule on which an enzyme acts?
  11. A disorder where the pancreas secreates no or not enough insulin?
  1. What is D's favorite muscle?
  2. A chemical reaction that builds up molecules by losing water molecules?
  3. When two monosaccharides go through dehydration synthesis it makes this?
  4. Alpha Cells Make this?
  5. What possibly life threatning disorder happens because glucose cannot get into the cell causing a very high blood glucose level?
  6. What is the indicator of a protein?
  7. This type of diabetes happens only in women?
  8. What is proteins monomer?
  9. area of the pancreas that contains the endocrine cells?
  10. What are the monomers of a carbohydrate?
  11. large biological molecules responsible for the thousands of chemical intercoversations that sustain life?

22 Clues: A simple sugarAlpha Cells Make this?What is proteins monomer?What is D's favorite muscle?What is the indicator of a protein?A molecule on which an enzyme acts?What are the monomers of a carbohydrate?What is the indicator for a carbohydrate?What system(s) does the pancreas belong to?This type of diabetes happens only in women?...

Vaping and smoking 2024-05-22

Vaping and smoking crossword puzzle
  1. dfgjmd
  2. jytdj
  3. dfj
  4. jtydj
  5. yjtd
  6. htrjd
  7. jtdrtj
  1. rhfgj
  2. gdmhmg
  3. gfjngcf
  4. mhgcx
  5. hmggmc
  6. jdt

13 Clues: dfjjdtyjtdrhfgjjytdjmhgcxjtydjhtrjddfgjmdgdmhmghmggmcjtdrtjgfjngcf

Invention Convention 2014-07-23

Invention Convention crossword puzzle
  1. Slicer What did Otto Frederick Rowedder invented?
  2. Rogers Started world’s largest radio station
  3. Hewitt Famous for radio hockey show and then for TV show Hockey Night in Canada
  4. Thompson First to receive medical treatment
  5. Helps to travel long distances
  6. Invented snowmobile
  7. Marconi Who invented the radio?
  8. line Made cars cheaper
  9. A Linberg Gathered hearts and interest of north Americans
  10. communication What did telephone help to do?
  1. Helped to deliver information to fellow Canadians
  2. Ford Who invented automobile?
  3. farther What did cars allow Canadians to do?
  4. Made to bring Canadians closer and unite countries
  5. Countered cold climates
  6. Aids long distance communication
  7. T Cost $395 dollars in 1920s
  8. Bell Who invented the telephone?
  9. Fredrick Banting Discovered treatment for diabetes from test on dogs
  10. Discovery aved many lives in treatment of diabetes

20 Clues: Invented snowmobileline Made cars cheaperCountered cold climatesT Cost $395 dollars in 1920sFord Who invented automobile?Helps to travel long distancesMarconi Who invented the radio?Aids long distance communicationBell Who invented the telephone?Thompson First to receive medical treatmentRogers Started world’s largest radio station...


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  2. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  3. Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  4. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  5. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  6. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  7. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  8. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  9. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  10. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  11. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  12. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  1. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  2. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  3. Fungsi dari natrium…
  4. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  5. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  6. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  7. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  8. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  9. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  10. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  11. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  12. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…salah satu sumber alami natrium…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…...


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  2. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  3. Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  4. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  5. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  6. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  7. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  8. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  9. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  10. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  11. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  12. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  1. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  2. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  3. Fungsi dari natrium…
  4. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  5. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  6. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  7. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  8. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  9. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  10. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  11. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  12. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…salah satu sumber alami natrium…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…...

6.6 Review on Hormones 2020-04-03

6.6 Review on Hormones crossword puzzle
  1. hormone that causes development of male genitalia
  2. type of diabetes, autoimmune affecting Beta cells
  3. cell type that secretes glucagon
  4. characterized by weight gain, coldness, etc.
  5. stimulates the breakdown of glycogen
  6. acts on the hypothalamus to inhibit appetite
  7. type of diabetes, deficiencyof insulin receptors
  8. inability for leptin to act on hypothalamus
  9. regulates body temperature and metabolic rate.
  1. cell type that secretes insulin
  2. controlled by hormone levels in females, monthly
  3. stimulates the development of follicles
  4. gene that tells gonads to develop into testes
  5. islets secrete enzymes into the bloodstream
  6. secreted by the pineal glands
  7. stimulates completion of meiosis
  8. characterized by fatigue, headaches, insomnia
  9. internal clockwork of body, sleep and wake up
  10. hormone that causes development of female genitalia
  11. promotes thickening of the endometrium
  12. stimulates the creation of glycogen

21 Clues: secreted by the pineal glandscell type that secretes insulincell type that secretes glucagonstimulates completion of meiosisstimulates the creation of glycogenstimulates the breakdown of glycogenpromotes thickening of the endometriumstimulates the development of folliclesislets secrete enzymes into the bloodstream...


  1. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  2. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  3. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  4. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  5. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…
  6. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  7. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  8. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  9. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  10. Fungsi dari natrium…
  11. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  12. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  1. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  2. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  3. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  4. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  5. laut Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  6. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  7. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  8. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  9. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  10. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  11. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  12. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…salah satu sumber alami natrium…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…...


  1. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  2. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  3. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  4. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  5. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…
  6. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  7. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  8. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  9. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  10. Fungsi dari natrium…
  11. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  12. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  1. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  2. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  3. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  4. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  5. laut Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  6. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  7. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  8. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  9. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  10. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  11. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  12. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…salah satu sumber alami natrium…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…...


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. Fungsi dari natrium…
  2. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  3. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  4. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  5. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  6. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  7. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  8. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  9. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  10. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  11. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  1. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  2. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  3. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  4. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  5. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  6. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  7. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…
  8. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  9. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  10. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  11. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  12. laut Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  13. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…salah satu sumber alami natrium…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…...


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  2. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  3. Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  4. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  5. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  6. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  7. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  8. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  9. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  10. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  11. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  12. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  1. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  2. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  3. Fungsi dari natrium…
  4. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  5. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  6. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  7. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  8. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  9. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  10. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  11. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  12. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…salah satu sumber alami natrium…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…...


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  2. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  3. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  4. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  5. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  6. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…
  7. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  8. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  9. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  10. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  11. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  1. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  2. Fungsi dari natrium…
  3. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  4. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  5. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  6. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  7. Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  8. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  9. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  10. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  11. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  12. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  13. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…salah satu sumber alami natrium…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…...


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  2. Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  3. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  4. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  5. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  6. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  7. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  8. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  9. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  10. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  11. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  12. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  1. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  2. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  3. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  4. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  5. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  6. Fungsi dari natrium…
  7. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  8. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…
  9. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  10. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  11. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  12. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…salah satu sumber alami natrium…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…...

Chapter 5 Vocab 2021-10-26

Chapter 5 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Expense an expense that can be changed
  2. not having enough red blood cells
  3. Expense a payment that cannot be changed
  4. bones become fragile and break easily
  5. high blood pressure
  6. Diabetes form of diabetes occurs when pregnant
  1. a mixture of milk or milk substitute
  2. a doctor who treats children
  3. Intolerance milk product allergy
  4. an enzyme that helps digest lactose
  5. Leave time off for a mother after birth
  6. doctor who specializes in childbirth
  7. Factor a particular protein found in the blood

13 Clues: high blood pressurea doctor who treats childrenIntolerance milk product allergynot having enough red blood cellsan enzyme that helps digest lactosea mixture of milk or milk substitutedoctor who specializes in childbirthbones become fragile and break easilyExpense an expense that can be changedLeave time off for a mother after birth...

crossword nurse 1 2023-11-14

crossword nurse 1 crossword puzzle
  1. - Inactive
  2. - Yellowing
  3. - Indicator
  4. - Heartbeat
  5. - Tube
  6. - Treatment
  7. - Fainting
  8. - Diabetes
  9. - DNA
  10. - Blood
  11. - Injection
  12. - Bleeding
  13. - Medications
  1. - Urination
  2. - Infection
  3. - Vomiting
  4. - Tumor
  5. - Tissue
  6. - Inactive
  7. - Numbness
  8. - Kidney
  9. - Break
  10. - Numbness
  11. - Imaging
  12. - Swelling
  13. - Immunization
  14. - Blood
  15. - Recovery
  16. - Reaction
  17. - Suction

30 Clues: - DNA- Tube- Tumor- Break- Blood- Blood- Tissue- Kidney- Imaging- Suction- Inactive- Vomiting- Inactive- Numbness- Numbness- Swelling- Fainting- Diabetes- Recovery- Bleeding- Reaction- Urination- Infection- Yellowing- Indicator- Heartbeat- Treatment- Injection- Medications- Immunization

Type 1 Diabetes 2017-08-30

Type 1 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. excessive urination
  2. glucose regulating hormone
  3. a key component to successful treatment
  4. rapid acting insulin
  5. the other name for type 1 diabetes
  1. where insulin is produced in the body
  2. mealtime insulin
  3. type 1 diabetes is the leading cause of
  4. what the body uses for energy
  5. long acting insulin

10 Clues: mealtime insulinexcessive urinationlong acting insulinrapid acting insulinglucose regulating hormonewhat the body uses for energythe other name for type 1 diabeteswhere insulin is produced in the bodytype 1 diabetes is the leading cause ofa key component to successful treatment

January Hump Day Humdinger 2022-12-27

January Hump Day Humdinger crossword puzzle
  1. chronic HFmrEF I50._2
  2. Diabetic foot ulcer E11._21
  3. Diabetes with autonomic neuropathy: E11.4_
  4. Endstage CHF I5_.84
  5. Hypertension I_0
  6. Diabetes, uns E11._
  1. Hyperlipidemia, unsp E7_.5
  2. Ulcer on right heel L97._1-
  3. Coccyx pressure ulcer, stage 2: L89.1_-
  4. Chronic venous hypertension without complications I8_.30-
  5. Depression NOS F3_.A
  6. Diagnosis of hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia E_8.2

12 Clues: Hypertension I_0Endstage CHF I5_.84Diabetes, uns E11._Depression NOS F3_.Achronic HFmrEF I50._2Hyperlipidemia, unsp E7_.5Ulcer on right heel L97._1-Diabetic foot ulcer E11._21Coccyx pressure ulcer, stage 2: L89.1_-Diabetes with autonomic neuropathy: E11.4_Chronic venous hypertension without complications I8_.30-...

diabetes hannah vanden bos 2023-04-25

diabetes hannah vanden bos crossword puzzle
  1. form of diabetes women get when pregnant
  2. chemical messenger
  3. showing signs of diabetes
  4. high blood glucose
  5. the loss or removal of a body part
  6. hormone that helps your cells use energy
  1. body makes less insulin than before
  2. body does not make insulin
  3. low blood glucose
  4. organ that helps regulate blood sugar
  5. used when referring to blood sugar cells

11 Clues: low blood glucosechemical messengerhigh blood glucoseshowing signs of diabetesbody does not make insulinthe loss or removal of a body partbody makes less insulin than beforeorgan that helps regulate blood sugarform of diabetes women get when pregnantused when referring to blood sugar cellshormone that helps your cells use energy

C6 Crucigrama de Vocab 2023-10-02

C6 Crucigrama de Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. sick
  2. medicine
  3. irritable
  4. ____ is bothersome to me
  5. cancer
  6. nurse
  7. to wound
  8. scared
  9. allergy
  10. surgeon
  11. hives
  12. to cut oneself
  13. to gain weight
  14. vaccines
  15. to breathe
  16. to brush
  17. cholesterol
  18. pills
  19. to lose weight
  20. pharmacist
  21. diabetes
  22. to vomit/throw up
  23. to burn oneself
  24. pediatrician
  25. dentist
  26. exhausted
  27. doctor's office
  28. frustrated
  29. paramedic
  30. I have a cough
  1. terrible
  2. swollen
  3. depressed
  4. in love
  5. una cita to make an appointment
  6. scratch
  7. illnesses
  8. I hurt (myself)
  9. to apply
  10. syrup
  11. dizzy
  12. shot
  13. pharmacy
  14. well
  15. cut
  16. asthma
  17. prescription
  18. jealous
  19. doctor, physician
  20. fed up
  21. anxious
  22. hurt
  23. hospital
  24. busy
  25. cough
  26. black eye
  27. excited
  28. bruise

58 Clues: cutsickshotwellhurtbusynursehivessyrupdizzypillscoughcancerscaredasthmafed upbruiseswollenin loveallergyscratchsurgeonjealousanxiousdentistexcitedterriblemedicineto woundto applyvaccinespharmacyto brushhospitaldiabetesdepressedirritableillnessesexhaustedblack eyeparamedicto breathepharmacistfrustratedcholesterolprescriptionpediatrician...


  1. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  2. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  3. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  4. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  5. laut Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  6. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  7. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  8. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  9. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…
  10. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  11. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  12. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  13. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  1. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  2. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  3. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  4. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  5. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  6. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  7. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  8. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  9. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  10. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  11. Fungsi dari natrium…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…salah satu sumber alami natrium…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…...


  1. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  2. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  3. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  4. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  5. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  6. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  7. Fungsi dari natrium…
  8. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  9. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  10. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  1. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  2. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  3. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  4. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  5. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  6. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  7. laut Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  8. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  9. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  10. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…
  11. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  12. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  13. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  14. salah satu sumber alami natrium…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…salah satu sumber alami natrium…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…...


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. Fungsi dari natrium…
  2. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  3. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  4. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  5. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  6. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  7. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  8. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  9. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  10. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  11. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  1. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  2. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  3. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  4. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  5. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  6. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  7. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…
  8. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  9. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  10. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  11. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  12. laut Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  13. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…salah satu sumber alami natrium…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…...


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  2. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  3. Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  4. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  5. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  6. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  7. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  8. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  9. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  10. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  11. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  12. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  1. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  2. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  3. Fungsi dari natrium…
  4. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  5. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  6. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  7. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  8. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  9. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  10. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  11. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  12. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…salah satu sumber alami natrium…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…...

Medical Terminology 2021-09-02

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. the step of the NCP that includes PES statements
  2. excessive hunger
  3. untreated high blood sugar can lead to this
  4. high blood pressure
  5. protects individuals personal health information
  6. lack of sufficient nutrients
  7. hormone made in the pancreas
  8. base amount of energy needed to function
  1. the behavior change plan for patient, one of the steps of the NCP
  2. high sodium levels in blood
  3. Syndrome: five conditions that increase risk of CVD, diabetes or stroke
  4. RDA, AI, UL, EAR
  5. Diabetes: high blood sugar that affects pregnant women
  6. difficulty swallowing which requires pureed food diet
  7. plaque buildup that increases risk of CVD
  8. excessive thirst
  9. patient bruises easily, fatigued, cold hands/feet, pale skin
  10. an eating disorder characterized by a fear of eating and gaining weight
  11. Hamwi method
  12. swelling caused by CHF

20 Clues: Hamwi methodRDA, AI, UL, EARexcessive hungerexcessive thirsthigh blood pressureswelling caused by CHFhigh sodium levels in bloodlack of sufficient nutrientshormone made in the pancreasbase amount of energy needed to functionplaque buildup that increases risk of CVDuntreated high blood sugar can lead to this...

Crossword CRA CC 2021-10-14

Crossword CRA CC crossword puzzle
  1. Crohn’s and ____ Canada
  2. ____ Clinic
  3. Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  4. Atlantic ____Community Center
  5. District scolaire ____ Sud
  6. Healthy People, Strong __
  7. Diabetes Canada - Diabetes Awareness Month
  8. Anglophone East School ____
  9. From Poverty to __
  10. The ____ Park campus
  11. Canadian ____ Health Association
  12. Muscular ____ Canada
  13. __and Inclusion
  14. Beauséjour Family Crisis ____ Centre
  15. Big Cove First ___ Wellness Committee
  16. __ First
  17. ___ Fibrosis Canada
  1. All That __ Can Be
  2. The Lung _____
  3. CRA __: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect and Collaboration
  4. The Heintzman __ Award
  5. Multiple ____ Society of Canada
  6. ___ and Stroke
  7. The ___ Foundation of Canada
  8. YWCA Moncton Un point tournant pour les ____
  9. Canada School of Public __
  10. Canadian ___ Foundation
  11. Linguistic __ Day
  12. Daffodil Days Cancer Awareness Month
  13. January is __'s Awareness Month
  14. INCA santévisuelle, une vision pour l’___
  15. National Day for Truth and __
  16. Young Professionals __

33 Clues: __ First____ ClinicThe Lung ________ and Stroke__and InclusionLinguistic __ DayAll That __ Can BeFrom Poverty to _____ Fibrosis CanadaThe ____ Park campusMuscular ____ CanadaThe Heintzman __ AwardYoung Professionals __Crohn’s and ____ CanadaCanadian ___ FoundationHealthy People, Strong __District scolaire ____ SudCanada School of Public __...


TEKA TEKI SILANG crossword puzzle
  1. Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…
  2. Organ yang secara aktif mereabsorpsi natrium adalah…
  3. Natrium benzoot sering digunakan pada…
  4. salah satu sumber alami natrium…
  5. laut Makanan yang mengandung natrium tinggi…
  6. Makanan yang menyebabkan penimbulan lemak adalah…
  7. jantung Kelebihan natrium juga dapat beresiko terhadap…
  8. Mineral natrium merupakan kation utama yang terdapat dalam cairan…
  9. Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…
  10. Natrium adalah mineral jenis…
  11. Dimana tempat penyerapan natrium yang sangat efisien…
  12. Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…
  13. Akibat kelebihan natrium…
  1. Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…
  2. Sumber utama natrium pada garam…
  3. konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…
  4. kekurangan natrium dapat menyebabkan…
  5. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan manis disebabkan oleh…
  6. Kelebihan natrium dikeluarkan melalui…
  7. Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…
  8. Reabsorpsi natrium di ginjal dikontrol secara…
  9. kelebihan natrium dapat memunculkan salah satu penyakit…
  10. Diabetes menitus memiliki resiko terjadinya penyakit…
  11. Fungsi dari natrium…

24 Clues: Fungsi dari natrium…Akibat kelebihan natrium…Natrium adalah mineral jenis…Rumus kimia natrium hidroksida…Sumber utama natrium pada garam…salah satu sumber alami natrium…Natrium berperan dalam absorpsi…konsumsi natrium umumnya sekitar…Pengawet alami pada makanan adalah…Natrium benzoot merupakan garam dari…Terjadinya hipertensi terjadi karena…...


  1. Diabetes mellitus is derived from the Latin word for ______ and the Greek word for _____. The term describes one of the prominent symptoms of untreated diabetes, production of large volumes of glucose-rich urine.
  2. Many DM drugs inhibit or suppress ___ release of glucagon by delaying gastric emptying.
  3. A result of insulin deficiency.
  4. A 19 year old male who has had diabetes for 2 years comes in with a raised lump on his lower abdomen. You ask him if this is the spot that he normally injects himself with insulin. He replies that this is the only place he injects himself twice a day. The raised lump is called what?
  5. Extreme thirst, the need to urinate often, and blurry vision can be symptoms of _________________.
  6. The most common type of diabetes. Some sources say heredity and obesity are the major factors of this type of diabetes.
  7. ___ dysfunction patients are at greater risk for hypoglycemia using meglitinides.
  8. This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin.
  9. The process in the previous question interacts with oral drugs by effecting their ___.
  10. _____________ inhibitors should not be given with Metformin because they interact to cause significant GI effects.
  11. You are mixing a combination of insulins. You need 10 ml of insulin. You have already pulled up 3 ml of regular insulin, how much of the NPH do you need to pull up in your syringe?
  12. Orinase, Glucotrol, and DiaBeta promote insulin release by the pancreas. What is the name of the drug class they belong to?
  13. HOURS You administer NPH insulin to a patient. How long before this type of Intermediate insulin starts to peak?
  14. In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?
  15. Susie has was dianosed with _____ at the age of 9. She is not 20 years old and has been insulin dependent since the time she was diagnosed.
  16. Ketoacidosis causes alterations in the metabolism of both glucose and what?
  17. Metformin decreases liver production of glucose and enhances uptake and utilization of glucose in which type of tissue?
  18. The FDA warns that due to this drug's ability to complement the effects of insulin, it increases the risk of insulin-induced severe hypoglycemia.
  19. Hyperglycemia agents _____________________ the effects of insulin.
  1. There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.
  2. Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, and Biguanides are just a few examples of what type of oral drug?
  3. Metformin is also used to restore fertility in women with what condition?
  4. Which of the sulfonylureas cannot be used to treat Type 1 Diabetes?
  5. _____________________ stimulate pancreatic insulin release in a manner similar to the Sulfonylureas.
  6. __________ diabetes causes high blood sugar that can affect your pregnancy and your baby's health.
  7. Glitazones should be used with caution in patients with heart failure because these drugs can cause _______________________.
  8. A 16 year old female with type II Diabetes comes into the office very concerned about how her stomach looks. You find that she has been misinformed and has been injecting herself with insulin in the same spot (lower abdomen) every day. You assess her stomach and find that her stomach is pitting in the injection spot. What do you educate her on?
  9. Risk for ___________ skin integrity related to failure to rotate insulin injection site.
  10. A 76 year old female comes into the ED. Her daughter who is with her tells you that the she has not been eating regularly at her nursing home. Her daughter says she skipped breakfast this morning and believes did not eat much for dinner the night before. Your patient is very fatigued and anxious, has a fast heartbeat and is sweating profusely. You take her blood sugar and it is 47 mg/dL. You would chart your patient as?
  11. Type 1 diabetes results from the destruction of insulin-producing __________ cells.
  12. A new admit that has Type 11 diabetes is put on your floor. She says she if very hungry and would like to eat something soon. What type of insulin would you administer to her if she was to eat in the next 30 minutes.
  13. A 26 year old male comes into the ED. He is very lethargic and very disoriented. You take his blood sugar and find that he is hypoglycemic. What type of insulin would you administer?
  14. The pancreas produces ___ which increases plasma glucose levels. It is also administered for severe hypoglycemia.
  15. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors act on the intestine to delay the absorption of ________________.
  16. Thiazolidinediones (Glitazones) reduce glucose levels by _______________ cellular response to circulating insulin.
  17. A patient comes in and is very worried about injecting herself with insulin due to fear of needles. She lives a very busy lifestyle of work and travel. She is curious if there are any other methods than using the Lantus pen she is prescribed. You would educate her on the idea of an Insulin _______.
  18. SCALE You have a patient that just came out of surgery who is a type II diabetic. Her blood glucose in the last three hours has not been stable. Your decide that it is best to follow the ___________ ___________ protocol and administer adjusted doses of insulin based off of her blood glucose reading every shift.
  19. This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.
  20. It is the start of your shift and you give one of your patients a shot of Humalog insulin. In how many hours do you expect to be returning to said patient to give the next shot.
  21. The actions of these hormones tell your body to release insulin after you eat.
  22. Recent data have shown that this drug can prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
  23. You are educating a very petite and skinny young woman on how to inject herself with insulin. You show her that she needs to ______ her lower abdomen and inject herself with the needle at 45 degrees to ensure that she is getting the insulin in her subcutaneous tissue.
  24. Which route would you administer the insulin of the 26 year old male who is hypoglycemic.
  25. Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.
  26. An overdose of insulin may lead to your patient falling into a __________.

45 Clues: A result of insulin deficiency.Ketoacidosis, if untreated, may result in _____.This type of drug can mask the signs of hypoglycemia.In treating DKA, acidosis can be sorrected using what?There is a strong link between Type II Diabetes and ______.This condition is a serious toxic side effect of Metformin....

Liva, Peter, Alberte 2023-10-06

Liva, Peter, Alberte crossword puzzle
  1. overvægt
  2. råd
  3. befolkning
  4. usund
  5. være aktiv
  6. sukkersyge
  1. indtage
  2. USA
  3. Stefan
  4. sygdomme
  5. kalorier
  6. livsstil
  7. sund

13 Clues: USArådsundusundStefanindtageovervægtsygdommekalorierlivsstilbefolkningvære aktivsukkersyge

Health 2022-01-11

Health crossword puzzle
  1. chicken ... ospa wietrzna
  2. zmęczony
  3. feel ... mieć zawroty głowy
  4. zapalenie oskrzeli
  5. wrzód
  6. zgaga
  7. trądzik
  8. świnka
  9. skręcenie
  10. travel ... - choroba lokomocyjna
  1. zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego
  2. biegunka
  3. złamanie, pęknięcie
  4. cukrzyca
  5. leczenie
  6. feel .... mieć mdłości
  7. zapalenie opon mózgowych
  8. użądlenie
  9. wysypka

19 Clues: wrzódzgagaświnkatrądzikwysypkazmęczonybiegunkacukrzycaleczenieskręcenieużądleniezapalenie oskrzelizłamanie, pęknięciefeel .... mieć mdłościzapalenie opon mózgowychchicken ... ospa wietrznafeel ... mieć zawroty głowyzapalenie wyrostka robaczkowegotravel ... - choroba lokomocyjna

How Aware Are You? 2022-11-04

How Aware Are You? crossword puzzle
  1. One of the most common Diabetic complications that causes eyesight problems
  2. Diabetes is more common in this gender
  3. 60% of inactive men suffer from this serious mental illness
  4. Men being constantly pressurized by the generalized belief of society about them
  5. World Diabetes Day is observed in this month
  1. A slow-killing condition mostly common in men than women
  2. 7-8 hours of regular ____ reduces 60% risk of fatal heart attacks
  3. Second most reason behind death in Men after heart diseases
  4. This food compound is poison for Diabetics as they raise blood glucose levels drastically
  5. Another name for regular health checkups

10 Clues: Diabetes is more common in this genderAnother name for regular health checkupsWorld Diabetes Day is observed in this monthA slow-killing condition mostly common in men than womenSecond most reason behind death in Men after heart diseases60% of inactive men suffer from this serious mental illness...

Module 9 Crossword 2022-03-23

Module 9 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Short acting insulin is also known as this
  2. Lack of this trace mineral may lead to goiter, or thyroid gland enlargement
  3. This mineral is often used in lozenges to treat the common cold
  4. This medication used for obesity is also a schedule II drug
  5. This family of antidiabetic drugs can cause fluid retention and edema (swelling in feet/legs)
  6. Patients on thyroid medication need regular _____tests to check effectiveness
  7. This tasty spice has been implicated in blood sugar control
  1. mandatory treatment for patients with type I diabetes mellitus
  2. Patients taking this treatment for Addison's disease need monitoring for effects such as diabetes and bone loss
  3. This system is a collection of glands that produce hormones, which regulate physiologic functions
  4. Vitamin C and the B vitamins are all_____ soluble and excreted in urine
  5. A common side effect of medications for diabetes
  6. Insulin is available only by taking an _______
  7. _____ soluble vitamins are absorbed with dietary fats and maintained in stores in the body

14 Clues: Short acting insulin is also known as thisInsulin is available only by taking an _______A common side effect of medications for diabetesThis medication used for obesity is also a schedule II drugThis tasty spice has been implicated in blood sugar controlmandatory treatment for patients with type I diabetes mellitus...

Type II Diabetes Mellitus 2017-11-21

Type II Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus tend to have an _________ blood lipid profile
  2. HbA1C can be used to diagnose T2DM as it reflects long term _______ ________ concentrations
  3. An oral rapid- and short-acting anti-diabetic medication from the sulfonylurea class
  4. Type diabetes is associated with loss of _____ cell function
  1. In type II diabetes mellitus, _______ insulin levels are inadequate to overcome insulin resistance, often resulting in hyperglycemia
  2. High blood glucose
  3. Excessive urination
  4. Excessive thirst
  5. Excessive hunger or increased appetite
  6. Helps delay gastric emptying, slowing the rate of entry of glucose into the bloodstream and reducing the postprandial glucose spike

10 Clues: Excessive thirstHigh blood glucoseExcessive urinationExcessive hunger or increased appetiteType diabetes is associated with loss of _____ cell functionAn oral rapid- and short-acting anti-diabetic medication from the sulfonylurea classIndividuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus tend to have an _________ blood lipid profile...


TEKA SILANG KATA crossword puzzle
  1. ____ ialah pengumpulan lemak badan secara berlebihan
  2. Pengambilan gula boleh menggalakkan pembentukan ____ gigi
  3. Antara komplikasi jika seseorang itu berstatus obes ialah meningkatkan risiko penyakit ____
  4. Makanan seperti kuih-muih mempunyai gula ____
  5. Diabetes boleh terjadi apabila ____ gagal menghasilkan insulin yang mencukupi
  1. ____ ialah penyakit di mana kandungan gula dalam darah seseorang melebihi paras normal
  2. Piramid Makanan Malaysia mengandungi ____ kumpulan makanan yang terletak pada empat aras yang berlainan
  3. Diabetes juga boleh terjadi apabila tubuh tidak menggunakan ____ yang dihasilkan secara berkesan
  4. Pengambilan garam berlebihan boleh meningkatkan risiko ____ atau tekanan darah tinggi
  5. Kita perlu menghadkan pengambilan makanan tinggi gula, ____ dan lemak

10 Clues: Makanan seperti kuih-muih mempunyai gula ________ ialah pengumpulan lemak badan secara berlebihanPengambilan gula boleh menggalakkan pembentukan ____ gigiKita perlu menghadkan pengambilan makanan tinggi gula, ____ dan lemakDiabetes boleh terjadi apabila ____ gagal menghasilkan insulin yang mencukupi...

Week 4 2023-08-27

Week 4 crossword puzzle
  1. FH
  2. ___________Transmitted Infection
  3. TB
  4. ______________exam
  5. Fx
  6. Cerobrovascular __________________
  7. CA
  8. Myocardial ________
  1. Upper___________ Infection
  2. _____________and Adenoidectomy
  3. Diabetes _________
  4. UTI
  5. HBV
  6. R/O

14 Clues: FHTBFxCAUTIHBVR/ODiabetes _______________________examMyocardial ________Upper___________ Infection_____________and Adenoidectomy___________Transmitted InfectionCerobrovascular __________________

Adipositas & Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 2017-12-10

Adipositas & Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Einflussfaktor jugendlicher Adipositas
  2. Risikofaktor für Diabetes Typ 2
  3. Folgeerkrankung des Diabetes Typ 2
  1. Prävention einer Adipositas durch:
  2. dient der Definition von Übergewicht oder Adipositas
  3. Symptom bei Diabetes Typ 2
  4. Folgeerkrankung bei Adipositas

7 Clues: Symptom bei Diabetes Typ 2Folgeerkrankung bei AdipositasRisikofaktor für Diabetes Typ 2Prävention einer Adipositas durch:Folgeerkrankung des Diabetes Typ 2Einflussfaktor jugendlicher Adipositasdient der Definition von Übergewicht oder Adipositas

How Aware Are You? 2022-11-04

How Aware Are You? crossword puzzle
  1. One of the most common Diabetic complications that causes eyesight problems
  2. Diabetes is more common in this gender
  3. 60% of inactive men suffer from this serious mental illness
  4. Men being constantly pressurized by the generalized belief of society about them
  5. World Diabetes Day is observed in this month
  1. A slow-killing condition mostly common in men than women
  2. 7-8 hours of regular ____ reduces 60% risk of fatal heart attacks
  3. Second most reason behind death in Men after heart diseases
  4. This food compound is poison for Diabetics as they raise blood glucose levels drastically
  5. Another name for regular health checkups

10 Clues: Diabetes is more common in this genderAnother name for regular health checkupsWorld Diabetes Day is observed in this monthA slow-killing condition mostly common in men than womenSecond most reason behind death in Men after heart diseases60% of inactive men suffer from this serious mental illness...

Type II Diabetes Mellitus 2017-11-21

Type II Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus tend to have an _________ blood lipid profile
  2. excessive hunger or increased appetite
  3. High blood glucose
  4. In type II diabetes mellitus, _______ insulin levels are inadequate to overcome insulin resistance, often resulting in hyperglycemia
  5. helps delay gastric emptying, slowing the rate of entry of glucose into the bloodstream and reducing the postprandial glucose spike
  1. excessive urination
  2. HbA1C can be used to diagnose T2DM as it reflects long term _______ ________ concentrations
  3. type diabetes is associated with loss of _____ cell function
  4. excessive thirst
  5. An oral rapid- and short-acting anti-diabetic medication from the sulfonylurea class

10 Clues: excessive thirstHigh blood glucoseexcessive urinationexcessive hunger or increased appetitetype diabetes is associated with loss of _____ cell functionAn oral rapid- and short-acting anti-diabetic medication from the sulfonylurea classIndividuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus tend to have an _________ blood lipid profile...

Teste 2021-05-03

Teste crossword puzzle
  1. Tipo de pancreatite com desfecho irreversível
  2. Tipo de tumor pancreático muito grave e o mais comum
  3. Característica comum de um grupo de distúrbios metabólicos conhecidos como diabetes melito
  4. Principal molécula que desencadeia a liberação de insulina pela célula beta do pâncreas
  5. 2 Tipo de diabetes provocado por resistência insulínica e pela disfunção das células beta a longo prazo
  6. 1 Tipo de diabetes causado pela deficiência de secreção de insulina provocada pela destruição das células beta
  7. Comportamento consequente ao aumento de glicose e de água na urina; regulado pelo hipotálamo.
  8. 4 Principal transportador de glicose que depende de insulina ser exposto na membrana de mioócitos ou adipócitos
  1. Distúrbio inflamatório no pâncreas que varia quanto à gravidade
  2. Comportamento consequente à depleção volumétrica encontrado no diabetes; regulado pelo hipotálamo.
  3. Tipo celular importante por sofrer com espécies reativas de oxigênio geradas pela glicotoxicidade
  4. Sigla (em inglês) para um conjunto de moléculas tóxicas derivadas da ligação de carboidratos + proteínas
  5. biliar Principal fator etiológico mecânico da pancreatite
  6. Comportamento consequente ao aumento da lipólise (e ácidos graxos livres); regulado pelo hipotálamo.
  7. Principal fator etiológico comportamental da pancreatite

15 Clues: Tipo de pancreatite com desfecho irreversívelTipo de tumor pancreático muito grave e o mais comumPrincipal fator etiológico comportamental da pancreatitebiliar Principal fator etiológico mecânico da pancreatiteDistúrbio inflamatório no pâncreas que varia quanto à gravidade...

Top 200 2013-11-08

Top 200 crossword puzzle
  1. ramipril
  2. classification of accupril
  3. Benicar
  4. apidra
  5. alpha blocker
  6. oxycodone
  7. Glucophage
  8. therapeutic equivalent for vicoden
  9. XT
  10. treats type II diabetes
  1. analgesic
  2. terazosin
  3. synthroid
  4. Loop diuretic to treat hypertension
  5. amaryl
  6. clonidine
  7. anti-anxiety medication
  8. treats anxiety
  9. potassium sparing diuretic
  10. metoprolol

20 Clues: XTapidraamarylBenicarramiprilanalgesicterazosinsynthroidclonidineoxycodoneGlucophagemetoprololalpha blockertreats anxietyanti-anxiety medicationtreats type II diabetesclassification of accuprilpotassium sparing diuretictherapeutic equivalent for vicodenLoop diuretic to treat hypertension

food class 2014-05-13

food class crossword puzzle
  1. nervosa
  2. Life Cycle Nutrition Key Terms Page 2
  3. allergy
  4. modification
  5. metabolism
  6. Food Guide
  7. food
  8. foods
  9. disorder
  10. exercise
  11. diabetes
  1. management
  2. mass index (BMI)
  3. activity
  4. diet
  5. composition
  6. Dietary Allowance (RDA)
  7. ratio
  8. weight
  9. pressure
  10. span
  11. exercise
  12. eating disorder

23 Clues: dietfoodspanratiofoodsweightnervosaallergyactivitypressureexercisedisorderexercisediabetesmanagementmetabolismFood Guidecompositionmodificationeating disordermass index (BMI)Dietary Allowance (RDA)Life Cycle Nutrition Key Terms Page 2

Food and catering 2024-02-02

Food and catering crossword puzzle
  1. in the long ... (hosszútávon)
  2. sóska
  3. rost
  4. fejadag
  5. early ... (korai halál)
  6. maradék kaja
  7. szilva
  8. étrend
  9. menza
  10. kezelés
  11. ellenállni
  12. szaftos
  1. túladagolás
  2. fehérje
  3. hashajtó
  4. eating ..... (étkezési zavar)
  5. dió
  6. recept
  7. cukorbetegség
  8. mazsola
  9. elhízás
  10. megemészteni
  11. evőeszköz
  12. zabálni

24 Clues: diórostsóskamenzareceptszilvaétrendfehérjefejadagmazsolaelhízászabálnikezelésszaftoshashajtóevőeszközellenállnitúladagolásmaradék kajamegemésztenicukorbetegségearly ... (korai halál)in the long ... (hosszútávon)eating ..... (étkezési zavar)

Top 200 2013-11-08

Top 200 crossword puzzle
  1. lanoxin
  2. theurapeutic equivalent for Ativan
  3. vasotec
  4. aldactone
  5. classification of accupril
  6. amaryl
  7. schedule III pain medication
  8. synthroid
  9. NSAID
  10. glyburide
  11. analgesic
  1. hydrocodone/APAP
  2. amitriptyline
  3. Lopressor
  4. XT
  5. for pain and inflammation
  6. valium
  7. duragesic
  8. alpha blocker
  9. treats type II diabetes

20 Clues: XTNSAIDamarylvaliumlanoxinvasotecLopressoraldactoneduragesicsynthroidglyburideanalgesicamitriptylinealpha blockerhydrocodone/APAPtreats type II diabetesfor pain and inflammationclassification of accuprilschedule III pain medicationtheurapeutic equivalent for Ativan

Save the environment and your body / Jobs 2016-05-23

Save the environment and your body / Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. Müll
  2. Krankheit
  3. Zimmermann
  4. Gift
  5. exotisch
  6. Werkzeug
  7. Alge
  8. Lunge
  9. Maurer
  10. ausstoßen
  11. Isolierung
  12. industriell
  13. Saatkorn
  14. Vorrat
  1. Gleichgewicht
  2. schmerzhaft
  3. Glaser
  4. japanisch
  5. Zuckerkrankheit
  6. sichüberfressen
  7. Aufbau
  8. Architekt
  9. Dachdecker
  10. Erde
  11. praktisch
  12. (Haushalts-)Gerät
  13. erfrischend
  14. installieren

28 Clues: MüllGiftErdeAlgeLungeGlaserAufbauMaurerVorratexotischWerkzeugSaatkornjapanischKrankheitArchitektpraktischausstoßenZimmermannDachdeckerIsolierungschmerzhafterfrischendindustriellinstallierenGleichgewichtZuckerkrankheitsichüberfressen(Haushalts-)Gerät

Unit 13, 14 home and water birth 2020-12-09

Unit 13, 14 home and water birth crossword puzzle
  1. relieving
  2. birth
  3. buttockdown
  4. ............suit/jumpsuit
  5. dummy, soother
  6. faecal waste
  7. supporter
  8. baby........./baby monitor
  9. ...........umbilical cord
  10. twisted
  11. floating in the water
  1. incision of the perineum
  2. long-term
  3. ..............towels
  4. headdown
  5. ............diabetes mellitus
  6. placental.............(peeling away)
  7. sutures
  8. blood poisoning
  9. pushchair

20 Clues: birthsuturestwistedheaddownlong-termrelievingpushchairsupporterbuttockdownfaecal wastedummy, sootherblood poisoning..............towelsfloating in the waterincision of the perineum............suit/jumpsuit...........umbilical cordbaby........./baby monitor............diabetes mellitusplacental.............(peeling away)

Bioquímica laboratorial 2020-06-28

Bioquímica laboratorial crossword puzzle
  1. Concentração de glicose no plasma. Um outro nome para a diabetes
  2. Anticoagulante utilizado no tubo de coleta para o TOTG
  3. Método utilizado em laboratório para a realização do exame de TOTG (2 palavras - escrever tudo junto)
  4. Horário de coleta após a ingestão da solução de glicose
  5. O método da glicose oxidase sofre interferência desse ácido e de hiperruricemia o que leva a resultados falsamente diminuídos
  6. Após a primeira coleta, deve ser ingerida a cada 5 minutos. R: Solução de ...
  1. Nome da diabetes em grávidas (escrever tudo junto)
  2. Recomendação obrigatória para a coleta de sangue do TOTG
  3. Tipo de amostra usada para o exame de Teste oral de tolerância a glicose (TOTG)
  4. Influência emocional que aumenta o valor da dosagem do exame
  5. Líquido que influência para a diminuição do valor da dosagem do exame
  6. Até quantos dias após a coleta essa amostra pode ser mantida em refrigeração?
  7. Sigla da Associação Americana de Diabetes
  8. Cor da tampa do tubo de coleta para o exame de TOTG
  9. Período em que a primeira coleta de sangue deve ser realizada

15 Clues: Sigla da Associação Americana de DiabetesNome da diabetes em grávidas (escrever tudo junto)Cor da tampa do tubo de coleta para o exame de TOTGAnticoagulante utilizado no tubo de coleta para o TOTGHorário de coleta após a ingestão da solução de glicoseRecomendação obrigatória para a coleta de sangue do TOTG...

Diseases 2023-05-24

Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. the type of disease that cannot be spread from person to person
  2. _______ stop some diseases
  3. any condition that interferes with or weakens the heart or blood vessels
  4. a healthful lifestyle behavior that helps reduce risk of disease is to stay physically ______
  5. the type of disease that is present at birth or before birth
  6. a blood vessel in the brain bursts or is blocked
  7. a type of diabetes which happens during pregnancy
  8. Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes blood _____ levels to rise higher than normal
  1. the type of disease that lasts 1 year or more and requires ongoing medical attention
  2. the type of disease that can be spread from person to person
  3. high blood ______ is a risk factor for non communicable diseases
  4. blood flow to a part of the heart is greatly reduced or blocked
  5. In type 2 diabetes, your body does not use ______ properly
  6. the type of disease where the affected tissues/organs worsen over time
  7. a substance that is a risk factor for non communicable diseases

15 Clues: _______ stop some diseasesa blood vessel in the brain bursts or is blockeda type of diabetes which happens during pregnancyIn type 2 diabetes, your body does not use ______ properlythe type of disease that can be spread from person to personthe type of disease that is present at birth or before birth...

PETUNJUK AWAL 2021-09-20

PETUNJUK AWAL crossword puzzle
  1. Kesan penyakit buah pinggang
  2. Penyakit tidak berjangkit
  3. Punca penyakit diabetes
  4. Kesan penyakit buah pinggang
  1. Cara mengurangkan risiko penyakit.
  2. Punca salur darah sempit dan tersumbat.
  3. Penyakit tidak berjangkit.
  4. Punca asma ialah habuk,____ dan bulu binatang.
  5. Kesan penyakit asma.
  6. Sakit _____ merupakan faktor keturunan

10 Clues: Kesan penyakit asma.Punca penyakit diabetesPenyakit tidak berjangkitPenyakit tidak berjangkit.Kesan penyakit buah pinggangKesan penyakit buah pinggangCara mengurangkan risiko penyakit.Sakit _____ merupakan faktor keturunanPunca salur darah sempit dan tersumbat.Punca asma ialah habuk,____ dan bulu binatang.

Diabetes and Sugar 2024-06-25

Diabetes and Sugar crossword puzzle
  1. adverse health condition
  2. type of sugar
  3. type of diabetes
  4. table sugar
  5. type of sugar
  1. intake of to much sugar
  2. move glucose from the bloodstream to cells
  3. where do we get sugar from
  4. organ responsible for insulin production
  5. form of energy

10 Clues: table sugartype of sugartype of sugarform of energytype of diabetesintake of to much sugaradverse health conditionwhere do we get sugar fromorgan responsible for insulin productionmove glucose from the bloodstream to cells

health 2016-02-10

health crossword puzzle
  1. two setences
  2. common
  3. water quantity
  4. small spoon
  1. fast food
  2. energy
  3. bad habit
  4. to big
  5. sick place
  6. joins sentences
  7. pills
  8. big spoon
  9. kg
  10. and verb
  11. insulin
  12. stretch

16 Clues: kgpillsenergyto bigcommoninsulinstretchand verbfast foodbad habitbig spoonsick placesmall spoontwo setenceswater quantityjoins sentences

Lesson 4 2023-02-15

Lesson 4 crossword puzzle
  1. facing the Northwest
  2. lethal
  3. colonists
  4. hide
  5. strong
  6. angrily
  7. flip
  8. vault
  1. scaring
  2. horrifying
  3. surviving wife
  4. poison
  5. explorers
  6. persons with metabolic diseases
  7. silver tipped bear
  8. unit of mass

16 Clues: hideflipvaultpoisonlethalstrongscaringangrilyexplorerscolonistshorrifyingunit of masssurviving wifesilver tipped bearfacing the Northwestpersons with metabolic diseases

medical 2020-10-26

medical crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin Resistance
  2. Scaly
  3. Death
  4. Helps control blood sugar
  5. Above,Beyond
  6. Blue
  7. something hot
  8. Gym
  9. Insulation
  10. Dark
  1. Vessel in body
  2. Vitaman E
  3. Oil on face
  4. skin
  5. Helps you see
  6. Gland
  7. Puss
  8. Oil

18 Clues: GymOilskinBluePussDarkScalyDeathGlandVitaman EInsulationOil on faceAbove,BeyondHelps you seesomething hotVessel in bodyInsulin ResistanceHelps control blood sugar

HealthisCancer 2019-03-01

HealthisCancer crossword puzzle
  1. C healthy teeth and bones
  2. get this cancer from drinking
  3. substances in food that your food needs
  4. improves a students ability to focus in class and keeps them in fit
  5. green fruit
  6. You can save millions of people by doing this
  7. nutrients that help your body build and maintain your body tissue
  8. 26 million people have this diabetes
  1. often called natural killer
  2. helps digestion and maintains bowel movements
  3. provide energy and help the body use certain vitamins more effectively
  4. the process by which your body takes in and uses food
  5. this cancer you get from smoking
  6. help your body grow and develop
  7. if you dont stretch your muscles will become stiff
  8. juvenile onset diabetes
  9. #1 line of defense

17 Clues: green fruit#1 line of defensejuvenile onset diabetesC healthy teeth and bonesoften called natural killerget this cancer from drinkinghelp your body grow and developthis cancer you get from smoking26 million people have this diabetessubstances in food that your food needshelps digestion and maintains bowel movements...

Non-Communicable Diseases Study Guide 2017-02-17

Non-Communicable Diseases Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. A group of more than 100 different diseases that cause pain and loss of movement in the joints
  2. a chronic disease that affects the way the body cells convert food into energy
  3. Another word for irregular heartbeats is
  4. This type of diabetes counts for 90 to 95% of all cases of diabetes in America. The body is unable to make enough insulin or to use insulin properly
  5. A non-cancerous tumor is referred to as
  6. The process in which plaque builds up on artery walls is
  7. The #1 cause of death in the United States
  8. The removal of a small piece of tissue for examination is a
  9. An abnormal mass of tissue that has no natural role in the body is a
  10. The uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells is determined to be
  1. This is an inflammatory condition in which the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles become narrowed, causing difficulty breathing
  2. Any physical or mental impairment that limits normal activities, including seeing, hearing, walking, speaking
  3. Chemicals that can stimulate mucous and fluid production in an area are
  4. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) affects the
  5. A cancerous tumor is referred to as
  6. A specific reaction of the immune system to a foreign and frequently harmless substance
  7. A period of time when symptoms disappear is called
  8. Angina pectoris is
  9. A cancer causing substance is a

19 Clues: Angina pectoris isA cancer causing substance is aA cancerous tumor is referred to asA non-cancerous tumor is referred to asCardiovascular disease (CVD) affects theAnother word for irregular heartbeats isThe #1 cause of death in the United StatesA period of time when symptoms disappear is called...

Heart Disease and Non-communicable diseases 2024-05-08

Heart Disease and Non-communicable diseases crossword puzzle
  1. type of diabetes auto-immune disease where immune system attacks pancreas and the body MAKES LITTLE OR NO INSULIN
  2. Electrical problem with the heart and it stops beating or stops beating in a rhythmic way
  3. Condition when airways get constricted and breathing becomes difficult
  4. Disease that irreversibly damaged alveoli and causes shortness of breath due to trapped air.
  5. Smallest blood vessels, barely wider than a blood cell, where gas, nutrient, fuel and wastes are exchanged in body tissues
  6. Lack of blood supply and oxygen to the brain
  7. Inflammation of bronchiole tubes along with mucus production that restricts airflow; usually caused by virus
  8. Group of lung diseases that make breathing difficult; mucus production
  9. disease of the joints in which joint cartilage breaks down
  1. A specific reaction of the immune system to an ALLERGEN
  2. High Blood Pressure
  3. Fatty deposits on artery walls
  4. A disease that affects the way body cells convert sugar to energy
  5. Expand and contract with high pressure of blood leaving the heart
  6. type of diabetes Obesity; High Fat and Sugar Diets; Lack of Exercise; Genetics
  7. Muscular pump which uses pressure to push blood through different vessels and back to heart.
  8. Have special valves to prevent back flow due to lower pressure
  9. Blocked blood supply to the heart resulting in tissue death
  10. When the heart gradually weakens or can’t pump effectively

19 Clues: High Blood PressureFatty deposits on artery wallsLack of blood supply and oxygen to the brainA specific reaction of the immune system to an ALLERGENWhen the heart gradually weakens or can’t pump effectivelydisease of the joints in which joint cartilage breaks downBlocked blood supply to the heart resulting in tissue death...

Diabetes Awareness Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-14

Diabetes Awareness Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ___ in four people do not know that they have diabetes
  2. Type ____ diabetes occurs when the body does not make enough insulin.
  3. The average medical cost for those with diabetes are more than _____ as high as those without diabetes.
  4. Serious health complications associated with diabetes include blindness, kidney failure heart disease, ______, and loss of toes/feet/ legs.
  5. Eating healthy and being more active can cut the risk of getting type 2 diabetes in ____
  1. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include being _______, physically inactive, over 45 years of age, and a present family history of diabetes.
  2. Type ___, diabetes occurs when the body can not properly use insulin.

7 Clues: ___ in four people do not know that they have diabetesType ____ diabetes occurs when the body does not make enough insulin.Type ___, diabetes occurs when the body can not properly use insulin.Eating healthy and being more active can cut the risk of getting type 2 diabetes in ____...

Type 1 Diabetes Crossword 2022-03-30

Type 1 Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. shortened form of diabetic ketoacidosis
  2. _____ phase is when the pancreas still makes some insulin
  3. this form of diabetes occurs in pregnancy
  4. common continuous glucose monitor
  5. hormone needed to metabolize sugar
  6. organ that produces insulin
  7. blood sugar is measured with this unit
  1. doctor that specializes in diabetes
  2. disease in which the body mistakenly attacks the body
  3. chemical produced when there is a shortage of insulin in the blood and the body breaks down fat for energy
  4. level of glucose in the blood
  5. high blood sugar
  6. low blood sugar
  7. device used for administration of insulin
  8. administering fast-acting insulin

15 Clues: low blood sugarhigh blood sugarorgan that produces insulinlevel of glucose in the bloodcommon continuous glucose monitoradministering fast-acting insulinhormone needed to metabolize sugardoctor that specializes in diabetesblood sugar is measured with this unitshortened form of diabetic ketoacidosisdevice used for administration of insulin...

Diabetic Emergencies 2023-01-20

Diabetic Emergencies crossword puzzle
  1. chronic long lasting health condition that affects how body turns food into energy
  2. the main type of sugar in blood. Major source of energy
  3. One, Type of diabetes where pancreas does not make enough insulin
  4. TYPE of diabetes only occuring during pregnancy
  5. condition in which blood sugar (glucose) level is low
  1. Ketoacidosis, what does DKA stand for
  2. hormone that controls glucose levels
  3. used in emergencies to treat serious allergic reactions
  4. condition in which blood sugar (glucose) level is high
  5. Two, most common TYPE of diabetes

10 Clues: Two, most common TYPE of diabeteshormone that controls glucose levelsKetoacidosis, what does DKA stand forTYPE of diabetes only occuring during pregnancycondition in which blood sugar (glucose) level is lowcondition in which blood sugar (glucose) level is highused in emergencies to treat serious allergic reactions...

Know your Disease 2023-02-23

Know your Disease crossword puzzle
  1. A measure of how much glucose is in the blood
  2. A device used to monitor blood sugar levels
  3. type of diabetes that is often diagnosed in childhood
  4. A type of carbohydrate that can cause blood sugar spikes
  5. A condition characterized by high blood sugar levels
  1. A nutrient that is important for healthy blood sugar levels
  2. A medical test used to diagnose diabetes
  3. A hormone that regulates blood sugar levels
  4. A type of physical activity that can help manage diabetes

9 Clues: A medical test used to diagnose diabetesA device used to monitor blood sugar levelsA hormone that regulates blood sugar levelsA measure of how much glucose is in the bloodA condition characterized by high blood sugar levelstype of diabetes that is often diagnosed in childhoodA type of carbohydrate that can cause blood sugar spikes...

Hoek 4: Diabetes 2016-04-13

Hoek 4:  Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Iemand met een hyperglycemie heeft nood aan...?
  2. Geef een ander woord voor teveel glucose in het bloed.
  3. Geef een synoniem voor diabetes.
  4. Wie moeten we zeker informeren en ondersteunen?
  1. Geef een ander woord voor te weinig glucose in het bloed.
  2. Hoe kunnen we diabetes voorkomen?
  3. Wat kan er optreden wanneer er niet wordt ingegrepen bij een hypo-of hyperglycemie.
  4. Iemand met een hypoglycemie heeft nood aan...?
  5. Wat mag men zeker eten bij diabetes type 2 (waardoor de bloedsuikerspiegel langzamer stijgt)

9 Clues: Geef een synoniem voor diabetes.Hoe kunnen we diabetes voorkomen?Iemand met een hypoglycemie heeft nood aan...?Iemand met een hyperglycemie heeft nood aan...?Wie moeten we zeker informeren en ondersteunen?Geef een ander woord voor teveel glucose in het bloed.Geef een ander woord voor te weinig glucose in het bloed....

Jakub Wygowski 2022-04-24

Jakub Wygowski crossword puzzle
  1. alergia
  2. urojenia
  3. defibrylacja
  4. neurologiczny
  5. tętniak
  6. anemia
  7. device narzędzie anafilaktyczne
  1. defiblyracja
  2. demencja
  3. skrzep
  4. udar mózgu
  5. poród
  6. cukrzyca
  7. zawał

14 Clues: poródzawałskrzepanemiaalergiatętniakdemencjaurojeniacukrzycaudar mózgudefiblyracjadefibrylacjaneurologicznydevice narzędzie anafilaktyczne

Krankheiten 2021-04-21

Krankheiten crossword puzzle
  1. fever
  2. to puke
  3. advice
  4. to sneeze
  5. virus
  6. cough
  7. insulin
  8. diabetes
  1. heart attack
  2. allergies
  3. cold
  4. diarrhea
  5. flu

13 Clues: flucoldfeverviruscoughadviceto pukeinsulindiarrheadiabetesallergiesto sneezeheart attack

Mortality Rate 2020-12-14

Mortality Rate crossword puzzle
  1. accounts for 21.3% of all deaths
  2. destined to die
  3. deadly
  4. leading cause of death
  5. inflammation of the lungs
  6. the risk for this disease doubles every five years after age 65
  7. percent of deaths from heart disease and cancer combined
  8. centers for disease control and prevention
  9. blood flow to your brain is cut off
  1. type of disease that includes COPD, emphysema, asthma,and pulmonary hypertension
  2. changes in ? changes can prevent many cases of of the leading cause of death
  3. highly contagious viral infection
  4. cause of 2.9% of all deaths
  5. another name for mortality rate
  6. one of the leading causes of pneumonia
  7. type ? diabetes is more common in people who are overweight
  8. second leading cause of death
  9. almost 6% of all deaths
  10. unintentional falls, car crashes, and poisoning are the most common cause
  11. accounts for over 5% of all deaths

20 Clues: deadlydestined to dieleading cause of deathalmost 6% of all deathsinflammation of the lungscause of 2.9% of all deathssecond leading cause of deathanother name for mortality rateaccounts for 21.3% of all deathshighly contagious viral infectionaccounts for over 5% of all deathsblood flow to your brain is cut offone of the leading causes of pneumonia...

G 2023-02-06

G crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 1
  3. 3
  4. 11
  5. 7
  1. 8
  2. 2
  3. 9
  4. 6
  5. 4
  6. 12
  7. 5

12 Clues: 829164357101211

Health 2022-08-01

Health crossword puzzle
  1. xnfjx
  2. nssnrfj
  3. zdhnfn
  4. dnsdsn
  5. dbsds
  6. zdhnsnn
  1. dbnsd
  2. ndsss
  3. nxnxmfvd
  4. xnfnjfj
  5. sgasbhh
  6. nfsasa

12 Clues: dbnsdndsssxnfjxdbsdszdhnfndnsdsnnfsasanssnrfjxnfnjfjsgasbhhzdhnsnnnxnxmfvd

Borys Muszkieta 2022-04-20

Borys Muszkieta crossword puzzle
  1. udar_mózgu
  2. diabetes
  3. anemia
  4. neurologiczny
  5. bół_w_kladce_piersiowej
  1. alergia
  2. clot
  3. pregnancy
  4. demencja
  5. praca
  6. śpiączka
  7. psychiatryczny

12 Clues: clotpracaanemiaalergiadiabetesdemencjaśpiączkapregnancyudar_mózguneurologicznypsychiatrycznybół_w_kladce_piersiowej

Health cross word puzzle 2023-02-21

Health cross word puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 9
  5. 6
  6. 3
  7. 7
  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 11
  4. 5
  5. 12

12 Clues: 481295637101112

Diabetes Mellitus 2021-03-02

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. fitness A health-related component of physical fitness that is brought about by sustained physical activity.
  2. A condition that occurs when the body can't use glucose (a type of sugar) normally.
  3. Move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.
  4. A medician.
  1. The way in which a person lives.
  2. death A synonym for mortality that is earlier than usual . Fuming is the biggest contributor to it.
  3. weight (kg) / length (m).
  4. activity All movement including during leisure time, for transport to get to and from places, or as part of a person's work.
  5. The action of stopping something from happening or arising.
  6. A synonym for dexetrose.

10 Clues: A medician.A synonym for dexetrose.weight (kg) / length (m).The way in which a person lives.The action of stopping something from happening or arising.A condition that occurs when the body can't use glucose (a type of sugar) normally.death A synonym for mortality that is earlier than usual . Fuming is the biggest contributor to it....

Diabetes Mellitus 2021-03-02

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. fitness A health-related component of physical fitness that is brought about by sustained physical activity.
  2. A condition that occurs when the body can't use glucose (a type of sugar) normally.
  3. Move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.
  4. A medician.
  1. The way in which a person lives.
  2. death A synonym for mortality that is earlier than usual . Fuming is the biggest contributor to it.
  3. weight (kg) / length (m).
  4. activity All movement including during leisure time, for transport to get to and from places, or as part of a person's work.
  5. The action of stopping something from happening or arising.
  6. A synonym for dexetrose.

10 Clues: A medician.A synonym for dexetrose.weight (kg) / length (m).The way in which a person lives.The action of stopping something from happening or arising.A condition that occurs when the body can't use glucose (a type of sugar) normally.death A synonym for mortality that is earlier than usual . Fuming is the biggest contributor to it....

Diabetes Mellitus 2021-03-02

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. A synonym for dexetrose.
  2. The way in which a person lives.
  3. of, relating to, or involving the heart and blood vessels.
  4. A condition that occurs when the body can't use glucose (a type of sugar) normally.
  5. A synonym for mortality that is earlier than usual . Fuming is the biggest contributor to it.
  1. All movement including during leisure time, for transport to get to and from places, or as part of a person's work.
  2. A medician.
  3. weight (kg) / length (m).
  4. The action of stopping something from happening or arising.
  5. Move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.

10 Clues: A medician.A synonym for dexetrose.weight (kg) / length (m).The way in which a person lives.of, relating to, or involving the heart and blood vessels.The action of stopping something from happening or arising.A condition that occurs when the body can't use glucose (a type of sugar) normally....

Diabetes Crossword 2014-07-28

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What rules should you follow if you are unwell
  2. and Cals What is the name of the book/app used to calculate carbohydrate amount in foods
  3. Where is Marrick Priory
  4. What organ in the body makes insulin
  5. This can reduce your blood glucose
  1. What do you treat a hypo with
  2. What is the name of the hormone you take to reduce your blood glucose
  3. What do you call a low blood glucose
  4. What is the name given to blood glucose above 14
  5. What are you to test for if your blood glucose is above 14

10 Clues: Where is Marrick PrioryWhat do you treat a hypo withThis can reduce your blood glucoseWhat do you call a low blood glucoseWhat organ in the body makes insulinWhat rules should you follow if you are unwellWhat is the name given to blood glucose above 14What are you to test for if your blood glucose is above 14...

Diabetes Month 2016-10-31

Diabetes Month crossword puzzle
  1. Injection
  2. Can be seen in Type 2 diabetes if Invokana, Farxiga, or Jardiance are not used correctly
  3. Type of food best measured in grams or choices
  4. Gland responsible for the production of insulin
  1. Key to improving insulin resistance (2 words)
  2. When the cell won't respond to insulin
  3. Low blood sugar
  4. Cells of the pancreas that can gradually lose the ability to produce insulin
  5. Needed to get the insulin into fatty tissue
  6. Must be changed every time the insulin pen is used

10 Clues: InjectionLow blood sugarWhen the cell won't respond to insulinNeeded to get the insulin into fatty tissueKey to improving insulin resistance (2 words)Type of food best measured in grams or choicesGland responsible for the production of insulinMust be changed every time the insulin pen is used...

Diabetes mellitus 2017-06-28

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Bei der Wirkstoffgruppe der Sulfonylharnstoffe besteht die Gefahr einer ... .
  2. In den β-Zellen des Pankreas wird ... produziert.
  3. Bei der Insulintherapie werden drei verschiedene Therapieformen unterschieden: die konventionelle Therapie, die intensivierte konventionelle Therapie und die ... .
  4. Insulin wird unter die Haut, also ... , injiziert.
  5. Glitazone steigern die Insulin-Empfindlichkeit des Fett-, Leber-, und ...-Gewebes.
  1. Der Vorteil der Wirkstoffgruppe der Biguanide ist die ... .
  2. Mischinsuline sind eine ... aus kurz- und langwirksamen Insulin.
  3. Bei einem Typ II-Diabetes ist der Insulinmangel ... .
  4. Gliptine bewirken eine ... Magenentleerung.
  5. Bei einem Typ I-Diabetes ist der Insulinmangel ... .

10 Clues: Gliptine bewirken eine ... Magenentleerung.In den β-Zellen des Pankreas wird ... produziert.Insulin wird unter die Haut, also ... , injiziert.Bei einem Typ I-Diabetes ist der Insulinmangel ... .Bei einem Typ II-Diabetes ist der Insulinmangel ... .Der Vorteil der Wirkstoffgruppe der Biguanide ist die ... ....

Diabetes mellitus 2023-11-08

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Tipo de diabetes que se diagnostica en el embarazo
  2. La _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ es una enfermedad que ocurre porque los niveles altos de azúcar en la sangre dañan los vasos sanguíneos en la retina
  3. El control del peso es _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  4. ¿Cuál es la principal fuente de combustible del cuerpo?
  5. La actividad física debe hacerse de manera _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  6. Trastorno o enfermedad crónica en la cual no se fabrican las suficientes cantidades de insulina o el cuerpo no la aprovecha
  1. Tener _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ es un riesgo principal para la diabetes
  2. ¿Que te ayuda a controlar tu peso?
  3. Enfermedad que ocurre por acumulación de grasa en el hígado
  4. ¿Cuál es la sustancia que permite a la glucosa transformarse en energía para el cuerpo?

10 Clues: ¿Que te ayuda a controlar tu peso?El control del peso es _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Tipo de diabetes que se diagnostica en el embarazo¿Cuál es la principal fuente de combustible del cuerpo?La actividad física debe hacerse de manera _ _ _ _ _ _ _Enfermedad que ocurre por acumulación de grasa en el hígado...

WOMEN IN STEM 2017-10-17

WOMEN IN STEM crossword puzzle
  1. First time produced in 1922
  2. The first dip-and-read test used...
  3. Only 9% of Women work in this STEM discipline
  4. Frederick allen deviced this diet
  5. Quiz
  1. Produced her own insulin during World War II
  2. Nominated for Nobel six times
  3. One of Lawrence three-pronged approach
  4. A type of diabetes
  5. Researchers work

10 Clues: QuizResearchers workA type of diabetesFirst time produced in 1922Nominated for Nobel six timesFrederick allen deviced this dietThe first dip-and-read test used...One of Lawrence three-pronged approachProduced her own insulin during World War IIOnly 9% of Women work in this STEM discipline

Let's Talk Diabetes 2023-11-09

Let's Talk Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. When you have diabetes, your body makes little or no ____
  2. diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnant women
  3. About 90% of people with diabetes have _____
  4. Insulin is a hormone made by the _____
  5. When ___ are too high it can lead to ketoacidosis
  1. In case of emergency, always carry some form of ______
  2. An insulin ____ is another way for your child to get insulin
  3. When your blood sugar goes over 200mg/dl, you can become _____
  4. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats all affect your blood _____

9 Clues: Insulin is a hormone made by the _____About 90% of people with diabetes have _____diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnant womenWhen ___ are too high it can lead to ketoacidosisIn case of emergency, always carry some form of ______When you have diabetes, your body makes little or no ____An insulin ____ is another way for your child to get insulin...

Energy Metabolism Disorder 2024-07-02

Energy Metabolism Disorder crossword puzzle
  1. Most common type of diabetes
  2. Limits size of molecules that can enter glucose is small enough to cross
  3. Treatment for pregnancy disease in sheep
  4. The body can’t meet it’s needs for glucose to the point that it causes a pathological state
  1. Popular low carb weight loss diet
  2. Increases risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in humans
  3. The type of ketosis that is a response to stress or lack or feed intake
  4. How many types of diabetes
  5. Equals less cell division and slower metabolism

9 Clues: How many types of diabetesMost common type of diabetesPopular low carb weight loss dietTreatment for pregnancy disease in sheepEquals less cell division and slower metabolismIncreases risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in humansThe type of ketosis that is a response to stress or lack or feed intake...

Hoek 4: Diabetes 2016-04-13

Hoek 4:  Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Wat mag men zeker eten bij diabetes type 2 (waardoor de bloedsuikerspiegel langzamer stijgt)
  2. Geef een ander woord voor te weinig glucose in het bloed.
  3. Hoe kunnen we diabetes voorkomen?
  4. Iemand met een hypoglycemie heeft nood aan...?
  1. Wie moeten we zeker informeren en ondersteunen?
  2. Geef een ander woord voor teveel glucose in het bloed.
  3. Geef een synoniem voor diabetes.
  4. Iemand met een hyperglycemie heeft nood aan...?
  5. Wat kan er optreden wanneer er niet wordt ingegrepen bij een hypo-of hyperglycemie.

9 Clues: Geef een synoniem voor diabetes.Hoe kunnen we diabetes voorkomen?Iemand met een hypoglycemie heeft nood aan...?Wie moeten we zeker informeren en ondersteunen?Iemand met een hyperglycemie heeft nood aan...?Geef een ander woord voor teveel glucose in het bloed.Geef een ander woord voor te weinig glucose in het bloed....

Diabetes Awareness Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-14

Diabetes Awareness Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ___ in four people do not know that they have diabetes
  2. Type ____ diabetes occurs when the body does not make enough insulin.
  3. The average medical cost for those with diabetes are more than _____ as high as those without diabetes.
  4. Serious health complications associated with diabetes include blindness, kidney failure heart disease, ______, and loss of toes/feet/ legs.
  5. Eating healthy and being more active can cut the risk of getting type 2 diabetes in ____
  1. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include being _______, physically inactive, over 45 years of age, and a present family history of diabetes.
  2. Type ___, diabetes occurs when the body can not properly use insulin.

7 Clues: ___ in four people do not know that they have diabetesType ____ diabetes occurs when the body does not make enough insulin.Type ___, diabetes occurs when the body can not properly use insulin.Eating healthy and being more active can cut the risk of getting type 2 diabetes in ____...

Gangguan dan penyakit sistem ekresi 2022-12-12

Gangguan dan penyakit sistem ekresi crossword puzzle
  1. komplikasi dari infeksi saluran kemih akibat bakteri E.coli
  2. terjadi akibat aktivitas berlebihan lemak di kulit sehingga pori-ori tersumbat dan meradang
  3. diabetes ditandai dengan meningkatnya produksi urine
  4. gangguan pada glomerulus ginjal akibat infeksi bakteri
  5. penyakit hati ditandai tubuh banyak menyerap zat besi
  6. paru paru basah atau paru-paru dipenuhi lendir
  7. diabetes karena kelebihan zat gula
  8. istilah lain gatal-gatal pada kulit atau kulit kemerahan atau disebut juga dermatitis
  1. gangguan kulit akibat jamur
  2. radang ginjal
  3. sering dikenal dengan penyakit hati
  4. urine memiliki kandungan protein tinggi dikenal dengan bocor ginjal
  5. kedaan toksik pada darah sehingga ditemuinya banyak urea di urine
  6. gangguan akibat Mycobacterium leprae
  7. penyakit kuning
  8. infeksi saluran kemih

16 Clues: radang ginjalpenyakit kuninginfeksi saluran kemihgangguan kulit akibat jamurdiabetes karena kelebihan zat gulasering dikenal dengan penyakit hatigangguan akibat Mycobacterium lepraeparu paru basah atau paru-paru dipenuhi lendirdiabetes ditandai dengan meningkatnya produksi urinepenyakit hati ditandai tubuh banyak menyerap zat besi...

Krankheiten 2021-04-21

Krankheiten crossword puzzle
  1. diarrhea
  2. insulin
  3. cold
  4. diabetes
  5. fever
  6. cough
  7. flu
  1. to puke
  2. allergies
  3. heart attack
  4. virus
  5. to sneeze
  6. advice

13 Clues: flucoldvirusfevercoughadviceto pukeinsulindiarrheadiabetesallergiesto sneezeheart attack

tiredness investigations 2023-02-28

tiredness investigations crossword puzzle
  1. assess for hypo- hyper- thyroidism
  2. assess for coeliac disease
  3. assess underlying liver disease
  4. if the patient is older than 60
  5. assess for possible type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  1. another investigation if patient is older than 60
  2. assess underlying kidney disease
  3. assess for renal tract infection, inflammation, diabetes
  4. assess for neuromuscular cause
  5. assess for more chronic infection, inflammation or autoimmunity
  6. assess for anaemia, polycythaemia and haematological malignancy
  7. assess for chronic infection, inflammation or autoimmunity

12 Clues: assess for coeliac diseaseassess for neuromuscular causeassess underlying liver diseaseif the patient is older than 60assess underlying kidney diseaseassess for hypo- hyper- thyroidismassess for possible type 1 or type 2 diabetesanother investigation if patient is older than 60assess for renal tract infection, inflammation, diabetes...

Non-infectious diseases 2013-02-11

Non-infectious diseases crossword puzzle
  1. Restricted blood flow to cardiac muscle
  2. cells Type of cells formed from macrophages accumulating lipids
  3. diseases not caused by pathogens
  4. Electric shock delivered to heart after cardiac arrest
  5. Long-term study of disease oin large population
  6. Build up of fatty plaque in arteries
  7. Diabetes test involving repeated blood samples after drinking known amount of glucose
  8. Medical term for blood clot
  1. Molecule formed from combining CO & haemoglobin
  2. CPR
  3. Bronchodilators used in treatment of asthma
  4. 'To breathe hard', disease of the lungs
  5. Blood clot travelling in the blood stream
  6. Disease affecting metabolism of sugar
  7. Treatment of angina by insertion of catheter into the artery
  8. Factors that can predispose people to non-infectious diseases
  9. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  10. Inner lining of the blood vessels

18 Clues: CPRMedical term for blood clotdiseases not caused by pathogensInner lining of the blood vesselsBuild up of fatty plaque in arteriesDisease affecting metabolism of sugarChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseRestricted blood flow to cardiac muscle'To breathe hard', disease of the lungsBlood clot travelling in the blood stream...

Lab 2013 2013-06-10

Lab 2013 crossword puzzle
  1. Devoted to the diagnosis and management of illnesses
  2. The study of chemical properties of a substance
  3. May induce a state of immune response
  4. Prevents blood clotting
  5. Condition caused by a decreas of RBCs
  6. Liver disease which may produce elevated enzymes
  7. The study of blood cells
  8. includes four major blood types
  1. A condition caused by proliferation of abnormal leukocytes
  2. The study of bacteria and virus
  3. Function is to clot
  4. Function is to carry oxygen to all parts of the body
  5. Yellow
  6. May be seen in both diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus
  7. In front of elbow, usually first choice to draw blood
  8. Used to differentiate bacteria based on color
  9. Hard to treat, resistant to powerful antibiotics
  10. Caused by Borrelia burgdorferi

18 Clues: YellowFunction is to clotPrevents blood clottingThe study of blood cellsCaused by Borrelia burgdorferiThe study of bacteria and virusincludes four major blood typesMay induce a state of immune responseCondition caused by a decreas of RBCsUsed to differentiate bacteria based on colorThe study of chemical properties of a substance...

The Endocrine Disorder 2023-04-09

The Endocrine Disorder crossword puzzle
  1. is a treatment for endocrine disease
  2. ________ loss is the sign & symptom of hyperthyroidism
  3. help body regulate processes such appetite
  4. produce insulin
  5. What is causes of endocrine disorders?
  6. The etiology of _________ is the excessive production of hormones
  1. What is the treatment of endocrine disorders?
  2. _______ mellitus is the type of endocrine disorders
  3. also cause the endocrine disorders
  4. What is the sign & symptom of diabetes mellitus?
  5. What is the sign & symptom of hypothyroidism?
  6. What is the risk factor of endocrine disorders?
  7. The etiology of _______ is the less production of hormones
  8. The etiology of _______ is the excessive production of hormones
  9. What is the sign & symptom of hypopituitarism?

15 Clues: produce insulinalso cause the endocrine disordersis a treatment for endocrine diseaseWhat is causes of endocrine disorders?help body regulate processes such appetiteWhat is the treatment of endocrine disorders?What is the sign & symptom of hypothyroidism?What is the sign & symptom of hypopituitarism?What is the risk factor of endocrine disorders?...

Urinalysis 2021-12-01

Urinalysis crossword puzzle
  1. USG of urine that resembles plasma conc. 1.008- 1.012 , that indicates no renal filtration
  2. Preferred method in small mammals and urine culture
  3. decreased volume of urine output caused by hyperventilation, severe dehydration, and acute renal failure
  4. dogs urine is often this type of urine
  5. a dz where there is Increased permeability to larger or negatively charged plasma proteins
  6. crystals normal in horses and rabbits
  7. is proportional to protein concentration
  8. bacteria break down urea into
  1. preferred method of urine collection in large animals
  2. ph of blood is alkalemic but if there is hypovolemia aldosterone is released and if there is also a hypokalemia present Na is exchanged for H
  3. increased volume, daily urine output or production caused by some dzs such as diabetes, Liver dz, Cushings and Addisons or Diuretics and increased water
  4. you see RBC sink to the bottom after centrifuging with this type of urine
  5. an odor of urine that can indicate diabetes mellitus due to excess glucose
  6. orange tint to urine indicating an excess amount of
  7. Compares protein concentration with creatinine and is Not affected by urine concentration and volume
  8. excessive fat catabolism in dz such as diabetes mellitus and starvation produces

16 Clues: bacteria break down urea intocrystals normal in horses and rabbitsdogs urine is often this type of urineis proportional to protein concentrationorange tint to urine indicating an excess amount ofPreferred method in small mammals and urine culturepreferred method of urine collection in large animals...

diabetic autonomic neuropathy 2023-11-16

diabetic autonomic neuropathy crossword puzzle
  1. open sores on the feet which can arise due to unrecognised trauma as a result of neuropathy
  2. symmetrical sensory neuropathy is known as (cool little analogy imo)
  3. controlling levels of this in diabetes can slow the progression of neuropathy
  4. most common cause of autonomic neuropathy
  5. sense of position of the body which can be lost in sensory neuropathy
  1. quadriceps muscle wasting and absent knee jerks in diabetes
  2. foot with cool, pale, atrophic skin, and absent pulses
  3. damage that occurs to a single nerve
  4. foot with warm, dry skin, bounding pulses, and distended veins
  5. glycolysation of schwann cells can lead to segmental...
  6. neuropathy in foot and ankle which may lead to fractures and dislocations of bones and joints with minimal or no known trauma
  7. microvascular damage to which blood vessels can give rise to diabetic neuropathy

12 Clues: damage that occurs to a single nervemost common cause of autonomic neuropathyfoot with cool, pale, atrophic skin, and absent pulsesglycolysation of schwann cells can lead to segmental...quadriceps muscle wasting and absent knee jerks in diabetesfoot with warm, dry skin, bounding pulses, and distended veins...

Health 2022-08-01

Health crossword puzzle
  1. xnfjx
  2. nssnrfj
  3. zdhnfn
  4. dnsdsn
  5. dbsds
  6. zdhnsnn
  1. dbnsd
  2. ndsss
  3. nxnxmfvd
  4. xnfnjfj
  5. sgasbhh
  6. nfsasa

12 Clues: dbnsdndsssxnfjxdbsdszdhnfndnsdsnnfsasanssnrfjxnfnjfjsgasbhhzdhnsnnnxnxmfvd

HASTALIKLAR 1 2022-11-01

HASTALIKLAR 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Pressure
  2. Depression
  3. Measles
  4. Headache
  5. Paralysis
  1. Allergies
  2. Asthma
  3. Diabetes
  4. Cold
  5. Hernia
  6. Fever
  7. Cancer

12 Clues: ColdFeverAsthmaHerniaCancerMeaslesPressureDiabetesHeadacheAllergiesParalysisDepression

Black Wellness Matters-Nutrition Series 3&4 2022-07-10

Black Wellness Matters-Nutrition Series 3&4 crossword puzzle
  1. A ______________ can create a nutrition plan to improve the health and physical conditions of patients
  2. Should be eaten to help manage diabetes
  3. Popular breakfast food made from cornmeal
  4. Plant based protein that people eat on New Years Day for good luck
  5. Eating every four to _______ hours can help manage blood sugar
  6. Not eating for 10-12 hours during a time. Preferably done at night to manage diabetes
  1. A mineral to help reduce blood pressure. Safe for those who do not have kidney disease
  2. Can be boiled, braised, steamed or eaten raw
  3. A daily food _________ can help with managing diabetes
  4. Comes in red yellow and orange and is very hydrating
  5. A wholesome meal is comprised of protein, fruits and vegetables and _________

11 Clues: Should be eaten to help manage diabetesPopular breakfast food made from cornmealCan be boiled, braised, steamed or eaten rawComes in red yellow and orange and is very hydratingA daily food _________ can help with managing diabetesEating every four to _______ hours can help manage blood sugar...