diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Title: Nutrition Instructions: Complete with a pencil 2022-04-06

Title: Nutrition              Instructions: Complete with a pencil crossword puzzle
  1. An excess of body fat
  2. Nutrient that helps babies develop and grow
  3. Right amounts of the Caribbean food groups
  4. This food group is a good source of vitamins
  1. This nutrient provides energy
  2. This nutrient is used for tissue repair
  3. This is a good source of carbohydrates
  4. This food group contains peas and beans
  5. The body cannot control blood sugar levels
  6. This disease is caused by a lack of proteins

10 Clues: An excess of body fatThis nutrient provides energyThis is a good source of carbohydratesThis nutrient is used for tissue repairThis food group contains peas and beansThe body cannot control blood sugar levelsRight amounts of the Caribbean food groupsNutrient that helps babies develop and growThis disease is caused by a lack of proteins...

Griep 2014-02-03

Griep crossword puzzle
  1. op wat is griep een ontsteking?
  2. op basis van wat wordt de diagnose van griep gesteld?
  3. Een van de complicaties van griep
  4. Andere naam griep
  5. griepsymptomen wat zie je na 2 tot 3 dagen?
  1. Wat werkt niet bij griep
  2. Het belangrijkste bij griep
  3. middelen Soort middelen dat je best neem bij erge gevallen?
  4. Een bijwerking van het griepvaccin
  5. Wie hiermee te kampen heeft, behoort tot de risicogroep

10 Clues: Andere naam griepWat werkt niet bij griepHet belangrijkste bij griepop wat is griep een ontsteking?Een van de complicaties van griepEen bijwerking van het griepvaccingriepsymptomen wat zie je na 2 tot 3 dagen?op basis van wat wordt de diagnose van griep gesteld?Wie hiermee te kampen heeft, behoort tot de risicogroep...

Sonia Sotomayor 2023-03-14

Sonia Sotomayor crossword puzzle
  1. what is the name of Sonia's brother?
  2. what university did Sonia attend?
  3. what medical condition does Sonia have?
  4. how old was Sonia when here father died?
  5. what state did Sonia attend law school?
  6. what state did Sonia grow up in?
  1. what job did Sonia do in New York
  2. what high school did Sonia attend?
  3. Rico where are Sonia's parents from?
  4. what job did Sonia do for her school journal?

10 Clues: what state did Sonia grow up in?what job did Sonia do in New Yorkwhat university did Sonia attend?what high school did Sonia attend?what is the name of Sonia's brother?what medical condition does Sonia have?what state did Sonia attend law school?how old was Sonia when here father died?Rico where are Sonia's parents from?...

Bioteknologi IPA 2023-02-19

Bioteknologi IPA crossword puzzle
  1. menciptakan duplikat suatu makhluk tanpa melalui proses perkawainan
  2. makanan yang mengandung bakteri Lactobacillus Bulgaricus
  3. meningkatkan kekebalan seseoranh secara aktif terhadap suatu penyakit
  4. Teknik yang digunakan untuk membantu penderita diabetes mellitus
  5. sistem penanaman tanpa media tanah
  1. Dalam teknik kultur jaringan, bagian tumbuhan yang ditumbuhkan dalam media kultur
  2. bahan dasar wine
  3. tanaman yg susunan gennya telah dimanipulasi
  4. semakin lama proses fermentasi semakin tinggi kandungan
  5. Penggunaan mikroorganisme untuk mengurangi polutan di lingkungan

10 Clues: bahan dasar winesistem penanaman tanpa media tanahtanaman yg susunan gennya telah dimanipulasisemakin lama proses fermentasi semakin tinggi kandunganmakanan yang mengandung bakteri Lactobacillus BulgaricusTeknik yang digunakan untuk membantu penderita diabetes mellitusPenggunaan mikroorganisme untuk mengurangi polutan di lingkungan...

Blood Pressure 2020-04-28

Blood Pressure crossword puzzle
  1. 1-800-589-3148
  2. Losing _____ percent of your body weight can help reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease
  3. CareMore program to fight loneliness
  4. Recommended twice a year if there’s a family history of heart problems
  5. Veggies and spinach make a heart- healthy _____
  1. Risk factor for falls
  2. Symptoms of hypertension
  3. For healthy aging, quit __________
  4. High blood pressure is also known as
  5. Prevents lowering your immune system

10 Clues: 1-800-589-3148Risk factor for fallsSymptoms of hypertensionFor healthy aging, quit __________High blood pressure is also known asPrevents lowering your immune systemCareMore program to fight lonelinessVeggies and spinach make a heart- healthy _____Recommended twice a year if there’s a family history of heart problems...

Excretory System Crossword 2021-01-05

Excretory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A spot through which ureter, renal artery,renal vein attached to the kidney
  2. Oily secretion of sebacious glands
  3. Medullary pyramids are projected into
  4. Epithelial cells of bowman's capsule
  5. A tube that passes urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder
  6. Location where renal pyramids empty into minor calyx
  1. Inflammation of the glomeruli
  2. Excretory organs of annelids
  3. A corticoid useful in regulation of kidney function
  4. Cause of diabetes malietus

10 Clues: Cause of diabetes malietusExcretory organs of annelidsInflammation of the glomeruliOily secretion of sebacious glandsEpithelial cells of bowman's capsuleMedullary pyramids are projected intoA corticoid useful in regulation of kidney functionLocation where renal pyramids empty into minor calyx...

Chronic Illness 8th 2021-02-26

Chronic Illness 8th crossword puzzle
  1. rapid cellular division causing lump or growth
  2. deuteriation of muscle and joint movement
  3. bones become brittle & week over time break
  4. blood sugar levels above normal
  1. second leading cause of preventable death in US
  2. number one killer in America
  3. gradual decline of brain function and memory
  4. thick mucus that clogs the lungs lung infections
  5. brain cell damage resulting in loss of muscle control
  6. difficulty breathing near objects that irritate

10 Clues: number one killer in Americablood sugar levels above normaldeuteriation of muscle and joint movementbones become brittle & week over time breakgradual decline of brain function and memoryrapid cellular division causing lump or growthsecond leading cause of preventable death in USdifficulty breathing near objects that irritate...

Coronary Artery Disease 2022-05-02

Coronary Artery Disease crossword puzzle
  1. Provides images of atypical valvular and myocardial function
  2. Reveals myocardial ischemia
  3. Condition where artery lumens fill with plaque
  4. This disease causes patients not to experience severe pain
  5. Administered to increase oxygen to the myocardium
  1. Reveals high left ventricular pressure
  2. Identifies severity of the disease
  3. lifestyle changes for all people to reduce the risk of CAD by lowering LDL cholesterol
  4. Reveals heart enlargement and dilated aortic valve
  5. Reversible ischemia

10 Clues: Reversible ischemiaReveals myocardial ischemiaIdentifies severity of the diseaseReveals high left ventricular pressureCondition where artery lumens fill with plaqueAdministered to increase oxygen to the myocardiumReveals heart enlargement and dilated aortic valveThis disease causes patients not to experience severe pain...

tts diit 2022-11-03

tts diit crossword puzzle
  1. apa pantangan tersendiri pada diit diabetes melitus
  2. diit yang diberikan setelah operasi
  3. mencegah atau menghilangkan penimbunan garam dan air
  4. diit untuk mengurangi faktor yang menyebabkan tekanan meningkat pada lambung
  1. makanan seperti bubur dan jus contoh makanan dari diit
  2. tujuan diit gout arthitis untuk menurunkan kadar
  3. makanan yang mempunyai konsistensi cair hingga kental
  4. diit yang diberikan pada pasien hipertensi
  5. aturan makanan untuk kesehatan
  6. diit yang diberikan sebelum operasi

10 Clues: aturan makanan untuk kesehatandiit yang diberikan setelah operasidiit yang diberikan sebelum operasidiit yang diberikan pada pasien hipertensitujuan diit gout arthitis untuk menurunkan kadarapa pantangan tersendiri pada diit diabetes melitusmencegah atau menghilangkan penimbunan garam dan airmakanan yang mempunyai konsistensi cair hingga kental...

Storm Rescue Crossword 2017-12-08

Storm Rescue Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Dr. Mac's granddaughter, who also volunteers at the clinic.
  2. The owner of the clinic.
  3. What Lucy receives frequently because of her Diabetes.
  4. The breed of the dog named stormy.
  5. The name of Sunita's cat.
  1. The animal clinic where Sunita volunteers.
  2. The type of storm that hit Pennsylvania.
  3. The name of the street Mrs. Clark and Lucy live on.
  4. The name Mrs. Clark's cat.
  5. Where Lucy was trapped.

10 Clues: Where Lucy was trapped.The owner of the clinic.The name of Sunita's cat.The name Mrs. Clark's cat.The breed of the dog named stormy.The type of storm that hit Pennsylvania.The animal clinic where Sunita volunteers.The name of the street Mrs. Clark and Lucy live on.What Lucy receives frequently because of her Diabetes....

Macam-macam Hormon Manusia 2024-07-26

Macam-macam Hormon Manusia crossword puzzle
  1. Selain memengaruhi suasana hati, juga berperan dalam pencernaan, proses pembekuan darah, pembentukan tulang, dan fungsi seksual
  2. Merangsang proses kontraksi rahim saat persalinan
  3. Antagonis dari insulin
  4. Disebut juga hormon kehamilan
  5. Berkaitan dengan keberanian, dapat membuat jantung berdetak lebih cepat
  6. Mengatur siklus tidur manusia
  1. Meningkat kadarnya saat seseorang mengalami sensasi yang menyenangkan
  2. Mengatur metabolisme, pertumbuhan, perkembangan, dan kegiatan sistem saraf
  3. Jika kekurangan, seseorang menderita diabetes
  4. Mengatur siklus menstruasi

10 Clues: Antagonis dari insulinMengatur siklus menstruasiDisebut juga hormon kehamilanMengatur siklus tidur manusiaJika kekurangan, seseorang menderita diabetesMerangsang proses kontraksi rahim saat persalinanMeningkat kadarnya saat seseorang mengalami sensasi yang menyenangkanBerkaitan dengan keberanian, dapat membuat jantung berdetak lebih cepat...

PowerPoint 14 2016-04-12

PowerPoint 14 crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of knowledge dealing with past events
  2. Should be brief and not repetitive
  3. marked by intricate and often excessive detail
  4. designating an electronic apparatus using audio frequencies
  5. the group of spectators at a public event
  6. to set down in writing or the like
  1. to act on; produce an effect or change in
  2. to bring into a more desirable or excellent condition
  3. an act of presenting
  4. any of several disorders characterized by increased urine production
  5. the right to precede others in order
  6. a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ
  7. intellect or understanding
  8. a malignant and invasive growth or tumor
  9. most advantageous

15 Clues: most advantageousan act of presentingintellect or understandingShould be brief and not repetitiveto set down in writing or the likethe right to precede others in ordera malignant and invasive growth or tumorto act on; produce an effect or change inthe group of spectators at a public eventa disordered or incorrectly functioning organ...

Cola und unsere Welt 2012-12-09

Cola und unsere Welt crossword puzzle
  1. Das Wort ist seit dem 13. _________ im Deutschen bezeugt.
  2. Ein sehr berühmteren der nur zur Weihnachtszeit kommt und oft mit Cola verbunden wird.
  3. Was braunen Zucker braun macht
  4. Anzahl der Länder in denen Zucker hin exportiert wird.(ausgeschrieben in Wörtern)
  5. Größte Land in Süd Amerika
  6. Eine landwirtschaftliche Kulturpflanze
  7. Ein Land wo es Buddhas gibt
  1. Es ist das ________ in unserer Welt
  2. Zucker ist _______ zufinden
  3. Zucker der umgemahlen ist
  4. Zucker in Würfel form
  5. Ein Land mit 50 Staaten
  6. Wort für einheitliche Preis auf der ganzen Welt für Zucker
  7. Eine Pflanze voraus Zucker hergestellt wird
  8. Eine häufige Krankheit die durch zu viel Zucker ausgelöst wird

15 Clues: Zucker in Würfel formEin Land mit 50 StaatenZucker der umgemahlen istGrößte Land in Süd AmerikaZucker ist _______ zufindenEin Land wo es Buddhas gibtWas braunen Zucker braun machtEs ist das ________ in unserer WeltEine landwirtschaftliche KulturpflanzeEine Pflanze voraus Zucker hergestellt wird...

Das Hormonsystem 2014-05-08

Das Hormonsystem crossword puzzle
  1. Wie heißt das Hormon, dass die Körperleistung steigert?
  2. Wie nennt man die chemischen Botenstoffe in unserem Körper?
  3. Wie heißt die Hormonzentrale?
  4. Wie heißt die Erkrankung, bei der kein oder zu wenig Insulin gebildet wird?
  5. Wo werden Hormone gebildet?
  6. Welche Hormondrüse steuert den Stoffwechsel?
  7. Welches Hormon bewirkt, dass der Blutzuckerspiegel sinkt?
  8. Wie heißen die weiblichen Keimdrüsen?
  1. Wie heißen die männlichen Geschlechtshormone?
  2. Welche Hormondrüse verhindert die verfrühte Reifung der Hormondrüsen?
  3. Die ...drüse erzeugt Hormone, die den Zuckerhaushalt regulieren.
  4. Wo wird Adrenalin gebildet?
  5. Wie heißen die männlichen Keimdrüsen?
  6. Welche Hormondrüse steuert die innere Uhr?
  7. Welches Hormon bewirkt, dass der Blutzuckerspiegel steigt?

15 Clues: Wo werden Hormone gebildet?Wo wird Adrenalin gebildet?Wie heißt die Hormonzentrale?Wie heißen die männlichen Keimdrüsen?Wie heißen die weiblichen Keimdrüsen?Welche Hormondrüse steuert die innere Uhr?Welche Hormondrüse steuert den Stoffwechsel?Wie heißen die männlichen Geschlechtshormone?Wie heißt das Hormon, dass die Körperleistung steigert?...

Healthy Review! 2014-07-06

Healthy Review! crossword puzzle
  1. the unit for energy in food
  2. an example would be broccoli
  3. fried foods, oils, and butter
  4. number of food groups on the food pyramid
  5. the food group you should eat the least amount
  6. improved by eating healthy
  7. an example is bread and rice
  8. important for everyday functions
  1. an example of a good sugar
  2. a disease, your blood sugar level is high
  3. an example would be mangos and rambutan
  4. a reason to stay healthy
  5. too much of this causes high blood pressure
  6. we get this when we eat meat
  7. a disease, the body has more fat than muscle

15 Clues: a reason to stay healthyan example of a good sugarimproved by eating healthythe unit for energy in foodan example would be broccoliwe get this when we eat meatan example is bread and ricefried foods, oils, and butterimportant for everyday functionsan example would be mangos and rambutana disease, your blood sugar level is high...

NURS 2500 Glucose Regulation 2021-09-04

NURS 2500 Glucose Regulation crossword puzzle
  1. occurs when injection sites are not rotated
  2. NPH insulin
  3. decreased blood supply in retina
  4. which syndrome is a cluster of symptoms
  5. what are present in the urine in DKA
  6. hormone released from liver to raise blood glucose levels
  7. DM is a carbohydrate and ____ metabolism problem
  8. long acting insulin
  9. can cause CVA type symptoms
  1. insulin syringes should be without these prior to administration
  2. most important glucose check time for GDM
  3. a rapid acting insulin
  4. visceral neuropathy in advanced diabetes
  5. medicine required by Type I diabetics
  6. most frequent side-effect of neonate born of mother with GDM
  7. exercising children and strenuous adults require a 15-30 gram _____ prior to exercise

16 Clues: NPH insulinlong acting insulina rapid acting insulincan cause CVA type symptomsdecreased blood supply in retinawhat are present in the urine in DKAmedicine required by Type I diabeticswhich syndrome is a cluster of symptomsvisceral neuropathy in advanced diabetesmost important glucose check time for GDMoccurs when injection sites are not rotated...

SP406 Vocabulary 2022-02-28

SP406 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Cuando una persona no tiene mucha azucar
  2. Cuando las personas no comen pan
  3. Cuando una persona esta muy nerviosa todos los dias
  4. similar a el equilibrio
  5. Como una persona vive; esta salud o no saludable
  6. Las personas tienen la cosa para Covid-19 ayudar
  7. La cosa es en cirugia, es mal
  1. Cuando una persona no quiere estar activo
  2. es un sindrome muy mal y estas muchos tipos
  3. similar a sano/a
  4. Cuando una persona hace ejercicio mucha
  5. Es rojo y en los humanos y animales
  6. Cuando una persona esta muy triste
  7. Cuando una persona esta muy gorda
  8. Cuando una persona esta muy activa

15 Clues: similar a sano/asimilar a el equilibrioLa cosa es en cirugia, es malCuando las personas no comen panCuando una persona esta muy gordaCuando una persona esta muy tristeCuando una persona esta muy activaEs rojo y en los humanos y animalesCuando una persona hace ejercicio muchaCuando una persona no tiene mucha azucar...

Complex Adult Health Crossword Puzzle 2022-03-22

Complex Adult Health Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Can turn urine and secretions orange
  2. Used to lower ammonia levels
  3. A potassium sparing diuretic
  4. Used to treat acute asthma attacks by opening the airways
  5. Call 911 if symptoms do not improve after 3 doses taken 5 minutes apart
  6. Raises the heart rate for patients with severe bradycardia
  7. Treats inadequate tissue perfusion due to shock
  8. Helps decrease heart rate and blood pressure
  9. Used to treat anaphylactic shock
  1. Reversal agent for benzodiazepines
  2. Hormone is used to treat diabetes insipidus
  3. Antipsychotic that can cause dysrhythmias
  4. The patient's INR must be closely monitored when taking this medication
  5. side effects include symptoms of hyperthyroidism
  6. Can cause angioedema

15 Clues: Can cause angioedemaUsed to lower ammonia levelsA potassium sparing diureticUsed to treat anaphylactic shockReversal agent for benzodiazepinesCan turn urine and secretions orangeAntipsychotic that can cause dysrhythmiasHormone is used to treat diabetes insipidusHelps decrease heart rate and blood pressure...

Homeostasis 2 KS4 2021-07-02

Homeostasis 2 KS4 crossword puzzle
  1. a gland referred to as the master gland.
  2. a change in the environment.
  3. a gland involved in blood glucose control.
  4. the is the name of the hormonal system.
  5. this gland releases oestrogen
  6. structures that releases chemical messengers.
  7. an organ that stores excess glucose.
  1. a group of cells that detect a stimulus.
  2. a hormone that controls sperm production
  3. when you cannot control blood glucose levels.
  4. processes information and coordinates the body.
  5. blood glucose levels fall when we do this.
  6. a type of neurone that carries impulse to the CNS
  7. a hormone that lowers blood glucose.
  8. chemical messengers that travel in the blood.

15 Clues: a change in the environment.this gland releases oestrogena hormone that lowers blood glucose.an organ that stores excess glucose.the is the name of the hormonal system.a group of cells that detect a stimulus.a hormone that controls sperm productiona gland referred to as the master gland.blood glucose levels fall when we do this....

Health and Wellness 2022-10-13

Health and Wellness crossword puzzle
  1. Cough into this instead of your hands
  2. Where prescriptions are prepared and dispensed
  3. We should drink 6-8 cups of this per day
  4. The feeling when food is needed
  5. Where you go to have your teeth checked
  6. Number of hours of sleep you need
  7. "An _____ a day keeps the doctor away!"
  1. Relating to disorders of the mind
  2. Run at a slow, regulated speed
  3. "____ is the best medicine!"
  4. Where people go to get fit
  5. Payment you make, usually monthly, for insurance
  6. Condition where blood sugar cannot be regulated
  7. Non-brand prescriptions are called this
  8. Feeling the need to drink something

15 Clues: Where people go to get fit"____ is the best medicine!"Run at a slow, regulated speedThe feeling when food is neededRelating to disorders of the mindNumber of hours of sleep you needFeeling the need to drink somethingCough into this instead of your handsWhere you go to have your teeth checkedNon-brand prescriptions are called this...

PAH crossword 2022-10-13

PAH crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Only vaccine that is required by law for dogs and cats
  2. Life threatening parasite spread by mosquitoes
  3. Long-acting antibiotic injection
  4. Term for short faced dogs
  5. Michael Jackson drug we use in anesthesia
  6. Food that helps dissolve crystals and stones
  7. Medication that is prescribed for itchy skin in dogs
  8. Medication for pets with diabetes
  1. Gland that helps control metabolism
  2. Practice Management system we use
  3. You always want your mouth closed when expressing these
  4. Diagnostic tool for determining an ear infection
  5. white blood cell- first line of defense
  6. Term for low red blood cell count
  7. Parasite that spreads tapeworms

15 Clues: Term for short faced dogsParasite that spreads tapewormsLong-acting antibiotic injectionPractice Management system we useTerm for low red blood cell countMedication for pets with diabetesGland that helps control metabolismwhite blood cell- first line of defenseMichael Jackson drug we use in anesthesiaFood that helps dissolve crystals and stones...

Primeiros 1000 dias de vida 2020-05-20

Primeiros 1000 dias de vida crossword puzzle
  1. A amamentação otimiza essa função
  2. nome do acúcar presente nas frutas
  3. doença influenciada pela introdução precoce do açúcar
  4. Contexto social do bebê afeta atraso nesse aspecto
  5. seu desenvolvimento pode ser afetado pela desnutrição
  6. Fase crucial para adoção de hábitos saudáveis
  7. Até quantos anos é preconizado NADA de açúcar?
  8. Número de meses de aleitamento materno exclusivo
  1. Doença associada ao consumo de açúcar
  2. Alimentos com baixa concentração de micronutrientes
  3. Diz que exposições adversas podem afetar gerações
  4. Melhor alimento para o bebê
  5. Fase intrauterina que faz parte dos mil dias
  6. Pode ser afetada pelo uso da chupeta
  7. Seu consumo é fator de risco comum para doenças

15 Clues: Melhor alimento para o bebêA amamentação otimiza essa funçãonome do acúcar presente nas frutasPode ser afetada pelo uso da chupetaDoença associada ao consumo de açúcarFase intrauterina que faz parte dos mil diasFase crucial para adoção de hábitos saudáveisAté quantos anos é preconizado NADA de açúcar?Seu consumo é fator de risco comum para doenças...

fitness cross word 2016-09-01

fitness cross word crossword puzzle
  1. a fitness related condition
  2. the I in FITT
  3. a test which determines physical fitness
  4. the ability for all body parts to work together efficiently
  5. activity any aerobic or anaerobic exercise which can be non organised or organised sport
  6. your heart rate in the morning
  7. wellbeing an aspect of your health
  1. a disorder of the metabolism
  2. the combination of speed and strength
  3. the t in FITT
  4. the other t in FITT
  5. the f in FITT
  6. endurance how many sit ups per minute is a test of this
  7. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  8. opposite of clue 1

15 Clues: the t in FITTthe f in FITTthe I in FITTopposite of clue 1the other t in FITTa fitness related conditiona disorder of the metabolismyour heart rate in the morningwellbeing an aspect of your healththe combination of speed and strengtha test which determines physical fitnessendurance how many sit ups per minute is a test of this...

Illnesses - PL 2023-04-13

Illnesses - PL crossword puzzle
  1. To write pills for your patient to take.
  2. All the time.
  3. An illness caused by high levels of sugar in blood.
  4. To do a-choo!
  5. Somebody who gives you some service (health care/ internet..)
  6. To make something/somebody come closer
  7. A mushroom or skin disease
  8. To give special importance or value to something
  1. Something extra
  2. The cause of illnesses.
  3. The way you manage things is your ..... to them.
  4. To get rid of the illness. ¨
  5. If you are weak and the illness can get you more easily, you are..
  6. To help the patient manage the the illness
  7. The signs of illness.

15 Clues: All the time.To do a-choo!Something extraThe signs of illness.The cause of illnesses.A mushroom or skin diseaseTo get rid of the illness. ¨To make something/somebody come closerTo write pills for your patient to take.To help the patient manage the the illnessThe way you manage things is your ..... to them....


POWER OF YOUR HANDS crossword puzzle
  1. chemical reaction in the body's cells that change food into energy
  2. chronic metabolic disease
  3. the force of bodily fluid pushing against the walls of your arteries
  4. soft spongy organ, pinkish grey color
  5. cleanse by OR action of water
  6. liquid that descends from clouds
  7. absence of wakefulness
  1. body part at the end of the arm
  2. a system of physical postures combined with breathing techniques
  3. contagious respiratory illness
  4. to chew and swallow
  5. activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness
  6. respiratory organ on the left and right, sometimes called the thorax
  7. inoperative, put out of action
  8. to advance by steps

15 Clues: to chew and swallowto advance by stepsabsence of wakefulnesschronic metabolic diseasecleanse by OR action of watercontagious respiratory illnessinoperative, put out of actionbody part at the end of the armliquid that descends from cloudssoft spongy organ, pinkish grey colora system of physical postures combined with breathing techniques...

Health Review M1/12 2024-01-19

Health Review M1/12 crossword puzzle
  1. body temperatures continues to rise
  2. body composition (fat, muscle, bone and water)
  3. the ability to change the position and direction
  4. slow down the central nervous system
  5. What emergency services do you call on 191
  6. helping people in emergency situations
  7. the ability to maintain one's equilibrium
  8. speed up the central nervous system
  1. What emergency services do you call on 199
  2. What emergency services do you call on 1669
  3. an addictive substance in cigarette
  4. a condition where the body is lacking insulin
  5. Cardiovascular fitness
  6. substances that affect the way our body works
  7. what should you say when someone offers you drugs

15 Clues: Cardiovascular fitnessbody temperatures continues to risean addictive substance in cigarettespeed up the central nervous systemslow down the central nervous systemhelping people in emergency situationsthe ability to maintain one's equilibriumWhat emergency services do you call on 199What emergency services do you call on 191...

Sports and Gender Crossword Puzzle 2013-04-14

Sports and Gender Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. To separate
  2. Fairness or to be impartial
  3. A disorder affecting metabolism, and thirst, causing the production of large amounts of urine
  4. Any bodily movement that increases heart rate
  5. To get hurt, to become wounded.
  1. Over-simplified ideas of things, gender or race
  2. Strengthening muscles through physical activity
  3. The biggest sport event held in the summer and winter every 2 years
  4. A competition or organized game
  5. To bring together

10 Clues: To separateTo bring togetherFairness or to be impartialA competition or organized gameTo get hurt, to become wounded.Any bodily movement that increases heart rateOver-simplified ideas of things, gender or raceStrengthening muscles through physical activityThe biggest sport event held in the summer and winter every 2 years...

Excretory System Crossword 2021-01-05

Excretory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A spot through which ureter, renal artery,renal vein attached to the kidney
  2. Oily secretion of sebacious glands
  3. Medullary pyramids are projected into
  4. Epithelial cells of bowman's capsule
  5. A tube that passes urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder
  6. Location where renal pyramids empty into minor calyx
  1. Inflammation of the glomeruli
  2. Excretory organs of annelids
  3. A corticoid useful in regulation of kidney function
  4. Cause of diabetes malietus

10 Clues: Cause of diabetes malietusExcretory organs of annelidsInflammation of the glomeruliOily secretion of sebacious glandsEpithelial cells of bowman's capsuleMedullary pyramids are projected intoA corticoid useful in regulation of kidney functionLocation where renal pyramids empty into minor calyx...

Heart & Physical Activity 2022-02-14

Heart & Physical Activity crossword puzzle
  1. A type of exercise like walking or jogging
  2. Improving thinking, memory and focus
  3. A hormone that gives you a happy feeling
  4. Your body has HDL and LDL
  5. Type 2
  1. Exercise reduces your risk of this
  2. Exercise will lower this
  3. Physical activity that is good for your heart
  4. A muscle in your body that has a good beat
  5. Reducing this in your daily life makes you happy

10 Clues: Type 2Exercise will lower thisYour body has HDL and LDLExercise reduces your risk of thisImproving thinking, memory and focusA hormone that gives you a happy feelingA type of exercise like walking or joggingA muscle in your body that has a good beatPhysical activity that is good for your heartReducing this in your daily life makes you happy

Heart & Physical Activity 2022-02-14

Heart & Physical Activity crossword puzzle
  1. A hormone that gives you a happy feeling
  2. Type 2
  3. A muscle in your body that has a good beat
  4. Reducing this in your daily life makes you happy
  5. A type of exercise like walking or jogging
  6. Exercise will lower this
  1. Improving thinking, memory and focus
  2. Exercise reduces your risk of this
  3. Physical activity that is good for your heart
  4. Your body has HDL and LDL

10 Clues: Type 2Exercise will lower thisYour body has HDL and LDLExercise reduces your risk of thisImproving thinking, memory and focusA hormone that gives you a happy feelingA muscle in your body that has a good beatA type of exercise like walking or joggingPhysical activity that is good for your heartReducing this in your daily life makes you happy

Heart & Physical Activity 2022-02-14

Heart & Physical Activity crossword puzzle
  1. A hormone that gives you a happy feeling
  2. Type 2
  3. A muscle in your body that has a good beat
  4. Reducing this in your daily life makes you happy
  5. A type of exercise like walking or jogging
  6. Exercise will lower this
  1. Improving thinking, memory and focus
  2. Exercise reduces your risk of this
  3. Physical activity that is good for your heart
  4. Your body has HDL and LDL

10 Clues: Type 2Exercise will lower thisYour body has HDL and LDLExercise reduces your risk of thisImproving thinking, memory and focusA hormone that gives you a happy feelingA muscle in your body that has a good beatA type of exercise like walking or joggingPhysical activity that is good for your heartReducing this in your daily life makes you happy

Homeostasis and feedback loops 2022-07-14

Homeostasis and feedback loops crossword puzzle
  1. intensifies a response
  2. can cause diabetes or even death
  3. negative and positive feed-back
  4. provided by the variable that is being regulated
  5. monitors the values of the variable
  1. is a protein
  2. process of a body to maintain constant internal environment in response to fluctuations
  3. matches the data with normal values
  4. serves to reduce an exessive response
  5. is an organ, gland, muscle or other structures

10 Clues: is a proteinintensifies a responsenegative and positive feed-backcan cause diabetes or even deathmatches the data with normal valuesmonitors the values of the variableserves to reduce an exessive responseis an organ, gland, muscle or other structuresprovided by the variable that is being regulated...

Disorders of the Eye 2023-03-24

Disorders of the Eye crossword puzzle
  1. cloudy area in the lens of the eye
  2. farsightedness starting around mid 40's
  3. Vision loss due to diabetes
  4. vision loss or blindness due to damage to the optic nerve
  5. farsightedness due to shape of the eye
  1. causes pink or red coloration of the eyes
  2. nearsightedness
  3. When retina is pulled away from the eye
  4. Damage to the macula due to age
  5. When you see colors differently than others

10 Clues: nearsightednessVision loss due to diabetesDamage to the macula due to agecloudy area in the lens of the eyefarsightedness due to shape of the eyeWhen retina is pulled away from the eyefarsightedness starting around mid 40'scauses pink or red coloration of the eyesWhen you see colors differently than others...

Thiago - keywords 2023-12-21

Thiago - keywords crossword puzzle
  1. cancer treatment option
  2. Where doctors take notes and retrieve information
  3. Diseases persist for a long period
  4. medicine for diabetics
  5. The study and treatment of tumores
  6. technical dialect used by doctors or health professionals
  1. necessary surgery, in patients with diabetes, and who did not take care
  2. when you don't know something but form a bad opinion about it
  3. When a person is very tired from working
  4. measure of pain

10 Clues: measure of painmedicine for diabeticscancer treatment optionDiseases persist for a long periodThe study and treatment of tumoresWhen a person is very tired from workingWhere doctors take notes and retrieve informationtechnical dialect used by doctors or health professionalswhen you don't know something but form a bad opinion about it...

88888 2024-05-15

88888 crossword puzzle
  1. something that one can eat
  2. diet that does not include meat
  3. food that is overly manufactured with additives
  4. extremely good tasting
  1. disease caused by too much sugar in the body
  2. entire seed with the husk
  3. first thing you eat as part of amore formal meal
  4. flavoured with spices
  5. outer shell of a seed like a grain of rice or wheat
  6. small portion of a whole piece like cheese, bread

10 Clues: flavoured with spicesextremely good tastingentire seed with the husksomething that one can eatdiet that does not include meatdisease caused by too much sugar in the bodyfood that is overly manufactured with additivesfirst thing you eat as part of amore formal mealsmall portion of a whole piece like cheese, bread...

8888 2024-05-15

8888 crossword puzzle
  1. entire seed with the husk
  2. food that is overly manufactured with additives
  3. extremely good tasting
  4. something that one can eat
  5. first thing you eat as part of amore formal meal
  1. diet that does not include meat
  2. outer shell of a seed like a grain of rice or wheat
  3. flavoured with spices
  4. small portion of a whole piece like cheese, bread
  5. disease caused by too much sugar in the body

10 Clues: flavoured with spicesextremely good tastingentire seed with the husksomething that one can eatdiet that does not include meatdisease caused by too much sugar in the bodyfood that is overly manufactured with additivesfirst thing you eat as part of amore formal mealsmall portion of a whole piece like cheese, bread...

Soal umum farmasi 2024-07-05

Soal umum farmasi crossword puzzle
  1. adalah julukan kota makassar,
  2. ibu kota negara indonesia,
  3. Proses pengeluaran obat dari tubuh terutama melalui ginjal,
  4. alat musik dengan tuts hitam putih,
  5. adalah obat yang dapat menguraangi
  1. Terapi yang melibatkan penggunaan bahan kimia untuk menghancurkan sel kanker ,
  2. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan kadar gula darah kronis,
  3. samping Reaksi yang tidak diinginkan dan berbahaya dari penggunaan obat,
  4. Organ yang paling bertanggung jawab dalam metabolisme obat,
  5. benua terluas didunia,

10 Clues: benua terluas didunia,ibu kota negara indonesia,adalah julukan kota makassar,adalah obat yang dapat menguraangialat musik dengan tuts hitam putih,Organ yang paling bertanggung jawab dalam metabolisme obat,Proses pengeluaran obat dari tubuh terutama melalui ginjal,Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan kadar gula darah kronis,...

EHBO 75 jaar 2013-09-23

EHBO 75 jaar crossword puzzle
  1. Paul, Henk en Agnes zijn, kaderinstructeurs.
  2. heet de bovenste huidlaag, opperhuid.
  3. staat de D voor in AED, defibrilator.
  4. ernstig letsel bel je 112 en vraag je om een, ambulance.
  5. rautekgreep.
  6. ligt in, oestgeest.
  7. pols is een scharniergewricht/kogelgewricht of rolgewricht, kogelgewricht.
  8. betekend het woord corpus, lichaam.
  9. punt om op te letten bij het verlenen van hulp, eigenveiligheid.
  1. de letters in de goede volgorde; odmlobeosop, bloedsomloop.
  2. bestaat dit jaar... jaar, vijfenzeventig.
  3. kan..... geven, brandwonden.
  4. woord in de volksmond voor diabetes, suikerziekte.
  5. en mond-op-mond beademing noemt men, reanimatie.
  6. welk gebouw wordt de EHBO-cursus en herhalingslessen gegeven, klaverblad.
  7. om je arm rust en steun te geen, mitella.
  8. waarin je een slachtoffer legt, stabiele zijligging.
  9. lichaamsslagader, aorta.

18 Clues: rautekgreep.ligt in, oestgeest.lichaamsslagader, aorta.kan..... geven, brandwonden.betekend het woord corpus, lichaam.heet de bovenste huidlaag, opperhuid.staat de D voor in AED, defibrilator.om je arm rust en steun te geen, mitella.bestaat dit jaar... jaar, vijfenzeventig.Paul, Henk en Agnes zijn, kaderinstructeurs....

Carbohydrates 2015-09-25

Carbohydrates crossword puzzle
  1. How many calories per gram of carbohydrate?
  2. "Half your grains should be _______"
  3. Add more ______________ foods to help lose excess fat.
  4. What is one type of Carbohydrate?
  5. What do carbs provide the body with?
  6. Abnormally high glucose level.
  7. How many types of carbs are there?
  8. This provides more energy than fat.
  9. occurs when the blood glucose level is too low.
  10. What kind of carbohydrate should be avoided?
  11. What is the most important monosaccharide?
  1. Impaired glucose tolerance.
  2. What nutrient problem is caused by too many "bad" carbs?
  3. Type of carb that provides quick energy.
  4. Class of nutrients including starch and sugar.
  5. What major muscle do carbs benefit?
  6. This is a good carb for protein.
  7. Beta cells produce _________.

18 Clues: Impaired glucose tolerance.Beta cells produce _________.Abnormally high glucose level.This is a good carb for protein.What is one type of Carbohydrate?How many types of carbs are there?What major muscle do carbs benefit?This provides more energy than fat."Half your grains should be _______"What do carbs provide the body with?...

NephMadness 2018 - Pediatric Region 2018-03-10

NephMadness 2018 - Pediatric Region crossword puzzle
  1. Absent gene in renal agenesis
  2. Common cause of HTN in younger kids
  3. EYA1, SIX1, or SIX5 mutations
  4. Seminal study group on childhood NS and steroid responsiveness
  5. Pre-pregnancy CAKUT risk factor
  6. Steroid-sparing agent that may increase long-term risk of skin cancers
  7. Teratogen that blocks ureteric bud branching
  8. Shares genetic mutation with Ehlers-Danlos
  9. Most common cause of pediatric CKD
  1. Most common cause of pediatric HTN
  2. Commonly prescribed diet for BP reduction
  3. First step in pediatric HTN work-up
  4. Metanephric mesenchyme invader
  5. Weeks gestation of first glomeruli
  6. Most common change in childhood NS
  7. Indication for biopsy in childhood NS
  8. Marker of CV disease in kids with HTN
  9. Steroid-sparing agent that is nephrotoxic, may cause HTN

18 Clues: Absent gene in renal agenesisEYA1, SIX1, or SIX5 mutationsMetanephric mesenchyme invaderPre-pregnancy CAKUT risk factorMost common cause of pediatric HTNWeeks gestation of first glomeruliMost common change in childhood NSMost common cause of pediatric CKDFirst step in pediatric HTN work-upCommon cause of HTN in younger kids...

ELA 6th Test 2 2023-02-15

ELA 6th Test 2 crossword puzzle
  1. voice commenting on the action or narrating a film off-camera
  2. done with sadness
  3. inability to process blood sugars
  4. condition of being extremely overweight
  5. warm-blooded animals with hair or fur, including humans
  6. material bodies are made from
  7. process of making films or cartoons from drawings, computer graphics, or photos
  8. in a way that is little by little
  9. something that replaces a lost body part
  1. in an unconcerned way
  2. remote-controlled flying machines
  3. respectful and polite to women
  4. natural substance that is produced in the body and that affects the way the body develops
  5. strange or unusual
  6. longing for the past
  7. recorded sound
  8. person who tells a story
  9. in a superior manner

18 Clues: recorded sounddone with sadnessstrange or unusuallonging for the pastin a superior mannerin an unconcerned wayperson who tells a storymaterial bodies are made fromrespectful and polite to womenremote-controlled flying machinesinability to process blood sugarsin a way that is little by littlecondition of being extremely overweight...

Drugs 2015-03-09

Drugs crossword puzzle
  1. drug used to treat diabetes
  2. crime that club drugs are associated with
  3. non-food substance used to change the function of your body
  4. drugs that intensifies your senses
  5. a drugs the relaxes the mind
  6. your body getting used to the drug and requiring more
  7. drugs that are used to treat or prevent problems
  8. drugs used to help a headache
  1. put into the body to stimulate an immune response
  2. drugs that slow down the nervous system
  3. drug that speeds up the essential nervous system
  4. drugs that help promote sleep
  5. pain relievers
  6. prescription drugs used to relieve pain
  7. what people drink when they're depressed

15 Clues: pain relieversdrug used to treat diabetesa drugs the relaxes the minddrugs that help promote sleepdrugs used to help a headachedrugs that intensifies your sensesdrugs that slow down the nervous systemprescription drugs used to relieve painwhat people drink when they're depressedcrime that club drugs are associated with...

Cardiac Rehabilitation Week 2021 2021-01-07

Cardiac Rehabilitation Week 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. feeling of physical or emotional tension
  2. use of this increases risk for heart issues
  3. organ that pumps blood to the rest of your body
  4. lifestyle that increases risk for heart issues
  5. ___medical history increases risk for heart issues
  6. fatty deposits inside arteries
  7. excessive amount of body fat
  8. medical term for high blood pressure
  1. a heart rhythm problem
  2. disease where blood sugars are too high
  3. tiny wire mesh tube inserted in blocked artery
  4. blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood
  5. a type of lipid found in the blood
  6. occurs when the heart can't get enough oxygen
  7. "good" cholesterol

15 Clues: "good" cholesterola heart rhythm problemexcessive amount of body fatfatty deposits inside arteriesa type of lipid found in the bloodmedical term for high blood pressuredisease where blood sugars are too highfeeling of physical or emotional tensionblood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blooduse of this increases risk for heart issues...

Biomedical 2022-04-09

Biomedical crossword puzzle
  1. tissue removed from a living body
  2. colorless fluid part of blood
  3. devise for stopping the flow of blood
  4. action of recognizing someone
  5. low volume of blood
  6. red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood
  1. action of a liquid changing to a solid or semi-solid state
  2. orange-yellow pigment formed in the liver
  3. red liquid that circulated in the arteries
  4. The lack of that causes a form of diabetes
  5. a machine with a rapidly rotating container
  6. these substances recognize foreign substances in the blood
  7. not tend to spread
  8. cleaning wounds or taking specimens
  9. smallest structural unit of an organism

15 Clues: not tend to spreadlow volume of bloodcolorless fluid part of bloodaction of recognizing someonetissue removed from a living bodycleaning wounds or taking specimensdevise for stopping the flow of bloodsmallest structural unit of an organismorange-yellow pigment formed in the liverred liquid that circulated in the arteries...

Health and Wellness 2022-10-13

Health and Wellness crossword puzzle
  1. We should drink 6-8 cups of this per day
  2. Run at a slow, regulated speed
  3. The feeling when food is needed
  4. Number of hours of sleep you need
  5. Condition where blood sugar cannot be regulated
  6. Relating to disorders of the mind
  7. Payment you make, usually monthly, for insurance
  8. Where people go to get fit
  1. "____ is the best medicine!"
  2. Where you go to have your teeth checked
  3. Where prescriptions are prepared and dispensed
  4. "An _____ a day keeps the doctor away!"
  5. Cough into this instead of your hands
  6. Feeling the need to drink something
  7. Non-brand prescriptions are called this

15 Clues: Where people go to get fit"____ is the best medicine!"Run at a slow, regulated speedThe feeling when food is neededNumber of hours of sleep you needRelating to disorders of the mindFeeling the need to drink somethingCough into this instead of your handsWhere you go to have your teeth checked"An _____ a day keeps the doctor away!"...

Kost 2024-02-08

Kost crossword puzzle
  1. behövs för att bygga muskler
  2. socker som kroppen använder som bränsle för energi
  3. hälsosamma fetter
  4. fungerar som katalysatorer för kemiska reaktioner i kroppen,
  5. spelar en nyckelroll i nästan alla biologiska processer
  6. ett sätt att fördela maten på ett bra sätt
  7. sjukdom där kroppen antingen inte producerar tillräckligt med insulin
  1. protein innebär att det ändrar sin struktur till en fastare form,
  2. sockerart som består av två sammankopplade
  3. detta består fetter av
  4. onyttiga fetter
  5. ett tillstånd av övervikt
  6. Potatis, pasta och ris är exempel på detta
  7. fungerar som en antioxidant. Det stärker också immunförsvaret
  8. Vitamin som stärker ditt skelett

15 Clues: onyttiga fetterhälsosamma fetterdetta består fetter avett tillstånd av överviktbehövs för att bygga musklerVitamin som stärker ditt skelettsockerart som består av två sammankoppladePotatis, pasta och ris är exempel på dettaett sätt att fördela maten på ett bra sättsocker som kroppen använder som bränsle för energi...

Medicine in South America Crossword! 2024-02-12

Medicine in South America Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Sport valued in family in Bolivia
  2. Color of the string worn around newborn's wrist
  3. Cultural GI upset
  4. Most common method of payment
  5. Curandero that focuses on bone and muscle therapy
  6. Incan goddess evoked for fertility needs
  7. Largest healthcare market in South America
  8. Name of the ritual done by curanderos
  1. Syndrome caused by overdressing of a child
  2. Number of days recovering recommended after birth
  3. Incan physician that stays with the patient from diagnosis until after treatment
  4. Humor associated with the lungs and brain
  5. Disease caused by 'susto'
  6. Country in South America with the highest life expectancy
  7. Name of common greeting in Argentina

15 Clues: Cultural GI upsetDisease caused by 'susto'Most common method of paymentSport valued in family in BoliviaName of common greeting in ArgentinaName of the ritual done by curanderosIncan goddess evoked for fertility needsHumor associated with the lungs and brainSyndrome caused by overdressing of a childLargest healthcare market in South America...

Uncompensated Congestive Heart Failure 2024-02-27

Uncompensated Congestive Heart Failure crossword puzzle
  1. Enzyme released by the kidney in response to decreased perfusion
  2. Drug given for refractory symptoms and control dysrhythmias
  3. Chronic condition contributing to impaired myocyte metabolism
  4. Heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction
  5. Changes leading to changes in myocyte size and structure
  6. Vessels that narrow due to ventricular dilation
  7. Tumor necrosis factor
  1. Ability of the heart to squeeze
  2. Myocardial peptide released to increase cardiac output
  3. Resistance the heart pumps against to produce CO
  4. Diuretic that is effective at reducing preload
  5. Results from impaired perfusion
  6. Organ system experiencing edema from backpressure
  7. Primary cause of decreased myocardial contractility
  8. Site of antidiuretic hormone production

15 Clues: Tumor necrosis factorAbility of the heart to squeezeResults from impaired perfusionSite of antidiuretic hormone productionDiuretic that is effective at reducing preloadHeart failure with a reduced ejection fractionVessels that narrow due to ventricular dilationResistance the heart pumps against to produce CO...

Biology Crossword 2024-03-08

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Ribosomes read codons of mRNA and find matching tRNA
  2. Adding cells into an embryo to make a copy of an organism
  3. A plant or animal that has had one or more changes to their genome
  4. Puts genetic code into action
  5. GMO that helps people with diabetes
  6. The worst type of mutation
  7. Pairs with Thymine
  8. First step of DNA replication
  9. A change in the genetic code
  1. Finds its matching pair and duplicates
  2. Organism that are used frequently for genetic engineering
  3. Carries all genetic information
  4. DNA is copied onto mRNA
  5. Pairs with Cytosine
  6. Bonds that hold nitrogen bases together

15 Clues: Pairs with ThyminePairs with CytosineDNA is copied onto mRNAThe worst type of mutationA change in the genetic codePuts genetic code into actionFirst step of DNA replicationCarries all genetic informationGMO that helps people with diabetesFinds its matching pair and duplicatesBonds that hold nitrogen bases together...

Patina's Crossword 2024-04-29

Patina's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The nickname Patina's dad uses for Maddy
  2. The color of beads Maddy has in her hair
  3. The place Maddy and Patina go to meet their mother
  4. The dinner Momly makes every night
  5. What sport Patina is in
  6. The name Patina goes by
  7. The disease Patina's mom has
  8. The influential person Patina is researching
  1. The emoji Patina always sends her ma
  2. What Patina compares her Ma's legs to
  3. The place Patina always strives for
  4. The body part Ma lost
  5. The flavor of frosting Patina's dad loved
  6. The dance Coach Whitt makes the track team do
  7. Patina's sisters name

15 Clues: The body part Ma lostPatina's sisters nameWhat sport Patina is inThe name Patina goes byThe disease Patina's mom hasThe dinner Momly makes every nightThe place Patina always strives forThe emoji Patina always sends her maWhat Patina compares her Ma's legs toThe nickname Patina's dad uses for MaddyThe color of beads Maddy has in her hair...

Nursing Study Crossword 2024-07-31

Nursing Study Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetic ________, an emergency related to type 1 diabetes
  2. An infection of the lung
  3. An irreversible lifelong pulmonary disease
  4. An enteric infection associated with some antibiotics
  5. This electrolyte should be monitored when a patient is on diuretics
  6. A systemic infection requiring antibiotics
  7. the fifth vital sign
  8. Type 1 diabetics rely on this medication
  9. Diuretic commonly prescribed for heart failure
  10. Swelling of the belly associated with liver failure
  1. An inherited red blood cell disorder
  2. When giving blood, careful monitoring is necessary to assess for
  3. Inflammation of the stomach lining
  4. Swelling of the body, commonly related to heart failure
  5. Shortness of breath while lying down

15 Clues: the fifth vital signAn infection of the lungInflammation of the stomach liningAn inherited red blood cell disorderShortness of breath while lying downType 1 diabetics rely on this medicationAn irreversible lifelong pulmonary diseaseA systemic infection requiring antibioticsDiuretic commonly prescribed for heart failure...

SP406 Vocabulary 2022-02-28

SP406 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Cuando una persona no tiene mucha azucar
  2. Cuando las personas no comen pan
  3. Cuando una persona esta muy nerviosa todos los dias
  4. similar a el equilibrio
  5. Como una persona vive; esta salud o no saludable
  6. Las personas tienen la cosa para Covid-19 ayudar
  7. La cosa es en cirugia, es mal
  1. Cuando una persona no quiere estar activo
  2. es un sindrome muy mal y estas muchos tipos
  3. similar a sano/a
  4. Cuando una persona hace ejercicio mucha
  5. Es rojo y en los humanos y animales
  6. Cuando una persona esta muy triste
  7. Cuando una persona esta muy gorda
  8. Cuando una persona esta muy activa

15 Clues: similar a sano/asimilar a el equilibrioLa cosa es en cirugia, es malCuando las personas no comen panCuando una persona esta muy gordaCuando una persona esta muy tristeCuando una persona esta muy activaEs rojo y en los humanos y animalesCuando una persona hace ejercicio muchaCuando una persona no tiene mucha azucar...

Medical Abbreviations 2022-03-15

Medical Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. the pt needs a bedpan
  2. if you have diabetes you will have to do this fasting blood work
  3. temperature pulse and respiration
  4. the abbreviation for disease with hyperglycemia
  5. a patient has to be repositioned q 2 hours
  6. shots are often given IM
  7. some shots are given SC
  8. the rule of 9s figures body surface area
  1. some medications are given via suppository
  2. she used the bedpan for a BM
  3. a hx is taken on all patients
  4. you can become a certified NA in health science
  5. Dr. Green is an orthopedist
  6. this is the medical term for a stroke
  7. you may drink fluids as desired

15 Clues: the pt needs a bedpansome shots are given SCshots are often given IMDr. Green is an orthopedistshe used the bedpan for a BMa hx is taken on all patientsyou may drink fluids as desiredtemperature pulse and respirationthis is the medical term for a strokethe rule of 9s figures body surface areasome medications are given via suppository...

Healthy Review! 2014-07-06

Healthy Review! crossword puzzle
  1. the unit for energy in food
  2. the food group you should eat the least amount
  3. improved by eating healthy
  4. an example would be mangos and rambutan
  5. too much of this causes high blood pressure
  6. important for everyday functions
  1. an example of a good sugar
  2. we get this when we eat meat
  3. an example would be broccoli
  4. a reason to stay healthy
  5. fried foods, oils, and butter
  6. a disease, your blood sugar level is high
  7. a disease, the body has more fat than muscle
  8. an example is bread and rice
  9. number of food groups on the food pyramid

15 Clues: a reason to stay healthyan example of a good sugarimproved by eating healthythe unit for energy in foodwe get this when we eat meatan example would be broccolian example is bread and ricefried foods, oils, and butterimportant for everyday functionsan example would be mangos and rambutana disease, your blood sugar level is high...

PHARMACY PHUN :) 2020-10-15

PHARMACY PHUN :) crossword puzzle
  2. RX-only NSAID, usually dosed once daily
  3. recently recalled medication for acid reflux
  5. "help me, I can't breathe! I need my ____"
  6. generic name for Cymbalta
  3. measurement of how quickly your blood clots (hint: Ashley checks this in Coumadin clinic!)
  4. used to treat an acute migraine headache
  7. take this every day unless you want a baby!
  8. "sexy pill"

16 Clues: "sexy pill"GENERIC FOR SYNTHROIDJANUVIA IS USED FOR ____generic name for CymbaltaBRAND NAME FOR ATORVASTATINTRULICITY IS USED FOR _____LOVASTATIN IS USED FOR _____COMMON SIDE EFFECT OF METFORMINSPASMS CYCLOBENZAPRINE IS USED FOR ____RX-only NSAID, usually dosed once dailyused to treat an acute migraine headache...

Chronic Diseases 2023-12-04

Chronic Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. over eating and increased comorbidities
  2. Similar to cancer but not metastatic
  3. chronic tightening of vessels
  4. Failure, Decreased heart pumping
  5. Bowel Disease, like having the stomach bug constantly or chronically
  6. having no money and no job and no "movement"
  7. insulin resistance and excess glucose
  8. "smoking disease" that causes the person to feel constant suffocation as a norm
  1. inflammation in the joints
  2. having metastatic tumors
  3. Fibrosis, thick and sticky mucus everywhere inside the body
  4. any type of autoimmune disease
  5. loss of memory and one's sense of self
  6. mutation and overgrowth of cells
  7. not having money long term or living paycheck to paycheck

15 Clues: having metastatic tumorsinflammation in the jointschronic tightening of vesselsany type of autoimmune diseaseFailure, Decreased heart pumpingmutation and overgrowth of cellsSimilar to cancer but not metastaticinsulin resistance and excess glucoseloss of memory and one's sense of selfover eating and increased comorbidities...

Medicine in South America Crossword! 2024-02-12

Medicine in South America Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Sport valued in family in Bolivia
  2. Color of the string worn around newborn's wrist
  3. Cultural GI upset
  4. Most common method of payment
  5. Curandero that focuses on bone and muscle therapy
  6. Incan goddess evoked for fertility needs
  7. Largest healthcare market in South America
  8. Name of the ritual done by curanderos
  1. Syndrome caused by overdressing of a child
  2. Number of days recovering recommended after birth
  3. Incan physician that stays with the patient from diagnosis until after treatment
  4. Humor associated with the lungs and brain
  5. Disease caused by 'susto'
  6. Country in South America with the highest life expectancy
  7. Name of common greeting in Argentina

15 Clues: Cultural GI upsetDisease caused by 'susto'Most common method of paymentSport valued in family in BoliviaName of common greeting in ArgentinaName of the ritual done by curanderosIncan goddess evoked for fertility needsHumor associated with the lungs and brainSyndrome caused by overdressing of a childLargest healthcare market in South America...

Medicine in South America Crossword! 2024-02-12

Medicine in South America Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Sport valued in family in Bolivia
  2. Color of the string worn around newborn's wrist
  3. Cultural GI upset
  4. Most common method of payment
  5. Curandero that focuses on bone and muscle therapy
  6. Incan goddess evoked for fertility needs
  7. Largest healthcare market in South America
  8. Name of the ritual done by curanderos
  1. Syndrome caused by overdressing of a child
  2. Number of days recovering recommended after birth
  3. Incan physician that stays with the patient from diagnosis until after treatment
  4. Humor associated with the lungs and brain
  5. Disease caused by 'susto'
  6. Country in South America with the highest life expectancy
  7. Name of common greeting in Argentina

15 Clues: Cultural GI upsetDisease caused by 'susto'Most common method of paymentSport valued in family in BoliviaName of common greeting in ArgentinaName of the ritual done by curanderosIncan goddess evoked for fertility needsHumor associated with the lungs and brainSyndrome caused by overdressing of a childLargest healthcare market in South America...

Indications for Medications Starting with Q - W 2024-03-06

Indications for Medications Starting with Q - W crossword puzzle
  1. Treatment of infection, gonorrhea and syphilis with penicillin allergy, chronic bronchitis
  2. Schizophrenia, depressive disorder, mania
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Potassium loss, hypertension, edema, CHF
  5. Management of GI ulcers, GI injury prevention from high dose aspirin and NSAID treatment
  6. Duodenal ulcers, GERD, heartburn, esophagitis, GI bleed
  7. Asthma, COPD, preterm labor
  8. Reversable airway obstruction, exercise-induced asthma
  1. Major depressive disorder, OCD, anxiety
  2. PE, DVT, occluded lines, arterial thrombosis
  3. Venous thrombosis, PE, A-fib, myocardial infarction
  4. Management of diabetes insipidus, V-tach and V-fib unresponsive to initial shock, GI hemorrhage
  5. Life threatening infections, sepsis
  6. Hypertension, angina, SVT, migraine
  7. Bronchitis, UTI, diarrhea, pneumonia, multiple types of infections

15 Clues: TuberculosisAsthma, COPD, preterm laborLife threatening infections, sepsisHypertension, angina, SVT, migraineMajor depressive disorder, OCD, anxietyPotassium loss, hypertension, edema, CHFSchizophrenia, depressive disorder, maniaPE, DVT, occluded lines, arterial thrombosisVenous thrombosis, PE, A-fib, myocardial infarction...

Patina Crossword 2024-04-24

Patina Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Whitt-who is her track coach
  2. was her dance partner
  3. gets passed in a relay
  4. Kahlo-In art class she made pictures of her
  5. make what to celebrate her dad
  6. place did she get in her first race in book
  7. is the main character
  8. does she call her aunt
  1. old best friend
  2. Academy-What school does Patina go to
  3. one of her family members died
  4. younger sister
  5. Start-"Ain't no such thing as a" what
  6. is the reason her mom lost her legs
  7. sees her mom every Sunday to go where

15 Clues: younger sisterold best friendwas her dance partneris the main charactergets passed in a relaydoes she call her auntWhitt-who is her track coachone of her family members diedmake what to celebrate her dadis the reason her mom lost her legsAcademy-What school does Patina go toStart-"Ain't no such thing as a" whatsees her mom every Sunday to go where...

medical careers 2017-10-25

medical careers crossword puzzle
  1. Studies deseases
  2. Works on yards and other farms
  3. uses medical imaging equipment and techniques to study effects of experimental drugs on tissues and organs of the body.
  4. builds replacement body parts
  5. is a member of the operations team in a nuclear site or power plant, ensuring that targets are met in a safe and efficient manner.
  6. takes care of animals
  7. environmental protection, and enforcement of government regulations.
  8. Helps with diabetes
  9. they work with sound tools
  10. Responsible for all refinery maintenance activities, including routine and turnaround maintenance, plant modifications, project management, personnel and logistics
  11. studies crystals
  12. assembles and installs signs and displays for a variety of uses, such as exhibition displays and 3-D signs for business premises.
  13. Takes photos of marine life
  14. Studies human movement
  15. has overall responsibility for all quality processes relating to the manufacture and supply of pharmaceutical products.
  1. is responsible for creating, maintaining and improving safety in the chemical manufacturing and processing workplace.
  2. Works on teeth
  3. manages animals and cares for them
  4. controls and operates basic decommissioning plant and equipment efficiently and safely.
  5. assists patent attorneys in their work to protect company patents and intellectual property.
  6. supports the research of the company and carrying out the duties of the Named Veterinary Surgeon (NVS) as defined by law.
  7. brings medical and scientific coherence to the entire R&D function.
  8. is responsible for all aspects of the technology at the heart of the pharmaceuticals manufacturing operation.
  9. in the pharmaceuticals industry supervise Quality Assurance laboratory work in support of pharmaceutical manufacturing operations.
  10. is a recent graduate in engineering, who provides technical advice and evaluation of operations, with the objective of plant optimisation.

25 Clues: Works on teethStudies deseasesstudies crystalsHelps with diabetestakes care of animalsStudies human movementthey work with sound toolsTakes photos of marine lifebuilds replacement body partsWorks on yards and other farmsmanages animals and cares for thembrings medical and scientific coherence to the entire R&D function....

Play &Think 2020-08-16

Play &Think crossword puzzle
  1. media is a plural for which word?
  2. the only country whose flag is not a rectangle or square.
  3. Father of modern marketing.
  4. Percentage of patients in CAROLINA Study had already established CVD.
  5. Class of diabetes drugs acts by decreasing the amount of glucose produced by the liver?.
  6. 976+24x5-192/2 (in letters).
  7. shelf life for TOUJEO pen
  8. Writer who wrote David Copperfield Novel.
  9. (sciophobia) is the fear of ?.
  10. Cost per Pack of ROSUVAST 10 MG?.
  11. The cardiovascular safety Trial of DPP-4 inhibitors (Linagliptin) vs placebo in patients with type 2 diabetes at a high cardiovascular risk .
  12. Study that mentioned The Prevention dose of 20mg of Rosuvastatin.
  13. ADA 2020 considers Sus primarily when _____ is a major issue.
  14. The current minister of Environment.
  15. The meta anaylsis study for Rositor.
  16. Red+Blue= what colour????
  17. how many hearts do octopus have ?
  1. which month is sagittarius and capricorn (Horoscopes) associated with ?
  2. Egyptian singer that sang (انت الحب)song.
  3. the hottest planet in the solar system.
  4. Co- Payment patient cost of JANUMET 50/500 (Per Pack).
  5. vietnam currency.
  6. Chihuahua is a type of which animal?
  7. The main marker studied in the ANDROMEDA trial.
  8. The Egyptian generic involved in the Amaryl Quality study of generics?.
  9. In how many indications is Amaryl FDA Approved?.
  10. branch of studying bird eggs.
  11. capital of canada.
  12. sulphonyl urea that abolish the myocardial protection afforded by ischemic preconditioning .
  13. Non-Egyptian Kind of food made of small pieces of raw fish that are wrapped in rice and seaweed.
  14. According to DECLARE Study Dapagliflozin molecule is now the first SGLT2 to show use as treatment for _______?.
  15. What is the rank of Rositor within the Rosuvastatin market in 2019.
  16. IDF 2017 Alogrithim considers SU as _______ line treatment.
  17. Unit of electric current .
  18. who declared coronavirus as pandemic?.

35 Clues: vietnam currency.capital of canada.shelf life for TOUJEO penRed+Blue= what colour????Unit of electric current .Father of modern marketing.976+24x5-192/2 (in letters).branch of studying bird eggs.(sciophobia) is the fear of ?.media is a plural for which word?Cost per Pack of ROSUVAST 10 MG?.how many hearts do octopus have ?...

De lichamelijke gevolgen van het ouder worden 2013-10-19

De lichamelijke gevolgen van het ouder worden crossword puzzle
  1. Reuma valt onder de zogenaamde..........?
  2. Wanneer je de ziekte van Parkinson hebt heb je een tekort aan?
  3. Osteoporose betekent?
  4. Bij de ziekte van........ sterven de hersencellen af.
  5. Artrose ontstaat oa door?
  1. Een hormoon dat suiker in je bloed verdeelt is?
  2. Om botontkalking te voorkomen is oa............ belangrijk.
  3. Artritis betekent?
  4. Een voorbeeld van het ouder worden is dat je....... kan worden.
  5. Een ander woord voor verstopping van de darmen is?
  6. Een ander woord voor suikerziekte is?

11 Clues: Artritis betekent?Osteoporose betekent?Artrose ontstaat oa door?Een ander woord voor suikerziekte is?Reuma valt onder de zogenaamde..........?Een hormoon dat suiker in je bloed verdeelt is?Een ander woord voor verstopping van de darmen is?Bij de ziekte van........ sterven de hersencellen af....


GR 8 BIOLOGY DO I REMEMBER crossword puzzle
  1. Sponges belong to this phylum of invertebrates
  2. Longest cell in our body
  3. Tissues that transport water and minerals in plants
  4. carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder
  5. Frogs belong to this class of vertebrates
  1. Respiration in absence of oxygen
  2. disorder caused by insulin deficiency
  3. Category of plants which bear fruits and seeds
  4. Micro-organism that has no fixed shape
  5. Muscles present in your heart
  6. blood and this liquid form fluid connective tissue

11 Clues: Longest cell in our bodyMuscles present in your heartRespiration in absence of oxygendisorder caused by insulin deficiencyMicro-organism that has no fixed shapeFrogs belong to this class of vertebratescarries urine from the kidneys to the bladderSponges belong to this phylum of invertebratesCategory of plants which bear fruits and seeds...

October 28th Spelling Words 2022-10-29

October 28th Spelling Words crossword puzzle
  1. A plant that has its seeds in a pod, eg. peas
  2. Too much or too little of something
  3. Ordinal number 12th
  4. Usually sweet product of a plant or tree eg.
  5. Ordinal number 20th in position
  6. A plant or part of a plant used as food
  1. A special selection of food and drink to
  2. Foods eaten regularly eg. rice
  3. The amount or number of something
  4. Disorder where a person has high blood sugar
  5. one's health

11 Clues: one's healthOrdinal number 12thFoods eaten regularly eg. riceOrdinal number 20th in positionThe amount or number of somethingToo much or too little of somethingA plant or part of a plant used as foodA special selection of food and drink toDisorder where a person has high blood sugarUsually sweet product of a plant or tree eg....

Samuel Little 2022-11-15

Samuel Little crossword puzzle
  1. what illness did Samuel have
  2. What did Samuel drop out of
  3. What talent did Samuel have
  4. what is samuel`s last name
  1. what job did his mom have
  2. How did Samuel kill his victims
  3. in which state was Samuel born in
  4. what did Samuel often do while killing his victims
  5. Where did most of Samuel`s victims live
  6. what sport was Samuel gifted at
  7. Who gave hime the name The Choke-and-Stroke Killer

11 Clues: what job did his mom havewhat is samuel`s last nameWhat did Samuel drop out ofWhat talent did Samuel havewhat illness did Samuel haveHow did Samuel kill his victimswhat sport was Samuel gifted atin which state was Samuel born inWhere did most of Samuel`s victims livewhat did Samuel often do while killing his victims...

Giovanni puzzling puzzle 2019-03-15

Giovanni puzzling puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What percent of teens are bullied? (this is a stat)
  2. This is caused from the lack of blood flow to brain.
  3. this is a sugar.
  4. The first part of a food label.
  5. Total health
  6. A cold is what pathogen?
  1. the third part of a food label.
  2. The health triangle has how many parts?
  3. This is important because it gives you something to strive for.
  4. This is found everywhere.
  5. 23% of all teens will have this disease.

11 Clues: Total healththis is a sugar.A cold is what pathogen?This is found everywhere.the third part of a food label.The first part of a food label.The health triangle has how many parts?23% of all teens will have this disease.What percent of teens are bullied? (this is a stat)This is caused from the lack of blood flow to brain....

body system crossword 2023-04-19

body system crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the airway from the larynx
  2. what a baby lives in for 9 months
  3. your filtering system for your body
  4. is the hormone that produces melatonin
  5. an air filled space between you skull
  1. you thigh bone
  2. is a disease you get when you have your blood sugar is higher than it should be.
  3. female reproductive organ
  4. butterfly shaped gland in the front of your neck
  5. one of your two forearm bones
  6. what you breath out of

11 Clues: you thigh bonewhat you breath out offemale reproductive organthe airway from the larynxone of your two forearm boneswhat a baby lives in for 9 monthsyour filtering system for your bodyan air filled space between you skullis the hormone that produces melatoninbutterfly shaped gland in the front of your neck...

BASICS 2023-10-11

BASICS crossword puzzle
  1. gland that secretes insulin.
  2. is approved by DCGI & USFDA
  3. is a phase 4 , multicentric , open label clinical trial.
  4. no if indian patients enrolled in confidence study
  5. decrease insulin resistance & hepatic glucose output
  6. a hormone that transport glucose into cells.
  1. a type of sugar that causes diabetes.
  2. 3 month average glucose reading test
  3. causes adequate insulin release.
  4. is an Enzyme that degrades incretins.
  5. is a clinical trial that included 5380 patients and duration was around 4.5 yrs.

11 Clues: is approved by DCGI & USFDAgland that secretes insulin.causes adequate insulin release.3 month average glucose reading testa type of sugar that causes diabetes.is an Enzyme that degrades incretins.a hormone that transport glucose into cells.no if indian patients enrolled in confidence studydecrease insulin resistance & hepatic glucose output...

Causes of Hypertension 2023-01-10

Causes of Hypertension crossword puzzle
  1. birth defect where party of aorta is narrower than usual
  2. hypertension as a consequence of compromised blood flow to the kidneys
  3. damage to glomeruli of the kidneys
  4. BMI equal to or greater than 30
  5. physical activity
  6. inherited disorder causing noncancerous fluid filled sacs to form on kidneys
  7. medical condition related to blood glucose levels
  1. abnormally high levels of parathyroid hormone in the blood
  2. relatives with hypertension
  3. excessive consumption of -
  4. anti-inflammatory medications
  5. small vascular tumour of the adrenal medulla
  6. pill that can increase bp
  7. overproduction of steroid in the adrenal cortex
  8. breathing stops and starts while sleeping
  9. hormonal imbalance of increased cortisol production
  10. risk factor for essential hypertension
  11. the kind of food a person habitually consumes

18 Clues: physical activitypill that can increase bpexcessive consumption of -relatives with hypertensionanti-inflammatory medicationsBMI equal to or greater than 30damage to glomeruli of the kidneysrisk factor for essential hypertensionbreathing stops and starts while sleepingsmall vascular tumour of the adrenal medulla...

life and living-diseases 2014-12-08

life and living-diseases crossword puzzle
  1. when your stomach feels full and tight
  2. bacterial infection lock jaw
  3. a disease transmitted from rodents to humans
  4. caused when healthy cells become mutated
  5. a virus that causes colds
  6. common during winter (worse than a cold)
  7. when your body doesn't produce insulin properly
  8. an aggressive form of cancer
  9. originally know as 'red pox'. last case 26th October 1977
  10. causes you to feel spinning and tilting
  1. low bone marrow density
  2. a disease that causes little itchy red sores
  3. caused from contaminated food and water
  4. bowel syndrome (IBS)
  5. spread through air,serious disease
  6. copy of chromosome 21
  7. caused by mosquito bites
  8. __ lung worm caused by eating snails infected with angiostrongylus catonensis. (rodent)

18 Clues: bowel syndrome (IBS)copy of chromosome 21low bone marrow densitycaused by mosquito bitesa virus that causes coldsbacterial infection lock jawan aggressive form of cancerspread through air,serious diseasewhen your stomach feels full and tightcaused from contaminated food and watercauses you to feel spinning and tilting...

life and living-diseases 2014-12-08

life and living-diseases crossword puzzle
  1. caused by mosquito bites
  2. copy of chromosome 21
  3. a disease that causes little itchy red sores
  4. when your stomach feels full and tight
  5. a virus that causes colds
  6. bowel syndrome (IBS)
  7. caused from contaminated food and water
  8. bacterial infection lock jaw
  9. spread through air,serious disease
  1. common during winter (worse than a cold)
  2. low bone marrow density
  3. an aggressive form of cancer
  4. originally know as 'red pox'. last case 26th October 1977
  5. __ lung worm caused by eating snails infected with angiostrongylus catonensis. (rodent)
  6. when your body doesn't produce insulin properly
  7. causes you to feel spinning and tilting
  8. caused when healthy cells become mutated
  9. a disease transmitted from rodents to humans

18 Clues: bowel syndrome (IBS)copy of chromosome 21low bone marrow densitycaused by mosquito bitesa virus that causes coldsan aggressive form of cancerbacterial infection lock jawspread through air,serious diseasewhen your stomach feels full and tightcauses you to feel spinning and tiltingcaused from contaminated food and water...

Obesity 2015-10-12

Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. Nutrient that provides the most kilo joules
  2. fruit high in fat
  3. where is the most unhealthy place to have to much fat
  4. Dairy food containing fat
  5. what frozen food contains animal fat
  6. obese and overweight which is less critical
  7. what does fat store
  8. Measure of body fat based on height and weight
  9. snacks high in fat
  1. Obesity can result in
  2. How much has children obesity increased since 1980
  3. Obesity can have a big effect on your social
  4. food high in fat from pig
  5. More than 20% over ideal body weight
  6. Responsible for child obesity
  7. most children get their food away from
  8. being obese increases your risk of getting
  9. water insures this

18 Clues: fruit high in fatwater insures thissnacks high in fatwhat does fat storeObesity can result infood high in fat from pigDairy food containing fatResponsible for child obesityMore than 20% over ideal body weightwhat frozen food contains animal fatmost children get their food away frombeing obese increases your risk of getting...

NephMadness 2018 - Pediatrics Region 2018-03-11

NephMadness 2018 - Pediatrics Region crossword puzzle
  1. Most common cause of pediatric HTN
  2. Steroid-sparing agent that may increase long-term skin cancer risk
  3. Metanephric mesenchyme invader
  4. Absent gene in renal agenesis
  5. Shares genetic mutation with Ehlers-Danlos
  6. Commonly prescribed diet for BP reduction
  7. Teratogen that blocks ureteric branch budding
  1. First step in pediatric HTN workup
  2. Pre-pregnancy CAKUT risk factor
  3. Common cause of HTN in younger kids
  4. Seminal study group on childhood NS
  5. Most common cause of pediatric CKD
  6. Weeks gestation of first glomeruli
  7. EYA1, SIX1, or SIX5 mutations
  8. Steroid-sparing agent that is nephrotoxic, may cause HTN
  9. Measure of CV disease in kids with HTN
  10. Most common histologic change in childhood NS
  11. Indication for biopsy in childhood NS

18 Clues: EYA1, SIX1, or SIX5 mutationsAbsent gene in renal agenesisMetanephric mesenchyme invaderPre-pregnancy CAKUT risk factorFirst step in pediatric HTN workupMost common cause of pediatric HTNMost common cause of pediatric CKDWeeks gestation of first glomeruliCommon cause of HTN in younger kidsSeminal study group on childhood NS...

Types of Diets 2021-11-16

Types of Diets crossword puzzle
  1. Reduce carbohydrate into to less than ______ grams a day
  2. Flexitarian diet consists of the word _____ and vegetarian
  3. Fewer than four servings per week of ________
  4. You should limit _____ root veggies from your Keto diet
  5. The vegan diet is low in ____________
  6. Less than a serving of ________ per week
  7. How many categories are in the Noom Diet?
  8. Reduces risk of developing heart disease and _______
  9. You should _____ meat, refined grains, and alcohol from the Flexitarian Diet
  10. The secret is life time ____________ not just 'exercising'
  11. Percentage of Americans that identify as vegan
  12. The Zone Diet focuses on
  13. Zeroes in on the foods that specifically improve ______
  14. An alternative fuel called ________ is produced from stored fat
  15. Encouraged to eat carbs that are low on the
  1. vegan don't eat any animal _______
  2. You will eat ____ times a day
  3. The Mediterranean diet is ranked number ___ in the world
  4. The Mediterranean diet is more about ________ without a focus on losing weight
  5. The Room app offers simple ________
  6. The plan has desserts and sugars all the way to the _________ foods
  7. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables because they do not count for any ______
  8. What category does lean proteins, some dares, healthy fats, legumes, and grains?
  9. What adds a lot of points?
  10. WW is very nutritious while still giving those who follow the plan a lot of _________ with what they eat
  11. How much is the monthly membership fee?
  12. There are many ________ to meat and dairy
  13. Decreased risk of Type ___ diabetes or management of pre-diabetes
  14. Experts describe the Felxitarian Diet as "nutritionally ________"
  15. Studies found that the MIND diet lowers the risk of Alzheimer's by _______ percent
  16. The Zone diet follows an _______ meal schedule
  17. The Keto diet is a very low carb and high ___ diet

32 Clues: The Zone Diet focuses onWhat adds a lot of points?You will eat ____ times a dayvegan don't eat any animal _______The Room app offers simple ________The vegan diet is low in ____________How much is the monthly membership fee?Less than a serving of ________ per weekThere are many ________ to meat and dairyHow many categories are in the Noom Diet?...

Nutrition Related Disorders Crossword - Jasmine & Jessica 2022-10-12

Nutrition Related Disorders Crossword - Jasmine & Jessica crossword puzzle
  1. Some may lose hair from stress or this disease
  2. Your liver has fought a battle and is left with permanent scars, you may have this disease.
  3. When the bladder is damaged or has a
  4. Elderly may forget more than we know because of this disease
  5. stones in your body
  6. Affects the bone growth of children
  7. Your bones can actually break from the wind
  8. If you have a broken heart, it may because of this disease
  9. Hard stones within the gallbladder are called this
  10. This cancer affects an organ that when removed can result in diabetes
  11. Lower your sugar intake and you’ll lesson the effects of this disease
  12. We support people with this type of cancer with pink ribbons
  13. A long name, but can cause damage to your digestive system
  1. Your eyes are the opposite of an owls
  2. Spike in blood pressure is called this
  3. You become a vampire when it comes to sunlight
  4. An overactive thyroid gland can be caused by this disease
  5. Yellow zombie eyes
  6. Eat more protein
  7. Don’t stand up to fast or you’ll feel dizzy, they lack iron because of this disease
  8. Lack of niacin in the body
  9. diarrhea is the main symptom of this syndrome
  10. Pirates are known to get this illness, often eating lemons to cure
  11. This type of cancer affects your large intestine or large bowl, also known as this
  12. Ice is often applied to ease the pain n the joints when you have this disease
  13. When the newborn baby's spine is affected by this illness
  14. A lack of thiamine which is essential of your body to grow may worsen causing this disease
  15. The feeling of your stomach being burnt by acid
  16. If people eat bread they may react differently to it because of this disorder
  17. You can lose your ability to make children with this cancer

30 Clues: Eat more proteinYellow zombie eyesstones in your bodyLack of niacin in the bodyAffects the bone growth of childrenWhen the bladder is damaged or has aYour eyes are the opposite of an owlsSpike in blood pressure is called thisYour bones can actually break from the winddiarrhea is the main symptom of this syndrome...

biomed crossword 2016-06-17

biomed crossword crossword puzzle
  1. cell with a reference range 4-11 x10^9/L
  2. treatment type that involves both physical and chemical methods to clean water
  3. natural compounds produced by microbes that kill or inhibit other organisms
  4. bond type between nucleotides
  5. term used for when a DNA template is used to create a new strand
  6. oldest method of processing food
  7. a principle of cell counting used
  8. a principle of cell counting used
  9. disease from unpasteurised milk
  10. least numerous circulating WBC
  11. most common agent causing gastroenteritis
  12. base that is a 2 ring structure
  13. disease from creams and dairy products
  14. the time for the survivors to be destroyed by a log cycle that is 90% of initial population
  15. a chemical used for cold sterlization
  16. sticks dna back together
  17. base that is a 1 ring structure
  1. diabetes where the pituitary hormone is deficient
  2. antibiotics that inhibit the last stage of cell wall production
  3. granulocyte that is anti-parasitic, phagocytic, involved in allergic reactions
  4. a type of lipid aggregate
  5. secondary treatment of water
  6. change in RBC shape
  7. the cause of the diesase
  8. BOD stands for
  9. cell with a reference range in units 10^12/L
  10. disrupts cell membrane
  11. change in RBC size
  12. immune mechanism that is the administration of antigen, long germ and memory
  13. end product of PCR
  14. virus that invades a bacteria and reproduce inside it
  15. 2-20 monosaccharide combination
  16. reference range 150-400x10^9/L
  17. contribute to 10-15% of metabolic energy
  18. cuts dna
  19. granulocyte that phagocytoses, release chemotactic factors
  20. suffix for decrease in cell number
  21. the only place haemopoeisis occurs in an adult
  22. type of diabetes where the patient is unable to utilise high glucose levels, genetic or environmental
  23. immune mechanism that relies of the administration of antibodies, short term

40 Clues: cuts dnaBOD stands forchange in RBC sizeend product of PCRchange in RBC shapedisrupts cell membranethe cause of the diesasesticks dna back togethera type of lipid aggregatesecondary treatment of waterbond type between nucleotidesreference range 150-400x10^9/Lleast numerous circulating WBC2-20 monosaccharide combination...


SISTEM EKSRESI crossword puzzle
  1. stratum tempat adanya melanosit
  2. organ yang mensekresi Co2
  3. radang glomeruli
  4. warna kuning feses disebabkan oleh
  5. diabetes akibat kekurangan insulin
  6. mengubah arginin menjadi ornitin
  7. sel kulit paling dasar
  8. kelainan yang ditandai dengan tidak terbentuknya urine
  9. proses penambahan zat zat yang tidak diperlukan tubuh
  10. asam sisa metabolisme asam nukleat
  11. tubulus mikroskopis yang kaya pembuluh darah
  12. ginjal yang terletak ditengah rongga tubuh
  13. ikan air laut bersifat... terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya
  14. lapisan stratum epidermis kedua dari paling luar
  15. lapisan dibawah epidermis
  16. nefron dengan lengkung henle panjang
  17. kekurangan hormon ini menyebabkan diabetes melitus
  18. bekerjasama dengan natrium menjaga keseimbangan elektrolit tubuh
  19. nama lain cairan hati
  20. urin sekunder terbentuk setelah proses...
  21. memberi sifat waterproof pada kulit
  22. salah satu ion yang direabsorbsi oleh lengkung henle secara difusi
  23. ikan air tawar bersifat... terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya
  24. reabsorbsi air sesuai kebutuhan tubuh disebut rearbsorbsi...
  25. ginjal primitive
  26. ginjal permanen
  27. zat warna merah empedu
  28. jenis vertebrata yang menggunakan badan malphigi
  29. satu satunya senyawa/zat yang di reabsorbsi di lengkung henle (descending)
  30. zat yang dikeluarkan melalui empedu dan urin
  31. hormon yang mengatur reabsorbsi air
  1. membran reabsorbsi
  2. kapsula bowman + glomerolus = badan ...
  3. stratum tempat deskuamasi
  4. proses pengeluaran urine melalui uretra
  5. urin hasil filtrasi disebut urin...
  6. sisa pembongkaran senyawa protein atau asam amino
  7. ion yang menukar ion natrium pada ikan air tawar
  8. alat ekskresi cacing tanah
  9. rasa haus yang berlebihan
  10. lapisan luar ginjal
  11. jenis jaringan ikat yang ada pada lapisan retikuler
  12. ginjal pada pisces dewasa
  13. zat ekskresi ikan air laut
  14. ruang kosong pada ginjal
  15. zat yang direabsorbsi di tubulus kontortus proximal
  16. radang kantong kemih
  17. kumpulan kapiler
  18. zat yang direabsorbsi duktus kolektivus secara difusi
  19. zat warna hijau empedu
  20. organ eksresi pada manusia
  21. proses penyaringan disebut
  22. invertebrata yang menggunakan sel api
  23. sel yang terdapat pada lapisan papilar
  24. saluran terakhir yang mensekresi urin keluar tubuh

55 Clues: ginjal permanenradang glomerulikumpulan kapilerginjal primitivemembran reabsorbsilapisan luar ginjalradang kantong kemihnama lain cairan hatisel kulit paling dasarzat warna hijau empeduzat warna merah empeduruang kosong pada ginjalstratum tempat deskuamasiorgan yang mensekresi Co2rasa haus yang berlebihanginjal pada pisces dewasa...

SPI 2- Patient Care and New Technologies 2023-11-27

SPI 2- Patient Care and New Technologies crossword puzzle
  1. when acoustic fields cause motion of fluids
  2. cavitation the production of bubbles in a liquid medium
  3. a sonographic technique used to evaluate the stiffness of a mass or tissue ergonomics—the scientific study of creating tools and using equipment effectively in order to help the human body adjust to the work environment
  4. rapid heart rate; a rate that exceeds the normal rate for the person's age
  5. imaging technology that provides the ability to view alternate imaging modality (e.g., CT or MRI) during real-time sonography; also referred to as hybrid imaglng
  6. index the calculation used to predict the maximum temperature elevation in tissues as a result of the attenuation of sound
  7. external defibrillator a portable device that is used to detect and treat abnormal heart rhythms with electrical defibrillation
  8. ketoacidosis a complication of diabetes that results from the severe lack of insulin
  9. ultrasound (CEUS) type of imaging in which an ultrasound contrast agent containing microscopic gas bubbles is used to improve visualization of structures or blood flow
  10. wave elastography elastography technique that uses shear wave information to analyze the stiffness of tissue
  11. radiation force impulse imaging— uses acoustic radiation force to compress the soft tissue and provides a qualitative measurement of stiffness without requiring pressure input from the sonographer
  12. a lower-than-normal blood sugar level
  1. ultrasound the technique that employs a miniature ultrasound transducer placed on a catheter and inserted into the circulatory system
  2. of the liver
  3. index— the calculation used to identify the likelihood that cavitation could occur
  4. forces forces exerted by a sound beam on an absorber or reflector that can alter structures
  5. the body's pathologic response to illness, trauma, or severe physiologic or emotional stress
  6. mnemonic, which stands for "as low as reasonably achievable: that is used to remind professionals to keep patient exposure to ultrasound at a minimum
  7. mellitus a group of metabolic diseases that resuft from a chronic disorder of carbohydrates metabolism
  8. infection a hospital-acquired infection
  9. elastography operator dependent type of elastography that measure the change in tissue as a result of compression

21 Clues: of the livera lower-than-normal blood sugar levelinfection a hospital-acquired infectionwhen acoustic fields cause motion of fluidscavitation the production of bubbles in a liquid mediumrapid heart rate; a rate that exceeds the normal rate for the person's ageindex— the calculation used to identify the likelihood that cavitation could occur...

Eugh! Digestive system... 2014-01-31

Eugh! Digestive system... crossword puzzle
  1. people eat with these
  2. Arr me hearties! Pirates get it...
  3. sugar levels People with diabetes cant control ...
  4. products Comes out of rude places...
  5. when acid goes up your oesophagus
  1. buds Why cant i taste this.. (he does not have these)
  2. acid Causes ulcers,but not in your mouth
  3. most people have a relative who died from this
  4. stored in a form of fat
  5. Ow!! my .... hurts! (in your mouth)

10 Clues: people eat with thesestored in a form of fatwhen acid goes up your oesophagusArr me hearties! Pirates get it...Ow!! my .... hurts! (in your mouth)products Comes out of rude places...acid Causes ulcers,but not in your mouthmost people have a relative who died from thissugar levels People with diabetes cant control ......

Oefening hoofdstuk 1 en 2 2014-09-14

Oefening hoofdstuk 1 en 2 crossword puzzle
  1. de mensvisie waarbij de mens eigen keuzes maakt
  2. de bouw van je lichaam
  3. diabetes is een aandoening of
  4. een ander woord voor psychisch
  1. als je zuinig omgaat met tijd en middelen dan handel je
  2. ik doe boodschappen voor mijn buurman, ik doe aan
  3. staat voor de kwaliteit van leven
  4. dat is het aanpassen van de omgeving aan de mens
  5. een ander woord voor deelnemen
  6. een ander woord voor existentieel

10 Clues: de bouw van je lichaamdiabetes is een aandoening ofeen ander woord voor deelnemeneen ander woord voor psychischstaat voor de kwaliteit van leveneen ander woord voor existentieelde mensvisie waarbij de mens eigen keuzes maaktdat is het aanpassen van de omgeving aan de mensik doe boodschappen voor mijn buurman, ik doe aan...

Page 19 2019-06-10

Page 19 crossword puzzle
  1. Actions we are used to doing
  2. Peas, beans, etc.
  3. Israel is right by the __________ sea
  4. Potential danger
  5. Exact and true to reality
  6. Make something better
  1. People who take part in an activity of some kind
  2. If you have it, you have a problem with your blood sugar
  3. To study a subject in detail and try to find new information about it
  4. Written or spoken about in the media

10 Clues: Potential dangerPeas, beans, etc.Make something betterExact and true to realityActions we are used to doingWritten or spoken about in the mediaIsrael is right by the __________ seaPeople who take part in an activity of some kindIf you have it, you have a problem with your blood sugar...

Health and diseases 2017-11-12

Health and diseases crossword puzzle
  1. one of the allergic symptoms
  2. phenomenon when a lot of people suffer from the same disease
  3. for example gunshot
  4. it helps people move when they can't walk on their legs
  5. trace of surgery on our skin
  6. an illness in which a person has high blood sugar
  7. a person who can't see anything
  1. it helps with headache
  2. feel under the ...
  3. a nurse use a syringe to do this

10 Clues: feel under the ...for example gunshotit helps with headacheone of the allergic symptomstrace of surgery on our skina person who can't see anythinga nurse use a syringe to do thisan illness in which a person has high blood sugarit helps people move when they can't walk on their legsphenomenon when a lot of people suffer from the same disease

Osteoporosis Crossword 2021-05-20

Osteoporosis Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Most common bone disease
  2. bone, Spongy bone affected by primary osteoporosis Type I
  3. what cancer can be a cause of osteoporosis
  4. , Weekly pill taken
  5. Turnover Osteoporosis, Another name for secondary osteoporosis
  1. Monthly injection
  2. One of the most at risk ethnicities
  3. Acid, Yearly IV infusion
  4. What endocrine/hormonal disorder can be a cause of osteoporosis
  5. density scan, The type of test to determine how bad your osteoporosis is

10 Clues: Monthly injection, Weekly pill takenMost common bone diseaseAcid, Yearly IV infusionOne of the most at risk ethnicitieswhat cancer can be a cause of osteoporosisbone, Spongy bone affected by primary osteoporosis Type ITurnover Osteoporosis, Another name for secondary osteoporosisWhat endocrine/hormonal disorder can be a cause of osteoporosis...

Penyakit Tidak Menular 2021-10-04

Penyakit Tidak Menular crossword puzzle
  1. bila seseorang mengalami trauma berat dapat menyebabkan
  2. kata lain dari hipertensi?
  3. nama lain dari kejang?
  4. contoh dari penyakit stroke?
  5. apa nama dari penyakit gangguan pernapasan?
  6. bila seseorang melakukan aktivitas yang terlalu berat makan akan muncul kesakitan pada?
  1. penyakit yang disebabkan oleh gula?
  2. penyakit yang disebab oleh telat makan?
  3. penyakit apa yang dibahas dipertemuan?
  4. penyakit yang tidak menular namun bisa disebebkan oleh keturunan?
  5. bila seseorang mengalami hari yang buruk atau banyak terganggu pada pikirannya dapat disebut

11 Clues: nama lain dari kejang?kata lain dari hipertensi?contoh dari penyakit stroke?penyakit yang disebabkan oleh gula?penyakit apa yang dibahas dipertemuan?penyakit yang disebab oleh telat makan?apa nama dari penyakit gangguan pernapasan?bila seseorang mengalami trauma berat dapat menyebabkan...

Effects of poor eating habits 2021-09-27

Effects of poor eating habits crossword puzzle
  1. carries blood to the heart
  2. builds up in arteries and blocks blood flow
  3. the force at which the heart pushes blood
  4. occurs when plaque builds up in the artery
  5. occurs when brain cannot get enough oxygen
  1. results in high blood sugar level
  2. another word for high blood pressure
  3. uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells
  4. happens to an artery to cause stroke
  5. happens to the blood to cause stroke

10 Clues: carries blood to the heartresults in high blood sugar levelanother word for high blood pressurehappens to an artery to cause strokehappens to the blood to cause strokeuncontrolled growth of abnormal cellsthe force at which the heart pushes bloodoccurs when plaque builds up in the arteryoccurs when brain cannot get enough oxygen...

tts diit 2022-11-03

tts diit crossword puzzle
  1. mencegah atau menghilangkan penimbunan garam dan air
  2. makanan seperti bubur dan jus contoh makanan dari diit
  3. diit yang diberikan sebelum operasi
  4. diit yang diberikan setelah operasi
  5. makanan yang mempunyai konsistensi cair hingga kental
  1. diit yang diberikan pada pasien hipertensi
  2. aturan makanan untuk kesehatan
  3. apa pantangan tersendiri pada diit diabetes melitus
  4. diit untuk mengurangi faktor yang menyebabkan tekanan meningkat pada lambung
  5. tujuan diit gout arthitis untuk menurunkan kadar

10 Clues: aturan makanan untuk kesehatandiit yang diberikan sebelum operasidiit yang diberikan setelah operasidiit yang diberikan pada pasien hipertensitujuan diit gout arthitis untuk menurunkan kadarapa pantangan tersendiri pada diit diabetes melitusmencegah atau menghilangkan penimbunan garam dan airmakanan yang mempunyai konsistensi cair hingga kental...

Heart & Physical Activity 2022-02-14

Heart & Physical Activity crossword puzzle
  1. Exercise will lower this
  2. Exercise reduces your risk of this
  3. A hormone that gives you a happy feeling
  4. A muscle in your body that has a good beat
  5. A type of exercise like walking or jogging
  1. Improving thinking, memory and focus
  2. Your body has HDL and LDL
  3. Physical activity that is good for your heart
  4. Type 2
  5. Reducing this in your daily life makes you happy

10 Clues: Type 2Exercise will lower thisYour body has HDL and LDLExercise reduces your risk of thisImproving thinking, memory and focusA hormone that gives you a happy feelingA muscle in your body that has a good beatA type of exercise like walking or joggingPhysical activity that is good for your heartReducing this in your daily life makes you happy

Myocardial Infarction 2024-03-18

Myocardial Infarction crossword puzzle
  1. myocardial infarction accompanied by ST segment elevation
  2. myocardial tissue death caused by ischemia
  3. key in preventing MI
  4. a procedure done in the cath lab
  5. a medication used to break up blood clots
  1. a medication used for widening blood vessels
  2. protein found in the blood during heart attack
  3. an ultrasound of the heart
  4. has a negative affect in the prognosis of someone who suffered a MI
  5. open heart surgery

10 Clues: open heart surgerykey in preventing MIan ultrasound of the hearta procedure done in the cath laba medication used to break up blood clotsmyocardial tissue death caused by ischemiaa medication used for widening blood vesselsprotein found in the blood during heart attackmyocardial infarction accompanied by ST segment elevation...

First On The Scene Crossword! 2014-05-22

First On The Scene Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. What is the `A` in DRSABCD?
  2. Complete. ______ is a condition where the small air passages of the lungs become swollen and inflamed, and this leads to the production of mucus (fluid)
  3. What position is a vital first tool aid that when putting someone in that position, it helps the semiconscious or unconscious person breathe by keeping their airways open, clear and obstructed?
  4. An EpiPen is an emergency device that injects adrenaline to counteract the allergic reaction. Can it be lifesaving when having an allergic reaction?
  5. About how many allergic reaction sufferers are children? (Answer in terms of fractions)
  6. What is the fraction of someone`s chest do you press down? third
  7. How long will most cuts and abrasions that cause bleeding stop within? (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years) minutes
  1. The Funnel-Web is one of the most venomous spiders to humans, they grow usually to 1.5-3.5 cm in length. What state are they usually found in Australia?
  2. Would you need to seek medical aid if the seizure goes for more than 5 minutes?
  3. What is the number of puffs, breaths, minutes when using the blue reliever inhaler for asthma?
  4. Complete. A fracture happens when force is exerted against a ____. ____ have a rich blood supply and a bad break can result in substantial blood loss (both same words in blank)
  5. What is the condition in which insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps the body use the energy in food) is either lacking of ineffective?
  6. What is `E` in RICE?
  7. Do you apply ice to a burn?
  8. How many types of diabetes are there?

15 Clues: What is `E` in RICE?What is the `A` in DRSABCD?Do you apply ice to a burn?How many types of diabetes are there?What is the fraction of someone`s chest do you press down? thirdWould you need to seek medical aid if the seizure goes for more than 5 minutes?About how many allergic reaction sufferers are children? (Answer in terms of fractions)...


  1. ihminen saa myrkkyä
  2. sokki, joka tulee ihmiselle jostakin aineesta, jolle ihminen on allerginen
  3. luu on mennyt rikki
  4. verisuoni menee rikki aivoissa ja ihminen tulee sairaaksi, veri menee aivoissa väärään paikkaan
  5. ongelma veren kiertämisessä aivoissa
  6. sairaus, jossa ihminen kaatuu ja hän voi olla tajuton
  7. verenkierron häiriö
  8. nenästä tulee veri
  9. sairaus, ihmisen veren sokeri ei ole normaali, puhekielessä sokeritauti
  1. kova rintakipu, joka voi tuntua samaan aikaan myös käsivarressa, lapaluiden kohdalla tai hartioissa
  2. vaikea hengittää
  3. hengitysvaikeus, joka johtuu paniikkihäiriöstä
  4. iho menee rikki ja siitä tulee verta
  5. iho palaa ja on kipeä
  6. ihmisen keho jäykistyy äkkiä, esim. jalka tai koko ruumis taipuu eikä sitä saa suoraksi

15 Clues: vaikea hengittäänenästä tulee veriihminen saa myrkkyäluu on mennyt rikkiverenkierron häiriöiho palaa ja on kipeäiho menee rikki ja siitä tulee vertaongelma veren kiertämisessä aivoissahengitysvaikeus, joka johtuu paniikkihäiriöstäsairaus, jossa ihminen kaatuu ja hän voi olla tajuton...

non communicable diseases and causes 2021-07-15

non communicable diseases and causes crossword puzzle
  1. occupational lung disease
  2. a disease to do with your heart
  3. when a person is uncontrollably shaky
  4. a disease that can cause seizures
  5. a disease where you forget things
  6. what disease makes breathing harder for people
  7. when you are born with an extra chromosone
  1. a disease which involves cells splitting uncontrollably
  2. there is a typre 1 and a type 2 of this disease
  3. popular drink among adults
  4. a disease that weakens bones
  5. when you are way above your recommended weight
  6. can cause pain in hands, fingers
  7. when a person is very sad
  8. something that contains nicotine and many people do it

15 Clues: occupational lung diseasewhen a person is very sadpopular drink among adultsa disease that weakens bonesa disease to do with your heartcan cause pain in hands, fingersa disease that can cause seizuresa disease where you forget thingswhen a person is uncontrollably shakywhen you are born with an extra chromosone...

Teka Silang kata Kecergasan dan Kemerdekaan Ting 2 2021-08-26

Teka Silang kata Kecergasan dan Kemerdekaan Ting 2 crossword puzzle
  1. pengambilannya boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu mabuk dan hilang kewarasan berfikir.
  2. tema hari kebangsaan 2021.
  3. berat badan berlebihan.
  4. dalam prinsip FITT, I merujuk kepada________
  5. rawatan permulaan yang diberikan kepada mangsa yang mengalami kecederaan.
  6. otot yang terletak di bahagian kaki.
  7. tarikan seksual terhadap pasangan yang berlainan jantina.
  1. komponen yang berkait rapat dengan kelenturan.
  2. bahagian lembing yang akan jatuh ke tanah dahulu.
  3. nama buga kebangsaan kita.
  4. sejenis penyakit yang berkaitan tabiat pemakanan tidak baik.
  5. kecergasan fizikal terdiri daripada 2 aktiviti iaitu ______________ dan perlakuan motor.
  6. tuan rumah sukan olimpik 2020.
  7. salah satu proses dalam pengendalian makanan bagi memastikan makanan yang selamat.
  8. contoh aktiviti yang dapat meningkatkan kapasiti aerobik.

15 Clues: berat badan berlebihan.nama buga kebangsaan kita.tema hari kebangsaan 2021.tuan rumah sukan olimpik 2020.otot yang terletak di bahagian kaki.dalam prinsip FITT, I merujuk kepada________komponen yang berkait rapat dengan kelenturan.bahagian lembing yang akan jatuh ke tanah dahulu.contoh aktiviti yang dapat meningkatkan kapasiti aerobik....


BIOLOGY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. bagian mata yang berfungsi untuk mengatur jumlah yang masuk
  2. tekanan darah rendah
  3. pelebaran pembuluh darah pada kaki
  4. proses terjadinya sperma
  5. hormon dalam sistem ekskresi, kekurangan hormon ini menyebabkan diabetes insipidus
  6. radang paru-paru
  7. sel darah merah
  8. jaringan pembuluh berfungsi untuk mengangkut, dan mendistribusikan zat makanan hasil fotosintesis, dari daun ke seluruh tubuh tumbuhan.
  1. simbiosis atau hubungan antarmakhluk hidup yang merugikan salah satu pihak.
  2. oryza sativa
  3. otot yang terletak pada bagian depan lengan atas
  4. cabang ilmu biologi yang mempelajari klasifikasi makhluk hidup.
  5. otak kecil
  6. penyerbukan yang dibantu oleh angin
  7. sebutan bagi hewan yang dapat hidup di dua alam

15 Clues: otak keciloryza sativasel darah merahradang paru-parutekanan darah rendahproses terjadinya spermapelebaran pembuluh darah pada kakipenyerbukan yang dibantu oleh anginsebutan bagi hewan yang dapat hidup di dua alamotot yang terletak pada bagian depan lengan atasbagian mata yang berfungsi untuk mengatur jumlah yang masuk...

Medicine in South America Crossword! 2024-02-12

Medicine in South America Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Sport valued in family in Bolivia
  2. Color of the string worn around newborn's wrist
  3. Cultural GI upset
  4. Most common method of payment
  5. Curandero that focuses on bone and muscle therapy
  6. Incan goddess evoked for fertility needs
  7. Largest healthcare market in South America
  8. Name of the ritual done by curanderos
  1. Syndrome caused by overdressing of a child
  2. Number of days recovering recommended after birth
  3. Incan physician that stays with the patient from diagnosis until after treatment
  4. Humor associated with the lungs and brain
  5. Disease caused by 'susto'
  6. Country in South America with the highest life expectancy
  7. Name of common greeting in Argentina

15 Clues: Cultural GI upsetDisease caused by 'susto'Most common method of paymentSport valued in family in BoliviaName of common greeting in ArgentinaName of the ritual done by curanderosIncan goddess evoked for fertility needsHumor associated with the lungs and brainSyndrome caused by overdressing of a childLargest healthcare market in South America...

L5 Diuretics: Clinical Indications 2024-09-19

L5 Diuretics: Clinical Indications crossword puzzle
  1. imbalances Treated with careful diuretic choice to maintain balance
  2. Treated by loop diuretics due to calcium excretion
  3. Reduced formation of aqueous humour using acetazolamide
  4. failure Managed with loop diuretics and aldosterone antagonists
  5. impairments Condition where diuretics manage fluid retention
  6. Side effect of thiazides that can lead to gout
  7. Treated by carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
  8. insipidus Treated by thiazide diuretics to reduce urine output
  1. Side effect treated by potassium-sparing diuretics
  2. Fluid buildup treated by aldosterone antagonists
  3. Condition exacerbated by loop diuretics
  4. Treated by reducing excretion of magnesium
  5. Treated by thiazides
  6. Treated by loop diuretics
  7. edema Condition treated by loop diuretics
  8. retention Treated with diuretics to remove excess water

16 Clues: Treated by thiazidesTreated by loop diureticsCondition exacerbated by loop diureticsTreated by carbonic anhydrase inhibitorsedema Condition treated by loop diureticsTreated by reducing excretion of magnesiumSide effect of thiazides that can lead to goutFluid buildup treated by aldosterone antagonists...

EFMU8G1 2022-02-09

EFMU8G1 crossword puzzle
  1. good things
  2. low or Haigh level blood sugar
  3. disease or tumour in your body
  1. blood stop come to the brain
  2. like something happened in you skin
  3. recommend

6 Clues: recommendgood thingsblood stop come to the brainlow or Haigh level blood sugardisease or tumour in your bodylike something happened in you skin

Distúrbios Alimentares 2021-06-15

Distúrbios Alimentares crossword puzzle
  1. foçar o vomito logo após as refeições
  2. doença que é causada por excesso de açúcar no sangue
  3. principal causador de cancer
  4. alimentares doenças que força a pessoa a não se alimentar bem
  5. não praticar atividade física
  6. físico ir para a academia
  1. ter obsessão por um corpo musculoso
  2. distúrbio que a pessoa se ver gorda
  3. considerado o mau do século
  4. muito açúcar em um só copo
  5. musculo responsável por bombear o sangue
  6. física colocar o corpo em movimento

12 Clues: físico ir para a academiamuito açúcar em um só copoconsiderado o mau do séculoprincipal causador de cancernão praticar atividade físicater obsessão por um corpo musculosodistúrbio que a pessoa se ver gordafísica colocar o corpo em movimentofoçar o vomito logo após as refeiçõesmusculo responsável por bombear o sangue...

What would happen if you didn't sleep? 2020-04-28

What would happen if you didn't sleep? crossword puzzle
  1. The mind creates its own neural _.
  2. Is caused by a fault in the insulin production of the body.
  3. I had a little _ after lunch.
  4. I am _ with homework.
  1. I was beginning to doubt my own _.
  2. Total losses were _ at over three million pounds.
  3. The doctor prescribed me skin _ medication.
  4. Worries and tenseness can lead to _.
  5. Allow me to _ your glass with some more juice.
  6. A _ paralysed half his face.

10 Clues: I am _ with homework.A _ paralysed half his face.I had a little _ after lunch.I was beginning to doubt my own _.The mind creates its own neural _.Worries and tenseness can lead to _.The doctor prescribed me skin _ medication.Allow me to _ your glass with some more juice.Total losses were _ at over three million pounds....

Stroke Awareness 2013-06-06

Stroke Awareness crossword puzzle
  1. Disease when the body doesn't produce enough insulin
  2. More than 2 drinks per day of this may increase your stroke risk by 50%
  3. High blood pressure makes it work harder
  4. Fatty substance in the blood that the human body makes
  1. Lifestyle can help reduce stroke risk
  2. High blood pressure
  3. Risk can be controlled easier than one might think
  4. beyond overweight
  5. Smoking this damages the blood vessel walls
  6. Eating

10 Clues: Eatingbeyond overweightHigh blood pressureLifestyle can help reduce stroke riskHigh blood pressure makes it work harderSmoking this damages the blood vessel wallsRisk can be controlled easier than one might thinkDisease when the body doesn't produce enough insulinFatty substance in the blood that the human body makes...