easter Crossword Puzzles

easter 2024-02-09

easter crossword puzzle
  1. rainboots
  2. rabbit
  3. chick
  4. frog
  5. umbrella
  6. flowers
  7. jellybeans
  8. seeds
  1. carrot
  2. rain
  3. rainbow
  4. butterfly
  5. chocolate
  6. bird
  7. easteregg

15 Clues: rainfrogbirdchickseedscarrotrabbitrainbowflowersumbrellarainbootsbutterflychocolateeastereggjellybeans

Easter 2023-04-06

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. Jesus wore a crown of _____.
  2. Jesus' last meal with his disciples
  3. Jesus was meant to die on this
  4. To live forever in ______ with Christ
  5. This sacrament symbolizes Jesus' body and blood
  6. "Do not be afraid. Jesus isn't here; He has ____!"
  7. Jesus rode on a ______ during palm sunday
  1. Jesus prayed in the garden of __________
  2. God's great gift to us
  3. Jesus rising from the dead
  4. The disciple who betrayed Jesus
  5. What was the name of the city Jesus entered
  6. Roman soldiers placed a ______ in front of Jesus' tomb
  7. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  8. The word people shouted as Jesus entered the city

15 Clues: God's great gift to usJesus rising from the deadJesus wore a crown of _____.Father, Son, and Holy SpiritJesus was meant to die on thisThe disciple who betrayed JesusJesus' last meal with his disciplesTo live forever in ______ with ChristJesus prayed in the garden of __________Jesus rode on a ______ during palm sunday...

Easter 2023-04-07

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. The Old Testament prophet that people thought Jesus was calling out to.
  2. The disciple who said he wouldn't believe Jesus was alive unless he saw with his own eyes.
  3. The disciple who betrayed Jesus
  4. The Pharisee who helped put Jesus' body in the tomb
  5. The Roman governor
  6. The woman who thought Jesus was the gardener at the empty tomb
  7. The rank of the roman soldier who said 'This man was the Son of God'
  8. The criminal who was set free instead of Jesus
  1. The disciple who tried to defend Jesus in the garden
  2. The disciple whom Jesus asked to look after his mother
  3. The High Priest who tore his clothes
  4. The king who questioned Jesus
  5. The man who had Jesus put into his own tomb
  6. The disciple who ran faster than Peter to see the empty tomb.
  7. The man who was forced to carry Jesus' cross
  8. The servant whose ear was cut off by Peter

16 Clues: The Roman governorThe king who questioned JesusThe disciple who betrayed JesusThe High Priest who tore his clothesThe servant whose ear was cut off by PeterThe man who had Jesus put into his own tombThe man who was forced to carry Jesus' crossThe criminal who was set free instead of JesusThe Pharisee who helped put Jesus' body in the tomb...

Easter 2024-03-27

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. niedziela
  2. bazie
  3. baranek, jagnię
  4. czekolada
  5. jajka
  6. wiosna
  7. słodkie bułeczki wielkanocne
  8. koszyk
  1. króliczek
  2. kurczaczek
  3. żonkile
  4. tulipany
  5. Wielkanoc
  6. poszukiwanie jajek
  7. kościół

15 Clues: baziejajkawiosnakoszykżonkilekościółtulipanykróliczekniedzielaWielkanocczekoladakurczaczekbaranek, jagnięposzukiwanie jajeksłodkie bułeczki wielkanocne

Easter 2024-03-26

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. kachna
  2. slunce
  3. králík
  4. kuře
  5. květiny
  6. Velikonoční vejce
  7. tráva
  8. hnízdo
  9. jehně
  1. čokoláda
  2. motýl
  3. mrkev
  4. košík
  5. vajíčka
  6. velikonoční zajíc

15 Clues: kuřemotýlmrkevkošíktrávajehněkachnasluncekrálíkhnízdokvětinyvajíčkačokoládaVelikonoční vejcevelikonoční zajíc

Happy Easter! 2022-04-05

Happy Easter! crossword puzzle
  1. The meaning of something with many colors! Like the holiday of Easter.
  2. My favorite part of the holiday is the __________ hunt!
  3. When I wake up in the morning, I look for my Easter ___________ filled with candy and treats.
  4. This is the season that Easter is in.
  5. I love eating all of the _________ I find in my Easter eggs.
  1. Spring and Easter are both associated with the blooming of so many colorful ______________.
  2. We must look for the hidden Easter eggs! That's why it's called an Easter egg __________.
  3. Everybody knows the famous Easter ______________!
  4. This is the month that Easter is in.

9 Clues: This is the month that Easter is in.This is the season that Easter is in.Everybody knows the famous Easter ______________!My favorite part of the holiday is the __________ hunt!I love eating all of the _________ I find in my Easter eggs.The meaning of something with many colors! Like the holiday of Easter....

Lenten Vocab 2022-03-03

Lenten Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the Friday before Easter
  2. what we burn to make ashes out of
  3. to excuse something
  4. marks the end of lent
  5. first part of the Bible
  6. third month of the year
  7. powdery substance
  1. a holiday in which we put ashes on our face
  2. to not be mad at someone when they do something wrong
  3. the month in which Valentine’s Day is located in
  4. followers of Jesus
  5. the holiday in which we burn ashes from
  6. a request or wish to God
  7. the 40 days before Easter
  8. good news
  9. what we put on our head on Ash Wednesday

16 Clues: good newspowdery substancefollowers of Jesusto excuse somethingmarks the end of lentfirst part of the Biblethird month of the yearthe Friday before Eastera request or wish to Godthe 40 days before Easterwhat we burn to make ashes out ofthe holiday in which we burn ashes fromwhat we put on our head on Ash Wednesday...

Easter Crossword 2022-02-26

Easter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Baby chicken
  2. Easter hat
  3. The season Easter is in
  4. Where Jesus died
  5. You may do this to the eggs
  6. Holds eggs
  1. A popular Easter sweet
  2. Baby rabbit
  3. What we eat and go hunting for
  4. A holiday where you go egg hunting

10 Clues: Easter hatHolds eggsBaby rabbitBaby chickenWhere Jesus diedA popular Easter sweetThe season Easter is inYou may do this to the eggsWhat we eat and go hunting forA holiday where you go egg hunting

Liturgical Seasons, Lent and Easter 2015-04-07

Liturgical Seasons, Lent and Easter crossword puzzle
  1. A colour to represent preparation
  2. The time of no particular season
  3. The Friday before Easter
  4. The first day of Lent
  5. The coming of the boy child
  6. Holy Week Thursday - Saturday
  7. Palms from last year are burnt
  8. Going without (usually food)
  9. Literally means the beginning - the start of the year
  10. To not eat meat means to ___________
  11. Something we should do more of during Lent and Advent
  12. Tuesday the day before Lent
  1. Preparation for the biggest celebration
  2. The end of the Easter Season
  3. The number of days Catholics are encouraged to Fast and Abstain
  4. The colour to represent a Sunday in outside of the main seasons
  5. Jesus began his ministry here and was tempted
  6. Lent is a time for giving money to the poor
  7. The Church has it's own __________ at different times of the year
  8. The end of the Liturgical year is Christ the _______
  9. The colour of Christmas
  10. Washing the feet of the poor
  11. The Sunday to begin Holy Week
  12. The number of days Jesus spent in the desert
  13. The Church's biggest celebration
  14. The colour of Good Friday, Pentecost and Martyrs
  15. The week leading up to Easter

27 Clues: The first day of LentThe colour of ChristmasThe Friday before EasterThe coming of the boy childTuesday the day before LentThe end of the Easter SeasonWashing the feet of the poorGoing without (usually food)Holy Week Thursday - SaturdayThe Sunday to begin Holy WeekThe week leading up to EasterPalms from last year are burnt...

Easter Crossword 2015-03-23

Easter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. You can serve the buns with ...
  2. 90 million are sold in the UK each year.
  3. Maybe it brings the Easter eggs.
  4. This is an important Easter symbol.
  5. The festival which celebrates the rebirth of Jesus.
  1. A typical cake at Easter.
  2. Two days before Easter Sunday.
  3. Cards are send to friends and ...
  4. People paint and ... the eggs.
  5. The egg is a symbol for:

10 Clues: The egg is a symbol for:A typical cake at Easter.Two days before Easter Sunday.People paint and ... the eggs.You can serve the buns with ...Maybe it brings the Easter eggs.Cards are send to friends and ...This is an important Easter symbol.90 million are sold in the UK each year.The festival which celebrates the rebirth of Jesus.

Easter Food Crossword 2021-03-29

Easter Food Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is eaten on Good Friday?
  2. What is the name of the traditional Easter cake?
  3. What bun is eaten at Easter?
  4. What animal is the Lindt Easter chocolate?
  5. What small Easter chocolate has a hard shell?
  1. What chocolate egg has a small toy inside?
  2. What meat is traditionally eaten on Easter Sunday?
  3. What is used to carry eggs on an Easter egg hunt?
  4. What chocolate is often given at Easter?

9 Clues: What bun is eaten at Easter?What is eaten on Good Friday?What chocolate is often given at Easter?What chocolate egg has a small toy inside?What animal is the Lindt Easter chocolate?What small Easter chocolate has a hard shell?What is the name of the traditional Easter cake?What is used to carry eggs on an Easter egg hunt?...

easter things! 2013-03-31

easter things! crossword puzzle
  1. the day easter is always on
  3. where Jesus was buried
  4. delivers the easter eggs
  1. easter egg _ _ _ _
  2. MALTEASER-tastic!
  3. Jack's easter egg brand
  4. Tom and Eve's easter egg brand
  5. The best at making chocolate

9 Clues: YUM,YUM,YUM!MALTEASER-tastic!easter egg _ _ _ _where Jesus was buriedJack's easter egg branddelivers the easter eggsthe day easter is always onThe best at making chocolateTom and Eve's easter egg brand

Easter 2021-03-31

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. co zrobil Jezus w święta Wielkanocne?
  2. symbol ukrzyżowania
  3. tradycyjny posiłek przy stole wielkanocnym
  4. ciasto prezentujące apostołów
  5. kto przynosi prezenty w Wielkanoc?
  6. parada prezentująca stroje i kapelusze
  7. słodkie ozdobione jajka
  1. nazwa święta
  2. komu poświęcona jest Wielkanoc?
  3. w jaką pore roku świętuje się Wielkanoc?
  4. w czym idzie się święcic potrawy?
  5. zabawa dla dzieci podczas świąt
  6. w jaki dzień tygodnia obchodzimy Wielkanoc?
  7. pisanki czyli?
  8. reprezentuje ciało Chrystusa

15 Clues: nazwa świętapisanki czyli?symbol ukrzyżowaniasłodkie ozdobione jajkareprezentuje ciało Chrystusaciasto prezentujące apostołówkomu poświęcona jest Wielkanoc?zabawa dla dzieci podczas świątw czym idzie się święcic potrawy?kto przynosi prezenty w Wielkanoc?co zrobil Jezus w święta Wielkanocne?parada prezentująca stroje i kapelusze...

Easter 2021-03-28

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. wave them
  2. rabbit
  3. body
  4. hatches
  5. 30 pieces
  6. blood
  7. chocolate at easter
  8. Nails
  1. betrayer
  2. Rise
  3. messenger
  4. number of disciples
  5. Crown
  7. son of god

15 Clues: RisebodyCrownbloodNailsrabbithatchesbetrayerwave themmessengerfollowers30 piecesson of godnumber of discipleschocolate at easter

Easter 2015-04-04

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. After _____ days Jesus resurrected from the dead.
  2. Jesus was sentenced to death by this person.
  3. Jesus was given a crown of ______.
  4. Jesus was laid in a ____ after he died.
  5. Jesus was the son of ___.
  6. This person suffered and died for our sins.
  7. Jesus was native to this land.
  8. Jesus broke this type of bread at Passover.
  9. This woman was the mother of Jesus.
  1. Jesus died on a _____.
  2. Jesus was in the desert for _____ days.
  3. Jesus was crucified at this place.
  4. This person betrayed Jesus.
  5. Jesus had this many apostles.
  6. This person denied Jesus three times.

15 Clues: Jesus died on a _____.Jesus was the son of ___.This person betrayed Jesus.Jesus had this many apostles.Jesus was native to this land.Jesus was crucified at this place.Jesus was given a crown of ______.This woman was the mother of Jesus.This person denied Jesus three times.Jesus was in the desert for _____ days....

Easter 2016-03-15

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. it's what a rabbit eats
  2. somthing that fly's
  3. an eating moment in the morning
  4. it's a color
  5. somthing you play
  6. you don't have school, like vacation
  7. someting that you can eat in the morning
  8. it's a small animal that's live in a farm
  1. you need a brush with paint
  2. it's in rapping-paper
  3. it's like a bunny but bigger
  4. it's a white animal who live on a farm
  5. it comes when it's spring
  6. is's an animal with big ears
  7. it's a season in the year

15 Clues: it's a colorsomthing you playsomthing that fly'sit's in rapping-paperit's what a rabbit eatsit comes when it's springit's a season in the yearyou need a brush with paintit's like a bunny but biggeris's an animal with big earsan eating moment in the morningyou don't have school, like vacationit's a white animal who live on a farm...

Easter 2022-04-07

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. when you make a place look more appealing
  2. when someone sends another person to death by them hanging on a cross
  3. this is when you die on a cross like Jesus did
  4. son of God
  5. a furry mammal
  6. when you are brought back from the dead
  7. the creator of the universe
  1. a baby chicken
  2. when Jesus rose from the dead
  3. a magic phenomenon that Jesus used in the bible
  4. sweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animal
  5. when you talk to God
  6. a group of flowers
  7. an orange vegetable
  8. what Jesus died on

15 Clues: son of Goda baby chickena furry mammala group of flowerswhat Jesus died onan orange vegetablewhen you talk to Godthe creator of the universewhen Jesus rose from the deadwhen you are brought back from the deadwhen you make a place look more appealingsweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animalthis is when you die on a cross like Jesus did...

Easter 2022-04-07

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. an orange vegetable
  2. when you make a place look more appealing
  3. a baby chicken
  4. son of God
  5. a furry mammal
  6. when someone sends another person to death by them hanging on a cross
  7. when Jesus rose from the dead
  8. a group of flowers
  1. this is when you die on a cross like Jesus did
  2. the creator of the universe
  3. when you talk to God
  4. sweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animal
  5. when you are brought back from the dead
  6. a magic phenomenon that Jesus used in the bible
  7. what Jesus died on

15 Clues: son of Goda baby chickena furry mammalwhat Jesus died ona group of flowersan orange vegetablewhen you talk to Godthe creator of the universewhen Jesus rose from the deadwhen you are brought back from the deadwhen you make a place look more appealingthis is when you die on a cross like Jesus didsweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animal...

Easter 2022-04-07

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. when people put their hands together and call to God
  2. what it was called when Jesus was put on the cross
  3. where children put their eggs
  4. where people come together and commemorate something
  5. The creator of everything
  6. the time when the bunny comes out
  7. the thing that hides the eggs
  1. the fourth month of the year
  2. What was it called when Jesus died for us
  3. the time when Jesus died
  4. Jesus… from the dead
  5. where people march down the streets
  6. the person that saved us
  7. what the Easter bunny hides
  8. a child chicken

15 Clues: a child chickenJesus… from the deadthe time when Jesus diedthe person that saved usThe creator of everythingwhat the Easter bunny hidesthe fourth month of the yearwhere children put their eggsthe thing that hides the eggsthe time when the bunny comes outwhere people march down the streetsWhat was it called when Jesus died for us...

Easter 2022-04-12

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. Who told them Jesus is risen.
  2. Jesus had 12 of these.
  3. This is the day that Jesus died.
  4. These are the things that they waved.
  5. It is the thing that was put on the door.
  6. This is what they put on Jesus' head.
  7. What was used to put Jesus on the cross.
  8. What Jesus did three days after dying.
  1. Who betrayed Jesus.
  2. One week before Easter.
  3. What we eat and drink.
  4. The day Jesus rose from the dead.
  5. He died for us.
  6. where Jesus was put when he died.
  7. The way Jesus died.

15 Clues: He died for us.Who betrayed Jesus.The way Jesus died.Jesus had 12 of these.What we eat and drink.One week before Easter.Who told them Jesus is risen.This is the day that Jesus died.The day Jesus rose from the dead.where Jesus was put when he died.These are the things that they waved.This is what they put on Jesus' head....

easter 2024-05-02

easter crossword puzzle
  1. spring
  2. roasted.lamb
  3. cupcake
  4. chocolate.egg
  5. egg.hunting
  1. Easter.eggs
  2. bonnets
  3. egg.painting
  4. hot.cross.buns
  5. cake
  6. basket
  7. garden
  8. bunny
  9. chick
  10. church

15 Clues: cakebunnychickspringbasketgardenchurchbonnetscupcakeEaster.eggsegg.huntingegg.paintingroasted.lambchocolate.egghot.cross.buns

Easter 2024-03-19

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. a baby chicken
  2. a treat enjoyed all year round and particularly during Easter
  3. a hat worn at Easter time
  4. an activity enjoyed at Easter time involving eggs
  1. used to carry objects, including eggs
  2. a flower associated with rebirth
  3. lolly, an alternative treat to chocolate during rationing
  4. cross bun, a spiced bun
  5. a food associated with Easter
  6. a term for an animal associated with Easter

10 Clues: a baby chickencross bun, a spiced buna hat worn at Easter timea food associated with Eastera flower associated with rebirthused to carry objects, including eggsa term for an animal associated with Easteran activity enjoyed at Easter time involving eggslolly, an alternative treat to chocolate during rationing...

Easter Food Crossword 2021-03-29

Easter Food Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is eaten on Good Friday?
  2. What is the name of the traditional Easter cake?
  3. What bun is eaten at Easter?
  4. What animal is the Lindt Easter chocolate?
  5. What small Easter chocolate has a hard shell?
  1. What chocolate egg has a small toy inside?
  2. What meat is traditionally eaten on Easter Sunday?
  3. What is used to carry eggs on an Easter egg hunt?
  4. What chocolate is often given at Easter?

9 Clues: What bun is eaten at Easter?What is eaten on Good Friday?What chocolate is often given at Easter?What chocolate egg has a small toy inside?What animal is the Lindt Easter chocolate?What small Easter chocolate has a hard shell?What is the name of the traditional Easter cake?What is used to carry eggs on an Easter egg hunt?...

Crossword Delight 2024-03-22

Crossword Delight crossword puzzle
  1. Symbol associated with Easter and known for delivering treats(5 letters)
  2. Traditional art created using colored powders(7 letters)
  3. Traditional drum played during Holi celebrations(4 letters)
  4. Meal enjoyed to break the fast at sunset(5 letters)
  5. What Holi is known for!(6 letters)
  6. A traditional Indian drink often consumed during Holi(7 letters)
  7. The period of fasting and penance leading up to Easter(4 letters)
  8. Often decorated and hidden as part of Easter celebrations(4 letters)
  1. Pre-dawn meal before fasting begins for the day(6 letters)
  2. Common treat associated with Easter, often shaped like eggs or bunnies(9 letters)
  3. A sweet pastry often enjoyed during holi(6 letters)
  4. Observance during daylight hours in this holy month(7 letters)
  5. The day of the week Easter is typically celebrated(6 letters)

13 Clues: What Holi is known for!(6 letters)A sweet pastry often enjoyed during holi(6 letters)Meal enjoyed to break the fast at sunset(5 letters)Traditional art created using colored powders(7 letters)Pre-dawn meal before fasting begins for the day(6 letters)Traditional drum played during Holi celebrations(4 letters)...

Easter Crossword 2023-04-03

Easter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Easter Island is found in this South American country.
  2. Hot cross buns are traditionally eaten on this day.
  3. It is the day before Ash Wednesday on the Christian calendar. It is also known in the UK as Shrove Tuesday.
  4. What Easter bunnies symbolise
  5. Here, people volunteer to be nailed (literally) to crosses to re-enact the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, drawing a large crowd of worshiper.
  6. Two-word name given to the Spanish ‘holy week’, which takes place during the last week of Lent
  1. The Sunday before Easter Sunday
  2. This is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar.
  3. Men ritually whip women with a decorated willow branch on Easter Monday in this country. The thin branches are supposed to bring youth, strength and health.
  4. One might see young girls, dressed up as witches, trick-or-treating on Maundy Thursday in this country.
  5. Where a German family might hang its Easter eggs
  6. It is traditional to craft, and then consume, a lamb made of butter on Easter Sunday in this country.

12 Clues: What Easter bunnies symboliseThe Sunday before Easter SundayWhere a German family might hang its Easter eggsHot cross buns are traditionally eaten on this day.Easter Island is found in this South American country.This is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar....

Easter 2022-04-07

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. = Jesus … from the cross
  2. = something people say on Easter
  3. = baby chicken
  4. = Gods son
  5. = Jesus’s father
  6. = our school is called …. Cross College
  7. = march in a ….
  8. = symbol that is on our church
  9. = Christmas, New Years and Easter is a …..
  1. = you think about Jesus’s life and fast for 40days
  2. = different religions have different ….. like some people can’t eat meat or have to read the bible before opening presents
  3. = Egg covered in chocolate
  4. = you get ash on your head when it’s ….
  5. = another word for bunny
  6. = a veg that bunnies eat

15 Clues: = Gods son= baby chicken= Jesus’s father= march in a ….= Egg covered in chocolate= Jesus … from the cross= another word for bunny= a veg that bunnies eat= something people say on Easter= symbol that is on our church= you get ash on your head when it’s ….= Christmas, New Years and Easter is a ….....

EASTER 2022-04-07

EASTER crossword puzzle
  1. Objects in something to make carrying easy
  2. The second stage of a chicken
  3. The Symbol of Catholism
  4. Someone who was nailed to the cross
  5. A way we can send letters to God
  6. Something Kids Love Eating
  7. To Find something
  8. The month Jesus was risen
  9. a animal that hides the chocolate eggs
  1. The reason there is Easter
  2. the day lent starts
  3. The created of Earth
  4. A sacret place to talk to God and Jesus
  5. a veggie that can make your eye sight better
  6. the longest fast in the Catholic calendar

15 Clues: To Find somethingthe day lent startsThe created of EarthThe Symbol of CatholismThe month Jesus was risenThe reason there is EasterSomething Kids Love EatingThe second stage of a chickenA way we can send letters to GodSomeone who was nailed to the crossa animal that hides the chocolate eggsA sacret place to talk to God and Jesus...

Easter 2022-04-07

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. a group of flowers
  2. when you talk to God
  3. when you make a place look more appealing
  4. when you are brought back from the dead
  5. a furry mammal
  6. when someone sends another person to death by them hanging on a cross
  7. the creator of the universe
  1. sweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animal
  2. when Jesus rose from the dead
  3. a magic phenomenon that Jesus used in the bible
  4. son of God
  5. an orange vegetable
  6. what Jesus died on
  7. a baby chicken
  8. this is when you die on a cross like Jesus did

15 Clues: son of Goda baby chickena furry mammala group of flowerswhat Jesus died onan orange vegetablewhen you talk to Godthe creator of the universewhen Jesus rose from the deadwhen you are brought back from the deadwhen you make a place look more appealingsweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animalthis is when you die on a cross like Jesus did...

EASTER 2022-04-08

EASTER crossword puzzle
  2. BREAK


easter 2022-04-09

easter crossword puzzle
  1. ukrzyzowanie
  2. kurczaczek
  3. baranek
  4. poscic
  5. jajko
  6. kielbasa
  7. zonkil
  8. sernik
  1. kosciol
  2. kaczuszka
  3. bukszpan
  4. chleb
  5. bazie
  6. koszyk
  7. nalesnik

15 Clues: chlebbaziejajkokoszykposciczonkilsernikkosciolbaranekbukszpannalesnikkielbasakaczuszkakurczaczekukrzyzowanie

EASTER 2022-03-24

EASTER crossword puzzle
  1. a young chicken
  2. egg is an egg-shaped candy or chocolate, used at Easter as a gift or decoration.
  3. to adorn with something ornamental
  4. any scaly-bulbed plant of the genus Lilium
  5. a young sheep.
  6. is any of a variety of confections made with sugar, syrup, etc., often combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts, etc.
  7. the season between winter and summer
  8. a female chicken
  1. a shaped or molded mass
  2. plant of the genus Narcissus.
  3. to chase or search for the purpose of catching or killing.
  4. a young duck.
  5. a preparation of the seeds of the cacao
  6. a container made of thin strips of wood, or other flexible material.
  7. a rabbit, especially a small or young one.

15 Clues: a young duck.a young sheep.a female chickena young chickena shaped or molded massplant of the genus Narcissus.to adorn with something ornamentalthe season between winter and summera preparation of the seeds of the cacaoany scaly-bulbed plant of the genus Liliuma rabbit, especially a small or young one....

easter 2021-04-21

easter crossword puzzle
  1. 8
  2. 1
  3. 6
  4. 14
  5. 12
  6. 11
  7. 10
  8. 7
  1. 13
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 5
  5. 15
  6. 9
  7. 2

15 Clues: 438591627131514121110

Easter 2020-04-09

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. a bird that has not yet reached adulthood.
  2. enjoyment, or amusement
  3. group of people related either by consanguinity (by recognized birth) or affinity (by marriage or other relationship)
  4. laid by female animals of many different species
  5. an attribute of visual perception in which a source appears to be radiating or reflecting light.[
  6. a preparation of roasted and ground cacao seeds
  7. a seat, often found at playgrounds for children
  8. a brief mental and physiological state, a startle response experienced by animals and humans as the result of an unexpected event.
  1. typically a watertight, vertical cylinder or truncated cone or square, with an open top and a flat bottom
  2. the characteristic of visual perception described through
  3. colors belong to a pale family of colors, which, when described in the HSV color space, have high value and low saturation.
  4. relationship of mutual affection between people.
  5. a rabbit, especially a small or young one.
  6. formed primarily by flexing the muscles at the sides of the mouth
  7. one of the four temperate seasons, succeeding winter and preceding summer.

15 Clues: enjoyment, or amusementa bird that has not yet reached adulthood.a rabbit, especially a small or young one.a preparation of roasted and ground cacao seedsa seat, often found at playgrounds for childrenlaid by female animals of many different speciesrelationship of mutual affection between people....

EASTER 2023-04-13

EASTER crossword puzzle
  1. 11.when someone dies
  2. 12. killing someone
  3. 2. who served in war
  4. 4. flying a plane
  5. 14.the promise of the Jewish nation
  6. 10. how god died
  7. 5. gods people
  1. 7.us
  2. 9.what your parent dose when u naughty
  3. 6. someone we all love
  4. 1. our lord and savoir
  5. 13.big tall rocks
  6. 3. something that happens very rarely
  7. 15.where did Jesus die
  8. 8. eating a big dinner

15 Clues: 7.us5. gods people10. how god died13.big tall rocks4. flying a plane12. killing someone11.when someone dies2. who served in war6. someone we all love1. our lord and savoir15.where did Jesus die8. eating a big dinner14.the promise of the Jewish nation3. something that happens very rarely9.what your parent dose when u naughty

Easter 2024-02-22

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. What the earth did as Jesus died
  2. Made of wood, what Jesus died on
  3. The mother of Jesus
  4. Jesus' friends
  5. The one who it is all about
  6. One who found the empty tomb (4,9)
  7. The city where the Easter events took place
  1. The day Jesus died (4,6)
  2. Item in the Temple which tore in two
  3. This special time of year
  4. Jesus' final meal before his death (4,6)
  5. The governor who talked to Jesus
  6. Known as 'the place of the skull'
  7. What Jesus washed at his final meal
  8. The one who said "He is not here, he is risen"

15 Clues: Jesus' friendsThe mother of JesusThe day Jesus died (4,6)This special time of yearThe one who it is all aboutWhat the earth did as Jesus diedMade of wood, what Jesus died onThe governor who talked to JesusKnown as 'the place of the skull'One who found the empty tomb (4,9)What Jesus washed at his final mealItem in the Temple which tore in two...

EASTER 2024-04-05

EASTER crossword puzzle
  1. add an ‘s’ to word 8
  2. After a long day of work, you…
  3. At lunch we…
  4. a period of time beginning
  5. rhymes with cat
  6. praying mantis have 1…
  7. Looking at something for a very very very long time.
  1. opposite of west
  2. a quantity, amount, or degree of something measured per unit of something else
  3. ripping apart
  4. cars have … on which you sit.
  5. The sun is a …
  6. add an ‘s’ to word 12
  7. present tense second-person singular and present tense plural of be
  8. used in making roads, cigarettes, and conserving wood.

15 Clues: At lunch we…ripping apartThe sun is a …rhymes with catopposite of westadd an ‘s’ to word 8add an ‘s’ to word 12praying mantis have 1…a period of time beginningcars have … on which you sit.After a long day of work, you…Looking at something for a very very very long time.used in making roads, cigarettes, and conserving wood....

Easter 2024-03-27

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. niedziela
  2. bazie
  3. baranek, jagnię
  4. czekolada
  5. jajka
  6. wiosna
  7. słodkie bułeczki wielkanocne
  8. koszyk
  1. króliczek
  2. kurczaczek
  3. żonkile
  4. tulipany
  5. Wielkanoc
  6. poszukiwanie jajek
  7. kościół

15 Clues: baziejajkawiosnakoszykżonkilekościółtulipanykróliczekniedzielaWielkanocczekoladakurczaczekbaranek, jagnięposzukiwanie jajeksłodkie bułeczki wielkanocne

Easter 2024-03-28

Easter crossword puzzle
  7. KRZYŻ
  8. JAJKO


Clays Quilt 2024-09-15

Clays Quilt crossword puzzle
  1. Main character
  2. Quilt maker
  3. Raised Clay
  4. Alma´s ex-husband
  5. Clay´s cousin
  6. Alma´s dad
  7. Anneth´s friend
  8. Cake´s mother
  9. Lolie´s husband
  10. Dreama´s father
  1. Author
  2. Clay´s mother
  3. Dreama´s baby
  4. Easter´s husband
  5. Alma´s sister
  6. Clay´s real dad
  7. Plays the fiddle
  8. Married and divorced Dreama
  9. Anneth's third husband who killed Anneth
  10. Waitress at the Hilltop
  11. Clay´s friend

21 Clues: AuthorAlma´s dadQuilt makerRaised ClayClay´s motherDreama´s babyAlma´s sisterClay´s cousinCake´s motherClay´s friendMain characterClay´s real dadAnneth´s friendLolie´s husbandDreama´s fatherEaster´s husbandPlays the fiddleAlma´s ex-husbandWaitress at the HilltopMarried and divorced DreamaAnneth's third husband who killed Anneth

Easter 2020-04-09

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. We find ... eggs
  2. Peter ...
  3. easter celebrates the resurrection of ...
  4. traditional easter flower
  5. On easter we eat ... with salt
  1. What are we celebrating?
  2. when you find eggs you put them in your ...
  3. baby chicken
  4. what comes after easter?

9 Clues: Peter ...baby chickenWe find ... eggsWhat are we celebrating?what comes after easter?traditional easter flowerOn easter we eat ... with salteaster celebrates the resurrection of ...when you find eggs you put them in your ...

easter 2022-04-12

easter crossword puzzle
  1. activity to find easter eggs
  2. the day before easter
  3. a common easter snack food
  4. the easter egg is a symbol of _______
  1. animal that represents easter
  2. the day in question
  3. easter is a ______ holiday in NSW
  4. easter plant

8 Clues: easter plantthe day in questionthe day before eastera common easter snack foodactivity to find easter eggsanimal that represents eastereaster is a ______ holiday in NSWthe easter egg is a symbol of _______

Easter/Pascua 2024-03-28

Easter/Pascua crossword puzzle
  1. the cross
  2. flowers
  3. Rabbit/Bunny
  4. Holy week
  5. eggs
  6. Easter Sunday
  7. basket
  1. chick
  2. processions; often times religous
  3. Easter bunny
  4. a lamb
  5. Good friday
  6. spring

13 Clues: eggschicka lambspringbasketflowersthe crossHoly weekGood fridayRabbit/BunnyEaster bunnyEaster Sundayprocessions; often times religous

HANK #3 Because you are a lovely boy! 2020-04-09

HANK #3 Because you are a lovely boy! crossword puzzle
  1. How old is Granny?
  2. Who brings Easter eggs?
  3. One of your middle names
  4. Game where you jump off buffaloes and elephants
  5. What is hot and cross at Easter?
  6. What we watch at night (and day too)
  7. What Otis likes to put on his hands
  8. Colour of your cat (mostly)
  9. Where does milk come from?
  10. Yellow citrus fruit
  11. Tiny tiny insect that sometimes lives in cat fur, and bites
  12. Dad's brother
  13. Reuben's favourite video game
  1. How old is Aunty Lydia
  2. Where Rob works
  3. Green animal that hops
  4. Where does Grand dad Murray live?
  5. Where do lamb chops come from?
  6. colour of diamond in Mum's ring
  7. Make of Granny's car
  8. What are Easter eggs made of?
  9. Mum's sister who lives with Rob
  10. Where mum works (I think)

23 Clues: Dad's brotherWhere Rob worksHow old is Granny?Yellow citrus fruitMake of Granny's carHow old is Aunty LydiaGreen animal that hopsWho brings Easter eggs?One of your middle namesWhere mum works (I think)Where does milk come from?Colour of your cat (mostly)What are Easter eggs made of?Reuben's favourite video gameWhere do lamb chops come from?...

Lent 2022-04-08

Lent crossword puzzle
  1. The day of the last supper
  2. Cutting back on eating
  3. The week before Easter
  4. Donating time or money
  5. First day of lent
  6. The day after Good Friday
  7. The time to prepare for Jesus' death and resurrection
  1. What jesus did for us
  2. The day Jesus resurrected
  3. The day Jesus died
  4. The Sunday before easter
  5. Talking to god
  6. the color of lent

13 Clues: Talking to godthe color of lentFirst day of lentThe day Jesus diedWhat jesus did for usCutting back on eatingThe week before EasterDonating time or moneyThe Sunday before easterThe day Jesus resurrectedThe day after Good FridayThe day of the last supperThe time to prepare for Jesus' death and resurrection

Easter Crossword 2024-03-26

Easter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The concept of being born again spiritually or experiencing a renewed sense of purpose or vitality, often associated with Easter and the resurrection of Jesus.
  2. A symbol of new life and fertility, decorated and exchanged during Easter as a tradition representing the resurrection of Jesus.
  3. A symbol of Easter, often depicted as a friendly rabbit associated with the tradition of delivering colourful eggs to children on Easter Sunday.
  4. A joyful exclamation or expression of praise, commonly used in Christian liturgy and hymns, particularly during Easter, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
  5. The deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be achieved through faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrificial death and resurrection.
  6. A religious symbol representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice, widely used in Christianity as a sign of faith and redemption.
  1. The act of pardoning or absolving someone of wrongdoing, a central theme of Easter, reflecting the Christian belief in God's mercy and grace through Jesus Christ.
  2. The season following winter, associated with new life, growth, and renewal, often coinciding with the celebration of Easter.
  3. The joyous observance or commemoration of an event, such as Easter, marked by gatherings, feasting, and religious rituals.
  4. The process of starting anew, rejuvenation, or revitalization, often symbolized during Easter by the themes of rebirth and resurrection.
  5. The central figure of Christianity, believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity, whose teachings and life serve as the foundation of Christian faith.
  6. The period of 40 days leading up to Easter, observed by many Christians through fasting, repentance, and spiritual reflection, symbolizing Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness.

12 Clues: The joyous observance or commemoration of an event, such as Easter, marked by gatherings, feasting, and religious rituals.The season following winter, associated with new life, growth, and renewal, often coinciding with the celebration of Easter....

Easter 2023 2023-04-09

Easter 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. trivial (blank), dads game
  2. dads other favorite game
  3. feeling of nostalgia
  4. Kyra/Shawn born here
  5. moms current cat count
  6. Easter main dish
  7. Gumby tree
  8. birthday boy location
  9. Penny et al live here
  10. Sprechen sie (blank)?
  1. Easter Day exclamation
  2. sixth sorrow
  3. Parker’s dog
  4. dads birthday
  5. Pat and Bill Anniv month
  6. Flower think Netherlands
  7. Bo
  8. St (blank) fire
  9. dads other favorite game

19 Clues: BoGumby treesixth sorrowParker’s dogdads birthdaySt (blank) fireEaster main dishfeeling of nostalgiaKyra/Shawn born herebirthday boy locationPenny et al live hereSprechen sie (blank)?Easter Day exclamationmoms current cat countdads other favorite gamePat and Bill Anniv monthFlower think Netherlandsdads other favorite gametrivial (blank), dads game

Spring Crossword Puz 2024-03-27

Spring Crossword Puz crossword puzzle
  1. Not Breakfast or Lunch, but both
  2. It is their first season as a sport at Meadows
  3. Holiday in the spring
  4. The character of Easter
  5. The season after winter
  6. What are hidden during easter
  7. A throwing event in Track and Field
  1. The championship for this tournament end April 8
  2. A white flower
  3. The bloom in spring
  4. A marshmallow-like treat during the easter holiday

11 Clues: A white flowerThe bloom in springHoliday in the springThe character of EasterThe season after winterWhat are hidden during easterNot Breakfast or Lunch, but bothA throwing event in Track and FieldIt is their first season as a sport at MeadowsThe championship for this tournament end April 8A marshmallow-like treat during the easter holiday

Easter Crossword 2013-03-20

Easter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A baby sheep
  2. What season is Easter in?
  3. Food that is brown and sweet
  4. Painting and colouring
  1. What do you use to carry your Easter eggs?
  2. The Easter rabbit
  3. A baby bird
  4. These beautiful plants grow in the ground and on trees
  5. These are round and colourful and have chocolate inside
  6. Lines and circles all in a row
  7. The name of this holiday!

11 Clues: A baby birdA baby sheepThe Easter rabbitPainting and colouringWhat season is Easter in?The name of this holiday!Food that is brown and sweetLines and circles all in a rowWhat do you use to carry your Easter eggs?These beautiful plants grow in the ground and on treesThese are round and colourful and have chocolate inside

Easter themed crossword 2021-02-01

Easter themed crossword crossword puzzle
  1. term for bringing back from the dead
  2. popular easter baked goods (3,7,3)
  3. The name of the easter bunny (5,6)
  4. A search for something
  1. A model of jesus on a cross
  2. cocoa based snack
  3. The day easter is celebrated
  4. A celebration of the rebirth of jesus
  5. Big commercial chocolate company
  6. Supposedly the strongest shape in nature
  7. An infant or juvenile rabbit

11 Clues: cocoa based snackA search for somethingA model of jesus on a crossThe day easter is celebratedAn infant or juvenile rabbitBig commercial chocolate companypopular easter baked goods (3,7,3)The name of the easter bunny (5,6)term for bringing back from the deadA celebration of the rebirth of jesusSupposedly the strongest shape in nature

Easter Crossword 2023-04-03

Easter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Something you do to celebrate a holiday.
  2. The thing that holds eggs. 바구니
  3. A holiday in the US about spring.
  4. The day of the week Easter is on
  5. The season before spring
  1. A small furry animal with long ears.
  2. The season after Winter
  3. Baby chickens
  4. The creature that hides eggs on Easter.
  5. To color something 염색하다
  6. What you dye or paint for Easter

11 Clues: Baby chickensThe season after WinterTo color something 염색하다The season before springThe thing that holds eggs. 바구니The day of the week Easter is onWhat you dye or paint for EasterA holiday in the US about spring.A small furry animal with long ears.The creature that hides eggs on Easter.Something you do to celebrate a holiday.

Easter at CHQatHome 2023-04-06

Easter at CHQatHome crossword puzzle
  1. colour of cyanosis
  2. something to do over Easter
  3. type of chicken
  4. unhealthy versions around at Easter
  5. cause of ventilator alarm
  6. eat too much of this.
  1. small fluffy and cute
  2. bypasses mouth and nose
  3. first reading on the ventilator screen
  4. essential for life
  5. windpipe
  6. an Easter activity ruined by rain.

12 Clues: windpipetype of chickencolour of cyanosisessential for lifesmall fluffy and cuteeat too much of this.bypasses mouth and nosecause of ventilator alarmsomething to do over Easteran Easter activity ruined by rain.unhealthy versions around at Easterfirst reading on the ventilator screen

Riverland Fresh Crossword No 2 2014-04-12

Riverland Fresh Crossword No 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Membership category
  2. And Mark
  3. Easter band
  4. Order from Riverland Fresh
  5. Riverland Kerbing and
  6. Chook collects them
  1. Tendril the
  2. Easter sponsor
  3. Free from 5RM
  4. Used to be HWT
  5. Members supporting
  6. From Riverland Fresh
  7. Face
  8. Local Paper
  9. Committee member surname

15 Clues: FaceAnd MarkTendril theLocal PaperEaster bandFree from 5RMEaster sponsorUsed to be HWTMembers supportingMembership categoryChook collects themFrom Riverland FreshRiverland Kerbing andCommittee member surnameOrder from Riverland Fresh

Easter Traditions 2024-02-22

Easter Traditions crossword puzzle
  1. Central symbol of sacrifice.
  2. Color eggs with this.
  3. Flower symbolizing purity.
  4. Held on Saturday night.
  5. Marshmallow treat.
  6. Spiced, sweet bread.
  7. Hops around this season.
  8. Late morning feast.
  9. Festive spring procession.
  1. Easter Sunday service.
  2. Sweet treats.
  3. Traditional headwear.
  4. 40 days of preparation.
  5. Symbol of new life.
  6. Season of renewal.
  7. Traditional dinner choice.
  8. Newborn spring animal.
  9. Easter day of the week.
  10. Filled with goodies.
  11. Search for eggs.

20 Clues: Sweet treats.Search for eggs.Season of renewal.Marshmallow treat.Symbol of new life.Late morning feast.Spiced, sweet bread.Filled with goodies.Traditional headwear.Color eggs with this.Easter Sunday service.Newborn spring animal.40 days of preparation.Held on Saturday night.Easter day of the week.Hops around this season.Flower symbolizing purity....

50a 2024-07-11

50a crossword puzzle
  1. African-American holiday
  2. February love day
  3. Festival of Lights
  4. Fall season
  5. Easter activity
  6. Fall gathering
  7. January 1 celebration
  8. New Year's Eve display
  9. Coldest season
  10. Warmest season
  11. Longest or shortest day
  1. Muslim fasting month
  2. October 31 event
  3. Autumn leaves
  4. Light festival decor
  5. November feast
  6. Festival of Lights
  7. Day and night equal
  8. Spring holiday
  9. Winter weather
  10. December holiday
  11. Season of rebirth
  12. Autumn night fire
  13. Halloween attire
  14. Halloween decoration

25 Clues: Fall seasonAutumn leavesNovember feastSpring holidayWinter weatherFall gatheringColdest seasonWarmest seasonEaster activityOctober 31 eventDecember holidayHalloween attireFebruary love daySeason of rebirthAutumn night fireFestival of LightsFestival of LightsDay and night equalMuslim fasting monthLight festival decorHalloween decoration...

Easter Förderunterricht 2021-03-24

Easter Förderunterricht crossword puzzle
  1. the baby form of a chicken
  2. the last day of the week
  3. He brings the egss for easter
  4. a candy
  5. where you put the eggs once you have found them
  6. It grows in grass
  7. What you use to colour the eggs
  8. It is where you can find the eggs
  1. Is what you do to find the eggs
  2. the next holiday
  3. Sweet food that kids enjoy
  4. a hat traditionally work for easter
  5. a baby sheep
  6. A season before summer
  7. A traditional american candy

15 Clues: a candya baby sheepthe next holidayIt grows in grassA season before summerthe last day of the weekthe baby form of a chickenSweet food that kids enjoyA traditional american candyHe brings the egss for easterIs what you do to find the eggsWhat you use to colour the eggsIt is where you can find the eggsa hat traditionally work for easter...

Lent Crossword 2013-02-18

Lent Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - Last day of lent (Thursday)
  2. - Friday when Jesus was executed
  3. - Number of weeks of lent
  4. - Last day before lent
  5. - First day of lent (Wednesday)
  6. - Day that Jesus rose from the dead
  7. - Period of penitence or fasting before Easter
  8. - Day Jesus was executed
  9. - Day that Jesus entered Jerusalem during his last week
  10. - Sunday before Easter
  1. - Last day of lent
  2. - Name used in Louisiana for carnival before lent
  3. - Last day before lent (Tuesday) - also called pancake
  4. - First day of lent
  5. - Name used in France for carnival before lent

15 Clues: - Last day of lent- First day of lent- Last day before lent- Sunday before Easter- Day Jesus was executed- Number of weeks of lent- Last day of lent (Thursday)- First day of lent (Wednesday)- Friday when Jesus was executed- Day that Jesus rose from the dead- Period of penitence or fasting before Easter- Name used in France for carnival before lent...

Easter Michaels 2024-03-24

Easter Michaels crossword puzzle
  1. This happened after Jesus died
  2. The number of Apostles
  3. This color represents innocence, purity, and God's glory.
  4. this is where the Easter bunny Legend began
  5. Where Jesus died
  6. This color symbolizes the Lord's passion, sacrifice
  7. This light, sweet shade symbolizes bountiful joy and love
  1. Where Jesus was crucified
  2. He baptized Jesus
  3. immersion in water, symbolizing purification
  4. Traditional Easter meat
  5. These are hidden on Easter morning
  6. How many silver pieces
  7. One of the writers of the Gospel
  8. He painted the Last Supper

15 Clues: Where Jesus diedHe baptized JesusThe number of ApostlesHow many silver piecesTraditional Easter meatWhere Jesus was crucifiedHe painted the Last SupperThis happened after Jesus diedOne of the writers of the GospelThese are hidden on Easter morningthis is where the Easter bunny Legend beganimmersion in water, symbolizing purification...

Easter 2021-04-22

Easter crossword puzzle


Lenten Crossword by Natalie Joanis 2020-03-17

Lenten Crossword by Natalie Joanis crossword puzzle
  1. Jesus died on Good ____________.
  2. The Last Supper was the origination of this.
  3. The ashes come from burning these.
  4. The act of telling our sins to the priest.
  5. Lent is the season of Preparation & _________.
  6. Giving up something for Lent.
  7. Giving to the poor.
  8. The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
  9. The Last Supper was on _______ Thursday.
  1. The number of days in Lent.
  2. The first official celebration of Easter is called the Easter _________.
  3. The liturgical color of Lent.
  4. Going without food.
  5. A symbol of Lent.
  6. Jesus shared the Last Supper with his ________.
  7. Jesus rising from the dead.
  8. The season of preparation & repentance.
  9. Jesus spent 40 days in _________ in the desert.
  10. We don't say or sing this during Lent in Church.
  11. Catholics don't eat ______ on Fridays during Lent.

20 Clues: A symbol of Lent.Going without food.Giving to the poor.The number of days in Lent.Jesus rising from the dead.The liturgical color of Lent.Giving up something for Lent.Jesus died on Good ____________.The ashes come from burning these.The season of preparation & repentance.The Last Supper was on _______ Thursday....

Easter Adventures 2021-03-19

Easter Adventures crossword puzzle
  1. escape movie Chicken ____
  2. be sure to _____ for all your chocolate eggs
  3. let's _______ some eggs
  4. you may enjoy too much of this delicious snack
  5. used to collect tasty treats
  6. noted rabbit ____ Bunny
  7. general Easter colour scheme
  8. the season Easter is in
  9. Easter Sunday marks the end of this period
  10. noted peppy sales rabbit _____ bunny
  1. hop their way into your heart
  2. part of chocolate rabbit to eat first
  3. weird American snack shaped like chicks
  4. adorably fluffy baby birds
  5. noted rabbit ____ Rabbit
  6. adorably fluffy baby mammals
  7. delightful maker of creme eggs
  8. bring a nice bunch of _____ to your friends
  9. fancy decorative egg maker
  10. rabbit in sad movie from ye olden disney days
  11. noted rabbit Peter _______
  12. chicken with subpar intelligence on a boat with Moana
  13. wear your best _____

23 Clues: wear your best _____let's _______ some eggsnoted rabbit ____ Bunnythe season Easter is innoted rabbit ____ Rabbitescape movie Chicken ____adorably fluffy baby birdsfancy decorative egg makernoted rabbit Peter _______adorably fluffy baby mammalsused to collect tasty treatsgeneral Easter colour schemehop their way into your heart...

Advent 2023-01-11

Advent crossword puzzle
  1. Year helps us celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
  2. color of the ordinary season
  3. the symbol of the advent season
  4. - the birth of Christ
  5. - color of the advent & lent season
  6. the symbol of the christmas season
  7. Time the public ministry of Jesus
  8. Candle the symbol of the easter season
  9. for repentance, conversion, and penance
  1. the King the end of the liturgical year
  2. - color of the christmas & easter season
  3. for new life, resurrection, and witnessing
  4. comes from the greek word “liturgy”
  5. People - the candle of hope
  6. cone - symbolizes life and resurrection
  7. the symbol of the ordinary time season
  8. - the act or practice of praying to God or an object of worship.
  9. testament Prophets - The candle of peace
  10. the symbol of the lent season
  11. - The candle of Joy
  12. the beginning of the Church year

21 Clues: - The candle of Joy- the birth of ChristPeople - the candle of hopecolor of the ordinary seasonthe symbol of the lent seasonthe symbol of the advent seasonthe beginning of the Church yearthe symbol of the christmas seasonTime the public ministry of Jesuscomes from the greek word “liturgy”- color of the advent & lent season...

Lent 2022-03-05

Lent crossword puzzle
  1. Color of vestments on Laetare Sunday
  2. On Ash Wednesday we receive ashes as a sign of __
  3. The Paschal __ is lit on Easter Vigil
  4. Comes from the word pasch meaning passover
  5. Laetare Sunday speaks of __ in the anticipation of Easter
  6. Laetare meaning
  7. The ashes on Ash Wednesday come from burning ___
  8. When Lent begins (2 words)
  9. Symbols of faith on Holy Saturday night (3 words)
  10. During Holy Thursday a ceremony of the washing of _ takes place
  11. One of the 3 Easter Sacraments
  12. The promised land
  13. Famous place to follow Jesus where he once walked (2 words)
  14. The Good Friday celebration often takes place around ___ in the afternoon
  15. The Stations of the Cross allow everyone to follow Jesus on his path from death to ___
  16. The Paschal candle reminds us of the __ of fire that accompanied the Israelites on their journey
  17. On Holy Saturday, the Paschal candle is carried into a __ church
  18. During Stations of the Cross we pray, Because by your holy cross, you have __ the world
  19. To voluntarily not eat or limit some kinds of food
  20. The Easter Vigil begins after __ on Holy Saturday
  21. The word alms means _______
  22. The liturgy of the ___ is not celebrated on Good Friday
  1. On this day we read the Passion of Christ
  2. Fourth Sunday of Lent
  3. The first station Jesus is ______ to die
  4. One of the three Sacraments of Easter
  5. Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper (2 words)
  6. A symbol of the salvation Jesus offers to the world
  7. The Paschal candle is a symbol of the __ Christ among us
  8. The priest marks the Paschal candle with the __
  9. Means to "rejoice with great joy and triumph"
  10. A period of preparation for Easter
  11. On Good Friday we read the Passion of Christ from the Gospel of __
  12. Fasting is a way to _ our bodies of harmful things
  13. On Good Friday we read the Passion of Christ and we offer __ intercessions
  14. Easter __ is the 3 most important days for Christians
  15. Not said during Mass in Lent
  16. Doing __ is a way to show that we are sorry for our sins
  17. The eve of a holy day
  18. The passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples the night before he died (2 words)
  19. The Paschal candle is carried by the priest and he sings "Christ our ___"
  20. Jesus falls the third time is station __
  21. Trip taken to a holy place
  22. An agreement between God and his people
  23. Color of vestments during Lent (2 words)
  24. Symbol of the presence of God
  25. During Lent the Churh prays for those preparing to receive the Sacraments of __ Initiation
  26. On Good Friday we recall Jesus' suffering and __
  27. A proclamation of our Easter faith, proclaims God's plan and notes that we are part of that plan
  28. The way we live during Lent is a sign of __ and simplicity
  29. Doing penance helps us to turn to God and to __ on the things that are important
  30. The Sunday before Easter Sunday
  31. Means "stopping point"

53 Clues: Laetare meaningThe promised landFourth Sunday of LentThe eve of a holy dayMeans "stopping point"When Lent begins (2 words)Trip taken to a holy placeThe word alms means _______Not said during Mass in LentSymbol of the presence of GodOne of the 3 Easter SacramentsThe Sunday before Easter SundayA period of preparation for Easter...

Easter Crossword 2024-03-31

Easter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a late ending
  2. Easter place
  3. he is back
  4. in an oven in New York
  5. coloured and laid
  6. before summer
  7. be one
  8. somewhere else
  9. excellent end
  10. Christianity
  1. annoyed by the heat
  2. look for the chancellor
  3. return used
  4. soldiers do it
  5. bake bread twice
  6. a very bad result

16 Clues: be onehe is backreturn usedEaster placeChristianitya late endingbefore summerexcellent endsoldiers do itsomewhere elsebake bread twicecoloured and laida very bad resultannoyed by the heatin an oven in New Yorklook for the chancellor

Easter Quiz 2015-04-03

Easter Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. the type of Friday at Easter, it rhymes with hood
  2. this animal delivers Easter eggs
  3. this is brown and is eaten a lot on Easter Sunday
  4. the person who died at Easter, and rose again
  5. this is the supper that Jesus had with his friends
  6. Jesus washed these for his friends
  1. this is a hat that some people wear at Easter
  2. these are small buns with two lines of pastry on the top
  3. these are eaten a lot on Easter sunny or they might be painted and hidden
  4. this is the 40 days before Easter, and when some people do special things like give up something or try to do something good

10 Clues: this animal delivers Easter eggsJesus washed these for his friendsthis is a hat that some people wear at Easterthe person who died at Easter, and rose againthe type of Friday at Easter, it rhymes with hoodthis is brown and is eaten a lot on Easter Sundaythis is the supper that Jesus had with his friends...

Easter Crossword 2014-03-28

Easter Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Easter is usually in this month
  2. Animal born in Spring
  3. Yellow fluffy animal
  4. Gather eggs in this
  5. Wear it on your head
  6. Rabbit food
  7. Activity for finding hidden eggs
  1. Easter eggs wrapping
  2. Decorate eggs with this
  3. Has big ears and hops
  4. Don't eat too much!
  5. Easter is in this season

12 Clues: Rabbit foodDon't eat too much!Gather eggs in thisEaster eggs wrappingYellow fluffy animalWear it on your headHas big ears and hopsAnimal born in SpringDecorate eggs with thisEaster is in this seasonEaster is usually in this monthActivity for finding hidden eggs

Easter Puzzle 2021-04-02

Easter Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. No bunny knows Easter better than ____
  2. Easter legume
  3. A da Vinci classic
  4. Peter's assumed last name
  5. A king of egg with no yolk, just whites
  6. Rodger, Peter, Jack
  7. Freckled and blue
  8. Little Bo ____
  9. Begins on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring Equinox
  10. This spring flowering perennial could fall in love with it's own reflection
  1. Louise's signature accessory
  2. 40 days and 40 nights
  3. The type of bunny that doesn't hop
  4. Describes a message, image, or feature hidden in a video game, film, or electronic medium
  5. If Poppies are to Flander's, _____ are to Holland
  6. The Romanovs laid 50 of these
  7. Jesus's Brulus
  8. represents nests and new life
  9. This flower retells the resurrection story with its life cycle

19 Clues: Easter legumeJesus's BrulusLittle Bo ____Freckled and blueA da Vinci classicRodger, Peter, Jack40 days and 40 nightsPeter's assumed last nameLouise's signature accessoryThe Romanovs laid 50 of theserepresents nests and new lifeThe type of bunny that doesn't hopNo bunny knows Easter better than ____A king of egg with no yolk, just whites...

Easter Traditions 2020-04-15

Easter Traditions crossword puzzle
  1. /first day of Lent
  2. / the Sunday before Easter
  3. /searching for eggs
  4. /a crown made of thorn branches
  5. / a worship service on Easter im the morning
  6. / a substance used to add or change the color of sth.
  7. / a yellow spring flower representing resurrection
  8. / a grave above the ground
  1. / the sufferings of Jesus
  2. / worshipping Church and praying together / typically on Sundays
  3. / cooked until solid
  4. / a type of bread eaten on Good Friday
  5. / going without food
  6. / the day Jesus died on the cross
  7. /the final meal that Jesus shared with his Apostles
  8. / a holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead
  9. / a form of execution
  10. 40 day period before Easter in which you fast
  11. / rising from the dead

19 Clues: /first day of Lent/searching for eggs/ cooked until solid/ a form of execution/ rising from the dead/ going without food/ the Sunday before Easter/a crown made of thorn branches/ the sufferings of Jesus/ a grave above the ground/ the day Jesus died on the cross...

Easter 2020-04-09

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. We find ... eggs
  2. Peter ...
  3. what comes after easter?
  4. on easter we celebrate the resurrection of ...
  1. On easter we eat ... with salt
  2. traditional easter flower
  3. baby chicken
  4. What are we celebrating?
  5. when you find eggs you put them in your ...

9 Clues: Peter ...baby chickenWe find ... eggsWhat are we celebrating?what comes after easter?traditional easter flowerOn easter we eat ... with saltwhen you find eggs you put them in your ...on easter we celebrate the resurrection of ...

Easter 2020-04-09

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. We find ... eggs
  2. Peter ...
  3. on easter we celebrate the resurrection of ...
  4. traditional easter flower
  5. On easter we eat ... with salt
  1. What are we celebrating?
  2. when you find eggs you put them in your ...
  3. baby chicken
  4. what comes after easter?

9 Clues: Peter ...baby chickenWe find ... eggsWhat are we celebrating?what comes after easter?traditional easter flowerOn easter we eat ... with saltwhen you find eggs you put them in your ...on easter we celebrate the resurrection of ...

Easter 2018-03-31

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. What type of animal brings the Easter eggs?
  2. What stopped this Easter Sunday: _____ savings
  3. What did Jesus die on?
  4. Where's the Easter Monday market?
  5. We go into the Easter _____ in Beechworth
  1. On which day of the week do we open Easter eggs?
  2. Which animal did you want your Easter eggs to be in the shape of?
  3. Your favourite Easter food
  4. What food do lots of people not eat on Good Friday?

9 Clues: What did Jesus die on?Your favourite Easter foodWhere's the Easter Monday market?We go into the Easter _____ in BeechworthWhat type of animal brings the Easter eggs?What stopped this Easter Sunday: _____ savingsOn which day of the week do we open Easter eggs?What food do lots of people not eat on Good Friday?...

Gillies April Crossword 2019-03-24

Gillies April Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. makers of the famous Easter Creme Egg
  2. annual April event at the CLE
  3. April 1 is for these
  4. yellow spring bulb
  5. considered a Christian holiday but many Canadians celebrate
  6. getting longer every day until June 21
  7. Could be breaking up this month; slippery
  8. French month; Canadian singer
  1. twice weekly CLE location for local purchases
  2. April birthstone
  3. traditional Easter sweet; find these eggs
  4. April _______, bring May flowers
  5. This "tool" helps with future spending
  6. April 19 is Good __________
  7. Flower name derived from Persian language

15 Clues: April birthstoneyellow spring bulbApril 1 is for theseApril 19 is Good __________annual April event at the CLEFrench month; Canadian singerApril _______, bring May flowersmakers of the famous Easter Creme EggThis "tool" helps with future spendinggetting longer every day until June 21traditional Easter sweet; find these eggs...

Lenten Crossword 2020-03-17

Lenten Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Jesus died on Good ____________.
  2. The Last Supper was the origination of this.
  3. The ashes come from burning these.
  4. The act of telling our sins to the priest.
  5. Lent is the season of Preparation & _________.
  6. Giving up something for Lent.
  7. Giving to the poor.
  8. The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
  9. The Last Supper was on _______ Thursday.
  1. The number of days in Lent.
  2. The first official celebration of Easter is called the Easter _________.
  3. The liturgical color of Lent.
  4. Going without food.
  5. A symbol of Lent.
  6. Jesus shared the Last Supper with his ________.
  7. Jesus rising from the dead.
  8. The season of preparation & repentance.
  9. Jesus spent 40 days in _________ in the desert.
  10. We don't say or sing this during Lent in Church.
  11. Catholics don't eat ______ on Fridays during Lent.

20 Clues: A symbol of Lent.Going without food.Giving to the poor.The number of days in Lent.Jesus rising from the dead.The liturgical color of Lent.Giving up something for Lent.Jesus died on Good ____________.The ashes come from burning these.The season of preparation & repentance.The Last Supper was on _______ Thursday....

Come on every bunny, let's play! 2023-03-28

Come on every bunny, let's play! crossword puzzle
  1. A spicy dish often eaten with hot cross buns
  2. Easter Island is part of which country
  3. Long-eared, bushy tailed animal associated with the season
  4. The 40-day period before Easter
  5. The legendary birthplace of the Easter Bunny
  1. Easter Bunnies are a symbol of this
  2. What baked good is a Good Friday tradition
  3. In the mid 1800's people believed buying new clothes to wear on Easter would bring them
  4. A colourful tradition in celebration of Easter
  5. The part of the chocolate bunny people usually bite off first

10 Clues: The 40-day period before EasterEaster Bunnies are a symbol of thisEaster Island is part of which countryWhat baked good is a Good Friday traditionA spicy dish often eaten with hot cross bunsThe legendary birthplace of the Easter BunnyA colourful tradition in celebration of EasterLong-eared, bushy tailed animal associated with the season...

Easter 2022-04-08

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. , a bunny
  2. , easter egg
  3. , little lam
  4. , a bell
  1. , chocolate
  2. , a easter plant
  3. , A ribon
  4. , a easter bucket
  5. , a nest
  6. , litle chick

10 Clues: , a nest, a bell, a bunny, A ribon, chocolate, little lam, easter egg, litle chick, a easter plant, a easter bucket

Easter 2024-10-12

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. In the bible how many days passed bettwen jesus deth and resurrection?
  2. What can you see on doors at easter time?
  3. Buying what for easter is said to bring good luck for the rest of the year
  4. What bread-based snack is associated with easter?
  5. In which country was largest decorated easter edd?
  1. What is the name of the rabbit in the the disney movie bambi.
  2. What is the 40 days period before easter?
  3. In the bible who was the first person to easter egg?
  4. What type of food is decorated for easter?
  5. Which British chocolate company makes the mini egg?

10 Clues: What is the 40 days period before easter?What can you see on doors at easter time?What type of food is decorated for easter?What bread-based snack is associated with easter?In which country was largest decorated easter edd?Which British chocolate company makes the mini egg?In the bible who was the first person to easter egg?...

asdfghjkl 2022-04-07

asdfghjkl crossword puzzle
  1. The bodies of these type of people who had died came to life when Jesus died.
  2. This day starts Holy Week.
  3. This is the name of the Caesar who ruled when Jesus died.
  4. Easter was named after this Anglo-Saxon goddess.
  5. Good Friday is only recognized as a holiday in this many states.
  6. This is the name of Jesus’s brother.
  7. 76% of Americans think that the first part of a chocolate bunny that should be eaten is the ears.
  1. Judas sold Jesus out for this many pieces of silver.
  2. The Easter bunny originated in this country.
  3. Americans spend $1.9 billion on this type of food during the Easter season.
  4. in 1953, it took this many hours to make one peep.
  5. Easter eggs are dyed to represent this part of the body of Jesus Christ.
  6. This gospel’s timeline of the supper and the crucifixion is at odds with the other gospels.
  7. In the old days, this food item was associated with Easter.

14 Clues: This day starts Holy Week.This is the name of Jesus’s brother.The Easter bunny originated in this country.Easter was named after this Anglo-Saxon goddess.in 1953, it took this many hours to make one peep.Judas sold Jesus out for this many pieces of silver.This is the name of the Caesar who ruled when Jesus died....

Easter Puzzle 2019-04-20

Easter Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The person we celebrate on Easter
  2. The season Easter is celebrated in
  3. The thing you collect your Easter eggs in
  4. A baby chicken
  5. The person who visited Jesus' tomb
  1. The thing we do to eggs during Easter
  2. The item the Easter bunny hides
  3. The animal that visits our house on Easter
  4. A flower that buds in spring

9 Clues: A baby chickenA flower that buds in springThe item the Easter bunny hidesThe person we celebrate on EasterThe season Easter is celebrated inThe person who visited Jesus' tombThe thing we do to eggs during EasterThe thing you collect your Easter eggs inThe animal that visits our house on Easter

Easter Stuff 2024-03-24

Easter Stuff crossword puzzle
  1. Holds biggest Easter parade each year
  2. Person who was set free from murder instead of Jesus
  3. Sunday before Easter
  4. Easter flower symbol
  5. Weekday when the Passover happened
  6. First color Easter eggs were dyed
  1. Most popular Easter Candy in the USA
  2. What people called Jesus when he entered Jerusalem in a donkey
  3. Common animal that symbolizes Easter
  4. How many pieces of silver did Judis get paid to betray Jesus?
  5. Most common jelly bean color

11 Clues: Sunday before EasterEaster flower symbolMost common jelly bean colorFirst color Easter eggs were dyedWeekday when the Passover happenedMost popular Easter Candy in the USACommon animal that symbolizes EasterHolds biggest Easter parade each yearPerson who was set free from murder instead of Jesus...

Spring 2023-04-05

Spring crossword puzzle
  1. The bunny comes on this day
  2. a baby rabbit
  3. April showers bring may _________
  4. April showers
  5. The month of rain
  6. The Easter bunny hides these
  1. These pollinate flowers
  2. The day of the earth
  3. The day of easter
  4. a caterpillars after its cacoon
  5. A baby chiken
  6. A warm time of year (not summer)

12 Clues: a baby rabbitA baby chikenApril showersThe day of easterThe month of rainThe day of the earthThese pollinate flowersThe bunny comes on this dayThe Easter bunny hides thesea caterpillars after its cacoonA warm time of year (not summer)April showers bring may _________

Spring 2023-04-05

Spring crossword puzzle
  1. The bunny comes on this day
  2. a baby rabbit
  3. April showers bring may _________
  4. April showers
  5. The month of rain
  6. The Easter bunny hides these
  1. These pollinate flowers
  2. The day of the earth
  3. The day of easter
  4. a caterpillars after its cacoon
  5. A baby chiken
  6. A warm time of year (not summer)

12 Clues: a baby rabbitA baby chikenApril showersThe day of easterThe month of rainThe day of the earthThese pollinate flowersThe bunny comes on this dayThe Easter bunny hides thesea caterpillars after its cacoonA warm time of year (not summer)April showers bring may _________

April 2022-03-31

April crossword puzzle
  1. caterpillars turn into this
  2. four leafed ______
  3. season of new growth
  4. occurs between Good Friday and Easter Monday
  5. april is a time when the flowers are budding
  1. marshmallow animals
  2. _____ fools
  3. commonly associated with eating carrots
  4. spring is a colorful season
  5. april _______, may flowers
  6. ____ pollinate flowers
  7. chocolate ____ are a popular treat around easter

12 Clues: _____ foolsfour leafed ______marshmallow animalsseason of new growth____ pollinate flowersapril _______, may flowerscaterpillars turn into thisspring is a colorful seasoncommonly associated with eating carrotsoccurs between Good Friday and Easter Mondayapril is a time when the flowers are buddingchocolate ____ are a popular treat around easter

EASTER QUIZ 2024-03-23

EASTER QUIZ crossword puzzle
  1. baby sheep
  2. are eaten by children and adults
  3. Friday before Easter is called
  4. time before Easter when feasting
  5. eaten by rabbits
  6. eggs are laid there
  1. yellow flowers in spring
  2. famous Swiss chocolate maker
  3. lays eggs
  4. can be white/brown or coloured
  5. the season when Easter takes place
  6. Christan symbol

12 Clues: lays eggsbaby sheepChristan symboleaten by rabbitseggs are laid thereyellow flowers in springfamous Swiss chocolate makercan be white/brown or colouredFriday before Easter is calledare eaten by children and adultstime before Easter when feastingthe season when Easter takes place

HAPPY EASTER 2022-04-15

HAPPY EASTER crossword puzzle
  1. an animal related to Easter
  2. the godfather/godmother buys it for children
  3. traditional Easter game
  4. a christian symbol
  5. when schools close
  1. they gather together during Easter holidays
  2. it has big ears
  3. we go there on Sunday
  4. chickens lay them
  5. a season related to Easter

10 Clues: it has big earschickens lay thema christian symbolwhen schools closewe go there on Sundaytraditional Easter gamea season related to Easteran animal related to Easterthey gather together during Easter holidaysthe godfather/godmother buys it for children

Easter Themed Crossword 2023-03-27

Easter Themed Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Easter month
  2. a searching activity
  3. Jesus died on the ________.
  4. people like to dye ______.
  5. Jesus got ______ in his hands and feet.
  6. Jesus died for our _______.
  1. On Easter many people got to ________.
  2. The Easter mascot
  3. Jesus was in a tomb for ______ days.
  4. The day of Easter

10 Clues: Easter monthThe Easter mascotThe day of Eastera searching activitypeople like to dye ______.Jesus died on the ________.Jesus died for our _______.Jesus was in a tomb for ______ days.On Easter many people got to ________.Jesus got ______ in his hands and feet.

Easter 2024-03-13

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. In which country do people celebrate Easter with the tradition of "Semana Santa," including elaborate processions and reenactments of biblical scenes?
  2. In which country do people decorate Easter eggs with intricate designs using wax and dye?
  3. Pasquale What is the name of the traditional Easter bread in Italy?
  4. Rolling What is the name of the traditional Easter game in England where players roll eggs down a hill?
  1. What is the name of the traditional Easter dish in Greece made with lamb and often served with tzatziki sauce?
  2. In which country do people traditionally fly kites on Easter Sunday?
  3. What is the name of the traditional Easter soup in Russia made with beets, cabbage, and meat?
  4. Kingdom In which country is it traditional to eat hot cross buns on Good Friday?
  5. In which country do people traditionally celebrate Easter with the lighting of bonfires on Holy Saturday?
  6. frita What is the name of the traditional Easter dessert in Spain made with milk, sugar, eggs, and cinnamon?

10 Clues: Pasquale What is the name of the traditional Easter bread in Italy?In which country do people traditionally fly kites on Easter Sunday?Kingdom In which country is it traditional to eat hot cross buns on Good Friday?In which country do people decorate Easter eggs with intricate designs using wax and dye?...

Easter 2022-04-16

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. What word is used to describe a baby rabbit?
  2. What month falls half a year after Easter?
  3. Who died at Easter?
  4. The 'Easter' who delivers Easter eggs?
  5. What name is given to the period of time in which people give something up from Ash Wednesday?
  1. What sweet food is enjoyed at Easter, toasted, with butter?
  2. What did Jesus create from water?
  3. What is my favourite brand of Easter egg?
  4. What are traditionally gifted and hidden on Easter Sunday?

9 Clues: Who died at Easter?What did Jesus create from water?The 'Easter' who delivers Easter eggs?What is my favourite brand of Easter egg?What month falls half a year after Easter?What word is used to describe a baby rabbit?What are traditionally gifted and hidden on Easter Sunday?What sweet food is enjoyed at Easter, toasted, with butter?...

Easter 2022-04-08

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. , a bunny
  2. , easter egg
  3. , little lam
  4. , a bell
  1. , chocolate
  2. , a easter plant
  3. , A ribon
  4. , a easter bucket
  5. , a nest
  6. , litle chick

10 Clues: , a nest, a bell, a bunny, A ribon, chocolate, little lam, easter egg, litle chick, a easter plant, a easter bucket

Happy Easter! 2022-04-13

Happy Easter! crossword puzzle
  1. The Easter _____ brings the eggs
  2. Season of Easter in Brazil
  3. Easter eggs are made of
  4. Easter day of the week
  1. Kids love to go on a Easter-egg ____
  2. Easter Bunny brings eggs on a ____
  3. Month of Easter
  4. Shape of Easter eggs

8 Clues: Month of EasterShape of Easter eggsEaster day of the weekEaster eggs are made ofSeason of Easter in BrazilThe Easter _____ brings the eggsEaster Bunny brings eggs on a ____Kids love to go on a Easter-egg ____

Easter 2021-04-03

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. The ___ of the temple was torn from top to bottom.
  2. This guilty man was set free instead of Jesus
  3. Garden where Jesus was betrayed
  4. They ___ ___ to decide who would get Jesus's robe
  5. He saved us from our ____.
  6. He cut off the ear of a servant who was helping to arrest Jesus
  7. He found Jesus not guilty, but still ordered his crucifixion
  1. skull hill where Jesus was crucified
  2. Betrayed Jesus
  3. This day you will be with me in ____.
  4. She found the stone rolled away
  5. "I am the ___ and the life."
  6. A ___ pierced Jesus's side
  7. The ___ day he arose from the dead.

14 Clues: Betrayed JesusHe saved us from our ____.A ___ pierced Jesus's side"I am the ___ and the life."Garden where Jesus was betrayedShe found the stone rolled awayThe ___ day he arose from the dead.skull hill where Jesus was crucifiedThis day you will be with me in ____.This guilty man was set free instead of Jesus...

Easter 2022-04-11

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. what Jesus did from the dead
  2. what Easter Bunny makes each year
  3. showers bring May flowers
  4. where do all the eggs go
  5. breakfast of dads
  6. church has this
  7. hops down trail
  8. opposite of down
  1. best flavor
  2. this was once in Tata's house
  3. my
  4. night night
  5. where dead people are buried
  6. he is the reason for the season

14 Clues: mybest flavornight nightchurch has thishops down trailopposite of downbreakfast of dadswhere do all the eggs goshowers bring May flowerswhat Jesus did from the deadwhere dead people are buriedthis was once in Tata's househe is the reason for the seasonwhat Easter Bunny makes each year

EASTER 2022-04-09

EASTER crossword puzzle


Easter 2022-04-07

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. - He is the son of God
  2. - it’s a day or certain period of time that people don’t go work or school for a certain reason like a religious reason
  3. - when it’s the time of Easter and you go on a hunt to find eggs
  4. - it’s a snack that’s related to Easter and it’s a chocolate
  5. - it’s a way to make something or a place look better
  6. - it’s when you go find a item
  1. - it’s a snack that people love but it can be unhealthy for us
  2. - it is like a rabbit and is a part of a holiday
  3. - when you go on a hunt you have to try and get the item you want
  4. it is the 4th month in the year
  5. - it’s a time where people get together because of a special time in the year
  6. - it’s a way to talk to God and speak with him
  7. - its a food that people eat normally for breakfast and the Easter bunny gives it away
  8. - it’s the thing where Jesus got crucified on

14 Clues: - He is the son of God- it’s when you go find a itemit is the 4th month in the year- it’s the thing where Jesus got crucified on- it’s a way to talk to God and speak with him- it is like a rabbit and is a part of a holiday- it’s a way to make something or a place look better- it’s a snack that’s related to Easter and it’s a chocolate...

easter 2023-04-07

easter crossword puzzle
  1. decorate
  2. chocolate
  3. basket
  4. tulip
  5. peeps
  6. egghunt
  7. sunshine
  8. painting
  1. chicks
  2. bunny
  3. spring
  4. tradition
  5. bonnet
  6. egg

14 Clues: eggbunnytulippeepschicksspringbasketbonnetegghuntdecoratesunshinepaintingchocolatetradition

Easter 2023-03-24

Easter crossword puzzle
  1. krzyż
  2. anioł
  3. kara
  4. blizny
  5. żywy
  6. aresztować
  7. głaz
  8. umrzeć
  1. cuda
  2. modlić się
  3. proces
  4. Żydzi
  5. uratować
  6. grobowiec

14 Clues: cudakarażywygłazkrzyżaniołŻydziprocesbliznyumrzećuratowaćgrobowiecmodlić sięaresztować

The Joys of Spring 2022-05-06

The Joys of Spring crossword puzzle
  1. Name a spring flower that grows in the woods.
  2. True or false? An easter egg was once sold for nine million Euros.
  3. Which animal is the mascot of Spring?
  4. Egg dyes are made with onion peels. True or false?
  5. What is the most purchased Easter candy?
  6. What is the first day of Spring called?
  7. Animal that represents Easter. Hint: Four legs, long ears, and hops.
  8. Vernal means?
  1. What is spring fever associated with?
  2. In which month does Spring begin?
  3. An animal that hibernates then awakens in Spring.
  4. Which country holds the record for making the largest Easter Chocolate egg in the world.
  5. Tornadoes mostly occur during the season? True or false
  6. Name a yellow spring flower.
  7. Name a blue flower that is protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
  8. Babies grow faster during which season?
  9. In which country are the blooming of cherry blossoms a sign of spring?
  10. What word means "equal nights?"

18 Clues: Vernal means?Name a yellow spring flower.What word means "equal nights?"In which month does Spring begin?What is spring fever associated with?Which animal is the mascot of Spring?Babies grow faster during which season?What is the first day of Spring called?What is the most purchased Easter candy?Name a spring flower that grows in the woods....

Lent Crossword 2020-02-26

Lent Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Sunday one week before Easter.
  2. A day that we celebrate Jesus' Resurrection.
  3. What is the Thursday called when Jesus gave the disciples 2 commandments?(last supper)
  4. To abstain from some food or drinks.
  5. Liturgical season of 40 days that starts on Ash Wednesday.
  6. Restraining oneself from indulging in something.
  7. First week before Easter also called passion week.
  1. Day before Easter.
  2. Day that marks the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
  3. Celebration throughout the year of the mysteries of the Lords birth and life.
  4. First day in the Lenten season.
  5. Money or food given to the poor.
  6. When a person takes voluntary action to seek forgiveness.
  7. Type of food we are not allowed to have on Fridays.

14 Clues: Day before Easter.Sunday one week before Easter.First day in the Lenten season.Money or food given to the poor.To abstain from some food or drinks.A day that we celebrate Jesus' Resurrection.Restraining oneself from indulging in something.First week before Easter also called passion week.Type of food we are not allowed to have on Fridays....

Super Spring Crossword 2022-04-11

Super Spring Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This warm and rainy season begins in March
  2. These marshmallow snacks are a popular easter treat
  3. besides Halloween, Easter is the bestselling holiday for ______
  4. Expect a lot of this kind of weather in Spring
  5. These are colored brightly and hidden,usually with prizes inside
  6. This citrus drink is ideal for a warm Spring day
  7. Many plants will be in _____ during spring
  8. _____ showers bring May flowers
  1. This small mammal is the mascot of Easter
  2. A powdery substance released by plants, frequent cause of allergies
  3. Experienced by many during spring, symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, and itching
  4. A break from school awaited by students across the world (no spaces)
  5. Spring holiday
  6. A category of plant known for beauty and fragrance

14 Clues: Spring holiday_____ showers bring May flowersThis small mammal is the mascot of EasterThis warm and rainy season begins in MarchMany plants will be in _____ during springExpect a lot of this kind of weather in SpringThis citrus drink is ideal for a warm Spring dayA category of plant known for beauty and fragrance...

Nevim 2021-04-06

Nevim crossword puzzle
  1. "child" of duck
  2. sweet often small food
  3. we dont have it in CR but people in UK bake it on Easter
  4. brown sweet food often in shape of bunny
  5. its a thing tat grows from the ground and its often green
  1. small animal with long ears
  2. almost all birds lay eggs in it
  3. kids put eggs in it
  4. "child" of chicken
  5. after googling some easter words I dont know if this fits here but here I go: book by Jesus
  6. guys beat girls with it as a easter tradicion
  7. its often painted on on easter
  8. bunnies eat it alot

13 Clues: "child" of duck"child" of chickenkids put eggs in itbunnies eat it alotsweet often small foodsmall animal with long earsits often painted on on easteralmost all birds lay eggs in itbrown sweet food often in shape of bunnyguys beat girls with it as a easter tradicionwe dont have it in CR but people in UK bake it on Easter...

Nevim 2021-04-06

Nevim crossword puzzle
  1. "child" of duck
  2. kids put eggs in it
  3. we dont have it in CR but people in UK bake it on Easter
  4. brown sweet food often in shape of bunny
  5. almost all birds lay eggs in it
  1. guys beat girls with it as a easter tradicion
  2. bunnies eat it alot
  3. its a thing tat grows from the ground and its often green
  4. after googling some easter words I dont know if this fits here but here I go: book by Jesus
  5. small animal with long ears
  6. "child" of chicken
  7. sweet often small food
  8. its often painted on on easter

13 Clues: "child" of duck"child" of chickenbunnies eat it alotkids put eggs in itsweet often small foodsmall animal with long earsits often painted on on easteralmost all birds lay eggs in itbrown sweet food often in shape of bunnyguys beat girls with it as a easter tradicionwe dont have it in CR but people in UK bake it on Easter...

Spring is Here 2023-03-24

Spring is Here crossword puzzle
  1. Colorful arc in the sky
  2. What birds hatch from
  3. To exit an egg
  4. Day of the week Easter is celebrated
  5. Oftentimes found in your Easter basket
  1. A spring holiday
  2. It comes after winter
  3. An adult caterpillar
  4. Animal that delivers Easter treats
  5. Comes out of an egg

10 Clues: To exit an eggA spring holidayComes out of an eggAn adult caterpillarIt comes after winterWhat birds hatch fromColorful arc in the skyAnimal that delivers Easter treatsDay of the week Easter is celebratedOftentimes found in your Easter basket