easter Crossword Puzzles
easter 2024-02-09
Easter 2023-04-06
- Jesus wore a crown of _____.
- Jesus' last meal with his disciples
- Jesus was meant to die on this
- To live forever in ______ with Christ
- This sacrament symbolizes Jesus' body and blood
- "Do not be afraid. Jesus isn't here; He has ____!"
- Jesus rode on a ______ during palm sunday
- Jesus prayed in the garden of __________
- God's great gift to us
- Jesus rising from the dead
- The disciple who betrayed Jesus
- What was the name of the city Jesus entered
- Roman soldiers placed a ______ in front of Jesus' tomb
- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- The word people shouted as Jesus entered the city
15 Clues: God's great gift to us • Jesus rising from the dead • Jesus wore a crown of _____. • Father, Son, and Holy Spirit • Jesus was meant to die on this • The disciple who betrayed Jesus • Jesus' last meal with his disciples • To live forever in ______ with Christ • Jesus prayed in the garden of __________ • Jesus rode on a ______ during palm sunday • ...
Easter 2023-04-07
- The Old Testament prophet that people thought Jesus was calling out to.
- The disciple who said he wouldn't believe Jesus was alive unless he saw with his own eyes.
- The disciple who betrayed Jesus
- The Pharisee who helped put Jesus' body in the tomb
- The Roman governor
- The woman who thought Jesus was the gardener at the empty tomb
- The rank of the roman soldier who said 'This man was the Son of God'
- The criminal who was set free instead of Jesus
- The disciple who tried to defend Jesus in the garden
- The disciple whom Jesus asked to look after his mother
- The High Priest who tore his clothes
- The king who questioned Jesus
- The man who had Jesus put into his own tomb
- The disciple who ran faster than Peter to see the empty tomb.
- The man who was forced to carry Jesus' cross
- The servant whose ear was cut off by Peter
16 Clues: The Roman governor • The king who questioned Jesus • The disciple who betrayed Jesus • The High Priest who tore his clothes • The servant whose ear was cut off by Peter • The man who had Jesus put into his own tomb • The man who was forced to carry Jesus' cross • The criminal who was set free instead of Jesus • The Pharisee who helped put Jesus' body in the tomb • ...
Easter 2024-03-27
15 Clues: bazie • jajka • wiosna • koszyk • żonkile • kościół • tulipany • króliczek • niedziela • Wielkanoc • czekolada • kurczaczek • baranek, jagnię • poszukiwanie jajek • słodkie bułeczki wielkanocne
Easter 2024-03-26
Happy Easter! 2022-04-05
- The meaning of something with many colors! Like the holiday of Easter.
- My favorite part of the holiday is the __________ hunt!
- When I wake up in the morning, I look for my Easter ___________ filled with candy and treats.
- This is the season that Easter is in.
- I love eating all of the _________ I find in my Easter eggs.
- Spring and Easter are both associated with the blooming of so many colorful ______________.
- We must look for the hidden Easter eggs! That's why it's called an Easter egg __________.
- Everybody knows the famous Easter ______________!
- This is the month that Easter is in.
9 Clues: This is the month that Easter is in. • This is the season that Easter is in. • Everybody knows the famous Easter ______________! • My favorite part of the holiday is the __________ hunt! • I love eating all of the _________ I find in my Easter eggs. • The meaning of something with many colors! Like the holiday of Easter. • ...
Lenten Vocab 2022-03-03
- the Friday before Easter
- what we burn to make ashes out of
- to excuse something
- marks the end of lent
- first part of the Bible
- third month of the year
- powdery substance
- a holiday in which we put ashes on our face
- to not be mad at someone when they do something wrong
- the month in which Valentine’s Day is located in
- followers of Jesus
- the holiday in which we burn ashes from
- a request or wish to God
- the 40 days before Easter
- good news
- what we put on our head on Ash Wednesday
16 Clues: good news • powdery substance • followers of Jesus • to excuse something • marks the end of lent • first part of the Bible • third month of the year • the Friday before Easter • a request or wish to God • the 40 days before Easter • what we burn to make ashes out of • the holiday in which we burn ashes from • what we put on our head on Ash Wednesday • ...
Easter Crossword 2022-02-26
10 Clues: Easter hat • Holds eggs • Baby rabbit • Baby chicken • Where Jesus died • A popular Easter sweet • The season Easter is in • You may do this to the eggs • What we eat and go hunting for • A holiday where you go egg hunting
Liturgical Seasons, Lent and Easter 2015-04-07
- A colour to represent preparation
- The time of no particular season
- The Friday before Easter
- The first day of Lent
- The coming of the boy child
- Holy Week Thursday - Saturday
- Palms from last year are burnt
- Going without (usually food)
- Literally means the beginning - the start of the year
- To not eat meat means to ___________
- Something we should do more of during Lent and Advent
- Tuesday the day before Lent
- Preparation for the biggest celebration
- The end of the Easter Season
- The number of days Catholics are encouraged to Fast and Abstain
- The colour to represent a Sunday in outside of the main seasons
- Jesus began his ministry here and was tempted
- Lent is a time for giving money to the poor
- The Church has it's own __________ at different times of the year
- The end of the Liturgical year is Christ the _______
- The colour of Christmas
- Washing the feet of the poor
- The Sunday to begin Holy Week
- The number of days Jesus spent in the desert
- The Church's biggest celebration
- The colour of Good Friday, Pentecost and Martyrs
- The week leading up to Easter
27 Clues: The first day of Lent • The colour of Christmas • The Friday before Easter • The coming of the boy child • Tuesday the day before Lent • The end of the Easter Season • Washing the feet of the poor • Going without (usually food) • Holy Week Thursday - Saturday • The Sunday to begin Holy Week • The week leading up to Easter • Palms from last year are burnt • ...
Easter Crossword 2015-03-23
- You can serve the buns with ...
- 90 million are sold in the UK each year.
- Maybe it brings the Easter eggs.
- This is an important Easter symbol.
- The festival which celebrates the rebirth of Jesus.
- A typical cake at Easter.
- Two days before Easter Sunday.
- Cards are send to friends and ...
- People paint and ... the eggs.
- The egg is a symbol for:
10 Clues: The egg is a symbol for: • A typical cake at Easter. • Two days before Easter Sunday. • People paint and ... the eggs. • You can serve the buns with ... • Maybe it brings the Easter eggs. • Cards are send to friends and ... • This is an important Easter symbol. • 90 million are sold in the UK each year. • The festival which celebrates the rebirth of Jesus.
Easter Food Crossword 2021-03-29
- What is eaten on Good Friday?
- What is the name of the traditional Easter cake?
- What bun is eaten at Easter?
- What animal is the Lindt Easter chocolate?
- What small Easter chocolate has a hard shell?
- What chocolate egg has a small toy inside?
- What meat is traditionally eaten on Easter Sunday?
- What is used to carry eggs on an Easter egg hunt?
- What chocolate is often given at Easter?
9 Clues: What bun is eaten at Easter? • What is eaten on Good Friday? • What chocolate is often given at Easter? • What chocolate egg has a small toy inside? • What animal is the Lindt Easter chocolate? • What small Easter chocolate has a hard shell? • What is the name of the traditional Easter cake? • What is used to carry eggs on an Easter egg hunt? • ...
easter things! 2013-03-31
9 Clues: YUM,YUM,YUM! • MALTEASER-tastic! • easter egg _ _ _ _ • where Jesus was buried • Jack's easter egg brand • delivers the easter eggs • the day easter is always on • The best at making chocolate • Tom and Eve's easter egg brand
Easter 2021-03-31
- co zrobil Jezus w święta Wielkanocne?
- symbol ukrzyżowania
- tradycyjny posiłek przy stole wielkanocnym
- ciasto prezentujące apostołów
- kto przynosi prezenty w Wielkanoc?
- parada prezentująca stroje i kapelusze
- słodkie ozdobione jajka
- nazwa święta
- komu poświęcona jest Wielkanoc?
- w jaką pore roku świętuje się Wielkanoc?
- w czym idzie się święcic potrawy?
- zabawa dla dzieci podczas świąt
- w jaki dzień tygodnia obchodzimy Wielkanoc?
- pisanki czyli?
- reprezentuje ciało Chrystusa
15 Clues: nazwa święta • pisanki czyli? • symbol ukrzyżowania • słodkie ozdobione jajka • reprezentuje ciało Chrystusa • ciasto prezentujące apostołów • komu poświęcona jest Wielkanoc? • zabawa dla dzieci podczas świąt • w czym idzie się święcic potrawy? • kto przynosi prezenty w Wielkanoc? • co zrobil Jezus w święta Wielkanocne? • parada prezentująca stroje i kapelusze • ...
Easter 2021-03-28
15 Clues: Rise • body • Crown • blood • Nails • rabbit • hatches • betrayer • wave them • messenger • followers • 30 pieces • son of god • number of disciples • chocolate at easter
Easter 2015-04-04
- After _____ days Jesus resurrected from the dead.
- Jesus was sentenced to death by this person.
- Jesus was given a crown of ______.
- Jesus was laid in a ____ after he died.
- Jesus was the son of ___.
- This person suffered and died for our sins.
- Jesus was native to this land.
- Jesus broke this type of bread at Passover.
- This woman was the mother of Jesus.
- Jesus died on a _____.
- Jesus was in the desert for _____ days.
- Jesus was crucified at this place.
- This person betrayed Jesus.
- Jesus had this many apostles.
- This person denied Jesus three times.
15 Clues: Jesus died on a _____. • Jesus was the son of ___. • This person betrayed Jesus. • Jesus had this many apostles. • Jesus was native to this land. • Jesus was crucified at this place. • Jesus was given a crown of ______. • This woman was the mother of Jesus. • This person denied Jesus three times. • Jesus was in the desert for _____ days. • ...
Easter 2016-03-15
- it's what a rabbit eats
- somthing that fly's
- an eating moment in the morning
- it's a color
- somthing you play
- you don't have school, like vacation
- someting that you can eat in the morning
- it's a small animal that's live in a farm
- you need a brush with paint
- it's in rapping-paper
- it's like a bunny but bigger
- it's a white animal who live on a farm
- it comes when it's spring
- is's an animal with big ears
- it's a season in the year
15 Clues: it's a color • somthing you play • somthing that fly's • it's in rapping-paper • it's what a rabbit eats • it comes when it's spring • it's a season in the year • you need a brush with paint • it's like a bunny but bigger • is's an animal with big ears • an eating moment in the morning • you don't have school, like vacation • it's a white animal who live on a farm • ...
Easter 2022-04-07
- when you make a place look more appealing
- when someone sends another person to death by them hanging on a cross
- this is when you die on a cross like Jesus did
- son of God
- a furry mammal
- when you are brought back from the dead
- the creator of the universe
- a baby chicken
- when Jesus rose from the dead
- a magic phenomenon that Jesus used in the bible
- sweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animal
- when you talk to God
- a group of flowers
- an orange vegetable
- what Jesus died on
15 Clues: son of God • a baby chicken • a furry mammal • a group of flowers • what Jesus died on • an orange vegetable • when you talk to God • the creator of the universe • when Jesus rose from the dead • when you are brought back from the dead • when you make a place look more appealing • sweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animal • this is when you die on a cross like Jesus did • ...
Easter 2022-04-07
- an orange vegetable
- when you make a place look more appealing
- a baby chicken
- son of God
- a furry mammal
- when someone sends another person to death by them hanging on a cross
- when Jesus rose from the dead
- a group of flowers
- this is when you die on a cross like Jesus did
- the creator of the universe
- when you talk to God
- sweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animal
- when you are brought back from the dead
- a magic phenomenon that Jesus used in the bible
- what Jesus died on
15 Clues: son of God • a baby chicken • a furry mammal • what Jesus died on • a group of flowers • an orange vegetable • when you talk to God • the creator of the universe • when Jesus rose from the dead • when you are brought back from the dead • when you make a place look more appealing • this is when you die on a cross like Jesus did • sweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animal • ...
Easter 2022-04-07
- when people put their hands together and call to God
- what it was called when Jesus was put on the cross
- where children put their eggs
- where people come together and commemorate something
- The creator of everything
- the time when the bunny comes out
- the thing that hides the eggs
- the fourth month of the year
- What was it called when Jesus died for us
- the time when Jesus died
- Jesus… from the dead
- where people march down the streets
- the person that saved us
- what the Easter bunny hides
- a child chicken
15 Clues: a child chicken • Jesus… from the dead • the time when Jesus died • the person that saved us • The creator of everything • what the Easter bunny hides • the fourth month of the year • where children put their eggs • the thing that hides the eggs • the time when the bunny comes out • where people march down the streets • What was it called when Jesus died for us • ...
Easter 2022-04-12
- Who told them Jesus is risen.
- Jesus had 12 of these.
- This is the day that Jesus died.
- These are the things that they waved.
- It is the thing that was put on the door.
- This is what they put on Jesus' head.
- What was used to put Jesus on the cross.
- What Jesus did three days after dying.
- Who betrayed Jesus.
- One week before Easter.
- What we eat and drink.
- The day Jesus rose from the dead.
- He died for us.
- where Jesus was put when he died.
- The way Jesus died.
15 Clues: He died for us. • Who betrayed Jesus. • The way Jesus died. • Jesus had 12 of these. • What we eat and drink. • One week before Easter. • Who told them Jesus is risen. • This is the day that Jesus died. • The day Jesus rose from the dead. • where Jesus was put when he died. • These are the things that they waved. • This is what they put on Jesus' head. • ...
easter 2024-05-02
15 Clues: cake • bunny • chick • spring • basket • garden • church • bonnets • cupcake • Easter.eggs • egg.hunting • egg.painting • roasted.lamb • chocolate.egg • hot.cross.buns
Easter 2024-03-19
- a baby chicken
- a treat enjoyed all year round and particularly during Easter
- a hat worn at Easter time
- an activity enjoyed at Easter time involving eggs
- used to carry objects, including eggs
- a flower associated with rebirth
- lolly, an alternative treat to chocolate during rationing
- cross bun, a spiced bun
- a food associated with Easter
- a term for an animal associated with Easter
10 Clues: a baby chicken • cross bun, a spiced bun • a hat worn at Easter time • a food associated with Easter • a flower associated with rebirth • used to carry objects, including eggs • a term for an animal associated with Easter • an activity enjoyed at Easter time involving eggs • lolly, an alternative treat to chocolate during rationing • ...
Easter Food Crossword 2021-03-29
- What is eaten on Good Friday?
- What is the name of the traditional Easter cake?
- What bun is eaten at Easter?
- What animal is the Lindt Easter chocolate?
- What small Easter chocolate has a hard shell?
- What chocolate egg has a small toy inside?
- What meat is traditionally eaten on Easter Sunday?
- What is used to carry eggs on an Easter egg hunt?
- What chocolate is often given at Easter?
9 Clues: What bun is eaten at Easter? • What is eaten on Good Friday? • What chocolate is often given at Easter? • What chocolate egg has a small toy inside? • What animal is the Lindt Easter chocolate? • What small Easter chocolate has a hard shell? • What is the name of the traditional Easter cake? • What is used to carry eggs on an Easter egg hunt? • ...
Crossword Delight 2024-03-22
- Symbol associated with Easter and known for delivering treats(5 letters)
- Traditional art created using colored powders(7 letters)
- Traditional drum played during Holi celebrations(4 letters)
- Meal enjoyed to break the fast at sunset(5 letters)
- What Holi is known for!(6 letters)
- A traditional Indian drink often consumed during Holi(7 letters)
- The period of fasting and penance leading up to Easter(4 letters)
- Often decorated and hidden as part of Easter celebrations(4 letters)
- Pre-dawn meal before fasting begins for the day(6 letters)
- Common treat associated with Easter, often shaped like eggs or bunnies(9 letters)
- A sweet pastry often enjoyed during holi(6 letters)
- Observance during daylight hours in this holy month(7 letters)
- The day of the week Easter is typically celebrated(6 letters)
13 Clues: What Holi is known for!(6 letters) • A sweet pastry often enjoyed during holi(6 letters) • Meal enjoyed to break the fast at sunset(5 letters) • Traditional art created using colored powders(7 letters) • Pre-dawn meal before fasting begins for the day(6 letters) • Traditional drum played during Holi celebrations(4 letters) • ...
Easter Crossword 2023-04-03
- Easter Island is found in this South American country.
- Hot cross buns are traditionally eaten on this day.
- It is the day before Ash Wednesday on the Christian calendar. It is also known in the UK as Shrove Tuesday.
- What Easter bunnies symbolise
- Here, people volunteer to be nailed (literally) to crosses to re-enact the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, drawing a large crowd of worshiper.
- Two-word name given to the Spanish ‘holy week’, which takes place during the last week of Lent
- The Sunday before Easter Sunday
- This is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar.
- Men ritually whip women with a decorated willow branch on Easter Monday in this country. The thin branches are supposed to bring youth, strength and health.
- One might see young girls, dressed up as witches, trick-or-treating on Maundy Thursday in this country.
- Where a German family might hang its Easter eggs
- It is traditional to craft, and then consume, a lamb made of butter on Easter Sunday in this country.
12 Clues: What Easter bunnies symbolise • The Sunday before Easter Sunday • Where a German family might hang its Easter eggs • Hot cross buns are traditionally eaten on this day. • Easter Island is found in this South American country. • This is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar. • ...
Easter 2022-04-07
- = Jesus … from the cross
- = something people say on Easter
- = baby chicken
- = Gods son
- = Jesus’s father
- = our school is called …. Cross College
- = march in a ….
- = symbol that is on our church
- = Christmas, New Years and Easter is a …..
- = you think about Jesus’s life and fast for 40days
- = different religions have different ….. like some people can’t eat meat or have to read the bible before opening presents
- = Egg covered in chocolate
- = you get ash on your head when it’s ….
- = another word for bunny
- = a veg that bunnies eat
15 Clues: = Gods son • = baby chicken • = Jesus’s father • = march in a …. • = Egg covered in chocolate • = Jesus … from the cross • = another word for bunny • = a veg that bunnies eat • = something people say on Easter • = symbol that is on our church • = you get ash on your head when it’s …. • = Christmas, New Years and Easter is a ….. • ...
EASTER 2022-04-07
- Objects in something to make carrying easy
- The second stage of a chicken
- The Symbol of Catholism
- Someone who was nailed to the cross
- A way we can send letters to God
- Something Kids Love Eating
- To Find something
- The month Jesus was risen
- a animal that hides the chocolate eggs
- The reason there is Easter
- the day lent starts
- The created of Earth
- A sacret place to talk to God and Jesus
- a veggie that can make your eye sight better
- the longest fast in the Catholic calendar
15 Clues: To Find something • the day lent starts • The created of Earth • The Symbol of Catholism • The month Jesus was risen • The reason there is Easter • Something Kids Love Eating • The second stage of a chicken • A way we can send letters to God • Someone who was nailed to the cross • a animal that hides the chocolate eggs • A sacret place to talk to God and Jesus • ...
Easter 2022-04-07
- a group of flowers
- when you talk to God
- when you make a place look more appealing
- when you are brought back from the dead
- a furry mammal
- when someone sends another person to death by them hanging on a cross
- the creator of the universe
- sweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animal
- when Jesus rose from the dead
- a magic phenomenon that Jesus used in the bible
- son of God
- an orange vegetable
- what Jesus died on
- a baby chicken
- this is when you die on a cross like Jesus did
15 Clues: son of God • a baby chicken • a furry mammal • a group of flowers • what Jesus died on • an orange vegetable • when you talk to God • the creator of the universe • when Jesus rose from the dead • when you are brought back from the dead • when you make a place look more appealing • sweet delicious chocolate on a shape an animal • this is when you die on a cross like Jesus did • ...
EASTER 2022-04-08
easter 2022-04-09
EASTER 2022-03-24
- a young chicken
- egg is an egg-shaped candy or chocolate, used at Easter as a gift or decoration.
- to adorn with something ornamental
- any scaly-bulbed plant of the genus Lilium
- a young sheep.
- is any of a variety of confections made with sugar, syrup, etc., often combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts, etc.
- the season between winter and summer
- a female chicken
- a shaped or molded mass
- plant of the genus Narcissus.
- to chase or search for the purpose of catching or killing.
- a young duck.
- a preparation of the seeds of the cacao
- a container made of thin strips of wood, or other flexible material.
- a rabbit, especially a small or young one.
15 Clues: a young duck. • a young sheep. • a female chicken • a young chicken • a shaped or molded mass • plant of the genus Narcissus. • to adorn with something ornamental • the season between winter and summer • a preparation of the seeds of the cacao • any scaly-bulbed plant of the genus Lilium • a rabbit, especially a small or young one. • ...
easter 2021-04-21
Easter 2020-04-09
- a bird that has not yet reached adulthood.
- enjoyment, or amusement
- group of people related either by consanguinity (by recognized birth) or affinity (by marriage or other relationship)
- laid by female animals of many different species
- an attribute of visual perception in which a source appears to be radiating or reflecting light.[
- a preparation of roasted and ground cacao seeds
- a seat, often found at playgrounds for children
- a brief mental and physiological state, a startle response experienced by animals and humans as the result of an unexpected event.
- typically a watertight, vertical cylinder or truncated cone or square, with an open top and a flat bottom
- the characteristic of visual perception described through
- colors belong to a pale family of colors, which, when described in the HSV color space, have high value and low saturation.
- relationship of mutual affection between people.
- a rabbit, especially a small or young one.
- formed primarily by flexing the muscles at the sides of the mouth
- one of the four temperate seasons, succeeding winter and preceding summer.
15 Clues: enjoyment, or amusement • a bird that has not yet reached adulthood. • a rabbit, especially a small or young one. • a preparation of roasted and ground cacao seeds • a seat, often found at playgrounds for children • laid by female animals of many different species • relationship of mutual affection between people. • ...
EASTER 2023-04-13
- 11.when someone dies
- 12. killing someone
- 2. who served in war
- 4. flying a plane
- 14.the promise of the Jewish nation
- 10. how god died
- 5. gods people
- 7.us
- 9.what your parent dose when u naughty
- 6. someone we all love
- 1. our lord and savoir
- 13.big tall rocks
- 3. something that happens very rarely
- 15.where did Jesus die
- 8. eating a big dinner
15 Clues: 7.us • 5. gods people • 10. how god died • 13.big tall rocks • 4. flying a plane • 12. killing someone • 11.when someone dies • 2. who served in war • 6. someone we all love • 1. our lord and savoir • 15.where did Jesus die • 8. eating a big dinner • 14.the promise of the Jewish nation • 3. something that happens very rarely • 9.what your parent dose when u naughty
Easter 2024-02-22
- What the earth did as Jesus died
- Made of wood, what Jesus died on
- The mother of Jesus
- Jesus' friends
- The one who it is all about
- One who found the empty tomb (4,9)
- The city where the Easter events took place
- The day Jesus died (4,6)
- Item in the Temple which tore in two
- This special time of year
- Jesus' final meal before his death (4,6)
- The governor who talked to Jesus
- Known as 'the place of the skull'
- What Jesus washed at his final meal
- The one who said "He is not here, he is risen"
15 Clues: Jesus' friends • The mother of Jesus • The day Jesus died (4,6) • This special time of year • The one who it is all about • What the earth did as Jesus died • Made of wood, what Jesus died on • The governor who talked to Jesus • Known as 'the place of the skull' • One who found the empty tomb (4,9) • What Jesus washed at his final meal • Item in the Temple which tore in two • ...
EASTER 2024-04-05
- add an ‘s’ to word 8
- After a long day of work, you…
- At lunch we…
- a period of time beginning
- rhymes with cat
- praying mantis have 1…
- Looking at something for a very very very long time.
- opposite of west
- a quantity, amount, or degree of something measured per unit of something else
- ripping apart
- cars have … on which you sit.
- The sun is a …
- add an ‘s’ to word 12
- present tense second-person singular and present tense plural of be
- used in making roads, cigarettes, and conserving wood.
15 Clues: At lunch we… • ripping apart • The sun is a … • rhymes with cat • opposite of west • add an ‘s’ to word 8 • add an ‘s’ to word 12 • praying mantis have 1… • a period of time beginning • cars have … on which you sit. • After a long day of work, you… • Looking at something for a very very very long time. • used in making roads, cigarettes, and conserving wood. • ...
Easter 2024-03-27
15 Clues: bazie • jajka • wiosna • koszyk • żonkile • kościół • tulipany • króliczek • niedziela • Wielkanoc • czekolada • kurczaczek • baranek, jagnię • poszukiwanie jajek • słodkie bułeczki wielkanocne
Easter 2024-03-28
Clays Quilt 2024-09-15
- Main character
- Quilt maker
- Raised Clay
- Alma´s ex-husband
- Clay´s cousin
- Alma´s dad
- Anneth´s friend
- Cake´s mother
- Lolie´s husband
- Dreama´s father
- Author
- Clay´s mother
- Dreama´s baby
- Easter´s husband
- Alma´s sister
- Clay´s real dad
- Plays the fiddle
- Married and divorced Dreama
- Anneth's third husband who killed Anneth
- Waitress at the Hilltop
- Clay´s friend
21 Clues: Author • Alma´s dad • Quilt maker • Raised Clay • Clay´s mother • Dreama´s baby • Alma´s sister • Clay´s cousin • Cake´s mother • Clay´s friend • Main character • Clay´s real dad • Anneth´s friend • Lolie´s husband • Dreama´s father • Easter´s husband • Plays the fiddle • Alma´s ex-husband • Waitress at the Hilltop • Married and divorced Dreama • Anneth's third husband who killed Anneth
Easter 2020-04-09
9 Clues: Peter ... • baby chicken • We find ... eggs • What are we celebrating? • what comes after easter? • traditional easter flower • On easter we eat ... with salt • easter celebrates the resurrection of ... • when you find eggs you put them in your ...
easter 2022-04-12
8 Clues: easter plant • the day in question • the day before easter • a common easter snack food • activity to find easter eggs • animal that represents easter • easter is a ______ holiday in NSW • the easter egg is a symbol of _______
Easter/Pascua 2024-03-28
13 Clues: eggs • chick • a lamb • spring • basket • flowers • the cross • Holy week • Good friday • Rabbit/Bunny • Easter bunny • Easter Sunday • processions; often times religous
HANK #3 Because you are a lovely boy! 2020-04-09
- How old is Granny?
- Who brings Easter eggs?
- One of your middle names
- Game where you jump off buffaloes and elephants
- What is hot and cross at Easter?
- What we watch at night (and day too)
- What Otis likes to put on his hands
- Colour of your cat (mostly)
- Where does milk come from?
- Yellow citrus fruit
- Tiny tiny insect that sometimes lives in cat fur, and bites
- Dad's brother
- Reuben's favourite video game
- How old is Aunty Lydia
- Where Rob works
- Green animal that hops
- Where does Grand dad Murray live?
- Where do lamb chops come from?
- colour of diamond in Mum's ring
- Make of Granny's car
- What are Easter eggs made of?
- Mum's sister who lives with Rob
- Where mum works (I think)
23 Clues: Dad's brother • Where Rob works • How old is Granny? • Yellow citrus fruit • Make of Granny's car • How old is Aunty Lydia • Green animal that hops • Who brings Easter eggs? • One of your middle names • Where mum works (I think) • Where does milk come from? • Colour of your cat (mostly) • What are Easter eggs made of? • Reuben's favourite video game • Where do lamb chops come from? • ...
Lent 2022-04-08
- The day of the last supper
- Cutting back on eating
- The week before Easter
- Donating time or money
- First day of lent
- The day after Good Friday
- The time to prepare for Jesus' death and resurrection
- What jesus did for us
- The day Jesus resurrected
- The day Jesus died
- The Sunday before easter
- Talking to god
- the color of lent
13 Clues: Talking to god • the color of lent • First day of lent • The day Jesus died • What jesus did for us • Cutting back on eating • The week before Easter • Donating time or money • The Sunday before easter • The day Jesus resurrected • The day after Good Friday • The day of the last supper • The time to prepare for Jesus' death and resurrection
Easter Crossword 2024-03-26
- The concept of being born again spiritually or experiencing a renewed sense of purpose or vitality, often associated with Easter and the resurrection of Jesus.
- A symbol of new life and fertility, decorated and exchanged during Easter as a tradition representing the resurrection of Jesus.
- A symbol of Easter, often depicted as a friendly rabbit associated with the tradition of delivering colourful eggs to children on Easter Sunday.
- A joyful exclamation or expression of praise, commonly used in Christian liturgy and hymns, particularly during Easter, to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
- The deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be achieved through faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrificial death and resurrection.
- A religious symbol representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice, widely used in Christianity as a sign of faith and redemption.
- The act of pardoning or absolving someone of wrongdoing, a central theme of Easter, reflecting the Christian belief in God's mercy and grace through Jesus Christ.
- The season following winter, associated with new life, growth, and renewal, often coinciding with the celebration of Easter.
- The joyous observance or commemoration of an event, such as Easter, marked by gatherings, feasting, and religious rituals.
- The process of starting anew, rejuvenation, or revitalization, often symbolized during Easter by the themes of rebirth and resurrection.
- The central figure of Christianity, believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity, whose teachings and life serve as the foundation of Christian faith.
- The period of 40 days leading up to Easter, observed by many Christians through fasting, repentance, and spiritual reflection, symbolizing Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness.
12 Clues: The joyous observance or commemoration of an event, such as Easter, marked by gatherings, feasting, and religious rituals. • The season following winter, associated with new life, growth, and renewal, often coinciding with the celebration of Easter. • ...
Easter 2023 2023-04-09
- trivial (blank), dads game
- dads other favorite game
- feeling of nostalgia
- Kyra/Shawn born here
- moms current cat count
- Easter main dish
- Gumby tree
- birthday boy location
- Penny et al live here
- Sprechen sie (blank)?
- Easter Day exclamation
- sixth sorrow
- Parker’s dog
- dads birthday
- Pat and Bill Anniv month
- Flower think Netherlands
- Bo
- St (blank) fire
- dads other favorite game
19 Clues: Bo • Gumby tree • sixth sorrow • Parker’s dog • dads birthday • St (blank) fire • Easter main dish • feeling of nostalgia • Kyra/Shawn born here • birthday boy location • Penny et al live here • Sprechen sie (blank)? • Easter Day exclamation • moms current cat count • dads other favorite game • Pat and Bill Anniv month • Flower think Netherlands • dads other favorite game • trivial (blank), dads game
Spring Crossword Puz 2024-03-27
- Not Breakfast or Lunch, but both
- It is their first season as a sport at Meadows
- Holiday in the spring
- The character of Easter
- The season after winter
- What are hidden during easter
- A throwing event in Track and Field
- The championship for this tournament end April 8
- A white flower
- The bloom in spring
- A marshmallow-like treat during the easter holiday
11 Clues: A white flower • The bloom in spring • Holiday in the spring • The character of Easter • The season after winter • What are hidden during easter • Not Breakfast or Lunch, but both • A throwing event in Track and Field • It is their first season as a sport at Meadows • The championship for this tournament end April 8 • A marshmallow-like treat during the easter holiday
Easter Crossword 2013-03-20
- A baby sheep
- What season is Easter in?
- Food that is brown and sweet
- Painting and colouring
- What do you use to carry your Easter eggs?
- The Easter rabbit
- A baby bird
- These beautiful plants grow in the ground and on trees
- These are round and colourful and have chocolate inside
- Lines and circles all in a row
- The name of this holiday!
11 Clues: A baby bird • A baby sheep • The Easter rabbit • Painting and colouring • What season is Easter in? • The name of this holiday! • Food that is brown and sweet • Lines and circles all in a row • What do you use to carry your Easter eggs? • These beautiful plants grow in the ground and on trees • These are round and colourful and have chocolate inside
Easter themed crossword 2021-02-01
- term for bringing back from the dead
- popular easter baked goods (3,7,3)
- The name of the easter bunny (5,6)
- A search for something
- A model of jesus on a cross
- cocoa based snack
- The day easter is celebrated
- A celebration of the rebirth of jesus
- Big commercial chocolate company
- Supposedly the strongest shape in nature
- An infant or juvenile rabbit
11 Clues: cocoa based snack • A search for something • A model of jesus on a cross • The day easter is celebrated • An infant or juvenile rabbit • Big commercial chocolate company • popular easter baked goods (3,7,3) • The name of the easter bunny (5,6) • term for bringing back from the dead • A celebration of the rebirth of jesus • Supposedly the strongest shape in nature
Easter Crossword 2023-04-03
- Something you do to celebrate a holiday.
- The thing that holds eggs. 바구니
- A holiday in the US about spring.
- The day of the week Easter is on
- The season before spring
- A small furry animal with long ears.
- The season after Winter
- Baby chickens
- The creature that hides eggs on Easter.
- To color something 염색하다
- What you dye or paint for Easter
11 Clues: Baby chickens • The season after Winter • To color something 염색하다 • The season before spring • The thing that holds eggs. 바구니 • The day of the week Easter is on • What you dye or paint for Easter • A holiday in the US about spring. • A small furry animal with long ears. • The creature that hides eggs on Easter. • Something you do to celebrate a holiday.
Easter at CHQatHome 2023-04-06
12 Clues: windpipe • type of chicken • colour of cyanosis • essential for life • small fluffy and cute • eat too much of this. • bypasses mouth and nose • cause of ventilator alarm • something to do over Easter • an Easter activity ruined by rain. • unhealthy versions around at Easter • first reading on the ventilator screen
Riverland Fresh Crossword No 2 2014-04-12
15 Clues: Face • And Mark • Tendril the • Local Paper • Easter band • Free from 5RM • Easter sponsor • Used to be HWT • Members supporting • Membership category • Chook collects them • From Riverland Fresh • Riverland Kerbing and • Committee member surname • Order from Riverland Fresh
Easter Traditions 2024-02-22
- Central symbol of sacrifice.
- Color eggs with this.
- Flower symbolizing purity.
- Held on Saturday night.
- Marshmallow treat.
- Spiced, sweet bread.
- Hops around this season.
- Late morning feast.
- Festive spring procession.
- Easter Sunday service.
- Sweet treats.
- Traditional headwear.
- 40 days of preparation.
- Symbol of new life.
- Season of renewal.
- Traditional dinner choice.
- Newborn spring animal.
- Easter day of the week.
- Filled with goodies.
- Search for eggs.
20 Clues: Sweet treats. • Search for eggs. • Season of renewal. • Marshmallow treat. • Symbol of new life. • Late morning feast. • Spiced, sweet bread. • Filled with goodies. • Traditional headwear. • Color eggs with this. • Easter Sunday service. • Newborn spring animal. • 40 days of preparation. • Held on Saturday night. • Easter day of the week. • Hops around this season. • Flower symbolizing purity. • ...
50a 2024-07-11
- African-American holiday
- February love day
- Festival of Lights
- Fall season
- Easter activity
- Fall gathering
- January 1 celebration
- New Year's Eve display
- Coldest season
- Warmest season
- Longest or shortest day
- Muslim fasting month
- October 31 event
- Autumn leaves
- Light festival decor
- November feast
- Festival of Lights
- Day and night equal
- Spring holiday
- Winter weather
- December holiday
- Season of rebirth
- Autumn night fire
- Halloween attire
- Halloween decoration
25 Clues: Fall season • Autumn leaves • November feast • Spring holiday • Winter weather • Fall gathering • Coldest season • Warmest season • Easter activity • October 31 event • December holiday • Halloween attire • February love day • Season of rebirth • Autumn night fire • Festival of Lights • Festival of Lights • Day and night equal • Muslim fasting month • Light festival decor • Halloween decoration • ...
Easter Förderunterricht 2021-03-24
- the baby form of a chicken
- the last day of the week
- He brings the egss for easter
- a candy
- where you put the eggs once you have found them
- It grows in grass
- What you use to colour the eggs
- It is where you can find the eggs
- Is what you do to find the eggs
- the next holiday
- Sweet food that kids enjoy
- a hat traditionally work for easter
- a baby sheep
- A season before summer
- A traditional american candy
15 Clues: a candy • a baby sheep • the next holiday • It grows in grass • A season before summer • the last day of the week • the baby form of a chicken • Sweet food that kids enjoy • A traditional american candy • He brings the egss for easter • Is what you do to find the eggs • What you use to colour the eggs • It is where you can find the eggs • a hat traditionally work for easter • ...
Lent Crossword 2013-02-18
- - Last day of lent (Thursday)
- - Friday when Jesus was executed
- - Number of weeks of lent
- - Last day before lent
- - First day of lent (Wednesday)
- - Day that Jesus rose from the dead
- - Period of penitence or fasting before Easter
- - Day Jesus was executed
- - Day that Jesus entered Jerusalem during his last week
- - Sunday before Easter
- - Last day of lent
- - Name used in Louisiana for carnival before lent
- - Last day before lent (Tuesday) - also called pancake
- - First day of lent
- - Name used in France for carnival before lent
15 Clues: - Last day of lent • - First day of lent • - Last day before lent • - Sunday before Easter • - Day Jesus was executed • - Number of weeks of lent • - Last day of lent (Thursday) • - First day of lent (Wednesday) • - Friday when Jesus was executed • - Day that Jesus rose from the dead • - Period of penitence or fasting before Easter • - Name used in France for carnival before lent • ...
Easter Michaels 2024-03-24
- This happened after Jesus died
- The number of Apostles
- This color represents innocence, purity, and God's glory.
- this is where the Easter bunny Legend began
- Where Jesus died
- This color symbolizes the Lord's passion, sacrifice
- This light, sweet shade symbolizes bountiful joy and love
- Where Jesus was crucified
- He baptized Jesus
- immersion in water, symbolizing purification
- Traditional Easter meat
- These are hidden on Easter morning
- How many silver pieces
- One of the writers of the Gospel
- He painted the Last Supper
15 Clues: Where Jesus died • He baptized Jesus • The number of Apostles • How many silver pieces • Traditional Easter meat • Where Jesus was crucified • He painted the Last Supper • This happened after Jesus died • One of the writers of the Gospel • These are hidden on Easter morning • this is where the Easter bunny Legend began • immersion in water, symbolizing purification • ...
Easter 2021-04-22
Lenten Crossword by Natalie Joanis 2020-03-17
- Jesus died on Good ____________.
- The Last Supper was the origination of this.
- The ashes come from burning these.
- The act of telling our sins to the priest.
- Lent is the season of Preparation & _________.
- Giving up something for Lent.
- Giving to the poor.
- The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
- The Last Supper was on _______ Thursday.
- The number of days in Lent.
- The first official celebration of Easter is called the Easter _________.
- The liturgical color of Lent.
- Going without food.
- A symbol of Lent.
- Jesus shared the Last Supper with his ________.
- Jesus rising from the dead.
- The season of preparation & repentance.
- Jesus spent 40 days in _________ in the desert.
- We don't say or sing this during Lent in Church.
- Catholics don't eat ______ on Fridays during Lent.
20 Clues: A symbol of Lent. • Going without food. • Giving to the poor. • The number of days in Lent. • Jesus rising from the dead. • The liturgical color of Lent. • Giving up something for Lent. • Jesus died on Good ____________. • The ashes come from burning these. • The season of preparation & repentance. • The Last Supper was on _______ Thursday. • ...
Easter Adventures 2021-03-19
- escape movie Chicken ____
- be sure to _____ for all your chocolate eggs
- let's _______ some eggs
- you may enjoy too much of this delicious snack
- used to collect tasty treats
- noted rabbit ____ Bunny
- general Easter colour scheme
- the season Easter is in
- Easter Sunday marks the end of this period
- noted peppy sales rabbit _____ bunny
- hop their way into your heart
- part of chocolate rabbit to eat first
- weird American snack shaped like chicks
- adorably fluffy baby birds
- noted rabbit ____ Rabbit
- adorably fluffy baby mammals
- delightful maker of creme eggs
- bring a nice bunch of _____ to your friends
- fancy decorative egg maker
- rabbit in sad movie from ye olden disney days
- noted rabbit Peter _______
- chicken with subpar intelligence on a boat with Moana
- wear your best _____
23 Clues: wear your best _____ • let's _______ some eggs • noted rabbit ____ Bunny • the season Easter is in • noted rabbit ____ Rabbit • escape movie Chicken ____ • adorably fluffy baby birds • fancy decorative egg maker • noted rabbit Peter _______ • adorably fluffy baby mammals • used to collect tasty treats • general Easter colour scheme • hop their way into your heart • ...
Advent 2023-01-11
- Year helps us celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
- color of the ordinary season
- the symbol of the advent season
- - the birth of Christ
- - color of the advent & lent season
- the symbol of the christmas season
- Time the public ministry of Jesus
- Candle the symbol of the easter season
- for repentance, conversion, and penance
- the King the end of the liturgical year
- - color of the christmas & easter season
- for new life, resurrection, and witnessing
- comes from the greek word “liturgy”
- People - the candle of hope
- cone - symbolizes life and resurrection
- the symbol of the ordinary time season
- - the act or practice of praying to God or an object of worship.
- testament Prophets - The candle of peace
- the symbol of the lent season
- - The candle of Joy
- the beginning of the Church year
21 Clues: - The candle of Joy • - the birth of Christ • People - the candle of hope • color of the ordinary season • the symbol of the lent season • the symbol of the advent season • the beginning of the Church year • the symbol of the christmas season • Time the public ministry of Jesus • comes from the greek word “liturgy” • - color of the advent & lent season • ...
Lent 2022-03-05
- Color of vestments on Laetare Sunday
- On Ash Wednesday we receive ashes as a sign of __
- The Paschal __ is lit on Easter Vigil
- Comes from the word pasch meaning passover
- Laetare Sunday speaks of __ in the anticipation of Easter
- Laetare meaning
- The ashes on Ash Wednesday come from burning ___
- When Lent begins (2 words)
- Symbols of faith on Holy Saturday night (3 words)
- During Holy Thursday a ceremony of the washing of _ takes place
- One of the 3 Easter Sacraments
- The promised land
- Famous place to follow Jesus where he once walked (2 words)
- The Good Friday celebration often takes place around ___ in the afternoon
- The Stations of the Cross allow everyone to follow Jesus on his path from death to ___
- The Paschal candle reminds us of the __ of fire that accompanied the Israelites on their journey
- On Holy Saturday, the Paschal candle is carried into a __ church
- During Stations of the Cross we pray, Because by your holy cross, you have __ the world
- To voluntarily not eat or limit some kinds of food
- The Easter Vigil begins after __ on Holy Saturday
- The word alms means _______
- The liturgy of the ___ is not celebrated on Good Friday
- On this day we read the Passion of Christ
- Fourth Sunday of Lent
- The first station Jesus is ______ to die
- One of the three Sacraments of Easter
- Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper (2 words)
- A symbol of the salvation Jesus offers to the world
- The Paschal candle is a symbol of the __ Christ among us
- The priest marks the Paschal candle with the __
- Means to "rejoice with great joy and triumph"
- A period of preparation for Easter
- On Good Friday we read the Passion of Christ from the Gospel of __
- Fasting is a way to _ our bodies of harmful things
- On Good Friday we read the Passion of Christ and we offer __ intercessions
- Easter __ is the 3 most important days for Christians
- Not said during Mass in Lent
- Doing __ is a way to show that we are sorry for our sins
- The eve of a holy day
- The passover meal Jesus shared with his disciples the night before he died (2 words)
- The Paschal candle is carried by the priest and he sings "Christ our ___"
- Jesus falls the third time is station __
- Trip taken to a holy place
- An agreement between God and his people
- Color of vestments during Lent (2 words)
- Symbol of the presence of God
- During Lent the Churh prays for those preparing to receive the Sacraments of __ Initiation
- On Good Friday we recall Jesus' suffering and __
- A proclamation of our Easter faith, proclaims God's plan and notes that we are part of that plan
- The way we live during Lent is a sign of __ and simplicity
- Doing penance helps us to turn to God and to __ on the things that are important
- The Sunday before Easter Sunday
- Means "stopping point"
53 Clues: Laetare meaning • The promised land • Fourth Sunday of Lent • The eve of a holy day • Means "stopping point" • When Lent begins (2 words) • Trip taken to a holy place • The word alms means _______ • Not said during Mass in Lent • Symbol of the presence of God • One of the 3 Easter Sacraments • The Sunday before Easter Sunday • A period of preparation for Easter • ...
Easter Crossword 2024-03-31
16 Clues: be one • he is back • return used • Easter place • Christianity • a late ending • before summer • excellent end • soldiers do it • somewhere else • bake bread twice • coloured and laid • a very bad result • annoyed by the heat • in an oven in New York • look for the chancellor
Easter Quiz 2015-04-03
- the type of Friday at Easter, it rhymes with hood
- this animal delivers Easter eggs
- this is brown and is eaten a lot on Easter Sunday
- the person who died at Easter, and rose again
- this is the supper that Jesus had with his friends
- Jesus washed these for his friends
- this is a hat that some people wear at Easter
- these are small buns with two lines of pastry on the top
- these are eaten a lot on Easter sunny or they might be painted and hidden
- this is the 40 days before Easter, and when some people do special things like give up something or try to do something good
10 Clues: this animal delivers Easter eggs • Jesus washed these for his friends • this is a hat that some people wear at Easter • the person who died at Easter, and rose again • the type of Friday at Easter, it rhymes with hood • this is brown and is eaten a lot on Easter Sunday • this is the supper that Jesus had with his friends • ...
Easter Crossword 2014-03-28
12 Clues: Rabbit food • Don't eat too much! • Gather eggs in this • Easter eggs wrapping • Yellow fluffy animal • Wear it on your head • Has big ears and hops • Animal born in Spring • Decorate eggs with this • Easter is in this season • Easter is usually in this month • Activity for finding hidden eggs
Easter Puzzle 2021-04-02
- No bunny knows Easter better than ____
- Easter legume
- A da Vinci classic
- Peter's assumed last name
- A king of egg with no yolk, just whites
- Rodger, Peter, Jack
- Freckled and blue
- Little Bo ____
- Begins on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring Equinox
- This spring flowering perennial could fall in love with it's own reflection
- Louise's signature accessory
- 40 days and 40 nights
- The type of bunny that doesn't hop
- Describes a message, image, or feature hidden in a video game, film, or electronic medium
- If Poppies are to Flander's, _____ are to Holland
- The Romanovs laid 50 of these
- Jesus's Brulus
- represents nests and new life
- This flower retells the resurrection story with its life cycle
19 Clues: Easter legume • Jesus's Brulus • Little Bo ____ • Freckled and blue • A da Vinci classic • Rodger, Peter, Jack • 40 days and 40 nights • Peter's assumed last name • Louise's signature accessory • The Romanovs laid 50 of these • represents nests and new life • The type of bunny that doesn't hop • No bunny knows Easter better than ____ • A king of egg with no yolk, just whites • ...
Easter Traditions 2020-04-15
- /first day of Lent
- / the Sunday before Easter
- /searching for eggs
- /a crown made of thorn branches
- / a worship service on Easter im the morning
- / a substance used to add or change the color of sth.
- / a yellow spring flower representing resurrection
- / a grave above the ground
- / the sufferings of Jesus
- / worshipping Church and praying together / typically on Sundays
- / cooked until solid
- / a type of bread eaten on Good Friday
- / going without food
- / the day Jesus died on the cross
- /the final meal that Jesus shared with his Apostles
- / a holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead
- / a form of execution
- 40 day period before Easter in which you fast
- / rising from the dead
19 Clues: /first day of Lent • /searching for eggs • / cooked until solid • / a form of execution • / rising from the dead • / going without food • / the Sunday before Easter • /a crown made of thorn branches • / the sufferings of Jesus • / a grave above the ground • / the day Jesus died on the cross • ...
Easter 2020-04-09
9 Clues: Peter ... • baby chicken • We find ... eggs • What are we celebrating? • what comes after easter? • traditional easter flower • On easter we eat ... with salt • when you find eggs you put them in your ... • on easter we celebrate the resurrection of ...
Easter 2020-04-09
9 Clues: Peter ... • baby chicken • We find ... eggs • What are we celebrating? • what comes after easter? • traditional easter flower • On easter we eat ... with salt • when you find eggs you put them in your ... • on easter we celebrate the resurrection of ...
Easter 2018-03-31
- What type of animal brings the Easter eggs?
- What stopped this Easter Sunday: _____ savings
- What did Jesus die on?
- Where's the Easter Monday market?
- We go into the Easter _____ in Beechworth
- On which day of the week do we open Easter eggs?
- Which animal did you want your Easter eggs to be in the shape of?
- Your favourite Easter food
- What food do lots of people not eat on Good Friday?
9 Clues: What did Jesus die on? • Your favourite Easter food • Where's the Easter Monday market? • We go into the Easter _____ in Beechworth • What type of animal brings the Easter eggs? • What stopped this Easter Sunday: _____ savings • On which day of the week do we open Easter eggs? • What food do lots of people not eat on Good Friday? • ...
Gillies April Crossword 2019-03-24
- makers of the famous Easter Creme Egg
- annual April event at the CLE
- April 1 is for these
- yellow spring bulb
- considered a Christian holiday but many Canadians celebrate
- getting longer every day until June 21
- Could be breaking up this month; slippery
- French month; Canadian singer
- twice weekly CLE location for local purchases
- April birthstone
- traditional Easter sweet; find these eggs
- April _______, bring May flowers
- This "tool" helps with future spending
- April 19 is Good __________
- Flower name derived from Persian language
15 Clues: April birthstone • yellow spring bulb • April 1 is for these • April 19 is Good __________ • annual April event at the CLE • French month; Canadian singer • April _______, bring May flowers • makers of the famous Easter Creme Egg • This "tool" helps with future spending • getting longer every day until June 21 • traditional Easter sweet; find these eggs • ...
Lenten Crossword 2020-03-17
- Jesus died on Good ____________.
- The Last Supper was the origination of this.
- The ashes come from burning these.
- The act of telling our sins to the priest.
- Lent is the season of Preparation & _________.
- Giving up something for Lent.
- Giving to the poor.
- The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
- The Last Supper was on _______ Thursday.
- The number of days in Lent.
- The first official celebration of Easter is called the Easter _________.
- The liturgical color of Lent.
- Going without food.
- A symbol of Lent.
- Jesus shared the Last Supper with his ________.
- Jesus rising from the dead.
- The season of preparation & repentance.
- Jesus spent 40 days in _________ in the desert.
- We don't say or sing this during Lent in Church.
- Catholics don't eat ______ on Fridays during Lent.
20 Clues: A symbol of Lent. • Going without food. • Giving to the poor. • The number of days in Lent. • Jesus rising from the dead. • The liturgical color of Lent. • Giving up something for Lent. • Jesus died on Good ____________. • The ashes come from burning these. • The season of preparation & repentance. • The Last Supper was on _______ Thursday. • ...
Come on every bunny, let's play! 2023-03-28
- A spicy dish often eaten with hot cross buns
- Easter Island is part of which country
- Long-eared, bushy tailed animal associated with the season
- The 40-day period before Easter
- The legendary birthplace of the Easter Bunny
- Easter Bunnies are a symbol of this
- What baked good is a Good Friday tradition
- In the mid 1800's people believed buying new clothes to wear on Easter would bring them
- A colourful tradition in celebration of Easter
- The part of the chocolate bunny people usually bite off first
10 Clues: The 40-day period before Easter • Easter Bunnies are a symbol of this • Easter Island is part of which country • What baked good is a Good Friday tradition • A spicy dish often eaten with hot cross buns • The legendary birthplace of the Easter Bunny • A colourful tradition in celebration of Easter • Long-eared, bushy tailed animal associated with the season • ...
Easter 2022-04-08
Easter 2024-10-12
- In the bible how many days passed bettwen jesus deth and resurrection?
- What can you see on doors at easter time?
- Buying what for easter is said to bring good luck for the rest of the year
- What bread-based snack is associated with easter?
- In which country was largest decorated easter edd?
- What is the name of the rabbit in the the disney movie bambi.
- What is the 40 days period before easter?
- In the bible who was the first person to easter egg?
- What type of food is decorated for easter?
- Which British chocolate company makes the mini egg?
10 Clues: What is the 40 days period before easter? • What can you see on doors at easter time? • What type of food is decorated for easter? • What bread-based snack is associated with easter? • In which country was largest decorated easter edd? • Which British chocolate company makes the mini egg? • In the bible who was the first person to easter egg? • ...
asdfghjkl 2022-04-07
- The bodies of these type of people who had died came to life when Jesus died.
- This day starts Holy Week.
- This is the name of the Caesar who ruled when Jesus died.
- Easter was named after this Anglo-Saxon goddess.
- Good Friday is only recognized as a holiday in this many states.
- This is the name of Jesus’s brother.
- 76% of Americans think that the first part of a chocolate bunny that should be eaten is the ears.
- Judas sold Jesus out for this many pieces of silver.
- The Easter bunny originated in this country.
- Americans spend $1.9 billion on this type of food during the Easter season.
- in 1953, it took this many hours to make one peep.
- Easter eggs are dyed to represent this part of the body of Jesus Christ.
- This gospel’s timeline of the supper and the crucifixion is at odds with the other gospels.
- In the old days, this food item was associated with Easter.
14 Clues: This day starts Holy Week. • This is the name of Jesus’s brother. • The Easter bunny originated in this country. • Easter was named after this Anglo-Saxon goddess. • in 1953, it took this many hours to make one peep. • Judas sold Jesus out for this many pieces of silver. • This is the name of the Caesar who ruled when Jesus died. • ...
Easter Puzzle 2019-04-20
- The person we celebrate on Easter
- The season Easter is celebrated in
- The thing you collect your Easter eggs in
- A baby chicken
- The person who visited Jesus' tomb
- The thing we do to eggs during Easter
- The item the Easter bunny hides
- The animal that visits our house on Easter
- A flower that buds in spring
9 Clues: A baby chicken • A flower that buds in spring • The item the Easter bunny hides • The person we celebrate on Easter • The season Easter is celebrated in • The person who visited Jesus' tomb • The thing we do to eggs during Easter • The thing you collect your Easter eggs in • The animal that visits our house on Easter
Easter Stuff 2024-03-24
- Holds biggest Easter parade each year
- Person who was set free from murder instead of Jesus
- Sunday before Easter
- Easter flower symbol
- Weekday when the Passover happened
- First color Easter eggs were dyed
- Most popular Easter Candy in the USA
- What people called Jesus when he entered Jerusalem in a donkey
- Common animal that symbolizes Easter
- How many pieces of silver did Judis get paid to betray Jesus?
- Most common jelly bean color
11 Clues: Sunday before Easter • Easter flower symbol • Most common jelly bean color • First color Easter eggs were dyed • Weekday when the Passover happened • Most popular Easter Candy in the USA • Common animal that symbolizes Easter • Holds biggest Easter parade each year • Person who was set free from murder instead of Jesus • ...
Spring 2023-04-05
12 Clues: a baby rabbit • A baby chiken • April showers • The day of easter • The month of rain • The day of the earth • These pollinate flowers • The bunny comes on this day • The Easter bunny hides these • a caterpillars after its cacoon • A warm time of year (not summer) • April showers bring may _________
Spring 2023-04-05
12 Clues: a baby rabbit • A baby chiken • April showers • The day of easter • The month of rain • The day of the earth • These pollinate flowers • The bunny comes on this day • The Easter bunny hides these • a caterpillars after its cacoon • A warm time of year (not summer) • April showers bring may _________
April 2022-03-31
- caterpillars turn into this
- four leafed ______
- season of new growth
- occurs between Good Friday and Easter Monday
- april is a time when the flowers are budding
- marshmallow animals
- _____ fools
- commonly associated with eating carrots
- spring is a colorful season
- april _______, may flowers
- ____ pollinate flowers
- chocolate ____ are a popular treat around easter
12 Clues: _____ fools • four leafed ______ • marshmallow animals • season of new growth • ____ pollinate flowers • april _______, may flowers • caterpillars turn into this • spring is a colorful season • commonly associated with eating carrots • occurs between Good Friday and Easter Monday • april is a time when the flowers are budding • chocolate ____ are a popular treat around easter
EASTER QUIZ 2024-03-23
12 Clues: lays eggs • baby sheep • Christan symbol • eaten by rabbits • eggs are laid there • yellow flowers in spring • famous Swiss chocolate maker • can be white/brown or coloured • Friday before Easter is called • are eaten by children and adults • time before Easter when feasting • the season when Easter takes place
HAPPY EASTER 2022-04-15
10 Clues: it has big ears • chickens lay them • a christian symbol • when schools close • we go there on Sunday • traditional Easter game • a season related to Easter • an animal related to Easter • they gather together during Easter holidays • the godfather/godmother buys it for children
Easter Themed Crossword 2023-03-27
10 Clues: Easter month • The Easter mascot • The day of Easter • a searching activity • people like to dye ______. • Jesus died on the ________. • Jesus died for our _______. • Jesus was in a tomb for ______ days. • On Easter many people got to ________. • Jesus got ______ in his hands and feet.
Easter 2024-03-13
- In which country do people celebrate Easter with the tradition of "Semana Santa," including elaborate processions and reenactments of biblical scenes?
- In which country do people decorate Easter eggs with intricate designs using wax and dye?
- Pasquale What is the name of the traditional Easter bread in Italy?
- Rolling What is the name of the traditional Easter game in England where players roll eggs down a hill?
- What is the name of the traditional Easter dish in Greece made with lamb and often served with tzatziki sauce?
- In which country do people traditionally fly kites on Easter Sunday?
- What is the name of the traditional Easter soup in Russia made with beets, cabbage, and meat?
- Kingdom In which country is it traditional to eat hot cross buns on Good Friday?
- In which country do people traditionally celebrate Easter with the lighting of bonfires on Holy Saturday?
- frita What is the name of the traditional Easter dessert in Spain made with milk, sugar, eggs, and cinnamon?
10 Clues: Pasquale What is the name of the traditional Easter bread in Italy? • In which country do people traditionally fly kites on Easter Sunday? • Kingdom In which country is it traditional to eat hot cross buns on Good Friday? • In which country do people decorate Easter eggs with intricate designs using wax and dye? • ...
Easter 2022-04-16
- What word is used to describe a baby rabbit?
- What month falls half a year after Easter?
- Who died at Easter?
- The 'Easter' who delivers Easter eggs?
- What name is given to the period of time in which people give something up from Ash Wednesday?
- What sweet food is enjoyed at Easter, toasted, with butter?
- What did Jesus create from water?
- What is my favourite brand of Easter egg?
- What are traditionally gifted and hidden on Easter Sunday?
9 Clues: Who died at Easter? • What did Jesus create from water? • The 'Easter' who delivers Easter eggs? • What is my favourite brand of Easter egg? • What month falls half a year after Easter? • What word is used to describe a baby rabbit? • What are traditionally gifted and hidden on Easter Sunday? • What sweet food is enjoyed at Easter, toasted, with butter? • ...
Easter 2022-04-08
Happy Easter! 2022-04-13
8 Clues: Month of Easter • Shape of Easter eggs • Easter day of the week • Easter eggs are made of • Season of Easter in Brazil • The Easter _____ brings the eggs • Easter Bunny brings eggs on a ____ • Kids love to go on a Easter-egg ____
Easter 2021-04-03
- The ___ of the temple was torn from top to bottom.
- This guilty man was set free instead of Jesus
- Garden where Jesus was betrayed
- They ___ ___ to decide who would get Jesus's robe
- He saved us from our ____.
- He cut off the ear of a servant who was helping to arrest Jesus
- He found Jesus not guilty, but still ordered his crucifixion
- skull hill where Jesus was crucified
- Betrayed Jesus
- This day you will be with me in ____.
- She found the stone rolled away
- "I am the ___ and the life."
- A ___ pierced Jesus's side
- The ___ day he arose from the dead.
14 Clues: Betrayed Jesus • He saved us from our ____. • A ___ pierced Jesus's side • "I am the ___ and the life." • Garden where Jesus was betrayed • She found the stone rolled away • The ___ day he arose from the dead. • skull hill where Jesus was crucified • This day you will be with me in ____. • This guilty man was set free instead of Jesus • ...
Easter 2022-04-11
14 Clues: my • best flavor • night night • church has this • hops down trail • opposite of down • breakfast of dads • where do all the eggs go • showers bring May flowers • what Jesus did from the dead • where dead people are buried • this was once in Tata's house • he is the reason for the season • what Easter Bunny makes each year
EASTER 2022-04-09
Easter 2022-04-07
- - He is the son of God
- - it’s a day or certain period of time that people don’t go work or school for a certain reason like a religious reason
- - when it’s the time of Easter and you go on a hunt to find eggs
- - it’s a snack that’s related to Easter and it’s a chocolate
- - it’s a way to make something or a place look better
- - it’s when you go find a item
- - it’s a snack that people love but it can be unhealthy for us
- - it is like a rabbit and is a part of a holiday
- - when you go on a hunt you have to try and get the item you want
- it is the 4th month in the year
- - it’s a time where people get together because of a special time in the year
- - it’s a way to talk to God and speak with him
- - its a food that people eat normally for breakfast and the Easter bunny gives it away
- - it’s the thing where Jesus got crucified on
14 Clues: - He is the son of God • - it’s when you go find a item • it is the 4th month in the year • - it’s the thing where Jesus got crucified on • - it’s a way to talk to God and speak with him • - it is like a rabbit and is a part of a holiday • - it’s a way to make something or a place look better • - it’s a snack that’s related to Easter and it’s a chocolate • ...
The Joys of Spring 2022-05-06
- Name a spring flower that grows in the woods.
- True or false? An easter egg was once sold for nine million Euros.
- Which animal is the mascot of Spring?
- Egg dyes are made with onion peels. True or false?
- What is the most purchased Easter candy?
- What is the first day of Spring called?
- Animal that represents Easter. Hint: Four legs, long ears, and hops.
- Vernal means?
- What is spring fever associated with?
- In which month does Spring begin?
- An animal that hibernates then awakens in Spring.
- Which country holds the record for making the largest Easter Chocolate egg in the world.
- Tornadoes mostly occur during the season? True or false
- Name a yellow spring flower.
- Name a blue flower that is protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
- Babies grow faster during which season?
- In which country are the blooming of cherry blossoms a sign of spring?
- What word means "equal nights?"
18 Clues: Vernal means? • Name a yellow spring flower. • What word means "equal nights?" • In which month does Spring begin? • What is spring fever associated with? • Which animal is the mascot of Spring? • Babies grow faster during which season? • What is the first day of Spring called? • What is the most purchased Easter candy? • Name a spring flower that grows in the woods. • ...
Lent Crossword 2020-02-26
- Sunday one week before Easter.
- A day that we celebrate Jesus' Resurrection.
- What is the Thursday called when Jesus gave the disciples 2 commandments?(last supper)
- To abstain from some food or drinks.
- Liturgical season of 40 days that starts on Ash Wednesday.
- Restraining oneself from indulging in something.
- First week before Easter also called passion week.
- Day before Easter.
- Day that marks the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
- Celebration throughout the year of the mysteries of the Lords birth and life.
- First day in the Lenten season.
- Money or food given to the poor.
- When a person takes voluntary action to seek forgiveness.
- Type of food we are not allowed to have on Fridays.
14 Clues: Day before Easter. • Sunday one week before Easter. • First day in the Lenten season. • Money or food given to the poor. • To abstain from some food or drinks. • A day that we celebrate Jesus' Resurrection. • Restraining oneself from indulging in something. • First week before Easter also called passion week. • Type of food we are not allowed to have on Fridays. • ...
Super Spring Crossword 2022-04-11
- This warm and rainy season begins in March
- These marshmallow snacks are a popular easter treat
- besides Halloween, Easter is the bestselling holiday for ______
- Expect a lot of this kind of weather in Spring
- These are colored brightly and hidden,usually with prizes inside
- This citrus drink is ideal for a warm Spring day
- Many plants will be in _____ during spring
- _____ showers bring May flowers
- This small mammal is the mascot of Easter
- A powdery substance released by plants, frequent cause of allergies
- Experienced by many during spring, symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, and itching
- A break from school awaited by students across the world (no spaces)
- Spring holiday
- A category of plant known for beauty and fragrance
14 Clues: Spring holiday • _____ showers bring May flowers • This small mammal is the mascot of Easter • This warm and rainy season begins in March • Many plants will be in _____ during spring • Expect a lot of this kind of weather in Spring • This citrus drink is ideal for a warm Spring day • A category of plant known for beauty and fragrance • ...
Nevim 2021-04-06
- "child" of duck
- sweet often small food
- we dont have it in CR but people in UK bake it on Easter
- brown sweet food often in shape of bunny
- its a thing tat grows from the ground and its often green
- small animal with long ears
- almost all birds lay eggs in it
- kids put eggs in it
- "child" of chicken
- after googling some easter words I dont know if this fits here but here I go: book by Jesus
- guys beat girls with it as a easter tradicion
- its often painted on on easter
- bunnies eat it alot
13 Clues: "child" of duck • "child" of chicken • kids put eggs in it • bunnies eat it alot • sweet often small food • small animal with long ears • its often painted on on easter • almost all birds lay eggs in it • brown sweet food often in shape of bunny • guys beat girls with it as a easter tradicion • we dont have it in CR but people in UK bake it on Easter • ...
Nevim 2021-04-06
- "child" of duck
- kids put eggs in it
- we dont have it in CR but people in UK bake it on Easter
- brown sweet food often in shape of bunny
- almost all birds lay eggs in it
- guys beat girls with it as a easter tradicion
- bunnies eat it alot
- its a thing tat grows from the ground and its often green
- after googling some easter words I dont know if this fits here but here I go: book by Jesus
- small animal with long ears
- "child" of chicken
- sweet often small food
- its often painted on on easter
13 Clues: "child" of duck • "child" of chicken • bunnies eat it alot • kids put eggs in it • sweet often small food • small animal with long ears • its often painted on on easter • almost all birds lay eggs in it • brown sweet food often in shape of bunny • guys beat girls with it as a easter tradicion • we dont have it in CR but people in UK bake it on Easter • ...
Spring is Here 2023-03-24
10 Clues: To exit an egg • A spring holiday • Comes out of an egg • An adult caterpillar • It comes after winter • What birds hatch from • Colorful arc in the sky • Animal that delivers Easter treats • Day of the week Easter is celebrated • Oftentimes found in your Easter basket