easy Crossword Puzzles

Week 9 Spelling 2024-10-27

Week 9 Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. easy to say no to
  2. able to happen
  3. impossible to break
  4. able to be heard
  5. could be true
  6. able to be trusted
  7. very bad
  8. able to bend easily
  1. easy to get to
  2. can be changed
  3. safe to eat
  4. very unpleasant
  5. allowed to do
  6. amazing or hard to believe
  7. able to be seen
  8. not able to work together
  9. easy to read
  10. something worth keeping
  11. showing good judgment
  12. not safe to eat

20 Clues: very badsafe to eateasy to readallowed to docould be trueeasy to get tocan be changedable to happenvery unpleasantable to be seennot safe to eatable to be heardeasy to say no toable to be trustedimpossible to breakable to bend easilyshowing good judgmentsomething worth keepingnot able to work togetheramazing or hard to believe

Adjectives 2023-12-18

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. cold
  2. old
  3. boring
  4. dangerous
  5. interesting
  6. fast
  7. slow
  1. tall
  2. difficult
  3. young
  4. hot
  5. big
  6. strong
  7. safe
  8. easy
  9. small
  10. short
  11. weak

18 Clues: oldhotbigtallcoldsafeeasyfastslowweakyoungsmallshortboringstrongdifficultdangerousinteresting

Spelling List ~ Week 28 2016-03-20

Spelling List ~ Week 28 crossword puzzle
  1. jail
  2. ship
  3. request
  4. ice
  5. bring
  6. watch
  7. sudden
  8. floor
  9. shed
  10. rain
  11. heart
  12. dry
  13. easy
  1. simple
  2. system
  3. distant
  4. retire
  5. shall
  6. carry
  7. quite
  8. snow
  9. fact
  10. hour
  11. sit

24 Clues: icedrysitjailshipshedsnowfactrainhoureasyshallbringwatchcarryquitefloorheartsimplesystemretiresuddendistantrequest

First rule of punk 2022-02-13

First rule of punk crossword puzzle
  1. A name for Hispanics who are not in touch with their Latino roots (Hard)
  2. A person who teaches (Easy)
  3. A group of singers (Easy)
  4. First in order of importance in school (Medium)
  5. A place where almost every child went to (Easy)
  6. Type of race in Latin America (Easy)
  7. The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of their characteristics (Medium)
  1. My _______ book (Easy)
  2. A person who has a strong liking for and trust in another person (Medium)
  3. Non – commercial, non professional publication, kind of like a magazine but with a twist (Hard)
  4. Brown on the outside, white in the inside (Medium)
  5. A cruel type of people (Easy)
  6. Type of music genre (Medium)
  7. An exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances(Medium)
  8. Going to another place (Easy)

15 Clues: My _______ book (Easy)A group of singers (Easy)A person who teaches (Easy)Type of music genre (Medium)A cruel type of people (Easy)Going to another place (Easy)Type of race in Latin America (Easy)First in order of importance in school (Medium)A place where almost every child went to (Easy)Brown on the outside, white in the inside (Medium)...

vocabulary 2014-05-19

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. MOODY
  3. VAIN
  9. WISE
  2. CALM
  5. FUNNY
  9. LOYAL


Easy crossword 2022-05-18

Easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The ill feeling you may feel in a boat
  2. Hair on your upper lip
  3. Sweet frozen dessert
  4. Something you can pick in the woods. Some are poisonous and some not
  5. An orange bouncy ball
  6. hard red animal on the seafloor
  7. Different pronunciations in the same language
  8. Green thing in your nose
  1. An animal with eight legs
  2. The penguins from ...
  3. The largest planet in the solar system
  4. A small animal that likes cheese
  5. A place where a lot of books are located
  6. The flower of love
  7. Beautiful flying insect
  8. Long metal thing used by princes

16 Clues: The flower of loveSweet frozen dessertThe penguins from ...An orange bouncy ballHair on your upper lipBeautiful flying insectGreen thing in your noseAn animal with eight legshard red animal on the seafloorA small animal that likes cheeseLong metal thing used by princesThe ill feeling you may feel in a boatThe largest planet in the solar system...

easy crossword 2024-02-05

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what is blue and reflects the sky
  2. sweet unhealthy food, like chocolate
  3. what is green and itchy
  4. you are living it right now
  5. extinct animal/reptile
  6. Flying mammal
  7. what whips your hair into knots
  8. Has a trunk
  1. polluting the earth
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. looks exactly like you and me!
  4. fastest land animal
  5. what is brown and earthy
  6. runs from cats
  7. sea creature with five arms
  8. Man's best friend

16 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalruns from catsMan's best friendpolluting the earthLikes to chase micefastest land animalextinct animal/reptilewhat is green and itchywhat is brown and earthysea creature with five armsyou are living it right nowlooks exactly like you and me!what whips your hair into knotswhat is blue and reflects the sky...

Resting Verses 2023-01-23

Resting Verses crossword puzzle
  1. love
  2. Father
  3. forever
  4. afraid
  5. tomorrow
  6. strength
  7. light
  8. goodness
  9. Godskingdom
  1. quiet
  2. house
  3. with
  4. wear
  5. liedown
  6. easy
  7. Worry
  8. feast
  9. eat
  10. rest
  11. drink
  12. shepherd
  13. guides
  14. comfort
  15. need

24 Clues: eatwithwearloveeasyrestneedquiethouseWorryfeastdrinklightFatherafraidguidesliedownforevercomforttomorrowstrengthshepherdgoodnessGodskingdom

ANOYING SKIBIDI TOILET ( 2 members) 2023-10-23

ANOYING SKIBIDI TOILET ( 2 members) crossword puzzle
  1. bros 1 is tunged to a toilet an it was GROSS! HARD
  2. sliced on of the carrots MEGA MEDIUM
  3. Like G-man Toilet. EASY
  4. pants MEDIUM
  6. mega slicer KNICULTY
  7. just a Tomato. MEGA EASY
  1. sliced the knife toilet MEDIUM
  2. first toilet. MEDIUM
  3. the peas EASY
  4. normal toilet. EASY
  5. Laaaarrrrggggeeeee! EASY
  6. crushed by a door EASY

13 Clues: pants MEDIUMthe peas EASYnormal toilet. EASYfirst toilet. MEDIUMmega slicer KNICULTYcrushed by a door EASYLike G-man Toilet. EASYLaaaarrrrggggeeeee! EASYjust a Tomato. MEGA EASYsliced the knife toilet MEDIUMFIRST TUNGED LARGE GROSS! MEDIUMsliced on of the carrots MEGA MEDIUMbros 1 is tunged to a toilet an it was GROSS! HARD

Personality adjectives Unit 1 Compact 2023-09-27

Personality adjectives Unit 1 Compact crossword puzzle
  1. talkative
  2. cheerful
  3. bossy
  4. imaginative
  5. unreliable
  6. selfish
  7. outgoing
  8. demanding
  9. shy
  10. generous
  1. impatient
  2. sensitive
  3. competitive
  4. easy-going
  5. stubborn
  6. sensible
  7. thoughtful
  8. hopeless

18 Clues: shybossyselfishcheerfulstubbornsensiblehopelessoutgoinggenerousimpatientsensitivetalkativedemandingunreliableeasy-goingthoughtfulcompetitiveimaginative

Latin III Vocab 5 2023-02-20

Latin III Vocab 5 crossword puzzle
  1. de
  2. weep
  3. so that
  4. plan
  5. concerning
  6. iterum
  7. omnis
  8. swamp
  9. departure
  10. exitus
  11. host
  12. descend
  13. facilis
  1. concedo
  2. lest
  3. easy
  4. border
  5. grant
  6. again
  7. all
  8. consilium
  9. part
  10. fines
  11. hospes

24 Clues: dealllesteasyweeppartplanhostgrantagainfinesomnisswampborderhospesiterumexitusconcedoso thatdescendfacilisconsiliumdepartureconcerning

Easy 2021-10-22

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
  2. Helping to restore to good condition.
  3. a person who looks after the passengers on a ship, aircraft, or train and brings them meals.
  4. The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
  1. Means having many sides or aspects. Expansive Means covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive or wide ranging.
  2. The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry.
  3. The action of remedying something, in particular of reversing or stopping environmental damage.
  4. of,at, or near the equator.
  5. an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

9 Clues: of,at, or near the equator.Helping to restore to good condition.an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry....

Easy 2024-06-15

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. The Manchurian Crisis involved this Asian country
  2. This island's research center focuses on growing young corals
  3. Active volcano on Jan Mayen
  4. Coral reefs have a special relationship with this
  5. This type of energy is crucial for Lagos's future
  1. Uninhabited Norwegian island (Two Words next to each other e.g. twoword)
  2. North Korea and South Korea are on this
  3. A natural resource found around Jan Mayen
  4. Corals protect islands from this

9 Clues: Active volcano on Jan MayenCorals protect islands from thisNorth Korea and South Korea are on thisA natural resource found around Jan MayenThe Manchurian Crisis involved this Asian countryCoral reefs have a special relationship with thisThis type of energy is crucial for Lagos's futureThis island's research center focuses on growing young corals...

Easy 2023-05-03

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Fancy Chocolate
  2. Long purple vegetable
  3. Chewy candy
  4. After the present
  1. Habitat with many trees
  2. In a good mood
  3. Telling the truth
  4. Long thick string
  5. Beautiful flower, with prickly stalk

9 Clues: Chewy candyIn a good moodFancy ChocolateTelling the truthLong thick stringAfter the presentLong purple vegetableHabitat with many treesBeautiful flower, with prickly stalk

Module 13 Vocab Revision 2014-11-19

Module 13 Vocab Revision crossword puzzle
  1. easy-going
  2. honest
  3. ambitious
  4. affectionate
  5. organised
  6. hard-working
  7. sociable
  8. sensitive
  9. part-time
  1. recruitment
  2. sympathetic
  3. patient
  4. qualifications
  5. reliable
  6. skills
  7. CV
  8. apply
  9. vacancies
  10. divorce

19 Clues: CVapplyhonestskillspatientdivorcereliablesociableambitiousorganisedsensitivevacanciespart-timeeasy-goingrecruitmentsympatheticaffectionatehard-workingqualifications

easy 2012-08-08

easy crossword puzzle
  1. who was harry cousin that he lived with?
  2. who was Harry best boy friends in Hogwarts?
  3. what happen in the last book?
  4. what vanished at the zoo?
  1. where did harry lived?
  2. who was the main character?
  3. who is the author of Harry Potter?
  4. what is Harry's last name?
  5. where did Harry go to school?

9 Clues: where did harry lived?what vanished at the zoo?what is Harry's last name?who was the main character?what happen in the last book?where did Harry go to school?who is the author of Harry Potter?who was harry cousin that he lived with?who was Harry best boy friends in Hogwarts?

Easy 2023-05-03

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Fancy Chocolate
  2. Long purple vegetable
  3. Chewy candy
  4. After the present
  1. Habitat with many trees
  2. In a good mood
  3. Telling the truth
  4. Long thick string
  5. Beautiful flower, with prickly stalk

9 Clues: Chewy candyIn a good moodFancy ChocolateTelling the truthLong thick stringAfter the presentLong purple vegetableHabitat with many treesBeautiful flower, with prickly stalk

easy 2022-11-22

easy crossword puzzle
  1. invented long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust.
  2. action or habit of estimating something as worthless.
  3. Surgical removal of both the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
  1. is an inherited condition that causes short stature, round face, and short hand bones.[3223][10875] PPHP causes joints and other soft tissues in the body to harden. It also affects how bones are formed.
  2. extraordinarily good; wonderful.
  3. the fear of long words
  4. opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England.
  5. The state of being able to achieve honours; honourableness.
  6. the state of being impossible or extremely difficult to understand:

9 Clues: the fear of long wordsextraordinarily good; wonderful.action or habit of estimating something as worthless.The state of being able to achieve honours; honourableness.opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England.Surgical removal of both the thyroid and parathyroid glands....

Gymnastics - easy 2020-03-21

Gymnastics - easy crossword puzzle
  1. Sitting in a straddle with your stomach to the floor is called what?
  2. Front, side/box all both types of what?
  3. What do you jump on before you land on the vault?
  4. _____ makes perfect?
  5. What is it called when you add skills together to perform at a competition?
  6. What do you do before and after each skill?
  7. If you win at a competition, you get what?
  1. The first thing you do in a gymnastics session is what?
  2. What is it called when you balance upside down on your hands?
  3. What shape is sitting on your bottom with legs together?
  4. What shape is sitting on your bottom with legs apart?
  5. What is the rabbit like jumping? ______ hops
  6. The thin apparatus you balance on is called?
  7. A small trampoline that you jump off is called what?
  8. What in the night sky is also a gymnastics shape?

15 Clues: _____ makes perfect?Front, side/box all both types of what?If you win at a competition, you get what?What do you do before and after each skill?What is the rabbit like jumping? ______ hopsThe thin apparatus you balance on is called?What do you jump on before you land on the vault?What in the night sky is also a gymnastics shape?...

Easy game 2020-01-30

Easy game crossword puzzle
  1. To repair something that is broken
  2. Let someone live in a room that you own, in return for money
  3. The area around a house
  4. A round object with a map of the Earth drawn on it
  5. Deliberately kill or injure someone using a gun
  6. Nemēbelēts
  7. Someone who lives or stays in a particular place
  8. A large piece of equipment for cooking food
  9. gallery Mākslas muzejs
  1. Large objects such as chairs, tables or beds
  2. Lauku māja
  3. Bungalo
  4. Ātrums
  5. To go dawn below the surface of water
  6. block Torņu māja

15 Clues: ĀtrumsBungaloLauku mājaNemēbelētsblock Torņu mājagallery Mākslas muzejsThe area around a houseTo repair something that is brokenTo go dawn below the surface of waterA large piece of equipment for cooking foodLarge objects such as chairs, tables or bedsDeliberately kill or injure someone using a gunSomeone who lives or stays in a particular place...

Easy crossword 2021-10-27

Easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Burbuja
  2. Cuerpo
  3. Blando
  4. Pesar
  5. Frio
  6. Ocupar
  7. Daño
  8. Barco
  9. Oscuro
  1. Flotar
  2. Otro
  3. Suelo
  4. Volverse
  5. Emocionante
  6. Duro

15 Clues: OtroFrioDuroDañoPesarSueloBarcoFlotarCuerpoBlandoOcuparOscuroBurbujaVolverseEmocionante

Easy English 2021-10-05

Easy English crossword puzzle
  1. Disco
  2. Circulo
  3. Arte
  4. día
  5. Huevo
  6. Banco
  7. Energía
  8. Dólar
  1. Puerta
  2. copia
  3. Auto
  4. Perro
  5. Ejemplo
  6. Pelota
  7. Oído

15 Clues: díaAutoArteOídoDiscocopiaPerroHuevoBancoDólarPuertaPelotaCirculoEjemploEnergía

easy crossword 2017-02-22

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. twelve
  2. young cat
  3. abstract noun for wise
  4. organ of taste
  5. oyster 's gem
  6. natural surroundings
  7. distance around a figure
  8. prickly plant
  1. bottom number of a fraction
  2. uae president declared 2017 as "year of "
  3. capital of canada
  4. counting frame
  5. antonym of sad
  6. unit of length
  7. group of witches

15 Clues: twelveyoung catoyster 's gemprickly plantorgan of tastecounting frameantonym of sadunit of lengthgroup of witchescapital of canadanatural surroundingsabstract noun for wisedistance around a figurebottom number of a fractionuae president declared 2017 as "year of "

Level : Easy 2014-04-21

Level : Easy crossword puzzle
  1. I like ____ play football.
  2. The colour of grass.
  3. An animal which lays eggs.
  4. A fruit which is yellow in colour.
  5. Has four wheels and travels on the streets.
  6. Someone who teaches.
  7. My book is _____ the table.
  1. The opposite of thick.
  2. The opposite of white.
  3. An animal with a long nose.
  4. He ____ reading comic books.
  5. An animal that flies.
  6. An animal that jumps and catch flies.
  7. A cat. A dog. ____ elephant.
  8. I ____ a dog when i was young.

15 Clues: The colour of grass.Someone who teaches.An animal that flies.The opposite of thick.The opposite of white.I like ____ play football.An animal which lays eggs.An animal with a long nose.My book is _____ the table.He ____ reading comic books.A cat. A dog. ____ elephant.I ____ a dog when i was young.A fruit which is yellow in colour....

Easy Crossoword 2024-05-09

Easy Crossoword crossword puzzle
  1. a barrier to keep things out
  2. a seating
  3. education building
  4. something that you put your food on
  5. a place where you store books and other items
  6. a structure to represent something
  7. clothing
  8. a mini bag that can hold items
  9. a building where you live
  1. something that blocks rain and shadows
  2. a physical activity to keep your body healthy
  3. eye wear to help people see better
  4. a sweet treat that children get from Halloween
  5. a little walkway that leads to somewhere
  6. something where you put your dinners

15 Clues: clothinga seatingeducation buildinga building where you livea barrier to keep things outa mini bag that can hold itemseye wear to help people see bettera structure to represent somethingsomething that you put your food onsomething where you put your dinnerssomething that blocks rain and shadowsa little walkway that leads to somewhere...

Easy science 2022-08-30

Easy science crossword puzzle
  1. Point of liquid to gas.
  2. What is water?
  3. How hot or cold something is.
  4. What is a chair?
  5. What is lightning?
  6. Gas to liquid.
  7. What is air?
  8. Liquid to gas.
  1. Point of solid to liquid.
  2. Point of liquid to solid
  3. A theory of molecules' kinetic energy
  4. Solid to liquid.
  5. Point of Gas to liquid.
  6. Liquid to solid.
  7. Makes up everything

15 Clues: What is air?What is water?Gas to liquid.Liquid to gas.Solid to liquid.What is a chair?Liquid to solid.What is lightning?Makes up everythingPoint of liquid to gas.Point of Gas to liquid.Point of liquid to solidPoint of solid to liquid.How hot or cold something is.A theory of molecules' kinetic energy

easy peasy 2023-05-25

easy peasy crossword puzzle
  1. urticaria
  2. Bluish-purplish mark (bruise) on the skin
  3. pimples
  4. Solid, round or oval elevated lesion 1 cm or more in diameter
  5. Thick-walled, closed sac or pouch containing fluid or semisolid material.
  6. Epidermal growth (wart) caused by a virus
  7. absence of hair from areas where it normally grows
  8. Groove or crack-like sore
  1. containing pus
  2. moles
  3. Wearing away or loss of epidermis
  4. bedsore
  5. Small, pinpoint hemorrhage.
  6. blister
  7. Collection of dried serum and cellular debris

15 Clues: molesbedsorepimplesblisterurticariacontaining pusGroove or crack-like soreSmall, pinpoint hemorrhage.Wearing away or loss of epidermisBluish-purplish mark (bruise) on the skinEpidermal growth (wart) caused by a virusCollection of dried serum and cellular debrisabsence of hair from areas where it normally grows...

Easy Crossword 2024-09-28

Easy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Means of transportation
  2. Two dots at the end of a song means what?
  3. My Country 'tis of ...
  4. Fast
  5. Soft
  6. Cruise Vessels
  7. Prayer conclusion
  1. Fishing rod attachment
  2. Vote into office
  3. Car owners document
  4. Basic omelet ingredients
  5. Book of maps
  6. Yoked animals
  7. Forte
  8. What a piano student should do

15 Clues: FastSoftForteBook of mapsYoked animalsCruise VesselsVote into officePrayer conclusionCar owners documentFishing rod attachmentMy Country 'tis of ...Means of transportationBasic omelet ingredientsWhat a piano student should doTwo dots at the end of a song means what?

easy peasy 2024-10-04

easy peasy crossword puzzle
  1. to show adoration for something
  2. effects one event produces effects wich spread into further effect
  3. devoted to a task or purpose
  4. economy a period of rapid economic expansion (two word)
  5. well meaning and kindly
  6. synonym of loathe , feel contempt
  7. a very large sum of assets or money
  8. inability to be relied upon or trusted
  1. to be good at
  2. synonym of international
  3. frequently changing ; variable or irregular
  4. new and original
  5. antonym of unevenly
  6. point of view
  7. synonym of crave

15 Clues: to be good atpoint of viewnew and originalsynonym of craveantonym of unevenlywell meaning and kindlysynonym of internationaldevoted to a task or purposeto show adoration for somethingsynonym of loathe , feel contempta very large sum of assets or moneyinability to be relied upon or trustedfrequently changing ; variable or irregular...

Personality adjectives 2024-11-26

Personality adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. arrogant
  2. easy-going
  3. self-confident
  4. sympathetic
  5. optimistic
  6. sincere
  7. nosy
  8. reasonable
  1. big-headed
  2. determined
  3. dishonest
  4. impatient
  5. forgetful
  6. enthusiastic
  7. sensitive
  8. pessimistic
  9. bold
  10. moody
  11. sensible

19 Clues: boldnosymoodysincerearrogantsensibledishonestimpatientforgetfulsensitivebig-headeddeterminedeasy-goingoptimisticreasonablepessimisticsympatheticenthusiasticself-confident


EASY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. YOU SIT IT!!!
  7. "I'M SO THIRSTY I WANT SOME _____".


Easy science 2022-08-30

Easy science crossword puzzle
  1. Point of liquid to gas.
  2. What is water?
  3. How hot or cold something is.
  4. What is a chair?
  5. What is lightning?
  6. Gas to liquid.
  7. What is air?
  8. Liquid to gas.
  1. Point of solid to liquid.
  2. Point of liquid to solid
  3. A theory of molecules' kinetic energy
  4. Solid to liquid.
  5. Point of Gas to liquid.
  6. Liquid to solid.
  7. Makes up everything

15 Clues: What is air?What is water?Gas to liquid.Liquid to gas.Solid to liquid.What is a chair?Liquid to solid.What is lightning?Makes up everythingPoint of liquid to gas.Point of Gas to liquid.Point of liquid to solidPoint of solid to liquid.How hot or cold something is.A theory of molecules' kinetic energy

Easy Math 2021-04-09

Easy Math crossword puzzle
  1. The number 8
  2. The number 9
  3. The number 3
  4. The number 1
  5. Math symbol -
  6. Math symbol +
  7. The number 5
  1. The number 7
  2. The number 10
  3. Math symbol /
  4. The number 4
  5. The number 2
  6. Math symbol =
  7. Math symbol x
  8. The number 6

15 Clues: The number 7The number 8The number 9The number 4The number 3The number 2The number 1The number 6The number 5The number 10Math symbol /Math symbol =Math symbol -Math symbol xMath symbol +

Easy crossword ;) 2021-10-04

Easy crossword ;) crossword puzzle
  1. piel
  2. eléctrico
  3. delicioso
  4. escaparse
  5. volumen
  6. hacer
  1. estrellas
  2. radiación
  3. burbuja
  4. cuidadoso
  5. seguro
  6. aire
  7. máquina
  8. sol
  9. cielo

15 Clues: solpielairehacercieloseguroburbujamáquinavolumenestrellasradiacióncuidadosoeléctricodeliciosoescaparse

easy crossword 2021-10-04

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. alambre
  2. burbuja
  3. acalorado
  4. luz de dia
  5. emocionante
  6. piel
  1. cuidadoso
  2. ocupar
  3. rayo
  4. escalera
  5. maquina
  6. beber
  7. botella
  8. la Tierra
  9. pesar

15 Clues: rayopielbeberpesarocuparalambremaquinaburbujabotellaescaleracuidadosola Tierraacaloradoluz de diaemocionante

easy crossword 2021-10-05

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. hora
  2. otro
  3. porque
  4. derretirse
  5. ver
  6. suegra
  7. mojada
  1. poder
  2. frío
  3. blando
  4. subir
  5. burbuja
  6. sol
  7. luego
  8. adentro

15 Clues: solverfríohoraotropodersubirluegoblandoporquesuegramojadaburbujaadentroderretirse

easy #645 2022-10-05

easy #645 crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. Large marsupial
  3. Has a trunk
  4. Flying mammal
  5. foot protection
  6. Name of crossword
  1. Pine tree apple
  2. Why did the _______ cross the road
  3. Simpson dad
  4. Man's best friend
  5. read a ____
  6. Simpson daughter
  7. What has tiny arms
  8. 13
  9. Four, five, ___

15 Clues: 13Simpson dadread a ____Has a trunkFlying mammalPine tree appleLarge marsupialfoot protectionFour, five, ___Simpson daughterMan's best friendName of crosswordWhat has tiny armsLikes to chase miceWhy did the _______ cross the road

Crosswords (Easy) 2024-04-12

Crosswords (Easy) crossword puzzle
  1. Express feeling by smiling and making a sound.
  2. Engage in activity for enjoyment.
  3. An object to play with.
  4. An intense feeling of deep affection.
  5. Events in your mind when you are sleeping.
  6. Amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable.
  7. A male parent.
  8. Feel concern or interest in something or someone.
  1. A very young child, or recently born.
  2. Young human being below the age of puberty.
  3. Feeling of expectation for a certain thing to happen.
  4. A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
  5. The time of life when one is young.
  6. Another way to say "mom" or "mommy".
  7. The experience or state of being alive.

15 Clues: A male parent.An object to play with.Engage in activity for enjoyment.The time of life when one is young.Another way to say "mom" or "mommy".Amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable.A very young child, or recently born.An intense feeling of deep affection.The experience or state of being alive.A feeling of great pleasure and happiness....

Avengers Easy 2023-10-15

Avengers Easy crossword puzzle
  1. - Flying base of operations.
  2. - Green giant with anger issues.
  3. - Red-haired spy.
  4. - Loki's mind-controlling staff.
  5. - Avenger with a shield.
  6. - One-eyed director of SHIELD.
  7. - Scientist under Loki's control.
  8. - Iron Man's real surname.
  1. - Thor's trickster brother.
  2. - Avenger skilled with a bow.
  3. - Alien invaders.
  4. - Blue cube of immense power.
  5. - Organization directed by Fury.
  6. - Agent who idolizes Captain America.
  7. - God of thunder.

15 Clues: - Red-haired spy.- Alien invaders.- God of thunder.- Avenger with a shield.- Iron Man's real surname.- Thor's trickster brother.- Flying base of operations.- Avenger skilled with a bow.- Blue cube of immense power.- One-eyed director of SHIELD.- Green giant with anger issues.- Loki's mind-controlling staff.- Organization directed by Fury....


EASY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. odorless reactive gas
  2. temperature are needs to be cooled
  3. liquid turns into gas
  4. measures winds speed
  5. measure amount of water vapor in air
  6. measures humidity
  7. mesures atmospheric pressure
  8. acclamulation
  1. water vapor becomes liquid
  2. wispy
  3. shows direction of wind
  4. measures the precipating in rain
  5. measures temperatures
  6. tasteless gas
  7. fog that sit low in the atmosphere

15 Clues: wispytasteless gasacclamulationmeasures humiditymeasures winds speedodorless reactive gasliquid turns into gasmeasures temperaturesshows direction of windwater vapor becomes liquidmesures atmospheric pressuremeasures the precipating in raintemperature are needs to be cooledfog that sit low in the atmospheremeasure amount of water vapor in air


ADJECTIVES ANTONYMS crossword puzzle
  1. EMPTY
  2. CHEAP
  3. UGLY
  4. OLD
  6. HARD
  7. EASY
  8. THIN
  1. TIGHT
  3. CLOSE
  4. LIGHT
  5. HEAVY
  6. SMALL
  7. NOISY
  9. HAPPY
  10. CLOSE


Write the comparative forms of the adjectives in the spaces below. 2023-10-11

Write the comparative forms of the adjectives in the spaces below. crossword puzzle
  1. good
  2. difficult
  3. bad
  4. hot
  5. busy
  6. interesting
  7. easy
  1. cold
  2. greasy
  3. big
  4. far
  5. little
  6. brave
  7. short
  8. strong
  9. funny
  10. cheap

17 Clues: bigfarbadhotcoldgoodbusyeasybraveshortfunnycheapgreasylittlestrongdifficultinteresting

Write the comparative forms of the adjectives in the spaces below. 2023-10-11

Write the comparative forms of the adjectives in the spaces below. crossword puzzle
  1. big
  2. busy
  3. greasy
  4. strong
  5. easy
  6. cheap
  7. brave
  8. difficult
  1. interesting
  2. funny
  3. little
  4. bad
  5. short
  6. hot
  7. good
  8. far
  9. cold

17 Clues: bigbadhotfarbusygoodeasycoldfunnyshortcheapbravelittlegreasystrongdifficultinteresting

Mexican Cuisine 2024-04-27

Mexican Cuisine crossword puzzle
  1. - Traditional Mexican soup or stew with hominy (Medium)
  2. - Corn dough filled with meat, steamed in a husk (Medium)
  3. - Rolled tortilla filled with meat, fried until crispy (Hard)
  4. - Spicy Mexican soup made with tripe (Hard)
  5. - Corn dough filled with meat, steamed in a husk (Medium)
  6. - Fried tortilla topped with beans and meat (Easy)
  7. - Marinated raw seafood dish (Medium)
  8. - Mashed avocado dip with lime and spices (Medium)
  9. - Tortilla with melted cheese, folded and grilled (Medium)
  10. - Large tortilla filled with meat, beans, and rice (Medium)
  1. - Sweet rice milk flavored with cinnamon (Medium)
  2. - Spicy tomato-based sauce served with chips (Easy)
  3. - Slow-cooked shredded pork often used in tacos (Medium)
  4. - Flatbread made from corn or wheat flour (Easy)
  5. - Complex Mexican sauce with chocolate and spices (Medium)
  6. - Basic Mexican dish in a folded tortilla (Easy)
  7. - Rolled tortilla with chili sauce and filling (Medium)
  8. - Thick corn tortillas topped with meat and beans (Hard)
  9. - Fried dough pastry often coated in cinnamon sugar (Easy)
  10. - Stone mortar and pestle for grinding spices (Hard)

20 Clues: - Marinated raw seafood dish (Medium)- Spicy Mexican soup made with tripe (Hard)- Flatbread made from corn or wheat flour (Easy)- Basic Mexican dish in a folded tortilla (Easy)- Sweet rice milk flavored with cinnamon (Medium)- Fried tortilla topped with beans and meat (Easy)- Mashed avocado dip with lime and spices (Medium)...

easy 2024-01-11

easy crossword puzzle
  1. 3 or more line segments
  2. circle lick a quarter in money
  3. angle it has a small circle in side of it
  4. to find a segment
  1. angle it has a bis circle in side of it and can = 180
  2. circle half os a circle
  3. angle has a square in the side of it
  4. area in side of a space
  5. number is an order that can go on endlessly

9 Clues: to find a segment3 or more line segmentsarea in side of a spacecircle half os a circlecircle lick a quarter in moneyangle has a square in the side of itnumber is an order that can go on endlesslyangle it has a small circle in side of itangle it has a bis circle in side of it and can = 180

Easy 2024-08-29

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. A popular Italian dish with cheese and toppings.
  2. A celestial body that shines at night.
  3. A large reptile with a long snout and sharp teeth.
  4. A sweet drink made from fruit.
  5. A flying toy that soars with the wind.
  1. A striped animal found in the savanna.
  2. A slithery reptile with a hiss.
  3. A vehicle with four wheels.
  4. A small furry pet with whiskers and a meow.

9 Clues: A vehicle with four wheels.A sweet drink made from fruit.A slithery reptile with a hiss.A striped animal found in the savanna.A celestial body that shines at night.A flying toy that soars with the wind.A small furry pet with whiskers and a meow.A popular Italian dish with cheese and toppings.A large reptile with a long snout and sharp teeth.

Easy 2021-10-22

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
  2. Helping to restore to good condition.
  3. a person who looks after the passengers on a ship, aircraft, or train and brings them meals.
  4. The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
  1. Means having many sides or aspects. Expansive Means covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive or wide ranging.
  2. The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry.
  3. The action of remedying something, in particular of reversing or stopping environmental damage.
  4. of,at, or near the equator.
  5. an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

9 Clues: of,at, or near the equator.Helping to restore to good condition.an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry....

Easy 2023-05-03

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Fancy Chocolate
  2. Long purple vegetable
  3. Chewy candy
  4. After the present
  1. Habitat with many trees
  2. In a good mood
  3. Telling the truth
  4. Long thick string
  5. Beautiful flower, with prickly stalk

9 Clues: Chewy candyIn a good moodFancy ChocolateTelling the truthLong thick stringAfter the presentLong purple vegetableHabitat with many treesBeautiful flower, with prickly stalk

easy 2023-08-29

easy crossword puzzle
  1. leafy and sticks
  2. mythical creature
  3. chases mice
  4. water falling from the sky
  5. man's best friend
  1. your daughter
  2. has a trunk
  3. my favourite show
  4. rain + sun

9 Clues: rain + sunhas a trunkchases miceyour daughterleafy and sticksmy favourite showmythical creatureman's best friendwater falling from the sky

Easy 2024-06-15

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. The Manchurian Crisis involved this Asian country
  2. This island's research center focuses on growing young corals
  3. Active volcano on Jan Mayen
  4. Coral reefs have a special relationship with this
  5. This type of energy is crucial for Lagos's future
  1. Uninhabited Norwegian island (Two Words next to each other e.g. twoword)
  2. North Korea and South Korea are on this
  3. A natural resource found around Jan Mayen
  4. Corals protect islands from this

9 Clues: Active volcano on Jan MayenCorals protect islands from thisNorth Korea and South Korea are on thisA natural resource found around Jan MayenThe Manchurian Crisis involved this Asian countryCoral reefs have a special relationship with thisThis type of energy is crucial for Lagos's futureThis island's research center focuses on growing young corals...

Common adjectives 2014-12-13

Common adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. big
  2. old
  3. dry
  4. rich
  5. safe
  6. cheap
  7. slow
  8. diffic
  9. beautif
  10. low
  11. expens
  12. fast
  1. bad
  2. good
  3. poor
  4. high
  5. small
  6. easy
  7. new
  8. dang
  9. full
  10. dirt
  11. ugl
  12. clean
  13. wet
  14. emp

26 Clues: bigbadolddrynewugllowwetempgoodpoorrichhighsafeeasyslowdangfulldirtfastsmallcheapcleandifficexpensbeautif

Common adjectives 2014-12-13

Common adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. good
  2. dang
  3. safe
  4. wet
  5. clean
  6. old
  7. rich
  8. beautif
  9. cheap
  10. easy
  11. emp
  12. low
  1. big
  2. dirt
  3. diffic
  4. new
  5. small
  6. fast
  7. bad
  8. full
  9. dry
  10. high
  11. expens
  12. slow
  13. ugl
  14. poor

26 Clues: bignewbadwetolddryuglemplowgooddirtdangfastsafefullrichhigheasyslowpoorsmallcleancheapdifficexpensbeautif

Common adjectives 2014-12-13

Common adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. bad
  2. ugl
  3. clean
  4. high
  5. emp
  6. new
  7. safe
  8. big
  9. slow
  10. beautif
  11. low
  12. dang
  13. wet
  1. dry
  2. full
  3. rich
  4. cheap
  5. expens
  6. dirt
  7. diffic
  8. small
  9. easy
  10. poor
  11. old
  12. fast
  13. good

26 Clues: baddryuglempnewbiglowoldwetfullrichhighdirtsafeeasypoorslowfastdanggoodcleancheapsmallexpensdifficbeautif

Easy science 2022-08-30

Easy science crossword puzzle
  1. Point of liquid to gas.
  2. What is water?
  3. How hot or cold something is.
  4. What is a chair?
  5. What is lightning?
  6. Gas to liquid.
  7. What is air?
  8. Liquid to gas.
  1. Point of solid to liquid.
  2. Point of liquid to solid
  3. A theory of molecules' kinetic energy
  4. Solid to liquid.
  5. Point of Gas to liquid.
  6. Liquid to solid.
  7. Makes up everything

15 Clues: What is air?What is water?Gas to liquid.Liquid to gas.Solid to liquid.What is a chair?Liquid to solid.What is lightning?Makes up everythingPoint of liquid to gas.Point of Gas to liquid.Point of liquid to solidPoint of solid to liquid.How hot or cold something is.A theory of molecules' kinetic energy

Easy crossword 2021-09-28

Easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Cuidando
  2. Mas bajo
  3. Comportamiento
  4. Abajo
  5. Piezas
  6. expectativa
  7. Dice
  1. Enfoque
  2. Formula
  3. carrera profesional
  4. Control
  5. razonable
  6. endorfinas
  7. Llave
  8. El Estado

15 Clues: DiceAbajoLlavePiezasEnfoqueFormulaControlCuidandoMas bajorazonableEl EstadoendorfinasexpectativaComportamientocarrera profesional

easy crossword 2021-10-05

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. burbuja
  2. mojada
  3. hora
  4. adentro
  5. sol
  6. derretirse
  7. frío
  8. subir
  9. poder
  1. ver
  2. otro
  3. porque
  4. suegra
  5. luego
  6. blando

15 Clues: versolotrohorafríoluegosubirpoderporquemojadasuegrablandoburbujaadentroderretirse

Easy Crossword 2023-03-31

Easy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a yellow food you eat
  2. a very sour yellow fruit
  3. a green fruit that is usually bitter
  4. a yellow fruit that goes with many drinks
  5. a blue little round fruit
  6. a fuzzy fruit you eat
  7. a green and red fruit you eat
  8. an orange fruit you eat
  1. a red fruit with seeds on the outside
  2. a red bumpy fruit
  3. a red fruit you eat
  4. a purple fruit you eat
  5. a very sour green fruit
  6. a red round fruit that usually goes with shakes
  7. a fruit well known for it's drinks

15 Clues: a red bumpy fruita red fruit you eata yellow food you eata fuzzy fruit you eata purple fruit you eata very sour green fruitan orange fruit you eata very sour yellow fruita blue little round fruita green and red fruit you eata fruit well known for it's drinksa green fruit that is usually bittera red fruit with seeds on the outside...

Vlad easy 2023-05-02

Vlad easy crossword puzzle
  1. Ein rundes Spielzeug, das man werfen oder treten kann
  2. Eine große Pflanze, die aus dem Boden wächst und Zweige und Blätter hat
  3. Ein Möbelstück, auf dem man Gegenstände ablegt oder isst
  4. Eine Flüssigkeit, die man trinkt und in der man schwimmen kann
  5. Ein Möbelstück, auf dem man sitzt
  6. Ein Himmelskörper, der nachts am Himmel erscheint und um die Erde kreist
  7. Ein süßes Gebäck, das oft zum Geburtstag serviert wird
  1. Ein geflügeltes Tier, das fliegen kann
  2. Ein Haustier, das Mäuse jagt
  3. Ein Objekt mit Seiten voller Text zum Lesen
  4. Ein Wasserlebewesen, das Kiemen zum Atmen hat
  5. Ein Fahrzeug mit vier Rädern, das auf Straßen fährt
  6. Eine duftende, bunte Blume mit Dornen am Stiel
  7. Ein kleines Nagetier, das von Katzen gejagt wird
  8. Ein Haustier, das als bester Freund des Menschen gilt

15 Clues: Ein Haustier, das Mäuse jagtEin Möbelstück, auf dem man sitztEin geflügeltes Tier, das fliegen kannEin Objekt mit Seiten voller Text zum LesenEin Wasserlebewesen, das Kiemen zum Atmen hatEine duftende, bunte Blume mit Dornen am StielEin kleines Nagetier, das von Katzen gejagt wirdEin Fahrzeug mit vier Rädern, das auf Straßen fährt...

Vlad easy 2023-05-02

Vlad easy crossword puzzle
  1. Ein Objekt mit Seiten voller Text zum Lesen
  2. Ein geflügeltes Tier, das fliegen kann
  3. Ein Haustier, das als bester Freund des Menschen gilt
  4. Ein Wasserlebewesen, das Kiemen zum Atmen hat
  5. Ein kleines Nagetier, das von Katzen gejagt wird
  6. Ein Möbelstück, auf dem man sitzt
  7. Ein Haustier, das Mäuse jagt
  8. Eine duftende, bunte Blume mit Dornen am Stiel
  1. Ein rundes Spielzeug, das man werfen oder treten kann
  2. Ein Himmelskörper, der nachts am Himmel erscheint und um die Erde kreist
  3. Ein süßes Gebäck, das oft zum Geburtstag serviert wird
  4. Eine große Pflanze, die aus dem Boden wächst und Zweige und Blätter hat
  5. Ein Möbelstück, auf dem man Gegenstände ablegt oder isst
  6. Eine Flüssigkeit, die man trinkt und in der man schwimmen kann
  7. Ein Fahrzeug mit vier Rädern, das auf Straßen fährt

15 Clues: Ein Haustier, das Mäuse jagtEin Möbelstück, auf dem man sitztEin geflügeltes Tier, das fliegen kannEin Objekt mit Seiten voller Text zum LesenEin Wasserlebewesen, das Kiemen zum Atmen hatEine duftende, bunte Blume mit Dornen am StielEin kleines Nagetier, das von Katzen gejagt wirdEin Fahrzeug mit vier Rädern, das auf Straßen fährt...

Easy Squeezy 2014-05-22

Easy Squeezy crossword puzzle
  1. A special type of inferior good which has a positive relationship between price and quantity demanded.
  2. Statements that are based on opinion.
  3. The benefit obtained by consumers from purchasing a commodity at a particular market price.
  4. The change in the combination of goods purchased due to a change in relative prices.
  5. In this system, prices are determined by the market mechanism(the forces of demand and supply)
  6. The cost of one choice in terms of the next best alternative
  7. The majority of decision-making is undertaken b a central planning authority
  1. The satisfaction a consumer receives from consuming an extra unit of a commodity
  2. good characterised by an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded and a positive relationship between demand and consumer income.
  3. The locus of all the possible combinations of two or more goods which yield the same level of satisfaction to the consumer
  4. There are not enough resources to meet the needs of all economic agents
  5. For the output of one good to increase the output of the other good must fall
  6. Statements which address matters of fact.
  7. A system where some decisions are made by the the state and some by the private sector
  8. Possibility Frontier/A macroeconomic tool that represents the point at which an economy is most efficiently producing its goods and services.

15 Clues: Statements that are based on opinion.Statements which address matters of fact.The cost of one choice in terms of the next best alternativeThere are not enough resources to meet the needs of all economic agentsThe majority of decision-making is undertaken b a central planning authority...

easy crossword 2021-11-25

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. capa
  2. fuerza
  3. barco
  4. bajarse
  5. ingrediete
  1. agua
  2. flotar
  3. tierra
  4. abierto
  5. hora
  6. hundirse
  7. escalera
  8. volverse
  9. dia
  10. viajar

15 Clues: diaaguacapahorabarcoflotarfuerzatierraviajarabiertobajarsehundirseescaleravolverseingrediete

Too Easy 2023-08-18

Too Easy crossword puzzle
  1. to inform
  2. sudden
  3. move back, flintch
  4. to increase speed
  5. not normal
  6. little importance
  7. gloomy, harsh, frightening
  8. strong or healthy
  1. surprise or shock!
  2. to burst
  3. to cause pain or suffering
  4. to pulsate or vibrate
  5. not willing to believe something
  6. to be made aware through the senses
  7. to abandon or make less

15 Clues: suddento burstto informnot normalto increase speedlittle importancestrong or healthysurprise or shock!move back, flintchto pulsate or vibrateto abandon or make lessto cause pain or sufferinggloomy, harsh, frighteningnot willing to believe somethingto be made aware through the senses

easy crossword 2023-12-05

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. flower bloom
  2. the invention that make us travel easier
  3. the great invention by Alexander Graham Bell
  4. animal that can give birth
  5. invented by Bill Gates
  6. Flying mammal
  7. animal that eating meat
  8. an amphibian
  9. Likes to chase mice
  1. Man's best friend
  2. people play ski and make snowman
  3. Has a trunk
  4. river out of water
  5. come after rain
  6. favorite place on summer

15 Clues: Has a trunkflower blooman amphibianFlying mammalcome after rainMan's best friendriver out of waterLikes to chase miceinvented by Bill Gatesanimal that eating meatfavorite place on summeranimal that can give birthpeople play ski and make snowmanthe invention that make us travel easierthe great invention by Alexander Graham Bell

Super Easy 2024-07-03

Super Easy crossword puzzle
  1. - A small domesticated carnivorous mammal.
  2. - Water falling from the sky.
  3. - The star at the center of our solar system.
  4. - Frozen water.
  5. - An item worn on the head.
  6. - An animal that can fly.
  7. - Earth's natural satellite.
  1. - A large plant with a trunk and branches.
  2. - An animal that lives in water.
  3. - A tool used for writing.
  4. - A bright point of light in the night sky.
  5. - A vehicle with four wheels.
  6. - A set of written or printed pages.
  7. - Man's best friend.
  8. - A white liquid produced by cows.

15 Clues: - Frozen water.- Man's best friend.- An animal that can fly.- A tool used for writing.- An item worn on the head.- Earth's natural satellite.- Water falling from the sky.- A vehicle with four wheels.- An animal that lives in water.- A white liquid produced by cows.- A set of written or printed pages.- A small domesticated carnivorous mammal....

easy crossword 2024-12-21

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. announcer
  2. "no room in the ___"
  3. crib
  4. doubting ______
  5. meeting place
  6. behind 2nd veil
  7. priestly line
  1. king-priest
  2. last word in Bible
  3. Mary's cousin
  4. Paul's companion
  5. forerunner
  6. Aaron's _______
  7. built walls
  8. _____ supper

15 Clues: cribannouncerforerunnerking-priestbuilt walls_____ supperMary's cousinmeeting placepriestly lineAaron's _______doubting ______behind 2nd veilPaul's companionlast word in Bible"no room in the ___"

easy crossword =-) 2021-10-04

easy crossword =-) crossword puzzle
  1. pajaro
  2. oxido
  3. poner en marcha
  4. levantado
  5. cielo
  6. primero/a
  7. despues
  8. sol
  1. chocolate
  2. botella
  3. fuerza
  4. temperatura
  5. fuera
  6. oscuro
  7. ver

15 Clues: versolfueraoxidocielopajarofuerzaoscurobotelladespueschocolatelevantadoprimero/atemperaturaponer en marcha

easy crossword 2021-10-04

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. acalorado
  2. piel
  3. escalera
  4. emocionante
  5. ocupar
  6. alambre
  7. la Tierra
  8. burbuja
  1. maquina
  2. beber
  3. luz de dia
  4. pesar
  5. botella
  6. cuidadoso
  7. rayo

15 Clues: pielrayobeberpesarocuparmaquinabotellaalambreburbujaescaleraacaloradocuidadosola Tierraluz de diaemocionante


EASY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. llamada
  2. otro
  3. enzima
  4. escalera
  5. cielo
  6. botella
  7. hacer
  1. lleno
  2. maquina
  3. barco
  4. emocionante
  5. sol
  6. cuando
  7. radacion
  8. cuerpo

15 Clues: solotrollenobarcocielohacerenzimacuandocuerpomaquinallamadabotellaescaleraradacionemocionante

easy crossword 2021-10-05

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. burbuja
  2. mojada
  3. hora
  4. adentro
  5. sol
  6. derretirse
  7. frío
  8. subir
  9. poder
  1. ver
  2. otro
  3. porque
  4. suegra
  5. luego
  6. blando

15 Clues: versolotrohorafríoluegosubirpoderporquemojadasuegrablandoburbujaadentroderretirse

easy crossword 2021-09-29

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. menos
  2. mayor
  3. proviene
  4. mas saludable
  5. gastado
  6. comprometido
  1. quimicos
  2. mas grande
  3. sinergia
  4. nutriendo
  5. enfoque
  6. donacion
  7. sin embargo
  8. probable
  9. familiar

15 Clues: menosmayorenfoquegastadoquimicossinergiadonacionprobableprovienefamiliarnutriendomas grandesin embargocomprometidomas saludable

monsters (easy) 2021-09-08

monsters (easy) crossword puzzle
  1. you'll see right through me
  2. top evil creature
  3. I wish I had a lamp
  4. this little fellow is nearly limp
  5. open fire talker
  6. spell it out
  7. blood sucker
  1. beware the full moon
  2. snake head
  3. famous blood sucker
  4. look in the loch
  5. I am supposed to be easy
  6. too many heads
  7. these dead don't die
  8. I'm well wrapped

15 Clues: snake headspell it outblood suckertoo many headslook in the lochopen fire talkerI'm well wrappedtop evil creaturefamous blood suckerI wish I had a lampbeware the full moonthese dead don't dieI am supposed to be easyyou'll see right through methis little fellow is nearly limp

Easy Riddles 2021-04-20

Easy Riddles crossword puzzle
  1. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
  2. what has one eye, but can’t see ?
  3. where does today come before yesterday?
  4. What gets bigger when more is taken away?
  5. What has a head and a tail but no body?
  6. What has many teeth, but can’t bite?
  7. What has to be broken before you can use it?
  8. What has one head, one foot and four legs?
  1. What gets wet while drying?
  2. What goes up but never comes down?
  3. What building has the most stories?
  4. What goes up and down but doesn’t move ?
  5. What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?
  6. What runs all around a backyard, yet never moves?
  7. What tastes better than it smells?

15 Clues: What gets wet while drying?what has one eye, but can’t see ?What goes up but never comes down?What tastes better than it smells?What building has the most stories?What has many teeth, but can’t bite?where does today come before yesterday?What has a head and a tail but no body?What goes up and down but doesn’t move ?...

food easy 2019-02-24

food easy crossword puzzle
  1. šunka
  2. vejce
  3. těstoviny
  4. chléb
  5. mrkev
  6. mléko
  7. džus
  8. čaj
  9. voda
  1. maso
  2. hruška
  3. brambora
  4. kuře
  5. rajče
  6. cukr

15 Clues: čajmasokuřecukrdžusvodašunkavejcechlébmrkevrajčemlékohruškabramboratěstoviny

Easy Places 2023-07-14

Easy Places crossword puzzle
  1. There are a lot of stores inside a ...
  2. We wait for the bus at the ...
  3. Fast food ... is very popular around here.
  4. You can go to the ... if you need to relieve yourself in public places.
  5. People can enjoy themselves at the ... having a picnic, jogging, or watching children playing.
  6. Sick people go to ... to get treatment.
  7. The ... is a place where people can do light and heavy exercise.
  8. Mom goes to the ... to buy groceries.
  1. People go to ... to study.
  2. We have to go to the ... to board a plane.
  3. Food is usually cheaper if we buy them at the ...
  4. We get on a train at the ...
  5. ... is where we spend time and relax with our family.
  6. Kids really like to go to the ... and play in the water.
  7. Students get extra school lesson at a ... like GO and Tridaya.

15 Clues: People go to ... to study.We get on a train at the ...We wait for the bus at the ...Mom goes to the ... to buy groceries.There are a lot of stores inside a ...Sick people go to ... to get treatment.We have to go to the ... to board a plane.Fast food ... is very popular around here.Food is usually cheaper if we buy them at the ......

Impossibly Easy 2023-04-01

Impossibly Easy crossword puzzle
  1. a well-known sentence or phrase
  2. manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class
  3. green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water
  4. overcome with consternation; confounded; astounded
  5. baggy breeches fastened with a band at the knee or above the ankle
  6. branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy
  7. indecipherable
  8. describing or explaining something in such a simple way that it is no longer correct or true
  1. a plant of the daisy family with brightly colored ornamental flowers
  2. a large white screen placed near the boundary behind the bowler to help the batter see the ball.
  3. human in form or nature
  4. a bracelet that straps a wrist watch onto the wrist.
  5. a quaternary ammonium compound and depolarizing agent with short-term muscle relaxant properties
  6. seek or consider the rational content or form of
  7. a mnemonic used in medieval music

15 Clues: indecipherablehuman in form or naturea well-known sentence or phrasea mnemonic used in medieval musicseek or consider the rational content or form ofovercome with consternation; confounded; astoundeda bracelet that straps a wrist watch onto the wrist.baggy breeches fastened with a band at the knee or above the ankle...

easy crossword 2023-05-03

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. has a stem, petals, and a nice smell
  2. has a keyboard and accesses the internet
  3. grows from your fingertip, or used with a hammer
  4. a baby cat
  5. the person who runs the classroom
  6. type of clock that wakes you up
  7. what an infant is called before it's born
  1. what the leader of the united states is called
  2. quickly does math for you
  3. the ring above an angel's head
  4. 365 days
  5. the largest planet in the colar system
  6. you use this to see
  7. school you may attend after high school
  8. precipitation when it's too cold to rain

15 Clues: 365 daysa baby catyou use this to seequickly does math for youthe ring above an angel's headtype of clock that wakes you upthe person who runs the classroomhas a stem, petals, and a nice smellthe largest planet in the colar systemschool you may attend after high schoolhas a keyboard and accesses the internetprecipitation when it's too cold to rain...

AOSA - EASY 2023-11-29

AOSA - EASY crossword puzzle
  1. Pleasing the senses, visually attractive.
  2. Full of activity and people.
  3. Free from danger or harm.
  4. Recently made or brought into existence.
  5. Having a variety of bright colors.
  6. Full of life, energy, and activity.
  7. Free from dirt, marks, or unwanted substances.
  1. Making little or no noise; calm and peaceful.
  2. Large in size.
  3. Having been in existence for a long time.
  4. Not large in size.
  5. Marked by bright sunlight or a cheerful atmosphere.
  6. Characteristic of present and recent time; up-to-date.
  7. Warm, comfortable, and pleasant, often in a small space.
  8. Having a lot of plants or trees; the color associated with nature.

15 Clues: Large in size.Not large in size.Free from danger or harm.Full of activity and people.Having a variety of bright colors.Full of life, energy, and activity.Recently made or brought into existence.Having been in existence for a long time.Pleasing the senses, visually attractive.Making little or no noise; calm and peaceful....

Easy peasy 2023-09-27

Easy peasy crossword puzzle
  1. They break down dead plants and animals
  2. The flow of energy transferred in an ecosystem is called
  3. It is an omnivore living thing
  4. It is an organism that eats meat
  5. It is a community where living things and non-living things interact.
  6. It is the hottest ecosystem
  1. It is the process of taking the energy from the sun, carbon dioxide and water to produce food and oxigen
  2. Another word for a living thing
  3. They make their own food
  4. This organism eats meat and plants
  5. It is a type of aquatic plant
  6. Another word for a non-living thing
  7. It is the main source of energy
  8. It is part of any food web
  9. It cannot be created nor transformed

15 Clues: They make their own foodIt is part of any food webIt is the hottest ecosystemIt is a type of aquatic plantIt is an omnivore living thingAnother word for a living thingIt is the main source of energyIt is an organism that eats meatThis organism eats meat and plantsAnother word for a non-living thingIt cannot be created nor transformed...

Too Easy 2024-02-08

Too Easy crossword puzzle
  1. not willing to believe something
  2. to let someone know; to inform
  3. to make or become less in amount or intensity
  4. not normal
  5. sudden or unexpected
  6. the cause of serious pain and suffering, or a state of such suffering
  7. to break or bust
  1. to speed up, or to cause to speed up
  2. to astound or stupefy
  3. of very little importance or value
  4. to become aware of through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing
  5. to move back suddenly as though in pain or fear
  6. strong and healthy
  7. gloomy, harsh, and frightening
  8. to pound or beat rapidly or violently; to pulsate or vibrate

15 Clues: not normalto break or buststrong and healthysudden or unexpectedto astound or stupefyto let someone know; to informgloomy, harsh, and frighteningnot willing to believe somethingof very little importance or valueto speed up, or to cause to speed upto make or become less in amount or intensityto move back suddenly as though in pain or fear...

Crossword - Easy 2024-04-20

Crossword - Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Site of aerobic respiration in eukaryotic cells
  2. Non superposable mirror images
  3. Proportion between two sets of dimensions
  4. Biological catalyst
  5. Asexual chlamydospore
  6. Wavefunction of electron
  7. Transfer of heat
  8. Breakdown of glucose
  1. Protons plus neutrons
  2. Found in the adipose tissues
  3. Ketopentose
  4. Copying DNA to RNA
  5. Enzymes bind to (plural)
  6. Ship of the dessert
  7. Equational division

15 Clues: KetopentoseTransfer of heatCopying DNA to RNAShip of the dessertBiological catalystEquational divisionBreakdown of glucoseProtons plus neutronsAsexual chlamydosporeEnzymes bind to (plural)Wavefunction of electronFound in the adipose tissuesNon superposable mirror imagesProportion between two sets of dimensions...

Games 2021-07-30

Games crossword puzzle
  1. dice
  2. challenging
  3. enjoyable
  4. strategy
  5. card
  6. instructions
  7. points
  1. lose
  2. rules
  3. winner
  4. board
  5. player
  6. word
  7. exciting
  8. easy
  9. imagination

16 Clues: losedicewordeasycardrulesboardwinnerplayerpointsexcitingstrategyenjoyablechallengingimaginationinstructions

Diet Secrets of the Deep and Fathomous MBARI 2023-07-28

Diet Secrets of the Deep and Fathomous MBARI crossword puzzle
  1. deep
  2. predator
  3. squid
  4. hungry
  5. animal
  6. central
  7. easy
  8. wind
  1. exciting
  2. energy
  3. food
  4. ocean
  5. stomach
  6. dinner
  7. habitat
  8. long

16 Clues: deepfoodlongeasywindoceansquidenergydinnerhungryanimalstomachhabitatcentralexcitingpredator

Easy 2021-10-22

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
  2. Helping to restore to good condition.
  3. a person who looks after the passengers on a ship, aircraft, or train and brings them meals.
  4. The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
  1. Means having many sides or aspects. Expansive Means covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive or wide ranging.
  2. The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry.
  3. The action of remedying something, in particular of reversing or stopping environmental damage.
  4. of,at, or near the equator.
  5. an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

9 Clues: of,at, or near the equator.Helping to restore to good condition.an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry....

easy 2023-02-13

easy crossword puzzle
  1. 5+2
  2. education p.e stands for ________
  3. opposite of dog
  4. 2+1
  1. second of the rainbow
  2. gold is _______
  3. a kept animal
  4. social studies is actuly
  5. 1+1

9 Clues: 5+22+11+1a kept animalgold is _______opposite of dogsecond of the rainbowsocial studies is actulyeducation p.e stands for ________

Easy 2023-05-03

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Fancy Chocolate
  2. Long purple vegetable
  3. Chewy candy
  4. After the present
  1. Habitat with many trees
  2. In a good mood
  3. Telling the truth
  4. Long thick string
  5. Beautiful flower, with prickly stalk

9 Clues: Chewy candyIn a good moodFancy ChocolateTelling the truthLong thick stringAfter the presentLong purple vegetableHabitat with many treesBeautiful flower, with prickly stalk

Easy 2023-05-03

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Fancy Chocolate
  2. Long purple vegetable
  3. Chewy candy
  4. After the present
  1. Habitat with many trees
  2. In a good mood
  3. Telling the truth
  4. Long thick string
  5. Beautiful flower, with prickly stalk

9 Clues: Chewy candyIn a good moodFancy ChocolateTelling the truthLong thick stringAfter the presentLong purple vegetableHabitat with many treesBeautiful flower, with prickly stalk

Adjectives 2017-06-04

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Thin
  2. Fair
  3. Short
  4. Dirty
  5. Old
  6. Cheap
  7. Dangerous
  8. Full
  9. Rich
  10. Short
  11. Easy
  12. Long
  13. Old
  1. Empty
  2. Wet
  3. Fat
  4. Fast
  5. Safe
  6. Difficult
  7. Dry
  8. Ugly
  9. Expensive
  10. Dark
  11. Slow
  12. Young
  13. Clean
  14. Low
  15. Poor
  16. Beautiful

29 Clues: WetFatOldDryLowOldThinFastFairSafeUglyDarkSlowFullRichEasyLongPoorEmptyShortDirtyCheapYoungCleanShortDifficultExpensiveDangerousBeautiful

-able, -ible and oddball BLUE SORT 52 2016-02-17

-able, -ible and oddball BLUE SORT 52 crossword puzzle
  1. able to exist or occur together without conflict
  2. an action that will get you into serious trouble
  3. gaining respect when you have more benefit
  4. understandable/probable
  5. having the power to be undefeated
  6. easy to unlock or a code than can be broken
  7. cannot be forgotten
  8. extremely bad or serious
  9. not that good/doubtful
  10. something you can eat
  11. unable to be touched or grasped
  1. having delight for something
  2. can be done
  3. to go bad quickly
  4. can change easily
  5. able to catch fire easily
  6. the producer gets benefit by money
  7. something you can keep going
  8. having the right to do or obtain something
  9. easy to guess
  10. can be produced again and again.....
  11. easy to joke about
  12. easy to be untrustworthy
  13. possible to do easily or conveniently

24 Clues: can be doneeasy to guessto go bad quicklycan change easilyeasy to joke aboutcannot be forgottensomething you can eatnot that good/doubtfulunderstandable/probableeasy to be untrustworthyextremely bad or seriousable to catch fire easilyhaving delight for somethingsomething you can keep goingunable to be touched or grasped...

Adjectives 2017-06-04

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Wet
  2. Dark
  3. Poor
  4. Cheap
  5. Easy
  6. Fat
  7. Long
  8. Dry
  9. Young
  10. Old
  11. Empty
  12. Difficult
  13. Fast
  1. Rich
  2. Ugly
  3. Fair
  4. Safe
  5. Dirty
  6. Dangerous
  7. Thin
  8. Full
  9. Clean
  10. Expensive
  11. Short
  12. Low
  13. Beautiful
  14. Slow
  15. Old
  16. Short

29 Clues: WetFatLowDryOldOldRichUglyFairSafeDarkPoorThinFullEasyLongSlowFastDirtyCheapCleanShortYoungEmptyShortDangerousExpensiveBeautifulDifficult

Lessons 35-38 crossword puzzle 2024-04-19

Lessons 35-38 crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. soup
  2. coach
  3. bowling
  4. boring
  5. test
  6. track
  7. crocodile
  8. peel
  1. dribble
  2. famous
  3. sandwich
  4. cabbage
  5. air
  6. guitar
  7. cafe
  8. easy

16 Clues: airsouptestcafepeeleasycoachtrackfamousguitarboringdribblecabbagebowlingsandwichcrocodile

Too Easy 2015-04-28

Too Easy crossword puzzle
  1. strong like iron
  2. make it fade
  3. unimportant
  4. not normal
  5. notice
  6. all of a sudden
  7. can't believe it; incredible
  8. dark
  9. let someone know
  1. burst
  2. to go faster
  3. surprised
  4. beating like a heart beat
  5. the cause of pain
  6. flinched

15 Clues: darkburstnoticeflinchedsurprisednot normalunimportantmake it fadeto go fasterall of a suddenstrong like ironlet someone knowthe cause of painbeating like a heart beatcan't believe it; incredible

FOOD EASY 2016-05-31

FOOD EASY crossword puzzle
  1. MLÉKO
  2. ŠUNKA
  3. KUŘE
  1. DŽUS
  7. MÁSLO


Too Easy 2017-12-08

Too Easy crossword puzzle
  1. I lurched forward in my seat as the truck came to a(n) _____ halt.
  2. The contest judges will ____ the winners by email.
  3. The tree has a(n) ______ growth on its trunk that is yellow and flaky.
  4. The balloon _____ when Zoe poked it with her sharp fingernails.
  5. Tina wrote a surprise ending to her story, hoping to _____ her readers.
  6. Grandpa looks much more _____ now that he exercises regularly.
  7. Without my glasses, I found it tough to ____ what the teacher had written up on the blackboard.
  1. Our problems seem so _____ compared to those who don't even have food to eat.
  2. Tim was _____ when he heard that he had won the lottery; he had forgotten that he bought a ticket.
  3. As the effects of the medicine kicked in, my headache slowly _____.
  4. I was so nervous before my presentation that I could feel my heart _____ in my chest.
  5. She chose to ____ her college program so she could graduate early.
  6. Constant headaches can be considered a(n) _____.
  7. The old, abandoned building was dark and _____.
  8. The boy _____ when he saw the size of the needle in the doctor's hand.

15 Clues: The old, abandoned building was dark and _____.Constant headaches can be considered a(n) _____.The contest judges will ____ the winners by email.Grandpa looks much more _____ now that he exercises regularly.The balloon _____ when Zoe poked it with her sharp fingernails.I lurched forward in my seat as the truck came to a(n) _____ halt....

easy crossword 2021-10-05

easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. burbuja
  2. mojada
  3. hora
  4. adentro
  5. sol
  6. derretirse
  7. frío
  8. subir
  9. poder
  1. ver
  2. otro
  3. porque
  4. suegra
  5. luego
  6. blando

15 Clues: versolotrohorafríoluegosubirpoderporquemojadasuegrablandoburbujaadentroderretirse


EASY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. comienzo
  2. ocupar
  3. combinado
  4. espacio
  5. maquina
  6. cubierto
  7. oscuro
  8. conducir
  1. suelo
  2. organico
  3. causa
  4. electricidad
  5. daño
  6. estrella
  7. beber

15 Clues: dañosuelocausabeberocuparoscuroespaciomaquinacomienzoorganicocubiertoestrellaconducircombinadoelectricidad


EASY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Sun
  2. machine
  3. bottle
  4. heaven
  5. do
  6. exciting
  7. full
  8. radacion
  1. call
  2. boat
  3. cuerpo
  4. when
  5. enzyme
  6. stairs
  7. other

15 Clues: doSuncallboatwhenfullothercuerpobottleheavenenzymestairsmachineexcitingradacion

Evaluation easy 2021-11-29

Evaluation easy crossword puzzle
  1. Conducido
  2. botella
  3. ingredientes
  4. temperatura
  5. chocolate
  6. Absorbido
  7. delicioso
  1. Piel
  2. nunca
  3. radiación
  4. dióxido
  5. electricidad
  6. orgánico
  7. cuerpo
  8. Burbujas

15 Clues: PielnuncacuerpodióxidobotellaorgánicoBurbujasradiaciónConducidochocolateAbsorbidodeliciosotemperaturaingredienteselectricidad

Easy Antonyms 2021-12-09

Easy Antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. full
  2. dirty
  3. light
  4. slow
  5. boy
  6. wet
  1. close
  2. front
  3. below
  4. night
  5. cold
  6. sad
  7. small
  8. young
  9. out

15 Clues: sadboyoutwetfullcoldslowclosefrontdirtybelownightlightsmallyoung

Too Easy 2022-02-11

Too Easy crossword puzzle
  1. to let someone know; to inform
  2. sudden or unexpected
  3. to move back suddenly as though in pain or fear
  4. to speed up, or to cause to speed up
  5. not normal
  6. of very little importance or value
  7. gloomy, harsh, and frightening
  8. strong or healthy
  1. to surprise or amaze people into a state of shock
  2. to break or burst
  3. the cause of serious pain and suffering
  4. to pound or beat rapidly or violently
  5. not willing to believe something
  6. to become aware of through any of the senses
  7. to make or become less in amount or intensity

15 Clues: not normalto break or burststrong or healthysudden or unexpectedto let someone know; to informgloomy, harsh, and frighteningnot willing to believe somethingof very little importance or valueto speed up, or to cause to speed upto pound or beat rapidly or violentlythe cause of serious pain and sufferingto become aware of through any of the senses...

Easy crossword 2022-04-27

Easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. using something wrong
  2. something in the ground
  3. every food has something when u buy it
  4. you cant sleep at night
  5. u can be fixed by this
  6. you see them at the olympics
  7. putting a file in the wrong place
  1. based on religion
  2. everyone has something that they cant do
  3. the government can have a certain amount of
  4. you might spell a word wrong
  5. to get paperwork
  6. you do something bad and u try to work it out with a person
  7. sharing with someone
  8. you do this when u go back up after being underwater

15 Clues: to get paperworkbased on religionsharing with someoneusing something wrongu can be fixed by thissomething in the groundyou cant sleep at nightyou might spell a word wrongyou see them at the olympicsputting a file in the wrong placeevery food has something when u buy iteveryone has something that they cant do...