easy Crossword Puzzles
Week 9 Spelling 2024-10-27
- easy to say no to
- able to happen
- impossible to break
- able to be heard
- could be true
- able to be trusted
- very bad
- able to bend easily
- easy to get to
- can be changed
- safe to eat
- very unpleasant
- allowed to do
- amazing or hard to believe
- able to be seen
- not able to work together
- easy to read
- something worth keeping
- showing good judgment
- not safe to eat
20 Clues: very bad • safe to eat • easy to read • allowed to do • could be true • easy to get to • can be changed • able to happen • very unpleasant • able to be seen • not safe to eat • able to be heard • easy to say no to • able to be trusted • impossible to break • able to bend easily • showing good judgment • something worth keeping • not able to work together • amazing or hard to believe
Adjectives 2023-12-18
Spelling List ~ Week 28 2016-03-20
24 Clues: ice • dry • sit • jail • ship • shed • snow • fact • rain • hour • easy • shall • bring • watch • carry • quite • floor • heart • simple • system • retire • sudden • distant • request
First rule of punk 2022-02-13
- A name for Hispanics who are not in touch with their Latino roots (Hard)
- A person who teaches (Easy)
- A group of singers (Easy)
- First in order of importance in school (Medium)
- A place where almost every child went to (Easy)
- Type of race in Latin America (Easy)
- The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of their characteristics (Medium)
- My _______ book (Easy)
- A person who has a strong liking for and trust in another person (Medium)
- Non – commercial, non professional publication, kind of like a magazine but with a twist (Hard)
- Brown on the outside, white in the inside (Medium)
- A cruel type of people (Easy)
- Type of music genre (Medium)
- An exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances(Medium)
- Going to another place (Easy)
15 Clues: My _______ book (Easy) • A group of singers (Easy) • A person who teaches (Easy) • Type of music genre (Medium) • A cruel type of people (Easy) • Going to another place (Easy) • Type of race in Latin America (Easy) • First in order of importance in school (Medium) • A place where almost every child went to (Easy) • Brown on the outside, white in the inside (Medium) • ...
vocabulary 2014-05-19
Easy crossword 2022-05-18
- The ill feeling you may feel in a boat
- Hair on your upper lip
- Sweet frozen dessert
- Something you can pick in the woods. Some are poisonous and some not
- An orange bouncy ball
- hard red animal on the seafloor
- Different pronunciations in the same language
- Green thing in your nose
- An animal with eight legs
- The penguins from ...
- The largest planet in the solar system
- A small animal that likes cheese
- A place where a lot of books are located
- The flower of love
- Beautiful flying insect
- Long metal thing used by princes
16 Clues: The flower of love • Sweet frozen dessert • The penguins from ... • An orange bouncy ball • Hair on your upper lip • Beautiful flying insect • Green thing in your nose • An animal with eight legs • hard red animal on the seafloor • A small animal that likes cheese • Long metal thing used by princes • The ill feeling you may feel in a boat • The largest planet in the solar system • ...
easy crossword 2024-02-05
- what is blue and reflects the sky
- sweet unhealthy food, like chocolate
- what is green and itchy
- you are living it right now
- extinct animal/reptile
- Flying mammal
- what whips your hair into knots
- Has a trunk
- polluting the earth
- Likes to chase mice
- looks exactly like you and me!
- fastest land animal
- what is brown and earthy
- runs from cats
- sea creature with five arms
- Man's best friend
16 Clues: Has a trunk • Flying mammal • runs from cats • Man's best friend • polluting the earth • Likes to chase mice • fastest land animal • extinct animal/reptile • what is green and itchy • what is brown and earthy • sea creature with five arms • you are living it right now • looks exactly like you and me! • what whips your hair into knots • what is blue and reflects the sky • ...
Resting Verses 2023-01-23
24 Clues: eat • with • wear • love • easy • rest • need • quiet • house • Worry • feast • drink • light • Father • afraid • guides • liedown • forever • comfort • tomorrow • strength • shepherd • goodness • Godskingdom
ANOYING SKIBIDI TOILET ( 2 members) 2023-10-23
- bros 1 is tunged to a toilet an it was GROSS! HARD
- sliced on of the carrots MEGA MEDIUM
- Like G-man Toilet. EASY
- pants MEDIUM
- mega slicer KNICULTY
- just a Tomato. MEGA EASY
- sliced the knife toilet MEDIUM
- first toilet. MEDIUM
- the peas EASY
- normal toilet. EASY
- Laaaarrrrggggeeeee! EASY
- crushed by a door EASY
13 Clues: pants MEDIUM • the peas EASY • normal toilet. EASY • first toilet. MEDIUM • mega slicer KNICULTY • crushed by a door EASY • Like G-man Toilet. EASY • Laaaarrrrggggeeeee! EASY • just a Tomato. MEGA EASY • sliced the knife toilet MEDIUM • FIRST TUNGED LARGE GROSS! MEDIUM • sliced on of the carrots MEGA MEDIUM • bros 1 is tunged to a toilet an it was GROSS! HARD
Personality adjectives Unit 1 Compact 2023-09-27
18 Clues: shy • bossy • selfish • cheerful • stubborn • sensible • hopeless • outgoing • generous • impatient • sensitive • talkative • demanding • unreliable • easy-going • thoughtful • competitive • imaginative
Latin III Vocab 5 2023-02-20
24 Clues: de • all • lest • easy • weep • part • plan • host • grant • again • fines • omnis • swamp • border • hospes • iterum • exitus • concedo • so that • descend • facilis • consilium • departure • concerning
Easy 2021-10-22
- a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
- Helping to restore to good condition.
- a person who looks after the passengers on a ship, aircraft, or train and brings them meals.
- The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
- Means having many sides or aspects. Expansive Means covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive or wide ranging.
- The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry.
- The action of remedying something, in particular of reversing or stopping environmental damage.
- of,at, or near the equator.
- an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.
9 Clues: of,at, or near the equator. • Helping to restore to good condition. • an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster. • The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something. • The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry. • ...
Easy 2024-06-15
- The Manchurian Crisis involved this Asian country
- This island's research center focuses on growing young corals
- Active volcano on Jan Mayen
- Coral reefs have a special relationship with this
- This type of energy is crucial for Lagos's future
- Uninhabited Norwegian island (Two Words next to each other e.g. twoword)
- North Korea and South Korea are on this
- A natural resource found around Jan Mayen
- Corals protect islands from this
9 Clues: Active volcano on Jan Mayen • Corals protect islands from this • North Korea and South Korea are on this • A natural resource found around Jan Mayen • The Manchurian Crisis involved this Asian country • Coral reefs have a special relationship with this • This type of energy is crucial for Lagos's future • This island's research center focuses on growing young corals • ...
Easy 2023-05-03
9 Clues: Chewy candy • In a good mood • Fancy Chocolate • Telling the truth • Long thick string • After the present • Long purple vegetable • Habitat with many trees • Beautiful flower, with prickly stalk
Module 13 Vocab Revision 2014-11-19
19 Clues: CV • apply • honest • skills • patient • divorce • reliable • sociable • ambitious • organised • sensitive • vacancies • part-time • easy-going • recruitment • sympathetic • affectionate • hard-working • qualifications
easy 2012-08-08
9 Clues: where did harry lived? • what vanished at the zoo? • what is Harry's last name? • who was the main character? • what happen in the last book? • where did Harry go to school? • who is the author of Harry Potter? • who was harry cousin that he lived with? • who was Harry best boy friends in Hogwarts?
Easy 2023-05-03
9 Clues: Chewy candy • In a good mood • Fancy Chocolate • Telling the truth • Long thick string • After the present • Long purple vegetable • Habitat with many trees • Beautiful flower, with prickly stalk
easy 2022-11-22
- invented long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust.
- action or habit of estimating something as worthless.
- Surgical removal of both the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
- is an inherited condition that causes short stature, round face, and short hand bones.[3223][10875] PPHP causes joints and other soft tissues in the body to harden. It also affects how bones are formed.
- extraordinarily good; wonderful.
- the fear of long words
- opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England.
- The state of being able to achieve honours; honourableness.
- the state of being impossible or extremely difficult to understand:
9 Clues: the fear of long words • extraordinarily good; wonderful. • action or habit of estimating something as worthless. • The state of being able to achieve honours; honourableness. • opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England. • Surgical removal of both the thyroid and parathyroid glands. • ...
Gymnastics - easy 2020-03-21
- Sitting in a straddle with your stomach to the floor is called what?
- Front, side/box all both types of what?
- What do you jump on before you land on the vault?
- _____ makes perfect?
- What is it called when you add skills together to perform at a competition?
- What do you do before and after each skill?
- If you win at a competition, you get what?
- The first thing you do in a gymnastics session is what?
- What is it called when you balance upside down on your hands?
- What shape is sitting on your bottom with legs together?
- What shape is sitting on your bottom with legs apart?
- What is the rabbit like jumping? ______ hops
- The thin apparatus you balance on is called?
- A small trampoline that you jump off is called what?
- What in the night sky is also a gymnastics shape?
15 Clues: _____ makes perfect? • Front, side/box all both types of what? • If you win at a competition, you get what? • What do you do before and after each skill? • What is the rabbit like jumping? ______ hops • The thin apparatus you balance on is called? • What do you jump on before you land on the vault? • What in the night sky is also a gymnastics shape? • ...
Easy game 2020-01-30
- To repair something that is broken
- Let someone live in a room that you own, in return for money
- The area around a house
- A round object with a map of the Earth drawn on it
- Deliberately kill or injure someone using a gun
- Nemēbelēts
- Someone who lives or stays in a particular place
- A large piece of equipment for cooking food
- gallery Mākslas muzejs
- Large objects such as chairs, tables or beds
- Lauku māja
- Bungalo
- Ātrums
- To go dawn below the surface of water
- block Torņu māja
15 Clues: Ātrums • Bungalo • Lauku māja • Nemēbelēts • block Torņu māja • gallery Mākslas muzejs • The area around a house • To repair something that is broken • To go dawn below the surface of water • A large piece of equipment for cooking food • Large objects such as chairs, tables or beds • Deliberately kill or injure someone using a gun • Someone who lives or stays in a particular place • ...
Easy crossword 2021-10-27
Easy English 2021-10-05
easy crossword 2017-02-22
15 Clues: twelve • young cat • oyster 's gem • prickly plant • organ of taste • counting frame • antonym of sad • unit of length • group of witches • capital of canada • natural surroundings • abstract noun for wise • distance around a figure • bottom number of a fraction • uae president declared 2017 as "year of "
Level : Easy 2014-04-21
- I like ____ play football.
- The colour of grass.
- An animal which lays eggs.
- A fruit which is yellow in colour.
- Has four wheels and travels on the streets.
- Someone who teaches.
- My book is _____ the table.
- The opposite of thick.
- The opposite of white.
- An animal with a long nose.
- He ____ reading comic books.
- An animal that flies.
- An animal that jumps and catch flies.
- A cat. A dog. ____ elephant.
- I ____ a dog when i was young.
15 Clues: The colour of grass. • Someone who teaches. • An animal that flies. • The opposite of thick. • The opposite of white. • I like ____ play football. • An animal which lays eggs. • An animal with a long nose. • My book is _____ the table. • He ____ reading comic books. • A cat. A dog. ____ elephant. • I ____ a dog when i was young. • A fruit which is yellow in colour. • ...
Easy Crossoword 2024-05-09
- a barrier to keep things out
- a seating
- education building
- something that you put your food on
- a place where you store books and other items
- a structure to represent something
- clothing
- a mini bag that can hold items
- a building where you live
- something that blocks rain and shadows
- a physical activity to keep your body healthy
- eye wear to help people see better
- a sweet treat that children get from Halloween
- a little walkway that leads to somewhere
- something where you put your dinners
15 Clues: clothing • a seating • education building • a building where you live • a barrier to keep things out • a mini bag that can hold items • eye wear to help people see better • a structure to represent something • something that you put your food on • something where you put your dinners • something that blocks rain and shadows • a little walkway that leads to somewhere • ...
Easy science 2022-08-30
- Point of liquid to gas.
- What is water?
- How hot or cold something is.
- What is a chair?
- What is lightning?
- Gas to liquid.
- What is air?
- Liquid to gas.
- Point of solid to liquid.
- Point of liquid to solid
- A theory of molecules' kinetic energy
- Solid to liquid.
- Point of Gas to liquid.
- Liquid to solid.
- Makes up everything
15 Clues: What is air? • What is water? • Gas to liquid. • Liquid to gas. • Solid to liquid. • What is a chair? • Liquid to solid. • What is lightning? • Makes up everything • Point of liquid to gas. • Point of Gas to liquid. • Point of liquid to solid • Point of solid to liquid. • How hot or cold something is. • A theory of molecules' kinetic energy
easy peasy 2023-05-25
- urticaria
- Bluish-purplish mark (bruise) on the skin
- pimples
- Solid, round or oval elevated lesion 1 cm or more in diameter
- Thick-walled, closed sac or pouch containing fluid or semisolid material.
- Epidermal growth (wart) caused by a virus
- absence of hair from areas where it normally grows
- Groove or crack-like sore
- containing pus
- moles
- Wearing away or loss of epidermis
- bedsore
- Small, pinpoint hemorrhage.
- blister
- Collection of dried serum and cellular debris
15 Clues: moles • bedsore • pimples • blister • urticaria • containing pus • Groove or crack-like sore • Small, pinpoint hemorrhage. • Wearing away or loss of epidermis • Bluish-purplish mark (bruise) on the skin • Epidermal growth (wart) caused by a virus • Collection of dried serum and cellular debris • absence of hair from areas where it normally grows • ...
Easy Crossword 2024-09-28
15 Clues: Fast • Soft • Forte • Book of maps • Yoked animals • Cruise Vessels • Vote into office • Prayer conclusion • Car owners document • Fishing rod attachment • My Country 'tis of ... • Means of transportation • Basic omelet ingredients • What a piano student should do • Two dots at the end of a song means what?
easy peasy 2024-10-04
- to show adoration for something
- effects one event produces effects wich spread into further effect
- devoted to a task or purpose
- economy a period of rapid economic expansion (two word)
- well meaning and kindly
- synonym of loathe , feel contempt
- a very large sum of assets or money
- inability to be relied upon or trusted
- to be good at
- synonym of international
- frequently changing ; variable or irregular
- new and original
- antonym of unevenly
- point of view
- synonym of crave
15 Clues: to be good at • point of view • new and original • synonym of crave • antonym of unevenly • well meaning and kindly • synonym of international • devoted to a task or purpose • to show adoration for something • synonym of loathe , feel contempt • a very large sum of assets or money • inability to be relied upon or trusted • frequently changing ; variable or irregular • ...
Personality adjectives 2024-11-26
19 Clues: bold • nosy • moody • sincere • arrogant • sensible • dishonest • impatient • forgetful • sensitive • big-headed • determined • easy-going • optimistic • reasonable • pessimistic • sympathetic • enthusiastic • self-confident
Easy science 2022-08-30
- Point of liquid to gas.
- What is water?
- How hot or cold something is.
- What is a chair?
- What is lightning?
- Gas to liquid.
- What is air?
- Liquid to gas.
- Point of solid to liquid.
- Point of liquid to solid
- A theory of molecules' kinetic energy
- Solid to liquid.
- Point of Gas to liquid.
- Liquid to solid.
- Makes up everything
15 Clues: What is air? • What is water? • Gas to liquid. • Liquid to gas. • Solid to liquid. • What is a chair? • Liquid to solid. • What is lightning? • Makes up everything • Point of liquid to gas. • Point of Gas to liquid. • Point of liquid to solid • Point of solid to liquid. • How hot or cold something is. • A theory of molecules' kinetic energy
Easy Math 2021-04-09
15 Clues: The number 7 • The number 8 • The number 9 • The number 4 • The number 3 • The number 2 • The number 1 • The number 6 • The number 5 • The number 10 • Math symbol / • Math symbol = • Math symbol - • Math symbol x • Math symbol +
Easy crossword ;) 2021-10-04
easy crossword 2021-10-04
easy crossword 2021-10-05
easy #645 2022-10-05
15 Clues: 13 • Simpson dad • read a ____ • Has a trunk • Flying mammal • Pine tree apple • Large marsupial • foot protection • Four, five, ___ • Simpson daughter • Man's best friend • Name of crossword • What has tiny arms • Likes to chase mice • Why did the _______ cross the road
Crosswords (Easy) 2024-04-12
- Express feeling by smiling and making a sound.
- Engage in activity for enjoyment.
- An object to play with.
- An intense feeling of deep affection.
- Events in your mind when you are sleeping.
- Amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable.
- A male parent.
- Feel concern or interest in something or someone.
- A very young child, or recently born.
- Young human being below the age of puberty.
- Feeling of expectation for a certain thing to happen.
- A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
- The time of life when one is young.
- Another way to say "mom" or "mommy".
- The experience or state of being alive.
15 Clues: A male parent. • An object to play with. • Engage in activity for enjoyment. • The time of life when one is young. • Another way to say "mom" or "mommy". • Amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable. • A very young child, or recently born. • An intense feeling of deep affection. • The experience or state of being alive. • A feeling of great pleasure and happiness. • ...
Avengers Easy 2023-10-15
- - Flying base of operations.
- - Green giant with anger issues.
- - Red-haired spy.
- - Loki's mind-controlling staff.
- - Avenger with a shield.
- - One-eyed director of SHIELD.
- - Scientist under Loki's control.
- - Iron Man's real surname.
- - Thor's trickster brother.
- - Avenger skilled with a bow.
- - Alien invaders.
- - Blue cube of immense power.
- - Organization directed by Fury.
- - Agent who idolizes Captain America.
- - God of thunder.
15 Clues: - Red-haired spy. • - Alien invaders. • - God of thunder. • - Avenger with a shield. • - Iron Man's real surname. • - Thor's trickster brother. • - Flying base of operations. • - Avenger skilled with a bow. • - Blue cube of immense power. • - One-eyed director of SHIELD. • - Green giant with anger issues. • - Loki's mind-controlling staff. • - Organization directed by Fury. • ...
- odorless reactive gas
- temperature are needs to be cooled
- liquid turns into gas
- measures winds speed
- measure amount of water vapor in air
- measures humidity
- mesures atmospheric pressure
- acclamulation
- water vapor becomes liquid
- wispy
- shows direction of wind
- measures the precipating in rain
- measures temperatures
- tasteless gas
- fog that sit low in the atmosphere
15 Clues: wispy • tasteless gas • acclamulation • measures humidity • measures winds speed • odorless reactive gas • liquid turns into gas • measures temperatures • shows direction of wind • water vapor becomes liquid • mesures atmospheric pressure • measures the precipating in rain • temperature are needs to be cooled • fog that sit low in the atmosphere • measure amount of water vapor in air
Mexican Cuisine 2024-04-27
- - Traditional Mexican soup or stew with hominy (Medium)
- - Corn dough filled with meat, steamed in a husk (Medium)
- - Rolled tortilla filled with meat, fried until crispy (Hard)
- - Spicy Mexican soup made with tripe (Hard)
- - Corn dough filled with meat, steamed in a husk (Medium)
- - Fried tortilla topped with beans and meat (Easy)
- - Marinated raw seafood dish (Medium)
- - Mashed avocado dip with lime and spices (Medium)
- - Tortilla with melted cheese, folded and grilled (Medium)
- - Large tortilla filled with meat, beans, and rice (Medium)
- - Sweet rice milk flavored with cinnamon (Medium)
- - Spicy tomato-based sauce served with chips (Easy)
- - Slow-cooked shredded pork often used in tacos (Medium)
- - Flatbread made from corn or wheat flour (Easy)
- - Complex Mexican sauce with chocolate and spices (Medium)
- - Basic Mexican dish in a folded tortilla (Easy)
- - Rolled tortilla with chili sauce and filling (Medium)
- - Thick corn tortillas topped with meat and beans (Hard)
- - Fried dough pastry often coated in cinnamon sugar (Easy)
- - Stone mortar and pestle for grinding spices (Hard)
20 Clues: - Marinated raw seafood dish (Medium) • - Spicy Mexican soup made with tripe (Hard) • - Flatbread made from corn or wheat flour (Easy) • - Basic Mexican dish in a folded tortilla (Easy) • - Sweet rice milk flavored with cinnamon (Medium) • - Fried tortilla topped with beans and meat (Easy) • - Mashed avocado dip with lime and spices (Medium) • ...
easy 2024-01-11
9 Clues: to find a segment • 3 or more line segments • area in side of a space • circle half os a circle • circle lick a quarter in money • angle has a square in the side of it • number is an order that can go on endlessly • angle it has a small circle in side of it • angle it has a bis circle in side of it and can = 180
Easy 2024-08-29
- A popular Italian dish with cheese and toppings.
- A celestial body that shines at night.
- A large reptile with a long snout and sharp teeth.
- A sweet drink made from fruit.
- A flying toy that soars with the wind.
- A striped animal found in the savanna.
- A slithery reptile with a hiss.
- A vehicle with four wheels.
- A small furry pet with whiskers and a meow.
9 Clues: A vehicle with four wheels. • A sweet drink made from fruit. • A slithery reptile with a hiss. • A striped animal found in the savanna. • A celestial body that shines at night. • A flying toy that soars with the wind. • A small furry pet with whiskers and a meow. • A popular Italian dish with cheese and toppings. • A large reptile with a long snout and sharp teeth.
Easy 2021-10-22
- a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
- Helping to restore to good condition.
- a person who looks after the passengers on a ship, aircraft, or train and brings them meals.
- The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
- Means having many sides or aspects. Expansive Means covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive or wide ranging.
- The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry.
- The action of remedying something, in particular of reversing or stopping environmental damage.
- of,at, or near the equator.
- an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.
9 Clues: of,at, or near the equator. • Helping to restore to good condition. • an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster. • The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something. • The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry. • ...
Easy 2023-05-03
9 Clues: Chewy candy • In a good mood • Fancy Chocolate • Telling the truth • Long thick string • After the present • Long purple vegetable • Habitat with many trees • Beautiful flower, with prickly stalk
easy 2023-08-29
9 Clues: rain + sun • has a trunk • chases mice • your daughter • leafy and sticks • my favourite show • mythical creature • man's best friend • water falling from the sky
Easy 2024-06-15
- The Manchurian Crisis involved this Asian country
- This island's research center focuses on growing young corals
- Active volcano on Jan Mayen
- Coral reefs have a special relationship with this
- This type of energy is crucial for Lagos's future
- Uninhabited Norwegian island (Two Words next to each other e.g. twoword)
- North Korea and South Korea are on this
- A natural resource found around Jan Mayen
- Corals protect islands from this
9 Clues: Active volcano on Jan Mayen • Corals protect islands from this • North Korea and South Korea are on this • A natural resource found around Jan Mayen • The Manchurian Crisis involved this Asian country • Coral reefs have a special relationship with this • This type of energy is crucial for Lagos's future • This island's research center focuses on growing young corals • ...
Common adjectives 2014-12-13
26 Clues: big • bad • old • dry • new • ugl • low • wet • emp • good • poor • rich • high • safe • easy • slow • dang • full • dirt • fast • small • cheap • clean • diffic • expens • beautif
Common adjectives 2014-12-13
26 Clues: big • new • bad • wet • old • dry • ugl • emp • low • good • dirt • dang • fast • safe • full • rich • high • easy • slow • poor • small • clean • cheap • diffic • expens • beautif
Common adjectives 2014-12-13
26 Clues: bad • dry • ugl • emp • new • big • low • old • wet • full • rich • high • dirt • safe • easy • poor • slow • fast • dang • good • clean • cheap • small • expens • diffic • beautif
Easy science 2022-08-30
- Point of liquid to gas.
- What is water?
- How hot or cold something is.
- What is a chair?
- What is lightning?
- Gas to liquid.
- What is air?
- Liquid to gas.
- Point of solid to liquid.
- Point of liquid to solid
- A theory of molecules' kinetic energy
- Solid to liquid.
- Point of Gas to liquid.
- Liquid to solid.
- Makes up everything
15 Clues: What is air? • What is water? • Gas to liquid. • Liquid to gas. • Solid to liquid. • What is a chair? • Liquid to solid. • What is lightning? • Makes up everything • Point of liquid to gas. • Point of Gas to liquid. • Point of liquid to solid • Point of solid to liquid. • How hot or cold something is. • A theory of molecules' kinetic energy
Easy crossword 2021-09-28
15 Clues: Dice • Abajo • Llave • Piezas • Enfoque • Formula • Control • Cuidando • Mas bajo • razonable • El Estado • endorfinas • expectativa • Comportamiento • carrera profesional
easy crossword 2021-10-05
Easy Crossword 2023-03-31
- a yellow food you eat
- a very sour yellow fruit
- a green fruit that is usually bitter
- a yellow fruit that goes with many drinks
- a blue little round fruit
- a fuzzy fruit you eat
- a green and red fruit you eat
- an orange fruit you eat
- a red fruit with seeds on the outside
- a red bumpy fruit
- a red fruit you eat
- a purple fruit you eat
- a very sour green fruit
- a red round fruit that usually goes with shakes
- a fruit well known for it's drinks
15 Clues: a red bumpy fruit • a red fruit you eat • a yellow food you eat • a fuzzy fruit you eat • a purple fruit you eat • a very sour green fruit • an orange fruit you eat • a very sour yellow fruit • a blue little round fruit • a green and red fruit you eat • a fruit well known for it's drinks • a green fruit that is usually bitter • a red fruit with seeds on the outside • ...
Vlad easy 2023-05-02
- Ein rundes Spielzeug, das man werfen oder treten kann
- Eine große Pflanze, die aus dem Boden wächst und Zweige und Blätter hat
- Ein Möbelstück, auf dem man Gegenstände ablegt oder isst
- Eine Flüssigkeit, die man trinkt und in der man schwimmen kann
- Ein Möbelstück, auf dem man sitzt
- Ein Himmelskörper, der nachts am Himmel erscheint und um die Erde kreist
- Ein süßes Gebäck, das oft zum Geburtstag serviert wird
- Ein geflügeltes Tier, das fliegen kann
- Ein Haustier, das Mäuse jagt
- Ein Objekt mit Seiten voller Text zum Lesen
- Ein Wasserlebewesen, das Kiemen zum Atmen hat
- Ein Fahrzeug mit vier Rädern, das auf Straßen fährt
- Eine duftende, bunte Blume mit Dornen am Stiel
- Ein kleines Nagetier, das von Katzen gejagt wird
- Ein Haustier, das als bester Freund des Menschen gilt
15 Clues: Ein Haustier, das Mäuse jagt • Ein Möbelstück, auf dem man sitzt • Ein geflügeltes Tier, das fliegen kann • Ein Objekt mit Seiten voller Text zum Lesen • Ein Wasserlebewesen, das Kiemen zum Atmen hat • Eine duftende, bunte Blume mit Dornen am Stiel • Ein kleines Nagetier, das von Katzen gejagt wird • Ein Fahrzeug mit vier Rädern, das auf Straßen fährt • ...
Vlad easy 2023-05-02
- Ein Objekt mit Seiten voller Text zum Lesen
- Ein geflügeltes Tier, das fliegen kann
- Ein Haustier, das als bester Freund des Menschen gilt
- Ein Wasserlebewesen, das Kiemen zum Atmen hat
- Ein kleines Nagetier, das von Katzen gejagt wird
- Ein Möbelstück, auf dem man sitzt
- Ein Haustier, das Mäuse jagt
- Eine duftende, bunte Blume mit Dornen am Stiel
- Ein rundes Spielzeug, das man werfen oder treten kann
- Ein Himmelskörper, der nachts am Himmel erscheint und um die Erde kreist
- Ein süßes Gebäck, das oft zum Geburtstag serviert wird
- Eine große Pflanze, die aus dem Boden wächst und Zweige und Blätter hat
- Ein Möbelstück, auf dem man Gegenstände ablegt oder isst
- Eine Flüssigkeit, die man trinkt und in der man schwimmen kann
- Ein Fahrzeug mit vier Rädern, das auf Straßen fährt
15 Clues: Ein Haustier, das Mäuse jagt • Ein Möbelstück, auf dem man sitzt • Ein geflügeltes Tier, das fliegen kann • Ein Objekt mit Seiten voller Text zum Lesen • Ein Wasserlebewesen, das Kiemen zum Atmen hat • Eine duftende, bunte Blume mit Dornen am Stiel • Ein kleines Nagetier, das von Katzen gejagt wird • Ein Fahrzeug mit vier Rädern, das auf Straßen fährt • ...
Easy Squeezy 2014-05-22
- A special type of inferior good which has a positive relationship between price and quantity demanded.
- Statements that are based on opinion.
- The benefit obtained by consumers from purchasing a commodity at a particular market price.
- The change in the combination of goods purchased due to a change in relative prices.
- In this system, prices are determined by the market mechanism(the forces of demand and supply)
- The cost of one choice in terms of the next best alternative
- The majority of decision-making is undertaken b a central planning authority
- The satisfaction a consumer receives from consuming an extra unit of a commodity
- good characterised by an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded and a positive relationship between demand and consumer income.
- The locus of all the possible combinations of two or more goods which yield the same level of satisfaction to the consumer
- There are not enough resources to meet the needs of all economic agents
- For the output of one good to increase the output of the other good must fall
- Statements which address matters of fact.
- A system where some decisions are made by the the state and some by the private sector
- Possibility Frontier/A macroeconomic tool that represents the point at which an economy is most efficiently producing its goods and services.
15 Clues: Statements that are based on opinion. • Statements which address matters of fact. • The cost of one choice in terms of the next best alternative • There are not enough resources to meet the needs of all economic agents • The majority of decision-making is undertaken b a central planning authority • ...
easy crossword 2021-11-25
Too Easy 2023-08-18
15 Clues: sudden • to burst • to inform • not normal • to increase speed • little importance • strong or healthy • surprise or shock! • move back, flintch • to pulsate or vibrate • to abandon or make less • to cause pain or suffering • gloomy, harsh, frightening • not willing to believe something • to be made aware through the senses
easy crossword 2023-12-05
- flower bloom
- the invention that make us travel easier
- the great invention by Alexander Graham Bell
- animal that can give birth
- invented by Bill Gates
- Flying mammal
- animal that eating meat
- an amphibian
- Likes to chase mice
- Man's best friend
- people play ski and make snowman
- Has a trunk
- river out of water
- come after rain
- favorite place on summer
15 Clues: Has a trunk • flower bloom • an amphibian • Flying mammal • come after rain • Man's best friend • river out of water • Likes to chase mice • invented by Bill Gates • animal that eating meat • favorite place on summer • animal that can give birth • people play ski and make snowman • the invention that make us travel easier • the great invention by Alexander Graham Bell
Super Easy 2024-07-03
- - A small domesticated carnivorous mammal.
- - Water falling from the sky.
- - The star at the center of our solar system.
- - Frozen water.
- - An item worn on the head.
- - An animal that can fly.
- - Earth's natural satellite.
- - A large plant with a trunk and branches.
- - An animal that lives in water.
- - A tool used for writing.
- - A bright point of light in the night sky.
- - A vehicle with four wheels.
- - A set of written or printed pages.
- - Man's best friend.
- - A white liquid produced by cows.
15 Clues: - Frozen water. • - Man's best friend. • - An animal that can fly. • - A tool used for writing. • - An item worn on the head. • - Earth's natural satellite. • - Water falling from the sky. • - A vehicle with four wheels. • - An animal that lives in water. • - A white liquid produced by cows. • - A set of written or printed pages. • - A small domesticated carnivorous mammal. • ...
easy crossword 2024-12-21
15 Clues: crib • announcer • forerunner • king-priest • built walls • _____ supper • Mary's cousin • meeting place • priestly line • Aaron's _______ • doubting ______ • behind 2nd veil • Paul's companion • last word in Bible • "no room in the ___"
easy crossword =-) 2021-10-04
easy crossword 2021-10-04
easy crossword 2021-10-05
easy crossword 2021-09-29
15 Clues: menos • mayor • enfoque • gastado • quimicos • sinergia • donacion • probable • proviene • familiar • nutriendo • mas grande • sin embargo • comprometido • mas saludable
monsters (easy) 2021-09-08
15 Clues: snake head • spell it out • blood sucker • too many heads • look in the loch • open fire talker • I'm well wrapped • top evil creature • famous blood sucker • I wish I had a lamp • beware the full moon • these dead don't die • I am supposed to be easy • you'll see right through me • this little fellow is nearly limp
Easy Riddles 2021-04-20
- I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
- what has one eye, but can’t see ?
- where does today come before yesterday?
- What gets bigger when more is taken away?
- What has a head and a tail but no body?
- What has many teeth, but can’t bite?
- What has to be broken before you can use it?
- What has one head, one foot and four legs?
- What gets wet while drying?
- What goes up but never comes down?
- What building has the most stories?
- What goes up and down but doesn’t move ?
- What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?
- What runs all around a backyard, yet never moves?
- What tastes better than it smells?
15 Clues: What gets wet while drying? • what has one eye, but can’t see ? • What goes up but never comes down? • What tastes better than it smells? • What building has the most stories? • What has many teeth, but can’t bite? • where does today come before yesterday? • What has a head and a tail but no body? • What goes up and down but doesn’t move ? • ...
food easy 2019-02-24
Easy Places 2023-07-14
- There are a lot of stores inside a ...
- We wait for the bus at the ...
- Fast food ... is very popular around here.
- You can go to the ... if you need to relieve yourself in public places.
- People can enjoy themselves at the ... having a picnic, jogging, or watching children playing.
- Sick people go to ... to get treatment.
- The ... is a place where people can do light and heavy exercise.
- Mom goes to the ... to buy groceries.
- People go to ... to study.
- We have to go to the ... to board a plane.
- Food is usually cheaper if we buy them at the ...
- We get on a train at the ...
- ... is where we spend time and relax with our family.
- Kids really like to go to the ... and play in the water.
- Students get extra school lesson at a ... like GO and Tridaya.
15 Clues: People go to ... to study. • We get on a train at the ... • We wait for the bus at the ... • Mom goes to the ... to buy groceries. • There are a lot of stores inside a ... • Sick people go to ... to get treatment. • We have to go to the ... to board a plane. • Fast food ... is very popular around here. • Food is usually cheaper if we buy them at the ... • ...
Impossibly Easy 2023-04-01
- a well-known sentence or phrase
- manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class
- green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water
- overcome with consternation; confounded; astounded
- baggy breeches fastened with a band at the knee or above the ankle
- branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy
- indecipherable
- describing or explaining something in such a simple way that it is no longer correct or true
- a plant of the daisy family with brightly colored ornamental flowers
- a large white screen placed near the boundary behind the bowler to help the batter see the ball.
- human in form or nature
- a bracelet that straps a wrist watch onto the wrist.
- a quaternary ammonium compound and depolarizing agent with short-term muscle relaxant properties
- seek or consider the rational content or form of
- a mnemonic used in medieval music
15 Clues: indecipherable • human in form or nature • a well-known sentence or phrase • a mnemonic used in medieval music • seek or consider the rational content or form of • overcome with consternation; confounded; astounded • a bracelet that straps a wrist watch onto the wrist. • baggy breeches fastened with a band at the knee or above the ankle • ...
easy crossword 2023-05-03
- has a stem, petals, and a nice smell
- has a keyboard and accesses the internet
- grows from your fingertip, or used with a hammer
- a baby cat
- the person who runs the classroom
- type of clock that wakes you up
- what an infant is called before it's born
- what the leader of the united states is called
- quickly does math for you
- the ring above an angel's head
- 365 days
- the largest planet in the colar system
- you use this to see
- school you may attend after high school
- precipitation when it's too cold to rain
15 Clues: 365 days • a baby cat • you use this to see • quickly does math for you • the ring above an angel's head • type of clock that wakes you up • the person who runs the classroom • has a stem, petals, and a nice smell • the largest planet in the colar system • school you may attend after high school • has a keyboard and accesses the internet • precipitation when it's too cold to rain • ...
AOSA - EASY 2023-11-29
- Pleasing the senses, visually attractive.
- Full of activity and people.
- Free from danger or harm.
- Recently made or brought into existence.
- Having a variety of bright colors.
- Full of life, energy, and activity.
- Free from dirt, marks, or unwanted substances.
- Making little or no noise; calm and peaceful.
- Large in size.
- Having been in existence for a long time.
- Not large in size.
- Marked by bright sunlight or a cheerful atmosphere.
- Characteristic of present and recent time; up-to-date.
- Warm, comfortable, and pleasant, often in a small space.
- Having a lot of plants or trees; the color associated with nature.
15 Clues: Large in size. • Not large in size. • Free from danger or harm. • Full of activity and people. • Having a variety of bright colors. • Full of life, energy, and activity. • Recently made or brought into existence. • Having been in existence for a long time. • Pleasing the senses, visually attractive. • Making little or no noise; calm and peaceful. • ...
Easy peasy 2023-09-27
- They break down dead plants and animals
- The flow of energy transferred in an ecosystem is called
- It is an omnivore living thing
- It is an organism that eats meat
- It is a community where living things and non-living things interact.
- It is the hottest ecosystem
- It is the process of taking the energy from the sun, carbon dioxide and water to produce food and oxigen
- Another word for a living thing
- They make their own food
- This organism eats meat and plants
- It is a type of aquatic plant
- Another word for a non-living thing
- It is the main source of energy
- It is part of any food web
- It cannot be created nor transformed
15 Clues: They make their own food • It is part of any food web • It is the hottest ecosystem • It is a type of aquatic plant • It is an omnivore living thing • Another word for a living thing • It is the main source of energy • It is an organism that eats meat • This organism eats meat and plants • Another word for a non-living thing • It cannot be created nor transformed • ...
Too Easy 2024-02-08
- not willing to believe something
- to let someone know; to inform
- to make or become less in amount or intensity
- not normal
- sudden or unexpected
- the cause of serious pain and suffering, or a state of such suffering
- to break or bust
- to speed up, or to cause to speed up
- to astound or stupefy
- of very little importance or value
- to become aware of through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing
- to move back suddenly as though in pain or fear
- strong and healthy
- gloomy, harsh, and frightening
- to pound or beat rapidly or violently; to pulsate or vibrate
15 Clues: not normal • to break or bust • strong and healthy • sudden or unexpected • to astound or stupefy • to let someone know; to inform • gloomy, harsh, and frightening • not willing to believe something • of very little importance or value • to speed up, or to cause to speed up • to make or become less in amount or intensity • to move back suddenly as though in pain or fear • ...
Crossword - Easy 2024-04-20
- Site of aerobic respiration in eukaryotic cells
- Non superposable mirror images
- Proportion between two sets of dimensions
- Biological catalyst
- Asexual chlamydospore
- Wavefunction of electron
- Transfer of heat
- Breakdown of glucose
- Protons plus neutrons
- Found in the adipose tissues
- Ketopentose
- Copying DNA to RNA
- Enzymes bind to (plural)
- Ship of the dessert
- Equational division
15 Clues: Ketopentose • Transfer of heat • Copying DNA to RNA • Ship of the dessert • Biological catalyst • Equational division • Breakdown of glucose • Protons plus neutrons • Asexual chlamydospore • Enzymes bind to (plural) • Wavefunction of electron • Found in the adipose tissues • Non superposable mirror images • Proportion between two sets of dimensions • ...
Games 2021-07-30
Diet Secrets of the Deep and Fathomous MBARI 2023-07-28
Easy 2021-10-22
- a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
- Helping to restore to good condition.
- a person who looks after the passengers on a ship, aircraft, or train and brings them meals.
- The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
- Means having many sides or aspects. Expansive Means covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive or wide ranging.
- The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry.
- The action of remedying something, in particular of reversing or stopping environmental damage.
- of,at, or near the equator.
- an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.
9 Clues: of,at, or near the equator. • Helping to restore to good condition. • an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster. • The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something. • The process by which once fertile soil turns into unusable and barren soil, and dry. • ...
easy 2023-02-13
9 Clues: 5+2 • 2+1 • 1+1 • a kept animal • gold is _______ • opposite of dog • second of the rainbow • social studies is actuly • education p.e stands for ________
Easy 2023-05-03
9 Clues: Chewy candy • In a good mood • Fancy Chocolate • Telling the truth • Long thick string • After the present • Long purple vegetable • Habitat with many trees • Beautiful flower, with prickly stalk
Easy 2023-05-03
9 Clues: Chewy candy • In a good mood • Fancy Chocolate • Telling the truth • Long thick string • After the present • Long purple vegetable • Habitat with many trees • Beautiful flower, with prickly stalk
Adjectives 2017-06-04
29 Clues: Wet • Fat • Old • Dry • Low • Old • Thin • Fast • Fair • Safe • Ugly • Dark • Slow • Full • Rich • Easy • Long • Poor • Empty • Short • Dirty • Cheap • Young • Clean • Short • Difficult • Expensive • Dangerous • Beautiful
-able, -ible and oddball BLUE SORT 52 2016-02-17
- able to exist or occur together without conflict
- an action that will get you into serious trouble
- gaining respect when you have more benefit
- understandable/probable
- having the power to be undefeated
- easy to unlock or a code than can be broken
- cannot be forgotten
- extremely bad or serious
- not that good/doubtful
- something you can eat
- unable to be touched or grasped
- having delight for something
- can be done
- to go bad quickly
- can change easily
- able to catch fire easily
- the producer gets benefit by money
- something you can keep going
- having the right to do or obtain something
- easy to guess
- can be produced again and again.....
- easy to joke about
- easy to be untrustworthy
- possible to do easily or conveniently
24 Clues: can be done • easy to guess • to go bad quickly • can change easily • easy to joke about • cannot be forgotten • something you can eat • not that good/doubtful • understandable/probable • easy to be untrustworthy • extremely bad or serious • able to catch fire easily • having delight for something • something you can keep going • unable to be touched or grasped • ...
Adjectives 2017-06-04
29 Clues: Wet • Fat • Low • Dry • Old • Old • Rich • Ugly • Fair • Safe • Dark • Poor • Thin • Full • Easy • Long • Slow • Fast • Dirty • Cheap • Clean • Short • Young • Empty • Short • Dangerous • Expensive • Beautiful • Difficult
Lessons 35-38 crossword puzzle 2024-04-19
Too Easy 2015-04-28
15 Clues: dark • burst • notice • flinched • surprised • not normal • unimportant • make it fade • to go faster • all of a sudden • strong like iron • let someone know • the cause of pain • beating like a heart beat • can't believe it; incredible
FOOD EASY 2016-05-31
Too Easy 2017-12-08
- I lurched forward in my seat as the truck came to a(n) _____ halt.
- The contest judges will ____ the winners by email.
- The tree has a(n) ______ growth on its trunk that is yellow and flaky.
- The balloon _____ when Zoe poked it with her sharp fingernails.
- Tina wrote a surprise ending to her story, hoping to _____ her readers.
- Grandpa looks much more _____ now that he exercises regularly.
- Without my glasses, I found it tough to ____ what the teacher had written up on the blackboard.
- Our problems seem so _____ compared to those who don't even have food to eat.
- Tim was _____ when he heard that he had won the lottery; he had forgotten that he bought a ticket.
- As the effects of the medicine kicked in, my headache slowly _____.
- I was so nervous before my presentation that I could feel my heart _____ in my chest.
- She chose to ____ her college program so she could graduate early.
- Constant headaches can be considered a(n) _____.
- The old, abandoned building was dark and _____.
- The boy _____ when he saw the size of the needle in the doctor's hand.
15 Clues: The old, abandoned building was dark and _____. • Constant headaches can be considered a(n) _____. • The contest judges will ____ the winners by email. • Grandpa looks much more _____ now that he exercises regularly. • The balloon _____ when Zoe poked it with her sharp fingernails. • I lurched forward in my seat as the truck came to a(n) _____ halt. • ...
easy crossword 2021-10-05
Evaluation easy 2021-11-29
15 Clues: Piel • nunca • cuerpo • dióxido • botella • orgánico • Burbujas • radiación • Conducido • chocolate • Absorbido • delicioso • temperatura • ingredientes • electricidad
Easy Antonyms 2021-12-09
Too Easy 2022-02-11
- to let someone know; to inform
- sudden or unexpected
- to move back suddenly as though in pain or fear
- to speed up, or to cause to speed up
- not normal
- of very little importance or value
- gloomy, harsh, and frightening
- strong or healthy
- to surprise or amaze people into a state of shock
- to break or burst
- the cause of serious pain and suffering
- to pound or beat rapidly or violently
- not willing to believe something
- to become aware of through any of the senses
- to make or become less in amount or intensity
15 Clues: not normal • to break or burst • strong or healthy • sudden or unexpected • to let someone know; to inform • gloomy, harsh, and frightening • not willing to believe something • of very little importance or value • to speed up, or to cause to speed up • to pound or beat rapidly or violently • the cause of serious pain and suffering • to become aware of through any of the senses • ...
Easy crossword 2022-04-27
- using something wrong
- something in the ground
- every food has something when u buy it
- you cant sleep at night
- u can be fixed by this
- you see them at the olympics
- putting a file in the wrong place
- based on religion
- everyone has something that they cant do
- the government can have a certain amount of
- you might spell a word wrong
- to get paperwork
- you do something bad and u try to work it out with a person
- sharing with someone
- you do this when u go back up after being underwater
15 Clues: to get paperwork • based on religion • sharing with someone • using something wrong • u can be fixed by this • something in the ground • you cant sleep at night • you might spell a word wrong • you see them at the olympics • putting a file in the wrong place • every food has something when u buy it • everyone has something that they cant do • ...