easy Crossword Puzzles

Easy crossword 2023-04-05

Easy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. residents
  2. live
  3. grow
  4. pollute
  5. forefather
  6. change
  1. destroy
  2. illness
  3. lifestyle
  4. documented
  5. worldwide
  6. conserve
  7. move
  8. group
  9. wave

15 Clues: movelivegrowwavegroupchangedestroyillnesspolluteconservelifestyleworldwideresidentsdocumentedforefather

Too Easy 2024-02-08

Too Easy crossword puzzle
  1. to pound or beat rapidly or violently; to pulsate or vibrate
  2. not normal
  3. to let someone know; to inform
  4. to break or bust
  5. to make or become less in amount or intensity
  6. sudden or unexpected
  7. the cause of serious pain and suffering, or a state of such suffering
  8. to move back suddenly as though in pain or fear
  1. to become aware of through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing
  2. to astound or stupefy
  3. strong and healthy
  4. not willing to believe something
  5. of very little importance or value
  6. to speed up, or to cause to speed up
  7. gloomy, harsh, and frightening

15 Clues: not normalto break or buststrong and healthysudden or unexpectedto astound or stupefyto let someone know; to informgloomy, harsh, and frighteningnot willing to believe somethingof very little importance or valueto speed up, or to cause to speed upto make or become less in amount or intensityto move back suddenly as though in pain or fear...

Sports - Easy 2023-11-06

Sports - Easy crossword puzzle
  1. What sport can be played on sand (also known as beach)?
  2. Players wear mask and glove to play.
  3. Players use a bat to play.
  4. A sport played in pool.
  5. This sport is played on ice
  6. What is the nickname of Michael Jordan?
  1. The equipment for this sport is a shuttlecock.
  2. This sport use an arrow.
  3. Players only use their legs.
  4. A professional bowler.
  5. This sport uses a small and green coloured ball.
  6. Poeple need to play this sport using a lane.
  7. A sport where people ride a horse.
  8. One of the professional footballer.
  9. People use bicycle in this sport.

15 Clues: A professional bowler.A sport played in pool.This sport use an arrow.Players use a bat to play.This sport is played on icePlayers only use their legs.People use bicycle in this sport.A sport where people ride a horse.One of the professional footballer.Players wear mask and glove to play.What is the nickname of Michael Jordan?...

Thor Easy 2023-10-15

Thor Easy crossword puzzle
  1. - Realm of the gods.
  2. - Thor's trusty hammer.
  3. - Thor's punishment.
  4. - Scientist and Thor's love interest.
  5. - Type of giant Thor battles.
  6. - Thor's mischievous brother.
  7. - Guardian of the Bifrost.
  8. - Red Infinity Stone (not named in this film but important).
  9. - Warrior and Thor's close friend.
  1. - King of Asgard.
  2. - Thor's close-knit group of friends, ___ Three.
  3. - Earth's realm name.
  4. - Armored sentinel sent to Earth.
  5. - Organization that confiscates Jane's research.
  6. - Rainbow bridge.

15 Clues: - King of Asgard.- Rainbow bridge.- Realm of the gods.- Thor's punishment.- Earth's realm name.- Thor's trusty hammer.- Guardian of the Bifrost.- Type of giant Thor battles.- Thor's mischievous brother.- Armored sentinel sent to Earth.- Warrior and Thor's close friend.- Scientist and Thor's love interest....

Captain Easy 2023-10-15

Captain Easy crossword puzzle
  1. - Steve's best friend.
  2. - Main antagonist of the movie.
  3. - Vehicle Steve rides in a chase.
  4. - Steve proves himself with a fake one.
  5. - Cap's iconic weapon.
  6. - Soldier serum.
  7. - Something Steve owes Peggy.
  1. - SSR agent and Steve's love interest.
  2. - Villainous organization.
  3. - Steve's hometown.
  4. - Tour Steve initially is part of.
  5. - Scientist behind the serum.
  6. - Howard, inventor and pilot.
  7. - The powerful cube.
  8. - Big conflict, World ___ II.

15 Clues: - Soldier serum.- Steve's hometown.- The powerful cube.- Steve's best friend.- Cap's iconic weapon.- Villainous organization.- Scientist behind the serum.- Howard, inventor and pilot.- Big conflict, World ___ II.- Something Steve owes Peggy.- Main antagonist of the movie.- Vehicle Steve rides in a chase.- Tour Steve initially is part of....

Delicious Food 2021-11-03

Delicious Food crossword puzzle
  1. japan noodles(easy)
  2. Famous delicacies during the full moon(easy)
  3. Very delicious round meat stuck in gravy and severed in a big furniture shop. (Extreme hard)
  4. Icy desert with food coloring(easy)
  5. Japan sticky rice(medium)
  6. Fish burger with extra cheese(hard)
  7. Indian fried pancake(easy)
  1. Big, round, green fruit(easy)
  2. Famous western soup(easy)
  3. when your mother got nothing to cook, she will cook this food that consists of noodles. (medium)
  4. cheesy chips in cinema(medium)
  5. Malay mixed veg rice(easy)

12 Clues: japan noodles(easy)Famous western soup(easy)Japan sticky rice(medium)Malay mixed veg rice(easy)Indian fried pancake(easy)Big, round, green fruit(easy)cheesy chips in cinema(medium)Icy desert with food coloring(easy)Fish burger with extra cheese(hard)Famous delicacies during the full moon(easy)...

Cody's Crazy, Candid Crossword 2018-02-09

Cody's Crazy, Candid Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. MEDIUM: Favorite haircut, I would still have if it wasn't deemed unprofessional
  2. EASY: My favorite color
  3. MEDIUM: Favorite early teen movie, featuring Vin Diesel - The ______
  4. EASY: Abbreviation of my fav sport
  5. HARD: I refuse to eat this kind of food
  6. MEDIUM: I actively root against the Eagles, Penn st, and this athlete (first name)
  7. HARD: I do this better (more) than anyone I know
  8. This is how I often like my coffee, even in winter
  9. EASY: Favorite beer (2 wrds)
  10. MEDIUM: One of my fav TV shows ever, featuring an OCD detective
  11. EASY: My birthday month
  12. MEDIUM: Favorite brand of running sneaker
  13. HARD: I had three different majors during my college career, Computer Forensics and CJ were two... (2 wrds)
  14. MEDIUM: If not my favorite animal, this is my favorite BIG animal
  15. HARD: This is the only "chick-flik" I love (it is also a comedy)(3 wrds)
  16. HARD: I like Dirk Nowitzki and Stephen Curry, but this was my first favorite NBA player (Kings, early 2000s)
  17. EASY: My favorite outdoor activity that is not a sport with a ball
  1. MEDIUM: Last name of the owner of my fav NBA team
  2. MEDIUM: This emblem is associated with my favorite college football team
  3. MEDIUM: The model of my first car
  4. EASY: Favorite brand/company of movies/tv shows
  5. MEDIUM: Language I took three semesters of in high school
  6. EASY: I am an annual postseason fan of this hockey team
  7. HARD: I believe this 64 year Michael's voice is heaven
  8. MEDIUM: This is my fav poet/short story writer (last name)
  9. EASY: Favorite college basketball team
  10. EASY: First name of my favorite NFL team's quarterback
  11. MEDIUM: Although I am becoming fond of Daisy Ridley, my first actress crush was... (2 wrds)
  12. HARD: I will never be ashamed (although i should be) of this feminine song about how women should behave (4 wrds)
  13. HARD: I like Fall Out Boy, and this is my fav album of theirs...(3 wrds)
  14. HARD: I can/often do drink a gallon of this BRAND of drink a day
  15. HARD: I like FGL and Old Dominion, but this is my fav country singer right now (last name)

32 Clues: EASY: My favorite colorEASY: My birthday monthEASY: Favorite beer (2 wrds)MEDIUM: The model of my first carEASY: Abbreviation of my fav sportEASY: Favorite college basketball teamHARD: I refuse to eat this kind of foodMEDIUM: Favorite brand of running sneakerEASY: Favorite brand/company of movies/tv shows...

Adjectives 2024-11-07

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. in
  2. thin
  3. soft
  4. right
  5. old
  6. heavy
  7. strong
  8. high
  9. full
  10. long
  11. wrong
  12. easy
  13. young
  1. quiet
  2. light
  3. cold
  4. dry
  5. rough
  6. thin
  7. dark
  8. hot
  9. tall
  10. slow
  11. open
  12. big
  13. happy
  14. clean
  15. fast
  16. over
  17. up

30 Clues: inupdryhotoldbigthincoldsoftthindarktallslowopenhighfullfastlongovereasyquietlightroughrightheavyhappycleanwrongyoungstrong

Test 2024-04-22

Test crossword puzzle
  1. Newsletter
  2. Free
  3. Test
  4. Vozza
  5. Summer
  6. Insurance
  7. Example
  8. Birthday
  9. Agency
  1. Wordsearch
  2. Puzzle
  3. Easy
  4. Research
  5. Caity
  6. Fast
  7. Try Me

16 Clues: EasyFastFreeTestCaityVozzaPuzzleTry MeSummerAgencyExampleResearchBirthdayInsuranceWordsearchNewsletter

Leson 1 2020-04-04

Leson 1 crossword puzzle
  1. climbthetree
  2. goaway
  3. sayHallo
  4. dog
  5. runtothehouse
  6. star
  7. fun
  8. smilewithme
  9. wayuphigh
  10. sun
  11. alphabet
  12. floor
  13. touchthecatsleeping
  14. run
  15. floor
  16. saygoodbye
  17. house
  1. standonyourfeet
  2. holdupyourhands
  3. shining
  4. openthedoor
  5. reachuphigh
  6. easy
  7. door
  8. nice
  9. english
  10. star
  11. cat
  12. sky
  13. clapthemtwice

30 Clues: dogfunsuncatskyrunstareasydoornicestarfloorfloorhousegoawayshiningenglishsayHalloalphabetwayuphighsaygoodbyeopenthedoorreachuphighsmilewithmeclimbthetreeruntothehouseclapthemtwicestandonyourfeetholdupyourhandstouchthecatsleeping

Release Easy Wins 2023-11-20

Release Easy Wins crossword puzzle
  1. A technique used in TECHNOLOGY that makes up part of their INSTRUMENTATION, where a part of the track is used repeatedly
  2. The TONALITY of Release (5)
  3. An easy win for the EDM INSTRUMENTATION of Release, that is played with keys (8,5)
  4. An Irish frame drum, one of the CELTIC instruments in Release
  5. The METRE of Release (4,4)
  6. Describing part of the HARMONY of Release where a passage of the music stays with the same chord
  7. Release also has a masculine singer as part of their EDM INSTRUMENTATION (4,5)
  8. Release has a TEMPO of ---/------- BPM (3,7)
  9. One of the EDM INSTRUMENTATION in Release
  10. The genre of music of Release
  11. An easy win for a MELODY question, meaning the melody repeats (10)
  12. Describing the simpler, more traditional HARMONY of Release
  13. An easy win describing the structure for the instrumentation in Release (7,4,3,3,7,5)
  14. An easy win for a STRUCTURE question: How many verses are there in Release? (5,6)
  15. An easy win for a MELODY question, meaning there is a musical note for each syllable of text sung (8)
  16. A CELTIC string instrument with a hand crank that is part of the INSTRUMENTATION of Release (5,5)
  17. Release has vocals sung by a feminine singer as part of their EDM INSTRUMENTATION (6,5)
  18. An easy win describing the TEXTURE of Release, like the ------ of a cake
  19. The three genres of music that have been mixed together in Release (7,6,3)
  1. A low sounding strung instrument that makes up part of the EDM INSTRUMENTATION of Release (4,6)
  2. The national bagpipes of Ireland and one of the CELTIC instruments in Release (7,5)
  3. A CELTIC wind instrument in RELEASE (3,7)
  4. A CELTIC violin type instrument making up part of the INSTRUMENTATION
  5. A CELTIC instrument that you pull and squeeze as part of Release's INSTRUMENTATION
  6. The description of DYNAMICS of Release (4,2,5)
  7. EDM stands for this (10,5,5)
  8. The RHYTHM easy win for release, describing notes played on the off beat or weaker beat
  9. A simple INSTRUMENT that rattles when moved and is included in the EDM INSTRUMENTATION of Release
  10. A TECHNOLOGY technique, included in the INSTRUMENTATION answers that describe how the different parts of the song are put together
  11. The type of AFRICAN drum used in Release for an INSTRUMENTATION easy win (7,4).
  12. At the very beginning of Release, the TEXTURE is ----------.(10)
  13. A long-necked harp lute instrument that is part of the AFRICAN INSTRUMENTATION of Release
  14. An easy win describing a TEXTURE in Release, describing a long and sustained note.
  15. The RHYTHM easy win describing a repetitive circling of some phrases of the song.
  16. An easy win describing the HARMONY of release, where a note is repeated throughout changing harmonies
  17. A shaken and struck, hand instrument that is included in the EDM INSTRUMENTATION of Release

36 Clues: The METRE of Release (4,4)The TONALITY of Release (5)EDM stands for this (10,5,5)The genre of music of ReleaseA CELTIC wind instrument in RELEASE (3,7)One of the EDM INSTRUMENTATION in ReleaseRelease has a TEMPO of ---/------- BPM (3,7)The description of DYNAMICS of Release (4,2,5)Describing the simpler, more traditional HARMONY of Release...

avengers endgame(medium) :) 2021-05-01

avengers endgame(medium) :) crossword puzzle
  1. who destroyed thano's ship(medium)
  2. who is the villain in endgame(easy)
  3. the song at the end of endgame where agent carter and rogers dance(hard)
  4. where does thor make his stormbreaker(HARD*)
  5. who brings back all the people(hard)
  6. who kills thanos(medium)
  7. where did spiderman go with ironman and DR.strange(medium)
  1. who died because of how old he is(medium)
  2. what is the name of the eye that dr.strange have(HARD)
  3. what stone does vision have?(easy)
  4. how many stones are there?(easy)
  5. who died to give hawkeye soulstone(easy)
  6. who snaps the finger(easy)
  7. what stone is in the tesseract?(medium)
  8. who is soulstone keeper?(medium)

15 Clues: who kills thanos(medium)who snaps the finger(easy)how many stones are there?(easy)who is soulstone keeper?(medium)who destroyed thano's ship(medium)what stone does vision have?(easy)who is the villain in endgame(easy)who brings back all the people(hard)what stone is in the tesseract?(medium)who died to give hawkeye soulstone(easy)...

Easy??? Crossword 2020-05-22

Easy??? Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What on the dance floor? (You showed me this)
  2. My fave chocolate bar, better than bountys
  3. How I made half of my 5k
  4. My favourite kind of hams
  5. What kind of wrap to eat immediately after puking
  6. I (this word) you
  7. What I sometimes check up on, on our calls. Goes on food.
  1. Band I love with spaces between them
  2. Religious place we never got to visit. TASTTYYYYY
  3. My favourite drink alcoholic
  4. My favourite "healthy" desert of yours
  5. Concentration camp I visited before meeting up with you(GL)
  6. City in Europe which changed my life
  7. Our favourite kind of "show"

14 Clues: I (this word) youHow I made half of my 5kMy favourite kind of hamsMy favourite drink alcoholicOur favourite kind of "show"Band I love with spaces between themCity in Europe which changed my lifeMy favourite "healthy" desert of yoursMy fave chocolate bar, better than bountysWhat on the dance floor? (You showed me this)...

Mrs Easy 2021-11-07

Mrs Easy crossword puzzle
  1. polite behavior that shows respect for other people
  2. just at the moment
  3. to think over serious things
  4. a price for getting free from captivity
  5. approaching;seems soon to appear or take place
  6. cannot be violated,criticized; connected to God
  7. unpleasant things that will happen to a person
  1. shocking,something that evokes strong emotional reaction
  2. not noticable or do not draw much attention
  3. to predict with assurance or on the basis of mystic knowledge
  4. in good physical condition : very healthy and strong
  5. to regard with great respect, honor, or devotion
  6. absurd, useless words
  7. to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of

14 Clues: just at the momentabsurd, useless wordsto think over serious thingsa price for getting free from captivitynot noticable or do not draw much attentionapproaching;seems soon to appear or take placeunpleasant things that will happen to a personcannot be violated,criticized; connected to Godto regard with great respect, honor, or devotion...

Crossword - Easy 2013-01-18

Crossword - Easy crossword puzzle
  1. The best or greatest
  2. Rising baseball star
  3. Stylish, dramatic young woman
  4. Government opposer
  5. Name of the Sacco and Vanzetti case
  6. Underground bar
  7. One of the dead anarchists
  8. I strongly disagree
  9. New form of media
  1. "Knock kneed and pigeon footed"
  2. Popular genre of music
  3. Extraodinary person, thing, or idea
  4. Father of a flapper
  5. Funky, ritzy

14 Clues: Funky, ritzyUnderground barNew form of mediaGovernment opposerFather of a flapperI strongly disagreeThe best or greatestRising baseball starPopular genre of musicOne of the dead anarchistsStylish, dramatic young woman"Knock kneed and pigeon footed"Name of the Sacco and Vanzetti caseExtraodinary person, thing, or idea

Easy Crossword 2013-04-07

Easy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. denwa
  2. ichi gatsu
  3. doyoubi
  4. inu
  5. ringo
  6. ku gatsu
  7. gakkou
  1. gestuyoubi
  2. hambagu
  3. midori
  4. ninjin
  5. densha
  6. aoi
  7. neko

14 Clues: inuaoinekodenwaringomidorininjindenshagakkouhambagudoyoubiku gatsugestuyoubiichi gatsu

spelling contract again I guess? 2022-04-14

spelling contract again I guess? crossword puzzle
  1. something you wear
  2. easy to use
  4. suit with a able, yeah a bit easy
  5. having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.
  6. I can hold it
  7. switch your account to a... I don't know
  8. there is no reason you cant do your work!
  9. perceptible by touch
  10. uh easy to like
  11. you like it a lot
  12. a thing with three sides
  1. you can use it a lot
  2. a low/ high chance but you can do this
  3. (one touch) "OWWWWWWW"
  4. You cant see me hehe
  5. bringing or worthy of honor.
  6. cheap but good
  7. respect you
  8. you enjoy it
  9. easy to break
  10. easy to break
  11. Ahh that's (the word), soft and... nevermind hehe?
  12. you LAUGH a lot
  13. you can write it with 2 wheels

25 Clues: easy to userespect youyou enjoy iteasy to breakeasy to breakI can hold itcheap but goodyou LAUGH a lotuh easy to likeyou like it a lotsomething you wearyou can use it a lotYou cant see me heheperceptible by touchHOLY I CANT BELIVE IT(one touch) "OWWWWWWW"a thing with three sidesbringing or worthy of honor.you can write it with 2 wheels...

"Too Easy" 2014-09-02

"Too Easy" crossword puzzle
  1. unimportant
  2. move faster
  3. surprised
  4. to let someone know
  5. strong
  1. burst
  2. unbelievable
  3. flinched
  4. suddenly
  5. notice
  6. make it fade
  7. to cause pain
  8. not normal
  9. steady beat

14 Clues: burstnoticestrongflinchedsuddenlysurprisednot normalunimportantmove fastersteady beatunbelievablemake it fadeto cause painto let someone know

Python easy 2022-06-17

Python easy crossword puzzle
  1. This is visible on the computer monitor
  2. Used to store data for use in a program
  3. Reads a line of text from the keyboard
  4. Running instructions in order
  5. Program used for programming
  6. Do this to execute a program
  7. Sign used to assign a variable
  8. Making choices (example if...else)
  1. Outputs to the screen
  2. A whole number
  3. Doing the same thing more than once
  4. A type of error
  5. Press tab to do this
  6. Placed at the end of an if statement

14 Clues: A whole numberA type of errorPress tab to do thisOutputs to the screenProgram used for programmingDo this to execute a programRunning instructions in orderSign used to assign a variableMaking choices (example if...else)Doing the same thing more than oncePlaced at the end of an if statementReads a line of text from the keyboard...

Easy Peasy! 2022-08-04

Easy Peasy! crossword puzzle
  1. Short-fin Shark
  2. _____Pixie cut
  3. Shakespeare Character
  4. City of Love
  5. Japanese Farewell
  6. Bread ingredient
  7. Rapper_____ Rida
  8. Wedding Necessity
  1. Dog's favourite Toy
  2. Lend a hand
  3. Never been done before
  4. Lookers
  5. To Trust
  6. Whale Tracker

14 Clues: LookersTo TrustLend a handCity of LoveWhale Tracker_____Pixie cutShort-fin SharkBread ingredientRapper_____ RidaJapanese FarewellWedding NecessityDog's favourite ToyShakespeare CharacterNever been done before

easy words 2019-09-24

easy words crossword puzzle
  1. Synonym of "reserve"
  2. A person who works in a hospital but isn't doctor
  3. What's the auxiliary used for the simple past?
  4. The machine used to wash clothes
  5. It's the liquid necessary to live
  6. What's the future of the verb to be?
  7. the men who serve customers in a restaurant
  1. It is a part of your body used to walk
  2. if a person lives in turkey he is:_______
  3. the meal most important in the day
  4. How would you use won in negative?
  5. Number 33
  6. Past of "sell"
  7. Write the following word in english "Chayote"

14 Clues: Number 33Past of "sell"Synonym of "reserve"The machine used to wash clothesIt's the liquid necessary to livethe meal most important in the dayHow would you use won in negative?What's the future of the verb to be?It is a part of your body used to walkif a person lives in turkey he is:_______the men who serve customers in a restaurant...

MRNGE - Easy 2024-06-28

MRNGE - Easy crossword puzzle
  1. lò nướng
  2. trung bình
  3. đường
  4. bột cacao
  5. khuấy
  6. socola
  1. tan ra
  2. đổ vào
  3. trứng
  4. xúc xích
  5. nướng
  6. vani
  7. chặt

14 Clues: vanichặttrứngnướngđườngkhuấytan rađổ vàosocolalò nướngxúc xíchbột cacaotrung bình

Lietuva_not easy 2024-04-29

Lietuva_not easy crossword puzzle
  1. Lietuvos ministrės pirmininkės vardas
  2. Kokia unikali visame pasaulyje šventė Lietuvoje švenčiama gruodžio 24 dieną
  3. Trečias pagal dydį Lietuvos miestas
  4. Kiek Lietuvoje yra regionų?
  5. Šalis su kuria Lietuva turi ilgiausią sieną (virš 600km)
  6. Lietuva yra prie Baltijos....
  7. Lietuvos Karalius
  1. Lietuva yra parlamentinė.....
  2. 65300km kvadratiniai yra Lietuvos...
  3. Lietuviškas patiekalas iš bulvių
  4. Didžiausia upė Kaune
  5. Lietuva suskirstyta į....apskričių (skaičius)
  6. Įrašyk žodį: Lietuva kartu su kaimynėmis Latvija ir Estija yra....šalys.
  7. Upė, kuri teka Užupio rajone Vilniuje

14 Clues: Lietuvos KaraliusDidžiausia upė KauneKiek Lietuvoje yra regionų?Lietuva yra parlamentinė.....Lietuva yra prie Baltijos....Lietuviškas patiekalas iš bulviųTrečias pagal dydį Lietuvos miestas65300km kvadratiniai yra Lietuvos...Lietuvos ministrės pirmininkės vardasUpė, kuri teka Užupio rajone VilniujeLietuva suskirstyta į....apskričių (skaičius)...

spelling contract again lol 2022-04-14

spelling contract again lol crossword puzzle
  1. something you wear
  2. easy to use
  4. suit with a able, yeah a bit easy
  5. having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.
  6. I can hold it
  7. switch your account to a... i dont know
  8. there is no reason you cant do your work!
  9. perceptible by touch
  10. uh easy to like
  11. you like it a lot
  12. a thing with three sides
  1. you can use it a lot
  2. a low/ high chance but you can do this
  3. (one touch) "OWWWWWWW"
  4. You cant see me hehe
  5. bringing or worthy of honor.
  6. cheap but good
  7. respect you
  8. you enjoy it
  9. easy to break
  10. easy to break
  11. Ahh that's (the word), soft and... nevermind hehe
  12. you LAUGH a lot
  13. you can write it with 2 wheels

25 Clues: easy to userespect youyou enjoy iteasy to breakeasy to breakI can hold itcheap but goodyou LAUGH a lotuh easy to likeyou like it a lotsomething you wearyou can use it a lotYou cant see me heheperceptible by touchHOLY I CANT BELIVE IT(one touch) "OWWWWWWW"a thing with three sidesbringing or worthy of honor.you can write it with 2 wheels...

39 2023-08-31

39 crossword puzzle
  1. recognize
  2. resemble
  3. confiscate
  4. sloppy
  5. disgust
  6. walk
  1. cheerful
  2. bash
  3. bikes
  4. envious
  5. counsel
  6. easy
  7. fast
  8. snake
  9. ice

15 Clues: icebasheasyfastwalkbikessnakesloppyenviouscounseldisgustcheerfulresemblerecognizeconfiscate

AM - exersises 2024-04-01

AM - exersises crossword puzzle
  1. slow running thats easy
  2. i learned its a combonation of push ups and jumping
  3. i learned i can go fast
  4. volleyball warm up! fun!
  5. its silly
  6. gymnatsics, easy
  7. im good at running, i did good
  8. i dont like
  9. its easy
  10. i learned i can go fast and high and can go across the gym'
  1. easy and basic warm up
  2. jumping and its fun
  3. im good at this
  4. fun!! heavy balls
  5. i don't like this either but its easier than push ups

15 Clues: its easyits sillyi dont likeim good at thisgymnatsics, easyfun!! heavy ballsjumping and its funeasy and basic warm upslow running thats easyi learned i can go fastvolleyball warm up! fun!im good at running, i did goodi learned its a combonation of push ups and jumpingi don't like this either but its easier than push ups...

Personality Vocabulary 2024-10-27

Personality Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. trustworthy
  2. tight-fisted
  3. sensitive
  4. eccentric
  5. gregarious
  6. cunning
  7. blunt
  1. argumentative
  2. foolish
  3. sharp
  4. peculiar
  5. dim
  6. easy-going
  7. extravagant
  8. bossy
  9. sensible

16 Clues: dimsharpbossybluntfoolishcunningpeculiarsensiblesensitiveeccentriceasy-goinggregarioustrustworthyextravaganttight-fistedargumentative

ISM2 quality 2022-06-20

ISM2 quality crossword puzzle
  1. how easy to correct defects?
  2. Does system protect against unauthorized
  3. How easy it is for users to learn and operate?
  4. how well does it use disk space, memory, bandwidth?
  5. how easy it is to make it work in another platform?
  6. how easy to use components in other IS?
  7. ability to add users without impacting performance
  1. how long does it run before experiencing a failure?
  2. how easy it is to modify UI?
  3. How easily does the system connect with other systems?
  4. Is the information system available when I need it?
  5. How fast is the system?
  6. ability to withstand unexpected operating conditions
  7. and data loss?

14 Clues: and data loss?How fast is the system?how easy it is to modify UI?how easy to correct defects?how easy to use components in other IS?Does system protect against unauthorizedHow easy it is for users to learn and operate?how long does it run before experiencing a failure?Is the information system available when I need it?...

Medial Z 2023-06-21

Medial Z crossword puzzle
  1. easy
  2. music
  3. lizard
  4. raisin
  5. lazy
  6. breezy
  7. noisy
  8. puzzle
  1. laser
  2. dozen
  3. closet
  4. desert
  5. fuzzy
  6. daisy
  7. blizzard

15 Clues: easylazylaserdozenmusicfuzzydaisynoisyclosetlizarddesertraisinbreezypuzzleblizzard

36 2023-08-31

36 crossword puzzle
  1. tangible
  2. tire
  3. letter
  4. paper
  5. outstanding
  6. chew
  7. easy
  8. tasteful
  1. inject
  2. terrific
  3. measure
  4. progress
  5. bad
  6. ray
  7. tame

15 Clues: badraytirecheweasytamepaperinjectlettermeasuretangibleterrificprogresstastefuloutstanding


PURCELL EASY WINS crossword puzzle
  1. In MELODY easy wins, a melody of several notes sung to one syllable of text, also called 'word painting' used by the vocalist when singing 'wondering' and 'Eternal'.
  2. The tonality of the 'free the dead' section in 'Music for a While' (1,5).
  3. The INSTRUMENT that performs the 'continuo' element of 'Music for a While' (4,4).
  4. The harpsichord is unable to vary DYNAMICS, therefore, to answer a question about dynamics you could say there is ----/--/----- (4,2,5).
  5. In STRUCTURE Easy wins, the term used to describe the repeating bass pattern, a feature of Baroque music, upon which the melody for 'Music for a While' is written (6,4).
  6. This is the over-all TEXTURE of 'Music for a While'.
  7. In MELODY easy wins, a description of the melody of the piece, where most of the chords belong within the key of the music and don't include any chromaticism
  8. In MELODY easy wins, the term that describes how each syllable of a word is broken up and assigned to an individual note when the lyrics are sung.
  9. In the HARMONY easy wins, a description of the phrase endings in 'Music for a While'(7,8).
  10. The tonality of the A sections in 'Music for a While' (1,5).
  1. Describes the TEXTURAL relationship between the harpsichord and the voice (10,8).
  2. One of the three INSTRUMENTS performing 'Music for a While', commonly used to perform Baroque music.
  3. In RHYTHM Easy wins, this describes how entries are added to the score (3,4,7).
  4. METRE of 'Music for a while' written as words ----/---- (4,4).
  5. The tonality of the 'pleased' section in 'Music for a While' (1,5).
  6. In RHYTHM Easy Wins, this describes what happens between phrases (5,8,7)
  7. In the HARMONY Easy Wins, Purcell's 'Music for a While' is described as written using notes belonging to the key, it has ---------- harmony, without any chromaticism
  8. Description of the TEMPO of 'Music for a While'.
  9. The female singer's voice type.
  10. The STRUCTURE of 'Music for a While' being ABA1.
  11. The tonality of the 'eternal bands' section in 'Music for a While' (1,5)

21 Clues: The female singer's voice type.Description of the TEMPO of 'Music for a While'.The STRUCTURE of 'Music for a While' being ABA1.This is the over-all TEXTURE of 'Music for a While'.The tonality of the A sections in 'Music for a While' (1,5).METRE of 'Music for a while' written as words ----/---- (4,4)....

opposites 2018-09-02

opposites crossword puzzle
  1. false
  2. young
  3. fast
  4. dark
  5. here
  6. peace
  7. light
  8. awake
  9. off
  10. in front
  11. hot
  12. dry
  13. never
  14. hard
  15. poor
  1. easy
  2. alive
  3. short
  4. under
  5. full
  6. love
  7. clever
  8. strong
  9. ugly
  10. fat
  11. happy
  12. sour
  13. quiet
  14. hard working
  15. well

30 Clues: fatoffhotdryeasyfulllovefastdarkuglyheresourhardwellpooralivefalseshortyoungunderhappypeacelightawakequietnevercleverstrongin fronthard working

Adjectives 2017-06-04

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Small
  2. New
  3. Old
  4. Big
  5. Rich
  6. Thin
  7. Dangerous
  8. Cheap
  9. Fat
  10. Poor
  11. Slow
  12. Easy
  13. Short
  14. Fair
  15. Beautiful
  1. Dirty
  2. Fast
  3. Good
  4. Bad
  5. Difficult
  6. Full
  7. Expensive
  8. Safe
  9. Old
  10. Dry
  11. Dark
  12. Ugly
  13. Tall
  14. Low
  15. Empty
  16. Clean
  17. Short
  18. Wet

33 Clues: BadNewOldOldBigDryFatLowWetFastGoodFullSafeRichThinDarkUglyTallPoorSlowEasyFairDirtySmallCheapEmptyCleanShortShortDifficultExpensiveDangerousBeautiful

12 2023-08-27

12 crossword puzzle
  1. blow
  2. gaudy
  3. try
  4. agonizing
  5. easy
  6. trucks
  7. angry
  8. first
  1. wiggly
  2. heavy
  3. vast
  4. damaged
  5. stand
  6. constrain
  7. brash

15 Clues: tryblowvasteasyheavygaudystandbrashangryfirstwigglytrucksdamagedconstrainagonizing

Vocabulary Definitions Final 2023-02-10

Vocabulary Definitions Final crossword puzzle
  1. having substance
  2. pacify
  3. leader
  4. sacred; holy
  5. stormy weather
  6. calm down
  7. careful; on time
  8. hard to understand
  9. easy to understand
  10. repeat
  11. waste
  1. make impure
  2. magical attractiveness
  3. harass
  4. native
  5. cause to exist
  6. easy going; careless
  7. not caring for; carelessness
  8. lazy
  9. change in form

20 Clues: lazywastepacifyleaderharassnativerepeatcalm downmake impuresacred; holycause to existstormy weatherchange in formhaving substancecareful; on timehard to understandeasy to understandeasy going; carelessmagical attractivenessnot caring for; carelessness

easy sebi 2021-05-11

easy sebi crossword puzzle
  1. is the study of stars
  2. is the study of the earth
  3. is the study of words from the past
  4. it is the study of animals
  5. is the study of myths
  6. is the idea person
  7. is the study of patterns in language
  1. is the study of sound and radio
  2. can help people trauma
  3. is the study of audio
  4. is the study of toxic waste
  5. is like mythology
  6. is the study of crime
  7. is the study of relationship of animals

14 Clues: is like mythologyis the idea personis the study of starsis the study of audiois the study of crimeis the study of mythscan help people traumais the study of the earthit is the study of animalsis the study of toxic wasteis the study of sound and radiois the study of words from the pastis the study of patterns in language...

Catchphrases [Easy] 2022-10-20

Catchphrases [Easy] crossword puzzle
  1. mouth
  2. ring
  3. last
  4. alarm clock
  5. baseball
  6. girl
  7. candle
  1. hotel
  2. princess
  3. football
  4. strong
  5. animal
  6. queen
  7. dirty

14 Clues: ringlastgirlhotelmouthqueendirtystronganimalcandleprincessfootballbaseballalarm clock

Animals (easy) 2023-02-26

Animals (easy) crossword puzzle
  1. mus
  2. häst
  3. katt
  4. får
  5. hund
  6. apa
  7. groda
  1. räv
  2. björn
  3. orm
  4. haj
  5. gris
  6. varg
  7. råtta

14 Clues: rävmusormfårhajapahästkattgrishundvargbjörngrodaråtta

Easy Crossword 2023-06-16

Easy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This magical, soapy sphere has the ability to transport you to a world where popping sounds are music to your ears.
  2. The wiggly and flexible food that makes you question the laws of physics as you try to twirl it with your fork.
  3. A delicious round object that has the power to magically disappear within minutes when placed in front of a group of hungry friends.
  4. The symphony of sounds produced during a deep sleep that can either annoy your bedmate or serve as your personal sleep soundtrack.
  5. A fragile object that has the power to create both excitement and terror when touched by a sharp object.
  6. This fluffy object is your best friend after a long day, providing endless comfort and the ability to create amazing bedhead hairstyles.
  7. This flat and fluffy breakfast delight has the incredible power to vanish from the plate before you can say "syrup."
  8. A performer whose mission is to simultaneously amuse and terrify people with their oversized shoes and colorful wigs.
  1. The infectious sound that escapes your mouth when something is just too funny to handle, often resulting in snorts and tears of joy.
  2. This yellow fruit is known for its appealing "peel" and its ability to make monkeys go bananas!
  3. A small body of water that has mastered the art of appearing right in front of you when you're wearing your favorite pair of new shoes.
  4. These fashion accessories have a tendency to mysteriously disappear in the laundry, leaving you with mismatched pairs.
  5. The world's slowest creature that somehow manages to win races against turtles.
  6. The bird that is famous for crossing the road and confusing philosophers worldwide.

14 Clues: The world's slowest creature that somehow manages to win races against turtles.The bird that is famous for crossing the road and confusing philosophers worldwide.This yellow fruit is known for its appealing "peel" and its ability to make monkeys go bananas!...

Easy house 2022-02-21

Easy house crossword puzzle
  1. a soft piece of furniture which you can sit or lie on comfortably, it is usually in the living room
  2. a piece of furniture with a door that you can put things in, usually cups and plates etc.
  3. the room where people usually sleep
  4. a piece of furniture with four legs, that you usually sit on when you are at the table
  5. the room where you cook and prepare meals.
  6. a large container for water, in which you can sit or lie and wash your body
  7. a large cupboard where you can hang clothes
  1. a bowl fixed to the bathroom wall, you use it when you wash your hands etc.
  2. a piece of furniture on which you put your food when you are eating etc., it has four legs
  3. a piece of thick material that covers the floor
  4. a comfortable chair that people usually sit in in the living room
  5. a kind of table which you use for work, studying, etc.
  6. the room where you can wash, have a bath or a shower, there is sometimes a toilet, too
  7. a piece of furniture on which you can lie and sleep

14 Clues: the room where people usually sleepthe room where you cook and prepare meals.a large cupboard where you can hang clothesa piece of thick material that covers the floora piece of furniture on which you can lie and sleepa kind of table which you use for work, studying, etc.a comfortable chair that people usually sit in in the living room...

Easy Breezy 2024-04-24

Easy Breezy crossword puzzle
  1. The ‘Father of Relativity’
  2. ___Find out what it means to me – Line from popular AF song
  3. This was the first animal to ever be cloned
  4. Book that inspires many religious songs
  5. John 11:35
  6. Spanish for ‘WORK
  7. The man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly is this
  1. Characteristic of a godly wife
  2. Earth is ___million miles away from the sun
  3. ___Make it a better place – Line from popular MJ song
  4. What Moses told Pharoah
  5. This King threw Daniel into the den of lions
  6. Idol created by the Israelites
  7. Best Selling Book of all time according to the Guinness World Records

14 Clues: John 11:35Spanish for ‘WORKWhat Moses told PharoahThe ‘Father of Relativity’Characteristic of a godly wifeIdol created by the IsraelitesBook that inspires many religious songsEarth is ___million miles away from the sunThis was the first animal to ever be clonedThis King threw Daniel into the den of lions...

Catchphrases [Easy] 2022-10-20

Catchphrases [Easy] crossword puzzle
  1. aun
  2. banpee
  3. sur
  4. ceifan
  5. roc
  6. spe
  7. app
  1. rai
  2. tee
  3. sad
  4. wav
  5. shr
  6. group
  7. saw

14 Clues: raiaunteesadwavsurshrrocspesawappgroupbanpeeceifan

very easy 2023-10-31

very easy crossword puzzle
  1. has acid
  2. connects your larynx to your lungs.
  3. absorbs nutrents
  4. goes to the Bronchioles
  5. takes in o2
  6. carries o2
  7. absorbs excess water
  1. lquid in blood
  2. mechanical
  3. upper part of heart
  4. form clots
  5. lower part of heart
  6. air passages inside the lungs
  7. connects the pharynx to the stomach

14 Clues: has acidmechanicalform clotscarries o2takes in o2lquid in bloodabsorbs nutrentsupper part of heartlower part of heartabsorbs excess watergoes to the Bronchiolesair passages inside the lungsconnects your larynx to your lungs.connects the pharynx to the stomach

Easy Latvian 2024-09-25

Easy Latvian crossword puzzle
  1. toodetud Lätis
  2. suhkur
  3. jäätis
  4. küüslaugusool
  5. veel putru
  6. hakklihamaitseaine
  7. lehmake
  1. mere kreekerid
  2. munad
  3. barankad
  4. kohupiim
  5. ilma suhkruta
  6. piimakommid
  7. piim

14 Clues: piimmunadsuhkurjäätislehmakebarankadkohupiimveel putrupiimakommidilma suhkrutaküüslaugusoolmere kreekeridtoodetud Lätishakklihamaitseaine

Quicksmiths (easy) 2020-08-05

Quicksmiths (easy) crossword puzzle
  1. Eartha's last name (10)
  2. You sit on this and up you go! (8)
  3. Uses Thoughtwaves and Slipstream to fly (6)
  4. Teaches First Year Wormhole Technology (9)
  5. Miss Twiss reads this at the start of term (6)
  6. Kip's family name (7)
  7. Colour of the mowl's eyes (6)
  1. GENI is a quantum one of these (13)
  2. Short for Pythagoras (4)
  3. Connects to GENI and the wormhole positioning system (6)
  4. The currency of Quicksmiths (7)
  5. A friendly porter (9)
  6. Find-the-_ _ _ _ _ _ (6)
  7. Albert's favourite thing (4)

14 Clues: A friendly porter (9)Kip's family name (7)Eartha's last name (10)Short for Pythagoras (4)Find-the-_ _ _ _ _ _ (6)Albert's favourite thing (4)Colour of the mowl's eyes (6)The currency of Quicksmiths (7)You sit on this and up you go! (8)GENI is a quantum one of these (13)Teaches First Year Wormhole Technology (9)...

30 2023-08-31

30 crossword puzzle
  1. owl
  2. easy
  3. vex
  4. kick
  5. remake
  6. stranger
  7. fish
  8. writing
  9. celebrate
  1. hustle
  2. whispering
  3. verdant
  4. dive
  5. gash
  6. nifty

15 Clues: owlvexeasydivegashkickfishniftyhustleremakeverdantwritingstrangercelebratewhispering

H_50 2024-08-21

H_50 crossword puzzle
  1. crack
  2. adamant
  3. easy
  4. glue
  5. kittens
  6. carve
  7. rural
  8. knowledge
  1. become
  2. fretful
  3. impart
  4. driving
  5. secretary
  6. book
  7. understood

15 Clues: easybookgluecrackcarveruralbecomeimpartfretfuladamantdrivingkittenssecretaryknowledgeunderstood

N_48 2024-08-16

N_48 crossword puzzle
  1. select
  2. sore
  3. bored
  4. father
  5. spooky
  6. chess
  7. begin
  8. leather
  1. fold
  2. earthy
  3. exclusive
  4. easy
  5. truculent
  6. side
  7. walk

15 Clues: foldsoreeasysidewalkboredchessbeginselectearthyfatherspookyleatherexclusivetruculent

The adjectives 2022-04-26

The adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Thirsty
  2. Cheap
  3. Expensive
  4. Light
  5. Near
  6. Full
  7. Good
  8. Soft
  9. Happy
  10. Sleepy
  11. Smart
  12. Rich
  13. Tired
  14. Sad
  15. Dirty
  16. Far
  1. Difficult
  2. Strong
  3. Bad
  4. Clean
  5. Weak
  6. Healthy
  7. Hungry
  8. Easy
  9. Fast
  10. Empty
  11. Poor
  12. Hard
  13. Sick
  14. Dark
  15. Slow

31 Clues: BadSadFarWeakNearEasyFullGoodSoftFastPoorHardSickRichDarkSlowCheapCleanLightHappyEmptySmartTiredDirtyStrongHungrySleepyThirstyHealthyDifficultExpensive

Adjectives 2014-10-30

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. easy to get along with
  2. difficult
  3. very difficult
  4. hard
  5. good
  6. easy
  7. strict
  1. horrible
  2. interesting
  3. serious
  4. bad
  5. fun
  6. boring
  7. mean
  8. intelligent
  9. funny

16 Clues: badfunmeanhardgoodeasyfunnyboringstrictserioushorribledifficultinterestingintelligentvery difficulteasy to get along with

3rd Declension Adjectives+ 2023-11-27

3rd Declension Adjectives+ crossword puzzle
  1. signum (short)
  2. vulnus (common)
  3. gens (difficult)
  4. periculo (serious)
  5. castris (brave)
  6. praemia (easy)
  7. collem (short)
  8. regum (renowned)
  9. rerum (easy)
  10. fluminum (common)
  1. via (short)
  2. portas (serious)
  3. (all) corpora
  4. impetu (difficult)
  5. (all) fidebus
  6. vocem (noble)
  7. fillis (strong)
  8. caedem (severe)
  9. agmine (brave)
  10. (every) lucum

20 Clues: via (short)rerum (easy)(all) corpora(all) fidebusvocem (noble)(every) lucumsignum (short)agmine (brave)praemia (easy)collem (short)vulnus (common)fillis (strong)caedem (severe)castris (brave)portas (serious)gens (difficult)regum (renowned)fluminum (common)impetu (difficult)periculo (serious)

The Lion's Roar: Religion 2020-11-09

The Lion's Roar: Religion crossword puzzle
  1. (easy) Hero known as the Lightbringer
  2. (hard) Lord of water and murlocs
  3. (hard) Titan master of magic and lore
  4. (easy) Kaldorei supreme deity
  5. (easy) Gods of the trolls
  6. (hard) Book of holy words
  1. (medium) Celestial of strength
  2. (medium) Kul Tiran priests of the sea
  3. (medium) Father of druidism
  4. (easy) Former lord of fire
  5. (easy) Heavily armed priests of the Light
  6. (medium) Manifestations of the Light

12 Clues: (easy) Gods of the trolls(hard) Book of holy words(easy) Former lord of fire(medium) Father of druidism(easy) Kaldorei supreme deity(medium) Celestial of strength(hard) Lord of water and murlocs(medium) Manifestations of the Light(easy) Hero known as the Lightbringer(medium) Kul Tiran priests of the sea(hard) Titan master of magic and lore...

Lion's Roar: Geography 2020-11-09

Lion's Roar: Geography crossword puzzle
  1. (medium) Prefix for Dwarvish lands
  2. (hard) The red island crashsite
  3. (easy) The land of the mists
  4. (medium) Kaldorei stronghold in the south
  5. (easy) Steamwheedle desert capital
  6. (hard) Home of the blue dragonflight
  7. (easy) The cold north
  1. (medium)Swamp of bloodsucking horrors
  2. (easy) Southern region with green hills
  3. (hard) The great tree of the Hinterlands
  4. (medium) First human nation
  5. (easy) Centerpiece of the world map

12 Clues: (easy) The cold north(medium) First human nation(easy) The land of the mists(hard) The red island crashsite(medium) Prefix for Dwarvish lands(easy) Steamwheedle desert capital(easy) Centerpiece of the world map(hard) Home of the blue dragonflight(medium)Swamp of bloodsucking horrors(easy) Southern region with green hills...

Adjectives 2022-06-13

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. Hot
  2. No interesting
  3. easy to solve
  4. Inapropriate
  5. Bright
  6. Cold
  7. Easy
  8. Schort
  1. weak
  2. early
  3. Boring
  4. Easy
  5. careless
  6. slow
  7. Small
  8. old

16 Clues: HotoldweakEasyslowColdEasyearlySmallBoringBrightSchortcarelessInapropriateeasy to solveNo interesting

Crossword - Easy 2013-01-18

Crossword - Easy crossword puzzle
  1. New form of media
  2. Stylish, dramatic young woman
  3. Rising baseball star
  4. Underground bar
  5. Name of the Sacco and Vanzetti case
  6. I strongly disagree
  7. Government opposer
  8. Funky, ritzy
  1. Father of a flapper
  2. "Knock kneed and pigeon footed"
  3. The best or greatest
  4. One of the dead anarchists
  5. Extraodinary person, thing, or idea
  6. Popular genre of music

14 Clues: Funky, ritzyUnderground barNew form of mediaGovernment opposerFather of a flapperI strongly disagreeThe best or greatestRising baseball starPopular genre of musicOne of the dead anarchistsStylish, dramatic young woman"Knock kneed and pigeon footed"Name of the Sacco and Vanzetti caseExtraodinary person, thing, or idea

Pokemon easy 2021-12-31

Pokemon easy crossword puzzle
  1. First pokemon Ash caught
  2. Attracts swarms of Volbeat
  3. Water type shaped like a heart
  4. Pikachu's Pre-evolved form
  5. Kanto Grass type starter
  6. Ghost-Fairy type pokemon
  7. Kanto Fire type starter
  1. Evolves from Glameow
  2. Sinnoh Water type starter
  3. pikachu's evolved form
  4. Can evolve into eight different pokemon
  5. Ash's first pokemon
  6. Follows the sweet scent of Illumise
  7. State-of-the-art technology made this

14 Clues: Ash's first pokemonEvolves from Glameowpikachu's evolved formKanto Fire type starterFirst pokemon Ash caughtKanto Grass type starterGhost-Fairy type pokemonSinnoh Water type starterAttracts swarms of VolbeatPikachu's Pre-evolved formWater type shaped like a heartFollows the sweet scent of IllumiseState-of-the-art technology made this...

professions et adjectifs 2021-11-20

professions et adjectifs crossword puzzle
  1. singer
  2. poor
  3. male waiter
  4. occupation of Madame's dad
  5. not easy
  6. female professor
  7. someone who writes for a paper
  8. mean
  9. easy
  10. female writer
  11. annoying
  12. tall/big
  1. male baker
  2. doctor for animals
  3. tired
  4. female actor
  5. female nurse
  6. wealthy
  7. nice/cool
  8. useful
  9. lawyer
  10. short/small
  11. bad

23 Clues: badpoormeaneasytiredsingerusefullawyerwealthynot easyannoyingtall/bignice/coolmale bakermale waitershort/smallfemale actorfemale nursefemale writerfemale professordoctor for animalsoccupation of Madame's dadsomeone who writes for a paper

Year 9 Adjectives 2023-09-10

Year 9 Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. kirai
  2. ookii
  3. furui
  4. genki
  5. atsui
  6. yuukan
  7. kantan
  8. at, jyouzu
  9. oishii
  10. daijyoubu
  11. samui
  12. urusai
  13. atarashii
  14. warui
  15. yuumei
  16. shizuka
  1. mijikai
  2. akarui
  3. takai
  4. suki
  5. nagai
  6. tsuyoi
  7. yasashii
  8. chiisai
  9. kirei
  10. tsumaranai
  11. at, heta

27 Clues: sukikiraitakaiookiifuruinagaigenkiatsuikireisamuiwaruiakaruitsuyoiyuukankantanoishiiurusaiyuumeimijikaichiisaishizukayasashiidaijyoubuatarashiitsumaranaiat, hetaat, jyouzu

TB5 Unit Vocab 2018-10-22

TB5 Unit Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. boring
  2. stories about space, aliens, and robots
  3. stories about silly people and funny things
  4. not predictable
  5. easy to believe
  6. really really great
  7. stories have pictures and are about superheroes
  8. stories about love
  9. stories about exciting and dangerous journeys
  10. so good that you can't stop reading/watching
  11. stories about wizards and magical things
  1. just like real life
  2. makes people angry and frustrated
  3. easy to guess
  4. stories about detectives and strange things
  5. stories about witches, ghosts, and monsters
  6. difficult to understand
  7. new
  8. easy to like

19 Clues: newboringeasy to likeeasy to guessnot predictableeasy to believestories about lovejust like real lifereally really greatdifficult to understandmakes people angry and frustratedstories about space, aliens, and robotsstories about wizards and magical thingsstories about silly people and funny thingsstories about detectives and strange things...

Adjectives 2017-06-04

Adjectives crossword puzzle
  1. High
  2. Empty
  3. Clean
  4. Thin
  5. Easy
  6. Cheap
  7. Bad
  8. Poor
  9. Low
  10. Tall
  11. Fat
  12. Wet
  13. Difficult
  14. Ugly
  15. Dry
  16. Short
  17. Good
  1. Rich
  2. Fast
  3. Slow
  4. Old
  5. Dangerous
  6. Safe
  7. Dark
  8. Full
  9. Fair
  10. Beautiful
  11. Expensive
  12. Dirty
  13. Old
  14. Big
  15. Small
  16. Short
  17. New

34 Clues: OldBadLowFatOldWetBigDryNewRichHighFastSlowThinEasySafeDarkFullFairPoorTallUglyGoodEmptyCleanCheapDirtySmallShortShortDangerousBeautifulExpensiveDifficult

opposites 2023-01-04

opposites crossword puzzle
  1. not big
  2. not old
  3. not thin
  4. not new
  5. not small
  6. not married
  7. not quiet
  8. not tall
  9. not young
  10. not old
  11. not expensive
  1. not noisy
  2. not handsome,not pretty
  3. not heavy (not fat)
  4. not difficult
  5. not short
  6. not single
  7. not cheap
  8. not easy
  9. not ugly
  10. not poor
  11. not rich

22 Clues: not bignot oldnot newnot oldnot thinnot easynot tallnot uglynot poornot richnot noisynot shortnot cheapnot smallnot quietnot youngnot singlenot marriednot difficultnot expensivenot heavy (not fat)not handsome,not pretty

ADJECTIVES B1 PART 2 2022-07-29

ADJECTIVES B1 PART 2 crossword puzzle
  1. scare, terrify
  2. happy
  3. ashamed
  4. simple, basic
  5. smart, clever, bright
  6. kind, giving
  7. thrilling, sensational
  8. hilarious
  9. caring , warm
  10. difficult
  11. silly, confused
  1. emotionally slow, sad
  2. in shape, athletic
  3. not easy
  4. happy
  5. dissatisfied
  6. ashamed,responsible
  7. excellent, awesome

18 Clues: happyhappyashamednot easyhilariousdifficultdissatisfiedkind, givingsimple, basiccaring , warmscare, terrifysilly, confusedexcellent, awesomein shape, athleticashamed,responsibleemotionally slow, sadsmart, clever, brightthrilling, sensational

Easy 2021-05-05

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. "move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps." -google
  2. everyone wants more of this and it is green.
  3. something i wish i had or mother nature creates l___
  4. "the f__w of life" or "Just go with the f__w"
  5. something you need to do to survive
  1. something you like to be (emotion)
  2. kansas state flower (has flower in word)
  3. a body of water

8 Clues: a body of watersomething you like to be (emotion)something you need to do to survivekansas state flower (has flower in word)everyone wants more of this and it is green."the f__w of life" or "Just go with the f__w"something i wish i had or mother nature creates l___"move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps." -google

Easy 2022-05-31

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. Sometimes you need this
  2. It won't help
  3. UK Capital
  1. popular UK resort
  2. killers mr brightside
  3. Smart dog off the TV
  4. closed or open
  5. It's the latest

8 Clues: UK CapitalIt won't helpclosed or openIt's the latestpopular UK resortSmart dog off the TVkillers mr brightsideSometimes you need this

Easy 2023-08-02

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. いぬ
  2. カンガルー
  3. ぞう
  1. くじら
  2. ねこ
  3. イルカ
  4. ラッコ🦦
  5. こうもり

8 Clues: ねこいぬぞうくじらイルカラッコ🦦こうもりカンガルー

ADJECTIVES 2021-03-15

ADJECTIVES crossword puzzle
  1. SLOW
  2. EASY
  3. QUICK
  6. SHORT
  8. LOUD
  9. WEAK
  4. TALL
  5. QUIET


Countries (easy) 2019-05-16

Countries (easy) crossword puzzle
  1. venäjä
  2. yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
  3. viro
  4. islanti
  5. yhdysvallat
  6. saksa
  7. italia
  1. ruotsi
  2. ranska
  3. suomi
  4. tanska
  5. norja
  6. espanja

13 Clues: virosuominorjasaksavenäjäruotsiranskatanskaitaliaespanjaislantiyhdysvallatyhdistynyt kuningaskunta

Easy Crossword 2022-04-28

Easy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Dani is in love with
  2. Johnny and Dani are
  3. This sucks
  4. Dani loves
  5. Sofia
  6. 34+35
  7. Sofia is forever ___
  1. Dani
  2. Always break these
  3. White people be like
  4. We don't talk about him
  5. Way to pass time
  6. Thats what __ Said

13 Clues: DaniSofia34+35This sucksDani lovesWay to pass timeAlways break theseThats what __ SaidJohnny and Dani areDani is in love withWhite people be likeSofia is forever ___We don't talk about him

100 % easy 2022-05-13

100 % easy crossword puzzle
  1. A cell wall is a structural layer surrounding some types of cells, just outside the cell membrane.
  2. The spider mounts are pointed and the legs are much longer then the body
  3. is chicken nugget delicious
  4. what made you 7 word
  5. not from Malaysia but love sport
  6. what sus
  7. what is the largest monkey
  8. is Lucas gay
  1. where did coronavirus came from.
  2. Only can reproduce in a living host
  3. what go up with 2 leg come down with 3 legs
  4. who started siuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  5. Hi
  6. what use to be corona

14 Clues: Hiwhat susis Lucas gaywhat made you 7 wordwhat use to be coronawhat is the largest monkeywho started siuuuuuuuuuuuuuis chicken nugget deliciouswhere did coronavirus came from.not from Malaysia but love sportOnly can reproduce in a living hostwhat go up with 2 leg come down with 3 legs...

art 2013-09-03

art crossword puzzle
  1. lost
  2. blank
  3. tired
  4. spinning
  5. madness
  6. hiccup
  7. totally
  1. easy
  2. alive
  3. not
  4. dynamic
  5. scrabble
  6. new
  7. below

14 Clues: notneweasylostaliveblanktiredbelowhiccupdynamicmadnesstotallyspinningscrabble

The Lion's Roar: The Horde 2020-11-09

The Lion's Roar: The Horde crossword puzzle
  1. (hard) Weapon that destroyed Theramore
  2. (hard) Pandaren faction of the Horde
  3. (hard) Second warchief of the Horde (surname)
  4. (medium) Plains home to the tauren
  5. (medium) Orcish clan in Alterac
  6. (easy) The Banshee Queen and former warchief
  7. (medium) Former god-king of the Zandalari
  1. (easy) Capital of the Horde
  2. (easy) Leader of the tauren (surname)
  3. (easy) Language of the high/blood/void elves
  4. (medium) Chief architect of the Horde
  5. (easy) Raised victims freed from the Scourge

12 Clues: (easy) Capital of the Horde(medium) Orcish clan in Alterac(medium) Plains home to the tauren(hard) Pandaren faction of the Horde(easy) Leader of the tauren (surname)(medium) Chief architect of the Horde(hard) Weapon that destroyed Theramore(medium) Former god-king of the Zandalari(easy) Language of the high/blood/void elves...

Easy Words 2023-06-19

Easy Words crossword puzzle
  1. para
  2. cara
  3. mesa
  4. información
  5. centro
  6. cinco
  7. cuerpo
  1. juntos
  2. luego
  3. comunidad
  4. blanco
  5. minuto
  6. nombre

13 Clues: paracaramesaluegocincojuntosblancominutonombrecentrocuerpocomunidadinformación

Easy peasy 2024-03-12

Easy peasy crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. A small animal that lives in the dirt
  3. Stores in one big building
  4. Used to spell
  5. Used to find places
  6. On your feet and on your socks
  1. Something that you drive in
  2. Four in every room
  3. Keeps your money safe
  4. Hand at the end of this
  5. Santa’s helpers
  6. A car but it can carry furniture
  7. Call someone on this

13 Clues: Used to spellSanta’s helpersFour in every roomLikes to chase miceUsed to find placesCall someone on thisKeeps your money safeHand at the end of thisStores in one big buildingSomething that you drive inOn your feet and on your socksA car but it can carry furnitureA small animal that lives in the dirt

Lesson 17 2022-01-27

Lesson 17 crossword puzzle
  1. the most juicy
  2. more easy
  3. the most early
  4. more lonely
  5. more pretty
  6. more funny
  7. the most happy
  8. the most angry
  9. more angry
  10. more fancy
  11. the most heavy
  1. the most funny
  2. the most fancy
  3. more early
  4. the most lonely
  5. the most pretty
  6. more happy
  7. the most easy
  8. more juicy
  9. more heavy

20 Clues: more easymore earlymore funnymore happymore juicymore angrymore fancymore heavymore lonelymore prettythe most easythe most funnythe most juicythe most fancythe most earlythe most happythe most angrythe most heavythe most lonelythe most pretty

Prefix-Suffix Puzzle 2014-05-13

Prefix-Suffix Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. changing number
  2. easy to express
  3. feeling good physically or mentally
  4. bad results after sth.(war,disaster)
  5. a small quantitiy
  6. outside/limits of the earth
  7. pronounce incorrectly
  8. strong/tough
  9. easy of approach
  10. good reputation
  11. a group of three
  12. highly excitable
  13. not familiar
  14. if sth. can be cured
  1. costing little
  2. keeping sth. safe
  3. earlier view
  4. capable of being exchanged
  5. speech,writing or signs
  6. have no solution
  7. easy to understand
  8. a transition or change
  9. history of a person's life written or told by that person
  10. home for fish
  11. resist,ignore
  12. outside the natural order
  13. feeling young,being fresh
  14. sweet taste

28 Clues: sweet tasteearlier viewstrong/toughnot familiarhome for fishresist,ignorecosting littlechanging numbereasy to expressgood reputationhave no solutioneasy of approacha group of threehighly excitablekeeping sth. safea small quantitiyeasy to understandif sth. can be curedpronounce incorrectlya transition or changespeech,writing or signs...

Mi presente y mi futuro vocabulario my present and my future vocabulary 2022-11-27

Mi presente y mi futuro vocabulario my present and my future vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. What is your favorite class?
  2. to apply for employment
  3. I have
  4. after
  5. salary
  6. to have an internship
  7. What do you do during class?
  8. always
  9. Math
  10. difficult
  11. to fill out
  12. Something comes easy; easy to do
  13. biology
  14. My favorite class is...
  15. architect
  16. boring
  17. sometimes
  18. pen
  1. designer
  2. banker
  3. requirements
  4. the classroom
  5. physical education
  6. paper
  7. What classes do you have?
  8. to save (money, time)
  9. chemistry
  10. easy
  11. notebook
  12. computer
  13. school subjects
  14. art
  15. quiz
  16. carpenter
  17. scientist
  18. to be unemployed
  19. cook
  20. science
  21. accountant
  22. lunch
  23. lawyer
  24. library

42 Clues: artpeneasyMathquizcookafterpaperlunchbankerI havesalaryalwayslawyerboringbiologysciencelibrarydesignernotebookcomputerchemistrydifficultcarpenterscientistarchitectsometimesaccountantto fill outrequirementsthe classroomschool subjectsto be unemployedphysical educationto have an internshipto save (money, time)to apply for employment...

easy 2019-08-13

easy crossword puzzle
  1. When you enter in a website
  2. The opposite of light
  3. It is a small and long animal
  4. I wear it when I'm cold
  1. Type of letters
  2. My sister's daughter
  3. You go on ... for search anything
  4. For making a photo

8 Clues: Type of lettersFor making a photoMy sister's daughterThe opposite of lightI wear it when I'm coldWhen you enter in a websiteIt is a small and long animalYou go on ... for search anything

easy 2018-09-06

easy crossword puzzle
  1. are a small type of dog
  2. has a pouch to put it's babies in
  3. Likes to chase mice and play with yarn
  4. are attracted to blood
  1. Has a trunk and is big
  2. energetic, furry, and flappy ears.
  3. are green,slimy, and jump high
  4. nocturnal flying bird colored black

8 Clues: Has a trunk and is bigare attracted to bloodare a small type of dogare green,slimy, and jump highhas a pouch to put it's babies inenergetic, furry, and flappy ears.nocturnal flying bird colored blackLikes to chase mice and play with yarn

easy 2021-11-09

easy crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Sky color
  3. Has a trunk
  1. in twilight
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. Man's best friend
  4. dark color
  5. Flying mammal

8 Clues: Sky colordark colorin twilightHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

easy 2022-06-07

easy crossword puzzle
  1. Kaip vadinas keturkampis, kuris turi vieną porą lygiagrečių kraštinių? (ats vardininko vns)
  2. Kaip vadinama trapecija, kurios viena šoninė kraštinė yra statmena pagrindams? (ats vardininko vns)
  3. Koks būtų nežinomas trapecijos kampas jei kiti kampai yra 90° 110° 70° (ats vardininko vns)
  4. Trapecijos lygiagrečiosios kraštinės vadinamos (ats vardininko dgs)
  5. lygiašonės trapecijos kampai prie pagrindo yra (ats vardininko dgs)
  1. atkarpos jungiančios priešingąsias keturkampio viršūnes vadinamos
  2. vieną priešais kitą esančios keturkampio kraštinės ar viršūnės vadinamos (ats vardininku dgs)
  3. trapecija, kurios įstrižainės yra lygios vadinama (ats vardininko vns)

8 Clues: atkarpos jungiančios priešingąsias keturkampio viršūnes vadinamosTrapecijos lygiagrečiosios kraštinės vadinamos (ats vardininko dgs)lygiašonės trapecijos kampai prie pagrindo yra (ats vardininko dgs)trapecija, kurios įstrižainės yra lygios vadinama (ats vardininko vns)...

easy 2019-08-13

easy crossword puzzle
  1. When you enter in a website
  2. The opposite of light
  3. It is a small and long animal
  4. I wear it when I'm cold
  1. Type of letters
  2. My sister's daughter
  3. You go on ... for search anything
  4. For making a photo

8 Clues: Type of lettersFor making a photoMy sister's daughterThe opposite of lightI wear it when I'm coldWhen you enter in a websiteIt is a small and long animalYou go on ... for search anything

easy 2023-07-12

easy crossword puzzle
  1. and related biotechnologies
  2. technologies
  3. technologies
  4. participation
  1. and information technologies
  2. technology
  3. technologies
  4. relations
  5. and power technologies
  6. affairs

10 Clues: affairsrelationstechnologytechnologiestechnologiestechnologiesparticipationand power technologiesand related biotechnologiesand information technologies

My Homework 2016-03-23

My Homework crossword puzzle
  1. most joyful
  2. more warm
  3. most cold
  4. more pretty
  5. more muscly
  6. most brave
  7. most crazy
  8. the nearest
  9. most calm
  10. more brave
  11. more nearer
  1. the most warm
  2. most dirty
  3. most weak
  4. more joyful
  5. most muscly
  6. more weak
  7. most easy
  8. more crazy
  9. more dirty
  10. more calm
  11. more easy
  12. more cold

23 Clues: most weakmore warmmore weakmost coldmost easymore calmmore easymost calmmore coldmost dirtymore crazymore dirtymost bravemost crazymore bravemost joyfulmore joyfulmost musclymore prettymore musclythe nearestmore nearerthe most warm

indosp 2021-08-10

indosp crossword puzzle
  1. full
  2. I hope
  3. easy sp
  4. great
  5. chair sp
  6. try sp
  7. you ok sp
  8. goodbye
  9. I hope sp
  10. broom sp
  1. you okay
  2. wait sp
  3. full sp
  4. I say
  5. me-say sp
  6. wait
  7. sit sp
  8. easy peasy
  9. great sp
  10. broom
  11. try

21 Clues: tryfullwaitgreatI saybroomI hopetry spsit spwait speasy spfull spgoodbyeyou okaychair spgreat spbroom spme-say spyou ok spI hope speasy peasy

The Call of the Wild- Chapter 2024-02-06

The Call of the Wild- Chapter crossword puzzle
  1. Emptiness
  2. Destroyed
  3. Being sure of something
  4. The end
  5. Tiny
  6. In order
  7. Perfect sound
  8. Blended up
  9. Alive
  10. Wanting something
  11. Taking things easy
  12. A Native American tribe
  13. Ruin
  1. Covering up
  2. Trembling
  3. Roaming
  4. An infection
  5. Left overs
  6. Sad
  7. Outgrowth of something
  8. Spasms
  9. Easy to notice
  10. A perfect balance
  11. Covered

24 Clues: SadTinyRuinAliveSpasmsRoamingThe endCoveredIn orderTremblingEmptinessDestroyedLeft oversBlended upCovering upAn infectionPerfect soundEasy to noticeWanting somethingA perfect balanceTaking things easyOutgrowth of somethingBeing sure of somethingA Native American tribe

Latin III List 2 Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-12

Latin III List 2 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. discuss
  2. lux
  3. gero
  4. rogo
  5. collect
  6. facilis
  7. light
  8. munio
  9. pax
  10. duty
  11. leader
  12. ago
  13. cogo
  14. goodbye
  15. obdoro
  16. without
  17. negotium
  18. sine
  1. few
  2. business
  3. kiss
  4. dux
  5. basio
  6. tough
  7. build
  8. afficio
  9. peace
  10. affect
  11. officium
  12. ask
  13. guard
  14. easy
  15. wage
  16. pauci
  17. servo

35 Clues: fewluxduxpaxagoaskkissgerorogodutycogoeasywagesinebasiotoughbuildlightmuniopeaceguardpauciservoaffectleaderobdorodiscusscollectfacilisafficiogoodbyewithoutbusinessofficiumnegotium

Comparatives and superlatives 2023-03-12

Comparatives and superlatives crossword puzzle
  1. interesting(2)
  2. hot(2)
  3. happy(2)
  4. hot(3)
  5. nervous(3)
  6. wide(3)
  7. big(3)
  8. nice(3)
  9. interesting(3)
  10. good(2)
  1. short(3)
  2. easy(3)
  3. bad(2)
  4. short(2)
  5. big(2)
  6. good(3)
  7. wide(2)
  8. good(3)
  9. tall(2)
  10. nice(2)
  11. nervous(2)
  12. easy(2)
  13. tall(3)
  14. happy(3)

24 Clues: hot(2)bad(2)hot(3)big(2)big(3)easy(3)good(3)wide(3)wide(2)good(3)tall(2)nice(2)nice(3)easy(2)tall(3)good(2)short(3)happy(2)short(2)happy(3)nervous(3)nervous(2)interesting(2)interesting(3)

ISM2 quality 2022-06-20

ISM2 quality crossword puzzle
  1. ability to withstand unexpected operating conditions
  2. Does system protect against unauthorized access and data loss?
  3. Is the information system available when I need it?
  4. how well does it use disk space, memory, bandwidth?
  5. How easily does the system connect with other systems?
  1. how easy to correct defects?
  2. how easy it is to modify UI?
  3. how long does it run before experiencing a failure?
  4. ability to add users without impacting performance
  5. How easy it is for users to learn and operate?
  6. How fast is the system?
  7. how easy it is to make it work in another platform?
  8. how easy to use components in other IS?

13 Clues: How fast is the system?how easy to correct defects?how easy it is to modify UI?how easy to use components in other IS?How easy it is for users to learn and operate?how long does it run before experiencing a failure?ability to add users without impacting performancehow easy it is to make it work in another platform?...

Easy-peasy 2021-08-12

Easy-peasy crossword puzzle
  1. Hvad hedder Tintins hund på dansk?
  2. Hvad hedder hovedstaden i Danmark?
  3. Hvad hedder Danmarks dronning?
  4. Hvad siger hunde?
  5. Hvor ligger Odense?
  6. Hvad hedder Tintins hund på fransk?
  1. En hilsen
  2. Hvad hedder læreren?
  3. Hvad taler danskere?
  4. Skriv 20
  5. Hvad hedder sidste dag i ugen?
  6. Skriv 14
  7. En afsked

13 Clues: Skriv 20Skriv 14En hilsenEn afskedHvad siger hunde?Hvor ligger Odense?Hvad hedder læreren?Hvad taler danskere?Hvad hedder sidste dag i ugen?Hvad hedder Danmarks dronning?Hvad hedder Tintins hund på dansk?Hvad hedder hovedstaden i Danmark?Hvad hedder Tintins hund på fransk?

Easy homework 2023-05-08

Easy homework crossword puzzle
  1. to be … you must know how to wait
  2. you have two in your upper body
  3. healthy food
  4. in it there is cities
  5. practice
  6. overpriced shiny object
  7. identify someone or something you already met
  1. final
  2. preference
  3. trip
  4. dying on purposely
  5. from another country
  6. cheaper than expected

13 Clues: tripfinalpracticepreferencehealthy fooddying on purposelyfrom another countryin it there is citiescheaper than expectedoverpriced shiny objectyou have two in your upper bodyto be … you must know how to waitidentify someone or something you already met

easy work 2018-09-13

easy work crossword puzzle
  1. Manufacturers generally color the keyboard port purple and the mouse port green.
  2. is the brain that carries out your computer’s instructions.
  3. The CPU stores temporary information,such as data relating to open programs.
  4. it activates when you turn on the computer
  5. 1394 Current FireWire ports transfer data as fast as 400Mbps (megabits per second). (The next genera- tion of FireWire offers speeds as fast as 3,200 Mbps.) You can use FireWire to connect many different types of peripherals, including digital cameras and digital video cameras. Like USB ports, FireWire ports are hot-swappable, which means you can connect a device to the FireWire port, unplug it, and connect another device without rebooting the computer.
  6. it houses your graphics card, which supplies the image to the monitor.
  7. Card Motherboards often have integrated sound chips. If your motherboard does not have a sound chip or if you want better sound quality, you can buy a __ __.
  8. it draws power from the computer in addition to data through the port.
  1. Port you’ll want to be sure that you have an available USB port and you may need to buy a USB cable.
  2. slots let peripherals communicate quickly with the processor.
  3. a large PCB that houses most of your computer’s components.
  4. Port You can attach some older key- boards, mice, and modems to the __ ___.
  5. It funnels power through the multicolored cables to each device.

13 Clues: it activates when you turn on the computeris the brain that carries out your computer’s instructions.a large PCB that houses most of your computer’s components.slots let peripherals communicate quickly with the processor.It funnels power through the multicolored cables to each device....

EASY LEVEL 2024-09-13

EASY LEVEL crossword puzzle
  1. sisa dari x4+2x3-13x2-14x+24 dibagi dengan (x+1) Menggunakan cara horner
  2. tentukansisa pembagian suku banyak berikut dengan menggunakan cara bersusun : (3x3-2x2+x-6) : (x-1)
  3. tentukansisa pembagian suku banyak berikut dengan menggunakan cara Horner : (x3+4x+7) : (x-2)
  4. tentukan sisa pembagian suku banyak berikut dengan menggunakan cara Horner : (3x3-2x2+x-6) : (x-1)
  5. suatu suku banyak -x4+2x3+2x2-3x = 0. Jumlah akar – akarnya adalah
  6. suku banyak 2x3-2x2-7x-12 dibagi 2x2+7 dengan cara bersusun. Nilai s(x) adalah..
  7. jika suku banyak memiliki akar - akar x1,x2,x3, maka nilai dari x1.x2+x1.x3+x2.x3 dapat ditentukan dengan rumus
  8. p(x)merupakan suku banyak berderajat 5 dan Q(x) suku banyak berderajat 2, maka derajat suku banyak dari P(x) dibagi Q(x) adalah
  1. q(x) merupakan suku banyak dengan dituliskan dengan, Q(x)=4x3-2x2+9, tentukanlah nilai Q(3) dari persamaan tersebut
  2. x3 dikali x2, maka pangkat x dari perkalian tersebut adka P(x)+Q(x)=F(x), tentukanlah koefisien x2 pada persamaan F(x)
  3. g(x)merupakan suatu persamaan yang mempunyai faktor (x2+3)(x+2), tentukanlah nilai derajat ditambah koefisien dari persamaan tersebut
  4. diketahusuatu fungsi Q(X) yaitu x3+4x2+2x+6, fungsi Q(X) memiliki derajat dan koefisien x2 berturut turut yaitu
  5. x3 + 2x2+3x+5 merupakan polynomial P(x), dan Q(x)= 2x3 -3x2+x+4, jika P(x)+Q(x)=F(x), tentukanlah koefisien x2 pada persamaan F(x)
  6. sebuah suku banyak P(x)= x3+3x2-10x-24 dibagi dengan (x+3), tentukanlah sisanya menggunakan cara horner
  7. terdapatsuatu polynomial yang dinyatakan dengan P(X)=X3—2X2+X+4, tentukanlah derajat dari polynomial tersebut

15 Clues: sisa dari x4+2x3-13x2-14x+24 dibagi dengan (x+1) Menggunakan cara hornersuatu suku banyak -x4+2x3+2x2-3x = 0. Jumlah akar – akarnya adalahsuku banyak 2x3-2x2-7x-12 dibagi 2x2+7 dengan cara bersusun. Nilai s(x) adalah..tentukansisa pembagian suku banyak berikut dengan menggunakan cara Horner : (x3+4x+7) : (x-2)...

easy 2019-08-13

easy crossword puzzle
  1. When you enter in a website
  2. The opposite of light
  3. It is a small and long animal
  4. I wear it when I'm cold
  1. Type of letters
  2. My sister's daughter
  3. You go on ... for search anything
  4. For making a photo

8 Clues: Type of lettersFor making a photoMy sister's daughterThe opposite of lightI wear it when I'm coldWhen you enter in a websiteIt is a small and long animalYou go on ... for search anything

Easy 2023-05-17

Easy crossword puzzle
  1. A mass political movement that emphasizes extreme nationalism, militarism, and the supremacy of both the nation and the single, powerful leader over the individual citizen
  2. The process of making known one's thoughts or feelings
  3. Feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone)
  4. An apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image
  1. State or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of
  2. Firmness of purpose; resoluteness
  3. Having no one else present
  4. used to give an affirmative response

8 Clues: Having no one else presentFirmness of purpose; resolutenessused to give an affirmative responseFeel intense or passionate dislike for (someone)The process of making known one's thoughts or feelingsState or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of...

spelling menu 2024-01-08

spelling menu crossword puzzle
  1. crazy
  2. one
  3. surprised
  4. color
  5. book cover
  6. small
  7. turkey
  1. sharp
  2. not easy
  3. easy
  4. furniture
  5. I got it
  6. floppy
  7. snicker

14 Clues: oneeasysharpcrazycolorsmallfloppyturkeysnickernot easyI got itsurprisedfurniturebook cover

Spelling Bee Words 2019-04-01

Spelling Bee Words crossword puzzle
  1. easy word, starts an l, ends with a b
  2. medium word, first two letters are "op"
  3. medium word, has more than one s in it
  4. easy word, starts with a m, ends with an e
  5. difficult word, second letter is n,seventh letter is o
  6. easy word, starts with an e, ends with an e
  7. medium word, last two letters are "ou"
  1. difficult word, first letter is j, last letter is n
  2. easy word, starts with a p, ends with an e
  3. easy word, starts with an u, ends with an e
  4. medium word, has more than one v in it
  5. difficult word, third letter is l, sixth letter is o
  6. medium word, first two letters are "cy"
  7. difficult word, second letter is p, fourth letter is t

14 Clues: easy word, starts an l, ends with a bmedium word, has more than one v in itmedium word, has more than one s in itmedium word, last two letters are "ou"medium word, first two letters are "op"medium word, first two letters are "cy"easy word, starts with a p, ends with an eeasy word, starts with a m, ends with an e...

Product Crossword Sample 2020-04-28

Product Crossword Sample crossword puzzle
  1. Combine the ease of a universal remote and the traditional Pillow Speaker functionality.
  2. completely sealed membrane style button. Callcord that is easy to disinfect.
  3. helps to locate your call cord faster in dark conditions. Recharges with light exposure.
  4. mobile call unit ideal for large community areas.
  5. great for patients with little to no motor skills. AKA Sip and Puff.
  6. helps indicate call cord connection or placement. (may not work with every system) Technical support required.
  7. Easy to grasp large pendant and easy to repair.
  8. works after being underwater for 30 minutes and 300 drops onto concrete.
  9. Slim easy to hold design.
  1. Enhancing the environment of care for those in need and those who care.
  2. Designed for use with healthcare tv’s. Can include Nurse call button, pain, toilet, water and environment controls.
  3. Help prevent cables from breaking.
  4. Autosense technology.
  5. prominent color assists patients and staff.
  6. 3” diameter pad for easy activation with slight pressure. Works great for residents that have limited dexterity.
  7. ultra-sensitive touch plate can easily pressed with hand, elbow, chin, etc.
  8. affordable, repairable callcord option.

17 Clues: Autosense technology.Slim easy to hold design.Help prevent cables from breaking.affordable, repairable callcord option.prominent color assists patients and staff.Easy to grasp large pendant and easy to repair.mobile call unit ideal for large community areas.great for patients with little to no motor skills. AKA Sip and Puff....

A very easy easy easy easy easy IMPOSSIBLE comedic history crossword 2022-09-26

A very easy easy easy easy easy IMPOSSIBLE comedic history crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Time before biblical flood
  2. monkey TRANSFORM
  3. Uniform
  4. Metal
  5. very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY old
  1. Praying for forgiveness
  2. Buo
  3. Old family member
  4. ban
  5. Large... boat

10 Clues: BuobanMetalUniformLarge... boatmonkey TRANSFORMOld family memberPraying for forgivenessTime before biblical floodvery, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY old

A very easy easy easy easy easy IMPOSSIBLE comedic history crossword 2022-09-26

A very easy easy easy easy easy IMPOSSIBLE comedic history crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Old family member
  2. Large... boat
  3. Uniform
  4. monkey TRANSFORM
  5. Metal
  1. Praying for forgiveness
  2. Time before biblical flood
  3. very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY old
  4. Buo
  5. ban

10 Clues: BuobanMetalUniformLarge... boatmonkey TRANSFORMOld family memberPraying for forgivenessTime before biblical floodvery, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY old

How to learn english well? 2021-06-09

How to learn english well? crossword puzzle
  1. learn
  2. long
  3. is
  4. to
  5. do
  6. have
  7. it
  8. easy
  1. English
  2. How
  3. to
  4. decided
  5. as
  6. you

14 Clues: istotodoasitHowyoulonghaveeasylearnEnglishdecided