english Crossword Puzzles

numbers 2021-04-30

numbers crossword puzzle
  1. lima puluh in english
  2. tujuh puluh tiga in english
  3. before two
  4. satu in english
  5. sepuluh in ednglish
  6. empat puluh in english
  7. enam in english
  8. what the number after eleven
  9. forty five in indonesia
  10. tujupulih in english
  11. what the number after one
  12. sembilan puluh dua in english
  13. seven in indonesia
  14. dua puluh lima in english
  1. after sixty
  2. tujuh in english
  3. before one hundred
  4. what the number after three
  5. seratus in english
  6. before thirty
  7. before six
  8. tiga puluh in english
  9. tiga in english

23 Clues: before twobefore sixafter sixtybefore thirtysatu in englishenam in englishtiga in englishtujuh in englishbefore one hundredseven in indonesiasepuluh in ednglishseratus in englishtujupulih in englishlima puluh in englishtiga puluh in englishempat puluh in englishforty five in indonesiawhat the number after onedua puluh lima in english...

Faire and ER Verbs (Gr 5) 2021-04-28

Faire and ER Verbs (Gr 5) crossword puzzle
  1. "Tu dessines" in English means ________________
  2. "Vous regardez la télé" in English means ________________
  3. ils (faire)
  4. elle (danser)
  5. "Je joue au tennis" in English means ________________
  6. elles (cuisiner)
  7. "Il cuisine" in English means ________________
  8. "Elle chante" in English means ________________
  9. "Il joue au foot" in English means ________________
  10. il (faire)
  11. tu (faire)
  12. "Nous faisons de la lutte" in English means ________________
  13. vous (jouer)
  14. "Ils jouent aux cartes" in English means ________________
  15. "Nous dansons" in English means ________________
  1. nous (dessiner)
  2. elle (faire)
  3. "Tu écoutes de la musique" in English means ________________
  4. je (faire)
  5. "Vous faites" in English means ________________
  6. tu (cuisiner)
  7. "Elles font" in English means ________________
  8. "Je joue" in English means ________________
  9. nous (faire)
  10. ils (regarder)
  11. "Elle fait de la natation" in English means ________________
  12. je (regarder)
  13. vous (faire)
  14. elles (faire)
  15. il (chanter)

30 Clues: je (faire)il (faire)tu (faire)ils (faire)elle (faire)nous (faire)vous (faire)vous (jouer)il (chanter)elle (danser)tu (cuisiner)je (regarder)elles (faire)ils (regarder)nous (dessiner)elles (cuisiner)"Je joue" in English means ________________"Elles font" in English means ________________"Il cuisine" in English means ________________...

TTS Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris 2023-11-20

TTS Ulangan Harian Bahasa Inggris crossword puzzle
  1. androk in english
  2. sakit gigi in english
  3. cough in Indonesian
  4. T-shirt in Indonesian
  5. hat in Indonesian
  6. kaos kaki in English
  7. sakit perut in english
  8. wearing in Indonesian
  9. sepatu in English
  10. uniform in Indonesian
  11. cold in Indonesian
  1. baju atasan in English
  2. Celana panjang in English
  3. celana pendek in English
  4. long dress in Indonesian
  5. sakit mata in english
  6. clothes in Indonesian
  7. medicine in Indonesian
  8. sakit kepala in english
  9. tie in Indonesian

20 Clues: androk in englishhat in Indonesiansepatu in Englishtie in Indonesiancold in Indonesiancough in Indonesiankaos kaki in Englishsakit gigi in englishT-shirt in Indonesiansakit mata in englishclothes in Indonesianwearing in Indonesianuniform in Indonesianbaju atasan in Englishsakit perut in englishmedicine in Indonesiansakit kepala in english...


BAHASA INGGRIS crossword puzzle
  1. Tomat in English means...
  2. "How are you?" dijawab dengan "I am..."
  3. fifteen in Indonesia means...
  4. Tetesan air mata in English means...
  5. The number after(sesudah) four is...
  6. Apel in English means...
  7. Persegi in English means...
  8. Starfruit in Indonesia means...
  9. Lingkaran in English means...
  10. Oval in Bahasa means...
  11. ketika temanmu menyapa "Good morning" maka kamu akan menjawab dengan...
  12. Pisang in English means...
  1. Semangka in English means...
  2. Rectangle in Indonesia means...
  3. Singa in English means...
  4. Bintang in English means...
  5. Kelinci in English means...
  6. The number before(sebelum) eight is...
  7. Hati in English means...
  8. Sembilan in English means...

20 Clues: Oval in Bahasa means...Apel in English means...Hati in English means...Tomat in English means...Singa in English means...Pisang in English means...Bintang in English means...Kelinci in English means...Persegi in English means...Semangka in English means...Sembilan in English means...fifteen in Indonesia means...Lingkaran in English means......

Rebecca Stradling Homework - 7A2 2018-09-16

Rebecca Stradling Homework - 7A2 crossword puzzle
  1. translates to Scotland in English.
  2. translates to Hi or By in English.
  3. translates to I am called… in English.
  4. translates to Spain in English.
  5. translates to Italy in English.
  6. translates to Belgium in English.
  7. Translates to What is your name ? In English.
  8. translates to where do you live ? In English.
  9. translates to Good bye in English.
  1. translates to I live in… in English.
  2. translates to Switzerland in English.
  3. translates to Ireland in English.
  4. translates to Wales in English.
  5. translates to English in English.
  6. translates to Germany in English.
  7. translates to Portugal in English.
  8. translates to Hello in English
  9. translates to France in English.

18 Clues: translates to Hello in Englishtranslates to Wales in English.translates to Spain in English.translates to Italy in English.translates to France in English.translates to Ireland in English.translates to English in English.translates to Germany in English.translates to Belgium in English.translates to Scotland in English....

Unit 3 Spanish Vocab 2024-02-09

Unit 3 Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. ¿Qué es faltar en English?
  2. ¿Qué es aburrir en English?
  3. ¿Qué es la biblioteca en English?
  4. ¿Qué es encantar en English?
  5. ¿Qué es correr en English?
  6. ¿Qué es piscina en English?
  7. ¿Qué es quedar en English?
  8. ¿Qué es interesar en English?
  9. ¿Qué es la sinagoga en English?
  1. ¿Qué es trabajar en English?
  2. ¿Qué es el centro comercial en English?
  3. ¿Qué es rezar en English?
  4. ¿Qué es leer en English?
  5. ¿Qué es la iglesia en English?
  6. ¿Qué es el templo en English?
  7. ¿Qué es jugar videojuegos en English?
  8. ¿Qué es la mezquita en English?
  9. ¿Qué es el gimnasio en English?

18 Clues: ¿Qué es leer en English?¿Qué es rezar en English?¿Qué es faltar en English?¿Qué es correr en English?¿Qué es quedar en English?¿Qué es aburrir en English?¿Qué es piscina en English?¿Qué es trabajar en English?¿Qué es encantar en English?¿Qué es el templo en English?¿Qué es interesar en English?¿Qué es la iglesia en English?...

Color 2020-01-09

Color crossword puzzle
  1. biru in indonesian is?
  2. white in english is?
  3. silver in english is?
  4. putih in indonesian is?
  5. perak in indonesian is?
  6. green in english is?
  7. grey in english is?
  8. kuning in indonesian is?
  9. lightgreen in english is?
  10. brown in english is?
  11. merahmuda in indonesian is?
  12. hijautua in indonesian is?
  13. beige in english is?
  14. jingga in indonesian is?
  15. hijau in indonesian is?
  16. merah in indonesian is?
  1. purple in english is?
  2. krem in indonesian is?
  3. ungu in indonesian is?
  4. blue in english is?
  5. pink in english is?
  6. orange in indonesian is?
  7. darkgreen in english is?
  8. hitam in indonesian is?
  9. hijaumudah in indonesian is?
  10. coklat in indonesian is?
  11. black in english is?
  12. red in english is?
  13. yellow in english is?
  14. abuabu in indonesian is?
  15. emas in indonesian is?
  16. gold in english is?

32 Clues: red in english is?blue in english is?pink in english is?grey in english is?gold in english is?white in english is?green in english is?black in english is?brown in english is?beige in english is?purple in english is?silver in english is?yellow in english is?biru in indonesian is?krem in indonesian is?ungu in indonesian is?emas in indonesian is?...


11th GRADE VOCABULARY WORDS crossword puzzle
  1. amígdalas in English
  2. to reluctantly agree to do something
  3. nudillos in English
  4. immature like a child
  5. a complaint
  6. the main or most important thing
  7. codo in English
  8. forgiving
  9. pestañas in English
  1. garganta in English
  2. synonym for obligatory
  3. to stop someone doing something or having something
  4. completely open and honest
  5. rodilla in English
  6. to illegally take power or control.
  7. pulgar in English
  8. tall or high
  9. uña in English
  10. mandíbula in English
  11. cadera in English

20 Clues: forgivinga complainttall or highuña in Englishcodo in Englishpulgar in Englishcadera in Englishrodilla in Englishgarganta in Englishnudillos in Englishpestañas in Englishamígdalas in Englishmandíbula in Englishimmature like a childsynonym for obligatorycompletely open and honestthe main or most important thingto illegally take power or control....

Unit 4 2015-03-09

Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. How can I say "aonde?" in English?
  2. How can I say "atrás" in English?
  3. How can I say "livraria" in English?
  4. How can I say "entediado" in English?
  5. How can I say "ainda" in English?
  6. How can I say "restaurante" in English?
  7. How can I say "refrigerante" in English?
  8. How can I say "olhar" in English?
  9. How can I say "entre" in English? (entre um lugar e outro)
  1. How can I say "do lado" in English?
  2. How can I say "realmente" in English?
  3. How can I say "loja" in English?
  4. Are "nice" and "cool" synonyms?
  5. How can I say "farmácia" in English?
  6. How can I say "parada de ônibus" in English?
  7. How can I say "ir nadar" in English?
  8. How can I say "perto" in English?
  9. How can I say "em casa" in English?
  10. How can I say "entre" in English? (entrar em um lugar)

19 Clues: Are "nice" and "cool" synonyms?How can I say "loja" in English?How can I say "atrás" in English?How can I say "perto" in English?How can I say "ainda" in English?How can I say "olhar" in English?How can I say "aonde?" in English?How can I say "do lado" in English?How can I say "em casa" in English?How can I say "farmácia" in English?...

Languages Day crossword: Translate into English or French 2023-09-27

Languages Day crossword: Translate into English or French crossword puzzle
  1. Masculine Cat (In French?)
  2. Feliz (Spanish to English?)
  3. Goma (Spanish to English?)
  4. Nacht (Afrikaans to English?)
  5. Cherry (in French?)
  6. Male Dog (in French)?
  7. Masculine of sorry (in French)?
  8. Danke (German to English?)
  9. Masculine Friend (in French?)
  10. Gud (Danish to English?)
  1. Death (in French?)
  2. Earth in French
  3. Drei (German to English?)
  4. Pool (in French)?
  5. Dolce (Italian to English?)
  6. Cha (Mandarin to English?)
  7. Shi(Mandarin to English?)
  8. Blood (in French?)
  9. La tete (in English?)
  10. Black (in French?)

20 Clues: Earth in FrenchPool (in French)?Death (in French?)Blood (in French?)Black (in French?)Cherry (in French?)Male Dog (in French)?La tete (in English?)Gud (Danish to English?)Drei (German to English?)Shi(Mandarin to English?)Masculine Cat (In French?)Goma (Spanish to English?)Cha (Mandarin to English?)Danke (German to English?)...

Crucigrama 2023-09-13

Crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. rostro in english?.
  2. toro in english?.
  3. arroz in english?
  4. tomate in english?.
  5. what color is violet?.
  6. ¿Que auxiliar se utiliza en pasado?.
  7. ¿En que mitoligia se origina el nombre de los dias de la semana?.
  8. what is the capital of Venezuela?.
  1. Julio in english?.
  2. what fruit is pear?.
  3. aeropuerto in english?.
  4. oso in english?
  5. jueves in english?.
  6. libro in english?
  7. what is the name of your teacher of english here?.
  8. what fruit is pineapple?.
  9. perro in english?.
  10. what color is orange?.
  11. gato in enlish?.
  12. ¿Cual es la capital de USA?

20 Clues: oso in english?gato in enlish?.toro in english?.arroz in english?libro in english?Julio in english?.perro in english?.rostro in english?.tomate in english?.jueves in english?.what fruit is pear?.what color is violet?.what color is orange?.aeropuerto in english?.what fruit is pineapple?.¿Cual es la capital de USA?what is the capital of Venezuela?....

PART OF BODY 2023-11-03

PART OF BODY crossword puzzle
  1. I have ten.....
  2. I Have ..... Hair.(Lurus)
  3. She speaks using my........
  4. Toes In Indonesia.....
  5. Pipi In English........
  6. Short In Indonesia.....
  7. Punggung In English....
  8. Badan In English...
  9. Siku In English..........
  10. Head In Indonesia....
  11. Keriting In English....
  12. I taste my food using my........
  13. I brush them everyday......
  14. Dada In English...
  15. Wajah In English........
  16. Dahi In English....
  1. Bulu mata In English....
  2. I am listening music using my......
  3. Indonesian people have black........
  4. Perut In English.....
  5. Tina uses lipstick for her.....
  6. I watch TV using my.....
  7. Arm In Indonesia....
  8. Lutut In English .........
  9. I smell something using my.....
  10. Shoulder In Indonesia......
  11. Pinggang In English...
  12. She Has ..... Nose. (Mancung)
  13. Dagu In English.....
  14. Neck In Indonesia.....
  15. I walk using my..........
  16. in Indonesia is.....
  17. Betis In Indonesia.....
  18. Part of body to hold something..........
  19. Kulit In English.....
  20. Leher In English.....

36 Clues: I have ten.....Dada In English...Badan In English...Dahi In English....Arm In Indonesia....Dagu In English.....in Indonesia is.....Perut In English.....Head In Indonesia....Kulit In English.....Leher In English.....Toes In Indonesia.....Pinggang In English...Neck In Indonesia.....Pipi In English........Short In Indonesia.....Punggung In English.......

Cambridge Latin Course 5th Edition Stage 10 Vocabulary 2023-09-21

Cambridge Latin Course 5th Edition Stage 10 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The Latin word for always
  2. The English word for contentus
  3. The Latin word for book
  4. The English word for habitat: habitavit
  5. The Latin word for wife
  6. The English word for pax
  7. The Latin word for we
  8. The 2 English words for servat: servavit
  9. The 2 English words for abit: abiit
  10. The Latin word for loudly or energetically
  11. The English word for portus
  12. The English word for exclamat: exclamavit
  13. The Latin word for you (plural)
  1. The English word for solus
  2. The English word for exclamat: exclamavit
  3. The Latin word for than or how
  4. The English word for imperium
  5. The Latin word for clever
  6. The Latin word for his, her or their
  7. The English word for frater
  8. The English word for accipit: accepit
  9. The English word for capit: cepit
  10. The English word for nuntiat: nuntiavit
  11. The English word for tacet: tacuit
  12. The English word for invenit: invenit

25 Clues: The Latin word for weThe Latin word for bookThe Latin word for wifeThe English word for paxThe Latin word for alwaysThe Latin word for cleverThe English word for solusThe English word for fraterThe English word for portusThe English word for imperiumThe Latin word for than or howThe English word for contentusThe Latin word for you (plural)...

Crossword to Lisbeth & Julio 2024-06-04

Crossword to Lisbeth & Julio crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. It’s “ella” in English
  3. "Siesta" in English
  4. It's the possessive of "she"
  5. "Él vendió" in English
  6. "Primavera" and "resorte" in English
  7. "Turco" and "pavo" in English
  8. “Cuál” in English
  9. "Ensayo" in English
  10. It’s the verb “come” in present progressive
  11. “At, in and xx” are the English expressions for “en” in Spanish
  12. Possible answer for "are you married?"
  13. It’s de verb “go” in simple past
  1. “Ir” in English
  2. Place where one could buy, especially, a car
  3. "Otoño" in English
  4. "Padrastro" in English
  5. It’s the verb “to be” for plural pronouns (example I am, she is, he is…)
  6. It's the possessive of "we"
  7. It’s the base expression of future conjugations in English (studied in class)
  8. Synonymous of "gift"
  9. It’s the missing word in the future expression “going xx”
  10. "Revista" in English
  11. “Necesitar” in English
  12. "Escribí" in English

25 Clues: “Ir” in EnglishMan's best friend“Cuál” in English"Otoño" in English"Siesta" in English"Ensayo" in EnglishSynonymous of "gift""Revista" in English"Escribí" in EnglishIt’s “ella” in English"Padrastro" in English"Él vendió" in English“Necesitar” in EnglishIt's the possessive of "we"It's the possessive of "she""Turco" and "pavo" in English...

Preposition Connection Words 2023-09-05

Preposition  Connection Words crossword puzzle
  1. hasta in English
  2. a in English
  3. para in English
  4. de in English
  5. palabras in English
  6. en in English
  7. sobre in English
  8. hacia in English
  9. antes in English
  10. desde in English
  1. sin in English
  2. tras in English
  3. segun in English
  4. con in English
  5. bajo in English
  6. por in English
  7. contra in English
  8. detrás de in English
  9. entre in English

19 Clues: a in Englishde in Englishen in Englishsin in Englishcon in Englishpor in Englishtras in Englishpara in Englishbajo in Englishsobre in Englishhacia in Englishantes in Englishhasta in Englishsegun in Englishcontra in Englishentre in Englishdesde in Englishpalabras in Englishdetrás de in English

VERBS FOR EXAM 2018-05-19

VERBS FOR EXAM crossword puzzle
  1. "COMÍ" in English
  2. "USAR/VESTIR" in English
  3. Past Tense of "LOSE"
  4. Past Tense of "SWING"
  5. "Creer" in English
  6. Past Tense of "SWIM"
  7. "JUGAR" in English
  8. Past Tense of "BUY"
  9. Past Tense of "RIDE"
  10. "DISFRUTÉ" in English
  11. "AYUDAR" in English
  12. "CONOCER" in English
  1. Past Tense of "HAVE"
  2. IN LOVE Past Tense of "FALL IN LOVE"
  3. Past Tense of "GO"
  4. Past Tense of "DRINK"
  5. "Cantar" in English
  6. UP "DESPERTAR" in English
  7. "BESAR" in English
  8. "NECESITÉ/ NECESITASTE" in English.
  9. "DORMÍ / DORMISTE" in English
  10. Past Tense of "BUILD"
  11. "APRENDÍ" in English
  12. Significado de SCRAWL in Spanish
  13. You _________TV yesterday.
  14. Past Tense of "FIGHT"
  15. She______ a book in the Spanish Class last week.

27 Clues: "COMÍ" in EnglishPast Tense of "GO""BESAR" in English"Creer" in English"JUGAR" in English"Cantar" in EnglishPast Tense of "BUY""AYUDAR" in EnglishPast Tense of "HAVE"Past Tense of "LOSE""APRENDÍ" in EnglishPast Tense of "SWIM"Past Tense of "RIDE""CONOCER" in EnglishPast Tense of "DRINK"Past Tense of "SWING"Past Tense of "BUILD"Past Tense of "FIGHT"...

Review 2023-06-22

Review crossword puzzle
  1. motocicleta in english
  2. falda in english
  3. Estanque in english
  4. casillero in english
  5. cine in english
  6. Camion in english
  7. calcetines in english
  8. Campo in english
  1. Granero in english
  2. juguetería in english
  3. chamarra in english
  4. Bote in english
  5. camisa in english
  6. zapatos in english
  7. chicharos in english
  8. frijoles in english
  9. telefono in english

17 Clues: Bote in englishcine in englishfalda in englishCampo in englishcamisa in englishCamion in englishGranero in englishzapatos in englishchamarra in englishEstanque in englishfrijoles in englishtelefono in englishcasillero in englishchicharos in englishjuguetería in englishcalcetines in englishmotocicleta in english

Recap : School 2021-04-25

Recap : School crossword puzzle
  1. English for "espagnol"
  2. English for "cravatte"
  3. English for "parler"
  4. English for "pantalon"
  5. English for "noir"
  6. English for "chemise
  7. English for "allemand"
  1. English for "falloir"
  2. English for "porter"
  3. English for "jupe"
  4. English for "chaussures"
  5. English for "blanc"
  6. English for "manteau"
  7. English for "EPS"
  8. English for "chaussettes"
  9. English for "des règles"
  10. English for "Français"

17 Clues: English for "EPS"English for "jupe"English for "noir"English for "blanc"English for "porter"English for "parler"English for "chemiseEnglish for "falloir"English for "manteau"English for "espagnol"English for "cravatte"English for "pantalon"English for "Français"English for "allemand"English for "chaussures"English for "des règles"...


PKU BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 5 (Mr. ANAM) crossword puzzle


20 French Words 2013-05-08

20 French Words crossword puzzle
  1. An English word for the French word exotique
  2. An English word for the French word ancien
  3. An English word for the French word heureux
  4. An English word for the French word l'entree
  5. An English word for the French word gentil
  6. An English word for the French word dejeuner
  7. An English word for the French word allumer
  8. An English word for the French word indiquer
  9. An English word for the French word respecter
  10. An English word for the French word drole
  1. An English word for the French word toucher
  2. An English word for the French word comparer
  3. An English word for the French word preter
  4. An English word for the French word reparer
  5. An English word for the French word extraordinaire
  6. An English word for the French word Le placard
  7. An English word for the French word mechant
  8. An English word for the French word chanter
  9. An English word for the French word vous

19 Clues: An English word for the French word vousAn English word for the French word droleAn English word for the French word ancienAn English word for the French word preterAn English word for the French word gentilAn English word for the French word toucherAn English word for the French word heureuxAn English word for the French word reparer...

Sumatif Tengah Semester Kelas VII 2023-09-27

Sumatif Tengah Semester Kelas VII crossword puzzle
  1. (02.00) it is ... O'clock
  2. 5 in English
  3. The English of "Bulan Maret"
  4. The English of "Warna Kuning"
  5. (07.10)it is ten ... seven
  6. The spelling of letter "H"
  7. The English of "Bulan Agustus"
  8. O rainbow, O rainbow, how ..... you are
  9. The English of saudara laki-laki
  10. The English of "Hari Jum'at"
  11. The English of "Warna Hijau"
  12. The English of "Hari Sabtu"
  13. My ... is Fikram
  1. 20 in English
  2. The spelling of letter "B"
  3. The English of "Ibu"
  4. The English of "Pertama"
  5. There are 7 ... in a week
  6. The Spelling of letter "Y"
  7. What ... is it? It is one O'clock
  8. The English of "Keluarga"
  9. There are 24 ... in a day
  10. (09.40) it is twenty ... ten
  11. The English of "Hari Ahad"
  12. 11 in English

25 Clues: 5 in English20 in English11 in EnglishMy ... is FikramThe English of "Ibu"The English of "Pertama"(02.00) it is ... O'clockThere are 7 ... in a weekThe English of "Keluarga"There are 24 ... in a dayThe spelling of letter "B"The Spelling of letter "Y"(07.10)it is ten ... sevenThe spelling of letter "H"The English of "Hari Ahad"...

California Dreams 2024-03-11

California Dreams crossword puzzle
  1. English word for "besuchen"
  2. English word for "entspannt"
  3. English word for "Lebensstil"
  4. English word for "besiedelt"
  5. English word for "Bucht"
  6. another word for "big"
  7. English word for "altmodisch"
  8. It has 840 miles of....
  9. famous bridge in San Francisco
  10. English word for "Spitzname"
  1. a small mountain
  2. California ...
  3. a beach sport
  4. English word for "Verkehr"
  5. world's famous movie industry
  6. in 1849 people hoped to find...
  7. famous company in California
  8. English word for "bewegen, umziehen"
  9. English word for "Seilbahn"
  10. In San Francisco you can visit the largest....
  11. English word for "Hauptstadt"

21 Clues: a beach sportCalifornia ...a small mountainanother word for "big"It has 840 miles of....English word for "Bucht"English word for "Verkehr"English word for "besuchen"English word for "Seilbahn"English word for "entspannt"English word for "besiedelt"famous company in CaliforniaEnglish word for "Spitzname"English word for "Lebensstil"...

TTM Teka Teki Mesin Otomotif kelas XI. 2 2023-05-01

TTM Teka Teki Mesin Otomotif kelas XI. 2 crossword puzzle
  1. / nama lain dari Torak dalam pengertian mekanisme katup mesin
  2. / Kepanjangan dari DOHC (english)
  3. / komponen memperlambat kendaraan
  4. / Electric Fuel Injection (disingkat)
  5. / meneruskan campuran udara dan bahan bakar dari karburator kedalam ruang silinder
  6. / Arus Searah (english)
  7. / Throttle Position Sensor (disingkat)
  8. / Roda Penggerak (english)
  9. / Komponen Sistem bahan bakar (english)
  10. / Alat untuk mengukur celah (english
  11. / Alat ukur sigmat (english)
  12. / Persamaan kata dari pemadatan pada campuran udara dan bahan bakar
  13. / Komponen pelumasan 2 (english)
  14. / Tangki Cadangan (english)
  15. / untuk mengukur tegangan
  1. / Komponen penyemprot bahan bakar
  2. / Kepanjangan daeri OHV (english)
  3. / kepanjangan 4WD
  4. / kepanjangan dari FR penggerak mesin roda belakang (english)
  5. / Komponen sistem pendingin
  6. / Komponen Kopling (english)
  7. / Komponen Pelumasan 1 (english)
  8. / Komponen yang membersihkan solar dari pompa ke saringan sebelum di injeksikan.
  9. / pompa vakum (english)
  10. / penyemprot bahan bakar
  11. / Arus bolak balik (english)
  12. / komponen yang menampung campuran udara dan bahan bakar
  13. Komponen Sistem bahan bakar (english)
  14. / komponen rem(english)
  15. / sebuah sifat pada oli kental atau kekentalan (english)
  16. / cairan untuk Mesin bensin, Mesin Diesel, Powersteering, dan lain-lain
  17. / Pemindah daya mesin

32 Clues: / kepanjangan 4WD/ Pemindah daya mesin/ Arus Searah (english)/ pompa vakum (english)/ penyemprot bahan bakar/ komponen rem(english)/ untuk mengukur tegangan/ Komponen sistem pendingin/ Roda Penggerak (english)/ Tangki Cadangan (english)/ Arus bolak balik (english)/ Alat ukur sigmat (english)/ Komponen Kopling (english)...

Food and drink 2019-12-27

Food and drink crossword puzzle
  1. roti in english is?
  2. coffee in indonesia is?
  3. air in english is?
  4. satay in indonesia is?
  5. bakso in english is?
  6. teh in english is?
  7. keripik in english is?
  8. cake in indonesia is?
  9. water in indonesia is?
  10. kopi in english is?
  11. sate in english is?
  1. nasi in english is?
  2. anggur in english is?
  3. rice in indonesia is?
  4. chipis in indonesia is?
  5. biscuit in indonesia is?
  6. tea in indonesia is?
  7. bread in indonesia is?
  8. meatballs in indonesia is?
  9. wine in indonesia is?
  10. biskuit in english is?
  11. kue in english is?

22 Clues: air in english is?teh in english is?kue in english is?roti in english is?nasi in english is?kopi in english is?sate in english is?tea in indonesia is?bakso in english is?anggur in english is?rice in indonesia is?wine in indonesia is?cake in indonesia is?bread in indonesia is?satay in indonesia is?biskuit in english is?keripik in english is?...

Interview vocabulary 2023-04-11

Interview vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Спортсмен in English
  2. Актер in English
  3. Номер in English
  4. Горячий in English
  5. Север in English
  6. Обмен in English
  7. Номер in English
  8. Запад in English
  9. Теплый in English
  10. Кинозвезда in English
  1. Алфавит in English
  2. Восток in English
  3. Президент in English
  4. Адрес in English
  5. Юг in English
  6. Известный in English
  7. Прохладный in English
  8. Номер in English
  9. Холодный in English

19 Clues: Юг in EnglishАктер in EnglishАдрес in EnglishНомер in EnglishСевер in EnglishНомер in EnglishОбмен in EnglishНомер in EnglishЗапад in EnglishВосток in EnglishТеплый in EnglishАлфавит in EnglishГорячий in EnglishХолодный in EnglishПрезидент in EnglishСпортсмен in EnglishИзвестный in EnglishПрохладный in EnglishКинозвезда in English

Percy Jackson Vocabulary 2024-07-23

Percy Jackson Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. 적들 in English
  2. 영웅 in English
  3. 동정하다 in English
  4. 기괴한 in English
  5. 발톱 in English
  6. 공장 in English
  7. 길을 찾다 in English
  8. 모험 in English
  1. 위협적인 in English
  2. 길어지다 in English
  3. 부러워하다 in English
  4. 정학 in English
  5. 통나무집 in English
  6. 무덤 in English
  7. 비참한 in English
  8. 전복 in English
  9. 맹방 in English

17 Clues: 적들 in English영웅 in English정학 in English무덤 in English발톱 in English전복 in English공장 in English맹방 in English모험 in English비참한 in English기괴한 in English위협적인 in English길어지다 in English통나무집 in English동정하다 in English부러워하다 in English길을 찾다 in English

art everywhere all around the world 2022-01-18

art everywhere all around the world crossword puzzle
  1. it's the english for "terne"
  2. it's the english for "un revenu"
  3. it's the english for "poésie"
  4. a place where you can see art
  5. thanks to what you can do graffiti
  6. it's the english for "captivant"
  7. it's the english for "un fond"
  8. it's the english for "gribouiller"
  9. it's the english for "dans les environs"
  10. not forever
  1. someone who works but is not paid
  2. it's the english for "représenter/decrire"
  3. opposit of thin
  4. to give money
  5. it's the english for "dans la direction"
  6. a material from this country
  7. it's the english for "un péage"
  8. the look
  9. it's the english for "toile"
  10. it's the english for "un problème"

20 Clues: the looknot foreverto give moneyopposit of thinit's the english for "terne"a material from this countryit's the english for "toile"it's the english for "poésie"a place where you can see artit's the english for "un fond"it's the english for "un péage"it's the english for "un revenu"it's the english for "captivant"someone who works but is not paid...

art everywhere all around the world 2022-01-18

art everywhere all around the world crossword puzzle
  1. it's the english for "terne"
  2. it's the english for "un revenu"
  3. it's the english for "poésie"
  4. a place where you can see art
  5. thanks to what you can do graffiti
  6. it's the english for "captivant"
  7. it's the english for "un fond"
  8. it's the english for "gribouiller"
  9. it's the english for "dans les environs"
  10. not forever
  1. someone who works but is not paid
  2. it's the english for "représenter/decrire"
  3. opposit of thin
  4. to give money
  5. it's the english for "dans la direction"
  6. a material from this country
  7. it's the english for "un péage"
  8. the look
  9. it's the english for "toile"
  10. it's the english for "un problème"

20 Clues: the looknot foreverto give moneyopposit of thinit's the english for "terne"a material from this countryit's the english for "toile"it's the english for "poésie"a place where you can see artit's the english for "un fond"it's the english for "un péage"it's the english for "un revenu"it's the english for "captivant"someone who works but is not paid...

SURVIVOR 2024-07-10

SURVIVOR crossword puzzle
  1. The English for "plage"
  2. Le verbe "eat" à la 3e personne du singulier.
  3. The name of a famous adventure TV show.
  4. The English for "tornade"
  5. The English for "île"
  6. The English for "navire"
  7. Le verbe "be" à la 1e personne du singulier
  8. The English for "pansement".
  9. The name of a famous survivor
  1. The English for "déserte"
  2. Le verbe "overcome" à la 3e personne du singulier.
  3. The English for "stratège"
  4. The English for "lance"
  5. The English for "araignée"
  6. The English for "feu"
  7. He is good at ...........(hunt) animals.
  8. The English for "faire".
  9. The English for "fort".
  10. The English for "pêcher".
  11. Le verbe "be" à la 1ère personne du pluriel
  12. Le verbe "open" à la 2e personne du singulier.

21 Clues: The English for "île"The English for "feu"The English for "plage"The English for "lance"The English for "fort".The English for "navire"The English for "faire".The English for "déserte"The English for "tornade"The English for "pêcher".The English for "stratège"The English for "araignée"The English for "pansement".The name of a famous survivor...

Spanish 1 crossword 2021-05-24

Spanish 1 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what is Basketball in spanish
  2. what is Spanish in Spanish
  3. They in Spanish
  4. Gym in Spanish
  5. What is me in spanish
  6. Deportes in English
  7. what does Matemáticas
  8. What is gofre in English
  9. what is golf in Spanish
  10. Here in English
  11. Tio in English
  12. Hola in english
  1. Red in spanish
  2. Yellow in Spanish
  3. inglés In english
  4. Over there In spanish
  5. What does naranja mean
  6. what is verde in English
  7. what does Alumno mean in English
  8. Boy in Spanish
  9. what is clase in English

21 Clues: Red in spanishGym in SpanishBoy in SpanishTio in EnglishThey in SpanishHere in EnglishHola in englishYellow in Spanishinglés In englishDeportes in EnglishOver there In spanishWhat is me in spanishwhat does MatemáticasWhat does naranja meanwhat is golf in Spanishwhat is verde in EnglishWhat is gofre in Englishwhat is clase in English...

La Familia, La Ropa - 4/15/2020 2020-04-14

La Familia, La Ropa - 4/15/2020 crossword puzzle
  1. father (in Spanish)
  2. el pantaloneta (in English)
  3. tia (in English)
  4. cousin (female, in Spanish)
  5. mama (in English)
  6. grandfather (in Spanish)
  7. esposo (in English)
  8. shoes (in Spanish)
  9. cousin (male, in Spanish)
  10. grandson (in Spanish)
  11. granddaughter (in Spanish)
  12. las medias (in English)
  1. pijama (in English)
  2. scarf (in Spanish)
  3. coat (in Spanish)
  4. hermana (in English)
  5. hijo (in English)
  6. shirt (in Spanish)
  7. daughter (in Spanish)
  8. tio (in English)
  9. grandmother (in Spanish)
  10. brother (in Spanish)
  11. vestido (in English)
  12. wife (in Spanish)

24 Clues: tia (in English)tio (in English)coat (in Spanish)hijo (in English)mama (in English)wife (in Spanish)scarf (in Spanish)shirt (in Spanish)shoes (in Spanish)pijama (in English)father (in Spanish)esposo (in English)hermana (in English)brother (in Spanish)vestido (in English)daughter (in Spanish)grandson (in Spanish)las medias (in English)...

VOCABULARY - 2021-03-18

VOCABULARY - crossword puzzle
  1. english for 'tendance'
  2. english for 'grève'
  3. past of 'cut'
  4. past of 'lay'
  5. english for 'monter en flèche'
  6. past of'understand'
  7. past participle of 'be'
  8. modal to express the future form
  9. english for 'hasard'
  10. english for 'stabiliser'
  11. past of 'eat'
  12. modal to express a piece of advice
  13. past participle of 'feel'
  14. past participle of 'grow'
  1. english for 'actuellement'
  2. english for 'compréhensif'
  3. english for 'consommateur'
  4. english for 'raisonnable'
  5. past of 'buy'
  6. past of 'think'
  7. past participle of 'fly'
  8. past participle of 'speak'
  9. english for 'centre commercial'
  10. synonym of 'physical shop'
  11. past participle of 'write'
  12. english for 'réussir'
  13. english for 'chuter'
  14. english for 'démissionner'
  15. modal to express the capacity of
  16. past of 'grow'

30 Clues: past of 'buy'past of 'cut'past of 'lay'past of 'eat'past of 'grow'past of 'think'english for 'grève'past of'understand'english for 'hasard'english for 'chuter'english for 'réussir'english for 'tendance'past participle of 'be'past participle of 'fly'english for 'stabiliser'english for 'raisonnable'past participle of 'feel'past participle of 'grow'...

Exercise Puzzle 10 1/2 2023-12-15

Exercise Puzzle 10 1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. Osmanlı imparatorluğu savaş gemileri kullandı mı yazınız(in English)
  2. Savaştan önce "o" ne yaptı yazınız(in English)
  3. Kim teslim oldu yazınız(in English)
  4. "sınıfınızda akıllı tahta var mıydı" yazınız (in English)
  5. Savaştan önce "o" ne yaptı?
  6. "fetih sırasında" yazınız
  7. "ikinci mehmet İstanbulun fatihidir" yazınız (in English)
  8. "insanlar geçmişte en çok at mı yoksa tren mi kullandılar" yazınız (in English)
  9. "ulaşım için en çok ne kullanırsın" yazınız (in English)
  10. "insanlar geçmişte ulaşım için atları kullandı mı" yazınız (in English)
  11. Savaş sırasında ne kullanıldı yazınız (in English)
  12. "insanlar tiyatroya gitti/giderdi" yazınız(in English)
  13. "Fetihten önce" yazınız
  14. "insanlar geçmişte eğlence için tiyatroya gittiler mi" yazınız (in English)
  1. "insanlar geçmişte ulaşım için en çok ne kullandı" yazınız (in English)
  2. "insanlar geçmişte ulaşım için atları kullandı" yazınız (in English)
  3. Kim teslim oldu?
  4. İstanbulu kim fethetti?(kişi)
  5. Istanbulu kim fethetti yazınız(ın English)
  6. geçmişte en çok atlar kullanıldı
  7. Savaşta ne kullanıldı?

21 Clues: Kim teslim oldu?Savaşta ne kullanıldı?"Fetihten önce" yazınız"fetih sırasında" yazınızSavaştan önce "o" ne yaptı?İstanbulu kim fethetti?(kişi)geçmişte en çok atlar kullanıldıKim teslim oldu yazınız(in English)Istanbulu kim fethetti yazınız(ın English)Savaştan önce "o" ne yaptı yazınız(in English)Savaş sırasında ne kullanıldı yazınız (in English)...

NW3 Unit 4 2019-04-03

NW3 Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Einkaufszentrum
  2. Innenstadt (American English)
  3. Lift (American English)
  4. Kreuzung (American English)
  5. Vorort
  6. Richtung,Wegbeschreibung
  7. Ecke
  8. Wohnung (American English)
  9. Wahrzeichen
  10. Bewohner/-in
  11. hier:stören
  1. hoch,gross
  2. Autobahn (British English)
  3. hier:Platz
  4. Fussgänger/-in
  5. U-Bahn (British English)
  6. bauen
  7. (Menschen-)Menge
  8. Trottoir (British English)
  9. Parkbank

20 Clues: EckebauenVorortParkbankhoch,grosshier:PlatzWahrzeichenhier:störenBewohner/-inFussgänger/-inEinkaufszentrum(Menschen-)MengeLift (American English)U-Bahn (British English)Richtung,WegbeschreibungAutobahn (British English)Wohnung (American English)Trottoir (British English)Kreuzung (American English)Innenstadt (American English)

Vocabulary Puzzle 2024-03-12

Vocabulary Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what is the English language menyalahkan?
  2. what is the English language mengetahui?
  3. what is the English language tirua?
  4. what is the English language menyadari?
  5. bye what is the English language selamat tinggal?
  6. what is the English language menyela?
  7. what is the English language pekerjaan?
  8. what is the English language tinggal?
  9. what is the English language meningkatkan?
  10. what is the English language tergantung?
  1. what is the English language menjengkelkan?
  2. what is the English language membuktikan?
  3. what is the English language menekan?
  4. what is the English language minta maaf?
  5. what is the English language ragu-ragu?
  6. what is the English language mengesankan?
  7. what is the English language berat badan?
  8. what is the English language mengunjungi?

18 Clues: what is the English language tirua?what is the English language menekan?what is the English language menyela?what is the English language tinggal?what is the English language ragu-ragu?what is the English language menyadari?what is the English language pekerjaan?what is the English language mengetahui?what is the English language minta maaf?...

English Language History 2015-01-22

English Language History crossword puzzle
  1. The most famous writer in Middle English
  2. Old English was written primarily in this script
  3. People that introduced Latin script to Britain
  4. While English serfs called this "deer", French aristocracy called this...
  5. Language family that English belongs to...
  6. Language spoken in Britain (English) prior to the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons
  7. Language that the Normans introduced to England
  8. While English serfs called this "calf", French aristocracy called this...
  9. Language spoken in Italy
  10. The word "shoes" in Germanic Old English
  1. The word "houses" in Germanic Old English
  2. The most famous writer in Modern English
  3. English king who brought English back into court use
  4. While English serfs called this "sheep", French aristocracy called this...
  5. When English uses words from a foreign language the words are these type
  6. The most spoken language in the world
  7. People that conquered England in 1066
  8. This language gave the largest percentage of religious words to English
  9. Language that the Vikings spoke
  10. Middle English developed from the dialect of this English city

20 Clues: Language spoken in ItalyLanguage that the Vikings spokeThe most spoken language in the worldPeople that conquered England in 1066The most famous writer in Modern EnglishThe most famous writer in Middle EnglishThe word "shoes" in Germanic Old EnglishThe word "houses" in Germanic Old EnglishLanguage family that English belongs to......

English Language History 2015-01-22

English Language History crossword puzzle
  1. While English serfs called this "sheep", French aristocracy called this...
  2. Language family that English belongs to...
  3. Old English was written primarily in this script
  4. While English serfs called this "deer", French aristocracy called this...
  5. While English serfs called this "calf", French aristocracy called this...
  6. English king who brought English back into court use
  7. The most famous writer in Middle English
  8. Language that the Vikings spoke
  9. Language spoken in Italy
  10. Language spoken in Britain (English) prior to the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons
  1. The word "shoes" in Germanic Old English
  2. The word "houses" in Germanic Old English
  3. When English uses words from a foreign language the words are these type
  4. The most famous writer in Modern English
  5. People that conquered England in 1066
  6. Language that the Normans introduced to England
  7. The most spoken language in the world
  8. People that introduced Latin script to Britain
  9. Middle English developed from the dialect of this English city
  10. This language gave the largest percentage of religious words to English

20 Clues: Language spoken in ItalyLanguage that the Vikings spokePeople that conquered England in 1066The most spoken language in the worldThe word "shoes" in Germanic Old EnglishThe most famous writer in Modern EnglishThe most famous writer in Middle EnglishThe word "houses" in Germanic Old EnglishLanguage family that English belongs to......

Grade 2_Food 2024-11-21

Grade 2_Food crossword puzzle
  1. Roti lapis in English is ...
  2. Kopi in English is ...
  3. I am ... I want some food.
  4. Air putih in English is ...
  5. I am ... I want some milk.
  6. Sayuran in English is ...
  1. piza in English is ...
  2. Makanan in English is ...
  3. Ayam in English is ...
  4. Mie in English is ...
  5. Kue in English is ...
  6. Teh in English is ...
  7. I am .... I don't want to eat anything.
  8. Buah-buahan in English is ...
  9. Jus in English is ...
  10. Nasi in English is ...
  11. susu in English is ...
  12. ... I have water, please?

18 Clues: Kue in English is ...Teh in English is ...Jus in English is ...piza in English is ...Ayam in English is ...Mie in English is ...Kopi in English is ...Nasi in English is ...susu in English is ...Makanan in English is ...... I have water, please?Sayuran in English is ...I am ... I want some food.I am ... I want some milk.Air putih in English is ......

BODY 2020-01-13

BODY crossword puzzle
  1. leher in english is
  2. kepala in english is
  3. mata in english isng
  4. lidah in english is
  5. hidung in english is
  6. telinga in english is
  7. gigi in english is
  8. perut in english is
  1. bone punggung in english is
  2. tangan in english is
  3. jari in english is
  4. pipi in english is
  5. dagu in english is
  6. kaki in english is
  7. dahi in english is
  8. mulut in english is
  9. rambut in english is

17 Clues: jari in english ispipi in english isdagu in english iskaki in english isdahi in english isgigi in english isleher in english islidah in english ismulut in english isperut in english istangan in english iskepala in english ismata in english isnghidung in english isrambut in english istelinga in english isbone punggung in english is

body 2020-01-13

body crossword puzzle
  1. tangan in english is
  2. lidah in english is
  3. gigi in english is
  4. perut in english is
  5. mata in english is
  6. kepala in english is
  7. lutut in english is
  8. punggung in english is
  9. telinga in english is
  1. jari in english is
  2. kaki in english is
  3. dahi in english is
  4. mulut in english is
  5. leher in english is
  6. pipi in english is
  7. hidung in english is
  8. rambut in english is

17 Clues: jari in english iskaki in english isdahi in english isgigi in english ismata in english ispipi in english ismulut in english islidah in english isperut in english isleher in english islutut in english istangan in english ishidung in english iskepala in english isrambut in english istelinga in english ispunggung in english is

food and drink 2020-01-09

food and drink crossword puzzle
  1. biskuit in english is?
  2. jus in english is?
  3. keripik in english is?
  4. bakso in english is?
  5. sup in english is?
  6. air in english is?
  7. peremen in english is?
  8. kue in english is?
  1. donat in english is?
  2. roti in english is?
  3. daging sapi in english is?
  4. sate in english is?
  5. sirup in english is?
  6. nasi in english is?
  7. anggur in english is?
  8. the in english is?
  9. kopi in english is?

17 Clues: jus in english is?sup in english is?air in english is?the in english is?kue in english is?roti in english is?sate in english is?nasi in english is?kopi in english is?donat in english is?bakso in english is?sirup in english is?anggur in english is?biskuit in english is?keripik in english is?peremen in english is?daging sapi in english is?

In the Garden 2023-03-14

In the Garden crossword puzzle
  1. Bee in Indonesian
  2. Sekop in english
  3. uncle in Indonesian
  4. Bunga matahari in english
  5. Dedaunan in english
  6. Butterfly in Indonesian
  7. Ladybug in Indonesian
  8. Benih/biji in english
  9. Sapu lidi in english
  1. saudara laki-laki in english
  2. Jendela in english
  3. Tante in english
  4. Grasshopper in Indonesian
  5. cousins in Indonesia
  6. Tanah in english
  7. Orang tua in english
  8. Keluarga in english
  9. Cermin in english

18 Clues: Sekop in englishTante in englishTanah in englishBee in IndonesianCermin in englishJendela in englishuncle in IndonesianKeluarga in englishDedaunan in englishcousins in IndonesiaOrang tua in englishSapu lidi in englishLadybug in IndonesianBenih/biji in englishButterfly in IndonesianGrasshopper in IndonesianBunga matahari in english...

In the Garden 2023-03-14

In the Garden crossword puzzle
  1. Bee in Indonesian
  2. Sekop in english
  3. uncle in Indonesian
  4. Bunga matahari in english
  5. Dedaunan in english
  6. Butterfly in Indonesian
  7. Ladybug in Indonesian
  8. Benih/biji in english
  9. Sapu lidi in english
  1. saudara laki-laki in english
  2. Jendela in english
  3. Tante in english
  4. Grasshopper in Indonesian
  5. cousins in Indonesia
  6. Tanah in english
  7. Orang tua in english
  8. Keluarga in english
  9. Cermin in english

18 Clues: Sekop in englishTante in englishTanah in englishBee in IndonesianCermin in englishJendela in englishuncle in IndonesianKeluarga in englishDedaunan in englishcousins in IndonesiaOrang tua in englishSapu lidi in englishLadybug in IndonesianBenih/biji in englishButterfly in IndonesianGrasshopper in IndonesianBunga matahari in english...

food and drink 2020-01-09

food and drink crossword puzzle
  1. biskuit in english is?
  2. jus in english is?
  3. keripik in english is?
  4. bakso in english is?
  5. sup in english is?
  6. air in english is?
  7. peremen in english is?
  8. kue in english is?
  1. donat in english is?
  2. roti in english is?
  3. daging sapi in english is?
  4. sate in english is?
  5. sirup in english is?
  6. nasi in english is?
  7. anggur in english is?
  8. the in english is?
  9. kopi in english is?

17 Clues: jus in english is?sup in english is?air in english is?the in english is?kue in english is?roti in english is?sate in english is?nasi in english is?kopi in english is?donat in english is?bakso in english is?sirup in english is?anggur in english is?biskuit in english is?keripik in english is?peremen in english is?daging sapi in english is?

BODY 2020-01-13

BODY crossword puzzle
  1. leher in english is
  2. kepala in english is
  3. mata in english isng
  4. lidah in english is
  5. hidung in english is
  6. telinga in english is
  7. gigi in english is
  8. perut in english is
  1. bone punggung in english is
  2. tangan in english is
  3. jari in english is
  4. pipi in english is
  5. dagu in english is
  6. kaki in english is
  7. dahi in english is
  8. mulut in english is
  9. rambut in english is

17 Clues: jari in english ispipi in english isdagu in english iskaki in english isdahi in english isgigi in english isleher in english islidah in english ismulut in english isperut in english istangan in english iskepala in english ismata in english isnghidung in english isrambut in english istelinga in english isbone punggung in english is

Internatinoal Mother Language Day 2023-01-26

Internatinoal Mother Language Day crossword puzzle
  1. บาสเกตบอล (Bās̄ketbxl)in English
  2. Mahika(Mahika) in English
  3. Sombrilla(Sombrilla) in English
  4. Mosambi(Mosambi) in English
  5. привіт(pryvit) in English
  6. 사과(Sagwa)in English
  7. Oreille (Oreille) in English
  8. おはよう(Ohayo)in English
  9. Nein in English
  1. 汉堡包(Hanbaobao)in English
  2. Melek (Melek) in English
  3. Nasi(nasi) in English
  4. chú chó in English
  5. Biblioteca (Biblioteca) in English
  6. Grazie (grà·zie) in English
  7. आठ (aath) in English
  8. Дом(Dom) in English

17 Clues: Nein in Englishchú chó in English사과(Sagwa)in EnglishДом(Dom) in Englishआठ (aath) in EnglishNasi(nasi) in Englishおはよう(Ohayo)in English汉堡包(Hanbaobao)in EnglishMelek (Melek) in EnglishMahika(Mahika) in Englishпривіт(pryvit) in EnglishMosambi(Mosambi) in EnglishGrazie (grà·zie) in EnglishOreille (Oreille) in EnglishSombrilla(Sombrilla) in English...

Unit 3 - revision 2023-02-12

Unit 3 - revision crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of "inside"
  2. 3rd person singular, feminine
  3. "aidant" in English
  4. verb to be, plural form
  5. your father's sister
  6. "jouer" in English
  7. your aunt and uncle kids
  8. "drôle" in English
  9. your parent's boy
  10. verb to be, 1st person singular
  11. "aller" in English
  12. "manger" in English
  1. the place where you live
  2. verb to be, 3rd person singular
  3. 1st person plural
  4. 3rd person plural
  5. another name for father
  6. "nettoyer" in English
  7. "enjoué" in English
  8. "regarder" in English
  9. "bienveillant" in English
  10. "fort" in English
  11. your mother's mother

23 Clues: 1st person plural3rd person plural"fort" in Englishyour parent's boy"jouer" in English"drôle" in English"aller" in English"enjoué" in English"aidant" in English"manger" in Englishopposite of "inside"your father's sisteryour mother's mother"nettoyer" in English"regarder" in Englishanother name for fatherverb to be, plural form...

The Important of English Language 2024-02-16

The Important of English Language crossword puzzle
  1. What skills need to be mastered in the era of globalization?
  2. How does English facilitate collaborative projects involving diverse cultures?
  3. Why does the ability to read and understand English texts provide a significant advantage?
  4. How does English language proficiency support access to global resources, research, and news?
  5. What advantage do employees who can communicate effectively in English have?
  6. Why is English not just a communication tool but also a key to unlocking global knowledge and understanding?
  7. How does English support cooperation within cross-border teams?
  8. How can English improve understanding of global culture?
  9. How can English enhance individuals' perspectives on the world?
  1. What is meant by English being a "key" ?
  2. Why is English important for accessing higher education at international institutions?
  3. Why is English important in handling international clients?
  4. Why do many multinational companies highly value English language skills?
  5. How can English open doors to global opportunities?
  6. Where is most global information presented?
  7. What is the primary benefit of English language proficiency?
  8. Why is mastery of English considered a major asset in the global job market?
  9. In which sectors is English commonly used?
  10. How can English language proficiency enhance diverse learning experiences?
  11. What are the benefits of English language proficiency in education?

20 Clues: What is meant by English being a "key" ?In which sectors is English commonly used?Where is most global information presented?How can English open doors to global opportunities?How can English improve understanding of global culture?Why is English important in handling international clients?...

Animals and things 2022-07-08

Animals and things crossword puzzle
  1. burung hantu dalam bahsa English
  2. almari dalam bahsa English
  3. haiwan dalam bahasa English
  4. badak sumbu dalam bahasa English
  5. kuda laut dalam bahasa English
  6. pemadam dalam bahsa English
  7. buku nota dalam bahsa English
  8. pasu bunga dalam bahsa English
  1. serigala dalam bahsa English
  2. ikan lumba-lumba dalam bahasa English
  3. kerbau dalam bahasa english
  4. komputer riba dalam bahsa English
  5. ikan jerung dalam bahsa English
  6. kambing dalam bahsa English
  7. gunting dalam Bahasa English
  8. ketam dalam bahsa English
  9. jam didning dalam bahsa English

17 Clues: ketam dalam bahsa Englishalmari dalam bahsa Englishkerbau dalam bahasa englishhaiwan dalam bahasa Englishkambing dalam bahsa Englishpemadam dalam bahsa Englishserigala dalam bahsa Englishgunting dalam Bahasa Englishbuku nota dalam bahsa Englishkuda laut dalam bahasa Englishpasu bunga dalam bahsa Englishikan jerung dalam bahsa English...

Fruit 2020-01-09

Fruit crossword puzzle
  1. lemon in english is?
  2. anggur in english is?
  3. alpukat in english is?
  4. labu kuning in english is?
  5. manggis in english is?
  6. strawberry in english is?
  7. terong in english is?
  8. ceri in english is?
  1. tomat in english is?
  2. pisang in english is?
  3. mangga in english is?
  4. raspberry in englis is
  5. delima in english is?
  6. ara in english is?
  7. apel in english is?
  8. paprika in english is?
  9. kelapa in english is?

17 Clues: ara in english is?apel in english is?ceri in english is?tomat in english is?lemon in english is?pisang in english is?mangga in english is?anggur in english is?delima in english is?terong in english is?kelapa in english is?raspberry in englis isalpukat in english is?manggis in english is?paprika in english is?strawberry in english is?...

Kelas 2 2023-10-23

Kelas 2 crossword puzzle
  1. ikan (in English)
  2. lambang negara Indonesia
  3. spidol (in English)
  4. mangga (in English)
  5. pisang (in English)
  6. ungu (in English)
  7. dasar negara Indonesia
  8. 5x3=
  1. 19-9=
  2. kepala (in English)
  3. buaya (in English)
  4. tugas seorang murid
  5. hidung (in English)
  6. anggur (in English)
  7. huruf besar juga disebut huruf ...
  8. apel (in English)
  9. jam (in English)
  10. berdoa termasuk dalam sila ke ...

18 Clues: 5x3=19-9=jam (in English)ikan (in English)ungu (in English)apel (in English)buaya (in English)kepala (in English)tugas seorang muridhidung (in English)spidol (in English)mangga (in English)anggur (in English)pisang (in English)dasar negara Indonesialambang negara Indonesiaberdoa termasuk dalam sila ke ...huruf besar juga disebut huruf ...

Fruit 2020-01-09

Fruit crossword puzzle
  1. lemon in english is?
  2. anggur in english is?
  3. alpukat in english is?
  4. labu kuning in english is?
  5. manggis in english is?
  6. strawberry in english is?
  7. terong in english is?
  8. ceri in english is?
  1. tomat in english is?
  2. pisang in english is?
  3. mangga in english is?
  4. raspberry in englis is
  5. delima in english is?
  6. ara in english is?
  7. apel in english is?
  8. paprika in english is?
  9. kelapa in english is?

17 Clues: ara in english is?apel in english is?ceri in english is?tomat in english is?lemon in english is?pisang in english is?mangga in english is?anggur in english is?delima in english is?terong in english is?kelapa in english is?raspberry in englis isalpukat in english is?manggis in english is?paprika in english is?strawberry in english is?...

Latin 2 Unit 4 Vocab 2024-01-05

Latin 2 Unit 4 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. English derivative for place where people meet up
  2. Latin word meaning soon
  3. English derivative meaning detestable or loathsome
  4. Latin word meaning lion
  5. English derivative meaning to bleed out
  6. English derivative meaning able to speak smoothly
  7. English derivative referring to the colors red, blue, and yellow
  8. English derivative meaning to divide or keep apart
  9. Latin word meaning to approach
  10. English derivative meaning botanical garden devoted to trees
  11. Latin word meaning through
  1. Latin word meaning meanwhile
  2. English derivative referring to something that happens by chance
  3. English derivative for a speech
  4. Latin word meaning white
  5. English derivative referring to something you can touch
  6. Latin word meaning sword
  7. Latin word meaning to eat
  8. Latin word meaning dead
  9. Latin word meaning between
  10. Latin word for veil
  11. English derivative referring to the chest muscle
  12. English derivative referring to someone's mother or father
  13. English derivative for a red gemstone

24 Clues: Latin word for veilLatin word meaning soonLatin word meaning deadLatin word meaning lionLatin word meaning whiteLatin word meaning swordLatin word meaning to eatLatin word meaning betweenLatin word meaning throughLatin word meaning meanwhileLatin word meaning to approachEnglish derivative for a speechEnglish derivative for a red gemstone...

Jeronimo's Puzzle 2023-12-31

Jeronimo's Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. past tense of skateboard
  2. day after Saturday
  3. past tense of surf
  4. past tense of worry
  5. maravilloso in English
  6. olas in English
  7. iluminacion in English
  8. leer in English
  9. caliente in English
  10. opposite of weak
  11. nube in English
  12. fourth month of the year
  13. lluvia in English
  1. past tense of travel
  2. past tense of are
  3. past tense of fall
  4. soleado in English
  5. past tense of visit
  6. opposite of old
  7. past tense of know
  8. past tense of forgive
  9. past tense of is
  10. pintar in English
  11. past tense of see
  12. seventh month of the year
  13. past tense of forget
  14. past tense of go
  15. tormenta in English
  16. frio in English
  17. spell 1000 in English
  18. day after Wednesday
  19. past tense of have
  20. opposite of fast
  21. spell 1,000,000 in English

34 Clues: opposite of oldolas in Englishfrio in Englishleer in Englishnube in Englishpast tense of ispast tense of goopposite of weakopposite of fastpast tense of arepintar in Englishpast tense of seelluvia in Englishpast tense of fallsoleado in Englishday after Saturdaypast tense of knowpast tense of surfpast tense of havepast tense of visit...

German House vocabulary 2024-10-29

German House vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. was ist balkon auf english
  2. was ist terrasse auf english
  3. was ist haus auf english
  4. was ist waschkuche auf english
  5. was ist gastezimmer auf english
  6. was ist dachboden auf english
  7. was ist flur auf english
  8. was ist keller auf english
  1. was ist esszimmer auf english
  2. was ist kuche auf english
  3. was ist garage auf english
  4. was ist wohnzimmer auf english
  5. was ist badezimmer auf english
  6. was ist schlafzimmer auf english
  7. was ist arbeitszimmer auf english
  8. was ist einbaukuche auf english
  9. was ist apartment auf english

17 Clues: was ist haus auf englishwas ist flur auf englishwas ist kuche auf englishwas ist garage auf englishwas ist balkon auf englishwas ist keller auf englishwas ist terrasse auf englishwas ist esszimmer auf englishwas ist dachboden auf englishwas ist apartment auf englishwas ist wohnzimmer auf englishwas ist badezimmer auf english...

welcome back!! 2023-10-20

welcome back!! crossword puzzle
  1. "una volta" in english
  2. "figlia" in english
  3. It can either means "not under the control of another" or "no longer confined or imprisoned"
  4. "municipio" in english
  5. "... do you need to go?"
  6. "padella" in english
  7. "strutture" in english
  8. "These pens aren't yours, they're ..."
  9. "We are nowhere ... the city centre"
  10. When you almost never do soemething
  11. "... I go to the toilet teacher?"
  12. past simple of think
  13. "sposo" in english
  14. room type where you can watch shows or stand up comedies
  15. "Is he ... boyfriend?"
  1. "frizzante" in english
  2. "meravigliato" in english
  3. "... colour is your favourite between red and green?"
  4. "chiave inglese" in english
  5. 8:45am, "It's a ... to nine"
  6. "cielo aperto" in english
  7. "sussurrare" in english
  8. to or at a more distant place or time
  9. Adjective which means "con esperienza"
  10. "pollo" in english
  11. "medusa" in english
  12. "Basketball, volleyball and skating are examples of ... sports"
  13. "My birthday is ... December"
  14. "oca" in english

29 Clues: "oca" in english"pollo" in english"sposo" in english"figlia" in english"medusa" in english"padella" in englishpast simple of think"frizzante" in english"una volta" in english"municipio" in english"strutture" in english"Is he ... boyfriend?""sussurrare" in english"... do you need to go?""meravigliato" in english"cielo aperto" in english...

bedroom 2021-04-30

bedroom crossword puzzle
  1. airconditioner (Acronym)
  2. Alas kepala
  3. lemari pakian
  4. gulingan in english
  5. cool and use remote control
  6. tempat tidur in english
  7. gantungan pakian
  8. karpet in english
  9. to do makeup
  10. sprei in english
  11. lap kaki
  1. tempat menyimpan pakian
  2. sarung bantal in english
  3. to watch movie
  4. pintu in english
  5. Benda penerang
  6. to something to sit on
  7. televition (acronym)
  8. to look tiime
  9. meja belajar in english
  10. caver in body in bad
  11. tikar in english

22 Clues: lap kakiAlas kepalato do makeuplemari pakianto look tiimeto watch movieBenda penerangpintu in englishgantungan pakiansprei in englishtikar in englishkarpet in englishgulingan in englishcaver in body in badtelevition (acronym)to something to sit ontempat menyimpan pakiantempat tidur in englishairconditioner (Acronym)sarung bantal in english...

German Review Mix 2021-10-14

German Review Mix crossword puzzle
  1. Der Tisch (in English)
  2. To marry (in German)
  3. Der Vater meiner Mutter. (in English)
  4. To lose (in German)
  5. To look for (in German)
  6. Now (in German)
  7. To answer (in German)
  8. Lehrer (in English)
  9. Die Schwester (in English)
  10. Die Tasche (in English)
  11. Die Schwester meines Vaters. (in English)
  12. Job (in German)
  1. Die Kinder (in English)
  2. To forget (in German)
  3. Doctor- male (in German)
  4. Der Verwandte (in English)
  5. Nahe (in English)
  6. Daughter (in German)
  7. Weekend (in German)
  8. Mother (in German)

20 Clues: Now (in German)Job (in German)Nahe (in English)Mother (in German)To lose (in German)Weekend (in German)Lehrer (in English)To marry (in German)Daughter (in German)To forget (in German)To answer (in German)Der Tisch (in English)Die Kinder (in English)To look for (in German)Die Tasche (in English)Doctor- male (in German)Der Verwandte (in English)...

Pyramus and Thisbe 2021-10-07

Pyramus and Thisbe crossword puzzle
  1. What type of tree did they meet under (English)
  2. What was Thisbe paler than (English)
  3. The weapon they used to kill themselves (latin)
  4. Word used to describe the wall (latin)
  5. what is Aurora the goddess of (English)
  6. What were the fruits splattered by (English)
  7. What animal did Thisbe see (Latin)
  8. who removed the fires of the night
  9. What was the grass like before sunrise (English)
  10. What were Thisbe's arms described as (English)
  1. Pyramus was the most handsome of what men (English
  2. Thisbe was the most what in the East (English)
  3. What did Thisbe say killed Pyramus (English)
  4. What colour was the fruit after their deaths
  5. What colour were the fruits at first (English)
  6. What did the sun drop into (English)
  7. The city Pyramus and Thisbe live in (English)
  8. Who would they cheat to escape (English)
  9. What separated Pyramus and Thisbe (Latin)
  10. Who wrote the story

20 Clues: Who wrote the storyWhat animal did Thisbe see (Latin)who removed the fires of the nightWhat was Thisbe paler than (English)What did the sun drop into (English)Word used to describe the wall (latin)what is Aurora the goddess of (English)Who would they cheat to escape (English)What separated Pyramus and Thisbe (Latin)...

VAI Paradigm Fun 2024-11-29

VAI Paradigm Fun crossword puzzle
  1. ota
  2. kîya
  3. ᐊᐢᑕᒼ
  4. ᓇᒧᔭ (translate to Cree, then English)
  5. ᐊᐱ (translate to Cree, then English)
  6. ᒪᐦᑌᓴ(translate to Cree, then English)
  7. nitapin
  8. ᐱᒧᐦᑌ(translate to Cree, then English)
  9. ᐯᑭᐢᑫᐧ(translate to Cree, then English)
  10. capasis
  11. ôpin
  1. mâcî
  2. kitapin
  3. ᐁᐦᐊ (translate to Cree, then English)
  4. nîya
  5. nipikiskwân
  6. nîpawi
  7. ispimihk
  8. ᓂᐱᒧᐦᑕᐣ(translate to Cree, then English)
  9. ᐅᐦᒋ (translate to Cree, then English)

20 Clues: otamâcîkîyaᐊᐢᑕᒼnîyaôpinnîpawikitapinnitapincapasisispimihknipikiskwânᐊᐱ (translate to Cree, then English)ᐁᐦᐊ (translate to Cree, then English)ᓇᒧᔭ (translate to Cree, then English)ᒪᐦᑌᓴ(translate to Cree, then English)ᐱᒧᐦᑌ(translate to Cree, then English)ᐅᐦᒋ (translate to Cree, then English)ᐯᑭᐢᑫᐧ(translate to Cree, then English)...

welcome back!! 2023-10-20

welcome back!! crossword puzzle
  1. past simple of think
  2. "una volta" in english
  3. "frizzante" in english
  4. to or at a more distant place or time
  5. "sussurrare" in english
  6. 8:45am, "It's a ... to nine"
  7. "Is he ... boyfriend?"
  8. "... I go to the toilet teacher?"
  9. When you almost never do soemething
  10. "pollo" in english
  11. "My birthday is ... December"
  12. "padella" in english
  13. room type where you can watch shows or stand up comedies
  14. "cielo aperto" in english
  15. "These pens aren't yours, they're ..."
  1. "sposo" in english
  2. "figlia" in english
  3. "... colour is your favourite between red and green?"
  4. "We are nowhere ... the city centre"
  5. "municipio" in english
  6. "Basketball, volleyball and skating are examples of ... sports"
  7. "... do you need to go?"
  8. It can either means "not under the control of another" or "no longer confined or imprisoned"
  9. "medusa" in english
  10. "meravigliato" in english
  11. "strutture" in english
  12. "chiave inglese" in english
  13. "oca" in english
  14. Adjective which means "con esperienza"

29 Clues: "oca" in english"sposo" in english"pollo" in english"figlia" in english"medusa" in englishpast simple of think"padella" in english"municipio" in english"una volta" in english"frizzante" in english"Is he ... boyfriend?""strutture" in english"sussurrare" in english"... do you need to go?""meravigliato" in english"cielo aperto" in english...

Unit 6 - E1a - 2017 2017-12-17

Unit 6 - E1a - 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. "Hügel" in English
  2. "Postamt" in English
  3. name of the dog in SB
  4. "Bahnhof" in English
  5. "U-Bahn" in E
  6. "Supermarkt" in English
  7. "Tourismusbüro" in E
  8. a street in your SB
  9. "Karte" in English
  10. Vasile Balea's son
  11. name of a cinema in SB
  1. Roman Tourist
  2. a road in your SB
  3. "Einkaufszentrum" in English
  4. "gegenüber" in E
  5. "Viel Glück" in E
  6. "geradeaus" in E
  7. "Kirche" in English
  8. "Krankenhaus" in English
  9. "Wald" in E
  10. "Apotheke" in English
  11. "Zeitung" in E
  12. "Gebäude" in E

23 Clues: "Wald" in ERoman Tourist"U-Bahn" in E"Zeitung" in E"Gebäude" in E"gegenüber" in E"geradeaus" in Ea road in your SB"Viel Glück" in E"Hügel" in English"Karte" in EnglishVasile Balea's son"Kirche" in Englisha street in your SB"Postamt" in English"Bahnhof" in English"Tourismusbüro" in Ename of the dog in SB"Apotheke" in Englishname of a cinema in SB...

De compras, La Ropa Spa 3-4 2021-01-26

De compras, La Ropa Spa 3-4 crossword puzzle
  1. wallet (in English)
  2. earring (in English)
  3. boot (in Spanish)
  4. shoes (in Spanish)
  5. quality (in Spanish)
  6. jacket (in Spanish)
  7. tie (in Spanish)
  8. coat (in Spanish)
  9. shirt (in Spanish)
  10. los calcetines (in English)
  11. vestido (in English)
  12. glove (in Spanish)
  1. pijama (in English)
  2. stockings (in English)
  3. slippers (in Spanish)
  4. elevador (male, in Spanish)
  5. scarf (in Spanish)
  6. ring (in Spanish)
  7. change (in Spanish)
  8. cash register (in Spanish)
  9. flip-flops (in English)
  10. los pantalones cortos (in English)
  11. purse (female, in Spanish)
  12. belt (in English)

24 Clues: tie (in Spanish)boot (in Spanish)ring (in Spanish)coat (in Spanish)belt (in English)scarf (in Spanish)shoes (in Spanish)shirt (in Spanish)glove (in Spanish)pijama (in English)wallet (in English)change (in Spanish)jacket (in Spanish)earring (in English)quality (in Spanish)vestido (in English)slippers (in Spanish)stockings (in English)...

teka teki bahasa inggris 2023-09-02

teka teki bahasa inggris crossword puzzle
  1. menulis in english is...
  2. I want to buy medicine
  3. gunung in english is...
  4. My brother is … a glass of milk right now
  5. Lia sends a letter in the...
  6. stasiun kereta api in english is
  7. I want to buy gasoline
  8. Memasak in english...
  9. dibawah in english is...
  10. berenang in english...
  11. I go to bed at ….
  1. my mother and father have dinner in the....
  2. I go to school in the …
  3. sungai in english is...
  4. melukis in english is...
  5. My mother goes work in the ….
  6. I have lunch in the ….
  7. mendaki in english is....
  8. memancing in english...
  9. Taman in english is...

20 Clues: I go to bed at ….Memasak in english...I want to buy medicineI have lunch in the ….I want to buy gasolineTaman in english is...berenang in english...I go to school in the …gunung in english is...sungai in english is...memancing in english...menulis in english is...melukis in english is...dibawah in english is...mendaki in english is.......


COMPOUND ADJECTIVES crossword puzzle
  1. to be critical of yourself
  2. describes a person who is quite rich.
  3. rinoceronte in English
  4. someone who makes sensible decisions
  5. ardilla in English
  6. zorro in English
  7. describes a building that is in bad condition
  8. gusano in English
  9. forgetful
  10. tiburón in English
  11. describes a person who works for themself
  12. chimpancé in English
  1. describes people who have the same views
  2. describes someone who wears nice clothes
  3. at least bust times
  4. oveja in English
  5. Describes a person who only thinks about themself.
  6. describes something that seems unbelievable
  7. conejoin in English
  8. cabra in English
  9. pulpo in English
  10. describes something that seems to go on forever
  11. describes someone who is not stressed
  12. tejón in English

24 Clues: forgetfuloveja in Englishzorro in Englishcabra in Englishpulpo in Englishtejón in Englishgusano in Englishardilla in Englishat least bust timesconejoin in Englishtiburón in Englishchimpancé in Englishrinoceronte in Englishto be critical of yourselfsomeone who makes sensible decisionsdescribes a person who is quite rich....


  1. Past tense of WRITE
  2. Past tense of SEE
  3. Past tense of LOSE
  4. Past tense of GO
  5. Past tense of DRINK
  6. Past tense of HELP
  7. "Montado" in English.
  8. "Enamorado" in English
  9. "Bailar" in English
  10. Past participle of EAT
  11. "Vestir" in English
  12. Past tense of TAKE
  13. Past tense of RIDE
  1. Past tense of MEET
  2. Past participle of DRINK
  3. Past participle of SEE
  4. "Ver" in English
  5. Past tense of "navegar" in English
  6. Past tense of CALL
  7. "Enamorarse" in English
  8. Past participle of WRITE
  9. "Jugado" in English
  10. Past tense of "escalar" in English
  11. "Comprar" in PAST TENSE in English.
  12. Past participle of TAKE
  13. Past tense of WIN
  14. "Leer" in English

27 Clues: "Ver" in EnglishPast tense of GOPast tense of SEEPast tense of WIN"Leer" in EnglishPast tense of MEETPast tense of LOSEPast tense of CALLPast tense of HELPPast tense of TAKEPast tense of RIDEPast tense of WRITEPast tense of DRINK"Jugado" in English"Bailar" in English"Vestir" in English"Montado" in English.Past participle of SEE...

Latin 2 Unit 5 Vocab 2024-02-07

Latin 2 Unit 5 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Latin word meaning because
  2. English derivative meaning to prove to be true
  3. Latin word meaning deed
  4. English derivative referring to a written account of someone's life
  5. Latin word meaning small
  6. English derivative meaning to try
  7. English derivative meaning requiring much effort or skill
  8. Latin word meaning ant
  9. English derivative referring to the killing of a king
  10. Latin word meaning who?
  11. English derivative meaning loving or romantic
  1. English derivative meaning lenient or open-minded
  2. English derivative that is a key on the keyboard
  3. English derivative referring to a temporary suspension of activity
  4. English derivative meaning to ignore or fail to care for
  5. Latin word meaning custom or habit
  6. English derivative meaning lively or animated
  7. Latin word meaning to help
  8. Latin word meaning too much
  9. English derivative that is a synonym for god

20 Clues: Latin word meaning antLatin word meaning deedLatin word meaning who?Latin word meaning smallLatin word meaning becauseLatin word meaning to helpLatin word meaning too muchEnglish derivative meaning to tryLatin word meaning custom or habitEnglish derivative that is a synonym for godEnglish derivative meaning lively or animated...

teka teki bahasa inggris 2023-09-02

teka teki bahasa inggris crossword puzzle
  1. menulis in english is...
  2. I want to buy medicine
  3. gunung in english is...
  4. My brother is … a glass of milk right now
  5. Lia sends a letter in the...
  6. stasiun kereta api in english is
  7. I want to buy gasoline
  8. Memasak in english...
  9. dibawah in english is...
  10. berenang in english...
  11. I go to bed at ….
  1. my mother and father have dinner in the....
  2. I go to school in the …
  3. sungai in english is...
  4. melukis in english is...
  5. My mother goes work in the ….
  6. I have lunch in the ….
  7. mendaki in english is....
  8. memancing in english...
  9. Taman in english is...

20 Clues: I go to bed at ….Memasak in english...I want to buy medicineI have lunch in the ….I want to buy gasolineTaman in english is...berenang in english...I go to school in the …gunung in english is...sungai in english is...memancing in english...menulis in english is...melukis in english is...dibawah in english is...mendaki in english is.......


BAHASA INGGRIS crossword puzzle
  1. Sembilan in English means...
  2. Oval in Bahasa means...
  3. Bintang in English means...
  4. ketika temanmu menyapa "Good morning" maka kamu akan menjawab dengan...
  5. fifteen in Indonesia means...
  6. Rectangle in Indonesia means...
  7. Hati in English means...
  1. Starfruit in Indonesia means...
  2. Lingkaran in English means...
  3. The number before(sebelum) eight is...
  4. "How are you?" dijawab dengan "I am..."
  5. Tetesan air mata in English means...
  6. Pisang in English means...
  7. Semangka in English means...
  8. The number after(sesudah) four is...
  9. Kelinci in English means...
  10. Apel in English means...
  11. Singa in English means...
  12. Persegi in English means...

19 Clues: Oval in Bahasa means...Apel in English means...Hati in English means...Singa in English means...Pisang in English means...Bintang in English means...Kelinci in English means...Persegi in English means...Sembilan in English means...Semangka in English means...Lingkaran in English means...fifteen in Indonesia means...Starfruit in Indonesia means......

Body 2020-01-09

Body crossword puzzle
  1. hair in indonesian is?
  2. hidung in english is?
  3. nose in indonesian is?
  4. kaki in english is?
  5. tangan in english is?
  6. mata Eyelid in indonesia is?
  7. bola mata in engkish is?
  8. kelopak mata in english is?
  9. mata eyeball in indonesian is?
  10. forehead in indonesian is?
  11. foot in indonesian is?
  1. eyebrow in indonesian is?
  2. mouth in indonesian is?
  3. ear in indonesian is?
  4. hand in indonesian is?
  5. mulut in english is?
  6. telinga in english is?
  7. dahi in english is?
  8. alis in english is?
  9. rambut in english is?

20 Clues: kaki in english is?dahi in english is?alis in english is?mulut in english is?ear in indonesian is?hidung in english is?tangan in english is?rambut in english is?hair in indonesian is?hand in indonesian is?telinga in english is?nose in indonesian is?foot in indonesian is?mouth in indonesian is?bola mata in engkish is?eyebrow in indonesian is?...

Crossword Puzzle 2022-12-18

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The number 88
  2. it is the room where you cook
  3. How do you say "gambe" in English?
  4. You use these body parts to write or hold a book
  5. It is "balena" in English
  6. It is a person that works in the fields to grow vegetables
  7. It is the room where you wash your clothes
  8. It is "orso" in English
  9. It is the verb "vedere" in English
  10. It is "cervo" in English
  1. It is "piedi" in English
  2. The 25th of December is...
  3. It is "ananas" in English
  4. It is "capelli" in English
  5. It is "orecchie" in English
  6. It is "bocca" in English
  7. It is "criceto" in English
  8. it is "mucca" in English
  9. It is "magia" in English
  10. It is "orso" in English

20 Clues: The number 88It is "orso" in EnglishIt is "orso" in EnglishIt is "piedi" in EnglishIt is "bocca" in Englishit is "mucca" in EnglishIt is "magia" in EnglishIt is "cervo" in EnglishIt is "ananas" in EnglishIt is "balena" in EnglishThe 25th of December is...It is "capelli" in EnglishIt is "criceto" in EnglishIt is "orecchie" in English...

7th Grade: I before E 2020-07-16

7th Grade: I before E crossword puzzle
  1. cárcel in English
  2. Tienda in English
  3. Iglesia in English
  4. A tool used to separate liquid from solids.
  5. aeropuerto in English
  6. a bit scary
  7. puente in English
  8. To get or be given
  9. Torre in English
  10. To think you are better that others
  11. silly behaviour
  1. Difficult to imagine
  2. To scream
  3. A large open space where things are often grown
  4. Feeling of sadness
  5. panadería in English
  6. Proof that you paid.
  7. to do what you are told
  8. Supermercado in English
  9. Highest part of a room.
  10. fábrica in English

21 Clues: To screama bit scarysilly behaviourTorre in Englishcárcel in EnglishTienda in Englishpuente in EnglishIglesia in EnglishFeeling of sadnessTo get or be givenfábrica in EnglishDifficult to imaginepanadería in EnglishProof that you paid.aeropuerto in Englishto do what you are toldSupermercado in EnglishHighest part of a room....

Numbers 1-20 2021-07-16

Numbers 1-20 crossword puzzle
  1. english number 8
  2. english number 10
  3. english number 16
  4. english number 5
  5. english number 14
  6. english number 17
  7. english number 2
  8. english number 11
  1. english number 12
  2. english number 6
  3. english number 13
  4. english number 15
  5. english number 1
  6. english number 4
  7. english number 19
  8. english number 9

16 Clues: english number 8english number 6english number 1english number 5english number 4english number 2english number 9english number 12english number 10english number 16english number 13english number 15english number 14english number 19english number 17english number 11

Vocabulaire de la Nourriture 2021-05-18

Vocabulaire de la Nourriture crossword puzzle
  1. Les pâtes in English is: _________
  2. La crème glacée in English is: _________ _________
  3. A pineapple in French is: ____ _________
  4. A drink/beverage in French is: ____ _________
  5. Le riz in English is: _________
  6. Un légume in English is: ____ _________
  7. Le poulet in English is: _________
  8. Eggs in French is: ____ _________
  9. Une pomme in English is: ____ _________
  10. Une pomme de terre in English is: ____ _________ ____ _________
  11. A tomato in French is: ____ _________
  12. Juice in French is: ____ _________
  13. Bread in French is: ____ _________
  1. Milk in French is: ____ _________
  2. A mushroom in French is: ____ _________
  3. Grapes in French is: ____ _________
  4. Une banane in English is: ____ _________
  5. A pepper in French is: ____ _________
  6. Le petit-déjeuner in French is: _________
  7. Fish in French is: ____ _________
  8. Le boeuf in English is: _________
  9. Un gâteau in English is: ____ _________
  10. Un concombre in English is: ____ _________
  11. Cheese in French is: ____ _________

24 Clues: Le riz in English is: _________Milk in French is: ____ _________Fish in French is: ____ _________Le boeuf in English is: _________Eggs in French is: ____ _________Les pâtes in English is: _________Le poulet in English is: _________Juice in French is: ____ _________Bread in French is: ____ _________Grapes in French is: ____ _________...

Program 11 2014-02-09

Program 11 crossword puzzle
  1. 幸福な in English
  2. sayの過去形
  3. seeの過去形
  4. ごみ入れ in English
  5. 生活 in English
  6. putの過去形
  7. What did Aika talk to? (hint pg.121)
  8. さようなら in English
  9. ごみ in English
  10. bringの過去形
  11. 待つ in English
  12. 内部 in English
  13. takeの過去形
  14. Yes, I _____.
  1. 庭園 in English
  2. Did Mr. Sato see Aika in the classroom? (hint pg.121)
  3. 注意深く in English
  4. 花びん in English
  5. かわいらしい in English
  6. 外で in English
  7. Did you _____ breakfast?
  8. I ____ eggs and bread this morning.
  9. Did you ____ to school by bike?
  10. What did Aika have for the class? (hint pg.122)
  11. standの過去形

25 Clues: sayの過去形seeの過去形putの過去形takeの過去形bringの過去形standの過去形庭園 in English生活 in English外で in Englishごみ in English待つ in English内部 in EnglishYes, I _____.幸福な in English花びん in English注意深く in Englishごみ入れ in Englishさようなら in Englishかわいらしい in EnglishDid you _____ breakfast?Did you ____ to school by bike?I ____ eggs and bread this morning....

CROSSWORD 2024-03-10

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Formal way to say "if"
  2. "Indizi" in english.
  3. "... was your trip?".
  4. "Imbarazzato" in english.
  5. "Niente/Nessuno" in english.
  6. Forma in -ing del verbo morire.
  7. A not organized person.
  8. Superlativo assoluto dell'aggettivo divertente.
  9. Traduzione di "tell" in italiano.
  10. Traduzione di "frame" in italiano.
  11. "Spiovigginoso" in english.
  1. "Lucertola" in english.
  2. The third day of the week.
  3. A well known person.
  4. "It ... like you're unhappy".
  5. Opposite of strong.
  6. "Dietro" in english.
  7. Traduzione di "parents" in italiano.
  8. "Serpente" in english.
  9. Past participle of "tenere" in english.
  10. "Stampante" in english.

21 Clues: Opposite of strong."Indizi" in english.A well known person."Dietro" in english."... was your trip?".Formal way to say "if""Serpente" in english."Lucertola" in english.A not organized person."Stampante" in english."Imbarazzato" in english.The third day of the week."Spiovigginoso" in english."Niente/Nessuno" in english."It ... like you're unhappy"....

Vocabulary unit 5 2016-07-23

Vocabulary unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Gritar in English
  2. Idiomas in English
  3. Hablar in English
  4. Lo mismo in English
  5. Patio de juegos in English
  6. Diferente in English
  7. Mantarraya in English
  8. Corazón in English
  9. Tiburon in English
  1. Piel in English
  2. Delfín in English
  3. Entender in English
  4. Picar in English
  5. Peligroso in English
  6. Juntos in English
  7. Recreo in English

16 Clues: Piel in EnglishPicar in EnglishGritar in EnglishDelfín in EnglishHablar in EnglishJuntos in EnglishRecreo in EnglishIdiomas in EnglishCorazón in EnglishTiburon in EnglishEntender in EnglishLo mismo in EnglishPeligroso in EnglishDiferente in EnglishMantarraya in EnglishPatio de juegos in English

Vocabulaire de la Nourriture 2021-04-28

Vocabulaire de la Nourriture crossword puzzle
  1. The French word for "a tea"
  2. The French word for "sugar"
  3. The word for "le petit-déjeuner" in English
  4. The word for "une pêche" in English
  5. The word for "le riz" in English
  6. The word for "le céleri" in English
  7. The French word for "a potato"
  8. The word for "des haricots" in English
  9. The French word for "a coffee"
  10. The French word for "fish"
  11. The word for "la crème glacée" in English
  12. The French word for "to drink"
  13. The word for "une fraise" in English
  14. The word for "un biscuit" in English
  15. The word for "le lait" in English
  16. The French word for "a recipe"
  17. The French word for "beef"
  18. The French word for "chicken"
  19. The French word for "a pineapple"
  20. The French verb for "to eat"
  1. The word for "le chou-fleur" in English
  2. The French word for "a lemon"
  3. The French word for "lunch"
  4. The word for "le pain" in English
  5. The French word for "a mushroom"
  6. The word for "une pomme" in English
  7. The word for "un gâteau" in English
  8. The word for "des raisins" in English
  9. The French word for "a cucumber"
  10. The word for "le laitue" in English
  11. The French word for "a raspberry"
  12. The word for "des oeufs" in English
  13. The word for "les pâtes" in English
  14. The word for "le fromage" in English
  15. The word for "la nourriture" in English
  16. The French word for "a vegetable"
  17. The French word for "a meal"
  18. The French word for "a pepper"
  19. The French word for "dinner"
  20. The word for "l'eau" in English

40 Clues: The French word for "fish"The French word for "beef"The French word for "a tea"The French word for "lunch"The French word for "sugar"The French word for "a meal"The French word for "dinner"The French verb for "to eat"The French word for "a lemon"The French word for "chicken"The French word for "a potato"The French word for "a coffee"...


CROSSWORLD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. She is the wife of the King
  2. The number 78
  3. It is "cuore" in English
  4. It is "nonni" in English
  5. You use it to write
  6. It is "Natale" in English
  7. It is "carote" in English
  8. It is "criceto" in English
  9. It is "cavallo" in English
  10. It is "pelato" in English
  1. It is "cantina/taverna" in English
  2. Your father is the...of your mother
  3. It is "salotto" in English
  4. It is "occhi" in English
  5. It is "lavanderia" in English
  6. This person cures people, this person is not a Doctor, but...
  7. What a teacher does is to...
  8. She is the.. of your father
  9. It is "tetto" in English

19 Clues: The number 78You use it to writeIt is "occhi" in EnglishIt is "cuore" in EnglishIt is "nonni" in EnglishIt is "tetto" in EnglishIt is "Natale" in EnglishIt is "carote" in EnglishIt is "pelato" in EnglishIt is "salotto" in EnglishIt is "criceto" in EnglishIt is "cavallo" in EnglishShe is the wife of the KingShe is the.. of your father...

Crossword Puzzle for Franci 2022-11-26

Crossword Puzzle for Franci crossword puzzle
  1. The verb "insegnare" in English
  2. It is "criceto" in English
  3. The month that comes after January
  4. Your father is the... of your mother
  5. It is "pelato" in English
  6. It is "Loro hanno" in English
  7. It is "bocca" in English
  8. Your mother is the...of your father
  9. It is "Leone" in English
  1. "Lei è" in English
  2. It is usually the symbol of love
  3. It is the number 87
  4. It is the room where you sleep in
  5. The verb "vedere" in English
  6. It is "sole" in English
  7. It is "infermiera" in English
  8. It is "bellissima" in English
  9. This person works in fields to grow plants and vegetables
  10. It is "nonno" in English

19 Clues: "Lei è" in EnglishIt is the number 87It is "sole" in EnglishIt is "bocca" in EnglishIt is "nonno" in EnglishIt is "Leone" in EnglishIt is "pelato" in EnglishIt is "criceto" in EnglishThe verb "vedere" in EnglishIt is "infermiera" in EnglishIt is "bellissima" in EnglishIt is "Loro hanno" in EnglishThe verb "insegnare" in English...

Things in the classroom and living room 2024-09-01

Things in the classroom and living room crossword puzzle
  1. Jendela in English is
  2. Tas in English is
  3. Used to make pencils sharp
  4. Used for mopping the floor
  5. Cermin in English is
  6. It has many words and meanings. It is usually used to translate difficult words in English.
  7. Televisi in English is
  8. Pintu in English is
  9. Used for sitting and usually made of wood or plastic
  10. Sofa in English is
  1. Kipas angin in English is
  2. hang on the wall and teachers use this to write
  3. Meja in English is
  4. Something that students use to erase incorrect
  5. Used for cutting paper
  6. Something used to show or see the time
  7. Kertas in English is
  8. Has ink and is used for writing
  9. Used to sweep the floor
  10. Kapur in English is

20 Clues: Tas in English isMeja in English isSofa in English isPintu in English isKapur in English isKertas in English isCermin in English isJendela in English isUsed for cutting paperTelevisi in English isUsed to sweep the floorKipas angin in English isUsed to make pencils sharpUsed for mopping the floorHas ink and is used for writing...


TRANSPORTATION crossword puzzle
  1. bis (english)
  2. truk pemadan kebakaran (english)
  3. they are used the police car when on duty
  4. it's used to air travel
  5. Pesawat ulang alik (english)
  6. plane, helicopter, glider are ... transportation
  7. helikopter (english)
  8. this vehicles can find in the harbour
  9. it's used for take ill or injured people to the hospital
  10. pilot flies a
  1. pesawat (english)
  2. Kapal selam (english)
  3. truk (english)
  4. ferry (indonesia)
  5. it's used to destroying/chasing enemy aircraft
  6. Mobil (english)
  7. train (indonesia)
  8. bike (synonim)
  9. speed boat (indonesia)
  10. kapal layar (english)

20 Clues: bis (english)pilot flies atruk (english)bike (synonim)Mobil (english)pesawat (english)ferry (indonesia)train (indonesia)helikopter (english)Kapal selam (english)kapal layar (english)speed boat (indonesia)it's used to air travelPesawat ulang alik (english)truk pemadan kebakaran (english)this vehicles can find in the harbour...

UNIT 5: TEXT PROCESSOR (part 1) 2024-04-16

UNIT 5: TEXT PROCESSOR (part 1) crossword puzzle
  1. Starts with I: "SANGRÍA" in English
  2. Starts with T: "BARRA DE HERRAMIENTAS" in English
  3. Starts with D: "ARRASTRAR" in English
  4. Starts with M: "MÁRGENES" in English
  5. Starts with R: "RECUPERAR" in English
  6. Starts with S: "TACHADO" in English
  7. Starts with I: "CURSIVA" in English
  8. Starts with S: "ESPACIADO" in English
  9. Starts with L: "MINÚSCULA" in English
  1. Starts with P: "CURSOR" in English
  2. Starts with B: "NEGRITA" in English
  3. Starts with S: "ATAJO" in English
  4. Starts with A: "ALINEACIÓN" in English
  5. Starts with U: "SUBRAYADO" in English
  6. Starts with H: "DESTACAR" in English
  7. Starts with F: "FUENTE" in English
  8. Starts with U: "MAYÚSCULA" in English

17 Clues: Starts with S: "ATAJO" in EnglishStarts with P: "CURSOR" in EnglishStarts with F: "FUENTE" in EnglishStarts with B: "NEGRITA" in EnglishStarts with I: "SANGRÍA" in EnglishStarts with S: "TACHADO" in EnglishStarts with I: "CURSIVA" in EnglishStarts with H: "DESTACAR" in EnglishStarts with M: "MÁRGENES" in EnglishStarts with U: "SUBRAYADO" in English...

Recap : Sequence 2021-04-25

Recap : Sequence crossword puzzle
  1. English for "demain"
  2. English for "puis"
  3. past simple for "sell"
  4. English for "troisièmement"
  5. past simple for "do"
  6. English for "enfin"
  7. Past simple for "go"
  8. English for "ensuite"
  9. English for "premièrement"
  1. Past simple for "eat"
  2. Past simple for "got"
  3. past simple for "buy"
  4. English for "deuxièmement"
  5. English for "hier"
  6. English for "aujourd'hui"
  7. past simple for "drink"
  8. English for "après"
  9. past simple for "see"

18 Clues: English for "hier"English for "puis"English for "enfin"English for "après"English for "demain"past simple for "do"Past simple for "go"Past simple for "eat"Past simple for "got"past simple for "buy"English for "ensuite"past simple for "see"past simple for "sell"past simple for "drink"English for "aujourd'hui"English for "deuxièmement"...

The Important of English Language 2024-02-16

The Important of English Language crossword puzzle
  1. How can English open doors to global opportunities?
  2. How can English enhance individuals' perspectives on the world?
  3. What skills need to be mastered in the era of globalization?
  4. Why does the ability to read and understand English texts provide a
  5. Where is most global information presented?
  6. How does English language proficiency support access to global resources, research, and news?
  7. What skills need to be mastered in the era of globalization?
  8. What is meant by English being a "key" ?
  9. Why is English important in handling international clients?
  10. Why is English not just a communication tool but also a key to unlocking global knowledge and understanding?
  1. Why is English important for accessing higher education at international institutions?
  2. Why is mastery of English considered a major asset in the global job market?
  3. In which sectors is English commonly used?
  4. What advantage do employees who can communicate effectively in English have?
  5. How can English improve understanding of global culture?
  6. Why do many multinational companies highly value English language skills?
  7. How does English support cooperation within cross-border teams?
  8. How does English facilitate collaborative projects involving diverse cultures?
  9. How can English language proficiency enhance diverse learning experiences?
  10. What are the benefits of English language proficiency in education?

20 Clues: What is meant by English being a "key" ?In which sectors is English commonly used?Where is most global information presented?How can English open doors to global opportunities?How can English improve understanding of global culture?Why is English important in handling international clients?...

Chapter 3 Exercise/Grade 3 2024-11-10

Chapter 3 Exercise/Grade 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Kaki in English is ...
  2. I wash my hand to keep them ...
  3. Gigi in English is ...
  4. Memakai in English is ...
  5. I use my ... to see.
  6. Tangan in English is ...
  7. Membilas in English is ...
  8. Perut in English is ...
  1. I use my ... to smell.
  2. We have to ... our teeth before going to bed.
  3. Jari in English is ...
  4. Menggosok in English is ...
  5. Mencuci in English is ...
  6. Telinga in English is ...
  7. My hands are .... I have to wash them.
  8. Mengeringkan in English is ...
  9. I use my ... to eat and talk.
  10. Menyisir in English is ...

18 Clues: I use my ... to see.I use my ... to smell.Kaki in English is ...Jari in English is ...Gigi in English is ...Perut in English is ...Tangan in English is ...Mencuci in English is ...Telinga in English is ...Memakai in English is ...Membilas in English is ...Menyisir in English is ...Menggosok in English is ...I use my ... to eat and talk....

Biopics 2025 2024-10-02

Biopics 2025 crossword puzzle
  1. It's English for "dégradé.
  2. It's a synonym for "icon".
  3. It's English for "images d'archives".
  4. "Biopics often have...............performances."
  5. It's protected by the First Amendment.
  6. It's the title of Amy Winehouse's biopic.
  7. It's English for "fidèle".
  8. It's a synonym for "homage."
  9. It's English for "consentement".
  1. It's English for "prestation".
  2. It's English for "divertir".
  3. He directed "Oppenheimer".
  4. She is Elvis's wife.
  5. It's English for "exigeant".
  6. It's the opposite of fair.
  7. He starred in Elvis.
  8. It's English for "metteur en scene".
  9. He starred in "Bohemian Rhapsody."
  10. A group of people hired by a production company to work on a film.
  11. It's English for "droit à la vie privée".
  12. It's English for "ressembler à".
  13. A group of actors working on a film or a show together.
  14. It's English for "reconnaissance".

23 Clues: She is Elvis's wife.He starred in Elvis.It's English for "dégradé.He directed "Oppenheimer".It's a synonym for "icon".It's the opposite of fair.It's English for "fidèle".It's English for "divertir".It's English for "exigeant".It's a synonym for "homage."It's English for "prestation".It's English for "ressembler à".It's English for "consentement"....

things around us and colors 2024-10-30

things around us and colors crossword puzzle
  1. "ungu" in English is
  2. "merah muda" in English is
  3. "hijau" in English is
  4. to know the time(waktu)
  5. to carry(membawa) books
  6. "biru" in English is
  7. to sweep(menyapu) the floor
  8. "kuning" in English is
  9. to warm(menghangatkan) the body
  10. to put clothes(pakaian)
  11. "hitam" in English is
  1. to fry(menggoreng) a food
  2. "merah" in English is
  3. "abu-abu" in English is
  4. tool(alat) for writing(menulis)
  5. use after(sesudah) take a bath(mandi)
  6. use to cut(memotong) vegetables
  7. "coklat" in English is
  8. tool(alat) for eating
  9. to brush(menyikat) your teeth(gigi)

20 Clues: "ungu" in English is"biru" in English is"merah" in English is"hijau" in English istool(alat) for eating"hitam" in English is"coklat" in English is"kuning" in English is"abu-abu" in English isto know the time(waktu)to carry(membawa) booksto put clothes(pakaian)to fry(menggoreng) a food"merah muda" in English isto sweep(menyapu) the floor...

Complete Review 23.10.24 2024-10-23

Complete Review 23.10.24 crossword puzzle
  1. simple past form of "see"
  2. He ____ two eyes.
  3. English for "kaputt"
  4. opposite of interesting
  5. simple past form of "visit"
  6. English for "Strand"
  7. English for "zuordnen"
  8. Postkarte
  9. We went to Berlin. It ___ fun.
  10. His eyes ____ blue.
  11. "My brothers are on vacation." "Did ____ stay at a hotel?"
  12. His hair ____ brown.
  13. simple past form of "do"
  1. Question word that begins with H
  2. English for "verbringen" or "ausgeben"
  3. English for "Stark"
  4. English for "Fahrrad"
  5. English for "Besichtigungen"
  6. simple past form of "feel"
  7. English for "weg"
  8. English for "Meeresküste"
  9. simple past form of "play"
  10. simple past form of "have"

23 Clues: PostkarteHe ____ two eyes.English for "weg"English for "Stark"His eyes ____ blue.English for "kaputt"English for "Strand"His hair ____ brown.English for "Fahrrad"English for "zuordnen"opposite of interestingsimple past form of "do"simple past form of "see"English for "Meeresküste"simple past form of "feel"simple past form of "play"...

ADJECTIVES 2024-02-19

ADJECTIVES crossword puzzle
  1. What does wet mean?
  2. How do you say 'llis'(cabell) in English?
  3. What does dark mean?
  4. How do you say 'barat' in English?
  5. How do you say 'buit' in English?
  6. What does plain mean?(roba)
  7. How do you say 'suau' in English?
  8. What does messy mean?
  9. What does clean mean?
  1. How do you say 'ample/garbós' (roba)in English?
  2. What does rough mean?
  3. What does wide mean?
  4. What does narrow mean?
  5. How do you say 'afilat' in English?
  6. How do you say 'gruixut' in English?
  7. What does handsome mean?
  8. How do you say 'tort' in English?
  9. What does full mean?
  10. How do you say 'solter' in English?
  11. How do you say 'ric' in English?

20 Clues: What does wet mean?What does wide mean?What does dark mean?What does full mean?What does rough mean?What does messy mean?What does clean mean?What does narrow mean?What does handsome mean?What does plain mean?(roba)How do you say 'ric' in English?How do you say 'tort' in English?How do you say 'buit' in English?How do you say 'suau' in English?...

French Vocab 2021-08-15

French Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Cochon in English
  2. Tortue in English
  3. Sheep in French
  4. Souris in English
  5. Cat in French
  6. Yellow in French
  7. Orange in French
  8. Araignee in English
  9. Violet in English
  10. Blue in French
  1. Vert in English
  2. Bird in French
  3. Goat in French
  4. Cow in French
  5. Dog in French
  6. Cheval in English
  7. Serpent in English
  8. Rose in English

18 Clues: Cow in FrenchCat in FrenchDog in FrenchBird in FrenchGoat in FrenchBlue in FrenchVert in EnglishSheep in FrenchRose in EnglishYellow in FrenchOrange in FrenchCochon in EnglishTortue in EnglishSouris in EnglishCheval in EnglishViolet in EnglishSerpent in EnglishAraignee in English

VOCABULARY TEST - 2A 2022-09-20

VOCABULARY TEST - 2A crossword puzzle
  1. A synonym of attitude is ...
  2. An antonym of success is ...
  3. The English translation of “séjour à l’hôpital” is hospital ...
  4. The English translation of “médicament” is ...
  5. A synonym of chilling is ...
  6. The English translation of “mise à jour” is an ...
  7. A synonym of probable is ...
  8. The English translation of “infirmière” is ...
  9. The English translation of “le savoir” is ...
  10. The English translation of “dossier medical” is medical ...
  1. A synonym of illness is ...
  2. The English translation of “données” is ...
  3. The English translation of “santé” is ...
  4. The English translation of “urgence” is ...
  5. Somebody who feels fear is ...
  6. Somebody who does not feel fear is ...
  7. A person who performs surgery is a ...
  8. The English translation of “une baffle” is a ...
  9. A synonym of the internet is the ...
  10. The English translation of “soigner” is ...

20 Clues: A synonym of illness is ...A synonym of attitude is ...An antonym of success is ...A synonym of chilling is ...A synonym of probable is ...Somebody who feels fear is ...A synonym of the internet is the ...Somebody who does not feel fear is ...A person who performs surgery is a ...The English translation of “santé” is ......

VOCABULARY TEST - 2B 2022-09-20

VOCABULARY TEST - 2B crossword puzzle
  1. The English translation of “mise à jour” is an ...
  2. A synonym of illness is ...
  3. Somebody who does not feel fear is ...
  4. An antonym of success is ...
  5. The English translation of “séjour à l’hôpital” is hospital ...
  6. The English translation of “santé” is ...
  7. A person who performs surgery is a ...
  8. The English translation of “urgence” is ...
  9. The English translation of “dossier medical” is medical ...
  1. The English translation of “médicament” is ...
  2. The English translation of “données” is ...
  3. The English translation of “le savoir” is ...
  4. A synonym of chilling is ...
  5. The English translation of “infirmière” is ...
  6. Somebody who feels fear is ...
  7. The English translation of “une baffle” is a ...
  8. A synonym of the internet is the ...
  9. A synonym of probable is ...
  10. A synonym of attitude is ...
  11. The English translation of “soigner” is ...

20 Clues: A synonym of illness is ...A synonym of chilling is ...An antonym of success is ...A synonym of probable is ...A synonym of attitude is ...Somebody who feels fear is ...A synonym of the internet is the ...Somebody who does not feel fear is ...A person who performs surgery is a ...The English translation of “santé” is ......

Spanish Intros 2024-08-28

Spanish Intros crossword puzzle
  1. Sunday
  2. Meses in English is:
  3. (Until) Later
  4. Edad in English is:
  5. Origin in English is:
  6. Goodbye
  7. Sentimientos in English is:
  8. Fecha in English is:
  9. Soon
  10. Friday
  11. Years
  12. June
  13. Where are you from?
  1. February
  2. May
  3. (Until) Tomorrow
  4. Nombre in English is:
  5. Hello
  6. Today is
  7. December
  8. August
  9. I am from
  10. November
  11. Thursday
  12. Semana in English is:
  13. Bye
  14. Monday

27 Clues: MayByeSoonJuneHelloYearsSundayAugustFridayMondayGoodbyeFebruaryToday isDecemberNovemberThursdayI am from(Until) Later(Until) TomorrowEdad in English is:Where are you from?Meses in English is:Fecha in English is:Nombre in English is:Origin in English is:Semana in English is:Sentimientos in English is:

VOCABULARY TEST - 2 2022-09-20

VOCABULARY TEST - 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A synonym of attitude is ...
  2. An antonym of success is ...
  3. The English translation of “séjour à l’hôpital” is hospital ...
  4. The English translation of “médicament” is ...
  5. A synonym of chilling is ...
  6. The English translation of “mise à jour” is an ...
  7. A synonym of probable is ...
  8. The English translation of “infirmière” is ...
  9. The English translation of “le savoir” is ...
  10. The English translation of “dossier medical” is medical ...
  1. A synonym of illness is ...
  2. The English translation of “données” is ...
  3. The English translation of “santé” is ...
  4. The English translation of “urgence” is ...
  5. Somebody who feels fear is ...
  6. Somebody who does not feel fear is ...
  7. A person who performs surgery is a ...
  8. The English translation of “une baffle” is a ...
  9. A synonym of the internet is the ...
  10. The English translation of “soigner” is ...

20 Clues: A synonym of illness is ...A synonym of attitude is ...An antonym of success is ...A synonym of chilling is ...A synonym of probable is ...Somebody who feels fear is ...A synonym of the internet is the ...Somebody who does not feel fear is ...A person who performs surgery is a ...The English translation of “santé” is ......

Hawaiian or English Words 2022-07-25

Hawaiian or English Words crossword puzzle
  1. English word for Kahakai
  2. Hawaiian word for Wind
  3. Hawaiian word for Towards the Mountain
  4. English word for Hau'oli
  5. Hawaiian word for Responsibility
  6. English word for Ua
  7. Hawaiian word for Turn/Flip
  8. Hawaiian word for Rainbow
  9. Hawaiian word for Day/Sun
  10. English word for Huaka'i
  11. English word for Holoholo
  1. Hawaiian word for Sad
  2. Hawaiian word for Angry
  3. Hawaiian word for Gift
  4. English word for Honua
  5. English word for Inoa
  6. Hawaiian word for Sky/Heaven
  7. Hawaiian word for Fire
  8. English word for Po
  9. Hawaiian word for Towards the Ocean
  10. English word for Nana

21 Clues: English word for UaEnglish word for PoHawaiian word for SadEnglish word for InoaEnglish word for NanaHawaiian word for WindHawaiian word for GiftEnglish word for HonuaHawaiian word for FireHawaiian word for AngryEnglish word for KahakaiEnglish word for Hau'oliEnglish word for Huaka'iHawaiian word for RainbowHawaiian word for Day/Sun...

YCT6 Lesson 5 You are so careless 2024-09-26

YCT6 Lesson 5 You are so careless crossword puzzle
  1. cong(English)
  2. praise(pinyin)
  3. angry(pinyin)
  4. biaoyang(English)
  5. ting(English)
  6. stop(pinyin)
  7. xiang qilai(English)
  8. wrong(pinyin)
  9. kouke(English)
  10. forget(pinyin)
  1. sentence(pinyin)
  2. Key(pinyin)
  3. wangji(English)
  4. juzi(English)
  5. shengqi(English)
  6. youyisi(English)
  7. careless(pinyin)

17 Clues: Key(pinyin)stop(pinyin)cong(English)angry(pinyin)juzi(English)ting(English)wrong(pinyin)praise(pinyin)kouke(English)forget(pinyin)wangji(English)sentence(pinyin)shengqi(English)youyisi(English)careless(pinyin)biaoyang(English)xiang qilai(English)

Units 7-10 (3.kl) 2024-03-17

Units 7-10 (3.kl) crossword puzzle
  1. kana in English
  2. nõusid peseta in English (kirjuta sõnad kokku)
  3. how you feel, when you really need to drink
  4. Kartul in English
  5. foot in plural
  6. sajab lund in English
  7. on your head
  8. päikesepaisteline in English
  1. child in plural
  2. with what you can hear
  3. shokolaadi soma in English
  4. külmkapp in English
  5. white stuff in your mouth
  6. a man in plural
  7. mouse in plural
  8. vorst in English
  9. opposite of ugly
  10. vesi in English
  11. what should you open, when you need to speak
  12. how you feel, when you really need to eat
  13. fish in plural

21 Clues: on your headfish in pluralfoot in pluralchild in pluralkana in Englisha man in pluralmouse in pluralvesi in Englishvorst in Englishopposite of uglyKartul in Englishkülmkapp in Englishsajab lund in Englishwith what you can hearwhite stuff in your mouthshokolaadi soma in Englishpäikesepaisteline in Englishhow you feel, when you really need to eat...

Ian 2022-07-13

Ian crossword puzzle
  1. take care in chinese
  2. 居民
  3. 糖的味道 in English
  4. 柜子
  5. 笨 in English
  6. 一般
  7. 拼命 in chinese
  8. 辣 in English
  9. 清洁 in English
  10. 离开 in chinese
  11. apologise in chinese
  12. 危险 in English
  1. 橙 in English
  2. 清楚
  3. 沟通
  4. water bottle in chinese
  5. 害羞
  6. 讨厌
  7. crab in chinese
  8. 礼貌
  9. 而已
  10. 明显
  11. 拖鞋 in English
  12. 盲 in English
  13. mrt in chinese

25 Clues: 清楚沟通居民柜子害羞讨厌一般礼貌而已明显橙 in English笨 in English辣 in English盲 in English拼命 in chinese拖鞋 in English清洁 in English离开 in chinese危险 in Englishmrt in chinese糖的味道 in Englishcrab in chinesetake care in chineseapologise in chinesewater bottle in chinese

Hogar, dulce hogar 2022-09-07

Hogar, dulce hogar crossword puzzle
  1. the blanket in Spanish
  2. the poster in Spanish
  3. el Espejo in English
  4. el lavabo in English
  5. the soap in Spanish
  6. the key in Spanish
  7. the oven in Spanish
  8. la lampara in English
  9. the lock in Spanish
  10. la cama in English
  11. the couch in Spanish
  1. the toilet in Spanish
  2. the yard in Spanish
  3. the pillow in Spanish
  4. la cortina in English
  5. la toalla in English
  6. the kitchen in Spanish
  7. el Cuadro in English
  8. la pared in English
  9. the bathroom in Spanish

20 Clues: the key in Spanishla cama in Englishthe yard in Spanishthe soap in Spanishthe oven in Spanishla pared in Englishthe lock in Spanishla toalla in Englishel Espejo in Englishel lavabo in Englishel Cuadro in Englishthe couch in Spanishthe toilet in Spanishthe pillow in Spanishla cortina in Englishthe poster in Spanishla lampara in English...