forms of energy Crossword Puzzles
Energy Forms 2022-02-22
- the ability to create change
- resources which can be replaced by natural process
- energy in motion
- light travelling in the form of a wave
- energy from the nucleus of an atom
- resources used faster than the earth can naturally replace
- stored energy
- energy from the electrons of an atom
- stored energy released when chemicals combine
- energy from vibrating atoms
10 Clues: stored energy • energy in motion • energy from vibrating atoms • the ability to create change • energy from the nucleus of an atom • energy from the electrons of an atom • light travelling in the form of a wave • stored energy released when chemicals combine • resources which can be replaced by natural process • resources used faster than the earth can naturally replace
Energy forms 2023-03-16
10 Clues: energy of motion • Energy in motion • the transfer of heat • Energy that is stored • the ability to do work • air vibrations we can hear • energy of electrical currents • electromagnetic waves we can see • energy released from splitting atoms • Energy stored in bands between atoms
Energy Forms 2022-10-27
- this is energy that is stored in hot objects
- energy in moving bodies
- energy due to elevation or height
- visible energy from luminous objects
- energy at rest
- energy stored in food and/or chemicals
- transferred energy due to the flow of current
- the ability to do work
- energy transferred from vibrating objects
- energy when things are stretched
10 Clues: energy at rest • the ability to do work • energy in moving bodies • energy when things are stretched • energy due to elevation or height • visible energy from luminous objects • energy stored in food and/or chemicals • energy transferred from vibrating objects • this is energy that is stored in hot objects • transferred energy due to the flow of current
Energy Forms 2023-11-01
- This is the energy of motion
- This energy is produced because of vibrating waves
- A push or a pull
- This energy is produced by an object because of its motion or position
- This is the type of energy that you can see
- This energy is produced from a change or a reaction
- This energy is produced when charged particles flow
- This is the ability to do work
- This energy is produced when there is a change in temperature
- This is stored energy
10 Clues: A push or a pull • This is stored energy • This is the energy of motion • This is the ability to do work • This is the type of energy that you can see • This energy is produced because of vibrating waves • This energy is produced when charged particles flow • This energy is produced from a change or a reaction • ...
Energy 2022-03-25
- type of mining used when coal deposits are deep underground
- technique involving fracturing bedrock formations underground by a pressurized liquid
- converts stored chemical energy into forms we can use for other things (AKA burning)
- energy of motion
- energy of an object due to its position or shape
- this greenhouse gas is released when methane is burned
- type of energy that is readily available and are replaced quickly
- this type of extraction uses the natural underground pressure
- the energy stored in chemical bonds
- country that used the most energy per capita
- plant in Ukraine that exploded an exposed a nuclear reactor core
- breaking up an atoms nucleus
- this type of energy is stored in forces holding atomic nuclei together
- most commonly used fossil fuel for electricity generation
- compressed, dead plant material that forms coal
- this type of kinetic energy that moves molecules based on the temperature
- 31% of energy is contained by this category of our countries energy
- the cleanest burning of the fossil fuels, relatively abundant in the US
- oil spill that occurred in 1989
- oil mixture of different hydrocarbons
- fuel for a nuclear reactor, an unstable atom that often emits a neutron
21 Clues: energy of motion • breaking up an atoms nucleus • oil spill that occurred in 1989 • the energy stored in chemical bonds • oil mixture of different hydrocarbons • country that used the most energy per capita • compressed, dead plant material that forms coal • energy of an object due to its position or shape • this greenhouse gas is released when methane is burned • ...
Chem Feb Break 2025-02-13
- Gold foil experiment, discovered atom is made up of mostly ______________
- Nuclear energy produced when 1 larger nucleus splits into two smaller
- Location of protons in an atom
- Type of Covalent bond that forms between elements with little or no electronegativity difference
- Measure of attraction elements have for electrons in a chemical bond
- An atom emits light when it returns to the ___________ state
- Type of substance formed when 2 or more different elements are chemically combined in a fixed proportion
- The state when an electron jumps up a principal energy level
- Group 18 elements, unreactive with other elements
- When more moles of solute are added to a solution, freezing point ___________
- when a bond is formed, energy is _____________
- Element with the lowest number of protons
- Found on table E, Ions made up of multiple different atoms
- Equation used to measure the concentration of a solute in a solvent
- When an atom loses an electron, it becomes a __________ charged ion
- when a bond is broken, energy is ___________
- Two atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
- Phase of matter when particles are most packed together
- Bond that forms between a metal and a nonmetal
- when an atom gains an electron, it becomes a ___________ charged ion
- Bond that forms between two nonmetals
- Electrons on the outermost principal energy level of an atom
- Nuclear energy produced when 2 smaller nuclei combine to form a larger one
- type of solution when more solute can still be dissolved
- Type of covalent bond that forms between elements with high electronegativity difference
- The ability for a solute to dissolve in 100 g of water
- Type of solution when no more solute can be dissolved
27 Clues: Location of protons in an atom • Bond that forms between two nonmetals • Element with the lowest number of protons • when a bond is broken, energy is ___________ • Bond that forms between a metal and a nonmetal • when a bond is formed, energy is _____________ • Group 18 elements, unreactive with other elements • Type of solution when no more solute can be dissolved • ...
Forms of Energy Crossword 2021-04-29
- When leaves fall from the trees that is this energy.
- The energy involving the moment of objects.
- The energy you see used in rubber bands and compressed springs.
- The energy of motion.
- This energy allows you to see and use electromagnetic waves.
- This energy is the movement and vibration of atoms and molecules that make up a substace.
- The stored energy of an object.
- Energy involving the earth's magnetic field.
- This is the energy that is stored in electric charges of particles such as electrons, protons, and ions.
- The energy is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom and holds the nucleus together.
- An energy stored in the chemial bonds of molecules.
- This energy is the movement of sound waves that travel through the air.
12 Clues: The energy of motion. • The stored energy of an object. • The energy involving the moment of objects. • Energy involving the earth's magnetic field. • An energy stored in the chemial bonds of molecules. • When leaves fall from the trees that is this energy. • This energy allows you to see and use electromagnetic waves. • ...
Energy unite 2022-03-04
- used to power _______ devices
- comes from a variety of sources used most often for communication
- stored energy
- radiant is also referred as___ energy
- energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds
- energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched
- a form of energy that is reflected or emitted in forms of electrical and magnetic waves that can travel through spaces
- used to objects
- energy can never be created or destroyed , it can only change forms
- heat that comes from the sun
- comes from releasing energy from the nucleus of an atom
- energy in motion
- light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs
- the ability to cause change
- comes from outlets and power plants
15 Clues: stored energy • used to objects • energy in motion • the ability to cause change • heat that comes from the sun • used to power _______ devices • comes from outlets and power plants • radiant is also referred as___ energy • light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs • energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds • energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched • ...
Energy unite 2022-03-04
- used to power _______ devices
- light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs
- energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds
- comes from a variety of sources used most often for communication
- a form of energy that is reflected or emitted in forms of electrical and magnetic waves that can travel through spaces
- energy can never be created or destroyed , it can only change forms
- comes from releasing energy from the nucleus of an atom
- comes from outlets and power plants
- radiant is also referred as___ energy
- energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched
- stored energy
- used to objects
- energy in motion
- the ability to cause change
- heat that comes from the sun
15 Clues: stored energy • used to objects • energy in motion • the ability to cause change • heat that comes from the sun • used to power _______ devices • comes from outlets and power plants • radiant is also referred as___ energy • light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs • energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds • energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched • ...
energy forms 2021-03-05
- an object that does work.
- -energy derived from electric potential energy or kinetic energy.
- -known as energy conversion, is the process of changing energy from one form to another.
- -the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors.
- -radiation refers to the waves of the electromagnetic field, propagating through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy.
- -In physics, and in particular as measured by radiometry, radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation.
- -the potential of a chemical substance to undergo a chemical reaction to transform into other substances.
- -energy which a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.
- -the energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity.
- -refers to several distinct physical concepts, such as the internal energy of a system; heat or sensible heat, which are defined as types of energy transfer.
10 Clues: an object that does work. • -energy which a body possesses by virtue of being in motion. • -energy derived from electric potential energy or kinetic energy. • -known as energy conversion, is the process of changing energy from one form to another. • -the energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity. • ...
Energy Forms 2022-10-27
- energy transferred from vibrating objects
- energy when things are stretched
- transferred energy due to the flow of current
- this is energy that is stored in hot objects
- energy due to elevation or height
- energy stored in food and/or chemicals
- energy in moving bodies
- energy at rest
- the ability to do work
- visible energy from luminous objects
10 Clues: energy at rest • the ability to do work • energy in moving bodies • energy when things are stretched • energy due to elevation or height • visible energy from luminous objects • energy stored in food and/or chemicals • energy transferred from vibrating objects • this is energy that is stored in hot objects • transferred energy due to the flow of current
Energy Forms 2022-10-27
- energy transferred from vibrating objects
- energy when things are stretched
- transferred energy due to the flow of current
- this is energy that is stored in hot objects
- energy due to elevation or height
- energy stored in food and/or chemicals
- energy in moving bodies
- energy at rest
- the ability to do work
- visible energy from luminous objects
10 Clues: energy at rest • the ability to do work • energy in moving bodies • energy when things are stretched • energy due to elevation or height • visible energy from luminous objects • energy stored in food and/or chemicals • energy transferred from vibrating objects • this is energy that is stored in hot objects • transferred energy due to the flow of current
energy forms 2023-01-27
- energy from vibrations of atoms that form a wave based on compressions and rarefactions
- occurs when heat rises up
- energy from the electrons of the atom
- energy energy in the form of motion
- travels in the form of a wave
- energy from inside the nucleus of the atom
- energy that is stored and waiting
- energy energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work
- the ability to cause change
- a form of energy from random vibrating atoms
10 Clues: occurs when heat rises up • the ability to cause change • travels in the form of a wave • energy that is stored and waiting • energy energy in the form of motion • energy from the electrons of the atom • energy from inside the nucleus of the atom • a form of energy from random vibrating atoms • energy energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work • ...
Energy Forms 2024-02-13
- Energy that is produced by atoms vibrating and forming a wave.
- Energy that is produced by the random vibration of atoms.
- Materials that let energy pass through them easily
- Materials that don't let energy easily pass through them.
- Energy that comes from electrons moving.
- Atoms joining together to release energy.
- Energy that is released from the nucleus of an atom splitting apart.
- Energy that comes from inside the nucleus of an atom.
- Energy that is doing work or could be doing work.
- The process of electrons changing energy levels within atoms which results in energy.
10 Clues: Energy that comes from electrons moving. • Atoms joining together to release energy. • Energy that is doing work or could be doing work. • Materials that let energy pass through them easily • Energy that comes from inside the nucleus of an atom. • Energy that is produced by the random vibration of atoms. • Materials that don't let energy easily pass through them. • ...
Energy Forms 2024-02-15
- when two atoms come together and combine to make another
- occurs from electrons moving from one atom to the other
- chart of wavelengths and frequencies, some that we can see and some we cannot
- energy that is released through a nuclear reaction
- energy that is stored and then released when chemicals combine
- energy that happens from the vibrations of atoms that form a wave
- when heat transers from one object to the other
- Energy When random atoms vibrate
- energy that occurs from electrons changing levels in and atom,travels in a wave
- when the atom splits
10 Clues: when the atom splits • Energy When random atoms vibrate • when heat transers from one object to the other • energy that is released through a nuclear reaction • occurs from electrons moving from one atom to the other • when two atoms come together and combine to make another • energy that is stored and then released when chemicals combine • ...
APES Chapter 3 Vocab 2021-09-14
- Organism that uses solar energy or chemical energy (some bacteria) to manufacture the organic compounds it needs as nutrients.
- web, Complex network of many interconnected food chains and feeding relationships.
- runoff, Water flowing off the land into bodies of surface water.
- cycle, Biogeochemical cycle that collects, purifies, and distributes the earth's fixed supply of water.
- Organism that digests parts of dead organisms.
- consumer, Animals that feeds on animal-eating animals.
- Complex mixture of inorganic minerals.
- level, All organisms that are the same number of energy transfers away from the original source of energy that enters an ecosystem.
- Animal that can use both plants and other animals as food sources.
- respiration, Complex process that occurs in the cells of most living organisms.
- cycle, Cyclic movement of carbon in different chemical forms.
- Consumer organism that feeds on detritus.
- Thin outer crust that contains most of the earth's rock, soil, and sediment.
- Water-saturated layers of sand, gravel, or bedrock.
- Gets its organic nutrients by feeding on the tissues of producers or of other consumers.
- consumer (herbivore), Organism that feeds on some or all parts of plants or on other producers.
- All the water on Earth's surface.
- Innermost layer of the atmosphere.
- cycle, Cyclic movement of phosphorus in different chemical forms.
- effect, Natural effect that releases heat in the atmosphere near the earth's surface.
- cycle, Cyclic movement of nitrogen in different chemical forms.
- Organic matter produced by plants and other photosynthetic producers.
- Natural process that recycles nutrients in various chemical forms.
- Water that sinks into the soil.
- of energy flow (trophic pyramid), Diagram representing the flow of energy through each trophic level in a food chain or food web.
- Complex process in the cells of green plants that captures light energy and converts it to chemical bond energy.
- primary productivity, Rate at which an ecosystem's producers capture and store a given amount of chemical energy as biomass in a given length of time.
- Second layer of the atmosphere.
- chain, Series of organisms in which each eats or decomposes the preceding one.
- cycle (biogeochemical cycle), Natural process that recycles nutrients in various chemical forms from the nonliving environment to living organisms and then back to the nonliving environment.
- Zone of the earth where life is found.
- Whole mass of air surrounding the earth.
- consumer (carnivore), Organism that feeds only on primary consumers.
- primary productivity, Rate at which all the plants in an ecosystem produce net useful chemical energy.
34 Clues: Water that sinks into the soil. • Second layer of the atmosphere. • All the water on Earth's surface. • Innermost layer of the atmosphere. • Complex mixture of inorganic minerals. • Zone of the earth where life is found. • Whole mass of air surrounding the earth. • Consumer organism that feeds on detritus. • Organism that digests parts of dead organisms. • ...
Energy Forms 2015-09-21
- an energy form that uses wind to make electricity
- radiant energy emitted by the sun
- relating to, or produced by the internal heat of the earth
- a black combustible rock that's used for fuel,or cooking
- a liquid found in the ground used for a fuel
- organic matter used as a fuel
- a flammable gas that is used for making electricity
- energy that uses the water cycle
- energy-the energy released when making electricity
- a device converting solar radiation into electricity
10 Clues: organic matter used as a fuel • energy that uses the water cycle • radiant energy emitted by the sun • a liquid found in the ground used for a fuel • an energy form that uses wind to make electricity • energy-the energy released when making electricity • a flammable gas that is used for making electricity • a device converting solar radiation into electricity • ...
Energy Forms 2022-01-31
- energy in the form of motion
- the ability to cause change
- energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work
- energy created from the electron of an atom
- energy created from different sources of light; travels in a wave
- energy from vibrations of atoms
- energy that is stored
- energy created from the nucleus of an atom
- stored energy that is released when atoms combine
- energy from random vibrating atoms
10 Clues: energy that is stored • the ability to cause change • energy in the form of motion • energy from vibrations of atoms • energy from random vibrating atoms • energy created from the nucleus of an atom • energy created from the electron of an atom • stored energy that is released when atoms combine • energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work • ...
energy forms 2023-01-27
- energy from vibrations of atoms that form a wave based on compressions and rarefactions
- occurs when heat rises up
- energy from the electrons of the atom
- energy energy in the form of motion
- travels in the form of a wave
- energy from inside the nucleus of the atom
- energy that is stored and waiting
- energy energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work
- the ability to cause change
- a form of energy from random vibrating atoms
10 Clues: occurs when heat rises up • the ability to cause change • travels in the form of a wave • energy that is stored and waiting • energy energy in the form of motion • energy from the electrons of the atom • energy from inside the nucleus of the atom • a form of energy from random vibrating atoms • energy energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work • ...
Energy Forms 2023-02-09
Energy Forms 2023-02-14
- Energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work
- energy that is stored
- Energy from inside the nucleus of the atom
- energy in the form of motion
- Electrical Energy comes from electrons moving from one atom to another
- Light comes from electrons changing energy levels in the atoms.
- A natural resource that can be converted into other forms of energy in order to do useful work.
- Heat is a form of energy from random vibrating atoms.
- Chemical energy is stored energy that is released when chemicals combine.
- Sound is energy from the vibrations of atoms that form a wave based on Compressions and Rarefactions.
10 Clues: energy that is stored • energy in the form of motion • Energy from inside the nucleus of the atom • Heat is a form of energy from random vibrating atoms. • Energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work • Light comes from electrons changing energy levels in the atoms. • Electrical Energy comes from electrons moving from one atom to another • ...
Energy forms 2023-03-16
- The energy of motion
- The transfer of heat
- Energy released from splitting atoms
- The ability to do work
- Energy of electrical currents
- energy stored in bonds between atoms
- Energy that is stored
- Energy in motion
- Air vibrations we can hear
- Can never be created or destroyed
- Electromagnetic waves we can see
11 Clues: Energy in motion • The energy of motion • The transfer of heat • Energy that is stored • The ability to do work • Air vibrations we can hear • Energy of electrical currents • Electromagnetic waves we can see • Can never be created or destroyed • energy stored in bonds between atoms • Energy released from splitting atoms
Energy forms 2023-03-16
10 Clues: energy stored • energy in motion • energy of motion • the ability to work • the transfer of heat • air vibrations we can hear • energy of electrical currents • electromagnetic waves we can see • energy released from splitting atoms • energy stored in bonds between atoms
Energy Forms 2024-02-14
- The lowest possible temperature
- Areas on a sound wave where the atoms are closest together
- When heat transfers due to contact.
- How wavelengths of light are categorized
- When two atoms combine to form a larger atom
- The measurement of how fast atoms are vibrating
- A material that allows electrons to flow easily
- When atoms release energy by splitting part
- Caused by atoms randomly vibrating
- Electricity is caused by the flow of this
10 Clues: The lowest possible temperature • Caused by atoms randomly vibrating • When heat transfers due to contact. • How wavelengths of light are categorized • Electricity is caused by the flow of this • When atoms release energy by splitting part • When two atoms combine to form a larger atom • The measurement of how fast atoms are vibrating • ...
APES Chapter 3 Vocab Crossword 2021-09-14
- All the water on Earth's surface.
- cycle, Cyclic movement of phosphorus in different chemical forms.
- chain, Series of organisms in which each eats or decomposes the preceding one.
- cycle, Biogeochemical cycle that collects, purifies, and distributes the earth's fixed supply of water.
- primary productivity, Rate at which all the plants in an ecosystem produce net useful chemical energy.
- Animal that can use both plants and other animals as food sources.
- of energy flow (trophic pyramid), Diagram representing the flow of energy through each trophic level in a food chain or food web.
- cycle, Cyclic movement of carbon in different chemical forms.
- Water-saturated layers of sand, gravel, or bedrock.
- (heterotroph), Gets its organic nutrients by feeding on the tissues of producers or of other consumers.
- respiration, Complex process that occurs in the cells of most living organisms.
- consumer (carnivore), Organism that feeds only on primary consumers.
- (lithosphere), Thin outer crust that contains most of the earth's rock, soil, and sediment.
- Innermost layer of the atmosphere.
- cycle (biogeochemical cycle), Natural process that recycles nutrients in various chemical forms from the nonliving environment to living organisms and then back to the nonliving environment.
- Natural process that recycles nutrients in various chemical forms.
- cycle, Cyclic movement of nitrogen in different chemical forms.
- Organic matter produced by plants and other photosynthetic producers.
- runoff, Water flowing off the land into bodies of surface water.
- Complex mixture of inorganic minerals.
- Organism that digests parts of dead organisms.
- Second layer of the atmosphere.
- Consumer organism that feeds on detritus.
- effect, Natural effect that releases heat in the atmosphere near the earth's surface.
- (autotroph), Organism that uses solar energy or chemical energy (some bacteria) to manufacture the organic compounds it needs as nutrients.
- Complex process in the cells of green plants that captures light energy and converts it to chemical bond energy.
- primary productivity, Rate at which an ecosystem's producers capture and store a given amount of chemical energy as biomass in a given length of time.
- consumer, Animals that feeds on animal-eating animals.
- level, All organisms that are the same number of energy transfers away from the original source of energy that enters an ecosystem.
- Whole mass of air surrounding the earth.
- Water that sinks into the soil.
- Zone of the earth where life is found.
- web, Complex network of many interconnected food chains and feeding relationships.
- consumer (herbivore), Organism that feeds on some or all parts of plants or on other producers.
34 Clues: Second layer of the atmosphere. • Water that sinks into the soil. • All the water on Earth's surface. • Innermost layer of the atmosphere. • Complex mixture of inorganic minerals. • Zone of the earth where life is found. • Whole mass of air surrounding the earth. • Consumer organism that feeds on detritus. • Organism that digests parts of dead organisms. • ...
Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review 2021-10-20
- Represented by the letter m.
- Mode of heat transfer that results from temperature differences within fluid(s).
- The governing equation for for specific heat capacity.
- mL
- The system of units used for making measurements by most scientists.
- Energy in the form of free flowing heat.
- When energy changes types or forms.
- A property of a material that tells us how much mass of it is in a given volume of it.
- The amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of a material by 1 degree Celcius.
- Energy stored within an object that can be transferred or transformed.
- Metric base unit of mass.
- Represented by the letter q.
- When energy of the same type and form go from one object to another.
- Energy in the form of light.
- Thermal, nuclear, radiant, and chemical are examples of ___ of energy.
- Metric base unit of energy.
- Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.
17 Clues: mL • Metric base unit of mass. • Metric base unit of energy. • Represented by the letter m. • Represented by the letter q. • Energy in the form of light. • When energy changes types or forms. • Energy in the form of free flowing heat. • Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy. • The governing equation for for specific heat capacity. • ...
Energy Forms & Changes 2022-11-01
- Different things can tr______ to each other
- Energy can be c________d into other types of energy
- The type of energy in coal
- Ovens turn electrical energy into _______ energy
- A radio converts electrical energy into _____ energy
- Power plants usually turn other types of energy into _______ energy and than into electrical energy
- The energy of motion
- If something is really high up, and is really heavy, it has a lot of gravitational p_______ energy
- True or False: Cars turn sound energy into potential and chemical energy
- True or False: The Sled Wars gizmo wouldn't be possible in real life because some of the sled's kinetic energy would be lost to friction
- Explosions release lots of energy in the form of sound, motion, and _i___
- Energy can't be _____ nor destroyed
- The unit for energy
- All energy falls into 2 groups; potential and _______
- Energy is the ability to do w___
- Whatever you are doing this on right now runs on e_________ energy
16 Clues: The unit for energy • The energy of motion • The type of energy in coal • Energy is the ability to do w___ • Energy can't be _____ nor destroyed • Different things can tr______ to each other • Ovens turn electrical energy into _______ energy • Energy can be c________d into other types of energy • A radio converts electrical energy into _____ energy • ...
Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review 2021-10-20
- When energy of the same type and form go from one object to another.
- Mode of heat transfer that results from temperature differences within fluid(s).
- Represented by the letter m.
- Represented by the letter q.
- mL
- Thermal, nuclear, radiant, and chemical are examples of ___ of energy.
- Energy in the form of light.
- Metric base unit of mass.
- Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.
- The amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of a material by 1 degree Celcius.
- Metric base unit of energy.
- A property of a material that tells us how much mass of it is in a given volume of it.
- When energy changes types or forms.
- The value you get when you add all of your data points together and divide the sum of them by the total number of data points.
- The governing equation for for specific heat capacity.
- The system of units used for making measurements by most scientists.
- Energy in the form of free flowing heat.
- Energy stored within an object that can be transferred or transformed.
18 Clues: mL • Metric base unit of mass. • Metric base unit of energy. • Represented by the letter m. • Represented by the letter q. • Energy in the form of light. • When energy changes types or forms. • Energy in the form of free flowing heat. • Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy. • The governing equation for for specific heat capacity. • ...
Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review 2021-10-20
- Represented by the letter m.
- Mode of heat transfer that results from temperature differences within fluid(s).
- When energy changes types or forms.
- The value you get when you add all of your data points together and divide the sum of them by the total number of data points.
- mL
- A property of a material that tells us how much mass of it is in a given volume of it.
- When energy of the same type and form go from one object to another.
- The governing equation for for specific heat capacity.
- The amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of a material by 1 degree Celcius.
- Metric base unit of energy.
- Represented by the letter q.
- Energy stored within an object that can be transferred or transformed.
- Thermal, nuclear, radiant, and chemical are examples of ___ of energy.
- Energy in the form of free flowing heat.
- Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.
- Energy in the form of light.
- The system of units used for making measurements by most scientists.
- Metric base unit of mass.
18 Clues: mL • Metric base unit of mass. • Metric base unit of energy. • Represented by the letter m. • Represented by the letter q. • Energy in the form of light. • When energy changes types or forms. • Energy in the form of free flowing heat. • Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy. • The governing equation for for specific heat capacity. • ...
Types of Energy/ Energy Transfomation 2023-12-12
- Unit for energy
- Energy stored in chemical bonds between atoms/molecules
- Factors that determine kinetic energy:_____ and _____
- Potential Energy (PE) = ______ (abbreviations in formula)
- PE=mgh, g is _____.
- Energy of vibrations of particles with matter
- PE=mgh, m is _____.
- There are ______ categories of energy.
- Example given in class that illustrates the trade off between PE and KE.
- Energy of a moving object
- Stored energy
- Energy of motion
- PE=mgh, h is _____.
- There are _____ forms of energy.
- The law of conservation of energy states that energy is not ____ nor destroyed.
- Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
- Energy carried by light waves
- Process of energy changing from one form to another
- Energy of vibration of waves through matter
- Energy of the movement of electrons
20 Clues: Stored energy • Unit for energy • Energy of motion • PE=mgh, g is _____. • PE=mgh, m is _____. • PE=mgh, h is _____. • Energy of a moving object • Energy carried by light waves • There are _____ forms of energy. • Energy of the movement of electrons • There are ______ categories of energy. • Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom • Energy of vibration of waves through matter • ...
Caden Leach 4.1.1 2024-02-01
- Forms DNA
- The primary source of energy for our body
- Causes Molecules to bond
- Found in DNA and RNA
- Needed to make ATP
- Two Glucose molecules
- A building block
- Plant oils
- polymer for Protein
- When a nitrogen bonds with a carbon
- 3 or more glucose molecules
- How many main organic compounds are there?
- anything that ends in "ose"
- Forms polypeptides
- Animal fat
- Forms ATP
- The secondary source of energy for our body
- Monomer for Nucleic Acid
- Example of Phospholipids
- What are plant cell walls made of?
- Its structure is shaped like the letter E
- The monomer for a carb
- support structure and transportation
- The structure that building blocks create
- Monomer for lipids
25 Clues: Forms DNA • Forms ATP • Animal fat • Plant oils • A building block • Forms polypeptides • Needed to make ATP • Monomer for lipids • polymer for Protein • Found in DNA and RNA • Two Glucose molecules • The monomer for a carb • Monomer for Nucleic Acid • Causes Molecules to bond • Example of Phospholipids • 3 or more glucose molecules • anything that ends in "ose" • What are plant cell walls made of? • ...
Forms of energy 2021-05-23
- It is the sum of the kinetic and potential Energy.
- Can be natural or artificial.
- Energy stored in the objects.
- Energy released during a chemical reaction.
- It comes from a surface that produces vibrations.
- This energy comes from a hot substance.
- Objects have this energy when they are moving.
- It provides power to machines.
8 Clues: Can be natural or artificial. • Energy stored in the objects. • It provides power to machines. • This energy comes from a hot substance. • Energy released during a chemical reaction. • Objects have this energy when they are moving. • It comes from a surface that produces vibrations. • It is the sum of the kinetic and potential Energy.
FORMS OF ENERGY 2017-05-08
- This is what makes things move.
- You can see this energy when things move.
- This is the total energy of the moving particles in solids, liquids and gases.
- Made with special particles and made in a special power plant.
- This kind of energy which is stored in food.
- This moves through wires and appliances.
- This kind of energy is helpful in a dark place.
- This is the kind of energy you can hear.
8 Clues: This is what makes things move. • This moves through wires and appliances. • This is the kind of energy you can hear. • You can see this energy when things move. • This kind of energy which is stored in food. • This kind of energy is helpful in a dark place. • Made with special particles and made in a special power plant. • ...
Forms of energy 2022-05-02
- the ability to work
- the amount of electric potential energy per one coulomb of charge at one point in a circuit compared to the potential energy per coulomb of charge at another point in the circuit; also called voltage
- the mathematical relationship comparing voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R), written as R=V/I
- any device that transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy, such as a light bulb, buzzer, heater, and motor
- the amount of electric potential energy per one coulomb of charge at one point in a circuit compared to the potential energy per coulomb of charge at another point in the circuit; also called potential difference
- electric energy stored in a battery
- the amount of charge passing a point in a conductor every second
- unit for measuring electric current; very small currents are measured in milliamperes (mA); 1 A = 1000 mA (8.2)
- two terminals in a battery or other electricity source; usually made of two different metals but can be a metal and another material
- the ratio of voltage to current
- the unit of measurement for electrical resistance
- a complete pathway that allows electrons to flow
- the continuous flow of charge in a complete circuit
- a drawing using symbols to represent the different components of a circuit
- the unit of potential difference; one volt causes a current of one ampere to flow through a conductor with a resistance of one ohm
- electrodes in electrolytes that convert chemical energy into electrical energy stored in charges; also called batteries
- substance that conducts an electric current. In a dry cell, the electrolyte is a moist paste; in a wet cell, the electrolyte is a fluid
- an electrical component with a set amount of resistance that slows down current and transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy
- the property of any material that slows down the flow of electrons and converts electrical energy into other forms of energy
19 Clues: the ability to work • the ratio of voltage to current • electric energy stored in a battery • a complete pathway that allows electrons to flow • the unit of measurement for electrical resistance • the continuous flow of charge in a complete circuit • the amount of charge passing a point in a conductor every second • ...
Force, Work & Energy 2014-03-14
- force equal mass times this
- the energy found at the bottom of a pendulum swing
- the potential energy associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed
- the unit of measure of work
- this law states that matter cannot be created or destroyed
- energy stored millions of years ago and released when fossil fuels are burned
- most forms of energy can be converted into other
- the unit of measure of force; named after the scientist who formulated the theory of gravity
- scientist who included a small change to the law of conservation of energy by explaining that energy can sometimes be created by destroying matter
- energy traveling in waves that have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties.
- energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom
- fossil fuels contain energy that originally came from the
- the transfer of energy
- energy that is stored and held in readiness
- the energy carried from moving electric charges
- the total energy of the particles in a substance or material
- the energy found at the highest point in a pendulum’s swing
- the ability to do work or cause change
- fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas that were formed hundreds of millions of years ago by geological processes
- potential energy stored in chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together
- a change from one form of energy to another
- gravitational potential energy is weight times this
- the energy associated with the motion or position of an object
23 Clues: the transfer of energy • force equal mass times this • the unit of measure of work • the ability to do work or cause change • a change from one form of energy to another • energy that is stored and held in readiness • the energy carried from moving electric charges • energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom • most forms of energy can be converted into other • ...
Force, Work & Energy 2014-03-14
- the ability to do work or cause change
- the total energy of the particles in a substance or material
- the potential energy associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed
- potential energy stored in chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together
- energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom
- fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas that were formed hundreds of millions of years ago by geological processes
- the energy found at the highest point in a pendulum’s swing
- energy that is stored and held in readiness
- the energy carried from moving electric charges
- scientist who included a small change to the law of conservation of energy by explaining that energy can sometimes be created
- gravitational potential energy is weight times this
- the unit of measure of force; named after the scientist who formulated the theory of gravity
- the energy associated with the motion or position of an object
- the energy found at the bottom of a pendulum swing
- energy stored millions of years ago and released when fossil fuels are burned
- the transfer of energy
- a change from one form of energy to another
- fossil fuels contain energy that originally came from the
- this law states that matter cannot be created or destroyed
- most forms of energy can be converted into other
- energy traveling in waves that have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties.
- force equal mass times this
- the unit of measure of work
23 Clues: the transfer of energy • force equal mass times this • the unit of measure of work • the ability to do work or cause change • a change from one form of energy to another • energy that is stored and held in readiness • energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom • the energy carried from moving electric charges • most forms of energy can be converted into other • ...
Forms of Energy 2020-11-16
- This energy is due to the motion and position of an object.
- This moving ball has _____ energy.
- This energy is associated with the motion of the particles in a substance.
- A lamp uses electrical energy to produce ____ energy.
- This type of energy flows in a circuit.
- Plants use this type of energy to make food during photosynthesis
- This stationary ball has ____ energy.
- A toaster uses electrical energy to produce ____ energy.
8 Clues: This moving ball has _____ energy. • This stationary ball has ____ energy. • This type of energy flows in a circuit. • A lamp uses electrical energy to produce ____ energy. • A toaster uses electrical energy to produce ____ energy. • This energy is due to the motion and position of an object. • Plants use this type of energy to make food during photosynthesis • ...
Forms of Energy 2021-03-03
8 Clues: air in motion • a flow of charge • the work of a certain force • energy that comes from light • energy energy that is moving • energy energy that is stored • vibrations that travel through the air • a form of energy that transfers a different temperature
Forms of Energy 2023-09-06
- Anything that takes up space and has weight
- What is needed to do work or cause change
- Energy that allows us to see
- All the energy something has due to its movement and position
- A force acting on an object causing that object to move in the direction of that force
- Energy resulting from the flow of electric charge through a conductor
- Energy that travels as waves through the air or water and vibrates the eardrum upon contact
- Energy that causes a transfer of hear between materials
8 Clues: Energy that allows us to see • What is needed to do work or cause change • Anything that takes up space and has weight • Energy that causes a transfer of hear between materials • All the energy something has due to its movement and position • Energy resulting from the flow of electric charge through a conductor • ...
Forms of Energy 2023-11-06
- invisible waves of energy that can travel through space
- energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom, can be released by fusion or fission
- energy that comes from moving electrons
- a type of EM energy that is visible
- energy associated with motion
- energy caused by vibrations, travels in waves
- energy that comes from moving atoms
- energy that is stored in the bonds of molecules
8 Clues: energy associated with motion • energy that comes from moving atoms • a type of EM energy that is visible • energy that comes from moving electrons • energy caused by vibrations, travels in waves • energy that is stored in the bonds of molecules • invisible waves of energy that can travel through space • ...
Rside- Electricity Crossword- Mona 2015-01-13
- electrodes in electrolytes that convert chemical energy into electrical energy stored in charges; also called batteries.
- the unit of measurement for electrical resistance.
- a flow of electric charge.
- the property of any material that slows down the flow of electrons and converts electrical energy into other forms of energy.
- two terminals in a battery or other electricity source; usually made of two different metals but can be a metal and another material.
- the ratio of voltage to current.
- the amount of charge passing a point in a conductor every second.
- an electrical component with a set amount of resistance that slows down current and transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy.
- the mathematical relationship comparing voltage ( V), current (I), and resistance (R).
- a graphical representation of an electrical circuit.
- a unit of electric current equal to a flow of one coulomb per second.
- electric energy stored in a battery.
- an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts
- the amount of electric potential energy per one coulomb of charge at one point at another point in the circuit; also called voltage.
- a complete pathway that allows electrons to flow.
- energy substance that conducts an electric current. In a dry cell, the electrolyte is a moist paste; in a wet cell, the electrolyte is a fluid
- any device that transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy, such as a light bulb, buzzer, heater, and motor
17 Clues: a flow of electric charge. • the ratio of voltage to current. • electric energy stored in a battery. • a complete pathway that allows electrons to flow. • the unit of measurement for electrical resistance. • a graphical representation of an electrical circuit. • an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts • ...
Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review 2021-10-20
- Metric base unit of energy.
- When energy changes types or forms.
- mL
- The governing equation for for specific heat capacity.
- When energy of the same type and form go from one object to another.
- The amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of a material by 1 degree Celcius.
- Represented by the letter m.
- The value you get when you add all of your data points together and divide the sum of them by the total number of data points.
- Energy stored within an object that can be transferred or transformed.
- Mode of heat transfer that results from temperature differences within fluid(s).
- Thermal, nuclear, radiant, and chemical are examples of ___ of energy.
- Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.
- The system of units used for making measurements by most scientists.
- Metric base unit of mass.
- Energy in the form of light.
- Represented by the letter q.
- A property of a material that tells us how much mass of it is in a given volume of it.
- Energy in the form of free flowing heat.
18 Clues: mL • Metric base unit of mass. • Metric base unit of energy. • Energy in the form of light. • Represented by the letter q. • Represented by the letter m. • When energy changes types or forms. • Energy in the form of free flowing heat. • Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy. • The governing equation for for specific heat capacity. • ...
Energy 2018-08-06
- a small device placed near the heart, which it helps to continuously beat at a regular speed
- the measure of how much energy is supplied to a device
- group of atoms held by bonds
- the unit of energy
- amount of energy a device or process consumes
- movement of energy from one object to another
- stored energy in the chemical bonds of substances
- rearranging the atoms so that it forms one or more new substances
- converting one energy into another
- it depends on the average kinetic energy of the molecules it contains
- tiny particles that matter is created of
- the energy provided to a device that is not used and normally is used as heat and sound
- energy that is stored
- energy an object has because of it’s motion
- the principle that energy can only be transferred and transformed between objects and not created or destroyed
- the attraction between two atoms that holds them together
- a diagram that shows how a devices energy is transferred or transformed
- the unit of power to measure the amount of electricity a power plant produces
- it comes in different forms such as heat or electricity and it can only be transformed or transferred, never created or destroyed
19 Clues: the unit of energy • energy that is stored • group of atoms held by bonds • converting one energy into another • tiny particles that matter is created of • energy an object has because of it’s motion • amount of energy a device or process consumes • movement of energy from one object to another • stored energy in the chemical bonds of substances • ...
Photosynthesis and Matter Cycling 2024-02-05
- different elements found in soil needed for pant growth
- the natural motion of carbon through the 5 spheres
- the abbreviation for the carbon dioxide measurement parts-per-million
- all matter included or involved in living things
- life forms that extract energy from the dead remains of others
- the chemical reaction animals use to extract energy from molecules
- a sugar created during photosynthesis and used as blood sugar in animals
- the gas inhaled by plants and exhaled by animals
- the chemical reaction plants use to capture solar energy and turn it into chemical energy
- a fluid necessary for all life on Earth
- all man-made or man-controlled matter
- life forms that need to eat other life in order to survive
- all gases held to the surface of the planet by gravity
- the organelle in plant life where respiration occurs
- all water on the planet, including fresh, salt, ice, and snow
- life forms that have the ability to create chemical energy
- the gas exhaled by plants and inhaled by animals
- a form of energy captured by plants
- the organelle in plant life where photosynthesis occurs
- all non-living matter on the planet, primarily rock
- the small openings in leaf surfaces that plants use to breathe
21 Clues: a form of energy captured by plants • all man-made or man-controlled matter • a fluid necessary for all life on Earth • all matter included or involved in living things • the gas exhaled by plants and inhaled by animals • the gas inhaled by plants and exhaled by animals • the natural motion of carbon through the 5 spheres • ...
Forms of Energy 2021-11-15
- energy that is released when from atoms when the nucleus is split
- type of energy that is not in use (not moving)
- comes from the use of machines, tools, or muscles
- energy that is stored in molecules or compounds
- energy that moves through space in waves (also known as EM or light energy)
- energy in use or in motion
- energy of moving molecules
- energy of moving electrons (flowing electrons)
8 Clues: energy in use or in motion • energy of moving molecules • type of energy that is not in use (not moving) • energy of moving electrons (flowing electrons) • energy that is stored in molecules or compounds • comes from the use of machines, tools, or muscles • energy that is released when from atoms when the nucleus is split • ...
Forms of Energy 2022-08-28
- Energy cannot be created or _________
- Energy that is produced within magnetic fields
- Energy that occurs in light particles
- Energy that is also known as heat energy. The higher the temperature, the faster the molecules move.
- Energy that is produced by sound vibrations.
- Sound Energy travels in __________
- Energy that is produced by the movement of charged particles
- The Energy of motion
8 Clues: The Energy of motion • Sound Energy travels in __________ • Energy cannot be created or _________ • Energy that occurs in light particles • Energy that is produced by sound vibrations. • Energy that is produced within magnetic fields • Energy that is produced by the movement of charged particles • ...
Forms of Energy 2021-03-03
8 Clues: air in motion • a flow of charge • the work of a certain force • energy that comes from light • energy energy that is moving • energy energy that is stored • vibrations that travel through the air • a form of energy that transfers a different temperature
Forms of Energy 2021-03-03
8 Clues: air in motion • a flow of charge • the work of a certain force • energy that comes from light • energy energy that is moving • energy energy that is stored • vibrations that travel through the air • a form of energy that transfers a different temperature
Forms of energy 2022-05-02
Forms of Energy 2024-02-09
8 Clues: We see it • In motion • Found in uranium • Refers to temperature • Stored in a rubber band • Its binds food together • It flies on the invisible waves • Potential energy transferred to kinetic
Forms of Energy 2024-02-09
8 Clues: We see it • In motion • Found in uranium • Refers to temperature • Stored in a rubber band • Its binds food together • It flies on the invisible waves • Potential energy transferred to kinetic
energy&its forms 2023-12-04
- special type of gear that has its ratio measured by the angle of threads
- measurement used to measure work
- machine that uses a combination of axle and lever like a bucket out of a well
- the ability to do work
- makes it easier to pull a wagon uphill
- the fact that energy can never be created or destroyed is called the law of ____________.
- type of energy that is stored in a battery
- when a force that moves an object a certain distance
- visible energy is called
- when we measure how much work something can do in a certain amount of time
- tool that allows us to use force in a convenient way
- when 2 gears are connected by a chain and the larger gear turns once while the smaller one turns two or more times
- type of energy that is stored and does NOT move
- type of plane that are ramps, screws, winding uphill roads
- simple machine that uses a fulcrum
15 Clues: the ability to do work • visible energy is called • measurement used to measure work • simple machine that uses a fulcrum • makes it easier to pull a wagon uphill • type of energy that is stored in a battery • type of energy that is stored and does NOT move • tool that allows us to use force in a convenient way • when a force that moves an object a certain distance • ...
Forms of Energy, Light, & Electricity 2023-02-07
- An object _____ if it is less dense
- The total amount of matter in an object
- An object sinks when it is ___ dense than water
- An object's ability to sink or float is ___ density
- Spread evenly throughout
- Amount of space an object takes up
- 2 or more substances that can be easily separated
- Steel, Iron, Nickel, and ______
- Anything that has mass and takes up space
- There are 3 physical _____ of matter
- Dissolves in water
- Conductors ____ electricity to flow
- _____ do not allow electricity to flow
- Substances in a mixture ___ their physical properties
- Mixture of 2 or more substances and not easily separated
- The "I" in S.I.N.C.
16 Clues: Dissolves in water • The "I" in S.I.N.C. • Spread evenly throughout • Steel, Iron, Nickel, and ______ • Amount of space an object takes up • An object _____ if it is less dense • Conductors ____ electricity to flow • There are 3 physical _____ of matter • _____ do not allow electricity to flow • The total amount of matter in an object • Anything that has mass and takes up space • ...
- Any characteristic of a system that describes a system
- Any change that a system undergoes from one equilibrium state to one another
- Internal energy related to _________ structure
- Internal energy related to _________ of molecular activity
- Region chosen to study the changes of physical property
- ________properties dependent on the size/extent of the system
- Sum of all microscopic forms of energy called ________ energy
- Example forms of energy
- Series of states through which a system passes during a process
- One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy
- There are ______types of system
- Real or imaginary surface that separates the system from its surrounding
- Types of system where only heat transfer across the boundary
- Example forms of energy
- One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy
- Types of system where heat and mass transfer across boundary
- Region outside the system
- Types of system where is no heat/mass transfer across the boundary
- A set of properties that describes the condition of a system at a certain time
- _________ properties independent of the size/extent of the system
20 Clues: Example forms of energy • Example forms of energy • Region outside the system • There are ______types of system • Internal energy related to _________ structure • One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy • One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy • Any characteristic of a system that describes a system • ...
- There are ______types of system
- Any characteristic of a system that describes a system
- Region outside the system
- Types of system where is no heat/mass transfer across the boundary
- One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy
- One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy
- Real or imaginary surface that separates the system from its surrounding
- A set of properties that describes the condition of a system at a certain time
- ________properties dependent on the size/extent of the system
- Internal energy related to _________ of molecular activity
- Region chosen to study the changes of physical property
- Sum of all microscopic forms of energy called ________ energy
- Any change that a system undergoes from one equilibrium state to one another
- Example forms of energy
- Example forms of energy
- Types of system where heat and mass transfer across boundary
- Internal energy related to _________ structure
- Series of states through which a system passes during a process
- Types of system where only heat transfer across the boundary
- _________ properties independent of the size/extent of the system
20 Clues: Example forms of energy • Example forms of energy • Region outside the system • There are ______types of system • Internal energy related to _________ structure • One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy • One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy • Region chosen to study the changes of physical property • ...
Fitz's Comp Sci 2 Adv Cumulative Review 2021-03-05
- Type of heat transfer that requires direct contact
- The movement of sediment
- Energy of motion
- Data in science that is represented by numbers
- Organisms that make their own food using the Sun’s energy
- Organisms that must eat other organisms for energy
- Plate boundary that forms mountains and volcanoes
- Physical or chemical processes that break rocks down into sediment
- Symbiotic relationship where both individuals benefit
- Plate boundary where new lithosphere is created
- The alleles of the genotype are different
- Symbiotic relationship where one organisms benefits and the other is unaffected
- Type of heat transfer that causes warm fluids to rise
- Stored energy
- Plate boundary most commonly associated with earthquakes
- Data in science that is represented by words
- Variable that the scientist is testing during the experiment
- Sediment is dropped into a new location as the agent of erosion slows
- Variable that changes in response to the independent variable
- Reproduction that involves two parents and results in offspring that are genetically different from the parents
- Rock that forms when sediment is compacted and cemented
- Lake that forms next to a meandering river after deposition cuts off one of the bends
- Both alleles of the genotype are the same
- Cell division that results in two identical daughter cells
- Rock that forms when magma cools and hardens
25 Clues: Stored energy • Energy of motion • The movement of sediment • Both alleles of the genotype are the same • The alleles of the genotype are different • Data in science that is represented by words • Rock that forms when magma cools and hardens • Data in science that is represented by numbers • Plate boundary where new lithosphere is created • ...
Forms of Energy 2016-10-10
- The movement or Change in a Object
- The Energy could move or not
- The Energy located in Food.
- The Energy created from a micro wave for example.
- The Energy created from man made machines.
- The Energy Which is Created from Heat
- The energy's atoms fuse together
- The Vibration of atoms which pass through Objects.
8 Clues: The Energy located in Food. • The Energy could move or not • The energy's atoms fuse together • The movement or Change in a Object • The Energy Which is Created from Heat • The Energy created from man made machines. • The Energy created from a micro wave for example. • The Vibration of atoms which pass through Objects.
Forms of Energy 2022-04-26
- energy carried by sound
- energy carried by an electric current
- sum of kinetic and potential energy of the particles in matter due to their random motion
- energy due to motion
- stored energy due to interactions between objects or particles
- energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
- total energy of an object or group of objects due to large-scale motions and interactions
- energy carried by electromagnetic waves
8 Clues: energy due to motion • energy carried by sound • energy carried by an electric current • energy stored in the nucleus of an atom • energy carried by electromagnetic waves • stored energy due to interactions between objects or particles • total energy of an object or group of objects due to large-scale motions and interactions • ...
Forms of Energy 2022-09-13
8 Clues: to bend • to take in • bounce back • how high or low a sound is • move quickly back and forth • energy that travels in waves you can hear • the ability to make something move or change • the dark area behind an object that has blocked light
Forms of Energy 2021-12-02
- the ability to cause change
- energy, the energy stored in chemical bonds
- the energy stored in an object because of it's position
- the energy of an object has because of motion
- the energy carried by light
- the energy of an object that increases as temperature increases
- energy, the energy carried by the electrical current that comes out of batteries and electrical outlets
- the energy in the nucleus of every atom
8 Clues: the ability to cause change • the energy carried by light • the energy in the nucleus of every atom • energy, the energy stored in chemical bonds • the energy of an object has because of motion • the energy stored in an object because of it's position • the energy of an object that increases as temperature increases • ...
Forms of Energy 2023-01-26
- energy resulting from the flow of charged particles
- energy stored due to an object's position or arrangement
- material that allows heat or electrical energy to easily flow through it
- energy produced by a machine or moving part
- energy of motion
- The ability to do work or cause change
- to move or travel smoothly in a certain direction
- Energy that causes a change in temperature of materials
8 Clues: energy of motion • The ability to do work or cause change • energy produced by a machine or moving part • to move or travel smoothly in a certain direction • energy resulting from the flow of charged particles • Energy that causes a change in temperature of materials • energy stored due to an object's position or arrangement • ...
Forms of Energy 2023-09-06
- Energy that allows us to see
- Anything that takes up space and has weight
- What is needed to do work or cause change
- All the energy something has due to its movement and position
- Energy that causes a transfer of hear between materials
- Energy that travels as waves through the air or water and vibrates the eardrum upon contact
- A force acting on an object causing that object to move in the direction of that force
- Energy resulting from the flow of electric charge through a conductor
8 Clues: Energy that allows us to see • What is needed to do work or cause change • Anything that takes up space and has weight • Energy that causes a transfer of hear between materials • All the energy something has due to its movement and position • Energy resulting from the flow of electric charge through a conductor • ...
Forms of Energy 2024-02-09
8 Clues: We see it • In motion • Found in uranium • Refers to temperature • Stored in a rubber band • Its binds food together • It flies on the invisible waves • Potential energy transferred to kinetic
Energy Forms & Transformation 2021-06-22
- virational movement through substances in waves
- is stored energy that depends on an object's mass and position or shape
- how much matter there is in something
- vibration and movement of molecules
- is energy of motion that depends on an object's mass and speed
- energy dependent on mass and heights
- happens when a force is used to move an object through a distance
- is the ability to do work
- stored to being stretched or compressed
- energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
- energy stored in bonds between atoms
- where an object is relative to a point of reference
- the total energy an object has because of its motion and position
- electromagnetic waves
- movement of electrons
15 Clues: electromagnetic waves • movement of electrons • is the ability to do work • vibration and movement of molecules • energy stored in bonds between atoms • energy dependent on mass and heights • how much matter there is in something • stored to being stretched or compressed • energy stored in the nucleus of an atom • virational movement through substances in waves • ...
Forms of energy 2015-11-04
- ;total energy of motion and position of an object
- ;a form of energy that can travel through space.
- ;the energy an object has because of its position or condition.
- ; the energy that is stored in matter and that can be released by a chemical reaction.
- ;the energy caused by movement of electric charges.
- ;the total kinetic energy of the particles that make up a substance.
- ;energy an object has because of motion
- ; a form of energy that is carried as waves in vibrating matter
8 Clues: ;energy an object has because of motion • ;a form of energy that can travel through space. • ;total energy of motion and position of an object • ;the energy caused by movement of electric charges. • ; a form of energy that is carried as waves in vibrating matter • ;the energy an object has because of its position or condition. • ...
FORMS OF ENERGY 2021-02-04
- produced by split atoms
- energy produced by electrons moving through substances
- involves attraction between two objects based on their mass
- form of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by human eyes and is emitted by hot objects.
- move from one place to another via conduction, convection and radiation
- form of potential energy and is stored in food, gasoline, wood, coal
- moving energy, form we see around, produced by moving objects
- produced when objects vibrate, travel by waves in all directions
8 Clues: produced by split atoms • energy produced by electrons moving through substances • involves attraction between two objects based on their mass • moving energy, form we see around, produced by moving objects • produced when objects vibrate, travel by waves in all directions • form of potential energy and is stored in food, gasoline, wood, coal • ...
Forms of Energy 2019-05-07
- energy you can hear
- the ability to make things move or change
- a faucet handle uses this type of energy
- a roller coaster car moving down a hill
- energy that transforms into heat
- a roller coaster car at the top of a hill uses this type of energy
- this type of energy is used when you charge an IPad
- energy you can see
8 Clues: energy you can see • energy you can hear • energy that transforms into heat • a roller coaster car moving down a hill • a faucet handle uses this type of energy • the ability to make things move or change • this type of energy is used when you charge an IPad • a roller coaster car at the top of a hill uses this type of energy
Forms of Energy 2021-07-01
- Objects store this energy when they are stretched, compressed or twisted
- Wires carry this energy to power your TV
- All moving objects have this energy
- Your eyes detect this energy when you see a rainbow
- Objects store this energy when they rise above the ground
- This energy is used to warm something up
- This energy is stored in food and batteries
- Your ears detect this energy when you listen to music
8 Clues: All moving objects have this energy • This energy is used to warm something up • Wires carry this energy to power your TV • This energy is stored in food and batteries • Your eyes detect this energy when you see a rainbow • Your ears detect this energy when you listen to music • Objects store this energy when they rise above the ground • ...
Forms of Energy 2022-01-31
- Radiant light and heat from the sun
- Potential energy of an object due to height
- Energy released during Fission or Fusion
- Energy due to Connecticut Energy of Atoms
- Energy that flows from an Electrical Charge
- Energy that travels by waves Electronic Radiation
- Energy associated with vibration of matter
- Energy stored in Chemical Compounds
8 Clues: Radiant light and heat from the sun • Energy stored in Chemical Compounds • Energy released during Fission or Fusion • Energy due to Connecticut Energy of Atoms • Energy associated with vibration of matter • Energy that flows from an Electrical Charge • Potential energy of an object due to height • Energy that travels by waves Electronic Radiation
FORMS OF ENERGY 2023-04-10
- A moving object has _____ energy
- Potential energy is also known as _____ energy
- object above the ground has _____ potential energy
- light and sound energy can be used for ____
- _____ need light energy to capture images
- Lamps and calculators require _____ energy to work
- Heat energy is also used for ______
- heat energy is used to keep us _____
8 Clues: A moving object has _____ energy • Heat energy is also used for ______ • heat energy is used to keep us _____ • _____ need light energy to capture images • light and sound energy can be used for ____ • Potential energy is also known as _____ energy • Lamps and calculators require _____ energy to work • object above the ground has _____ potential energy
Forms of Energy 2024-02-07
- energy you can hear and travel in waves
- can be transformed but never destroyed
- total potential and kinetic energy of an object
- energy released by chemical reaction
- energy you can see and travels in waves
- energy in motion
- stored energy due to the position or condition
- energy caused by the movement of electric charge
- the ability to cause changes in matter
9 Clues: energy in motion • energy released by chemical reaction • can be transformed but never destroyed • the ability to cause changes in matter • energy you can hear and travel in waves • energy you can see and travels in waves • stored energy due to the position or condition • total potential and kinetic energy of an object • energy caused by the movement of electric charge
forms of energy 2025-01-18
- energy- This is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules
- energy -This is energy related to forces on electrically charged particles and the movement of those particles (often electrons in wires, but not always).
- energy - this energy that is stored in an object due to its position or condition.
- energy -this is the energy of motion, observable as the movement of an object or subatomic particle.
- energy- This is the energy of either an object in motion or the energy that is stored in objects by their position.
- energy- This is produced when a rise in temperature causes atoms and molecules to move faster and collide with each other.
- energy- This is the physical energy resulting from electromagnetic
- energy- This is the result when a force, either sound or pressure, makes an object or substance vibrate.
8 Clues: energy- This is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules • energy- This is the physical energy resulting from electromagnetic • energy - this energy that is stored in an object due to its position or condition. • energy -this is the energy of motion, observable as the movement of an object or subatomic particle. • ...
Forms of Energy 2025-02-04
- Elastic energy is stored in an elastic object when________.
- Kinetic energy is the energy in _______ objects.
- Gravitational potential energy is stored in any object_____ ground.
- Energy stored in batteries can also be changed to_______ energy.
- Fossil fuels have chemical _______ energy.
- We get ______ from the food we eat.
- Sound energy is produced by _______ objects.
- The faster the objects move, the _____ kinetic energy it has.
8 Clues: We get ______ from the food we eat. • Fossil fuels have chemical _______ energy. • Sound energy is produced by _______ objects. • Kinetic energy is the energy in _______ objects. • Elastic energy is stored in an elastic object when________. • The faster the objects move, the _____ kinetic energy it has. • ...
Energy 2018-02-28
- a non-renewable resource
- allows or prevents energy from flowing
- allows energy to flow through
- a non-renewable resource made from dead plant remains
- energy at rest or stored
- rate of an electrical charge
- energy from the sun
- energy that is created when you plug something in
- energy from hot things
- does not allow energy to pass through
- you plug something into this
- petroleum is another name for this
- energy which is visible
- energy from water
- energy from wind
- energy that moves
- alternative forms of energy
- the ability to do work
- another word for heat
- energy in motion
20 Clues: energy from wind • energy in motion • energy from water • energy that moves • energy from the sun • another word for heat • the ability to do work • energy from hot things • energy which is visible • a non-renewable resource • energy at rest or stored • alternative forms of energy • rate of an electrical charge • you plug something into this • allows energy to flow through • ...
Earth's Resources 2023-01-24
- All living things contain this element.
- The type of nuclear reaction that takes place when atoms are split.
- The machine that is used with wind energy.
- Organic matter from plants and from animal waste that contains stored chemical energy.
- Electrical energy produced by moving water.
- This resource can be replaced fairly quickly in a relatively short amount of time.
- This type of energy is available from outlets.
- Energy received by Earth from the sun in the form of radiation.
- This natural resource is used to make objects, food or drink.
- This resource forms much more slowly than it is consumed.
- Heat and ______________ change organisms into fossil fuels.
- This nonrenewable resource formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
- This renewable resource uses the force of moving air to drive a generator.
- This natural resource is used to generate energy.
- Energy that is produced from heat from Earth's interior.
- This is the gaseous fossil fuel that is mainly used for heating and cooking.
- Fossil fuels are _____________ to release energy.
- This is the solid fossil fuel that forms from swamp plants.
- This is the liquid fossil fuel that can be processed to make gasoline.
- This type of energy comes from the nucleus of an atom.
20 Clues: All living things contain this element. • The machine that is used with wind energy. • Electrical energy produced by moving water. • This type of energy is available from outlets. • This natural resource is used to generate energy. • Fossil fuels are _____________ to release energy. • This type of energy comes from the nucleus of an atom. • ...
Geo science 2023-05-24
- Heats your food
- A giant cloud in space
- the height of a wave crest to trough
- Flows A pour of lava created during non explosive eruption
- The layers of strata
- Happens at night
- Pulls objects towards its core
- Hot liquid inside the Earth
- Forms from compaction and cementation
- Has the least energy and the longest wavelengths
- The unit force for gravity
- Force measured in Newtons
- The planets that are closer to the sun and are terrestrial
- Magma above ground
- Happens during the day
- Forms from high heat and pressure
- The planets that are far from and sun and are gas giants
- Has the most energy and shortest wavelengths
- Unit of frequency
- Forms from cooled down magma or lava
20 Clues: Heats your food • Happens at night • Unit of frequency • Magma above ground • The layers of strata • A giant cloud in space • Happens during the day • Force measured in Newtons • The unit force for gravity • Hot liquid inside the Earth • Pulls objects towards its core • Forms from high heat and pressure • the height of a wave crest to trough • Forms from cooled down magma or lava • ...
Forms of Energy & Heat Transfer 2023-03-02
- Gravitational energy is energy stored in an object's __________
- Heat transfer by waves
- The broad category of energy that is stored
- The Law of Conservation of _________ says that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed
- The broad category of the energy of motion
- Heat transfer by touch
- Chemical energy is energy stored in chemical _______
- Radiant energy travels in electromagnetic ________
- Any moving object has this type of energy
- Electrical energy is the energy of moving _____________
- Elastic energy is energy stored in ____________ objects
- Heat transfer by density differences
- Energy is the ability to do _______
- Thermal energy is the energy of moving ____________ (i.e. everything)
- Another type of energy that travels in waves, even if you can't hear it
- Nuclear energy is energy stored in the __________ of an atom
16 Clues: Heat transfer by waves • Heat transfer by touch • Energy is the ability to do _______ • Heat transfer by density differences • Any moving object has this type of energy • The broad category of the energy of motion • The broad category of energy that is stored • Radiant energy travels in electromagnetic ________ • Chemical energy is energy stored in chemical _______ • ...
6.4 Understanding Energy and Energy Resources Vocabulary 2023-03-22
- energy Produced by the internal heat of the earth.
- energy Moves back and forth from potential (stored) energy to kinetic (moving) energy.
- energy Energy of motion.
- energy Energy from moving molecules, related to heat.
- energy energy Energy obtained by harnessing tidal power.
- Energy Budget Accounts for the balance between the energy that Earth receives from the Sun, and the energy the Earth radiates back into outer space.
- Produced from vegetable oils, animal fats, and other byproducts of human waste.
- energy Types of energy that can be replaced after they have been used. Wind, water, solar, biomass, and geothermal are examples.Tidal energy
- gas A fossil fuel found by drilling, contains primarily methane.
- energy Radiant energy from the sun.
- A changes in position from one point to another point.
- energy Types of energy that cannot be replaced after they have been used. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy are examples.
- energy Energy formed by breaking bonds in a chemical reaction.
- Composed of one type of atom that cannot be broken by ordinary means.
- energy Generation of electricity using flow of water (usually from a dam) to drive a turbine that powers a generator.
- Generated when wind turns turbines to run generators that convert energy into electricity.
- energy Stored energy, the energy of position.
- A viscous liquid from petroleum, especially for use as a fuel or lubricant; A liquid mixture of hydrocarbons present in rock that can be extracted and made into gasoline, kerosene, and oil.
- energy Energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity.
- fuels A fuel such as coal, oil, petroleum, or natural gas that is formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
- A fossil fuel created by pressure on decayed trees and plants from primeval forests.
- transformation Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms. Energy transformations start with the power source then change to other forms of energy.
- The ability to do work.
23 Clues: The ability to do work. • energy Energy of motion. • energy Radiant energy from the sun. • energy Stored energy, the energy of position. • energy Produced by the internal heat of the earth. • energy Energy from moving molecules, related to heat. • A changes in position from one point to another point. • energy energy Energy obtained by harnessing tidal power. • ...
Matter and Kinetics 2022-01-15
- mass, volume, and __________ are properties of matter.
- this state of matter had fixed mass, volume, and shape.
- water towers harness this potential energy to get water into your home.
- all things in the universe are made of __________.
- eels are an example or ___________________ energy.
- a form of energy with moving parts, like a winding music box.
- potential energy found in rubber bands.
- this state of matter DOES NOT have fixed volume or shape.
- there are four forms of _______________ energy, which is stored and converted for use.
- a form of potential energy found in food, firewood, propane, and batteries.
- "characteristics" of matter.
- the property of matter describing weight.
- the form of kinetic energy that contains wavelengths of light.
- the Greek root KINE means _________________.
- there are five forms of ________________ energy, which depends on the movement of atoms.
- the property of matter describing physical space.
- this state of matter has fixed mass and volume, but can change shape.
17 Clues: "characteristics" of matter. • potential energy found in rubber bands. • the property of matter describing weight. • the Greek root KINE means _________________. • the property of matter describing physical space. • all things in the universe are made of __________. • eels are an example or ___________________ energy. • ...
Forms, forms, forms 2016-05-01
- 3. Pers. Sg. Neutrum, present progressive, to run
- 1. Pers. Sg., simple past, to take
- 3. Pers. Sg. männlich, past perfect, to watch
- 3. Pers. Sg. Neutrum, going-to-future, to rain
- 3. Pers. Sg. weiblich, present progressive, to dream
- 3. Pers. Sg. weiblich, will-future, to drink
- 3. Pers. Sg. männlich, simple present, to read
- 1. Pers. Sg., present perfect, to cook
- 2. Pers. Sg., present progressive, to draw
- 1. Pers. Sg., past perfect, to close
- 1. Pers. Pl., past perfect, to have
- 2. Pers. Sg., simple past, to write
- 3. Pers. Sg. männlich, present progressive, to water
- 1. Pers. Pl., will-future, to celebrate
- 2. Pers. Pl., present perfect, to dance
- 2. Pers. Pl., simple past, to open
- 3. Pers. Pl., present perfect, to show
- 3. Pers. Pl., will-future, to call
- 2. Pers. Sg., simple past, to empty
- 3. Pers. Pl., simple present, to paint
20 Clues: 1. Pers. Sg., simple past, to take • 2. Pers. Pl., simple past, to open • 3. Pers. Pl., will-future, to call • 2. Pers. Sg., simple past, to write • 2. Pers. Sg., simple past, to empty • 1. Pers. Pl., past perfect, to have • 1. Pers. Sg., past perfect, to close • 3. Pers. Pl., present perfect, to show • 1. Pers. Sg., present perfect, to cook • ...
Energy Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-25
- what holds the atom in a molecule together
- attraction between two massed
- energy is stored
- comes in different forms
- energy stored in objects
- thermal energy
- has matter
- the energy of an atom
- protects and restores biodiversity
- the energy of moving particles
- energy generated by electrons
- energy of motion
- energy with vibrations
- electromagnetic radiation
- quickness of motion
- regaining shape when stretched
16 Clues: has matter • thermal energy • energy of motion • quickness of motion • energy is stored • the energy of an atom • energy with vibrations • comes in different forms • energy stored in objects • electromagnetic radiation • energy generated by electrons • attraction between two massed • the energy of moving particles • regaining shape when stretched • protects and restores biodiversity • ...
Energy 2016-11-01
- stored energy
- Potential energy that increases the higher an object is above the surface of the Earth.
- A form of energy calculated by adding the potential and kinetic energy of a system.
- up toy Mechanical energy to motion, thermal and sound.
- the energy released when chemical bonds are broken.
- A form of energy that results when a force causes an object or substance to vibrate — the energy is transferred through the substance in a wave.
- Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes forms.
- is an example of Radiant energy
- Solar Panel
- a stretched rubber band is an example of Elastic potential
- The ability to do work or to create change.
- The vibration and movement of atoms and molecules within substances. The higher the temperature the faster the movement.
- The energy of stretched or compressed objects.
- The movement of electrical charges called electrons.
- Electromagnetic energy that travels in waves. Examples include: visible light, x-rays, gamma rays, microwaves and radio waves.
- a person about to jump from the high dive has
- energy of motion
- a hair dryer using electrical energy and kinetic energy to create heat energy to dry your hair.
- The energy of light and other forms of radiation that travels through space as waves.
- from the Sun warming Earth. Electromagnetic Energy
- The state of two or more objects or substances in thermal contact when they have reached a common temperature
- Chemical energy
- The energy that holds the nucleus of an atom together. It is released when the nucleus of an atom is broken apart or joined together with another atom's nucleus.
- is an example of chemical energy
24 Clues: Solar Panel • stored energy • Chemical energy • energy of motion • is an example of Radiant energy • is an example of chemical energy • The ability to do work or to create change. • a person about to jump from the high dive has • The energy of stretched or compressed objects. • from the Sun warming Earth. Electromagnetic Energy • ...
Energy Forms/Transformation Crossword 2023-12-06
- the energy of moving electrons
- energy can convert from potential to ________.
- heat energy
- there are many different ______ of energy
- unit of measurement for energy
- perfect example for the transfer of potential to kinetic energy.
- energy from vibrations in matter
- The ability to do work or cause change
- the majority of energy on earth originates from the ____.
- energy stored in the bonds of molecules
- energy in moving objects
- gravity, ________, and air resistance are often involved in energy transformations
- radiant energy travels in _______.
- sound can travel through solids, liquids, and _______.
- energy is never lost but always _________.
- the energy locked in the nucleus of an atom
- mechanical energy is the energy of ______ or position
- one-half mass times _______ squared
- stored energy stored in an object
- the energy of light
- mass times gravity times _______.
21 Clues: heat energy • the energy of light • energy in moving objects • the energy of moving electrons • unit of measurement for energy • energy from vibrations in matter • stored energy stored in an object • mass times gravity times _______. • radiant energy travels in _______. • one-half mass times _______ squared • The ability to do work or cause change • ...
Types of Energy Crossword 2017-05-07
- Energy of movement
- Opposites attract - same sides repel
- Energy that is used to do work
- Water-energy
- Stored energy
- Energy of particles moving through a wire
- Radiant energy emitted by the sun
- Energy that occurs when objects are stretched
- Batteries contain this energy
- Energy you can see
- Energy of turbines
- This energy is not in space
- A form of energy you can hear
- Ouch don't touch
- Energy of the sun
- Has many different forms
16 Clues: Water-energy • Stored energy • Ouch don't touch • Energy of the sun • Energy you can see • Energy of turbines • Energy of movement • Has many different forms • This energy is not in space • Batteries contain this energy • A form of energy you can hear • Energy that is used to do work • Radiant energy emitted by the sun • Opposites attract - same sides repel • ...
Chemical Bonding 2022-12-09
- electrostatic attraction that forms between metal atoms resulting in strong crystal lattice
- electrons in outermost energy level of an atom
- "full" set of eight valence electrons
- term used to describe "sea of electrons" responsible for metallic bonding
- type of bond that forms when difference in electronegativity of atoms is between 1.7 and 0.3
- arrangement of electrons in an atom
- alloy that forms from atoms that are similar in size
- how pairs of electrons are used by atoms in a covalent bond
- how atoms gain or lose electrons to form ionic bonds
- positively charged ion formed when an atom loses one or more electrons
- type of bond that forms when atoms share one or more pairs of valence electrons
- type of atom that typically forms a cation
- mixture formed by metallic bonding among different types of metal and/or nonmetal atoms
- valence electrons that are able to be transferred or shared in a chemical bond
- strong attractive force between atoms or ions
- property of atoms minimized by forming bonds
- property of atoms maximized by forming bonds
- type of bond that forms from atoms transferring electrons
- substance formed by metallic bonding among one type of metal atom
- separation of charge found in polar bonds
- type of bond that forms when difference in electronegativity is less than 0.3
- property of atoms that determines type of bonds they form
- alloy that forms from atoms that are very different in size
- type of atom that typically forms an anion
- negatively charged ion formed when an atom gains one or more electrons
25 Clues: arrangement of electrons in an atom • "full" set of eight valence electrons • separation of charge found in polar bonds • type of atom that typically forms an anion • type of atom that typically forms a cation • property of atoms minimized by forming bonds • property of atoms maximized by forming bonds • strong attractive force between atoms or ions • ...
Chemistry Vocab 2022-12-14
- reactions that use energy to react
- type of bond that forms when atoms share electrons
- the substances formed during the reaction
- concentration of H ions in a solution
- type of bond that forms when two oppositely charged atoms are attracted to each other
- reactions that release energy when reacting
- neutrally charged particles
- atoms of an element with different numbers of neutrons
- releases H ions in water
- protein catalysts
- forces of attraction between positively and negatively charged parts of molecules
- a substance that lowers the activation energy
- the starting substances
- process by which atoms in substances are reorganized into different substances
- energy the minimum amount of energy needed to get reactants to react
- a pure substance that cannot be broken down
- positively charged particles
- the center of the atom
- a pure substance formed when two or more different elements combine
- negatively charged particles
- releases OH ions in water
21 Clues: protein catalysts • the center of the atom • the starting substances • releases H ions in water • releases OH ions in water • neutrally charged particles • positively charged particles • negatively charged particles • reactions that use energy to react • concentration of H ions in a solution • the substances formed during the reaction • a pure substance that cannot be broken down • ...
Energy Conservation Crossword 2020-06-07
- Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
- Form of renewable energy that comes from heat stored in magma rocks beneath Earth's surface.
- Has a finite amount of availability.
- Can be used infinitely.
- Form of energy that splits uranium-235 atoms to release massive amounts of heat
- Source of renewable energy that generates electricity from solar panels
- Natural fuels such as gas and coal. Non-renewable forms of energy that release greenhouse gases into the air when burned.
- Form of renewable energy that converts the energy of flowing water into electricity.
- Forms with both oil and coal deposits
- Source of non-renewable energy found mainly underground in reservoirs.
- The rate at which work is done.
- Source of non-renewable energy that forms over millions of years from ancient deposits of terrestrial plants buried under sediments.
- Form of renewable energy that captures natural wind and converts the motion of air into mechanical energy.
13 Clues: Can be used infinitely. • The rate at which work is done. • Has a finite amount of availability. • Forms with both oil and coal deposits • Source of non-renewable energy found mainly underground in reservoirs. • Source of renewable energy that generates electricity from solar panels • Form of energy that splits uranium-235 atoms to release massive amounts of heat • ...
Forms of Energy 4.6A 2019-08-22
- _____ energy - Energy produced by a lantern.
- - Energy produced by a power source.
- _____ energy - Energy that makes your car move.
- - Energy that causes a change in temperature.
- - Energy that travels as waves through the air or water and vibrates the eardrum on contact.
- - Energy produced by a machine or moving part.
- _____ energy - Energy used to make many foods safe to eat.
- - Energy that can be sensed by the eye.
- _____ energy - Energy used to transmit data across the world wide web.
- _____ energy - Energy produced by your vocal cords.
- - That which is needed to do work.
11 Clues: - That which is needed to do work. • - Energy produced by a power source. • - Energy that can be sensed by the eye. • _____ energy - Energy produced by a lantern. • - Energy that causes a change in temperature. • - Energy produced by a machine or moving part. • _____ energy - Energy that makes your car move. • _____ energy - Energy produced by your vocal cords. • ...
Forms Of Energy Vocabulary 2022-03-15
- energy of moving electrons
- vibrations move through substances
- A form of potential energy that is stored in chemical bonds between atoms.
- Potential energy that depends on the height of an object
- energy carried by electromagnetic waves ex. light
- energy stored energy that results from the position or shape of an object
- The total energy of motion in the particles of a substance
- the potential energy of an object that is stretched or compressed
- the energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects
- energy that a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.
- Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
11 Clues: energy of moving electrons • vibrations move through substances • Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom • energy carried by electromagnetic waves ex. light • Potential energy that depends on the height of an object • The total energy of motion in the particles of a substance • energy that a body possesses by virtue of being in motion. • ...
Energy 2014-12-31
- Energy of motion
- Energy from the nucleus
- Energy due to position or condition
- Causes temperature to rise when added
- The loss of energy to less useful forms
- The principle of ....................... of energy
- Energy in food, fuel and batteries
- I said, it's the unit of Power!
- The ability to do work
- Work divided by time
- Shrinkage
- Done when a force moves a body
- Caused by vibrations
- How energy from the Sun gets here
- Turns motion into electricity
- when an object takes up more space
- Discovered the lowest possible temperature
- Unit of work and energy
- Uses magnetic energy to find the way
19 Clues: Shrinkage • Energy of motion • Caused by vibrations • Work divided by time • The ability to do work • Energy from the nucleus • Unit of work and energy • Turns motion into electricity • Done when a force moves a body • I said, it's the unit of Power! • How energy from the Sun gets here • when an object takes up more space • Energy in food, fuel and batteries • ...
Natural Resources 2022-05-25
- _______ has the least amount of oil in the world
- Diamonds are found in ancient _____
- ______ is energy from inside the Earth's core
- _______ energy is a nonrenewable resource
- A ______ resource is a resource that can be replaced
- _______ is when you manage the use of a resource wisely
- _______ has eight percent of the total oil on Earth
- _______ energy comes from the sun
- Biodiversity is richest in tropical ____
- ___________ is electricity from water
- _______ use is when you use a resource in a way that it stays for a long period of time
- A _____ resource is a resource that will run out and can't be replaced
- _______ is a nonrenewable resource
- _______ has seven percent of the total oil on Earth
- _______ energy comes from wind
- A variety of life is called a ______
- _______ is a renewable resource
- _______ is the energy for everything
- _______ East has the most amount of in the world
- ______ forms at locations where marine life is buried
- _______ forms at locations that were ancient swamps
21 Clues: _______ energy comes from wind • _______ is a renewable resource • _______ energy comes from the sun • _______ is a nonrenewable resource • Diamonds are found in ancient _____ • A variety of life is called a ______ • _______ is the energy for everything • ___________ is electricity from water • Biodiversity is richest in tropical ____ • ...
Energy unite 2022-03-04
- used to objects
- radiant is also referred as___ energy
- energy in motion
- energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched
- stored energy
- comes from outlets and power plants
- energy can never be created or destroyed , it can only change forms
- heat that comes from the sun
- energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds
- used to power _______ devices
- comes from energy that is reflected or emitted in forms of electrical and magnetic waves that can travel through spaces
- light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs
- comes from a variety of sources used most often for communication
- the ability to cause change
14 Clues: stored energy • used to objects • energy in motion • the ability to cause change • heat that comes from the sun • used to power _______ devices • comes from outlets and power plants • radiant is also referred as___ energy • energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds • light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs • energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched • ...
Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-23
- this energy forms waves based on compressions and rarefactions
- this energy comes from electrons in atoms
- this energy forms from random vibrating atoms
- energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom
- comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart
- this energy has a crest and trough
- this energy is energy in motion
- this energy is stored up energy
- hydrogen combines with itself to from helium this is also known as...
- enrgy that ________ forms
- this energy is released once ______ are combined
11 Clues: enrgy that ________ forms • this energy is energy in motion • this energy is stored up energy • this energy has a crest and trough • this energy comes from electrons in atoms • this energy forms from random vibrating atoms • energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom • this energy is released once ______ are combined • comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart • ...
Chapter 22 (Compounds) and 23 (Chemical Reactions) 2024-04-22
- A substance written to the right of the arrow in a chemical equation
- A change that releases energy
- Law of _______ of Matter
- statement that atoms will gain, lose, or share electrons so that they will have 8 electrons in their outer energy levels
- A substance written to the left of the arrow in a chemical equation
- Describes an equation with the same number of atoms of each element on both sides of the arrow
- AB --> A + B
- electrons in the outer energy level
- A substance that speeds up a reaction without being changed itself
- A change that absorbs energy
- The energy needed to start a combustion reaction
- A substance that slows down a chemical change
- A+ BC --> AC + B
- Carbon-compound + O2 --> CO2 + H20
- A shorthand representation of a chemical reaction
- forms when atoms lose electrons to form positive ions
- a substance composed of only one type of atom
- A number written below and to the right of the element symbol in a chemical formula
- AB + CD --> AD + CB
- A number written in front of a chemical formula
- a substance composed of 2 or more elements
- A + B --> AB
- neither positive nor negative
- forms when two atoms share one or more pairs of electrons
- force of attraction between oppositely charged ions
- forms when atoms gain electrons to form negative ions
26 Clues: AB --> A + B • A + B --> AB • A+ BC --> AC + B • AB + CD --> AD + CB • Law of _______ of Matter • A change that absorbs energy • A change that releases energy • neither positive nor negative • Carbon-compound + O2 --> CO2 + H20 • electrons in the outer energy level • a substance composed of 2 or more elements • a substance composed of only one type of atom • ...
Answer key 2023-12-13
- energy made from light
- what determines if an object is kinetic
- built-up or stored energy
- energy that comes from a bomb
- energy in moving
- unit for energy
- law of 'blank' and energy
- energy changing from one to another
- energy from food
- energy from a car
- energy that comes from heat
- energy from talking
- determines if an object has potential energy
- energy that's in a phone
- the unit speed
- how many categories can each form of energy come in
- how many forms of energy are there
17 Clues: the unit speed • unit for energy • energy from food • energy in moving • energy from a car • energy from talking • energy made from light • energy that's in a phone • built-up or stored energy • law of 'blank' and energy • energy that comes from heat • energy that comes from a bomb • how many forms of energy are there • energy changing from one to another • ...
Forms of Energy - Recap 2013-04-16
- Form of energy associated and created by an electrical current.
- Work done by moving charges, electrons.
- Potential energy stored in the nucleaus of an atom.
- Potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of compounds.
- energy that relates to motion.
- Phenomenon occuring when two smaller nuclei combine to form a larger one.
- energy that relates to position.
- Sum of the energy of motion and position.
- Hydrogen-hydrogen nuclear fusion reaction releasing electromagnic radiation.
- By-product of energy release; also know as thermal energy
- Phenomenon occuring when a large nucleus split to release two or more smaller nuclei.
11 Clues: energy that relates to motion. • energy that relates to position. • Work done by moving charges, electrons. • Sum of the energy of motion and position. • Potential energy stored in the nucleaus of an atom. • By-product of energy release; also know as thermal energy • Potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of compounds. • ...
Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-22
- enrgy that ________ forms
- energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom
- this energy comes from electrons in atoms
- this energy is energy in motion
- this energy forms from random vibrating atoms
- hydrogen combines with itself to from helium this is also known as...
- this energy forms waves based on compressions and rarefactions
- this energy is released once ______ are combined
- comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart
- this energy has a crest and trough
- this energy is stored up energy
11 Clues: enrgy that ________ forms • this energy is stored up energy • this energy is energy in motion • this energy has a crest and trough • this energy comes from electrons in atoms • this energy forms from random vibrating atoms • energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom • this energy is released once ______ are combined • comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart • ...
Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-22
- enrgy that ________ forms
- energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom
- this energy comes from electrons in atoms
- this energy is energy in motion
- this energy forms from random vibrating atoms
- hydrogen combines with itself to from helium this is also known as...
- this energy forms waves based on compressions and rarefactions
- this energy is released once ______ are combined
- comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart
- this energy has a crest and trough
- this energy is stored up energy
11 Clues: enrgy that ________ forms • this energy is stored up energy • this energy is energy in motion • this energy has a crest and trough • this energy comes from electrons in atoms • this energy forms from random vibrating atoms • energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom • this energy is released once ______ are combined • comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart • ...
Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-22
- enrgy that ________ forms
- energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom
- this energy comes from electrons in atoms
- this energy is energy in motion
- this energy forms from random vibrating atoms
- hydrogen combines with itself to from helium this is also known as...
- this energy forms waves based on compressions and rarefactions
- this energy is released once ______ are combined
- comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart
- this energy has a crest and trough
- this energy is stored up energy
11 Clues: enrgy that ________ forms • this energy is stored up energy • this energy is energy in motion • this energy has a crest and trough • this energy comes from electrons in atoms • this energy forms from random vibrating atoms • energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom • this energy is released once ______ are combined • comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart • ...