forms of energy Crossword Puzzles

Energy Forms 2022-02-22

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to create change
  2. resources which can be replaced by natural process
  3. energy in motion
  4. light travelling in the form of a wave
  5. energy from the nucleus of an atom
  1. resources used faster than the earth can naturally replace
  2. stored energy
  3. energy from the electrons of an atom
  4. stored energy released when chemicals combine
  5. energy from vibrating atoms

10 Clues: stored energyenergy in motionenergy from vibrating atomsthe ability to create changeenergy from the nucleus of an atomenergy from the electrons of an atomlight travelling in the form of a wavestored energy released when chemicals combineresources which can be replaced by natural processresources used faster than the earth can naturally replace

Energy forms 2023-03-16

Energy forms crossword puzzle
  1. air vibrations we can hear
  2. Energy that is stored
  3. Energy stored in bands between atoms
  4. Energy in motion
  5. energy of electrical currents
  6. the transfer of heat
  1. energy released from splitting atoms
  2. energy of motion
  3. electromagnetic waves we can see
  4. the ability to do work

10 Clues: energy of motionEnergy in motionthe transfer of heatEnergy that is storedthe ability to do workair vibrations we can hearenergy of electrical currentselectromagnetic waves we can seeenergy released from splitting atomsEnergy stored in bands between atoms

Energy Forms 2022-10-27

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. this is energy that is stored in hot objects
  2. energy in moving bodies
  3. energy due to elevation or height
  4. visible energy from luminous objects
  1. energy at rest
  2. energy stored in food and/or chemicals
  3. transferred energy due to the flow of current
  4. the ability to do work
  5. energy transferred from vibrating objects
  6. energy when things are stretched

10 Clues: energy at restthe ability to do workenergy in moving bodiesenergy when things are stretchedenergy due to elevation or heightvisible energy from luminous objectsenergy stored in food and/or chemicalsenergy transferred from vibrating objectsthis is energy that is stored in hot objectstransferred energy due to the flow of current

Energy Forms 2023-11-01

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. This is the energy of motion
  2. This energy is produced because of vibrating waves
  3. A push or a pull
  4. This energy is produced by an object because of its motion or position
  5. This is the type of energy that you can see
  6. This energy is produced from a change or a reaction
  1. This energy is produced when charged particles flow
  2. This is the ability to do work
  3. This energy is produced when there is a change in temperature
  4. This is stored energy

10 Clues: A push or a pullThis is stored energyThis is the energy of motionThis is the ability to do workThis is the type of energy that you can seeThis energy is produced because of vibrating wavesThis energy is produced when charged particles flowThis energy is produced from a change or a reaction...

Energy 2022-03-25

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. type of mining used when coal deposits are deep underground
  2. technique involving fracturing bedrock formations underground by a pressurized liquid
  3. converts stored chemical energy into forms we can use for other things (AKA burning)
  4. energy of motion
  5. energy of an object due to its position or shape
  6. this greenhouse gas is released when methane is burned
  7. type of energy that is readily available and are replaced quickly
  8. this type of extraction uses the natural underground pressure
  9. the energy stored in chemical bonds
  1. country that used the most energy per capita
  2. plant in Ukraine that exploded an exposed a nuclear reactor core
  3. breaking up an atoms nucleus
  4. this type of energy is stored in forces holding atomic nuclei together
  5. most commonly used fossil fuel for electricity generation
  6. compressed, dead plant material that forms coal
  7. this type of kinetic energy that moves molecules based on the temperature
  8. 31% of energy is contained by this category of our countries energy
  9. the cleanest burning of the fossil fuels, relatively abundant in the US
  10. oil spill that occurred in 1989
  11. oil mixture of different hydrocarbons
  12. fuel for a nuclear reactor, an unstable atom that often emits a neutron

21 Clues: energy of motionbreaking up an atoms nucleusoil spill that occurred in 1989the energy stored in chemical bondsoil mixture of different hydrocarbonscountry that used the most energy per capitacompressed, dead plant material that forms coalenergy of an object due to its position or shapethis greenhouse gas is released when methane is burned...

Chem Feb Break 2025-02-13

Chem Feb Break crossword puzzle
  1. Gold foil experiment, discovered atom is made up of mostly ______________
  2. Nuclear energy produced when 1 larger nucleus splits into two smaller
  3. Location of protons in an atom
  4. Type of Covalent bond that forms between elements with little or no electronegativity difference
  5. Measure of attraction elements have for electrons in a chemical bond
  6. An atom emits light when it returns to the ___________ state
  7. Type of substance formed when 2 or more different elements are chemically combined in a fixed proportion
  8. The state when an electron jumps up a principal energy level
  9. Group 18 elements, unreactive with other elements
  10. When more moles of solute are added to a solution, freezing point ___________
  11. when a bond is formed, energy is _____________
  1. Element with the lowest number of protons
  2. Found on table E, Ions made up of multiple different atoms
  3. Equation used to measure the concentration of a solute in a solvent
  4. When an atom loses an electron, it becomes a __________ charged ion
  5. when a bond is broken, energy is ___________
  6. Two atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
  7. Phase of matter when particles are most packed together
  8. Bond that forms between a metal and a nonmetal
  9. when an atom gains an electron, it becomes a ___________ charged ion
  10. Bond that forms between two nonmetals
  11. Electrons on the outermost principal energy level of an atom
  12. Nuclear energy produced when 2 smaller nuclei combine to form a larger one
  13. type of solution when more solute can still be dissolved
  14. Type of covalent bond that forms between elements with high electronegativity difference
  15. The ability for a solute to dissolve in 100 g of water
  16. Type of solution when no more solute can be dissolved

27 Clues: Location of protons in an atomBond that forms between two nonmetalsElement with the lowest number of protonswhen a bond is broken, energy is ___________Bond that forms between a metal and a nonmetalwhen a bond is formed, energy is _____________Group 18 elements, unreactive with other elementsType of solution when no more solute can be dissolved...

Forms of Energy Crossword 2021-04-29

Forms of Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When leaves fall from the trees that is this energy.
  2. The energy involving the moment of objects.
  3. The energy you see used in rubber bands and compressed springs.
  4. The energy of motion.
  5. This energy allows you to see and use electromagnetic waves.
  1. This energy is the movement and vibration of atoms and molecules that make up a substace.
  2. The stored energy of an object.
  3. Energy involving the earth's magnetic field.
  4. This is the energy that is stored in electric charges of particles such as electrons, protons, and ions.
  5. The energy is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom and holds the nucleus together.
  6. An energy stored in the chemial bonds of molecules.
  7. This energy is the movement of sound waves that travel through the air.

12 Clues: The energy of motion.The stored energy of an object.The energy involving the moment of objects.Energy involving the earth's magnetic field.An energy stored in the chemial bonds of molecules.When leaves fall from the trees that is this energy.This energy allows you to see and use electromagnetic waves....

Energy unite 2022-03-04

Energy unite crossword puzzle
  1. used to power _______ devices
  2. comes from a variety of sources used most often for communication
  3. stored energy
  4. radiant is also referred as___ energy
  5. energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds
  6. energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched
  7. a form of energy that is reflected or emitted in forms of electrical and magnetic waves that can travel through spaces
  8. used to objects
  9. energy can never be created or destroyed , it can only change forms
  10. heat that comes from the sun
  1. comes from releasing energy from the nucleus of an atom
  2. energy in motion
  3. light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs
  4. the ability to cause change
  5. comes from outlets and power plants

15 Clues: stored energyused to objectsenergy in motionthe ability to cause changeheat that comes from the sunused to power _______ devicescomes from outlets and power plantsradiant is also referred as___ energylight that comes from the sun and lightbulbsenergy stored in chemical bonds of compoundsenergy stored in objects being compressed or stretched...

Energy unite 2022-03-04

Energy unite crossword puzzle
  1. used to power _______ devices
  2. light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs
  3. energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds
  4. comes from a variety of sources used most often for communication
  5. a form of energy that is reflected or emitted in forms of electrical and magnetic waves that can travel through spaces
  6. energy can never be created or destroyed , it can only change forms
  7. comes from releasing energy from the nucleus of an atom
  8. comes from outlets and power plants
  9. radiant is also referred as___ energy
  1. energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched
  2. stored energy
  3. used to objects
  4. energy in motion
  5. the ability to cause change
  6. heat that comes from the sun

15 Clues: stored energyused to objectsenergy in motionthe ability to cause changeheat that comes from the sunused to power _______ devicescomes from outlets and power plantsradiant is also referred as___ energylight that comes from the sun and lightbulbsenergy stored in chemical bonds of compoundsenergy stored in objects being compressed or stretched...

energy forms 2021-03-05

energy forms crossword puzzle
  1. an object that does work.
  2. -energy derived from electric potential energy or kinetic energy.
  3. -known as energy conversion, is the process of changing energy from one form to another.
  4. -the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors.
  1. -radiation refers to the waves of the electromagnetic field, propagating through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy.
  2. -In physics, and in particular as measured by radiometry, radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation.
  3. -the potential of a chemical substance to undergo a chemical reaction to transform into other substances.
  4. -energy which a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.
  5. -the energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity.
  6. -refers to several distinct physical concepts, such as the internal energy of a system; heat or sensible heat, which are defined as types of energy transfer.

10 Clues: an object that does work.-energy which a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.-energy derived from electric potential energy or kinetic energy.-known as energy conversion, is the process of changing energy from one form to another.-the energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity....

Energy Forms 2022-10-27

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. energy transferred from vibrating objects
  2. energy when things are stretched
  3. transferred energy due to the flow of current
  4. this is energy that is stored in hot objects
  5. energy due to elevation or height
  1. energy stored in food and/or chemicals
  2. energy in moving bodies
  3. energy at rest
  4. the ability to do work
  5. visible energy from luminous objects

10 Clues: energy at restthe ability to do workenergy in moving bodiesenergy when things are stretchedenergy due to elevation or heightvisible energy from luminous objectsenergy stored in food and/or chemicalsenergy transferred from vibrating objectsthis is energy that is stored in hot objectstransferred energy due to the flow of current

Energy Forms 2022-10-27

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. energy transferred from vibrating objects
  2. energy when things are stretched
  3. transferred energy due to the flow of current
  4. this is energy that is stored in hot objects
  5. energy due to elevation or height
  1. energy stored in food and/or chemicals
  2. energy in moving bodies
  3. energy at rest
  4. the ability to do work
  5. visible energy from luminous objects

10 Clues: energy at restthe ability to do workenergy in moving bodiesenergy when things are stretchedenergy due to elevation or heightvisible energy from luminous objectsenergy stored in food and/or chemicalsenergy transferred from vibrating objectsthis is energy that is stored in hot objectstransferred energy due to the flow of current

energy forms 2023-01-27

energy forms crossword puzzle
  1. energy from vibrations of atoms that form a wave based on compressions and rarefactions
  2. occurs when heat rises up
  3. energy from the electrons of the atom
  4. energy energy in the form of motion
  5. travels in the form of a wave
  6. energy from inside the nucleus of the atom
  1. energy that is stored and waiting
  2. energy energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work
  3. the ability to cause change
  4. a form of energy from random vibrating atoms

10 Clues: occurs when heat rises upthe ability to cause changetravels in the form of a waveenergy that is stored and waitingenergy energy in the form of motionenergy from the electrons of the atomenergy from inside the nucleus of the atoma form of energy from random vibrating atomsenergy energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work...

Energy Forms 2024-02-13

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that is produced by atoms vibrating and forming a wave.
  2. Energy that is produced by the random vibration of atoms.
  3. Materials that let energy pass through them easily
  4. Materials that don't let energy easily pass through them.
  1. Energy that comes from electrons moving.
  2. Atoms joining together to release energy.
  3. Energy that is released from the nucleus of an atom splitting apart.
  4. Energy that comes from inside the nucleus of an atom.
  5. Energy that is doing work or could be doing work.
  6. The process of electrons changing energy levels within atoms which results in energy.

10 Clues: Energy that comes from electrons moving.Atoms joining together to release energy.Energy that is doing work or could be doing work.Materials that let energy pass through them easilyEnergy that comes from inside the nucleus of an atom.Energy that is produced by the random vibration of atoms.Materials that don't let energy easily pass through them....

Energy Forms 2024-02-15

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. when two atoms come together and combine to make another
  2. occurs from electrons moving from one atom to the other
  3. chart of wavelengths and frequencies, some that we can see and some we cannot
  4. energy that is released through a nuclear reaction
  5. energy that is stored and then released when chemicals combine
  1. energy that happens from the vibrations of atoms that form a wave
  2. when heat transers from one object to the other
  3. Energy When random atoms vibrate
  4. energy that occurs from electrons changing levels in and atom,travels in a wave
  5. when the atom splits

10 Clues: when the atom splitsEnergy When random atoms vibratewhen heat transers from one object to the otherenergy that is released through a nuclear reactionoccurs from electrons moving from one atom to the otherwhen two atoms come together and combine to make anotherenergy that is stored and then released when chemicals combine...

APES Chapter 3 Vocab 2021-09-14

APES Chapter 3 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Organism that uses solar energy or chemical energy (some bacteria) to manufacture the organic compounds it needs as nutrients.
  2. web, Complex network of many interconnected food chains and feeding relationships.
  3. runoff, Water flowing off the land into bodies of surface water.
  4. cycle, Biogeochemical cycle that collects, purifies, and distributes the earth's fixed supply of water.
  5. Organism that digests parts of dead organisms.
  6. consumer, Animals that feeds on animal-eating animals.
  7. Complex mixture of inorganic minerals.
  8. level, All organisms that are the same number of energy transfers away from the original source of energy that enters an ecosystem.
  9. Animal that can use both plants and other animals as food sources.
  10. respiration, Complex process that occurs in the cells of most living organisms.
  11. cycle, Cyclic movement of carbon in different chemical forms.
  12. Consumer organism that feeds on detritus.
  13. Thin outer crust that contains most of the earth's rock, soil, and sediment.
  14. Water-saturated layers of sand, gravel, or bedrock.
  15. Gets its organic nutrients by feeding on the tissues of producers or of other consumers.
  16. consumer (herbivore), Organism that feeds on some or all parts of plants or on other producers.
  1. All the water on Earth's surface.
  2. Innermost layer of the atmosphere.
  3. cycle, Cyclic movement of phosphorus in different chemical forms.
  4. effect, Natural effect that releases heat in the atmosphere near the earth's surface.
  5. cycle, Cyclic movement of nitrogen in different chemical forms.
  6. Organic matter produced by plants and other photosynthetic producers.
  7. Natural process that recycles nutrients in various chemical forms.
  8. Water that sinks into the soil.
  9. of energy flow (trophic pyramid), Diagram representing the flow of energy through each trophic level in a food chain or food web.
  10. Complex process in the cells of green plants that captures light energy and converts it to chemical bond energy.
  11. primary productivity, Rate at which an ecosystem's producers capture and store a given amount of chemical energy as biomass in a given length of time.
  12. Second layer of the atmosphere.
  13. chain, Series of organisms in which each eats or decomposes the preceding one.
  14. cycle (biogeochemical cycle), Natural process that recycles nutrients in various chemical forms from the nonliving environment to living organisms and then back to the nonliving environment.
  15. Zone of the earth where life is found.
  16. Whole mass of air surrounding the earth.
  17. consumer (carnivore), Organism that feeds only on primary consumers.
  18. primary productivity, Rate at which all the plants in an ecosystem produce net useful chemical energy.

34 Clues: Water that sinks into the soil.Second layer of the atmosphere.All the water on Earth's surface.Innermost layer of the atmosphere.Complex mixture of inorganic minerals.Zone of the earth where life is found.Whole mass of air surrounding the earth.Consumer organism that feeds on detritus.Organism that digests parts of dead organisms....

Energy Forms 2015-09-21

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. an energy form that uses wind to make electricity
  2. radiant energy emitted by the sun
  3. relating to, or produced by the internal heat of the earth
  4. a black combustible rock that's used for fuel,or cooking
  5. a liquid found in the ground used for a fuel
  1. organic matter used as a fuel
  2. a flammable gas that is used for making electricity
  3. energy that uses the water cycle
  4. energy-the energy released when making electricity
  5. a device converting solar radiation into electricity

10 Clues: organic matter used as a fuelenergy that uses the water cycleradiant energy emitted by the suna liquid found in the ground used for a fuelan energy form that uses wind to make electricityenergy-the energy released when making electricitya flammable gas that is used for making electricitya device converting solar radiation into electricity...

Energy Forms 2022-01-31

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. energy in the form of motion
  2. the ability to cause change
  3. energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work
  4. energy created from the electron of an atom
  5. energy created from different sources of light; travels in a wave
  1. energy from vibrations of atoms
  2. energy that is stored
  3. energy created from the nucleus of an atom
  4. stored energy that is released when atoms combine
  5. energy from random vibrating atoms

10 Clues: energy that is storedthe ability to cause changeenergy in the form of motionenergy from vibrations of atomsenergy from random vibrating atomsenergy created from the nucleus of an atomenergy created from the electron of an atomstored energy that is released when atoms combineenergy that is doing work or has the potential to do work...

energy forms 2023-01-27

energy forms crossword puzzle
  1. energy from vibrations of atoms that form a wave based on compressions and rarefactions
  2. occurs when heat rises up
  3. energy from the electrons of the atom
  4. energy energy in the form of motion
  5. travels in the form of a wave
  6. energy from inside the nucleus of the atom
  1. energy that is stored and waiting
  2. energy energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work
  3. the ability to cause change
  4. a form of energy from random vibrating atoms

10 Clues: occurs when heat rises upthe ability to cause changetravels in the form of a waveenergy that is stored and waitingenergy energy in the form of motionenergy from the electrons of the atomenergy from inside the nucleus of the atoma form of energy from random vibrating atomsenergy energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work...

Energy Forms 2023-02-09

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. Gamer
  2. sunny skies
  3. Electric eel
  4. Mechanical
  5. Thermal energy
  6. electrical energy
  1. Your loud sibling
  2. "it's cold"
  3. Light energy
  4. Insolation

10 Clues: GamerInsolationMechanical"it's cold"sunny skiesLight energyElectric eelThermal energyYour loud siblingelectrical energy

Energy Forms 2023-02-14

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that is doing work or has the potential to do work
  2. energy that is stored
  3. Energy from inside the nucleus of the atom
  4. energy in the form of motion
  5. Electrical Energy comes from electrons moving from one atom to another
  1. Light comes from electrons changing energy levels in the atoms.
  2. A natural resource that can be converted into other forms of energy in order to do useful work.
  3. Heat is a form of energy from random vibrating atoms.
  4. Chemical energy is stored energy that is released when chemicals combine.
  5. Sound is energy from the vibrations of atoms that form a wave based on Compressions and Rarefactions.

10 Clues: energy that is storedenergy in the form of motionEnergy from inside the nucleus of the atomHeat is a form of energy from random vibrating atoms.Energy that is doing work or has the potential to do workLight comes from electrons changing energy levels in the atoms.Electrical Energy comes from electrons moving from one atom to another...

Energy forms 2023-03-16

Energy forms crossword puzzle
  1. The energy of motion
  2. The transfer of heat
  3. Energy released from splitting atoms
  4. The ability to do work
  1. Energy of electrical currents
  2. energy stored in bonds between atoms
  3. Energy that is stored
  4. Energy in motion
  5. Air vibrations we can hear
  6. Can never be created or destroyed
  7. Electromagnetic waves we can see

11 Clues: Energy in motionThe energy of motionThe transfer of heatEnergy that is storedThe ability to do workAir vibrations we can hearEnergy of electrical currentsElectromagnetic waves we can seeCan never be created or destroyedenergy stored in bonds between atomsEnergy released from splitting atoms

Energy forms 2023-03-16

Energy forms crossword puzzle
  1. energy of electrical currents
  2. the transfer of heat
  3. energy stored in bonds between atoms
  4. energy stored
  5. air vibrations we can hear
  1. energy released from splitting atoms
  2. the ability to work
  3. energy in motion
  4. energy of motion
  5. electromagnetic waves we can see

10 Clues: energy storedenergy in motionenergy of motionthe ability to workthe transfer of heatair vibrations we can hearenergy of electrical currentselectromagnetic waves we can seeenergy released from splitting atomsenergy stored in bonds between atoms

Energy Forms 2024-02-14

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. The lowest possible temperature
  2. Areas on a sound wave where the atoms are closest together
  3. When heat transfers due to contact.
  4. How wavelengths of light are categorized
  5. When two atoms combine to form a larger atom
  1. The measurement of how fast atoms are vibrating
  2. A material that allows electrons to flow easily
  3. When atoms release energy by splitting part
  4. Caused by atoms randomly vibrating
  5. Electricity is caused by the flow of this

10 Clues: The lowest possible temperatureCaused by atoms randomly vibratingWhen heat transfers due to contact.How wavelengths of light are categorizedElectricity is caused by the flow of thisWhen atoms release energy by splitting partWhen two atoms combine to form a larger atomThe measurement of how fast atoms are vibrating...

APES Chapter 3 Vocab Crossword 2021-09-14

APES Chapter 3 Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. All the water on Earth's surface.
  2. cycle, Cyclic movement of phosphorus in different chemical forms.
  3. chain, Series of organisms in which each eats or decomposes the preceding one.
  4. cycle, Biogeochemical cycle that collects, purifies, and distributes the earth's fixed supply of water.
  5. primary productivity, Rate at which all the plants in an ecosystem produce net useful chemical energy.
  6. Animal that can use both plants and other animals as food sources.
  7. of energy flow (trophic pyramid), Diagram representing the flow of energy through each trophic level in a food chain or food web.
  8. cycle, Cyclic movement of carbon in different chemical forms.
  9. Water-saturated layers of sand, gravel, or bedrock.
  10. (heterotroph), Gets its organic nutrients by feeding on the tissues of producers or of other consumers.
  11. respiration, Complex process that occurs in the cells of most living organisms.
  12. consumer (carnivore), Organism that feeds only on primary consumers.
  13. (lithosphere), Thin outer crust that contains most of the earth's rock, soil, and sediment.
  14. Innermost layer of the atmosphere.
  15. cycle (biogeochemical cycle), Natural process that recycles nutrients in various chemical forms from the nonliving environment to living organisms and then back to the nonliving environment.
  16. Natural process that recycles nutrients in various chemical forms.
  17. cycle, Cyclic movement of nitrogen in different chemical forms.
  18. Organic matter produced by plants and other photosynthetic producers.
  1. runoff, Water flowing off the land into bodies of surface water.
  2. Complex mixture of inorganic minerals.
  3. Organism that digests parts of dead organisms.
  4. Second layer of the atmosphere.
  5. Consumer organism that feeds on detritus.
  6. effect, Natural effect that releases heat in the atmosphere near the earth's surface.
  7. (autotroph), Organism that uses solar energy or chemical energy (some bacteria) to manufacture the organic compounds it needs as nutrients.
  8. Complex process in the cells of green plants that captures light energy and converts it to chemical bond energy.
  9. primary productivity, Rate at which an ecosystem's producers capture and store a given amount of chemical energy as biomass in a given length of time.
  10. consumer, Animals that feeds on animal-eating animals.
  11. level, All organisms that are the same number of energy transfers away from the original source of energy that enters an ecosystem.
  12. Whole mass of air surrounding the earth.
  13. Water that sinks into the soil.
  14. Zone of the earth where life is found.
  15. web, Complex network of many interconnected food chains and feeding relationships.
  16. consumer (herbivore), Organism that feeds on some or all parts of plants or on other producers.

34 Clues: Second layer of the atmosphere.Water that sinks into the soil.All the water on Earth's surface.Innermost layer of the atmosphere.Complex mixture of inorganic minerals.Zone of the earth where life is found.Whole mass of air surrounding the earth.Consumer organism that feeds on detritus.Organism that digests parts of dead organisms....

Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review 2021-10-20

Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review crossword puzzle
  1. Represented by the letter m.
  2. Mode of heat transfer that results from temperature differences within fluid(s).
  3. The governing equation for for specific heat capacity.
  4. mL
  5. The system of units used for making measurements by most scientists.
  6. Energy in the form of free flowing heat.
  7. When energy changes types or forms.
  8. A property of a material that tells us how much mass of it is in a given volume of it.
  1. The amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of a material by 1 degree Celcius.
  2. Energy stored within an object that can be transferred or transformed.
  3. Metric base unit of mass.
  4. Represented by the letter q.
  5. When energy of the same type and form go from one object to another.
  6. Energy in the form of light.
  7. Thermal, nuclear, radiant, and chemical are examples of ___ of energy.
  8. Metric base unit of energy.
  9. Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.

17 Clues: mLMetric base unit of mass.Metric base unit of energy.Represented by the letter m.Represented by the letter q.Energy in the form of light.When energy changes types or forms.Energy in the form of free flowing heat.Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.The governing equation for for specific heat capacity....

Energy Forms & Changes 2022-11-01

Energy Forms & Changes crossword puzzle
  1. Different things can tr______ to each other
  2. Energy can be c________d into other types of energy
  3. The type of energy in coal
  4. Ovens turn electrical energy into _______ energy
  5. A radio converts electrical energy into _____ energy
  6. Power plants usually turn other types of energy into _______ energy and than into electrical energy
  7. The energy of motion
  1. If something is really high up, and is really heavy, it has a lot of gravitational p_______ energy
  2. True or False: Cars turn sound energy into potential and chemical energy
  3. True or False: The Sled Wars gizmo wouldn't be possible in real life because some of the sled's kinetic energy would be lost to friction
  4. Explosions release lots of energy in the form of sound, motion, and _i___
  5. Energy can't be _____ nor destroyed
  6. The unit for energy
  7. All energy falls into 2 groups; potential and _______
  8. Energy is the ability to do w___
  9. Whatever you are doing this on right now runs on e_________ energy

16 Clues: The unit for energyThe energy of motionThe type of energy in coalEnergy is the ability to do w___Energy can't be _____ nor destroyedDifferent things can tr______ to each otherOvens turn electrical energy into _______ energyEnergy can be c________d into other types of energyA radio converts electrical energy into _____ energy...

Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review 2021-10-20

Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review crossword puzzle
  1. When energy of the same type and form go from one object to another.
  2. Mode of heat transfer that results from temperature differences within fluid(s).
  3. Represented by the letter m.
  4. Represented by the letter q.
  5. mL
  6. Thermal, nuclear, radiant, and chemical are examples of ___ of energy.
  7. Energy in the form of light.
  8. Metric base unit of mass.
  9. Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.
  10. The amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of a material by 1 degree Celcius.
  11. Metric base unit of energy.
  1. A property of a material that tells us how much mass of it is in a given volume of it.
  2. When energy changes types or forms.
  3. The value you get when you add all of your data points together and divide the sum of them by the total number of data points.
  4. The governing equation for for specific heat capacity.
  5. The system of units used for making measurements by most scientists.
  6. Energy in the form of free flowing heat.
  7. Energy stored within an object that can be transferred or transformed.

18 Clues: mLMetric base unit of mass.Metric base unit of energy.Represented by the letter m.Represented by the letter q.Energy in the form of light.When energy changes types or forms.Energy in the form of free flowing heat.Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.The governing equation for for specific heat capacity....

Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review 2021-10-20

Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review crossword puzzle
  1. Represented by the letter m.
  2. Mode of heat transfer that results from temperature differences within fluid(s).
  3. When energy changes types or forms.
  4. The value you get when you add all of your data points together and divide the sum of them by the total number of data points.
  5. mL
  6. A property of a material that tells us how much mass of it is in a given volume of it.
  7. When energy of the same type and form go from one object to another.
  1. The governing equation for for specific heat capacity.
  2. The amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of a material by 1 degree Celcius.
  3. Metric base unit of energy.
  4. Represented by the letter q.
  5. Energy stored within an object that can be transferred or transformed.
  6. Thermal, nuclear, radiant, and chemical are examples of ___ of energy.
  7. Energy in the form of free flowing heat.
  8. Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.
  9. Energy in the form of light.
  10. The system of units used for making measurements by most scientists.
  11. Metric base unit of mass.

18 Clues: mLMetric base unit of mass.Metric base unit of energy.Represented by the letter m.Represented by the letter q.Energy in the form of light.When energy changes types or forms.Energy in the form of free flowing heat.Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.The governing equation for for specific heat capacity....

Types of Energy/ Energy Transfomation 2023-12-12

Types of Energy/ Energy Transfomation crossword puzzle
  1. Unit for energy
  2. Energy stored in chemical bonds between atoms/molecules
  3. Factors that determine kinetic energy:_____ and _____
  4. Potential Energy (PE) = ______ (abbreviations in formula)
  5. PE=mgh, g is _____.
  6. Energy of vibrations of particles with matter
  7. PE=mgh, m is _____.
  8. There are ______ categories of energy.
  9. Example given in class that illustrates the trade off between PE and KE.
  10. Energy of a moving object
  11. Stored energy
  12. Energy of motion
  13. PE=mgh, h is _____.
  14. There are _____ forms of energy.
  15. The law of conservation of energy states that energy is not ____ nor destroyed.
  1. Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  2. Energy carried by light waves
  3. Process of energy changing from one form to another
  4. Energy of vibration of waves through matter
  5. Energy of the movement of electrons

20 Clues: Stored energyUnit for energyEnergy of motionPE=mgh, g is _____.PE=mgh, m is _____.PE=mgh, h is _____.Energy of a moving objectEnergy carried by light wavesThere are _____ forms of energy.Energy of the movement of electronsThere are ______ categories of energy.Energy stored in the nucleus of an atomEnergy of vibration of waves through matter...

Caden Leach 4.1.1 2024-02-01

Caden Leach 4.1.1 crossword puzzle
  1. Forms DNA
  2. The primary source of energy for our body
  3. Causes Molecules to bond
  4. Found in DNA and RNA
  5. Needed to make ATP
  6. Two Glucose molecules
  7. A building block
  8. Plant oils
  9. polymer for Protein
  10. When a nitrogen bonds with a carbon
  11. 3 or more glucose molecules
  12. How many main organic compounds are there?
  13. anything that ends in "ose"
  1. Forms polypeptides
  2. Animal fat
  3. Forms ATP
  4. The secondary source of energy for our body
  5. Monomer for Nucleic Acid
  6. Example of Phospholipids
  7. What are plant cell walls made of?
  8. Its structure is shaped like the letter E
  9. The monomer for a carb
  10. support structure and transportation
  11. The structure that building blocks create
  12. Monomer for lipids

25 Clues: Forms DNAForms ATPAnimal fatPlant oilsA building blockForms polypeptidesNeeded to make ATPMonomer for lipidspolymer for ProteinFound in DNA and RNATwo Glucose moleculesThe monomer for a carbMonomer for Nucleic AcidCauses Molecules to bondExample of Phospholipids3 or more glucose moleculesanything that ends in "ose"What are plant cell walls made of?...

Forms of energy 2021-05-23

Forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. It is the sum of the kinetic and potential Energy.
  2. Can be natural or artificial.
  3. Energy stored in the objects.
  4. Energy released during a chemical reaction.
  1. It comes from a surface that produces vibrations.
  2. This energy comes from a hot substance.
  3. Objects have this energy when they are moving.
  4. It provides power to machines.

8 Clues: Can be natural or artificial.Energy stored in the objects.It provides power to machines.This energy comes from a hot substance.Energy released during a chemical reaction.Objects have this energy when they are moving.It comes from a surface that produces vibrations.It is the sum of the kinetic and potential Energy.

FORMS OF ENERGY 2017-05-08

FORMS OF ENERGY crossword puzzle
  1. This is what makes things move.
  2. You can see this energy when things move.
  3. This is the total energy of the moving particles in solids, liquids and gases.
  4. Made with special particles and made in a special power plant.
  1. This kind of energy which is stored in food.
  2. This moves through wires and appliances.
  3. This kind of energy is helpful in a dark place.
  4. This is the kind of energy you can hear.

8 Clues: This is what makes things move.This moves through wires and appliances.This is the kind of energy you can hear.You can see this energy when things move.This kind of energy which is stored in food.This kind of energy is helpful in a dark place.Made with special particles and made in a special power plant....

Forms of energy 2022-05-02

Forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. sonora
  2. térmica
  3. mecánica
  4. eléctrica
  1. cinética
  2. potencial
  3. lumínica
  4. química

8 Clues: sonoratérmicaquímicacinéticamecánicalumínicapotencialeléctrica


  1. the ability to work
  2. the amount of electric potential energy per one coulomb of charge at one point in a circuit compared to the potential energy per coulomb of charge at another point in the circuit; also called voltage
  3. the mathematical relationship comparing voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R), written as R=V/I
  4. any device that transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy, such as a light bulb, buzzer, heater, and motor
  5. the amount of electric potential energy per one coulomb of charge at one point in a circuit compared to the potential energy per coulomb of charge at another point in the circuit; also called potential difference
  6. electric energy stored in a battery
  7. the amount of charge passing a point in a conductor every second
  8. unit for measuring electric current; very small currents are measured in milliamperes (mA); 1 A = 1000 mA (8.2)
  9. two terminals in a battery or other electricity source; usually made of two different metals but can be a metal and another material
  1. the ratio of voltage to current
  2. the unit of measurement for electrical resistance
  3. a complete pathway that allows electrons to flow
  4. the continuous flow of charge in a complete circuit
  5. a drawing using symbols to represent the different components of a circuit
  6. the unit of potential difference; one volt causes a current of one ampere to flow through a conductor with a resistance of one ohm
  7. electrodes in electrolytes that convert chemical energy into electrical energy stored in charges; also called batteries
  8. substance that conducts an electric current. In a dry cell, the electrolyte is a moist paste; in a wet cell, the electrolyte is a fluid
  9. an electrical component with a set amount of resistance that slows down current and transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy
  10. the property of any material that slows down the flow of electrons and converts electrical energy into other forms of energy

19 Clues: the ability to workthe ratio of voltage to currentelectric energy stored in a batterya complete pathway that allows electrons to flowthe unit of measurement for electrical resistancethe continuous flow of charge in a complete circuitthe amount of charge passing a point in a conductor every second...

Force, Work & Energy 2014-03-14

Force, Work & Energy crossword puzzle
  1. force equal mass times this
  2. the energy found at the bottom of a pendulum swing
  3. the potential energy associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed
  4. the unit of measure of work
  5. this law states that matter cannot be created or destroyed
  6. energy stored millions of years ago and released when fossil fuels are burned
  7. most forms of energy can be converted into other
  8. the unit of measure of force; named after the scientist who formulated the theory of gravity
  9. scientist who included a small change to the law of conservation of energy by explaining that energy can sometimes be created by destroying matter
  10. energy traveling in waves that have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties.
  11. energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom
  12. fossil fuels contain energy that originally came from the
  13. the transfer of energy
  14. energy that is stored and held in readiness
  1. the energy carried from moving electric charges
  2. the total energy of the particles in a substance or material
  3. the energy found at the highest point in a pendulum’s swing
  4. the ability to do work or cause change
  5. fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas that were formed hundreds of millions of years ago by geological processes
  6. potential energy stored in chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together
  7. a change from one form of energy to another
  8. gravitational potential energy is weight times this
  9. the energy associated with the motion or position of an object

23 Clues: the transfer of energyforce equal mass times thisthe unit of measure of workthe ability to do work or cause changea change from one form of energy to anotherenergy that is stored and held in readinessthe energy carried from moving electric chargesenergy that is stored in the nucleus of an atommost forms of energy can be converted into other...

Force, Work & Energy 2014-03-14

Force, Work & Energy crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to do work or cause change
  2. the total energy of the particles in a substance or material
  3. the potential energy associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed
  4. potential energy stored in chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together
  5. energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom
  6. fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas that were formed hundreds of millions of years ago by geological processes
  7. the energy found at the highest point in a pendulum’s swing
  8. energy that is stored and held in readiness
  9. the energy carried from moving electric charges
  10. scientist who included a small change to the law of conservation of energy by explaining that energy can sometimes be created
  11. gravitational potential energy is weight times this
  12. the unit of measure of force; named after the scientist who formulated the theory of gravity
  1. the energy associated with the motion or position of an object
  2. the energy found at the bottom of a pendulum swing
  3. energy stored millions of years ago and released when fossil fuels are burned
  4. the transfer of energy
  5. a change from one form of energy to another
  6. fossil fuels contain energy that originally came from the
  7. this law states that matter cannot be created or destroyed
  8. most forms of energy can be converted into other
  9. energy traveling in waves that have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties.
  10. force equal mass times this
  11. the unit of measure of work

23 Clues: the transfer of energyforce equal mass times thisthe unit of measure of workthe ability to do work or cause changea change from one form of energy to anotherenergy that is stored and held in readinessenergy that is stored in the nucleus of an atomthe energy carried from moving electric chargesmost forms of energy can be converted into other...

Forms of Energy 2020-11-16

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. This energy is due to the motion and position of an object.
  2. This moving ball has _____ energy.
  3. This energy is associated with the motion of the particles in a substance.
  4. A lamp uses electrical energy to produce ____ energy.
  1. This type of energy flows in a circuit.
  2. Plants use this type of energy to make food during photosynthesis
  3. This stationary ball has ____ energy.
  4. A toaster uses electrical energy to produce ____ energy.

8 Clues: This moving ball has _____ energy.This stationary ball has ____ energy.This type of energy flows in a circuit.A lamp uses electrical energy to produce ____ energy.A toaster uses electrical energy to produce ____ energy.This energy is due to the motion and position of an object.Plants use this type of energy to make food during photosynthesis...

Forms of Energy 2021-03-03

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy energy that is moving
  2. energy energy that is stored
  3. vibrations that travel through the air
  4. a flow of charge
  1. energy that comes from light
  2. air in motion
  3. the work of a certain force
  4. a form of energy that transfers a different temperature

8 Clues: air in motiona flow of chargethe work of a certain forceenergy that comes from lightenergy energy that is movingenergy energy that is storedvibrations that travel through the aira form of energy that transfers a different temperature

Forms of Energy 2023-09-06

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Anything that takes up space and has weight
  2. What is needed to do work or cause change
  3. Energy that allows us to see
  4. All the energy something has due to its movement and position
  5. A force acting on an object causing that object to move in the direction of that force
  1. Energy resulting from the flow of electric charge through a conductor
  2. Energy that travels as waves through the air or water and vibrates the eardrum upon contact
  3. Energy that causes a transfer of hear between materials

8 Clues: Energy that allows us to seeWhat is needed to do work or cause changeAnything that takes up space and has weightEnergy that causes a transfer of hear between materialsAll the energy something has due to its movement and positionEnergy resulting from the flow of electric charge through a conductor...

Forms of Energy 2023-11-06

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. invisible waves of energy that can travel through space
  2. energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom, can be released by fusion or fission
  3. energy that comes from moving electrons
  4. a type of EM energy that is visible
  1. energy associated with motion
  2. energy caused by vibrations, travels in waves
  3. energy that comes from moving atoms
  4. energy that is stored in the bonds of molecules

8 Clues: energy associated with motionenergy that comes from moving atomsa type of EM energy that is visibleenergy that comes from moving electronsenergy caused by vibrations, travels in wavesenergy that is stored in the bonds of moleculesinvisible waves of energy that can travel through space...

Rside- Electricity Crossword- Mona 2015-01-13

Rside- Electricity Crossword- Mona crossword puzzle
  1. electrodes in electrolytes that convert chemical energy into electrical energy stored in charges; also called batteries.
  2. the unit of measurement for electrical resistance.
  3. a flow of electric charge.
  4. the property of any material that slows down the flow of electrons and converts electrical energy into other forms of energy.
  5. two terminals in a battery or other electricity source; usually made of two different metals but can be a metal and another material.
  6. the ratio of voltage to current.
  7. the amount of charge passing a point in a conductor every second.
  8. an electrical component with a set amount of resistance that slows down current and transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy.
  9. the mathematical relationship comparing voltage ( V), current (I), and resistance (R).
  1. a graphical representation of an electrical circuit.
  2. a unit of electric current equal to a flow of one coulomb per second.
  3. electric energy stored in a battery.
  4. an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts
  5. the amount of electric potential energy per one coulomb of charge at one point at another point in the circuit; also called voltage.
  6. a complete pathway that allows electrons to flow.
  7. energy substance that conducts an electric current. In a dry cell, the electrolyte is a moist paste; in a wet cell, the electrolyte is a fluid
  8. any device that transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy, such as a light bulb, buzzer, heater, and motor

17 Clues: a flow of electric charge.the ratio of voltage to current.electric energy stored in a battery.a complete pathway that allows electrons to flow.the unit of measurement for electrical resistance.a graphical representation of an electrical electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts...

Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review 2021-10-20

Unit 1 Final - Vocab Review crossword puzzle
  1. Metric base unit of energy.
  2. When energy changes types or forms.
  3. mL
  4. The governing equation for for specific heat capacity.
  5. When energy of the same type and form go from one object to another.
  6. The amount of energy required to increase the temperature of 1 gram of a material by 1 degree Celcius.
  7. Represented by the letter m.
  8. The value you get when you add all of your data points together and divide the sum of them by the total number of data points.
  1. Energy stored within an object that can be transferred or transformed.
  2. Mode of heat transfer that results from temperature differences within fluid(s).
  3. Thermal, nuclear, radiant, and chemical are examples of ___ of energy.
  4. Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.
  5. The system of units used for making measurements by most scientists.
  6. Metric base unit of mass.
  7. Energy in the form of light.
  8. Represented by the letter q.
  9. A property of a material that tells us how much mass of it is in a given volume of it.
  10. Energy in the form of free flowing heat.

18 Clues: mLMetric base unit of mass.Metric base unit of energy.Energy in the form of light.Represented by the letter q.Represented by the letter m.When energy changes types or forms.Energy in the form of free flowing heat.Kinetic and potential are ____ of energy.The governing equation for for specific heat capacity....

Energy 2018-08-06

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. a small device placed near the heart, which it helps to continuously beat at a regular speed
  2. the measure of how much energy is supplied to a device
  3. group of atoms held by bonds
  4. the unit of energy
  5. amount of energy a device or process consumes
  6. movement of energy from one object to another
  7. stored energy in the chemical bonds of substances
  8. rearranging the atoms so that it forms one or more new substances
  9. converting one energy into another
  10. it depends on the average kinetic energy of the molecules it contains
  11. tiny particles that matter is created of
  1. the energy provided to a device that is not used and normally is used as heat and sound
  2. energy that is stored
  3. energy an object has because of it’s motion
  4. the principle that energy can only be transferred and transformed between objects and not created or destroyed
  5. the attraction between two atoms that holds them together
  6. a diagram that shows how a devices energy is transferred or transformed
  7. the unit of power to measure the amount of electricity a power plant produces
  8. it comes in different forms such as heat or electricity and it can only be transformed or transferred, never created or destroyed

19 Clues: the unit of energyenergy that is storedgroup of atoms held by bondsconverting one energy into anothertiny particles that matter is created ofenergy an object has because of it’s motionamount of energy a device or process consumesmovement of energy from one object to anotherstored energy in the chemical bonds of substances...

Photosynthesis and Matter Cycling 2024-02-05

Photosynthesis and Matter Cycling crossword puzzle
  1. different elements found in soil needed for pant growth
  2. the natural motion of carbon through the 5 spheres
  3. the abbreviation for the carbon dioxide measurement parts-per-million
  4. all matter included or involved in living things
  5. life forms that extract energy from the dead remains of others
  6. the chemical reaction animals use to extract energy from molecules
  7. a sugar created during photosynthesis and used as blood sugar in animals
  8. the gas inhaled by plants and exhaled by animals
  9. the chemical reaction plants use to capture solar energy and turn it into chemical energy
  10. a fluid necessary for all life on Earth
  1. all man-made or man-controlled matter
  2. life forms that need to eat other life in order to survive
  3. all gases held to the surface of the planet by gravity
  4. the organelle in plant life where respiration occurs
  5. all water on the planet, including fresh, salt, ice, and snow
  6. life forms that have the ability to create chemical energy
  7. the gas exhaled by plants and inhaled by animals
  8. a form of energy captured by plants
  9. the organelle in plant life where photosynthesis occurs
  10. all non-living matter on the planet, primarily rock
  11. the small openings in leaf surfaces that plants use to breathe

21 Clues: a form of energy captured by plantsall man-made or man-controlled mattera fluid necessary for all life on Earthall matter included or involved in living thingsthe gas exhaled by plants and inhaled by animalsthe gas inhaled by plants and exhaled by animalsthe natural motion of carbon through the 5 spheres...

Forms of Energy 2021-11-15

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy that is released when from atoms when the nucleus is split
  2. type of energy that is not in use (not moving)
  3. comes from the use of machines, tools, or muscles
  4. energy that is stored in molecules or compounds
  1. energy that moves through space in waves (also known as EM or light energy)
  2. energy in use or in motion
  3. energy of moving molecules
  4. energy of moving electrons (flowing electrons)

8 Clues: energy in use or in motionenergy of moving moleculestype of energy that is not in use (not moving)energy of moving electrons (flowing electrons)energy that is stored in molecules or compoundscomes from the use of machines, tools, or musclesenergy that is released when from atoms when the nucleus is split...

Forms of Energy 2022-08-28

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy cannot be created or _________
  2. Energy that is produced within magnetic fields
  3. Energy that occurs in light particles
  4. Energy that is also known as heat energy. The higher the temperature, the faster the molecules move.
  1. Energy that is produced by sound vibrations.
  2. Sound Energy travels in __________
  3. Energy that is produced by the movement of charged particles
  4. The Energy of motion

8 Clues: The Energy of motionSound Energy travels in __________Energy cannot be created or _________Energy that occurs in light particlesEnergy that is produced by sound vibrations.Energy that is produced within magnetic fieldsEnergy that is produced by the movement of charged particles...

Forms of Energy 2021-03-03

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy energy that is moving
  2. energy energy that is stored
  3. vibrations that travel through the air
  4. a flow of charge
  1. energy that comes from light
  2. air in motion
  3. the work of a certain force
  4. a form of energy that transfers a different temperature

8 Clues: air in motiona flow of chargethe work of a certain forceenergy that comes from lightenergy energy that is movingenergy energy that is storedvibrations that travel through the aira form of energy that transfers a different temperature

Forms of Energy 2021-03-03

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy energy that is moving
  2. energy energy that is stored
  3. vibrations that travel through the air
  4. a flow of charge
  1. energy that comes from light
  2. air in motion
  3. the work of a certain force
  4. a form of energy that transfers a different temperature

8 Clues: air in motiona flow of chargethe work of a certain forceenergy that comes from lightenergy energy that is movingenergy energy that is storedvibrations that travel through the aira form of energy that transfers a different temperature

Forms of energy 2022-05-02

Forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. sonora
  2. térmica
  3. mecánica
  4. lumínica
  1. eléctrica
  2. cinética
  3. potencial
  4. química

8 Clues: sonoratérmicaquímicacinéticamecánicalumínicaeléctricapotencial

Forms of Energy 2024-02-09

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Stored in a rubber band
  2. In motion
  3. Potential energy transferred to kinetic
  4. Refers to temperature
  1. We see it
  2. It flies on the invisible waves
  3. Found in uranium
  4. Its binds food together

8 Clues: We see itIn motionFound in uraniumRefers to temperatureStored in a rubber bandIts binds food togetherIt flies on the invisible wavesPotential energy transferred to kinetic

Forms of Energy 2024-02-09

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Stored in a rubber band
  2. In motion
  3. Potential energy transferred to kinetic
  4. Refers to temperature
  1. We see it
  2. It flies on the invisible waves
  3. Found in uranium
  4. Its binds food together

8 Clues: We see itIn motionFound in uraniumRefers to temperatureStored in a rubber bandIts binds food togetherIt flies on the invisible wavesPotential energy transferred to kinetic

energy&its forms 2023-12-04

energy&its forms crossword puzzle
  1. special type of gear that has its ratio measured by the angle of threads
  2. measurement used to measure work
  3. machine that uses a combination of axle and lever like a bucket out of a well
  4. the ability to do work
  5. makes it easier to pull a wagon uphill
  6. the fact that energy can never be created or destroyed is called the law of ____________.
  7. type of energy that is stored in a battery
  8. when a force that moves an object a certain distance
  9. visible energy is called
  1. when we measure how much work something can do in a certain amount of time
  2. tool that allows us to use force in a convenient way
  3. when 2 gears are connected by a chain and the larger gear turns once while the smaller one turns two or more times
  4. type of energy that is stored and does NOT move
  5. type of plane that are ramps, screws, winding uphill roads
  6. simple machine that uses a fulcrum

15 Clues: the ability to do workvisible energy is calledmeasurement used to measure worksimple machine that uses a fulcrummakes it easier to pull a wagon uphilltype of energy that is stored in a batterytype of energy that is stored and does NOT movetool that allows us to use force in a convenient waywhen a force that moves an object a certain distance...

Forms of Energy, Light, & Electricity 2023-02-07

Forms of Energy, Light, & Electricity crossword puzzle
  1. An object _____ if it is less dense
  2. The total amount of matter in an object
  3. An object sinks when it is ___ dense than water
  4. An object's ability to sink or float is ___ density
  5. Spread evenly throughout
  6. Amount of space an object takes up
  7. 2 or more substances that can be easily separated
  1. Steel, Iron, Nickel, and ______
  2. Anything that has mass and takes up space
  3. There are 3 physical _____ of matter
  4. Dissolves in water
  5. Conductors ____ electricity to flow
  6. _____ do not allow electricity to flow
  7. Substances in a mixture ___ their physical properties
  8. Mixture of 2 or more substances and not easily separated
  9. The "I" in S.I.N.C.

16 Clues: Dissolves in waterThe "I" in S.I.N.C.Spread evenly throughoutSteel, Iron, Nickel, and ______Amount of space an object takes upAn object _____ if it is less denseConductors ____ electricity to flowThere are 3 physical _____ of matter_____ do not allow electricity to flowThe total amount of matter in an objectAnything that has mass and takes up space...


  1. Any characteristic of a system that describes a system
  2. Any change that a system undergoes from one equilibrium state to one another
  3. Internal energy related to _________ structure
  4. Internal energy related to _________ of molecular activity
  5. Region chosen to study the changes of physical property
  6. ________properties dependent on the size/extent of the system
  7. Sum of all microscopic forms of energy called ________ energy
  8. Example forms of energy
  9. Series of states through which a system passes during a process
  10. One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy
  1. There are ______types of system
  2. Real or imaginary surface that separates the system from its surrounding
  3. Types of system where only heat transfer across the boundary
  4. Example forms of energy
  5. One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy
  6. Types of system where heat and mass transfer across boundary
  7. Region outside the system
  8. Types of system where is no heat/mass transfer across the boundary
  9. A set of properties that describes the condition of a system at a certain time
  10. _________ properties independent of the size/extent of the system

20 Clues: Example forms of energyExample forms of energyRegion outside the systemThere are ______types of systemInternal energy related to _________ structureOne macroscopic form of energy is ________ energyOne macroscopic form of energy is ________ energyAny characteristic of a system that describes a system...


  1. There are ______types of system
  2. Any characteristic of a system that describes a system
  3. Region outside the system
  4. Types of system where is no heat/mass transfer across the boundary
  5. One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy
  6. One macroscopic form of energy is ________ energy
  7. Real or imaginary surface that separates the system from its surrounding
  8. A set of properties that describes the condition of a system at a certain time
  9. ________properties dependent on the size/extent of the system
  10. Internal energy related to _________ of molecular activity
  1. Region chosen to study the changes of physical property
  2. Sum of all microscopic forms of energy called ________ energy
  3. Any change that a system undergoes from one equilibrium state to one another
  4. Example forms of energy
  5. Example forms of energy
  6. Types of system where heat and mass transfer across boundary
  7. Internal energy related to _________ structure
  8. Series of states through which a system passes during a process
  9. Types of system where only heat transfer across the boundary
  10. _________ properties independent of the size/extent of the system

20 Clues: Example forms of energyExample forms of energyRegion outside the systemThere are ______types of systemInternal energy related to _________ structureOne macroscopic form of energy is ________ energyOne macroscopic form of energy is ________ energyRegion chosen to study the changes of physical property...

Fitz's Comp Sci 2 Adv Cumulative Review 2021-03-05

Fitz's Comp Sci 2 Adv Cumulative Review crossword puzzle
  1. Type of heat transfer that requires direct contact
  2. The movement of sediment
  3. Energy of motion
  4. Data in science that is represented by numbers
  5. Organisms that make their own food using the Sun’s energy
  6. Organisms that must eat other organisms for energy
  7. Plate boundary that forms mountains and volcanoes
  8. Physical or chemical processes that break rocks down into sediment
  9. Symbiotic relationship where both individuals benefit
  10. Plate boundary where new lithosphere is created
  11. The alleles of the genotype are different
  12. Symbiotic relationship where one organisms benefits and the other is unaffected
  1. Type of heat transfer that causes warm fluids to rise
  2. Stored energy
  3. Plate boundary most commonly associated with earthquakes
  4. Data in science that is represented by words
  5. Variable that the scientist is testing during the experiment
  6. Sediment is dropped into a new location as the agent of erosion slows
  7. Variable that changes in response to the independent variable
  8. Reproduction that involves two parents and results in offspring that are genetically different from the parents
  9. Rock that forms when sediment is compacted and cemented
  10. Lake that forms next to a meandering river after deposition cuts off one of the bends
  11. Both alleles of the genotype are the same
  12. Cell division that results in two identical daughter cells
  13. Rock that forms when magma cools and hardens

25 Clues: Stored energyEnergy of motionThe movement of sedimentBoth alleles of the genotype are the sameThe alleles of the genotype are differentData in science that is represented by wordsRock that forms when magma cools and hardensData in science that is represented by numbersPlate boundary where new lithosphere is created...

Forms of Energy 2016-10-10

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. The movement or Change in a Object
  2. The Energy could move or not
  3. The Energy located in Food.
  4. The Energy created from a micro wave for example.
  1. The Energy created from man made machines.
  2. The Energy Which is Created from Heat
  3. The energy's atoms fuse together
  4. The Vibration of atoms which pass through Objects.

8 Clues: The Energy located in Food.The Energy could move or notThe energy's atoms fuse togetherThe movement or Change in a ObjectThe Energy Which is Created from HeatThe Energy created from man made machines.The Energy created from a micro wave for example.The Vibration of atoms which pass through Objects.

Forms of Energy 2022-04-26

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy carried by sound
  2. energy carried by an electric current
  3. sum of kinetic and potential energy of the particles in matter due to their random motion
  1. energy due to motion
  2. stored energy due to interactions between objects or particles
  3. energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  4. total energy of an object or group of objects due to large-scale motions and interactions
  5. energy carried by electromagnetic waves

8 Clues: energy due to motionenergy carried by soundenergy carried by an electric currentenergy stored in the nucleus of an atomenergy carried by electromagnetic wavesstored energy due to interactions between objects or particlestotal energy of an object or group of objects due to large-scale motions and interactions...

Forms of Energy 2022-09-13

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy that travels in waves you can hear
  2. bounce back
  3. to bend
  4. the dark area behind an object that has blocked light
  1. move quickly back and forth
  2. to take in
  3. how high or low a sound is
  4. the ability to make something move or change

8 Clues: to bendto take inbounce backhow high or low a sound ismove quickly back and forthenergy that travels in waves you can hearthe ability to make something move or changethe dark area behind an object that has blocked light

Forms of Energy 2021-12-02

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to cause change
  2. energy, the energy stored in chemical bonds
  3. the energy stored in an object because of it's position
  4. the energy of an object has because of motion
  5. the energy carried by light
  1. the energy of an object that increases as temperature increases
  2. energy, the energy carried by the electrical current that comes out of batteries and electrical outlets
  3. the energy in the nucleus of every atom

8 Clues: the ability to cause changethe energy carried by lightthe energy in the nucleus of every atomenergy, the energy stored in chemical bondsthe energy of an object has because of motionthe energy stored in an object because of it's positionthe energy of an object that increases as temperature increases...

Forms of Energy 2023-01-26

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy resulting from the flow of charged particles
  2. energy stored due to an object's position or arrangement
  3. material that allows heat or electrical energy to easily flow through it
  4. energy produced by a machine or moving part
  1. energy of motion
  2. The ability to do work or cause change
  3. to move or travel smoothly in a certain direction
  4. Energy that causes a change in temperature of materials

8 Clues: energy of motionThe ability to do work or cause changeenergy produced by a machine or moving partto move or travel smoothly in a certain directionenergy resulting from the flow of charged particlesEnergy that causes a change in temperature of materialsenergy stored due to an object's position or arrangement...

Forms of Energy 2023-09-06

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that allows us to see
  2. Anything that takes up space and has weight
  3. What is needed to do work or cause change
  4. All the energy something has due to its movement and position
  5. Energy that causes a transfer of hear between materials
  1. Energy that travels as waves through the air or water and vibrates the eardrum upon contact
  2. A force acting on an object causing that object to move in the direction of that force
  3. Energy resulting from the flow of electric charge through a conductor

8 Clues: Energy that allows us to seeWhat is needed to do work or cause changeAnything that takes up space and has weightEnergy that causes a transfer of hear between materialsAll the energy something has due to its movement and positionEnergy resulting from the flow of electric charge through a conductor...

Forms of Energy 2024-02-09

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Stored in a rubber band
  2. In motion
  3. Potential energy transferred to kinetic
  4. Refers to temperature
  1. We see it
  2. It flies on the invisible waves
  3. Found in uranium
  4. Its binds food together

8 Clues: We see itIn motionFound in uraniumRefers to temperatureStored in a rubber bandIts binds food togetherIt flies on the invisible wavesPotential energy transferred to kinetic

Energy Forms & Transformation 2021-06-22

Energy Forms & Transformation crossword puzzle
  1. virational movement through substances in waves
  2. is stored energy that depends on an object's mass and position or shape
  3. how much matter there is in something
  4. vibration and movement of molecules
  5. is energy of motion that depends on an object's mass and speed
  6. energy dependent on mass and heights
  7. happens when a force is used to move an object through a distance
  8. is the ability to do work
  9. stored to being stretched or compressed
  10. energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  1. energy stored in bonds between atoms
  2. where an object is relative to a point of reference
  3. the total energy an object has because of its motion and position
  4. electromagnetic waves
  5. movement of electrons

15 Clues: electromagnetic wavesmovement of electronsis the ability to do workvibration and movement of moleculesenergy stored in bonds between atomsenergy dependent on mass and heightshow much matter there is in somethingstored to being stretched or compressedenergy stored in the nucleus of an atomvirational movement through substances in waves...

Forms of energy 2015-11-04

Forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. ;total energy of motion and position of an object
  2. ;a form of energy that can travel through space.
  3. ;the energy an object has because of its position or condition.
  1. ; the energy that is stored in matter and that can be released by a chemical reaction.
  2. ;the energy caused by movement of electric charges.
  3. ;the total kinetic energy of the particles that make up a substance.
  4. ;energy an object has because of motion
  5. ; a form of energy that is carried as waves in vibrating matter

8 Clues: ;energy an object has because of motion;a form of energy that can travel through space.;total energy of motion and position of an object;the energy caused by movement of electric charges.; a form of energy that is carried as waves in vibrating matter;the energy an object has because of its position or condition....

FORMS OF ENERGY 2021-02-04

FORMS OF ENERGY crossword puzzle
  1. produced by split atoms
  2. energy produced by electrons moving through substances
  3. involves attraction between two objects based on their mass
  4. form of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by human eyes and is emitted by hot objects.
  1. move from one place to another via conduction, convection and radiation
  2. form of potential energy and is stored in food, gasoline, wood, coal
  3. moving energy, form we see around, produced by moving objects
  4. produced when objects vibrate, travel by waves in all directions

8 Clues: produced by split atomsenergy produced by electrons moving through substancesinvolves attraction between two objects based on their massmoving energy, form we see around, produced by moving objectsproduced when objects vibrate, travel by waves in all directionsform of potential energy and is stored in food, gasoline, wood, coal...

Forms of Energy 2019-05-07

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy you can hear
  2. the ability to make things move or change
  3. a faucet handle uses this type of energy
  4. a roller coaster car moving down a hill
  5. energy that transforms into heat
  1. a roller coaster car at the top of a hill uses this type of energy
  2. this type of energy is used when you charge an IPad
  3. energy you can see

8 Clues: energy you can seeenergy you can hearenergy that transforms into heata roller coaster car moving down a hilla faucet handle uses this type of energythe ability to make things move or changethis type of energy is used when you charge an IPada roller coaster car at the top of a hill uses this type of energy

Forms of Energy 2021-07-01

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Objects store this energy when they are stretched, compressed or twisted
  2. Wires carry this energy to power your TV
  3. All moving objects have this energy
  4. Your eyes detect this energy when you see a rainbow
  1. Objects store this energy when they rise above the ground
  2. This energy is used to warm something up
  3. This energy is stored in food and batteries
  4. Your ears detect this energy when you listen to music

8 Clues: All moving objects have this energyThis energy is used to warm something upWires carry this energy to power your TVThis energy is stored in food and batteriesYour eyes detect this energy when you see a rainbowYour ears detect this energy when you listen to musicObjects store this energy when they rise above the ground...

Forms of Energy 2022-01-31

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Radiant light and heat from the sun
  2. Potential energy of an object due to height
  3. Energy released during Fission or Fusion
  1. Energy due to Connecticut Energy of Atoms
  2. Energy that flows from an Electrical Charge
  3. Energy that travels by waves Electronic Radiation
  4. Energy associated with vibration of matter
  5. Energy stored in Chemical Compounds

8 Clues: Radiant light and heat from the sunEnergy stored in Chemical CompoundsEnergy released during Fission or FusionEnergy due to Connecticut Energy of AtomsEnergy associated with vibration of matterEnergy that flows from an Electrical ChargePotential energy of an object due to heightEnergy that travels by waves Electronic Radiation

FORMS OF ENERGY 2023-04-10

FORMS OF ENERGY crossword puzzle
  1. A moving object has _____ energy
  2. Potential energy is also known as _____ energy
  3. object above the ground has _____ potential energy
  4. light and sound energy can be used for ____
  5. _____ need light energy to capture images
  1. Lamps and calculators require _____ energy to work
  2. Heat energy is also used for ______
  3. heat energy is used to keep us _____

8 Clues: A moving object has _____ energyHeat energy is also used for ______heat energy is used to keep us __________ need light energy to capture imageslight and sound energy can be used for ____Potential energy is also known as _____ energyLamps and calculators require _____ energy to workobject above the ground has _____ potential energy

Forms of Energy 2024-02-07

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy you can hear and travel in waves
  2. can be transformed but never destroyed
  3. total potential and kinetic energy of an object
  4. energy released by chemical reaction
  5. energy you can see and travels in waves
  6. energy in motion
  1. stored energy due to the position or condition
  2. energy caused by the movement of electric charge
  3. the ability to cause changes in matter

9 Clues: energy in motionenergy released by chemical reactioncan be transformed but never destroyedthe ability to cause changes in matterenergy you can hear and travel in wavesenergy you can see and travels in wavesstored energy due to the position or conditiontotal potential and kinetic energy of an objectenergy caused by the movement of electric charge

forms of energy 2025-01-18

forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy- This is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules
  2. energy -This is energy related to forces on electrically charged particles and the movement of those particles (often electrons in wires, but not always).
  3. energy - this energy that is stored in an object due to its position or condition.
  1. energy -this is the energy of motion, observable as the movement of an object or subatomic particle.
  2. energy- This is the energy of either an object in motion or the energy that is stored in objects by their position.
  3. energy- This is produced when a rise in temperature causes atoms and molecules to move faster and collide with each other.
  4. energy- This is the physical energy resulting from electromagnetic
  5. energy- This is the result when a force, either sound or pressure, makes an object or substance vibrate.

8 Clues: energy- This is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and moleculesenergy- This is the physical energy resulting from electromagneticenergy - this energy that is stored in an object due to its position or -this is the energy of motion, observable as the movement of an object or subatomic particle....

Forms of Energy 2025-02-04

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Elastic energy is stored in an elastic object when________.
  2. Kinetic energy is the energy in _______ objects.
  3. Gravitational potential energy is stored in any object_____ ground.
  4. Energy stored in batteries can also be changed to_______ energy.
  1. Fossil fuels have chemical _______ energy.
  2. We get ______ from the food we eat.
  3. Sound energy is produced by _______ objects.
  4. The faster the objects move, the _____ kinetic energy it has.

8 Clues: We get ______ from the food we eat.Fossil fuels have chemical _______ energy.Sound energy is produced by _______ objects.Kinetic energy is the energy in _______ objects.Elastic energy is stored in an elastic object when________.The faster the objects move, the _____ kinetic energy it has....

Energy 2018-02-28

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. a non-renewable resource
  2. allows or prevents energy from flowing
  3. allows energy to flow through
  4. a non-renewable resource made from dead plant remains
  5. energy at rest or stored
  6. rate of an electrical charge
  7. energy from the sun
  8. energy that is created when you plug something in
  9. energy from hot things
  10. does not allow energy to pass through
  11. you plug something into this
  12. petroleum is another name for this
  1. energy which is visible
  2. energy from water
  3. energy from wind
  4. energy that moves
  5. alternative forms of energy
  6. the ability to do work
  7. another word for heat
  8. energy in motion

20 Clues: energy from windenergy in motionenergy from waterenergy that movesenergy from the sunanother word for heatthe ability to do workenergy from hot thingsenergy which is visiblea non-renewable resourceenergy at rest or storedalternative forms of energyrate of an electrical chargeyou plug something into thisallows energy to flow through...

Earth's Resources 2023-01-24

Earth's Resources crossword puzzle
  1. All living things contain this element.
  2. The type of nuclear reaction that takes place when atoms are split.
  3. The machine that is used with wind energy.
  4. Organic matter from plants and from animal waste that contains stored chemical energy.
  5. Electrical energy produced by moving water.
  6. This resource can be replaced fairly quickly in a relatively short amount of time.
  7. This type of energy is available from outlets.
  8. Energy received by Earth from the sun in the form of radiation.
  9. This natural resource is used to make objects, food or drink.
  1. This resource forms much more slowly than it is consumed.
  2. Heat and ______________ change organisms into fossil fuels.
  3. This nonrenewable resource formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
  4. This renewable resource uses the force of moving air to drive a generator.
  5. This natural resource is used to generate energy.
  6. Energy that is produced from heat from Earth's interior.
  7. This is the gaseous fossil fuel that is mainly used for heating and cooking.
  8. Fossil fuels are _____________ to release energy.
  9. This is the solid fossil fuel that forms from swamp plants.
  10. This is the liquid fossil fuel that can be processed to make gasoline.
  11. This type of energy comes from the nucleus of an atom.

20 Clues: All living things contain this element.The machine that is used with wind energy.Electrical energy produced by moving water.This type of energy is available from outlets.This natural resource is used to generate energy.Fossil fuels are _____________ to release energy.This type of energy comes from the nucleus of an atom....

Geo science 2023-05-24

Geo science crossword puzzle
  1. Heats your food
  2. A giant cloud in space
  3. the height of a wave crest to trough
  4. Flows A pour of lava created during non explosive eruption
  5. The layers of strata
  6. Happens at night
  7. Pulls objects towards its core
  8. Hot liquid inside the Earth
  9. Forms from compaction and cementation
  10. Has the least energy and the longest wavelengths
  11. The unit force for gravity
  1. Force measured in Newtons
  2. The planets that are closer to the sun and are terrestrial
  3. Magma above ground
  4. Happens during the day
  5. Forms from high heat and pressure
  6. The planets that are far from and sun and are gas giants
  7. Has the most energy and shortest wavelengths
  8. Unit of frequency
  9. Forms from cooled down magma or lava

20 Clues: Heats your foodHappens at nightUnit of frequencyMagma above groundThe layers of strataA giant cloud in spaceHappens during the dayForce measured in NewtonsThe unit force for gravityHot liquid inside the EarthPulls objects towards its coreForms from high heat and pressurethe height of a wave crest to troughForms from cooled down magma or lava...

Forms of Energy & Heat Transfer 2023-03-02

Forms of Energy & Heat Transfer crossword puzzle
  1. Gravitational energy is energy stored in an object's __________
  2. Heat transfer by waves
  3. The broad category of energy that is stored
  4. The Law of Conservation of _________ says that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed
  5. The broad category of the energy of motion
  6. Heat transfer by touch
  7. Chemical energy is energy stored in chemical _______
  8. Radiant energy travels in electromagnetic ________
  1. Any moving object has this type of energy
  2. Electrical energy is the energy of moving _____________
  3. Elastic energy is energy stored in ____________ objects
  4. Heat transfer by density differences
  5. Energy is the ability to do _______
  6. Thermal energy is the energy of moving ____________ (i.e. everything)
  7. Another type of energy that travels in waves, even if you can't hear it
  8. Nuclear energy is energy stored in the __________ of an atom

16 Clues: Heat transfer by wavesHeat transfer by touchEnergy is the ability to do _______Heat transfer by density differencesAny moving object has this type of energyThe broad category of the energy of motionThe broad category of energy that is storedRadiant energy travels in electromagnetic ________Chemical energy is energy stored in chemical _______...

6.4 Understanding Energy and Energy Resources Vocabulary 2023-03-22

6.4 Understanding Energy and Energy Resources Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. energy Produced by the internal heat of the earth.
  2. energy Moves back and forth from potential (stored) energy to kinetic (moving) energy.
  3. energy Energy of motion.
  4. energy Energy from moving molecules, related to heat.
  5. energy energy Energy obtained by harnessing tidal power.
  6. Energy Budget Accounts for the balance between the energy that Earth receives from the Sun, and the energy the Earth radiates back into outer space.
  7. Produced from vegetable oils, animal fats, and other byproducts of human waste.
  8. energy Types of energy that can be replaced after they have been used. Wind, water, solar, biomass, and geothermal are examples.Tidal energy
  9. gas A fossil fuel found by drilling, contains primarily methane.
  10. energy Radiant energy from the sun.
  1. A changes in position from one point to another point.
  2. energy Types of energy that cannot be replaced after they have been used. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy are examples.
  3. energy Energy formed by breaking bonds in a chemical reaction.
  4. Composed of one type of atom that cannot be broken by ordinary means.
  5. energy Generation of electricity using flow of water (usually from a dam) to drive a turbine that powers a generator.
  6. Generated when wind turns turbines to run generators that convert energy into electricity.
  7. energy Stored energy, the energy of position.
  8. A viscous liquid from petroleum, especially for use as a fuel or lubricant; A liquid mixture of hydrocarbons present in rock that can be extracted and made into gasoline, kerosene, and oil.
  9. energy Energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity.
  10. fuels A fuel such as coal, oil, petroleum, or natural gas that is formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
  11. A fossil fuel created by pressure on decayed trees and plants from primeval forests.
  12. transformation Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms. Energy transformations start with the power source then change to other forms of energy.
  13. The ability to do work.

23 Clues: The ability to do Energy of Radiant energy from the Stored energy, the energy of Produced by the internal heat of the Energy from moving molecules, related to heat.A changes in position from one point to another energy Energy obtained by harnessing tidal power....

Matter and Kinetics 2022-01-15

Matter and Kinetics crossword puzzle
  1. mass, volume, and __________ are properties of matter.
  2. this state of matter had fixed mass, volume, and shape.
  3. water towers harness this potential energy to get water into your home.
  4. all things in the universe are made of __________.
  5. eels are an example or ___________________ energy.
  6. a form of energy with moving parts, like a winding music box.
  7. potential energy found in rubber bands.
  8. this state of matter DOES NOT have fixed volume or shape.
  1. there are four forms of _______________ energy, which is stored and converted for use.
  2. a form of potential energy found in food, firewood, propane, and batteries.
  3. "characteristics" of matter.
  4. the property of matter describing weight.
  5. the form of kinetic energy that contains wavelengths of light.
  6. the Greek root KINE means _________________.
  7. there are five forms of ________________ energy, which depends on the movement of atoms.
  8. the property of matter describing physical space.
  9. this state of matter has fixed mass and volume, but can change shape.

17 Clues: "characteristics" of matter.potential energy found in rubber bands.the property of matter describing weight.the Greek root KINE means _________________.the property of matter describing physical space.all things in the universe are made of __________.eels are an example or ___________________ energy....

Forms, forms, forms 2016-05-01

Forms, forms, forms crossword puzzle
  1. 3. Pers. Sg. Neutrum, present progressive, to run
  2. 1. Pers. Sg., simple past, to take
  3. 3. Pers. Sg. männlich, past perfect, to watch
  4. 3. Pers. Sg. Neutrum, going-to-future, to rain
  5. 3. Pers. Sg. weiblich, present progressive, to dream
  6. 3. Pers. Sg. weiblich, will-future, to drink
  7. 3. Pers. Sg. männlich, simple present, to read
  8. 1. Pers. Sg., present perfect, to cook
  9. 2. Pers. Sg., present progressive, to draw
  10. 1. Pers. Sg., past perfect, to close
  11. 1. Pers. Pl., past perfect, to have
  1. 2. Pers. Sg., simple past, to write
  2. 3. Pers. Sg. männlich, present progressive, to water
  3. 1. Pers. Pl., will-future, to celebrate
  4. 2. Pers. Pl., present perfect, to dance
  5. 2. Pers. Pl., simple past, to open
  6. 3. Pers. Pl., present perfect, to show
  7. 3. Pers. Pl., will-future, to call
  8. 2. Pers. Sg., simple past, to empty
  9. 3. Pers. Pl., simple present, to paint

20 Clues: 1. Pers. Sg., simple past, to take2. Pers. Pl., simple past, to open3. Pers. Pl., will-future, to call2. Pers. Sg., simple past, to write2. Pers. Sg., simple past, to empty1. Pers. Pl., past perfect, to have1. Pers. Sg., past perfect, to close3. Pers. Pl., present perfect, to show1. Pers. Sg., present perfect, to cook...

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-25

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what holds the atom in a molecule together
  2. attraction between two massed
  3. energy is stored
  4. comes in different forms
  5. energy stored in objects
  6. thermal energy
  7. has matter
  8. the energy of an atom
  1. protects and restores biodiversity
  2. the energy of moving particles
  3. energy generated by electrons
  4. energy of motion
  5. energy with vibrations
  6. electromagnetic radiation
  7. quickness of motion
  8. regaining shape when stretched

16 Clues: has matterthermal energyenergy of motionquickness of motionenergy is storedthe energy of an atomenergy with vibrationscomes in different formsenergy stored in objectselectromagnetic radiationenergy generated by electronsattraction between two massedthe energy of moving particlesregaining shape when stretchedprotects and restores biodiversity...

Energy 2016-11-01

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. stored energy
  2. Potential energy that increases the higher an object is above the surface of the Earth.
  3. A form of energy calculated by adding the potential and kinetic energy of a system.
  4. up toy Mechanical energy to motion, thermal and sound.
  5. the energy released when chemical bonds are broken.
  6. A form of energy that results when a force causes an object or substance to vibrate — the energy is transferred through the substance in a wave.
  7. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes forms.
  8. is an example of Radiant energy
  9. Solar Panel
  10. a stretched rubber band is an example of Elastic potential
  11. The ability to do work or to create change.
  12. The vibration and movement of atoms and molecules within substances. The higher the temperature the faster the movement.
  1. The energy of stretched or compressed objects.
  2. The movement of electrical charges called electrons.
  3. Electromagnetic energy that travels in waves. Examples include: visible light, x-rays, gamma rays, microwaves and radio waves.
  4. a person about to jump from the high dive has
  5. energy of motion
  6. a hair dryer using electrical energy and kinetic energy to create heat energy to dry your hair.
  7. The energy of light and other forms of radiation that travels through space as waves.
  8. from the Sun warming Earth. Electromagnetic Energy
  9. The state of two or more objects or substances in thermal contact when they have reached a common temperature
  10. Chemical energy
  11. The energy that holds the nucleus of an atom together. It is released when the nucleus of an atom is broken apart or joined together with another atom's nucleus.
  12. is an example of chemical energy

24 Clues: Solar Panelstored energyChemical energyenergy of motionis an example of Radiant energyis an example of chemical energyThe ability to do work or to create change.a person about to jump from the high dive hasThe energy of stretched or compressed objects.from the Sun warming Earth. Electromagnetic Energy...

Energy Forms/Transformation Crossword 2023-12-06

Energy Forms/Transformation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the energy of moving electrons
  2. energy can convert from potential to ________.
  3. heat energy
  4. there are many different ______ of energy
  5. unit of measurement for energy
  6. perfect example for the transfer of potential to kinetic energy.
  7. energy from vibrations in matter
  8. The ability to do work or cause change
  9. the majority of energy on earth originates from the ____.
  10. energy stored in the bonds of molecules
  11. energy in moving objects
  1. gravity, ________, and air resistance are often involved in energy transformations
  2. radiant energy travels in _______.
  3. sound can travel through solids, liquids, and _______.
  4. energy is never lost but always _________.
  5. the energy locked in the nucleus of an atom
  6. mechanical energy is the energy of ______ or position
  7. one-half mass times _______ squared
  8. stored energy stored in an object
  9. the energy of light
  10. mass times gravity times _______.

21 Clues: heat energythe energy of lightenergy in moving objectsthe energy of moving electronsunit of measurement for energyenergy from vibrations in matterstored energy stored in an objectmass times gravity times _______.radiant energy travels in mass times _______ squaredThe ability to do work or cause change...

Types of Energy Crossword 2017-05-07

Types of Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Energy of movement
  2. Opposites attract - same sides repel
  3. Energy that is used to do work
  4. Water-energy
  5. Stored energy
  6. Energy of particles moving through a wire
  7. Radiant energy emitted by the sun
  8. Energy that occurs when objects are stretched
  1. Batteries contain this energy
  2. Energy you can see
  3. Energy of turbines
  4. This energy is not in space
  5. A form of energy you can hear
  6. Ouch don't touch
  7. Energy of the sun
  8. Has many different forms

16 Clues: Water-energyStored energyOuch don't touchEnergy of the sunEnergy you can seeEnergy of turbinesEnergy of movementHas many different formsThis energy is not in spaceBatteries contain this energyA form of energy you can hearEnergy that is used to do workRadiant energy emitted by the sunOpposites attract - same sides repel...

Chemical Bonding 2022-12-09

Chemical Bonding crossword puzzle
  1. electrostatic attraction that forms between metal atoms resulting in strong crystal lattice
  2. electrons in outermost energy level of an atom
  3. "full" set of eight valence electrons
  4. term used to describe "sea of electrons" responsible for metallic bonding
  5. type of bond that forms when difference in electronegativity of atoms is between 1.7 and 0.3
  6. arrangement of electrons in an atom
  7. alloy that forms from atoms that are similar in size
  8. how pairs of electrons are used by atoms in a covalent bond
  9. how atoms gain or lose electrons to form ionic bonds
  10. positively charged ion formed when an atom loses one or more electrons
  11. type of bond that forms when atoms share one or more pairs of valence electrons
  12. type of atom that typically forms a cation
  13. mixture formed by metallic bonding among different types of metal and/or nonmetal atoms
  14. valence electrons that are able to be transferred or shared in a chemical bond
  1. strong attractive force between atoms or ions
  2. property of atoms minimized by forming bonds
  3. property of atoms maximized by forming bonds
  4. type of bond that forms from atoms transferring electrons
  5. substance formed by metallic bonding among one type of metal atom
  6. separation of charge found in polar bonds
  7. type of bond that forms when difference in electronegativity is less than 0.3
  8. property of atoms that determines type of bonds they form
  9. alloy that forms from atoms that are very different in size
  10. type of atom that typically forms an anion
  11. negatively charged ion formed when an atom gains one or more electrons

25 Clues: arrangement of electrons in an atom"full" set of eight valence electronsseparation of charge found in polar bondstype of atom that typically forms an aniontype of atom that typically forms a cationproperty of atoms minimized by forming bondsproperty of atoms maximized by forming bondsstrong attractive force between atoms or ions...

Chemistry Vocab 2022-12-14

Chemistry Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. reactions that use energy to react
  2. type of bond that forms when atoms share electrons
  3. the substances formed during the reaction
  4. concentration of H ions in a solution
  5. type of bond that forms when two oppositely charged atoms are attracted to each other
  6. reactions that release energy when reacting
  7. neutrally charged particles
  8. atoms of an element with different numbers of neutrons
  9. releases H ions in water
  10. protein catalysts
  1. forces of attraction between positively and negatively charged parts of molecules
  2. a substance that lowers the activation energy
  3. the starting substances
  4. process by which atoms in substances are reorganized into different substances
  5. energy the minimum amount of energy needed to get reactants to react
  6. a pure substance that cannot be broken down
  7. positively charged particles
  8. the center of the atom
  9. a pure substance formed when two or more different elements combine
  10. negatively charged particles
  11. releases OH ions in water

21 Clues: protein catalyststhe center of the atomthe starting substancesreleases H ions in waterreleases OH ions in waterneutrally charged particlespositively charged particlesnegatively charged particlesreactions that use energy to reactconcentration of H ions in a solutionthe substances formed during the reactiona pure substance that cannot be broken down...

Energy Conservation Crossword 2020-06-07

Energy Conservation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
  2. Form of renewable energy that comes from heat stored in magma rocks beneath Earth's surface.
  3. Has a finite amount of availability.
  4. Can be used infinitely.
  5. Form of energy that splits uranium-235 atoms to release massive amounts of heat
  6. Source of renewable energy that generates electricity from solar panels
  1. Natural fuels such as gas and coal. Non-renewable forms of energy that release greenhouse gases into the air when burned.
  2. Form of renewable energy that converts the energy of flowing water into electricity.
  3. Forms with both oil and coal deposits
  4. Source of non-renewable energy found mainly underground in reservoirs.
  5. The rate at which work is done.
  6. Source of non-renewable energy that forms over millions of years from ancient deposits of terrestrial plants buried under sediments.
  7. Form of renewable energy that captures natural wind and converts the motion of air into mechanical energy.

13 Clues: Can be used infinitely.The rate at which work is done.Has a finite amount of availability.Forms with both oil and coal depositsSource of non-renewable energy found mainly underground in reservoirs.Source of renewable energy that generates electricity from solar panelsForm of energy that splits uranium-235 atoms to release massive amounts of heat...

Forms of Energy 4.6A 2019-08-22

Forms of Energy 4.6A crossword puzzle
  1. _____ energy - Energy produced by a lantern.
  2. - Energy produced by a power source.
  3. _____ energy - Energy that makes your car move.
  4. - Energy that causes a change in temperature.
  5. - Energy that travels as waves through the air or water and vibrates the eardrum on contact.
  1. - Energy produced by a machine or moving part.
  2. _____ energy - Energy used to make many foods safe to eat.
  3. - Energy that can be sensed by the eye.
  4. _____ energy - Energy used to transmit data across the world wide web.
  5. _____ energy - Energy produced by your vocal cords.
  6. - That which is needed to do work.

11 Clues: - That which is needed to do work.- Energy produced by a power source.- Energy that can be sensed by the eye._____ energy - Energy produced by a lantern.- Energy that causes a change in temperature.- Energy produced by a machine or moving part._____ energy - Energy that makes your car move._____ energy - Energy produced by your vocal cords....

Forms Of Energy Vocabulary 2022-03-15

Forms Of Energy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. energy of moving electrons
  2. vibrations move through substances
  3. A form of potential energy that is stored in chemical bonds between atoms.
  4. Potential energy that depends on the height of an object
  5. energy carried by electromagnetic waves ex. light
  1. energy stored energy that results from the position or shape of an object
  2. The total energy of motion in the particles of a substance
  3. the potential energy of an object that is stretched or compressed
  4. the energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects
  5. energy that a body possesses by virtue of being in motion.
  6. Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom

11 Clues: energy of moving electronsvibrations move through substancesEnergy stored in the nucleus of an atomenergy carried by electromagnetic waves ex. lightPotential energy that depends on the height of an objectThe total energy of motion in the particles of a substanceenergy that a body possesses by virtue of being in motion....

Energy 2014-12-31

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy of motion
  2. Energy from the nucleus
  3. Energy due to position or condition
  4. Causes temperature to rise when added
  5. The loss of energy to less useful forms
  6. The principle of ....................... of energy
  7. Energy in food, fuel and batteries
  8. I said, it's the unit of Power!
  9. The ability to do work
  10. Work divided by time
  1. Shrinkage
  2. Done when a force moves a body
  3. Caused by vibrations
  4. How energy from the Sun gets here
  5. Turns motion into electricity
  6. when an object takes up more space
  7. Discovered the lowest possible temperature
  8. Unit of work and energy
  9. Uses magnetic energy to find the way

19 Clues: ShrinkageEnergy of motionCaused by vibrationsWork divided by timeThe ability to do workEnergy from the nucleusUnit of work and energyTurns motion into electricityDone when a force moves a bodyI said, it's the unit of Power!How energy from the Sun gets herewhen an object takes up more spaceEnergy in food, fuel and batteries...

Natural Resources 2022-05-25

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. _______ has the least amount of oil in the world
  2. Diamonds are found in ancient _____
  3. ______ is energy from inside the Earth's core
  4. _______ energy is a nonrenewable resource
  5. A ______ resource is a resource that can be replaced
  6. _______ is when you manage the use of a resource wisely
  7. _______ has eight percent of the total oil on Earth
  8. _______ energy comes from the sun
  9. Biodiversity is richest in tropical ____
  1. ___________ is electricity from water
  2. _______ use is when you use a resource in a way that it stays for a long period of time
  3. A _____ resource is a resource that will run out and can't be replaced
  4. _______ is a nonrenewable resource
  5. _______ has seven percent of the total oil on Earth
  6. _______ energy comes from wind
  7. A variety of life is called a ______
  8. _______ is a renewable resource
  9. _______ is the energy for everything
  10. _______ East has the most amount of in the world
  11. ______ forms at locations where marine life is buried
  12. _______ forms at locations that were ancient swamps

21 Clues: _______ energy comes from wind_______ is a renewable resource_______ energy comes from the sun_______ is a nonrenewable resourceDiamonds are found in ancient _____A variety of life is called a _____________ is the energy for everything___________ is electricity from waterBiodiversity is richest in tropical ____...

Energy unite 2022-03-04

Energy unite crossword puzzle
  1. used to objects
  2. radiant is also referred as___ energy
  3. energy in motion
  4. energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched
  5. stored energy
  6. comes from outlets and power plants
  7. energy can never be created or destroyed , it can only change forms
  1. heat that comes from the sun
  2. energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds
  3. used to power _______ devices
  4. comes from energy that is reflected or emitted in forms of electrical and magnetic waves that can travel through spaces
  5. light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs
  6. comes from a variety of sources used most often for communication
  7. the ability to cause change

14 Clues: stored energyused to objectsenergy in motionthe ability to cause changeheat that comes from the sunused to power _______ devicescomes from outlets and power plantsradiant is also referred as___ energyenergy stored in chemical bonds of compoundslight that comes from the sun and lightbulbsenergy stored in objects being compressed or stretched...

Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-23

Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. this energy forms waves based on compressions and rarefactions
  2. this energy comes from electrons in atoms
  3. this energy forms from random vibrating atoms
  4. energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom
  5. comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart
  6. this energy has a crest and trough
  1. this energy is energy in motion
  2. this energy is stored up energy
  3. hydrogen combines with itself to from helium this is also known as...
  4. enrgy that ________ forms
  5. this energy is released once ______ are combined

11 Clues: enrgy that ________ formsthis energy is energy in motionthis energy is stored up energythis energy has a crest and troughthis energy comes from electrons in atomsthis energy forms from random vibrating atomsenergy that comes from the nucleus of the atomthis energy is released once ______ are combinedcomes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart...

Chapter 22 (Compounds) and 23 (Chemical Reactions) 2024-04-22

Chapter 22 (Compounds) and 23 (Chemical Reactions) crossword puzzle
  1. A substance written to the right of the arrow in a chemical equation
  2. A change that releases energy
  3. Law of _______ of Matter
  4. statement that atoms will gain, lose, or share electrons so that they will have 8 electrons in their outer energy levels
  5. A substance written to the left of the arrow in a chemical equation
  6. Describes an equation with the same number of atoms of each element on both sides of the arrow
  7. AB --> A + B
  8. electrons in the outer energy level
  9. A substance that speeds up a reaction without being changed itself
  10. A change that absorbs energy
  11. The energy needed to start a combustion reaction
  12. A substance that slows down a chemical change
  1. A+ BC --> AC + B
  2. Carbon-compound + O2 --> CO2 + H20
  3. A shorthand representation of a chemical reaction
  4. forms when atoms lose electrons to form positive ions
  5. a substance composed of only one type of atom
  6. A number written below and to the right of the element symbol in a chemical formula
  7. AB + CD --> AD + CB
  8. A number written in front of a chemical formula
  9. a substance composed of 2 or more elements
  10. A + B --> AB
  11. neither positive nor negative
  12. forms when two atoms share one or more pairs of electrons
  13. force of attraction between oppositely charged ions
  14. forms when atoms gain electrons to form negative ions

26 Clues: AB --> A + BA + B --> ABA+ BC --> AC + BAB + CD --> AD + CBLaw of _______ of MatterA change that absorbs energyA change that releases energyneither positive nor negativeCarbon-compound + O2 --> CO2 + H20electrons in the outer energy levela substance composed of 2 or more elementsa substance composed of only one type of atom...

Answer key 2023-12-13

Answer key crossword puzzle
  1. energy made from light
  2. what determines if an object is kinetic
  3. built-up or stored energy
  4. energy that comes from a bomb
  5. energy in moving
  6. unit for energy
  7. law of 'blank' and energy
  1. energy changing from one to another
  2. energy from food
  3. energy from a car
  4. energy that comes from heat
  5. energy from talking
  6. determines if an object has potential energy
  7. energy that's in a phone
  8. the unit speed
  9. how many categories can each form of energy come in
  10. how many forms of energy are there

17 Clues: the unit speedunit for energyenergy from foodenergy in movingenergy from a carenergy from talkingenergy made from lightenergy that's in a phonebuilt-up or stored energylaw of 'blank' and energyenergy that comes from heatenergy that comes from a bombhow many forms of energy are thereenergy changing from one to another...

Forms of Energy - Recap 2013-04-16

Forms of Energy - Recap crossword puzzle
  1. Form of energy associated and created by an electrical current.
  2. Work done by moving charges, electrons.
  3. Potential energy stored in the nucleaus of an atom.
  4. Potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of compounds.
  5. energy that relates to motion.
  6. Phenomenon occuring when two smaller nuclei combine to form a larger one.
  1. energy that relates to position.
  2. Sum of the energy of motion and position.
  3. Hydrogen-hydrogen nuclear fusion reaction releasing electromagnic radiation.
  4. By-product of energy release; also know as thermal energy
  5. Phenomenon occuring when a large nucleus split to release two or more smaller nuclei.

11 Clues: energy that relates to that relates to position.Work done by moving charges, electrons.Sum of the energy of motion and position.Potential energy stored in the nucleaus of an atom.By-product of energy release; also know as thermal energyPotential energy stored in the chemical bonds of compounds....

Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-22

Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. enrgy that ________ forms
  2. energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom
  3. this energy comes from electrons in atoms
  4. this energy is energy in motion
  5. this energy forms from random vibrating atoms
  1. hydrogen combines with itself to from helium this is also known as...
  2. this energy forms waves based on compressions and rarefactions
  3. this energy is released once ______ are combined
  4. comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart
  5. this energy has a crest and trough
  6. this energy is stored up energy

11 Clues: enrgy that ________ formsthis energy is stored up energythis energy is energy in motionthis energy has a crest and troughthis energy comes from electrons in atomsthis energy forms from random vibrating atomsenergy that comes from the nucleus of the atomthis energy is released once ______ are combinedcomes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart...

Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-22

Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. enrgy that ________ forms
  2. energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom
  3. this energy comes from electrons in atoms
  4. this energy is energy in motion
  5. this energy forms from random vibrating atoms
  1. hydrogen combines with itself to from helium this is also known as...
  2. this energy forms waves based on compressions and rarefactions
  3. this energy is released once ______ are combined
  4. comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart
  5. this energy has a crest and trough
  6. this energy is stored up energy

11 Clues: enrgy that ________ formsthis energy is stored up energythis energy is energy in motionthis energy has a crest and troughthis energy comes from electrons in atomsthis energy forms from random vibrating atomsenergy that comes from the nucleus of the atomthis energy is released once ______ are combinedcomes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart...

Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-22

Energy Forms Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. enrgy that ________ forms
  2. energy that comes from the nucleus of the atom
  3. this energy comes from electrons in atoms
  4. this energy is energy in motion
  5. this energy forms from random vibrating atoms
  1. hydrogen combines with itself to from helium this is also known as...
  2. this energy forms waves based on compressions and rarefactions
  3. this energy is released once ______ are combined
  4. comes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart
  5. this energy has a crest and trough
  6. this energy is stored up energy

11 Clues: enrgy that ________ formsthis energy is stored up energythis energy is energy in motionthis energy has a crest and troughthis energy comes from electrons in atomsthis energy forms from random vibrating atomsenergy that comes from the nucleus of the atomthis energy is released once ______ are combinedcomes from an atom's nucleus when it splits apart...