forms of energy Crossword Puzzles

Cellular Respiration 2013-06-11

Cellular Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. Lipid with one, two or three fatty acid tails attached to a glycerol.
  2. Forms as electron flow throught the chains drivers H+ from the inner to the outer compartment.
  3. Cultivated strains that are used to produce wine.
  4. Third stage of aerobic respiration; electron flow through electron transfer chain in inner mitochondrial membrane set.
  5. Source of energy, organic molecule that consist primarily of C, H, and O atoms.
  6. Anaerobic pathway that breaks down glucose, forms ethanol and ATP.
  7. Source of energy as the fats and carbohydrates, organic compound that consists of one or more polypetide chains.
  8. First stage of aerobic respiration and fermentation; glucose or another sugar molecule is broken down to two pyruvate for a net yield of 2 ATP.
  9. Metabolic pathway that breaks down carbohydrates to produce ATP by using oxygen.
  1. An anaerobic metabolic pathway by which celss harvest energy from organic molecules.
  2. Anaerobic pathway that breaks down glucose, forms ATP and lactate.
  3. The Krebs cycle breaks down...
  4. The direct transfer of a phosphate group from a substrate to ADP; forms ATP.
  5. Second stage of aerobic respiration; and meny reduced coenzyme.
  6. Lactate fermenter we use.
  7. Enzyme attach a phosphate to each PGAL, forming two molecules of?
  8. Pathway that uses oxygen.
  9. Three carbon end product of glycosis.
  10. A pigment related to hemoglobin, it stores oxygen in muscle tissue.
  11. They occur in the absence of oxygen.

20 Clues: Lactate fermenter we use.Pathway that uses oxygen.The Krebs cycle breaks down...They occur in the absence of oxygen.Three carbon end product of glycosis.Cultivated strains that are used to produce wine.Second stage of aerobic respiration; and meny reduced coenzyme.Enzyme attach a phosphate to each PGAL, forming two molecules of?...

Chapter 6: Changing Forms of Energy 2025-03-13

Chapter 6: Changing Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. A form of energy that travels outward in all directions until it strikes something. It can travel through space
  2. This word describes materials that do not let any light pass through them
  3. The bounce of light waves when they encounter an obstacle
  4. When something gets separated out or spread out
  5. This word describes materials that let some light pass through them
  6. The back-and-forth motion of an object
  7. The loudness of a sound
  8. A substance such as wood, metal, or air
  1. The bending of light waves as they pass from one medium to another
  2. Energy that is not causing any changes now but could cause changes in the future
  3. This word describes materials that let nearly all light pass through them
  4. The energy that is due to motion
  5. The highness or lowness of a sound
  6. The ability to do work or cause a change
  7. A sound heard again near its source after being reflected
  8. A form of energy that behaves in a predictable way. It is a wave of vibrations that spreads from its source
  9. A measure of how often particles are vibrating
  10. A metal device that produces a particular note when it is hit, and that is used to tune musical instruments
  11. This object will separate light into the colors of the spectrum

19 Clues: The loudness of a soundThe energy that is due to motionThe highness or lowness of a soundThe back-and-forth motion of an objectA substance such as wood, metal, or airThe ability to do work or cause a changeA measure of how often particles are vibratingWhen something gets separated out or spread out...

Energy forms/Transformations vocab 2022-09-27

Energy forms/Transformations vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Can be replaced or cannot be used up
  2. energy stored in bonds that hold atoms
  3. any material from living things used as energy
  4. energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  5. energy of moving water
  6. energy of moving air
  7. Can change light into electricity
  8. reflects sunlight into a fluid filled pipe
  9. energy of moving charges
  1. energy that travels through waves
  2. heat energy from inside the earth
  3. energy of moving objects
  4. A change from a form to another
  5. the ability to make things move for change
  6. energy from the remains of decayed plants/animals
  7. used up much faster than it can be replaced
  8. energy from the sun
  9. the energy of moving particles
  10. Careful use and management of resources

19 Clues: energy from the sunenergy of moving airenergy of moving waterenergy of moving objectsenergy of moving chargesthe energy of moving particlesA change from a form to anotherenergy that travels through wavesheat energy from inside the earthCan change light into electricityCan be replaced or cannot be used upenergy stored in bonds that hold atoms...

lecture 1 and 2 2024-08-13

lecture 1 and 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Where life operates
  2. comprises all types of water resources
  3. the protective blanket of gases surrounding the Earth
  4. is the outer mantle of the solid earth.
  5. Is the rate at which energy is used
  6. anything that takes up space and has mass.
  7. A solution with a pH higher than 7.
  8. is the energy that it possesses due to its motion.
  9. Developing new knowledge based upon old knowledge.
  1. the study of the interactions between life and its physical environment
  2. earth sciences, especially geology.
  3. focuses on the Earth’s atmosphere and its interrelation to the other system
  4. produced when a rise in temperature causes atoms and molecules to move faster and collide with each other
  5. it is needed by all known forms of life
  6. is done when force is applied to an object over a distance
  7. Stored energy that depends upon the relative position of various parts of a system.
  8. is the ability to do work It is needed by all known forms of life.
  9. is the study of energy
  10. the concentration of hydronium ions in a solution
  11. The study of interactions among physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment

20 Clues: Where life operatesis the study of energyearth sciences, especially geology.Is the rate at which energy is usedA solution with a pH higher than 7.comprises all types of water resourcesit is needed by all known forms of lifeis the outer mantle of the solid earth.anything that takes up space and has mass....

energy vocabulary 2024-12-10

energy vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the energy can use again
  2. The ability to do work.
  3. Heat energy from the Earth.
  4. life
  5. Where something comes from
  6. moving air
  7. The energy of movement.
  8. wate
  9. Making movement
  1. the energy can"t use again
  2. Stored energy that has not been used yet.
  3. sun
  4. Spinning blades to produce.
  5. The most common type of energy - created from other forms of energy

14 Clues: sunlifewatemoving airMaking movementThe ability to do work.The energy of movement.the energy can use againthe energy can"t use againWhere something comes fromHeat energy from the Earth.Spinning blades to produce.Stored energy that has not been used yet.The most common type of energy - created from other forms of energy

1/11: Energy Crossword Puzzle 2024-01-10

1/11: Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. This object stretched is potential energy
  2. Energy can not be created or destroyed.
  3. Energy is the ability to do this.
  4. Enjoying music during a concert.
  5. Riding a bike.
  6. These are tiny packs of energy.
  7. Energy that comes from any kind of radiation
  8. Blowing your hair with a hair dryer.
  9. This is stored energy up high.
  1. This is stored up energy.
  2. The faster electrons move, the less energy it has.
  3. Warming your hands over a fire pit.
  4. This energy causes the flag to move outside
  5. Kinetic and potential are two basic energy...
  6. Energy that comes from a grenade or bomb.
  7. Growth from a seed to an adult tree
  8. This is the energy of motion.
  9. Eating food will give you this energy.
  10. Water make 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen
  11. Energy that comes when you can see something

20 Clues: Riding a bike.This is stored up energy.This is the energy of motion.This is stored energy up high.These are tiny packs of energy.Enjoying music during a concert.Energy is the ability to do this.Warming your hands over a fire pit.Growth from a seed to an adult treeBlowing your hair with a hair dryer.Eating food will give you this energy....

energy vocabulary 2024-12-10

energy vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the energy can use again
  2. The ability to do work.
  3. Heat energy from the Earth.
  4. life
  5. Where something comes from
  6. moving air
  7. The energy of movement.
  8. wate
  9. Making movement
  1. the energy can"t use again
  2. Stored energy that has not been used yet.
  3. sun
  4. Spinning blades to produce.
  5. The most common type of energy - created from other forms of energy

14 Clues: sunlifewatemoving airMaking movementThe ability to do work.The energy of movement.the energy can use againthe energy can"t use againWhere something comes fromHeat energy from the Earth.Spinning blades to produce.Stored energy that has not been used yet.The most common type of energy - created from other forms of energy

Unit 4 Energy Review 2025-01-29

Unit 4 Energy Review crossword puzzle
  1. the energy of place or position.
  2. The energy of an object in motion; it is calculated based on the object's mass and velocity.
  3. The total energy of all the particles in a substance; it is related to temperature and can affect the state of matter.
  4. the energy in bonds
  5. is the transfer of thermal energy between substances due to a difference in temperature
  6. the joining together of nuclei
  7. Energy from sources that cannot be replenished within a human time frame, such as fossil fuels; these sources are limited and contribute to environmental concerns.
  8. the energy that holds the nucleus of an atom together
  9. the energy in objects that have a restorative force, such as springs or rubber bands
  1. occurs when thermal energy is added or taken away from a system.
  2. a law that states energy can't be created or destroyed, but it can change forms
  3. is the average kinetic energy of molecules of a substance.
  4. Changes in energy from one form to another; such as converting chemical energy in food into mechanical energy for movement.
  5. Energy from sources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water; these sources can help meet societal energy needs sustainably.
  6. the splitting of nuclei
  7. The capacity to do work or produce change; it exists in various forms such as kinetic, potential, thermal, and more.
  8. The stored energy of an object based on its position or condition; for example, a rock at the top of a hill has gravitational potential energy.

17 Clues: the energy in bondsthe splitting of nucleithe joining together of nucleithe energy of place or position.the energy that holds the nucleus of an atom togetheris the average kinetic energy of molecules of a substance.occurs when thermal energy is added or taken away from a system....

Science Vocabulary 2023-05-09

Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a tool used to measure temperature
  2. a boundary, or dividing line between two air masses
  3. the ability to make things move or change
  4. the transfer of heat energy through a fluid (water)
  5. the air that surrounds earth
  6. dark, tall thunderstorm clouds
  7. a storm that forms over warm ocean water
  8. the transfer of energy without particles colliding or moving
  1. the movement of water between air in the troposphere, land, and oceans
  2. this is how we remember the different forms of energy
  3. the closest atmosphere layer to Earth's surface
  4. water that falls to Earth's surface
  5. puffy, white clouds
  6. the distance above Earth's surface
  7. a tool that measures wind speed

15 Clues: puffy, white cloudsthe air that surrounds earthdark, tall thunderstorm cloudsa tool that measures wind speeda tool used to measure temperaturethe distance above Earth's surfacewater that falls to Earth's surfacea storm that forms over warm ocean waterthe ability to make things move or changethe closest atmosphere layer to Earth's surface...

Forms of Energy 2021-03-24

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. relating to chemistry
  2. a closed path letting electricity flow through
  3. the power that comes from sources such as light or heat
  1. man-made energy
  2. heat energy
  3. energy in motion
  4. stored energy

7 Clues: heat energystored energyman-made energyenergy in motionrelating to chemistrya closed path letting electricity flow throughthe power that comes from sources such as light or heat

Forms of energy 2022-08-05

Forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. Makes things happen move or change
  2. The energy of movement
  3. Energy carried by electrical currents
  4. The energy produced by a stove when turned on
  1. The energy produced when we light a match stick
  2. A radio produce this energy when turned on
  3. The energy produced by a torch

7 Clues: The energy of movementThe energy produced by a torchMakes things happen move or changeEnergy carried by electrical currentsA radio produce this energy when turned onThe energy produced by a stove when turned onThe energy produced when we light a match stick

Forms of Energy. 2022-11-03

Forms of Energy. crossword puzzle
  1. When a basketball hits the ground, it makes a __.
  2. Vacuums and computers have __ energy.
  3. A rock on the edge of a cliff has __ energy.
  1. A MOVING car has __ energy.
  2. The heaters in homes have __ energy.
  3. Cars need batteries, batteries are __ energy.
  4. A windmill has __ energy.

7 Clues: A windmill has __ energy.A MOVING car has __ energy.The heaters in homes have __ energy.Vacuums and computers have __ energy.A rock on the edge of a cliff has __ energy.Cars need batteries, batteries are __ energy.When a basketball hits the ground, it makes a __.

Forms of Energy 2024-01-02

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. The energy from vibrations in matter
  2. The energy of moving electrons or electric charges
  3. The energy of moving objects
  4. The energy of heat
  1. Energy stored in the bonds of molecules
  2. The energy locked in the nucleus of an atom
  3. The energy of light

7 Clues: The energy of heatThe energy of lightThe energy of moving objectsThe energy from vibrations in matterEnergy stored in the bonds of moleculesThe energy locked in the nucleus of an atomThe energy of moving electrons or electric charges

forms of energy 2024-02-19

forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. the unit of energy
  2. the ability to do work
  3. the type of energy involving movement
  4. the type of energy a fire gives off
  5. energy that is produced by vibrating
  1. the electromagnetic energy
  2. electrical energy is the movement of these

7 Clues: the unit of energythe ability to do workthe electromagnetic energythe type of energy a fire gives offenergy that is produced by vibratingthe type of energy involving movementelectrical energy is the movement of these

1234567890987654321 2018-05-08

1234567890987654321 crossword puzzle
  1. Potential energy relies on mass and ______
  2. Stored energy is _________ energy
  3. The ability to do work
  4. To calculate kinetic energy you need to know its ______ and mass
  5. When something is in motion it has ______ Energy
  6. There are _______ types of kinetic energy.
  7. ______ is a form of kinetic energy
  8. The four types of Potential energy are elastic, mechanical, chemical, and __________
  9. Another form of kinetic energy is ______ energy
  1. An object will keep the same amount of energy unless its speed ______
  2. The unit used to measure kinetic energy
  3. Kinetic energy relies on mass and ______
  4. The word kinetic comes from an Ancient Greek word _____ which means motion
  5. One form of kinetic energy is __________ energy
  6. The ______ and object moves the more kinetic energy it has
  7. When an objects kinetic energy doubles this also doubles
  8. Kinetic energy can occur in any ________
  9. Potential energy can be catogaroized into ______ forms

18 Clues: The ability to do workStored energy is _________ energy______ is a form of kinetic energyThe unit used to measure kinetic energyKinetic energy relies on mass and ______Kinetic energy can occur in any ________Potential energy relies on mass and ______There are _______ types of kinetic energy.One form of kinetic energy is __________ energy...

Energy 2024-01-18

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy in a wave motion
  2. Energy of molecules in motion
  3. Acronym used to remember the 7 forms of energy
  4. Ability to do work
  5. Energy stored in chemical bonds
  6. Energy of matter in motion
  7. Unit of measurement of temperature represented by F
  8. Energy stored inside an object that doesn't move
  9. Method of heat transfer that requires for the objects to touch each other
  10. Temperature at which a substance transfers from liquid to gas
  1. Unit of measurement of energy represented by a J
  2. Energy of a moving object
  3. Unit of measurement of temperature represented by a K
  4. Energy in the nucleus of an atom
  5. Energy that can produce visible light
  6. Temperature at which a substance transfers from solid to liquid
  7. Heat transfer through space with electromagnetic waves
  8. When a hot liquid or gas rises up and the cold liquid or gas sinks
  9. Energy provided through the flow of charged particles
  10. Unit of measurement of temperature represented by C

20 Clues: Ability to do workEnergy in a wave motionEnergy of a moving objectEnergy of matter in motionEnergy of molecules in motionEnergy stored in chemical bondsEnergy in the nucleus of an atomEnergy that can produce visible lightAcronym used to remember the 7 forms of energyUnit of measurement of energy represented by a J...

Ergstown Crossword 2023-09-12

Ergstown Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. energy from the sun
  2. energy from noise
  3. energy from substances like food and gas
  4. energy from movement
  5. someone who solves problems
  6. what turns our lights on
  7. energy going out
  1. when the electricity goes out
  2. a group of parts that work together
  3. to go up or make bigger
  4. the ability to move or change
  5. energy from heat
  6. to change forms
  7. person in charge of a town or city
  8. to go down or make smaller
  9. energy going in

16 Clues: to change formsenergy going inenergy from heatenergy going outenergy from noiseenergy from the sunenergy from movementto go up or make biggerwhat turns our lights onto go down or make smallersomeone who solves problemswhen the electricity goes outthe ability to move or changeperson in charge of a town or citya group of parts that work together...

Cellular Respiration 2013-06-12

Cellular Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. Pathway that uses oxygen.
  2. Forms as electron flow throught the chains drivers H+ from the inner to the outer compartment.
  3. Anaerobic pathway that breaks down glucose, forms ATP and lactate.
  4. Anaerobic pathway that breaks down glucose, forms ethanol and ATP.
  5. Source of energy as the fats and carbohydrates, organic compound that consists of one or more polypetide chains.
  6. Photosynthetic autotroph.
  7. Second stage of aerobic respiration; and meny reduced coenzyme.
  8. Third stage of aerobic respiration; electron flow through electron transfer chain in inner mitochondrial membrane set.
  9. The Krebs cycle breaks down...
  10. Any light-driven phosphorylation reaction.
  11. First stage of aerobic respiration and fermentation; glucose or another sugar molecule is broken down to two pyruvate for a net yield of 2 ATP.
  12. Enzyme attach a phosphate to each PGAL, forming two molecules of?
  13. Metabolic pathway that breaks down carbohydrates to produce ATP by using oxygen.
  14. An anaerobic metabolic pathway by which celss harvest energy from organic molecules.
  1. Cultivated strains that are used to produce wine.
  2. Three carbon end product of glycosis.
  3. The direct transfer of a phosphate group from a substrate to ADP; forms ATP.
  4. Lactate fermenter we use.
  5. Source of energy, organic molecule that consist primarily of C, H, and O atoms.
  6. Lipid with one, two or three fatty acid tails attached to a glycerol.
  7. They occur in the absence of oxygen.
  8. A pigment related to hemoglobin, it stores oxygen in muscle tissue.

22 Clues: Pathway that uses oxygen.Lactate fermenter we use.Photosynthetic autotroph.The Krebs cycle breaks down...They occur in the absence of oxygen.Three carbon end product of glycosis.Any light-driven phosphorylation reaction.Cultivated strains that are used to produce wine.Second stage of aerobic respiration; and meny reduced coenzyme....

Energy Crosswoard 2022-03-11

Energy Crosswoard crossword puzzle
  1. transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves
  2. transfer of energy from one object to another
  3. transfer of energy through matter by direct contact
  4. stored energy
  5. used to measure specific heat
  6. measurement of energy
  7. mass X acceleration
  1. energy can not be created or destroyed only change forms
  2. faster particle movement
  3. energy in motion
  4. force resisting motion
  5. total amount of kinetic and potential energy in a system
  6. transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move
  7. ability to cause change
  8. measurement of power

15 Clues: stored energyenergy in motionmass X accelerationmeasurement of powermeasurement of energyforce resisting motionability to cause changefaster particle movementused to measure specific heattransfer of energy from one object to anothertransfer of energy through electromagnetic wavestransfer of energy through matter by direct contact...

Forms of Energy 2016-02-18

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. The ability to cause motion or create change.
  2. Energy that comes from the sun. it travels as waves and can move through empty space.
  3. energy Energy stored in an object.
  1. The energy created by electricity to create motion, light or heat.Electricity flows to the devices to power them.
  2. Energy in the form of heat. People used thermal energy to heat or cook food.
  3. Anything moving has this kind of energy.
  4. Energy of vibrations carried by air, water, or other matter.

7 Clues: energy Energy stored in an object.Anything moving has this kind of energy.The ability to cause motion or create change.Energy of vibrations carried by air, water, or other matter.Energy in the form of heat. People used thermal energy to heat or cook food.Energy that comes from the sun. it travels as waves and can move through empty space....

Forms of Energy 2019-11-01

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy stored in the nuclei of atoms
  2. Energy due to motion or position
  3. Energy carried as electromagnetic waves
  1. Energy carried as sound waves
  2. Energy produced by charges
  3. Energy related to temperature
  4. Energy stored in bonds

7 Clues: Energy stored in bondsEnergy produced by chargesEnergy carried as sound wavesEnergy related to temperatureEnergy due to motion or positionEnergy stored in the nuclei of atomsEnergy carried as electromagnetic waves

forms of energy 2021-11-15

forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy of vibration traveling in waves
  2. energy stored in chemical bonds
  3. the ability to cause change
  4. energy in waves with electric and magnetic properties
  1. energy stored in the nucleus of atoms
  2. the amount of kinetic energy of particles (think heat)
  3. energy of motion

7 Clues: energy of motionthe ability to cause changeenergy stored in chemical bondsenergy stored in the nucleus of atomsenergy of vibration traveling in wavesenergy in waves with electric and magnetic propertiesthe amount of kinetic energy of particles (think heat)

Forms of Energy 2024-04-23

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. mat
  2. S e d r y
  3. e i a g y
  4. it ia
  1. an ene
  2. on t
  3. v e

7 Clues: matv eon tit iaan eneS e d r ye i a g y

forms of energy 2023-12-13

forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. two or more atoms violently joined together to make a larger atom.
  2. travel in waves
  3. energy of motion or position
  1. the energy of moving electrons or electric charges
  2. the ability to do work or cause change
  3. the energy from vibrations in matter
  4. energy stored in the bonds of molecules

7 Clues: travel in wavesenergy of motion or positionthe energy from vibrations in matterthe ability to do work or cause changeenergy stored in the bonds of moleculesthe energy of moving electrons or electric chargestwo or more atoms violently joined together to make a larger atom.

Forms of Energy 2024-10-04

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. The energy an object has due to its position.
  2. An example of this type if energy is an electric current.
  3. The energy stored in chemical bonds and released through a chemical reaction.
  4. Energy is measured in this unit.
  1. The energy of motion.
  2. Energy given off as heat.
  3. Temperature is measured in this unit.

7 Clues: The energy of motion.Energy given off as heat.Energy is measured in this unit.Temperature is measured in this unit.The energy an object has due to its position.An example of this type if energy is an electric current.The energy stored in chemical bonds and released through a chemical reaction.

Energy Vocabulary 2024-12-10

Energy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. heat energy from the earth
  2. can never be replaced
  3. life
  4. the ability to do work
  5. where something comes from
  6. the energy of movement
  7. moving air
  8. spinning blades to produce electricity
  9. water
  1. sun
  2. energy that can be used more than once
  3. stored energy
  4. created from other forms of energy
  5. making movement

14 Clues: sunlifewatermoving airstored energymaking movementcan never be replacedthe ability to do workthe energy of movementheat energy from the earthwhere something comes fromcreated from other forms of energyenergy that can be used more than oncespinning blades to produce electricity

Energy Forms and Conservation 2022-02-22

Energy Forms and Conservation crossword puzzle
  1. Energy being used for something includes heat, sound, solar, electrical and kinetic energy.
  2. Energy which comes from the sun.
  3. The energy used by an appliance or device. joules Energy is symbolized by E and is measured in _________.
  4. In a closed system, energy cannot be created or destroyed, and instead changes from
  5. The energy given out/released by an appliance or device,
  6. Energy possessed by objects in motion.
  7. Energy which travels from hot particles to cold particles in an object.
  8. Humans gain their energy from their ______.
  9. Output energy which cannot be used.
  10. Energy stored in the bonds between atoms which hold molecules together.
  11. Energy carried by charged particles through a conductor.
  1. Scientists use a tool called a ____________ to measure the amount of energy in food.
  2. Waves that travel in the air which cause vibrations.
  3. A sequence of energy changes, usually starting with a form of potential energy is a ________ ______.
  4. Energy that is stored in an object due to it's location and can include gravitational,chemical, and elastic.
  5. Energy stored in objects above the Earth’s surface.
  6. Output energy which is utilized in some way.energytransfer When energy is passed from object to object but remains in the same form.
  7. form to another is known as the law of ____________.
  8. Energy stored in an object which has been squashed or stretched.

19 Clues: Energy which comes from the sun.Output energy which cannot be used.Energy possessed by objects in motion.Humans gain their energy from their ______.Energy stored in objects above the Earth’s surface.Waves that travel in the air which cause vibrations.form to another is known as the law of ____________....

Energy Forms & Heat Transfer 2022-09-14

Energy Forms & Heat Transfer crossword puzzle
  1. stored energy
  2. the unit of measurement for energy
  3. As an object’s temperature ____________, so does its Kinetic Energy
  4. are heat and temperature the same?
  5. heat transferred through electromagnetic waves; no contact is required
  6. the amount of thermal energy an object contains
  7. energy that moves in electromagnetic waves; does NOT require matter (CAN travel through empty space)
  8. the type of energy in food
  9. a change from one energy form to another
  10. the ability to do work
  1. heat transferred through the circular motion
  2. energy stored in the nucleus of an atom— energy can be released when the nuclei are combined or split apart
  3. energy in motion
  4. the distance traveled per unit of time (d/t)
  5. heat transferred through direct contact
  6. the amount of matter in an object
  7. fluids
  8. energy cannot be created or ___________
  9. energy that moves in waves; requires matter (can not travel through empty space)

19 Clues: fluidsstored energyenergy in motionthe ability to do workthe type of energy in foodthe amount of matter in an objectthe unit of measurement for energyare heat and temperature the same?heat transferred through direct contactenergy cannot be created or ___________a change from one energy form to anotherheat transferred through the circular motion...

Energy Review / Justine S. 2021-03-19

Energy Review / Justine S. crossword puzzle
  1. One of the top 3 countries consumption of energy in 2018
  2. Type of energy used most in Ecuador
  3. The most abundant fossil fuel
  4. Effect on the environment caused by mining
  5. Energy that can not be replenished
  6. Type of nuclear energy
  7. A secondary energy source
  1. A primary energy source
  2. Energy in a transformed state
  3. Energy forms that can be used directly from nature
  4. Energy that can be replenished
  5. A type of nonrenewable energy source
  6. A type of energy used in the United States
  7. A type of nondepletable energy source
  8. The ability to do work

15 Clues: The ability to do workType of nuclear energyA primary energy sourceA secondary energy sourceEnergy in a transformed stateThe most abundant fossil fuelEnergy that can be replenishedEnergy that can not be replenishedType of energy used most in EcuadorA type of nonrenewable energy sourceA type of nondepletable energy source...

Weather 2023-06-08

Weather crossword puzzle
  1. area of similar pressure
  2. cold regions
  3. heat moves from ______ to _______
  4. heat energy from the sun
  5. measurement of moisture (water vapor) in the air
  6. pressure system responsible for clear skies
  7. region near the equator with warm weather
  8. boundary between air masses
  9. pressure system responsible for clouds and rain
  10. local atmospheric conditions
  11. fast wind that moves air masses
  1. type of front responsible for gentle rain
  2. steady front; weather does not change
  3. type of air mass that forms over land
  4. measurement of kinetic energy
  5. wind flows from ______ to _______ pressure
  6. type of front responsible for storms
  7. type of air mass that forms over water

18 Clues: cold regionsarea of similar pressureheat energy from the sunboundary between air masseslocal atmospheric conditionsmeasurement of kinetic energyfast wind that moves air massesheat moves from ______ to _______type of front responsible for stormssteady front; weather does not changetype of air mass that forms over land...

Kinetic and Potential Energy 2018-05-08

Kinetic and Potential Energy crossword puzzle
  1. To calculate kinetic energy you need to know its ______ and mass
  2. The word kinetic comes from an Ancient Greek word _____ which means motion
  3. When an objects kinetic energy doubles this also doubles
  4. An object will keep the same amount of energy unless its speed ______
  5. ______ is a form of kinetic energy
  6. One form of kinetic energy is __________ energy
  7. Another form of kinetic energy is ______ energy
  8. Stored energy is _________ energy
  9. Potential energy can be catogaroized into ______ forms
  1. The unit used to measure kinetic energy
  2. Kinetic energy relies on mass and ______
  3. Potential energy relies on mass and ______
  4. Kinetic energy can occur in any ________
  5. The ______ and object moves the more kinetic energy it has
  6. The four types of Potential energy are elastic, mechanical, chemical, and __________
  7. There are _______ types of kinetic energy.
  8. The ability to do work
  9. When something is in motion it has ______ Energy

18 Clues: The ability to do workStored energy is _________ energy______ is a form of kinetic energyThe unit used to measure kinetic energyKinetic energy relies on mass and ______Kinetic energy can occur in any ________Potential energy relies on mass and ______There are _______ types of kinetic energy.One form of kinetic energy is __________ energy...

Respiration 2015-11-19

Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. converts ADP to ATP, also known as the citric acid cycle, and is part of cellular respiration.
  2. a ribose sugar and three phosphate groups.
  3. transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes, oceans and rain.
  4. naturally present in the air and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.
  5. the breakdown of glucose by enzymes.
  6. site of oxidation of organic molecules.
  7. uses high energy electrons to convert ADP to ATP.
  8. the infoldings or inward projections of the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
  9. produced in the citric acid cycle.
  10. high energy molecule used by cells to generate ATP.
  11. to require oxygen
  12. 2 carbons join a compound called Coenzyme A.
  1. a simple sugar.
  2. chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms.
  3. needed to make citric acid.
  4. the product of glycolysis.
  5. made by the fermentation of sugar
  6. organelle found in most cells, where respiration and energy production occur.
  7. odorless reactive gas that forms 20 percent of the Earth's atmosphere.
  8. important enzyme that provides energy for the cell to use through the synthesis of ATP.

20 Clues: needed to make citric acid.a simple require oxygenthe product of glycolysis.made by the fermentation of sugarproduced in the citric acid cycle.the breakdown of glucose by enzymes.uses high energy electrons to convert ADP to ATP....

Unit 8 Vocabulary 2025-02-11

Unit 8 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. binding and hardening of sediments into hard rock.
  2. a physical structure on Earth that occurs naturally.
  3. An energy-rich resource formed from the buried remains of once-living organisms.
  4. Very small pieces of rock, sand, and silt carried by water.
  5. gaseous resource that forms near oil deposits
  6. sediment is deposited in a new location.
  1. rock that forms when sediments are compacted and cemented together.
  2. pressure from rocks and soil reduces the size or volume of sediments.
  3. a liquid energy resource that forms from microorganisms over millions of years
  4. the movement of weathered material by wind, water, or ice.
  5. breaking down rocks into smaller pieces.
  6. A solid energy resource that forms from ancient plants over millions of years

12 Clues: breaking down rocks into smaller pieces.sediment is deposited in a new location.gaseous resource that forms near oil depositsbinding and hardening of sediments into hard rock.a physical structure on Earth that occurs naturally.the movement of weathered material by wind, water, or ice.Very small pieces of rock, sand, and silt carried by water....

David's and Austin's crossword 2013-05-30

David's and Austin's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. / energy of motion
  2. / energy from the sun
  3. bulb / produces light beams out of a bulb
  4. energy / can be made from a moving windmill
  5. / one kind of an energy to another
  6. / comes from heat energy when cold air sinks
  7. / measurement of energy
  1. / energy we hear with hour ears
  2. enegy / inside batteries
  3. / moving an energy from one place to another
  4. / three forms of energy , conduction , convection , radiation
  5. / comes from heat energy it moves upwards
  6. / stored energy
  7. / comes from heat energy makes particals vibrate

14 Clues: / stored energy/ energy of motion/ energy from the sun/ measurement of energyenegy / inside batteries/ energy we hear with hour ears/ one kind of an energy to anotherbulb / produces light beams out of a bulb/ comes from heat energy it moves upwardsenergy / can be made from a moving windmill/ moving an energy from one place to another...

KE and PE Review 2024-12-13

KE and PE Review crossword puzzle
  1. The type of potential energy in batteries / food
  2. Speed is _______ / time
  3. Kinetic energy describes an object's ______
  4. The constant in calculating Potential Energy
  5. type of energy calculated using Mass * Velocity Squared
  6. When one type of energy changes to another
  7. The type of energy stored in atoms
  8. The type of energy used when moving
  9. The unit used to measure energy
  10. The part of a rollercoaster with most PE
  11. The measurement of how much something weighs
  1. The measurement of how tall something is
  2. The part of a rollercoaster with the most KE
  3. The variable that is squared in calculating KE
  4. The type of energy that is KE + PE
  5. The type of energy stored in height
  6. The type of energy that is stored
  7. The type of energy you get pulling a rubber band
  8. The abbreviated way of measuring mass
  9. Energy is the ability to do ______
  10. The type of energy that describes motion
  11. Type of energy calculated using Mass*gravity*height
  12. The acronym for the forms of kinetic energy

23 Clues: Speed is _______ / timeThe unit used to measure energyThe type of energy that is storedThe type of energy that is KE + PEEnergy is the ability to do ______The type of energy stored in atomsThe type of energy stored in heightThe type of energy used when movingThe abbreviated way of measuring massThe measurement of how tall something is...

Living SYS/Bio 2024-12-11

Living SYS/Bio crossword puzzle
  1. Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  2. atoms that are bonded but identical
  3. a very large molecules
  4. one of the most important element in our body
  5. C6H12O6
  6. A force that holds 2 atoms together
  7. this is a type of cellular respiration which releases energy
  8. traits that are passed parents offspring
  9. Ribonucleic Acid
  10. positive charge of an atom
  11. process by green plants by converting light energy to glucose
  12. a series of reactions where chemical energy in food is broken down to make atp
  1. A molecule containing a very large number of atoms
  2. this forms when an atom transfers an electron
  3. disorders can be predicted using genetic makeup of ones parent
  4. this is where cellular respiration occurs
  5. small molecules that bond together
  6. this forms when an atom share electrons
  7. negative charge of an atom
  8. smallest unit of an element
  9. neutral charge of an atom
  10. pure energy
  11. this is a type of cellular respiration which releases oxygen
  12. this rule is when atoms maintains 8 valence electrons
  13. atoms that are bonded but non identical

25 Clues: C6H12O6pure energyRibonucleic AcidDeoxyribonucleic Acida very large moleculesneutral charge of an atomnegative charge of an atompositive charge of an atomsmallest unit of an elementsmall molecules that bond togetheratoms that are bonded but identicalA force that holds 2 atoms togetherthis forms when an atom share electrons...

Respiration 2015-11-18

Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. Converts ADP to ATP, also known as the citric acid cycle, and is part of cellular respiration.
  2. The breakdown of glucose by enzymes.
  3. 2 carbons join a compound called Coenzyme A.
  4. Transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes, oceans and rain.
  5. Chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms.
  6. Needed to make citric acid.
  7. Made by the fermentation of sugar
  8. The infoldings or inward projections of the inner membrane of the mitochondria.
  9. Organelle found in most cells, where respiration and energy production occur.
  10. To require oxygen
  1. A simple sugar.
  2. Uses high energy electrons to convert ADP to ATP.
  3. Naturally present in the air and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.
  4. The product of glycolysis.
  5. Produced in the citric acid cycle.
  6. important enzyme that provides energy for the cell to use through the synthesis of ATP.
  7. Site of oxidation of organic molecules.
  8. Colorless, odorless reactive gas that forms 20 percent of the Earth's atmosphere.
  9. High energy molecule used by cells to generate ATP.
  10. A ribose sugar and three phosphate groups.

20 Clues: A simple sugar.To require oxygenThe product of glycolysis.Needed to make citric acid.Made by the fermentation of sugarProduced in the citric acid cycle.The breakdown of glucose by enzymes.Site of oxidation of organic molecules.A ribose sugar and three phosphate groups.2 carbons join a compound called Coenzyme A....

Vocabulary - Alex B 2017-01-09

Vocabulary - Alex B crossword puzzle
  1. Sum of kinetic and potential energy
  2. Energy can neither be created or destroyed
  3. Goal to reduce the amount of energy require to provide products and services
  4. A change from 1 for of energy to another
  5. Energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds
  6. A source that forms slower than consumed
  7. Potential energy stored as a result of deformation of an elastic energy
  8. Energy an object posses due to its placement in a gravitational field
  9. energy due to an objects motions
  10. Something that can produce heat, power life, move objects, or produce electricity
  11. Energy transmitted through sound waves
  1. Machine that converts 1 form of energy to another
  2. Energy of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation
  3. 2 things rubbing together to form heat
  4. energy created by the position, shape and condition of an object
  5. A recourse that can be used repeatedly because it is replaced naturally
  6. Energy released during nuclear fission or fussion
  7. Nonnewable natural energy from dead animals and plants
  8. Energy created by electrons moving through an electrical conductor
  9. capable of doing work
  10. Energy that comes from heat

21 Clues: capable of doing workEnergy that comes from heatenergy due to an objects motionsSum of kinetic and potential energy2 things rubbing together to form heatEnergy transmitted through sound wavesA change from 1 for of energy to anotherA source that forms slower than consumedEnergy can neither be created or destroyed...

Vocabulary - Alex B 2017-01-09

Vocabulary - Alex B crossword puzzle
  1. Energy released during nuclear fission or fussion
  2. energy due to an objects motions
  3. capable of doing work
  4. 2 things rubbing together to form heat
  5. A source that forms slower than consumed
  6. Goal to reduce the amount of energy require to provide products and services
  7. Something that can produce heat, power life, move objects, or produce electricity
  8. Potential energy stored as a result of deformation of an elastic energy
  9. Energy that comes from heat
  10. Energy transmitted through sound waves
  1. Nonnewable natural energy from dead animals and plants
  2. Energy can neither be created or destroyed
  3. Energy of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation
  4. Energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds
  5. Machine that converts 1 form of energy to another
  6. A recourse that can be used repeatedly because it is replaced naturally
  7. A change from 1 for of energy to another
  8. energy created by the position, shape and condition of an object
  9. Energy created by electrons moving through an electrical conductor
  10. Sum of kinetic and potential energy
  11. Energy an object posses due to its placement in a gravitational field

21 Clues: capable of doing workEnergy that comes from heatenergy due to an objects motionsSum of kinetic and potential energy2 things rubbing together to form heatEnergy transmitted through sound wavesA source that forms slower than consumedA change from 1 for of energy to anotherEnergy can neither be created or destroyed...

Energy 2020-09-28

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy can't be created nor ... but it can be transferred/changed into another form.
  2. Energy that stored in battery is called ... energy.
  3. Heat that produced from the core of the earth.
  4. panel The tools to produce solar energy.
  5. Forms of energy is known as ....
  6. Energy that comes from water.
  7. Energy resources that can be renewed in timely fashion.
  8. Drums, flute and violin produce ... energy.
  1. Non-renewable energy is the resources than can't be ... in timely fashion.
  2. Kinetic energy, potential energy and chemical energy are parts of this energy.
  3. Ability to do do work.
  4. Energy that replace electrical energy.
  5. Electrical iron changes electrical energy into ... energy.
  6. Branch of biomass that comes from the fossils and to run vehicles.
  7. The tools to generate hydropower energy.
  8. Energy that comes from living things.
  9. It changes chemical energy into electrical energy.
  10. Energy that is stored in things is called ... energy.

18 Clues: Ability to do do work.Energy that comes from water.Forms of energy is known as ....Energy that comes from living things.Energy that replace electrical energy.panel The tools to produce solar energy.The tools to generate hydropower energy.Drums, flute and violin produce ... energy.Heat that produced from the core of the earth....

Unit 8 Vocab 2025-02-19

Unit 8 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. gaseous resource that forms near oil deposits
  2. a liquid energy resource that forms from microorganisms over millions of years
  3. An energy-rich resource formed from the buried remains of once-living organisms.
  4. rock that forms when sediments are compacted and cemented together.
  5. binding and hardening of sediments into hard rock.
  1. a physical structure on Earth that occurs naturally.
  2. Very small pieces of rock, sand, and silt carried by water.
  3. pressure from rocks and soil reduces the size or volume of sediments.
  4. sediment is deposited in a new location.
  5. breaking down rocks into smaller pieces.
  6. A solid energy resource that forms from ancient plants over millions of years
  7. the movement of weathered material by wind, water, or ice.

12 Clues: sediment is deposited in a new location.breaking down rocks into smaller pieces.gaseous resource that forms near oil depositsbinding and hardening of sediments into hard rock.a physical structure on Earth that occurs naturally.the movement of weathered material by wind, water, or ice.Very small pieces of rock, sand, and silt carried by water....

Physical Properties Vocabulary 2016-12-02

Physical Properties Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. is the internal temperature of a substance
  2. two or more pure substances in a fixed mass ratio
  3. is everything that occupies space and has mass
  4. particles that are densely packed and arranged in an orderly position
  5. is the measure of how fast the particles are moving
  6. the ability to be stretched (pulled into a wire)
  7. particles with the most energy and are affected by pressure, volume, and temperature
  8. gas particles lose so much energy it forms to a solid
  9. liquid particles lose energy and form a solid
  10. particles have a definite volume but slide past each other
  1. is the amount of space that a substance occupies
  2. liquid particles gain energy to form a gas
  3. gas particles lose energy and come together to form a liquid
  4. solid substance gained energy to spread apart to form a liquid
  5. is the force that is created when particles collide
  6. the ability to be pounded (pressed)into thin sheets
  7. the ability to evaporate readily or give off an odor
  8. one, pure substance
  9. property a change that can be changed back to its original form
  10. solid particles gain so much energy it forms into a gas
  11. physical combinations of two or more substances

21 Clues: one, pure substanceliquid particles gain energy to form a gasis the internal temperature of a substanceliquid particles lose energy and form a solidis everything that occupies space and has massphysical combinations of two or more substancesis the amount of space that a substance occupiesthe ability to be stretched (pulled into a wire)...

Energy vocablaury 2024-12-10

Energy vocablaury crossword puzzle
  1. Stored energy
  2. the most common type of energy- is created from other forms of energy
  3. Energy that can only be used until it is gone
  4. sun
  5. life
  6. the ability to do work
  7. moving air
  1. Spinning blades to produce electricity
  2. making movement
  3. The energy of movement
  4. Energy that can be used more than once, without change
  5. Heat energy from the Earth
  6. water
  7. Where something comes from

14 Clues: sunlifewatermoving airStored energymaking movementThe energy of movementthe ability to do workHeat energy from the EarthWhere something comes fromSpinning blades to produce electricityEnergy that can only be used until it is goneEnergy that can be used more than once, without change...

Endothermic vs Exothermic Crossword 2024-04-05

Endothermic vs Exothermic Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Energy needed to start a chemical reaction
  2. Absorbs Heat
  3. Energy transfered bewteen objects
  4. Alteration in appearance or state without forming new substances
  5. Measurement of how hot or cold something is.
  6. Energy in motion
  7. Ammount of heat energy needed to change the temp of a substance
  8. opposite of cold
  1. Energy stored in the bonds
  2. Total energy of particles in an object; makes things feel hot
  3. Releases Heat
  4. Energy cannot be created or destoryed, only changes forms
  5. Energy that can "Possibly" move
  6. Unit of energy in the metric system
  7. Everything outside the system
  8. A transformation that creates new substances with different properties.
  9. A part of the universe under study
  10. Unit measuring in food

18 Clues: Absorbs HeatReleases HeatEnergy in motionopposite of coldUnit measuring in foodEnergy stored in the bondsEverything outside the systemEnergy that can "Possibly" moveEnergy transfered bewteen objectsA part of the universe under studyUnit of energy in the metric systemEnergy needed to start a chemical reaction...

Energy Forms and Changes 2022-11-03

Energy Forms and Changes crossword puzzle
  1. kinetic energy formula
  2. energy of motion
  3. A change from one form of energy to another
  4. the ability to do work
  5. formula for work
  6. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change forms
  7. type of potential energy stored in the chemical bonds holding atoms together
  8. stored energy
  9. measurement of energy
  1. potential energy + kinetic energy
  2. gravitational potential energy formula
  3. energy in moving electrons
  4. heat energy
  5. force that works against motion and causes not all potential energy to be converted to kinetic energy
  6. caused by the air molecules around an object vibrating

15 Clues: heat energystored energyenergy of motionformula for workmeasurement of energykinetic energy formulathe ability to do workenergy in moving electronspotential energy + kinetic energygravitational potential energy formulaA change from one form of energy to anothercaused by the air molecules around an object vibrating...

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-09

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A measure of the total kinetic energy possessed by particles in a substance.
  2. Energy stored within a substance such as fuel or food that may be released when the substance is burnt or digested.
  3. Stored energy of an object that is held above the Earth’s surface.
  4. Energy that travels as vibrating waves and can be heard by our ears as sound.
  5. added into ceilings and between the walls of a house to reduce heat transfer.
  6. The conversion of one type of energy into another type of energy; for example the conversion of electrical energy used in an MP3 player into sound light and heat energy.
  7. Process in which green plants convert light energy into chemical energy.
  8. Vehicle braking system that stores some of the kinetic energy of a car as it slows down and uses this energy to power the car.
  9. A label showing numbers of stars (usually from 1 to 6) which can be used to compare the energy efficiency of different appliances.
  10. Energy stored inside an atom.
  11. Form of energy that is visible such as that produced by the sun.
  12. The ability to make a change happen; different forms include heat energy light energy and sound energy.
  1. Energy that causes charged particles to move.
  2. A scheme that uses computer simulations to provide a star rating (to a maximum of 10 stars) to houses based on the effectiveness of the external walls against heat loss.
  3. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred from one object to another or transformed into another form of energy.
  4. Energy stored within a stretched or compressed object like a spring or elastic material.
  5. Unit of measurement for energy.
  6. A new generation of flexible and cheap solar cells made from carbon-based materials.
  7. The proportion of useful energy output from a device compared to the amount of energy that is input. This is usually expressed as a percentage.
  8. The flow of energy from one object into another object; for example the flow of heat from a metal spoon to your hand or the flow of kinetic energy from a bat to a ball that it hits.
  9. Diagram using arrows that shows the way energy is passed on or changed into other forms in a particular situation.
  10. Stored energy possessed by an object such as elastic potential energy into chemical energy.
  11. Energy possessed by a moving object.
  12. This is done whenever an object is moved or is forced to change shape.

24 Clues: Energy stored inside an atom.Unit of measurement for energy.Energy possessed by a moving object.Energy that causes charged particles to move.Form of energy that is visible such as that produced by the sun.Stored energy of an object that is held above the Earth’s surface.This is done whenever an object is moved or is forced to change shape....

Energy and its uses 2021-03-09

Energy and its uses crossword puzzle
  1. a type of stored energy found in rubber bands
  2. also known as stored energy
  3. a type of stored energy dependent on height
  4. rate of energy conversion
  5. unit of time in the formula P=E/t
  6. moving body has this
  7. travels from hotter to colder region
  8. the ..... the object, the more kinetic energy it has
  1. unit of power
  2. capacity to do work is .....
  3. Rule 2: energy can only be ..... to other forms
  4. Principle of ...... of Energy
  5. a type of stored energy found in battery
  6. Rule 1: energy cannot be ..... or destroyed
  7. also known as heat energy

15 Clues: unit of powermoving body has thisrate of energy conversionalso known as heat energyalso known as stored energycapacity to do work is .....Principle of ...... of Energyunit of time in the formula P=E/ttravels from hotter to colder regiona type of stored energy found in batterya type of stored energy dependent on height...

energy vocabulary 2024-12-10

energy vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Life.
  2. The most common type of energy - created from other forms of energy
  3. The ability to do work.
  4. energy Stored energy that has not been used yet.
  5. energy that can be used more than once
  6. Making movement.
  7. energy The energy of movement.
  1. Spinning blades to produce.
  2. Energy that can only be used until it is gone
  3. Where something comes from.
  4. Heat energy from the Earth.
  5. Water.
  6. Sun.
  7. energy Moving air.

14 Clues: Sun.Life.Water.Making Moving air.The ability to do work.Spinning blades to produce.Where something comes from.Heat energy from the The energy of that can be used more than onceenergy Stored energy that has not been used yet.Energy that can only be used until it is gone...

Ben Donovan Physics Crossword 2014-02-27

Ben Donovan Physics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. In order for work to be done, the object that is being worked on must change _____ and speed
  2. Rate at which work is done
  3. The energy trapped inside of an atom
  4. The ability to do work
  5. Θ is the angle between the applied force and the ________
  6. Energy of electromagnetic waves
  7. Magnets harness this form of energy
  8. Type of energy that an object in motion possesses
  9. When work is done, there will be an equal change in energy
  10. Anything that gives off heat is giving off this form of energy
  11. Eg=m*g*h
  1. U=1/2k▲x^2
  2. Total energy does not change, but specific forms of energy may
  3. The minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom in gaseous state
  4. An example of this form of energy is a light bulb
  5. The opposite of kinetic energy is _______
  6. An example of this form of energy is a matchstick
  7. How an object gains or loses energy
  8. Form of energy associated with the vibration or disturbance of matter
  9. Work=__*cos(Θ)distance

20 Clues: Eg=m*g*hU=1/2k▲x^2The ability to do workWork=__*cos(Θ)distanceRate at which work is doneEnergy of electromagnetic wavesHow an object gains or loses energyMagnets harness this form of energyThe energy trapped inside of an atomThe opposite of kinetic energy is _______An example of this form of energy is a light bulb...

energy forms and sources 2020-11-04

energy forms and sources crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to do work
  2. a form of energy that is not moving
  3. bow and arow's use this form of energy
  4. is a form of gas
  5. energy from dead and alive things
  1. energy from the flow of water
  2. a form of energy that is moving
  3. helps extract most forms of energy
  4. energy from the core of the earth
  5. a form of energy from the air
  6. energy from the sun
  7. energy from animals
  8. kinetic and potential energy
  9. a form of energy from the sun

14 Clues: is a form of gasenergy from the sunenergy from animalsthe ability to do workkinetic and potential energyenergy from the flow of watera form of energy from the aira form of energy from the suna form of energy that is movingenergy from the core of the earthenergy from dead and alive thingshelps extract most forms of energy...

Energy 2022-03-29

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy required to move and objects position
  2. formed from remains of organisms
  3. breaking up an atoms nucleus
  4. joining 2 nuclei
  5. mixture of different hydrocarbons when oil is first extracted
  6. resources can never be replaced
  7. process for converting stored chemical energy into forms we use for other things
  8. energy stored in forces holding nuclei together
  9. energy of an object due to its position or shape
  10. energy stored in chemical bonds
  1. the energy in the movement of molecules
  2. energy emitted in the form of waves of the electromagnetic spectrum
  3. used when coal deposits are deep underground
  4. used when coal deposits are near the surface
  5. readily available resources
  6. the ability to do work
  7. the majority of the energy used by our economy
  8. energy associated with the movement of electrons
  9. majority of our electricity is fueled by this fossil fuel
  10. states that energy can never be created or destroyed, only change form
  11. energy of motion

21 Clues: joining 2 nucleienergy of motionthe ability to do workreadily available resourcesbreaking up an atoms nucleusresources can never be replacedenergy stored in chemical bondsformed from remains of organismsthe energy in the movement of moleculesenergy required to move and objects positionused when coal deposits are deep underground...

Understanding Energy Changes Your World 2023-03-22

Understanding Energy Changes Your World crossword puzzle
  1. explains energy in the system
  2. the arrow that represents the equal sign, or to produce
  3. describes changes in forms of energy outside the system
  4. explains energy in the environment
  5. describes changes in forms of energy within a system
  6. snapshot that represents your first pause in the video
  7. snapshot that represents your second pause in the video
  1. energy not being analyzed, but is present in a scenario
  2. The Law of _________ of energy states all before equals all after.
  3. objects listed that have energy being analyzed
  4. both sides of the energy equation must equal, so you say it is ____.

11 Clues: explains energy in the systemexplains energy in the environmentobjects listed that have energy being analyzeddescribes changes in forms of energy within a systemsnapshot that represents your first pause in the videoenergy not being analyzed, but is present in a scenariothe arrow that represents the equal sign, or to produce...

Renewable Energy 2022-11-29

Renewable Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Hydroelectric energy can hurt the _____
  2. This energy source uses the water currents
  3. This energy source uses previously alive things
  4. This energy source uses the sun to create energy
  5. This energy source uses heat from the Earth
  6. Some people think wind turbines are very _____
  1. Forms of energy that will run out
  2. Solar energy is very ______
  3. This energy source uses the movement of air
  4. Forms of energy that can be used infinitely

10 Clues: Solar energy is very ______Forms of energy that will run outHydroelectric energy can hurt the _____This energy source uses the water currentsThis energy source uses the movement of airForms of energy that can be used infinitelyThis energy source uses heat from the EarthSome people think wind turbines are very _____...

energy 2018-03-26

energy crossword puzzle
  1. we can turn up the what on our phones
  2. form of energy that can bounce back light
  3. glass bar that makes a white color look like a rainbow by refracting
  4. there's all different forms
  5. current,the flow of different forms of energy
  1. another form of yourself made by the sun and it looks like its walking in front of you
  2. something that is pushing or pulling a object
  3. form of energy that can not bounce back light but can bend it
  4. force between a object and the ground that force's it to stop or slow down
  5. energy
  6. a curved piece of glass that can refract light
  7. a force of energy that always pulls you back down to earth when you jump up and dow
  8. you can have an open one or u can have a closed one
  9. energy,a form of energy that helps you see

14 Clues: energythere's all different formswe can turn up the what on our phonesform of energy that can bounce back lightenergy,a form of energy that helps you seesomething that is pushing or pulling a objectcurrent,the flow of different forms of energya curved piece of glass that can refract lightyou can have an open one or u can have a closed one...

Ch. 19 Vocab. 2025-03-09

Ch. 19 Vocab. crossword puzzle
  1. devise that produces a powerful beam of light
  2. transparent material that bends light
  3. occurs when light is repeatedly reflected within a given material
  4. can be projected onto a screen
  5. material that blocks light
  6. reflection that forms a clean image
  7. triangular piece of transparent glass that separates white light into a band of colors
  8. separation of white light into its component colors
  9. use of optical fibers
  10. seven colors that make up white light
  11. range of electromagnetic waves
  12. straight line that shows the direction of light
  1. curves outward
  2. green plant cells
  3. image cannot be project onto a screen
  4. substance in plants that absorbs the Sun's light and gives plant their green color
  5. picture formed by the eye
  6. from of electromagnetic energy made up of streams of photons
  7. process by which plants use energy from the Sun to make food
  8. curves inward
  9. material that transmits some light
  10. organ that detects light
  11. one of sense
  12. object that reflects light
  13. object that gives off its own light
  14. wave where particles of the medium moves up and down at right angles
  15. reflection that forms a fuzzy image
  16. material that transmits light easily
  17. tiny bundle of energy
  18. smooth surface that reflects light and forms images

30 Clues: one of sensecurves inwardcurves outwardgreen plant cellstiny bundle of energyuse of optical fibersorgan that detects lightpicture formed by the eyeobject that reflects lightmaterial that blocks lightcan be projected onto a screenrange of electromagnetic wavesmaterial that transmits some lightobject that gives off its own light...

Physics Energy Crossword 2020-07-14

Physics Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Our bodies consume this.
  2. Energy cannot be _______ or destroyed.
  3. Electric wires are hot because of___________.
  4. Another word for Heat.
  5. Light is made up of this.
  6. Light______off objects then into our eyes.
  7. An energy associated with motion.
  8. Sound energy travel in ________.
  9. Another way of saying 'light energy'.
  10. We can hear this energy.
  1. This type of energy can be used in weapons.
  2. The energy acting upon a pendulum.
  3. A machine which can work forever uses this.
  4. When one form of energy changes to another.
  5. There are nine forms of this.

15 Clues: Another word for Heat.Our bodies consume this.We can hear this energy.Light is made up of this.There are nine forms of this.Sound energy travel in ________.An energy associated with motion.The energy acting upon a pendulum.Another way of saying 'light energy'.Energy cannot be _______ or destroyed.Light______off objects then into our eyes....

Chemical reactions 2023-11-16

Chemical reactions crossword puzzle
  1. matter that can escape or enter
  2. A solid that forms from liquid during a chemical reaction
  3. change in form only
  4. The Minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction
  5. the amount of a substance in a given volume
  6. Substances that undergo the chemical change
  7. reaction where energy is absorbed
  8. The cells in that contain thousands of biological catalysts
  9. tells what happens in a chemical reaction
  1. occurs when compounds break down into simpler products
  2. If two elements in different compounds trade places
  3. The number placed in front of a chemical formula in a equation
  4. Substances that forms in a chemical reaction
  5. change that results in new products
  6. When two or more elements or compounds combine to make a more complex substance
  7. Describes the rate of a chemical change reaction
  8. of conservation of mass
  9. reaction where energy is released
  10. matter that dose not leave or enter
  11. Increases the reaction rate

20 Clues: change in form onlyof conservation of massIncreases the reaction ratematter that can escape or enterreaction where energy is releasedreaction where energy is absorbedchange that results in new productsmatter that dose not leave or entertells what happens in a chemical reactionthe amount of a substance in a given volume...

Energy (Energy and Heat Transfer) 2024-11-07

Energy (Energy and Heat Transfer) crossword puzzle
  1. energy is the ability to do...?
  2. The measurement of kinetic energy in a substance.
  3. An object in motion has ___________ energy.
  4. This also affects an object's potential energy
  5. This force prevents objects from moving
  6. Heat transferred through direct contact
  7. When energy changes forms it ________________.
  8. This energy comes from something being stretched
  9. Heat transferred trough a fluid
  10. When energy moves from one source to another it is called energy __________.
  11. The Law of Conservation of ______ states that energy can not be created nor destroyed
  12. When substances exchange energy until they reach the same temperature it is called Thermal ______________
  13. Mechanical energy is measured in this unit.
  1. A boulder high on a cliff has a lot of gravitational _________ energy.
  2. This moves from warmer to cooler substances
  3. These prevent energy transfer
  4. This energy comes from elements or compounds interacting
  5. These help energy transfer
  6. In a closed system the total amount of energy remains _______.
  7. Kinetic energy ____________ when a roller coaster car goes uphill
  8. Work is the ability exert _________ on an object
  9. The type of energy is emitted in all directions

22 Clues: These help energy transferThese prevent energy transferenergy is the ability to do...?Heat transferred trough a fluidThis force prevents objects from movingHeat transferred through direct contactThis moves from warmer to cooler substancesAn object in motion has ___________ energy.Mechanical energy is measured in this unit....

Unit 5 Matter Cycle energy Flow 2021 2021-02-11

Unit 5 Matter Cycle energy Flow 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. oxygen
  2. Energy,Energy from sun captured by autotrophs.
  3. light energy and convert it to chemical energy (glucose).
  4. sacs of lung tissue specialized for the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide between air and blood
  5. oxygen
  6. of the chemical reactions that occur within an organism, heat energy is lost to the system.
  7. organism that makes its own food
  8. cycles,matter is always recycled on Earth's closed systems.
  9. simple sugar that is an important source of chemical energy. Formed by converting light energy to chemical energy.
  10. dioxide,Input for photosynthesis, output for cell respiration.
  11. energy,Energy stored in chemical bonds, glucose is chemical energy.
  12. system,A group of organs, functioning in the process of gas exchange between the body and the environment.
  1. of the cell, organelle that is the site of ATP (energy) production
  2. system,A group of organs which break down food into smaller molecules. Absorbs these nutrients into the body.
  3. for photosynthesis, output for cell respiration.
  4. flows,in one direction from producers (autotrophs) to consumers (heterotrophs)
  5. organelle found in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis occurs
  6. for anaerobic reaction known as glycolysis. A jellylike fluid inside the cell in which the organelles are suspended
  7. breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvate. Anaerobic (no oxygen).
  8. Light,Ultimate source of energy is light energy from the sun.
  9. for cell respiration, output for photosynthesis.
  10. organism that cannot make its own food.
  11. triphosphate) main energy source that cells use for most of their work
  12. respiration,[aerobic] series of chemical reactions that occur in mitochondria, and the process by which cells get most of their cell level chemical energy = ATP. Aerobic (needs oxygen)
  13. respiration,Process that releases stored energy (from sun) by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen.
  14. cycle,How a cell regenerates its ATP supply. ADP forms when ATP loses a phosphate group, then ATP forms as ADP gains a phosphate group.

26 Clues: oxygenoxygenorganism that makes its own foodorganism that cannot make its own food.Energy,Energy from sun captured by autotrophs.for photosynthesis, output for cell respiration.for cell respiration, output for photosynthesis.light energy and convert it to chemical energy (glucose).cycles,matter is always recycled on Earth's closed systems....

Unit 5: Sedimentary Rock and Fossil Fuels 2022-03-09

Unit 5: Sedimentary Rock and Fossil Fuels crossword puzzle
  1. replenish very quickly
  2. the method by which a substance or object is formed
  3. a solid energy resource that forms from ancient plants over millions of years
  4. fuels fuel formed over millions of years from the remains of plants and animals; examples include coal, petroleum (oil) and natural gas
  5. rock that forms when sediments are compacted and cemented together
  6. generate energy from renewable natural resources and do not deplete resources or harm the environment
  1. takes millions of years to replenish
  2. process of binding and hardening of sediments into a harder rock
  3. process by which overlying pressure from rocks and soil reduces the size or volume of sediments
  4. a gaseous energy resource that forms near oil deposits
  5. a liquid energy resource that forms from microorganisms over millions of years

11 Clues: replenish very quicklytakes millions of years to replenishthe method by which a substance or object is formeda gaseous energy resource that forms near oil depositsprocess of binding and hardening of sediments into a harder rockrock that forms when sediments are compacted and cemented together...

Energy Forms 2022-09-02

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. travels in waves and vibrates and can be hear
  2. energy of motion
  3. the ability to make things move
  4. flowing electrons, have a plug or battery
  5. energy that moves(motion)
  1. stored energy
  2. heat moving molecules
  3. energy travels in waves and can be seen

8 Clues: stored energyenergy of motionheat moving moleculesenergy that moves(motion)the ability to make things moveenergy travels in waves and can be seenflowing electrons, have a plug or batterytravels in waves and vibrates and can be hear

Cellular Respiration 2013-06-18

Cellular Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. the oxidation of organic compounds that occur within cells, producing energy for cellular processes.
  2. anaerobic pathway that breaks down glucose and forms ethanol and ATP.
  3. have many mitochondria and produce ATP by aerobic respiration.
  4. an organelle in the cytoplasm of cells that functions in energy production.
  5. metabolic pathway that breaks down carbohydrates to produce ATP by using oxygen.
  6. anaerobic pathway that breaks down glucose and forms ATP and lactate.
  7. an anaerobic metabolic pathway by which cells harvest energy from organic molecules.
  8. second stage of aerobic respiration.
  9. the direct transfer of a phosphate group from a substrate of ADP.
  10. have few mitochondria and no myoglobin.
  11. first-stage of aerobic respiration and fermentation.
  12. oxygen-requiring.
  13. the univalent group, CH3CO-, derived from acetic acid.
  14. a sugar, having several optically different forms, the common occurring in many fruits, animal tissues and fluids.
  1. third stage of aerobic respiration.
  2. consist of cell fused as long fibbers.
  3. the cell substance between the cell membrane and the nucleus.
  4. an intermediate in the metabolism of carbohydrates occurring in many fruits, specially limes and lemons, obtained chiefly by fermentation of crude sugars and corn sugar.
  5. occurring in the absence of oxygen.
  6. three-carbon and product of glycolysis.

20 Clues: oxygen-requiring.third stage of aerobic respiration.occurring in the absence of oxygen.second stage of aerobic respiration.consist of cell fused as long fibbers.have few mitochondria and no myoglobin.three-carbon and product of glycolysis.first-stage of aerobic respiration and fermentation.the univalent group, CH3CO-, derived from acetic acid....

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration 2023-02-09

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. the making of energy without oxygen
  2. the process by which green plants, algae and some forms of bacteria use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose.
  3. substances that can absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others
  4. the second step of photosynthesis that utilizes the energy from ATP and NADPH to produce glucose
  5. a series of chemical reactions that break down glucose to produce ATP
  6. Adenosine Triphosphate
  7. occurs in the muscle cells/tissue and is only a temporary source of energy
  8. taking carbon from an inorganic molecule and turning it into an organic molecule
  1. yeast and some forms of bacteria use this type of fermentation
  2. the initial stage of photosynthesis which traps light energy to produce ATP and NADPH
  3. the chief source of energy for living organisms
  4. A chloroplast contains tiny stacks of dislike structures called
  5. an organelle within the cells of plants and certain algae that is the site of photosynthesis
  6. chlorophyll absorbs energy from all parts of the visible light spectrum except
  7. the making of energy with oxygen

15 Clues: Adenosine Triphosphatethe making of energy with oxygenthe making of energy without oxygenthe chief source of energy for living organismsyeast and some forms of bacteria use this type of fermentationA chloroplast contains tiny stacks of dislike structures calleda series of chemical reactions that break down glucose to produce ATP...

Metabolism 2022-02-16

Metabolism crossword puzzle
  1. Make things move or change
  2. Releases energy into cells
  3. Molecules building
  4. a category of large molecules
  5. a process of clearing your claim
  6. Breaks down food
  7. transports molecules
  8. Molecules made of carbon and oxygen
  9. A process into a new substance
  10. a group of atoms joined together in a particular way
  1. organisms can use to release energy
  2. organisms get from the air or water around them and use to release energy
  3. support or go against (refute) a claim
  4. in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
  5. A claim supported by evidence
  6. Forms a complex whole
  7. energy and growth
  8. A proposed answer to a question
  9. A type of energy

19 Clues: Breaks down foodA type of energyenergy and growthMolecules buildingtransports moleculesForms a complex wholeMake things move or changeReleases energy into cellsA claim supported by evidencea category of large moleculesA process into a new substanceA proposed answer to a questiona process of clearing your claimorganisms can use to release energy...

Unit 2 Forms of Energy 2022-10-22

Unit 2 Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy produced by vibrations
  2. Occurs when light passes from one medium to another
  3. Light ______ as it passes through a glass prism
  4. Bending of light
  5. Bouncing of light
  6. Electrical current flows from the ______ end of a battery
  7. Light energy changes to ______ energy in a solar oven
  8. Materials that allow electric current to flow through
  1. Materials that do not allow energy to flow through
  2. Acronym for the 5 forms of energy
  3. The original source of energy for a solar oven
  4. Synonym for thermal energy is _____ energy
  5. Light rays are ________ in the water causing an object to appear distorted
  6. Form of energy that will cause the cheese to melt on a stove
  7. The path an electric current flows

15 Clues: Bending of lightBouncing of lightEnergy produced by vibrationsAcronym for the 5 forms of energyThe path an electric current flowsSynonym for thermal energy is _____ energyThe original source of energy for a solar ovenLight ______ as it passes through a glass prismMaterials that do not allow energy to flow through...

Metabolism 2022-02-16

Metabolism crossword puzzle
  1. a process of clearing your claim
  2. A proposed answer to a question
  3. energy and growth
  4. Make things move or change
  5. transports molecules
  6. A claim supported by evidence
  7. Forms a complex whole
  8. Molecules building
  9. Breaks down food
  10. A process into a new substance
  1. a category of large molecules
  2. Molecules made of carbon and oxygen
  3. a group of atoms joined together in a particular way
  4. organisms get from the air or water around them and use to release energy
  5. Releases energy into cells
  6. organisms can use to release energy
  7. in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
  8. support or go against (refute) a claim
  9. A type of energy

19 Clues: A type of energyBreaks down foodenergy and growthMolecules buildingtransports moleculesForms a complex wholeMake things move or changeReleases energy into cellsa category of large moleculesA claim supported by evidenceA process into a new substanceA proposed answer to a questiona process of clearing your claimMolecules made of carbon and oxygen...

The Puzzle that takes ENERGY to Solve! 2022-01-21

The Puzzle that takes ENERGY to Solve! crossword puzzle
  1. the position that is used to determine the height of the risen object
  2. kinetic energy produced as a result of rotational motion
  3. energy due to an object's motion
  4. the unit that energy is measured in
  5. a form of energy that can be transformed into other forms of energy
  6. energy, in a closed system, can't be created nor destroyed
  7. energy released when the structure of an atom's nucleus changes
  8. energy released by burning fossil fuels
  9. energy transferred by electromagnetic waves
  10. a collision which results in decreased kinetic energy, objects will stick together
  11. a collision which results in no change of the kinetic energy
  1. sum of the kinetic energies and potential energies of a system
  2. one of three things that kinetic energy goes to, represented by "f"
  3. one of three things that kinetic energy goes to, represented by "S"
  4. energy associated with charged particles
  5. stored potential energy caused by gravity
  6. stored energy of an object due to the interactions of two or more objects
  7. the product of gravity, mass, and height the object traveled
  8. stored potential energy of an object due to its change in shape
  9. one of three things that kinetic energy goes to, represented by "Q"
  10. refers to temperature that can be transferred (type of energy)

21 Clues: energy due to an object's motionthe unit that energy is measured inenergy released by burning fossil fuelsenergy associated with charged particlesstored potential energy caused by gravityenergy transferred by electromagnetic waveskinetic energy produced as a result of rotational motionenergy, in a closed system, can't be created nor destroyed...

Energy 2022-03-05

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. also known as speed
  2. ability to cause change
  3. energy that remains constant
  4. form of energy that is reflected in the form of electrical and magnetic waves that can travel through space
  5. energy stored in chemical bounds of compounds
  6. stored energy
  1. energy energy cannot be created or destroyed and can only change forms
  2. total amount of kinetic and potential energy in a system
  3. used to heat objects
  4. energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched
  5. used often for communication
  6. energy in motion
  7. also known as solar or light energy
  8. formula for GPE
  9. units energy is measured in

15 Clues: stored energyformula for GPEenergy in motionalso known as speedused to heat objectsability to cause changeunits energy is measured inused often for communicationenergy that remains constantalso known as solar or light energyenergy stored in chemical bounds of compoundsenergy stored in objects being compressed or stretched...

Energy 2024-12-10

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy The energy of movement
  2. Moving air
  3. life
  4. energy Energy that can only be used until it is gone - can never be replaced
  5. Where it comes from
  6. energy The energy stored inside
  1. Spinning blades that provide electricity
  2. water
  3. Making movement, activities (verbs)
  4. The most common type of energy - is created from other forms of energy
  5. Energy is the ability to do work
  6. energy Energy that can be used more than once without changing it
  7. Heat from the earth
  8. sun

14 Clues: sunlifewaterMoving airHeat from the earthWhere it comes fromenergy The energy of movementenergy The energy stored insideEnergy is the ability to do workMaking movement, activities (verbs)Spinning blades that provide electricityenergy Energy that can be used more than once without changing it...

8th grade Forms of Energy 2021-08-19

8th grade Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy that is used stored as you move
  2. a form of PE [potential energy] that is stored in elastic objects
  3. the energy that is associated with gravity or a gravitational force
  4. energy that is stored in the nucleus of atoms
  5. the energy that flows through cables to give us power for devices and other things
  6. big bolt that has energy
  7. energy that creates friction
  1. energy that is stored in the bonds of atoms, it hold them together
  2. hot energy
  3. energy that can also be reffered to as "electromagnetic"
  4. enerygy that we use to hear things
  5. energy that is being stored
  6. what do we use to see everything?

13 Clues: hot energybig bolt that has energyenergy that is being storedenergy that creates frictionwhat do we use to see everything?enerygy that we use to hear thingsenergy that is used stored as you moveenergy that is stored in the nucleus of atomsenergy that can also be reffered to as "electromagnetic"...

Work and Energy 2014-01-13

Work and Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Kinetic energy depends on ______ and mass
  2. Work is a ______ quantity
  3. The SI unite for work
  4. energy that depends on height from a zero level
  5. The rate at which energy is transferred
  6. Potential energy is ______ energy
  7. the sum of kinetic energy and all forms of potential energy
  8. the energy of an object due to its motion.
  9. gravutational potential energy depends on _____ times free-fall acceleration times height
  10. the potential energy in a stretched or compressed elastic object
  11. The net work done on an object is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of the object.
  1. Is often associated with kinetic energy
  2. Net work equals displacement times cosine of the angle between them times _______.
  3. The principle that total mechanical energy remains the same in the absence of friction.
  4. In the absence of friction, mechanical energy is _______.
  5. Power is _____ divided by time interval
  6. Machines with ______ power ratings do the same work in _____ time intervals
  7. The SI unite of power
  8. the energy associated with an object due to the position of the object
  9. the _____ symbol is called the spring constant

20 Clues: The SI unite for workThe SI unite of powerWork is a ______ quantityPotential energy is ______ energyIs often associated with kinetic energyPower is _____ divided by time intervalThe rate at which energy is transferredKinetic energy depends on ______ and massthe energy of an object due to its motion.the _____ symbol is called the spring constant...

Metabolism crossword puzzle KIN 391 - Xander James 2024-09-23

Metabolism crossword puzzle KIN 391 - Xander James crossword puzzle
  1. Amount of energy required for 1 degree C increase in 1L of water
  2. This specific process is to make food specifically in plants
  3. This type of biological work is associated with muscular contraction
  4. Is influenced by enzymes, coenzymes, temperature, and mass action
  5. The macronutrient responsible for rebuilding torn muscle fibers following exercise
  6. energy Energy in motion
  7. This type of reaction releases energy
  8. Law of ____________ that energy can neither be created nor destroyed
  9. The contractile unit which requires ATP
  10. This type of reaction stores energy
  1. The macronutrient used as "fuel"
  2. What type of biological work is mostly used in humans
  3. The process cells use to break down glucose for energy
  4. The breakdown of molecules into more simple forms
  5. energy Stored energy
  6. There are this many essential amino acids
  7. Building and storing molecules in the body
  8. Macronutrient with 9kcal per gram
  9. Often synonymous with "power"
  10. The transfer of energy is ____________
  11. As temperature approaches absolute ____, the entropy of a system approaches a constant minimum

21 Clues: energy Stored energyenergy Energy in motionOften synonymous with "power"The macronutrient used as "fuel"Macronutrient with 9kcal per gramThis type of reaction stores energyThis type of reaction releases energyThe transfer of energy is ____________The contractile unit which requires ATPThere are this many essential amino acids...

Physics crossword 2020-12-16

Physics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The form of energy that all things moving have
  2. The force that pushes objects with mass together
  3. Displacement over time = ________
  4. Measured in kilograms
  5. The type of energy that you can hear
  6. A measure of energy
  7. A measure of force
  1. Speed = distance over ____
  2. The prefix for 1000
  3. Is needed to work, measured in Joules
  4. The type of energy measured in degrees Celsius
  5. There are nine _____ of energy
  6. A imperial measure of distance, combined most often with hours
  7. Distance over time = _____
  8. These give out their energy when combined with oxygen
  9. The fuels that cannot be replenished in a human lifetime are called ______ fuels
  10. The type of energy you can see

17 Clues: A measure of forceThe prefix for 1000A measure of energyMeasured in kilogramsSpeed = distance over ____Distance over time = _____There are nine _____ of energyThe type of energy you can seeDisplacement over time = ________The type of energy that you can hearIs needed to work, measured in JoulesThe form of energy that all things moving have...

TN Ready Crossword #2 2022-04-21

TN Ready Crossword #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Hurricanes weaken in strength as they move onto ___.
  2. The global wind that affects the weather across most of the United States.
  3. Measures air pressure
  4. Kinetic energy increases with ___ and speed.
  5. 20 degrees ___ is a warm/pleasant temperature.
  6. A ___ breeze occurs at night when the air is warmer over the sea and cooler over the land.
  7. The amount of water vapor in the air.
  8. Gravitational energy increases with mass and ___.
  1. The ___ current is a cold water surface current that causes the climate of our west coast to be cooler.
  2. Warm air/water is less ___ than cold air/water.
  3. In swinging motion, the kinetic energy ___ as the swing's potential energy decreases.
  4. The form of energy generated with friction.
  5. A material that allows water to pass through.
  6. Cold air/water ___ because it is more dense.
  7. front Forms when colder air moves under warm air; bring heavy precipitation followed by clearing skies and colder temps.
  8. The original source of energy for the water cycle, wind, food webs, etc.
  9. A pressure system that forms when cool air sinks; clearing skies.

17 Clues: Measures air pressureThe amount of water vapor in the air.The form of energy generated with friction.Cold air/water ___ because it is more dense.Kinetic energy increases with ___ and speed.A material that allows water to pass through.20 degrees ___ is a warm/pleasant temperature.Warm air/water is less ___ than cold air/water....

Energy Forms 2020-10-25

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. Nuclear power plants, the sun.
  2. Food we eat, lighting a match, Batteries
  3. Fan moving
  4. also called electromagnetic
  1. Charging your phone
  2. Heat that comes from wood burning.
  3. Energy of motion. For example, the bike rolling down the hill.
  4. The stored energy an object has because of its position or state.

8 Clues: Fan movingCharging your phonealso called electromagneticNuclear power plants, the sun.Heat that comes from wood burning.Food we eat, lighting a match, BatteriesEnergy of motion. For example, the bike rolling down the hill.The stored energy an object has because of its position or state.

energy forms 2024-11-05

energy forms crossword puzzle
  1. the energy that an object has because of its position condition or chemical composition
  2. the ability to cause a change
  3. the energy of motion
  4. the energy from breaking or combining atoms
  1. the total potential and kinetic energy of an object
  2. the breaking of bonds between atoms
  3. the energy of fast moving particles
  4. the energy from vibrating particles in a medium

8 Clues: the energy of motionthe ability to cause a changethe breaking of bonds between atomsthe energy of fast moving particlesthe energy from breaking or combining atomsthe energy from vibrating particles in a mediumthe total potential and kinetic energy of an objectthe energy that an object has because of its position condition or chemical composition

Work and Energy 2014-01-13

Work and Energy crossword puzzle
  1. In the absence of friction, mechanical energy is _______.
  2. Potential energy is ______ energy
  3. the energy of an object due to its motion.
  4. the energy associated with an object due to the position of the object
  5. the sum of kinetic energy and all forms of potential energy
  6. Machines with ______ power ratings do the same work in _____ time intervals
  7. Net work equals displacement times cosine of the angle between them times _______.
  8. The net work done on an object is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of the object.
  9. Work is a ______ quantity
  10. The SI unite for work
  1. The principle that total mechanical energy remains the same in the absence of friction.
  2. the potential energy in a stretched or compressed elastic object
  3. Power is _____ divided by time interval
  4. The rate at which energy is transferred
  5. energy that depends on height from a zero level
  6. gravutational potential energy depends on _____ times free-fall acceleration times height
  7. Kinetic energy depends on ______ and mass
  8. The SI unite of power
  9. the _____ symbol is called the spring constant
  10. Is often associated with kinetic energy

20 Clues: The SI unite of powerThe SI unite for workWork is a ______ quantityPotential energy is ______ energyPower is _____ divided by time intervalThe rate at which energy is transferredIs often associated with kinetic energyKinetic energy depends on ______ and massthe energy of an object due to its motion.the _____ symbol is called the spring constant...

Energy Vocabulary 2024-12-10

Energy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. energy moving air
  2. Where something comes from
  3. The ability to do work
  4. Energy Stored energy that has not been used yet
  5. The most common type of energy-is created from other forms of energy
  6. Spinning blades to produce electricity
  7. Energy It can be used more than without changing it
  1. Energy It can be used more than ones without changing it
  2. water
  3. Heat energy from Earth
  4. Energy The energy of movement
  5. sun
  6. making movement
  7. life

14 Clues: sunlifewatermaking movementenergy moving airThe ability to do workHeat energy from EarthWhere something comes fromEnergy The energy of movementSpinning blades to produce electricityEnergy Stored energy that has not been used yetEnergy It can be used more than without changing itEnergy It can be used more than ones without changing it...

Periodic Trends 2013-03-23

Periodic Trends crossword puzzle
  1. A positively or negatively charged atom.
  2. Ions that become smaller as each addional electron is removed
  3. Ioniztion energy ___ across a period.
  4. Group number that has an effective nuclear charge of +7.
  5. Size of an atom
  6. Inner layers of electrons help reduce the nucleus's pull on valence electrons.
  7. Out of Ga, Br, and K, the element with the largest atomic radius.
  8. Ability to attract electrons while bonding
  9. Name of the group that forms 1- ions.
  10. Out of Si, P, and O, the element that is most nonmetallic.
  11. Energy lost when an atom gains an electron.
  12. The element with the largest atomic radius.
  13. Name of the group that forms 2+ ions.
  14. Element in the fourth period that has the lowest first ionization energy.
  1. Ions that become larger as each additional electron is added.
  2. Electron affinity ___ down a group.
  3. Energy required to remove an electron.
  4. Out of Sr, Ba, and Mg, the element with the least elecronegativity.
  5. Element in period three that has the highest "jump" in ionization energy between the 3rd and 4th ioniztion energies.
  6. Out of I, P, and As, it has the most shielding electrons.
  7. the most electronegative element.
  8. Element in period two that tends to make an ion with a charge of 3-.
  9. The force felt by the valence electrons from the nucleus.
  10. Elements tend to form compounds so that their electron configurations look like those of this group.
  11. Out of F, At, and Br, the element with the least affinity fo electrons.
  12. Name of the group that forms 1+ ions.
  13. Size of an ion

27 Clues: Size of an ionSize of an atomthe most electronegative element.Electron affinity ___ down a group.Ioniztion energy ___ across a period.Name of the group that forms 1- ions.Name of the group that forms 1+ ions.Name of the group that forms 2+ ions.Energy required to remove an electron.A positively or negatively charged atom....

Chapters 4 and 5 Vocab 2023-02-09

Chapters 4 and 5 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. / movement of fluid, caused by differences in temperatures, that transfers heat from one part to another fluid
  2. / total kinetic and potential energy of all particles of an object
  3. / transfer of thermal energy by the movement of fluids
  4. / energy of stretched objects
  5. / change from one form of energy to another
  6. / energy of light and other forms of radiation
  1. / energy due to position
  2. / rule that energy is not lost nor destroyed and can't be created
  3. / the transfer of thermal energy from one particle of matter to another
  4. /
  5. / kinetic or potential energy associated with the motion or position of an object
  6. / potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  7. / form of potential energy that is stored in chemical bonds between atoms
  8. / energy an object has due to motion
  9. / energy of electric charges
  10. / ability to do work or cause change
  11. / transfer of energy through space by electromagnetic waves

17 Clues: // energy due to position/ energy of electric charges/ energy of stretched objects/ energy an object has due to motion/ ability to do work or cause change/ change from one form of energy to another/ energy of light and other forms of radiation/ potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom/ transfer of thermal energy by the movement of fluids...

Cellular Respiration 2013-06-11

Cellular Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. Alcohol made from glucose, starch and other carbohydrates by fermentation.
  2. Third stage of aerobic respiration.
  3. Main energy carrier between reaction sites in cells.
  4. Anaerobic pathway that breaks down glucose, forms ATP and lactate.
  5. Second stage of aerobic respiration.
  6. Oxygen-requiring.
  7. Tree-carbon and product of glycolysis.
  8. Anaerobic pathway that breaks down glucose,forms ATP and ethanol.
  9. Energy needed to start cellular respiration.
  10. Occurring in the absence of oxygen.
  11. Metabolic pathway that breaks down carbohydrates to produce ATP by using oxygen.
  1. Site of second and third stages of aerobic respiration.
  2. Acid formed by oxidation of malic acid in the krebs cycle.
  3. Direct transfers of a phosphate group from a substrate to ADP.
  4. 8 coenzymes formed by ATP.
  5. 2 coenzymes formed by ATP.
  6. Site of the first stage of aerobic respiration.
  7. Acid produced when their´s not enough oxygen in the body.
  8. An anaerobic metabolic pathway by which cells harvest energy from organic molecules.
  9. First stage of aerobic respiration and fermentation.

20 Clues: Oxygen-requiring.8 coenzymes formed by ATP.2 coenzymes formed by ATP.Third stage of aerobic respiration.Occurring in the absence of oxygen.Second stage of aerobic respiration.Tree-carbon and product of glycolysis.Energy needed to start cellular respiration.Site of the first stage of aerobic respiration....

Cellular Respiration 2013-06-11

Cellular Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. Energy needed to start cellular respiration.
  2. Tree-carbon and product of glycolysis.
  3. Third stage of aerobic respiration.
  4. Occurring in the absence of oxygen.
  5. Alcohol made from glucose, starch and other carbohydrates by fermentation.
  6. Acid produced when their´s not enough oxygen in the body.
  7. Acid formed by oxidation of malic acid in the krebs cycle.
  8. Site of second and third stages of aerobic respiration.
  9. Anaerobic pathway that breaks down glucose, forms ATP and lactate.
  10. Anaerobic pathway that breaks down glucose,forms ATP and ethanol.
  11. Oxygen-requiring.
  1. Second stage of aerobic respiration.
  2. First stage of aerobic respiration and fermentation.
  3. Direct transfers of a phosphate group from a substrate to ADP.
  4. Metabolic pathway that breaks down carbohydrates to produce ATP by using oxygen.
  5. 8 coenzymes formed by ATP.
  6. An anaerobic metabolic pathway by which cells harvest energy from organic molecules.
  7. Main energy carrier between reaction sites in cells.
  8. Site of the first stage of aerobic respiration.
  9. 2 coenzymes formed by ATP.

20 Clues: Oxygen-requiring.8 coenzymes formed by ATP.2 coenzymes formed by ATP.Third stage of aerobic respiration.Occurring in the absence of oxygen.Second stage of aerobic respiration.Tree-carbon and product of glycolysis.Energy needed to start cellular respiration.Site of the first stage of aerobic respiration....

Energy forms 2020-10-14

Energy forms crossword puzzle
  1. stored energy
  2. energy may change form but it cannot be created or destroyed
  3. energy stored in chemical bonds
  1. energy stored by things attracted to each other by the force of gravity
  2. energy in the form of motion
  3. energy stored by things that stretch or twists or compress
  4. total amount of kinetic and potential energy in a system
  5. basic unit of energy

8 Clues: stored energybasic unit of energyenergy in the form of motionenergy stored in chemical bondstotal amount of kinetic and potential energy in a systemenergy stored by things that stretch or twists or compressenergy may change form but it cannot be created or destroyedenergy stored by things attracted to each other by the force of gravity

Truman's Magical Crossword Puzzle 2014-02-25

Truman's Magical Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Thermal, radiant and sound are all forms of this
  2. The potential energy an object possesses with relation to its position in a gravitational field
  3. the work effort of one horse
  4. Joules divided by seconds
  5. The energy of potion
  6. The energy of the disturbance or vibration of matter
  7. The energy to split the nucleus of an atom
  1. the rate of work
  2. Potential energy in a magnetic field
  3. This energy is transmitted in wave motion especially electromagnetic waves
  4. The SI unit of work
  5. The theorem that the change in energy is equal to the work put in
  6. Energy that can be reused
  7. the energy required to remove an electron from an atom
  8. Energy that is easily reused
  9. The potential energy of a molecule
  10. Force times distance
  11. Also known as heat energy, this energy is the part of the total potential energy and kinetic energy of an object or sample of matter that results in the system temperature
  12. The potential energy stored in a body when it is deformed (coiled spring)

19 Clues: the rate of workThe SI unit of workForce times distanceThe energy of potionEnergy that can be reusedJoules divided by secondsEnergy that is easily reusedthe work effort of one horseThe potential energy of a moleculePotential energy in a magnetic fieldThe energy to split the nucleus of an atomThermal, radiant and sound are all forms of this...

Chemistry - Energy Vocabulary 2022-09-27

Chemistry - Energy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. This energy is found/stored in the nucleus of an atom
  2. This type of resource can be replaced/can not be used up
  3. travels as waves through matter and empty space
  4. This type of energy is know for powering wind turbines
  5. Energy source made up of materials from living things
  6. This resource can not be replaced at the same rate it is getting used up
  7. The energy of moving objects (car moving, ball rolling, fish swimming, etc)
  1. The energy we get from water (specifically moving water)
  2. Energy which is caused by moving electric charges
  3. Conversion of energy (one form of energy into another)
  4. Has the ability to change the temperature of different forms of matter
  5. Management of resources
  6. Storage for the electrical energy made from solar cells
  7. The energy we get from the sun
  8. Formed millions of years ago from decayed remains
  9. Has the ability to change light energy into electricity
  10. Comes from within the earths crust
  11. Reflects/concentrates the sunlight onto a fluid filled pipe (one of the steps used to turn a turbine)
  12. Energy stored in atoms/molecules (food, fuels, and batteries store this type of energy)
  13. The ability to move or change

20 Clues: Management of resourcesThe ability to move or changeThe energy we get from the sunComes from within the earths crusttravels as waves through matter and empty spaceEnergy which is caused by moving electric chargesFormed millions of years ago from decayed remainsThis energy is found/stored in the nucleus of an atom...

Chemistry 6.1-6.2 Review 2015-01-21

Chemistry 6.1-6.2 Review crossword puzzle
  1. the transfer of energy between objects or systems that are in contact and are at different temperatures
  2. ability to do work
  3. portion of the universe or sample being studied
  4. the sum of all the possible forms of energy of all the ions, atoms, and molecules in a system
  5. the law of___________of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed
  6. this reaction type involves energy absorption
  7. device for measuring heat flow
  8. all chemical reactions involve energy _________
  9. energy associated with motion
  10. the internal energy plus the product of pressure and volume
  1. study of the flow of energy
  2. SI unit of energy and energy transfer
  3. remainder of the universe minus the system
  4. internal energy is a ______function
  5. energy associated with the position of an object relative to a force upon it
  6. the heat required to cause a unit rise in the temperature of a unit mass of the substance
  7. all energy exchanges between a system are either heat or__________
  8. this reaction type involves energy release

18 Clues: ability to do workstudy of the flow of energyenergy associated with motiondevice for measuring heat flowinternal energy is a ______functionSI unit of energy and energy transferremainder of the universe minus the systemthis reaction type involves energy releasethis reaction type involves energy absorption...

Physics Homework 2014-02-25

Physics Homework crossword puzzle
  1. an example of gravitational energy, where the dam "piles" up water from a river into a reservoir.
  2. stored energy
  3. a type of radiant energy.
  4. energy delivered by tiny charged particles called electrons.
  5. Nuclear power plants split the nuclei of uranium atoms in a process called
  6. the energy that holds the nucleus together
  7. In motion, energy is released when an object ____
  8. typically, the energy in _____ is far less than other forms of energy.
  1. energy is energy stored in an object's height.
  2. Compressed springs and stretched rubber bands are examples of stored _____ energy.
  3. The higher and _____ the object, the more gravitational energy is stored.
  4. Stored energy.
  5. the sun combines the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in a process called
  6. can you paint with all the colors of the motion energy
  7. the vibration and movement of the atoms and molecules within substances
  8. This type of energy is converted to thermal energy when we burn wood in a fireplace or burn gasoline in a car's engine
  9. electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves.
  10. the faster objects move the more _____ energy is stored
  11. Energy is neither ____ or destroyed
  12. energy is the ability to do ____

20 Clues: stored energyStored energy.a type of radiant is the ability to do ____Energy is neither ____ or destroyedthe energy that holds the nucleus togetherenergy is energy stored in an object's height.In motion, energy is released when an object ____can you paint with all the colors of the motion energy...

Biological oxidation 3 2017-12-19

Biological oxidation 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Ball and stick appearance of ATP synthase said to resemble this sweet (8)
  2. The theory that explains energy generation in ETC. (12)
  3. Mutation in mt-DNA gnes for complex I leads to obliteration of optic nerve (Abbr) (4)
  4. Number of protons pumped out by complex II (4)
  5. Antidote used in cyanide poisoning (8)
  6. Other than energy, the final product of the ETC. (5)
  7. Number of polypetides forming the head part of ATP synthase (4)
  8. The cycle that produces maximum reducing equivalents (6,4)
  9. TCA cycle enzyme which also forms a part of ETC produces this (8)
  1. Carbohydrate oxidation pathway not linked to energy generation (Abbr) (3)
  2. Carbohydrate oxidation pathway linked to energy generation (10)
  3. Vitamin whose both co-enzyme forms associated with ETC
  4. Causes potassium translocation through the enzyme synthesizing chemical energy (11)
  5. Enzymes involved in Biological oxidations involve the class. (plural) (15)
  6. Competitive inhibitor of Complex II (8)
  7. Extensive folding on the cell powerhouse inner membrane (7)
  8. Vitamin whose only one co-enzyme form enters ETC
  9. Glycerol-3Phosphate shuttle active more active here. (5)
  10. synthase Boyer’s binding hypothesis is applicable to the enzyme? (3,8)

19 Clues: Antidote used in cyanide poisoning (8)Competitive inhibitor of Complex II (8)Number of protons pumped out by complex II (4)Vitamin whose only one co-enzyme form enters ETCOther than energy, the final product of the ETC. (5)Vitamin whose both co-enzyme forms associated with ETCThe theory that explains energy generation in ETC. (12)...

Year 8 Science Revision 2022-11-22

Year 8 Science Revision crossword puzzle
  1. a form of kinetic energy that travels through waves
  2. rock that forms from magma or lava cooling
  3. rock that forms when exposed to heat and pressure
  4. 1/2MV squared
  5. when food is transformed into energy within cells
  1. potential energy released during nuclear fission
  2. when plants absorb sunlight and turn it into food
  3. Mass x gravity x height
  4. rock that forms when exposed to weathering and erosion
  5. energy generated by the movement of electrons

10 Clues: 1/2MV squaredMass x gravity x heightrock that forms from magma or lava coolingenergy generated by the movement of electronspotential energy released during nuclear fissionwhen plants absorb sunlight and turn it into foodrock that forms when exposed to heat and pressurewhen food is transformed into energy within cells...

Energy 2019-04-08

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy of Motion or Moving energy
  2. is that energy has ice
  3. Energy that travels in waves and in a vacuum
  4. There are many forms of Potential Energy
  5. the energy has Christmas lights
  6. The energy stored in the bonds of particles in the nucleus of an atom
  7. Energy that is passed on through compression of matter, sound waves
  8. electrical ->sound ->light ->thermal
  1. Energy stored in magnetic fields
  2. phone chemical-> electrical->mechanical ->sound->radiant
  3. The energy stored in the bonds of atoms
  4. sitting in window gravitational->radiant->chemical
  5. Moving energy of an object.
  6. Energy an object has when it is sitting somewhere there is gravity
  7. Energy that object has due to it being in an Energy related to the motion of atoms within somethingelectric field.
  8. The ability to do something (work)
  9. Energy stored in the stretching or bending of an object

17 Clues: is that energy has iceMoving energy of an object.the energy has Christmas lightsEnergy stored in magnetic fieldsEnergy of Motion or Moving energyThe ability to do something (work)electrical ->sound ->light ->thermalThe energy stored in the bonds of atomsThere are many forms of Potential EnergyEnergy that travels in waves and in a vacuum...

Ecosystems 2023-09-06

Ecosystems crossword puzzle
  1. Animal that consumes carcasses of dead animals
  2. Organism that breaks down dead & decaying plants & animals, producing detritus
  3. A model showing amount of energy or material in each trophic food chain or food web level
  4. Each step in a food chain or food web
  5. Also called primary producer. It captures energy from nonliving sources and convert it to forms living cells can use
  6. A series of organisms in which energy is transferred from one to another
  7. Bacterial process converting soil nitrogen compounds into nitrogen that escapes into the atmosphere
  8. Elements organisms need to sustain life
  9. Also called heterotroph. It acquires energy from other organisms by eating them
  10. Chemical energy powers production of carbohydrates (food) by these organisms without energy from the sun
  1. Any nutrient whose supply limits productivity
  2. Organism that breaks down detritus & decomposers
  3. Also called consumer. It acquires energy from other organisms by eating them
  4. Grazing animal that only eat plants
  5. Coal,oil, and natural gas fuels
  6. Bacterial process converting soil nitrogen into nitrogen compounds plants can use
  7. Aquatic primary producers, commonly algae, eaten by zooplankton
  8. Also called autotroph. It captures & stores energy from nonliving sources and convert it to forms living cells can use
  9. Animal that kills then eat other animals and doesn't eat plants(Figure 33-2)
  10. Total amount of living tissue within a trophic level
  11. A network of feeding interactions between multiple food chains
  12. Animal, like humans, that eats plants & animals

22 Clues: Coal,oil, and natural gas fuelsGrazing animal that only eat plantsEach step in a food chain or food webElements organisms need to sustain lifeAny nutrient whose supply limits productivityAnimal that consumes carcasses of dead animalsAnimal, like humans, that eats plants & animalsOrganism that breaks down detritus & decomposers...

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2022-08-29

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Energy cannot be created or _________.
  2. energy produced by vibrations traveling through matter
  3. An oven ________ food is an example of thermal energy.
  4. energy that uses outlets, cords, or batteries
  5. Another word for thermal energy is _____ energy.
  6. Energy can be ______ from one form to another.
  1. Peddling a ______ is an example of mechanical energy.
  2. acronym used to remember the forms of energy
  3. Another word for light energy is ______ energy.
  4. A dog's _____ is an example of sound energy.
  5. Energy from the ______ is light energy.
  6. Energy is the ability to do ______ or create change.
  7. energy stored in an object or released when an object is moving
  8. The _________ you use at school is an example of electrical energy.
  9. also known as radiant energy
  10. also known as heat energy

16 Clues: also known as heat energyalso known as radiant energyEnergy cannot be created or _________.Energy from the ______ is light energy.acronym used to remember the forms of energyA dog's _____ is an example of sound that uses outlets, cords, or batteriesEnergy can be ______ from one form to another....

Biological oxidation 3 2017-12-19

Biological oxidation 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Carbohydrate oxidation pathway not linked to energy generation (Abbr) (3)
  2. Vitamin whose only one co-enzyme form enters ETC
  3. Other than energy, the final product of the ETC. (5)
  4. Competitive inhibitor of Complex II (8)
  5. Number of polypetides forming the head part of ATP synthase (4)
  6. Number of protons pumped out by complex II (4)
  7. Enzymes involved in Biological oxidations involve the class. (plural) (15)
  8. Boyer’s binding hypothesis is applicable to the enzyme? (3,8)
  9. acid The cycle that produces maximum reducing equivalents (6,4)
  1. Mutation in mt-DNA gnes for complex I leads to obliteration of optic nerve (Abbr) (4)
  2. Extensive folding on the cell powerhouse inner membrane (7)
  3. Carbohydrate oxidation pathway linked to energy generation (10)
  4. Glycerol-3Phosphate shuttle active more active here. (5)
  5. Antidote used in cyanide poisoning (8)
  6. TCA cycle enzyme which also forms a part of ETC produces this (8)
  7. The theory that explains energy generation in ETC. (12)
  8. Causes potassium translocation through the enzyme synthesizing chemical energy (11)
  9. Vitamin whose both co-enzyme forms associated with ETC
  10. Ball and stick appearance of ATP synthase said to resemble this sweet (8)

19 Clues: Antidote used in cyanide poisoning (8)Competitive inhibitor of Complex II (8)Number of protons pumped out by complex II (4)Vitamin whose only one co-enzyme form enters ETCOther than energy, the final product of the ETC. (5)Vitamin whose both co-enzyme forms associated with ETCThe theory that explains energy generation in ETC. (12)...

Energy Vocabulary 2024-12-10

Energy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. sun
  2. Energy that can be used until is gone-can never be replaced
  3. life
  4. energy Moving air
  5. The ability to do work
  6. Where something comes from
  7. Spinning blades to produce electricity
  1. Heat from the Earth
  2. Making movement
  3. energy The energy of movement
  4. Energy that can be used more than once,without changing
  5. energy Stored energy that has not been been yet
  6. The most common types of energy-is created from other forms of energy
  7. water

14 Clues: sunlifewaterMaking movementenergy Moving airHeat from the EarthThe ability to do workWhere something comes fromenergy The energy of movementSpinning blades to produce electricityenergy Stored energy that has not been been yetEnergy that can be used more than once,without changingEnergy that can be used until is gone-can never be replaced...

Thermal Energy Crossword 2015-04-10

Thermal Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Radiation is the only way of transferring energy without requiring ______
  2. In convection, a loop of moving particles is known as a convection _______
  3. Can be transferred from one place to another through conduction, radiation, convection
  4. Hands ______ thermal energy when holding ice
  5. A ________ is an example of the forms of thermal energy
  6. Transfer of thermal energy between particles of matter that are touching
  7. Transfer of thermal energy by waves that can move through empty space
  1. Conduction occurs at the _________ level
  2. The number of different forms of thermal energy
  3. Transfer of thermal energy by particles moving through a fluid
  4. Objects emit radiation when high ______ electrons fall down to lower ______ levels

11 Clues: Conduction occurs at the _________ levelHands ______ thermal energy when holding iceThe number of different forms of thermal energyA ________ is an example of the forms of thermal energyTransfer of thermal energy by particles moving through a fluidTransfer of thermal energy by waves that can move through empty space...

Energy 2019-04-08

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy stored in magnetic fields
  2. The ability to do something (work)
  3. is that energy has ice
  4. There are many forms of Potential Energy
  5. Energy that object has due to it being in an Energy related to the motion of atoms within somethingelectric field.
  6. Energy an object has when it is sitting somewhere there is gravity
  7. phone chemical-> electrical->mechanical ->sound->radiant
  8. The energy stored in the bonds of atoms
  9. Energy stored in the stretching or bending of an object
  10. Energy that is passed on through compression of matter, sound waves
  1. Energy of Motion or Moving energy
  2. Energy that travels in waves and in a vacuum
  3. Moving energy of an object.
  4. the energy has Christmas lights
  5. sitting in window gravitational->radiant->chemical
  6. The energy stored in the bonds of particles in the nucleus of an atom
  7. electrical ->sound ->light ->thermal

17 Clues: is that energy has iceMoving energy of an object.the energy has Christmas lightsEnergy stored in magnetic fieldsEnergy of Motion or Moving energyThe ability to do something (work)electrical ->sound ->light ->thermalThe energy stored in the bonds of atomsThere are many forms of Potential EnergyEnergy that travels in waves and in a vacuum...

Energy Crossword 2023-01-17

Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. evidence of energy; takes something from one place to another
  2. source of energy, can also be used to make massive bombs
  3. heat energy from the earth; renewable
  4. part of circuit used to break or connect the path of electricity
  5. source of energy for most motor vehicles
  6. evidence of energy; audible
  7. evidence of energy; associated with the visible spectrum
  8. energy can neither be created nor _________.
  9. circular path taken by electricity to power electronics
  1. used to harvest energy from the sun; renewable
  2. most energy on earth comes from this
  3. evidence of energy; associated with infrared
  4. evidence of energy on the beach; sound, light, and other forms of energy also use this pattern
  5. type of energy associated with motion
  6. gasoline is refined from this; fossil fuel
  7. used to harvest wind energy; renewable
  8. used to harvest hydroelectric energy; renewable

17 Clues: evidence of energy; audiblemost energy on earth comes from thisheat energy from the earth; renewabletype of energy associated with motionused to harvest wind energy; renewablesource of energy for most motor vehiclesgasoline is refined from this; fossil fuelevidence of energy; associated with infraredenergy can neither be created nor _________....

SCIENCE 2013-12-08

SCIENCE crossword puzzle


Energy vocabulary 2022-04-17

Energy vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Energy isn't created/destroyed
  2. Spots on the sun
  3. most dangerous kind of energy
  4. Rain with a low pH level
  5. Bursts of energy from the sun
  6. The cycle of carbon
  7. Hard variety, very flammable
  8. Soft coal, tarlike substance
  9. Found from fossils
  10. Stored energy
  11. Produces sulfur-dioxide
  12. Soft, brownish coal
  13. Used for gasoline
  1. Used in radios
  2. Energy from the sun
  3. Ability to work
  4. A limited resource
  5. Passes through materials opaque to light
  6. Used in TV remotes and thermal vision
  7. Hot air rises, cool air sinks
  8. The star in our solar system
  9. heat transferred by touch
  10. Energy from the sun
  11. Energy from the sun
  12. decayed plant material
  13. most visible part of the sun
  14. Energies' ability to change forms
  15. Energy of motion
  16. stream of charged particles given by the sun
  17. Outer layer of the sun

30 Clues: Stored energyUsed in radiosAbility to workSpots on the sunEnergy of motionUsed for gasolineA limited resourceFound from fossilsEnergy from the sunEnergy from the sunEnergy from the sunThe cycle of carbonSoft, brownish coaldecayed plant materialOuter layer of the sunProduces sulfur-dioxideRain with a low pH levelheat transferred by touch...

Chemistry, Physics, and Energy 2023-06-04

Chemistry, Physics, and Energy crossword puzzle
  1. All matter is made of _______.
  2. The energy of motion
  3. Elements in the 7th column of the periodic table are called _______.
  4. A change in velocity over time
  5. The Law of _______ of Energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change forms.
  6. Two solids touching and transferring heat
  7. _______ electrons are in the atom's outermost energy level.
  8. Distance/time
  9. Newton's _______ law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  1. _______ have properties of both metals and nonmetals.
  2. _______ reactions give off heat.
  3. The _______ _______ arranges elements by atomic number.
  4. The form of energy stored in batteries
  5. Work/time
  6. _______ are positively charged particles in an atom's nucleus.z
  7. Kelvin - 273
  8. A push or pull
  9. _______ bonds are between two nonmetals.
  10. Force x distance
  11. The ability to do work

20 Clues: Work/timeKelvin - 273Distance/timeA push or pullForce x distanceThe energy of motionThe ability to do workAll matter is made of _______.A change in velocity over time_______ reactions give off heat.The form of energy stored in batteries_______ bonds are between two nonmetals.Two solids touching and transferring heat...