forms of energy Crossword Puzzles

energy vocab 2024-12-10

energy vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the energy of movement
  2. life
  3. the most common type of energy - is created from other forms of energy
  4. where something comes from
  5. the ability to do work
  6. making movement
  7. sun
  1. stored energy that has not been used
  2. heat energy from the earth
  3. moving air
  4. water
  5. spinning blades to produce electricity
  6. energy that can be used more then once

13 Clues: sunlifewatermoving airmaking movementthe energy of movementthe ability to do workheat energy from the earthwhere something comes fromstored energy that has not been usedspinning blades to produce electricityenergy that can be used more then oncethe most common type of energy - is created from other forms of energy

Toby's Energy Puzzle 2015-04-11

Toby's Energy Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a unit of measure of electrical power at a point of time
  2. energy example battery light bulbs and bombs
  3. form of electric charges
  4. fuel decomposition of buried dead organisms
  5. comparative measure of hot and cold
  6. energy energy released during fission or fusion
  7. energy energy of motion
  8. portion of electromagnetic radiation given off by the sun
  9. power power obtained by harnessing energy of the suns rays
  1. electricity imbalance of electric charges with or on the surface of a material
  2. energy associated with motion or position of an object
  3. power form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into useful forms of energy
  4. energy energy of a particle derived from position or condition
  5. energy energy in the form of hear obtained from hot circulating ground water
  6. current flow of electrical charge
  7. power extracted from air flow using wind turbines or sails
  8. force to change an object
  9. panel a panel designed to absorb the sun's ray as a source of energy
  10. a unit of electromotive force

19 Clues: energy energy of motionform of electric chargesforce to change an objecta unit of electromotive forcecurrent flow of electrical chargecomparative measure of hot and coldfuel decomposition of buried dead organismsenergy example battery light bulbs and bombsenergy energy released during fission or fusion...

Energy Vocab 2024-12-10

Energy Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Doing something.
  2. energy Energy that can be used more than once without any change.
  3. Spinning blades to produce electricity.
  4. electricity from sun
  5. The energy of movement.
  6. electricity from water
  1. Energy from heat from Earth.
  2. Energy that can be until it's gone- can never be replaced.
  3. Stored energy that has not been used yet.
  4. ability to work
  5. The most common type of energy - is created from other forms of energy.
  6. Energy from wind.
  7. Where you get an item from.
  8. electricity from life

14 Clues: ability to workDoing something.Energy from wind.electricity from sunelectricity from lifeelectricity from waterThe energy of movement.Where you get an item from.Energy from heat from Earth.Spinning blades to produce electricity.Stored energy that has not been used yet.Energy that can be until it's gone- can never be replaced....

Chemistry, Physics, and Energy 2023-06-04

Chemistry, Physics, and Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Work/time
  2. A change in velocity over time
  3. The Law of _______ of Energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change forms.
  4. Two solids touching and transferring heat
  5. The form of energy stored in batteries
  6. Have properties of both metals and nonmetals
  7. The _______ _______ arranges elements by atomic number
  1. _______ reactions give off heat.
  2. Force x distance
  3. A push or pull
  4. Distance/time
  5. The energy of motion
  6. The ability to do work
  7. _______ bonds are between two nonmetals
  8. The 7th column of the periodic table
  9. All matter is made of _______.
  10. Positively charged particles in an atom's nucleus
  11. Kelvin - 273
  12. Newton's _______ law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  13. _______ electrons are in the atom's outermost energy level.

20 Clues: Work/timeKelvin - 273Distance/timeA push or pullForce x distanceThe energy of motionThe ability to do workA change in velocity over timeAll matter is made of _______._______ reactions give off heat.The 7th column of the periodic tableThe form of energy stored in batteries_______ bonds are between two nonmetals...

Cell Energy 2024-12-12

Cell Energy crossword puzzle
  1. the particles water is made up of
  2. green pigment
  3. product of photosynthesis
  4. needed for cellular respiration
  5. produces glucose
  6. glucose
  7. forms include light and chemical
  8. needed for photosynthesis
  1. chemical energy
  2. where energy is released from glucose
  3. allows some organisms to take in oxygen
  4. Occurs in the mitochondria
  5. the sun
  6. found only in plants
  7. produced by cellular respiration
  8. produce their own food
  9. where animal cells get the energy they need

17 Clues: the sunglucosegreen pigmentchemical energyproduces glucosefound only in plantsproduce their own foodproduct of photosynthesisneeded for photosynthesisOccurs in the mitochondrianeeded for cellular respirationproduced by cellular respirationforms include light and chemicalthe particles water is made up ofwhere energy is released from glucose...

Nature of Chemical Reactions 2024-12-28

Nature of Chemical Reactions crossword puzzle
  1. A reaction where the reactants, an element and a compound, takes the place of another element in a compound.
  2. An oxidation reaction of an organic compound that releases heat.
  3. In this kind of reaction, a single compound breaks down to form two or more simpler substances.
  4. The process in which an electric current is used to produce a chemical reaction, such as the decomposition of water is known as?
  5. Reactions that release energy are?
  1. When a chemical reaction takes place the results are _______________ from the substances you started with
  2. What forms when gas is produced during a reaction?
  3. What are the substances you end up with known as?
  4. the energy released when a chemical compound reacts to produce new compounds is _________ energy.
  5. Reactants turn into products by rearranging these...
  6. Reactions that absorb energy are?
  7. What is released when a reaction produces heat or light?
  8. The substances you start with are known as?
  9. In this kind of reaction, 2 or more substances combine to form a new compound.
  10. A reaction in which a gas, a solid, or a molecular compound forms from the exchange of atoms or ions between two compounds. Two things will replace each other.
  11. What forms when a new solid substance appears in a liquid mixture during a reaction?

16 Clues: Reactions that absorb energy are?Reactions that release energy are?The substances you start with are known as?What are the substances you end up with known as?What forms when gas is produced during a reaction?Reactants turn into products by rearranging these...What is released when a reaction produces heat or light?...

Energy 2022-02-27

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. another name for light energy
  2. the direction that sound waves travel
  3. energy associate with temperature
  4. process of energy changing forms
  5. energy produced by a vibrating object
  1. energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter
  2. what power is measure in
  3. energy carried by charged particles
  4. what energy and work is measured in
  5. what is electrical energy measured by
  6. only form of energy we can see
  7. the stored energy an object has because of its position
  8. the energy an object as due to its motion
  9. ability to do work

14 Clues: ability to do workwhat power is measure inanother name for light energyonly form of energy we can seeprocess of energy changing formsenergy associate with temperatureenergy carried by charged particleswhat energy and work is measured inthe direction that sound waves travelwhat is electrical energy measured byenergy produced by a vibrating object...

Particles & Energy & Weather... Oh My! 2024-09-19

Particles & Energy & Weather... Oh My! crossword puzzle
  1. turns liquids into water vapor
  2. turns water vapor into liquid
  3. stored energy
  4. the amount of water vapor in the air
  5. heat energy
  6. matter that has no fixed shape but has definite volume
  1. any liquid or solid forms of water that fall from the sky
  2. transfer of heat through liquid or air
  3. Particles in _____ move quickly in random directions
  4. movement energy
  5. transfer of thermal energy by contact
  6. Particles that vibrate at a fixed position.
  7. Law that says energy cannot be created or destroyed
  8. measurement of thermal energy
  9. particles move ______ when you add themal energy
  10. transfer of thermal energy through a vacuum

16 Clues: heat energystored energymovement energyturns water vapor into liquidmeasurement of thermal energyturns liquids into water vaporthe amount of water vapor in the airtransfer of thermal energy by contacttransfer of heat through liquid or airParticles that vibrate at a fixed position.transfer of thermal energy through a vacuum...

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2022-03-25

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what can be used to pull up the oil for collection
  2. what is natural gas also known as
  3. _____ energy is the energy in the movement of molecules
  4. _____ energy is the energy emitted in the form of waves of the electromagnetic spectrum
  5. involves breaking-up an atom’s nucleus
  6. process for converting stored chemical energy into forms we can use for other things
  7. _____ energy is energy associated with the movement/flow of electrons
  8. is a liquid fossil fuel with a thick viscous texture
  9. the ability to do work
  1. involves joining 2 atomic nuclei
  2. _____ energy is the energy required to move/change an object’s position
  3. _____ pushes the oil to the surface requiring no additional action
  4. _____ energy is the energy of an object due to its position or shape
  5. cleanest fossil fuel type
  6. _____ energy is the energy of motion
  7. whats another word for hydraulic fracturing
  8. _____ energy is the energy stored in chemical bonds between atoms and molecules.
  9. is an unstable atom and often emits a neutron
  10. _____ energy is the energy stored in forces holding atomic nuclei together
  11. a mixture of many different hydrocarbons
  12. the compression of dead plant material

21 Clues: the ability to do workcleanest fossil fuel typeinvolves joining 2 atomic nucleiwhat is natural gas also known as_____ energy is the energy of motioninvolves breaking-up an atom’s nucleusthe compression of dead plant materiala mixture of many different hydrocarbonswhats another word for hydraulic fracturing...

Year 8 Science Revision 2022-11-22

Year 8 Science Revision crossword puzzle
  1. KE=
  2. the brain of a cell
  3. the type of energy because of its motion
  4. produces bile
  5. extremely hot liquid under the surface
  6. energy in the nucleus
  7. causes photosynthesis
  8. the stored energy
  9. GPE=
  1. stores substances
  2. energy generated by the movement of electrons from one point to another
  3. rock type that forms from lava melting
  4. site of cellular respiration
  5. energy created by a magnetic field
  6. make proteins for the cell

15 Clues: KE=GPE=produces bilestores substancesthe stored energythe brain of a cellenergy in the nucleuscauses photosynthesismake proteins for the cellsite of cellular respirationenergy created by a magnetic fieldrock type that forms from lava meltingextremely hot liquid under the surfacethe type of energy because of its motion...

Energy 2023-10-05

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that results from an object's motion
  2. Energy produced by the movement of charged particles
  3. Energy cannot be created or ___
  4. Energy can take on multiple ____
  5. Energy that results from an object's position
  6. The amount of force it takes to move an object over a distance
  7. Energy can move from place to ___
  8. Also known as heat Energy
  1. The energy of motion
  2. The action of something rubbing against something else
  3. Energy produced by sound vibrations that create noise
  4. An object's direction and speed
  5. Where energy begins
  6. Energy that travels by electromagnetic waves. Also known as Light Energy
  7. The ability to cause change or do work
  8. Energy can appear as ___, motion, sound, electricity, magnetic fields, or thermal energy

16 Clues: Where energy beginsThe energy of motionAlso known as heat EnergyEnergy cannot be created or ___An object's direction and speedEnergy can take on multiple ____Energy can move from place to ___The ability to cause change or do workEnergy that results from an object's motionEnergy that results from an object's position...

Name __________________________ 2024-01-26

Name __________________________ crossword puzzle
  1. are found in solids, liquids, and gas
  2. is a crystal
  3. particles that vibrate close together
  4. is the ability to do work or cause change
  5. can have many forms of energy including radiant, thermal and chemical
  6. energy is the energy of motion
  7. are arranged in geometric lattice
  8. water turns to a gas eventually
  9. make all particle move faster
  10. is found in stars and the sun
  11. particles that move quickly but bump into each other and take the shape of it's container
  12. energy is hard to store
  13. energy can be found in a lamp, the sun or a flashlight
  1. energy can be found in a radio or the tv
  2. energy is stored energy
  3. particles move very fast and spread out
  4. energy can be found in a light switch and outlet
  5. energy can be found in food and batteries
  6. energy can be found in a fan, computer, and car

19 Clues: is a crystalenergy is stored energyenergy is hard to storemake all particle move fasteris found in stars and the sunenergy is the energy of motionwater turns to a gas eventuallyare arranged in geometric latticeare found in solids, liquids, and gasparticles that vibrate close togetherparticles move very fast and spread out...

Earth Resources 2014-04-22

Earth Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Energy obtained from underground steam
  2. Energy obtained from falling water
  3. substitute for dwindling petroleum supplies
  4. law that protects the water
  5. Energy obtained from the air
  6. pollution coming from unknown location
  7. Can be replenished over a short time
  8. energy provided by the sun
  9. law that protects the air
  10. pollution coming from a known location
  1. primarily used by power plants
  2. process that conserves forest resources
  3. Hydrocarbons used as fuel
  4. Energy obtained from the sea
  5. energy obtained from radioactive materials
  6. water that carries non point source pollution
  7. takes millions of years to form and accumulate
  8. careful use of resources
  9. it forms from the remains of plants and animals

19 Clues: careful use of resourcesHydrocarbons used as fuellaw that protects the airenergy provided by the sunlaw that protects the waterEnergy obtained from the seaEnergy obtained from the airprimarily used by power plantsEnergy obtained from falling waterCan be replenished over a short timeEnergy obtained from underground steam...

Electromagnetic Radiation 2017-03-28

Electromagnetic Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.
  2. Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.
  3. Infrared cameras can be used for _________ vision.
  4. Radio waves have the longest _______________.
  5. Microwave ovens work by energizing _________ molecules.
  6. Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this.
  7. Most of the sun's energy is in this portion of the spectrum.
  8. This color of visible light is the most easily scattered.
  9. Microwaves are used to create ____________ radar.
  1. These animals can detect flowers using ultraviolet sight.
  2. This color of light contains all the colors.
  3. Gamma rays have the highest ______________.
  4. This type of radiation is targeted to kill cancer cells.
  5. Medical equipment is sterilized using this type of energy.
  6. All forms of radiation carry __________.
  7. How do all forms of radiation travel?

16 Clues: This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.How do all forms of radiation travel?All forms of radiation carry __________.Gamma rays have the highest ______________.This color of light contains all the colors.Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.Radio waves have the longest _______________.Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this....

Eisaiah's energy puzzle 2016-05-20

Eisaiah's energy puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. it's like an axe
  2. transfers heat through liquids and gas
  3. energy from plants and animals
  4. anything that's living or recently living
  5. Energy stored in the nucleus of a atom
  6. strings attached
  7. a bar that rotates a fixed point
  8. heat from the earth
  9. living things
  10. energy of flowing air
  11. like a bike
  12. sound waves
  13. energy from the sun
  14. things that can be renewed
  1. stored energy
  2. a device with no or few moving parts
  3. a property of objects which can be converted into different forms
  4. things that can't be renewed
  5. modified inclined plane
  6. A flat surface that's higher at one end
  7. energy through touch
  8. gets heat from sun
  9. flow or water
  10. the force that a pulley overcomes when you use it

24 Clues: like a bikesound wavesstored energyliving thingsflow or waterit's like an axestrings attachedgets heat from sunheat from the earthenergy from the sunenergy through touchenergy of flowing airmodified inclined planethings that can be renewedthings that can't be renewedenergy from plants and animalsa bar that rotates a fixed point...

Mission Review 1-3 2022-12-09

Mission Review 1-3 crossword puzzle
  1. Organic compounds with an amino group on
  2. a compound that forms OH- ions in solution
  3. processes that changes one set of chemicals to another
  4. attraction of molecules of the same substance
  5. the three dimensional structure shape of the protein is stabilized by interactions between R-groups
  6. polypeptide chains found in only some proteins
  7. structure sequence of amino acids
  8. end and a carboxyl group on the other end.
  1. structure assocation between two or more
  2. the tendency of water tendency of water to rise in a thin tube
  3. breaking large molecules down into smaller molecules that release energy
  4. chemical reaction that releases energy
  5. a substance on which an enzyme acts during a chemical reaction
  6. the ability to move or change matter
  7. substance that is dissolved in solution
  8. the basic unit of matter
  9. chemical reaction that absorbs energy
  10. atoms of the same elements that differ in number of neutrons they contain
  11. a compound that forms H+ ions in solution
  12. a chemical reaction that builds molecules by losing water molecules
  13. all of the chemical reactions that occur within an organism to maintain life

21 Clues: the basic unit of matterstructure sequence of amino acidsthe ability to move or change matterchemical reaction that absorbs energychemical reaction that releases energysubstance that is dissolved in solutionstructure assocation between two or moreOrganic compounds with an amino group ona compound that forms H+ ions in solution...

Science cross word 2025-01-23

Science cross word crossword puzzle
  1. The ability to do work
  2. A substance that can not be broken down
  3. The basic unit for anything living
  4. This rock forms when magma cools
  5. Substances with the properties of luster and conductivity
  6. The control center for the cell
  7. The energy of movement
  8. How far something travels in a certain time
  9. A force that pulls everything to the ground
  10. How much mass is in an object
  11. A living organism
  1. A organism without a nucleus
  2. A organism with a nucleus
  3. anything that can be used as a source of energy
  4. The cycle of rocks constantly changing
  5. An idea that can be supported with data
  6. The energy of motion
  7. This uses direction and speed
  8. An organism that makes its own food
  9. A non-living organism

20 Clues: A living organismThe energy of motionA non-living organismThe ability to do workThe energy of movementA organism with a nucleusA organism without a nucleusThis uses direction and speedHow much mass is in an objectThe control center for the cellThis rock forms when magma coolsThe basic unit for anything livingAn organism that makes its own food...

Photosynthesis 2024-09-19

Photosynthesis crossword puzzle
  1. are responsible for photosynthesis
  2. forms from radiant energy
  3. is made out of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon
  4. take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen
  5. What does the process of photosynthesis?
  6. Absorbs sunrays and carbon dioxide
  7. released from the sun and absorbed by a leaf
  8. is released during photosynthesis
  9. absorb water from the dirt
  1. is absorbed by the roots
  2. forms a new substance
  3. is kept and stored inside leaves as food
  4. turns into chemical energy
  5. is absorbed through the leaves
  6. releases sunrays

15 Clues: releases sunraysforms a new substanceis absorbed by the rootsforms from radiant energyturns into chemical energyabsorb water from the dirtis absorbed through the leavesis released during photosynthesisare responsible for photosynthesisAbsorbs sunrays and carbon dioxideis kept and stored inside leaves as foodWhat does the process of photosynthesis?...

Electromagnetic Radiation 2017-03-28

Electromagnetic Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.
  2. Infrared cameras can be used for _________ vision.
  3. Microwave ovens work by energizing _________ molecules.
  4. Gamma rays have the highest ______________.
  5. Most of the sun's energy is in this portion of the spectrum.
  6. Medical equipment is sterilized using this type of energy.
  7. All forms of radiation carry __________.
  8. How do all forms of radiation travel?
  1. Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.
  2. Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this.
  3. Radio waves have the longest _______________.
  4. These animals can detect flowers using ultraviolet sight.
  5. This color of light contains all the colors.
  6. Microwaves are used to create ____________ radar.
  7. This color of visible light is the most easily scattered.
  8. This type of radiation is targeted to kill cancer cells.

16 Clues: This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.How do all forms of radiation travel?All forms of radiation carry __________.Gamma rays have the highest ______________.This color of light contains all the colors.Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.Radio waves have the longest _______________.Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this....

Electromagnetic Radiation 2017-03-28

Electromagnetic Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. These animals can detect flowers using ultraviolet sight.
  2. Microwave ovens work by energizing _________ molecules.
  3. This type of radiation is targeted to kill cancer cells.
  4. All forms of radiation carry __________.
  5. Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.
  6. Medical equipment is sterilized using this type of energy.
  7. Microwaves are used to create ____________ radar.
  1. How do all forms of radiation travel?
  2. Infrared cameras can be used for _________ vision.
  3. This color of light contains all the colors.
  4. Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this.
  5. Most of the sun's energy is in this portion of the spectrum.
  6. Radio waves have the longest _______________.
  7. Gamma rays have the highest ______________.
  8. This color of visible light is the most easily scattered.
  9. This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.

16 Clues: This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.How do all forms of radiation travel?All forms of radiation carry __________.Gamma rays have the highest ______________.This color of light contains all the colors.Radio waves have the longest _______________.Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this....

Metabolism Vocabulary 2022-02-16

Metabolism Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. proposed answer
  2. made of many glucose molecules
  3. releases energy into cells
  4. performs important functions
  5. we breath this in
  6. set of interacting parts
  7. takes in oxygen and releases carbon
  8. used to support or refute a claim
  9. building blocks
  10. takes food and break it down
  11. making clear of your evidence
  12. forms new substances
  1. made of carbon and oxygen atoms
  2. transports molecules
  3. a supported claim
  4. made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
  5. energy and growth
  6. group of atoms
  7. word in every Amplify glossary

19 Clues: group of atomsproposed answerbuilding blocksa supported claimwe breath this inenergy and growthtransports moleculesforms new substancesset of interacting partsreleases energy into cellsperforms important functionstakes food and break it downmaking clear of your evidencemade of many glucose moleculesword in every Amplify glossary...

Barbre's 2016-12-07

Barbre's crossword puzzle
  1. breaks down glucose and forms pyruvate
  2. organisms that can be inorganic or organic and obtain energy
  3. organism that can't fix inorganic sources but uses organic for growth
  4. contains chlorophyll and where photosynthesis takes place
  5. used for cellular respiration
  6. a molecule that provides energy
  7. energy gets stored in organic molecules
  8. acid CH3CHCO2H/organic compound
  9. fluid filled space outside of grana
  10. organism that creates energy
  11. requires oxygen
  1. green pigments found in plants
  2. organic molecules are broken down to release energy for cell use
  3. the organelle where respiration and energy production occur
  4. energy from the sun converted into chemical energy
  5. stack of pancakes
  6. adenasine diphosphate
  7. doesn't require oxygen

18 Clues: requires oxygenstack of pancakesadenasine diphosphatedoesn't require oxygenorganism that creates energyused for cellular respirationgreen pigments found in plantsa molecule that provides energyacid CH3CHCO2H/organic compoundfluid filled space outside of granabreaks down glucose and forms pyruvateenergy gets stored in organic molecules...

Unit 7.2 Volcano Vocabulary 2022-01-21

Unit 7.2 Volcano Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Type of volcano found at convergent boundaries.
  2. Two plates moving towards one another is a _____ boundary.
  3. Magma loosing thermal energy and hardening.
  4. When one plate move below the other and melts, we call this ______.
  5. Two plate move away from each other is a _____ boundary.
  6. Type of volcano found at divergent boundaries.
  7. Grey colored Rock. Both crust types.
  8. The light colored rocks. Continental Crust.
  9. This builds pressure inside of our volcanoes. Where the magma is stored.
  1. The theory of ______. How our plates move.
  2. What forms a volcano in the middle of a plate.
  3. Dark colored rock. Oceanic Crust.
  4. Type of volcano formed from a hot spot and continental crust.
  5. This starts the system for our volcanoes. Starts with the core.
  6. When crust is heated by thermal energy. This happens around the magma chamber.
  7. Region of ____. Low thermal energy, middle of plate.
  8. The top most layer of the earth.
  9. Old crust melts and new crust forms. (three words)
  10. Region of ____. High thermal energy, plate boundaries.
  11. How often a volcano erupts is its ____.
  12. Type of volcano formed from hot spots and oceanic crust.
  13. Layer of the Earth below the crust

22 Clues: The top most layer of the earth.Dark colored rock. Oceanic Crust.Layer of the Earth below the crustGrey colored Rock. Both crust types.How often a volcano erupts is its ____.The theory of ______. How our plates move.Magma loosing thermal energy and hardening.The light colored rocks. Continental Crust.What forms a volcano in the middle of a plate....

Unit 4 Crossword 2018-02-23

Unit 4 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Transfer of energy as heat through direct contact
  2. system Group of objects that transfer energy to one another
  3. Amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 C
  4. Equally spaced units
  5. Kinetic theory of matter explains the motion of
  6. Measures thermal energy.
  7. Instrument to measure temperature
  8. Particles moving at different directions at different speeds
  9. All matter is made of
  10. Scale with a boiling point of 212 degrees.
  11. Scale used commonly by scientists.
  12. Used to measure unwanted energy.
  13. Where are particles far apart and move around at high speed
  14. of state Removing energy in the form of heat from a substance may also result in
  15. of conservation of energy Not destroyed.
  1. Particles move slower in
  2. An example of a good insulator.
  3. Total energy is
  4. Measure of average kinetic energy of all particles in an object
  5. Energy held by a battery
  6. energy Some absorbed by the earth
  7. energy Total kinetic energy of particles.
  8. energy Result from vibration of particles
  9. water Boiling point of this substance is used as a standard value
  10. energy Energy were particles are in motion.
  11. Best conductor of heat
  12. transformation Changed to and from different forms.
  13. Energy transferred from higher to lower temperature objects

28 Clues: Total energy isEqually spaced unitsAll matter is made ofBest conductor of heatParticles move slower inEnergy held by a batteryMeasures thermal energy.An example of a good insulator.Used to measure unwanted energy.Instrument to measure temperatureScale used commonly by Some absorbed by the earth...

Electromagnetic Radiation 2017-03-28

Electromagnetic Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. This type of radiation is targeted to kill cancer cells.
  2. These animals can detect flowers using ultraviolet sight.
  3. Gamma rays have the highest ______________.
  4. Infrared cameras can be used for _________ vision.
  5. Microwaves are used to create ____________ radar.
  6. How do all forms of radiation travel?
  7. Medical equipment is sterilized using this type of energy.
  8. Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.
  1. This color of light contains all the colors.
  2. Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this.
  3. Most of the sun's energy is in this portion of the spectrum.
  4. All forms of radiation carry __________.
  5. Radio waves have the longest _______________.
  6. This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.
  7. This color of visible light is the most easily scattered.
  8. Microwave ovens work by energizing _________ molecules.

16 Clues: This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.How do all forms of radiation travel?All forms of radiation carry __________.Gamma rays have the highest ______________.This color of light contains all the colors.Radio waves have the longest _______________.Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this....

Electromagnetic Radiation 2017-03-28

Electromagnetic Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Infrared cameras can be used for _________ vision.
  2. Radio waves have the longest _______________.
  3. Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this.
  4. These animals can detect flowers using ultraviolet sight.
  5. Gamma rays have the highest ______________.
  6. This type of radiation is targeted to kill cancer cells.
  7. This color of visible light is the most easily scattered.
  8. All forms of radiation carry __________.
  1. This color of light contains all the colors.
  2. Medical equipment is sterilized using this type of energy.
  3. Most of the sun's energy is in this portion of the spectrum.
  4. How do all forms of radiation travel?
  5. This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.
  6. Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.
  7. Microwaves are used to create ____________ radar.
  8. Microwave ovens work by energizing _________ molecules.

16 Clues: This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.How do all forms of radiation travel?All forms of radiation carry __________.Gamma rays have the highest ______________.This color of light contains all the colors.Radio waves have the longest _______________.Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this....

Electromagnetic Radiation 2017-03-28

Electromagnetic Radiation crossword puzzle
  1. Microwave ovens work by energizing _________ molecules.
  2. Most of the sun's energy is in this portion of the spectrum.
  3. All forms of radiation carry __________.
  4. Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.
  5. Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this.
  6. Infrared cameras can be used for _________ vision.
  7. Microwaves are used to create ____________ radar.
  8. How do all forms of radiation travel?
  1. This color of visible light is the most easily scattered.
  2. Radio waves have the longest _______________.
  3. Medical equipment is sterilized using this type of energy.
  4. Gamma rays have the highest ______________.
  5. These animals can detect flowers using ultraviolet sight.
  6. This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.
  7. This type of radiation is targeted to kill cancer cells.
  8. This color of light contains all the colors.

16 Clues: This type of tissue absorbs x-rays.How do all forms of radiation travel?All forms of radiation carry __________.Gamma rays have the highest ______________.This color of light contains all the colors.Radio waves have the longest _______________.Greenhouse gases trap this type of radiation.Radio and microwaves are mainly used for this....

Carbohydrate Vocabulary 2023-09-25

Carbohydrate Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. 5 carbon ringed monosaccharide
  2. element all biomolecules have in common and forms four bonds
  3. reaction that breaks polymers apart
  4. polysaccharide found in plants that forms cell walls
  5. study of the molecules in living organisms
  6. same formula but different structure
  7. polysaccharide found in animals that stores energy
  8. polysaccharide found in plants that stores energy
  9. reaction that links monomers together
  10. table sugar
  1. many building blocks
  2. carbob oxygen carbon bond that links carbohydrate monomers
  3. 6 carbon monosaccharide known as blood sugar
  4. carbohydrate monomer
  5. building block of biomolecules
  6. milk sugar
  7. disaccharide formed from two glucose monomers

17 Clues: milk sugartable sugarmany building blockscarbohydrate monomer5 carbon ringed monosaccharidebuilding block of biomoleculesreaction that breaks polymers apartsame formula but different structurereaction that links monomers togetherstudy of the molecules in living organisms6 carbon monosaccharide known as blood sugar...

Forms of Energy and Transformations Review 2020-10-27

Forms of Energy and Transformations Review crossword puzzle
  1. energy in the transfer of heat through particles
  2. energy of electrons moving through a circuit
  3. energy changing from one form to another
  4. objects that allow heat to transfer easily
  5. machine that transfers mechanical into electrical
  6. transfer of heat as hot air rises and cold air sinks
  7. stored energy in batteries, wood, oil, and coal
  8. energy from the sun providing heat and light
  1. transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves
  2. energy traveling in electromagnetic waves
  3. transfer of heat through objects touching
  4. machine that transfers electrical into mechanical
  5. magnets with like or the same poles (N and N)
  6. energy that describes an object in motion
  7. energy associated with motion (moving or at rest)
  8. energy that describes an object at rest
  9. objects that do not allow heat transfer easily

17 Clues: energy that describes an object at restenergy changing from one form to anotherenergy traveling in electromagnetic wavestransfer of heat through objects touchingenergy that describes an object in motionobjects that allow heat to transfer easilyenergy of electrons moving through a circuitenergy from the sun providing heat and light...

Energy 2017-01-27

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. collision: A collision between two objects in which the deformation is so severe that they stick together. While total momentum is conserved, total kinetic energy is greatly reduced by the amount of energy required to deform the objects.
  2. energy: The potential energy stored in an atom’s nucleus that is released or absorbed when an atom experiences nuclear fission or fusion.
  3. The ability to do work. It is a positive scalar quantity measured in joules (J).
  4. of energy: Law stating that the total amount of energy entering the process equals the total of all the forms of energy that exist at the end of the process. Also known as the first law of thermodynamics.
  5. energy: The sum of the kinetic energies of all the particles in an object, directly proportional to the temperature of the object.
  6. For a machine or process, the ratio of energy or work produced to the energy or work present beforehand; a measure of the effectiveness of the machine or process for converting energy from one form to another.
  7. The SI unit for energy and work; 1 J = 1 kg⋅m2/s2 = 1 N⋅m.
  8. energy: The transmission of energy through matter by the periodic motion of particles (mechanical waves).
  9. elastic collision: A collision between two objects in which momentum is conserved but some of their kinetic energies is lost to other forms of energy during the collision. The objects are slightly deformed but rebound.
  10. energy: The energy equivalent to matter itself, according to the equation in Einstein’s special theory of relativity, E = mc2.
  11. energy: The potential energy stored in the chemical bonds between atoms that is released or absorbed during chemical reactions.
  12. energy: The ability of a magnetic field to do work on magnetic objects and on moving electrical charges.
  13. law of thermodynamics: Law stating that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, only changed in form. See also conservation of energy.
  1. energy: The energy of a system due to its position or its motion.
  2. energy : The energy of motion which depends only on the system’s mass and speed; a form of mechanical energy.
  3. potential energy: The potential energy of a system due to its weight and its height above a zero reference height.
  4. energy: The ability to do work through the action of the electromagnetic force on and by electrical charges.
  5. energy: The energy of a system due to its position or condition; a form of mechanical energy.
  6. motion: Recurring back-and-forth or cyclical motion of a system in a regular time interval, called a period.
  7. potential energy: The potential energy of a system due to an elastic force acting on it and its distance from a zero reference position.
  8. energy: The combined action of electrical and magnetic energies in the form of wavelike, radiant energy.

21 Clues: The SI unit for energy and work; 1 J = 1 kg⋅m2/s2 = 1 N⋅ The energy of a system due to its position or its motion.The ability to do work. It is a positive scalar quantity measured in joules (J).energy: The energy of a system due to its position or condition; a form of mechanical energy....

Properties of Light 2021-11-16

Properties of Light crossword puzzle
  1. when an electron falls to a lower energy level and a photon is emitted
  2. the distance between corresponding points on adjacent waves
  3. electron circle the nucleus in __________
  4. a particle of electromagnetic radiation having zero mass and carrying a quantum of energy
  5. when energy is added to an atom in order to move an electron from a lower level to a higher energy level
  6. high frequency waves have _________ wavelengths
  7. all forms of electromagnetic radiation
  8. unit of frequency
  9. unit of wavelength
  10. the ___________ bands of light are known as hydrogen's line-emission spectrum
  11. the energy of a photon depends on the _______ of the radiation
  12. the number of waves that pass a given point per second
  1. lowest energy state of an atom
  2. the farther away from the nucleus the _______ energy an electron has
  3. __________ = c/f
  4. form of energy that exhibits wavelike behavior as it travels through space
  5. state in which an atom has more energy that its ground state by absorbing energy
  6. refers to the emission of electrons from a metal when light shines on the metal
  7. low frequency waves have ___________ wavelengths
  8. ________ of energy is the minimum quantity of energy that can be lost or gained by an atom
  9. _______ = hf
  10. unit of energy

22 Clues: _______ = hfunit of energy__________ = c/funit of frequencyunit of wavelengthlowest energy state of an atomall forms of electromagnetic radiationelectron circle the nucleus in __________high frequency waves have _________ wavelengthslow frequency waves have ___________ wavelengthsthe number of waves that pass a given point per second...

Metabolism Vocabulary 2022-02-16

Metabolism Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. word in every Amplify glossary
  2. made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
  3. a supported claim
  4. transports molecules
  5. we breath this in
  6. performs important functions
  7. used to support or refute a claim
  8. takes food and break it down
  9. group of atoms
  10. releases energy into cells
  11. made of many glucose molecules
  1. takes in oxygen and releases carbon
  2. building blocks
  3. made of carbon and oxygen atoms
  4. set of interacting parts
  5. forms new substances
  6. making clear of your evidence
  7. energy and growth
  8. proposed answer

19 Clues: group of atomsbuilding blocksproposed answera supported claimwe breath this inenergy and growthtransports moleculesforms new substancesset of interacting partsreleases energy into cellsperforms important functionstakes food and break it downmaking clear of your evidenceword in every Amplify glossarymade of many glucose molecules...

Introduction to energy 2021-01-26

Introduction to energy crossword puzzle
  1. the kinetic energy of particles, particles move faster at higher temperatures than cooler temperatures
  2. transformation takes place when energy changes from one form into another form
  3. energy the energy that an object has due to its position, condition, or chemical composition
  4. of conservation of energy energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms
  5. energy the energy of an object that is due to motion
  6. the energy that results from the position or motion of changed particles
  1. potential energy where the molecule depends on the kinds of atoms and their arrangement
  2. energy that is transmitted through space in forms of waves
  3. kinetic energy caused by the vibration of particles
  4. the sum of an object's kinetic energy and potential energy
  5. when a nucleus breaks apart or 2 nuclei join together this energy is released
  6. the ability to cause change

12 Clues: the ability to cause changekinetic energy caused by the vibration of particlesenergy that is transmitted through space in forms of wavesthe sum of an object's kinetic energy and potential energyenergy the energy of an object that is due to motionthe energy that results from the position or motion of changed particles...

Types of Energy 2024-02-21

Types of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that is stored in objects waiting to be released.
  2. The unit of that is used to measure energy.
  3. The type of energy that radiates out form a fire.
  4. Energy is the ability to do _______
  5. The amount of matter in an object - if not affected by gravity.
  6. The type of energy that involves the movement of electrons.
  7. The type of energy found in moving objects.
  8. This will be affected by gravity and can be zero.
  9. The energy that is found inside batteries.
  10. The type of energy an object has when it is high off the ground
  11. The type of energy found when a rubber band is stretched.
  1. When energy is changed from one form to another.
  2. Will quadruple the kinetic energy of an object when it is doubled.
  3. The type of energy that involves the movement of photons.
  4. the energy produced by an object that is not useful.
  5. When most of the energy produced by and object is useful energy.
  6. The type of energy found stored within atoms.
  7. When energy is moved from one object to another and does not change forms.
  8. The type of energy that vibrates particles.

19 Clues: Energy is the ability to do _______The energy that is found inside batteries.The unit of that is used to measure energy.The type of energy found in moving objects.The type of energy that vibrates particles.The type of energy found stored within atoms.When energy is changed from one form to another.The type of energy that radiates out form a fire....

Homemade Crossword 2022-04-19

Homemade Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. aka kinetic energy
  2. group of cells connected together
  3. accepts electrons
  4. energy minimum energy that colliding particles much have in order to react
  5. loss of electrons
  6. oxidation # is always -2
  7. reaction can move in forward or backwards direction
  8. provides electrons
  9. atoms react to form products when they collide with one another
  10. oxidation # is +1 when bound to non-metal
  1. complex unstable arrangement of atoms that forms at peak of activation energy barrier
  2. release of heat
  3. rate of reactants into products = rate of reactant of products into reactants
  4. gain of electrons
  5. state aka activated complex
  6. lowers activation energy
  7. measurement of speed of any change per unit of time
  8. absorption of heat
  9. increase in pressure means decrease in...
  10. who was the equilibrium principle named after?

20 Clues: release of heatgain of electronsaccepts electronsloss of electronsaka kinetic energyabsorption of heatprovides electronslowers activation energyoxidation # is always -2state aka activated complexgroup of cells connected togetherincrease in pressure means decrease in...oxidation # is +1 when bound to non-metal...

Unit 4 Crossword 2021-06-08

Unit 4 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How is heat transferred during radiation? (3 pts)
  2. This household appliance uses convection to heat up food (3 pts)
  3. The greatest physics teacher ever (1 pt)
  4. What is the specific heat capacity of water (3 pts)
  5. m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 +m2v2 is known as the formula for the ... of Momentum (2 pt)
  6. What kind of energy is given off by fire? (1 pt)
  7. Relates to the conversion of chemical energy into light and heat (2 pts)
  8. An ... system results in energy and matter not being able to escape nor change (3 pts)
  9. A ... machine utilizes consecutive momentum of objects to cause movement (3 pts)
  10. The angle in radians of which a point or line is rotated along an axis (3 pts)
  11. The transfer of heat when your finger burns from touching a hot metal seatbelt is known as
  12. When breaking, a car may convert some of its mechanical energy into ... energy (2 pts)
  1. The thermal transfer that allows a hot air balloon to rise (1 pts)
  2. The sum of potential and kinetic energy (2 pts)
  3. The unit used to measure watts (1 pt)
  4. A type of friction that prevents an object from moving (1 pt)
  5. The law of ... states that energy can only change forms and cannot be created or destroyed (2 pts)
  6. The state in which heat is not transferred between two touching objects (3 pts)
  7. What type of energy does a book on the top of a bookshelf have? (1 pt)
  8. The main relationship between heat and different forms of energy (2 pts)
  9. The movement of energy from one object to another (1 pt)
  10. When a tire rubes against a concrete surface it creates ... (1 pt)
  11. Related to motion (2 pts)
  12. Impulse formula [written as: ...x...] (3 pts)
  13. An example of non-mechanical energy (1 pt)
  14. What is the equation for momentum? (2 pts)(written as a=bc)

26 Clues: Related to motion (2 pts)The unit used to measure watts (1 pt)The greatest physics teacher ever (1 pt)An example of non-mechanical energy (1 pt)Impulse formula [written as: ...x...] (3 pts)The sum of potential and kinetic energy (2 pts)What kind of energy is given off by fire? (1 pt)How is heat transferred during radiation? (3 pts)...

Types of Energy 2024-02-21

Types of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that is stored in objects waiting to be released.
  2. The unit of that is used to measure energy.
  3. The type of energy that radiates out form a fire.
  4. Energy is the ability to do _______
  5. The amount of matter in an object - if not affected by gravity.
  6. The type of energy that involves the movement of electrons.
  7. The type of energy found in moving objects.
  8. This will be affected by gravity and can be zero.
  9. The energy that is found inside batteries.
  10. The type of energy an object has when it is high off the ground
  11. The type of energy found when a rubber band is stretched.
  1. When energy is changed from one form to another.
  2. Will quadruple the kinetic energy of an object when it is doubled.
  3. The type of energy that involves the movement of photons.
  4. the energy produced by an object that is not useful.
  5. When most of the energy produced by and object is useful energy.
  6. The type of energy found stored within atoms.
  7. When energy is moved from one object to another and does not change forms.
  8. The type of energy that vibrates particles.

19 Clues: Energy is the ability to do _______The energy that is found inside batteries.The unit of that is used to measure energy.The type of energy found in moving objects.The type of energy that vibrates particles.The type of energy found stored within atoms.When energy is changed from one form to another.The type of energy that radiates out form a fire....

Energy Crossword 2016-08-26

Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Organic matter that can be a source of energy; the total mass of the organisms in a given area
  2. A liquid mixture of complex hydrocarbon compounds;used widely as a fuel source
  3. A mixture of gasoline and alcohol that is used as a fuel
  4. Energy received by the Earth from the Sun in the form of radiation
  5. Rain, sleet, or snow that contain a high concentration of acids
  6. A non-renewable resource formed from the remains of organisms that lived long ago
  7. The process of recovering valuable or useful materials from waste or scrap
  8. Photochemical haze that forms when sunlight acts on industrial pollutants and burning fuels
  9. Energy produced by heat within the Earth
  10. Energy released by a fission or fusion reaction, the binding energy of the atomic nucleus
  1. Any natural material used by humans, such as water, petroleum, minerals, forests and animals
  2. Electrical energy produced by water
  3. The energy released when a chemical compound reacts to produce new compounds
  4. The use of a windmill to drive an electric generator
  5. A fossil fuel that forms underground from partially decomposed plant material

15 Clues: Electrical energy produced by waterEnergy produced by heat within the EarthThe use of a windmill to drive an electric generatorA mixture of gasoline and alcohol that is used as a fuelRain, sleet, or snow that contain a high concentration of acidsEnergy received by the Earth from the Sun in the form of radiation...

biology is fun!! TOPIC 1 2016-04-13

biology is fun!! TOPIC 1 crossword puzzle
  1. the protein released from a damaged blood cell
  2. the main energy storage in animals
  3. carry blood away from the heart to the rest of the body
  4. bonds which join monosaccharides together
  5. a drug to reduce high blood pressure
  6. forms over time from build up of white blood cells and lipids
  7. this forms when two monosaccharides join together
  1. the inner lining of the artery
  2. the space in the centre of a blood vessel
  3. this is formed when more than two monosaccharides join together
  4. a rapid loss of brain function, due to disruption in blood supply to the brain
  5. type of reaction which forms triglycerides
  6. the main energy storage in plants
  7. the smallest of the blood vessels
  8. take blood back to the heart
  9. helps the blood flow in one direction

16 Clues: take blood back to the heartthe inner lining of the arterythe main energy storage in plantsthe smallest of the blood vesselsthe main energy storage in animalsa drug to reduce high blood pressurehelps the blood flow in one directionthe space in the centre of a blood vesselbonds which join monosaccharides together...

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2022-03-27

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The ability to do work
  2. When large amounts of material and coal are removed from the ground
  3. When atoms release subatomic particles so they can become more stable
  4. energy that moves in the form of waves
  5. The cleanest version of burning fossil fuels
  6. Energy changes an object position
  7. A newer form of extraction
  8. Movement and flow of electrons
  9. The position or shape of an object in which the energy is
  10. The same name for oil
  1. When oil is pushed to the surface by the underground pressure
  2. energy that is stored in chemical bonds
  3. These are formed from the remains of living animals and plants from millions of years ago
  4. converting stored chemical energy into forms we can use for other things
  5. Energy that is stored in which atomic nuclei is held together
  6. Motion energy
  7. Most commonly used fossil fuel
  8. Energy that moves in molecules
  9. Resources that can be replaced quickly
  10. Resources that can not be replaced or used again

20 Clues: Motion energyThe same name for oilThe ability to do workA newer form of extractionMost commonly used fossil fuelEnergy that moves in moleculesMovement and flow of electronsEnergy changes an object positionenergy that moves in the form of wavesResources that can be replaced quicklyenergy that is stored in chemical bonds...

Types of Energy 2024-02-21

Types of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that is stored in objects waiting to be released.
  2. The unit of that is used to measure energy.
  3. The type of energy that radiates out form a fire.
  4. Energy is the ability to do _______
  5. The amount of matter in an object - if not affected by gravity.
  6. The type of energy that involves the movement of electrons.
  7. The type of energy found in moving objects.
  8. This will be affected by gravity and can be zero.
  9. The energy that is found inside batteries.
  10. The type of energy an object has when it is high off the ground
  11. The type of energy found when a rubber band is stretched.
  1. When energy is changed from one form to another.
  2. Will quadruple the kinetic energy of an object when it is doubled.
  3. The type of energy that involves the movement of photons.
  4. the energy produced by an object that is not useful.
  5. When most of the energy produced by and object is useful energy.
  6. The type of energy found stored within atoms.
  7. When energy is moved from one object to another and does not change forms.
  8. The type of energy that vibrates particles.

19 Clues: Energy is the ability to do _______The energy that is found inside batteries.The unit of that is used to measure energy.The type of energy found in moving objects.The type of energy that vibrates particles.The type of energy found stored within atoms.When energy is changed from one form to another.The type of energy that radiates out form a fire....

Energy Facts 2021-03-19

Energy Facts crossword puzzle
  1. second ranked country in energy consumption
  2. a solid combustable maid of carbon
  3. third ranked country in energy consumption
  4. a type of coal mines.
  5. Energy forms that can be used directly as they appear in nature(two words may form 1)
  6. Energy in a transformed state
  7. one way of creating nuclear energy that joins atoms
  1. created when water drains out of mine.
  2. located above oil deposits
  3. one way of creating nuclear energy that separates atoms
  4. accelerates the process of acid drainage
  5. Remains of ancient organisms
  6. mountain top reveal
  7. first ranked country in energy consumption
  8. Exports 70% of the oil it produces
  9. An energy source that can be easily replenished.

16 Clues: mountain top reveala type of coal mines.located above oil depositsRemains of ancient organismsEnergy in a transformed statea solid combustable maid of carbonExports 70% of the oil it producescreated when water drains out of mine.accelerates the process of acid drainagethird ranked country in energy consumption...

Conservation of Energy 2023-02-03

Conservation of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. applying a force to move or change something.
  2. loss of energy
  3. hour equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour.
  4. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time).
  5. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter
  6. energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  7. energy of motion.
  8. The movement of energy
  9. energy: energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  10. the conversion of energy from one form to another.
  1. Combination of two or more simple machines
  2. energy stored in an object as a result of its height
  3. stored energy of position
  4. A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  5. energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change to different forms
  6. energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter. It is used to keep atoms bonded together
  7. is the ability to do work.
  8. Ratio of output work to input work
  9. equal to 1 Joule per second.

19 Clues: loss of energyenergy of motion.The movement of energystored energy of positionis the ability to do work.equal to 1 Joule per second.Ratio of output work to input workCombination of two or more simple machinesapplying a force to move or change something.the conversion of energy from one form to another....

Chapter 8 2024-01-19

Chapter 8 crossword puzzle
  1. The suffix that the element in acids use.
  2. The energy needed to break a bond.
  3. The prefix that acids use.
  4. An uneven share of electrons.
  5. an even share of electrons
  6. When an atom has partial charges
  7. More energy is released than needed to break a bond.
  8. An atom with more or less than 8 valence electrons is a _ to the Octet rule.
  9. An acid that contains an oxianion.
  10. Do electron pairs repel or attract each other?
  1. What forms when two or more atoms bond?
  2. As the length of a bond decreases, strength _.
  3. This model helps determine the geometry of an atom.
  4. More energy is required than released to break a bond.
  5. What bond forms when two atoms share electrons?
  6. Orbitals mix and form identical orbitals.
  7. Electron _ is the tendency of an atom is to accept an electron.
  8. When more than one Lewis dot structure is valid

18 Clues: The prefix that acids even share of electronsAn uneven share of electrons.When an atom has partial chargesThe energy needed to break a bond.An acid that contains an oxianion.What forms when two or more atoms bond?The suffix that the element in acids use.Orbitals mix and form identical orbitals.As the length of a bond decreases, strength _....

Conservation of Energy Crossword 2024-12-12

Conservation of Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that is stored in an object
  2. The first name of the person who defined what power is
  3. Unit for energy
  4. Energy that is the sum of kinetic energy and all other forms of potential energy
  5. Energy transferred to or from an object
  6. The amount of energy transferred per unit of time
  7. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only _________.
  8. Equal to one Joule
  1. Work is only done if the force is ________ to the motion.
  2. Potential energy formed by impermanently stretching something
  3. Energy associated with heat
  4. Equal to 745.7 watts
  5. The ability to do work
  6. If an object has ________, it has kinetic energy
  7. Energy in motion

15 Clues: Unit for energyEnergy in motionEqual to one JouleEqual to 745.7 wattsThe ability to do workEnergy associated with heatEnergy that is stored in an objectEnergy transferred to or from an objectIf an object has ________, it has kinetic energyThe amount of energy transferred per unit of timeThe first name of the person who defined what power is...

Unit 1 and Unit 2 Vocabs 2024-09-24

Unit 1 and Unit 2 Vocabs crossword puzzle
  1. easily allow heat transfer(most metals)
  2. the amount of energy that is required to a activate atoms or molecules
  3. heat transfers through waves(flow of electromagnetic radiation)
  4. energy is absorbed by the reaction from the surroundings
  5. law establishes thermal equilibrium
  6. moves between materials or changes form
  7. energy of motion
  8. energy conservation, asserts that energy cant be created or destroyed
  9. Energy forms and changes
  10. energy at rest
  1. introduces the concept of entropy
  2. heat always moves from hot to cold
  3. hot air currents going to the ceiling or roof
  4. anything that had mass and takes up space
  5. change measures the amount of heat released or absorbed
  6. requires touch for transfer
  7. states that as the temp approaches absolute zero entropy approaches 0
  8. energy is released by the reaction of surroundings
  9. the amount of heat needed to raise the temp of one gram to 1 degree c

19 Clues: energy at restenergy of motionEnergy forms and changesrequires touch for transferintroduces the concept of entropyheat always moves from hot to coldlaw establishes thermal equilibriumeasily allow heat transfer(most metals)moves between materials or changes formanything that had mass and takes up spacehot air currents going to the ceiling or roof...

Work/Potential Energy 2022-04-17

Work/Potential Energy crossword puzzle
  1. done on a system by forces from outside the system
  2. type of potential energy, aka spring
  3. the larger the _____, the greater the work done
  4. depends only on the height of an object
  5. interaction forces that can store useful energy (two words)
  1. friction, usually (two words)
  2. the unit of all forms of energy
  3. energy that has the ____ to be converted into other forms. of energy(two words)
  4. type of potential energy, aka elastic
  5. determines the sign of "W" between the force and displacement

10 Clues: friction, usually (two words)the unit of all forms of energytype of potential energy, aka springtype of potential energy, aka elasticdepends only on the height of an objectthe larger the _____, the greater the work donedone on a system by forces from outside the systeminteraction forces that can store useful energy (two words)...

Conservation of Energy Vocab 2025-01-09

Conservation of Energy Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change forms
  2. Combination of two or more simple machines
  3. loss of energy
  4. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time).
  5. equal to 1 Joule per second.
  6. energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter. It is used to keep atoms bonded together.
  7. applying a force to move or change something.
  8. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
  9. is the ability to do work.
  1. energy stored in an object as a result of its height.
  2. energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  3. energy of motion.
  4. energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  5. A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  6. equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour.
  7. the conversion of energy from one form to another.
  8. Ratio of output work to input work
  9. stored energy of position
  10. The movement of energy

19 Clues: loss of energyenergy of motion.The movement of energystored energy of positionis the ability to do work.equal to 1 Joule per second.Ratio of output work to input workCombination of two or more simple machinesapplying a force to move or change something.the conversion of energy from one form to another....

Chapter 2 Crossword 2024-10-30

Chapter 2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An organic compound that is insoluble in water but soluble in certain organic solvents
  2. The type of nucleic acid that forms from DNA and functions with ribosomes to form protein molecules
  3. The non-charged particle in an atoms nucleus
  4. Energy that is stored until being released
  5. The negatively charged particle that moves in a shell-like orbit around the nucleus
  6. The random movement of atoms, ions or molecules from a higher area of concentration to a lower one
  7. The building blocks of proteins
  8. A substrate composed of two or more elements chemically combined in definite proportions
  9. The energy of motion
  1. The formation of a chemical bond between ions of opposite charge
  2. An energy-releasing chemical reaction
  3. One of the forms of an atom produced by different numbers of neutrons but the same number of protons
  4. The building blocks for lipids
  5. The positively charged particle in an atoms nucleus
  6. A chemical bond formed between atoms as a result of sharing a pair of electrons
  7. An energy-consuming reaction
  8. The nucleic acid that is located primarily in the nucleus
  9. A fatty acid molecule in which some carbon atoms are double-bonded to each other
  10. Diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane
  11. Describing a fatty acid molecule with only single bonds between carbon atoms
  12. A measure of the unusable energy that escapes when energy is being converted
  13. A substance that affects the rate of a reaction but is not hanged in the reaction

22 Clues: The energy of motionAn energy-consuming reactionThe building blocks for lipidsThe building blocks of proteinsAn energy-releasing chemical reactionEnergy that is stored until being releasedThe non-charged particle in an atoms nucleusThe positively charged particle in an atoms nucleusDiffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane...

Human Impact on Resources 2023-05-09

Human Impact on Resources crossword puzzle
  1. originate from a single point of origin
  2. a pattern of growth in which a population grows faster as it increases in size
  3. affect all populations that they come in contact with, regardless of population size
  4. the material left after ore is extracted
  5. Environmental factors that depend on population size
  6. an extremely thin area of the ozone layer over Antartica
  1. involves the global management of Earth's natural resources to meet current and future energy needs
  2. The simultaneous production of two usable forms of energy
  3. generate pollution from widespread areas
  4. this is a yellow brown haze near densely populated areas that forms mainly from car exhaust in the presence of sunlight
  5. Chemicals applied to farm fields to control weeds, insects, and fungi
  6. the removal of trees from a forested area without adequate replanting
  7. The amount of work produced compared to the amount of energy used
  8. This forms when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides combine with atmospheric moisture
  9. the number of organisms that any given environment can support
  10. is the use of organisms to clean up or break down toxic waste
  11. the process of restoring land to it's original contours and replant vegetation

17 Clues: originate from a single point of origingenerate pollution from widespread areasthe material left after ore is extractedEnvironmental factors that depend on population sizean extremely thin area of the ozone layer over AntarticaThe simultaneous production of two usable forms of energyis the use of organisms to clean up or break down toxic waste...

diaddezion energy 2018-02-27

diaddezion energy crossword puzzle
  1. when fuel rods produce energy
  2. electricity produced by flowing water
  3. a compound made from oil
  4. percentage of energy that is used to preform work
  5. forms a mixture
  6. reducing energy use
  7. heat separated into fuels
  8. made from living things
  9. used for electricity and power
  10. energy that comes from the hydrogen power
  11. waste that’s radio active
  12. fuels energy rich substances
  1. is the part of the nodular reactor where nucellar fission occurs
  2. something people use for getting around
  3. persistence of coal minded in the USA
  4. earth interior that warms
  5. burning
  6. plant remains that can pile up
  7. change of 1 form of energy to another
  8. a compound formed of carbon and hydrogen
  9. anything that give energy from a chemical change
  10. something that cannot be reused
  11. the central cores of atoms
  12. comes from decaying animals or plants
  13. another name for oil
  14. a factory where they separate crude oil into fuel and other things
  15. energy warmth
  16. turbines collect wind and create energy

28 Clues: burningenergy warmthforms a mixturereducing energy useanother name for oilmade from living thingsa compound made from oilearth interior that warmsheat separated into fuelswaste that’s radio activethe central cores of atomsfuels energy rich substanceswhen fuel rods produce energyplant remains that can pile upused for electricity and power...

energy crossword 2018-02-26

energy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. anything that give energy from a chemical change
  2. made from living things
  3. plant remains that can pile up
  4. comes from decaying animals or plants
  5. burning
  6. reducing energy use
  7. energy warmth
  8. percentage of energy that is used to preform work
  9. a compound formed of carbon and hydrogen
  10. another name for oil
  11. electricity produced by flowing water
  12. forms a mixture
  1. the central cores of atoms
  2. a factory where they separate crude oil into fuel and other things
  3. earth interior that warms
  4. is the part of the nodular reactor where nucellar fission occurs
  5. are compounds that are made from oil
  6. something people use for getting around
  7. waste that’s radio active
  8. something that cannot be reused
  9. change of 1 form of energy to another
  10. turbines collect wind and create energy
  11. persistence of coal minded in the USA
  12. used for electricity and power
  13. when fuel rods produce energy
  14. fuels energy rich substances
  15. energy that comes from the hydrogen power

27 Clues: burningenergy warmthforms a mixturereducing energy useanother name for oilmade from living thingsearth interior that warmswaste that’s radio activethe central cores of atomsfuels energy rich substanceswhen fuel rods produce energyplant remains that can pile upused for electricity and powersomething that cannot be reused...

Kreamy crooss words 2022-05-06

Kreamy crooss words crossword puzzle
  1. the process by which producers use solar energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into
  2. hydraulic fracturing, a method of oil and gas extraction that uses high-pressure fluids to force open
  3. the conversion of ammonia into nitrite and then into nitrate
  4. a measurement of the amount of matter an object contains
  5. randomness in a system
  6. the conversion of nitrate in a series of steps into the gases nitrous oxide and, eventually, nitrogen gas, which is emitted into the atmosphere
  7. the ability to do work or transfer heat
  8. the process by which fungal and bacterial decomposers break down the organic nitrogen found in dead bodies and waste products and convert it into inorganic ammonium (NH4+)
  9. fungi or bacteria that converts organic matter into small elements and molecules that can be recycled back into the ecosystem
  10. the region of our planet where life resides, the combination of all ecosystems on Earth
  11. the diversity of life forms in an environment
  12. the total amount of solar energy that producers in an ecosystem capture via photosynthesis over a given amount of time
  13. excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to runoff from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life and death of animal life from lack of oxygen
  14. in rocks deep underground
  15. an organism that uses the energy of the Sun to produce usable forms of energy; also known as a producer
  16. low in oxygen
  1. Non-living
  2. the total mass of all living matter in a specific area
  3. the process by which producers incorporate elements into their tissues
  4. the transportation of dissolved molecules through the soil via groundwater
  5. a measure of how much a disturbance can affect flows of energy and matter in an ecosystem
  6. an organism that uses the energy of the Sun to produce usable forms of energy; also known as an autotroph
  7. derived from human activities
  8. a consumer that eats other consumers
  9. a testable conjecture about how something works
  10. a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution
  11. Increase in concentration in an organism
  12. Increase in concentration of a pollutant in a food chain
  13. Living
  14. all land in a given landscape that drains into a particular stream, river, lake, or wetland

30 Clues: LivingNon-livinglow in oxygenrandomness in a systemin rocks deep undergroundderived from human activitiesa consumer that eats other consumersthe ability to do work or transfer heatIncrease in concentration in an organismthe diversity of life forms in an environmenta testable conjecture about how something works...

Energy and Heat Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-20

Energy and Heat Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Chemical energy is the energy stored in the __ of substances
  2. This type of change takes energy in
  3. When a ball reaches its ___ height, all if its energy is potential energy
  4. Some forms of electromagnetic energy include ____ infrare, and radio waves.
  5. Thermal energy is the ___ energy of all the particles in a substance
  6. ___ has a high specific heat
  7. A low specific heat substance absorbs a lot of energy without a great change in ____
  8. Energy is the ability to do work or cause a ___
  9. Kinetic and potential energy are types of ___ energy
  10. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. I can be ___ or changed
  11. Temperature measures the ___ of the particles in a substance
  12. The ___ work gets done, the more power there is
  1. ___ power plants and the sun are examples of nuclear energy
  2. Both conduction and convection require ___ to transfer
  3. This is a unit of food energy
  4. Radiation does not rely on any ___ between the heat source and the object
  5. Potential energy is ___ energy an object has due to its position
  6. Electrical energy is the energy of moving __
  7. Ice cream has low ___ energy
  8. Kinetic energy depends on mass and ___ of an object
  9. KE = 1/2 (___)(velocity)²
  10. A ceiling fan converts electrical energy into ___ and mechanical
  11. Three types of heat transfer are conduction, ____, and radiation
  12. The three types of potential energy are gravitational, ____, and chemical

24 Clues: KE = 1/2 (___)(velocity)²Ice cream has low ___ energy___ has a high specific heatThis is a unit of food energyThis type of change takes energy inElectrical energy is the energy of moving __Energy is the ability to do work or cause a ___The ___ work gets done, the more power there isKinetic energy depends on mass and ___ of an object...

Energy Review 2021-03-24

Energy Review crossword puzzle
  1. thermal energy transfer through touching objects
  2. light energy that travels in a wave
  3. energy from the vibration & distance between molecules
  4. energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  5. a closed loop that consists of moving electrons and a power source
  6. the highest point of a wave
  7. the distance between one crest and the next in a wave
  8. energy is released when nuclei are combined
  9. sound waves that whales & elephants use to communicate
  10. energy stored in the bonds between atoms
  11. energy of motion depends on mass & speed
  1. energy isn't created or destroyed instead it changes forms
  2. electromagnetic wave with the highest frequency & most energy
  3. the lowest point of a wave
  4. energy othat is stored depends on mass & height
  5. the number of wave cycles to pass a given point in a certain amount of time
  6. sound wave that is a higher frequency than humans can hear
  7. when warmer particles rise and cooler particles sink
  8. energy from the movement of parts
  9. electromagnetic wave with the longest wavelength
  10. thermal energy transfer through waves
  11. causes change
  12. energy is released when nuclei are split
  13. energy carried by moving electrons

24 Clues: causes changethe lowest point of a wavethe highest point of a waveenergy from the movement of partsenergy carried by moving electronslight energy that travels in a wavethermal energy transfer through wavesenergy stored in the nucleus of an atomenergy is released when nuclei are splitenergy stored in the bonds between atoms...

Energy Nutrition 2022-11-22

Energy Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. milk products from animals
  2. Large sugar molecule
  3. Amount of Matter
  4. Gas needed for energy
  5. Foods that are mainly animal
  6. food needed for energy
  7. Oily substance from organisms
  1. Complex sugar molecules
  2. Energy in Food
  3. Ability to do work
  4. Unit of working energy
  5. Simpler forms of Carbs

12 Clues: Energy in FoodAmount of MatterAbility to do workLarge sugar moleculeGas needed for energyUnit of working energyfood needed for energySimpler forms of CarbsComplex sugar moleculesmilk products from animalsFoods that are mainly animalOily substance from organisms

Energy types/transformations 2023-12-07

Energy types/transformations crossword puzzle
  1. A musical instrument with string with the energy transformations of mechanical to sound.
  2. The energy stored in the bonds of molecules.
  3. Stored energy or energy of position.
  4. Transformations The change of energy from one form to another.
  5. The energy from vibrations in matter.
  6. All forms of energy and energy transformations can be traced back to energy from the ___.
  7. The energy of motion or position.
  8. The energy of motion.
  9. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
  10. The energy of heat.
  1. A device that converts sunlight into electricity with the energy transformations of radiant to electrical.
  2. A pile of sticks used to keep us warm with the energy transformations chemical to thermal to radiant to sound.
  3. The ability to do work or cause a change.
  4. A form of potential energy that is stored in an object where there is temporary strain on it.
  5. The unit's energy is measured in.
  6. The energy of light or electromagnetic energy.
  7. A thermal power station in which the heat source is a nuclear reactor with energy transformations from nuclear to thermal to radiant to sound.
  8. A tool that is used to dry and style with the energy transformation electrical to thermal to mechanical to sound.
  9. The energy of moving electrons or electrical charge.
  10. The energy locked in the nucleus of an atom.

20 Clues: The energy of heat.The energy of motion.The unit's energy is measured in.The energy of motion or position.Stored energy or energy of position.The energy from vibrations in matter.Energy cannot be created or destroyed.The ability to do work or cause a change.The energy stored in the bonds of molecules.The energy locked in the nucleus of an atom....

Vocab 2025-01-08

Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the conversion of energy from one form to another.
  2. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
  3. energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change forms
  4. Ratio of output work to input work
  5. equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour.
  6. Combination of two or more simple machines
  7. energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  1. energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  2. energy stored in an object as a result of its height.
  3. stored energy of position
  4. The movement of energy
  5. loss of energy
  6. A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  7. applying a force to move or change something.
  8. equal to 1 Joule per second.
  9. is the ability to do work.
  10. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time).
  11. energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter. It is used to keep atoms bonded together.
  12. energy of motion.

19 Clues: loss of energyenergy of motion.The movement of energystored energy of positionis the ability to do work.equal to 1 Joule per second.Ratio of output work to input workCombination of two or more simple machinesapplying a force to move or change something.the conversion of energy from one form to another....

Chapter 8 2024-01-19

Chapter 8 crossword puzzle
  1. The suffix that the element in acids use.
  2. The energy needed to break a bond.
  3. The prefix that acids use.
  4. An uneven share of electrons.
  5. an even share of electrons
  6. When an atom has partial charges
  7. More energy is released than needed to break a bond.
  8. An atom with more or less than 8 valence electrons is a _ to the Octet rule.
  9. An acid that contains an oxianion.
  10. Do electron pairs repel or attract each other?
  1. What forms when two or more atoms bond?
  2. As the length of a bond decreases, strength _.
  3. This model helps determine the geometry of an atom.
  4. More energy is required than released to break a bond.
  5. What bond forms when two atoms share electrons?
  6. Orbitals mix and form identical orbitals.
  7. Electron _ is the tendency of an atom is to accept an electron.
  8. When more than one Lewis dot structure is valid

18 Clues: The prefix that acids even share of electronsAn uneven share of electrons.When an atom has partial chargesThe energy needed to break a bond.An acid that contains an oxianion.What forms when two or more atoms bond?The suffix that the element in acids use.Orbitals mix and form identical orbitals.As the length of a bond decreases, strength _....

Energy Forms & Transformation Vocab 2023-01-03

Energy Forms & Transformation Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. is a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another without transferring matter
  2. energy carried by electromagnetic waves
  3. energy carried by sound waves
  4. when energy moves from one object to another without changing form
  5. the energy released from the nucleus of an atom
  6. is the transfer of energy that occur when a force makes an object move in the direction of the force
  7. energy due to motion
  8. says that energy can be transferred from one form to another
  9. stored energy due to the interaction between objects or particles
  1. the energy in an electric current
  2. a system that does not exchange matter or energy with the environment
  3. when one form of energy is converted to another form of energy
  4. a system that exchanges matter or energy with the environment
  5. the ability to cause change
  6. is the energy stored in and released from the bonds between atoms
  7. the sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy in a system
  8. is the sum of the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the particles that make up the object

17 Clues: energy due to motionthe ability to cause changeenergy carried by sound wavesthe energy in an electric currentenergy carried by electromagnetic wavesthe energy released from the nucleus of an atomsays that energy can be transferred from one form to anothera system that exchanges matter or energy with the environment...

Unit 4 Review Game 2021-06-08

Unit 4 Review Game crossword puzzle
  1. The unit used to measure watts (1 pt)
  2. Impulse formula [written as: ...x...] (3 pts)
  3. How is heat transferred during radiation? (3 pts)
  4. What kind of energy is given off by fire? (1 pt)
  5. The state in which heat is not transferred between two touching objects (3 pts)
  6. What is the equation for momentum? (2 pts)
  7. The sum of potential and kinetic energy (2 pts)
  1. The angle in radians of which a point or line is rotated along an axis (3 pts)
  2. What type of energy does a book on the top of a bookshelf have? (1 pt)
  3. The law of ... states that energy can only change forms and cannot be created or destroyed (2 pts)
  4. Related to motion (2 pts)
  5. The main relationship between heat and different forms of energy (2 pts)
  6. When breaking, a car may convert some of its mechanical energy into ... energy (2 pts)

13 Clues: Related to motion (2 pts)The unit used to measure watts (1 pt)What is the equation for momentum? (2 pts)Impulse formula [written as: ...x...] (3 pts)The sum of potential and kinetic energy (2 pts)What kind of energy is given off by fire? (1 pt)How is heat transferred during radiation? (3 pts)...

diaddezion energy 2018-02-26

diaddezion energy crossword puzzle
  1. change of 1 form of energy to another
  2. earth interior that warms
  3. percentage of energy that is used to preform work
  4. forms a mixture
  5. a compound formed of carbon and hydrogen
  6. waste that’s radio active
  7. a factory where they separate crude oil into fuel and other things
  8. used for electricity and power
  9. something that cannot be reused
  10. burning
  11. made from living things
  12. fuels energy rich substances
  13. the central cores of atoms
  14. persistence of coal minded in the USA
  1. reducing energy use
  2. something people use for getting around
  3. is the part of the nodular reactor where nucellar fission occurs
  4. are compounds that are made from oil
  5. plant remains that can pile up
  6. energy warmth
  7. electricity produced by flowing water
  8. when fuel rods produce energy
  9. energy that comes from the hydrogen power
  10. another name for oil
  11. anything that give energy from a chemical change
  12. comes from decaying animals or plants
  13. turbines collect wind and create energy

27 Clues: burningenergy warmthforms a mixturereducing energy useanother name for oilmade from living thingsearth interior that warmswaste that’s radio activethe central cores of atomsfuels energy rich substanceswhen fuel rods produce energyplant remains that can pile upused for electricity and powersomething that cannot be reused...

diaddezion energy 2018-02-27

diaddezion energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy warmth
  2. made from living things
  3. something that cannot be reused
  4. a compound formed of carbon and hydrogen
  5. a factory where they separate crude oil into fuel and other things
  6. change of 1 form of energy to another
  7. persistence of coal minded in the USA
  8. are compounds that are made from oil
  9. something people use for getting around
  10. when fuel rods produce energy
  11. comes from decaying animals or plants
  12. fuels energy rich substances
  13. plant remains that can pile up
  1. electricity produced by flowing water
  2. energy that comes from the hydrogen power
  3. waste that’s radio active
  4. burning
  5. forms a mixture
  6. the central cores of atoms
  7. earth interior that warms
  8. reducing energy use
  9. used for electricity and power
  10. percentage of energy that is used to preform work
  11. another name for oil
  12. is the part of the nodular reactor where nucellar fission occurs
  13. turbines collect wind and create energy
  14. anything that give energy from a chemical change

27 Clues: burningenergy warmthforms a mixturereducing energy useanother name for oilmade from living thingswaste that’s radio activeearth interior that warmsthe central cores of atomsfuels energy rich substanceswhen fuel rods produce energyused for electricity and powerplant remains that can pile upsomething that cannot be reused...

Unit 6: Environmental Science-Resources and Energy 2020-09-30

Unit 6: Environmental Science-Resources and Energy crossword puzzle
  1. extracting ores,coal from Earth
  2. returning land to original condition
  3. meeting the needs of people
  4. remains of plants and animals.
  5. Energy from radioactive isotopes
  6. electricity from flowing water
  7. a device to produce electricity
  1. flammable gas,largely of methane
  2. Energy derived from wind
  3. Energy from steam or hot water
  4. unlimited supply
  5. mass of organisms in a region
  6. energy from the sun
  7. fossil fuel that forms underground
  8. liquid produced from organic matter
  9. limited supply

16 Clues: limited supplyunlimited supplyenergy from the sunEnergy derived from windmeeting the needs of peoplemass of organisms in a regionEnergy from steam or hot waterremains of plants and animals.electricity from flowing waterextracting ores,coal from Earthflammable gas,largely of methaneEnergy from radioactive isotopesa device to produce electricity...

eoc unt 2024-04-19

eoc unt crossword puzzle
  1. organism that makes its own food
  2. cells in a nucleus
  3. set of genetic material
  4. unusual genes
  5. variety of life
  6. non living thing
  7. smallest unit makes up all living things
  8. cell division with same numbers
  9. series of events within a cell
  1. changes in structure
  2. besticle within the cytoplam
  3. cell division with different numbers
  4. energy
  5. diploid cell forms with fusion of 2 haploid cells
  6. helps converts solar energy into chemical energy
  7. where sperm meets the egg
  8. pair of chromosomes
  9. living thing
  10. single chromosome
  11. molecules pass through memebrane

20 Clues: energyliving thingunusual genesvariety of lifenon living thingsingle chromosomecells in a nucleuspair of chromosomeschanges in structureset of genetic materialwhere sperm meets the eggbesticle within the cytoplamseries of events within a cellcell division with same numbersorganism that makes its own foodmolecules pass through memebrane...

Science Crosswords 2020-12-09

Science Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. states that all particles that make up matter are in motion
  2. energy of motion
  3. one is equal to the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 g. of water by 1 degree C'
  4. heat transferred by waves
  5. total kinetic of all the particles in a material
  6. quantity of both size and direction
  7. change in position over time
  8. to do work
  9. kinetic energy of all the particles in a material
  10. transfer of heat through gases and liquids by currents
  11. states that energy can't be created nor destroyed
  12. allows electric currents to pass through
  1. the sum of kinetic and potential energy
  2. equally spaced units between two points
  3. how far something moves
  4. energy because of position
  5. doesn't allow electric currents to pass through
  6. when energy changes forms
  7. energy transferred between two objects of different temperatures
  8. point where you compare other locations
  9. speed in a specific direction.
  10. location of an object
  11. a instrument used to measure temperature
  12. transfer of thermal energy through a solid material

24 Clues: to do workenergy of motionlocation of an objecthow far something moveswhen energy changes formsheat transferred by wavesenergy because of positionchange in position over timespeed in a specific direction.quantity of both size and directionthe sum of kinetic and potential energyequally spaced units between two points...

Energy vocab crossword 2023-12-19

Energy vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the conversion from one energy to another
  2. stored energy of position
  3. A machine that does work with one movement of the machine
  4. energy cannot be created nor destroyed but it can change to different forms
  5. energy stored within the nucleus of an atom it is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together
  6. equal to one Joule per second
  7. the ability to do work
  8. the movement of energy
  9. the rate of which energy is used(the amount of energy consumed per unit time)
  10. applying force to move or change something
  11. loss of energy
  1. energy stored in an object as a result of it height
  2. energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter it is used to keep atoms bonded together
  3. ratio of output work to input work
  4. combination of two or more simple machines
  5. energy that an object has due to its motion or position
  6. energy in motion
  7. equals the energy consumed by a 1000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour
  8. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter

19 Clues: loss of energyenergy in motionthe ability to do workthe movement of energystored energy of positionequal to one Joule per secondratio of output work to input workthe conversion from one energy to anothercombination of two or more simple machinesapplying force to move or change somethingenergy stored in an object as a result of it height...

Tissues, Organ Systems and Homeostasis 2015-09-14

Tissues, Organ Systems and Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. muscle tissue
  2. cellular fluid not inside cells.
  3. tissue located directly below the skin. Specialized in fat storage. a specialized connective tissue, consists partially of plasma and is a reservoir of energy.
  4. tissues cover the external body and line internal cavities and tubes.
  5. lining of the digestive tract.
  6. tissue that is mineral hardened; rich in calcium salts
  7. receptor cells or parts of cells that detect forms of energy.
  8. tissue
  9. aggregation of cells and intercellular substances that perform a common task.
  10. glands that secrete mucus, saliva, earwax, oil, digestive cell enzymes and other products.
  11. junctions that are channels connecting the cytoplasm of abutting cells.
  12. specific forms of energy detected by receptors.
  13. derived primarily from connective tissue. Serves transport functions.
  14. dense connective tissue is present in the tendons
  15. junction spot welds that cement neighbour cells together.
  16. body structure consisting of more than one tissue
  1. feedback mechanism set in motion a chain of events that intensify a change from an original condition.
  2. skins outer layer
  3. solid yet pliable, has structural and cushioning roles
  4. depends on receptors, integrators and effectors.
  5. nerve cell, basic communication unit
  6. dense connective tissue is present in the skin and forms protection around many organs.
  7. feedback mechanism where an altered condition is reversed.
  8. cells that support neurons
  9. secretory organ derived from epithelium.

25 Clues: tissuemuscle tissueskins outer layercells that support neuronslining of the digestive tract.cellular fluid not inside cells.nerve cell, basic communication unitsecretory organ derived from epithelium.specific forms of energy detected by receptors.depends on receptors, integrators and effectors.dense connective tissue is present in the tendons...

Energy Vocab. 2025-01-08

Energy Vocab. crossword puzzle
  1. Ratio of output work to input work
  2. energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change forms
  3. energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter it is used to keep atoms bonded together.
  4. equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour.
  5. applying a force to move or change something.
  6. energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  7. equal to 1 Joule per second.
  8. stored energy of position.
  9. is the ability to do work.
  10. the conversion of energy from one form to another.
  1. energy stored within the nucleus of an atom it is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  2. The movement of energy
  3. energy stored in an object as a result of its height.
  4. energy of motion.
  5. Combination of two or more simple machines
  6. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
  7. A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  8. loss of energy
  9. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time).

19 Clues: loss of energyenergy of motion.The movement of energystored energy of the ability to do work.equal to 1 Joule per second.Ratio of output work to input workCombination of two or more simple machinesapplying a force to move or change something.the conversion of energy from one form to another....

diaddezion energy 2018-02-27

diaddezion energy crossword puzzle
  1. comes from decaying animals or plants
  2. is the part of the nodular reactor where nucellar fission occurs
  3. anything that give energy from a chemical change
  4. another name for oil
  5. percentage of energy that is used to preform work
  6. change of 1 form of energy to another
  7. a compound formed of carbon and hydrogen
  8. energy warmth
  9. used for electricity and power
  10. when fuel rods produce energy
  11. something that cannot be reused
  1. made from living things
  2. fuels energy rich substances
  3. a factory where they separate crude oil into fuel and other things
  4. burning
  5. plant remains that can pile up
  6. the central cores of atoms
  7. waste that’s radio active
  8. earth interior that warms
  9. electricity produced by flowing water
  10. something people use for getting around
  11. reducing energy use
  12. are compounds that are made from oil
  13. energy that comes from the hydrogen power
  14. persistence of coal minded in the USA
  15. forms a mixture
  16. turbines collect wind and create energy

27 Clues: burningenergy warmthforms a mixturereducing energy useanother name for oilmade from living thingswaste that’s radio activeearth interior that warmsthe central cores of atomsfuels energy rich substanceswhen fuel rods produce energyplant remains that can pile upused for electricity and powersomething that cannot be reused...

diaddezion energy crossword 2018-02-26

diaddezion energy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. anything that give energy from a chemical change
  2. another name for oil
  3. forms a mixture
  4. earth interior that warms
  5. turbines collect wind and create energy
  6. reducing energy use
  7. made from living things
  8. are compounds that are made from oil
  9. used for electricity and power
  10. burning
  11. is the part of the nodular reactor where nucellar fission occurs
  12. electricity produced by flowing water
  13. comes from decaying animals or plants
  1. percentage of energy that is used to preform work
  2. energy that comes from the hydrogen power
  3. waste that’s radio active
  4. the central cores of atoms
  5. something people use for getting around
  6. change of 1 form of energy to another
  7. something that cannot be reused
  8. persistence of coal minded in the USA
  9. a compound formed of carbon and hydrogen
  10. when fuel rods produce energy
  11. heat separated into fuels
  12. a factory where they separate crude oil into fuel and other things
  13. fuels energy rich substances
  14. energy warmth
  15. plant remains that can pile up

28 Clues: burningenergy warmthforms a mixturereducing energy useanother name for oilmade from living thingswaste that’s radio activeearth interior that warmsheat separated into fuelsthe central cores of atomsfuels energy rich substanceswhen fuel rods produce energyused for electricity and powerplant remains that can pile upsomething that cannot be reused...


  1. Talking, TV, radio. Are examples of ….. energy.
  2. Anything that is moving. Is an example of ….. energy.
  3. Nuclear bombs, power stations., Are examples of ….. energy.
  4. The energy that is produced by the water is called ….. energy.
  5. The energy that is produced by the wind is called ….. .
  6. Light bulbs, a Bunsen flame. Are examples of ….. energy.
  7. In the experiment of the caustic soda the starting energy was ….. energy
  8. The energy that is produced by the hot water that comes from earth’s surface is called ….. energy.
  9. A wind-up toy, a rubber band. Are examples of ….. energy.
  10. Hot water, a hot radiator, heat. Are examples of ….. energy.
  11. The energy that is produced by the sun is called ….. energy.
  1. Is the ability to do work.
  2. The energy that is produced by the animal waste is called ….. energy.
  3. The vibrating drum ….. energy to the air as sound.
  4. A book on a shelf, a bungee jump. Are examples of ….. energy.
  5. Anything that uses electricity. Is an example of ….. energy.
  6. It exists in many forms, and can be ….. from one form to another.
  7. The energy that is produced by the plant materials is called ….. energy.
  8. In all these transfers the energy is not ….. lost.

19 Clues: Is the ability to do work.Talking, TV, radio. Are examples of ….. energy.In all these transfers the energy is not ….. lost.The vibrating drum ….. energy to the air as sound.Anything that is moving. Is an example of ….. energy.The energy that is produced by the wind is called ….. .Light bulbs, a Bunsen flame. Are examples of ….. energy....

8th Topic 3 Energy 2025-02-13

8th Topic 3 Energy crossword puzzle
  1. The rate at which work is done or energy is transferred; measured in Watts (W), where 1 W = 1 J/s.
  2. Energy stored in an object due to its height above the ground.
  3. energy is measured in this unit
  4. Energy stored in objects that can be stretched or compressed, like springs or rubber bands.
  5. Radiant energy that travels through space in waves, such as UV, radio, or microwaves.
  6. A push or pull applied to an object; described by its strength and direction, measured in Newtons (N).
  7. The more ME an object has, the more _____ it can do
  8. A principle stating that energy may change form, but it cannot be created or destroyed under ordinary conditions.
  9. The total amount of kinetic and potential energy in a system; associated with motion, position, or shape.
  10. Energy that is stored; can be gravitational or elastic.
  11. Energy of electrical charge; can be kinetic (like lightning) or potential (like batteries).
  1. The ability to do work or cause change; it is transferred and measured in Joules (J).
  2. Potential energy stored in an atom's nucleus.
  3. The result of a force causing an object to move; calculated as force (N) multiplied by distance (m), measured in Joules (J).
  4. All forms of E can be ___________ into other forms
  5. kinetic energy depends upon the ____ of the object and its ____
  6. if a net force is greater than 0N then the forces are ____ and there will be movement
  7. if a net force is 0N we can say the forces are _____ and there will be not motion
  8. Energy stored in chemical bonds, like in food or fuel.
  9. a Nm is the same as a ____
  10. Total kinetic and potential energy of the particles in an object; related to the temperature of matter.
  11. When an object changes its position relative to another object.
  12. Energy in the form of motion; depends on the mass and speed of a moving object.
  13. a measure of power- is equal to one J/sec
  14. The overall force when two or more forces act on an object at the same time; can be balanced, unbalanced, or combined.

25 Clues: a Nm is the same as a ____energy is measured in this unita measure of power- is equal to one J/secPotential energy stored in an atom's nucleus.All forms of E can be ___________ into other formsThe more ME an object has, the more _____ it can doEnergy stored in chemical bonds, like in food or fuel....

Energy 2012-12-14

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. The form of energy that involves movement
  2. The useful form of energy that comes from a radio
  3. One of the forms of energy that comes from the sun
  4. The waste form of energy that is produced by a light bulb
  5. The measurement of how much useful energy is produced
  6. The variable that is measured
  7. The form of energy used to power televisions
  8. The variable that is changed
  9. Energy can be .... from one form to another
  10. The form of energy stored in fossil fuels
  11. We can use a wind ... to generate electricity from the wind
  12. We can use ... panels to generate electricity from the Sun
  1. Energy cannot be created or...
  2. A method of generating electricity from hot rocks underground
  3. The diagrams used to display energy transfers
  4. A method of generating electricity that involves water
  5. Penguins huddle to keep...
  6. The source of all energy on the Earth
  7. The form energy that is released when atoms are broken up
  8. The form of energy stored in an elastic band
  9. The variables that are kept the same to make an experiment a fair tet

21 Clues: Penguins huddle to keep...The variable that is changedThe variable that is measuredEnergy cannot be created or...The source of all energy on the EarthThe form of energy that involves movementThe form of energy stored in fossil fuelsEnergy can be .... from one form to anotherThe form of energy used to power televisions...

M8 Review 2024-11-04

M8 Review crossword puzzle
  1. product of cellular respiration but reactant of photosynthesis
  2. place where photosynthesis occurs
  3. reaction that requires oxygen
  4. changing energy in glucose into energy in atp
  5. the type of reaction that photosynthesis is
  6. the 2nd law of thermodynamics says that some energy is ____________when energy is converted
  7. energy is not created or destroyed but changes forms
  8. ability to do work
  9. place where cellular respiration occurs
  1. the type of reaction that cellular respiration is
  2. pigment inside plant cells that absorbs light
  3. glucose is a ___________ of cellular respiration
  4. changing light energy into chemical energy
  5. organism that requires food from outside source
  6. the type of reaction that cellular respiration is
  7. product of photosynthesis
  8. atp is a _____________ of cellular respiration
  9. product of photosynthesis that is used in cellular respiration
  10. product of cellular respiration but a reactant of photsynthesis
  11. organism that can produce its own food
  12. color of light reflected by pigments in leaves of plants
  13. energy storing molecule that can be used by cells
  14. the type of reaction that photosynthesis is
  15. reaction that does not require oxygen
  16. original source of all energy on Earth

25 Clues: ability to do workproduct of photosynthesisreaction that requires oxygenplace where photosynthesis occursreaction that does not require oxygenorganism that can produce its own foodoriginal source of all energy on Earthplace where cellular respiration occurschanging light energy into chemical energythe type of reaction that photosynthesis is...

Energy 2024-10-16

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. A process that changes one form of energy to another
  2. Energy that is stored and can be used later
  3. A form of energy related to heat
  4. Study of matter and its changes
  5. Relating to electricity
  1. The ability to do work or cause change
  2. Energy produced by electromagnetic waves
  3. Different conditions or forms of matter
  4. Related to atomic energy
  5. Energy related to motion and machines
  6. Energy of moving objects
  7. Protecting natural resources
  8. Form of energy that travels in waves

13 Clues: Relating to electricityRelated to atomic energyEnergy of moving objectsProtecting natural resourcesStudy of matter and its changesA form of energy related to heatForm of energy that travels in wavesEnergy related to motion and machinesThe ability to do work or cause changeDifferent conditions or forms of matter...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle. 2014-05-08

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. A number of rigid, but moving, pieces of the Earth's surface.
  2. The shaking of Earth's crust.
  3. Surface along which rocks break and move.
  4. The partially melted layer of the mantle that underlies the lithosphere.
  5. Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric plates slide past each other.
  6. Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates move apart.
  7. States that youngest rocks of ocean floor are at divergent boundaries, moving outward.
  8. The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core.
  9. Waves of energy that reach Earth's surface during an earthquake, travel outward from the epicenter, and move rock particles up and down, and side to side.
  10. A long narrow valley on an ocean or sea floor.
  11. The outer shell of Earth that extends to a depth of 100 km.
  12. Energy waves that are produced at and travel outward from the earthquake's focus.
  1. Waves that travel outward from an Earthquake's focus and cause particles in rocks to move back and forth in the same direction the wave is moving.
  2. A hypothesis proposed by Alfred Wegener that the states that continents have moved slowly to their current locations on Earth.
  3. Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates come together.
  4. Single large landmass made up of all the continents connected together that broke apart 200 million years ago.
  5. Waves that travel outward from an earthquake's focus and move through Earth by causing particles in rocks to vibrate at right angles to the direction of the wave.
  6. The theory that Earth's crust and upper mantle are broken into sections.
  7. In an earthquake, the point beneath Earth's surface where energy release occurs.
  8. Opening in Earth's surface that often forms a mountain when layers of lava and volcanic ash erupt and build up.

20 Clues: The shaking of Earth's crust.Surface along which rocks break and move.A long narrow valley on an ocean or sea floor.The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core.Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates move apart.Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates come together.The outer shell of Earth that extends to a depth of 100 km....


ENERGY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. What generates 3 forms of energy
  2. fuels includes coal,oil,gas
  3. when objects vibrate it produces
  4. electricity occurs when negative charge changes to a positive
  5. hours used to measure electricity
  1. What 3 forms of energy do fireworks produce
  2. Wind water and solar are renewable sources of energy
  3. main source of energy in food chains
  4. usually travels in a straight line
  5. Energy produced from the sun is called

10 Clues: fuels includes coal,oil,gasWhat generates 3 forms of energywhen objects vibrate it produceshours used to measure electricityusually travels in a straight linemain source of energy in food chainsEnergy produced from the sun is calledWhat 3 forms of energy do fireworks produceWind water and solar are renewable sources of energy...

forms of transport 2021-10-02

forms of transport crossword puzzle
  1. stacja benzynowa
  2. zatoka autobusowa (autobusów dalekobieżnych)
  3. korek uliczny
  4. peron
  5. statek powietrzny, samolot
  6. metro
  7. przejazd kolejowy
  8. wagonik kolejki linowej
  9. domek kempingowy
  10. wagon restauracyjny
  11. prom
  12. pas bezpieczeństwa
  13. hala odlotów
  14. statek wycieczkowy
  1. bramka biletowa
  2. bramka, wyjście (do samolotu)
  3. stacja kolejowa
  4. roboty inżynieryjne
  5. poduszkowiec
  6. port
  7. poczekalnia
  8. hala przylotów
  9. półka bagażowa (np. w pociągu)
  10. z własnym wyżywieniem; samowystarczalny

24 Clues: portpromperonmetropoczekalniapoduszkowiechala odlotówkorek ulicznyhala przylotówbramka biletowastacja kolejowastacja benzynowadomek kempingowyprzejazd kolejowypas bezpieczeństwastatek wycieczkowyroboty inżynieryjnewagon restauracyjnywagonik kolejki linowejstatek powietrzny, samolotbramka, wyjście (do samolotu)półka bagażowa (np. w pociągu)...

Forms Of Ownership 2017-08-12

Forms Of Ownership crossword puzzle
  1. all parties who have an interest in the business, such as managers,employees,customers and the government
  2. an organisation that is formed by a group of people who agree to work together and pool their resources so that they can be more economically effective
  3. profit from the sale of property or an investment
  4. process where an organisation's accounts are checked to make sure its financial operations are honest and above board
  5. shareholders liability is limited to the extent of their investment in the business
  6. profits of a business can either be taxed according to the progressive tax system or at a fixed tax rate, depending on the form of ownership
  7. to bring a business to an end
  8. has one or more directors
  9. deducting from income within the boundaries of the law
  10. the portion of the companies profit that is distributed to shareholders
  11. an agreement between two or more people who combine capital, Labour and resources towards a common goal usually profit
  12. the action of carrying out the four main management tasks:planning, organising,
  13. a written acknowledgement of a long-term loan taken by a company
  14. a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something
  1. an owner of shares in a company
  2. money taken from your bank account
  3. a formal written agreement between two or more people that says what each must do for the other
  4. can have a minimum of one and a maximum of ten members who share a common goal
  5. shared responsibility for all debts
  7. a meeting that happens once a year, attended by all stakeholders
  8. the legal duties of directors which must be completed as needed in order to act in the best interests of the company
  9. shareholders have limited liability
  10. illegal ways of deducting from income to pay less tax
  11. money owed, debt or obligation
  12. only one owner who takes responsibility for all capital needed- provides own capital and can also borrow capital
  13. to buy financial products or other assets in order to make income
  14. when a business is seen as a person
  15. part ownership in a company
  16. the collection and completion of forms and procedures for approval for something

30 Clues: shareshas one or more directorspart ownership in a companyto bring a business to an endmoney owed, debt or obligationan owner of shares in a companymoney taken from your bank accountshared responsibility for all debtsshareholders have limited liabilitywhen a business is seen as a personprofit from the sale of property or an investment...

Forms of writing 2019-11-10

Forms of writing crossword puzzle
  1. move forward
  2. suitable or easy to use, to the purpose
  3. the opposite of modern
  4. shape,sculpt or engrave
  5. following accepted standards, traditional
  6. without a doubt
  7. stretch out, expand
  8. taking up a lot of time
  9. speed,pace
  10. all human beings
  11. that lasts long
  1. greatly or very much
  2. change into something else
  3. almost impossible to think of
  4. carry and bring to your door
  5. calculate approximately
  6. different to a large degree, causing great change
  7. Printing was Gutenberg's ...........
  8. Solar power is one of the ........... forms of energy
  9. move at a great speed

20 Clues: speed,pacemove forwardwithout a doubtthat lasts longall human beingsstretch out, expandgreatly or very muchmove at a great speedthe opposite of moderncalculate approximatelyshape,sculpt or engravetaking up a lot of timechange into something elsecarry and bring to your dooralmost impossible to think ofPrinting was Gutenberg's ..............

Forms of Government 2024-09-06

Forms of Government crossword puzzle
  1. An independent state consisting of a city and its surrounding territory
  2. A state that is independent from other states
  3. How many branches of government does the US have?
  4. Branch of government that establishes laws
  5. Branch of government that enforces laws
  6. Government No limits on anything the government can do
  7. A group of people who have the power to make and enforce laws
  8. One person ruled government
  9. System A central government laws for entire country
  10. Government ruled by a group of people
  1. System The power is split between a group of independent states that join together and that have a common government
  2. A government ruled by a single person, usually a dictator
  3. System The power is divided into three governments, central, regional and local
  4. A system of basic rules that a government is organized by
  5. A region that shares a common government
  6. Branch of government that makes decisions over disputes (courts)
  7. Government Actions are limited by the law
  8. Citizens have political power and vote to pass laws/elect officials
  9. A state with several countries
  10. Government ruled by a King or Queen

20 Clues: One person ruled governmentA state with several countriesGovernment ruled by a King or QueenGovernment ruled by a group of peopleBranch of government that enforces lawsA region that shares a common governmentGovernment Actions are limited by the lawBranch of government that establishes lawsA state that is independent from other states...


FORMS OF OWNERSHIP crossword puzzle
  1. Procedures to follow when closing down.
  2. A company that allows any number of shareholders, over 7.
  3. Both private & public companies have to have a board of _________ to help manage the business.
  4. This form of ownership allows for financials to be confidential.
  5. Public companies shares are listed on the ______.
  6. Who is responsible for the debts of the business?
  7. Another name for capital goods.
  8. The business will carry on.
  9. ________ is easily transferable in a public company.
  10. Partners are ________ and severally liable.
  1. A partnership ___________ is better to have it in writing.
  2. Has to be paid back with interest.
  3. Owners personal belongs at risk.
  4. Partnerships allow for more ________ in the business
  5. The objectives and powers of a public company are laid down in the memorandum of _____________.
  6. Recognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'.
  7. When one business controls the market for a good or service.
  8. Money contributed from the owners savings.
  9. Portion of the company's profits paid out to shareholders, in the form of ___________.
  10. Sole trader is 100%
  11. When accountants check the financial records of the business, the business is being _________.
  12. Responsibilities, workload & risk is ______ between partners.

22 Clues: Sole trader is 100%The business will carry on.Another name for capital goods.Owners personal belongs at risk.Has to be paid back with interest.Recognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'.Procedures to follow when closing down.Money contributed from the owners savings.Partners are ________ and severally liable....

Lesson 8 Work in the World 2021-01-17

Lesson 8 Work in the World crossword puzzle
  1. Potential energy that is dependent on gravity
  2. A source of energy made from falling water
  3. Stored energy waiting to be used
  4. Energy made from sources that don't run out
  5. Gas that's made naturally, under the earth
  6. A source of energy from the sun
  7. A source of energy made from moving air
  8. Thin plates that turn solar energy directly into electricity
  1. Energy in motion
  2. Fossilized forms of energy
  3. Lakes of oil deep in the earth produced by fossils
  4. An energy source made up of dead plants that turned into carbon
  5. The ability of someone or something to do work
  6. Energy found inside the nucleus of an atom
  7. Energy that doesn't produce chemicals and waste

15 Clues: Energy in motionFossilized forms of energyA source of energy from the sunStored energy waiting to be usedA source of energy made from moving airA source of energy made from falling waterGas that's made naturally, under the earthEnergy found inside the nucleus of an atomEnergy made from sources that don't run out...

The Essentials of Life: Topic Four - Energy 2023-05-10

The Essentials of Life: Topic Four - Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Benjamin Franklin discovered this form of energy
  2. Hydro-electric energy is made from flowing _________
  3. Electrical energy can be stored in a ___________
  4. Without Energy _____________ happens
  5. Fossil fuels include Coal, Oil and Natural ________
  6. The most reliable and efficient form of energy is __________
  7. Energy from the Sun is called ________ energy
  1. Wind mills only produce energy when it's __________
  2. There are _________ forms of energy
  3. Solar panels only produce energy when the ________is shining
  4. Liquid fuel made from corn is called ___________
  5. There are over 6000 products made from ________
  6. Thermal energy is ________ energy
  7. The "Ability to do Work" is called ___________

14 Clues: Thermal energy is ________ energyThere are _________ forms of energyWithout Energy _____________ happensEnergy from the Sun is called ________ energyThe "Ability to do Work" is called ___________There are over 6000 products made from ________Benjamin Franklin discovered this form of energyElectrical energy can be stored in a ___________...

Year 8 Physical Sciences Review 2022-10-31

Year 8 Physical Sciences Review crossword puzzle
  1. potential energy causing a bungee rope to rebound
  2. when forces causes displacement
  3. heat transfer via rays, waves or particles
  4. proportion of energy input output as useful energy
  5. heat transfer via direct contact
  6. energy an object gains with height
  1. unit of energy
  2. the ability to do work
  3. energy of motion
  4. total energy remains the ____.
  5. heat transfer by movement of heated fluid.
  6. energy changes forms

12 Clues: unit of energyenergy of motionenergy changes formsthe ability to do worktotal energy remains the ____.when forces causes displacementheat transfer via direct contactenergy an object gains with heightheat transfer via rays, waves or particlesheat transfer by movement of heated fluid.potential energy causing a bungee rope to rebound...

Forms of Transportation 2013-06-27

Forms of Transportation crossword puzzle
  1. walking
  2. see the sights on vacation
  3. flies without wings
  4. shoots through the sky
  5. unidentified flying object
  6. sails among the stars
  7. wait at the stop to ride around the city
  8. your father can drive it to work
  9. travel across the ocean in comfort
  10. goes back and forth on the sea
  11. has two wheels
  12. pulls big ships
  1. bounce around outside
  2. slowly drift through the clouds
  3. how you can come here
  4. a floating resort
  5. call this and the driver will come pick you up
  6. has three wheels
  7. carries more people than a car but less people than a bus
  8. a bus that goes between two places
  9. has one wheel
  10. a pilot flies this
  11. runs on rails
  12. ride underground in Seoul

24 Clues: walkinghas one wheelruns on railshas two wheelspulls big shipshas three wheelsa floating resorta pilot flies thisflies without wingsbounce around outsidehow you can come heresails among the starsshoots through the skyride underground in Seoulsee the sights on vacationunidentified flying objectgoes back and forth on the sea...


FORMS OF OWNERSHIP crossword puzzle
  1. money contributed from the owners savings
  2. allowed any number of shareholders, over 7
  3. owners personal belongs at risk
  4. responsibilities, workload & risk is ______ between partners
  5. this form of ownership allows for financials to be confidential
  6. accountants check the financial records of the business
  7. easily transferable
  8. partnerships allow for more ________ in the business
  9. recognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'
  10. the business will carry on
  11. procedures to follow when closing down
  1. sole trader takes 100%
  2. describes what the partnership is
  3. another name for capital goods
  4. if one partner makes a bad decision, the other partners will be affected
  5. portion of the company's profits paid out to shareholders
  6. who is responsible for the debts of the business?
  7. better to have it written
  8. public companies are listed on the ______
  9. has to be paid back with interest

20 Clues: easily transferablesole trader takes 100%better to have it writtenthe business will carry onanother name for capital goodsowners personal belongs at riskdescribes what the partnership ishas to be paid back with interestrecognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'procedures to follow when closing downmoney contributed from the owners savings...


FORMS OF OWNERSHIP crossword puzzle
  1. money contributed from the owners savings
  2. allowed any number of shareholders, over 7
  3. owners personal belongs at risk
  4. responsibilities, workload & risk is ______ between partners
  5. this form of ownership allows for financials to be confidential
  6. accountants check the financial records of the business
  7. easily transferable
  8. partnerships allow for more ________ in the business
  9. recognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'
  10. the business will carry on
  11. procedures to follow when closing down
  1. sole trader takes 100%
  2. describes what the partnership is
  3. another name for capital goods
  4. if one partner makes a bad decision, the other partners will be affected
  5. portion of the company's profits paid out to shareholders
  6. who is responsible for the debts of the business?
  7. better to have it written
  8. public companies are listed on the ______
  9. has to be paid back with interest

20 Clues: easily transferablesole trader takes 100%better to have it writtenthe business will carry onanother name for capital goodsowners personal belongs at riskdescribes what the partnership ishas to be paid back with interestrecognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'procedures to follow when closing downmoney contributed from the owners savings...


FORMS OF OWNERSHIP crossword puzzle
  1. who is responsible for the debts of the business?
  2. allowed any number of shareholders, over 7
  3. another name for capital goods
  4. sole trader takes 100%
  5. easily transferable
  6. if one partner makes a bad decision, the other partners will be affected
  7. procedures to follow when closing down
  8. owners personal belongs at risk
  9. responsibilities, workload & risk is ______ between partners
  1. the business will carry on
  2. both private & public companies have to have a board of _________ to help manage the business
  3. has to be paid back with interest
  4. recognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'
  5. partnerships allow for more ________ in the business
  6. money contributed from the owners savings
  7. better to have it written
  8. accountants check the financial records of the business
  9. this form of ownership allows for financials to be confidential
  10. portion of the company's profits paid out to shareholders
  11. public companies are listed on the ______

20 Clues: easily transferablesole trader takes 100%better to have it writtenthe business will carry onanother name for capital goodsowners personal belongs at riskhas to be paid back with interestrecognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'procedures to follow when closing downmoney contributed from the owners savingspublic companies are listed on the ______...

Forms Of Ownership 2017-08-15

Forms Of Ownership crossword puzzle
  1. Taxes in a private company are usually…
  2. A SOC is reliant on government…
  3. Profits are divided between partners according to an....
  4. The type of liability that is within the extent of their investment of the business
  5. Type of liability in which you can lose all your assets
  6. A form of ownership where members do not receive any profits (three words)
  7. Name ends with the letters cc (two words)
  8. Because there can be more than one manager in a CC is can cause… in decision making
  9. The minimum amount of members in a cooperative business
  10. Venture is a special project for a limited time
  11. The way the business is organised in order to best control and direct its activities
  12. The form of ownership where the name has to end in (Pty) Ltd
  13. CC’s registered before 2011 are still in…
  14. Formed by a group to gain bargaining power
  15. Partners play no role and is not known to public
  1. Partners have no role but is known to the public
  2. Two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit
  3. Another word for stocks
  4. Used to attract prospective employees with the option of becoming a partner
  5. People who have no direct legal implications
  6. Business owned by one person (two words)
  7. Non profitable companies rely on this to run
  8. Shared responsibility for all debts (two words)
  9. The minimum amount of founding persons for a NPC
  10. Where does a SOC acquire funding from
  11. Grants permission to sell its products and services as a business
  12. Who is the person that makes decisions in a Sole Trading business
  13. Money owned; debt or obligation
  14. A violation or a failure to do as needed

29 Clues: Another word for stocksA SOC is reliant on government…Money owned; debt or obligationWhere does a SOC acquire funding fromTaxes in a private company are usually…Business owned by one person (two words)A violation or a failure to do as neededName ends with the letters cc (two words)CC’s registered before 2011 are still in…...

forms of money 2023-11-16

forms of money crossword puzzle
  1. amount of money that is saved or collected
  2. money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
  3. help given from richer countries
  4. … is often expressed as a percentage, based on either the investment's market value or purchase price.
  5. something, especially money, that is owed to someone else
  6. an amount of money charged for a service or for the use of something:
  7. money earned for hours of work
  8. an amount of money that is borrowed, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing.
  9. one of several parts into which a story, plan, or amount of money owed has been divided, so that each part happens or is paid at different times until the end or total is reached
  10. belonging to or done by a particular person or thing
  11. someone who money is owed to
  1. money given as part of the cost of something, to help or encourage it to happen.
  2. an amount of money paid into an account
  3. (a part of) the profit of a company that is paid to the people who own shares in it
  4. an amount of money that is returned to you by the government
  5. a system of money in general use in a particular country.
  6. money placed in the bank
  7. a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business
  8. someone who ows money
  9. if someone borrows money from you, makes you a

20 Clues: someone who ows moneymoney placed in the banksomeone who money is owed tomoney earned for hours of workhelp given from richer countriesan amount of money paid into an accountamount of money that is saved or collectedif someone borrows money from you, makes you abelonging to or done by a particular person or thing...

Energy resources and Climate Change 2025-03-13

Energy resources and Climate Change crossword puzzle
  1. type of energy created from moving air
  2. solid fossil fuel
  3. energy type that will eventually run out
  4. a mechanical device that rotates to generate electricity
  5. energy resource that forms over millions of years from the remains of organisms
  6. energy type that will never run out
  7. the primary radioactive material used in nuclear power plants
  8. the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmoshpere
  9. a substance that traps heat on the planet
  10. energy type that comes from the sun
  11. energy created by flowing water
  1. gaseous fossil fuel
  2. refers to the gradual change in long term weather patterns on the planet
  3. refers to the gradual increase of the average temperature on Earth
  4. energy type that comes from radioactive materials
  5. energy harnessed by growing organisms
  6. material that humans need such as land, air, and water
  7. energy harnessed from Earth's interior heat
  8. liquid fossil fuel

19 Clues: solid fossil fuelliquid fossil fuelgaseous fossil fuelenergy created by flowing waterenergy type that will never run outenergy type that comes from the sunenergy harnessed by growing organismstype of energy created from moving airenergy type that will eventually run outa substance that traps heat on the planet...

Forms of Energy Vocabulary Review 2015-11-19

Forms of Energy Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. energy of motion
  2. the transfer of thermal energy from one piece of matter to another
  3. wave that has spaces where particles are squeezed together and spaces where particles are spread apart
  4. a quick back-and-forth of movement
  5. how high or low a sound is
  6. a form of energy that can be seen
  1. the movement of electrical charges
  2. energy that you can hear
  3. the energy something has because of its position
  4. The ability to do work.
  5. the energy that motion or position gives to an object
  6. a change in the position of an object

12 Clues: energy of motionThe ability to do that you can hearhow high or low a sound isa form of energy that can be seenthe movement of electrical chargesa quick back-and-forth of movementa change in the position of an objectthe energy something has because of its positionthe energy that motion or position gives to an object...

Energy 2023-12-18

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy: energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter. It is used to keep atoms bonded together.
  2. Ratio of output work to input work
  3. Energy (PEg): energy stored in an object as a result of its height.
  4. energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  5. (KE): energy of motion.
  6. equal to 1 Joule per second.
  7. equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour. LOOK ON THE NEXT PAGE!!!!!!
  8. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
  9. The movement of energy
  1. A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  2. loss of energy
  3. Combination of two or more simple machines
  4. energy: energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  5. (PE): stored energy of position
  6. the conversion of energy from one form to another.
  7. energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change to different forms
  8. is the ability to do work.
  9. applying a force to move or change something.
  10. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time).

19 Clues: loss of energyThe movement of energy(KE): energy of the ability to do work.equal to 1 Joule per second.(PE): stored energy of positionRatio of output work to input workCombination of two or more simple machinesapplying a force to move or change something.the conversion of energy from one form to another....

The Cryptic Game 2020-08-19

The Cryptic Game crossword puzzle
  1. any machine that changes internal energy into mechanical work
  2. converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
  3. type of image always formed in concave lens
  4. an attractive or repulsive force surrounding a magnet
  5. branch of Physics which is concerned with the relationship of heat to other forms of energy
  6. industrial facilities that generate electricity
  7. states that electric current can induce magnetism
  8. point in the principal axis where refracted rays meet
  9. energy transferred between two substances
  10. sign used when work is done on the system
  11. lens, also called converging lens
  12. type of magnet where its magnetic field is created by electricity
  1. a type of powerplant that harness energy from deep within earth
  2. creation of magnetic field from electrical current
  3. converts direct current electrical energy into mechanical energy
  4. electrical device that changes the voltage of an AC supply
  5. degree of disorder in a system
  6. lens, also called diverging lens
  7. a complex system responsible for transmission and distribution of electricity
  8. objects that are able to attract other objects

20 Clues: degree of disorder in a systemlens, also called diverging lenslens, also called converging lensenergy transferred between two substancessign used when work is done on the systemtype of image always formed in concave lensobjects that are able to attract other objectsindustrial facilities that generate electricity...

Energy 2024-06-13

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Name one of the fossil fuels that we us
  2. Reusing also helps minimizes the amount that gets ____ away.
  3. Sort bottles, cans, paper and _____appropriately and recycle them.
  4. Even the energy that we use on a daily basis comes from the ______
  5. stuff,Name something energy can do
  6. There is enormous energy in the bonds that hold ____ together
  7. Energy that comes from electromagnetic waves which is called ____
  8. Name one renewable energy source
  9. For this reason it is important to ____
  10. Electromagnetic waves take many forms from microwaves to x-rays to visible ____
  1. Energy of motion and movement is ____
  2. Over the years, we have come to depend on energy for our ____
  3. Thermal energy is made and measured by ____ of any kind.
  4. A form of potential energy and it is possessed by things such as batteries,fuels and ___
  5. To reuse means to find new uses for items that no longer fit our ____
  6. What is an energy that is stored ____
  7. Sound energy is the energy produced by sound __
  8. Mechanical energy is kinetic energy and ___
  9. Nuclear energy is energy in the middle of ____

19 Clues: Name one renewable energy sourcestuff,Name something energy can doEnergy of motion and movement is ____What is an energy that is stored ____Name one of the fossil fuels that we usFor this reason it is important to ____Mechanical energy is kinetic energy and ___Nuclear energy is energy in the middle of ____...

Types of Scientists 2024-08-30

Types of Scientists crossword puzzle
  1. Studies glands and hormones
  2. Studies the ocean
  3. studies insects
  4. Studies sound and its properties
  5. Studies the remains of human life
  6. Studies birds
  7. Studies the atmosphere and weather
  8. Studies elements, atoms, and molecules
  9. Studies plant life
  10. Biologist Studies life forms found in the ocean
  11. Studies motion, forces, and energy to explain the way things work
  12. Studies water and the water cycle
  13. Studies all forms of life
  14. Studies outer space, the solar system, and the objects in it
  1. Studies the environment
  2. Studies blood and its diseases
  3. Studies dinosaurs and fossils
  4. Studies rocks, minerals, and earth's land forms
  5. Studies fish
  6. Studies the interaction between life forms in an environment
  7. Studies diseases of the nervous system
  8. Studies bones
  9. Studies animal life
  10. Studies cells
  11. Studies drugs

25 Clues: Studies fishStudies bonesStudies birdsStudies cellsStudies drugsstudies insectsStudies the oceanStudies plant lifeStudies animal lifeStudies the environmentStudies all forms of lifeStudies glands and hormonesStudies dinosaurs and fossilsStudies blood and its diseasesStudies sound and its propertiesStudies the remains of human life...

Lesson 8: Work in the World 2023-01-25

Lesson 8: Work in the World crossword puzzle
  1. splitting of atoms is called nuclear __________
  2. type of energy that is stored in food
  3. energy types that come from living things
  4. type of energy that is in motion
  5. type of potential energy that is dependent on gravity
  6. electricity generated from falling water
  7. the power of water
  1. type of energy that is contained inside the nucleus of an atom
  2. type of fuel found in fossilized forms
  3. energy made from sources that don't run out
  4. made up of dead plants that turned into carbon
  5. type of energy that comes from the sun
  6. movement of molecules
  7. type of energy that is stored up
  8. ability of someone or something to do work

15 Clues: the power of watermovement of moleculestype of energy that is in motiontype of energy that is stored uptype of energy that is stored in foodtype of fuel found in fossilized formstype of energy that comes from the sunelectricity generated from falling waterenergy types that come from living thingsability of someone or something to do work...

Energy resources and Climate Change 2025-03-13

Energy resources and Climate Change crossword puzzle
  1. energy type that will never run out
  2. a mechanical device that rotates to generate electricity
  3. energy type that will eventually run out
  4. refers to the gradual increase of the average temperature on Earth
  5. energy resource that forms over millions of years from the remains of organisms
  6. energy created by flowing water
  7. the primary radioactive material used in nuclear power plants
  8. energy type that comes from radioactive materials
  9. the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmoshpere
  1. a substance that traps heat on the planet
  2. liquid fossil fuel
  3. energy harnessed by growing organisms
  4. refers to the gradual change in long term weather patterns on the planet
  5. energy harnessed from Earth's interior heat
  6. energy type that comes from the sun
  7. solid fossil fuel
  8. type of energy created from moving air
  9. material that humans need such as land, air, and water
  10. gaseous fossil fuel

19 Clues: solid fossil fuelliquid fossil fuelgaseous fossil fuelenergy created by flowing waterenergy type that will never run outenergy type that comes from the sunenergy harnessed by growing organismstype of energy created from moving airenergy type that will eventually run outa substance that traps heat on the planet...