forms of energy Crossword Puzzles

energy 2015-02-24

energy crossword puzzle
  1. 2 step in coal
  2. incomplete decompositon of a living thing
  3. two usable forms of energy
  4. nucleus divides
  5. free falling water to energy
  6. molecules with hydrogen and carbon bonds only
  7. fuel from died things
  8. light, spongy material
  1. nucleus combines
  2. magagement of resorces
  3. 4 step in coal
  4. 3 step in coal
  5. energy from steam or heat
  6. amount of work to the amount of energy used
  7. solar panels to get solar engery

15 Clues: 2 step in coal4 step in coal3 step in coalnucleus dividesnucleus combinesfuel from died thingsmagagement of resorceslight, spongy materialenergy from steam or heattwo usable forms of energyfree falling water to energysolar panels to get solar engeryincomplete decompositon of a living thingamount of work to the amount of energy used...


FORMS OF OWNERSHIP crossword puzzle
  1. money contributed from the owners savings
  2. allowed any number of shareholders, over 7
  3. owners personal belongs at risk
  4. responsibilities, workload & risk is ______ between partners
  5. this form of ownership allows for financials to be confidential
  6. accountants check the financial records of the business
  7. easily transferable
  8. partnerships allow for more ________ in the business
  9. recognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'
  10. the business will carry on
  11. procedures to follow when closing down
  1. sole trader takes 100%
  2. describes what the partnership is
  3. another name for capital goods
  4. if one partner makes a bad decision, the other partners will be affected
  5. portion of the company's profits paid out to shareholders
  6. who is responsible for the debts of the business?
  7. better to have it written
  8. public companies are listed on the ______
  9. has to be paid back with interest

20 Clues: easily transferablesole trader takes 100%better to have it writtenthe business will carry onanother name for capital goodsowners personal belongs at riskdescribes what the partnership ishas to be paid back with interestrecognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'procedures to follow when closing downmoney contributed from the owners savings...

Forms of Media 2016-09-02

Forms of Media crossword puzzle
  1. contains stories, essays, pics, etc.
  2. express ideas by images
  3. housing for magnetic tape
  4. electronic mail
  5. discussion or informational site; consisting of discrete entries
  6. mobile phone or CP
  7. regularly published; one main topic
  8. most popular form of print-media
  9. TV
  10. also known as film
  11. used for advertising
  1. structured form of play
  2. a written medium
  3. oldest form of print media
  4. used in radio stations
  5. telecommunications device
  6. outdoor advertising structure
  7. to promote or sell a product
  8. network of networks
  9. also called pamphlet

20 Clues: TVelectronic maila written mediummobile phone or CPalso known as filmnetwork of networksalso called pamphletused for advertisingused in radio stationsstructured form of playexpress ideas by imagestelecommunications devicehousing for magnetic tapeoldest form of print mediato promote or sell a productoutdoor advertising structure...

Forms of Government 2021-11-20

Forms of Government crossword puzzle
  1. a form of government in which a country is ruled by a king or queen
  2. a form of government in which power is held by the people
  3. a democracy in which elected or appointed representatives, not the people, vote on government policy and initiatives
  4. the branch of government led by the president of the United States and enforces the laws
  5. an attempt by many people to overthrow an established government
  6. the absence of government or order in a country or organization
  7. a form of government in which power is held by a small group of people
  8. a form of government in which one person holds absolute power
  9. a form of government in which a country is ruled by religious leaders
  10. the state of being free from governmental or authoritarian control
  1. Locke saids we have the right to life, liberty, and ____
  2. Montesquieu thought up the ___ of powers and a system of checks and balances
  3. rights that cannot be taken away or denied
  4. the group of people who are elected to make laws in the United States
  5. the principle or condition of enjoying special rights or advantages, available to only a few people in society
  6. prolonged cruelty or unjust treatment from an authority or powerful force
  7. the branch of government that makes laws
  8. a democracy in which the people, not their representatives, vote directly on government policy and initiatives
  9. The United States is a representative _____
  10. the branch of the U.S. government that interprets the law and administers justice
  11. the document that describes the principles and laws of a country, state or organization

21 Clues: the branch of government that makes lawsrights that cannot be taken away or deniedThe United States is a representative _____Locke saids we have the right to life, liberty, and ____a form of government in which power is held by the peoplea form of government in which one person holds absolute power...

Forms of Government 2024-03-22

Forms of Government crossword puzzle
  1. Rajya sabha passes a ___ to legislate on the State list
  2. Public opinion on a government proposal
  3. Recruited by the Union Public Service Commission; Trained by the Home Ministry; Allocated to states and UTs
  4. Judiciary's check on Legislature wrt Constitution
  5. Internal rebellion or external aggression
  6. Article 370 - gave ____ to Jammu and Kashmir
  7. indestructible union of _____ states in USA
  8. Unlike other organs of government, Judiciary in India is not federal. It is an integrated and ____ system
  9. Add, modify or delete provisions from the fundamental rights (how?)
  1. 1990 - 2014: This phase of Indian politics saw the rise of ___ government.
  2. Marriage, adoption, preventive detention, education
  3. Transfer of legislative powers from Centre to subnational governments
  4. States and Union being interdependent on each other - ____ federalism
  5. Special majority requirement indicates a ___ constitution
  6. last state to be added to the Indian union
  7. Role of the SC in a federal government
  8. According to Art. 74, ____ shall act in accordance to the aid and advise of the Council of ministers headed by the Prime Minister.
  9. Demands for more autonomy in Sri Lanka led to ____
  10. two chambers in Legislature
  11. union of states

20 Clues: union of statestwo chambers in LegislatureRole of the SC in a federal governmentPublic opinion on a government proposalInternal rebellion or external aggressionlast state to be added to the Indian unionindestructible union of _____ states in USAArticle 370 - gave ____ to Jammu and KashmirJudiciary's check on Legislature wrt Constitution...

Forms of Government 2024-05-03

Forms of Government crossword puzzle
  1. A government ruled by a single ruler with absolute power, often enforced oppressively.
  2. Flying mammal
  3. A system where men hold primary power, with authority concentrated in male leaders or heads of families.
  4. A form of government with power concentrated in the hands of a single ruler who has complete authority.
  5. A government where leaders use power to steal or embezzle wealth for personal gain.
  6. Man's best friend
  7. A government system where power is held by the wealthy or those with significant economic influence.
  8. A government system promoting social ownership, aiming for equitable distribution of wealth.
  9. The absence of any formal government or central authority, resulting in chaos or disorder.
  10. Likes to chase mice
  11. A form of government led by technical experts or scientists.
  12. A form of government where the state maintains total control over all aspects of public and private life.
  13. A system where all property and wealth are owned by the community, and the state controls the means of production.
  14. A system with a central government holding supreme authority over all regional or local governments.
  15. Has a trunk
  1. A government system where leadership is passed down through family lineage or royal bloodlines.
  2. A type of government governed by religious leaders or based on religious laws.
  3. A government with a king or queen as the head of state.
  4. A system where a small group of people, often from a privileged or powerful class, holds all the power.
  5. A system where power is shared between a central government and smaller regional or state governments.
  6. A form of government where citizens have the power to elect representatives or vote on policies directly.
  7. A government with a king or queen whose powers are limited by a constitution or laws.
  8. A union of independent states with limited central authority.
  9. A government where a particular ethnic group holds a dominant role in governance.
  10. Large marsupial

25 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceA government with a king or queen as the head of state.A form of government led by technical experts or scientists.A union of independent states with limited central authority.A type of government governed by religious leaders or based on religious laws....

Forms of Government 2024-09-20

Forms of Government crossword puzzle
  1. In a ____ democracy citizens choose a group of people to represent them, make laws and govern on their behalf. The US has this form of government.
  2. The government provides security by protecting citizens from foreign attacks and establishing what?
  3. A ____ is a type of representative democracy in which citizens have a role in selecting their head of government.
  4. ____ is an example of an oligarchy, in which a group of people operate the government after taking it over by force.
  5. In this principle of democracy, Americans are the source of all power.
  6. In a ____ system of government, the central government is the highest power.
  7. In which type of government do rulers recognize god as the ultimate authority, while also functioning as a monarchy or democracy?
  8. In an _____ government, power is held by a person or group of people who use intimidation to keep power, but are not held accountable for their actions.
  9. The purpose of the government is to provide ____ for people to follow which prevents conflicts between individuals, groups or nations.
  10. Keep order, provide security and services, and guide the community are four ____ of the government.
  1. By protecting public safety, welfare and health, the government is completing which function of government?
  2. In this principle of democracy, the government is not all powerful and may only do what people ask it to do.
  3. The absence of a government or a state in which there is no control is called what?
  4. In a _____ democracy all citizens discuss government matters and vote on what the government will do.
  5. In this type of government, a small group of people have control and may keep power through their money or suspending laws.
  6. Any organization that has the power to make and carry out laws for those living in a community is a _____.
  7. In this principle of democracy, all people in including those who govern are bound by the law.
  8. In a dictatorship, government leaders such as an absolute monarch force people to accept which type of rule in which the government controls everything the citizens do?
  9. In this principle, more than half of the members of a community vote to create laws all citizens follow.
  10. In which monarchy do rulers exercise complete control over the state?
  11. Which form of monarchy does a heredity figure serve as the head of state while the legislature runs the government and the citizens vote?

21 Clues: In which monarchy do rulers exercise complete control over the state?In this principle of democracy, Americans are the source of all power.In a ____ system of government, the central government is the highest power.The absence of a government or a state in which there is no control is called what?...

Apologia Chemistry and Physics Lesson 8 2017-11-02

Apologia Chemistry and Physics Lesson 8 crossword puzzle
  1. Gas that's maded naturally, under the earth
  2. A source of energy made from falling water
  3. Energy found inside the nucleus of an atom
  4. The ability of someone or something to do work
  5. Lakes of oil deep in the earth produced by fossils
  6. Fossilized forms of energy
  7. Energy made from sources that don't run out
  8. Energy in motion
  1. A source of electricity made from moving air
  2. Potential energy that is dependent on gravity
  3. Stored energy waiting to be used
  4. Thin plates that turn solar energy directly into electricity
  5. Energy that doesn't produce chemicals and waste
  6. A source of energy from the sun
  7. An energy source made up of dead plants that turned into carbon

15 Clues: Energy in motionFossilized forms of energyA source of energy from the sunStored energy waiting to be usedA source of energy made from falling waterEnergy found inside the nucleus of an atomGas that's maded naturally, under the earthEnergy made from sources that don't run outA source of electricity made from moving air...

Water Cycle 2022-11-29

Water Cycle crossword puzzle
  1. Forms of this are Oceans/Salt lakes
  2. This is a super small amount with most water not being used this way
  3. This is the process plants use to get food/energy
  4. Groundwater, Lakes, Rivers, and Ice caps are forms of this
  5. Clouds form from this
  6. The Water Cycle is this
  7. This produces "fuel"/Energy for the water cycle
  1. Rain, Sleet, and Hail are all forms of this
  2. This is what happens when water gets too hot
  3. This is supported by water and your body functions
  4. This is one of many uses for water
  5. The gaseous form of water
  6. This needs water to be able to function
  7. The way in which water pools in large bodies
  8. Water trapped under the ground ,usually used for wells

15 Clues: Clouds form from thisThe Water Cycle is thisThe gaseous form of waterThis is one of many uses for waterForms of this are Oceans/Salt lakesThis needs water to be able to functionRain, Sleet, and Hail are all forms of thisThis is what happens when water gets too hotThe way in which water pools in large bodies...

Chapter 6 Puzzle 2012-01-30

Chapter 6 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. How many directions is force measured in?
  2. Energy measurement per second is measured in _______.
  3. Force X Distance.
  4. Energy forms combined.
  5. 1/2 Mass X Speed^2.
  6. Energy is measured in _________.
  1. Work done / Energy used.
  2. Energy waiting to go into motion.
  3. The law of ____________ of Energy says it cannot be created or destroyed.
  4. Weight X Height.
  5. Device that multiplies forces or manipulates them in some way.
  6. Energy in motion.
  7. Cannot be created or destroyed.
  8. Work done / Time interval.

14 Clues: Weight X Height.Force X Distance.Energy in motion.1/2 Mass X Speed^2.Energy forms combined.Work done / Energy used.Work done / Time interval.Cannot be created or destroyed.Energy is measured in _________.Energy waiting to go into motion.How many directions is force measured in?Energy measurement per second is measured in _______....

energy :3 2024-10-24

energy :3 crossword puzzle
  1. a form of energy released from the nucleus of an atom
  2. energy that involves movement
  3. electromagnetic energy
  4. energy that causes heat
  5. the movement of transporting heat energy from hotter areas to cooler areas.
  1. mechanical energy propagated through air water or solids
  2. the movement of charged particles that forms energy
  3. the stored energy in an object
  4. the energy an object has during motion
  5. the energy of chemical substances
  6. energy transferred through waves
  7. the ability to cause change or make movement
  8. heat or electricity is directly transmitted through a substance
  9. the movement of atoms, molecules or ions in solids, liquids or gases.

14 Clues: electromagnetic energyenergy that causes heatenergy that involves movementthe stored energy in an objectenergy transferred through wavesthe energy of chemical substancesthe energy an object has during motionthe ability to cause change or make movementthe movement of charged particles that forms energy...

Heat Crossword Puzzle 2014-04-14

Heat Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. SI unit of heat energy
  2. Type of motion similar to straight line motion.
  3. The average kinetic energy of particles in a substance.
  4. Heat transferred when objects are in physical contact.
  5. SI unit of temperature
  6. Phase change that is a cooling process.
  7. The amount of energy needed to raise 1 kg of a substance 1 Celsius degree.
  8. Energy transferred during a liquid-gas phase change.
  9. Type of motion similar to a spinning top.
  10. Type of motion similar to the bending and stretching of bonds between atoms.
  11. Energy transferred during a solid-liquid phase change.
  12. Usually when objects lose heat energy they _____.
  1. Usually when objects gain heat energy they _____.
  2. The total energy of all particles in a substance.
  3. A state in which two objects in contact have the same temperature.
  4. Phase change that is a warming process.
  5. An energy transfer between objects of different temperatures.
  6. Heat transferred due to the movement of a fluid.
  7. Heat transferred when forms of light are absorbed or emitted.

19 Clues: SI unit of heat energySI unit of temperaturePhase change that is a warming process.Phase change that is a cooling process.Type of motion similar to a spinning top.Type of motion similar to straight line motion.Heat transferred due to the movement of a fluid.Usually when objects gain heat energy they _____....

Chemistry Review 2023-12-06

Chemistry Review crossword puzzle
  1. Stored energy
  2. Can not tell the differences in the mixture
  3. A substance that helps start/speed up a reaction
  4. Indication of energy in a system
  5. Small particles that can't be seen mixed
  6. Can be observed with the senses
  7. Mr. Seager's favorite color
  8. Large particles can be seen throughout
  9. A mixture of two substances that don't normally mix.
  10. Positively charge particle within the atom.
  1. Energy absorbed into the system
  2. Energy in motion
  3. Fourth state of matter. Super-heated gas.
  4. Is everything
  5. Everything else
  6. Energy released from the system
  7. Simplest forms of matter
  8. The substance or space being experimented with
  9. The power of Hydrogen
  10. Occurs when there is a reaction
  11. Two or more elements chemically bonded together
  12. Can tell the differences in the mixture

22 Clues: Is everythingStored energyEverything elseEnergy in motionThe power of HydrogenSimplest forms of matterMr. Seager's favorite colorEnergy absorbed into the systemEnergy released from the systemOccurs when there is a reactionCan be observed with the sensesIndication of energy in a systemLarge particles can be seen throughout...

Energy is Everywhere - Forms of Energy 2020-09-22

Energy is Everywhere - Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. All types of stored energy (p)
  2. Energy stored in bonds of molecule (c)
  3. Electromagnetic energy; travels as a wave (r)
  4. Energy from the movement of electrons (e)
  1. Energy from atom's nucleus splitting or fusing(n)
  2. Energy of object in motion (m)
  3. Energy of all atoms in a substance moving (t)
  4. All types of energy of motion (k)
  5. Energy can t___ from one form to another
  6. Our LJMS mascot

10 Clues: Our LJMS mascotEnergy of object in motion (m)All types of stored energy (p)All types of energy of motion (k)Energy stored in bonds of molecule (c)Energy can t___ from one form to anotherEnergy from the movement of electrons (e)Energy of all atoms in a substance moving (t)Electromagnetic energy; travels as a wave (r)...

Cale Wyatt crossword 2022-11-10

Cale Wyatt crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a way to show a chemical change.
  2. A substance that undergoes the chemical change.
  3. is any change that alters the form or appearance of a substance.
  4. a new substance that forms.
  5. is a number place in front of the chemical formula.
  6. a matter can enter form or escape to the surroundings.
  7. when one element replaces another element.
  8. increase the reaction rate by lowering that activation.
  9. a catalyst that helps reactions occur at our body temperature.
  10. a solid that forms from liquids during a chemical reaction.
  1. the amount of a substance in a given volume.
  2. more energy is required to break then bonds of the reactants then is released.
  3. a change in matter that produces one our more substances.
  4. the states during a chemical reaction matter is not created or destroyed.
  5. minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction.
  6. a reaction when compounds break down.
  7. when two or more elements combine to make a more complex substance.
  8. the energy released as the product form is greater than the energy required.
  9. a matter does not enter or leave.
  10. a material used to decrease the rate of a chemical reaction.

20 Clues: a new substance that forms.a way to show a chemical change.a matter does not enter or leave.a reaction when compounds break down.when one element replaces another element.the amount of a substance in a given volume.A substance that undergoes the chemical a number place in front of the chemical formula....

Energy and Motion 2023-05-19

Energy and Motion crossword puzzle
  1. energy that is moving
  2. the final transfer of energy to the surface is by convection
  3. something that happened that changes its thing like making bubbles
  4. food energy
  5. the order that Adams is made
  6. mph
  7. saving something
  8. stretchy bends curves
  9. releasing heat
  10. it's a way to say how many feet you are tall
  11. when water disappears into the clouds
  12. what everything is made of
  1. smallest compound on earth
  2. it will have energy
  3. energy moving
  4. what builds up in clouds
  5. different forms
  6. efficiency
  7. how much of something is in a space
  8. when electricity hits a lightning rod
  9. a rely small object
  10. energy that makes heat
  11. it keeps us on the ground
  12. chemical reaction that absorbs heat

24 Clues: mphefficiencyfood energyenergy movingreleasing heatdifferent formssaving somethingit will have energya rely small objectenergy that is movingstretchy bends curvesenergy that makes heatwhat builds up in cloudsit keeps us on the groundsmallest compound on earthwhat everything is made ofthe order that Adams is madehow much of something is in a space...

Physics 2023-08-10

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. __________ energy is the energy of movement
  2. the type of science we have been studying this term
  3. the sun transforms nuclear energy into __________ and heat energy
  4. the ability to apply a force to something
  5. when we eat something it is a form of __________ energy
  6. a nuclear power plant uses __________ energy to create power
  7. burning coal produces a harmful product known as __________ gases
  8. the speed at which something moves
  9. __________ energy is cause by vibrations
  10. a lightbulb transforms __________ energy into light energy
  11. when one energy changes to a different type of energy we consider it a __________ of energies
  1. __________ potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position above ground level
  2. a form of renewable power that transforms light from the sun into electrical energy
  3. gravitational and elastic are both forms of __________ energy
  4. a form of renewable power that transforms the gravitational potential energy of water into electrical energy
  5. something that cannot be created nor destroyed
  6. when a resource used to produce power will not run out it is called a __________ energy source
  7. a compressed spring has __________ energy
  8. the push or pull on an object to make it move
  9. the speed of this is 9.8m/s squared
  10. the quantity of matter in a body
  11. __________ energy can be seen from a change in temperature

22 Clues: the quantity of matter in a bodythe speed at which something movesthe speed of this is 9.8m/s squared__________ energy is cause by vibrationsthe ability to apply a force to somethinga compressed spring has __________ energy__________ energy is the energy of movementthe push or pull on an object to make it move...

Unit 6 Weather 2016-01-28

Unit 6 Weather crossword puzzle
  1. What weather fronts are made of
  2. Destructive. rotating, funnel-shaped column of air
  3. The expansion of air as it rises and cools
  4. Nimbo or Nimbus means
  5. A severe storm that forms over tropical oceans
  6. A cold air mass
  7. A violent air mass
  8. What heats the Earth's atmosphere
  1. How the Sun's energy travels
  2. Sever weather that creates a large amount of water over land fast
  3. A not moving air mass
  4. A flood that forms fast
  5. A warm air mass
  6. Highest level clouds
  7. A bolt of energy that hits the Earth

15 Clues: A warm air massA cold air massA violent air massHighest level cloudsA not moving air massNimbo or Nimbus meansA flood that forms fastHow the Sun's energy travelsWhat weather fronts are made ofWhat heats the Earth's atmosphereA bolt of energy that hits the EarthThe expansion of air as it rises and coolsA severe storm that forms over tropical oceans...

Energy Transfer & Conservation 2022-11-17

Energy Transfer & Conservation crossword puzzle
  1. Used by green plants during photosynthesis.
  2. Energy due to the motion and position of an object.
  3. Most of the energy we use originally came from the _.
  4. The ability to do work.
  5. The Law of _ states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
  6. Heat energy.
  7. Stored energy related to the position of an object.
  1. Type of energy stored within chemical bonds.
  2. Energy flowing through a circuit.
  3. Potential energy affected by height and mass
  4. Energy in motion.
  5. Energy is never lost, only _.
  6. Energy transferred through electromagnetic waves such as visible light.
  7. Demonstrates how energy is conserved as it changes forms.

14 Clues: Heat energy.Energy in motion.The ability to do work.Energy is never lost, only _.Energy flowing through a circuit.Used by green plants during photosynthesis.Type of energy stored within chemical bonds.Potential energy affected by height and massEnergy due to the motion and position of an object.Stored energy related to the position of an object....

Work,Power & Energy 2015-05-07

Work,Power & Energy crossword puzzle
  1. of energy/the rule that energy cannot be created or destroyed
  2. energy/the total potential energy and kinetic energy of the particles in an object
  3. energy/stored energy that results from the position or shape of an object
  4. energy/the energy of light and other forms of radiatian
  5. the unit for work
  6. energy/ a type of potential energy stored in the nucleus of atoms
  7. potential energy/the potential energy associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed
  1. potential energy/potential energy that depends on the height of an object
  2. energy/potential energy stored in the chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together
  3. the unit for power
  4. ability to do work or cause change
  5. rate at which work done
  6. energy/ the energy an object has due to its motion
  7. energy/potentian and kinetic energy combined
  8. energy the energy of electrical particles
  9. when you excert a force on an object that causes it to move a distance

16 Clues: the unit for workthe unit for powerrate at which work doneability to do work or cause changeenergy the energy of electrical particlesenergy/potentian and kinetic energy combinedenergy/ the energy an object has due to its motionenergy/the energy of light and other forms of radiatianof energy/the rule that energy cannot be created or destroyed...

Chapter 6 Puzzle 2012-01-30

Chapter 6 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. How many directions is force measured in?
  2. Energy forms combined.
  3. Cannot be created or destroyed.
  4. Energy measurement per second is measured in _______.
  5. Device that multiplies forces or manipulates them in some way.
  6. 1/2 Mass X Speed^2.
  7. Energy is measured in _________.
  8. Energy waiting to go into motion.
  1. Work done / Energy used.
  2. Weight X Height.
  3. Energy in motion.
  4. The law of ____________ of Energy says it cannot be created or destroyed.
  5. Force X Distance.
  6. Work done / Time interval.

14 Clues: Weight X Height.Energy in motion.Force X Distance.1/2 Mass X Speed^2.Energy forms combined.Work done / Energy used.Work done / Time interval.Cannot be created or destroyed.Energy is measured in _________.Energy waiting to go into motion.How many directions is force measured in?Energy measurement per second is measured in _______....

Energy Vocabulary 2024-12-10

Energy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Where something comes from
  2. Spinning blades to produce electricity
  3. Energy that can only be used until it is gone-can never be replaced
  4. The most common type of energy-is created from other forms of energy
  5. moving air
  1. The energy from movement
  2. Stored energy-that has not been used yet
  3. Heat energy from the earth
  4. Making movement
  5. Energy that can be used more than once, without changing it
  6. Sun
  7. Life
  8. ability to do work
  9. Water

14 Clues: SunLifeWatermoving airMaking movementability to do workThe energy from movementHeat energy from the earthWhere something comes fromSpinning blades to produce electricityStored energy-that has not been used yetEnergy that can be used more than once, without changing itEnergy that can only be used until it is gone-can never be replaced...

energy vocabulary 2024-12-10

energy vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Water
  2. Life
  3. The energy of movement.
  4. Energy that can be used more than once,without changing it
  5. Stored energy that has not been used yet.
  6. Energy that can only be used until it is gone - can never be replaced.
  1. The most common energy - is created from other forms of energy.
  2. Heat energy from the Earth.
  3. Spinning blades to produce electricity.
  4. Moving air.
  5. Where something comes from.
  6. Making movement.
  7. sun
  8. The ability to do work.

14 Clues: sunLifeWaterMoving air.Making movement.The energy of movement.The ability to do work.Heat energy from the Earth.Where something comes from.Spinning blades to produce electricity.Stored energy that has not been used yet.Energy that can be used more than once,without changing itThe most common energy - is created from other forms of energy....

Thermal Energy Crossword 2024-11-25

Thermal Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance
  2. energy of motion
  3. the exact amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a material 1 Kelvin
  4. the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves
  5. an example of a good insulator
  6. Water freezes at zero degrees ________
  7. type of heat transfer that occurs through the movement of fluid
  8. the energy that is transferred from a warmer to a cooler object
  9. materials that do not transfer heat well
  10. as thermal energy of a substance increases its particles expand
  11. an example of a good conductor
  1. materials that transfer heat well
  2. the circular motion that forms when air/fluid is heated
  3. the official unit of measure of temperature in the context of science
  4. can change kinetic to thermal energy
  5. the transfer of energy from one particle of matter to another through direct contact
  6. the total kinetic and potential energy in an object
  7. the unit with which energy is measured

18 Clues: energy of motionan example of a good insulatoran example of a good conductormaterials that transfer heat wellcan change kinetic to thermal energyWater freezes at zero degrees ________the unit with which energy is measuredmaterials that do not transfer heat wellthe transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves...

Science Project CH.11 2013-12-16

Science Project CH.11 crossword puzzle
  1. Surrounded by oceans.
  2. Is a rock that has large crystals.
  3. A layer of rock that forms forms earths outer skin.
  4. The soft layer.
  5. They are scientists who study the forces that make and shape planet earth.
  6. Heat transfer by direct contact of particles of matter.
  7. Waves When earthquakes occur the produce the waves.
  8. Transfer The movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object.
  1. Core Is a dense ball of solid metal.
  2. Is dark dense rocks.
  3. Forces Shape the surface by building up mountains and landmasses.
  4. The transfer of energy through empty space.
  5. The upper part of the mantle and crust together.
  6. Forces Are those that slowly wear away mountains and eventually ever other feature on the suface.
  7. The material that forms Earth's hard surface
  8. Current Is the flow that transfer heat within a fluid.
  9. Is a measure of how much mass there is in a volume.
  10. Core Is a layer of molten metal that surrounds the inner core.
  11. A layer of hot rock.

19 Clues: The soft layer.Is dark dense rocks.A layer of hot rock.Surrounded by oceans.Is a rock that has large crystals.Core Is a dense ball of solid metal.The transfer of energy through empty space.The material that forms Earth's hard surfaceThe upper part of the mantle and crust together.A layer of rock that forms forms earths outer skin....

Energy 2022-03-04

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy not in motion
  2. Heat Energy that comes from the fire or sun
  3. energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds
  4. is an example of Elastic potential energy.
  5. Light Energy that comes from the sun
  6. energy can never be created or destroyed it can only be transferred forms.
  7. Energy in motion
  1. stored energy n objects being compressed or stretched.
  2. Energy that comes from outlets and power plants.
  3. Form of energy that is reflected or emitted in the form of electrical and magnetic waves.
  4. energy that is the total amount of kinetic and potential energy in a system.
  5. energy that comes from releasing energy from the nucleus
  6. is the ability to cause change
  7. is and example of chemical potential energy
  8. Energy that is used most often in communication

15 Clues: Energy in motionEnergy not in motionis the ability to cause changeLight Energy that comes from the sunis an example of Elastic potential energy.Heat Energy that comes from the fire or sunis and example of chemical potential energyenergy stored in chemical bonds of compoundsEnergy that is used most often in communication...

Giles' Crossword 2016-12-06

Giles' Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. pigment involved with photosynthesis
  2. organisms that depend on autotrophs for food and energy
  3. cycle that associates with photosynthesis
  4. sac-like membrane
  5. compound produced when glucose is broken down and oxidized
  6. type of autotroph that uses inorganic energy sources
  7. process of breaking down glucose and forms pyruvate
  8. Adenosine Triphosphate
  1. cycle that associates with cellular respiration
  2. organisms that make its own food and energy
  3. doesn't require oxygen
  4. light energy converts to chemical energy by plants
  5. organelle where processes of energy production occur
  6. an organelle that contains chlorophyll
  7. requires oxygen
  8. Adenosine Diphosphate

16 Clues: requires oxygensac-like membraneAdenosine Diphosphatedoesn't require oxygenAdenosine Triphosphatepigment involved with photosynthesisan organelle that contains chlorophyllcycle that associates with photosynthesisorganisms that make its own food and energycycle that associates with cellular respiration...

physics chapter 5 2023-12-15

physics chapter 5 crossword puzzle
  1. The SI unit of power is the watt
  2. the conservation of mechanical energy occurs in the absence of friction, the total mechanical energy remains the same
  3. the sum of kinetic energy and all forms of potential energy
  4. the energy associated with an object because of the position, shape, or condition of the object
  5. For a flexible spring, the spring constant is small, whereas for a stiff spring, the spring constant is large
  6. the sign of the net work on the object tells you whether the object's speed is increasing or decreasing
  7. the product of the component of a force along the direction of displacement and the magnitude of the displacement
  8. gravitational potential energy = mass × free-fall acceleration × height
  9. initial mechanical energy = final mechanical energy (in the absence of friction)
  10. the potential energy stored in the gravitational fields of interacting bodies
  11. SI unit for kinetic energy (and all other forms of energy) is the joule
  12. a conserved quantity that you are already familiar with is mass
  13. there are 2 types of potential energy
  14. the energy available for use when a deformed elastic object returns to its original configuration
  15. The object’s speed decreases if the net work is negative.
  1. the net work done by all the forces acting on an object is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic energy
  2. Work is a _______ quantity and can be positive or negative
  3. The joule is named for the_____ physicist James Prescott Joule (1818–1889).
  4. kinetic energy = 1× mass × (speed)2
  5. the energy of an object that is due to the object’s motion
  6. Components of the force perpendicular to a displacement do not do work.
  7. Machines with different power ratings do the same amount of work in different time intervals
  8. All energy, such as nuclear, chemical, internal, and electrical, that is not mechanical energy is classified as nonmechanical energy.
  9. The net work done on or by an object is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of the object.
  10. The energy that each ball has varies in a way that keeps the total energy of the system constant.
  11. a parameter that is a measure of a spring’s resistance to being compressed or stretched
  12. gravitational potential energy in this chapter is valid only when the free-fall acceleration is constant over the entire height, such as at any point near the Earth’s surface.
  13. Work, energy, and power are related to one another
  14. a quantity that measures the rate at which work is done or energy is transformed
  15. power = force x speed

30 Clues: power = force x speedThe SI unit of power is the wattkinetic energy = 1× mass × (speed)2there are 2 types of potential energyWork, energy, and power are related to one anotherThe object’s speed decreases if the net work is negative.Work is a _______ quantity and can be positive or negativethe energy of an object that is due to the object’s motion...

Topic 3 test-Alexis Garrett 2024-04-23

Topic 3 test-Alexis Garrett crossword puzzle
  1. is the rate at which work is done and it equals the amount of work
  2. most
  3. ________,________,__________are all forms of energy
  4. potential energy that depends on the height of an object
  5. the state in which one objects distance from another is changing
  6. middle
  7. during _ _ the elastic potential energy
  8. is the ability to do work or cause change
  9. the energy of electric charges
  10. the potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  11. the energy of stretched or compressed objects
  12. force exerted on an object that causes it to move
  13. the process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity
  1. A form of potential energy that is stored in chemical bonds between atoms
  2. the energy an object has because of its position
  3. because of
  4. the rule that energy cannot be created or destroyed
  5. like a pivot in corn field
  6. the energy transferred though space by electromagnetic waves
  7. a pull or a push
  8. is the energy that an object possesses by virtue
  9. kinetic or potential energy associated with the motion or position of an object
  10. the total kinetic and potential energy of all the particles of an object
  11. occurs when one form of energy changes into another
  12. takes place when energy moves from one object to another

25 Clues: mostmiddlebecause ofa pull or a pushlike a pivot in corn fieldthe energy of electric chargesduring _ _ the elastic potential energyis the ability to do work or cause changethe energy of stretched or compressed objectsthe energy an object has because of its positionis the energy that an object possesses by virtue...

6.1 Forms of Energy Quiz 2023-09-17

6.1 Forms of Energy Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The energy of a moving object
  2. A disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another without transferring matter
  3. The energy of a current
  4. The energy of a stored object
  5. The sum of the energies within a system
  6. The energy contained within bonds and transformed during a reaction
  1. The energy that is transferred through matter and observed by us when the waves reach tiny hairs inside our ears
  2. The energy that includes Gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, radio wave, microwaves, and the visible colors we can see
  3. The energy of an object that is elevated and has mass
  4. The sum of the energies of the particles that make up an object
  5. The ability to cause change, never created or destroyed
  6. The energy stored and released from the nucleus of an atom

12 Clues: The energy of a currentThe energy of a moving objectThe energy of a stored objectThe sum of the energies within a systemThe energy of an object that is elevated and has massThe ability to cause change, never created or destroyedThe energy stored and released from the nucleus of an atomThe sum of the energies of the particles that make up an object...

Energy Transfer & Conservation 2022-11-17

Energy Transfer & Conservation crossword puzzle
  1. Used by green plants during photosynthesis.
  2. Most of the energy we use originally came from the _.
  3. Energy is never lost, only _.
  4. Type of energy stored within chemical bonds.
  5. Energy transferred through electromagnetic waves such as visible light.
  6. Demonstrates how energy is conserved as it changes forms.
  7. Heat energy.
  1. Stored energy related to the position of an object.
  2. Potential energy affected by height and mass
  3. The Law of _ states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
  4. Energy in motion.
  5. Energy due to the motion and position of an object.
  6. The ability to do work.
  7. Energy flowing through a circuit.

14 Clues: Heat energy.Energy in motion.The ability to do work.Energy is never lost, only _.Energy flowing through a circuit.Used by green plants during photosynthesis.Potential energy affected by height and massType of energy stored within chemical bonds.Stored energy related to the position of an object.Energy due to the motion and position of an object....

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2020-12-10

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. energy generatedor produced by living or once living organisms
  2. energy that is created from the sun to create other energy
  3. heat energy
  4. in physics it is the capacity of doing work and it can be found in kinetic, potential,electrical, thermal, and other various forms
  5. the movment of electrons in a current
  6. an object helping another object to share or produce more energy, electricity, heat, etc
  7. heat energy within the earth
  1. an object slow down the flow of another objects energy electricity, heat, etc
  2. energy from moving water to create electricity
  3. energy that has a fluent, non stop motion
  4. the moment before an object is in motion
  5. the energy of a moving object
  6. energy due to motion
  7. light energy
  8. stored energy waiting to be used
  9. energy in the core of an atom

16 Clues: heat energylight energyenergy due to motionheat energy within the earththe energy of a moving objectenergy in the core of an atomstored energy waiting to be usedthe movment of electrons in a currentthe moment before an object is in motionenergy that has a fluent, non stop motionenergy from moving water to create electricity...

Thermodynamics 2023-10-19

Thermodynamics crossword puzzle
  1. no exchange of energy or matter
  2. exchange of energy which is a result of temperature difference
  3. wall that separates system from the surroundings
  4. deals with energy changes
  5. system where there is energy exchange but no mass exchange
  6. part of universe in which observations are made
  7. when work is done on the system and when heat is transferred to system
  8. _____ is described by state functions
  1. pressure and temperature dont change with time
  2. state functions don't depend on the _____ taken by the system
  3. system in which there is no exchange of heat through its boundary
  4. deals with rate of reactions
  5. system where there is exchange of energy and matter
  6. when work is done by the system and when heat is transferred to surroundings
  7. value of cyclic integration of a state function
  8. A cell that converts chemical to electrical energy
  9. Substances that have energy stored in them
  10. _____ energy is the total sum of all forms of energy
  11. system + _____ = universe

19 Clues: deals with energy changessystem + _____ = universedeals with rate of reactionsno exchange of energy or matter_____ is described by state functionsSubstances that have energy stored in thempressure and temperature dont change with timevalue of cyclic integration of a state functionpart of universe in which observations are made...

Physical Science 4.1-4.2 Review 2014-11-11

Physical Science 4.1-4.2 Review crossword puzzle
  1. SI unit for energy
  2. for the properties of matter to change, energy must be either____________from one object to another or changed from one form to another
  3. branch of physics that studies motion and forces
  4. this energy includes radiant energy and forms of kinetic and potential energy caused by motion
  5. energy from motion or forces that affect a whole object
  6. energy that is stored
  7. energy of motion
  8. energy of electromagnetic radiation
  1. kinetic energy is affected much more strongly by a change in _______than by a change in mass
  2. simplest form of motion
  3. motion that spins or rolls around an internal axis
  4. this affects rotational kinetic energy
  5. distance divided by time
  6. energy of an entire object moving
  7. discovered that matter can be converted into energy and energy can be converted into matter
  8. motion in a circle centered on a point outside the object
  9. this energy is caused by a disturbance moving through a substance
  10. the energy that an object possesses due to the random motion of its molecules

18 Clues: energy of motionSI unit for energyenergy that is storedsimplest form of motiondistance divided by timeenergy of an entire object movingenergy of electromagnetic radiationthis affects rotational kinetic energybranch of physics that studies motion and forcesmotion that spins or rolls around an internal axis...

Iceland & the power of Earth's natural resources! 2023-01-27

Iceland & the power of Earth's natural resources! crossword puzzle
  1. erupts lava, hot vapor, gas, & rock
  2. heat energy from Earth's interior
  3. direction plates in Iceland moving
  4. rigid chunks of rocky crust that move
  5. country nicknamed “land of fire & ice”
  6. energy created by steam powered turbine
  1. energy sources like coal & petroleum
  2. break in rock where earthquakes likely
  3. a type of gas waste given off from magma
  4. waves of energy after vibrations of Earth
  5. magma when it erupts out of Earth
  6. layer drilled into for geothermal energy
  7. produced by escaping magma heat
  8. # of tectonic plates that divide Iceland
  9. method for getting geothermal energy
  10. heated material that forms igneous rocks

16 Clues: produced by escaping magma heatmagma when it erupts out of Earthheat energy from Earth's interiordirection plates in Iceland movingerupts lava, hot vapor, gas, & rockenergy sources like coal & petroleummethod for getting geothermal energyrigid chunks of rocky crust that movebreak in rock where earthquakes likely...

Energy 2024-05-13

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. type of energy obtained from a turbine
  2. contaminants in the environment that are dangerous
  3. energy of objects in motion
  4. examples of this include mechanical, chemical, and gravitational
  5. energy source that is not replenished
  6. type of energy that can be used to make electricity
  1. type of energy made from water
  2. example of nonrenewable energy
  3. example of renewable energy from the earth
  4. a form of transportation that is very bad for environment
  5. energy source that is replenished
  6. example of renewable energy from organic materials
  7. a popular form of transportation that is bad for the environment
  8. one of the best forms of transportation for the environment

14 Clues: energy of objects in motiontype of energy made from waterexample of nonrenewable energyenergy source that is replenishedenergy source that is not replenishedtype of energy obtained from a turbineexample of renewable energy from the earthcontaminants in the environment that are dangerousexample of renewable energy from organic materials...

forms of media 2016-09-01

forms of media crossword puzzle
  1. a written or printed work consisting of pages
  2. a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer
  3. a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements.
  4. record on videotape
  5. text a news and information service in the form of text and graphics
  6. a device that receives television signals and reproduces them on a screen
  7. motion pictures generally or the motion-picture industry.
  8. the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves
  9. a small handbill advertising an event or product
  1. a motion picture; a movie.
  2. a large printed picture used for decoration.
  3. upload a video of (someone or something) to the video-sharing website
  4. phone another term for cellular phone
  5. a regularly updated website or web page
  6. a periodical publication containing articles
  7. the written or printed signs representing vocal or instrumental sound
  8. a television or radio advertisement
  9. another term for newsprint.
  10. is the global system of interconnected computer networks
  11. a type of compact disc able to store large amounts of data

20 Clues: record on videotapea motion picture; a movie.another term for newsprint.a television or radio advertisementphone another term for cellular phonea regularly updated website or web pagea large printed picture used for decoration.a periodical publication containing articlesa written or printed work consisting of pages...

Forms of money 2023-11-16

Forms of money crossword puzzle
  1. Take something that is not yours without the owners approval
  2. Money saved or made available for a particular purpose
  3. Money given every week for manual work
  4. Money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent
  5. Borrowed money that needs to paid back
  6. A persons money in a business
  7. Money you get every month for working
  8. A thing in a person’s possession
  9. A person, country, or organization that owes money
  10. Money borrowed from a bank
  11. Euro,dollar,yen
  1. Payment made to a professional in exchange for advice or services
  2. Partial refund to someone who has paid too much for tax, rent, or a utility
  3. Money placed in banks and other savings institutions
  4. A sum of money granted by the state or a public body to help an industry or business keep the price of a commodity or service low
  5. Money to start a company
  6. A regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age and to some widows and disabled people
  7. A person or company to whom money is owing
  8. Money in different words
  9. an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time

20 Clues: Euro,dollar,yenMoney to start a companyMoney in different wordsMoney borrowed from a bankA persons money in a businessA thing in a person’s possessionMoney you get every month for workingMoney given every week for manual workBorrowed money that needs to paid backA person or company to whom money is owing...

Forms of Poetry 2024-04-30

Forms of Poetry crossword puzzle
  1. This poem uses couplets to reveal itself
  2. Like a simile but not using like or as
  3. Poetry uses these instead of paragraphs
  4. Beep! Ping! Bam! Pop! (poetic device)
  5. 3 line Japanese form poem 5-7-5 syllables
  6. 14 line poem (Shakespeare wrote 150 of these)
  7. Not a light but a five line poem with increasing numbers of syllables and the first line repeated at the end
  8. a five line poem that asks you to see emotions as colors
  9. 2 lines of poetry (Rhyme is an option)
  10. 4 line poem with 2 adjectives in the second line
  11. Poetry uses these instead of prose sentences
  12. A type of poem that doesn't rhyme
  1. 5 line poem 5-7-5-7-5 syllables
  2. A poetic device using the repetition of consonant sounds i.e., March Madness
  3. This poem uses words to create the effect of a diamond shape
  4. An author who writes poetry
  5. one of three requirements in poetry lines, stanzas and __________
  6. 5 line poem with 2 adjectives in the second line
  7. Figurative language using like or as in its comparison
  8. The effect of repeating and or similar sounds of words I.e., the cat fell flat on its unravelling hat
  9. When two very different things are face to face like a mirror you get this kind of poem
  10. The literary genre which describes experiences using emotions and images

22 Clues: An author who writes poetry5 line poem 5-7-5-7-5 syllablesA type of poem that doesn't rhymeBeep! Ping! Bam! Pop! (poetic device)Like a simile but not using like or as2 lines of poetry (Rhyme is an option)Poetry uses these instead of paragraphsThis poem uses couplets to reveal itself3 line Japanese form poem 5-7-5 syllables...

NZ Bread and cereals group 2021-10-18

NZ Bread and cereals group crossword puzzle
  1. Raihi grown mainly in Asian countries
  2. From the vitamin B group
  3. From the grains of grasses
  4. The colour of oxygenated blood
  5. For building bones and releasing energy
  6. A starch energy giving vegetable
  7. Forms the skeletal system
  8. Carries oxygen in the blood
  9. parāoa
  10. A carbohydrate food originally from Italy
  1. Witi
  2. A more nutrient dense cereal
  3. Helps release energy from nutrients in cells
  4. Maintains good bowel functions
  5. Prevents oxidation in cells
  6. Provides energy

16 Clues: WitiparāoaProvides energyFrom the vitamin B groupForms the skeletal systemFrom the grains of grassesPrevents oxidation in cellsCarries oxygen in the bloodA more nutrient dense cerealMaintains good bowel functionsThe colour of oxygenated bloodA starch energy giving vegetableRaihi grown mainly in Asian countriesFor building bones and releasing energy...

Energy 2022-03-25

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. process used to convert stored chemical energy into forms for other functions
  2. the type of energy stored in forces holding nuclei together
  3. type of source replaced quickly and continually
  4. the type of energy of a bowling ball
  5. energy needed to move an objects position
  6. breaking up of a nucleus
  7. mixture of hydrocarbons
  8. the remains of organisms from millions of years ago
  9. what is the compression of dead plants
  10. what is the cleanest fossil fuel
  1. most commonly used fossil fuel
  2. type of energy associated with the flow of electrons
  3. what pushes the oil to the surface
  4. where are shafts dug deep into ground to access coal deposits
  5. joining of 2 nuclei
  6. the ability to do work
  7. the energy of motion
  8. what happens to the initial pressure in secondary extraction
  9. number of types of fossil fuels
  10. similar term of extraction known as hydraulic fracturing
  11. type of mining used when coal deposits are near the surface
  12. energy based on the position of the object itself
  13. what is also known as oil

23 Clues: joining of 2 nucleithe energy of motionthe ability to do workmixture of hydrocarbonsbreaking up of a nucleuswhat is also known as oilmost commonly used fossil fuelnumber of types of fossil fuelswhat is the cleanest fossil fuelwhat pushes the oil to the surfacethe type of energy of a bowling ballwhat is the compression of dead plants...

Env Sci Ch 2 Vocabulary Review 2016-09-08

Env Sci Ch 2 Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. Anything going into a system
  2. The form of energy that is in motion
  3. The output of energy
  4. A macromolecule comprised of C-H-O in a 1-2-1 ratio
  5. Anything that occupies space and has mass
  6. A compound lacking carbon or carbon-hydrogen bonds
  7. This type of feedback loop reinforces the change occurring in the system
  8. A solution found between 8-14 on the pH scale
  9. This type of bond forms when electrons are shared between atoms
  10. A macromolecule formed by C-H-O in no set ratio and often found in the cell membrane
  11. A measure of the amount of energy as heat given off by an item
  12. Randomness of the universe in the form of Heat
  13. This Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed
  14. A compound that has carbon or carbon-hydrogen bonds
  15. This bond forms when electrons are transferred between atoms
  16. The smallest living unit
  1. A massless particle containing pure electromagnetic radiation
  2. This form of energy is found in bonds of compounds
  3. The amount of energy needed to power a 1-watt bulb for 1 second
  4. An example of a nucleic acid and the primary source of our genetic information
  5. Anything leaving a system
  6. This form of energy has the possibility to do work
  7. The number of protons found in an element
  8. Comprised of at least 2 atoms bonded together
  9. An atom of an element that has the same number of protons but varying neutrons
  10. The amount of matter in an object
  11. A solution found between 0-6 on the pH scale
  12. Comprised of at least 2 elements bonded together
  13. This type of feedback loop counters or stops the change in a system
  14. This Law of Thermodynamics states that whenever energy changes form, the amount remains constant but the ability to do work diminishes
  15. The ability to do work

31 Clues: The output of energyThe ability to do workThe smallest living unitAnything leaving a systemAnything going into a systemThe amount of matter in an objectThe form of energy that is in motionThe number of protons found in an elementAnything that occupies space and has massA solution found between 0-6 on the pH scale...

Unit 2 Vocab 2022-09-13

Unit 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Storage of carbon
  2. Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
  3. Feedback that increases the original change
  4. Movement of matter caused by differences in density
  5. Solid whose atoms or other components appear in a regular, repeating pattern
  6. Forms when rock is subjected to extreme heat
  7. Forms when particles of previous rocks are transported by water, wind, or gravity to form layers of minerals
  8. Feedback that decreases the change
  9. Solid particles that settle out of a solution that are transported or deposited near Earth's surface
  10. Measure of the percentage of light that a particular surface will reflect
  1. Movement of a chemical through the biosphere and geosphere
  2. Substance that cannot be broken into simpler substances
  3. Ratio of the mass to volume of a substance
  4. Forms when other rock partially melts underground
  5. Movement of carbon through the spheres
  6. Substance composed of atoms of two or more different types of elements
  7. Movement of energy as visible light
  8. Transfer of heat energy through collisions
  9. Hot fluid mixture
  10. Processes that form rock and transform it from one type into another
  11. Gradual build up
  12. Substance that has specific characteristics

22 Clues: Gradual build upStorage of carbonHot fluid mixtureFeedback that decreases the changeMovement of energy as visible lightMovement of carbon through the spheresRatio of the mass to volume of a substanceTransfer of heat energy through collisionsFeedback that increases the original changeSubstance that has specific characteristics...


FORMS OF TRANSPORT crossword puzzle
  1. Lastkraftwagen
  2. Wohnmobil
  3. Reisebus
  4. Auto (BrE)
  5. Seilbahn
  6. Segelflugzeug
  7. Auto (AmE)
  8. Transporter
  9. Wohnwagen
  10. U-Bahn(BrE)
  11. Motorrad
  12. Taxi(BrE)
  13. Segelboot
  1. Motorroller
  2. Straßenbahn(AmE)
  3. Fahrrad
  4. Straßenbahn(BrE)
  5. Fähre
  6. Tretboot
  7. Frachtschiff
  8. Flugzeug
  9. Rettungsboat
  10. U-Bahn(AmE)
  11. Kreuzfahrtschiff
  12. Schnellboot
  13. Kanu
  14. Bus
  15. Zug
  16. Schiff
  17. Taxi(AmE)

30 Clues: BusZugKanuFähreSchiffFahrradTretbootReisebusFlugzeugSeilbahnMotorradWohnmobilWohnwagenTaxi(AmE)Taxi(BrE)SegelbootAuto (BrE)Auto (AmE)MotorrollerU-Bahn(AmE)SchnellbootTransporterU-Bahn(BrE)FrachtschiffRettungsboatSegelflugzeugLastkraftwagenStraßenbahn(AmE)Straßenbahn(BrE)Kreuzfahrtschiff

Forms of Sum 2021-04-05

Forms of Sum crossword puzzle
  1. I have been
  2. they were
  3. I am
  4. we have been
  5. you are
  6. to be
  7. yall have been
  8. yall will be
  9. they will be
  10. he is
  1. you have been
  2. we will be
  3. we are
  4. they have been
  5. yall are
  6. you will be
  7. it has been
  8. they are
  9. I will be
  10. he was
  11. she will be

21 Clues: I amto behe iswe arehe wasyou areyall arethey arethey wereI will bewe will beI have beenyou will beit has beenshe will bewe have beenyall will bethey will beyou have beenthey have beenyall have been

Forms of Government 2022-10-13

Forms of Government crossword puzzle
  1. A group of people who have the power to make laws
  2. Form of government in which citizens vote for representatives who then make decisions based on the citizens' wishes.
  3. Type of representative democracy where the head of government is a member of the legislature (Prime Minister)
  4. "Rule by a few" form of government
  5. Type of government run/controlled by a single person. Examples: monarchy, dictatorship
  6. The branch of government that carries out/enforces laws.
  7. A military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force.
  8. A written plan/rules of government
  9. The person who heads the executive branch in a Parliamentary democracy.
  10. A government ruled by a king or queen, with a succession of rulers kept within the family. Power is
  11. Government where citizens hold political power either DIRECTLY or through ELECTED representatives.
  12. A form of social organization in which males dominate females
  13. "Rule by theft," where those in power seek only to drain the state of assets and resources
  1. Power of the monarch is limited by a constitution.
  2. Branch of government that decides if laws are carried out fairly. They interpret the laws.
  3. System of government run by religious leaders, religious rules are the laws of the country.
  4. My favorite color (rhymes with mellow)
  5. A written plan of government
  6. The group of people who control and make decisions for a country, state, etc.
  7. A form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives.
  8. A political system in which voters chose a president to lead the government as head of the executive branch.
  9. A government in which power is in the hands of a few, ruling class or nobility
  10. Total government control - the leader has complete control and harsh punishments can be issued; has total control over the media (no free speech) Ex. DPRK- North Korea
  11. The state of having no government. Condition of a society, entity, group of people, or a single person that rejects traditional forms of government. It's chaos!

24 Clues: A written plan of government"Rule by a few" form of governmentA written plan/rules of governmentMy favorite color (rhymes with mellow)A group of people who have the power to make lawsPower of the monarch is limited by a constitution.The branch of government that carries out/enforces laws.A form of social organization in which males dominate females...

Forms of Transportation 2023-03-28

Forms of Transportation crossword puzzle
  1. used to move dirt and rocks
  2. stays on track
  3. remote controlled flying device
  4. red,yellow and green
  5. uses a chain and sprocket
  6. puts out problems
  7. the cost of using roads
  8. can be bought new or used
  9. big rig
  10. flies with rotors
  11. I-95 or Route 40
  12. used to travel the sea
  13. carries stretchers
  14. used to move good over water
  15. uber/lyft
  1. takes your car across water
  2. popular fast food & transportation
  3. farmers best friend
  4. popular offroad race vehicle
  5. underwater vessel
  6. Tesla, Rivian
  7. often accompanied by a helmet
  8. razor or electric
  9. a form of travel that utilizes turbine engines
  10. off-road recreation vehicle
  11. incline plane used by vehicles
  12. house on wheels
  13. popular at school
  14. old fashioned uber/lyft
  15. popular for their 4 wheel drive and space

30 Clues: big riguber/lyftTesla, Rivianstays on trackhouse on wheelsI-95 or Route 40underwater vesselputs out problemsrazor or electricflies with rotorspopular at schoolcarries stretchersfarmers best friendred,yellow and greenused to travel the seathe cost of using roadsold fashioned uber/lyftuses a chain and sprocketcan be bought new or used...

Forms of languages 2024-10-18

Forms of languages crossword puzzle
  1. a unique representation to identify a person or entity
  2. shifting from one dialect to another throughout a single conversation
  3. insertion of one or more sounds in a word
  4. a range of languages
  5. is the switching of sounds or letters in a word- aminal for animal
  6. a word the comes before a verb
  7. the language variety of a country
  8. a language developed from groups of persons who did not share a common dialect and were forced to communicate among one another
  9. any non-verbal action which conveys a message to another through emotions, expressions and beliefs
  10. a language that services as a communication for person with native languages
  11. english language which is spoken in the caribbean
  1. english based language
  2. a language used in formal settings
  3. a language used for education or formal purposes
  4. the language a person grew up around
  5. a phrase which carries a non-literal meaning for example it's a piece of cake
  6. creole based from the caribbean
  7. social communication influenced by creole
  8. a persons way of writing , speaking and pronouncing words
  9. the moderate loss of an unstressed vowel at the start of a word , for example, specially from 'especially'
  10. form of language which is spoken by a specific region
  11. the communication of feelings or ideas into words and signs used by a particular region or country

22 Clues: a range of languagesenglish based languagea word the comes before a verbcreole based from the caribbeanthe language variety of a countrya language used in formal settingsthe language a person grew up aroundinsertion of one or more sounds in a wordsocial communication influenced by creolea language used for education or formal purposes...

Chemistry Crossword Puzzle 2024-05-07

Chemistry Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. measures reactant and product masses before and after chemical reactions.
  2. the temperature and pressure at which the solid, liquid, and gas forms of a substance coexist.
  3. ions are formed by gain or loss of an electron formation.
  4. the quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate.
  5. donates one proton per molecule, such as HCL and HCLO4.
  6. a substance that increases concentration of OH- ions in solution.
  7. has the highest ionization energy.
  8. a substance that increases the concentration of hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution.
  1. donates more than one proton per molecule, such as H3PO4.
  2. created the plum pudding model.
  3. forces that hold molecules of a covalent compound.
  4. the measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter.
  5. the study of how heat is converted to and from other forms of energy and how it affects matter.
  6. the total amount of energy; movement.
  7. the change in heat of the products from the reactants.
  8. the quality or state of being correct or precise.
  9. positively changed nucleus with electrons orbiting the nucleus.
  10. how strongly an atom attracts electrons .
  11. electrons orbit the nucleus in specific orbitals or shells of specific size and location.
  12. a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any chemical change.

20 Clues: created the plum pudding model.has the highest ionization energy.the total amount of energy; strongly an atom attracts electrons .the quality or state of being correct or precise.forces that hold molecules of a covalent compound.the change in heat of the products from the reactants....

Reactions & Proteins 2024-06-26

Reactions & Proteins crossword puzzle
  1. Enzyme that moves around groups containing C, N, or P
  2. R-NH2
  3. Enzyme that uses water to break bonds
  4. Protein monomer
  5. Anything that lowers the activation energy of a reaction
  6. Bond formed between 2 amino acids
  7. Enzyme that forms isomers
  8. spherical masses of polypeptides with quaternary structure
  9. A polypeptide shape seen in secondary structure
  10. Protein structure level consisting of disulfide bridges
  11. A protein catalyst
  12. Protein structure level consisting of α-helices & β-pleated sheets
  13. long strands of polypeptides with quaternary structure
  14. Macromolecule made from amino acids
  15. The reactants that bind into an enzyme's active site
  16. A strong chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron
  17. Protein dimer
  1. Enzyme that forms bonds
  2. Bond between 2 S in the hydrophobic region of a polypeptide with tertiary structure
  3. A polypeptide shape seen in secondary structure
  4. The required amount of energy necessary for a reaction to occur
  5. Substance that is produced by a chemical reaction
  6. Protein structure level consisting of 2 or more polypeptides
  7. Protein structure level consisting of a string of amino acids
  8. A basic subunit of a macromolecule
  9. Enzyme that performs redox reactions
  10. Substance that is put into a chemical reaction
  11. Molecules with the same molecular formula but different structural formulas
  12. R-COOH
  13. Type of reaction that releases energy
  14. A complex unit of a macromolecule comprised of 2 or more subunits
  15. Protein polymer
  16. A compound of C and H
  17. A weal chemical bond formed between a H and an electronegative atom
  18. The region of an enzyme that a substrate binds to
  19. Type of reaction that absorbs energy
  20. Enzyme that forms double bonds
  21. Non-specific side-chain

38 Clues: R-NH2R-COOHProtein dimerProtein monomerProtein polymerA protein catalystA compound of C and HEnzyme that forms bondsNon-specific side-chainEnzyme that forms isomersEnzyme that forms double bondsBond formed between 2 amino acidsA basic subunit of a macromoleculeMacromolecule made from amino acidsEnzyme that performs redox reactions...

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2020-12-10

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. energy in the core of an atom
  2. energy that has a fluent, non stop motion
  3. energy from moving water to create electricity
  4. the moment before an object is in motion
  5. energy that is created from the sun to create other energy
  6. the movement of electrons in a current
  7. light energy
  1. an object slowing down another object's energy, heat, electricity, etc
  2. an object helping another object to share or produce more energy, heat, electricity, etc
  3. heat energy within the earth
  4. stored energy waiting to be used
  5. energy due to motion
  6. the energy of a moving object
  7. heat energy
  8. in pysics it is the capacity of doing work and it can be found in kinetic, potential, thermal, electrical, and other various forms

15 Clues: heat energylight energyenergy due to motionheat energy within the earthenergy in the core of an atomthe energy of a moving objectstored energy waiting to be usedthe movement of electrons in a currentthe moment before an object is in motionenergy that has a fluent, non stop motionenergy from moving water to create electricity...

Unit 4 - Energy 2020-12-02

Unit 4 - Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Thermal energy
  2. Move from place to place
  3. Energy of motion
  4. The amount of kinetic energy in something
  5. Thermal energy transfers through light waves
  1. Thermal energy transfers through a liquid or a gas
  2. Change types or forms
  3. Stored energy
  4. The same
  5. Thermal energy transfers through a solid by direct contact
  6. When balanced is achieved
  7. The ability to do work

12 Clues: The sameStored energyThermal energyEnergy of motionChange types or formsThe ability to do workMove from place to placeWhen balanced is achievedThe amount of kinetic energy in somethingThermal energy transfers through light wavesThermal energy transfers through a liquid or a gasThermal energy transfers through a solid by direct contact

Simply Science Physics 2024-11-19

Simply Science Physics crossword puzzle
  1. every action has an equal and opposite reaction
  2. energy force formed in earth's crust
  3. energy relating to temperature
  4. the study of energy
  5. who wrote the laws of motion
  6. energy in motion
  7. stored energy
  8. energy used to kick a ball
  9. heavier objects require more energy to move/stop than lighter objectsdiffraction lightwaves travelling at different speeds causing an object to appear differently
  10. the ability to make something work
  11. energy used to convert food to fuel
  12. the temp at which atoms stop moving
  1. an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by another force
  2. force that slows things down; makes things harder to move
  3. energy used with a slingshot
  4. what all things are made of
  5. energy that can be replenished
  6. the study of matter
  7. energy that can NOT be replenished
  8. force that happens when 2 objects are rubbed together
  9. the bending of lightwaves, causing a rainbow
  10. when light bounces off an object evenly
  11. the amount of space something takes up
  12. this is created when energy converts forms
  13. the amount of matter something has

25 Clues: stored energyenergy in motionthe study of energythe study of matterenergy used to kick a ballwhat all things are made ofenergy used with a slingshotwho wrote the laws of motionenergy relating to temperatureenergy that can be replenishedenergy that can NOT be replenishedthe ability to make something workthe amount of matter something has...

Force, Motion & Energy crossword 2020-03-22

Force, Motion & Energy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the distance an object travels per unit of time (D/T)
  2. the frictional force air exerts against a moving object
  3. a force that resists motion when two surfaces are touching each other
  4. a force that pulls all objects that have mass towards each other
  5. an object's tendency to resist a change in motion
  6. the law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be transformed into other forms of energy
  7. ____ energy is energy generated due to a magnetic field
  8. a point used to determine the position of an object
  9. ____ energy is potential energy associated with a gravitational field (associated with an object's position)
  10. speed with a given direction
  1. ____ energy is stored energy or energy of position
  2. ____ energy is stored energy due to the bending, stretching or twisting of an object (like a stretched rubber band)
  3. the rate of change of velocity - including speeding up, slowing down or changing direction
  4. ____ energy is produced by vibrations in matter
  5. ____ energy is energy of motion
  6. a change in location of an object (relative to a reference point)
  7. energy changing from one form to another
  8. ____ energy is heat energy
  9. a push or a pull on an object that may change the motion of the object
  10. how far an object has traveled
  11. ____ energy is potential energy stored in the bonds of molecules

21 Clues: ____ energy is heat energyspeed with a given directionhow far an object has traveled____ energy is energy of motionenergy changing from one form to another____ energy is produced by vibrations in matteran object's tendency to resist a change in motion____ energy is stored energy or energy of position...

ENERGY 2022-09-25

ENERGY crossword puzzle
  1. Musical instruments emit this energy
  2. It is a renewable source.
  3. It´s the ability to do work or cause
  4. Converting forms of energy.
  5. They are unlimited sources.
  6. It is mined from the ground
  7. It is a non-renewable source.
  8. It is the energy of movement.
  1. They are limited sources
  2. It´s the energy that use my laptop.
  3. Candles emit this energy.
  4. It contains lots of thermal energy.
  5. The foods contain this energy.

13 Clues: They are limited sourcesIt is a renewable source.Candles emit this energy.Converting forms of energy.They are unlimited sources.It is mined from the groundIt is a non-renewable source.It is the energy of movement.The foods contain this energy.It´s the energy that use my laptop.It contains lots of thermal energy.Musical instruments emit this energy...

Vocabulary lessons 1 and 2 2023-01-09

Vocabulary lessons 1 and 2 crossword puzzle
  1. work or cause change
  2. of conservation of energy- energy cannot be created
  3. kinetic and potential energy
  4. potential energy stored in chemical bond
  5. motion
  6. transformation also called energy conversion
  1. light and other forms of radiation
  2. stored energy
  3. the total kinetic and potential energy
  4. electric charges
  5. stored in the nucleus
  6. when you rub against each other

12 Clues: motionstored energyelectric chargeswork or cause changestored in the nucleuskinetic and potential energywhen you rub against each otherlight and other forms of radiationthe total kinetic and potential energypotential energy stored in chemical bondtransformation also called energy conversionof conservation of energy- energy cannot be created

thermal energy 2019-01-15

thermal energy crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to cause change or do work
  2. the transfer of energy from a light source (e.g. solar, light bulb)
  3. process of energy changing from one form to another
  4. transfer of energy from one object or substance to another
  5. transfer of heat through direct contact from a warmer substance to a cooler substance
  6. energy energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules of substances (e.g., food, biomass, petroleum, natural gas, and propane contain stored chemical energy)
  1. measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance
  2. states that energy is neither created or destroyed; it only changes forms
  3. The kinetic energy resulting from the motion of particles that is transferred by heat:associated with the temperature of substances.
  4. transfer of thermal energy between substances that are at different temperatures
  5. transfer of thermal energy, in a liquid or gas, in which the warmer substance rises and the cooler substance sinks; forms a current

11 Clues: the ability to cause change or do workprocess of energy changing from one form to anothertransfer of energy from one object or substance to anotherthe transfer of energy from a light source (e.g. solar, light bulb)measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance...

Unit 8 Energy Crossword 2023-04-03

Unit 8 Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. contains all of the objects, forces, work, and energy relevant to a particular situation
  2. type of energy stored within the bonds between atoms
  3. The amount of energy it takes to move 1 kg a distance of 1 m with an acceleration of 1 m/s2
  4. type of energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  5. Applying a force across a certain distance
  6. The ability to do work
  7. energy type of light
  8. The energy of a moving object
  9. type of energy from the motion of particles
  1. energy type of the flow of electrons
  2. energy type of sound waves moving through objects
  3. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms
  4. During an energy transfer, some of the energy is lost as heat. What is this called?
  5. type of energy that is potential energy from stretched or compressed matter
  6. Type of energy that is determined by the object’s height above the object’s lowest possible point
  7. type of energy associated with motion and position

16 Clues: energy type of lightThe ability to do workThe energy of a moving objectenergy type of the flow of electronsApplying a force across a certain distancetype of energy from the motion of particlestype of energy stored in the nucleus of an atomenergy type of sound waves moving through objectstype of energy associated with motion and position...

The Essentials of Life: Topic Four - Energy 2023-05-10

The Essentials of Life: Topic Four - Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Wind mills don't produce energy without __________
  2. Heat energy is called ________ energy
  3. There are over 6000 products made from ________
  4. Benjamin Franklin discovered this form of energy
  5. Fossil fuels include Coal, Oil and Natural ________
  6. Solar panels can't produce energy without the ________
  7. Electrical energy can be stored in a ___________
  8. Energy from the Sun is called ________ energy
  1. Without Energy _____________ happens
  2. Hydro-electric energy is made from flowing _________
  3. Liquid fuel made from corn is called ____________
  4. The "Ability to do Work" is called ___________
  5. There are _________ forms of energy

13 Clues: There are _________ forms of energyWithout Energy _____________ happensHeat energy is called ________ energyEnergy from the Sun is called ________ energyThe "Ability to do Work" is called ___________There are over 6000 products made from ________Benjamin Franklin discovered this form of energyElectrical energy can be stored in a ___________...

Energy & Its Forms 2023-04-10

Energy & Its Forms crossword puzzle
  1. the potential and kinetic energy of all microscopic objects
  2. energy stored in an atomic nucleus
  3. energy associated with motion and position
  4. the energy of motion
  5. energy travels through space in the form of waves
  6. the potential energy that depends on height
  7. the potential energy of an object that is stretched
  1. energy stored in chemical bonds
  2. energy associated with electric charges
  3. the energy that is stored as a result of position
  4. the ability to do work

11 Clues: the energy of motionthe ability to do workenergy stored in chemical bondsenergy stored in an atomic nucleusenergy associated with electric chargesenergy associated with motion and positionthe potential energy that depends on heightthe energy that is stored as a result of positionenergy travels through space in the form of waves...

Unit 5 Lesson 1-3 2018-02-07

Unit 5 Lesson 1-3 crossword puzzle
  1. any natural material that is used by humans, such as water, petroleum, minerals, forest and animals
  2. a natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which it is consumed
  3. a nonrenewable energy resource that forms from the remains of organisms that lived long ago
  4. the energy produced by the heat within the Earth
  1. the use of the force of moving air to drive an electric generator
  2. electrical energy produced by the flow of water
  3. natural resources used to generate energy
  4. a natural resource that are used to make objects, food, or drink
  5. the energy released by fisson (splitting) or fusion (combining) reaction, the binding energy of atomic nucleus
  6. resource a resource that forms at a rate that is much slower than it is consumed
  7. the energy received by Earth from the sun in the form of radiation
  8. plant material, manure or any other organic matter that is used as an energy source
  9. the nuclei of radioactive atoms are split into two or more fragments.

13 Clues: natural resources used to generate energyelectrical energy produced by the flow of waterthe energy produced by the heat within the Eartha natural resource that are used to make objects, food, or drinkthe use of the force of moving air to drive an electric generatorthe energy received by Earth from the sun in the form of radiation...

energy crossword 2019-03-12

energy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. change a change from one state
  2. heat from an object
  3. energy virtue of being in motion.
  4. of energy a principle stating that energy cannot be created or destroyed
  5. energy is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy
  6. system system primarily designed to supply energy-services to end-users
  7. a substance which does not readily allow the passage of heat or sound.
  8. fever
  9. the process by which heat or electricity is directly transmitted
  1. energy the build up of energy
  2. heat transfer in gas or liquid
  3. the branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy
  4. heat heat required to raise the temperature of the unit
  5. a person who directs an orchestra
  6. energy internal energy of a system

15 Clues: feverheat from an objectenergy the build up of energychange a change from one stateheat transfer in gas or liquida person who directs an orchestraenergy virtue of being in internal energy of a systemenergy is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energyheat heat required to raise the temperature of the unit...

Force, Motion & Energy crossword 2020-03-22

Force, Motion & Energy crossword crossword puzzle
  1. energy changing from one form to another
  2. the distance an object travels per unit of time (D/T)
  3. a force that pulls all objects that have mass towards each other
  4. a force that resists motion when two surfaces are touching each other
  5. ____ energy is energy generated due to a magnetic field
  6. the rate of change of velocity - including speeding up, slowing down or changing direction
  7. ____ energy is potential energy associated with a gravitational field (associated with an object's position)
  8. ____ energy is heat energy
  1. the law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be transformed into other forms of energy
  2. a push or a pull on an object that may change the motion of the object
  3. the frictional force air exerts against a moving object
  4. ____ energy is energy of motion
  5. a point used to determine the position of an object
  6. ____ energy is stored energy due to the bending, stretching or twisting of an object (like a stretched rubber band)
  7. ____ energy is stored energy or energy of position
  8. how far an object has traveled
  9. an object's tendency to resist a change in motion
  10. speed with a given direction
  11. a change in location of an object (relative to a reference point)
  12. ____ energy is potential energy stored in the bonds of molecules
  13. ____ energy is produced by vibrations in matter

21 Clues: ____ energy is heat energyspeed with a given directionhow far an object has traveled____ energy is energy of motionenergy changing from one form to another____ energy is produced by vibrations in matteran object's tendency to resist a change in motion____ energy is stored energy or energy of position...

Energy Word Puzzle 2021-03-19

Energy Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Country with the most energy consumption
  2. Harmful for the environment and is main provider of energy in the world.
  3. energy sources that we can't run out of.
  4. energy forms that can be used directly they appear in nature
  5. Unstable atoms bombarded with neutrons
  6. Can be used many times and is better for the environment
  7. Potential energy within the nucleus of the atom.
  8. An example of a fossil fuel that needs to be burned and mined.
  1. The small nuclei of two elements collide and fuse
  2. Caused by fossil fuels and nonrenewable energy
  3. Energy in a transformed state
  4. than other fossil fuels.
  5. example of renewable energy powered by the sun
  6. The ability to do work
  7. Burns cleaner than coal or oil and is
  8. Not normal rain
  9. Reserves Potential oil that could be extracted

17 Clues: Not normal rainThe ability to do workthan other fossil fuels.Energy in a transformed stateBurns cleaner than coal or oil and isUnstable atoms bombarded with neutronsCountry with the most energy consumptionenergy sources that we can't run out of.Caused by fossil fuels and nonrenewable energyexample of renewable energy powered by the sun...

Physics Crossword- Emmie Witmer 2014-02-25

Physics Crossword- Emmie Witmer crossword puzzle
  1. uses exothermic nuclear process to generate useful heat and electricity
  2. unit used for mass
  3. a light bulb displays this form of energy
  4. form of energy that uses the equation 1/2(m)v^2
  5. form of energy that uses the equation m(g)h
  6. can be manipulated among many different forms
  7. total energy of an isolated system cannot change, it is __________ over time
  8. form of energy associated with the vibration of disturbance of matter
  9. form of energy defined as the work of magnetic force on re-alignment of the vector of the magnetic dipole moment
  10. work/time
  1. unit used to classify work
  2. a chemical reaction is an example of this form of energy
  3. energy of electromagnetic waves
  4. used to remove an electron from the atom or molecule in the gaseous state
  5. the tendency of solid materials to return to their original shape after being deformed
  6. form of energy also known as stored energy
  7. energy that can be seen by the change in direction or speed of an object
  8. any influence that causes an object to undergo a certain change
  9. a meteor falling from the sky is an example of this form of energy
  10. force x distance

20 Clues: work/timeforce x distanceunit used for massunit used to classify workenergy of electromagnetic wavesa light bulb displays this form of energyform of energy also known as stored energyform of energy that uses the equation m(g)hcan be manipulated among many different formsform of energy that uses the equation 1/2(m)v^2...

Thermal Energy Vocabulary 2023-11-02

Thermal Energy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the energy of moving electrons which carry a charge.
  2. potential energy related to the gravitational field
  3. energy of motion
  4. heat energy, related to motion of atoms or molecules in a substance
  5. the energy of moving molecules
  6. the ability to do work
  7. energy stored in chemicals, fossil fuels and substances which can burn or be part of a chemical change.
  1. the only form of energy that we can actually see directly. It is formed through chemical, radiation, and mechanicals means.
  2. the movement of energy through substance in waves
  3. energy that comes from resources which are not naturally replenished in a human's lifetime
  4. stored energy and the energy of positional gravitational energy, takes many forms
  5. energy the energy of moving objects
  6. the movement of energy from one form to another
  7. the act or process of being moved
  8. the energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity.
  9. energy that comes from resources which are naturally replenished in a humans lifetime

16 Clues: energy of motionthe ability to do workthe energy of moving moleculesthe act or process of being movedenergy the energy of moving objectsthe movement of energy from one form to anotherthe movement of energy through substance in wavespotential energy related to the gravitational fieldthe energy of moving electrons which carry a charge....

Thermal energy 2019-01-22

Thermal energy crossword puzzle
  1. transfer of thermal energy, in a liquid or gas, in which the warmer substance rises and the cooler substance sinks; forms a current
  2. energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules of substances (e.g., food, biomass, petroleum, natural gas, and propane contain stored chemical energy)
  3. the transfer of energy from a light source (e.g. solar, light bulb)
  4. states that energy is neither created or destroyed; it only changes forms
  5. measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance
  1. The kinetic energy resulting from the motion of particles that is transferred by heat:associated with the temperature of substances.
  2. process of energy changing from one form to another
  3. transfer of heat through direct contact from a warmer substance to a cooler substance
  4. transfer of thermal energy between substances that are at different temperatures
  5. transfer of energy from one object or substance to another
  6. the ability to cause change or do work

11 Clues: the ability to cause change or do workprocess of energy changing from one form to anothertransfer of energy from one object or substance to anotherthe transfer of energy from a light source (e.g. solar, light bulb)measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance...

Environmental science 2021-09-06

Environmental science crossword puzzle
  1. needed by all known forms of life.
  2. type of biochemical reactions that breakdowns molecules into smaller units and release energy.
  3. is a pure substance.
  4. A widely accepted hypothesis that stands the test of time. Theories are oftentested and usually not rejected.
  5. ability to do work.
  6. a compound found mainly in living things.
  7. are tiny units that make up all matter in the universe and energy what holds the nucleus together.
  8. these reactions build up bigger molecules from smaller ones.
  9. the sum of all the biochemical reactions in an organism.
  10. comprises all types of water resources oceans, lakes, seas, rivers, streams, reservoirs,icecaps, glaciers, and groundwaters.
  11. organized body of knowledge that is obtained by study and experimentation.
  12. developing knew knowledge based upon old knowledge.
  13. a test that is used to rule out a hypothesis or validate something already known.
  14. unit work of energy in the International System of Units.
  1. a force that holds molecules together.
  2. the concentration of hydronium ions in a solution.
  3. where life operates.
  4. is the main element in organic compound.
  5. the unit of power.
  6. is the study of energy.
  7. The study of the interactions between life and its physical environment.
  8. Is a a substance that consist of two or more element
  9. a substance that starts a chemical reaction.
  10. the energy needed to start a chemical reaction.
  11. anything that takes up space and has mass.
  12. the outer mantle of the solid earth.
  13. the protective blanket of gases surrounding the earth.
  14. the rate at which energy is used.
  15. a substance that forms as a result of a chemical reaction.
  16. it is a latin word that means knowledge.

30 Clues: the unit of power.ability to do work.where life a pure the study of energy.the rate at which energy is used.needed by all known forms of life.the outer mantle of the solid earth.a force that holds molecules the main element in organic is a latin word that means knowledge....

Environmental science 2021-09-06

Environmental science crossword puzzle
  1. needed by all known forms of life.
  2. type of biochemical reactions that breakdowns molecules into smaller units and release energy.
  3. is a pure substance.
  4. A widely accepted hypothesis that stands the test of time. Theories are oftentested and usually not rejected.
  5. ability to do work.
  6. a compound found mainly in living things.
  7. are tiny units that make up all matter in the universe and energy what holds the nucleus together.
  8. these reactions build up bigger molecules from smaller ones.
  9. the sum of all the biochemical reactions in an organism.
  10. comprises all types of water resources oceans, lakes, seas, rivers, streams, reservoirs,icecaps, glaciers, and groundwaters.
  11. organized body of knowledge that is obtained by study and experimentation.
  12. developing knew knowledge based upon old knowledge.
  13. a test that is used to rule out a hypothesis or validate something already known.
  14. unit work of energy in the International System of Units.
  1. a force that holds molecules together.
  2. the concentration of hydronium ions in a solution.
  3. where life operates.
  4. is the main element in organic compound.
  5. the unit of power.
  6. is the study of energy.
  7. The study of the interactions between life and its physical environment.
  8. Is a a substance that consist of two or more element
  9. a substance that starts a chemical reaction.
  10. the energy needed to start a chemical reaction.
  11. anything that takes up space and has mass.
  12. the outer mantle of the solid earth.
  13. the protective blanket of gases surrounding the earth.
  14. the rate at which energy is used.
  15. a substance that forms as a result of a chemical reaction.
  16. it is a latin word that means knowledge.

30 Clues: the unit of power.ability to do work.where life a pure the study of energy.the rate at which energy is used.needed by all known forms of life.the outer mantle of the solid earth.a force that holds molecules the main element in organic is a latin word that means knowledge....

Chapter 12 and 13 2023-05-18

Chapter 12 and 13 crossword puzzle
  1. Hydrogen is no longer used in airships because of its ______
  2. this state of matter has no definite shape or volume
  3. Energy due to motion
  4. A fossil fuel
  5. Stored energy due to interactions between objects or particles
  6. the particles in this state of matter vibrate in place
  7. The flow of this type of energy is known as heat
  8. Your _______ on the moon would be 16% of your _______ on Earth
  9. Mass per unit volume
  10. This type of energy is also known as light energy
  1. the ability of one material to dissolve in another
  2. Ability to be hammered or rolled into thin sheets
  3. this state of matter has a definite volume, but no definite shape
  4. The amount of matter in an object
  5. A solid that forms when two liquids combine
  6. The energy an electric current carries
  7. you can use this method to find the volume of an irregularly shaped object
  8. The ability to cause change
  9. Type of energy stored and released in the nucleus of an atom

19 Clues: A fossil fuelEnergy due to motionMass per unit volumeThe ability to cause changeThe amount of matter in an objectThe energy an electric current carriesA solid that forms when two liquids combineThe flow of this type of energy is known as heatAbility to be hammered or rolled into thin sheetsThis type of energy is also known as light energy...

08CW-Reaction Vocabulary 2024-01-22

08CW-Reaction Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Solid that forms from a solution Ex. Milk & vinegar = cottage cheese
  2. Left of arrow; substance that participates in a reaction
  3. Group of symbols that show the number and kinds of atoms in a compound Ex. CO2
  4. yields (-->) in chemical reaction; means “reacts to produce”
  5. Energy(usually heat) is ABSORBED and required for a chemical reaction
  1. Chemical bonds between atoms are broken or formed creating new substances with different properties
  2. Represents a chemical reaction using symbols to show a relationship between reactants and products
  3. Energy(usually heat) is RELEASED to the surroundings in a chemical reaction
  4. Law Conservation of ___(Law COE)states Energy is not created or destroyed…it only changes forms
  5. Law Conservation of ___(Law COM)states Mass is not created or destroyed…it only changes forms
  6. Changes in temperature, sound, or light
  7. Right of arrow; substance that is formed

12 Clues: Changes in temperature, sound, or lightRight of arrow; substance that is formedLeft of arrow; substance that participates in a reactionyields (-->) in chemical reaction; means “reacts to produce”Solid that forms from a solution Ex. Milk & vinegar = cottage cheeseEnergy(usually heat) is ABSORBED and required for a chemical reaction...

Energy 2022-03-07

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. A good ______ resists the flow of energy.
  2. Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum, Propane, and Uranium are all examples of what kind of energy?
  3. What type of energy is stored in the bonds between atoms?
  4. What type of energy is from electromagnetic rays?
  5. Which type of energy transformation would be from water boiling in a pan?
  6. What type of energy comes out of every energy transformation?
  7. What type of energy is the movement of electrons?
  8. What type of energy is in motion?
  9. What type of energy is stored?
  10. What is the unit of power?
  1. Wind, Geothermal, Hydropower, Solar, and Biomass are all examples of what kind of energy?
  2. Energy ____________ is how much energy that comes through that is used and not wasted on thermal.
  3. Which type of energy transformation would from a microwave?
  4. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can just changed forms is the definition of the law of ___________ of energy.
  5. Which type of energy transformation would be from a spoon sitting in a hot cup of soup?
  6. Energy _______ appliances use advanced technologies that use less energy and water than standard models.
  7. What type of light bulb is the least efficient?
  8. A good ______ easily allows energy to flow through.

18 Clues: What is the unit of power?What type of energy is stored?What type of energy is in motion?A good ______ resists the flow of energy.What type of light bulb is the least efficient?What type of energy is from electromagnetic rays?What type of energy is the movement of electrons?A good ______ easily allows energy to flow through....

Topic 3 Test- Allie 2024-04-23

Topic 3 Test- Allie crossword puzzle
  1. Force exerted on an object that causes it to move
  2. The energy of electrical charges
  3. A form of potential energy that is stored in chemical bonds between atoms.
  4. The most of something
  5. The rate at which one form of energy is transformed into another
  6. To turn on one point
  7. The energy an object has because of its position; also the internal stored energy of an object, such as energy stored in chemical bonds
  8. The total kinetic and potential energy of all the particles of an object
  9. The energy of stretched or compressed objects
  10. In between
  11. The rule that energy cannot be created or destroyed
  1. _____,_______,and_________ are all forms of energy.p.g 91
  2. Energy that an object has due to its motion
  3. Potential energy that depends on the height of an object
  4. A push or a pull
  5. The energy transferred through space by electromagnetic waves
  6. Kinetic or potential energy associated with the motion or position of an object
  7. The transfer of energy into the thermal energy of an object is called _____. p.g 111
  8. Because of
  9. The potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  10. The ability to do work or cause change
  11. The kinetic energy of an object depends on both its _____ and its _____. p.g 101
  12. Energy is measured in ______-the same units as work.p.g 96
  13. Kinetic energy is easy to observe because there is _______ involved. p.g 103
  14. The state in which one object’s distance from another is changing

25 Clues: Because ofIn betweenA push or a pullTo turn on one pointThe most of somethingThe energy of electrical chargesThe ability to do work or cause changeEnergy that an object has due to its motionThe energy of stretched or compressed objectsForce exerted on an object that causes it to moveThe rule that energy cannot be created or destroyed...

~Energy Forms & Heat Transfer~ 2022-09-15

~Energy Forms & Heat Transfer~ crossword puzzle
  1. as an object's temperature _________, it's kinetic energy increases
  2. stored energy
  3. heat transferred through the circular motion of fluids
  4. the type of energy in food
  5. mass & ________ affect gravitational potential energy
  6. energy in motion
  7. the amount of thermal energy an object contains
  1. the amount of matter in an object
  2. heat transferred through electromagnetic waves; no contact is required
  3. the units of measurement for energy
  4. energy stored in the nucleus of an atom- can be released when nuclei are combined or split apart
  5. the ability to do work
  6. a change from one energy form to another
  7. are heat and temperature the same?
  8. the distance traveled per unit of time (d/t)
  9. heat transferred through direct contact

16 Clues: stored energyenergy in motionthe ability to do workthe type of energy in foodthe amount of matter in an objectare heat and temperature the same?the units of measurement for energyheat transferred through direct contacta change from one energy form to anotherthe distance traveled per unit of time (d/t)the amount of thermal energy an object contains...

Changes in Energy 2024-04-03

Changes in Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Sound waves can travel through all kinds of what?
  2. What is the measure of the energy transferred from one object to another to move the object?
  3. Energy can ______ from one form to another.
  4. As a wave moves away from its source, it gets ______ and carries less energy.
  5. What is the energy of motion?
  6. What is another word for substance?
  7. The _______ of a wave determines how much energy it is carrying.
  8. What is energy that we can see?
  9. Sound waves carry energy from one ______ to another.
  1. How does sound energy travel?
  2. When you cook, ______ energy transfers from the pan to the food.
  3. What is stored energy?
  4. The flow of thermal energy between substances that are touching is what?
  5. The _______ that food gains causes it to change from raw to cooked.
  6. What is energy that we can hear?
  7. Your body changes energy stored in ______ into forms of energy your body can use.

16 Clues: What is stored energy?How does sound energy travel?What is the energy of motion?What is energy that we can see?What is energy that we can hear?What is another word for substance?Energy can ______ from one form to another.Sound waves can travel through all kinds of what?Sound waves carry energy from one ______ to another....

Environmental science 2021-09-06

Environmental science crossword puzzle
  1. a compound found mainly in living things.
  2. the energy needed to start a chemical reaction.
  3. it is a latin word that means knowledge.
  4. is the main element in organic compound.
  5. ability to do work.
  6. organized body of knowledge that is obtained by study and experimentation.
  7. a substance that forms as a result of a chemical reaction.
  8. the protective blanket of gases surrounding the earth.
  9. unit work of energy in the International System of Units.
  10. the sum of all the biochemical reactions in an organism.
  11. Is a a substance that consist of two or more element
  12. the concentration of hydronium ions in a solution.
  13. comprises all types of water resources oceans, lakes, seas, rivers, streams, reservoirs,icecaps, glaciers, and groundwaters.
  14. a substance that starts a chemical reaction.
  15. the rate at which energy is used.
  1. developing knew knowledge based upon old knowledge.
  2. a force that holds molecules together.
  3. the outer mantle of the solid earth.
  4. anything that takes up space and has mass.
  5. type of biochemical reactions that breakdowns molecules into smaller units and release energy.
  6. these reactions build up bigger molecules from smaller ones.
  7. The study of the interactions between life and its physical environment.
  8. a test that is used to rule out a hypothesis or validate something already known.
  9. A widely accepted hypothesis that stands the test of time. Theories are oftentested and usually not rejected.
  10. is the study of energy.
  11. is a pure substance.
  12. needed by all known forms of life.
  13. where life operates.
  14. the unit of power.
  15. are tiny units that make up all matter in the universe and energy what holds the nucleus together.

30 Clues: the unit of power.ability to do a pure substance.where life the study of energy.the rate at which energy is used.needed by all known forms of life.the outer mantle of the solid earth.a force that holds molecules is a latin word that means the main element in organic compound....

thermal energy 2019-01-15

thermal energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules of substances (e.g., food, biomass, petroleum, natural gas, and propane contain stored chemical energy)
  2. transfer of heat through direct contact from a warmer substance to a cooler substance
  3. states that energy is neither created or destroyed; it only changes forms
  4. transfer of thermal energy, in a liquid or gas, in which the warmer substance rises and the cooler substance sinks; forms a current
  5. measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance
  1. the transfer of energy from a light source (e.g. solar, light bulb)
  2. process of energy changing from one form to another
  3. transfer of thermal energy between substances that are at different temperatures
  4. the ability to cause change or do work
  5. transfer of energy from one object or substance to another
  6. The kinetic energy resulting from the motion of particles that is transferred by heat:associated with the temperature of substances.

11 Clues: the ability to cause change or do workprocess of energy changing from one form to anothertransfer of energy from one object or substance to anotherthe transfer of energy from a light source (e.g. solar, light bulb)measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance...

Science VOCAB WORDS TO REMEMBER 2022-05-13

Science VOCAB WORDS TO REMEMBER crossword puzzle
  1. indicates the number of energy levels
  2. dense part of the atom
  3. birthplace of stars
  4. variety of organisms
  5. ability to resist change in motion
  6. map that shows areas of the same elevation
  7. outermost electrons
  8. nonliving part of an ecosystem
  9. slows down motion
  10. boundary that forms a trench
  11. 75% of the moon is visible
  12. forms over warm ocean water
  1. no nucleus
  2. can make their own food
  3. speed and direction
  4. front that brings thunderstorms
  5. spinning of the earth
  6. tells the temperature of a star
  7. highest high tide and lowest low tide
  8. plates moving away

20 Clues: no nucleusslows down motionplates moving awaybirthplace of starsspeed and directionoutermost electronsvariety of organismsspinning of the earthdense part of the atomcan make their own food75% of the moon is visibleforms over warm ocean waterboundary that forms a trenchnonliving part of an ecosystemfront that brings thunderstorms...

APES Crossword 2022-05-06

APES Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the sequence of consumption from producers through tertiary consumers
  2. the process by which cells convert glucose and oxygen into energy, carbon dioxide, and
  3. an organism that is incapable of photosynthesis and must obtain its energy by consuming other organisms; also known as an heterotroph
  4. the diversity of life forms in an environment
  5. in a scientific investigation, a group that experiences exactly the same conditions as the
  6. an organism that uses the energy of the Sun to produce usable forms of energy; also known as a
  7. derived from human activities
  8. bodies and waste products and convert it into inorganic ammonium (NH4+)
  9. or biochemical properties
  10. crops are produced
  11. a group of organisms that is distinct from other groups in its morphology (body form and structure),
  12. the movement of nitrogen around the biosphere
  13. the process by which fungal and bacterial decomposers break down the organic nitrogen found
  14. the process by which cells convert glucose into energy in the absence of oxygen
  1. the processes by which life-supporting resources such as clean water, timber, fisheries, and
  2. living
  3. a consumer that eats other consumers
  4. a measure of how much an individual consumes, expressed in area of land
  5. the region of our planet where life resides, the combination of all ecosystems on Earth
  6. a complex model of how energy and matter move between trophic levels
  7. the process by which producers incorporate elements into their tissues
  8. except for the single variable under study
  9. the process by which cells unlock the energy of chemical compounds
  10. the movement of carbon around the biosphere
  11. all land in a given landscape that drains into a particular stream, river, lake, or wetland
  12. nonliving

26 Clues: livingnonlivingcrops are producedor biochemical propertiesderived from human activitiesa consumer that eats other consumersexcept for the single variable under studythe movement of carbon around the biospherethe diversity of life forms in an environmentthe movement of nitrogen around the biosphere...

Biogeochemical Cycles 2025-02-07

Biogeochemical Cycles crossword puzzle
  1. The fourth most abundant element in the universe and essential to life on Earth
  2. Process by which water changes from a liquid into a gas
  3. Process by which droplets of water fall to Earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail
  4. The breaking down of materials by rotting, decay, or microorganisms
  5. The most abundant element in the atmosphere, it is essential for life
  6. Cycle Process in which water circulates between Earth’s oceans, atmosphere, and land
  7. Carbon molecules bonded to hydrogen molecules
  8. Precipitation not absorbed into soil that moved to water collection points
  9. A system that changes atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms
  10. Carbohydrates(glucose) are used to make ATP energy for metabolic reactions
  11. Carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight yields glucose and oxygen
  12. Nitrifying bacteria convert unusable forms of soil nitrogen into useable forms
  1. Microscopic marine plants that use carbon to make shells of calcium carbonate
  2. Matter originating from a living organism; contains hydrocarbons
  3. Process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water
  4. Cycle A system that transfers carbon from one part of the environment to another
  5. The process of burning something
  6. Turning atmospheric nitrogen into useable forms
  7. Glucose and oxygen yield carbon dioxide, water, and ATP energy
  8. A process by which green plants turn carbon dioxide into carbohydrates
  9. The downward movement of water from land surfaces into soil or porous rock

21 Clues: The process of burning somethingCarbon molecules bonded to hydrogen moleculesTurning atmospheric nitrogen into useable formsProcess by which water changes from a liquid into a gasA system that changes atmospheric nitrogen into usable formsCarbon dioxide, water, and sunlight yields glucose and oxygen...

science 2022-06-01

science crossword puzzle
  1. the type of rock that forms from an existing rock that is changed by heat, pressure, or chemical reactions
  2. sediments that are pressed together under their own weight
  3. the ability to do work or cause change
  4. sedimentary rocks formed from sand
  5. a series of processes on the surface and inside earth that slowly changes rocks from one kind to another
  6. metamorphic rock formed from heat and pressure
  7. the preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past
  8. the type of rock that forms from the cooling of molten rock at or below the surface
  9. The process by which water, ice, wind, or gravity moves weathered particles of rock and soil
  10. a usually light-colored igneous rock that is found in continental crusts
  1. a layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of earth
  2. the primary source of energy for the rock cycle
  3. the ratio of the mass of a substance to its volume
  4. liquid magma that reaches the surface
  5. the force pushing on a surface divided by the area of that surface
  6. igneous rock that looks like cheese
  7. the layer of rock that forms the earth's outer surface
  8. the look and feel of a rock
  9. a naturally occuring, inorganic solid that has a crystal structure and definite chemical composition
  10. the Molton mixture of rock
  11. the transfer of energy bu electromagnetic waves

21 Clues: the Molton mixture of rockthe look and feel of a rocksedimentary rocks formed from sandigneous rock that looks like cheeseliquid magma that reaches the surfacethe ability to do work or cause changemetamorphic rock formed from heat and pressurethe primary source of energy for the rock cyclethe transfer of energy bu electromagnetic waves...

Biology crossword 2019-11-25

Biology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The chemical breakdown of substances
  2. respiration use oxygen to produce food
  3. does not require oxygen
  4. uses light energy to make molecules needed for photosynthesis
  5. respiration and energy production occur here
  6. carries energy within the cell
  7. the breakdown of glucose, releases energy
  8. glucose and carbon are converted into cellular energy
  1. Where light-dependent reaction takes place
  2. chain Transports electrons from NADH to oxygen
  3. produces oxygen and glucose
  4. The sequence of reactions which most cells get energy from
  5. a pathway with linked chemical reactions occuring in a cell
  6. odorless gas produced by repiration
  7. converts glucose, fructose, and sucrose into cellular energy
  8. vital for all known forms of life
  9. where photosynthesis takes place
  10. requires oxygen
  11. life-supporting component in the air
  12. a simple sugar which is an important energy source
  13. the supportive tissue of an organ
  14. Cycle refers to the light-independent reactions in photosynthesis

22 Clues: requires oxygendoes not require oxygenproduces oxygen and glucosecarries energy within the cellwhere photosynthesis takes placevital for all known forms of lifethe supportive tissue of an organodorless gas produced by repirationThe chemical breakdown of substanceslife-supporting component in the airrespiration use oxygen to produce food...

Energy crossword puzzle 2020-03-10

Energy crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. energy stored in an object under stress
  2. energy from vibrations
  3. energy an object with mass has in relation to another object due to gravity
  4. stored energy
  5. electromagnetic waves
  6. the ability to do work
  7. heat energy
  1. electricity
  2. states energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes forms
  3. energy a substance or system has because of it's motion
  4. energy in motion
  5. energy stored in the bonds of chemicals
  6. energy produced by the sun or light bulbs

13 Clues: electricityheat energystored energyenergy in motionelectromagnetic wavesenergy from vibrationsthe ability to do workenergy stored in an object under stressenergy stored in the bonds of chemicalsenergy produced by the sun or light bulbsenergy a substance or system has because of it's motion...

6 Weeks test 2022-05-02

6 Weeks test crossword puzzle
  1. The "\t" is the equivalent of pressing the _____ key on the keyboard
  2. The amount of electrical charge flowing past a specific point in the circuit
  3. A component that generates a current proportional to quantity of light absorbed
  4. Components that change other types of energy into electrical energy and vice versa
  5. A state in code that means "there is voltage on this pin"
  1. Components that change other forms of energy into electrical energy
  2. A ____________ sensor is a component that outputs a changing voltage depending on what degree it senses
  3. How much a component resists the flow of electrical energy
  4. Components that convert electrical energy into other forms of energy
  5. The difference in energy between one point in a circuit and another
  6. A component that interrupts the flow of electricity
  7. A state in code that means "there is no voltage on this pin"

12 Clues: A component that interrupts the flow of electricityA state in code that means "there is voltage on this pin"How much a component resists the flow of electrical energyA state in code that means "there is no voltage on this pin"Components that change other forms of energy into electrical energy...

Year 8 Science Revision 2022-11-22

Year 8 Science Revision crossword puzzle
  1. the energy released during nuclear fission or fusion
  2. rock that forms when exposed to weathering and erosion
  1. energy stored in an object due to its height above earth
  2. Kinetic energy formula
  3. a kind of kinetic energy that makes light visible
  4. the energy an object has because of its motion
  5. when plants absorb sunlight and turn it into food
  6. Vibrations moving through something eg Sound
  7. rock that forms when exposed to heat and pressure
  8. Mass x gravity x height
  9. rock that form from lava cooling

11 Clues: Kinetic energy formulaMass x gravity x heightrock that form from lava coolingVibrations moving through something eg Soundthe energy an object has because of its motiona kind of kinetic energy that makes light visiblewhen plants absorb sunlight and turn it into foodrock that forms when exposed to heat and pressure...

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2020-12-10

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. energy that is created from the sun to create other energy
  2. energy in the core of an atom
  3. in physics it is the capacity of doing work and it can be found in kinetic, potential,electrical, thermal, and other various forms
  4. the moment before an object is in motion
  5. the movment of electrons in a current
  6. stored energy waiting to be used
  7. an object slowing down the flow of another object's energy, electricity, heat, etc
  8. an object helping another object to share or produce more energy, electricity, heat, etc
  1. energy from moving water to create electricity
  2. energy that has a fluent, non stop motion
  3. energy due to motion
  4. heat energy
  5. light energy
  6. the energy of a moving object
  7. heat energy within the earth

15 Clues: heat energylight energyenergy due to motionheat energy within the earthenergy in the core of an atomthe energy of a moving objectstored energy waiting to be usedthe movment of electrons in a currentthe moment before an object is in motionenergy that has a fluent, non stop motionenergy from moving water to create electricity...

science 2016-06-10

science crossword puzzle
  1. sampling small bugs living in bushes
  2. kinetic, heat, light these are all forms of energy
  3. an energy name starting with k
  4. eats both plants and animals
  5. mixing acids and alkalis together
  6. 7 on a ph scale
  7. can catch fire
  8. theres no more left
  1. alkalis are ____on the ph scale
  2. your heart pumps this around your body
  3. the colour of strong acid is
  4. over 7 on a ph scale
  5. energy name starts with g
  6. eats only plants
  7. when a toxic hazard is on a substance it is..
  8. an environment were organisms are safe
  9. for sampling the percentage cover of plants on the ground
  10. units of energy
  11. above 7 on a ph scale
  12. how many chambers are there in a heart

20 Clues: can catch fireunits of energy7 on a ph scaleeats only plantstheres no more leftover 7 on a ph scaleabove 7 on a ph scaleenergy name starts with gthe colour of strong acid iseats both plants and animalsan energy name starting with kalkalis are ____on the ph scalemixing acids and alkalis togethersampling small bugs living in bushes...

Conservation of Energy Vocabulary Assignment 2025-01-07

Conservation of Energy Vocabulary Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
  2. energy: energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  3. applying a force to move or change something.
  4. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time).
  5. equal to 1 Joule per second.
  6. Machine: A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  7. Potential energy: energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter. It is used to keep atoms bonded together.
  8. Ratio of output work to input work
  9. Potential energy: energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  10. Energy (KE): energy of motion.
  11. transfer: The movement of energy
  12. of Conservation of Energy: energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change forms
  1. Energy (PE): stored energy of position
  2. is the ability to do work.
  3. hour: equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour.
  4. Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines
  5. Potential Energy (PEg): energy stored in an object as a result of its height.
  6. Dissipation: loss of energy
  7. transformation: the conversion of energy from one form to another.

19 Clues: is the ability to do work.Dissipation: loss of energyequal to 1 Joule per second.Energy (KE): energy of motion.transfer: The movement of energyRatio of output work to input workEnergy (PE): stored energy of positionapplying a force to move or change something.Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines...

Energy Vocab 2025-01-08

Energy Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
  2. energy: energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  3. applying a force to move or change something.
  4. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time).
  5. equal to 1 Joule per second.
  6. Machine: A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  7. Potential energy: energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter. It is used to keep atoms bonded together.
  8. Ratio of output work to input work
  9. Potential energy: energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  10. Energy (KE): energy of motion.
  11. transfer: The movement of energy
  12. of Conservation of Energy: energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change forms
  1. Energy (PE): stored energy of position
  2. is the ability to do work.
  3. hour: equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour.
  4. Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines
  5. Potential Energy (PEg): energy stored in an object as a result of its height.
  6. Dissipation: loss of energy
  7. transformation: the conversion of energy from one form to another.

19 Clues: is the ability to do work.Dissipation: loss of energyequal to 1 Joule per second.Energy (KE): energy of motion.transfer: The movement of energyRatio of output work to input workEnergy (PE): stored energy of positionapplying a force to move or change something.Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines...

Energy Vocabulary 2025-01-08

Energy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
  2. energy: energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  3. applying a force to move or change something.
  4. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time).
  5. equal to 1 Joule per second.
  6. Machine: A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  7. Potential energy: energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter. It is used to keep atoms bonded together.
  8. Ratio of output work to input work
  9. Potential energy: energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  10. Energy (KE): energy of motion.
  11. transfer: The movement of energy
  12. of Conservation of Energy: energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change forms
  1. Energy (PE): stored energy of position
  2. is the ability to do work.
  3. hour: equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour.
  4. Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines
  5. Potential Energy (PEg): energy stored in an object as a result of its height.
  6. Dissipation: loss of energy
  7. transformation: the conversion of energy from one form to another.

19 Clues: is the ability to do work.Dissipation: loss of energyequal to 1 Joule per second.Energy (KE): energy of motion.transfer: The movement of energyRatio of output work to input workEnergy (PE): stored energy of positionapplying a force to move or change something.Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines...

Conservation of Energy Vocabulary Assignment 2025-01-08

Conservation of Energy Vocabulary Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
  2. energy: energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  3. applying a force to move or change something.
  4. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time)
  5. equal to 1 Joule per second.
  6. Machine: A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  7. Potential energy: energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter. It is used to keep atoms bonded together.
  8. Ratio of output work to input work
  9. Potential energy: energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  10. Energy (KE): energy of motion.
  11. transfer: The movement of energy
  12. of Conservation of Energy: energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change forms
  1. Energy (PE): stored energy of position
  2. is the ability to do work.
  3. hour: equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour.
  4. Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines
  5. Potential Energy (PEg): energy stored in an object as a result of its height.
  6. Dissipation: loss of energy
  7. transformation: the conversion of energy from one form to another.

19 Clues: is the ability to do work.Dissipation: loss of energyequal to 1 Joule per second.Energy (KE): energy of motion.transfer: The movement of energyRatio of output work to input workEnergy (PE): stored energy of positionapplying a force to move or change something.Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines...

science: Vocab words 2025-01-09

science: Vocab words crossword puzzle
  1. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
  2. energy: energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  3. applying a force to move or change something.
  4. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time).
  5. equal to 1 Joule per second.
  6. Machine: A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  7. Potential energy: energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter. It is used to keep atoms bonded together.
  8. Ratio of output work to input work
  9. Potential energy: energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  10. Energy (KE): energy of motion.
  11. transfer: The movement of energy
  12. of Conservation of Energy: energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change forms
  1. Energy (PE): stored energy of position
  2. is the ability to do work.
  3. hour: equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour.
  4. Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines
  5. Potential Energy (PEg): energy stored in an object as a result of its height.
  6. Dissipation: loss of energy
  7. transformation: the conversion of energy from one form to another.

19 Clues: is the ability to do work.Dissipation: loss of energyequal to 1 Joule per second.Energy (KE): energy of motion.transfer: The movement of energyRatio of output work to input workEnergy (PE): stored energy of positionapplying a force to move or change something.Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines...

energy vocab 2025-01-08

energy vocab crossword puzzle
  1. defined as the amount of energy exerted when a force of one newton is applied over a displacement of one meter.
  2. energy: energy that an object has due to its motion or position.
  3. applying a force to move or change something.
  4. the rate at which energy is used (the amount of energy consumed per unit time).
  5. equal to 1 Joule per second.
  6. Machine: A machine that does work with only one movement of the machine
  7. Potential energy: energy stored within the bonds between atoms of matter. It is used to keep atoms bonded together.
  8. Ratio of output work to input work
  9. Potential energy: energy stored within the nucleus of an atom. It is energy that keeps the subatomic particles of the atomic nucleus together.
  10. Energy (KE): energy of motion.
  11. transfer: The movement of energy
  12. of Conservation of Energy: energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change forms
  1. Energy (PE): stored energy of position
  2. is the ability to do work.
  3. hour: equals the energy consumed by a 1,000 watt device that is operating for 1 hour.
  4. Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines
  5. Potential Energy (PEg): energy stored in an object as a result of its height.
  6. Dissipation: loss of energy
  7. transformation: the conversion of energy from one form to another.

19 Clues: is the ability to do work.Dissipation: loss of energyequal to 1 Joule per second.Energy (KE): energy of motion.transfer: The movement of energyRatio of output work to input workEnergy (PE): stored energy of positionapplying a force to move or change something.Machine: Combination of two or more simple machines...

08CW-Reaction Vocab 2024-01-22

08CW-Reaction Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Solid that forms from a solution Ex. Milk & vinegar = cottage cheese
  2. Left of arrow; substance that participates in a reaction
  3. Group of symbols that show the number and kinds of atoms in a compound Ex. CO2
  4. yields (-->) in chemical reaction; means “reacts to produce”
  5. Energy(usually heat) is ABSORBED and required for a chemical reaction
  1. Chemical bonds between atoms are broken or formed creating new substances with different properties
  2. Represents a chemical reaction using symbols to show a relationship between reactants and products
  3. Energy(usually heat) is RELEASED to the surroundings in a chemical reaction
  4. Law Conservation of ___(Law COE)states Energy is not created or destroyed…it only changes forms
  5. Law Conservation of ___(Law COM)states Mass is not created or destroyed…it only changes forms
  6. Changes in temperature, sound, or light
  7. Right of arrow; substance that is formed

12 Clues: Changes in temperature, sound, or lightRight of arrow; substance that is formedLeft of arrow; substance that participates in a reactionyields (-->) in chemical reaction; means “reacts to produce”Solid that forms from a solution Ex. Milk & vinegar = cottage cheeseEnergy(usually heat) is ABSORBED and required for a chemical reaction...

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-13

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 5 Forms of energy. Mechanical, Electrical, Light, Thermal, Sound
  2. energy Energy we can feel, heat energy
  3. circuit an electrical circuit that is not complete.
  4. energy Energy caused by the movement of electrons.
  5. A material that does not allow heat or electrons to move through it easily.
  6. source The item in a circuit that causes the electrons to flow. (ex. Battery)
  7. Allowing SOME light to pass through
  8. energy energy of motion or position
  9. allowing all light to pass through
  1. A material that allows heat and electricity to pass through it.
  2. energy Energy we can see, in the form of moving waves of light
  3. No light able to pass through
  4. light bounces off an object.
  5. circuit An electric circuit with a single path
  6. a path for an electrical current to flow around
  7. circuit A circuit that contains more than one path for current flow.
  8. circuit a complete circuit through which electricity flows
  9. to bend light so that it looks like it is broken
  10. energy energy we can hear, caused by vibrations in the air.

19 Clues: light bounces off an object.No light able to pass throughallowing all light to pass throughAllowing SOME light to pass throughenergy energy of motion or positionenergy Energy we can feel, heat energycircuit An electric circuit with a single patha path for an electrical current to flow aroundto bend light so that it looks like it is broken...

Biology Crossword 2024-10-15

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Feed on Detritus often chewing or grinding them into even smaller pieces
  2. A group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area
  3. Network of food chains (feeding interactions)
  4. Must acquire energy from other forms by ingesting them one way or another
  5. factor Physical components of an ecosystem. Non-biological
  6. Animals whose diets naturally include a variety of different foods that includes both plants and animals
  7. Chemical energy is used to produce carbohydrates
  8. Kill and eat other animals
  9. Autotrophs that are the first producers of energy rich compounds that are later used by other organisms
  10. Captures light energy and uses it to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and energy rich carbs such as sugars and starches
  1. Small pieces of dead and decaying plant and animal remains
  2. Primary producers that are a mixture of floating algae
  3. All the organisms that live in a place together with their physical environment
  4. An assemblage of different populations that live together in a defined area
  5. Feed by chemically breaking down organic matter
  6. A group of ecosystems that share similar climates and typical organisms
  7. Contains all life on Earth and all parts of the Earth in which life exists including land water and atmosphere
  8. The scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their physical environment
  9. Series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten
  10. Obtain energy and nutrients by eating plants leaves, roots, seeds, or fruits
  11. Animals that consume the carcasses of other animals that have been killed by predators or have died from other causes
  12. Group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring
  13. Biological influences on organisms
  14. Organisms that can capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and convert it into forms that living cells can use (algae, certain bacteria, and plants)
  15. Organisms that rely on other organisms for energy and nutrients (Hetrotrophs)

25 Clues: Kill and eat other animalsBiological influences on organismsNetwork of food chains (feeding interactions)Feed by chemically breaking down organic matterChemical energy is used to produce carbohydratesPrimary producers that are a mixture of floating algaeSmall pieces of dead and decaying plant and animal remains...

Biology Crossword 2024-10-15

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Feed on Detritus often chewing or grinding them into even smaller pieces
  2. A group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area
  3. Network of food chains (feeding interactions)
  4. Must acquire energy from other forms by ingesting them one way or another
  5. factor Physical components of an ecosystem. Non-biological
  6. Animals whose diets naturally include a variety of different foods that includes both plants and animals
  7. Chemical energy is used to produce carbohydrates
  8. Kill and eat other animals
  9. Autotrophs that are the first producers of energy rich compounds that are later used by other organisms
  10. Captures light energy and uses it to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and energy rich carbs such as sugars and starches
  1. Small pieces of dead and decaying plant and animal remains
  2. Primary producers that are a mixture of floating algae
  3. All the organisms that live in a place together with their physical environment
  4. An assemblage of different populations that live together in a defined area
  5. Feed by chemically breaking down organic matter
  6. A group of ecosystems that share similar climates and typical organisms
  7. Contains all life on Earth and all parts of the Earth in which life exists including land water and atmosphere
  8. The scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their physical environment
  9. Series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten
  10. Obtain energy and nutrients by eating plants leaves, roots, seeds, or fruits
  11. Animals that consume the carcasses of other animals that have been killed by predators or have died from other causes
  12. Group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring
  13. Biological influences on organisms
  14. Organisms that can capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and convert it into forms that living cells can use (algae, certain bacteria, and plants)
  15. Organisms that rely on other organisms for energy and nutrients (Hetrotrophs)

25 Clues: Kill and eat other animalsBiological influences on organismsNetwork of food chains (feeding interactions)Feed by chemically breaking down organic matterChemical energy is used to produce carbohydratesPrimary producers that are a mixture of floating algaeSmall pieces of dead and decaying plant and animal remains...

Energy 2022-03-25

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. the energy stored in chemical bonds
  2. readily available, replaced quickly or continually (ex:wind, solar, and geothermal)
  3. a liquid fossil fuel with a thick viscious texture
  4. the cleanest burning of fossil fuels and abundant to the u.s
  5. the breaking up of an atom's nuclei
  6. the energy stored in forces holding atomic nuclei together
  7. the energy emitted in the form of waves of the electromagnetic spectrum
  8. plant in ukraine exploded exposing a nulcear reactor core
  9. the energy of motion the energy from a bowling ball
  1. involves joining of 2 atomic nuclei
  2. the energy required to move/change an object's
  3. can never be replaced or are replaced slow (ex: all fossil fuels)
  4. pushes oil to the surface requiring no additional action
  5. energy from an object due to position or shape
  6. use approximately 100 times more energy per person than those with little industry
  7. energy associated with the movement/flow of electrons
  8. commonly used process for converting stored chemical energy into forms we can use for other things
  9. the energy in the movement of molecules
  10. coal is most commonly used for

19 Clues: coal is most commonly used forinvolves joining of 2 atomic nucleithe energy stored in chemical bondsthe breaking up of an atom's nucleithe energy in the movement of moleculesthe energy required to move/change an object'senergy from an object due to position or shapea liquid fossil fuel with a thick viscious texture...

Chapter 4 Lesson 1 Observing Chemical Change 2024-01-10

Chapter 4 Lesson 1 Observing Chemical Change crossword puzzle
  1. the two kinds of properties of matter
  2. Type of Pharmacist that develops new drugs
  3. any change that alters the form of a substance
  4. type of superglue that forms super strong bonds when it comes into contact with water vapor
  5. substances that undergo the chemical changes
  6. paper that has been burned has undergone a
  7. metal a metal that acts like a plastic but is stronger then titanium
  8. honeybees drink this from flowers to make honey
  9. an example of a chemical change
  1. type of reaction where energy is released
  2. the new substances formed from a chemical change
  3. the atoms rearrange to form new substances
  4. form of energy used in cooking
  5. a solid that forms from liquids during a chemical reaction
  6. type of reaction where energy is absorbed

15 Clues: form of energy used in cookingan example of a chemical changethe two kinds of properties of mattertype of reaction where energy is releasedtype of reaction where energy is absorbedthe atoms rearrange to form new substancesType of Pharmacist that develops new drugspaper that has been burned has undergone asubstances that undergo the chemical changes...

Year 8 Science Revision 2022-11-22

Year 8 Science Revision crossword puzzle
  1. the energy released during nuclear fission or fusion
  2. rock that forms when exposed to weathering and erosion
  1. energy stored in an object due to its height above earth
  2. Kinetic energy formula
  3. a kind of kinetic energy that makes light visible
  4. the energy an object has because of its motion
  5. when plants absorb sunlight and turn it into food
  6. Vibrations moving through something eg Sound
  7. rock that forms when exposed to heat and pressure
  8. Mass x gravity x height
  9. rock that form from lava cooling

11 Clues: Kinetic energy formulaMass x gravity x heightrock that form from lava coolingVibrations moving through something eg Soundthe energy an object has because of its motiona kind of kinetic energy that makes light visiblewhen plants absorb sunlight and turn it into foodrock that forms when exposed to heat and pressure...