forms of energy Crossword Puzzles

Bundle 2: Structure & Properties of Matter Vocabulary Review 2022-12-07

Bundle 2: Structure & Properties of Matter Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that is stored in an object
  2. Energy of motion
  3. a reaction in which heat is absorbed
  4. a reaction in which heat is released
  5. Forms of matter as solid, liquid, & gas
  6. average kinetic energy measured in degrees
  7. state of matter with indefinite volume & shape
  8. sum of all kinetic & potential energy
  1. to strike or hit something with force
  2. state of matter with definite volume, not shape
  3. not chemically reactive
  4. Energy transfer between objects from warmer to cool
  5. energy moving from one system to another
  6. moving steadily & rhythmically
  7. force on matter through contact with matter

15 Clues: Energy of motionnot chemically reactivemoving steadily & rhythmicallyEnergy that is stored in an objecta reaction in which heat is absorbeda reaction in which heat is releasedto strike or hit something with forcesum of all kinetic & potential energyForms of matter as solid, liquid, & gasenergy moving from one system to another...

Energy Review 2021-03-19

Energy Review crossword puzzle
  1. percentage of energy fossil fuels provide to earth
  2. Remains of ancient organisms that with time and pressure converted into coal, oil, or natural gas
  3. Energy forms that can be used directly as they appear in nature
  4. Type of primary energy source
  5. Derived from sources that will run out eventually.
  6. An energy source that can be easily replenished
  7. 5th largest producer in South America
  8. Two necessary elements for the creation of coal
  9. Common type of secondary energy sources
  1. What accelerates acid drainage
  2. The ability to do work
  3. type of countries that use more energy
  4. Energy in a transformed state
  5. Environmental impact due to underground mining
  6. percentage of Ecuador's oil export

15 Clues: The ability to do workEnergy in a transformed stateType of primary energy sourceWhat accelerates acid drainagepercentage of Ecuador's oil export5th largest producer in South Americatype of countries that use more energyCommon type of secondary energy sourcesEnvironmental impact due to underground mining...

Energy 2020-11-14

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. theory of heat
  2. stored atoms and molecules
  3. potential, kinetic, thermal, electric, chemical, nuclear, other various forms
  4. the flow of tiny particles called electrons and protons
  5. potential energy held by an object because of its high position compared to a lower position
  6. space mission
  7. requires oxygen, heat and potential energy
  8. resistance of motion when one object rubs against another
  9. energy made from vibrations
  10. stored in something that has elasticity
  11. keeps our planet warm, and burns us
  1. something that is moving
  2. visible to the human eye
  3. energy stored inside an atom by the forces that hold the two nucleus of the atom
  4. below red light, shorter than microwaves
  5. produced by the movement of molecules in an object
  6. x-rays, beyond violet light
  7. energy that moves from one place to another
  8. electromagnetic radiation

19 Clues: space missiontheory of heatsomething that is movingvisible to the human eyeelectromagnetic radiationstored atoms and moleculesx-rays, beyond violet lightenergy made from vibrationskeeps our planet warm, and burns usstored in something that has elasticitybelow red light, shorter than microwavesrequires oxygen, heat and potential energy...

General Science 2022-08-18

General Science crossword puzzle
  1. the planets located farther from the Sun and do NOT have a solid surface
  2. when two or more populations use the same resource; such as food or space
  3. the type of rock that forms when heat and pressure deep underground changes existing rock
  4. the planets located close to the Sun and have a hard/solid surface
  5. the process of rock breaking down into smaller pieces due to wind or moving water
  6. the part of a plant cell where photosynthesis occurs
  7. the sudden shaking of Earth's surface
  8. a scientific tool used to measure temperature
  9. a cylindrical glass container for use in a science room or laboratory
  10. all of the living and nonliving things that interact in an area
  11. the motion of two tectonic plates as they move toward one another
  12. an organism that is able to use the Sun's energy to create its own food
  13. an organism that must eat another living thing in order to get energy
  14. the temperature at which a liquid becomes a gas
  15. an instrument used for weighing objects
  16. the type of rock that forms when sediment is pressed together
  1. hot liquid rock found below the Earth's surface
  2. the temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid
  3. the motion of two tectonic plates as they move away from one another
  4. the 4th planet from the Sun
  5. the type of energy an object has when it is in motion
  6. a group of atoms joined together in a particular way
  7. an organism that uses dead matter in order to get energy
  8. the ability to make things move or change
  9. evidence of life from the past, such as bones or footprints left behind
  10. the substance that is created through a chemical reaction
  11. the substances needed to create a chemical reaction
  12. the type of rock that forms when magma cools and hardens
  13. living things such as plants, animals and bacteria

29 Clues: the 4th planet from the Sunthe sudden shaking of Earth's surfacean instrument used for weighing objectsthe ability to make things move or changea scientific tool used to measure temperaturehot liquid rock found below the Earth's surfacethe temperature at which a liquid becomes a gasthe temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid...

Sustaining Aotearoa 2022-09-22

Sustaining Aotearoa crossword puzzle
  1. Energy caused by the movement of electrons.
  2. Forms of energy generated from the environment's natural resources: wind, water, sun and geothermal.
  3. Energy caused by an object's vibrations.
  4. Energy of motion
  5. Heat energy derived within the sub-surface of the earth.
  6. Nuclear energy in Te Reo
  1. Energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects.
  2. Potential energy stored in chemical bonds (food, batteries, petrol etc)
  3. Wind energy in Te Reo
  4. Energy of stretched or compressed objects
  5. Steam/vapour in Te Reo
  6. Strong/violent wind in Te Reo
  7. Potential energy that depends on the height of an object

13 Clues: Energy of motionWind energy in Te ReoSteam/vapour in Te ReoNuclear energy in Te ReoStrong/violent wind in Te ReoEnergy caused by an object's vibrations.Energy of stretched or compressed objectsEnergy caused by the movement of electrons.Heat energy derived within the sub-surface of the earth.Potential energy that depends on the height of an object...

forms of government 2019-02-21

forms of government crossword puzzle
  1. In a dictatorship citizens have no __________.
  2. government where one person has all the power.
  3. Citizens ______ a leader into power by doing this.
  4. from of totalitarian. This kind of government is in China.
  5. government with no representatives. Citizens are directly involved in the day to day lawmaking.
  6. form of government where one leader has absolute control over the citizen's lives.
  7. government where the king or queen rules the country.
  8. citizens elect leaders to represent their rights and interests in government.
  9. In a modern constitutional monarchy, the monarchy ____ powers with other parts of the government.
  10. small group of people that rule the country by taking it over using force.
  1. type of monarchy where the king or queen has complete control over the country.
  2. form of government where a small group of people hold all the power.
  3. form of government that puts emphasis on religion.
  4. form of government where the government controls all aspects of life. Citizens have no say.
  5. monarchy where the king or queen's power is shared with the people or limited.
  6. Theocracy can _______ with other forms of government such as a democracy or monarchy.
  7. form of government in the United States
  8. this person is known as the leader in a direct democracy
  9. form of government where no one is in control. Complete chaos.

19 Clues: form of government in the United StatesIn a dictatorship citizens have no __________.government where one person has all the power.form of government that puts emphasis on religion.Citizens ______ a leader into power by doing this.government where the king or queen rules the country.this person is known as the leader in a direct democracy...

Biology Crossword 2024-10-15

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Feed on Detritus often chewing or grinding them into even smaller pieces
  2. A group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area
  3. Network of food chains (feeding interactions)
  4. Must acquire energy from other forms by ingesting them one way or another
  5. factor Physical components of an ecosystem. Non-biological
  6. Animals whose diets naturally include a variety of different foods that includes both plants and animals
  7. Chemical energy is used to produce carbohydrates
  8. Kill and eat other animals
  9. Autotrophs that are the first producers of energy rich compounds that are later used by other organisms
  10. Captures light energy and uses it to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and energy rich carbs such as sugars and starches
  1. Small pieces of dead and decaying plant and animal remains
  2. Primary producers that are a mixture of floating algae
  3. All the organisms that live in a place together with their physical environment
  4. An assemblage of different populations that live together in a defined area
  5. Feed by chemically breaking down organic matter
  6. A group of ecosystems that share similar climates and typical organisms
  7. Contains all life on Earth and all parts of the Earth in which life exists including land water and atmosphere
  8. The scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their physical environment
  9. Series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten
  10. Obtain energy and nutrients by eating plants leaves, roots, seeds, or fruits
  11. Animals that consume the carcasses of other animals that have been killed by predators or have died from other causes
  12. Group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring
  13. Biological influences on organisms
  14. Organisms that can capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and convert it into forms that living cells can use (algae, certain bacteria, and plants)
  15. Organisms that rely on other organisms for energy and nutrients (Hetrotrophs)

25 Clues: Kill and eat other animalsBiological influences on organismsNetwork of food chains (feeding interactions)Feed by chemically breaking down organic matterChemical energy is used to produce carbohydratesPrimary producers that are a mixture of floating algaeSmall pieces of dead and decaying plant and animal remains...

Energy 2022-03-25

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. the energy in the movement of molecules
  2. the energy of motion the energy from a bowling ball
  3. involves joining of 2 atomic nuclei
  4. energy associated with the movement/flow of electrons
  5. the energy emitted in the form of waves of the electromagnetic spectrum
  6. can never be replaced or are replaced slow (ex: all fossil fuels)
  7. the energy stored in forces holding atomic nuclei together
  8. commonly used process for converting stored chemical energy into forms we can use for other things
  9. coal is most commonly used for
  10. a liquid fossil fuel with a thick viscious texture
  1. pushes oil to the surface requiring no additional action
  2. readily available, replaced quickly or continually (ex:wind, solar, and geothermal)
  3. energy from an object due to position or shape
  4. the breaking up of an atom's nuclei
  5. plant in ukraine exploded exposing a nulcear reactor core
  6. the energy stored in chemical bonds
  7. the cleanest burning of fossil fuels and abundant to the u.s
  8. the energy required to move/change an object's

18 Clues: coal is most commonly used forthe breaking up of an atom's nucleiinvolves joining of 2 atomic nucleithe energy stored in chemical bondsthe energy in the movement of moleculesenergy from an object due to position or shapethe energy required to move/change an object'sa liquid fossil fuel with a thick viscious texture...

Chemistry Chapter 6 Review 2015-01-21

Chemistry Chapter 6 Review crossword puzzle
  1. internal energy is a ______function
  2. able to occur without continuing outside help
  3. all energy exchanges between a system are either heat or__________
  4. study of the flow of energy
  5. device for measuring heat flow
  6. ability to do work
  7. the scientific term for solidification is heat of_______
  8. the transfer of energy between objects or systems that are in contact and are at different temperatures
  9. this reaction type involves energy absorption
  10. the heat per unit mass required to melt a substance at its melting point
  1. all chemical reactions involve energy _________
  2. remainder of the universe minus the system
  3. amount of heat per unit mass required to vaporize a substance at its normal boiling point
  4. SI unit of energy and energy transfer
  5. the internal energy plus the product of pressure and volume
  6. portion of the universe or sample being studied
  7. the sum of all the possible forms of energy of all the ions, atoms, and molecules in a system
  8. energy associated with motion
  9. a measure of the disorder in a system
  10. the law of___________of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed
  11. the heat required to cause a unit rise in the temperature of a unit mass of the substance
  12. energy associated with the position of an object relative to a force upon it
  13. this reaction type involves energy release

23 Clues: ability to do workstudy of the flow of energyenergy associated with motiondevice for measuring heat flowinternal energy is a ______functionSI unit of energy and energy transfera measure of the disorder in a systemremainder of the universe minus the systemthis reaction type involves energy releaseable to occur without continuing outside help...

Energy 2025-01-27

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that travel in waves, through matter or even empty space.
  2. Energy from the sun
  3. The ability to do work, which is the ability to make things move or change.
  4. A cell, also known as a solar cell, which can change sunlight energy into electricity.
  5. The release of unwanted materials into the environment
  6. Reflects and focuses sunlight onto a fluid filled pipe
  7. The surroundings of all living things.
  8. A fuel and energy resource that formed over millions of years from the decayed remains of ancient plants and animals
  9. Any material from living things that can be used as an energy source.
  10. The energy stored in bonds that hold atoms together.
  11. The energy of moving electrical charges, specifically electrons.
  12. Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom.
  1. A change from one form of energy to another. All energy can be transformed into other forms.
  2. Energy of moving water
  3. The energy of moving particles like atoms and molecules
  4. A resource that can be replaced as it is used or cannot be used up.
  5. They store electrical energy produced by solar cells
  6. Heat energy from inside the Earth that can be used to heat buildings and produce electricity.
  7. A resource that is used much faster than it can be replaced
  8. Energy of moving air
  9. The energy of moving objects like a car or soccer ball

21 Clues: Energy from the sunEnergy of moving airEnergy of moving waterThe surroundings of all living things.Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom.They store electrical energy produced by solar cellsThe energy stored in bonds that hold atoms together.The release of unwanted materials into the environment...

Mrs. V's Ch. 2 Basic Chemistry Crossword Review 2018-01-13

Mrs. V's Ch. 2 Basic Chemistry Crossword Review crossword puzzle
  1. form of an element with varying neutron number
  2. how energy is lost as energy coverts forms
  3. weak chemical attractions that contribute to the shape of proteins
  4. not soluble in water
  5. general term to name everything; universal “stuff”
  6. stored energy; type in chemical bonds
  7. type of energy in nerve impulses
  8. partially charged molecule
  9. type of electrons involved in bonding
  10. bond where electrons are shared
  11. right upper, for instance
  12. means the same as anterior in humans
  1. number of these identifies an element
  2. different atoms chemically combined together
  3. unreactive atoms
  4. negative particle
  5. charged particles
  6. cavity inferior to the diaphragm
  7. ions dissolved in water
  8. directional term that means farther from the trunk
  9. type of reactions that require energy input
  10. type of activities where molecules are broken down
  11. chest region

23 Clues: chest regionunreactive atomsnegative particlecharged particlesnot soluble in waterions dissolved in waterright upper, for instancepartially charged moleculebond where electrons are sharedcavity inferior to the diaphragmtype of energy in nerve impulsesmeans the same as anterior in humansnumber of these identifies an element...

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2020-12-10

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. light energy
  2. the moment before an object is in motion
  3. the movment of electrons in a current
  4. heat energy
  5. heat energy within the earth
  6. the energy of a moving object
  7. energy from moving water to create electricity
  1. an object helping another object to share or produce more energy, electricity, heat, etc
  2. energy in the core of an atom
  3. stored energy waiting to be used
  4. an object slow down the flow of another objects energy electricity, heat, etc
  5. energy due to motion
  6. in physics it is the capacity of doing work and it can be found in kinetic, potential,electrical, thermal, and other various forms
  7. energy that is created from the sun to create other energy
  8. energy that has a fluent, non stop motion

15 Clues: heat energylight energyenergy due to motionheat energy within the earthenergy in the core of an atomthe energy of a moving objectstored energy waiting to be usedthe movment of electrons in a currentthe moment before an object is in motionenergy that has a fluent, non stop motionenergy from moving water to create electricity...

Energy Crossword Puzzle 2020-12-10

Energy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. energy that is created from the sun to create other energy
  2. energy in the core of an atom
  3. in physics it is the capacity of doing work and it can be found in kinetic, potential,electrical, thermal, and other various forms
  4. the moment before an object is in motion
  5. the movment of electrons in a current
  6. stored energy waiting to be used
  7. an object slowing down the flow of another object's energy, electricity, heat, etc
  8. an object helping another object to share or produce more energy, electricity, heat, etc
  1. energy from moving water to create electricity
  2. energy that has a fluent, non stop motion
  3. energy due to motion
  4. heat energy
  5. light energy
  6. the energy of a moving object
  7. heat energy within the earth

15 Clues: heat energylight energyenergy due to motionheat energy within the earthenergy in the core of an atomthe energy of a moving objectstored energy waiting to be usedthe movment of electrons in a currentthe moment before an object is in motionenergy that has a fluent, non stop motionenergy from moving water to create electricity...

Vocabulary 2023-03-06

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Temperature scale which points of reference are water boiling and melting point
  2. One of the forms thermal energy can be transfer. Occurs when objects are in physical contact
  3. Process in which thermal energy of one object is transferred to other
  4. One of the forms thermal energy can be transfer. Occurs through electromagnetic waves
  5. Device used to measure temperature
  1. One of the forms thermal energy can be transfer. Occurs when liquids or gases are involved
  2. Limits the transfer of thermal energy by conduction. Some exceples are: Wood, cork, wool.
  3. Magnitude related to thermal energy on objects that can be measured
  4. Facilitates the transfer of thermal energy by conduction. Some exceples are: Copper, aluminum, steel

9 Clues: Device used to measure temperatureMagnitude related to thermal energy on objects that can be measuredProcess in which thermal energy of one object is transferred to otherTemperature scale which points of reference are water boiling and melting pointOne of the forms thermal energy can be transfer. Occurs through electromagnetic waves...

7.P.11.2 2017-08-13

7.P.11.2 crossword puzzle
  1. Makes things move. Makes machines work and living things grow.
  2. These are the smallest forms of elements and they have energy when they are moving
  3. This law about energy says that energy is does not just appear and cannot be destroyed
  4. Energy stored in a battery
  5. Get energy from eating food
  6. These fuels are made from dead plants and animals that are millions of year old
  7. Energy that is felt when the sunlight hits a surface
  8. Describes a wide range of observations and experiments
  1. The energy of motion
  2. Stored Energy
  3. When a person eats and then goes running, they have changed chemical energy into this form of energy
  4. The source of most of the energy on earth
  5. This type of energy is created by selecting very “unstable” elements that release a lot of energy
  6. Energy that is associate with atoms
  7. Some old mills and catch this type of energy that is in the air
  8. Energy from the sun that allows us to see

16 Clues: Stored EnergyThe energy of motionEnergy stored in a batteryGet energy from eating foodEnergy that is associate with atomsThe source of most of the energy on earthEnergy from the sun that allows us to seeEnergy that is felt when the sunlight hits a surfaceDescribes a wide range of observations and experiments...

Chemistry of Life 2013-09-20

Chemistry of Life crossword puzzle
  1. a substance that participates in a chemical reaction
  2. biomolecule made of sugars
  3. a mixture in which molecules of one or more substances are evenly distributed
  4. a fat molecule made of carbon and hydrogen
  5. a molecule made up of sugar, base and phosphate group
  6. chains of amino acids that twist and fold into certain shapes that determine what proteins do
  7. single sugar
  8. a molecule that acts as a catalyst in biochemical reactions
  9. water can not dissolve substances
  10. smallest unit of matter
  11. material that contains information that determines inherited characteristics
  12. a compound that forms extra OH- ions
  13. a substance that forms in a chemical reaction
  14. an organic molecule that acts as the main energy source for cell processes
  1. the site that attaches to a substrate
  2. compound that forms extra H+ ions
  3. the minimum amount of energy required to start a chemical reaction
  4. acid a long chain of nucleotide units
  5. the reactant in reactions catalyzed by enzymes
  6. building blocks that link to form proteins
  7. a value that is used to express the acidity or basicity of a system
  8. water is a substance

22 Clues: single sugarsmallest unit of matterbiomolecule made of sugarswater is a substancecompound that forms extra H+ ionsa compound that forms extra OH- ionsthe site that attaches to a substrateacid a long chain of nucleotide unitswater can not dissolve substancesa fat molecule made of carbon and hydrogen...

Thermochemistry Vocab 2016-03-21

Thermochemistry Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Energy transferred between samples of matter due to different temperatures
  2. The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1ºC
  3. The study of energy that changes in chemical reactions and changes of state
  4. Releases heat
  5. A form of potential energy that can be absorbed or released during a chemical reaction
  6. The amount of energy as heat required to change 1 mol of substance from solid to liquid
  7. Absorbs heat
  8. Energy of a body system in relation to the motion of the particles in the system
  9. The total amount of energy remains constant in a system; energy is neither created nor destroyed
  10. The measure of energy in a thermodynamic reaction
  1. A device used to measure the energy as heat absorbed/released in a chemical/physical change
  2. The amount of energy as heat required to evaporate 1 mol of a liquid at constant pressure and temperature
  3. The energy released as heat by the complete combustion of a specific amount of a substance at a given pressure or volume
  4. Energy of a body system based on its configuration
  5. The average kinetic energy of particles in a sample of matter
  6. The amount of energy released/absorbed as heat in a chemical reaction
  7. The amount of heat required to raise a substance of 1K or 1ºC at constant pressure
  8. The science of measuring the amount of heat
  9. The SI unit of heat and other forms of energy
  10. The capacity to do work

20 Clues: Absorbs heatReleases heatThe capacity to do workThe science of measuring the amount of heatThe SI unit of heat and other forms of energyThe measure of energy in a thermodynamic reactionEnergy of a body system based on its configurationThe average kinetic energy of particles in a sample of matter...

Energy and Electricity 2024-10-04

Energy and Electricity crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to move or cause a change in matter
  2. relative frequency (high/low) of a sound as perceived by a listener
  3. (heat) measure of energy of motion in the particles of matter
  4. to bounce light or energy off a surface
  5. a path that an electric current can follow
  6. to bend light
  7. repeated back and forth movement
  8. form of energy (electromagnetic radiation) that we can see
  9. when energy changes from one form to another
  10. energy an object has because of its motion
  11. combination of potential and kinetic energy
  12. kind of energy made by objects that vibrate
  1. when the path along which electric charges normally flow is not complete
  2. energy caused by the movement of electrical charges
  3. material used to reduce or prevent the transfer of electricity, heat, or sound
  4. path that forms a complete loop along which electrical charges can flow
  5. stored energy that an object has because of its position or condition
  6. when energy moves from one place or object to another
  7. material that readily allows electric charges to pass through it and therefore carries electricity well
  8. energy stored in matter and released during a chemical reaction
  9. to transmit heat or electricity through a material or substance
  10. to take in energy

22 Clues: to bend lightto take in energyrepeated back and forth movementto bounce light or energy off a surfacea path that an electric current can followenergy an object has because of its motioncombination of potential and kinetic energykind of energy made by objects that vibratewhen energy changes from one form to another...

Alex Njau 2019-06-10

Alex Njau crossword puzzle
  1. Cyanide
  2. Dicarbon hexabrimide
  3. Copper (1) hyroxide
  4. model of the atom where electrons exist only in energy levels. It is still very useful today.
  5. Forms between 2 non-metals
  6. Atoms give away or accept electrons
  7. Vanadium (1V) oxide
  8. Hydrogen sulfate
  9. Forms between a metal and a non-metal
  10. Potassium nitride
  11. Negatively charged ions
  12. Sulfur monoxide
  13. Silver 1 phosphate
  1. Nitrite
  2. Baron tribrimide
  3. Acetate
  4. Hydrogen carbonate
  5. each additional energy level in an atom there is one more atomic orbital type
  6. Pair of electrons shared between atoms
  7. a subatomic particle that has a negative charge
  8. Dihydrogen phosphate
  9. Hydrogen sulfite
  10. hydroxide
  11. hypochlorite
  12. Iodine monoxide
  13. Atoms with positive or negative charge
  14. Hydrogen sulfite
  15. Positively charge ions
  16. Galium (III) chloride
  17. Lead 11 sulfide

30 Clues: CyanideNitriteAcetatehydroxidehypochloriteIodine monoxideSulfur monoxideLead 11 sulfideBaron tribrimideHydrogen sulfiteHydrogen sulfateHydrogen sulfitePotassium nitrideHydrogen carbonateSilver 1 phosphateCopper (1) hyroxideVanadium (1V) oxideDicarbon hexabrimideDihydrogen phosphateGalium (III) chloridePositively charge ionsNegatively charged ions...

Energy Conservation Crossword Puzzle 2019-01-28

Energy Conservation Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Splitting of uranium - 235 atoms (fission) to release massive amounts of heat.
  2. Refers to chemical energy in non-fossil fuel organic materials
  3. An energy resource that is non-replaceable once consumed
  4. Choices and changes in behavior that allow people to use less energy
  5. Forms of both oil and coal deposits
  6. International labeling system symbol of premium energy
  7. Uses gravitational energy of falling water
  1. An energy resource that is available on a continuous basis
  2. Energy produced by the sun
  3. Thermal energy that is captured from Earth’s Interior
  4. A resource that provides energy to bring about movement or change
  5. Canada, China, USA, and Germany are the largest producers of this kind of energy.
  6. Using less energy, but still achieving the same output from machines
  7. Examples: coal, oil, natural gas
  8. Labeling system that provides information about the the energy consumption for major appliances
  9. Oil is found mainly in underground deposits of sedimentary rock called...____________

16 Clues: Energy produced by the sunExamples: coal, oil, natural gasForms of both oil and coal depositsUses gravitational energy of falling waterThermal energy that is captured from Earth’s InteriorInternational labeling system symbol of premium energyAn energy resource that is non-replaceable once consumed...

Activity 2 2022-09-25

Activity 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a substance that starts a chemical reaction
  2. rate at which energy is used
  3. small amount of energy
  4. study of energy
  5. unit of power
  6. A test that is used to rule out a hypothesis or validate something already known.
  7. the ability to do work
  8. is the smallest particle of an element
  9. A widely accepted hypothesis that stands the test of time.
  10. Where life operates.
  11. The study of the interactions between life and its physical environment.
  12. suggested explanation based on evidence that can be tested by observation or experimentation.
  13. A solution with a pH lower than 7
  14. the outer mantle of the solid earth.
  15. the protective blanket of gases
  1. main element in organic compounds
  2. Latin for knowledge
  3. Developing new knowledge based upon old knowledge.
  4. concentration of hydronium ions in a solution
  5. a pure substance
  6. a substance that forms because of a chemical reaction
  7. is equal to 746 watts (Another measurement of power)
  8. The vast majority of our people directly dependent on the natural resources of their country for their basic needs
  9. done when force is applied to an object over a distance
  10. sum of all the biochemical reactions in an organism
  11. anything that takes up space and has mass.
  12. named after James Prescott Joule
  13. is a substance that consists of two or more elements
  14. comprises all types of water resources
  15. A solution with a pH higher than 7.
  16. stores energy and forms cell membranes

31 Clues: unit of powerstudy of energya pure substanceLatin for knowledgeWhere life operates.small amount of energythe ability to do workrate at which energy is usedthe protective blanket of gasesnamed after James Prescott Joulemain element in organic compoundsA solution with a pH lower than 7A solution with a pH higher than 7....

Energy Crossword 2019-03-06

Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. heat when substance is heated causing the tempature to rise
  2. change a destintive form of a substance matter can change among the phases
  3. stuff that does not transmit energy
  4. eletrons move from atom to atom with the applcation of voltage
  5. energy can be created nor destroyed
  6. energy objects in motion
  1. system created to supply energy
  2. mesuring the warmness and coldness of a object
  3. energy ANY Object in motion (doing work)
  4. deals with heat and and other forms of energy
  5. sending off energy in the form of light
  6. heat or electricity through a medium or passage
  7. energy stored energy
  8. faster moving molecules
  9. energy having tempature and can be mesured also move from one object to another

15 Clues: energy stored energyfaster moving moleculesenergy objects in motionsystem created to supply energystuff that does not transmit energyenergy can be created nor destroyedsending off energy in the form of lightenergy ANY Object in motion (doing work)deals with heat and and other forms of energymesuring the warmness and coldness of a object...

Snow day Extra credit 2016-01-26

Snow day Extra credit crossword puzzle
  1. force that opposed motion between 2 surfaces that are in contact
  2. energy of motion; moving
  3. movement of thermal from one material to another; energy moves from higher to lower temperature
  4. a source that can be replaced at the same rate it is consumed
  5. the ability to do work or cause change
  6. absence of heat
  7. temperature at which molecular energy is at a minimum; 0 K or -273.15 degrees C
  8. energy stored energy; not moving
  9. energy caused by an objects vibrations
  10. transfer of heat through space
  11. energy from the sun
  12. an instrument that measures and indicates temperature
  13. substance that transfers heat easily and allows electric charges to flow
  1. energy of moving particles within a solid , liquid, or gas
  2. process of heat transfer through direct character
  3. unit used to express energy
  4. energy that comes from changes in the nucleus of an atom
  5. a resource that forms at a slower rate than it is consumed
  6. the energy of moving electrons
  7. unit of heat; amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of water 1 degrees C
  8. having or giving off great heat
  9. the potential energy stored in chemical compounds
  10. energy produced by the vibrations of electrically charged particles
  11. material that does not transfer heat easily and prevents electric charges from flowing
  12. changing of one form of energy into another
  13. process of heat transfer in gases and liquids through circular, vertical or cyclical movement

26 Clues: absence of heatenergy from the sunenergy of motion; movingunit used to express energythe energy of moving electronstransfer of heat through spacehaving or giving off great heatenergy stored energy; not movingthe ability to do work or cause changeenergy caused by an objects vibrationschanging of one form of energy into another...

Physics 2024-05-07

Physics crossword puzzle
  1. type of a wave
  2. method of heat transfer
  3. kinetic energy = (1/2)x ? x (velocity squared)
  4. one of the forms of energy
  5. number of wavefronts passing through a point per second
  6. unit of power
  7. a process when molecules escape a liquid
  8. area under speed against time graph
  9. a phase transition from gas to liquid
  10. distance between two adjacent crests of a wave
  1. unit of potential energy
  2. mass/volume
  3. method of heat transfer
  4. force x perpendicular distance from the pivot
  5. one of the wave phenomena
  6. unit of pressure
  7. slope of distance against time graph
  8. physical quantity representing ability to do work

18 Clues: mass/volumeunit of powertype of a waveunit of pressuremethod of heat transfermethod of heat transferunit of potential energyone of the wave phenomenaone of the forms of energyarea under speed against time graphslope of distance against time grapha phase transition from gas to liquida process when molecules escape a liquid...

Energy 1 2023-04-25

Energy 1 crossword puzzle
  1. this circuit allows electricity to flow
  2. type of energy of moving parts
  3. can produce different forms of energy
  4. energy won't flow through this circuit
  5. area of a magnet's energy (2 words)
  6. part of the nucleus
  7. takes up space and has mass
  1. to push away
  2. type of energy that produces heat
  3. the pathway for the flow of electricity
  4. has a negative charge
  5. to pull toward
  6. smallest unit that makes up matter

13 Clues: to push awayto pull towardpart of the nucleushas a negative chargetakes up space and has masstype of energy of moving partstype of energy that produces heatsmallest unit that makes up matterarea of a magnet's energy (2 words)can produce different forms of energyenergy won't flow through this circuitthis circuit allows electricity to flow...

Chapter 11 Crossword (7) 2021-04-25

Chapter 11 Crossword (7) crossword puzzle
  1. This is the ability to do work or cause change.
  2. X-rays and ___ are also forms of electromagnetic energy.
  3. A change from one form of energy to another is called an energy ___.
  4. This energy is calculated by adding potential energy to kinetic energy.
  5. All objects are made up of particles called atoms.
  6. this is a type of potential energy stored in an atom's nucleus.
  7. This can be a form of kinetic or potential energy depending on whether the charges are moving or stored.
  8. The form of energy associated with motion, position, or shape of an object.
  1. The rate at which energy is transferred.
  2. The ___ energy of an object also depends on the amount of matter in the object.
  3. This is a form of energy that moves through space in waves.
  4. This is energy that results from the position or shape of an object.
  5. This type of energy is potential energy stored in chemical bonds.
  6. The energy an object has due to its motion.
  7. The potential energy related to an objects height is called ____ potential energy.
  8. This is the energy of electrical charges.
  9. The region in the center of an atom.
  10. This type of potential energy is the energy associated with objects that can be compressed or stretched.
  11. The ___ that make up objects are constantly in motion.
  12. This energy is the total kinetic and potential energy of the particles in objects.

20 Clues: The region in the center of an atom.The rate at which energy is transferred.This is the energy of electrical charges.The energy an object has due to its motion.This is the ability to do work or cause change.All objects are made up of particles called atoms.The ___ that make up objects are constantly in motion....

Aviation Weather 2024-08-26

Aviation Weather crossword puzzle
  1. Horizontal transfer of energy
  2. Lowest layer of the Earths atmosphere
  3. Makes up 21% of the Earths atmosphere
  4. Type of lift caused by surface heating
  5. Type of cloud made up of ice crystals
  6. Type of fog that forms on calm clear nights
  7. The weight of the atmosphere on a given area
  8. Rough or bumpy air encountered during flight
  1. Vertical transfer of energy
  2. Heat released to change a gas to a solid
  3. Dividing line between two airmasses
  4. Type of cloud associated with thunderstorms
  5. Type of lift caused by mountains
  6. Thunderstorm with a rotating mesocyclone
  7. Turbulence that forms behind aircraft

15 Clues: Vertical transfer of energyHorizontal transfer of energyType of lift caused by mountainsDividing line between two airmassesLowest layer of the Earths atmosphereMakes up 21% of the Earths atmosphereType of cloud made up of ice crystalsTurbulence that forms behind aircraftType of lift caused by surface heatingHeat released to change a gas to a solid...

nutrient crossword by Maddy and Kira 2019-03-25

nutrient crossword by Maddy and Kira crossword puzzle
  1. helps with immune system function
  2. forms red blood cells
  3. not technically a fire
  4. helps lower cholesterol
  5. made up of amino acids
  6. major elements are needed in large amounts
  7. chemical compounds found in food
  8. supplies energy, fibre and other nutrients
  1. two types; fat soluble and water soluble
  2. body's main supply of energy
  3. regulates body temperature
  4. provides a concentrated source of energy
  5. helps to keep bowels regular
  6. quick energy source that supplies no other nutrients
  7. growth of bones and teeth
  8. any substance you can eat or drink

16 Clues: forms red blood cellsnot technically a firemade up of amino acidshelps lower cholesterolgrowth of bones and teethregulates body temperaturebody's main supply of energyhelps to keep bowels regularchemical compounds found in foodhelps with immune system functionany substance you can eat or drinktwo types; fat soluble and water soluble...

Snow day Extra credit 2016-01-26

Snow day Extra credit crossword puzzle
  1. unit of heat; amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of water 1 degrees C
  2. energy of motion; moving
  3. energy of moving particles within a solid , liquid, or gas
  4. movement of thermal from one material to another; energy moves from higher to lower temperature
  5. material that does not transfer heat easily and prevents electric charges from flowing
  6. process of heat transfer through direct character
  7. a resource that forms at a slower rate than it is consumed
  8. energy stored energy; not moving
  9. energy produced by the vibrations of electrically charged particles
  10. unit used to express energy
  11. energy caused by an objects vibrations
  12. an instrument that measures and indicates temperature
  13. force that opposed motion between 2 surfaces that are in contact
  14. substance that transfers heat easily and allows electric charges to flow
  1. the energy of moving electrons
  2. process of heat transfer in gases and liquids through circular, vertical or cyclical movement
  3. the potential energy stored in chemical compounds
  4. changing of one form of energy into another
  5. energy that comes from changes in the nucleus of an atom
  6. transfer of heat through space
  7. a source that can be replaced at the same rate it is consumed
  8. temperature at which molecular energy is at a minimum; 0 K or -273.15 degrees C
  9. energy from the sun
  10. having or giving off great heat
  11. the ability to do work or cause change
  12. absence of heat

26 Clues: absence of heatenergy from the sunenergy of motion; movingunit used to express energythe energy of moving electronstransfer of heat through spacehaving or giving off great heatenergy stored energy; not movingthe ability to do work or cause changeenergy caused by an objects vibrationschanging of one form of energy into another...

Snow day Extra credit 2016-01-26

Snow day Extra credit crossword puzzle
  1. unit of heat; amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of water 1 degrees C
  2. energy of motion; moving
  3. energy of moving particles within a solid , liquid, or gas
  4. movement of thermal from one material to another; energy moves from higher to lower temperature
  5. material that does not transfer heat easily and prevents electric charges from flowing
  6. process of heat transfer through direct character
  7. a resource that forms at a slower rate than it is consumed
  8. energy stored energy; not moving
  9. energy produced by the vibrations of electrically charged particles
  10. unit used to express energy
  11. energy caused by an objects vibrations
  12. an instrument that measures and indicates temperature
  13. force that opposed motion between 2 surfaces that are in contact
  14. substance that transfers heat easily and allows electric charges to flow
  1. the energy of moving electrons
  2. process of heat transfer in gases and liquids through circular, vertical or cyclical movement
  3. the potential energy stored in chemical compounds
  4. changing of one form of energy into another
  5. energy that comes from changes in the nucleus of an atom
  6. transfer of heat through space
  7. a source that can be replaced at the same rate it is consumed
  8. temperature at which molecular energy is at a minimum; 0 K or -273.15 degrees C
  9. energy from the sun
  10. having or giving off great heat
  11. the ability to do work or cause change
  12. absence of heat

26 Clues: absence of heatenergy from the sunenergy of motion; movingunit used to express energythe energy of moving electronstransfer of heat through spacehaving or giving off great heatenergy stored energy; not movingthe ability to do work or cause changeenergy caused by an objects vibrationschanging of one form of energy into another...

Activity 2 2022-09-25

Activity 2 crossword puzzle
  1. main element in organic compounds
  2. A test that is used to rule out a hypothesis or validate something already known.
  3. study of energy
  4. Latin for knowledge
  5. A solution with a pH higher than 7.
  6. small amount of energy
  7. stores energy and forms cell membranes
  8. is a substance that consists of two or more elements
  9. is the smallest particle of an element
  10. the protective blanket of gases
  11. suggested explanation based on evidence that can be tested by observation or experimentation.
  12. a pure substance
  13. Where life operates.
  14. rate at which energy is used
  15. unit of power
  1. Developing new knowledge based upon old knowledge.
  2. anything that takes up space and has mass.
  3. done when force is applied to an object over a distance
  4. concentration of hydronium ions in a solution
  5. is equal to 746 watts (Another measurement of power)
  6. A solution with a pH lower than 7
  7. sum of all the biochemical reactions in an organism
  8. The study of the interactions between life and its physical environment.
  9. comprises all types of water resources
  10. a substance that starts a chemical reaction
  11. The vast majority of our people directly dependent on the natural resources of their country for their basic needs
  12. the outer mantle of the solid earth.
  13. named after James Prescott Joule
  14. A widely accepted hypothesis that stands the test of time.
  15. a substance that forms because of a chemical reaction
  16. the ability to do work

31 Clues: unit of powerstudy of energya pure substanceLatin for knowledgeWhere life operates.small amount of energythe ability to do workrate at which energy is usedthe protective blanket of gasesnamed after James Prescott Joulemain element in organic compoundsA solution with a pH lower than 7A solution with a pH higher than 7....

Chemical Reaction Crossword 2013-12-18

Chemical Reaction Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. takes up space
  2. when reaction complete
  3. material release energy when burned
  4. substance you have to begin with
  5. chemist uses to control rates
  6. make or become different
  7. the formula of a form
  8. energy releases
  9. # placed in front of chemical formula
  10. two or more elements
  11. used to decrease rate of reaction
  12. cells in body contain biological catalysts
  1. 2 elements in different compounds trade spots
  2. material increases rate of reaction
  3. breaks down compounds
  4. attraction between 2 atoms
  5. solid forms solution during chemical reaction
  6. energy not absorbed
  7. rapid reaction between oxygen & substance
  8. study of matter and how it changes

20 Clues: takes up spaceenergy releasesenergy not absorbedtwo or more elementsbreaks down compoundsthe formula of a formwhen reaction completemake or become differentattraction between 2 atomschemist uses to control ratessubstance you have to begin withused to decrease rate of reactionstudy of matter and how it changesmaterial release energy when burned...

Forms of energy 2017-05-31

Forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. It is a non-renewable energy source. We mine it and burn it to produce thermal energy
  2. The energy that produces heat.
  3. energy It is much better for the environment because it doesn't cause pollution.
  4. It is a type of energy produced in different ways. Some examples are traffic lights, the Sun , a lantern...
  1. The energy that is in the nucleus of an atom. It can be used to make electricity.
  2. It is the ability to do work.

6 Clues: It is the ability to do work.The energy that produces It is much better for the environment because it doesn't cause pollution.The energy that is in the nucleus of an atom. It can be used to make electricity.It is a non-renewable energy source. We mine it and burn it to produce thermal energy...

Forms Of Energy 2014-10-19

Forms Of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. the energy an object has because it is moving
  2. energy that moves from one place to another because of differences in temperature
  3. stored energy
  1. energy stored when an object is stretched or compressed
  2. the ability to cause change
  3. attractive force between two objects that depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them

6 Clues: stored energythe ability to cause changethe energy an object has because it is movingenergy stored when an object is stretched or compressedenergy that moves from one place to another because of differences in temperatureattractive force between two objects that depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them

Forms of Energy 2023-01-02

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Similarly charged objects pushing each other away
  2. An electrical charge caused by friction
  1. To move something towards
  2. A push or pull that causes an object to move, stop, or change direction
  3. To move something away
  4. Oppositely charged objects pulling on each other

6 Clues: To move something awayTo move something towardsAn electrical charge caused by frictionOppositely charged objects pulling on each otherSimilarly charged objects pushing each other awayA push or pull that causes an object to move, stop, or change direction

FORMS OF ENERGY 2023-09-14

FORMS OF ENERGY crossword puzzle
  1. air vibration we can hear
  2. electrons moving in a circuit
  3. light rays we can see
  1. moving parts motion
  2. a transfer of heat
  3. the ability to do work or cause change

6 Clues: a transfer of heatmoving parts motionlight rays we can seeair vibration we can hearelectrons moving in a circuitthe ability to do work or cause change

Forms of Energy 2024-10-09

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. the type of energy that comes from heat
  2. the type of energy that can be transferred from object to object
  3. the type of energy we can hear
  1. the type of energy that an object has due to its position
  2. the type of energy that we see directly
  3. the type of energy that comes from motion

6 Clues: the type of energy we can hearthe type of energy that we see directlythe type of energy that comes from heatthe type of energy that comes from motionthe type of energy that an object has due to its positionthe type of energy that can be transferred from object to object

Energy Quiz 2024-10-25

Energy Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that is harvested from the nucleus of atoms
  2. The type of energy observed from objects falling from a higher position
  3. The energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature
  4. Energy of moving objects
  5. The ability to do work
  6. The type of energy formed through the movement of photons
  7. The most widely used energy in the world
  8. Emitted from the Sun in waves
  1. Stored energy
  2. Possessed by an object due to its motion or due to its position
  3. How many forms of energy there are
  4. How many types of energy there are
  5. Results from the movement of electrons

13 Clues: Stored energyThe ability to do workEnergy of moving objectsEmitted from the Sun in wavesHow many forms of energy there areHow many types of energy there areResults from the movement of electronsThe most widely used energy in the worldEnergy that is harvested from the nucleus of atomsThe type of energy formed through the movement of photons...

Energy Unit Review Crossword 2020-03-13

Energy Unit Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Energy in the form of movement
  2. Separating rubbish and putting it into the correct bin
  3. gas A mixture of gases formed from decayed organisms
  4. The form of chemical energy found in pasta
  5. Energy that is stored in the atomic matter of all matter
  6. Energy when you lift an object
  7. Black rock composed mainly of carbon
  8. A black liquid that forms underground
  9. Energy from the sun
  10. Using containers again and again
  11. Energy that enables things to move, go faster or change direction
  12. Energy in the form of light
  13. Energy from the movement of air
  1. An animal that lives in water and breathes through gills
  2. Energy is the form of electricity
  3. Buying products that don't have a lot of packaging
  4. The measurement of chemical energy stored in food or drink
  5. Energy form sources that are limited
  6. A form of road transport
  7. Energy from moving or falling water
  8. A popular game that includes kicking a ball into a goal
  9. Energy in the form of heat
  10. Energy from plant or animal products. It can be solid, liquid or gas
  11. A radioactive metal found in rocks
  12. Energy form sources that have no limit
  13. Energy that is stored in food and batteries
  14. Chemicals and gases in our environment that have harmful effects

27 Clues: Energy from the sunA form of road transportEnergy in the form of heatEnergy in the form of lightEnergy in the form of movementEnergy when you lift an objectEnergy from the movement of airUsing containers again and againEnergy is the form of electricityA radioactive metal found in rocksEnergy from moving or falling water...

Energy 2022-11-16

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Batteries __________ electrical energy
  2. Mechanical energy is associated with ________ and position.
  3. When a roller coaster is at the bottom of the hill it has the most speed and the most ________ energy.
  4. The six forms of energy are thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, electromagnetic, and _____
  5. Electromagnetic energy travels in ________.
  6. Potential energy is stored energy due to an object's __________.
  7. Kinetic energy depends on the mass and ________ of an object.
  1. During digestion your body breaks chemical ______ in food.
  2. There are ____ types of mechanical energy.
  3. The SI unit for energy.
  4. Potential energy equals mass times gravity times ______.
  5. During nuclear _______ energy is released.
  6. Ice cream has ____ thermal energy.
  7. Energy cannot be created or ________.

14 Clues: The SI unit for energy.Ice cream has ____ thermal energy.Energy cannot be created or ________.Batteries __________ electrical energyThere are ____ types of mechanical energy.During nuclear _______ energy is released.Electromagnetic energy travels in ________.Potential energy equals mass times gravity times ______....

Energy Conversions 2023-08-01

Energy Conversions crossword puzzle
  1. information that supports an answer to a question
  2. A natural resource that is not replaced naturally
  3. a system that uses wires to transfer energy
  4. the ability to make things move or change
  5. the use of evidence to say why one idea is best
  6. to put together multiple pieces of information in order to understand something
  7. stored energy
  8. A proposed answer to a question
  9. a person who uses science knowledge to design something in order to solve a problem
  1. Any natural resource (as wood or solar energy) that can be replaced naturally
  2. a machine that converts electrical energy to another form of energy
  3. (of energy) type or kind (of energy)
  4. what something can do
  5. the form of energy that is transferred through wires
  6. A group of parts that work together as a whole
  7. energy of motion

16 Clues: stored energyenergy of motionwhat something can doA proposed answer to a question(of energy) type or kind (of energy)the ability to make things move or changea system that uses wires to transfer energyA group of parts that work together as a wholethe use of evidence to say why one idea is bestinformation that supports an answer to a question...

Forms Of Energy 2020-11-03

Forms Of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. electricity from water
  2. a mix between kinetic and potential
  1. the ability to do work
  2. energy that is in food and batteries
  3. energy from the sun
  4. a type of fossil fuels

6 Clues: energy from the sunthe ability to do worka type of fossil fuelselectricity from watera mix between kinetic and potentialenergy that is in food and batteries

Forms Of energy 2020-04-30

Forms Of energy crossword puzzle
  1. That which is needed to do work
  2. Energy produced by a machine or moving part
  3. Energy that can be sensed by the eye
  1. Energy produced by a power source
  2. Energy that travels as waves through the air or water and vibrates the eardrum upon contact.
  3. Energy that causes a change in temperature

6 Clues: That which is needed to do workEnergy produced by a power sourceEnergy that can be sensed by the eyeEnergy that causes a change in temperatureEnergy produced by a machine or moving partEnergy that travels as waves through the air or water and vibrates the eardrum upon contact.

energy vocab 2024-12-10

energy vocab crossword puzzle
  1. making movement
  2. life
  3. Spinning blades to produce electricity
  4. Most Common type of energy-is created From other forms of energy
  5. The energy of movement
  6. heat energy from the earth
  7. The ability to do work
  1. Energy that can be used more than once without changing it
  2. where something comes from
  3. Energy that is being stored and has not been used yet
  4. Energy that can only be used until it is gone can never be replaced
  5. moving air
  6. water

13 Clues: lifewatermoving airmaking movementThe energy of movementThe ability to do workwhere something comes fromheat energy from the earthSpinning blades to produce electricityEnergy that is being stored and has not been used yetEnergy that can be used more than once without changing itMost Common type of energy-is created From other forms of energy...

Energy Crossword Puzzle - Valentina Perez 2021-03-19

Energy Crossword Puzzle - Valentina Perez crossword puzzle
  1. energy formed from the power of water in motion.
  2. energy source energy transformed state.
  3. using or disposing of materials.
  4. process of growing or being stable
  5. naturally occurring fossil fuel as gas.
  6. process of harming the environment.
  1. an energy source that can be easily replenished.
  2. coal, petroleum, natural gas, and oil.
  3. wind-solar, hydroelectric, tidal, and geothermal energy.
  4. liquid derived from petroleum
  5. rock found underground used as a fuel.
  6. extended period or without interruption
  7. the process of obtaining coal or other minerals.
  8. ability to do work in the sense of heating, moving, etc.
  9. energy source energy forms that can be used as they appear in nature.

15 Clues: liquid derived from petroleumusing or disposing of materials.process of growing or being stableprocess of harming the environment.coal, petroleum, natural gas, and oil.rock found underground used as a source energy transformed state.extended period or without interruptionnaturally occurring fossil fuel as gas....

Chem Exam 5 2022-12-13

Chem Exam 5 crossword puzzle
  1. liquid mixing w/ another without seperating
  2. Bonding polar molecules, hydrogen bond to F,O,N
  3. Solids low melting point, intermolecular forces
  4. Molecules permanent dipoles, neighboring molecules raise melting & boiling points to nonpolar
  5. measure of thermal energy
  6. Point liquid to solid, exohermic
  7. Point solid to liquid, endothermic
  8. thermal energy, indefinite shape & volume
  1. forms dipoles
  2. Solid ordered structure, repeating order
  3. all polar molecules
  4. flows slower, resistance to liquid flow
  5. energy released, exit
  6. Solid No order
  7. Force London Forces, instantaneous dipoles
  8. unit of energy, transfer/exchange of temp difference
  9. enerygy absorbed
  10. Capacity quantity of heat in Joules
  11. Solids high melting point, neutral collection of cation & anions

19 Clues: forms dipolesSolid No orderenerygy absorbedall polar moleculesenergy released, exitmeasure of thermal energyPoint liquid to solid, exohermicPoint solid to liquid, endothermicCapacity quantity of heat in Joulesflows slower, resistance to liquid flowSolid ordered structure, repeating orderthermal energy, indefinite shape & volume...

RSide-Physics-HanaY 2015-01-12

RSide-Physics-HanaY crossword puzzle
  1. ratio of the voltage to the current
  2. converts chemical energy into electricalenergy energy from charge
  3. unit of measuring electric current
  4. amount of energy per one Coulomb
  5. energy made in batteries, a moist paste or fluid substance that conducts electricity
  6. electric component that can be used to control current or potential difference in circuit to get the right voltage
  7. the flow of energy
  8. flow of charged particles in a complete circuit
  9. used in batteries for transferring energy , usually made of metal
  10. mathematical relationship comparing voltage, current, and resistance; V[voltage]=I[current]R[resistance]
  1. energy stored in a battery
  2. a German physicist who studied electricity, unit of measuring electrical resistance
  3. a continuous flow of charge where electric potential energy is transformed to other energy
  4. electric potential difference, unit of measuring
  5. drawings representing electric circuits
  6. property of any material that slows down the flow of the electrons
  7. any device that transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy

17 Clues: the flow of energyenergy stored in a batteryamount of energy per one Coulombunit of measuring electric currentratio of the voltage to the currentdrawings representing electric circuitsflow of charged particles in a complete circuitelectric potential difference, unit of measuringconverts chemical energy into electricalenergy energy from charge...

Week #2 Roots 2022-10-13

Week #2 Roots crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature, typically one consisting of a narrow, hermetically sealed glass tube marked with graduations and having at one end a bulb containing mercury or alcohol that expands and contracts in the tube with heating and cooling.
  2. an X-ray photograph of blood or lymph vessels, made by angiography.
  3. record made by a seismograph or
  4. something written in secret characters;
  5. one whose profession is to measure the range and power of vision
  6. instrument for measuring the difference of potentials in volts
  1. instrument for visually recording an electrical wave
  2. automatic instrument for regulating temperature
  3. the branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy (such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy), and, by extension, the relationships between all forms of energy.
  4. optical instrument which by means of a lens or lenses magnifies and renders visible minute objects or details of visible bodies
  5. an instrument for measuring the density of liquids
  6. a fingerprint
  7. optical instrument creating and exhibiting, by reflection, a variety of beautiful colors and symmetrical forms
  8. instrument for recording something written
  9. measurement of the range of vision; measurement of the visual powers in general
  10. relating to or connected with the science of optics; pertaining to vision,
  11. character or symbol which suggests an object without expressing its name
  12. instrument for measuring the strength of electric currents

18 Clues: a fingerprintrecord made by a seismograph orsomething written in secret characters;instrument for recording something writtenautomatic instrument for regulating temperaturean instrument for measuring the density of liquidsinstrument for visually recording an electrical waveinstrument for measuring the strength of electric currents...

Week #2 Roots 2022-10-13

Week #2 Roots crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature, typically one consisting of a narrow, hermetically sealed glass tube marked with graduations and having at one end a bulb containing mercury or alcohol that expands and contracts in the tube with heating and cooling.
  2. an X-ray photograph of blood or lymph vessels, made by angiography.
  3. record made by a seismograph or
  4. something written in secret characters;
  5. one whose profession is to measure the range and power of vision
  6. instrument for measuring the difference of potentials in volts
  1. instrument for visually recording an electrical wave
  2. automatic instrument for regulating temperature
  3. the branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy (such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy), and, by extension, the relationships between all forms of energy.
  4. optical instrument which by means of a lens or lenses magnifies and renders visible minute objects or details of visible bodies
  5. an instrument for measuring the density of liquids
  6. a fingerprint
  7. optical instrument creating and exhibiting, by reflection, a variety of beautiful colors and symmetrical forms
  8. instrument for recording something written
  9. measurement of the range of vision; measurement of the visual powers in general
  10. relating to or connected with the science of optics; pertaining to vision,
  11. character or symbol which suggests an object without expressing its name
  12. instrument for measuring the strength of electric currents

18 Clues: a fingerprintrecord made by a seismograph orsomething written in secret characters;instrument for recording something writtenautomatic instrument for regulating temperaturean instrument for measuring the density of liquidsinstrument for visually recording an electrical waveinstrument for measuring the strength of electric currents...

Energy 2019-09-17

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. conversion of one form of energy into another
  2. a measure of how hot or cold
  3. of Matter/is one of the distinct forms in which matter can exist. Four
  4. Energy/ is the sum of all different types of energies a body can have
  1. Conductivity/ A measure of the ability of a material to transfer heat. Given two surfaces on either side of the material with a temperature
  2. Energy / is the energy of motion, observable as the movement
  3. of Energy Transfer/that the total change of energy in any system is always equal to the total
  4. in physics, the capacity for doing work
  5. Energy /is the internal energy of an object due
  6. of Energy/exists in many different forms. Examples of these are: light energy heat energy

10 Clues: a measure of how hot or coldin physics, the capacity for doing workconversion of one form of energy into anotherEnergy /is the internal energy of an object dueEnergy / is the energy of motion, observable as the movementEnergy/ is the sum of all different types of energies a body can have...

vocabulary Plate tectonics 2016-01-08

vocabulary Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Greek word
  2. plate boundary plates divide
  3. Drag like a conveyor belt at a store
  4. Push student cutting in line
  5. is has a rigid rock layer
  6. valley forms on land
  7. denser plate sinks
  8. Pull a force like a cloth pulled off the table
  9. when two plates send energy to the surface
  10. ridge it forms at a divergent boundary
  11. arc a chain
  1. made by a suducting plate
  2. plate boundary collide
  3. it is a network of satellites orbiting the Earth
  4. plastic layer
  5. plate boundary it's where two plates go past each other
  6. Current different temps. and density
  7. vs. Continent equal crust forms the mountain
  8. vs. Continent more dense sink forms a trench
  9. vs. Ocean subduction then an island arc forms

20 Clues: Greek wordarc a chainplastic layerdenser plate sinksvalley forms on landplate boundary collidemade by a suducting plateis has a rigid rock layerplate boundary plates dividePush student cutting in lineDrag like a conveyor belt at a storeCurrent different temps. and densityridge it forms at a divergent boundary...

Activity 2 2022-09-25

Activity 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a substance that starts a chemical reaction
  2. rate at which energy is used
  3. small amount of energy
  4. study of energy
  5. unit of power
  6. A test that is used to rule out a hypothesis or validate something already known.
  7. the ability to do work
  8. is the smallest particle of an element
  9. A widely accepted hypothesis that stands the test of time.
  10. Where life operates.
  11. The study of the interactions between life and its physical environment.
  12. suggested explanation based on evidence that can be tested by observation or experimentation.
  13. A solution with a pH lower than 7
  14. the outer mantle of the solid earth.
  15. the protective blanket of gases
  1. main element in organic compounds
  2. Latin for knowledge
  3. Developing new knowledge based upon old knowledge.
  4. concentration of hydronium ions in a solution
  5. a pure substance
  6. a substance that forms because of a chemical reaction
  7. is equal to 746 watts (Another measurement of power)
  8. The vast majority of our people directly dependent on the natural resources of their country for their basic needs
  9. done when force is applied to an object over a distance
  10. sum of all the biochemical reactions in an organism
  11. anything that takes up space and has mass.
  12. named after James Prescott Joule
  13. is a substance that consists of two or more elements
  14. comprises all types of water resources
  15. A solution with a pH higher than 7.
  16. stores energy and forms cell membranes

31 Clues: unit of powerstudy of energya pure substanceLatin for knowledgeWhere life operates.small amount of energythe ability to do workrate at which energy is usedthe protective blanket of gasesnamed after James Prescott Joulemain element in organic compoundsA solution with a pH lower than 7A solution with a pH higher than 7....

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration 2023-03-16

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. of conservation of energy, energy changes forms
  2. is an organisms that eat other organisms.
  3. the ability to do work and enables organisms to use matter in life processes.
  4. captures energy from sunlight
  5. cycle, the movement of nitrogen between the environment and living things.
  6. gets energy and nutrients by breaking down the remains of other organisms
  7. plants use energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make sugars
  8. web, shows the feeding relationship among many different organisms.
  9. the place where an organism lives within an ecosystem.
  10. eats both plants and meat.
  1. uses energy to make food.
  2. only eats meat.
  3. respiration, The process of breaking down food and produce
  4. a community of living organisms and their nonliving environment.
  5. cycle, carbon moves through organisms and between organisms and the physical environment.
  6. cycle, the movement of water between the oceans, atmosphere, land, and living things.
  7. pyramid, is a tool that can be used to trace the flow of energy through an ecosystem.
  8. is anything that has mass and takes up space.
  9. chain, the path of energy transfer from producers to consumers.
  10. eats only plants.
  11. of conservation of mass, matter moves through the environment in different forms

21 Clues: only eats meat.eats only plants.uses energy to make food.eats both plants and meat.captures energy from sunlightis an organisms that eat other anything that has mass and takes up space.of conservation of energy, energy changes formsthe place where an organism lives within an ecosystem....

Conservation of Energy 2017-01-23

Conservation of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. gas, used in home heating that comes from underground deposits
  2. a fossil fuel found beneath the earth. It is mined and used as a fuel to generate electricity.
  3. energy sources that are replenished by nature
  4. energy from a physical force
  5. coal, oil and natural gas that developed over millions of years from decayed plants and animals.
  6. a fossil fuel that is extracted from underground.
  7. the ability to do work
  8. materials that cannot be replaced by nature
  9. the energy of motion
  1. to change from one form to another
  2. the energy in the vibrations that cause sound
  3. energy produced by the sun
  4. the gravitational energy in flowing water
  5. energy released by chemical reactions
  6. a plant material such as wood
  7. heat that is transferred from the Earth’s hot core
  8. the energy stored in a body
  9. form of energy that can be transformed into other forms such as light
  10. energy from a light source, such as the sun
  11. the energy contained in warm objects due to their warmth.

20 Clues: the energy of motionthe ability to do workenergy produced by the sunthe energy stored in a bodyenergy from a physical forcea plant material such as woodto change from one form to anotherenergy released by chemical reactionsthe gravitational energy in flowing waterenergy from a light source, such as the sunmaterials that cannot be replaced by nature...

Energy/motion. 2023-05-09

Energy/motion. crossword puzzle
  1. An object used to measure temperature.
  2. When energy changes form into another type of energy.
  3. The energy of an object caused by motion.
  4. This states that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can only change forms.
  5. A change in position over time.
  6. The ability to cause change.
  7. The energy an object has due to its position, condition, or chemical composition.
  1. This states that all particles that makeup matter are always in motion.
  2. The units used to measure temperature(Celsius, Kelvin, and Fahrenheit).
  3. The average kinetic energy of all particles in an object.
  4. Speed in a specific direction.
  5. The location of an object.
  6. A location you compare to other locations.
  7. The total amount of kinetic energy in an object.
  8. The measure of how far something moves in a given amount of time.
  9. The sum of an object's potential and kinetic energy.
  10. A quantity that has both size and direction.

17 Clues: The location of an object.The ability to cause change.Speed in a specific direction.A change in position over time.An object used to measure temperature.The energy of an object caused by motion.A location you compare to other locations.A quantity that has both size and direction.The total amount of kinetic energy in an object....

Activity 2 2022-09-25

Activity 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a substance that starts a chemical reaction
  2. rate at which energy is used
  3. small amount of energy
  4. study of energy
  5. unit of power
  6. A test that is used to rule out a hypothesis or validate something already known.
  7. the ability to do work
  8. is the smallest particle of an element
  9. A widely accepted hypothesis that stands the test of time.
  10. Where life operates.
  11. The study of the interactions between life and its physical environment.
  12. suggested explanation based on evidence that can be tested by observation or experimentation.
  13. A solution with a pH lower than 7
  14. the outer mantle of the solid earth.
  15. the protective blanket of gases
  1. main element in organic compounds
  2. Latin for knowledge
  3. Developing new knowledge based upon old knowledge.
  4. concentration of hydronium ions in a solution
  5. a pure substance
  6. a substance that forms because of a chemical reaction
  7. is equal to 746 watts (Another measurement of power)
  8. The vast majority of our people directly dependent on the natural resources of their country for their basic needs
  9. done when force is applied to an object over a distance
  10. sum of all the biochemical reactions in an organism
  11. anything that takes up space and has mass.
  12. named after James Prescott Joule
  13. is a substance that consists of two or more elements
  14. comprises all types of water resources
  15. A solution with a pH higher than 7.
  16. stores energy and forms cell membranes

31 Clues: unit of powerstudy of energya pure substanceLatin for knowledgeWhere life operates.small amount of energythe ability to do workrate at which energy is usedthe protective blanket of gasesnamed after James Prescott Joulemain element in organic compoundsA solution with a pH lower than 7A solution with a pH higher than 7....

Energy Levels 2023-10-12

Energy Levels crossword puzzle
  1. Energy of motion or stored, driver of renewable energy. (swings, bounces, spins)
  2. The movement of electrons from one atom to another.
  3. change Matter changes from one state to another (solid, liquid, gas).
  4. Flow of thermal energy from hot to cold.
  5. Kinetic energy that is visible to humans (ROYGBIV).
  6. Neutrons combine and split releasing a chain reaction (nuclear power).
  7. SI unit used to measure temperature; 0K or -273 degrees C is absolute O.
  8. Mechanical energy moves as vibrations.
  9. Energy held due to position, stored energy.
  10. Energy easily made again: solar, wind, hydro (water), geothermal, biomass
  11. Energy in the core of an atom.
  12. Stored energy in the bonds of atoms.
  1. Energy from EM radiation then radiates to the surrounding environment.
  2. Energy not easily made again: fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas, petroleum, propane) and nuclear (fusion, fission)
  3. of conservation of energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms.
  4. Heat energy is conducted to the point of heat first then in circular motion throughout (water, air).
  5. Energy that is responsible for its temperature.
  6. Heat energy is transmitted through two objects touching.
  7. Energy stored due to its height above the Earth.
  8. Two nuclei combine to form a new nucleus (the sun).
  9. Energy of motion.
  10. zero -273 degrees C is OK, the point that all molecules stop moving.
  11. Energy stored by applying force (compression, stretching, or twisting).
  12. Measure of hot or cold expressed in Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.

24 Clues: Energy of motion.Energy in the core of an atom.Stored energy in the bonds of atoms.Mechanical energy moves as vibrations.Flow of thermal energy from hot to cold.Energy held due to position, stored energy.Energy that is responsible for its temperature.Energy stored due to its height above the Earth.The movement of electrons from one atom to another....

Forms of Energy 2023-06-18

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. what is needed to do work or cause change
  2. energy that causes a transfer of heat between materials
  3. energy resulting from the flow of electric charge through a conductor
  1. energy that travels as waves through the air or water and vibrates the eardrum upon contact
  2. energy that allows us to see
  3. all the energy something has due to its movement and position

6 Clues: energy that allows us to seewhat is needed to do work or cause changeenergy that causes a transfer of heat between materialsall the energy something has due to its movement and positionenergy resulting from the flow of electric charge through a conductorenergy that travels as waves through the air or water and vibrates the eardrum upon contact

Forms of Energy 2024-05-06

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Loud
  2. Phone
  3. when ice cream is hot
  1. Moving
  2. Bright
  3. Heat

6 Clues: LoudHeatPhoneMovingBrightwhen ice cream is hot

Forms of Energy 2024-10-31

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. How many types of energy an object can use
  2. A form of energy related to the temperature of a substance
  1. The energy of motion
  2. A form of energy that can be heard because of the vibrations of matter
  3. A form of energy that makes it possible to see
  4. The ability to do work and cause things to change or move

6 Clues: The energy of motionHow many types of energy an object can useA form of energy that makes it possible to seeThe ability to do work and cause things to change or moveA form of energy related to the temperature of a substanceA form of energy that can be heard because of the vibrations of matter

Extended Vocab 2024-05-02

Extended Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The part of a motor that rotates when energy is transferred to it
  2. A material that can reduce energy transfers
  3. Not moving
  4. A generator powered by the flow of air, steam, or another fluid
  5. The ability to apply force over a distance
  6. A very small piece or part
  7. A push or pull
  8. A material that stores energy
  1. A source of stored chemical energy
  2. To turn or spin
  3. A device utilizing magnetic levitation
  4. The force of gravity on a mass
  5. Able to be used without being completely used or destroyed
  6. A material capable of transmitting energy, particularly in the forms of heat and electricity
  7. To push away from each other
  8. The resistance of air to objects moving through it
  9. To pull towards each other
  10. A device that produces light, either by electricity or by burning oil, gas, or wax
  11. A pathway for the flow of electricity

19 Clues: Not movingA push or pullTo turn or spinTo pull towards each otherA very small piece or partTo push away from each otherA material that stores energyThe force of gravity on a massA source of stored chemical energyA pathway for the flow of electricityA device utilizing magnetic levitationThe ability to apply force over a distance...

Cell Transport 2022-10-26

Cell Transport crossword puzzle
  1. cell swells from an overload of water
  2. protein that pumps out potentially dangerous molecules out of the cell
  3. Energy/ATP needed
  4. the flow of molecules inside and out the cell when too many or too few molecules are found in one area
  5. water goes through the cell membrane
  6. When a cell forms a vacuole around molecules to force them out of the cell
  7. lipid forming the cell membrane, has a head and tail
  8. Transportation of cells
  1. molecules go through the cell membrane without help
  2. protein that acts as a passageway for molecules
  3. cell shrinks due to a lack of water
  4. energy used inside cells
  5. water inside and outside of the cell is equal
  6. When a cell forms a vacuole around molecules to force molecules inside the cell
  7. molecule passes through the cell membrane with the help of a protein
  8. No energy needed

16 Clues: No energy neededEnergy/ATP neededTransportation of cellsenergy used inside cellscell shrinks due to a lack of waterwater goes through the cell membranecell swells from an overload of waterwater inside and outside of the cell is equalprotein that acts as a passageway for moleculesmolecules go through the cell membrane without help...

Ch.3 Ecosystem Dynamics 2022-10-31

Ch.3 Ecosystem Dynamics crossword puzzle
  1. producers change radiant energy in chemical energy & energy of light allows producers to convert inorganic molecules
  2. organism that cannot produce its own food & gets its organic nutrients by feeding on the tissues
  3. precipitation that seeps into the soil and collects in an aquifer
  4. organism that eats mostly green plants or algae ( deer , sheep , grasshoppers and zooplankton )
  5. organism makes its food from compounds by using sunlight
  6. cyclic movement of nitrogen in different chemicals forms from the environment to organisms
  7. organism based on making or finding food & feeding behavior
  1. cyclic movement of phosphorus through water , earths crust , and living organisms
  2. organism that eats mostly green plants or algae
  3. cylic movement of carbon in different chemical forms from the environment to organisms
  4. precipitation that falls on land and flows over land surfaces into screams , rivers and lakes
  5. cyclic movement of nitrogen in different chemical forms from the environment to organisms
  6. animal that feeds on primary consumers
  7. porous , water-saturated layers of sand , gravel , or bedrock in which groundwater collects

14 Clues: animal that feeds on primary consumersorganism that eats mostly green plants or algaeorganism makes its food from compounds by using sunlightorganism based on making or finding food & feeding behaviorprecipitation that seeps into the soil and collects in an aquifercyclic movement of phosphorus through water , earths crust , and living organisms...

Energy Vocabulary Crossword AP 13.5 2021-03-29

Energy Vocabulary Crossword AP 13.5 crossword puzzle
  1. to change
  2. to become different
  3. a type of energy that makes things hot
  4. where something is in space
  5. the process of an object changing position
  6. a type of energy you can see with your eyes
  7. the ability to cause change
  8. how fast an object is moving
  1. how far apart objects are
  2. form of energy that powers lights in modern homes
  3. of motion the energy an object has while it is moving
  4. anything that helps prove or disprove an idea
  5. of energy different types of energy, such as sound, heat, or light
  6. energy energy that has the potential to cause change at a later time
  7. a type of energy you can hear with your ears
  8. transfer when energy moves from one object to another or from one place to another

16 Clues: to changeto become differenthow far apart objects arewhere something is in spacethe ability to cause changehow fast an object is movinga type of energy that makes things hotthe process of an object changing positiona type of energy you can see with your eyesa type of energy you can hear with your earsanything that helps prove or disprove an idea...

Week #2 Roots 2022-10-13

Week #2 Roots crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature, typically one consisting of a narrow, hermetically sealed glass tube marked with graduations and having at one end a bulb containing mercury or alcohol that expands and contracts in the tube with heating and cooling.
  2. an X-ray photograph of blood or lymph vessels, made by angiography.
  3. record made by a seismograph or
  4. something written in secret characters;
  5. one whose profession is to measure the range and power of vision
  6. instrument for measuring the difference of potentials in volts
  1. instrument for visually recording an electrical wave
  2. automatic instrument for regulating temperature
  3. the branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy (such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy), and, by extension, the relationships between all forms of energy.
  4. optical instrument which by means of a lens or lenses magnifies and renders visible minute objects or details of visible bodies
  5. an instrument for measuring the density of liquids
  6. a fingerprint
  7. optical instrument creating and exhibiting, by reflection, a variety of beautiful colors and symmetrical forms
  8. instrument for recording something written
  9. measurement of the range of vision; measurement of the visual powers in general
  10. relating to or connected with the science of optics; pertaining to vision,
  11. character or symbol which suggests an object without expressing its name
  12. instrument for measuring the strength of electric currents

18 Clues: a fingerprintrecord made by a seismograph orsomething written in secret characters;instrument for recording something writtenautomatic instrument for regulating temperaturean instrument for measuring the density of liquidsinstrument for visually recording an electrical waveinstrument for measuring the strength of electric currents...

Week #2 Roots 2022-10-13

Week #2 Roots crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature, typically one consisting of a narrow, hermetically sealed glass tube marked with graduations and having at one end a bulb containing mercury or alcohol that expands and contracts in the tube with heating and cooling.
  2. an X-ray photograph of blood or lymph vessels, made by angiography.
  3. record made by a seismograph or
  4. something written in secret characters;
  5. one whose profession is to measure the range and power of vision
  6. instrument for measuring the difference of potentials in volts
  1. instrument for visually recording an electrical wave
  2. automatic instrument for regulating temperature
  3. the branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy (such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy), and, by extension, the relationships between all forms of energy.
  4. optical instrument which by means of a lens or lenses magnifies and renders visible minute objects or details of visible bodies
  5. an instrument for measuring the density of liquids
  6. a fingerprint
  7. optical instrument creating and exhibiting, by reflection, a variety of beautiful colors and symmetrical forms
  8. instrument for recording something written
  9. measurement of the range of vision; measurement of the visual powers in general
  10. relating to or connected with the science of optics; pertaining to vision,
  11. character or symbol which suggests an object without expressing its name
  12. instrument for measuring the strength of electric currents

18 Clues: a fingerprintrecord made by a seismograph orsomething written in secret characters;instrument for recording something writtenautomatic instrument for regulating temperaturean instrument for measuring the density of liquidsinstrument for visually recording an electrical waveinstrument for measuring the strength of electric currents...

Energy 2024-01-10

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. What type of energy stays the same while potential energy is converted to kinetic energy?
  2. is kinetic energy always positive or negative.
  3. What kind of energy is the sum of potential and kinetic?
  4. ...forces turn energy into other forms of mechanical energy.
  5. Kinetic energy is dependent on ... and mass.
  6. The unit that correlates with potential energy.
  1. The point where the object has 0J of potential energy.
  2. A type of system where nothing can leave or enter.
  3. Potential energy is depended on the objects...and mass.
  4. The energy of an object due to its position.
  5. Energy cant be created or ...
  6. in the equation to find potential energy (Ug=m*g*h)what does the m stand for?
  7. The energy of an object due to its motion.
  8. Which has more potential energy, your head or waist?
  9. The symbol used to represent potential energy.

15 Clues: Energy cant be created or ...The energy of an object due to its motion.The energy of an object due to its position.Kinetic energy is dependent on ... and kinetic energy always positive or negative.The symbol used to represent potential energy.The unit that correlates with potential energy.A type of system where nothing can leave or enter....

Work, Power, and Energy 2020-04-10

Work, Power, and Energy crossword puzzle
  1. the force on an object exerted on an object
  2. energy of motion
  3. the energy of light and other forms of radiation
  4. the rate at which work is done
  5. Heat energy
  6. ratio of the output force
  1. energy caused by the movement of electrons
  2. Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  3. shared energy that results from the positon or shape of an object
  4. the force exerted on a machine
  5. kinetic or potential energy associated with the motion of position of an object
  6. energy stored in chemical bonds
  7. force x distance
  8. the percentage of the input work that is converted to output work

14 Clues: Heat energyenergy of motionforce x distanceratio of the output forcethe force exerted on a machinethe rate at which work is doneenergy stored in chemical bondsEnergy stored in the nucleus of an atomenergy caused by the movement of electronsthe force on an object exerted on an objectthe energy of light and other forms of radiation...

Energy Forms and Transformations/Law of Conservation of Energy 2025-02-24

Energy Forms and Transformations/Law of Conservation of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy energy of stored or moving electrons
  2. transfer The conversion of one form of energy into another, or the movement of energy from one place to another.
  3. energy Heat energy
  4. energy the potential energy of an object that is stretched or compressed
  5. energy the energy an object has due to its motion
  6. energy the amount of work an object can do because of the object's kinetic and potential energies, energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects
  7. energy The potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  8. The ability to do work or cause change
  9. energy Energy caused by an object's vibrations
  1. potential energy Potential energy that depends on the height of an object, (mass x gravitational field constant x height)
  2. energy stored energy that results from the position or shape of an object
  3. energy A form of energy that travels through space as waves
  4. energy A form of potential energy that is stored in chemical bonds between atoms.
  5. of conservation of energy the law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be changed from one form to another
  6. transformation the process of changing one form of energy to another
  7. energy energy carried by light

16 Clues: energy Heat energyenergy energy carried by lightThe ability to do work or cause changeenergy energy of stored or moving electronsenergy Energy caused by an object's vibrationsenergy the energy an object has due to its motionenergy A form of energy that travels through space as wavesenergy The potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom...

Fossil Fuels and Landforms 2023-12-11

Fossil Fuels and Landforms crossword puzzle
  1. forms a v shaped valley
  2. landform creation by erosion from a river
  3. buried and preserved plant or animal
  4. movement of sediment
  5. found where ancient seas previously existed
  6. found where ancient swamps previously existed
  7. energy from oil, coal and natural gas
  8. small pieces of rock that is formed by weathering
  9. soil that is good for growing plants (loam)
  1. sediment being left in one place
  2. energy that use wind, solar, water and biofuels
  3. found in desert of beach and created by erosion
  4. soil that retains water very well
  5. deposition of sediment at the mouth of a river
  6. forms a u shaped valley
  7. wind water or ice breaking down rock

16 Clues: movement of sedimentforms a v shaped valleyforms a u shaped valleysediment being left in one placesoil that retains water very wellburied and preserved plant or animalwind water or ice breaking down rockenergy from oil, coal and natural gaslandform creation by erosion from a riverfound where ancient seas previously existed...

Energy Key Terms 2020-05-03

Energy Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Energy from an object in motion.
  2. Is thermal energy generated and stored in the earth.
  3. The potential energy of a magnetic field.
  4. Potential energy is stored when materials stretch or compress.
  5. Comes from very old life forms that decomposed over a long period of time.
  6. Unlimited energy sources such as Solar Energy or Wind Energy.
  7. Is potential and kinetic energy put together in an object.
  8. When tiny particles called atoms, molecules or ions move faster it creates...
  9. A substance that is being used up more quickly than it can replace itself.
  10. Energy stored in an object.
  11. Is a kind of kinetic energy with the ability to make types of light visible to human eyes.
  12. Energy made from heat from the sun.
  1. Is energy an object possesses because of its position in a gravitational field.
  2. Is a potential energy which is stored in an object until it is put to work.
  3. Energy made by decomposing plants and animals.
  4. The energy released during nuclear fusion.
  5. Energy made by the wind and wind mills.
  6. Is energy that is stored in atoms or molecules until broken or rearranged.
  7. Energy can not be created or destroyed only be transformed or lost .
  8. Can not be created or destroyed.
  9. Made by water turbines.
  10. Is a type of energy made by vibrations.

22 Clues: Made by water turbines.Energy stored in an object.Energy from an object in motion.Can not be created or destroyed.Energy made from heat from the sun.Energy made by the wind and wind mills.Is a type of energy made by vibrations.The potential energy of a magnetic field.The energy released during nuclear fusion....

Energy-Work-Power (Sec 3) 2024-03-27

Energy-Work-Power (Sec 3) crossword puzzle
  1. it is done when a mass is moved a distance by a force
  2. forms of energy
  3. the capacity to do work
  4. energy stored in food or in living things
  5. energy stored due to height above ground
  6. energy associated with internal energy of an object
  1. energy possessed by a moving object
  2. the rate of work done or energy dissipation
  3. energy stored due to tension in string or spring
  4. stored energy
  5. degree of hotness or coldness
  6. energy needed in photosynthesis

12 Clues: stored energyforms of energythe capacity to do workdegree of hotness or coldnessenergy needed in photosynthesisenergy possessed by a moving objectenergy stored due to height above groundenergy stored in food or in living thingsthe rate of work done or energy dissipationenergy stored due to tension in string or spring...

Forms of Government 2013-06-14

Forms of Government crossword puzzle
  1. Government by the people
  2. Government by the fools
  3. Government by a prophet
  4. Government by the best
  5. Government by the few
  6. Government by one individual
  7. Government by plantation owners
  8. Government by fathers or men
  9. Government by shopkeepers
  1. Government by one individual
  2. Government by millionaires
  3. Government under unfairness and violence
  4. Government by one absolute ruler
  5. Government by eight people
  6. Government by police
  7. Government by children
  8. Government by mothers or women
  9. Government by heroes
  10. Government by one thousand people
  11. Government by none

20 Clues: Government by noneGovernment by policeGovernment by heroesGovernment by the fewGovernment by childrenGovernment by the bestGovernment by the foolsGovernment by a prophetGovernment by the peopleGovernment by shopkeepersGovernment by millionairesGovernment by eight peopleGovernment by one individualGovernment by one individual...


FORMS OF OWNERSHIP crossword puzzle
  1. easily transferable
  2. has to be paid back with interest
  3. who is responsible for the debts of the business?
  4. owners personal belongs at risk
  5. this form of ownership allows for financials to be confidential
  6. public companies are listed on the ______
  7. procedures to follow when closing down
  8. another name for capital goods
  9. money contributed from the owners savings
  10. better to have it written
  1. accountants check the financial records of the business
  2. sole trader takes 100%
  3. the business will carry on
  4. portion of the company's profits paid out to shareholders
  5. if one partner makes a bad decision, the other partners will be affected
  6. recognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'
  7. allowed any number of shareholders, over 7
  8. partnerships allow for more ________ in the business
  9. responsibilities, workload & risk is ______ between partners

19 Clues: easily transferablesole trader takes 100%better to have it writtenthe business will carry onanother name for capital goodsowners personal belongs at riskhas to be paid back with interestrecognised by the letters '(Pty) Ltd'procedures to follow when closing downpublic companies are listed on the ______money contributed from the owners savings...

Week #2 Roots 2022-10-13

Week #2 Roots crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature, typically one consisting of a narrow, hermetically sealed glass tube marked with graduations and having at one end a bulb containing mercury or alcohol that expands and contracts in the tube with heating and cooling.
  2. an X-ray photograph of blood or lymph vessels, made by angiography.
  3. record made by a seismograph or
  4. something written in secret characters;
  5. one whose profession is to measure the range and power of vision
  6. instrument for measuring the difference of potentials in volts
  1. instrument for visually recording an electrical wave
  2. automatic instrument for regulating temperature
  3. the branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy (such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy), and, by extension, the relationships between all forms of energy.
  4. optical instrument which by means of a lens or lenses magnifies and renders visible minute objects or details of visible bodies
  5. an instrument for measuring the density of liquids
  6. a fingerprint
  7. optical instrument creating and exhibiting, by reflection, a variety of beautiful colors and symmetrical forms
  8. instrument for recording something written
  9. measurement of the range of vision; measurement of the visual powers in general
  10. relating to or connected with the science of optics; pertaining to vision,
  11. character or symbol which suggests an object without expressing its name
  12. instrument for measuring the strength of electric currents

18 Clues: a fingerprintrecord made by a seismograph orsomething written in secret characters;instrument for recording something writtenautomatic instrument for regulating temperaturean instrument for measuring the density of liquidsinstrument for visually recording an electrical waveinstrument for measuring the strength of electric currents...

Week #2 Roots 2022-10-13

Week #2 Roots crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature, typically one consisting of a narrow, hermetically sealed glass tube marked with graduations and having at one end a bulb containing mercury or alcohol that expands and contracts in the tube with heating and cooling.
  2. an X-ray photograph of blood or lymph vessels, made by angiography.
  3. record made by a seismograph or
  4. something written in secret characters;
  5. one whose profession is to measure the range and power of vision
  6. instrument for measuring the difference of potentials in volts
  1. instrument for visually recording an electrical wave
  2. automatic instrument for regulating temperature
  3. the branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy (such as mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy), and, by extension, the relationships between all forms of energy.
  4. optical instrument which by means of a lens or lenses magnifies and renders visible minute objects or details of visible bodies
  5. an instrument for measuring the density of liquids
  6. a fingerprint
  7. optical instrument creating and exhibiting, by reflection, a variety of beautiful colors and symmetrical forms
  8. instrument for recording something written
  9. measurement of the range of vision; measurement of the visual powers in general
  10. relating to or connected with the science of optics; pertaining to vision,
  11. character or symbol which suggests an object without expressing its name
  12. instrument for measuring the strength of electric currents

18 Clues: a fingerprintrecord made by a seismograph orsomething written in secret characters;instrument for recording something writtenautomatic instrument for regulating temperaturean instrument for measuring the density of liquidsinstrument for visually recording an electrical waveinstrument for measuring the strength of electric currents...

Photosynthesis and Matter Cycling 2023-04-13

Photosynthesis and Matter Cycling crossword puzzle
  1. green pigment that is necessary for the reactions in photosynthesis
  2. chemical reaction that breaks down sugars and releases chemical energy
  3. a type of chemical reaction that can happen without oxygen
  4. the molecule inhaled by plants and exhaled by humans
  5. a nutrient that enters through the root system and is critical for plant amino acids
  6. brought into the plant through root systems
  7. the element upon which all life on earth is based, atomic number 6
  8. the sugar molecule used by plants as a structural material
  9. small photosynthetic organisms in the world's oceans creating 50% of all oxygen
  10. this cannot be created or destroyed, it only transforms
  11. Lifeforms responsible for breaking down the dead remains of other life
  1. plant respiration happens through these holes
  2. chemical reaction that captures solar energy by combining carbon dioxide and water into sugars
  3. the molecule inhaled by animals and exhaled by plants
  4. a style of chemical reaction that requires oxygen
  5. plant organelle that where photosynthesis takes place
  6. when water vapor is released from plants it increases this in the atmosphere
  7. the general term for life that must eat other life forms for energy
  8. the source of all energy used by life on our plant
  9. the sugar molecule used by many life forms as an energy source
  10. the general term for life that can perform photosynthesis (an autotroph)

21 Clues: brought into the plant through root systemsplant respiration happens through these holesa style of chemical reaction that requires oxygenthe source of all energy used by life on our plantthe molecule inhaled by plants and exhaled by humansthe molecule inhaled by animals and exhaled by plantsplant organelle that where photosynthesis takes place...

10CW-Energy Vocab 2024-02-20

10CW-Energy Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. PE stored in chemical bonds
  2. Changing from one energy type to another. (ex. Sun→plant chem → human→ heat)
  3. Moving energy; depends on mass and speed
  4. Same energy moving from one object to another. (Ex. stove→pot→water)
  5. PE stored in stretchy material
  6. KE & PE (Ex. machines)
  7. Energy is not created or destroyed…it only changes forms
  1. Heat energy
  2. PE of height; depends on mass and height
  3. Stored energy or energy of height depends on mass and height
  4. KE moves in waves to your ears
  5. Radiant waves (Ex. Light, UV, x-ray)
  6. Energy from sun
  7. KE moving electrons
  8. The ability to do work

15 Clues: Heat energyEnergy from sunKE moving electronsKE & PE (Ex. machines)The ability to do workPE stored in chemical bondsKE moves in waves to your earsPE stored in stretchy materialRadiant waves (Ex. Light, UV, x-ray)PE of height; depends on mass and heightMoving energy; depends on mass and speedEnergy is not created or destroyed…it only changes forms...

BI 17 Day 4/5 2024-02-13

BI 17 Day 4/5 crossword puzzle
  1. chemical energy stored as sugar(food)
  2. gas that is a product of photosynthesis and a reactant for respiration
  3. process in which all organisms convert chemical energy into mechanical energy
  4. organelle found in all cells. Its where cellular respiration takes place
  5. green pigment used to absorb light for photosynthesis
  6. plants/autotrophs use sunlight to make glucose(chemical energy)
  7. law of conservation that says energy cannot be created or destroyed
  8. thermal energy that is lost as energy changes forms
  9. main energy source needed for photosynthesis
  10. 3 types, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Heterotrophs
  1. energy that comes from the sun
  2. gas that is a product of respiration and a reactant for photosynthesis
  3. break down organic matter releasing energy as heat
  4. organelle found in plant cells where photosynthesis takes place
  5. process by which producers convert light energy into chemical energy
  6. compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen that is a reactant for photosynthesis and a product of respiration
  7. law of conservation that says matter cannot be created or destroyed

17 Clues: energy that comes from the sunchemical energy stored as sugar(food)main energy source needed for photosynthesisbreak down organic matter releasing energy as heatthermal energy that is lost as energy changes formsgreen pigment used to absorb light for photosynthesis3 types, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Heterotrophs...

Energy and energy transformation 2023-04-23

Energy and energy transformation crossword puzzle
  1. Energy that comes from the heat beneath the Earth's surface. Geothermal power plants use steam from underground reservoirs to drive turbines and generate electricity. Geothermal energy can also be used for heating and cooling buildings.
  2. Energy of motion of an object
  3. Energy associated with the temperature of an object or system
  4. Energy associated with the nucleus of an atom
  5. Organic matter, such as wood, crops, and animal waste, that can be burned or converted into other forms of energy. Biomass can be used to generate heat and electricity, but burning it releases carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the air.
  6. Energy of position of an object
  7. Energy associated with the movement of electrons through a conductor
  8. Energy that comes from hot water and steam beneath the Earth's surface. Hydrothermal systems can be used to generate electricity by tapping into the energy of geysers, hot springs, and other geothermal features.
  9. The ability to do work, which exists in various forms
  1. Energy associated with the motion and position of an object
  2. Energy that is released during nuclear reactions, such as fission and fusion. Nuclear power plants generate electricity by using the heat released from nuclear reactions to produce steam, which drives turbines.
  3. Energy stored in chemical bonds between atoms and molecules
  4. Energy that comes from sources that can be replenished naturally, such as sunlight, wind, water, and geothermal heat. These sources are infinite and produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions. Examples of renewable energy technologies include solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric dams, and geothermal power plants.
  5. A clean-burning fuel that can be produced from various sources, such as natural gas, biomass, and water. When hydrogen is burned, it produces water vapor and no greenhouse gas emissions. Hydrogen can also be used in fuel cells to generate electricity.
  6. Nonrenewable energy sources that come from ancient organic matter, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. They are finite and take millions of years to form. Burning them releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.
  7. Energy associated with sound waves
  8. Energy associated with electromagnetic radiation

17 Clues: Energy of motion of an objectEnergy of position of an objectEnergy associated with sound wavesEnergy associated with the nucleus of an atomEnergy associated with electromagnetic radiationThe ability to do work, which exists in various formsEnergy associated with the motion and position of an object...

FORMS OF ENERGY 2016-05-31

FORMS OF ENERGY crossword puzzle
  1. FIRE
  3. SUN


Forms of Energy 2015-05-27

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. carried by light
  2. produced by electric charges
  3. contained in the nuclei of atoms
  1. stored in chemical bonds
  2. heat energy
  3. carried by sound waves

6 Clues: heat energycarried by lightcarried by sound wavesstored in chemical bondsproduced by electric chargescontained in the nuclei of atoms

Forms of Energy 2022-10-20

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Cup falling towards the ground
  2. Apple hanging from tree
  1. Temperature in an oven rises
  2. Emitted by light bulbs
  3. Stored in food
  4. Can be heard

6 Clues: Can be heardStored in foodEmitted by light bulbsApple hanging from treeTemperature in an oven risesCup falling towards the ground

Forms Of Energy 2020-11-03

Forms Of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. a mix between kinetic and potential
  2. a type of fossil fuels
  3. the ability to do work
  1. electricity from water
  2. energy that is in food and batteries
  3. energy from the sun

6 Clues: energy from the sunelectricity from watera type of fossil fuelsthe ability to do worka mix between kinetic and potentialenergy that is in food and batteries

Forms of energy 2023-12-04

Forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. Lightning is an example of this energy.
  2. Food, fuels and batteries store this energy.
  3. The sun is an example of this energy.
  1. Some substances, like uranium, store this energy.
  2. Moving objects, like cars, store this energy.
  3. Temperature measures this energy.

6 Clues: Temperature measures this energy.The sun is an example of this energy.Lightning is an example of this energy.Food, fuels and batteries store this energy.Moving objects, like cars, store this energy.Some substances, like uranium, store this energy.

Ch 9 Biology Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-01

Ch 9 Biology Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. energy from sun arrives to Earth in this form
  2. all wavelengths of this color are absorbed
  3. breaks down organisms into simpler forms
  4. light from sun or lightbulbs
  5. adenosine triphosphate
  6. plant eating animal
  7. eat dead organisms
  8. hybrid eater
  9. absorbs GBIV
  1. synthesizing glucose in absence of light
  2. captures light energy and converts it to glucose
  3. meat eating animal
  4. absorbed to be utilized for energy in photosynthesis
  5. all wavelengths of this color are reflected
  6. obtains energy from ingesting other organisms
  7. spectrum wavelengths that can only be seen by the naked eye
  8. adenine diphosphate

17 Clues: hybrid eaterabsorbs GBIVmeat eating animaleat dead organismsplant eating animaladenine diphosphateadenosine triphosphatelight from sun or lightbulbssynthesizing glucose in absence of lightbreaks down organisms into simpler formsall wavelengths of this color are absorbedall wavelengths of this color are reflected...

Li core science crossword 2015-09-21

Li core science crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The domestic electrical power supply with a voltage of 230 V.
  2. unit of resistance
  3. the rate at which energy is transferred
  4. amount of push
  5. Energy in a form that is not wanted or is not used.
  6. A length of wire that heats up and melts (‘blows’) if the current is too large, and so cuts off the electrical supply
  7. The network of high-voltage power lines that carries electricity from power stations across the country.
  8. Energy in a form that is wanted.
  9. The forms of energy produced by a device.
  10. the rate at which an electrical appliance uses electrical energy.
  11. used in parallel circuit
  12. used in series circuit
  1. used to measured electricity
  2. The unit of electrical energy
  3. A transformer that decreases the voltage of alternating current.
  4. how much a material tries to stop electricity passing through it
  5. an electromagnetic device that cuts off the electrical supply, if the current is too large.
  6. flow of electricity around the circuits
  7. unit of energy
  8. The energy going into a device

20 Clues: amount of pushunit of energyunit of resistanceused in series circuitused in parallel circuitused to measured electricityThe unit of electrical energyThe energy going into a deviceEnergy in a form that is wanted.the rate at which energy is transferredflow of electricity around the circuitsThe forms of energy produced by a device....

Unit 6 Energy Resources and Consumption 2024-01-30

Unit 6 Energy Resources and Consumption crossword puzzle
  1. Colloquialism for a technique used to extract natural gas from underground rock by causing cracks and fractures.
  2. Electricity generated from the energy of moving water turning a turbine
  3. A degraded petroleum that forms when petroleum migrates to the surface of Earth and is modified by bacteria
  4. curve A bell-shaped curve representing oil use and projecting both when world oil production will reach a maximum and when we will run out of oil
  5. energy Heat transferred from the earth's underground concentrations of dry steam (steam with no water droplets), wet steam (a mixture or steam and water droplets), or hot water trapped in fractured or porous rock.
  6. cell Solar energy cells, usually made from silicon, that collect solar rays to generate electricity.
  7. energy Energy that comes from the movement of water driven by the gravitational pull of the Moon.
  8. Fuel fuels that are ancient remains of algae, plants and animals
  9. grid A network of interconnected transmission lines that joins power plants together and links them with end users of electricity
  10. Liquid fuel created from processed or refined biomass with no net atmospheric CO2.
  11. efficiency The ratio of the amount of work done to the total amount of energy introduced to the system
  12. conservation the practice of finding ways to use less energy or to use energy more efficiently
  1. A nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy
  2. a wheel or rotor is made to revolve by a fast-moving flow of water, steam, gas, or air
  3. Production of two useful forms of energy, such as high-temperature heat or steam and electricity, from the same fuel source.
  4. energy energy resource that is not being replaced as fast as it is being used
  5. A unit to measure the rate of power of electricity equal to 1,000 watts
  6. Type of energy derived from radioactive materials
  7. demand The greatest quantity of energy used at any one time, usually charged at a higher rate
  8. solar design Construction designed to take advantage of solar radiation without active technology
  9. cell An electrical-chemical device that converts fuel, such as hydrogen, into an electrical current.
  10. neutral an activity that does not change atmospheric CO2 concentrations
  11. the cleanest-burning type of coal; almost pure carbon.

23 Clues: Type of energy derived from radioactive materialsthe cleanest-burning type of coal; almost pure carbon.Fuel fuels that are ancient remains of algae, plants and animalsElectricity generated from the energy of moving water turning a turbineA unit to measure the rate of power of electricity equal to 1,000 watts...

Energy Crossword 2021-01-07

Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The energy possessed by electric currents.
  2. How energy changes form from one system to another.
  3. Unit of energy often used for food.
  4. The potential energy possessed by something with an elastic quality.
  5. Unit of force.
  6. The law that states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, and that it can only change forms.
  1. The energy due to an object's position.
  2. The energy given off by heat.
  3. The potential energy of an object due to gravitational pull.
  4. Unit of energy that equals 1 Newton of force over 1 meter.
  5. A quantity that measures the ability to change.
  6. The potential energy due to the strength of the bonds in a compound or molecule.
  7. The energy of movement.
  8. The energy radiated by light.
  9. A push or pull, or any action that is able to change motion.

15 Clues: Unit of force.The energy of movement.The energy given off by heat.The energy radiated by light.Unit of energy often used for food.The energy due to an object's position.The energy possessed by electric currents.A quantity that measures the ability to change.How energy changes form from one system to another....

Energy Forms 2023-03-29

Energy Forms crossword puzzle
  1. __________: produced when energy travels along sound waves
  2. __________: energy that is created when charged particles move, positive and negative charges
  3. __________: energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  4. __________: is thermal energy
  1. __________: light energy
  2. __________: energy from one object doing work on another object
  3. __________: energy from chemical reactions and the potential energy stored in the chemical bond

7 Clues: __________: light energy__________: is thermal energy__________: energy stored in the nucleus of an atom__________: produced when energy travels along sound waves__________: energy from one object doing work on another object__________: energy that is created when charged particles move, positive and negative charges...

U5L1 Vocabulary Crossword 2024-10-28

U5L1 Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. energy caused by the vibration of electrically charged particles
  2. ability to cause a change
  3. the kinetic energy of particles in an object
  4. energy caused by vibration of particles in a medium
  5. energy from the position or motion of electrically charged particles
  6. energy cannot be created or destroyed
  1. energy changing forms
  2. energy that depends on the kinds of atoms and their arrangement
  3. energy of motion
  4. energy from the combining or breaking of atomic nuclei
  5. energy of position and motion
  6. energy of position, condition or chemical composition

12 Clues: energy of motionenergy changing formsability to cause a changeenergy of position and motionenergy cannot be created or destroyedthe kinetic energy of particles in an objectenergy caused by vibration of particles in a mediumenergy of position, condition or chemical compositionenergy from the combining or breaking of atomic nuclei...

Energy Vocabulary 2022-03-07

Energy Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A type of lever that is a wheel with a groove in its rim.
  2. The pivot point of a lever.
  3. A device for increasing (or decreasing) a force.
  4. The SI unit of power
  5. The SI unit of work and of all other forms of energy.
  6. Energy of position.
  7. Energy of motion.
  1. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
  2. The ratio of useful energy output to total energy input.
  3. The ratio of output force to input force.
  4. Property of an object or a system which enables it to do work.
  5. The energy due to the position or the movement of something.
  6. Rate at which work is done.
  7. The product of the force on an object.
  8. A simple machine.

15 Clues: A simple machine.Energy of motion.Energy of position.The SI unit of powerThe pivot point of a lever.Rate at which work is done.Energy cannot be created or destroyed.The product of the force on an object.The ratio of output force to input force.A device for increasing (or decreasing) a force.The SI unit of work and of all other forms of energy....

Energy 2024-09-11

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. describes properties of physical objects
  2. type of energy form in wood
  3. type of energy associated with motion
  4. energy form released from the nucleus of an atom
  5. energy form to do with temperature
  1. the total value of a physical substance stays the same
  2. energy that can become another form of energy
  3. energy type in a power plug
  4. energy emitted from a lamp
  5. remove something from existence
  6. when one type of energy changes to another
  7. bring something into existence

12 Clues: energy emitted from a lampenergy type in a power plugtype of energy form in woodbring something into existenceremove something from existenceenergy form to do with temperaturetype of energy associated with motiondescribes properties of physical objectswhen one type of energy changes to anotherenergy that can become another form of energy...

Earth Science Chapter 2 2024-09-23

Earth Science Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. system where energy, but not matter is exchanged
  2. chain in which organisms consume each other
  3. denser than crust, 2/3 of earth's mass
  4. solid mantle also means middle
  5. cycle essential for life processes
  6. producers are the base
  7. less rigid layer of mantle
  8. mostly solid part of the earth
  9. make their own food
  10. region in space affected by Earth's magnetic field
  1. all forms of life in the other spheres
  2. center of earth
  3. system where both energy and matter are exchanged
  4. get energy by breaking down dead organisms
  5. the crust and the colder and brittle part of the mantle
  6. cycle important to build protein, base of DNA
  7. cycle continuous water
  8. get their energy from eating other organisms
  9. blanket of gases that surrounds Earth's surface
  10. thin, solid, outermost zone
  11. water is 71% of Earth's surface

21 Clues: center of earthmake their own foodcycle continuous waterproducers are the baseless rigid layer of mantlethin, solid, outermost zonesolid mantle also means middlemostly solid part of the earthwater is 71% of Earth's surfacecycle essential for life processesall forms of life in the other spheresdenser than crust, 2/3 of earth's mass...

Energy PPT Crossword: Use PPT to find answers 2024-03-11

Energy PPT Crossword:  Use PPT to find answers crossword puzzle
  1. A set of parts that are connected in some way.
  2. The total kinetic and potential energy of an object.
  3. Energy can never be lost or ________. Only transformed into different forms.
  4. Nuclear Energy is when the nucleus of an atom is released during ______ or fission.
  5. Heat moves from ______ objects to cooler objects.
  6. If a battery (chemical energy) gives electrical energy to a radio, what other energy is produced after the first two?
  7. Examples of chemical energy are food, fossil fuels, and this?
  8. Energy caused by the movement of electrons.
  9. Also called Light Energy.
  10. Examples of Nuclear Energy are nuclear power plants, atomic weapons, and this?
  1. Energy is a system can change from one _____ to another.
  2. A hot object is one whose atoms and molecules are ______ and show rapid movement.
  3. One of your pictures in your PPT shows a geyser. What national park is know for it's geysers? (internet)
  4. Another name for heat energy.
  5. What is the French word for potential?
  6. Energy of motion.
  7. Energy that is stored.
  8. When you watch the interactive video at the end of the PPT, at its greatest kinetic energy, what was the speed in m/s?
  9. As a roller coaster speeds along a track, it has kinetic energy because it is ________.

19 Clues: Energy of motion.Energy that is stored.Also called Light Energy.Another name for heat energy.What is the French word for potential?Energy caused by the movement of electrons.A set of parts that are connected in some way.Heat moves from ______ objects to cooler objects.The total kinetic and potential energy of an object....

Energy PPT Crossword: Use PPT to find answers 2024-03-11

Energy PPT Crossword:  Use PPT to find answers crossword puzzle
  1. A set of parts that are connected in some way.
  2. The total kinetic and potential energy of an object.
  3. Energy can never be lost or ________. Only transformed into different forms.
  4. Nuclear Energy is when the nucleus of an atom is released during ______ or fission.
  5. Heat moves from ______ objects to cooler objects.
  6. If a battery (chemical energy) gives electrical energy to a radio, what other energy is produced after the first two?
  7. Examples of chemical energy are food, fossil fuels, and this?
  8. Energy caused by the movement of electrons.
  9. Also called Light Energy.
  10. Examples of Nuclear Energy are nuclear power plants, atomic weapons, and this?
  1. Energy is a system can change from one _____ to another.
  2. A hot object is one whose atoms and molecules are ______ and show rapid movement.
  3. One of your pictures in your PPT shows a geyser. What national park is know for it's geysers? (internet)
  4. Another name for heat energy.
  5. What is the French word for potential?
  6. Energy of motion.
  7. Energy that is stored.
  8. When you watch the interactive video at the end of the PPT, at its greatest kinetic energy, what was the speed in m/s?
  9. As a roller coaster speeds along a track, it has kinetic energy because it is ________.

19 Clues: Energy of motion.Energy that is stored.Also called Light Energy.Another name for heat energy.What is the French word for potential?Energy caused by the movement of electrons.A set of parts that are connected in some way.Heat moves from ______ objects to cooler objects.The total kinetic and potential energy of an object....

Energy 2022-04-02

Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Energy of motion
  2. coal is formed from the compression of dead plant material called...
  3. Oil is also called
  4. liquid fossil fuel with a thick viscous texture.
  5. the breakup of atoms
  6. aka Natural Gas
  7. nuclear power plant in the USSR that exploded in 1986
  8. energy is stored in the bonds between molecules
  9. type of mining generally used when coal deposits are deep underground
  10. cleanest burning of the fossil fuels
  1. released by burning fossil fuels; major contributor to the process of global warming.
  2. commonly used process for converting stored chemical energy into forms we can use for other things. This is also known as “burning”.
  3. type of minng used generally when coal deposits are near the surface
  4. most commonly used fossil fuel for electricity generation
  5. energy is stored in the bonds that hold atomic nuclei together
  6. fusing of atoms
  7. energy in the movement of molecules caused by a rise in temperature
  8. the ability to do work
  9. Energy associated with the movement/flow of electrons
  10. energy required to move/change an object’s position

20 Clues: fusing of atomsaka Natural GasEnergy of motionOil is also calledthe breakup of atomsthe ability to do workcleanest burning of the fossil fuelsenergy is stored in the bonds between moleculesliquid fossil fuel with a thick viscous required to move/change an object’s positionnuclear power plant in the USSR that exploded in 1986...

Energy Crossword 2022-03-08

Energy Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. heat that comes from the sun, fire and it is also used to heat objects
  2. comes from releasing energy from the nucleus of an atom
  3. energy transferred to or form a object
  4. force that resists sliding of and rolling of one
  5. comes from variety of sources; used often for communication
  6. energy can never be created or destroyed only change forms
  7. energy stored in chemical bonds of compounds
  8. energy stored in objects that are above the Earth's surface
  1. An object or form of energy stored
  2. energy of either an object in motion or the energy that is stored in objects by their position.
  3. The ability to cause change
  4. energy stored in objects being compressed or stretched
  5. An object or form of energy in motion
  6. light that comes from the sun and lightbulbs; used to see as a power source
  7. object over
  8. comes from outlets and power plants; used to power electrical devices

16 Clues: object overThe ability to cause changeAn object or form of energy storedAn object or form of energy in motionenergy transferred to or form a objectenergy stored in chemical bonds of compoundsforce that resists sliding of and rolling of oneenergy stored in objects being compressed or stretchedcomes from releasing energy from the nucleus of an atom...

Forms of Energy 2022-10-20

Forms of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Cup falling towards the ground
  2. Apple hanging from tree
  1. Temperature in an oven rises
  2. Emitted by light bulbs
  3. Stored in food
  4. Can be heard

6 Clues: Can be heardStored in foodEmitted by light bulbsApple hanging from treeTemperature in an oven risesCup falling towards the ground

Forms of energy 2022-11-15

Forms of energy crossword puzzle
  1. energy provided by light
  2. stored in the bonds of chemical substances
  3. related to the movement and position of the body
  1. Between the nucleons (protons and neutrons) that make up the nucleus of an atom
  2. consumed between two points of a closed circuit
  3. energy transferred between two bodies because of the temperature difference

6 Clues: energy provided by lightstored in the bonds of chemical substancesconsumed between two points of a closed circuitrelated to the movement and position of the bodyenergy transferred between two bodies because of the temperature differenceBetween the nucleons (protons and neutrons) that make up the nucleus of an atom