geometry symbols Crossword Puzzles

Geometry 2022-09-25

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. To measure an angle you need a ...
  2. An angle that is greater than 90° but less than 180° is called an ... angle.
  3. A football has a shape of a ...
  4. Two lines that run in the same direction that never meet
  5. A brick has a shape of a ....
  6. A dice has a shape of a ...
  7. Starts at a point (or position,) in space and goes on forever (infinity,) in the other direction
  1. Going side-to-side, like the horizon
  2. Any 2-dimensional closed shape formed with straight lines
  3. An exact location in space
  4. A quarter turn (90°) is called a .... angle
  5. Lines that cross each other at right angles (90 degrees)
  6. A tin of beans has a shape of a ...
  7. An angle that is less than 90° is called an

14 Clues: An exact location in spaceA dice has a shape of a ...A brick has a shape of a ....A football has a shape of a ...To measure an angle you need a ...A tin of beans has a shape of a ...Going side-to-side, like the horizonA quarter turn (90°) is called a .... angleAn angle that is less than 90° is called an...

Geometry 2020-03-30

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. segment that is in the circle that stretches from one side of the circle to the other
  2. segment whose endpoints are on the circle and inside the circle but don't touch the center
  3. line that intersects a circle at two points but don't touch the center
  4. coplanar circles that have the same center
  5. angle angle whose vertex is the center of the circle
  6. smaller than a semicircle
  7. half the circle
  1. larger than a semicircle
  2. arc with endpoints on the sides of an inscribed angle and whose other points are in the interior of the angle
  3. intersects the circle in one point
  4. segment with one endpoint at the center and the other on the circle
  5. angle where its vertex is on the circle and sides are chords of the circle
  6. spot where the set of all points equidistant from a given point
  7. angle whose vertex is the center of the circle

14 Clues: half the circlelarger than a semicirclesmaller than a semicircleintersects the circle in one pointcoplanar circles that have the same centerangle whose vertex is the center of the circleangle angle whose vertex is the center of the circlespot where the set of all points equidistant from a given point...

Geometry 2021-09-21

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. you and point a and c and you find the what ab is
  2. 2 angles that equal 90 degrees
  3. angles that share a common ray
  4. a part of a line that is bounded by 2 end points
  5. 2 angles that equal 180 degrees
  6. an angle smaller then 90 degrees
  1. angles that equal the same and are across from each other
  2. an angle that equal 90 degrees
  3. an angle bigger then 90 degrees but smaller than 180 degrees
  4. 2 angles that make a straight line
  5. a line that stops on one side and goes forever on the other
  6. 2 rays that share one point that is the same
  7. when you find the degrees of angles
  8. an angle that equals 180 degrees

14 Clues: an angle that equal 90 degrees2 angles that equal 90 degreesangles that share a common ray2 angles that equal 180 degreesan angle smaller then 90 degreesan angle that equals 180 degrees2 angles that make a straight linewhen you find the degrees of angles2 rays that share one point that is the samea part of a line that is bounded by 2 end points...

Geometry 2022-06-02

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. the space between two lines or planes that intersect
  2. angle An angle less than 90 degrees but more than 0 degrees
  3. of equal importance, rank, or degree
  4. in or near an inner area
  5. the length of the closed curve of a circle
  6. corresponding in character or kind
  7. lying in the same plane
  1. elevation above sea level or above the earth's surface
  2. a plane curve with every point equidistant from the center
  3. an area that is in the middle of some larger region
  4. angle two angles whose sum is a right angle
  5. a continuous portion of a circle
  6. a shape with a circular base and sides tapering to a point
  7. Triangle a triangle whose interior angles are all acute
  8. a combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously

15 Clues: lying in the same planein or near an inner areaa continuous portion of a circlecorresponding in character or kindof equal importance, rank, or degreethe length of the closed curve of a circleangle two angles whose sum is a right anglean area that is in the middle of some larger regionthe space between two lines or planes that intersect...

Geometry 2022-05-17

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. a 3D shape formed by 6 identical squares
  2. something formed by 2 lines cutting each other
  3. 3D shape, ball
  4. 3D shape, built by ancient Egyptians
  5. a straight line that intersect a curve at one point
  6. at right angles
  7. a shape with 3 sides
  8. branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, angles, and dimensions of things
  1. shape of a birthday hat
  2. to describe two shapes look the same (starts with c)
  3. 3D shape, the shape of a drink can
  4. special rectangle with equal sides
  5. 4-sided shape with 2 pairs of parallel, opposite sides
  6. measures how big is a surface

14 Clues: 3D shape, ballat right anglesa shape with 3 sidesshape of a birthday hatmeasures how big is a surface3D shape, the shape of a drink canspecial rectangle with equal sides3D shape, built by ancient Egyptiansa 3D shape formed by 6 identical squaressomething formed by 2 lines cutting each othera straight line that intersect a curve at one point...

geometry 2023-05-09

geometry crossword puzzle
  1. : The point on a coordinate plane where the x-axis and y-axis intersect. It is represented by the coordinates (0,0).
  2. : A straight line, or an equation or expression whose graph is a straight line. If m and b are constants, then mx+b is a linear expression, and a function f defined by f(x)=mx+b is a linear function.
  3. : In a power, the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.
  4. : The bottom number or expression in a fraction.
  5. : A point where a line or curve meets the vertical axis (the y-axis). The y-intercept of the line y=mx+b is the point (0,b).
  6. : A point on a 2-dimensional plane is described by a pair (x,y). The coordinate x is given by the labels below the grid, and the coordinate y is given by the labels to the left of the grid.
  7. : A standard measurement, such as a meter or an hour.
  1. : The distance a number is from 0.
  2. : An integer greater than 1 that can only be written as a product of two whole numbers in one way: as itself multiplied by 1.
  3. : A square root of a is a number b whose square is a. That is, b2=a. If b is a square root of a, then so is −b. If a≥0, “the” square root of a, written √a, is the square root of a that is positive or zero.
  4. : A point where a curve meets the horizontal axis (the x-axis).
  5. : An expression that is multiplied by another expression, or that can be multiplied by another expression to produce a specified result.
  6. : In a power, the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.
  7. number : One of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ... .
  8. : The values of x where a polynomial is zero. These are the x-coordinates of the x-intercepts of the polynomial’s graph.

15 Clues: : The distance a number is from 0.number : One of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ... .: The bottom number or expression in a fraction.: A standard measurement, such as a meter or an hour.: A point where a curve meets the horizontal axis (the x-axis).: In a power, the number of times the base is multiplied by itself....

Geometry 2023-05-23

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. - a quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles
  2. - intersecting at or forming a right angle
  3. a straight path that extends infinitely in both directions
  4. - a quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel and equal in length
  5. - a quadrilateral with four right angles
  6. - a quadrilateral with only one pair of opposite sides parallel
  7. Theorem - a formula that states that the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.
  8. a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends infinitely in one direction
  9. - having the same shape and size
  1. - a four-sided polygon
  2. a plane figure with three straight sides and three angles
  3. a round plane figure whose boundary consists of points equidistant from a fixed point
  4. - a quadrilateral with all sides equal in length
  5. a location in a space that has no size or shape

14 Clues: - a four-sided polygon- having the same shape and size- a quadrilateral with four right angles- intersecting at or forming a right anglea location in a space that has no size or shape- a quadrilateral with all sides equal in lengtha plane figure with three straight sides and three anglesa straight path that extends infinitely in both directions...

geometry 2023-12-11

geometry crossword puzzle
  1. the length of the closed curve of a circle
  2. a continuous portion of a circle
  3. a surface generated by rotating a line around a fixed line
  4. triangle a three-sided regular polygon
  5. triangle a triangle whose interior angles are all acute
  6. a round three-dimensional closed surface
  7. a four-sided polygon
  1. triangle a triangle with two equal sides
  2. angles two angles whose sum is a right angle
  3. elevation above sea level or above the earth's surface
  4. in or near an inner area
  5. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
  6. angle an angle less than 90 degrees but more than 0 degrees
  7. combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously
  8. a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle

15 Clues: a four-sided polygonin or near an inner areaa continuous portion of a circlea round three-dimensional closed surfacethe length of the closed curve of a circletriangle a three-sided regular polygontriangle a triangle with two equal sidesangles two angles whose sum is a right angleelevation above sea level or above the earth's surface...

Geometry 2023-10-19

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. used to solve math
  2. two angles whose measures have a sum of 180
  3. an angle that is exactly 90 degrees
  4. a line with a single endpoint
  5. an angle that is more than 90 degrees
  6. operation meaning total
  1. two angles whose measures have a sum of 90
  2. an angle that is less than 90 degrees
  3. an angle that is exactly 180 degrees
  4. a line with two endpoints
  5. operation meaning less than
  6. location represented by a dot
  7. figure that extends forever in both directions
  8. a point of an angle

14 Clues: used to solve matha point of an angleoperation meaning totala line with two endpointsoperation meaning less thanlocation represented by a dota line with a single endpointan angle that is exactly 90 degreesan angle that is exactly 180 degreesan angle that is less than 90 degreesan angle that is more than 90 degrees...

geometry 2024-05-10

geometry crossword puzzle
  1. a single dot on a graph
  2. a triangle center
  3. part of a plane
  4. Three sides of a inverse triangle
  5. supplementary angles
  6. a line segment
  7. Something that makes a table
  1. 120 degrees or higher
  2. geometric principles
  3. two - dimensional surface
  4. 90 degrees
  5. Vertex of the opposite side of a triangle
  6. extends in one direction
  7. a quadrilateral

14 Clues: 90 degreesa line segmentpart of a planea quadrilaterala triangle centergeometric principlessupplementary angles120 degrees or highera single dot on a graphextends in one directiontwo - dimensional surfaceSomething that makes a tableThree sides of a inverse triangleVertex of the opposite side of a triangle

Geometry 2024-04-22

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. The 32nd best teacher at CMS
  2. Area of a rectangle with a length of 4.5 and a width of 6
  3. The Surface a solid object rests upon is known as the _______________
  4. The points where 2 or more line segments meet
  5. The area of a triangle is equal to half the area of a ____________
  6. Rectangle with an area of 1,008 and a length of 21
  1. The distance AROUND a shape is known as the ______________
  2. Volume = 48 units cubed. Length and height = 4 units. Width = ______________
  3. The measure of a shapes size on its surface. Measured in square units
  4. Volume of a cube with length = 12 width and height of 3
  5. The amount of faces on a rectangular prism
  6. The measurements of regions in three dimensional shapes. Measured in cubic units
  7. The flat surface of a solid shape
  8. The area of a triangle with a base of 10 and a height of 20

14 Clues: The 32nd best teacher at CMSThe flat surface of a solid shapeThe amount of faces on a rectangular prismThe points where 2 or more line segments meetRectangle with an area of 1,008 and a length of 21Volume of a cube with length = 12 width and height of 3Area of a rectangle with a length of 4.5 and a width of 6...

GEOMETRY 2013-09-23

GEOMETRY crossword puzzle
  1. undefined,no shape or size,rep. by a dot, indenfies a location
  2. that is always true in geomerty
  3. on the same line
  4. of a line consisting of two points called endpoints and all points between them
  1. middle of a line segment
  2. lines/lines that dont lie on the same plane
  3. in the same plane
  4. of points all of which meet a stated condition
  5. things in common
  6. end point
  7. many lines and extends without end in the directions of its lines
  8. the set of all points
  9. or more lines meet at one point
  10. planes/planes that dont intersect

14 Clues: end pointthings in commonon the same linein the same planethe set of all pointsmiddle of a line segmentthat is always true in geomertyor more lines meet at one pointplanes/planes that dont intersectlines/lines that dont lie on the same planeof points all of which meet a stated conditionundefined,no shape or size,rep. by a dot, indenfies a location...

geometry 2022-01-26

geometry crossword puzzle
  1. - half infinite line or half line with one of the 2 points and taken to be at infinity
  2. -a measurement of a plane angle in which one full rotation is 360 degrees.
  3. -a point in time halfway between the beginning and the end, as of a process, event, or situation
  4. - lines that intersect at a right angle
  5. - each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figure.
  6. - lines in a plane that are the same distance apart.
  7. - a straight one-dimensional figure having no thickness and extending infinitely in both directions.
  1. - an angle whose sides lie in opposite directions from the vertex in the same straight line
  2. - exact position or location on a plane surface.
  3. - 90 degrees
  4. - par of a line ha is bounded by 2 distinct end points, and contains every point on the line that is between its endpoints.
  5. - to measure distances or draw straight lines.
  6. - formed b 2 lines, line segments, or rays diverging from a vertex.
  7. - a two-dimensional doubly ruled surface spanned by two linearly independent vectors.

14 Clues: - 90 degrees- lines that intersect at a right angle- to measure distances or draw straight lines.- exact position or location on a plane surface.- lines in a plane that are the same distance apart.- each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figure.- formed b 2 lines, line segments, or rays diverging from a vertex....

Geometry 2022-01-21

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. the relationship between a circle's circumference and its diameter
  2. distance around the circle
  3. an angle whose vertex is on the circle's edge
  4. a part of the circle's circumference
  5. a line that intersects a circle at two points
  6. point at which two line segments intersect
  1. a portion of the area of a circle
  2. the relationship between a pumpkin's circumference and its diameter
  3. a line that touches a circle at only one point
  4. lines that intersect to form a right angle
  5. angle angle whose vertex is at the center of the circle
  6. the set of all points equidistant from a central point
  7. a line segment whose endpoints lie on the circle
  8. distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle's circumference

14 Clues: distance around the circlea portion of the area of a circlea part of the circle's circumferencelines that intersect to form a right anglepoint at which two line segments intersectan angle whose vertex is on the circle's edgea line that intersects a circle at two pointsa line that touches a circle at only one point...

geometry 2023-05-09

geometry crossword puzzle
  1. : The point on a coordinate plane where the x-axis and y-axis intersect. It is represented by the coordinates (0,0).
  2. : A straight line, or an equation or expression whose graph is a straight line. If m and b are constants, then mx+b is a linear expression, and a function f defined by f(x)=mx+b is a linear function.
  3. : In a power, the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.
  4. : The bottom number or expression in a fraction.
  5. : A point where a line or curve meets the vertical axis (the y-axis). The y-intercept of the line y=mx+b is the point (0,b).
  6. : A point on a 2-dimensional plane is described by a pair (x,y). The coordinate x is given by the labels below the grid, and the coordinate y is given by the labels to the left of the grid.
  7. : A standard measurement, such as a meter or an hour.
  1. : The distance a number is from 0.
  2. : An integer greater than 1 that can only be written as a product of two whole numbers in one way: as itself multiplied by 1.
  3. : A square root of a is a number b whose square is a. That is, b2=a. If b is a square root of a, then so is −b. If a≥0, “the” square root of a, written √a, is the square root of a that is positive or zero.
  4. : A point where a curve meets the horizontal axis (the x-axis).
  5. : An expression that is multiplied by another expression, or that can be multiplied by another expression to produce a specified result.
  6. : In a power, the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.
  7. number : One of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ... .
  8. : The values of x where a polynomial is zero. These are the x-coordinates of the x-intercepts of the polynomial’s graph.

15 Clues: : The distance a number is from 0.number : One of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, ... .: The bottom number or expression in a fraction.: A standard measurement, such as a meter or an hour.: A point where a curve meets the horizontal axis (the x-axis).: In a power, the number of times the base is multiplied by itself....

Geometry 2023-05-18

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. an angle that is between 0˚ and 90˚
  2. the distance around the outside of a figure
  3. a 4-sided polygon with 4 right angles and two pairs of congruent sides
  4. This word means 'the same'
  5. a 2-D, closed shape with 3 or more straight lines
  6. an angle that is 90˚
  7. a 4-sided polygon with 4 right angles and sides of the same length
  1. two lines that are the same distance apart and never meet
  2. the amount of space inside a figure
  3. a 4-sided shape with only one pair of parallel sides
  4. a 5-sided polygon
  5. an angle that is greater than 90˚
  6. 12 inches
  7. a three sided polygon

14 Clues: 12 inchesa 5-sided polygonan angle that is 90˚a three sided polygonThis word means 'the same'an angle that is greater than 90˚an angle that is between 0˚ and 90˚the amount of space inside a figurethe distance around the outside of a figurea 2-D, closed shape with 3 or more straight linesa 4-sided shape with only one pair of parallel sides...

Geometry 2023-02-23

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. More than 90 degrees
  2. 90degrees
  3. two pairs of parallel sides, four sides of equal length and four right angles
  4. two pairs of parallel sides and four sides of equal length
  5. all sides are the same length
  6. 2D figures with angels, and no curves
  7. it has 4 sides
  1. two sides the same length, one different
  2. two sides of equal length, two pairs of parallel sides and four right angles
  3. it has 3 sides
  4. less than 90 degrees
  5. one pair of parallel sides
  6. two pairs of parallel sides and two pairs of sides with equal length
  7. all length are different

14 Clues: 90degreesit has 3 sidesit has 4 sidesMore than 90 degreesless than 90 degreesall length are differentone pair of parallel sidesall sides are the same length2D figures with angels, and no curvestwo sides the same length, one differenttwo pairs of parallel sides and four sides of equal length...

Geometry 2024-05-21

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. - A u-shaped curve with certain specific properties
  2. - The locus of all points that are a fixed distance from a given point.
  3. - A part of a line starting at a particular point and extending infinitely in one direction.
  4. - a quadrilateral with four congruent angles (all 90°).
  5. - A solid with parallel congruent bases which are both polygons.
  6. - A quadrilateral which has a pair of opposite sides which are parallel. The parallel sides are called the bases, and the other two sides are called the legs.
  7. - Two rays sharing a common endpoint.
  1. - A polygon with eight sides.
  2. - A polygon with six sides.
  3. - The study of triangles, with emphasis on calculations involving the lengths of sides and the measures of angles.
  4. - The shortest distance between the base of a geometric figure and its top
  5. - the distance around the outside of a circle.
  6. - A part of a line starting at a particular point and extending infinitely in one direction.
  7. - A flat surface extending in all directions
  8. - A corner point of a geometric figure.

15 Clues: - A polygon with six sides.- A polygon with eight sides.- Two rays sharing a common endpoint.- A corner point of a geometric figure.- A flat surface extending in all directions- the distance around the outside of a circle.- A u-shaped curve with certain specific properties- a quadrilateral with four congruent angles (all 90°)....

geometry 2024-08-23

geometry crossword puzzle
  1. points or lines that lie on the same plane
  2. the exact middle point
  3. segment part of a straight line that is bounded together
  4. is the division of something into two equal or congruent parts
  5. is they have the same shape or size
  6. the perpandicural drawn from the vertex of the triangle to the opposite side
  7. a flat surface
  1. a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary.n
  2. points that lie on the same line
  3. is a specific location
  4. is a connected straight path
  5. a round plane figure whose boundary consist of points to each other
  6. a plane or figure with four equal sides
  7. two lines of a point
  8. the space between two lines

15 Clues: a flat surfacetwo lines of a pointthe exact middle pointis a specific locationthe space between two linesis a connected straight pathpoints that lie on the same lineis they have the same shape or sizea plane or figure with four equal sidespoints or lines that lie on the same planesegment part of a straight line that is bounded together...

Geo and Rupt Words 2017-04-30

Geo and Rupt Words crossword puzzle
  1. of relating to geography.
  2. The ________ was studying features of the newly discovered mountain range.
  3. The volcanoes that are active will _______ soon.
  4. When the teacher was talking, she was ___________.
  5. Mathematics that relates to geometry.
  1. The business that ran out of money went ___________.
  2. Batman was _____________.
  3. The study of shapes.
  4. Volcanoes produce ___________ energy.
  5. Politicians who take bribes are ________.

10 Clues: The study of shapes.Batman was _____________.of relating to geography.Volcanoes produce ___________ energy.Mathematics that relates to geometry.Politicians who take bribes are ________.The volcanoes that are active will _______ soon.When the teacher was talking, she was ___________.The business that ran out of money went ___________....

The Communication Process 2013-09-29

The Communication Process crossword puzzle
  1. A person who creates and shares a message
  2. The process of creating a profile of the intended receivers of a message
  3. An informal communication channel in an organization
  4. Words used in a spoken or written message
  5. Data that should be kept private or secret
  6. Things/conditions outside the receiver/sender that hinder communication
  7. A positive feeling or attitude toward others; the positive reputation or image of a company
  8. Reviewing material to get a basic understanding of the objectives you are going to read
  9. The mode or form used to send a message, such as speaking person-to-person or sending an e-mail
  1. An idea expressed by a set of symbols
  2. The physical and social setting in which a message is sent or received
  3. A person who hears, sees, or reads symbols and interprets a message
  4. Sending and interpreting messages related to products, services, of a company
  5. The process of hearing and focusing attention to understand an oral message
  6. Things or conditions that interfere with the communication process
  7. Things/conditions within the receiver/sender that hinder communication
  8. Actions or conditions that express a meaning
  9. The response of a receiver to a message
  10. The process of seeing and interpreting written words and other symbols

19 Clues: An idea expressed by a set of symbolsThe response of a receiver to a messageA person who creates and shares a messageWords used in a spoken or written messageData that should be kept private or secretActions or conditions that express a meaningAn informal communication channel in an organization...

Mathematical terms 2020-02-13

Mathematical terms crossword puzzle
  1. The process or skill of taking one number or amount away from another.
  2. A fraction whose denominator is a power of ten and whose numerator is expressed by figures placed to the right of a decimal point.
  3. The process of calculating the total of two or more numbers.
  4. We calculate it by adding up all the values, then divide by the number of values.
  5. A numerical quantity that is not a whole number. For example 1/2.
  1. A mathematical operation performed on a pair of numbers in order to derive a third number called a product.
  2. A number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the "%" sign.
  3. A branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space.
  4. The operation which is the opposite of multiplication.
  5. The part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers.

10 Clues: The operation which is the opposite of multiplication.The process of calculating the total of two or more numbers.A numerical quantity that is not a whole number. For example 1/2.The process or skill of taking one number or amount away from another.We calculate it by adding up all the values, then divide by the number of values....

Greatest Mathematicians of All Time 2012-10-21

Greatest Mathematicians of All Time crossword puzzle
  1. Invented Algebra
  2. Born on the island of Samos
  3. The wise one
  4. Invented Cartesian Geometry
  1. Prince of Mathematics
  2. Queen of the Sciences
  3. King of Mathematics
  4. Father of Geometry

8 Clues: The wise oneInvented AlgebraFather of GeometryKing of MathematicsPrince of MathematicsQueen of the SciencesBorn on the island of SamosInvented Cartesian Geometry

Rupt and Geo Words 2017-04-30

Rupt and Geo Words crossword puzzle
  1. The study of shapes.
  2. When the teacher was talking, she was ___________.
  3. Volcanoes produce ___________ energy.
  4. Batman was _____________.
  5. The volcanoes that are active will _______ soon.
  6. The business that ran out of money went ___________.
  1. Politicians who take bribes are ________.
  2. of relating to geography.
  3. Mathematics that relates to geometry.
  4. The ________ was studying features of the newly discovered mountain range.

10 Clues: The study of shapes.of relating to geography.Batman was _____________.Mathematics that relates to geometry.Volcanoes produce ___________ energy.Politicians who take bribes are ________.The volcanoes that are active will _______ soon.When the teacher was talking, she was ___________.The business that ran out of money went ___________....

Numbers 2023-12-01

Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. The number following five, often symbolized by the numeral 6.
  2. The number after nine, symbolized by the numeral 10.
  3. A number composed of 10 and 3, represented by the symbols 13.
  4. The number following eight, often represented by the symbol 9.
  5. The number after three, often symbolized by the numeral 4.
  6. A number composed of 10 and 2, often symbolized by the symbols 12.
  7. The number that comes after four, represented by the symbol 5.
  8. A number composed of 10 and 4, symbolized by the symbols 14.
  1. The number that comes after seven, symbolized by the numeral 8.
  2. The number after six, represented by the symbol 7.
  3. A number composed of 10 and 1, represented by the symbols 11.
  4. The number that follows two, represented by the symbol 3.
  5. A number composed of 10 and 5, often represented by the symbols 15.
  6. The smallest counting number, often represented by the symbol 1.
  7. The number that comes after one, often represented by the symbol 2.

15 Clues: The number after six, represented by the symbol 7.The number after nine, symbolized by the numeral 10.The number that follows two, represented by the symbol 3.The number after three, often symbolized by the numeral 4.A number composed of 10 and 4, symbolized by the symbols 14.The number following five, often symbolized by the numeral 6....

Hellenistic Thinkers Crossword 2022-01-19

Hellenistic Thinkers Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Who developed Stoicism?
  2. measured the ______ of the Earth
  3. Who was the most famous scientist of the Hellenistic Era?
  4. Archimedes invented this siege weapon
  5. Scientists that study stars and planets
  6. Who wrote Elements?
  1. Stoics believed _____ caused problems
  2. Who was in charge of Alexandria's library?
  3. Elements explains plane _______
  4. Would you use plane or solid geometry to calculate how much air is in a basketball?
  5. Who believed that the sun was the center of the universe?
  6. Stoic believed _____ came from logic and reason
  7. estimate was only 185 _____ off the actual distance
  8. Archimedes found the value of this

14 Clues: Who wrote Elements?Who developed Stoicism?Elements explains plane _______measured the ______ of the EarthArchimedes found the value of thisStoics believed _____ caused problemsArchimedes invented this siege weaponScientists that study stars and planetsWho was in charge of Alexandria's library?Stoic believed _____ came from logic and reason...

ARCHLUSIVE 2022-10-05

ARCHLUSIVE crossword puzzle
  1. built an arts center to teach children in the village
  2. doshi is based in India
  3. a region that inspired Hassan Fathy
  4. uses complex geometry
  5. the use of local and unique materials to evoke certain senses
  6. seventh person in the timeline
  7. the form of the building
  1. first person in the timeline
  2. the use of light and nature
  3. the use of local labor and traditions
  4. symbolized old Riyadh through bridges, gates, and columns
  5. won the 2012 Pritzker Prize

12 Clues: uses complex geometrydoshi is based in Indiathe form of the buildingthe use of light and naturewon the 2012 Pritzker Prizefirst person in the timelineseventh person in the timelinea region that inspired Hassan Fathythe use of local labor and traditionsbuilt an arts center to teach children in the village...

Mathematicians 2013-04-19

Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. magnets
  2. generality of algebra
  3. father of geometry
  4. triangles
  5. Indian autodidact
  6. Italian mathematician
  7. greek philosopher
  8. fibonacci number
  9. Norwegian mathematician
  10. french lawyer
  11. gravity
  12. German philosopher
  1. gas laws
  2. elliptic functions
  3. the stupidest name ever
  4. french philosopher
  5. german number theory
  6. greek teacher
  7. set theory
  8. Swiss physicist

20 Clues: magnetsgravitygas lawstrianglesset theorygreek teacherfrench lawyerSwiss physicistfibonacci numberIndian autodidactgreek philosopherelliptic functionsfrench philosopherfather of geometryGerman philosophergerman number theorygenerality of algebraItalian mathematicianthe stupidest name everNorwegian mathematician

Asignaturas con adjetivos 2021-01-20

Asignaturas con adjetivos crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. geometry
  3. Phys. Ed.
  4. english
  5. interesting
  6. biology
  7. geography
  8. small
  9. easy
  10. fun
  11. german
  12. America History
  13. art
  14. big
  15. teacher (m)
  16. boring
  1. french
  2. nice
  3. demanding
  4. difficult
  5. mathematics
  6. spanish
  7. student (f)
  8. algebra
  9. teacher (f)
  10. class
  11. subject
  12. intelligent

28 Clues: funartbigniceeasysmallclassfrenchgermanboringscienceenglishspanishbiologyalgebrasubjectgeometryPhys. Ed.demandingdifficultgeographymathematicsinterestingstudent (f)teacher (f)intelligentteacher (m)America History

Asignaturas con adjetivos 2021-01-20

Asignaturas con adjetivos crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. student (f)
  3. teacher (f)
  4. teacher (m)
  5. boring
  6. geometry
  7. biology
  8. big
  9. art
  10. german
  11. english
  12. interesting
  13. Phys. Ed.
  14. mathematics
  1. french
  2. subject
  3. spanish
  4. America History
  5. small
  6. intelligent
  7. nice
  8. geography
  9. easy
  10. fun
  11. class
  12. demanding
  13. algebra
  14. science

28 Clues: bigartfunniceeasysmallclassfrenchboringgermansubjectspanishbiologyenglishalgebrasciencegeometrydifficultgeographydemandingPhys. Ed.student (f)teacher (f)intelligentteacher (m)interestingmathematicsAmerica History

math crossword 2022-04-13

math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. hypp
  2. similar
  3. volume
  4. equ
  5. adjacent
  6. function
  7. furmula
  8. surface area
  9. radius
  10. algeb-ra
  11. cos
  12. rhombussss
  13. geo-mtry
  14. theorem
  1. hexagon
  2. perimeter
  3. perpendicular
  4. des
  5. texver
  6. tan
  7. pentagon
  8. diameter
  9. chord
  10. fugure
  11. measureing
  12. varia
  13. bisector
  14. sin
  15. degree

29 Clues: desequtancossinhyppchordvariatexvervolumefugureradiusdegreehexagonsimilarfurmulatheoremadjacentpentagondiameterfunctionbisectoralgeb-rageo-mtryperimetermeasureingrhombusssssurface areaperpendicular

School Subjects 2024-01-10

School Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. school
  3. language
  4. geometry
  5. Spanish
  6. assembly
  7. history
  8. class
  9. chemistry
  10. orchestra
  11. schoolsubject
  12. science
  13. recess
  14. English
  15. language
  1. algebra
  2. computerscience
  3. lunchtime
  4. mathematics
  5. socialstudies
  6. geography
  7. schoolsubject
  8. physicaleducation
  9. band
  10. civics
  11. literature
  12. art
  13. finearts
  14. socialscience
  15. studyhall
  16. choir
  17. technology

32 Clues: artbandclasschoirschoolcivicsrecessalgebrabiologySpanishhistoryscienceEnglishlanguagegeometryassemblyfineartslanguagelunchtimegeographychemistryorchestrastudyhallliteraturetechnologymathematicssocialstudiesschoolsubjectsocialscienceschoolsubjectcomputersciencephysicaleducation

Living Religions 2021-01-27

Living Religions crossword puzzle
  1. first morning prayer of sikhs
  2. no eternal self
  3. no diety
  4. Priest
  5. Magnetic attraction
  6. person dedicated to suffering
  7. discomfort
  8. Sikh place of worship
  9. K's, symbols worn by khasla
  10. actions
  1. incarnation
  2. individual soul
  3. narrative that use symbols
  4. Impermanence.
  5. one tradition true
  6. An ascetic Sikh order
  7. yogic

17 Clues: yogicPriestactionsno eternal selfindividual soulone tradition trueMagnetic attractionAn ascetic Sikh orderSikh place of worshipnarrative that use symbolsK's, symbols worn by khaslafirst morning prayer of sikhsperson dedicated to suffering


CARTESIAN PLANE crossword puzzle
  1. :used to tell exact location in space.
  2. :is a graphical technique for representing a data set, usually as a graph showing the relationship between two or more variables.
  3. :one of a pair of numbers and/or letters that show the exact position of a point on a map or graph
  4. :the initial point or the starting point from where we begin our calculations or measurements.
  5. : collection of points and lines connecting some (possibly empty) subset of them
  6. :the line of figures or coordinates that are arranged from top to bottom at the side of a graph or map
  7. :the rightmost position in a Number or the one’s place.
  8. :where a line crosses the x-axis
  9. : A real quantity having a value less than zero.
  10. a quantity that can be changed and is not fixed.
  11. :an arithmetic value used for representing the quantity and used in making calculations
  12. :a figure in geometry, which has only length and no width in a two-dimensional plane and extends infinitely in opposite directions.
  13. :A mathematical statement in which you show that two amounts are equal using mathematical symbols:
  1. :is a fact or rule written with mathematical symbols
  2. :is a number on its own, or sometimes a letter such as a, b or c to stand for a fixed number.
  3. horizontal number line
  4. : is a number multiplied by a variable.
  5. : if it is greater than or equal to zero
  6. :single numbers, variables, or the product of a number and variables
  7. :property of being positive or negative. negative A real quantity having a value less than zero
  8. :a flat surface of two dimensions
  9. :the point where the line crosses the y-axis.
  10. :rearranging an algebraic equation so that a different variable is on its own.
  11. :a numerical value that describes the steepness of a line and is usually determined by calculating the ratio of the vertical distance to the horizontal distance (rise over run) between two points.
  12. :a region defined by the two axes (x-axis and y-axis) of the coordinate system.

25 Clues: horizontal number line:where a line crosses the x-axis:a flat surface of two dimensions:used to tell exact location in space.: is a number multiplied by a variable.: if it is greater than or equal to zero:the point where the line crosses the y-axis.: A real quantity having a value less than zero.a quantity that can be changed and is not fixed....

Hellenistic Thinkers Crossword 2022-01-19

Hellenistic Thinkers Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Archimedes invented this siege weapon
  2. Who was in charge of Alexandria's library?
  3. Stoic believed _____ came from logic and reason
  4. Stoics believed _____ caused problems
  5. Elements explains plane _______
  6. Archimedes found the value of this
  1. Who believed that the sun was the center of the universe?
  2. measured the ______ of the Earth
  3. Who was the most famous scientist of the Hellenistic Era?
  4. Who developed Stoicism?
  5. Scientists that study stars and planets
  6. estimate was only 185 _____ off the actual distance
  7. Would you use plane or solid geometry to calculate how much air is in a basketball?
  8. Who wrote Elements?

14 Clues: Who wrote Elements?Who developed Stoicism?Elements explains plane _______measured the ______ of the EarthArchimedes found the value of thisArchimedes invented this siege weaponStoics believed _____ caused problemsScientists that study stars and planetsWho was in charge of Alexandria's library?Stoic believed _____ came from logic and reason...

Mathematicians 2013-04-19

Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. magnets
  2. generality of algebra
  3. father of geometry
  4. triangles
  5. Indian autodidact
  6. Italian mathematician
  7. greek philosopher
  8. fibonacci number
  9. Norwegian mathematician
  10. french lawyer
  11. gravity
  12. German philosopher
  1. gas laws
  2. elliptic functions
  3. the stupidest name ever
  4. french philosopher
  5. german number theory
  6. greek teacher
  7. set theory
  8. Swiss physicist

20 Clues: magnetsgravitygas lawstrianglesset theorygreek teacherfrench lawyerSwiss physicistfibonacci numberIndian autodidactgreek philosopherelliptic functionsfrench philosopherfather of geometryGerman philosophergerman number theorygenerality of algebraItalian mathematicianthe stupidest name everNorwegian mathematician

Unidad 4 Vocabulario - Las Clases 2023-02-27

Unidad 4 Vocabulario - Las Clases crossword puzzle
  1. marketing
  2. French
  3. geography
  4. biology
  5. electives
  6. Spanish
  7. sports
  8. English
  9. chemistry
  10. algebra
  11. mathematics
  12. history
  13. band
  14. trigonometry
  15. computer science
  16. PE
  1. social studies
  2. choir
  3. art
  4. geometry
  5. science
  6. orchestra
  7. languages
  8. German
  9. calculus
  10. physics
  11. music
  12. arithmetic
  13. Chinese

29 Clues: PEartbandchoirmusicFrenchsportsGermansciencebiologySpanishEnglishphysicsalgebrahistoryChinesegeometrycalculusmarketingorchestrageographylanguageselectiveschemistryarithmeticmathematicstrigonometrysocial studiescomputer science

Algebra Crossword 2022-07-25

Algebra Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A single mathematic expression.
  2. The number before a variable.
  3. A number.
  4. Split into parts.
  5. A maths law where we can change the order of adding or multiplying terms.
  6. Replace one thing with another.
  7. A value that can be changed.
  8. To reduce down to its most efficient form.
  9. Another word for take away.
  1. Used to replace numbers.
  2. An expression with an equal sign.
  3. Items sold at a store.
  4. Using letters and symbols to replace numebers.
  5. A written communication sent by post.
  6. Also known as expanding the brackets,
  7. A law that says it doesn't matter how we group numbers.
  8. A fact or rule expressed with maths symbols.
  9. When two things are the same amount or value.
  10. Combination of symbols and numebrs.
  11. To grow larger.

20 Clues: A number.To grow larger.Split into parts.Items sold at a store.Used to replace numbers.Another word for take away.A value that can be changed.The number before a variable.A single mathematic expression.Replace one thing with another.An expression with an equal sign.Combination of symbols and numebrs.A written communication sent by post....

Geometry terms 2020-12-16

Geometry terms crossword puzzle
  1. The simplest angle
  2. Withs four side and four rights angles
  3. Sometimes triangle, sometimes cercle, is very important in a solid
  4. Sometimes in geometry, sometimes in Egypt
  5. The form of the Earth
  1. Solid with two cercles
  2. With six squares
  3. Sometimes in geometry, sometimes with ice cream
  4. Solid with five triangles
  5. We draw it with a ruler

10 Clues: With six squaresThe simplest angleThe form of the EarthSolid with two cerclesWe draw it with a rulerSolid with five trianglesWiths four side and four rights anglesSometimes in geometry, sometimes in EgyptSometimes in geometry, sometimes with ice creamSometimes triangle, sometimes cercle, is very important in a solid


UNIT 7 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET - I.M.1 crossword puzzle
  1. An undefined term in geometry; A straight path that has no thickness and extends forever.
  2. A shape that results from a transformation of a figure known as the preimage.
  3. Points that lie on the same line.
  4. Points that lie in the same plane.
  5. A statement that is accepted as true without proof.
  6. The original figure in a transformation.
  7. A transformation that shifts or slides every point of a figure or graph the same distance in the same direction.
  8. An undefined term in geometry, it is a flat surface that has no thickness and extends forever.
  9. The point that divides a segment into two congruent segments.
  10. To divide into two congruent parts.
  1. A quantity that has both magnitude and direction.
  2. A point at an end of a segment or the starting point of a ray.
  3. A transformation about a point P such that each point and its image are the same distance from P.
  4. A transformation across a line such that the line is the perpendicular bisector of each segment joining each point and its image.
  5. A theorem whose proof follows directly from another theorem.
  6. An undefined term in geometry, it names a location and has no size.
  7. A part of a line that starts at an endpoint and extends forever in one direction.
  8. A statement that has been proven.

18 Clues: Points that lie on the same line.A statement that has been proven.Points that lie in the same plane.To divide into two congruent parts.The original figure in a transformation.A quantity that has both magnitude and direction.A statement that is accepted as true without proof.A theorem whose proof follows directly from another theorem....

French Classes 2023-12-05

French Classes crossword puzzle
  1. lunch
  2. math class
  3. physics class
  4. science class
  5. French class
  6. health class
  7. Spanish class
  8. art class
  9. algebra class
  1. gym class
  2. study hall
  3. German class
  4. computer class
  5. chemistry class
  6. biology class
  7. geometry class
  8. English class

17 Clues: lunchgym classart classstudy hallmath classGerman classFrench classhealth classphysics classscience classbiology classSpanish classalgebra classEnglish classcomputer classgeometry classchemistry class

Asignaturas con adjetivos 2021-01-20

Asignaturas con adjetivos crossword puzzle
  1. difficult
  2. student (f)
  3. teacher (f)
  4. teacher (m)
  5. boring
  6. geometry
  7. biology
  8. big
  9. art
  10. german
  11. english
  12. interesting
  13. Phys. Ed.
  14. mathematics
  1. french
  2. subjecdt
  3. spanish
  4. America History
  5. small
  6. intelligent
  7. nice
  8. geography
  9. easy
  10. fun
  11. class
  12. demanding
  13. algebra
  14. science

28 Clues: bigartfunniceeasysmallclassfrenchboringgermanspanishbiologyenglishalgebrasciencesubjecdtgeometrydifficultgeographydemandingPhys. Ed.student (f)teacher (f)intelligentteacher (m)interestingmathematicsAmerica History

Hutto's Crossword 2023-10-12

Hutto's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. class about angles and shapes
  3. bus
  4. sunshine
  5. oldest students
  6. principal
  7. time to go home
  8. Conforte
  9. Thank Goodness It's Friday
  1. book
  2. lead
  4. used in sign language class
  5. loud neighboring classroom
  6. fancy dance
  7. Expo
  8. teen favorite food
  9. Friday Saturday Sunday
  10. Bulldog
  11. bathroom pass

20 Clues: busbookleadExposchoolROYGBIVBulldogsunshineConforteprincipalfancy dancebathroom passoldest studentstime to go hometeen favorite foodFriday Saturday Sundayloud neighboring classroomThank Goodness It's Fridayused in sign language classclass about angles and shapes

Numeral symbols 2022-03-12

Numeral symbols crossword puzzle
  1. XI
  2. XIX
  3. XVII
  4. IV
  5. XIII
  6. XXX
  7. C
  1. XIV
  2. VII
  3. I
  4. LXXX
  5. LX
  6. V
  7. XC
  8. VI
  9. II


National Symbols 2020-04-06

National Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. National animal
  2. National anthem
  3. Father of Nation
  4. National reptile
  5. National song
  6. National vegetable
  7. National sport
  1. National Flower
  2. National heritage animal
  3. National bird
  4. National flag
  5. National tree
  6. National river
  7. National fruit
  8. National slogan
  9. National currency

16 Clues: National birdNational flagNational treeNational songNational riverNational fruitNational sportNational FlowerNational animalNational anthemNational sloganFather of NationNational reptileNational currencyNational vegetableNational heritage animal

Numeral Symbols 2021-09-15

Numeral Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. XL
  2. V
  3. I
  4. L
  5. XI
  6. XVII
  7. LC
  1. LX
  2. XV
  3. C
  4. IV
  5. XX
  6. VI
  7. III
  8. LXX
  9. X



NUMERAL SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. III
  2. VIII
  3. XII
  4. XXX
  5. XI
  6. XL
  7. XIV
  1. XVII
  2. XVIII
  3. X
  4. L
  5. XX
  6. LXX
  7. V
  8. IV
  9. II



GEOMETRIC SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. °
  2. π
  3. |x–y|
  1. '
  2. rad
  3. grad
  4. "

16 Clues: '°"πradgrad|x–y|

LOGIC SYMBOLS 2023-09-10

LOGIC SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. The symbol is ∵
  2. It mean not-negation with a symbol of x'
  3. It means exclusive or -xor
  4. The symbol is +
  5. It means 'or' with a symbol of ∨
  6. The symbol is ∀
  7. The symbol is &
  8. The symbol is ∴
  9. The symbols is ↔
  1. Used also as 'and' with a symbol of (^)
  2. The symbol is ⇒
  3. The symbol is !
  4. It means negation
  5. The symbol is ¬
  6. Means 'and' with a symbol of (.)
  7. The symbol is ∃

16 Clues: The symbol is ∵The symbol is ⇒The symbol is !The symbol is ¬The symbol is +The symbol is ∀The symbol is &The symbol is ∴The symbol is ∃The symbols is ↔It means negationIt means exclusive or -xorIt means 'or' with a symbol of ∨Means 'and' with a symbol of (.)Used also as 'and' with a symbol of (^)It mean not-negation with a symbol of x'

Numerals symbols 2023-09-14

Numerals symbols crossword puzzle
  1. XVIII
  2. XV
  3. VI
  4. XIV
  5. XIX
  6. X
  7. XXX
  1. L
  2. III
  3. XVI
  4. LXX
  5. IV
  6. LX
  7. XL
  8. V
  9. LXXX


Greek Symbols 2024-02-18

Greek Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. ξ
  2. ε
  3. α
  4. ο
  5. γ
  6. φ
  7. ζ
  1. Σ
  2. υ
  3. ρ
  4. η
  5. λ
  6. ψ
  7. ω
  8. κ
  9. π

16 Clues: Συρξεηλαψοωκγπφζ

Numeral symbols 2021-09-03

Numeral symbols crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 15
  4. 12
  5. VII
  6. 0
  7. 11
  8. 2
  1. XIV
  2. X
  3. 13
  4. IV
  5. IX
  6. 5
  7. VIII
  8. 1

16 Clues: X3650121315IVIX1211XIVVIIVIII

Numeral Symbols 2023-09-10

Numeral Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. L
  2. LX
  3. X
  4. XIX
  5. XIII
  6. XL
  7. LXX
  8. C
  1. XV
  2. VII
  3. V
  4. XX
  5. I
  6. XC
  7. XXX
  8. 0



NUMERAL SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. I
  2. IV
  3. II
  4. VI
  5. VII
  6. VIII
  7. XV
  8. XII
  1. 0
  2. XIV
  3. XIII
  4. V
  5. III
  6. XI
  7. IX
  8. X


Foundations Of Speech 2015-01-28

Foundations Of Speech crossword puzzle
  1. physical, psychological, semantic
  2. interpreting the symbols in a message
  3. study of spoken language
  4. carried by communication symbols
  5. process of sharing information
  6. signs of communication
  1. turning ideas into symbols to be communicated
  2. transmitters of messages
  3. between two or more people
  4. voice, face, and body
  5. must prove or disprove a statement
  6. person who delivers oratory
  7. conversation with family and friends

13 Clues: voice, face, and bodysigns of communicationtransmitters of messagesstudy of spoken languagebetween two or more peopleperson who delivers oratoryprocess of sharing informationcarried by communication symbolsphysical, psychological, semanticmust prove or disprove a statementconversation with family and friendsinterpreting the symbols in a message...

Numeral symbols 2022-03-18

Numeral symbols crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 6
  3. 10
  4. 8
  5. 3
  6. 5
  7. 1
  8. 11
  9. 16
  1. 4
  2. 15
  3. 9
  4. 13
  5. 12
  6. 7
  7. 2

16 Clues: 49683517215141013121116


NUMERAL SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. X
  2. XC
  3. I
  4. L
  5. XIX
  6. VII
  7. LXXX
  8. XVII
  1. LX
  2. IX
  3. XVI
  4. XII
  5. C
  6. IV
  7. XI
  8. XXX


Numeral Symbols 2024-09-02

Numeral Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 7
  3. 10
  4. 4
  5. 13
  6. 15
  7. 0
  1. 5
  2. 11
  3. 6
  4. 8
  5. 3
  6. 14
  7. 1
  8. 9
  9. 2

16 Clues: 5768341920121110141315

Vocabulary Crossword Quiz A 2019-08-23

Vocabulary Crossword Quiz A crossword puzzle
  1. point on line segment equidistant from endpoints
  2. a location with no size or dimension
  3. polygon polygon that is equiangular and equilateral
  4. geometry tool used for constructions
  5. on the same line
  6. geometry tool used to construct circles
  7. segment two points and all collinear points between them
  8. symmetry a figure coincides with itself when rotated
  9. divide into two congruent parts
  1. point(s) at ends of segment, arc, or ray
  2. in the same plane
  3. when a figure coincides with itself under a transformation
  4. statement explaining the meaning of a word or phrase
  5. symmetry a figure coincides with itself when reflected
  6. a point on a line, and all the points on one side
  7. symmetry reflectional symmetry with one line of symmetry
  8. a two dimensional surface extending infinitely along its edges

17 Clues: on the same linein the same planedivide into two congruent partsgeometry tool used for constructionsa location with no size or dimensiongeometry tool used to construct circlespoint(s) at ends of segment, arc, or raypoint on line segment equidistant from endpointsa point on a line, and all the points on one side...

chelsea damian 2019-09-30

chelsea damian crossword puzzle
  1. a shape that has Multiview
  2. a straight line passing through a circle
  3. two line that meets at a 90 degree angle
  4. a tringle that has all 3 equal sides
  5. two lines across from eachother
  6. lines that's go up and down(south to north)
  7. communicating an idea by sketching or drawing
  1. lines that go from side to side(east to west)
  2. a three dimensional drawing
  3. hakf of a diameter
  4. a method of projection using parallel lines
  5. a type of pictorial drawing
  6. used to outline the visible edges of the object being drawn
  7. a geometry shape with 8 sides
  8. a measurement property of geometry

15 Clues: hakf of a diametera shape that has Multiviewa three dimensional drawinga type of pictorial drawinga geometry shape with 8 sidestwo lines across from eachothera measurement property of geometrya tringle that has all 3 equal sidesa straight line passing through a circletwo line that meets at a 90 degree angle...

Fun with Flags 2024-03-23

Fun with Flags crossword puzzle
  1. - Gain knowledge
  2. - Shiny in the sky
  3. - Lines on a flag
  4. - Admiration
  5. - Artistic creation
  6. - Who we are
  7. - National symbols
  1. - Feeling of honor
  2. - Red, blue, green, etc.
  3. - Past events
  4. - Circles, squares, etc.
  5. - Representations
  6. - Repeated designs
  7. - Togetherness
  8. - Symbolic object

15 Clues: - Admiration- Who we are- Past events- Togetherness- Gain knowledge- Lines on a flag- Representations- Symbolic object- Feeling of honor- Shiny in the sky- Repeated designs- National symbols- Artistic creation- Red, blue, green, etc.- Circles, squares, etc.

Maths 2020-02-14

Maths crossword puzzle
  1. การบวก
  2. พีชคณิต
  3. การลบ
  4. เลขคณิต
  5. จำนวนเต็ม
  1. ทั้งหมด
  2. สถิติ
  3. การหาร
  4. เรขาคณิต
  5. การคูณ
  6. ค่าเฉลี่ย

11 Clues: สถิติการลบการหารการบวกการคูณทั้งหมดพีชคณิตเลขคณิตเรขาคณิตค่าเฉลี่ยจำนวนเต็ม

Spanish Subjects 2023-12-08

Spanish Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Science
  2. Art
  3. Biology
  4. French
  5. Chemistry
  1. Geometry
  2. Spanish
  3. Geography
  4. Music
  5. English
  6. History

11 Clues: ArtMusicFrenchScienceSpanishBiologyEnglishHistoryGeometryGeographyChemistry

Spanish Subjects 2023-12-08

Spanish Subjects crossword puzzle
  1. Science
  2. Art
  3. Biology
  4. French
  5. Chemistry
  1. Geometry
  2. Spanish
  3. Geography
  4. Music
  5. English
  6. History

11 Clues: ArtMusicFrenchScienceSpanishBiologyEnglishHistoryGeometryGeographyChemistry

Grade 8 2023-02-01

Grade 8 crossword puzzle
  1. the result of multiplication
  2. The result of addition
  3. In ax²+bx+c=0, x1 and x2 are called
  4. A parts of whole thing is called
  5. A set of numbers which starts with one.
  6. By using P=2(a+b) we can find ________ rectangle
  7. D= b²- 4ac is called
  8. An equation of form ax+b=0
  9. Expression of form P(x) is called
  1. A subject which studies laws of nature
  2. the name of your teacher of geometry
  3. The name of the teacher of algebra
  4. mathematics part which studies about figures
  5. A geometric figure which has only tree sides
  6. An equation of form ax²+bx+c=0 is called
  7. the name of your form-master ( of your class)
  8. the name of school
  9. In a week we have ____ lessons of algebra
  10. By using A=a•b we can find ____ of rectangle

19 Clues: the name of schoolD= b²- 4ac is calledThe result of additionAn equation of form ax+b=0the result of multiplicationA parts of whole thing is calledExpression of form P(x) is calledThe name of the teacher of algebraIn ax²+bx+c=0, x1 and x2 are calledthe name of your teacher of geometryA subject which studies laws of nature...

Geometry terms 2023-10-03

Geometry terms crossword puzzle
  1. distance from the center of a circle to its circumference
  2. a major figure in the development of Geometry
  3. to cross at a point
  4. the place where two sides meet to form an angle
  5. never intersecting
  6. two points determine a unique one
  7. geometry tool used to draw circles
  8. point in the middle of a segment
  9. all points equidistant from a point called the center
  10. piece of a circle's circumference
  1. a line that crosses through the center of a circle and has endpoints on the circle's circumference
  2. a line that extends in one direction from an endpoint
  3. a piece of a line with two endpoints
  4. forming 90 degree right angles
  5. a six-sided polygon
  6. divides an object into two equal pieces
  7. represents a location in space
  8. formed when two rays meet at a common vertex

18 Clues: never intersectingto cross at a pointa six-sided polygonforming 90 degree right anglesrepresents a location in spacepoint in the middle of a segmenttwo points determine a unique onepiece of a circle's circumferencegeometry tool used to draw circlesa piece of a line with two endpointsdivides an object into two equal pieces...

Geometry Module 1 Vocabulary 2024-06-15

Geometry Module 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. any segment, line, plane, or point that intersects a line segment at its midpoint
  2. made of points & extends indefinitely in both directions
  3. length of the line segment between 2 points
  4. part of a line that contains 2 endpoints
  5. accepted as true without proof
  6. a location with no size only position
  7. a boundless three-dimensional set of all points
  8. equal or same measurements
  9. type of geometry that uses the coordinate system
  10. can be proven true using postulates & definitions
  1. point on a line segment halfway between the endpoints of the segment
  2. on the same line
  3. same distance
  4. place where two lines cross
  5. a flat surface that extends indefinitely in all directions
  6. type of geometry without use of coordinates
  7. on the same plane
  8. separate a line segment into 2 congruent segments

18 Clues: same distanceon the same lineon the same planeequal or same measurementsplace where two lines crossaccepted as true without proofa location with no size only positionpart of a line that contains 2 endpointslength of the line segment between 2 pointstype of geometry without use of coordinatesa boundless three-dimensional set of all points...

spanish words 2023-12-08

spanish words crossword puzzle
  1. Hand
  2. Geometry
  3. Easy
  4. Hard
  5. Pencil
  6. Biology
  1. pen
  2. Ruler
  3. History
  4. art
  5. book

11 Clues: penartHandEasyHardbookRulerPencilHistoryBiologyGeometry


MATHEMATICIANS crossword puzzle
  1. de Fermat French lawyer
  2. Pascal French mathematician, inventor, and Christian philosopher
  3. Euler Pioneering Swiss mathematician and physicist
  4. Ionian Greek philosopher
  5. Descartes French philosopher who spent most of his adult life in Dutch Republic
  6. Greek mathematician and engineer and astronomer
  7. Lagrange Italian mathematician and astronomer
  8. Newton English mathematician and considered the father of physics
  9. Jacobi German mathematician who made fundamental contributions to elliptic functions
  10. Fibonacci Considered most talented mathematician in Middle Ages
  1. Abel Norwegian mathematician who proved that it is impossible to solve quintic equations with radicals
  2. Einstein German-born theoretical physicist
  3. Riemann German mathematician who contributed to differential geometry
  4. Indian mathematician who wrote important books on mathematics and astronomy
  5. Leibniz German mathematician and philosopher
  6. Boole English mathematician who worked with differential equations
  7. Cantor Inventor of the set theory
  8. Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy
  9. Referred to as the father of Geometry

19 Clues: de Fermat French lawyerIonian Greek philosopherCantor Inventor of the set theoryReferred to as the father of GeometryEinstein German-born theoretical physicistLeibniz German mathematician and philosopherLagrange Italian mathematician and astronomerGreek mathematician and engineer and astronomerEuler Pioneering Swiss mathematician and physicist...


MATHEMATICIANS crossword puzzle
  1. de Fermat French lawyer
  2. Pascal French mathematician, inventor, and Christian philosopher
  3. Euler Pioneering Swiss mathematician and physicist
  4. Ionian Greek philosopher
  5. Descartes French philosopher who spent most of his adult life in Dutch Republic
  6. Greek mathematician and engineer and astronomer
  7. Lagrange Italian mathematician and astronomer
  8. Newton English mathematician and considered the father of physics
  9. Jacobi German mathematician who made fundamental contributions to elliptic functions
  10. Fibonacci Considered most talented mathematician in Middle Ages
  1. Abel Norwegian mathematician who proved that it is impossible to solve quintic equations with radicals
  2. Einstein German-born theoretical physicist
  3. Riemann German mathematician who contributed to differential geometry
  4. Indian mathematician who wrote important books on mathematics and astronomy
  5. Leibniz German mathematician and philosopher
  6. Boole English mathematician who worked with differential equations
  7. Cantor Inventor of the set theory
  8. Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy
  9. Referred to as the father of Geometry

19 Clues: de Fermat French lawyerIonian Greek philosopherCantor Inventor of the set theoryReferred to as the father of GeometryEinstein German-born theoretical physicistLeibniz German mathematician and philosopherLagrange Italian mathematician and astronomerGreek mathematician and engineer and astronomerEuler Pioneering Swiss mathematician and physicist...

Ch. 1-5 Review 2014-11-24

Ch. 1-5 Review crossword puzzle
  1. a person who sends a message
  2. the dictionary meaning that most people in a culture give to a word
  3. the feelings and associations aroused by a word; the "hidden" meaning
  4. a person who receives a message
  5. the grouping and accenting of speech sounds
  6. the windpipe
  7. the use of voice variation and extraneous sounds to communicate
  8. finding the meaning of verbal and nonverbal symbols
  1. reinforcement of sound produced by the vibration of bone and cavity resonators
  2. the upward or downward glide of pitch as a person speaks
  3. the speed at which a person talks
  4. the use of facial expression, eye contact, gesture, posture, and movement to communicate
  5. the position of a person's body
  6. the process of sharing information by using symbols to send and receive messages
  7. immediate surroundings including color, sounds, and space
  8. a dome-shaped muscle at the base of the lungs that plays key role in the breathing process
  9. the intensity of sound
  10. the spread between the lowest note and the highest note that a person can speak comfortably
  11. a system of sounds and symbols used to communicate ideas and feelings
  12. the process of turning ideas and feelings into verbal and nonverbal symbols

20 Clues: the windpipethe intensity of sounda person who sends a messagethe position of a person's bodya person who receives a messagethe speed at which a person talksthe grouping and accenting of speech soundsfinding the meaning of verbal and nonverbal symbolsthe upward or downward glide of pitch as a person speaks...


LANGUAGE AND LEARNING crossword puzzle
  1. language is a skill,it is a form of behaviour
  2. are symbols of language
  3. primarily a means of language
  4. latin word which means "which is produced with tongue
  5. no two languages is the have the same set of words, phonetic symbols, and grammatical patterns
  6. system of meaning
  7. it is an organized behaviour , which can be described in an orderly way.
  8. that is to express feelings, emotion or attitudes and evoke similar feelings in the order
  9. language that are opinions, ideas and prejudices that speakers have with respect to a language.
  10. system of sound
  1. the purpose of language is to communicate
  2. a form and means of communication
  3. one can use different words for the same object in different languages
  4. to cause or prevent action
  5. system of words
  6. language that refers to the potential that a person has for learning languages.
  7. system of structure
  8. based on him “a purely human and noninstinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols”
  9. developing according to the needs of the speaker
  10. based on them “A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates.”

20 Clues: system of wordssystem of soundsystem of meaningsystem of structureare symbols of languageto cause or prevent actionprimarily a means of languagea form and means of communicationthe purpose of language is to communicatelanguage is a skill,it is a form of behaviourdeveloping according to the needs of the speaker...

Escape game 2023-01-25

Escape game crossword puzzle
  1. It's a subjects where we need to calculate
  2. It's the paper on a book
  3. It's the language we speak in DNL
  4. It's the color of the fire
  5. Geometry
  1. It's an element and it's hot
  2. It's a technological object with a keyboard and a mouse
  3. English is a ...
  4. You're actually here
  5. It's a geometrical figure who has 3 sides

10 Clues: GeometryEnglish is a ...You're actually hereIt's the paper on a bookIt's the color of the fireIt's an element and it's hotIt's the language we speak in DNLIt's a geometrical figure who has 3 sidesIt's a subjects where we need to calculateIt's a technological object with a keyboard and a mouse

Daina Taimina Cross Word Puzzle 2023-05-04

Daina Taimina Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a field of study in mathematics
  2. prize awarded to this mathematician for her publications
  3. Taimina's position at Cornell University
  4. institution of academic affiliation
  5. Dania Taimina's field of study
  1. uses ______ to model hyperbolic space
  2. city is Belarus where this mathematician defended her thesis
  3. known for her approach to geometry ________ through visualization and imagery
  4. Taimina's work connects mathematics and _______
  5. Taimina's country of birth

10 Clues: Taimina's country of birthDania Taimina's field of studya field of study in mathematicsinstitution of academic affiliationuses ______ to model hyperbolic spaceTaimina's position at Cornell UniversityTaimina's work connects mathematics and _______prize awarded to this mathematician for her publications...

Drafting 2024-03-19

Drafting crossword puzzle
  1. coordinates
  2. OSNAP ARRAY Drafting
  3. BIM
  4. circles
  5. 3 dimensional
  6. layers Ortho polyline grips
  7. commands
  1. aided design
  2. computer Aided design
  3. Aids
  4. 2 Dimensional
  5. explode Arc
  6. Orthographic
  7. ungroup polygon
  8. group ellipse

15 Clues: BIMAidscirclescommandscoordinatesaided designexplode ArcOrthographic2 Dimensional3 dimensionalgroup ellipseungroup polygonOSNAP ARRAY Draftingcomputer Aided designlayers Ortho polyline grips

Sciences - CAT Baku IS23 2023-06-08

Sciences - CAT Baku IS23 crossword puzzle
  1. British mathematician and logician, famous for his code-breaking work during World War II
  2. Concept in mathematics that involves using symbols and rules to manipulate numbers and quantities
  3. Concept that deals with the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data
  4. Field of study that deals with the properties and behavior of matter and energy
  5. European Space Agency
  6. The process of using scientific and mathematical principles to design and build structures, systems, or machines
  7. Swiss university known for its excellence in technology and engineering education
  8. French physicist known for the discovery of radioactivity
  9. Area of study that involves using logic and reasoning to solve problems
  10. Field that involves the study of the Earth's structure, processes, and natural resources
  1. Italian polymath known for his contributions to various fields including science, art, and engineering
  2. Field that deals with the study and application of living organisms and their environments
  3. Field of study that focuses on the analysis and manipulation of data
  4. German mathematician known for his work in number theory
  5. The European Organization for Nuclear Research
  6. Austrian monk and scientist known as the "Father of Genetics"
  7. Field that encompasses the use of technology and engineering to create innovative solutions
  8. Finnish mobile phone company known for its contribution to the development of GSM technology
  9. Concept that involves using mathematics to describe patterns and relationships in nature

19 Clues: European Space AgencyThe European Organization for Nuclear ResearchGerman mathematician known for his work in number theoryFrench physicist known for the discovery of radioactivityAustrian monk and scientist known as the "Father of Genetics"Field of study that focuses on the analysis and manipulation of data...

Grade 8 2023-02-01

Grade 8 crossword puzzle
  1. the name of school
  2. An equation of form ax+b=0
  3. A subject which studies laws of nature
  4. An equation of form ax²+bx+c=0 is called
  5. In a week we have ____ lessons of algebra
  6. The name of the teacher of algebra
  7. mathematics part which studies about figures
  8. Expression of form P(x) is called
  9. the name of your form-master ( of your class)
  10. In ax²+bx+c=0, x1 and x2 are called
  1. A parts of whole thing is called
  2. The result of addition
  3. By using A=a•b we can find ____ of rectangle
  4. the name of your teacher of geometry
  5. D= b²- 4ac is called
  6. A geometric figure which has only tree sides
  7. A set of numbers which starts with one.
  8. By using P=2(a+b) we can find ________ rectangle
  9. the result of multiplication

19 Clues: the name of schoolD= b²- 4ac is calledThe result of additionAn equation of form ax+b=0the result of multiplicationA parts of whole thing is calledExpression of form P(x) is calledThe name of the teacher of algebraIn ax²+bx+c=0, x1 and x2 are calledthe name of your teacher of geometryA subject which studies laws of nature...

Grade 8 2023-02-01

Grade 8 crossword puzzle
  1. the name of school
  2. An equation of form ax+b=0
  3. A subject which studies laws of nature
  4. An equation of form ax²+bx+c=0 is called
  5. In a week we have ____ lessons of algebra
  6. The name of the teacher of algebra
  7. mathematics part which studies about figures
  8. Expression of form P(x) is called
  9. the name of your form-master ( of your class)
  10. In ax²+bx+c=0, x1 and x2 are called
  1. A parts of whole thing is called
  2. The result of addition
  3. By using A=a•b we can find ____ of rectangle
  4. the name of your teacher of geometry
  5. D= b²- 4ac is called
  6. A geometric figure which has only tree sides
  7. A set of numbers which starts with one.
  8. By using P=2(a+b) we can find ________ rectangle
  9. the result of multiplication

19 Clues: the name of schoolD= b²- 4ac is calledThe result of additionAn equation of form ax+b=0the result of multiplicationA parts of whole thing is calledExpression of form P(x) is calledThe name of the teacher of algebraIn ax²+bx+c=0, x1 and x2 are calledthe name of your teacher of geometryA subject which studies laws of nature...

Math Crossword 2022-09-14

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the combination of rational and irrational numbers in the number system.
  2. the action or process of adding something to something else.
  3. the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogues.
  4. a plane figure with three straight sides and three angles.
  1. a diagram in which the numerical values of variables are represented by the height or length of lines or rectangles of equal width.
  2. a diagram consisting of rectangles whose area is proportional to the frequency of a variable and whose width is equal to the class interval.
  3. a four-sided figure.
  4. the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.
  5. the process or skill of taking one number or amount away from another.

9 Clues: a four-sided figure.a plane figure with three straight sides and three angles.the action or process of adding something to something else.the process or skill of taking one number or amount away from another.the combination of rational and irrational numbers in the number system....

Living Religions 2021-01-27

Living Religions crossword puzzle
  1. Magnetic attraction
  2. first morning prayer of sikhs
  3. narrative that use symbols
  4. no eternal self
  5. Sikh place of worship
  6. K's symbols worn by khalsa
  7. An ascetic Sikh order
  8. discomfort
  9. Full awareness of invisible Reality.
  1. one tradition true
  2. individual soul
  3. Priest
  4. person dedicated to suffering
  5. incarnation
  6. no diety
  7. yogic
  8. actions

17 Clues: yogicPriestactionsno dietydiscomfortincarnationindividual soulno eternal selfone tradition trueMagnetic attractionSikh place of worshipAn ascetic Sikh ordernarrative that use symbolsK's symbols worn by khalsafirst morning prayer of sikhsperson dedicated to sufferingFull awareness of invisible Reality.


NUMERAL SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 15
  4. 12
  5. 7
  6. 0
  7. 11
  8. 2
  1. 14
  2. 10
  3. 13
  4. 4
  5. 9
  6. 5
  7. 8
  8. 1

16 Clues: 3649570812141013151211

Numeral symbols 2021-09-11

Numeral symbols crossword puzzle
  1. XV
  2. VI
  3. XII
  4. X
  5. XVI
  6. II
  7. XIV
  8. I
  1. V
  2. VII
  3. IX
  4. III
  5. XIII
  6. IV
  7. XI
  8. VIII


Numeral Symbols 2022-03-15

Numeral Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. XC
  2. XXI
  3. L
  4. III
  5. XIX
  6. XXXV
  7. V
  1. XXXIX
  2. LVI
  3. XCIX
  4. XLIX
  5. XIV
  6. XV
  7. X
  8. I
  9. IX



NUMERAL SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. VI
  2. X
  3. XIII
  4. LXXX
  5. VII
  6. XI
  7. XXX
  8. XIV
  1. XV
  2. III
  3. XII
  4. IX
  5. XVIII
  6. C
  7. VIII
  8. IV



NUMERAL SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. XV
  2. VI
  3. XII
  4. X
  5. XVI
  6. II
  7. XIV
  8. I
  1. V
  2. VII
  3. IX
  4. III
  5. XIII
  6. IV
  7. XI
  8. VIII


LOGIC SYMBOLS 2024-02-22

LOGIC SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. .
  2. !
  1. if and only if
  2. v
  3. &
  4. ^
  5. ~
  6. ¬

16 Clues: v&.^~!¬if and only if

Numeral symbols 2020-09-24

Numeral symbols crossword puzzle
  1. ח
  2. טו
  3. ג
  4. יד
  5. ט
  6. יג
  1. א
  2. י
  3. יב
  4. ד
  5. ה
  6. ב
  7. יא
  8. ז
  9. צ
  10. ו

16 Clues: איחדהבגזצוטיבטויאידיג

Molecules & Symbols 2024-09-02

Molecules & Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. (Au)=?
  2. (W)=?
  3. (CH4)=?
  4. (C9H8O4)=?
  5. (O3)=?
  6. (Ga)=?
  7. (CO2)=?
  8. (C6H12O6)=?
  9. (Hg)=?
  1. (Cr)=?
  2. (NaCL)=?
  3. (Ti)=?
  4. (C5H8)=?
  5. (Rn)=?
  6. (Pt)=?
  7. (H2O)=?

16 Clues: (W)=?(Cr)=?(Au)=?(Ti)=?(Rn)=?(Pt)=?(O3)=?(Ga)=?(Hg)=?(CH4)=?(H2O)=?(CO2)=?(NaCL)=?(C5H8)=?(C9H8O4)=?(C6H12O6)=?

Power Symbols 2017-06-09

Power Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. National winter sport of Canada.
  2. National summer sport of Canada.
  3. The national colors of Canada.
  4. Major mountain range that stretches around 3000 miles.
  5. The largest living member of the deer family.
  6. The largest living species of bear and are found in the northern reaches of Canada.
  7. The National flag of Canada.
  8. The most widely recognized national symbol of Canada.
  1. A bill of rights entrenched in the Constitution of Canada.
  2. Sport invented by Canada in 1891 but is popularized by the United States.
  3. A semiaquatic rodent that is known for building dams, canals, and lodges.
  4. A monument created by Northwest Coast Indigenous peoples.
  5. A federal and a national police force of Canada.
  6. Canada's national anthem.
  7. A human-made stone landmark used by the Indigenous people living in the Arctic region of Canada.
  8. A symbol of Quebecois and Canadian cuisine and culture.

16 Clues: Canada's national anthem.The National flag of Canada.The national colors of Canada.National winter sport of Canada.National summer sport of Canada.The largest living member of the deer family.A federal and a national police force of Canada.The most widely recognized national symbol of Canada.Major mountain range that stretches around 3000 miles....

safety symbols 2014-05-26

safety symbols crossword puzzle
  1. when poisonous substances are used.
  2. when an open flame can cause physical damage.
  3. reminder to use caution near heat.
  4. used when substances can cause a stain.
  5. appears when bacteria, protists, or fungi are used.
  6. when care should be used around electrical equipment.
  7. symbol used when a live animal is being studied.
  8. symbol used when misuse of chemicals can cause harm.
  9. symbol appears when chemicals can cause damage.
  1. symbol used when radioactive materials are used.
  2. when danger to eyes exist.
  3. when care must be used to properly dispose materials.
  4. symbol used when care should be taken by open flame.
  5. when danger can be caused by a sharp object.
  6. symbol used where dangerous plants are used.
  7. symbol used when chemicals can cause a dangerous fume.

16 Clues: when danger to eyes exist.reminder to use caution near heat.when poisonous substances are used.used when substances can cause a stain.when danger can be caused by a sharp object.symbol used where dangerous plants are used.when an open flame can cause physical damage.symbol appears when chemicals can cause damage....

Numeral Symbols 2023-09-12

Numeral Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. XVI
  2. LX
  3. XL
  4. X
  5. V
  6. C
  7. XIX
  8. XII
  9. XC
  1. XIII
  2. IX
  3. II
  4. IV
  5. LXX
  6. LXXX
  7. XX


Numeral symbols 2024-09-02

Numeral symbols crossword puzzle
  1. IV
  2. יב
  3. LX
  4. II
  5. I
  6. XI
  7. ۷۰
  1. III
  2. מ
  3. 0
  4. V
  5. 10
  6. 9
  7. VII
  8. 8
  9. VI

16 Clues: מ0VI98IVיבLX10IIXI۷۰VIIIIVII

greek gods and goddesses 2023-08-29

greek gods and goddesses crossword puzzle
  1. The goddess of the rainbow
  2. The goddess of marriage and married women
  3. Known as the master thief
  4. Her symbols are olives and owls
  5. The goddess of the hearth
  6. His symbols are the trident, dolphin, and horse
  7. The god of fire
  8. The god of love
  1. The goddess of wild things
  2. Her symbols are the myrtle, dove, sparrow, and swan
  3. The god of light and truth
  4. The cupbearer to the gods
  5. He has a cap of invisibility
  6. His symbol is a vulture
  7. The god of gods and the sky

15 Clues: The god of fireThe god of loveHis symbol is a vultureKnown as the master thiefThe cupbearer to the godsThe goddess of the hearthThe goddess of wild thingsThe goddess of the rainbowThe god of light and truthThe god of gods and the skyHe has a cap of invisibilityHer symbols are olives and owlsThe goddess of marriage and married women...

Theory Basics Review 2023-10-09

Theory Basics Review crossword puzzle
  1. also called the F clef
  2. also called the G clef
  3. the distance between 2 bar lines
  4. symbols that represent silence
  5. symbols used to represent musical sounds
  6. tiny lines used to extend the staff
  7. note value worth 2 beats
  1. note value worth 1/2 beat
  2. note value worth 4 beats
  3. special symbols that assign letter names to the staff
  4. vertical lines that divide the music into measures
  5. handwritten music
  6. note value worth 1 beat
  7. how high or low a note sounds
  8. 5 lines and 4 spaces

15 Clues: handwritten music5 lines and 4 spacesalso called the F clefalso called the G clefnote value worth 1 beatnote value worth 4 beatsnote value worth 2 beatsnote value worth 1/2 beathow high or low a note soundssymbols that represent silencethe distance between 2 bar linestiny lines used to extend the staffsymbols used to represent musical sounds...

Algebra Crossword 2012-09-11

Algebra Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. result when numbers are multiplied
  2. to reduce the numerator and denominator to the smallest possible amount
  3. group together
  4. one or more of mathematical symbols representing a number
  5. getting smaller in size or number
  6. twice as much
  7. Mathematical rule written with symbols
  8. simplify word or number
  9. symbols used to enclose a section of a maths expression
  10. to find a numerical value
  11. getting larger is size or number
  12. an area of maths where numbers are represented by letters
  1. the result of dividing numbers
  2. numerical worth or amount
  3. number one after each other in an unbroken sequence
  4. to write a mathematical expression the long way
  5. often called a variable
  6. repeated sequence
  7. total of a whole number
  8. amount between two numbers
  9. a quantity that can change or vary
  10. dividing into equal groups

22 Clues: twice as muchgroup togetherrepeated sequenceoften called a variabletotal of a whole numbersimplify word or numbernumerical worth or amountto find a numerical valueamount between two numbersdividing into equal groupsthe result of dividing numbersgetting larger is size or numbergetting smaller in size or numberresult when numbers are multiplied...

El Colegio 2021-09-14

El Colegio crossword puzzle
  1. physical Education
  2. science
  3. geometry
  4. geography
  5. history
  1. liteture
  2. Chemistry
  3. spanish
  4. mathematics
  5. Biology
  6. english

11 Clues: spanishBiologyscienceenglishhistoryliteturegeometryChemistrygeographymathematicsphysical Education

algebra 1 2022-01-13

algebra 1 crossword puzzle
  1. the middle of 2 points
  2. <
  3. 1,2,3
  4. math tool
  5. horizontal
  6. vertical
  7. plus
  1. more than 90 degrees
  2. minus
  3. quadratic
  4. >
  5. lines,points
  6. expression with a = sign
  7. less than 90 degrees
  8. order of operations

15 Clues: <>plusminus1,2,3verticalquadraticmath toolhorizontallines,pointsorder of operationsmore than 90 degreesless than 90 degreesthe middle of 2 pointsexpression with a = sign

Vocab 6 2022-10-26

Vocab 6 crossword puzzle
  1. la géométrie
  2. les arts plastiques
  3. l’algèbre
  4. c'est difficile
  5. l'histoire
  6. la géographie
  7. c'est facile
  8. la français
  1. la littérature
  2. les langues
  3. l'espagnol
  4. la musique
  5. les maths
  6. la physique
  7. l’éducation physique et sportive

15 Clues: les mathsl’algèbrel'espagnolla musiquel'histoireles languesla physiquela françaisla géométriec'est facilela géographiela littératurec'est difficileles arts plastiquesl’éducation physique et sportive

algebra 1 2022-01-13

algebra 1 crossword puzzle
  1. the middle of 2 points
  2. <
  3. 1,2,3
  4. math tool
  5. horizontal
  6. vertical
  7. plus
  1. more than 90 degrees
  2. minus
  3. quadratic
  4. >
  5. lines,points
  6. expression with a = sign
  7. less than 90 degrees
  8. order of operations

15 Clues: <>plusminus1,2,3verticalquadraticmath toolhorizontallines,pointsorder of operationsmore than 90 degreesless than 90 degreesthe middle of 2 pointsexpression with a = sign

BANI VOYAGE YALL!!!! 2023-05-01

BANI VOYAGE YALL!!!! crossword puzzle
  4. FAV APP
  8. IDOL