hobbies Crossword Puzzles

Les Loisirs IPA vocab Fr 3 2024-08-26

Les Loisirs IPA vocab Fr 3 crossword puzzle
  1. dancing
  2. to play games/sports
  3. never
  4. outdoor hobbies
  5. reading
  6. theater
  7. shopping
  8. movie theater
  9. sports
  10. cultural hobbies
  11. painting
  12. gardening
  13. fishing
  14. to listen
  15. fine food
  16. music
  17. to surf the internet
  1. videogames
  2. home
  3. hunting
  4. artistic activities
  5. sculpting
  6. crossword puzzles
  7. to see close friends/relatives
  8. theater
  9. tv
  10. museum
  11. libre free time
  12. wine/wine making
  13. photography
  14. scientific hobbies
  15. computer
  16. volunteering/volunter work
  17. camping
  18. cooking
  19. to see friends
  20. hobbies

37 Clues: tvhomenevermusicmuseumsportsdancinghuntingtheaterreadingtheatercampingcookingfishinghobbiesshoppingcomputerpaintingsculptinggardeningto listenfine foodvideogamesphotographymovie theaterto see friendsoutdoor hobbieslibre free timewine/wine makingcultural hobbiescrossword puzzlesscientific hobbiesartistic activitiesto play games/sports...

Call of Duty Vanguard Operators 2022-11-21

Call of Duty Vanguard Operators crossword puzzle
  1. German Guy
  2. Indian Lady
  3. Her favorite hobbies are Extreme Sports, Gardening and Reading.
  4. Japanese-American Operator
  5. Italian Lady
  6. Filipino Lady
  7. Austrian Lady
  8. French Lady
  9. Canadian Operator
  10. His favorite hobbies are Fishing and Using his Hands.
  11. His favorite hobbies are Engineering and Crafting.
  12. Scottish Operator
  13. Korean Lady
  14. First appeared in COD: Ghosts.
  15. Her real name is He Zhen-Zhen.
  16. Guy with an unknown DOB
  1. Russian Lady
  2. First appeared in COD4: Modern Warfare.
  3. His favorite hobbies are Drag Racing and Mechanics.
  4. First appeared in COD: Black Ops 2.
  5. Australian Operator
  6. Hawaiian Operator
  7. His favorite hobbies are Chess, Gidigbo and Architecture.
  8. Brazilian Operator
  9. This operator stopped getting more skins after season 2.
  10. Japanese Operator
  11. Dutch Lady
  12. German Girl

28 Clues: German GuyDutch LadyIndian LadyFrench LadyGerman GirlKorean LadyRussian LadyItalian LadyFilipino LadyAustrian LadyHawaiian OperatorJapanese OperatorCanadian OperatorScottish OperatorBrazilian OperatorAustralian OperatorGuy with an unknown DOBJapanese-American OperatorFirst appeared in COD: Ghosts.Her real name is He Zhen-Zhen....

Plurals 2021-12-14

Plurals crossword puzzle
  1. babies
  2. patches
  3. arches
  4. arrows
  5. supplies
  6. parents
  7. enemies
  8. mosses
  9. engines
  1. ranches
  2. mints
  3. caves
  4. glasses
  5. couches
  6. hobbies
  7. props
  8. dresses
  9. clams
  10. armies
  11. mistakes

20 Clues: mintscavespropsclamsbabiesarchesarrowsarmiesmossesranchesglassescouchespatcheshobbiesdressesparentsenemiesenginessuppliesmistakes

Cam Spelling 2022-12-14

Cam Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. couches
  2. enemies
  3. props
  4. babies
  5. germs
  6. compasses
  7. armies
  8. circus
  9. spice
  10. batteries
  11. parents
  12. engines
  1. hobbies
  2. mosses
  3. arrows
  4. clams
  5. glasses
  6. patches
  7. caves
  8. dresses
  9. ranches
  10. arches
  11. mistakes
  12. supplies
  13. mints

25 Clues: propsclamsgermscavesspicemintsmossesbabiesarrowsarchesarmiescircushobbiescouchesenemiesglassespatchesdressesranchesparentsenginesmistakessuppliescompassesbatteries

PC Spelling Words 1/3/23 Mod 5.3 2023-01-03

PC Spelling Words 1/3/23 Mod 5.3 crossword puzzle
  1. breezier
  2. easier
  3. laziest
  4. pitied
  5. funniest
  6. busier
  7. victories
  8. countries
  9. ladies
  10. spied
  11. families
  12. copied
  13. healthier
  1. tiniest
  2. happiest
  3. butterflies
  4. hobbies
  5. soisier
  6. studied
  7. prettiest
  8. memories
  9. friendlier
  10. terrified
  11. scariest

24 Clues: spiedeasierpitiedbusierladiescopiedtiniestlaziesthobbiessoisierstudiedbreezierhappiestfunniestmemoriesscariestfamiliesprettiestvictoriesterrifiedcountrieshealthierfriendlierbutterflies

The final crosswords! 2024-06-11

The final crosswords! crossword puzzle
  4. AGE
  11. SONGS
  5. PETS
  9. FOOD
  10. USA
  12. GAMES


84 2024-01-05

84 crossword puzzle
  1. truck
  2. fog
  3. chess
  4. creator
  5. hobbies
  6. ant
  7. cause
  8. apples
  1. brother
  2. afternoon
  3. oven
  4. test
  5. coal
  6. meat
  7. pear

15 Clues: fogantoventestcoalmeatpeartruckchesscauseapplesbrothercreatorhobbiesafternoon

58 2023-12-18

58 crossword puzzle
  1. rabbits
  2. hobbies
  3. key
  4. statement
  5. toad
  6. position
  7. writer
  8. zinc
  1. price
  2. street
  3. battle
  4. spiders
  5. smash
  6. pain
  7. thrill

15 Clues: keytoadpainzincpricesmashstreetbattlethrillwriterrabbitshobbiesspiderspositionstatement

73 2024-01-05

73 crossword puzzle
  1. loaf
  2. polish
  3. example
  4. society
  5. magic
  6. airport
  7. heat
  1. bells
  2. hobbies
  3. fly
  4. doll
  5. hen
  6. finger
  7. rule
  8. hat

15 Clues: flyhenhatloafdollruleheatbellsmagicpolishfingerhobbiesexamplesocietyairport

63 2023-12-18

63 crossword puzzle
  1. hobbies
  2. chain
  3. edge
  4. competition
  5. bed
  6. trade
  7. poison
  8. vacation
  1. credit
  2. joke
  3. ocean
  4. direction
  5. boundary
  6. impulse
  7. lunchroom

15 Clues: bedjokeedgeoceanchaintradecreditpoisonhobbiesimpulseboundaryvacationdirectionlunchroomcompetition

46 2024-08-12

46 crossword puzzle
  1. sloppy
  2. kitten
  3. wholesale
  4. icky
  5. blue
  6. spiders
  7. money
  8. brief
  9. amount
  1. habitual
  2. hobbies
  3. bizarre
  4. snail
  5. attractive
  6. moaning

15 Clues: ickybluesnailmoneybriefsloppykittenamounthobbiesbizarremoaningspidershabitualwholesaleattractive

93 2024-01-05

93 crossword puzzle
  1. quill
  2. hobbies
  3. yam
  4. tub
  5. receipt
  6. shake
  7. smoke
  8. watch
  9. manager
  1. slave
  2. shape
  3. cheese
  4. breakfast
  5. powder
  6. animal

15 Clues: yamtubslavequillshapeshakesmokewatchcheesepowderanimalhobbiesreceiptmanagerbreakfast

H_9 2024-08-21

H_9 crossword puzzle
  1. hobbies
  2. organic
  3. ashamed
  4. sever
  5. skate
  6. resemble
  7. fixed
  1. please
  2. curvy
  3. canvas
  4. turn
  5. cultured
  6. smelly
  7. warm
  8. father

15 Clues: turnwarmcurvyseverskatefixedpleasecanvassmellyfatherhobbiesorganicashamedculturedresemble

56 2023-12-18

56 crossword puzzle
  1. voice
  2. book
  3. brush
  4. note
  5. geese
  6. soup
  7. alarm
  8. join
  9. mass
  1. rainstorm
  2. person
  3. hobbies
  4. flower
  5. cream
  6. tomatoes

15 Clues: booknotesoupjoinmassvoicebrushcreamgeesealarmpersonflowerhobbiestomatoesrainstorm

Raffaella´s Geburtstags-Quiz 2023-12-01

Raffaella´s Geburtstags-Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Was ist meine Lieblingsfarbe?(grün minus gelb)
  2. Was ist eines meiner Hobbies?(Schläger)
  3. Was ist eines meiner Hobbies? (Kinder)
  4. Mit wie vielen Jahren bekam ich meine letzte Puppe?
  5. Was ist mein Lieblingstier?(Flöhe)
  6. Was ist mein Lieblingstier? (Sattel)
  7. Welche Jahreszeit habe ich am liebsten?(Bikini)
  8. Welche Jahreszeit habe ich am liebsten? (Zipfelmütze)
  9. Wo wurde ich getauft? (da wohnt meine Gotta)
  10. Wie lautet mein zweiter Vorname?
  11. Wie viele Gäste sind auf der Geburtstagsparty?
  12. Welche Mittelschule habe ich besucht?
  13. Wie alt bin ich heute geworden?(nicht20)
  14. Was ist einer meiner Lieblingskuchen?(Affen)
  15. Wo war ich 2023 in der dritten Ferienwoche?(Steiermark)
  16. Wo schlafe ich im Familien-Sommerurlaub am liebsten?
  1. In welche Schule gehe ich jetzt? (Seestadt)
  2. Was ist eines meiner Hobbies (Musik)?
  3. Was ist einer meiner Lieblingskuchen?(Wald)
  4. In welchem Jahr kam ich zur Welt?
  5. Was ist eines meiner Hobbies (Bewegung/Musik)?
  6. Wo bin ich geboren?(Seestadt)
  7. Wo war mein erster Wohnsitz?
  8. Wo war meine Babyparty?(Wolle)
  9. Wie viele Puppen hatte ich 2020?(ohne Ken)

25 Clues: Wo war mein erster Wohnsitz?Wo bin ich geboren?(Seestadt)Wo war meine Babyparty?(Wolle)Wie lautet mein zweiter Vorname?In welchem Jahr kam ich zur Welt?Was ist mein Lieblingstier?(Flöhe)Was ist mein Lieblingstier? (Sattel)Was ist eines meiner Hobbies (Musik)?Welche Mittelschule habe ich besucht?Was ist eines meiner Hobbies? (Kinder)...

UnivDOE2021 2021-11-30

UnivDOE2021 crossword puzzle
  1. Most outrageous - scary thing you've done: Jumping off a train trestle into the Vermilion river as a young teenager
  2. Favorite hobbies or interests are Learning Sanskrit and Vedic Astrology
  3. Favorite vacation was his honeymoon in Aden, Yemen
  4. Three things you would bring if stuck on an island are - - - My wife, Led Zeppelin music, Good bourbon
  5. Hobbies include collecting musical instruments
  6. Family includes two sons and one daughter
  7. Got married in 2021
  8. Describes herself as a Designer, Artist, Adventurer
  9. Family members include adopted "children" and "grandchildren" of the furry kind
  10. Hobbies include hiking throughout the US
  11. Most outrageous - scary thing you've done: elected as member of Village Council in hometown
  12. Favorite hobbies and interests are Fly fishing, cooking, baking, reading (non-fiction)
  13. Favorite books are the Bible and The Velveteen Rabbit
  14. Hobbies include hunting, boating, bowling and motorcycle riding
  15. Post pandemic vacation includes Alaska and Ireland
  16. Was invited to a royal reception by the Queen of England
  17. Favorite UH Memory: I love seeing the therapy dogs at CMC
  18. Hobbies include building his own desk
  19. Post pandemic vacation includes a trip to Napa Valley
  20. Most outrageous or scary thing you've done: Helped to put on a new roof on a church in Sandomierz, Poland
  21. TV /movie they are ashamed to admit they love? Monkeybone
  1. Born in Kharkiv, Ukrain
  2. Hobbies and interests include exercising and a plant based diet
  3. Favorite vacation was Sedona, AZ
  4. Bucket List Item is a New Zealand Adventure
  5. Bucket List item is to visit their family home in Italy
  6. Most outrageous or scary thing you've done: Can't put it in writing !
  7. Got married in 2021
  8. Vacation spot included social distancing at the beach
  9. Alternative career would be an airline pilot
  10. Favorite vacation was in Cabo San Lucas Mexico
  11. Hobbies and interests include sailing and building things
  12. Length of time at UH is 14.5 years
  13. Favorite quote: Life is short, take the trip, buy the shoes, eat the cake!
  14. Favorite UH Memory: Learning UH Geauga Medical Center achieved the Platinum Level Baldrige Award
  15. Favorite people are his family and hobbies include DIY projects
  16. Alternate career would be a Chef
  17. Hobbies include playing games and musical instruments
  18. Most outrageous or scary thing: In Malta, we went zip lining from the top of one cliff down hundreds of feet above nothing but ocean.
  19. Hobbies and Interests include Baking, paper crafting, aerial rope, handstands, hiking with my dog, making jam & pickles, sewing
  20. Favorite UH Memory Participating in the Rainbow Trick or Treat Street event. Breaks my heart to see the kids, but the smiles on their faces can light up a
  21. Last meal on death row: Menu item #2 @ Big Al’s in Shaker Hts. Bacon, eggs scrambled hard, dry Italian toast with coffee.
  22. Has been married for 40 years
  23. Welcomed their first grandchild this year
  24. Click in the 'across' or 'down' cell to enter your answer. Use the backspace key to delete your entry. A green checkmark will appear if the answer is correct.
  25. Post pandemic vacations included ocean isle Beach and Utah

46 Clues: Got married in 2021Got married in 2021Born in Kharkiv, UkrainHas been married for 40 yearsFavorite vacation was Sedona, AZAlternate career would be a ChefLength of time at UH is 14.5 yearsHobbies include building his own deskHobbies include hiking throughout the USFamily includes two sons and one daughterWelcomed their first grandchild this year...

how much do you know your sister?! 2013-03-22

how much do you know your sister?! crossword puzzle
  1. Favourite chocolate bar
  2. colour of hair
  3. one of my favourite colours (begins with O)
  4. one of my hobbies (begins with N)
  5. primary school
  6. best friend
  7. how many sisters I have (including step)
  8. favourite subject
  1. colour of eyes
  2. one of my hobbies (begins with D)
  3. dance partner and best friend
  4. how many brothers I have (including step)
  5. one of my favourite colours (begins with T)
  6. one of my hobbies (begins woth H)
  7. secondary school
  8. ellessi-maes birthday (contains numbers and letters)
  9. I hate to do this chore
  10. worst subject

18 Clues: best friendworst subjectcolour of eyescolour of hairprimary schoolsecondary schoolfavourite subjectFavourite chocolate barI hate to do this choredance partner and best friendone of my hobbies (begins with D)one of my hobbies (begins woth H)one of my hobbies (begins with N)how many sisters I have (including step)...

Sports/Activities 2022-11-07

Sports/Activities crossword puzzle
  1. service
  2. track&field
  3. baseball
  4. hobbies
  5. volleyball
  6. crosscountry
  7. basketball
  1. softball
  2. clubs
  3. football
  4. ASB (Associated Student Body)
  5. soccer
  6. volunteering
  7. cheer

14 Clues: clubscheersoccerservicehobbiessoftballfootballbaseballvolleyballbasketballtrack&fieldvolunteeringcrosscountryASB (Associated Student Body)

About me 2024-08-28

About me crossword puzzle
  1. 1 places
  2. 1 hobbies
  3. 2nd group people I want to be with
  4. my favorite movie
  5. 2 hobbies
  1. 2nd favorite fruit
  2. 4 hobbies
  3. my favorite fruit
  4. 3 hobbies
  5. people I want to be with

10 Clues: 1 places1 hobbies4 hobbies3 hobbies2 hobbiesmy favorite fruitmy favorite movie2nd favorite fruitpeople I want to be with2nd group people I want to be with

What are you juggling? 2022-10-21

What are you juggling? crossword puzzle
  1. health
  2. finances
  3. relaxation
  4. exercise
  5. work
  1. children
  2. hobbies
  3. career
  4. friends
  5. money
  6. sleep
  7. family

12 Clues: workmoneysleephealthcareerfamilyhobbiesfriendschildrenfinancesexerciserelaxation

How Well Do You Know Your Coworkers? 2023-01-05

How Well Do You Know Your Coworkers? crossword puzzle
  1. loves bath and body works
  2. favorite color is purple and likes playing soccer
  3. describes herself as the "crafty type"
  4. games and Pistons are some of her top favorites
  5. volleyball is one of her hobbies/interests
  6. really enjoys traveling and favorite holiday is Thanksgiving
  7. favorite holidays include Fourth of July and Juneteenth
  8. favorite animal is an otter
  9. loves cherry Pepsi and flowers
  10. Barnes and Noble workers know her by name!
  11. will not eat citrus fruits
  12. favorite holiday is Valentine's Day
  13. dislikes seafood, but likes purple and pink
  14. her famous Tim Horton's drink is a large coffee, 3 creams, and 4 sugars
  1. favorite color is orange and enjoys online gaming
  2. yoga is one of her hobbies
  3. really loves to read
  4. enjoys cashews, movies, and tv shows
  5. favorite color is green and likes anything milk chocolate
  6. top hobby is writing plays
  7. enjoys spending time with family
  8. hobbies include hiking, tennis, and painting
  9. hobbies include scrapbooking and home decorating
  10. loves fun socks and the color yellow
  11. loves glitter and camping
  12. top hobby is walking
  13. does not like flowers due to allergies
  14. Tim Hortons is how she starts her day
  15. her favorite sports team is the Lions

29 Clues: really loves to readtop hobby is walkingloves bath and body worksloves glitter and campingyoga is one of her hobbiestop hobby is writing playswill not eat citrus fruitsfavorite animal is an otterloves cherry Pepsi and flowersenjoys spending time with familyfavorite holiday is Valentine's Dayenjoys cashews, movies, and tv shows...

Hobbies 2020-06-27

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. dfdfdsfdssgfg
  2. sfdsfsdfsdf
  3. dfdsfs
  4. dsfsdfsd
  5. dsfdsfdsf
  6. ghcbnmjjd
  7. gfhdrtrf
  8. hghgfhytryh
  9. fgdhghthh
  10. bnmbnmbnmbn
  11. dsfsfg
  12. dsdfdsfdsf
  13. dfsdfdf
  1. fdfs
  2. bnccvbv
  3. nbmghjhgn
  4. tytyjjgxgb
  5. dsfdsfsdf
  6. dsffdssdf
  7. dfdsfsdf
  8. fdsfsdfsdf
  9. ghfzhgfhgf

22 Clues: fdfsdfdsfsdsfsfgbnccvbvdfsdfdfdsfsdfsddfdsfsdfgfhdrtrfnbmghjhgndsfdsfsdfdsffdssdfdsfdsfdsfghcbnmjjdfgdhghthhtytyjjgxgbfdsfsdfsdfghfzhgfhgfdsdfdsfdsfsfdsfsdfsdfhghgfhytryhbnmbnmbnmbndfdfdsfdssgfg

HOBBIES 2019-12-21

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. совет
  2. позволять себе
  3. свободное (время)
  4. означать
  5. времяпрепровождение
  6. предлагать
  7. развлечение
  8. влиять, влияние
  9. ценный
  10. весь, целый
  11. количество
  12. сравнивать
  1. странный
  2. другой
  3. досуг
  4. древний
  5. оборудование
  6. поколение
  7. схожий, такой же
  8. случай

20 Clues: советдосугдругойценныйслучайдревнийстранныйозначатьпоколениепредлагатьколичествосравниватьразвлечениевесь, целыйоборудованиепозволять себевлиять, влияниесхожий, такой жесвободное (время)времяпрепровождение

Hobbies! 2023-04-27

Hobbies! crossword puzzle
  1. campfire and a tent
  2. hit a ball with a club
  3. working to help others not paid
  4. moving in water
  5. making something you can eat
  6. dirt,gloves,vegetables
  7. art using beads to fill an out line on paper
  8. sport where you hit a ball over a net
  9. writing fancy
  10. expression of words on a paper
  1. taking fabric and binding it together with needles
  2. a rod,line and hook
  3. when you gather a group of things
  4. Takes you to another world
  5. you can sing and dance
  6. creative expressions on a paper of an object
  7. hit a ball with a bat
  8. language not your language
  9. shaping an object out of clay
  10. something you do in the woods

20 Clues: writing fancymoving in watera rod,line and hookcampfire and a tenthit a ball with a bathit a ball with a clubyou can sing and dancedirt,gloves,vegetablesTakes you to another worldlanguage not your languagemaking something you can eatshaping an object out of claysomething you do in the woodsexpression of words on a paper...

Hobbies 2023-05-22

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. популярный
  2. театрал
  3. театр
  4. черно-белый
  5. знаменитый
  6. мюзикл
  7. особый, специальный
  8. различный, разный
  9. решить
  10. представление
  11. документальный фильм
  12. выступать
  13. экран
  1. четверть
  2. комедия
  3. оставаться
  4. успех
  5. публика
  6. кинотеатр
  7. рисовать
  8. билет
  9. создавать
  10. морское путешествие
  11. метро
  12. мультфильм
  13. тратить, проводить (время)
  14. век
  15. сцена

28 Clues: векуспехбилеттеатрметросценаэкранмюзиклрешитькомедиятеатралпубликачетвертьрисоватькинотеатрсоздаватьвыступатьпопулярныйоставатьсязнаменитыймультфильмчерно-белыйпредставлениеразличный, разныйморское путешествиеособый, специальныйдокументальный фильмтратить, проводить (время)

Hobbies 2018-10-11

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. lukeminen
  2. näytteleminen
  3. tanssi
  4. puutyö
  5. lumilautailu
  6. tietokoneet
  7. yleisurheilu
  8. musiikki
  9. vaellus
  10. kirjoittaminen
  11. jääkiekko
  12. nyrkkeily
  1. purjehdus
  2. maalaaminen
  3. valokuvaus
  4. aerobic
  5. voimistelu
  6. keilaus
  7. uinti
  8. pyöräily
  9. tennis

21 Clues: uintitanssipuutyötennisaerobickeilausvaelluspyöräilymusiikkipurjehduslukeminenjääkiekkonyrkkeilyvalokuvausvoimistelumaalaaminentietokoneetlumilautailuyleisurheilunäytteleminenkirjoittaminen

Hobbies 2018-12-17

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Do-It-Yourself lühend
  2. tund
  3. siiski
  4. dekoreerima
  5. kuulama
  6. kollektsioon
  7. aiatöödega tegelemine
  8. väsinud
  9. mängima
  10. kaasa pakitud lõunasöök
  11. mugav
  12. kudumine
  13. vaba aeg
  14. pesema
  15. hobi
  1. õhtusöök
  2. remontimine
  3. pärastlõuna
  4. sportdialad
  5. lemmik
  6. õmblemine
  7. kodutöö
  8. vaba aja tegevus
  9. jalgrattasport
  10. kokkama
  11. kergejõustik
  12. kriket
  13. vaatama
  14. ragbi
  15. voodi

30 Clues: tundhobimugavragbivoodisiiskilemmikkriketpesemakuulamakodutöökokkamavaatamaväsinudmängimaõhtusöökkuduminevaba aegõmblemineremontiminepärastlõunasportdialaddekoreerimakollektsioonkergejõustikjalgrattasportvaba aja tegevusDo-It-Yourself lühendaiatöödega tegeleminekaasa pakitud lõunasöök

Hobbies 2023-07-11

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. to send letters (put on envelopes)
  2. crazy
  3. very bright (鲜艳)
  4. someone who paints
  5. 激动
  6. 无聊
  7. hobbies
  8. to run away from
  9. 很有创意
  10. 收集
  11. someone who is between 13 and 19 years old
  12. you do them around the house
  1. 练习
  2. 冒险
  3. 完美
  4. 想象力
  5. someone who likes art
  6. very small
  7. if you have a lot of homework you have a lot of ----
  8. 完全
  9. 魔术
  10. amazing
  11. 文化

23 Clues: 练习冒险完美激动完全魔术无聊收集文化想象力很有创意crazyhobbiesamazingvery smallvery bright (鲜艳)to run away fromsomeone who paintssomeone who likes artyou do them around the houseto send letters (put on envelopes)someone who is between 13 and 19 years oldif you have a lot of homework you have a lot of ----

hobbies 2023-12-10

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. acteur
  2. musée
  3. théatre
  4. un jouet
  5. un musicien
  6. les paroles
  7. une répétition
  8. exposition
  9. scène
  10. le public
  11. sous-titres
  12. le divertissement
  1. un film
  2. un jeu
  3. un compositeur
  4. une console
  5. les règles
  6. un chanteur
  7. jouer
  8. une représentation
  9. une chanson
  10. bande annonce
  11. visiter

23 Clues: muséejouerscèneun jeuacteurun filmthéatrevisiterun jouetle publicles règlesexpositionune consoleun chanteurun musicienles parolesune chansonsous-titresbande annonceun compositeurune répétitionle divertissementune représentation

hobbies 2024-05-04

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. ამაღელვებელი
  2. მებაღეობა
  3. ღირებული
  4. საფოსტო ბარათი
  5. ხელნაკეთი
  6. პირადი
  7. თანახმად
  8. შედარებით, ფარდობითად
  9. შესაძლებლობა
  1. მოყვარული, ჰობის მქონე ადამიანი
  2. მარკა
  3. ჩანაწერი, ფირფიტა
  4. ქანდაკება, სკულპტურა
  5. ხასიათი
  6. მხარე, ასპექტი
  7. მრავალფეროვნება
  8. გემოვნება
  9. ხატვა
  10. ასანთის კოლოფი
  11. საქმიანობა
  12. საგანი
  13. ფერწერა

22 Clues: მარკახატვაპირადისაგანიხასიათიფერწერაღირებულითანახმადმებაღეობახელნაკეთიგემოვნებასაქმიანობაამაღელვებელიშესაძლებლობასაფოსტო ბარათიმხარე, ასპექტიასანთის კოლოფიმრავალფეროვნებაჩანაწერი, ფირფიტაქანდაკება, სკულპტურაშედარებით, ფარდობითადმოყვარული, ჰობის მქონე ადამიანი

Hobbies 2024-10-29

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Walking long distances, often in nature.
  2. Making things with your hands, like art or decorations.
  3. Watching stories on a big screen.
  4. Moving your body to music.
  5. Riding Sitting on a horse and guiding it where to go.
  6. A game where you roll a ball to knock down pins.
  7. Sliding over snow with special sticks on your feet.
  8. Looking at and understanding written words.
  9. A sport where you hit a ball into a hole with a club.
  10. Using needle and thread to make or fix clothes.
  11. Physical games or activities you play with others.
  12. Cards Playing games with a set of cards.
  13. Riding a bike.
  14. Moving at a normal pace on your feet.
  15. Watching people perform plays or stories live.
  16. Moving very quickly on your feet.
  17. Making pictures with paint and a brush.
  1. Sleeping outside in a tent.
  2. A game where you hit a ball back and forth over a net.
  3. Finding and catching animals.
  4. Listening to or making sounds that are nice to hear.
  5. Making people happy or having fun with them.
  6. Making food to eat.
  7. Growing plants, flowers, or vegetables.
  8. Riding in a boat on water.
  9. Catching fish with a rod or net.
  10. Buying things from a store.
  11. Putting down words on paper or screen to tell ideas or stories.
  12. Moving through water with your arms and legs.
  13. Going to new places far from home.

30 Clues: Riding a bike.Making food to eat.Moving your body to music.Riding in a boat on water.Sleeping outside in a tent.Buying things from a store.Finding and catching animals.Catching fish with a rod or net.Watching stories on a big screen.Moving very quickly on your feet.Going to new places far from home.Moving at a normal pace on your feet....

HOBBIES 2024-09-18

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  4. TIDUR


Hobbies 2024-10-28

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. – Making cakes, bread, or pastries in the oven.
  2. – Moving rhythmically to music.
  3. – Gliding over snow using long, narrow boards.
  4. – Catching fish with a rod or net.
  5. – Walking in nature, usually in mountainous or wooded areas.
  6. – Playing on a phone, a tablet, a tv, or a computer.
  7. – Preparing food in the kitchen.
  8. – Growing flowers, plants, or vegetables outdoors.
  9. – Putting words on paper or screen to express ideas.
  10. – Moving through water for exercise or fun.
  11. – Buying things at stores or markets.
  1. – Using colors to create images on canvas.
  2. – Enjoying stories or gaining knowledge from books.
  3. – Moving quickly on foot as exercise or competition.
  4. – Riding a bike as exercise or recreation.
  5. – Creating fabric by looping yarn with needles.
  6. – Running at a slow, steady pace for fitness.
  7. – Visiting new places or exploring different cultures.
  8. – Using your voice to perform a melody.
  9. – Creating pictures with pencils or pens.

20 Clues: – Moving rhythmically to music.– Preparing food in the kitchen.– Catching fish with a rod or net.– Buying things at stores or markets.– Using your voice to perform a melody.– Creating pictures with pencils or pens.– Using colors to create images on canvas.– Riding a bike as exercise or recreation.– Moving through water for exercise or fun....

Hobbies 2024-11-21

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. In the morning, I go to the bathroom and use water and soap to clean my skin. It helps me feel fresh and awake.
  2. You slide over snow or water on long, thin boards attached to your feet.
  3. When it’s time for bed, I put on comfortable clothes.
  4. After a long day at school, I travel back to my house.
  5. You use colors to cover a surface or create a picture.
  6. You do this when you move on two wheels by using your two legs.
  7. You move your body and feet to music or rhythm.
  8. Sometimes, I go with my family to a store or a mall.
  9. Every day, I take a toothbrush and some paste to clean my mouth.
  10. I choose my clothes from the closet and put them on my body.
  11. I sometimes feel a bit hungry. I grab something small to eat
  12. You use a pencil or pen to make pictures.
  13. Before I go outside, I have to cover my feet.
  14. After waking up, I tidy my sleeping area
  15. This is the first meal of the day.
  16. You use a needle and thread to make or fix clothes or fabric.
  1. You ride big waves in the ocean using a special board.
  2. You make music with a six-stringed instrument.
  3. You do this when you go up into a tree.
  4. You do this when you communicate using a language spoken "Wo ai ni".
  5. I sit at a large instrument with keys, and I play songs.
  6. This involves standing on a narrow board with wheels and riding it around.
  7. You control a vehicle’s speed and direction.
  8. I like to relax in warm water. I use soap to clean my body and feel refreshed.
  9. After school, I sit at my desk and work on assignments my teacher gave me.
  10. You make musical sounds with your voice.
  11. When you stop dreaming and open your eyes.
  12. I do this to make my hair look neat before I leave the house.
  13. At the end of the day, I close my eyes and rest.
  14. You do this in the kitchen, using an oven to make bread, cakes, or cookies.
  15. You move through water by kicking your legs and moving your arms.
  16. This involves cutting, joining, or shaping wood to make things.

32 Clues: This is the first meal of the day.You do this when you go up into a tree.You make musical sounds with your voice.After waking up, I tidy my sleeping areaYou use a pencil or pen to make pictures.When you stop dreaming and open your eyes.You control a vehicle’s speed and direction.Before I go outside, I have to cover my feet....

Happy birthday papa 2022-08-22

Happy birthday papa crossword puzzle
  1. family dog
  2. my middle name
  3. Favorite grandchild?
  4. one of your hobbies
  5. favorite color
  6. favorite thing about your house
  7. my birthday day
  8. favorite child
  9. one of my hobbies
  10. favorite football team
  1. nanas favorite restaurant
  2. halle's major
  3. favorte subject
  4. favorite vacation
  5. my age
  6. biggest family birthday month
  7. my birthday month
  8. second hobby
  9. my favorite type of weather
  10. sport i am learning
  11. a language i am learning

21 Clues: my agefamily dogsecond hobbyhalle's majormy middle namefavorite colorfavorite childfavorte subjectmy birthday dayfavorite vacationmy birthday monthone of my hobbiesone of your hobbiessport i am learningFavorite grandchild?favorite football teama language i am learningnanas favorite restaurantmy favorite type of weatherbiggest family birthday month...

HOBBIES 2017-01-26

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. A good hobby to express your creativity artistically on paper.
  2. A sport and the possibility to go a long distance.
  3. A sport you can do on ice or on the street.
  4. Acrobatic and fun, up in nature!
  5. How to make music when you do not have an instrument and you do not sing.
  6. A sport famous for its tournaments at Wimbledon, Roland Garros or in Melbourne.
  7. A sport you play on a court, very popular in the USA.
  8. Put petrol in your engine to go a long a distance.
  9. An English invention, you can play with 7, 13 or 15 players.
  10. The perfect sport in winter, when it snows.
  11. A good artistic expression: Hip Hop, modern jazz or country line but very physical.
  1. Music and physical expression in a tutu and pointe shoes.
  2. Close just one eye.
  3. To do an Olympic sport and enjoy the company of a beautiful animal.
  4. When you make cookies, cakes and pizza.
  5. Imitate a cricket or a frog to be an Olympic champion.
  6. The perfect hobby in summer, when the water is warm.
  7. A big instrument difficult to transport but very popular in classical and pop music.
  8. A good artistic expression, when you like music but you do not have an instrument.
  9. Electrical or classical but an instrument you can play and transport.
  10. How to communicate in a different country.
  11. The perfect instrument to play when you love reggae, Rock or pop music.
  12. A sport you do on water, with a board, not in the water.
  13. When you do pasta, meat or fish in a sauce and vegetables.

24 Clues: Close just one eye.Acrobatic and fun, up in nature!When you make cookies, cakes and pizza.How to communicate in a different country.A sport you can do on ice or on the street.The perfect sport in winter, when it snows.A sport and the possibility to go a long distance.Put petrol in your engine to go a long a distance....

Hobbies 2021-01-28

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. pingpong
  2. toread
  3. todrive
  4. stamps
  5. coins
  6. todraw
  7. tojog
  8. tofish
  9. towrite
  10. toknit
  11. icehockey
  12. tobelazy
  13. iceskating
  14. inthemovies
  15. towork
  16. togo
  17. todocrafts
  18. tophotograph
  1. todive
  2. toclimb
  3. videogames
  4. tobox
  5. toswim
  6. toride
  7. topaint
  8. rollerskating
  9. tohunt
  10. tohike
  11. listen
  12. towalk
  13. withfriends
  14. tomake
  15. chess
  16. tosleep
  17. Karten
  18. todopottery
  19. play
  20. bike

38 Clues: togoplaybiketoboxcoinstojogchesstodivetoswimtoridetoreadstampstodrawtohunttohikelistentofishtowalktoknittomakeKartentoworktoclimbtodrivetopainttowritetosleeppingpongtobelazyicehockeyvideogamesiceskatingtodocraftswithfriendsinthemoviestodopotterytophotographrollerskating

Hobbies 2021-11-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. you can join at schools
  2. singing and ....
  3. listening to songs
  4. material that you read
  5. Where you can learn about history
  6. you can record things with
  7. Where you live when you camp
  8. Get together
  9. pictures
  10. something you can ride
  11. where you can do water activities
  12. Whole bunch of trees and flowers
  1. where you go for camping
  2. post school
  3. chicken wings, lamb, etc.
  4. lots of food, usually doing it in parks
  5. play games and watch movies
  6. Similar to drawing
  7. pianist
  8. mid-autumn
  9. living in tents
  10. where you get knowledge
  11. an instrument
  12. Similar to painting
  13. with two wheels

25 Clues: pianistpicturesmid-autumnpost schoolGet togetheran instrumentliving in tentswith two wheelssinging and ....listening to songsSimilar to drawingSimilar to paintingmaterial that you readsomething you can rideyou can join at schoolswhere you get knowledgewhere you go for campingchicken wings, lamb, etc.you can record things with...

hobbies 2022-03-18

hobbies crossword puzzle
  2. ΧΟΡΟΣ
  8. ΣΚΙ
  9. ΨΩΝΙΑ
  12. ΤΕΝΝΙΣ


Hobbies 2022-09-20

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. taking care of plants
  2. Make your mood boosting
  3. I'll go to the cinema with my friends
  4. Make a Sweaters from woll
  5. Sleeping inside the tent
  6. It's fun to take a picture
  7. Make a dress
  8. See the scenery under the sea
  9. I play quisera-sera with a guitar
  10. He starts to moving his body when we play the music
  1. Make a cake
  2. Coloring the picture
  3. One of the thing to do on holiday
  4. You will know something when you do it
  5. Just for Lego
  6. One of the Miss Hanna's hobby
  7. Need bicycle
  8. Jova and His Grandpa sometimes do it when on vacation
  9. A chef always do it.
  10. We need a pen to do it
  11. Get a fish

21 Clues: Get a fishMake a cakeNeed bicycleMake a dressJust for LegoColoring the pictureA chef always do it.taking care of plantsWe need a pen to do itMake your mood boostingSleeping inside the tentMake a Sweaters from wollIt's fun to take a pictureOne of the Miss Hanna's hobbySee the scenery under the seaOne of the thing to do on holiday...

Hobbies 2021-04-19

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. jouer
  2. dessiner
  3. échecs
  4. faire de la voile
  5. pécher
  6. chanter
  7. batterie
  8. utiliser
  9. courir
  10. faire du théâtre
  11. bricolage
  12. peindre
  13. cuisiner
  14. faire du roller
  15. vélo
  1. sauter
  2. jeux
  3. cartes à jouer
  4. grimper
  5. skier
  6. faire du ski nautique
  7. football
  8. jardiner
  9. chasser
  10. danser
  11. monter sur
  12. faire
  13. billard
  14. nager

29 Clues: jeuxvélojouerskierfairenagersauteréchecspécherdansercourirgrimperchanterchasserpeindrebillarddessinerfootballjardinerbatterieutilisercuisinerbricolagemonter surcartes à jouerfaire du rollerfaire du théâtrefaire de la voilefaire du ski nautique

HOBBIES 2021-04-14

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. activity of singing/playing an instrument
  2. activity of gathering similar things
  3. activity of a team/person playing another
  4. activity of using paint to make a picture
  5. activity of helping others
  6. activity of movement of a runner
  7. activity of moving your body
  8. activity of going for long walks
  9. activity requiring physical effort
  1. activity of preparing food
  2. activity of making things from wood
  3. activity of catching fish
  4. activity of making a garment
  5. activity of writing computer programs
  6. activity of riding a bicycle
  7. activity of making words on paper
  8. activity of learning new languages
  9. activity of taking pictures
  10. activity of playing a stringed instrument
  11. activity of climbing rocks

20 Clues: activity of catching fishactivity of preparing foodactivity of helping othersactivity of climbing rocksactivity of taking picturesactivity of making a garmentactivity of riding a bicycleactivity of moving your bodyactivity of movement of a runneractivity of going for long walksactivity of making words on paperactivity of learning new languages...

Hobbies 2023-03-16

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. knitting
  2. playing-guitar
  3. painting
  4. travelling
  5. sailing
  6. hiking
  7. playing-videogames
  8. watching-tv
  9. camping
  10. listening-to-music
  11. dancing
  12. taking-photographs
  1. walking
  2. gardening
  3. climbing
  4. pottery
  5. flying-kites
  6. riding-bikes
  7. reading
  8. cooking
  9. singing

21 Clues: hikingwalkingpotterysailingreadingcookingcampingsingingdancingknittingpaintingclimbinggardeningtravellingwatching-tvflying-kitesriding-bikesplaying-guitarplaying-videogameslistening-to-musictaking-photographs

Hobbies 2023-06-12

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. - Playing a strategic board game that requires critical thinking and planning.
  2. -building - Assembling and painting miniature models of vehicles, buildings, or characters.
  3. - Preparing and making delicious meals and treats.
  4. - Trying to catch fish using a fishing rod and bait.
  5. - Creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with knitting needles.
  6. - Exploring nature trails and going on long walks in scenic outdoor locations.
  7. - Using a needle and thread to create or mend fabric items.
  8. - Enjoying books and stories for entertainment or knowledge.
  9. - Observing and identifying different species of birds in their natural habitats.
  10. - Moving and grooving to music with rhythm and style.
  1. - Creating pottery objects by shaping clay on a potter's wheel and firing them in a kiln.
  2. - Riding a bicycle for exercise, recreation, or transportation.
  3. - Gathering and organizing items of interest, such as stamps or coins.
  4. - Using brushes and colors to create artwork on canvas or paper.
  5. - Shaping and molding clay or other materials to create three-dimensional artworks.
  6. - Expressing thoughts and ideas through words and sentences.
  7. - Capturing images with a camera to preserve memories or create art.
  8. -an-instrument - Making music by playing a musical instrument like the piano or guitar.
  9. - Growing plants and taking care of a garden.
  10. - Folding paper into various shapes and figures.

20 Clues: - Growing plants and taking care of a garden.- Folding paper into various shapes and figures.- Preparing and making delicious meals and treats.- Trying to catch fish using a fishing rod and bait.- Moving and grooving to music with rhythm and style.- Using a needle and thread to create or mend fabric items....

Hobbies 2023-03-21

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. walk
  2. study
  3. dance
  4. hunt
  5. work
  6. ski
  7. play (sports)
  8. rest
  9. to practice
  10. buy
  11. la tarea to do homework
  12. la guitarra play the guitar
  13. draw
  1. ride
  2. sing
  3. cook
  4. write
  5. talk
  6. drink
  7. travel
  8. eat
  9. learn
  10. tiempo spend time/hang out
  11. swim
  12. listen
  13. to fish
  14. run
  15. sleep

28 Clues: eatskirunbuyridesingwalkcooktalkhuntworkswimrestdrawstudywritedrinkdancelearnsleeptravellistento fishto practiceplay (sports)la tarea to do homeworktiempo spend time/hang outla guitarra play the guitar

Hobbies 2023-08-17

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. gitar
  2. futsal
  3. nari
  4. sepeda
  5. kuda
  6. lukis
  7. puzzle
  8. mancing
  9. daki
  10. musik
  11. manjat
  1. masak
  2. main biola
  3. jalan
  4. foto
  5. kebun
  6. baca
  7. nyanyi
  8. renang
  9. kemah

20 Clues: fotonaribacakudadakimasakgitarjalankebunlukiskemahmusikfutsalsepedanyanyipuzzlerenangmanjatmancingmain biola

HOBBIES 2023-11-15

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. igrati košarko
  2. brihten, pameten
  3. so narejeni iz
  4. tudi
  5. športen
  6. Južna Amerika
  7. tradicionalen
  8. živalska koža
  9. jezditi
  10. morske školjke
  11. slikati
  12. rolkati se
  13. les
  14. peti
  15. teci
  1. igrati nogomet
  2. pojdi počasi
  3. igrati kitaro
  4. rastline
  5. nezemljani
  6. kapetan/kapetanka
  7. plavati
  8. pasavec
  9. igrati kljunasto flavto
  10. igrati violino
  11. rolati se
  12. igrati klavir
  13. drsati se
  14. skakati v vodo na glavo
  15. ropotulje
  16. oprosti
  17. risati

32 Clues: lestudipetitecirisatiplavatipasavecšportenjezditioprostislikatirastlinerolati sedrsati seropotuljenezemljanirolkati sepojdi počasiigrati kitaroigrati klavirJužna Amerikatradicionalenživalska kožaigrati nogometigrati košarkoigrati violinoso narejeni izmorske školjkebrihten, pametenkapetan/kapetankaigrati kljunasto flavtoskakati v vodo na glavo

HOBBIES 2023-11-15

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. cheerleading
  2. lenkkeily
  3. nyrkkeily
  4. kirjoittaminen
  5. skeittaus
  6. maalaaminen
  7. keilaus
  8. salibandy
  9. baletti
  10. tanssi
  11. lumilautailu
  12. suunnistus
  13. ohjelmointi
  1. lukeminen
  2. piirtäminen
  3. kiipeily
  4. voimistelu
  5. vaellus
  6. paini
  7. pyöräily
  8. purjehdus
  9. lentopallo
  10. valokuvaus
  11. sulkapallo
  12. uinti
  13. ruoanlaitto

26 Clues: painiuintitanssivaelluskeilausbalettikiipeilypyöräilylukeminenlenkkeilynyrkkeilypurjehdusskeittaussalibandyvoimistelulentopallovalokuvaussulkapallosuunnistuspiirtäminenmaalaaminenruoanlaittoohjelmointicheerleadinglumilautailukirjoittaminen

Hobbies 2024-12-18

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Participating in games like soccer, basketball, or tennis.
  2. Enjoying films at home or in a cinema.
  3. Taking pictures with a camera.
  4. Visiting new places and experiencing different cultures.
  5. Moving your body to music.
  6. Moving through water using your arms and legs.
  7. Catching fish in rivers, lakes, or the sea.
  8. Staying outdoors in a tent or camper.
  9. Making clothes or other items with yarn and needles.
  1. Enjoying books, magazines, or articles.
  2. Preparing food and trying new recipes.
  3. Making music with a guitar, piano, or other instruments.
  4. Creating pictures with pencils, pens, or crayons.
  5. Riding a bicycle for fun or exercise.
  6. Using colors to make art on paper or canvas.
  7. Growing plants, flowers, or vegetables.
  8. Moving quickly on foot for exercise.
  9. Walking in nature, often on trails or in the mountains.
  10. Using your voice to make music.
  11. Using a needle and thread to make or fix clothes.

20 Clues: Moving your body to music.Taking pictures with a camera.Using your voice to make music.Moving quickly on foot for exercise.Riding a bicycle for fun or exercise.Staying outdoors in a tent or camper.Preparing food and trying new recipes.Enjoying films at home or in a cinema.Enjoying books, magazines, or articles....

Hobbies 2021-04-22

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. merangkai bunga
  2. terjun payung
  3. berkemah
  4. menulis
  5. bermain peran
  6. merajut
  7. mengukir
  8. membuat scrapbook
  9. menggambar
  1. berkreasi dengan kue/roti
  2. menyanyi
  3. menulis jurnal
  4. menari
  5. melukis
  6. membuat puisi
  7. membaca
  8. membuat podcast
  9. memancing
  10. memasak
  11. olahraga

20 Clues: menarimelukismenulismembacamerajutmemasakmenyanyiberkemahmengukirolahragamemancingmenggambarterjun payungmembuat puisibermain peranmenulis jurnalmerangkai bungamembuat podcastmembuat scrapbookberkreasi dengan kue/roti

Hobbies 2021-04-26

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. decorative handwriting
  2. activity where you roll a heavy ball towards ten pins with the goal of knocking them over
  3. you can do this with books
  4. what you do with a pen and paper
  5. art made from pencils, pens, crayons and/ markers
  6. propelling yourself through water with your limbs
  7. catching food with a rod and a hook
  8. preparing deserts
  9. moving fast on foot, especially as a sport
  10. preparing food
  11. making vessels and other objects with clay
  12. using a brush, paint, and a canvas to create art
  1. going from place to place for leisure
  2. going down a snowy mountain on using two of these
  3. physical activity that connects the mind and body
  4. Using two needles to weave yarn into a textile or fabric
  5. yarn is made up into fabric by looping yarn with a hooked needle
  6. growing and cultivating plants
  7. someone who plays instruments
  8. The art of taking pictures with a camera
  9. going for long walks, especially in the woods or mountains
  10. someone who collects money
  11. taking a vessel out on open water
  12. many people use this as a form of self expression. It is worn on a person's face

24 Clues: preparing foodpreparing desertsdecorative handwritingyou can do this with bookssomeone who collects moneysomeone who plays instrumentsgrowing and cultivating plantswhat you do with a pen and papertaking a vessel out on open watercatching food with a rod and a hookgoing from place to place for leisureThe art of taking pictures with a camera...

Hobbies 2017-03-02

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. также
  2. создавать
  3. роман,повесть
  4. скучный
  5. успех
  6. библиотека
  7. рождённый
  8. где-либо
  9. документальный
  10. что-либо
  1. земля, страна
  2. экран
  3. to ...for (увлекаться)
  4. кроме того
  5. художественный
  6. мультфильм
  7. любитель кинотеатров
  8. mean-...
  9. наполненный
  10. правдивый

20 Clues: такжеэкрануспехскучныйmean-...где-либочто-либосоздаватьрождённыйправдивыйкроме тогомультфильмбиблиотеканаполненныйземля, странароман,повестьхудожественныйдокументальныйлюбитель кинотеатровto ...for (увлекаться)

Hobbies 2018-02-19

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. On the TV you...movies
  2. You...on a mountain
  3. When you jump into the deep with a cord around your feet
  4. When you have bat and a ball you play...
  5. A vehicle with two wheels
  6. When you beat your opponent in a ring
  7. When you visit another country you...
  8. To look into a book
  9. You...a horse
  10. When you run after an ball you are doing...
  11. Justin Bieber makes...
  12. On the prom you...with your partner
  13. To...a meal
  1. A game with a ball in the sand
  2. Pac-Man is a...
  3. When you clue things together.
  4. You...on a white paper with crayons a picture
  5. piano is an...?
  6. A game with a ball an a basket
  7. You..in a sea
  8. When you watch new movies you go to the...
  9. When you make a somersault you do...
  10. you can...stories like Erich Kästner
  11. Like football on ice with a pug and a bat
  12. to make your own scarf with your own wool
  13. To...a cake

26 Clues: To...a cakeTo...a mealYou..in a seaYou...a horsePac-Man is a...piano is an...?You...on a mountainTo look into a bookOn the TV you...moviesJustin Bieber makes...A vehicle with two wheelsA game with a ball in the sandWhen you clue things together.A game with a ball an a basketOn the prom you...with your partnerWhen you make a somersault you do......

Hobbies! 2023-12-04

Hobbies! crossword puzzle
  1. campfire and a tent
  2. hit a ball with a club
  3. working to help others not paid
  4. moving in water
  5. making something you can eat
  6. dirt,gloves,vegetables
  7. art using beads to fill an out line on paper
  8. sport where you hit a ball over a net
  9. writing fancy
  10. expression of words on a paper
  1. taking fabric and binding it together with needles
  2. a rod,line and hook
  3. when you gather a group of things
  4. Takes you to another world
  5. you can sing and dance
  6. creative expressions on a paper of an object
  7. hit a ball with a bat
  8. language not your language
  9. shaping an object out of clay
  10. something you do in the woods

20 Clues: writing fancymoving in watera rod,line and hookcampfire and a tenthit a ball with a bathit a ball with a clubyou can sing and dancedirt,gloves,vegetablesTakes you to another worldlanguage not your languagemaking something you can eatshaping an object out of claysomething you do in the woodsexpression of words on a paper...

Hobbies 2023-06-17

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Gathering and preserving items of interest
  2. Capturing moments with a camera
  3. Exploring nature on foot
  4. Using the voice to create melodies
  5. projects Engaging in do-it-yourself crafts and repairs
  6. Crafting fabric using knitting needles
  7. Enjoying books and stories
  8. Practicing physical and mental exercises for relaxation
  9. Riding a bicycle for exercise or leisure
  1. piano Creating music on a keyboard instrument
  2. making Creating miniature replicas of objects
  3. Playing video or board games
  4. Creating artwork with colors
  5. Expressing thoughts and ideas on paper
  6. Catching fish as a recreational activity
  7. Moving rhythmically to music
  8. Participating in physical activities and games
  9. Preparing delicious meals
  10. Growing and tending to plants
  11. Creating garments or crafts with a needle and thread

20 Clues: Exploring nature on footPreparing delicious mealsEnjoying books and storiesPlaying video or board gamesCreating artwork with colorsMoving rhythmically to musicGrowing and tending to plantsCapturing moments with a cameraUsing the voice to create melodiesExpressing thoughts and ideas on paperCrafting fabric using knitting needles...

Hobbies 2022-09-06

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. ratsastus
  2. nyrkkeily
  3. puutarhan hoitaminen
  4. lautapelit
  5. piirtäminen
  6. tanssiminen
  7. golffaus
  8. laskettelu
  9. sukeltaminen
  10. ice skating
  11. näyttely
  12. paini
  13. voimistelu
  14. jooga
  15. jousiammunta
  16. ompelu
  17. lintujen bongailu
  18. kielten oppiminen
  19. koripallo
  20. auringon ottaminen
  21. pesäpallo
  22. lentäminen
  23. ostoksilla käyminen
  24. jalkapallo
  25. matkustus
  1. pyöräily
  2. lukeminen
  3. rullalautailu
  4. bloggaus
  5. lenkkeily
  6. tietokonepelien pelaaminen
  7. kriketti
  8. palapeleja
  9. lumilautailu
  10. kutominen
  11. metsästys
  12. leipominen
  13. kiipeily
  14. koskenlasku
  15. maalaus
  16. elokuvien katsominen
  17. uiminen
  18. keilaus
  19. kamppailulajit
  20. valokuvaus
  21. vesipoolo
  22. kalastus
  23. lentopallo
  24. telttailu
  25. laulaminen
  26. kävely
  27. kirjoittaminen
  28. parkour

53 Clues: painijoogaompelukävelymaalausuiminenkeilausparkourpyöräilybloggauskrikettigolffauskiipeilynäyttelykalastuslukeminenratsastuslenkkeilynyrkkeilykutominenmetsästysvesipoolotelttailukoripallopesäpallomatkustuspalapelejalautapelitlasketteluleipominenvoimisteluvalokuvauslentopallolaulaminenlentäminenjalkapallopiirtäminentanssiminenice skatingkoskenlasku...

Hobbies 2022-05-13

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. like talking, but with music. you could use a microphone.
  2. if you make things out of clay, you are doing...
  3. you use a brush to put color on paper or a canvas
  4. an instrument you hit with sticks
  5. what you do with a T.V.
  6. you could use markers, crayons, or colored pencils for this hobby of filling in white spaces.
  7. it has two wheels and you pedal it to move
  8. what you might do if your hobby includes horses
  9. two teams hit a ball back and forth over a net
  10. if you want to make food at home, you have to do this.
  1. a wooden instrument with strings
  2. like walking, but a lot faster
  3. you do this in the water
  4. what you do with video games, sports, and instruments
  5. like football, but using your hands
  6. moving your body to music
  7. going for a walk in the forest or the mountains
  8. the American word for football
  9. if you like books, you like this hobby
  10. a black and white instrument with many keys

20 Clues: what you do with a T.V.you do this in the watermoving your body to musiclike walking, but a lot fasterthe American word for footballa wooden instrument with stringsan instrument you hit with stickslike football, but using your handsif you like books, you like this hobbyit has two wheels and you pedal it to move...

Hobby 2024-12-15

Hobby crossword puzzle
  1. hobbies - коллекциялау хоббилері
  2. - маркалар
  3. hobbies - шығармашылық хоббилер
  4. hobbies - ашық аспан астындағы хоббилер
  5. - монеталар
  1. - елестету
  2. - ұлғаю
  3. - ләззат алу
  4. hobbies - үй ішіндегі хоббилер

9 Clues: - ұлғаю- елестету- маркалар- монеталар- ләззат алуhobbies - үй ішіндегі хоббилерhobbies - шығармашылық хоббилерhobbies - коллекциялау хоббилеріhobbies - ашық аспан астындағы хоббилер

Hobbies 2018-04-22

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Besök
  2. Tänder
  3. Fritidsaktivtet
  4. Framåt
  5. Orm
  6. Himmel
  7. Människor
  8. Spännande
  9. Gråta
  10. Vatten
  1. Båt
  2. Behöva
  3. Affär
  4. Häst
  5. Ljud
  6. Bok
  7. Veckotidning
  8. Samla
  9. Blommor
  10. Sköldpadda
  11. Simma
  12. Springa

22 Clues: BåtBokOrmHästLjudBesökAffärSamlaGråtaSimmaBehövaTänderFramåtHimmelVattenBlommorSpringaMänniskorSpännandeSköldpaddaVeckotidningFritidsaktivtet

Hobbies 2020-06-27

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. knitting
  2. playing-guitar
  3. painting
  4. travelling
  5. sailing
  6. hiking
  7. playing-videogames
  8. watching-tv
  9. camping
  10. listening-to-music
  11. dancing
  12. taking-photographs
  1. walking
  2. gardening
  3. climbing
  4. pottery
  5. flying-kites
  6. riding-bikes
  7. reading
  8. cooking
  9. singing

21 Clues: hikingwalkingpotterysailingreadingcookingcampingsingingdancingknittingpaintingclimbinggardeningtravellingwatching-tvflying-kitesriding-bikesplaying-guitarplaying-videogameslistening-to-musictaking-photographs

Hobbies! 2020-08-26

Hobbies! crossword puzzle
  1. guardare la tv
  2. andare in bici
  3. leggere
  4. fare karate
  5. cantare
  6. pattinare
  7. giocare a scacchi
  8. arrampicare, arrampicarsi
  9. giocare a calcio
  10. ascoltare la musica
  11. nuotare
  12. fare giardinaggio/ lavorare in giardino
  13. disegnare
  14. cavalcare
  1. giocare a tennis
  2. dipingere
  3. portare a spasso il cane
  4. giocare a carte
  5. giocare a pallacanestro
  6. fare shopping
  7. suonare la chitarra
  8. ballare, danzare
  9. suonare il pianoforte
  10. correre
  11. fare ciclismo

25 Clues: leggerecantarecorrerenuotaredipingerepattinaredisegnarecavalcarefare karatefare shoppingfare ciclismoguardare la tvandare in bicigiocare a cartegiocare a tennisballare, danzaregiocare a calciogiocare a scacchisuonare la chitarraascoltare la musicasuonare il pianofortegiocare a pallacanestroportare a spasso il canearrampicare, arrampicarsi...

Hobbies 2022-09-27

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. purjehdus
  2. vaellus
  3. käsityöt
  4. leivonta
  5. maalaaminen
  6. lukeminen
  7. nyrkkeily
  8. amerikkalainen pesäpallo
  9. jalkapallo (AmE)
  10. ruoanlaitto
  11. tennis
  12. lentopallo
  13. puutyö
  14. rullalautailu
  15. lenkkeily
  16. uinti
  17. kirjoittaminen
  18. paini
  1. aerobic
  2. suunnistus
  3. valokuvaus
  4. piirtäminen
  5. voimistelu
  6. yleisurheilu
  7. keilailu
  8. sulkapallo
  9. koripallo
  10. jalkapallo(BrE)
  11. lumilautailu
  12. salibandy
  13. pyöräily
  14. keräily
  15. tanssi

33 Clues: uintipainitennispuutyötanssiaerobicvaelluskeräilykäsityötleivontakeilailupyöräilypurjehduslukeminennyrkkeilykoripallosalibandylenkkeilysuunnistusvalokuvausvoimistelusulkapallolentopallopiirtäminenmaalaaminenruoanlaittoyleisurheilulumilautailurullalautailukirjoittaminenjalkapallo(BrE)jalkapallo (AmE)amerikkalainen pesäpallo

Hobbies 2021-03-22

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. very
  2. love
  3. not very
  4. movies
  5. swimming
  6. beverage
  7. reading
  8. hate
  1. let me see
  2. so so
  3. dislike
  4. be weak in
  5. singing
  6. not at all
  7. like
  8. be strong in
  9. things (tangible)
  10. things (intangible)
  11. unskillful
  12. hobbies

20 Clues: verylovelikehateso somoviesdislikesingingreadinghobbiesnot veryswimmingbeveragelet me seebe weak innot at allunskillfulbe strong inthings (tangible)things (intangible)

hobbies 2017-11-14

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. salibandy
  2. jääkiekko
  3. keräily
  4. piirtäminen
  5. käsityö
  6. voimistelu
  7. nyrkkeily
  8. näytteleminen
  1. keilaus
  2. lentopallo
  3. sulkapallo
  4. maalaminen
  5. tennis
  6. paini
  7. suunnistus
  8. lukeminen
  9. valokuvaus
  10. tanssiminen
  11. musiikki
  12. aerobic
  13. purjehtiminen

21 Clues: painitenniskeilauskeräilykäsityöaerobicmusiikkisalibandyjääkiekkolukeminennyrkkeilylentopallosulkapallomaalaminensuunnistusvalokuvausvoimistelupiirtäminentanssiminenpurjehtiminennäytteleminen

Hobbies 2018-10-11

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. playing roolipeli
  2. purjehdus
  3. keilaus
  4. katseleminen
  5. keräily
  6. tennis
  7. maalaaminen
  8. nyrkkeily
  9. vaellus
  1. piirtäminen
  2. kirjoittaminen
  3. ruuanlaitto
  4. jalkapallo
  5. uinti
  6. koripallo
  7. paini
  8. to music musiikin kuuntelu
  9. musiikki
  10. pyöräily
  11. to the gym punttisalilla käyminen

20 Clues: uintipainitenniskeilauskeräilyvaellusmusiikkipyöräilypurjehduskoripallonyrkkeilyjalkapallopiirtäminenruuanlaittomaalaaminenkatseleminenkirjoittaminenplaying roolipelito music musiikin kuunteluto the gym punttisalilla käyminen

Caileigh and Nolan 2023-05-24

Caileigh and Nolan crossword puzzle
  1. Bride's occupation
  2. One of Groom's hobbies.
  3. Groom's favorite color
  4. Number of years couple has known each other.
  5. Couple's wedding month
  6. One of the Bride's hobbies.
  7. Couple's pets
  8. Groom's favorite number
  9. Groom's hometown
  1. Groom's occupation
  2. Groom's favorite food
  3. Bride's favorite color
  4. Honeymoon destination.
  5. Bride's hometown
  6. Groom's favorite music genre
  7. Bride's favorite number
  8. Bride's favorite music genre
  9. Where the couple met.
  10. Bride's favorite food

19 Clues: Couple's petsBride's hometownGroom's hometownGroom's occupationBride's occupationGroom's favorite foodWhere the couple met.Bride's favorite foodBride's favorite colorHoneymoon destination.Groom's favorite colorCouple's wedding monthOne of Groom's hobbies.Bride's favorite numberGroom's favorite numberOne of the Bride's hobbies....

Sip and Solve 2023-07-24

Sip and Solve crossword puzzle
  1. Jillian's childhood horse
  2. Best man
  3. The Best Dog
  4. Mj's Favorite Clothing
  5. Hobby the couple shares
  6. One of MJ's Hobbies
  7. First trip abroad together (2)
  8. Where MJ proposed (2)
  9. First date activity
  1. Brides middle name
  2. MOH
  3. Jillian's Favorite Team
  4. Mjs biggest collection
  5. First trip together
  6. Month they got engaged
  7. Mj's Favorite Team
  8. Grooms company
  9. How did Jillian and MJ Meet
  10. One of Jillian's hobbies

19 Clues: MOHBest manThe Best DogGrooms companyBrides middle nameMj's Favorite TeamFirst trip togetherOne of MJ's HobbiesFirst date activityWhere MJ proposed (2)Mjs biggest collectionMonth they got engagedMj's Favorite ClothingJillian's Favorite TeamHobby the couple sharesOne of Jillian's hobbiesJillian's childhood horseHow did Jillian and MJ Meet...

Hobbies 2014-03-20

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. a big cat
  2. a sort of snake that is one of the most pokiness snakes in the world.
  3. you were on your feet
  4. you watch programs on it
  5. used on farms
  6. they are one of the most used things in the world and are used in TV
  7. something that you can lick suck and eat and normally on a stick.
  8. with 2 wheels
  9. walking very fast
  10. not being sad
  1. The sport originates from America Also known as scramble.
  2. when to people expresses their feelings
  3. shoot into a net
  4. you can ring people on it and play games.
  5. in water a lot of the time
  6. place with no gravity at all
  7. you kick into a net
  8. showing aggression physically
  9. an game console
  10. cars off-road cars

20 Clues: a big catused on farmswith 2 wheelsnot being sadan game consoleshoot into a netwalking very fastcars off-road carsyou kick into a netyou were on your feetyou watch programs on itin water a lot of the timeplace with no gravity at allshowing aggression physicallywhen to people expresses their feelingsyou can ring people on it and play games....

hobbies 2015-01-28

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. piirtäminen
  2. kalastus
  3. koripallo
  4. nyrkkeily
  5. pesäpallo
  6. geokätköily
  7. golfaaminen
  8. käsipallo
  9. purjehtiminen
  1. tanssiminen
  2. kirjoittaminen
  3. jalkapallo
  4. diving sukeltaminen
  5. valokuvaaminen
  6. keilailu
  7. ratsastaminen
  8. skiing laskettelu
  9. kokkaaminen
  10. harrastukset
  11. pyöräily
  12. shakki
  13. hockey jääkiekko

22 Clues: shakkikalastuskeilailupyöräilykoripallonyrkkeilypesäpallokäsipallojalkapallopiirtäminentanssiminenkokkaaminengeokätköilygolfaaminenharrastuksetratsastaminenpurjehtiminenkirjoittaminenvalokuvaaminenhockey jääkiekkoskiing lasketteludiving sukeltaminen

Hobbies 2017-03-16

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. This can be played either "flag" or "tackle"
  2. To get enjoyment and excitement from doing an activity means to have ___.
  3. Some people go here for spiritual reasons
  4. This hobby might involve getting into a mystery, fantasy, or horror world
  5. People that enjoy _____ might do this in the shower.
  6. Six Flags and Disney World are examples of an _________.
  7. The breastroke and backstroke are used by someone who likes to___.
  8. Having a sense of curiosity about something.
  9. You will use an easel and canvas for this hobby
  10. An activity having worth or _____.
  1. Someone who loves to ____ might know the Cupid Shuffle
  2. This hobby is done outdoor with a "stick"
  3. Roll a dice and move your piece
  4. If this is a hobby of yours, you probably know how to shuffle.
  5. You might like YouTube or Google if you can use a ____.
  6. Someone with a "green thumb" will do this hobby
  7. If you love to cook, you need to be a able to follow a _____.
  8. Martese and Devin enjoy this hobby
  9. You can do this hobby on ice, the street, or a wood floor.
  10. Recreation and leisure means doing things that you ____.

20 Clues: Roll a dice and move your pieceMartese and Devin enjoy this hobbyAn activity having worth or _____.This hobby is done outdoor with a "stick"Some people go here for spiritual reasonsThis can be played either "flag" or "tackle"Having a sense of curiosity about something.Someone with a "green thumb" will do this hobby...

hobbies 2017-04-21

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. faire de l'escalade
  2. chanter
  3. faire du roller
  4. effrayant
  5. ordinateur
  6. dessiner
  7. fort
  8. prendre (des photos)
  9. théâtre
  10. jouer
  1. planche à voile
  2. cuisiner
  3. échecs
  4. peindre
  5. timide
  6. sportif
  7. faire (du vélo ou du cheval)
  8. nager
  9. parler
  10. grand

20 Clues: fortnagergrandjoueréchecstimideparlerpeindrechantersportifthéâtrecuisinerdessinereffrayantordinateurplanche à voilefaire du rollerfaire de l'escaladeprendre (des photos)faire (du vélo ou du cheval)

Hobbies 2018-10-11

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. rullalautailu
  2. lumilautailu
  3. hockey jääkiekko
  4. puutyö
  5. yleisurheilu
  6. lukeminen
  7. voimistelu
  8. maalaaminen
  9. piirtäminen
  10. uinti
  1. lentopallo
  2. vaellus
  3. suunnistus
  4. ruuanlaitto
  5. lenkkeily
  6. paini
  7. sulkapallo
  8. nyrkkeily
  9. laulaminen
  10. musiikki

20 Clues: painiuintipuutyövaellusmusiikkilenkkeilynyrkkeilylukeminenlentopallosuunnistussulkapallolaulaminenvoimisteluruuanlaittomaalaaminenpiirtäminenlumilautailuyleisurheilurullalautailuhockey jääkiekko

Hobbies 2018-10-11

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. purjehdus
  2. ruuanlaitto
  3. to the gym punttisalilla käyminen
  4. paini
  5. keräily
  6. maalaaminen
  7. nyrkkeily
  8. vaellus
  9. tennis
  1. piirtäminen
  2. keilaus
  3. kirjoittaminen
  4. jalkapallo
  5. uinti
  6. koripallo
  7. playing roolipeli
  8. pyöräily
  9. to music musiikin kuuntelu
  10. katseleminen
  11. musiikki

20 Clues: uintipainitenniskeilauskeräilyvaelluspyöräilymusiikkipurjehduskoripallonyrkkeilyjalkapallopiirtäminenruuanlaittomaalaaminenkatseleminenkirjoittaminenplaying roolipelito music musiikin kuunteluto the gym punttisalilla käyminen

HOBBIES 2019-01-15

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. cycle sport
  2. bat-and-ball game played between two opposing teams.
  3. there are different styles: ballet, contemporary, hip-hop.
  4. method of preserving personal and family history in a decorative way.
  5. training discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training.
  6. hit a lightweight ball back and forth across a table using small rackets.
  7. skill of using a bow to shoot arrows.
  8. inflatable boat to navigate a river or other body of wáter.
  9. killing or trapping animals.
  1. played with a cue stick, which is used to strike balls.
  2. rolling a ball down in order to knock down a group of ten pins.
  3. combat sport in which two people throw punches at each other.
  4. activity in which a customer browses the available godos.
  5. typical English sport, played with a ball and a bat.
  6. involves descending a snow-covered slope.
  7. competitive team shooting sport played with spherical dye-filled gelatin capsules.
  8. writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission
  9. surface water sport in which you have to ride on a moving wave.
  10. art of paper folding.
  11. hit balls into a series of holes.

20 Clues: cycle sportart of paper folding.killing or trapping animals.hit balls into a series of holes.skill of using a bow to shoot arrows.involves descending a snow-covered slope.bat-and-ball game played between two opposing teams.typical English sport, played with a ball and a bat.played with a cue stick, which is used to strike balls....

Hobbies 2018-10-02

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. jalkapallo
  2. vaellus
  3. piirtäminen
  4. nyrkkeily
  5. keilaus
  6. tennis
  7. suunnistus
  8. purjehdus
  9. uinti
  10. lenkkeily
  1. pyöräily
  2. sulkapallo
  3. kirjoittaminen
  4. hockey jääkiekko
  5. lentopallo
  6. salibandy
  7. lumilaitaulu
  8. paini
  9. maalaminen
  10. lukeminen

20 Clues: painiuintitennisvaelluskeilauspyöräilynyrkkeilysalibandypurjehduslukeminenlenkkeilyjalkapallosulkapallolentopallosuunnistusmaalaminenpiirtäminenlumilaitaulukirjoittaminenhockey jääkiekko

Hobbies 2018-10-17

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. lukeminen
  2. puutyöt
  3. kirjoittaminen
  4. sulkapallo
  5. lentopallo
  6. piirtäminen
  7. sukellus
  8. keräily
  1. pyöräily
  2. elokuvien*katseleminen
  3. koripallo
  4. ruoanlaitto
  5. jääkiekko
  6. maalaaminen
  7. salibandy
  8. lumilautailu
  9. jalkapallo
  10. lenkkeily
  11. musiikki
  12. vaellus

20 Clues: puutyötvaelluskeräilypyöräilymusiikkisukelluskoripallojääkiekkosalibandylukeminenlenkkeilyjalkapallosulkapallolentopalloruoanlaittomaalaaminenpiirtäminenlumilautailukirjoittaminenelokuvien*katseleminen

Hobbies 2021-04-19

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. jouer
  2. dessiner
  3. échecs
  4. faire de la voile
  5. pécher
  6. chanter
  7. batterie
  8. utiliser
  9. courir
  10. faire du théâtre
  11. bricolage
  12. peindre
  13. cuisiner
  14. faire du roller
  15. vélo
  1. sauter
  2. jeux
  3. cartes à jouer
  4. grimper
  5. skier
  6. faire du ski nautique
  7. football
  8. jardiner
  9. chasser
  10. danser
  11. monter sur
  12. faire
  13. billard
  14. nager

29 Clues: jeuxvélojouerskierfairenagersauteréchecspécherdansercourirgrimperchanterchasserpeindrebillarddessinerfootballjardinerbatterieutilisercuisinerbricolagemonter surcartes à jouerfaire du rollerfaire du théâtrefaire de la voilefaire du ski nautique

Hobbies 2022-02-21

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. the ground to play sports on
  2. an onbject to hit a ball in games like baseball or cricket
  3. to be as good as someone or something else
  4. to have the same result at the end of a game
  5. to be a winner over someone in a competition
  6. the way in which a story finishes, it can be happy or sad
  7. someone taking part in a contest
  8. a long thin piece of wood used for hitting or carrying something in a sport, e.g. hockey
  9. to get a point in a game
  10. an area surrounded by ropes where people box
  11. someone who wathes a public activity or event
  12. the last part of a performance with the most exciting music and dancing
  13. a judge in sports like tennis, cricket
  1. an object used to hit a ball in games like tennis
  2. a period of rest between two parts of a match
  3. done for pleasure instead of as a job
  4. the piece of ground used for running or racing
  5. someone who watches TV programmes
  6. a place to skate
  7. someone who is competing against you
  8. a judge in sports like football, boxing
  9. an area where tennis or basketball are played
  10. an area where a race or sport takes place, e.g. golf

23 Clues: a place to skateto get a point in a gamethe ground to play sports onsomeone taking part in a contestsomeone who watches TV programmessomeone who is competing against youdone for pleasure instead of as a joba judge in sports like tennis, cricketa judge in sports like football, boxingto be as good as someone or something else...

Hobbies 2022-03-18

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. lake
  2. to do
  3. racket
  4. to go
  5. bike
  6. we do
  7. pastime activities
  8. ice skating
  9. beach
  10. video games
  11. museum
  1. country
  2. drums
  3. sea
  4. skating rink
  5. I go
  6. they do
  7. mountain
  8. track and field
  9. helmet

20 Clues: sealakebikeI godrumsto doto gowe dobeachrackethelmetmuseumcountrythey domountainice skatingvideo gamesskating rinktrack and fieldpastime activities

hobbies 2023-04-25

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. (Hint: Crafting clay into functional or decorative objects)
  2. (Hint: Observing and identifying birds in their natural habitat)
  3. (Hint: Walking in nature for exercise or enjoyment)
  4. (Hint: Sewing together layers of fabric to create a quilt)
  5. (Hint: Preparing food as a hobby or skill)
  6. (Hint: Decorative handwriting or lettering)
  7. (Hint: Outdoor treasure hunting using GPS coordinates)
  8. (Hint: Assembling miniature replicas of vehicles, structures, or figures)
  9. (Hint: Sampling and evaluating different wines)
  10. (Hint: Cultivating plants for pleasure or ornamentation)
  1. (Hint: Creating art with pigments on a canvas or paper)
  2. (Hint: Musical hobby involving strumming or plucking strings)
  3. (Hint: Collecting and studying coins from different countries or time periods)
  4. (Hint: Capturing images using a camera)
  5. (Hint: Catching fish for sport or leisure)
  6. (Hint: Folding paper to create intricate designs or shapes)
  7. (Hint: Physical and mental practice for relaxation and flexibility)
  8. (Hint: Creating three-dimensional art with materials like clay or stone)
  9. (Hint: Strategic board game for intellectual challenge)
  10. (Hint: Popular fiber arts hobby that involves creating fabric with needles)

20 Clues: (Hint: Capturing images using a camera)(Hint: Catching fish for sport or leisure)(Hint: Preparing food as a hobby or skill)(Hint: Decorative handwriting or lettering)(Hint: Sampling and evaluating different wines)(Hint: Walking in nature for exercise or enjoyment)(Hint: Outdoor treasure hunting using GPS coordinates)...

Hobbies 2024-07-22

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. to play videogames
  2. baseball
  3. rock music
  4. to cook
  5. to play sports
  6. to snapchat
  7. to dance
  8. to go on a walk
  9. to swim
  10. to listen to music
  11. football
  12. to sing
  13. to use instagram
  1. country music
  2. to read
  3. to fish
  4. to play the guitar
  5. to workout
  6. to sleep
  7. to spend time with friends
  8. to work
  9. to hunt
  10. soccer
  11. to draw
  12. basketball
  13. to text
  14. to eat

27 Clues: soccerto eatto readto fishto cookto workto huntto swimto drawto singto textbaseballto sleepto dancefootballto workoutrock musicbasketballto snapchatcountry musicto play sportsto go on a walkto use instagramto play videogamesto play the guitarto listen to musicto spend time with friends

hobbies 2023-10-22

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Constructing scaled replicas
  2. Studying celestial objects and the universe
  3. Exploring new places and cultures
  4. Preparing and making food
  5. Capturing images with a camera
  6. Cultivating plants and flowers
  7. Moving rhythmically to music
  8. Observing and identifying birds
  9. Exploring underwater environments
  10. Playing video or board games
  11. Trying to catch aquatic creatures
  1. Shaping clay into art and objects
  2. Creating fabric from yarn
  3. Crafting with wood materials
  4. Outdoor recreation and sleeping in tents
  5. Engaging with written material
  6. Accumulating specific items or memorabilia
  7. Making melodies with instruments
  8. Creating art with brushes and colors
  9. Walking in nature for enjoyment

20 Clues: Creating fabric from yarnPreparing and making foodConstructing scaled replicasCrafting with wood materialsMoving rhythmically to musicPlaying video or board gamesEngaging with written materialCapturing images with a cameraCultivating plants and flowersObserving and identifying birdsWalking in nature for enjoymentMaking melodies with instruments...

HOBBIES 2023-10-09

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. use the rod and the hook to catch the fish
  2. find interesting news about lifestyle in this book
  3. using your swimsuit and go to the pool
  4. when you watch film, you go here
  5. using brush, canvas, and coloring paint
  6. play the music instrument by plucking the string with your fingers
  7. play your playlist using your music player
  8. using racket and tennis ball
  9. you do it with novels, comics, etc
  10. find daily news every day with this paper
  1. go to see the match of your favorite sports team
  2. using pen or pencil to sketch the object on the paper
  3. go out somewhere with your besties
  4. take care of cats, dogs, and others domestic animals
  5. see the birds
  6. arrange set of scrambled pictures into a whole complete piece
  7. you play in on your PC
  8. another word for jogging
  9. move your body following the rhytm
  10. write your thoughts in a special book
  11. ride a two-wheels no machine vehicle

21 Clues: see the birdsyou play in on your PCanother word for joggingusing racket and tennis ballwhen you watch film, you go herego out somewhere with your bestiesmove your body following the rhytmyou do it with novels, comics, etcride a two-wheels no machine vehiclewrite your thoughts in a special bookusing your swimsuit and go to the pool...

Hobbies 2024-09-30

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. A hobby where you use clay and your hands to shape objects, often using a wheel.
  2. You need wind and a boat to navigate through water in this outdoor activity.
  3. Riding a bicycle for fun or exercise, often in parks or on roads.
  4. This artistic hobby involves creating shapes and figures out of materials like stone or clay.
  5. Walking in nature on trails or paths, often in beautiful or mountainous areas.
  6. A hobby where you gather items like stamps, coins, or toys to keep and display.
  7. Using two needles and yarn to make warm items like scarves, hats, or blankets.
  8. A practice that combines physical poses, breathing, and relaxation to improve health and peace of mind."
  9. A peaceful activity where you try to catch fish using a rod and bait at a lake or river.
  10. Planting flowers and vegetables in your backyard or pots and taking care of them.
  1. A team sport where players try to score points by shooting a ball through a hoop.
  2. Staying outside in a tent or camper, often in forests or near lakes, to enjoy nature.
  3. A game played by two teams, hitting a ball over a net and trying to make it land on the opponent's side.
  4. Planting flowers and vegetables in your backyard or pots and taking care of them.
  5. Preparing meals by mixing ingredients and following recipes to create delicious food.
  6. Moving your body to music, often in a group or at parties, with different styles like salsa or hip-hop.
  7. An exciting outdoor activity where you climb high walls using your hands and feet.
  8. A creative activity where you fold paper to make animals, flowers, and other shapes.
  9. This sport involves using a bow to shoot arrows at a target.
  10. Taking pictures of people, places, or nature using a camera to capture special moments.
  11. A peaceful activity where you try to catch fish using a rod and bait at a lake or river.
  12. A board game played between two people, where the goal is to capture the opponent's king.

22 Clues: This sport involves using a bow to shoot arrows at a target.Riding a bicycle for fun or exercise, often in parks or on roads.You need wind and a boat to navigate through water in this outdoor activity.Walking in nature on trails or paths, often in beautiful or mountainous areas....

Hobbies 2021-07-27

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. a hobby that happens in the snow
  2. a puzzle with numbers
  3. a hobby where you need waterproof boots
  4. a hobby where you will need a paintbrush
  5. something that you do to music
  6. a hobby which could make you fat!
  7. a hobby you do underwater
  8. an outdoor hobby that might involve weeds
  9. a hobby where you hit and chase a white ball around the countryside
  10. a hobby that uses a pencil
  1. a hobby where you make clothes
  2. a hobby where you make scented bath products
  3. a hobby where you use a rod or net
  4. a hobby using 2 wheels and a helmet
  5. a hobby that uses your voice
  6. a hobby using 2 needles
  7. a hobby which needs very expensive equipment
  8. a hobby where you hit a yellow ball
  9. a hobby which will improve your language skills

19 Clues: a puzzle with numbersa hobby using 2 needlesa hobby you do underwatera hobby that uses a pencila hobby that uses your voicea hobby where you make clothessomething that you do to musica hobby that happens in the snowa hobby which could make you fat!a hobby where you use a rod or neta hobby using 2 wheels and a helmet...

Hobbies 2015-08-04

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. small creatures that people like to watch
  2. spending money on food or other things
  3. using ports an pans
  4. using wind power to move a boat
  5. using tools to plant and grow at home
  6. a fun toy used for sport
  7. hitting a thing over a net and back
  8. using a brush to make an image
  1. using your legs to go on long walks
  2. moving black and white pieces
  3. using a needle and thread
  4. using an instrument to make nice sounds
  5. a place to watch a movie
  6. using a camera
  7. a place to act
  8. keeping similar things
  9. pressing black and white keys
  10. using a rod and line
  11. using your voice to make music

19 Clues: using a cameraa place to actusing ports an pansusing a rod and linekeeping similar thingsa place to watch a moviea fun toy used for sportusing a needle and threadmoving black and white piecespressing black and white keysusing your voice to make musicusing a brush to make an imageusing wind power to move a boatusing your legs to go on long walks...

Hobbies 2022-03-28

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Где бы ни
  2. Коллекция
  3. Повесть
  4. Воображение
  5. Создавать
  6. Представление
  7. К сожалению
  1. Любить делать что-либо, увлекаться
  2. Тематический
  3. Мультфильм
  4. Коллекционер
  5. Часть
  6. Художественный фильм
  7. Решать
  8. Монета
  9. Театрал
  10. Четверть
  11. Роман
  12. Скучный

19 Clues: ЧастьРоманРешатьМонетаПовестьТеатралСкучныйЧетвертьГде бы ниКоллекцияСоздаватьМультфильмВоображениеК сожалениюТематическийКоллекционерПредставлениеХудожественный фильмЛюбить делать что-либо, увлекаться

HOBBIES 2022-01-28

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. Stephen King, Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Goosebumps
  2. capture life's special moments
  3. mix, sift, toss, whip
  4. Zodiac, horoscope
  5. cast out, reel in
  6. weapon that consist of elastic launching
  7. 9-holes, 27-holes
  8. to ride the wave
  9. to connect with listener to evoke emotion
  10. the appearance of muscular tightnes
  1. embroidery, Stitchery
  2. mind and body practice
  3. Journey, Voyage, trip
  4. to train attention and awareness
  5. the power to use Supernatural forces to make the impossible things happen
  6. vintage
  7. to sculpt a masterpiece from Timber
  8. one who hoards
  9. in the eye of the beholder

19 Clues: vintageone who hoardsto ride the waveZodiac, horoscopecast out, reel in9-holes, 27-holesembroidery, StitcheryJourney, Voyage, tripmix, sift, toss, whipmind and body practicein the eye of the beholdercapture life's special momentsto train attention and awarenessto sculpt a masterpiece from Timberthe appearance of muscular tightnes...

Hobbies 2017-02-13

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. марка
  2. четверть
  3. специализироваться
  4. решить
  5. коллекция
  6. сцена
  7. выступать
  8. take ...in (принимать участие)
  9. коллекционировать
  1. выступление
  2. особый
  3. to be ...of (увлекаться)
  4. зрители
  5. тема
  6. значок
  7. тематический
  8. место
  9. монета
  10. гордый

19 Clues: темамаркасценаместоособыйрешитьзначокмонетагордыйзрителичетвертьколлекциявыступатьвыступлениетематическийколлекционироватьспециализироватьсяto be ...of (увлекаться)take ...in (принимать участие)

Hobbies 2018-09-24

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. You do this with a book
  2. With your ears
  3. Do this with a bow and arrow
  4. With your feet
  5. You need water
  6. On an animal
  7. You do this in a boat
  8. On wheels
  9. On snow
  10. With a small white ball
  1. You do this on water
  2. When you are tired you like this
  3. With a shuttlecock
  4. In the air
  5. You play this with a ball
  6. You hope to catch something
  7. You do this on ice
  8. On a bike
  9. Running slowly

19 Clues: On snowOn a bikeOn wheelsIn the airOn an animalWith your earsWith your feetYou need waterRunning slowlyWith a shuttlecockYou do this on iceYou do this on waterYou do this in a boatYou do this with a bookWith a small white ballYou play this with a ballYou hope to catch somethingDo this with a bow and arrowWhen you are tired you like this

Hobbies 2022-03-28

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Где бы ни
  2. Коллекция
  3. Повесть
  4. Воображение
  5. Создавать
  6. Представление
  7. К сожалению
  1. Любить делать что-либо, увлекаться
  2. Тематический
  3. Мультфильм
  4. Коллекционер
  5. Часть
  6. Художественный фильм
  7. Решать
  8. Монета
  9. Театрал
  10. Четверть
  11. Роман
  12. Скучный

19 Clues: ЧастьРоманРешатьМонетаПовестьТеатралСкучныйЧетвертьГде бы ниКоллекцияСоздаватьМультфильмВоображениеК сожалениюТематическийКоллекционерПредставлениеХудожественный фильмЛюбить делать что-либо, увлекаться

Hobbies 2022-04-19

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. To make your voice go with music.
  2. One of the sport teams in Longshan. They play this sport in the student activity center.
  3. To run slowly.
  4. An instrument which is usually in the round shape.
  5. The sport which Kobe Bryan was famous for.
  6. The action of moving with music.
  7. An instrument which has black and white keys.
  8. A show which singers sing on stage.
  9. Going underwater to watch sea animals.
  1. To move around in water.
  2. An instrument which has six strings.
  3. One of the sport teams in Longshan. The coach has curly hair.
  4. To make delicious dishes.
  5. The action of enjoying books.
  6. A small piece of paper we use when we send letters.
  7. To stand on a board and move on the sea.
  8. To make cake and bread.
  9. A sport people use their foot to play.
  10. To buy things at stores.

19 Clues: To run slowly.To make cake and bread.To move around in water.To buy things at stores.To make delicious dishes.The action of enjoying books.The action of moving with music.To make your voice go with music.A show which singers sing on stage.An instrument which has six strings.A sport people use their foot to play....

hobbies 2024-08-21

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. =berpergian
  2. =menonton
  3. =olahraga
  4. =menari
  5. food =makan
  6. =bernyanyi
  7. =arum jeram
  8. =berkebun
  9. =berenang
  10. =berlari
  11. =membaca
  1. =fotografi
  2. =mendengarkan
  3. out =jalan-jalan
  4. =menulis
  5. =memasak
  6. =menggambar
  7. =berbelanja
  8. =balet

19 Clues: =balet=menari=menulis=memasak=berlari=membaca=menonton=olahraga=berkebun=berenang=fotografi=bernyanyi=berpergianfood =makan=menggambar=arum jeram=berbelanja=mendengarkanout =jalan-jalan

hobbies 2023-06-02

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. bermain bulu tangkis
  2. bersepeda
  3. berkebun
  4. naik gunung
  5. bermain basket
  6. memancing
  7. berkemah
  8. bermain boneka
  9. berpergian
  10. menulis
  11. memasak
  1. menyanyi
  2. berenang
  3. bermain layang-layang
  4. melukis
  5. membaca
  6. bermain sepak bola
  7. bermain music
  8. menari

19 Clues: menarimelukismembacamenulismemasakmenyanyiberenangberkebunberkemahbersepedamemancingberpergiannaik gunungbermain musicbermain basketbermain bonekabermain sepak bolabermain bulu tangkisbermain layang-layang

COE 202 1025 2024-11-25

COE 202 1025 crossword puzzle
  1. An interesting fact about me is that I am a medical scribe which means I work with doctors in a hospital to help document patients that come in the ER. I also just recently picked up guitar the beginning of this year.
  2. one of my favorite things to do is to talk and connect with people.
  3. Working out, running, stargazing, and late-night walks are some of my hobbies and an interesting fact about me is I am a screenwriter who never was into watching movies until just very recently.
  4. Some things that I like to do are biking, hiking, hitting the gym and also playing a variety of instruments, and producing music. I am currently trying to learn how to play the piano, but I mainly play the acoustic guitar and bass, which I have been playing for around 7-8 years. Apart from this, I also like playing some sports, like Basketball and Soccer.
  5. some of my hobbies are listening to music and shopping. An interesting fact about me is that I am from Virginia.
  6. My hobbies include watching movies and painting, an interesting fact about myself is that I've been a vegetarian since I was 9
  7. some of my hobbies include playing video games, listening to music, and thrifting.
  8. cooking, listening to music, and going thrifting.
  9. I enjoy crocheting, listening to music, and skating
  10. I like to run in my spare time. An Interesting fact about myself is I have two siblings
  11. I like to play video games, draw and write, and an interesting fact about myself is that my name is inspired from the holy bible
  1. My hobbies would be playing videogames (some of my top games include: Valorant, Stardew Valley, Roblox, and Minecraft) but my videogame taste is pretty much everywhere, from rythm games like Osu!, or FPS like Rainbow Six Seige. I also love shopping, I shop a lot.
  2. My hobbies include music, games, sports (volleyball/pickleball/basketball), fishing, and movies. An interesting fact about myself is that I trained in Judo for 8 years.
  3. My hobbies include baking and playing instruments, and an interesting fact about myself is that I am from Texas.
  4. I am originally from Northern California and my spouse and I just moved to Las Vegas recently to start school here. I enjoy coaching youth softball and spending time with my family and 3 dogs.
  5. My favorite thing to do is write anything and everything but an interesting fact about me is that I broke my leg playing flag football
  6. I am currently trying to learn all of the country flags, and I love world geography
  7. I like playing poker and Minecraft. I also dabble in some basic magic!
  8. I am from Maui, Hawaii and I love to cook and bake
  9. a couple of my hobbies would be playing guitar and chess

20 Clues: cooking, listening to music, and going thrifting.I am from Maui, Hawaii and I love to cook and bakeI enjoy crocheting, listening to music, and skatinga couple of my hobbies would be playing guitar and chessone of my favorite things to do is to talk and connect with people.I like playing poker and Minecraft. I also dabble in some basic magic!...

Hobbies 2014-11-04

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. The Cinema
  2. To Read
  3. Football
  4. Music
  5. My Homework
  6. To Listen
  7. To Go
  8. To Play
  1. At Home
  2. To Dance
  3. CD's
  4. Shopping
  5. To Make/To Do
  6. To Swim
  7. To Relax/Laze Around
  8. To Ride
  9. To Buy
  10. To Watch TV
  11. To Travel

19 Clues: CD'sMusicTo GoTo BuyAt HomeTo ReadTo SwimTo RideTo PlayTo DanceShoppingFootballTo TravelTo ListenThe CinemaMy HomeworkTo Watch TVTo Make/To DoTo Relax/Laze Around

Hobbies 2020-04-15

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. bermain catur
  2. sepakbola
  3. bersepedah
  4. mendaki
  5. berselancar
  6. berenang
  7. membaca
  8. memanjat
  1. menari
  2. mengoleksi perangko
  3. jogging
  4. berkemah
  5. memasak
  6. memancing
  7. berkebun
  8. melukis
  9. menyelam
  10. bermain drum
  11. basket

19 Clues: menaribasketjoggingmemasakmendakimelukismembacaberkemahberkebunmenyelamberenangmemanjatsepakbolamemancingbersepedahberselancarbermain drumbermain caturmengoleksi perangko

Hobbies 2018-10-11

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. salibandy
  2. rullaluistelu
  3. jääkiekko
  4. ratsastus
  5. käsityöt
  6. yleisurheilu
  7. keilaus
  8. ruoanlaitto
  1. koripallo
  2. näyttely
  3. roolipelien pelaaminen
  4. piirtäminen
  5. mopojen korjuu
  6. lumilautailu
  7. aerobic
  8. voimistelu
  9. paini
  10. maalaaminen
  11. nyrkkeily

19 Clues: painiaerobickeilausnäyttelykäsityötkoripallosalibandyjääkiekkoratsastusnyrkkeilyvoimistelupiirtäminenmaalaaminenruoanlaittolumilautailuyleisurheilurullaluistelumopojen korjuuroolipelien pelaaminen

HOBBIES 2023-05-31

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. - Playing video games or board games
  2. - Gathering and preserving items of interest or value
  3. - Preparing and making delicious meals or snacks
  4. - Stitching fabric together to create clothing or other items
  5. - Making handmade items or decorations using various materials
  6. - Engaging in the activity of enjoying written or printed materials
  7. - Catching fish as a recreational activity
  8. - Exploring nature and walking in the outdoors
  9. - Solving brain teasers and problem-solving games
  1. - Expressing thoughts and ideas through written words
  2. - Creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with needles
  3. - Capturing images using a camera
  4. - Creating artwork using various colors and brushes
  5. - Riding a bicycle for exercise or leisure
  6. - Cultivating plants and flowers in a backyard or garden
  7. - Moving to music with rhythm and coordination
  8. - Producing music by playing a musical instrument
  9. - Using the voice to produce musical sounds and melodies
  10. - Cultivating plants and flowers in a backyard or garden
  11. - Creating pictures or illustrations using pencils, pens, or markers

20 Clues: - Capturing images using a camera- Playing video games or board games- Riding a bicycle for exercise or leisure- Catching fish as a recreational activity- Moving to music with rhythm and coordination- Exploring nature and walking in the outdoors- Preparing and making delicious meals or snacks- Producing music by playing a musical instrument...

Hobbies 2024-09-30

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. You need wind and a boat to navigate through water in this outdoor activity.
  2. Planting flowers and vegetables in your backyard or pots and taking care of them.
  3. A game played by two teams, hitting a ball over a net and trying to make it land on the opponent's side.
  4. Taking pictures of people, places, or nature using a camera to capture special moments.
  5. A creative activity where you fold paper to make animals, flowers, and other shapes.
  6. An exciting outdoor activity where you climb high walls using your hands and feet.
  7. A hobby where you use clay and your hands to shape objects, often using a wheel.
  8. Staying outside in a tent or camper, often in forests or near lakes, to enjoy nature.
  9. A peaceful activity where you try to catch fish using a rod and bait at a lake or river.
  1. A peaceful activity where you try to catch fish using a rod and bait at a lake or river.
  2. Moving your body to music, often in a group or at parties, with different styles like salsa or hip-hop.
  3. A board game played between two people, where the goal is to capture the opponent's king.
  4. This artistic hobby involves creating shapes and figures out of materials like stone or clay.
  5. This sport involves using a bow to shoot arrows at a target.
  6. Preparing meals by mixing ingredients and following recipes to create delicious food.
  7. A team sport where players try to score points by shooting a ball through a hoop.
  8. Using two needles and yarn to make warm items like scarves, hats, or blankets.
  9. A practice that combines physical poses, breathing, and relaxation to improve health and peace of mind."
  10. Planting flowers and vegetables in your backyard or pots and taking care of them.
  11. Riding a bicycle for fun or exercise, often in parks or on roads.
  12. Walking in nature on trails or paths, often in beautiful or mountainous areas.

21 Clues: This sport involves using a bow to shoot arrows at a target.Riding a bicycle for fun or exercise, often in parks or on roads.You need wind and a boat to navigate through water in this outdoor activity.Using two needles and yarn to make warm items like scarves, hats, or blankets....