hobbies Crossword Puzzles

Hobbies 2023-06-20

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Creating images or designs using pencils, pens, paint, or other materials
  2. Preparing food, experimenting with flavors and dishes
  3. Applying paint to a surface to create an image or design
  4. Creating fabric using yarn and two needles, often to create clothing or blankets
  5. Creating desserts and baked goods through mixing, measuring, and baking
  6. Growing plants, vegetables, or flowers for personal enjoyment or to beautify spaces
  7. Capturing and creating visual images, often using a camera or editing software
  1. Creating three-dimensional figures or art pieces by molding or carving materials
  2. Using the voice to create musical notes and songs
  3. Expressing thoughts and ideas through words and sentences
  4. Creating and building objects using wood
  5. an Instrument Creating music using an instrument such as a guitar, piano, or drums
  6. Enjoyment and understanding of written text, such as books, magazines, and newspapers
  7. Moving the body in rhythm with music or other sounds
  8. Creating clothing, accessories, and other items by stitching fabric together

15 Clues: Creating and building objects using woodUsing the voice to create musical notes and songsMoving the body in rhythm with music or other soundsPreparing food, experimenting with flavors and dishesApplying paint to a surface to create an image or designExpressing thoughts and ideas through words and sentences...

Hobbies 2023-06-23

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. The act of using brushes and colors to create artworks on canvas
  2. The act of looking at and understanding written words
  3. The activity of moving the body rhythmically to music
  4. The activity of walking in nature, typically on trails or mountains
  5. Engaging in various games, sports, or activities for enjoyment
  6. The art and skill of preparing and making food
  7. The act of expressing thoughts and ideas using words
  8. The craft of creating fabric by interlacing yarn with needles
  1. The act of producing musical sounds with the voice
  2. The activity of growing and taking care of plants and flowers
  3. The hobby of catching fish with a fishing rod and line
  4. The hobby of gathering and acquiring items of interest
  5. soccer Participating in a team sport where players kick a ball to score
  6. The hobby of taking pictures and capturing moments with a camera
  7. The activity of making handmade objects using various materials
  8. Riding a bicycle for leisure, exercise, or transportation

16 Clues: The art and skill of preparing and making foodThe act of producing musical sounds with the voiceThe act of expressing thoughts and ideas using wordsThe act of looking at and understanding written wordsThe activity of moving the body rhythmically to musicThe hobby of catching fish with a fishing rod and line...

Hobbies 2023-07-22

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Capturing moments and scenes through the lens of a camera.
  2. Moving rhythmically to music, expressing emotions and telling stories.
  3. Gathering and preserving items like stamps, coins, or toys as a hobby.
  4. Engaging in physical activities and team sports for enjoyment and fitness.
  5. Expressing creativity through lines, shapes, and colors on paper or canvas.
  6. Using brushes and paint to create artworks and capture scenes or emotions.
  7. Taking care of plants and flowers, creating a beautiful outdoor space.
  1. Creating handmade crafts like jewelry, pottery, or paper crafts.
  2. Musical Instruments Learning and playing musical instruments like guitar, piano, or violin.
  3. Visiting new places, experiencing different cultures, and making memories.
  4. Preparing and making delicious meals and exploring new recipes.
  5. Enjoying books and stories, using imagination to dive into different worlds.
  6. Playing video games or board games for fun and entertainment.
  7. Exploring nature on foot, enjoying scenic trails and fresh air.
  8. (Do It Yourself) Making or repairing things on your own, using creativity and skills.

15 Clues: Capturing moments and scenes through the lens of a camera.Playing video games or board games for fun and entertainment.Preparing and making delicious meals and exploring new recipes.Exploring nature on foot, enjoying scenic trails and fresh air.Creating handmade crafts like jewelry, pottery, or paper crafts....

Hobbies 2023-12-29

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Games Playing strategic and fun tabletop games.
  2. Capturing moments and scenes through pictures.
  3. Using colors to create beautiful artwork.
  4. Creating and coding digital projects.
  5. Playing games and staying active for fun.
  6. Expressing creativity through pencil and paper.
  7. Moving to the rhythm of music with joy.
  8. Making creative projects with various materials.
  9. Playing instruments or enjoying musical tunes.
  1. Taking care of plants and enjoying nature.
  2. Solving brain teasers for fun and challenge.
  3. Exploring new worlds through books and stories.
  4. Creating delicious dishes in the kitchen.
  5. Exploring the wonders of the night sky.
  6. Gathering and organizing interesting items.

15 Clues: Creating and coding digital projects.Exploring the wonders of the night sky.Moving to the rhythm of music with joy.Using colors to create beautiful artwork.Creating delicious dishes in the kitchen.Playing games and staying active for fun.Taking care of plants and enjoying nature.Gathering and organizing interesting items....

Hobbies 2024-06-29

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. настольная игра с фигурами на доске
  2. зимнее развлечение, необходимо нечто похожее на ролики
  3. произведение искусства
  4. физические упражнения для укрепления организма
  5. поход за покупками
  6. движущиеся картинки, связанные одним сюжетом
  7. посещать разные страны
  1. место, где смотрят кино
  2. собирать одинаковые предметы
  3. здание, где проходят представления
  4. зимнее развлечение, необходимы палки
  5. всемирная сеть
  6. любимое мужское занятие на природе
  7. снимок с помощью камеры или телефона
  8. помещение с тренажёрами

15 Clues: всемирная сетьпоход за покупкамипроизведение искусствапосещать разные страныместо, где смотрят кинопомещение с тренажёрамисобирать одинаковые предметыздание, где проходят представлениялюбимое мужское занятие на природенастольная игра с фигурами на доскезимнее развлечение, необходимы палкиснимок с помощью камеры или телефона...

Hobbies 2023-10-24

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. to nap
  2. to bike
  3. to ice skate
  4. to listen to music
  5. to garden
  6. to play basketball
  1. to hunt
  2. to eat
  3. to read a book
  4. to go to a concert
  5. to go to the movies
  6. to play hockey
  7. to dance
  8. to play video games
  9. to swim

15 Clues: to eatto napto huntto biketo swimto danceto gardento ice skateto read a bookto play hockeyto go to a concertto listen to musicto play basketballto go to the moviesto play video games

Hobbies 2024-10-21

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Capturing moments with a camera
  2. Japanese paper-folding art
  3. A game of strategy with kings and queens
  4. Shaping clay into bowls and vases
  5. The art of preparing food
  6. Casting a line to catch aquatic creatures
  7. Craft involving needles and yarn
  8. Observing feathered creatures in the wild
  9. Tending to plants and flowers outdoors
  1. Crafting furniture or objects from timber
  2. Preserving memories in decorated albums
  3. Creating art with brushes and colors
  4. Riding a two-wheeled vehicle for leisure
  5. Exploring nature on foot
  6. Stitching fabric with needle and thread

15 Clues: Exploring nature on footThe art of preparing foodJapanese paper-folding artCapturing moments with a cameraCraft involving needles and yarnShaping clay into bowls and vasesCreating art with brushes and colorsTending to plants and flowers outdoorsPreserving memories in decorated albumsStitching fabric with needle and thread...

Plurals 2024-05-07

Plurals crossword puzzle
  1. Hobby
  2. Child
  3. Tooth
  4. Potato
  5. Foot
  6. Woman
  7. Day
  8. Tree
  9. Copy
  10. Beverage
  1. Plant
  2. Library
  3. Half
  4. Person
  5. Watch
  6. Book
  7. Half
  8. Bench
  9. Customer
  10. Man

20 Clues: DayManHalfBookFootHalfTreeCopyPlantHobbyChildToothWatchWomanBenchPersonPotatoLibraryCustomerBeverage

Hobbies 2020-03-30

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. you can do it in a mall
  2. related to plants and flowers
  3. using colors and brushes
  4. you can do it at the gym
  5. when you use a stove
  6. in a park with your dog
  7. moving your body to the beat of music
  1. an aquatic sport, in a pool
  2. to make your skin darker by lying in the sun
  3. on facebook or whatsapp
  4. ________ the guitar, drums, bass, football, etc
  5. _______ a horse
  6. swimming underwater
  7. when you use a bycicle
  8. cakes, donuts or cookies

15 Clues: _______ a horseswimming underwaterwhen you use a stovewhen you use a bycicleyou can do it in a mallon facebook or whatsappin a park with your dogusing colors and brushesyou can do it at the gymcakes, donuts or cookiesan aquatic sport, in a poolrelated to plants and flowersmoving your body to the beat of music...

hobbies 2020-12-03

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. playing music
  2. singing and dancing
  3. painting
  4. traveling
  5. reading
  6. walking
  1. bowling
  2. swimming
  3. watching TV
  4. cooking
  5. shopping
  6. gaming
  7. acting
  8. sport
  9. gardening

15 Clues: sportgamingactingbowlingcookingreadingwalkingswimmingshoppingpaintinggardeningtravelingwatching TVplaying musicsinging and dancing

Hobbies 2018-05-31

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. A game that has a table, balls, and sticks
  2. A sport that uses a bow and arrow
  3. A very old thing
  4. A sport that is very slow and done in parks
  5. A hobby where you travel with a backpack
  6. A Japanese hobby where you fold paper
  7. A hobby where you use GPS to look for something
  8. A brother or sister
  9. A Japanese comic book
  1. A hobby where you plant flowers
  2. A hobby where you make a book with your memories
  3. A hobby that is done near water with water animals
  4. A hobby where you are in a movie or TV show
  5. The most popular sport in the world
  6. Ballet, samba, hip hop, and salsa are types of this

15 Clues: A very old thingA brother or sisterA Japanese comic bookA hobby where you plant flowersA sport that uses a bow and arrowThe most popular sport in the worldA Japanese hobby where you fold paperA hobby where you travel with a backpackA game that has a table, balls, and sticksA sport that is very slow and done in parks...

hobbies 2018-10-10

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. purjehdus
  2. näytteleminen
  3. roolipelaaminen
  4. paini
  5. tanssi
  6. keilaus
  7. lenkkeily
  1. maalaaminen
  2. salibändy
  3. jääkiekko
  4. taitoluistelu
  5. uinti
  6. lukeminen
  7. pyöräily
  8. nyrkkeily

15 Clues: uintipainitanssikeilauspyöräilysalibändyjääkiekkopurjehduslukeminennyrkkeilylenkkeilymaalaaminentaitoluistelunäytteleminenroolipelaaminen

hobbies 2018-10-10

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. nyrkkeily
  2. purjehdus
  3. uinti
  4. paini
  5. lukea
  6. salibandy
  7. yleisurheilu
  1. vaellus
  2. piirtää
  3. pyöräily
  4. lenkkeily
  5. tanssia
  6. maalaaminen
  7. lentopallo
  8. jalkapallo

15 Clues: uintipainilukeavaelluspiirtäätanssiapyöräilylenkkeilynyrkkeilypurjehdussalibandylentopallojalkapallomaalaaminenyleisurheilu

Hobbies 2018-10-02

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. musiikki
  2. yleisurheilu
  3. ruuanlaitto
  4. lentopallo
  5. keräily
  6. vaellus
  7. valokuvaus
  8. uinti
  9. lenkkeily
  1. lukeminen
  2. purjehdus
  3. lumilautailu
  4. nyrkkeily
  5. tanssi
  6. puutyö

15 Clues: uintitanssipuutyökeräilyvaellusmusiikkilukeminenpurjehdusnyrkkeilylenkkeilylentopallovalokuvausruuanlaittoyleisurheilulumilautailu

HOBBIES 2022-01-03

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. malować obraz
  2. oglądać filmiki
  3. zagrać w grę planszową
  4. grać w gry terenowe
  5. iść na koncert
  6. rozmawiać przez internet
  7. obejrzeć sztukę
  8. wykonywać ćwiczenia
  1. układać puzzle
  2. nocować u kogoś
  3. ubierać elegancką sukienkę
  4. przeszukiwać internet
  5. mieć piknik
  6. ćwiczyć balet
  7. czarować

15 Clues: czarowaćmieć piknikmalować obrazćwiczyć baletukładać puzzleiść na koncertnocować u kogośoglądać filmikiobejrzeć sztukęgrać w gry terenowewykonywać ćwiczeniaprzeszukiwać internetzagrać w grę planszowąrozmawiać przez internetubierać elegancką sukienkę

Hobbies 2022-02-06

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. käsityöt
  2. näytteleminen
  3. suunnistus
  4. When you play tennis, you need this to hit the ball.
  5. sulkapallo
  6. laskettelu
  7. taitoluistelu
  8. If this is your hobby, you probably have a lots of stamps, stickers, comics or something like that.
  1. You do this hobby under water. You need a wetsuit and an oxygen tank.
  2. For this hobby you need a camera and creativity.
  3. For this hobby you need just some paper and pencils.
  4. salibandy
  5. nyrkkeily
  6. lenkkeily
  7. eurooppalainen jalkapallo

15 Clues: käsityötsalibandynyrkkeilylenkkeilysuunnistussulkapallolaskettelunäytteleminentaitoluistelueurooppalainen jalkapalloFor this hobby you need a camera and creativity.For this hobby you need just some paper and pencils.When you play tennis, you need this to hit the ball.You do this hobby under water. You need a wetsuit and an oxygen tank....

Hobbies 2023-07-19

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Crafting is a hands-on and creative hobby that allows you to make unique and personalized items. Whether it's knitting, jewelry making, or paper crafting, crafting lets you unleash your creativity and create beautiful things with your own hands. It's a hobby that allows you to relax, express yourself artistically, and create meaningful gifts for yourself or others.
  2. Reading is a magical hobby that takes you on exciting adventures and introduces you to new worlds. With a book in your hand, you can explore far-off places, meet interesting characters, and learn fascinating things. Reading allows your imagination to soar as you dive into stories and let your mind paint vivid pictures. It's a hobby that opens doors to knowledge and sparks your creativity.
  3. Fishing is a peaceful and outdoor hobby that lets you connect with nature and enjoy the serenity of lakes, rivers, or oceans. You can cast your line, patiently wait for a bite, and feel the excitement of reeling in a fish. Fishing teaches you about patience, observation, and the importance of preserving aquatic ecosystems. It's a hobby that brings tranquility and a connection to the water.
  4. Sports are active and energetic hobbies that keep you fit, healthy, and full of energy. Whether it's soccer, basketball, swimming, or any other sport, engaging in physical activities allows you to have fun, develop skills, and work as a team. Sports teach you about discipline, perseverance, and the importance of staying active for a strong and healthy body.
  5. Cooking is a tasty and satisfying hobby that allows you to create delicious dishes and explore different flavors. In the kitchen, you can mix ingredients, try new recipes, and experiment with your own creations. Cooking teaches you about food, nutrition, and the joy of sharing meals with others. It's a hobby that brings people together and fills the air with delightful aromas.
  6. Dancing is a rhythmic and joyful hobby that lets you express yourself through movement and music. Whether it's ballet, hip-hop, or any other style, dancing allows you to let loose, feel the music, and showcase your unique dance moves. It's a hobby that brings happiness, boosts your confidence, and allows you to connect with others through the universal language of dance.
  7. Puzzle-solving is a brain-teasing hobby that challenges your problem-solving skills and logical thinking. Whether it's jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, or Sudoku, solving puzzles allows you to sharpen your mind, improve your concentration, and have fun while unraveling the mysteries piece by piece. It's a hobby that keeps your brain active and entertained.
  8. Gardening is a green and peaceful hobby that connects you with nature. You can plant flowers, fruits, and vegetables in your garden and watch them grow. Gardening teaches you about the importance of taking care of plants, provides a sense of accomplishment as you see your garden thrive, and allows you to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of nature right in your own backyard.
  1. Model-building is a hobby that lets you construct and assemble detailed models of various objects like airplanes, cars, or buildings. It requires patience, precision, and attention to detail. Model-building allows you to learn about the mechanics and structure of different objects while creating a miniature version of them. It's a hobby that brings satisfaction and a sense of achievement.
  2. Hiking is an adventurous and nature-filled hobby that allows you to explore trails, climb mountains, and experience the beauty of the great outdoors. Whether it's a short walk or a long trek, hiking allows you to connect with nature, breathe in fresh air, and appreciate the wonders of the natural world. It's a hobby that brings exercise, discovery, and a sense of adventure.
  3. Collecting is a hobby that involves gathering and preserving items that hold personal interest and value. It could be stamps, coins, action figures, or any other collectibles. Collecting allows you to explore your passions, learn about history or popular culture, and create a unique collection that reflects your interests. It's a hobby that brings excitement and a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Photography is a fascinating hobby that lets you capture special moments and explore the world through the lens of a camera. You can take photos of people, landscapes, or anything that catches your eye. Photography allows you to be creative, observe details others may miss, and tell stories through your pictures. It's a hobby that preserves memories and sparks your artistic side.
  5. Writing is a creative and expressive hobby that allows you to put your thoughts and ideas into words. Whether it's writing stories, poems, or even a journal, writing allows you to explore your imagination, communicate your feelings, and share your unique voice with the world. It's a hobby that helps you develop language skills, foster self-expression, and create literary masterpieces.
  6. Singing is a melodic and expressive hobby that lets you use your voice to convey emotions and tell stories. Whether you sing alone or with others, it's a way to express yourself and share your love for music. Singing boosts your confidence, improves your breathing and posture, and allows you to connect with others through the power of song. It's a hobby that brings joy and harmony.
  7. Painting is a fun and creative hobby where you can express yourself using colors and brushes. You can create beautiful artworks on canvas or paper. It's a way to let your imagination run wild and bring your ideas to life through the strokes of a paintbrush. Painting allows you to explore different techniques and experiment with various colors, making each artwork unique and special.

15 Clues: ...

Hobbies 2023-08-02

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Participating in physical activities and games for fun, exercise, or competition.
  2. Solving brainteasers, riddles, or jigsaw puzzles to challenge the mind and promote critical thinking skills.
  3. Playing interactive digital games on a computer, console, or handheld device for fun and relaxation.
  4. Engaging in creative activities, such as sewing or knitting, that involve making things by hand.
  5. Enjoying written material, such as books or magazines, to gain knowledge and explore different stories.
  6. Creating stories, essays, poems, or other types of written work to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
  7. Using one's voice to create melodies and harmonies, often accompanied by music.
  8. Moving one's body to music or rhythm, often as a form of self-expression or within a group.
  1. Preparing delicious meals by combining different ingredients and using various cooking techniques.
  2. Playing instruments, composing songs, or listening to a variety of tunes and melodies.
  3. Growing and caring for plants, flowers, and vegetables either indoors or outdoors.
  4. Exploring natural environments by walking through forests, mountains, or other outdoor settings.
  5. Capturing moments and scenes using a camera, either digitally or on film.
  6. Creating pictures or designs using pencils, pens, or other tools on paper or other surfaces.
  7. Applying colors to a surface using brushes, fingers, or other tools to create artwork.

15 Clues: Capturing moments and scenes using a camera, either digitally or on film.Using one's voice to create melodies and harmonies, often accompanied by music.Participating in physical activities and games for fun, exercise, or competition.Growing and caring for plants, flowers, and vegetables either indoors or outdoors....

Hobbies 2023-08-23

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. - Riding a bicycle for fun.
  2. - Creating art with pencils or colors.
  3. - Building miniatures or models.
  4. - Gathering and keeping special items.
  5. - Growing plants and flowers.
  6. - Solving jigsaw or brain teasers.
  7. - Walking in nature for adventure.
  8. - Taking pictures with a camera.
  1. - Making music with your voice.
  2. - Catching fish in water.
  3. - Enjoying books and stories.
  4. - Moving to music with rhythm.
  5. - Using brushes to create art.
  6. - A two-player strategy board game.
  7. - Preparing and making delicious food.

15 Clues: - Catching fish in water.- Riding a bicycle for fun.- Enjoying books and stories.- Growing plants and flowers.- Moving to music with rhythm.- Using brushes to create art.- Making music with your voice.- Building miniatures or models.- Taking pictures with a camera.- Solving jigsaw or brain teasers.- Walking in nature for adventure....

Hobbies 2024-06-19

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. guitar Making music with a stringed instrument.
  2. A group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices aimed at improving health and well-being.
  3. The maintenance of bee colonies, typically in hives.
  4. poetry Composing verses that express feelings or ideas, often with a distinctive style and rhythm.
  5. The study of movements and relative positions of celestial bodies to interpret human affairs.
  6. Walking for a long distance, especially across country or in the woods.
  7. The practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.
  8. chess A strategy board game played between two players.
  1. The craft of creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with needles.
  2. Creating artwork using paint.
  3. Observing birds in their natural environment as a hobby.
  4. Riding a bicycle.
  5. The activity of cultivating and managing a garden.
  6. The practice of focusing the mind for relaxation, clarity, and emotional stability.
  7. Acting, singing, dancing, or playing music for an audience.
  8. The art or practice of taking and processing photographs.

16 Clues: Riding a bicycle.Creating artwork using paint.The activity of cultivating and managing a garden.guitar Making music with a stringed instrument.The maintenance of bee colonies, typically in hives.Observing birds in their natural environment as a hobby.The art or practice of taking and processing photographs....

Hobbies 2023-09-07

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Studying celestial objects like stars, planets, and galaxies using telescopes and observation.
  2. Engaging in the sport or leisure activity of catching fish with fishing equipment.
  3. Gathering and preserving items like coins, stamps, or memorabilia as a hobby.
  4. Creating visual art on canvas or paper using various painting techniques and materials.
  5. Preparing and experimenting with various recipes and cuisines in the kitchen.
  6. Observing and identifying different bird species in their natural habitats.
  7. Engaging in the activity of reading books, magazines, or other written materials for pleasure.
  1. Games Playing strategic and entertaining board games with friends and family.
  2. Musical Instruments Creating music by playing instruments like the piano, guitar, or violin.
  3. Making handmade items such as jewelry, candles, or decorative crafts.
  4. Building Assembling and constructing scale models of vehicles, buildings, or other objects.
  5. Expressing oneself through dance, exploring various dance styles and forms.
  6. Capturing images and moments using a camera, often exploring different photography styles.
  7. Exploring natural landscapes and trails on foot, often in outdoor environments.
  8. Cultivating and tending to plants, flowers, and gardens for relaxation and enjoyment.

15 Clues: Making handmade items such as jewelry, candles, or decorative crafts.Expressing oneself through dance, exploring various dance styles and forms.Observing and identifying different bird species in their natural habitats.Games Playing strategic and entertaining board games with friends and family....

Hobbies 2023-11-17

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Gazing at the night sky, discovering constellations, and learning about the vastness and beauty of the cosmos.
  2. Watching Observing and identifying different bird species in their natural habitats, appreciating their unique behaviors.
  3. Exploring nature trails, experiencing the beauty of landscapes, and staying active through outdoor adventures.
  4. Capturing moments with a camera, exploring the art of visual storytelling, and preserving memories in images.
  5. Experimenting with ingredients, mixing flavors, and creating delicious meals that bring joy to family and friends.
  6. Playing instruments or listening to melodies, experiencing the emotional power of music and expressing oneself through rhythm and harmony.
  7. Nurturing plants, watching them grow, and creating a colorful, natural space filled with flowers and greenery.
  1. Exploring new worlds and ideas through books, getting lost in captivating stories that fuel the imagination.
  2. Crafts Creating handmade crafts, exploring various materials, and turning simple items into personalized and artistic creations.
  3. Gathering and organizing a collection of items, whether it's stamps, coins, or cards, and appreciating the diversity within the collection.
  4. Building Constructing intricate models, paying attention to details, and enjoying the satisfaction of a completed project.
  5. Patience and skill in the art of fishing, enjoying the tranquility of nature, and the thrill of a successful catch.
  6. Expressing creativity through colors and shapes on canvas, creating unique and beautiful works of art.
  7. Writing and experimenting with code, solving problems through logical thinking, and creating digital projects and applications.
  8. Engaging in a strategic and tactical board game, honing mental skills, and enjoying the thrill of a well-played match.

15 Clues: Expressing creativity through colors and shapes on canvas, creating unique and beautiful works of art.Exploring new worlds and ideas through books, getting lost in captivating stories that fuel the imagination.Capturing moments with a camera, exploring the art of visual storytelling, and preserving memories in images....

Hobbies 2023-07-26

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. It's a hobby of creating pictures or designs using pencils or colors.
  2. Words Description
  3. It's a hobby of observing and identifying birds in their natural habitat.
  4. It's a hobby of moving the body rhythmically to music or choreography.
  5. It's a hobby of enjoying books and stories for entertainment or learning.
  6. It's a hobby of observing celestial objects and studying the universe.
  7. It's a hobby of gathering and keeping various items or objects.
  8. It's a hobby of expressing thoughts and ideas through writing.
  9. It's a hobby of using the voice to produce musical sounds and melodies.
  1. It's a hobby of capturing images and moments using a camera.
  2. It's a hobby of using paints and brushes to create colorful artwork.
  3. Music It's a hobby of creating music by playing instruments or singing.
  4. It's a hobby of cultivating and caring for plants and flowers.
  5. It's a hobby of making handcrafted items using various materials.
  6. It's a hobby of preparing and making delicious meals and recipes.
  7. Sports It's a hobby of engaging in physical activities and team games.

16 Clues: Words DescriptionIt's a hobby of capturing images and moments using a camera.It's a hobby of cultivating and caring for plants and flowers.It's a hobby of expressing thoughts and ideas through writing.It's a hobby of gathering and keeping various items or objects.It's a hobby of making handcrafted items using various materials....

Hobbies 2024-05-14

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Taking and producing photographs using a camera or other equipment.
  2. Spending time outdoors, typically in a tent or temporary shelter.
  3. Making decorative or useful objects by hand, often using artistic skills.
  4. Creating pictures or designs with pencils, pens, or other tools.
  5. Cultivating and caring for plants in a garden or outdoor space.
  6. Preparing and making food, often following recipes or experimenting.
  7. Using the voice to produce musical sounds with melody and rhythm.
  1. Gathering and assembling items of a particular type or theme.
  2. Enjoying books, magazines, or other written materials.
  3. Catching fish as a recreational activity or for food.
  4. Applying color to a surface using brushes, paints, or other mediums.
  5. Expressing thoughts and ideas through words and sentences.
  6. Moving the body rhythmically to music for pleasure or expression.
  7. Cooking food by dry heat, typically in an oven, such as cakes or bread.
  8. Engaging in activities for amusement or recreation.

15 Clues: Engaging in activities for amusement or recreation.Catching fish as a recreational activity or for food.Enjoying books, magazines, or other written materials.Expressing thoughts and ideas through words and sentences.Gathering and assembling items of a particular type or theme.Cultivating and caring for plants in a garden or outdoor space....

HOBBIES 2024-02-24

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. Scaling rocks or walls for sport.
  2. Swimming underwater using special equipment.
  3. Shopping Looking at store displays without buying.
  4. Growing plants and flowers.
  5. Enjoying and hearing musical sounds.
  6. Spending time outdoors, often in a tent.
  7. Games played on a flat surface with pieces.
  1. Making music with a violin instrument.
  2. Making food by combining ingredients.
  3. Tossing and catching multiple balls in the air.
  4. Browsing websites on a computer or device.
  5. Understanding and enjoying written words in books.
  6. Walking in nature, usually on trails or paths.
  7. A strategy game played on a checkered board.
  8. Taking pictures with a camera.

15 Clues: Growing plants and flowers.Taking pictures with a camera.Scaling rocks or walls for sport.Enjoying and hearing musical sounds.Making food by combining ingredients.Making music with a violin instrument.Spending time outdoors, often in a tent.Browsing websites on a computer or device.Games played on a flat surface with pieces....

Hobbies 2024-08-20

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. craft technique that involves using a hooked needle to create fabric by interlocking loops of yarn or thread
  2. an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.
  3. the action of rapidly propelling yourself forward on foot
  4. Folding paper to make various figures, such as animals or flowers
  5. engage in physical activity to sustain or improve health and fitness
  6. the art, application, and practice of creating images by recording light
  7. the action or practice of playing games
  1. the practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.
  2. an activity that involves moving through the water using your arms and legs
  3. the activity of going from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length
  4. the activity of performing songs or tunes by making musical sounds with the voice.
  5. the arrangement of sound to create some combination of form, harmony, melody, rhythm, or otherwise expressive content
  6. produce an image of (someone or something) by making lines and marks.
  7. the act of creating written content
  8. the activity of getting information and meaning from text

15 Clues: the act of creating written contentthe action or practice of playing gamesthe action of rapidly propelling yourself forward on footthe activity of getting information and meaning from textFolding paper to make various figures, such as animals or flowersengage in physical activity to sustain or improve health and fitness...

Hobbies 2023-12-29

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Games Playing strategic and fun tabletop games.
  2. Capturing moments and scenes through pictures.
  3. Using colors to create beautiful artwork.
  4. Creating and coding digital projects.
  5. Playing games and staying active for fun.
  6. Expressing creativity through pencil and paper.
  7. Moving to the rhythm of music with joy.
  8. Making creative projects with various materials.
  9. Playing instruments or enjoying musical tunes.
  1. Taking care of plants and enjoying nature.
  2. Solving brain teasers for fun and challenge.
  3. Exploring new worlds through books and stories.
  4. Creating delicious dishes in the kitchen.
  5. Exploring the wonders of the night sky.
  6. Gathering and organizing interesting items.

15 Clues: Creating and coding digital projects.Exploring the wonders of the night sky.Moving to the rhythm of music with joy.Using colors to create beautiful artwork.Creating delicious dishes in the kitchen.Playing games and staying active for fun.Taking care of plants and enjoying nature.Gathering and organizing interesting items....

Hobbies 2023-11-03

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. A hobby of gathering and assembling items such as stamps, coins, or toys based on personal interest or value.
  2. An enjoyable activity of moving the body rhythmically to music as a form of self-expression or entertainment.
  3. An outdoor activity of walking in natural environments such as mountains, forests, or trails for leisure and exercise.
  4. A creative activity of putting words and ideas on paper to express thoughts, stories, or information.
  5. An activity of observing and identifying birds in their natural habitats, often with the aid of binoculars or a camera.
  6. A creative activity of applying paint to a surface to create art or express ideas and emotions.
  1. music A hobby of creating or performing music using musical instruments or one's voice.
  2. An activity of creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with knitting needles to make clothing or textiles.
  3. A hobby of making decorative or practical objects by hand, often using various materials and techniques.
  4. A creative activity of making marks on a surface using pens, pencils, or other drawing tools.
  5. An activity of using a needle and thread to join pieces of fabric together to create clothing, accessories, or crafts.
  6. An activity of capturing and creating images using a camera to preserve memories or express creativity.
  7. An enjoyable activity of preparing and making food by combining various ingredients and cooking techniques.
  8. A hobby of growing and nurturing plants, flowers, and vegetables in a garden or a small outdoor space.
  9. An enjoyable activity of looking at and understanding written words to gain knowledge and entertainment.

15 Clues: music A hobby of creating or performing music using musical instruments or one's voice.A creative activity of making marks on a surface using pens, pencils, or other drawing tools.A creative activity of applying paint to a surface to create art or express ideas and emotions....

Hobbies 2023-10-10

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Engaging in games, sports, or activities for enjoyment and fun.
  2. Using colors to create art on paper, canvas, or other surfaces.
  3. Taking care of plants and flowers in a garden or outdoor space.
  4. Gathering and keeping items like stamps, coins, or toys as a hobby.
  5. Enjoying books, magazines, or stories to learn, imagine, or have fun.
  6. Observing and identifying birds in their natural habitat.
  1. Taking pictures with a camera to capture moments and scenes.
  2. Going on long walks in nature, exploring trails and enjoying the outdoors.
  3. Moving rhythmically to music, expressing emotions and having fun.
  4. Playing musical instruments or listening to songs and melodies.
  5. Solving Putting together jigsaw puzzles or brain teasers to solve challenges.
  6. Trying to catch fish using a rod, reel, and bait in rivers, lakes, or oceans.
  7. Preparing and making delicious meals and treats in the kitchen.
  8. Creating handmade items like jewelry, cards, or decorations.
  9. Building Assembling and painting miniature models of cars, planes, or buildings.

15 Clues: Observing and identifying birds in their natural habitat.Taking pictures with a camera to capture moments and scenes.Creating handmade items like jewelry, cards, or decorations.Engaging in games, sports, or activities for enjoyment and fun.Using colors to create art on paper, canvas, or other surfaces....

Plurals 2021-11-29

Plurals crossword puzzle
  1. ranch
  2. patch
  3. mint
  4. baby
  5. arrow
  6. enemy
  7. couch
  8. mistake
  9. dress
  10. engine
  11. parent
  1. army
  2. cave
  3. compass
  4. clam
  5. glass
  6. hobby
  7. prop
  8. battery
  9. arch
  10. supply
  11. moss

22 Clues: armycaveclammintpropbabyarchmossranchpatchglasshobbyarrowenemycouchdresssupplyengineparentcompassbatterymistake

Plural of... 2021-10-25

Plural of... crossword puzzle
  1. toy
  2. hero
  3. octopus
  4. knife
  5. splash
  6. family
  7. person
  1. life
  2. child
  3. hobby
  4. mosquito
  5. piano
  6. lunch
  7. fox
  8. salmon
  9. leaf
  10. floss

17 Clues: toyfoxlifeheroleafchildhobbypianolunchknifeflosssalmonsplashfamilypersonoctopusmosquito

English-French 2022-04-26

English-French crossword puzzle
  4. DOG
  1. CLOUD
  2. HELLO
  5. RAIN
  6. HI
  7. WITCH
  8. CAT
  10. SUN


Happy Birthday Bill 2023-02-27

Happy Birthday Bill crossword puzzle
  1. one of my hobbies
  2. people I love
  3. the sort of crosswords I'm good at
  4. what you eat on your birthday
  5. what you get if you are good on your birthday
  6. one of my children
  7. what I did as a career
  8. bowls, one of my hobbies
  9. one of my friends
  1. my lovely wife
  2. one of my friends
  3. not sad
  4. the name my mother gave me
  5. people I choose to be with
  6. one of my friends
  7. Old, beer I like to drink
  8. the day you are born
  9. one of my children

18 Clues: not sadpeople I lovemy lovely wifeone of my friendsone of my hobbiesone of my friendsone of my friendsone of my childrenone of my childrenthe day you are bornwhat I did as a careerbowls, one of my hobbiesOld, beer I like to drinkthe name my mother gave mepeople I choose to be withwhat you eat on your birthdaythe sort of crosswords I'm good at...

Everyday English 1 UNIT 1 2023-11-02

Everyday English 1 UNIT 1 crossword puzzle
  1. kotikaupunki
  2. kuka
  3. työskennellä
  4. eläkkeellä
  5. kansalaisuus
  6. työtön
  7. ikä
  1. tarjoilija
  2. nyt
  3. sairaala
  4. sairaanhoitaja
  5. viesti
  6. lauantai
  7. harrastukset
  8. ehkä
  9. katsoa
  10. kiireinen

17 Clues: nytikäkukaehkäviestikatsoatyötönsairaalalauantaikiireinentarjoilijaeläkkeelläkotikaupunkityöskennelläharrastuksetkansalaisuussairaanhoitaja

Yeeeeee 2024-12-30

Yeeeeee crossword puzzle
  1. Amy’s zodiac sign
  2. Place we both love to go to
  3. One of Amy’s hobbies
  4. Amy’s typical food cravings
  5. Color of Amy’s eyes
  6. Color of Madison’s eyes
  1. Madison’s old field hockey position
  2. One of Madison’s hobbies
  3. Something Amy is good at
  4. Amy’s old field hockey position
  5. Madison’s zodiac sign
  6. Madison’s typical food cravings
  7. Something that I love about you
  8. What type of practice Madison wants to work at one day

14 Clues: Amy’s zodiac signColor of Amy’s eyesOne of Amy’s hobbiesMadison’s zodiac signColor of Madison’s eyesOne of Madison’s hobbiesSomething Amy is good atPlace we both love to go toAmy’s typical food cravingsAmy’s old field hockey positionMadison’s typical food cravingsSomething that I love about youMadison’s old field hockey position...

The singular of nouns 2023-04-17

The singular of nouns crossword puzzle
  1. mice
  2. families
  3. knives
  4. children
  5. sandwiches
  6. tomatoes
  7. ladies
  8. boys
  9. wives
  1. photos
  2. shelves
  3. men
  4. friends
  5. feet
  6. sofas
  7. windows
  8. hobbies

17 Clues: menmicefeetboyssofaswivesphotosknivesladiesshelvesfriendswindowshobbiesfamilieschildrentomatoessandwiches

Wyatt's crossword:O 2019-12-10

Wyatt's crossword:O crossword puzzle
  1. my other dogs name
  2. my favourite sport
  3. my dogs name
  4. one of my hobbies
  5. my name
  6. i am
  1. my closest friend
  2. where i live
  3. my favourite colour
  4. another one of my hobbies

10 Clues: i ammy namewhere i livemy dogs namemy closest friendone of my hobbiesmy other dogs namemy favourite sportmy favourite colouranother one of my hobbies

Crossword 2021-10-11

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. chess club
  2. cheerleader
  3. hobbies
  4. gymnastics
  5. club
  6. band
  7. chorus/choir
  8. swim
  9. practice
  10. martial arts
  11. hockey
  1. team
  2. the young
  3. photograaphy
  4. dancer
  5. band
  6. member
  7. bowling
  8. singer
  9. meeting

20 Clues: teambandclubbandswimdancermembersingerhockeyhobbiesbowlingmeetingpracticethe youngchess clubgymnasticscheerleaderphotograaphychorus/choirmartial arts

Lesson 17 2024-04-10

Lesson 17 crossword puzzle
  1. vabaaja tegevus
  2. kahepaikne
  3. aiandus
  4. telekast vaatama
  5. kergejõustik
  6. loendatav
  7. omal vabal ajal
  8. õmblemine
  9. põssa
  1. roomaja
  2. rattaga sõitmine
  3. loendamatu
  4. suurepärane
  5. renoveerimine
  6. muusika kuulamine
  7. õpetas
  8. kudumine
  9. õhtuti
  10. kärnkonn
  11. hobid

20 Clues: hobidpõssaõpetasõhtutiroomajaaianduskuduminekärnkonnloendatavõmblemineloendamatukahepaiknesuurepäranekergejõustikrenoveeriminevabaaja tegevusomal vabal ajalrattaga sõitminetelekast vaatamamuusika kuulamine

Nice To Meet You! 2012-10-06

Nice To Meet You! crossword puzzle
  1. ???? do you do?
  2. Nice to ???? you.
  3. ??? do you study English?
  4. What are your ???????
  5. Where does the bus ????
  6. What time ???? your English class start?
  7. How ???? does a ticket to Tokyo cost?
  8. Do people from your country ???? Hollywood movies?
  9. The school ????? at 8:00 a.m., and closes at 6:00 p.m.
  10. Do you ???? with your parents?
  1. ??? he speak Korean? No, he can't.
  2. ????? do you work?
  3. ??? do you live with?
  4. Are you from Canada ??????????
  5. How do you ????? your name? Is it with a "V" or a "B"?
  6. What ???? do you get up in the morning?
  7. What language ?? Brazilians speak?
  8. How much money do you ????
  9. Does Obama ????? Spanish?
  10. Where ?? the library?
  11. What ??? your hobbies?

21 Clues: ???? do you do?Nice to ???? you.????? do you work???? do you live with?What are your ???????Where ?? the library?What ??? your hobbies?Where does the bus ??????? do you study English?Does Obama ????? Spanish?How much money do you ????Are you from Canada ??????????Do you ???? with your parents?What language ?? Brazilians speak?...

Nice To Meet You! 2012-10-06

Nice To Meet You! crossword puzzle
  1. ???? do you do?
  2. The school ????? at 8:00 a.m., and closes at 6:00 p.m.
  3. What are your ???????
  4. How much money do you ????
  5. What ??? your hobbies?
  6. What language ?? Brazilians speak?
  7. Nice to ???? you.
  8. Do you ???? with your parents?
  9. Do people from your country ???? Hollywood movies?
  1. How ???? does a ticket to Tokyo cost?
  2. Where does the bus ????
  3. ??? do you study English?
  4. ??? he speak Korean? No, he can't.
  5. Are you from Canada ??????????
  6. Does Obama ????? Spanish?
  7. ????? do you work?
  8. ??? do you live with?
  9. How do you ????? your name? Is it with a "V" or a "B"?
  10. What time ???? your English class start?
  11. What ???? do you get up in the morning?
  12. Where ?? the library?

21 Clues: ???? do you do?Nice to ???? you.????? do you work???? do you live with?What are your ???????Where ?? the library?What ??? your hobbies?Where does the bus ??????? do you study English?Does Obama ????? Spanish?How much money do you ????Are you from Canada ??????????Do you ???? with your parents?What language ?? Brazilians speak?...

Nice To Meet You! 2012-10-06

Nice To Meet You! crossword puzzle
  1. Where ?? the library?
  2. ??? he speak Korean? No, he can't.
  3. What time ???? your English class start?
  4. ????? do you work?
  5. Are you from Canada ??????????
  6. What ??? your hobbies?
  7. The school ????? at 8:00 a.m., and closes at 6:00 p.m.
  8. Nice to ???? you.
  9. ??? do you live with?
  10. How ???? does a ticket to Tokyo cost?
  1. Do people from your country ???? Hollywood movies?
  2. How much money do you ????
  3. What language ?? Brazilians speak?
  4. Does Obama ????? Spanish?
  5. ??? do you study English?
  6. What are your ???????
  7. Do you ???? with your parents?
  8. Where does the bus ????
  9. How do you ????? your name? Is it with a "V" or a "B"?
  10. What ???? do you get up in the morning?
  11. ???? do you do?

21 Clues: ???? do you do?Nice to ???? you.????? do you work?Where ?? the library?What are your ?????????? do you live with?What ??? your hobbies?Where does the bus ????Does Obama ????? Spanish???? do you study English?How much money do you ????Do you ???? with your parents?Are you from Canada ??????????What language ?? Brazilians speak?...

sss 2015-12-17

sss crossword puzzle
  1. Previous employer of Karolien Gellynck
  2. City where Bichngoc Hoang went to university
  3. One of Pamela Ewing’s hobbies
  4. First job of Dave Hellman
  5. Location of the Belgian Nuance office
  6. School attended by Heather Leathers
  7. Lisa Orr’s pet
  8. Name of Sandy Fuller’s grandson
  9. One of Raju Srivastava’s hobbies
  10. A type of Dutch bacon
  1. Title of Deborah Johnson
  2. Location of Carol Long
  3. Favorite sport of Nadia Silvestre
  4. Location of Lisa Gordon
  5. Previous employer of Kathleen De Pestel
  6. City where Tina Mech went to college
  7. One of Joy Schmitt’s certifications
  8. Science in which Janet Rathbone is an expert
  9. Leah Flanery is a supporter of this basketball team
  10. Eighth word in our mission statement

20 Clues: Lisa Orr’s petA type of Dutch baconLocation of Carol LongLocation of Lisa GordonTitle of Deborah JohnsonFirst job of Dave HellmanOne of Pamela Ewing’s hobbiesName of Sandy Fuller’s grandsonOne of Raju Srivastava’s hobbiesFavorite sport of Nadia SilvestreOne of Joy Schmitt’s certificationsSchool attended by Heather Leathers...

Content Crossword 2015-12-17

Content Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Location of Lisa Gordon
  2. One of Pamela Ewing’s hobbies
  3. Previous employer of Karolien Gellynck
  4. One of Joy Schmitt’s certifications
  5. Location of Carol Long
  6. First job of Dave Hellman
  7. Title of Deborah Johnson
  8. Eighth word in our mission statement
  9. Previous employer of Kathleen De Pestel
  1. Name of Sandy Fuller’s grandson
  2. School attended by Heather Leathers
  3. Favorite sport of Nadia Silvestre
  4. Leah Flanery is a supporter of this basketball team
  5. Location of the Belgian Nuance office
  6. City where Bichngoc Hoang went to university
  7. City where Tina Mech went to college
  8. A type of Dutch bacon
  9. Lisa Orr’s pet
  10. Science in which Janet Rathbone is an expert
  11. One of Raju Srivastava’s hobbies

20 Clues: Lisa Orr’s petA type of Dutch baconLocation of Carol LongLocation of Lisa GordonTitle of Deborah JohnsonFirst job of Dave HellmanOne of Pamela Ewing’s hobbiesName of Sandy Fuller’s grandsonOne of Raju Srivastava’s hobbiesFavorite sport of Nadia SilvestreSchool attended by Heather LeathersOne of Joy Schmitt’s certifications...

hobbies 2020-05-18

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. a game played between two teams of eleven people, where each team tries to win by kicking a ball into the other team's goal
  2. to make musical sounds with the voice
  3. a game played by two people on a square board
  4. to sit on something such as a bicycle, motorbike, or horse
  5. to make a picture of something or someone with a pencil or pen
  6. to spend time visiting a lot of websites
  7. to move the body and feet to music
  8. to sit behind the steering wheel in order to make it move
  1. to get and keep things of one type such as stamps or coins as a hobby
  2. a game played on a specially marked playing area in which two or four people use rackets to hit a small ball
  3. to move through water by moving the body or parts of the body
  4. to look at words and understand what they mean
  5. a sport, originally from Japan, in which people fight using their arms, legs, hands, and feet
  6. a game played especially in North America by two teams of nine players, in which a player hits a ball with a bat (= stick) and tries to run around four bases on a large field before the other team returns the ball

14 Clues: to move the body and feet to musicto make musical sounds with the voiceto spend time visiting a lot of websitesa game played by two people on a square boardto look at words and understand what they meanto sit behind the steering wheel in order to make it moveto sit on something such as a bicycle, motorbike, or horse...

HOBBIES 2023-03-23

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. I enjoy doing an ___________ such as bungee jumping.
  2. What a beautiful performance! She is really i_______________ tonight.
  3. Aerobic dancing and jumping rope are s_________ exercises.
  4. The show is a m______ ______ in America and has a huge worldwide fan base.
  5. It was a low-budget film but it g_____ p _____________ right after it was shown.
  6. I’m a ___________ so I go to the cinema on a regular basis.
  7. I go to the cinema regularly to c________ t_ l________ m__________.
  1. I work out to improve my ___________
  2. = keep fit
  3. I play sports to ______________ my strength
  4. The movie's s_________ e_____ are amazing.
  5. I w__________ in the gym two or three times a week.
  6. I want to listen to some m_______ songs.
  7. I have no _____ in music.

14 Clues: = keep fitI have no _____ in music.I work out to improve my ___________I want to listen to some m_______ songs.The movie's s_________ e_____ are amazing.I play sports to ______________ my strengthI w__________ in the gym two or three times a week.I enjoy doing an ___________ such as bungee jumping....

Hobbies 2023-06-01

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. I do
  2. We do
  3. He does
  4. To play
  5. They do (f)
  6. Issons
  7. Ils
  1. faites
  2. You do
  3. To do
  4. She does
  5. Faisons
  6. Issent
  7. Fais (s)
  8. Ez

15 Clues: EzIlsI doTo doWe dofaitesYou doIssentIssonsFaisonsHe doesTo playShe doesFais (s)They do (f)

Hobbies 2023-06-12

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Making creative and handmade items like jewelry, pottery, or origami.
  2. Building Assembling and building models of planes, cars, or buildings using kits and your own hands.
  3. Music Learning to play musical instruments like the guitar, piano, or drums and creating your own tunes.
  4. Taking care of plants, planting flowers, and growing your own fruits or vegetables.
  5. Capturing moments and scenes with a camera to create lasting memories.
  6. Expressing your thoughts and imagination through stories, poems, or journaling.
  7. Enjoying books and stories to explore different worlds and characters.
  1. Gathering and organizing objects like stamps, coins, or action figures as a hobby.
  2. Preparing delicious meals and trying out new recipes in the kitchen.
  3. Moving your body to the rhythm of music and expressing yourself through dance.
  4. Solving Working on puzzles like crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, or Sudoku to challenge your problem-solving skills.
  5. Using your voice to create melodies and sing along to your favorite songs.
  6. Spending time in nature, setting up tents, and enjoying outdoor activities like hiking and roasting marshmallows around a campfire.
  7. Using colors and brushes to create beautiful pictures on paper or canvas.
  8. Sports Engaging in physical activities such as soccer, basketball, or swimming for fun and exercise.

15 Clues: Preparing delicious meals and trying out new recipes in the kitchen.Making creative and handmade items like jewelry, pottery, or origami.Capturing moments and scenes with a camera to create lasting memories.Enjoying books and stories to explore different worlds and characters.Using colors and brushes to create beautiful pictures on paper or canvas....

Hobbies 2018-02-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. when you beat your opponent in a ring you are doing...?
  2. when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your
  3. when you want to keep memories on pictures then you...
  4. when you want to create storys like Erich Kästner then you...
  5. when you visit another country, you...?
  6. when you make a somersault you are doing...?
  7. when you look into a book
  8. to...a picture on your own
  1. you...on a mountain
  2. when you like stamps very much then you...
  3. when you make cakes then you...
  4. on the prom you...with your partner to a special music
  5. to run after a ball
  6. to make your own scarf with your own wool

14 Clues: you...on a mountainto run after a ballwhen you look into a bookto...a picture on your ownwhen you make cakes then you...when you visit another country, you...?to make your own scarf with your own woolwhen you like stamps very much then you...when you make a somersault you are doing...?when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your...

hobbies 2018-10-17

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. tennis
  2. voimistelu
  3. valokuvaus
  4. salibandy
  5. pesäpallo
  6. laulaminen
  7. uinti
  8. lenkkeily
  1. pyöräily
  2. lukeminen
  3. rullaluistelu
  4. purjehdus
  5. ratsastus
  6. suunnistus

14 Clues: uintitennispyöräilylukeminenpurjehdusratsastussalibandypesäpallolenkkeilyvoimisteluvalokuvaussuunnistuslaulaminenrullaluistelu

Hobbies 2024-01-11

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Explores nature trails and enjoys outdoor walks.
  2. Creates artwork using pencils, colors, or pens.
  3. Gathers and organizes various items of interest.
  4. Games Enjoys board games, video games, or puzzles.
  5. Sports Engages in physical activities and team sports.
  6. Plants and cares for flowers, fruits, or vegetables.
  1. to Music Finds pleasure in different genres of music.
  2. Enjoys exploring stories and books.
  3. Expresses creativity through dance movements.
  4. Riding Takes pleasure in cycling and outdoor rides.
  5. Movies Enjoys films and storytelling through visuals.
  6. Enjoys outdoor adventures and camping experiences.
  7. Creates handmade items using various materials.
  8. Prepares meals and explores culinary creativity.
  9. Captures moments and scenes through a camera.

15 Clues: Enjoys exploring stories and books.Expresses creativity through dance movements.Captures moments and scenes through a camera.Creates artwork using pencils, colors, or pens.Creates handmade items using various materials.Explores nature trails and enjoys outdoor walks.Gathers and organizes various items of interest....

Hobbies 2024-05-12

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. dołączać, spotykać się
  2. brać udział
  3. ucieczka
  4. biżuteria
  5. koncert, występ
  6. inexpensive
  7. podzielać, współdzielić; udostępnić (w mediach społecznościowych)
  1. towarzystwo, organizacja, stowarzyszenie; społeczeństwo
  2. ceramika, garncarstwo
  3. zachowanie
  4. plakat
  5. zainteresować się czymś, podejmować się czegoś
  6. szachy
  7. komplet, zestaw, sprzęt (np. first-aid ...)

14 Clues: plakatszachyucieczkabiżuteriazachowaniebrać udziałinexpensivekoncert, występceramika, garncarstwodołączać, spotykać siękomplet, zestaw, sprzęt (np. first-aid ...)zainteresować się czymś, podejmować się czegośtowarzystwo, organizacja, stowarzyszenie; społeczeństwopodzielać, współdzielić; udostępnić (w mediach społecznościowych)

Hobbies 2024-09-30

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Bola Basket
  2. Menggambar
  3. Memasak
  4. Jalan-jalan
  5. Menonton Tv
  6. Bermain Game
  7. Memancing
  1. Membaca
  2. Olahraga
  3. Sepakbola
  4. Bernyanyi
  5. Bersepeda
  6. Berenang
  7. Fotografi

14 Clues: MembacaMemasakOlahragaBerenangSepakbolaBernyanyiBersepedaFotografiMemancingMenggambarBola BasketJalan-jalanMenonton TvBermain Game

Maegan Paugh Trivia 2020-09-15

Maegan Paugh Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. another one of my hobbies
  2. one of my hobbies
  3. My favorite color
  4. the number of sibling(s) I have
  5. my favorite subject
  6. do I have a cat or dog?
  1. what I'm really bad at
  2. an instrument I play
  3. my least favorite subject
  4. my age
  5. my favorite food
  6. the name of my pet

12 Clues: my agemy favorite foodone of my hobbiesMy favorite colorthe name of my petmy favorite subjectan instrument I playwhat I'm really bad atdo I have a cat or dog?my least favorite subjectanother one of my hobbiesthe number of sibling(s) I have

Lancaster Wedding 2023-01-17

Lancaster Wedding crossword puzzle
  1. Honeymoon activity
  2. Month we got engaged
  3. Alex's cat
  4. Nicole's favorite flower
  5. Favorite Friday night activity
  6. The Best Man
  7. Mother of the bride
  8. Where Nicole was born
  9. One of our favorite places to shop
  10. # of siblings Alex has
  11. Month we started dating
  12. Alex's middle name
  13. Mother of the groom
  14. Nicole's Dog
  15. Nicole's favorite football team
  1. Nicole's middle name
  2. Nicole's favorite food
  3. The Man of Honor
  4. Alex's favorite football team
  5. Distillery where we got engaged
  6. Street name where we live
  7. Where Alex was born
  8. One of Alex's hobbies
  9. Something we love to do together
  10. One of Nicole's hobbies
  11. Where did we go on our first date

26 Clues: Alex's catThe Best ManNicole's DogThe Man of HonorHoneymoon activityAlex's middle nameWhere Alex was bornMother of the brideMother of the groomNicole's middle nameMonth we got engagedOne of Alex's hobbiesWhere Nicole was bornNicole's favorite food# of siblings Alex hasMonth we started datingOne of Nicole's hobbiesNicole's favorite flower...

Sip and Solve 2024-07-04

Sip and Solve crossword puzzle
  1. Nick's favorite food
  2. Kelsey's favorite food
  3. This is Kelsey and Nick's dream dog.
  4. Month of first meeting
  5. Nick's middle name
  6. Who was Nick and Kelsey's first concert together?
  7. Where are Kelsey and Nick going for their honeymoon?
  8. Both Kelsey and Nick's eyes are what color?
  9. Month of engagement.
  1. What is one of Nick's favorite hobbies?
  2. Nick's birth state.
  3. What is Kelsey's favorite Color?
  4. Kelsey's middle name
  5. How Kelsey and Nick met
  6. Where was Kelsey and Nick's first date?
  7. Favorite place to get tacos
  8. What is one of Kelsey and Nick's joint hobbies?
  9. Where did Nick and Kelsey vacation in 2023?
  10. Kelsey and Nick's favorite football team
  11. Kelsey and Nick's favorite movie series

20 Clues: Nick's middle nameNick's birth state.Nick's favorite foodKelsey's middle nameMonth of engagement.Kelsey's favorite foodMonth of first meetingHow Kelsey and Nick metFavorite place to get tacosWhat is Kelsey's favorite Color?This is Kelsey and Nick's dream dog.What is one of Nick's favorite hobbies?Where was Kelsey and Nick's first date?...

Content Crossword 2015-12-17

Content Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Previous employer of Karolien Gellynck
  2. School attended by Heather Leathers
  3. Location of Lisa Gordon
  4. First job of Dave Hellman
  5. Name of Sandy Fuller’s grandson
  6. Leah Flanery is a supporter of this basketball team
  7. City where Tina Mech went to college
  8. One of Pamela Ewing’s hobbies
  9. City where Bichngoc Hoang went to university
  1. One of Joy Schmitt’s certifications
  2. Favorite sport of Nadia Silvestre
  3. One of Raju Srivastava’s hobbies
  4. Title of Deborah Johnson
  5. Previous employer of Kathleen De Pestel
  6. Eighth word in our mission statement
  7. Location of Carol Long
  8. Location of the Belgian Nuance office
  9. Science in which Janet Rathbone is an expert
  10. A type of Dutch bacon
  11. Lisa Orr’s pet

20 Clues: Lisa Orr’s petA type of Dutch baconLocation of Carol LongLocation of Lisa GordonTitle of Deborah JohnsonFirst job of Dave HellmanOne of Pamela Ewing’s hobbiesName of Sandy Fuller’s grandsonOne of Raju Srivastava’s hobbiesFavorite sport of Nadia SilvestreOne of Joy Schmitt’s certificationsSchool attended by Heather Leathers...

Content Team Crossword 2015-12-12

Content Team Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Location of the Belgian Nuance office
  2. Location of Carol Long
  3. Title of Deborah Johnson
  4. Favorite sport of Nadia Silvestre
  5. One of Pamela Ewing’s hobbies
  6. Location of Lisa Gordon
  7. Name of Sandy Fuller’s grandson
  8. Lisa Orr’s pet
  9. Leah Flanery is a supporter of this basketball team
  1. Previous employer of Karolien Gellynck
  2. Science in which Janet Rathbone is an expert
  3. School attended by Heather Leathers
  4. One of Joy Schmitt’s certifications
  5. First job of Dave Hellman
  6. City where Bichngoc Hoang went to university
  7. Eighth word in our mission statement
  8. A type of Dutch bacon
  9. Previous employer of Kathleen De Pestel
  10. One of Raju Srivastava’s hobbies
  11. City where Tina Mech went to college

20 Clues: Lisa Orr’s petA type of Dutch baconLocation of Carol LongLocation of Lisa GordonTitle of Deborah JohnsonFirst job of Dave HellmanOne of Pamela Ewing’s hobbiesName of Sandy Fuller’s grandsonOne of Raju Srivastava’s hobbiesFavorite sport of Nadia SilvestreSchool attended by Heather LeathersOne of Joy Schmitt’s certifications...

CONTENT crossword 2016-02-05

CONTENT crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Science in which Janet Rathbone is an expert
  2. First job of Dave Hellman
  3. Previous employer of Kathleen De Pestel
  4. School attended by Heather Leathers
  5. City where Bichngoc Hoang went to university
  6. A type of Dutch bacon
  7. City where Tina Mech went to college
  8. Favorite sport of Nadia Silvestre
  9. Location of the Belgian Nuance office
  10. Location of Carol Long
  11. Eighth word in our mission statement
  12. Leah Flanery is a supporter of this basketball team
  13. One of Pamela Ewing’s hobbies
  14. One of Raju Srivastava’s hobbies
  1. Title of Deborah Johnson
  2. Name of Sandy Fuller’s grandson
  3. Location of Lisa Gordon
  4. Lisa Orr’s pet
  5. Previous employer of Karolien Gellynck
  6. One of Joy Schmitt’s certifications

20 Clues: Lisa Orr’s petA type of Dutch baconLocation of Carol LongLocation of Lisa GordonTitle of Deborah JohnsonFirst job of Dave HellmanOne of Pamela Ewing’s hobbiesName of Sandy Fuller’s grandsonOne of Raju Srivastava’s hobbiesFavorite sport of Nadia SilvestreSchool attended by Heather LeathersOne of Joy Schmitt’s certifications...

Nice To Meet You! 2012-10-06

Nice To Meet You! crossword puzzle
  1. ??? do you live with?
  2. ??? he speak Korean? No, he can't.
  3. What time ???? your English class start?
  4. ????? do you work?
  5. How ???? does a ticket to Tokyo cost?
  6. Are you from Canada ??????????
  7. ???? do you do?
  8. The school ????? at 8:00 a.m., and closes at 6:00 p.m.
  9. Nice to ???? you.
  10. Do you ???? with your parents?
  1. What language ?? Brazilians speak?
  2. How much money do you ????
  3. What ??? your hobbies?
  4. Does Obama ????? Spanish?
  5. ??? do you study English?
  6. What are your ???????
  7. Do people from your country ???? Hollywood movies?
  8. What ???? do you get up in the morning?
  9. Where does the bus ????
  10. How do you ????? your name? Is it with a "V" or a "B"?
  11. Where ?? the library?

21 Clues: ???? do you do?Nice to ???? you.????? do you work???? do you live with?What are your ???????Where ?? the library?What ??? your hobbies?Where does the bus ????Does Obama ????? Spanish???? do you study English?How much money do you ????Are you from Canada ??????????Do you ???? with your parents?What language ?? Brazilians speak?...

Hobby 2021-11-21

Hobby crossword puzzle
  1. a quiet hobby where you can sit or lie down
  2. when you have time to do what you want
  3. hobbies like basketball and football
  4. using paper, scissors, glue, etc. for a hobby
  5. putting words to music
  6. like drawing
  7. a hobby with food
  8. her name means "happiness"
  1. you do this with a piano
  2. a hobby using a TV or computer
  3. a hobby with music
  4. hobbies like drawing and painting
  5. your Chinese teacher for this class
  6. a hobby where you move in water
  7. sleeping outside
  8. getting food from water
  9. a hobby from India
  10. long walks on mountains or in forests
  11. you use this to make music
  12. an activity you like to do regularly

20 Clues: like drawingsleeping outsidea hobby with fooda hobby with musica hobby from Indiaputting words to musicgetting food from wateryou do this with a pianoyou use this to make musicher name means "happiness"a hobby using a TV or computera hobby where you move in waterhobbies like drawing and paintingyour Chinese teacher for this class...

Hobbies 2017-05-02

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Alex, How do yo g____ to school?
  2. Does Pablo W______ to school?
  3. W________ is Bautista?
  4. D______ Virginia have Ballet lessons on Fridays?
  5. On S___________ German has singing lessons.
  6. I love to go to school by T________
  7. But, he C________ ( can not)sing.
  1. H_____ does Peter go to School?
  2. Does Agustin do K____________?
  3. I go to school by B______
  4. On M_________ she does Karate.
  5. Pilar G_________ to school by car.
  6. I D______ (do not) like going to school.
  7. On Saturdays, he goes S_______________

14 Clues: W________ is Bautista?I go to school by B______Does Pablo W______ to school?Does Agustin do K____________?On M_________ she does Karate.H_____ does Peter go to School?Alex, How do yo g____ to school?But, he C________ ( can not)sing.Pilar G_________ to school by car.I love to go to school by T________On Saturdays, he goes S_______________...

Hobbies 2018-02-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. you...on a mountain
  2. when you make cakes then you...
  3. to run after a ball
  4. photos when you want to keep memories on pictures then you...
  5. when you visit another country, you...?
  6. books when you want to create storys like Erich Kästner then you...
  7. to...a picture on your own
  1. boxing when you beat your opponent in a ring you are doing...?
  2. on the prom you...with your partner to a special music
  3. when you make a somersault you are doing...?
  4. jumping when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your feet
  5. to make your own scarf with your own wool
  6. stamps when you like stamps very much then you...
  7. when you look into a book

14 Clues: you...on a mountainto run after a ballwhen you look into a bookto...a picture on your ownwhen you make cakes then you...when you visit another country, you...?to make your own scarf with your own woolwhen you make a somersault you are doing...?stamps when you like stamps very much then you...on the prom you...with your partner to a special music...

Hobbies 2018-02-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. on the prom you...with your partner to a special music
  2. when you look into a book
  3. when you beat your opponent in a ring you are doing...?
  4. when you want to keep memories on pictures then you...
  5. when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your feet
  6. you...on a mountain
  1. when you like stamps very much then you...
  2. to...a picture on your own
  3. when you want to create storys like Erich Kästner then you...
  4. when you visit another country, you...?
  5. to run after a ball
  6. when you make cakes then you...
  7. when you make a somersault you are doing...?
  8. to make your own scarf with your own wool

14 Clues: to run after a ballyou...on a mountainwhen you look into a bookto...a picture on your ownwhen you make cakes then you...when you visit another country, you...?to make your own scarf with your own woolwhen you like stamps very much then you...when you make a somersault you are doing...?on the prom you...with your partner to a special music...

Hobbies 2018-02-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. books when you want to create storys like Erich Kästner then you...
  2. to...a picture on your own
  3. stamps when you like stamps very much then you...
  4. when you make cakes then you...
  5. when you make a somersault you are doing...?
  6. on the prom you...with your partner to a special music
  1. when you visit another country, you...?
  2. to make your own scarf with your own wool
  3. to run after a ball
  4. jumping when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your
  5. you...on a mountain
  6. when you look into a book
  7. boxing when you beat your opponent in a ring you are doing...?
  8. photos when you want to keep memories on pictures then you...

14 Clues: to run after a ballyou...on a mountainwhen you look into a bookto...a picture on your ownwhen you make cakes then you...when you visit another country, you...?to make your own scarf with your own woolwhen you make a somersault you are doing...?stamps when you like stamps very much then you...on the prom you...with your partner to a special music...

Hobbies 2018-02-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. jumping when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your
  2. you...on a mountain
  3. to run after a ball
  4. photos when you want to keep memories on pictures then you...
  5. when you make cakes then you...
  6. when you visit another country, you...?
  7. to...a picture on your own
  1. books when you want to create storys like Erich Kästner then you...
  2. when you make a somersault you are doing...?
  3. on the prom you...with your partner to a special music
  4. stamps when you like stamps very much then you...
  5. to make your own scarf with your own wool
  6. boxing when you beat your opponent in a ring you are doing...?
  7. when you look into a book

14 Clues: you...on a mountainto run after a ballwhen you look into a bookto...a picture on your ownwhen you make cakes then you...when you visit another country, you...?to make your own scarf with your own woolwhen you make a somersault you are doing...?stamps when you like stamps very much then you...on the prom you...with your partner to a special music...

Hobbies 2018-10-17

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. keilailu
  2. ice hockey
  3. sähly
  4. riding
  5. drawing
  6. wrestling
  7. boxing
  8. pyöräily
  1. tennis
  2. jalkapallo
  3. writing
  4. lukeminen
  5. swimming
  6. purjehdus

14 Clues: sählytennisridingboxingwritingdrawingkeilailuswimmingpyöräilylukeminenpurjehduswrestlingjalkapalloice hockey

Hobbies 2021-01-27

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. yesterday
  2. television
  3. reading
  4. to sing
  5. to play ball
  6. music
  7. listen
  1. time
  2. to dance
  3. movie
  4. often
  5. watch movie
  6. weekend
  7. some

14 Clues: timesomemovieoftenmusiclistenreadingweekendto singto danceyesterdaytelevisionwatch movieto play ball

Hobbies 2023-07-04

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Learning to write computer programs, creating animations, games, and interactive projects using coding languages.
  2. Playing a strategic board game, planning moves, and challenging your mind while competing with a friend or computer.
  3. Creating art with pencils, crayons, or markers to express your creativity and imagination.
  4. Exploring stories, characters, and new worlds through books, expanding your knowledge and sparking your imagination.
  5. Gathering and organizing items of interest, such as stamps, coins, or cards, and building a unique collection over time.
  6. Using brushes and paints to create colorful artworks on canvas, paper, or other surfaces, expressing your creativity.
  7. Music Learning to play a musical instrument, creating melodies, and expressing emotions through the power of music.
  8. Soccer Kicking a ball, running on the field, and working as a team to score goals and have fun playing the beautiful game.
  1. Enjoying the water, learning different swimming strokes, and splashing around while keeping fit and cool.
  2. Riding a bicycle, exploring the outdoors, and staying active while enjoying the freedom of movement on two wheels.
  3. Preparing delicious meals and treats using recipes, learning new cooking techniques, and exploring different flavors.
  4. Moving your body to music, learning different dance styles, and having fun expressing yourself through dance.
  5. Planting seeds, taking care of plants, and watching them grow, while enjoying the beauty of nature and fresh air.
  6. Creating handmade crafts using materials like paper, glue, and scissors, and letting your imagination run wild.
  7. Capturing moments with a camera, exploring different angles and perspectives, and creating memories through pictures.

15 Clues: Creating art with pencils, crayons, or markers to express your creativity and imagination.Enjoying the water, learning different swimming strokes, and splashing around while keeping fit and cool.Moving your body to music, learning different dance styles, and having fun expressing yourself through dance....

Hobbies 2023-06-15

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Moving and grooving to music, expressing yourself through different dance styles.
  2. Gathering and organizing items of interest, like stamps, coins, or trading cards.
  3. Stitching fabrics together to create clothing, accessories, or other fabric items.
  4. Preparing and making delicious food using various ingredients and recipes.
  5. Expressing thoughts and ideas through written words and storytelling.
  6. Engaging in the activity of catching fish using a rod, reel, and bait.
  7. Growing and taking care of plants and flowers in a garden.
  1. Using brushes and colors to create pictures on paper or canvas.
  2. Capturing images and moments using a camera.
  3. Organizing and decorating photos, memories, and other keepsakes in a scrapbook.
  4. Creating fabric or clothing by using needles to interlock yarn or thread.
  5. Folding paper to create various shapes and objects.
  6. Enjoying books and stories, exploring different worlds and characters.
  7. Learning computer programming to create games, websites, or animations.

14 Clues: Capturing images and moments using a camera.Folding paper to create various shapes and objects.Growing and taking care of plants and flowers in a garden.Using brushes and colors to create pictures on paper or canvas.Expressing thoughts and ideas through written words and storytelling....

Hobbies 2023-08-18

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. menyanyi
  2. bermain piano
  3. bersepeda
  4. berkemah
  5. berkebun
  6. berenang
  7. menari
  1. memasak
  2. berbelanja
  3. memancing
  4. menulis
  5. menonton
  6. melukis
  7. membaca

14 Clues: menarimemasakmenulismelukismembacamenyanyimenontonberkemahberkebunberenangmemancingbersepedaberbelanjabermain piano

Hobbies 2023-11-30

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. To talk
  2. To dance
  3. To sing
  4. Tennis in Spanish
  5. Baseball in Spanish
  6. To sleep
  7. To play
  1. To eat
  2. To swim
  3. To read
  4. To write
  5. To run
  6. Soccer in Spanish
  7. Basketball in Spanish

14 Clues: To eatTo runTo swimTo talkTo readTo singTo playTo danceTo writeTo sleepSoccer in SpanishTennis in SpanishBaseball in SpanishBasketball in Spanish

Hobbies 2023-10-15

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Crafting and creating wooden pieces, from furniture to intricate designs
  2. Expressing yourself through rhythmic movements and music on the dance floor.
  3. Capturing moments and scenes through the lens of a camera is at the heart of this hobby.
  4. It's all about taking a dip in the pool or the sea for relaxation and exercise.
  5. It's all about getting lost in stories within the pages of books.
  6. Patience and a love for water are essential for this outdoor hobby.
  7. This hobby involves creating art with brushes, colors, and a canvas.
  1. Riding bicycles for leisure, exercise, or even competitive races.
  2. Preparing delicious meals and experimenting with recipes is the key to this hobby.
  3. Using binoculars and patience to observe and identify different bird species.
  4. Creating clothing and fabric items with needlework and yarn.
  5. It's a pastime where you nurture plants and flowers in your outdoor space.
  6. The art of creating delicious treats like bread, cakes, and pastries in the kitchen.
  7. Enjoying the great outdoors by exploring natural landscapes on foot.

14 Clues: Creating clothing and fabric items with needlework and yarn.Riding bicycles for leisure, exercise, or even competitive races.It's all about getting lost in stories within the pages of books.Patience and a love for water are essential for this outdoor hobby.Enjoying the great outdoors by exploring natural landscapes on foot....

HOBBIES 2024-02-28

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful
  2. the activity or sport of riding a skateboard
  3. active process of constructing meanings of words
  4. the action or activity of buying goods from shops.
  5. a series of moving pictures, usually shown in a cinema or on television
  6. any form of physical activity or game
  7. the sport or activity of riding a bicycle
  1. the art or practice of taking and processing pictures.
  2. talk in a friendly and informal way.
  3. the practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.
  4. a person who you know well but not a member of your family
  5. an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions
  6. a living organism that feeds on organic matter
  7. a situation when two or more people come together, by chance or arrangement.

14 Clues: talk in a friendly and informal way.any form of physical activity or gamethe sport or activity of riding a bicyclethe activity or sport of riding a skateboarda living organism that feeds on organic matteractive process of constructing meanings of wordsthe action or activity of buying goods from shops....

Hobbies 2024-04-16

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Engaging in the activity of reading books.
  2. Practicing physical and mental exercises for health and relaxation.
  3. Moving rhythmically to music for pleasure or expression.
  4. Riding bicycles for exercise or recreation.
  5. Staying overnight in tents or shelters outdoors.
  6. Creating fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with needles.
  7. Walking in natural environments for pleasure.
  8. Catching fish for sport or recreation.
  1. Creating art with brushes and colors.
  2. Capturing images with a camera.
  3. Cultivating plants in a garden.
  4. Preparing food as a leisure activity.
  5. Expressing ideas or thoughts in written form.
  6. Applying color to a surface with a brush or other tool.
  7. Producing musical sounds with the voice.

15 Clues: Capturing images with a camera.Cultivating plants in a garden.Creating art with brushes and colors.Preparing food as a leisure activity.Catching fish for sport or recreation.Producing musical sounds with the voice.Engaging in the activity of reading books.Riding bicycles for exercise or recreation.Expressing ideas or thoughts in written form....

Hobbies 2018-02-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. on the prom you...with your partner to a special music
  2. when you look into a book
  3. when you beat your opponent in a ring you are doing...?
  4. when you want to keep memories on pictures then you...
  5. when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your feet
  6. you...on a mountain
  1. when you like stamps very much then you...
  2. to...a picture on your own
  3. when you want to create storys like Erich Kästner then you...
  4. when you visit another country, you...?
  5. to run after a ball
  6. when you make cakes then you...
  7. when you make a somersault you are doing...?
  8. to make your own scarf with your own wool

14 Clues: to run after a ballyou...on a mountainwhen you look into a bookto...a picture on your ownwhen you make cakes then you...when you visit another country, you...?to make your own scarf with your own woolwhen you like stamps very much then you...when you make a somersault you are doing...?on the prom you...with your partner to a special music...

Hobbies 2018-02-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. to make your own scarf with your own wool
  2. when you look into a book
  3. to...a picture on your own
  4. to run after a ball
  5. when you like stamps very much then you...
  6. when you make a somersault you are doing...?
  7. when you beat your opponent in a ring you are doing...?
  8. on the prom you...with your partner to a special music
  1. you...on a mountain
  2. when you visit another country, you...?
  3. when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your
  4. when you want to create storys like Erich Kästner then you...
  5. when you want to keep memories on pictures then you...
  6. when you make cakes then you...

14 Clues: you...on a mountainto run after a ballwhen you look into a bookto...a picture on your ownwhen you make cakes then you...when you visit another country, you...?to make your own scarf with your own woolwhen you like stamps very much then you...when you make a somersault you are doing...?when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your...

Hobbies 2018-02-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. when you beat your opponent in a ring you are doing...?
  2. when you make cakes then you...
  3. when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your
  4. when you visit another country, you...?
  5. you...on a mountain
  6. on the prom you...with your partner to a special music
  7. when you want to keep memories on pictures then you...
  8. when you look into a book
  1. to...a picture on your own
  2. when you want to create storys like Erich Kästner then you...
  3. when you like stamps very much then you...
  4. to make your own scarf with your own wool
  5. when you make a somersault you are doing...?
  6. to run after a ball

14 Clues: you...on a mountainto run after a ballwhen you look into a bookto...a picture on your ownwhen you make cakes then you...when you visit another country, you...?to make your own scarf with your own woolwhen you like stamps very much then you...when you make a somersault you are doing...?when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your...

hobbies 2018-10-05

hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. kirjoittaminen
  2. yleisurheilu
  3. piirtäminen
  4. maalaaminen
  5. keräily
  1. salibandy
  2. vaellus
  3. tennis
  4. uinti
  5. käsityöt
  6. purjehdus
  7. koripallo
  8. jääkiekko
  9. ruuanlaitto

14 Clues: uintitennisvaelluskeräilykäsityötsalibandypurjehduskoripallojääkiekkopiirtäminenruuanlaittomaalaaminenyleisurheilukirjoittaminen

Hobbies 2023-10-15

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Crafting and creating wooden pieces, from furniture to intricate designs
  2. Expressing yourself through rhythmic movements and music on the dance floor.
  3. Capturing moments and scenes through the lens of a camera is at the heart of this hobby.
  4. It's all about taking a dip in the pool or the sea for relaxation and exercise.
  5. It's all about getting lost in stories within the pages of books.
  6. Patience and a love for water are essential for this outdoor hobby.
  7. This hobby involves creating art with brushes, colors, and a canvas.
  1. Riding bicycles for leisure, exercise, or even competitive races.
  2. Preparing delicious meals and experimenting with recipes is the key to this hobby.
  3. Using binoculars and patience to observe and identify different bird species.
  4. Creating clothing and fabric items with needlework and yarn.
  5. It's a pastime where you nurture plants and flowers in your outdoor space.
  6. The art of creating delicious treats like bread, cakes, and pastries in the kitchen.
  7. Enjoying the great outdoors by exploring natural landscapes on foot.

14 Clues: Creating clothing and fabric items with needlework and yarn.Riding bicycles for leisure, exercise, or even competitive races.It's all about getting lost in stories within the pages of books.Patience and a love for water are essential for this outdoor hobby.Enjoying the great outdoors by exploring natural landscapes on foot....

Hobbies 2024-01-11

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Explores nature trails and enjoys outdoor walks.
  2. Creates artwork using pencils, colors, or pens.
  3. Gathers and organizes various items of interest.
  4. Games Enjoys board games, video games, or puzzles.
  5. Sports Engages in physical activities and team sports.
  6. Plants and cares for flowers, fruits, or vegetables.
  1. to Music Finds pleasure in different genres of music.
  2. Enjoys exploring stories and books.
  3. Expresses creativity through dance movements.
  4. Riding Takes pleasure in cycling and outdoor rides.
  5. Movies Enjoys films and storytelling through visuals.
  6. Enjoys outdoor adventures and camping experiences.
  7. Creates handmade items using various materials.
  8. Prepares meals and explores culinary creativity.
  9. Captures moments and scenes through a camera.

15 Clues: Enjoys exploring stories and books.Expresses creativity through dance movements.Captures moments and scenes through a camera.Creates artwork using pencils, colors, or pens.Creates handmade items using various materials.Explores nature trails and enjoys outdoor walks.Gathers and organizes various items of interest....

Hobbies ! 2024-01-30

Hobbies ! crossword puzzle
  1. Divertissement électronique souvent joué sur des consoles ou des ordinateurs
  2. Faire du vélo pour l'exercice ou les loisirs
  3. Expression créative par la peinture, le dessin, etc.
  4. Lire des livres ou des textes pour le plaisir ou la connaissance
  5. Sport populaire pratiqué avec un ballon rond et des pieds
  6. Activité impliquant l'équitation
  7. Sport de contact avec ballon ovale et poteaux de but
  8. Préparation des repas dans la cuisine
  1. Art martial originaire du Japon
  2. Activité pratiquée en piscine ou dans l'océan
  3. Sport faisant appel à la souplesse, à l'équilibre et à la force
  4. Bouger en rythme au son de la musique
  5. Se produire sur scène ou devant une caméra
  6. Faire des mélodies avec des instruments

14 Clues: Art martial originaire du JaponActivité impliquant l'équitationBouger en rythme au son de la musiquePréparation des repas dans la cuisineFaire des mélodies avec des instrumentsSe produire sur scène ou devant une caméraFaire du vélo pour l'exercice ou les loisirsActivité pratiquée en piscine ou dans l'océan...

HOBBIES 2024-09-06

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. To enhance our s____, you should follow a hobby.
  2. Benny is ___ of doing gardening,
  3. We often listen to music for ____.
  4. C___ is required for this job.
  5. you may listen to music when you feel ___
  6. Teaching is an interesting job to p___.
  1. a stamp c____
  2. spend time with friends
  3. She fancies ____ (go) to the concert with her friend.
  4. It is easy to m____ English words if you listen to songs.
  5. capturing moments with lens
  6. the time when you are free from work or school
  7. D_ _: this activity you do alone
  8. up I decided to ___ __painting

14 Clues: a stamp c____spend time with friendscapturing moments with lensC___ is required for this job.up I decided to ___ __paintingBenny is ___ of doing gardening,D_ _: this activity you do aloneWe often listen to music for ____.Teaching is an interesting job to p___.you may listen to music when you feel ___the time when you are free from work or school...

HOBBIES 2024-10-12

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. karate
  2. read
  3. pingpong
  4. dance
  5. playthepiano
  6. sing
  7. gym
  8. videos
  9. models
  1. guitar
  2. recorder
  3. videogames
  4. playvolley
  5. soccer

14 Clues: gymreadsingdanceguitarkaratesoccervideosmodelsrecorderpingpongvideogamesplayvolleyplaythepiano

Hobbies 2023-06-20

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. It is a hobby where you catch fish using a rod and bait.
  2. It is a hobby where you enjoy books and stories.
  3. It is a hobby where you gather and keep items of interest.
  4. It is a hobby where you make decorative items by hand.
  5. It is a hobby where you use colors and brushes to create art.
  6. It is a hobby where you walk and explore nature trails.
  7. sports It is a hobby where you engage in physical activities and games.
  8. It is a hobby where you prepare and make food.
  9. It is a hobby where you express your thoughts and ideas with words.
  1. It is a hobby where you grow and take care of plants.
  2. It is a hobby where you move your body to music and rhythms.
  3. It is a hobby where you capture moments with a camera.
  4. It is a hobby where you use your voice to create melodies.
  5. music It is a hobby where you create music using instruments.
  6. It is a hobby where you create fabric using yarn and needles.

15 Clues: It is a hobby where you prepare and make food.It is a hobby where you enjoy books and stories.It is a hobby where you grow and take care of plants.It is a hobby where you capture moments with a camera.It is a hobby where you make decorative items by hand.It is a hobby where you walk and explore nature trails....

Hobbies 2023-06-17

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. It is the hobby of capturing moments and scenes using a camera. You can take pictures of nature, people, or anything that catches your eye. It's a way to preserve memories.
  2. It involves working on various puzzles such as jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, or brain teasers. It helps develop problem-solving skills and keeps the mind sharp and focused.
  3. It is a fun activity where you use colors and brushes to create beautiful pictures on paper or canvas. It allows you to express your creativity and bring your imagination to life.
  4. It is the art of putting thoughts and ideas into words. You can write stories, poems, or even keep a journal. It's a creative outlet that allows you to express yourself and communicate.
  5. It is an outdoor activity that involves spending time in nature, setting up tents, and enjoying the wilderness. It's a chance to disconnect from technology and appreciate the beauty of nature.
  6. It involves creating handmade items using various materials like paper, fabric, or beads. It's a way to make unique gifts, decorations, or even wearable art.
  7. It is a rhythmic and expressive activity that involves moving your body to music. It's a great way to stay active, have fun, and showcase your creativity through movement.
  1. It is the hobby of growing plants and taking care of a garden. You can plant flowers, vegetables, or herbs and watch them grow. It's a great way to connect with nature and relax.
  2. It is the hobby of assembling and painting miniature replicas of vehicles, buildings, or characters. It requires patience and attention to detail to create intricate models.
  3. It is the art of preparing delicious meals and snacks. You can experiment with different ingredients and recipes to create tasty dishes for yourself and others to enjoy.
  4. It involves gathering and organizing objects of interest, such as stamps, coins, or action figures. It's a way to learn about different subjects and preserve valuable items.
  5. It is the art of creating and enjoying sounds. You can play an instrument, sing, or simply listen to your favorite songs. It's a universal language that can evoke emotions and bring joy.
  6. It involves immersing yourself in books and stories. It's a fantastic way to explore new worlds, learn new things, and let your imagination soar.
  7. It is the activity of riding a bicycle. It's a fun and healthy way to explore your surroundings, stay active, and enjoy the freedom of movement.

14 Clues: It is the activity of riding a bicycle. It's a fun and healthy way to explore your surroundings, stay active, and enjoy the freedom of movement.It involves immersing yourself in books and stories. It's a fantastic way to explore new worlds, learn new things, and let your imagination soar....

Hobbies 2023-06-29

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Taking and capturing images using a camera.
  2. Activities Engaging in activities like hiking, biking, or camping in nature.
  3. Moving the body rhythmically to music.
  4. Creating decorative or useful items using hands and creativity.
  5. Gathering and assembling items of interest or value.
  6. Expressing thoughts and ideas through written words.
  7. Playing musical instruments or listening to songs.
  8. Growing and tending to plants and flowers.
  1. Preparing and making delicious meals and recipes.
  2. Engaging in physical activities and team games.
  3. Creating artwork using paints and brushes.
  4. Engaging with written words and stories in books or magazines.
  5. Creating pictures or images using lines and colors.
  6. Playing video games on consoles or computers.

14 Clues: Moving the body rhythmically to music.Creating artwork using paints and brushes.Growing and tending to plants and flowers.Taking and capturing images using a camera.Playing video games on consoles or computers.Engaging in physical activities and team games.Preparing and making delicious meals and recipes....

Hobbies 2023-06-28

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Expressing thoughts and ideas through written words and storytelling.
  2. Riding a bicycle for exercise, leisure, or transportation.
  3. Preparing and making delicious meals and trying out new recipes.
  4. Enjoying the water and moving through it by propelling oneself with arms and legs.
  5. Creating art using pencils, pens, or other materials to express ideas and imagination.
  6. Using brushes and colors to create visual art on canvas or other surfaces.
  7. Enjoying books and stories, and getting lost in different worlds and characters.
  1. Capturing moments and scenes through the lens of a camera.
  2. Trying to catch fish with a fishing rod and enjoying the tranquility of being near water.
  3. Exploring nature and walking on trails or mountains.
  4. Using the voice to produce musical sounds and melodies.
  5. Moving and expressing oneself rhythmically to music or beats.
  6. Making handmade items or crafts using various materials and techniques.
  7. Taking care of plants and flowers, and growing a garden.

14 Clues: Exploring nature and walking on trails or mountains.Using the voice to produce musical sounds and melodies.Taking care of plants and flowers, and growing a garden.Capturing moments and scenes through the lens of a camera.Riding a bicycle for exercise, leisure, or transportation.Moving and expressing oneself rhythmically to music or beats....

Hobbies 2024-10-30

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. to play football
  2. to ski
  3. to dance
  4. to listen to music
  5. to read a book
  1. to play video games
  2. to garden
  3. to play tennis
  4. to shop
  5. to eat
  6. To go to the movies
  7. to swim
  8. to go to the zoo
  9. to fish

14 Clues: to eatto skito shopto swimto fishto danceto gardento play tennisto read a bookto play footballto go to the zooto listen to musicto play video gamesTo go to the movies

La educación formal 2024-08-23

La educación formal crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. development
  3. certificates
  4. aficiones
  5. skills
  6. students
  7. to-learn
  8. to-develop
  1. degrees
  2. home
  3. knowledge
  4. teaching
  5. to-teach
  6. learning
  7. career
  8. university
  9. value

17 Clues: homevalueschoolskillscareerdegreesteachingto-teachlearningstudentsto-learnknowledgeaficionesuniversityto-developdevelopmentcertificates

Hello and Goodbye 2017-01-19

Hello and Goodbye crossword puzzle
  1. Hobbys
  2. Guten Morgen
  3. Name
  4. Fahrradfahren
  5. Deutschland
  6. Lehrer
  7. Sachsen
  8. Stadt
  1. leben
  2. bald
  3. Schwimmen
  4. Kfz-Mchaniker
  5. Auf Wiedersehen
  6. danke
  7. Wie geht's dir?
  8. schön
  9. Garten
  10. arbeiten

18 Clues: baldNamelebendankeschönStadtHobbysGartenLehrerSachsenarbeitenSchwimmenDeutschlandGuten MorgenKfz-MchanikerFahrradfahrenAuf WiedersehenWie geht's dir?

Hobbies 2018-04-08

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. hraní počítačových her
  2. poslouchání hudby
  3. tancování
  4. zahradničení
  5. turistika
  6. nakupování
  1. vaření
  2. sledování televize
  3. hraní na klavír
  4. čtení
  5. malování
  6. rybaření
  7. studování
  8. zpívání

14 Clues: čtenívařenízpívánímalovánírybařenístudovánítancováníturistikanakupovánízahradničeníhraní na klavírposlouchání hudbysledování televizehraní počítačových her

Hobbies 2013-08-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. singing
  2. playing basketball
  3. like
  4. playing football (rugby)
  5. painting
  6. reading
  7. watching TV
  8. Swimming
  1. playing tennis
  2. running
  3. don't like
  4. playing the violin
  5. playing games
  6. playing cricket

14 Clues: likesingingrunningreadingpaintingSwimmingdon't likewatching TVplaying gamesplaying tennisplaying cricketplaying basketballplaying the violinplaying football (rugby)

Hobbies 2023-03-20

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. I shoot with bow and arrow
  2. I use this to kill monsters on the stage
  3. I have to remember my lines
  4. I wear this on the stage
  5. This is what i kick the ball into
  6. I sit on a horse
  7. I use a yellow ball and racket (ketcher)
  1. I use my hand to throw a ball
  2. I am in the water
  3. I move my body to the music
  4. I use a brush and paint
  5. I use this so i don't get water in my eyes
  6. I try to hit this with my arrow
  7. I kick a ball with my feet

14 Clues: I sit on a horseI am in the waterI use a brush and paintI wear this on the stageI shoot with bow and arrowI kick a ball with my feetI move my body to the musicI have to remember my linesI use my hand to throw a ballI try to hit this with my arrowThis is what i kick the ball intoI use this to kill monsters on the stage...

Hobbies 2020-04-03

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. lugemime
  2. korvpall
  3. jäähoki
  4. uisutamine
  5. küpsetamine
  6. jalgpall
  7. vehklemine
  1. ujumine
  2. joonistamine
  3. võrkpall
  4. ratsutamine
  5. rulatamine
  6. tantsimine
  7. poksimine

14 Clues: ujuminejäähokivõrkpalllugemimekorvpalljalgpallpoksiminerulataminetantsimineuisutaminevehklemineratsutamineküpsetaminejoonistamine

Hobbies 2022-06-10

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. the activity of going for long walks
  2. the activity of playing a game on a board
  3. the activity of traveling over snow on skis
  4. the activity of preparing food
  5. the activity of skating on rollers
  6. the activity of riding a bike
  7. the activity of staying in a tent
  1. the activity of using paint and brush
  2. the activity of gliding on ice skates
  3. the activity of catching fish
  4. the activity of taking photographs
  5. the activity of using boats with sails
  6. the activity of making or repairing clothes
  7. the activity of writing blogs

14 Clues: the activity of catching fishthe activity of writing blogsthe activity of riding a bikethe activity of preparing foodthe activity of staying in a tentthe activity of taking photographsthe activity of skating on rollersthe activity of going for long walksthe activity of using paint and brushthe activity of gliding on ice skates...

Hobbies 2018-02-05

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. on the prom you...with your partner to a special music
  2. when you look into a book
  3. when you beat your opponent in a ring you are doing...?
  4. when you want to keep memories on pictures then you...
  5. when you jump of a bridge with a cord around your feet
  6. you...on a mountain
  1. when you like stamps very much then you...
  2. to...a picture on your own
  3. when you want to create storys like Erich Kästner then you...
  4. when you visit another country, you...?
  5. to run after a ball
  6. when you make cakes then you...
  7. when you make a somersault you are doing...?
  8. to make your own scarf with your own wool

14 Clues: to run after a ballyou...on a mountainwhen you look into a bookto...a picture on your ownwhen you make cakes then you...when you visit another country, you...?to make your own scarf with your own woolwhen you like stamps very much then you...when you make a somersault you are doing...?on the prom you...with your partner to a special music...

HOBBIES 2017-12-14

HOBBIES crossword puzzle
  1. You need a racket and a table.
  2. You need 8 hours of this every day.
  3. Bounce on it for fun and exercise.
  4. You can be a painter one day.
  5. Visiting places.
  6. Can you catch a fish?
  7. Punch and kick but be careful!
  1. You score a goal.
  2. It's a racket sport.
  3. You like counting and numbers.
  4. You shoot your ball very high.
  5. An extreme and dangerous sport.
  6. Love of books.
  7. A kind of gymnastics.

14 Clues: Love of books.Visiting places.You score a goal.It's a racket sport.A kind of gymnastics.Can you catch a fish?You can be a painter one day.You like counting and numbers.You shoot your ball very high.You need a racket and a table.Punch and kick but be careful!An extreme and dangerous sport.Bounce on it for fun and exercise....

Hobbies 2019-04-26

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. Riding
  2. the movies
  3. Chess
  4. Pens
  5. Cartoons
  6. Kites
  7. Man's best friend
  1. Magic
  2. Large marsupial
  3. Has a trunk
  4. Flying mammal
  5. Poems
  6. Postcards
  7. Likes to chase mice
  8. Crafts

15 Clues: PensMagicChessPoemsKitesRidingCraftsCartoonsPostcardsthe moviesHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Hobbies 2018-10-17

Hobbies crossword puzzle
  1. nyrkkeily
  2. kehonrakennus
  3. MMA
  4. jalkapallo
  5. yleisurheilu
  6. piirtäminen
  7. laulaminen
  1. hölkkääminen
  2. sulkapallo
  3. voimannosto
  4. kamppailulajit
  5. kilpa*ajaminen
  6. jääkiekko
  7. tennis

14 Clues: MMAtennisnyrkkeilyjääkiekkosulkapallojalkapallolaulaminenvoimannostopiirtäminenhölkkääminenyleisurheilukehonrakennuskamppailulajitkilpa*ajaminen