lab safety Crossword Puzzles


THE LAB IS EVERYTHING crossword puzzle
  1. _______ sedimentation rate
  2. Dr ______, required for lab testing
  3. Date of birth, patient name
  4. Used to look at urine and blood
  5. Chem 8
  6. Plasma acronym, frozen and transfused to patient
  7. Chemistry machine
  8. Cause of pandemic of 2020
  9. Male prostate test
  10. Stops blood flow to assist with blood collection
  11. _______ washing is good hygiene
  1. Pink tinged serum or plasma
  2. Alcohol wipes, iodine
  3. Comes with INR to measure blood clotting
  4. Safety ______ for needles
  5. Blood draw of all colors
  6. Gown, masks, gloves are examples
  7. A unit of blood
  8. Sodium, potassium, chloride
  9. Complete ______ count, is a CBC
  10. sssshhhh, it is private
  11. Seasonal virus
  12. Is put on each patient at admission
  13. B-Type Natriuretic Peptide
  14. Tiger top tube
  15. First tube of blood draw

26 Clues: Chem 8Seasonal virusTiger top tubeA unit of bloodChemistry machineMale prostate testAlcohol wipes, iodinesssshhhh, it is privateBlood draw of all colorsFirst tube of blood drawSafety ______ for needlesCause of pandemic of 2020_______ sedimentation rateB-Type Natriuretic PeptidePink tinged serum or plasmaSodium, potassium, chloride...

Welding Safety 2020-10-05

Welding Safety crossword puzzle
  1. you should never work ______ in the lab
  2. the failure to pay attention to hazards
  3. the type of hazard designated by the blue diamond
  4. should be worn to protect your eyes
  5. the quality of not causing injury or loss
  6. the type of hazard designated by the red diamond
  1. means warning
  2. the fire triangle consist of :ignition source, fuel, and _______
  3. an event that occurs without intention
  4. the chance than an accident will occur
  5. should be worn while welding to protect face
  6. equals danger or emergency
  7. a source of risk or danger
  8. means caution

14 Clues: means warningmeans cautionequals danger or emergencya source of risk or dangershould be worn to protect your eyesan event that occurs without intentionthe chance than an accident will occuryou should never work ______ in the labthe failure to pay attention to hazardsthe quality of not causing injury or loss...

Lab Week Crossword Puzzle 2022-04-11

Lab Week Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Cancer of the blood
  2. Pocket purse of hemoglobin
  3. You get the point
  4. Blood booger
  5. Some lab garbage
  6. The "M" in MLS
  7. We'd get nothing without them
  8. We make sure its your type
  9. Not a 'vampire'
  10. The best lab med section
  11. Phlebotomists love to find them!
  12. The enzyme behind the (molecular) assay
  13. Chocolate, yellow or black?
  14. Lab person in the know
  15. Bug stopper
  16. Can't live without it
  17. The pee patch
  1. 'Vampires' are one solution
  2. Point on one end, plunger on the other
  3. The department that likes both red and white
  4. Round and round it goes
  5. Component of blood
  6. Our color is blue
  7. Our colors are red, gold and green
  8. You don't want to drink this one
  9. Where the lab is moving
  10. right now!
  11. A little lab gift
  12. Not a type of TV
  13. Not always a spelling error
  14. All the better to see you
  15. Has wings
  16. Its not part of a song
  17. We have the parts without the person
  18. Stop the germ spread
  19. not your average Q-tip

36 Clues: Has wingsright now!Bug stopperBlood boogerThe pee patchThe "M" in MLSNot a 'vampire'Some lab garbageNot a type of TVYou get the pointOur color is blueA little lab giftComponent of bloodCancer of the bloodStop the germ spreadCan't live without itIts not part of a songLab person in the knownot your average Q-tipRound and round it goes...

Lab Week 2022 2022-04-20

Lab Week 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. where we grow the "bugs"
  2. the most common stain in Histology
  3. to the lab this is a specimen, to everyone else it's a piece of furniture
  4. what was the license plate number on the Deloren in Back To The Future
  5. Dr. Cooke's two dogs, Baxter and Dixie, are what breed of dog
  6. the source of 60% of our lab's workload
  7. gram positive cocci bacteria that grows in grape-like clusters
  8. black, chocolate, or yellow
  9. something everyone looks forward to during lab week
  10. the tests in this area can help diagnosis UTI's and diabetes
  11. the study of disease
  12. the area of the lab that handles the tests that we don't perform
  1. gram negative rod normally found in the gut
  2. the art of drawing blood
  3. PT and PTT are the major tests in this area of the lab
  4. stain used to identify bacteria
  5. most common stain in hematology
  6. Transfusion medicine
  7. the study of tissue
  8. the study of cells
  9. Roche and Beckman-Coulter are two major companies in this field
  10. the wonderful team in the back of the lab
  11. gram positive cocci bacteria that grows in pairs and chains

23 Clues: the study of cellsthe study of tissueTransfusion medicinethe study of diseasethe art of drawing bloodwhere we grow the "bugs"black, chocolate, or yellowstain used to identify bacteriamost common stain in hematologythe most common stain in Histologythe source of 60% of our lab's workloadthe wonderful team in the back of the lab...

Crossword for geosciene 2024-08-15

Crossword for geosciene crossword puzzle
  1. container used to measure chemicals also used for mixing
  2. needs to be put away during lab
  3. used for atleast 10-15 mins to clean eyes in case of dangerous chemicals reaching eyes
  4. used to capture and contain chemicals and dangerous fumes
  5. used to cover fires
  6. transfers a specific amount of liquid
  7. used to measure volumes of liquids
  8. worn around hands during lab
  9. dangerous chemical that burns skin
  10. container with a flat base used to mix chemicals
  11. used to heat up and mix chemicals
  1. messing around which is not allowed in lab
  2. used to heat up chemicals and containers
  3. needs to be tied up in a lab
  4. technique used to smell chemicals
  5. the product of mixing 2 dangerous chemicals to create a large mess
  6. transfers a small amount of liquids
  7. need to be worn to protect your eyelids
  8. clothing needed to be changed or put away from lab equipment
  9. container with a rounded base used to hold liquids

20 Clues: used to cover firesneeds to be tied up in a labworn around hands during labneeds to be put away during labtechnique used to smell chemicalsused to heat up and mix chemicalsused to measure volumes of liquidsdangerous chemical that burns skintransfers a small amount of liquidstransfers a specific amount of liquid...

History Quiz Review 2022-09-19

History Quiz Review crossword puzzle
  1. Discovered that blood typing can be used for ID
  2. Examines handwriting and printing
  3. First to develop system for using FP ridges for ID
  4. Unit which examines voices
  5. Unit which examines bullets and casings
  6. ID victims based on dental evidence
  7. Used 243 body measurements as a way of ID
  8. Father of toxicology
  9. Father of modern fingerprinting
  10. Unit which examines DNA profiling
  1. Unit that processes and examines fingerprints
  2. Developed the study of ballistics
  3. Handwriting expert
  4. Oldest forensic lab
  5. Developed the first forensic lab
  6. Lie detector test
  7. Unit that examines body fluids and organs for drugs/poisons
  8. Exchange principle
  9. Lab Largest forensic lab

19 Clues: Lie detector testHandwriting expertExchange principleOldest forensic labFather of toxicologyLab Largest forensic labUnit which examines voicesFather of modern fingerprintingDeveloped the first forensic labExamines handwriting and printingDeveloped the study of ballisticsUnit which examines DNA profilingID victims based on dental evidence...

Primordia Paket 3 2021-10-04

Primordia Paket 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  2. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  3. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  4. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  5. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  6. Satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  7. Nyamplung adalah (pohon) yang hidup di pesisir yang berpasir dan berbatu karang, kulit pohonnya dapat digunakan untuk obat.Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi.
  8. Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATA
  9. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  10. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  11. tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  12. Nama Wakil CO acara
  13. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  14. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  15. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  16. Mata kuliah lanjutan yang diajarkan disemester 6 yang berkaitan untuk mendukung proses perancangan penelitian, seperti menentukan sempel.
  17. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  18. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  19. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  20. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain.
  21. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, yang punya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  22. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  23. buah langka bumi Kalimantan, termasuk suku Moraceae (nangka-nangkaan)
  24. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  25. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  26. Kecik tanaman hias yang berwana coklat menyukai dataran rendah hingga sedang dengan nama ilmiah Manilkara kauki
  1. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetic…tanaman
  2. MC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1
  3. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  4. Mata kuliah di Lab.SDL yang mengajarkan cara budidaya yang menggunakan media yang berbeda adalah
  5. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  6. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  7. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan...
  8. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  9. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  10. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  11. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  12. jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut\
  13. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  14. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  15. …pinnata, merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  16. Nama CO PDD
  17. MC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2
  18. Produk Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman
  19. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  20. sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin
  21. tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  22. Nama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14
  23. Pemateri mental health di rangkaian PRIMORDIA 2
  24. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh

50 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraMC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATAtempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitinMC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarNama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14...

Science 9 2016-09-20

Science 9 crossword puzzle
  1. put liquid inside of it
  2. Symbols Of Lab Safety
  3. when u watch a experiment
  4. a educational guess
  5. used when you have fire on your clothing
  6. can easily get burnt
  7. Used to test liquids with
  8. Something Corrosive
  9. can cause life thretning deceases
  10. Oxygen Cylinders in hospitals
  11. Gas at Gas stations
  12. used with the Bunsen burner
  13. Pulled when there's a fire
  14. used to light the Bunsen Burner
  1. Use a Fire Extingisher
  2. Used when you have some type of toxic on you
  3. can cause life thretining deceases
  4. Muriatic Acid
  5. Used to test liquid in the tube
  6. Used to filter liquids
  7. Used to wash your eyes off
  8. After you finish your experiment
  9. Used to pick up beakers
  10. Its an infectious material

24 Clues: Muriatic Acida educational guessSomething CorrosiveGas at Gas stationscan easily get burntSymbols Of Lab SafetyUse a Fire ExtingisherUsed to filter liquidsput liquid inside of itUsed to pick up beakerswhen u watch a experimentUsed to test liquids withUsed to wash your eyes offIts an infectious materialPulled when there's a fire...

Lab Week Crossword 2023-04-24

Lab Week Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Point of one end, plunger on the other!
  2. Lab techs worse enemy
  3. Outerwear that should be worn in lab at all times
  4. Lab "garbage"
  5. what type of test is PCR
  6. Used to spin down tubes
  7. Stop the germ spread
  8. Found in the flammable storage closet
  9. LIS
  10. Number of CE credits needed for the year
  1. The portion of the nail used for testing
  2. Not your average Q-tip
  3. Organism tested in UPP, but not SWPP. (abbr)
  4. Instrument used to load wash plates
  5. UPP swab specimen collection site.
  6. The individuals whom we serve everyday
  7. Quantity not sufficient
  8. Study of viruses
  9. Run with lab test to ensure the adequacy of patient results
  10. Right now!

20 Clues: LISRight now!Lab "garbage"Study of virusesStop the germ spreadLab techs worse enemyNot your average Q-tipUsed to spin down tubesQuantity not sufficientwhat type of test is PCRUPP swab specimen collection site.Instrument used to load wash platesFound in the flammable storage closetThe individuals whom we serve everyday...

Lab Safety Rules 2021-02-14

Lab Safety Rules crossword puzzle
  1. What is the word 'lab' short for?
  2. What might need to be used to help put out a fire?
  3. What are experiments done on in the lab?
  4. What might need to be used to put out someone who is on fire?
  5. What do you need to do to your hands after an experiment?
  1. What is not allowed in the lab because food could get contaminated?
  2. What needs to be tied up if it is long?
  3. What might you wear over your eyes during an experiment?
  4. Who should always be in the lab with you when you are doing an experiment?
  5. What should go under tables?

10 Clues: What should go under tables?What is the word 'lab' short for?What needs to be tied up if it is long?What are experiments done on in the lab?What might need to be used to help put out a fire?What might you wear over your eyes during an experiment?What do you need to do to your hands after an experiment?...

Lab Safety Crossword 2022-05-19

Lab Safety Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. capable of causing damage to living tissues, impairment of the central nervous system, severe illness or, death when it is ingested, inhaled, or absorbed by the skin or eyes.
  2. a room or building equipped for scientific experiments, research, or teaching, or for the manufacture of drugs or chemicals.
  3. a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared, especially artificially.
  4. the necessary items for a particular purpose.
  5. a form of biomedical waste
  1. A growth of microorganisms, viruses, or tissue cells in a specially prepared nutrient medium under supervised conditions.
  2. relating to biology or living organisms.
  3. a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.
  4. a fluid, commonly Salinas, used to physically wash the eyes in the case that they may be contaminated
  5. A principle or regulation governing actions, procedures or devices intended to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment.

10 Clues: a form of biomedical wasterelating to biology or living organisms.the necessary items for a particular purpose.a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared, especially artificially....

isabels safety lab 2022-09-13

isabels safety lab crossword puzzle
  1. used to hold trash/scraps
  2. used to put out small fires
  3. used to prevent hazards from getting in the eye
  4. used to understand the lab
  1. used to prevent small fire from catching on
  2. used to get hazards out of the eye
  3. used to wash of hazards on the body
  4. used to call emergency contacts
  5. used to help small injuries
  6. used to wash off chemicals

10 Clues: used to hold trash/scrapsused to wash off chemicalsused to understand the labused to put out small firesused to help small injuriesused to call emergency contactsused to get hazards out of the eyeused to wash of hazards on the bodyused to prevent small fire from catching onused to prevent hazards from getting in the eye

isabels safety lab 2022-09-13

isabels safety lab crossword puzzle
  1. used to hold trash/scraps
  2. used to put out small fires
  3. used to prevent hazards from getting in the eye
  4. used to understand the lab
  1. used to prevent small fire from catching on
  2. used to get hazards out of the eye
  3. used to wash of hazards on the body
  4. used to call emergency contacts
  5. used to help small injuries
  6. used to wash off chemicals

10 Clues: used to hold trash/scrapsused to wash off chemicalsused to understand the labused to put out small firesused to help small injuriesused to call emergency contactsused to get hazards out of the eyeused to wash of hazards on the bodyused to prevent small fire from catching onused to prevent hazards from getting in the eye

Safety Lab Crossword 2024-01-26

Safety Lab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Put me away and out of the way before labs.
  2. Check me for cracks before attaching me to gas.
  3. Use me if chemicals go anywhere near your eyes.
  4. _____ clothing can knock things over and catch on fire.
  5. Always wear _______ when working in a lab.
  6. Which should you pour first? Acid or water?
  1. What is at risk when pouring extra chemicals back into the original container?
  2. Take off all clothes before using this.
  3. Don't put me directly over a flame.
  4. Only the _______ should operate the fire extinguisher.

10 Clues: Don't put me directly over a flame.Take off all clothes before using this.Always wear _______ when working in a lab.Put me away and out of the way before labs.Which should you pour first? Acid or water?Check me for cracks before attaching me to gas.Use me if chemicals go anywhere near your eyes.Only the _______ should operate the fire extinguisher....

Lab Safety 4th 2024-08-08

Lab Safety 4th crossword puzzle
  1. a narrow (skinny) container that measures liquid
  2. a thin, glass tube for holding small amounts of liquid for testing, heating, and mixing
  3. this tool is used to look at very small objects, such as cells of plants, animals, and fungi
  4. a tool used to measure how heavy something is compared to something else
  1. also called a magnifying glass, it enlarges the image of an object
  2. a large glass container for measuring and pouring liquids
  3. a tool for measuring temperature
  4. a tool that is worn to protect your eyes from a solid, liquid, or any gas
  5. this is a tube with a rubber end used to drop liquid
  6. a tool for measuring length

10 Clues: a tool for measuring lengtha tool for measuring temperaturea narrow (skinny) container that measures liquidthis is a tube with a rubber end used to drop liquida large glass container for measuring and pouring liquidsalso called a magnifying glass, it enlarges the image of an object...

Lab safety words 2022-09-13

Lab safety words crossword puzzle
  1. used to heat things up
  2. to see things in 3D
  3. us for up close cutting
  4. flames
  5. for holding liquids
  1. used to take temperatures
  2. used to find mass
  3. cylinder used to measure liquids
  4. protects your eyes
  5. tube used for holding things

10 Clues: flamesused to find massprotects your eyesto see things in 3Dfor holding liquidsused to heat things upus for up close cuttingused to take temperaturestube used for holding thingscylinder used to measure liquids

isabels safety lab 2022-09-13

isabels safety lab crossword puzzle
  1. used to hold trash/scraps
  2. used to put out small fires
  3. used to prevent hazards from getting in the eye
  4. used to understand the lab
  1. used to prevent small fire from catching on
  2. used to get hazards out of the eye
  3. used to wash of hazards on the body
  4. used to call emergency contacts
  5. used to help small injuries
  6. used to wash off chemicals

10 Clues: used to hold trash/scrapsused to wash off chemicalsused to understand the labused to put out small firesused to help small injuriesused to call emergency contactsused to get hazards out of the eyeused to wash of hazards on the bodyused to prevent small fire from catching onused to prevent hazards from getting in the eye

isabels safety lab 2022-09-13

isabels safety lab crossword puzzle
  1. used to wash off chemicals
  2. used to put out small fires
  3. used to prevent small fire from catching on
  1. used to wash of hazards on the body
  2. used to understand the lab
  3. used to help small injuries
  4. used to call emergency contacts
  5. used to hold trash/scraps
  6. used to prevent hazards from getting in the eye
  7. used to get hazards out of the eye

10 Clues: used to hold trash/scrapsused to understand the labused to wash off chemicalsused to help small injuriesused to put out small firesused to call emergency contactsused to get hazards out of the eyeused to wash of hazards on the bodyused to prevent small fire from catching onused to prevent hazards from getting in the eye

Safety lab words 2022-08-26

Safety lab words crossword puzzle
  1. these are the kind of shoes you need to wear
  2. you need to follow all written and ____ instructions
  3. you can not have any _________ in the lab
  4. you should wear none of this while in the lab
  5. eye protection
  1. make sure to not inhale these toxic ___
  2. keep these away from flammable liquids
  3. make sure to read these twice
  4. make sure to ____ your space
  5. the way to do things

10 Clues: eye protectionthe way to do thingsmake sure to ____ your spacemake sure to read these twicekeep these away from flammable liquidsmake sure to not inhale these toxic ___you can not have any _________ in the labthese are the kind of shoes you need to wearyou should wear none of this while in the labyou need to follow all written and ____ instructions

Lab Safety Crossword 2021-09-03

Lab Safety Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Use this on someone is on fire.
  2. Protects your eyes.
  3. Do not ____ when in the lab
  4. protect your clothes
  5. Bye bye fire.
  6. Tie this back
  1. Protect your hands.
  2. you put gaseous things under this.
  3. Use these when handling hot or corrosive items.
  4. Use this when you get chemicals in your eye.

10 Clues: Bye bye fire.Tie this backProtect your hands.Protects your eyes.protect your clothesDo not ____ when in the labUse this on someone is on put gaseous things under this.Use this when you get chemicals in your eye.Use these when handling hot or corrosive items.

Lab Safety Rules 2021-02-14

Lab Safety Rules crossword puzzle
  1. What is the word 'lab' short for?
  2. What might need to be used to help put out a fire?
  3. What are experiments done on in the lab?
  4. What might need to be used to put out someone who is on fire?
  5. What do you need to do to your hands after an experiment?
  1. What is not allowed in the lab because food could get contaminated?
  2. What needs to be tied up if it is long?
  3. What might you wear over your eyes during an experiment?
  4. Who should always be in the lab with you when you are doing an experiment?
  5. What should go under tables?

10 Clues: What should go under tables?What is the word 'lab' short for?What needs to be tied up if it is long?What are experiments done on in the lab?What might need to be used to help put out a fire?What might you wear over your eyes during an experiment?What do you need to do to your hands after an experiment?...

Lab Safety Crossword! 2023-02-07

Lab Safety Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. should be worn to protect clothes and skin during a lab
  2. shouldn’t be touched with your bare hands, used to make items hot
  3. _____ activities require the use of hazardous chemicals
  4. _____ properly for labs
  5. substances that could be dangerous if not handled properly
  1. needed to protect your eyes
  2. follow _____ carefully so the lab can go well
  3. dangerous, can cause harm and injury
  4. report any _______ and injuries that occur during the lab
  5. be alert and _______ at all times in the laboratory

10 Clues: _____ properly for labsneeded to protect your eyesdangerous, can cause harm and injuryfollow _____ carefully so the lab can go wellbe alert and _______ at all times in the laboratoryshould be worn to protect clothes and skin during a lab_____ activities require the use of hazardous chemicalsreport any _______ and injuries that occur during the lab...

Science Lab Safety 2022-01-25

Science Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Used to hold a container of chemicals above a burner
  2. Cylinder container used to measure liquid
  3. Long cylinder container used to hold measured liquid
  4. Gas burner used to create a single flame
  5. Used to protect a person's eyes
  1. Container used for boiling water
  2. Used to help distill liquids
  3. Set of tubes used to handle chemicals
  4. Used to connect a Bunsen burner to its gas source
  5. Used to transport liquids into containers with a small opening

10 Clues: Used to help distill liquidsUsed to protect a person's eyesContainer used for boiling waterSet of tubes used to handle chemicalsGas burner used to create a single flameCylinder container used to measure liquidUsed to connect a Bunsen burner to its gas sourceUsed to hold a container of chemicals above a burner...

Lab Safety Crossword 2023-08-29

Lab Safety Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Item that is worn on your face when a lab is in progress.
  2. Items that should be disposed in the right container every time.
  3. Item that is worn on your torso during a lab.
  4. A list that should be followed at all times.
  5. Something that should never be reached across
  6. Something that is poured with extreme care.
  1. An area that should be cleaned up before class ends.
  2. A thin glass tube closed at one end.
  3. Stuff that should be tied back and not in the way of chemicals when in a lab.
  4. Something that should NEVER be heated in a closed container.

10 Clues: A thin glass tube closed at one end.Something that is poured with extreme care.A list that should be followed at all times.Item that is worn on your torso during a lab.Something that should never be reached acrossAn area that should be cleaned up before class ends.Item that is worn on your face when a lab is in progress....

Tech Lab Safety 2024-02-16

Tech Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Always hold scissors closed and facing the ___.
  2. Always have ___ supervision while sewing.
  3. Always collect and put away ____ because they are sharp and can hurt someone.
  4. To eliminate a hazard, what should be tucked under the table.
  5. Electrical appliances should never be near ___.
  6. Always turn off and unplug the ____.
  1. Never leave things that could spill open and near the ___.
  2. How many people can operate a sewing machine at once?
  3. Always tuck ____ under tables once you are finished sitting on them.
  4. What should never be left unattended?

10 Clues: Always turn off and unplug the ____.What should never be left unattended?Always have ___ supervision while sewing.Always hold scissors closed and facing the ___.Electrical appliances should never be near ___.How many people can operate a sewing machine at once?Never leave things that could spill open and near the ___....

Lab Week 2017 2017-04-22

Lab Week 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. New name of Research and Testing Lab
  2. sequencer used by research for long reads
  3. Abbreviation for Research Lab
  4. New name of Pathogenius Lab
  5. National Lab Accreditation Agency
  6. sequencer used by clinical for a quick turn around
  7. It spins and spins and spins
  8. Automated extractor that processes up to 96 specimens at once
  1. Device for mixing samples
  2. The heart and soul of the laboratory (abbreviation)
  3. Specialty of our laboratory
  4. sequencer used by research for pair-end sequencing
  5. Abbreviation for Clinical Lab
  6. Real-time PCR instrument
  7. Disease causing organism

15 Clues: Real-time PCR instrumentDisease causing organismDevice for mixing samplesSpecialty of our laboratoryNew name of Pathogenius LabIt spins and spins and spinsAbbreviation for Clinical LabAbbreviation for Research LabNational Lab Accreditation AgencyNew name of Research and Testing Labsequencer used by research for long reads...

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 crossword puzzle
  1. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  2. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  3. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  4. Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagai
  5. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  6. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  7. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain
  8. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  9. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetik..…tanaman
  10. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  11. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  12. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  13. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  14. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  15. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi
  16. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  17. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  18. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  19. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  20. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon?
  21. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  22. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, yang punya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adala
  23. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  24. Nama CO PDD
  1. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  2. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  3. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  4. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?
  5. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  6. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.
  7. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  8. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  9. Nama Wakil CO acara
  10. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  11. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  12. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  13. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  14. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  15. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  16. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  17. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?
  18. …pinnata, merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  19. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  20. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  21. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan..
  22. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.
  23. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  24. satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  25. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  26. Produk Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman
  27. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru
  28. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?

52 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagaiSebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarNama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?...

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 crossword puzzle
  1. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  2. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  3. Nama CO PDD
  4. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, yang punya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adala
  5. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?
  6. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  7. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan..
  8. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  9. …pinnata, merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  10. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  11. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  12. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  13. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  14. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  15. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  16. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.
  17. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  18. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  19. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetik..…tanaman
  20. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  21. satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  22. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  23. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  24. Nama Wakil CO acara
  25. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  26. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  27. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  1. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  2. Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagai
  3. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  4. Produk Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman
  5. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  6. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  7. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  8. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  9. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  10. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  11. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain
  12. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  13. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  14. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.
  15. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  16. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon?
  17. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  18. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  19. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  20. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi
  21. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  22. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  23. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  24. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru
  25. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?

52 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagaiSebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarsatu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara...

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 crossword puzzle
  1. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetik..…tanaman
  2. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.
  3. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain
  4. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  5. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  6. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  7. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  8. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  9. Nama CO PDD
  10. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  11. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  12. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  13. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  14. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  15. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  16. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  17. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  18. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  19. Produk Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman
  20. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  21. satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  22. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  23. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  24. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  25. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, ownernya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah?
  26. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  27. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  28. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?
  29. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  1. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  2. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  3. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  4. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon?
  5. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  6. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  7. pometia ....., merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  8. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  9. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  10. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  11. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  12. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?
  13. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  14. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  15. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru
  16. Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagai
  17. Nama Wakil CO acara
  18. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.
  19. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  20. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  21. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi
  22. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan..
  23. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan

52 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagaiSebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarsatu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara...

TTS PRIMORDIA #3 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain.
  2. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  3. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  4. Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman percepatan...
  5. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetic…tanaman
  6. Nama CO PDD
  7. Pemateri mental health di rangkaian PRIMORDIA 2
  8. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  9. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  10. Nyamplung adalah....yang hidup di pesisir yang berpasir dan berbatu karang, kulit pohonnya dapat digunakan untuk obat.Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi.
  11. Nama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14
  12. MC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1
  13. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  14. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  15. Mata kuliah lanjutan yang diajarkan disemester 6 yang berkaitan untuk mendukung proses perancangan penelitian, seperti menentukan sempel.
  16. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  17. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  18. MC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2
  19. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  20. tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  21. tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  22. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  23. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  24. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  25. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  26. jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  1. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  2. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  3. Nama Wakil CO acara
  4. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  5. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  6. Mata kuliah di Lab.SDL yang mengajarkan cara budidaya yang menggunakan media yang berbeda adalah
  7. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  8. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  9. pometia...., merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  10. tanaman hias yang berwana coklat menyukai dataran rendah hingga sedang dengan nama ilmiah Manilkara kauki adalah sawo....
  11. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan...
  12. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, ownernya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  13. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  14. buah langka bumi Kalimantan, termasuk suku Moraceae (nangka-nangkaan)
  15. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  16. Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATA
  17. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  18. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  19. sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin
  20. Satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  21. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  22. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  23. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  24. nama pendamping yang membacakan penugasan saat primor 2
  25. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP

51 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraMC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATAtempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitinMC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarNama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14...

Biotech Crossword 2021-05-08

Biotech Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. raji Ma’am Calls everyone?
  2. professor that loves to lecture.
  3. worst smell in lab
  4. biotech Event
  5. mr.President
  6. biotech Association
  7. last Discipline subject
  8. most chill professor
  1. Subject only biotech students had to study in first year
  2. useless thing in lab
  3. first Biotech lab subject
  4. cake
  5. something lab is always out of?
  6. most awkward professor
  7. professor who sets the hardest papers

15 Clues: cakemr.Presidentbiotech Eventworst smell in labbiotech Associationuseless thing in labmost chill professormost awkward professorlast Discipline subjectfirst Biotech lab subjectsomething lab is always out of?professor that loves to lecture.professor who sets the hardest papersraji Ma’am Calls everyone?...

Honors Physics Course Intro and Expectations 2022-08-23

Honors Physics Course Intro and Expectations crossword puzzle
  1. When is homework due each period?
  2. Misuse of lab _____ could result in a detention.
  3. Please do not play with equipment until you have been instructed on its ____ use.
  4. When you are absent it is your___ to find what you missed.
  5. I want you to ___ in this class.
  6. Always answer you lab questions with ___ sentences.
  7. Numbers go far beyond just an answer on your _____.
  8. Plan your time ____.
  9. Report this to your teacher immediately.
  10. This makes up 30% of your grade.
  11. Don't just ___ the directions to a lab.
  1. Cell phones are to be put away and ___ ___ ___.
  2. Quantitative means ______ based.
  3. Please ____ through the lab procedure carefully.
  4. Using another's work as your own can result in a loss of ____.
  5. Be polite and ___ to your lab group.
  6. Your answers to analysis questions should be in your own ____.
  7. Analysis should be done at your ___.
  8. Your binder is one of your most valuable ___.
  9. Labs are given to gain experience in collecting and _____ data.
  10. First topic in Unit #1.

21 Clues: Plan your time ____.First topic in Unit #1.Quantitative means ______ based.I want you to ___ in this class.This makes up 30% of your grade.When is homework due each period?Be polite and ___ to your lab group.Analysis should be done at your ___.Don't just ___ the directions to a lab.Report this to your teacher immediately....

Chemistry Safety Quiz 2024-08-04

Chemistry Safety Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The most important element of scientific investigation.
  2. The only liquid that can be disposed in the sink without explicit instructions
  3. Name of the protective equipment used for your hands
  4. Your teacher’s last name
  5. BLANK leave a hot plate, burner, or reaction unattended. BLANK touch, taste, or smell chemicals unless specifically instructed. BLANK return unused chemical to the original container.
  6. Always add BLANK to water. Never the reverse order.
  1. Abbreviation used for safety equipment worn in the laboratory
  2. We demonstrate BLANK listening by looking at the person speaking, keeping quiet, orienting our position, and preparing to take notes.
  3. True or False: contact lenses or glasses are sufficient eyewear protection during a laboratory experiment
  4. Name of the protective equipment used for your eyes in this particular class
  5. BLANK is never permitted in Rooms 784-788. Drinks, BLANK, and gum are never permitted in the lab during an experiment.
  6. Spend at least 15 BLANK at the eyewash station or safety shower if exposed to chemicals
  7. Our classroom BLANK policies include C3P-O and R2D2.
  8. Always check a chemical's BLANK to be informed of the associated hazards and handling procedures

14 Clues: Your teacher’s last nameAlways add BLANK to water. Never the reverse order.Name of the protective equipment used for your handsOur classroom BLANK policies include C3P-O and R2D2.The most important element of scientific investigation.Abbreviation used for safety equipment worn in the laboratory...

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week 2014 2014-04-15

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week 2014 crossword puzzle
  1. isotonic solution
  2. common test performed in urine
  3. WBC associated with asthma or allergy
  4. physician over the lab
  5. study of bacteria
  6. 'good guy' cholesterol
  7. test erformed when PRBC transfusion is ordered
  8. instrument used to run tests
  9. get it done now
  10. used for making dilutions
  11. what we report whem we finish testing
  1. the test we take to become licensed
  2. gram negative bacteris with a grape smell
  3. most common specimen used in the lab
  4. please put this in a red box or red labelled bag
  5. common test to monitor blood thinner therapy
  6. gram positive bacteria on the rise
  7. our 'go to' books for procedures
  8. our lab leader
  9. used to cover our hands when working in the lab

20 Clues: our lab leaderget it done nowisotonic solutionstudy of bacteriaphysician over the lab'good guy' cholesterolused for making dilutionsinstrument used to run testscommon test performed in urineour 'go to' books for proceduresgram positive bacteria on the risethe test we take to become licensedmost common specimen used in the lab...

EECE Assignment 1 2021-09-13

EECE Assignment 1 crossword puzzle
  1. what character is used to end a command in MATLAB?
  2. what button sets the reference level in oscope?
  3. Which chapter is titled "Lab Reports (standard report format)?" in the Laboratory requirements and safety manual
  4. which oscope is being used?
  5. how many sections are in the front panel of the function generator?
  6. what command is used to leave comments in MATLAB
  7. According to syllabus how often should emails be checked?
  8. what button to press to get default settings back on the oscope?
  9. red wire on ADK
  10. "A laboratory notebook is one of a scientists most valuable ___"
  11. how many parts of the screen interface from the function generator?
  12. how many pins are in the adk?
  13. another format of accepted citations
  14. True or false, the red sockets in the power supply are for ground connections.
  15. which button activates zoom mode in oscope?
  16. Attendance is _____
  17. The ___ key turns the output on and off.
  18. The ___ output outputs current and voltage to channel 1
  19. black wires on ADK
  20. What kind of notebook is needed for lab?
  21. always wear ____ when soldering
  22. what is the make of the function generator?
  1. Last name of the author of "writing the laboratory notebook"
  2. Multisims software license
  3. the ___ lock key locks and unlocks the front panel settings.
  4. What is prohibited when at lab benches?
  5. how many channels on adk?
  6. essentially what is a "bus" in multisims?
  7. what kind of paper is supposed to be used for lab, according to "writing the laboratory notebook"?
  8. which button to set manual or automatic markers in oscope?
  9. in the syllabus, what page does the make up policy start? (no space)
  10. true or false,function generator has a built in help option.
  11. component used to resist current
  12. light emitting diode
  13. one format of accepted citation
  14. what command is used to make a graph in MATLAB?
  15. Our instructor
  16. What should you use to write data in lab notebook?
  17. What application is used to run the ADK?
  18. what command is used to add a title to a graph in MATLAB?
  19. What function generator is being used?
  20. Software used to make schematics
  21. What is our class name and class number?
  22. what command is used to add a label to a graph in MATLAB?
  23. The ___ switch turns the power on and off.
  24. Where do you find the resistor component in multisims?

46 Clues: Our instructorred wire on ADKblack wires on ADKAttendance is _____light emitting diodehow many channels on adk?Multisims software licensewhich oscope is being used?how many pins are in the adk?one format of accepted citationalways wear ____ when solderingcomponent used to resist currentSoftware used to make schematics...

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 crossword puzzle
  1. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon?
  2. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  3. satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  4. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  5. Nama Wakil CO acara
  6. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  7. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  8. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  9. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  10. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  11. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.
  12. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  13. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetik..…tanaman
  14. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  15. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  16. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  17. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  18. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  19. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  20. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  21. Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagai
  22. Nama CO PDD
  23. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  24. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  25. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  1. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  2. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  3. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan..
  4. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  5. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  6. Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman adalah percepatan...
  7. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  8. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  9. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru
  10. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  11. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.
  12. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  13. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  14. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?
  15. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  16. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain
  17. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  18. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi
  19. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  20. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  21. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, ownernya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah?
  22. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  23. pometia ....., merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  24. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?
  25. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  26. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  27. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka

52 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagaiSebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarsatu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara...

TTS PRIMORDIA #2 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  2. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  3. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  4. pometia .... , merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  5. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  6. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan...
  7. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.
  8. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  9. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  10. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon.
  11. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  12. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  13. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu?
  14. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  15. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  16. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  17. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  18. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  19. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  20. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  21. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  22. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?
  23. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  24. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  1. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  2. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetic…tanaman
  3. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  4. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  5. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  6. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  7. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  8. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru.
  9. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.
  10. Fathiyah Auliya Adab memiliki jabatan berupa
  11. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi.
  12. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  13. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  14. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  15. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  16. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  17. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  18. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  19. Satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  20. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain.
  21. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin
  22. Nama CO PDD
  23. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, ownernya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  24. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  25. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  26. Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman adalah percepatan...
  27. Nama Wakil CO acara

51 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitinKuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarFathiyah Auliya Adab memiliki jabatan berupa...

TTS PRIMORDIA #3 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain.
  2. Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman percepatan...
  3. buah langka bumi Kalimantan, termasuk suku Moraceae (nangka-nangkaan)
  4. Nyamplung adalah....yang hidup di pesisir yang berpasir dan berbatu karang, kulit pohonnya dapat digunakan untuk obat.Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi.
  5. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  6. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  7. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  8. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  9. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  10. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  11. MC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1
  12. MC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2
  13. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetic…tanaman
  14. jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  15. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  16. nama pendamping yang membacakan penugasan saat primor 2
  17. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  18. Nama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14
  19. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, ownernya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  20. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  21. Nama Wakil CO acara
  22. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  23. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  24. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  25. tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  26. Pemateri mental health di rangkaian PRIMORDIA 2
  27. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  28. Mata kuliah di Lab.SDL yang mengajarkan cara budidaya yang menggunakan media yang berbeda adalah
  1. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  2. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  3. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  4. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan...
  5. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  6. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  7. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  8. sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin
  9. Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATA
  10. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  11. tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  12. pometia...., merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  13. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  14. Mata kuliah lanjutan yang diajarkan disemester 6 yang berkaitan untuk mendukung proses perancangan penelitian, seperti menentukan sempel.
  15. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  16. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  17. Satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  18. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  19. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  20. Nama CO PDD
  21. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  22. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  23. tanaman hias yang berwana coklat menyukai dataran rendah hingga sedang dengan nama ilmiah Manilkara kauki adalah sawo....

51 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraMC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATAtempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitinMC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarNama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14...

Primordia 2021-08-25

Primordia crossword puzzle
  1. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  2. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  3. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  4. Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagai
  5. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  6. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  7. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain
  8. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  9. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetik..…tanaman
  10. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  11. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  12. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  13. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  14. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  15. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi
  16. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  17. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  18. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  19. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  20. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon?
  21. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  22. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, yang punya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  23. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  24. Nama CO PDD
  1. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  2. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  3. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  4. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?
  5. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  6. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.
  7. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  8. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  9. Nama Wakil CO acara
  10. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  11. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  12. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  13. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  14. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  15. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  16. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  17. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?
  18. …pinnata, merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  19. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  20. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  21. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan..
  22. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.
  23. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  24. satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  25. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  26. Produk Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman
  27. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru
  28. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?

52 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagaiSebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarNama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?...

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 crossword puzzle
  1. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  2. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon?
  3. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  4. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  5. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  6. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  7. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  8. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  9. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  10. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  11. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  12. satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  13. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?
  14. salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adala
  15. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain
  16. Nama CO PDD
  17. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  18. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  19. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  20. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru
  21. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  22. Produk Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman
  23. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.
  24. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi
  25. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  26. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  27. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  1. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  2. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  3. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  4. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  5. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  6. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  7. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetik..…tanaman
  8. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  9. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  10. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  11. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  12. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, yang
  13. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  14. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  15. Nama Wakil CO acara
  16. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?
  17. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  18. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  19. pometia ....., merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  20. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  21. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan..
  22. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  23. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  24. Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagai
  25. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  26. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.

53 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagaiSebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, yangsalah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adala...

TTS PRIMORDIA #3 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain.
  2. Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman percepatan...
  3. buah langka bumi Kalimantan, termasuk suku Moraceae (nangka-nangkaan)
  4. Nyamplung adalah....yang hidup di pesisir yang berpasir dan berbatu karang, kulit pohonnya dapat digunakan untuk obat.Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi.
  5. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  6. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  7. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  8. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  9. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  10. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  11. MC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1
  12. MC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2
  13. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetic…tanaman
  14. jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  15. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  16. nama pendamping yang membacakan penugasan saat primor 2
  17. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  18. Nama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14
  19. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, ownernya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  20. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  21. Nama Wakil CO acara
  22. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  23. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  24. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  25. tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  26. Pemateri mental health di rangkaian PRIMORDIA 2
  27. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  28. Mata kuliah di Lab.SDL yang mengajarkan cara budidaya yang menggunakan media yang berbeda adalah
  1. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  2. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  3. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  4. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan...
  5. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  6. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  7. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  8. sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin
  9. Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATA
  10. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  11. tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  12. pometia...., merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  13. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  14. Mata kuliah lanjutan yang diajarkan disemester 6 yang berkaitan untuk mendukung proses perancangan penelitian, seperti menentukan sempel.
  15. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  16. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  17. Satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  18. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  19. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  20. Nama CO PDD
  21. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  22. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  23. tanaman hias yang berwana coklat menyukai dataran rendah hingga sedang dengan nama ilmiah Manilkara kauki adalah sawo....

51 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraMC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATAtempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitinMC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarNama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14...

Lab Week Crossword Puzzle 2015-04-08

Lab Week Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. couldn't do our jobs without you
  2. point on one end, plunger on the other
  3. phlebotomists love to find them
  4. round and round it goes
  5. stop the germ spread
  6. you get the point
  7. a little "buggy" department
  8. this department likes both red and white
  9. not a "vampire"
  10. some lab garbage
  11. not a type of tv
  1. when you need it, we make sure it's right for you
  2. yes, we can read what the doctor wrote on it...usually
  3. lab person in the know
  4. component of blood
  5. all the better to see you with
  6. right now!
  7. chocolate, yellow, or black?
  8. has wings
  9. a little lab gift
  10. can't live without it!
  11. not your average Q-tip

22 Clues: has wingsright now!not a "vampire"some lab garbagenot a type of tvyou get the pointa little lab giftcomponent of bloodstop the germ spreadlab person in the knowcan't live without it!not your average Q-tipround and round it goesa little "buggy" departmentchocolate, yellow, or black?all the better to see you withphlebotomists love to find them...

HACs 2024-02-26

HACs crossword puzzle
  1. Form sent to lab with CDiff specimen
  2. Hygiene product for patients with CVC or IUC
  3. CVC dressings changed every ____ days
  4. Type of contact isolation used with CDiff
  5. Device applied to keep IUC more secure
  1. A must in Epic to cover yourself
  2. Cap color placed on CVC ports and IUC port
  3. Technique used when inserting IUC or changing CVC
  4. We take precautions for patients' _______
  5. Assess need for IUC every _______

10 Clues: A must in Epic to cover yourselfAssess need for IUC every _______Form sent to lab with CDiff specimenCVC dressings changed every ____ daysDevice applied to keep IUC more secureType of contact isolation used with CDiffWe take precautions for patients' _______Cap color placed on CVC ports and IUC portHygiene product for patients with CVC or IUC...

Karter Kraus' Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle 2024-08-19

Karter Kraus' Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. you use a ________________________ to measure the mass of something
  2. always drain chemicals in the ____________
  3. make sure you put on a lab ________
  4. always use __________ to pick stuff up.
  5. Always ask a _____________ immediately after you spill something
  6. use a __________ to help you measure liquids
  1. never smell or swallow any _________.
  2. put on a _________ so you don't breathe in chemicals
  3. Use the fire_________ to extinguish fires
  4. always put on safety _______.

10 Clues: always put on safety _______.make sure you put on a lab ________never smell or swallow any _________.always use __________ to pick stuff up.Use the fire_________ to extinguish firesalways drain chemicals in the ____________use a __________ to help you measure liquidsput on a _________ so you don't breathe in chemicals...

Animal Science Safety and Veterinary Sanitation Methods 2021-04-12

Animal Science Safety and Veterinary Sanitation Methods crossword puzzle
  1. Heat Method of sterilization through the use of a flame by exposing an item to extreme heat or through incineration.
  2. a device used to burn the remains of items that have the potential to spread disease.
  3. one-celled simple organisms or parasites.
  4. the practice of keeping a sterile environment and keeping the environment disease and contaminant-free.
  5. Station Area in the facility where the OSHA and MSDS binders are kept with safety and product information.
  6. safety sheets material safety data sheets; information published by manufacturers of various products that have the potential to harm humans within the facility.
  7. hazards safety concerns of products that may cause injury such as burns or vapors that cause injuries to the eye, lungs or skin
  8. passing high-frequency sound waves through a solution to create a vibration that scrubs an object to remove debris.
  9. removing particles from the air using a physical barrier; common in lab areas or research facilities.
  10. Occupational Safety and Health Administration; agency that provides for safe and healthy work environments and conditions for all employees.
  1. living organism that invades the body causing illness
  2. Cleaning The most common method of sanitary control within the veterinary facility.
  3. More complex multicellular organism that are tick- or flea-borne
  4. living organisms that may occur on the internal or external area of the body and feed of the animal, causing disease.
  5. techniques Washing the hands frequently wearing gloves when handling animals or other possible contaminants, and cleaning all surfaces with disinfectants to prevent spread of disease.
  6. Drugs medicines with the potential for abuse and categorized from I to V (1 to 5) according to strength; I (1) is highest and V (5) lowest potential for abuse.
  7. Tray Hold a chemical that acts as a sterilizing agent.
  8. ward: Separate housing that groups similar patients, making it safe for all animals and staff.
  9. Wide variety of factors.
  10. living organism that invades the external area of the body through direct or indirect contact.

20 Clues: Wide variety of simple organisms or organism that invades the body causing illnessTray Hold a chemical that acts as a sterilizing agent.More complex multicellular organism that are tick- or flea-borneCleaning The most common method of sanitary control within the veterinary facility....

U5W3LA 2018-12-01

U5W3LA crossword puzzle
  1. sold
  2. hatch
  3. lumbermill
  4. future
  5. burninggas
  6. send
  7. chopped
  8. eletriclight
  9. unusual
  1. dash
  2. cellar
  3. telegraphwires
  4. dots
  5. lab
  6. experiment
  7. jars
  8. baggagecar
  9. news

18 Clues: labdashsolddotsjarssendnewshatchcellarfuturechoppedunusuallumbermillexperimentburninggasbaggagecareletriclighttelegraphwires

Lab week Point of Care Crossword 2017-04-21

Lab week Point of Care Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Point of Care instrument for ionized Calcium
  2. testing done initially, six mo, then annually
  3. Day of new hire presentations
  4. material safety data sheets
  5. Color of the code when having a fire drill
  1. test done in radiology before contrast procedures
  2. testing in labor&delivery resulted in the lab
  3. used to dispense blood into an iSTAT cartridge
  4. Point of Care instrument for glucose
  5. Blind samples given at intervals during the year

10 Clues: material safety data sheetsDay of new hire presentationsPoint of Care instrument for glucoseColor of the code when having a fire drillPoint of Care instrument for ionized Calciumtesting in labor&delivery resulted in the labtesting done initially, six mo, then annuallyused to dispense blood into an iSTAT cartridge...

usj soppas 2023-08-14

usj soppas crossword puzzle
  1. Immunizations, CPR, Endocrinology
  2. EBP, Geriatrics
  3. Med Chem and microRNA research
  4. The Dean
  5. CV, Endo and diabetes research
  6. Pharmaceutical Sciences Chair
  7. Kinetics, Ceutics and Lab
  8. Experiential Director
  9. Peds, pain & CNS
  10. Chair, Pharmacy Practice
  11. Tox
  1. Calcs and neuropharm with British accent
  2. Lab, Respiratory, Psych, pharmacogenomic research
  3. ID 1 2 3 4
  4. Associate Dean
  5. CV, immunology and literature eval
  6. Med Chem and Lab
  7. Endocrinology Therapeutics, Advanced Clinical Skills
  8. ID, ACS, Special Pops, general wizardry
  9. EPB, ACS, IPPE Coordinator

20 Clues: ToxThe DeanID 1 2 3 4Associate DeanEBP, GeriatricsMed Chem and LabPeds, pain & CNSExperiential DirectorChair, Pharmacy PracticeKinetics, Ceutics and LabEPB, ACS, IPPE CoordinatorPharmaceutical Sciences ChairMed Chem and microRNA researchCV, Endo and diabetes researchImmunizations, CPR, EndocrinologyCV, immunology and literature eval...

Science Safety Rules 2022-08-31

Science Safety Rules crossword puzzle
  1. These can irritate your skin and eyes.
  2. Cabinet 13 contains these vessels/containers.
  3. Better safe than _____.
  4. "_____" if necessary at the end of a lab.
  5. The electrical shutoff button is what color?
  6. The gas shutoff button is what color?
  1. The topic at hand.
  2. Never ____ food in the laboratory.
  3. If a _____ occurs, ask your teacher about the proper clean-up procedure.
  4. This should be tied back during labs.

10 Clues: The topic at hand.Better safe than _____.Never ____ food in the laboratory.This should be tied back during labs.The gas shutoff button is what color?These can irritate your skin and eyes."_____" if necessary at the end of a lab.The electrical shutoff button is what color?Cabinet 13 contains these vessels/containers....

1st Year Nov test revision 2022-10-24

1st Year Nov test revision crossword puzzle
  1. A substance that catches fire easily
  2. The watery jelly-like substance within which all the organelles in a cell are suspended
  3. A piece of lab equipment that can be used to see things that are too small for the naked eye to see
  4. the smallest working unit of a living organism
  5. An animal which has a backbone
  6. The control centre of a cell This contains chromosomes and DNA
  1. A piece of lab safety equipment that protects your eyes
  2. Only plants have this organelle which helps to protect the cell as well as giving it structure (2 words)
  3. Only sometimes present in animal cells, this is where food, water and waste may be stored. Helps to give structure to plant cells
  4. A substance that could cause serious illness or death if swallowed, breathed in or absorbed through the skin
  5. Surrounds and protects the cell (2 words)
  6. An animal that has no backbone

12 Clues: An animal that has no backboneAn animal which has a backboneA substance that catches fire easilySurrounds and protects the cell (2 words)the smallest working unit of a living organismA piece of lab safety equipment that protects your eyesThe control centre of a cell This contains chromosomes and DNA...

The Lab Is Everything 2024-04-02

The Lab Is Everything crossword puzzle
  1. location of lab SOPs
  2. enthusiastic medical director
  3. ___-layer chromatography technique
  4. manager of core lab day shift
  5. micro tech who graduated with two core lab leads
  6. portion of a liquid sample or solution
  7. whole number of total graduates of program
  8. also called tear drop cell
  9. major extracellular cation
  10. major iron storage protein
  1. hormone essential for sodium conservation in kidney
  2. passing score on BOC exam
  3. monocytes found in tissue
  4. hormone that opposes insulin- raises blood glucose
  5. present at birth
  6. dense, shrunken, and irregularly shaped rbc with spikes
  7. Common lab tool used for aspiration and addition of reagent
  8. name of hospital therapy dog
  9. This fungus causes ringworm: Trichophyton ____

19 Clues: present at birthlocation of lab SOPspassing score on BOC exammonocytes found in tissuealso called tear drop cellmajor extracellular cationmajor iron storage proteinname of hospital therapy dogenthusiastic medical directormanager of core lab day shift___-layer chromatography techniqueportion of a liquid sample or solution...

Lab Equipment and safety 2023-01-25

Lab Equipment and safety crossword puzzle
  1. no _____, drinking or chewing gum
  2. Know _______ of all safety equipment
  3. a flat bottomed flask that tapers upward to a straight neck
  4. a glass with a wide mouth and usually a lip for pouring
  5. do not touch ______ glass with bear hands
  6. A tall narrow container with a volume scale
  1. used to transport a small amount of liquid
  2. used to channel liquid or fine-grained substances into containers
  3. no _____ bench tops
  4. notify instructor _________ for any accidents
  5. an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature
  6. used to hold mix or heat small quantities of solid or liquid chemicals
  7. wash hands at the _____ of the lab
  8. Protective eyewear around the facial area surrounding the eyes

14 Clues: no _____ bench topsno _____, drinking or chewing gumwash hands at the _____ of the labKnow _______ of all safety equipmentdo not touch ______ glass with bear handsused to transport a small amount of liquidA tall narrow container with a volume scalenotify instructor _________ for any accidentsan instrument for measuring and indicating temperature...

Year 4 Spelling Words List 8 2021-09-12

Year 4 Spelling Words List 8 crossword puzzle
  1. scientist who works with substances in a lab
  2. an institution of learning
  3. pattern of behavior traits; a marked feature
  4. a professional cook
  5. a blatant pretense; travesty
  6. man-made device with moving parts
  7. succeed in doing or getting something as a result of your actions
  8. safety device used to slow a fall from a plane
  1. an organ in the body that digests food
  2. Christian holiday of gift exchanges
  3. a flaming light, often carried by hand
  4. device used to hold a ship or boat in place
  5. a frequency band for television signals
  6. land designated for growing fruit trees
  7. to throb, swell or be in pain

15 Clues: a professional cookan institution of learninga blatant pretense; travestyto throb, swell or be in painman-made device with moving partsChristian holiday of gift exchangesan organ in the body that digests fooda flaming light, often carried by handa frequency band for television signalsland designated for growing fruit trees...

Science crossword puzzle 2022-01-26

Science crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. I will confine long hair and loose_____ or jewelry.
  2. I will heat only ______ that is free of chips and cracks.
  3. I will perform only assigned_____ and procedures.
  4. I will report any _____ immediately to the teacher.
  1. I will use the “_____” method when noting odors. I will use the fume hood when working with chemicals that have noxious or toxic fumes.
  2. I will not put _____ in the sink under any condition.
  3. I will know the locations and operation ________ of all safety equipment in the classroom.
  4. I will put______ in my mouth while working in the lab.
  5. I will keep my area _____ and free of clutter. No backpacks in the lab areas.
  6. . I will_____ heat evenly along test tubes while pointing the open mouth away from anyone nearby.

10 Clues: I will perform only assigned_____ and procedures.I will confine long hair and loose_____ or jewelry.I will report any _____ immediately to the teacher.I will not put _____ in the sink under any condition.I will put______ in my mouth while working in the lab.I will heat only ______ that is free of chips and cracks....

Lab Week 2022 2022-04-21

Lab Week 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. SGT Le's first duty station
  2. Rapid molecular test ran typically on children
  3. senior lab tech
  4. drawing blood
  5. Causes scarlet fever
  6. Insect used for blood draws
  7. Newest member of the lab
  8. transition assistance coordinator
  1. place where lab samples are kept in between 2-8 degrees.
  2. Additional vaccination
  3. Computer system that lab uses
  4. Test ran on lavender top tubes
  5. SGT Corona's home town
  6. place where lab samples are kept in greater than -18 degrees

14 Clues: drawing bloodsenior lab techCauses scarlet feverAdditional vaccinationSGT Corona's home townNewest member of the labSGT Le's first duty stationInsect used for blood drawsComputer system that lab usesTest ran on lavender top tubestransition assistance coordinatorRapid molecular test ran typically on children...

lab equipment morgane/juliette 1stl 2020-10-09

lab equipment morgane/juliette 1stl crossword puzzle
  1. it is used to measure a mass
  2. it is an element to hold the burette with a clamp
  3. it is a ceramic element to reduce solids in powder
  4. it is used to heat solutions
  5. it is used to mix a solution
  6. it is an element of protection for the eyes made of plastic from a corrosive chemicals
  7. it is an element to make expeciments small volumes of liquid
  8. it is used to aspire a liquid you put it on the to of the pipet and it's made of rubber
  9. it is an element of glass with a stopper and it is used to create stock solutions
  1. it is an element to aspire dangerous gases for not breat hing gases in order to protect your health
  2. it is an element of plastic and it is used to dilute a stock solutions
  3. it is made of glass cylindrical graduated and it is used to measure at specific volumes of liquid
  4. it is an element of plastic to wash glassware
  5. it is made of plastic or glass it is circular and it is used to develop microorganism in culture
  6. it is an element of protection for the hands made of latex from a corrosive solutions
  7. it is used to close a bottle or a test tube and it's made of rubber
  8. it is made of white ceramic on it you could find a tap and a sink
  9. it is an element to hold test tubes safely
  10. it is a metal element to take off solids from a bottle
  11. it is an element to hold test tubes
  12. it is an element of protection for the body made of white coton from acids and bases

21 Clues: it is used to measure a massit is used to heat solutionsit is used to mix a solutionit is an element to hold test tubesit is an element to hold test tubes safelyit is an element of plastic to wash glasswareit is an element to hold the burette with a clampit is a ceramic element to reduce solids in powder...

Managing Natural Resouceces Unit 1 and 2 2014-11-30

Managing Natural Resouceces Unit 1 and 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a program (production, experience, cooperative, or directed lab) operated by an FFA member
  2. the chance that an accident might occur
  3. an event that happens unexpectedly or unintentionally
  4. a naturally occurring material or organism that supports life, provides fuel, or is used in other ways by humans
  5. Natural Resource _____ is the action of natural resources on one another
  6. A type of natural resource that cannot be replaced
  7. A type of natural resource that can be replaced
  8. an activity sponsored by the FFA offering members the opportunity to display competencies gained in agriculture
  1. A _____ Safety Data Sheet or MSDS is a sheet containing info about the safe use of a chemical and the steps to take in case of an accident
  2. a state of being free of danger and injury
  3. all the factors that affect a living thing
  4. Natural Resource _____ is that all resources depend on each other
  5. exposure to danger or harm

13 Clues: exposure to danger or harmthe chance that an accident might occura state of being free of danger and injuryall the factors that affect a living thingA type of natural resource that can be replacedA type of natural resource that cannot be replacedan event that happens unexpectedly or unintentionally...

Primordia Paket 2 2021-10-04

Primordia Paket 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  2. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  3. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  4. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, yang punya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  5. Nama Wakil CO acara
  6. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  7. …pinnata, merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  8. Fathiyah Auliya Adab memiliki jabatan berupa
  9. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  10. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  11. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.
  12. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  13. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  14. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  15. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  16. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  17. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  18. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  19. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  20. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain.
  21. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  1. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru.
  2. Nama CO PDD
  3. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  4. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  5. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  6. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  7. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  8. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi.
  9. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  10. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  11. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  12. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  13. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan...
  14. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  15. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon.
  16. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  17. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  18. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin
  19. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  20. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  21. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetic…tanaman
  22. Produk Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman
  23. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  24. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  25. Satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  26. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  27. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?
  28. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  29. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  30. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.

51 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitinKuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarFathiyah Auliya Adab memiliki jabatan berupa...

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #1 crossword puzzle
  1. satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  2. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  3. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  4. pometia ....., merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  5. Ketua HIMADATA sekarang
  6. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan..
  7. Jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  8. Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagai
  9. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  10. Nama Panggilan Pendamping di Kelompok Cendana?
  11. Sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?
  12. Anggrek…,atau coelogyne pandurate merupakan spesies anggrek yang tumbuh di Semenanjung Malaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera.
  13. Produk Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman
  14. Tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  15. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  16. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  17. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  18. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  19. Nama Wakil CO acara
  20. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  21. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  22. Tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  23. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  24. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  25. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  1. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  2. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka
  3. Nama Wakil CO Pendamping
  4. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  5. Nama CO PDD
  6. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  7. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  8. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  9. Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi
  10. Anaphalis…, merupakan tanaman endemik zona alpina di berbagai pegunungan tinggi Nusantara, seperti misalnya di kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru
  11. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  12. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  13. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  14. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetik..…tanaman
  15. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  16. Nama CO Perlengkapan
  17. Sterculia foetida, merupakan nama ilmiah dari pohon?
  18. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain
  19. Berwarna kuning, umumnya dikenal di Jawa dan Bali sebagai bunga tabur dalam acara keagamaan serta dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri.
  20. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  21. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  22. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  23. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  24. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  25. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  26. Sumber karbohidrat dan menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat Maluku dan papua yang tinggal di pesisir.

51 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraNama CO PerlengkapanKetua HIMADATA sekarangNama Wakil CO PendampingTempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?Fathiyah Auliya Adab menjabat sebagaiSebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin?Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarsatu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara...

TTS PRIMORDIA #3 2021-10-09

TTS PRIMORDIA #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Nama Ketua Lab. Pemuliaan Tanaman Prof.Ir.…Noor Sugiarto, M.Sc.,Ph.D.
  2. Nyamplung adalah....yang hidup di pesisir yang berpasir dan berbatu karang, kulit pohonnya dapat digunakan untuk obat.Tanaman ini menghasilkan kayu dan minyak. Kayu dari tanaman ini dapat digunakan sebagai rempah-rempah, bahan dupa, atau aromaterapi.
  3. Lab. fisiologi mempelajari diantaranya adalah interaksi dan...tanaman
  4. MC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2
  5. Lab. yang mempelajari manajemen lingkungan tumbuh
  6. Nama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?
  7. Lab. yang berfokus pada indentifikasi rekayasa dan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetic…tanaman
  8. Pada tahun 2025 menjadi jurusan yang berstandar internasional adalah...Jurusan BP
  9. tempat ngerjain laporan di BP
  10. Jurusan BP mempelajari cara-cara untuk meningkatkan...tanaman
  11. Berapat unit pelaksanaan teknis (UPT) yang dimiliki jurusan BP
  12. Pemateri mental health di rangkaian PRIMORDIA 2
  13. buah langka bumi Kalimantan, termasuk suku Moraceae (nangka-nangkaan)
  14. tugas yang diberikan dengan tujuan untuk menambah ilmu, keterampilan dalam mengolah kata, dilakukan di Microsoft Word karena lagi pandemi, biasanya kalau awal perkuliahan tugas tersebut ditulis tangan disebut
  15. Sebutan bagi orang yang suka dengan orang lain, tapi orang yang disukai tersebut hanya menganggap orang menyukai sebagai sahabat atau teman saja disebut
  16. sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitin
  17. Motto dari Lab. SDL adalah menciptakan pertanian
  18. Pohon Ulin merupakan tanaman berkayu khas Kalimantan yang termasuk ke dalam famili…
  19. Singkatan program orientasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembagian jurusan
  20. Jurusan BP mengeluarkan dua jurnal yaitu, produksi tanaman dan...
  21. MC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1
  22. Salah satu tujuan dan target dari Lab. pemuliaan tanaman percepatan...
  23. Nama Ketua Jurusan Budidaya Pertanian ibu Dr. Noer…Ardiarini, S.P,M.Si
  24. Nama Wakil CO acara
  25. Tanaman Maja mampu beradaptasi di lahan berawa dan tanah kering serta toleran terhadap tanah yang agak…
  1. Lab. yang dibentuk dengan tujuan mempersiapkan SDM untuk mendalami agroklimatologi
  2. pometia...., merupakan tanaman khas yang berasal dari papua dan memiliki rasa buah yang manis.
  3. Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tumbuhan, termasuk hampir semua organisme eukariotik yang dapat berfotosintesis yang dipelajari di Lab. fisiologi tanaman disebut apa
  4. Jauh, malem dingin parah, nyampe sana ga keliatan apa apa
  5. Nama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14
  6. Yang nyaman, premium, banyak warna, ownernya salah satu pendamping. Akun ig nya adalah
  7. Maskot PRIMORDIA berupa hewan, hewan apakah itu
  8. Salah satu kegiatan yang dipelajari di Lab. SDL berhubungan dengan design tata ruang yang dilakuakan didalam penataan
  9. tanaman hias yang berwana coklat menyukai dataran rendah hingga sedang dengan nama ilmiah Manilkara kauki adalah sawo....
  10. Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacar
  11. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian terbagi atas berapa lab?
  12. jualan yang berisikan risol mayo, sosis solo, tahu isi, dan donat disebut
  13. Jurusan Budidaya pertanian adalah jurusan...di Fakultas Pertanian
  14. Mata kuliah di Lab.SDL yang mengajarkan cara budidaya yang menggunakan media yang berbeda adalah
  15. Lab. klimatologi didirikan pada tahun 1973 yang bekerjasama dengan
  16. Jurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosen
  17. Mata kuliah lanjutan yang diajarkan disemester 6 yang berkaitan untuk mendukung proses perancangan penelitian, seperti menentukan sempel.
  18. Aspek pertanian yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan di Lab. SDL adalah
  19. Nama CO PDD
  20. Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATA
  21. Ruang lingkup kajian di Lab klimatologi diantaranya adalah interaksi tanaman lingkungan hidup dan...
  22. Satu-satunya laki laki di anggota divisi acara
  23. Lab. yang mempelajari proses yang terjadi di dalam tanaman secara kimia, biologi dan fisik
  24. Bunga Rafflesia merupakan tanaman endemik Sumatera yang bersifat...Karena hidup bergantung dengan tanaman lain.
  25. Contoh riset dosen pemulian tanaman, menghasilkan Semangka

50 Clues: Nama CO PDDNama Wakil CO acaraMC Ice Breaking PRIMORDIA 2Slogan untuk jargon HIMADATAtempat ngerjain laporan di BPJurusan BP diasuh oleh...dosenNama Ketua Pelaksana Primor 2021?sebutan nama orang suka yang nyakitinMC Ice Breaking (cewek) di PRIMORDIA 1Kuning, gratis, swipe right, dapet pacarNama panggilan pendamping untuk kelompok 14...

Matthew's Safety Crossword 2015-10-06

Matthew's Safety Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ____must be personally monitored at all times
  2. Be ___ for your work in the lab.
  3. Do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the ______
  4. Never work __________
  5. Never ____ around in the lab.
  6. ___ extreme caution when using a gas burner
  7. When first entering the _______ room, do not touch equipment, chemicals, or other materials in the lab area until instructed to do so
  1. Keep _____ clear
  2. _____ look into a container that is being heated
  3. ___ hands away from face, eyes, mouth and body while using chemicals or preserved specimens
  4. You will be ____ in the proper method of heating and boiling liquids in test tubes
  5. ____all living organisms used in a lab activity in a humane manner
  6. Follow all written and verbal _______ carefully
  7. ______ only those experiments authorized by your instructor
  8. ____ good housekeeping practices
  9. yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the lab
  10. ____are never permitted in the science storage rooms or preparation areas unless given specific permission by their instructor
  11. ___what to do if there is a fire drill during a lab period

18 Clues: Keep _____ clearNever work __________Never ____ around in the lab.____ good housekeeping practicesBe ___ for your work in the lab.___ extreme caution when using a gas burner____must be personally monitored at all timesFollow all written and verbal _______ carefully_____ look into a container that is being heated...

Unit 1 Review (1) 2022-09-20

Unit 1 Review (1) crossword puzzle
  1. To look at someone or something very closely for detail
  2. Information and facts that tell us if something is true
  3. A type of test that detects if a person if answering honestly or not
  4. Biomedical scientists take responsibility for actions, decisions, and behaviors
  5. In a lab situation you should never used cracked or chipped_______
  6. In a lab room you should be alert and proceed with ______at all times
  7. A reason for doing something
  8. In a lab situation you should never look in to a container that is being____
  9. Biomedical scientists that do this work and think with other people to accomplish a goal
  1. An educated guess
  2. Biomedical scientists that are this observe, reflect and analyze to make well thought out decisions
  3. In a lab situation you should never do what with lab chemicals or other materials
  4. The variable in an experiment that is collected or observed
  5. A set of tools or equipment designed for a specific lab or use
  6. In a science room all aisles should be kept:
  7. A variable in a lab that is not changed
  8. The variable in an experiment that is changed or manipulated

17 Clues: An educated guessA reason for doing somethingA variable in a lab that is not changedIn a science room all aisles should be kept:To look at someone or something very closely for detailInformation and facts that tell us if something is trueThe variable in an experiment that is collected or observed...

Safety 2024-01-25

Safety crossword puzzle
  1. what do you do to smell odors in a lab
  2. you should _____ only assigned experiments and procedures
  3. you should _____ all procedures and not skip steps
  4. what do you do with your materials after you are done with them
  5. you should ______ your hands after and before everything
  6. what do you do with long hair, loose clothes and jewelry in a lab
  7. you should ______ all instructions
  8. what should you put in you mouth when you are in a lab
  9. how many times should you read chemical labels before using
  10. how do you have your area in the lab areas
  11. wear these on your feet in the lab
  1. you should wear them at all times when you are in a lab
  2. you _______ heat evenly along test tubes
  3. you dispose any broken glass in the ________ box
  4. you ______ of trash
  5. what do you do if someone gets injured. You ____ it to a teacher
  6. you should know where these things are at all times
  7. _____ should stay away from flammable liquids
  8. how should you be like when you are doing class work
  9. you should ______ only glassware that is free of chips and cracks
  10. what do you not put in the sink under any condition

21 Clues: you ______ of trashyou should ______ all instructionswear these on your feet in the labwhat do you do to smell odors in a labyou _______ heat evenly along test tubeshow do you have your area in the lab areas_____ should stay away from flammable liquidsyou dispose any broken glass in the ________ boxyou should _____ all procedures and not skip steps...

LABORATORY WEEK 2015 - ZSU 2015-04-19

LABORATORY WEEK 2015 - ZSU crossword puzzle


safety Rules 2021-09-16

safety Rules crossword puzzle
  1. scissors closed and stitch rippers __________________________ in a designated storage space.
  2. sewing on the machine and fabric bunching occurs a ______________________of thread builds up. This could cause the needle to ________________________.
  3. rules all students are trained to be familiar with ________________________________ before using fashion lab equipment.
  4. parts while operating the sewing machine, keep hands and fingers away from __________________ ________________.
  5. in sewing machines should not be left unattended when ________________________________.
  6. bunching occurs, stop ______________________.
  7. off locate the iron cord so that the iron will not be accidentally ___________________ the ironing board.
  8. the end of the class, check the duties roster ________________________ to see if you have been assigned a task.
  1. off the power and light switch before changing _________________________________.
  2. should be aware of where all _____________________ are posted in the classroom and ensure that they are ________________ at all times.
  3. be alert to potentially ________________________________________________.
  4. straight pins in a ___________________________________, never in mouth or clothes.
  5. the use of extension cords in the fashion lab as they create a ______________________.
  6. may only use a sewing machine after you have been_______________________________ in the safe and correct operation.
  7. the iron on its ____________ when not in use.

15 Clues: bunching occurs, stop ______________________.the iron on its ____________ when not in alert to potentially the power and light switch before changing _________________________________.straight pins in a ___________________________________, never in mouth or clothes....

8th Period Lab Safety Crossword 2015-10-07

8th Period Lab Safety Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Do not _____ food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the laboratory.
  2. Wash your hands with _______ and water after performing all experiments.
  3. ________ any accident or injury to the instructor immediately.
  4. If you do not _______ how to use a piece of equipment, ask the instructor for help.
  5. Never work this way
  6. Read all of these thoroughly before entering the laboratory.
  7. Do this with glassware before each use.
  8. Never handle _______ glass with your bare hands.
  9. If a chemical ________ in your eye(s) or on your skin, immediately flush with running water for at least 20 minutes.
  10. Labels and equipment instructions must be read ________ before use.
  11. When using knives and other sharp instruments, always carry the tips and points pointing ______ and away.
  12. Never look into a container that is being __________.
  1. Never leave a lit burner ________.
  2. Carefully follow all ________, both written and oral.
  3. Return all ____________ clean and in working order to the proper storage area.
  4. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered __________.
  5. Never mix these in sink drains.
  6. Long hair, dangling jewelry, and loose or baggy clothing are a __________ in the laboratory.
  7. Never return _______ chemicals to their original containers.
  8. Report _________ electrical equipment immediately.

20 Clues: Never work this wayNever mix these in sink drains.Never leave a lit burner ________.Do this with glassware before each use.Never handle _______ glass with your bare hands.Report _________ electrical equipment immediately.Carefully follow all ________, both written and oral.Never look into a container that is being __________....

Lab Safety and Equipment Crossword 2022-08-26

Lab Safety and Equipment Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Worn to protect clothing in lab
  2. Used to heat chemicals; powered by gas
  3. Best for putting out fire on a person
  4. Appropriate way to smell chemicals in lab
  5. Used to measure precise volumes of liquids
  6. What you should always do at the end of lab
  7. used to measure mass
  8. Used to transfer precise amounts of liquids
  9. Used only if you spill chemicals on your body
  10. Type of shoes to be worn in lab
  1. Where you should NEVER dispose of broken glass
  2. Used to transfer liquids into small contains
  3. Used to move a beaker that’s been heated
  4. To operate, you must Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
  5. Used to measure length
  6. Used to hold test tubes in an upright position
  7. Used to heat chemicals; powered by electricity
  8. When in doubt, ask this person
  9. Worn to protect eyes from fire and chemicals
  10. Used to heat, mix, and hold chemicals

20 Clues: used to measure massUsed to measure lengthWhen in doubt, ask this personWorn to protect clothing in labType of shoes to be worn in labBest for putting out fire on a personUsed to heat, mix, and hold chemicalsUsed to heat chemicals; powered by gasUsed to move a beaker that’s been heatedAppropriate way to smell chemicals in lab...

Chemistry Scavenger - Syllabus & Lab Safety 2023-08-12

Chemistry Scavenger - Syllabus & Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. this type of assessment can be a surprise or announced with time
  2. even though this is a high school class, this art supply is used all the time here
  3. who is responsible for their missing assignments
  4. An I, stands for __, and in the gradebook it means you have an extension on the assignment
  5. if you ever get chemicals in your eyes, what must you clean your eyes with?
  6. when we do labs or activities this is EXTREMELY important so that no one gets hurt
  7. you use this to give yourself more time in CW or HW assignment
  8. the study of matter and the changes it can undergo; also what you will be learning about in this class
  9. according to the class outline, gas laws is covered under which unit
  10. never directly sniff or inhale fumes or scents, instead do this
  11. this is an assailant drill
  1. how much water should you use to wash your skin if you get acids, bases, or other chemicals on your bare skin?
  2. Personal ipads or laptops can't be used in class but you can use ___
  3. the teacher's last name
  4. this drill happens when a neighboring school is under a code red
  5. looking up answers online, in Google, through pictures, or in notes without the teacher's permission is considered
  6. you write class notes here
  7. this drill happens when there's a fire somewhere oncampus
  8. these diagrams will be covered in Molecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Properties Unit
  9. where the list of assignments IN ORDER will be found in Google Classroom
  10. tests/projects make up __ % (percent)
  11. if it's work that start in class it's considered __
  12. this technology is absolutely not allowed in class
  13. homework is USUALLY due by this day

24 Clues: the teacher's last nameyou write class notes herethis is an assailant drillhomework is USUALLY due by this daytests/projects make up __ % (percent)who is responsible for their missing assignmentsthis technology is absolutely not allowed in classif it's work that start in class it's considered __...

Public Health and Lab Safety 2024-09-09

Public Health and Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. A substance that oxidizes another substance. These substances can be combustible when exposed to fuels.
  2. Personal protective equipment
  3. Refers to biological substances that pose a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily that of humans.
  4. An alternate host or passive carrier of a pathogenic microorganism. This may be soil, animals, or humans.
  5. Any substance or compound that has the capability of producing adverse effects on the health and safety of humans.
  6. Microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, or fungi, that cause disease
  7. In the northern hemisphere usually considered the first month of autumn.
  8. The results of health care
  9. A substance or physical agent that may cause cancer in animals or humans.
  10. The use of dangerous viruses, bacteria, fungi, or other infectious microbes as a weapon to inflict disease or death upon human beings or animals to instill fear in or coerce a civilian population or government
  11. Having the quality of exploding
  12. A condition or disease that occurs frequently or is consistently present in a certain region and population
  13. The potential for a substance to exert a harmful effect on humans or animals and a description of the effect and the conditions or concentrations under which the effect takes place.
  14. The state of a person's mind and body
  15. To free from infection especially by destroying harmful microorganisms.
  16. Breathing in of an airborne substance that may be in the form of gases, fumes, mists, vapors, dusts, or aerosols.
  17. The amount of disease within a group or population
  1. A chemical that evaporates readily at normal temperatures and pressures. This can cause a flammable hazard.
  2. Evaluating individuals by using technology and certain procedures to discover disease and to determine who is more likely to have a disease
  3. A substance that produces an irritating effect when it contacts skin, eyes, nose, or respiratory system.
  4. Epidemic over an especially wide geographic area
  5. Illness caused by the consumption of food contaminated by pathogens, toxins, or chemicals
  6. The isolation of apparently healthy people who've been exposed to an infectious or contagious disease
  7. It is a federal agency that conducts research and makes recommendations to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses.
  8. Steps that are taken to reduce or stop exposure to sickness and disease, illness, and its effects
  9. A disease that lasts more than a year and causes a lingering disability or requires ongoing medical care
  10. The sudden increase in cases of a disease beyond what is normally expected in an area
  11. The act of reducing microbial organisms on cleaned food contact surfaces to a safe level.
  12. The number of deaths among a particular population or group in a specific area
  13. The measure of how often a population experiences new cases of disease or illness, injury, or certain symptoms within a specific time period
  14. The study of disease in human populations.

31 Clues: The results of health carePersonal protective equipmentHaving the quality of explodingThe state of a person's mind and bodyThe study of disease in human populations.Epidemic over an especially wide geographic areaThe amount of disease within a group or populationMicroorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, or fungi, that cause disease...

science adventures crossword puzzle 2022-10-07

science adventures crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. something you notice
  2. lab a certain lab we did
  3. Steps of something you do
  4. educated guess
  5. lab another type of lab we did
  6. something you use in science experiments
  7. if you do things by yourself
  8. game A unit we did
  1. something you ask
  2. The start of stem
  3. a educated guess
  4. if you are by yourself you are
  5. graph type of graph
  6. graph a type of graph
  7. a type of science experiment
  8. table a type of graph for data

16 Clues: educated guessa educated guesssomething you askThe start of stemgame A unit we didsomething you noticegraph type of graphgraph a type of graphSteps of something you doa type of science experimentif you do things by yourselflab a certain lab we didif you are by yourself you aretable a type of graph for data...

Exercise 2024-04-16

Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. Identify the nature of (an illness
  2. A device for finding direction
  3. An illness of people
  4. Trying to find something:
  5. Unable to move or feel the legs
  6. A room used for scientific work
  7. A series of actions to achieve something
  8. Condition of being protected from danger
  9. Advanced electronic machines
  10. The smallest basic unit of a plant or animal
  1. Someone who is extremely intelligent
  2. The process of growing and changing
  3. To watch carefully the way something happens
  4. To find a place or an object for the first time
  5. To make someone healthy again
  6. Create something that has never existed before
  7. The force that makes things fall to the ground
  8. Calculating the importance or value of something
  9. To achieve something

19 Clues: An illness of peopleTo achieve somethingTrying to find something:Advanced electronic machinesTo make someone healthy againA device for finding directionA room used for scientific workIdentify the nature of (an illnessUnable to move or feel the legsThe process of growing and changingSomeone who is extremely intelligent...

Overall Safety Management for ISO 26262 2018-02-12

Overall Safety Management for ISO 26262 crossword puzzle
  1. During the execution of the safety ________, the organization shall perform the required functional safety activities, including the production and management of the associated documentation in accordance with ISO 26262-8:2018, Clause 10.
  2. A safety anomaly shall only be considered as managed to the end, if an adequate safety _____ is implemented that resolves the safety anomaly, based on a rationale, or
  3. The rationale for a safety anomaly managed to closure, in accordance with, shall be be ________, for example as part of the functional safety assessment in accordance with 6.4.9.
  4. The organization shall institute, execute and maintain a ______ improvement process, based on:
  5. An organization may _____ the safety lifecycle for application across items or elements
  6. The organization shall institute and maintain effective _______ channels between functional safety, cybersecurity and other disciplines that are related to functional safety, if applicable.
  7. The organization shall institute, execute and maintain an improve the process, based on ____ from the experiences gained during the execution of the safety lifecycle of other items, including field experience; and
  8. The organization shall ensure that the persons responsible for achieving or maintaining functional safety, or for performing or supporting the safety activities, are given sufficient _____ to fulfill their responsibilities.
  9. The organization shall institute, execute and maintain an improve the process, based on _____ improvements for application on subsequent items.
  10. A safety anomaly shall only be considered as managed to the end, if an adequate safety process is implemented that resolves the safety anomaly, based on a rationale, or the safety anomaly is evaluated as not constituting an ____ risk and is disposed, based on a rationale.
  11. The organization shall institute, execute and maintain organization-______ rules and processes to achieve and maintain functional safety and to comply with the requirements of ISO 26262.
  1. The organization shall ensure that the persons involved in the execution of the safety lifecycle have a _________ level of skills, competence and qualification corresponding to their responsibilities.
  2. The organization shall institute, execute and maintain a safety anomaly resolution process to ensure that the analysis, evaluation, resolution and disposition of safety anomalies are performed in a timely and _______ manner.
  3. Safety anomalies that are not managed to closure shall be explicitly communicated to the applicable functional safety _______.
  4. The organization shall provide the ______ required for the achievement of functional safety.
  5. The organization shall institute, execute and maintain processes to ensure that identified safety anomalies are explicitly communicated to the persons responsible for achieving or maintaining ____ safety during the safety lifecycle.
  6. The rationale for a safety anomaly managed to closure, in accordance with, shall be ______;
  7. The organizations involved in the execution of the safety lifecycle shall have an operational _____ management system complying with a ______ management standard, such as ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001, or equivalent.
  8. Safety anomalies that are not managed to closure shall be _______ to the responsible persons, such as the project manager in the case of a safety anomaly regarding product development;
  9. The ______ shall create, foster, and sustain a safety culture that supports and encourages the effective achievement of functional safety.
  10. Safety _____ is enduring values, attitudes, motivations and knowledge of an organization team in which safety is prioritized over competing goal in decisions and behavior
  11. A safety anomaly shall only be considered as managed to _____ if an adequate safety process is implemented that resolves the safety anomaly

22 Clues: An organization may _____ the safety lifecycle for application across items or elementsThe organization shall provide the ______ required for the achievement of functional safety.The organization shall institute, execute and maintain a ______ improvement process, based on:...

"Microbiology" Crossword Pt. 2 2022-11-28

"Microbiology" Crossword Pt. 2 crossword puzzle
  1. microbiology lab is way better than _______ lab
  2. "Why so _____" - The Joker, who likes microbio puns
  3. A great movie, but we also studied it in lab
  4. "aggie _______ bus"
  5. Not technically alive
  6. Not bacteria, as many of you suggested on lab reports
  7. Did really well on this lab exam
  1. A lot of you have to ask someone else to tie this
  2. Lost against Appalachian state, but beat LSU???
  3. Is it called soccer or football?
  4. Wiggles
  5. 5th planet from the sun
  6. Why did the microbiologist cross the road? To get to the other ________
  7. cost too much money
  8. You paid around $6 for it and it probably does not work
  9. It's like an essay

16 Clues: WigglesIt's like an essaycost too much money"aggie _______ bus"Not technically alive5th planet from the sunIs it called soccer or football?Did really well on this lab examA great movie, but we also studied it in labLost against Appalachian state, but beat LSU???microbiology lab is way better than _______ lab...

bradlys crossword 2015-10-09

bradlys crossword crossword puzzle
  1. glass never handle____ with your bare hands
  2. aprons ____ have been provided for your use
  3. suction never use _____ to fill a pipet
  4. conduct yourself in a ____ manner at all times in the lab
  5. glass when ____ allow time for glass to cool before handling
  6. _____ should not be worn in the lab except with permission
  7. report any___ or injuries to the intructor
  8. keep ___ clear push your chair or desk in
  9. partner if you or your____are hurt yell code one to get attention
  10. examine____ before each use
  11. never ___ around in the lab
  1. be____for your work in the lab
  2. when ____ are broken mercury cant be touched
  3. do not ___ hot glassware in cold water it will shatter
  4. when using ____ and other sharp equipment always point down with the object
  5. never look into a ___ when being heated
  6. never return unused ______ to their original containers
  7. glassware do not use ____for food or beverages
  8. check all___ on chemical bottles twice
  9. bottles fill___ only with distilled water and use as intended

20 Clues: examine____ before each usenever ___ around in the labbe____for your work in the labcheck all___ on chemical bottles twicesuction never use _____ to fill a pipetnever look into a ___ when being heatedkeep ___ clear push your chair or desk inreport any___ or injuries to the intructorglass never handle____ with your bare hands...

Lab Week 2014 2014-04-13

Lab Week 2014 crossword puzzle
  1. Chocolate,Yellow, or Black?
  2. Couldn't do our jobs without you!
  3. A little Lab gift.
  4. Not your average Q-tip!
  5. Some Lab garbage.
  6. Component of Blood.
  7. Point on one end, plunger on the other.
  8. Lab person in the know
  9. When you need it, we make sure it's right for you
  10. This department likes both red and white
  11. Round and round it goes
  12. Phlebotomists love to find them, as so often they hide!
  1. Not a type of TV.
  2. Not a "Vampire"
  3. A little "buggy" dept
  4. Can't live without it!
  5. Stop the germ spread
  6. You get the point.
  7. Pocket purse of hemoglobin
  8. All the better to see you
  9. Right NoW!!
  10. Has wings
  11. Yes, we can read what the Doctor wrote on it...usually!!

23 Clues: Has wingsRight NoW!!Not a "Vampire"Not a type of TV.Some Lab garbage.A little Lab gift.You get the point.Component of Blood.Stop the germ spreadA little "buggy" deptCan't live without it!Lab person in the knowNot your average Q-tip!Round and round it goesAll the better to see youPocket purse of hemoglobinChocolate,Yellow, or Black?...

lab safety and symbols 2022-12-27

lab safety and symbols crossword puzzle
  1. may explode if exposed to fire, heat, shock, friction
  2. may cause skin burns and permanent eye damage
  3. do not remove any apparatus or chemicals out of the laboratory _ your teacher’s permission
  4. gas released may be very cold and container may explode if heated
  5. _ if exposed to ignition sources, sparks, heat and some substances with this symbol may give off _ gases in contact with water
  6. toxic material which may cause life threatening effects even in small amounts and with short exposure
  1. can burn even without air, or can intensify fire in combustible materials
  2. report any breakage of apparatus to your _
  3. toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long lasting effects in the environment
  4. may cause serious and prolonged health effects on short or long term exposure
  5. always wear safety _ when heating chemicals
  6. always keep your work bench tidy and your apparatus _
  7. _ all chemicals and apparatus to their proper places after use
  8. also known as irritant

14 Clues: also known as irritantreport any breakage of apparatus to your _always wear safety _ when heating chemicalsmay cause skin burns and permanent eye damagemay explode if exposed to fire, heat, shock, frictionalways keep your work bench tidy and your apparatus __ all chemicals and apparatus to their proper places after use...

Amaar's science 2023-09-24

Amaar's science crossword puzzle
  1. good sources of this food group are bread and cereals
  2. _______ carbohydrate, needed for quick release energy
  3. Good sources are fruits, vegetables and dairy products
  4. _________ mat, used to prevent damage to a work surface
  5. Store of energy and to insulate the body
  6. ___ protection, used for lab safety
  7. _____ burner, used to heat things
  8. Used to detect carbohydrates ______ solution
  1. ______ and mortar, used to grind foods up
  2. Used to detect the presence of proteins, __________ solution
  3. Needed for growth and repair
  4. Used to support flask and beakers
  5. Used to measure small volumes of liquids
  6. Easily set on fire
  7. Used to detect starch
  8. _______ carbohydrate, good sources are pasta and bread

16 Clues: Easily set on fireUsed to detect starchNeeded for growth and repairUsed to support flask and beakers_____ burner, used to heat things___ protection, used for lab safetyUsed to measure small volumes of liquidsStore of energy and to insulate the body______ and mortar, used to grind foods upUsed to detect carbohydrates ______ solution...

Fume Hoods and Lab Safety 2023-04-27

Fume Hoods and Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. True/False: It is acceptable to leave concentrated HCl in the hood because it is meant to be used in the hood anyway
  2. Ensure the flow is ___ prior to working in the hood
  3. Always check the ____ for the hazards of the chemical you are working with
  4. Company who made the fiberglass walk-in fume hood
  5. Promptly ____ any hood that is not functioning properly to the safety officer or EHS
  6. True/False: There are an average of 15 fume hood accidents per year that result in injury
  7. Dirty ____ should be cleaned and removed from the fume hood after use
  8. Chemicals should not be _____ in the fume hood
  9. Do this to the sash when finished in the hood
  10. Cords from equipment in the hood go under this to prevent obstruction
  11. University of _____ had a chemical explosion in a fume hood in 1997
  1. Lab accidently happen most often when ______
  2. Fume hoods purpose are to trap ____ in a closed space
  3. This person used a fireplace chimney as a fume hood to exhaust fumes
  4. Every solution in the hood should be properly ____
  5. Company who designed a fume hood with an autosash feature to ensure correct sash positioning
  6. ____ standard CFR 1910.1450 requires fume hoods to be maintained and function properly when used
  7. Never allow your ____ to enter the plane of the hood opening.
  8. Properly label _____ containers by crossing out chemical labels and making it clear the container is used for _____
  9. Work this many inches inside the fume hood

20 Clues: Work this many inches inside the fume hoodLab accidently happen most often when ______Do this to the sash when finished in the hoodChemicals should not be _____ in the fume hoodCompany who made the fiberglass walk-in fume hoodEvery solution in the hood should be properly ____Ensure the flow is ___ prior to working in the hood...

Lab Safety Rules and Equipment 2021-08-30

Lab Safety Rules and Equipment crossword puzzle
  1. Never reach across an open _____ or burner.
  2. After handling chemicals, always wash your hands with _____ and water.
  3. a cylindrical container with a flat bottom.
  4. Wash your hands at once after handling _____ chemicals.
  5. Always point the top ends of test tubes that are being heated _____ from people.
  6. an instrument used to measure mass very precisely.
  7. device used to transfer small quantities of liquids
  8. an instrument used for measuring and indicating temperature
  9. used to deliver in precisely measured, variable volumes.
  10. Wear safety _____ to protect your eyes from chemicals, heated materials, or things that might be able to shatter.
  11. a slender tube used for transferring or measuring out small quantities of liquid, especially in a laboratory.
  12. Never put anything into your _____ during a lab experiment.
  1. a tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom
  2. a common piece of laboratory equipment used to measure the volume of a liquid.
  3. a kind of gas burner used as laboratory equipment for heating, sterilization, and combustion.
  4. Chipped or ______ glassware should not be used.
  5. Immediately flush with cold, cool ______ until burning sensation is lessened.
  6. Never leave a burner or hotplate ______.
  7. a common piece of laboratory glassware used to hold chemicals during experiments.
  8. Do not _____ an open wound without safety gloves.

20 Clues: Never leave a burner or hotplate ______.Never reach across an open _____ or burner.a cylindrical container with a flat bottom.Chipped or ______ glassware should not be used.Do not _____ an open wound without safety instrument used to measure mass very precisely.device used to transfer small quantities of liquids...

Lab Safety Rules and Equipment 2021-08-30

Lab Safety Rules and Equipment crossword puzzle
  1. After handling chemicals, always wash your hands with _____ and water.
  2. Wear safety _____ to protect your eyes from chemicals, heated materials, or things that might be able to shatter.
  3. a common piece of laboratory glassware used to hold chemicals during experiments.
  4. Do not _____ an open wound without safety gloves.
  5. Chipped or ______ glassware should not be used.
  6. Never leave a burner or hotplate ______.
  7. Wash your hands at once after handling _____ chemicals.
  8. an instrument used to measure mass very precisely.
  9. a cylindrical container with a flat bottom.
  1. a kind of gas burner used as laboratory equipment for heating, sterilization, and combustion.
  2. an instrument used for measuring and indicating temperature
  3. a slender tube used for transferring or measuring out small quantities of liquid, especially in a laboratory.
  4. Never reach across an open _____ or burner.
  5. used to deliver in precisely measured, variable volumes.
  6. a common piece of laboratory equipment used to measure the volume of a liquid.
  7. Immediately flush with cold, cool ______ until burning sensation is lessened.
  8. a tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom
  9. Never put anything into your _____ during a lab experiment.
  10. Always point the top ends of test tubes that are being heated _____ from people.
  11. device used to transfer small quantities of liquids

20 Clues: Never leave a burner or hotplate ______.Never reach across an open _____ or burner.a cylindrical container with a flat bottom.Chipped or ______ glassware should not be used.Do not _____ an open wound without safety instrument used to measure mass very precisely.device used to transfer small quantities of liquids...

Lab Equipment/Safety Symbol Review 2024-08-13

Lab Equipment/Safety Symbol Review crossword puzzle
  1. lights the bunsen burner
  2. symbol used when involving bacteria, fungi, or protists
  3. symbol used when live animals are studied and safety is a must
  4. holds solids or liquids the may release gases
  5. using for holding and organizing test tubes
  6. symbol used when using dissecting equipment like scissors
  7. symbol apears when chemicals could cause dangerous fumes
  8. symbol used when substances could stain clothes
  9. measures and delivers exact volumes of liquids
  10. used to close containers to avoid spillage or contamination
  11. used for mixing chemicals
  12. used to transfer liquids form one vessel to another
  13. sits on the iron ring to provide a place for beakers/flasks
  14. used to heat liquids in a container
  1. used to support the crucible when being heated
  2. symbol used when dealing with a microscope
  3. used to dispense solid chemicals from their containers
  4. symbol when an open flame could cause a fire or explosion
  5. used to hold solids and cover beakers
  6. tong used to hold hot crubles
  7. used for heating metals at high temperatures
  8. holds solids or liquids that do not release gas or splatter
  9. used to hold a beaker when it is heated
  10. symbol used when handling hot objects
  11. symbol when care must be taken to dispose of materials properly

25 Clues: lights the bunsen burnerused for mixing chemicalsused to heat liquids in a containerused to hold solids and cover beakerssymbol used when handling hot objectsused to hold a beaker when it is heatedtong used to hold hot crublessymbol used when dealing with a microscopeusing for holding and organizing test tubes...

FORTY EIGHTH 2020-04-28

FORTY EIGHTH crossword puzzle
  1. labor
  2. sham
  3. food
  4. lab
  5. young man
  6. catholic
  7. a place with lots of books
  8. deficit
  9. small
  10. hear
  11. letters
  1. unmitigated
  2. literate
  3. place of experiments
  4. cover
  5. auspicious
  6. tag
  7. long
  8. degree
  9. tuber

20 Clues: labtagshamfoodlonghearlaborcoversmalltuberdegreedeficitlettersliteratecatholicyoung manauspiciousunmitigatedplace of experimentsa place with lots of books

Assembled Group 2023-04-17

Assembled Group crossword puzzle
  1. Sum and Ry's favorite program
  2. S always wants to give C a
  3. you only live once
  4. p-value less than 0.05
  5. need it to survive, sometimes S quits it
  6. name of Michal's dog
  7. 200-500 words, posters might have them
  8. name of our lab
  9. responsible lab doggo
  10. instructor of MLM course
  11. procrastinating? we wrote the ____ on it
  1. things will be better then
  2. sunny place we'll move to one day
  3. we always need one of these
  4. large longitudinal study
  5. male phd student in our lab
  6. objective truths, according to C
  7. addition total; also nickname for one of us
  8. name of our department
  9. playful lab doggo
  10. what kind of group are we?
  11. there's going to be a

22 Clues: name of our labplayful lab doggoyou only live oncename of Michal's dogresponsible lab doggothere's going to be ap-value less than 0.05name of our departmentlarge longitudinal studyinstructor of MLM coursethings will be better thenS always wants to give C awhat kind of group are we?we always need one of thesemale phd student in our lab...

Diana's Quality Crossword 2019-03-23

Diana's Quality Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Time, effort, energy, and money are all examples
  2. Historical figure in quality management
  3. The place we perform our testing
  4. Type of sample container
  5. ___ of care testing
  6. Standard-producing organization (abbrev.)
  7. A health care professional
  8. An American accreditation organization (abbrev.)
  9. Potential source of harm
  1. A visit to the lab by an accreditation body
  2. The number of defects all labs are aiming for
  3. One way to capture customer satisfaction
  4. Type of diagram outlining cause and effect
  5. Most of these occur in the pre-analytical phase
  6. The outcome of a lab test
  7. Third party lab assessment
  8. A common bodily fluid that labs test
  9. The length of time it takes to deliver a result
  10. A lab culture that values consensus
  11. ____, do, study, act

20 Clues: ___ of care testing____, do, study, actType of sample containerPotential source of harmThe outcome of a lab testThird party lab assessmentA health care professionalThe place we perform our testingA lab culture that values consensusA common bodily fluid that labs testHistorical figure in quality managementOne way to capture customer satisfaction...

Lab Week 2024 2024-04-10

Lab Week 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Construction company working on the renovations
  2. (Abbr)Our lab name
  3. Yearly Fitness Challange
  4. Department composed of chemistry and
  5. Employee benefits portal
  6. Our Laboratory Branch Manager
  7. Where we verify our time
  8. Location of the lab (City)
  9. Lisette & Jocelyt make up this department
  1. ASCP Lab week Theme 2024
  2. Portal used for training and document signoff
  3. Which lab can test for COVID-19?
  4. Medical Waste pickup company name
  5. Holiday in February
  6. What month World TB day is in?
  7. Emailing Application name

16 Clues: (Abbr)Our lab nameHoliday in FebruaryASCP Lab week Theme 2024Yearly Fitness ChallangeEmployee benefits portalWhere we verify our timeEmailing Application nameLocation of the lab (City)Our Laboratory Branch ManagerWhat month World TB day is in?Which lab can test for COVID-19?Medical Waste pickup company nameDepartment composed of chemistry and...

WORDSCAPES (8/9s) #8 2022-07-30

WORDSCAPES (8/9s) #8 crossword puzzle
  1. LAB
  2. BLAND
  3. TAN
  4. TOLD
  5. BOAT
  6. BOLD
  7. BOND
  8. TALON
  9. BOOT
  1. OLD
  2. BALD
  3. BAN
  4. TOOL
  5. BATON
  6. TAB
  7. ONTO
  8. LOOT


Computer Lab Tools and Safety 2020-09-18

Computer Lab Tools and Safety crossword puzzle
  1. extinguisher rated for electrical fires
  2. clipped to workstation to prevent ESD damage during repair
  3. fine printer dust that requires special vacuum
  4. used to store electronic cards and memory sticks when not installed
  5. lowers electrocution risk
  6. adds a grip to phone screen for removal
  7. perfect cleaning cloths have none of this
  8. what E.S.D. stands for
  9. likely cause of problems if computer to close to another electrical device
  10. part of body to bend for safe lifting
  11. used to blow dust out of machine
  12. increases heat transfer from CPU to cooler
  13. separates plastic parts
  1. requirement for computer vacuum cleaner
  2. too much causes electronics to overheat
  3. delayed effects, such as damage, that may not be obvious
  4. prevents ESD when working on mobile devices
  5. non-reversible damage, usually very obvious
  6. screwdriver with star-shaped-tip
  7. adds and removes charge from screwdriver
  8. prevents electrocution when working with electronics
  9. screwdriver with x-shaped tip
  10. quickly evaporating liquid for cleaning parts
  11. screwdriver with line-shaped tip
  12. radio energy that can cause problems with WIFI signal
  13. a tripping hazard to people if unmanaged
  14. a damaging shock to electronics that you won't feel
  15. unseals screen on mobile device
  16. a blast of overvoltage that can damage electronics

29 Clues: what E.S.D. stands forseparates plastic partslowers electrocution riskscrewdriver with x-shaped tipunseals screen on mobile devicescrewdriver with star-shaped-tipscrewdriver with line-shaped tipused to blow dust out of machinepart of body to bend for safe liftingrequirement for computer vacuum cleanertoo much causes electronics to overheat...

Lab Safety Rules and Equipment 2021-08-28

Lab Safety Rules and Equipment crossword puzzle
  1. a common piece of laboratory glassware used to hold chemicals during experiments.
  2. a cylindrical container with a flat bottom.
  3. a common piece of laboratory equipment used to measure the volume of a liquid.
  4. a tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom
  5. Immediately flush with cold, cool ______ until burning sensation is lessened.
  6. Chipped or ______ glassware should not be used.
  7. Never put anything into your _____ during a lab experiment.
  8. used to deliver in precisely measured, variable volumes.
  9. After handling chemicals, always wash your hands with _____ and water.
  10. Wash your hands at once after handling _____ chemicals.
  11. Do not _____ an open wound without safety gloves.
  12. a slender tube used for transferring or measuring out small quantities of liquid, especially in a laboratory.
  1. a kind of gas burner used as laboratory equipment for heating, sterilization, and combustion.
  2. Never reach across an open _____ or burner.
  3. an instrument used to measure mass very precisely.
  4. an instrument used for measuring and indicating temperature
  5. Always point the top ends of test tubes that are being heated _____ from people.
  6. Wear safety _____ to protect your eyes from chemicals, heated materials, or things that might be able to shatter.
  7. Never leave a burner or hotplate ______.
  8. device used to transfer small quantities of liquids

20 Clues: Never leave a burner or hotplate ______.Never reach across an open _____ or burner.a cylindrical container with a flat bottom.Chipped or ______ glassware should not be used.Do not _____ an open wound without safety instrument used to measure mass very precisely.device used to transfer small quantities of liquids...

Lab Safety Crossword Brilyn Ross 2022-08-14

Lab Safety Crossword Brilyn Ross crossword puzzle
  1. Dangling jewelry and loose or baggy clotheing mush be what?
  2. Never look into a container that is being what?
  3. When removing an electrical cord from it's socket, remove the _______.
  4. Heated metal and glass remain very hot for a?
  5. When should you use mouth suction to fill a pipet?
  6. Long hair must be what?
  7. What should you do before using glassware?
  8. When mercury thermometers are you broken, you must not touch the ______.
  9. Never reach over an ______ flame.
  10. If there is an accident or injury you must ______ it immediately.
  11. Handle flammable hazardous liquids over a _____ to contain spills.
  12. When should you put any substances in the flame?
  13. What is the only thing you should fill water bottles with?
  14. When do you return unused chemicals to their original containers?
  15. Do not immerse hot glassware in cold glassware because it may what?
  1. If you do not understand how to use a piece of equipment, you should?
  2. When transporting acids and other chemicals from one part of the laboratory to the other how should you hold them?
  3. If a chemical splashes in your eye(s) or on your skin, what should you do?
  4. What do you yell out if you or your lab partner are hurt?
  5. It is not ok to leave a lit burner ________.
  6. Never remove chemicals or other materials from the ________ ______.
  7. How many times should you check the label on chemical bottles before removing any of the contents?
  8. What should you do if you find damaged electrical equipment?
  9. Unless specifically asked to, do not touch, taste, or smell any what?
  10. Do not point the _______ open end of a test tube being heated at yourself or anyone else.
  11. When bending glass, allow time for the glass to _______ before further handling.
  12. Acids must be handled with?
  13. What do you wear anytime chemicals, heat, or glassware are used?
  14. Exercise extreme ______ when using a gas burner.
  15. How far should hair, clothing and hands be from the flame at all times?

30 Clues: Long hair must be what?Acids must be handled with?Never reach over an ______ flame.What should you do before using glassware?It is not ok to leave a lit burner ________.Heated metal and glass remain very hot for a?Never look into a container that is being what?When should you put any substances in the flame?...

Fume Hoods and Lab Safety 2023-04-27

Fume Hoods and Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. True/False: It is acceptable to leave concentrated HCl in the hood because it is meant to be used in the hood anyway
  2. Ensure the flow is ___ prior to working in the hood
  3. Always check the ____ for the hazards of the chemical you are working with
  4. Company who made the fiberglass walk-in fume hood
  5. Promptly ____ any hood that is not functioning properly to the safety officer or EHS
  6. True/False: There are an average of 15 fume hood accidents that result in injury
  7. Dirty ____ should be cleaned and removed from the fume hood after use
  8. Chemicals should not be _____ in the fume hood
  9. Do this to the sash when finished in the hood
  10. Cords from equipment in the hood go under this to prevent obstruction
  11. University of _____ had a chemical explosion in a fume hood in 1997
  1. Lab accidently happen most often when ______
  2. Fume hoods purpose are to trap ____ in a closed space
  3. This person used a fireplace chimney as a fume hood to exhaust fumes
  4. Every solution in the hood should be properly ____
  5. Company who designed a fume hood with an autosash feature to ensure correct sash positioning
  6. ____ standard CFR 1910.1450 requires fume hoods to be maintained and function properly when used
  7. Never allow your ____ to enter the plane of the hood opening.
  8. Properly label _____ containers by crossing out chemical labels and making it clear the container is used for _____
  9. Work this many inches inside the fume hood

20 Clues: Work this many inches inside the fume hoodLab accidently happen most often when ______Do this to the sash when finished in the hoodChemicals should not be _____ in the fume hoodCompany who made the fiberglass walk-in fume hoodEvery solution in the hood should be properly ____Ensure the flow is ___ prior to working in the hood...

Fume Hoods and Lab Safety 2023-04-27

Fume Hoods and Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Properly label _____ containers by crossing out chemical labels and making it clear the container is used for _____
  2. ____ standard CFR 1910.1450 requires fume hoods to be maintained and function properly when used
  3. Company who made the fiberglass walk-in fume hood
  4. Company who designed a fume hood with an autosash feature to ensure correct sash positioning
  5. Ensure the flow is ___ prior to working in the hood
  6. Dirty ____ should be cleaned and removed from the fume hood after use
  7. University of _____ had a chemical explosion in a fume hood in 1997
  8. Work this many inches inside the fume hood
  9. Promptly ____ any hood that is not functioning properly to the safety officer or EHS
  10. Every solution in the hood should be properly ____
  1. Lab accidents happen most often when ______
  2. Cords from equipment in the hood go under this to prevent obstruction
  3. Fume hoods purpose are to trap ____ in a closed space
  4. True/False: It is acceptable to leave concentrated HCl in the hood because it is meant to be used in the hood anyway
  5. This person used a fireplace chimney as a fume hood to exhaust fumes
  6. Do this to the sash when finished in the hood
  7. True/False: There are an average of 15 fume hood accidents per year that result in injury
  8. Never allow your ____ to enter the plane of the hood opening.
  9. Chemicals should not be _____ in the fume hood
  10. Always check the ____ for the hazards of the chemical you are working with

20 Clues: Work this many inches inside the fume hoodLab accidents happen most often when ______Do this to the sash when finished in the hoodChemicals should not be _____ in the fume hoodCompany who made the fiberglass walk-in fume hoodEvery solution in the hood should be properly ____Ensure the flow is ___ prior to working in the hood...

Fume Hoods and Lab Safety 2023-04-27

Fume Hoods and Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Properly label _____ containers by crossing out chemical labels and making it clear the container is used for _____
  2. ____ standard CFR 1910.1450 requires fume hoods to be maintained and function properly when used
  3. Company who made the fiberglass walk-in fume hood
  4. Company who designed a fume hood with an autosash feature to ensure correct sash positioning
  5. Ensure the flow is ___ prior to working in the hood
  6. Dirty ____ should be cleaned and removed from the fume hood after use
  7. University of _____ had a chemical explosion in a fume hood in 1997
  8. Work this many inches inside the fume hood
  9. Promptly ____ any hood that is not functioning properly to the safety officer or EHS
  10. Every solution in the hood should be properly ____
  1. Lab accidents happen most often when ______
  2. Cords from equipment in the hood go under this to prevent obstruction
  3. Fume hoods purpose are to trap ____ in a closed space
  4. True/False: It is acceptable to leave concentrated HCl in the hood because it is meant to be used in the hood anyway
  5. This person used a fireplace chimney as a fume hood to exhaust fumes
  6. Do this to the sash when finished in the hood
  7. True/False: There are an average of 37 fume hood accidents per year that result in injury
  8. Never allow your ____ to enter the plane of the hood opening.
  9. Chemicals should not be _____ in the fume hood
  10. Always check the ____ for the hazards of the chemical you are working with

20 Clues: Work this many inches inside the fume hoodLab accidents happen most often when ______Do this to the sash when finished in the hoodChemicals should not be _____ in the fume hoodCompany who made the fiberglass walk-in fume hoodEvery solution in the hood should be properly ____Ensure the flow is ___ prior to working in the hood...

Lab Safety and Scientific Process 2024-05-20

Lab Safety and Scientific Process crossword puzzle
  1. a syringe made of plastic or glass, usually has graduated marks indicating the volume of fluid in the syringe, and is nearly always transparent.
  2. an assumption, an idea that is proposed for the sake of argument so that it can be tested to see if it might be true.
  3. the ability of a microscope to produce an image of an object at a scale larger (or even smaller) than its actual size.
  4. a research method that involves measuring and quantifying characteristics of a phenomenon.
  5. facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
  6. a container used to measure volumes of liquid. Normally made of plastic, measuring cylinders have lines up the side to represent the amount of milliliters the cylinder contains and therefore the volume of liquid.
  7. a deep wide mouthed thin-walled vessel usually with a lip for pouring that is used especially in science laboratories
  8. the act of gathering information for research through subjective methods. Qualitative observation depends heavily on a person's senses: taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell.
  9. the variable that is changed in an experiment
  1. can be answered by designing and conducting an experiment.
  2. the process of drawing conclusions based on evidence and reasoning.
  3. a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.
  4. Plate a flat surface with heating elements.
  5. to study (something) closely and carefully : to learn the nature and relationship of the parts of (something) by a close and careful examination.
  6. an instrument used to measure weight very precisely.
  7. to notice what's going on through your senses
  8. the variable that is being measured
  9. an experimental element which is constant and unchanged throughout the course of the investigation.
  10. a physical and/or mathematical and/or conceptual representation of a system of ideas, events or processes.
  11. any item, factor, or condition that can be controlled or changed
  12. a balance or any of various other instruments or devices for weighing

21 Clues: the variable that is being measuredPlate a flat surface with heating notice what's going on through your sensesthe variable that is changed in an experimentan instrument used to measure weight very precisely.can be answered by designing and conducting an experiment.any item, factor, or condition that can be controlled or changed...

STEM Cross Word 2021-07-12

STEM Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. We use these to hear
  2. This is something we do to find answers
  3. Scientists wear a lab ____ to protect their clothes and skin
  4. These protect our eyes during experiments
  5. The goal of science is to always _____ the truth
  6. We use these to see
  1. These protect our hands during experiments
  2. We use this to smell
  3. We have to look at results and _____ what they mean
  4. We use this to feel (it covers our whole body)
  5. We use this to taste
  6. We wear special clothes for _____

12 Clues: We use these to seeWe use this to smellWe use these to hearWe use this to tasteWe wear special clothes for _____This is something we do to find answersThese protect our eyes during experimentsThese protect our hands during experimentsWe use this to feel (it covers our whole body)The goal of science is to always _____ the truth...

Chemistry crossword 2023-10-31

Chemistry crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A measurement of liquid equal to 1cm cubed
  2. Changes that don't change the state of a substance, but the properties or outcome
  3. The thing made in a chemical reaction
  4. Changes that don't change a substance, but the state
  5. The smallest particle in an atom
  6. One of the 3 states of matter "S----"
  7. One of the bigger particles in an atom, doesn't have an electric
  8. The item(s) that react with each other in a chemical reaction
  9. There are 3 states of ____
  10. A type of liquid that is harmful when it comes into contact with any part of your body
  11. A safety item to protect the eyes
  12. Multiple elements in one molecule
  13. The temperature at which it melts
  14. A safety item to protect hands
  15. A measurement of temperature
  16. coat A safety item to protect the body
  1. A measurement of weight
  2. How strong it is
  3. An instrument used to measure weight
  4. Elements being chemically joined together
  5. Two or more elements in a substance that aren't chemically bonded together
  6. An instrument used to measure heat
  7. The physical appearance of it
  8. How much it weighs per cm3
  9. One of the 3 states of matter "G--"
  10. One of the 3 states of matter "L-----"
  11. An instrument commonly used to measure liquid
  12. The things that make up everything (not atoms)
  13. How easy it is to hammer it into a sheet without it breaking or cracking
  14. One of the bigger particles in an atom, has an electric charge

30 Clues: How strong it isA measurement of weightHow much it weighs per cm3There are 3 states of ____A measurement of temperatureThe physical appearance of itA safety item to protect handsThe smallest particle in an atomA safety item to protect the eyesMultiple elements in one moleculeThe temperature at which it meltsAn instrument used to measure heat...

Spanish Vocab 2023-03-03

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. history
  2. cafeteria
  3. geography
  4. gym
  5. classroom
  6. hallway
  7. cafeteria
  8. biology
  1. i belive that
  2. physics
  3. literature
  4. chemistry
  5. computer lab
  6. library
  7. bathrooms
  8. i think that
  9. del director principal's office
  10. math
  11. lab
  12. for me

20 Clues: gymlabmathfor mephysicshistorylibraryhallwaybiologychemistrycafeteriabathroomsgeographyclassroomcafeterialiteraturecomputer labi think thati belive thatdel director principal's office

Lab 2023-01-22

Lab crossword puzzle
  1. True overlord of the lab
  2. Best person in CWW lab
  3. Recently engaged
  4. went to Berea
  5. Quite tall
  6. Old man
  7. Overlord of the lab
  8. new guy
  9. talks a lot
  10. has a lot of kids
  11. Very annoyed girl
  1. can't open the cabinet
  2. Hates women
  3. moustache
  4. Least favorite color is yellow
  5. K-girl
  6. kills women
  7. valuable member that will not be forgotten
  8. Last name is terrible weather
  9. shannon hates this person
  10. Stinks
  11. Mr. Attitude
  12. Loves gossiping
  13. also loves gossiping

24 Clues: K-girlStinksOld mannew guymoustacheQuite tallHates womenkills womentalks a lotMr. Attitudewent to BereaLoves gossipingRecently engagedhas a lot of kidsVery annoyed girlOverlord of the labalso loves gossipingcan't open the cabinetBest person in CWW labTrue overlord of the labshannon hates this personLast name is terrible weather...

Lab Apparatus 2016-09-17

Lab Apparatus crossword puzzle
  1. for slower and more accurate pouring
  2. to stop beakers falling through the triangle
  3. recepticle for disappearance of a substance
  4. used to measure temperature
  5. used for heating and mixing compounds and solutions
  6. used to hold up gauze and beakers
  1. to ensure work benches do not burn
  2. for accurate levels of liquids
  3. used for pouring liquids or solids or heating them over an open flame
  4. open flame in the lab (roaring or safety)

10 Clues: used to measure temperaturefor accurate levels of liquidsused to hold up gauze and beakersto ensure work benches do not burnfor slower and more accurate pouringopen flame in the lab (roaring or safety)recepticle for disappearance of a substanceto stop beakers falling through the triangleused for heating and mixing compounds and solutions...

5th Grade English Class: Unit 1 (Melisa Işıklı) 2022-01-08

5th Grade English Class: Unit 1 (Melisa Işıklı) crossword puzzle
  1. The lesson where you act.
  2. The lesson where you learn past.
  3. The lesson where you play basketball.
  4. The lesson where you use plus sign.
  1. The lesson where you learn earth's regional features.
  2. The lesson where you sing.
  3. The lesson where you can use lab coats and safety glasses.
  4. The lesson where you paint and dye.

8 Clues: The lesson where you act.The lesson where you sing.The lesson where you learn past.The lesson where you paint and dye.The lesson where you use plus sign.The lesson where you play basketball.The lesson where you learn earth's regional features.The lesson where you can use lab coats and safety glasses.

Lab Report Vocabulary 2024-09-06

Lab Report Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. first step in a lab report
  2. fourth step in a lab report
  3. third step in a lab report
  4. Something that triggers a response
  5. Receiving something
  6. watching what is happening
  7. scientific question you are trying to answer
  8. educated guess
  9. what you find to be true after collecting data
  1. process scientists use to investigate
  2. final step in a lab report
  3. steps taken to complete a task or experiment
  4. an observable event that causes us to wonder
  5. second step in a lab report

14 Clues: educated guessReceiving somethingfirst step in a lab reportfinal step in a lab reportthird step in a lab reportwatching what is happeningfourth step in a lab reportsecond step in a lab reportSomething that triggers a responseprocess scientists use to investigatesteps taken to complete a task or experimentan observable event that causes us to wonder...