lab safety Crossword Puzzles

Lab Safety 2023-08-25

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. You should ___ up messes.
  2. Use this red cylinder to help put out fires.
  3. _____ on the wall or under the desks during a lab.
  4. Doing this while in a lab can be a detention.
  1. Tell the ____ when a accident happens.
  2. What should you wear when dealing with chemicals?
  3. Don't mix ____ without permission.
  4. Don't leave chemicals ____
  5. ____ drink or eat in the lab.
  6. Always follow _______

10 Clues: Always follow _______You should ___ up messes.Don't leave chemicals ________ drink or eat in the lab.Don't mix ____ without permission.Tell the ____ when a accident happens.Use this red cylinder to help put out fires.Doing this while in a lab can be a detention.What should you wear when dealing with chemicals?...

Lab Safety 2023-09-12

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Always carry a ________ with 2 hands
  2. Report any accidents right away to the __________
  3. ______ pick up broken glass!
  4. make sure ________ is pulled back during labs.
  5. Wear _______ during labs
  1. Don't act like a fool! Conduct yourself in a _______ matter at all times
  2. You should consider all chemicals to be __________.
  3. Don't do any experiments without _______ from the teacher
  4. Be sure to know where all the ________ equipment is in the room
  5. Treat all _____________ with care and respect

10 Clues: Wear _______ during labs______ pick up broken glass!Always carry a ________ with 2 handsTreat all _____________ with care and respectmake sure ________ is pulled back during labs.Report any accidents right away to the __________You should consider all chemicals to be __________.Don't do any experiments without _______ from the teacher...

lab safety 2024-02-13

lab safety crossword puzzle
  1. Provides eyes protection from chemical splashes and dust.
  2. Dangerous biological materials.
  3. Attacks and destroys living tissues, such as skin and eyes.
  4. A layer of glass fiber cloth that cuts off the air supply and extinguishes the fire
  5. Cause skin irritation.
  1. Protect our hands from infection and contamination.
  2. Catches fire easily.
  3. Substances that Have the Ability to Oxidize other Substances by Accepting Electrons From Them.
  4. A white protective coat worn by workers in a laboratory.
  5. A substance can cause severe damage to health.

10 Clues: Catches fire easily.Cause skin irritation.Dangerous biological materials.A substance can cause severe damage to health.Protect our hands from infection and contamination.A white protective coat worn by workers in a laboratory.Provides eyes protection from chemical splashes and dust.Attacks and destroys living tissues, such as skin and eyes....

Lab Safety 2024-01-26

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. always use x you can handle easily to control chemical distribution
  2. work with dangerous vapor releasing chemicals from behind a x
  3. even when wearing glasses, x are a necessity in labs to protect the eyes
  4. when opening a bottled chemical,hold the x between your fingers and grab the bottle by the label before pouring
  5. measures temperature
  1. go to the x when there is big chemical spill, and wash for at least 15 minutes
  2. releases a flame, usually used in labs to heat chemicals
  3. keep x clear when in the process of doing a lab, so nobody can trip
  4. always check the x for cracks before connecting it to the gas valve
  5. if there are left over chemicals, x of them in a separate container

10 Clues: measures temperaturereleases a flame, usually used in labs to heat chemicalswork with dangerous vapor releasing chemicals from behind a xkeep x clear when in the process of doing a lab, so nobody can tripif there are left over chemicals, x of them in a separate containeralways use x you can handle easily to control chemical distribution...

Lab Safety 2024-09-19

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Must be worn when doing a practical.
  2. You must always __________ to instructions
  3. Never ________ in the lab.
  4. A thermometer is used to measure the _________.
  1. These produce a flame for heating things.
  2. Used for measuring the volume of a gas.
  3. Used to carry out small experiments.
  4. Hazard symbol with a !
  5. Something that can cause you harm.
  6. Hazard symbol with a skull and crossbones.

10 Clues: Hazard symbol with a !Never ________ in the lab.Something that can cause you harm.Must be worn when doing a practical.Used to carry out small experiments.Used for measuring the volume of a gas.These produce a flame for heating things.You must always __________ to instructionsHazard symbol with a skull and crossbones....

lab safety agreement Victor. R 2022-08-17

lab safety agreement Victor. R crossword puzzle
  1. always work in a well-__________ area
  2. carry in a vertical poistion
  3. must be tied back
  4. do not use damaged electrical _________
  5. when transporting hold away from your body
  6. do not eat _____, drink beverages, or chew gum
  7. must be out away if dangling
  8. all ________ are to be considered dangerous.
  9. dispose of all chemical ______ properly
  10. can be worn with adequate safety gear
  11. never leave a lit ______ unattended
  12. never remove chemicals or other ________ from the lab
  1. hot and cold _____ looks the same
  2. must be worn when heat, glassware, or chemicals are in use
  3. when using _______ point tips and point downward
  4. check the _____ twice on chemical bottles before use
  5. no ____-____ shoes in the lab.
  6. never handle ______ glass with bare hands
  7. heated ______ and remain hot for a long time
  8. when _______ thermometers are broken notify the instructor immediately it must not be touched
  9. never look into a _________ that is being heated
  10. don't immerse if hot, it may shatter
  11. fill with distilled water only
  12. must be handled with care and diluted with water
  13. they are provided and should be worn in the lab

25 Clues: must be tied backcarry in a vertical poistionmust be out away if danglingno ____-____ shoes in the lab.fill with distilled water onlyhot and cold _____ looks the samenever leave a lit ______ unattendeddon't immerse if hot, it may shatteralways work in a well-__________ areacan be worn with adequate safety geardo not use damaged electrical _________...

Cascade MS Science Safety 2023-09-17

Cascade MS Science Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Handle all _________________ with care.(20)
  2. Always carry a ____________________ with both hands.(15)
  3. Dress _______________ - long hair should be tied back, no dangling jewelry, no loose or baggy clothing.(12)
  4. When mixing acid and water, ALWAYS carefully pour the _______ into the water.(16)
  5. Do not put anything into a ___________ unless directed to do so.(24)
  6. Handle all ________________ with care and respect.(14)
  7. Report any ______________ (spill, fire, breakage) and/or injury to the teacher immediately.(11)
  8. Clean all work areas and __________________ at the end of the experiment.(9)
  9. Do not ____ in class during science lab days.(5)
  10. Please ask ___________________ before touching any equipment, supplies, animals, or other material in the room.(3)
  11. Move slowly and in ______________ during a science activity or lab.(29)
  12. Keep your work area and the science room neat and __________.(8))
  13. Learn where the ______________ equipment is and how to use it.(26)
  14. Never light matches/burners when gas is on or you ________ gas (rotten eggs).(22)
  15. Follow all written and verbal ________________ carefully.(2)
  16. Use scalpels, scissors, and other ________ instruments carefully and only as instructed.(18)
  17. Stay in your ___________________ area during the lab unless instructed otherwise.(30)
  18. Only use ________ with permission. Do not pour items down the drain unless the teacher has given you permission.(17)
  19. Wear safety ____________ when instructed.(7)
  1. In case of __________________, call the front office at 1363.(28)
  2. Return all ______________ equipment to the proper area.(27)
  3. Do not turn on the _____ jets.(21)
  4. Perform only authorized and approved _______________ (no going rogue).(4)
  5. Report _________________ conditions or broken equipment to the teacher immediately.(25)
  6. Use extreme _______________ when using matches, a burner, or hot plate.(23)
  7. Conduct yourself in a _______________ manner at all times.(1)
  8. Keep hands away from face, ______, and mouth while using science materials.(6)
  9. Follow instructions to dispose of any ____________ material.(10)
  10. Consider all _______________ used in the class to be dangerous.(13)
  11. Do not remove any lab equipment or ________________ out of the classroom without permission.(19)

30 Clues: Do not turn on the _____ jets.(21)Handle all _________________ with care.(20)Wear safety ____________ when instructed.(7)Do not ____ in class during science lab days.(5)Handle all ________________ with care and respect.(14)Always carry a ____________________ with both hands.(15)Return all ______________ equipment to the proper area.(27)...

Cascade MS Science Safety 2023-09-17

Cascade MS Science Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Keep your work area and the science room neat and __________.(8))
  2. Never light matches/burners when gas is on or you ________ gas (rotten eggs).(22)
  3. Please ask ___________________ before touching any equipment, supplies, animals, or other material in the room.(3)
  4. Follow all written and verbal ________________ carefully.(2)
  5. Move slowly and in ______________ during a science activity or lab.(29)
  6. Consider all _______________ used in the class to be dangerous.(13)
  7. Do not ____ in class during science lab days.(5)
  8. Learn where the ______________ equipment is and how to use it.(26)
  9. Conduct yourself in a _______________ manner at all times.(1)
  10. Handle all ________________ with care and respect.(14)
  11. In case of __________________, call the front office at 1363.(28)
  12. Do not remove any lab equipment or ________________ out of the classroom without permission.(19)
  13. Only use ________ with permission. Do not pour items down the drain unless the teacher has given you permission.(17)
  14. Handle all _________________ with care.(20)
  15. Do not put anything into a ___________ unless directed to do so.(24)
  16. Do not turn on the _____ jets.(21)
  1. Return all ______________ equipment to the proper area.(27)
  2. Use extreme _______________ when using matches, a burner, or hot plate.(23)
  3. Perform only authorized and approved _______________ (no going rogue).(4)
  4. Follow instructions to dispose of any ____________ material.(10)
  5. Report _________________ conditions or broken equipment to the teacher immediately.(25)
  6. Stay in your ___________________ area during the lab unless instructed otherwise.(30)
  7. Dress _______________ - long hair should be tied back, no dangling jewelry, no loose or baggy clothing.(12)
  8. Always carry a ____________________ with both hands.(15)
  9. Clean all work areas and __________________ at the end of the experiment.(9)
  10. Use scalpels, scissors, and other ________ instruments carefully and only as instructed.(18)
  11. Keep hands away from face, ______, and mouth while using science materials.(6)
  12. When mixing acid and water, ALWAYS carefully pour the _______ into the water.(16)
  13. Report any ______________ (spill, fire, breakage) and/or injury to the teacher immediately.(11)
  14. Wear safety ____________ when instructed.(7)

30 Clues: Do not turn on the _____ jets.(21)Handle all _________________ with care.(20)Wear safety ____________ when instructed.(7)Do not ____ in class during science lab days.(5)Handle all ________________ with care and respect.(14)Always carry a ____________________ with both hands.(15)Return all ______________ equipment to the proper area.(27)...

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. name of road behind the office
  2. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  3. what is the first variant of Covid
  4. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  5. the person receiving care is known as a
  6. what our EMR system is called. Practice ____
  7. Dr. Russells middle name
  8. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  9. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  1. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for
  2. the "S" in OSHA
  3. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby
  4. what CC stands for _____ complaint
  5. the 4th tab when in a patients chart
  6. the state whre Dr. Russell is from
  7. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  8. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____

17 Clues: the "S" in OSHADr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat is the first variant of Covidwhat CC stands for _____ complaintthe state whre Dr. Russell is fromthe 4th tab when in a patients chartthe person receiving care is known as athe name of our reference lab. Lab ____...

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  2. what CC stands for ____ complaint
  3. the "S" in OSHA
  4. what is the first variant of Covid
  5. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  6. the person receiving care is known as a
  7. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for
  1. what our EMR system is called. ____ Fusion
  2. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  3. what the 2nd tab when in a patients chart
  4. Dr. Russells middle name
  5. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  6. name of road behind the office
  7. the state whre Dr. Russell is from
  8. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  9. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  10. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby

17 Clues: the "S" in OSHADr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat CC stands for ____ complaintthe state whre Dr. Russell is fromwhat is the first variant of Covidthe name of our reference lab. Lab ____the person receiving care is known as a...

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  2. what CC stands for ____ complaint
  3. the "S" in OSHA
  4. what is the first variant of Covid
  5. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  6. the person receiving care is known as a
  7. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for
  1. what our EMR system is called. ____ Fusion
  2. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  3. what the 2nd tab when in a patients chart
  4. Dr. Russells middle name
  5. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  6. name of road behind the office
  7. the state whre Dr. Russell is from
  8. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  9. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  10. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby

17 Clues: the "S" in OSHADr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat CC stands for ____ complaintthe state whre Dr. Russell is fromwhat is the first variant of Covidthe name of our reference lab. Lab ____the person receiving care is known as a...

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  2. what CC stands for ____ complaint
  3. what the "S" in OSHA stands for
  4. what is the first variant of Covid
  5. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  6. the person receiving care is known as a
  7. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for
  1. what our EMR system is called. ____ Fusion
  2. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  3. what the 2nd tab is when in a patients chart
  4. Dr. Russells middle name
  5. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  6. name of road behind the office
  7. the state whre Dr. Russell is from
  8. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  9. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  10. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby

17 Clues: Dr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "S" in OSHA stands forwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat CC stands for ____ complaintthe state whre Dr. Russell is fromwhat is the first variant of Covidthe name of our reference lab. Lab ____the person receiving care is known as a...

Chemistry Safety: General Rules 2013-09-05

Chemistry Safety: General Rules crossword puzzle
  1. Before starting an investigation, tie back ____ or loose clothing.
  2. Listen to all of the ____________ the teacher gives you.
  3. _________ shoes and sandals are not to be worn in the lab.
  4. This must be obtained from your teacher before beginning any investigation.
  5. Who must you inform if you have any allergies, medical conditions, or physical problems that could affect your work in the lab?
  1. Wear glasses instead of _______ lenses.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the _____ symbols to ensure your safety.
  3. These may get caught on equipment or present a hazard when working with a Bunsen burner.
  4. Know the ________ and proper use of the nearest fire extinguisher, fire blanket, fire alarm, first aid kit and eyewash station.
  5. Always wear _______ and a lab coat/apron in the laboratory.
  6. Food, ______, and gum must not be brought into the lab.
  7. Read through all of the _____ in the investigation before beginning.

12 Clues: Wear glasses instead of _______ lenses.Food, ______, and gum must not be brought into the lab.Listen to all of the ____________ the teacher gives you._________ shoes and sandals are not to be worn in the lab.Always wear _______ and a lab coat/apron in the laboratory.Familiarize yourself with the _____ symbols to ensure your safety....

Chemistry Safety: General Rules 2013-09-05

Chemistry Safety: General Rules crossword puzzle
  1. Listen to all of the ____________ the teacher gives you.
  2. Know the ________ and proper use of the nearest fire extinguisher, fire blanket, fire alarm, first aid kit and eyewash station.
  3. Who must you inform if you have any allergies, medical conditions, or physical problems that could affect your work in the lab?
  4. Familiarize yourself with the _____ symbols to ensure your safety.
  5. Read through all of the _____ in the investigation before beginning.
  1. Always wear _______ and a lab coat/apron in the laboratory.
  2. Food, ______, and gum must not be brought into the lab.
  3. This must be obtained from your teacher before beginning any investigation.
  4. These may get caught on equipment or present a hazard when working with a Bunsen burner.
  5. _________ shoes and sandals are not to be worn in the lab.
  6. Wear glasses instead of _______ lenses.
  7. Before starting an investigation, tie back ____ or loose clothing.

12 Clues: Wear glasses instead of _______ lenses.Food, ______, and gum must not be brought into the lab.Listen to all of the ____________ the teacher gives you._________ shoes and sandals are not to be worn in the lab.Always wear _______ and a lab coat/apron in the laboratory.Familiarize yourself with the _____ symbols to ensure your safety....

Chemistry Safety: General Rules (by Ali S, Ali J, Devon, Alex, and Mohammed) 2013-09-05

Chemistry Safety: General Rules (by Ali S, Ali J, Devon, Alex, and Mohammed) crossword puzzle
  1. Before starting an investigation, tie back ____ or loose clothing.
  2. Who must you inform if you have any allergies, medical conditions, or physical problems that could affect your work in the lab?
  3. Listen to all of the ____________ the teacher gives you.
  4. Know the ________ and proper use of the nearest fire extinguisher, fire blanket, fire alarm, first aid kit and eyewash station.
  5. Wear glasses instead of _______ lenses.
  1. These may get caught on equipment or present a hazard when working with a Bunsen burner.
  2. _________ shoes and sandals are not to be worn in the lab.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the _____ symbols to ensure your safety.
  4. Always wear _______ and a lab coat/apron in the laboratory.
  5. Read through all of the _____ in the investigation before beginning.
  6. This must be obtained from your teacher before beginning any investigation.
  7. Food, ______, and gum must not be brought into the lab.

12 Clues: Wear glasses instead of _______ lenses.Food, ______, and gum must not be brought into the lab.Listen to all of the ____________ the teacher gives you._________ shoes and sandals are not to be worn in the lab.Always wear _______ and a lab coat/apron in the laboratory.Before starting an investigation, tie back ____ or loose clothing....


SAFETY EQUIPMENT IN A LAB crossword puzzle
  1. AID KIT
  3. PANTS
  2. SHOES
  3. COAT



SAFETY EQUIPMENT IN A LAB crossword puzzle
  1. AID KIT
  3. PANTS
  2. SHOES
  3. COAT


Introduction to Science 2022-02-09

Introduction to Science crossword puzzle
  1. This symbols warn you that its fumes can cause irritation to your skin, eyes, nose and throat.
  2. This is the S.I. unit of time that is equal to 1/1000s
  3. You can use this to measure volume of liquids.
  4. You use water and do this if any substance gets into your eyes as a first action.
  5. You follow laboratory safety rules as ___________ to prevent harm or injury
  6. This was an ancient methods of measuring time that cannot be used at night.
  7. This substance you disinfect if you accidentally cuts yourself in the lab.
  8. Mass is defined as the amount of ________ in a body.
  9. This is readily available in the lab incase of fire accidents.
  10. You used this apparatus for mixing and heating small amount of chemicals, but not for boiling.
  11. this is only produced by luminous flame because there is not enough oxygen during combustion.
  12. This substance can react violently when heated
  13. This apparatus is used in a process called filtration.
  1. things you use in the lab for doing experiments
  2. A field of study that help you understand things through observation and experiment
  3. If you tamper with this, you might get electrocuted.
  4. This type of flame will occur when you light up a match with a closed air hole.
  5. Weight is affected by ___________.
  6. This symbol can be used in disposable plastic that contain ART kit that has been used because it may contain viruses.
  7. You are recommended to wear this for safety when mixing and heating chemicals
  8. This is abbreviation used for as standard measurement for scientist around the world.
  9. This substance can cause most object to melts away.
  10. This is the main reason why we need to use instruments to measure the different quantity in science.
  11. Without this, bunsen burner will not be able to produce any flame.
  12. You must follow this procedure if uncontrollable fire happens in the lab
  13. This type of balance is more faster accurate than a triple beam balance.
  14. This part of bunsen burner can cause the flame to change their color.
  15. This apparatus help to support and spread heat during heating.

28 Clues: Weight is affected by ___________.You can use this to measure volume of liquids.This substance can react violently when heatedthings you use in the lab for doing experimentsThis substance can cause most object to melts away.If you tamper with this, you might get electrocuted.Mass is defined as the amount of ________ in a body....

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. the state whre Dr. Russell is from
  2. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  3. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  4. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for
  5. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby
  6. the 4th tab when in a patients chart
  7. name of road behind the office
  8. the person receiving care is known as a
  1. the "S" in OSHA
  2. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  3. Dr. Russells middle name
  4. what is the first variant of Covid
  5. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  6. what CC stands for _____ complaint
  7. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  8. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  9. what our EMR system is name. ___ Fusion

17 Clues: the "S" in OSHADr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat is the first variant of Covidthe state whre Dr. Russell is fromwhat CC stands for _____ complaintthe 4th tab when in a patients chartthe name of our reference lab. Lab ____the person receiving care is known as a...

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  2. what CC stands for ____ complaint
  3. what the "S" in OSHA stands for
  4. what is the first variant of Covid
  5. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  6. the person receiving care is known as a
  7. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for
  1. what our EMR system is called. ____ Fusion
  2. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  3. what the 2nd tab when in a patients chart
  4. Dr. Russells middle name
  5. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  6. name of road behind the office
  7. the state whre Dr. Russell is from
  8. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  9. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  10. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby

17 Clues: Dr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "S" in OSHA stands forwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat CC stands for ____ complaintthe state whre Dr. Russell is fromwhat is the first variant of Covidthe name of our reference lab. Lab ____the person receiving care is known as a...

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  2. what CC stands for ____ complaint
  3. what the "S" in OSHA stands for
  4. what is the first variant of Covid
  5. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  6. the person receiving care is known as a
  7. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for
  1. what our EMR system is called. ____ Fusion
  2. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  3. what the 2nd tab is when in a patients chart
  4. Dr. Russells middle name
  5. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  6. name of road behind the office
  7. the state where Dr. Russell is from
  8. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  9. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  10. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby

17 Clues: Dr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "S" in OSHA stands forwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat CC stands for ____ complaintwhat is the first variant of Covidthe state where Dr. Russell is fromthe name of our reference lab. Lab ____the person receiving care is known as a...

Lab safety 2017-08-23

Lab safety crossword puzzle
  1. Never fool around in the lab.__________, practical jokes, and pranks are dangerous
  2. dispose of all _______ properly. never mix chemicals in the sink
  3. Never use your mouth to suction a _______
  4. Never work in the lab without an _____ present
  5. Follow all _______ and Verbal instructions carefully.
  1. When first entering a science room, do not touch an _______, chemicals, or other materials
  2. know the locations and operating procedures of all________ including first aid kit
  3. All chemicals are to be considered ______. Do Not touch, taste or smell
  4. Examine all _______ before each use. never use if it is chipped or cracked
  5. Must be handled with care

10 Clues: Must be handled with careNever use your mouth to suction a _______Never work in the lab without an _____ presentFollow all _______ and Verbal instructions carefully.dispose of all _______ properly. never mix chemicals in the sinkAll chemicals are to be considered ______. Do Not touch, taste or smell...

lab safety 2021-09-14

lab safety crossword puzzle
  1. electrical equipment should never come in contact with
  2. do not pour chemicals down the
  3. use ___ to protect your eyes when using chemicals or flames
  4. if you get something in your eyes, use the
  5. report accidents with broken glass to your ___ immediately
  1. clear paths and do not have your ___ where people may trip over them
  2. do not put anything in your
  3. wear ___ to protect your hands
  4. do not fool around in labs, no ___
  5. pull back long__

10 Clues: pull back long__do not put anything in yourdo not pour chemicals down thewear ___ to protect your handsdo not fool around in labs, no ___if you get something in your eyes, use theelectrical equipment should never come in contact withreport accidents with broken glass to your ___ immediatelyuse ___ to protect your eyes when using chemicals or flames...

Lab Safety 2021-08-30

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. this is the place that you must go if you get any chemicals, dangerous or otherwise, in your eyes.
  2. chemicals used to safely douse fires in the lab
  3. instructions given that must be adhered to
  4. the area in which experiments are carried out.
  1. the place a student will go if they come into contact with any chemicals, dangerous or otherwise.
  2. if you would like to perform an unsanctioned experiment you must ____.
  3. a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared, especially artificially.
  4. you must ____ long hair before any labs
  5. if you have a question for the teacher before ...
  6. one who gives instruction

10 Clues: one who gives instructionyou must ____ long hair before any labsinstructions given that must be adhered tothe area in which experiments are carried out.chemicals used to safely douse fires in the labif you have a question for the teacher before ...if you would like to perform an unsanctioned experiment you must ____....

Lab Safety 2022-09-07

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. glassware size 50-400ml
  2. used to tell temperature of stuff
  3. glass container that can be heated size 125-500ml
  4. can cap off containers
  1. used to support crucible
  2. used to clean containers
  3. equipment that produces a flame
  4. used to protect your eyes
  5. helps poor stuff from bigger container to smaller one
  6. supports containers, three legs

10 Clues: can cap off containersglassware size 50-400mlused to support crucibleused to clean containersused to protect your eyesequipment that produces a flamesupports containers, three legsused to tell temperature of stuffglass container that can be heated size 125-500mlhelps poor stuff from bigger container to smaller one

Lab safety 2022-09-07

Lab safety crossword puzzle
  1. To suffocate fires
  2. Something that puts out a fire
  3. Cleans body
  4. Protects eyes
  5. Things that turn off gas or electicity
  6. Used to hold objects off of the floor
  1. To measure liquids
  2. (abbreviation) A place to take notes
  3. Cleans eyes
  4. Burner Used To heat liquids or objects

10 Clues: Cleans bodyCleans eyesProtects eyesTo measure liquidsTo suffocate firesSomething that puts out a fire(abbreviation) A place to take notesUsed to hold objects off of the floorBurner Used To heat liquids or objectsThings that turn off gas or electicity

lab safety 2022-09-12

lab safety crossword puzzle
  1. to smell chemicals
  2. point test tubes ____ from yourself
  3. always follow ____________ during a lab
  4. used to put out paper fires
  5. _____ your test tubes when done
  6. to get chemicals out of your eyes
  1. do not wear ____ ___ _____ in the lab
  2. to get chemicals of your body
  3. protect your eyes
  4. used to smother fires

10 Clues: protect your eyesto smell chemicalsused to smother firesused to put out paper firesto get chemicals of your body_____ your test tubes when doneto get chemicals out of your eyespoint test tubes ____ from yourselfdo not wear ____ ___ _____ in the labalways follow ____________ during a lab

lab safety 2022-08-31

lab safety crossword puzzle
  1. a unsafe substance
  2. fire__________is used to put out big fires
  3. worn when working with chemicals or a heat source
  4. used when there's a flame or there is chemicals
  5. _____ all equipment to its proper place
  1. I had a ______ when I burned my hand
  2. ____ wash is used when chemicals get in your eyes
  3. I am being ____ when I have gloves and goggles on
  4. must be held in a pony tail
  5. ____ blanket is used to put out small flames

10 Clues: a unsafe substancemust be held in a pony tailI had a ______ when I burned my hand_____ all equipment to its proper placefire__________is used to put out big fires____ blanket is used to put out small flamesused when there's a flame or there is chemicals____ wash is used when chemicals get in your eyes...

Lab Safety 2023-02-03

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. What to look at before doing a lab.
  2. What to do if you need to smell a chemical without injuring yourself.
  3. Ask for ____ if you don’t understand how to use a piece of equipment.
  4. What should you not wear when doing a lab?
  5. Do not _________.
  6. Always work in a well __________ area.
  1. What to wear if doing a lab.
  2. Do not immerse hot glassware in cold water, as it may _______.
  3. What should you do before using glassware?
  4. Your hands must be ___ before removing an electrical plug from a socket.

10 Clues: Do not _________.What to wear if doing a lab.What to look at before doing a lab.Always work in a well __________ area.What should you not wear when doing a lab?What should you do before using glassware?Do not immerse hot glassware in cold water, as it may _______.What to do if you need to smell a chemical without injuring yourself....

Lab Safety 2023-02-03

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. ___ all chemical waste.
  2. you must cover up your.
  3. you must put ____ on your face.
  4. is a hands-on laboratory class.
  5. you must never ____ alone.
  1. always put your ____ up.
  2. What can’t you pick up with broken glass?
  3. when you’re picking up hot things what must you wear?
  4. when your plugging or unplugging you must carefully not to ____ yourself.
  5. what can’t you have dangling around?

10 Clues: ___ all chemical must cover up your.always put your ____ must never ____ must put ____ on your a hands-on laboratory class.what can’t you have dangling around?What can’t you pick up with broken glass?when you’re picking up hot things what must you wear?...

Lab Safety 2023-02-03

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. take only as much _______ as you need
  2. Never use _____ suction to fill a pipet
  3. use a _____ ____ to fill a pipet
  4. ___ must be handled with extreme care.
  5. all chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered _________
  6. do not ___ __ ___ unless specifically instructed to do so
  1. never return unused chemicals to their original ________
  2. handle flammable ________ liquids over a pan to contain spills
  3. check the ___ on chemical bottles twice before removing any of the contents
  4. when transferring reagents from one container to another, hold the containers ____ from your body

10 Clues: use a _____ ____ to fill a pipettake only as much _______ as you need___ must be handled with extreme care.Never use _____ suction to fill a pipetnever return unused chemicals to their original ________do not ___ __ ___ unless specifically instructed to do sohandle flammable ________ liquids over a pan to contain spills...

Lab Safety 2023-01-24

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. to not get distracted
  2. do this to your hands
  3. keeps you safe
  4. can be shattered if not heated properly
  1. eye protection
  2. dangerous elements
  3. do this until the teacher gets there
  4. use for experiments
  5. do this after your done working
  6. moving fumes to your face

10 Clues: eye protectionkeeps you safedangerous elementsuse for experimentsto not get distracteddo this to your handsmoving fumes to your facedo this after your done workingdo this until the teacher gets therecan be shattered if not heated properly

lab safety 2023-08-29

lab safety crossword puzzle
  1. when in doubt, who do you ask for instructions?
  2. never use any broken or chipped what?
  3. do not directly inhale these.
  4. what should you always wear when dealing with glass, heat, or chemicals?
  1. what you do to fumes instead of directly inhaling them?
  2. use extreme care when pouring what?
  3. should be used with chemicals or a flame.
  4. read and follow all of these.
  5. never taste, touch, and what any substance unless you have been instructed to do so.
  6. what you never eat in the laboratory.

10 Clues: read and follow all of not directly inhale these.use extreme care when pouring what?never use any broken or chipped what?what you never eat in the laboratory.should be used with chemicals or a flame.when in doubt, who do you ask for instructions?what you do to fumes instead of directly inhaling them?...

Lab Safety 2023-08-25

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Never ___ in the classroom
  2. Protective Eyewear
  3. Long _____ should be tied back
  4. If your eyes have chemicals in them go to the ________
  5. Don't spill liquids on the ______ cords
  1. Something that protects your hands
  2. Place backpacks ____ the table
  3. Never reach across a ______
  4. When in doubt as your _______ for assistance
  5. Wear an ______ when working with chemicals

10 Clues: Protective EyewearNever ___ in the classroomNever reach across a ______Place backpacks ____ the tableLong _____ should be tied backSomething that protects your handsDon't spill liquids on the ______ cordsWear an ______ when working with chemicalsWhen in doubt as your _______ for assistanceIf your eyes have chemicals in them go to the ________

Lab Safety 2023-09-20

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Tie back loose hair and clothing.Follow instructions from your teacher about lighting and extinguishing flames
  2. Never use electrical equipment around water, or when equipment is wet or your hands are wet. Be sure cords are untangled and cannot trip anyone. Disconnect the equipment when it is not in use
  3. Always direct a sharp edge or point away from yourself and others
  4. Safety Treat live animals with care to avoid harming the animals or yourself. Working with animal parts or preserved animals also may require caution
  1. Avoid touching poisonous plants or plants with thorns. Wash your hands when you are finished with the activity
  2. Chemicals and other used materials must be disposed of safely
  3. When poisonous or unpleasant vapors may be involved, work in a ventilated area. Avoid inhaling vapors directly.Only test an odor when directed to do so by your teacher, and use a wafting motion to direct the vapor toward your nose
  4. do not touch hot objects with your bare hands
  5. handle breakable materials with care
  6. Do not let any poisonous chemical come in contact with your skin, and do not inhale its vapors. Wash your hands when you are finished with the activity

10 Clues: handle breakable materials with caredo not touch hot objects with your bare handsChemicals and other used materials must be disposed of safelyAlways direct a sharp edge or point away from yourself and othersAvoid touching poisonous plants or plants with thorns. Wash your hands when you are finished with the activity...

Lab Safety 2024-01-26

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. keep clear when in the process of doing a lab, so nobody can trip
  2. always check the for cracks before connecting it to the gas valve
  3. go to the when there is big chemical spill, and wash for at least 15 minutes
  4. always use you can handle easily to control chemical distribution
  1. if there are left over chemicals, of them in a separate container
  2. releases a flame, usually used in labs to heat chemicals
  3. when opening a bottled chemical,hold the between your fingers and grab the bottle by the label before pouring
  4. measures temperature
  5. even when wearing glasses, are a necessity in labs to protect the eyes
  6. work with dangerous vapor releasing chemicals from behind a

10 Clues: measures temperaturereleases a flame, usually used in labs to heat chemicalswork with dangerous vapor releasing chemicals from behind aif there are left over chemicals, of them in a separate containerkeep clear when in the process of doing a lab, so nobody can tripalways use you can handle easily to control chemical distribution...

Lab Safety 2024-08-26

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. destroys living tissue
  2. able to cause damage
  3. allows a fuel to burn by providing oxygen
  4. able to cause death
  5. a type of safety wear in a lab
  6. catches fire easily
  1. powerful and dangerous form of energy due to radiation
  2. violent release of energy
  3. threat to environment
  4. risk to human or environment due to biological substance

10 Clues: able to cause deathcatches fire easilyable to cause damagethreat to environmentdestroys living tissueviolent release of energya type of safety wear in a laballows a fuel to burn by providing oxygenpowerful and dangerous form of energy due to radiationrisk to human or environment due to biological substance

Lab Safety 2022-09-13

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. you should always follow these
  2. toxic substances
  3. this shouldn't be eaten
  1. dont chew this
  2. protects us from chemicals
  3. name of ws
  4. soap and water
  5. shouldn't be drinking
  6. dangerous
  7. where to leave

10 Clues: dangerousname of wsdont chew thissoap and waterwhere to leavetoxic substancesshouldn't be drinkingthis shouldn't be eatenprotects us from chemicalsyou should always follow these

Lab Safety 2021-09-23

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. food Never during lab or using computer
  2. Extinguisher A device that sprays chemicals that put out fires. (1 in our classroom)
  3. equipment made of specially treated, fire resistant fabric and used to smother fires ON PEOPLE.
  4. Aid Kit Located on top of shelf by the door
  5. button shuts of all of the gas
  1. around Should never happen during a lab
  2. spills Ask your teacher about proper clean up procedure
  3. Notify the teacher immediately if this happens no matter how minor
  4. Never reach across it
  5. Wash Protective lab device that sprays water into your eyes in order to clean chemicals or irritants from your eyes
  6. Blanket

11 Clues: BlanketNever reach across itbutton shuts of all of the gasaround Should never happen during a labfood Never during lab or using computerAid Kit Located on top of shelf by the doorspills Ask your teacher about proper clean up procedureNotify the teacher immediately if this happens no matter how minor...

Lab Safety 2021-03-08

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. - Put all R______ in the bin
  2. - Put P_____ in the recycling box
  3. - Make sure long hair is T_____ up
  4. - If you burn yourself run your hand under cold W_____
  5. - We always wear safety G______ on our eyes in practical
  1. - Always follow the I_______ for a practical
  2. - Never sniff or taste C_______
  3. - We always must always stay S_______ during a practical
  4. - E_____ and drinking is not allowed in science rooms
  5. - Keep benches clean and T_____

10 Clues: - Put all R______ in the bin- Never sniff or taste C_______- Keep benches clean and T_____- Put P_____ in the recycling box- Make sure long hair is T_____ up- Always follow the I_______ for a practical- E_____ and drinking is not allowed in science rooms- If you burn yourself run your hand under cold W_____...

Lab Safety 2021-08-21

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. It protects your eyes
  2. protects your body from fire
  3. Used to put out fires
  4. Used to check temperature
  1. Used after experiment to clean your body
  2. It protects your hands from hot objects
  3. It protects your body
  4. Used to wash your hands
  5. Used to hold chemicals
  6. The way to safely smell things in the lab

10 Clues: It protects your bodyIt protects your eyesUsed to put out firesUsed to hold chemicalsUsed to wash your handsUsed to check temperatureprotects your body from fireIt protects your hands from hot objectsUsed after experiment to clean your bodyThe way to safely smell things in the lab

Lab Safety 2021-08-24

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. something you should always remember to be
  2. you use this when you have chemicals in your eyes
  3. keep your toes safe from falling objects and glass
  4. you use this to put out a fire on a person
  1. you use this to put chemicals in
  2. keeps your eyes safe from splashing chemicals
  3. these protect your hands
  4. used to keep you safe from spills.
  5. clothes to wear so chemicals don't splash on your legs
  6. the clothes you should wear so they don't get in the way

10 Clues: these protect your handsyou use this to put chemicals inused to keep you safe from spills.something you should always remember to beyou use this to put out a fire on a personkeeps your eyes safe from splashing chemicalsyou use this when you have chemicals in your eyeskeep your toes safe from falling objects and glass...

Lab Safety 2023-01-24

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. to not get distracted
  2. do this to your hands
  3. keeps you safe
  4. can be shattered if not heated properly
  1. eye protection
  2. dangerous elements
  3. do this until the teacher gets there
  4. use for experiments
  5. do this after your done working
  6. moving fumes to your face

10 Clues: eye protectionkeeps you safedangerous elementsuse for experimentsto not get distracteddo this to your handsmoving fumes to your facedo this after your done workingdo this until the teacher gets therecan be shattered if not heated properly

Lab Safety 2023-03-10

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. used to light the Bunsen burner
  2. the middle part of the Bunsen burner
  3. where you hold to pick up the bunsen burner
  4. used to protect the bench from heat
  5. used to create a fire to heat things up
  6. where air flows through to get to the top of the Bunsen burner
  1. used to control the airflow into the Bunsen burner
  2. to protect you from substances getting on you or your clothing
  3. what you attach to the glass tap
  4. what you attach to the rubber tube

10 Clues: used to light the Bunsen burnerwhat you attach to the glass tapwhat you attach to the rubber tubeused to protect the bench from heatthe middle part of the Bunsen burnerused to create a fire to heat things upwhere you hold to pick up the bunsen burnerused to control the airflow into the Bunsen burner...

Lab Safety 2013-08-22

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. A tool used to carefully transfer liquids.
  2. A tool used to keep a liquid contained.
  3. Help protect your hands.
  4. Help protect your eyes.
  5. Who you tell if something breaks or goes wrong.
  1. How to act during a lab or disecton.
  2. Used to put a fire out and is only used by the teacher.
  3. Used to smother a fire and is only used by the teacher.
  4. The direction that you should aim anything that could be considered dangerous from you and your group.
  5. Help protect your clothes and your body.

10 Clues: Help protect your eyes.Help protect your hands.How to act during a lab or disecton.A tool used to keep a liquid contained.Help protect your clothes and your body.A tool used to carefully transfer liquids.Who you tell if something breaks or goes wrong.Used to put a fire out and is only used by the teacher....

Lab Safety 2023-08-30

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. When there is an accident what should you do?
  2. What your desk should be throughout the lab
  3. something Ms. Yancey will not tolerate during a lab
  4. the thing you put your backpack under on lab days
  1. the way you smell chemicals
  2. something you put around you to keep stuff from splashing you
  3. you put these on when using chemicals and boiling water
  4. what the Bunsen burner should be after you use it
  5. something you roll up during a lab
  6. Never use this equipment

10 Clues: Never use this equipmentthe way you smell chemicalssomething you roll up during a labWhat your desk should be throughout the labWhen there is an accident what should you do?what the Bunsen burner should be after you use itthe thing you put your backpack under on lab dayssomething Ms. Yancey will not tolerate during a lab...

Lab Safety 2024-07-01

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. This is used to clear a path to an exit if there is a fire. Two words.
  2. This is worn to protect your arms and body from chemicals. Two words.
  3. These should be worn on your feet to be the safest in lab. Three words.
  4. These are worn to protect your hands from chemicals.
  5. If you spill chemicals on your body you must use this. Two words.
  1. This contains items for injuries like bandages. Three words
  2. These are worn to protect your eyes from chemicals. Two words.
  3. If something breaks, you should tell a ________.
  4. If you get chemicals in your eyes, you must flush them with water for 15 minutes using this. Three words.
  5. Long hair should be _____ ______.

10 Clues: Long hair should be _____ ______.If something breaks, you should tell a ________.These are worn to protect your hands from chemicals.This contains items for injuries like bandages. Three wordsThese are worn to protect your eyes from chemicals. Two words.If you spill chemicals on your body you must use this. Two words....

lab safety 2024-08-19

lab safety crossword puzzle
  1. ____________ all accidents to the teacher
  2. always ask ________ before touching things in the lab.
  3. no joking around or _________ during a lab.
  4. be ________ to everyone and everything.
  5. ________ before leaving the lab.
  1. in case of a fire there will always be a ___________ somewhere near by.
  2. dispose of lab __________ properly.
  3. if __________ get into your eyes use the eye washing station immediately.
  4. never _____ chemicals!
  5. do not put anything in the ______ except water.

10 Clues: never _____ chemicals!________ before leaving the lab.dispose of lab __________ ________ to everyone and everything.____________ all accidents to the teacherno joking around or _________ during a not put anything in the ______ except water.always ask ________ before touching things in the lab....

Lab Safety Rules and Equipment 2021-08-25

Lab Safety Rules and Equipment crossword puzzle
  1. Do not leave active or running experiments ______, especially an open flame.
  2. If something breaks, does not work as it should, or is damaged, immediately notify your ______.
  3. Equipment that helps to protect your eyes.
  4. A kit that includes items like bandages, ointments, and tweezers.
  5. A piece of equipment that is used to smother fires, potentially on people.
  6. What you should know about all safety equipment in the lab, along with how to use these pieces of equipment.
  7. It is recommended that you use this station if your skin is exposed to hazardous chemicals.
  8. Make sure to follow all ______, written or verbally given by your instructor.
  9. A station designed to flush the eye of chemicals.
  1. You should never work ____ in the laboratory- wait for your instructor.
  2. You should avoid this type of contact with chemicals.
  3. A piece of equipment that uses the PASS system and helps to put out fires.
  4. Equipment worn on the hands to protect them from chemicals.
  5. You should never ___ or drink in a lab.
  6. You should _____ all accidents, such as things breaking, equipment malfunctioning, etc. to your instructor.
  7. In the case of broken glass, do not pick it up with your hands. Instead, use _____.
  8. All shoes worn in the lab should be __ toed shoes.
  9. All long hair must be ____ up during a lab.
  10. A piece of equipment that is worn to protect your skin and clothes.
  11. How (in what state) you should keep your work area at all times.

20 Clues: You should never ___ or drink in a lab.Equipment that helps to protect your eyes.All long hair must be ____ up during a lab.A station designed to flush the eye of chemicals.All shoes worn in the lab should be __ toed shoes.You should avoid this type of contact with chemicals.Equipment worn on the hands to protect them from chemicals....

Science Review! 2021-09-28

Science Review! crossword puzzle
  1. _______ spreads out to fill up containers of different sizes and shapes.
  2. A ______ ball has a greater mass than a balloon.
  3. A _____ can be used to separate seeds in orange juice.
  4. A student can add _____ to a sand sample to create a mixture.
  5. Tell the ______ immediately if a student breaks a glass thermometer in the lab.
  6. You are able to separate paper clips from a mixture using a _______.
  7. The combination of two or more substances the keep their own properties creates a ______.
  8. ____ is a way that a solution can be separated into parts.
  9. ________ take up the shape of a container when it moved from one to the other.
  1. The matter in a _____ cannot be separated.
  2. A __________ measures the temperature.
  3. The states of matter are _______, liquid, and gas.
  4. A balance _______ is a tool students use to measure the mass of a rock.
  5. Students wear safety goggles to protect their ____ when investigating properties of sand.
  6. A safety contract is a list of _____ that keep scientist safe.
  7. A magnet can attract/pick up things made of ____.
  8. Keep _____ and drinks away while doing investigations in the Science lab.
  9. A ______ physical characteristics are small, furry, soft, and gray.
  10. A ______ spoon can float in water.

19 Clues: A ______ spoon can float in water.A __________ measures the temperature.The matter in a _____ cannot be separated.A ______ ball has a greater mass than a balloon.A magnet can attract/pick up things made of ____.The states of matter are _______, liquid, and gas.A _____ can be used to separate seeds in orange juice....

TJC Puzzle 2017-08-02

TJC Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Rescue, alarm, contain, extinguish
  2. Procedure completed to ensure right patient, right site, right procedure
  3. Unexpected incident
  4. Record of yearly training
  5. Precautions used for all patients
  6. Privacy and confidentiality
  7. Length of time product needs to be visibly wet on surface
  8. Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep
  9. Place for employee drinks
  10. System to document errors,injuries or incidents
  11. Expiration 28 days after opening
  12. Dirty or discard linen go in ...
  13. Dr. Red
  1. Flushing of eyes
  2. Safety initiative
  3. CLIA Lab Director for POCT
  4. Right patient, right sight, right procedure
  5. Inches required for all items from ceiling
  6. Cleaner for counter tops
  7. Expiration 30 days after opening
  8. Ensure safety of equipment
  9. Cleaner for toys
  10. Solution to wash hands for extended contact precautions
  11. Inches required for items off floor

24 Clues: Dr. RedFlushing of eyesCleaner for toysSafety initiativeUnexpected incidentCleaner for counter topsRecord of yearly trainingPull, aim, squeeze, sweepPlace for employee drinksEnsure safety of equipmentCLIA Lab Director for POCTPrivacy and confidentialityExpiration 30 days after openingExpiration 28 days after openingDirty or discard linen go in ......

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  2. the state whre Dr. Russell is from
  3. name of road behind the office
  4. what our EMR system is called. ____ Fusion
  5. the "S" in OSHA
  6. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  7. what the 2nd tab when in a patients chart
  8. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  1. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  2. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for
  3. Dr. Russells middle name
  4. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  5. the person receiving care is known as a
  6. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  7. what CC stands for Chief ______
  8. what is the first variant of Covid
  9. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby

17 Clues: the "S" in OSHADr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat CC stands for Chief ______what the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forthe state whre Dr. Russell is fromwhat is the first variant of Covidthe person receiving care is known as athe name of our reference lab. Lab ____what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby...

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby
  2. what virus is omicron
  3. the person receiving care is known as a
  4. what our EMR system is called. ____ Fusion
  5. what the 2nd tab is when in a patients chart
  6. what the "S" in OSHA stands for
  7. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  8. name of road behind the office
  1. Dr. Russells middle name
  2. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  3. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  4. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  5. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  6. what is the first variant of Covid
  7. what CC stands for ____ complaint
  8. the state whre Dr. Russell is from
  9. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  10. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for

18 Clues: what virus is omicronDr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat the "S" in OSHA stands forwhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat CC stands for ____ complaintwhat is the first variant of Covidthe state whre Dr. Russell is fromthe name of our reference lab. Lab ____the person receiving care is known as a...

science lab 2015-04-01

science lab crossword puzzle
  1. extinguisher safety equipment used when in the labatory
  2. coats used to wear when in science lab
  3. tiny microorganisms
  4. dishes devices used to contain the bacteria
  1. bright pink bacteria
  2. food that feeds the bacteria
  3. shower used to flood the lab when someone is hit by an acid.

7 Clues: tiny microorganismsbright pink bacteriafood that feeds the bacteriacoats used to wear when in science labdishes devices used to contain the bacteriaextinguisher safety equipment used when in the labatoryshower used to flood the lab when someone is hit by an acid.

Family Medical Center 2022-03-10

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  2. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  3. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  4. what is the first variant of Covid
  5. what the 2nd tab is when in a patients chart
  6. what our EMR system is called. ____ Fusion
  7. the state where Dr. Russell is from
  8. Dr. Russells middle name
  9. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  1. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for
  2. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  3. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  4. name of road behind the office
  5. what the "S" in OSHA stands for
  6. what CC stands for ____ complaint
  7. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby
  8. what Omicron is considered
  9. the person receiving care is known as a

18 Clues: Dr. Russells middle namewhat Omicron is consideredname of road behind the officewhat the "S" in OSHA stands forwhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat CC stands for ____ complaintwhat is the first variant of Covidthe state where Dr. Russell is fromthe name of our reference lab. Lab ____...

Science 9 Crossword 2016-09-20

Science 9 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an educated guess
  2. one of the four safety rules
  3. proper face to smell a substance
  4. what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment
  5. causes burns to skin, eyes, lungs, clothes and metal.
  6. may cause it's container to explode if heated or dropped
  7. A circle containing a skull and crossbones is the WHMIS symbol for?
  8. a substance that burns at room temperature or burns if heated above room temperature
  9. a substance that gives off oxygen to help other substances burn
  10. Workplace hazardous materials information system
  1. can burn or explode if heated
  2. a variable that is manipulated to determine the value of a dependent variable
  3. materials caising toxic effects
  4. any infectious materials including blood,urine and saliva
  5. always use a _____ to clean up broken glass
  6. remember to do this when you have finish your lab
  7. put it over someone if a part of their body catches on fire.
  8. any part of the experiment that is subjet to change
  9. this part of your lab requires a god deal of thinking and writing and should be at least half a page
  10. where you state the objectives for the lab
  11. a danger or risk
  12. A circle containing a flaming “O” is the WHMIS symbol for?
  13. should always be worn while doing a lab
  14. something that is not being tested, for it's being used in comparison

24 Clues: a danger or riskan educated guessone of the four safety rulescan burn or explode if heatedmaterials caising toxic effectsproper face to smell a substanceshould always be worn while doing a labwhere you state the objectives for the labalways use a _____ to clean up broken glassWorkplace hazardous materials information system...

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  2. what CC stands for ____ complaint
  3. what the "S" in OSHA stands for
  4. what is the first variant of Covid
  5. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  6. the person receiving care is known as a
  7. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for
  1. what our EMR system is called. ____ Fusion
  2. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  3. what the 2nd tab is when in a patients chart
  4. Dr. Russells middle name
  5. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  6. name of road behind the office
  7. the state whre Dr. Russell is from
  8. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  9. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  10. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby

17 Clues: Dr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "S" in OSHA stands forwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat CC stands for ____ complaintthe state whre Dr. Russell is fromwhat is the first variant of Covidthe name of our reference lab. Lab ____the person receiving care is known as a...

Culinary Vocabulary Chapters 2 2013-09-19

Culinary Vocabulary Chapters 2 crossword puzzle
  1. diagram of movements of things in complex systems
  2. make clean and hygienic
  3. lab where analysis is done on a computer generated model
  4. multiple sickness from common food
  5. guidelines to follow for a food safety plan
  6. safety limits which control measures must achieve
  7. water that may be consumed by humans
  8. growth of minute fungi associated with decay
  9. situation involving exposure to danger
  10. foods capable of growing infectious bacteria
  11. microorganisms that cause disease
  12. temperature range which foodborne bacteria can grow
  13. environmentally friendly approach to pest management
  14. official responsible for public health
  15. organism that lives on a host to take its nutrients
  16. free from dirt and is not contaminated
  17. accumulation of soft metals that poison the body
  18. measure of free moisture in food
  1. sickness from consumption of contaminated food
  2. detailed cleaning schedule that tells when, how, and who will clean
  3. transfer of bacteria from one food to another
  4. FDA seafood inspection program
  5. danger or risk
  6. the spoiling of food by toxic substances
  7. point at which food safety hazard can be prevented
  8. steps needed to transform raw materials into manufactured food products
  9. microscopic organism such as fungus
  10. rule that states that food should be used in the order it is delivered
  11. poisonous substance produced in living cells
  12. type of fungus used in baking to make dough rise
  13. small infectious agent inside living cells
  14. expresses acidity or alkalinity of a solution

32 Clues: danger or riskmake clean and hygienicFDA seafood inspection programmeasure of free moisture in foodmicroorganisms that cause diseasemultiple sickness from common foodmicroscopic organism such as funguswater that may be consumed by humanssituation involving exposure to dangerofficial responsible for public health...

TJC Puzzle 2017-08-02

TJC Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Procedure completed to ensure right patient, right site, right procedure
  2. Expiration 30 days after opening
  3. Ensure safety of equipment
  4. Safety initiative
  5. Privacy and confidentiality
  6. Length of time product needs to be visibly wet on surface
  7. Dr. Red
  8. Place for employee drinks
  9. Unexpected incident
  10. Cleaner for counter tops
  11. Precautions used for all patients
  12. Rescue, alarm, contain, extinguish
  1. Inches required for all items from ceiling
  2. Dirty or discard linen go in ...
  3. Record of yearly training
  4. Flushing of eyes
  5. Solution to wash hands for extended contact precautions
  6. Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep
  7. Inches required for items off floor
  8. CLIA Lab Director for POCT
  9. Right patient, right sight, right procedure
  10. Expiration 28 days after opening
  11. Cleaner for toys
  12. System to document errors,injuries or incidents

24 Clues: Dr. RedFlushing of eyesCleaner for toysSafety initiativeUnexpected incidentCleaner for counter topsRecord of yearly trainingPull, aim, squeeze, sweepPlace for employee drinksEnsure safety of equipmentPrivacy and confidentialityCLIA Lab Director for POCTExpiration 30 days after openingDirty or discard linen go in ...Expiration 28 days after opening...

Family Medical Center 2022-03-09

Family Medical Center crossword puzzle
  1. what is the middle name of Kaitlins baby
  2. what virus is omicron
  3. the person receiving care is known as a
  4. what our EMR system is called. ____ Fusion
  5. what the 2nd tab is when in a patients chart
  6. what the "S" in OSHA stands for
  7. what the "M" stands for in MSDS
  8. name of road behind the office
  1. Dr. Russells middle name
  2. name of most recently hired employee at FMC
  3. what staff does to determine if pt needs to be seen
  4. the name of our reference lab. Lab ____
  5. temps, blood pressure and pulse are referred to as
  6. what is the first variant of Covid
  7. what CC stands for ____ complaint
  8. the state where Dr. Russell is from
  9. the legal first name of our referral clerk
  10. what the "I" in HIPAA stands for

18 Clues: what virus is omicronDr. Russells middle namename of road behind the officewhat the "S" in OSHA stands forwhat the "M" stands for in MSDSwhat the "I" in HIPAA stands forwhat CC stands for ____ complaintwhat is the first variant of Covidthe state where Dr. Russell is fromthe name of our reference lab. Lab ____the person receiving care is known as a...

Mod5Top1 Crossword 2023-07-03

Mod5Top1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wear a life ______ before going on a boat
  2. Water should ideally be at a _______ PH
  3. A person should always be aware of their ___________
  4. You should always wear a ______ when riding a motorcycle
  5. What you are when you drink proper amounts of water
  6. A stretching or tearing of ligaments
  7. Lift with your ____ to avoid injuries.
  8. Safety ____ is one of the most integral parts of being safe during an activity
  9. A term to describe lack of water in your system
  1. When working with electricity avoid _____
  2. Pay attention while you're driving otherwise you may get in a car _______
  3. Avoid swimming during rain or a ____________
  4. You should look ____ ways before crossing a street
  5. Make sure to wear safety _______ when working in a lab
  6. A term to describe protection from danger and risk
  7. You should use bug _____ before going on a camping trip

16 Clues: A stretching or tearing of ligamentsLift with your ____ to avoid injuries.Water should ideally be at a _______ PHWhen working with electricity avoid _____Wear a life ______ before going on a boatAvoid swimming during rain or a ____________A term to describe lack of water in your systemYou should look ____ ways before crossing a street...

Power Words Cross Word 2014-09-29

Power Words Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. Stick
  2. Method
  3. Safety
  1. Cylinder
  2. Composition
  3. Hardness Scale
  4. Beam Balance

7 Clues: StickMethodSafetyCylinderCompositionBeam BalanceHardness Scale

STARt with Safety! 2017-10-11

STARt with Safety! crossword puzzle
  1. The Error Prevention Tool we use when we see a situation we believe compromises safety, so we question and raise a concern
  2. Means of safely and effectively handing off responsibility to another person
  3. Regarding “inconsequential” errors as a danger signal and an opportunity to intervene, preventing errors that haven’t occurred, AND quickly dealing with those that have
  4. Developing capabilities to detect, contain and bounce-back from adverse events that do occur
  5. Safety Coach in Chemistry
  6. occurs when a patient experiences serious harm or death in the course of clinical care due to our failure to follow best practice
  7. Safety Coach in Molecular Genetics
  8. Safety Coach in Core
  9. Giving decision making to the person with the most related knowledge and expertise
  10. Seattle Children's goal is to eliminate _____ harm
  11. When we stop and question something, we must review, resolve, and reassess actions
  12. Safety Coach in Histology
  13. When you question something and fact check the information for accuracy
  14. Use this Error Prevention Tool to organize information in a concise manner for effective communication
  15. In the event of a fire in your area, you should RACE( ____, Activate, Confine, Extinguish/Evacuate)
  16. your coworkers who act as ‘super users’ of error prevention tools and provide real-time, peer-to-peer feedback about the use of these tools and safety behaviors in your work area.
  1. The Error Prevention Tool tool we use to internally pause and think/review a lab result, patient name, etc
  2. Paying attention to what’s actually happening on the front line
  3. Use this tool to ensure information was relayed correctly to the receiving party
  4. Encouraging diversity in experience, perspective and opinion.
  5. Organizations with safety systems in place and that are exceptionally consistent in accomplishing goals and avoiding potentially catastrophic errors.
  6. Seven tools that are useful in minimizing mistakes and preventing harm
  7. Safety Coach in Microbiology
  8. online tool used to report issues that affect patient care and the safety of our patients, families, visitors and staff
  9. Number of Serious Safety Events (SSE’s) in FY2017

25 Clues: Safety Coach in CoreSafety Coach in ChemistrySafety Coach in HistologySafety Coach in MicrobiologySafety Coach in Molecular GeneticsNumber of Serious Safety Events (SSE’s) in FY2017Seattle Children's goal is to eliminate _____ harmEncouraging diversity in experience, perspective and opinion....

Science 9 Crossword 2016-09-20

Science 9 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a substance that burns at room temperature or burns if heated above room temperature
  2. something that is not being tested, for it's being used in comparison
  3. a danger or risk
  4. any infectious materials including blood,urine and saliva
  5. can burn or explode if heated
  6. a substance that gives off oxygen to help other substances burn
  7. put it over someone if a part of their body catches on fire.
  8. a variable that is manipulated to determine the value of a dependent variable
  9. always use a _____ to clean up broken glass
  10. an educated guess
  11. remember to do this when you have finish your lab
  12. A circle containing a skull and crossbones is the WHMIS symbol for?
  13. materials caising toxic effects
  14. any part of the experiment that is subjet to change
  1. what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment
  2. may cause it's container to explode if heated or dropped
  3. A circle containing a flaming “O” is the WHMIS symbol for?
  4. causes burns to skin, eyes, lungs, clothes and metal.
  5. Workplace hazardous materials information system
  6. proper face to smell a substance
  7. this part of your lab requires a god deal of thinking and writing and should be at least half a page
  8. should always be worn while doing a lab
  9. where you state the objectives for the lab
  10. one of the four safety rules

24 Clues: a danger or riskan educated guessone of the four safety rulescan burn or explode if heatedmaterials caising toxic effectsproper face to smell a substanceshould always be worn while doing a labwhere you state the objectives for the labalways use a _____ to clean up broken glassWorkplace hazardous materials information system...

Donepezil 2021-10-27

Donepezil crossword puzzle
  1. Regulates memory by boosting _
  2. Educate patient this is not a _
  3. FDA approved to treat this disease
  4. Brand Name
  5. Starting Dose
  6. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss
  7. Increase to 10 mg in 4-6 weeks
  8. To avoid withdrawal, _
  9. Primary target symptom
  10. Maximum Dose
  1. Take in the morning to counteract _
  2. Drug class is _ Inhibitor
  3. Asthma or COPD
  4. Best augmentation
  5. Monitor for Bradycardia
  6. Required lab monitoring
  7. Enhances _ abilities
  8. no efficacy or safety reports in _

18 Clues: Brand NameMaximum DoseStarting DoseAsthma or COPDBest augmentationEnhances _ abilitiesTo avoid withdrawal, _Primary target symptomMonitor for BradycardiaRequired lab monitoringDrug class is _ InhibitorRegulates memory by boosting _Increase to 10 mg in 4-6 weeksEducate patient this is not a _FDA approved to treat this disease...

Lab Safety/ Equipment 2023-01-04

Lab Safety/ Equipment crossword puzzle
  1. Holding,mixing, heating small amounts of a chemical.
  2. Googles, apron, gloves, long hair pulled back/long sleeves rolled up, and closed-toed shoes are all considered _______lab clothing.
  3. Used to pick up objects too small to be handled by hand.
  4. Protect eyes from chemical or projectile
  5. Used to rinse skin in case of a chemical spill.
  6. Used to put out fires.
  7. Used to measure distance.
  1. Used to pour the material into small-mouthed containers without spilling.
  2. Used to transfer a small amount of liquid.
  3. Used to accurately measure the volume of a liquid.
  4. Used to magnify small samples.
  5. Simple container for stirring, mixing, and heating liquids.
  6. Used to flush eyes of irritants.
  7. Used to measure mass.
  8. Slanted sides and narrow neck.

15 Clues: Used to measure mass.Used to put out fires.Used to measure distance.Used to magnify small samples.Slanted sides and narrow neck.Used to flush eyes of irritants.Protect eyes from chemical or projectileUsed to transfer a small amount of liquid.Used to rinse skin in case of a chemical spill.Used to accurately measure the volume of a liquid....

Lab Safety 2022-09-19

Lab Safety crossword puzzle
  1. shower
  2. aid kit
  3. cabinets
  4. data sheet
  5. fume hood
  1. blanket
  2. goggles
  3. extinguisher
  4. wash station
  5. apron

10 Clues: apronshowerblanketgogglesaid kitcabinetsfume hooddata sheetextinguisherwash station

Lab Crossword 2017-04-21

Lab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. More of this type of sample is received on the Environmental Organic section than any other
  2. These critters are tested from a unit 30 bottle in drinking water, using media
  3. This chemical has the formula HNO3
  4. This process requires the use of Methylene Chloride to pull out analytes from sediments or water
  5. This solvent has a molar mass of 84.93 g/mol
  6. Supplier of gas tanks to the lab
  1. This new type of air monitoring promises to hit the lab with increased sample loads
  2. This instrument used on the first floor changed its name after high pressure due to safety concerns
  3. Handles the labs recycling needs with a smile
  4. This is another goal everyone in the lab strives to achieve for valid results (How many times you can hit the same point on a dart board)
  5. This measures the clarity of water samples in units NTU's
  6. This is one goal everyone in the lab strives to achieve (How closely you can hit the target on a dart board)
  7. Department you work for
  8. This is the manufacturer of the fume hoods, also a popular Broadway play featuring raps about history
  9. This solvent has the chemical formula C6H14

15 Clues: Department you work forSupplier of gas tanks to the labThis chemical has the formula HNO3This solvent has the chemical formula C6H14This solvent has a molar mass of 84.93 g/molHandles the labs recycling needs with a smileThis measures the clarity of water samples in units NTU's...

FPAHC lab week 2016-04-25

FPAHC lab week crossword puzzle
  1. Cruises the world
  2. Ultimate hair twirler in lab
  3. Lab chemistry analyzer
  4. Darth Vader
  5. optical instrument
  6. Measures electical activity of Heart
  7. new home owner in lab
  8. lab computer system
  9. Squeezes arm for pressure
  10. employee retiring soon
  11. Clorox queen of lab
  12. owns beetle bug green
  13. parent of 2 valedictorians
  14. orders most UAs
  15. Lab Regulatory Agency
  16. lab emp who makes beautiful stained glass
  1. Fatty Liver Test
  2. teaches exercise class
  3. Baseball dad times 2
  4. listens to heart beat
  5. most contagious laugh in lab
  6. the art of drawing blood
  7. Ironman
  8. needle
  9. lab emp who is surgeon fav
  10. Test that checks for abdominal pain
  11. Bride to be
  12. Lab emp with long blonde hair
  13. Blood count test
  14. Electronic Medical Record
  15. Scuba Diver

31 Clues: needleIronmanDarth VaderBride to beScuba Diverorders most UAsFatty Liver TestBlood count testCruises the worldoptical instrumentlab computer systemClorox queen of labBaseball dad times 2listens to heart beatnew home owner in labowns beetle bug greenLab Regulatory Agencyteaches exercise classLab chemistry analyzeremployee retiring soon...

Unit Test Crossword 2016-09-20

Unit Test Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what is a safety precaution to use when you have long hair?
  2. where should you pull an electrical cord from when unplugging it?
  3. used to mix liquids in container
  4. where should you go if you have stuff in your eyes
  5. Provides info on the safe use of hazardous materials?
  6. what is 1 of the symbols for WHMIS that starts with an O?
  7. a material that can burn or light on fire
  8. Even if you have glasses, what safety precaution do you still have to take when doing a lab?
  9. what is a safety hazard the involves fooling around?
  10. the variable that changes on its own
  1. used for observation of hazardous chemicals to insure safe ventilation
  2. Information involving numbers
  3. the variable that the scientist changes
  4. used to mix and swirl liquids without spilling
  5. observation not involving numbers
  6. a method of procedure
  7. the variables that stay the same
  8. The observation and question of the scientific method
  9. to carry or hold test tubes
  10. used to carefully put liquids in another container

20 Clues: a method of procedureto carry or hold test tubesInformation involving numbersused to mix liquids in containerthe variables that stay the sameobservation not involving numbersthe variable that changes on its ownthe variable that the scientist changesa material that can burn or light on fireused to mix and swirl liquids without spilling...

Science 2013-04-02

Science crossword puzzle
  1. Safety glasses used to protect the eyes in the Lab.
  2. The place in which we do experimental work.
  3. The study of chemicals and their reactions.
  1. A device used for measuring temperature.
  2. Being safe.
  3. A lab equipment used to put liquids on it.

6 Clues: Being safe.A device used for measuring temperature.A lab equipment used to put liquids on it.The place in which we do experimental work.The study of chemicals and their reactions.Safety glasses used to protect the eyes in the Lab.

Health and Safety 2023-10-23

Health and Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Electricity will flow through the machine and shock you without a ___?
  2. The number one cause of stair accidents is___?
  3. What is the most common accident?
  4. Stress causes___?
  5. What muscle you should use when lifting objects?
  6. You must never ______ in the Lab.
  1. Safety is a ________ you make.
  2. Carry loads of __________ size.
  3. What is the most severe eye problem in working with monitors?
  4. ______ is no accident.

10 Clues: Stress causes___?______ is no accident.Safety is a ________ you make.Carry loads of __________ size.What is the most common accident?You must never ______ in the Lab.The number one cause of stair accidents is___?What muscle you should use when lifting objects?What is the most severe eye problem in working with monitors?...

Lab Safety & Equipment 2024-09-13

Lab Safety & Equipment crossword puzzle
  1. This equipment holds bandages, wipes, etc.
  2. You should wear goggles anytime you work with heat, glassware, or ______.
  3. Chemicals are only accessible in the _______ by the xib fwb.
  4. Anyone with long hair should always have their ________.
  5. Sandals are not allowed in science class but _________ are.
  6. Always point the _______ away from people.
  7. Even if you have your own prescription glasses, you must wear this equipment during lab.
  8. No practical jokes or _________ allowed!
  1. Use this equipment to cover someone else who is on fire.
  2. Any used chemical that cannot go down the sink must be place in a ______.
  3. Never let the __________ be lit unattended.
  4. Use this equipment wash out chemical or broken glassware for 15 minutes.
  5. There are two of these in the classroom. Use these to leave the room if there is an emergency.
  6. Use this equipment to put out fire on items such as tables or books.
  7. Report all injuries and ________ to the xib fwb immediately.

15 Clues: No practical jokes or _________ allowed!This equipment holds bandages, wipes, etc.Always point the _______ away from people.Never let the __________ be lit unattended.Use this equipment to cover someone else who is on fire.Anyone with long hair should always have their ________.Sandals are not allowed in science class but _________ are....

Lab Crossword 2017-04-21

Lab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This is one goal everyone in the lab strives to achieve (How closely you can hit the target on a dart board)
  2. This measures the clarity of water samples in units NTU's
  3. This instrument used on the first floor changed its name after high pressure due to safety concerns
  4. Handles the labs recycling needs with a smile
  5. More of this type of sample is received on the Environmental Organic section than any other
  6. Department you work for
  7. This new type of air monitoring promises to hit the lab with increased sample loads
  1. These critters are tested from a unit 30 bottle in drinking water, using media
  2. This is the manufacturer of the fume hoods, also a popular Broadway play featuring raps about history
  3. This solvent has a molar mass of 84.93 g/mol
  4. This chemical has the formula HNO3
  5. This is another goal everyone in the lab strives to achieve for valid results (How many times you can hit the same point on a dart board)
  6. This process requires the use of Methylene Chloride to pull out analytes from sediments or water
  7. This solvent has the chemical formula C6H14
  8. Supplier of gas tanks to the lab

15 Clues: Department you work forSupplier of gas tanks to the labThis chemical has the formula HNO3This solvent has the chemical formula C6H14This solvent has a molar mass of 84.93 g/molHandles the labs recycling needs with a smileThis measures the clarity of water samples in units NTU's...

Unit 0: Intro to Science 2023-09-06

Unit 0: Intro to Science crossword puzzle
  1. used to remove toxic fumes from the environment
  2. used for the disposal of broken (or nonbroken) glass
  3. The study of life
  4. the factor you measure
  5. The factor you change
  6. an act or instance of noticing or perceiving
  7. a tentative scientific explanation that can be explored further
  1. an experiment conducted under controlled conditions with a control group for comparison
  2. experimental group kept close to normal conditions
  3. piece of safety equipment primarily used when a person is on fire
  4. what you should NEVER do in a lab!
  5. used to protect the eyes during a lab
  6. a logical interpretation based on what scientists already know
  7. used if chemicals enter the eyes

14 Clues: The study of lifeThe factor you changethe factor you measureused if chemicals enter the eyeswhat you should NEVER do in a lab!used to protect the eyes during a laban act or instance of noticing or perceivingused to remove toxic fumes from the environmentexperimental group kept close to normal conditions...

Sustainabiliaty 2019-08-20

Sustainabiliaty crossword puzzle
  1. no go tell
  2. not human
  3. different season
  4. needs water and sun
  5. keep safe
  1. earth clean
  2. works in a lab
  3. out side

8 Clues: out sidenot humankeep safeno go tellearth cleanworks in a labdifferent seasonneeds water and sun

AGED First Week of School 2022-09-02

AGED First Week of School crossword puzzle
  1. 30% of your grade comes from this of work (one word)
  2. what is rule number 3 of laboratory safety? (2 words)
  3. Blanket What is in the red box under the Gators Poster?
  4. What extra supply is in the white box next to the sink?
  5. 15% of you grade comes from this type of work (one word)
  6. what is rule number 5 of laboratory safety? (2 words)
  7. What is the acronym for rule number 2 of laboratory safety? (3 letter abbreviation)
  8. rule number 4 in Mr. Davenport's Class (two words)
  9. rule number 1 in Mr. Davenport's Class (two words)
  10. 25% of your grade comes from this of work (one word)
  11. What shape should a group of students from in the hallways of SCM? (one word)
  12. 20% of you grade comes from this type of work (one word)
  1. rule number 2 in Mr. Davenport's Class (two words)
  2. what is rule number 1 of laboratory safety? (3 words)
  3. What side of our hallways do we walk on? (one word)
  4. rule number 5 in Mr. Davenport's Class (two words)
  5. these are the type of shoes worn in lab or green house setting (3 words)
  6. rule number 3 in Mr. Davenport's Class (two words)
  7. what is rule number 4 of laboratory safety? (2 words)
  8. What adjective should describe a group of students in the hallways of SCM? (one word)
  9. What Marvel Comics team is on the student supply cabinent?

21 Clues: rule number 2 in Mr. Davenport's Class (two words)rule number 5 in Mr. Davenport's Class (two words)rule number 3 in Mr. Davenport's Class (two words)rule number 4 in Mr. Davenport's Class (two words)rule number 1 in Mr. Davenport's Class (two words)What side of our hallways do we walk on? (one word)...

Lab equipment* 2018-09-29

Lab equipment* crossword puzzle
  1. wooden rack that is used to hold the test tubes
  2. latex gloves that are used to protect the users hands
  3. mettalic pliers with two prongs that is used to hold a specific object
  4. piece of black plastic that is used to seal the test tubes
  1. cylindrical tube used to test chemical reactions
  2. a generally white cloth that is used to protect the users entire body
  3. thick plastic glasses that are used to protect the users eyes
  4. Mettalic bar with a rectangle base that is used to hold the clamp
  5. cylindrical bottle with a straw that is used to clean the lab equipment
  6. conical piece of metal used to pour something without spilling it

10 Clues: wooden rack that is used to hold the test tubescylindrical tube used to test chemical reactionslatex gloves that are used to protect the users handspiece of black plastic that is used to seal the test tubesthick plastic glasses that are used to protect the users eyesMettalic bar with a rectangle base that is used to hold the clamp...

Acids and Bases 2023-05-15

Acids and Bases crossword puzzle
  1. the acid that fire ants sting with
  2. the chemical name for vinegar
  3. Bases that will dissolve in water
  4. pH value greater than 7
  5. a hazard with a lable of a hand been 'eaten away'
  6. The word that describes a solid that will dissolve
  7. pH value less than 7
  1. a hazard that will case severe itching and can leave a red mark
  2. the acid with the formula HCl
  3. Removing water will make the acids more............
  4. the acid found in citrus fruits
  5. If you add water to an acid you will ...... it
  6. worn in the lab to protect clothes
  7. glasses used to protect your eyes in the lab
  8. For example water, pH value of exactly 7
  9. what do do if you get acid on your skin

16 Clues: pH value less than 7pH value greater than 7the acid with the formula HClthe chemical name for vinegarthe acid found in citrus fruitsBases that will dissolve in waterthe acid that fire ants sting withworn in the lab to protect clotheswhat do do if you get acid on your skinFor example water, pH value of exactly 7...

Science 2022-05-04

Science crossword puzzle
  1. provides controlled conditions to work in
  2. hot
  3. substance that results from a combination
  4. small
  5. made up of individual atoms
  6. a type of substance
  1. flame visible
  2. substance that cannot be decomposed
  3. combining two substances
  4. defined shape and volume

10 Clues: hotsmallflame visiblea type of substancecombining two substancesdefined shape and volumemade up of individual atomssubstance that cannot be decomposedprovides controlled conditions to work insubstance that results from a combination

Safety and Equipment 2021-09-07

Safety and Equipment crossword puzzle
  1. Secure loose or dangling _________ before beginning a lab.
  2. watch your __________ when dealing with chemicals
  3. If a chemical comes into contact with your eyes, wash them for at least ____________ minutes.
  4. Never _________ any liquid while in the lab, unless specifically instructed to do so by your teacher.
  5. you should always ________ the day's experiment before you begin, paying close to safety issues.
  6. used to measure large volumes of liquid
  7. Don't wear ___________ in the laboratory, closed-toe shoes are the best to wear.
  8. used to transfer liquid from one container to another
  9. Wearing this will protect your clothes.
  10. Secure loose or dangling _________ before beginning a lab.
  1. What should you be wearing on your face during a lab?
  2. Used to heat things up
  3. Used to pour liquids through a small opening
  4. we have to keep our eyes open for 10-15 seconds on this, so we can drain the chemicals out.
  5. used to determine a smaller , lighter object mass
  6. _______ one chemical with another can be dangerous. Never do so unless the textbook or your teacher has specifically asked you too.

16 Clues: Used to heat things upused to measure large volumes of liquidWearing this will protect your clothes.Used to pour liquids through a small openingwatch your __________ when dealing with chemicalsused to determine a smaller , lighter object massWhat should you be wearing on your face during a lab?used to transfer liquid from one container to another...

SI UNITS, Energy 2024-05-22

SI UNITS, Energy crossword puzzle
  1. This is the type of energy that is found within bonds
  2. The SI unit for Time
  3. The SI Unit for Length
  4. The ability to do work
  5. This is defined as a push or pull
  6. The law of __?___ of energy states that energy is neither created nor destroyed...
  7. This is the type of energy that causes vibration
  8. This is how much space an object occupies
  1. This is the way someone should conduct themselves in a lab to avoid any incidents
  2. The SI Unit for the Amount of a Substance
  3. The SI Unit for Current
  4. This is how heavy a substance is
  5. The SI Unit for Temperature
  6. The SI Unit for mass

14 Clues: The SI unit for TimeThe SI Unit for massThe SI Unit for LengthThe ability to do workThe SI Unit for CurrentThe SI Unit for TemperatureThis is how heavy a substance isThis is defined as a push or pullThe SI Unit for the Amount of a SubstanceThis is how much space an object occupiesThis is the type of energy that causes vibration...

Scientific method 2020-09-14

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. Breakthrough
  2. Protection from danger
  3. Process
  4. Methods of science
  1. A test to figure out a hypothesis
  2. An educated guess
  3. Experiment room
  4. To learn

8 Clues: ProcessTo learnBreakthroughExperiment roomAn educated guessMethods of scienceProtection from dangerA test to figure out a hypothesis

ANMC Blood Culture Collection 2024-05-07

ANMC Blood Culture Collection crossword puzzle
  1. not the perferred method to obtain blood for cultures
  2. use this to prep bottle tops and allow to air dry
  3. do not do this after skin antisepsis
  4. never attempt this or force blood into bottles
  5. attach to syringe to transfer blood to bottles
  6. preferred venipuncture for blood cultures
  7. transport temperature to lab
  1. type of needle used in pediatrics
  2. antisepsis product to clean
  3. label bottles accurately at bedside
  4. place cultures in this type of bag to send to lab
  5. 2 safety check to include MRN,DOB, patient name
  6. diagnostic test used by clinicians
  7. technique to reduce risk of contamination
  8. do not use these needles to transfer blood to bottles
  9. staff that play a vital role in obtaining cultures safely
  10. scrub skin with this back and forth for 30 seconds

17 Clues: antisepsis product to cleantransport temperature to labtype of needle used in pediatricsdiagnostic test used by clinicianslabel bottles accurately at bedsidedo not do this after skin antisepsistechnique to reduce risk of contaminationpreferred venipuncture for blood culturesnever attempt this or force blood into bottles...

lab safety agreement Victor. R 2022-08-17

lab safety agreement Victor. R crossword puzzle
  1. do not use damaged electrical _________.
  2. all ________ are to be considered dangerous.
  3. never remove chemicals or other ________ from the lab.
  4. hot and cold _____ looks the same.
  5. never handle ______ glass with bare hands.
  6. never ________ flammable liquids over an open flame.
  7. dispose of all chemical ______ properly.
  8. must be tied back.
  9. don't immerse if hot, it may shatter.
  10. must be worn when heat, glassware, or chemicals are in use.
  11. when _______ thermometers are broken notify the instructor immediately, it must not be touched.
  12. never leave a lit ______ unattended.
  13. must be handled with care and diluted with water.
  14. when using _______ point tips and point downward.
  1. no ____-____ shoes in the lab.
  2. must be put away if dangling.
  3. handle __________ liquids over a pan to contain spills.
  4. fill with distilled water only.
  5. they are provided and should be worn in the lab.
  6. can be worn with adequate safety gear.
  7. heated ______ and remain hot for a long time.
  8. carry in a vertical poistion.
  9. always work in a well-__________ area.
  10. check the _____ twice on chemical bottles before use.
  11. do not eat _____, drink beverages, or chew gum.
  12. when transporting hold away from your body.
  13. never look into a _________ that is being heated.

27 Clues: must be tied back.must be put away if dangling.carry in a vertical ____-____ shoes in the lab.fill with distilled water and cold _____ looks the same.never leave a lit ______ unattended.don't immerse if hot, it may shatter.can be worn with adequate safety gear.always work in a well-__________ area....

alky 1 2024-07-29

alky 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Low strength acid
  2. TK1 Lab Unit
  3. P53 task
  4. 35 dryier regin medimum
  5. P56 product
  6. safety interlock system
  7. Destroyed in V13
  8. Old side circulation pump
  9. acid knock out level
  10. Effluent recycle
  11. bodly enter, limited egress, not designed
  12. Most important
  13. controls pressure on contactors
  14. welding on in service equipment
  15. Audible Visual and
  16. Type of wash for V34
  17. Change to procedure
  18. Caustic contactor type
  1. heat medium for E3
  2. AE
  3. Operations business Lead
  4. water removal
  5. exchanger monthly RDC
  6. splitter final product
  7. RGP usage
  8. Main desired feed
  9. Used to cool equipment
  10. Type of meter
  11. contactor cleaning
  12. Acid
  13. Reaction with distillation
  14. V1 unit
  15. combining of molecules
  16. P87 low flow
  17. blue plastic break away ties
  18. Brown sample bottle
  19. electrostatic precipitator
  20. Why we back flush
  21. rod out low point
  22. OE
  23. monthly task manager

41 Clues: AEOEAcidV1 unitP53 taskRGP usageP56 productTK1 Lab UnitP87 low flowwater removalType of meterMost importantDestroyed in V13Effluent recycleLow strength acidMain desired feedWhy we back flushrod out low pointheat medium for E3contactor cleaningAudible Visual andBrown sample bottleChange to procedureacid knock out levelType of wash for V34...

Evan's Safety Crossword 2015-10-08

Evan's Safety Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Needs to be out of the way if in a lab
  2. Must be worn during lab
  3. You should not be chewing this in lab
  4. You need to ___ the instructions in lab
  5. The wash bottle should be filled with ___ water
  6. Dispose of chemicals ___
  7. Must be worn around your clothing during lab
  8. Never try to grab these ___ instruments falling
  9. You should not ___ lab equipment from the lab area
  10. Never ___ directly into a test tube
  11. You should ___ glass ware before you use it
  1. Never work ___
  2. Protects your eyes
  3. Must be ___ in the lab
  4. You should be this in lab
  5. When you remove the electrical plug from an outlet grab it by the ___
  6. You should ___ an accident to Mr. Wells
  7. Should be handled with extreme care
  8. It is bad to ___ chemicals
  9. Never handle broken ___ with your bare hands

20 Clues: Never work ___Protects your eyesMust be ___ in the labMust be worn during labDispose of chemicals ___You should be this in labIt is bad to ___ chemicalsShould be handled with extreme careNever ___ directly into a test tubeYou should not be chewing this in labNeeds to be out of the way if in a labYou need to ___ the instructions in lab...

FPAHC lab week 2016-04-25

FPAHC lab week crossword puzzle
  1. Test measures electrical activity of Heart
  2. Lab emp who owns beetle bug green
  3. needle
  4. This lab emp has long blonde hair
  5. lab computer system
  6. Instrument squeezes arm for pressure
  7. Electronic Medical Record
  8. This phys is a Scuba Diver
  9. new home owner emp in lab
  10. This phys is a baseball dad times 2
  11. Lab chemistry analyzer
  12. Clorox queen of lab
  13. Clinic Bride to be
  14. Blood count test
  15. This phys cruises the world
  1. The Ultimate hair twirler in lab
  2. Test that checks for abdominal pain
  3. Fatty Liver Test
  4. This phys orders most UAs
  5. This lab emp is surgeon fav
  6. An optical instrument
  7. the art of drawing blood
  8. He is an IRONMAN
  9. This instrument listens to heart beat
  10. Clinic employee retiring soon
  11. This phys is the REAL Darth Vader
  12. This phys teaches exercise class
  13. This phys is parent of 2 valedictorians
  14. Lab Regulatory Agency
  15. Has most contagious laugh in lab
  16. This lab emp makes beautiful stained glass

31 Clues: needleFatty Liver TestHe is an IRONMANBlood count testClinic Bride to belab computer systemClorox queen of labAn optical instrumentLab Regulatory AgencyLab chemistry analyzerthe art of drawing bloodThis phys orders most UAsElectronic Medical Recordnew home owner emp in labThis phys is a Scuba DiverThis lab emp is surgeon fav...

Mia's amazing crossword puzzel 2024-08-19

Mia's amazing crossword puzzel crossword puzzle
  1. no goofing around, known as _____
  2. a ____ is used when you need to suck bad chemicals from the air
  3. wear ___ clothing when in lab
  4. You use ____ when you need to protect your eyes
  5. The ____ station is on the Safety shower
  1. when you spill chemicals you immediately tell the ___
  2. no ___ or drinks allowed in lab
  3. When something catches on fire or clothing you use this item
  4. The ____ kit helps clean spilt chemicals
  5. box used to place broken glass in

10 Clues: wear ___ clothing when in labno ___ or drinks allowed in labno goofing around, known as _____box used to place broken glass inThe ____ kit helps clean spilt chemicalsThe ____ station is on the Safety showerYou use ____ when you need to protect your eyeswhen you spill chemicals you immediately tell the ___...

Chem Safety Lab 2024-02-01

Chem Safety Lab crossword puzzle
  1. Clothing Material that when caught in fire, melts onto skin
  2. Should be kept clear when working
  3. Number of minutes you should rinse your eye at the eyewash station
  4. To measure and transfer small amounts of liquid
  5. What to do if a chemical gets on skin
  6. What you should check your glassware for before conducting an experiment
  1. Rings and ____ should be removed before working with chemicals
  2. Protective eyewear worn in the lab
  3. If you catch fire Stop,___, and roll
  4. Used to measure the volume of liquids
  5. Number of fire extinguishers located in the classroom
  6. Used to Heat Substances during experiments
  7. Add___ to water, never reverse
  8. Container used to hold, mix, and heat liquids.

14 Clues: Add___ to water, never reverseShould be kept clear when workingProtective eyewear worn in the labIf you catch fire Stop,___, and rollUsed to measure the volume of liquidsWhat to do if a chemical gets on skinUsed to Heat Substances during experimentsContainer used to hold, mix, and heat liquids.To measure and transfer small amounts of liquid...

Lab Expectations 2024-02-06

Lab Expectations crossword puzzle
  1. Lab groups will be created by Mrs. Francom and changed _____________.
  2. If a student misses lab they must _______ pictures of completing the lab at home to mrs. francom.
  3. what you should read every day prior to completing the lab.
  4. The amount of labs that can be missed with no consequence.
  5. What you will sign prior to starting labs.
  6. How many times you can take the starter quiz.
  7. The job in the kitchens that is mainly responsible for doing dishes.
  8. Fill in the sentence: Cooking & ____________ are BOTH part of lab and you will do BOTH at some point.
  9. Something that will NOT be allowed in the kitchens unless permission is granted.
  10. The quiz you need to take at the beginning of lab each day.
  11. I grade lab evaluations based off of your ___________.
  1. How your lab evaluation will be graded each time.
  2. The main part of your lab grade
  3. what you will complete at the end of every lab.
  4. Class ______________ still apply even in lab.
  5. A task you will be assigned every day as part of lab.
  6. One part of your lab grade is respectful use of ____________________.
  7. The part of your grade that labs will go on.
  8. The person who is mainly in charge of the cooking in lab for the day.

19 Clues: The main part of your lab gradeWhat you will sign prior to starting labs.The part of your grade that labs will go on.Class ______________ still apply even in lab.How many times you can take the starter quiz.what you will complete at the end of every lab.How your lab evaluation will be graded each time....

IPC DCA Review Day 3 2022-10-04

IPC DCA Review Day 3 crossword puzzle
  1. one stick on a stick diagram represents __ shared valence electrons when showing bonding
  2. argon has ___ electrons
  3. the color on the visible light spectrum with the most energy
  4. a digital scale in the lab measures __
  5. the larger number at the bottom of a periodic table tile is called the __ mass
  6. when there is an __in the lab, first thing you do is TELL THE TEACHER!
  7. the radius of an atom gets __ as you move down a group because the number or orbitals for electrons gets larger
  8. argon has _____ valence electrons
  9. a graduated cylinder in the lab measures __
  10. argon has twenty-two___
  11. when reading a graduated cylinder, you always read the number at the bottom of the curve, the ____
  12. the family that always reacts with alkali metals
  13. the __ metals are the most reactive family
  1. the __ rule says that all elements (except hydrogen) want 8 valence electrons, that’s why bonding occurs!
  2. a general section of the periodic table that can have properties of metals (like luster) and non-metals (like being brittle)
  3. the smaller number at the top of a periodic table tile is called the atomic __
  4. broken __ is the number one cause of lab injuries in the chemistry lab
  5. the noble gases are ___, which means they NEVER bond with anything! They are non-reactive
  6. the 2,8,8 rule tells us how many electrons go on each ring of a __ model
  7. look on the board, the blue line is the length of fifty point __ inches
  8. the electrons that are only on the outer orbital are called __ electrons
  9. the fire extinguisher is for when the fire is large and you can’t get close, the FIRST thing you have to do to use it is pull the ___ so that you can push the two parts of the handle together
  10. Neon (Ne) has ____ protons
  11. look on he board, what type of measuring device is being shown?
  12. when an electron goes back down to its __ state after being heated, it emits a photon of light
  13. part of lab safety equipment that is use to protect your eyes

26 Clues: argon has ___ electronsargon has twenty-two___Neon (Ne) has ____ protonsargon has _____ valence electronsa digital scale in the lab measures __the __ metals are the most reactive familya graduated cylinder in the lab measures __the family that always reacts with alkali metalsthe color on the visible light spectrum with the most energy...

Safety for Classwork 2022-08-25

Safety for Classwork crossword puzzle
  1. Tiny accessories that need to be confined during a lab.
  2. I will stay ____ during class work.
  3. I will keep flames away from ____ liquids.
  4. I will put _____ in my mouth while working at the lab.
  1. I will know the locations and operation ______ of all safety equipment.
  2. I will distribute heat ____ along test tubes white pointing the open mouth away from anyone nearby.
  3. Something one would wear to protect their eyes
  4. I will keep my lab table _____ and free of clutter.
  5. A way to move the air around when a strange odor arises.
  6. I will not put solids in the sink under any condition.

10 Clues: I will stay ____ during class work.I will keep flames away from ____ liquids.Something one would wear to protect their eyesI will keep my lab table _____ and free of clutter.I will not put solids in the sink under any condition.I will put _____ in my mouth while working at the lab.Tiny accessories that need to be confined during a lab....

Science Safety 2022-09-16

Science Safety crossword puzzle
  1. wear these to protect your hands from chemicals
  2. Wear these to protect your eyes from heat, fire, and chemicals
  3. Don't wear inappropriate versions of this ensure safety
  4. avoid this to keep calm and order throughout the lab
  5. Use this to put out fires by spraying the base.
  1. Doing this will make sure everyone inside the lab including you stays safe.
  2. If this breaks make sure to alert teacher and let them clean it up
  3. Use this to get chemicals off your skin
  4. Use this to get chemicals out of your eyes
  5. avoid doing this in the lab to make sure you don't congest any harmful things

10 Clues: Use this to get chemicals off your skinUse this to get chemicals out of your eyeswear these to protect your hands from chemicalsUse this to put out fires by spraying the base.avoid this to keep calm and order throughout the labDon't wear inappropriate versions of this ensure safetyWear these to protect your eyes from heat, fire, and chemicals...

Laboratory Safety 2024-02-20

Laboratory Safety crossword puzzle
  1. Something that poses a danger or risk (6)
  2. A sudden and urgent situation requiring immediate action (9)
  3. A place where scientific experiments and research are conducted (9)
  4. aid Immediate assistance provided for injuries or emergencies (4,3)
  5. coat Protective garment worn by in the laboratory(3,4)
  6. Hand protection worn in the laboratory (6)
  1. The tools and utensils used in the lab (8)
  2. Be careful! (7)
  3. How we prevent accidents or injuries (6)
  4. Eye protection worn in a science experiment (7)
  5. Accidental release of liquid, often requiring cleanup (5)

11 Clues: Be careful! (7)How we prevent accidents or injuries (6)Something that poses a danger or risk (6)The tools and utensils used in the lab (8)Hand protection worn in the laboratory (6)Eye protection worn in a science experiment (7)coat Protective garment worn by in the laboratory(3,4)Accidental release of liquid, often requiring cleanup (5)...

Mia's outstanding Crossword Puzzel 2024-08-20

Mia's outstanding Crossword Puzzel crossword puzzle
  1. wear ____ clothing in the lab.
  2. No ____ or drinks allowed in lab.
  3. When a object is on fire you use the _____ to put it out
  4. You tell the ____ if something spills.
  5. ____ Has Guazes, Band- Aids, and medicine in it.
  1. When glass spills, you put it in the ______
  2. The ____ station is located on the safety shower.
  3. No fooling around, also known as _____
  4. The _____ kit is used when chemicals spill.
  5. The ____ sucks in all the chemicals throughout the air.

10 Clues: wear ____ clothing in the lab.No ____ or drinks allowed in lab.No fooling around, also known as _____You tell the ____ if something spills.When glass spills, you put it in the ______The _____ kit is used when chemicals spill.____ Has Guazes, Band- Aids, and medicine in it.The ____ station is located on the safety shower....

lab week 2016 (GHA) 2016-04-24

lab week 2016 (GHA) crossword puzzle


Chemistry Class Syllabus Scavenger Hunt 2023-09-10

Chemistry Class Syllabus Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. The third item on the Course Materials List
  2. the amount of points taken off per each day an assignment is late
  3. Graded based on class engagement, do-nows, and classwork
  4. True or False: Retakes are allowed and will happen
  5. If you place your phone into your numbered pocket, you can earn _____ points
  6. You will be signing a lab _____ contract and taking a lab ____ quiz in order to prepare for experiments and
  7. If you get below this on an exam or quiz you are allowed to retake it
  8. How often you will have quizzes
  1. _____ hours are time after school to ask the teacher about any confusing topics or assignments
  2. You have to get this syllabus ______ by your guardian and turn it back in to your teacher
  3. Your teacher's name
  4. The kind of notebook you need for lab reports
  5. Students must be _______ and completing the do now when the bell rings and class begins
  6. _____ Should not be out during class
  7. If you are absent due to a school function you are expected to get your assignments _____ to your leave and complete by original due date
  8. The unit covering Chemical Reactions and Quantities and & Nuclear Processes
  9. True or False: To retake a test or quiz you do not need to come to office hours
  10. The science prerequisite for chemistry
  11. Homework is to be turned in during the first _____ minutes of class
  12. _____ Is graded on a scale of 0-4 and effort will be required
  13. Exams and lab reports both affect ____ grades

21 Clues: Your teacher's nameHow often you will have quizzes_____ Should not be out during classThe science prerequisite for chemistryThe third item on the Course Materials ListThe kind of notebook you need for lab reportsExams and lab reports both affect ____ gradesTrue or False: Retakes are allowed and will happen...

Electronics Laboratory II Crossword 2021-09-12

Electronics Laboratory II Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Responsible for converting human-readable code into binary for programing languages like MATLAB [compiler]
  2. Electronic way of communicating with course instructor [email]
  3. Required for returning to campus and protects against COVID-19 [vaccination]
  4. Name which groups circuit parts such as resistors, capacitors, potentiometers, and more [component]
  5. Mode in Multisim which can emulate real-life conditions of a generated circuit within the software [simulation]
  6. One of the final sections within the laboratory report which includes any sources used within the report [references]
  7. mode on the Analog Discovery for generating waveforms [wavegen]
  8. A draft lab report that must always be completed and submitted before the start of the laboratory work being completed that day [pre-lab]
  9. A network of electrical components and is typically created within the electronics laboratory [circuit]
  10. Must be taken for every circuit constructed within the lab [photo]
  11. A type of waveform which can be generated by a function generator (is smooth and periodic) [sinewave]
  12. The sound which an instrument can make and can be enabled or disabled (the sound a DMM makes when performing a continuity check) [beep]
  13. A data structure found within many programing languages including MATLAB [array]
  14. Model for the function generator typically found within the electronics laboratory (manufactured by Tektronix) [afg1022]
  15. A programing language used in lab for calculations, generating graphs and plots, and more [matlab]
  16. part of national instruments and maker of the analog discovery kit [digilent]
  17. Copying another student's work and submitting it as your own [plagiarism]
  18. A manufacturer of laboratory equipment such as oscilloscopes (equipment type used within the lab) [tektronix]
  19. Should be worn while using a soldering iron [glasses]
  20. A synonym for hazard and is something which is avoided within the laboratory [danger]
  21. A section within the laboratory report which details an overview of the completed lab [summary]
  22. A component responsible for protecting a circuit from exceeding a set amount of current [fuse]
  23. Is an option for controlling an instrument in the lab without the use of the front panel [remote]
  24. This refers to the structure and formatting found within many programing language like MATLAB [syntax]
  25. mode on the Analog Discovery for measuring waveforms [scope]
  26. One of the final sections of the laboratory report which briefly describes the results of the completed lab [conclusion]
  27. Helps to neatly organize collected measurements within a lab notebook and its associated report [table]
  28. Type of cable which is typically used with function generators and oscilloscopes [bnc]
  1. A document which describes and summarizes the laboratory completed at the time [report]
  2. The opposite of AC and is a type of signal which can also be created on a function generator [dc]
  3. Required and is taken at every laboratory meeting an during lectures [attendance]
  4. Writing utensil required for writing within laboratory notebooks [pen]
  5. Also not allowed within the electronics lab along with eating food [drinking]
  6. The typical format used within laboratory reports for citing sources [ieee]
  7. The number of channels found typically on power supplies and function generators [two]
  8. Used to take measurements on an oscilloscope [cursors]
  9. Prohibited within any laboratory environment and also isn't allowed with drinking in the lab [eating]
  10. The online website used for grading and assignment submission [blackboard]
  11. Can automatically adjust the waveform to clearly display it on the device's screen [autoset]
  12. Software used for generating schematics [multisim]
  13. The associated software for the analog discovery kit [waveforms]
  14. An abbreviation for the Analog Discovery [adk]
  15. An abbreviation for the company which makes equipment and software such as Multisim [ni]
  16. Can be plotted using the MATLAB programing language [graphs]
  17. Part of every oscilloscope and enables the measured waveform to be clearly displayed on the device's screen [trigger]
  18. An image of the oscilloscope's captured waveform and can be moved to a USB storage device [screenshot]
  19. Alternative (and shorter) format for laboratory reports [condensed]
  20. The only operating system compatible with the software Multisim [windows]
  21. Type of instruction sent to an instrument when controlling it remotely [command]
  22. Required within every laboratory and helps to prevent any possible injury [safety]
  23. The abbreviation typically used of the electrical and computer engineering department and their associated courses [eece]

51 Clues: An abbreviation for the Analog Discovery [adk]Software used for generating schematics [multisim]Should be worn while using a soldering iron [glasses]Used to take measurements on an oscilloscope [cursors]Can be plotted using the MATLAB programing language [graphs]mode on the Analog Discovery for measuring waveforms [scope]...

Syllabus 2022-08-25

Syllabus crossword puzzle
  1. __________ is worth 10% of your grade
  2. Any assignment turned in after the due date or the arranged due date will lose 10% for __________ it is late
  3. One of the supplies you will need for my class this year
  4. Students are given a handout with the procedures they are __________ to follow
  5. __________ is the most important part of a lab
  6. All students will __________ the poster and it will be hung up for them to see all year.
  1. Students who are not in the classroom prepared to work before the bell rings will be marked ___________
  2. Students will receive a __________ for a first offense in the lab
  3. Students will have the number of days they were absent plus __________ to make-up any missing classwork
  4. Students will be __________ from the lab or a second offense and receive a zero on the lab
  5. Students will be graded on their ability to show the skills listed in the ____________ standards

11 Clues: __________ is worth 10% of your grade__________ is the most important part of a labOne of the supplies you will need for my class this yearStudents will receive a __________ for a first offense in the labStudents are given a handout with the procedures they are __________ to follow...