love Crossword Puzzles

Love 2024-07-17

Love crossword puzzle
  1. Nome da minha avó paterna
  2. Sítio onde fomos comer fora pela primeira vez
  3. Um dos apelidos que me costumas chamar
  4. O que fizemos da primeira vez que cozinhamos juntos
  5. Primeiros artistas a que assistimos um concerto juntos
  6. Primeiro filme que vimos juntos
  1. Dia em que começamos a falar
  2. Música que ouvíamos constantemente a caminho do trabalho
  3. Música que nos faz lembrar um do outro
  4. As sapatilhas que usei pela primeira vez quando fui ter contigo

10 Clues: Nome da minha avó paternaDia em que começamos a falarPrimeiro filme que vimos juntosUm dos apelidos que me costumas chamarMúsica que nos faz lembrar um do outroSítio onde fomos comer fora pela primeira vezO que fizemos da primeira vez que cozinhamos juntosPrimeiros artistas a que assistimos um concerto juntos...

LOVE 2024-06-05

LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of jewelry often exchanged during a wedding ceremony.
  2. /Two people who are in a romantic relationship.
  3. ceremony where two people are united in marriage.
  4. /Going out with someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested.
  5. /The state of being happy
  6. / The legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship.
  7. /A group consisting of parents and their children.
  1. The way in which two or more people are connected.
  2. / The date on which an event took place in a previous year.
  3. /A close and supportive relationship between two people.

10 Clues: /The state of being happy/Two people who are in a romantic relationship.ceremony where two people are united in marriage.The way in which two or more people are connected./A group consisting of parents and their children./A close and supportive relationship between two people./ The date on which an event took place in a previous year....

Love 2025-01-17

Love crossword puzzle
  1. The state where their story began
  2. The class where they connected
  3. Their loyal pup with a floral name
  4. The unbreakable bond Chase and Emily share
  5. The national park where Chase popped the question
  1. The state they now call home
  2. Years they have loved each other
  3. Their dreamy honeymoon destination
  4. The friend who introduced Chase and Emily
  5. The feline who rules their home

10 Clues: The state they now call homeThe class where they connectedThe feline who rules their homeYears they have loved each otherThe state where their story beganTheir dreamy honeymoon destinationTheir loyal pup with a floral nameThe friend who introduced Chase and EmilyThe unbreakable bond Chase and Emily share...

Love 2025-01-17

Love crossword puzzle
  1. The state where their story began
  2. The class where they connected
  3. Their loyal pup with a floral name
  4. The unbreakable bond Chase and Emily share
  5. The national park where Chase popped the question
  1. The state they now call home
  2. Years they have loved each other
  3. Their dreamy honeymoon destination
  4. The friend who introduced Chase and Emily
  5. The feline who rules their home

10 Clues: The state they now call homeThe class where they connectedThe feline who rules their homeYears they have loved each otherThe state where their story beganTheir dreamy honeymoon destinationTheir loyal pup with a floral nameThe friend who introduced Chase and EmilyThe unbreakable bond Chase and Emily share...

Christian Love 2021-01-19

Christian Love crossword puzzle
  1. showing fondness
  2. taking care of yourself
  3. no conditions
  4. wants attention
  5. becoming addicted to something
  6. a relationship of mutual affection between people
  7. an obsession
  1. not feeling dedication
  2. excellent; delightful
  3. lasts forever
  4. "friends with benefits" hookups
  5. free from outside control; not depending on another's authority
  6. expressing a playful sexual attraction
  7. activities connected with physical attraction or intimate physical contact between individuals.
  8. feeling dedication
  9. tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement
  10. contingent on or determined by

17 Clues: an obsessionlasts foreverno conditionswants attentionshowing fondnessfeeling dedicationexcellent; delightfulnot feeling dedicationtaking care of yourselfbecoming addicted to somethingcontingent on or determined by"friends with benefits" hookupsexpressing a playful sexual attractiontending to arouse sexual desire or excitement...

love/hate 2023-11-06

love/hate crossword puzzle
  1. to feel blue
  2. to feel angry
  3. to strongly dislike something
  4. to be tired of something
  5. associated with love (valentines day)
  6. to enjoy something
  7. someone who constantly needs something
  8. to like something
  9. something that can be loved easily
  10. to feel cloudy
  1. to feel sorry for
  2. to love something
  3. to love something
  4. something that you love to do because it is (blank
  5. to feel mad
  6. to fell bad for
  7. in a happy mood
  8. good mindset

18 Clues: to feel madto feel bluegood mindsetto feel angryto feel cloudyto fell bad forin a happy moodto feel sorry forto love somethingto love somethingto like somethingto enjoy somethingto be tired of somethingto strongly dislike somethingsomething that can be loved easilyassociated with love (valentines day)someone who constantly needs something...

Our love 2024-02-01

Our love crossword puzzle
  1. Pareil
  2. Ce que nous sommes
  3. L'animal préféré de ta maman, et sûrement de to
  4. Ce que j'aurai peut être un jour avec beaucoup de chances parce que je suis une grosse merguez
  5. Notre dessert préféré !
  6. Un de nos rêves, que nous réaliserons si la distance ne nous kill pas
  7. Quand je viens chez toi, au bout de deux jours y'en a plus
  8. Une expression qui nous définit totalement
  9. Notre livre
  1. Un de nos rêve, à faire ensemble ou non (de préférence si un jour quand même)
  2. Ce qu'il faudrait qu'on aille refaire parce que c'est génial et que j'adore voir ton regard trop fier sur moi
  3. Notre passé temps favori ensemble
  4. Ce que l'on veut se faire à chaque fois que l'on se voit ou ce que l'on aurait envie de faire à chaque fois que l'on pense à nous !
  5. Un des trucs que tu me fais tout le temps pour "exprimer ton amour" mais que je surkiffe
  6. Ce que j'espère je ne serai pas tout de suite mdr
  7. Une de nos sensations quand on est ensemble
  8. L'onomatopé que nous faisons H24

17 Clues: PareilNotre livreCe que nous sommesNotre dessert préféré !L'onomatopé que nous faisons H24Notre passé temps favori ensembleUne expression qui nous définit totalementUne de nos sensations quand on est ensembleL'animal préféré de ta maman, et sûrement de toCe que j'espère je ne serai pas tout de suite mdr...

Love & ValentinesDay 2023-02-13

Love & ValentinesDay crossword puzzle
  1. To talk with someone over
  2. God of love
  3. Ring, necklace, bracelet
  4. Two people in romance
  5. Flowers,red, romantic
  6. Woman who is getting married
  7. Man who is getting married
  8. it's sweet, eat it at weddings
  9. ____ on the cheek
  10. Sign/symbol of love
  11. Present or a _ _ _ _
  1. Brown,sweet, eat it
  2. When couple go to marry
  3. You put write it&put in a box
  4. Most famous love couple
  5. It goes in an envelope
  6. A secret love/sympathy

17 Clues: God of love____ on the cheekBrown,sweet, eat itSign/symbol of lovePresent or a _ _ _ _Two people in romanceFlowers,red, romanticIt goes in an envelopeA secret love/sympathyWhen couple go to marryMost famous love coupleRing, necklace, braceletMan who is getting marriedWoman who is getting marriedYou put write it&put in a box...

Love you 2024-10-16

Love you crossword puzzle
  1. my best singer
  2. the movie of first world day
  3. the hotel of our marriage
  4. the month when we first met
  5. the first place we have slept together
  6. activity we did with our kids
  7. what is my first car in canada
  8. nick name your honey producer
  1. our first fight was for
  2. one of our lovely world day song
  3. the alive thing that we cooked
  4. what is the most gift i was excited for
  5. place of our first world day
  6. the most crazy activity we did
  7. first french bad word you taught me
  8. the city that you would love we visit together
  9. most part i flirt in your sexy body

17 Clues: my best singerour first fight was forthe hotel of our marriagethe month when we first metplace of our first world daythe movie of first world dayactivity we did with our kidsnick name your honey producerthe alive thing that we cookedthe most crazy activity we didwhat is my first car in canadaone of our lovely world day song...

Lake Love 2022-05-14

Lake Love crossword puzzle
  1. nomenclature and animals
  2. new pit/table
  3. second oldest
  4. the gift of steps
  5. what's new
  6. middle two
  7. oversized
  8. legacy of the groovers' style
  1. when you own a lake house, you can't have too many
  2. recent stress
  3. lake that inspired
  4. broken dreams (or at least appliances)
  5. tricky decision
  6. super steep
  7. youngest parrot
  8. hoops friend
  9. oldest

17 Clues: oldestoversizedwhat's newmiddle twosuper steephoops friendrecent stressnew pit/tablesecond oldesttricky decisionyoungest parrotthe gift of stepslake that inspirednomenclature and animalslegacy of the groovers' stylebroken dreams (or at least appliances)when you own a lake house, you can't have too many

LOVE words 2025-02-14

LOVE words crossword puzzle
  1. wax stick producing light
  2. sweet treats
  3. feeling of excitement & mystery associated with love
  4. month of love
  5. a type of dance
  6. necklaces rings or bracelets
  7. fun outing
  8. female friend
  9. pumps the blood
  1. vocal or instrumental sounds
  2. moving rhythmically to music
  3. rhyming words
  4. film
  5. male friend
  6. card for the love holiday
  7. glossoms
  8. evening meal

17 Clues: filmglossomsfun outingmale friendsweet treatsevening mealrhyming wordsmonth of lovefemale frienda type of dancepumps the bloodwax stick producing lightcard for the love holidayvocal or instrumental soundsmoving rhythmically to musicnecklaces rings or braceletsfeeling of excitement & mystery associated with love

Our Love 2021-08-24

Our Love crossword puzzle
  1. Our first kiss
  2. what I admire most about you
  3. Three little words I can't say enough
  4. My love for you is ______________
  5. You are the Ketchup to my __________
  6. What I am because I have you
  7. Do, Re, Me? ***
  1. The place where you asked me to be yours
  2. Our favourite activity
  3. Something that you're really good at
  4. What I love most about you
  5. The second thing you love the most
  6. Touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire reverence, or greeting
  7. Something you need to go to the lake ***
  8. Our first trip together
  9. Squeeze (someone) tightly in one's arms, typically to express affection.
  10. How you make me feel everyday

17 Clues: Our first kissDo, Re, Me? ***Our favourite activityOur first trip togetherWhat I love most about youwhat I admire most about youWhat I am because I have youHow you make me feel everydayMy love for you is ______________The second thing you love the mostSomething that you're really good atYou are the Ketchup to my __________...

love letters 2022-02-21

love letters crossword puzzle
  1. types: equilateral, isosceles, scalene
  2. floral knot, cat coat marking
  3. tasseography's vessel
  4. "I wandered lonely as a ___"
  5. style of writing desk, office job
  6. an oven that makes dishes
  7. component of both paper and citrus
  8. staircase shape
  9. forget-me-not's alternate name: ___ grasses
  1. central part of a book's anatomy
  2. shell's pearl-protecting wall
  3. the last thing a cockroach sees
  4. kitty's exclamation
  5. frog's aquatic seat
  6. shostakovich's cryptogram
  7. wisteria's framework
  8. bear's contents

17 Clues: staircase shapebear's contentskitty's exclamationfrog's aquatic seatwisteria's frameworktasseography's vesselshostakovich's cryptograman oven that makes dishes"I wandered lonely as a ___"shell's pearl-protecting wallfloral knot, cat coat markingthe last thing a cockroach seescentral part of a book's anatomystyle of writing desk, office job...

My Love 2022-05-03

My Love crossword puzzle
  1. What I will do till death
  2. What I want to do when I see you
  3. What we will always have
  4. How I will prove my love
  5. Favorite time of day with you
  6. What I will always try and give you
  7. What you mean to me
  8. What I live for now
  1. Our first date
  2. The most important thing in the world
  3. Friend What you are to me now
  4. Where we met
  5. Nights with you
  6. What I will do over and over again
  7. My favorite part of your body
  8. What I will never do
  9. The one thing I got right

17 Clues: Where we metOur first dateNights with youWhat you mean to meWhat I live for nowWhat I will never doWhat we will always haveHow I will prove my loveWhat I will do till deathThe one thing I got rightFriend What you are to me nowMy favorite part of your bodyFavorite time of day with youWhat I want to do when I see youWhat I will do over and over again...

Lake Love 2022-05-14

Lake Love crossword puzzle
  1. nomenclature and animals
  2. new pit/table
  3. second oldest
  4. the gift of steps
  5. what's new
  6. middle two
  7. oversized
  8. legacy of the groovers' style
  1. when you own a lake house, you can't have too many
  2. recent stress
  3. lake that inspired
  4. broken dreams (or at least appliances)
  5. tricky decision
  6. super steep
  7. youngest parrot
  8. hoops friend
  9. oldest

17 Clues: oldestoversizedwhat's newmiddle twosuper steephoops friendrecent stressnew pit/tablesecond oldesttricky decisionyoungest parrotthe gift of stepslake that inspirednomenclature and animalslegacy of the groovers' stylebroken dreams (or at least appliances)when you own a lake house, you can't have too many

Love Songs 2022-02-02

Love Songs crossword puzzle
  1. Music for two players
  2. I'll be loving you ___
  3. name that tune
  4. what instrument is it?
  5. Let me call you this
  6. Elvis love song
  7. Singers of "Unchained Melody"
  8. Going to the chapel and we're gonna get...
  1. Name this group
  2. Roy Rogers and...
  3. go together like a horse and carriage
  4. Have I told you ___ that I love you?
  5. what instrument is it?
  6. name that tune
  7. Love song by the Temptations
  8. name that tune
  9. love song from this musical
  10. Italian word for love
  11. For a blue lady
  12. Singers of "We've Only Just Begun"

20 Clues: name that tunename that tunename that tuneName this groupFor a blue ladyElvis love songRoy Rogers and...Let me call you thisMusic for two playersItalian word for loveI'll be loving you ___what instrument is it?what instrument is it?love song from this musicalLove song by the TemptationsSingers of "Unchained Melody"Singers of "We've Only Just Begun"...

My Love 2023-02-01

My Love crossword puzzle
  1. Where we will travel one day.
  2. Our son's name.
  3. Something you are amazing at.
  4. Something new in 2023.
  5. Something you can't wait to see me as.
  6. Your favorite color.
  7. Your Favorite Game.
  8. Your favorite animal.
  9. The nickname I have for your car.
  1. Your biggest fan.
  2. Where we first met after my mission.
  3. Littering your entire body.
  4. Android or Apple?
  5. The man I'm going to Marry.
  6. My soon to be last name.
  7. Your shoe size.
  8. Something I'll never be good at but that you are good at.

17 Clues: Our son's name.Your shoe size.Your biggest fan.Android or Apple?Your Favorite Game.Your favorite color.Your favorite animal.Something new in 2023.My soon to be last name.Littering your entire body.The man I'm going to Marry.Where we will travel one day.Something you are amazing at.The nickname I have for your car....

love/hate 2023-11-06

love/hate crossword puzzle
  1. to feel blue
  2. to feel angry
  3. to strongly dislike something
  4. to be tired of something
  5. associated with love (valentines day)
  6. to enjoy something
  7. someone who constantly needs something
  8. to like something
  9. something that can be loved easily
  10. to feel cloudy
  1. to feel sorry for
  2. to love something
  3. to love something
  4. something that you love to do because it is (blank
  5. to feel mad
  6. to fell bad for
  7. in a happy mood
  8. good mindset

18 Clues: to feel madto feel bluegood mindsetto feel angryto feel cloudyto fell bad forin a happy moodto feel sorry forto love somethingto love somethingto like somethingto enjoy somethingto be tired of somethingto strongly dislike somethingsomething that can be loved easilyassociated with love (valentines day)someone who constantly needs something...

love<3 2024-02-14

love<3 crossword puzzle
  1. Weird gross cat that only you like
  2. Beach that hosts the Hideaway
  3. Love on the Spectrum superstar
  4. Firefighter___
  5. _____ at Paradise Point
  6. Scarlet's love interest
  7. Coffee shop, featuring otters
  8. "Oh look! A spotted _____"
  9. Bottom dwelling sharks that are shaped like a Ray
  1. Justin Bieber Christmas song
  2. Obi-wan's Master - First name
  3. Someone Like You actor first name
  4. Greatest grocery store ever
  5. Pretty Woman Actor first name
  6. Jon _____ Jones
  7. Have you had fat ___'s macaroni and cheese? Its gross!
  8. Paradise for two teenage lovers

17 Clues: Firefighter___Jon _____ Jones_____ at Paradise PointScarlet's love interest"Oh look! A spotted _____"Greatest grocery store everJustin Bieber Christmas songObi-wan's Master - First nameBeach that hosts the HideawayPretty Woman Actor first nameCoffee shop, featuring ottersLove on the Spectrum superstarParadise for two teenage lovers...

Love you 2024-03-28

Love you crossword puzzle
  1. Jaxon gave me advice on how to do this
  2. Where the rest of our lives began
  3. We are regulars here
  4. You get hella random compliments for this
  5. Sean's favorite color
  6. Something Post Malone has a lot of
  7. We changed these twice for each of us
  8. Something we both take nightly
  1. We've spent too much money on this
  2. Wrestler who is "Too Cool"
  3. New favorite place to eat
  4. Something we both have bad luck with
  5. "That's nothing, I work with __"
  6. You grew up here
  7. Her name is -- and she went to --
  8. Best man
  9. We both drive one

17 Clues: Best manYou grew up hereWe both drive oneWe are regulars hereSean's favorite colorNew favorite place to eatWrestler who is "Too Cool"Something we both take nightly"That's nothing, I work with __"Where the rest of our lives beganHer name is -- and she went to --We've spent too much money on thisSomething Post Malone has a lot of...

Dearie Love 2024-11-21

Dearie Love crossword puzzle
  1. You are so very...
  2. What you have in store
  3. A unique show of love.
  4. where the heart is.
  5. Ohana is for?
  6. A trait of your mind.
  7. We've been wed...
  8. A super cute feature on your face
  9. Inspiring you to all of your crafts.
  10. Where the best kisses go.
  1. Sometimes I can't stop looking at you, you're...
  2. The anti-kiss formula.
  3. A dangerous number of kisses.
  4. It stays inside!
  5. What I can make for you.
  6. ...was made for you and me.
  7. Best on the couch, with a blanket during the rain.

17 Clues: Ohana is for?It stays inside!We've been wed...You are so very...A trait of your mind.What you have in storeThe anti-kiss formula.A unique show of love.What I can make for where the heart is.Where the best kisses go....was made for you and me.A dangerous number of kisses.A super cute feature on your faceInspiring you to all of your crafts....

God's love is... 2023-02-14

God's love is... crossword puzzle
  1. 1 Cor 13:4 (God's love is...).
  2. Jer 31:3 (God's love is...hint - never ends).
  3. Rom 5:5 (God's love...___ our hearts).
  4. Col 3:14 (God's love is...the bond of ___).
  5. What is the angel's name who announces Jesus' birth?
  6. Rom 5:8 (God's love is...proven).
  7. 1 JN 4:15 (God's love...___ in us).
  8. 1 Cor 13:4 (God's love is...).
  9. 1 Cor 13:7 (God's love...___ all things).
  10. Eph 2:4 (God's love who is full of mercy).
  1. Lk 15:20 (God's love spaces).
  2. Gal 2:20 (God's love is...given up for me).
  3. Rom 8:38-39 (God's love...can't be ___ from us).
  4. JN 3:16 (God's love is...).
  5. Eph 2:4 (God's love is...).
  6. 1 JN 4:8 (God is...).
  7. 1 Cor 13:8 (God's love never...).
  8. Lam 3:23 (God's love is...each morning).
  9. 1 Chr 16:34 (God's love...endures ___).

19 Clues: 1 JN 4:8 (God is...).JN 3:16 (God's love is...).Eph 2:4 (God's love is...).1 Cor 13:4 (God's love is...).1 Cor 13:4 (God's love is...).1 Cor 13:8 (God's love never...).Rom 5:8 (God's love is...proven).1 JN 4:15 (God's love...___ in us).Rom 5:5 (God's love...___ our hearts).1 Chr 16:34 (God's love...endures ___)....

Called to Wholeness 2022-06-12

Called to Wholeness crossword puzzle
  1. The Base of the Relationship Pyramid
  2. The Number of Total Beatitudes
  3. A Change of _____ (Conversion)
  4. To "Flow Together Again"
  5. "You Must Love Your ________ As Yourself" (Law of Love)
  6. A Care for Everyone (Greek Type of Love) *GRC
  7. To Treat Others With Respect and Dignity
  8. An Example is Verbal Attacks (Type of Abuse)
  1. An Example of Friendship (Greek Type of Love) *Two Words
  2. "You Must Love the ____ With All Your Heart..." (Law of Love)
  3. To Let Go of Vengeance
  4. God's Love for Us
  5. The Blessed in the 6th Beatitude *Three Words
  6. The Number of Total Commandments
  7. Like the Love of a Pet (Greek Type of Love)
  8. You Wish the Other the Best (Type of Love)
  9. To Be Jealous or Possessive (Love Going Wrong)
  10. "Blessed Are the ____ for They Shall Inherit the Earth (Beatitude)
  11. To Be Genuine (Quality of Love)
  12. Produces Progesterone, Estrogens, Egg Cells *Women

20 Clues: God's Love for UsTo Let Go of VengeanceTo "Flow Together Again"The Number of Total BeatitudesA Change of _____ (Conversion)To Be Genuine (Quality of Love)The Number of Total CommandmentsThe Base of the Relationship PyramidTo Treat Others With Respect and DignityYou Wish the Other the Best (Type of Love)Like the Love of a Pet (Greek Type of Love)...

Fire Emblem Heroes Ranged Armored Heroes 2025-02-09

Fire Emblem Heroes Ranged Armored Heroes crossword puzzle
  1. Happy Vampire (Halloween)
  2. Signature Dish (Picnic)
  3. Uplifting Love (Love)
  4. Royal Altean Duo (Winter) (Elice)
  5. Icy Gift Giver (Winter)
  6. Treat Harvester (Halloween)
  7. Sweet Celebrant (Love)
  8. Hoary Sovereign (Winter)
  9. Beverage Ninja (Halloween)
  10. Yuletide Schemer (Winter)
  11. Silver Saint (Winter)
  12. Devoted Monster (Halloween)
  13. Harvest Attendant (Halloween)
  14. Forbidden Tease (Halloween)
  15. Gentle as Snow (Winter)
  1. Overflowing Love (Love)
  2. Wind's Embrace (Love)
  3. Troubled Heart (Love)
  4. Festive Instructor (Winter)
  5. Angel of Night (Winter)
  6. Drawn Heartstring (Love)
  7. Tactful Deliverer (Female, Love)
  8. Festive Helper (Winter)
  9. Snowscape Artist (Winter)
  10. Flower of Frost (Winter)
  11. "Normal Girl" (Winter)
  12. Muscle-Monger (Plegia)
  13. Masked Reveler (Winter)
  14. Crimson Schemer (Love)

29 Clues: Wind's Embrace (Love)Troubled Heart (Love)Uplifting Love (Love)Silver Saint (Winter)Sweet Celebrant (Love)"Normal Girl" (Winter)Muscle-Monger (Plegia)Crimson Schemer (Love)Overflowing Love (Love)Signature Dish (Picnic)Icy Gift Giver (Winter)Angel of Night (Winter)Festive Helper (Winter)Masked Reveler (Winter)Gentle as Snow (Winter)...

El Dia de San Valentin 2015-02-11

El Dia de San Valentin crossword puzzle
  1. pick-up lines
  2. girlfriend
  3. I adore you
  4. love letter
  5. love at first sight
  6. date
  7. hug
  8. diamond
  9. heart
  10. flowers
  11. candies
  12. kiss
  1. love
  2. true love
  3. boyfriend
  4. secret admirer
  5. be my valentine
  6. romantic
  7. I love you a lot
  8. special
  9. pink
  10. in love

22 Clues: huglovedatepinkkissheartspecialdiamondflowerscandiesin loveromantictrue loveboyfriendgirlfriendI adore youlove letterpick-up linessecret admirerbe my valentineI love you a lotlove at first sight

My family likes 2022-02-08

My family likes crossword puzzle
  1. something we love and Morayo loves
  2. a fruit i love
  3. we are
  4. bears a junk food we love
  5. what we have for eachother
  6. impact something we love playing
  7. something we love
  8. a chocolate we all love
  9. something we love eating
  1. our favorite drink
  2. something we like drinking
  3. something we all want in the future
  4. we were going to visit
  5. something we watch together
  6. mom brother lives there
  7. we love this pizza place
  8. something I love doing
  9. something we are good at
  10. hair something like on my head

19 Clues: we area fruit i lovesomething we loveour favorite drinkwe were going to visitsomething I love doingmom brother lives therea chocolate we all lovewe love this pizza placesomething we are good atsomething we love eatingbears a junk food we lovesomething we like drinkingwhat we have for eachothersomething we watch together...

My family likes 2022-02-08

My family likes crossword puzzle
  1. something we love and Morayo loves
  2. a fruit i love
  3. we are
  4. bears a junk food we love
  5. what we have for eachother
  6. impact something we love playing
  7. something we love
  8. a chocolate we all love
  9. something we love eating
  1. our favorite drink
  2. something we like drinking
  3. something we all want in the future
  4. we were going to visit
  5. something we watch together
  6. mom brother lives there
  7. we love this pizza place
  8. something I love doing
  9. something we are good at
  10. hair something like on my head

19 Clues: we area fruit i lovesomething we loveour favorite drinkwe were going to visitsomething I love doingmom brother lives therea chocolate we all lovewe love this pizza placesomething we are good atsomething we love eatingbears a junk food we lovesomething we like drinkingwhat we have for eachothersomething we watch together...

My family likes 2022-02-08

My family likes crossword puzzle
  1. something we love and Morayo loves
  2. a fruit i love
  3. we are
  4. bears a junk food we love
  5. what we have for eachother
  6. impact something we love playing
  7. something we love
  8. a chocolate we all love
  9. something we love eating
  1. our favorite drink
  2. something we like drinking
  3. something we all want in the future
  4. we were going to visit
  5. something we watch together
  6. mom brother lives there
  7. we love this pizza place
  8. something I love doing
  9. something we are good at
  10. hair something like on my head

19 Clues: we area fruit i lovesomething we loveour favorite drinkwe were going to visitsomething I love doingmom brother lives therea chocolate we all lovewe love this pizza placesomething we are good atsomething we love eatingbears a junk food we lovesomething we like drinkingwhat we have for eachothersomething we watch together...

FUSION 2022-07-22

FUSION crossword puzzle
  1. I can read, write, and speak Hebrew.
  2. I got to pet a 3-day old calf this summer.
  3. I was a super cranky baby.
  4. I won a national poetry contest.
  5. I love ketchup on my Mac-N-Cheese.
  6. I caught a football pass from Adam Thielen.
  7. I love the TV show The Office. Love lovE.
  8. I have 23 cousins.
  9. I rode a horse in the Colorado Mountains.
  10. I love to sing.
  11. I love Nike. Love love….
  1. my favorite soccer player is Rose Lavelle
  2. I love to clean and organize.
  3. I like to bake pies.
  4. I LOVE roller coasters. LOVE.
  5. I love to ride horses.
  6. I love animals, always have, even snakes.
  7. I went to 3 different elementary schools despite living in the same house.
  8. I was born in Boston.

19 Clues: I love to sing.I have 23 cousins.I like to bake pies.I was born in Boston.I love to ride horses.I love Nike. Love love….I was a super cranky baby.I love to clean and organize.I LOVE roller coasters. LOVE.I won a national poetry contest.I love ketchup on my Mac-N-Cheese.I can read, write, and speak favorite soccer player is Rose Lavelle...

All You Need is Love! 2022-05-06

All You Need is Love! crossword puzzle
  1. I will be loved
  2. we are loved
  3. they will be loved
  4. you will be loved
  5. you were loving
  6. y'all are loved
  7. I am loved
  8. they are loved
  9. I will love
  10. you are loved
  11. they love
  12. we were being loved
  13. y'all will be loved
  14. she will love
  15. y'all were loving
  16. they will love
  17. y'all will love
  18. we were loving
  1. she was being loved
  2. he is loved
  3. y'all love
  4. we will be loved
  5. they were loving
  6. she will be loved
  7. you were being loved
  8. I was being loved
  9. I was loving
  10. he loves
  11. you will love
  12. you love
  13. we will love
  14. she was loving
  15. they were being loved
  16. I love
  17. we love

35 Clues: I lovewe lovehe lovesyou lovethey lovey'all loveI am lovedhe is lovedI will lovewe are lovedI was lovingwe will loveyou are lovedyou will loveshe will lovethey are lovedshe was lovingthey will lovewe were lovingI will be lovedyou were lovingy'all are lovedy'all will lovewe will be lovedthey were lovingyou will be lovedshe will be loved...

mid 2 2025-01-11

mid 2 crossword puzzle
  1. - A gentle, loving touch
  2. - A meaningful or romantic action
  3. - An item kept as a reminder of love
  4. - To regard with wonder and approval
  5. - A song performed in someone's honor
  6. - Profound commitment or loyalty
  7. - Words written to express love beautifully
  8. - Warm feelings of love
  9. - A group of flowers given as a gift
  10. - A soft-spoken romantic word
  11. - A rosy cheek reaction to love or embarrassment
  12. - A strong connection between two people
  1. - A feeling or emotion
  2. - Full of love and desire
  3. - A solemn promise of love
  4. - What everlasting love lasts
  5. - Intense, short-lived passion or admiration
  6. - Intense warmth of feeling or love
  7. - A written expression of love
  8. - Intense love or enthusiasm

20 Clues: - A feeling or emotion- Warm feelings of love- A gentle, loving touch- Full of love and desire- A solemn promise of love- Intense love or enthusiasm- What everlasting love lasts- A soft-spoken romantic word- A written expression of love- Profound commitment or loyalty- A meaningful or romantic action- Intense warmth of feeling or love...

Día de San Valentín 2021-02-04

Día de San Valentín crossword puzzle
  1. first kiss
  2. be my valentine
  3. love bug
  4. you make me happy
  5. you complete me
  6. hug
  7. be mine
  8. much love
  9. smile
  10. love letter
  11. im yours
  12. I adore you
  13. cant stop thinking of you
  14. my love
  15. love of my life
  16. cupid
  1. youre incredible
  2. my heart is yours
  3. i miss you
  4. true love
  5. love
  6. gorgeous
  7. handsome
  8. youre my owrld
  9. soulmate
  10. youre so cute
  11. you and me
  12. kiss me
  13. affection
  14. i love you

30 Clues: huglovesmilecupidbe minekiss memy lovelove buggorgeoushandsomesoulmateim yourstrue lovemuch loveaffectionfirst kissi miss youyou and mei love youlove letterI adore youyoure so cuteyoure my owrldbe my valentineyou complete melove of my lifeyoure incrediblemy heart is yoursyou make me happycant stop thinking of you

Love is in the Air 2019-01-10

Love is in the Air crossword puzzle
  8. 'THE KISS'


Día de San Valentín 2021-02-04

Día de San Valentín crossword puzzle
  1. love of my life
  2. love
  3. cupid
  4. youre incredible
  5. first kiss
  6. soulmate
  7. im yours
  8. much love
  9. true love
  10. hug
  11. my love
  12. gorgeous
  13. you complete me
  1. cant stop thinking of you
  2. affection
  3. youre so cute
  4. youre my owrld
  5. kiss me
  6. handsome
  7. be mine
  8. i love you
  9. you and me
  10. be my valentine
  11. smile
  12. love bug
  13. i miss you
  14. I adore you
  15. my heart is yours
  16. love letter
  17. you make me happy

30 Clues: huglovecupidsmilekiss mebe minemy lovehandsomesoulmateim yourslove buggorgeousaffectionmuch lovetrue lovefirst kissi love youyou and mei miss youI adore youlove letteryoure so cuteyoure my owrldlove of my lifebe my valentineyou complete meyoure incrediblemy heart is yoursyou make me happycant stop thinking of you

My family likes 2022-02-08

My family likes crossword puzzle
  1. something we love and Morayo loves
  2. a fruit i love
  3. we are
  4. bears a junk food we love
  5. what we have for eachother
  6. impact something we love playing
  7. something we love
  8. a chocolate we all love
  9. something we love eating
  1. our favorite drink
  2. something we like drinking
  3. something we all want in the future
  4. we were going to visit
  5. something we watch together
  6. mom brother lives there
  7. we love this pizza place
  8. something I love doing
  9. something we are good at
  10. hair something like on my head

19 Clues: we area fruit i lovesomething we loveour favorite drinkwe were going to visitsomething I love doingmom brother lives therea chocolate we all lovewe love this pizza placesomething we are good atsomething we love eatingbears a junk food we lovesomething we like drinkingwhat we have for eachothersomething we watch together...

I LOVE YOU LOVE! ❤️ 2021-02-11

I LOVE YOU LOVE! ❤️ crossword puzzle
  1. I _ you
  2. My favorite meal
  3. I can finally call you
  4. I can't live without
  5. where I'm currently at
  6. I want to do with you
  7. My Birthday
  8. Always
  1. where you live
  2. You love them
  3. Pretty like your sister
  4. What you love doing
  5. You're my future
  6. Reason we met
  7. What pet I like
  8. I want to be with you
  9. My favorite color
  10. I _ you

18 Clues: AlwaysI _ youI _ youMy BirthdayYou love themReason we metwhere you liveWhat pet I likeMy favorite mealYou're my futureMy favorite colorWhat you love doingI can't live withoutI want to be with youI want to do with youI can finally call youwhere I'm currently atPretty like your sister

mid 2 2025-01-11

mid 2 crossword puzzle
  1. - A solemn promise of love
  2. - Intense love or enthusiasm
  3. - Full of love and desire
  4. - Intense warmth of feeling or love
  5. - A feeling or emotion
  6. - To regard with wonder and approval
  7. - A strong connection between two people
  8. - What everlasting love lasts
  9. - Intense, short-lived passion or admiration
  10. - A written expression of love
  1. - Words written to express love beautifully
  2. - An item kept as a reminder of love
  3. - A gentle, loving touch
  4. - A song performed in someone's honor
  5. - A soft-spoken romantic word
  6. - Profound commitment or loyalty
  7. - Warm feelings of love
  8. - A meaningful or romantic action
  9. - A group of flowers given as a gift
  10. - A rosy cheek reaction to love or embarrassment

20 Clues: - A feeling or emotion- Warm feelings of love- A gentle, loving touch- Full of love and desire- A solemn promise of love- Intense love or enthusiasm- A soft-spoken romantic word- What everlasting love lasts- A written expression of love- Profound commitment or loyalty- A meaningful or romantic action- Intense warmth of feeling or love...

Día de San Valentín 2021-02-04

Día de San Valentín crossword puzzle
  1. handsome
  2. my love
  3. kiss me
  4. youre my owrld
  5. soulmate
  6. love letter
  7. love
  8. you complete me
  9. I adore you
  10. cupid
  11. cant stop thinking of you
  12. be mine
  13. youre incredible
  14. i miss you
  15. be my valentine
  16. youre so cute
  17. you and me
  18. i love you
  1. smile
  2. love bug
  3. hug
  4. true love
  5. gorgeous
  6. much love
  7. you make me happy
  8. love of my life
  9. my heart is yours
  10. first kiss
  11. affection
  12. im yours

30 Clues: huglovesmilecupidmy lovekiss mebe minehandsomelove buggorgeoussoulmateim yourstrue lovemuch loveaffectionfirst kissi miss youyou and mei love youlove letterI adore youyoure so cuteyoure my owrldlove of my lifeyou complete mebe my valentineyoure incredibleyou make me happymy heart is yourscant stop thinking of you

Morenike's family cross word 2022-02-08

Morenike's family cross word crossword puzzle
  1. what we have for eachother
  2. Impact something unsed to love playing
  3. something like on my head
  4. Morayo loves baking
  5. something I love doing
  6. something we are good at
  7. a fruit i love
  8. bears a junk food we love
  9. something we love
  10. something we all want in the future
  11. we were going to visit
  12. a chocolate we all love
  1. something we love eating
  2. something we watch together
  3. something we like drinking
  4. we love this pizza place
  5. we are
  6. mom's brother lives there
  7. our favorite drink

19 Clues: we area fruit i lovesomething we loveour favorite drinkMorayo loves bakingsomething I love doingwe were going to visita chocolate we all lovesomething we love eatingwe love this pizza placesomething we are good atsomething like on my headmom's brother lives therebears a junk food we lovewhat we have for eachothersomething we like drinking...

FUSION FUN 2022-07-22

FUSION FUN crossword puzzle
  1. I rode a horse in the Colorado Mountains.
  2. I caught a football pass from Adam Thielen.
  3. I was born in Boston.
  4. I can read, write, and speak Hebrew.
  5. I went to 3 different elementary schools despite living in the same house.
  6. I love Nike. Love love….
  7. I have 23 cousins.
  8. I got to pet a 3-day old calf last summer.
  9. I love ketchup on my Mac-N-Cheese.
  1. I like to bake pies.
  2. I won a national poetry contest.
  3. I love to sing.
  4. I love the TV show The Office. Love lovE.
  5. My favorite soccer player is Rose Lavelle
  6. I love animals, always have, even snakes.
  7. I was a super cranky baby.
  8. I love to clean and organize.
  9. I LOVE roller coasters. LOVE.
  10. I rode a horse in the Pacific Ocean

19 Clues: I love to sing.I have 23 cousins.I like to bake pies.I was born in Boston.I love Nike. Love love….I was a super cranky baby.I love to clean and organize.I LOVE roller coasters. LOVE.I won a national poetry contest.I love ketchup on my Mac-N-Cheese.I rode a horse in the Pacific OceanI can read, write, and speak Hebrew....

Homeroom 117 2020-04-29

Homeroom 117 crossword puzzle
  1. I love to ski and cook
  2. I love Greek mythology
  3. I love rats and have them as pets
  4. I love listening to music and sketching
  5. I am a Special Olympics athlete
  6. I would like to be a streamer or YouTuber
  7. I am partly Russian and I want to become a pilot
  8. I love coding on Scratch and creating artwork
  9. I speak Spanish and English
  1. I really enjoy fishing and the outdoors
  2. I love a good debate so I can share my opinions
  3. I love being in nature, especially at my family's cabin
  4. I love to read fantasy books, like Redwall
  5. I love soccer, and Messi is my favorite player
  6. I am a competitive gamer and would love to code my own games
  7. I love to draw and would like to be an animator
  8. I love rabbits and have a bunch at home
  9. I love cats and want to save them all
  10. I love rock and roll music and play the guitar

19 Clues: I love to ski and cookI love Greek mythologyI speak Spanish and EnglishI am a Special Olympics athleteI love rats and have them as petsI love cats and want to save them allI really enjoy fishing and the outdoorsI love listening to music and sketchingI love rabbits and have a bunch at homeI would like to be a streamer or YouTuber...

Valentines day 2023-02-15

Valentines day crossword puzzle
  1. a gentle feeling of fondness or liking
  2. the weapon used by Cupid to make people fall in love
  3. a planned social or romantic occasion
  4. a popular flower associated with Valentine's Day
  5. a mythical figure who is said to bring couples together
  6. a sweet treat often given on Valentine's Day
  7. a term of endearment for a loved one
  8. a precious stone often given as a symbol of love and devotion
  9. an act of showing love or affection by holding someone tightly
  10. a strong feeling of love, loyalty, or commitment.
  1. a feeling of strong affection
  2. a feeling of excitement or mystery associated with love
  3. to love or admire someone deeply
  4. an expression of love or affection
  5. a symbol of love and affection
  6. a color associated with love and passion
  7. to hold someone dear and valuable
  8. Greek god of love
  9. something given to someone as a sign of love or appreciation
  10. the month where we celebrate Valentine's Day

20 Clues: Greek god of lovea feeling of strong affectiona symbol of love and affectionto love or admire someone deeplyto hold someone dear and valuablean expression of love or affectiona term of endearment for a loved onea planned social or romantic occasiona gentle feeling of fondness or likinga color associated with love and passion...

Valentine's crossword 2025-02-12

Valentine's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Rhyming message about love
  2. Sweet treat often given on Valentine's Day
  3. The city of love
  4. the colour of love
  5. A small note with a sweet message
  6. a shape that represents love
  7. special song for two people in love
  8. A close companion with whome one shares love and trust
  9. Object you send a letter in
  1. Another word for boyfriend/girlfriend
  2. Thing people light to create a cosy atmosphere
  3. The X in XOXO
  4. The Roman god of love
  5. Bird that represents love and peace
  6. The O in XOXO
  7. Typical flower given on Valentine's
  8. Something you feel when you really like someone
  9. What Cupid shoots to make people fall in love
  10. Month in which Valentine's is celebrated
  11. Colour often associated with Valentine's

20 Clues: The X in XOXOThe O in XOXOThe city of lovethe colour of loveThe Roman god of loveRhyming message about loveObject you send a letter ina shape that represents loveA small note with a sweet messageBird that represents love and peaceTypical flower given on Valentine'sspecial song for two people in loveAnother word for boyfriend/girlfriend...


  1. Sweet treat
  2. God of love
  3. Courtship or love affair
  4. Term of endearment
  5. A romantic outing
  6. Warm embrace
  7. Strong affection
  8. Popular Valentine treat
  9. Weapon of Cupid
  1. Written expression of love
  2. Something you give
  3. A collection of flowers
  4. A sign of affection
  5. The month of Valentine’s Day
  6. Color of passion
  7. Soft Valentine gift
  8. A symbol of love
  9. A promise of love
  10. A romantic flower
  11. Eternal love

20 Clues: Sweet treatGod of loveWarm embraceEternal loveWeapon of CupidColor of passionA symbol of loveStrong affectionA romantic outingA promise of loveA romantic flowerSomething you giveTerm of endearmentA sign of affectionSoft Valentine giftA collection of flowersPopular Valentine treatCourtship or love affairWritten expression of love...

Love Rosie :) 2014-12-12

Love Rosie :) crossword puzzle
  1. Wie heißt meine beste Freundin?
  2. Wo hast du das erste Mal "Ich liebe Dich" zu mir gesagt?
  3. Was esse ich sehr gerne?
  4. Über welches Geschenk von dir habe ich mich besonders gefreut?
  5. In welchem Kinofilm waren wir zusammen?
  6. Welche Farbe hat mein Kleid vom Abiball?
  7. Was schmeckt mir weniger gut?
  1. Wo hatten wir unser erstes Date?
  2. Welche Serie mag ich?
  3. Was ist mein Lieblingssport?
  4. Auf welchem Kontinent außer Europa war ich schon?
  5. Welche Schokolade mag ich mehr: Zartbitter oder Vollmilch?
  6. Wie heißt der Junge, den ich so attraktiv finde, der mich immer wieder zum Lachen bringt und mit dem ich noch so viel erleben möchte? :)
  7. Wo waren wir zum ersten Mal zusammen schwimmen?
  8. Was sind meine Lieblingstiere?
  9. Wo habe ich dich das erste Mal angesprochen?

16 Clues: Welche Serie mag ich?Was esse ich sehr gerne?Was ist mein Lieblingssport?Was schmeckt mir weniger gut?Was sind meine Lieblingstiere?Wie heißt meine beste Freundin?Wo hatten wir unser erstes Date?In welchem Kinofilm waren wir zusammen?Welche Farbe hat mein Kleid vom Abiball?Wo habe ich dich das erste Mal angesprochen?...

Our Love 2022-03-01

Our Love crossword puzzle
  1. i want to ___ you
  2. our favorite flower
  3. what we are in
  4. you are my _________
  5. where we went on our first date
  6. where i belong
  7. how long i will love you
  8. our nickname
  1. how we met
  2. where was our first kiss
  3. i would go any distance on this for you
  4. i cherish your gentle ______
  5. i love you to the ____ and back
  6. the best thing to do on you
  7. the name of our first child
  8. three squeezes mean?

16 Clues: how we metour nicknamewhat we are inwhere i belongi want to ___ youour favorite floweryou are my _________three squeezes mean?where was our first kisshow long i will love youthe best thing to do on youthe name of our first childi cherish your gentle ______i love you to the ____ and backwhere we went on our first date...

Family love 2022-03-11

Family love crossword puzzle
  1. flying serpent
  2. orange and black cat
  3. serpent
  4. dumb human
  5. strong sheep
  6. Affection
  1. grownup man
  2. sneaky rodent
  3. cocka doola doo
  4. the last of the calender
  5. a mouse with long ears
  6. little women baby
  7. man's best friend
  8. a fast and skinny cow
  9. fat cow
  10. grownup woman

16 Clues: serpentfat cowAffectiondumb humangrownup manstrong sheepsneaky rodentgrownup womanflying serpentcocka doola doolittle women babyman's best friendorange and black cata fast and skinny cowa mouse with long earsthe last of the calender

Love Overseas 2022-06-28

Love Overseas crossword puzzle
  1. Walt had _______ sisters.
  2. Walt belonged to Princess _________'s Light Infantry.
  3. Toft Hill, England is located in which county?
  4. Betsy met Leonard at a ___________.
  5. A present Leonard mailed to Betsy from Belgium.
  6. Which friend did Leonard take Betsy to visit?
  7. Where did Walt propose?
  8. Toft Hill paper: The Northern ___________.
  9. Leonard and his brother Rich first joined the war as Rocky Mountain ____________.
  1. Slang for German soldiers.
  2. Walt, Norm, and Cliff were known as the three ________.
  3. Type of horse Walt worked with in Armstrong.
  4. Betsy sailed to Canada on The _________.
  5. Betsy worked at the __________ munitions factory.
  6. What kind of animals did Mavis and her family keep on their farm?
  7. Odd wartime treat.

16 Clues: Odd wartime treat.Where did Walt propose?Walt had _______ sisters.Slang for German soldiers.Betsy met Leonard at a ___________.Betsy sailed to Canada on The _________.Toft Hill paper: The Northern ___________.Type of horse Walt worked with in Armstrong.Which friend did Leonard take Betsy to visit?Toft Hill, England is located in which county?...

LOVE & UNITY 2022-12-04

LOVE & UNITY crossword puzzle
  2. HAPPY
  6. JESUS
  8. GOD
  3. BEST
  4. HOME
  8. STATE


Our love 2024-01-17

Our love crossword puzzle
  1. Your favorite type of beer
  2. Our first non-date get together location
  3. The theme of the special place we went in December
  4. The name of the lake where you fell in love with me
  5. The most common term of endearment we use for each other
  6. We don’t love using these
  7. An activity I hope we’ll get good at together
  8. The main adjective that describes my treats
  9. The first name of the artist we saw in concert for our 3rd date
  1. What I call both of the dogs
  2. Our shared obsession
  3. My Halloween costume
  4. Our current audiobook
  5. Something we did together that caused me great pain
  6. The month we will finally share a home
  7. What we named your car on our first date

16 Clues: Our shared obsessionMy Halloween costumeOur current audiobookWe don’t love using theseYour favorite type of beerWhat I call both of the dogsThe month we will finally share a homeOur first non-date get together locationWhat we named your car on our first dateThe main adjective that describes my treatsAn activity I hope we’ll get good at together...

Love Letters 2024-11-09

Love Letters crossword puzzle
  1. City they bought their first house
  2. When Corey proposed
  3. Their last baecation
  4. Party where the Murphys met
  5. City the bride born in
  6. Happy Wife
  1. Groom’s sign
  2. Instrument of choice for the brass playing Bride
  3. Groom’s favorite TV show
  4. Groom’s favorite football team (unfortunately)
  5. Facebook group both originally belonged to
  6. Bride’s family nickname
  7. The groom really wanted this incorporated into the puzzle some way, as a comic fan, so “I’m…”.
  8. Four-legged Murphy household member
  9. # of siblings Corey has
  10. Both the Murphys career fields

16 Clues: Happy WifeGroom’s signWhen Corey proposedTheir last baecationCity the bride born inBride’s family nickname# of siblings Corey hasGroom’s favorite TV showParty where the Murphys metBoth the Murphys career fieldsCity they bought their first houseFour-legged Murphy household memberFacebook group both originally belonged to...

Love you! 2025-01-08

Love you! crossword puzzle
  1. ___In the D
  2. trippin__
  3. ______Sweden
  4. The ice cream flavor we desperately need more of
  5. first jewelry
  6. awesome_______
  7. more than a little sitious
  8. spicy fingers
  1. percussive maintenance needed
  2. ________ isn't even real
  3. where beer yoga was invented
  4. ___aren't even real
  5. Needs a visit to paper shredders anonymous
  6. if you're not first, you're ____
  7. _____ bandito
  8. Fish _____

16 Clues: trippin__Fish ________In the D______Swedenfirst jewelry_____ banditospicy fingersawesome__________aren't even real________ isn't even realmore than a little sitiouswhere beer yoga was inventedpercussive maintenance neededif you're not first, you're ____Needs a visit to paper shredders anonymousThe ice cream flavor we desperately need more of


  1. Sweet treat
  2. God of love
  3. Courtship or love affair
  4. Term of endearment
  5. A romantic outing
  6. Warm embrace
  7. Strong affection
  8. Popular Valentine treat
  9. Weapon of Cupid
  1. Written expression of love
  2. Something you give
  3. A collection of flowers
  4. A sign of affection
  5. The month of Valentine’s Day
  6. Color of passion
  7. Soft Valentine gift
  8. A symbol of love
  9. A promise of love
  10. A romantic flower
  11. Eternal love

20 Clues: Sweet treatGod of loveWarm embraceEternal loveWeapon of CupidColor of passionA symbol of loveStrong affectionA romantic outingA promise of loveA romantic flowerSomething you giveTerm of endearmentA sign of affectionSoft Valentine giftA collection of flowersPopular Valentine treatCourtship or love affairWritten expression of love...

Young love 2020-05-21

Young love crossword puzzle
  1. “omg they have ..... on the menu”
  2. ‘bag’-eutte in the day
  3. Liza Tarbuck
  4. “you are the... I know”
  5. Manchester mayhem
  6. you don’t need to tell everyone about my...
  7. my downfall
  1. why you walked home from Lidl
  2. how I confessed my love to you 2k9 style
  3. 90 day girlfriend
  4. your true love
  5. something you couldn’t live without
  6. you should be an ambassador for
  7. where our love began
  8. B’s AM catchphrase
  9. our first date

16 Clues: my downfallLiza Tarbuckyour true loveour first date90 day girlfriendManchester mayhemB’s AM catchphrasewhere our love began‘bag’-eutte in the day“you are the... I know”why you walked home from Lidlyou should be an ambassador for“omg they have ..... on the menu”something you couldn’t live withouthow I confessed my love to you 2k9 style...

My Love 2020-07-11

My Love crossword puzzle
  1. Paul McCartney Song Title (Last word)
  2. You're __ _____ (no space in the answer, two words)
  3. Always Nickname
  4. Someone got engaged
  5. You are my _ friend
  6. October Nickname
  7. Diva in Nashville
  8. Boston Groceries
  1. a failed trip to strip clubs
  2. Your Eyes
  3. What You Do To Me Artist
  4. My world
  5. One Year Dinner
  6. Favorite color
  7. Hometown
  8. Salty San Diego Doggy

16 Clues: My worldHometownYour EyesFavorite colorAlways NicknameOne Year DinnerOctober NicknameBoston GroceriesDiva in NashvilleSomeone got engagedYou are my _ friendSalty San Diego DoggyWhat You Do To Me Artista failed trip to strip clubsPaul McCartney Song Title (Last word)You're __ _____ (no space in the answer, two words)

True Love 2013-03-10

True Love crossword puzzle
  1. The most amazing deck, jacuzzi and pool in the whole world!
  2. Aquarium! Need I say more! :)
  3. Haldirams!
  4. The place where we first met
  5. The most unforgettable day!
  6. The most unforgettable kiss in the ladies room happened here
  7. Our once upon a time adda
  1. Triple Orgasms for my baby!
  2. Our most favourite bar :)
  3. Our second Sweta/Gautamm Day
  4. Where we went for our first lunch
  5. From our first peck to one of our first long kisses, all happened here.
  6. Our makeout place ;)
  7. The venue of our first date
  8. The place that started it all
  9. Where you live

16 Clues: Haldirams!Where you liveOur makeout place ;)Our most favourite bar :)Our once upon a time addaTriple Orgasms for my baby!The most unforgettable day!The venue of our first dateOur second Sweta/Gautamm DayThe place where we first metAquarium! Need I say more! :)The place that started it allWhere we went for our first lunch...

Prison Love 2015-11-22

Prison Love crossword puzzle
  1. What separates us
  2. I go to bed...
  3. This runs deep for me
  4. what you are
  5. How I love you..
  6. What I hope to do in a week
  7. This is...
  8. What I make for you..
  1. ..get stitches
  2. ...For what you want
  3. what we have sometimes
  4. What I've been doing...
  5. What you ask for all the time
  6. ..Is not an option
  7. Communication
  8. It's what makes us work

16 Clues: This is...what you areCommunication..get stitchesI go to bed...How I love you..What separates us..Is not an option...For what you wantThis runs deep for meWhat I make for you..what we have sometimesWhat I've been doing...It's what makes us workWhat I hope to do in a weekWhat you ask for all the time

Love Puzzle 2023-07-24

Love Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Eğlenmek, dinlenmek amacıyla çalışmadan geçirilen süre, EN ÇOK İHTİYACIMIZ OLAN ŞEY.
  2. İçerisine şeker konulan kap, birbirimize en çok söylediğimiz sözcük.
  3. Hayallerimizin ülkesi.
  4. Özel teknolojik araçlar aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilen bağımlılık yaratan şey.
  5. Sahibi Maraş'lı olan en sevdiğimiz işletme.
  6. İçinde, izleyici topluluklar için salonları bulunan en çok gittiğimiz yer.
  7. Hayatımızı birleştiren, logosu mavi kuş olan bir sosyal paylaşım sitesi.
  8. Çoğunluğu sarı renkli parçalardan oluşan yapı oyuncağı ve aşkımızın başlangıcı.
  9. Tohumları meyvenin üzerinde bulunan dünyanın en iyi meyvesi.
  1. Dinlemekten bıkmayacağımız şarkımız.
  2. Arasına evde ne bulursan koyduktan sonra özel makinesiyle kızartılıp gevretilmiş ekmek dilimi.
  3. Bir kimseye ya da bir şeye karşı duyulan aşırı sevgi ve bağlılık duygusu.
  4. Sürekli kullandığımız raylı ulaşım sistemi.
  5. Ankara'da bir avm ve ilk buluşma yerimiz.
  6. Görünümü korkunç olan küçük bir kemirgen türü.
  7. Bizim tanıştığımız, her yılın 9. ayı.

16 Clues: Hayallerimizin ülkesi.Dinlemekten bıkmayacağımız şarkımız.Bizim tanıştığımız, her yılın 9. ayı.Ankara'da bir avm ve ilk buluşma yerimiz.Sürekli kullandığımız raylı ulaşım sistemi.Sahibi Maraş'lı olan en sevdiğimiz işletme.Görünümü korkunç olan küçük bir kemirgen türü.Tohumları meyvenin üzerinde bulunan dünyanın en iyi meyvesi....

Shakespearean Love 2023-08-28

Shakespearean Love crossword puzzle
  1. The Moor who loved Desdemona.
  2. Matched wits with Beatrice in the same play.
  3. His love for Lady Macbeth led to tragedy.
  4. He loved Juliet passionately.
  5. She fell in love with Romeo.
  6. She drowned in her madness and unrequited love.
  7. Disguised as Ganymede in "As You Like It."
  8. Fell in love with Cleopatra, leading to his downfall.
  9. Prince of Denmark, in love with Ophelia.
  1. Sharp-witted heroine in "Much Ado About Nothing."
  2. He wooed Rosalind in the Forest of Arden.
  3. King Arthur's queen, loved Lancelot.
  4. She urged her husband to murder for power.
  5. Queen of Egypt and lover of Antony.
  6. Loved Queen Guinevere in Arthurian legend.
  7. She married Othello against her father's wishes.

16 Clues: She fell in love with Romeo.The Moor who loved Desdemona.He loved Juliet passionately.Queen of Egypt and lover of Antony.King Arthur's queen, loved Lancelot.Prince of Denmark, in love with Ophelia.He wooed Rosalind in the Forest of Arden.His love for Lady Macbeth led to tragedy.She urged her husband to murder for power....

Our Love 2024-02-19

Our Love crossword puzzle
  1. Melons favourite food?
  2. Where did we meet?
  3. My favorite feature of you?
  4. I ........ you?
  5. Where did we first live together?
  6. First dog love?
  7. I ..... you
  1. Melon and I are ....... for what you do!
  2. What motivates me to be a better person!
  3. Your'e my?
  4. How many years have we been together?
  5. How many pets have we owned together?
  6. Biggest achievement together?
  7. First overseas holiday together?
  8. The cutest fury baby?
  9. Biggest concert together?

16 Clues: Your'e my?I ..... youI ........ you?First dog love?Where did we meet?The cutest fury baby?Melons favourite food?Biggest concert together?My favorite feature of you?Biggest achievement together?First overseas holiday together?Where did we first live together?How many years have we been together?How many pets have we owned together?...

One Love 2024-02-14

One Love crossword puzzle
  1. When we travel internationally we will go here
  2. I say this every time before leaving
  3. ___ and arsicault croissants
  4. when I'm ___ it brings the worst out of me
  5. You ask for it any time during the day, even before bed
  6. You can't get enough of this
  7. Almost every karachiite says this(2 words)
  8. Where was our first kiss?
  1. The first thing we cooked together
  2. '____ tou mai bilkul nai khata'
  3. Where was our first road trip?
  4. The bird or hot boys?
  5. I'm a ___ girl lol
  6. One thing I made you like
  7. Wildcard
  8. "Mai ki karaan"

16 Clues: Wildcard"Mai ki karaan"I'm a ___ girl lolThe bird or hot boys?One thing I made you likeWhere was our first kiss?___ and arsicault croissantsYou can't get enough of thisWhere was our first road trip?'____ tou mai bilkul nai khata'The first thing we cooked togetherI say this every time before leavingwhen I'm ___ it brings the worst out of me...

Love God 2024-06-11

Love God crossword puzzle
  1. 10 exceptions that where provided on stone tablets
  2. Leting go of somthing you've done
  3. Having trust in God is called
  4. Jesus first bed
  5. What you say before eating
  6. Peice of god
  1. Our saviour
  2. The leader of all the churchs
  3. what Jesus was nailed to
  4. Gods blood
  5. blessing by jesus
  6. Jesus's rules
  7. A way to connect to god
  8. Jesus's mom
  9. Where god lives
  10. Our father

16 Clues: Gods bloodOur fatherOur saviourJesus's momPeice of godJesus's rulesJesus first bedWhere god livesblessing by jesusA way to connect to godwhat Jesus was nailed toWhat you say before eatingThe leader of all the churchsHaving trust in God is calledLeting go of somthing you've done10 exceptions that where provided on stone tablets

crossword Love 2024-11-21

crossword Love crossword puzzle
  1. the degree of excellence related to how the training process or training sections are executed
  2. the education level that follows the successful completion of secondary education
  3. a diploma awarded upon graduating high school
  4. education provided for adults after they have left the formal education system
  5. training that is done on the sight by current employees
  6. the action or process of providing someone or something with an official document attesting to a status or level of achievement
  7. an in-depth study of one person,group, or event
  1. high potential individuals that are likely to become leaders
  2. training that has specific curriculum
  3. done, received, or happening away from
  4. a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer
  5. the first level of non-vocational degree you can pursue following a high school diploma
  6. relating to the highest-ranking degree given by a university
  7. an experienced and trusted advisor
  8. typically a four year program of university study that is comprehensive
  9. academic qualifications granted at the postgraduate level

16 Clues: an experienced and trusted advisortraining that has specific curriculumdone, received, or happening away froma diploma awarded upon graduating high schoolan in-depth study of one person,group, or eventtraining that is done on the sight by current employeesa person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer...

Our Love 2025-02-05

Our Love crossword puzzle
  1. "Why haven't I seen you at work? I need to get off ___"
  2. What I said to your dad
  3. Our first getaway
  4. One of the phrases I say
  5. Where our first date was
  6. "You're as sweet as Tennessee _______"
  7. "I think I ____ this little life"
  8. All God's children are special, but not like ___"
  1. "I'm in quite the ___________"
  2. The app we met on
  3. The first movie we saw together
  4. The shape that represents love
  5. Roses are ___
  6. "I want to see my _______"
  7. The month in which Valentine's Day occurs
  8. The month we said "I love you"

16 Clues: Roses are ___The app we met onOur first getawayWhat I said to your dadOne of the phrases I sayWhere our first date was"I want to see my _______""I'm in quite the ___________"The shape that represents loveThe month we said "I love you"The first movie we saw together"I think I ____ this little life""You're as sweet as Tennessee _______"...

Homeroom 119 2020-04-28

Homeroom 119 crossword puzzle
  1. My dad coaches volleyball and I like to help
  2. I love YouTubers and gaming
  3. I love everything about Broadway
  4. I love golf and ramen noodles
  5. My dad is a volunteer firefighter
  6. I love to wear sparkly bright colored clothes
  7. I can be caught sketching a lot
  8. I have lived in Europe
  9. I love tennis and Flex tape
  10. I recently got a puppy
  1. I love Disney World
  2. I love horses, especially ones named Pickles
  3. I enjoy coding and making video games
  4. I have a cousin on Blue Team and I love books and art
  5. I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan
  6. I love to visit Utah where my grandparents live
  7. I am named after a PA state forest
  8. I love Ohio State - somebody has to!
  9. I enjoy riding my four-wheeler
  10. I enjoy mountain biking competitively
  11. I have a twin and I love softball
  12. I love the Patriots and really want an In and Out burger
  13. I am a competitive figure skater
  14. I love art and take classes outside of school

24 Clues: I love Disney WorldI have lived in EuropeI recently got a puppyI love YouTubers and gamingI love tennis and Flex tapeI am a HUGE Harry Potter fanI love golf and ramen noodlesI enjoy riding my four-wheelerI can be caught sketching a lotI love everything about BroadwayI am a competitive figure skaterMy dad is a volunteer firefighter...

SPANISH WORDS by jamir elloie 2024-11-13

SPANISH WORDS by jamir elloie crossword puzzle
  1. de through like blank scott
  2. i love the TEXture
  3. i love to work in the shop because im TALL
  4. Has something to do with oil
  5. look for the imagine
  6. is it ceramic
  7. i love to become ViOLet
  8. im very Fond of it
  9. to CReate
  10. i love to PINt
  11. i love to see this VidEO
  1. i love me a RETRO portrait
  2. i love to install INSTAgram
  3. what is my figure
  4. Exageraton
  5. i use this to PINT
  6. deMONstrate
  7. he is a professional artist
  8. i love sitting near the SENT
  9. water color la

20 Clues: to CReateExageratondeMONstrateis it ceramicwater color lai love to PINtwhat is my figurei love the TEXturei use this to PINTim very Fond of itlook for the imaginei love to become ViOLeti love to see this VidEOi love me a RETRO portraitde through like blank scotti love to install INSTAgramhe is a professional artistHas something to do with oil...

SPANISH WORDS by jamir elloie 2024-11-13

SPANISH WORDS by jamir elloie crossword puzzle
  1. de through like blank scott
  2. i love the TEXture
  3. i love to work in the shop because im TALL
  4. Has something to do with oil
  5. look for the imagine
  6. is it ceramic
  7. i love to become ViOLet
  8. im very Fond of it
  9. to CReate
  10. i love to PINt
  11. i love to see this VidEO
  1. i love me a RETRO portrait
  2. i love to install INSTAgram
  3. what is my figure
  4. Exageraton
  5. i use this to PINT
  6. deMONstrate
  7. he is a professional artist
  8. i love sitting near the SENT
  9. water color la

20 Clues: to CReateExageratondeMONstrateis it ceramicwater color lai love to PINtwhat is my figurei love the TEXturei use this to PINTim very Fond of itlook for the imaginei love to become ViOLeti love to see this VidEOi love me a RETRO portraitde through like blank scotti love to install INSTAgramhe is a professional artistHas something to do with oil...

3 events, whole & partial + 2024-11-30

3 events, whole & partial + crossword puzzle
  1. you see me
  2. they hear kagwi
  3. you see na
  4. who - something
  5. when you love them
  6. you
  7. love a ni
  8. they love kagwi
  9. when they hear you
  10. I hear you
  11. I hear them
  12. they see you
  13. see a na
  14. them (s)
  15. when I see you
  1. I love you
  2. what - someone
  3. see a ni
  4. me
  5. I hear na
  6. love a na
  7. when I love you
  8. you love them
  9. you love kagwi
  10. when you hear me
  11. hear a na
  12. hear a ni

27 Clues: meyousee a nisee a nathem (s)I hear nalove a nalove a nihear a nahear a niyou see meI love youyou see naI hear youI hear themthey see youyou love themwhat - someoneyou love kagwiwhen I see youthey hear kagwiwho - somethingwhen I love youthey love kagwiwhen you hear mewhen you love themwhen they hear you

Wings of Fire Lovebrids 2021-07-14

Wings of Fire Lovebrids crossword puzzle
  1. Sundew's love
  2. Riptide's love
  3. Deathbringer's love
  4. Cricket's love
  5. Fatespeaker's love
  6. Glory's love
  7. Peril's love
  8. Tsunami's love
  1. Turtle's love
  2. Winter & Qibli's love
  3. Moon's love
  4. Blue's love
  5. Kinkajou's love (hmm...)
  6. Starflight's love
  7. Crystal's love

15 Clues: Moon's loveBlue's loveGlory's lovePeril's loveTurtle's loveSundew's loveRiptide's loveCricket's loveCrystal's loveTsunami's loveStarflight's loveFatespeaker's loveDeathbringer's loveWinter & Qibli's loveKinkajou's love (hmm...)

Lea's Crossword 2021-04-04

Lea's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What we made
  2. Our April promised land?
  3. Your first love
  4. Charlotte's disaster
  5. Should be your mantra?
  6. It sucks
  7. Don't talk to her before this
  8. It's home
  9. Not anytime soon?
  1. Your second love
  2. Your sanity
  3. I'll never arrange them right
  4. Husband's first love
  5. No time for them
  6. Daughter's first love
  7. Embrace it. It's not going away
  8. Your lost love
  9. Your last love
  10. Our savior?
  11. They blow
  12. Son's first love
  13. Breakfast (lunch and dinner?)

22 Clues: It sucksThey blowIt's homeYour sanityOur savior?What we madeYour lost loveYour last loveYour first loveYour second loveNo time for themSon's first loveNot anytime soon?Husband's first loveCharlotte's disasterDaughter's first loveShould be your mantra?Our April promised land?I'll never arrange them rightDon't talk to her before this...

Love you 2022-12-03

Love you crossword puzzle
  1. "I like it. It's ..." said Cub
  2. ʻOumuamua' is classified as an
  3. one of Matthew McConaughey's many professions
  4. famous historical suspension bridges
  5. a presence who's toils have been evaded thus far
  6. a wily creature well renowned
  7. most used ink hue
  8. napping next to alarms
  9. worst part of teaching
  1. rebar- prefix full word meaning
  2. a secret
  3. temp not currently working in vacinity
  4. she has her machines
  5. The attitude of Scion that levels the opposite attitude of Cub
  6. 'key word is...'
  7. older generational term for marijuana

16 Clues: a secret'key word is...'most used ink hueshe has her machinesnapping next to alarmsworst part of teachinga wily creature well renowned"I like it. It's ..." said CubʻOumuamua' is classified as anrebar- prefix full word meaningfamous historical suspension bridgesolder generational term for marijuanatemp not currently working in vacinity...

My Love 2023-06-18

My Love crossword puzzle
  1. town you live in
  2. name of our first child
  3. where you're studying
  4. your school mascot
  5. town I live in
  6. name you gave to my car
  7. where I'm studying
  8. my school mascot
  9. animal that plucky is
  1. your favorite drink
  2. where we had first kiss
  3. our first date
  4. month I asked you out
  5. your favorite chocolate
  6. my favorite food
  7. our senior trip

16 Clues: our first datetown I live inour senior triptown you live inmy favorite foodmy school mascotyour school mascotwhere I'm studyingyour favorite drinkwhere you're studyingmonth I asked you outanimal that plucky iswhere we had first kissname of our first childyour favorite chocolatename you gave to my car

My Love 2015-08-03

My Love crossword puzzle
  1. YOU MAKE MY HEART ______
  3. YOU ARE _____IN BED
  6. I ____ YOU MORE
  6. I CAN'T WAIT TO _____ YOU
  7. YOUR _____ MAKES MY DAY


Love You! 2016-10-11

Love You! crossword puzzle
  1. Breakfast food; lovely song
  2. "I love you"
  3. Rocky picnic spot
  4. Trip out of the country
  5. First Valentine's
  6. Hot Chocolate
  7. First Date
  8. First "I love you"
  1. Our first address
  2. First in-theater movie
  3. "You're amazing, wonderful, etc"
  4. Anniversary
  5. Our next pet :D
  6. Favorite pet name
  7. McDonald's meal; friends; us
  8. First roller coaster

16 Clues: First DateAnniversary"I love you"Hot ChocolateOur next pet :DOur first addressFavorite pet nameRocky picnic spotFirst Valentine'sFirst "I love you"First roller coasterFirst in-theater movieTrip out of the countryBreakfast food; lovely songMcDonald's meal; friends; us"You're amazing, wonderful, etc"

Sunday Love 2022-01-30

Sunday Love crossword puzzle
  1. Tub, SUPER sexy snow storm spot
  2. album cover legume
  3. zip, favorite article of clothing
  4. Training, Tigers v Phillies
  5. I love you more…
  6. city of love
  7. most beautiful girl in the world
  8. best snack
  1. My girlfriend is …. Than yours
  2. The (blank) where it happens
  3. elite squad
  4. keeper of the…
  5. the state owned by Casey
  6. number of kids we will have
  7. want anything from..?
  8. lesbian fashion

16 Clues: best snackelite squadcity of lovekeeper of the…lesbian fashionI love you more…album cover legumewant anything from..?the state owned by Caseynumber of kids we will haveTraining, Tigers v PhilliesThe (blank) where it happensMy girlfriend is …. Than yoursTub, SUPER sexy snow storm spotmost beautiful girl in the worldzip, favorite article of clothing

My love 2024-09-23

My love crossword puzzle
  1. I think I need three ------ today
  2. What are you up to?
  3. What kind of animal are you?
  4. Our first baby
  5. Where did we meet?
  6. It's bedtime
  7. What do we say when we're mad?
  8. You are such good ...
  1. Our favorite thing to do together
  2. My childhood nickname you love
  3. Where did we have our first date?
  4. What do I always want to put you in?
  5. What kind of food am I?
  6. Our love language
  7. Thank you
  8. What kind of lips do I have?

16 Clues: Thank youIt's bedtimeOur first babyOur love languageWhere did we meet?What are you up to?You are such good ...What kind of food am I?What kind of animal are you?What kind of lips do I have?My childhood nickname you loveWhat do we say when we're mad?Our favorite thing to do togetherI think I need three ------ todayWhere did we have our first date?...


LOVE CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Your favorite pair
  2. A common boys' name
  3. Tonight's the night
  4. A monumental day
  5. A ferocious feline
  6. A wet surprise
  7. What John was defeated from
  8. The sweetest treat
  1. It's not what you said; it's what you meant
  2. Content and joyful
  3. To dispose of something completely
  4. Tuesday's favorite folded food
  5. Something that lives rent-free in our heads
  6. A naughty, naughty boy
  7. Our favorite place
  8. A chaotic, creamy spectacle

16 Clues: A wet surpriseA monumental dayYour favorite pairContent and joyfulA ferocious felineOur favorite placeThe sweetest treatA common boys' nameTonight's the nightA naughty, naughty boyA chaotic, creamy spectacleWhat John was defeated fromTuesday's favorite folded foodTo dispose of something completelyIt's not what you said; it's what you meant...

Enigmatologists 2024-08-16

Enigmatologists crossword puzzle
  1. i love to swim more than anything else. i like to read. i am good at swimming
  2. i have lots of energy at night but no energy in the morning like an owl
  3. i want to meet rishab pant
  4. i want to go to space and make life habitable.
  5. i love painting and swimming and dancing. i love my parents and my best friends.
  6. i love my family
  7. i am good at badminton and bharatanatyam. i like percy jakson and harry potter
  8. i love to play cricket, badminton, dancing, reading, playing the keyboard.
  9. i know how to spell the longest word in english. pneumonoultramicroscopicsillicovolcanoconiosis. My wall chain is good.
  10. i love dogs
  11. i love badminton
  12. i love to sing carnatic music
  13. i love summer
  14. i love running
  1. i love to play basketball, sleep, watch T.V, read books
  2. i am wonderful at biology. i am a good friend to others
  3. i like sketching
  4. i love reading books a lot
  5. i love studying. I am extremely competitive about studies. I want to be 1st topper
  6. i like playing state level badminton
  7. i like to play basketball
  8. i love dancing
  9. dancing, talking, watching T.V, playing throw ball, basket ball

23 Clues: i love dogsi love summeri love dancingi love runningi like sketchingi love my familyi love badmintoni like to play basketballi love reading books a loti want to meet rishab panti love to sing carnatic musici like playing state level badmintoni want to go to space and make life habitable.i love to play basketball, sleep, watch T.V, read books...

Love you 2020-06-09

Love you crossword puzzle
  1. Algo que no tiene Daisy
  2. La perra a la que le encantan las galletas
  3. "Haz un _____"
  4. El perro mas asqueroso
  5. Grupo de kpop que le gusta a Bea (y a Daisy tambien)
  6. "Oh no, i think im catching _______"
  7. El peluche de Daisy
  8. "Hostia me estoy saltando la _______ chaval"
  1. Algo que hace bea mucho
  2. La profesion de no sabe decir Daisy
  3. Las dos somos super _______
  4. La perra mas gorda
  5. La camiseta de tienen las dos
  6. El perro mas mono
  7. La serie preferida de Bea y Daisy
  8. El peluche de Bea

16 Clues: "Haz un _____"El perro mas monoEl peluche de BeaLa perra mas gordaEl peluche de DaisyEl perro mas asquerosoAlgo que hace bea muchoAlgo que no tiene DaisyLas dos somos super _______La camiseta de tienen las dosLa serie preferida de Bea y DaisyLa profesion de no sabe decir Daisy"Oh no, i think im catching _______"...

Love crossword 2017-05-17

Love crossword crossword puzzle
  1. feeling of strong love and loyalty
  2. loyalty to a country, person or group
  3. excessive interest in oneself
  4. friendship, peaceful harmony
  5. enduring for a lon period of time
  6. intense, short- lived passion or admiration
  7. love for ones country
  8. faithfullness to commit to obligations
  1. occurring over a long period of time
  2. causing a feeling of happiness and well-being
  3. completely filling one's mind
  4. romanticized
  5. agreement or settlement with mutual consessions
  6. excessive excitement or enthousiasm
  7. state of intense happiness
  8. taking violent action against established power

16 Clues: romanticizedlove for ones countrystate of intense happinessfriendship, peaceful harmonycompletely filling one's mindexcessive interest in oneselfenduring for a lon period of timefeeling of strong love and loyaltyexcessive excitement or enthousiasmoccurring over a long period of timeloyalty to a country, person or group...

Love, Stargirl 2013-04-13

Love, Stargirl crossword puzzle
  1. What job does Stargirl's dad have?
  2. Where is Leo?
  3. Who is Cinnamon?
  4. Who's the old man at the cemetery?
  5. What was Leo's finak reply?
  6. How does Stargirl measure her happiness?
  7. What do you call Perry's harem?
  8. What's Stargirl's real name?
  9. A fish found in Alaska
  10. What is The Blob?
  1. A night-blooming cereus
  2. What is Ondine?
  3. Where does Alvina work?
  4. What was Betty Lou's problem?
  5. When the sun corsses the equator day and night are equal lengths of time
  6. When the sun reaches the point farthest north or south of the equator

16 Clues: Where is Leo?What is Ondine?Who is Cinnamon?What is The Blob?A fish found in AlaskaA night-blooming cereusWhere does Alvina work?What was Leo's finak reply?What's Stargirl's real name?What was Betty Lou's problem?What do you call Perry's harem?What job does Stargirl's dad have?Who's the old man at the cemetery?...

IN LOVE 2014-07-31

IN LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. Geburtsort von Nadine
  2. darauf warten die Eltern des Brautpaares meistens
  3. Drachen besiegen ist angeblich einfacher als mit ihr auszukommen
  4. übliche Kopfbedeckung der Braut
  5. Roy Black sang „Ganz in …“
  6. Liebe geht durch den …
  7. so viele Jahre sind sie bereits zusammen
  8. trotz Tausch hat jeder seinen eigenen
  1. nach der Trauung
  2. Was sich neckt das … sich.
  3. wird meist geworfen
  4. hier arbeitet Nadine
  5. das hat Sven gelernt
  6. Siegel für die Ehe
  7. wird manchmal versteigert
  8. heutiges Fest

16 Clues: heutiges Festnach der TrauungSiegel für die Ehewird meist geworfenhier arbeitet Nadinedas hat Sven gelerntGeburtsort von NadineLiebe geht durch den …wird manchmal versteigertWas sich neckt das … sich.Roy Black sang „Ganz in …“übliche Kopfbedeckung der Brauttrotz Tausch hat jeder seinen eigenenso viele Jahre sind sie bereits zusammen...

One love. 2014-08-18

One love. crossword puzzle
  1. Wat jij nooit draagt
  2. Onze zee-insider
  3. Jouw maand
  4. Soort snor
  5. Jouw aantrekkelijkste lichaamsdeel (voor mij)
  6. Mijn maand
  7. Het leukste meisje dat je kent
  8. Jij bleef steken bij...
  1. Mijn domme bijnaam
  2. Waar ik het liefst mee wacht, maja
  3. De jongen waar ik het meest om geef
  4. Basis van een relatie
  5. Mijn lievelingskleur
  6. Onze maand
  7. Jouw domme bijnaam
  8. Jouw huisdierµ

16 Clues: Jouw maandSoort snorOnze maandMijn maandJouw huisdierµOnze zee-insiderMijn domme bijnaamJouw domme bijnaamWat jij nooit draagtMijn lievelingskleurBasis van een relatieJij bleef steken bij...Het leukste meisje dat je kentWaar ik het liefst mee wacht, majaDe jongen waar ik het meest om geefJouw aantrekkelijkste lichaamsdeel (voor mij)

Our Love 2023-12-25

Our Love crossword puzzle
  1. The structure that will be at both of our wedding venues.
  2. A very atypical dish to want for your wedding.
  3. Olá ____.
  4. Our favorite restaurant in Mongaguá, really good espetos.
  5. Our favorite restaurant in Pittsburgh, really good wings.
  6. What we both did on the beach on May 16th.
  7. "_______ up on your reins."
  8. "We fell in love in _______."
  1. The conservatory where we did a scavenger hunt.
  2. Where we drank coconut milk on the day of Pelé's funeral procession.
  3. "You and me always _______."
  4. The street where we met.
  5. The most annoying dog to take on walks.
  6. The most perfect partner that anyone could ever have, beautiful beyond belief and wonderful in every way.
  7. The best place to get stranded.
  8. Our favorite restaurant in Boston, really good books.

16 Clues: Olá ____.The street where we met."_______ up on your reins.""You and me always _______.""We fell in love in _______."The best place to get stranded.The most annoying dog to take on walks.What we both did on the beach on May 16th.A very atypical dish to want for your wedding.The conservatory where we did a scavenger hunt....

Our love 2023-12-06

Our love crossword puzzle
  1. An ice cream flavor you like (but not in a cone)
  2. The location of the first vacation we took
  3. The place I sat next to you the night it all began
  4. A movie series we have yet to finish (4 words)
  5. A NZ city I want to travel and see with you
  6. The name of our future child
  7. The location of our first kiss
  8. The month of our anniversary
  9. My favorite flower
  1. The spot of our first date (2 words)
  2. The brand and name of our special go to dessert (2 words)
  3. A date I'm looking forward to (1 word and a numbered date)
  4. One of your favorite snacks that I disapprove of
  5. The place we first met
  6. How long we will be in love for
  7. The place where it all began

16 Clues: My favorite flowerThe place we first metThe name of our future childThe place where it all beganThe month of our anniversaryThe location of our first kissHow long we will be in love forThe spot of our first date (2 words)The location of the first vacation we tookA NZ city I want to travel and see with you...

True Love 2022-07-18

True Love crossword puzzle
  1. City where C and S got engaged
  2. "I love you"
  3. Spaniard who said 2-Down
  4. Number of apartments S and C have lived in together
  5. C's favorite movie and a hint to 3-Across, 7-Across, 15-Across, 16-Across, 2-Down, 14-Down
  6. C and S' first international trip
  7. First band C and S saw in concert together
  8. Actor Elwes
  9. The Dread Pirate _________
  1. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
  2. Furry friend of C and S
  3. C and S' most recent trip
  4. Number of years C and S have been long-distance
  5. Years S and C have been together
  6. City where S and C met
  7. Actress Wright

16 Clues: Actor Elwes"I love you"Actress WrightCity where S and C metFurry friend of C and SSpaniard who said 2-DownC and S' most recent tripThe Dread Pirate _________City where C and S got engagedYears S and C have been togetherC and S' first international tripFirst band C and S saw in concert togetherNumber of years C and S have been long-distance...

Birthday love 2024-05-24

Birthday love crossword puzzle
  1. first fruit you loved that I introduced
  2. your comfort place
  3. our first fight
  4. our goa Japanese date
  5. your secret skill
  6. you feel most entertained by
  7. birthplace
  8. what brought us together
  1. you still owe me
  2. you tore
  3. your non-human bestie
  4. you won’t ever eat
  5. finally replaced smokes with
  6. Our Goa Thai date
  7. beans you don’t like
  8. our first vacay

16 Clues: you torebirthplaceour first fightour first vacayyou still owe meOur Goa Thai dateyour secret skillyou won’t ever eatyour comfort placebeans you don’t likeyour non-human bestieour goa Japanese datewhat brought us togetherfinally replaced smokes withyou feel most entertained byfirst fruit you loved that I introduced

LOVE TEST 2025-02-05

LOVE TEST crossword puzzle
  1. What is my favorite animal?
  2. What was the first gift I gave you?
  3. Your favorite person
  4. Where was our first date
  5. What I am?
  6. My dream honeymoon destination
  7. Our anniversary date
  8. What is the name of our pet?
  1. My favorite vegetables
  2. Symbol for Valentines Day
  3. My favorite hobby
  4. What usually makes me angry?
  5. What I think you're good at
  6. What animal scares me the most
  7. What is the special nickname you call me?
  8. What is my favorite color?

16 Clues: What I am?My favorite hobbyYour favorite personOur anniversary dateMy favorite vegetablesWhere was our first dateSymbol for Valentines DayWhat is my favorite color?What is my favorite animal?What I think you're good atWhat usually makes me angry?What is the name of our pet?What animal scares me the mostMy dream honeymoon destination...

God is Love (7th) 2024-02-12

God is Love (7th) crossword puzzle
  1. 1 Chr 16:34 (God's love...endures ___ and ever).
  2. Lam 3:23 (God's love is...).
  3. 1 Cor 13:8 (God's love never...).
  4. Who comes to visit the baby Jesus in Matthew's Gospel?
  5. 1 Cor 13:7 (God's love...___ all things).
  6. Who tells us the name of the angel who announces Jesus' birth?
  7. What is the angel's name who announces Jesus' birth?
  8. Rom 5:8 (God's love is...type of love your parents give you).
  9. 1 JN 4:8 (God is...)
  1. Who comes to visit the baby Jesus in Luke's Gospel?
  2. Col 3:14 (God's love is...the bond of ___).
  3. Jer 31:3 (God's love is...lasts always).
  4. Eph 2:4 (God's love is...a person who is full of mercy).
  5. Rom 8:38-39 (God's love...can't be ___ from us).
  6. 1 Cor 13:4 (God's love is…).
  7. 1 Cor 13:4 (God's love is...).
  8. JN 3:16 (God's love is a...)
  9. Rom 5:5 (God's love...___ our hearts).

18 Clues: 1 JN 4:8 (God is...)Lam 3:23 (God's love is...).1 Cor 13:4 (God's love is…).JN 3:16 (God's love is a...)1 Cor 13:4 (God's love is...).1 Cor 13:8 (God's love never...).Rom 5:5 (God's love...___ our hearts).Jer 31:3 (God's love is...lasts always).1 Cor 13:7 (God's love...___ all things).Col 3:14 (God's love is...the bond of ___)....

mid 5 2025-01-11

mid 5 crossword puzzle
  1. - A close and personal bond
  2. - The foundation of a strong relationship
  3. - Endless, like true love
  4. - Love with deep care and understanding
  5. - A symbol of light and warmth
  6. - A romantic act to show affection
  7. - Love expressed in rhythmic words
  8. - To honor love and togetherness
  9. - A quick, meaningful look exchanged
  1. - The glow of someone in love
  2. - A gentle trait often found in love
  3. - A deep longing for connection
  4. - To fill someone with hope and love
  5. - To hold someone in high regard
  6. - The one meant for you forever
  7. - A coming together in love or marriage
  8. - The intriguing allure of love
  9. - Deeply loved and appreciated
  10. - A necessary virtue in relationships
  11. - A power of attraction

20 Clues: - A power of attraction- Endless, like true love- A close and personal bond- The glow of someone in love- A symbol of light and warmth- Deeply loved and appreciated- A deep longing for connection- The one meant for you forever- The intriguing allure of love- To hold someone in high regard- To honor love and togetherness...

Valentine 2024-01-18

Valentine crossword puzzle
  1. A warm and tight embrace.
  2. An angelic baby often linked with love.
  3. A popular flower gifted on Valentine's Day.
  4. Sent with heartfelt messages.
  5. Intense affection or deep fondness.
  6. Creates a romantic and cozy atmosphere.
  7. A symbol of commitment and love.
  8. A tender expression of love.
  9. The color associated with love.
  10. Cupid's weapon for sparking love.
  11. A token of affection or appreciation.
  1. Two people in a romantic relationship.
  2. This shape symbolizes love.
  3. A tiny, love-delivering archer.
  4. A sweet treat enjoyed on this occasion.
  5. A special bond between close pals.
  6. Expresses happiness and joy.
  7. A day dedicated to celebrating love.
  8. A sweet delight often shared on this day.
  9. A special outing on Valentine's Day.

20 Clues: A warm and tight embrace.This shape symbolizes love.Expresses happiness and joy.A tender expression of love.Sent with heartfelt messages.A tiny, love-delivering archer.The color associated with love.A symbol of commitment and love.Cupid's weapon for sparking love.A special bond between close pals.Intense affection or deep fondness....

Valentine's Day Crossword 2022-02-14

Valentine's Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. __________ and Aseneth
  2. Hymn: Love is the theme, _______ theme.
  3. Ruth and __________
  4. Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the ______.
  5. Annanias and ____________
  6. Jesus said the second greatest commandment is: Love your ________ as yourself.
  7. Priscilla and _________
  8. The love of ________ is the root of all evil.
  9. Sarah and _____________
  10. Delilah and ___________
  11. Ahasuerus and __________
  12. Jesus said unto Simon Peter, If you love me feed my ______.
  13. If any man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a ______.
  1. Hymn:...When nothing else could help love ______ me.
  2. Which son did Jacob love most?
  3. God commandeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet ______, Christ died for us.
  4. If you love me, keep my ____________.
  5. Rachel and ___________
  6. Now abideth faith, hope and ______ (the greatest of these) KJV
  7. Gomer and _______
  8. Song: I've got the love of Jesus down in my ______.
  9. __________ and Elizabeth
  10. _____________ and Isaac
  11. David and _________
  12. The Greatest Commandment: Love the Lord your _____with all your heart,...
  13. All things work together for ______ to those who love God.
  14. For God so loved the world, he gave his only ________ son...

27 Clues: Gomer and _______Ruth and __________David and ___________________ and AsenethRachel and ________________________ and IsaacPriscilla and _________Sarah and _____________Delilah and _____________________ and ElizabethAhasuerus and __________Annanias and ____________Which son did Jacob love most?If you love me, keep my ____________....

Love BG 2022-02-20

Love BG crossword puzzle
  1. dream trip
  2. flower bouquet
  3. the evil butler
  4. my cute pet name
  5. cafe animal cafe
  6. unborn son
  7. where we first properly met
  8. first tv series together
  9. first movie
  1. cinema
  2. ice cream events
  3. our Chinese zodiac
  4. first breakfast
  5. animal I interpret you as
  6. First in person meal date
  7. your cute pet name

16 Clues: cinemadream tripunborn sonfirst movieflower bouquetfirst breakfastthe evil butlerice cream eventsmy cute pet namecafe animal cafeour Chinese zodiacyour cute pet namefirst tv series togetheranimal I interpret you asFirst in person meal datewhere we first properly met

Tough Love 2022-08-23

Tough Love crossword puzzle
  1. gymnast's walkway
  2. description of a body part to be removed, or, what old people have
  3. where lovers met
  4. hawaiian instrument
  5. a first record, say
  6. Eastern Pond Leaf
  7. extremely learned?
  8. Paul's Jewish Name
  1. what one gently row, row, rows their boat down
  2. a cute nickname?
  3. a demonstration, of sorts
  4. basketball court fence
  5. medical rub-on
  6. copyright symbol
  7. ______ trail (US historical event named after a PNW state
  8. a clever motto

16 Clues: medical rub-ona clever mottoa cute nickname?copyright symbolwhere lovers metgymnast's walkwayEastern Pond Leafextremely learned?Paul's Jewish Namehawaiian instrumenta first record, saybasketball court fencea demonstration, of sortswhat one gently row, row, rows their boat down______ trail (US historical event named after a PNW state...

Love Is ... 2022-01-13

Love Is ... crossword puzzle
  1. Love keeps no record of ____ (hold grudges, unwilling to forget the sins of others)
  2. Love rejoices with the ______ (actual facts).
  3. Love is not ____-seeking (selfish, put self before others)
  4. Love will always ____ (defend, keep others from harm).
  5. Love is ____ (caring, helpful, gentle).
  6. Love does not ____ (jealous, resentful).
  7. Love will always ____ (never give up, endure).
  8. Love does not _____ others (make others feel bad)
  1. Love does not ____ (show off).
  2. Love will always ____ (believe, have faith in someone).
  3. Love will always ____ (expect the best, have confidence).
  4. Love will never ____ (unable to achieve or complete )
  5. Love is not easily ____ (lose temper)
  6. Love is ____ (tolerant, not easily annoyed).
  7. Love does not delight in ____ (bad things, wickedness)
  8. Love is not ____ (think too highly of ourselves)

16 Clues: Love does not ____ (show off).Love is not easily ____ (lose temper)Love is ____ (caring, helpful, gentle).Love does not ____ (jealous, resentful).Love is ____ (tolerant, not easily annoyed).Love rejoices with the ______ (actual facts).Love will always ____ (never give up, endure).Love is not ____ (think too highly of ourselves)...

BE LOVE 2023-02-11

BE LOVE crossword puzzle
  1. Same
  2. Thunder And Lightning
  3. Site of first kiss
  4. Morning Ritual
  5. Grove residence
  6. Favorite Restaurant
  7. TVSeries
  8. Swim challenge location
  1. Daily Calendar Report
  2. Court game
  3. Greek Food
  4. John Prine Music
  5. first song
  6. Road Trip
  7. Knicks
  8. How to own it

16 Clues: SameKnicksTVSeriesRoad TripCourt gameGreek Foodfirst songHow to own itMorning RitualGrove residenceJohn Prine MusicSite of first kissFavorite RestaurantDaily Calendar ReportThunder And LightningSwim challenge location

My Love 2024-02-07

My Love crossword puzzle
  1. Acromyn for a movie we saw in Theaters
  2. something we have done together that you love I buy
  3. we became official
  4. something we say to each other all the time
  5. A show I forced you to watch cuz its my fav
  6. A music icon, also the name of our baby
  7. a nickname for eachother, also tattooed on me
  8. Our "First" Child, adopted on my bday
  1. The place of our first date
  2. A place I've dragged you many a time, Legos
  3. Daddy's Home
  4. the first day we met
  5. Asian mother owns this place
  6. A drink we both love and have gone on drives for
  7. Acronym for a children's movie we watched (Vikings)
  8. Another music icon we both love

16 Clues: Daddy's Homewe became officialthe first day we metThe place of our first dateAsian mother owns this placeAnother music icon we both loveOur "First" Child, adopted on my bdayAcromyn for a movie we saw in TheatersA music icon, also the name of our babyA place I've dragged you many a time, Legossomething we say to each other all the time...

self-love 2023-12-21

self-love crossword puzzle
  1. Female members of a group.
  2. Conscious mental reactions. OR Strong feelings.
  3. Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill
  4. The state of being sober.
  5. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  6. Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul.
  7. A close female friend.
  8. The process of developing or maturing physically, mentally, or spiritually.
  1. The practice of being optimistic in attitude.
  2. Able to achieve efficiently.
  3. Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.
  4. Having an obligation, or having control over.
  5. The state of being happy.
  6. Intense and eager enjoyment
  7. A strong affection for another.
  8. Displaying kindness and concern for others.

16 Clues: A close female friend.The state of being happy.The state of being sober.Female members of a group.Intense and eager enjoymentAble to achieve efficiently.A strong affection for another.Displaying kindness and concern for others.The practice of being optimistic in attitude.Having an obligation, or having control over....

Love You! 2024-03-12

Love You! crossword puzzle
  1. Will we have kids?
  2. our dream pet
  3. When we will be married
  4. How tall I am
  5. My favorite dog's name (not my dog)
  6. My Favorite drink
  7. I love hearing your....
  8. My eye color
  9. my favorite flower
  10. I am a very .... partner
  1. The day we got together
  2. My favorite type of pizza
  3. first date was at....
  4. my favorite nickname for you
  5. my nickname
  6. My favorite animal

16 Clues: my nicknameMy eye colorour dream petHow tall I amMy Favorite drinkWill we have kids?my favorite flowerMy favorite animalfirst date was at....The day we got togetherWhen we will be marriedI love hearing your....I am a very .... partnerMy favorite type of pizzamy favorite nickname for youMy favorite dog's name (not my dog)

Love Idioms 2024-10-21

Love Idioms crossword puzzle
  1. to be over the ...
  2. to be in a love ...
  3. to be ... by love
  4. to be under someone's ...
  5. a ... made in heaven
  6. to get shot with Cupid's ...
  7. to be the ... of someone's eye
  8. love at first ...
  9. third ...
  1. to tie the ...
  2. to be head over ... in love
  3. to fan the ... of love
  4. to take one's ... away
  5. ... love
  6. to ... one's heart
  7. love-... relationship

16 Clues: ... lovethird tie the be ... by lovelove at first be over the ... one's heartto be in a love ...a ... made in heavenlove-... relationshipto fan the ... of loveto take one's ... awayto be under someone's be head over ... in loveto get shot with Cupid's be the ... of someone's eye