math Crossword Puzzles

Math Crossword 2021-05-10

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the ordered pair that gives the location or position of a point on a coordinate plane determined by the point’s distance from the x and y axes
  2. a plane curve resulting from the intersection of a cone by a plane that looks like a slightly flattened circle
  3. the factors or terms in a mathematical expression or equation
  4. an algebraic expression or equation with more than one term constructed from variables and constants using only the operations of addition subtraction multiplication and non negative whole number exponents
  5. the study of size shape and relative position of figures or the study of lines angles shapes and their properties
  6. mathematics using symbols or letters to represent variables values or numbers
  7. whole numbers both positive and negative including zero
  8. study motion and changing values through use of derivatives and integrals
  9. the mathematical operation where a number is multiplied by itself a specified number of times
  10. either a single number or variable or a product of several numbers or variables separated from another term by a plus or minus sign in an algebraic expression or equation
  11. a step by step procedure by which an operation can be carried out
  12. grounded in the rigorous formulation of calculus and grounded in the notion of a limit
  13. the study of quantity as a result of combining numbers
  14. a relation or correspondance between two sets in which one element of the second set is assigned to each element of the first set
  15. the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter which is an irrational number
  16. a measure of relationship between two variables or sets of data
  17. a quantity or set of numbers without bound limit or end
  18. a line that the curve of a fun ruin tends toward as the independent variable of the curve approches some limit
  19. a flat two-dimensional surface with infinite width and length and zero thickness and curvature
  1. a measure of how a function curve or curve changes as its input changes
  2. two geometric figures that have the same size and shape so one can be transformed into the other by a combination of translation rotation and reflection
  3. a smooth symmetrical curve with two branches produced by the section of a conical surface
  4. quantities or objects so small that there is no way to see or measure them so for all practical purposes they approach zero as a limit
  5. a number which when multiplied by x yields the multiplicative identity of one and can therefore be thought of as the inverse of multiplication
  6. a steepness or incline if a line determined by reference to two points in the line
  7. a one dimensional figure in geometry that follows a continuous straight path joining two or more points
  8. the correspondance in size form or arrangement of parts in a plane or line
  9. a way of writing rational numbers and representation ratios or division in the form of a numerator over a denominator
  10. the operation in calculus of finding the derivative of a function or equation
  11. a type of comic section curve any point of which is equally distinct from a fixed focus point and a fixed straight line
  12. a subsidiary collection of objects that all belong to or is contained in an original given set
  13. the point toward which h a series or function converged
  14. a collection of distinct objects or numbers without regard to their order considered as an object in its own right
  15. the branch of mathematics that studies the relationships between the sides and the angles of right triangles
  16. a rule or equation describing the relationship of two or more variables or quantities
  17. an ordered set whose elements are usually determined based on some function of the counting numbers
  18. a polynomial algebraic expression or equation with just two terms
  19. a mathematical statement or hypothesis which has been proved on the basis of previously established theorems and is effectively the proof of the truth of a statement or expression
  20. the product of all the consecutive integers up to a given number
  21. a number that will divide into another number exactly
  22. the study of the formal laws of reasoning
  23. a self-similar geometric shape produced by an equation that undergoes repeated iterative steps or recursion

42 Clues: the study of the formal laws of reasoninga number that will divide into another number exactlythe study of quantity as a result of combining numberswhole numbers both positive and negative including zerothe point toward which h a series or function convergeda quantity or set of numbers without bound limit or end...

Math CrossWord 2021-05-12

Math CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean, which is calculated by dividing the sum of the values in the set by their number.
  2. a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols
  3. a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.
  4. the relation between two expressions that are not equal, employing a sign such as ≠ “not equal to,” > “greater than,” or < “less than.”
  5. the process or skill of taking one number or amount away from another.
  6. a numerical quantity that is not a whole number
  7. denoting or relating to a value or quantity lying at the midpoint of a frequency distribution of observed values or quantities, such that there is an equal probability of falling above or below it.
  1. each of a group of numbers used to indicate the position of a point, line, or plane.
  2. a diagram showing the relation between variable quantities, typically of two variables, each measured along one of a pair of axes at right angles
  3. the number below the line in a common fraction; a divisor.
  4. a part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle.
  5. the process or skill of multiplying.
  6. the total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items
  7. an angle of 90°, as in a corner of a square or at the intersection of two perpendicular straight lines
  8. a quantity obtained by multiplying quantities together, or from an analogous algebraic operation.
  9. the action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated
  10. the action or process of adding something to something else.
  11. a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  12. a number or quantity that when multiplied with another produces a given number or expression.
  13. a quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised, usually expressed as a raised symbol beside the number or expression a collection of symbols that jointly express a quantity a value or component that may be expressed in numbers.

20 Clues: the process or skill of multiplying.a numerical quantity that is not a whole numbera result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbolsthe number below the line in a common fraction; a divisor.the action or process of adding something to something else....

Math Crossword 2021-05-24

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An equation that has two or more variables
  2. A line that intersects two or more lines
  3. Angle less than 90°
  4. the sum of the areas of the bases and lateral faces.
  5. A product of repeated factors
  6. Angle equal to 90°
  7. Shows frequencies of data values in intervals of the same size
  8. A line drawn on a scatter plot close to most of the data points. It can be used to estimate data on a graph.
  9. This value tells whether the correlation is positive or negative and how closely the equation models the data
  10. The number under the radical sign
  11. Pairs inputs and outputs
  12. Angle equal to 180°
  13. The radius is the distance from the center to any point on the circle
  1. an entire group of people or objects
  2. An equation whose graph is a line
  3. A mathematical sentence that compares expressions
  4. A set of two or more linear equations in the same variables
  5. Figures that have the same size and same shape
  6. the product of 4/3π and the cube of the radius of the sphere
  7. A relation that pairs each input with exactly one output
  8. A number with integers as its square roots
  9. Angle greater than 90° and less than 180°
  10. The exponent of a power indicates the number of times the base is used as a factor
  11. Shows data using pictures

24 Clues: Angle equal to 90°Angle less than 90°Angle equal to 180°Pairs inputs and outputsShows data using picturesA product of repeated factorsAn equation whose graph is a lineThe number under the radical signan entire group of people or objectsA line that intersects two or more linesAngle greater than 90° and less than 180°...

Math Vocabulary 2021-06-06

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Used to find the measurement of a 2D or 3D figure
  2. A number with only two factors, 1 and itself
  3. The sum of the areas of the faces of a 3D figure
  4. A number representing how many times a base number is multiplied to itself
  5. Data values that increase or decrease at a constant rate
  6. The number that appears the most in a set of data
  7. A number with more than two factors
  8. An open sentence that contains symbols like <,>
  9. a(b + c) = ab + ac is an example of what property?
  10. This is the operation displayed by all fractions and ratios
  11. An equation stating two ratios are equal
  12. What you should always do to your ratios
  13. x + y = y + x is an example of what property?
  14. Letters used to represent unspecified numbers or values
  15. Angles measuring more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
  16. Another word for equal
  17. Angles measuring 180 degrees
  18. The middle point of an angle
  19. The distance around a polygon
  20. A value used to find the circumference and area of a circle
  21. Whole numbers on a numberline (positive, negative and zero)
  22. A point on the coordinate plane
  23. The distance between the least and the greatest data values
  24. x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z is an example of what property?
  25. Angles measuring 90 degrees
  26. a data display in which dots are placed above a numberline
  27. The order of operations
  28. A set of numbers that can be expressed in the form of a fraction
  29. Another word for equal in size and dimension
  1. The distance around a circle
  2. Two angles with measures that have a sum of 180 degrees
  3. The middle number in a set of data
  4. In the term, 3x, the 3 is called what?
  5. the sum of numbers in a data set divided by the number of items in the data set
  6. Angles measuring less than 90 degrees
  7. The distance from zero on a number line
  8. Two angles that share one side and a vertex
  9. Two angles with measures that have a sum of 90 degrees
  10. 6xy is an example of this
  11. Terms that contain the same variables
  12. A diagram that divides a set of data into four parts using the median and quartiles
  13. A never-ending amount of values or solutions to an equation
  14. The measure of space a 3D figure occupies
  15. A number sentence with an equal sign
  16. Operations that are opposite like, addition and subtraction
  17. plane containing an x and y axis
  18. The "flip" of a fraction
  19. Two congruent, nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines
  20. the line that intersects two parallel lines
  21. How much space a 2D shape occupies
  22. A ratio that compares a number to 100
  23. A comparison of two numbers by division
  24. A 2D pattern to cut and fold in order to create a 3D figure

53 Clues: Another word for equalThe order of operationsThe "flip" of a fraction6xy is an example of thisAngles measuring 90 degreesThe distance around a circleAngles measuring 180 degreesThe middle point of an angleThe distance around a polygonA point on the coordinate planeplane containing an x and y axisThe middle number in a set of data...

Math Vocabulary 2021-06-05

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Data values that increase or decrease at a constant rate
  2. Two congruent, nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines
  3. x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z is an example of what property?
  4. plane containing an x and y axis
  5. A comparison of two numbers by division
  6. What you should always do to your ratios
  7. The distance between the least and the greatest data values
  8. A number representing how many times a base number is multiplied to itself
  9. A diagram that divides a set of data into four parts using the median and quartiles
  10. a(b + c) = ab + ac is an example of what property?
  11. The distance from zero on a number line
  12. x + y = y + x is an example of what property?
  13. Another word for equal
  14. This is the operation displayed by all fractions and ratios
  15. The sum of the areas of the faces of a 3D figure
  16. Two angles with measures that have a sum of 90 degrees
  17. The number that appears the most in a set of data
  18. A never-ending amount of values or solutions to an equation
  19. the line that intersects two parallel lines
  20. Two angles that share one side and a vertex
  21. The order of operations
  22. A point on the coordinate plane
  23. 6xy is an example of this
  1. Angles measuring 90 degrees
  2. Angles measuring 180 degrees
  3. A value used to find the circumference and area of a circle
  4. An equation stating two ratios are equal
  5. Angles measuring more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
  6. An open sentence that contains symbols like <,>
  7. A number sentence with an equal sign
  8. A number with more than two factors
  9. The "flip" of a fraction
  10. Whole numbers on a numberline (positive, negative and zero)
  11. The measure of space a 3D figure occupies
  12. The distance around a circle
  13. The middle point of an angle
  14. The middle number in a set of data
  15. the sum of numbers in a data set divided by the number of items in the data set
  16. A number with only two factors, 1 and itself
  17. Another word for equal in size and dimension
  18. Angles measuring less than 90 degrees
  19. A 2D pattern to cut and fold in order to create a 3D figure
  20. Terms that contain the same variables
  21. Used to find the measurement of a 2D or 3D figure
  22. A set of numbers that can be expressed in the form of a fraction
  23. Two angles with measures that have a sum of 180 degrees
  24. In the term, 3x, the 3 is called what?
  25. a data display in which dots are placed above a numberline
  26. The distance around a polygon
  27. Operations that are opposite like, addition and subtraction
  28. How much space a 2D shape occupies
  29. Letters used to represent unspecified numbers or values
  30. A ratio that compares a number to 100

53 Clues: Another word for equalThe order of operationsThe "flip" of a fraction6xy is an example of thisAngles measuring 90 degreesAngles measuring 180 degreesThe distance around a circleThe middle point of an angleThe distance around a polygonA point on the coordinate planeplane containing an x and y axisThe middle number in a set of data...

Math Vocabulary 2021-08-16

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A symbol used to represent an unknown value in a mathematical equations and/or expression.
  2. The path defined between two endpoints.
  3. Two or more objects which lie on the same linear path.
  4. The direction of a line describing the change in the rise as compared to the run.
  5. Two angles which together make a straight angle (180 degrees).
  6. A mathematical expression with one output for each input.
  7. A 3-sided polygon.
  8. A 1-dimensional object; a path with an endpoint extending forever in one direction.
  9. A 1-dimensional object; a path extending forever in both directions along a straight path.
  10. The set of possible input values for the independent variable for a given mathematical relation and/or function.
  11. The number in front of a variable term in a mathematical expression.
  12. An expression of two or more algebraic terms, especially those containing the sum of several terms with different powers of the same variable(s).
  13. Angles which measure 90 degrees.
  14. An object which splits another into two, congruent parts.
  15. Two objects which travel in the same direction without intersecting.
  16. A statement declaring two mathematical objects alike in size and shape.
  17. Two angles which together make a right angle.
  18. The point in the middle of a segment, equidistant from the endpoints.
  1. A 2-dimensional object; a flat surface extending forever in all directions.
  2. Two objects which form 90 degree angles with one another.
  3. The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines, rays, or surfaces.
  4. A mathematical statement that two expressions are the same in value.
  5. A 3-dimensional measurement of the amount of space within a 3-dimensional object (liters, gallons, etc)
  6. A 2-dimensional measurement of the amount of space within a 2-dimensional object (square feet, square inches, etc)
  7. Two or more objects which lie in the same plane.
  8. The point where a line crosses either the 'x' or 'y' axis.
  9. To break apart a number or value into smaller pieces which create a product that is equal to the original value.
  10. The set of possible output values for the dependent variable for a given mathematical relation and/or function.
  11. A number representing a fixed, unchanging value.
  12. The quality of being made of similar parts related around an axis and/or in a pattern.
  13. The location on a graph where two (or more) functions / relations cross one another.
  14. A closed figure formed by straight sides.
  15. A 0-dimensional object; location in space.

33 Clues: A 3-sided polygon.Angles which measure 90 degrees.The path defined between two endpoints.A closed figure formed by straight sides.A 0-dimensional object; location in space.Two angles which together make a right angle.Two or more objects which lie in the same plane.A number representing a fixed, unchanging value....

Math Crossward 2021-08-11

Math Crossward crossword puzzle
  1. A polynomial with degree 3 is called
  2. If prime factorisation of a rational no. is not in form of 2^n*5^m then its which type of expansion
  3. If two triangles are similar then their corresponding angles are
  4. The side on which angle stands
  5. When x and y are in form of (x,y) then it is called
  6. A point on y-axis is called
  7. The πr^2 is formula of finding out ___ of circle
  8. event The event which is defined to happen is called
  9. If two lines intersect at two points then we get ____ solution
  1. Ax^2+Bx+C= 0 is standard form of which polynomial a, b and c are real no.s
  2. When prime factorisation is of rational no. is in form 2^n*5^m then expansion is
  3. If probability of an event is 0 then the event is
  4. If a no. is in form of p/q where q≠0 then the no. is
  5. The highest power of variable is in a polynomial ___ of polynomial
  6. 2πr is formula of finding out ____ of circle
  7. Sinθ/Cosθ
  8. All equilateral triangles are
  9. Ax + B is which type of polynomial
  10. If equation has at least one solution then system is
  11. The side opposite to theta is called

20 Clues: Sinθ/CosθA point on y-axis is calledAll equilateral triangles areThe side on which angle standsAx + B is which type of polynomialA polynomial with degree 3 is calledThe side opposite to theta is called2πr is formula of finding out ____ of circleThe πr^2 is formula of finding out ___ of circleIf probability of an event is 0 then the event is...

Math Masterpiece 2021-10-15

Math Masterpiece crossword puzzle
  1. Seven thousand five hundred sixteen
  2. 700 + 500
  3. Eight thousand four hundred and three
  4. Round 9,999,999 to the nearest 1,000's place
  5. 429 + 569
  6. 70,000 + 2,000 + 400 + 50 + 9
  7. Subtract 100 from 10,000
  8. 4,000 + 900 + 80 + 3
  9. 1,000 + 1,000
  10. 36 + 999
  1. 3,083 rounded to the nearest 10s place
  2. 3,104 +905
  3. Add 8,008 and 1,992
  4. Round 985 to the nearest hundred's place
  5. 1,000,056 - 50 - 6
  6. 3,986 + 4,987
  7. 40,000 + 8,000 + 500 + 20 +4
  8. 3000-50
  9. Four thousand eighty three
  10. 5,629 + 5,632

20 Clues: 3000-5036 + 999700 + 500429 + 5693,104 +9053,986 + 4,9871,000 + 1,0005,629 + 5,6321,000,056 - 50 - 6Add 8,008 and 1,9924,000 + 900 + 80 + 3Subtract 100 from 10,000Four thousand eighty three40,000 + 8,000 + 500 + 20 +470,000 + 2,000 + 400 + 50 + 9Seven thousand five hundred sixteenEight thousand four hundred and three...

Math Crossword 2022-05-06

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Even with each other
  2. Type of solving trick your using
  3. Greater than or Equal to
  4. Going over your work
  5. You answer
  6. Rise ver run
  7. You can use a calculator
  8. A line of equations
  9. Check for GCF
  1. More steep, Less steep , Reflection
  2. 3 number equation
  3. An equation that has terms represented by letters
  4. Fx=a(x-h)^2+k
  5. replacing a number or letter
  6. The x value
  7. Going up
  8. The y value
  9. You wont master until you ....
  10. Going down
  11. Numbers making a equation comparing each other

20 Clues: Going upYou answerGoing downThe x valueThe y valueRise ver runFx=a(x-h)^2+kCheck for GCF3 number equationA line of equationsEven with each otherGoing over your workGreater than or Equal toYou can use a calculatorreplacing a number or letterYou wont master until you ....Type of solving trick your usingMore steep, Less steep , Reflection...

Math Vocabulary 2022-04-27

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a quadrilateral with all congruent sides
  2. a four sided polygon
  3. you can change the order of the numbers and still get the same solution
  4. a unit of weight, 16 of them equal 1 pound
  5. - a triangle with no congruent sides
  6. a unit of capacity, 8 of them make 1 cup
  7. an angle less than 90 degrees
  8. a unit of length, 12 of them make a foot
  9. a unit of capacity, equal to 4 quarts
  10. a unit of weight, equal to 16 ounces
  11. the result of adding two or more numbers
  12. a quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides and 4 right angles
  13. the result of dividing one number by another
  14. an angle with a measure of exactly 90 degrees
  15. an angle greater than 90 degree
  16. a number that tells you how many times a number should be multiplied by itself
  17. the result of subtracting one number from another
  18. 5(4+3)= 5x4 + 5x3
  1. the result of multiplying two or more numbers
  2. a quadrilateral with exactly 1 pair of parallel sides
  3. a unit of length, equivalent to 5,280 feet
  4. a quadrilateral with 4 right angles
  5. the number of cubes required to fill a 3-dimensional figure
  6. a triangle with congruent sides
  7. to the find the value of
  8. the number of squares required to cover a flat surface
  9. you can change the grouping () of numbers and still get the same solution
  10. the second coordinate in an ordered pair, which tells how far to move vertically
  11. a unit of capacity, equal to 8 ounces
  12. a quadrilateral with exactly 2 pairs of parallel sides
  13. a unit of length, equal to 3 feet
  14. a unit of capacity, equal to 2 cups
  15. a polygon with congruent sides and congruent angles
  16. a unit of weight, equal to 2,000 pounds
  17. a unit of capacity, 4 of them make a gallon
  18. the first coordinate in an ordered pair, which tells how far to move horizontally
  19. a plane, closed figure, with straight sides
  20. the same or equal
  21. a triangle with exactly 2 congruent sides
  22. a unit of length, 3 of them make a yard

40 Clues: the same or equal5(4+3)= 5x4 + 5x3a four sided polygonto the find the value ofan angle less than 90 degreesa triangle with congruent sidesan angle greater than 90 degreea unit of length, equal to 3 feeta quadrilateral with 4 right anglesa unit of capacity, equal to 2 cups- a triangle with no congruent sidesa unit of weight, equal to 16 ounces...

Math Vocabulary 2022-05-06

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the maximum or minimum of a parabola
  2. two furthest points on the line segment, there is a known midpoint
  3. a pattern that adds or subtracts by the same number
  4. difference between the greatest and least value
  5. middle value of set when arranged least to greatest
  6. lines lines that have the same slope
  7. the point equidistant from both ends
  8. even integers that follow each other, they differ by two
  9. whole number that is not a fraction
  10. odd integers that follow each other, they differ by two
  11. the sum of the data values divided by the number of data items
  1. are lines that have opposite reciprocal slopes
  2. values that occur the most in a set
  3. an expression involving one or more inequalities compares two values with greater than,less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to
  4. an unbroken sequence where each integer is one more than the previous
  5. formula used to find the hypotenuse in a right triangle
  6. imaginary line that goes through the vertex
  7. numbers that follow each other in order
  8. a pattern that multiplies by the same number repeatedly
  9. how close data is to line of decimal, as close to 1 or -1 as possible

20 Clues: values that occur the most in a setwhole number that is not a fractionthe maximum or minimum of a parabolalines lines that have the same slopethe point equidistant from both endsnumbers that follow each other in orderimaginary line that goes through the vertexare lines that have opposite reciprocal slopes...

math crossword 2022-05-10

math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Not a number
  2. Undefined slope
  3. Slope=0
  4. y=mx+b
  5. (y-y) (x-x)
  6. the set of all x-values
  7. Slope
  8. ax^2 + bx + c
  1. range
  2. set of orders pair
  3. Lines will cross
  4. pair (x,y)
  5. high point
  6. there is alot
  7. Stright lines never cross
  8. x-value is pair with 1 y-value
  9. endpoint of the graph
  10. a way to represent order pair
  11. low point
  12. Domain
  13. the set of all y-values

21 Clues: rangeSlopey=mx+bDomainSlope=0low pointpair (x,y)high point(y-y) (x-x)Not a numberthere is alotax^2 + bx + cUndefined slopeLines will crossset of orders pairendpoint of the graphthe set of all x-valuesthe set of all y-valuesStright lines never crossa way to represent order pairx-value is pair with 1 y-value

Math project 2022-05-10

Math project crossword puzzle
  1. Variables multiplied by coefficients
  2. Slope is equal to 0
  3. Other name for slope
  4. Multiply or divide a number each time to the pattern
  5. Outputs
  6. A number can be written as fraction
  7. Adding a number each time to the pattern
  8. Same slope, never intersect
  9. Formed by 2 perpendicular lines
  1. Other name for "x"
  2. Equal in value
  3. x=0
  4. form NO fractions or decimals
  5. Has two terms
  6. Other name for "y"
  7. Reason something occurs
  8. Two numbers that name a point on a graph
  9. Has one term
  10. Recognizable pattern
  11. Same Variables

20 Clues: x=0OutputsHas one termHas two termsEqual in valueSame VariablesOther name for "x"Other name for "y"Slope is equal to 0Other name for slopeRecognizable patternReason something occursSame slope, never intersectform NO fractions or decimalsFormed by 2 perpendicular linesA number can be written as fractionVariables multiplied by coefficients...

Math project 2022-05-10

Math project crossword puzzle
  1. Variables multiplied by coefficients
  2. Slope is equal to 0
  3. Other name for slope
  4. Multiply or divide a number each time to the pattern
  5. Outputs
  6. A number can be written as fraction
  7. Adding a number each time to the pattern
  8. Same slope, never intersect
  9. Formed by 2 perpendicular lines
  1. Other name for "x"
  2. Equal in value
  3. x=0
  4. form NO fractions or decimals
  5. Has two terms
  6. Other name for "y"
  7. Reason something occurs
  8. Two numbers that name a point on a graph
  9. Has one term
  10. Recognizable pattern
  11. Same Variables

20 Clues: x=0OutputsHas one termHas two termsEqual in valueSame VariablesOther name for "x"Other name for "y"Slope is equal to 0Other name for slopeRecognizable patternReason something occursSame slope, never intersectform NO fractions or decimalsFormed by 2 perpendicular linesA number can be written as fractionVariables multiplied by coefficients...

Math Vocabulary 2022-05-11

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The numerical factor of a term that contains a variable
  2. Number that occurs the most in a set of numbers
  3. plane a plane formed by the intersection of a horizontal and vertical number line
  4. the greatest of the common factors shared by 2 numbers
  5. on a coordinate plane (0,0)
  6. Equals
  7. A mathematical sentence that compares expressions
  8. Maximum minus minimum
  9. A term without a variable
  1. A mathematical sentence that uses = signs
  2. a letter or symbol in math
  3. Average
  4. The value of a part-to-whole ratio where the whole is 100
  5. Two numbers whose product is 1
  6. rate A rate that compares a quantity to one unit of another quantity
  7. value The distance between a number and 0
  8. Middle number of a set of numbers
  9. the base of a power is the repeated factor
  10. The four regions created by the intersection of the horizontal and vertical number lines
  11. your teachers first name

20 Clues: EqualsAverageMaximum minus minimumyour teachers first nameA term without a variablea letter or symbol in mathon a coordinate plane (0,0)Two numbers whose product is 1Middle number of a set of numbersA mathematical sentence that uses = signsvalue The distance between a number and 0the base of a power is the repeated factor...

Financial Math 2022-05-03

Financial Math crossword puzzle
  1. The lowest wage in a state
  2. Home Owners Association
  3. Money in Greece
  4. Worst education system
  5. A place to live that is not a house
  6. The taxes that a school collects
  7. The recommended down payment on a house
  8. Moving company
  9. The amount of money owed over a lifetime
  10. Where "Living on a Dollar a Day" was filmed
  11. Money in France
  1. Best education system
  2. Legal contract for renting an apartment
  3. How electricity is measured
  4. The amount of money overspent in one year
  5. The day where you argue your assessment
  6. The percent a real estate broker makes
  7. Legal contract when buying a house
  8. State without an income tax
  9. Percent you spend on housing

20 Clues: Moving companyMoney in GreeceMoney in FranceBest education systemWorst education systemHome Owners AssociationThe lowest wage in a stateHow electricity is measuredState without an income taxPercent you spend on housingThe taxes that a school collectsLegal contract when buying a houseA place to live that is not a house...

Math Crossword 2022-05-03

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. number multiplied by another number
  2. amount of space something takes up
  3. math addition problem
  4. six sided shape
  5. equal to
  6. adding everything up, then dividing it
  7. 1 divided by the number
  8. the starting point
  9. how far a number is from zero
  10. a mathematical guess; not exactly correct
  1. flat shape with 4 straight sides
  2. average of the numbers
  3. the middle of a sorted list of numbers
  4. answer to a division problem
  5. the plane containing the x and y axis
  6. the study of data
  7. difference between the lowest and highest
  8. multiplying a number by an integer
  9. shape with 4 straight sides
  10. calculating the value

20 Clues: equal tosix sided shapethe study of datathe starting pointmath addition problemcalculating the valueaverage of the numbers1 divided by the numbershape with 4 straight sidesanswer to a division problemhow far a number is from zeroflat shape with 4 straight sidesamount of space something takes upmultiplying a number by an integer...

Math Final 2022-05-16

Math Final crossword puzzle
  1. a example of a equation
  2. a number
  3. a amount of space
  4. a mathematical sentence that compares
  5. a paring of outputs and inputs.
  6. a relation that pairs one input with a output
  7. the point that divides
  8. a location in a space.
  9. adding a number more than one time
  10. has one dimension
  1. a type of math
  2. taking a number and making it less
  3. a proven statement
  4. a equation combining two factors
  5. the set of all possible input values of function
  6. a set of points consisting of two different rays.
  7. a statement where two sides are equal.
  8. the change in x between any two points on a line
  9. the middle number of a numerical number set.
  10. splitting a number a certain amount of times

20 Clues: a numbera type of matha amount of spacehas one dimensiona proven statementthe point that dividesa location in a space.a example of a equationa paring of outputs and inputs.a equation combining two factorstaking a number and making it lessadding a number more than one timea mathematical sentence that comparesa statement where two sides are equal....

Math project 2022-05-17

Math project crossword puzzle
  1. Value, The distance from zero.
  2. Numbers, symbols and operators grouped together that show the value of something.
  3. the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other.
  4. Common Factor, The greatest common factor between two numbers.
  5. A line that makes a U shape in the graph, Exponential, A line that curves a bit.
  6. relating to or denoting a system of numbers and arithmetic based on the number ten, tenth parts, and powers of ten.
  7. an algebraic expression consisting of one term.
  8. factor, in mathematics, a number or algebraic expression that divides another number or expression evenly—i.e., with no remainder. For example, 3 and 6 are factors of 12 because 12 ÷ 3 = 4 exactly and 12 ÷ 6 = 2 exactly. The other factors of 12 are 1, 2, 4, and 12.
  9. the value that appears most frequently in a data set.
  10. Top number of a fraction
  1. Numbers in a question.
  2. number that gets multiplied when using an exponent.
  3. The difference between the lowest and highest.
  4. number that is not a fraction.
  5. linear functions are those whose graph is a straight line.
  6. a quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression.
  7. Bottom number of a fraction
  8. fraction, In arithmetic, a number expressed as a quotient, in which a numerator is divided by a denominator. In a simple fraction, both are integers. A complex fraction has a fraction in the numerator or denominator. In a proper fraction, the numerator is less than the denominator.
  9. number, A number without any integer.
  10. The answer to a math problem
  11. expression, a combination of terms by the operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division

21 Clues: Numbers in a question.Top number of a fractionBottom number of a fractionThe answer to a math problemValue, The distance from zero.number that is not a fraction.number, A number without any integer.The difference between the lowest and algebraic expression consisting of one term.number that gets multiplied when using an exponent....

Math Vocabulary 2022-05-17

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Surface
  2. Ice-cream
  3. Legs
  4. Above
  5. Expand
  6. Power
  7. Apart
  8. Value
  9. Move
  10. Positive
  11. Negative
  12. Distance
  13. Rule
  14. Space
  1. 90°
  2. Middle
  3. Multiplication
  4. Opposite
  5. 180°
  6. Parallel
  7. Endpoint
  8. Triangle
  9. Up
  10. Below
  11. Independent
  12. Ratio
  13. Circle
  14. Diameter
  15. Function
  16. Equate
  17. Measurements

31 Clues: Up90°Legs180°MoveRuleAbovePowerBelowApartValueRatioSpaceMiddleExpandCircleEquateSurfaceOppositeParallelEndpointTriangleDiameterPositiveFunctionNegativeDistanceIce-creamIndependentMeasurementsMultiplication

Math Vocabulary 2022-05-17

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Surface
  2. Ice-cream
  3. Legs
  4. Above
  5. Expand
  6. Power
  7. Apart
  8. Value
  9. Move
  10. Positive
  11. Negative
  12. Distance
  13. Rule
  14. Space
  1. 90°
  2. 2x radius
  3. Multiplication
  4. Opposite
  5. 180°
  6. Parallel
  7. Endpoint
  8. Triangle
  9. Up
  10. Below
  11. Independent
  12. Ratio
  13. Circle
  14. half
  15. Function
  16. Equate
  17. Measurements

31 Clues: Up90°Legs180°MovehalfRuleAbovePowerBelowApartValueRatioSpaceExpandCircleEquateSurfaceOppositeParallelEndpointTrianglePositiveFunctionNegativeDistance2x radiusIce-creamIndependentMeasurementsMultiplication

Math Crossword 2022-05-28

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The set of all input values for a relation or function.
  2. A fraction that is equal to 1.
  3. The set of all output values for a function or relation.
  4. A graph represents numerical information spatially. The numbers may come from a table, situation (pattern), or equation (or inequality). Most of the graphs in this course show points, lines, and/or curves on a two-dimensional coordinate system, or on a single axis called a number line.
  5. When one quantity changes in a way that does not depend on the value of another quantity, the value that changes independently is represented with the independent variable.
  6. A function is decreasing if the y-values decrease as the x-values increase.
  7. A way of writing a number as a product of two factors separated by a multiplication sign. The first factor must be less than 10 and greater than or equal to 1. The second factor has a base of 10 and an integer exponent.
  8. An exponential function in this course has an equation of the form y = ab^x + k, where a is the initial value, b is positive and is the multiplier, and y = k is the equation of the horizontal asymptote.
  9. When a rule expressing a function is written using _____
  10. The output value is the dependent variable in a relation. When we substitute the input value into our equation, the result is the output value.
  11. A relationship between two equal ratios.
  1. The point(s) where a graph intersects the y-axis. A function has at most one y‑intercept; a relation may have several. The y‑intercept of a graph is important because it often represents the starting value of a quantity in a real-world situation.
  2. The point(s) where a graph intersects the x-axis.
  3. When one quantity’s value depends on one or more others, it is called the dependent variable.
  4. The absolute value of a number is the distance of the number from zero. Since the absolute value represents a distance without regard to direction, it is always a positive real number.
  5. The input value is the independent variable in a relation. We substitute the input value into our equation to determine the output value.
  6. A mathematical sentence in which two expressions appear on either side of an “equals” sign (=), stating that the two expressions are equivalent.
  7. A polynomial function of degree one or zero. The graph of a linear function is a line.
  8. A function is decreasing if the y-values increase as the x-values increase.
  9. A relationship in which for each input value there is one and only one output value.

20 Clues: A fraction that is equal to 1.A relationship between two equal ratios.The point(s) where a graph intersects the x-axis.The set of all input values for a relation or function.The set of all output values for a function or relation.When a rule expressing a function is written using _____...

Math Crossword 2022-05-19

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. set of x values in a graph, equation, table, or function
  2. a graph of a set of data points
  3. has both a magnitude and a direction
  4. fitting data to model
  5. reciprocal of sine
  6. some members of entire population selected to represent entire population
  7. distance between two data points that mark center of 50%
  8. visual representation of 5 number summary
  9. when two or more functions are graphed together
  10. set of y values in a graph, equation, table, or function
  11. average distance from the mean of a set of data points
  12. log that has base of “e”
  1. middle data point
  2. line that best fits data
  3. relationship of x’s and y’s
  4. r value, it tells the strength of the correlation
  5. average
  6. most commonly occurring data point in a set
  7. entire group of interest
  8. array of numbers, way to organize data
  9. any number involving an “i”
  10. reciprocal of tangent
  11. minimum, q1, median, q3, max
  12. reciprocal of cosine
  13. y=ax²+bx+c

25 Clues: averagey=ax²+bx+cmiddle data pointreciprocal of sinereciprocal of cosinefitting data to modelreciprocal of tangentline that best fits dataentire group of interestlog that has base of “e”any number involving an “i”relationship of x’s and y’sminimum, q1, median, q3, maxa graph of a set of data pointshas both a magnitude and a direction...

Math Terms 2022-06-01

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Two pairs of opposite sides parallel
  2. quadrilateral with only 4 equal sides
  3. quadrilateral with 4 right angles and equal sides
  4. Opposite over adjacent
  5. base times hight
  6. trapezoid with 2 consecutive right angles
  7. length times width
  8. quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides
  9. chart to prove triangle similarity
  10. angles add to 90
  11. angles add to 180
  1. quadrilateral with 2 pairs of adjacent sides congruent
  2. the area around a 3d shape
  3. moving points on a graph without rotating or reflecting
  4. Quadrilateral with 4 right angles
  5. trapezoid with congruent base angles
  6. a squared + b squared = c squared
  7. angles in a triangle add to 180
  8. Opposite over hypotenuse
  9. half the diameter
  10. when two lines cross the opposite angles are equal
  11. Adjacent over hypotenuse

22 Clues: base times hightangles add to 90half the diameterangles add to 180length times widthOpposite over adjacentOpposite over hypotenuseAdjacent over hypotenusethe area around a 3d shapeangles in a triangle add to 180Quadrilateral with 4 right anglesa squared + b squared = c squaredchart to prove triangle similarityTwo pairs of opposite sides parallel...

Math Terms 2022-05-23

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. the number by which another number is being divided
  2. a unit of liquid capacity equal to 3.79 liters.
  3. the number being divided
  4. A rate in which the second unit of the ratio is one unit of measurement such as miles per 1 hour.
  5. The distance across a circle
  6. an angle that is more than 90 degrees
  7. the result of a division problem
  8. two whole numbers that are multiplied to get a specific product
  9. the extent or measurement of a surface or piece of land
  10. the constant value of the ratio of two proportional quantities x and y
  11. the result of an addition problem
  12. a number divisible by 2
  13. the shorter side of a 2D shape
  14. A transformation of one figure that results in a figure that is similar to the original figure
  1. an angle that is less than 90 degrees
  2. The measure of the interior space of a three-dimensional figure.
  3. the longer side of a 2D shape
  4. a number that is ABOUT equal to a number
  5. a decimal prefix regarding multiplication by 1000
  6. a number not divisible by 2
  7. any number without a decimal or fractional part
  8. The number on the bottom of a fraction
  9. how tall a 3D shape is
  10. a relationship where there is a constant rate of change between two variables
  11. a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  12. the length from the center of a circle to the edge
  13. the side of a 3D shape that the shape is "standing" on
  14. a relationship involving one or more variables
  15. the result of a multiplication problem
  16. a two dimensional shape that can be folded into a 3D shape

30 Clues: how tall a 3D shape isa number divisible by 2the number being divideda number not divisible by 2The distance across a circlethe longer side of a 2D shapethe shorter side of a 2D shapethe result of a division problemthe result of an addition probleman angle that is less than 90 degreesan angle that is more than 90 degrees...

Math crossword 2022-05-23

Math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the measure of the outside of a shape
  2. the horizontal axis on a coordinate plane
  3. product of any number and zero is zero
  4. the length of one side of a figure
  5. greater than 90 degrees
  6. a quantity that is not a whole number
  7. A number multiplied by itself
  8. range of the middle half of your data
  9. a thousand
  10. the average
  11. the vertical axis on a coordinate plane
  12. two expressions that are equal
  13. the distance between two sides of a circle
  14. unknown numbers
  15. a way to display information
  16. The space of a 2D figure
  17. the longest side of a right triangle
  1. figure with four sides
  2. The probability of two things happening together
  3. chance something will happen
  4. a number that has no decimal or fraction
  5. the perimeter of a circle
  6. less than 0
  7. a whole number that is positive or negative
  8. a way to display data
  9. the answer to a problem
  10. any whole number, integer, fraction, or decimal
  11. The surface area of everything but the base and the top
  12. the steepness of a line
  13. difference between the maximum and minimum in data

30 Clues: a thousandless than 0the averageunknown numbersa way to display datafigure with four sidesgreater than 90 degreesthe answer to a problemthe steepness of a lineThe space of a 2D figurethe perimeter of a circlechance something will happena way to display informationA number multiplied by itselftwo expressions that are equal...

Math studysheet 2022-05-31

Math studysheet crossword puzzle
  1. polygon with two parallel sides
  2. angle that is inside the circle touching the edges.
  3. angle that is over 90
  4. angles must have a certain number of degrees to be that shape
  5. the length around the hole circle
  6. all diagonals are inside shape
  7. two pairs of parallel sides
  8. straight line across the center of a circle
  9. anggles are next to each other that add up to 180 degrees
  10. angle that is less that 90
  11. all angles and sides are congruent
  12. goes forever in length and width, it has a flat surface.
  13. the amount of space something takes up
  1. closed figure in a plane formed by edges and lines.
  2. angle that are congruent because they are next to each other
  3. Asquared plus Bsquared plus Csquared
  4. all sides added together
  5. a side of a shape that has a certain length
  6. angles that add up to 180
  7. length is a fraction of the circumference
  8. all diagnals are outside shape
  9. angle that is 90 degrees
  10. is half the diameter
  11. two pairs of congruent sides and all angles are congruent

24 Clues: is half the diameterangle that is over 90all sides added togetherangle that is 90 degreesangles that add up to 180angle that is less that 90two pairs of parallel sidesall diagnals are outside shapeall diagonals are inside shapepolygon with two parallel sidesthe length around the hole circleall angles and sides are congruent...

Math CrossWord 2022-05-20

Math  CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. same shape, same size
  2. when the outcome of first event does not impact the outcome of the second
  3. a straight line
  4. the largest piece of data
  5. a percentage of the selling price of a good or service which is added to the price
  6. a ratio that compares two quantities with different kinds of units
  7. the number next to the variable
  8. the number used to enlarge a figure
  9. the lower half of the data
  10. a symbol or placeholder for an unknown quantity
  11. when the outcome of the first even does impact the outcome of the second
  12. when a rate is simplified so that it has a denominator of 1
  13. the upper half of the data
  1. a mathematical sentence that compares expressions
  2. tells us the rate or speed of change
  3. radius times two
  4. consists of two or more events
  5. the smallest piece of data
  6. the length from the edge of a circle to the middle
  7. same shape, different size
  8. an equation stating that two ratios or rates are equivalent
  9. the number the appears most frequently
  10. face each other
  11. next to
  12. radius times pi
  13. the difference between the highest and lowest numbers in a set of numbers
  14. where the line intersects with the y-axis
  15. the average of a set of numbers
  16. an event at which products are sold at a reduced price
  17. a value or number that never changes in an expression

30 Clues: next toa straight lineface each otherradius times piradius times twosame shape, same sizethe largest piece of datathe smallest piece of datasame shape, different sizethe lower half of the datathe upper half of the dataconsists of two or more eventsthe number next to the variablethe average of a set of numbersthe number used to enlarge a figure...

math vocab 2022-05-20

math vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a part of a graph
  2. a number has only one formula to get in multiplication
  3. when you own someone/something moeny
  4. the amount of space in a flat shape
  5. when two rays meet each at a common point, they form an angle
  6. A line graph is a type of chart used to show information that changes over time
  7. the angle of a line
  8. two lines that are the same and not going to touch
  9. a special relationship between an input and a output
  10. the number of the round in the circle
  1. a pair of factors
  2. the space in a 3d object
  3. a part or a number
  4. the measurement of the line in the middle of the circle
  5. the weight of a object
  6. a whole number that's not a fraction
  7. When you change a number to a different fration with the same value
  8. a surface that is not curved
  9. a number multiplied to equal that number
  10. the starting point in a graph
  11. a factor is a number that divides another number leaving no remainder
  12. a line with a the numbers on it

22 Clues: a pair of factorsa part of a grapha part or a numberthe angle of a linethe weight of a objectthe space in a 3d objecta surface that is not curvedthe starting point in a grapha line with a the numbers on itthe amount of space in a flat shapewhen you own someone/something moenya whole number that's not a fractionthe number of the round in the circle...

Math Crossword 2022-05-20

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. measurement of a region
  2. the middle number in a set of numbers
  3. a line in a graph that represents how steep something is
  4. perimeter of a circle
  5. the measurement from the center of a circle to the outside of a circle.
  6. multiplicative factor in an equation
  7. the average of a set of numbers
  8. the highest number minus the smallest number in a set of numbers.
  9. the distance of a circle from one end to another
  10. the number below the line in a fraction
  11. the space between two lines.
  12. a number that occurs constantly in an equation
  13. the measurement of something from one end to another
  1. a letter in math
  2. A unit of measurement in an angle.
  3. two numbers that are unequal
  4. the amount of 3d area in a closed 3d shape.
  5. two lines going the same way forever
  6. the number that comes up the most in a set of numbers
  7. the answer you get when you divide a number.
  8. length from top to bottom
  9. the boundary of a figure.
  10. squares that are divided by the x and y axis in a graph
  11. the answer of an equation
  12. a number that is less than zero
  13. amount of something over one hundred
  14. the number above the line in a fraction

27 Clues: a letter in mathperimeter of a circlemeasurement of a regionlength from top to bottomthe boundary of a figure.the answer of an equationtwo numbers that are unequalthe space between two lines.the average of a set of numbersa number that is less than zeroA unit of measurement in an angle.two lines going the same way forever...

Math quiz 2022-06-12

Math quiz crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 7
  3. 3
  4. 19
  5. 9
  6. 17
  7. 13
  8. 14
  9. 8
  10. 20
  11. 11
  12. 5
  13. 18
  1. 15
  2. 4
  3. 24
  4. 23
  5. 12
  6. 22
  7. 16
  8. 21
  9. 10
  10. 2
  11. 6

24 Clues: 174398256152423191712132216142021111018

Math quiz 2022-06-12

Math quiz crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 11
  3. 19
  4. 20
  5. 4
  6. 22
  7. 6
  8. 3
  9. 23
  10. 18
  11. 8
  1. 5
  2. 17
  3. 9
  4. 12
  5. 10
  6. 24
  7. 7
  8. 13
  9. 21
  10. 16
  11. 15
  12. 2
  13. 14

24 Clues: 519746328171211101920241321221623151814

Math quiz 2022-06-12

Math quiz crossword puzzle
  1. 19
  2. 11
  3. 12
  4. 24
  5. 7
  6. 5
  7. 1
  8. 2
  9. 16
  10. 23
  11. 9
  1. 4
  2. 13
  3. 22
  4. 20
  5. 17
  6. 15
  7. 18
  8. 14
  9. 3
  10. 6
  11. 2
  12. 10
  13. 21

24 Clues: 475361229191311221220171524181410162321

Math quiz 2022-06-12

Math quiz crossword puzzle
  1. 19
  2. 11
  3. 12
  4. 24
  5. 7
  6. 5
  7. 1
  8. 2
  9. 16
  10. 23
  11. 9
  1. 4
  2. 13
  3. 22
  4. 20
  5. 17
  6. 15
  7. 18
  8. 14
  9. 3
  10. 6
  11. 2
  12. 10
  13. 21

24 Clues: 475361229191311221220171524181410162321

Math Project 2022-06-07

Math Project crossword puzzle
  1. a line that cuts across parallel lines
  2. A set of translations, rotations, reflections, or dilations on a figure
  3. The amount y changes when x increases by 1 in a linear relationship
  4. To turn the same direction as the hands of a clock
  5. When two parallel lines are crossed by another line called a transversal
  6. A number we can calculate using any two points on the line
  7. a pair of values that make an equation true
  8. When two numbers or more are added to another
  9. The opposite of multiplication
  10. the result of a translation, rotation, or a reflection
  11. When a figure can be moved with translations, rotations, and reflections to fit over another perfectly
  12. The operation where the logo is an X or *
  13. a translation, rotation, reflection, or dilation or a combo of them
  14. A fixed point on a plane
  15. an angle that forms a straight line
  1. When a figure moves every point in a figure a given distance in a given direction
  2. a transformation in which each point on a figure moves alone a line and changes its distance from a fixed point
  3. The opposite of addition
  4. When a figure doesn't change when x changes
  5. The answer to a problem
  6. When a figure moves every point around a center by a given angle at a given direction
  7. When a figure moves every point on a figure to a point on the opposite side of the line
  8. a set of two or more equations
  9. When part of an original figure matches up with a part of a copy
  10. A relationship between two quantities so when one changes, so does the other.
  11. the point where the graph of a line crosses the vertical axis
  12. To turn in the opposite direction as the hands of a clock
  13. A move that does not change any measurements of a figure
  14. Opposite angles that share the same vertex
  15. When two figures can fit over the other after rigid transformations and dilations

30 Clues: The answer to a problemThe opposite of additionA fixed point on a planea set of two or more equationsThe opposite of multiplicationan angle that forms a straight linea line that cuts across parallel linesThe operation where the logo is an X or *Opposite angles that share the same vertexWhen a figure doesn't change when x changes...


MATH CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. neighbors A neighborhood watch association surveyed 40 neighbors about their feelings of safety in the neighborhood. They will survey an additional 80 neighbors. Based on the information, predict how many of the 80 neighbors will feel safe?
  2. There are 24 people in a fitness studio. 3/8 are living weights, 1/3 are cross-training, and the remaining people are running. What fraction of the people are running.
  3. In PE, a parachute is laid out on the gym floor. The parachute has a radius of 16 feet. Which measurement is closest to the circumference of the parachute in feet?
  4. A size 8 shoe measures 92/3 inches. If 5 size 8 shoes are lined end to end, how many inches will they cover?
  5. Two angles are supplementary to each other. If the first angle measures 58, then which of the following could be the measure of the second angle?
  6. Margie has a $50.00 budget to purchase a $45.00 pair of boots. If there is an 8% sales tax rate, then how much under will Margie be?
  7. mi A courier service charges a $5 pickup fee, plus $0.15 per mile. The total charge to deliver a package is $7.85. How many miles did the courier service travel to deliver the package?
  8. Mrs. Sloan is purchasing 3.4 pounds of trail mix that costs $4.25 per pound. How much change will Mrs. Sloan receive if she gives the cashier $20.00?
  9. A hot air balloon travels 18 miles in 3 hours. At this rate, how many miles will the hot air balloon travel in 3/4 hours?
  1. The record low temperature in Fargo, ND is -37f. The record high is 109f. What is the difference between the record low and the record high temperatures?
  2. The playing cards are used in a game. What is the probability of not selecting a prime number?
  3. student takes notes in class, complete assignments, attends tutoring, and prepares for the test. What is the likely hood that the student passes the exam?
  4. cm Micha made a scale model of the Empire state building. The building has an actual height of 381 meters. Micha's model used a scale in which 1 cm represents 50 meters. What is the height in centimeters of Micha's model?
  5. dollars Edgar pays $67.86 for 7.8 pounds of fertilizer. What is the price per pound of fertilizer?
  6. 1/3 A 9-pound bag of sugar is being split into containers that hold 2/4 of a pound. How many containers of sugar will the 9-pound bag create?
  7. Todd plans to swim 18 laps in the pool. Each lap is 50 yards. So far Todd has swum 738 yards. What percentages o the total has Todd completed?
  8. Margo missed 24.6% of her free throw shots in a season. During the season, she shot a total of 90 free throws. What is the best estimate of the number of free throws Margo missed?
  9. A spool with 18 feet of ribbon will be cut into 8-inch segments. How many 8 inch segments can be cut from the spool of ribbon
  10. The tablet price was increased from $180 to $207. By what percentage was the price of the tablet increased?
  11. The weather temperature shows the 5-day forecast in St. Paul, Minnesota. What is the sum of the various temperatures over the period of five days?
  12. What is the value of x: -4x+8=42

21 Clues: What is the value of x: -4x+8=42The playing cards are used in a game. What is the probability of not selecting a prime number?dollars Edgar pays $67.86 for 7.8 pounds of fertilizer. What is the price per pound of fertilizer?The tablet price was increased from $180 to $207. By what percentage was the price of the tablet increased?...

math :D 2022-05-23

math :D crossword puzzle
  1. a rising or falling surface
  2. another step added from the 1 step equation
  3. substitution for an unknown numerical value
  4. the bottom surface of a 3D object
  5. the perimeter of a circle
  6. the greatest amount minus the least amount
  7. what does MAD stand for?
  8. 1 less step than a 2 step equation
  9. an angle more than 90 degrees
  10. a number that is not a fraction
  11. changing the size of a shape
  1. data that is represented by dots
  2. half of the diameter
  3. the amount of space in a 3d object
  4. the average of a group of numbers
  5. when expressions have the same value
  6. the middle number of the data
  7. the amount of space covered in an object
  8. number a number that is less than zero
  9. the amount out of 100
  10. twice the radius
  11. the most occurred number
  12. an angle less than 90 degrees
  13. when expressions do not have the same value
  14. can also be a decimal
  15. an exact copy of a shape
  16. moving the shape
  17. turning the shape
  18. can also be a fraction
  19. the smaller side lengths of a triangle

30 Clues: twice the radiusmoving the shapeturning the shapehalf of the diameterthe amount out of 100can also be a decimalcan also be a fractionthe most occurred numberan exact copy of a shapewhat does MAD stand for?the perimeter of a circlea rising or falling surfacechanging the size of a shapethe middle number of the dataan angle less than 90 degrees...

Math Terms 2022-05-23

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. rise over run
  2. The amount of space in a 3-D figure
  3. Angles that are opposite to each other when two lines cross
  4. Perimeter of a circle
  5. A rule that defines a relationship between one variable
  6. Distance from the middle to the edge of a circle
  7. How many times one number contains another
  8. The middle number of all the numbers
  9. Numbers that are not rational
  10. a mathematical equation
  1. Tax on anything sold
  2. A number that is considered in comparative relations to a whole
  3. a whole number that is not a fraction
  4. A factor that can multiply itself to get another factor
  5. Horizontal line on a graph
  6. A chance that two or more numbers occur at the same time
  7. only whole numbers
  8. Straight line passing from side to side in a circle
  9. Two angles that have a common side but do not overlap
  10. A Mathematical Constant
  11. vertical axis on a graph

21 Clues: rise over runonly whole numbersTax on anything soldPerimeter of a circleA Mathematical Constanta mathematical equationvertical axis on a graphHorizontal line on a graphNumbers that are not rationalThe amount of space in a 3-D figureThe middle number of all the numbersa whole number that is not a fractionHow many times one number contains another...

Math terms 2022-05-24

Math terms crossword puzzle
  1. The horizontal axis.
  2. a symbol that represents a number.
  3. line segment that goes from the center to the edge of a circle.
  4. expression that are made up of variables, numbers , etc..
  5. The _______________ of a circle is the distance around the circle.
  6. a system for telling where points are.
  7. a circle with center at the origin and a radius of one unit.
  8. space inside a 3d shape.
  9. is one way to measure the center of a data set.
  10. the set of all points in a plane.
  11. a number or polynomial of degree 0.
  12. measured space in between two intersected lines.
  1. tells how the measurements in a scale drawing represent the actual measurements of the object.
  2. the vertical axis.
  3. It measures 90 degrees.
  4. Means“to the second power.”
  5. probability of an event is a number that tells how likely it is to happen.
  6. a fraction or the opposite of a fraction.
  7. tt to the power of 2.
  8. to multiply all the lengths in the original figure by the same number, This number is called the scale factor.
  9. a data set is the fraction of the data in a given category.
  10. is a proportional relationship between the diameter and circumference of any circle.
  11. When part of an original figure matches up with part of a copy, we call them ________________.
  12. ne way to measure the center of a data set.
  13. a line segment that goes from one edge of a circle to the other and passes through the center.

25 Clues: the vertical axis.The horizontal to the power of 2.It measures 90 inside a 3d shape.Means“to the second power.”the set of all points in a plane.a symbol that represents a number.a number or polynomial of degree 0.a system for telling where points are.a fraction or the opposite of a fraction....

math crossword 2022-06-06

math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. multiply and add exponents
  2. regroup with parentheses
  3. the number that relates the two variables in an inverse variation
  4. reorder with parentheses
  5. divide a number line into four intervals
  6. a relation between two variables
  7. KFC
  8. a number that describes both the direction and the steepness of the line.
  9. all real numbers except those for which the denominator is equal to 0
  10. the degree of the numerator is less than the degree of the denominator
  11. an algebraic expression that has three non-zero terms and has more than one variable in the expression.
  12. how do you divide fractions?
  1. used to model the inverse variation
  2. a line that a graph approaches
  3. a function that can be expressed by the ratio of two polynomials
  4. the first step to reducing rational expressions
  5. asymptotes guide the…
  6. a mathematical expression consisting of two terms connected by a plus sign or minus sign.
  7. the second step to reducing rational expressions
  8. occurs at the x-values where the function is undefined
  9. the quotient of two polynomials
  10. first step to multiplying rational expressions
  11. used to find the degree of the numerator and denominator
  12. how to add polynomials
  13. an algebraic equation of the second degree in x

25 Clues: KFCasymptotes guide the…how to add polynomialsregroup with parenthesesreorder with parenthesesmultiply and add exponentshow do you divide fractions?a line that a graph approachesthe quotient of two polynomialsa relation between two variablesused to model the inverse variationdivide a number line into four intervals...

math words 2022-05-20

math words crossword puzzle
  1. middle of a cordanite plane
  2. the process of taking a matrix, vector, or other quantity away from another under specific rules to obtain the difference.
  3. motion in geometry in which an object is turned over a straight line to form a mirror image
  4. top of a fraction
  5. he amount of space in a certain 3D object.
  6. the continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure.
  7. a line or surface on which a figure is regarded as standing a line or surface on which a figure is regarded as standing.
  8. variable that represents a quantity that is being manipulated in an experiment
  9. second power
  10. a numerical quantity that is not a whole number
  11. a quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised, usually expressed as a raised symbol beside the number or expression
  12. expression is a finite combination of symbols that is well-formed according to rules that depend on the context
  13. the average
  14. a number above zero
  1. an angle that measures more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees.
  2. a number lower than zero
  3. a angle below 90 degree angle
  4. the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle
  5. a number or quantity that when multiplied with another produces a given number or expression
  6. vertical distance from the top to the base of the object.
  7. greater than any assignable quantity or countable number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number.
  8. a variable whose value depends upon independent variable \

22 Clues: the averagesecond powertop of a fractiona number above zeroa number lower than zeromiddle of a cordanite planea angle below 90 degree anglehe amount of space in a certain 3D object.a numerical quantity that is not a whole numbervertical distance from the top to the base of the object.a variable whose value depends upon independent variable \...

math project 2022-05-20

math project crossword puzzle
  1. relating to Pythagoras' theorem that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
  2. a data point on a graph or in a set of results that is very much bigger or smaller than the next nearest data point
  3. the gradient of a graph at any point
  4. a chart used for determining whether a pair of shapes are equivalent
  5. a set of possible values for the independent variables of a function
  6. able to assume different numerical values
  7. when a histogram's data is spread out evenly
  8. the middle number in a set of statistics
  9. a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things
  1. situated between the first and third quartiles of a distribution
  2. when a histogram's data has more data on its left side than the right
  3. an infinite ordered series of numerical quantities
  4. a graph made for statistics and organizes them into user specified ranges
  5. a method for graphically demonstrating the data through the ranges, quartiles and median
  6. a set of values that a function can take as its argument varies
  7. in agreement or harmony
  8. to be represented by a straight line on a graph
  9. an equation involving one or more variables
  10. the average number in a set of statistics
  11. being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis

20 Clues: in agreement or harmonythe gradient of a graph at any pointthe middle number in a set of statisticsable to assume different numerical valuesthe average number in a set of statisticsan equation involving one or more variableswhen a histogram's data is spread out evenlyto be represented by a straight line on a graph...

Math 121 2022-08-07

Math 121 crossword puzzle
  1. a set created by common members of two or more sets
  2. a whole number is divisible by...if it is divisible by both 2 and 3
  3. comparing two quantities means to?
  4. also known as counting numbers
  5. equivalent... represents the same number on the number line
  6. fractions that include whole and fraction parts
  7. what does it mean to have no cardinality
  8. a number/quantity that remains the same
  9. a letter used to represent an unknown value/quantity
  10. to solve an equation we use...operations
  11. a number that is divisible by two
  12. what does it mean to have cardinality
  13. having two equal ratios means that they are..
  14. distinct group of objects to identify a group
  15. include counting numbers and zero
  16. the top number of a fraction is known as the
  1. what does LCM stand for
  2. what do you call two sets with no members that are the same
  3. whole number that can be divisible by a natural number
  4. a set that includes members from both previous sets
  5. what does n(A) mean
  6. when the numerator is bigger then the denominator
  7. includes non terminating decimals, non repeating decimal numbers, and the square roots of non perfect squares
  8. multiplication is repeated..
  9. we don't...expressions
  10. what does this symbol mean |n|
  11. a number that cannot be divisible by two
  12. make up all the rational and irrational numbers
  13. what does this symbol stand for A'
  14. a whole number is divisible by... if its ones digit is 0 or 5
  15. known as the bottom number of a fraction
  16. what do you call a set with no members

32 Clues: what does n(A) meanwe don't...expressionswhat does LCM stand formultiplication is repeated..also known as counting numberswhat does this symbol mean |n|a number that is divisible by twoinclude counting numbers and zerocomparing two quantities means to?what does this symbol stand for A'what does it mean to have cardinality...

Math Vocab 2022-10-13

Math Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A way to subtract
  2. A coin worth 1 cent
  3. A coin worth 10 cents
  4. a line with numbers on it
  5. measuring how long something is
  6. A coin worth 25 cents
  7. Units to measure length. 12 in one foot.
  8. a shape with no sides or vertices
  9. a way to add
  10. A number that can be divided by 2 equally
  11. is larger than the second number
  12. To take away
  13. Having the same amount
  14. To organize according to a certain feature
  15. Addition problem that have two of the same numbers
  1. Units to measure length. 100 in one meter
  2. the answer to a subtraction problem
  3. a number sentence with an equal sign
  4. Used to compare two numbers when the first
  5. is smaller than the second number
  6. A coin worth 5 cents
  7. The numbers you add to find the sum
  8. A close guess
  9. The answer to an addition problem
  10. Used to compare two numbers when the first
  11. a number that can't be divided by 2 equally

26 Clues: a way to addTo take awayA close guessA way to subtractA coin worth 1 centA coin worth 5 centsA coin worth 10 centsA coin worth 25 centsHaving the same amounta line with numbers on itmeasuring how long something isis larger than the second numberis smaller than the second numbera shape with no sides or verticesThe answer to an addition problem...

Math Terms 2022-10-14

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. the distance around the circle
  2. the distance from the middle of a circle to the edge
  3. Points that are on the same line
  4. the width of the circle
  5. a line with two endpoints
  6. a part of a line that extends indefinitely from an endpoint and it is light coming from a direction
  7. creating a figure that is precise
  8. the slanty side of a right triangle
  9. a transformation that shifts the points of a figure the same distance and direction or a written or spoken word in another language
  1. a point that divides a segment into two equal segments
  2. a type of angle that is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
  3. a unit of angle measure and it's a title given to indicate completion of a course of study
  4. the original figure in a transformation
  5. the sum of the length of the sides of a shape
  6. a transformation across a line and it also means serious thought or consideration
  7. a type of angle that is less than 90 degrees
  8. points that are on the same plane
  9. the length of something,
  10. an undefined term that names a location and it is the sharp edge of an object
  11. to divide into two equal parts

20 Clues: the width of the circlethe length of something,a line with two endpointsthe distance around the circleto divide into two equal partsPoints that are on the same linepoints that are on the same planecreating a figure that is precisethe slanty side of a right trianglethe original figure in a transformationa type of angle that is less than 90 degrees...


MATH CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. The pair of equations y=0 and y=-7 has
  2. If the lines of the equations are ______, then the system is consistent and has infinitely many solutions
  3. linear equations in two variables represents
  4. has _____ many distinct common solutions
  5. If a pair of linear equations is consistent with a unique solution, then the lines represnting them are
  6. The method in which we express one of the variables in terms of the other variable from either of the two equations and then this expression is put in the other equation to obtain an equation in one variable is called ______
  7. The method in which we eliminate one variable first, to get a linear equation in one variable is _______ method
  8. A pair of linear equations in two variables, which has a solution, is called a _____ pair of linear equations
  9. linear equations in two variables represents ______ line
  10. an equation which can be put in the form ax + by +c = 0,where a, b and c are real numbers, and a and b are not both zero, is called a _______ equation in two variables x and y
  1. The pair of equations have no solution if the lines are
  2. If the lines intersect at a single point, the pair of equations have a _____ solution
  3. A pair of linear equations which are
  4. A pair of linear equations which has no solution, is called an ______ pair of linear equations.
  5. every solution of the equation is a ____ on the line representing it.
  6. The procedure of solving a system of simultaneous linear equations in two variables by drawing their graphs is known as the graphical method.
  7. The value of k for which the system of linear equation x+2y=3, 5x+ky+7=0 is inconsistent is____
  8. The value of k for which the system of equations k+y-4=0 and 2x+ky=3 has no solution is____
  9. The value of p for the following pair of linear equations (p-3)x+3y=p and px+py=12 have infinitely many solutions is ___
  10. The line represented by x=7 is parallel to x-axis. State whether the statement is true or false

20 Clues: A pair of linear equations which areThe pair of equations y=0 and y=-7 hashas _____ many distinct common solutionslinear equations in two variables representsThe pair of equations have no solution if the lines arelinear equations in two variables represents ______ lineevery solution of the equation is a ____ on the line representing it....

Math Terms 2017-02-01

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. area the total area of the exterior of a solid
  2. result of dividing two numbers
  3. a term with no variable
  4. quantity which cancels out the given quantity
  5. sentence built from expressions using the symbols < or >
  6. value distance between the number and the origin
  7. to multiply out the parts of an expresssion
  8. polygon with 8 sides
  9. transformation in which a graph or geometric figure is picked up & moved to another location without any change in size or
  10. on the coordinate plane, the point (0,0)
  11. the geometric figure formed at the intersection of 2 values
  12. similar to a line
  13. a graph of paired data in which the data values are plotted as (x,y) coordinates
  14. a quantity that can change or that may take different values
  15. to figure out or compute
  16. the total amount of space enclosed in a solid
  17. point at which a graph intercepts the the x-axis
  18. numbers real numbers that are not rational and never end
  19. root non negative number multiplied by itself to equal a given number
  20. how close the approximation is to an actual value
  21. an equation or system of equations representing real-world phenomena
  22. common factor the largest integer that divides evenly into each of a given set of numbers
  23. top part of a fraction
  24. a ratio of numbers to variables
  25. number used to indicate the steepness of a line
  1. an expression used to calculate a desired result
  2. a unit of an angle measure
  3. slope a vertical line with an undertermined slope
  4. the set of all real numbers between two given numbers
  5. the number multiplied times a product of variables or powers of variables in a term
  6. polygon with 5 sides
  7. a regular polyhedron for which all faces are squares
  8. result of adding a set of numbers
  9. triangle triangle with three congruent sides
  10. point at which a graph intercepts the y-axis
  11. a unit used for measuring 180 degree equals pie r squarred
  12. triangle triangle for which all three sides have different angles
  13. function a graph that is symmetric with respect to the origin
  14. theorem a2+b2+c2
  15. used to indicate square roots
  16. a number which indicates no quantity, size, or magnitude. NOT positive or negative
  17. triangle a triangle which has an obtuse angle as one of its interior angles
  18. line line representing the set of all real numbers
  19. a quantity with both direction and magnitude
  20. a line or curve that the graph of a relation approaches more closely the further the graph is followed
  21. dividing one expression by another
  22. terms terms that have the same variables and corresponding powers
  23. the point halfway between two points
  24. number a real number less than zero

49 Clues: theorem a2+b2+c2similar to a linepolygon with 5 sidespolygon with 8 sidestop part of a fractiona term with no variableto figure out or computea unit of an angle measureused to indicate square rootsresult of dividing two numbersa ratio of numbers to variablesresult of adding a set of numbersdividing one expression by another...

UOI & Math 2017-11-08

UOI & Math crossword puzzle
  1. control ____, independent ___, dependent ___
  2. when someone does a wrong thing and you ____
  3. grit
  4. smart
  5. somebody who does experiments that relly change the world
  6. you want to find out something
  7. another name for the split strategy
  8. a portioln of matter
  9. When you feel grateful for something
  10. what a stimulus causes
  11. tricks to help you remember things
  1. chemical and ____
  2. bigger things that make up the world
  3. _____ variable
  4. things that make up the world
  5. has gratitude in it
  6. part of character strengths and it has humility
  7. the way things work
  8. solid, ____, gas
  9. physical and _____
  10. the science of living things (like us!)

21 Clues: gritsmart_____ variablesolid, ____, gaschemical and ____physical and _____has gratitude in itthe way things worka portioln of matterwhat a stimulus causesthings that make up the worldyou want to find out somethingtricks to help you remember thingsanother name for the split strategybigger things that make up the world...

Definition Math 2019-05-10

Definition Math crossword puzzle
  1. objet permettant de tracer des cercles et de reporter des longueurs
  2. polygone à quatre cotés
  3. polygone à dix cotés
  4. polygone à huit cotés
  5. résultat d’une division
  6. qui se croise en angle droit
  7. signe qui permet de réaliser une multiplication
  8. segment allant d’un point du cercle à un autre
  9. site internet permettant de créer toutes sortes d’algorithmes
  10. polygone à trois cotés
  11. figure géométrique qui a une ligne brisé fermé
  12. polygone à six cotés
  13. polygone à douze cotés
  14. opération permettant d’ajouter un nombre à un autre
  15. moitié d’un diamètre
  16. droite ayant un point de début et un point de fin
  17. objet servant à mesurer
  18. polygone à huit cotés
  19. résultat d’une multiplication
  1. mathématicien ayant découvert les lois de la gravité
  2. résultat d’une addition
  3. résultat d’une soustraction
  4. quadrilatère qui a ses cotés opposés parallèles deux à deux
  5. nombre qui se trouve en-dessous de la barre dans une fraction
  6. quadrilatère qui a ses cotés opposés égaux et qui a quatre angles droits
  7. opération permettant de retirer un nombre à un autre
  8. opération permettant de partager en part égale un nombre
  9. opération permettant de répéter une addition
  10. quadrilatère qui a quatre cotés égaux
  11. plus petit qu’un angle droit
  12. signe qui permet de réaliser une soustraction
  13. quadrilatère qui a ses cotés égaux et quatre angles droits
  14. signe qui permet de réalise une addition
  15. polygone à six cotés
  16. nombre qui est divisé dans une division
  17. suite d’instruction permettant à un algorithme
  18. intersection de deux droites qui se croisent
  19. nombre qu’on ne peut plus diviser par le diviseur dans une division
  20. nombre qui divise dans une division
  21. plus grand qu’un angle droit

40 Clues: polygone à dix cotéspolygone à six cotéspolygone à six cotésmoitié d’un diamètrepolygone à huit cotéspolygone à huit cotéspolygone à trois cotéspolygone à douze cotésrésultat d’une additionpolygone à quatre cotésrésultat d’une divisionobjet servant à mesurerrésultat d’une soustractionqui se croise en angle droitplus petit qu’un angle droit...

math crossword 2019-11-14

math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. real roots , when discriminant>0
  2. of sight , line drawn from eye of observer to given object
  3. line which intersects circle at two points
  4. distance of a point from y-axis
  5. sum of probabilities of all elementary events of an event
  6. pair of lines which are inconsistent
  7. probability of impossible event
  8. meaning of greek letter sigma
  9. number of parallel tangents of a circle
  10. max number of secants drawn in a circle
  11. how many trigonometric ratios are there
  12. of criteria to prove two triangles as similar
  13. determines if a quadratic equation has real roots or not
  14. polynomial , polynomial of degree 3 is called
  15. of depression, the case when we lower our head to look at the object
  16. of circle , area of four quadrants =
  1. , ore than and less than ogive are used to find out ______ of data
  2. how many methods are there to solve a pair of linear equations
  3. term ,a+(n-1)d gives
  4. quadratic polynomial has how many zeroes
  5. sum or difference of a rational and irrational number is
  6. sum of all angles in a triangle
  7. value of cosec 30
  8. shape of a bucket
  9. 2(l+b)h is ________ of cuboid
  10. median mode, 3 measures of central tendency
  11. AP, AP which is not finite
  12. and cone , shape of ice cream cone includes ___and ___ figures
  13. of integers,euclid's division lemma has to do with
  14. frequency , frequency used for more than and less than ogive graphs
  15. defined ,value of tan 90

31 Clues: value of cosec 30shape of a bucketterm ,a+(n-1)d givesdefined ,value of tan 90AP, AP which is not finite2(l+b)h is ________ of cuboidmeaning of greek letter sigmadistance of a point from y-axissum of all angles in a triangleprobability of impossible eventreal roots , when discriminant>0pair of lines which are inconsistent...

math crossword 2019-11-14

math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. , ore than and less than ogive are used to find out ______ of data
  2. of integers,euclid's division lemma has to do with
  3. and cone , shape of ice cream cone includes ___and ___ figures
  4. of depression, the case when we lower our head to look at the object
  5. number of parallel tangents of a circle
  6. max number of secants drawn in a circle
  7. determines if a quadratic equation has real roots or not
  8. term ,a+(n-1)d gives
  9. probability of impossible event
  10. frequency , frequency used for more than and less than ogive graphs
  11. of circle , area of four quadrants =
  12. sum of all angles in a triangle
  13. quadratic polynomial has how many zeroes
  1. of sight , line drawn from eye of observer to given object
  2. AP, AP which is not finite
  3. defined ,value of tan 90
  4. distance of a point from y-axis
  5. sum or difference of a rational and irrational number is
  6. how many trigonometric ratios are there
  7. shape of a bucket
  8. meaning of greek letter sigma
  9. of criteria to prove two triangles as similar
  10. pair of lines which are inconsistent
  11. how many methods are there to solve a pair of linear equations
  12. real roots , when discriminant>0
  13. polynomial , polynomial of degree 3 is called
  14. line which intersects circle at two points
  15. 2(l+b)h is ________ of cuboid
  16. value of cosec 30
  17. median mode, 3 measures of central tendency
  18. sum of probabilities of all elementary events of an event

31 Clues: shape of a bucketvalue of cosec 30term ,a+(n-1)d givesdefined ,value of tan 90AP, AP which is not finitemeaning of greek letter sigma2(l+b)h is ________ of cuboiddistance of a point from y-axisprobability of impossible eventsum of all angles in a trianglereal roots , when discriminant>0pair of lines which are inconsistent...

Math Crossword 2020-01-08

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. /investigate (behavior or opinions) by questioning a group of people
  2. /miscalculation or change of circumstances
  3. /data detective
  4. /an approximate calculation
  5. /If it = is 0, it indicates that the data point's score is identical to the mean score
  6. /all the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country
  7. /an example- grouped data
  8. /facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
  9. /aka whisker plot
  10. /a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
  11. /a specimen taken for scientific testing or analysis
  12. /the action of pretending
  1. /measures of values or counts and are expressed as numbers
  2. /the 68–95–99.7 rule
  3. /a function that represents the distribution of many random variables as a symmetrical bell-shaped graph
  4. /a probable or the most probable event
  5. /common used scientific term for “i guess”
  6. /the outermost parts or boundary of an area or object
  7. /a fact or piece of data from a study of a large quantity of numerical data
  8. /a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values
  9. /try out new concepts or ways of doing things
  10. /chart consisting of data points plotted on a simple scale
  11. /the end or finish of an event or process
  12. /notice something, like Joe Goldberg from Netflix ‘You’
  13. /“on wednesdays we wear pink” ___girls
  14. /presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent
  15. /victoria secret____

27 Clues: /data detective/aka whisker plot/the 68–95–99.7 rule/victoria secret____/an example- grouped data/the action of pretending/an approximate calculation/a probable or the most probable event/“on wednesdays we wear pink” ___girls/the end or finish of an event or process/miscalculation or change of circumstances/common used scientific term for “i guess”...

Math Vocabulary 2023-05-04

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a diagram of a data set plotted on a number line
  2. a line segment joining two vertices of a plane or solid figure
  3. a single symbol that comprises a numeral
  4. how far it is from one place to another
  5. a measure of the center of a data set
  6. the number of unit squares that fit into a plane shape
  7. a number's decimal form
  8. a visual model of multiplication or division
  9. an addend that gives a sum of zero
  10. a number that multiplies a variable
  11. a shared factor
  12. non-overlapping angles sharing a side and a vertex
  13. the amount of rotation between lines
  14. the quantity that gets divided
  15. the result of subtraction
  16. an angle measure less than 90 degrees
  17. a step-by-step procedure
  18. arranged from smallest to largest
  19. a whole number that is a product of other whole numbers
  1. the plane formed by the x and y axes
  2. a collection of information related to a statistical question
  3. a number with digits to the right of the decimal point
  4. the height of a shape
  5. a system of weights and measures in the US
  6. a vertex that forms a point opposite the base of a solid
  7. a set of two numbers that identifies a position on the coordinate plane
  8. a math sentence stating that two quantities are equal
  9. a measure of distance in one direction
  10. a number's distance from zero
  11. a set of information related to a statistical question
  12. the intersecting number lines that form the coordinate plane
  13. put quantities together
  14. the bottom number in a fraction
  15. a triangle with three angles less than 90 degrees
  16. a three-dimensional solid with six equal square faces
  17. equal multiples of different denominators
  18. a number added
  19. a unit of angle or temperature measure
  20. a visual model of multiplication
  21. break a figure into simpler shapes

40 Clues: a number addeda shared factorthe height of a shapea number's decimal formput quantities togethera step-by-step procedurethe result of subtractiona number's distance from zerothe quantity that gets dividedthe bottom number in a fractiona visual model of multiplicationarranged from smallest to largestan addend that gives a sum of zero...

Math crossword 2023-05-18

Math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Two are equal
  2. Terminates or have decimals
  3. asset ordered pairs
  4. Graph with lines plotted that shows a value
  5. the average
  6. Earned on whole and previously earned interest
  7. Earned to pay off loans
  8. A geographical line that comes as close as possible to the points on the scatter plot
  9. varies directly
  10. y intercept
  11. set of all x-values
  12. set of all y-values
  1. never terminate and have no repeating numbers
  2. a straight line that minimizes some data
  3. compact way of writing large or small numbers
  4. slope
  5. Set of numbers which has rational and irrational numbers
  6. most occurring values
  7. Formed by the intersection of the two number lines
  8. least to greatest

20 Clues: slopethe averagey interceptTwo are equalvaries directlyleast to greatestasset ordered pairsset of all x-valuesset of all y-valuesmost occurring valuesEarned to pay off loansTerminates or have decimalsa straight line that minimizes some dataGraph with lines plotted that shows a valuenever terminate and have no repeating numbers...

Math Class 2023-05-10

Math Class crossword puzzle
  1. Ingersoll
  2. Apsey
  3. Szymanowski
  4. Heidelburg
  5. Martin
  6. Druckenmiller
  7. Garza
  8. Garza
  9. Wagner
  10. Sandoval
  11. Jimenez
  1. Nieset
  2. Fox
  3. Reynolds
  4. Gray
  5. Madell
  6. Johnson
  7. Baskey
  8. Blanton
  9. Humburg
  10. Rhoades

21 Clues: FoxGrayApseyGarzaGarzaNiesetMadellMartinBaskeyWagnerJohnsonBlantonHumburgRhoadesJimenezReynoldsSandovalIngersollHeidelburgSzymanowskiDruckenmiller

Math Vocabulary 2023-05-16

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the point in the middle
  2. line that goes from left to right
  3. simple form
  4. a shape that always gets smaller or bigger never the same
  5. biggest side of a right triangle
  6. change size,position
  7. line that goes up and down
  8. a letter that is a unknown value
  9. old shape
  1. Same shape and size
  2. Distance from the center of a circle
  3. distance around a circle
  4. A turn in each point a certain number of degrees
  5. Side that are the same size and length
  6. Each x must pair with y
  7. measurements of all edges of a shape
  8. distance across the circle
  9. Rise over run
  10. new shape
  11. make up a right angle line that is going left and right

20 Clues: new shapeold shapesimple formRise over runSame shape and sizechange size,positionthe point in the middleEach x must pair with ydistance around a circledistance across the circleline that goes up and downbiggest side of a right trianglea letter that is a unknown valueline that goes from left to rightDistance from the center of a circle...

Jaelene's Math 2023-05-15

Jaelene's Math crossword puzzle
  1. angles that is less than 90
  2. She was a leading exponent of free trade during her political career.
  3. that outside of a shape
  4. Flip over a shape
  5. lines that will never touch or intersect
  6. moves from one spot to another
  7. lines that are intersect and create equal opposite angles
  8. lines that intersect and create right opposite
  9. Because he doesn't act in .......... with what he says, the lying husband disappoints his wife on a daily basis.
  10. Mouthwash consists of a number of chemicals dissolved in water.
  11. angle that equals exactly 90
  12. She was a leading exponent of free trade during her political career.
  13. angle that is more than 90
  1. changes the shape to smaller or larger
  2. the inside of a shape
  3. If you try to solve the equation and get a variable or a number equal to itself.
  4. a line that passes through two lines in the same plane at two distinct points in the geometry.
  5. angle that equals exactly 180
  6. There is no value that will ever satisfy this type of equation.
  7. Saint-Christo is perched on a mountain....
  8. what the ....... for triangle
  9. Most screws, lock,s and taps are closed by turning in the ......... direction
  10. in the direction opposite to movement of a clock's hands.
  11. A mathematical statement in which you show that two amounts are equal using mathematical symbols

24 Clues: Flip over a shapethe inside of a shapethat outside of a shapeangle that is more than 90angles that is less than 90angle that equals exactly 90angle that equals exactly 180what the ....... for trianglemoves from one spot to anotherchanges the shape to smaller or largerlines that will never touch or intersectSaint-Christo is perched on a mountain.......

Math Crossword 2023-05-15

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an equation that says two ratios are equal to each other
  2. a segment with endpoints in the center and the edge of the circle
  3. is a comparison between two or more numbers
  4. is the study of triangle measurement
  5. A line that you can measure because it has two endpoints
  6. a triangle that is precisely 90 degrees
  7. two angles that sum up to 90 degrees
  8. a triangle where one and only one of the angles is over 90 degrees
  9. a flat surface made up of points that goes on forever
  10. A set of points that are equal in distance from the given center
  11. a shape 4 sides
  12. the acronym for Congruent parts of congruent triangles are congruent
  13. Made of points with no width
  14. another word for height
  15. a triangle that has no congruent sides
  16. an angle with the vertex at the center of the circle
  17. the “sliding” of a shape
  18. what is used to find the missing side of a triangle
  19. mirroring an object across the line
  20. a “turn” of a shape
  21. a line that intersects a circle at two different points
  22. angle any two angles that add up to 180 degrees
  23. a line that intersects two or more lines
  24. arc that measures less than 180 degrees
  25. An arc with endpoints directly on the diameter and always equals 180
  1. a shape where the opposite sides are parallel
  2. a chord that stretches through the center of a circle
  3. the intersection of two lines at a specific point
  4. a shape with 3 sides
  5. the equation that equals adjacent over hypotenuse
  6. is an up or downscale of a shape
  7. the equation that is opposite over hypotenuse
  8. Two lines that intersect to make a right angle
  9. the acronym for sin cos and tan
  10. Points that exist on the same plane as each other
  11. A triangle that has all 3 sides being congruent
  12. a closed figure that is formed by three or more line segments
  13. a line that extends forever but only in one direction
  14. a shape with 5 sides
  15. a segment with the endpoints on the edge of the circle circle
  16. a triangle with the same size and shape
  17. the amount that you will dilate an object
  18. Points that exist on the same line as each other
  19. the equation that equals opposite over adjacent
  20. A line that intersects the circle at only one point
  21. a triangle in all of the angles are less than 90 degrees
  22. an arc that measures more than 180 degrees
  23. A section of the edge of the circle that is defined by two endpoints
  24. a triangle that has 2 congruent sides
  25. A location on a plain with no shape or size

50 Clues: a shape 4 sidesa “turn” of a shapea shape with 3 sidesa shape with 5 sidesanother word for heightthe “sliding” of a shapeMade of points with no widththe acronym for sin cos and tanis an up or downscale of a shapemirroring an object across the lineis the study of triangle measurementtwo angles that sum up to 90 degrees...

math vocab 2023-05-10

math vocab crossword puzzle
  1. 2 angles that have equal measurement, congruent
  2. points that are on the same line
  3. if a,b,c are on the same line and b is between c and a then ab + bc= ac
  4. the angles that are across from each other and equal the same degrees
  5. 2 angles that add up to 180
  6. a line= 180 degrees
  7. a flat surface made up of points and extends forever in all directions
  8. the formula used to find the coordinates of the midpoint between 2 endpoints
  9. 2 angles that share a common vertex and side
  10. where the 2 ray sides intersect (the endpoint)
  11. a line that extends forever in only one direction
  12. lines that never touch or intersect
  13. a segment, line, or plane that goes through a line at its midpoint
  14. points that are on the same plane
  15. the formula used to find the distance between 2 points on a coordinate plane
  16. If 2 segments have the same length then they are congruent
  17. points that are not on the same line
  1. if Labd and Ldbc are adjacent then abd+dbc=abc
  2. a measurable part of a line consisting of 2 endpoints
  3. 90 degree angle
  4. more than 90 degrees
  5. a line, segment, or ray perpendicular to the segment at its midpoint
  6. a line or ray that equally divides an angle into 2 parts
  7. 2 lines that intersect to make a 90-degree angle (right)
  8. adjacent angles that are supplementary. when combined they form a straight line
  9. a location with no size or shape
  10. the intersection of 2 rays at an endpoint
  11. an angle that measures less than 90 degrees
  12. 2 angles that add up to 90
  13. made up points with no area just length and extends forever in both direction

30 Clues: 90 degree anglea line= 180 degreesmore than 90 degrees2 angles that add up to 902 angles that add up to 180points that are on the same linea location with no size or shapepoints that are on the same planelines that never touch or intersectpoints that are not on the same linethe intersection of 2 rays at an endpoint...

Randomized math 2023-05-17

Randomized math crossword puzzle
  1. The number of cubic units needed to fill a solid.
  2. Can change the size,position,or dentition.
  3. formed by the intersection of the x axis and the y axis.
  4. Vertical line
  5. The distance across the circle through the center.
  6. App that is used to help students graph problems and more(it’s blue)
  7. Rate of change
  8. The point was plotted in the middle of the graph.
  9. 4 squares on a graph.
  10. Number next to a variable
  1. Math but it’s used in complete sentences
  2. An app that’s issued on the school iPad to find math equations answers.
  3. Distance from the center, to the point on the circle.
  4. A line that intersects 2 or more lines.
  5. slide each point of a figure the same distance and in the same direction.
  6. Less than 90°
  7. Horizontal line
  8. It is a flip over a line, that makes it a…
  9. Large marsupial
  10. The pre-image was large but than it reduced.

20 Clues: Vertical lineLess than 90°Rate of changeHorizontal lineLarge marsupial4 squares on a graph.Number next to a variableA line that intersects 2 or more lines.Math but it’s used in complete sentencesCan change the size,position,or dentition.It is a flip over a line, that makes it a…The pre-image was large but than it reduced....

Math vocabulary 2023-05-17

Math vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. all the sides of shape added up
  2. formed by the intersection of the x and y axis
  3. The printable and any left over interest added
  4. the length the width and the height multiplied
  5. vertical number line
  6. horizontal number line
  7. the side of a shape
  8. a number below zero
  9. the height of a certain shape
  10. a whole line going across a circle
  11. (0,0)
  1. numbers starting from 1
  2. A number times a number
  3. numbers starting from 0
  4. rise over run
  5. half a line on a circle
  6. over 90 degrees
  7. borrowing money
  8. two sides multiplied
  9. operations that flip

20 Clues: (0,0)rise over runover 90 degreesborrowing moneythe side of a shapea number below zerovertical number linetwo sides multipliedoperations that fliphorizontal number linenumbers starting from 1A number times a numbernumbers starting from 0half a line on a circlethe height of a certain shapeall the sides of shape added up...

Math Vocabulary 2023-05-17

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. <
  8. 4+4 IS AN EXAMPLE OF A __________ FACT
  11. >
  2. 600+40+2 IS THE ____________ OF 642
  3. 2+3 IS AN EXAMPLE OF A __________ FACT
  7. =
  8. 10'S AND 1'S


Math Final 2023-05-17

Math Final crossword puzzle
  1. the continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure.
  2. a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles.
  3. the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level
  4. a flat surface that has no thickness and extends forever
  5. a part of a line that has a fixed starting point
  6. if the sum of two angles is 90 degrees the angles are
  7. a ninety degree angle
  8. an angle which measures less than 90 degrees
  9. extends infinitely in both directions
  10. a function that serves to undo another function
  11. angles that share a common side and a common vertex
  12. a four-sided figure
  13. the exact middle point
  1. angle greater than 90 degrees
  2. two lines that create a right angle
  3. lines in the same plane that never intersect
  4. an exact location in space
  5. something that is formed when lines intersect
  6. a plane figure with eight straight sides and eight angles.
  7. a line that intersects one or more parallel lines
  8. the median value of a range of value
  9. the extent or measurement of a surface or piece of land.
  10. angles that are opposite

23 Clues: a four-sided figurea ninety degree anglethe exact middle pointangles that are oppositean exact location in spaceangle greater than 90 degreestwo lines that create a right anglethe median value of a range of valueextends infinitely in both directionslines in the same plane that never intersectan angle which measures less than 90 degrees...

Math Vocabulary 2023-05-20

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. doesn't have a constant rate of change
  2. a² + b² = c²
  3. change in y divided by the change in x
  4. c² = b² + a²
  5. the output value of a function when the input value of a function is 0.
  6. a special type of relation in which each member of the domain is paired with exactly one member of the range.
  7. y = mx + b
  1. replacing the variables in an algebraic expression with their numerical values.
  2. one angle in the triangle is 90°
  3. the longest side of a triangle. is always accross from the right angle
  4. solving system of equations by using multipulcation and addition to remove variables
  5. describes how one quantity constantly changes in relation to another quantity
  6. a general term for any set of order pairs
  7. the sides of a trianlge making the right angle
  8. the number of times the data value occurs
  9. (input) the set of all x-coordinates in a set of ordered pairs
  10. constant rate of change
  11. ²
  12. (output) the set of all y-coordinates in a set of ordered pairs

20 Clues: ²y = mx + ba² + b² = c²c² = b² + a²constant rate of changeone angle in the triangle is 90°doesn't have a constant rate of changechange in y divided by the change in xa general term for any set of order pairsthe number of times the data value occursthe sides of a trianlge making the right angle...

Math Vocab 2023-05-19

Math Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. when you multiply a number by itself, you get this number
  2. How often something happens
  3. straight line
  4. longest side of a right triangle - diagonal side
  5. using opposites to solve for missing variables in an equation
  6. Outside of a circle
  7. an infinite number that is used to calculate a circle's area
  8. chance of something happening based on an experiment
  9. Way of writing equation using the structure y=x+b
  1. Used to find lengths of a right triangle
  2. substituting an equation or value to solve for missing variables in an equation
  3. A 3D shape that is a rectangle wrapped around 2 circles
  4. Area of the outside of a 3D figure
  5. when a group of dots are relatively sloping down
  6. chance of something happening based on what you have
  7. Area of the inside of a 3D figure
  8. using pythagorean theorem equation to solve for hypotenuse or to figure out if 3 sides can make a right triangle
  9. goes through the origin
  10. an input has only one output
  11. slope of a line or equation

20 Clues: straight lineOutside of a circlegoes through the originHow often something happensslope of a line or equationan input has only one outputArea of the inside of a 3D figureArea of the outside of a 3D figureUsed to find lengths of a right trianglewhen a group of dots are relatively sloping downlongest side of a right triangle - diagonal side...

Math Crossword 2023-06-06

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The value much greater or much less than the values in a data set
  2. A base multiplied by itself three times
  3. the amount of space an object takes up
  4. The middle of an oragnized set of data
  5. Every value in the set is a number
  6. A base multiplied by itself twice
  7. a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
  8. The chance that something will happen
  9. The average
  10. the opposite side of the right angle
  11. a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides, and the angles are only right angles.
  12. a quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel sides, and no right angles
  13. a triangle with one right angle
  14. the sum of the length of all of the sides
  15. Non-numerical value such as colors, labels, sports, size, ect.
  1. a quadrilateral that has four parallel sides but no right angles
  2. What is the probability if it’s only done one time
  3. a positive number, negative number, or a zero. It is never a fraction or a decimal.
  4. The result of an addition problem
  5. What is the probability if it is done multiple times
  6. Most commonly used number in an organized set of data
  7. an order that certain math problems have to be done.
  8. a pair of ordered numbers or letters that find where something is on a coordinate plane.
  9. The minimum subtracted from the maximum

24 Clues: The averagea triangle with one right angleThe result of an addition problemA base multiplied by itself twiceEvery value in the set is a numberthe opposite side of the right angleThe chance that something will happenthe amount of space an object takes upThe middle of an oragnized set of dataA base multiplied by itself three times...

Math Crossword 2023-06-06

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. compares two values
  2. a number that consists of a whole and a fractional part
  3. represents the parts of a whole or collection of objects
  4. A plane two-dimensional object with straight sides
  5. The number that is being divided
  6. the study of variables and the rules for manipulating these variables in formulas
  7. a rate for one of something
  8. a shared multiple of the denominators of several fractions.
  9. a mathematical statement that shows that two mathematical expressions are equal
  10. the relative sizes of two or more values
  11. The difference between the lowest and highest values
  12. a specified amount in or for every hundred
  1. a variable that represents a quantity that is being manipulated in an experiment
  2. the one that depends on the value of some other number
  3. represents the number of parts out of the whole
  4. The answer obtained by Subtracting 2 numbers
  5. the number below the line in a common fraction
  6. Number in the middle of the data set
  7. The most frequent number
  8. A value or values which, when substituted for a variable in an equation, make the equation true

20 Clues: compares two valuesThe most frequent numbera rate for one of somethingThe number that is being dividedNumber in the middle of the data setthe relative sizes of two or more valuesa specified amount in or for every hundredThe answer obtained by Subtracting 2 numbersthe number below the line in a common fraction...

Math Terms 2023-06-06

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. the length
  2. the degree
  3. per something
  4. number without a variable
  5. the outcome of something
  6. non-straight
  7. they are the same on both sides
  8. the intro
  9. how to find angles
  1. the square of something
  2. how many changes
  3. letter
  4. number or symbol
  5. how good something is
  6. a letter
  7. straight
  8. number with a variable
  9. the angles
  10. y+mx=b
  11. the time

20 Clues: lettery+mx=ba letterstraightthe timethe introthe lengththe degreethe anglesnon-straightper somethinghow many changesnumber or symbolhow to find angleshow good something isnumber with a variablethe square of somethingthe outcome of somethingnumber without a variablethey are the same on both sides

Math Crossword 2023-06-02

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for a power
  2. Numerator and denominator
  3. Two angles that add up to 180 degrees
  4. The space inside something
  5. The answer to a multiplication problem
  6. The answer to a subtraction problem
  7. The distance around something
  8. Two angles that add up to 90 degrees
  9. Greater than or less than
  10. Measuring one group against another
  11. To get smaller
  12. NBA team in Philly
  13. To get bigger
  1. Equal to 180 degrees
  2. Make simpler
  3. NHL team in Philly
  4. The answer to a division problem
  5. Comparing a part to a whole
  6. Less than 90 degrees
  7. Equal to 90 degrees
  8. The answer to an addition problem
  9. Greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
  10. Grouping symbols around (3+2)
  11. MLB team in Philly
  12. %
  13. How fast something is happening
  14. Postive, negative, or zero
  15. NFL team in Philly
  16. Point something

29 Clues: %Make simplerTo get biggerTo get smallerPoint somethingNHL team in PhillyMLB team in PhillyNFL team in PhillyNBA team in PhillyEqual to 90 degreesEqual to 180 degreesLess than 90 degreesAnother name for a powerNumerator and denominatorGreater than or less thanThe space inside somethingPostive, negative, or zeroComparing a part to a whole...

math terms 2023-06-02

math terms crossword puzzle
  1. the repeated addition of the same number denoted with the symbol x.
  2. The top number in a fraction.
  3. A procedure or set of steps used to solve a mathematical computation.
  4. The sum obtained through multiplication of two or more numbers.
  5. A statement that shows the equality of two expressions by joining them with an equals sign.
  6. The operation of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities by "taking away" one from the other.
  7. A number that divides another number into equal parts
  8. A ratio or fraction with the denominator 100.
  1. The bottom number of a fraction. The denominator is the total number of equal parts into which the numerator is being divided.
  2. The branch of mathematics that substitutes letters for numbers to solve for unknown values.
  3. studie of physical shapes and the object dimensions.
  4. the numerals 0-9 found in all numbers.
  5. the product of that number and any other whole number.
  6. Symbols that represent numbers or operations between numbers.
  7. the study of motion in which changing values are studied.
  8. A quantity that is not whole that contains a numerator and denominator.
  9. The two-dimensional space taken up by an object or shape, given in square units.
  10. An early counting tool used for basic arithmetic.
  11. A number being divided into equal parts
  12. All whole numbers, positive or negative, including zero.

20 Clues: The top number in a fraction.the numerals 0-9 found in all numbers.A number being divided into equal partsA ratio or fraction with the denominator 100.An early counting tool used for basic arithmetic.studie of physical shapes and the object dimensions.A number that divides another number into equal parts...

math crossword 2023-06-07

math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a six sided polygon
  2. the point where the x-axis and y-axis intersect on the coordinate plane
  3. a value much greater or much less than the others in a data set
  4. A number less than zero
  5. a set of the whole numbers and the opposite
  6. the top part of a fraction that tells how many parts of a whole are being considered
  7. plot a number line with marks or dots that show frequency
  8. the number that indicates how many times the base is used as a factor
  9. a bar graph whose bars represent the frequency of numeric data within equal intervals
  1. the numbers that would occur more frequently in a number set
  2. the sum of an item in a set of data divided by the number of items in a set
  3. A number greater than zero
  4. a ratio comparing a number to one hundred
  5. the x and y axis divide the coordinate plane into four regions
  6. a number multiplied by another number to get a product
  7. symbols, often letters, that represent different values in various situations
  8. the number of times a data value occurs
  9. a three dimensional figure with a polygon base and triangular sides that all meet at a common vertex
  10. five sided polygon
  11. The middle number or the mean of the two middle numbers in an ordered set of data

20 Clues: five sided polygona six sided polygonA number less than zeroA number greater than zerothe number of times a data value occursa ratio comparing a number to one hundreda set of the whole numbers and the oppositea number multiplied by another number to get a productplot a number line with marks or dots that show frequency...

Math Crossword 2023-06-07

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a three-dimensional round figure
  2. combining two whole numbers results in the total amount or sum of those values
  3. a round-shaped figure with no corners or edges
  4. represents a part of a whole
  5. a three-dimensional solid with six square faces
  6. the total length of the outer edge of a shape
  7. the amount resulting from addition of amounts
  8. the perimeter of a circle or ellipse
  9. a mathematical formula expressing the equality of two expressions
  1. the result of division
  2. the result of multiplication
  3. the result of subtraction
  4. a shape with four equal sides and equal angles that measure 90° each
  5. single numbers used to represent values in math
  6. something “left over” or “remaining”
  7. The result of this operation is called a product
  8. the bottom number in a fraction
  9. sign a sign that shows the equality between two expressions
  10. the total space taken up by a flat surface
  11. the top number in a fraction

20 Clues: the result of divisionthe result of subtractionthe result of multiplicationrepresents a part of a wholethe top number in a fractionthe bottom number in a fractiona three-dimensional round figuresomething “left over” or “remaining”the perimeter of a circle or ellipsethe total space taken up by a flat surface...


MATH ASSIGNMENT crossword puzzle
  1. A company borrows RM 50,000 using a promissory note for 6 months with an interest rate of 10% per annum. How much repayment should be made at the end of the period?
  2. A seller receives a promissory note worth RM 20,000 for a period of 120 days and an interest rate of 6% per annum as payment for the goods sold. How much interest will the seller earn?
  3. An individual issues a promissory note for 90 days with a nominal value of RM 10,000 and an interest rate of 8% per annum. how much interest is due at the end of the period?
  4. refers to decreasing the selling price of an item
  5. the multiple discounts must be.......... to single discount by using formula
  6. calculate the simple interest if Annie borrowed RM500 for 4 years at 16% interest rate.
  7. the result of an early payment based on terms of sale
  8. Find the future value of RM1000 which was invested for 5 years at 5% compounded annually
  9. The formula for Continuous Compounding
  10. refers to increasing the cost price of an item before selling
  11. If compound interest is paid twice per year, the compounding period is 6 months and the interest is compounded ____.
  1. Joe invested RM1498 at 6% simple interest per annum.Calculate the interest earned after 6 months.
  2. discount allowed by the seller to the buyer in case of bulk purchase
  3. An individual borrows RM 8,000 from a bank using a promissory note for 3 months with an interest rate of 9% per annum. How much repayment should be made at the end of the period?
  4. Samy invested RM400 for 2 years at 5% per year.Calculate the simple interest
  5. The markup percent based on cost is 35%, what is the markup percent based on selling price?
  6. ............. is usually the amount on the price tag
  7. RM1000 is invested for four years. Find the interest received at the end of four years if the investment earns 8% compounded annually
  8. RM15000 is invested for 4 years 6 months in a bank earning a simple interest rate of 8% per annum.Find the simple amount at the end of the investment period.
  9. Cost Price + Markup R=C+M

20 Clues: Cost Price + Markup R=C+MThe formula for Continuous Compoundingrefers to decreasing the selling price of an item............. is usually the amount on the price tagthe result of an early payment based on terms of salerefers to increasing the cost price of an item before sellingdiscount allowed by the seller to the buyer in case of bulk purchase...

Math Vocabulary 2023-08-12

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. used in addition
  2. fewer
  3. the divisor of a fraction
  4. not used up
  5. around the middle
  6. a length between two points
  7. greater in size
  8. Always a positive number
  9. the balance of money received
  1. a four-sided polygon
  2. one of four equal parts
  3. A value that does not change
  4. a six-sided polygon
  5. Two-dimensional shapes
  6. separate into parts
  7. the whole amount
  8. an angle less than 90 degrees
  9. put or add together
  10. the number obtained by division
  11. The bottom of a shape or three-dimensional object what an object rests on

20 Clues: fewernot used upgreater in sizeused in additionthe whole amountaround the middlea six-sided polygonseparate into partsput or add togethera four-sided polygonTwo-dimensional shapesone of four equal partsAlways a positive numberthe divisor of a fractiona length between two pointsA value that does not changean angle less than 90 degrees...

Math Crossword 2023-12-19

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. See Radical Function.
  2. See: Coordinate Plane
  3. A polynomial containing a second degree term as its highest degree term.
  4. An indicated root of a number or polynomial denoted by n√ so that r = n√x implies r^n = x. The index n is generally omitted when n = 2 and we write √x to mean the square root of x.
  5. For the parabola f(x) = a(x−h)² + k, a is the scale factor.
  6. The point of intersection of a graph with the y-axis.
  7. The vertical axis of a coordinate plane.
  8. The horizontal axis of a coordinate plane.
  9. A form of a linear equation written as Ax +By = C.
  10. For any number x, x ≠ 0, x^0 = 1.
  11. A form of a linear equation written as (y − y1) = m(x−x1) where m is the slope and the line passes through the point (x1, y1).
  1. A polynomial is an algebraic expression obtained by adding, subtracting and /or multiplying real numbers and variables.
  2. See Roots of a Quadratic.
  3. Set B is a subset of set A if every element of set B is also an element of set A.
  4. See: Counting Numbers
  5. A list of terms ordered by the natural numbers. The outputs of a function whose domain is the natural numbers.
  6. An equation with a second degree term as its highest degree term.
  7. Base ten numbers written in the form a × 10^n where 1 ≤ a ≤ 10 and n is an integer.
  8. See: Exponent
  9. The point of intersection of a graph with the x-axis.

20 Clues: See: ExponentSee Radical Function.See: Counting NumbersSee: Coordinate PlaneSee Roots of a Quadratic.For any number x, x ≠ 0, x^0 = 1.The vertical axis of a coordinate plane.The horizontal axis of a coordinate plane.A form of a linear equation written as Ax +By = C.The point of intersection of a graph with the y-axis....

Math vocab !! 2023-11-01

Math vocab !! crossword puzzle
  1. Distributing a negative value to every number on the same side of the equation.
  2. A property that consists of multiplying two or more values from the same equation that would equal the same thing if it was multiplied with different values, again, from the same equation.
  3. Mathematical expressions that have the same answer that are separated by an “=” sign.
  4. When the variable in an equation could be any value and the equation would still be true.
  5. Reducing a fraction or a decimal to a simpler form
  6. A number that is not a fraction nor a decimal.
  7. Comparing the equality of 2 values
  8. An action that is used in solving inequalities that reverses an action.
  9. A statement in math that contains numbers and variables.
  10. A number that is whole and is positive
  11. A set of numbers that when they are combined, they equal zero.
  12. An equation that makes the profit equal to the costs.
  13. A series of operations in mathematical terms.
  1. A group of irrational numbers containing fractions, decimals, whole numbers, ect.
  2. A whole number that is negative or positive.
  3. A number that doesn’t repeat nor terminate.
  4. Another way of writing a part of a whole number that is not a fraction.
  5. When the variable could only equal to a few different numbers to make the equation true.
  6. When no matter what the variable(s) is in an equation, the equation could never become true.
  7. A value than can replace a variable to make an equation true.
  8. A term that is used to combine values that are alike.
  9. A short statement in math (example: 9x +2).
  10. A value that could be written as a fraction too (including all integers)
  11. The opposite of a fraction / reversing the denominator and numerator.
  12. A value that is only a portion of a whole number

25 Clues: Comparing the equality of 2 valuesA number that is whole and is positiveA number that doesn’t repeat nor terminate.A short statement in math (example: 9x +2).A whole number that is negative or positive.A series of operations in mathematical terms.A number that is not a fraction nor a decimal.A value that is only a portion of a whole number...

Math Crossword 2023-11-02

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. (y-y1)=m(x-x1)
  2. The thing under the square root symbol of the quadratic formula
  3. P(x)=R(x)-C(x)
  4. the point where the line crosses the y-axis
  5. a polynomial function divided by another polynomial function
  6. the lowest or smallest point on a graph
  7. absolute min or max on a parabola
  8. The set of the x-coordinates of the points of F
  9. used to find all possible possible positive and negative zeros
  10. the x-value in which the line flips symmetrically
  11. The set of the y-coordinates of the points of F
  12. What do we oftenly draw to use if one side of an inequality is equal to 0
  13. y=a(x-h)^2+k
  1. y=mx+b
  2. p/q
  3. change of y-values divided by change of x-values
  4. the highest or greatest point on a graph
  5. a set of points in the plane
  6. the point where the line crosses the x-axis
  7. Find the coefficient with the largest absolute value and divide it by the absolute value of the leading coefficient
  8. the location on a function where a factor in the denominator of a rational function cancels with a factor in the numerator
  9. a numbers value goes down
  10. a number including or greater than zero with no fraction
  11. a numbers value stays the same
  12. a number - or + with no fraction
  13. A relation in which each x-coordinate is matched with only one y-coordinate
  14. a numbers value goes up
  15. SlantAsymptote
  16. A set of points in the plane represents y as a function of x if and only if no 2 points lie on the same vertical line
  17. An important function, be careful to plug the argument into the correct pieces of the function

30 Clues: p/qy=mx+by=a(x-h)^2+k(y-y1)=m(x-x1)P(x)=R(x)-C(x)SlantAsymptotea numbers value goes upa numbers value goes downa set of points in the planea numbers value stays the samea number - or + with no fractionabsolute min or max on a parabolathe lowest or smallest point on a graphthe highest or greatest point on a graph...

Math term's 2023-10-26

Math term's crossword puzzle
  1. A fraction whose denominator is a power of ten and whose numerator is placed to the right of the point
  2. Answer to a division problem
  3. A mathematical statement that shows 2 mathematical expressions are equal
  4. A sentence with a minimum of 2 numbers or variables and at least 1 math operation
  5. The answer to a subtraction problem
  6. Answer to a addition problem
  7. To find the difference between 2 numbers
  8. A decimal that stop at some point
  1. A value when multiplied by it's self gives the answer
  2. The bottom number in a fraction
  3. Odd amount of negative sighns
  4. The answer to a multiplication problem
  5. A decimal that goes on for forever
  6. The number that will be divided
  7. Even amount of negative sighns
  8. Used to represent a portion/part of the whole thing
  9. A number that is not a fraction
  10. Is something that is being multiplied together
  11. A number that divides into another number with out a remainder
  12. The top number in a fraction

20 Clues: Answer to a division problemAnswer to a addition problemThe top number in a fractionOdd amount of negative sighnsEven amount of negative sighnsThe bottom number in a fractionThe number that will be dividedA number that is not a fractionA decimal that stop at some pointA decimal that goes on for foreverThe answer to a subtraction problem...

Math Vocab 2023-10-26

Math Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Contains numbers and at least one operation
  2. Tells how many times a base is multiplied by itself
  3. Numbers whose only factors are 1 and itself
  4. A grid containing two number lines that intersect
  5. The way a coordinate plane is divide. There are 4.
  6. A letter that represents a number
  7. Any number that can be written as the quotient of two numbers
  8. The distance from zero on a numberline
  9. The numbers used in multiplication to get an answer
  1. The number that is multiplied by the variable
  2. The answer to a subtraction problem
  3. The counting numbers, their opposites, and zero
  4. (x,y) also known as coordinates
  5. A number with more than two factors
  6. The number whose product is 1
  7. The answer to a multiplication problem
  8. The answer of two factors
  9. To find the answer
  10. The answer to a division problem
  11. The answer to an addition problem

20 Clues: To find the answerThe answer of two factorsThe number whose product is 1(x,y) also known as coordinatesThe answer to a division problemA letter that represents a numberThe answer to an addition problemThe answer to a subtraction problemA number with more than two factorsThe answer to a multiplication problemThe distance from zero on a numberline...

Math Terms 2023-10-27

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. making a value equal one
  2. a statement that proves two expressions are equal
  3. the final value of your equation that makes it true
  4. the first step to solving an equation
  5. product of a variable and a varible or a number and a variable
  6. multiplying a negative with whats inside the parrenthases knowing a negative and a negative is a positive and a negative and a positive is a negative
  7. mathmatical rules that contribute to operations and equalitys
  8. a point that seperates a integer from the tenths, hundreths, and other values
  9. a pair of numbers that when adding equal zero
  10. adding alike variables or whole numbers
  11. when both sides are the same
  12. when their is only one way to solve the equation
  13. a value that includes rational and irritional numbers
  1. a comination of variables and numbers
  2. a number that cannot be written as a ratio of integers
  3. comparing two numbers that are not equal
  4. a number without fractions
  5. a positive or negative value
  6. reducing your value to a simpler form
  7. when you reach a point where the product is equal to the cost
  8. a non whole number
  9. a number that can be written as a fraction

22 Clues: a non whole numbermaking a value equal onea number without fractionsa positive or negative valuewhen both sides are the samea comination of variables and numbersthe first step to solving an equationreducing your value to a simpler formadding alike variables or whole numberscomparing two numbers that are not equal...

Math Terms 2023-10-27

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. making a value equal one
  2. a statement that proves two expressions are equal
  3. the final value of your equation that makes it true
  4. the first step to solving an equation
  5. product of a variable and a varible or a number and a variable
  6. multiplying a negative with whats inside the parrenthases knowing a negative and a negative is a positive and a negative and a positive is a negative
  7. mathmatical rules that contribute to operations and equalitys
  8. a point that seperates a integer from the tenths, hundreths, and other values
  9. a pair of numbers that when adding equal zero
  10. adding alike variables or whole numbers
  11. when both sides are the same
  12. when their is only one way to solve the equation
  13. a value that includes rational and irritional numbers
  1. a comination of variables and numbers
  2. a number that cannot be written as a ratio of integers
  3. comparing two numbers that are not equal
  4. a number without fractions
  5. a positive or negative value
  6. reducing your value to a simpler form
  7. when you reach a point where the product is equal to the cost
  8. a non whole number
  9. a number that can be written as a fraction

22 Clues: a non whole numbermaking a value equal onea number without fractionsa positive or negative valuewhen both sides are the samea comination of variables and numbersthe first step to solving an equationreducing your value to a simpler formadding alike variables or whole numberscomparing two numbers that are not equal...

Math Terms 2023-10-27

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. making a value equal one
  2. a statement that proves two expressions are equal
  3. the final value of your equation that makes it true
  4. the first step to solving an equation
  5. product of a variable and a varible or a number and a variable
  6. multiplying a negative with whats inside the parrenthases knowing a negative and a negative is a positive and a negative and a positive is a negative
  7. mathmatical rules that contribute to operations and equalitys
  8. a point that seperates a integer from the tenths, hundreths, and other values
  9. a pair of numbers that when adding equal zero
  10. adding alike variables or whole numbers
  11. when both sides are the same
  12. when their is only one way to solve the equation
  13. a value that includes rational and irritional numbers
  1. a comination of variables and numbers
  2. a number that cannot be written as a ratio of integers
  3. comparing two numbers that are not equal
  4. a number without fractions
  5. a positive or negative value
  6. reducing your value to a simpler form
  7. when you reach a point where the product is equal to the cost
  8. a non whole number
  9. a number that can be written as a fraction

22 Clues: a non whole numbermaking a value equal onea number without fractionsa positive or negative valuewhen both sides are the samea comination of variables and numbersthe first step to solving an equationreducing your value to a simpler formadding alike variables or whole numberscomparing two numbers that are not equal...

Math vocab 2023-12-11

Math vocab crossword puzzle
  1. / Part of a whole where the numerator is divided by the denominator
  2. / a diagram that represents numbers as points on a plane.
  3. / a line that shows all numbers placed in their correct positions.
  4. / an exact location in a plane or in space that has no size or dimension, only position.
  5. / equation of a line y = mx + b
  6. / the vertical value in an ordered pair (x,y) that shows the distance of the point along the y-axis.the vertical value in an ordered pair (x,y) that shows the distance of the point along the y-axis.
  7. / two numbers written in a certain order surrounded by parentheses, usually (1st number, 2nd number). For example, the position of a point on the coordinate plane is written (x, y). X is the horizontal value, and y is the vertical value.
  8. / Change in Y over the change in X or Rise over Run
  9. / Ratio with a denominator of 1
  10. / Ratio that represents a relationship between a model and the actual figure
  11. / Measure of a line’s movement away from the x-axis
  1. / Ratio between two variables with equivalent ratios
  2. / an exact location in a plane or in space that has no size or dimension, only position.
  3. / all three sides and angles are equal
  4. / Triangles that have the same shape but different sizes.
  5. / A grid formed by 2 lines, the y-axis and the x-axis, that cross the orgin
  6. / the vertical axis of a coordinate system, along which the y-coordinates are measured.
  7. / an exact location in a plane or in space that has no size or dimension, only exact location in a plane or in space that has no size or dimension, only position.
  8. / Comparison between two quantities with the same unit
  9. / the point (0,0) on the coordinate plane, where the x and y-axes cross.

20 Clues: / equation of a line y = mx + b/ all three sides and angles are equal/ Ratio between two variables with equivalent ratios/ Ratio with a denominator of 1/ Triangles that have the same shape but different sizes./ Change in Y over the change in X or Rise over Run...

Math Vocabulary 2023-12-12

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. numbers that do not have any decimal or fraction parts
  2. a number that only has 2 factors- 1 and itself
  3. when denominators are the same
  4. the numbers that divide equally into a given number
  5. drawings that represent the known and unknown quantities in a problem
  6. the answer to an addition equation
  7. equal or representing the same value
  8. the answer to a division equation
  9. the number being divided
  10. Factor, a factor shared by two or more numbers
  11. a number that has more than 2 factors
  1. the leftover number in a division problem
  2. a fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator
  3. the bottom number in a fraction
  4. the answer to a multiplication equation
  5. a multiple shared by two or more numbers
  6. the answer to a subtraction equation
  7. the products of a number multiplied by another number
  8. a math sentence containing an operation
  9. representing part of a whole
  10. the number that divides another number
  11. addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division
  12. Number, a whole number and a fraction
  13. the top number in a fraction

24 Clues: the number being dividedrepresenting part of a wholethe top number in a fractionwhen denominators are the samethe bottom number in a fractionthe answer to a division equationthe answer to an addition equationthe answer to a subtraction equationequal or representing the same valuea number that has more than 2 factors...

Math-Geometry 2023-12-05

Math-Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. o
  2. k
  3. m
  4. a
  5. h
  6. n
  7. b
  8. r
  1. e
  2. s
  3. f
  4. p
  5. t
  6. c
  7. j
  8. l
  9. d
  10. q
  11. g
  12. i

20 Clues: esfpotckjlmdqgahnbir

Math Project 2023-12-13

Math Project crossword puzzle
  1. x-Values do not repeat, passes vertical line test
  2. A vertical line that divides the parabola into two separate parts
  3. Not allowed to stay in front of the denominator of a fraction
  4. Greatest common factor
  5. It is across the X or Y Axis
  6. A line that passes through x
  7. two angles and a side opposite them are congruent
  8. Two or more of the same angle
  9. Number in front of the variable
  10. The angles along the base
  11. Turning the shape 90 degrees, 180 degrees or 260 degrees a=or 360 degrees
  12. Have the same variable with the same exponent
  13. two sides and an included angle are congruent
  1. all equal sides in a triangle
  2. The two number or quantities that multiply together to get your answer
  3. An equation must contain x squared term
  4. The shape increases or decreases in size
  5. Three pairs of congruent sides
  6. y-value or the output value
  7. A letter that repersents an unknown value
  8. x-Value or the input value
  9. Math involving the use of triangles
  10. Where you change the sign between two terms
  11. Two angles and an included side are congruent
  12. 45,45,90

25 Clues: 45,45,90Greatest common factorThe angles along the basex-Value or the input valuey-value or the output valueIt is across the X or Y AxisA line that passes through xall equal sides in a triangleTwo or more of the same angleThree pairs of congruent sidesNumber in front of the variableMath involving the use of triangles...

Math Vocab 2023-12-13

Math Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Angles- angles touching each other
  2. Pair- two adjacent supplementary angles
  3. having the same measure
  4. points on the same line
  5. a single location in space
  6. a two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely
  7. where two lines cross
  8. Angles- congruent angles opposite from each other that share a vertex
  9. Angles- angles thats' sum equal to 180 degrees
  10. Angles- angles thats' sum equal to 90 degrees
  11. the point at which a line is bisected
  1. Terms- terms without a definitive measure
  2. the amount of space between two points
  3. Addition Postulate- the sum of two angles is equal to the larger angle they create (abc+cbd=abd)
  4. points on the same plane
  5. a point moving through space in a straight path
  6. a segment of a line
  7. Angle- an angle that is adjacent to an interior angle, but lies outside of a shape
  8. Addition Postulate- a segment divided into smaller parts is equal to the sum of the smaller parts (ab+bc=ac)
  9. a line that cuts a line in half

20 Clues: a segment of a linewhere two lines crosshaving the same measurepoints on the same linepoints on the same planea single location in spacea line that cuts a line in halfAngles- angles touching each otherthe point at which a line is bisectedthe amount of space between two pointsPair- two adjacent supplementary angles...

Math Terms 2023-11-29

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Number: Any number that can be written as a fraction, where both the numerator and the denominator are integers, and the denominator is not equal to zero.
  2. A closed figure made up of line segments in a two-dimensional plane.
  3. The result of division.
  4. The average value or mean which signifies the central tendency of the set of numbers by finding the product of their values.
  5. A polygon having four sides, four angles, and four vertices
  6. The total length.
  7. Value The non-negative value of x without regard to its sign.
  8. A line segment joining a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side
  9. Numerical measure of a line's inclination relative to the horizontal.
  1. To have the same shape and size.
  2. The numbers that are expressed in the form of a+ib where, a,b are real numbers and 'i' is an imaginary number called “iota”
  3. A type of angle that is always large
  4. The most frequent number.
  5. a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero.
  6. Number: A number that cannot be expressed as a fraction for any integers
  7. The distance around the boundary of a circle.
  8. Where a line crosses the x-axis.
  9. An equation in which two ratios are set equal to each other
  10. of a Circle: The region occupied by the circle in a two-dimensional plane.
  11. The ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle

20 Clues: The total length.The result of division.The most frequent number.To have the same shape and size.Where a line crosses the x-axis.A type of angle that is always largeThe distance around the boundary of a circle.a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero.An equation in which two ratios are set equal to each other...

Math Review 2023-09-26

Math Review crossword puzzle
  1. The school that you attend
  2. A way to show negative and positive numbers and zero
  3. Type of fraction with a numerator larger than denominator
  4. Answer to an addition problem
  5. The mascot of the school you attend
  6. Answer to a subtraction problem
  7. Answer to a multiplication problem
  8. The numbers to the left of zero on a numberline
  9. Number group that starts with zero: 0, 1, 2, 3
  10. The program we use in class
  11. Positive and negative whole numbers and zero
  1. Leftovers in a division problem
  2. The number group that adds fractions and decimals
  3. Top number of a fraction
  4. The numbers to the right of zero on a numberline
  5. Answer to a division problem
  6. The type of number with a whole number + a fraction
  7. Neither positive nor negative. Middle of numberline
  8. Counting numbers: 1,2,3
  9. Bottom number of a fraction

20 Clues: Counting numbers: 1,2,3Top number of a fractionThe school that you attendThe program we use in classBottom number of a fractionAnswer to a division problemAnswer to an addition problemLeftovers in a division problemAnswer to a subtraction problemAnswer to a multiplication problemThe mascot of the school you attend...

Construction Math 2023-08-25

Construction Math crossword puzzle
  1. to divide into two equal parts
  2. the English ruler is used by people who use the _____________ system
  3. a 90 degree angle
  4. any angle greater than 0 degrees and less than 90 degrees
  5. 2000 pounds equals 1 _______
  6. the length of a straight line through the center of a circle
  7. the distance around the curved line that forms a circle
  8. a push or pull on the surface
  9. a triangle with three equal sides and angles
  10. angles that have the same vertex and one side in common
  11. the distance from the center of the circle to the outside curve
  12. the distance around the outside of a closed shape
  1. carrying a significant amount of weight and/or providing necessary structural support
  2. one cubic yard equals _______________ cubic feet
  3. a triangle with two equal sides and angles
  4. a triangle with sides of uneven length
  5. any angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees
  6. the mathematical study of 3D shapes
  7. the mathematical study of 2D (flat) shapes
  8. vertical support inside a wall to which the wall finish material attaches
  9. the amount of space contained within a 3D space
  10. the point at which two or more lines come together
  11. a 3D object whose sides are all the same length
  12. one pound equals 16 _____________
  13. the amount of space contained in a 2D object
  14. the quantity of matter present
  15. lengths of wood or steel that usually support floors, ceilings, or a roof
  16. When converting from a smaller metric unit to a larger one, the decimal point must move to the _____

28 Clues: a 90 degree angle2000 pounds equals 1 _______a push or pull on the surfaceto divide into two equal partsthe quantity of matter presentone pound equals 16 _____________the mathematical study of 3D shapesa triangle with sides of uneven lengtha triangle with two equal sides and anglesthe mathematical study of 2D (flat) shapes...

Math 6 2023-12-24

Math 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Hai đáy của một hình thang cân có tính chất này
  2. Một hình có hai trục đối xứng
  3. Hình này có 4 trục đối xứng và có luôn tâm đối xứng
  4. Phân số bằng 5/-8 có mẫu số lớn hơn 20 và nhỏ hơn 30
  5. Một vòi nước chảy vào một bể không có nước, sau 1h thì đầy bể. Hỏi sau 10 phút, lượng nước đã chảy chiếm bao nhiêu phần bể?
  6. Một từ đơn miêu tả sự gây tổn hại của các con với bố mẹ
  7. Phân số bằng -6/16 và có mẫu là số nguyên âm lớn hơn -10
  8. Điều kiện để hai phân số a/b và c/d bằng nhau
  9. Chu vi của một hình thoi có cạnh dài 11cm
  10. Gần đây có trend bỏ gì vào mỳ tôm?
  11. Hai đườngchéo của một hình thoi có tính chất này
  12. Bạn Chip được thưởng 200k vì có thành tích học tập tốt. Bạn mua một món quà để tặng bà hết 80k. Hỏi bạn ấy còn bao nhiêu phần số tiền mình được thưởng?
  13. Hình không có tâm đối xứng trong các hình: hình vuông, hình chữ O hoa, hình chữ nhật, hình tam giác đều
  1. Hai góc đối của một hình bình hành có tính chất gì?
  2. Nếu cắt hình này theo 3 đường chéo chính của nó thì thu được 6 tam giác đều
  3. Trước hết chúng ta nên là một người như thế nào (theo lời dạy của thầy Văn Như Cương)?
  4. Hình có nhiều hơn 1 trục đối xứng trong các hình: hình bình hành, hình tam giác cân, hình tròn, hình chữ E hoa
  5. Phân số tối giản trong hai phân số -24/15 và 11/23
  6. Chúng ta nên ... tới mọi người
  7. Chu vi của hình bình hành có một cạnh bằng 3cm và hai trong ba cạnh còn lại dài gấp đôi cạnh đã cho
  8. Hai cạnh đối của một hình bình hành có tính chất này
  9. Chu vi của một hình thang cân có đáy bé 5cm; đáy lớn gấp ba đáy bé và cạnh bên bằng hiệu hai đáy
  10. Chúng ta nên ... người khác trong khả năng của mình khi họ cần
  11. Làm cách nào để xác định được trục đối xứng của một tờ giấy A4?
  12. Chu vi của một tấm viển quảng cáo hình chữ nhật có chiều dài 5m, chiều rộng 10m
  13. Diện tích hình thoi có độ dài hai đường chéo là 8cm và 6cm
  14. Diện tích hình bình hành có cạnh a và chiều cao tương ứng là h

27 Clues: Một hình có hai trục đối xứngChúng ta nên ... tới mọi ngườiGần đây có trend bỏ gì vào mỳ tôm?Chu vi của một hình thoi có cạnh dài 11cmĐiều kiện để hai phân số a/b và c/d bằng nhauHai đáy của một hình thang cân có tính chất nàyHai đườngchéo của một hình thoi có tính chất nàyPhân số tối giản trong hai phân số -24/15 và 11/23...

Math clues 2023-12-15

Math clues crossword puzzle
  1. times 3
  2. take away
  3. what you compare to ratios
  4. of you do this when grouping
  5. an equation
  6. times
  7. what you do to mixed numbers
  8. subtract things
  1. grouping things
  2. take away from something
  3. to scale down fractions
  4. give
  5. put things together
  6. given out
  7. 2nd fraction upside down
  8. starts with M
  9. you use these in math
  10. you get this on your report card
  11. what you do when you subtract fractions
  12. you do this when you divide fractions

20 Clues: givetimestimes 3take awaygiven outan equationstarts with Mgrouping thingssubtract thingsput things togetheryou use these in mathto scale down fractionstake away from something2nd fraction upside downwhat you compare to ratiosof you do this when groupingwhat you do to mixed numbersyou get this on your report cardyou do this when you divide fractions...

Math crossword 2024-05-14

Math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. – points that lie on the same line.
  2. – the statement formed by negating both the hypothesis and the conclusion of a conditional
  3. – triangle with no sides congruent.
  4. – triangle with a right angle.
  5. to the measure of the leg adjacent to the acute angle.
  6. – two coplanar angles with a common vertex and a common side between them
  7. - is the part of a line that contains an endpoint and all points extending in the other direction.
  8. – for an acute angle of a right triangle, the ratio of the measure of the leg opposite the acute angle to
  9. – segments that have the same length.
  10. – is a prism where all sides are squares.
  11. – line in the plane of the circle that intersects the circle in one point.
  12. – arc whose measure is less than a semi-circle (180 degree).
  13. – angle whose measure is 90 degrees.
  14. – triangle with at least two sides congruent.
  15. – the figure formed by three segments joining three noncollinear points.Each of the three points
  16. – arc whose endpoints are the endpoints of a diameter.
  17. – set of points in space a given distance from a given point called the center.
  18. – arc whose measure is greater than a semi-circle (180 degrees).
  19. – the non-adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines.
  20. – angle whose vertex is on the circle and whose sides are chords of the circle.
  21. – line that intersects a circle in two points.
  22. – chord that passes through the center of the circle.
  23. – has two congruent circular bases in parallel planes.
  1. – has a vertex and a circular base.
  2. – of any surface is the number of square units required to cover the surface.
  3. – part of a line that consists of two points called endpoints and all points between them.
  4. – two angles whose sum is 90 degrees
  5. – segment joining the two base planes and perpendicular to both.
  6. -triangle that has all acute angles.
  7. – points that do not lie on the same line.
  8. – triangle with an obtuse angle.
  9. –angle whose vertex is the center of the circle and whose rays are radii of the
  10. to the measure of the hypotenuse.
  11. – triangle with all angles congruent.
  12. – triangle with all sides congruent.
  13. – segment that connects two points on the circle.
  14. a vertex of the triangle and the segments are the sides.
  15. – a point that divides the segment into two congruent segments.
  16. – for an acute angle of a right triangle, the ratio of the measure of the leg adjacent to the acute
  17. – of a polygon is the distance around the polygon.
  18. – number of cubic units contained in a solid.
  19. – points that do not lie on the same plane.
  20. measure of the hypotenuse.
  21. – line, ray segment, or plane that divides a segment into two congruent segments.
  22. – angle whose measure is between 0 degrees and 90 degrees.
  23. – points that lie on the same plane.
  24. – sum of the area of all its faces.
  25. – congruent polygons lying in parallel planes.
  26. – consists of two points and the continuous part of a circle between them.
  27. – for an acute angle of a right triangle, the ratio of the measure of the leg opposite the acute

50 Clues: measure of the hypotenuse.– triangle with a right angle.– triangle with an obtuse the measure of the hypotenuse.– points that lie on the same line.– has a vertex and a circular base.– triangle with no sides congruent.– sum of the area of all its faces.– two angles whose sum is 90 degrees-triangle that has all acute angles....

Math crossword 2024-05-14

Math crossword crossword puzzle
  1. – points that lie on the same line.
  2. – the statement formed by negating both the hypothesis and the conclusion of a conditional
  3. – triangle with no sides congruent.
  4. – triangle with a right angle.
  5. to the measure of the leg adjacent to the acute angle.
  6. – two coplanar angles with a common vertex and a common side between them
  7. - is the part of a line that contains an endpoint and all points extending in the other direction.
  8. – for an acute angle of a right triangle, the ratio of the measure of the leg opposite the acute angle to
  9. – segments that have the same length.
  10. – is a prism where all sides are squares.
  11. – line in the plane of the circle that intersects the circle in one point.
  12. – arc whose measure is less than a semi-circle (180 degree).
  13. – angle whose measure is 90 degrees.
  14. – triangle with at least two sides congruent.
  15. – the figure formed by three segments joining three noncollinear points.Each of the three points
  16. – arc whose endpoints are the endpoints of a diameter.
  17. – set of points in space a given distance from a given point called the center.
  18. – arc whose measure is greater than a semi-circle (180 degrees).
  19. – the non-adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines.
  20. – angle whose vertex is on the circle and whose sides are chords of the circle.
  21. – line that intersects a circle in two points.
  22. – chord that passes through the center of the circle.
  23. – has two congruent circular bases in parallel planes.
  1. – has a vertex and a circular base.
  2. – of any surface is the number of square units required to cover the surface.
  3. – part of a line that consists of two points called endpoints and all points between them.
  4. – two angles whose sum is 90 degrees
  5. – segment joining the two base planes and perpendicular to both.
  6. -triangle that has all acute angles.
  7. – points that do not lie on the same line.
  8. – triangle with an obtuse angle.
  9. –angle whose vertex is the center of the circle and whose rays are radii of the
  10. to the measure of the hypotenuse.
  11. – triangle with all angles congruent.
  12. – triangle with all sides congruent.
  13. – segment that connects two points on the circle.
  14. a vertex of the triangle and the segments are the sides.
  15. – a point that divides the segment into two congruent segments.
  16. – for an acute angle of a right triangle, the ratio of the measure of the leg adjacent to the acute
  17. – of a polygon is the distance around the polygon.
  18. – number of cubic units contained in a solid.
  19. – points that do not lie on the same plane.
  20. measure of the hypotenuse.
  21. – line, ray segment, or plane that divides a segment into two congruent segments.
  22. – angle whose measure is between 0 degrees and 90 degrees.
  23. – points that lie on the same plane.
  24. – sum of the area of all its faces.
  25. – congruent polygons lying in parallel planes.
  26. – consists of two points and the continuous part of a circle between them.
  27. – for an acute angle of a right triangle, the ratio of the measure of the leg opposite the acute

50 Clues: measure of the hypotenuse.– triangle with a right angle.– triangle with an obtuse the measure of the hypotenuse.– points that lie on the same line.– has a vertex and a circular base.– triangle with no sides congruent.– sum of the area of all its faces.– two angles whose sum is 90 degrees-triangle that has all acute angles....

math proj 2024-05-17

math proj crossword puzzle
  1. l
  2. u
  3. o
  4. g
  5. i
  6. t
  7. r
  8. s
  9. e
  10. c
  11. p
  1. j
  2. k
  3. f
  4. a
  5. q
  6. m
  7. b
  8. d
  9. h
  10. n

21 Clues: jlukofgaqimbtdrshnecp

Math Crossword 2024-05-09

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The distance around a circle
  2. The rules that tell us the sequence in which we should solve an expression
  3. A unit that includes mostly just shapes
  4. The amount of space occupied by any three-dimensional solid
  5. You need to find it to make a rug in that space
  6. A combination of symbols and terms that doesn’t include the equal sign
  7. A straight line that passes through the center of a circle or sphere in a straight line
  8. A four sided polygon
  9. You need to find it to build a fence around it
  10. A straight line from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference
  11. The 4 sections of the Cartesian Coordinate Plane defined by the coordinate axes
  1. Consists of 6 sides and 6 vertices
  2. The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet
  3. A part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole
  4. States that for any triangle, the sum of the lengths of any two sides must be greater than or equal to the length of the remaining side
  5. A shape that has 3 sides and 3 vertices
  6. A number which produces a specified quantity when multiplied by itself
  7. A round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges
  8. You count with it
  9. Represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts

20 Clues: You count with itA four sided polygonThe distance around a circleConsists of 6 sides and 6 verticesA unit that includes mostly just shapesA shape that has 3 sides and 3 verticesYou need to find it to build a fence around itYou need to find it to make a rug in that spaceA round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges...

Math Terms 2024-05-16

Math Terms crossword puzzle
  1. 2 data sets have no relationships between data values
  2. # multiplied by itself to form a product
  3. sum of areas of faces of 3 dimensional area
  4. change in the size or position of figure
  5. transformaton of a figure that flips the figure across a line
  6. steepness of line on a graph
  7. a rational or irrational number
  8. transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure
  9. # of cubic units needed to fill a sphere
  10. writing large or small # using power of 10
  11. the 2 shortest sides in a right triangle
  12. symbol used to identify image points of transformation
  1. longest side of a right triangle
  2. # that cant be expressed as ratio of two integers
  3. # of cubic units needed to fill a cone
  4. transformation in which figure is turned around a point
  5. slope intercept form for the equation a line
  6. movement of figure along a straight line
  7. # of cubic units needed to fill cylinder
  8. point where a line crosses y-axis

20 Clues: steepness of line on a grapha rational or irrational numberlongest side of a right trianglepoint where a line crosses y-axis# of cubic units needed to fill a cone# multiplied by itself to form a productchange in the size or position of figuremovement of figure along a straight line# of cubic units needed to fill cylinder...

Math Vocab 2024-05-16

Math Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. y=x^2, what is the mathematical term for this equation?
  2. What is the property called that states how to multiply powers with the same bases, and then you add their exponents?
  3. Lines that will never cross or intersect, what is this called?
  4. The () of 7^3 is read seven to the third power, multiply the exponents.
  5. An equation with a graph that is a straight line, what is this called?
  6. 27 is a () because its cube root is 3.
  7. A term without a variable
  8. - what is the side opposite of a right angle in a right triangle, what is this angle called?
  9. A new figure image, what is this called?
  10. the x coordinate of the point where the line crosses the x axis
  11. Angles Angles that are in the same position on two parallel lines are called what?
  12. whats the property called that states to divide powers with the same base, and then subtract the exponents.
  13. An algebraic model that can be used to find the exact solution of a system of equations, this is called?
  14. A scatter plot of points is called what?
  15. what is a three dimensional figure with a circular bottom called?
  16. Root 64 is 4 is 4^3 =64, what is the mathematical term for this?
  17. angle- the angle between a side of a rectilinear figure and an adjacent side extended outward.
  18. 25 is a () because its square root is 5.
  19. The vertical change between any two points on a line, what is this called?
  20. 10^3=10x10x10 what is the mathematical term for 10?
  21. A line that is placed over the number that is repeating
  22. 2+3=5 and the 2-3=5, what is the mathematical term for this?
  23. A transformation where a figure is flipped over a line, also called a flip.
  24. two sides of a right triangle that form a right angle, what is this called?
  25. railroad tracks is an example of ( )
  26. A rate in which the first quantity is compared to 1 unit of the second quantity
  27. the degree of the angle through which a figure is rotated
  28. 5500 is 5.5x10^3, what is this called?
  29. Numbers written without exponents are called what?
  30. figures that have the same shape but not the same exact size what is this called?
  31. The ratio of the rise, or vertical change, to the run, or horizontal change, what is this called?
  32. - what's the method used to find the exact solution of a system of equation?
  33. an ordered pair that is a solution of both pairs what is this called?
  34. Two lines that intersect to form a right angle is called what?
  35. 10=2x+3, what is the x representing?
  36. A transformation that slides a figure from one position to another without turning
  37. a quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised
  38. whats a relationship between bivariate data graphed as order pairs on a coordinate plane?
  39. ⅛ =0.125, what is the mathematical word for this problem.
  1. lxbxh
  2. A statement or conjecture that can be proven, what is this called?
  3. A function in which the graph of the solutions forms a line
  4. 27 is a ( ) because it's cube root is 3.
  5. the ratio of the lengths of two corresponding sides of two similar polygons.
  6. a relationship or expression involving one or more variables.
  7. (2,4)
  8. terms terms that contain the same variable(s) to the same powers, what is this called?
  9. If one image can be obtained from another by a sequence of transformations and dilations what is this?
  10. A line that intersects two or more other lines is called ()
  11. of the Pythagorean Theorem What is a mathematical theorem that can be used to find if a triangle is a right triangle?
  12. a figure is turned about to a fixed point is called ()
  13. y=mx+b, m is the () and b is the y intercept.
  14. A property that states to find the power of the power, multiply the exponents
  15. An angle inside a polygon, is called what?
  16. The original figure before transformation, what is the mathematical term for this?
  17. A horizontal change between any two points on a line is called ( )
  18. Find the power of each factor and multiply, what is this called?
  19. A triangle with one right angle.
  20. 9.94687, what is the term for this?
  21. The set of y-coordinates in a relation
  22. the y coordinate of the point where the line crosses the y axis
  23. the end result of division used to represent very small numbers
  24. the first number of an ordered pair
  25. The line over a figure that reflects in a transformation
  26. Each part of an algebraic expression separated by an addition or subtraction sign what is this called?
  27. (0,0)
  28. - A three dimensional figure with two parallel congruent sides circular bases is called a what?
  29. A rule that states that any nonzero number to the zero power is equivalent to 1
  30. 2x+5y=19 x-2y=-4 what is the mathematical word for this equation?
  31. All integers, fractions, mixed numbers, and percents are all ( )
  32. The symbol used to indicate a positive square root, what is this called?
  33. ( ) shapes that are exactly that same size. What is the missing word?
  34. the second number in an ordered pair
  35. The resulting figure after a transformation is called what?
  36. Theorem a^2+b^2=c^2, what is this called?
  37. - what is the mathematical term for something that enlarges or reduces a figure by a scale factor.
  38. the x in this equation 3xy is 3y what is this called?
  39. A () of 144 is 12 since 12^2 =144 what is the mathematical term for this?
  40. What is the set of x coordinates in a relation called?

79 Clues: lxbxh(2,4)(0,0)A term without a variableA triangle with one right angle.9.94687, what is the term for this?the first number of an ordered pairthe second number in an ordered pair10=2x+3, what is the x representing?27 is a () because its cube root is 3.The set of y-coordinates in a relation5500 is 5.5x10^3, what is this called?...

Math Final 2024-05-17

Math Final crossword puzzle
  1. Substitute y+5 into Equation A for x and you get y+(y+5)=3.
  2. The y-coordinate of the point where the line crosses the y-axis
  3. One of three equal factors of a number
  4. An order pair that is a solution of both problems.
  5. To fall in a straight line
  6. (#,_)
  7. Terms that contain the same variables to the same powers
  8. A statement or conjecture that can be proven
  9. A set of two of more equations with the same variables
  10. The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle
  11. The rate of change between any two points on a line. The ratio of the rise, or vertical change, to the run, or horizontal change.
  12. 4x+5=16, what is the “x” called?
  13. The two sides of a right triangle that form the right triangle
  14. A transformation that slides a figure from one position to another without turning.
  15. Angles that are in the same position on two parallel lines in relation to a transversal
  16. A three-dimensional figure with one circular base connected by a curved surface to a single point
  17. The vertical change
  18. The resulting figure after a transformation
  19. An angle inside a polygon
  20. Almost the same
  21. An operation that maps a geometric figure, preimage, onto a new figure, image
  22. Numbers written without exponents
  23. a rectangular bathtub that is 1 foot tall, 2 feet wide, and 4 feet long will have a _____ of 8 cubic feet.
  24. the degree measure of the angles through which a figure is rotated
  25. A function whose rate of change is not constant
  26. The x-coordinate of the point where the line crosses the x-axis
  27. A relation in which each member of the input is paired with exactly one member of the output
  28. The horizontal change between 2 points
  29. An algebraic method that can be used to find the exact solution of a system of equations by eliminating one of the variables
  30. y=mx+b
  31. The set of x-coordinates in a relation
  32. lines in the same plane that never intersects or cross
  33. A function in which the graph of the solutions forms a line
  34. (_,#)
  1. An equation with a graph that is a straight line
  2. A number that has an integer as a cube root
  3. A theorem that can be used to test whether a triangle is a right triangle
  4. A number that cannot be expressed as the ratio a/b where a and b are integers
  5. A transformation where the object is flipped over the axis.
  6. 144 is = to 12x12, but what does it mean? The 144?
  7. A term without a variable
  8. A transformation that rotates an object
  9. Figures that have the same shape but not necessarily the same size
  10. A pair of numbers used to locate a point in the coordinate plane
  11. The line over which a figure is reflected in a transformation
  12. 4x + y, what is this called?
  13. notation A specific way to write with number
  14. The vertical number line that helps to form the coordinate plane.
  15. In a power, the number that is the common factor
  16. A number thats square root is a whole number
  17. A line that intersects two or more other lines.
  18. The result of repeated division used to represent very small numbers
  19. A rule that states that any nonzero number to the zero power os equivalent to 1.
  20. The numerical factor of a term that contains a variable
  21. pairs of operations that undo each other
  22. A decimal where the repeating digit is “0”
  23. A transformation that enlarges or reduces by a scale factor
  24. in repeating decimals, the line or bar placed over the digits that repeat
  25. Having the same measure
  26. The point of intersection of the x-axis and y-axis in a coordinate plane
  27. A three-dimensional figure with two parallel congruent circular bases connected by a curved surface
  28. Two lines that intersect to form right angles
  29. The ratio of the lengths of corresponding sides
  30. A graph that shows the relationship between bivariate plots
  31. A rate in which the first quantity is compared to 1 uint of the second quantity.
  32. In a power, the number of times the base is used as a factor
  33. A collection of points that are close together in a scatter plot
  34. The set of y-coordinates in a relation

68 Clues: (#,_)(_,#)y=mx+bAlmost the sameThe vertical changeHaving the same measureA term without a variableAn angle inside a polygonTo fall in a straight line4x + y, what is this called?4x+5=16, what is the “x” called?Numbers written without exponentsOne of three equal factors of a numberThe horizontal change between 2 points...

Math Crossword 2024-04-01

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. point on a polygon where the sides or edges of the object meet
  2. how many times a number is added to itself
  3. number whose value is always less than zero and it has a minus
  4. to combining two things
  5. the vertical axis on the Cartesian coordinate plane
  6. relationship between two quantities or, more generally, two mathematical expressions,
  7. a whole or complete amount,
  8. either a single number or variable, or the product of several numbers or variables
  9. also known as the power
  10. symbol that is used to denote square root
  11. those which are greater than zero.
  1. quantity that can be changed and is not fixed
  2. to taking away one number or an amount from another
  3. straight line graphs
  4. a number that consists of a whole and a fractional part
  5. number that can be positive, negative, or zero
  6. the middle point in a dataset
  7. reducing the expression/fraction/problem in a simpler form
  8. mathematical operation which involves the sharing of an amount into equal-sized groups
  9. putting all things together

20 Clues: straight line graphsto combining two thingsalso known as the powera whole or complete amount,putting all things togetherthe middle point in a datasetthose which are greater than zero.symbol that is used to denote square roothow many times a number is added to itselfquantity that can be changed and is not fixed...