medical Crossword Puzzles
Health test for first aid 2020-12-14
- a law designed to protect physicians.
- a patients personal health must be kept private unless they give consent
- a traumatic brain injury.
- Needed in emergency situations.
- concussion symptoms last for longer than expected.
- Used to stop bleeding.
- device used to apply pressure.
- a method of poisoning.
- a medical service that provides care for when someone gets poisoned.
- Emergency medical services (Ambulances)
- failure to do what a reasonably prudent person would do.
- a service that can always be called in case of an emergency.
- a severe allergic reaction.
- portable electronic device.
- air flow becomes blocked.
- a sudden uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain.
- damage to skin/tissues from the sun/hot liquids/fire.
- there is no requirement to render care if someone has no legal duty.
- Helps blood circulate (CPR)
- doing what a reasonably prudent person wouldn't do.
- blood is pumping from the wound.
- deviating from accepted standard of care, resulting in further injury.
- when a seizure occurs in just one area.
- permission for something to occur.
- Where people/resources are.
- another method of poisoning, involving a substance going down one's throat.
- used to clear an airway.
- body looses heat faster than it can be produced.
- help given to a person until full medical treatment can be provided.
- an irregular heartbeat that can lead to heart complications.
- failure to provide care that meets your level of training.
- consumption of food.
- happens from a sudden drop in blood flow.
33 Clues: consumption of food. • Used to stop bleeding. • a method of poisoning. • used to clear an airway. • a traumatic brain injury. • air flow becomes blocked. • Helps blood circulate (CPR) • Where people/resources are. • a severe allergic reaction. • portable electronic device. • device used to apply pressure. • Needed in emergency situations. • blood is pumping from the wound. • ...
HWS 2017-01-10
- They commission services across the UK (1,1,1)
- Short for
- Often leads to a ride in an ambulance
- People are part of this at their GP Surgery (1,1,1)
- Sick people look for good quality ....
- look briefly at.. at the end of computerised tomography
- A place where sick people stay.
- They are in place when people need them
- They issue medication usual on the high street
- Ears, Nose, Thoat department (1,1,1)
- Swish new hospital in sandwell( )
- A group of local residents who stick together
- Ongoing.
- Sustainability Transformation Plans in short (1,1,1)
- They can see through your eye complaints
- A group of Gps and hospital medical clinicians
- Short Doctors are this
- If we had the vision to see through the red tape
- People look after you in your own…
- To check services against each other is to do this.
- Given to people when satisfied with service
- computerised tomography shortened. (1,1)
- A range of impairments both physical and mental
- These services are available to sick people in the UK (1,1,1)
- serious condition means urgent
- Sandwell council adult social services department
- Medical Emergency Vehicle
- You need to be in good ....... to avoid medical care
- People do this when things are not right
- Possible issues but not reported
- They look after your teeth
- Midlands has had a chop for new hospital
- A growing issue about peoples head health
- They help on the wards with care
- no show appointment (1,1,1)
- Comes before club and after anti
36 Clues: Ongoing. • Short for • Short Doctors are this • Medical Emergency Vehicle • They look after your teeth • no show appointment (1,1,1) • serious condition means urgent • A place where sick people stay. • Possible issues but not reported • They help on the wards with care • Comes before club and after anti • People look after you in your own… • Ears, Nose, Thoat department (1,1,1) • ...
HEART 2013-02-09
- the fluttering feeling in the chest caused by abnormal heart rhythms
- the SA & AV nodes, bundle branches & Purkinje fibers are know as the ________ highways of the heart
- these are the pulmonary vessels that bring oxygenated blood to the left atrium
- the valve that separates the right atrium from the right ventricle
- the "bag" that surrounds the heart
- is the abbreviation of the name of the surgery to detour around blocked vessels
- an angio_______ is when a balloon is threaded up into a blockage to open it up
- the striped appearance of cardiac muscle
- the medical root word that refers to fat
- this is the the type of cardiography test using sound waves
- the actual muscle portion of the heart
- this is when the heart stops beating
- the medical prefix meaning "slow"
- the medical word that refers to an "inner" layer of a serous membrane
- the atrium that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
- all the symptoms caused by coronary artery ischemia
- this is when the heart is pumping too weakly
- the inside layer of the heart
- the valve that is between the left atrium & left ventricle
- the same thing as the visceral pericardium
- this is the pulmonary vessel that takes right ventricular blood to the lungs
- the contractile portion of the cardiac cycle
- the arteries that deliver oxygen to the heart muscle itself
- this is when heart muscle dies
- this is a device that is used to cause the heart to beat
- the relaxation portion of the cardiac cycle
26 Clues: the inside layer of the heart • this is when heart muscle dies • the medical prefix meaning "slow" • the "bag" that surrounds the heart • this is when the heart stops beating • the actual muscle portion of the heart • the striped appearance of cardiac muscle • the medical root word that refers to fat • the same thing as the visceral pericardium • ...
Infection Prevention 2023-03-06
- The condition a patient who has antibiotic resistant microorganisms living on or in their body with no symptoms or infection
- The steps performed to prepare used surgical instruments for next use
- Hand _____ refers to the removal or inactivation of microorganisms on the surfaces of your hands
- Term used for medical devices disposed of after use
- This product is used to physically or mechanically clean items
- Always clean these prior to donning/doffing PPE
- The M in MRSA stands for this
- This manufacturer-provided item must e followed for all medical equipment or supplies
- This device is used to sterilize medical devices
- This product and water must be used when hands are visibly soiled
- Never do this with used needles
- Devices that enter sites are categorized as this
- This is worn when in the decontamination room
- Clean first, then do this
- This is the process of an object free from viable microorganisms (as by the use of steam or dry heat)
- This term describes how microorganisms move between people via contact, droplet or airborne routes
- These items of PPE may give us a false sense of security when we wear them
- This worn when there is risk of splashing
- This is the process of cleaning and inactivating microorganisms in order to render an object safe for handling
- The active ingredient in hand rub
- This product is commonly used at a concentration of 1:10 with tap water to clean major blood spills
- precautions These practices are used to care for all patients all the time
22 Clues: Clean first, then do this • The M in MRSA stands for this • Never do this with used needles • The active ingredient in hand rub • This worn when there is risk of splashing • This is worn when in the decontamination room • Always clean these prior to donning/doffing PPE • Devices that enter sites are categorized as this • This device is used to sterilize medical devices • ...
- What part of medicare Covers inpatient hospital, skilled nursing and home nursing care? (use _ for space)
- If the member wants to sign up for my blue acct, they need to contact the ____ center. (Use _ for space)
- This is a code for an injection.
- Fill in the blank for our call closing "Are you ____ satisfied with the service I provided you today?
- 066 is a common __ code.
- What to type in sessions when you get the "restricted message?
- Login for B session
- Which plan does not have a deductible?
- Members, providers or other healthcare professionals can submit a _____?
- ___becomes the members employer once they retire.
- Login for S session
- What part of medicare is used for medical insurance, Dr offices, ambulance trips and professional services. (use _ for space)
- What part of medicare combines part A and B? (use _ for space)
- What type of provider files claims on behalf of members?
- ____ is a fixed amount of money you pay to the provider, facility, pharmacy, etc., when you receive certain services.
- Name of our phone system? (Use _ for space)
- Fill in the blank ____is the percentage of the Plan allowance that you must pay for your care?
- Name of our fax app?
- We can email this from a specific inbox to members.
- The max amount the member would pay out of pocket for their medical services for the calendar year. (Use _ for space)
- What part of medicare is for prescription drug coverage? (use _ for space)
- Appreviation for Durable Medical Equipment?
- Login for I session?
23 Clues: Login for B session • Login for S session • Name of our fax app? • Login for I session? • 066 is a common __ code. • This is a code for an injection. • Which plan does not have a deductible? • Name of our phone system? (Use _ for space) • Appreviation for Durable Medical Equipment? • ___becomes the members employer once they retire. • ...
Human Services Careers 2023-05-08
- a medical doctor who specialize in mental disorders
- studies human behavior and mental processes and develops theories to explain why people behave the way they do.
- Assist families before and after a death occurs to plan a burial, cremation, funeral, or memorial service
- plan lessons and activities that build on children’s curiosity and interest
- Work with students in an educational setting to help with home or school problems.
- small business owners who offer services to larger organizations for a fee
- a person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital.
- Take money and communicate with customers
- Save people from burning buildings, give medical assistance
- Help with daily tasks of people with special needs
- Works with those in need to find resources and assist them with problems
- Instruct or coach groups or individuals in exercise activities for the primary purpose of personal fitness.
- Owns and runs their own business
- assist clients to determine and achieve their life goals
- care for the children in one family, may work full- or part-time, and may live in the home or commute
- Licensed professional trained in providing services for the treatment of skin, hair, or nails
- Cooks food and meals for customers
- Guides clients through the process of overcoming problems
- a person who cuts hair, especially men's, and shaves or trims beards
- assists people with finding a purpose or career path
- a specially trained medical technician certified to provide basic emergency services before and during transportation to a hospital
21 Clues: Owns and runs their own business • Cooks food and meals for customers • Take money and communicate with customers • Help with daily tasks of people with special needs • a medical doctor who specialize in mental disorders • assists people with finding a purpose or career path • assist clients to determine and achieve their life goals • ...
Metabolism Review 2023-05-16
- the place where glucose, oxygen, and amino acid should be in order for the body to function properly
- tiny opening to the C.S. that allows ONLY oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass through
- breathe in this molecule through the mouth or nose
- the body system that breaks down food
- a large molecule that you find in food such as apples, green beans, tomatoes, rice, etc
- a molecule that you find in foods such as eggs, beans, steak, etc.
- a small structure in the body cell that releases energy through cellular respiration
- a medical condition that does NOT break down starch and protein; less amino acid/glucose in the cell
- tiny opening in the small intestines that allow glucose/amino acid to pass through to C.S.
- a system that takes in oxygen and takes out carbon dioxide with every breath
- a place where if starch and protein are here- the body is chocking
- a medical condition that requires you to take medicine to create more enzymes so you have more glucose in cell and not in blood.
- a molecule that unlocks the cell membrane
- an organ that creates digestive enzymes
- a molecule that helps release energy & is made of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms
- a medical condition that causes less oxygen to cell because body produces fewer red blood cells
- the body system that transports molecules to/from body's cells
- To grow and repair themselves, cells __________ amino acid molecules to form new protein
- The whole body grows when cells ________ into more cells
- the ability to make things move or change
20 Clues: the body system that breaks down food • an organ that creates digestive enzymes • a molecule that unlocks the cell membrane • the ability to make things move or change • breathe in this molecule through the mouth or nose • The whole body grows when cells ________ into more cells • the body system that transports molecules to/from body's cells • ...
Metabolism Review 2023-05-17
- The tiny structures inside cells where energy is released.
- A set of interacting parts forming a complex whole
- The process cells use to release energy is called ______ respiration.
- A problem with a _____ system can result in fewer molecules getting to the body's cells.
- The _______ system breaks down food into smaller molecules that can fit into cells.
- A medical condition where the body does not make enough insulin, so glucose is prevented from getting to cells.
- Some athletes may enhance their performance in races from using blood ______.
- In order to release ______ cells need glucose and oxygen molecules.
- The _______ system brings in oxygen molecules from the air.
- A medical condition where the airway closes up and oxygen cannot enter the lungs.
- Cells can grow and repair themselves by combining amino acid molecules into ______.
- In a functioning human body, body systems work together to deliver ____, oxygen, and amino acid molecules to the cells in the body.
- Inside the cell, the _____ that make up glucose and oxygen are rearranged to make different molecules.
- The ________ system transports molecules to every cell in the body.
- A group of atoms joined together in a particular way.
- The body's use of molecules for energy and growth
- A ________ human body has molecules from food and molecules from air in its cells.
- Cells can only use molecules that are _____ enough to enter a cell.
- The building blocks of protein
- A medical condition where there are fewer than normal red blood cells, so less oxygen is delivered to cells.
- A molecule organisms get from air and use to release energy
- The ability to make things move or change
22 Clues: The building blocks of protein • The ability to make things move or change • The body's use of molecules for energy and growth • A set of interacting parts forming a complex whole • A group of atoms joined together in a particular way. • The tiny structures inside cells where energy is released. • A molecule organisms get from air and use to release energy • ...
Radiology 2023-05-12
- Organization of a hospital or medical clinic that provides diagnostic imaging through medical technologies such as x-ray examination, fluoroscopy, computed tomography, interventional radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, mammography, nuclear medicine, and ultrasonography
- Quality Improvement System of development in the workplace for daily improving performance at every level in every operational process by focusing on meeting or exceeding customer expectations
- Physician responsible for the medical operation and quality of a hospital department or service; also responsible for providing input regarding policies and procedures and day-to-day operations of the department
- Process of identifying and analyzing important organizational and individual performance gaps, planning for future performance improvement, designing and developing cost-effective and ethically justifiable interventions to close performance gaps, implementing the interventions, and evaluating the financial and nonfinancial results
- Insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, and other commercial companies that are the payers of inpatient and outpatient medical expenses for the patient
- Physician responsible for overseeing a component or subdepartment of a hospital service-for example, a radiologist who is chief of the nuclear medicine service
- Management of quality in the workplace from a perspective of total involvement of every employee, with a strong focus on process measurement and control
- Independent not-for-profit organization that evaluates and accredits more than 22,000 healthcare organizations and programs in the United States and is the nation's primary standard-setting and accrediting body in healthcare; TJC standards focus on improving the quality and safety of patient care provided by healthcare organizations
- Establishes minimum standards of a mammography program to ensure that all women have access to quality services; regulations developed by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Mammography Quality Assurance Advisory Committee
- Federal agency that enforces standards for safety in the workplace, conducts inspections, and directs determination of fines for noncompliance with policies and regulations
- Unit of the hospital with specific functions or specialized skills such as housekeeping, surgery, radiology, or accounting
- Failure to complete a planned action as intended or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim; can be related to an incorrect diagnosis, equipment failure, infection, or a misinterpretation of an order
- Ancillary department of the hospital responsible for recruiting, selecting, supporting, and compensating employees; developing and maintaining skills, quality, and motivation; collective bargaining; and occupational health and safety
- Statement of organization that summarizes its intent to provide service in terms of the services it offers. the intended recipients of services, and a description of the level of cost
- Physician who represents a department or service and sits as a formal member of the executive medical staff committee; responsible for all of the medical operations of a hospital department and may also oversee a residency training program
- Formal organization of physicians authorized to admit and attend to patients within a hospital; have authorized privileges, bylaws, elected officers, and various committees and activities (see
16 Clues: Unit of the hospital with specific functions or specialized skills such as housekeeping, surgery, radiology, or accounting • Insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, and other commercial companies that are the payers of inpatient and outpatient medical expenses for the patient • ...
Unit 3 Vocab pt.2 2023-02-01
14 Clues: eye • leg • foot • knee • ankle • healthy • pregnant • ear(outer) • dizzy(M.S) • medical(M.S) • healthy(M.S) • grave/serious • congested/stuffed-up(M.S) • sense of hearing/inner ear
La Sistema de Salud- Sustantivos 2017-06-06
Employee Appreciation 2023-09-25
- Good Manufacturing Practices (shortened)
- medical attention that is usually administered immediately
- who is appreciated & valued at Nestle
- Any work-related *blank* requiring medical treatment beyond first aid
- has restricted means of entry exit
- function used to shut down the machine in normal operation
- PPE that protects your eyes
- Must be reported immediately
- protects head against small impacts
- What should you do if a machine is not working properly?
- Not allowed on the production floor
11 Clues: PPE that protects your eyes • Must be reported immediately • has restricted means of entry exit • protects head against small impacts • Not allowed on the production floor • who is appreciated & valued at Nestle • Good Manufacturing Practices (shortened) • What should you do if a machine is not working properly? • function used to shut down the machine in normal operation • ...
Aubrey's Biomedical Crossword 2017-10-19
- use knowledge of lab procedures ad safety to ensure operations run smoothly
- teach people poses and breathing exercises to keep them haelthy
- research the spread of disease
- do check ups to make sure all families are healthy
- a title in Canada (does the same thing as a dentist in America)
- shows people self-defense and proper breathing exercises
- help families in need of support
- studies sleep patterns and disorders, brain, and reflexes
- help diabetics learn to control their blood sugar
- study eyes, and make sure glasses match vision problems
- take X-Rays or human bones for research
- help and work on the spinal cord
- travel with scientits and write about their work
- Examine ears, and find correct technology for hearing loss
- do blood tests, and autopsies, and biopsies
- help people in need of support and people who have problems
- look at how bad a baby's joundice is if they are born with it
- make sure animals are in the correct habitat so they can grow and develop correctly
- find correct technology to help people get around better and to relieve pain
- help and show people how to keep their teeth clean
- work as a "receptionist" to ultrasound doctors
- create exercise plans and manage fitness trainers
- react to medical emergencies where no other medical help is near
- make sure the business is in correct quality
- schedule and prepare patients for exams
- prepare the room for the patient and doctor
26 Clues: research the spread of disease • help and work on the spinal cord • help families in need of support • schedule and prepare patients for exams • take X-Rays or human bones for research • do blood tests, and autopsies, and biopsies • prepare the room for the patient and doctor • make sure the business is in correct quality • work as a "receptionist" to ultrasound doctors • ...
Avenues Recovery Crossword 2021-01-26
- a patient who receives medical treatment without being admitted to a treatment center
- designed for people to live in
- being addicted to a particular substance
- a group of people related to one another by blood or marriage
- a process or period of time in which one rids the body of unhealthy substances
- the action or practice of meditating
- a drug derived from or related to opium
- a Hindu spiritual discipline that is widely practiced for health and relaxation
- give professional help and advice to someone to resolve personal or psychological problems
- partial hospitalization
- the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something
- a person skilled in a particular kind of therapy
- a patient who stays at a facility while under treatment
- an event or circumstance that is the cause of a particular action, process, or situation
- treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder
- the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave toward each other
- a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
- knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
- a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.
- Intensive outpatient
- a course of treatment for drug or alcohol dependence, typically at a residential facility.
- The best place to get help!
- a colorless liquid that is intoxicating
- the process of ceasing to take an addictive drug
- a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness
- a session of medical care
26 Clues: Intensive outpatient • partial hospitalization • a session of medical care • The best place to get help! • designed for people to live in • the action or practice of meditating • a colorless liquid that is intoxicating • a drug derived from or related to opium • being addicted to a particular substance • knowledge or perception of a situation or fact • ...
bio 2022-03-15
- treat patients with rare infections
- helps out with children
- They collect and label blood
- A mental health professional
- Study the adverse effects of chemical substances on living organisms
- Make and fit artificial limbs (prostheses) for people who have a disability
- diagnose and treat heart disease and abnormalities
- Specialise in the study and treatment of the urinary system
- Prevent or cure diseases by attempting to develop, trial and execute effective
- Zoo vets provide medical treatment to the many species of animals kept at zoos.
- Study how the human body works during sports and exercise to promote health and performance.
- Draft, plan and execute radiation treatment for cancer patients.
- work in pathology labs to help scientists and doctors diagnose and assess diseases
- Make people comfortable during surgery
- collect, interpret and analyze evidence related to crimes
- help patients understand and cope with medical conditions
- use radioactive materials to diagnose psychological and metabolic changes in the body
- Identify and treat eye disorders and diseases
- take x rays
- Get exposure to the hospital environment before you graduate or commit to a career in the health sector
- Ensure practices are safe and up to standard in a hospital or medical setting
- plan, manage and maintain health information systems including patient records
- detect, analyze and interpret disease linked genetic abnormalities
- study disease and health at the population level
- a science commuter or a journalist on health related news
- expert in nutrition and human diet
26 Clues: take x rays • helps out with children • They collect and label blood • A mental health professional • expert in nutrition and human diet • treat patients with rare infections • Make people comfortable during surgery • Identify and treat eye disorders and diseases • study disease and health at the population level • diagnose and treat heart disease and abnormalities • ...
AHLT235 Chapter 4 & 5 Terms 2022-03-08
- not otherwise specified
- A number that is appended to a code to report particular facts. Report special circumstances involved with a procedure or service.
- A __________ patient who has not received professional services from a provider (or another provider with the same specialty in the same practice) within the past three years.
- _____ List found in the back of the ICD coding book
- Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
- The complexity of the medical _____ that the physician makes involves how many possible diagnoses or treatment options were considered
- Maximum number of characters in ICD code
- not elsewhere classifiable
- In ICD-10 _____ Index to Diseases
- ICD book has 21 of these
- International Classification of Diseases
- The incorrect billing practice of breaking a panel or package of services/procedures into component parts and reporting them separately.
- Table for cancers
- Place of ____ is Step 1 in E/M coding
- A ____ Patient who has received professional services from a provider (or another provider with the same specialty in the same practice) within the past three years.
- Using a single procedure code that covers a group of related procedures
- The national codes for products, supplies, and those services not included in CPT are in the _____
- _____ Cause for the Injury
- code by this, not body part
- The Extent of ______ It may include the history of the present illness (HPI), past medical history (PMH), and family and social history.
- Provider’s evaluation of a patient’s condition and decision on a course of treatment to manage it.
- Table of ______ and Chemicals
- ___________ Medical Equipment (DME)
- Current Procedural Terminology
24 Clues: Table for cancers • not otherwise specified • ICD book has 21 of these • _____ Cause for the Injury • not elsewhere classifiable • code by this, not body part • Table of ______ and Chemicals • Current Procedural Terminology • In ICD-10 _____ Index to Diseases • ___________ Medical Equipment (DME) • Place of ____ is Step 1 in E/M coding • Maximum number of characters in ICD code • ...
ODS Joint Commission Prep 2022-02-07
- Suicide Assessment: Have you been to the ED within the last ______weeks
- a medical condition or complication that a patient develops during a hospital stay, which was not present at the time of admission.
- first name of the Manager of Infection Prevention and Control at COA.
- any ___will unlock the doors in BR
- name of book for unsafe abbreviations. Found on the X drive.
- last name of the Director of Pediatric Infectious Disease and Chair of Children's of Alabama Infection Control Committee.
- should be above the waist and visible
- Prior to a patient having an invasive procedure, the practitioner must correctly identify the following ______patient, ______procedure, _______site (all are the same word).
- conversation between the doctor and caregiver explaining 3 things.
- name of tool used to assess suicide
- any ___ will unlock the doors in Lowder
- method used to assess caregiver understanding of home care instructions
- Divisional Director of Engineering
- Medical Emergency is occurring at the area announced 3 times. "______Physician".
- color of the biomed sticker on all medical equipment that has been inspected.
- Unauthorized person in area, armed threat in area, bomb threat, biological/pandemic, workplace violence "Lockdown is in _______".
- the H&P must be updated _________ registration
- non-urgent format for hand off of care communications
- an H&P cannot be older than _____days.
- Fire or smoke is located in area. Announced three times "Fire Alarm _________".
- who is responsible for the oxygen tanks under the patient stretcher.
- During the informed consent conversation, the doctor explains the risks, benefits and ______ to the caregiver.
22 Clues: Divisional Director of Engineering • any ___will unlock the doors in BR • name of tool used to assess suicide • should be above the waist and visible • an H&P cannot be older than _____days. • any ___ will unlock the doors in Lowder • the H&P must be updated _________ registration • non-urgent format for hand off of care communications • ...
First Aid Grace M 2021-05-11
- group of workers or people required to take action and help
- difficulty breathing from blockage of airway
- irregular heart rate, weak blood flow
- to pay for the services of medical helpers
- life threatening condition from lack of bloodflow
- comprehension of environment
- failure to properly care for someone
- collection of steps/tools to help someone in need of medical attention
- a significant drop in body temperature
- consuming food, drink, drug, etc.
- uncontrolled electricity between neurons
- provides pre-hospital treatment for victims
- device to decrease blood flow to open wound
- verbal or nonverbal agreement to be examined
- failure to help someone injured
- tactic to unlodge something in airway
- the breathing of air, gas, chemicals, etc.
- failure to help someone you're responsible to help
- what to apply do an open, bloody wound
- sickness far after concussion
- significant rise in body temperature
- seizure that still has an alert victim
- abnormal movement of the brain in the skull
- sustainability of the heart's rhythm and preservation of the organs
- device to shock a patient's heart and sustain its rhythm
- procedure for helping someone in need
- keeping private/personal info secret
- a condition that comes in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degree
- product o help prevent burns and heat stroke
- not aware or responding to surroundings
- cellular medical service to help a victim when having consumed poison
- medicine, drugs, alcohol, bleach that's fatal
- allergic reaction to bee stings, nuts, etc.
33 Clues: comprehension of environment • sickness far after concussion • failure to help someone injured • consuming food, drink, drug, etc. • significant rise in body temperature • keeping private/personal info secret • failure to properly care for someone • procedure for helping someone in need • irregular heart rate, weak blood flow • tactic to unlodge something in airway • ...
Healthcare 2023-02-16
- a state of untidiness or lack of organization
- the degree to which people keep themselves or their environment clean, especially to prevent disease
- an illness caused by eating, drinking, or breathing a dangerous substance
- the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part
- the activity or business of providing medical services
- the condition of having lost some control of your actions or behaviour under the influence of a drug
- the condition of the body and the degree to which it is free from illness, or the state of being well
- disappointment or anger, especially when caused by a failure or mistake
- to order, limit, or rule something, or someone's actions or behavior
- A stable person is mentally healthy
- the condition of being ill
- someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something
- a condition in which bacteria or viruses that cause disease have entered the body
- a person whose job is treating people's teeth
- a person who works with a dentist and cleans people's teeth to keep them healthy
- someone whose job is to treat a particular type of mental or physical illness or disability, usually with a particular type of therapy
- an occasion when a doctor cuts a body for medical reasons in order to repair, remove, or replace an unhealthy or damaged part
- a person who has the power to cure ill people without using ordinary medicines
- a medical operation
- a situation in which everything is arranged in its correct place
20 Clues: a medical operation • the condition of being ill • A stable person is mentally healthy • a state of untidiness or lack of organization • a person whose job is treating people's teeth • the activity or business of providing medical services • someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something • a situation in which everything is arranged in its correct place • ...
Health Care Providers 2023-09-14
- Treatment that uses water therapy for disease or injury
- Methods used to keep the environment clean and promote health
- Relating to the mother or from the mother
- To send to
- Continuing over many years and for a long time
- Serving patients who are able to walk
- Artificial parts made for the body
- Repairing or removing a body part by cutting
- A healthcare plan or system that seeks to control medical costs
- Dealing with the problems and diseases of old age and aging
- The study of urine and urinary organs in health and disease
- Pertaining to the determination of the nature of a disease or injury by examining
- Patients/clients who do not require hospitalization but are under a physician's care
- Capable of passing from one person or thing to another
- The diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders
- Pertaining to the mind
- The branch of medical science concerned with childbirth
- The gradual recovery of health and strength after illness
- Giving permission to carry on certain activities
- Process that helps people recover their original abilities
- Gifts of property or money given to a group or organization
- Elevation of the blood pressure
- Pertaining to the treatment of disease or injury
- Fields of study or professional work
- The method of adjusting the segments of the spinal column
- The study of hearing disorders
- The medical specialty concerned with correcting problems with the skeletal system
- Places designed or built to serve a special function
- Substances given to make disease organisms harmless to the patient
29 Clues: To send to • Pertaining to the mind • The study of hearing disorders • Elevation of the blood pressure • Artificial parts made for the body • Fields of study or professional work • Serving patients who are able to walk • Relating to the mother or from the mother • Repairing or removing a body part by cutting • The diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders • ...
Patient Access Week 2024-03-28
- An extra layer of confidentiality that can be triggered most commonly when we are accessing a MultiCare employee's chart
- A federal law enacted in 1986 with a goal to ensure no one suffers harm from a medical condition because they do not have insurance coverage or money to pay for their care
- Veterans never use this plan
- The primary EMR system that Multicare uses
- The ultimate Registration Guide
- What must be offered to every patient we register?
- Guarantor anytime another party may be liable for to pay
- These plans serve as a replacement for Medicare
- The individual who is considered the policy holder
- Guarantor when a patient is incarcerated
- The amount of money that you are responsible for paying before your insurance will pay for an expense
- A government program that provides health insurance for adults and children with limited income and resources
- Occurrence Code 04 is used for these types of accidents
- A secure, online health management tool that allows patients to connect to their electronic medical records wherever they see care
- The individual who is responsible for the payment of medical services rendered to a patient
- The acronym that includes the data for sexual orientation, gender identification and pronouns
- A federal health insurance program for people over 65 and younger people with disabilities
- The tool we use to validate eligibility, create correct plans and identify patient financial liabilities
- One of our primary insurance verification portals
- The term for our standardized notes that allow us to communicate consistently and effectively
20 Clues: Veterans never use this plan • The ultimate Registration Guide • Guarantor when a patient is incarcerated • The primary EMR system that Multicare uses • These plans serve as a replacement for Medicare • One of our primary insurance verification portals • What must be offered to every patient we register? • The individual who is considered the policy holder • ...
The Interpreter World 2019-11-06
- what is the first thing interpreter should do upon arrival to the clinic and meeting patient
- who doctor suppose to look at and speak directly to during the appointment
- a medical professional who cares for patients
- an Interpreter services representative who serves as a link and educator between IS and Language Liaison
- a professional who transmits written speech from one language into another
- can interpreter alter in any way message between provider and the patient
- a professional who transmits oral speech from one language into another
- a clinic/department representative who serves as a link between interpreter services and his/her department
- abbreviation for over the phone interpreting
- phone card used by patients to get in touch with medical personnel via phone interpreter
- should medical provider speak in short increments while working with an interpreter
11 Clues: abbreviation for over the phone interpreting • a medical professional who cares for patients • a professional who transmits oral speech from one language into another • can interpreter alter in any way message between provider and the patient • a professional who transmits written speech from one language into another • ...
Aldyn 2023-02-22
- plain uniform (usually green, white, or blue) worn by medical professionals
- the thin tubes that transport blood around the body and back to the heart
- a substance that is very dangerous if it enters the human body
- a doctor's appointment to check a person's general health
- time of day when friends and family are allowed to visit patients in hospital
- sample a small amount of the body's liquid waste that is tested for different medical reasons
- medical information that helps doctors understand a patient's condition or body
- input from a second doctor about an illness or symptom
- of the time period leading up to giving birth
- a dangerous organism that causes the spread of minor and major diseases
- the correct amount and type of medication needed to cure an illness or relieve symptoms
11 Clues: of the time period leading up to giving birth • input from a second doctor about an illness or symptom • a doctor's appointment to check a person's general health • a substance that is very dangerous if it enters the human body • a dangerous organism that causes the spread of minor and major diseases • ...
French I Chapter 9 vocabulary 1 2020-03-24
18 Clues: bridge • subway • behind • street • a place • stoplight • Hair Salon • in between • in front of • intersection • A Daisy a Day • Farmers market • Bank of America • Barnes and Noble • US Postal Service • Francescas/Dress Up • First Baptist Church • Gwinnett Medical Center
Richard 2021-02-05
18 Clues: hobby • college • daughter • heritage • grandfather • the J of JT • birth place • middle name • oldest child • singing voice • 40 year career • medical school • St Anthony job • Tarzan activity • military service • wife of 44 years • longtime residence • funny work as teenager
Thanksgiving Crossword 2024-11-23
18 Clues: Nurse • MJ Dancer • Woodworker • Loves Elmo • Super Preggo • Stinky Bottom • Baseball Coach • Snowdome Maker • Nintendo Champ • Medical Advisor • Pianist & Artist • Recently retired • Charcoal Griller • Israel volunteer • Interior designer • Loves Princess Beauty • Allegedly pooped pants • Book lover & B-ball player
The Crossovers Crossword 2021-05-20
9 Clues: very beautiful • extremely dirty • an awsome slam dunk • a play on the word dunk • to be mean in a surly way • a more complex word for beautiful • a medical injury called jumpers knee • the medical name for high blood pressure • an express joy during a victorious moment in sports
Health Insurance 2013-10-19
- A __________ is a fixed amount you'll pay for a medical service after you've met your deductible.
- ___________ is similar to copayment, except it's a percentage of costs you pay.
- one type of insurance is ________ insurance.
- A_________ is a fixed amount you pay to your insurance plan, usually every month.
- if illness or an injury require you to be hospitalize then __________ coverage usually pays most or all of the charges.
- if you need medical care, a ___________ is the amount you pay for care before the insurance company starts to pay its share
- ______________ medical policy is a policy that combines the features of hospital, surgery and major medical insurance.
7 Clues: one type of insurance is ________ insurance. • ___________ is similar to copayment, except it's a percentage of costs you pay. • A_________ is a fixed amount you pay to your insurance plan, usually every month. • A __________ is a fixed amount you'll pay for a medical service after you've met your deductible. • ...
From Day One Miami 2024 2024-11-11
Pediatric Vocabulary 2022-04-20
- a child old enough to attend school(Ages 5-12)
- a child between the ages of 13-18
- a child from three to five years of age
- fear of separation
- 5th leading unintentional cause of death
- medical term for skin turning blue
- a child from one to three years of age
- person who provides most information about child
- most common medical emergency in children
- #1 cause of death in children
- upper airway virus(bark-like sound)
- branch of medicine dealing with children and their diseases
12 Clues: fear of separation • #1 cause of death in children • a child between the ages of 13-18 • medical term for skin turning blue • upper airway virus(bark-like sound) • a child from one to three years of age • a child from three to five years of age • 5th leading unintentional cause of death • most common medical emergency in children • ...
R.E 2012-11-22
- Discrimination on the basis of age
- Placing the husband's sperm within the wife's reproductive tract
- The belief one should control their own life
- Copying DNA especially for medical science
- Surpassing the laws of nature
- The money situation of the elderly
- Whether something appears 'right' or 'wrong'
- Testing on embryos for the development of medical science
- Dying to relieve pain
- Carrying another woman's baby
- babies Choosing the characteristis of a child
- The ways in which a belief in the afterlife can comfort the elderly and dying
12 Clues: Dying to relieve pain • Carrying another woman's baby • Surpassing the laws of nature • The money situation of the elderly • Discrimination on the basis of age • Copying DNA especially for medical science • Whether something appears 'right' or 'wrong' • The belief one should control their own life • babies Choosing the characteristis of a child • ...
Heart Attack and Angina 2013-07-13
- Assist the victim into a comfortable position _.
- _ of symptoms.
- Treat for _.
- is a medical condition where the circulation of blood to the heart is severely affected.
- _ in chest or shoulder.
- _ and weakness.
- weak,rapid.
- Angina victims also carry _ for its treatment.
- Angina and Heart Attack victims are _.
- Help the victim to take medication and encourage the victim to chew an ASA tablet ex._.
- What is a medical disorder caused by poor blood circulation to the heart.
- For both Angina and Heart Attack _ must be called.
12 Clues: weak,rapid. • Treat for _. • _ of symptoms. • _ and weakness. • _ in chest or shoulder. • Angina and Heart Attack victims are _. • Angina victims also carry _ for its treatment. • Assist the victim into a comfortable position _. • For both Angina and Heart Attack _ must be called. • What is a medical disorder caused by poor blood circulation to the heart. • ...
risky buisness 2024-07-26
- aid medical assistance given
- ones ability to go about their life free of harm
- an image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
- driving over the allowed speed limit breaking the law
- someone at your own level
- driving while under the influence of ...
- having a confident and forceful personality
- influence from members of ones peer group
- a medical response that people can use to help a person
- sending explicit photos or messages
- give the authority or power to do something
- a situation involving danger
12 Clues: someone at your own level • aid medical assistance given • a situation involving danger • sending explicit photos or messages • driving while under the influence of ... • influence from members of ones peer group • having a confident and forceful personality • give the authority or power to do something • ones ability to go about their life free of harm • ...
Staying Healthy and Keeping Fit 2023-04-27
- Type of stretching recommended after playing tennis
- Common cause of viral summer food poisoning
- Protection, Optimal Loading, Ice, Compression, Elevation
- Type of stretching recommended before playing tennis
- What the "D" in COVID-19 stands for
- The Four C's of preventing food poisoning: Cleaning, Cooking, Cross-Contamination and __________
- Chest compressions should be at the tempo of this 70s song
- Medical term for stretched ligament
- Tennis Elbow - Lateral _________
- Fungus that attacks the brain in The Last of Us
- Medical term for pulled muscle
- Acronymn for the traditional approach to treating sprains
12 Clues: Medical term for pulled muscle • Tennis Elbow - Lateral _________ • Medical term for stretched ligament • What the "D" in COVID-19 stands for • Common cause of viral summer food poisoning • Fungus that attacks the brain in The Last of Us • Type of stretching recommended after playing tennis • Type of stretching recommended before playing tennis • ...
Introduction to the Health Care System 2023-01-11
- ______ cancer most curable disease.
- health care industry grew and became more advanced.
- new technologies allowed to understand of ____ in genetic therpy development.
- therapy important to society and improve skills.
- 1,000 years ago.
- is the 3rd leading cause of hospitalizations
- medical field progressed _______ since primitive health.
- philosopher who said disease was caused from the environment.
- allowed medical knowledge to be shared called the _________ press.
- another name for the flu vaccine.
- a type of therapists that plays a big part in helping the community.
- has been around as long as blindness.
12 Clues: 1,000 years ago. • another name for the flu vaccine. • ______ cancer most curable disease. • has been around as long as blindness. • is the 3rd leading cause of hospitalizations • therapy important to society and improve skills. • health care industry grew and became more advanced. • medical field progressed _______ since primitive health. • ...
PEN1: vocabulary revision 2020-06-24
- disease of blood vessel in the brain
- woman in charge of medical arrangements at a hospital
- inflammation of lungs by virus
- build/start/make
- something happens once a year
- the course you study in school
- home providing care for terminally ill and sick people
- to restore someone to health or normal life through therapy
- medical care
- person evacuated from place of danger to safe place
10 Clues: medical care • build/start/make • something happens once a year • inflammation of lungs by virus • the course you study in school • disease of blood vessel in the brain • person evacuated from place of danger to safe place • woman in charge of medical arrangements at a hospital • home providing care for terminally ill and sick people • ...
Gypsum Weed 2013-01-05
- Indian name for Datura Stramonium
- medical name for Gypsum Weed
- intense feeling of well being
- Gypsum Weed relaxes (blank) in the body.
- most common name for Gypsum Weed
- Gypsum weed helps during this medical condition.
- one main color of the drug
- Drug addiction is a
- This town gave the drug a name in the 1700s
- Consuming this drug has short and (blank) effects.
10 Clues: Drug addiction is a • one main color of the drug • medical name for Gypsum Weed • intense feeling of well being • most common name for Gypsum Weed • Indian name for Datura Stramonium • Gypsum Weed relaxes (blank) in the body. • This town gave the drug a name in the 1700s • Gypsum weed helps during this medical condition. • Consuming this drug has short and (blank) effects.
My Dream Job: MRI Technologist 2024-09-18
- Equipment operated during test
- The process of identifying a disease, illness, condition, or injury
- Occasionally used to improve imaging accuracy
- This profession is in this field
- Imagining is used to find
- Location where people receive medical care
- Work along side MRI technologist to analysis test results
- Also known as a medical operation
- The person who receives the treatment
- Non-invasive test that uses large magnets
10 Clues: Imagining is used to find • Equipment operated during test • This profession is in this field • Also known as a medical operation • The person who receives the treatment • Non-invasive test that uses large magnets • Location where people receive medical care • Occasionally used to improve imaging accuracy • Work along side MRI technologist to analysis test results • ...
Medical expressions 2019-10-09
- a person helping you with your health problem
- a health problem
- a place where the dead bodies are put
- prevention against serious illnesses
- a vehicle used for transportation people to the hospital
- when you are ill you have to take it
- a thing used for taking blood out of the body
- an extremely painful problem of the spine
- a place where the ill people cure
9 Clues: a health problem • a place where the ill people cure • when you are ill you have to take it • prevention against serious illnesses • a place where the dead bodies are put • an extremely painful problem of the spine • a person helping you with your health problem • a thing used for taking blood out of the body • a vehicle used for transportation people to the hospital
Medical Terminologies 2020-07-28
- apparatus used to induce artificial respiration
- set apart or separate
- a colloidal suspension of particles dispersed in air or gas
- impose isolation on (a person, animal, or place)
- likely to spread to and affect others
- RNA viruses with crown like feature
- showing no symptoms
- likely to spread or influence others in a rapid manner
- a person's mental or physical condition
9 Clues: showing no symptoms • set apart or separate • RNA viruses with crown like feature • likely to spread to and affect others • a person's mental or physical condition • apparatus used to induce artificial respiration • impose isolation on (a person, animal, or place) • likely to spread or influence others in a rapid manner • ...
Medical Technologist 2017-05-17
- When you get cut platelets help stop
- Technologist help assist the Doctor by performing
- Worn for protection
- Blood bank testing can determine your blood
- Phlebotomist's tie a tourniquet around your
- Red blood cells carry
- Cells and bacteria are viewed under a
- Blood cell that helps fight infection and disease
- Hand washing helps prevent the spread of
9 Clues: Worn for protection • Red blood cells carry • When you get cut platelets help stop • Cells and bacteria are viewed under a • Hand washing helps prevent the spread of • Blood bank testing can determine your blood • Phlebotomist's tie a tourniquet around your • Blood cell that helps fight infection and disease • Technologist help assist the Doctor by performing
Medical Jargon 2018-03-04
- What does # mean on an x-ray?
- An abbreviation for a basic qualified nurse
- What does the P in GP stand for?
- What is the abbreviation for 'to take twice daily'?
- What does the term 'prn' mean on a prescription?
- The abbreviation for the children's unit
- What does the T in ENT stand for?
- What does the I in ICU stand for?
- An abbreviation for immediately
9 Clues: What does # mean on an x-ray? • An abbreviation for immediately • What does the P in GP stand for? • What does the T in ENT stand for? • What does the I in ICU stand for? • The abbreviation for the children's unit • An abbreviation for a basic qualified nurse • What does the term 'prn' mean on a prescription? • What is the abbreviation for 'to take twice daily'?
Medical Terminology 2021-03-27
Medical crosswords 2021-11-20
- advise and authorize the use of a medicine or treatment for someone, especially in writing
- the quality or state of being correct or precise
- the process of becoming progressively worse
- a ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures
- of considerable importance, size, or worth
- a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole
- having straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross-section; in the shape or form of a cylinder
- a lipped cylindrical glass container for laboratory use
- a glass container or other apparatus holding a drying agent for removing moisture from specimens and protecting them from water vapour in the air
9 Clues: of considerable importance, size, or worth • the process of becoming progressively worse • the quality or state of being correct or precise • a lipped cylindrical glass container for laboratory use • a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole • advise and authorize the use of a medicine or treatment for someone, especially in writing • ...
Medical terminology 2021-09-03
9 Clues: ท้องเสีย • ภาวะดีซ่าน • ไอเป็นเลือด • อาหารไม่ย่อย • หัวใจเต้นเร็ว • ไวรัสตับอักเสบ • ภาวะเลือดกำเดาออก • กระเพาะปัสสาวะอักเสบ • ถุงลมอักเสบภาวะนอนไม่หลับ
Medical Terms 2022-08-17
- blood pressure
- removing a piece of tissue from the body to be studied, perhaps under a microscope
- the outer layer of skin
- medicine that kills bacteria
- tool used to listen inside the body to heart or lungs
- simple cotton clothes worn by doctors
- doctor
- requiring the entry of a needle, or other instrument into a part of the body
- immediately (urgent)
9 Clues: doctor • blood pressure • immediately (urgent) • the outer layer of skin • medicine that kills bacteria • simple cotton clothes worn by doctors • tool used to listen inside the body to heart or lungs • requiring the entry of a needle, or other instrument into a part of the body • removing a piece of tissue from the body to be studied, perhaps under a microscope
Medical suffixes 2022-10-02
Medical Equipments 2023-06-05
- are mobility aids used by people who have had leg injuries or disability. They offer support and stability to help with walking and lowering weight bearing on the damaged leg.
- is a medical device used by medical experts to listen to bodily noises, particularly those coming from the heart, lungs, and digestive system.
- A tool used to measure blood pressure.
- is a piece of material that is used as a barrier against injuries such as the control of bleeding, the prevention of infection, and the support of wounded bodily parts.
- is a device that shocks the heart with electricity in situations with cardiac arrest or life-threatening arrhythmias.
- is a surgical tool with a sharp blade used to make exact incisions. It is intended for slicing tissues or dissecting bodily parts.
- is a device that measures body temperature. It is typically put in the mouth, under the armpit, or in the ear to produce a precise reading of a person's body temperature.
- is a thin, flexible tube used to inject fluids, drugs or drain fluids from a bodily cavity, blood vessel, or duct, and used in medical procedure such as urinary catheterization and intravenous treatment.
- A rigid or semi-rigid device used too immobilize and support broken bones, joints, or soft tissues. It assists in stabilizing fractures or sprains, lowering discomfort, and accelerating recovery.
9 Clues: A tool used to measure blood pressure. • is a device that shocks the heart with electricity in situations with cardiac arrest or life-threatening arrhythmias. • is a surgical tool with a sharp blade used to make exact incisions. It is intended for slicing tissues or dissecting bodily parts. • ...
medical words 2023-12-20
- I'm coughing because I have a _____ throat.
- My head is hurting.
- You can't hear me because I have_______.
- I cut myself and I need a ______.
- My head is hot because I have a______.
- The themometer says 100 because I have a _______.
- I turned my foot over and ______ my ankle.
- I'm sick I will go to the_______.
- I'm very cold and shaking.
- I need a tissue because I'm going to _______.
10 Clues: My head is hurting. • I'm very cold and shaking. • I'm sick I will go to the_______. • I cut myself and I need a ______. • My head is hot because I have a______. • You can't hear me because I have_______. • I turned my foot over and ______ my ankle. • I'm coughing because I have a _____ throat. • I need a tissue because I'm going to _______. • ...
Medical Instruments 2024-04-09
- used to cut during surgery; looks like a knife
- used to help a patient breathe
- used to put a patient to sleep during surgery
- used to stop the flow of blood
- used to listen to a patient's heart
- used to look inside a patient's stomach
- used to close up a deep cut on a patient
- used to stabilize a broken bone
- used to take a patient's temperature
9 Clues: used to help a patient breathe • used to stop the flow of blood • used to stabilize a broken bone • used to listen to a patient's heart • used to take a patient's temperature • used to look inside a patient's stomach • used to close up a deep cut on a patient • used to put a patient to sleep during surgery • used to cut during surgery; looks like a knife
Professions 2023-06-20
- A creative professional who expresses ideas and emotions through various forms of art.
- A culinary professional who prepares and cooks meals in restaurants or other food establishments.
- A professional who designs and plans the construction of buildings and other structures.
- A person who designs and builds structures, machines, or systems using scientific and mathematical principles.
- A financial professional who manages and analyzes financial records and prepares reports.
- A medical professional who provides healthcare services to animals.
- A legal professional who provides advice and representation to clients in legal matters.
- A healthcare professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of oral health issues.
- A mental health professional who studies and treats behavioral and mental processes.
- A creative professional who conceptualizes and creates visual or functional designs for products, spaces, or experiences.
- A person who plays a musical instrument or sings professionally.
- A medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses or injuries.
- A person who uses words to create literary works, such as novels, poems, or articles.
- A person who captures and creates images using a camera or other photographic equipment.
- A medical doctor who performs surgical procedures to treat diseases, injuries, or deformities.
- A person who operates and controls an aircraft during flight.
16 Clues: A person who operates and controls an aircraft during flight. • A person who plays a musical instrument or sings professionally. • A medical professional who provides healthcare services to animals. • A medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses or injuries. • A mental health professional who studies and treats behavioral and mental processes. • ...
sporting 2022-06-11
31 Clues: can • aid • from • them • share • amend • group • broad • speak • blest • ectad • under • remedy • common • Austral • victoty • precise • sprtsman • fructify • picturet • comprise • incidence • allexiate • downwards • originate • salubrious • centralized • a fresh start • ethnical group • medical science • physical education
Terminology 2019-10-10
Unit 15 and 16 2023-03-13
- kohver
- õpipoiss
- loeng
- sadam
- trahv
- tegelik
- sihtkond
- padi
- deklareerima, kuulutama
- turvalisus, julgeolek
- pagas
- vahekäik
- käsipagas
- ilmnema
- aksessuaar, tarvik, lisavarustus
- ülemere
- pardapääse
- meditsiiniline
- reisiterminal
- ürgne loodus
- mehaanik
- rabav, jahmatav
- sissekäik
- lomp,loik
- kirurg
- noortehotell
- toll
- kellegile kallale norima
- kandik
29 Clues: padi • toll • loeng • sadam • trahv • pagas • kohver • kirurg • kandik • tegelik • ilmnema • ülemere • õpipoiss • mehaanik • sihtkond • vahekäik • sissekäik • lomp,loik • käsipagas • pardapääse • ürgne loodus • noortehotell • reisiterminal • meditsiiniline • rabav, jahmatav • turvalisus, julgeolek • deklareerima, kuulutama • kellegile kallale norima • aksessuaar, tarvik, lisavarustus
crossfind 2014-11-17
20 Clues: odd • trap • stern • active • waiting • unnamed • to graze • greatest • temporary • unwilling • punishment • standing out • near the edge • to get rid of • seen in advance • not able to copy • to handle economically • order for medical purpose • to prevent from happening • someone who is easily tricked
Crossword Ch 26-27 2016-05-24
20 Clues: info • data • expose • Drawing • ethnicity • tall tale • technology • to produce • Proposed law • a new company • party election • energy producer • politician urban • a inherited/trait • party Extra party • grid power system • method for hard oil • guard state militia • medical natural agent • economic severe crisis great great recession
Refresher- February 2024- Ops Assistance 2024-02-27
- Travel Inconvenience
- Portal
- Health Product
- IPD Zurich Criteria
- IPD First Call
- Customer Care- Zurich
- EMA Services
- Morgan Price Portal
- Morgan Price Policy
- Inhouse claims
- Medical
- Authority
- Corporate
- Cashless OPD
- Vietnam Provider
- Japanese Yen
- Approval for GOP
- Zurich Corporate
- EMA suggestion for approval
- Zurich Retail
20 Clues: Portal • Medical • Authority • Corporate • Cashless OPD • Japanese Yen • EMA Services • Zurich Retail • Inhouse claims • Health Product • IPD First Call • Vietnam Provider • Approval for GOP • Zurich Corporate • IPD Zurich Criteria • Morgan Price Portal • Morgan Price Policy • Travel Inconvenience • Customer Care- Zurich • EMA suggestion for approval
El Trato A Los Animales 2024-01-08
25 Clues: Care • Vital • Avoid • Planet • Respect • Animals • Humanity • Reflects • Treatment • Compassion • To respect • Well-being • Empathetic • Contributes • Mistreatment • Forms of life • Adequate food • Responsibility • To take care of • Medical attention • Animal protection • Ecological balance • Healthy environment • Peaceful coexistence • Unnecessary suffering
World Wide Web and Applications of Computers 2024-03-30
- Users
- finances
- process to convey information
- research
- connects computer networks
- teachers
- written questions
- process in web
- Surfing
- storage of websites
- an operation
- doctors
- input data and instructions
- farm
- Designs and Build
- used to sell products
- drawing conclusions
- soldiers
- a technological device
- products and services
20 Clues: farm • Users • doctors • Surfing • finances • research • soldiers • teachers • an operation • process in web • Designs and Build • written questions • drawing conclusions • storage of websites • used to sell products • products and services • a technological device • connects computer networks • input data and instructions • process to convey information
Hannah Test 2023-01-19
13 Clues: Bad • CEO • System • Hospital • Credit Card • Headquarters • 3rd Acquisition • 2nd Acquisition • Hospital System • 4th Acquisition • Helping patients • Line of business • First Acquisition
- a holy time when Muslims do not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset
- system of raised points which is used as a form of written language for individuals who are without sight
- individuals who use non-medical ways of supporting people with medical and social issues
- a group of people who feel pushed to the edge of society through poverty and disadvantage
- an electronic system which links with a person's hearing aid and enables them to hear what is being said
- places in the countryside where houses may be in small groups or quite isolated
- a registered nurse who has additional qualifications, supporting families with young children and older peop[e
- believe in the importance of respect for all and celebration of life; they do not follow a religion
- a member of the Islamic faith which believes in one God(Allah)
- the ability to move around
- costs which make life difficult for people
- a member of a religion which originated in Jamaica
- a medical condition which affects the activity of brainwave patterns
- a serious infectious illness which can leave a person with a disability
- reasons why some people cannot access health and social care provision
- going without food and sometimes drink to purify the soul
17 Clues: the ability to move around • costs which make life difficult for people • a member of a religion which originated in Jamaica • going without food and sometimes drink to purify the soul • THE PROVISION OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES BY THE STATE • a member of the Islamic faith which believes in one God(Allah) • ...
- a holy time when Muslims do not eat or drink between sunrise and sunset
- system of raised points which is used as a form of written language for individuals who are without sight
- individuals who use non-medical ways of supporting people with medical and social issues
- a group of people who feel pushed to the edge of society through poverty and disadvantage
- an electronic system which links with a person's hearing aid and enables them to hear what is being said
- places in the countryside where houses may be in small groups or quite isolated
- a registered nurse who has additional qualifications, supporting families with young children and older peop[e
- believe in the importance of respect for all and celebration of life; they do not follow a religion
- a member of the Islamic faith which believes in one God(Allah)
- the ability to move around
- costs which make life difficult for people
- a member of a religion which originated in Jamaica
- a medical condition which affects the activity of brainwave patterns
- a serious infectious illness which can leave a person with a disability
- reasons why some people cannot access health and social care provision
- going without food and sometimes drink to purify the soul
17 Clues: the ability to move around • costs which make life difficult for people • a member of a religion which originated in Jamaica • going without food and sometimes drink to purify the soul • THE PROVISION OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES BY THE STATE • a member of the Islamic faith which believes in one God(Allah) • ...
Patient Safety Day_III 2024-08-16
- Term to describe collection and forwarding of adverse events, side effects, or safety concerns associated with medication use.
- The evaluation and analysis of safety data, including adverse events reports and other sources of information, to determine the risks and benefits associated with the use of a pharmaceutical product.
- The fundamental principle of pharmacovigilance that focuses on protecting patients from harm.
- A substance used to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure, or prevent diseases or other medical conditions.
- The concurrent use of multiple medications (routine use of five or more medications)
- Process of determining a medical condition or disease.
- General term that refers to individuals who receive medical treatment or care
- A method used to determine the cause and effect relationship between a drug and an adverse reaction.
- Any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical trial subject administered a medicinal product which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with this treatment (Abbreviation)
9 Clues: Process of determining a medical condition or disease. • General term that refers to individuals who receive medical treatment or care • The concurrent use of multiple medications (routine use of five or more medications) • The fundamental principle of pharmacovigilance that focuses on protecting patients from harm. • ...
26th one 2023-10-19
- - Bravery in battling blazes
- - Medical caregiver
- - 3D art creator
- - Space explorer
- - Law enforcement agent
- - Vocal artist
- - Law enforcement officer
- - Cleaning professional
- - Mind specialist
- - Dance performer
- - Image creator
- - Animal doctor
- - Creative professional
- - Oral health practitioner
- - Literary artist
- - Code writer
- - Building designer
- - Aircraft operator
- - Research specialist
19 Clues: - Code writer • - Vocal artist • - Image creator • - Animal doctor • - 3D art creator • - Space explorer • - Mind specialist • - Dance performer • - Literary artist • - Medical caregiver • - Building designer • - Aircraft operator • - Research specialist • - Creative professional • - Law enforcement agent • - Cleaning professional • - Law enforcement officer • - Oral health practitioner • ...
Change of Direction 2024-11-15
19 Clues: n. 장인 • n. 믿음 • n. 학위 • a. 의학의 • n. 상상력 • n. 장신구 • n. 목적지 • a. 만족한 • ad. 점차 • n. 진료소 • a. 근본적인 • a. 싫증나는 • v. 도착하다 • v. 열광시키다 • n. 치과 의학 • n. 여정, 여행 • prep. ~을 향해 • v. 갑자기 떠오르다 • a. 지원하는, 힘을 주는
Healthcare vocabulary words 2023-09-04
- where patients live with healthcare professionals available to perform tasks such as administering medications
- Facility
- Duties
- setting designed to treat minor acute conditions such as a cut that needs stitches
- of authority which outlines which member of the team gives orders to others
- of Practice
- Living and Nursing Care Facilities
- Care Setting
- appointments, answering the telephone and greeting patients
- setting where patients receive medical care
- where patients stay while undergoing physical rehabilitation after an accident or injury
- a professional has been trained to perform and is allowed to practice
- taking blood pressure, assisting in a medical procedure and administering an immunization
- Care Setting
- Duties
15 Clues: Duties • Duties • Facility • of Practice • Care Setting • Care Setting • Living and Nursing Care Facilities • setting where patients receive medical care • appointments, answering the telephone and greeting patients • a professional has been trained to perform and is allowed to practice • of authority which outlines which member of the team gives orders to others • ...
Jobs on cruise ship 2014-06-04
14 Clues: Crew • Staff • Staff • Staff • Jockeys • Trainers • Stewards • Directors • Therapists • Counsellors • Instructors • Excursion Staff • Excursion Managers • Service Representatives
JOBS 2018-03-08
Nervous System 2023-03-02
- Consists of your brain and spinal cord
- Processes things in your environment
- An advanced imaging medical tool
- Controls most functions in the body
- ____ of touch or feeling in hands is a symptom of PNS disease
- Medical professional specializing in the nervous system
- Another word for interneurons
- Has to do with muscle movement
- An infection of the membranes surrounding the brain
- Make up your PNS
10 Clues: Make up your PNS • Another word for interneurons • Has to do with muscle movement • An advanced imaging medical tool • Controls most functions in the body • Processes things in your environment • Consists of your brain and spinal cord • An infection of the membranes surrounding the brain • Medical professional specializing in the nervous system • ...
Accident Form 2019-04-15
- information, particulars
- wound, damage
- statement, description
- name, autograph
- occurrence, event
- reason
- evidence provided
- document, note
- location, site, place,
- setting a date
- aid emergency treatment, medical treatment
- communicate
- observer, bystander
- document
- contribute, give
- mishap, misadventure
- recommended
17 Clues: reason • document • communicate • recommended • wound, damage • setting a date • document, note • name, autograph • contribute, give • occurrence, event • evidence provided • observer, bystander • mishap, misadventure • location, site, place, • statement, description • information, particulars • aid emergency treatment, medical treatment
First Aid 2022-12-14
- the process of losing blood from the body
- an apparatus used for moving patients who require medical care
- a rapid onset of injury that involves lacerated or punctured skin
- an area of skin discoloration
- a distressing feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli
- a rigid or flexible device that maintains in position a displaced or movable part
- molded to protect broken or fractured limb as it heals
- break in the skin or puncture caused by an insect
- an injury caused by thermal, chemical, electrical, or radiation energy
- is the height to which something is elevated
- severely diminished blood flow to the body's tissues and organs
- when someone takes too much of a certain drug
- the act of pressing together
- foreign body airway obstruction
- death of a tissue
- a skin injury that occurs when exposed to extreme low temperatures
- when a person is aware of something
- any physiological damage to living tissue
- a procedure in which cerebrospinal fluid is removed from the spinal canal for diagnostic testing or treatment
- an abrasion or cut caused by something rubbing roughly against the skin
- a part of your body that has become bigger because of illness or injury
- a medical professional, usually a member of the emergency medical service
- partial or complete loss of consciousness
- a long, narrow piece of cloth that is tied around an injury
- taking a substance that is injurious to health or can cause death
- when the bone is broken, but the skin is intact
- torn ligament
27 Clues: torn ligament • death of a tissue • the act of pressing together • an area of skin discoloration • foreign body airway obstruction • when a person is aware of something • the process of losing blood from the body • any physiological damage to living tissue • partial or complete loss of consciousness • is the height to which something is elevated • ...
HM3 2017 September Bibliography Occupational Rate 2017-04-13
- What chapter of MANMED P-117 covers Reports, Forms, and Records?
- NAVMED P-5010-1 Chapter 6 discusses Water Supply _____?
- BUMEDINST 6224.8B covers _____ Control Program.
- Emergency War Surgery Chapter 3 covers Mass Casualty and?
- MCTP 3-40A - Health Service Support Operations Chapter 4 covers?
- Hospital Corpsman Manual.
- What is the other name for Treatment of Chemical Agent Casualties and Conventional Military Injuries?
- BUMEDINST 6280.1C is the Management of?
- Tri-Service Food Code.
- Appendix B-4 of OPNAVINST 5100.19E - Navy Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat discusses _____ Conservation.
- Technical Manual NMCPHC-TM 6220.12 covers Medical ____ and Reporting.
- Periodic Health Assessment for Individual Medical Readiness.
- Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis for the Prevention of Infectious Disease.
- Quality Assurance Program.
- What chapter of NAVMED P-5010-1 discusses Preventive Medicine for Ground Forces.
- Article 3 of NAVMED P-5132 - Equipment Management Manual covers what of Equipment?
- Navy Medicine's Augmentation Program.
- One of the two infectious processes from Control of Communicable Diseases Manual.
- Chapter 6 of the MANMED P-117 covers?
- What chapter of NAVMED P-117 covers Pharmacy Operations and Drug Control.
- Deployment Health Assessment (DHA) Process.
- What is the other name for Manual of the Medical Department?
- What chapter of NAVMED P-5010-1 discusses Navy Entomology and Pest Control Technology?
- MCTP 3-40A - Health Service Support Operations Chapter 3 covers?
- Chapter 2 of NAVMED P5055 - Radiation Health Protection covers what topic?
- What is the one Tricare reference for this cycle?
- One of the two infectious processes from Control of Communicable Diseases Manual.
27 Clues: Tri-Service Food Code. • Hospital Corpsman Manual. • Quality Assurance Program. • Navy Medicine's Augmentation Program. • Chapter 6 of the MANMED P-117 covers? • BUMEDINST 6280.1C is the Management of? • Deployment Health Assessment (DHA) Process. • BUMEDINST 6224.8B covers _____ Control Program. • What is the one Tricare reference for this cycle? • ...
2 2023-01-25
- a home for children whose parents are dead
- the outer layer of an organ in the body, especially the brain
- medical operations that involve cutting open a person’s body
- the study and treatment of mental illnesses
- an official examination of a dead body by a specially trained doctor in order to discover the cause of death
- involving the process of thinking
- a person who studies or is an expert in one or more of the natural sciences
- a shy or nervous feeling that stops you from expressing your real thoughts or feelings
- a doctor who studies and treats diseases of the nerves
- the scientific study of drugs and their use in medicine
- a medical condition in which the skin and the white parts of the eyes become yellow, caused by disease of the liver or blood
- a specialist who treats a particular type of illness or problem, or who uses a particular type of treatment
- the treatment of a physical problem or an illness
- medical operations performed on the nervous system, especially the brain
- marrow a soft substance that fills the hollow parts of bones
- the process of helping somebody to return to a normal, healthy life after they have been in prison or very ill
- a statement, letter, etc. that shows that something is true, correct or definite
- a condition or illness that causes problems with the way part of the body or brain works
- not reasonable or sensible; impossible to control
- in an early stage of development
20 Clues: in an early stage of development • involving the process of thinking • a home for children whose parents are dead • the study and treatment of mental illnesses • the treatment of a physical problem or an illness • not reasonable or sensible; impossible to control • a doctor who studies and treats diseases of the nerves • ...
AHLT235 Chapters 4 & 5 2022-02-23
- The Extent of ______ It may include the history of the present illness (HPI), past medical history (PMH), and family and social history.
- Current Procedural Terminology
- A number that is appended to a code to report particular facts. Report special circumstances involved with a procedure or service.
- Using a single procedure code that covers a group of related procedures
- A ____ Patient who has received professional services from a provider (or another provider with the same specialty in the same practice) within the past three years.
- _____ Cause for the Injury
- code by this, not body part
- The national codes for products, supplies, and those services not included in CPT are in the _____
- The incorrect billing practice of breaking a panel or package of services/procedures into component parts and reporting them separately.
- _____ List found in the back of the ICD coding book
- Table for cancers
- In ICD-10 _____ Index to Diseases
- Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
- Procedures
- Place of ____ is Step 1 in E/M coding
- ICD book has 21 of these
- Provider’s evaluation of a patient’s condition and decision on a course of treatment to manage it.
- The complexity of the medical _____ that the physician makes involves how many possible diagnoses or treatment options were considered
- not elsewhere classifiable
- not otherwise specified
- Maximum number of characters in ICD code
- A __________ patient who has not received professional services from a provider (or another provider with the same specialty in the same practice) within the past three years.
- International Classification of Diseases
- ___________ Medical Equipment (DME)
- Table of ______ and Chemicals
25 Clues: Procedures • Table for cancers • not otherwise specified • ICD book has 21 of these • _____ Cause for the Injury • not elsewhere classifiable • code by this, not body part • Table of ______ and Chemicals • Current Procedural Terminology • In ICD-10 _____ Index to Diseases • ___________ Medical Equipment (DME) • Place of ____ is Step 1 in E/M coding • ...
FMLA 101 2024-02-23
- can be taken in blocks of time in hours or days as a reduction of a normal work schedule
- overnight stay in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility
- leave taken after the birth of a baby or placement of a child
- a period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a condition for which treatment may not be effective
- amount of service needed to be qualified for FMLA
- family and medical leave abbriviation
- any period of incapacity due to pregnancy, or prenatal care
- treatment at least two times (must be in-person visits) with a healthcare provider within 30 days of the first day of incapacity
- legally married as defined by law
- cause of need to take FMLA
- any period of incapacity or treatment for such incapacity due to a chronic serious health condition
- A period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a condition for which treatment may not be effective
- Allows eligible employees__________, job protected leaves for family members and medical events
- any period of absence to receive multiple treatments (including any period of recovery there from) by a health care provider
- needed if a child is over the age of 18
- can be required no more than every 30 days
- FMLA allows _____ weeks of leave per year
- an employer may require this to support need for leave
- type of eligibility determination
- one chunk of time taken at least 4 days in length or longer
- otherwise known as "self"
- the employee's spouse, son, daughter, or parent is a military member (Armed Forces, National Guard and Reserves) on covered active duty
22 Clues: otherwise known as "self" • cause of need to take FMLA • type of eligibility determination • legally married as defined by law • family and medical leave abbriviation • needed if a child is over the age of 18 • FMLA allows _____ weeks of leave per year • can be required no more than every 30 days • amount of service needed to be qualified for FMLA • ...
Drugs Crossword (Revised) 2023-12-06
- : The improper, but not extreme usage of drugs.
- A form of nicotine consumption that is often aimed at young teens for its electronic appeal
- : People who use drugs feel ____ under the surface.
- : If someone is passed out or you think they have overdosed on drugs, you should ____ 911.
- A depressant that is consumed by drinking
- A constant need or craving for drugs
- People who abuse drugs have a ___ for drugs that they must fulfil
- A drug that comes in the form of a powder and is consumed by snorting
- : An addictive drug that is now responsible for the most drug deaths.
- : Alcohol is a type of ___
- People who suddenly stop taking drugs will show symptoms of ___
- : A drug that is consumed via inhalation can lead to lung and mouth cancer.
- : An extreme overuse and reliance on drugs.
- : A word used to describe medical treatment practice or something you consume regularly to treat a medical condition.
- : The name now associated with illegal substances that is normally not.
- : A caretaker covers up and feeds into someone's drug abuse.
- : A police officer who pulls you over will test your ___ level to see if you are driving under the influence.
- These drugs are used under medical supervision to treat pain or sickness, but are often misused and abused by drug users
- : People often resort to drugs due to a lack of intimate social ____ with other people.
- The business for illegal drugs is often referred to as the illegal drug ___
20 Clues: : Alcohol is a type of ___ • A constant need or craving for drugs • A depressant that is consumed by drinking • : An extreme overuse and reliance on drugs. • : The improper, but not extreme usage of drugs. • : People who use drugs feel ____ under the surface. • : A caretaker covers up and feeds into someone's drug abuse. • ...
2.1 Health Care Providers 2023-09-14
- Pertaining to the mind
- The study of hearing disorders
- Artificial parts made for the body
- Capable of passing from one person or thing to another
- Repairing or removing a body part by cutting
- The branch of medical science concerned with childbirth
- The gradual recovery of health and strength after illness
- Patients/clients who do not require hospitalization but are under aphysician's care
- Process that helps people recover their original abilities
- Elevation of the blood pressure
- Places designed or built to serve a special function
- Pertaining to the determination of the nature of a disease or injury by examining
- A healthcare plan or system that seeks to control medical costs
- Pertaining to the treatment of disease or
- Giving permission to carry on certain activities
- The diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders
- Continuing over many years and for a long time
- Dealing with the problems and diseases of old age and aging people
- The method of adjusting the segments of the spinal column
- Treatment that uses water therapy for disease or injury
- Serving patients who are able to walk
- Fields of study or professional work
- Relating to the mother or from the mother
- Gifts of property or money given to a group or organization
- To send to
- The study of urine and urinary organs in health and disease
- Substances given to make disease organisms harmless to the patient
- The medical specialty concerned with correcting problems with the skeletal system
28 Clues: To send to • Pertaining to the mind • The study of hearing disorders • Elevation of the blood pressure • Artificial parts made for the body • Fields of study or professional work • Serving patients who are able to walk • Pertaining to the treatment of disease or • Relating to the mother or from the mother • Repairing or removing a body part by cutting • ...
Crossword Clinic: Decoding Health Insurance Jargon 2024-09-05
- A fixed small amount you pay for a healthcare service or prescription, usually at the time of the visit.
- People enrolled under a health insurance policy who receive benefits, including the subscriber and their family members(dependents).
- A health problem that existed before you got your insurance policy.
- The organization or person who pays for healthcare services, like an insurance company or government program.
- A waiting time before you can make changes to or cancel a policy after purchasing it. During this period, no health services expenses are covered by the insurance.
- Medical or personal care services provided in a person's home rather than in a hospital or clinic.
- The date when an insurance policy or coverage starts.
- Medical care provided when a patient stays overnight in a hospital for more than 24 hours.
- The time during which your insurance policy provides benefits and protection. It starts from the policy effective date to the policy term date.
- A type of facility that provides medical care, rehabilitation, and assistance with daily activities for people recovering after surgery or illness.
- The amount you pay for your health insurance plan, usually on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly basis.
- The date when an insurance policy or coverage ends.
- A doctor who focuses on a specific area of medicine, like cardiology or dermatology.
- In health insurance, this is the time you must wait after your policy starts before getting coverage for pre-existing conditions, as decided by the insurance company.
- A facility or care designed to provide comfort and support for people who are terminally ill and not expected to recover.
- A person receiving medical care or treatment.
- A U.S. law that protects the privacy of your health information and ensures it's kept confidential.
- Health conditions that developed after the start of your insurance coverage and are covered by your policy. It can be anything (any illness/disease/injury).
- Medical care or procedures that do not require an overnight stay in a hospital or not getting services for more than 24 hours.
- A person who is visiting a healthcare provider for the first time or has not been seen by the provider for more than 36 months.
- The small percentage of costs you pay for a healthcare service after meeting your deductible, where the payment is split between the insurance company and the patient, with the patient paying a smaller ratio.
- A person or organization that provides medical services, such as doctors or hospitals. In healthcare, individuals such as Primary Care Physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and specialists, as well as facilities like hospitals and clinics, skilled nursing facilities, hospices, and home health are collectively called this.
- What do you call a patient who has been seen by a healthcare provider within 36 months of their last visit, but would be classified as a new patient if more than 36 months have passed since the previous visit?
- Healthcare services that are included in your insurance plan and promised that will be paid for by the insurer.
- A person (such as a child or spouse or anyone from the family) who relies on someone else for financial support for healthcare expenses, covered under an insurance policy.
- A fixed amount a patient must pay for medical services before their insurance starts covering the costs. For instance, if this amount is $1,000, the patient pays the first $1,000 of their healthcare expenses directly to the provider. Once this amount is met, insurance will begin to cover the costs of covered services.
- A doctor for general health issues, routine check-ups, and preventive care. They can be a doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. They also help you see specialists if needed.
- Healthcare services that are not included in your insurance plan and you have to pay for yourself.
- The highest amount of money or maximum number of visits an insurance policy will pay for covered services.
- The person who holds the insurance policy and is responsible for its premium to the insurance company.
- A written agreement between an insurance company and the insured that outlines the terms of coverage.
31 Clues: A person receiving medical care or treatment. • The date when an insurance policy or coverage ends. • The date when an insurance policy or coverage starts. • A health problem that existed before you got your insurance policy. • A doctor who focuses on a specific area of medicine, like cardiology or dermatology. • ...
Employee Appreciation 2023-09-25
- Protects head against small impacts
- Who is appreciated & valued at Nestle?
- Has restricted means of entry and exit
- Medical attention that is usually administered immediately
- What should you do if a machine is not working properly?
- Must be reported immediately
- Good Manufacturing Practices
- PPE that protects your eyes
- Function used to shut down the machine in normal operation
- Any work related *answer* requiring medical treatment beyond first aid
- Not allowed on the production floor
11 Clues: PPE that protects your eyes • Must be reported immediately • Good Manufacturing Practices • Protects head against small impacts • Not allowed on the production floor • Who is appreciated & valued at Nestle? • Has restricted means of entry and exit • What should you do if a machine is not working properly? • Function used to shut down the machine in normal operation • ...
Honey Holmes History 2022-03-31
- Holmes studied medicine here before moving to Chicago
- Holmes would sell these to medical facilities
- 12-year-old victim of H.H. Holmes
- Holmes' original name
- Holmes' death penalty
- The motive for many of Holmes' murders
- Holmes committed many of his crimes in this city, his hotel is located here
- One of the many ways Holmes tried to commit insurance fraud
- Holmes' son that he abandond
- Holmes studied medicine here
- Holmes stole these from hospitals, graves, and medical schools
- Holmes' first wife, he abandoned her
- Holmes used this as an opportunity to lure people into his hotel
13 Clues: Holmes' original name • Holmes' death penalty • Holmes studied medicine here • Holmes' son that he abandond • 12-year-old victim of H.H. Holmes • Holmes' first wife, he abandoned her • The motive for many of Holmes' murders • Holmes would sell these to medical facilities • Holmes studied medicine here before moving to Chicago • ...
Diabetes 2014-01-16
- body part you should check every day
- this is above normal in people with diabetes
- organization that provide research and support for people with diabetes
- one factor that may cause an increased risk for developing diabetes
- these make take a while to heal when you have diabetes
- when you are sick your blood sugar may do this
- medical word for high blood sugar
- "diabetes" doctor
- hormone that helps cells use glucose
- medical word for low blood sugar
- a method to assist with planning meals
- somethign that you should do every day
- machine used to check blood glucose
13 Clues: "diabetes" doctor • medical word for low blood sugar • medical word for high blood sugar • machine used to check blood glucose • body part you should check every day • hormone that helps cells use glucose • a method to assist with planning meals • somethign that you should do every day • this is above normal in people with diabetes • ...
EMERGE Cardinal Word Search 2021-06-07
- Cardinal would like to be be known as this among our customer's in healthcare
- A red bird
- Innovation center for creative business solutions
- What Cardinal is to healthcare
- CEO of Cardinal Health
- Compounds manufactured for medical use
- Cardinal's second largest business segment by revenue
- Distribution, Buying products in bulk quantities directly from manufacturers and redistributes the products, most commonly to retailers
- Holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards
- Leadership and talent development program
- the branch of medicine that deals with the use of radioactive substances in research, diagnosis, and treatment
- Headquarter's location
- Walter, Original founder of Cardinal Health
13 Clues: A red bird • Headquarter's location • CEO of Cardinal Health • What Cardinal is to healthcare • Compounds manufactured for medical use • Leadership and talent development program • Walter, Original founder of Cardinal Health • Innovation center for creative business solutions • Holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards • ...
Chapter 2 2023-01-25
- listing of medical preparations
- spell,remedy,cure
- can be sold without a prescription
- forerunner of today's pharmacist and pharmacy
- inactive substance with no actual effect
- FDA's medical products reporting program
- science of drugs and their interactions
- licensed to prepare,sell,and dispense drugs
- not following prescription instructions
9 Clues: spell,remedy,cure • listing of medical preparations • can be sold without a prescription • science of drugs and their interactions • not following prescription instructions • inactive substance with no actual effect • FDA's medical products reporting program • licensed to prepare,sell,and dispense drugs • forerunner of today's pharmacist and pharmacy
CMS-1500s 2023-03-27
- The proper formatting for alpha characters on the CMS-1500
- A letter used to link each procedure on the claim to one or more diagnoses
- The number of diagnosis codes that may be submitted on a CMS-1500
- The number of minutes in one unit of anesthesia time.
- The number of encounters, units of service, or amount of drug injected associated with a procedure/service
- A report substantiating the medical condition
- 10-digit number that identifies the provider in standard transactions throughout their career
- Coding system used to identify medical services and procedures
- The legal business name of a medical practice
- 0 is entered in Block 21 because ICD-10-CM codes are used
- A two-digit CPT or HCPCS Level II code that indicates a procedure/service has been altered in some way
11 Clues: A report substantiating the medical condition • The legal business name of a medical practice • The number of minutes in one unit of anesthesia time. • 0 is entered in Block 21 because ICD-10-CM codes are used • The proper formatting for alpha characters on the CMS-1500 • Coding system used to identify medical services and procedures • ...
Chapter 5 Skeletal System 2016-09-19
20 Clues: jaw • chest • wrist • bending • a break • humpback • rib pain • bone pain • breastbone • bone shaft • bone tissue • straight line • ligament injury • no movement joint • cartilage disease • excision of a joint • vitamin D deficiency • remove fluid from joint • joining bones by fibrous membrane • medical specialty of the musculoskeletal system
english-dutch 147 2018-07-30
27 Clues: team • wars • Italy • victims • doctors • medical • started • borders • abandon • without • to enjoy • ministry • epidemics • persevere • education • worldwide • disasters • eight days • spectacular • specialists • to stimulate • bicycle tour • cycling race • emergency aid • participation • mainly, chiefly • to touch, to contact
Urban basic 2022-09-30
- to combine
- psychology
- dementia
- op to coordinate
- user-friendly
- estimated costs
- functionality
- profit
- development
- needy
- problem-solving
- self-reliance
- market research
- age group
- model
- disable
- technical terms
- basic knowledge
- sustainability
- behaviour
- patent law
- to adapt
- innovation
- client/customer
- hulpmiddel medical device
25 Clues: needy • model • profit • disable • dementia • to adapt • age group • behaviour • to combine • psychology • patent law • innovation • development • self-reliance • user-friendly • functionality • sustainability • problem-solving • market research • technical terms • basic knowledge • estimated costs • client/customer • op to coordinate • hulpmiddel medical device
sporting 2022-06-11
31 Clues: aid • can • them • from • amend • speak • ectad • blest • share • under • group • broad • remedy • common • Austral • precise • victoty • fructify • comprise • picturet • sprtsman • allexiate • originate • incidence • downwards • salubrious • centralized • a fresh start • ethnical group • medical science • physical education
sport 2022-06-12
31 Clues: can • aid • from • them • ectad • share • group • speak • under • amend • blest • broad • remedy • common • victoty • Austral • precise • picturet • comprise • sprtsman • fructify • originate • incidence • downwards • allexiate • salubrious • centralized • a fresh start • ethnical group • medical science • physical education
pop3 2024-06-16
20 Clues: War hero • True crime • Replicants • Boston bar • Green ogre • Peter Parker • Clown prince • Time traveler • Ripley fights • Serial killers • Medical comedy • Birmingham gang • British royalty • Yellow henchmen • Parallel worlds • Scottish freedom • Eye of the Tiger • Kazakh journalist • Breaking fourth wall • Are you not entertained?
23 2024-06-22
- Coast Guard unit
- Training NCOs
- Heavy weapon crew
- Supply officers
- Ground officer
- Building regiment
- Amphibious troops
- Mounted regiment
- Aircrew regiment
- Heavy weapon regiment
- Submarine regiment
- Supply regiment
- Special ops regiment
- Ground regiment
- Armed police unit
- Communication regiment
- Scouting regiment
- Medical regiment
- Naval division
- Air unit
20 Clues: Air unit • Training NCOs • Ground officer • Naval division • Supply regiment • Ground regiment • Supply officers • Coast Guard unit • Medical regiment • Mounted regiment • Aircrew regiment • Heavy weapon crew • Armed police unit • Scouting regiment • Building regiment • Amphibious troops • Submarine regiment • Special ops regiment • Heavy weapon regiment • Communication regiment
bom11 2024-06-28
25 Clues: Men • M.D. • Trail • Smith • Center • Theater • Gorillas • Counselor • Civil War • Ranch drama • In Paradise • Shiloh ranch • Drama series • Western hero • Western show • Frontiersman • School series • Western ranch • Paramedic show • Western lawman • Marshal series • Western drifter • Western outlaws • Western marksman • Mississippi steamer
Chapter 1: Careers and History of Esthetics 2023-11-30
22 Clues: teach • adorn • organ • cancer • day spa • tumeric • examiner • Middle Ages • Ancient Rome • Ancient Egypt • sold products • beauty editor • Ancient Greece • skin specialist • queen of France • skeletal system • cosmetic chemist • grew by 7.6 percent • clinical esthetician • ever-growing skincare • skills always learning • greek word for esthetics
Women in American History 2023-04-26
- Told John Adams to “Remember the Ladies” when drafting the constitution
- An abolitionist, suffragist, first African American woman to win a custody battle against a white man
- The first African American female medical doctor in the United States
- First woman elected to be a part of the US House of Reps. in 1917
- Where the first Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women was held
- 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution
- One of the Founding members of the NAACP, Educator, former slave
- The Declaration of ___; a declaration regarding women’s rights that was drafted at the first Women’s Rights Convention
- Catalyzed the bus boycott during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s
- A pioneer in women’s rights regarding Women’s Suffrage, equal pay, and equal work
- A leader in the abolitionist movement and former slave; freed more than 70 enslaved African Americans
- The first female medical doctor in the United States
- First Indigenous American female medical doctor in the United States
- Women-led group that was pivotal in achieving Women’s Suffrage in the US in the early 20th century
- The first state to allow women to vote in political elections after the 19th amendment
- One of the first leaders in the Women’s Suffrage movement
16 Clues: 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution • The first female medical doctor in the United States • One of the first leaders in the Women’s Suffrage movement • One of the Founding members of the NAACP, Educator, former slave • First woman elected to be a part of the US House of Reps. in 1917 • ...
Aural Evaluations and Procedures 2021-02-08
- medical term for ear wax
- type of yeast that causes yeast infections in of the ear
- instrument used to examine the ear
- aka ear cone
- abbreviation for both ears
- the way sound travels from the outer ear to the inner ear
- medical term referring to the ear
- the result of the separation of the tissue of the ear and the ear cartilage
- this membrane is also called the ear drum
- term used for removal of excessive hair from ear canals
- the auditory ossicle that contacts the ear drum
- instrument used to pluck ears
- abbreviation for left ear
- the aural anatomy responsible for hearing
- this would be the first procedure you would perform for re-occurring aural infections
- the first ear canal you enter on aural exam
- (2 words) instrument used to flush ears
- abbreviation for right ear
18 Clues: aka ear cone • medical term for ear wax • abbreviation for left ear • abbreviation for both ears • abbreviation for right ear • instrument used to pluck ears • medical term referring to the ear • instrument used to examine the ear • (2 words) instrument used to flush ears • the aural anatomy responsible for hearing • this membrane is also called the ear drum • ...
a thing 2021-11-24
- A common disease that generates heat in our head.
- A type of tea that helps reduce inflammation.
- A deadly virus that is currently spreading.
- A type of tea that helps you concentrate.
- A type of tea that has no caffeine
- What we usually have to organize things.
- A home in a territory.
- A disease that you can receive by eating spicy things.
- Help to interest asset/gain.
- A medical sign of a disease or something else.
- Where we use it to prevent disease in public.
- To identify ourselves among two categories.
- A type of tea that prevents cancer.
- A traditional drink in China.
- A type of tea that prevents tooth decay.
- A type of tea that controls bleeding and wounds.
- A common disease that makes you sneeze.
- what we usually get when using our energy too much.
- A medical material that can help minimize/deplete the effect of a disease.
19 Clues: A home in a territory. • Help to interest asset/gain. • A traditional drink in China. • A type of tea that has no caffeine • A type of tea that prevents cancer. • A common disease that makes you sneeze. • A type of tea that prevents tooth decay. • What we usually have to organize things. • A type of tea that helps you concentrate. • ...
ECE 2 VOCAB 2022-08-16
- a burn involving all layers of the skin
- A set of tools that you use for a simple medical treatment that is given as soon as possible.
- Severe allergic reaction
- pulse pulse felt on either side of the neck over the carotid artery
- Superficial burns through only the epidermis.
- Scrape of the skin due to something abrasiv
- Pulse pulse felt in the upper arm
- automatic external defibrillator
- cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- an injury
- Breathing breathing for a person who is not breathing on their own
- the immediate, temporary care given to an ill or injured person until professional medical care can be provided
- Pulse pulse in the wrist
- A burn involving the epidermis and the dermis.
- object blocking the airway or throat
- Abnormal electrical activity in the brain
- Pulse pulse in your stomach
- Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
18 Clues: an injury • Pulse pulse in the wrist • Severe allergic reaction • Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep • Pulse pulse in your stomach • cardiopulmonary resuscitation • automatic external defibrillator • Pulse pulse felt in the upper arm • object blocking the airway or throat • a burn involving all layers of the skin • Abnormal electrical activity in the brain • ...
CPR/First Aid 2024-10-23
- Type of gloves to wear when giving first aid
- Before giving first aid to an adult, you must get this
- Actions below the standard of care are considered this
- Emergency number to call
- The "D" in DOTS stands for this type of injury
- Type of consent given when a person is unconscious
- Protection against lawsuits for those helping others
- The "S" in SAMPLE stands for
- Vomiting _______ requires immediate medical attention
- The "A" in SAMPLE stands for
- The "S" in DOTS stands for this
- The "T" in DOTS stands for this
- Items worn to protect against blood and body fluids (PPE)
- The first step in RAB-CAB
- This type of pain requires immediate medical attention
- The ratio of bleach to water for cleaning blood spills is ___ to nine
- When someone is unable to respond or move
- The "M" in SAMPLE stands for
18 Clues: Emergency number to call • The first step in RAB-CAB • The "A" in SAMPLE stands for • The "M" in SAMPLE stands for • The "S" in SAMPLE stands for • The "S" in DOTS stands for this • The "T" in DOTS stands for this • When someone is unable to respond or move • Type of gloves to wear when giving first aid • The "D" in DOTS stands for this type of injury • ...
Religious Education: Key knowledge test 2012-11-25
- a diet which does not include meat or any animal products.
- animals living in the wild, their natural habitat.
- testing on embryos for the development of medical science.
- a place of palliative care.
- copying DNA, particularly for medical research.
- the act of carrying a child for another mother.
- killing animals, often for food.
- the dying out of a species.
- grieving for the dying.
- placing a donor's sperm within the female reproductive tract.
- dying to relieve suffering or pain.
- discrimination on the basis of age.
12 Clues: grieving for the dying. • the dying out of a species. • a place of palliative care. • killing animals, often for food. • dying to relieve suffering or pain. • discrimination on the basis of age. • copying DNA, particularly for medical research. • the act of carrying a child for another mother. • animals living in the wild, their natural habitat. • ...
Emergency Health Crossword 2013-05-17
- someone who can help in a medical situation
- emergency aid or treatment given to someone injured, before medical services.
- a vehicle for immidiate health care
- a sudden or violent disturbance of the mind, emotions, or sensibilities
- being safe
- harm or damage that is done or sustained
- a procedure in reviving a heart or lung function
- you go to this place in an emergency
- a time when immidiate time is needed
- a situation in which a hazard can occur
- blood leaving the body
- when you are not feeling well
12 Clues: being safe • blood leaving the body • when you are not feeling well • a vehicle for immidiate health care • you go to this place in an emergency • a time when immidiate time is needed • a situation in which a hazard can occur • harm or damage that is done or sustained • someone who can help in a medical situation • a procedure in reviving a heart or lung function • ...