medical Crossword Puzzles
L3 Medical Part 2 2021-05-10
- the passage by which air reaches a person's lungs.
- a tube inserted (as through the nose or mouth) into the trachea to maintain an unobstructed passageway specially to deliver oxygen or anesthesia to the lungs.
- inflammation of the tonsils.
- a drug or medicine tending to stimulate or facilitate evacuation of the bowels.
- a sensation of coldness, often accompanied by shivering and pallor of the skin
- is an infection caused by a type of bacteria called streptococcus, which can lead to serious complications if not adequately treated.
- the department of a hospital that provides immediate treatment for acute illnesses and trauma.
- any of the muscular‐ walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body.
- light in color or having little color.
- refers to an individual characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit.
- a patient who stays in a hospital while under treatment.
- a nurse who is qualified to treat certain medical conditions without the direct supervision of a doctor.
- refers to a difficulty making sounds when trying to speak. Vocal sounds may be weak, breathy, scratchy, or husky, and the pitch or quality of the voice may change.
- care that focuses on the palliation of a chronically ill, terminally ill or seriously ill patient's pain and symptoms, and attending to their emotional and spiritual needs.
- an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature
- a medical practitioner specializing in children and their diseases
- a stretching or tearing of muscle or tendon. A tendon is a fibrous cord of tissue that connects muscles to bones.
- an STI caused by caused by the trachomatis.
- a sudden attack with physical manifestations (as convulsions, sensory disturbances, or loss of consciousness) resulting from abnormal electrical discharges in the brain (as in epilepsy)
- is an apparatus used for moving patients who require medical care.
- a room or building with special equipment for doing scientific experiments and tests.
- refers to a person that breathes with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, as a result of obstruction in the air passages.
- a supporting bandage or suspensory device; especially a loop suspended from the neck and supporting the flexed forearm.
23 Clues: inflammation of the tonsils. • light in color or having little color. • an STI caused by caused by the trachomatis. • the passage by which air reaches a person's lungs. • an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature • a patient who stays in a hospital while under treatment. • a medical practitioner specializing in children and their diseases • ...
Health and medical exam 2022-09-22
- 1st day of the month a person turns 65 if they qualify for: -social security or railroad retirement benefits -individual is entitled to monthly social security based upon their spouses work record and a spouse is over the age of 62.
- Often a replacement for the partial disability benefit, because it sets the terms of what benefit will be paid. A formula is used that requires an insured earnings to have dropped a certain percentage from their prior to present disability levels (usually 66 2/3%). THIS PROVISION PAYS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEIR PRESENT PAY, AND EARNINGS PRIOR TO THIER DISABILITY.
- employees with kidney failure (renal failure) must be provided with primary coverage for 30 months under employers plan. if employee has suffered from kidney failure for last 18 months the secondary insurance company will then pay claims not completely covered by group health plans.
- waives the premiums and the policy remains in force if an insured becomes permanently disabled. They must be disabled for a specified time (90-180 days) before the waiver of premium rider begins.-it is guaranteed renewable and noncanceallable and is included in individual income policies.
- Companies with 100 or more employees must have a provision to provide primary coverage for employees with disabilities who are under the age 65 and not retired.
- 5 months, and the benefits begin at the beginning of the 6th month. they are not retroactive to the beginnings of one's disability.
- the inability to engage in any substantially gainful activity by reason of any medical impairment that has lasted or is expected to last for 12 months or results in early death.
- may be added to Disability Income policy and provides additional benefits during the FIRST YEAR of a disability claim while an insured is waiting for their social security benefits to begin. After a year the insurer ends the benfis and assumes that social security will begin the benefit payment.
- when the insured is living the benefits will go to the insured. if the insured is deceased they go to the beneficiary, if there is no beneficiary it will go to the state.
- voluntary act by insured or insurer. Must give at least 5 days written notice. if insured cancels the policy the premium refund will be handled on short rate basis which includes a cancellation fee in the refund.
- Gives an insurer the right to expedite payments of urgently needed claim funds to relative or individual who is considered to be equitably entitled to the payments.
- Medicare provided by a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). -do not require premiums beyond what is paid for medicare -advantage is that no claim forms are required -any medical problem is covered for a set fee -the HMO and PPO may pay for services that are usually not covered by medicare or medicare supplemental policies (ex: prescriptions, eye exams, hearing aids, or dental care)
- if a person has insurance with different insurers that provide benefits with an expense-incured basis and their separate policies cover the same expenses each insurer will pay a proportionate amount of any claim submitted.
- designed to provide protection for eligible workers and their dependents against the financial loss due to old age, disability, or death. It is a federal program known as Old Age Survivors Disability Insurance. -benefits are paid under U.S social security system to individuals who qualify under Qarter of Coverage Systemm (QC)
- federally funded by a portion of monthly payroll taxes (FICA) -based on earned credits and premium is free at age 65
- Pays for a condition in which an insured, as a result from injury or sickness, cannot perform all of the duties in their occupation but can perform some duties. Usually 50% of total benefit and contains a time limit.
- An insurance protection plan for an individual or their family against the financial loss that is a direct result of the total disability of the wage earner
- benefits are paid monthly and are generally limited to a percentage of income at the exact time of application to prevent an over-insurance situation, and to avoid malingering.
- it is paid with after-tax dollars by the insured and benefits are tax-free.-disability income provides payments to replace portion of income when an individual is unable to work as a direct result of an injury or sickness
- will pay for 80% of approved charges after medical insurance deductible has been met. There is no maximum out of pocket limitation on the 20% coinsurance payable for medicare part b expenses.
- Is a federal AND state government-funded needs program designed to provide medical assistance to impoverished people that are unable to provide for themselves.provides help with physicians, lab work, family planning, dental, eyeglasses, prescription drugs, and medical supplies. -in addition to being poor they must satisfy one of the following: blind, disabled, welfare benefits, pregnant, or over the age of 65being poor they must satisfy one of the following: blind, disabled, welfare benefits, pregnant, or over the age of 65
- May only be terminated for certain conditions, at renewal, with possible premium increase.
- ranges from 30-180 days and is a waiting period between an injury and receiving benefits.
23 Clues: ranges from 30-180 days and is a waiting period between an injury and receiving benefits. • May only be terminated for certain conditions, at renewal, with possible premium increase. • federally funded by a portion of monthly payroll taxes (FICA) -based on earned credits and premium is free at age 65 • ...
Medical Terms Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-19
25 Clues: Sac • Pain • Upon • Ribs • Self • Head • Water • Twist • Above • Teeth • Tongue • Record • Breast • Suture • Cancer • Madness • Binding • Falling • Decrease • Backwards • Development • Extremities • Rub,friction • Break or bust • Origional, production
Fundamentals of Medical Virology 2019-01-10
- this cycle of viral infection terminates with the death of the host cell as viral particles are released
- the immunity which results from the production of antibodies by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen.
- (infection) are those diseases with a long incubation period, often years.
- viruses can be responsible for the development of tumor cells, after the initial infection event
- (virions)
- a person or other organism that has become infected with a pathogen, but who display no signs nor symptoms.
- is the specific interaction of the viral coat with a host cell receptor
- (bodies) are nuclear or cytoplasmic aggregates of proteins, usually representative of viral multiplication
- (transmission) is the transmission of pathogens between members of the same species that are not in a parent-child relationship
- (immunity) the resistance to the spread of a contagious disease within a population that results if a sufficiently high proportion of individuals are immune to the disease, especially through vaccination
- is where the immune system causes disease symptoms as a reaction to the presence of the virus, rather than the virus directly killing the cell
- is the mechanism by which an antibody attaches to receptor, blocking the virus binding to the host cell
- the process by which viruses of the same species, which are not identical, swap gene segments
- the T-cells responsible for killing virus-infected host cells
- one unit that makes up the viral protein shell. They self-assemble to form the final shape
- (variants) refers to the mechanism by which an infectious agent alters its surface proteins in order to avoid a host immune response
- cycle is when the virus that has infected a cell attaches itself to the host DNA and, acting like an inert segment of the DNA, replicates when the host cell divides
- the structure some viruses possess that are typically derived from portions of the host cell membranes
- the combined genome and protein structure of a virus
- MHC proteins specific for presenting viral antigens
- the taking in of matter by a living cell by invagination of its membrane to form a vacuole.
- a protein released by animal cells, usually in response to the entry of a virus, which has the property of inhibiting virus replication.
- (of nucleic acid) is whether it contains the same basepairs as the mRNA, or the complementary sequence
- (period) the time when no virus particles are detected within the infected cell
- an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of a complementary RNA molecule using an RNA template.
- (transmission) is the Passage of a pathogen from mother to baby during the period immediately before and after birth
- the envelopment of a viral core by a cellular membrane containing viral glycoproteins and subsequent membrane fission to release the particle from the membrane
- this infection affects the entire body, rather than a single organ or body part
- having a single set of unpaired chromosomes.
- 2 viruses infect a cell, but one is mutated and has a non-functional protein. The nonmutated virus helps the mutant by making protein for both viruses
- (effect) is used to describe damage on the morphology and/or function of an infected cell
- the protein shell of a virus that encloses the nucleic acid
- cells are needed to destroy cells infected by many different virus and are nonspecific
- is the antibody type that when present, can diagnose a current infection
- (weakened) variants can’t cause disease due to mutations, but can be used for vaccination
- infections are characterized by the lack of detectable infectious virus between episodes of recurrent disease
- (symmetry) the protein subunits and the nucleic acid are arranged in a helix
- (symmetry) subunits are arranged in the form of a hollow, quasi spherical structure, with the genome within, made up of 20 triangles
- containing two complete sets of chromosomes
- (genome) divided into multiple pieces, each of which encodes one or more open reading frames
40 Clues: (virions) • containing two complete sets of chromosomes • having a single set of unpaired chromosomes. • MHC proteins specific for presenting viral antigens • the combined genome and protein structure of a virus • the protein shell of a virus that encloses the nucleic acid • the T-cells responsible for killing virus-infected host cells • ...
30 Clues: μυς • χολή • αίμα • φλέβα • νεφρό • στήθος • αδένας • συκώτι • έντερο • στομάχι • φάρυγγας • λάρυγγας • παθολόγος • ουρολόγος • πνεύμονας • εγκέφαλος • ψυχίατρος • νοσοκόμος • βρεφοκόμος • χειρουργός • παιδίατρος • μαιευτήρας • καρδιολόγος • ακτινολόγος • ορθοπεδικός • δερματολόγος • γυναικολόγος • ακτινογραφία • διατροφολόγος • φυσιοθεραπευτής
Chapter 20 Medical Emergencies 2019-09-23
- sensation or motor phenomenon that precedes and marks the onset of paroxysmal attack
- bodily injuries caused by physical means
- abnormal drowsiness or stupor, condition of indifference
- cpr, substitution of heart and lung action
- profound hemodynamic and metabolic disturbance, failure of circulatory system to maintain organ function
- unpleasant sensation, epigastrium and abdomen culminating in vomit
- illusion of movement, as if world is revolving around the pt
- disorganized cardiac rhythm
- temporary suspension of consciousness, faint
- sudden stop of cardiac output and circulation
- stroke or heart attack, caused by acute vascular lesions of the brain
- diminished glucose in the blood
- device used for electrical shock to restore normal cardiac rhythms
- vascular reaction, involves upper dermis; hives
- forcible expulsion of the contents of the stomach through the mouth
- paleness, absence of skin color
- nosebleed, hemorrhage from nose
- increased glucose in the blood
- seperation of the layers of a surgical wound, partial, superficial only or complete
- escape of blood from the vessels
- sudden occasion , urgent or pressing need
21 Clues: disorganized cardiac rhythm • increased glucose in the blood • diminished glucose in the blood • paleness, absence of skin color • nosebleed, hemorrhage from nose • escape of blood from the vessels • bodily injuries caused by physical means • sudden occasion , urgent or pressing need • cpr, substitution of heart and lung action • temporary suspension of consciousness, faint • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson #5 2019-09-18
25 Clues: egg • ear • tear • bile • nail • gate • coil • spot • milk • tumor • under • wedge • organ • chest • scale • mouth • fungus • against • bladder • membrane • puncture • greattoe • suspension • spinal cord • blind passage
Medical Terminology Lesson 7 2019-09-20
23 Clues: pod • iso • part • dura • ment • sept • ocul • astr • tope • antr • dacry • sinus • tarso • helio • hypno • lapar • crine • somato • malign • fascia • adnexa • trachel • asthenia
Medical Terminology- Lesson 7 2019-09-20
25 Clues: bad • eye • sun • foot • hard • body • hard • mind • hard • neck • ties • tear • ankle • place • equal • sleep • cavity • weakness • wall/fence • to secrete • star shaped • sheet, band • hallow space • abdominal wall • labor, bring forth
medical terms lesson 12 2019-10-14
25 Clues: vein • base • three • ilium • ileum • ovary • colon • uterus • artery • ureter • pelvis • spleen • sacrum • larynx • thyroid • pharynx • urethra • therapy • bronchus • duodenum • appendix • ligament • esophagus • adrenal gland • two,double,both
medical terms lesson 9 2019-10-14
24 Clues: in • bad • skin • move • fear • back • hand • glue • side • twin • light • small • digest • breast • swelling • finger,toe • heel,stone • about,around • spinal column • walk,take steps • grain, particle • pleura.rib.side • in front of,before • framework of the eyelid
Aiyana Medical Terminology Crossword 2020-08-27
- Specializes in the eye
- Fat-like substance that's found
- recording of your blood vessels
- hereditary disease of the heart muscle.
- Hormone that regulates calcium levels in the body
- study of the mind
- Surgical Repair of the nose
- infection of the mouth and gums
- Enlargement of the gland
- cutting into kidney stones
- Mental illness, delusional fantasies
- Pain due to pelvic floor muscles
- removal of portion of the skull
- Observation of a sac containing fluid
- An inflammation of the liver
- An expert in the digestive health
- Cutting into a gland
- Inflammation at joint causing chest pain
- poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood
- Sugical repair of half of the hip joint
- Soften of the bones
21 Clues: study of the mind • Soften of the bones • Cutting into a gland • Specializes in the eye • Enlargement of the gland • cutting into kidney stones • Surgical Repair of the nose • An inflammation of the liver • removal of portion of the skull • Fat-like substance that's found • recording of your blood vessels • infection of the mouth and gums • Pain due to pelvic floor muscles • ...
Radiology Medical Terminology Crossword 2020-10-08
- specialist in blood disorders
- across the stomach
- study of the stomach and intestines
- blood condition of too many white blood cells that are cancerous
- decreased production of hormone from the thyroid gland
- excision or removal of the breast
- specialist in kidney diseases
- inflammation of the stomach
- pertaining to behind the stomach
- excessive production of hormone from the thyroid gland
- specialist in tumors with high energy radiation
- process of visually examining the bronchial tree
- pain in the stomach
- specialist in fractures
- under the stomach
- specialist in interprets radiographs
- specialist in eye disorders
- process of visually examining the stomach
- study of radiant energy for the diagnosis and treatment of disease
- specialist in nerve disorders
- specialist in stomach and intestine disorders
- the expanding, and dilation of the bronchi
- process of recording or the examination
- incision or cutting into the stomach
- specialist in female diseases
- study of disease
- the image obtained or record
- instrument for visually examining the stomach
- specialist in mental disorders
- excision or removal of the stomach
30 Clues: study of disease • under the stomach • across the stomach • pain in the stomach • specialist in fractures • specialist in eye disorders • inflammation of the stomach • the image obtained or record • specialist in blood disorders • specialist in nerve disorders • specialist in kidney diseases • specialist in female diseases • specialist in mental disorders • ...
Module 2-Medical Terminology 2020-08-28
- Suffix to describe inflammation.
- Care to manage symptoms but not cure.
- Term for disease of the muscle tissue.
- Word root meaning tissue.
- Term to describe the absence of fever.
- Term for something that resembles a cell.
- Term meaning a cell that contains a nucleus.
- Term, large internal organs in body cavities.
- Term for excessive development of cells.
- Abbreviation, genetic material that makes up genes.
- Term for a condition of yellow discoloration.
- System that maintains electrolyte balance.
- Cavity that contains the heart.
- Benign tumor made of fibrous tissue.
- Suffix meaning enlargement.
- Word root meaning liver.
- Term meaning the study of medicine.
- Malignant tumor comprised of fat.
- Suffix meaning incomplete or deficient.
- Word root meaning rod-shaped or striated.
- Word root meaning vein.
- Prefix meaning abnormal or painful.
22 Clues: Word root meaning vein. • Word root meaning liver. • Word root meaning tissue. • Suffix meaning enlargement. • Cavity that contains the heart. • Suffix to describe inflammation. • Malignant tumor comprised of fat. • Term meaning the study of medicine. • Prefix meaning abnormal or painful. • Benign tumor made of fibrous tissue. • Care to manage symptoms but not cure. • ...
ashley medical terminology crossword 2020-08-28
20 Clues: blue nose • under lip • joint half • gum softing • watery nose • mind cancer • breast pain • rids disease • heart record • twist stomach • fraction bone • inside eyelid • neck study of • blood decrease • skin specialist • eye inflammation • teeth specialist • vessels condition • kidney inflammation • production of cancer
Esperanza Medical Terminology Crossword 2020-08-27
22 Clues: head pain • neck pain • rib break • Tooth pain • breast pain • ribs record • heart break • record brain • sac bursting • teeth record • teeth falling • above madness • brain disease • tongue cancer • cut into heart • tongue disease • joints binding • skin specialist • decrease cancer • pain above ribs • extremities breakage • stomach inflammation
Marty's Medical Crossword Conundrum 2020-05-05
- Tumour associated with Myaesthenia Gravis
- Superficial bacterial skin infection
- Syndrome due to Trisomy 13
- Lung malignancy associated with Asbestos
- "I've a leathery face and my wedding ring don't fit"
- Essential antidote in Opiate overdose
- Propylaxis in cluster headache
- Grading used in Prostate Cancer
- _______ Triad: RUQ pain & fever & jaundice
- Positivly birefringent crystals & chondrocalcinosis
- Most common thyroid cancer
- This diabetes drug may cause lactic acidosis.
- Give 3, Take 3
- Renal Cell Carcinoma mets. to the lungs are called..
- Vitamin B1 is also known as...
- "J wave" on ECG
- Tall tented T waves on ECG
- Haemoptysis and AKI points towards...
- "rat-tail" or "bird beak" on Barium Swallow
- Shite virus but yummy beer
- Paediatric grading of epiphyseal fractures
- Stops vasospasm post sub-arachnoid haemorrhage
- Positive click in Morton's Neuroma
- Testicular emergency in teenage boys
24 Clues: Give 3, Take 3 • "J wave" on ECG • Tall tented T waves on ECG • Syndrome due to Trisomy 13 • Shite virus but yummy beer • Most common thyroid cancer • Vitamin B1 is also known as... • Propylaxis in cluster headache • Grading used in Prostate Cancer • Positive click in Morton's Neuroma • Superficial bacterial skin infection • Testicular emergency in teenage boys • ...
chapter five medical terminology 2020-10-01
- oil gland by rim of eyelid
- transparent outer covering of the eye
- mucous membrane lines eyelid
- blind spot in vision
- inflammation of the iris
- excision of a portion of iris
- excision of an eyeball
- drooping of the eyelid
- surgical repair of an eyelid
- inflammation of the eyelid
- inflammation of the sclera
- inward turning of the eyelid rim
- inflammation of the tear sac
- washing the eye with water
- inflammation of the cornea
- capsule that encloses the lens
- outward turning of the eyelid rim
- agent that cause pupil contraction
- double vision
- inflammation of the retina
- excision of a lacrimal sac
- absence of the lens
- pinkeye
- drooping of the eyelid
- secretion of tears
25 Clues: pinkeye • double vision • secretion of tears • absence of the lens • blind spot in vision • excision of an eyeball • drooping of the eyelid • drooping of the eyelid • inflammation of the iris • washing the eye with water • inflammation of the cornea • oil gland by rim of eyelid • inflammation of the retina • excision of a lacrimal sac • inflammation of the eyelid • inflammation of the sclera • ...
Medical Terminology chapter 2 2020-09-03
- enlargement of an organ
- abnormal condition of yellow discoloration
- attached at the end of a word root that modifies the meaning
- the substance of a nucleus
- not malignant, nonrecurrent, and favorable for recovery
- tends to get progressively worse and cause death as in cancer
- a group of cells that are similar and preform a specific function
- body substance
- study of causes (of diseases)
- tumor composed of fat (benign)
- causing tumors
- without fever
- attached at the beginning of a word root that modifies its meaning
- resembling a cell
- red (blood) cell (RBC)
- abnormal development
- beyond control (transfer of cells from one organ to another, as in malignant tumors)
- increase in the severity if a disease or its symptoms
- programed cell death
- tumor composed of glandular tissue (benign)
- both the pelvic and abdominal cavities (no space in between words)
- relating to a disease with an unknown origin
- tumor composed of muscle (benign)
- term derived from the name of a person or place, such as Alzheimer disease
- providing some relief but not cure
- disease of the bone and joint
26 Clues: without fever • body substance • causing tumors • resembling a cell • abnormal development • programed cell death • red (blood) cell (RBC) • enlargement of an organ • the substance of a nucleus • disease of the bone and joint • study of causes (of diseases) • tumor composed of fat (benign) • tumor composed of muscle (benign) • providing some relief but not cure • ...
Medical Terminology & Abbreviations Review 2020-09-03
- Many, much prefix
- Under the skin
- Surgical removal of the tonsils
- Gallstones
- Low Red Blood Cell Count
- Slow heart rate
- Excessive, too much
- Opening into the stomach
- Visual exam of the bladder
- Difficulty swallowing and eating
- Surgical excision of a nerve
- Blood in the urine
- Instrument to examine sigmoid colon
- Root word for lung
- Abbreviation of the medical term for stroke
- Inflammation of prostate
- Inflammation of the liver
- Deficiency of White blood cells (WBC)
- Nothing by mouth(abbreviation)
- Every bedtime (abbreviation)
- Difficulty breathing
- Removal of a kidney
- Suffix for inflammation
- Difficulty with digestion
- Too much glucose in the blood
- Root word for skull
- As needed(abbreviation)
- Twice a day(abbreviation)
- Blood glucose (abbreviation)
- Looking (recording of) at blood vessels
30 Clues: Gallstones • Under the skin • Slow heart rate • Many, much prefix • Root word for lung • Blood in the urine • Removal of a kidney • Excessive, too much • Root word for skull • Difficulty breathing • Suffix for inflammation • As needed(abbreviation) • Inflammation of prostate • Low Red Blood Cell Count • Opening into the stomach • Inflammation of the liver • Difficulty with digestion • ...
Skeletal System Medical Terminology 2023-01-10
- incision in the skull
- pertaining to the ilium and pelvis
- to break (down) bone
- abnormal condition of humpback
- excision, removal of lamina
- condition of joined fingers, toes
- pertaining to between the vertebrae
- abnormal condition of bent, crooked
- care of feet
- abnormal condition of swayback
- porous bone
- visual examination of a joint
- pain in the head
- pertaining to the thigh bone
- pertaining to between the ribs
- instrument to measure pelvis
- inflammation of a joint
- medicine, treatment of the foot
- pertaining to around the bone
- pertaining to under, below the knee
- specialist of straight feet
21 Clues: porous bone • care of feet • pain in the head • to break (down) bone • incision in the skull • inflammation of a joint • excision, removal of lamina • specialist of straight feet • pertaining to the thigh bone • instrument to measure pelvis • visual examination of a joint • pertaining to around the bone • pertaining to between the ribs • abnormal condition of humpback • ...
Spanish english medical thing 2023-03-15
- The place where you hit the hay
- I have strep "answer"
- This emotion makes you want to cry
- The sick person (masculine)
- He goes "achoo!"
- The place where you collect the pills
- With these you're cold and shivery
- This guy examines you if you're sick
- The doc gives you this for an ear infection
- The dentist wants you to open this
- How it feels to get an A+ (masculine)
- Many people have this relationship with peanuts
- The doc's office
- Where the brain is
- You see things with these
- How you feel when you first wake up(masculine)
- Where the food goes
- Use this for blowing your nose
- You have this with a high temperature
- To be, but it's used for condition
20 Clues: The doc's office • He goes "achoo!" • Where the brain is • Where the food goes • I have strep "answer" • You see things with these • The sick person (masculine) • Use this for blowing your nose • The place where you hit the hay • This emotion makes you want to cry • With these you're cold and shivery • The dentist wants you to open this • To be, but it's used for condition • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson 11 2023-01-27
25 Clues: Bad • Ball • Drug • Cold • Sleep • Loins • Large • Flesh • Child • Within • Spleen • Speech • Nipple • Before • Between • Beneath • Stretch • Entrance • Swelling • Paralysis • Offspring • Lump, Clot • Pull, Draw • Away From, Not • Out, Away From
Chapter 5 Medical Terminology 2023-02-03
- standard reference position
- imaginary line drawn down the center
- line drawn vertically
- horizontal&vertical lines thru navel
- on both sides
- made up of 2 or more words
- front of the body
- study of body structure
- study of body function
- farther from torso
- vertical, below
- flat surface when sliced through
- farther from the midline
- divides chest into regions
- sole of the foot
- palm of the hand
- back of the body
- patient lying on back
- letters or symbols in place of words
- toward the midline of the body
20 Clues: on both sides • vertical, below • sole of the foot • palm of the hand • back of the body • front of the body • farther from torso • line drawn vertically • patient lying on back • study of body function • study of body structure • farther from the midline • divides chest into regions • made up of 2 or more words • standard reference position • toward the midline of the body • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson 12 2023-01-31
25 Clues: Base • Vein • Three • Colon • Ovary • Ileum • Ilium • Ureter • Sarcum • Uterus • Artery • Spleen • Larynx • Pelvis • Urethra • Therapy • Pharynx • Bronchus • Duodenum • Appendix • Ligament • Esophagus • Thyroid Gland • Adrenal (Gland) • Two, Double, Both
Chapter 6 Medical Terminology 2023-02-08
- The lower, posterior portions of the pelvis
- The point where 2 bones come together
- The top,back, and sides of the head
- Wrist bones
- Shoulder blade
- Chest
- The superior and widest portion of the pelvis
- Breastbone
- Nose bones
- Kneecap
- The 33 bones of the spinal column
- The lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg
- The large bone of the thigh
- The basin-shaped bony structure that supports the spine
- The lateral bone of the forearm
- The collar bone
- The bony structures around the eyes; eye sockets
- The medial anterior portion of the pelvis
- Ankle bones
- The medial and larger bone of the lower leg
20 Clues: Chest • Kneecap • Breastbone • Nose bones • Wrist bones • Ankle bones • Shoulder blade • The collar bone • The large bone of the thigh • The lateral bone of the forearm • The 33 bones of the spinal column • The top,back, and sides of the head • The point where 2 bones come together • The medial anterior portion of the pelvis • The lower, posterior portions of the pelvis • ...
Lesson 12 - Medical Terms 2023-01-30
25 Clues: vein • base • ovary • three • ilium • ileum • colon • sacrum • ureter • spleen • pelvic • uterus • artery • larynx • thyroid • therapy • pharanx • urethra • appendix • bronchus • duodenum • ligament • esophagus • adrenal gland • two, double, both
Integumentary System- Medical Terminology 2023-04-25
- sodium
- the act of identifying the complete nature of a disease
- is the act of cleansing the body of fluids when the kidneys fail to do so
- clot
- death
- to cut off, cut short, faint
- denoting joints in the body
- benign tumor of glandular tissue
- a waxing protein that is found in the central nervous system
- taking away, withdrawal, removal of
- medical expert that specializes in the skin of patients
- an examination to determine the cause of death
- fear of spiders
- relating to your toes and fingers
- slow heart rate
- arthritis in the joint
- tumor, fibrous growth
- nourishment, development
- eczema
- a condition where the eye and brain do not work together
20 Clues: clot • death • sodium • eczema • fear of spiders • slow heart rate • tumor, fibrous growth • arthritis in the joint • nourishment, development • denoting joints in the body • to cut off, cut short, faint • benign tumor of glandular tissue • relating to your toes and fingers • taking away, withdrawal, removal of • an examination to determine the cause of death • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson #14 2022-12-06
25 Clues: bud • dry • less • form • dead • flow • apart • twice • stand • chest • broad • beyond • middle • curved • slender • to roll • make,do • through • nearest • stretch • away from • throughout • burst forth • watery fluid • internal organ
Medical Terminology Root words 2023-07-28
34 Clues: arm • ear • lugs • neck • skin • nose • bone • bile • ribs • cell • mind • veins • skull • sugar • nerve • tumor • blood • colon • liver • heart • larynx • joints • kidney • tissue • breast • uterus • vessel • stomach • dieases • muscles • abdomen • bladder • branchial • gallbladder
Medical Abbreviations List 2 2023-08-29
Medical Terms- Lesson 3 2023-08-17
25 Clues: sac • rib • rub • head • upon • pain • self • water • teeth • twist • above • break • suture • tongue • cancer • breast • record • binding • madness • falling • original • decrease • backwards • development • extremities
Chapter 18 Medical Terminology 2023-11-16
- Chemicals that change consciousness or perception
- Treatment of mental disorders through communication
- Presence of two or more diseases at the same time
- Pathologic fear of heights
- substance that diminishes activity, sensation or tone
- Pathologic fear of being trapped in a public space
- Agent that intensifies sensory perception
- Depression that occurs at the same time of year, often in winter
- natural substance in the brain
- Distressed, caused by fear
- inability to sleep
- nonmedical term for a person unable to responsible for his or her actions
- total or partial inability to remember past experiences
- Syndrome characterized by physical immobility and mental stupor
- the changes in the body process that make the drug necessory for daily functioning
- Pathologic fear of being trapped in a confined space
- Diagnosis and treatments of mental disorders
- Persistent, recurrent, uncontrollable, thoughts or impulses
- Mood disorder (causes irritability, rapid speech and hyperactivity)
- Scientific study of the human mind and behavior
- a drug that helps stimulate drowsiness or fatigue
- killing of the human by another
- Mental disorder(person has trouble finding it's own and has mulitple)
- The capacity to become accustomed to a stimulus or drug
- false belief or judgment held despite strong evidence to the contrary
- Morbid impulse to set fires
- Unable to or unwillingly unable to speak
- Exaggerated feeling or well-being
- pathologic fear or dread
29 Clues: inability to sleep • pathologic fear or dread • Pathologic fear of heights • Distressed, caused by fear • Morbid impulse to set fires • natural substance in the brain • killing of the human by another • Exaggerated feeling or well-being • Unable to or unwillingly unable to speak • Agent that intensifies sensory perception • Diagnosis and treatments of mental disorders • ...
Medical Therapeutics Study Guide 2023-12-04
- The process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of the digestive system into the blood
- New, usually of rapid onset and of concern, opposite of chronic
- The study of body structure
- process The natural occurrences in the body that produce the changes associated with growing old
- A person who has had one or more limbs removed by amputation.
- A state of anxiety or nervous excitement
- Activities of daily living
- Right to enter; access admitting resident the individual being accepted into a Long Term Care Facility
- (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) A serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products, especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles.
- equipment Items such as eating utensils which are altered to make them easier to use by residents with functional limitations
- wedge It is designed to separate the legs of a patient, often used after hip surgery.
- directives A legal document designed to indicate a person's wishes regarding care in case of a terminal illness or during the dying process
- Drugs that block the growth and reproduction of bacteria
- side A weakened side from a stroke or injury; also called the "weaker" or "involved" side.
- The condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen
- Chest pain caused by decreased blood flow to heart muscle
- stockings / TED hose/compression stockings Elastic stockings that need to be put on in the mornings before the resident gets out of bed for poor circulation
- Movement toward the midline of the body
- A progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions.
- vital signs Any reading outside of these ranges: Heart Rate 60-100, Blood Pressure 120/80, Temperature 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, 37 degrees Celsius, Respiratory rate 12-20 breaths/minute, Pulse Ox >95%; You report/Communicate to charge nurse
- Impairment of language, usually caused by left hemisphere damage either to Broca's area (impairing speaking) or to Wernicke's area (impairing understanding).
- A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
- Able to change as needed
- thrusts Quick inward and upward pulls into the diaphragm to force an obstruction out of the airway
- devices Special equipment that helps a disabled or ill resident perform activities of daily living
- Leaving a patient aftercare has been initiated before the patient has been transferred to someone with equal or greater medical training.
- pressure mattress Air forced through the mattress on an alternating basis to decrease pressure on bony prominences
- Specific tasks that need to be accomplished as part of the process
- An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.
- The act of walking
- The physical, mental, emotional, or sexual mistreatment of one person by another
- Without fever
- Care Housing and 24-hour care for seniors with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Memory care facilities offer a safe, uniquely designed environment for residents with a focus on improving quality of life, reducing confusion, and preventing wandering.
- Fear or anxiety caused by the sudden realization of danger
34 Clues: Without fever • The act of walking • Able to change as needed • Activities of daily living • The study of body structure • Movement toward the midline of the body • A state of anxiety or nervous excitement • Drugs that block the growth and reproduction of bacteria • A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. • ...
Medical Terminology Team 2 2023-11-30
- cavity located above the diaphragm
- where the liver is located
- the lower portion of the abdominopelvic cavity
- branches of science that studies the structure of the body
- separates front and back
- separates right and left of unequal sides
- staying the same
- position body is face forward
- separates right and left portion
- cavity located within the skull
- passes through the midline
- system that consist of bones
- branch of science that describes how the Body functions
- the study of life
- cavity located towards the back
- where appendix is located
- neck region
- tissues are then arranged into -
- separates inferior and superior
- around the eye
20 Clues: neck region • around the eye • staying the same • the study of life • separates front and back • where appendix is located • passes through the midline • where the liver is located • system that consist of bones • position body is face forward • cavity located towards the back • separates inferior and superior • cavity located within the skull • tissues are then arranged into - • ...
Crossword puzzle medical terms 2023-11-07
25 Clues: - gum • - soft • - skin • - nose • - tumor • - brain • - heart • - joint • - liver • - gland • - vessel • - eyelid • - kidney • - stomach • - disease • - study of • - cut into • - enlarged • - intestines • - specialist • - inflammation • - any condition • - surgical repair • - surgical removal • - involuntary contraction
Medical Termonology Crossword puzzel 2023-11-17
- Carry oxygen-poor blood
- A small branch of an artery leading into capillaries
- Abbreviation for hypertension
- Combining word meaning heart
- Abbreviation for test that uses ultrasound to look at the heart and its vessels
- A condition where the pericardial sac around the heart is inflamed
- Surgical puncture to remove fluid
- Under or insufficient
- Contains 4 chambers
- Test when x-ray dye is injected into blood vessels to diagnose
- Test that uses ultrasound to look at the heart and its vessels
- artery 3 word disorder where there is a narrowing in the arteries surrounding the heart
- Condition where the artery has a weakened wall which causes it to swell
- Carry oxygen-rich blood
- Condition of high blood pressure
- Instrument that is used to measure pressure
- Also called treadmill or exercise test
- Process of cutting
- Condition that causes irregular heart beats that makes it not able to pump efficiently
- Test that helps check heart rhythm using leads
- Abbreviation for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
- Abbreviation for acute myocardial infarction
- Helps connect arteries and veins
- Abbreviation for coronary artery bypass graft
- Above or excessive
25 Clues: Process of cutting • Above or excessive • Contains 4 chambers • Under or insufficient • Carry oxygen-poor blood • Carry oxygen-rich blood • Combining word meaning heart • Abbreviation for hypertension • Condition of high blood pressure • Helps connect arteries and veins • Surgical puncture to remove fluid • Also called treadmill or exercise test • ...
Medical words (Laos, harder) 2023-10-05
- ເມື່ອຄົນເຈັບຂາຫັກຂ້າງໜຶ່ງມັກຈະໃຊ້ສິ່ງນີ້ຊ່ວຍຍ່າງ
- ການສັກຢາ
- ຢາກລຳລຽງຄົນເຈັບສົ່ງໂຮງໝໍດ່ວນຕ້ອງໃຊ້ສິ່ງນີ້
- ເມື່ອໄຂມັນຊະນິດນີ້ເພີ່ມຂຶ້ນແປວ່າເປັນສິ່ງດີ
- ເປັນການສັກຢາຊະນິດໜຶ່ງທີ່ສັກໃສ່ເສັ້ນເລືອດ
- ເປັນສາຍອາຊີບໜຶ່ງທີ່ຊ່ວຍໃນການເກີດລູກ
- ເມື່ອສົງໄສວ່າມີສິ່ງຜິດປົກກະຕິຢູ່ອະໄວຍະວະໃນທ້ອງມັກຈະສັ່ງກວດຊະນິດນີ້
- ເມື່ອພິການຂາທັງສອງເບື້ອງສາມາດນັ່ງເທິງນີ້ເພື່ອເຄື່ອນທີ່ໄປມາ
- ເປັນການກວດຄົນເຈັບຊະນິດໜຶ່ງທີ່ໃຊ້ຕາເຮົາກວດ
- ເມື່ອສົງໄສພະຍາດລະບົບຖ່າຍເທມັກຈະສັ່ງກວດຊະນິດນີ້
- ເມື່ອສົງໄສວ່າມີຕິດເຊື້ອຫຼືອັກເສບມັກຈະເບິ່ງຜົນກວດນີ້ກ່ອນໝູ່
- ນ້ຳເກືອ
- ເປັນສາຍອາຊີບໜຶ່ງທີ່ຊ່ວຍໃນການດູແລຄົນເຈັບ
- ເປັນຂະແໜງໜຶ່ງທີ່ຮັກສາຄົນເຈັບໂລກທົ່ວໄປ
- ເມື່ອສົງໄສວ່າມີເລືອດຈາງມັກຈະເບິ່ງຜົນກວດນີ້ກ່ອນໝູ່
- ຢາຊະນິດເມັດ
- ເມື່ອຢາກກວດອຸນຫະພູມຮ່າງກາຍຈະໃຊ້ສິ່ງນີ້
- ຢາກສັກຢາຕ້ອງມີອຸປະກອນນີ້
- ເມື່ອຢາກກວດຫົວໃຈຫຼືຟັງປອດຈະໃຊ້ສິ່ງນີ້
- ເປັນຂະແໜງໜຶ່ງທີ່ຮັກສາຄົນເຈັບດ້ວຍການຜ່າຕັດ
20 Clues: ນ້ຳເກືອ • ການສັກຢາ • ຢາຊະນິດເມັດ • ຢາກສັກຢາຕ້ອງມີອຸປະກອນນີ້ • ເປັນສາຍອາຊີບໜຶ່ງທີ່ຊ່ວຍໃນການເກີດລູກ • ເມື່ອຢາກກວດອຸນຫະພູມຮ່າງກາຍຈະໃຊ້ສິ່ງນີ້ • ເມື່ອຢາກກວດຫົວໃຈຫຼືຟັງປອດຈະໃຊ້ສິ່ງນີ້ • ເປັນຂະແໜງໜຶ່ງທີ່ຮັກສາຄົນເຈັບໂລກທົ່ວໄປ • ເປັນການສັກຢາຊະນິດໜຶ່ງທີ່ສັກໃສ່ເສັ້ນເລືອດ • ...
Medical Words- Cardiovascular system 2023-10-05
- around;surrounding
- process of recording
- to enlarge or expand
- below;below normal;defecient
- hardening;thickening
- through;complete
- narrowing
- venule
- muscle
- coagulation;clotting
- pulse
- blood vessel
- inflammation
- vein
- heart
- contraction
- surgical removal;excision
- clot
- substance that promotes
- pertaining to blood condition
20 Clues: vein • clot • pulse • heart • venule • muscle • narrowing • contraction • blood vessel • inflammation • through;complete • around;surrounding • coagulation;clotting • process of recording • to enlarge or expand • hardening;thickening • substance that promotes • surgical removal;excision • below;below normal;defecient • pertaining to blood condition
Medical terminology 1-30 2023-09-27
29 Clues: fat • two • ear • rib • eye • skin • cell • slow • vein • nose • bone • head • lung • self • liver • chest • skull • heart • brain • blood • joint • kidney • muscle • bladder • stomach • painful • intestines • without/not • old age/elderly
Lesson 9 Medical Terminology 2024-01-24
25 Clues: in • lip • bad • hand • skin • back • twin • glue • side • move • fear • light • small • breast • digest • swelling • finger toe • heel stone • about around • spinal column • grain particle • walk take steps • pleura rib side • in front of before • framework of the eyelid
Medical Imaging Crossword puzzle 2023-10-16
- Material that is weakly repulsed by a magnetic field
- The "A" in CAT scan
- Result of incorrect vertical angulation
- Tomographic X-ray of the teeth, mandible, and maxilla
- The blurred margin of an image
- Time for a gradient to ramp from zero to its maximum value
- Number 56 on the Periodic Table of Elements and a good absorber of X-rays
- ____peak (kVp)
- MRI contrast medium
- Coating on X-ray film
- Where to find the master switch, indicator light, selector buttons, and exposure button
- Difference in precession frequency of hydrogen in water and fat
- The use of X-rays to obtain real-time moving images
- How many sets of paired physical gradients are present in an MR scanner
- The science or study of radiation
- Overall darkness or blackness of a radiograph
- Prevents scattered radiation from reaching the image receptor
- Proportional enlargement of an image
- The positive electrode in an X-ray tube
- Campaign for radiation safety in adult imaging
- The negative electrode in an X-ray tube
- Father of CT (and its attenuation units)
- The result of incorrect vertical angulation
- Father of X-rays
24 Clues: ____peak (kVp) • Father of X-rays • The "A" in CAT scan • MRI contrast medium • Coating on X-ray film • The blurred margin of an image • The science or study of radiation • Proportional enlargement of an image • Result of incorrect vertical angulation • The positive electrode in an X-ray tube • The negative electrode in an X-ray tube • Father of CT (and its attenuation units) • ...
Medical Terminology Ch 15 2024-01-08
- Sound
- Fever
- Glucose, sugar
- The process of recording a picture or record
- Radiology, Xrays
- Beyond
- Visual examination
- Instrument for visual examination
- Albumin, protein
- Urine
- View of
- Cutting, surgical incision
- Glowing
- A surgical puncture to remove excess fluid
- Abdomen, abdominal wall
- Joint
- Heat
- Creatinine
- Calcium, lime, the heel
- Tongue
20 Clues: Heat • Sound • Fever • Joint • Urine • Beyond • Tongue • View of • Glowing • Creatinine • Glucose, sugar • Radiology, Xrays • Albumin, protein • Visual examination • Abdomen, abdominal wall • Calcium, lime, the heel • Cutting, surgical incision • Instrument for visual examination • A surgical puncture to remove excess fluid • The process of recording a picture or record
Medical Detectives: Nervous System 2024-01-02
- The _____ gland is a tiny organ that serves as the primary gland for the body, producing several hormones and activating other glands to produce hormones.
- The part of the parietal lobe where all received sensory input signals, such as touch and taste, are sent through neurons to the ____ ____ to be processed.
- The _____lobes are responsible for processing smell and sound, as well as the ability to recognize and understand words and language.
- _____ disorders are related to the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
- A nerve cell that sends signals or transmits nerve impulses.
- A region of the brain below the thalamus that coordinates both the autonomic nervous system and the activity of the pituitary, controlling body temperature, thirst, hunger, and other homeostatic systems, and involved in sleep and emotional activity.
- The part of the nervous system that includes the brain and spinal cord.
- Bundles of neurons.
- The part of the nervous system that includes nerves and is not part of the brain and spinal cord.
- A fatty substance that surrounds the axon and increases the speed at which signals travel (______ sheath)
- Chemical that assists in passing a signal through the synapse.
- The part of the frontal lobe where nerve impulses initiate voluntary muscular activity.
- The part of the occipital lobe that receives and processes sensory nerve input from the eyes.
- Either of two masses of gray matter lying between the cerebral hemispheres, relaying sensory information and acting as a center for pain perception.
- A branch extending from a neuron that receives signals from another neuron through a synapse.
- The _____ lobes play a large role in your behavior and personality, such as planning, voluntary muscle movements, mood, emotions, social interactions, and attention, and are also involved in memory retrieval and storage.
- A broad band of nerves that connects the left and right hemispheres of the cerebrum.
- The center trunk of the brain that continues downward to form the spinal cord. Responsible for vital functions like heartbeat.
- The part of the brain at the back of the skull in vertebrates. Its function is to coordinate and regulate muscular activity (small brain)
- The gap between the branches extending from a neuron's axon that sends a signal to the next neuron.
- Type of neurons that pass signals from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland to help you move.
- The _____lobes are primarily responsible for visual perception and are involved in some forms of visual, short-term memory.
- The long extension from a nerve cell along which signals travel.
- The four main parts of each cerebral hemisphere of the brain
- The X-shaped structure formed at the point below the brain where the two optic nerves cross over each other.
- A pair of nerves transmitting input signals to the brain from the retina at the back of the eye.
- The part of the temporal lobe that processes auditory input signals (sound).
- Type of neurons responsible for receiving external stimuli from the body's environment and passing that signal through nerves to the central nervous system.
- The _____lobes are responsible for sensing touch, spatial processing (being able to tell where objects are in space), language, and memory.
- Large grey matter of the brain. Located in the front area of the skull and consists of two hemispheres, left and right. It is responsible for the integration of complex sensory and neural functions and the initiation and coordination of voluntary activity in the body.
30 Clues: Bundles of neurons. • The four main parts of each cerebral hemisphere of the brain • A nerve cell that sends signals or transmits nerve impulses. • Chemical that assists in passing a signal through the synapse. • The long extension from a nerve cell along which signals travel. • _____ disorders are related to the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. • ...
Week 8 Medical Terminology 2024-05-14
25 Clues: milk • tear • fast • water • blood • liver • below • urine • across • beyond • tissue • uterus • movement • intravenous • carbohydrate • distant, far • intramuscular • • axillary/armpit • over.the.counter • do.not.resuscitate • development/growth • no.known.allergies • complete.blood.count • automatic external defibrillator
Chapter 1 Medical Terminology 2024-08-26
- inflammation of the heart
- study of the skin
- create an opening in the colon
- condition of white blood cells
- inflammation of the skin
- inflammation of the stomach
- study of the liver
- study of the blood
- elevated blood cholesterol
- study of the eyes
- surgical removal of the stomach
- disease of the nerves
- inflammation of the liver
- disease of the heart muscle
- make an image of the heart with ultrasonic waves
- study of the nerves
- study of the heart
- surgical removal of the kidney
- inflammation of the colon
- inflammation of the joints
20 Clues: study of the skin • study of the eyes • study of the heart • study of the liver • study of the blood • study of the nerves • disease of the nerves • inflammation of the skin • inflammation of the liver • inflammation of the heart • inflammation of the colon • elevated blood cholesterol • inflammation of the joints • disease of the heart muscle • inflammation of the stomach • ...
Unit 1 Medical Terminology 2024-09-02
- group of cells working together
- body position used as a reference point
- smallest structural living unit
- study of how the body and its parts function
- above/towards the head
- towards the body's midline
- towards the front of the body
- group of organs working together
- stable internal environment "body harmony"
- below/towards the feet
- study of the structure of the body and its parts
- feedback that returns a variable to its normal range
- feedback that amplifies a change in the body
- sum of all chemical reactions in the body
- towards the back of the body
- near the (trunk of the body) the point of attachment
- away from the body's midline
- further from the point of attachment
- rate at which the body uses energy at rest
- group of tissues working together
20 Clues: above/towards the head • below/towards the feet • towards the body's midline • towards the back of the body • away from the body's midline • towards the front of the body • group of cells working together • smallest structural living unit • group of organs working together • group of tissues working together • further from the point of attachment • ...
Medical Terminology - Lesson 1 2024-05-22
- softening of the kidney
- surgical incision of the intestines
- the skin
- enlargement of the heart
- a specialist in the study of dieases
- a glandular tumor of the eyelid
- inflammation of the gums of the mouth
- a condition of a joint
- inflammation of the intestines
- tumor of the kidney
- enlargement of the liver and kidney
- an abnormal mass of brain tissue
- inflammation of the nose
- plastic repair of the gums
- spasm of the eyelid
- softening of the brain
- any disease of a gland
- cutting into or incision of a joint
- a specialist in the study of the heart
- surgical removal of the whole or part of the stomach
- inflammation of the liver
- inflammation of a vessel or vessels
- any disease of the skin
- surgical removal of the intestines
24 Clues: the skin • spasm of the eyelid • tumor of the kidney • softening of the brain • any disease of a gland • a condition of a joint • softening of the kidney • any disease of the skin • inflammation of the nose • enlargement of the heart • inflammation of the liver • plastic repair of the gums • inflammation of the intestines • a glandular tumor of the eyelid • an abnormal mass of brain tissue • ...
Directional Terminology & Medical Abbreviations 2024-04-29
- nothing by mouth
- subcutaneous
- along the back or uppermost surface
- part of the limb closest to the body
- cubic centimeters
- as much as desired
- capillary refill time
- body plane that divides the body into caudal and cranial parts
- towards the head
- part of the limb furthest from the body
- rear of the animal
- front of the animal
- prescription
- body plane that divides the animal into "equal" right and left halves
- towards the tail
- along the belly
- surgery
- electrocardiogram
- two times daily
- intravenous
20 Clues: surgery • intravenous • subcutaneous • prescription • along the belly • two times daily • nothing by mouth • towards the tail • towards the head • cubic centimeters • electrocardiogram • rear of the animal • as much as desired • front of the animal • capillary refill time • along the back or uppermost surface • part of the limb closest to the body • part of the limb furthest from the body • ...
Medical Terminology - Lesson 1 2024-05-01
- softening of the kidney
- surgical incision of the intestines
- the skin
- enlargement of the heart
- a specialist in the study of dieases
- a glandular tumor of the eyelid
- inflammation of the gums of the mouth
- a condition of a joint
- inflammation of the intestines
- tumor of the kidney
- enlargement of the liver and kidney
- an abnormal mass of brain tissue
- inflammation of the nose
- plastic repair of the gums
- spasm of the eyelid
- softening of the brain
- any disease of a gland
- cutting into or incision of a joint
- a specialist in the study of the heart
- surgical removal of the whole or part of the stomach
- inflammation of the liver
- inflammation of a vessel or vessels
- any disease of the skin
- surgical removal of the intestines
24 Clues: the skin • spasm of the eyelid • tumor of the kidney • softening of the brain • any disease of a gland • a condition of a joint • softening of the kidney • any disease of the skin • inflammation of the nose • enlargement of the heart • inflammation of the liver • plastic repair of the gums • inflammation of the intestines • a glandular tumor of the eyelid • an abnormal mass of brain tissue • ...
Medical Terminology - Lesson 2 2024-05-01
- the study of the blood
- inflammation of the lining of the heart
- a bluish discoloration of the skin
- a small bone of the ear
- a tumor containing fiber like structures
- a specialist in the study of the eyes
- the loss of part of body movement
- pertaining to the mind
- a physician skilled in proctology
- any disease of the skull
- surgical creation of an artificial passage between the stomach and the intestines
- excessive pain
- excision of one half of the stomach
- surgical removal of the uterus
- a tumor made up of muscular elements
- pain in the urinary bladder
- pertaining to the neck and face
- an instrument for observing small things
- lowered blood pressure
- surgical removal of the gallbladder
- abnormal fat in the blood
- a tumor composed of cartilage
- pain in a muscle
- the destruction of body tissues or cells due to internal causes
24 Clues: excessive pain • pain in a muscle • the study of the blood • lowered blood pressure • pertaining to the mind • a small bone of the ear • any disease of the skull • abnormal fat in the blood • pain in the urinary bladder • a tumor composed of cartilage • surgical removal of the uterus • pertaining to the neck and face • the loss of part of body movement • ...
Medical Terminology - Lesson 10 2024-05-01
- pain in the uterus
- the surgical removal of a turbinate bone
- relating to muscular force
- pertaining to or composed of skin
- irrational fear of odors
- inflammation of a root
- preceding an operation
- lack of red cells in the blood
- pertaining to hormone deficiency
- after the occurrence of birth
- excessive amount of blood in the body
- the cutting of a stricture
- nerve cell
- whiteness of the hair
- the study and treatment of wounds and injuries
- an abnormally high body temperature
- the displacement of the eye lens from its proper place
- one-half the normal
- surgical removal of the upper jawbone
- a natural togetherness
- new born
- pain over the whole body
22 Clues: new born • nerve cell • pain in the uterus • one-half the normal • whiteness of the hair • a natural togetherness • inflammation of a root • preceding an operation • irrational fear of odors • pain over the whole body • the cutting of a stricture • relating to muscular force • after the occurrence of birth • lack of red cells in the blood • pertaining to hormone deficiency • ...
Medical Terminology Chapter 2 2024-05-09
- sensation
- iso-
- flow, discharge
- re-, retro-
- -pause, -stasis
- process of recording
- di-
- crushing
- -clasis, -clast
- speech
- tri-
- rupture
- -itis
- against, opposite
- nourishment, growth
- surgical fixation
- -penia
- Meaning of abbreviation re:
- pan-
- meaning of abbreviation Dx
- pathological condition or state
- -uria
- bi-
- para-, peri-
- pre-
- paralysis
- suture, suturing
- between
28 Clues: di- • bi- • iso- • pan- • pre- • tri- • -uria • -itis • -penia • speech • rupture • between • crushing • sensation • paralysis • re-, retro- • para-, peri- • flow, discharge • -pause, -stasis • -clasis, -clast • suture, suturing • surgical fixation • against, opposite • nourishment, growth • process of recording • meaning of abbreviation Dx • Meaning of abbreviation re: • pathological condition or state
SET #8 Medical Terms 2024-04-05
- therapy
- burst forth;rupture
- vein
- spleen
- less than 6 months, fast onset
- clot
- eat;swallow;engulf
- more than 6 months, slow or onset
- an infection acquired during a hospital stay
- one;single
- change
- disease/conditions that is due to another treatment
- transferred from parent to offspring
- change form or shape
- vein
- antigen and antibody response/reaction
- gland
- present of birth
- many
- protein
- large
- small
- new & abnormal growth
- disease or condition with unknown cause
24 Clues: vein • vein • many • clot • gland • large • small • spleen • change • therapy • protein • one;single • present of birth • eat;swallow;engulf • burst forth;rupture • change form or shape • new & abnormal growth • less than 6 months, fast onset • more than 6 months, slow or onset • transferred from parent to offspring • antigen and antibody response/reaction • disease or condition with unknown cause • ...
Integumentary System-Medical Terminology 2024-09-19
- excessive sweating due to health condition
- bluish discoloration of the skin
- measured across the skin
- discoloration of skin resulting in bleeding under skin
- the most common type of blood cell
- related directly to part of body
- inflammation of the eyelid (condition)
- a list of deaths
- scaly blockage of hair follicles
- disease makes skin harden and thicken
- excess lipids or fats in blood
- science of hair
- branch of medicine concerned in skin condition
- surgical perocedure that that makes a incision on the eyelid
- cells that store energy as fat
- dry,scaly,thickened skin
- main component of adipose tissue
- abnormal itching condition
- inflammation of the skin
- infection of pus in the skin
- study of fungi
- cells produce sebum, found in sebaceous glands
- the study of disease and injury
- condition causing skin to thicken in places
- abnormal hardening of tissue or body parts
- fat cells that grow under skin
- abnormal scaly rash
- benign tumer grows on horses huff
- tumor arising from epithelial surface
- fungal infection on the nail
30 Clues: study of fungi • science of hair • a list of deaths • abnormal scaly rash • dry,scaly,thickened skin • inflammation of the skin • measured across the skin • abnormal itching condition • infection of pus in the skin • fungal infection on the nail • fat cells that grow under skin • excess lipids or fats in blood • cells that store energy as fat • the study of disease and injury • ...
- The transfer of disease from one organ or part to another not directly connected with it.
- The three membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord.
- Presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body.
- Reduction of sufficient oxygen in tissues in spite of adequate blood supply.
- The sorting out and classification of casualties of war or other disaster to determine priority of need and proper place of treatment.
- A posterior teeth which are used for grinding food.
- History and physical.
- An acute inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines.
- Formation of an infarct (generally, a necrosis of tissue due to an obstruction of circulation); commonly myocardial infarction or heart attack.
- (not cerebral spinal) - pertaining to the brain and spinal cord.
- Most commonly refers to the uvula palatine, the small, fleshy mass hanging from the soft palate above the roof of the tongue.
- (not brachioplexus) - a network of vessels and nerves in shoulder/arm region.
- Pertaining to or compromising the skeleton and the muscles.
- Of or pertaining to the veins.
- An elevated, irregularly-shaped scar.
- Draw toward the median line of the body.
- The irrigation or washing out of an organ, such as a stomach of bowel.
- Abnormal softening of cartilage.
- Pelvis; part of the hipbone.
- Dislocation in which bone is displaced from its normal position in the joint cavity.
- Shaped like a sword, as in xiphoid process.
- Inflammation of one of more vertebrae.
- The four anterior teeth in either jaw.
- Dilation of the bronchial tubes.
- Draw away from the median line of the body.
- (not capitalized) - a surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus, performed to deliver a fetus.
- Inflammation of the fascia of the sole of the foot.
- A small, local, involuntary contraction of muscle fibrosis: formation of fibrous tissue.
- Examination of the interior of the abdomen by means of instrument called a laparoscope.
- That branch of medical science which deals with the nervous system.
- Pertaining to the back of the position more toward the back; same as posterior in human anatomy.
- An instrument for recording variations or undulations, arterial or other.
- Surgical creation of a small opening in the stapes.
- The circumstance whereby a sensation such as pain or touch is experienced at a point remote from that at which the stimulus occurs.
- Persisting over a long period of time.
- The medical science concerned with the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the lungs.
- The bone that extends from the shoulder to the elbow.
- That branch of surgery and medical science which is specially concerned with the preservation and restoration of the function of the skeletal system, its articulations, and associated structures.
- Substance found in muscle and blood and excreted in the urine.
- Pertaining to or affecting the chest.
- Excision of the posterior arch of a vertebra.
- Forward displacement of lumbar vertebra(e).
- Temporary suspension of consciousness, a faint or swoon.
- Shoulder -- collarbone junction.
- (one word) - small, pear-shaped muscular sac, located under the right lobe of the liver, in which bile secreted by the liver is stored until needed by the body for digestion.
- Any of the bones of the fingers or toes.
- Pertaining to a base or basal part.
- Difficulty in swallowing.
- Pertaining to the treatment of the aged.
- Having a short and relatively severe course.
- Abnormally low blood pressure.
- The outer and smaller of the two bones in the lower leg.
- excision of the gallbladder
- The removal of an ovary or ovaries.
- Teeth immediately lateral to the incisors.
- Vascular disorder characterized by ischemia of the fingers or toes.
- Not malignant; not recurrent; favorable for recovery.
- A portion of the small intestine.
- The deviation of light in passing obliquely from one medium to another; the process of determining the refractive errors of the eye and their correction by glasses.
- Of, or pertaining to, synovia which is a viscid fluid contained in joint cavities also called synovial fluid.
- Excision of an ovarian cyst.
- Kneecap
- Having one cusp or point; canine tooth.
- Degenerative changes of the vertebrae.
- A rapidly growing tumor.
- Aspiration
- Division of the lamina of a vertebra.
- An instrument for measuring blood pressure in arteries.
- Graphic record of the view of an intervertebral disk.
- To examine by the hands, to feel.
- Sound of murmur heard in auscultation, especially an abnormal one.
- Having two cusps or points; bicuspid valve of the heart; pre-molar tooth.
- Sticky, thick.
- Involuntary, rapid movement of the eyeball.
- Dilation of the cervix and curettage of the uterus.
- The study of the heart and its functions.
- Socket in the pelvis within which the head of the femur fits.
- Any degenerative disease of the brain.
- Localized collection of pus buried in tissues, organs, or confined spaces.
- The breast bone; the bone connecting with the clavicles and the first seven ribs.
- Any of the conducting cells of the nervous system.
- The inner and larger bone of the lower leg; the shin bone.
- The operation of removing the roof of the intervertebral foramina for the relief of nerve root compression.
- A bowel obstruction.
- The branch of medicine which treats diseases of the genital tract in women.
- Small hemorrhagic spot on the skin - larger than a petechia.
- (often misspelled) - the branch of medical science dealing with the anatomy, functions and diseases of the eye.
- The bottom or base of anything - e.g., uterus, eye.
- A connection between two vessels.
- Inflammation of a fascia, a band of fibrous tissue that lies deep under the skin.
- The study of overweight, its causes, prevention, and treatment.
- The passage of a fluid through the vessels of a specific organ.
- Scientific study of the kidney, its anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pathophysiology.
- Pertaining to the part of the spine connecting the head and trunk; pertaining to a constricted part of an organ.
- Gland found at the base of the brain.
- Pertaining to the part of the back between the thorax and the pelvis.
- (plural petechiae) a tiny red spot on the skin, but usually used in the plural.
- Abnormally increased curvature of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
98 Clues: Kneecap • Aspiration • Sticky, thick. • A bowel obstruction. • History and physical. • A rapidly growing tumor. • Difficulty in swallowing. • excision of the gallbladder • Excision of an ovarian cyst. • Pelvis; part of the hipbone. • Abnormally low blood pressure. • Of or pertaining to the veins. • Shoulder -- collarbone junction. • Abnormal softening of cartilage. • ...
Joshua Gonzalez-Medical Terminology 2024-07-24
34 Clues: arm • ear • neck • mind • lung • skin • bile • nose • ribs • liver • cells • nerve • colon • sugar • tumor • veins • bones • blood • skull • heart • uterus • tissue • kidney • larynx • breast • joints • stomach • bladder • abdomen • disease • muscles • vessels • bronchial • gallbladder
Medical Abbreviations pg 1 2024-06-09
38 Clues: c • a • cm • AD • CC • bx • BS • BP • BR • cc • ac • CAT • ADA • BPH • amb • CHF • amp • c/o • ASA • CBC • ABG • CDC • BRP • CAD • C&S • CHO • CDE • cal • ADL • Cath • C,DB • Ca++ • COPD • a.m.a • CA,Ca • ad lib • cl liq • b.i.d.
Ch. 06 Medical Terminology 2024-11-02
- flow discharge
- fast rapid
- within inside
- immature cell
- kidney
- tumor
- Germ, immature cell
- again
- disease suffering
- large great
- nerves
- upon over
- many
- bursting forth
- cell
- skin
- abnormal condition
- surgical puncture to remove fluid
- cancer
- cell
- two double
- slow
- below normal
- deficiency
- cutting into
- heart
- pain
- surgical repair
- excessive above normal
- new
- under
- between among
- against opposite of
- swelling tumor
- before
- blood condition
- above beyond
- after behind
- small
- within inner
- across through
- issue
- surgical removal of a body part
- visual examination
- away from
- inflammation
- abnormal difficult painful
- study of
48 Clues: new • pain • many • cell • skin • cell • slow • heart • under • tumor • again • small • issue • kidney • before • nerves • cancer • study of • upon over • away from • deficiency • fast rapid • two double • large great • cutting into • above beyond • after behind • within inner • inflammation • below normal • within inside • immature cell • between among • flow discharge • swelling tumor • across through • bursting forth • surgical repair • blood condition • ...
Ch.06 Medical Terminology 2024-11-01
- Pulmonary Disease (COPD): a group of lung diseases that make difficult to breathe.
- a localized response to injury or infection that is characterized by redness, swelling, and warmth.
- the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel
- a condition in which stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing irritation and discomfort.
- a medication that prevents blood clots.
- The identification of a disease or condition based on its symptoms and medical tests
- specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses that focuses on providing relief from symptoms and improving quality of life
- A microscopic infectious agent that can replicate only inside a host cell and causes various diseases
- a surgical procedure in which an opening is made in the neck and a tube is inserted into the windpipe to help with breathing
- a disruption in blood flow to the brain that can cause damage
- a class of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels.
- a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways.
- a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels.
- brain tissue.
- a severe lung condition that can occur in response to injury or infection.
- commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow to a part of the
- a loss of bladder control, resulting in the accidental release of urine
- a blockage in a blood vessel, usually caused by a blood clot or other debris.
- high blood pressure.
- the higher number in a blood pressure reading that indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is contracting.
- a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body's needs.
- a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart.
- a condition or disease that is long-lasting or recurrent.
- The likely outcome of a disease or condition based on medical treatment and other factors
- a lack of blood flow to an area of the body, usually caused by a blockage in a blood vessel.
- a blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body.
- loss of sensation or feeling, usually achieved through medication
- a preventative treatment used to protect against a particular disease or infection.
- A medical test that uses electromagnetic radiation to produce images of internal body structures
- The body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain
- a flexible tube inserted into the body to remove or deliver fluids.
- the removal of dead or damaged tissue from a wound to promote healing
- the lower number in a blood pressure reading that indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is resting.
- a sudden and severe onset of symptoms or illness.
- a virus that attacks the immune system and can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.
- is blocked, causing damage to the heart muscle.
- a method of delivering fluids or medications directly into a vein.
- an irregular heartbeat.
- A physical or mental indication of a disease or condition, such as pain or fatigue
- the process of breathing, or the mechanical assistance of breathing, in patients who are unable to breathe on their own
- a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
42 Clues: brain tissue. • high blood pressure. • an irregular heartbeat. • a medication that prevents blood clots. • is blocked, causing damage to the heart muscle. • a sudden and severe onset of symptoms or illness. • the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel • a condition or disease that is long-lasting or recurrent. • ...
Ch.06 Medical Terminology 2024-11-01
- A severe lung condition that can occur in response to injury or infection
- specialized medical care for people with serious illness that focuses on providing relief from symptoms and improving quality life
- chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels
- A group of lung diseases that make it difficult to breathe
- A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to other parts of the body
- the lower number in blood pressure reading that indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is resting
- protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
- A medication that prevents blood clots
- lack of blood flow to an area of the body usually caused by a blockage in a blood vessel
- sudden and severe onset of symptoms or illness
- preventive treatment used to protect against a particular disease or infection
- blockage in a blood vessel usually caused by a blood clot or other debris
- a chronic autoimmune daisies that affect the central nervous system
- flexible tube inserted into the body to remove or deliver fluids
- The body's response to injury or infection characterized by redness swelling heat and pain
- a condition in which stomach acid flows back into the esophagus causing irritation and discomfort
- An irregular heartbeat
- The likely outcome of a disease or condition based on medical treatment and other factors
- A condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs
- parasitic diseases transmitted by infected mosquitoes
- a test that measure the electoral activity of the heart
- A microscopic infectious agent that can replicate only inside a host cell and causes various diseases
- Refers to a tumor or growth that is not cancerous and does not invade nearby tissue or separate to other parts of the body
- commonly known as a heart attack occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked causing damage to the heart muscle
- a disruption in blood flow to the brain that can cause damage to the brain tissue
- A medical test that uses electromagnetic reaction to produce images of interbody structures.
- condition or disease that is long-lasting or recurrent
- blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body
- high blood pressure contagious and virial
- A physical or mental indication of a disease or condition such as pain or fatigue
- method of delivering fluids or methods directly into the vein
- a virus that attacks the immune system anw can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- The identification of a disease or condition based on its symptoms and medical tests
- High blood pressure
- a condition characterized by weak brittle bones
- group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
- a class of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels
- the part of the body that contains the stomach,intestines,and other organs
- a condition in which the body lacks enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body’s tissue
- refers to a condition that has a rapid onset and short duration
- Refers to a condition that lasts a long time or isa president
- chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing airways
42 Clues: High blood pressure • An irregular heartbeat • A medication that prevents blood clots • high blood pressure contagious and virial • sudden and severe onset of symptoms or illness • a condition characterized by weak brittle bones • parasitic diseases transmitted by infected mosquitoes • condition or disease that is long-lasting or recurrent • ...
Ch. 06 Medical Terminology 2024-11-01
- a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal calls.
- Reflux Disease a condition in which stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing irritation and discomfort.
- a method of delivering fluide or medications directly into a vein.
- Immunodeficiency Virus a virus that attacks the immune system and can lead to acquired
- a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart.
- an irregular heartbeat.
- debridement the removal of dead or damage tissue from a wound to promote healing.
- incontinence a loss of bladder control, resulting in the accidental release of urine.
- Refers to a condition that has a rapid onset and short duration
- A condition in which the body lacks enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues
- a parasitic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes.
- a blockage in a blood vessel, usually caused by a blood clot or other debris.
- a condition characterized by weak, brittle bones.
- a proton in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
- the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel.
- loss of sensation or feeling, usually achieved through medication.
- a surgical procedure in which an opening is made in the neck and a tube is inserted into the windpipe to help with breathing.
- a lack of blood flow to an area of the body, usually caused by a blockage in a blood vessel.
- a highly contagious viral infection that affects the respiratory system.
- a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels.
- The body’s response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain
- a blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body.
- Disease a class of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels.
- The identification of a disease or condition based on it symptoms and medical tests
- high blood pressure.
- a medical test that uses electromagnetic radiation to produce images of internal body structures
- A physical or mental indication of a disease or condition, such as pain or fatigue
- 06 Medical Terminology
- The part of the body that contains the stomach, intestines, and other organs
- the process of breathing, or the mechanical assistance of breathing, in patients who are unable to breathe on their own.
- A microscopic infectious agent that can replicate only inside a host cell and causes various diseases
- a preventative treatment used to protect against a particular disease or infection.
- a flexible tube Inserted Into the body to remove or doliver fluids.
- the lower number in a blood pressure reading that indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is resting
- refers to a tumor or growth that is not cancerous and does not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts of the body
- Infarction commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked, causing damage to the heart muncio.
- The likely outcome of a disease or condition based on medical treatment and other factors
- Refers to a condition that lasts a long time or is persistent
- the higher number in a blood pressure reading that indicates the pressure in the arteries is contracting.
- a medication that prevents blood clots.
- care specialized medical care for people with serious Illnesses that focuses on providing relief from symptoms and improving quality of life.
41 Clues: high blood pressure. • 06 Medical Terminology • an irregular heartbeat. • a medication that prevents blood clots. • a condition characterized by weak, brittle bones. • the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel. • a parasitic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. • a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. • ...
Ch. 06 Medical Terminology 2024-11-01
- Under/ below
- Blood condition
- Away from/down
- Surgical repair
- Below normal/ deficient
- Many/ much
- Two/double
- Visual examination
- Fast/ rapid
- Surgical removal of a body part
- Small/ minute
- bursting forth
- blood condition
- Study of
- Large/ great
- Inflammation
- Against/opposite of
- pain
- immature cell
- Before/ in front
- above/ beyond
- within/ inside
- Slow
- within/inner
- Upon/over/ above
- Disease/ conditon
- Abnormal/Difficult/painful
- excessive/ above normal
- Tumor/ mass
- Cutting into/ incision
- Surgical puncture to remove fluid
- cell
- new
- across/ through
- Abnormal condition
- swelling/ tumor
- flow/discharge
- blood condition
- Again/ back
- between/ among
- After/ behind
- deficiency
42 Clues: new • Slow • cell • pain • Study of • Many/ much • Two/double • deficiency • Tumor/ mass • Fast/ rapid • Again/ back • Under/ below • within/inner • Large/ great • Inflammation • Small/ minute • immature cell • After/ behind • above/ beyond • Away from/down • flow/discharge • bursting forth • between/ among • within/ inside • Blood condition • Surgical repair • across/ through • swelling/ tumor • blood condition • blood condition • ...
Ch. 06 Medical Terminology 2024-11-01
- between, among
- abnormal condition
- after, behind
- immature cell
- many, much
- fast, rapid
- bursting forth
- blood condition
- against, opposite of
- surgical puncture to remove fluid
- away from, down
- surgical repair
- small, minute
- two double
- visual examination
- inflammation
- tumor, mass
- deficiency
- below normal, deficient
- large, great
- within, inside
- new
- study of
- under, below
- disease suffering
- above, beyond
- slow
- swelling, tumor
- Again, back
- across, through
- cell
- flow, discharge
- surgical removal of a body part
- within, inner
- pain
- upon, over, above
- Abnormal, difficult, painful
- cutting into, incision
- before in front of
- before in front of
- Excessive, above normal
- blood condition
42 Clues: new • slow • cell • pain • study of • many, much • two double • deficiency • Again, back • fast, rapid • tumor, mass • under, below • inflammation • large, great • after, behind • above, beyond • immature cell • within, inner • small, minute • within, inside • between, among • bursting forth • swelling, tumor • across, through • flow, discharge • blood condition • away from, down • surgical repair • blood condition • ...
Ch.06 Medical Terminology 2024-11-01
- loss of sensation or feeling, usually achieved through medication.
- the higher number in a blood pressure reading that indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is contracting.
- a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart.
- a method of delivering fluids or medications directly into a vein
- A microscopic infectious agent that can replicate only inside a host cell and causes various diseases.
- care specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses that focuses on providing relief from symptoms and improving quality of life.
- a blockage in a blood vessel, usually caused by a blood clot or other debris
- The body’s response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain.
- Failure condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs.
- The part of the body that contains the stomach, intestines, and other organs.
- a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways.
- Refers to a tumor or growth that is not cancerous and does not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts of the body.
- a medication that prevents blood clots.
- a group of lung disease that make it difficult to breathe.
- an irregular heartbeat.
- Refers to a condition that lasts a long time or is persistent.
- a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
- a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels.
- a preventative treatment used to protect against a particular disease or infection.
- The likely outcome of a disease or condition based on medical treatment and other factors
- Refers to a condition that has a rapid onset and short duration
- a disruption in blood flow to the brain that can cause damage to brain tissue.
- a class of disease that affect the heart and blood vessels.
- commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked, causing damage to the heart muscle.
- a surgical procedure in which an opening is made in the neck and a tube is inserted into the windpipe to help with breath incontinence: a loss of bladder control, resulting in the accidental release of urine.
- a lack of blood flow to an area of the body, usually caused by a blockage in a blood vessel.
- The identification of a disease or condition based on its symptoms and medical tests.
- a flexible tube inserted into the body to remove or deliver fluids.
- the removal of dead or damaged tissue from a wound to promote healing.
- a severe lung condition that can occur in response to injury or infection.
- A physical or mental indication of a disease or condition, such as pain or fatigue.
- A condition in which the body lacks enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues.
- the lower number in a blood pressure reading that indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is resting.
- the process of breathing, or the mechanical assistance of breathing, in patients who are unable to breathe on their own.
- a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.
- A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to other parts of the body.
- high blood pressure
- A medical test that uses electromagnetic radiation to produce images of internal body structures.
- the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel.
39 Clues: high blood pressure • an irregular heartbeat. • a medication that prevents blood clots. • the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel. • a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. • a group of lung disease that make it difficult to breathe. • a class of disease that affect the heart and blood vessels. • ...
Ch.06 Medical Terminology 2024-11-01
- Colitis: A chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the colon
- A condition in which stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing irritation and discomfort
- An irregular heartbeat
- Prefix for"After,behind"
- Arthritis:a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation and damage to the joints Tuberculosis(TB):a bacterial infection that primarily affects the lungs
- Prefix for"Large,great"
- Prefix for"Below normal, deficient"
- A sudden and severe onset of symptoms or illness
- a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
- Prefix for"Slow"
- Virus: a mosquito-borne virus that can cause fever, rash, joint pain, and other symptoms.
- Prefix for "Against,opposite of"
- Prefix for"Under,below"
- Prefix for"Above, beyond"
- Prefix for"Excessive,above normal"
- a localised response to injury or infection that is characterized by redness, swelling and warmth
- Loss of sensation or feeling, usually achieved through medication
- Prefix for"New"
- Prefix for"Before,back off"
- Prefix for"Many,much"
- a distribution in blood flow to the brain that can cause damage to brain tissue
- Prefix for"Abnormal,difficult, painful"
- A medication that prevents blood clots.
- Prefix for"Fast,rapid"
- a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs
- Prefix for"Two,double"
- a class of diseases that affects the heart and blood vessels
- Prefix for"Upon,over,above"
- a virus that attacks the immune system and can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(AIDS).
- a method of delivering fluids or medication directly into a vein
- Prefix for"Again,back"
- high blood pressure
- a parasitic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes
- a highly contagious viral infection that affects the respiratory system
- a chronic neurodegenerative disorder that affects movement and coordination
- a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways
- Tract Infection(UTI): an infection in any part of the urinary system, including kidneys, bladder, and utrera
- a chronic Autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system
- Prefix for"Within,inside"
- Prefix for"Before, in front of"
- a condition characterized by weak, brittle bones.
- Prefix for"Within,inner"
- Prefix for"Away from, down"
- a chronic condition characterised by high blood sugar levels
- Prefix for"Between,among"
- Prefix for"Small,minute"
46 Clues: Prefix for"New" • Prefix for"Slow" • high blood pressure • Prefix for"Many,much" • An irregular heartbeat • Prefix for"Again,back" • Prefix for"Fast,rapid" • Prefix for"Two,double" • Prefix for"Large,great" • Prefix for"Under,below" • Prefix for"After,behind" • Prefix for"Within,inner" • Prefix for"Small,minute" • Prefix for"Above, beyond" • Prefix for"Within,inside" • ...
Ch. 06 Medical Terminology 2024-11-01
- the removal of dead or damaged tissue from a wound to promote healing
- The likely outcome of a disease or condition based on medical treatment and other factors
- the process of breathing, or the mechanical assistance of breathing, in patients who are unable to breathe on their own
- loss of sensation or feeling, usually achieved through medication
- a condition or disease that is long-lasting or recurrent
- A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to other parts of the body
- Refers to a condition that lasts a long time or is persistent
- commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked, causing damage to the heart muscle
- a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body
- a sudden and severe onset of symptoms or illness
- a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
- a surgical procedure in which an opening is made in the neck and a tube is inserted into the windpipe to help with breathing
- specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses that focuses on providing relief from symptoms and improving quality of life
- a lack of blood flow to an area of the body, usually caused by a blockage in a blood vessel
- The identification of a disease or condition based on its symptoms and medical tests
- A medical test that uses electromagnetic radiation to produce images of internal body structures
- a method of delivering fluids or modifications directly into a coin
- a severe lung condition that can occur in response to injury or infection
- a medication that prevents blood clots
- high blood pressure
- a localized response to injury or infection that is characterized by redness, swelling, and warmth
- the lower number in a blood pressure reading that indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is resting
- a preventative treatment used to protect against a particular disease or infection
- a class of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels
- a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart
- A condition in which the body lacks enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body's tissues
- Refers to a tumor or growth that is not cancerous and does not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts of the body
- A physical or mental indication of a disease or condition, such as pain or fatigue
- a flexible tube inserted into the body to remove or deliver fluids
- The body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain
- The part of the body that contains the stomach, intestines, and other organs
- a blockage in a blood vessel, usually caused by a blood clot or other debris
- an irregular heartbeat
- incontinence a loss of bladder control, resulting in the accidental release of urine
- Refers to a condition that has a rapid onset and short duration
- the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel
- A microscopic infectious agent that can replicate only inside a host cell and causes various diseases
- a blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body
- a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways
- the higher number in a blood pressure reading that indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart is contracting
40 Clues: high blood pressure • an irregular heartbeat • a medication that prevents blood clots • a sudden and severe onset of symptoms or illness • the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel • a condition or disease that is long-lasting or recurrent • a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart • a class of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels • ...
Medical Terminology - Roots #3 2024-10-17
26 Clues: ven • aort • angi • atri • myel • thym • immun • lymph • phleb • cardi • splen • thromb • tonsil • arteriol • lymphaden • lymphangi • ventricul • hemat/hem • vas/vascul • vas/vascul • thrombocyt • valvul/valv • arter/arteri • leuk/leukocyt • lymph/lymphcyt • erythr/erythrocyt
Medical terms crossword puzzle 2024-10-21
- (The study of cells)
- (A type of bacterial skin infection)
- (Pertaining to the brain)
- (A term that indicates a breakdown or destruction of something)
- (Refers to a sugary carbohydrate)
- (Referring to a condition of difficult functioning)
- (A tumor that is non-cancerous)
- (The prefix meaning "two")
- (Chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart)
- (A growth that protrudes from a mucous membrane)
- (The study of the biological aspects of living organisms)
- (Type of cancer that originates in the connective tissue)
- (A tumor that is cancerous)
- (Condition of abnormal tissue change)
- (A medical procedure to remove tissue for examination)
- (The prefix meaning "new")
- (Condition characterized by swelling due to fluid retention)
- (Refers to a solid shape that resembles a cube)
- (A sudden and severe condition)
- (Inflammation of the skin)
20 Clues: (The study of cells) • (Pertaining to the brain) • (The prefix meaning "new") • (Inflammation of the skin) • (The prefix meaning "two") • (A tumor that is cancerous) • (A sudden and severe condition) • (A tumor that is non-cancerous) • (Refers to a sugary carbohydrate) • (A type of bacterial skin infection) • (Condition of abnormal tissue change) • ...
Respiratory System Medical Terminology 2024-11-21
- spasmodic contraction of the pharynx
- breakdown of lung tissue
- plastic repair of the nose
- running nose
- fluid, swelling of the lungs
- inflammation of the larynx
- any condition of the neck
- abbreviation for "eyes, ears, nose, throat"
- dilation of the bronchi
- pertaining to the lungs and chest
- nostrils
- rattling or bubbling sounds in the chest
- lack of oxygen
- incision into the chest
- absence of breathing
- opening into the trachea
- difficult or painful breathing
- beneath the tongue
- between the ribs
- rapid breathing
- abbreviation for upper respiratory infection
- inflammation of the bronchial tubes
- nosebleed
23 Clues: nostrils • nosebleed • running nose • lack of oxygen • rapid breathing • between the ribs • beneath the tongue • absence of breathing • incision into the chest • dilation of the bronchi • breakdown of lung tissue • opening into the trachea • any condition of the neck • plastic repair of the nose • inflammation of the larynx • fluid, swelling of the lungs • difficult or painful breathing • ...
Medical Interventions Unit 1 2024-11-22
- a procedure that presents the immune system with a harmless variant of a pathogen
- Resistance to one or more antibiotics, usually due to additional genetic information
- A substance dissolved in another substance
- a branch of medical science that deals with the incidence, distribution and control of a disease in a population
- the introduction of a pathogen or antigen into a living organism to stimulate the production of antibodies
- The reactant on which an enzyme works
- Hearing loss or impairment resulting from interference with the transmission of sound waves to the cochlea
- A protein serving as a catalyst; a chemical agent that changes the rate of reaction without being consumed by the reaction
- A type of epidemiologic study where a group of individuals with the diseases are compared to individuals without the diseases
- Mechanical energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in a medium (such as water or air)
- a linking enzyme essential for DNA replication and recombinant DNA techniques
- An electrical prosthetic device that enables individuals with sensorineural hearing loss to recognize some sounds
- The complement of an organism’s genes; an organism’s genetic material
- a harmless variant of a pathogen that stimulates a host's immune response
- Any measure whose purpose is to improve health or alter the course of disease
- a DNA molecule made in vitro with segments from different sources
- A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances, which may be solids, liquids, gases, or a combination of these
- The collection, classification, storage, and analysis of biochemical and biological information using computers especially as applied in molecular genetics and genomics
- The DNA-containing area of a bacterial cell
- A specific causative agent of disease
- An electronic device usually worn by a person for amplifying sound before it reaches the receptor organs
- The outer visible portion of the ear that collects and directs sound waves toward the tympanic membrane by way of a canal which extends inward through the temporal bone
- a degradative enzyme that recognizes specific nucleotide sequences and cuts up DNA
- A stepwise dilution of a substance in solution
- The one-way transfer of DNA between bacteria in cellular contact
- A substance produced by or derived from a microorganism and able in dilute solution to inhibit or kill another microorganism
- the resistance of a group to an attack by a disease to which a large proportion of the members of the group are immune
- The intermediate portion of the ear containing a chain of three ossicles that extends from the tympanic membrane to the oval window and transmits vibrations to the inner ear
- The transfer of genetic material from one organism (such as a bacterium) to another by a genetic vector
- A type of epidemiologic study where a group of exposed individuals and non-exposed individuals are followed to determine incidence
- The essential part of the vertebrate organ of hearing and equilibrium that includes the vestibule, the semicircular canals, and the cochlea
- Hearing loss or impairment resulting from problems with the auditory nerves
- a small ring of DNA that carries accessory genes
- affecting an atypically large number of individuals within a population at the same time
- A foreign macromolecule that does not belong to the host organism and elicits an immune response
- The genetic modification of a bacterium by incorporation of free DNA from another ruptured bacterial cell
- A quantitative in vitro test for an antibody or antigen as well as a reaction of an enzyme with a substrate to yield a color change
- A sudden rise in the incidence of a disease
- A small ring of DNA that carries accessory genes separate from those of the bacterial chromosome
- The amount of a specified substance in a unit amount of another substance
- A graphic representation of the relation of vibration frequency and the minimum sound intensity for hearing
- An antigen-binding immunoglobulin, produced by B cells, that functions as the effector in an immune response
- A substance, usually a liquid, capable of dissolving another substance
- A molecule (a short strand of RNA or DNA) whose presence is required for formation of another molecule (a longer chain of DNA)
44 Clues: The reactant on which an enzyme works • A specific causative agent of disease • A substance dissolved in another substance • A sudden rise in the incidence of a disease • The DNA-containing area of a bacterial cell • A stepwise dilution of a substance in solution • a small ring of DNA that carries accessory genes • ...
Ch. 06 Medical terminology 2024-11-08
- cancer
- deficiency
- surgical removal of a body part
- refers to a condition that lasts a long time or is persistent
- blood condition
- mass/tumor
- disease, suffering
- germ, immature cell
- child
- the body's response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, heart, and pain
- abnormal condition
- poison
- tumor, mass
- surgical puncture to remove
- urine
- study of
- kidney
- nerves
- flow, discharge
- swelling, tumor
- visual examination
- the identification of a disease or condition based on its symptoms and medical tests
- the part of the body that contains the stomach, intestines, and other organs
- a group of disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
- refers to a tumor or growth that is not cancerous and does not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts of the body
- cell
- a physical or mental indication of a disease or condition, such as pain or fatigue
- heart
- immature cell
- tissue
- a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways
- a condition in which the body lacks enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body's tissues
- refers to a condition that has a rapid onset and short duration
- cutting into, incision
- the likely outcome of a disease or condition based on medical treatment and other factors
- inflammation
- high blood pressure
- pain
- skin
- cell
- bones
- bursting fort
- surgical repair
43 Clues: cell • pain • skin • cell • heart • child • urine • bones • cancer • tissue • poison • kidney • nerves • study of • deficiency • mass/tumor • tumor, mass • inflammation • immature cell • bursting fort • blood condition • flow, discharge • swelling, tumor • surgical repair • disease, suffering • abnormal condition • visual examination • germ, immature cell • high blood pressure • cutting into, incision • surgical puncture to remove • ...
Set 6 Medical Terminology 2024-11-20
25 Clues: Rx • BR • Dx • BRP • CBR • c/o • OOB • ICU • NPO • ADL • mal- • -oma • -osis • -cyte- • -otomy • micro- • -cyan- • -pathy • -orrhea • -cysto- • -cranio- • mono-,uni- • multi,poly- • mega-,macro- • -dent-,-odont-
Compliance Awareness Puzzle 2015-04-17
- The anti-________ statute prohibits inducements.
- Committing this with Medicare or Medicaid will land a healthcare provider in hot water
- Each year, the Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) publishes this list of compliance topics the government plans to investigate in the coming year.
- An Advance ___________ Notice may need to be given to Medicare patients.
- This is another name for the number that can be used to report noncompliance – 888-329-3569.
- Hospital employees who violate HIPAA could end up doing time here.
- Coders should verify medical _________ before billing a payer.
- This is the abbreviation used for something also known as the "anti-dumping" law.
- Illegally billing the government for a higher level of care than was provided.
- Under EMTALA, people who arrive at the E.D. are entitled to a medical _________.
- They may publicize a major compliance violation at our hospital.
- HIPAA mandates that patients are entitled to this.
- Healthcare providers should ensure that medical _______ are neat and complete for each patient.
- UF Health Shands follows this organization's compliance program guidance.
- This officer for our hospital makes sure everyone knows and follows government regulations.
- This is the abbreviation for a large governmental organization that oversees the administration of Medicare and Medicaid.
- Upcoding, unbundling, and billing for treatment that was never given all violate federal regulations and are examples of _____ claims.
- Compliance Services conducts these to ensure that our hospital is compliant.
18 Clues: The anti-________ statute prohibits inducements. • HIPAA mandates that patients are entitled to this. • Coders should verify medical _________ before billing a payer. • They may publicize a major compliance violation at our hospital. • Hospital employees who violate HIPAA could end up doing time here. • ...
Economics 2022-11-14
- You need this when you die
- When a market falls
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- How to get goods without money
- you unexpectedly get a sum of money
- Code to access your debit card balance
- Federal Insurance Contributions Act
- Usually given for sports or academic achievements
- preferred provider organization
- How easy your assets can turn into cash
- a security that represents ownership in a corporation
- money that you pay when you go to a medical office
- You are your own boss
- when you buy a stock you are making an _____ in a company
- A deposit that guarantees the fulfillment of a repayment of a loan
- Free Application for Federal Student aid
- Annual Percentage Rate
- when someone you know dies and they leave you money
- When you purchase a stock you are taking a ____
- Health Maintenance Organization
- Money taken out of your paycheck
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- This explains your insurance
- Medical Payment Insurance
24 Clues: When a market falls • You are your own boss • Annual Percentage Rate • Medical Payment Insurance • You need this when you die • This explains your insurance • How to get goods without money • Health Maintenance Organization • preferred provider organization • Money taken out of your paycheck • Securities and Exchange Commission • you unexpectedly get a sum of money • ...
Public Safety Day 2 2020-08-11
- positive feeling or action shown towards someone
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- crime that occurs by computer
- observes preceding in court and records them
- investigates crimes and gathers evidence
- Works under a lawyer, provides legal assistance
- an act or instance of working together for a common purpose
- patrols the streets and areas
- National Incident command system
- another word for lawyer
- main county law enforcement officer
- worthy of trust, reliable
- provides fire suppression
- analyzes evidence that is gathered
- private police that guards places or people
- receives calls for assistance and dispatched aid
- provides for secure borders
- works in jails and prisons to provide security
- represents a person in court, prepares legal documents
- works to determine cause of a fire
- control or restraint of oneself or ones actions
- Provides basic medical care
- honorable in principles, intentions and actions; upright and fair
- Provides advanced medical care
- provides assistance during large scale catastrophe
25 Clues: another word for lawyer • worthy of trust, reliable • provides fire suppression • provides for secure borders • Provides basic medical care • crime that occurs by computer • patrols the streets and areas • Provides advanced medical care • National Incident command system • works to determine cause of a fire • analyzes evidence that is gathered • Federal Emergency Management Agency • ...
Darlene's Puzzle 2020-11-22
- How many passes do you call an SU in one day?
- Is the Day 12 test mandatory?
- Homecare Medical
- App used to diarise your outings.
- What is our workgroup for the phones?
- What you show to your SU's while doing their daily check in.
- Covid symptoms is what kind of escalation?
- Date of first lock down in NZ in March?
- Who is our CEO? ... Slater
- What is 1737?
- Day 15 is what day?
- If an SU has a cough, they are called what?
- The website to locate CTC's for testing
- Always read this update before starting work?
- What is the first date of contact called?
- What is our phone system called?
- What is the name if a translator is required?
- How many days do SU's spend in self isolation?
- What is the system we use to see cases?
- what is our Homecare Medical homepage called?
- If clients are wanting financial assistance?
- How many seconds should you wash your hands for?
22 Clues: What is 1737? • Homecare Medical • Day 15 is what day? • Who is our CEO? ... Slater • Is the Day 12 test mandatory? • What is our phone system called? • App used to diarise your outings. • What is our workgroup for the phones? • The website to locate CTC's for testing • What is the system we use to see cases? • Date of first lock down in NZ in March? • ...
Inventions or Innovations 2021-10-13
- circular object that revolves on an axel
- has wires that go around the conductor
- removes organic contaminants
- fifth-generation wireless network
- administration of drugs treat disease
- diagram that represents a workflow or process
- a glass building where plants grow
- machine for spinning many spindles
- tall structure
- type of high-end computer
- ship that cannot be sunk
- wind is used to generate electricity
- an electron tube containing a near-vacuum
- forcing open fissures to take oil
- measuring an object's position
- sprung metal clip with long, serrated jaws
- electromagnetic wave of energy
- road that has solar panel technology on it
- engine where heat is used to ignite fuel
- a light,fast motorboat; can skim over water
- solid building material made of broken stone
- medical tool that produces images of bones
- organic dyes derived from coal-tar
- two flexible strips of metal that open or close
- medical tool for listing to a heartbeat
- glass made in large sheets
26 Clues: tall structure • ship that cannot be sunk • type of high-end computer • glass made in large sheets • removes organic contaminants • measuring an object's position • electromagnetic wave of energy • forcing open fissures to take oil • fifth-generation wireless network • a glass building where plants grow • machine for spinning many spindles • organic dyes derived from coal-tar • ...
Emergency Procedures Vocabulary 2021-10-20
- the best way to prevent the spread of infection
- injury to a joint
- another name for hairline fracture
- type of scan used on bones to diagnose disease process and fractures
- diagnostic test used to diagnoses a fractured bone
- degree of burn that always requires medical attention
- cannot be treated with antibiotics
- used to assess percentage of burns on body
- a way of protecting each other from contracting an infection
- injury to a muscle for over or misuse
- items that you wear to protect yourself from infection examples are gloves, gown, mask
- only effects epidermis
- the minimum amount of time you should wash your hands
- organism which causes infection
- anther word for Universal Precautions
- blisters and may or may not require medical attention
- fracture where bone is coming out through the skin
- fracture common in children, bone is bent
- treatment used for sprains and strains
- used to treat bacterial infections
20 Clues: injury to a joint • only effects epidermis • organism which causes infection • another name for hairline fracture • cannot be treated with antibiotics • used to treat bacterial infections • anther word for Universal Precautions • injury to a muscle for over or misuse • treatment used for sprains and strains • fracture common in children, bone is bent • ...
Cardiovascular System: Blood 2023-03-30
- what is the shape of the RBS erythrocyt?
- (orange-yellow pigment)
- platelets
- Formation of all blood cells
- Forms the nonprotein part of hemeoglobin and some other biological molecules
- Protein the body produces "ATTACK"any forgein material "mark for Death"
- A mineral that the body needs for growth and development
- They help form blod clots to stop bleeding when yo have an injuy
- White blood cells
- red blood cells lack of what?
- Formation or erythrocytes(red blood cells)
- samll heme-proteins that reversibly bind oxygen
- Protein that does not belong inside the body "ATTACK"the detected Antigen
- Formation of thrombocytes (platelets)
- An important heat-trapping gas, or greenhouse gas
- A person trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing
- Cannot have B or AB blood
- The pncture of a vein as part of a medical procedure, typically to withdraw
- what does RBS stand for?
- red blood cells
20 Clues: platelets • red blood cells • White blood cells • (orange-yellow pigment) • what does RBS stand for? • Cannot have B or AB blood • Formation of all blood cells • red blood cells lack of what? • Formation of thrombocytes (platelets) • what is the shape of the RBS erythrocyt? • Formation or erythrocytes(red blood cells) • samll heme-proteins that reversibly bind oxygen • ...
Medicines and drugs 2015-03-05
- ,medicines that prevent disease
- ,are pain relievers
- drugs, ,chemical that affect the central nervous system
- ,refers to increase male characteristics
- ,refers to muscles building
- ,prescribed to relieve anxiety,muscle spasms.and nervousness
- ,occasionally referred as uppers
- ,extracts of blood fluids contain antibodies
- ,white powder extracted from the leaves of the coca plant
- abuse, ,unnecessary or improper use of chemical substance for non-medical purpose
- ,substances whose fumes are sniffed and inhaled to achive a mind altering effect
- ,stimulants used in prescription drug to reduce fatigue and suppress appetite
- ,used to treat or prevent problems.
- ,suppress the virus but do not kill it
- ,destroy disease & kill harmful bacteria
- ,preparation of a cannabis plant used as a psychoactive drug
- ,drugs that tend to slow down the cns
- ,odorless,colorless,tasteless
- ,drugs that are obtained only by prescription and used to relieve pain
- ,used before surgery for a medical or dental procedure to produce loss of consciousness
20 Clues: ,are pain relievers • ,refers to muscles building • ,odorless,colorless,tasteless • ,medicines that prevent disease • ,occasionally referred as uppers • ,used to treat or prevent problems. • ,drugs that tend to slow down the cns • ,suppress the virus but do not kill it • ,refers to increase male characteristics • ,destroy disease & kill harmful bacteria • ...
MA 50/105 Spelling and Terminology - Week 5 2017-02-18
- Surgical repair
- Debts and financial obligations
- Writing or a recording
- Inflammation
- Usual, customary and reasonable
- Pertaining to the kidney
- Indicate specialties, instruments and surgical or diagnostic procedure
- Surgical removal
- Within or inside
- Medical and paycheck insurance for workers
- Make an action or process easier
- Person recieving service
- Itemized statement of assets
- Provider is paid a fixed fee
- Value of property owned by a business
- Yellow
- Pertaining to the heart
- System of monitoring
- White
- Utilization Ratio
- Authorization for someone other than the PCP
- Not part of the patient doctor relationship
- Record of checks written
- Person or organization providing the service
- Procedure to determine the cost of each service
- Surgical puncture to withdraw fluid
- Uniformed Bill 04- used extensively for acute care
- Civilian Health and Medical Program Veteran's Administration
- Indicate numbers, measurments, position, direction, negatives, and color
- To create an opening
30 Clues: White • Yellow • Inflammation • Surgical repair • Surgical removal • Within or inside • Utilization Ratio • System of monitoring • To create an opening • Writing or a recording • Pertaining to the heart • Record of checks written • Pertaining to the kidney • Person recieving service • Itemized statement of assets • Provider is paid a fixed fee • Debts and financial obligations • ...
Choice board 2024-03-06
- optional money taken out for your retirement
- money taken out of your paycheck
- first page of letter
- the minimum hourly rate
- optional money taken out for medical expenses
- how much you are paid hourly
- a part of the process pf getting a job
- highlights all of your accomplishments
- money taken out for retirement
- talking to there in a workplace setting and getting your name out there
- when a person is paid for work
- being professional at work
- amount of money you make yearly
- how much money you make or earned
- Federal Insurance Contributions Act
- income after money taken out
- money taken out for medical expenses
- a person who can highlight your skills and positives
- Also known as the job market, and refers to the supply and demand for labor
- how much you make
- letter written for you to get a job
- temporary job (usually 2-3 months)
- skills that are learned
- this is aside from your salary/wage
24 Clues: how much you make • first page of letter • the minimum hourly rate • skills that are learned • being professional at work • income after money taken out • how much you are paid hourly • money taken out for retirement • when a person is paid for work • amount of money you make yearly • money taken out of your paycheck • how much money you make or earned • ...
Physical therapy 2018-08-20
crossword game 2024-01-20
Manner of Death 2022-09-06
Manner of Death 2022-09-06
Medical Terminology- Lesson 3 2020-12-08
- means head
- means rib
- means record
- means extremities
- means self
- means development
- means upon
- means pain
- means above
- means falling
- means break, burst
- means twist
- means tongue
- means backwards
- means madness
- means sac
- means binding
- means water
- means suture
- means decrease
- means original production
- means teeth
- means rub, friction
- means breast
- means cancer
25 Clues: means rib • means sac • means head • means self • means upon • means pain • means water • means teeth • means above • means twist • means tongue • means record • means suture • means breast • means cancer • means madness • means binding • means falling • means decrease • means backwards • means extremities • means development • means break, burst • means rub, friction • means original production
Medical Terminology and Abbreviations 2021-06-03
- back lying position
- high
- fast
- at or toward the back of the body
- the part farthest from the center or point of attachment
- the point nearest to the center or to the point of origin
- nothing by mouth
- activities of daily living
- every 2 hours
- at or toward the front of the body
- before meals
- stomach
- right upper quadrant
- at or near the middle of the body or body part
- intake and output
- skin
- urinary tract infection
- slow
- eye
- night
- decreased or less than normal
- by mouth
- oxygen
- away from the mid-line or at the side of the body or body part
- left lower quadrant
- after meals
- bedtime
- urinalysis
- blood
- twice a day
- large
- range of motion
- when necessary or as needed
- heart
- four times a day
- three times a day
- bowel movement
- as desired
38 Clues: eye • high • fast • skin • slow • night • blood • large • heart • oxygen • bedtime • stomach • by mouth • urinalysis • as desired • after meals • twice a day • before meals • every 2 hours • bowel movement • range of motion • nothing by mouth • four times a day • intake and output • three times a day • back lying position • left lower quadrant • right upper quadrant • urinary tract infection • activities of daily living • ...
N154 Medical Terminology Crossword 2022-09-19
- poison
- painful, difficult
- this prefix goes through or across something
- near or close to point of attachment
- vomiting
- urination
- tumor or fluid collection
- this prefix means going slow
- this root means yellow
- visual inspection or examination
- this root means stomach
- removal
- swelling
- abnormal condition
- this prefix goes against something
- study of
- eating, swallowing
- this prefix shows something is under or below
- flow discharge
- this prefix shows something is new
- this root means large intestine
21 Clues: poison • removal • swelling • study of • vomiting • urination • flow discharge • abnormal condition • painful, difficult • eating, swallowing • this root means yellow • this root means stomach • tumor or fluid collection • this prefix means going slow • this root means large intestine • visual inspection or examination • this prefix goes against something • this prefix shows something is new • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson #3 2022-08-31
25 Clues: sac • rib • upon • self • pain • teeth • twist • above • water • tongue • breast • suture • record • cancer • binding • madness • decrease • backwards • extremities • development • break,burst • rub,friction • head (brain) • drooping,falling • original,production
Medical Terminonlogy Lesson #5 2022-09-15
25 Clues: egg • ear • spot • gate • bile • milk • tear • coil • scale • organ • under • wedge • chest • tumor • mouth • fungus • against • bladder • puncture • membrane • great toe • nail;claw • suspension • blind passage • marrow,spinal cord
Week 1 Medical Terminology 2022-08-16
25 Clues: gum • nose • Skin • soft • tumor • gland • brain • Heart • liver • joint • eyelid • kidney • vessel • Stomach • disease • study of • Enlarged • cut into • specialist • intestines • Inflammation • any condition • surgical repair • surgical repair • involuntary contraction
Medical Terminology Lesson 7 2022-12-08
25 Clues: Sun • Bad • Eye • Body • Hard • Hard • Tear • Foot • Hard • Mind • Neck • Place • Ankle • Equal • Sleep • Cavity • Weakness • To Secrete • Sheet, Band • Star Shaped • Wall, Fence • Hollow Space • Abdominal Wall • Ties, Connection • Labor, Bring Forth
Medical Terms Lesson 7 2022-12-07
25 Clues: bad • eye • sun • hard • mind • neck • foot • hard • body • hard • tear • sleep • equal • place • ankle • cavity • weakness • to separate • sheet, band • star shaped • wall, fence • hollow space • abdominal wall • ties, connection • labor, bring forward
Unit 5 Medical Terminology 2022-10-21
- condition when the veins are swollen and dilated often found in the legs
- procedure that uses x-ray dye to diagnose things like narrowing or aneurysms
- outside of a castle but the castle is your heart
- of the rooms of the heart
- to measure certain items in the blood that may indicate heart muscle damage
- or insufficient
- condition that causes increased pressure in the blood vessels
- and close quick for the flow of blood
- condition where the pericardial sac around the heart is inflamed
- surgical procedure in which the patients heart is replaced with a heart from a donor
- ECG machine that a patient wears over a few days
- condition in which an artery has a weakened wall causing it to swell
- over, or excessive
- of the four chambers that aren't the atria
- tool used to listen for the sounds of the heart and other parts of the body
- take records of such as pictures
- Arrest/The complete stopping of the heart
- type of workouts you do to get in better shape
- puncture to remove fluid
- The shape of love
20 Clues: or insufficient • The shape of love • over, or excessive • puncture to remove fluid • of the rooms of the heart • take records of such as pictures • and close quick for the flow of blood • Arrest/The complete stopping of the heart • of the four chambers that aren't the atria • type of workouts you do to get in better shape • ECG machine that a patient wears over a few days • ...
magnificent medical micro crossoword 2020-05-15
- body's defense against infection and disease
- infectious disease, attacks lungs, causes weight loss, coughing up blood
- looks like rice water, causes profuse diarrhea,
- disease caused by a parasite, spread by mosquitos
- bacteria and other small cells
- also known as cytosporiasis, causes watery non-blody diarrhea
- attacks invaders, circulate through the blood
- crippling and potentially deadly infectious disease, invades brain and spinal cord
- disease, primarily affects horses, affects limbs
- transmissible disease of the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
- hijacks cells, multiplies itself
- rare and deadly disease, causes bleeding all over the body, vomiting,muscle pain, fever, transmitted to people from wild animals
- also known as pink eye
- most common type of meningitis
- type of cell in the body capable of engulfing and
- preventable viral disease, dogs are main source of human transmission
- childhood infection, causes small white spots starting on the face
- branch of science that deals with microorganisms
- food drug administration
- fungus whose spores are present in the air we breathe, affects lungs,causes shortness of breath
- centers for disease and prevention control
21 Clues: also known as pink eye • food drug administration • most common type of meningitis • bacteria and other small cells • hijacks cells, multiplies itself • centers for disease and prevention control • body's defense against infection and disease • attacks invaders, circulate through the blood • looks like rice water, causes profuse diarrhea, • ...
Medical Conditions Part 1 2019-03-23
- tissue death from lack of blood flow
- insufficient blood flow to an area
- programmed self-destruction of body cells
- liver disease
- pain of the ear
- a broken bone that is fragmented or shattered into many pieces
- inflammation of the mastoid bone
- low blood pressure
- enlargement of the spleen
- disease resulting in damage to the optic nerve and vision loss
- symptom of illness marked by yellow-orange discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes
- reduced oxygen in tissues
- double vision
- abnormally rapid heartbeat
- inflammation of the joints
- a potentially life-threatening inflammation of the meninges
- abnormally slow heartbeat
- increase in size or excessive growth of muscles or cells
- inflammation of a tendon
- bone deterioration and formation of pores due to lack of calcium
- pain affecting the back, hip and outer side of the leg caused by compression of the sciatic nerve
- incision of the trachea to restore airflow to the lungs
- a form of arthritis in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes uric acid to build-up in joints and causes pain
- pain of the muscles
- abnormally low red blood cell count
25 Clues: double vision • liver disease • pain of the ear • low blood pressure • pain of the muscles • inflammation of a tendon • reduced oxygen in tissues • abnormally slow heartbeat • enlargement of the spleen • abnormally rapid heartbeat • inflammation of the joints • inflammation of the mastoid bone • insufficient blood flow to an area • abnormally low red blood cell count • ...
Healthcare and Medical Ethics 2019-06-13
- Primary healthcare is covered by the publicly ______ system.
- the ending of a pregnancy
- The life _________ rate of Canada stands at 80.5%.
- an ethical guide for Canadian physicians and medical students.
- human immunodeficiency virus
- ______, children and low-income residents are covered by the government for health care services.
- intentionally ending one's life to relieve pain.
- a legislation which lists the conditions with which the provincial and territorial health insurance programs must conform.
- a substance found in tobacco smoke.
- All Canadian residents have ______ to the necessary hospitals and physician services.
- 69.8% of health costs are paid by the _____________.
- a basic level of the health care system.
- _______ ______ are concerned with moral questions raised by the practice of medicine.
- people who do not qualify for benefits under government plans have to pay through private health _________ plans.
- The ________ government’s job is to provide funding support for the provincial healthcare services.
- when a person allows their organ to be transplanted to another person legally
- Certain groups such as the Inuit and ____ ______ people living on reserves receive direct health care service.
- Healthcare is mainly accessed at _________.
- a legal document where distribution of property after death is explained.
- when someone harms or distresses an elderly person.
20 Clues: the ending of a pregnancy • human immunodeficiency virus • a substance found in tobacco smoke. • a basic level of the health care system. • Healthcare is mainly accessed at _________. • intentionally ending one's life to relieve pain. • The life _________ rate of Canada stands at 80.5%. • when someone harms or distresses an elderly person. • ...
Medical Terminology Lesson 5 2019-09-18
25 Clues: or • sub • oto • onco • rexy • myco • lact • anti • bili • ovar • pyle • onych • vesic • squam • macul • spiro • lacrim • thorac • mening • sphenic • viscero • centesis • cord myel • toe hallux • passage cec