mobile technology Crossword Puzzles

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a program that gives a computer instructions
  2. any small compartment
  3. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  4. a unit of measurement of an information
  5. of or relating to a combinational system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND an OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  6. a computer that is running and access information of general interest
  1. having an output that is proportional to an input
  2. A compact disk that is used with a computer
  3. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  4. A sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  5. andjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  6. the amount of information that can be stored disk drive
  7. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  8. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals
  9. a part of a RAM used for temporary storage of data
  10. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  11. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  12. a copy of a file or directory on an separate storage device
  13. a data transmission rate for moderns

19 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modernsa unit of measurement of an informationA compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionshaving an output that is proportional to an inputa part of a RAM used for temporary storage of datathe amount of information that can be stored disk drive...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a data transmission rate for modems
  2. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  3. ram memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  4. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  5. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  6. a unit of measurement of information
  7. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  8. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  9. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  10. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  1. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  2. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  3. a program that gives a computer instructions
  4. a program used to view HTML documents
  5. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  6. having an output that is proportional to the input
  7. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  8. any small compartment
  9. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data bug a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine

19 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionshaving an output that is proportional to the inputof or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine bulletin board system
  2. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  3. a program that gives a computer instructions
  4. computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  5. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  6. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  7. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  8. a data transmission rate for modems
  9. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  10. having an output that is proportional to the input
  11. a program used to view HTML documents
  1. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  2. a unit of measurement of information
  3. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  4. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  5. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  6. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  7. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  8. the exclusive right to sell a work

19 Clues: the exclusive right to sell a worka data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a data transmission rate for modems
  2. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  3. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  4. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  5. ram memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  7. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  8. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  1. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  2. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  3. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data bug a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  4. a unit of measurement of information
  5. a program that gives a computer instructions
  6. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  7. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  8. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  9. a program used to view HTML documents
  10. having an output that is proportional to the input
  11. any small compartment

19 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionshaving an output that is proportional to the inputof or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base...

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. transfer out of a database or document
  2. something reduced in volume to its full volume
  3. (computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
  4. decompress
  5. the exclusive right to sell a work
  6. a facial expression represented by a sequence of characters
  7. a worldwide network of computer networks
  8. transfer a file or program to a smaller computer
  9. put into a format that can be read or processed by computers
  1. set up for a particular purpose
  2. strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet
  3. the activity of converting data or information into code
  4. crime committed using a computer and the internet
  5. (computer science) a memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored
  6. a listing of the computer files stored in memory
  7. an organized body of related information
  8. publishing (computer science) the use of microcomputers with graphics capacity to produce printed materials
  9. (computer science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions
  10. a short line of text that a web site puts on your computer's hard drive when you access the web site
  11. locate and correct errors in a computer program
  12. the symbolic arrangement of data in a computer program

21 Clues: decompressset up for a particular purposethe exclusive right to sell a worktransfer out of a database or documentan organized body of related informationa worldwide network of computer networkssomething reduced in volume to its full volumelocate and correct errors in a computer programcrime committed using a computer and the internet...

Information Technology 2023-04-20

Information Technology crossword puzzle
  1. search operators are and, or and not
  2. the creation of anonymous functions at runtime in python
  3. What is the method inside the class in python language?
  4. Another name for conditional operator
  5. What do we use to define a block of code in Python language?
  6. pointing device
  7. start up of the computer
  8. collection of data with a name
  9. is a feature that allows a subclass or child class to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by one of its super-classes or parent classes
  1. is an object-oriented programming language
  2. looks like a class but it is not a class
  3. part of the computer where all other parts of the computer are connected
  4. are devices that are used to store data
  5. a program that is designed to disrupt the normal working of your computer
  6. Random Access Memory
  7. The bitwise AND operator is used for
  8. visual display unit
  9. used to send and receive computer files via telephone lines
  10. Read only Memory

19 Clues: pointing deviceRead only Memoryvisual display unitRandom Access Memorystart up of the computercollection of data with a namesearch operators are and, or and notThe bitwise AND operator is used forAnother name for conditional operatorare devices that are used to store datalooks like a class but it is not a class...

computer technology 2016-02-10

computer technology crossword puzzle
  1. card for the DVD to spin around so it can read if it can work
  2. pad for the mouse to control the arrow in the computer to move it
  3. tower to turn on a monitor for the computer
  4. to save a persons documents
  5. a device that you can print a paper from the computer
  6. sink and fan a device to see it the computer it to hot
  7. to program a device or a laptop or a computer
  8. a platform that has letters on it
  9. drive a device that can save anyone's games and work
  1. a person that can hack a computer
  2. a bug that can hack a computer or any other device
  3. cable for the internet to have connection
  4. the screen of a computer
  5. a camera to face time with people so they can see the person
  6. a device that is that same as a computer
  7. to purchase a free game on a device
  8. to scan a paper and to see the results on the monitor
  9. phones to listen to music on a computer or a laptop
  10. supply a device for the computer to turn on
  11. drive put put a movie in the CPU tower to play the film

20 Clues: the screen of a computerto save a persons documentsa person that can hack a computera platform that has letters on itto purchase a free game on a devicea device that is that same as a computercable for the internet to have connectiontower to turn on a monitor for the computersupply a device for the computer to turn on...

technology vocabulary 2017-06-14

technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Omh's law and has three quantities and this is one of them
  2. energy can't be created or ruined but it can be converted from one ____ to another
  3. energy is energy associated with motion
  4. energy is defined as the ability to do ___
  5. energy generation creates dangerous waste by-products
  6. terrariums and hydroponics stations are the most common types of artificial ___
  7. technology for converting the sun's radiant energy
  8. any technology no one has thought of before
  9. use of different modes of transportation
  10. construction is the systematic act or process of ____
  1. method of incremental improvement
  2. a renewable energy source
  3. is a working model of a product or system
  4. use of living organisms to improve foods, medicines, and products
  5. systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved
  6. very fast trains that have magnets that repel eachother
  7. generally includes primary and secondary processing
  8. activity would not be classified as materials processing
  9. it has to do with structures and a number of requirements

19 Clues: a renewable energy sourcemethod of incremental improvementenergy is energy associated with motionuse of different modes of transportationis a working model of a product or systemenergy is defined as the ability to do ___any technology no one has thought of beforetechnology for converting the sun's radiant energy...

Technology Crossword 2017-06-13

Technology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Energy associated with motion
  2. This began with the discovery of copper and copper-based metals
  3. The Age started with the development of stone tools used for hunting, cutting, and pounding vegetables and meat
  4. are abrupt and obvious, and at other times, they are evolutionary and subtle
  5. and hydroponics most common type of artificial ecosystem
  6. accomplished by objects that were invented by humanity
  7. the outcome of living things with genetic codes
  8. This Age defined by the use of iron and steel as the primary materials for tools
  9. blank technologies have had enormous impact on the development of the transportation system
  10. Method of incremental improvement
  1. During the Stone Age, all humans were
  2. have a life time expectancy
  3. a time of rebirth of the arts and humanities, was also an important development in the history of technology
  4. A material’s resistance to failure by permanent deformation
  5. the history of technology is also studying the process of
  6. The history of technology is the history of
  7. were developed to improve the cultivation of food and its supply
  8. The evolution of *blank* has been directly affected by, and has in turn affected, the development and use of tools and materials
  9. systematic process of building

19 Clues: have a life time expectancyEnergy associated with motionsystematic process of buildingMethod of incremental improvementDuring the Stone Age, all humans wereThe history of technology is the history ofthe outcome of living things with genetic codesaccomplished by objects that were invented by humanity...

AI & Technology 2024-01-12

AI & Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Ability of AI to understand and respond to human emotions
  2. Ethical principle of using AI transparently and responsibly
  3. Large language models trained on massive datasets
  4. Ability of AI to learn and improve through experience
  5. AI program designed to play games strategically and competitively
  6. Self-learning algorithms inspired by natural processes
  7. Unmanned aerial vehicles used for mapping and delivery
  8. Autonomous vehicles that navigate without human input
  1. Facial recognition technology with potential privacy concerns
  2. Ethical concern about AI favoring one group over another
  3. Software that can write human-quality text based on prompts
  4. Ethical principle of ensuring AI remains under human control
  5. Programming robots to mimic human movements and actions
  6. Connecting devices and objects for communication and automation
  7. Ethical principle of ensuring AI benefits all of humanity
  8. Simulation of physical world experiences in a computer
  9. Combining real and virtual elements in one environment
  10. Interconnected virtual world for interacting and gaming
  11. Massive computations performed by a network of interconnected computers

19 Clues: Large language models trained on massive datasetsAbility of AI to learn and improve through experienceAutonomous vehicles that navigate without human inputSimulation of physical world experiences in a computerCombining real and virtual elements in one environmentSelf-learning algorithms inspired by natural processes...

Educational Technology 2024-04-12

Educational Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Standards for Technology Education
  2. Academic Dishonesty
  3. List of sites visited
  4. Open Educational Resources
  5. Uniform Resource Locator
  6. Stages of Development Theorists
  7. Online Database
  8. Curation Website
  9. Unlimited capacity to hold information
  1. Smartboard
  2. Technological Harassment
  3. Resources used to support teaching and learning
  4. Browser Website
  5. Microblog
  6. Wires and Cords
  7. Problem of Practice
  8. Video Conferencing
  9. Handheld technologies
  10. Digital Footprint

19 Clues: MicroblogSmartboardBrowser WebsiteWires and CordsOnline DatabaseCuration WebsiteDigital FootprintVideo ConferencingAcademic DishonestyProblem of PracticeList of sites visitedHandheld technologiesTechnological HarassmentUniform Resource LocatorOpen Educational ResourcesStages of Development TheoristsStandards for Technology Education...

Kelompok 3 2023-02-10

Kelompok 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Sebutkan salah satu komponen cloud computing
  2. Salah satu konsep salah satu konsep awal mobile computing adalah
  3. Salah satu layanan cloud computing
  4. Prinsip kerja utama mobile computing
  5. Salah satu keterbatasan mobile computing
  1. menyewakan tempat kepada para pengguna untuk menjalankan aplikasi adalah fungsi dari
  2. Comtoh dari public cloud adalah
  3. Kombinasi dari public cloud adalah
  4. Kapasitas komputasi dapat disediakan secara disediakan
  5. Apa yang mengacu pada sumber daya komputasi yang digunakan secara eksklusif oleh satu bisnis atau organisasi

10 Clues: Comtoh dari public cloud adalahKombinasi dari public cloud adalahSalah satu layanan cloud computingPrinsip kerja utama mobile computingSalah satu keterbatasan mobile computingSebutkan salah satu komponen cloud computingKapasitas komputasi dapat disediakan secara disediakanSalah satu konsep salah satu konsep awal mobile computing adalah...

ROAD SAFETY 2015-01-08

ROAD SAFETY crossword puzzle
  2. IVRE
  8. VELO


Software 2022-10-18

Software crossword puzzle
  1. Perangkat lunak disebut
  2. Salah satu mobile application-aplikasi komersial yang terkenal adalah
  3. Search engine yang terkenal adalah
  4. Search engine yang biasa digunakan apple adalah
  5. Tempat untuk menyimpan file yaitu
  1. Salah satu mobile application-sosial media yang terkenal adalah
  2. Salah satu mobile application-aplikasi komersial yang biasa digunakan untuk ojek online, food delivery, dsb adalah
  3. Salah satu aplikasi multimedia yang biasa digunakan untuk mendengarkan lagu adalah
  4. Microsoft yang digunakan untuk mengelola angka
  5. Aplikasi pengolah kata adalah

10 Clues: Perangkat lunak disebutAplikasi pengolah kata adalahTempat untuk menyimpan file yaituSearch engine yang terkenal adalahMicrosoft yang digunakan untuk mengelola angkaSearch engine yang biasa digunakan apple adalahSalah satu mobile application-sosial media yang terkenal adalahSalah satu mobile application-aplikasi komersial yang terkenal adalah...


CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. - extreme
  2. - force
  3. - phone
  4. - sum
  5. - alphabet
  6. - one
  7. - he, she, them
  8. - no limit
  1. - chocolate
  2. - now
  3. - rhyme
  4. - pasta
  5. - pattern
  6. - round, but longer
  7. - plant
  8. - fish
  9. - ancient
  10. - monster

18 Clues: - now- sum- one- fish- rhyme- pasta- force- phone- plant- extreme- pattern- ancient- monster- alphabet- no limit- chocolate- he, she, them- round, but longer

hs web definitions 2013-09-03

hs web definitions crossword puzzle
  1. Short for "Web Log," this term refers to a list of journal entries posted on a Web page.
  2. a mobile phone that includes advanced functionality beyond making phone calls and sending text messages.
  3. World Wide Web
  4. media a collection of Internet-based communities that allow users to interact with each other online.
  5. used to verify that a human, rather than a computer,
  6. "computer screen"
  7. the primary user interface of a computer. When you boot up your computer
  8. spreads across the globe and consists of countless networks and computers
  9. The term computer file management refers to the manipulation of documents and data in files on a computer.
  10. An instance of a relief pitcher saving a game.
  11. Uniform (or universal) resource locator, the address of a World Wide Web page.
  1. The mouse
  2. is the program people use to access the World Wide Web
  3. a marker for a Web site
  4. Google, Excite, Lycos, AltaVista, Infoseek, and Yahoo are all ?
  5. Short for "Wireless Fidelity
  6. Information Communication Technology
  7. address In computing, a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies where an identified resource is...
  8. is the embodiment of a person or idea.
  9. junk e-mail or irrelevant postings to a newsgroup or bulletin board.

20 Clues: The mouseWorld Wide Web"computer screen"a marker for a Web siteShort for "Wireless FidelityInformation Communication Technologyis the embodiment of a person or idea.An instance of a relief pitcher saving a game.used to verify that a human, rather than a computer,is the program people use to access the World Wide Web...

IED Crossword Challenge 2017-12-09

IED Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. We are able to move quickly in projects with this process
  2. IT or OT, now everybody will join to this network
  3. discipline to design the box that accomodates circuits
  4. More Intelligent cloud!
  5. From intelligent to ----- we have grown, so also our IED acronym
  6. We made a gateway fit inside a breaker,
  7. Emerging trend to speed up our verification activities
  8. Small label attached for measuring electrical parameters
  9. Not only mother of all life, but also mother of all firmware
  10. Wireless technology in our products to connect to mobile
  1. Descendant of -- means mountain, but its our electronic building blocks
  2. Commercial name of this energy monitoring gateway ending with letter for unknown
  3. Together we will have an Access Point
  4. Fish that captures packets the from the cable
  5. Network bus present everywhere
  6. Acronym for our new Low Cost microprocessor platform
  7. Todays meeting
  8. traditional mode of data communication as if inside a public vehicle
  9. Collaborative tool we use that binds people of the project together
  10. Schneider Electric Internal standard for product development doesn't often change
  11. Codified world for Electronic Component Database
  12. New strategic domain to make us free from danger
  13. Neither Swift, nor hawk, but a fast messaging protocol defined by IEC standard

23 Clues: Todays meetingMore Intelligent cloud!Network bus present everywhereTogether we will have an Access PointWe made a gateway fit inside a breaker,Fish that captures packets the from the cableCodified world for Electronic Component DatabaseNew strategic domain to make us free from dangerIT or OT, now everybody will join to this network...

IED Crossword Challenge 2017-12-09

IED Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Commercial name of this energy monitoring gateway ending with letter for unknown
  2. Not only mother of all life, but also mother of all firmware
  3. Todays meeting
  4. Together we will have an Access Point
  5. Fish that captures packets the from the cable
  6. From intelligent to ----- we have grown, so also our IED acronym
  7. IT or OT, now everybody will join to this network
  8. traditional mode of data communication as if inside a public vehicle
  9. Wireless technology in our products to connect to mobile
  10. New strategic domain to make us free from danger
  11. Collaborative tool we use that binds people of the project together
  12. Acronym for our new Low Cost microprocessor platform
  13. Neither Swift, nor hawk, but a fast messaging protocol defined by IEC standard
  1. Descendant of -- means mountain, but its our electronic building blocks
  2. Schneider Electric Internal standard for product development doesn't often change
  3. discipline to design the box that accomodates circuits
  4. Small label attached for measuring electrical parameters
  5. More Intelligent cloud!
  6. Emerging trend to speed up our verification activities
  7. We made a gateway fit inside a breaker,
  8. We are able to move quickly in projects with this process
  9. Network bus present everywhere
  10. Codified world for Electronic Component Database

23 Clues: Todays meetingMore Intelligent cloud!Network bus present everywhereTogether we will have an Access PointWe made a gateway fit inside a breaker,Fish that captures packets the from the cableNew strategic domain to make us free from dangerCodified world for Electronic Component DatabaseIT or OT, now everybody will join to this network...

A-Z of ICT Crossword 2017-06-25

A-Z of ICT Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Online learning tool starting with the letter 'Q'
  2. A unit of information equal to one sextillion
  3. A network that connects computers and other devices in a relatively small area
  4. A collection of physical parts of a computer system
  5. Examples include Facebook
  6. A group of computers linked together
  7. Supplies a device with mechanical of electrical energy
  8. One of the main search engines
  9. A type of high speed internet connection.
  10. A video sharing website
  11. A unit of information equal to one million bytes
  12. A mark up language much like HTML
  13. A software program that infects computers
  14. Controlled by of connected to a computer
  15. A object on a computer that stores data, information and settings
  1. A software developed by Microsoft to allow users to calculate data using a spreadsheet
  2. A worldwide system of computer networks
  3. The science of application of knowledge for practical purposes
  4. A programming language
  5. A mobile phone that preforms many functions of a computer
  6. A part of the computer system commonly referred to as the "Brains of a computer
  7. Random Access Memory
  8. A panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter
  9. Uniform resource locater
  10. A computer suitable for use at an ordinary 'desk'
  11. A facility allowing devices to connect to the internet

26 Clues: Random Access MemoryA programming languageA video sharing websiteUniform resource locaterExamples include FacebookOne of the main search enginesA mark up language much like HTMLA group of computers linked togetherA worldwide system of computer networksControlled by of connected to a computerA type of high speed internet connection....

Entertainment and Media 2020-06-02

Entertainment and Media crossword puzzle
  1. you see or hear drives away the Spirit.
  2. Satan uses media to _____ you
  3. Pornography limits your ability to feel true ___
  4. Satan makes what is wrong and evil look normal, humorous, or _______
  5. The _________ will give you strength to make correct choices
  6. Whatever you read, listen to, or ___ has an effect on you
  7. Spending long periods of time with media can keep you from _____ interactions with other people
  8. Select only media that _____ you
  9. Turn off a ______, television, or mobile device if
  1. Pornography can become a destructive _____.
  2. Have the _____ to walk out of a movie, change your music, or turn something off
  3. You live in a day of marvelous __________
  4. Satan tells us breaking God's commandments will have no negative ______
  5. Pornography is a ____ that weakens your self-control, destroys your feelings of self-worth, and changes the way you see others.
  6. Some entertainment can lead us away from this
  7. Avoid pornography at ___ costs.
  8. Do not participate in anything that presents _____ or violence as acceptable
  9. Do not attend, _____, or participate in anything that is vulgar, immoral, violent, or pornographic in any way.
  10. Pornography causes you to lose the guidance of the ____.
  11. _____ your safety and the safety of others by taking care what you share through technology

20 Clues: Satan uses media to _____ youAvoid pornography at ___ costs.Select only media that _____ youyou see or hear drives away the Spirit.You live in a day of marvelous __________Pornography can become a destructive _____.Some entertainment can lead us away from thisPornography limits your ability to feel true ___...

PuzzlE 2023-06-06

PuzzlE crossword puzzle
  1. Part of the computer system that one can physically touch
  2. Standard communications protocol for electronic exchange of data over short distances
  3. System that manages and organizes computer's activities and shares resources among all programs
  4. A programming language known for its use in web development
  5. A collection of information stored and accessed electronically
  6. Graphics processing unit
  7. Coding language developed at MIT designed to teach programming concepts to children
  8. A popular open-source relational database
  9. High-level programming language known for its simple syntax
  10. Central Processing Unit
  1. Programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, now owned by Oracle
  2. Measure of CPU speed
  3. A service offered by Google that allows you to store and share files online
  4. A worldwide network of interconnected networks and computers
  5. Number system used in digital electronics and computer programming
  6. Refers to software that is used to protect your computer against unwanted intrusions
  7. Personal Computer
  8. Temporary storage in computer where it holds data that CPU uses
  9. A high-capacity, self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks
  10. The technology that allows for wireless communication between devices over short distances
  11. Cloud computing platform and API offered by Amazon
  12. Part of the computer where most calculations take place
  13. Apple's mobile operating system

23 Clues: Personal ComputerMeasure of CPU speedCentral Processing UnitGraphics processing unitApple's mobile operating systemA popular open-source relational databaseCloud computing platform and API offered by AmazonPart of the computer where most calculations take placePart of the computer system that one can physically touch...

Per 2 Chapter 12- Rangel , L 2023-03-27

Per 2 Chapter 12- Rangel , L crossword puzzle
  1. a method for removing restrictions and protections added to mobile operating systems, but typically on iOS devices
  2. a program that can understand natural conversational language by using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and voice recognition
  3. remotely locks an android device using a passcode
  4. contains sample of code used by viruses and malware
  5. moves files or directories
  6. a backup tool in OS X
  7. allows phone calls by using wifi networks
  8. a method used on Android devices for removing restrictions and protections added to mobile operating systems
  9. changes the current directory
  10. a closed source Unix based operating system for smartphones and tablets made by Apple
  11. removes files and directories
  12. a file hosting service and synchronization service operated by Microsoft
  13. a cloud service provided by Apple for iOS amd OS X devices
  14. the security credentials manager for Linux
  15. store mobile device data in the cloud
  16. a navigation system that determines the time and geographical location of the device by using messages from satellites in space and a receiver located on the device
  1. a service that can be used to schedule tasks on Linux and macOS
  2. find a mobile device that has been lost or stolen
  3. programs that are executed on mobile devices
  4. the security credentials manager for macOS
  5. a cloud service developed by Google to provide file storage and synchronization service
  6. a monitoring system included in computer hard disk drives to detect and report drive status
  7. creates a directory under the current directory
  8. software providing low level functionality for a device
  9. displays the name of a current directory
  10. an open source, Linux based smartphone/tablet operating system
  11. remotely lock an iOS device using a passcode
  12. used mostly in physical store transactions such as a consumer paying for goods or services, is based on a unique ID
  13. a feature of a computer system that allows booting from more than one operating system
  14. displays the files inside a directory
  15. OS updates released periodically by OS vendor to address new known vulnerabilities
  16. delete all data on an android device and return into a factory state
  17. a private network established through a public network to remote sites
  18. store iOS backups on a local PC
  19. copies files from source to destination

35 Clues: a backup tool in OS Xmoves files or directorieschanges the current directoryremoves files and directoriesstore iOS backups on a local PCdisplays the files inside a directorystore mobile device data in the cloudcopies files from source to destinationdisplays the name of a current directoryallows phone calls by using wifi networks...

Concrete Technology 2020-03-11

Concrete Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Used for general concrete work.
  2. The determination of the exact amount of each ingredient that is ti be placed into a specific mix.
  3. Cement suitable for use in foundations where there a re low levels of sulphate.
  4. A special equipment used in volume batching
  5. Used to measure the workability of the concete.
  6. This is essential to ensure a good mix.
  7. A combination of limestone, silica and water.
  8. Cement that contains aluminum ore.
  9. The second number in the ratio 1:2:3 mix.
  1. This is mixed with cement powder to form a paste.
  2. The increase in volume of a given quantity of sand due to moisture in any concrete mix.
  3. The more reliable system of batching.
  4. A substance the binds the aggregates together into a very dense material.
  5. A test that shows the best possible strength concrete can reach in perfect condition.
  6. The chemical process of cement absorbing water.
  7. A mixture of cement, fine aggregates and water.
  8. A type of mixing method.
  9. To ensure adequate strength Concrete should be left to cure for a minimum of......
  10. An equipment needed to perform the slump test.
  11. The ability of wet concrete to be able to be placed and worked with ease.

20 Clues: A type of mixing method.Used for general concrete work.Cement that contains aluminum ore.The more reliable system of batching.This is essential to ensure a good mix.The second number in the ratio 1:2:3 mix.A special equipment used in volume batchingA combination of limestone, silica and water.An equipment needed to perform the slump test....

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the exclusive right to sell a work
  2. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  3. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  4. computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  5. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  6. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  7. a program that gives a computer instructions
  8. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  9. a program used to view HTML documents
  1. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine bulletin board system
  2. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  3. having an output that is proportional to the input
  4. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  5. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  6. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  7. a unit of measurement of information
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  9. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  10. a data transmission rate for modems

19 Clues: the exclusive right to sell a worka data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. publishing (computer science) the use of microcomputers with graphics capacity to produce printed materials
  2. strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet
  3. a facial expression represented by a sequence of characters
  4. the activity of converting data or information into code
  5. the symbolic arrangement of data in a computer program
  6. the exclusive right to sell a work
  7. crime committed using a computer and the internet
  8. put into a format that can be read or processed by computers
  9. something reduced in volume to its full volume
  10. decompress
  11. (computer science) a memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored
  1. (computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
  2. transfer a file or program to a smaller computer
  3. a worldwide network of computer networks
  4. a listing of the computer files stored in memory
  5. science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions
  6. set up for a particular purpose
  7. transfer out of a database or document
  8. locate and correct errors in a computer program
  9. an organized body of related information
  10. a short line of text that a web site puts on your computer's hard drive when you access the web site

21 Clues: decompressset up for a particular purposethe exclusive right to sell a worka worldwide network of computer networkstransfer out of a database or documentan organized body of related informationsomething reduced in volume to its full volumelocate and correct errors in a computer programcrime committed using a computer and the internet...

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. transfer out of a database or document
  2. something reduced in volume to its full volume
  3. (computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
  4. decompress
  5. the exclusive right to sell a work
  6. a facial expression represented by a sequence of characters
  7. a worldwide network of computer networks
  8. transfer a file or program to a smaller computer
  9. put into a format that can be read or processed by computers
  1. set up for a particular purpose
  2. strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet
  3. the activity of converting data or information into code
  4. crime committed using a computer and the internet
  5. (computer science) a memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored
  6. a listing of the computer files stored in memory
  7. an organized body of related information
  8. publishing (computer science) the use of microcomputers with graphics capacity to produce printed materials
  9. (computer science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions
  10. a short line of text that a web site puts on your computer's hard drive when you access the web site
  11. locate and correct errors in a computer program
  12. the symbolic arrangement of data in a computer program

21 Clues: decompressset up for a particular purposethe exclusive right to sell a worktransfer out of a database or documentan organized body of related informationa worldwide network of computer networkssomething reduced in volume to its full volumelocate and correct errors in a computer programcrime committed using a computer and the internet...

Energy Technology 2016-12-02

Energy Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Most used source of energy for generating electricity
  2. The ability to do work.
  3. Increases or decreases voltage.
  4. The material used to produce nuclear power.
  5. Type of energy that we will eventually run out of.
  6. Splitting an atom.
  7. The most used source of energy when transportation is included.
  8. Heat produced from the earth's core.
  9. Harmful waves given off by unstable uranium.
  10. Unit of power.
  1. Energy produced from the energy of the sun.
  2. Energy from the gravitational effect of falling water.
  3. Combining two atoms.
  4. gas Most used source of energy for heating homes.
  5. Type of energy that we won't run out of.
  6. Cells that convert the sun's energy into electricity.
  7. Cylindrical device with which turns by by pressurized steam.
  8. One thousand watts.
  9. The demand of electrical power.

19 Clues: Unit of power.Splitting an atom.One thousand watts.Combining two atoms.The ability to do work.Increases or decreases voltage.The demand of electrical power.Heat produced from the earth's core.Type of energy that we won't run out of.Energy produced from the energy of the sun.The material used to produce nuclear power....

"Technology" words 2019-08-27

"Technology" words crossword puzzle
  1. you shouldn't buy _______ software - it's illegal!
  2. a new or improved idea or method
  3. specialized hardware or software designed to prevent unauthorized access into or out of a computer or network
  4. a group of connected computers which share resources
  5. a new idea or factor that significantly changes an existing situation or way of doing something
  6. if you don't like wires messing up your desk, you need to get a ______ mouse
  7. an image of what is displayed on the screen of a computer or mobile device
  1. a blinking symbol on the screen that shows where any new text will next be entered
  2. making a process in a factory operated by machines or computers in order to reduce the amount of work done by humans
  3. important development or discovery
  4. the process of creating something which has never been made before
  5. ouch! you can lose all your data when your computers ______
  6. abbreviation for 'frequently asked questions'
  7. typically a piece of electrical equipment, such as a kettle or toaster, that uses less advanced technology
  8. you can use this program for maths and accounts - it is good for making charts
  9. little label that looks like piano keys and is read by the computers in the supermarkets
  10. a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment
  11. a book published in digital form and read on a computer or other dedicated electronic device
  12. abbreviation for 'internet service provider'

19 Clues: a new or improved idea or methodimportant development or discoveryabbreviation for 'internet service provider'abbreviation for 'frequently asked questions'you shouldn't buy _______ software - it's illegal!a group of connected computers which share resourcesouch! you can lose all your data when your computers ______...

DNA Technology 2021-11-29

DNA Technology crossword puzzle
  1. What is the start codon
  2. Creates an identical copy of something
  3. Hormone to regulate the glucose in your bloodstream.
  4. Restriction enzymes ending.
  5. How many stop codons are there.
  6. What is modified to produce a transgenic organism?
  7. The basic building block of a nucleic acid.
  8. How many start codons are there
  9. DNA is ____ charged
  10. What kind of fragments move slower in gel electrophoresis.
  11. Used to regulate diabetics
  1. A project where multiple scientist around the world attempted to fulfill the complete genetic sequence of humans
  2. How many steps are there in bacterial transformation
  3. Insulin is an example of a ____ organism
  4. Technique that separates molecules based on size is Gel ____
  5. Insulin costs ___ due to transgenic organisms
  6. Genetically Modified Organisms
  7. DNA ___ is used to identify individuals, crime/paternity tests cataloging endangered species, how organisms are related
  8. Genetic makeup of an organism.
  9. What Kind of fragments move faster in gel electrophoresis

20 Clues: DNA is ____ chargedWhat is the start codonUsed to regulate diabeticsRestriction enzymes ending.Genetically Modified OrganismsGenetic makeup of an organism.How many stop codons are there.How many start codons are thereCreates an identical copy of somethingInsulin is an example of a ____ organismThe basic building block of a nucleic acid....


  1. a copy of a file or a directory on separate storage device
  2. an online journal where people psto about their experiences
  3. a sequence of data procedessed as single unti of information
  4. a computer that is running software that allows users
  5. RAM memory that is set aside as specalized buffer storage
  6. a foult or defectin a computer program, system, or machine
  7. aprogram used to view HTML documents
  8. a program that gives a computer instructions
  9. adjusting the parts of something in a relation to each other
  1. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised b Gorge Boole that combines propositions with the loggical operations AND and OR and IF THEN and EXPECT and NOT
  2. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  3. a data transmission rate for modems
  4. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values
  5. an unit of measurement of information
  6. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  7. having an output that is proportional to the input
  8. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be devided and shared by multiple simultaeous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  9. of or perttaining to a number system having 2 as it's base
  10. any samll compartment

19 Clues: any samll compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsaprogram used to view HTML documentsan unit of measurement of informationa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology Vocab 2023-03-06

Technology Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over computer networks, especially the internet.
  2. a secret word or expression used by authorized persons to prove their right to access, information, etc.
  3. a very small, portable, solid-state hard drive that can be inserted into a USB port for storage and retrieval of data.
  4. formal permission from a governmental or other constituted authority to do something, as to carry on some business or profession.
  5. the body of information about an individual, organization or electronic device that exists online.
  6. a part of a mechanical or electrical system
  7. acceptable use policy
  8. a website that allows users to add, delete, or revise content by using a web browser
  9. an integrated collection of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized electronic access to a networked computer system.
  10. formal permission from a governmental or other constituted authority to do something, as to carry on some business or profession.
  1. a set of technologies that protects the usability and integrity of a company's infrastructure by preventing the entry or proliferation within a network of a wide variety of potential threats.
  2. an external serial bus interface standard for connecting peripheral devices to a computer, as in a USB port or USB cable.
  3. the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.: works granted such right by law on are protected for the lifetime of an author or creator and for a period of 70 years after their death.
  4. a copyright doctrine that enables the legitimate use of copyrighted materials
  5. a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.
  6. a device or unit that operates separately from the CPU but is connected to it, as a mouse, printer, speakers, etc
  7. disruptive online messages, especially commercial messages posted on a computer network or sent as email (often used attributively)
  8. a piece of writing or other work reflecting such unauthorized use or imitation:
  9. wide area network
  10. local area network

20 Clues: wide area networklocal area networkacceptable use policya part of a mechanical or electrical systema copyright doctrine that enables the legitimate use of copyrighted materialsa piece of writing or other work reflecting such unauthorized use or imitation:a website that allows users to add, delete, or revise content by using a web browser...

Technology Vocabulary 2023-09-08

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The physical components of a computer system.
  2. Programs that run on computers and devices.
  3. (Hypertext Markup Language) The standard language for creating web pages.
  4. (Basic Input/Output System) Software that initializes and controls hardware during computer startup.
  5. A global network that connects computers and information.
  6. A security system that protects a network from unauthorized access.
  7. A mobile device with advanced computing capabilities.
  8. Software used to access and view websites on the internet.
  9. A structured collection of data organized for easy retrieval.
  10. Computing Storing and accessing data and programs over the internet.
  11. Measures taken to protect computer systems and data from theft or damage.
  1. Code (Quick Response Code) A two-dimensional barcode used to store information for quick access.
  2. The process of converting data into a coded form to secure it.
  3. Software designed to harm, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to computers.
  4. Positioning System) A satellite-based navigation system for determining location.
  5. Cache Temporary storage of web pages to speed up loading times.
  6. A wired network technology commonly used for internet connections.
  7. A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or task.
  8. System Software that manages computer hardware and provides services.
  9. Resource Locator) The web address used to locate a specific resource on the internet.

20 Clues: Programs that run on computers and devices.The physical components of a computer system.A mobile device with advanced computing capabilities.A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or task.A global network that connects computers and information.Software used to access and view websites on the internet....

Law & Technology 2024-07-26

Law & Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Act: Indian law governing online activities (5 letters).
  2. Legal proceedings (10 letters).
  3. Malicious software (7 letters).
  4. 66A: Infamous section of the IT Act (10 characters).
  5. Legal pursuit of a criminal case (11 letters).
  6. Extortion via malware (10 letters).
  7. Theft: Fraud involving personal data (13 letters).
  8. Illegally breaking into computer systems (7 letters).
  9. Securing data through coding (10 letters).
  10. Fraudulent email scam to steal information (8 letters).
  1. Legal authority over a territory (12 letters).
  2. Illegally exposing someone's personal information (7 letters).
  3. Group of compromised computers (6 letters).
  4. Provoking others online (8 letters).
  5. Slander or libel (10 letters).
  6. Harassment using electronic means (13 letters).
  7. Online harassment and tracking (13 letters).
  8. 67: IT Act's regulation on obscene content (9 characters).
  9. Proof presented in court (8 letters).
  10. Unlawful activities performed online (10 letters).

20 Clues: Slander or libel (10 letters).Legal proceedings (10 letters).Malicious software (7 letters).Extortion via malware (10 letters).Provoking others online (8 letters).Proof presented in court (8 letters).Securing data through coding (10 letters).Group of compromised computers (6 letters).Online harassment and tracking (13 letters)....

Technology Vocab 2023-11-01

Technology Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a type of file that has been created or saved
  2. a key that alters the function of another key if both are pressed at the same time.
  3. comes from the word bootstraps
  4. the bar that spans the bottom of the screen and contains the Start button on the left side and the systray on the right.
  5. Most often an arrow that you can use to point to different objects on your screen.
  6. A collection of data stored in one unit, identified by a filename.
  7. pressing a button or touching a screen.
  8. the way we view files on computers.
  9. tells your computer which application created or can open the file and which icon to use for the file.
  10. the way we view files on computers.
  1. an area on the screen that displays information for a specific program.
  2. When the contents of a window are too large to be displayed entirely within the window, a scroll bar will appear.
  3. a record of the address of a file, website, or other data made to enable quick access.
  4. a horizontal strip that contains lists of available menus for a certain program.
  5. move objects
  6. An act of saving data to a storage location, usually the hard drive.
  7. store files
  8. document that stores data in a grid of horizontal rows and vertical columns.
  9. viewing something that is being presented
  10. mouse button must be pressed twice within a very short time

20 Clues: store filesmove objectscomes from the word bootstrapsthe way we view files on computers.the way we view files on computers.pressing a button or touching a screen.viewing something that is being presenteda type of file that has been created or savedmouse button must be pressed twice within a very short time...

robotics 2019-10-23

robotics crossword puzzle
  1. not dangerous or likely to cause harm
  2. the type of human-robot interaction when humans and robots are co-located
  3. the idea that the artificial intelligence will decimate our civilization
  4. a computer program that is designed for a particular purpose
  5. scientist who specializes in making and using robots
  6. an electronic device that can store large amounts of information
  7. a particular way of acting
  8. an aircraft that does not have a pilot but is controlled by someone on the ground
  9. a device sent up into space to travel around the earth, used for collecting information or communicating by radio, television
  10. modern and well-developed
  11. someone who has invented something
  1. involving, using, or relating to computers, especially the internet
  2. the idea that robots will complement people in the future
  3. the writer who introduced the three laws of robotics
  4. a mobile phone that can be used as a small computer and that connects to the internet
  5. the methods for using scientific discoveries for practical purposes
  6. the ability to remember information, experiences, and people
  7. opposite to digital
  8. a piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power to do a particular type of work
  9. to get into someone else's computer system without permission in order to find out information or do something illegal

20 Clues: opposite to digitalmodern and well-developeda particular way of actingsomeone who has invented somethingnot dangerous or likely to cause harmthe writer who introduced the three laws of roboticsscientist who specializes in making and using robotsthe idea that robots will complement people in the future...

Jakub Ondra - Cold War puzzle lolxd 2022-01-11

Jakub Ondra - Cold War puzzle lolxd crossword puzzle
  1. He was an excellent artist, wrote a book and survived numerous assassination attempts.
  2. Military conflict that took place in 1955 to 1975, USA was involved and it was a failure.
  3. A music instrument Mr. Jack keeps in his classroom.
  4. He was an award-winning author.
  5. Brand of a mobile device I use. Also a fruit.
  6. Collective defense treaty established by the reds.
  7. Organization to preserve international security and peace
  8. Barier between east and west part of German capital.
  1. Large attack by North Vietnam army and Vietcong on outposts and cities to arouse rebellion in South Vietnam army and force USA to be less involved in the Vietnam war.
  2. Created in 1949. Goal is to protect democratic freedom.
  3. USA's plan to rebuild Europe.
  4. It is a fruit and stole the colour called Orange😳.
  5. Alert state used by United States Army. The alert is numbered depending on the level of danger.
  6. Division between communist life and non-communist life.
  7. The practice of making accusations of subversion and treason, especially when related to communism and socialism.
  8. Tactic of pushing the level of danger to its limits for a wanted outcome.
  9. Competition between USSR and USA to prove that they are superior in space technology.
  10. Soviet satellite
  11. Pro-war
  12. Anti-war

20 Clues: Pro-warAnti-warSoviet satelliteUSA's plan to rebuild Europe.He was an award-winning author.Brand of a mobile device I use. Also a fruit.It is a fruit and stole the colour called Orange😳.Collective defense treaty established by the reds.A music instrument Mr. Jack keeps in his classroom.Barier between east and west part of German capital....

Puzzle 2023-06-06

Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Part of the computer system that one can physically touch
  2. Standard communications protocol for electronic exchange of data over short distances
  3. System that manages and organizes computer's activities and shares resources among all programs
  4. A programming language known for its use in web development
  5. A collection of information stored and accessed electronically
  6. Graphics processing unit
  7. Coding language developed at MIT designed to teach programming concepts to children
  8. A popular open-source relational database
  9. High-level programming language known for its simple syntax
  10. Central Processing Unit
  1. Programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, now owned by Oracle
  2. Measure of CPU speed
  3. A service offered by Google that allows you to store and share files online
  4. A worldwide network of interconnected networks and computers
  5. Number system used in digital electronics and computer programming
  6. Refers to software that is used to protect your computer against unwanted intrusions
  7. Personal Computer
  8. Temporary storage in computer where it holds data that CPU uses
  9. A high-capacity, self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks
  10. The technology that allows for wireless communication between devices over short distances
  11. Cloud computing platform and API offered by Amazon
  12. Part of the computer where most calculations take place
  13. Apple's mobile operating system

23 Clues: Personal ComputerMeasure of CPU speedCentral Processing UnitGraphics processing unitApple's mobile operating systemA popular open-source relational databaseCloud computing platform and API offered by AmazonPart of the computer where most calculations take placePart of the computer system that one can physically touch...

Media and Technology 2023-11-28

Media and Technology crossword puzzle
  1. - Promoting products or services using digital channels like social media and email.
  2. - A mobile phone with advanced features like internet access and app capabilities.
  3. - A digital audio or video file that is available for streaming or downloading.
  4. - Online platforms for sharing content and connecting with others.
  5. - Storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of a computer's hard drive.
  6. - Analyzing large sets of data to discover patterns and information.
  7. - Overlaying digital information onto the real world through technology.
  8. - Measures taken to protect computer systems and networks from cyber attacks.
  9. - A seminar conducted over the internet.
  10. - Sending multimedia content in a continuous stream.
  1. - Buying and selling goods and services over the internet.
  2. - The process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
  3. - The simulation of human intelligence in computers.
  4. - Computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment.
  5. - Playing electronic games, often on a computer or console.
  6. - Content that spreads rapidly on the internet.
  7. (Internet of Things) - Interconnected devices that can communicate and exchange data.
  8. - Bullying that takes place using electronic communication.
  9. - Small digital images used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication.
  10. - A set of rules followed by a computer to solve problems or perform tasks.

20 Clues: - A seminar conducted over the internet.- Content that spreads rapidly on the internet.- The simulation of human intelligence in computers.- Sending multimedia content in a continuous stream.- Buying and selling goods and services over the internet.- Playing electronic games, often on a computer or console....

software 2022-10-21

software crossword puzzle
  1. perangkat lunak progam bantu
  2. perangkat lunak pengolah lembar kerja
  3. perangkat lunak untuk presentasi
  4. perangkat lunak pengolah grafis
  1. perangkat lunak pengolah data
  2. perangkat lunak bahasa pemrogaman
  3. perangkat lunak mobile application commerce
  4. perangkat lunak pengolah kata
  5. perangkat lunak multimedia
  6. perangkat lunak mobile application social
  7. perangkat lunak penerbitan

11 Clues: perangkat lunak multimediaperangkat lunak penerbitanperangkat lunak progam bantuperangkat lunak pengolah dataperangkat lunak pengolah kataperangkat lunak pengolah grafisperangkat lunak untuk presentasiperangkat lunak bahasa pemrogamanperangkat lunak pengolah lembar kerjaperangkat lunak mobile application social...

STEAME 2022-02-10

STEAME crossword puzzle
  1. outer space atmosphere
  2. younger women
  3. something we use in our everyday lives
  4. business venturing
  5. create new things
  6. deals with machines, technology and sciences
  1. has different styles e.g autocratic and democratic
  2. programming language for kids
  3. technology of human-like machines
  4. age range between 18-35
  5. opposite gender of men
  6. deals with numbers
  7. the study of living and non living things in our environment
  8. binary numbers, hacking etc.
  9. motivate
  10. drawings and paintings
  11. planes and aircrafts

17 Clues: motivateyounger womencreate new thingsdeals with numbersbusiness venturingplanes and aircraftsouter space atmosphereopposite gender of mendrawings and paintingsage range between 18-35binary numbers, hacking etc.programming language for kidstechnology of human-like machinessomething we use in our everyday lives...

Mobile 2017-11-05

Mobile crossword puzzle
  1. käyttöjärjestelmä
  2. suomalainen yritys aikoinaan
  1. Applen selain
  2. tekee hakupalvelusovelluksia
  3. Googlen selain

5 Clues: Applen selainGooglen selainkäyttöjärjestelmätekee hakupalvelusovelluksiasuomalainen yritys aikoinaan

mobile 2022-11-21

mobile crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

All Engineers From A-Z Abby Messing 2015-10-13

All Engineers From A-Z Abby Messing crossword puzzle
  1. Antibiotics
  2. Help Prevent Pollution
  3. Specializes in Java Programming
  4. Lamp
  5. Medicine
  6. Energy
  7. Technology Fertilizer
  8. Make Computer Codes
  9. Music
  10. Construction
  1. Repairs biomedical equipment
  2. Cars
  3. Help Technology of Zoos
  4. Study's Ocean Movement
  5. Engineering
  6. Train
  7. control systems Mechanical Engineering
  8. Organizes
  9. Robot
  10. Fuel
  11. Plans/Aircraft
  12. Film Underwater Life

22 Clues: CarsLampFuelTrainRobotMusicEnergyMedicineOrganizesAntibioticsEngineeringConstructionPlans/AircraftMake Computer CodesFilm Underwater LifeTechnology FertilizerStudy's Ocean MovementHelp Prevent PollutionHelp Technology of ZoosRepairs biomedical equipmentSpecializes in Java Programmingcontrol systems Mechanical Engineering

Chapters fourteen and fifteen topics . 2022-04-21

Chapters fourteen and fifteen topics . crossword puzzle
  1. Cage
  2. Glass
  3. sum of his or her own actions
  4. manipulations of music by disc jockeys
  5. Theory
  6. Baldwin
  7. of electronic technology
  8. Warho
  9. not depend on music
  10. art
  11. Technology
  1. and Nothingness
  2. of the absurd
  3. critic
  4. largely nonrepresentational
  5. to New York
  6. beats
  7. Hughes
  8. reject the role of other
  9. influences

20 Clues: artCageGlassbeatsWarhocriticTheoryHughesBaldwinTechnologyinfluencesto New Yorkof the absurdand Nothingnessnot depend on musicof electronic technologyreject the role of otherlargely nonrepresentationalsum of his or her own actionsmanipulations of music by disc jockeys

Introduction to MasterCard Chip 2015-03-02

Introduction to MasterCard Chip crossword puzzle
  1. Card verification method
  2. Cards will no longer swiped, but rather ____ for transactions
  3. Implementing chip technology delivers this to both Maps and our Members
  4. Chip enabled cards will continue to have a magnetic _____
  5. Chip card, Smart card and EMV card are all ____ that refer to the same card
  6. Magnetic stripe transactions are called ____ transactions
  7. Static from magnetic stripes can easily be stolen and used _____
  8. This data is very difficult to counterfeit
  9. Europay MasterCard Visa
  10. When the country of _____ began implementation of chip technology, the USA experienced cross-border fraud
  11. Data stored on the chip cannot be used to generate counterfeit magnetic stripes
  12. An EMV chip is a tiny __________chip housed in credit & debit cards
  1. Chip transactions are this, meaning every transaction is unique
  2. Do I still need to sign the back of my card?
  3. Chip technology improves this
  4. Contactless card payment program
  5. These offer little protection against fraud on stolen credit cards
  6. Maps Visa cards will be upgraded to this
  7. This data from magnetic stripes can be copied onto fake cards
  8. Reducing costs associated with fraud benefits _______
  9. Card authentication methods
  10. Going into 2015 ____ for fraud will rest with the non-chip party of the transaction
  11. One of the last countries to migrate to chip technology
  12. Chip technology will decrease this

24 Clues: Europay MasterCard VisaCard verification methodCard authentication methodsChip technology improves thisContactless card payment programChip technology will decrease thisMaps Visa cards will be upgraded to thisThis data is very difficult to counterfeitDo I still need to sign the back of my card?Reducing costs associated with fraud benefits _______...

RU ITEC411 Chapter7 2024-04-12

RU ITEC411 Chapter7 crossword puzzle
  1. People or companies may trying to influence decisions.
  2. The collective opinions and judgments of a large group of people.
  3. The gap in access to technology.
  4. If technological progress becomes so rapid that it transforms human society.
  5. The importance of introducing new technologies in ways that fit local cultures.
  6. guessing to the best of you ability the consequences of something.
  7. checking the reliability and accuracy of information.
  8. trying to make new technologies available to those who cannot afford them.
  9. The thought that technology can isolate people and weaken communities.
  10. how hard the challenge of accurately modeling systems may be.
  11. protecting individual freedoms when making decisions about technology.
  12. A division between two things that are opposites or entirely different.
  13. an attitude, habit, or belief that's established and difficult to change.
  14. The potential for inaccuracies in a user decision because of a different standing point.
  15. Method for teaching mostly an academic subject.
  1. People who are concerned with the negative impacts of technology.
  2. Someone who opposes technological changes and new technologies.
  3. Spreading something like information widely.
  4. numerically representing quantem choices in computer models.
  5. Professional judgment
  6. showing smart decision making about technology to reduce the impact of mistakes
  7. Example: Simplifications made in computer models that may not reflect reality.
  8. using force or threats.

23 Clues: Professional judgmentusing force or threats.The gap in access to technology.Spreading something like information widely.Method for teaching mostly an academic subject.checking the reliability and accuracy of information.People or companies may trying to influence decisions.numerically representing quantem choices in computer models....

IT 2022-04-28

IT crossword puzzle
  1. a virtual assistant owned by amazon
  2. a game engine
  3. a cloud computing platform operated by microsoft
  4. previously called as ebox.
  5. A means of securing digital data using techniques.
  6. a horizontal orientation
  7. a famous programming language used for developing mobile apps on Android
  8. an algorithm for finding shortest paths in a directed weighted graph with positive or negative edge weights.
  9. a web based user interface that interacts and presents relevant information to users.
  1. the traditional technology for connecting devices in a LAN or WAN.
  2. a small program that is intended not to be run on its own, but rather to be embedded inside another application
  3. what does Q refers in SQL
  4. Hypertext ________ language
  5. a technique of storing large chunk of data into tables using relations called functions.
  6. symbol ^ is called as___
  7. what does V stands for in VPN?
  8. a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic
  9. an international annual program in which Google awards stipends to contributors who successfully complete a free and open-source software coding project during the summer.
  10. an application program that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information on the World Wide Web.
  11. its is one of the FAANG

20 Clues: a game engineits is one of the FAANGsymbol ^ is called as___a horizontal orientationwhat does Q refers in SQLpreviously called as ebox.Hypertext ________ languagewhat does V stands for in VPN?a virtual assistant owned by amazona cloud computing platform operated by microsoftA means of securing digital data using techniques....

Workshop 7 Part I 2021-04-16

Workshop 7 Part I crossword puzzle
  1. performed or done by a machine and not by a person
  2. to visualize, mental movie
  3. to calculate the amount or size of something in a way that is not exact
  4. no longer used
  5. something that happens to you or something you do
  6. to assist in the growth or progress of; promote
  7. someone who buys things
  8. able to be moved and used in different places
  9. information or facts that can be studied to gain knowledge
  10. the use of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems
  11. a distinct stage of development
  1. to discuss a topic with people who have different opinions
  2. a remote controlled aircraft
  3. to cause to go faster
  4. to remove or get rid of something
  5. ideas or suggestions given to help someone
  6. urgent, important or necessary
  7. to wait somewhere without any clear reason
  8. to make certain something will happen
  9. having an intended or expected effect
  10. having a good effect, helpful
  11. to become larger in size or number
  12. the first time something appears
  13. to find the way to or through a place
  14. dangerous or out of control
  15. to stay floating suspended, or fluttering in the air
  16. the number of people in a particular place

27 Clues: no longer usedto cause to go fastersomeone who buys thingsto visualize, mental moviedangerous or out of controla remote controlled aircrafthaving a good effect, helpfulurgent, important or necessarya distinct stage of developmentthe first time something appearsto remove or get rid of somethingto become larger in size or number...

English Crossword 2023-02-28

English Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The punctuation mark used for listing in a sentence
  2. The plural form of 'tiger'
  3. The present tense form of 'caught'
  4. What letter is used at the beginning of a sentence?
  5. An introduction, arguments, and conclusion are seperated in ____
  6. The plural form of 'person'
  7. A word for a person, place, or thing
  8. A joining word
  9. Opposite of 'start'
  10. What is the singular form of 'country'?
  11. Describing words
  12. The plural form of 'lily' - the flower
  13. The punctuation mark at the end of a sentence (4,4)
  1. What tells a reader what a text is called?
  2. I use a ____ mark at the end of asking something
  3. A text finishes with a _____
  4. Make 'imagine' into a noun
  5. What category do these items belong in: computer, laptop, mobile
  6. The past tense form of 'type'
  7. A doing word
  8. What is the singular form of 'dictionaries'?
  9. What text type is used to tell a story?
  10. The past tense form of 'throw'
  11. What type of word is 'breath'?
  12. What are these letters called? A, E, I, O, U
  13. What text type would you use to explain how to make banana bread?
  14. This type of word usually ends with 'ly'
  15. The present tense form of 'fibbed'

28 Clues: A doing wordA joining wordDescribing wordsOpposite of 'start'Make 'imagine' into a nounThe plural form of 'tiger'The plural form of 'person'A text finishes with a _____The past tense form of 'type'The past tense form of 'throw'What type of word is 'breath'?The present tense form of 'caught'The present tense form of 'fibbed'...

Puzzle 2023-06-06

Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Standard communications protocol for electronic exchange of data over short distances
  2. System that manages and organizes computer's activities and shares resources among all programs
  3. Temporary storage in computer where it holds data that CPU uses
  4. Refers to software that is used to protect your computer against unwanted intrusions
  5. A collection of information stored and accessed electronically
  6. A high-capacity, self-contained storage device containing a read-write mechanism plus one or more hard disks
  7. Number system used in digital electronics and computer programming
  8. Central Processing Unit
  9. High-level programming language known for its simple syntax
  10. Measure of CPU speed
  11. Part of the computer where most calculations take place
  1. Part of the computer system that one can physically touch
  2. A worldwide network of interconnected networks and computers
  3. A popular open-source relational database
  4. Cloud computing platform and API offered by Amazon
  5. Apple's mobile operating system
  6. A programming language known for its use in web development
  7. Programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, now owned by Oracle
  8. A service offered by Google that allows you to store and share files online
  9. Coding language developed at MIT designed to teach programming concepts to children
  10. The technology that allows for wireless communication between devices over short distances
  11. Graphics processing unit
  12. Personal Computer

23 Clues: Personal ComputerMeasure of CPU speedCentral Processing UnitGraphics processing unitApple's mobile operating systemA popular open-source relational databaseCloud computing platform and API offered by AmazonPart of the computer where most calculations take placePart of the computer system that one can physically touch...

Crossword Trivia 2023-02-01

Crossword Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Experiment
  2. 13
  3. 11
  4. 9
  5. 5
  1. 6
  2. inclusiveness
  3. 15
  4. 10
  5. 7
  6. 14
  7. 8
  8. 12
  9. Technology

14 Clues: 67895151014131211ExperimentTechnologyinclusiveness


AUGMENTED REALİTY crossword puzzle
  1. Display
  2. The name of samsung VR glasses?
  3. What is the name of Microsoft VR glasseS?
  4. Enhanced version of physical things to digital.
  5. Which game of Nintendo company used Augmented Reality for the first time
  6. A method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images.
  7. Who invented Augmented Reality?
  8. What is it called combining reality and fantasy using technology?
  1. Technology that draws a raster display (like a television) directly onto the retina of the eye.
  2. New environments where real and virtual worlds, physical and digital objects coexist.
  3. What is the full name of VR ?
  4. Considered as the true creator of the concept of virtual reality; Author of science fiction books such as Mona Lisa Overload, Count Zero, Invisible World, Virtual Light
  5. It is the combination of reality and imagination with fictions created using technology. Virtual learning environments are platforms designed to enrich students' learning experiences with the inclusion of developing technology in educational environments.
  6. In which science fiction novel was the concept of Metaverse first mentioned?
  7. What is the old name of the company that changed its name to Meta in order to adopt the metaverse technology by stating that the name Meta has a more inclusive meaning about the work of the company?
  8. Who invented the VR technology ?
  9. It's a 3D recording created by positive mixing of laser beam waves.
  10. Reality what is the full name of AR ?
  11. Which device is VR used with?

19 Clues: DisplayWhat is the full name of VR ?Which device is VR used with?The name of samsung VR glasses?Who invented Augmented Reality?Who invented the VR technology ?What is the name of Microsoft VR glasseS?Enhanced version of physical things to digital.Reality what is the full name of AR ?...

Unit 9 - The future is now 2022-10-29

Unit 9 - The future is now crossword puzzle
  1. invention
  2. experiment
  3. satellite
  4. charge
  5. fuel
  6. Internet
  7. power
  8. display
  1. networking
  2. connection
  3. technology
  4. electric
  5. pump
  6. plugin

14 Clues: fuelpumppowerchargeplugindisplayelectricInternetinventionsatellitenetworkingconnectionexperimenttechnology

Community Related Terms 2023-01-25

Community Related Terms crossword puzzle
  1. preference
  2. system
  3. authority
  4. law
  5. volunteers
  6. belief
  7. establishment
  1. business
  2. diversity
  3. religion
  4. heritage
  5. local
  6. internet
  7. technology

14 Clues: lawlocalsystembeliefbusinessreligionheritageinternetdiversityauthoritypreferencevolunteerstechnologyestablishment

Workshop 7 Part I 2021-04-16

Workshop 7 Part I crossword puzzle
  1. performed or done by a machine and not by a person
  2. to visualize, mental movie
  3. to calculate the amount or size of something in a way that is not exact
  4. no longer used
  5. something that happens to you or something you do
  6. to assist in the growth or progress of; promote
  7. someone who buys things
  8. able to be moved and used in different places
  9. information or facts that can be studied to gain knowledge
  10. the use of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems
  11. a distinct stage of development
  1. to discuss a topic with people who have different opinions
  2. a remote controlled aircraft
  3. to cause to go faster
  4. to remove or get rid of something
  5. ideas or suggestions given to help someone
  6. urgent, important or necessary
  7. to wait somewhere without any clear reason
  8. to make certain something will happen
  9. having an intended or expected effect
  10. having a good effect, helpful
  11. to become larger in size or number
  12. the first time something appears
  13. to find the way to or through a place
  14. dangerous or out of control
  15. to stay floating suspended, or fluttering in the air
  16. the number of people in a particular place

27 Clues: no longer usedto cause to go fastersomeone who buys thingsto visualize, mental moviedangerous or out of controla remote controlled aircrafthaving a good effect, helpfulurgent, important or necessarya distinct stage of developmentthe first time something appearsto remove or get rid of somethingto become larger in size or number...

Robotics 2023-10-02

Robotics crossword puzzle
  1. Use of largely automatic equipment in a system of operation.
  2. Subset of AI that enables a system to learn and improve from experience.
  3. Device on a robot used to hold or manipulate objects.
  4. Ability of a robot to interpret and interact with the environment using visual data.
  5. Device that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical environment.
  6. Act of moving from one place to another.
  7. Skill and agility in manipulating objects.
  8. Change in position or location.
  9. Robot that resembles or imitates human behavior and form.
  10. Robot capable of moving and navigating its environment.
  11. Technology that involves touch or tactile sensation in human-computer interactions.
  1. Process of planning and controlling the movement of a robot.
  2. Control of a robot or system from a distance by a human operator.
  3. Mechanism that causes a machine or device to move or perform a specific action.
  4. Robots that can work alongside humans in a shared workspace.
  5. Robot's ability to sense and interpret its environment.
  6. Study of motion and movement of robotic systems.
  7. Arrangement of machines and workers in a factory, where parts are assembled progressively.
  8. Mechanical arm-like structure used in robotics to move objects.
  9. Artificial Intelligence, the simulation of human intelligence in machines.

20 Clues: Change in position or location.Act of moving from one place to another.Skill and agility in manipulating objects.Study of motion and movement of robotic systems.Device on a robot used to hold or manipulate objects.Robot's ability to sense and interpret its environment.Robot capable of moving and navigating its environment....

software 2022-10-21

software crossword puzzle
  1. perangkat lunak progam bantu
  2. perangkat lunak pengolah lembar kerja
  3. perangkat lunak untuk presentasi
  4. perangkat lunak pengolah grafis
  1. perangkat lunak pengolah data
  2. perangkat lunak bahasa pemrogaman
  3. perangkat lunak mobile application commerce
  4. perangkat lunak pengolah kata
  5. perangkat lunak multimedia
  6. perangkat lunak mobile application social
  7. perangkat lunak penerbitan

11 Clues: perangkat lunak multimediaperangkat lunak penerbitanperangkat lunak progam bantuperangkat lunak pengolah dataperangkat lunak pengolah kataperangkat lunak pengolah grafisperangkat lunak untuk presentasiperangkat lunak bahasa pemrogamanperangkat lunak pengolah lembar kerjaperangkat lunak mobile application social...

Technology 2016-05-19

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. steal
  2. hand
  3. outside
  4. keep
  5. boot
  6. mail
  1. safe
  2. fingers
  3. run
  4. organs
  5. online

11 Clues: runsafehandkeepbootmailstealorgansonlinefingersoutside

Technology 2019-11-06

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. person who posts inflammatory comments or messages in an online community such as forum, chatroom, blog or an social networking sites.
  2. what is a network security system used to stop unauthorized access.
  3. one computer system to another, typically over the internet.
  4. of text and size.
  5. made up of numbers separated s that identifies a particular computer on the internetrate at which a processor can complete a processing cycle.
  6. that feeds data into a computer, such as a keyboard or mouse.
  1. program that can be downloaded which allows users to enhance their browser; this allows users to enhance extra activities of the web.
  2. synchronous, text-based communication via computer
  3. is it called if people are nasty to you online?
  4. computer program sent to gather information from your computer.
  5. consists of eight bits
  6. web address.
  7. an email

13 Clues: an emailweb address.of text and size.consists of eight bitsis it called if people are nasty to you online?synchronous, text-based communication via computerone computer system to another, typically over the internet.that feeds data into a computer, such as a keyboard or program sent to gather information from your computer....

Technology 2020-06-27

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. to believe
  2. to look real
  3. to lose focus
  4. not obvious
  5. to want
  1. a look
  2. key and lock
  3. making changes
  4. a person who acts
  5. results
  6. lively cartoons

11 Clues: a lookresultsto wantto believenot obviouskey and lockto look realto lose focusmaking changeslively cartoonsa person who acts

Technology 2021-05-18

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. impresora
  2. lapices de colores
  3. goma
  4. ordenador
  1. Tablet
  2. sacapuntas
  3. portatil
  4. Video Juego
  5. tijeras
  6. Radio
  7. boli

11 Clues: gomaboliRadioTablettijerasportatilimpresoraordenadorsacapuntasVideo Juegolapices de colores

TECHNOLOGY 2021-10-06

TECHNOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. My Inastagram _______________ is not working
  2. To access to a computer system by identifying and authenticating
  3. Send data from your computer to the internet
  4. Remove, eliminate
  5. To make (a digital file) accessible to other users on a network
  1. Receive data from the internet, you can ________________ films , songs, photos
  2. Cancell the command executed
  3. Put software on a computer
  4. It is a collection of data stored in one unit
  5. When you change your status on Whatsapp you ___________ your information
  6. You can _________ a document before you send an e-mail

11 Clues: Remove, eliminatePut software on a computerCancell the command executedMy Inastagram _______________ is not workingSend data from your computer to the internetIt is a collection of data stored in one unitYou can _________ a document before you send an e-mailTo make (a digital file) accessible to other users on a network...

Technology 2021-07-02

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. cloud we choose
  2. storage
  3. LN uses this BDD
  4. where is org heading to
  5. UI technology
  1. most commonly used across application or phones
  2. JAva competitor
  3. LN created
  4. test framework
  5. ML langau
  6. need of an hour everyone has to do it, green, yellow etc

11 Clues: storageML langauLN createdUI technologytest frameworkcloud we chooseJAva competitorLN uses this BDDwhere is org heading tomost commonly used across application or phonesneed of an hour everyone has to do it, green, yellow etc

Technology 2022-02-17

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. type of Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
  2. What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?
  3. ___________________ Power supply
  4. Its full name is ________ Effect Transistor.
  5. Which consists of two plates separated by a dielectric and can store a charg
  6. '.MOV' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
  7. '.TMP' extension refers usually to what kind of file
  1. One of the modulation tecnique
  2. Made from a variety of materials, such as carbon, which inhibits the flow of current
  3. A given signal's second harmonic is twice the given signal's __________ frequency..
  4. Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  5. What is the term to ask the computer to put information in order numerically or alphabetically

12 Clues: One of the modulation tecnique___________________ Power supplyErasable Programmable Read Only MemoryIts full name is ________ Effect Transistor.'.TMP' extension refers usually to what kind of file'.MOV' extension refers usually to what kind of file?type of Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory...

Technology 2022-04-29

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. a computer screen or a device with a screen on which words or pictures can be shown
  2. to put something on a social media website so that other people can see it, or to let other people see something that someone else has put on a website
  3. a device with a part to cover each ear through which you can listen to music, radio broadcasts, etc. without other people hearing
  4. a set of wires, covered by plastic, that carries electricity, phone signals, etc.
  5. to remove or draw a line through something, especially a written word or words
  1. a piece of equipment that you speak into to make your voice louder, or to record your voice or other sounds
  2. the set of keys on a computer or typewriter that you press in order to make it work
  3. a small device that you move across a surface in order to move a cursor on your computer screen
  4. the part of a radio, television, or computer, or of a piece of electrical equipment for playing recorded sound, through which the sound is played. A speaker can be part of the radio, etc. or be separate from it
  5. to put information into a computer's memory or onto a computer disk
  6. to put electricity into an electrical device such as a battery

11 Clues: to put electricity into an electrical device such as a batteryto put information into a computer's memory or onto a computer diskto remove or draw a line through something, especially a written word or wordsa set of wires, covered by plastic, that carries electricity, phone signals, etc....

Technology 2023-09-08

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. to come or go after or behind somebody/something.
  2. it is is a process of downloading and setting up an app on your device.
  3. express an opinion or reaction in speech or writing.
  4. express or feel agreement with (an idea or proposal).
  5. to transfer (something, such as data or files) from a computer or other digital device to the memory of another device (such as a larger or remote computer) especially via the Internet.
  1. it is sending the message to a different number (or email address) than the one it was addressed to.
  2. to start using a computer system or program by giving a password (= a secret word by which the system recognizes an approved user).
  3. it is a computer transferring data to a computer printer and generating a hard copy
  4. to set up a game
  5. you can do it with contributions.
  6. practical knowledge and ability.

11 Clues: to set up a gamepractical knowledge and can do it with come or go after or behind somebody/ an opinion or reaction in speech or or feel agreement with (an idea or proposal).it is is a process of downloading and setting up an app on your device....

TECHNOLOGY 2022-11-28

TECHNOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. advance
  2. technology
  3. the message
  4. networking site
  5. shopping
  6. buff
  1. up your work
  2. banking
  3. access to
  4. laptop
  5. the web
  6. intelligence

12 Clues: bufflaptopbankingadvancethe webshoppingaccess totechnologythe messageup your workintelligencenetworking site

TECHNOLOGY 2023-05-17

TECHNOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. is named after a scientist, the company uses solar energy to power cars, homes and so on
  2. A digital ledger where one's cryptocurrency is recorded and accounted for among others
  3. is a private company that reuses its space capsule and is the first to do so
  4. is the art of folding papers to craft both 2d and 3d objects
  5. a portable computer device that fits into the hands, takes pictures and carries out telecomunication
  1. data security that involves scrambling information into random but sensitive combinations of letters and characters for interpretation later on
  2. an unmanned aerial vehicle
  3. open Artificial intelligence app released in November 2022
  4. a high-pressure hose that shoots water so fast it cuts rocks
  5. Cyclops' superpower in the form of a beam shooting from his eyes
  6. Global positioning system

11 Clues: Global positioning systeman unmanned aerial vehicleopen Artificial intelligence app released in November 2022a high-pressure hose that shoots water so fast it cuts rocksis the art of folding papers to craft both 2d and 3d objectsCyclops' superpower in the form of a beam shooting from his eyes...

Technology 2023-05-07

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Procesi i shkruarjes së udhëzimeve për një program kompjuterik.
  2. Njësia qendrore e përpunimit e një kompjuteri.
  3. Studimi i dizajnit dhe krijimit të pajisjeve kompjuterike.
  4. Program softueri që replikon bisedën e njeriut.
  5. Pajisje e përdorur për të futur informacion në një kompjuter.
  6. Metodë e transmetimit të të dhënave në distanca të gjata duke përdorur sinjale elektrike ose optike.
  1. Paraqitje vizuale e të dhënave.
  2. Kompjuter portativ që mund të përdoret në levizje.
  3. Sistemi operativ i zhvilluar nga Apple.
  4. Pajisje elektronike që përdoret për të hyrë në internet.
  5. Lidhje e shpejtë e internetit.

11 Clues: Lidhje e shpejtë e internetit.Paraqitje vizuale e të dhënave.Sistemi operativ i zhvilluar nga Apple.Njësia qendrore e përpunimit e një kompjuteri.Program softueri që replikon bisedën e njeriut.Kompjuter portativ që mund të përdoret në levizje.Pajisje elektronike që përdoret për të hyrë në internet....

Technology 2023-10-30

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. an electronic communication sent and received by mobile phone
  2. start the operation of something by clicking the button
  3. be connected to the Internet
  4. someone who finds ways to make chemicals useful to society
  5. understand
  6. s scientific test to discover something
  7. someone who asks big questions about the laws of nature
  1. not be worried anymore
  2. connect to the Internet and check information about a particular subject
  3. the name you use when accessing a computer, program, website...
  4. working

11 Clues: workingunderstandnot be worried anymorebe connected to the Internets scientific test to discover somethingstart the operation of something by clicking the buttonsomeone who asks big questions about the laws of naturesomeone who finds ways to make chemicals useful to societyan electronic communication sent and received by mobile phone...

Technology 2023-11-13

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. something that electricity can pass through
  2. right-angled part of an axel that converts rotary motion into other types of motion
  3. something that electricity cannot pass through
  4. movement of a charge in an electrical conductor
  5. carried or spread by water
  6. people who leave their homes in order to seek safety
  7. a free-turning wheel with a groove in it, used to help lift weights
  1. food that is good for you and makes you healthy
  2. part at the centre of something
  3. showing something that is usually covered
  4. sudden dangerous situations when people need help quickly

11 Clues: carried or spread by waterpart at the centre of somethingshowing something that is usually coveredsomething that electricity can pass throughsomething that electricity cannot pass throughfood that is good for you and makes you healthymovement of a charge in an electrical conductorpeople who leave their homes in order to seek safety...

Technology 2024-08-12

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Cable
  2. Clips
  3. Play Shield
  4. adaptor
  1. Board
  2. Box
  3. motor
  4. sensors
  5. connector
  6. Code
  7. stand

11 Clues: BoxCodeBoardCablemotorClipsstandsensorsadaptorconnectorPlay Shield

La Technologie F2 2024-01-10

La Technologie F2 crossword puzzle
  1. broken
  2. phone
  3. pro
  4. earbuds
  5. to copy
  6. to share
  7. easy
  8. fast
  9. internet user
  10. hard
  1. to download
  2. to paste
  3. link
  4. I use
  5. to search
  6. computer
  7. con
  8. slow
  9. charger

19 Clues: proconlinkeasyslowfasthardphoneI usebrokenearbudsto copychargerto pastecomputerto shareto searchto downloadinternet user

Form 3, Unit 4, part 2 2019-11-19

Form 3, Unit 4, part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. aitama
  2. tänama
  3. kus(küsisõna)
  4. topelt,kahekorda
  5. palju
  6. tund
  7. muidugi
  8. segadus
  1. parim
  2. all(eessõna)
  3. tänan sind/teid
  4. ruum,tuba
  5. mobiil
  6. palun
  7. telefon
  8. kunst
  9. oh,oi
  10. punane
  11. mind

19 Clues: tundmindparimpalunpaljukunstoh,oiaitamatänamamobiilpunanetelefonmuidugisegadusruum,tubaall(eessõna)kus(küsisõna)tänan sind/teidtopelt,kahekorda

U15 - La mochila 2024-05-28

U15 - La mochila crossword puzzle
  1. marker
  2. dictionary
  3. earphones
  4. calculator
  5. mobile
  6. purse
  7. exercise book
  8. scissors
  9. pen
  10. pencil case
  11. sharpener
  12. book
  1. school bag / packpack
  2. eraser / rubber
  3. glue
  4. colouring pencils
  5. ruler
  6. pencil
  7. folder

19 Clues: pengluebookpurserulermarkermobilepencilfolderscissorsearphonessharpenerdictionarycalculatorpencil caseexercise bookeraser / rubbercolouring pencilsschool bag / packpack

Sales & Service Crossword 2013-06-09

Sales & Service Crossword crossword puzzle
  5. THE "F" IN F.A.C.E.



CLASSROOM ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  3. LISEZ
  1. BD
  10. PARLER


Cyber Security Crossword 2021-10-14

Cyber Security Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Do not accept trade orders via _____ or voicemail
  2. Require _______ confirmation for trade orders sent via email.
  3. Always use _______________ for all sensitive data on computers and removable media.
  4. Report Security Incidents to the ___________ Service Center x74357.
  5. “Do Your Part. #____________________.”
  6. Don't click on _________ links
  7. Report ___________ emails to the Cyber Threat Center (
  1. As part of the STOP.THINK.CONNECT.™ national public awareness ___________, CISA is also sharing Cybersecurity Awareness Month Resources to reduce cybersecurity risks and protect you online.
  2. ______________ is Cyber Security Awareness month.
  3. Type [_______] in the subject line of emails with sensitive data.
  4. PII stands for personally ____________ information
  5. Use a password of PIN to protect your mobile device. Have the device require a password after _________ minutes of inactivity.
  6. If you are unsure of the legitimacy of an email do not click on any links or open any _______________.
  7. Connect directly to the Raymond James ___________ only through wireless access points managed and configured by the ___________ Engineering Department.
  8. If you plan to enter a contract with a third-party or are changing your contract, please request a ______ assessment.

15 Clues: Don't click on _________ links“Do Your Part. #____________________.”______________ is Cyber Security Awareness month.Do not accept trade orders via _____ or voicemailPII stands for personally ____________ informationRequire _______ confirmation for trade orders sent via email.Type [_______] in the subject line of emails with sensitive data....

History of OS 2021-02-11

History of OS crossword puzzle
  1. 1971 - First OS in C Language
  2. 1981 - Microsoft’s Disk OS
  3. 2007 - Mobile OS by Apple Inc
  4. 1992 - OS by Oracle
  1. 1991 - Open-source OS
  2. 1985 - Computer OS by Microsoft
  3. 1998 - First modern Mobile OS
  4. Mobile OS by Google

8 Clues: Mobile OS by Google1992 - OS by Oracle1991 - Open-source OS1981 - Microsoft’s Disk OS1971 - First OS in C Language1998 - First modern Mobile OS2007 - Mobile OS by Apple Inc1985 - Computer OS by Microsoft

TECHNOHUNT 2023-01-24

TECHNOHUNT crossword puzzle
  1. I am a python library which used to create graphics, pictures, and games.
  2. A magnetic storage medium for a computer.
  3. A computer file that contains text that has a name that identifies it.
  4. An open source operating system for mobile devices
  5. Used for putting information including letters, words and numbers into your computer.
  6. A set of instructions or program instructing computer to do a specific task.
  7. It is a sequential flow of tasks within a process.
  1. An electronic Mail.
  2. Any issue that arises unexpectedly that cause a computer to not function properly
  3. A method by which information is converted into secret code that hides the information's true meaning.
  4. Hyper Text Markup Language
  5. A portable electronic textbook that is viewable on a computer.
  6. A client software program that runs against a Web server or other Internet server and enables a user to navigate the World Wide Web (WWW) to access and display data.
  7. A set of rules that must be followed when solving a particular problem.
  8. A traditional technology for connecting devices in a wired local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN)

15 Clues: An electronic Mail.Hyper Text Markup LanguageA magnetic storage medium for a computer.An open source operating system for mobile devicesIt is a sequential flow of tasks within a process.A portable electronic textbook that is viewable on a computer.A computer file that contains text that has a name that identifies it....

Tech Week Test 2024-04-29

Tech Week Test crossword puzzle
  1. A program that enables a computer to perform specific tasks.
  2. Step-by-step procedure for solving a problem.
  3. Manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale.
  4. Authentication techniques based on unique physical or behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial recognition.
  5. Collection of structured information stored in a computer system.
  6. Process of converting information into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
  7. Creation of a virtual version of something, such as an operating system or server.
  1. Wireless networking technology that allows devices to connect to the internet without using cables.
  2. Malicious software designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system.
  3. Mobile phone with advanced features, such as internet connectivity and app support.
  4. Internet-based computing that provides shared resources and data storage on demand.
  5. Software application used to access and view websites on the internet.
  6. Measures taken to protect computer systems and data from unauthorized access or attacks.
  7. Simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.
  8. A security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic.

15 Clues: Step-by-step procedure for solving a problem.A program that enables a computer to perform specific tasks.Collection of structured information stored in a computer system.Software application used to access and view websites on the internet.Manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale....

Ruchi 2021-02-28

Ruchi crossword puzzle
  1. Which station is a bridge between the mobile users and the msc
  2. :RF links are also called as___links
  3. channel used for transmitting from thew mobile to the base station
  4. channel used for transmitting from the base station to the mobile.
  5. : FCC are also called as
  1. channels are also called as
  2. Systems that provide one way communication
  3. :A fixed station in a mobile radio system.

8 Clues: : FCC are also called aschannels are also called as:RF links are also called as___linksSystems that provide one way communication:A fixed station in a mobile radio system.Which station is a bridge between the mobile users and the mscchannel used for transmitting from thew mobile to the base station...

RU ITEC411 Chapter6 2024-04-12

RU ITEC411 Chapter6 crossword puzzle
  1. People or companies may trying to influence decisions.
  2. The collective opinions and judgments of a large group of people.
  3. The gap in access to technology.
  4. If technological progress becomes so rapid that it transforms human society.
  5. The importance of introducing new technologies in ways that fit local cultures.
  6. guessing to the best of you ability the consequences of something.
  7. checking the reliability and accuracy of information.
  8. trying to make new technologies available to those who cannot afford them.
  9. The thought that technology can isolate people and weaken communities.
  10. how hard the challenge of accurately modeling systems may be.
  11. protecting individual freedoms when making decisions about technology.
  12. A division between two things that are opposites or entirely different.
  13. an attitude, habit, or belief that's established and difficult to change.
  14. The potential for inaccuracies in a user decision because of a different standing point.
  15. Method for teaching mostly an academic subject.
  1. People who are consernd with the negative impacts of technology.
  2. Someone who opposes technological changes and new technology's.
  3. Spreading something like information widely.
  4. numerically representing quantem choices in computer models.
  5. Professional judgment
  6. showing smart decision making about technology to reduce the impact of mistakes
  7. Example: Simplifications made in computer models that may not reflect reality.
  8. using force or threats.

23 Clues: Professional judgmentusing force or threats.The gap in access to technology.Spreading something like information widely.Method for teaching mostly an academic subject.checking the reliability and accuracy of information.People or companies may trying to influence decisions.numerically representing quantem choices in computer models....

medical technology 2014-05-20

medical technology crossword puzzle
  1. a medical science that deals with the blood and blood-forming organs
  2. a science that deals with poisons and their effect and with the problems involved
  3. a science that studies extremely small forms of life like bacteria and viruses
  4. a method for the differential staining of bacteria by treatment with a watery solution of iodine and the iodide of potassium after staining with a triphenylmethane dye
  5. a cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues
  6. the watery part of blood that contains blood cells
  7. a gelatinous colloidal extract of a red alga used especially in culture media or as a gelling and stabilizing agent in foods
  8. the process of transfusing fluid into a vein or artery
  9. chemical analysis of urine
  10. to maintain under conditions favorable for hatching, development, or reaction
  1. a polymer that is composed of polysaccharide and peptide chains and is found especially in bacterial cell walls
  2. any of the ions (as of sodium or calcium) that in biological fluid regulate or affect most metabolic processes
  3. any of a large number of proteins of high molecular weight that are produced normally by specialized B cells after stimulation by an antigen
  4. the act or process of cultivating living material
  5. an iron-containing respiratory pigment of vertebrate blood cells
  6. platelet also a cell with a similar clotting function
  7. tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life
  8. Any of several types of blood cells that help defend the body from infection
  9. a harmful substance that causes the body to produce antibodies

19 Clues: chemical analysis of urinetending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy lifethe act or process of cultivating living materialthe watery part of blood that contains blood cellsplatelet also a cell with a similar clotting functionthe process of transfusing fluid into a vein or arterya cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues...

Technology Crossword 2017-06-13

Technology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Energy generation method creates highly dangerous waste by-products
  2. Technology used to alter the genetic material of living cells
  3. A material’s resistance to failure by permanent deformation
  4. Some very fast trains rely on a technology developed from the principle that like poles of a magnet repel each other
  5. In a factory, vast numbers of a product are manufactured in a steady process on an assembly line
  6. The use of different modes of transportation
  7. Energy source is regarded as renewable
  8. Transfer is taking the best new idea and doing a completely different one
  9. One of Ohm's law
  1. Construction is the systematic act of
  2. Process of changing the shape of a material without cutting it
  3. ITS stands for
  4. Structures includes a number or requirements
  5. Terrariums and hydroponics stations are the most common types of artificial
  6. Method of incremental improvement
  7. Communication Systems includes a
  8. Structures includes a number or requirements
  9. A distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person
  10. The use of living organisms to develop and improve foods, medicines, and other products
  11. Characterized by the development of towns and cities

20 Clues: ITS stands forOne of Ohm's lawCommunication Systems includes aMethod of incremental improvementConstruction is the systematic act ofEnergy source is regarded as renewableStructures includes a number or requirementsStructures includes a number or requirementsThe use of different modes of transportation...

"Technology" words 2019-08-27

"Technology" words crossword puzzle
  1. you shouldn't buy _______ software - it's illegal!
  2. important development or discovery
  3. a new or improved idea or method
  4. you can use this program for maths and accounts - it is good for making charts
  5. ouch! you can lose all your data when your computers ______
  6. if you don't like wires messing up your desk, you need to get a ______ mouse
  7. making a process in a factory operated by machines or computers in order to reduce the amount of work done by humans
  8. specialized hardware or software designed to prevent unauthorized access into or out of a computer or network
  9. a group of connected computers which share resources
  1. a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment
  2. a new idea or factor that significantly changes an existing situation or way of doing something
  3. an image of what is displayed on the screen of a computer or mobile device
  4. a blinking symbol on the screen that shows where any new text will next be entered
  5. little label that looks like piano keys and is read by the computers in the supermarkets
  6. typically a piece of electrical equipment, such as a kettle or toaster, that uses less advanced technology
  7. abbreviation for 'frequently asked questions'
  8. the process of creating something which has never been made before
  9. abbreviation for 'internet service provider'
  10. a book published in digital form and read on a computer or other dedicated electronic device

19 Clues: a new or improved idea or methodimportant development or discoveryabbreviation for 'internet service provider'abbreviation for 'frequently asked questions'you shouldn't buy _______ software - it's illegal!a group of connected computers which share resourcesouch! you can lose all your data when your computers ______...

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. publishing (computer science) the use of microcomputers with graphics capacity to produce printed materials
  2. strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet
  3. a facial expression represented by a sequence of characters
  4. the activity of converting data or information into code
  5. the symbolic arrangement of data in a computer program
  6. the exclusive right to sell a work
  7. crime committed using a computer and the internet
  8. put into a format that can be read or processed by computers
  9. something reduced in volume to its full volume
  10. decompress
  11. (computer science) a memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored
  1. (computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
  2. transfer a file or program to a smaller computer
  3. a worldwide network of computer networks
  4. a listing of the computer files stored in memory
  5. science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions
  6. set up for a particular purpose
  7. transfer out of a database or document
  8. locate and correct errors in a computer program
  9. an organized body of related information
  10. a short line of text that a web site puts on your computer's hard drive when you access the web site

21 Clues: decompressset up for a particular purposethe exclusive right to sell a worka worldwide network of computer networkstransfer out of a database or documentan organized body of related informationsomething reduced in volume to its full volumelocate and correct errors in a computer programcrime committed using a computer and the internet...

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. publishing (computer science) the use of microcomputers with graphics capacity to produce printed materials
  2. strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet
  3. a facial expression represented by a sequence of characters
  4. the activity of converting data or information into code
  5. the symbolic arrangement of data in a computer program
  6. the exclusive right to sell a work
  7. crime committed using a computer and the internet
  8. put into a format that can be read or processed by computers
  9. something reduced in volume to its full volume
  10. decompress
  11. (computer science) a memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored
  1. (computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
  2. transfer a file or program to a smaller computer
  3. a worldwide network of computer networks
  4. a listing of the computer files stored in memory
  5. science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions
  6. set up for a particular purpose
  7. transfer out of a database or document
  8. locate and correct errors in a computer program
  9. an organized body of related information
  10. a short line of text that a web site puts on your computer's hard drive when you access the web site

21 Clues: decompressset up for a particular purposethe exclusive right to sell a worka worldwide network of computer networkstransfer out of a database or documentan organized body of related informationsomething reduced in volume to its full volumelocate and correct errors in a computer programcrime committed using a computer and the internet...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the exclusive right to sell a work
  2. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  3. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  4. computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  5. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  6. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  7. a program that gives a computer instructions
  8. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  9. a program used to view HTML documents
  1. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine bulletin board system
  2. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  3. having an output that is proportional to the input
  4. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  5. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  6. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  7. a unit of measurement of information
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  9. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  10. a data transmission rate for modems

19 Clues: the exclusive right to sell a worka data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology vocabulary 2021-04-15

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  2. a part of ram used for temporary storage of data
  3. a program that gives a computer instructions
  4. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  5. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  6. Ram memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  7. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and acess information of general interest
  1. or relating to a combinatorial system devised by george boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  2. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  3. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  4. having an output that is proportional to the input
  5. adjusting the parts of sometyhing in relation to each other
  6. a program used to view HTML documents
  7. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  8. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  9. a unit of measurement of information
  10. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  11. any small compartment
  12. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device

19 Clues: any small compartmenta unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of ram used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the inputof or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base...


  1. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storange device
  2. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  3. any small compartment
  4. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  5. an image represented as a two dimensioal array of brighteness values for pixels
  6. a program used to view HTML documents
  7. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  8. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  9. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  1. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  2. a data transmission rate for modems
  3. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  4. a progam that gives a computer instructions
  5. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  6. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  7. having an out that is proportional to the input
  8. a unit of measurement of information
  9. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  10. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data

19 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa progam that gives a computer instructionsa compact disk that is used with a computerhaving an out that is proportional to the inputa part of RAM used for temporary storage of data...

Technology Items 2023-09-28

Technology Items crossword puzzle
  1. something to turn off and on the tv without standing up
  2. something you use so you don't have your hair wet
  3. enchufar
  4. something you can find in the kitchen
  5. encender
  6. apagar
  7. something we all have in our hands
  8. something you use in the morning to make breakfast
  9. something used to heat the food
  1. something to play video games (not in computer)
  2. it's like a phone but bigger
  3. something to watch films and shows and also to watch netflix
  4. something to make smoothies and milkshakes
  5. something to clean your teeth
  6. something used to take photos
  7. part of a computer
  8. something used for making copies
  9. something to save files and photos
  10. desenchufar

19 Clues: apagarenchufarencenderdesenchufarpart of a computerit's like a phone but biggersomething to clean your teethsomething used to take photossomething used to heat the foodsomething used for making copiessomething to save files and photossomething we all have in our handssomething you can find in the kitchensomething to make smoothies and milkshakes...

DNA Technology 2024-01-18

DNA Technology crossword puzzle
  1. The name of a specific enzyme that binds and cleaves the DNA
  2. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  3. The name of the first large mammal that was cloned
  4. The dye used to stain and visualize DNA fragments
  5. A type of genetic engineering that involves cutting DNA segments into smaller pieces
  6. The charged end that the DNA moves towards when electrical currents are sent through
  7. A type of genetic engineering that involves producing large numbers of identical DNA molecules
  8. The gel used to make the cast and wells for DNA samples to be loaded into
  9. Moral principles that govern a person's ideals and behaviors
  1. This important pancreatic hormone is inserted into bacteria in order to produce extra amounts for medical purposes
  2. A type of genetic engineering that involves separating DNA fragments by size, charge, or concentration
  3. The charge DNA has
  4. The living thing that gets new DNA inserted into its own DNA
  5. A type of genetic engineering that involves joining two DNA segments together
  6. A type of genetic engineering that involves making copies of specific DNA sequences
  7. The name for the newly generated DNA molecule made from different DNA sources
  8. Technology used to look at the similarities in DNA between populations or species
  9. The twisted shape of DNA
  10. Tools and technology that involves manipulating and modifying an organisms genes

19 Clues: The charge DNA hasDeoxyribonucleic acidThe twisted shape of DNAThe dye used to stain and visualize DNA fragmentsThe name of the first large mammal that was clonedThe name of a specific enzyme that binds and cleaves the DNAThe living thing that gets new DNA inserted into its own DNAMoral principles that govern a person's ideals and behaviors...

Technology Systems 2023-12-19

Technology Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers
  2. a hardware or software device that blocks data traffic
  3. The computers Brain
  4. where processing is one on the client
  5. Business services hosted through the internet
  6. where processing is done on a server
  7. a whole computer on a single chip
  8. a common network topology
  9. Installed on a computer
  10. Volatile Storage
  11. Custom made
  1. a measurement of how fast a CPU works
  2. a device that can do more than one thing
  3. A combination of hardware and software
  4. software that manages ram, hardware, software
  5. Components you can touch
  6. a type of computer that provides services
  7. 9 in binary
  8. software that removes malicious software

19 Clues: 9 in binaryCustom madeVolatile StorageThe computers BrainInstalled on a computerComponents you can toucha common network topologyWindows, Icons, Menus, Pointersa whole computer on a single chipwhere processing is done on a servera measurement of how fast a CPU workswhere processing is one on the clientA combination of hardware and software...

il soggiorno/il bagno 2021-07-10

il soggiorno/il bagno crossword puzzle
  1. drawer
  2. bathrobe
  3. deodorant
  4. toothbrush
  5. tv
  6. rug
  7. mirror
  8. ceiling
  9. armchair
  10. bathtub
  11. soap
  12. perfume
  1. towel
  2. furniture
  3. shelving unit
  4. coffee table
  5. wc
  6. toothpaste
  7. cabinet
  8. shower
  9. divano
  10. floor
  11. curtain

23 Clues: wctvrugsoaptowelfloordrawershowermirrordivanocabinetceilingcurtainbathtubperfumebathrobearmchairfurnituredeodoranttoothpastetoothbrushcoffee tableshelving unit

school 2021-02-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. õpilaspäevik
  2. joonlaud
  3. topelt
  4. kustukumm
  5. parim
  6. tund
  7. töövihik
  8. õun
  9. pastapliiats
  10. aitama
  1. tark
  2. sinine
  3. kirjutama
  4. punane
  5. mobiil
  6. kunst
  7. kollane
  8. kott
  9. palju
  10. raamat
  11. kool
  12. lugema
  13. telefon
  14. pliiats

24 Clues: õuntarkkottkooltundkunstpaljuparimsininepunanemobiiltopeltraamatlugemaaitamakollanetelefonpliiatsjoonlaudtöövihikkirjutamakustukummõpilaspäevikpastapliiats

Are you a Techie? 2021-07-07

Are you a Techie? crossword puzzle
  1. The process of transferring software/information from the Internet to your computer.
  2. A mobile computer consisting of a screen only, and controlled by touching the screen.
  3. Another name for a link on a webpage.
  4. The main unit of memory in a computer.
  5. A program like Firefox or Internet Explorer. You use it to view or to surf the Internet.
  1. An operating system used by the majority of PCs.
  2. A way of communicating wirelessly over short distances between electronic devices.
  3. Copy files to a second medium (a disk).
  4. An electronic book that can be downloaded and read on a computer or other device.
  5. A person who knows a lot about, and likes, technology and technological stuff.
  6. Equipment for converting paper documents to electronic documents that can be used by a computer.
  7. A specific computer record; it could contain data such as text, for example essay.doc, or a program such as paint.exe.
  8. The front or main web page .

13 Clues: The front or main web page .Another name for a link on a webpage.The main unit of memory in a computer.Copy files to a second medium (a disk).An operating system used by the majority of PCs.A person who knows a lot about, and likes, technology and technological stuff.An electronic book that can be downloaded and read on a computer or other device....

Syllabus 2023-08-08

Syllabus crossword puzzle
  1. welcome opportunities and challenges with an open mind. Which of the 5 P's does this describe
  2. the use of the technology is for __________ only.
  3. the best way to reach me is by _______
  4. Students are expected to take care of restroom needs during passing periods.Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom the first ______ minutes or the last _____ minutes of class.
  5. the form of discipline is dependent on the __________ of the infraction.
  6. Are worth 30% of your grade.
  7. You are required to have two of these to use for note-taking.
  1. are worth 70% of your grade.
  2. Students will take an _______ exam demonstrating their mastery of comprehension and skills they have internalized throughout the school year.
  3. the grading period is divided into _____ nine weeks.
  4. it will take place every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30.
  5. a mobile app that rewards students for not using their phones during class.
  6. If you score below a 70 you are allowed to take this.

13 Clues: are worth 70% of your grade.Are worth 30% of your grade.the best way to reach me is by _______the use of the technology is for __________ will take place every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30.the grading period is divided into _____ nine weeks.If you score below a 70 you are allowed to take this....

spelling 2022-08-30

spelling crossword puzzle
  1. classless
  2. lively
  3. grip
  4. full
  5. mower
  6. portable
  7. protractible
  1. tightness
  2. deflect
  3. commitment
  4. seaming
  5. deduct
  6. moving
  7. stiff
  8. action

15 Clues: gripfullmowerstifflivelydeductmovingactiondeflectseamingportabletightnessclasslesscommitmentprotractible

Pr3 U1 2022-09-12

Pr3 U1 crossword puzzle
  1. мобильный
  2. забавный
  3. адрес
  4. помощник
  5. язык
  6. активный
  7. добрый
  8. ленивый
  1. телефон
  2. тихий
  3. творческий
  4. знаменитый
  5. фамилия
  6. дружелюбный
  7. вежливый

15 Clues: языктихийадресдобрыйтелефонфамилияленивыйзабавныйпомощниквежливыйактивныймобильныйтворческийзнаменитыйдружелюбный