new year Crossword Puzzles
LHM Christmas Crossword Challenge 2018-12-18
- His transport is deer
- Shhh, it's dark!
- Number one visitor after the bells
- Let them off at the New Year
- You are on it
- Strikes in the New Year
- Famous for rotten jokes
- Across the road
- Underneath, it can be romantic
- A day for fighting?
- Angelic singers
- Not meaty but sweet
- She will make a speech at Christmas
- Dickens wrote it
- They're a gift
- It's seasonal
- A country you can eat
- An angelic support worker
- A greeting for the year ahead
- He likes the cold this man
20 Clues: It's seasonal • You are on it • They're a gift • Across the road • Angelic singers • Dickens wrote it • Shhh, it's dark! • A day for fighting? • Not meaty but sweet • His transport is deer • A country you can eat • Strikes in the New Year • Famous for rotten jokes • An angelic support worker • He likes the cold this man • Let them off at the New Year • A greeting for the year ahead • ...
Chinese New Year 2023 2023-01-19
- Which number is considered luckiest in Chinese culture?
- What food is considered unlucky during CNY?
- Chinese New year is also known as _____ new year?
- What is the luckiest color to wear during CNY?
- What is the traditional gift for Children during CNY?
- What is lenny's zodiac?
- A sticky kueh with peanut filling! Eaten at weddings and CNY!
- In 2024, what will be the next zodiac?
- Which fruit symbolizes good luck during CNY?
- What Performance during CNY is believed to bring luck and fortune?
- How many Animals are there in the Zodiac?
- How do you greet each other during CNY?
- What is our Favorite Bakkua made of?
- What is the unlucky color to wear on CNY
- What is peisi's zodiac?
- What is a traditional game people usually play during CNY? (Hint: You need a table for this!)
- What food do you eat for long life during CNY?
- Red is Lucky! Which superhero wears red underwear?
- What is John's Zodiac?
- What is the Animal for this year's Zodiac?
20 Clues: What is John's Zodiac? • What is lenny's zodiac? • What is peisi's zodiac? • What is our Favorite Bakkua made of? • In 2024, what will be the next zodiac? • How do you greet each other during CNY? • What is the unlucky color to wear on CNY • How many Animals are there in the Zodiac? • What is the Animal for this year's Zodiac? • What food is considered unlucky during CNY? • ...
Happy New Years!! 2017-10-25
- ____ in the new year.
- Items that hang on the wall
- New Year's ___
- In with the ___, out with the old.
- Twelve a.m.
- Winter sport played on the ice.
- ____ last a life time.
- Month New Year's Day is in?
- Day that New Year's is on
- Board ___ (for ex: twister, guess who...)
- Small pieces of sparkly paper
- There are twelve in a year.
- They light up the sky at midnight.
- Couples do this at exactly midnight
- New Year's eve count-___
15 Clues: Twelve a.m. • New Year's ___ • ____ in the new year. • ____ last a life time. • New Year's eve count-___ • Day that New Year's is on • Items that hang on the wall • There are twelve in a year. • Month New Year's Day is in? • Small pieces of sparkly paper • Winter sport played on the ice. • They light up the sky at midnight. • In with the ___, out with the old. • ...
New years Day by Brianna 2018-11-30
- people are... for the new year.
- 10 secends before the new year they drop the ...
- on new years day people say...
- people ... down until the new year has come
- people ... the new year that has come.
- on new years day it is a...
- on new years day people see their family.
- people take a have memories.
- people are... about the new year.
- at 12:00 it is a...
10 Clues: at 12:00 it is a... • on new years day it is a... • on new years day people say... • people are... for the new year. • people are... about the new year. • people take a have memories. • people ... the new year that has come. • people ... down until the new year has come • on new years day people see their family. • 10 secends before the new year they drop the ...
- Chinese new year 2022 is the year of the ______?
- During ___, you usually bring a pair of mandarin oranges
- Auspicious colour for Chinese New Year is?
- Chinese people wish one another with lucky sayings and phrases when they meet during the Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) period. This is also know as Chinese New Year _____
- It is believed that wearing new _____ can bring fortune and health
- What is a colour that is associated with bad luck?
- how many zodiac animals are there?
- This type of fruit is often displayed or exchanged during Chinese New Year
- The most important part of the Chinese Near Year is the reunion ______?
- It is a tradition to ____ the house prior to Chinese New Year
10 Clues: how many zodiac animals are there? • Auspicious colour for Chinese New Year is? • Chinese new year 2022 is the year of the ______? • What is a colour that is associated with bad luck? • During ___, you usually bring a pair of mandarin oranges • It is a tradition to ____ the house prior to Chinese New Year • ...
New Year 2021-01-01
Chinese New Year 2021-03-21
Happy New Year 2023-11-20
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024-01-04
Crossword puzzle 2024-12-11
- - When new year come,people will ____for new year.
- - We will have ____ when new year comes.
- - 结果
- - 铁
- - China is a _____
- - Common social events during New Year and Christmas.
- - It is a tradition to exchange ___ at Christmas.
- - The Spring Festival is in this season
- - People are ____ during the Spring Festival
- - Plants. I like to eat __ rings
- - The school may have __ before the holidays.
- - The symbol of Christmas.
12 Clues: - 铁 • - 结果 • - China is a _____ • - The symbol of Christmas. • - Plants. I like to eat __ rings • - The Spring Festival is in this season • - We will have ____ when new year comes. • - People are ____ during the Spring Festival • - The school may have __ before the holidays. • - It is a tradition to exchange ___ at Christmas. • - When new year come,people will ____for new year. • ...
New Year in Halifax 2025-01-03
- 12 species of this mammal swim in our waters
- A celtic celebration of song, stories, and dance famous in Atlantic Canada.
- On Day 4 we spent 30 minutes doing this
- 50,000 tones of this delicious crustacean are hauled from our waters every year.
- Nova Scotia's world famous lighthouse
- Our favourite local chocolatier
- Day One: Drink more?
- This was the goal on Day 3
- This person is your contact for all thing Halifax Convention Centre
- Street where the Halifax Convention Centre is located
- On day 5 this was the aim of the game
- More than 50 million pounds of this super fruit are grown in Nova Scotia each year.
- This beautiful hotel is located in the same complex as the Halifax Convention Centre
- Top Canadian most visited historic site
- Famous for Nova Scotia pewter
- Halifax: World's Longest waterfront ______
- Nova Scotia's capital city
- On Day 2 we made sure to get in our...
18 Clues: Day One: Drink more? • Nova Scotia's capital city • This was the goal on Day 3 • Famous for Nova Scotia pewter • Our favourite local chocolatier • On day 5 this was the aim of the game • Nova Scotia's world famous lighthouse • On Day 2 we made sure to get in our... • Top Canadian most visited historic site • On Day 4 we spent 30 minutes doing this • ...
New Year, New Goals 2024-01-03
10 Clues: Eagle home base • Sparkly Eagle jewelry • Groovy tunes in an order • Where the cool Eagles shop • Condensation after working out • Popular indoor Racery mile-maker • Many people use water to do this • Covers your feet when exercising • One wears this to track activity • The best part at the end of the race
new year new words 2024-01-10
- cleanse by causing large quantities of water to pass through it
- the ability to hear, see, or think clearly
- the respiratory organ that has found in aquatic animals
- see, touch, hear, taste, smell
- small oles where the hair grow
- the sound the car makes
- a gentle felling of fondness or liking
- the first leaf or one of the first leaves developed by the embryo
- a person who has died
- a long narrow trench in the ground by a plow
10 Clues: a person who has died • the sound the car makes • see, touch, hear, taste, smell • small oles where the hair grow • a gentle felling of fondness or liking • the ability to hear, see, or think clearly • a long narrow trench in the ground by a plow • the respiratory organ that has found in aquatic animals • cleanse by causing large quantities of water to pass through it • ...
New Year 2020-01-20
8 Clues: New Year's song • This happens in New York • Host of New Year's Rockin' Eve • All most all stay up to this hour • Something you throw on New Year's Eve • Sometimes these will be set off into the air • Classic adult dring (Hint: has alcohol in it) • Most people make one of these before the New Year starts
new year 2020-12-16
- , when it is the new year we give each other a ....
- , on New Year's Eve we ......... to the new year
- , at new years evening you talk about ........ from last year
- , people who are allowed to drink are drinking ......... most of the time
- , on New Year's Eve people are allowed to set off ........
- , because of corona are there this year no new year .....
- , At new years eve we are going from December to .......
- , new years eve is a .......
8 Clues: , new years eve is a ....... • , on New Year's Eve we ......... to the new year • , when it is the new year we give each other a .... • , on New Year's Eve people are allowed to set off ........ • , At new years eve we are going from December to ....... • , at new years evening you talk about ........ from last year • ...
- What is a colour associated with bad luck?
- This type of fruit is often displayed or exchanged during Chinese New Year
- It is believed that wearing new _____ can bring fortune and health
- The most important part of Chinese New Year is the reunion ______
- Chinese people wish one another with lucky sayings and phrases when they meet during the Chinese New Year period. This is also know as Chinese New Year _____
- How many zodiac animals are there?
- It is a tradition to _____ the house prior to Chinese New Year
- During ___, you usually bring a pair of mandarin oranges
- Auspicious colour for Chinese New Year
- Chinese New Year 2022 is the year of the ____?
10 Clues: How many zodiac animals are there? • Auspicious colour for Chinese New Year • What is a colour associated with bad luck? • Chinese New Year 2022 is the year of the ____? • During ___, you usually bring a pair of mandarin oranges • It is a tradition to _____ the house prior to Chinese New Year • The most important part of Chinese New Year is the reunion ______ • ...
New Year New Me 2018-01-06
10 Clues: 00:00 • December 31 drink • Countdown terminology • Sky-high 2018 dazzlers! • What people do at midnight • Bowl Big game on January 1 • Frequent New Year's resolution • Square New Year's Eve hot spot • Bits of paper scattered at festive occasions • Count backwards; before detonating a bomb, for example
Holiday Celebration 2023-11-30
- Important festival in Islam that marks the end of Ramadan.
- Oil lamps that are traditionally lit during Diwali.
- Food eaten during Diwali.
- Traditional Christmastime drink.
- The ninth candle on the Menorah used to light the other candles during Hanukkah.
- Greeting meaning 'Blessed Eid" said after prayers on Eid Al-Fitr.
- Popular Christmas movie.
- Special prayers performed on the morning of Eid Al-Fitr.
- The letters of the dreidel represent this phrase, meaning "A Great Miracle Happened There".
- Popular food on Chinese New Year.
- The date of Eid Al-Fitr is determined on this sighting of this.
- The load noise of this is believed to scare away evil spirits and bad luck during lunar new year.
- Also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival.
- Holiday that marks the triumph of light over darkness.
- Popular Christmas cookie.
- Another name for the Red Envelops given and received on Lunar New Year
- Goddess of wealth and prosperity welcomed during Diwali.
- Hanukah commemorates the rededication of this in Jerusalem 2nd Century BCE.
- Jelly-filled doughnuts popular on Hanukkah.
- Type of stew popular on Eid Al-Fitr.
- Dance with a Lion or this mythical creature on Lunar New Year.
- Christmas celebrates the birth of this central figure in Christianity.
- These are hung buy the fireplace to be filled with gifts by Santa on Christmas.
- Material that can be used to make Rabgoli during Diwali.
24 Clues: Popular Christmas movie. • Popular Christmas cookie. • Food eaten during Diwali. • Traditional Christmastime drink. • Popular food on Chinese New Year. • Type of stew popular on Eid Al-Fitr. • Jelly-filled doughnuts popular on Hanukkah. • Also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival. • Oil lamps that are traditionally lit during Diwali. • ...
New Years 2025-01-30
- traditional new year’s song
- small pieces of colorful paper thrown in celebration
- month when New Years takes place
- meaning of [see clue 1]
- location in NYC known for New Years celebration
- event that takes place at [see clue 11]
- traditional new year’s food that is also the name of a band
- goals people make for self-improvement in the new year
- the exact time one year ends and another begins
- the zodiac animal associated with this Lunar New Year
- bubbly drink popular for toasting at midnight
- football game played on New Year’s Day
- festive pyrotechnics
13 Clues: festive pyrotechnics • meaning of [see clue 1] • traditional new year’s song • month when New Years takes place • football game played on New Year’s Day • event that takes place at [see clue 11] • bubbly drink popular for toasting at midnight • the exact time one year ends and another begins • location in NYC known for New Years celebration • ...
chinese new year 2023-01-17
12 Clues: male chicken • stripy big cat • legless reptile • won the river race • runs and jumps well • scared by the snake • flying mythical creature • like an ape but has a tail • fell asleep and finished last • stopped for a bath in the race • helped the rat and cat to cross • sometimes called goat in the story
New Year Challenge 2020-12-14
- New Years song, "___ Lang Syne."
- JPI is an endorsed local provider for this guy.
- 1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations.
- Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps.
- Made at the start of each new year.
- Stands for "endorsed local provider."
- On Jan 21st, we appreciate these rodents.
- Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day?
- The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step.
- We donate to a charity when we get these.
- The most requested item at homeless shelters.
- JPI motto, "____ people through insurance."
12 Clues: New Years song, "___ Lang Syne." • Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day? • Made at the start of each new year. • Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps. • Stands for "endorsed local provider." • On Jan 21st, we appreciate these rodents. • We donate to a charity when we get these. • The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step. • 1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations. • ...
New Year Task 2022-11-24
- The measure of success that Social Miners most want to increase for their tweets.
- The name of the network of Emin Gun Sirer, who is called The Blockfather in the blockchain field.
- An investor who holds his tokens for the long term.
- It is the most common operating system produced by Microsoft.
- The author of the wonderful article "Social impact of Social Mining".
- The name was given to the winners of token rewards by increasing the awareness of the business on social media by joining the community of the project they like.
- What is the common name of governance solutions used in social mining?
- A person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject.
- Marketplace where traders can make cryptocurrency transactions.
- Allows nodes to approve transactions in the PoS system.
- The quality point that sometimes turns into a nightmare, sometimes into a dream, while success lists are formed.
- What is the name of the innovative blockchain network that held its second annual meeting with the blockchain community in Dubai with the motto "Decipher2022"
12 Clues: An investor who holds his tokens for the long term. • Allows nodes to approve transactions in the PoS system. • It is the most common operating system produced by Microsoft. • Marketplace where traders can make cryptocurrency transactions. • A person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject. • ...
NEW YEAR/WINTER 2023-12-17
- Colorful chaos in a celebration's aftermath, creating a festive storm of memories
- Warm, chocolatey beverage perfect for winter
- Glide through powder like a surfer on frozen waves
- New Year's promise; often
- A steaming bowl of comfort, the culinary superhero that fights winter chills and fends off seasonal sniffles
- 10...9...8...
- common post-holiday decision
- Sky-bursting celebration that leaves a sparkling impression
- New Year's Day song artist; reputation album
- Clothing hug that never judges your winter indulgences;warmth you can wear on a cold day
- The season that turns the world into a snowglobe and prompts a wardrobe upgrade
- Frozen feathers from the sky that turn the world into a winter wonderland
12 Clues: 10...9...8... • New Year's promise; often • common post-holiday decision • New Year's Day song artist; reputation album • Warm, chocolatey beverage perfect for winter • Glide through powder like a surfer on frozen waves • Sky-bursting celebration that leaves a sparkling impression • Frozen feathers from the sky that turn the world into a winter wonderland • ...
Lunar New Year 2025-02-07
12 Clues: Holds lucky money • Beliefs about luck • Artistic handwriting • Tracks days and months • Poetic red decorations • Tiered temple structure • Predicted future or luck • Sacred place for offerings • Forbidden actions or topics • Family member from the past • Colorful explosion in the sky • Small explosive for celebration
Secure New Year 2024-10-22
- Een programma dat je gebruikt om het internet op te gaan
- Een bericht dat je probeert to overtuigen om iets te doen wat jou schade aanbrengt.
- Malware dat alles encrypt en waar je voor moet betalen om je data terug te krijgen
- Besturingssysteem van Microsoft
- Een stukje data van je online historie dat een kruimel pad creëert
- Zoekmachine
- Klein kaartje in je telefoon
- Draadloos communicatie protocol
- Alternatief voor wachtwoord
- Ongewenste email
- Koreaans elektronica bedrijf
- Netwerk of verzameling van gehackte computers/devices
12 Clues: Zoekmachine • Ongewenste email • Alternatief voor wachtwoord • Klein kaartje in je telefoon • Koreaans elektronica bedrijf • Draadloos communicatie protocol • Besturingssysteem van Microsoft • Netwerk of verzameling van gehackte computers/devices • Een programma dat je gebruikt om het internet op te gaan • Een stukje data van je online historie dat een kruimel pad creëert • ...
Chinese New Year 2025-01-06
- Explosive displays used for celebrations
- A mythical creature featured in traditional dances
- A fruit often given as a symbol of good fortune
- A gift of money for good luck and fortune
- Another name for Chinese New Year
- A symbol of wealth and prosperity
- A round pastry often eating during Chinese New Year
- Decorative light often carried during a festival
- The central focus of new year gatherings
- An example of a zodiac animal, bull like
- A popular food shaped like an ancient Chinese gold ingots
- A colour representing happiness, good luck and protection
12 Clues: Another name for Chinese New Year • A symbol of wealth and prosperity • Explosive displays used for celebrations • The central focus of new year gatherings • An example of a zodiac animal, bull like • A gift of money for good luck and fortune • A fruit often given as a symbol of good fortune • Decorative light often carried during a festival • ...
New Year's Customs- leave blank box between words 2024-01-03
- In Columbia, they carry an empty __________ around the block to encourage a lot of travel in the new year
- In Venezuela and Chile, people wrap 12 of these in a bill to bring wealth
- In Turkey, people throw these fruits against their doors to bring wealth and good luck
- In Denmark, people break ____________ by throwing them against their neighbors' or friends' doors
- This color is associated with good luck in many places around the world
- In Greece, people hang an ________ on their door to symbolize rebirth and bring good luck
- In South Africa, people toss old _______ out of their windows to symbolize letting go of the past.
- A cold water swim on New Year's Day is named for this animal
- Brazilians throw this color flower into the ocean
- Czechs cut this fruit in half. The shape of the core is said to show your luck for the upcoming year.
- in Ireland, they bang this food on the walls to get rid of bad spirits and invite good ones for the new year.
- Many places celebrate New Years with ______________. One of the most famous is at Sydney Harbor.
- In Switzerland, dropping ________ ___________ on the ground is mean to bring prosperity
- In Spain, people eat 12 of these
- This Scottish tradition says the first person to enter a home in the New Year is the bringer of good luck
- many countries on the continent of Asia celebrate this type of New Year's
- In Romania, people dress up as this type of animal and perform dances to scare away evil spirts
- A crystal covered ball is dropped at midnight at this New York City attraction
- In the Philippines, people eat 12 foods that are all this shape.
- In this country, they ring bells 108 times to bring in the New Year
20 Clues: In Spain, people eat 12 of these • Brazilians throw this color flower into the ocean • A cold water swim on New Year's Day is named for this animal • In the Philippines, people eat 12 foods that are all this shape. • In this country, they ring bells 108 times to bring in the New Year • This color is associated with good luck in many places around the world • ...
chinese 2025-01-14
- A mythical creature in Chinese culture, symbolizing strength, power, and good luck. Dragons are often featured in dances and decorations during Chinese New Year.
- A symbol of wealth and prosperity, often used in Chinese New Year decorations and gifts to represent abundance.
- Explosive displays used during Chinese New Year to celebrate and ward off evil spirits.
- A time of celebration and joy, such as the Spring Festival, which marks the beginning of the lunar new year.
- Flowers like plum blossoms and orchids are popular decorations during Chinese New Year, symbolizing growth and renewal.
- A significant part of Chinese New Year traditions, often given as "lucky money" in red envelopes to wish prosperity.
- Another Chinese zodiac animal, symbolizing wisdom, flexibility, and intuition.
- One of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals, representing bravery, strength, and confidence.
- Referring to the people, language, and culture of China, including their celebration of the Lunar New Year.
- The cornerstone of Chinese New Year celebrations, as families gather to share meals, exchange gifts, and celebrate together.
- A central theme of Chinese New Year, representing blessings, good fortune, and success.
11 Clues: Another Chinese zodiac animal, symbolizing wisdom, flexibility, and intuition. • One of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals, representing bravery, strength, and confidence. • Explosive displays used during Chinese New Year to celebrate and ward off evil spirits. • A central theme of Chinese New Year, representing blessings, good fortune, and success. • ...
New year's resolutions 2025-01-13
- Achieving harmony between work, life, and personal growth.
- The drive to pursue your resolutions.
- A common focus for New Year's resolutions regarding well-being.
- Personal development or progress.
- Achieving your desired outcome or goal.
- A strategy for achieving your New Year's resolution."
- A promise to stick with your resolution.
- The beginning of something fresh, often tied to resolutions
- Self-control needed to stick to your resolutions.
- Something you aim to achieve in the new year.
- Making adjustments to improve in the new year.
- Staying steady and persistent in your efforts.
- A mindset that helps you stay focused on your resolutions."
- Determination to accomplish your goals.
- Often something we aim to manage better in the new year."
15 Clues: Personal development or progress. • The drive to pursue your resolutions. • Achieving your desired outcome or goal. • Determination to accomplish your goals. • A promise to stick with your resolution. • Something you aim to achieve in the new year. • Making adjustments to improve in the new year. • Staying steady and persistent in your efforts. • ...
A de Dios Christmas Crossward Puzzle! 2024-12-24
- Name of Katrina's new employer
- The country of our furthest-traveled wedding
- The cat that had kidney issues this year
- Favorte sport to play as a couple
- The cat that has learned to close doors this year
- Age of Katrina this year
- Month of our first run together
- Miguel's favorite purchase this year
- First new country traveled as a married couple
- Coolest band concert of the year
- Name of Miguel's new employer
- Most frequented restaurant of the year (Japanese)
12 Clues: Age of Katrina this year • Name of Miguel's new employer • Name of Katrina's new employer • Month of our first run together • Coolest band concert of the year • Favorte sport to play as a couple • Miguel's favorite purchase this year • The cat that had kidney issues this year • The country of our furthest-traveled wedding • First new country traveled as a married couple • ...
China 2018-03-24
- A Chinese Disney princess
- What does chicken represent?
- How long do Chinese New Year celebrations last?
- Atypical Chinese starter
- A form of traditional dance in China
- An animal in the Chinese zodiac similar to a boar
- Wearing them is believed to bring good luck during New Year
- The biggest city in China
- Typical glutinous Chinese food
- Which calendar do the Chinese use for festivities
- What do Chinese children receive on New Year's Day?
- Lucky colour
- A colour that represents wealth
- Another name for the Chinese New Year
- The Chinese use them to eat
15 Clues: Lucky colour • Atypical Chinese starter • A Chinese Disney princess • The biggest city in China • The Chinese use them to eat • What does chicken represent? • Typical glutinous Chinese food • A colour that represents wealth • A form of traditional dance in China • Another name for the Chinese New Year • How long do Chinese New Year celebrations last? • ...
School 2021-11-22
- a class to tell us about the past
- what we are suppose to keep are stuff in
- Time period before classes
- reading
- the planet we are on
- third year of high school
- a time that no one likes at the beginning of third hour
- last year of high school
- new tech students use this for their classes
- class that you create in
- type in numbers to get answers
- electronic used to do work
- second year of high school
- tech a program that's on the third floor
- the person teaching you
- we examine things in this class
- something to write on
- something to write with
- first year of high school
- working out
20 Clues: reading • working out • the planet we are on • something to write on • the person teaching you • something to write with • class that you create in • last year of high school • third year of high school • first year of high school • electronic used to do work • Time period before classes • second year of high school • type in numbers to get answers • we examine things in this class • ...
New year 2022-12-22
- / a card, often with a photograph or picture on one side, that can be sent without an envelope.
- / a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year
- / an expression of good wishes or respect, holding up and then drinking from a glass of alcohol, especially wine, after a short speech.
- / a small container filled with explosive chemicals that produce bright coloured patterns or loud noises when they explode.
- / the evening of 31 December, typically marked with a celebration
- / a common nickname for champagne.
- / the act of counting backwards to zero.
- /a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol.
8 Clues: / a common nickname for champagne. • / the act of counting backwards to zero. • /a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol. • / the evening of 31 December, typically marked with a celebration • / a card, often with a photograph or picture on one side, that can be sent without an envelope. • ...
New Year 2023-12-05
new year 2024-12-27
- особлива подія або захід для відзначення щасливої події.
- Year’s Eve ніч перед Новим роком, який відзначають 31 грудня.
- пристрій, який показує час.
- час зміни дня на наступний, о 12:00 ночі.
- яскраві барвисті вибухи в небі під час святкувань.
- весела зустріч з друзями чи родиною, часто з їжею та музикою.
- відлік чисел у зворотному напрямку, щоб позначити початок події, як-от Новий рік.
- обіцянки, які люди дають собі, зробити краще в новому році.
8 Clues: пристрій, який показує час. • час зміни дня на наступний, о 12:00 ночі. • яскраві барвисті вибухи в небі під час святкувань. • особлива подія або захід для відзначення щасливої події. • обіцянки, які люди дають собі, зробити краще в новому році. • весела зустріч з друзями чи родиною, часто з їжею та музикою. • ...
Happy New Year 1 2021-12-10
- spectacular sky displays
- legume that brings good luck
- New Year's promise to self
- New York celebration spot
- thrown on New Year's Eve
- Month that follows December
- midnight song
- bubbly drink
- smooch
- horns, rattles, etc..
- Twelve o'clock at night
- activity during the ball drop
- ballroom activity
- its days are numbered
- ceremonial procession
- a social gathering
- long ribbons
- cheerful
18 Clues: smooch • cheerful • long ribbons • bubbly drink • midnight song • ballroom activity • a social gathering • horns, rattles, etc.. • its days are numbered • ceremonial procession • Twelve o'clock at night • spectacular sky displays • thrown on New Year's Eve • New York celebration spot • New Year's promise to self • Month that follows December • legume that brings good luck • ...
Happy New Year 2 2021-12-10
- pals (another name for)
- post-parade litter
- timekeeper
- Bean that brings good luck
- Twelve A.M.
- first month
- celebration
- New Year's Day promise
- New Year's Day symbol
- sport with blitzes
- starting
- contemplation
- its days are numbered
- closely related group
- New year's day event
- fruit eaten on New's Year Day
- Time off
- custom handed down
18 Clues: starting • Time off • timekeeper • Twelve A.M. • first month • celebration • contemplation • sport with blitzes • post-parade litter • custom handed down • New year's day event • its days are numbered • closely related group • New Year's Day symbol • New Year's Day promise • pals (another name for) • Bean that brings good luck • fruit eaten on New's Year Day
Lunar new year banquet 2022-01-31
- Not white peas
- Spongebob's boss
- Porridge? (it sounds nicer than gruel)
- You must eat your greens
- Crustacean royalty
- It's the spice of life
- Bump a plump clump
- Oodles and oodles of noodles
- No plate? Just use lettuce
- The bird is looking
- Prized delicacy waiting in the tank
- Ghengis Khan's sheep
- Dorothy found cows
- What's an entree menu without them?
- What's a dessert menu without them?
- Nice and naughty
- But you can eat them in autumn as well
- Can be boiled, steamed, or this...
18 Clues: Not white peas • Spongebob's boss • Nice and naughty • Crustacean royalty • Dorothy found cows • Bump a plump clump • The bird is looking • Ghengis Khan's sheep • It's the spice of life • You must eat your greens • No plate? Just use lettuce • Oodles and oodles of noodles • Can be boiled, steamed, or this... • Prized delicacy waiting in the tank • What's an entree menu without them? • ...
Chinese New Year 2021-02-05
- money and sweets are left in these
- decoration usually made with paper
- Food eaten in china with most meals
- another name for a cockerel
- A fire breathing creature
- slippery hissing animal
- a place of worship
- lucky colour
- Orange and black stripy animal
- large rodent with a long tail
- these light up the sky and sometimes go bang
- what continent is China in?
12 Clues: lucky colour • a place of worship • slippery hissing animal • A fire breathing creature • what continent is China in? • another name for a cockerel • large rodent with a long tail • Orange and black stripy animal • money and sweets are left in these • decoration usually made with paper • Food eaten in china with most meals • these light up the sky and sometimes go bang
New Year Challenge 2020-12-14
- New Years song, "___ Lang Syne."
- JPI is an endorsed local provider for this guy.
- 1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations.
- Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps.
- Made at the start of each new year.
- Stands for "endorsed local provider."
- On Jan 21st, we appreciate this rodent.
- Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day?
- The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step.
- We donate to a charity when we get these.
- The most requested item at homeless shelters.
- JPI motto, "____ people through insurance."
12 Clues: New Years song, "___ Lang Syne." • Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day? • Made at the start of each new year. • Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps. • Stands for "endorsed local provider." • On Jan 21st, we appreciate this rodent. • We donate to a charity when we get these. • The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step. • 1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations. • ...
Chinese new year 2021-01-18
New year wishes 2021-12-30
Chinese New Year 2020-01-12
Happy New Year 2022-12-31
- a commun drink for adults
- first month of the year
- You can listen to .....
- New Year is a ...........
- You do the countdown from ten to ....
- You play ..... with your family or friends
- On New Year's Eve, you can do a p....
- on your head, you can have a ...
- complete the decoration:
- decorations
- You can watch ......... in big cities
- .... a wish
12 Clues: decorations • .... a wish • first month of the year • You can listen to ..... • a commun drink for adults • New Year is a ........... • on your head, you can have a ... • complete the decoration: • On New Year's Eve, you can do a p.... • You can watch ......... in big cities • You do the countdown from ten to .... • You play ..... with your family or friends
Lunar New Year 2023-01-26
- is know for being fast
- is know for haveing no lims
- is know for eating eveyting
- is know for being able to chew through things
- is know for breathing fire.
- is know for geting muddy
- there are 365 days in this
- is know for haveing larger combs on top of their heads
- is know for being stlefely
- is know for running and leaping through trees with ease.
- is know for loyalty
- is know for their manes and long tails
12 Clues: is know for loyalty • is know for being fast • is know for geting muddy • is know for being stlefely • there are 365 days in this • is know for haveing no lims • is know for eating eveyting • is know for breathing fire. • is know for their manes and long tails • is know for being able to chew through things • is know for haveing larger combs on top of their heads • ...
New Year Resolutions 2024-12-30
12 Clues: Join a '...' • Eat more '...' • Read more '...' • Drink more '...' • Drink less '...' • Learn a new '...' • Start a '...' journal • Deep '...' your house • '...' out your clothes • Get eight hours of '...' • Try new '...' in the kitchen • Spend more time with your '...'
Happy New Year! 2024-12-26
- holiday saying: ¨______¨ New Year!
- infant who wears a sash with the new year on it
- time right before a special day
- a promise to do something
- colorful explosives; mostly in the air
- twelfth month of the year
- 12:00 a.m.
- small explosive of streamers or confetti with a pull string
- old man who passes the new year to a baby
- first month of the year
- often dropped down a pole as part of celebrations
- 10...9...8...
12 Clues: 12:00 a.m. • 10...9...8... • first month of the year • a promise to do something • twelfth month of the year • time right before a special day • holiday saying: ¨______¨ New Year! • colorful explosives; mostly in the air • old man who passes the new year to a baby • infant who wears a sash with the new year on it • often dropped down a pole as part of celebrations • ...
New Year New Me 2022-12-27
- The state of being aware of something. Reduces Anxiety.
- A firm decision to do or not do something
- This hobby can reduce stress hormones by up to 68%
- Eating oatmeal provides a boost of this calming chemical to the brain, improving mood.
- Exercise prevents signs of
- This activity is good for the heart and can increase blood flow by 20%
- Lack of exercise causes as many deaths as this
- Good bacteria that can be found in yogurt and fermented foods
- Getting enough of this helps improve brain function, overall health and well being
- This hobby has been shown to decrease anxiety, strengthen immune cells and improve overall happiness
10 Clues: Exercise prevents signs of • A firm decision to do or not do something • Lack of exercise causes as many deaths as this • This hobby can reduce stress hormones by up to 68% • The state of being aware of something. Reduces Anxiety. • Good bacteria that can be found in yogurt and fermented foods • This activity is good for the heart and can increase blood flow by 20% • ...
New Year, New Crossword 2023-01-31
- This is the only bird that can fly backwards
- Anne has thousands of these
- Lesma solves this type of puzzle daily
- Tono hoped to see one of these on her trip
- Fia bought way too much of this
- The names of Amour's niece's parrots
- Lara's male alter ego
- a backwards version of JD that loves spinning records
- a derogatory term for pixel artists coined by Mima
- everyone's new favorite editor
10 Clues: Lara's male alter ego • Anne has thousands of these • everyone's new favorite editor • Fia bought way too much of this • The names of Amour's niece's parrots • Lesma solves this type of puzzle daily • Tono hoped to see one of these on her trip • This is the only bird that can fly backwards • a derogatory term for pixel artists coined by Mima • ...
New Year New You 2024-12-20
- That furry creature who determines if you’re stuck in six more weeks of winter, or just need more coffee.
- How you feel after staying up too late with kids and no sleep.
- Frozen water daggers that look pretty until your kid tries to eat one.
- That sparkly stuff still hanging on your tree well into January.
- The little humans who don't let you sleep or relax.
- The New Year’s promise you're definitely going to break by February.
- That cute cherib who appears in retail stores as soon as holidays are over
- Holiday de
- The thing you need to keep your kids' hands warm but you can only ever find one at a time
- Lunar New Year 2025: Year of the
10 Clues: Holiday de • Lunar New Year 2025: Year of the • The little humans who don't let you sleep or relax. • How you feel after staying up too late with kids and no sleep. • That sparkly stuff still hanging on your tree well into January. • The New Year’s promise you're definitely going to break by February. • ...
new year, new words 2024-01-10
- Cleans by causing large quantities of water to pass through it
- A long narrow trench in the ground by a plow
- The ability to hear, see or think clearly
- The first leaf of one of the first leaves developed by the embryo
- See, touch, smell, hear and taste
- Type of respiratory organ found in many aquatic animals
- Make the sound of a car
- The holes were the hair grows
- A gentle feeling of fondness or liking
- A person who has died
10 Clues: A person who has died • Make the sound of a car • The holes were the hair grows • See, touch, smell, hear and taste • A gentle feeling of fondness or liking • The ability to hear, see or think clearly • A long narrow trench in the ground by a plow • Type of respiratory organ found in many aquatic animals • Cleans by causing large quantities of water to pass through it • ...
chapter 4 2024-02-29
- what you eat in Chinese New year
- a special Chinese festival in September
- you light and play with this in Mid-Autumn Festival (it has fire!)
- you watch this in Chinese New Year
- you stick this at home in Chinese New Year (e.g. on the door)
- you do this cleaning in Ching Ming Festival
- you give special food to dead ____ in Ching Ming Festival
- a fruit you eat in Mid-Autumn Festival
- a performance you see in Chinese New Year
- what you eat in Mid-Autumn Festival
- what you eat in Chinese New Year
- a guessing game and you tie them to the lanterns
- ______ display in Chinese New Year
13 Clues: what you eat in Chinese New year • what you eat in Chinese New Year • you watch this in Chinese New Year • ______ display in Chinese New Year • what you eat in Mid-Autumn Festival • a fruit you eat in Mid-Autumn Festival • a special Chinese festival in September • a performance you see in Chinese New Year • you do this cleaning in Ching Ming Festival • ...
Chinese New Year 2018-02-09
- A large cow used like a horse
- Mammal with a tail a lot like a human
- A farm animal from which we get pork and bacon
- A legless lizard
- A long-eared animal with huge eyes
- Mythical creature that breathes fire
- It is said that you are always within 2 metres of these
- Large mammal used for riding and work
- A very large striped cat
- A male chicken
- Pet that barks
- Farm creature good for milk and meat
12 Clues: A male chicken • Pet that barks • A legless lizard • A very large striped cat • A large cow used like a horse • A long-eared animal with huge eyes • Mythical creature that breathes fire • Farm creature good for milk and meat • Large mammal used for riding and work • Mammal with a tail a lot like a human • A farm animal from which we get pork and bacon • ...
New Year Celebrations 2020-01-05
- If you need help, you need to .... the police.
- I ......... my birthday once a year.
- I ..... my grandparents on the weekends.
- I eat .... and chicken for lunch.
- I go .... after school.
- MY sister and I eat ..... at night.
- you can visit different ...... in Israel.
- We .... uniform(תלבושת( for school.
- Ali and Roee .... the classroom every day.
- We wear white ...... in Yom Kipur.
- The players ..... the ball in a basketball game.
- People ... presents when they celebrate.
12 Clues: I go .... after school. • I eat .... and chicken for lunch. • We wear white ...... in Yom Kipur. • We .... uniform(תלבושת( for school. • MY sister and I eat ..... at night. • I ......... my birthday once a year. • I ..... my grandparents on the weekends. • People ... presents when they celebrate. • you can visit different ...... in Israel. • ...
Lunar New Year 2021-02-16
- The length of the Chinese New Year celebration
- 2021 is the Year of the __
- Another name for Chinese New Year
- A large town
- An organized group of people walking in a street
- A lucky color
- The fruits that are orange and bring good luck
- A food made of dough filled with meat or vegetables
- More than one ox
- A lamp that is carried
- Something to put money in for children
- Related to the moon
12 Clues: A large town • A lucky color • More than one ox • Related to the moon • A lamp that is carried • 2021 is the Year of the __ • Another name for Chinese New Year • Something to put money in for children • The length of the Chinese New Year celebration • The fruits that are orange and bring good luck • An organized group of people walking in a street • ...
Chinese New Year 2021-05-25
- What animal is not in the Chinese zodiac? (3)
- The 11th animal of the Chinese zodiac (3)
- The 10th animal of the Chinese zodiac (7)
- There are 12 of these in the Chinese zodiac (7)
- The first animal of the Chinese zodiac (3)
- The 12th animal in the Chinese zodiac (3)
- The 2nd animal of the Chinese zodiac (2)
- The 3rd animal of the Chinese zodiac (5)
- The 7th animal of the Chinese zodiac (5)
- The 6th animal of the Chinese zodiac (5)
- The 9th animals of the Chinese zodiac (6)
- The 5th animal of the Chinese zodiac (6)
12 Clues: The 3rd animal of the Chinese zodiac (5) • The 7th animal of the Chinese zodiac (5) • The 6th animal of the Chinese zodiac (5) • The 5th animal of the Chinese zodiac (6) • The 2nd animal of the Chinese zodiac (2) • The 9th animals of the Chinese zodiac (6) • The 11th animal of the Chinese zodiac (3) • The 10th animal of the Chinese zodiac (7) • ...
New Year Party 2023-01-03
- The next phase for the place we are in right now
- the best company in the world
- The top rookie for 2022
- Our 10mil incentive trip
- The app that you see everyday
- The best developer
- Our Head of Team
- The email that you wish to see
- Sell this and you will get RM1,888
- Your minimum goal in IQI
- Open your window and you will see lake
- If customer want PJ with public transport
12 Clues: Our Head of Team • The best developer • The top rookie for 2022 • Your minimum goal in IQI • Our 10mil incentive trip • the best company in the world • The app that you see everyday • The email that you wish to see • Sell this and you will get RM1,888 • Open your window and you will see lake • If customer want PJ with public transport • ...
Happy New Year 2023-12-23
- Hung by the chimney for Santa to put presents into them
- A ballad or song of joy sang on Christmas
- Traditional British Christmas dessert
- Circular decoration for the front door
- People who sing Christmas songs
- Holiday celebrated on December 25th
- Festive paper tubes filled with treats and toys
- Santa's preferred way of transportation
- Traditional Christmas drink
- Often eaten for Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner
- Traditional British Christmas theater performance
- How Santa traditionally enters the house
12 Clues: Traditional Christmas drink • People who sing Christmas songs • Holiday celebrated on December 25th • Traditional British Christmas dessert • Circular decoration for the front door • Santa's preferred way of transportation • How Santa traditionally enters the house • A ballad or song of joy sang on Christmas • Often eaten for Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner • ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2024-01-03
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024-01-04
Chinese New Year 2023-10-09
- 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024
- 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027
- 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
- 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
- 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029
- 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031
- 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
- 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020
- 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028
- 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023
- 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026
- 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030
12 Clues: 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031 • 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025 • 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024 • 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020 • 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028 • 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027 • 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022 • ...
Chinese New Year Crossword 2021-02-01
- Plant that brings happiness, wealth and longevity.
- These are decorated, hung in temples, and carried during a parade.
- Number of days in the Chinese New Year celebration.
- Color that is believed to drive away bad luck.
- If you find this in your dumpling, you will have a year of good luck.
- What must you clean to be ready for Chinese New Year?
- What children receive in red envelopes if they have been good.
- Type of calendar that the Chinese New Year is based on.
- Chinese New Year is known as the ____________ Festival.
- Number of animals in the Chinese calendar.
- Animal traditionally represented in the Chinese New Year’s Day parade.
- Animal for the year 2021 in the Chinese calendar.
12 Clues: Number of animals in the Chinese calendar. • Color that is believed to drive away bad luck. • Animal for the year 2021 in the Chinese calendar. • Plant that brings happiness, wealth and longevity. • Number of days in the Chinese New Year celebration. • What must you clean to be ready for Chinese New Year? • Type of calendar that the Chinese New Year is based on. • ...
🚀 Mission Control 🚀 2024-12-11
- Time off work, often taken during the festive season for rest and relaxation.
- The efficiency of completing tasks and achieving goals within a given time frame.
- Accomplishments or milestones that were successfully completed during the year.
- Working together with others to achieve a common goal, especially in team projects.
- The process of looking back on achievements and lessons learned over the past year.
- The final time by which a task or project must be completed.
- The feeling of thankfulness for accomplishments, colleagues, or opportunities throughout the year.
- A gathering or event to commemorate the year’s achievements, such as an office party.
- Acknowledging and valuing the hard work and contributions of coworkers.
- Advancement to a higher position or rank within the company.
- Collaborative efforts between colleagues to achieve common goals.
- The introduction of new ideas, methods, or products to improve work processes or services.
- One of the four periods in the year (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) used for financial and business planning.
- Targets or objectives set for personal or professional success in the upcoming year.
- The beginning of a new project or year, often marked with a meeting or celebration.
- A financial plan for how company resources will be allocated, often reviewed at the end of the year.
- A goal or commitment set for the new year, often aimed at self-improvement.
- Improvement or progress in skills, projects, or career development over the year.
- The accomplishment of an objective or goal, often celebrated at the year’s end.
- Building and maintaining professional relationships to help with career advancement.
20 Clues: Advancement to a higher position or rank within the company. • The final time by which a task or project must be completed. • Collaborative efforts between colleagues to achieve common goals. • Acknowledging and valuing the hard work and contributions of coworkers. • A goal or commitment set for the new year, often aimed at self-improvement. • ...
New Year's Crossword 2024-12-04
- The last month of the year
- Small colorful pieces of paper
- You blow it up and it floats
- The first month of the year
- 5,4,3,2,1
- _____ New Year!
- The night before a holiday
- Promises/Goals made for the new year
- Big, loud and colorful displays in the sky
- The time the new year begins
- A fun gathering with lots of people
- Small accessory on your wrist to know the time
12 Clues: 5,4,3,2,1 • _____ New Year! • The night before a holiday • The last month of the year • The first month of the year • The time the new year begins • You blow it up and it floats • Small colorful pieces of paper • A fun gathering with lots of people • Promises/Goals made for the new year • Big, loud and colorful displays in the sky • Small accessory on your wrist to know the time
Happy New Year Wife 2017-12-24
- Where Woods' swam in the Hudson
- Arboretum woods' stroller swiped seeds from
- Woods' first beach
- Our Favorite cafe chain
- where woods got to see tweety, sylvester, and a turtle (abbr)
- Bebe's Favorite game
- coldest waterfall swim of 2017
- woods' 1st horse ride location (museum)
- swimming hole river near athens
- where we found a 'wild' hazelnut
- rock where we howled at the full moon
- woods' first cover rock concert
- Troy Statue
- labor day picnic park
- only movie we seen at a theatre in '17
- woods' first bar
- park with shakespeare and a giant tortise
- # of states Woods' has dirtied a diaper in
18 Clues: Troy Statue • woods' first bar • Woods' first beach • Bebe's Favorite game • labor day picnic park • Our Favorite cafe chain • coldest waterfall swim of 2017 • woods' first cover rock concert • Where Woods' swam in the Hudson • swimming hole river near athens • where we found a 'wild' hazelnut • rock where we howled at the full moon • only movie we seen at a theatre in '17 • ...
New Year's 2025 2025-01-02
- a get-together to celebrate
- the kind of animal a snake is (and maybe a dragon, too...?)
- 12 o'clock at night
- it is about to be the Year of the ______
- a chart with days, weeks, and months
- a round piece of rubber that is inflated with air
- "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
- building in this city that puts on a show on New Year's
- there are twelve in a year
- the day before, such as on Christmas or New Year's
- number of animals in the Chinese zodiac
- explosions of bright lights
- a red one holds money inside on Lunar New Year
- the Year of the ______ is coming to an end
- 365 days
15 Clues: 365 days • 12 o'clock at night • there are twelve in a year • a get-together to celebrate • explosions of bright lights • "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" • a chart with days, weeks, and months • number of animals in the Chinese zodiac • it is about to be the Year of the ______ • the Year of the ______ is coming to an end • a red one holds money inside on Lunar New Year • ...
Chinese New Year Crossword 2021-01-30
- Plant that brings happiness, wealth and longevity.
- Number of animals in the Chinese calendar.
- If you find this in your dumpling, you will have a year of good luck.
- Chinese New Year is known as the ____________ Festival.
- Color that is believed to drive away bad luck.
- Animal traditionally represented in the Chinese New Year’s Day parade.
- Number of days in the Chinese New Year celebration.
- What children receive in red envelopes if they have been good.
- Animal for the year 2021 in the Chinese calendar.
- Type of calendar that the Chinese New Year is based on.
- What must you clean to be ready for Chinese New Year?
- These are decorated, hung in temples, and carried during a parade.
12 Clues: Number of animals in the Chinese calendar. • Color that is believed to drive away bad luck. • Animal for the year 2021 in the Chinese calendar. • Plant that brings happiness, wealth and longevity. • Number of days in the Chinese New Year celebration. • What must you clean to be ready for Chinese New Year? • Type of calendar that the Chinese New Year is based on. • ...
Hogmanay! 2025-01-04
- People carry these along the street during processions (5)
- Traditional Scottish dance/party (7)
- Gift that can bring good luck at New Year (4)
- Traditional New Year's Day meal in Scotland (5,3)
- Traditional song, sung at New Year while holding hands (4,4,4)
- Scottish tradition that brings good luck for the New Year (5,7)
- Scottish alcoholic spirit (6)
- Scottish name for New Year (8)
- Scotland's biggest city (7)
- Writer of the poem 'Auld Lang Syne' (6,5)
- Capital of Scotland and setting of the Hogmanay street party (9)
- Scottish word for 'crazy' (5)
12 Clues: Scotland's biggest city (7) • Scottish word for 'crazy' (5) • Scottish alcoholic spirit (6) • Scottish name for New Year (8) • Traditional Scottish dance/party (7) • Writer of the poem 'Auld Lang Syne' (6,5) • Gift that can bring good luck at New Year (4) • Traditional New Year's Day meal in Scotland (5,3) • People carry these along the street during processions (5) • ...
New Year's Day 2024-01-10
- number of months in a year
- This year is 202___
- Every four years is a ____ year
- last month of the year
- first month of the year
- month with the fewest days
- the day before New Year's Day is New Year's ___
- common saying: "____ New Year!"
- Colorful explosions in the sky to celebrate
- time we celebrate New Year's
10 Clues: This year is 202___ • last month of the year • first month of the year • month with the fewest days • number of months in a year • time we celebrate New Year's • common saying: "____ New Year!" • Every four years is a ____ year • Colorful explosions in the sky to celebrate • the day before New Year's Day is New Year's ___
New Year New You 2016-12-27
- ?...People Make Healthier Choices
- Scales are only one ...?
- Shift Your ......To Achieve Better Results
- If you ?... in yourself, anything is possible
- You can earn these doing exercise
- Learn to .... Yourself, which means to fight for your happiness
- WW give us a daily food budget called ?
- Set your ? First and your body will follow
- Exclusive WW member community is called ?
- Be real, not ....?
10 Clues: Be real, not ....? • Scales are only one ...? • ?...People Make Healthier Choices • You can earn these doing exercise • WW give us a daily food budget called ? • Exclusive WW member community is called ? • Set your ? First and your body will follow • Shift Your ......To Achieve Better Results • If you ?... in yourself, anything is possible • ...
New Orleans New Year 2023-12-31
- This football game began Jan. 1, 1935 (2 words)
- Jan. 6, 1870, the second Carnival krewe formed, named Twelfth Night _____________.
- This former landmark at the foot of Canal St. began demolition in 1995, for Harrah's Casino.
- Nickname of cartoonist Matthews, creator of Vic 'N' Natly characters in 1982.
- Jan. 3, 1959 was the first TV appearance of this legendary horror host.
- Famed jazz musician Oscar Celestin born in 1884, went by this patriarchal nickname.
- Bernard Diliberto, famed sportscaster, went by this nickname.
- Guitarist & banjoist Danny, born in 1909,at 1027 rue Chartres.
- Basketballer Pete Maravich went by this "armed" nickname, given for his powerful court shots.
- The New Orleans professional football team earned this name in 1967.
10 Clues: This football game began Jan. 1, 1935 (2 words) • Bernard Diliberto, famed sportscaster, went by this nickname. • Guitarist & banjoist Danny, born in 1909,at 1027 rue Chartres. • The New Orleans professional football team earned this name in 1967. • Jan. 3, 1959 was the first TV appearance of this legendary horror host. • ...
Happy New Year's 2025 2025-01-06
- bright explosions in the sky
- the time when new year's begins
- A promise to make to yourself for the new year
- the first month of the year
- It tells time for the countdown
- a floating object you hit at parties
- small pieces of paper flown in the air
- a joyful shout you say at parties
- a celebration to welcome the New Year
- the season New Year's is in
- numbers said in reverse 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
- what drops each New Year at midnight
12 Clues: the season New Year's is in • the first month of the year • bright explosions in the sky • the time when new year's begins • It tells time for the countdown • a joyful shout you say at parties • what drops each New Year at midnight • a floating object you hit at parties • a celebration to welcome the New Year • small pieces of paper flown in the air • ...
New Year Challenge 2020-12-14
- New Years song, "___ Lang Syne."
- JPI is an endorsed local provider for this.
- 1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations.
- Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps.
- Made at the start of each new year.
- Stands for "endorsed local provider."
- On Jan 21st, we appreciate these rodents.
- Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day?
- The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step.
- We donate to a charity when we get these.
- The most requested item at homeless shelters.
- JPI motto, "____ people through insurance."
12 Clues: New Years song, "___ Lang Syne." • Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day? • Made at the start of each new year. • Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps. • Stands for "endorsed local provider." • On Jan 21st, we appreciate these rodents. • We donate to a charity when we get these. • The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step. • 1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations. • ...
New Year Crossword 2020-01-16
12 Clues: work • keep • take up • learning • New Year goal • meal outdoors • give yourself • gather together • warm heartedness • regularly attend • health and happiness • professional contacts
New year 5 2020-11-25
- poet Afua Cooper was born here
- plural form of deer
- name of the ship in Tintin graphic novel
- a tropical fruit with orange juicy flesh
- a famous place to shop in London
- a word with suffix -al
- pronoun for parents
- opposite of easy
- a report with time order
- grown underground that can be eaten
- a possessive adjective
- these bubbles can be seen in cartoon strips
12 Clues: opposite of easy • pronoun for parents • plural form of deer • a word with suffix -al • a possessive adjective • a report with time order • poet Afua Cooper was born here • a famous place to shop in London • grown underground that can be eaten • name of the ship in Tintin graphic novel • a tropical fruit with orange juicy flesh • these bubbles can be seen in cartoon strips
Happy New Year! 2021-01-11
- Seafood is popular in Japan. People often eat crab or __.
- You can wear a hat on your head and __ on your hands.
- If you want to walk in the snow, you should wear __ on your feet.
- Hot __ is a popular drink in winter.
- Children often get __ from their parents on New Year’s Day.
- On January first, many people go to a shrine or a __.
- If we go to the mountains, we can go __ or snowboarding.
- January is the __ month of the year.
- At stores, you can buy a __ bag.
- If you feel cold, you can wear a __ around your neck.
- Right now, it’s winter in Japan, but in Australia it’s __.
- __ is the coldest season of the year.
12 Clues: At stores, you can buy a __ bag. • January is the __ month of the year. • Hot __ is a popular drink in winter. • __ is the coldest season of the year. • You can wear a hat on your head and __ on your hands. • If you feel cold, you can wear a __ around your neck. • On January first, many people go to a shrine or a __. • ...
Chinese New Year 2023-01-18
- a creature that dances with dragons
- 2023 animal of the year
- a lucky color
- The main meal of the day
- the people you spend time with and eat with
- Something you give to little kids
- The 12 animals that make up animals of the year
- an animal you eat, swims in water
- Lights you hang up
- a lucky color
- long strands you eat, made of flour or rice
- a mythological creature, dances with lions
- Produces a colorful and loud display in the sky
13 Clues: a lucky color • a lucky color • Lights you hang up • 2023 animal of the year • The main meal of the day • an animal you eat, swims in water • Something you give to little kids • a creature that dances with dragons • a mythological creature, dances with lions • long strands you eat, made of flour or rice • the people you spend time with and eat with • ...
Happy New Year 2021-12-23
12 Clues: be of help • an activity • be the same • take a plane • be wiped out • a mental image • to respect someone • be full of anxiety • the amount of people • to give shows on stage • the method to do something • where people work together
Happy New Year 2021-12-23
12 Clues: be of help • an activity • be the same • take a plane • be wiped out • a mental image • to respect someone • be full of anxiety • the amount of people • to give shows on stage • the method to do something • where people work together
New Year 2023 2023-12-30
- Thailand currency
- first person to score 50 in golf yesterday
- Youngest member of the Our Dubai Group
- number of holidays in 2024 in UAE
- last food item eaten at melrons party
- who won Cricket world cup 2023
- Alex went ALONE to get what late night in thailand
- number of females in our group
- who won football world cup 2023
- what was evas 2023 birthday theme colour
- Oldest member of our group
- famous personality birthday in December
12 Clues: Thailand currency • Oldest member of our group • who won Cricket world cup 2023 • number of females in our group • who won football world cup 2023 • number of holidays in 2024 in UAE • last food item eaten at melrons party • Youngest member of the Our Dubai Group • famous personality birthday in December • what was evas 2023 birthday theme colour • ...
Secure New Year 2025-01-15
- operating system from Microsoft
- network or collection of hacked computers/devices
- Small electronic card in your phone
- Malware that encrypts all your data and requires you to pay te get it back
- Alternative for a password
- A message dat tries to convince you to do something that harms you
- searchengine
- A piece of data that records your online history
- a program used to surf the internet
- Wireless communication protocol
- unwanted email
- Korean electronics manufacturer
12 Clues: searchengine • unwanted email • Alternative for a password • operating system from Microsoft • Wireless communication protocol • Korean electronics manufacturer • a program used to surf the internet • Small electronic card in your phone • A piece of data that records your online history • network or collection of hacked computers/devices • ...
Lunar New Year 2025-01-31
- If you mixed this with a lion, you would get a liger
- Mr. Michael's birth year
- A boy chicken
- The current lunar year
- The last time this happened was 2019 and the next will be 2031
- This animal rhymes with "socks"
- Like a mouse, except maybe scarier/yuckier
- Some may call this a hare
- A pony would be a baby one
- Some say sheep instead- this is the year you were born
- This is something that breathes fire and flies
- Kind of like a gorilla
12 Clues: A boy chicken • Kind of like a gorilla • The current lunar year • Mr. Michael's birth year • Some may call this a hare • A pony would be a baby one • This animal rhymes with "socks" • Like a mouse, except maybe scarier/yuckier • This is something that breathes fire and flies • If you mixed this with a lion, you would get a liger • ...
Lunar New Year 2025-01-22
- This legendary creature can be seen dancing in street performances in a rather confident, intelligent and enthusiastic nature.
- You'll earn your stripes like this feline with qualities of being brave, confident & competitive.
- Diligent, dependable, strong & determined, this animal can be seen doing a lot of farm work.
- Animated, active & energetic are traits an equestrian & this animal should have when riding for sport.
- Lovely, honest, prudent can describe this animal who would appreciate a game of catch every now and then.
- Sssome may Sssay you are enigmatic, intelligent & wiSsse! ThiSss iSss your year!
- Quiet, elegant, kind & responsible are characteristics of this animal who has also been known to race a turtle.
- In the story Charlotte's Web, the spider befriends this animal who is compassionate, diligent & generous.
- Although it's quick-witted, resourceful, versatile & kind, you wouldn't want to find one of these in your home.
- You won't need this animal to wake up a person who is observant, hard-working & courageous.
- Smart, sharp, curious are a few characteristics that describe this animal from a 1940's children's book, named Curious George.
- If you are the Greatest Of All Time, you likely have these qualities: Calm, Gentle, Sympathetic.
12 Clues: Sssome may Sssay you are enigmatic, intelligent & wiSsse! ThiSss iSss your year! • You won't need this animal to wake up a person who is observant, hard-working & courageous. • Diligent, dependable, strong & determined, this animal can be seen doing a lot of farm work. • ...
New year, Crossword 2025-01-23
- What was Elphaba trying to see?
- What was the album of the year according to GCHS?
- What big thing is another civilization going to discover on our land in the future?
- Which coach reached the huge milestone of 300 wins?
- What University did Luigi Mangione attend?
- What's the second most taken-over job by AI?
- What do seniors welcome into their lives after graduating?
- What did the GCHS cheer team place at their first competition?
- Where was Mrs Rodriguez born?
- What is the purpose of the Best Buddies program?
- What is the 2nd most spoken language in the world?
- What is Ralph Davis's group passing out?
12 Clues: Where was Mrs Rodriguez born? • What was Elphaba trying to see? • What is Ralph Davis's group passing out? • What University did Luigi Mangione attend? • What's the second most taken-over job by AI? • What is the purpose of the Best Buddies program? • What was the album of the year according to GCHS? • What is the 2nd most spoken language in the world? • ...
Happy New Year! 2025-01-01
10 Clues: 365 days • what 2025 is • 2025 Chinese zodiac sign • the night before January 1st • what the new year might seem • what new year celebrations are • event in time square at midnight • length of Chinese New Year in days • book with title "This time ___ year" • something you'll try to do better in the new year
New Year's Eve 2015-01-03
- There are 12 in the year
- White wine with bubbles
- January 1st
- There were lively New Year_______________ all over town.
- twelve o'clock at night.
- December 31st is _____________
- a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.
- Expression of goodwill
- Show the date
- Phrase said at midnight
- Friendly expression said just before you drink an alcoholic drink.
- We went___________ at a nightclub.
- When the New Year arrives, people throw small pieces of paper called_______________
- 5-4-3-2-1
- When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________
15 Clues: 5-4-3-2-1 • January 1st • Show the date • Expression of goodwill • Phrase said at midnight • White wine with bubbles • There are 12 in the year • twelve o'clock at night. • December 31st is _____________ • We went___________ at a nightclub. • There were lively New Year_______________ all over town. • When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________ • ...
New Year's Eve 2015-01-03
- We went___________ at a nightclub.
- a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.
- Phrase said at midnight
- December 31st is _____________
- White wine with bubbles
- twelve o'clock at night.
- When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________
- 5-4-3-2-1
- When the New Year arrives, people throw small pieces of paper called_______________
- January 1st
- There were lively New Year_______________ all over town.
- There are 12 in the year
- Show the date
- Friendly expression said just before you drink an alcoholic drink.
- Expression of goodwill
15 Clues: 5-4-3-2-1 • January 1st • Show the date • Expression of goodwill • Phrase said at midnight • White wine with bubbles • There are 12 in the year • twelve o'clock at night. • December 31st is _____________ • We went___________ at a nightclub. • There were lively New Year_______________ all over town. • When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________ • ...
b 2024-12-26
- Long, thin decorations used at parties.
- A festive gathering with food, drinks, and entertainment.
- A joyful gathering to mark a special event.
- A public procession with music and floats.
- A speech made to wish happiness or success.
- A large, celebratory meal.
- Events and activities for celebrating special occasions.
- Colorful explosions in the sky during New Year’s celebrations.
- The exact moment when the New Year begins.
- The first month of the year.
- A shout of joy or encouragement.
- To shine brightly with flashes of light.
- A custom or belief passed down through generations.
- Small pieces of paper thrown during celebrations.
- The act of counting backward to mark the New Year.
- Hopes or desires for the future.
- People with whom one shares a mutual bond of affection.
- A tool to keep track of dates and months.
- A promise made to improve oneself in the coming year.
- People related by blood or strong bonds.
20 Clues: A large, celebratory meal. • The first month of the year. • A shout of joy or encouragement. • Hopes or desires for the future. • Long, thin decorations used at parties. • To shine brightly with flashes of light. • People related by blood or strong bonds. • A tool to keep track of dates and months. • A public procession with music and floats. • ...
February 3, 2025 2025-02-03
- Also known as the Chinese New Year
- Chinese New Year celebrations end with this
- Brief guest to the planet party at the end of February
- Growth of Mount Everest is mainly due to the collision of these Indian and Eurasian plates
- This will appear between Venus and Uranus after sunset
- Term for when the ground under Mt. Everest and nearby areas started to rise
- Planets that can be seen with the naked eye
- Name given to the visibly aligned six planets
- The smallest planet will be hard to see because it will be very close to this
- River capture culprit
- Animals of the zodiac are believed to influence these
- We usually cannot see all the planets at once because they do this
- NASA says this isn’t special
- These planets can only be seen with a powerful telescope
- This food symbolizes family togetherness
- The number of planets it is common to see lined up in the sky
- The Chinese New Year festivities begin with this
- These foods represent wealth
- Earth’s highest peak
- The animals in the Chinese Zodiac were assigned a year based on the order in which they completed this
- What the Chinese New Year travel rush is known as
- Planets orbit the sun along a similar plane, causing them to appear like they do this
- Number of meters more that climbers will have to climb to get to the top of Mr. Everest
- 2025 is the year of this animal
- Highlight of the Chinese parades
- The celestial event can be seen a few hours after 8:30 pm in this hemisphere
- China’s biggest holiday lasts this long
- The number associated with good fortune in Chinese culture
- The number that represents longevity and good luck
- Number of animals the Chinese New Year is dedicated to
30 Clues: Earth’s highest peak • River capture culprit • These foods represent wealth • NASA says this isn’t special • 2025 is the year of this animal • Highlight of the Chinese parades • Also known as the Chinese New Year • China’s biggest holiday lasts this long • This food symbolizes family togetherness • Chinese New Year celebrations end with this • ...
New Things This Year 2022-09-13
- The ____________ caused us to be stuck in 2nd period instead of watching swoop.
- School's new ____ schedule is messing with the previous Granite Hills students' time.
- Every year we get a group of ________ students from different schools.
- _________ schedule allows 2nd time for brunch.
- Our new principal is Dr. _____.
- The new math class is?
- Every year we get a new group of ________ added to the nest.
- Due to the new bell schedule the _____ lines are extra long.
- This year a large group of ________ was added to our staff.
- Only a minute causes you to get a ____ slip.
- This year if you are late you might get _____ up by the campus supervisors.
- The new _________ has a lot of students complaining.
- Attempt one of _____ ended early.
13 Clues: The new math class is? • Our new principal is Dr. _____. • Attempt one of _____ ended early. • Only a minute causes you to get a ____ slip. • _________ schedule allows 2nd time for brunch. • The new _________ has a lot of students complaining. • This year a large group of ________ was added to our staff. • Every year we get a new group of ________ added to the nest. • ...
Holidays around the world 2022-12-20
- Fruit used for Rosh Hashana to represent many good deeds
- The day of the year with the most or least daylight
- Celebration of the birth of Jesus, usually celebrated on Dec. 25
- The color that is associated with good luck, and used for the Lunar New Year
- The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, observed on a Sunday in March or April
- Japanese celebration of the annual meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi
- The first principle of Kwanzaa, unity
- Hindu festival of light
- Month-long fast observed by Muslims to remember when Mohammed received the Koran
- The Buddhist celebration of Siddhartha reaching enlightenment
- The name for New Year's Eve in several countries including Germany and Austria
- The name of the meal that breaks the fast during Ramadan
- Pagan celebration of midwinter
- The Jewish New Year, observed with honey and apples and round challah
- Eight-day celebration of African-American heritage
- Painting made on the floor using colored sand or rice
- The Lunar New Year 2023 will be the year of the ____
- Many midsummer/summer solstice celebrations involve gathering around a large _____
18 Clues: Hindu festival of light • Pagan celebration of midwinter • The first principle of Kwanzaa, unity • Eight-day celebration of African-American heritage • The day of the year with the most or least daylight • The Lunar New Year 2023 will be the year of the ____ • Painting made on the floor using colored sand or rice • ...
2023 Christmas Romance 2023-12-05
- Lizard spent another year splashing
- New helper monkey
- Best bites of our lives
- Z2
- Top Ukee snack spot
- Brene Browns guide
- All kinds of crazy double prongers
- Little red fruity widgets of joy
- Final year of chlorine boards
- The new horse in the corral
- Wicked muscles
- Crushed his first 22.1
- Bishop got rained out so we went to...
- Every year Gma says I should get one
- Nerd books
- GJ in the apple
- #NT
- Honey pomello and cilantro
- She's full of great designs
- Can you believe we saw them in the ocean
- Sandy surf spot
- Freyas new love
- Last years romantic spot
- Our favourite airdrie pup
- Final year of this oil
- Elaines back and quad buster
- Annual insight experiences
- The weekly tradition continues
- Caffine Nerd!
- He's almost a real grown up
- Sadly no more bread
- Magical rock forest
32 Clues: Z2 • #NT • Nerd books • Caffine Nerd! • Wicked muscles • Sandy surf spot • Freyas new love • GJ in the apple • New helper monkey • Brene Browns guide • Top Ukee snack spot • Sadly no more bread • Magical rock forest • Final year of this oil • Crushed his first 22.1 • Best bites of our lives • Last years romantic spot • Our favourite airdrie pup • Honey pomello and cilantro • Annual insight experiences • ...
- A New Year's resolution is a ________ to do something better or to stop doing something bad in the new year.
- Hopefully I can ________ with my sister soon! I haven’t talked to her in a while.
- I’ve been ________ up on my grammar this week before Friday’s big test.
- I want to ________ a new TV show this year because I’ve rewatched all my favourites too many times.
- His New Year's ________ was to read one book per month.
- It will be difficult, but I want to completely cut out sugar from my ________ this year!
- After many years, he has finally ________ smoking.
- He has a bad ________ of biting his nails.
- I decided to ________ painting as a hobby.
- I finally ________ with my old college friends last week over coffee.
- Most people’s New Year resolutions are centered around having a ________ lifestyle.
- My brother has lost a lot of weight ever since he ________ up soccer.
- She has ________ into reading mystery novels recently and can’t put them down.
- She needs to ________ her English if she wants to get a better job.
- I decided to ________ a little on sugary snacks to improve my health.
- He’s been ________ on his kitchen for the last 10 months and it’s looking beautiful.
- Last year, my resolution was to go to the gym 3 times a week but I ________ by February.
- He ________ sugar from his diet in order to lose a bit of weight.
- I need to ________ on my French skills before my trip to Paris.
- Most people find it difficult to ________ to their New Year’s resolutions.
- He signed up for a _____ membership to get in shape.
21 Clues: He has a bad ________ of biting his nails. • I decided to ________ painting as a hobby. • After many years, he has finally ________ smoking. • He signed up for a _____ membership to get in shape. • His New Year's ________ was to read one book per month. • I need to ________ on my French skills before my trip to Paris. • ...
New Year's Eve 2015-01-03
- Phrase said at midnight
- There are 12 in the year
- a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.
- twelve o'clock at night.
- December 31st is _____________
- When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________
- When the New Year arrives, people throw small pieces of paper called_______________
- We went___________ at a nightclub.
- Friendly expression said just before you drink an alcoholic drink.
- January 1st
- White wine with bubbles
- There were lively New Year_______________ all over town.
- Show the date
- Expression of goodwill
- 5-4-3-2-1
15 Clues: 5-4-3-2-1 • January 1st • Show the date • Expression of goodwill • White wine with bubbles • Phrase said at midnight • There are 12 in the year • twelve o'clock at night. • December 31st is _____________ • We went___________ at a nightclub. • There were lively New Year_______________ all over town. • When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________ • ...
January Crossword 2025-01-17
- Festive noisemaker
- Quick summary
- Dew, in frozen form
- Martin Luther King Junior, abbr.
- First hour of the new year
- Out with the ___
- 2025 zodiac animal
- Goal for the new year
- Cold chomp?
- New Year’s anthem
- Film and TV Award Show
- See 19-Down
- Shipley athletic gathering with 14-Down
- Compact snow house
- Device measuring time in sand
- Sprinkled cheer
- Sweet iceberg, to hot cocoa
- Mini firework
- Celebratory drink
- See 2-down
- In with the ___
- Ball drop location, with 1-Down
- Might be sent down your spine
- Helium-filled decoration
- Shape made by fanning one’s limbs out in the snow
25 Clues: See 2-down • See 19-Down • Cold chomp? • Mini firework • Quick summary • Sprinkled cheer • In with the ___ • Out with the ___ • Celebratory drink • New Year’s anthem • Compact snow house • Festive noisemaker • 2025 zodiac animal • Dew, in frozen form • Goal for the new year • Film and TV Award Show • Helium-filled decoration • First hour of the new year • Sweet iceberg, to hot cocoa • ...
Happy 4th Anniversary XO 2024-06-13
- Shoogarcane-based liquor/Mustachioed TV Character
- Rounded vault forming the roof of a structure, typically with a circular base & used in birthday celebrations
- 2023 Summer Show Protagonist, Nandor the
- Wawa
- Luna Rosa(near fatal)Hiking Destination
- Alopecial Birthday Bovine
- Canada Day Destination #1
- New Balcony Addition from Family Lamiaceae
- Hull/McLeod Wedding Farm
- Where I Won the Lottery
- Culinary Delight of the Year
- TV Show of the Year
- River John Cedar Experience
- New Year's Eve Traditional Locale
- MVP Cuban Bartender
- Broke A Chair
- Bass River Evening Pastime
- Tub filled with hot aerated water used for relaxation
- Overly Watchful Protagonist, Observing All From the Bell Tower
- Trunk 7 Biblical Weather Event
- Catamaran "Lonche"
- Newly Discovered Dietary Sensitivity
- 42nd Birthday Thirsty Thursday Venue
- Moniker of New Post-Grocery Tradition
- Bird of the Year
- Broke A Chair
- Canada Day Destination #2
- Cigarette lighter with hinged lid, using lighter fluid as fuel
- Purchase of the Year
- Xmas Eve Traditional Locale
- Secret Ingredient to Culinary Delight of the Year
- Matt Mays Ocular Consequence
- Valentines/Anniversary Dinner of Japanese Origin
- Pizza Genre of the Year
- A Romantic Entanglement Involving Three People
35 Clues: Wawa • Broke A Chair • Broke A Chair • Bird of the Year • Catamaran "Lonche" • TV Show of the Year • MVP Cuban Bartender • Purchase of the Year • Where I Won the Lottery • Pizza Genre of the Year • Hull/McLeod Wedding Farm • Canada Day Destination #2 • Alopecial Birthday Bovine • Canada Day Destination #1 • Bass River Evening Pastime • Xmas Eve Traditional Locale • River John Cedar Experience • ...
Chinese New Year 2022-02-03
- What is the most popular Chinese New Year craft?
- when is Chinese new year?
- Who is the dragon who terrorised the villigers in the old story?
- Who was the last animal to finsh the race?
- What is the most popular Chinese food?
- Is Chinese New Year important?
- What do children get for Chinese New Year?
- what do people eat on Chinese New year?
- Who was the animal who came in first for the race?
- How long will Chinese new year last?
10 Clues: when is Chinese new year? • Is Chinese New Year important? • How long will Chinese new year last? • what do people eat on Chinese New year? • What is the most popular Chinese food? • Who was the last animal to finsh the race? • What do children get for Chinese New Year? • What is the most popular Chinese New Year craft? • ...
Crossword of the week: New year 2025-01-06
- The first month of the year (7).
- Colourful displays often seen on New Year's Eve (9).
- The time when the new year officially begins (8).
- A tradition of raising a glass to celebrate the new year (5).
- The act of counting down to midnight on New Year's Eve (9).
- Small pieces of paper thrown during New Year's celebrations (8).
- Customs or practices observed on New Year's Day (9).
- A common goal set at the beginning of the year (10).
- A popular drink for celebrating the new year (9).
- A gathering to celebrate the arrival of the new year (5).
10 Clues: The first month of the year (7). • A popular drink for celebrating the new year (9). • The time when the new year officially begins (8). • Customs or practices observed on New Year's Day (9). • A common goal set at the beginning of the year (10). • Colourful displays often seen on New Year's Eve (9). • A gathering to celebrate the arrival of the new year (5). • ...