new year Crossword Puzzles

LHM Christmas Crossword Challenge 2018-12-18

LHM Christmas Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. His transport is deer
  2. Shhh, it's dark!
  3. Number one visitor after the bells
  4. Let them off at the New Year
  5. You are on it
  6. Strikes in the New Year
  7. Famous for rotten jokes
  1. Across the road
  2. Underneath, it can be romantic
  3. A day for fighting?
  4. Angelic singers
  5. Not meaty but sweet
  6. She will make a speech at Christmas
  7. Dickens wrote it
  8. They're a gift
  9. It's seasonal
  10. A country you can eat
  11. An angelic support worker
  12. A greeting for the year ahead
  13. He likes the cold this man

20 Clues: It's seasonalYou are on itThey're a giftAcross the roadAngelic singersDickens wrote itShhh, it's dark!A day for fighting?Not meaty but sweetHis transport is deerA country you can eatStrikes in the New YearFamous for rotten jokesAn angelic support workerHe likes the cold this manLet them off at the New YearA greeting for the year ahead...

Chinese New Year 2023 2023-01-19

Chinese New Year 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. Which number is considered luckiest in Chinese culture?
  2. What food is considered unlucky during CNY?
  3. Chinese New year is also known as _____ new year?
  4. What is the luckiest color to wear during CNY?
  5. What is the traditional gift for Children during CNY?
  6. What is lenny's zodiac?
  7. A sticky kueh with peanut filling! Eaten at weddings and CNY!
  8. In 2024, what will be the next zodiac?
  9. Which fruit symbolizes good luck during CNY?
  10. What Performance during CNY is believed to bring luck and fortune?
  1. How many Animals are there in the Zodiac?
  2. How do you greet each other during CNY?
  3. What is our Favorite Bakkua made of?
  4. What is the unlucky color to wear on CNY
  5. What is peisi's zodiac?
  6. What is a traditional game people usually play during CNY? (Hint: You need a table for this!)
  7. What food do you eat for long life during CNY?
  8. Red is Lucky! Which superhero wears red underwear?
  9. What is John's Zodiac?
  10. What is the Animal for this year's Zodiac?

20 Clues: What is John's Zodiac?What is lenny's zodiac?What is peisi's zodiac?What is our Favorite Bakkua made of?In 2024, what will be the next zodiac?How do you greet each other during CNY?What is the unlucky color to wear on CNYHow many Animals are there in the Zodiac?What is the Animal for this year's Zodiac?What food is considered unlucky during CNY?...

Happy New Years!! 2017-10-25

Happy New Years!! crossword puzzle
  1. ____ in the new year.
  2. Items that hang on the wall
  3. New Year's ___
  4. In with the ___, out with the old.
  5. Twelve a.m.
  6. Winter sport played on the ice.
  7. ____ last a life time.
  8. Month New Year's Day is in?
  9. Day that New Year's is on
  1. Board ___ (for ex: twister, guess who...)
  2. Small pieces of sparkly paper
  3. There are twelve in a year.
  4. They light up the sky at midnight.
  5. Couples do this at exactly midnight
  6. New Year's eve count-___

15 Clues: Twelve a.m.New Year's _______ in the new year.____ last a life time.New Year's eve count-___Day that New Year's is onItems that hang on the wallThere are twelve in a year.Month New Year's Day is in?Small pieces of sparkly paperWinter sport played on the ice.They light up the sky at midnight.In with the ___, out with the old....

New years Day by Brianna 2018-11-30

New years Day by Brianna crossword puzzle
  1. people are... for the new year.
  2. 10 secends before the new year they drop the ...
  3. on new years day people say...
  4. people ... down until the new year has come
  5. people ... the new year that has come.
  1. on new years day it is a...
  2. on new years day people see their family.
  3. people take a have memories.
  4. people are... about the new year.
  5. at 12:00 it is a...

10 Clues: at 12:00 it is a...on new years day it is a...on new years day people say...people are... for the new year.people are... about the new year.people take a have memories.people ... the new year that has come.people ... down until the new year has comeon new years day people see their family.10 secends before the new year they drop the ...


TYA CNY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Chinese new year 2022 is the year of the ______?
  2. During ___, you usually bring a pair of mandarin oranges
  3. Auspicious colour for Chinese New Year is?
  4. Chinese people wish one another with lucky sayings and phrases when they meet during the Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) period. This is also know as Chinese New Year _____
  5. It is believed that wearing new _____ can bring fortune and health
  6. What is a colour that is associated with bad luck?
  1. how many zodiac animals are there?
  2. This type of fruit is often displayed or exchanged during Chinese New Year
  3. The most important part of the Chinese Near Year is the reunion ______?
  4. It is a tradition to ____ the house prior to Chinese New Year

10 Clues: how many zodiac animals are there?Auspicious colour for Chinese New Year is?Chinese new year 2022 is the year of the ______?What is a colour that is associated with bad luck?During ___, you usually bring a pair of mandarin orangesIt is a tradition to ____ the house prior to Chinese New Year...

New Year 2021-01-01

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Pope of Calendar
  2. Moon
  3. New Year
  4. Calendar Caesar
  1. Sun
  2. Goal
  3. backward
  4. ahead

8 Clues: SunGoalMoonaheadbackwardNew YearCalendar CaesarPope of Calendar

New Year 2020-12-15

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. праздновать
  2. воздушные шары
  3. подарки
  4. снег
  1. Рождество
  2. украшать
  3. олени
  4. зима

8 Clues: снегзимаолениподаркиукрашатьРождествопраздноватьвоздушные шары

New year 2024-12-21

New year crossword puzzle
  1. 🎅
  2. 🍗
  3. 🏎️
  4. 🧸
  1. 🎁
  2. 🎩
  3. 👘
  4. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

8 Clues: 🎁🎩🎅👘🍗🧸🏎️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Chinese New Year 2021-03-21

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. фонарик
  2. смеяться
  3. липкий
  4. важный
  5. невероятный
  6. огромный
  1. эффектный
  2. восхитительный
  3. конверт
  4. радостный
  5. ошеломляющий
  6. храм

12 Clues: храмлипкийважныйфонарикконвертсмеятьсяогромныйэффектныйрадостныйневероятныйошеломляющийвосхитительный

Happy New Year 2023-11-20

Happy New Year crossword puzzle

12 Clues: 

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024-01-04

HAPPY NEW YEAR crossword puzzle
  1. 〜を知っている
  2. 〜がほしい
  3. 〜が見える
  4. 〜を食べる
  5. 〜を教える
  6. 〜を使う
  7. 〜を飲む
  1. 〜を書く
  2. 〜に会う
  3. 〜を持っている
  4. 〜を勉強する
  5. 歩く

12 Clues: 歩く〜を書く〜に会う〜を使う〜を飲む〜がほしい〜が見える〜を食べる〜を教える〜を勉強する〜を知っている〜を持っている

Crossword puzzle 2024-12-11

Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - When new year come,people will ____for new year.
  2. - We will have ____ when new year comes.
  3. - 结果
  4. - 铁
  5. - China is a _____
  1. - Common social events during New Year and Christmas.
  2. - It is a tradition to exchange ___ at Christmas.
  3. - The Spring Festival is in this season
  4. - People are ____ during the Spring Festival
  5. - Plants. I like to eat __ rings
  6. - The school may have __ before the holidays.
  7. - The symbol of Christmas.

12 Clues: - 铁- 结果- China is a _____- The symbol of Christmas.- Plants. I like to eat __ rings- The Spring Festival is in this season- We will have ____ when new year comes.- People are ____ during the Spring Festival- The school may have __ before the holidays.- It is a tradition to exchange ___ at Christmas.- When new year come,people will ____for new year....

New Year in Halifax 2025-01-03

New Year in Halifax crossword puzzle
  1. 12 species of this mammal swim in our waters
  2. A celtic celebration of song, stories, and dance famous in Atlantic Canada.
  3. On Day 4 we spent 30 minutes doing this
  4. 50,000 tones of this delicious crustacean are hauled from our waters every year.
  5. Nova Scotia's world famous lighthouse
  6. Our favourite local chocolatier
  7. Day One: Drink more?
  8. This was the goal on Day 3
  9. This person is your contact for all thing Halifax Convention Centre
  1. Street where the Halifax Convention Centre is located
  2. On day 5 this was the aim of the game
  3. More than 50 million pounds of this super fruit are grown in Nova Scotia each year.
  4. This beautiful hotel is located in the same complex as the Halifax Convention Centre
  5. Top Canadian most visited historic site
  6. Famous for Nova Scotia pewter
  7. Halifax: World's Longest waterfront ______
  8. Nova Scotia's capital city
  9. On Day 2 we made sure to get in our...

18 Clues: Day One: Drink more?Nova Scotia's capital cityThis was the goal on Day 3Famous for Nova Scotia pewterOur favourite local chocolatierOn day 5 this was the aim of the gameNova Scotia's world famous lighthouseOn Day 2 we made sure to get in our...Top Canadian most visited historic siteOn Day 4 we spent 30 minutes doing this...

New Year, New Goals 2024-01-03

New Year, New Goals crossword puzzle
  1. Sparkly Eagle jewelry
  2. Groovy tunes in an order
  3. Where the cool Eagles shop
  4. Eagle home base
  5. One wears this to track activity
  1. The best part at the end of the race
  2. Condensation after working out
  3. Popular indoor Racery mile-maker
  4. Many people use water to do this
  5. Covers your feet when exercising

10 Clues: Eagle home baseSparkly Eagle jewelryGroovy tunes in an orderWhere the cool Eagles shopCondensation after working outPopular indoor Racery mile-makerMany people use water to do thisCovers your feet when exercisingOne wears this to track activityThe best part at the end of the race

new year new words 2024-01-10

new year new words crossword puzzle
  1. cleanse by causing large quantities of water to pass through it
  2. the ability to hear, see, or think clearly
  3. the respiratory organ that has found in aquatic animals
  4. see, touch, hear, taste, smell
  5. small oles where the hair grow
  6. the sound the car makes
  1. a gentle felling of fondness or liking
  2. the first leaf or one of the first leaves developed by the embryo
  3. a person who has died
  4. a long narrow trench in the ground by a plow

10 Clues: a person who has diedthe sound the car makessee, touch, hear, taste, smellsmall oles where the hair growa gentle felling of fondness or likingthe ability to hear, see, or think clearlya long narrow trench in the ground by a plowthe respiratory organ that has found in aquatic animalscleanse by causing large quantities of water to pass through it...

New Year 2020-01-20

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. This happens in New York
  2. Sometimes these will be set off into the air
  3. New Year's song
  4. Something you throw on New Year's Eve
  1. Classic adult dring (Hint: has alcohol in it)
  2. Host of New Year's Rockin' Eve
  3. Most people make one of these before the New Year starts
  4. All most all stay up to this hour

8 Clues: New Year's songThis happens in New YorkHost of New Year's Rockin' EveAll most all stay up to this hourSomething you throw on New Year's EveSometimes these will be set off into the airClassic adult dring (Hint: has alcohol in it)Most people make one of these before the New Year starts

new year 2020-12-16

new year crossword puzzle
  1. , when it is the new year we give each other a ....
  2. , on New Year's Eve we ......... to the new year
  3. , at new years evening you talk about ........ from last year
  1. , people who are allowed to drink are drinking ......... most of the time
  2. , on New Year's Eve people are allowed to set off ........
  3. , because of corona are there this year no new year .....
  4. , At new years eve we are going from December to .......
  5. , new years eve is a .......

8 Clues: , new years eve is a ......., on New Year's Eve we ......... to the new year, when it is the new year we give each other a ...., on New Year's Eve people are allowed to set off ........, At new years eve we are going from December to ......., at new years evening you talk about ........ from last year...


TYA CNY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. What is a colour associated with bad luck?
  2. This type of fruit is often displayed or exchanged during Chinese New Year
  3. It is believed that wearing new _____ can bring fortune and health
  4. The most important part of Chinese New Year is the reunion ______
  5. Chinese people wish one another with lucky sayings and phrases when they meet during the Chinese New Year period. This is also know as Chinese New Year _____
  6. How many zodiac animals are there?
  1. It is a tradition to _____ the house prior to Chinese New Year
  2. During ___, you usually bring a pair of mandarin oranges
  3. Auspicious colour for Chinese New Year
  4. Chinese New Year 2022 is the year of the ____?

10 Clues: How many zodiac animals are there?Auspicious colour for Chinese New YearWhat is a colour associated with bad luck?Chinese New Year 2022 is the year of the ____?During ___, you usually bring a pair of mandarin orangesIt is a tradition to _____ the house prior to Chinese New YearThe most important part of Chinese New Year is the reunion ______...

New Year New Me 2018-01-06

New Year New Me crossword puzzle
  1. Sky-high 2018 dazzlers!
  2. Bits of paper scattered at festive occasions
  3. Bowl Big game on January 1
  4. 00:00
  5. December 31 drink
  1. What people do at midnight
  2. Countdown terminology
  3. Count backwards; before detonating a bomb, for example
  4. Frequent New Year's resolution
  5. Square New Year's Eve hot spot

10 Clues: 00:00December 31 drinkCountdown terminologySky-high 2018 dazzlers!What people do at midnightBowl Big game on January 1Frequent New Year's resolutionSquare New Year's Eve hot spotBits of paper scattered at festive occasionsCount backwards; before detonating a bomb, for example

Holiday Celebration 2023-11-30

Holiday Celebration crossword puzzle
  1. Important festival in Islam that marks the end of Ramadan.
  2. Oil lamps that are traditionally lit during Diwali.
  3. Food eaten during Diwali.
  4. Traditional Christmastime drink.
  5. The ninth candle on the Menorah used to light the other candles during Hanukkah.
  6. Greeting meaning 'Blessed Eid" said after prayers on Eid Al-Fitr.
  7. Popular Christmas movie.
  8. Special prayers performed on the morning of Eid Al-Fitr.
  9. The letters of the dreidel represent this phrase, meaning "A Great Miracle Happened There".
  10. Popular food on Chinese New Year.
  11. The date of Eid Al-Fitr is determined on this sighting of this.
  12. The load noise of this is believed to scare away evil spirits and bad luck during lunar new year.
  13. Also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival.
  1. Holiday that marks the triumph of light over darkness.
  2. Popular Christmas cookie.
  3. Another name for the Red Envelops given and received on Lunar New Year
  4. Goddess of wealth and prosperity welcomed during Diwali.
  5. Hanukah commemorates the rededication of this in Jerusalem 2nd Century BCE.
  6. Jelly-filled doughnuts popular on Hanukkah.
  7. Type of stew popular on Eid Al-Fitr.
  8. Dance with a Lion or this mythical creature on Lunar New Year.
  9. Christmas celebrates the birth of this central figure in Christianity.
  10. These are hung buy the fireplace to be filled with gifts by Santa on Christmas.
  11. Material that can be used to make Rabgoli during Diwali.

24 Clues: Popular Christmas movie.Popular Christmas cookie.Food eaten during Diwali.Traditional Christmastime drink.Popular food on Chinese New Year.Type of stew popular on Eid Al-Fitr.Jelly-filled doughnuts popular on Hanukkah.Also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival.Oil lamps that are traditionally lit during Diwali....

New Years 2025-01-30

New Years crossword puzzle
  1. traditional new year’s song
  2. small pieces of colorful paper thrown in celebration
  3. month when New Years takes place
  4. meaning of [see clue 1]
  5. location in NYC known for New Years celebration
  6. event that takes place at [see clue 11]
  7. traditional new year’s food that is also the name of a band
  1. goals people make for self-improvement in the new year
  2. the exact time one year ends and another begins
  3. the zodiac animal associated with this Lunar New Year
  4. bubbly drink popular for toasting at midnight
  5. football game played on New Year’s Day
  6. festive pyrotechnics

13 Clues: festive pyrotechnicsmeaning of [see clue 1]traditional new year’s songmonth when New Years takes placefootball game played on New Year’s Dayevent that takes place at [see clue 11]bubbly drink popular for toasting at midnightthe exact time one year ends and another beginslocation in NYC known for New Years celebration...

chinese new year 2023-01-17

chinese new year crossword puzzle
  1. male chicken
  2. stopped for a bath in the race
  3. sometimes called goat in the story
  4. stripy big cat
  5. won the river race
  6. scared by the snake
  1. like an ape but has a tail
  2. helped the rat and cat to cross
  3. runs and jumps well
  4. flying mythical creature
  5. legless reptile
  6. fell asleep and finished last

12 Clues: male chickenstripy big catlegless reptilewon the river raceruns and jumps wellscared by the snakeflying mythical creaturelike an ape but has a tailfell asleep and finished laststopped for a bath in the racehelped the rat and cat to crosssometimes called goat in the story

New Year Challenge 2020-12-14

New Year Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. New Years song, "___ Lang Syne."
  2. JPI is an endorsed local provider for this guy.
  3. 1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations.
  4. Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps.
  5. Made at the start of each new year.
  6. Stands for "endorsed local provider."
  1. On Jan 21st, we appreciate these rodents.
  2. Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day?
  3. The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step.
  4. We donate to a charity when we get these.
  5. The most requested item at homeless shelters.
  6. JPI motto, "____ people through insurance."

12 Clues: New Years song, "___ Lang Syne."Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day?Made at the start of each new year.Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps.Stands for "endorsed local provider."On Jan 21st, we appreciate these rodents.We donate to a charity when we get these.The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step.1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations....

New Year Task 2022-11-24

New Year Task crossword puzzle
  1. The measure of success that Social Miners most want to increase for their tweets.
  2. The name of the network of Emin Gun Sirer, who is called The Blockfather in the blockchain field.
  3. An investor who holds his tokens for the long term.
  4. It is the most common operating system produced by Microsoft.
  5. The author of the wonderful article "Social impact of Social Mining".
  6. The name was given to the winners of token rewards by increasing the awareness of the business on social media by joining the community of the project they like.
  1. What is the common name of governance solutions used in social mining?
  2. A person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject.
  3. Marketplace where traders can make cryptocurrency transactions.
  4. Allows nodes to approve transactions in the PoS system.
  5. The quality point that sometimes turns into a nightmare, sometimes into a dream, while success lists are formed.
  6. What is the name of the innovative blockchain network that held its second annual meeting with the blockchain community in Dubai with the motto "Decipher2022"

12 Clues: An investor who holds his tokens for the long term.Allows nodes to approve transactions in the PoS system.It is the most common operating system produced by Microsoft.Marketplace where traders can make cryptocurrency transactions.A person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject....

NEW YEAR/WINTER 2023-12-17

NEW YEAR/WINTER crossword puzzle
  1. Colorful chaos in a celebration's aftermath, creating a festive storm of memories
  2. Warm, chocolatey beverage perfect for winter
  3. Glide through powder like a surfer on frozen waves
  4. New Year's promise; often
  5. A steaming bowl of comfort, the culinary superhero that fights winter chills and fends off seasonal sniffles
  1. 10...9...8...
  2. common post-holiday decision
  3. Sky-bursting celebration that leaves a sparkling impression
  4. New Year's Day song artist; reputation album
  5. Clothing hug that never judges your winter indulgences;warmth you can wear on a cold day
  6. The season that turns the world into a snowglobe and prompts a wardrobe upgrade
  7. Frozen feathers from the sky that turn the world into a winter wonderland

12 Clues: 10...9...8...New Year's promise; oftencommon post-holiday decisionNew Year's Day song artist; reputation albumWarm, chocolatey beverage perfect for winterGlide through powder like a surfer on frozen wavesSky-bursting celebration that leaves a sparkling impressionFrozen feathers from the sky that turn the world into a winter wonderland...

Lunar New Year 2025-02-07

Lunar New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Forbidden actions or topics
  2. Family member from the past
  3. Small explosive for celebration
  4. Artistic handwriting
  5. Sacred place for offerings
  6. Holds lucky money
  1. Tracks days and months
  2. Predicted future or luck
  3. Colorful explosion in the sky
  4. Beliefs about luck
  5. Poetic red decorations
  6. Tiered temple structure

12 Clues: Holds lucky moneyBeliefs about luckArtistic handwritingTracks days and monthsPoetic red decorationsTiered temple structurePredicted future or luckSacred place for offeringsForbidden actions or topicsFamily member from the pastColorful explosion in the skySmall explosive for celebration

Secure New Year 2024-10-22

Secure New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Een programma dat je gebruikt om het internet op te gaan
  2. Een bericht dat je probeert to overtuigen om iets te doen wat jou schade aanbrengt.
  3. Malware dat alles encrypt en waar je voor moet betalen om je data terug te krijgen
  4. Besturingssysteem van Microsoft
  5. Een stukje data van je online historie dat een kruimel pad creëert
  6. Zoekmachine
  1. Klein kaartje in je telefoon
  2. Draadloos communicatie protocol
  3. Alternatief voor wachtwoord
  4. Ongewenste email
  5. Koreaans elektronica bedrijf
  6. Netwerk of verzameling van gehackte computers/devices

12 Clues: ZoekmachineOngewenste emailAlternatief voor wachtwoordKlein kaartje in je telefoonKoreaans elektronica bedrijfDraadloos communicatie protocolBesturingssysteem van MicrosoftNetwerk of verzameling van gehackte computers/devicesEen programma dat je gebruikt om het internet op te gaanEen stukje data van je online historie dat een kruimel pad creëert...

Chinese New Year 2025-01-06

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Explosive displays used for celebrations
  2. A mythical creature featured in traditional dances
  3. A fruit often given as a symbol of good fortune
  4. A gift of money for good luck and fortune
  1. Another name for Chinese New Year
  2. A symbol of wealth and prosperity
  3. A round pastry often eating during Chinese New Year
  4. Decorative light often carried during a festival
  5. The central focus of new year gatherings
  6. An example of a zodiac animal, bull like
  7. A popular food shaped like an ancient Chinese gold ingots
  8. A colour representing happiness, good luck and protection

12 Clues: Another name for Chinese New YearA symbol of wealth and prosperityExplosive displays used for celebrationsThe central focus of new year gatheringsAn example of a zodiac animal, bull likeA gift of money for good luck and fortuneA fruit often given as a symbol of good fortuneDecorative light often carried during a festival...

New Year's Customs- leave blank box between words 2024-01-03

New Year's Customs- leave blank box between words crossword puzzle
  1. In Columbia, they carry an empty __________ around the block to encourage a lot of travel in the new year
  2. In Venezuela and Chile, people wrap 12 of these in a bill to bring wealth
  3. In Turkey, people throw these fruits against their doors to bring wealth and good luck
  4. In Denmark, people break ____________ by throwing them against their neighbors' or friends' doors
  5. This color is associated with good luck in many places around the world
  6. In Greece, people hang an ________ on their door to symbolize rebirth and bring good luck
  7. In South Africa, people toss old _______ out of their windows to symbolize letting go of the past.
  8. A cold water swim on New Year's Day is named for this animal
  9. Brazilians throw this color flower into the ocean
  1. Czechs cut this fruit in half. The shape of the core is said to show your luck for the upcoming year.
  2. in Ireland, they bang this food on the walls to get rid of bad spirits and invite good ones for the new year.
  3. Many places celebrate New Years with ______________. One of the most famous is at Sydney Harbor.
  4. In Switzerland, dropping ________ ___________ on the ground is mean to bring prosperity
  5. In Spain, people eat 12 of these
  6. This Scottish tradition says the first person to enter a home in the New Year is the bringer of good luck
  7. many countries on the continent of Asia celebrate this type of New Year's
  8. In Romania, people dress up as this type of animal and perform dances to scare away evil spirts
  9. A crystal covered ball is dropped at midnight at this New York City attraction
  10. In the Philippines, people eat 12 foods that are all this shape.
  11. In this country, they ring bells 108 times to bring in the New Year

20 Clues: In Spain, people eat 12 of theseBrazilians throw this color flower into the oceanA cold water swim on New Year's Day is named for this animalIn the Philippines, people eat 12 foods that are all this shape.In this country, they ring bells 108 times to bring in the New YearThis color is associated with good luck in many places around the world...

chinese 2025-01-14

chinese crossword puzzle
  1. A mythical creature in Chinese culture, symbolizing strength, power, and good luck. Dragons are often featured in dances and decorations during Chinese New Year.
  2. A symbol of wealth and prosperity, often used in Chinese New Year decorations and gifts to represent abundance.
  3. Explosive displays used during Chinese New Year to celebrate and ward off evil spirits.
  4. A time of celebration and joy, such as the Spring Festival, which marks the beginning of the lunar new year.
  5. Flowers like plum blossoms and orchids are popular decorations during Chinese New Year, symbolizing growth and renewal.
  6. A significant part of Chinese New Year traditions, often given as "lucky money" in red envelopes to wish prosperity.
  1. Another Chinese zodiac animal, symbolizing wisdom, flexibility, and intuition.
  2. One of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals, representing bravery, strength, and confidence.
  3. Referring to the people, language, and culture of China, including their celebration of the Lunar New Year.
  4. The cornerstone of Chinese New Year celebrations, as families gather to share meals, exchange gifts, and celebrate together.
  5. A central theme of Chinese New Year, representing blessings, good fortune, and success.

11 Clues: Another Chinese zodiac animal, symbolizing wisdom, flexibility, and intuition.One of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals, representing bravery, strength, and confidence.Explosive displays used during Chinese New Year to celebrate and ward off evil spirits.A central theme of Chinese New Year, representing blessings, good fortune, and success....

New year's resolutions 2025-01-13

New year's resolutions crossword puzzle
  1. Achieving harmony between work, life, and personal growth.
  2. The drive to pursue your resolutions.
  3. A common focus for New Year's resolutions regarding well-being.
  4. Personal development or progress.
  5. Achieving your desired outcome or goal.
  6. A strategy for achieving your New Year's resolution."
  7. A promise to stick with your resolution.
  8. The beginning of something fresh, often tied to resolutions
  1. Self-control needed to stick to your resolutions.
  2. Something you aim to achieve in the new year.
  3. Making adjustments to improve in the new year.
  4. Staying steady and persistent in your efforts.
  5. A mindset that helps you stay focused on your resolutions."
  6. Determination to accomplish your goals.
  7. Often something we aim to manage better in the new year."

15 Clues: Personal development or progress.The drive to pursue your resolutions.Achieving your desired outcome or goal.Determination to accomplish your goals.A promise to stick with your resolution.Something you aim to achieve in the new year.Making adjustments to improve in the new year.Staying steady and persistent in your efforts....

A de Dios Christmas Crossward Puzzle! 2024-12-24

A de Dios Christmas Crossward Puzzle! crossword puzzle
  1. Name of Katrina's new employer
  2. The country of our furthest-traveled wedding
  3. The cat that had kidney issues this year
  4. Favorte sport to play as a couple
  5. The cat that has learned to close doors this year
  1. Age of Katrina this year
  2. Month of our first run together
  3. Miguel's favorite purchase this year
  4. First new country traveled as a married couple
  5. Coolest band concert of the year
  6. Name of Miguel's new employer
  7. Most frequented restaurant of the year (Japanese)

12 Clues: Age of Katrina this yearName of Miguel's new employerName of Katrina's new employerMonth of our first run togetherCoolest band concert of the yearFavorte sport to play as a coupleMiguel's favorite purchase this yearThe cat that had kidney issues this yearThe country of our furthest-traveled weddingFirst new country traveled as a married couple...

China 2018-03-24

China crossword puzzle
  1. A Chinese Disney princess
  2. What does chicken represent?
  3. How long do Chinese New Year celebrations last?
  4. Atypical Chinese starter
  5. A form of traditional dance in China
  6. An animal in the Chinese zodiac similar to a boar
  7. Wearing them is believed to bring good luck during New Year
  8. The biggest city in China
  9. Typical glutinous Chinese food
  1. Which calendar do the Chinese use for festivities
  2. What do Chinese children receive on New Year's Day?
  3. Lucky colour
  4. A colour that represents wealth
  5. Another name for the Chinese New Year
  6. The Chinese use them to eat

15 Clues: Lucky colourAtypical Chinese starterA Chinese Disney princessThe biggest city in ChinaThe Chinese use them to eatWhat does chicken represent?Typical glutinous Chinese foodA colour that represents wealthA form of traditional dance in ChinaAnother name for the Chinese New YearHow long do Chinese New Year celebrations last?...

School 2021-11-22

School crossword puzzle
  1. a class to tell us about the past
  2. what we are suppose to keep are stuff in
  3. Time period before classes
  4. reading
  5. the planet we are on
  6. third year of high school
  7. a time that no one likes at the beginning of third hour
  8. last year of high school
  9. new tech students use this for their classes
  1. class that you create in
  2. type in numbers to get answers
  3. electronic used to do work
  4. second year of high school
  5. tech a program that's on the third floor
  6. the person teaching you
  7. we examine things in this class
  8. something to write on
  9. something to write with
  10. first year of high school
  11. working out

20 Clues: readingworking outthe planet we are onsomething to write onthe person teaching yousomething to write withclass that you create inlast year of high schoolthird year of high schoolfirst year of high schoolelectronic used to do workTime period before classessecond year of high schooltype in numbers to get answerswe examine things in this class...

New year 2022-12-22

New year crossword puzzle
  1. / a card, often with a photograph or picture on one side, that can be sent without an envelope.
  2. / a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year
  3. / an expression of good wishes or respect, holding up and then drinking from a glass of alcohol, especially wine, after a short speech.
  1. / a small container filled with explosive chemicals that produce bright coloured patterns or loud noises when they explode.
  2. / the evening of 31 December, typically marked with a celebration
  3. / a common nickname for champagne.
  4. / the act of counting backwards to zero.
  5. /a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol.

8 Clues: / a common nickname for champagne./ the act of counting backwards to zero./a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol./ the evening of 31 December, typically marked with a celebration/ a card, often with a photograph or picture on one side, that can be sent without an envelope....

New Year 2023-12-05

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. tűzijáték
  2. girlandok
  3. mask
  1. party hats
  2. champagne
  3. léggömb/lufi
  4. éjfél
  5. confetti

8 Clues: maskéjfélconfettichampagnetűzijátékgirlandokparty hatsléggömb/lufi

new year 2024-12-27

new year crossword puzzle
  1. особлива подія або захід для відзначення щасливої ​​події.
  2. Year’s Eve ніч перед Новим роком, який відзначають 31 грудня.
  3. пристрій, який показує час.
  4. час зміни дня на наступний, о 12:00 ночі.
  1. яскраві барвисті вибухи в небі під час святкувань.
  2. весела зустріч з друзями чи родиною, часто з їжею та музикою.
  3. відлік чисел у зворотному напрямку, щоб позначити початок події, як-от Новий рік.
  4. обіцянки, які люди дають собі, зробити краще в новому році.

8 Clues: пристрій, який показує час.час зміни дня на наступний, о 12:00 ночі.яскраві барвисті вибухи в небі під час святкувань.особлива подія або захід для відзначення щасливої ​​події.обіцянки, які люди дають собі, зробити краще в новому році.весела зустріч з друзями чи родиною, часто з їжею та музикою....

Happy New Year 1 2021-12-10

Happy New Year 1 crossword puzzle
  1. spectacular sky displays
  2. legume that brings good luck
  3. New Year's promise to self
  4. New York celebration spot
  5. thrown on New Year's Eve
  6. Month that follows December
  7. midnight song
  8. bubbly drink
  9. smooch
  1. horns, rattles, etc..
  2. Twelve o'clock at night
  3. activity during the ball drop
  4. ballroom activity
  5. its days are numbered
  6. ceremonial procession
  7. a social gathering
  8. long ribbons
  9. cheerful

18 Clues: smoochcheerfullong ribbonsbubbly drinkmidnight songballroom activitya social gatheringhorns, rattles, etc..its days are numberedceremonial processionTwelve o'clock at nightspectacular sky displaysthrown on New Year's EveNew York celebration spotNew Year's promise to selfMonth that follows Decemberlegume that brings good luck...

Happy New Year 2 2021-12-10

Happy New Year 2 crossword puzzle
  1. pals (another name for)
  2. post-parade litter
  3. timekeeper
  4. Bean that brings good luck
  5. Twelve A.M.
  6. first month
  7. celebration
  8. New Year's Day promise
  9. New Year's Day symbol
  1. sport with blitzes
  2. starting
  3. contemplation
  4. its days are numbered
  5. closely related group
  6. New year's day event
  7. fruit eaten on New's Year Day
  8. Time off
  9. custom handed down

18 Clues: startingTime offtimekeeperTwelve A.M.first monthcelebrationcontemplationsport with blitzespost-parade littercustom handed downNew year's day eventits days are numberedclosely related groupNew Year's Day symbolNew Year's Day promisepals (another name for)Bean that brings good luckfruit eaten on New's Year Day

Lunar new year banquet 2022-01-31

Lunar new year banquet crossword puzzle
  1. Not white peas
  2. Spongebob's boss
  3. Porridge? (it sounds nicer than gruel)
  4. You must eat your greens
  5. Crustacean royalty
  6. It's the spice of life
  7. Bump a plump clump
  8. Oodles and oodles of noodles
  9. No plate? Just use lettuce
  1. The bird is looking
  2. Prized delicacy waiting in the tank
  3. Ghengis Khan's sheep
  4. Dorothy found cows
  5. What's an entree menu without them?
  6. What's a dessert menu without them?
  7. Nice and naughty
  8. But you can eat them in autumn as well
  9. Can be boiled, steamed, or this...

18 Clues: Not white peasSpongebob's bossNice and naughtyCrustacean royaltyDorothy found cowsBump a plump clumpThe bird is lookingGhengis Khan's sheepIt's the spice of lifeYou must eat your greensNo plate? Just use lettuceOodles and oodles of noodlesCan be boiled, steamed, or this...Prized delicacy waiting in the tankWhat's an entree menu without them?...

Chinese New Year 2021-02-05

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. money and sweets are left in these
  2. decoration usually made with paper
  3. Food eaten in china with most meals
  4. another name for a cockerel
  5. A fire breathing creature
  6. slippery hissing animal
  1. a place of worship
  2. lucky colour
  3. Orange and black stripy animal
  4. large rodent with a long tail
  5. these light up the sky and sometimes go bang
  6. what continent is China in?

12 Clues: lucky coloura place of worshipslippery hissing animalA fire breathing creaturewhat continent is China in?another name for a cockerellarge rodent with a long tailOrange and black stripy animalmoney and sweets are left in thesedecoration usually made with paperFood eaten in china with most mealsthese light up the sky and sometimes go bang

New Year Challenge 2020-12-14

New Year Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. New Years song, "___ Lang Syne."
  2. JPI is an endorsed local provider for this guy.
  3. 1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations.
  4. Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps.
  5. Made at the start of each new year.
  6. Stands for "endorsed local provider."
  1. On Jan 21st, we appreciate this rodent.
  2. Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day?
  3. The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step.
  4. We donate to a charity when we get these.
  5. The most requested item at homeless shelters.
  6. JPI motto, "____ people through insurance."

12 Clues: New Years song, "___ Lang Syne."Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day?Made at the start of each new year.Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps.Stands for "endorsed local provider."On Jan 21st, we appreciate this rodent.We donate to a charity when we get these.The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step.1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations....

Chinese new year 2021-01-18

Chinese new year crossword puzzle
  1. dragon
  2. tiger
  3. ox
  4. horse
  5. dog
  6. snake
  7. rabbit
  1. pig
  2. rat
  3. rooster
  4. monkey
  5. goat

12 Clues: oxpigratdoggoattigerhorsesnakedragonmonkeyrabbitrooster

New year wishes 2021-12-30

New year wishes crossword puzzle
  1. yay
  2. wowowowo
  3. wowow
  4. healthy
  5. wekeke
  6. ahahah
  1. yays
  2. richboi
  3. happy
  4. woah
  5. muah
  6. hehe

12 Clues: yayyayswoahmuahhehewowowhappywekekeahahahrichboihealthywowowowo

Chinese New Year 2020-01-12

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. tuzi
  2. she
  3. laoshu
  4. long
  5. yang
  6. ma
  1. ji
  2. zhu
  3. houzi
  4. gougou
  5. laohu
  6. niu

12 Clues: jimazhusheniutuzilongyanghouzilaohugougoulaoshu

Happy New Year 2022-12-31

Happy New Year crossword puzzle
  1. a commun drink for adults
  2. first month of the year
  3. You can listen to .....
  4. New Year is a ...........
  5. You do the countdown from ten to ....
  6. You play ..... with your family or friends
  1. On New Year's Eve, you can do a p....
  2. on your head, you can have a ...
  3. complete the decoration:
  4. decorations
  5. You can watch ......... in big cities
  6. .... a wish

12 Clues: decorations.... a wishfirst month of the yearYou can listen to .....a commun drink for adultsNew Year is a ...........on your head, you can have a ...complete the decoration: New Year's Eve, you can do a p....You can watch ......... in big citiesYou do the countdown from ten to ....You play ..... with your family or friends

Lunar New Year 2023-01-26

Lunar New Year crossword puzzle
  1. is know for being fast
  2. is know for haveing no lims
  3. is know for eating eveyting
  4. is know for being able to chew through things
  5. is know for breathing fire.
  6. is know for geting muddy
  7. there are 365 days in this
  1. is know for haveing larger combs on top of their heads
  2. is know for being stlefely
  3. is know for running and leaping through trees with ease.
  4. is know for loyalty
  5. is know for their manes and long tails

12 Clues: is know for loyaltyis know for being fastis know for geting muddyis know for being stlefelythere are 365 days in thisis know for haveing no limsis know for eating eveytingis know for breathing know for their manes and long tailsis know for being able to chew through thingsis know for haveing larger combs on top of their heads...

New Year Resolutions 2024-12-30

New Year Resolutions crossword puzzle
  1. Start a '...' journal
  2. Deep '...' your house
  3. Read more '...'
  4. Drink less '...'
  5. '...' out your clothes
  6. Get eight hours of '...'
  1. Learn a new '...'
  2. Drink more '...'
  3. Eat more '...'
  4. Join a '...'
  5. Try new '...' in the kitchen
  6. Spend more time with your '...'

12 Clues: Join a '...'Eat more '...'Read more '...'Drink more '...'Drink less '...'Learn a new '...'Start a '...' journalDeep '...' your house'...' out your clothesGet eight hours of '...'Try new '...' in the kitchenSpend more time with your '...'

Happy New Year! 2024-12-26

Happy New Year! crossword puzzle
  1. holiday saying: ¨______¨ New Year!
  2. infant who wears a sash with the new year on it
  3. time right before a special day
  4. a promise to do something
  5. colorful explosives; mostly in the air
  6. twelfth month of the year
  7. 12:00 a.m.
  1. small explosive of streamers or confetti with a pull string
  2. old man who passes the new year to a baby
  3. first month of the year
  4. often dropped down a pole as part of celebrations
  5. 10...9...8...

12 Clues: 12:00 a.m.10...9...8...first month of the yeara promise to do somethingtwelfth month of the yeartime right before a special dayholiday saying: ¨______¨ New Year!colorful explosives; mostly in the airold man who passes the new year to a babyinfant who wears a sash with the new year on itoften dropped down a pole as part of celebrations...

New Year New Me 2022-12-27

New Year New Me crossword puzzle
  1. The state of being aware of something. Reduces Anxiety.
  2. A firm decision to do or not do something
  3. This hobby can reduce stress hormones by up to 68%
  4. Eating oatmeal provides a boost of this calming chemical to the brain, improving mood.
  5. Exercise prevents signs of
  1. This activity is good for the heart and can increase blood flow by 20%
  2. Lack of exercise causes as many deaths as this
  3. Good bacteria that can be found in yogurt and fermented foods
  4. Getting enough of this helps improve brain function, overall health and well being
  5. This hobby has been shown to decrease anxiety, strengthen immune cells and improve overall happiness

10 Clues: Exercise prevents signs ofA firm decision to do or not do somethingLack of exercise causes as many deaths as thisThis hobby can reduce stress hormones by up to 68%The state of being aware of something. Reduces Anxiety.Good bacteria that can be found in yogurt and fermented foodsThis activity is good for the heart and can increase blood flow by 20%...

New Year, New Crossword 2023-01-31

New Year, New Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This is the only bird that can fly backwards
  2. Anne has thousands of these
  3. Lesma solves this type of puzzle daily
  4. Tono hoped to see one of these on her trip
  5. Fia bought way too much of this
  1. The names of Amour's niece's parrots
  2. Lara's male alter ego
  3. a backwards version of JD that loves spinning records
  4. a derogatory term for pixel artists coined by Mima
  5. everyone's new favorite editor

10 Clues: Lara's male alter egoAnne has thousands of theseeveryone's new favorite editorFia bought way too much of thisThe names of Amour's niece's parrotsLesma solves this type of puzzle dailyTono hoped to see one of these on her tripThis is the only bird that can fly backwardsa derogatory term for pixel artists coined by Mima...

New Year New You 2024-12-20

New Year New You crossword puzzle
  1. That furry creature who determines if you’re stuck in six more weeks of winter, or just need more coffee.
  2. How you feel after staying up too late with kids and no sleep.
  3. Frozen water daggers that look pretty until your kid tries to eat one.
  4. That sparkly stuff still hanging on your tree well into January.
  5. The little humans who don't let you sleep or relax.
  1. The New Year’s promise you're definitely going to break by February.
  2. That cute cherib who appears in retail stores as soon as holidays are over
  3. Holiday de
  4. The thing you need to keep your kids' hands warm but you can only ever find one at a time
  5. Lunar New Year 2025: Year of the

10 Clues: Holiday deLunar New Year 2025: Year of theThe little humans who don't let you sleep or relax.How you feel after staying up too late with kids and no sleep.That sparkly stuff still hanging on your tree well into January.The New Year’s promise you're definitely going to break by February....

new year, new words 2024-01-10

new year, new words crossword puzzle
  1. Cleans by causing large quantities of water to pass through it
  2. A long narrow trench in the ground by a plow
  3. The ability to hear, see or think clearly
  4. The first leaf of one of the first leaves developed by the embryo
  5. See, touch, smell, hear and taste
  6. Type of respiratory organ found in many aquatic animals
  1. Make the sound of a car
  2. The holes were the hair grows
  3. A gentle feeling of fondness or liking
  4. A person who has died

10 Clues: A person who has diedMake the sound of a carThe holes were the hair growsSee, touch, smell, hear and tasteA gentle feeling of fondness or likingThe ability to hear, see or think clearlyA long narrow trench in the ground by a plowType of respiratory organ found in many aquatic animalsCleans by causing large quantities of water to pass through it...

chapter 4 2024-02-29

chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. what you eat in Chinese New year
  2. a special Chinese festival in September
  3. you light and play with this in Mid-Autumn Festival (it has fire!)
  4. you watch this in Chinese New Year
  5. you stick this at home in Chinese New Year (e.g. on the door)
  6. you do this cleaning in Ching Ming Festival
  7. you give special food to dead ____ in Ching Ming Festival
  1. a fruit you eat in Mid-Autumn Festival
  2. a performance you see in Chinese New Year
  3. what you eat in Mid-Autumn Festival
  4. what you eat in Chinese New Year
  5. a guessing game and you tie them to the lanterns
  6. ______ display in Chinese New Year

13 Clues: what you eat in Chinese New yearwhat you eat in Chinese New Yearyou watch this in Chinese New Year______ display in Chinese New Yearwhat you eat in Mid-Autumn Festivala fruit you eat in Mid-Autumn Festivala special Chinese festival in Septembera performance you see in Chinese New Yearyou do this cleaning in Ching Ming Festival...

Chinese New Year 2018-02-09

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. A large cow used like a horse
  2. Mammal with a tail a lot like a human
  3. A farm animal from which we get pork and bacon
  4. A legless lizard
  5. A long-eared animal with huge eyes
  6. Mythical creature that breathes fire
  7. It is said that you are always within 2 metres of these
  1. Large mammal used for riding and work
  2. A very large striped cat
  3. A male chicken
  4. Pet that barks
  5. Farm creature good for milk and meat

12 Clues: A male chickenPet that barksA legless lizardA very large striped catA large cow used like a horseA long-eared animal with huge eyesMythical creature that breathes fireFarm creature good for milk and meatLarge mammal used for riding and workMammal with a tail a lot like a humanA farm animal from which we get pork and bacon...

New Year Celebrations 2020-01-05

New Year Celebrations crossword puzzle
  1. If you need help, you need to .... the police.
  2. I ......... my birthday once a year.
  3. I ..... my grandparents on the weekends.
  4. I eat .... and chicken for lunch.
  5. I go .... after school.
  6. MY sister and I eat ..... at night.
  1. you can visit different ...... in Israel.
  2. We .... uniform(תלבושת( for school.
  3. Ali and Roee .... the classroom every day.
  4. We wear white ...... in Yom Kipur.
  5. The players ..... the ball in a basketball game.
  6. People ... presents when they celebrate.

12 Clues: I go .... after school.I eat .... and chicken for lunch.We wear white ...... in Yom Kipur.We .... uniform(תלבושת( for school.MY sister and I eat ..... at night.I ......... my birthday once a year.I ..... my grandparents on the weekends.People ... presents when they can visit different ...... in Israel....

Lunar New Year 2021-02-16

Lunar New Year crossword puzzle
  1. The length of the Chinese New Year celebration
  2. 2021 is the Year of the __
  3. Another name for Chinese New Year
  4. A large town
  5. An organized group of people walking in a street
  1. A lucky color
  2. The fruits that are orange and bring good luck
  3. A food made of dough filled with meat or vegetables
  4. More than one ox
  5. A lamp that is carried
  6. Something to put money in for children
  7. Related to the moon

12 Clues: A large townA lucky colorMore than one oxRelated to the moonA lamp that is carried2021 is the Year of the __Another name for Chinese New YearSomething to put money in for childrenThe length of the Chinese New Year celebrationThe fruits that are orange and bring good luckAn organized group of people walking in a street...

Chinese New Year 2021-05-25

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. What animal is not in the Chinese zodiac? (3)
  2. The 11th animal of the Chinese zodiac (3)
  3. The 10th animal of the Chinese zodiac (7)
  4. There are 12 of these in the Chinese zodiac (7)
  5. The first animal of the Chinese zodiac (3)
  6. The 12th animal in the Chinese zodiac (3)
  7. The 2nd animal of the Chinese zodiac (2)
  1. The 3rd animal of the Chinese zodiac (5)
  2. The 7th animal of the Chinese zodiac (5)
  3. The 6th animal of the Chinese zodiac (5)
  4. The 9th animals of the Chinese zodiac (6)
  5. The 5th animal of the Chinese zodiac (6)

12 Clues: The 3rd animal of the Chinese zodiac (5)The 7th animal of the Chinese zodiac (5)The 6th animal of the Chinese zodiac (5)The 5th animal of the Chinese zodiac (6)The 2nd animal of the Chinese zodiac (2)The 9th animals of the Chinese zodiac (6)The 11th animal of the Chinese zodiac (3)The 10th animal of the Chinese zodiac (7)...

New Year Party 2023-01-03

New Year Party crossword puzzle
  1. The next phase for the place we are in right now
  2. the best company in the world
  3. The top rookie for 2022
  4. Our 10mil incentive trip
  5. The app that you see everyday
  6. The best developer
  7. Our Head of Team
  1. The email that you wish to see
  2. Sell this and you will get RM1,888
  3. Your minimum goal in IQI
  4. Open your window and you will see lake
  5. If customer want PJ with public transport

12 Clues: Our Head of TeamThe best developerThe top rookie for 2022Your minimum goal in IQIOur 10mil incentive tripthe best company in the worldThe app that you see everydayThe email that you wish to seeSell this and you will get RM1,888Open your window and you will see lakeIf customer want PJ with public transport...

Happy New Year 2023-12-23

Happy New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Hung by the chimney for Santa to put presents into them
  2. A ballad or song of joy sang on Christmas
  3. Traditional British Christmas dessert
  4. Circular decoration for the front door
  5. People who sing Christmas songs
  6. Holiday celebrated on December 25th
  1. Festive paper tubes filled with treats and toys
  2. Santa's preferred way of transportation
  3. Traditional Christmas drink
  4. Often eaten for Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner
  5. Traditional British Christmas theater performance
  6. How Santa traditionally enters the house

12 Clues: Traditional Christmas drinkPeople who sing Christmas songsHoliday celebrated on December 25thTraditional British Christmas dessertCircular decoration for the front doorSanta's preferred way of transportationHow Santa traditionally enters the houseA ballad or song of joy sang on ChristmasOften eaten for Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2024-01-03

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! crossword puzzle
  1. 〜がほしい
  2. 〜を使う
  3. 〜に会う
  4. 〜を飲む
  5. 〜を食べる
  6. 歩く
  1. 〜が見える
  2. 〜を持っている
  3. 〜を勉強する
  4. 〜を書く
  5. 〜を作る
  6. 〜を教える

12 Clues: 歩く〜を使う〜を書く〜に会う〜を作る〜を飲む〜が見える〜がほしい〜を食べる〜を教える〜を勉強する〜を持っている

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024-01-04

HAPPY NEW YEAR crossword puzzle
  1. 〜を知っている
  2. 〜がほしい
  3. 〜が見える
  4. 〜を食べる
  5. 〜を教える
  6. 〜を使う
  7. 〜を飲む
  1. 〜を書く
  2. 〜に会う
  3. 〜を持っている
  4. 〜を勉強する
  5. 歩く

12 Clues: 歩く〜を書く〜に会う〜を使う〜を飲む〜がほしい〜が見える〜を食べる〜を教える〜を勉強する〜を知っている〜を持っている

Chinese New Year 2023-10-09

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024
  2. 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027
  3. 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
  4. 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
  5. 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029
  1. 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031
  2. 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
  3. 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020
  4. 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028
  5. 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023
  6. 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026
  7. 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030

12 Clues: 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 20311929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 20251928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 20241924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 20201932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 20281931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 20271926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022...

Chinese New Year Crossword 2021-02-01

Chinese New Year Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Plant that brings happiness, wealth and longevity.
  2. These are decorated, hung in temples, and carried during a parade.
  3. Number of days in the Chinese New Year celebration.
  4. Color that is believed to drive away bad luck.
  5. If you find this in your dumpling, you will have a year of good luck.
  6. What must you clean to be ready for Chinese New Year?
  1. What children receive in red envelopes if they have been good.
  2. Type of calendar that the Chinese New Year is based on.
  3. Chinese New Year is known as the ____________ Festival.
  4. Number of animals in the Chinese calendar.
  5. Animal traditionally represented in the Chinese New Year’s Day parade.
  6. Animal for the year 2021 in the Chinese calendar.

12 Clues: Number of animals in the Chinese calendar.Color that is believed to drive away bad luck.Animal for the year 2021 in the Chinese calendar.Plant that brings happiness, wealth and longevity.Number of days in the Chinese New Year celebration.What must you clean to be ready for Chinese New Year?Type of calendar that the Chinese New Year is based on....

🚀 Mission Control 🚀 2024-12-11

🚀 Mission Control 🚀 crossword puzzle
  1. Time off work, often taken during the festive season for rest and relaxation.
  2. The efficiency of completing tasks and achieving goals within a given time frame.
  3. Accomplishments or milestones that were successfully completed during the year.
  4. Working together with others to achieve a common goal, especially in team projects.
  5. The process of looking back on achievements and lessons learned over the past year.
  6. The final time by which a task or project must be completed.
  7. The feeling of thankfulness for accomplishments, colleagues, or opportunities throughout the year.
  1. A gathering or event to commemorate the year’s achievements, such as an office party.
  2. Acknowledging and valuing the hard work and contributions of coworkers.
  3. Advancement to a higher position or rank within the company.
  4. Collaborative efforts between colleagues to achieve common goals.
  5. The introduction of new ideas, methods, or products to improve work processes or services.
  6. One of the four periods in the year (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) used for financial and business planning.
  7. Targets or objectives set for personal or professional success in the upcoming year.
  8. The beginning of a new project or year, often marked with a meeting or celebration.
  9. A financial plan for how company resources will be allocated, often reviewed at the end of the year.
  10. A goal or commitment set for the new year, often aimed at self-improvement.
  11. Improvement or progress in skills, projects, or career development over the year.
  12. The accomplishment of an objective or goal, often celebrated at the year’s end.
  13. Building and maintaining professional relationships to help with career advancement.

20 Clues: Advancement to a higher position or rank within the company.The final time by which a task or project must be completed.Collaborative efforts between colleagues to achieve common goals.Acknowledging and valuing the hard work and contributions of coworkers.A goal or commitment set for the new year, often aimed at self-improvement....

New Year's Crossword 2024-12-04

New Year's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The last month of the year
  2. Small colorful pieces of paper
  3. You blow it up and it floats
  4. The first month of the year
  5. 5,4,3,2,1
  6. _____ New Year!
  1. The night before a holiday
  2. Promises/Goals made for the new year
  3. Big, loud and colorful displays in the sky
  4. The time the new year begins
  5. A fun gathering with lots of people
  6. Small accessory on your wrist to know the time

12 Clues: 5,4,3,2,1_____ New Year!The night before a holidayThe last month of the yearThe first month of the yearThe time the new year beginsYou blow it up and it floatsSmall colorful pieces of paperA fun gathering with lots of peoplePromises/Goals made for the new yearBig, loud and colorful displays in the skySmall accessory on your wrist to know the time

Happy New Year Wife 2017-12-24

Happy New Year Wife crossword puzzle
  1. Where Woods' swam in the Hudson
  2. Arboretum woods' stroller swiped seeds from
  3. Woods' first beach
  4. Our Favorite cafe chain
  5. where woods got to see tweety, sylvester, and a turtle (abbr)
  6. Bebe's Favorite game
  7. coldest waterfall swim of 2017
  8. woods' 1st horse ride location (museum)
  9. swimming hole river near athens
  10. where we found a 'wild' hazelnut
  11. rock where we howled at the full moon
  1. woods' first cover rock concert
  2. Troy Statue
  3. labor day picnic park
  4. only movie we seen at a theatre in '17
  5. woods' first bar
  6. park with shakespeare and a giant tortise
  7. # of states Woods' has dirtied a diaper in

18 Clues: Troy Statuewoods' first barWoods' first beachBebe's Favorite gamelabor day picnic parkOur Favorite cafe chaincoldest waterfall swim of 2017woods' first cover rock concertWhere Woods' swam in the Hudsonswimming hole river near athenswhere we found a 'wild' hazelnutrock where we howled at the full moononly movie we seen at a theatre in '17...

New Year's 2025 2025-01-02

New Year's 2025 crossword puzzle
  1. a get-together to celebrate
  2. the kind of animal a snake is (and maybe a dragon, too...?)
  3. 12 o'clock at night
  4. it is about to be the Year of the ______
  5. a chart with days, weeks, and months
  6. a round piece of rubber that is inflated with air
  1. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
  2. building in this city that puts on a show on New Year's
  3. there are twelve in a year
  4. the day before, such as on Christmas or New Year's
  5. number of animals in the Chinese zodiac
  6. explosions of bright lights
  7. a red one holds money inside on Lunar New Year
  8. the Year of the ______ is coming to an end
  9. 365 days

15 Clues: 365 days12 o'clock at nightthere are twelve in a yeara get-together to celebrateexplosions of bright lights"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"a chart with days, weeks, and monthsnumber of animals in the Chinese zodiacit is about to be the Year of the ______the Year of the ______ is coming to an enda red one holds money inside on Lunar New Year...

Chinese New Year Crossword 2021-01-30

Chinese New Year Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Plant that brings happiness, wealth and longevity.
  2. Number of animals in the Chinese calendar.
  3. If you find this in your dumpling, you will have a year of good luck.
  4. Chinese New Year is known as the ____________ Festival.
  5. Color that is believed to drive away bad luck.
  6. Animal traditionally represented in the Chinese New Year’s Day parade.
  1. Number of days in the Chinese New Year celebration.
  2. What children receive in red envelopes if they have been good.
  3. Animal for the year 2021 in the Chinese calendar.
  4. Type of calendar that the Chinese New Year is based on.
  5. What must you clean to be ready for Chinese New Year?
  6. These are decorated, hung in temples, and carried during a parade.

12 Clues: Number of animals in the Chinese calendar.Color that is believed to drive away bad luck.Animal for the year 2021 in the Chinese calendar.Plant that brings happiness, wealth and longevity.Number of days in the Chinese New Year celebration.What must you clean to be ready for Chinese New Year?Type of calendar that the Chinese New Year is based on....

Hogmanay! 2025-01-04

Hogmanay! crossword puzzle
  1. People carry these along the street during processions (5)
  2. Traditional Scottish dance/party (7)
  3. Gift that can bring good luck at New Year (4)
  4. Traditional New Year's Day meal in Scotland (5,3)
  5. Traditional song, sung at New Year while holding hands (4,4,4)
  6. Scottish tradition that brings good luck for the New Year (5,7)
  7. Scottish alcoholic spirit (6)
  1. Scottish name for New Year (8)
  2. Scotland's biggest city (7)
  3. Writer of the poem 'Auld Lang Syne' (6,5)
  4. Capital of Scotland and setting of the Hogmanay street party (9)
  5. Scottish word for 'crazy' (5)

12 Clues: Scotland's biggest city (7)Scottish word for 'crazy' (5)Scottish alcoholic spirit (6)Scottish name for New Year (8)Traditional Scottish dance/party (7)Writer of the poem 'Auld Lang Syne' (6,5)Gift that can bring good luck at New Year (4)Traditional New Year's Day meal in Scotland (5,3)People carry these along the street during processions (5)...

New Year's Day 2024-01-10

New Year's Day crossword puzzle
  1. number of months in a year
  2. This year is 202___
  3. Every four years is a ____ year
  4. last month of the year
  5. first month of the year
  1. month with the fewest days
  2. the day before New Year's Day is New Year's ___
  3. common saying: "____ New Year!"
  4. Colorful explosions in the sky to celebrate
  5. time we celebrate New Year's

10 Clues: This year is 202___last month of the yearfirst month of the yearmonth with the fewest daysnumber of months in a yeartime we celebrate New Year'scommon saying: "____ New Year!"Every four years is a ____ yearColorful explosions in the sky to celebratethe day before New Year's Day is New Year's ___

New Year New You 2016-12-27

New Year New You crossword puzzle
  1. ?...People Make Healthier Choices
  2. Scales are only one ...?
  3. Shift Your ......To Achieve Better Results
  4. If you ?... in yourself, anything is possible
  5. You can earn these doing exercise
  1. Learn to .... Yourself, which means to fight for your happiness
  2. WW give us a daily food budget called ?
  3. Set your ? First and your body will follow
  4. Exclusive WW member community is called ?
  5. Be real, not ....?

10 Clues: Be real, not ....?Scales are only one ...??...People Make Healthier ChoicesYou can earn these doing exerciseWW give us a daily food budget called ?Exclusive WW member community is called ?Set your ? First and your body will followShift Your ......To Achieve Better ResultsIf you ?... in yourself, anything is possible...

New Orleans New Year 2023-12-31

New Orleans New Year crossword puzzle
  1. This football game began Jan. 1, 1935 (2 words)
  2. Jan. 6, 1870, the second Carnival krewe formed, named Twelfth Night _____________.
  3. This former landmark at the foot of Canal St. began demolition in 1995, for Harrah's Casino.
  4. Nickname of cartoonist Matthews, creator of Vic 'N' Natly characters in 1982.
  5. Jan. 3, 1959 was the first TV appearance of this legendary horror host.
  1. Famed jazz musician Oscar Celestin born in 1884, went by this patriarchal nickname.
  2. Bernard Diliberto, famed sportscaster, went by this nickname.
  3. Guitarist & banjoist Danny, born in 1909,at 1027 rue Chartres.
  4. Basketballer Pete Maravich went by this "armed" nickname, given for his powerful court shots.
  5. The New Orleans professional football team earned this name in 1967.

10 Clues: This football game began Jan. 1, 1935 (2 words)Bernard Diliberto, famed sportscaster, went by this nickname.Guitarist & banjoist Danny, born in 1909,at 1027 rue Chartres.The New Orleans professional football team earned this name in 1967.Jan. 3, 1959 was the first TV appearance of this legendary horror host....

Happy New Year's 2025 2025-01-06

Happy New Year's 2025 crossword puzzle
  1. bright explosions in the sky
  2. the time when new year's begins
  3. A promise to make to yourself for the new year
  4. the first month of the year
  5. It tells time for the countdown
  6. a floating object you hit at parties
  1. small pieces of paper flown in the air
  2. a joyful shout you say at parties
  3. a celebration to welcome the New Year
  4. the season New Year's is in
  5. numbers said in reverse 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
  6. what drops each New Year at midnight

12 Clues: the season New Year's is inthe first month of the yearbright explosions in the skythe time when new year's beginsIt tells time for the countdowna joyful shout you say at partieswhat drops each New Year at midnighta floating object you hit at partiesa celebration to welcome the New Yearsmall pieces of paper flown in the air...

New Year Challenge 2020-12-14

New Year Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. New Years song, "___ Lang Syne."
  2. JPI is an endorsed local provider for this.
  3. 1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations.
  4. Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps.
  5. Made at the start of each new year.
  6. Stands for "endorsed local provider."
  1. On Jan 21st, we appreciate these rodents.
  2. Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day?
  3. The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step.
  4. We donate to a charity when we get these.
  5. The most requested item at homeless shelters.
  6. JPI motto, "____ people through insurance."

12 Clues: New Years song, "___ Lang Syne."Is it St. Patty's or Paddy's Day?Made at the start of each new year.Dave Ramsey teaches the 7 ____ steps.Stands for "endorsed local provider."On Jan 21st, we appreciate these rodents.We donate to a charity when we get these.The ____ Snowball is the second Baby Step.1st QTR charity partners; ___ foundations....

New Year Crossword 2020-01-16

New Year Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. gather together
  2. work
  3. professional contacts
  4. meal outdoors
  5. learning
  6. keep
  7. take up
  1. health and happiness
  2. New Year goal
  3. warm heartedness
  4. give yourself
  5. regularly attend

12 Clues: workkeeptake uplearningNew Year goalmeal outdoorsgive yourselfgather togetherwarm heartednessregularly attendhealth and happinessprofessional contacts

New year 5 2020-11-25

New year 5 crossword puzzle
  1. poet Afua Cooper was born here
  2. plural form of deer
  3. name of the ship in Tintin graphic novel
  4. a tropical fruit with orange juicy flesh
  5. a famous place to shop in London
  1. a word with suffix -al
  2. pronoun for parents
  3. opposite of easy
  4. a report with time order
  5. grown underground that can be eaten
  6. a possessive adjective
  7. these bubbles can be seen in cartoon strips

12 Clues: opposite of easypronoun for parentsplural form of deera word with suffix -ala possessive adjectivea report with time orderpoet Afua Cooper was born herea famous place to shop in Londongrown underground that can be eatenname of the ship in Tintin graphic novela tropical fruit with orange juicy fleshthese bubbles can be seen in cartoon strips

Happy New Year! 2021-01-11

Happy New Year! crossword puzzle
  1. Seafood is popular in Japan. People often eat crab or __.
  2. You can wear a hat on your head and __ on your hands.
  3. If you want to walk in the snow, you should wear __ on your feet.
  4. Hot __ is a popular drink in winter.
  5. Children often get __ from their parents on New Year’s Day.
  6. On January first, many people go to a shrine or a __.
  1. If we go to the mountains, we can go __ or snowboarding.
  2. January is the __ month of the year.
  3. At stores, you can buy a __ bag.
  4. If you feel cold, you can wear a __ around your neck.
  5. Right now, it’s winter in Japan, but in Australia it’s __.
  6. __ is the coldest season of the year.

12 Clues: At stores, you can buy a __ bag.January is the __ month of the year.Hot __ is a popular drink in winter.__ is the coldest season of the year.You can wear a hat on your head and __ on your hands.If you feel cold, you can wear a __ around your neck.On January first, many people go to a shrine or a __....

Chinese New Year 2023-01-18

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. a creature that dances with dragons
  2. 2023 animal of the year
  3. a lucky color
  4. The main meal of the day
  5. the people you spend time with and eat with
  6. Something you give to little kids
  7. The 12 animals that make up animals of the year
  1. an animal you eat, swims in water
  2. Lights you hang up
  3. a lucky color
  4. long strands you eat, made of flour or rice
  5. a mythological creature, dances with lions
  6. Produces a colorful and loud display in the sky

13 Clues: a lucky colora lucky colorLights you hang up2023 animal of the yearThe main meal of the dayan animal you eat, swims in waterSomething you give to little kidsa creature that dances with dragonsa mythological creature, dances with lionslong strands you eat, made of flour or ricethe people you spend time with and eat with...

Happy New Year 2021-12-23

Happy New Year crossword puzzle
  1. be of help
  2. where people work together
  3. an activity
  4. be the same
  5. be wiped out
  1. a mental image
  2. take a plane
  3. the method to do something
  4. the amount of people
  5. to respect someone
  6. to give shows on stage
  7. be full of anxiety

12 Clues: be of helpan activitybe the sametake a planebe wiped outa mental imageto respect someonebe full of anxietythe amount of peopleto give shows on stagethe method to do somethingwhere people work together

Happy New Year 2021-12-23

Happy New Year crossword puzzle
  1. be of help
  2. where people work together
  3. an activity
  4. be the same
  5. be wiped out
  1. a mental image
  2. take a plane
  3. the method to do something
  4. the amount of people
  5. to respect someone
  6. to give shows on stage
  7. be full of anxiety

12 Clues: be of helpan activitybe the sametake a planebe wiped outa mental imageto respect someonebe full of anxietythe amount of peopleto give shows on stagethe method to do somethingwhere people work together

New Year 2023 2023-12-30

New Year 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. Thailand currency
  2. first person to score 50 in golf yesterday
  3. Youngest member of the Our Dubai Group
  4. number of holidays in 2024 in UAE
  5. last food item eaten at melrons party
  1. who won Cricket world cup 2023
  2. Alex went ALONE to get what late night in thailand
  3. number of females in our group
  4. who won football world cup 2023
  5. what was evas 2023 birthday theme colour
  6. Oldest member of our group
  7. famous personality birthday in December

12 Clues: Thailand currencyOldest member of our groupwho won Cricket world cup 2023number of females in our groupwho won football world cup 2023number of holidays in 2024 in UAElast food item eaten at melrons partyYoungest member of the Our Dubai Groupfamous personality birthday in Decemberwhat was evas 2023 birthday theme colour...

Secure New Year 2025-01-15

Secure New Year crossword puzzle
  1. operating system from Microsoft
  2. network or collection of hacked computers/devices
  3. Small electronic card in your phone
  4. Malware that encrypts all your data and requires you to pay te get it back
  5. Alternative for a password
  6. A message dat tries to convince you to do something that harms you
  1. searchengine
  2. A piece of data that records your online history
  3. a program used to surf the internet
  4. Wireless communication protocol
  5. unwanted email
  6. Korean electronics manufacturer

12 Clues: searchengineunwanted emailAlternative for a passwordoperating system from MicrosoftWireless communication protocolKorean electronics manufacturera program used to surf the internetSmall electronic card in your phoneA piece of data that records your online historynetwork or collection of hacked computers/devices...

Lunar New Year 2025-01-31

Lunar New Year crossword puzzle
  1. If you mixed this with a lion, you would get a liger
  2. Mr. Michael's birth year
  3. A boy chicken
  4. The current lunar year
  5. The last time this happened was 2019 and the next will be 2031
  6. This animal rhymes with "socks"
  1. Like a mouse, except maybe scarier/yuckier
  2. Some may call this a hare
  3. A pony would be a baby one
  4. Some say sheep instead- this is the year you were born
  5. This is something that breathes fire and flies
  6. Kind of like a gorilla

12 Clues: A boy chickenKind of like a gorillaThe current lunar yearMr. Michael's birth yearSome may call this a hareA pony would be a baby oneThis animal rhymes with "socks"Like a mouse, except maybe scarier/yuckierThis is something that breathes fire and fliesIf you mixed this with a lion, you would get a liger...

Lunar New Year 2025-01-22

Lunar New Year crossword puzzle
  1. This legendary creature can be seen dancing in street performances in a rather confident, intelligent and enthusiastic nature.
  2. You'll earn your stripes like this feline with qualities of being brave, confident & competitive.
  3. Diligent, dependable, strong & determined, this animal can be seen doing a lot of farm work.
  4. Animated, active & energetic are traits an equestrian & this animal should have when riding for sport.
  5. Lovely, honest, prudent can describe this animal who would appreciate a game of catch every now and then.
  6. Sssome may Sssay you are enigmatic, intelligent & wiSsse! ThiSss iSss your year!
  7. Quiet, elegant, kind & responsible are characteristics of this animal who has also been known to race a turtle.
  1. In the story Charlotte's Web, the spider befriends this animal who is compassionate, diligent & generous.
  2. Although it's quick-witted, resourceful, versatile & kind, you wouldn't want to find one of these in your home.
  3. You won't need this animal to wake up a person who is observant, hard-working & courageous.
  4. Smart, sharp, curious are a few characteristics that describe this animal from a 1940's children's book, named Curious George.
  5. If you are the Greatest Of All Time, you likely have these qualities: Calm, Gentle, Sympathetic.

12 Clues: Sssome may Sssay you are enigmatic, intelligent & wiSsse! ThiSss iSss your year!You won't need this animal to wake up a person who is observant, hard-working & courageous.Diligent, dependable, strong & determined, this animal can be seen doing a lot of farm work....

New year, Crossword 2025-01-23

New year, Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What was Elphaba trying to see?
  2. What was the album of the year according to GCHS?
  3. What big thing is another civilization going to discover on our land in the future?
  4. Which coach reached the huge milestone of 300 wins?
  5. What University did Luigi Mangione attend?
  6. What's the second most taken-over job by AI?
  1. What do seniors welcome into their lives after graduating?
  2. What did the GCHS cheer team place at their first competition?
  3. Where was Mrs Rodriguez born?
  4. What is the purpose of the Best Buddies program?
  5. What is the 2nd most spoken language in the world?
  6. What is Ralph Davis's group passing out?

12 Clues: Where was Mrs Rodriguez born?What was Elphaba trying to see?What is Ralph Davis's group passing out?What University did Luigi Mangione attend?What's the second most taken-over job by AI?What is the purpose of the Best Buddies program?What was the album of the year according to GCHS?What is the 2nd most spoken language in the world?...

Happy New Year! 2025-01-01

Happy New Year! crossword puzzle
  1. what new year celebrations are
  2. 365 days
  3. something you'll try to do better in the new year
  4. length of Chinese New Year in days
  1. event in time square at midnight
  2. 2025 Chinese zodiac sign
  3. the night before January 1st
  4. what 2025 is
  5. what the new year might seem
  6. book with title "This time ___ year"

10 Clues: 365 dayswhat 2025 is2025 Chinese zodiac signthe night before January 1stwhat the new year might seemwhat new year celebrations areevent in time square at midnightlength of Chinese New Year in daysbook with title "This time ___ year"something you'll try to do better in the new year

New Year's Eve 2015-01-03

New Year's Eve crossword puzzle
  1. There are 12 in the year
  2. White wine with bubbles
  3. January 1st
  4. There were lively New Year_______________ all over town.
  5. twelve o'clock at night.
  6. December 31st is _____________
  7. a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.
  8. Expression of goodwill
  1. Show the date
  2. Phrase said at midnight
  3. Friendly expression said just before you drink an alcoholic drink.
  4. We went___________ at a nightclub.
  5. When the New Year arrives, people throw small pieces of paper called_______________
  6. 5-4-3-2-1
  7. When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________

15 Clues: 5-4-3-2-1January 1stShow the dateExpression of goodwillPhrase said at midnightWhite wine with bubblesThere are 12 in the yeartwelve o'clock at night.December 31st is _____________We went___________ at a nightclub.There were lively New Year_______________ all over town.When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________...

New Year's Eve 2015-01-03

New Year's Eve crossword puzzle
  1. We went___________ at a nightclub.
  2. a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.
  3. Phrase said at midnight
  4. December 31st is _____________
  5. White wine with bubbles
  6. twelve o'clock at night.
  7. When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________
  1. 5-4-3-2-1
  2. When the New Year arrives, people throw small pieces of paper called_______________
  3. January 1st
  4. There were lively New Year_______________ all over town.
  5. There are 12 in the year
  6. Show the date
  7. Friendly expression said just before you drink an alcoholic drink.
  8. Expression of goodwill

15 Clues: 5-4-3-2-1January 1stShow the dateExpression of goodwillPhrase said at midnightWhite wine with bubblesThere are 12 in the yeartwelve o'clock at night.December 31st is _____________We went___________ at a nightclub.There were lively New Year_______________ all over town.When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________...

b 2024-12-26

b crossword puzzle
  1. Long, thin decorations used at parties.
  2. A festive gathering with food, drinks, and entertainment.
  3. A joyful gathering to mark a special event.
  4. A public procession with music and floats.
  5. A speech made to wish happiness or success.
  6. A large, celebratory meal.
  7. Events and activities for celebrating special occasions.
  8. Colorful explosions in the sky during New Year’s celebrations.
  9. The exact moment when the New Year begins.
  1. The first month of the year.
  2. A shout of joy or encouragement.
  3. To shine brightly with flashes of light.
  4. A custom or belief passed down through generations.
  5. Small pieces of paper thrown during celebrations.
  6. The act of counting backward to mark the New Year.
  7. Hopes or desires for the future.
  8. People with whom one shares a mutual bond of affection.
  9. A tool to keep track of dates and months.
  10. A promise made to improve oneself in the coming year.
  11. People related by blood or strong bonds.

20 Clues: A large, celebratory meal.The first month of the year.A shout of joy or encouragement.Hopes or desires for the future.Long, thin decorations used at parties.To shine brightly with flashes of light.People related by blood or strong bonds.A tool to keep track of dates and months.A public procession with music and floats....

February 3, 2025 2025-02-03

February 3, 2025 crossword puzzle
  1. Also known as the Chinese New Year
  2. Chinese New Year celebrations end with this
  3. Brief guest to the planet party at the end of February
  4. Growth of Mount Everest is mainly due to the collision of these Indian and Eurasian plates
  5. This will appear between Venus and Uranus after sunset
  6. Term for when the ground under Mt. Everest and nearby areas started to rise
  7. Planets that can be seen with the naked eye
  8. Name given to the visibly aligned six planets
  9. The smallest planet will be hard to see because it will be very close to this
  10. River capture culprit
  11. Animals of the zodiac are believed to influence these
  12. We usually cannot see all the planets at once because they do this
  13. NASA says this isn’t special
  14. These planets can only be seen with a powerful telescope
  15. This food symbolizes family togetherness
  1. The number of planets it is common to see lined up in the sky
  2. The Chinese New Year festivities begin with this
  3. These foods represent wealth
  4. Earth’s highest peak
  5. The animals in the Chinese Zodiac were assigned a year based on the order in which they completed this
  6. What the Chinese New Year travel rush is known as
  7. Planets orbit the sun along a similar plane, causing them to appear like they do this
  8. Number of meters more that climbers will have to climb to get to the top of Mr. Everest
  9. 2025 is the year of this animal
  10. Highlight of the Chinese parades
  11. The celestial event can be seen a few hours after 8:30 pm in this hemisphere
  12. China’s biggest holiday lasts this long
  13. The number associated with good fortune in Chinese culture
  14. The number that represents longevity and good luck
  15. Number of animals the Chinese New Year is dedicated to

30 Clues: Earth’s highest peakRiver capture culpritThese foods represent wealthNASA says this isn’t special2025 is the year of this animalHighlight of the Chinese paradesAlso known as the Chinese New YearChina’s biggest holiday lasts this longThis food symbolizes family togethernessChinese New Year celebrations end with this...

New Things This Year 2022-09-13

New Things This Year crossword puzzle
  1. The ____________ caused us to be stuck in 2nd period instead of watching swoop.
  2. School's new ____ schedule is messing with the previous Granite Hills students' time.
  3. Every year we get a group of ________ students from different schools.
  4. _________ schedule allows 2nd time for brunch.
  5. Our new principal is Dr. _____.
  1. The new math class is?
  2. Every year we get a new group of ________ added to the nest.
  3. Due to the new bell schedule the _____ lines are extra long.
  4. This year a large group of ________ was added to our staff.
  5. Only a minute causes you to get a ____ slip.
  6. This year if you are late you might get _____ up by the campus supervisors.
  7. The new _________ has a lot of students complaining.
  8. Attempt one of _____ ended early.

13 Clues: The new math class is?Our new principal is Dr. _____.Attempt one of _____ ended early.Only a minute causes you to get a ____ slip._________ schedule allows 2nd time for brunch.The new _________ has a lot of students complaining.This year a large group of ________ was added to our staff.Every year we get a new group of ________ added to the nest....

Holidays around the world 2022-12-20

Holidays around the world crossword puzzle
  1. Fruit used for Rosh Hashana to represent many good deeds
  2. The day of the year with the most or least daylight
  3. Celebration of the birth of Jesus, usually celebrated on Dec. 25
  4. The color that is associated with good luck, and used for the Lunar New Year
  5. The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, observed on a Sunday in March or April
  6. Japanese celebration of the annual meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi
  7. The first principle of Kwanzaa, unity
  8. Hindu festival of light
  1. Month-long fast observed by Muslims to remember when Mohammed received the Koran
  2. The Buddhist celebration of Siddhartha reaching enlightenment
  3. The name for New Year's Eve in several countries including Germany and Austria
  4. The name of the meal that breaks the fast during Ramadan
  5. Pagan celebration of midwinter
  6. The Jewish New Year, observed with honey and apples and round challah
  7. Eight-day celebration of African-American heritage
  8. Painting made on the floor using colored sand or rice
  9. The Lunar New Year 2023 will be the year of the ____
  10. Many midsummer/summer solstice celebrations involve gathering around a large _____

18 Clues: Hindu festival of lightPagan celebration of midwinterThe first principle of Kwanzaa, unityEight-day celebration of African-American heritageThe day of the year with the most or least daylightThe Lunar New Year 2023 will be the year of the ____Painting made on the floor using colored sand or rice...

2023 Christmas Romance 2023-12-05

2023 Christmas Romance crossword puzzle
  1. Lizard spent another year splashing
  2. New helper monkey
  3. Best bites of our lives
  4. Z2
  5. Top Ukee snack spot
  6. Brene Browns guide
  7. All kinds of crazy double prongers
  8. Little red fruity widgets of joy
  9. Final year of chlorine boards
  10. The new horse in the corral
  11. Wicked muscles
  12. Crushed his first 22.1
  13. Bishop got rained out so we went to...
  14. Every year Gma says I should get one
  15. Nerd books
  16. GJ in the apple
  1. #NT
  2. Honey pomello and cilantro
  3. She's full of great designs
  4. Can you believe we saw them in the ocean
  5. Sandy surf spot
  6. Freyas new love
  7. Last years romantic spot
  8. Our favourite airdrie pup
  9. Final year of this oil
  10. Elaines back and quad buster
  11. Annual insight experiences
  12. The weekly tradition continues
  13. Caffine Nerd!
  14. He's almost a real grown up
  15. Sadly no more bread
  16. Magical rock forest

32 Clues: Z2#NTNerd booksCaffine Nerd!Wicked musclesSandy surf spotFreyas new loveGJ in the appleNew helper monkeyBrene Browns guideTop Ukee snack spotSadly no more breadMagical rock forestFinal year of this oilCrushed his first 22.1Best bites of our livesLast years romantic spotOur favourite airdrie pupHoney pomello and cilantroAnnual insight experiences...


  1. A New Year's resolution is a ________ to do something better or to stop doing something bad in the new year.
  2. Hopefully I can ________ with my sister soon! I haven’t talked to her in a while.
  3. I’ve been ________ up on my grammar this week before Friday’s big test.
  4. I want to ________ a new TV show this year because I’ve rewatched all my favourites too many times.
  5. His New Year's ________ was to read one book per month.
  6. It will be difficult, but I want to completely cut out sugar from my ________ this year!
  7. After many years, he has finally ________ smoking.
  8. He has a bad ________ of biting his nails.
  9. I decided to ________ painting as a hobby.
  10. I finally ________ with my old college friends last week over coffee.
  1. Most people’s New Year resolutions are centered around having a ________ lifestyle.
  2. My brother has lost a lot of weight ever since he ________ up soccer.
  3. She has ________ into reading mystery novels recently and can’t put them down.
  4. She needs to ________ her English if she wants to get a better job.
  5. I decided to ________ a little on sugary snacks to improve my health.
  6. He’s been ________ on his kitchen for the last 10 months and it’s looking beautiful.
  7. Last year, my resolution was to go to the gym 3 times a week but I ________ by February.
  8. He ________ sugar from his diet in order to lose a bit of weight.
  9. I need to ________ on my French skills before my trip to Paris.
  10. Most people find it difficult to ________ to their New Year’s resolutions.
  11. He signed up for a _____ membership to get in shape.

21 Clues: He has a bad ________ of biting his nails.I decided to ________ painting as a hobby.After many years, he has finally ________ smoking.He signed up for a _____ membership to get in shape.His New Year's ________ was to read one book per month.I need to ________ on my French skills before my trip to Paris....

New Year's Eve 2015-01-03

New Year's Eve crossword puzzle
  1. Phrase said at midnight
  2. There are 12 in the year
  3. a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year.
  4. twelve o'clock at night.
  5. December 31st is _____________
  6. When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________
  7. When the New Year arrives, people throw small pieces of paper called_______________
  8. We went___________ at a nightclub.
  1. Friendly expression said just before you drink an alcoholic drink.
  2. January 1st
  3. White wine with bubbles
  4. There were lively New Year_______________ all over town.
  5. Show the date
  6. Expression of goodwill
  7. 5-4-3-2-1

15 Clues: 5-4-3-2-1January 1stShow the dateExpression of goodwillWhite wine with bubblesPhrase said at midnightThere are 12 in the yeartwelve o'clock at night.December 31st is _____________We went___________ at a nightclub.There were lively New Year_______________ all over town.When the new year arrives the sky is lit up with_________________...

January Crossword 2025-01-17

January Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Festive noisemaker
  2. Quick summary
  3. Dew, in frozen form
  4. Martin Luther King Junior, abbr.
  5. First hour of the new year
  6. Out with the ___
  7. 2025 zodiac animal
  8. Goal for the new year
  9. Cold chomp?
  10. New Year’s anthem
  11. Film and TV Award Show
  1. See 19-Down
  2. Shipley athletic gathering with 14-Down
  3. Compact snow house
  4. Device measuring time in sand
  5. Sprinkled cheer
  6. Sweet iceberg, to hot cocoa
  7. Mini firework
  8. Celebratory drink
  9. See 2-down
  10. In with the ___
  11. Ball drop location, with 1-Down
  12. Might be sent down your spine
  13. Helium-filled decoration
  14. Shape made by fanning one’s limbs out in the snow

25 Clues: See 2-downSee 19-DownCold chomp?Mini fireworkQuick summarySprinkled cheerIn with the ___Out with the ___Celebratory drinkNew Year’s anthemCompact snow houseFestive noisemaker2025 zodiac animalDew, in frozen formGoal for the new yearFilm and TV Award ShowHelium-filled decorationFirst hour of the new yearSweet iceberg, to hot cocoa...

Happy 4th Anniversary XO 2024-06-13

Happy 4th Anniversary XO crossword puzzle
  1. Shoogarcane-based liquor/Mustachioed TV Character
  2. Rounded vault forming the roof of a structure, typically with a circular base & used in birthday celebrations
  3. 2023 Summer Show Protagonist, Nandor the
  4. Wawa
  5. Luna Rosa(near fatal)Hiking Destination
  6. Alopecial Birthday Bovine
  7. Canada Day Destination #1
  8. New Balcony Addition from Family Lamiaceae
  9. Hull/McLeod Wedding Farm
  10. Where I Won the Lottery
  11. Culinary Delight of the Year
  12. TV Show of the Year
  13. River John Cedar Experience
  14. New Year's Eve Traditional Locale
  15. MVP Cuban Bartender
  16. Broke A Chair
  17. Bass River Evening Pastime
  18. Tub filled with hot aerated water used for relaxation
  19. Overly Watchful Protagonist, Observing All From the Bell Tower
  20. Trunk 7 Biblical Weather Event
  21. Catamaran "Lonche"
  1. Newly Discovered Dietary Sensitivity
  2. 42nd Birthday Thirsty Thursday Venue
  3. Moniker of New Post-Grocery Tradition
  4. Bird of the Year
  5. Broke A Chair
  6. Canada Day Destination #2
  7. Cigarette lighter with hinged lid, using lighter fluid as fuel
  8. Purchase of the Year
  9. Xmas Eve Traditional Locale
  10. Secret Ingredient to Culinary Delight of the Year
  11. Matt Mays Ocular Consequence
  12. Valentines/Anniversary Dinner of Japanese Origin
  13. Pizza Genre of the Year
  14. A Romantic Entanglement Involving Three People

35 Clues: WawaBroke A ChairBroke A ChairBird of the YearCatamaran "Lonche"TV Show of the YearMVP Cuban BartenderPurchase of the YearWhere I Won the LotteryPizza Genre of the YearHull/McLeod Wedding FarmCanada Day Destination #2Alopecial Birthday BovineCanada Day Destination #1Bass River Evening PastimeXmas Eve Traditional LocaleRiver John Cedar Experience...

Chinese New Year 2022-02-03

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. What is the most popular Chinese New Year craft?
  2. when is Chinese new year?
  3. Who is the dragon who terrorised the villigers in the old story?
  4. Who was the last animal to finsh the race?
  5. What is the most popular Chinese food?
  6. Is Chinese New Year important?
  1. What do children get for Chinese New Year?
  2. what do people eat on Chinese New year?
  3. Who was the animal who came in first for the race?
  4. How long will Chinese new year last?

10 Clues: when is Chinese new year?Is Chinese New Year important?How long will Chinese new year last?what do people eat on Chinese New year?What is the most popular Chinese food?Who was the last animal to finsh the race?What do children get for Chinese New Year?What is the most popular Chinese New Year craft?...

Crossword of the week: New year 2025-01-06

Crossword of the week: New year crossword puzzle
  1. The first month of the year (7).
  2. Colourful displays often seen on New Year's Eve (9).
  3. The time when the new year officially begins (8).
  4. A tradition of raising a glass to celebrate the new year (5).
  5. The act of counting down to midnight on New Year's Eve (9).
  1. Small pieces of paper thrown during New Year's celebrations (8).
  2. Customs or practices observed on New Year's Day (9).
  3. A common goal set at the beginning of the year (10).
  4. A popular drink for celebrating the new year (9).
  5. A gathering to celebrate the arrival of the new year (5).

10 Clues: The first month of the year (7).A popular drink for celebrating the new year (9).The time when the new year officially begins (8).Customs or practices observed on New Year's Day (9).A common goal set at the beginning of the year (10).Colourful displays often seen on New Year's Eve (9).A gathering to celebrate the arrival of the new year (5)....