one piece Crossword Puzzles

one-eyed monster 2023-03-27

one-eyed monster crossword puzzle
  1. A large piece
  2. To say something quietly that is hard for others to understand
  3. Where Odysseus and his men sailed from
  4. Food
  5. To dribble
  6. To eat something up quickly (starting with g)
  1. One-eyed monster
  2. Destroyed
  3. A piece or a chunk
  4. To eat hungrily (starting with d)
  5. To laugh
  6. Sandstone
  7. Think to oneself
  8. Part of the coast

14 Clues: FoodTo laughDestroyedSandstoneTo dribbleA large pieceOne-eyed monsterThink to oneselfPart of the coastA piece or a chunkTo eat hungrily (starting with d)Where Odysseus and his men sailed fromTo eat something up quickly (starting with g)To say something quietly that is hard for others to understand

Nuages 2022-03-03

Nuages crossword puzzle
  1. This piece of music is one of three of these
  2. The interval that is used a lot in the piece
  3. The style of composition that Debussy is associated with
  4. The composer of Nuages
  5. The word that best describes the tonality of Nuages
  6. The french phrase for Sul Tasto
  7. The french word for clouds
  1. The name for a diminished scale
  2. The instrument that plays the fog horn theme
  3. The other name for a Lydian Dominant scale
  4. The type of chord that plays the first theme
  5. How many sections there are
  6. The name of each of the sections in the piece
  7. A sequence of chords consisting of intervals that do not change as the chord moves
  8. The number of main themes in the piece

15 Clues: The composer of NuagesThe french word for cloudsHow many sections there areThe name for a diminished scaleThe french phrase for Sul TastoThe number of main themes in the pieceThe other name for a Lydian Dominant scaleThe instrument that plays the fog horn themeThis piece of music is one of three of theseThe type of chord that plays the first theme...

household goods 2023-07-03

household goods crossword puzzle
  1. An entrance or exit to a room or building.
  2. A piece of furniture used for sleeping or resting.
  3. A piece of furniture with a seat for one person.
  4. A piece of furniture used for storing books.
  5. An object for playing and having fun.
  6. A bag worn on the back for carrying things.
  7. An electronic device used for various tasks and activities.
  1. A reflective surface that shows your reflection.
  2. A long upholstered seat with a back and arms.
  3. An opening in a wall to let in light and air.
  4. An electronic device used for watching shows and movies.
  5. An instrument that shows the time.
  6. A flat board used for storing or displaying objects.
  7. A piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs.
  8. An object that produces light.

15 Clues: An object that produces light.An instrument that shows the time.An object for playing and having fun.An entrance or exit to a room or building.A bag worn on the back for carrying things.A piece of furniture used for storing books.A long upholstered seat with a back and arms.An opening in a wall to let in light and air....

unit 7 word puzzle 2022-05-13

unit 7 word puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. connected with or involving crime
  2. an interesting or enjoyable place to go
  3. a person whose job involves designing and building engines
  4. a small round solid piece of medicine that you swallow
  5. an aircraft without a pilot, controlled from the ground
  6. showing information by using figures
  7. an object or a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job
  1. an expert
  2. methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes
  3. a task or piece of work that sb is given to do
  4. a machine for printing text on paper, especially one connected to a computer
  5. a written or spoken piece of information
  6. act in an intelligent way
  7. someone who tries to break into computer systems
  8. that cannot be seen

15 Clues: an expertthat cannot be seenact in an intelligent wayconnected with or involving crimeshowing information by using figuresan interesting or enjoyable place to goa written or spoken piece of informationa task or piece of work that sb is given to dosomeone who tries to break into computer systemsa small round solid piece of medicine that you swallow...

List 2025-03-06

List crossword puzzle
  1. warm sweatshirt with a hood"
  2. A pattern designed to blend with surroundings"
  3. Pants that are cut above the knee"
  4. – "A smooth and shiny fabric"
  5. A piece of clothing covering the legs"
  6. A warm fabric made from sheep’s fleece"
  7. A one-piece garment typically worn by women"
  1. Tight-fitting stretchy pants"
  2. Denim pants, often blue"
  3. A strong, lightweight synthetic material"
  4. A soft, natural fiber used in clothing"
  5. A sleeveless piece of clothing worn over a shirt"
  6. A synthetic fabric often used in sportswear"

13 Clues: Denim pants, often blue"warm sweatshirt with a hood"Tight-fitting stretchy pants"– "A smooth and shiny fabric"Pants that are cut above the knee"A piece of clothing covering the legs"A soft, natural fiber used in clothing"A warm fabric made from sheep’s fleece"A strong, lightweight synthetic material"A synthetic fabric often used in sportswear"...

Ashby's Piece of Cake 2020-08-03

Ashby's Piece of Cake crossword puzzle
  1. good for spooning
  2. a one prone fork
  3. looks like that white substance daddy sniffs off the coffee table
  4. basically a big cooking plate
  5. used for punishing little kiddies
  6. Es ist ein Ofen
  7. good for forking
  8. used for beating dough...and other things
  9. its in the title
  1. basically a smaller muffin
  2. Long and hard
  3. which came first?
  4. basically a bigger cupcake
  5. rhymes with cake
  6. addictive
  7. a white sweet substance
  8. the alternative to sugar

17 Clues: addictiveLong and hardEs ist ein Ofena one prone forkrhymes with cakegood for forkingits in the titlegood for spooningwhich came first?a white sweet substancethe alternative to sugarbasically a smaller muffinbasically a bigger cupcakebasically a big cooking plateused for punishing little kiddiesused for beating dough...and other things...

STAAR Review Vocab: Writing 2024-11-13

STAAR Review Vocab: Writing crossword puzzle
  1. the main claim that a writer makes in a piece of argumentative writing that tells their beliefs
  2. the part of a sentence that tells what a subject is or does
  3. a group of words that does not contain both a subject and a verb
  4. to correct incorrect word choices
  5. a clause that cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence
  6. to change the wording of a sentence to make it better
  7. on-topic
  8. an expression of explanation or opinion regarding a particular topic
  9. wording that indicates moving from one sentence or idea to another
  10. two or more sentences run together without punctuation
  11. to join two or more sentences together
  12. the main argument presented in an argumentative writing
  1. a compound sentence that includes a dependent clause
  2. a phrase that contains information that is not essential to the sentence
  3. a sentence with at least two independent clauses
  4. a clause that can stand alone as a complete sentence
  5. the agreement between the noun and the pronoun it relates to
  6. a sentence with one independent cause and at least one dependent clause
  7. the clearness of meaning in a piece of writing
  8. unnecessary due to being repetitive
  9. the person or thing that the sentence is about
  10. the central idea that a piece of writing is focused around
  11. to make clearer using more precise language

23 Clues: on-topicto correct incorrect word choicesunnecessary due to being repetitiveto join two or more sentences togetherto make clearer using more precise languagethe clearness of meaning in a piece of writingthe person or thing that the sentence is abouta sentence with at least two independent clausesa compound sentence that includes a dependent clause...

Clothing Vocabulary 2021-04-08

Clothing Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. footwear that goes over the ankle
  2. undergarment worn on the lower half of the body
  3. skintight garment used as socks
  4. set of clothes that are worn together by males
  5. a sash that is worn around the waist usually for men formal wear
  6. piece is worn on the lower half of the body but does not cover the legs fully
  7. pants that are made out of denim for informal occasions
  8. a satin set of clothing worn by men
  9. skirt that is shorter than usual
  10. undergarment that is worn on the lower half of the body
  11. knit garment that goes on your feet and typically under a shoe
  12. slip dress that is only the bottom half
  13. a jacket that can be worn to ski in
  14. a set of clothing that is typically outerwear
  15. sleeveless garment that is worn over another piece of clothing
  16. loose piece of clothing that works as a shirt
  17. undergarment worn by men on the lower half of the body to sleep in
  18. outerwear that is lighter than a coat but covers up
  19. a loose garment worn to bed and is lighter than pyjamas
  20. two-piece that is worn when swimming
  21. shirt that makes a t shape when laid out and is made of cotton
  1. footwear worn in the summer that is attached with straps
  2. long sleeve knitted garment for the upper body
  3. sleeveless undergarment worn under a shirt
  4. piece of clothing that covers the foot
  5. shoe that is usually worn for sports
  6. jacket that is used for sports or other outdoor activities
  7. piece of clothing you can wear in water
  8. à hauts talons shoe that has a tall platform/heel
  9. garment for the upper body with buttons and a collar
  10. skintight piece of clothing that covers the body
  11. a dress that is used as an undergarment
  12. loose clothing piece and is worn to bed
  13. long coat that is made to be waterproof for the rain
  14. piece that is worn on the lower half of the body and covers your legs
  15. long piece of clothing worn by men around the neck
  16. tie that goes around your neck in the form of a bow
  17. one-piece garment worn for more formal occasions typically
  18. knitted outerwear piece that is open and long sleeve
  19. outerwear that is used for colder weather
  20. undergarment that is worn by women on upper body
  21. part of a dress that goes from the waist and down

42 Clues: skintight garment used as socksskirt that is shorter than usualfootwear that goes over the anklea satin set of clothing worn by mena jacket that can be worn to ski inshoe that is usually worn for sportstwo-piece that is worn when swimmingpiece of clothing that covers the footpiece of clothing you can wear in water...

Musical Crossword 2020-09-06

Musical Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. very slow pace in music
  2. A sign found at the beginning of music
  3. Happy pleasant sound
  4. soft piece of music
  5. at an easy walking pace in music
  6. getting slower
  7. very loud piece of music
  8. at a moderate speed in music
  9. getting softer in the piece of music
  10. Sounds a little sad or serious
  1. moderately soft piece of music
  2. getting faster
  3. getting louder in the music
  4. very soft piece of music
  5. Weaving of lots of tunes
  6. very fast pace in music
  7. loud piece of music music
  8. fast pace in music
  9. vertical lines placed between notes
  10. moderately loud piece of music

20 Clues: getting fastergetting slowerfast pace in musicHappy pleasant soundsoft piece of musicvery slow pace in musicvery fast pace in musicvery soft piece of musicWeaving of lots of tunesvery loud piece of musicloud piece of music musicgetting louder in the musicat a moderate speed in musicmoderately soft piece of musicmoderately loud piece of music...

one 2014-11-20

one crossword puzzle
  1. too much
  2. Mom
  3. 40th
  4. Helped other with preparations
  5. gingerbread
  1. 4th
  2. blessing
  3. successful
  4. ride
  5. DC
  6. 3rd year
  7. cape
  8. joy

13 Clues: DC4thMomjoyride40thcapetoo muchblessing3rd yearsuccessfulgingerbreadHelped other with preparations

one 2024-08-13

one crossword puzzle
  1. Made of cocoa beans.
  2. A system for organising days and months.
  3. The number after 39.
  4. Feeling very enthusiastic.
  5. To a high degree or level of detail.
  6. To vanish from sight.
  7. To recall something from memory.
  1. To take place or happen.
  2. Proficient or competent at doing something.
  3. Two lines that never meet.
  4. Taking precautions to avoid danger.
  5. Dissimilar or not alike.
  6. A place with books for reading and borrowing.

13 Clues: Made of cocoa beans.The number after 39.To vanish from sight.To take place or happen.Dissimilar or not alike.Two lines that never meet.Feeling very enthusiastic.To recall something from memory.Taking precautions to avoid danger.To a high degree or level of detail.A system for organising days and months.Proficient or competent at doing something....

Clothes and accessories 2020-10-23

Clothes and accessories crossword puzzle
  1. any piece of light clothing worn on the part of the body above the waist
  2. a type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the lower part of the leg
  3. a short coat
  4. a piece of clothing for women or girls that covers the top half of the body and hangs down over the legs
  5. a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet, consisting of two cylinder-shaped parts, one for each leg, that are joined at the top
  6. a strip, square, or triangle of cloth, worn around the neck, head, or shoulders to keep you warm
  7. a piece of clothing with long sleeves that is usually made from wool, is worn on the upper part of the body and does not open at the front
  8. a piece of clothing worn on the upper part of the body, made of light cloth like cotton and usually having a collar and buttons at the front
  9. a sweater that fastens at the front with buttons and is usually worn over other clothes things such as dresses and trousers that you wear to cover, protect, or decorate your body
  10. coloured substances used on your face to improve or change your appearance
  1. a soft flat hat that has a curved part sticking out at the front, often worn as part of a uniform
  2. a piece of jewellery worn around the neck, such as a chain or a string of decorative stones
  3. a piece of clothing made of thin material that covers the legs and lower part of the body below the waist
  4. an outer piece of clothing with sleeves that is worn over other clothes, usually for warmth
  5. a light shoe, especially worn in warm
  6. a covering for the head that is not part of a piece of clothing
  7. a piece of clothing made from soft material that covers your foot and the lower part of your leg
  8. trousers that end above the knee or reach the knee, often worn in hot weather or when playing a sport
  9. a piece of clothing for women and girls that hangs from the waist and does not have legs
  10. a type of light, comfortable shoe that can be worn for sport
  11. a backpack
  12. trousers made of denim (= strong blue cotton cloth) that are worn informally

22 Clues: a backpacka short coata light shoe, especially worn in warma type of light, comfortable shoe that can be worn for sporta covering for the head that is not part of a piece of clothinga type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the lower part of the legany piece of light clothing worn on the part of the body above the waist...

shopping 2024-01-08

shopping crossword puzzle
  1. to have a particular flavour
  2. costing a lot of money
  3. strong coverings for your feet
  4. a piece of clothing for women or girls which covers the top half of the body and hangs down over the legs
  5. to imagine something what you would like to happen
  6. trousers made from a strong, usually blue material
  7. to seem be
  8. if something costs an amount of money, you must pay that amount to buy or do it.
  9. costing little money or less than is usual or expected
  1. strong in colour
  2. a short coat
  3. one of the different measurements in things
  4. a person who buys things goods and service
  5. a piece of clothing that covers the legs and has a separate part for each leg
  6. trousers with very short leg
  7. extremely good
  8. a piece of clothing usually made of wool which covers the top of your body.
  9. to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits you or if you like it

18 Clues: to seem bea short coatextremely goodstrong in colourcosting a lot of moneyto have a particular flavourtrousers with very short legstrong coverings for your feeta person who buys things goods and serviceone of the different measurements in thingsto imagine something what you would like to happentrousers made from a strong, usually blue material...

Unit 14 2013-05-19

Unit 14 crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of cloth used to stop bleeding
  2. rude
  3. to fell nervous or afraid
  4. person who leans how to do a job from a skilled person
  5. totell someone something is true to make them less worried
  6. a person who cooks in a restaurant
  7. a thread of substance used to make clothes
  8. they work hard and are careful
  9. long, loose piece of clothing
  10. very bad
  1. one or both knees on the ground
  2. very big
  3. something that is more important than other things
  4. the leader of a group of countries
  5. the act of leaving a place
  6. criticize one angrily because they have done wrong
  7. to become friends with them
  8. a hat worn by a king or queen
  9. an expensive thing that you do not need

19 Clues: rudevery bigvery badto fell nervous or afraidthe act of leaving a placeto become friends with thema hat worn by a king or queenlong, loose piece of clothingthey work hard and are carefulone or both knees on the groundthe leader of a group of countriesa person who cooks in a restauranta piece of cloth used to stop bleeding...

Rooms and Furniture 2022-06-17

Rooms and Furniture crossword puzzle
  1. a separate seat for one person
  2. a machine for washing clothes, bed linens, etc.
  3. a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs,
  4. a long upholstered seat with a back and arms,
  5. a reflective surface,
  6. an apparatus for cooking
  1. a cupboard with shelves or drawers for storing or displaying articles.
  2. a flat length of wood or other rigid material
  3. a piece of furniture with a flat or sloped surface and typically with drawers,
  4. a comfortable chair, typically upholstered
  5. a tall recess or wardrobe with a door, used for storage.
  6. a piece of furniture for sleep or rest

12 Clues: a reflective surface,an apparatus for cookinga separate seat for one persona piece of furniture for sleep or resta comfortable chair, typically upholstereda flat length of wood or other rigid materiala long upholstered seat with a back and arms,a machine for washing clothes, bed linens, etc.a tall recess or wardrobe with a door, used for storage....

One 2023-07-20

One crossword puzzle
  1. Πόσα άτομα αποτελούν το συγκρότημα One
  2. Ποιό το πραγματικό επίθετο του Δημήτρη
  3. Το μικρό όνομα του στιχουργού η αγκαλιά σου
  4. Που γυρίστηκε το βίντεο κλιπ Πως
  5. Το μικρό όνομα του αντικαταστάτη του Κων/νου
  6. Ποιά συναυλία έχει κυκλοφορήσει και σε cd
  1. Ένα από τα 4 στοιχεία της φύσης είναι τραγούδι τους
  2. Πόσα τραγούδια είχε το πρώτο cd
  3. Ποιά θέση κατέλαβαν στη Eurovision
  4. Το επίθετο που συμπληρώνει το σχήμα θεοδωρίδου One
  5. Tο μικρό όνομα του δημιουργού τους
  6. Που γυρίστηκε το βίντεο κλιπ Έχω τόσα να σου πω
  7. Πόσες σελίδες είχε το booklet μωρό μου

13 Clues: Πόσα τραγούδια είχε το πρώτο cdΠου γυρίστηκε το βίντεο κλιπ ΠωςΠοιά θέση κατέλαβαν στη EurovisionTο μικρό όνομα του δημιουργού τουςΠόσα άτομα αποτελούν το συγκρότημα OneΠοιό το πραγματικό επίθετο του ΔημήτρηΠόσες σελίδες είχε το booklet μωρό μουΠοιά συναυλία έχει κυκλοφορήσει και σε cdΤο μικρό όνομα του στιχουργού η αγκαλιά σου...

SBA Review Words 2022-05-04

SBA Review Words crossword puzzle
  1. to describe how two things are similar
  2. a person, place, thing, or idea
  3. _____ person: using "he" or "they" or "she" to tell a story
  4. _______ words (help change the reader move from one idea to the next; often at the start of a paragraph; for example: next, finally, additionally, first, in conclusion)
  5. a word that has the opposite meaning of another word
  6. _____ idea: what a text is mostly about
  7. comparing something with "like" or "as"
  8. when characters talk to each other
  9. a fictional story
  10. a word that describes a noun
  11. a group of lines in a poem
  12. the way things are seen from one person's point of view
  13. the life lesson the author wants you to learn
  14. a person telling the story
  1. to describe how two things are different
  2. something that makes a later event happen
  3. the ending or final thought after careful thinking
  4. a piece of writing that is one person's idea, but not true for everyone
  5. _____ person: using "I" or "me" to tell a story
  6. an action word
  7. comparing something without "like" or "as"
  8. a piece of writing that is nonfiction
  9. change or edit to make something better
  10. the group of people meant to hear or read a piece of writing
  11. examples from a text
  12. an event that happens after something else causes it

26 Clues: an action worda fictional storyexamples from a texta group of lines in a poema person telling the storya word that describes a nouna person, place, thing, or ideawhen characters talk to each othera piece of writing that is nonfictionto describe how two things are similar_____ idea: what a text is mostly aboutcomparing something with "like" or "as"...

Spelling List 24 2023-03-20

Spelling List 24 crossword puzzle
  1. She found the _?_ dog and decided to take it home.
  2. We live _?_ to the church than the store.
  3. Solomon was the _?_ king in the Bible.
  4. My dad likes to tell silly _?_ to me before bed.
  5. This path is much _?_ than that rocky one.
  6. Ajay is swimming in the _?_ ocean.
  7. Why is your piece _?_ than mine?
  8. This is the _?_ piece of paper ever. I can see right through it!
  9. Do you know which of these pineapples is _?_ than the other?
  1. Corin heads for the _?_ mountain he can see.
  2. This field is _?_ than the one over there.
  3. I just ate the _?_ strawberry!
  4. You need to run _?_ if you want to catch the ball.
  5. Summer is the _?_ season of the year.
  6. As I got _?_, I could smell the brownies in the oven.
  7. That dress is very _?_.
  8. You should be _?_ for your test on Friday.
  9. Sara _?_ wants to go to the zoo.
  10. Look! I just found the _?_ rock ever!
  11. This stick is _?_ than this one.

20 Clues: That dress is very _?_.I just ate the _?_ strawberry!Sara _?_ wants to go to the zoo.Why is your piece _?_ than mine?This stick is _?_ than this one.Ajay is swimming in the _?_ ocean.Summer is the _?_ season of the year.Look! I just found the _?_ rock ever!Solomon was the _?_ king in the Bible.We live _?_ to the church than the store....

ALC - BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Sue's a teacher 2024-12-14

ALC - BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Sue's a teacher crossword puzzle
  1. a device used for listening to music (2W)
  2. the place where students go to study
  3. the visual representations of something
  4. a piece of furniture used to sit on it
  5. a flat piece of furniture used to place meals on it
  6. a professional occupation
  7. a person who cuts men's hair and beards
  8. the one who helps passengers in a plane (2W)
  9. someone who cooks
  10. the plural form of that, more than one and far
  11. someone who attends patients at a hospital
  1. a doctor's assistant
  2. someone whose job is to fly airplanes
  3. an electronic device used to work in an office
  4. someone who fixes cars
  5. the plural form of this, more than one and near
  6. a group of letters with a meaning
  7. the room where students take classes
  8. a published written material that people read
  9. a person who instructs students
  10. The plural form of TV
  11. a person who studies

22 Clues: someone who cooksa doctor's assistanta person who studiesThe plural form of TVsomeone who fixes carsa professional occupationa person who instructs studentsa group of letters with a meaningthe place where students go to studythe room where students take classessomeone whose job is to fly airplanesa piece of furniture used to sit on it...

Rooms and Furniture 2022-06-17

Rooms and Furniture crossword puzzle
  1. a separate seat for one person
  2. a machine for washing clothes, bed linens, etc.
  3. a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs,
  4. a long upholstered seat with a back and arms,
  5. a reflective surface,
  6. an apparatus for cooking
  1. a cupboard with shelves or drawers for storing or displaying articles.
  2. a flat length of wood or other rigid material
  3. a piece of furniture with a flat or sloped surface and typically with drawers,
  4. a comfortable chair, typically upholstered
  5. a tall recess or wardrobe with a door, used for storage.
  6. a piece of furniture for sleep or rest

12 Clues: a reflective surface,an apparatus for cookinga separate seat for one persona piece of furniture for sleep or resta comfortable chair, typically upholstereda flat length of wood or other rigid materiala long upholstered seat with a back and arms,a machine for washing clothes, bed linens, etc.a tall recess or wardrobe with a door, used for storage....

Spelling words for week 10/30 to 11/3 2023-11-02

Spelling words for week 10/30 to 11/3 crossword puzzle
  1. the plural form of "echo" referring to more than one echo.
  2. the plural form of "leaf" used when referring to more than one leaf.
  3. device that transmits or receives electromagnetic energy.
  4. the plural form of "life" referring to more than one life.
  5. the plural of "shelf" referring to more than one "shelf"
  6. a flat piece of wood attached to the wall forming a piece of furniture.
  7. a repetition of a sound caused by a reflection of sound waves.
  8. a large deer with humped shoulders, long legs, and broad antlers
  9. referring to one of the two parts of a whole.
  1. the plural form of "veto" referring to more than one veto
  2. the hard bone structure in your mouth used for chewing
  3. sensory organs on the head of insects for touch and smell
  4. the plural form of "ox" referring to more than one ox.
  5. a group of organisms that can reproduce with one another in nature
  6. part of a plant that's usually green and attached to it by a stem or stalk
  7. a cutting instrument with two blade that slide past each other
  8. the plural form of "half" referring to more than one half.
  9. to take a decision against a proposal or bill.
  10. the plural form of "tooth" referring to more than one tooth.
  11. an older male cow trained to do hard work.
  12. survival; period between birth and death.

21 Clues: survival; period between birth and older male cow trained to do hard work.referring to one of the two parts of a take a decision against a proposal or bill.the hard bone structure in your mouth used for chewingthe plural form of "ox" referring to more than one ox.the plural of "shelf" referring to more than one "shelf"...

Spelling Word List 826-850 2024-01-23

Spelling Word List 826-850 crossword puzzle
  1. smooth with no bumps
  2. to take delight or pleasure in something
  3. these help birds fly
  4. to judge more than one thing to another
  5. curiosity; holding one's attention
  6. not including; other than
  7. point out or show someone
  8. to exchange for something else
  9. a piece of writing, written in short lines
  10. the part of the tree that grows out from the trunk
  11. thrilled; jumping up and down; enthusiastic
  12. the number after six
  13. to estimate
  1. known by many people; like Taylor Swift
  2. threads twisted together
  3. the act of changing locations
  4. strong wind does this
  5. something is likely to happen
  6. what something is worth in money
  7. not making any sound
  8. indicates one's preference to something
  9. a substance that cannot be broken down by chemicals
  10. a piece of metal or wood that supports flags
  11. a lot of people in one spot
  12. one of sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste

25 Clues: to estimatesmooth with no bumpsthese help birds flynot making any soundthe number after sixstrong wind does thisthreads twisted togethernot including; other thanpoint out or show someonea lot of people in one spotthe act of changing locationssomething is likely to happento exchange for something elsewhat something is worth in money...

Voc. p.132 2019-01-22

Voc. p.132 crossword puzzle
  1. >> bike
  2. >< wide
  3. > to put a small piece of equipment into a place
  4. > to become slower, to make sth slower
  5. > to make sth start to happen
  6. > to put one thing in a place of another thing
  7. >< heavy
  8. > to find the correct answer to a problem
  9. > to make sth less or smaller
  1. > to let fresh air into a room, etc
  2. > a feeling that you want sth very much
  3. > a piece of clothing
  4. > to connect one thing to another

13 Clues: >> bike>< wide>< heavy> a piece of clothing> to make sth start to happen> to make sth less or smaller> to connect one thing to another> to let fresh air into a room, etc> to become slower, to make sth slower> a feeling that you want sth very much> to find the correct answer to a problem> to put one thing in a place of another thing...

Junior 1 2021-07-16

Junior 1 crossword puzzle
  1. They fall from the trees during autumn
  2. A small circular thing you push to activate a machine
  3. Kids watch it too many hours every day
  4. Your personal party you celebrate once a year
  5. An eating utensil, you put food on it
  6. Brown candy made from the cocoa bean
  7. One part of a book
  8. You answer it when it rings
  9. Big saulty lake
  10. The rear part of your body
  11. Small bright objects shining in the sky during night
  12. One of the fingers
  1. A small tool for making light, operates on batteries
  2. Wax burned to give light
  3. Something you ride on
  4. Used to wipe water off your body
  5. A piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep
  6. A soft substance used for cooking or spreading over your bread slice
  7. You buy this piece of paper to enter a show
  8. A tool for cutting wood
  9. To say or do again
  10. A day before tomorrow
  11. One elected to lead the country

23 Clues: Big saulty lakeTo say or do againOne part of a bookOne of the fingersSomething you ride onA day before tomorrowA tool for cutting woodWax burned to give lightThe rear part of your bodyYou answer it when it ringsOne elected to lead the countryUsed to wipe water off your bodyBrown candy made from the cocoa beanAn eating utensil, you put food on it...

Voc. p.132 2019-01-22

Voc. p.132 crossword puzzle
  1. > to make sth less or smaller
  2. > to find the correct answer to a problem
  3. > a piece of clothing
  4. >< wide
  5. >< heavy
  6. > to let fresh air into a room, etc
  7. > to put one thing in a place of another thing
  1. > a feeling that you want sth very much
  2. > to become slower, to make sth slower
  3. > to put a small piece of equipment into a place
  4. > to make sth start to happen
  5. >> bike
  6. > to connect one thing to another

13 Clues: >< wide>> bike>< heavy> a piece of clothing> to make sth less or smaller> to make sth start to happen> to connect one thing to another> to let fresh air into a room, etc> to become slower, to make sth slower> a feeling that you want sth very much> to find the correct answer to a problem> to put one thing in a place of another thing...

Voc. p.132 2019-01-22

Voc. p.132 crossword puzzle
  1. > a feeling that you want sth very much
  2. >< wide
  3. > to become slower, to make sth slower
  4. >> bike
  5. > a piece of clothing
  6. >< heavy
  1. > to put one thing in a place of another thing
  2. > to make sth start to happen
  3. > to find the correct answer to a problem
  4. > to make sth less or smaller
  5. > to let fresh air into a room, etc
  6. > to connect one thing to another
  7. > to put a small piece of equipment into a place

13 Clues: >< wide>> bike>< heavy> a piece of clothing> to make sth start to happen> to make sth less or smaller> to connect one thing to another> to let fresh air into a room, etc> to become slower, to make sth slower> a feeling that you want sth very much> to find the correct answer to a problem> to put one thing in a place of another thing...

Riggs Review 2022-12-08

Riggs Review crossword puzzle
  1. a very large number
  2. a small chance, perhaps
  3. a hanging screen on a window
  4. a state of tranquility and freedom
  5. an adverb that means "because of that"
  6. made a final choice
  7. to observe or study
  8. the way someone conducts oneself
  1. relating to family, closely acquainted
  2. one who gives evidence in front of a judge
  3. special, particular, odd, unusual
  4. an amount of money a person will make in a year
  5. a public performance with music or dancing
  6. to be sure of something
  7. part of a whole, slice
  8. a feeling of worry
  9. a vegetable
  10. the overhead inside of a room
  11. one who works for wages or salary
  12. a piece of cloth used for painting, tents, and sails
  13. something that may or may not be true
  14. to change place or position

22 Clues: a vegetablea feeling of worrya very large numbermade a final choiceto observe or studypart of a whole, slicea small chance, perhapsto be sure of somethingto change place or positiona hanging screen on a windowthe overhead inside of a roomthe way someone conducts oneselfspecial, particular, odd, unusualone who works for wages or salary...

School supplies 2018-12-01

School supplies crossword puzzle
  1. a narrow length of plastic that is sticky on one side and is used to stick things together
  2. a file for holding papers, in which metal rings go through the edges of the pages, holding them in place
  3. a book that gives a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their meanings in the same language, or another language
  4. a flat piece of plastic or metal with three sides and one angle of 90°, used for drawing or testing angles
  5. a small piece of rubber or similar material used for removing pencil marks from paper
  1. a special light-coloured pen used for marking words in a book, article etc
  2. an instrument that you use for writing or drawing, consisting of a wooden stick with a thin piece of a black or coloured substance in the middle
  3. a shaped instrument with one sharp point and a pen or pencil at the other end, used for drawing circles or measuring distances on maps
  4. a piece of plastic in the shape of a half-circle, which is used for measuring and drawing angles
  5. a metal tool used for making holes in paper or steel
  6. a small piece of thin wire that is pushed into sheets of paper and bent over to hold them together
  7. a long flat straight piece of plastic, metal, or wood that you use for measuring things or drawing straight lines

12 Clues: a metal tool used for making holes in paper or steela special light-coloured pen used for marking words in a book, article etca small piece of rubber or similar material used for removing pencil marks from papera narrow length of plastic that is sticky on one side and is used to stick things together...

tempo, dynamics and articulation 2024-08-30

tempo, dynamics and articulation crossword puzzle
  1. Italian for “growing softer.”
  2. Italian for “accelerating.” To grow faster and faster.
  3. The notes at the end of a song.
  4. A kind of music scale made of five whole steps and two half steps (steps are the spaces between notes).
  5. Italian for “going.” To play a piece at a moderate speed — not too fast, not too slow.
  6. part near the end of a song where the performer plays by himself to show off his/her skill.
  7. When you are playing music, to accent a note is to make it stand out from other notes by playing it differently.
  8. Italian for “sweet.
  9. A type of music that is short, fast and humorous.
  10. Italian for “happy.” To play a piece in a lively manner, at a fast (but not too fast) pace.
  11. How loudly or softly to play a piece of music.
  1. French for “again.” The call for a performer to continue playing at the end of a concert. Also the name for an additional piece of music, not listed in the program, that is played at the end of a concert.
  2. Italian for “growing louder.”
  3. A music scale made up of 12 notes, each a half step apart. For example, on the piano a chromatic scale is played by playing each white and black key between two notes with the same letter name
  4. 1. A group of singers. 2. The music for a group of singers. 3. The section of a song that is repeated after each verse
  5. Playing the notes in a chord quickly one after the other.
  6. Play softer
  7. When three or more notes are played at the same time.
  8. A piece of music in which one or more solo instruments alternate with the larger orchestra, providing contrast and a the opportunity for virtuoso performance. A concerto can be written for any instrument or groups of instruments. Learn more about the concerto
  9. French for “study.” A piece of music originally intended to help a practice an instrument.
  10. translated as “comfortable, at one’s ease, without hurrying,” adagio has come to be accepted as the slowest tempo. Adagio is also used as a noun to designate a slow movement or work.
  11. Italian for “end.” The final part of a piece of music

22 Clues: Play softerItalian for “sweet.Italian for “growing softer.”Italian for “growing louder.”The notes at the end of a song.How loudly or softly to play a piece of music.A type of music that is short, fast and humorous.When three or more notes are played at the same time.Italian for “end.” The final part of a piece of music...

Number The Stars 2022-08-13

Number The Stars crossword puzzle
  1. One Piece of clothing with a skirt like bottom attached to a top piece.
  2. Gathering to declare and celebrate people being married.
  3. Animal that lives in the sea and people usually use a rod to catch it to eat.
  4. Plant that smells good and is usually given to for a present.
  5. it together.
  6. Sadly dead but before she died about to get married.
  7. Circular item/disk that is used on clothing to
  8. A season that is cold.
  9. Clothing that is to go on top half of your body on top of something like a t-shirt.
  10. Area filled with lots of trees and bushes.
  11. Piece of cloth with design on it, every country has it.
  1. Animal that people have as pet, it barks.
  2. Jewelry that you wear around your neck.
  3. Animal that people have as a pet, usually small.
  4. Fights for country and usually carrying a weapon.
  5. Countries fight in it.
  6. Jewish and is living with her two parents.
  7. Main character and has one sister.
  8. Vehicle that is used on water.
  9. On the edge of street, people walk on it.
  10. Drink that people have in morning and gives energy.

21 Clues: it together.Countries fight in it.A season that is cold.Vehicle that is used on water.Main character and has one sister.Jewelry that you wear around your neck.Animal that people have as pet, it barks.On the edge of street, people walk on it.Jewish and is living with her two parents.Area filled with lots of trees and bushes....

Clothes and accessories 2023-10-10

Clothes and accessories crossword puzzle
  1. A type of open shoe, often made of rubber, with a V-shaped strap that goes between the big toe and the toe next to it
  2. A short coat
  3. A piece of clothing that hangs from the waist and covers some or all of the legs, usually worn by women and girls
  4. A piece of clothing, usually made from wool, that covers the upper part of the body and the arms, fastening at the front with buttons
  5. A piece of jewellery, usually one of a pair, worn in a hole in the ear or fastened to the ear by a clip
  6. A type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the lower part of the leg
  7. A simple piece of clothing, usually with short sleeves and no collar, that covers the top part of the body
  8. A loose top and trousers, worn either by people who are training for a sport or exercising, or as informal clothing
  1. A strip, square, or triangle of cloth, worn around the neck, head, or shoulders to keep you warm or to make you look attractive
  2. Very tight trousers made from a material that stretches easily, sometimes worn under other clothes
  3. A piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet, consisting of two cylinder-shaped parts, one for each leg, that are joined at the top
  4. A piece of jewellery that is worn around the wrist or arm
  5. A piece of clothing that is worn on the hands and wrists for warmth or protection, with separate parts for each finger
  6. A strip of leather or material worn around the waist to support clothes or for decoration
  7. A piece of clothing that covers the top half of the body and hangs down over the legs, usually worn by women and girls

15 Clues: A short coatA piece of jewellery that is worn around the wrist or armA type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the lower part of the legA strip of leather or material worn around the waist to support clothes or for decorationVery tight trousers made from a material that stretches easily, sometimes worn under other clothes...

Voc. p.132 2019-01-22

Voc. p.132 crossword puzzle
  1. > to make sth start to happen
  2. > to connect one thing to another
  3. > a piece of clothing
  4. > to become slower, to make sth slower
  5. >> bike
  6. > to make sth less or smaller
  7. > to find the correct answer to a problem
  1. >< heavy
  2. > to put a small piece of equipment into a place
  3. > to let fresh air into a room, etc
  4. >< wide
  5. > to put one thing in a place of another thing
  6. > a feeling that you want sth very much

13 Clues: >< wide>> bike>< heavy> a piece of clothing> to make sth start to happen> to make sth less or smaller> to connect one thing to another> to let fresh air into a room, etc> to become slower, to make sth slower> a feeling that you want sth very much> to find the correct answer to a problem> to put one thing in a place of another thing...

Grade 4 Spelling Words - Week 10 2022-11-30

Grade 4 Spelling Words - Week 10 crossword puzzle
  1. lots of
  2. one more than thirteen, one less than fifteen
  3. a set of words that come together to give information.
  4. the person who catches the ball in baseball
  5. a person who works on a ranch
  6. a tool to measure weight
  7. a government department
  8. a rough, untidy drawing
  9. the player who throws the ball in baseball
  10. to make more money
  11. a flat, high piece of land on top of a mountain
  1. a small piece of paper that can be swapped for money or products
  2. a part of a contract
  3. a crack in rock formations
  4. large, strong shaking of the ground
  5. an area or open land, often with crops or grass
  6. a small earthquake
  7. the top layer of our planet
  8. a cheap seat at a sports ground/stadium
  9. to chill, take it easy

20 Clues: lots ofa small earthquaketo make more moneya part of a contractto chill, take it easya government departmenta rough, untidy drawinga tool to measure weighta crack in rock formationsthe top layer of our planeta person who works on a ranchlarge, strong shaking of the grounda cheap seat at a sports ground/stadium...

Help Aaron out of the Past 2014-06-12

Help Aaron out of the Past crossword puzzle
  1. Nicholas is one these.
  2. The second even number.
  3. I like to talk to God every day.
  4. The opposite of war.
  5. Something that you play with at the beach.
  6. Its a male child.
  7. This is a virus.
  8. A female deer is this.
  9. I want to go !
  10. Its refusing.
  11. Opposite of from.
  12. You are familiar with this.
  13. I saw something that a farmer feeds his horses.
  1. It is something that birds do.
  2. What a predator hunts.
  3. I saw a Jet Blue one.
  4. I want a of pie.
  5. You are sick. Your face is this.
  6. I want my pie piece with nothing on it.
  7. It is a ball of gas.
  8. This is to you.
  9. Another name for money.
  10. First even number
  11. I said hello to my friends.

24 Clues: Its refusing.This is to you.This is a virus.Its a male child.First even numberOpposite of from.The opposite of war.It is a ball of gas.I saw a Jet Blue one.Nicholas is one these.What a predator hunts.A female deer is this.I want to go !The second even number.I want a of pie.Another name for money.You are familiar with this....

Module one puzzle one 2024-10-22

Module one puzzle one crossword puzzle
  1. a thought that is deep and meaningful
  2. made up of past events
  3. who you are
  4. ordinary or dull
  5. do something by mistake
  6. promises to do or not do something
  7. you act as if someone is not as good as you
  8. moved downwards
  1. very old
  2. you ate it
  3. you thought about it carefully
  4. you do something even though you know it's not allowed
  5. you aren't sure about something
  6. beliefs and traditions passed down
  7. someone who is always expecting bad things to happen
  8. something you attempt to accomplish
  9. able to use experience to make good decisions
  10. doing what you were asked to do

18 Clues: very oldyou ate itwho you aremoved downwardsordinary or dullmade up of past eventsdo something by mistakeyou thought about it carefullyyou aren't sure about somethingdoing what you were asked to dobeliefs and traditions passed downpromises to do or not do somethingsomething you attempt to accomplisha thought that is deep and meaningful...

Help Aaron out of the Past 2014-06-12

Help Aaron out of the Past crossword puzzle
  1. I want to go !
  2. It is something that birds do.
  3. Another name for money.
  4. I said hello to my friends.
  5. I like to talk to God every day.
  6. Something that you play with at the beach.
  7. I want a of pie.
  8. Nicholas is one these.
  9. What a predator hunts.
  10. Its a male child.
  11. This is a virus.
  12. You are familiar with this.
  1. Opposite of from.
  2. First even number
  3. The second even number.
  4. A female deer is this.
  5. This is to you.
  6. I saw something that a farmer feeds his horses.
  7. I saw a Jet Blue one.
  8. The opposite of war.
  9. I want my pie piece with nothing on it.
  10. You are sick. Your face is this.
  11. It is a ball of gas.

23 Clues: This is to you.This is a virus.Opposite of from.First even numberIts a male child.The opposite of war.It is a ball of gas.I saw a Jet Blue one.I want to go !A female deer is this.Nicholas is one these.What a predator hunts.The second even number.Another name for money.I want a of pie.I said hello to my friends....

spelling B 1 2023-02-08

spelling B 1 crossword puzzle
  1. existence
  2. masculine
  3. lime outside'
  4. climate change
  5. dardy
  6. duo
  7. feminine
  8. supreme one
  9. "arwee"
  10. own it
  11. slay
  12. globe
  1. repeated
  2. homegirl
  3. ally
  4. excessive
  5. view
  6. bits of
  7. i would like
  8. knowledge
  9. solitary
  10. small piece
  11. occasion

23 Clues: duoallyviewslaydardyglobeown itbits of"arwee"repeatedhomegirlfemininesolitaryoccasionexistencemasculineexcessiveknowledgesupreme onesmall piecei would likelime outside'climate change

one 2014-11-20

one crossword puzzle
  1. too much
  2. Mom
  3. 40th
  4. Helped other with preparations
  5. gingerbread
  1. 4th
  2. blessing
  3. successful
  4. ride
  5. DC
  6. 3rd year
  7. cape
  8. joy

13 Clues: DC4thMomjoyride40thcapetoo muchblessing3rd yearsuccessfulgingerbreadHelped other with preparations

one 2024-04-06

one crossword puzzle
  1. Weaken or destabilize, especially gradually or insidiously
  2. Lacking compassion or empathy
  3. Special right or advantage granted to a particular person or group
  4. State of being widespread or common
  5. Showing good judgment or insight
  6. Fellowship or friendship between companions
  7. Sudden and violent change or disruption
  1. Advocacy of women's rights based on equality of the sexes
  2. Subject to erratic behavior or mood swings
  3. Impossible to reverse or change back to the original state
  4. State of agitation or excitement, typically leading to change
  5. People who are unable to read or write
  6. Of crucial importance or significance

13 Clues: Lacking compassion or empathyShowing good judgment or insightState of being widespread or commonOf crucial importance or significancePeople who are unable to read or writeSudden and violent change or disruptionSubject to erratic behavior or mood swingsFellowship or friendship between companions...

one 2024-04-06

one crossword puzzle
  1. Of crucial importance or significance
  2. Special right or advantage granted to a particular person or group
  3. Advocacy of women's rights based on equality of the sexes
  4. Subject to erratic behavior or mood swings
  5. Weaken or destabilize, especially gradually or insidiously
  6. People who are unable to read or write
  7. State of being widespread or common
  1. Showing good judgment or insight
  2. State of agitation or excitement, typically leading to change
  3. Fellowship or friendship between companions
  4. Sudden and violent change or disruption
  5. Impossible to reverse or change back to the original state
  6. Lacking compassion or empathy

13 Clues: Lacking compassion or empathyShowing good judgment or insightState of being widespread or commonOf crucial importance or significancePeople who are unable to read or writeSudden and violent change or disruptionSubject to erratic behavior or mood swingsFellowship or friendship between companions...

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. an object that you use for writing in ink
  2. gas or oil to produce light
  3. Large marsupial
  4. Likes to chase mice
  5. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  6. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  7. a piece of wood
  8. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  9. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  10. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  11. the clear liquid that falls as rain and is in rivers, seas and lakes
  1. Has a trunk
  2. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  3. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  4. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  5. Flying mammal
  6. Man's best friend
  7. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  8. a common bird that lives on or near water
  9. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  10. a tall plant that can live for a long time

21 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupiala piece of woodMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lightan object that you use for writing in inka common bird that lives on or near watera tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  2. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  3. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  4. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  5. the clear liquid that falls as rain and is in rivers, seas and lakes
  6. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  7. Man's best friend
  8. an object that you use for writing in ink
  9. Large marsupial
  10. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  1. Flying mammal
  2. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  3. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  4. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  5. a piece of wood
  6. Likes to chase mice
  7. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  8. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  9. Has a trunk
  10. a common bird that lives on or near water
  11. gas or oil to produce light

21 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammala piece of woodLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lighta common bird that lives on or near wateran object that you use for writing in inka tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

Sculpture 2023-02-14

Sculpture crossword puzzle
  1. one-side sculpture
  2. used for measuring dimensions
  3. joining of materials to form a complete piece
  4. different materials used in buffing and polishing
  5. cool metal by submersing in oil or water
  6. latex and polyurethane replaced this type of glue
  7. marine algae used in mold making and casting
  8. rough design or model of a sculpture
  9. glass in fibrous form to make casts
  10. small turntable for working sculptures
  11. internal support to hold the outer covering of a sculpture
  12. eliminating air bubbles from rubber or plaster
  13. original sculpture or model
  1. natural rubber used in mold making
  2. natural rock used in buildings and monuments
  3. to pour from one vessel to another
  4. reproduction of an original piece of sculpture
  5. piece of machinery that holds a working blade
  6. decorating surface by fusion
  7. break or crack in carving and casting
  8. metal used extensively in alloys
  9. moisture absorption
  10. liquid state of metal
  11. lightweight material used for casting and modeling
  12. part of carving tool that cuts small sections
  13. joining of metals by use of heat
  14. time required for plaster or resin to become solid

27 Clues: one-side sculpturemoisture absorptionliquid state of metaloriginal sculpture or modeldecorating surface by fusionused for measuring dimensionsmetal used extensively in alloysjoining of metals by use of heatnatural rubber used in mold makingto pour from one vessel to anotherglass in fibrous form to make castsrough design or model of a sculpture...

clothes 2022-02-15

clothes crossword puzzle
  1. piece of cloth that you wear around your neck or shoulders
  2. small bag in or on coat or trousers that you can put money or keys into
  3. a small, usually circular object used to fasten something, for example a shirt or coat
  4. piece of clothing that you wear on your hand to keep it warm
  5. the part of a piece of clothing that covers some or all of the arm
  6. a circular piece of jewellery worn especially on your finger
  1. small bag in which a woman carries money and her personal things
  2. a piece of clothing that covers your foot under a boot
  3. a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made from the same material
  4. a shirt for a woman or girl
  5. a piece of clothing for the head
  6. a piece of jewellery, usually one of a pair, worn in a hole in the ear

12 Clues: a shirt for a woman or girla piece of clothing for the heada piece of clothing that covers your foot under a bootpiece of cloth that you wear around your neck or shoulderspiece of clothing that you wear on your hand to keep it warma circular piece of jewellery worn especially on your finger...

Unit 3 Vocabulary 2016-03-06

Unit 3 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. you wear this piece of clothing with a suit
  2. where one goes to get medicines
  3. you put this on your finger when you get married
  4. when it is raining you wear this
  5. one wears this around the neck
  6. the piece of paper attached to an article of clothing
  7. one wears this to the beach
  8. how describe a shirt pattern consisting of many dots
  9. a bag usually women carry with them
  10. where one buys jewelry
  11. you put these in before you go to the beach to protect your eyes
  12. you wear these on your feet and they are very comfortable
  13. the color of grass
  14. many Western/Cowboy products are of this material
  15. the color most associated with Love
  16. you wear this on formal occasions
  17. keeps track of the time and is placed on one's wrist
  1. where one goes to buy shoes
  2. People where them on their head if it's cold
  3. this takes up or down to another floor
  4. one gets their hair cut here
  5. when something is being sold cheaper than usual it is this
  6. to see if a shirt fits you, you should look at the....
  7. the second place medal is usually of this color
  8. the color of royal corwns

25 Clues: the color of grasswhere one buys jewelrythe color of royal corwnswhere one goes to buy shoesone wears this to the beachone gets their hair cut hereone wears this around the neckwhere one goes to get medicineswhen it is raining you wear thisyou wear this on formal occasionsa bag usually women carry with themthe color most associated with Love...

Ashleigh's Littlespace <3 2024-09-25

Ashleigh's Littlespace <3 crossword puzzle
  1. A warm, soft item to give you peace and protection as you fall asleep.
  2. A cute, one-piece piece of clothing.
  3. Laying close to your caregiver and letting him hold you tight.
  4. What does Daddy call you in littlespace?
  5. Your best friend, besides your caregiver.
  6. A protective, loving caregiver.
  7. One of your favorite TV shows in littlespace.
  8. How you communicate with your caregiver over long-distance.
  1. A comforting toy for your mouth.
  2. What does Daddy call you when you've been good?
  3. A restaurant meal that comes with a toy.
  4. How would you describe your caregiver?
  5. Soft toys that you snuggle with at bedtime.
  6. Another one of your favorite TV shows in littlespace.
  7. What kind of cup does a little use?
  8. Spending fun time in a childlike state.
  9. Who owns you?

17 Clues: Who owns you?A protective, loving caregiver.A comforting toy for your mouth.What kind of cup does a little use?A cute, one-piece piece of clothing.How would you describe your caregiver?Spending fun time in a childlike state.A restaurant meal that comes with a toy.What does Daddy call you in littlespace?Your best friend, besides your caregiver....

Academy Saturday's Crossword 2022-10-28

Academy Saturday's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. get, acquire, or secure (something).
  2. wrap in garments or clothe.
  3. container fitted with a nipple for giving milk or other drinks to babies
  4. a rubber or plastic nipple for a baby to suck on
  5. Alanis has "one hand __________.
  6. The "you" of the song lyric "I'm begging of you, please don't take my man"
  1. a baby's toy consisting of a container filled with small pellets, which makes a noise when shaken.
  2. baby's wicker cradle, usually with a hood.
  3. a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
  4. one-piece close-fitting lightweight garment, fastening with snaps at the crotch.
  5. a piece of absorbent material wrapped around a baby's bottom
  6. a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery.

12 Clues: wrap in garments or clothe.Alanis has "one hand __________.get, acquire, or secure (something).baby's wicker cradle, usually with a hood.a rubber or plastic nipple for a baby to suck ona very young child, especially one newly or recently born.a piece of absorbent material wrapped around a baby's bottom...

Saturday's Baby Crossword 2022-10-28

Saturday's Baby Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. baby's wicker cradle, usually with a hood.
  2. container fitted with a nipple for giving milk or other drinks to babies
  3. a rubber or plastic nipple for a baby to suck on
  4. Alanis has "one hand __________.
  5. a baby's toy consisting of a container filled with small pellets, which makes a noise when shaken.
  1. one-piece close-fitting lightweight garment, fastening with snaps at the crotch.
  2. wrap in garments or clothe.
  3. The "you" of the song lyric "I'm begging of you, please don't take my man"
  4. a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
  5. a piece of absorbent material wrapped around a baby's bottom
  6. a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery.
  7. get, acquire, or secure (something).

12 Clues: wrap in garments or clothe.Alanis has "one hand __________.get, acquire, or secure (something).baby's wicker cradle, usually with a hood.a rubber or plastic nipple for a baby to suck ona very young child, especially one newly or recently born.a piece of absorbent material wrapped around a baby's bottom...

Pitch 2016-05-29

Pitch crossword puzzle
  1. bass An accompaniment style used in jazz.
  2. centre The tone or note around which a scale and/or piece are based
  3. The notes of a chord played separately rather than together.
  4. Another word for melodic ostinato.
  5. An interval smaller than a semitone.
  6. contour The shape of the melody in a piece of music.
  7. A note in one chord that is held into the next chord, creating dissonance and tension.
  8. A sound that is unpleasing to the ear.
  9. The immediate repetition of a melodic fragment at a different pitch.
  10. The 'colour' added by the composer to decorate a melody or harmony and make it more interesting.
  11. The scale often heard in the jazz genre.
  12. The pitch chosen by the composer, usually based on a scale or mode
  13. The extent of the notes used in a melody.
  14. A melodic fragment that is heard throughout a piece of music that helps to unify the work.
  15. A scale consisting of all twelve semitones.
  16. A sound that is pleasing to the ear.
  17. The highness and lowness of sound.
  1. point A held or repeated note, usually in the bass.
  2. riff A repeated harmonic pattern.
  3. A chord of three notes.
  4. bass An accompaniment style from the Classical period.
  5. Two or more pitches sounding together.
  6. pitch Tuned sounds e.g. singing voice.
  7. Performing music spontaneously, without planning.
  8. The change of key in a piece of music.
  9. A horizontal succession of pitches.
  10. The 'height' of the sound, as in high, middle or low.
  11. bar blues A chord progression derived from early jazz music.
  12. tone Scale made up of equal intervals.
  13. The earliest documented scale system, dating back to ancient Greece.
  14. The ending of a phrase that can be 'perfect', 'plagal', 'imperfect' or 'interrupted'.
  15. One or more notes held throughout a piece or section of music.
  16. pitch Untuned sounds e.g. speaking voice.
  17. A scale made up of five notes.
  18. Several, often ornamented notes sung to one syllable of text.
  19. _______ music has no tonal centre or key.

36 Clues: A chord of three notes.A scale made up of five notes.riff A repeated harmonic pattern.Another word for melodic ostinato.The highness and lowness of sound.A horizontal succession of pitches.An interval smaller than a semitone.A sound that is pleasing to the ear.Two or more pitches sounding together.pitch Tuned sounds e.g. singing voice....

Pitch 2016-06-01

Pitch crossword puzzle
  1. Several, often ornamented, notes sung to one syllable of text.
  2. A horizontal succession of pitches.
  3. An accompaniment style used in jazz.
  4. A scale made up of five notes.
  5. The change of key in a piece of music.
  6. The pitch chosen by the composer, usually based on a scale or mode.
  7. A sound that is pleasing to the ear.
  8. A chord progression derived from early jazz music.
  9. The notes of a chord played separately rather than together.
  10. Performing music spontaneously, without planning.
  11. The extent of the notes used in a melody.
  12. Tuned sounds e.g. singing voice.
  13. A melodic fragment that is heard throughout a piece of music that helps unify the work.
  14. The immediate repetition of a melodic fragment at a different pitch.
  15. A repeated harmonic pattern.
  16. A sound that is unpleasing to the ear.
  17. One or more notes held throughout a piece or section of music.
  1. ____________ music has no tonal centre or key.
  2. A held or repeated note, usually (but not always!) in the bass.
  3. The ending of a phrase that can be 'perfect', 'plagal', 'imperfect' or 'interrupted'.
  4. The shape of the melody in a piece of music.
  5. A note in one chord that is held into the next chord, creating dissonance and tension.
  6. An interval smaller than a semitone.
  7. A chord of three notes.
  8. The highness and lowness of sound.
  9. The scale often heard in the jazz genre.
  10. The earliest documented scale system, dating back to ancient Greece.
  11. Untuned sounds e.g. speaking voice.
  12. An accompaniment style from the Classical period.
  13. The 'colour' added by a composer to decorate a melody or harmony and make it more interesting.
  14. The scale consisting of all twelve semitones.
  15. A scale made up of equal intervals.
  16. The tone or note around which a scale and/or piece are based.
  17. Two or more pitches sounding together.
  18. The 'height' of the sound, as in high, middle or low.
  19. Another word for 'melodic ostinato'.

36 Clues: A chord of three notes.A repeated harmonic pattern.A scale made up of five notes.Tuned sounds e.g. singing voice.The highness and lowness of sound.A horizontal succession of pitches.Untuned sounds e.g. speaking voice.A scale made up of equal intervals.An accompaniment style used in jazz.An interval smaller than a semitone....

The Elements of Music 2025-02-27

The Elements of Music crossword puzzle
  1. At least three notes played together
  2. A sudden loud sound
  3. A short musical idea
  4. A time signature that means four crotchet beats in a bar
  5. A musical sentence
  6. Short, detached notes
  7. How many layers of sound there are
  8. How loud or quiet the music is
  9. The pulse of the music
  10. Three notes played together
  11. The longest note-length in common use
  12. Part of a pop song where both the words and music are the same each time
  13. A piece of music which has two sections, called A and B
  14. Lowers a note by one semitone
  15. Happy-sounding musical scale
  16. Quiet
  17. The technical name for the tune
  18. Getting louder
  19. The distance in pitch between two notes
  20. A texture where many different melodies are played at the same time
  21. Smallest musical step, the distance between two notes which are right next to each other on the piano
  22. A repeated musical pattern
  23. The sound quality of an instrument
  24. The lengths of notes and how they are put together in a pattern
  25. An Italian word for getting quieter
  1. A musical texture with one melody line, with no harmony
  2. An Italian word for getting faster
  3. How long a note lasts
  4. The main tune in a piece of music
  5. The arrangement of different sections in a piece of music
  6. Loud
  7. Very, very loud
  8. Raises a note by one semitone
  9. Sad-sounding musical scale
  10. The set of five lines on a piece of music
  11. A short break from playing or singing
  12. The closing section of a piece of music
  13. An Italian word for getting slower
  14. How fast or slow the music goes
  15. No sound
  16. Smooth and joined notes
  17. Very, very quiet
  18. Part of a pop song where the words are different each time, but the music is the same
  19. High or low sounds
  20. The very first section that you might hear in a pop song

45 Clues: LoudQuietNo soundGetting louderVery, very loudVery, very quietA musical sentenceHigh or low soundsA sudden loud soundA short musical ideaHow long a note lastsShort, detached notesThe pulse of the musicSmooth and joined notesSad-sounding musical scaleA repeated musical patternThree notes played togetherHappy-sounding musical scale...

Vivace EOY 2023 2023-06-01

Vivace EOY 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. Italian for "from beginning" (head)
  2. abuela we need to remember
  3. nocturnal piece of music (one of my all-time faves)
  4. Rondo “_____” piece from Competition
  5. clef violas read
  6. music from an arachnid bite
  7. Play a note really fast at the tip
  8. Italian for "pluck"
  9. clef cellos read
  10. “Peanut” Parade; music from the first concert
  11. one person plays
  12. Italian for "bow"
  13. Quixotic “______” 7th grade ensemble
  14. move your finger back and forth for beautiful tone
  15. “_______” Moods 8th grade ensemble
  16. “_______” Carol
  17. Scandinavian pirate
  18. loudly in volume
  19. clef violins read
  1. slow down the tempo
  2. Stick the conductor uses
  3. Have Yourself a “______” Little Christmas
  4. play two strings at once
  5. change hand positions to play higher notes
  6. Rudolph “_____/Jolly”
  7. The Last "____" of Summer
  8. softly in volume
  9. score we Received at Orch Contest
  10. Elementary school we played at in Dec (starts with G)
  11. play a piece of music for the first time
  12. Spanish word for an large animal
  13. the entire section plays the melody
  14. everybody plays
  15. place we ate at in December
  16. symbol to hold the note (looks like an eye)
  17. Italian for "last measure"

36 Clues: everybody plays“_______” Carolclef violas readsoftly in volumeclef cellos readone person playsloudly in volumeItalian for "bow"clef violins readslow down the tempoItalian for "pluck"Scandinavian pirateRudolph “_____/Jolly”Stick the conductor usesplay two strings at onceThe Last "____" of Summerabuela we need to rememberItalian for "last measure"...

Vivace EOY 2023 2023-06-01

Vivace EOY 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. everybody plays
  2. change hand positions to play higher notes
  3. Stick the conductor uses
  4. Italian for "last measure"
  5. Italian for "pluck"
  6. loudly in volume
  7. “Peanut” Parade; music from the first concert
  8. move your finger back and forth for beautiful tone
  9. “_______” Carol
  10. one person plays
  11. Quixotic “______” 7th grade ensemble
  12. score we Received at Orch Contest
  13. play two strings at once
  14. the entire section plays the melody
  15. The Last "____" of Summer
  16. Italian for "from beginning" (head)
  17. Elementary school we played at in Dec (starts with G)
  18. play a piece of music for the first time
  1. symbol to hold the note (looks like an eye)
  2. Rondo “_____” piece from Competition
  3. “_______” Moods 8th grade ensemble
  4. Italian for "bow"
  5. softly in volume
  6. clef violins read
  7. slow down the tempo
  8. abuela we need to remember
  9. Play a note really fast at the tip
  10. Have Yourself a “______” Little Christmas
  11. Spanish word for an large animal
  12. clef cellos read
  13. Scandinavian pirate
  14. clef violas read
  15. music from an arachnid bite
  16. Rudolph “_____/Jolly”
  17. place we ate at in December
  18. nocturnal piece of music (one of my all-time faves)

36 Clues: everybody plays“_______” Carolsoftly in volumeloudly in volumeclef cellos readclef violas readone person playsItalian for "bow"clef violins readslow down the tempoItalian for "pluck"Scandinavian pirateRudolph “_____/Jolly”Stick the conductor usesplay two strings at onceThe Last "____" of Summerabuela we need to rememberItalian for "last measure"...

Word Revision of Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years. 2024-06-05

Word Revision of Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years. crossword puzzle
  1. Period of 100 years
  2. Belonging to oneself
  3. Flat piece of material
  4. Consider or think about
  5. Feeling of embarrassment or regret
  6. In the present time
  7. A piece or portion
  8. A big furry animal with sharp claws
  9. Facing in the other direction
  10. Something that is gentle or not hard
  11. Tracks and trains for transportation
  12. A period of time
  13. Place where one grew up or was born
  14. Look at or inspect closely
  15. Colored wax stick for drawing
  16. Sure or definite
  17. Long piece of cloth worn around the neck or head
  1. A small amount of money
  2. Something you play with for fun
  3. Younger or lower-ranking person
  4. Have or keep in one's grasp or possession
  5. Time when one is a child
  6. Truthful or sincere
  7. Honest or telling the truth
  8. Think about or take into account
  9. Room for sleeping
  10. Outdoor area behind a house
  11. Something you remember from the past
  12. Something that tastes sugary or nice
  13. Look for or seek
  14. In the middle of or surrounded by
  15. Particularly or notably
  16. Determine the total number
  17. Someone who creates things
  18. Easy to see or understand

35 Clues: Look for or seekA period of timeSure or definiteRoom for sleepingA piece or portionPeriod of 100 yearsTruthful or sincereIn the present timeBelonging to oneselfFlat piece of materialA small amount of moneyConsider or think aboutParticularly or notablyTime when one is a childEasy to see or understandDetermine the total number...

Marrow Thieves 2021-01-23

Marrow Thieves crossword puzzle
  1. early to bed, earlier arise
  2. one of the three nations
  3. a narrow valley between
  4. a big jacket that keeps you warm
  5. one of the three nations
  6. lost his dad
  7. lack of restraint or using resources
  8. Worthless things such as trash
  9. long journey
  1. piece of metal that is memorable
  2. intentionally harmful
  3. the author of the book
  4. agreement between two nations
  5. Piece of cloth used to cover the head
  6. pure and simple
  7. not easily pulled apart
  8. moving or walking on foot
  9. touchy and aggressive
  10. always moving
  11. one of the three nations

20 Clues: lost his dadlong journeyalways movingpure and simpleintentionally harmfultouchy and aggressivethe author of the booka narrow valley betweennot easily pulled apartone of the three nationsone of the three nationsone of the three nationsmoving or walking on footearly to bed, earlier ariseagreement between two nationsWorthless things such as trash...

Homophones 2025-01-15

Homophones crossword puzzle
  1. You ____ an award!
  2. It is
  3. You can have a _____ of pie.
  4. Presley has white ____.
  5. What is ____ name?
  6. What is ____ favorite sport?
  7. Eat the ____ piece of chicken.
  8. Can you ____ the phone ring?
  9. ____ house needs to be cleaned.
  1. We don't ____ food in this house.
  2. It is ____ o'clock.
  3. Mommy wants her ____ to get smaller.
  4. We need to keep the _____ in the house.
  5. We had a ___ Christmas tree.
  6. I fixed the _____ in your jeans.
  7. The box is over ____.
  8. Please come ____!
  9. What _____ do you get out of school?

18 Clues: It isPlease come ____!You ____ an award!What is ____ name?It is ____ o'clock.The box is over ____.Presley has white ____.You can have a _____ of pie.We had a ___ Christmas tree.What is ____ favorite sport?Can you ____ the phone ring?Eat the ____ piece of chicken.____ house needs to be cleaned.I fixed the _____ in your jeans....

One 2023-07-10

One crossword puzzle
  1. wood
  2. floats
  3. foam
  4. one
  5. two
  6. pigeon
  1. boat
  2. toad
  3. three
  4. frog
  5. shaving
  6. stool
  7. four

13 Clues: onetwoboattoadwoodfrogfoamfourthreestoolfloatspigeonshaving

one 2024-04-06

one crossword puzzle
  1. Departure or divergence from a standard or norm
  2. Study of human societies, cultures, and their development
  3. Ability to conceive children or produce offspring
  4. Not justified or authorized
  5. Sudden, uncontrolled movement or stagger
  6. Communication of thought through spoken or written language
  1. Transitional stage of physical and psychological development between childhood and adulthood
  2. Active hostility or opposition
  3. Rapid and violent outpouring of something
  4. odds with In conflict or disagreement with
  5. Showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave unacceptably
  6. Practice of having only one spouse at a time
  7. a kind or sort

13 Clues: a kind or sortNot justified or authorizedActive hostility or oppositionSudden, uncontrolled movement or staggerRapid and violent outpouring of somethingodds with In conflict or disagreement withPractice of having only one spouse at a timeDeparture or divergence from a standard or normAbility to conceive children or produce offspring...

Vocabularie- La Maison (kori m., chris s., sami r., kaden) 2023-09-12

Vocabularie- La Maison (kori m., chris s., sami r., kaden) crossword puzzle
  1. a bathroom
  2. corridor
  3. wall
  4. kitchen
  5. stair
  6. one piece
  7. a basement
  1. room
  2. garage
  3. balcony
  4. toilet
  5. a dining room
  6. a living room
  7. cave
  8. a studio
  9. garden

16 Clues: roomcavewallstairgaragetoiletgardenbalconykitchencorridora studioone piecea bathrooma basementa dining rooma living room

speling 2022-04-27

speling crossword puzzle
  1. more than one sharp tool
  2. big piece of bread
  3. some type of plant used for salad
  4. a lot that´s like a swan
  5. more than one big piece of bread
  1. sharp tool
  2. multiple types of dogs that live in the wild
  3. more than one type of plant used for salad
  4. like a swan
  5. type of do that lives in the wild

10 Clues: sharp toollike a swanbig piece of breadmore than one sharp toola lot that´s like a swanmore than one big piece of breadsome type of plant used for saladtype of do that lives in the wildmore than one type of plant used for saladmultiple types of dogs that live in the wild

furniture and appliances 2025-01-15

furniture and appliances crossword puzzle
  1. is the highest level of a building
  2. something you turn on to create light
  3. a piece of furniture used for storage
  4. a piece of furniture used to study, work, and play games
  5. made for one person, smaller than a double bed
  6. when two walls meet, it forms this
  7. a piece of furniture that meals are served on
  1. made for two people, usually wider than a single bed
  2. a place to live in a building, with rooms like a bedroom
  3. a piece of furniture that you sit in
  4. a square room is made up of four of these
  5. a flat piece of material, on a wall, used to display objects

12 Clues: is the highest level of a buildingwhen two walls meet, it forms thisa piece of furniture that you sit insomething you turn on to create lighta piece of furniture used for storagea square room is made up of four of thesea piece of furniture that meals are served onmade for one person, smaller than a double bed...

Anime and Manga 2022-10-21

Anime and Manga crossword puzzle
  1. The oriental clan to which Mikasa belongs.
  2. The version of Lightning breathing fisrt form used by Zenitsu in the final battle of the Entertainment District arc.
  3. The best girl in Kaguya-sama love is war.
  4. The hybrid chimera demon kong army general from Konosuba.
  5. First person to obtain the power of titans in Attack on Titan.
  6. Sukuna's domain expansion.
  7. The quirk manifested by Deku during his battle against class 1-b.
  1. Zoro's childhood friend in One Piece.
  2. The opponent against whom Deku used one for all at a million percent.
  3. Strongest esper in One Punch Man.
  4. Biggest fear of goku from Dragon ball Z.
  5. Name of the beast inside Naruto Uzumaki.
  6. The strongest shadow summoned by Sung Jinwoo in Solo Levelling.
  7. Character in One Piece that gifted luffy the strawhat.
  8. The no. 1 hero in One Punch Man.

15 Clues: Sukuna's domain expansion.The no. 1 hero in One Punch Man.Strongest esper in One Punch Man.Zoro's childhood friend in One Piece.Biggest fear of goku from Dragon ball Z.Name of the beast inside Naruto Uzumaki.The best girl in Kaguya-sama love is war.The oriental clan to which Mikasa belongs.Character in One Piece that gifted luffy the strawhat....

Crossword 2021-08-23

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. supply
  2. copy formula from one cell to another
  3. combine into single structure
  4. send data file from one piece of software to another piece of software
  1. present a possible case
  2. add an explanatory note
  3. produce an answer from recall
  4. investigate closely
  5. put in information
  6. access a file

10 Clues: supplyaccess a fileput in informationinvestigate closelypresent a possible caseadd an explanatory noteproduce an answer from recallcombine into single structurecopy formula from one cell to anothersend data file from one piece of software to another piece of software

Clothes 2025-02-24

Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. – Footwear that covers and protects the feet.
  2. – A piece of clothing that covers the legs, also called trousers.
  3. – A device worn on the wrist that tells time.
  4. – A lightweight outerwear garment, shorter than a coat.
  5. – Short pants that end above the knees, worn in warm weather.
  6. – A formal set of clothes, usually a jacket and pants (or skirt) worn together.
  7. – A piece of clothing that hangs from the waist and covers the lower body.
  8. – A long piece of fabric worn around the neck for warmth or style.
  9. – A strap worn around the waist to hold up pants or for fashion
  1. – Durable pants made from denim, often blue in color.
  2. – A head covering worn for style, warmth, or sun protection.
  3. – A thick outerwear garment worn to keep warm in cold weather.
  4. – A casual hat with a visor, often worn for sports or sun protection.
  5. – Soft fabric coverings worn on the feet inside shoes.
  6. – A one-piece outfit that covers the upper and lower body.
  7. – A warm, knitted top worn in cold weather.
  8. – Hand coverings with separate sections for each finger, worn for warmth or protection.
  9. – Sturdy footwear that covers the feet and sometimes the lower legs.
  10. – A piece of clothing worn on the upper body, usually with buttons.

19 Clues: – A warm, knitted top worn in cold weather.– Footwear that covers and protects the feet.– A device worn on the wrist that tells time.– Durable pants made from denim, often blue in color.– Soft fabric coverings worn on the feet inside shoes.– A lightweight outerwear garment, shorter than a coat....

Biochemistry 2023-09-21

Biochemistry crossword puzzle
  1. is polar
  2. many pieces
  3. pure
  4. bonded
  5. ends with
  6. one piece
  7. hates water
  8. removes water
  9. transfer
  1. smallest
  2. starts with
  3. unequal charge
  4. change
  5. loves water
  6. adds water
  7. weak
  8. share

17 Clues: pureweaksharechangebondedis polarsmallesttransferends withone pieceadds waterstarts withmany piecesloves waterhates waterremoves waterunequal charge

Vocabulary Review Unit 4 2022-12-06

Vocabulary Review Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. A container that you put waste in
  2. Land outside towns and cities, with fields, woods, etc.
  3. The scientific study of the structure of substances, how they react when combined or in contact with one another, and how they behave under different conditions
  4. A piece of furniture like a table, often with drawers, that you sit at to read, write, work, etc.behind
  5. To take and use something that belongs to somebody else, and return it to them at a later time
  6. To annoy somebody, especially by something you continuously do or by something that continuously happens
  7. The scientific study of the earth’s surface, physical features, divisions, products, population, etc.
  8. A small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil
  9. A piece of equipment for projecting photographs, films or computer slides onto a screen
  1. A friend
  2. To like one thing or person better than another; to choose one thing rather than something else because you like it better
  3. A person who is or was in the same class as you at school or college
  4. A small electronic device or piece of software for calculating with numbers
  5. A chart or plan of the classes that a student or teacher has in school each week
  6. An examination of somebody’s knowledge or ability, consisting of questions for them to answer or activities for them to perform
  7. Not easy; needing effort or skill to do or to understand
  8. Fully prepared for what you are going to do and able to start it immediately
  9. To record your/somebody’s/something’s name on an official list
  10. A series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject

19 Clues: A friendA container that you put waste inLand outside towns and cities, with fields, woods, etc.A series of lessons or lectures on a particular subjectNot easy; needing effort or skill to do or to understandTo record your/somebody’s/something’s name on an official listA small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil...

Bryce's Crossword 2023-05-25

Bryce's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 2 beats
  2. holds notes in a song
  3. 3 beats
  4. a soft dynamic
  5. musical notation indicating that the notes it embraces are to be played without separation
  6. repeat a part of a song
  7. tempo is the speed or pace of a given piece
  8. loud long instrument
  9. 4 beats
  10. Not allowed to eat in class
  11. a piece is the variation in loudness between notes or phrases.
  1. 4 beats of rest
  2. A note that is one beat long
  3. A dynamic instruction meaning to gradually play louder
  4. brings a piece to an end
  5. 12346 223456 323456
  6. a loud dynamic
  7. type of broken chord in which the notes that compose a chord are individually sounded in a progressive rising or descending order.
  8. half a quarter note
  9. a non-pitched percussion instrument made of a large metal plate struck.

20 Clues: 2 beats3 beats4 beatsa loud dynamica soft dynamic4 beats of rest12346 223456 323456half a quarter noteloud long instrumentholds notes in a songrepeat a part of a songbrings a piece to an endNot allowed to eat in classA note that is one beat longtempo is the speed or pace of a given pieceA dynamic instruction meaning to gradually play louder...

Courtney's Music 2024-04-04

Courtney's Music crossword puzzle
  1. One of Courtney's favorite artists, featuring albums entitled "Everything To Everyone" and "Snow Angel".
  2. Courtney's high school band teacher. Prefix is Mr. Last name starts with an "H" and rhymes with "butter".
  3. A woodwind instrument with a double reed, often mistaken for a clarinet.
  4. The volume of which a piece is performed. This can change throughout the performance.
  5. A group of musicians that perform while moving around a field.
  1. An ascending or descending sequence of notes.
  2. A woodwind instrument, commonly associated with the song "Careless Whisper".
  3. Two or more notes played or sung at the same time.
  4. A repeated pulse in music that changes in pace and time according to tempo and time signature.
  5. One or more notes played or sung simultaneously.
  6. The speed of which a piece is played.
  7. A symbol used in music that denotes where the final passage of the piece begins.
  8. One of Courtney's favorite genre's of music.

13 Clues: The speed of which a piece is played.One of Courtney's favorite genre's of music.An ascending or descending sequence of notes.One or more notes played or sung simultaneously.Two or more notes played or sung at the same time.A group of musicians that perform while moving around a field....

Crossword 2021-08-23

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. send data file from one piece of software to another piece of software
  2. put in information
  3. combine into single structure
  4. copy formula from one cell to another
  5. produce an answer from recall
  1. add an explanatory note
  2. access a file
  3. investigate closely
  4. present a possible case
  5. supply

10 Clues: supplyaccess a fileput in informationinvestigate closelyadd an explanatory notepresent a possible casecombine into single structureproduce an answer from recallcopy formula from one cell to anothersend data file from one piece of software to another piece of software

Poetry Vocabulary 2023-04-20

Poetry Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the blank space that divides two stanzas
  2. A person who does not take responsibility
  3. Numbers or diagrams
  4. Shape, structure, or appearance of a piece of writing
  5. Not of this world
  6. In math, argument that proves an idea is correct
  7. The attitude of a piece of writing related to word choices
  8. main point or topic
  9. A small part of a larger work
  10. A talk, usually given by a teacher or expert
  1. The place where the line ends
  2. Sparkle and shine
  3. Change or different approach to a topic
  4. A trail of disturbed water or air
  5. A section of a poem
  6. vocabulary Anaphora
  7. Throbbing; like a heartbeat
  8. Thick piece of wood or steel
  9. Scientist who studies outer space
  10. Shortened version of learned - one who is an expert
  11. Writing that addresses someone or something not present
  12. Subject of writing

22 Clues: Sparkle and shineNot of this worldSubject of writingA section of a poemvocabulary AnaphoraNumbers or diagramsmain point or topicThrobbing; like a heartbeatThick piece of wood or steelThe place where the line endsA small part of a larger workA trail of disturbed water or airScientist who studies outer spaceChange or different approach to a topic...

Crussword 2023-04-27

Crussword crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of paper you put between two pages
  2. A kick, hit or throw
  3. A small plastic or rubber object attached to an end of a wive
  4. To give food to a person
  5. If a vehicle's bumps into another one
  6. A level or quality, size, importance
  7. A larg system that are connected together
  8. To move along faster than walking
  9. A small picture or symbol on a computer
  10. A piece that conserves food cold
  1. Towards the direction thats in front of you
  2. The lower part of the body of a motor vehicle
  3. A piece of thin metal
  4. A flat surface in a cinema
  5. A small safety part in an electrical device
  6. An object that moves very fast
  7. Different types of container used to store paper
  8. To look trough a book without reading everything
  9. A very small insect
  10. intelligence A machines that has human mind

20 Clues: A very small insectA kick, hit or throwA piece of thin metalTo give food to a personA flat surface in a cinemaAn object that moves very fastA piece that conserves food coldTo move along faster than walkingA level or quality, size, importanceIf a vehicle's bumps into another oneA small picture or symbol on a computer...

Lab equipment 2023-02-08

Lab equipment crossword puzzle
  1. this three sided piece of equipment can safely hold a crucible in a flame
  2. this is used to measure or move solids from one container to another
  3. these are like tweezers and are used to hold small things in the lab
  4. this long piece of glass is used to stir liquids. It sometimes has a rubber piece on one end to avoid scratching glass.
  5. we can attach this to a ring stand. It has a hand-like end that can hold many different pieces of equipment
  6. this is the equipment we use to make a controlled flame in the lab.
  7. this glass piece of equipment usually holds liquids. It is round like a tube, but it has a flat bottom
  8. this is a flask that is used to hold liquids, but it has a distinct cone shape. It is also known as a "conical flask"
  9. this is used to help pour liquids into small containers. It is sometimes used with filter paper to separate liquids and solids.
  10. this round piece of equipment can be attached to long thin poles and is designed to hold other round equipment.
  11. this has a heavy metal base and long thin pole that we can attach equipment to
  12. If you squeeze the rubber bulb on one end of this equipment, and put the other end in a liquid, you can hold small drops of liquids inside it.
  1. this is used to hold a single test tube, in case it is hot, or we need to put it into a flame. It does not attach to a ring stand
  2. this wide, shallow, round piece of glass is used to make chemical tests easy to see
  3. this is used to hold many test tubes at the same time so they don't fall over
  4. this is a long, thin, glass tube that holds a small amount of liquid that we can perform tests in.
  5. this glass piece of equipment usually holds liquids. It is round like a ball, but it has a flat bottom.
  6. we put this over a flame so that we can safely put beakers in the flame
  7. this a tall glass tube with measurements on the side. We us it to measure how much liquid we have.
  8. These two objects combined are used to grind solids into fine powders
  9. this is used to boil liquids to reduce the amount of liquid in the dish. It can be put into a flame.
  10. this is made of porcelain, and when used with its cover, can be used to heat solids to a very high temperature when put into a flame.

22 Clues: this is the equipment we use to make a controlled flame in the lab.this is used to measure or move solids from one container to anotherthese are like tweezers and are used to hold small things in the labThese two objects combined are used to grind solids into fine powderswe put this over a flame so that we can safely put beakers in the flame...

Winter Words 2013-12-17

Winter Words crossword puzzle
  1. a fun, festival type event
  2. when something is slick
  3. something you wear to keep your hands warm
  4. the white dusting you see on things during winter mornings
  5. when a large amount of snow falls down, usually from the side of a mountain
  6. a storm where a lot of snow comes down
  7. when the wind is blowing
  8. a piece of clothing you wear on the upper part of your body to keep warm
  9. a long sled, usually made of wood
  10. winter-like
  11. the thing that Santa drives
  1. when it's just a little bit cold
  2. a piece of three-dimensional art
  3. when ice hangs down
  4. one piece of snow
  5. a fun winter sport that involves boots, poles and skis
  6. what water does when it becomes solid
  7. when animals sleep all winter
  8. pieces of fabric you put on your body
  9. when things start to melt

20 Clues: winter-likeone piece of snowwhen ice hangs downwhen something is slickwhen the wind is blowingwhen things start to melta fun, festival type eventthe thing that Santa driveswhen animals sleep all winterwhen it's just a little bit colda piece of three-dimensional arta long sled, usually made of woodwhat water does when it becomes solid...

Opera Puzzle 2016-05-17

Opera Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. main events of a play
  2. group of instrumentalists
  3. large keyboard instrument
  4. large group of singers
  5. text of an opera
  6. musical declamation
  7. between baritone or alto or countertenor
  8. a long song for a solo voice
  9. orchestral piece at beginning
  10. branch of mechanics
  11. Soprano female voice pitched between soprano and contralto
  12. feminine version
  13. performed by two people
  14. a cry
  1. piece or passage to be performed
  2. dramatic work in one or more acts
  3. adult male singing voice between tenor and bass
  4. estimate of situations
  5. realism in the arts
  6. orchestrate or arrange
  7. elaborate ornamentation of vocal melody
  8. highest of singing voices
  9. leading motif
  10. introductory piece of music
  11. sound of the lowest range
  12. each sound or note sharply detached
  13. someone excels at
  14. below the highest range and above tenor

28 Clues: a cryleading motiftext of an operafeminine versionsomeone excels atrealism in the artsmusical declamationbranch of mechanicsmain events of a playestimate of situationsorchestrate or arrangelarge group of singersperformed by two peoplegroup of instrumentalistshighest of singing voiceslarge keyboard instrumentsound of the lowest range...

Home 2023-02-03

Home crossword puzzle
  1. with justified cause throw a person out of their home
  2. a place where there is fire, usually in a chimney
  3. clothes for your bed
  4. piece of furniture which gives heat
  5. fix something
  6. one whom has a landlord
  7. a place where you can wash your hands
  8. a short road or paved area on which you drive
  1. an act of changing your furniture
  2. simple style, very little furniture
  3. something you can hold on to while walking up the stairs
  4. comfortable, warm
  5. retaking something
  6. a piece of furniture,usually flat, on which you can put something on
  7. a piece of land which is usually in the backyard of a house
  8. it rings

16 Clues: it ringsfix somethingcomfortable, warmretaking somethingclothes for your bedone whom has a landlordan act of changing your furnituresimple style, very little furniturepiece of furniture which gives heata place where you can wash your handsa short road or paved area on which you drivea place where there is fire, usually in a chimney...

CLOTHES 2025-03-06

CLOTHES crossword puzzle
  1. – A piece of clothing worn on the upper body.
  2. – The opposite of white.
  3. – The opposite of loose.
  4. – A verb used when something is necessary.
  5. – The opposite of tight.
  6. – The opposite of cheap.
  7. – Clothes worn on the lower body, usually covering both legs.
  1. – A piece of clothing worn over other clothes, usually to keep warm.
  2. – The opposite of big.
  3. – A demonstrative word for something far away.
  4. – A common color of jeans.
  5. – The opposite of expensive.
  6. – Worn on the feet for walking.
  7. – A demonstrative word for things that are near and plural.
  8. – A one-piece clothing item usually worn by women.
  9. – A verb used to express desire for something.

16 Clues: – The opposite of big.– The opposite of white.– The opposite of loose.– The opposite of tight.– The opposite of cheap.– A common color of jeans.– The opposite of expensive.– Worn on the feet for walking.– A verb used when something is necessary.– A piece of clothing worn on the upper body.– A demonstrative word for something far away....

Weapons 2022-09-02

Weapons crossword puzzle
  1. a stick with a piece of metal or stone at the end, it hits very hard
  2. a small explosive
  3. a special gun that is made to shoot one bullet long distances
  4. a big and very dangerous bomb
  5. a big weapons that shoots balls
  6. a type of auto gun that can shoot powerful bullets at people
  7. a weapon that can shoot arrows
  8. a powerfull weapon made with two stick and a chain
  9. a long stick with a sharp piece of metal at the end, made to throw and stab
  1. a sharp weapon that can stab and slash
  2. a bomb that can fly long distances
  3. a small sharp piece of metal used to throw
  4. a bomb launcer you can hold on your shoulder
  5. a small sharp weapon that can stab and slash
  6. a weapon that can shoot metal at a high speed
  7. a stick wit a sharp piece of metal at the end

16 Clues: a small explosivea big and very dangerous bomba weapon that can shoot arrowsa big weapons that shoots ballsa bomb that can fly long distancesa sharp weapon that can stab and slasha small sharp piece of metal used to throwa bomb launcer you can hold on your shouldera small sharp weapon that can stab and slash...

What is in a play? (2) 2024-04-21

What is in a play? (2) crossword puzzle
  1. from Scotland
  2. a place where planes land and take off
  3. made of silk
  4. traditional cloth in south east Asia
  5. a piece of work about one subject
  1. traditional piece of clothing for men in Scotland
  2. to work out a problem
  3. traditional dress for Indian women
  4. traditional piece of Japanese clothing
  5. nervous of strangers
  6. the events of a story in order

11 Clues: made of silkfrom Scotlandnervous of strangersto work out a problemthe events of a story in ordera piece of work about one subjecttraditional dress for Indian womentraditional cloth in south east Asiatraditional piece of Japanese clothinga place where planes land and take offtraditional piece of clothing for men in Scotland

CROSSWORD 2022-04-06

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. a set of rooms for living in, especially on one floor of a building
  2. a stick with soft material attached to one end, especially used for washing floors
  3. a room with a bath and/or shower and often a toilet
  4. compound word;an electric device with blades that turn quickly, used to move the air around. used in the ceiling.
  5. a cupboard or a small room with a door, used for storing things, especially clothes
  6. a device for giving light, especially one that has a covering or is contained within something.
  7. a device shaped like a box with a screen that receives electrical signals
  8. a long, soft seat with a back and usually arms
  9. A piece of glass with a shiny
  10. a large, rectangular piece of furniture, often with four legs, used for sleeping on
  11. objects, especially knives, forks, spoons, etc.
  12. a hollow structure that allows the smoke from a fire inside a building to escape to the air outside
  13. a piece of equipment that burns fuel or uses electricity in order to heat a place
  14. Thick material used for cover floors
  15. a flat object that is used to close the entrance of something
  1. an electric device with blades that turn quickly, used to move the air around
  2. compund word; a machine for washing clothes, sheets, and other things made of cloth
  3. a space in the wall of a room for a fire to burn in, or the decorated part that surrounds this space
  4. the part of a cooker with a door, used to bake or roast food
  5. a piece of land next to and belonging to a house, where flowers and other plants are grown
  6. a tall cupboard in which you hang your clothes
  7. the part of a radio, television, or computer, or of a piece of electrical equipment for playing recorded sound, through which the sound is played.
  8. a room used for sleeping in
  9. a bowl that is attached to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom in which you wash dishes or your hands, etc
  10. a building that people, usually one family, live in
  11. a room where food is kept, prepared, and cooked
  12. an area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a building on an upper level.
  13. a space usually filled with glass in the wall of a building or in a vehicle
  14. a piece of land surrounding a house, usually grassy land with trees and other plants:
  15. the covering that forms the top of a building, vehicle, etc.

30 Clues: a room used for sleeping inA piece of glass with a shinyThick material used for cover floorsa tall cupboard in which you hang your clothesa long, soft seat with a back and usually armsa room where food is kept, prepared, and cookedobjects, especially knives, forks, spoons, etc.a room with a bath and/or shower and often a toilet...

Blues and Jazz Key Words 2024-02-27

Blues and Jazz Key Words crossword puzzle
  1. Short repeated pattern
  2. Chords ii, iii and vi
  3. The most common chord sequence in blues music
  4. Emphasising the off beat
  5. The most common bass instrument in jazz music
  6. Chords I, IV and V
  7. A bass line with one note per beat
  8. Chords where extra notes have been added above the basic triad
  1. The accompaniment instruments in a jazz piece
  2. Making up melodies on the spot
  3. The melody instruments in a jazz piece
  4. In a pair of quavers, the first quaver is played twice the length as the second one
  5. One person plays or sings something, and is answered by the rest of the group
  6. The minor pentatonic scale used in blues music
  7. A common frontline instrument from the wind family

15 Clues: Chords I, IV and VChords ii, iii and viShort repeated patternEmphasising the off beatMaking up melodies on the spotA bass line with one note per beatThe melody instruments in a jazz pieceThe accompaniment instruments in a jazz pieceThe most common chord sequence in blues musicThe most common bass instrument in jazz music...

lesson 28 2024-03-18

lesson 28 crossword puzzle
  1. a reptile with a thick shell
  2. only one of something
  3. a problem difficulty or worry
  4. piece of metal on a strap
  5. something used to provide an example
  6. two people or things that are together
  1. more than one person
  2. hard stone used to build
  3. a solid piece of wax with a string
  4. consisting of two parts
  5. part of body where foot joins leg
  6. a color made from red and blue

12 Clues: more than one persononly one of somethingconsisting of two partshard stone used to buildpiece of metal on a strapa reptile with a thick shella problem difficulty or worrya color made from red and bluepart of body where foot joins lega solid piece of wax with a stringsomething used to provide an exampletwo people or things that are together

Vocabulary 2014-10-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a one-piece leotard and tights combination
  2. one group
  3. a vehicle with two wheels
  4. having only one cell
  5. eyeglasses with lenses that have two different sections
  6. able to speak two different languages
  7. happening every two weeks
  8. one-sided
  9. happening every two years
  10. having two different colors
  1. an airplane with two pairs of wings
  2. a one-wheeled vehicle
  3. moving in only one direction
  4. one of a kind
  5. happening every two months
  6. a two-pointed tooth located in the side of the jaw
  7. a horse-like fabled animal that has one horn
  8. an instance of saying the same words or sounds at the same time
  9. to join together into one group
  10. a two-footed creature

20 Clues: one groupone-sidedone of a kindhaving only one cella one-wheeled vehiclea two-footed creaturea vehicle with two wheelshappening every two weekshappening every two yearshappening every two monthshaving two different colorsmoving in only one directionto join together into one groupan airplane with two pairs of wings...

Project Terminology 2022-04-17

Project Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. how long it takes to complete a piece of work
  2. a list of arrows that lets you move through the network
  3. an important event indicating that certain tasks have been completed
  4. an element in a network that joins two nodes
  5. a plan indicating when each job will be done
  6. money needing to be spent to get a job done
  1. an individual piece of work that is just one step out of many
  2. junctions in a network where arrows come together
  3. when one piece of work can't be started until another is completed
  4. a piece of work that needs to be completed before the next job can start
  5. a set of tasks to be completed in order to achieve a final goal

11 Clues: money needing to be spent to get a job donean element in a network that joins two nodesa plan indicating when each job will be donehow long it takes to complete a piece of workjunctions in a network where arrows come togethera list of arrows that lets you move through the networkan individual piece of work that is just one step out of many...


  1. An object that shows the projected image from the projector.
  2. A piece of furniture (that can be locked) used to store various classroom items.
  3. A blank book that you can write in.
  4. A book that contains a large amount of subject content.
  5. A location in the school where the secretaries, vice-principals and principal are located.
  6. An instrument for writing or drawing with ink.
  7. A piece of rubber material used to rub out marks made by pencil.
  8. A piece of furniture that's locked and students use for storage and safekeeping of items.
  9. A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
  10. An electronic similar to a computer, but portable.
  11. An object used to wipe your nose.
  12. An instrument for writing or drawing, consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar substance.
  13. A piece of furniture with horizontal shelves used to store books or other printed materials.
  1. A tool used to connect sheets together.
  2. A hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle.
  3. An opening in the wall that allows light to come in to the classroom.
  4. A tool used for sharpening.
  5. A tool used to create holes in paper.
  6. A container used for the disposal of waste.
  7. A piece of furniture students use to write on.
  8. A piece of furniture where the teacher sits.
  9. A piece of furniture used to sit on.
  10. An object that usually has two straps that goes over the shoulders.
  11. An object used to tell time.

24 Clues: A tool used for sharpening.An object used to tell time.An object used to wipe your nose.A blank book that you can write in.A piece of furniture used to sit on.A tool used to create holes in paper.A tool used to connect sheets together.A container used for the disposal of waste.A piece of furniture where the teacher sits....

furniture 2023-06-16

furniture crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of furniture with a backrest and four legs, used for sitting.
  2. A piece of furniture with drawers used for storing clothes and personal items.
  3. A piece of furniture with shelves or compartments used for storage.
  4. A padded footstool or low seat used for resting one's feet or as additional seating.
  5. A piece of furniture with a flat surface and drawers or compartments, used for writing or working.
  6. A low table placed in front of a sofa, used for placing drinks, books, or decorative items.
  7. A piece of furniture used for sleeping or resting.
  8. A long, upholstered seat with a back and arms, typically designed for more than one person.
  1. A small table or cabinet placed next to a bed, used for holding items such as a lamp or alarm clock.
  2. A reflective surface, usually framed, used for viewing oneself.
  3. A piece of furniture used for supporting a television and other media equipment.
  4. A table specifically used for dining, often accompanied by chairs.
  5. A large cabinet used for storing clothes and other personal belongings.
  6. A piece of furniture with horizontal shelves used for storing books or displaying items.
  7. A flat surface supported by legs used for various activities such as dining, studying, or working.
  8. A flat horizontal board or surface attached to a wall or a frame, used for storage or display.

16 Clues: A piece of furniture used for sleeping or resting.A reflective surface, usually framed, used for viewing oneself.A table specifically used for dining, often accompanied by chairs.A piece of furniture with shelves or compartments used for storage.A piece of furniture with a backrest and four legs, used for sitting....

mono and poly crossword 2020-11-10

mono and poly crossword crossword puzzle
  1. something having one syllable
  2. one eyed glasses
  3. 2D shape with at least three faces
  4. just one color
  5. subway that rides on a track with one rail
  6. having multiple gods
  7. having multiple forms
  8. really long speech by one person
  9. hospital that treats all sorts of things
  10. a game; being the only person owning a product
  1. knowing one language
  2. person who knows multiple languages
  3. 3D shape with multiple faces, kind of like a cube
  4. colorful
  5. statue made out of one piece of stone
  6. a lie detector test
  7. having more than usual number of fingers or toes
  8. everyone saying the same thing
  9. fear of being alone
  10. something having multiple syllables

20 Clues: colorfuljust one colorone eyed glassesa lie detector testfear of being aloneknowing one languagehaving multiple godshaving multiple formssomething having one syllableeveryone saying the same thingreally long speech by one person2D shape with at least three facesperson who knows multiple languagessomething having multiple syllables...

Clothes 2024-07-18

Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. - A head covering.
  2. - Hand coverings with separate sections for each finger.
  3. - A garment hanging from the waist, worn mainly by women and girls.
  4. - Short pants that extend to the knee or above.
  5. - A one-piece garment for a woman or girl that covers the body and extends down over the legs.
  6. - An outer garment with sleeves, typically extending below the hips.
  7. - A sleeveless garment worn over a shirt.
  8. - A piece of fabric worn around the neck or head.
  9. - A woman's dress shirt.
  10. - A piece of cloth worn around the neck, under the shirt collar, and tied in a knot at the front.
  11. - Denim pants.
  1. - A short-sleeved casual top.
  2. - A strip of leather or other material worn around the waist to support clothing or for decoration.
  3. - A short coat.
  4. - Footwear covering the foot up to the ankle.
  5. - A knitted garment typically with long sleeves.
  6. - A piece of clothing worn on the feet.
  7. - Another term for pants, covering each leg separately.
  8. - Footwear that covers the foot and the ankle and extends up the leg.

19 Clues: - Denim pants.- A short coat.- A head covering.- A woman's dress shirt.- A short-sleeved casual top.- A piece of clothing worn on the feet.- A sleeveless garment worn over a shirt.- Footwear covering the foot up to the ankle.- Short pants that extend to the knee or above.- A knitted garment typically with long sleeves....

Clothing 2023-06-12

Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. A pretty piece of clothing for girls that you wear all in one.
  2. A short coat you wear over your other clothes.
  3. A casual shirt with short sleeves and a round neck.
  4. Footwear you wear to protect your feet and walk comfortably.
  5. A type of clothing for girls that you wear on your waist.
  6. Short pants that cover your legs above the knees.
  1. A strap you wear around your waist to hold up your pants.
  2. Coverings for your hands to keep them warm.
  3. A piece of clothing you wear on your upper body.
  4. Clothing you wear on your legs and lower body.
  5. A heavy piece of clothing you wear to stay warm outside.
  6. A long piece of cloth you wear around your neck.
  7. Soft pieces of clothing you wear on your feet.
  8. A warm piece of clothing with long sleeves.
  9. Something you wear on your head to protect from the sun or cold.

15 Clues: Coverings for your hands to keep them warm.A warm piece of clothing with long sleeves.Clothing you wear on your legs and lower body.A short coat you wear over your other clothes.Soft pieces of clothing you wear on your feet.A piece of clothing you wear on your upper body.A long piece of cloth you wear around your neck....

Furniture 2023-07-05

Furniture crossword puzzle
  1. A small table or cabinet placed beside a bed.
  2. A reflective surface used for viewing one's reflection.
  3. A long upholstered seat for more than one person.
  4. A piece of furniture with doors or drawers for storage.
  5. A shelf or series of shelves used for storing books.
  6. A flat surface supported by legs, used for various activities.
  7. A piece of furniture with drawers for storing clothing and items.
  1. A large cabinet used for storing clothes and personal belongings.
  2. A piece of furniture used for sitting on, typically with a backrest.
  3. A long upholstered piece of furniture for seating multiple people.
  4. A padded footstool or low upholstered seat without a back.
  5. A table with a writing surface, often used for studying or working.
  6. table A low table placed in front of a sofa, used for drinks and snacks.
  7. A flat horizontal board used for storing or displaying items.
  8. A piece of furniture used for sleeping or resting.

15 Clues: A small table or cabinet placed beside a bed.A long upholstered seat for more than one person.A piece of furniture used for sleeping or resting.A shelf or series of shelves used for storing books.A reflective surface used for viewing one's reflection.A piece of furniture with doors or drawers for storage....

O DAY 2022-10-18

O DAY crossword puzzle
  1. One Month
  2. One Season
  3. One Food (hint: Italian)
  4. One Hairstyling Tool
  5. One Electronic Device
  6. One Sense
  1. One Dessert
  2. One Animal in the World (hint: gray)
  3. One Piece of Jewelry
  4. One Drink

10 Clues: One MonthOne DrinkOne SenseOne SeasonOne DessertOne Piece of JewelryOne Hairstyling ToolOne Electronic DeviceOne Food (hint: Italian)One Animal in the World (hint: gray)

FASHION 2025-02-26

FASHION crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of clothing, usually made from rubber, that covers the whole body closely and is designed to keep you warm when you are swimming, especially in the sea, for long periods
  2. a piece of men's clothing that is worn when swimming
  3. a loose piece of clothing like a coat, worn especially before or after a bath.
  4. the bottom part of the foot that touches the ground when you stand or walk, or the bottom part of a shoe that touches the ground, usually not including the heel
  5. he part around the neck of a piece of clothing.
  6. a loose top and trousers, worn either by people who are training for a sport or exercising, or as informal clothing
  7. he edge of a piece of cloth, such as the bottom edge of a skirt or dress, that is folded over and sewn so that it does not develop loose threads.
  1. a piece of clothing that covers both the upper body and the legs
  2. a special type of tie (= a strip of cloth put around a collar) in the shape of a bow, worn especially by men on formal occasions
  3. a permanent image, pattern, or word on the skin that is created by using needles to put colours under the skin
  4. the thicker material at the end of a sleeve closest to the hand
  5. we use it to clean shoes.
  6. the part of a piece of clothing that covers some or all of the arm
  7. the raised part at the back of a shoe.
  8. a piece of metal at one end of a belt or strap, used to fasten the two ends together
  9. part of a piece of clothing that can be pulled up to cover the top and back of the head.

16 Clues: we use it to clean shoes.the raised part at the back of a shoe.he part around the neck of a piece of clothing.a piece of men's clothing that is worn when swimmingthe thicker material at the end of a sleeve closest to the handa piece of clothing that covers both the upper body and the legs...

Scones and Sponges 2020-09-06

Scones and Sponges crossword puzzle
  1. In NZ this measures 15mL
  2. Where measurements of liquid ingredients should be read at
  3. Butter is measured in this
  4. The stage when a beaten mixture of sugar and eggs makes wide thick 'ribbons'
  5. The temperature that butter should be for making scones
  6. A scone mixture that has been well made will have no lumps of this in it
  7. The piece of equipment used to mix the milk into a scone dough
  8. how butter is mixed into flour when making scones
  9. The ideal texture for a scone dough
  10. A piece of equipment for measuring liquid ingredients in
  11. The colour of well cooked scones
  12. The best piece of equipment for sifting dry ingredients
  13. A technique that adds air, removes lumps and mixes dry ingredients together
  14. The texture of a good sponge
  1. A small example of a sponge cake (not from the sea!)
  2. The oven function used when cooking more than one tray of food
  3. Cream should be at this temperature when beaten
  4. A necessary piece of equipment for making a sponge
  5. This addition of this makes a sponge mixture go thick and pale coloured
  6. The oven function used when cooking a single tray of food
  7. A very light type of cake
  8. A gentle method of mixing in dry ingredients
  9. A good piece of equipment for folding
  10. The ingredient that makes scones rise
  11. Scones must be cut into pieces that are this if they are to cook at the same time.
  12. A piece of equipment for measuring small quantities of ingredients
  13. Sifting dry ingredients twice

27 Clues: In NZ this measures 15mLA very light type of cakeButter is measured in thisThe texture of a good spongeSifting dry ingredients twiceThe colour of well cooked sconesThe ideal texture for a scone doughA good piece of equipment for foldingThe ingredient that makes scones riseA gentle method of mixing in dry ingredients...

oakleas master piece 2022-09-01

oakleas master piece crossword puzzle
  1. scrape your knee on some what
  2. to over extend something
  3. to have a sad or worried feeling in your gut
  4. something lighting hits
  5. for something to come out of something fast
  1. to be muscler and strong
  2. to hurt or be close to braking something
  3. a rope type material
  4. something weird that happens
  5. to be strong and muscler
  6. a flop of some sort
  7. to yell loudly

12 Clues: to yell loudlya flop of some sorta rope type materialsomething lighting hitsto be muscler and strongto over extend somethingto be strong and musclersomething weird that happensscrape your knee on some whatto hurt or be close to braking somethingfor something to come out of something fastto have a sad or worried feeling in your gut

ENGL302L - Public-facing Piece 2022-05-11

ENGL302L - Public-facing Piece crossword puzzle
  1. Medieval women used to do this to their faces to portray their grief.
  2. a sign of adultery, pointed at in the Bible (Ezekiel 23:37)
  3. Often used to burry people, animals and objects.
  4. a dangerous amount of anger
  5. a bird known for its beautiful singing voice the Marie de France writes about,
  6. often converged with concepts of manhood, power and physical strength.
  7. a tiny mythical creature with wings.
  8. the opposite of inviting
  1. Usually there to help the Queen through her daily affairs.
  2. _____ is dead.
  3. Where one can nap under imp trees, just like Eurydice in "Sir Orfeo".
  4. men are often told not to ___ .
  5. Sir Orfeo is known for playing it.
  6. the time between the decline of Roman culture in the 5th century  until the Renaissance period in European history
  7. You hold it when you do not express your wrath towards someone.
  8. Usually in shining armour.

16 Clues: _____ is dead.the opposite of invitingUsually in shining armour.a dangerous amount of angermen are often told not to ___ .Sir Orfeo is known for playing it.a tiny mythical creature with wings.Often used to burry people, animals and objects.Usually there to help the Queen through her daily affairs....

classroom objects 2022-12-08

classroom objects crossword puzzle
  1. a female child or teenager
  2. sheets of paper bound together between two covers
  3. one whose job is teaching
  4. an opening through which one enters or leaves a room or building
  1. the glass and frame that fit into such an opening
  2. a flat, cut piece of wood
  3. a piece of furniture with drawers and a flat surface used for reading and writing.
  4. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  5. a male child or teenager

9 Clues: a male child or teenagera flat, cut piece of woodone whose job is teachinga female child or teenagera piece of furniture for one person to sit onthe glass and frame that fit into such an openingsheets of paper bound together between two coversan opening through which one enters or leaves a room or building...

compulsory Assignment 2020-11-11

compulsory Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. The painter Jacob Lawrence created this master piece during the Harlem Renaissance
  2. Where is the Statue of Queen Ankhnes-Meryre ll and her son Pepy ll
  3. This relatively small Aegean sculpture is made entirely out of marble
  4. What marble sculpture of a goddess is portrayed in Greek Culture
  5. One of the three Greek Columns
  6. This art is produced central Italy and influenced by Greek Art
  7. This is a sculpture of a head more popularly known in sub-saharan culture
  8. This piece depicts the unification of upper and lower Egypt
  9. The Chinese bronze sculpture from circa 2nd Century B.C.E
  10. This a fertility figure and mother goddess symbol located in Austria
  11. Aegean painting created in 1650 B.C.E
  12. This is exhibit is displayed in the British Museum and depicts Nigerian culture
  1. This piece is dated in 1771 BCE and is made out of black stone
  2. What is the name of the piece offering that Americans received from France
  3. This kind of art was created in the bronze age before Ancient Greek Art
  4. This process was most used in West Africa
  5. This sculpture is made out of Benin ivory and is commonly associated with Iyoba and Nigeria
  6. the center of religious life in the powerful Greek City-State of Athens
  7. This funeral mask is made entirely of gold
  8. This is the young king part of a statue
  9. This commemorative brass sculpture wears a woven cap of coral beads
  10. Egyptian Statue on the west bank of the Nile
  11. King Menkaura and Queen is carved out of this material
  12. This statute is made out of limestone and sits crossed legged
  13. One of the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza
  14. Great Royal Wife of an Egyptian pharaoh, Akhenaten
  15. This engraved piece of historical art is associated with ancient Minoan civilization
  16. The lost wax process was used to make this piece
  17. This sculpture from Nigeria that represented its people
  18. Gibbes Museum of Art is the home of this painting from the Harlem Renaissance

30 Clues: One of the three Greek ColumnsAegean painting created in 1650 B.C.EThis is the young king part of a statueThis process was most used in West AfricaThis funeral mask is made entirely of goldEgyptian Statue on the west bank of the NileThe lost wax process was used to make this pieceGreat Royal Wife of an Egyptian pharaoh, Akhenaten...

Spelling Unit 1 2022-08-04

Spelling Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a race with three events
  2. a line of verse with six metrical feet
  3. ten years
  4. one eye
  5. a tissue with ten layers
  6. a five sided star
  7. a contest with ten events
  8. having three feet/legs
  9. one eye piece
  1. a foot with one toe
  2. controlled by one
  3. a smell with ten scents
  4. a five sided shape
  5. one tone unchanging
  6. a bomb with three elements
  7. cut or divided into three parts

16 Clues: one eyeten yearsone eye piececontrolled by onea five sided stara five sided shapea foot with one toeone tone unchanginghaving three feet/legsa smell with ten scentsa race with three eventsa tissue with ten layersa contest with ten eventsa bomb with three elementscut or divided into three partsa line of verse with six metrical feet

Spelling List 6 2022-01-20

Spelling List 6 crossword puzzle
  1. to move with difficulty or with great effort
  2. a force, the resistance of motion when one object rubs against another
  3. a force of attraction that pulls together all matter
  4. something built or arranged in a definite way e.g. a building
  5. a group of people with the power to run a nation or country
  6. something beautiful or grand; extravagant
  1. a person whom one does not know
  2. going from one end or side to the other
  3. a piece of drawing or writing that has little or no meaning
  4. a small, sharp piece of material that is broken off from a larger piece

10 Clues: a person whom one does not knowgoing from one end or side to the othersomething beautiful or grand; extravagantto move with difficulty or with great efforta force of attraction that pulls together all mattera piece of drawing or writing that has little or no meaninga group of people with the power to run a nation or country...

Idioms 2022-10-30

Idioms crossword puzzle
  1. ______ of cake
  2. Under the _________
  3. Hit the _____
  4. A group of words that says one thing but means another
  5. What does break a leg mean?
  1. ______ a leg
  2. _____ the books
  3. Spill the ______
  4. What does piece of cake mean?
  5. _______ cats and dogs
  6. _____ it a day
  7. What does under the weather mean?

12 Clues: ______ a legHit the ___________ of cake_____ it a day_____ the booksSpill the ______Under the ________________ cats and dogsWhat does break a leg mean?What does piece of cake mean?What does under the weather mean?A group of words that says one thing but means another

Spelling Unit 1 2022-08-04

Spelling Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a race with three events
  2. a five sided shape
  3. a line of verse with six metrical feet
  4. a foot with one toe
  5. a contest with ten events
  6. one eye piece
  7. one eye
  1. one tone unchanging
  2. a tissue with ten layers
  3. a five sided star
  4. cut or divided into three parts
  5. a bomb with three elements
  6. a smell with ten scents
  7. having three feet/legs
  8. controlled by one
  9. ten years

16 Clues: one eyeten yearsone eye piecea five sided starcontrolled by onea five sided shapeone tone unchanginga foot with one toehaving three feet/legsa smell with ten scentsa tissue with ten layersa race with three eventsa contest with ten eventsa bomb with three elementscut or divided into three partsa line of verse with six metrical feet