plate tectonics Crossword Puzzles

Plate Tectonics Review 2022-03-10

Plate Tectonics Review crossword puzzle
  1. undersea valleys that are the deepest part of the ocean
  2. an idea that can be tested by investigation or experimentation
  3. the sinking movement of ocean floor back into the mantle
  4. the idea that the continents of the Earth have moved around the world over the course of millions of years
  5. rock that comes from other rock being given lots of heat and pressure
  6. the outermost layer of the Earth, mostly solid rock with small amounts of metal and magma
  7. rock that comes from smaller rocks and/or living matter being pushed together
  8. the man who came up with the hypothesis of continent drift
  9. The Earth's crust is broken up into these large slabs of rock
  10. a super continent that existed at the time of the dinosaurs, was made up of all the current continents combined to form one massive landmass.
  1. these currest in the mantle push the tectonic plates to move around
  2. long zipper-like chains of undersea mountains
  3. rock that comes from magma or lava cooling
  4. the layer below the crust, made up of a mix of magma and rock
  5. the process of magma rising out of cracks in the Earth's crust and hardening into new rock at the bottom of the ocean

15 Clues: rock that comes from magma or lava coolinglong zipper-like chains of undersea mountainsundersea valleys that are the deepest part of the oceanthe sinking movement of ocean floor back into the mantlethe man who came up with the hypothesis of continent driftthe layer below the crust, made up of a mix of magma and rock...

Plate Tectonics & Features 2023-10-20

Plate Tectonics & Features crossword puzzle
  1. Theory proposing the existence of large plates in Earth's interior
  2. Idea stating that continents drifted away from each other overtime
  3. Hot underwater mounds that exist in deep ocean areas, formed by diverging plates
  4. said to predate the existence of the continents known today
  5. Deep, narrow depressions in the ocean floor
  6. Plate made of oceanic crust
  7. Process in which a denser plate sinks under another upon collision
  8. Undersea mountain created by diverging plates
  9. Boundary where two plates collide
  1. Process where the ocean floor grows due to divergent boundaries creating new crust
  2. Plate made of continental crust
  3. Boundary where two plates slide against each other
  4. Part of Earth's interior where tectonic plates reside
  5. Boundary where two plates split
  6. Proposer of the Theory of Continental Drift

15 Clues: Plate made of oceanic crustPlate made of continental crustBoundary where two plates splitBoundary where two plates collideDeep, narrow depressions in the ocean floorProposer of the Theory of Continental DriftUndersea mountain created by diverging platesBoundary where two plates slide against each other...

Tectonic Plate Vocab 2023-10-02

Tectonic Plate Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. crust that contains mostly land
  2. long, deep formation on the ocean floor that develops where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other and one is moving under the other
  3. the crust that lies beneath the ocean
  4. the later of Earth below the crust
  5. location where two tectonic plates meet and are moving away from each other
  6. location where two tectonic plates meet and are moving toward each other
  7. a mountain like landform that develops when tectonic plates move apart or separate and a new ocean lithosphere forms
  1. the valley formed by a diverging plate boundary
  2. location where two tectonic plates meet and slides past each other
  3. a theory that the lithosphere is broken into segments or plates, that "float" on the asthenosphere, and that interacting among these plates are associated with earthquakes
  4. Earth's outermost layer
  5. the process by which one plate of the lithosphere sinks and slides under another

12 Clues: Earth's outermost layercrust that contains mostly landthe later of Earth below the crustthe crust that lies beneath the oceanthe valley formed by a diverging plate boundarylocation where two tectonic plates meet and slides past each otherlocation where two tectonic plates meet and are moving toward each other...

plate tectonic 2024-02-09

plate tectonic crossword puzzle
  1. - Name of the supercontinent in the idea of continental drift that our continents today were all joined together to form. Covered about one third of Earth’s surface.
  2. - When the force of gravity moves a plate downward and away from the ridge.
  3. Convection (Current) - The movement of a fluid in the mantle, caused by differences in density and temperature, that transfers heat from one part of the fluid to another. Drives tectonic plate motion.
  4. The layer of hot, solid material between Earth's crust and core. contains more dense elements than the crust such as magnesium and iron.
  5. the division division of the Earth into different layers based on their physical properties. lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, inner core of the Earth into different layers based on their physical properties. lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, inner core
  6. Zone - an area where oceanic crust sinks beneath continental crust at a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary.
  7. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle. broken into pieces called tectonic plates.
  8. - Gravitational force pulling a tectonic plate as it subducts deep into the mantle.
  9. The soft viscous layer of the upper mantle on which the lithosphere floats.
  10. of Plate Tectonics - States that Earth’s lithosphere is broken into huge, moving slabs of rock driven by convection currents in the mantle.
  1. Reversal - A switch in the direction of Earth’s magnetic field so that the magnetic north pole becomes the magnetic south pole and the magnetic south pole becomes the magnetic north pole.
  2. - The geologist that used sonar to discover seafloor spreading at a mid ocean ridge.
  3. - (1880-1930): Continental drift (1915) hypothesized that the continents were slowly drifting around the Earth. His hypothesis was not accepted until the 1950’s, when numerous discoveries provided conclusive evidence (plate tectonics).
  4. The strong, lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core
  5. - The hypothesis that today’s continents were once part of a single land mass (Pangaea) and drifted to their present day location.
  6. The central part of the earth below the mantle, contains the most dense elements of Earth's interior.
  7. Spreading - The process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises toward the surface and solidifies.
  8. Earth's outermost layer, made of primarily less dense materials called silicates. Classified as oceanic and continental crust.
  9. crust, mantle, core based on chemical makeup of matter
  10. - Slabs of continental and oceanic crust that move slowly on top of the asthenosphere.

20 Clues: crust, mantle, core based on chemical makeup of matter- When the force of gravity moves a plate downward and away from the ridge.The soft viscous layer of the upper mantle on which the lithosphere floats.The strong, lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core...

Geological Oceanography 2023-12-17

Geological Oceanography crossword puzzle
  1. are the organisms that live in the ocean bottom
  2. plate boundary formed when plates move away from one another
  3. study of marine sediments
  4. caused by Magma moving beneath the surface of the Earth
  5. waves bend nearly parallel to shore
  6. shoreline below sea level
  7. physical barrier between sea and land
  8. plate boundary formed when plates move towards one another
  9. location that is directly above the focus of an earthquake
  10. chemical reactions in the water
  11. Water returns to Ocean
  12. dangers of the deep
  13. foreshore + berm
  14. from outer space
  15. body of permeable rock that can contain or transmit groundwater
  16. skeletons of marine creatures
  1. zone in the ocean bottom
  2. zone located at elevations below 6000 m
  3. structure for a navigation channel
  4. plates splitting away or breaking apart
  5. is an increase in the level of the world's oceans
  6. wetlands that form as rivers empty their water and sediment
  7. caused by the shifting of the Earth's plates
  8. shoreline above sea level
  9. boundary between shore and coast
  10. can occur when large amounts of groundwater are withdrawn
  11. above the normal high-water mark to the coastline
  12. device for taking samples of sediments
  13. German physicist with a theory of plate tectonics
  14. where one plate dips beneath another
  15. underwater mountain range formed by diverging plate boundary in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
  16. zone of sufficient light for photosynthesis

32 Clues: foreshore + bermfrom outer spacedangers of the deepWater returns to Oceanzone in the ocean bottomstudy of marine sedimentsshoreline above sea levelshoreline below sea levelskeletons of marine creatureschemical reactions in the waterboundary between shore and coaststructure for a navigation channelwaves bend nearly parallel to shore...

Austin 2015-04-30

Austin crossword puzzle
  1. the lithosphere of the earth is divided into a small number of plates which float on and travel independently over the mantle and much of the earth's seismic activity occurs at the boundaries of these plates.
  2. a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras. It formed approximately 300 million years ago and then began to break apart after about 100 million years.
  3. an extensional boundary is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.
  4. the gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface through geological time
  5. proposed mechanism for plate motion in plate tectonics. Because mid-ocean ridges lie at a higher elevation than the rest of the ocean floor, gravity causes the ridge to push on the lithosphere that lies farther from the ridge.
  1. A transform fault or transform boundary, also known as conservative plate boundary since these faults neither create nor destroy lithosphere, is a type of fault whose relative motion is predominantly
  2. an instrument used for measuring magnetic forces, especially the earth's magnetism.
  3. the portion of motion of a tectonic plate that can be accounted for by its subduction. Plate motion is partly driven by the weight of cold, dense plates sinking into the mantle at trenches.
  4. Changes in direction or orientation of the magnetic field of the Earth that have occurred from time to time. (Several hundred are known in the geological record.) Sometimes the north magnetic pole is near the geographic North Pole and sometimes near the South Pole in Antarctica.
  5. In plate tectonics, a convergent boundary, also known as a destructive plate boundary (because of subduction), is an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of the lithosphere move toward one another and collide.
  6. a line on a diagram or map connecting points relating to the same time or equal times.
  7. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  8. the formation of new areas of oceanic crust, which occurs through the upwelling of magma at midocean ridges and its subsequent outward movement on either side.
  9. large elongated depression with steep walls formed by the downward displacement of a block of the earth's surface between nearly parallel faults or fault systems.
  10. the branch of geophysics concerned with the magnetism in rocks that was induced by the earth's magnetic field at the time of their formation.

15 Clues: an instrument used for measuring magnetic forces, especially the earth's magnetism.a line on a diagram or map connecting points relating to the same time or equal times.the gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface through geological time...

VOCAB 2023-11-29

VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. the crust that is below the ocean
  2. an example of transform boundaries
  3. underwater mountain range
  4. the part of land we stand on
  5. remains and evidence of a plant or animal
  6. they are in the mantle and hot rises cold sinks
  7. when tectonic plates are colliding
  8. The process of new ocean floor being created from rising magma
  9. how volcanoes form and how there made
  10. When all the continents were together
  1. when continental crust meets oceanic crust
  2. where the plate tectonics slide past each other
  3. hot lava that turns into solid rock forming a volcano
  4. the person who came up with the plate boundaries theory
  5. when the continents were together and then they drifted apart
  6. this is divided into separate plates
  7. when the whole world shakes
  8. when plates are separating
  9. there are 3 different types of these

19 Clues: underwater mountain rangewhen plates are separatingwhen the whole world shakesthe part of land we stand onthe crust that is below the oceanan example of transform boundarieswhen tectonic plates are collidingthis is divided into separate platesthere are 3 different types of thesehow volcanoes form and how there made...

plate tectonic 2024-02-09

plate tectonic crossword puzzle
  1. - Name of the supercontinent in the idea of continental drift that our continents today were all joined together to form. Covered about one third of Earth’s surface.
  2. - When the force of gravity moves a plate downward and away from the ridge.
  3. Convection (Current) - The movement of a fluid in the mantle, caused by differences in density and temperature, that transfers heat from one part of the fluid to another. Drives tectonic plate motion.
  4. The layer of hot, solid material between Earth's crust and core. contains more dense elements than the crust such as magnesium and iron.
  5. the division division of the Earth into different layers based on their physical properties. lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, inner core of the Earth into different layers based on their physical properties. lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, inner core
  6. Zone - an area where oceanic crust sinks beneath continental crust at a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary.
  7. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle. broken into pieces called tectonic plates.
  8. - Gravitational force pulling a tectonic plate as it subducts deep into the mantle.
  9. The soft viscous layer of the upper mantle on which the lithosphere floats.
  10. of Plate Tectonics - States that Earth’s lithosphere is broken into huge, moving slabs of rock driven by convection currents in the mantle.
  1. Reversal - A switch in the direction of Earth’s magnetic field so that the magnetic north pole becomes the magnetic south pole and the magnetic south pole becomes the magnetic north pole.
  2. - The geologist that used sonar to discover seafloor spreading at a mid ocean ridge.
  3. - (1880-1930): Continental drift (1915) hypothesized that the continents were slowly drifting around the Earth. His hypothesis was not accepted until the 1950’s, when numerous discoveries provided conclusive evidence (plate tectonics).
  4. The strong, lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core
  5. - The hypothesis that today’s continents were once part of a single land mass (Pangaea) and drifted to their present day location.
  6. The central part of the earth below the mantle, contains the most dense elements of Earth's interior.
  7. Spreading - The process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises toward the surface and solidifies.
  8. Earth's outermost layer, made of primarily less dense materials called silicates. Classified as oceanic and continental crust.
  9. crust, mantle, core based on chemical makeup of matter
  10. - Slabs of continental and oceanic crust that move slowly on top of the asthenosphere.

20 Clues: crust, mantle, core based on chemical makeup of matter- When the force of gravity moves a plate downward and away from the ridge.The soft viscous layer of the upper mantle on which the lithosphere floats.The strong, lower part of the mantle between the asthenosphere and the outer core...

jj 2023-10-22

jj crossword puzzle
  1. Wegener
  2. Crust
  3. Time Scale
  4. Tectonics
  1. Ridge
  2. Hypothesis

6 Clues: RidgeCrustWegenerTectonicsHypothesisTime Scale

Plate teconics 2014-01-21

Plate teconics crossword puzzle
  1. a hill or mountain that has magma in it
  2. boundary two plates collide
  3. land that has been elevated
  4. the place we live
  5. boundary where two plates slide past each other
  6. plates portion of earths crust that lies beneath the oceans
  7. ocean ridge an underwater mountain system
  8. floor spreading process that occur at mid ocean ridges
  1. the second layer of the earth
  2. drift alfred wegeners hypothesis that continents were on joined together
  3. spot a place that is not at a plate boundary
  4. plates portion of earths crust that lies above sea level
  5. boundary two plates move away from each other
  6. energy travelling as waves passing through earth
  7. another word for lava
  8. valley a valley created by divergent plates
  9. of plate tectonics a theory that explains how the continents separated
  10. a giant and dangerous wave
  11. basin a geological basin found in the sea

19 Clues: the place we liveanother word for lavaa giant and dangerous waveboundary two plates collideland that has been elevatedthe second layer of the eartha hill or mountain that has magma in itbasin a geological basin found in the seaocean ridge an underwater mountain systemvalley a valley created by divergent plates...

Tectonic Vocabulary 2023-09-25

Tectonic Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. - the degree of compactness of a substance determined by the mass/volume.
  2. - thin, more dense crust that may subduct in a collision.
  3. - the scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of plates and the interactions between
  4. - string of volcanoes and earthquakes around the edges of the Pacific Ocean. 90% of all
  5. - two diverging tectonic plates where new crust forms from upwelling magma. It creates the
  1. - process where one tectonic plate slides beneath another.
  2. - created when Earth tectonics plates move apart and can be found on both land and water.
  3. and 75% of all active volcanoes on Earth occur here.
  4. - Depressions of the sea floor, narrow in width, but very long. Deepest parts of the ocean floor.
  5. - plate boundary where two plates divide, move apart.
  6. mountain chain in the world.
  7. - plate boundary where two plates slide parallel against one another.
  8. - thicker, less dense crust that makes up land. Does not subduct.
  9. - plate boundary where two plates collide, come together.

14 Clues: mountain chain in the world.and 75% of all active volcanoes on Earth occur here.- plate boundary where two plates divide, move apart.- thin, more dense crust that may subduct in a collision.- plate boundary where two plates collide, come together.- process where one tectonic plate slides beneath another....

Earthquakes 2016-03-04

Earthquakes crossword puzzle
  1. third layer of the earth
  2. innermost layer of the earth
  3. primary wave that travels back and fourth through the earth
  4. controls plate tectonics
  5. tectonic plates slide
  6. second layer of the earth
  7. supercontenint about 225 million years ago
  1. secondary wave that travels in a snake like shape
  2. divide
  3. collide
  4. outermost layer of the earth
  5. where earthquake and volcanoes occur most

12 Clues: dividecollidetectonic plates slidethird layer of the earthcontrols plate tectonicssecond layer of the earthinnermost layer of the earthoutermost layer of the earthwhere earthquake and volcanoes occur mostsupercontenint about 225 million years agosecondary wave that travels in a snake like shape...

techtonic plates 2021-12-11

techtonic plates crossword puzzle
  1. ocean mountain ranges split down the middle
  2. a type of fault where the crust sideways past eachother
  3. the process in which crust pushes downward into the mantle at the fault line
  4. a super continent
  5. movement of the ocean crust
  6. the plate boundry where the plates slowly collide into each other
  7. first person to build a scientific case to support the theory of the continental drift
  1. the branch of geology that deals with the movement that shapes earths crust
  2. v-shaped valleys that are the deepest parts of the oceans
  3. the preserved remains of anicient, once living organisms
  4. a type of plate boundry where the plates slowly move
  5. a large part of the earths crust that slowly moves
  6. the uppermost solid part of Earths crust

13 Clues: a super continentmovement of the ocean crustthe uppermost solid part of Earths crustocean mountain ranges split down the middlea large part of the earths crust that slowly movesa type of plate boundry where the plates slowly movea type of fault where the crust sideways past eachotherthe preserved remains of anicient, once living organisms...

Plate tectonics/Earth layers 2014-10-11

Plate tectonics/Earth layers crossword puzzle
  1. synonym for change
  2. theory that explains that continents are not stationary, but move across the Earth's surface is ______ drift theory.
  3. when plates move towards each other
  4. movement of two oceanic plates away from each other
  5. movement of plates because of hot liquid under surface rising
  1. great _______ rift is like a mid-ocean ridge.
  2. plates move away from each other
  3. The lithosphere, which is the rigid outermost shell of a planet, is broken up into ________.
  4. a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake
  5. ____of plate tectonics that says the Earth's lithosphere is divided into about 12 large plates.
  6. when plate goes under another plate
  7. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction
  8. A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving away from each other and new crust is forming from magma that rises to the Earth's surface between the two plates is a ______boundary
  9. a long, narrow, deep depression in the ocean floor

14 Clues: synonym for changeplates move away from each otherwhen plates move towards each otherwhen plate goes under another platea long high sea wave caused by an earthquakegreat _______ rift is like a mid-ocean ridge.a long, narrow, deep depression in the ocean floormovement of two oceanic plates away from each other...

Unit 7 Project 2017-01-25

Unit 7 Project crossword puzzle
  1. Core-A sphere of hot solid metal
  2. Plates-Thick plates made of andesite and granite that form the Earth
  3. Plate-Occurs when two plates slide past each other
  4. Currents-Caused by very hot hot material at the deepest part of the mantle rising then cooling,sinking again then heating rising and repeating
  5. the plates of the lithosphere float or slide a top, a thin semi-solid layer in the upper mantle
  6. Plate-Occurs when two plates move away from each other
  1. Plate-Earth's surface is broken into large pieces that move over the asthenosphere
  2. most layer of the Earth made of the crust of the solid portion of the upper mantle
  3. Continent
  4. Core- Liquid metal that surrounds the Inner Corenner Core-A sphere of hot solid metal
  5. Plates-Thin plates that are made of baseaet that form the ocean floor and are denser that continental plates
  6. thick layer that surrounds the core and is made up of hot but mostly sold material
  7. Plate-Occurs when two plates move towards each other and collide
  8. of Plate Tectonics-Scientific theory explaining how the pates move on Earth's surface
  9. layer of solid rock that surrounds the Earths surface

15 Clues: ContinentCore-A sphere of hot solid metalPlate-Occurs when two plates slide past each otherlayer of solid rock that surrounds the Earths surfacePlate-Occurs when two plates move away from each otherPlate-Occurs when two plates move towards each other and collidePlates-Thick plates made of andesite and granite that form the Earth...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2021-04-19

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Molten rocks
  2. Movement of the lithospheric plate
  3. Earth crust that is thinner but denser
  4. The innermost layer of the earth
  5. When the oceanic lithosphere of a tectonic plate converges with the less dense lithosphere of a second plate the heavier plate dives beneath the second plate and sinks into the mantle.
  6. The break in a rock along which movement has occurred
  1. The vibration of the Earth due to the release of tremendous energy
  2. A rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object such as Earth, that allows hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below the surface.
  3. The outermost rigid layer of the earth consists of the crust and upper mantle
  4. Borderline

10 Clues: BorderlineMolten rocksThe innermost layer of the earthMovement of the lithospheric plateEarth crust that is thinner but denserThe break in a rock along which movement has occurredThe vibration of the Earth due to the release of tremendous energyThe outermost rigid layer of the earth consists of the crust and upper mantle...

Plate Tectonics Project 2022-02-28

Plate Tectonics Project crossword puzzle
  1. had once been joined
  2. when the oceanic plate goes underneath the continental creating volcanoes
  3. where two boundary are moving towards each other
  4. The first name of the scientist who came up with the theory of plate tectonics.
  1. where plates slide apart from each other
  2. the upper mantle
  3. is broken into 8 major plates
  4. that move slowly over the lower mantle
  5. where plates slide past each other

9 Clues: the upper mantlehad once been joinedis broken into 8 major plateswhere plates slide past each otherthat move slowly over the lower mantlewhere plates slide apart from each otherwhere two boundary are moving towards each otherwhen the oceanic plate goes underneath the continental creating volcanoes...

Plate tectonics/Earth layers 2014-10-11

Plate tectonics/Earth layers crossword puzzle
  1. The lithosphere, which is the rigid outermost shell of a planet, is broken up into ________.
  2. a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake
  3. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction
  4. great _______ rift is like a mid-ocean ridge.
  5. plates move away from each other
  6. a long, narrow, deep depression in the ocean floor
  7. movement of plates because of hot liquid under surface rising
  1. synonym for change
  2. movement of two oceanic plates away from each other
  3. when plates move towards each other
  4. theory that explains that continents are not stationary, but move across the Earth's surface is ______ drift theory.
  5. when plate goes under another plate
  6. A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving away from each other and new crust is forming from magma that rises to the Earth's surface between the two plates is a ______boundary
  7. ____of plate tectonics that says the Earth's lithosphere is divided into about 12 large plates.

14 Clues: synonym for changeplates move away from each otherwhen plates move towards each otherwhen plate goes under another platea long high sea wave caused by an earthquakegreat _______ rift is like a mid-ocean ridge.a long, narrow, deep depression in the ocean floormovement of two oceanic plates away from each other...

vocab 2024-03-27

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. of fire- ring of volcanoes the pacific plate
  2. boundary-boundary formed by collison of 2
  3. where tectonics plates meet
  4. crash collision
  1. landmass that existed when all continents
  2. joined together
  3. plate-the broken up piece of the lithospehre

7 Clues: joined togethercrash collisionwhere tectonics plates meetlandmass that existed when all continentsboundary-boundary formed by collison of 2of fire- ring of volcanoes the pacific plateplate-the broken up piece of the lithospehre

Plate Tectonic Geo20 Sadie 2021-09-22

Plate Tectonic Geo20 Sadie crossword puzzle
  1. person who developed the theory of continental drift
  2. theory that states the earth is made up of 13-20
  3. the layer plate tectonics move very slowly on
  1. result of plate tectonic movement
  2. result of plate tectonic movement
  3. evidence of continental drift which involves glaciers
  4. super-continent
  5. 90% of earths earthquakes happen here
  6. evidence of continental drift which involves animals

9 Clues: super-continentresult of plate tectonic movementresult of plate tectonic movement90% of earths earthquakes happen herethe layer plate tectonics move very slowly ontheory that states the earth is made up of 13-20person who developed the theory of continental driftevidence of continental drift which involves animals...

Formation of The Grand Canyon 2024-03-19

Formation of The Grand Canyon crossword puzzle
  1. What the bands of red rock are doing
  2. plate tectonics rocks high and flat
  3. What happened to the top layer of rock
  4. What the Grand Canyon is
  5. The river which helped form the Grand Canyon
  6. How many years ago the Grand Canyon start to form
  1. Upper most layer of rock at the Grand Canyon
  2. Where the Grand Canyon formed
  3. Plateau The plate that caused the Grand Canyon
  4. What type of history is the Grand Canyon

10 Clues: What the Grand Canyon isWhere the Grand Canyon formedplate tectonics rocks high and flatWhat the bands of red rock are doingWhat happened to the top layer of rockWhat type of history is the Grand CanyonUpper most layer of rock at the Grand CanyonThe river which helped form the Grand CanyonPlateau The plate that caused the Grand Canyon...

Tectonic plates 2017-02-09

Tectonic plates crossword puzzle
  1. tectonics- a theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust and many associated phenomena as resulting from the interaction of rigid lithospheric plates that move slowly over the underlying mantle.
  2. spreading- process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity
  3. the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise, and colder, denser material to sink under the influence of gravity
  4. boundary- is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.
  5. the study of the record of the Earth's magnetic field in rocks
  6. boundary- is an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of the lithosphere move toward one another and collide.
  7. Ring of Fire- a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur
  8. Zone- is a region of the Earth's crust where tectonic plates meet
  9. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  10. crust- uppermost layer of the oceanic portion of a tectonic plate
  11. boundary- is a type of fault whose relative motion is predominantly horizontal
  1. the upper layer of the earth's mantle
  2. crust- the relatively thick part of the earth's crust that forms the large landmasses. It is generally older and more complex than the oceanic crust.
  3. a crack split, or break in something.
  4. ridges- an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics
  5. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  6. a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust
  7. Arc- a curved chain of volcanic islands located at a tectonic plate margin, typically with a deep ocean trench on the convex side.
  8. Supercontient

19 Clues: Supercontientthe upper layer of the earth's mantlea crack split, or break in something.the study of the record of the Earth's magnetic field in rocksridges- an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonicsZone- is a region of the Earth's crust where tectonic plates meetcrust- uppermost layer of the oceanic portion of a tectonic plate...

Earth And Space 2017-01-18

Earth And Space crossword puzzle
  1. with regard to the sun
  2. of the four divisions the year marked by particular
  3. tectonics-the dynamics of plate movement
  4. Diagram-graph showing the absolute magnitude plotted against the
  5. an observe on earth
  6. Systems-the condition of one area at a particular time
  7. alternate rising and falling of the sea , usually twice in
  8. each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of
  9. Phases-the shape of the illuminated portion of the moon as seen
  1. distribution of parts of features on the surface or
  2. temperature for a group of stars
  3. Cycle Of A Star-nebula cloud of gas
  4. an organ organism
  5. moon and sun

14 Clues: moon and sunan organ organisman observe on earthwith regard to the suntemperature for a group of starsCycle Of A Star-nebula cloud of gastectonics-the dynamics of plate movementdistribution of parts of features on the surface orof the four divisions the year marked by particularSystems-the condition of one area at a particular time...

Unit 7 Project 2017-01-25

Unit 7 Project crossword puzzle
  1. Currents-Caused by very hot hot material at the deepest part of the mantle rising then cooling,sinking again then heating rising and repeating
  2. Core-A sphere of hot solid metal
  3. Plate-Occurs when two plates move towards each other and collide
  4. Plate-Earth's surface is broken into large pieces that move over the asthenosphere
  5. the plates of the lithosphere float or slide a top, a thin semi-solid layer in the upper mantle
  6. layer of solid rock that surrounds the Earths surface
  7. Core- Liquid metal that surrounds the Inner Corenner Core-A sphere of hot solid metal
  1. Plate-Occurs when two plates slide past each other
  2. of Plate Tectonics-Scientific theory explaining how the pates move on Earth's surface
  3. thick layer that surrounds the core and is made up of hot but mostly sold material
  4. Plates-Thick plates made of andesite and granite that form the Earth
  5. Plate-Occurs when two plates move away from each other
  6. Continent
  7. most layer of the Earth made of the crust of the solid portion of the upper mantle
  8. Plates-Thin plates that are made of baseaet that form the ocean floor and are denser that continental plates

15 Clues: ContinentCore-A sphere of hot solid metalPlate-Occurs when two plates slide past each otherlayer of solid rock that surrounds the Earths surfacePlate-Occurs when two plates move away from each otherPlate-Occurs when two plates move towards each other and collidePlates-Thick plates made of andesite and granite that form the Earth...

Tectonic Plates 2024-08-28

Tectonic Plates crossword puzzle
  1. Pulling rocks apart.
  2. Study of movement in the Earth.
  3. Crack in the Earth’s surface.
  4. Related to earthquake vibrations.
  5. Layer of thick rock under the crust.
  6. Dangerous natural events.
  7. Large sections of Earth's surface.
  8. Squeezing rocks together.
  9. Deep hole in the ocean floor.
  10. Edges where tectonic plates meet.
  1. Raising of land.
  2. Opening that lets out lava.
  3. How tectonic plates shift.
  4. Force on rocks that changes them.
  5. Underwater mountain range.
  6. The outer surface of the Earth.
  7. Tectonics Theory of moving Earth plates.
  8. Flat areas that are high up.
  9. Earth's solid outer layer.
  10. Change in shape of rocks.

20 Clues: Raising of land.Pulling rocks apart.Dangerous natural events.Change in shape of rocks.Squeezing rocks together.How tectonic plates shift.Underwater mountain range.Earth's solid outer layer.Opening that lets out lava.Flat areas that are high up.Crack in the Earth’s surface.Deep hole in the ocean floor.Study of movement in the Earth....

Geosphere and Atmosphere Review 2021-10-12

Geosphere and Atmosphere Review crossword puzzle
  1. When one plate moves under another.
  2. the layer where airplanes and hot air balloon can fly within that layer.
  3. tectonic plates slide past each other.
  4. where the northern lights occur
  5. two plates are moving towards each other
  1. Location of the Ozone Layer
  2. Location of Spaceships
  3. Name of the supercontinent, before the process of plate tectonics separated each of the component continents into their current configuration.
  4. Protects use from UV Lights radiation
  5. the layer where meteors burn

10 Clues: Location of SpaceshipsLocation of the Ozone Layerthe layer where meteors burnwhere the northern lights occurWhen one plate moves under another.Protects use from UV Lights radiationtectonic plates slide past each other.two plates are moving towards each otherthe layer where airplanes and hot air balloon can fly within that layer....

vocab 2024-03-27

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. of fire- ring of volcanoes the pacific plate
  2. boundary-boundary formed by collison of 2
  3. where tectonics plates meet
  4. crash collision
  1. landmass that existed when all continents
  2. joined together
  3. plate-the broken up piece of the lithospehre

7 Clues: joined togethercrash collisionwhere tectonics plates meetlandmass that existed when all continentsboundary-boundary formed by collison of 2of fire- ring of volcanoes the pacific plateplate-the broken up piece of the lithospehre

Vocab list 3 2022-03-02

Vocab list 3 crossword puzzle
  1. the upper most portion of Earth
  2. region
  3. similar to cultural aspects
  4. power over places like canada and mexico
  5. map in your head,not on paper
  6. destiny similar to population
  7. Coordinates
  8. organization amazon
  9. process alters earths physical system
  1. area
  2. birds do this
  3. the kids who do science olympiad needed to gather there ------
  4. pyramid a graph showing how many people are females and males in a specific area
  5. nuclei model cities are typically built like this
  6. townships
  7. a government organization
  8. tectonics earths rigid slabs
  9. resource oil
  10. hazard natural disasters
  11. --- day friday
  12. feature rivers,mountains,peninsulas on a map
  13. helps with pricing of things the u.s gets from places like china

22 Clues: arearegiontownshipsCoordinatesresource oilbirds do this--- day fridayorganization amazonhazard natural disastersa government organizationsimilar to cultural aspectstectonics earths rigid slabsmap in your head,not on paperdestiny similar to populationthe upper most portion of Earthprocess alters earths physical system...

Plate Tectonics 2024-01-18

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Proposed the theory of continental drift
  2. When two plates slide past each other
  3. Moves the earth's crust
  4. The amount per unit volume
  1. An area where two or more tectonic plates meet
  2. The transfer of heat caused by molecular motion in liquid or gas
  3. When two plates go away from each other
  4. When two plates collide to make a mountain
  5. Proposed the theory of continental drift
  6. When a plate goes under another plate

10 Clues: Moves the earth's crustThe amount per unit volumeWhen a plate goes under another plateWhen two plates slide past each otherWhen two plates go away from each otherProposed the theory of continental driftProposed the theory of continental driftWhen two plates collide to make a mountainAn area where two or more tectonic plates meet...

P6 Crossword Puzzle 2021-10-16

P6 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The Mariana ________ in the Pacific Ocean is the deepest landform on Earth.
  2. Scientists were able to determine the age of the ocean floor and create ________ maps.
  3. By the late 1960s, the concepts of continental drift and seafloor spreading led to a more complete ________ called plate tectonics.
  4. Molten rock below Earth's surface is called ________.
  5. The mid-Atlantic ________ is the youngest part of the ocean.
  6. As the ________ continues to spread apart, the older oceanic crust moves away from the mid-ocean ridge and sinks at ocean trenches.
  7. Ocean ________ are deep underwater troughs on the seafloor.
  8. As we get closer to land, the age of the seafloor gets ________.
  1. These isochron maps revealed an interesting ________.
  2. Seafloor ________ is the process by which new oceanic crust continuously forms along mid-ocean ridges and is destroyed at ocean trenches.
  3. There are vast ________ ranges deep below the ocean's surface called mid-ocean ridges.
  4. The theory of plate ________ states that Earth's surface is made of rigid slabs of rock, or plates, that move with respect to each other.
  5. An echo sounder produces sound ________ that travel from a ship to the seafloor and back.
  6. The ________ part of the ocean is in the middle, shown in red.
  7. When magma erupts onto Earth's surface it is called ________.
  8. Because tectonic ________ move very slowly, most changes to Earth's surface take a long time.
  9. Tectonic plates move very ________, only 1.9 cm per year.

17 Clues: These isochron maps revealed an interesting ________.Molten rock below Earth's surface is called ________.Tectonic plates move very ________, only 1.9 cm per year.Ocean ________ are deep underwater troughs on the seafloor.The mid-Atlantic ________ is the youngest part of the ocean.When magma erupts onto Earth's surface it is called ________....

vocab 2024-03-27

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. of fire- ring of volcanoes the pacific plate
  2. boundary-boundary formed by collison of 2
  3. where tectonics plates meet
  4. crash collision
  1. landmass that existed when all continents
  2. joined together
  3. plate-the broken up piece of the lithospehre

7 Clues: joined togethercrash collisionwhere tectonics plates meetlandmass that existed when all continentsboundary-boundary formed by collison of 2of fire- ring of volcanoes the pacific plateplate-the broken up piece of the lithospehre

Mountain crossword 2016-04-07

Mountain crossword crossword puzzle
  1. mountains: formed by the raising of huge blocks on Earth's surface relative to neighboring blocks
  2. spreading apart of the continents, formed mountain ranges
  3. help form mountains or are dormant and become one
  4. a place where sections of the crust of the Earth move relative to each other
  5. ranges: a group of mountains in a single area
  6. eroded remnants of this form mountains
  1. tectonics: theory that the lithosphere is divided up into several several plates
  2. lowering of the Earth's crust
  3. push together to form mountains
  4. boundaries: plate boundary that causes mountains to from
  5. A large hill
  6. Olympus: tallest mountain in Greece
  7. Fuji: mountain in Japan

13 Clues: A large hillFuji: mountain in Japanlowering of the Earth's crustpush together to form mountainsOlympus: tallest mountain in Greeceeroded remnants of this form mountainsranges: a group of mountains in a single areahelp form mountains or are dormant and become oneboundaries: plate boundary that causes mountains to from...

Crossword Puzzle 2014-05-13

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. volcanoes allow ....... to escape the magma chamber
  2. includes both the crust and upper mantle (uppermost layer of the earth)
  3. objective measure of the strength of an earthquake
  4. scientist who studies earthquakes
  5. places where plates slide sideways past each other
  6. who proposed the theory of plate tectonics
  7. instrument that plots the intensity of earthquake waves
  8. type of volcano named for their broad shield-like profiles
  9. theory that explains how Earth's continents float slowly on the surface
  1. places where one plate slides beneath the other
  2. break or separation in rock
  3. rupture on crust of Earth
  4. layer beneath the crust
  5. point directly above the source of the earthquake
  6. places where plates pull apart from each other
  7. amount of energy released from an earthquake

16 Clues: layer beneath the crustrupture on crust of Earthbreak or separation in rockscientist who studies earthquakeswho proposed the theory of plate tectonicsamount of energy released from an earthquakeplaces where plates pull apart from each otherplaces where one plate slides beneath the otherpoint directly above the source of the earthquake...

The Bush 2016-05-20

The Bush crossword puzzle
  1. mountain that shoots out lava
  2. organism that no longer lives
  3. amount of sediment a river can hold
  4. solid rock outer layer
  5. animal without backbone
  6. curve in a river
  7. land form with high elevation
  8. loose dead leaves
  9. proof for something
  10. a time period
  11. a living thing
  1. Big Land Masses
  2. body of water
  3. studys fossils
  4. a destruction that shakes land by plate tectonics
  5. micheal jordans middle name
  6. planet we live on
  7. warm blooded animal
  8. large mass of moving ice
  9. water,wind,ice, and rock moves weathered rock and soil
  10. large channel in soil

21 Clues: body of watera time periodstudys fossilsa living thingBig Land Massescurve in a riverplanet we live onloose dead leaveswarm blooded animalproof for somethinglarge channel in soilsolid rock outer layeranimal without backbonelarge mass of moving icemicheal jordans middle namemountain that shoots out lavaorganism that no longer lives...

plate boundaries 2023-02-13

plate boundaries crossword puzzle
  1. rive the movement of Earth's rigid tectonic plates in the planet's fluid molten mantle
  2. pulls apart
  3. long, seismically active submarine ridge system situated in the middle of an ocean basin
  4. a theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust and many associated phenomena as resulting from the interaction of rigid lithospheric plates which move slowly over the underlying mantle.
  1. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate
  2. lava/magma
  3. ground shaking
  4. different segments of the earth
  5. collide into each other
  6. slides past each other

10 Clues: lava/magmapulls apartground shakingslides past each othercollide into each otherdifferent segments of the earthrive the movement of Earth's rigid tectonic plates in the planet's fluid molten mantlelong, seismically active submarine ridge system situated in the middle of an ocean basin...

15 terms and definitions 2021-12-15

15 terms and definitions crossword puzzle
  1. zone/The process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
  2. layer of the Earth; it consists of two layers - the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  3. boundary/A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other
  4. Wegener/The layer of rock that forms the Earth's outer surface
  5. Drift/Alfred Wegener's hypothesis that the continents were once one huge land mass but have since then drifted apart
  6. ridge/The undersea mountain mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced; a divergent plate boundary
  7. soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats
  8. spreading/The process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor
  9. break or crack in the Earth's lithosphere along which rocks move
  10. of Plate Tectonics/Theory that pieces of the Earth's lithosphere are in motion,driven by convection currents in the mantle
  11. core/A layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of the Earth
  1. boundary/A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other
  2. /The name of the single landmass that broke apart about 225 million years ago
  3. boundary/A plate boundary where two plates grind against each other, moving it different directions
  4. currents/Cause the plates to move; between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  5. core/Dense ball of solid material at the center of the Earth
  6. deep canyon on the ocean floor
  7. rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust
  8. valley/A deep valley where two plates move apart
  9. layer of rock that forms the Earth's outer surface

20 Clues: deep canyon on the ocean floorvalley/A deep valley where two plates move apartlayer of rock that forms the Earth's outer surfacesoft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floatscore/Dense ball of solid material at the center of the EarthWegener/The layer of rock that forms the Earth's outer surface...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2022-11-13

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Where two plates crash together, __ are pushed up.
  2. A __ valley forms at the place where two continental plates pull apart.
  3. The earth's landmasses and oceans sit on top of the tectonic plates.
  4. When two tectonic plates move away from each other, the boundary between them is called a __ boundary.
  5. Plate tectonics is the study of the movement of earth's __.
  6. What lies on top of the asthenosphere?
  7. A __ zone is where a continental plate and an oceanic plate collide, forcing the oceanic plate under the less dense continental plate.
  8. A __ collision occurs when two continental plates collide, pushing the continental crust up to form mountains.
  9. Which type of scientist studies the Earth?
  10. Theory explains how _ drifted.
  1. Is the layer of the Earth that is soft because it is almost, but not quite melted.
  2. When the molten magma meets the material of the lithosphere, it moves across the surface which way?
  3. Heat causes the magma to rise up in the __.
  4. Volcanoes and earthquakes occur at plate ___ too.
  5. What causes plates to move?
  6. New Crust is created when the seafloor moves apart. New magma continuously rises up to fill in the space. This process is called __ spreading.
  7. The lithosphere is __ and firm.
  8. Movement of plates changes the __ of the earth.
  9. When two tectonic plates push into each other, the place the two plates meet is called a __ boundary.
  10. When two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally, the boundary between them is called a __ boundary.
  11. Geologists believe the Earth's plates move about on the asthenosphere like __ in a pan of hot water.
  12. Over __ of years, the plates change in size and shapes.

22 Clues: What causes plates to move?Theory explains how _ drifted.The lithosphere is __ and firm.What lies on top of the asthenosphere?Which type of scientist studies the Earth?Heat causes the magma to rise up in the __.Movement of plates changes the __ of the earth.Volcanoes and earthquakes occur at plate ___ too....

Earthquakes and Volcanoes 2023-01-10

Earthquakes and Volcanoes crossword puzzle
  1. ridge The undersea mountain mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced; a divergent plate boundary
  2. boundary A plate boundary where two plates grind against each other, moving it in different directions
  3. boundary A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other
  4. A soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats
  5. zone The process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
  6. A break or crack in the Earth's lithosphere along which rocks move
  7. A rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust
  8. boundary A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other
  9. Thickest layer of the Earth; it consists of two layers - the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  10. spreading The process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor
  11. The layer of rock that forms the Earth's outer surface
  1. currents Cause the plates to move; between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  2. Wegener German Scientist who developed the Theory of the Continental Drift in 1912.
  3. core Dense ball of solid material at the center of he Earth
  4. The name of the single landmass that broke apart about 225 million years ago
  5. valley A deep valley where two plates move apart
  6. Drift Alfred Wegener's hypothesis that the continents were once one huge land mass but have since then drifted apart
  7. A deep canyon on the ocean floor
  8. core A layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of the Earth
  9. of Plate Tectonics Theory that pieces of the Earth's lithosphere are in motion,driven by convection currents in the mantle

20 Clues: A deep canyon on the ocean floorvalley A deep valley where two plates move apartThe layer of rock that forms the Earth's outer surfaceA soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floatscore Dense ball of solid material at the center of he Earthboundary A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other...

tectonic plate 2022-03-23

tectonic plate crossword puzzle
  1. a fault-bounded area or region with a distinctive stratigraphy, structure, and geological history.
  2. the upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere.
  3. arcs/ a curved chain of volcanic islands located at a tectonic plate margin.
  4. when one tectonic plate moves under another.
  5. sudden movement along faults within the Earth.
  6. the relatively thin part of the earth's crust which underlies the ocean basins.
  7. Earth's tectonic plates converge
  8. a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras
  9. The heat from radioactive processes within the planet's interior
  1. fault boundaries/ plates slide past one another without the production or destruction of crust.
  2. one of the large pieces of the surface of the earth that move separately.
  3. This occurs when plates move towards each other and collide.
  4. he rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  5. occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other.
  6. break apart or become separated through faulting caused by plate tectonics.
  7. mountain ranges/ mid-ocean ridge.

16 Clues: Earth's tectonic plates convergemountain ranges/ mid-ocean ridge.when one tectonic plate moves under another.sudden movement along faults within the Earth.occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other.This occurs when plates move towards each other and collide.the upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere....

week 6 2017-09-19

week 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Were two plates come apart
  2. Not acting normal
  3. Preventing sothing that will go wrong
  4. tectonics The theory Their are picies in the earth
  5. Destoying chemicals slowly
  1. A duty
  2. breaks in earth crust
  3. When two plates silp apart
  4. When two playtes come apart
  5. A young kid with grate skill

10 Clues: A dutyNot acting normalbreaks in earth crustWhen two plates silp apartWere two plates come apartDestoying chemicals slowlyWhen two playtes come apartA young kid with grate skillPreventing sothing that will go wrongtectonics The theory Their are picies in the earth

Layer of the Earth 2022-01-05

Layer of the Earth crossword puzzle
  1. land or ground
  2. inner middle of the earth
  3. theory of the lithosphere
  4. plates pushing away from each other
  5. plates pulling away from each other
  6. the top part of the mantle
  7. oceanic crust
  1. outer middle of the earth
  2. top layer
  3. the rigid outer part
  4. ridge system in the middle of the ocean
  5. seafloor
  6. the degree of compactness of a substance
  7. below the top layer
  8. super continent
  9. great depression in the ground
  10. sliding past each other
  11. the nature of something's ingredients or constituents

18 Clues: seafloortop layeroceanic crustland or groundsuper continentbelow the top layerthe rigid outer partsliding past each otherouter middle of the earthinner middle of the earththeory of the lithospherethe top part of the mantlegreat depression in the groundplates pushing away from each otherplates pulling away from each other...

Gael Duran 2023-03-06

Gael Duran crossword puzzle
  1. plate boundary is a linear feature that exists
  2. plate tectonics
  3. andreas a continental transform fault that extends roughly 1,200 kilometers
  4. large slabs of rock that divide Earth's crust
  5. a landform that rises at least 1,000 feet
  6. A planet with life
  1. This occurs when plates move towards each other and collide
  2. an opening in a planet or moon's crust through which molten rock
  3. of fire a string of volcanoes or earthquakes.
  4. floor The seabed (also known as the seafloor, sea floor.
  5. transform fault
  6. line a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock

12 Clues: plate tectonicstransform faultA planet with lifea landform that rises at least 1,000 feetlarge slabs of rock that divide Earth's crustplate boundary is a linear feature that existsof fire a string of volcanoes or earthquakes.floor The seabed (also known as the seafloor, sea floor.This occurs when plates move towards each other and collide...

UNIT 3 2018-04-18

UNIT 3 crossword puzzle
  1. related families
  2. A taxon composed of related phyla
  3. One or more kingdom
  4. smallest units of geological time
  5. scientist who studies fossil
  6. the grouping of objects or organisms
  7. related classes
  8. two or more periods
  9. a record of earths history
  10. similar related genera
  11. evidence of an organism
  1. dating measure the age of rocks
  2. longest unit of geological time
  3. identifying species
  4. related orders
  5. the movement of several large plates
  6. a named group of organisms
  7. two or more epochs
  8. Groups of species closely related
  9. life the time it takes for half the isotope to decay

20 Clues: related ordersrelated classesrelated familiestwo or more epochsOne or more kingdomidentifying speciestwo or more periodssimilar related generaevidence of an organisma named group of organismsa record of earths historyscientist who studies fossildating measure the age of rockslongest unit of geological timeA taxon composed of related phyla...

Tectonic Plates 2022-04-12

Tectonic Plates crossword puzzle
  1. boundaries Two tectonic plates moving away
  2. Molten rock
  3. boundaries Two tectonic plates come together
  1. zone One convergent plate is more dense than the other
  2. ocean ridge A seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics.
  3. magma
  4. boundaries Two plates slide past each other

7 Clues: magmaMolten rockboundaries Two tectonic plates moving awayboundaries Two plates slide past each otherboundaries Two tectonic plates come togetherzone One convergent plate is more dense than the otherocean ridge A seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics.

Vocab list 3 2022-03-02

Vocab list 3 crossword puzzle
  1. pyramid a graph showing how many people are females and males in a specific area
  2. organization amazon
  3. area
  4. --- day friday
  5. region
  6. feature rivers,mountains,peninsulas on a map
  7. resource oil
  8. helps with pricing of things the u.s gets from places like china
  9. Coordinates
  10. hazard natural disasters
  11. nuclei model cities are typically built like this
  12. power over places like canada and mexico
  1. the upper most portion of Earth
  2. townships
  3. map in your head,not on paper
  4. birds do this
  5. destiny similar to population
  6. the kids who do science olympiad needed to gather there ------
  7. process alters earths physical system
  8. a government organization
  9. tectonics earths rigid slabs
  10. similar to cultural aspects

22 Clues: arearegiontownshipsCoordinatesresource oilbirds do this--- day fridayorganization amazonhazard natural disastersa government organizationsimilar to cultural aspectstectonics earths rigid slabsmap in your head,not on paperdestiny similar to populationthe upper most portion of Earthprocess alters earths physical system...

plate boundaries 2023-02-13

plate boundaries crossword puzzle
  1. rive the movement of Earth's rigid tectonic plates in the planet's fluid molten mantle
  2. pulls apart
  3. long, seismically active submarine ridge system situated in the middle of an ocean basin
  4. a theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust and many associated phenomena as resulting from the interaction of rigid lithospheric plates which move slowly over the underlying mantle.
  1. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate
  2. lava/magma
  3. ground shaking
  4. different segments of the earth
  5. collide into each other
  6. slides past each other

10 Clues: lava/magmapulls apartground shakingslides past each othercollide into each otherdifferent segments of the earthrive the movement of Earth's rigid tectonic plates in the planet's fluid molten mantlelong, seismically active submarine ridge system situated in the middle of an ocean basin...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2017-03-20

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A theory that the Earth is divided into small number of plates that causes the movements of the Earth's continents and countries
  2. Movements within the 2nd and 3rd layer of Earth due to the heat caused by the 4th and 5th layer or Earth
  3. Plates sliding pass each other
  4. Directly under the 2nd layer of Earth
  5. A geological feature consisting of a chain of mountains and hills
  6. It has the same quality as lava but it's underneath a volcano
  1. The first two layers of Earth out of five layers
  2. Plates moving part from each other
  3. Plates moving towards each other
  4. The 2nd and 3rd layer of Earth combined
  5. When one plates is forced to sink under another plate
  6. It is basically a landslide
  7. The first layer of Earth
  8. A long and narrow ditch

14 Clues: A long and narrow ditchThe first layer of EarthIt is basically a landslidePlates sliding pass each otherPlates moving towards each otherPlates moving part from each otherDirectly under the 2nd layer of EarthThe 2nd and 3rd layer of Earth combinedThe first two layers of Earth out of five layersWhen one plates is forced to sink under another plate...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2021-12-13

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. _______ shoot steam and water high into the air.
  2. ________ are magma plumes, which push up from the outercore/mantle.
  3. A ______________ is a pattern of volcanoes in a straight line due to the plate moving over a hotspot (ex: Hawaiian Islands).
  4. What boundary is when the plates move away from each other?
  5. _______ is a "super continent" created about 300 million years ago when all the continents were once connected.
  6. The Australian and Pacific plates are an example of a __________ plate boundary.
  1. ___________ shake the ground and occur along plate boundaries & volcanoes.
  2. The major discovery that was made by Alfred Wegener was called ________ spreading.
  3. What boundary is when the plates move towards each other?
  4. What layer of the Earth is made up of the upper mantle?
  5. What flies into the upper atmosphere that can lead us to lack of supplies, warmth, and sunlight after a volcano has erupted?
  6. What other than trenches do convergent boundary's create?
  7. What boundary is when the plates move alongside each other?
  8. Pillow ____ is a pillow shaped smooth rock formed from volcanoes in the ocean.
  9. What layer of the Earth is made up of the crust and uppermost part of the mantle?

15 Clues: _______ shoot steam and water high into the air.What layer of the Earth is made up of the upper mantle?What boundary is when the plates move towards each other?What other than trenches do convergent boundary's create?What boundary is when the plates move alongside each other?What boundary is when the plates move away from each other?...

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary 2023-01-13

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. spreading the hypothesis that new ocean crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges and destroyed at deep-sea trenches; occurs when in a continuous cycle of magma intrusion and spreading
  2. huge pieces of Earth’s crust that cover its surface and fit together at their edges
  3. Ancient landmass made up of all the continents that began to break apart 200 mya.
  4. fracture or system of fractures in Earth’s crust that occur when stress is applied too quickly or stress is to great; can form as a result of horizontal compression, horizontal shear, or horizontal tension.
  5. the change in elevation of the crust
  6. device used to map the ocean floor that detects small changes in magnetic fields.
  7. place where two tectonic plates slide horizontally past each another; is characterized by long faults and shallow earthquakes.
  8. places where two tectonic plates are moving apart: is associated with volcanism, earthquakes, and high heat flow, and is found primarily on the seafloor
  1. Wegner’s hypothesis that Earth’s Continents were joined as a single landmass, called Pangaea, that broke apart about 200 mya and slowly moved to their present positions.
  2. Boundary place where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other; associated with trenches, island arcs, and folded mountains.
  3. process by which one tectonic plate slips beneath another tectonic plate
  4. study of Earth’s magnetic record using data gathered from iron-bearing minerals in rocks that have recorded the orientation of Earth’s magnetic field at their time of formation.
  5. cycle of process that form all mountain ranges, resulting in board linear regions of deformation that you know as mountain rangers but in geology are called orogenic belts.
  6. describes all the process associated with the discharge of magma, hot water, and steam

14 Clues: the change in elevation of the crustprocess by which one tectonic plate slips beneath another tectonic plateAncient landmass made up of all the continents that began to break apart 200 mya.device used to map the ocean floor that detects small changes in magnetic fields....

Earthquakes and Volcanoes 2021-12-16

Earthquakes and Volcanoes crossword puzzle
  1. A break or crack in the Earth's lithosphere along which rocks move
  2. A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other
  3. A deep canyon on the ocean floor
  4. The layer of rock that forms the Earth's outer surface
  5. A layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of the Earth
  6. The process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor
  7. A rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust
  8. A deep valley where two plates move apart
  9. Dense ball of solid material at the center of the Earth
  10. A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other
  11. Thickest layer of the Earth; it consists of two layers - the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  12. Theory that pieces of the Earth's lithosphere are in motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle
  1. The name of the single landmass that broke apart about 225 million years ago
  2. German Scientist who developed the Theory of the Continental Drift in 1912.
  3. The undersea mountain chain where the new ocean floor is produced; a divergent plate boundary
  4. The process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
  5. Cause the plates to move; between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  6. A plate boundary where two plates grind against each other, moving it different directions
  7. Alfred Wegener's hypothesis that the continents were once one huge landmass but have since then drifted apart
  8. A soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats

20 Clues: A deep canyon on the ocean floorA deep valley where two plates move apartThe layer of rock that forms the Earth's outer surfaceDense ball of solid material at the center of the EarthA plate boundary where two plates move toward each otherA soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats...

Owen’s Plate Tectonics Crossword 2024-02-22

Owen’s Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 2 plates moving apart
  2. Plates under the ocean
  3. The theory that continents were once joined together in a single landmass and have since drifted apart.
  4. Where the less dense plate slides under the mor dense plate
  5. Hot magma rises to the surface then cools and falls back down to the core
  6. An underwater mountain system formed by plate tectonics where new oceanic crust is created through volcanic activity
  7. The denser layer below the Lithosphere
  8. Parts of the earth that come up and create large masses of land
  9. 2 plates merging together
  10. what comes out of a volcano
  1. Plates under the continents
  2. The deepest points in the ocean
  3. Boundary between 2 plates sliding past each other which causes…
  4. The Earths upper mantle and crust
  5. Lava comes from a certain mountain with a big hole on top
  6. A linear-shaped lowland between several highlands or mountain ranges created by the action of a divergent boundary
  7. Cracks in the earth's crust along which there is movement
  8. 2 plates sliding against each other and creates friction
  9. The broken up lithosphere, moving around and shifting
  10. 2 oceanic plates moving apart

20 Clues: 2 plates moving apartPlates under the ocean2 plates merging togetherPlates under the continentswhat comes out of a volcano2 oceanic plates moving apartThe deepest points in the oceanThe Earths upper mantle and crustThe denser layer below the LithosphereThe broken up lithosphere, moving around and shifting...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2023-06-22

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. (instruments used to record the motion of the ground during an earthquake)
  2. (an opening in the Earth's crust through which lava, ash, and gases erupt)
  3. Waves (an elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means)
  4. Plate Boundary (occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other)
  5. (long, narrow depressions on the seafloor)
  6. (a concentration or centring of attention on a stimulus)
  7. (a planar fracture or discontinuity in a volume of rock across which there has been significant displacement as a result of rock-mass movements)
  8. Convection (Mantle convection describes the movement of the mantle as it transfers heat from the white-hot core to the brittle lithosphere)
  9. (the great size or extent of something)
  1. (a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.)
  2. ridges (a sea floor mountain system formed by plate tectonics) floor spreading (process in which tectonic plates split apart from each other)
  3. of Plate Tectonic (Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the Earth's rocky inner layer above the soft core)
  4. Plate Boundary (when two plates come together)
  5. Push (The newly-formed plates slide sideways off these high areas, pushing the plate in front of them resulting in a _____-____ mechanism)
  6. Plate Boundary (occurs when two tectonic plates move past one another)
  7. (the location on the surface of the Earth directly above where the earthquake starts)
  8. Pull (The force exerted by the weight of the subducted slab on the plate it is attached to)

17 Clues: (the great size or extent of something)(long, narrow depressions on the seafloor)Plate Boundary (when two plates come together)(a concentration or centring of attention on a stimulus)Plate Boundary (occurs when two tectonic plates move past one another)(instruments used to record the motion of the ground during an earthquake)...

Earth Science 2012-11-14

Earth Science crossword puzzle
  1. by magma pushing through the the crust
  2. current of which hot air rises and cool air falls
  3. giant wave of which is caused by movement of the Earth underwater
  4. of North America, Europe and Asia
  5. scientist who had the theory of continental drift Alfred *******
  6. name of the single continent
  7. layer of which is approximatley 100km thick that convers the Earth
  8. type of movement where tectonic plates collide
  9. denser of the two crusts
  10. LINESCracks in the Earth's crust caused by plates sliding together
  1. process of which the forces of gravity pull the oceanic plate under the continential plate
  2. TECTONICS/The theory of the formation and movement of the plates that cover the Earth's surface
  3. by rapid movement of the ground and a rpaid release of energy as plates move
  4. type of movement where tectonic plates move away from each other
  5. instrument capable of of detecting plate movement not perciptible to humans
  6. layer of hot semi-solid rock material that the crust of the Earth floats on
  7. light crust made from aluminium and silicon
  8. continent of which South America, Australia, Antarctica and Africa once consisted of
  9. ******* magnitude scale was developed by Charles F *******
  10. DRIFT/The theory that the continents are all part of the single continent Pangeae

20 Clues: denser of the two crustsname of the single continentof North America, Europe and Asiaby magma pushing through the the crustlight crust made from aluminium and silicontype of movement where tectonic plates collidecurrent of which hot air rises and cool air falls******* magnitude scale was developed by Charles F *******...

Plate Tectonic Boundaries & Features 2023-10-26

Plate Tectonic Boundaries & Features crossword puzzle
  1. Originator of Continental Drift theory
  2. a long cut in the ground : ditch
  3. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle
  4. large slabs of rock that divide Earth's crust
  5. occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other
  6. an opening in the sea floor out of which heated mineral-rich water flows.
  7. places where plates slide sideways past each other
  8. the uppermost layer of the oceanic portion of the tectonic plates
  1. a tectonic plate that consists primarily of continental crust
  2. a seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics
  3. the continent we now know as North America was contiguous with Africa, South America, and Europe
  4. an area on Earth where two or more lithospheric plates collide
  5. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  6. the hypothesis that the Earth's continents have moved closer together over time
  7. a geologic process in which tectonic plates—large slabs of Earth's lithosphere—split apart from each other

15 Clues: a long cut in the ground : ditchOriginator of Continental Drift theorylarge slabs of rock that divide Earth's crustplaces where plates slide sideways past each othera seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonicsoccurs when two tectonic plates move away from each othera tectonic plate that consists primarily of continental crust...

Earth Science 2023-05-24

Earth Science crossword puzzle
  1. The mud flow from a volcano.
  2. Tectonic plates float on this layer of molten rock.
  3. Boundaries that occur when two plates pull apart.
  4. Rocks that are formed from magma.
  5. The height of the zig-zag line on a seismograph.
  6. Solid rock layer that we live on.
  7. AN instrument used to record an earthquake or the shaking of the ground.
  8. When a volcano has not recently erupted but could erupt again.
  9. Large portions of land on the earths surface.
  10. In the North Island this plate is subducting under the Australian plate.
  1. The first person to propose the theory of plate tectonics.
  2. Molten rock on the surface.
  3. This crust is dense and is found under the sea floor.
  4. These rocks form from grains of eroded rock or undecomposed plant or animal parts.
  5. Sticky airborne solids from explosive eruptions like a lava bomb.
  6. Wave that is caused by an earthquake.
  7. The inner and outer core are made up of molten iron and.
  8. This current is in the mantle and is caused by difference in temperature.
  9. The first landmass that existed.
  10. Crack formed when part of the crust breaks as it shifts.

20 Clues: Molten rock on the surface.The mud flow from a volcano.The first landmass that existed.Rocks that are formed from magma.Solid rock layer that we live on.Wave that is caused by an earthquake.Large portions of land on the earths surface.The height of the zig-zag line on a seismograph.Boundaries that occur when two plates pull apart....

Tectonic Plates 2021-12-17

Tectonic Plates crossword puzzle
  1. Plates that collide into one another
  2. A scientist who proposed the theory of plates tectonics
  1. Plates that separate from one another
  2. The theory that tectonic plates drift
  3. Plates that slide across each other
  4. Broken parts of the lithosphere
  5. A super continent that is formed when the continents are together

7 Clues: Broken parts of the lithospherePlates that slide across each otherPlates that collide into one anotherPlates that separate from one anotherThe theory that tectonic plates driftA scientist who proposed the theory of plates tectonicsA super continent that is formed when the continents are together

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2017-03-20

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When one plates is forced to sink under another plate
  2. sliding It is basically a landslide
  3. currents Movements within the 2nd and 3rd layer of Earth due to the heat caused by the 4th and 5th layer or Earth
  4. The first two layers of Earth out of five layers
  5. boundary Plates moving part from each other
  6. A long and narrow ditch
  7. It has the same quality as lava but it's underneath a volcano
  1. tectonic theory A theory that the Earth is divided into small number of plates that causes the movements of the Earth's continents and countries
  2. The 2nd and 3rd layer of Earth combined
  3. The first layer of Earth
  4. Directly under the 2nd layer of Earth
  5. boundary Plates moving towards each other
  6. boundary Plates sliding pass each other
  7. A geological feature consisting of a chain of mountains and hills

14 Clues: A long and narrow ditchThe first layer of Earthsliding It is basically a landslideDirectly under the 2nd layer of EarthThe 2nd and 3rd layer of Earth combinedboundary Plates sliding pass each otherboundary Plates moving towards each otherboundary Plates moving part from each otherThe first two layers of Earth out of five layers...

Plate Tectonics & Volcanoes 2021-02-09

Plate Tectonics & Volcanoes crossword puzzle
  1. Plates that collides are also called C______
  2. A volcano that erupts not as often
  3. A mix of volcanic ash and snow
  4. Island, Solid form of land above sea level
  5. A volcano that erupts regularly
  6. Plates that separate are also called D______
  1. What is the opening in the earths crust which magma reaches the surface
  2. When magma reaches the surface it forms L____
  3. The shape of a volcanic mountains
  4. The opening of a volcano top
  5. Energy created by hot water or steam deep n the Earths crust
  6. Ring of Fire, The most active Volcanic region in the world
  7. A volcano that never erupts
  8. Ocean Ridge. An underwater mountain range in the Atlantic Ocean

14 Clues: A volcano that never eruptsThe opening of a volcano topA mix of volcanic ash and snowA volcano that erupts regularlyThe shape of a volcanic mountainsA volcano that erupts not as oftenIsland, Solid form of land above sea levelPlates that collides are also called C______Plates that separate are also called D______...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2023-10-18

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The solid, outermost layer of the Earth that includes the crust and upper portion of the mantle.
  2. The hypothesis that suggests that the continents were once a single landmass and have since moved apart.
  3. The theory that explains the movement and interaction of the Earth's lithosphere (the rigid outer shell) and how it is divided into several large and small plates.
  4. The thin and solid outermost layer of the Earth.
  5. The process in which one tectonic plate is forced beneath another plate and sinks back into the mantle.
  6. place where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally.
  7. A long, narrow valley formed by the separation of tectonic plates. Formed when two continental plates diverge.
  1. The place where two tectonic plates move apart or separate.
  2. A mountain or hill that has a vent through which lava, gases, and other materials erupt from beneath the Earth's surface. Formed at convergent plate boundaries.
  3. A chain of island volcanoes that form when two oceanic plates converge.
  4. An underwater mountain range formed by volcanic activity where new oceanic crust is created. Formed when two oceanic plate boundaries diverge.
  5. The transfer of heat in a fluid (liquid or gas), caused by differences in temperature and density.
  6. The partially melted layer of the Earth located beneath the lithosphere.
  7. The place where two tectonic plates collide or come together.

14 Clues: The thin and solid outermost layer of the Earth.The place where two tectonic plates move apart or separate.The place where two tectonic plates collide or come where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally.A chain of island volcanoes that form when two oceanic plates converge....

Plate Tectonics Vocab 2023-12-01

Plate Tectonics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the boundary between 2 plates that slide past each other.
  2. Boundary between 2 plates that move away from each other.
  3. circulation of particles caused by differences in thermal energy and density.
  4. Theory that the Earth is broken into large, rigid pieces that move.
  5. When magnetic objects point North.
  6. Magma pushing plates in 2 different directions at a mid-ocean ridge
  7. A dense ocean plate sinking beneath a more buoyant plate at a subduction zone.
  1. The boundary between 2 plates that move toward each other
  2. the movement of Earth's continents over time.
  3. Long narrow mountain range on the ocean; formed by magma at divergent boundaries.
  4. The rigid outermost layer of the Earth; includes uppermost mantle and crust.
  5. Name given to a supercontinent that broke apart 200 mya
  6. an event that causes a magnetic field to reverse direction.
  7. The process of one plate moving under another.

14 Clues: When magnetic objects point North.the movement of Earth's continents over time.The process of one plate moving under another.Name given to a supercontinent that broke apart 200 myaThe boundary between 2 plates that move toward each otherthe boundary between 2 plates that slide past each other....

marlee chapter 7 2021-10-14

marlee chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic
  2. drift the gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface through geological time.
  3. proposed driving force for plate motion in plate tectonics that occurs at mid-ocean ridges
  1. the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise, and colder
  2. he sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  3. tectonics a theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust and many associated phenomena as resulting from the interaction of rigid lithospheric plates which move slowly over the underlying mantle.
  4. proposed driving force for plate motion in plate tectonics that occurs at mid-ocean ridges

7 Clues: was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoicproposed driving force for plate motion in plate tectonics that occurs at mid-ocean ridgesproposed driving force for plate motion in plate tectonics that occurs at mid-ocean ridges...

Plate tectonics 2014-05-11

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. plates that carry pieces of continental crust
  2. fractures in the Earth's crust
  3. solid outer shell of Earth
  4. lower mantle
  1. Move plates apart
  2. underground where the rock gives way in an earthquake
  3. wave of energy that happens when tension in the rock is released
  4. loves Harry Potter and the hunger games and has strawberry blonde hair
  5. smaller earthquakes after the main one

9 Clues: lower mantleMove plates apartsolid outer shell of Earthfractures in the Earth's crustsmaller earthquakes after the main oneplates that carry pieces of continental crustunderground where the rock gives way in an earthquakewave of energy that happens when tension in the rock is released...

Plate Tectonics 2021-06-04

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. lithosphere
  2. earthquake
  3. continental drift
  4. asthenosphere
  1. mantle convection
  2. volcano
  3. Plates tectonic plates
  4. Push ridge pull
  5. pull slab

9 Clues: volcanopull slabearthquakelithosphereasthenospherePush ridge pullmantle convectioncontinental driftPlates tectonic plates

Plate Tectonics 2021-06-18

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. something that has changed of transformed.
  2. Innermost geologic layer of the planet Earth
  3. sudden violent shaking of the ground
  4. lava like
  5. rock created from the cooling and solidified lava.
  1. a rock created by the accumulation of other rocks.
  2. something that contains lava.
  3. the root or the strongest part of the earthquake.
  4. Big wave

9 Clues: Big wavelava likesomething that contains lava.sudden violent shaking of the groundsomething that has changed of transformed.Innermost geologic layer of the planet Earththe root or the strongest part of the earthquake.a rock created by the accumulation of other rocks.rock created from the cooling and solidified lava.

Plate Tectonics 2021-11-10

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  2. the layer of Earth between the crust and the core
  3. the thin, outermost layer of the Earth
  4. the theory that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around on top of the asthenosphere
  5. the outermost, rigid layer of the Earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  1. the liquid layer of the Earth's core that lies beneath the mantle and surrounds the inner core
  2. the soft layer of the mantle on which pieces of the lithosphere move
  3. a break in the Earth's crust along which two blocks of the crust slide relative to one another
  4. a piece of the lithosphere that moves around on top the asthenosphere

9 Clues: the thin, outermost layer of the Earththe layer of Earth between the crust and the corethe soft layer of the mantle on which pieces of the lithosphere movea piece of the lithosphere that moves around on top the asthenospherethe boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other...

Plate Tectonics 2021-10-29

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. collusion, plates go up and make fold mountains
  2. Boundary where two plates come together
  3. Boundary denser plate slides under
  4. hot molten rock
  1. ridge underwater mountain range
  2. boundary two tectonic plates move away from each other
  3. Current transfering heat from one another
  4. occur at divergent boundaries
  5. rocky outermost shell of Earth's interior
  6. Boundary two plates sliding past each other

10 Clues: hot molten rockoccur at divergent boundariesridge underwater mountain rangeBoundary denser plate slides underBoundary where two plates come togetherCurrent transfering heat from one anotherrocky outermost shell of Earth's interiorBoundary two plates sliding past each othercollusion, plates go up and make fold mountains...

Plate tectonics 2022-01-28

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. new ocean floor from divergent boundary
  2. slide past each other
  3. move together
  4. thicker, less dense
  5. moves continents
  1. move away
  2. when one plate goes under the other
  3. thinner, denser
  4. molten rock

9 Clues: move awaymolten rockmove togetherthinner, densermoves continentsthicker, less denseslide past each otherwhen one plate goes under the othernew ocean floor from divergent boundary

Plate tectonics 2022-12-19

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. process that causes plates to move.
  2. against each other.
  1. harsh plate movements.
  2. towards each other.
  3. away from each other.
  4. what is caused by the same desity convergent plates.
  5. a zone where a denser plate sinks.
  6. a spot under the crust where magma rises.
  7. land formation where magma rises to the surface.

9 Clues: towards each other.against each other.away from each other.harsh plate movements.a zone where a denser plate sinks.process that causes plates to move.a spot under the crust where magma formation where magma rises to the surface.what is caused by the same desity convergent plates.

Plate tectonics 2023-01-05

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. is the shortest mountain range in the world
  2. 0.03% chance of dying on the mountain
  3. longest mountain range in the world
  4. still growing mountain
  5. smallest mountain in the world
  1. the mountain has killed the most climbers
  2. the mountain that has never been climbed
  3. The biggest mountain
  4. where two continental plates collide.

9 Clues: The biggest mountainstill growing mountainsmallest mountain in the worldlongest mountain range in the world0.03% chance of dying on the mountainwhere two continental plates collide.the mountain that has never been climbedthe mountain has killed the most climbersis the shortest mountain range in the world

Plate Tectonics 2022-12-05

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. tectonics is a scientific theory that explains how major landforms are created as a result of Earth's subterranean movements
  2. the border between two plates
  3. where two plates slide past one another
  4. when one plate sinks under another
  5. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle
  1. when two tectonic plates move away from each other
  2. when two plates come together
  3. long, narrow depressions on the seafloor that form at the boundary of tectonic plates where one plate is pushed, or subducts, beneath another
  4. cracks in the earth's crust along which there is movement

9 Clues: when two plates come togetherthe border between two plateswhen one plate sinks under anotherwhere two plates slide past one anotherwhen two tectonic plates move away from each othercracks in the earth's crust along which there is movementthe rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle...

Plate Tectonics 2023-02-09

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. divergent plates move
  2. one plate is more dense then the other
  3. explodes and has a magma chamber
  4. slides apart
  5. molten rock
  1. diveregnt plates move (in the ocean)
  2. plate tectonic _________
  3. slides together
  4. slides next to each other

9 Clues: molten rockslides apartslides togetherdivergent plates moveplate tectonic _________slides next to each otherexplodes and has a magma chamberdiveregnt plates move (in the ocean)one plate is more dense then the other

plate tectonics 2023-11-15

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. cruve
  2. move
  3. ocean trench
  4. bounders
  5. zone
  1. ranges
  2. material
  3. two blocks
  4. crust
  5. floor spreading
  6. ocean ridges

11 Clues: movezonecruvecrustrangesmaterialbounderstwo blocksocean trenchocean ridgesfloor spreading

Plate Tectonic Boundaries & Features Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-26

Plate Tectonic Boundaries & Features Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the hypothesis that the Earth's continents have moved closer together over time
  2. large slabs of rock that divide Earth's crust
  3. a tectonic plate that consists primarily of continental crust
  4. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  5. a seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics
  6. the rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle
  7. a geologic process in which tectonic plates—large slabs of Earth's lithosphere—split apart from each other
  8. Originator of Continental Drift theory
  1. an opening in the sea floor out of which heated mineral-rich water flows.
  2. an area on Earth where two or more lithospheric plates collide
  3. a long cut in the ground : ditch
  4. the uppermost layer of the oceanic portion of the tectonic plates
  5. places where plates slide sideways past each other
  6. occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other
  7. the continent we now know as North America was contiguous with Africa, South America, and Europe

15 Clues: a long cut in the ground : ditchOriginator of Continental Drift theorylarge slabs of rock that divide Earth's crustplaces where plates slide sideways past each othera seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonicsoccurs when two tectonic plates move away from each othera tectonic plate that consists primarily of continental crust...

Bella/Rodrick Arroyo 2022-04-29

Bella/Rodrick Arroyo crossword puzzle
  1. Plate tectonics is a scientific theory that explains how major landforms are created as a result of Earth's subterranean movements
  2. Divergent boundaries are areas where plates move away from each other, forming either mid-oceanic ridges or rift valleys
  3. This occurs when plates move towards each other and collide
  4. a revolutionary theory explaining that continents shift position on Earth's surface
  1. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate
  2. matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; dregs
  3. having solidified from lava or magma
  4. a change in the constitution of rock
  5. The transform plate boundary is a broad zone forming as the Pacific Plate slides northwestward past the North American Plate
  6. A rock that has formed from sediment deposited by water or air

10 Clues: having solidified from lava or magmaa change in the constitution of rockmatter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; dregsThis occurs when plates move towards each other and collideA rock that has formed from sediment deposited by water or aira revolutionary theory explaining that continents shift position on Earth's surface...

day 2 crossword 2024-06-14

day 2 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an animal or plant that lived many thousands of years ago and that has been preserved
  2. invisible or indistinguishable without the use of a microscope
  3. Gram-negative prokaryotic microorganisms that were originally referred to as the 'blue-green algae'
  4. the movement of continents resulting from the motion of tectonic plates
  5. originator of continental drift hypothesis
  6. supercontinent named by Alfred wagner
  7. cells that have specific structures and functions in the body
  1. bizarre fossils whose biological origins were debated until only a few decades ago
  2. that is found in small quantities in the atmosphere
  3. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  4. he bottom of the ocean.
  5. the long-term, predictable atmospheric conditions of a specific area
  6. a seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics
  7. an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.

14 Clues: he bottom of the ocean.supercontinent named by Alfred wagneroriginator of continental drift hypothesisthat is found in small quantities in the atmospherea seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonicsan individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.cells that have specific structures and functions in the body...

Tectonics, weathering and erosion! 2018-02-12

Tectonics, weathering and erosion! crossword puzzle
  1. Scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted. Al _ _ _ _ Wegner.
  2. _____________________ weathering is the type of weathering that occurs when roots, ice or other hard object break down rock.
  3. The type of plate boundary when two tectonic plates push against each other and cause mountains or volcanoes.
  4. The name of the tectonic plate boundary when two continents slide against each other. ____________ fault.
  5. The name of the tectonic plate boundary when the plates move apart and cause rifts and valleys.
  1. Alfred Wegener noticed that the coast of South America seemed to fit the coast of _________.
  2. The movement of weathered materials. Can be through water, wind or gravity.
  3. The process that occurs when bedrock breaks down into finer dust
  4. The name of the very centre core of Earth
  5. Plate _____________.
  6. The Theory of Continental _____________.

11 Clues: Plate _____________.The Theory of Continental _____________.The name of the very centre core of EarthThe process that occurs when bedrock breaks down into finer dustThe movement of weathered materials. Can be through water, wind or gravity.Scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted. Al _ _ _ _ Wegner....

Dynamic Planet Unit Test Review 2022-04-29

Dynamic Planet Unit Test Review crossword puzzle
  1. The point on the surface above the source of an earthquake is called the:
  2. Heat convection in the mantle is responsible for breaking the ___ up into plates.
  3. The Hawaiian Islands are ___ volcanoes.
  4. The Hawaiian Islands are a chain of volcanic islands that have formed as the Pacific Ocean plate has moved over a mantle plume. What type of volcano are they? They are ___ volcanoes.
  5. The Earth's ___ heat is the source of the energy that drives plate tectonics.
  6. Earth's ___ crust is the most density.
  7. In addition to forming ore deposits, the ancient failed rift also caused undersea volcanic eruptions. Evidence for this can be found along highways near Marquette in the basalt ___ lavas that formed as lava erupted into the ancient seas.
  8. What type of volcano tends to have explosive eruptions due to having lots of dissolved gasses in the magma?
  9. Our planet's magnetic field is generated by Earth's:
  10. Plates come together at ___ boundaries.
  11. Island arcs – like Alaska’s Aleutian Islands – form at what type of plate boundary?
  12. New oceanic crust forms at divergent plate boundaries. The crust moves ___ the ridge that runs along the center of the divergent boundary.
  13. Alaska's Aleutian Islands are what type of volcano?
  14. An earthquake’s magnitude is a measure of the size of seismic waves it produces.
  15. This type of seismic wave cannot pass through liquids, like our planet's liquid outer core.
  16. The first ___ waves to arrive at a seismograph station, like ours at CHMI, are called P waves.
  17. The ___ magnitude scale is the scale used today to indicate the size of an earthquakes waves,
  18. Africa is splitting apart along the Great Rift Valley. What type of plate boundary is found here?
  1. The oldest ocean crust is found farthest from mid-ocean ___.
  2. Elastic ___ causes earthquakes.
  3. The lithosphere is Earth's outermost solid layer. It includes the crust and the upper ___
  4. A volcano that is fairly symmetrical and has both layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits is a ___ cone volcano.
  5. The study of the behavior of earthquake waves is called:
  6. The Hawaiian Islands were formed when the Pacific Plate moved over a ____.
  7. The point underground where stored energy in a fault is first released - causing an earthquake.
  8. S waves travel ___ than P waves.
  9. Our planet's magnetic field protects us from dangerous ___ radiation.
  10. ___ reversals provide strong evidence for seafloor spreading
  11. Earthquakes are usually associated with ____.
  12. High silica content and dissolved gases contribute to the ___ eruptions of stratovolcanoes.
  13. Most earthquakes occur along plate ___.
  14. The crust and uppermost mantle make up the rigid outer layer of Earth called the ____.
  15. A chain of hot spot volcanoes forms when oceanic crust moves over a mantle ___.
  16. The theory of plate___ helps scientists explain how earthquakes and volcanoes occur.
  17. Both the crust and mantle are made up mostly of ___ minerals.
  18. What metal ore deposits in our Upper Peninsula formed on the bottom of an ancient sea when North America almost split apart along a divergent plate boundary?
  19. Earth's inner core is ___

37 Clues: Earth's inner core is ___Elastic ___ causes earthquakes.S waves travel ___ than P waves.Earth's ___ crust is the most density.The Hawaiian Islands are ___ volcanoes.Most earthquakes occur along plate ___.Plates come together at ___ boundaries.Earthquakes are usually associated with ____.Alaska's Aleutian Islands are what type of volcano?...

Layer Of The Earth 2022-03-03

Layer Of The Earth crossword puzzle
  1. means A Massive irregularly shaped slab of solid rock. Generally composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere.
  2. means are caused by the very hot material at the deepest part of the mantle rising then cooling and sinking again repeating this cycle over and over again.
  3. means this occurs when plates move towards each other and collide.
  4. means the upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere, in wich there is relatively low convection is thought to occur.
  5. Means a lowland region that forms where earth's tectonic plates move apart or rift.
  6. means the formation of an new area of oceanic crust.
  7. Means Though Outer Part Of A Loaf Of Bread.
  8. Means That He Is A Science And Meteorogist and geophysicist.
  9. means ___________ Is defined as the rock and crust surface that covers the earth.
  10. Is A liquid That Is Call ____ And Its Hot When It Fells To The Water Starts Creating A New Island Made Of Extrusive rocks And The Lava Comes From The Layers Of The Earth.
  11. means an elevated region with a central valley on an ocean floor at the boundary between between two diverging tectonics plates where new crust forms from upwelling magma.
  12. The ______ is the mostly solid bulk of the earth's interior the ______ Lies between earth's dense,super heated core and it's thin outer layer.
  1. means A plate boundary along wich relative motion between the two plates is parallel to the strike of the fault.
  2. means a scientific theory that explains how major lands forms are created as a result of earth's subterranean movements.
  3. Means _____ also _______ In Early Geologic Time, A Super Continent that incorporated almost all the land masses on earth's.
  4. Means Is A Liquid And It's hot by inner core heat.
  5. boundary means occurs when two tectonics plates move away each other.
  6. means the movement of continents resulting from the motion of tectonics plates.
  7. Means The Solid Material Found In The Center Of The Earth And It Has High Temperature and Pressure, distinct from the liquid outer core.
  8. means A fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks or rocks.
  9. means Molten Rock that's is underground.

21 Clues: means Molten Rock that's is underground.Means Though Outer Part Of A Loaf Of Bread.Means Is A Liquid And It's hot by inner core heat.means the formation of an new area of oceanic crust.Means That He Is A Science And Meteorogist and geophysicist.means this occurs when plates move towards each other and collide....

Plate Tectonics 2021-11-18

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Created Continental drift theory
  2. Currents in the mantle that move the crust
  1. Form when convergent boundaries collide
  2. Plates that split apart
  3. Plates that collide
  4. Created sea floor spreading theory
  5. Plates that slide past one another
  6. When older crust falls under new crust
  7. Created when transform boundaries slide

9 Clues: Plates that collidePlates that split apartCreated Continental drift theoryCreated sea floor spreading theoryPlates that slide past one anotherWhen older crust falls under new crustForm when convergent boundaries collideCreated when transform boundaries slideCurrents in the mantle that move the crust

Plate Tectonics 2013-01-15

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. ______boundaries Forms when two (crustal) Lithospheric Plates move apart
  2. theory of the formation and movement of the plates that cover the Earth's surface.
  3. _____spreading. states that youngest rocks of ocean floor are at diverging boundaries, moving outward.
  4. The theory that all continents are fragments of Pangaea now drifting apart
  5. The partially melted layer of the mantle that underlies the lithosphere.
  1. ______boundaries Forms when two (crustal) Lithospheric plates slide past each other
  2. The outer shell of Earth that extends to a depth of 100km.
  3. a number of rigid, but moving, pieces of the Earth's surface
  4. ______boundaries Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates come together

9 Clues: The outer shell of Earth that extends to a depth of 100km.a number of rigid, but moving, pieces of the Earth's surfaceThe partially melted layer of the mantle that underlies the lithosphere.______boundaries Forms when two (crustal) Lithospheric Plates move apartThe theory that all continents are fragments of Pangaea now drifting apart...

Plate tectonics 2023-01-05

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. is the shortest mountain range in the world
  2. 0.03% chance of dying on the mountain
  3. longest mountain range in the world
  4. still growing mountain
  5. smallest mountain in the world
  1. the mountain has killed the most climbers
  2. the mountain that has never been climbed
  3. The biggest mountain
  4. where two continental plates collide.

9 Clues: The biggest mountainstill growing mountainsmallest mountain in the worldlongest mountain range in the world0.03% chance of dying on the mountainwhere two continental plates collide.the mountain that has never been climbedthe mountain has killed the most climbersis the shortest mountain range in the world

plate tectonics 2023-01-06

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. mass
  2. underwater mountain chains
  3. a process of how the ocean crust sinks
  4. Hess researched sea floor
  5. temperatures
  1. movement of a fluid caused by
  2. mantle rises forms magma
  3. transfer thermal energy
  4. transferring particles

9 Clues: masstemperaturestransferring particlestransfer thermal energymantle rises forms magmaHess researched sea floorunderwater mountain chainsmovement of a fluid caused bya process of how the ocean crust sinks

Plate Tectonics 2017-02-21

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. surface along which rocks break and move
  2. plastic-like layer below the lithosphere
  3. all landmasses were connected then broke apart.
  4. surface along which rocks break and move
  5. a theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust and many associated phenomena as resulting from the interaction of rigid lithospheric plates that move slowly over the underlying mantle.
  6. steep-walled depression around a volcano's vent
  1. hypothesis proposed by Alfred Wegener that the states that continents have moved slowly to their current locations on Earth
  2. vibrations caused by breaking rocks along faults
  3. rigid, outermost layer of Earth that is about 100km thick, and is composed of the crust and part of the upper mantle
  4. the outermost layer of a planet.

10 Clues: the outermost layer of a planet.surface along which rocks break and moveplastic-like layer below the lithospheresurface along which rocks break and moveall landmasses were connected then broke apart.steep-walled depression around a volcano's ventvibrations caused by breaking rocks along faults...

Plate tectonics 2020-03-31

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the boundary when plates move along each other
  2. the boundary when plates move away from each other
  3. a former supercontinent
  4. the part of earth which consists of molten rock
  1. the solid part in the centre of the earth
  2. the boundary when one plate slides under another
  3. the thin outer part of the earth floating on molten lava
  4. a scientist studying earthquakes
  5. a moving fluid mass composed of volcanic debris and lava

9 Clues: a former supercontinenta scientist studying earthquakesthe solid part in the centre of the earththe boundary when plates move along each otherthe part of earth which consists of molten rockthe boundary when one plate slides under anotherthe boundary when plates move away from each otherthe thin outer part of the earth floating on molten lava...

Plate Tectonics 2021-09-16

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The crust and part of the upper mantle are known as the ________.
  2. Just below the Earth's crust is the _______.
  3. Continental plates move on the plastic-like layer of Erath's surface called the _________.
  4. The hypothesis that continents move slowly is called continental ________.
  5. Hot magma forced upward at mid-ocean ridges produces seafloor _______.
  1. The cycle of heating, rising, cooling, and sinking is a ________ current.
  2. The theory that Earth's crust and upper mantle are in sections that move is called plate __________.
  3. Sections of the Earth's crust and part of the upper mantle are called ________.
  4. All continents once might have been connected in a large landmass called _______.

9 Clues: Just below the Earth's crust is the _______.The crust and part of the upper mantle are known as the ________.Hot magma forced upward at mid-ocean ridges produces seafloor _______.The cycle of heating, rising, cooling, and sinking is a ________ current.The hypothesis that continents move slowly is called continental ________....

Plate Tectonics 2022-04-20

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. where two tectonic plates are moving away from each other
  2. When forces are parallel but moving in opposite directions
  3. composed of the oceanic crust and the continental crust
  4. where two lithosphere plates come together
  5. continents have moved over geological time
  6. two or more lithosphere plates collide
  1. linear feature between two plates that are moving
  2. squeezes rocks together making them fold or fracture
  3. a fault along a plate boundary of molten rock

9 Clues: two or more lithosphere plates collidewhere two lithosphere plates come togethercontinents have moved over geological timea fault along a plate boundary of molten rocklinear feature between two plates that are movingsqueezes rocks together making them fold or fracturecomposed of the oceanic crust and the continental crust...

ROCK ON! 2012-05-30

ROCK ON! crossword puzzle
  1. a response to stimulus.
  2. in a structure of a substance.
  3. layer of the Earths mantel.
  4. drift
  5. reaction
  1. rock contains a mineral in large quantities valuable enough to be mined.
  2. that is originating from birth place/place of origin.
  3. rock altered by pressure and heat.
  4. occurring solid substance
  5. rock or other material in which valuable minerals are found.
  6. tectonics
  7. movement caused within fluid.

12 Clues: driftreactiontectonicsa response to stimulus.occurring solid substancelayer of the Earths mantel.movement caused within a structure of a substance.rock altered by pressure and heat.that is originating from birth place/place of origin.rock or other material in which valuable minerals are found....

Tectonics, weathering and erosion! 2018-02-12

Tectonics, weathering and erosion! crossword puzzle
  1. The Theory of Continental _____________.
  2. The name of the tectonic plate boundary when the plates move apart and cause rifts and valleys.
  3. Scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted. Al _ _ _ _ Wegner.
  4. Plate _____________.
  5. The type of plate boundary when two tectonic plates push against each other and cause mountains or volcanoes.
  6. The movement of weathered materials. Can be through water, wind or gravity.
  7. _____________________ weathering is the type of weathering that occurs when roots, ice or other hard object break down rock.
  1. Alfred Wegener noticed that the coast of South America seemed to fit the coast of _________.
  2. The name of the tectonic plate boundary when two continents slide against each other. ____________ fault.
  3. The process that occurs when bedrock breaks down into finer dust
  4. The name of the very centre core of Earth

11 Clues: Plate _____________.The Theory of Continental _____________.The name of the very centre core of EarthThe process that occurs when bedrock breaks down into finer dustThe movement of weathered materials. Can be through water, wind or gravity.Scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted. Al _ _ _ _ Wegner....

Plate Tectonics 2014-11-04

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Moving under
  2. A large destructive wave of water
  3. Between the crust and the core
  1. Moving Away
  2. A valley under water
  3. When the ground shakes
  4. Moves Along
  5. Lava come out of
  6. 11-77 km in depth

9 Clues: Moving AwayMoves AlongMoving underLava come out of11-77 km in depthA valley under waterWhen the ground shakesBetween the crust and the coreA large destructive wave of water

Plate Tectonics 2017-02-21

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. surface along which rocks break and move
  2. plastic-like layer below the lithosphere
  3. all landmasses were connected then broke apart.
  4. surface along which rocks break and move
  5. a theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust and many associated phenomena as resulting from the interaction of rigid lithospheric plates that move slowly over the underlying mantle.
  6. steep-walled depression around a volcano's vent
  1. hypothesis proposed by Alfred Wegener that the states that continents have moved slowly to their current locations on Earth
  2. vibrations caused by breaking rocks along faults
  3. rigid, outermost layer of Earth that is about 100km thick, and is composed of the crust and part of the upper mantle
  4. the outermost layer of a planet.

10 Clues: the outermost layer of a planet.surface along which rocks break and moveplastic-like layer below the lithospheresurface along which rocks break and moveall landmasses were connected then broke apart.steep-walled depression around a volcano's ventvibrations caused by breaking rocks along faults...

Plate Tectonics 2020-10-01

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. grinds past each other
  2. magma circle
  3. ocean/mentle
  4. ;ayer below the crust
  1. come together
  2. outer-shell
  3. moving-away
  4. continents
  5. molten rock

9 Clues: continentsouter-shellmoving-awaymolten rockmagma circleocean/mentlecome together;ayer below the crustgrinds past each other

Plate Tectonics 2022-03-25

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. apart of the crust and uppermost mantle
  2. moves under
  3. the plates all together
  4. intense shaking of Earth's surface
  5. Below the lithosphere
  1. Slide past each other
  2. Move apart
  3. what transform boundaries make
  4. One plate goes under another

9 Clues: Move apartmoves underSlide past each otherBelow the lithospherethe plates all togetherOne plate goes under anotherwhat transform boundaries makeintense shaking of Earth's surfaceapart of the crust and uppermost mantle

Plate Tectonics 2022-03-25

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. apart of the crust and uppermost mantle
  2. moves under
  3. the plates all together
  4. intense shaking of Earth's surface
  5. Below the lithosphere
  1. Slide past each other
  2. Move apart
  3. what transform boundaries make
  4. One plate goes under another

9 Clues: Move apartmoves underSlide past each otherBelow the lithospherethe plates all togetherOne plate goes under anotherwhat transform boundaries makeintense shaking of Earth's surfaceapart of the crust and uppermost mantle

Plate Tectonics 2021-11-19

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. __________ currents cause plates to move
  2. where plates slide next to each other
  3. where plates move away from each other
  4. where plates collide
  1. Henry Hess' theory
  2. Alfred Wegener's theory
  3. famous fault like in California
  4. convergent plates form these
  5. when denser plates go under less dense plates

9 Clues: Henry Hess' theorywhere plates collideAlfred Wegener's theoryconvergent plates form thesefamous fault like in Californiawhere plates slide next to each otherwhere plates move away from each other__________ currents cause plates to movewhen denser plates go under less dense plates

Plate Tectonics 2022-02-23

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. long crack in the surface on the earth, earthquakes usually occur
  2. tectonic plates that lie under surface land masses
  3. sea floor mountain system formed by divergent boundaries
  4. when two plates move away from each other Ex: rift valley, mid ocean ridge
  5. when two tectonic plates move towards each other and collide Ex:uplift, mountains
  1. parallel pattern of rock material found at identical locations across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
  2. when two plates slide past each other Ex: fault lines
  3. when a denser plate is pushed down and beneath a less dense plate, creates volcanoes
  4. tectonic plates that are at the bottom of the ocean

9 Clues: tectonic plates that lie under surface land massestectonic plates that are at the bottom of the oceanwhen two plates slide past each other Ex: fault linessea floor mountain system formed by divergent boundarieslong crack in the surface on the earth, earthquakes usually occurwhen two plates move away from each other Ex: rift valley, mid ocean ridge...

Plate Tectonics 2021-06-18

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. something that has changed of transformed.
  2. Innermost geologic layer of the planet Earth
  3. sudden violent shaking of the ground
  4. lava like
  5. rock created from the cooling and solidified lava.
  1. a rock created by the accumulation of other rocks.
  2. something that contains lava.
  3. the root or the strongest part of the earthquake.
  4. Big wave

9 Clues: Big wavelava likesomething that contains lava.sudden violent shaking of the groundsomething that has changed of transformed.Innermost geologic layer of the planet Earththe root or the strongest part of the earthquake.a rock created by the accumulation of other rocks.rock created from the cooling and solidified lava.

Plate tectonics 2023-01-06

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The theory that earth is made of giant, moving slabs
  2. the process that creates new sea floor
  3. A system of ideas that explains many related observations.
  4. this prefix means under
  1. Any movement of matter that results from differences in density
  2. the hypothesis that the continents were once part of a single land mass.
  3. the outermost layer on the earth
  4. The change of the magnetic poles
  5. One plate's edge being pushed under another plate

9 Clues: this prefix means underthe outermost layer on the earthThe change of the magnetic polesthe process that creates new sea floorOne plate's edge being pushed under another plateThe theory that earth is made of giant, moving slabsA system of ideas that explains many related observations.Any movement of matter that results from differences in density...

Plate Tectonics 2022-12-14

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Con i en a
  2. Co v g t
  3. w e er
  4. Vol a o
  1. Coll e
  2. Div r n
  3. Va l y
  4. Oc a i
  5. Tran o m

9 Clues: Va l yOc a iColl ew e erVol a oDiv r nTran o mCon i en aCo v g t

Plate Tectonics 2022-09-15

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. boundaries divergent, convergent and transform fault boundaries
  2. cracks in the earth’s crust along there is movement
  3. boundary between two plates that are colliding
  4. plates sliding pass each other/causes earthquakes
  5. currents hot magma goes up cool magma goes down/causes plates to move
  6. boundary between to plates that are rifting
  1. crust and upper mantle broke into parts
  2. plastic layer below the lithosphere
  3. crust and part of the mantle

9 Clues: crust and part of the mantleplastic layer below the lithospherecrust and upper mantle broke into partsboundary between to plates that are riftingboundary between two plates that are collidingplates sliding pass each other/causes earthquakescracks in the earth’s crust along there is movement...

Plate Tectonics 2022-09-14

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Cracks in the earth’s crust along which there is movement.
  2. Currents- Drive the movement of Earth’s rigid tectonic plates in the planet’s fluid molten mantle.
  3. tectonics The theory that Earth’s outer shell is divided into large slabs of solid rock called plates that glide over the mantle.
  4. Places where plates slide sideways past each other.
  1. A boundary that is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates moving away from each other.
  2. An area on Earth where two or more plates collide. Eventually one slides beneath the other in a process known as subduction.
  3. The upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere, in which there is relatively low resistance to plastic flow and convection is thought to occur.
  4. The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  5. long narrow depressions on the sea floor that form at the boundary of tectonic plates where one plate is pushed beneath another.

9 Clues: Places where plates slide sideways past each other.Cracks in the earth’s crust along which there is movement.The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.Currents- Drive the movement of Earth’s rigid tectonic plates in the planet’s fluid molten mantle....