school Crossword Puzzles
school 2014-05-25
- voorwerp waarmee je schrijft
- wit materiaal waarmee de leraar op een bord schrijft
- wat je op school moet volgen
- les waarin je veel moet bewegen
- geluid die aangeeft dat de les begint
- kinderen die naar school gaan
- regel die zegt dat je tot 18 jaar naar school moet
- groen of zwart plat voorwerp vooraan in de klas
- man die les geeft
- vrouw die les geeft
- veel blaadjes die samengekleefd zijn
- cijfers optellen en aftrekken
- ruimte waar je mag spelen op school
- waar de les doorgaat
- lesgeefster die in het klooster woont
15 Clues: man die les geeft • vrouw die les geeft • waar de les doorgaat • voorwerp waarmee je schrijft • wat je op school moet volgen • cijfers optellen en aftrekken • kinderen die naar school gaan • les waarin je veel moet bewegen • ruimte waar je mag spelen op school • veel blaadjes die samengekleefd zijn • geluid die aangeeft dat de les begint • lesgeefster die in het klooster woont • ...
school 2015-08-10
- half awake
- to one person only
- keep on talking
- putting something into someone's vien
- a habitual gesture or way of speaking
- the provision of education
- un disidable
- something you do when you are scared
- facts information and skills
- un honoured
- giving someone support
- carefully thought answer
- a person that signs the deed / contract
- a person that sweeps up after school or a meeting
- a leading officer
15 Clues: half awake • un honoured • un disidable • keep on talking • a leading officer • to one person only • giving someone support • carefully thought answer • the provision of education • facts information and skills • something you do when you are scared • putting something into someone's vien • a habitual gesture or way of speaking • a person that signs the deed / contract • ...
school 2021-03-03
15 Clues: sing • drawing • formula • cooking • experiment • place to study • technology study • education sports • energy and force • living organisms • write assignment • elements compounds • to write something • writing school lesson • knowledge of the lesson
school 2021-03-03
15 Clues: sing • drawing • formula • cooking • experiment • place to study • energy and force • living organisms • write assignment • education sports • elements compounds • to write something • writing school lesson • knowledge of the lesson • technology technology study
School 2021-08-27
- Work you do at home
- Children that learn
- Thing you read in
- Adults who teach students
- Place where you have fun in the breaks
- Thing you write on
- Devise you use for school
- Thing you sit on
- White thing you write on boards with
- Thing that rings
- A type of assignment
- Bag for school
- thing you write with chalk on
- Room with books
- Thing you write with
15 Clues: Bag for school • Room with books • Thing you sit on • Thing that rings • Thing you read in • Thing you write on • Work you do at home • Children that learn • A type of assignment • Thing you write with • Adults who teach students • Devise you use for school • thing you write with chalk on • White thing you write on boards with • Place where you have fun in the breaks
School 2021-09-06
- a young person attending school
- not genuine, wrong
- a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in a particular kind of language or branch of study
- to use dishonest methods
- an amount of money given to someone, especially by the government, for a particular purpose
- official document sb receives on completing course of study or training
- schedule of lessons
- the object of a person's ambition or effort
- a particular branch of scientific knowledge such as social science, natural science, mathematics
- a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.
- the qualification you receive when you have finished studying a course at university.
- an average of all the grade points you have earned over the course of your degree program
- to study hard in a short period of time
- the process of teaching or learning in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this.
- point given for correct answer or for doing well in examination
15 Clues: not genuine, wrong • schedule of lessons • to use dishonest methods • a young person attending school • to study hard in a short period of time • the object of a person's ambition or effort • point given for correct answer or for doing well in examination • official document sb receives on completing course of study or training • ...
SCHOOL 2022-02-27
15 Clues: 2+4x=? • sports • lefrançais • cooking,eating • taking pictures • reading,writing • painting,drawing • instruments,music • storage at school • history,geography • acting,singing,dancing • place to play at school • food to bring to school • transportation to school • biology,chemistry,physics
School 2022-05-19
- We sit in it
- We put our book on it
- We put our books in it.
- It is black. We write on it.
- We see things on this
- We go every day.
- We put our pencils in it.
- We write with it. It is blue, black, green or red.
- We draw lines with it
- We erase with it.
- We write with this
- Does the lesson
- Goes to school
- We read with this
- We sharpen our pencil.
15 Clues: We sit in it • Goes to school • Does the lesson • We go every day. • We erase with it. • We read with this • We write with this • We put our book on it • We see things on this • We draw lines with it • We sharpen our pencil. • We put our books in it. • We put our pencils in it. • It is black. We write on it. • We write with it. It is blue, black, green or red.
school 2022-02-02
- you read these in the library
- these are used to amplify sound on devices but only to the person wearing them
- this electronic device can be used to do work on individually
- this is the person in charge of making you learn
- this is the area commonly used to do classwork in
- commonly used to do your work on top of
- these are the people who learn with you
- this is a meal you have in the middle of the day
- this is used by the teacher to write things for he class
- it holds your stationary
- this device is used to answer sums
- this utensil is used to right with but not in maths
- this is used to rub out pencil mistakes
- these help you to see better
- used to sit on at a desk
15 Clues: it holds your stationary • used to sit on at a desk • these help you to see better • you read these in the library • this device is used to answer sums • these are the people who learn with you • this is used to rub out pencil mistakes • commonly used to do your work on top of • this is a meal you have in the middle of the day • ...
school 2022-02-11
- a sport that mostly girls play
- don't do this to someone or else they'll fall over!
- a type of sport that you use a stick and a ball
- to be done in physical education class and helps your body
- you don't want this thing in your book because you can only fix it with sticky tape
- a thing that lays eggs
- a thing used to play sports like tennis or badminton
- a value that is a close guess
- a pole that helps you see in the dark
- a thing that is used for going up and down that is electric powered
- something that you think is easy
- somewhere where students learn
- it gives out oxygen and is a a type of plant
- don't do this thing in an exam!
- don't do this if you find something on the floor that you like!
15 Clues: a thing that lays eggs • a value that is a close guess • a sport that mostly girls play • somewhere where students learn • don't do this thing in an exam! • something that you think is easy • a pole that helps you see in the dark • it gives out oxygen and is a a type of plant • a type of sport that you use a stick and a ball • ...
School 2022-11-18
15 Clues: papel • recreo • tijeras • ciencia • carpeta • quimica • backpack • almuerzo • cuaderno • historia • geografía • bolígrafo • matemáticas • computadora • diccionario
school 2020-06-22
- A device that makes a ringing sound.
- A building or a room used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc.
- A room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school.
- A university teacher of the highest rank.
- A special set of clothes which some children wear in school.
- A fixed period of time when people are taught about a particular subject.
- A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk.
- A building where things such as book, newspapers are kept for people to read, or use.
- A room in school where lessons take place.
- A place where food are served in a school.
- An outdoor area where children can play, especially at a school.
- A number of people or things that are together in the same place or that are connected in some way.
- A piece of furniture like a table, often with a drawers.
- A room or a part of a building where people work.
- A number of objects arranged in line.
15 Clues: A device that makes a ringing sound. • A number of objects arranged in line. • A university teacher of the highest rank. • A room in school where lessons take place. • A place where food are served in a school. • A room or a part of a building where people work. • A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk. • ...
school 2020-06-19
- A device that makes a ringing sound.
- A building or a room used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc.
- A room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school.
- A university teacher of the highest rank.
- A special set of clothes which some children wear in school.
- A fixed period of time when people are taught about a particular subject.
- A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk.
- A building where things such as book, newspapers are kept for people to read, or use.
- A room in school where lessons take place.
- A place where food are served in a school.
- An outdoor area where children can play, especially at a school.
- A number of people or things that are together in the same place or that are connected in some way.
- A piece of furniture like a table, often with a drawers.
- A room or a part of a building where people work.
- A number of objects arranged in line.
15 Clues: A device that makes a ringing sound. • A number of objects arranged in line. • A university teacher of the highest rank. • A room in school where lessons take place. • A place where food are served in a school. • A room or a part of a building where people work. • A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk. • ...
School 2019-05-09
15 Clues: 1+1 • rooms • books • running • old times • explosion • fun things to do • time to eat food • being late for class • big articles to write • break before next class • stuff to earn extra credit • lots of stuff to do at home • not the best place to study • what you can listen to during class
School 2020-10-18
- skinny and regular these can color any pictures
- break a break from all the class
- ouch the ring closed on me
- filled with everything to take home
- thank goodness our school doesnt serve this
- never let a baby go near theyll cut themselves
- no the printers out of it
- which textbook is full of problems?
- no more needing quills now we have bic
- similar to pastels and made by crayola
- Filled with lots of paper to write notes in
- In junior high you get one with a seat attached
- we have no _________ we need to go to the grocery
- teaches me all I need to learn in third grade
- filled with hebrew and rashis
15 Clues: no the printers out of it • ouch the ring closed on me • filled with hebrew and rashis • break a break from all the class • which textbook is full of problems? • filled with everything to take home • no more needing quills now we have bic • similar to pastels and made by crayola • Filled with lots of paper to write notes in • thank goodness our school doesnt serve this • ...
School 2020-10-29
School 2020-03-31
- person who is the boss of the school
- a special room where you can do experiments
- a type of school where children go( aged 11 and more)
- we get information about plants, animals and a human life
- the study of a natural world for example biology, chemistry and physics
- students learn how to play the musical instruments and sing
- we study how tu use the computer
- We can do math operation
- a thing which we write with
- the study of what happened in the past
- all of the students love it, short time between lessons
- a subject where we learn how to draw and paint
- A quiet place to read or look things up
- a thing which we use when we look for some information
- people who are in the same class with you
15 Clues: We can do math operation • a thing which we write with • we study how tu use the computer • person who is the boss of the school • the study of what happened in the past • A quiet place to read or look things up • people who are in the same class with you • a special room where you can do experiments • a subject where we learn how to draw and paint • ...
school 2023-05-30
- an act or instance of obeying
- fun group meetings
- the use of knowledge to invent new devices or tools
- class trips/day trips
- process of acquiring skills, information, and knowledge
- the science and study of quality, structure, space, and change.
- a plan or scheme to do something
- the ability to think up and design new inventions
- enjoyment
- the ability to think up and design new invention
- the process whereby an individual learns to adjust to a group
- free from harm or hurt.
- caring enough to consider how words and actions impact others
- an ability to do an activity or job well
- physical activity
15 Clues: enjoyment • physical activity • fun group meetings • class trips/day trips • free from harm or hurt. • an act or instance of obeying • a plan or scheme to do something • an ability to do an activity or job well • the ability to think up and design new invention • the ability to think up and design new inventions • the use of knowledge to invent new devices or tools • ...
School 2023-06-18
- A person who attends school and learns from teachers.
- A room where students learn and have lessons.
- A room equipped with scientific equipment for conducting experiments.
- A straight measuring tool with markings in inches or centimeters.
- A bag worn on the back, used to carry books and school supplies.
- A container for carrying a packed lunch to school.
- A place where books and other reading materials are kept for borrowing.
- A piece of furniture with a flat surface for writing or studying.
- A thin cylindrical writing instrument used for drawing or writing.
- A book with blank or ruled pages for writing notes or schoolwork.
- A dark flat surface in a classroom, used for writing or drawing with chalk.
- An outdoor area for children to play during school recess.
- A person who teaches students in a school.
- A device that rings to signal the beginning or end of a school period.
- A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together.
15 Clues: A person who teaches students in a school. • A room where students learn and have lessons. • A container for carrying a packed lunch to school. • A person who attends school and learns from teachers. • An outdoor area for children to play during school recess. • A bag worn on the back, used to carry books and school supplies. • ...
school 2023-07-02
- A person who teaches students in a classroom.
- A bag that students use to carry their books and supplies.
- A subject that involves studying the natural world and conducting experiments.
- A large board where teachers write and draw with chalk or markers.
- An outdoor area where students can play during break time.
- A container used to carry food for lunch.
- A person who learns and studies at school.
- A small tool used to remove pencil marks.
- A period of free time for students to play and relax.
- A large room or building used for sports and physical activities.
- A place with books and resources for reading and studying.
- A piece of furniture where students sit and work.
- A writing tool that is usually made of wood and graphite.
- A seat that students sit on in a classroom.
- A collection of pages with information and stories.
15 Clues: A small tool used to remove pencil marks. • A container used to carry food for lunch. • A person who learns and studies at school. • A seat that students sit on in a classroom. • A person who teaches students in a classroom. • A piece of furniture where students sit and work. • A collection of pages with information and stories. • ...
School 2023-07-03
- School It is a school that operates independently of the local school district, often with a specific educational focus or approach.
- School It is a school that is privately funded and managed.
- School It is a school that follows the Montessori educational approach, emphasizing self-directed learning and hands-on activities.
- School It is a school that provides education for students in grades 9 to 12.
- School It is a school that provides education for students in grades 6 to 8.
- School It is a school that offers language courses for learners to study and improve their language skills.
- School It is a school where students receive education remotely through online platforms and virtual classrooms.
- Education School It is a school that caters to students with special needs, providing specialized support and instruction.
- School It is a specialized school that focuses on a particular subject area, such as science, arts, or technology.
- School It is a school funded and operated by the government.
- School It is a school where students live on campus and receive education and accommodation.
- School It is a school that provides education with a religious focus, often affiliated with a specific religious denomination.
- School It is a school that provides training in specific skills or trades, preparing students for careers in areas like mechanics, culinary arts, or cosmetology.
- School It is a school that offers an international curriculum and caters to a diverse student population.
- School It is a school that provides education for young children, usually from kindergarten to grade 5 or 6.
15 Clues: School It is a school that is privately funded and managed. • School It is a school funded and operated by the government. • School It is a school that provides education for students in grades 6 to 8. • School It is a school that provides education for students in grades 9 to 12. • ...
School 2023-07-03
- A school for children before kindergarten.
- School A school that offers job-specific training.
- School A school that specializes in music education.
- School A school where students live on campus.
- School A school that offers an international curriculum.
- School A school that teaches foreign languages.
- School A school for students in intermediate grades.
- School A school that offers technical and trade education.
- School A school that operates independently of the local school board.
- School A school that is funded by the government.
- School A school for students in later grades.
- School A school for young students in early grades.
- School A school that focuses on artistic education.
- School A school that is not run by the government.
- School A school that follows the Montessori method.
15 Clues: A school for children before kindergarten. • School A school for students in later grades. • School A school where students live on campus. • School A school that teaches foreign languages. • School A school that is funded by the government. • School A school that offers job-specific training. • School A school that is not run by the government. • ...
School 2023-07-03
- A school for children before kindergarten.
- School A school that offers job-specific training.
- School A school that specializes in music education.
- School A school where students live on campus.
- School A school that offers an international curriculum.
- School A school that teaches foreign languages.
- School A school for students in intermediate grades.
- School A school that offers technical and trade education.
- School A school that operates independently of the local school board.
- School A school that is funded by the government.
- School A school for students in later grades.
- School A school for young students in early grades.
- School A school that focuses on artistic education.
- School A school that is not run by the government.
- School A school that follows the Montessori method.
15 Clues: A school for children before kindergarten. • School A school for students in later grades. • School A school where students live on campus. • School A school that teaches foreign languages. • School A school that is funded by the government. • School A school that offers job-specific training. • School A school that is not run by the government. • ...
School 2023-07-03
- A straight measuring tool, usually made of plastic or wood, used to draw straight lines or measure distances.
- A person who attends school and engages in learning. They listen, participate, and complete assignments.
- A stick of white or colored calcium carbonate, used for writing or drawing on a blackboard.
- A designated space in a school where students and teachers gather for learning activities.
- A device that produces a ringing sound to mark the beginning or end of school periods or breaks.
- A bag worn on the back, used by students to carry books, supplies, and personal belongings to and from school.
- A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together. It contains information or stories for learning and enjoyment.
- A thin material made from wood pulp, used for writing, drawing, and printing.
- Assignments given to students to be completed outside of regular school hours. It reinforces learning and develops responsibility.
- A container used to carry a packed lunch or snacks to school. It keeps the food fresh and organized.
- A writing instrument with a graphite or lead core, encased in wood or plastic. It is used for writing or drawing.
- A person who instructs and guides students in their learning. They help students acquire knowledge and skills.
- A piece of furniture with a flat surface and often drawers, used by students for writing and studying.
- A dark-colored board, often made of slate or coated with a dark paint, used by teachers to write or draw lessons.
- A bound book with blank or lined pages, used by students to take notes or complete assignments.
15 Clues: A thin material made from wood pulp, used for writing, drawing, and printing. • A designated space in a school where students and teachers gather for learning activities. • A stick of white or colored calcium carbonate, used for writing or drawing on a blackboard. • ...
School 2023-06-17
- Class A creative haven where students express themselves through painting, drawing, and other artistic activities.
- The leader of the school, who ensures a safe and supportive environment and guides its overall operation.
- Gatherings where the entire school comes together for announcements, performances, and celebrations.
- Exciting adventures outside the classroom, where students explore new places and learn through firsthand experiences.
- A vibrant and energetic area where students play, socialize, and enjoy outdoor activities.
- A break in the school day when students gather to enjoy delicious meals and chat with friends.
- A cozy and inviting space where students gather to learn, explore, and grow together.
- A time for students to unwind, play games, and recharge their energy between lessons.
- A handy container that holds essential writing tools like pencils, pens, erasers, and colored markers.
- A treasure trove of books and knowledge, where students can explore new worlds through reading.
- A fascinating space equipped with tools and materials for hands-on experiments and scientific exploration.
- A day dedicated to friendly competitions and teamwork, where students showcase their athletic skills.
- A caring and knowledgeable guide who helps students discover the joy of learning and nurtures their talents.
- A big, yellow vehicle that safely transports students to and from school, filled with laughter and chatter.
- Fun and engaging tasks assigned by teachers to reinforce learning and practice new skills.
15 Clues: A time for students to unwind, play games, and recharge their energy between lessons. • A cozy and inviting space where students gather to learn, explore, and grow together. • A vibrant and energetic area where students play, socialize, and enjoy outdoor activities. • Fun and engaging tasks assigned by teachers to reinforce learning and practice new skills. • ...
School 2023-06-24
- A writing instrument used by students to write and draw in their notebooks or papers.
- A standard set of clothing worn by students in a school to create a sense of unity and identity.
- A device that rings or sounds at specific times to signal the beginning or end of classes or breaks.
- A container used by students to carry their packed meals or snacks to school.
- A bag carried by students to hold their books, notebooks, and other school supplies.
- Physical activities and games that students participate in as part of their school curriculum or extracurricular activities.
- A person who attends school to learn and acquire knowledge.
- A person who educates and instructs students in a school.
- Assignments given to students by their teachers to be completed outside of school hours.
- A large vehicle that transports students to and from school.
- The head or leader of a school who is responsible for its overall administration and management.
- A place in a school where books and other reading materials are stored and available for borrowing.
- A room in a school where students gather to receive instruction from a teacher.
- An outdoor area in a school where students can engage in recreational activities and play games.
- A specific area of study or a topic taught in school, such as math, science, or history.
15 Clues: A person who educates and instructs students in a school. • A person who attends school to learn and acquire knowledge. • A large vehicle that transports students to and from school. • A container used by students to carry their packed meals or snacks to school. • A room in a school where students gather to receive instruction from a teacher. • ...
School 2023-06-15
- School School for students in the transitional years between elementary and high school.
- School School that focuses on specific subjects or disciplines to provide in-depth education in those areas.
- School School that emphasizes science and provides in-depth education in scientific fields and research.
- School School that focuses on various forms of artistic education, such as music, dance, or visual arts.
- School School that follows the Montessori educational approach, emphasizing independence and self-directed learning.
- School School that is funded by the government and provides education to all students within a specific area.
- School School that offers hands-on training and education in specific trades or occupations.
- School School that is funded by private entities and often offers specialized programs and smaller class sizes.
- School School that operates independently and provides innovative educational programs within the public system.
- School School that delivers education primarily through online platforms, allowing for flexible learning environments.
- School Residential school where students live on campus and receive education.
- School School where young children learn basic subjects in a nurturing environment.
- School School where teenagers receive secondary education and prepare for future endeavors.
- Education School School that provides tailored education and support for students with special needs.
- School School that offers a curriculum based on international standards and diverse cultural experiences.
15 Clues: School Residential school where students live on campus and receive education. • School School where young children learn basic subjects in a nurturing environment. • School School for students in the transitional years between elementary and high school. • School School where teenagers receive secondary education and prepare for future endeavors. • ...
School 2023-06-18
- A person who instructs and guides students in their learning journey.
- A dark, smooth board used for writing or drawing with chalk.
- A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together.
- A small container used for carrying meals or snacks to school.
- A book with blank or lined pages used for writing or taking notes.
- A piece of furniture with a flat surface for studying or writing on.
- A device used for performing mathematical calculations.
- A small object used to remove pencil marks or mistakes on paper.
- An outdoor area with equipment and structures for recreational activities.
- case A container used for holding pencils, pens, erasers, and other supplies.
- A person who attends school and engages in learning activities.
- A glossy white surface used for writing or drawing with markers.
- bus A large vehicle that transports students to and from school.
- A writing instrument with a thin graphite core encased in wood.
- A bag worn on the back to carry books, supplies, and personal items.
- A measuring tool with straight edges used for drawing straight lines.
16 Clues: A device used for performing mathematical calculations. • A dark, smooth board used for writing or drawing with chalk. • A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together. • A small container used for carrying meals or snacks to school. • A person who attends school and engages in learning activities. • ...
School 2023-08-02
- An outdoor area at school where students can play, have fun, and take a break during recess.
- A book that contains important information on a specific subject, used by students and teachers for education.
- A piece of furniture found in a classroom, providing a surface for students to sit and work on their assignments.
- The person who leads and oversees the school's staff, students, and daily operations.
- A person who educates and guides students, helping them learn new things and understand various subjects.
- A place in the school where students can buy and eat meals during lunchtime.
- A room where students gather to learn from their teacher and engage in lessons and activities.
- Tasks and assignments given by teachers to complete outside of classroom time, usually at home.
- A small, secure storage space at school where students can keep their belongings, such as books, clothes, and personal items.
- A break from classes during the school day, allowing students to relax, play, and socialize.
- A special room in the school where students conduct experiments and learn about scientific principles.
- A person who attends school to gain knowledge and develop skills through studying and participating in activities.
- A writing tool made of a slender cylinder of wood with a graphite core, used for drawing and writing.
- A room or building at school where various books, resources, and learning materials can be found and borrowed.
- A test that measures a student's knowledge, skills, or abilities in a particular subject area.
15 Clues: A place in the school where students can buy and eat meals during lunchtime. • The person who leads and oversees the school's staff, students, and daily operations. • An outdoor area at school where students can play, have fun, and take a break during recess. • A break from classes during the school day, allowing students to relax, play, and socialize. • ...
School 2023-08-07
- An educational institution where students attend classes to learn various subjects and skills.
- A book with blank pages used by students to write notes, complete exercises, and keep track of work.
- A break during the school day when students can play, socialize, and have fun outside the classroom.
- An assessment conducted by teachers to evaluate students' understanding and knowledge of a subject.
- A written or printed work with information or stories used for learning, research, or entertainment.
- A person who teaches and guides students in the classroom, helping them learn and grow academically.
- A specific area of learning, such as math, English, science, history, or art, taught in school.
- A person who attends school and learns from teachers, studying different subjects to gain knowledge.
- Assignments given by teachers that students complete at home to reinforce and practice their learning.
- A room in a school where students have lessons with their teacher and learn various subjects.
- A midday meal served at school, where students eat together and have a break from their classes.
- An assignment or task given to students that requires research, creativity, and presentation skills.
- A writing tool used by students to write, draw, and complete their schoolwork in notebooks or papers.
- A piece of furniture in a classroom where students sit and work on their assignments and activities.
- A bag worn on the back, used by students to carry books, notebooks, and other school-related items.
15 Clues: A room in a school where students have lessons with their teacher and learn various subjects. • An educational institution where students attend classes to learn various subjects and skills. • A specific area of learning, such as math, English, science, history, or art, taught in school. • ...
school 2023-12-13
- you are writing with it on paper
- it on your back on the way to school
- you sit at it
- you sit on it
- you and your freinds play football in it
- you throw paper in it
- you are cleaning the classroom with it
- you are on websites on it
- your techer writes on it
- there is many books in it
- you are learning how to read and write
- you can turn it on and off
- you have your pencils in it
- you are calculating
- its in your bag
15 Clues: you sit at it • you sit on it • its in your bag • you are calculating • you throw paper in it • your techer writes on it • you are on websites on it • there is many books in it • you can turn it on and off • you have your pencils in it • you are writing with it on paper • it on your back on the way to school • you are learning how to read and write • ...
School 2023-12-09
- Education School A school designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities, providing tailored support and instruction.
- School An educational institution for students in the transitional years between elementary and high school.
- An early childhood educational setting for young children, typically before they enter formal schooling.
- School A residential school where students live on campus and receive both academic and social education.
- School A place of learning for young students, typically covering grades from kindergarten to fifth or sixth grade.
- School A publicly funded school that operates independently, often with a specific educational philosophy or focus.
- An institution of higher education offering undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields.
- School An educational institution funded by tuition or private sources rather than government funding.
- School An educational institution that focuses on providing practical skills and training for specific trades or professions.
- School An educational approach that emphasizes self-directed learning and hands-on activities in a mixed-age classroom.
- A facility that provides care, supervision, and early education for infants, toddlers, and young children.
- School A specialized school with a specific focus or theme, designed to attract students with particular interests or talents.
- A higher education institution where students pursue academic degrees or vocational training.
- School A form of education delivered over the internet, allowing students to learn remotely from their homes.
- School A secondary school providing education for students in grades nine through twelve.
15 Clues: School A secondary school providing education for students in grades nine through twelve. • A higher education institution where students pursue academic degrees or vocational training. • An institution of higher education offering undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields. • ...
School 2023-09-05
- The number of children in our phase
- Learning for all, caring for each other, ____ for the future
- The biggest concert choir attends
- The name of the new Year 5/6 teacher
- Mr Waterfall-Smith's favourite activity
- The name of the child who designed the gazebo window
- The word represented by the 'C' on our English board
- One of the periods of history we are studying this half term
- The number of school holidays we have
- This half term's value
- The festival we celebrate this half term
- The name of our headteacher
- Our class animal
- May our caring tree bloom with the ____ we show
- The number of classes at our school
15 Clues: Our class animal • This half term's value • The name of our headteacher • The biggest concert choir attends • The number of children in our phase • The number of classes at our school • The name of the new Year 5/6 teacher • The number of school holidays we have • Mr Waterfall-Smith's favourite activity • The festival we celebrate this half term • ...
school 2023-09-06
15 Clues: hoy • hola • adios • el dia • manana • hoy es • la semana • manana es • hasta luego • buenos dias • hasta manana • buenos tardes • buenos nochas • buenos noches • que dia es hoy
School 2023-11-27
school 2023-11-20
- they teach you everyday
- everytime you do an assignment you get this at the top of the paper
- you carry all your things in this
- you write on this for notes, or for answers
- sometimes you might ride this before or after school
- this is an after-school activity that involves a ball typically or some kid of movement
- you sit at this everyday to do work
- you can use this to go back on mistakes
- you write with this in class
- some people say that if you give your teacher this they will appreciate it
- the teacher writes on this to show work
- you sit in this
- you have seven of these periods everyday not including lunch
- you can hangout with them everyday and talk with them
- you get information out of this by reading
15 Clues: you sit in this • they teach you everyday • you write with this in class • you carry all your things in this • you sit at this everyday to do work • you can use this to go back on mistakes • the teacher writes on this to show work • you get information out of this by reading • you write on this for notes, or for answers • sometimes you might ride this before or after school • ...
School 2023-09-16
- An outdoor area at a school where students can play and engage in physical activities.
- A person who instructs and guides students in their learning.
- A person who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills.
- A bag used to carry books, notebooks, and other school supplies.
- A place in a school where books and other reading materials are stored and available for borrowing.
- A place where students go to learn and receive education.
- A large, dark surface in a classroom for writing with chalk or markers.
- A formal assessment or test of a student's knowledge and abilities.
- Assignments and tasks given by teachers to be completed outside of school hours.
- A piece of furniture in a classroom where students sit and work.
- The head of a school who is responsible for its overall administration.
- A room in a school where lessons and learning activities take place.
- A measuring tool used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths.
- A writing instrument used to make marks on paper.
- A physical or digital publication used for reading and learning.
15 Clues: A writing instrument used to make marks on paper. • A place where students go to learn and receive education. • A person who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills. • A person who instructs and guides students in their learning. • A piece of furniture in a classroom where students sit and work. • ...
School 2023-09-20
- Person who instructs students in various subjects.
- Electronic device for mathematical calculations.
- Seat for sitting, often used in classrooms.
- Flat, dark surface for writing with chalk or markers.
- Room with desks and chairs for teaching and learning.
- Furniture with a flat surface for writing and studying.
- Round model of the Earth or world map for geography.
- Building or room with a collection of books for reading.
- Writing tool with a graphite core and wooden casing.
- Outdoor area with equipment for recreational activities.
- Bound or spiral book for taking notes and writing.
- Straight measuring tool used for drawing and measuring.
- Bag with shoulder straps for carrying books and supplies.
- Bound volumes with printed pages for reading and study.
- Individual attending school to acquire knowledge.
15 Clues: Seat for sitting, often used in classrooms. • Electronic device for mathematical calculations. • Individual attending school to acquire knowledge. • Bound or spiral book for taking notes and writing. • Person who instructs students in various subjects. • Round model of the Earth or world map for geography. • Writing tool with a graphite core and wooden casing. • ...
School 2023-09-10
- A seat for one person
- A tapered or pointed instrument for writing or drawing, consisting of a slender stick of graphite or a similar substance enclosed in wood
- The expression or application of creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting, drawing, or sculpture
- A person studying at a university or other place of higher education
- A large board with a white surface for writing or drawing on, used esp. as a teaching aid in classrooms
- The action, practice, or art of naming the letters of words, of reading letter by letter, or of expressing words by letter
- Two blades that are handheld to cut paper, cardboard, car etc
- One who or that which teaches or instructs
- A piece of ground used for playing on, esp. one attached to a school or in a public park.
- The science of numbers; the art of computation by figures.
- A plastic or metal stick used for measurement, usually in centimeters or inches
- The action or process of forming or setting down letters, symbols or words on a surface such as paper with a pen, pencil, brush, etc
- A piece of furniture consisting of a raised flat top of wood, stone, or other solid material, supported on one or more legs, and providing a level surface
- A portable volume consisting of a series of written, printed, or illustrated pages bound together for ease of reading
- To acquire knowledge of (a subject) or skill in (an art, etc.) as a result of study, experience, or teaching
15 Clues: A seat for one person • One who or that which teaches or instructs • The science of numbers; the art of computation by figures. • Two blades that are handheld to cut paper, cardboard, car etc • A person studying at a university or other place of higher education • A plastic or metal stick used for measurement, usually in centimeters or inches • ...
school 2023-11-02
School 2024-01-26
- School A place where young students learn basic subjects in a nurturing and supportive environment.
- School A government-funded school open to all students in a particular district or region.
- School A school that focuses on practical skills and specific trades, preparing students for careers in various industries.
- School A school with a diverse student body, often offering a curriculum with an international perspective.
- School An institution with a focus on discipline, leadership, and character development, often with a military-style environment.
- School A school dedicated to the study and practice of visual and performing arts.
- School A school for students in the transitional years between elementary and high school, focusing on academic and personal development.
- School A school emphasizing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education to prepare students for careers in these fields.
- School An independent school funded by tuition fees, often providing a unique curriculum or specialized programs.
- School A school focused on language learning, offering courses in various languages to help students develop proficiency.
- School An educational approach that encourages independent learning and exploration, often used in preschool and elementary settings.
- School A school where students reside on campus, typically offering a comprehensive education and a sense of community.
- School An institution providing secondary education, where students pursue more specialized subjects and prepare for higher education or careers.
- School A virtual learning environment where students engage in coursework and interact with teachers online.
- School A school following the principles of Waldorf education, emphasizing creativity and holistic development.
15 Clues: School A school dedicated to the study and practice of visual and performing arts. • School A government-funded school open to all students in a particular district or region. • School A place where young students learn basic subjects in a nurturing and supportive environment. • ...
School 2023-10-09
- A school for very young children, typically between the ages of three and five, that focuses on early education and social development.
- School A school that follows an international curriculum and often has a diverse student population from various countries.
- School A school that offers instruction in music theory, instruments, and performance. It may focus on classical, jazz, or other genres.
- School A school for students in the intermediate grades, typically spanning sixth to eighth grade.
- A grade level that serves as an introduction to formal education, usually for five-year-old children.
- School A school that provides specialized training in specific trades or careers, such as mechanics, cosmetology, or culinary arts.
- School A type of school that emphasizes self-directed learning and hands-on activities, often with mixed-age classrooms.
- School A school funded by the government and free for students to attend. It is open to all students in a designated area.
- School A school that is privately funded and often charges tuition. It may have different educational approaches or religious affiliations.
- Schooling An educational approach where parents or guardians take on the role of teachers and educate their children at home.
- School A school focused on teaching languages to students, often for non-native speakers or those looking to learn a new language.
- School A school where children in early grades receive basic education in subjects like math, reading, and science.
- School A school where students live and study on campus. It provides a structured environment and may offer specialized programs.
- School A school for older students, usually including grades nine through twelve. It offers a wide range of subjects and extracurricular activities.
- School A school that specializes in teaching various forms of visual arts, including drawing, painting, sculpture, and design.
15 Clues: School A school for students in the intermediate grades, typically spanning sixth to eighth grade. • A grade level that serves as an introduction to formal education, usually for five-year-old children. • School A school where children in early grades receive basic education in subjects like math, reading, and science. • ...
School 2024-02-28
- An outdoor area at a school or park equipped with equipment and structures, such as swings, slides, and climbing frames, for children to play on during recess or break time.
- A writing instrument with a thin, cylindrical graphite core encased in wood or plastic. Pencils are commonly used by students for writing, drawing, and sketching.
- A person who attends school or participates in educational activities to learn and acquire knowledge. Students engage in classwork, homework, and exams.
- A person who instructs and educates students in a school or other learning environment. Teachers provide lessons, assign homework, and assess student progress.
- A building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and other materials for reading, study, or reference. Libraries in schools provide resources for research, learning, and leisure reading.
- A bag with shoulder straps, typically made of cloth or nylon, used by students to carry books, school supplies, and personal belongings to and from school.
- A book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject in a school or college. Textbooks contain information, explanations, and exercises for learning.
- A container used for carrying a packed meal or snacks, typically made of plastic or metal with a handle and compartments. Lunchboxes are commonly used by students to bring food from home to school.
- A spherical model of the Earth or celestial body showing maps of its surface, used by students for geography lessons and learning about the world.
- A handheld electronic device or software application used for performing mathematical calculations. Calculators help students solve equations, do math homework, and complete exams.
- A piece of furniture with a flat surface and typically one or more drawers, used by students for writing or studying in a classroom.
- A bound or loose-leaf book with blank or ruled pages, used by students for taking notes, writing assignments, and organizing information.
- A room in a school where students are taught by a teacher. It's typically equipped with desks, chairs, a blackboard or whiteboard, and educational materials.
- lab A specialized room in a school equipped with equipment, materials, and resources for conducting scientific experiments and investigations. Science labs allow students to explore and learn through hands-on experiences.
- A straight strip or bar of material marked with units of measurement, used by students for drawing straight lines and measuring distances in schoolwork.
15 Clues: A piece of furniture with a flat surface and typically one or more drawers, used by students for writing or studying in a classroom. • A bound or loose-leaf book with blank or ruled pages, used by students for taking notes, writing assignments, and organizing information. • ...
SCHOOL 2024-03-06
- subject where you learn the language from the UK
- subject where you learn about countries
- subject where you learn about what happened in the past
- subject where you paint and draw
- a place in your school where you can have lunch or meet up peers
- subject about body parts and animals
- subject where you learn about equations
- subject where you exercise your body
- a place in school where you can do experiments
- a place where you can borrow books or study
- subject where you learn about Newton's Laws
- a place where you do PE
- subject where you can create and build things
- subject where you learn about molecules
- a place where you have a lesson
15 Clues: a place where you do PE • a place where you have a lesson • subject where you paint and draw • subject where you exercise your body • subject about body parts and animals • subject where you learn about countries • subject where you learn about molecules • subject where you learn about equations • a place where you can borrow books or study • ...
School 2024-04-08
- what you write when you want to keep track of information from what you read
- what you should do before a test
- what you read in English class
- an event for students to dress up and have fun after school
- the person who runs the school
- a tool to write an essay with
- class where you get to do experiments
- a device you can use to do homework
- class where you study what happened in the past
- what the L in ELD stands for
- the person who educates you about their subject
- the place you learn about numbers and formulas
- a place to store your school supplies
- the time where you can hang out with your friends
- the class where you write the most essays
15 Clues: what the L in ELD stands for • a tool to write an essay with • what you read in English class • the person who runs the school • what you should do before a test • a device you can use to do homework • a place to store your school supplies • class where you get to do experiments • the class where you write the most essays • the place you learn about numbers and formulas • ...
School 2024-09-15
- This is what performers do lots of times before the premiere
- Teacher for private lessons
- This type of arts include theatre,dancing,etc
- Schools that don't select the students according to academic performance
- Practical
- Mandatory
- Dedicated
- Adjective to describe something really modern
- Type of school that provides technical skills for a specific job
- A room for more than 2 people
- To make progress at the same rate as someone else
- You feel like this when you miss your home and your folks
- A school with a residence for students
- Private school in the UK
- You need this for some peace and quiet
15 Clues: Practical • Mandatory • Dedicated • Private school in the UK • Teacher for private lessons • A room for more than 2 people • A school with a residence for students • You need this for some peace and quiet • Adjective to describe something really modern • This type of arts include theatre,dancing,etc • To make progress at the same rate as someone else • ...
school 2024-07-20
- learning about life in the past
- fun with words
- learning about the world
- a good thing to do in class
- a very important habit
- the boss of the school
- do this with friends at recess
- sharing a table at lunch with
- fun with numbers
- what you should do outside
- fun with books
- someone you will see every day
- what they want you to do in the halls
- fun with experiments
- why you are there
15 Clues: fun with words • fun with books • fun with numbers • why you are there • fun with experiments • a very important habit • the boss of the school • learning about the world • what you should do outside • a good thing to do in class • sharing a table at lunch with • someone you will see every day • do this with friends at recess • learning about life in the past • ...
School 2024-06-10
- a writing utensil
- a chance to relax
- things you do at home
- 4 legged object
- what you go to through ages 6-18
- most important thing in life
- a room where you listen
- electronic learning device
- Important dates
- public transport
- what gets sent to your parents
- a type of math
- when it snows a lot
- a class with labs
- afternoon nessecity
15 Clues: a type of math • Important dates • 4 legged object • public transport • a writing utensil • a chance to relax • a class with labs • when it snows a lot • afternoon nessecity • things you do at home • a room where you listen • electronic learning device • most important thing in life • what gets sent to your parents • what you go to through ages 6-18
school 2024-12-07
- A place where you go to learn
- This subject involves numbers
- You use this to measure things or draw straight lines
- A container to carry your books and supplies
- A book with blank pages for writing
- A small object you use to erase pencil marks
- A break during lessons
- A small tool used to make pencils sharp
- You use this to color pictures
- A piece of furniture where students write
- A teacher writes on it in the classroom
- Students sit on this in class
- A person who teaches you
- You use this to write with ink
- A piece of paper with questions to answer
15 Clues: A break during lessons • A person who teaches you • A place where you go to learn • This subject involves numbers • Students sit on this in class • You use this to color pictures • You use this to write with ink • A book with blank pages for writing • A small tool used to make pencils sharp • A teacher writes on it in the classroom • A piece of furniture where students write • ...
School 2021-05-18
School 2022-11-08
- the act of taking the size/degrees of something
- strong hostility
- a curse
- the act of processing substance from solution
- showing no regret
- the amount of space/size something takes up
- how heavy something is/a pile of something
- animal nature
- poverty
- argumentative
- done instantly
- primitive
- a triangular shape 4 faces 1 base(can be any 2D)
- the spelling system of a language
- a group of shapes including cubes
15 Clues: poverty • a curse • primitive • animal nature • argumentative • done instantly • strong hostility • showing no regret • the spelling system of a language • a group of shapes including cubes • how heavy something is/a pile of something • the amount of space/size something takes up • the act of processing substance from solution • the act of taking the size/degrees of something • ...
school 2022-11-04
- the act of taking in words/information
- impact on the moon
- away something goes in order
- numbers put together to make a total
- what you have so you are protected
- alot of people working together
- what we live on
- knowing and understanding words
- when you take a pencil to paper
- before ur final copy
- ur data making a straight line on a grid
- when data is all over the grid
- the earth's only natural satellite.
- at least 3 sides
- These are made to protect citizens
15 Clues: what we live on • at least 3 sides • impact on the moon • before ur final copy • away something goes in order • when data is all over the grid • when you take a pencil to paper • alot of people working together • knowing and understanding words • what you have so you are protected • These are made to protect citizens • the earth's only natural satellite. • ...
school 2022-05-25
- class its a class that you can draw in.
- a person that teaches you lessons in class and helps you learn
- a word that you try to convince someone to do something.
- studies its a class that you learn about history.
- a really windy storm that can cause a lot of damage
- a class where you learn about animals and there habitats and behaviors.
- boykins are first english teacher that we had
- something you read over and over before a test to help you prepare for it.
- a type of object you do a lot of work on and you can type on it.
- a place you can go or visit and have fun and take a break from things.
- a person that you are very close to and hang out with
- a thing that u carry on your back and carry all your stuff in.
- a test you take at the end and beginning of the year to see what you have learned and it is not a grade.
- A type of thing you do that is good for your body and help you become more active.
- something you have to get done in school and has a due date.
15 Clues: class its a class that you can draw in. • boykins are first english teacher that we had • studies its a class that you learn about history. • a really windy storm that can cause a lot of damage • a person that you are very close to and hang out with • a word that you try to convince someone to do something. • ...
SCHOOL 2022-12-16
- Person who teaches you.
- Object which you draw with.
- Person who has the highest roll in the school.
- Object which students write on.
- Month of the year when the school year starts.
- Object that teachers write on.
- Things that you use to write on the blackboard.
- Place where PE teachers teach.
- Place where you are during the break.
- People who study in the school.
- Person whose keys open all the doors.
- Month when we finish the classes.
- Object which you use to look for a word.
- Room where you can find books.
- Object which you measure.
15 Clues: Person who teaches you. • Object which you measure. • Object which you draw with. • Room where you can find books. • Object that teachers write on. • Place where PE teachers teach. • People who study in the school. • Object which students write on. • Month when we finish the classes. • Place where you are during the break. • Person whose keys open all the doors. • ...
school 2020-03-31
- if the school is dirty, she will fix it
- works in the school kitchen
- working with numbers here
- you are learning about humans or animals here
- this think you need in math
- you are painting here
- you are learning about newton in this subject
- you need this for writting
- you are writting into this thing
- the one who learns
- you can learn some states here
- educates his pupils
- elements are being learned here
- when you something draw bad, you use this think
- you have to know cirillic
15 Clues: the one who learns • educates his pupils • you are painting here • working with numbers here • you have to know cirillic • you need this for writting • works in the school kitchen • this think you need in math • you can learn some states here • elements are being learned here • you are writting into this thing • if the school is dirty, she will fix it • ...
School 2020-06-04
- pages of written work glued or sewn together
- used to erase pencil mistakes
- used by students to carry things to school
- a place where students play indoor sports
- used for writing in ink
- a bright pen used to mark words or sentences
- work given to students by teachers
- a place where books can be borrowed and returned
- a table where students do class work
- a room where students learn from teachers
- the person who teaches the students
- this object makes calculations quicker
- a wooden object with lead in the middle; for writing
- an examination
- teachers write on this in front of the class
15 Clues: an examination • used for writing in ink • used to erase pencil mistakes • work given to students by teachers • the person who teaches the students • a table where students do class work • this object makes calculations quicker • a room where students learn from teachers • a place where students play indoor sports • used by students to carry things to school • ...
School 2020-04-03
- a place where we learn
- best time for students
- game, what we like the most
- ours superiors
- sound we like the most or hate the most
- break from school
- this language
- numbers, counting
- painting
- explosions, experiments
- playing many sports
- the whole building
- my name, starting with D
- main meal of the day
- animals,nature,...
15 Clues: painting • this language • ours superiors • numbers, counting • break from school • the whole building • animals,nature,... • playing many sports • main meal of the day • a place where we learn • best time for students • explosions, experiments • my name, starting with D • game, what we like the most • sound we like the most or hate the most
school 2020-06-19
- A building where thins such as book, newspapers are kept for people to read, or use.
- A number of objects arranged in line.
- A device that makes a ringing sound.
- A special set of clothes which some children wear in school.
- A room in school where lessons take place.
- A room or a part of a building where people work.
- A room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school.
- A fixed period of time when people are taught about a particular subject.
- A piece of furniture like a table, often with a drawers.
- A number of people or things that are together in the same place or that are connected in some way.
- A building or a room used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc.
- A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk.
- An outdoor area where children can play, especially at a school.
- A university teacher of the highest rank.
- A place where food are served in a school.
15 Clues: A device that makes a ringing sound. • A number of objects arranged in line. • A university teacher of the highest rank. • A room in school where lessons take place. • A place where food are served in a school. • A room or a part of a building where people work. • A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk. • ...
school 2020-06-19
- A device that makes a ringing sound.
- A building or a room used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc.
- A room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school.
- A university teacher of the highest rank.
- A special set of clothes which some children wear in school.
- A fixed period of time when people are taught about a particular subject.
- A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk.
- A building where thins such as book, newspapers are kept for people to read, or use.
- A room in school where lessons take place.
- A place where food are served in a school.
- An outdoor area where children can play, especially at a school.
- A number of people or things that are together in the same place or that are connected in some way.
- A piece of furniture like a table, often with a drawers.
- A room or a part of a building where people work.
- A number of objects arranged in line.
15 Clues: A device that makes a ringing sound. • A number of objects arranged in line. • A university teacher of the highest rank. • A room in school where lessons take place. • A place where food are served in a school. • A room or a part of a building where people work. • A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk. • ...
school 2020-06-19
- A device that makes a ringing sound.
- A building or a room used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc.
- A room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school.
- A university teacher of the highest rank.
- A special set of clothes which some children wear in school.
- A fixed period of time when people are taught about a particular subject.
- A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk.
- A building where thins such as book, newspapers are kept for people to read, or use.
- A room in school where lessons take place.
- A place where food are served in a school.
- An outdoor area where children can play, especially at a school.
- A number of people or things that are together in the same place or that are connected in some way.
- A piece of furniture like a table, often with a drawers.
- A room or a part of a building where people work.
- A number of objects arranged in line.
15 Clues: A device that makes a ringing sound. • A number of objects arranged in line. • A university teacher of the highest rank. • A room in school where lessons take place. • A place where food are served in a school. • A room or a part of a building where people work. • A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk. • ...
School 2019-01-11
- als de leerkracht ziek is
- onze leerkracht van Frans
- de zaal waar gebeurtenis is
- waar je zit tijdens de les
- als problemen hebt
- de directeur
- de zaal waar je eten
- leerkracht van nederlands
- de leerkracht van turnen
- waar je speel
- de leerkracht van godsdienst
- waar de leerkracht geef les
- leerkracht van Muziek
- onze leerkracht van Wiskunde
- waar je zit tijdens de speelplaats
15 Clues: de directeur • waar je speel • als problemen hebt • de zaal waar je eten • leerkracht van Muziek • de leerkracht van turnen • als de leerkracht ziek is • leerkracht van nederlands • onze leerkracht van Frans • waar je zit tijdens de les • waar de leerkracht geef les • de zaal waar gebeurtenis is • de leerkracht van godsdienst • onze leerkracht van Wiskunde • ...
School 2019-04-01
15 Clues: read • Dean • Adrien • patiserie • local cafe • electronics • neighborhood • place to read • chair and table • fun active class • Dean's assistant • place where we learn • we have a lot of them • where you wash your hands • teacher that likes to surf
SCHOOL 2020-12-20
- on these lessons we learn about countries
- between lesson
- special book to learn
- room for learn at school
- before the test
- on these lessons we learn about wars
- where we can pe outside
- he/she goes to school
- we eat meals there at school
- we writte on the end eighth class
- on these lessons we work the computer
- on these lessons we must read a books
- teacher write there notes
- we pick her up at school
- on these lessons we learn about animals and plants
15 Clues: between lesson • before the test • he/she goes to school • special book to learn • where we can pe outside • we pick her up at school • room for learn at school • teacher write there notes • we eat meals there at school • we writte on the end eighth class • on these lessons we learn about wars • on these lessons we work the computer • on these lessons we must read a books • ...
School 2021-03-10
- study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination
- a formal dance held for high school seniors especially
- attempt to persuade someone into doing something
- a grant or payment made to support a student's education
- successfully complete an academic degree
- a long essay on a particular subject written for a university degree or diploma
- the use of electronic communication to harass a person
- behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards
- the ability to do something well
- a schedule showing your lessons by day
- something obligatory
- a short piece of writing on a particular subject
- available to be chosen but not obligatory
- university teacher
- half of the academic year in universities
15 Clues: university teacher • something obligatory • the ability to do something well • a schedule showing your lessons by day • successfully complete an academic degree • available to be chosen but not obligatory • half of the academic year in universities • attempt to persuade someone into doing something • a short piece of writing on a particular subject • ...
school 2021-03-03
15 Clues: sing • drawing • formula • cooking • experiment • place to study • education sports • energy and force • living organisms • write assignment • elements compounds • to write something • writing school lesson • knowledge of the lesson • technology technology study
School 2021-03-31
School 2023-03-02
15 Clues: pray • math • is kind • students • to sing more • it is a class • a gray vehicle • yellow vehicle • talk to someone • yellow with an eraser • pen is a writeing songs • to be sweet to teachers • is to glue paper to paper • pray for someone so they will heal • if you see someone crying see if they are okay
School 2023-04-22
- Last year I took an _______________ in acting. I'm in a theatre group.
- I will _________ up for coding course in the future.
- There are lots of ____________ institutions in our city e.g. kindergartens or primary schools.
- I hate doing ________________, especially vacumming the carpets and doing the washing up.
- I go to a ___________ centre every Friday to play basketball.
- She's doing a ______________ in Clinical Psychology.
- We use lots of ______________ on lessons. All students have tablets.
- In our school we can eat lunch in a ___________ during our lunch break.
- I'm going to stay at home and __________ for my maths test tomorrow.
- You have to ___________ minimum 60% to pass the test.
- Next weekend I have a ___________ because I finish high school. I'll go with my boyfriend.
- If you look for your teacher, she will be in a _______.
- Use a ____________ if you want to make a straight line in your notebook.
- I want to be an actor and stand on a ____________ every evening.
- I can't draw with this pencil. I need a pencil ____________ .
15 Clues: I will _________ up for coding course in the future. • She's doing a ______________ in Clinical Psychology. • You have to ___________ minimum 60% to pass the test. • If you look for your teacher, she will be in a _______. • I can't draw with this pencil. I need a pencil ____________ . • I go to a ___________ centre every Friday to play basketball. • ...
School 2023-06-15
- Subject that deals with numbers and equations
- Place with books for reading and research
- Writing instrument used for schoolwork
- Furniture used by students for studying
- Bag used to carry books and supplies
- Surface for writing or drawing in the classroom
- Individual who attends school to learn
- Assignments given by teachers to be completed at home
- Subject that involves experiments and discoveries
- Space where students gather for lessons
- Knowledgeable person who guides students
- Break time during the school day
- Source of knowledge and stories
- Container for carrying lunch to school
- Creative activity involving various mediums
15 Clues: Source of knowledge and stories • Break time during the school day • Bag used to carry books and supplies • Writing instrument used for schoolwork • Container for carrying lunch to school • Individual who attends school to learn • Space where students gather for lessons • Furniture used by students for studying • Knowledgeable person who guides students • ...
School 2023-06-19
- School A school that is funded by the government and provides education to all students in the community. Imagine attending a public school where you meet students from diverse backgrounds, engage in community activities, and receive a well-rounded education that prepares you for the future.
- School A school that offers music education, teaching instruments, music theory, and ensemble performance. Imagine attending a music school where you learn to play an instrument, discover different genres of music, and participate in band or choir activities, fostering a lifelong love for music.
- School A school that follows the Montessori educational approach, emphasizing hands-on learning and self-directed activities. Imagine attending a Montessori school where you have freedom to choose your activities, work at your own pace, and learn through exploration and discovery in a prepared environment.
- School A school that operates independently with more flexibility in curriculum and teaching methods. Imagine going to a charter school where you have the opportunity to explore different learning approaches, engage in project-based learning, and pursue your interests in a specialized program.
- A form of education where parents or guardians teach their children at home. Imagine being homeschooled, where your parents provide personalized instruction, tailor the curriculum to your needs, and create a learning environment that allows for flexibility and individualized learning experiences.
- School A school that focuses on art education, nurturing creativity and artistic skills. Imagine attending an art school where you explore various forms of art, learn different techniques, and express your creativity through drawing, painting, sculpting, or other artistic mediums.
- School A school that provides specialized training in specific trades or professions. Imagine attending a vocational school where you gain practical skills in areas like carpentry, culinary arts, or automotive repair, preparing you for a future career or further education in a specific field.
- School A school that is privately funded and often has smaller class sizes. Imagine going to a private school where you receive personalized attention from teachers, have access to unique educational programs, and experience a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
- School A place where young children start their educational journey. Imagine attending an elementary school where you learn new things every day, make friends, and have fun activities that help you develop important skills and knowledge to prepare you for the future.
- School A school where students transition from elementary to high school. Imagine being in middle school, where you explore more subjects, develop your independence, and engage in extracurricular activities that allow you to discover your interests and prepare for the next educational level.
- School A school that offers an international curriculum, attracting students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Imagine attending an international school where you learn about different cultures, develop global perspectives, and collaborate with classmates from various countries, fostering cross-cultural understanding.
- School A school where teenagers continue their education and prepare for adulthood. Imagine attending high school, where you study a variety of subjects, participate in clubs and sports, build lasting friendships, and work towards your goals and dreams for the future.
- School A school that offers online or remote learning, often through digital platforms and resources. Imagine attending a virtual school where you have the flexibility to learn from anywhere, access a wide range of educational materials online, and collaborate with classmates through digital platforms.
- School A school where students live and study on campus away from their families. Imagine attending a boarding school where you develop independence, build strong friendships with fellow students, and have access to a range of academic and extracurricular opportunities in a supportive community.
- Academy A school that combines academics with specialized sports training and development. Imagine attending a sports academy where you receive quality education alongside intensive sports training, allowing you to pursue your athletic passion while maintaining academic excellence.
15 Clues: School A place where young children start their educational journey. Imagine attending an elementary school where you learn new things every day, make friends, and have fun activities that help you develop important skills and knowledge to prepare you for the future. • ...
school 2023-06-27
- A break period during the school day when students play or relax outdoors.
- A person who instructs and guides students in a school.
- A place in a school where books and other resources are available for reading and research.
- The head or leader of a school.
- A designated area in a school where students eat their meals.
- A person who attends classes and studies at a school.
- A room in a school where students attend lessons and interact with their teachers.
- A place where students go to learn and receive education.
- A large room or hall in a school used for sports and physical activities.
- An outdoor area in a school where children can play and have fun.
- A bag carried by students to hold their books and supplies.
- A specific outfit or dress code that students wear at a school.
- A dark surface on a wall, often green or black, used for writing or drawing with chalk.
- A device that rings to signal the beginning or end of classes in a school.
- A piece of furniture in a classroom where students sit and work.
15 Clues: The head or leader of a school. • A person who attends classes and studies at a school. • A person who instructs and guides students in a school. • A place where students go to learn and receive education. • A bag carried by students to hold their books and supplies. • A designated area in a school where students eat their meals. • ...
School 2023-06-17
- The leader of the school, who ensures a safe and supportive environment and guides its overall operation.
- A day dedicated to friendly competitions and teamwork, where students showcase their athletic skills.
- A break in the school day when students gather to enjoy delicious meals and chat with friends.
- A cozy and inviting space where students gather to learn, explore, and grow together.
- Gatherings where the entire school comes together for announcements, performances, and celebrations.
- A fascinating space equipped with tools and materials for hands-on experiments and scientific exploration.
- A time for students to unwind, play games, and recharge their energy between lessons.
- A treasure trove of books and knowledge, where students can explore new worlds through reading.
- A creative haven where students express themselves through painting, drawing, and other artistic activities.
- A vibrant and energetic area where students play, socialize, and enjoy outdoor activities.
- A handy container that holds essential writing tools like pencils, pens, erasers, and colored markers.
- A caring and knowledgeable guide who helps students discover the joy of learning and nurtures their talents.
- Fun and engaging tasks assigned by teachers to reinforce learning and practice new skills.
- Trip Exciting adventures outside the classroom, where students explore new places and learn through firsthand experiences.
- A big, yellow vehicle that safely transports students to and from school, filled with laughter and chatter.
15 Clues: A cozy and inviting space where students gather to learn, explore, and grow together. • A time for students to unwind, play games, and recharge their energy between lessons. • A vibrant and energetic area where students play, socialize, and enjoy outdoor activities. • Fun and engaging tasks assigned by teachers to reinforce learning and practice new skills. • ...
School 2023-06-24
- The study of numbers, quantity, and shapes.
- Bound collections of written or printed pages.
- A room in which students gather for lessons and discussions.
- A person who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills.
- A tool used for writing or drawing, typically made of wood.
- People you enjoy spending time with and consider close.
- A dark surface on which teachers write or draw with chalk.
- The study of the natural world and its phenomena.
- A book with pages for writing notes or assignments.
- The study of past events and human accomplishments.
- A meal eaten during a break from classes, usually midday.
- A person who instructs and guides students in their learning.
- A piece of furniture with a flat surface for writing and studying.
- A bag carried on the back, used to carry books and supplies.
- A straight measuring tool used for drawing straight lines.
15 Clues: The study of numbers, quantity, and shapes. • Bound collections of written or printed pages. • The study of the natural world and its phenomena. • A book with pages for writing notes or assignments. • The study of past events and human accomplishments. • People you enjoy spending time with and consider close. • ...
SCHOOL 2023-07-03
- A specific set of clothes worn at school.
- A person who helps students learn new things.
- A break time for students to play and relax.
- A bag worn on the back to carry books and supplies.
- A tool used for writing or drawing.
- A piece of furniture for writing and studying.
- A large, dark surface used for writing with chalk.
- A container for carrying meals to school.
- A person who attends school and learns.
- Tasks given to students to complete at home.
- An assessment to evaluate knowledge or skills.
- A room where students and teachers have lessons.
- A written or printed work with pages.
- A tool used for writing or drawing with graphite.
- A place where students go to learn and study.
15 Clues: A tool used for writing or drawing. • A written or printed work with pages. • A person who attends school and learns. • A specific set of clothes worn at school. • A container for carrying meals to school. • Tasks given to students to complete at home. • A break time for students to play and relax. • A person who helps students learn new things. • ...
School 2023-07-03
- A school for children before kindergarten.
- School A school that offers job-specific training.
- School A school that specializes in music education.
- School A school where students live on campus.
- School A school that offers an international curriculum.
- School A school that teaches foreign languages.
- School A school for students in intermediate grades.
- School A school that offers technical and trade education.
- School A school that operates independently of the local school board.
- School A school that is funded by the government.
- School A school for students in later grades.
- School A school for young students in early grades.
- School A school that focuses on artistic education.
- School A school that is not run by the government.
- School A school that follows the Montessori method.
15 Clues: A school for children before kindergarten. • School A school for students in later grades. • School A school where students live on campus. • School A school that teaches foreign languages. • School A school that is funded by the government. • School A school that offers job-specific training. • School A school that is not run by the government. • ...
School 2013-09-19
- Hiermee kun je dingen aan elkaar vast plakken
- Niet wit maar
- Dit doen we vaak op vrijdagmiddag
- Hierop kun je een taalles uit werken
- I'm ten years old. Dit is geschreven in het
- Zij geeft je les
- Hier zit je op
- Dit werk moet ik thuis maken
- Hij geeft je les
- Hierop staan je resultaten van de afgelopen periode
- Hiervoor hebben wij de methode WIG
- Hier mag je iets uit kiezen als je werk klaar is
- Hier heeft elke klas een dag voor en veel kinderen spelen dit graag
- De Nederlandse vlag bestaat uit de kleuren rood, wit,
- Dit doe ik in een boek
15 Clues: Niet wit maar • Hier zit je op • Hij geeft je les • Zij geeft je les • Dit doe ik in een boek • Dit werk moet ik thuis maken • Dit doen we vaak op vrijdagmiddag • Hiervoor hebben wij de methode WIG • Hierop kun je een taalles uit werken • I'm ten years old. Dit is geschreven in het • Hiermee kun je dingen aan elkaar vast plakken • Hier mag je iets uit kiezen als je werk klaar is • ...
School 2013-12-12
School 2014-02-08
- leaving or departing traveling away from outward bound
- of or relating
- a route or proposed route a journey
- of or having to do with more than one nation
- travelling
- coming in heading inwards
- of or pertaining t a specific region or district
- go to country to country
- people who travel
- the act of passing over across or through something
- the act of associating
- a part of a circle
- the act of destining
- of or relating to two or more states
- to beginning something
15 Clues: travelling • of or relating • people who travel • a part of a circle • the act of destining • the act of associating • to beginning something • go to country to country • coming in heading inwards • a route or proposed route a journey • of or relating to two or more states • of or having to do with more than one nation • of or pertaining t a specific region or district • ...
School 2014-01-22
- A lesson where students do practical things in stead of listening
- The language in which this magazine is written
- Our hero in the media resource centre
- A schedule to tell you where you´ve got your lessons
- Animal in the top 1 discovered species
- The big test you will do at the end of the 6th year
- our culture association
- our party commission
- Event in June
- Our old temporary school
- A set of questions intended to find out your ability
- The time we get to rest
- Our hero during the break
- A well known stratovulcano
- Small decorated cake
15 Clues: Event in June • our party commission • Small decorated cake • The time we get to rest • our culture association • Our old temporary school • Our hero during the break • A well known stratovulcano • Our hero in the media resource centre • Animal in the top 1 discovered species • The language in which this magazine is written • The big test you will do at the end of the 6th year • ...
School 2015-05-04
- If a student is caught doing illegal things in school, they can be suspended or even ..... .
- A school year can be divided into two or three ..... .
- It is a list of all subjects and their hours for each day of the week for a given class.
- If a student doesn’t manage to finish university, they ..... out.
- A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school.
- This is a special meeting in a school building, which marks a special occasion.
- It takes place when students miss classes though they are not ill.
- It is an American word for secondary school.
- it happens when students don’t write their exams themselves, but copy answers from others.
- it is a person who attends the same class as you.
- This is a person who is in charge of a school.
- A ..... teacher is a teacher who is in charge of a class.
- It is an American word for primary school.
- ..... activities for students take place in a school but they are not part of the regular schedule of classes.
- It is a school where students learn how to do a specific profession, for example how to be a baker or a hair-dresser.
15 Clues: It is an American word for primary school. • It is an American word for secondary school. • This is a person who is in charge of a school. • it is a person who attends the same class as you. • A school where both sexes attend is a ..... school. • A school year can be divided into two or three ..... . • A ..... teacher is a teacher who is in charge of a class. • ...
School 2015-05-13
15 Clues: sols • soma • līme • šķēres • krēsls • durvis • grāmata • krītiņš • lineāls • zīmulis • skolotaja • dzēšgumija • datorsglue • pen pildspalva • book dienasgrāmata
School 2015-10-23
- thing which pupils used to write
- school case
- place where pupils have dinner
- classroom for PC
- thing which teacher used to write
- thing where you can write
- school___which means the end of the lesson
- way to test knowledge
- who is on___today?
- person who teach
- ending school
- book for marks
- clothes for pupils
- place where teacher write
- pupil's place in the classroom
15 Clues: school case • ending school • book for marks • person who teach • classroom for PC • clothes for pupils • who is on___today? • way to test knowledge • thing where you can write • place where teacher write • place where pupils have dinner • pupil's place in the classroom • thing which pupils used to write • thing which teacher used to write • school___which means the end of the lesson
School 2017-01-10
- zeer technisch vak
- Bonjour! (geef een vak)
- 1+2:3x350=???? (geef vak)
- klastitularis
- dit vak is een oude taal
- is een hokje om dingen te bewaren
- muziekaal vak
- zakje met schrijfgerief
- baas van de school
- dit werk doe je thuis na school
- heb je tussen de vakken in
- digitale agenda
- onze klastitularis geeft dit vak
- net iets groter dan een gewone toets
- vak waarbij we knutselen
15 Clues: klastitularis • muziekaal vak • digitale agenda • baas van de school • zeer technisch vak • Bonjour! (geef een vak) • zakje met schrijfgerief • dit vak is een oude taal • vak waarbij we knutselen • heb je tussen de vakken in • 1+2:3x350=???? (geef vak) • dit werk doe je thuis na school • onze klastitularis geeft dit vak • is een hokje om dingen te bewaren • ...
school 2017-11-10
School 2018-03-20
- oppisite of senior
- i wear a orange vest
- i tell you when its the end of play
- come to me when you have no hat
- you need a licence to use me
- you use me after play
- you write with me
- you do your work with me
- you measure with me
- i help you spell
- keeps you cool
- i tell you when to do things
- i tell you off when you are naughty
- i hold your bikes
- i tell the time
15 Clues: keeps you cool • i tell the time • i help you spell • i hold your bikes • you write with me • oppisite of senior • you measure with me • i wear a orange vest • you use me after play • you do your work with me • i tell you when to do things • you need a licence to use me • come to me when you have no hat • i tell you when its the end of play • i tell you off when you are naughty
School 2022-02-02
- you learn about the world
- you write it
- what does Mrs dent do
- you are creative in this subject
- teachers tell you to ____
- you read this subject
- you calculate it
- you explode stuff
- you speak this subject
- you look and watch things on it
- you sit on it
- you run in this subject
- you write with it
- you take it home
- it is the past
15 Clues: you write it • you sit on it • it is the past • you calculate it • you take it home • you explode stuff • you write with it • what does Mrs dent do • you read this subject • you speak this subject • you run in this subject • you learn about the world • teachers tell you to ____ • you look and watch things on it • you are creative in this subject
School 2022-02-02
- has addition and subtraction
- you can stick things down with this
- a device used for studying
- you get sound through these
- the teacher writes on this a lot
- this can get rid of led pencil marks
- You write with this
- this is used in art
- device that does math equations
- you can cut paper with ___
- Person who helping you learn
- you sit in this
- you type with a ___
- you read this
- helps you measure and make straight lines
15 Clues: you read this • you sit in this • you type with a ___ • You write with this • this is used in art • you can cut paper with ___ • a device used for studying • you get sound through these • has addition and subtraction • Person who helping you learn • device that does math equations • the teacher writes on this a lot • you can stick things down with this • ...
School 2023-07-10
- A small object used to remove pencil marks by rubbing them away.
- A person who instructs and guides students in their learning, usually in a classroom setting.
- The study of numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns, often involving arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.
- The expression or application of creative skills and imagination, often through visual forms such as drawing or painting.
- The art of creating and expressing sounds and melodies using instruments or the human voice.
- The study of the natural world and its phenomena, often involving experiments, observations, and analysis.
- The act of interpreting written words and understanding their meaning, often done by looking at books or other printed materials.
- A piece of furniture with a flat or sloping surface, used by students for writing, reading, and completing schoolwork.
- A person who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills from teachers and educational programs.
- A room where students gather for instruction and learning, typically equipped with desks, chairs, and a blackboard or whiteboard.
- The act of putting thoughts and ideas into words and creating written text, often done with a pen, pencil, or computer.
- Assignments given to students to be completed outside of school hours, often reinforcing concepts learned in class.
- The study of past events, particularly in human affairs, often involving the examination of sources and evidence.
- A bag worn on the back, used by students to carry books, supplies, and other belongings to and from school.
- A thin cylindrical writing instrument with a graphite core, used for writing and drawing.
15 Clues: A small object used to remove pencil marks by rubbing them away. • A thin cylindrical writing instrument with a graphite core, used for writing and drawing. • The art of creating and expressing sounds and melodies using instruments or the human voice. • A person who instructs and guides students in their learning, usually in a classroom setting. • ...
School 2023-07-31
- A space within the school where students attend lessons and study.
- A straight measuring tool used to draw lines or measure lengths accurately.
- A colored drawing tool made of wax, used by children for coloring.
- A piece of furniture used by students to sit at their desks during lessons.
- A writing instrument made of wood with graphite or lead in the center.
- A sticky substance used for bonding or sticking objects together.
- A tool used to remove or correct mistakes made with a pencil or pen.
- A dark, smooth surface where teachers write and explain lessons using chalk.
- A written or printed work containing knowledge, stories, or information.
- An individual who learns and studies in a school from their teachers.
- A place where students receive education and learn various subjects.
- A bag carried on the back, used by students to carry books and supplies to school.
- A person who imparts knowledge and educates students in school.
- A container used by students to carry their lunch or snacks to school.
- A piece of furniture where students sit to read, write, or study in class.
15 Clues: A person who imparts knowledge and educates students in school. • A sticky substance used for bonding or sticking objects together. • A space within the school where students attend lessons and study. • A colored drawing tool made of wax, used by children for coloring. • A place where students receive education and learn various subjects. • ...
School 2023-11-03
- A subject taught in schools that involves the study of past events, people, and societies. It often includes the study of significant historical periods.
- A piece of furniture with a flat or sloped surface for writing or reading. It is often used by students in classrooms.
- A subject taught in schools that involves the study of numbers, shapes, and patterns. It often includes arithmetic and algebra.
- A break time during the school day when students can play, socialize, and relax outdoors.
- A person who helps students learn various subjects such as math, science, and language. They work in schools and colleges.
- A subject taught in schools that involves the creation of visual or performing arts such as painting, drawing, and music.
- A collection of pages bound together that contains stories, information, or pictures. It is used for reading and learning.
- A book with blank or lined pages for writing notes or recording information. It is often used by students for various subjects.
- A subject taught in schools that involves the study of the Earth's physical features, climates, and cultures.
- A person who attends classes and learns from teachers in a school or educational institution.
- A subject taught in schools that involves the study of the natural world through observation and experimentation.
- A room in a school where students attend lessons and learn from teachers. It is often equipped with desks and a blackboard.
- A subject taught in schools that involves the study and creation of melodies and harmonies through various instruments and vocal techniques.
- A place in a school where books and other reading materials are kept for students and teachers to borrow and read.
- A writing instrument used for drawing and writing. It has a graphite or colored core encased in wood or plastic.
15 Clues: A break time during the school day when students can play, socialize, and relax outdoors. • A person who attends classes and learns from teachers in a school or educational institution. • A subject taught in schools that involves the study of the Earth's physical features, climates, and cultures. • ...
School 2023-12-14
- Card A document detailing a student's academic performance and grades.
- An educator who imparts knowledge and skills to students.
- A formal assessment of a student's knowledge and skills.
- A bag carried by students to transport books and other belongings.
- The head administrator of a school.
- Activities Activities outside the regular curriculum, such as sports or clubs.
- A break during the school day for students to play and relax.
- An individual engaged in learning within an educational institution.
- A piece of furniture for writing or studying, typically with a flat surface.
- Bus A vehicle used to transport students to and from school.
- Assignments or tasks given to students to be completed outside of class.
- A place where books and other educational materials are stored and accessed.
- A writing instrument used for tasks such as note-taking and drawing.
- A room where students receive instruction from a teacher.
- A container for carrying a packed lunch or snacks to school.
15 Clues: The head administrator of a school. • A formal assessment of a student's knowledge and skills. • An educator who imparts knowledge and skills to students. • A room where students receive instruction from a teacher. • Bus A vehicle used to transport students to and from school. • A container for carrying a packed lunch or snacks to school. • ...
school 2024-01-02
- The head administrator of a school, responsible for its overall operation and management.
- A place where books and other resources are kept for reading, research, and borrowing.
- A room in a school where students and teachers gather for lessons.
- Assignments given to students to be completed outside of regular class time.
- Lab A specialized room equipped for scientific experiments and hands-on learning.
- A person enrolled in a school or educational institution to acquire knowledge.
- A bag carried on the back, often used by students to transport books and supplies.
- A container used to carry food, typically brought by students for lunch.
- An outdoor area equipped with structures and equipment for children to play during breaks.
- Stop A designated place where students wait for and board a school bus.
- A writing instrument commonly used for taking notes or drawing.
- A break during the school day for students to play and relax.
- Physical or digital materials containing information used for learning.
- A piece of furniture with a flat or sloping surface for writing and studying.
- An educator who imparts knowledge and guides students in their learning.
15 Clues: A break during the school day for students to play and relax. • A writing instrument commonly used for taking notes or drawing. • A room in a school where students and teachers gather for lessons. • Stop A designated place where students wait for and board a school bus. • Physical or digital materials containing information used for learning. • ...
School 2024-01-24
- An art studio with easels, paints, and other materials for students to express their creativity through drawing, painting, and sculpting.
- A quiet space filled with shelves of books, providing students with a place to read, study, and explore various literary works.
- An event showcasing students' projects, experiments, and creative works, encouraging participation, and fostering a sense of achievement.
- A computer lab or technology room where students learn and practice digital skills, computer programming, and technological applications.
- A room where students gather to learn various subjects from a teacher. Desks and chairs are arranged for students to sit during lessons.
- An indoor facility equipped for physical education classes, sports practices, and other fitness-related activities for students.
- A team or group engaging in structured arguments, discussions, and public speaking exercises to develop critical thinking and communication skills.
- A designated area, often a cafeteria or dining hall, where students eat meals and socialize during lunchtime. Various food options are available.
- A club or group focused on math activities, problem-solving, and mathematical exploration, often involving math competitions and challenges.
- An outdoor area with swings, slides, and play structures where students can have recreational activities and enjoy outdoor breaks.
- An outdoor area, including sports facilities, where students engage in physical activities, sports, and recreational games.
- A robotics club where students explore, design, and build robots, fostering teamwork, problem-solving, and hands-on technological experience.
- A platform or area within an auditorium used for school assemblies, performances, and presentations. It often has seating for an audience.
- A specialized room with equipment and tools for conducting experiments, hands-on learning, and practical applications of scientific concepts.
- A dedicated room equipped with musical instruments and resources for music education, practice, and participation in school bands or choirs.
15 Clues: An outdoor area, including sports facilities, where students engage in physical activities, sports, and recreational games. • A quiet space filled with shelves of books, providing students with a place to read, study, and explore various literary works. • ...
School 2024-01-24
- A large indoor space used for physical education classes, sports events, and other recreational activities.
- An outdoor area for sports activities like soccer, baseball, and track events. It provides space for physical education and competitions.
- A group of students engaged in debating, honing their communication and critical thinking skills through structured arguments.
- A place where students have lunch and socialize. It offers a variety of food options for students to choose from.
- A hall or theater-like space used for school assemblies, performances, and presentations. It accommodates a large audience.
- A club where students explore and create robots, promoting skills in engineering, programming, and teamwork.
- A room with computers for students to learn and practice computer skills, programming, and other technology-related activities.
- An event where students showcase their science projects and experiments. It encourages curiosity and innovation in science.
- An outdoor area where students can play during breaks. It often has equipment like swings, slides, and jungle gyms.
- A place where students gather to learn specific subjects from a teacher. Different subjects are taught in different classes.
- A specialized room equipped with tools and instruments for conducting experiments and hands-on learning in subjects like science.
- A quiet space filled with books for students to read, study, and conduct research. It promotes a love for reading and learning.
- A room dedicated to music education where students learn to play instruments, sing, and appreciate different genres of music.
- A group or club focused on mathematical activities, problem-solving, and fostering an interest in mathematics.
- A creative space where students engage in various art forms like drawing, painting, and sculpting. It fosters artistic expression.
15 Clues: A large indoor space used for physical education classes, sports events, and other recreational activities. • A club where students explore and create robots, promoting skills in engineering, programming, and teamwork. • A group or club focused on mathematical activities, problem-solving, and fostering an interest in mathematics. • ...
School 2023-09-24
- School A school that offers vocational and technical training for specific careers.
- School A school with specialized programs or curricula, often focused on specific subjects.
- School A school funded by tuition fees, not by the government.
- School A school for older children, often from grades 6 to 8 or 6 to 9, depending on the region.
- Education School A school that provides tailored education and support for students with disabilities.
- A school for very young children, usually before kindergarten.
- School A secondary school for teenagers, usually from grades 9 to 12.
- School A school that offers an international curriculum and often caters to expatriate students.
- School An online school where students learn from home via the internet.
- School A publicly funded school with more flexibility in its programs and curriculum.
- School A school based on the Waldorf educational approach, focusing on creativity and holistic development.
- School A school for young children, typically from kindergarten to grade 5 or 6.
- School A school that follows the Montessori educational philosophy, emphasizing self-directed learning.
- School A school where students live and study on campus.
- School A government-funded school open to all students in the district.
15 Clues: School A school where students live and study on campus. • School A school funded by tuition fees, not by the government. • A school for very young children, usually before kindergarten. • School A secondary school for teenagers, usually from grades 9 to 12. • School A government-funded school open to all students in the district. • ...
School 2024-04-03
- What sport had the most participants?
- What is the schools mascot?
- How many science teachers are there?
- How many class periods Are there?
- How many English teachers are there?
- Mrs Tresemer advises this activity?
- Scince teacher retiring this year?
- What time does school get out?(time and Am or Pm)
- Forensics coach?
- MAth teacher retiring this year?
- How many people retired this school year?
- What time does School start?(time and Am or Pm)
- Quiz bowl coach?
- Mrs Tresemers favorite book?
- Band teacher?
- How many math teachers are there?
- How many forensics presidents are there?
17 Clues: Band teacher? • Quiz bowl coach? • Forensics coach? • What is the schools mascot? • Mrs Tresemers favorite book? • MAth teacher retiring this year? • How many class periods Are there? • How many math teachers are there? • Scince teacher retiring this year? • Mrs Tresemer advises this activity? • How many science teachers are there? • How many English teachers are there? • ...
School 2024-08-15
- Mom is a teacher
- Would invite P Diddy to a talk show
- Show that includes a kid genius
- Common activity in ssr
- Yellow house in Harry Potter
- Won America gold
- What we do in elar
- Throws the football
- America’s sport
- Sounds put together
- Lives isolated
- Academic
- Book 8th grade reads that has a movie as well
- Popular show that has a main character who is bald
- Likes the ravens
15 Clues: Academic • Lives isolated • America’s sport • Mom is a teacher • Won America gold • Likes the ravens • What we do in elar • Sounds put together • Throws the football • Common activity in ssr • Yellow house in Harry Potter • Show that includes a kid genius • Would invite P Diddy to a talk show • Book 8th grade reads that has a movie as well • ...
School 2024-06-10
- a writing utensil
- a chance to relax
- things you do at home
- 4 legged object
- what you go to through ages 6-18
- most important thing in life
- a room where you listen
- electronic learning device
- Important dates
- public transport
- what gets sent to your parents
- a type of math
- when it snows a lot
- a class with labs
- afternoon nessecity
15 Clues: a type of math • Important dates • 4 legged object • public transport • a writing utensil • a chance to relax • a class with labs • when it snows a lot • afternoon nessecity • things you do at home • a room where you listen • electronic learning device • most important thing in life • what gets sent to your parents • what you go to through ages 6-18
School 2024-05-23
15 Clues: EPS • Inde • cours • chimie • anglais • uniforme • Physique • histoire • terminer • commencer • Etats-Unis • Angleterre • Vie-de-classe • emploi-du-temps • salle-de-classe