school Crossword Puzzles

School 2024-09-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. is used to measure things
  2. is used to save things
  3. is used to bind things
  4. used for save papers
  5. is for putting colors
  6. is used for geography
  7. is used for the time
  1. use for write
  2. the teacher writes things for the students
  3. is used for websites
  4. use for notes
  5. is used when having wrongs
  6. use for sitting in the classroom
  7. used for math classes
  8. is used to save my lunch

15 Clues: use for writeuse for notesis used for websitesused for save papersis used for the timeis for putting colorsused for math classesis used for geographyis used to save thingsis used to bind thingsis used to save my lunchis used to measure thingsis used when having wrongsuse for sitting in the classroomthe teacher writes things for the students

SCHOOL 2024-10-21

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. what u do at class
  2. one that teaches u
  3. u wear to school
  4. teachers write on
  5. stuff to explore and play
  6. something u read
  7. and experiments
  8. about the world
  9. u studding about
  1. talk with on free time
  2. u collect
  3. active all day long
  4. u write with
  5. life use money/measurements
  6. fun things

15 Clues: u collectfun thingsu write withand experimentsabout the worldu wear to schoolsomething u readu studding aboutteachers write onwhat u do at classone that teaches uactive all day longtalk with on free timestuff to explore and playlife use money/measurements

SCHOOL 2024-10-25

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. patio de jugar
  2. matematicas
  3. informática
  4. teatro
  5. gimnasio
  6. ciencias
  7. geografía
  8. comedor
  1. clase
  2. arte y diseño
  3. historia
  4. biblioteca
  5. musica
  6. inglés
  7. educacion fisica

15 Clues: claseteatromusicaingléscomedorhistoriagimnasiocienciasgeografíabibliotecamatematicasinformáticaarte y diseñopatio de jugareducacion fisica

School 2024-12-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. financial support for your education
  2. after school, optional activity
  3. what you receive after you finish university
  4. a test which decides whether you get accepted to school
  5. Formal dance given by high school before they leave for university
  6. the paperwork to apply to school
  7. lesson that are led by professors
  1. half a year of university
  2. a year usually between high school and university
  3. someone who attends the same lessons as you
  4. hand in something
  5. head of university
  6. to join school
  7. where you go to study in a particular field
  8. Test based on speaking

15 Clues: to join schoolhand in somethinghead of universityTest based on speakinghalf a year of universityafter school, optional activitythe paperwork to apply to schoollesson that are led by professorsfinancial support for your educationsomeone who attends the same lessons as youwhere you go to study in a particular field...

school 2013-05-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. the floor
  2. a girl
  3. people how study scien
  4. walking on your feet and hand.
  5. the big blue planet.
  1. a bug.
  2. a country.
  3. a squad .
  4. a battlefield.
  5. same thing you like.
  6. a war.
  7. to bother same one.
  8. Corps is both singular and plural.
  9. by your self.
  10. listening to something.

15 Clues: a bug.a girla war.the floora squad .a your self.a bother same one.same thing you like.the big blue planet.people how study scienlistening to something.walking on your feet and hand.Corps is both singular and plural.

School 2014-01-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. kledingmerk
  2. zetel
  3. strip
  4. automerk
  5. leerkracht
  6. meisje
  7. cirkel
  8. instrument
  1. kleur
  2. rapper
  3. meest gesproken taal ter wereld
  4. Honden ras (tip:wordt gebruikt als hulp hond voor invaliden)
  5. jongen
  6. honger
  7. Engelse woord voor pauze

15 Clues: kleurzetelstriprapperjongenhongermeisjecirkelautomerkleerkrachtinstrumentkledingmerkEngelse woord voor pauzemeest gesproken taal ter wereldHonden ras (tip:wordt gebruikt als hulp hond voor invaliden)

school 2014-05-14

school crossword puzzle
  1. 1 kroon
  2. de trooster komt
  3. hartjes
  4. jezus naar de hemel
  5. verwen je dier
  6. verwen je moeder
  7. grappendag
  1. 3 kronen
  2. groot verkleed feest
  3. lichten
  4. jezus in graf
  5. Jezus sterft
  6. verwen je vader
  7. sneeuw
  8. Jezus staat op

15 Clues: sneeuw1 kroonlichtenhartjes3 kronengrappendagJezus sterftjezus in grafJezus staat opverwen je dierverwen je vaderde trooster komtverwen je moederjezus naar de hemelgroot verkleed feest

SCHOOL 2013-09-03

SCHOOL crossword puzzle


School 2015-04-23

School crossword puzzle
  1. un marqueur
  2. un sac a dos
  3. un tableau blanc
  4. une gomme
  5. la bibliotheque
  6. la colle
  7. le bureau
  8. une chaise
  1. une regle
  2. le professeur
  3. le corridor
  4. la sale de classe
  5. un crayon
  6. un stylo
  7. un cartable

15 Clues: un stylola colleune regleun crayonune gommele bureauune chaisele corridorun marqueurun cartableun sac a dosle professeurla bibliothequeun tableau blancla sale de classe

school 2016-03-11

school crossword puzzle
  1. helps the sick
  2. your partner
  3. is what is a debate is for
  4. shapes the earth
  5. to smash into
  6. works in a science lab
  7. fixes your teeth
  8. drives a plane
  1. something a bully does
  2. ending paragraph
  3. to push against
  4. works at a shop
  5. a jury makes it in court
  6. to enter without permission
  7. is a raid

15 Clues: is a raidyour partnerto smash intohelps the sickdrives a planeto push againstworks at a shopending paragraphshapes the earthfixes your teethsomething a bully doesworks in a science laba jury makes it in courtis what is a debate is forto enter without permission

school 2018-02-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. This is a subject about learning the language German.
  2. In this lesson you learn about the world.
  3. You learn how to calculate.
  4. You learn how to count with scientistic results.
  5. This subject teaches us about nature and animals.
  6. Here in this class they learn you how to paint and draw.
  7. This language is spoken by French people.
  1. In this class you learn how to manage your money.
  2. A world-wide language from England.
  3. Here you learn the language from Spain, ...
  4. Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si.
  5. A science about chemical reactions and elements.
  6. Here you learn different sports.
  7. You learn what happened in the past.
  8. An old language from the Romans.

15 Clues: You learn how to calculate.Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si.Here you learn different sports.An old language from the Romans.A world-wide language from England.You learn what happened in the past.In this lesson you learn about the world.This language is spoken by French people.Here you learn the language from Spain, ......

School 2019-11-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. joonlaud
  2. kehaline kasvatus
  3. koolikott
  4. koolipink
  5. tööõpetus
  6. loodusõpetus
  1. kustukumm
  2. inglise keel
  3. eesti keel
  4. teritaja
  5. vihik
  6. muusika
  7. matemaatika
  8. pliiats
  9. kunst

15 Clues: vihikkunstmuusikapliiatsjoonlaudteritajakustukummkoolikottkoolipinktööõpetuseesti keelmatemaatikainglise keelloodusõpetuskehaline kasvatus

school 2020-06-19

school crossword puzzle
  1. A building where things such as book, newspapers are kept for people to read, or use.
  2. A number of objects arranged in line.
  3. A device that makes a ringing sound.
  4. A special set of clothes which some children wear in school.
  5. A room in school where lessons take place.
  6. A room or a part of a building where people work.
  7. A room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school.
  8. A fixed period of time when people are taught about a particular subject.
  9. A piece of furniture like a table, often with a drawers.
  1. A number of people or things that are together in the same place or that are connected in some way.
  2. A building or a room used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc.
  3. A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk.
  4. An outdoor area where children can play, especially at a school.
  5. A university teacher of the highest rank.
  6. A place where food are served in a school.

15 Clues: A device that makes a ringing sound.A number of objects arranged in line.A university teacher of the highest rank.A room in school where lessons take place.A place where food are served in a school.A room or a part of a building where people work.A dark-coloured board that you can write on with chalk....

School 2021-03-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. a short piece of writing on a particular subject
  2. successfully complete an academic degree,
  3. behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards
  4. a grant or payment made to support a student's education
  5. a schedule showing your lessons by day
  6. something obligatory
  7. available to be chosen but not obligatory
  8. attempt to persuade someone into doing something
  9. the ability to do something well; expertise
  1. a long essay on a particular subject written for a university degree or diploma
  2. university teacher
  3. the use of electronic communication to harass a person
  4. study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination
  5. half of the academic year in universities
  6. a formal dance held for high school seniors especially

15 Clues: university teachersomething obligatorya schedule showing your lessons by daysuccessfully complete an academic degree,half of the academic year in universitiesavailable to be chosen but not obligatorythe ability to do something well; expertisea short piece of writing on a particular subjectattempt to persuade someone into doing something...

School 2017-03-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of cloth or similar material
  2. a large bowl for urinating or defecating into
  3. of or relating to society or its organization
  4. the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure
  5. a large board with a smooth, typically dark,
  6. an institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick
  7. a native or inhabitant of Thailand.
  1. a restaurant provided by an organization
  2. a piece of furniture with a flat or sloped surface
  3. a room, typically in a school, in which a class of students is taught.
  4. the steepness of a slope, especially of a roof.
  5. a building or room containing collections of books
  6. the abstract science of number, quantity, and space
  7. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination
  8. an outdoor area provided for children to play on

15 Clues: a native or inhabitant of Thailand.a piece of cloth or similar materiala restaurant provided by an organizationa large board with a smooth, typically dark,a large bowl for urinating or defecating intoof or relating to society or its organizationthe steepness of a slope, especially of a outdoor area provided for children to play on...

school 2019-03-20

school crossword puzzle
  1. tani
  2. nudny
  3. drogi
  4. geografia
  5. ekscytujący
  6. szatnia
  7. boisko
  8. office, sekretariat
  1. stołówka
  2. WF
  3. biblioteka
  4. plac zabaw
  5. trudny
  6. korytarz
  7. matematyka

15 Clues: WFtaninudnydrogitrudnyboiskoszatniastołówkakorytarzgeografiabibliotekaplac zabawmatematykaekscytującyoffice, sekretariat

school 2017-01-10

school crossword puzzle
  1. werk dat je thuis moet maken
  2. oude taal die je als richting kan kiezen
  3. waar je alle vakken in bewaard
  4. zakje waar schrijfgerief inzit
  5. muzikaal vak
  6. baas van de school
  1. vak waarbij je optelt en aftrekt met getallen
  2. periode juist voor vakanties
  3. mijn klas
  4. technisch vak waarbij je veel bezig bent met de computer
  5. online agenda
  6. bij dit vak ga je creatief te werk
  7. Vanspauwen klastitularis
  8. heb je tussen je vakken in waarbij je naar buiten moet
  9. je suis, tu es, il est...( geef een vak)

15 Clues: mijn klasmuzikaal vakonline agendabaas van de schoolVanspauwen klastitulariswerk dat je thuis moet makenperiode juist voor vakantieswaar je alle vakken in bewaardzakje waar schrijfgerief inzitbij dit vak ga je creatief te werkoude taal die je als richting kan kiezenje suis, tu es, il est...( geef een vak)...

School 2020-09-23

School crossword puzzle
  1. раздевалка
  2. олимпиада
  3. строгий
  4. директор
  5. посещать
  6. поведение
  7. дразнить
  1. одноклассник
  2. директриса
  3. завалить
  4. списывать
  5. столовая
  6. наука
  7. требовательный
  8. исключённый

15 Clues: наукастрогийзавалитьстоловаядиректорпосещатьдразнитьсписыватьолимпиадаповедениедиректрисараздевалкаисключённыйодноклассниктребовательный

School 2020-11-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. recommend
  2. ready
  3. punctuation symbol
  4. counter
  5. going forward
  6. parables
  7. married again
  1. saying
  2. looking
  3. showing project
  4. move back
  5. mention
  6. easily
  7. saying no
  8. water falling from the sky

15 Clues: readysayingeasilylookingmentioncounterparablesrecommendmove backsaying nogoing forwardmarried againshowing projectpunctuation symbolwater falling from the sky

School 2021-07-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. 1-30 cm. use this to tell how long a thing is.
  2. this thing takes you to school
  3. someone who can teach you
  4. your friends in class
  5. you can paint and draw here
  6. you can write on your notebooks on this thing.
  7. you can cut things with this.
  8. lots of stories are in these things!
  9. it's sticky!
  1. you can write on this and it is big!
  2. you can find a piano here
  3. you can sit on this thing.
  4. you use them to paint!
  5. a place for you to study
  6. this is on your back. You take it to school.

15 Clues: it's sticky!your friends in classyou use them to paint!a place for you to studyyou can find a piano heresomeone who can teach youyou can sit on this can paint and draw hereyou can cut things with this.this thing takes you to schoolyou can write on this and it is big!lots of stories are in these things!...

School 2021-09-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. students need to learn and read some materials
  2. person who teaches us
  3. use for protect our head
  4. it is a place to write or to put the books
  5. the place for flower
  6. one of uniform
  7. we need when in hot weather
  8. we are...of SMP ARROHMAH
  9. for knowing the time
  1. tool which we can come in or out if the classroom
  2. it is for drawing
  3. it is for writing the explanation of lesson
  4. something to clean the writing
  5. it's usually green and blue colors
  6. the partner of shoes

15 Clues: one of uniformit is for drawingthe place for flowerthe partner of shoesfor knowing the timeperson who teaches ususe for protect our headwe are...of SMP ARROHMAHwe need when in hot weathersomething to clean the writingit's usually green and blue colorsit is a place to write or to put the booksit is for writing the explanation of lesson...

school 2022-06-06

school crossword puzzle
  1. disco lights, loud music.
  2. i learn from them.
  3. in charge of the school.
  4. takes place on the field or in the gym.
  5. girls are usually in it but it's also a class.
  6. i read information for this.
  7. i keep my stuff in it.
  1. i write on it.
  2. i sit here.
  3. i write with this.
  4. they make fun of people.
  5. the place you go to learn.
  6. where you get books from.
  7. have this in the gym or theatre.
  8. kids go in there to ditch or use.

15 Clues: i sit here.i write on it.i write with this.i learn from them.i keep my stuff in it.they make fun of charge of the school.disco lights, loud music.where you get books from.the place you go to learn.i read information for this.have this in the gym or go in there to ditch or use.takes place on the field or in the gym....

School 2021-08-26

School crossword puzzle
  1. some snakes have it in their venom
  2. full of envy
  3. someone well known
  4. to give something away for a good cause
  5. something untrue
  6. water can be it
  7. really pretty
  1. fashion fans love it
  2. we all have it
  3. some spiders have this
  4. very dangerous action
  5. it’s splendid
  6. nothing safe
  7. who loves the thrills of suspense
  8. something you taste

15 Clues: nothing safefull of envyit’s splendidreally prettywe all have itwater can be itsomething untruesomeone well knownsomething you tastefashion fans love itvery dangerous actionsome spiders have thiswho loves the thrills of suspensesome snakes have it in their venomto give something away for a good cause

School 2022-02-02

School crossword puzzle
  1. People in Australia speak it most commonly
  2. Food is in it
  3. Running And Doing Activity's
  4. A lot of kids like this technology
  5. Old Times
  6. Its 12 o'clock
  7. The first break of the day
  1. numbers and calculations
  2. Learning about the world
  3. Kids At school Learning
  4. Edible
  5. You SPELL in this class
  6. they teach you stuff
  7. your teacher says to do...
  8. Anything Can Be Solved With...

15 Clues: EdibleOld TimesFood is in itIts 12 o'clockthey teach you stuffKids At school LearningYou SPELL in this classnumbers and calculationsLearning about the worldyour teacher says to do...The first break of the dayRunning And Doing Activity'sAnything Can Be Solved With...A lot of kids like this technologyPeople in Australia speak it most commonly

School 2022-10-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. - Izvairities
  2. - Mācīgs
  3. - Ziņkārīgs
  4. - Neveiksme
  5. - Neapmierināts
  6. - Vienprātīgs
  7. - Sapulce
  1. - Padoms
  2. - Iedvesmot
  3. - Labdarība
  4. - Studenti
  5. - Pārsteigums
  6. - Krāpties
  7. - Karjera
  8. - Brīvprātīgi

15 Clues: - Padoms- Mācīgs- Karjera- Sapulce- Studenti- Krāpties- Iedvesmot- Ziņkārīgs- Labdarība- Neveiksme- Izvairities- Pārsteigums- Brīvprātīgi- Vienprātīgs- Neapmierināts

School 2022-11-15

School crossword puzzle
  1. 123456...
  2. where you eat during recess
  3. helps you draw straight lines
  4. used for coloring
  5. what teachers use to write with
  6. where the teachers write during class
  7. someone that teaches students
  1. who the teacher teaches
  2. Please___ your name in your notebook.
  3. is a subject with fun experiments
  4. what do you do at school?
  5. used for writing
  6. ABC's
  7. for reading
  8. work that you have to do at home

15 Clues: ABC's123456...for readingused for writingused for coloringwho the teacher teacheswhat do you do at school?where you eat during recesshelps you draw straight linessomeone that teaches studentswhat teachers use to write withwork that you have to do at homeis a subject with fun experimentsPlease___ your name in your notebook....

school 2022-10-25

school crossword puzzle
  1. you need it to ride on
  2. you can take photo with it
  3. we study our planet on it
  4. you can collect it
  5. you need it to know the time
  6. we study past on it
  7. we put it on when do some sports
  8. they protect our hands from cold
  1. It protects our head
  2. you can play music on it
  3. We paint pictures on it
  4. We do some grammar on it
  5. we do some sums on it
  6. We listen to Music on it
  7. It is the name of our country

15 Clues: you can collect itwe study past on itIt protects our headwe do some sums on ityou need it to ride onWe paint pictures on ityou can play music on itWe do some grammar on itWe listen to Music on itwe study our planet on ityou can take photo with ityou need it to know the timeIt is the name of our countrywe put it on when do some sports...

School 2022-01-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. (n) view
  2. (v) fix
  3. (n) memancing
  4. (v) mengizinkan
  5. (n) masa depan
  6. (n) weather
  7. (n)orang belanda
  1. (v) protect
  2. (v) menemukan
  3. (n) teka-teki silang
  4. (v) mengunduh
  5. (v) menciptakan
  6. (n) musim dingin
  7. (n) your english teacher
  8. (n) example

15 Clues: (v) fix(n) view(v) protect(n) weather(n) example(v) menemukan(v) mengunduh(n) memancing(n) masa depan(v) menciptakan(v) mengizinkan(n) musim dingin(n)orang belanda(n) teka-teki silang(n) your english teacher

school 2022-12-28

school crossword puzzle
  1. компьютерный класс
  2. физическая культура
  3. художественный класс
  4. английский
  5. площадка
  6. наука
  1. класс
  2. спортивное поле
  3. история
  4. спортивный зал
  5. математические науки
  6. искусство
  7. перемена
  8. компьютерные технологии
  9. музыка

15 Clues: класснаукамузыкаисторияпеременаплощадкаискусствоанглийскийспортивный залспортивное полекомпьютерный классфизическая культураматематические наукихудожественный класскомпьютерные технологии

SCHOOL 2023-01-24

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. a place, at school, where students take part in different types of activities after the normal lessons
  2. a school where students live as well as study
  3. a number or a letter that teachers give to students' tests
  4. a document with students' grades at the end of the term
  5. a particular set of clothing that students wear at school
  6. an area of knowledge that you study at school
  7. words that show you admire somebody
  8. a large room for meetings and events
  1. competences useful for your everyday life
  2. something that tests your abilities in an interesting way
  3. not from your country
  4. the teacher who is in charge of a school
  5. a person responsible for a group of students living in a dormitory
  6. the information and skills you gain through education or experience
  7. the American English word for "headteacher"

15 Clues: not from your countrywords that show you admire somebodya large room for meetings and eventsthe teacher who is in charge of a schoolcompetences useful for your everyday lifethe American English word for "headteacher"a school where students live as well as studyan area of knowledge that you study at school...

school 2022-12-02

school crossword puzzle
  1. when you eat in school
  2. you can draw or write on them
  3. you can write with it
  4. when a class ends
  5. others in your class
  6. you write the things you have to in class
  7. you can study from it
  8. doing it for nice marks
  1. lists all the class
  2. you put your stuff here
  3. where you put your pencils
  4. the teacher gave you these for your work
  5. the place where you study
  6. the teacher test your knowledge
  7. a place where you write

15 Clues: when a class endslists all the classothers in your classyou can write with ityou can study from itwhen you eat in schoolyou put your stuff herea place where you writedoing it for nice marksthe place where you studywhere you put your pencilsyou can draw or write on themthe teacher test your knowledgethe teacher gave you these for your work...

School 2023-02-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. there is, there are
  2. science
  3. lunch
  4. to go
  5. notebook
  6. library
  7. to come
  1. backpack
  2. to know
  3. to do or make
  4. week
  5. concert
  6. art
  7. dictionary
  8. folder

15 Clues: artweeklunchto gofolderto knowscienceconcertlibraryto comebackpacknotebookdictionaryto do or makethere is, there are

School 2023-07-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. A school for children before kindergarten.
  2. School A school that offers job-specific training.
  3. School A school that specializes in music education.
  4. School A school where students live on campus.
  5. School A school that offers an international curriculum.
  6. School A school that teaches foreign languages.
  7. School A school for students in intermediate grades.
  1. School A school that offers technical and trade education.
  2. School A school that operates independently of the local school board.
  3. School A school that is funded by the government.
  4. School A school for students in later grades.
  5. School A school for young students in early grades.
  6. School A school that focuses on artistic education.
  7. School A school that is not run by the government.
  8. School A school that follows the Montessori method.

15 Clues: A school for children before kindergarten.School A school for students in later grades.School A school where students live on campus.School A school that teaches foreign languages.School A school that is funded by the government.School A school that offers job-specific training.School A school that is not run by the government....

School 2023-07-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. School A school that follows the Montessori method.
  2. School A school that is not run by the government.
  3. A school for children before kindergarten.
  4. School A school that specializes in music education.
  5. School A school for students in later grades.
  6. School A school that focuses on artistic education.
  7. School A school that offers job-specific training.
  8. School A school for young students in early grades.
  9. School A school that is funded by the government.
  10. School A school that teaches foreign languages.
  1. School A school that offers an international curriculum.
  2. School A school that offers technical and trade education.
  3. School A school that operates independently of the local school board.
  4. School A school for students in intermediate grades.
  5. School A school where students live on campus.

15 Clues: A school for children before kindergarten.School A school for students in later grades.School A school where students live on campus.School A school that teaches foreign languages.School A school that is funded by the government.School A school that is not run by the government.School A school that offers job-specific training....

school 2023-07-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. Artists express their creativity through various forms of art.
  2. Musicians play musical instruments or sing to create beautiful melodies.
  3. Athletes are skilled in sports and compete at a high level.
  4. Actors perform on stage or screen, bringing characters to life.
  5. Firefighters bravely fight fires and save lives in emergencies.
  6. Engineers design and create new technologies and structures.
  7. officer Police officers protect and serve the community, ensuring safety.
  8. Doctors care for people's health and help them recover from illnesses.
  1. Writers use words to create stories, books, and other written works.
  2. Teachers educate and guide students in their learning journey.
  3. Nurses provide care and support to patients in medical settings.
  4. Scientists explore and study the world through experiments and research.
  5. Chefs create delicious meals and recipes using their culinary skills.
  6. Farmers cultivate crops and raise animals to produce food and resources.
  7. Pilots fly and operate aircraft, ensuring safe and smooth flights.

15 Clues: Athletes are skilled in sports and compete at a high level.Engineers design and create new technologies and structures.Artists express their creativity through various forms of art.Teachers educate and guide students in their learning journey.Actors perform on stage or screen, bringing characters to life....

School 2023-06-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. A place in a school where books and other resources are kept and made available for borrowing. It provides access to a wide range of reading materials for students.
  2. A writing instrument with a thin cylindrical graphite core encased in wood or plastic. It is used for writing or drawing on paper.
  3. Assignments or tasks given to students by their teachers to be completed outside of regular class hours. They reinforce learning and promote independent study.
  4. A writing instrument with an ink-filled reservoir. It has a tip that transfers ink onto paper when writing.
  5. A dark surface, typically made of slate or a similar material, used for writing or drawing with chalk. It is commonly found in classrooms for teaching and displaying information.
  6. A bag worn on the back, typically made of fabric, used by students to carry books, supplies, and personal belongings to and from school.
  7. A person who attends a school and engages in learning. They participate in classes, complete assignments, and strive to acquire knowledge.
  1. An outdoor area in a school where students can engage in recreational activities, such as running, playing games, or using playground equipment.
  2. A container used to carry a packed meal or snacks to be eaten at school. It keeps the food fresh and organized for lunchtime.
  3. A straight measuring tool with markings in inches or centimeters. It is used to draw straight lines and measure lengths or distances.
  4. A branch of knowledge that deals with the study of the natural world, including subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences. It involves exploration and experimentation.
  5. A person who provides instruction and guidance to students in a school. They facilitate learning and help students acquire knowledge and skills.
  6. A piece of furniture with a flat surface and typically a drawer, used by students for writing, reading, and other academic activities.
  7. A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together. It contains information, stories, or pictures and is used for learning or enjoyment.
  8. A room in a school where students and teachers gather for learning and instruction. It typically contains desks, chairs, and a blackboard or whiteboard.

15 Clues: A writing instrument with an ink-filled reservoir. It has a tip that transfers ink onto paper when writing.A container used to carry a packed meal or snacks to be eaten at school. It keeps the food fresh and organized for lunchtime....

school 2023-07-18

school crossword puzzle
  1. Lab A laboratory where students conduct scientific experiments or related activities.
  2. A seat used by students to attend classes or study.
  3. A break during school hours when students can rest, play, or run around.
  4. A white board used by teachers to explain lesson content or present problems.
  5. An area where students play and engage in physical activities during breaks.
  6. A writing tool used by students to solve problems or take notes.
  7. A bag carried by students to transport textbooks, writing tools, etc.
  1. A table or writing surface where students sit to study or work.
  2. An educator who imparts knowledge and assists students in learning.
  3. A space where students attend classes and study.
  4. An individual or group attending school for learning and education.
  5. Class A class in which students learn and practice creative art activities.
  6. Material read and studied by students to acquire knowledge.
  7. The period during which students have their midday meal.
  8. A place in the school where books and materials are stored and accessed by students.

15 Clues: A space where students attend classes and study.A seat used by students to attend classes or study.The period during which students have their midday meal.Material read and studied by students to acquire knowledge.A table or writing surface where students sit to study or work.A writing tool used by students to solve problems or take notes....

School 2023-07-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. An evaluation to measure students' knowledge and skills.
  2. A writing tool used for drawing or writing on paper.
  3. A room where students are taught by a teacher.
  4. The study of past events and their impact on the present.
  5. A written or printed work containing information or stories.
  6. The art of creating and performing melodies and rhythms.
  7. The study of the natural world and its phenomena.
  8. The study of numbers, quantities, and shapes.
  1. A break period during school hours for students to play.
  2. Assignments given to students to complete outside of class.
  3. A container for carrying food and drinks to school.
  4. A person who instructs and guides students in learning.
  5. A piece of furniture used by students to write and study.
  6. A bag used to carry books and school supplies.
  7. A person who attends school and receives education.

15 Clues: The study of numbers, quantities, and shapes.A room where students are taught by a teacher.A bag used to carry books and school supplies.The study of the natural world and its phenomena.A container for carrying food and drinks to school.A person who attends school and receives education.A writing tool used for drawing or writing on paper....

School 2023-04-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. - An opening in a wall or door through which one can look outside.
  2. -Helps students develop skills, knowledge, and values that will prepare them for their future.
  3. Often made of wood or metal, with doors that can be opened and closed.
  4. A piece of furniture with a flat surface for writing or reading.
  5. - A glossy white surface on which teachers write with markers.
  6. A piece of furniture used for sitting on.
  7. -Can be used for studying, writing, playing games, having meetings, and various other activities.
  8. An item for measuring length; A straight, ruled object
  1. - A piece of furniture, usually with shelves, used for storing books.
  2. A person who is enrolled in a school or other educational institution and is learning from teachers.
  3. An item for doodling; A writing tool with ink
  4. - A hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle.
  5. - An instrument used for measuring time.
  6. An item for erasing pencil marks; A cute little thing
  7. An item for writing; A writing tool with eraser

15 Clues: - An instrument used for measuring time.A piece of furniture used for sitting on.An item for doodling; A writing tool with inkAn item for writing; A writing tool with eraserAn item for erasing pencil marks; A cute little thingAn item for measuring length; A straight, ruled object- A glossy white surface on which teachers write with markers....

school 2023-03-29

school crossword puzzle
  1. numbers
  2. you can write on it
  3. we keep our books in it
  4. a lesson about the world
  5. work you do at home
  6. you can buy food there
  1. it has a keyboard
  2. a lesson about the past
  3. the most boring person in the world
  4. a lesson about nature and animals
  5. the room you learn in
  6. a very boring language
  7. a computer screen
  8. a boring thing with text
  9. mias favourite language

15 Clues: numbersit has a keyboarda computer screenyou can write on itwork you do at homethe room you learn ina very boring languageyou can buy food therea lesson about the pastwe keep our books in itmias favourite languagea boring thing with texta lesson about the worlda lesson about nature and animalsthe most boring person in the world

School 2023-06-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. A break during the school day for students to relax, play, and enjoy time with their friends.
  2. Activities in addition to regular classes, such as clubs or sports, that help develop interests and skills.
  3. A room containing a collection of books and other materials for learning, reading, and research.
  4. A planned course of study that covers a specific topic or subject.
  5. A place where students go to learn, study, and complete class activities.
  6. The leader in charge of managing all aspects of a school, ensuring its smooth operation.
  7. The various areas of study taught in a school, such as mathematics, science, language, and art.
  8. Work assigned by a teacher to be completed outside of class, typically involving practice or study.
  9. A test taken by students to measure their understanding of subjects and overall progress.
  1. group A gathering of students who work together to review and discuss schoolwork, helping each other learn.
  2. The meal eaten during the school day, providing students with energy and nutrition.
  3. A person who leads and guides students in their learning journey, providing knowledge and support.
  4. An individual who attends an educational institution to gain knowledge and develop skills.
  5. A set of printed pages bound together, containing stories or information for learning.
  6. The room where students attend lessons, participate in group activities, and complete assignments.

15 Clues: A planned course of study that covers a specific topic or subject.A place where students go to learn, study, and complete class activities.The meal eaten during the school day, providing students with energy and nutrition.A set of printed pages bound together, containing stories or information for learning....

School 2023-06-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. Gatherings where the entire school comes together for announcements, performances, and celebrations.
  2. A treasure trove of books and knowledge, where students can explore new worlds through reading.
  3. A fascinating space equipped with tools and materials for hands-on experiments and scientific exploration.
  4. A creative haven where students express themselves through painting, drawing, and other artistic activities.
  5. A big, yellow vehicle that safely transports students to and from school, filled with laughter and chatter.
  6. A break in the school day when students gather to enjoy delicious meals and chat with friends.
  7. A time for students to unwind, play games, and recharge their energy between lessons.
  8. Fun and engaging tasks assigned by teachers to reinforce learning and practice new skills.
  9. The leader of the school, who ensures a safe and supportive environment and guides its overall operation.
  1. A handy container that holds essential writing tools like pencils, pens, erasers, and colored markers.
  2. A vibrant and energetic area where students play, socialize, and enjoy outdoor activities.
  3. A cozy and inviting space where students gather to learn, explore, and grow together.
  4. A caring and knowledgeable guide who helps students discover the joy of learning and nurtures their talents.
  5. Exciting adventures outside the classroom, where students explore new places and learn through firsthand experiences.
  6. A day dedicated to friendly competitions and teamwork, where students showcase their athletic skills.

15 Clues: A cozy and inviting space where students gather to learn, explore, and grow together.A time for students to unwind, play games, and recharge their energy between lessons.A vibrant and energetic area where students play, socialize, and enjoy outdoor activities.Fun and engaging tasks assigned by teachers to reinforce learning and practice new skills....

School 2023-08-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. School A place where young students learn basic subjects like math and reading.
  2. Education School A school that provides tailored education for students with disabilities.
  3. A place for very young children to learn social and motor skills before kindergarten.
  4. School A school for students between elementary and high school, often in grades 6-8.
  5. A school level before elementary school, where young children learn through play.
  6. School A school that is not funded by the government and often has smaller class sizes.
  7. School A school that offers an international curriculum and often teaches in multiple languages.
  1. School A type of school where students live and study on the campus away from home.
  2. School A government-funded school that is open to all students in a certain area.
  3. School A school with a teaching approach that encourages independence and exploration.
  4. School A place where older students study a variety of subjects to prepare for college.
  5. School A type of school where students learn through the internet and virtual classrooms.
  6. School A school that focuses on teaching visual arts, music, dance, or theater.
  7. School A school that emphasizes science and often has special labs and experiments.
  8. School A school that teaches practical skills for specific careers, like carpentry or cooking.

15 Clues: School A place where young students learn basic subjects like math and reading.School A school that focuses on teaching visual arts, music, dance, or theater.School A government-funded school that is open to all students in a certain area.A school level before elementary school, where young children learn through play....

School 2024-04-23

School crossword puzzle
  1. what country is KCIS in
  2. what is our school name?
  3. Who teach G11 English language art Honor
  4. what letter will you get if you did something wrong
  5. what do you wear in school
  6. what does computer also known as ?
  1. where is KCIS originally from ?
  2. where can we see our GPA?
  3. how many grade is there , including kindergarten
  4. what will happen on 5/11?
  5. where do you go if you want to drop a course
  6. where is KCIS at?
  7. what year is this year for KCIS
  8. There is A-level and IB, what is the third one ?
  9. how many cafeteria is there in KCIS

15 Clues: where is KCIS at?what country is KCIS inwhat is our school name?where can we see our GPA?what will happen on 5/11?what do you wear in schoolwhere is KCIS originally from ?what year is this year for KCISwhat does computer also known as ?how many cafeteria is there in KCISWho teach G11 English language art Honor...

School 2023-09-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. An outdoor area with equipment and space for children to play during breaks.
  2. A learner who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills.
  3. An assessment or examination to evaluate a student's knowledge and understanding of a subject.
  4. A bag worn on the back, often used by students to carry books and school supplies.
  5. A scheduled break during the school day for students to play and relax.
  6. A bound book with pages for writing notes, assignments, and observations.
  7. A writing instrument with a thin, cylindrical graphite core encased in wood or plastic.
  8. A room within a school where teachers and students gather for lessons.
  9. A place where books and other reading materials are kept for borrowing or reference.
  1. Assignments given by teachers to be completed outside of school hours.
  2. A book used as a primary source of study material in a particular subject.
  3. A person who imparts knowledge and instructs students in various subjects.
  4. The head of a school who is responsible for its administration and overall operation.
  5. A place where students go to learn and receive education from teachers.
  6. A piece of furniture with a flat surface, typically used for writing or studying.

15 Clues: A learner who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills.Assignments given by teachers to be completed outside of school hours.A room within a school where teachers and students gather for lessons.A place where students go to learn and receive education from teachers.A scheduled break during the school day for students to play and relax....

School 2023-09-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. infirmière
  2. emploi du temps
  3. harceleur
  4. récréation
  5. vacances
  6. salle des professeurs
  1. matière(scolaire)
  2. examen
  3. élève
  4. EPS
  5. technologie
  6. professeur documentaliste
  7. camarade de classe
  8. CDI
  9. classe / niveau

15 Clues: EPSCDIélèveexamenvacancesharceleurinfirmièrerécréationtechnologieemploi du tempsclasse / niveaumatière(scolaire)camarade de classesalle des professeursprofesseur documentaliste

School 2023-09-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. A bag used by students to carry books and school supplies.
  2. A blackboard often used by teachers to write and display information in the classroom.
  3. A piece of furniture where students sit to do their work in the classroom.
  4. Assignments given by teachers to be completed outside of school hours.
  5. A long, straight tool used for measuring and drawing straight lines.
  6. A room in a school where students and teachers have lessons.
  7. A person who goes to school to learn and study.
  8. Objects with pages that contain information and stories for reading and learning.
  1. Different areas of learning, like math, science, history, and art.
  2. The person who helps students learn and gives them lessons in school.
  3. Thin sheets used for writing, drawing, or doing schoolwork.
  4. A writing tool used for drawing and writing in school.
  5. A fun break during the school day when students can play outside.
  6. People you like and spend time with at school, forming bonds and having fun together.
  7. A meal eaten by students during a break at school.

15 Clues: A person who goes to school to learn and study.A meal eaten by students during a break at school.A writing tool used for drawing and writing in school.A bag used by students to carry books and school supplies.Thin sheets used for writing, drawing, or doing schoolwork.A room in a school where students and teachers have lessons....

School 2023-09-26

School crossword puzzle
  1. A person who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills.
  2. An institution where students receive education and instruction.
  3. A break period during the school day for students to play and relax.
  4. The head of a school responsible for its administration and management.
  5. A place where books and other reading materials are stored and made available to the public.
  6. A meal eaten by students during the school day, typically around noon.
  7. A bound collection of printed or written pages, often used for learning.
  8. A writing instrument typically made of wood and graphite, used for writing and drawing.
  9. A piece of furniture with a flat surface for writing or studying.
  1. An assessment or examination to evaluate students' knowledge and skills.
  2. An educator who imparts knowledge and guidance to students.
  3. Assignments and tasks given to students to complete outside of school hours.
  4. An outdoor area at a school for children to play and have fun.
  5. A bag used by students to carry books and school supplies.
  6. A room within a school where students and teachers gather for lessons.

15 Clues: A bag used by students to carry books and school supplies.An educator who imparts knowledge and guidance to students.A person who attends school to acquire knowledge and skills.An outdoor area at a school for children to play and have fun.An institution where students receive education and instruction....

School 2023-12-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. Lab A specialized room for conducting experiments and scientific activities.
  2. Bus A vehicle that transports students to and from school.
  3. A writing tool used for tasks and assignments.
  4. A break during the school day for outdoor play.
  5. A board used by teachers for writing and displaying information.
  6. A large space for physical education and sports activities.
  7. Lab A room equipped with computers for digital learning.
  8. A bag carried by students to hold their books and supplies.
  1. An educator who guides students in their learning journey.
  2. A room where students have lessons and learn together.
  3. A place where students eat their meals together.
  4. A space filled with books and resources for reading and studying.
  5. A personal table and workspace for students.
  6. An outdoor area for students to play and have fun.
  7. The head of the school responsible for its overall administration.

15 Clues: A personal table and workspace for students.A writing tool used for tasks and assignments.A break during the school day for outdoor play.A place where students eat their meals together.An outdoor area for students to play and have fun.A room where students have lessons and learn together.Lab A room equipped with computers for digital learning....

School 2023-11-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. A container for carrying meals to school.
  2. A bag used to carry books and school supplies.
  3. A vehicle for transporting students to and from school.
  4. Printed materials used for learning and reading.
  5. An adult who instructs and guides students.
  6. Thin material used for writing and drawing.
  7. Assignments to be completed outside of school.
  8. Outdoor area for students to play and exercise.
  9. A soft writing tool used on a blackboard.
  1. A writing tool made of wood and graphite.
  2. A dark board for writing or drawing with chalk.
  3. A measuring tool for drawing straight lines.
  4. A piece of furniture for writing and studying.
  5. A room where students learn and study.
  6. A bag used for carrying school supplies.

15 Clues: A room where students learn and study.A bag used for carrying school supplies.A writing tool made of wood and graphite.A container for carrying meals to school.A soft writing tool used on a blackboard.An adult who instructs and guides students.Thin material used for writing and drawing.A measuring tool for drawing straight lines....

School 2023-10-28

School crossword puzzle
  1. Delicious midday meals, where you refuel and chat with pals, creating moments of joy.
  2. Creativity unleashed, with colors, brushes, and crafts, letting imaginations soar in endless possibilities.
  3. Curiosity's playground, where you explore the mysteries of the world, conducting experiments and discoveries.
  4. A wise guide, like a knowledge wizard who helps you learn and discover the world.
  5. Energetic fun, with games, teamwork, and competition, like races to the finish line and goals scored.
  6. A trusty companion, carrying books and treasures, like a portable piece of your world.
  7. Harmonious magic, with melodies and instruments, like a key to feelings and dreams.
  8. A learning island, where you tackle tasks, read stories, and create your own adventures.
  1. A learning hub, where students gather, share ideas, and explore new lessons together.
  2. A puzzle adventure, filled with numbers and patterns, like a treasure hunt for the brain.
  3. Buddies who make school fun, share secrets, and create memories that last a lifetime.
  4. Outdoor playtime, like a break for running, laughing, and enjoying games with friends.
  5. Magical portals to different worlds, filled with stories, knowledge, and endless adventures.
  6. Writing wands, the tools for turning thoughts into words, stories, and works of art.
  7. A bit of school at home, like a puzzle to solve and a chance to practice new skills.

15 Clues: A wise guide, like a knowledge wizard who helps you learn and discover the world.Harmonious magic, with melodies and instruments, like a key to feelings and dreams.Writing wands, the tools for turning thoughts into words, stories, and works of art.A bit of school at home, like a puzzle to solve and a chance to practice new skills....

school 2024-03-04

school crossword puzzle
  1. 馬克筆、彩色筆
  2. 鉛筆盒
  3. 鉛筆
  4. 兄弟
  5. 姐妹
  6. 膠水
  1. 媽媽
  2. 爸爸
  3. 圖畫
  4. 橡皮擦
  5. 電腦
  6. 回家功課

15 Clues: 媽媽爸爸圖畫電腦鉛筆兄弟姐妹膠水鉛筆盒橡皮擦回家功課馬克筆、彩色筆

School 2024-10-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. ластик
  2. пенал
  3. точилка
  4. доска
  5. карандаш
  6. урок
  7. книга
  1. домашнее задание
  2. линейка
  3. стул
  4. класс
  5. парта
  6. школа
  7. ручка
  8. тетрадь

15 Clues: стулурокпеналкласспарташколадоскаручкакнигаластиклинейкаточилкатетрадькарандашдомашнее задание

School 2024-10-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. - everyone study
  2. write with
  3. learn about the world
  4. creativity
  5. teaches you
  6. Vocabulary and language
  7. get sweaty and fit
  8. something you read
  1. write on but rub out easily (not book)
  2. experiments
  3. to find out something you don't know
  4. daily life use (money, measurement)
  5. every school has (clothes) but what type...
  6. at lunch and recess you play at...
  7. you play with and talk to

15 Clues: write withcreativityexperimentsteaches you- everyone studyget sweaty and fitsomething you readlearn about the worldVocabulary and languageyou play with and talk todaily life use (money, measurement)at lunch and recess you play find out something you don't knowwrite on but rub out easily (not book)every school has (clothes) but what type...

School 2024-12-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. I walked to our -----
  2. leaving school
  3. I go to school to -----
  4. the type of school we go to
  5. we go to City ------
  6. the leader of a class
  7. the thing you have to wear everyday
  1. the thing I'm talking about
  2. what World Cultures and Outdoor Ed and Art and PE are
  3. the boss of the school
  4. the thing that rings when an announcement needs to be made or if its getting too loud
  5. the first day of the school week
  6. the two days we are off school
  7. the mascot of the school
  8. the thing teachers make you do

15 Clues: leaving schoolwe go to City ------I walked to our -----the leader of a classthe boss of the schoolI go to school to -----the mascot of the schoolthe thing I'm talking aboutthe type of school we go tothe two days we are off schoolthe thing teachers make you dothe first day of the school weekthe thing you have to wear everyday...

school 2025-01-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. de naam van deze school
  2. fun
  3. dutch
  4. homework
  5. language
  6. car
  7. bus
  1. maths
  2. grade for an assessment
  3. trip / travel
  4. break
  5. bike
  6. group
  7. tired
  8. mr chateau

15 Clues: funcarbusbikemathsbreakdutchgrouptiredhomeworklanguagemr chateautrip / travelgrade for an assessmentde naam van deze school

School 2025-02-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. reading and writing
  2. read
  3. device used in most classes
  4. write down things done in class
  5. gets rid of mistakes
  6. learn about the past
  1. experiments
  2. put papers in
  3. learn a different language
  4. lots of books
  5. ink
  6. write in it
  7. sit on
  8. numbers and letters
  9. used to write

15 Clues: inkreadsit onexperimentswrite in itput papers inlots of booksused to writereading and writingnumbers and lettersgets rid of mistakeslearn about the pastlearn a different languagedevice used in most classeswrite down things done in class

Oklahoma High School Mascots 2022-08-12

Oklahoma High School Mascots crossword puzzle
  1. Pawnee High school
  2. Waynoka High school
  3. Chickasha High school
  4. Perry High School
  5. Weatherford High school
  6. Enid High school
  7. Apache High School
  8. Hominy High school
  9. Cheyenne High School
  10. Big Pasture High School
  11. Eufaula High school
  12. Elgin High school
  13. Tonkawa High school
  14. Jenks High school
  15. Bixby High school
  16. Ringling High school
  17. Sand Springs High school
  18. Beaver High school
  19. Fort Cobb High school
  20. Garber High school
  21. Carnegie High School
  22. Thomas High School
  1. Cache High school
  2. Norman High school
  3. Lone Wolf High school
  4. Chisholm High school
  5. El Reno High school
  6. Davis High school
  7. Okeene High School
  8. Amber-Pocassett High school
  9. Stillwater High school
  10. Lawton Mac High School
  11. Medford High school
  12. Hobart High School
  13. Snyder High school
  14. Hinton High school
  15. Clinton High school
  16. Texhoma High school
  17. Elk City High School
  18. Wynnewood high school

40 Clues: Enid High schoolCache High schoolPerry High SchoolDavis High schoolElgin High schoolJenks High schoolBixby High schoolNorman High schoolPawnee High schoolOkeene High SchoolApache High SchoolHominy High schoolHobart High SchoolSnyder High schoolHinton High schoolBeaver High schoolGarber High schoolThomas High SchoolWaynoka High school...

School subject, school building 2013-11-10

School subject, school building crossword puzzle
  1. to wait
  2. each
  3. quite
  4. german
  5. sccience
  6. pupil
  7. English
  8. laboratory
  9. maths
  10. uniform
  11. languages
  12. music
  1. food
  2. history
  3. too
  4. subject
  5. classroom
  6. technology
  7. ICT
  8. equipment
  9. building
  10. geographyinstituto secondary school
  11. more
  12. mixed
  13. dining room
  14. French
  15. art

27 Clues: tooICTartfoodeachmorequitepupilmathsmixedmusicgermanFrenchhistoryto waitsubjectEnglishuniformscciencebuildingclassroomequipmentlanguagestechnologylaboratorydining roomgeographyinstituto secondary school

School Within School Crossword 2023-11-27

School Within School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. I enter D0 _____________.
  2. Treat ________ how you want to be treated?
  3. Throughout the school day I am following my ______.
  4. The "office" is now a small ____________ space with an adult.
  5. Who am I in control of at ALL times?
  6. When I have work to do, I will ____ my best.
  7. If I choose to throw something, I lose ____ hundred points.
  8. When can I go into the teacher area?
  9. Even if you don't want to, it is always better to just follow _______.
  10. Where do I sit to do independent work?
  11. What tool do I use to complete a grade check and write essential questions?
  12. Where do I put my binder, planner, school supplies in D-0?
  13. When I am mad, I am also ______.
  14. What tool do I use to leave our classroom with permission?
  1. What tool do I use to keep all my school supplies organized?
  2. How many official opportunities do I get to do the better choice?
  3. What do I use my brain to do?
  4. Keep small issues __________.
  5. If someone enters our learning space, we stay _____.
  6. What do I use my ears for?
  7. Everyone deserves to feel _________ in our space.
  8. Can you do hard things?
  9. How many students are allowed in the quiet room?
  10. If I am struggling, I can always ask for __________.
  11. When I need space, I set a _________ and people should leave me alone
  12. If I choose to mess with the door, I lose one _____ points.
  13. If you make a mess, ________ it up.
  14. What language is not allowed in SWIS?

28 Clues: Can you do hard things?I enter D0 _____________.What do I use my ears for?What do I use my brain to do?Keep small issues __________.When I am mad, I am also ______.If you make a mess, ________ it up.Who am I in control of at ALL times?When can I go into the teacher area?What language is not allowed in SWIS?Where do I sit to do independent work?...

School 2021-03-02

School crossword puzzle
  1. is used to draw and write
  2. you need to charge before you come to school
  3. always gets in trouble
  4. should lessen to the instructor
  5. a place you can draw and color and paint
  6. is where you learn about numbers
  7. you read a
  1. you study chemicals
  2. where you can sing
  3. where you learn about history
  4. is needed for class for notes
  5. a place where you write and learn proper English
  6. is what you need for research
  7. tells you what to do

14 Clues: you read awhere you can singyou study chemicalstells you what to doalways gets in troubleis used to draw and writewhere you learn about historyis needed for class for notesis what you need for researchshould lessen to the instructoris where you learn about numbersa place you can draw and color and paintyou need to charge before you come to school...

school 2021-03-10

school crossword puzzle
  1. obligatory
  2. an official request for something
  3. the subject in a course
  4. not a part of the usual courses
  5. high rank in a college or university
  1. long essay on a particular topic
  2. fellow member at a school
  3. look over something
  4. the process of entering to a place
  5. formal dance at school
  6. the education of children at home
  7. to give something for others to make a decision on
  8. schedule, with exact times
  9. to go to a event

14 Clues: obligatoryto go to a eventlook over somethingformal dance at schoolthe subject in a coursefellow member at a schoolschedule, with exact timesnot a part of the usual courseslong essay on a particular topican official request for somethingthe education of children at homethe process of entering to a placehigh rank in a college or university...

School 2021-03-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination
  2. the use of electronic communication to harass a person
  3. behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards
  4. a long essay on a particular subject written for a university degree or diploma
  5. half of the academic year in universities
  6. something obligatory
  7. a formal dance held for high school seniors especially
  1. the ability to do something well; expertise
  2. university teacher
  3. a grant or payment made to support a student's education
  4. successfully complete an academic degree,
  5. attempt to persuade someone into doing something
  6. a short piece of writing on a particular subject
  7. available to be chosen but not obligatory

14 Clues: university teachersomething obligatorysuccessfully complete an academic degree,half of the academic year in universitiesavailable to be chosen but not obligatorythe ability to do something well; expertiseattempt to persuade someone into doing somethinga short piece of writing on a particular subject...

School 2020-12-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. where do you put your work?
  2. what do you use to write with?
  3. what do you use to correct a mistake on your test?
  4. this is used in art class to stick something on your paper.
  5. what has an eraser on it?
  6. children use this to color with
  7. this is used to clip papers together
  8. this is used in math to measure
  1. the school gave you a three ring ___________
  2. what do you write on?
  3. what do you use to sharpen your pencil?
  4. put your papers in your __________
  5. teachers use this to write on the board
  6. what do you use to cut paper?

14 Clues: what do you write on?what has an eraser on it?where do you put your work?what do you use to cut paper?what do you use to write with?children use this to color withthis is used in math to measureput your papers in your __________this is used to clip papers togetherwhat do you use to sharpen your pencil?teachers use this to write on the board...

School 2020-06-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. You must not do this to anyone in the playground!
  2. Our address is 66...?
  3. Happens at 10.30
  4. Ten times nine
  5. Eaten at playtime
  6. What mrs Campbell gets when you say you're going to be sick.
  7. We play Miss Findlay's version
  1. Best school in Aberdeen!
  2. What we should be when listening to instructions
  3. Mrs Innes
  4. One of our most popular school lunch choices
  5. Some people say it is haunted!
  6. Name of our school bear
  7. We do these in our Maths jotters
  8. The side we walk on through the school

15 Clues: Mrs InnesTen times nineHappens at 10.30Eaten at playtimeOur address is 66...?Name of our school bearBest school in Aberdeen!Some people say it is haunted!We play Miss Findlay's versionWe do these in our Maths jottersThe side we walk on through the schoolOne of our most popular school lunch choicesWhat we should be when listening to instructions...

School 2021-10-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. School counselor.
  2. After school.
  3. My least favorite special.
  4. A coding thing I did.
  5. My second language.
  6. My third language.
  1. My SS work.
  2. My first language.
  3. My locker number.
  4. Something about band.
  5. My school
  6. A subject im doing in Math.
  7. The name of the science class turtle.
  8. The name of my math teacher.

14 Clues: My schoolMy SS work.After school.My locker number.School counselor.My first language.My third language.My second language.Something about band.A coding thing I did.My least favorite special.A subject im doing in Math.The name of my math teacher.The name of the science class turtle.

school 2021-08-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. We should treat all students and teachers with this
  2. The area where you play
  3. This tells you it's time for lunch
  4. A place to buy food
  5. Schoolwork done at home
  6. These people make school fun
  7. Use of computers
  1. The student leader of the school
  2. The boss of the school
  3. We go to school for this
  4. Mr Conroy teaches this subject
  5. The boss of the classroom
  6. A special learning trip out of the school
  7. A meeting where awards are handed out

14 Clues: Use of computersA place to buy foodThe boss of the schoolThe area where you playSchoolwork done at homeWe go to school for thisThe boss of the classroomThese people make school funMr Conroy teaches this subjectThe student leader of the schoolThis tells you it's time for lunchA meeting where awards are handed out...

SCHOOL 2021-11-09

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. is the furniture where we write
  2. a computer that you can bring with you
  3. a bag that is used to carry books
  4. a person who direct a place, or a job.
  5. an object that we use to write.
  6. an object that we use to do some calculations
  1. a small book for writing notes in
  2. an object that we use to leave our homework
  3. a person who goes to school to learn
  4. an object that teachers use to write in class
  5. an object that we use to draw circles
  6. a subject that we learn about old things that happen years ago
  7. a person who works teaching children.
  8. an object where people sit down.

14 Clues: is the furniture where we writean object that we use to object where people sit down.a small book for writing notes ina bag that is used to carry booksa person who goes to school to learnan object that we use to draw circlesa person who works teaching children.a computer that you can bring with youa person who direct a place, or a job....

school 2022-02-15

school crossword puzzle
  1. When looking for a book to read you go here.
  2. you are ______ when you don't show up for school.
  3. this is what you read out of.
  4. this is who is in charge of the school.
  5. This is the room for people to eat.
  6. this is what you call your peers.
  7. this is who teaches the class.
  8. you get a report card to look at your ____.
  1. this is the room where students learn.
  2. this is what you're supposed to do at school.
  3. this is what you work on during class.
  4. this is the class you mostly work with numbers.
  5. this is where you check in if late and is normally located near the front.
  6. you are ____ when you are late.

14 Clues: this is what you read out of.this is who teaches the are ____ when you are late.this is what you call your peers.This is the room for people to eat.this is the room where students learn.this is what you work on during class.this is who is in charge of the get a report card to look at your ____....

School 2017-07-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. One of our grade coordinators
  2. Used for reading
  3. We have it for breakfast every morning
  4. Grade 8's and 9's laptops
  5. We use this for school every morning
  6. We get to keep them forever
  7. Where we eat
  8. Used to find definitions(Book full of words)
  1. The day we leave SCHOOL
  2. Grade 8's got them before us
  3. Its a fruit and a book
  4. Last grade 9 exam written
  5. Our founder
  6. Our principle

14 Clues: Our founderWhere we eatOur principleUsed for readingIts a fruit and a bookThe day we leave SCHOOLLast grade 9 exam writtenGrade 8's and 9's laptopsWe get to keep them foreverGrade 8's got them before usOne of our grade coordinatorsWe use this for school every morningWe have it for breakfast every morningUsed to find definitions(Book full of words)

School 2017-11-30

School crossword puzzle
  1. because you can go to the net
  2. it can be read
  3. notes are made for it
  4. it can draw and write
  5. this book is to do the job
  6. because it can sharpen pencils
  7. the group where you are studying
  1. because he can carry books
  2. because you can erase any errors
  3. there you can keep the pen
  4. for it is sitting
  5. because it can color
  6. you can do it on top of it
  7. it can pul the line

14 Clues: it can be readfor it is sittingit can pul the linebecause it can colornotes are made for itit can draw and writebecause he can carry booksthere you can keep the penthis book is to do the jobyou can do it on top of itbecause you can go to the netbecause it can sharpen pencilsbecause you can erase any errorsthe group where you are studying

School 2017-11-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. koe
  2. elämänkatsomustieto
  3. matikka
  4. terveystieto
  5. ruotsi
  6. uskonto
  7. kuvataide
  1. puutyö
  2. maantieto
  3. äidinkieli
  4. fysiikka
  5. musiikki
  6. historia
  7. pyyhekumi

14 Clues: koepuutyöruotsimatikkauskontofysiikkamusiikkihistoriamaantietopyyhekumikuvataideäidinkieliterveystietoelämänkatsomustieto

School 2019-07-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. when you eat
  2. something you write with
  3. where you buy food
  4. person who stands up the front of class
  5. class where you use numbers
  6. what the teacher writes on
  7. where you go to get awards
  1. people who go to school
  2. rings in the morning
  3. what you sit in
  4. what you use to research
  5. what you write in
  6. the person who runs the school
  7. where you go to read books

14 Clues: when you eatwhat you sit inwhat you write inwhere you buy foodrings in the morningpeople who go to schoolsomething you write withwhat you use to researchwhere you go to read bookswhat the teacher writes onwhere you go to get awardsclass where you use numbersthe person who runs the schoolperson who stands up the front of class

SCHOOL 2014-03-31

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. Teaches the students
  2. The study of life organism and living things.
  3. The study of people and geography.
  4. Time of day where students get to eat.
  5. Some student play here before or after school
  6. Knowledge of words and stories.
  1. The school is called.
  2. I get out of school in the.
  3. Is where student sit and put books inside of it.
  4. Is the after program you stay in.
  5. It some kids transportation to school.
  6. Student start school in the.
  7. I play sports here and exercise.
  8. Student deal with numbers and formulas.

14 Clues: Teaches the studentsThe school is called.I get out of school in the.Student start school in the.Knowledge of words and stories.I play sports here and exercise.Is the after program you stay in.The study of people and geography.It some kids transportation to school.Time of day where students get to eat.Student deal with numbers and formulas....

school 2023-02-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. my friend (s)
  2. fav subject
  3. current relationship
  4. fav teacher
  5. cheated on landon with
  6. made out in the hallway
  7. my bestfriend
  8. girl i got caught with
  1. least fav time to eat
  2. attempted to steal my man
  3. my friend (a)
  4. when i got suspended
  5. my friend (d)
  6. my friend (r)

14 Clues: fav subjectfav teachermy friend (s)my friend (a)my friend (d)my friend (r)my bestfriendwhen i got suspendedcurrent relationshipleast fav time to eatcheated on landon withgirl i got caught withmade out in the hallwayattempted to steal my man

School 2024-04-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. , how school feels
  2. , How school makes me feel.
  3. , pe whistle is
  4. , Mr. Shins class is
  5. , Half of the things we learned at school are.
  6. , what I have with my friends at school
  7. , school is
  1. , the bathrooms at school
  2. , how I feel after school
  3. , what I get from school
  4. , having a test tomorrow
  5. , taking notes is
  6. , homework is
  7. , project are

14 Clues: , project are, school is, homework is, pe whistle is, taking notes is, Mr. Shins class is, having a test tomorrow, how school feels, the bathrooms at school, how I feel after school, what I get from school, How school makes me feel., what I have with my friends at school...

school 2023-06-19

school crossword puzzle
  1. Room | A room in a school where students can practice playing musical instruments and singing.
  2. | A large hall in a school where students gather for assemblies, performances, and events.
  3. | A place in a school where students eat lunch and have meals together.
  4. Lab | A room with computers and internet access in a school where students can learn and use technology.
  5. Lab | A special room in a school equipped with tools and materials for conducting science experiments.
  6. Room | A classroom dedicated to teaching mathematics and solving math problems.
  7. Lab | A specialized room in a school where students can practice and improve their language skills.
  1. Center | A resource area in a school where students can access books, computers, and multimedia materials for research and learning.
  2. Field | An outdoor area in a school where students can play sports like soccer, baseball, or track and field.
  3. | A large room in a school where students can exercise, play sports, and have physical education classes.
  4. Classroom | A classroom specifically designed for science lessons and experiments.
  5. | An outdoor area in a school where students can play games and have fun.
  6. Studio | A dedicated space in a school where students can create artwork using different materials and techniques.
  7. | A room in a school where students gather to learn and study.
  8. | A place in a school where students can borrow books to read and learn.

15 Clues: | A room in a school where students gather to learn and study.| A place in a school where students eat lunch and have meals together.| A place in a school where students can borrow books to read and learn.| An outdoor area in a school where students can play games and have fun....

School 2023-08-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. A person who attends school to learn and study.
  2. A meal that students eat during their break at school.
  3. A break time during the school day when students can play and relax.
  4. An assessment or examination that measures students' knowledge and understanding.
  5. A booklet with blank or lined pages for writing notes or assignments.
  6. A bag that students use to carry their books, notebooks, and other school supplies.
  1. A specific area of study or topic taught in school.
  2. A room in a school where students have lessons and classes.
  3. Assignments or tasks given by teachers to be completed outside of class.
  4. A task or assignment that students work on to demonstrate their understanding of a topic.
  5. A piece of furniture with a flat surface for writing, studying, or working.
  6. A writing instrument with a graphite core used to make marks on paper.
  7. A person who educates and guides students in a classroom.
  8. A printed or digital publication containing written or printed pages that you read.

14 Clues: A person who attends school to learn and study.A specific area of study or topic taught in school.A meal that students eat during their break at school.A person who educates and guides students in a classroom.A room in a school where students have lessons and classes.A break time during the school day when students can play and relax....

School 2023-09-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. The head of the school who leads and makes important decisions.
  2. Different topics and lessons taught in school.
  3. A person who educates and guides students.
  4. Physical activities and games for fun and fitness.
  5. A room where students learn and study.
  6. Ceremony A special event to celebrate students completing their studies.
  7. Assignments given by teachers to complete outside of class.
  1. A place to eat and socialize during school hours.
  2. Tests to check what students have learned.
  3. A break during the school day for play and relaxation.
  4. Bus A vehicle that transports students to and from school.
  5. Young people who attend school to learn.
  6. A place filled with books and resources for reading and research.
  7. Supplies Items like pencils, books, and backpacks used for learning.
  8. Outdoor area for students to play and have fun.

15 Clues: A room where students learn and study.Young people who attend school to learn.Tests to check what students have learned.A person who educates and guides students.Different topics and lessons taught in school.Outdoor area for students to play and have fun.A place to eat and socialize during school hours....

School 2023-10-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. sport played for Homecoming
  2. what you sit on at your desk
  3. musical group that plays instruments
  4. 2nd block A days
  5. something you look at for jobs, dates and events
  6. device used to access the internet
  7. place you go for P.E. class
  1. something you read
  2. something you earn on payday Mondays
  3. the person leading the classroom and teaches students things
  4. 3rd block A days/4th block B days
  5. something you do in a pool
  6. green/something you use to buy things
  7. musical group that sings

14 Clues: 2nd block A dayssomething you readmusical group that singssomething you do in a poolsport played for Homecomingplace you go for P.E. classwhat you sit on at your desk3rd block A days/4th block B daysdevice used to access the internetsomething you earn on payday Mondaysmusical group that plays instrumentsgreen/something you use to buy things...

School 2024-09-23

School crossword puzzle
  1. A small computer you can carry with you
  2. This is where you eat lunch
  3. You use this to carry your books
  4. What use use to write in and take notes
  5. The part of the computer you use to type
  6. If you cant take the stairs, you can use the _____.
  7. The teacher writes on this at the front of the room
  1. The person who cleans the school
  2. Where a student sits
  3. Where you go to borrow a book
  4. You use this when you make an error
  5. You can use this to hold your papers
  6. You read this
  7. When you need something, you can ask a friend to ______ it

14 Clues: You read thisWhere a student sitsThis is where you eat lunchWhere you go to borrow a bookThe person who cleans the schoolYou use this to carry your booksYou use this when you make an errorYou can use this to hold your papersA small computer you can carry with youWhat use use to write in and take notesThe part of the computer you use to type...

SCHOOL 2018-04-11

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. BAG
  2. PEN
  8. TABLE
  3. DIARY
  4. GYM
  5. RULER
  6. CHAIR


School 2022-03-15

School crossword puzzle
  1. glass opening
  2. big ,white or green
  3. sticky
  4. to read
  5. Jordan’s language
  6. work not in school
  7. looking at letters
  8. Table
  1. we write with
  2. a small empty book
  3. gives education
  4. to improve sight
  5. has to do with numbers
  6. way in

14 Clues: Tablestickyway into readwe write withglass openinggives educationto improve sightJordan’s languagea small empty bookwork not in schoollooking at lettersbig ,white or greenhas to do with numbers

School 2013-12-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. vegetable
  2. not behind
  3. cartoon
  4. cake
  5. trees and flowers
  6. money
  1. robber
  2. letter
  3. end
  4. headache
  5. start
  6. country
  7. children
  8. food

14 Clues: endfoodcakestartmoneyrobberlettercountrycartoonheadachechildrenvegetablenot behindtrees and flowers

School 2013-02-05

School crossword puzzle
  1. If I do not attend my C4 I will be given a
  2. what is won by the highest number of achivement points
  3. if I do not attend my late C4 I will be given .....Late C4s,
  4. if I swear at a member of staff I will have to go to the
  5. If my behaviour does not improve I will be placed on
  6. when a teacher gives you an instruction you must....first time
  7. if i show my teachers good behaviour i will gain ..... points
  1. at what stage are you rewarded five pounds
  2. truancy will affect my
  3. phone, This device is banned from use on school premises.
  4. it is illegal to buy these under the age of 18
  5. If you are not in your lesson you will be marked as
  6. lessons are for
  7. everyone must have the chance to........their opinion

14 Clues: lessons are fortruancy will affect myat what stage are you rewarded five poundsIf I do not attend my C4 I will be given ait is illegal to buy these under the age of 18If you are not in your lesson you will be marked asIf my behaviour does not improve I will be placed oneveryone must have the chance to........their opinion...

School 2023-03-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. A small bag for holding pens, pencils, etc., often used at school
  2. A small electronic device that is used for doing calculations
  3. Thin, flat material made from crushed wood or cloth, used for writing, printing, or drawing on
  4. A device used for cutting materials such as paper
  5. A dark surface on a wall or frame that a teacher writes on with chalk
  1. A small object usually made of metal or plastic, used for fastening things together or holding them in position
  2. A large bag used to carry things on your back, used especially by people who go camping or walking
  3. A type of table that you can work at, often one with drawers
  4. A small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil
  5. A drawing of the earth's surface, or part of that surface, showing the shape and position of different countries, political borders, natural features such as rivers and mountains, and artificial features such as roads and buildings
  6. A small thin piece of metal with a point at one end, especially used for temporarily holding pieces of cloth together
  7. Someone whose job is to teach in a school or college
  8. A seat for one person that has a back, usually four legs, and sometimes two arms
  9. A written text that can be published in printed or electronic form

14 Clues: A device used for cutting materials such as paperSomeone whose job is to teach in a school or collegeA type of table that you can work at, often one with drawersA small electronic device that is used for doing calculationsA small bag for holding pens, pencils, etc., often used at school...

school 2022-10-04

school crossword puzzle
  1. to thrive
  2. to stand by
  3. to work for
  4. observation
  5. weak
  6. unethical
  7. a tool
  1. betrayal
  2. a small amount of food
  3. in charge
  4. stealing
  5. full
  6. adding fuel
  7. to work for
  8. avoid

15 Clues: fullweakavoida toolbetrayalstealingto thrivein chargeunethicalto stand byto work forobservationadding fuelto work fora small amount of food

School 2023-01-04

School crossword puzzle
  1. un crayon
  2. un château
  3. un cartable
  4. un élève
  5. une salle de classe
  6. le règlement
  1. Japonais(e)
  2. un chaudron
  3. l'Ecosse
  4. la magie
  5. en face
  6. un bureau
  7. la bibliothèque
  8. une école

14 Clues: en facel'Ecossela magieun élèveun crayonun bureauune écoleun châteauJaponais(e)un chaudronun cartablele règlementla bibliothèqueune salle de classe

school 2023-04-13

school crossword puzzle
  1. chodba
  2. knihovna
  3. bufet
  4. laboratoř
  5. hřiště
  6. žák
  7. prostředí
  8. hříště
  1. vzdělání
  2. vybavení
  3. spolužák
  4. žák
  5. jídelna
  6. skříňka
  7. tělocvična

15 Clues: žákžákbufetchodbahřištěhříštějídelnaskříňkavzděláníknihovnavybaveníspolužáklaboratořprostředítělocvična

School 2020-04-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. you use this tool to write
  2. you use this tool if you got an incorrect answer
  3. you can read it
  4. this item helps you see the important information
  5. you use this tool to write
  6. Our teacher uses it a lot to teach us
  7. you can colour with it
  1. you can sit on it
  2. a place where you can learn
  3. this item is made out of trees
  4. sticky stick
  5. you can use this item to cut
  6. helps you to learn
  7. you can write on it
  8. you work on this object

15 Clues: sticky stickyou can read ityou can sit on ithelps you to learnyou can write on ityou can colour with ityou work on this objectyou use this tool to writeyou use this tool to writea place where you can learnyou can use this item to cutthis item is made out of treesOur teacher uses it a lot to teach usyou use this tool if you got an incorrect answer...

School 2021-01-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. You can play computer games on it
  2. You can play football there
  3. You learn important dates there
  4. You wear them to PE
  5. You work with numbers
  6. You sing there
  7. You can play computer games on it
  1. You can put papers there
  2. case You can put pencils and pens there
  3. phone You use it to call somebody
  4. You learn it now
  5. You learn countries and nationalities there
  6. pens You can draw with them
  7. You learn computer programs there
  8. You can eat it

15 Clues: You sing thereYou can eat itYou learn it nowYou wear them to PEYou work with numbersYou can put papers thereYou can play football therepens You can draw with themYou learn important dates thereYou can play computer games on itphone You use it to call somebodyYou learn computer programs thereYou can play computer games on it...

school 2021-04-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. node
  2. transversewave
  3. compression
  4. wavemedium
  5. rarefraction
  6. longitudinalwave
  7. wavelength
  1. wavepulse
  2. trough
  3. period
  4. oscillation
  5. crest
  6. frequency
  7. antinode

14 Clues: nodecresttroughperiodantinodewavepulsefrequencywavemediumwavelengthoscillationcompressionrarefractiontransversewavelongitudinalwave

School 2021-06-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. book for learning
  2. thing that holds school supplies
  3. time for eating
  4. reading class
  5. physical activity subject
  6. class where you do experiments
  7. class that learns history
  1. devise that helps with virtual learning
  2. something a student sits in
  3. person that teaches at school
  4. person who learns at school
  5. writing class
  6. object to write with
  7. class that numbers are involved

14 Clues: reading classwriting classtime for eatingbook for learningobject to write withphysical activity subjectclass that learns historysomething a student sits inperson who learns at schoolperson that teaches at schoolclass where you do experimentsclass that numbers are involvedthing that holds school suppliesdevise that helps with virtual learning

School 2021-06-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. Food carrier
  2. Play time
  3. Schoolwork after school
  4. the person you go to when you get hurt
  5. A book filled with the meanings of words
  6. What you carry your books in
  7. The only meal
  1. I like to write on the ____ on the wall
  2. Transportation to school
  3. Instructor
  4. Your teacher's boss
  5. A sport you play mostly by tackling
  6. An object to store your stuff
  7. Lots of numbers

14 Clues: Play timeInstructorFood carrierThe only mealLots of numbersYour teacher's bossSchoolwork after schoolTransportation to schoolWhat you carry your books inAn object to store your stuffA sport you play mostly by tacklingthe person you go to when you get hurtI like to write on the ____ on the wallA book filled with the meanings of words

School 2021-10-05

School crossword puzzle
  1. What many students ride in before and after school
  2. Device you can use for math problems
  3. Something you put all of your school items in and carry
  4. Something used to measure length
  5. What you use when you need to get rid of writing
  6. Colorful wax sticks
  1. What you use to pack your food in
  2. Many schools have these to help raise money
  3. Something you store your items in at school
  4. Something used to store papers in
  5. Device you use when your pencil is dull
  6. You use chalk to write on this
  7. Something you write on
  8. Item you use to write with

14 Clues: Colorful wax sticksSomething you write onItem you use to write withYou use chalk to write on thisSomething used to measure lengthWhat you use to pack your food inSomething used to store papers inDevice you can use for math problemsDevice you use when your pencil is dullMany schools have these to help raise money...

school 2022-06-30

school crossword puzzle
  1. tiny
  2. small
  3. HOT
  5. smart
  6. LOUD
  2. BOOST
  3. AIDE
  4. funny
  6. KID
  7. BOY


School 2022-10-22

School crossword puzzle
  1. - Искусство
  2. - География
  3. - Наука
  4. - ластик
  5. - История
  6. - карандаш
  1. - пенал
  2. - Математика
  3. - Английский язык
  4. - линейка
  5. - ручка
  6. - школа
  7. - музыка
  8. - книга

14 Clues: - пенал- ручка- Наука- школа- книга- музыка- ластик- линейка- История- карандаш- Искусство- География- Математика- Английский язык

School 2022-11-15

School crossword puzzle
  1. - sekretariat
  2. - plac zabaw
  3. - sala lekcyjna
  4. - sala gimnastyczna
  5. - pokój nauczycielski
  6. - stołówka
  7. - biblioteka
  8. - duża sala
  1. - korytarz
  2. - gabinet dyrektora
  3. - schody
  4. - sala informatyczna
  5. - sklepik
  6. - sala muzyczna

14 Clues: - schody- sklepik- korytarz- stołówka- duża sala- plac zabaw- biblioteka- sekretariat- sala lekcyjna- sala muzyczna- gabinet dyrektora- sala gimnastyczna- sala informatyczna- pokój nauczycielski

School 2023-06-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. A subject that involves the study of the natural world, including living organisms, matter, energy, and the environment.
  2. A bag worn on the back to carry books, notebooks, and other school supplies. It allows students to transport their belongings conveniently.
  3. A spherical model of the Earth used to study geography and learn about different countries, continents, and oceans.
  4. A large, dark surface used for writing or displaying information in the classroom. It is often made of slate or painted wood.
  5. A subject that deals with numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns. It involves problem-solving and logical thinking.
  6. A space within the school where students gather to receive instruction from teachers. It is equipped with desks, chairs, and educational materials.
  7. A measuring tool with straight edges used to draw straight lines or measure lengths. It is often made of plastic or wood.
  1. A piece of furniture with a flat surface used for writing, reading, and studying. It typically has storage compartments for books and supplies.
  2. A container used to pack and carry meals and snacks to school. It keeps food fresh and allows students to have lunch during break time.
  3. A person who attends school to learn and acquire knowledge. They actively participate in classes and complete assignments.
  4. Written or printed materials containing information and stories. They are used for studying, reading, and gaining knowledge.
  5. A person who instructs and guides students in their learning. They provide knowledge, support, and help students grow academically.
  6. A writing instrument used to write, draw, or sketch. It has a graphite or lead core and is usually encased in wood or plastic.
  7. A stick of soft, white or colored limestone used for writing on a blackboard. It leaves visible marks when applied to a surface.

14 Clues: A spherical model of the Earth used to study geography and learn about different countries, continents, and oceans.A subject that deals with numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns. It involves problem-solving and logical thinking....

SCHOOL 2023-07-11

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. The art of arranging sounds in time to produce a composition.
  2. A writing instrument with a thin cylindrical graphite core and wooden casing.
  3. The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination.
  4. A person who is enrolled in and attends a school or educational institution.
  5. A person who instructs and educates students in a school.
  6. The study of numbers, quantities, and shapes, and the relationships between them.
  7. A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together.
  1. The study of the natural world and its phenomena.
  2. A room where students receive instruction and engage in learning activities.
  3. A meal eaten during the midday break at school.
  4. A period of free time during the school day for students to play or relax.
  5. A piece of furniture with a flat or sloping surface used for writing or reading.
  6. Assignments or tasks given to students to complete outside of school hours.
  7. A bag worn on the back, used to carry books and other school supplies.

14 Clues: A meal eaten during the midday break at school.The study of the natural world and its phenomena.A person who instructs and educates students in a school.The art of arranging sounds in time to produce a composition.A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together.The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination....