scientific method Crossword Puzzles

Scientific Method 9-20 2023-09-18

Scientific Method 9-20 crossword puzzle
  1. another name for the dependent variable
  2. the last step in the scientific method is to ________ your results.
  3. ___ variable is what you expect to happen because of the change you made.
  4. when scientists summarize their experiment and give results.
  5. item changed during experiments.
  6. type of observation that is collected using instruments.
  7. first step of the scientific method is to identify the _____.
  8. describes the steps scientists use during an experiment.
  1. another name for the independent variable
  2. an educated guess
  3. number of variables tested
  4. the information collected during an experiment.
  5. information collected using the 5 senses.
  6. process scientists use to answer questions and solve problems.
  7. process scientists use to test the hypothesis and collect data.
  8. ___ variable the part of the experiment that is being tested or the part changed by the scientist.

16 Clues: an educated guessnumber of variables testeditem changed during experiments.another name for the dependent variableanother name for the independent variableinformation collected using the 5 senses.the information collected during an experiment.type of observation that is collected using instruments....

The Scientific Method 2020-10-05

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. / Information you collect during the experiment.
  2. / This is where you explain if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect.
  3. / This explains how to do the experiment.
  4. / John Ridley Stroop was this kind of scientist (who studies the brain).
  5. / The things you need for an experiment.
  6. / The scientist who worked with words and colors, and studied the brain.
  1. / A way of explaining the data.
  2. / The test a scientist does to see if your hypothesis is correct or incorrect.
  3. / An educated guess you make before the experiment starts.
  4. / The thing you want to learn.
  5. / The information that is needed before an experiment begins.

11 Clues: / The thing you want to learn./ A way of explaining the data./ The things you need for an experiment./ This explains how to do the experiment./ Information you collect during the experiment./ An educated guess you make before the experiment starts./ The information that is needed before an experiment begins....

The Scientific Method 2020-10-05

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. / Information you collect during the experiment.
  2. / This is where you explain if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect.
  3. / This explains how to do the experiment.
  4. / John Ridley Stroop was this kind of scientist (who studies the brain).
  5. / The things you need for an experiment.
  6. / The scientist who worked with words and colors, and studied the brain.
  1. / A way of explaining the data.
  2. / The test a scientist does to see if your hypothesis is correct or incorrect.
  3. / An educated guess you make before the experiment starts.
  4. / The thing you want to learn.
  5. / The information that is needed before an experiment begins.

11 Clues: / The thing you want to learn./ A way of explaining the data./ The things you need for an experiment./ This explains how to do the experiment./ Information you collect during the experiment./ An educated guess you make before the experiment starts./ The information that is needed before an experiment begins....

Scientific Method Vocab 2023-09-18

Scientific Method Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Can be used to show how something changes overtime and compares two sets of number data
  2. Data is entered into this to visually display the experiment
  3. It is a process that is used to find answers to questions about the world around us.
  4. Variable in an experiment that is what is being measured or the "numbers".
  5. Variable that is constant throughout the whole experiment
  6. can be used to show how something changes over time or to compare items.
  1. Vertical line in a graph or your dependent variable
  2. Variable in an experiment that is purposely changed
  3. An educated guess that answers the problem or question.
  4. Information gathered in an experiment
  5. Horizontal line in a graph or your independent variable

11 Clues: Information gathered in an experimentVertical line in a graph or your dependent variableVariable in an experiment that is purposely changedAn educated guess that answers the problem or question.Horizontal line in a graph or your independent variableVariable that is constant throughout the whole experiment...

Scientific Method and Engineering Method, 2022-2023 2022-11-07

Scientific Method and Engineering Method, 2022-2023 crossword puzzle
  1. An evaluation of the cost, quality and/or ability of someone or something
  2. A specific task that a system or part of a system performs or is intended to perform
  3. To determine a future outcome
  4. Measurable and can be represented in numeric form; objective
  5. The thing the scientist changes for the test.
  6. What the design must do; may be used in place of criteria
  7. The inability of a device, process, or system to perform a required function
  8. A diagram, replica, mathematical representation, analogy, or computer simulation used to analyze a system for condition flaws, test a solution, visualize or refine a design, and/or communicate design features
  9. Consistently repeating the same measurement procedure on a system or part of a system with the same tool used under the same conditions by the same person
  10. Breaking an object or process into smaller parts to examine or evaluate systematically
  11. A persuasive defense for an explanation or solution based on evidence and reasoning
  12. This sums up what you learned from the experiment/test.
  13. Data used to support a claim
  14. A visual representation of data or information
  15. This isn't a variable, but something that you purposely don't change.
  16. A logical, objective thought process based on data, information, and evidence to form a conclusion or judgment
  17. Non-measurable and described through observation; subjective
  18. The relationship between the size of an accurate representation of an object and the actual object itself
  19. A situation to be changed; a question raised for inquiry, consideration, or solution
  20. To determine whether or not a design, model, process, system or theory meets the criteria as a possible solution
  21. A systematic approach to solving a problem
  22. The thing that changes because of what the scientist did: shows the result.
  23. Researched prediction of how the test will turn out.
  1. Attributes of a design that can be measured; a set of standards upon which a decision is based
  2. This is the part of the experiment where you don't add the thing you're testing.Accuracy The quality of being near to the true or desired value
  3. To share information orally, in written form and/or graphically through various forms of media
  4. A list of steps to test if the scientist's idea is right.
  5. To generate or to propose a possible solution; to create, fashion, execute, or construct
  6. The use of a model to learn how a device, process or system will behave
  7. A series of steps that form a pathway to a solution
  8. The process of gathering or examining information systematically; generating data to provide evidence to support a claim based on a stated goal, predicted outcome, and planned course of action
  9. An idea or set of ideas used to explain a fact or event
  10. Something the scientist is trying to find out
  11. A limitation or condition that must be satisfied by a design, including materials, cost, size, labor, etc.
  12. The minimum or maximum permissible value
  13. The required action of a device, process or system
  14. The measurable relationship between a solution and the amount of resources it requires
  15. Things scientists notice using our 5 senses.
  16. Significant predictive features identified through analysis
  17. The quality of being reproducible in amount or performance
  18. A detailed written record specific to the criteria needed to solve the problem; the technical information about “what” is needed to solve the problem but not “how” to solve it
  19. Measurements and things noticed during the experiment.
  20. To improve through small changes
  21. An exchange of one idea for another that may involve losing a quality or aspect of a design
  22. A model that tests design performance

45 Clues: Data used to support a claimTo determine a future outcomeTo improve through small changesA model that tests design performanceThe minimum or maximum permissible valueA systematic approach to solving a problemThings scientists notice using our 5 senses.The thing the scientist changes for the test.Something the scientist is trying to find out...

Scientific Method Vocabulary 2023-09-12

Scientific Method Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. so others can learn and evaluate results
  2. an educated guess
  3. process of noticing to gain information
  1. the variable that changes
  2. investigations of new sources and materials
  3. something that changes
  4. trying out new ideas
  5. the variable you change
  6. decision reached by reasoning
  7. element unchanged by other variables
  8. facts and statistics

11 Clues: an educated guesstrying out new ideasfacts and statisticssomething that changesthe variable you changethe variable that changesdecision reached by reasoningelement unchanged by other variablesprocess of noticing to gain informationso others can learn and evaluate resultsinvestigations of new sources and materials

The Scientific Method 2023-09-03

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. variables that are kept constant.
  2. the variable on which you focus your attention on to see how it responds to change.
  3. investigations where factors can change.
  4. involves and explorative activity.
  5. a test where only one variable is changed at a time while everything else remains constant.
  6. when a hypothesis is supported by many experiments and evidence.
  1. is the task where the student cannot see the answer or recall a routine method for finding it.
  2. the one variable that can be changed.
  3. the original source of information.
  4. papers written based on the primary source.
  5. explanation to why certain things happen.

11 Clues: variables that are kept constant.involves and explorative activity.the original source of information.the one variable that can be changed.investigations where factors can change.explanation to why certain things happen.papers written based on the primary source.when a hypothesis is supported by many experiments and evidence....

The Scientific Method 2023-08-18

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. The ___ variable that is unchanged and used as a comparison in an experiment.
  2. This something that may or does vary or change in an experiment.
  3. The ____ variable is the part of the experiment that is affected by the independent vaiable.
  4. The gathering of information from a reliable source to help in the investigation process.
  5. A problem for discussion. A matter for investigation.
  6. A process scientist use to find answers to questions or solve a problem.
  1. Summary of the points of the decision reached.
  2. The ___ variable is the part of the experiment that is being changed by the person doing the experiment.
  3. An educated guess based on prior knowledge.
  4. The results of an experiment. Data is included in this.
  5. Testing an idea or hypothesis through a controlled investigation.

11 Clues: An educated guess based on prior knowledge.Summary of the points of the decision reached.A problem for discussion. A matter for investigation.The results of an experiment. Data is included in this.This something that may or does vary or change in an experiment.Testing an idea or hypothesis through a controlled investigation....

The Scientific Method 2022-10-24

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Step that you test your hypothesis
  2. This is the variable that is changed.
  3. The independent variable is the one that is _____.
  4. The analysis step is where you _________ your data.
  1. This is the 1st step of the Scientific Method.
  2. This is the variable that is measured.
  3. A question must be ______________.
  4. The dependent variable is the one that is ______.
  5. This is the 2nd step of the Scientific Method.
  6. The question and hypothesis must contain these
  7. Step that says if your hypothesis is correct

11 Clues: A question must be ______________.Step that you test your hypothesisThis is the variable that is changed.This is the variable that is measured.Step that says if your hypothesis is correctThis is the 1st step of the Scientific Method.This is the 2nd step of the Scientific Method.The question and hypothesis must contain these...

Scientific Method Vocabulary 2024-09-04

Scientific Method Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. gathering information using your five senses AND prior knowledge
  2. the part of an experiment that is changed. Only one!
  3. observation that tell about the quantities (numbers)
  4. information
  5. steps used to solve a problem
  1. facts that have been proven repeatedly by many scientists
  2. gathering information using your five senses
  3. an educated guess
  4. observations that tell about the qualities using the senses (red, soft)
  5. a well tested idea that explains many observations
  6. the study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world

11 Clues: informationan educated guesssteps used to solve a problemgathering information using your five sensesa well tested idea that explains many observationsthe part of an experiment that is changed. Only one!observation that tell about the quantities (numbers)facts that have been proven repeatedly by many scientists...

The Scientific Method 2024-09-13

The Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. a possible answer or guess based on prior knowledge
  2. testable explanation or educated guess
  3. always stays the same
  4. variable changed on purpose
  5. measurements based on amounts
  6. recorded or studiable information
  1. testing done to answer a question
  2. well tested, proven explanation
  3. dependent on the changes of the independent variable
  4. received data or information using the senses
  5. measurements based on quality

11 Clues: always stays the samevariable changed on purposemeasurements based on qualitymeasurements based on amountswell tested, proven explanationtesting done to answer a questionrecorded or studiable informationtestable explanation or educated guessreceived data or information using the sensesa possible answer or guess based on prior knowledge...

Scientific Revolution 2023-09-18

Scientific Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. The man that stated "Resting is not the natural state of an object", as well as a word used repeatedly in famous song Bohemian Rhapsody.
  2. The man who created 3 scientific laws.
  3. A statement or proposition based on an idea using the scientific method.
  4. Something used to advance spreading knowledge quicker, as well as print text.
  5. Where Earth is the center of everything.
  6. The research of all things space and stars.
  7. The creation or usage of machines.
  8. William Gilbert's scientific discovery.
  1. Newtons first law.
  2. Exchanging news or information between multiple people.
  3. What individuals who went against monarchs rule and ideals were called.
  4. Someone who is knowledgeable and/or studies science.
  5. A place in the middle.
  6. A french word meaning "rebirth".
  7. The man who introduced the theory that the sun is in the center of our solar system.
  8. The last name of the man who created the scientific method, also a tasty food paired with eggs.

16 Clues: Newtons first law.A place in the middle.A french word meaning "rebirth".The creation or usage of machines.The man who created 3 scientific laws.William Gilbert's scientific discovery.Where Earth is the center of everything.The research of all things space and stars.Someone who is knowledgeable and/or studies science....

Scientific Revolution 2023-12-09

Scientific Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. An era that proceeded the Scientific Revolution
  2. Isaac ______,determined the laws of gravity and motion
  3. ________ Kepler
  4. Johannes _______, alive from 1632-1675
  5. A popular subject in school
  6. Laws of _______, discovered by Isaac Newton
  7. A scientific guess based on evidence and experiments,comes towards the end of the Scientific Method
  8. A version of math discovered by Isaac Newton
  9. Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity
  10. The original reasoning behind everything
  11. The era that preceded the Scientific Revolution
  12. A professional in the study of science
  13. ________ Copernicus
  14. ________ Church
  15. _______ Galilei
  16. The action of actively noticing something with your eyes
  17. New _____ arose during the Scientific Revolution
  1. a modern day sickness, an invented long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust
  2. The planet we are all on right now (I hope)
  3. Developed by an Italian scientist, is used to this day to observe stars
  4. Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine
  5. Scientific ______
  6. Many people that opposed the Catholic Church were accused of being this
  7. __________ Measurement
  8. The usually violent attempt by many people to end the rule of one government and start a new one
  9. ____________ Theory
  10. A way of justifying an action
  11. _______ Harvey, discovered how blood circulates in the body
  12. Laws of Planetary ______
  13. Anton van ___________, improves the microscope, discovers bacteria and red blood cells
  14. There was a theory created by Galileo Galilei that the earth revolved around the ___
  15. _______ Bacon

32 Clues: _______ Bacon________ Kepler________ Church_______ GalileiScientific __________________ Theory________ Copernicus__________ MeasurementLaws of Planetary ______A popular subject in schoolA way of justifying an actionJohannes _______, alive from 1632-1675A professional in the study of scienceThe original reasoning behind everything...

The Scientific Revolution 2014-11-18

The Scientific Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. Invented an easy way to solve exponents.
  2. ______ method.
  3. To help people get better when they are sick.
  4. Famous artist, scientist, and inventor.(Renaissance man, First name)
  5. Dropped balls from a tower to prove a point.(First name)
  6. Was a modern airplane invented by Leonardo da Vinci.(2 words)
  7. Galileo Galilei discovered rings of _______.
  8. Invented the duomo.
  9. Invented scientific method.
  1. Invented laws of planet motion.
  2. The era when many things were invented.(2 words)
  3. Invented by Galileo.
  4. Created furnace that used coke, not coal.
  5. Having evidence to support a theory.
  6. Discovered law of refraction.
  7. Invented the x and y axes.
  8. Napier created tables called ________.
  9. Created the first steam engine.
  10. Key in determining what floats in water.
  11. Started electronic experiments.

20 Clues: ______ method.Invented the duomo.Invented by Galileo.Invented the x and y axes.Invented scientific method.Discovered law of refraction.Invented laws of planet motion.Created the first steam engine.Started electronic experiments.Having evidence to support a theory.Napier created tables called ________.Invented an easy way to solve exponents....

Science Skills 2021-02-09

Science Skills crossword puzzle
  1. to retell what happened
  2. a changed variable
  3. collection of measurements and observations
  4. data arranged in rows and columns
  5. looks like a bar chart but is different
  6. Asking questions makes you?
  7. the variable being measured
  8. keeps going
  9. stops
  10. kept the same
  11. a factor that can change in an experiment
  12. the reason for something in scientific terms
  1. data concerned with the questions being studied
  2. an educated guess (hypothesis)
  3. graph also called a pie chart
  4. graph obvious pattern plotting results
  5. writing to convey information
  6. describes process, progress results of experiment
  7. a title
  8. graph data deliberately recorded in rectangles
  9. estimation of an unknown value
  10. Steps in how to do something
  11. similar to method
  12. test only one variable able to change

24 Clues: stopsa titlekeeps goingkept the samesimilar to methoda changed variableto retell what happenedAsking questions makes you?the variable being measuredSteps in how to do somethinggraph also called a pie chartwriting to convey informationan educated guess (hypothesis)estimation of an unknown valuedata arranged in rows and columns...

Scientific Revolution 2023-05-22

Scientific Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. English scientist, he studied and simplified the work of earlier scientists. He identified four laws that explained how the physical world works
  2. An explanation a scientist develops based on facts
  3. Series of events that led to the birth of modern science; it lasted about 1540 to 1700
  4. Someone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical way
  5. Polish astronomer, his book On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres helped begin the Scientific Revolution.
  1. French philosopher, he believed that nothing should be accepted as true if it had not been proven. His ideas helped develop the scientific method.
  2. Italian scientist, he was the first scientist to routinely use experiments to test theories. He was placed on trial for supporting theories that contradict church teachings.
  3. Solution a scientist proposes to solve a problem
  4. English philosopher, he argued that science could be pursued in a systematic fashion. His ideas helped develop the scientific method.
  5. method Step by step method for performing experiments and other scientific research
  6. German astronomer, he proved that the planets orbit the sun.

11 Clues: Solution a scientist proposes to solve a problemAn explanation a scientist develops based on factsGerman astronomer, he proved that the planets orbit the sun.Someone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical waymethod Step by step method for performing experiments and other scientific research...

Scientific Method 2020-09-28

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. First step to scientific method
  2. The second step to scientific method
  3. Fourth step to scientific method
  1. Thired step to scientific method
  2. The fifth step to scientific method
  3. Sixth step to the scientific method
  4. last step to the scientific method

7 Clues: First step to scientific methodThired step to scientific methodFourth step to scientific methodlast step to the scientific methodThe fifth step to scientific methodSixth step to the scientific methodThe second step to scientific method

Crossword - Jonathon Sarkis 2013-11-09

Crossword - Jonathon Sarkis crossword puzzle
  1. lack of awareness
  2. a strategic move
  3. a human gesture of sorrow
  4. increase in speed
  5. ugly behaviour
  6. horror
  7. a scientific research centre
  8. pulling a face
  9. to follow guided procedure
  10. a clear acrylic resin
  11. urgent need
  12. to surge forward
  1. mocking
  2. gasping for air or finding it difficult to breathe
  3. the scientific method of locating
  4. a positive remark comment
  5. lack of tolerance
  6. to be identified
  7. a rear access
  8. a snap shot
  9. thrusting motion

21 Clues: horrormockinga snap shoturgent needa rear accessugly behaviourpulling a facea strategic moveto be identifiedthrusting motionto surge forwardlack of awarenessincrease in speedlack of tolerancea clear acrylic resina human gesture of sorrowa positive remark commentto follow guided procedurea scientific research centrethe scientific method of locating...

Week 1 2023-05-21

Week 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a person in outer space
  2. to an extreme degree; badly
  3. correctly, exactly
  4. the application of scientific knowledge
  5. a scientific procedure
  6. making a genetically identical copy
  7. a segment of DNA
  8. a machine capable of carrying out a complex actions
  9. showing that you know a secret
  1. a person who uses the scientific method
  2. regularly, usually done
  3. in a way that shows tolerance of delays
  4. way of gathering and analyzing evidence
  5. a subset of the population
  6. to redesign components or products
  7. causes disease
  8. shows you are happy and excited
  9. study of heredity

18 Clues: causes diseasea segment of DNAstudy of hereditycorrectly, exactlya scientific procedureregularly, usually donea person in outer spacea subset of the populationto an extreme degree; badlyshowing that you know a secretshows you are happy and excitedto redesign components or productsmaking a genetically identical copy...

Key Terms 2023-05-22

Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical way
  2. A solution a scientist proposes to solve a problem
  3. French philosopher, he believed that nothing should be accepted as true if it had not been proven. His ideas helped develop the scientific method
  4. Polish astronomer, his book On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres helped begin the Scientific Revolution
  1. A series of events that led to the birth of modern science; it lasted about 1540 to 1700
  2. Italian scientist, he was the first scientist to routinely use experiments to test theories. He was placed on trial for supporting theories that contradicted church teachings
  3. English scientist, he studied and simplified the work of earlier scientists. He identified the four laws that explained how the physical world works
  4. German astronomer, proved that planets orbit the sun
  5. An explanation a scientist develops based on facts
  6. English philosopher, he argued that science could be pursued in a systematic fashion. His ideas helped develop the scientific method
  7. method A step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research

11 Clues: An explanation a scientist develops based on factsA solution a scientist proposes to solve a problemGerman astronomer, proved that planets orbit the sunSomeone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical waymethod A step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research...

Scientific Method & Lab Reports 2022-10-21

Scientific Method & Lab Reports crossword puzzle
  1. the ________ group shows what's "normal"; it shows what happens in everyday life
  2. the section of your lab report that includes the directions, specifically written so that someone can perform them if they wish to use your lab
  3. the __________ question is the question that the lab is attempting to answer
  4. the __________ group is the same as the control group, but is changed by the independent variable
  5. the ______________ variable is the variable that we are changing in the experiment
  6. the section of your lab report that includes the list of items that you used
  7. factors in the experiment that remain the same throughout are referred to as _____________
  8. data that is collected with numbers, often by measuring something
  1. data that is a description, often comes from an observation
  2. the section of your lab report that discusses your data and "answers" your research question
  3. the section of your lab report that includes data, tables, and graphs
  4. the ________ variable is the result that occurs due to the change from the independent variable; we often measure this somehow
  5. a possible explanation for an observation
  6. we use different __________ of the independent variable to get a clearer picture of how the independent variable affects the results
  7. the "name" of your lab report, it concisely describes what your experiment is about
  8. the section of your lab report that includes background information, the research question, and science information talked about in class

16 Clues: a possible explanation for an observationdata that is a description, often comes from an observationdata that is collected with numbers, often by measuring somethingthe section of your lab report that includes data, tables, and graphsthe __________ question is the question that the lab is attempting to answer...

Scientific Method Crossword Puzzle Review 2020-09-29

Scientific Method Crossword Puzzle Review crossword puzzle
  1. Scientists use their results/data to create charts, table, and ____?____.
  2. This is what you observe or measure in an experiment. It is the effect of the IV.
  3. When you use all 5 senses to gather information.
  4. This is a group that is part of an experiment that is not being tested and is there just for comparison.
  5. The first step to the scientific method is to define or identify the ____?______.
  6. This is a universal process used by scientists to find answers or solve a problem.
  7. This is a fancy name for the results or data section in the scientific method.
  8. This is data that is given using observations from your senses.
  9. This another name for an educated guess using the words If, then, and because.
  10. This is what is being tested or being changed on purpose in an experiment. "I TEST"
  1. A substance having no pharmacological effect but given merely to satisfy a patient who supposes it to be a medicine.
  2. This is an explanation based on prior knowledge, observations, and background. (hint you made this when you thought the candle was wax)
  3. This is the group that doesn't get the IV (independent variable); it is there for comparison only.
  4. How many groups should there be in an experiment?
  5. After the experiment is over, this is the last step. You write this us that restates the problem, briefly explain the lab, use data to support or not support your hypothesis, and state what you learned.
  6. To make sure an experiment is valid, the experiment must be ___?____
  7. Data that is given in the form of numbers.
  8. This is the name of the directions of the lab.
  9. This is the group that gets the IV (independent variable)
  10. This is done after coming up with the problem and is the invisible letter in the scientific method.
  11. This is the mnemonic of the scientific method that Ms. Benish uses.
  12. These are the items in an experiment that are exact in both the test and control group.

22 Clues: Data that is given in the form of numbers.This is the name of the directions of the lab.When you use all 5 senses to gather information.How many groups should there be in an experiment?This is the group that gets the IV (independent variable)This is data that is given using observations from your senses....

Scientific Revolution 2022-03-11

Scientific Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. the church taught that the earth was _____
  2. proves the heliocentric theory
  3. published a book on the heliocentric theory
  4. all objects fall at the _____ speed
  5. states the sun in the center of the universe
  6. the first step of the Scientific Method
  1. a device invented by Galileo
  2. kept people from sharing their scientific theories
  3. Sir Francis Bacon invented the _______ Method
  4. inertia was discovered by

10 Clues: inertia was discovered bya device invented by Galileoproves the heliocentric theoryall objects fall at the _____ speedthe first step of the Scientific Methodthe church taught that the earth was _____published a book on the heliocentric theorystates the sun in the center of the universeSir Francis Bacon invented the _______ Method...

Scientific Method 2022-07-28

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. One of your five sense.
  2. A possible answer or educated guess.
  3. A test used to answer a question.
  4. using your 5 senses to notice something
  5. Wondering about something you just noticed.
  1. Figuring out the results in the end.
  2. a series of steps used to ask and answer question.

7 Clues: One of your five sense.A test used to answer a question.Figuring out the results in the end.A possible answer or educated guess.using your 5 senses to notice somethingWondering about something you just noticed.a series of steps used to ask and answer question.

Scientific Method 2022-09-23

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. This group is left alone and not experimented on
  2. This is the one variable that is changed
  3. Make a resume of everything you have seen this far
  4. A possible answer to a scientific question
  1. This is the variable that gets tested
  2. This group shows the effect of the variable being tested
  3. Analyze the information that you’ve collected

7 Clues: This is the variable that gets testedThis is the one variable that is changedA possible answer to a scientific questionAnalyze the information that you’ve collectedThis group is left alone and not experimented onMake a resume of everything you have seen this farThis group shows the effect of the variable being tested

Scientific Method 2021-09-13

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. A statement which tells what will happen if the hypothesis is correct.
  2. The information gathered to determine the conclusion of the experiment.
  3. The place where experiments can be carried out.
  4. An educated guess of what the answer to the question is.
  1. the actual test that is usually done in a laboratory.
  2. When you interpret the data and come to a conclusion.
  3. Identifying a problem that needs to be solved.

7 Clues: Identifying a problem that needs to be solved.The place where experiments can be carried out.the actual test that is usually done in a laboratory.When you interpret the data and come to a conclusion.An educated guess of what the answer to the question is.A statement which tells what will happen if the hypothesis is correct....

Scientific Method 2021-10-06

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. an explanation based on evidence
  2. data gathered during an investigation
  3. a fair test
  1. using your 5 senses to describe something
  2. is an opinion based on observations
  3. using your 5 senses and background knowledge
  4. the study of the natural world

7 Clues: a fair testthe study of the natural worldan explanation based on evidenceis an opinion based on observationsdata gathered during an investigationusing your 5 senses to describe somethingusing your 5 senses and background knowledge

Scientific Method 2013-05-15

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Do backround________ to find out more info
  2. Make a _________ on the final results
  3. Scientists have to conduct an_______ to find results
  1. Look back at all your clues and _______ your results
  2. Make a _________ base on prior knowledge
  3. ___________ to find out ways you could have made your experiment better
  4. There's no such thing as a stupid________

7 Clues: Make a _________ on the final resultsMake a _________ base on prior knowledgeThere's no such thing as a stupid________Do backround________ to find out more infoLook back at all your clues and _______ your resultsScientists have to conduct an_______ to find results___________ to find out ways you could have made your experiment better

Scientific Method 2013-05-15

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Look back at all your clues and ________ your results
  2. Scientists have to conduct an________ to find results
  3. ________ to find out ways you could have made your experiment better
  1. Do background_________ to find out more info
  2. Make a_________ based on prior knowledge
  3. Make a_________ on the final results
  4. There's no such thing as a stupid__________

7 Clues: Make a_________ on the final resultsMake a_________ based on prior knowledgeThere's no such thing as a stupid__________Do background_________ to find out more infoLook back at all your clues and ________ your resultsScientists have to conduct an________ to find results________ to find out ways you could have made your experiment better

Scientific Method 2013-09-20

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. When you analyze your data, summarize your findings, and state how the results relate to the hypothesis.
  2. List the materials and procedures so that you can repeat the experiment. Conduct the experiment and record your data.
  3. When you organize the data you collected.
  4. The beginning of the process when you ask a question you would like to know the answer to.
  1. A prediction about what will happen based on research and background knowledge
  2. Finding information about the subject, including past scientific experimentation.
  3. When you think about how you might change the experimnt if you perform it again.

7 Clues: When you organize the data you collected.A prediction about what will happen based on research and background knowledgeWhen you think about how you might change the experimnt if you perform it again.Finding information about the subject, including past scientific experimentation....

Scientific Method 2022-02-15

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Growth and Development
  2. Creating a New Version of an Organism
  3. Maintaining Constant Internal Conditions
  1. Chemical Reactions Within an Organism
  2. Detects and Reacts to Environment
  3. Organization Made Up of 1+ Cells
  4. Changing Over Time

7 Clues: Changing Over TimeGrowth and DevelopmentOrganization Made Up of 1+ CellsDetects and Reacts to EnvironmentChemical Reactions Within an OrganismCreating a New Version of an OrganismMaintaining Constant Internal Conditions

scientific method 2023-08-27

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. A question you have about your observation
  2. What you learned from your experiment and results
  3. an educated guess
  1. observe your surroundings using your 5 senses
  2. an investigation you conduct to test your hypothesis
  3. 6 steps used by scientists to answer questions about the world
  4. What happened during your experiment

7 Clues: an educated guessWhat happened during your experimentA question you have about your observationobserve your surroundings using your 5 sensesWhat you learned from your experiment and resultsan investigation you conduct to test your hypothesis6 steps used by scientists to answer questions about the world

Ange's 2015-03-27

Ange's crossword puzzle
  1. culture ideal
  2. sanction reaction
  3. expressions
  4. culture follow
  5. standards
  6. behavior
  7. sanction disapproval
  8. population group
  9. application
  10. meaning
  11. culture
  12. questions
  1. communicate
  2. location group memberships
  3. symbols
  4. systematic methods
  5. method observations
  6. study of
  7. culture another term
  8. represent

20 Clues: symbolsmeaningculturebehaviorstudy ofstandardsrepresentquestionscommunicateexpressionsapplicationculture idealculture followpopulation groupsanction reactionsystematic methodsmethod observationssanction disapprovalculture another termlocation group memberships

Testable Hypotheses 2023-09-22

Testable Hypotheses crossword puzzle
  1. things a person notices that lead them to ask a scientific question
  2. the summary of the experiment
  3. in the scientific method, after analyzing data, it is important to ________ conclusions
  4. the process of determining what the data have to do with the hypothesis
  5. your teacher's name
  6. a series of steps, that don't always go in order, that drive a scientific experiment
  1. an idea based on observations that can be tested using the scientific method
  2. your teacher's favorite animal
  3. the number of times we will test experiments in this class
  4. the group that does not experience the experiment
  5. the group that does experience the experiment
  6. the information that scientists collect

12 Clues: your teacher's namethe summary of the experimentyour teacher's favorite animalthe information that scientists collectthe group that does experience the experimentthe group that does not experience the experimentthe number of times we will test experiments in this classthings a person notices that lead them to ask a scientific question...

Scientific Revolution 2023-01-12

Scientific Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. method used to confirm findings
  2. founder of human anatomy
  3. stated earth was round
  4. view that earth is the center of the universe
  5. a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something
  1. philosopher that helped develop the scientific method
  2. discovered that blood circulates throughout the body
  3. Earth rotates on an axis & around the sun
  4. proved theory of gravity and developed calculus
  5. An Italian Astronomer
  6. father of chemistry

11 Clues: father of chemistryAn Italian Astronomerstated earth was roundfounder of human anatomymethod used to confirm findingsEarth rotates on an axis & around the sunview that earth is the center of the universeproved theory of gravity and developed calculusdiscovered that blood circulates throughout the body...

Scientific method 2021-11-08

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. stays the same
  2. A scientific procces used for science
  3. a test
  4. changes with independent variable
  1. agrees or disagrees with hypothesis
  2. a theory
  3. 1 thing that changes

7 Clues: a testa theorystays the same1 thing that changeschanges with independent variableagrees or disagrees with hypothesisA scientific procces used for science

Scientific Method 2013-05-15

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. A "educated guess"
  2. Gahering information
  3. Following step by step
  4. Was the hypothesis correct or incorrect?
  1. Description on what you noticed
  2. Collecting information
  3. An important step before starting a experiment.

7 Clues: A "educated guess"Gahering informationFollowing step by stepCollecting informationDescription on what you noticedWas the hypothesis correct or incorrect?An important step before starting a experiment.

Scientific Method 2015-08-31

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. law Statement that describes what scientists expect to happen
  2. theory Well-tested explanation, wide range of observation and experiment results
  3. A possible answer to a scientific question
  4. Facts, figures, other evidence gethered
  1. variable Same as independent variable, the variable that purposely changed
  2. Factors that can change in an experiment
  3. experiment Experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time
  4. variable Same as dependent variable, may change in response

8 Clues: Facts, figures, other evidence getheredFactors that can change in an experimentA possible answer to a scientific questionvariable Same as dependent variable, may change in responselaw Statement that describes what scientists expect to happenexperiment Experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time...

scientific method 2022-09-14

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. topic for research
  2. about the topic
  3. to test your hypothesis
  4. outcome of the problem
  1. compare the
  2. examining
  3. the results of

7 Clues: examiningcompare thethe results ofabout the topictopic for researchoutcome of the problemto test your hypothesis

Scientific Method 2022-06-09

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. line
  2. Dependent
  3. Law
  4. Variable
  1. question
  2. Bar
  3. Graph
  4. Scientific

8 Clues: BarLawlineGraphquestionVariableDependentScientific

Scientific method 2022-06-13

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. what are you trying to find out?
  2. what do you think will happen?
  3. to see and make notes
  1. was your hypothesis correct
  2. what happens during the experiment
  3. what steps will you take to do the experiment
  4. what will you need to do in the experiment

7 Clues: to see and make noteswas your hypothesis correctwhat do you think will happen?what are you trying to find out?what happens during the experimentwhat will you need to do in the experimentwhat steps will you take to do the experiment

Scientific Method 2022-06-16

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Test and make observations.
  2. To identify a problem, ask to find an answer.
  3. Write what you did in steps.
  4. To predict what will happen, your best guess.
  1. Say what you see with your eyes.
  2. Comparing the hypothesis to your results.
  3. Examine your data.

7 Clues: Examine your data.Test and make observations.Write what you did in steps.Say what you see with your eyes.Comparing the hypothesis to your results.To identify a problem, ask to find an answer.To predict what will happen, your best guess.

Scientific method 2022-11-16

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. changed variable
  2. to guess the outcome of the experiment
  3. understand and explain the environment
  1. blue coloured flame
  2. variable that is kept the same
  3. the variable that is measured
  4. incomplete combustion of flame

7 Clues: changed variableblue coloured flamethe variable that is measuredvariable that is kept the sameincomplete combustion of flameto guess the outcome of the experimentunderstand and explain the environment

Scientific Method 2023-08-15

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. step 3
  2. Hypothesis regular hypothesis
  3. data descriptions
  4. step 5
  1. data numbers
  2. step 1
  3. hypothesis nothing changes

7 Clues: step 3step 1step 5data numbersdata descriptionshypothesis nothing changesHypothesis regular hypothesis

Scientific Method 2023-09-26

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Step by step of what you did.
  2. Data and Observations; Graphs, Charts
  3. What do you think is going to happen? Why? (research based)
  4. What are you trying to find out?
  1. Research the objective.
  2. Was your hypothesis supported? What did you find out? ( translate/interpret your data.  What does it mean?)
  3. Repeat your experiment to give your data a valid sample size.

7 Clues: Research the objective.Step by step of what you did.What are you trying to find out?Data and Observations; Graphs, ChartsWhat do you think is going to happen? Why? (research based)Repeat your experiment to give your data a valid sample size.Was your hypothesis supported? What did you find out? ( translate/interpret your data.  What does it mean?)

Scientific Method 2023-08-24

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. sa
  2. asd
  3. asdsa
  4. as
  1. sadd
  2. asd
  3. as
  4. dsfdf
  5. sad

9 Clues: assaasasdsadasdsadddsfdfasdsa

Scientific Method 2024-08-27

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. QUESTION A problem that drives the investigation
  2. The step where you decide if your hypothesis was correct and the Science that supports it
  3. The step where you collect data
  4. The making of a graph or chart to help explain the observations
  1. The collection of quantitative or qualitative observations
  2. The final step where you reflect on your method
  3. The process of making a logical guess based on observations

7 Clues: The step where you collect dataThe final step where you reflect on your methodQUESTION A problem that drives the investigationThe collection of quantitative or qualitative observationsThe process of making a logical guess based on observationsThe making of a graph or chart to help explain the observations...

Francis bacon crossword puzzle By Leland 2022-08-26

Francis bacon crossword puzzle By Leland crossword puzzle
  1. the place Francis Bacon was born at
  2. experiments/test
  3. the college Francis Bacon went to
  4. francis bacon was what
  5. francis bacon was good being a
  6. made the scientific method
  1. the place Francis Bacon died at
  2. influenced the use of the scientific method
  3. galileo invented
  4. francis bacon for Chancellor of England
  5. month he was born

11 Clues: galileo inventedexperiments/testmonth he was bornfrancis bacon was whatmade the scientific methodfrancis bacon was good being athe place Francis Bacon died atthe college Francis Bacon went tothe place Francis Bacon was born atfrancis bacon for Chancellor of Englandinfluenced the use of the scientific method

Scientific Method 2021-02-11

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. the variable that doesn't change throughout the experiment
  2. the value calculated by adding up all the scores and dividing by the amount of scores.
  3. determination of whether your hypothesis was correct or not
  4. a proposed explanation based off limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
  5. the variable that is measured in the experiment.
  1. the variable that is manipulated by the scientist or researcher.
  2. explanation or interpretation of experimental data

7 Clues: the variable that is measured in the experiment.explanation or interpretation of experimental datathe variable that doesn't change throughout the experimentdetermination of whether your hypothesis was correct or notthe variable that is manipulated by the scientist or researcher....

scientific method 2020-12-21

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. report your data, check if your hypothesis was correct
  2. study and question the topic
  3. ask why does this pattern occur
  4. idea or explanation that you are testing
  1. make observations
  2. record data and draw conclusion
  3. do experiment and find out if your hypothesis is true

7 Clues: make observationsstudy and question the topicrecord data and draw conclusionask why does this pattern occuridea or explanation that you are testingdo experiment and find out if your hypothesis is truereport your data, check if your hypothesis was correct

Scientific Method 2019-06-14

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. the act of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful, orderly way
  2. the outcome factor; variable that may change in response to manipulations
  3. facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations
  4. a logical interpretaion based on prior knowlege and experience
  1. a variable whose values are independant of changes in the values of other variables
  2. a testable prediction often implied by a theory
  3. well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations

7 Clues: a testable prediction often implied by a theorya logical interpretaion based on prior knowlege and experiencefacts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observationswell-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observationsthe outcome factor; variable that may change in response to manipulations...

Scientific Method 2019-09-22

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. a possible explanation for a set of observations that can be tested.
  2. a procedure that shows a cause and effect relationship.
  3. method, the steps scientists use to solve problems.
  4. variable, the factor that depends on the independent variable.
  1. information collected during a scientific experiment.
  2. using one or more of the 5 senses to gather information.
  3. variable, the factor that stays the same so you can measure changes.

7 Clues: method, the steps scientists use to solve problems.information collected during a scientific experiment.a procedure that shows a cause and effect relationship.using one or more of the 5 senses to gather information.variable, the factor that depends on the independent variable.a possible explanation for a set of observations that can be tested....

Scientific Method 2021-09-09

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. The Scientific _ is the process used to conduct experiments.
  2. The last step in the scientific method.
  3. A person who studies things.
  4. The first step in the scientific method.
  1. A way scientists test their hypothesis.
  2. An educated guess.
  3. Deciding if your hypothesis is right or wrong.

7 Clues: An educated guess.A person who studies things.A way scientists test their hypothesis.The last step in the scientific method.The first step in the scientific method.Deciding if your hypothesis is right or wrong.The Scientific _ is the process used to conduct experiments.


SCIENTIFIC METHOD crossword puzzle
  1. description of how to carry out the experiment
  2. items you will use to carry out the experiment
  3. what is observed during experimentation
  1. an intelligent guess
  2. will confirm or reject the hypothesis
  3. what question you are trying to answer
  4. what the lab is about

7 Clues: an intelligent guesswhat the lab is aboutwill confirm or reject the hypothesiswhat question you are trying to answerwhat is observed during experimentationdescription of how to carry out the experimentitems you will use to carry out the experiment

scientific method 2021-11-24

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. treatment
  2. things you find out based on your senses
  3. issue your facing
  4. group group that does not recieve treatment
  1. how true somethings is
  2. prediction
  3. conclusion based on evidence

7 Clues: treatmentpredictionissue your facinghow true somethings isconclusion based on evidencethings you find out based on your sensesgroup group that does not recieve treatment

Scientific method 2022-08-16

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. After collecting the data, it is time to examine this information.
  2. When you have the results now you can share the information.
  3. A way to test the hypothesis, we need to make observations.
  4. Based on these, researchers must then determine what the results mean.
  1. ”Does music impact the behavior of certain species of domesticated animals, such as canines and felines?”
  2. “If I play classical music, my dog and cat will remain in the room with me. If I play rock-and-roll music, my dog and cat will leave the room.”
  3. Key to finding pertinent information

7 Clues: Key to finding pertinent informationA way to test the hypothesis, we need to make observations.When you have the results now you can share the information.After collecting the data, it is time to examine this information.Based on these, researchers must then determine what the results mean....

Scientific Method 2022-06-13

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. to see and make notes.
  2. trying to find an answer.
  1. predict what will happen.
  2. the information or observations gathered
  3. a step-by-step documentation of an experiment.
  4. an experiment.
  5. the factors in an experiment that can be

7 Clues: an see and make notes.predict what will happen.trying to find an answer.the information or observations gatheredthe factors in an experiment that can bea step-by-step documentation of an experiment.

Scientific method 2022-06-13

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. what are you trying to find out?
  2. what do you think will happen?
  3. to see and make notes
  1. was your hypothesis correct
  2. what happens during the experiment
  3. what steps will you take to do the experiment
  4. what will you need to do in the experiment

7 Clues: to see and make noteswas your hypothesis correctwhat do you think will happen?what are you trying to find out?what happens during the experimentwhat will you need to do in the experimentwhat steps will you take to do the experiment

Scientific Method 2022-09-07

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. the variable that stays the same
  2. the variable that you change
  3. the variable that changes as a result
  1. step after an experiment
  2. last step in the scientific method
  3. the process for experimentation
  4. what a scientist does for answers

7 Clues: step after an experimentthe variable that you changethe process for experimentationthe variable that stays the samewhat a scientist does for answerslast step in the scientific methodthe variable that changes as a result

scientific method 2022-09-14

scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. topic for research
  2. about the topic
  3. to test your hypothesis
  4. outcome of the problem
  1. compare the
  2. examining
  3. the results of

7 Clues: examiningcompare thethe results ofabout the topictopic for researchoutcome of the problemto test your hypothesis

Scientific Method 2023-07-13

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Observations and measurements made during the experiment
  2. the act of watching something to gain information
  4. A question to what the scientist wants to find out
  1. What is being changed in the experiment
  2. A statement that sums up what you learned in the experiment
  3. A list of steps

7 Clues: A list of stepsWhat is being changed in the experimentthe act of watching something to gain informationA question to what the scientist wants to find outObservations and measurements made during the experimentA statement that sums up what you learned in the experimentAN EDUCATED GUESS OR PREDICTION OF WHAT YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN

Scientific Method 2023-08-26

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. The variable that is being measured
  2. The is an educated guess
  3. the number of variables that can be changed in an experiment
  1. Method The is a process used by scientists to find answers to questions or solve a problem
  2. the variable is the part of the experiment that is being tested or the part that is changed
  3. The is the part of an experiment that is not being tested and is used for comparison
  4. The information collected during an experiment

7 Clues: The is an educated guessThe variable that is being measuredThe information collected during an experimentthe number of variables that can be changed in an experimentThe is the part of an experiment that is not being tested and is used for comparisonMethod The is a process used by scientists to find answers to questions or solve a problem...

Scientific method 2023-08-24

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. Type of variable that is manipulated during the experiment
  2. Group that does not have the independent variable
  3. Educated guess
  4. Tells you what happens
  1. Type of variable that is measured during the experiment
  2. Tells you what will happen
  3. Type of variable that keeps the same value during the experiment

7 Clues: Educated guessTells you what happensTells you what will happenGroup that does not have the independent variableType of variable that is measured during the experimentType of variable that is manipulated during the experimentType of variable that keeps the same value during the experiment

Scientific Method 2023-08-24

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. sa
  2. asd
  3. asdsa
  4. as
  1. sadd
  2. asd
  3. as
  4. dsfdf
  5. sad

9 Clues: assaasasdsadasdsadddsfdfasdsa

Scientific Method 2023-09-29

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. What you change/manipulate
  2. Standard for compassion (placebo)
  1. Experimental group receives the treatment. It is exposed to the independent variable in many cases.
  2. a testable idea
  3. Observation of a phenomenon
  4. Minimise by using large samples.
  5. used to study a phenomenon under known conditions.

7 Clues: a testable ideaWhat you change/manipulateObservation of a phenomenonMinimise by using large samples.Standard for compassion (placebo)used to study a phenomenon under known conditions.Experimental group receives the treatment. It is exposed to the independent variable in many cases.

Scientific Method 2023-08-16

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. ?
  2. number
  3. theory
  1. CER
  2. numbers
  3. way
  4. not numbers

7 Clues: ?CERwaynumbertheorynumbersnot numbers

Scientific method 2023-10-09

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. the results.
  2. your hypothesis.
  3. the experiment
  4. the conclusion.
  1. and research
  2. the problem
  3. and analyze the data

7 Clues: the problemthe results.and researchthe experimentthe conclusion.your hypothesis.and analyze the data

Scientific method 2023-10-09

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. the results.
  2. your hypothesis.
  3. the experiment
  4. the conclusion.
  1. and research
  2. the problem
  3. and analyze the data

7 Clues: the problemthe results.and researchthe experimentthe conclusion.your hypothesis.and analyze the data

Scientific method 2023-10-09

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. the results.
  2. your hypothesis.
  3. the experiment
  4. the conclusion.
  1. and research
  2. the problem
  3. and analyze the data

7 Clues: the problemthe results.and researchthe experimentthe conclusion.your hypothesis.and analyze the data

Scientific method 2020-10-23

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. The fifth step of a scientific method.
  2. The step of a scientific method.
  3. The third step of a scientific method.
  1. The first step of a scientific method.
  2. The second step of a scientific method.
  3. The fourth step of a scientific method.

6 Clues: The step of a scientific method.The first step of a scientific method.The fifth step of a scientific method.The third step of a scientific method.The second step of a scientific method.The fourth step of a scientific method.

Scientific method 2020-10-23

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. The fifth step of a scientific method.
  2. The step of a scientific method.
  3. The third step of a scientific method.
  1. The first step of a scientific method.
  2. The second step of a scientific method.
  3. The fourth step of a scientific method.

6 Clues: The step of a scientific method.The first step of a scientific method.The fifth step of a scientific method.The third step of a scientific method.The second step of a scientific method.The fourth step of a scientific method.

Biology 2014-10-15

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. study information carefully
  2. answer your hypothesis
  3. the first step of the scientific method
  4. make a chart
  1. the study of the areas of science that deal with living things
  2. the study of living things
  3. an organized collection of knowledge about the world
  4. something that is done to test a hypothesis
  5. information
  6. method/what scientists use to solve problems
  7. educated guess
  8. paying close attention to something

12 Clues: informationmake a charteducated guessanswer your hypothesisthe study of living thingsstudy information carefullypaying close attention to somethingthe first step of the scientific methodsomething that is done to test a hypothesismethod/what scientists use to solve problemsan organized collection of knowledge about the world...

Key Terms 2023-05-22

Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. German astronomer, proved that planets orbit the sun
  2. A solution a scientist proposes to solve a problem
  3. English philosopher, he argued that science could be pursued in a systematic fashion. His ideas helped develop the scientific method
  4. Someone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical way
  5. Polish astronomer, his book On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres helped begin the Scientific Revolution
  1. A series of events that led to the birth of modern science; it lasted about 1540 to 1700
  2. method A step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research
  3. An explanation a scientist develops based on facts
  4. French philosopher, he believed that nothing should be accepted as true if it had not been proven. His ideas helped develop the scientific method

9 Clues: An explanation a scientist develops based on factsA solution a scientist proposes to solve a problemGerman astronomer, proved that planets orbit the sunSomeone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical waymethod A step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research...

Key Terms 2023-05-22

Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. German astronomer, proved that planets orbit the sun
  2. A solution a scientist proposes to solve a problem
  3. English philosopher, he argued that science could be pursued in a systematic fashion. His ideas helped develop the scientific method
  4. Someone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical way
  5. Polish astronomer, his book On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres helped begin the Scientific Revolution
  1. A series of events that led to the birth of modern science; it lasted about 1540 to 1700
  2. method A step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research
  3. An explanation a scientist develops based on facts
  4. French philosopher, he believed that nothing should be accepted as true if it had not been proven. His ideas helped develop the scientific method

9 Clues: An explanation a scientist develops based on factsA solution a scientist proposes to solve a problemGerman astronomer, proved that planets orbit the sunSomeone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical waymethod A step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research...

scientific meathod 2021-09-16

scientific meathod crossword puzzle
  1. first step of the scientific method
  2. last step of the scientific method
  3. if ____ then ____ because ____
  1. data you need the ____ to make a conclusion
  2. ?
  3. end results
  4. see what you have done
  5. get evidence that can help support
  6. the main part
  7. you need to ______ the setup

10 Clues: ?end resultsthe main partsee what you have doneyou need to ______ the setupif ____ then ____ because ____get evidence that can help supportlast step of the scientific methodfirst step of the scientific methoddata you need the ____ to make a conclusion

Scientific Method 2013-05-15

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. Was the hypothesis correct or incorrect?
  2. A "educated guess"
  3. Following step by step
  1. Gahering information
  2. An important step before starting a experiment.
  3. Description on what you noticed
  4. Collecting information

7 Clues: A "educated guess"Gahering informationFollowing step by stepCollecting informationDescription on what you noticedWas the hypothesis correct or incorrect?An important step before starting a experiment.

Scientific Method 2014-07-29

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. after the result
  2. it is a scientific guess
  3. a living thing natural to the world
  4. something practical you do to find out something
  1. to see what is happening
  2. what you have achieved
  3. what you understand after the experiment

7 Clues: after the resultwhat you have achievedto see what is happeningit is a scientific guessa living thing natural to the worldwhat you understand after the experimentsomething practical you do to find out something

Scientific Method 2015-08-30

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. method
  2. Group
  3. Conclusion
  4. variable
  1. Hypothesis
  2. Dependent
  3. Research

7 Clues: GroupmethodResearchvariableDependentHypothesisConclusion

Scientific method 2021-11-08

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. changes with independent variable
  2. agrees or disagrees with hypothesis
  3. a test
  4. a theory
  1. 1 thing that changes
  2. stays the same
  3. A scientific procces used for science

7 Clues: a testa theorystays the same1 thing that changeschanges with independent variableagrees or disagrees with hypothesisA scientific procces used for science

Scientific method 2022-06-13

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. the overall of your project
  2. to see and make notes
  3. trying to find an answer
  1. the answer to your hypothesis
  2. predict what will happen
  3. type of way you will use in your project
  4. the stuff that you’ll need

7 Clues: to see and make notespredict what will happentrying to find an answerthe stuff that you’ll needthe overall of your projectthe answer to your hypothesistype of way you will use in your project

Scientific Method 2019-08-27

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. What you do when you want to learn more about a question you have.
  2. The scientific method starts by asking these.
  3. In science we asks questions that can lead to.
  4. An educated guess that tries to answer your scientific question.
  1. Knowledge we gain of the outside world through our senses.
  2. Factors that can be manipulated in science experiments.
  3. An explanation for a scientific observation.

7 Clues: An explanation for a scientific observation.The scientific method starts by asking these.In science we asks questions that can lead to.Factors that can be manipulated in science experiments.Knowledge we gain of the outside world through our senses.An educated guess that tries to answer your scientific question....

Scientific Method 2020-10-12

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. A scientific procedure to make a discovery
  2. Another word for inquiry
  3. Facts and statistics collected for analysis
  1. A theory made on limited evidence as a starting point for futher research
  2. The summing up of a process or text
  3. The investigation to establish facts
  4. An established way of doing something

7 Clues: Another word for inquiryThe summing up of a process or textThe investigation to establish factsAn established way of doing somethingA scientific procedure to make a discoveryFacts and statistics collected for analysisA theory made on limited evidence as a starting point for futher research

Scientific Method 2023-09-29

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. All living things need this. We drink it, plants get it from rain.
  2. If an animal gets bigger we know that it
  3. making new organisms.
  1. When we breathe out carbon dioxide or use the restroom we are eliminating ________________.
  2. We eat food to get this.
  3. When we breathe we are exchanging ______________.
  4. Mr. Stewart running from a snake is an example of responding to __________________.

7 Clues: making new organisms.We eat food to get this.If an animal gets bigger we know that itWhen we breathe we are exchanging ______________.All living things need this. We drink it, plants get it from rain.Mr. Stewart running from a snake is an example of responding to __________________....

Scientific method 2023-10-09

Scientific method crossword puzzle
  1. the results.
  2. your hypothesis.
  3. the experiment
  4. the conclusion.
  1. and research
  2. the problem
  3. and analyze the data

7 Clues: the problemthe results.and researchthe experimentthe conclusion.your hypothesis.and analyze the data

Scientific Method 2024-03-17

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. What you find out about the problem
  2. Method The steps that are taken when conducting a VALID experiment
  3. Must be a controlled group and only have one independent variable.
  1. What is your Problem?
  2. What you take out of this experiment
  3. What do you predict in your experiment
  4. what is shown based on experiment

7 Clues: What is your Problem?what is shown based on experimentWhat you find out about the problemWhat you take out of this experimentWhat do you predict in your experimentMethod The steps that are taken when conducting a VALID experimentMust be a controlled group and only have one independent variable.

Scientific Method 2024-04-09

Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. what you tested
  2. something you are asking
  3. looking up information about your topic
  4. stating if your hypothesis was correct
  1. what you noticed during the experiment
  2. a guess as to what you think will happen
  3. the things you used

7 Clues: what you testedthe things you usedsomething you are askingwhat you noticed during the experimentstating if your hypothesis was correctlooking up information about your topica guess as to what you think will happen

Review for Midterm - Biomedical Technology 2016-10-20

Review for Midterm - Biomedical Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Contained in a glass laboratory vessel
  2. Using engineering and technology in the health field
  3. imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time
  4. Quest for knowledge
  5. a medical instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart
  6. An agency that protects health & promoting quality of life through disease prevention
  7. the Study of disease
  8. This final step of the scientific method allows scientists to share results
  9. Agency that regulates food safety and medical productions
  10. Agency that conducts studies on DNA advancements to improve human health
  1. Applying scientific knowledge to make our lives better
  2. A substance made by the pancreas, but in a person with diabetes they lack it
  3. To look for improvements to procedures which minimise pain and suffering and/or improve animal welfare is this "R"
  4. The first step of the scientific method
  5. Antibiotic produced by certain molds
  6. Out of the Living
  7. Study of cancer
  8. DNA Carries our _________ instructions for life.
  9. Agency that is Responsible for the Animal Welfare Act of 1966
  10. A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart

20 Clues: Study of cancerOut of the LivingQuest for knowledgethe Study of diseaseAntibiotic produced by certain moldsContained in a glass laboratory vesselThe first step of the scientific methodDNA Carries our _________ instructions for life.Using engineering and technology in the health fieldA blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart...

Review for Midterm - Biomedical Technology 2016-10-20

Review for Midterm - Biomedical Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Out of the Living
  2. A substance made by the pancreas, but in a person with diabetes they lack it
  3. The first step of the scientific method
  4. To look for improvements to procedures which minimise pain and suffering and/or improve animal welfare is this "R"
  5. Agency that regulates food safety and medical productions
  6. imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time
  7. An agency that protects health & promoting quality of life through disease prevention
  8. a medical instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart
  9. Applying scientific knowledge to make our lives better
  1. Antibiotic produced by certain molds
  2. Agency that is Responsible for the Animal Welfare Act of 1966
  3. DNA Carries our _________ instructions for life.
  4. This final step of the scientific method allows scientists to share results
  5. the Study of disease
  6. A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  7. Using engineering and technology in the health field
  8. Study of cancer
  9. Contained in a glass laboratory vessel
  10. Quest for knowledge
  11. Agency that conducts studies on DNA advancements to improve human health

20 Clues: Study of cancerOut of the LivingQuest for knowledgethe Study of diseaseAntibiotic produced by certain moldsContained in a glass laboratory vesselThe first step of the scientific methodDNA Carries our _________ instructions for life.Using engineering and technology in the health fieldA blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart...

1.4-1.6 Crossword 2024-02-23

1.4-1.6 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. affecting a certain smaller place
  2. A well-tested hypothesis that explains many scientific observations
  3. variety
  4. a study conducted in a natural environment
  5. process of making sense of an experiment's results (fifth step of Scientific Method
  6. a science magazine
  7. similar to the control group, except for the variable being tested
  8. affecting a part of the world
  9. worldwide network of computers
  10. a basic law or truth
  11. all of the living and non-living things found in an area
  12. using more resources than can be replaced
  1. A series of steps used to test possible answers
  2. an educated guess (third step of Scientific Method)
  3. Influenced by personal feelings or opinions
  4. information collected during experiments
  5. an increase in Earth's surface temperature
  6. a set of moral principles
  7. variety of life on Earth; another name for nature
  8. questioning or doubting
  9. helping decide between right and wrong
  10. effect of an action
  11. what is being tested in an experiment
  12. not influenced by personal feelings or opinions
  13. a group in an experiment that has no variable changed
  14. affecting the entire world
  15. group

27 Clues: groupvarietya science magazineeffect of an actiona basic law or truthquestioning or doubtinga set of moral principlesaffecting the entire worldaffecting a part of the worldworldwide network of computersaffecting a certain smaller placewhat is being tested in an experimenthelping decide between right and wronginformation collected during experiments...

Key Terms 2023-05-22

Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. German astronomer, proved that planets orbit the sun
  2. A solution a scientist proposes to solve a problem
  3. English philosopher, he argued that science could be pursued in a systematic fashion. His ideas helped develop the scientific method
  4. Someone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical way
  5. Polish astronomer, his book On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres helped begin the Scientific Revolution
  1. A series of events that led to the birth of modern science; it lasted about 1540 to 1700
  2. method A step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research
  3. An explanation a scientist develops based on facts
  4. French philosopher, he believed that nothing should be accepted as true if it had not been proven. His ideas helped develop the scientific method

9 Clues: An explanation a scientist develops based on factsA solution a scientist proposes to solve a problemGerman astronomer, proved that planets orbit the sunSomeone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical waymethod A step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research...

Key Terms 2023-05-22

Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. German astronomer, proved that planets orbit the sun
  2. A solution a scientist proposes to solve a problem
  3. English philosopher, he argued that science could be pursued in a systematic fashion. His ideas helped develop the scientific method
  4. Someone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical way
  5. Polish astronomer, his book On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres helped begin the Scientific Revolution
  1. A series of events that led to the birth of modern science; it lasted about 1540 to 1700
  2. method A step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research
  3. An explanation a scientist develops based on facts
  4. French philosopher, he believed that nothing should be accepted as true if it had not been proven. His ideas helped develop the scientific method

9 Clues: An explanation a scientist develops based on factsA solution a scientist proposes to solve a problemGerman astronomer, proved that planets orbit the sunSomeone who looks at the world in a reasonable and logical waymethod A step-by-step method for performing experiments and other scientific research...

Watersheds and Scientific Method 2022-09-12

Watersheds and Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. an ecosystem that includes marshes, swamps, and bogs
  2. an educated guess
  3. pollution that washes into rivers from roads, farms, and houses
  4. the low area next to a river which is often flooded
  5. the variable that the scientist changes in an experiment
  6. small streams or rivers that flow into a major river or body of water
  7. the type of pollution that cannot be traced to a single source
  1. an area where freshwater and saltwater meet
  2. the group that does not receive treatment in an experiment
  3. the outcome of an experiment
  4. the variable that is being measured in an experiment
  5. an area of land that drains into a body of water
  6. the nonliving factors in an ecosystem
  7. the source of a river
  8. the cloudiness or clarity of water

15 Clues: an educated guessthe source of a riverthe outcome of an experimentthe cloudiness or clarity of waterthe nonliving factors in an ecosysteman area where freshwater and saltwater meetan area of land that drains into a body of waterthe low area next to a river which is often floodedthe variable that is being measured in an experiment...

Scientific Method and Heredity 2013-05-30

Scientific Method and Heredity crossword puzzle
  1. You can see your traits: True or False.
  2. You get ____ of your genes from your mother and ____ of your genes from your father. (same word for both blanks)
  3. You can see your genes: True or False.
  4. You receive or ______ your genes from your parents.
  5. You might have attached or detached ______.
  6. We perform an ______ to test a hypothesis.
  7. Your physical characteristics are known as _____.
  8. We use our 5 senses to _______ the world around us.
  1. You might be able to roll your ______ or you might not.
  2. The information you collect by observing and measuring things.
  3. We can find information about a topic or question by doing _____ in the library or on the internet.
  4. Your ______ are the parts of a cell that contain information about your traits.
  5. You might have a straight _______ or you might have a widow's peak.
  6. An educated guess that can be tested with an experiment.
  7. We can use a ruler, a scale, and a thermometer to ______ things.

15 Clues: You can see your genes: True or False.You can see your traits: True or False.We perform an ______ to test a hypothesis.You might have attached or detached ______.Your physical characteristics are known as _____.You receive or ______ your genes from your parents.We use our 5 senses to _______ the world around us....

Review for Midterm - Biomedical Technology 2016-10-20

Review for Midterm - Biomedical Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Agency that regulates food safety and medical productions
  2. This final step of the scientific method allows scientists to share results
  3. DNA Carries our _________ instructions for life.
  4. a medical instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart
  5. An agency that protects health & promoting quality of life through disease prevention
  6. the Study of disease
  7. Contained in a glass laboratory vessel
  8. A substance made by the pancreas, but in a person with diabetes they lack it
  1. Applying scientific knowledge to make our lives better
  2. Using engineering and technology in the health field
  3. Agency that is Responsible for the Animal Welfare Act of 1966
  4. A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  5. The first step of the scientific method
  6. Quest for knowledge
  7. Out of the Living
  8. imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time
  9. Study of cancer
  10. Antibiotic produced by certain molds
  11. To look for improvements to procedures which minimise pain and suffering and/or improve animal welfare is this "R"
  12. Agency that conducts studies on DNA advancements to improve human health

20 Clues: Study of cancerOut of the LivingQuest for knowledgethe Study of diseaseAntibiotic produced by certain moldsContained in a glass laboratory vesselThe first step of the scientific methodDNA Carries our _________ instructions for life.Using engineering and technology in the health fieldA blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart...

Designing Experiments 2022-11-30

Designing Experiments crossword puzzle
  1. a scientific procedure used to test a hypothesis
  2. a type of experiment where there are only a factors changed and the rest stay constant
  3. this variable is the response that is measured
  4. number of items tested in the experiment
  5. a ______ years ago the scientific method was founded
  6. the first step in the scientific method is to make an _____
  1. a list of steps outlining what to do for an experiment
  2. a testable explanation
  3. the _____ group does receive treatment
  4. observations made during the experiment
  5. a variable that the experimenter changes on purpose
  6. a _____ group does not receive treatment

12 Clues: a testable explanationthe _____ group does receive treatmentobservations made during the experimenta _____ group does not receive treatmentnumber of items tested in the experimentthis variable is the response that is measureda scientific procedure used to test a hypothesisa variable that the experimenter changes on purpose...

Scientific Method Midterm Review 2022-12-09

Scientific Method Midterm Review crossword puzzle
  1. ensures safe and healthful working conditions for workers
  2. In the scientific method, this is the variable you measure
  3. Items such as gloves, hardhats, respirators, and more.
  4. Organelle used to store water and nutrients
  5. protective structure for fruit
  6. method of classification for all living things
  1. a danger or a risk
  2. Term for plants and animals being tamed for food and fiber purposes
  3. The only type of fire that can be safely put out with water
  4. Variable that is changed to alter results in an experiment
  5. an educated guess
  6. An SAE involving the utilization of the scientific method
  7. This person wrote the FFA creed

13 Clues: an educated guessa danger or a riskprotective structure for fruitThis person wrote the FFA creedOrganelle used to store water and nutrientsmethod of classification for all living thingsItems such as gloves, hardhats, respirators, and more.ensures safe and healthful working conditions for workers...

Nature of Science Vocabulary 2016-09-11

Nature of Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. summary of the results of the experiment where data is analyzed to determine the meaning of what happened in the experiment
  2. process of obtaining information by using the senses
  3. basic steps that scientists follow in uncovering facts and solving scientific problems; a plan of inquiry that uses science process skills as tools to gather, organize, analyze, and communicate information
  4. property, feature, quality or trait that describes an object
  5. understanding of the methods of scientific inquiry, the scope of scientific knowledge, and the role of science in society
  6. factor in an experiment that does not change
  7. organized procedure that is carried out and repeated under controlled conditions in order to discover, demonstrate, or test a hypothesis; includes all components of the scientific method
  1. is something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof
  2. process of trying to understand the world around us; the knowledge obtained by observing natural events and conditions in order to discover facts and formulate laws or principles that can be verified or tested
  3. factor being measured or observed in an experiment; factor that responds to, or depends on, other factors
  4. observations, measurement and other types of data that people gather and test to support and evaluate scientific explanations
  5. set of ideas that explains related observations and is supported by a large body of evidence acquired through scientific investigation
  6. may include one or more experiments or investigations
  7. rule or principle describing a physical relationship that always works in the same way under the same conditions; descriptive statement or equation that reliably predicts events under certain conditions
  8. factor changed by the person doing the experiment in order to study changes; factor that is manipulated, controlled or changed
  9. suggested solution or prediction to a scientific problem; "educated" guess; testable idea or explanation that leads to a scientific investigation
  10. theory or method that is considered to be without scientific foundation
  11. to separate into parts in order to determine what something is or how it works; to examine in detail
  12. quality of being real or actual
  13. one repetition of a procedure

20 Clues: one repetition of a procedurequality of being real or actualfactor in an experiment that does not changeprocess of obtaining information by using the sensesmay include one or more experiments or investigationsproperty, feature, quality or trait that describes an objectis something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof...

Scientific Method Retake Review 2021-09-18

Scientific Method Retake Review crossword puzzle
  1. At the end of the experiment, you draw a ______.
  2. data that consists of words
  3. In the ___________ group, only one thing is changed at a time.
  4. the variable that is changed by the scientist.
  5. an educated guess about what is going to happen based on observations.
  6. the information gathered from making observations.
  7. A hypothesis must contain 2 words. What are they?
  8. a hypothesis must be _______________.
  9. change ________ variable at a time.
  10. parts of the experiment that are not changed.
  1. IN the control group, nothing is ______________.
  2. __________ can be presented in charts, graphs, sketches, tables, and essays.
  3. data that consists of numbers.
  4. first, a problem or _____________ must be identified.
  5. the variable that is the outcome.
  6. The last step of the scientific method requires you to decide if the hypothesis is _______________ or not.

16 Clues: data that consists of wordsdata that consists of numbers.the variable that is the outcome.change ________ variable at a time.a hypothesis must be of the experiment that are not changed.the variable that is changed by the scientist.At the end of the experiment, you draw a ______.IN the control group, nothing is ______________....

Chapter 1: Scientific Method 2023-08-22

Chapter 1: Scientific Method crossword puzzle
  1. well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations and hypotheses
  2. data that cannot be counted or measured
  3. DNA, the universal genetic code
  4. information gathered in an experiment
  5. A change in allele frequencies in a population over time.
  6. an experiment in which only one variable is changedcontrol group
  7. variable that changes in response to the independent variable
  1. a group that is tested on everything except for the changed variable
  2. Data that is in numbers
  3. scientific explanation for a set of observations that can be tested in ways that support or reject it
  4. act of noticing and describing events or processes in a careful, orderly way
  5. A change in an organism's surroundings that causes the organism to react.
  6. The smallest, functional unit of life.
  7. variable that is deliberately changed in an experiment
  8. All of the reactions that occur as your body breaks down food into molecules that cells can use.

15 Clues: Data that is in numbersDNA, the universal genetic codeinformation gathered in an experimentThe smallest, functional unit of that cannot be counted or measuredvariable that is deliberately changed in an experimentA change in allele frequencies in a population over time.variable that changes in response to the independent variable...

Cross word puzzle 2020-11-19

Cross word puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. – sun-centered universe
  2. a scientifically acceptable way of thinking
  3. – knowledge is based on reason (thinking)
  4. heliocentric-sun centered universe
  5. – a scientist who studies the motion of stars and planets
  1. Method – a systematic way to find proof using reason: includes a
  2. – exiled, or thrown out of the (Catholic) church
  3. – a sweeping change
  4. question, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and reaching a
  5. – the earth-centered universe
  6. Geocentric-earth centered universe
  7. – anti-Church teachings
  8. Bacon- developed the scientific method

13 Clues: – a sweeping change– sun-centered universe– anti-Church teachings– the earth-centered universeGeocentric-earth centered universeheliocentric-sun centered universeBacon- developed the scientific method– knowledge is based on reason (thinking)a scientifically acceptable way of thinking– exiled, or thrown out of the (Catholic) church...