sports Crossword Puzzles

Sports 2020-03-25

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Vairākas reizes atzīts kā pasaules labākais futbolists ir Lionels ...
  2. Sporta veids, kurā pa baseinu jānopeld noteikta distance pēc iespējas ātrākā laikā, noteiktā stilā.
  3. Latviešu tenisa spēlētāja, kura karjerā sasniegusi 5. vietu WTA reitingā ir Jeļena ...
  4. Sporta veids, kurā ar nūjām pa laukumu tiek vadīta plastmasas bumbiņa.
  5. Kontinentālā hokeja līga
  6. Sporta veids, kurā bumba jācenšas trāpīt grozā.
  7. Pirmais latviešu boskeris, kurš izcīnijis pasaules titulu ir Mairis ...
  8. Sporta veids, kurā ar raketēm pāri tīklam tiek sista neliela maitaina bumbiņa
  9. Nacionālā basketbola asociācija
  10. Tuvs sāncensis Lionelam, arī pasaules klases futbolists ir Cristiano ...
  1. Eiropas grandiozākā un aktuālāka futbola līga ir ...
  2. Anglikas augstākā futbola līga ir ...
  3. Olimpisko spēļu simbols sastāv no ...(cipars ar vārdiem nominatīvā) apļiem
  4. Sporta veids, kurā ar slidām uz ledus jāveic akrobātiski triki
  5. Sporta veids, kurā pa ledus laukumu ar nūjām tiek vadīta gumijas ripa
  6. Grandiozākā Formula1 sacīkste pasaulē ir saukta par Grand ...
  7. Sporta veids, kurā galvenie instrumenti ir kāja un bumba.
  8. Sporta veids, kurā ar kiju uz galda esošas bumbas jātrāpa kādā no 6 caurumiem galda malās.
  9. Sporta veids, kurā pēc iespējas ātrākā laikā jānoskrien 42km distance.
  10. Nacionālā hokeja līga

20 Clues: Nacionālā hokeja līgaKontinentālā hokeja līgaNacionālā basketbola asociācijaAnglikas augstākā futbola līga ir ...Sporta veids, kurā bumba jācenšas trāpīt grozā.Eiropas grandiozākā un aktuālāka futbola līga ir ...Sporta veids, kurā galvenie instrumenti ir kāja un bumba.Grandiozākā Formula1 sacīkste pasaulē ir saukta par Grand ......

Sports 2020-03-24

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Pilsēta, kurā bāzējas United futbola klubs.
  2. Cik spēlētāji ir uz laukuma vienai komadai amerikāņu futbolā?
  3. Izcilākais latviešu soļotājs
  4. Slavens Latviešu hokejists.
  5. Šī brīža Latvijas hokeja izlases galvenais treneris.
  6. Labākais latviešu hokeja vārtsargs 90ajos un 2000o gadu sākumā.
  7. Lietuvas labākā un titulētākā basketbola komanda.
  8. Izcilākais Latviešu šausanas sportists.
  9. Komanda,kas 2011. gadā NBA draftā izvēlējās Dāvi Bertānu.
  1. Viens no visu laiku labākajiem golfa spēlētājiem.
  2. Valsts, kurā notiktu tikko pārceltās Olimpiskās spēles.
  3. Pirmais Latvietis NBA.
  4. Kur meklējami regbija pirmssākumi?
  5. Pagājušā gada NBA čempioni.
  6. LOK priekšsēdētājs.
  7. Cik Latvieši šobrīd spēlē NBA?
  8. Komanda, kuru šobrīd pārstāv Anžejs Pasečņiks.
  9. Cik Latvijai ir zelta medaļas Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  10. NBA komisārs.
  11. Mančesteras klubs, kas pagājušogad uzvarēja Premjerlīgu.

20 Clues: NBA komisārs.LOK priekšsēdētājs.Pirmais Latvietis NBA.Pagājušā gada NBA čempioni.Izcilākais latviešu soļotājsCik Latvieši šobrīd spēlē NBA?Slavens Latviešu hokejists.Kur meklējami regbija pirmssākumi?Izcilākais Latviešu šausanas sportists.Pilsēta, kurā bāzējas United futbola klubs.Komanda, kuru šobrīd pārstāv Anžejs Pasečņiks....

Sports 2020-03-17

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Kāds ir uzvārds Latvijas BMX pārstāvim Olimpiskajās spēlēs
  2. Viena no labākajām Volejbola komandām Kurzemes reģionā?
  3. Šobridēja Labāka Sieviešu komanda Volejbolā?
  4. Kas bija vārtos, kad Latvija vinnēja Krieviju 3:2 Pasaules Čempionātā ?
  5. Kāds ir uzvārds Latvietim kurš ieguva pirmo bronzas medaļu Olimpiskajās spēles?
  6. Pret ko Latvijas hokeja izlasei ir lielākais vārtu guvums ?
  7. Viens no labākajiem basketbolistiem kas šobrīd spēlē Dalasas Maverikos?
  8. Kur pirmo reizi Latvijas basketbola izlase Sievietiēm ieguva 9. vieto Olimpiskajās spēlēs ?
  9. Pret ko Latvijas futbola izlasei bija pirmā spēle ar rezultātu 1:1?
  10. Kurā Latvijas pilsētā notiks ziemas Olimpiskās spēles 2026. gadā ?
  11. Latvijas futbola izlases Tehniskais atbalsts?
  12. Uzvārds Latvija futbola izlases kapteinim?
  13. Uzvārds Latvijas basketbola izlases kapteinim ?
  1. Latvijas 2019. gada labākais futbolists?
  2. Viens no 2 Volejbola komandas pārstāvjiem kurš Londonas olimpiskajās spēlēs dabūja bronzas medaļu 2012. gada ?
  3. Viens no Volejbola veidiem?
  4. Uzvārds Latvijas hokeja izlases kapteinim?
  5. Filmas nosaukums par Latvijas basketbola izlasi 1935. gadā
  6. Kāds ir uzvārds 2 Latvijas skeletona pārstāvju Olimpiskajās spēlēs?
  7. Uzvārds Latvijas hokeja izlases trenerim?
  8. Kuras medaļas Latviešim ir visvairāk Olimpiskajās spēlēs?
  9. Hokeja komanda kas pārstāv Rīgu?
  10. Kāds ir Latvijas futbola izlases mājas stadions ?
  11. LBS valdes prezidenta uzvārds ?
  12. Volejbola Komandas saisinājums Sieviešu labākajai komandai 1960. gadā?

25 Clues: Viens no Volejbola veidiem?LBS valdes prezidenta uzvārds ?Hokeja komanda kas pārstāv Rīgu?Latvijas 2019. gada labākais futbolists?Uzvārds Latvijas hokeja izlases trenerim?Uzvārds Latvijas hokeja izlases kapteinim?Uzvārds Latvija futbola izlases kapteinim?Šobridēja Labāka Sieviešu komanda Volejbolā?Latvijas futbola izlases Tehniskais atbalsts?...

Sports 2020-03-18

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Latviešu hokejists, vienigais kurš izcinijis Stenlija kausu (hokejs)
  2. Ko nodibinaja 1923 gada? (basketbols)
  3. Latvijas olimpiskas komitejas saisinajums (olimpiskas speles)
  4. Viens no slavenakajiem Latvijas futbolistiem, uzbrucejs. (futbols)
  5. Divi brali futbolisti, kas dzimuši Kuldiga, Janis un Davis (futbols)
  6. Latvijas volejbolists ar iesauku "Karalis Lauva" (volejbols)
  7. Slavens basketbolists, kurš šobrid spele Amerika. (basketbols)
  8. Pašreizejas Latvijas hokeja izlases galvenais treneris (hokejs)
  9. Latvijas hokeja legenda kurš 1998.g. uznemts IIHF Slavas zale (hokejs)
  10. Kur notika 1935 gada uzvara Latvijai? (basketbols)
  11. 2019.g. labaka Latvijas futboliste (futbols)
  12. Latvijas sportists solotajs kurš ieguvis olimpisko sudraba medalu (olimpiskas speles)
  1. Ilgadejs Latvijas futbola valstsvienibas kapteinis (futbols)
  2. Latvijas BMX ritenbraucejs kurš izcinija 2 zelta medalas olimpiskajas speles (olimpiskas speles)
  3. Latviešu vartsargs kas spele Columbus Blue Jackets sastava (hokejs)
  4. Ziemas olimpisko spelu sporta veids pariem (olimpiskas speles)
  5. Kur notika pirma Latvijas izlases basketbola valstsvienibas spele? (basketbols)
  6. iesauka Latviešu hokeja vartsargam Irbe (hokejs)
  7. Kas ir Andirs Vanins. (futbols)
  8. Slavens pludmales volejbola speletajs no Kuldigas (volejbols)
  9. Kura pilseta 1912.g. Latviešu sportisti pirmo reizi peidalijas olimpiskajas speles? (olimpiskas speles)
  10. 2019.gada labaka Latvijas voljebolniece (volejbols)
  11. Viseffektivakais aizsarga un pretuzbrukuma panemiens volejbola (volejbols)
  12. Latvijas basketbola legenda kas tika 2017 gada uznemta FIBA slavas zale. (basketbols)
  13. Cik speletaji ir viena volejbola komanda (volejbols)

25 Clues: Kas ir Andirs Vanins. (futbols)Ko nodibinaja 1923 gada? (basketbols)2019.g. labaka Latvijas futboliste (futbols)iesauka Latviešu hokeja vartsargam Irbe (hokejs)Kur notika 1935 gada uzvara Latvijai? (basketbols)2019.gada labaka Latvijas voljebolniece (volejbols)Cik speletaji ir viena volejbola komanda (volejbols)...

Sports 2020-03-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. (dzimusi 1981. gada 13. novembrī Umurgā)latviešu pludmales volejboliste. (Uzvārds)
  2. (dzimis 1964. gada 9. maijā Kuldīgā) volejbola treneris. (Uzvārds)
  3. Kā sauc to treneri kas 2006—2011.gadā bija Latvijas izlasē (Uzvārds)
  4. Kas ir Futbola LFF?
  5. Krievijas kausa ieguvējs, tāpat Maskavas CSKA sastāvā spēlējis Čempionu līgas grupu turnīrā un pat guvis tajā vārtus.(Uzvārds)
  6. (dzimis 1985. gada 6. aprīlī Rīgā) Latvijas pludmales volejbolists. (Uzvārds)
  7. 2013. gada sezonas laikā viņs 3 reizes ir izcīnījuši uzvaru Pasaules kausa posmos. (Vārds)
  8. (dzimis 1984. gada 1. jūlijā Rīgā) ir profesionāls latviešu hokejists, spēlē malējā uzbrucēja pozīcijā, Latvijas hokeja izlases dalībnieks. (Vārds)
  9. (dzimis 1988. gada 29. novembrī Madonā) Latvijas pludmales volejbolists. (Uzvārds)
  1. Kā sauc to basketbolistu kas spēle Dallas Mavericks (Uzvārds)
  2. kādu medaļu izcīnīja skeletonists Martins Dukurs un bobsleja četrinieks ar pilotu Oskaru Melbārdi 2014.gadā ziemas olimpiskajās spēlēs?
  3. Latvijas Labākais Vārtsargs NHL (Vārds)
  4. (dzimis 1985. gada 28. janvārī Rīgā) ir latviešu hokejists, spēlē kreisās malas uzbrucēja pozīcijā, Latvijas hokeja izlases dalībnieks. (Uzvārds)
  5. Spēlētājs, kura vietu topā nosaka pāris ļoti būtisku panākumu, lai arī viņa karjera kopumā nebija izcilības pilna. (Uzvārds)
  6. Kā sauc to Basketbolistu kas spēlē NBA un dzimis 1998. gada 5. februārī Cēsīs (Uzvārds)
  7. Basketbolists kurš spēlē NBA, spēlē vieglā uzbrucēja un spēka uzbrucēja pozīcijās, Latvijas basketbola izlases dalībnieks.(Uzvārds)
  8. Vienīgais Latvijas futbolists, kas ir ieguvis kādu no eirokausiem - UEFA kausu Maskavas CSKA sastāvā. (Uzvārds)
  9. Kur Latvijas basketbola izlase Konfederācijā spēlē?
  10. Kā sauc iepriekšējo Latvijas futbola federācijas prezidents? (Uzvārds)
  11. Latvijas Labākais Vārtsargs 1990. gada Pasaules čempionātā. (Uzvārds)
  12. Kā sauc to Basketbolistu kas spēlē saspēles vadītāja un uzbrūkošā aizsarga pozīcijās un dzimis no Saldus. (Uzvārds)

21 Clues: Kas ir Futbola LFF?Latvijas Labākais Vārtsargs NHL (Vārds)Kur Latvijas basketbola izlase Konfederācijā spēlē?Kā sauc to basketbolistu kas spēle Dallas Mavericks (Uzvārds)(dzimis 1964. gada 9. maijā Kuldīgā) volejbola treneris. (Uzvārds)Kā sauc to treneri kas 2006—2011.gadā bija Latvijas izlasē (Uzvārds)...

Sports 2020-05-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Cik Olimpiskajās spēlēs ir piedalījusies Latvijas hokeja izlase?
  2. spēles, Lielākais sporta notikums pasaulē (2 vārdi)
  3. Cik spēlētāju ir basketbola komandā?
  4. Cik spēlētāju ir futbola komandā?
  5. No kādas valodas radies Starptautiskās basketbola asociācijas saīsinājums FIBA?
  6. Cik ceturtdaļas risinās mačs basketbolā?
  7. Ka sauc futbola spēles divus periodus, kas katrs ir 45 minūtes?
  8. No cik spalvām sastāv īpaša bumbiņa badmintonā?
  9. Cik sporta peldēšanas veidos notiek sacensības peldēšanā?
  1. Sieviešu Nacionālā Basketbola asociācija
  2. Cik medaļas Latvija vasaras Olimpiskajās spēlēs ir izcīnījusi, sākot ar 1992. gadu?
  3. Kas tiek bieži dēvēts par sporta veidu karalieni?
  4. Kas futbolā ir vienīgais spēlētājs, kuram spēles laikā ir atļauts pieskarties bumbai ar rokām?
  5. Vispopulārākais sporta veids pasaulē
  6. pasaules kauss, Kāds turnīrs ir visskatītākās sacensības pasaulē? (3 vārdi)
  7. Cik reižu Andris Vaņins ir ieguvis titulu Latvijas gada labākais futbolists?
  8. Kā sauc komandas spēlētāju izkārtojumu futbolā?
  9. Kā sauc futbolistus, kuru galvenais uzdevums ir gūt vārtus?
  10. Cik spēlētāju ir volejbola komandā?
  11. Cik komandu ir volejbolā, basketbolā un futbolā?

20 Clues: Cik spēlētāju ir futbola komandā?Cik spēlētāju ir volejbola komandā?Vispopulārākais sporta veids pasaulēCik spēlētāju ir basketbola komandā?Sieviešu Nacionālā Basketbola asociācijaCik ceturtdaļas risinās mačs basketbolā?Kā sauc komandas spēlētāju izkārtojumu futbolā?No cik spalvām sastāv īpaša bumbiņa badmintonā?...

sports 2020-05-17

sports crossword puzzle
  1. a sport where you can only use your feet
  2. This sport involve wearing a gi and sparing other people and trying to get points by punching or kicking them
  3. it is just like baseball but the ball is bigger and yellow
  4. this sport is when a bunch of fast cars goes around a track and try and get first
  5. a sport that involves a stick with net on the end of it
  6. this sport has a lot of weights and you have to be very strong to compete
  7. a sport with a racket and a ball
  8. you have to try and knock your opponent down or knock them out with punches
  9. you have to roll the ball into pins to knock as much pins as you can
  10. you have to try and pin your opponent or throw them
  11. a sport with ice and scares
  1. it is just like baseball but with a flat bat
  2. a sport that includes a ball and a bat
  3. it is like tennis but the "ball" can't hit the ground
  4. a sport where you make plays to get into the end zone to score
  5. this sport involves a ton of running
  6. a sport where you have to keep the ball from hitting the ground
  7. when you jump off a ledge that is very high and do flips into the water
  8. this sport involves many flips
  9. a sport when you have a club and you have to try and hit it into the hole

20 Clues: a sport with ice and scaresthis sport involves many flipsa sport with a racket and a ballthis sport involves a ton of runninga sport that includes a ball and a bata sport where you can only use your feetit is just like baseball but with a flat batyou have to try and pin your opponent or throw them...

sports 2020-05-14

sports crossword puzzle
  1. the big room at school for playing games
  2. two wheels and pedals
  3. kick your feet and paddle with your arms
  4. use to hit a ball
  5. kick the ball, pass the ball, try to score
  6. hard, round, black rubber thing
  7. round object to kick, catch and throw
  8. keep your legs from getting bruised
  9. players use this to pass the puck
  10. kick the ball in here and win a point
  11. Canucks play this
  1. forward rolls, balancing, trampoline bouncing
  2. use to protect your head
  3. how many points at the end of the game
  4. boots with blades
  5. dribble the ball, and toss it in the hoop
  6. this is behind the goalie
  7. where you go for swimming lessons
  8. head first into the water
  9. your feet do this to move the soccer ball
  10. some people get a "hole in one" playing this game

21 Clues: use to hit a ballboots with bladesCanucks play thistwo wheels and pedalsuse to protect your headthis is behind the goaliehead first into the waterhard, round, black rubber thingwhere you go for swimming lessonsplayers use this to pass the puckkeep your legs from getting bruisedround object to kick, catch and throw...

sports 2020-05-12

sports crossword puzzle
  1. kurā valstī spēlē NBA?
  2. cik cilvēku no komandas ir vienlaicīgi uz basketbola laukuma
  3. kur 2000.gadā notice vasras Olimpiskās spēles?
  4. kā sauc vienu no slavenākajiem tenisistiem?
  5. kāda vīrusa dēļ pašlaik visi sporta pasākumi ir atcelti?
  6. kas nepieciešams lai nodarbotos ar riteņbraukšanu?
  7. kas ir svarīgs skriešanā?
  8. sporta veids, kam nepieciešams vējš
  9. sporta veids, ar ko nodarbojas ūdenī
  10. uz kā spēlē hokeju?
  1. kurā sporta veidā Latvija ir ieguvusi Olimpisko zelta medaļu?
  2. kādā krāsā ir basketbola bumba?
  3. ko aizdedzina Olmpisko spēļu sākumā?
  4. kas pašlaik ir labākā f1 komanda?
  5. kur notika pirmās f1 sacīkstes?
  6. kādu sportu patīk skatīties latviešiem?
  7. kas ir hokeja lielvalsts?
  8. svarīga tenisa ekipējuma sastāvdaļa
  9. kur Latvijā ir kamaniņu trase?
  10. kas ir RV1G iecienītākais sporta veids?

20 Clues: uz kā spēlē hokeju?kurā valstī spēlē NBA?kas ir hokeja lielvalsts?kas ir svarīgs skriešanā?kur Latvijā ir kamaniņu trase?kādā krāsā ir basketbola bumba?kur notika pirmās f1 sacīkstes?kas pašlaik ir labākā f1 komanda?svarīga tenisa ekipējuma sastāvdaļasporta veids, kam nepieciešams vējško aizdedzina Olmpisko spēļu sākumā?...

Sports 2020-05-08

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. bijušais Latvijas izlases hokejists, spēlējis NHL, gāja bojā Jaroslavļas aviokatastrofā
  2. sporta veids, kurā sportisti lec ūdenī no tramplīna vai torņa, dažreiz izpildījuma laikā izpildot akrobātikas elementus
  3. komandu sporta spēle ar bumbu un vāli, kurā spēlētājiem jāvirzās no bāzes uz bāzi, kamēr aizsardzībā esošā komanda ar vāli atsisto bumbu nav nogādājusi atpakaļ attiecīgajā bāzē
  4. dominējošā krāsa basketbola bumbai
  5. ziemas Olimpiskais sporta veids, kurā tās dalībnieki ar slidām kājās cenšas pēc iespējas ātrāk veikt noteiktu distanci
  6. sporta veids, kas ir citu sporta veidu pamatā
  7. latviešu basketbolists, kas spēlē New York Nicks komandā (uzvārds)
  8. sporta veids,kur izmanto stīgotu raketi, lai pāri tīklam pretinieka pusē pārsistu īpašu bumbiņu, kura sastāv no korķa gala un 16 spalvām
  9. ziemas sporta veids, kurā Martins Dukurs ieguvis sudraba medaļu Olimpiskajās spēlēs
  1. sporta veids, kuram bija jābūt 2020. gada Sadraudzības kausā Tallinā
  2. ziemas sporta veids, kura mērķis ir iespēlēt savas komandas akmeņus pēc iespējas tuvāk "mājas" centram
  3. vieglatlētikas disciplīna, kurā Jānis Lūsis 1987. gadā tika atzīts par izcilāko sportistu pasaulē
  4. firma, kuras bumbas izmanto oficiālajās FIVB volejbola spēlēs
  5. ziemas sporta veids, kuru spēlē, izmantojot ripu un nūju
  6. valsts, kur notiks nākamās Olimpiskās spēles
  7. latviešu vieglatlēts, soļotājs, 1932. gada Vasaras Olimpisko spēļu sudraba medaļas ieguvējs (uzvārds)
  8. populārākais sporta veids Latvijā 2018. gadā
  9. latviešu pludmales volejbolists, piedalījies 3 Olimpiskajās spēlēs, ieguvis iesauku "Karalis Lauvu" (vārds)
  10. komandu sporta spēle, kurā sportistiem bumba ar rokām jāmet pretinieka vārtos
  11. pilsēta Šveicē, kurā atrodas Olimpiskais muzejs

20 Clues: dominējošā krāsa basketbola bumbaivalsts, kur notiks nākamās Olimpiskās spēlespopulārākais sporta veids Latvijā 2018. gadāsporta veids, kas ir citu sporta veidu pamatāpilsēta Šveicē, kurā atrodas Olimpiskais muzejsziemas sporta veids, kuru spēlē, izmantojot ripu un nūjufirma, kuras bumbas izmanto oficiālajās FIVB volejbola spēlēs...

Sports 2021-01-21

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. field
  2. glove
  3. to kick
  4. bowling
  5. y'all play
  6. he plays
  7. to skate
  8. court
  9. I play
  10. champion
  11. pool
  12. team
  13. to win
  14. you play (formal)
  15. you play (informal)
  1. fans
  2. ball
  3. you all play
  4. we play
  5. helmet
  6. to fish
  7. to throw
  8. she plays
  9. they boys play
  10. they girls play
  11. to lose
  12. gymnastics
  13. bat
  14. to climb

29 Clues: batfansballpoolteamfieldglovecourthelmetI playto winto kickbowlingwe playto fishto loseto throwhe playsto skatechampionto climbshe playsy'all playgymnasticsyou all playthey boys playthey girls playyou play (formal)you play (informal)

sports 2021-01-23

sports crossword puzzle
  1. Valsts,kas nav ieguvusi nevienu medaļu Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  2. Priekšmets,ko iededz Olimpijā dažus mēnešus pirms Olimpisko spēļu atklāšanas ceremonijas un stafetē nes līdz spēļu mājvietai.
  3. Latviešu soļotājs,kas piedalījies 3 Olimpiskajās spēlēs,izcīnījis sudraba medaļu 2000.g.
  4. Latviešu bobslejists,kas 2018.g.ziemas Olimpiskajās spēlēs bija latviešu delegācijas karognesējs.
  5. Pilsēta,kur notiks Ziemas Olimpiskās spēles 2022.g.
  6. Valsts,kas visās vasaras Olimpiskajās spēlēs ir izcīnījusi vismaz vienu medaļu.
  7. Valsts,kur notika pirmās ziemas Olimpiskās spēles.
  8. Valsts,kas tradicionāli ievada Olimpiskās spēles atklāšanas ceremonijā,Olimpisko spēļu dzimtene.
  9. Pilsēta,kur notika Vasaras Olimpiskās spēles 2016.g.
  10. Latviešu šķēpmetējs,kas Olimpiskajās spēlēs ieguvis bronzas,sudraba un zelta medaļas.
  11. Sporta veids,kurā pirmo reizi dalīs Olimpiskās medaļas 2021.g.
  12. Franču barons,kas iedibināja mūsdienu Olimpiskās spēles.
  13. Pilsēta,kur notika pirmās Olimpiskās spēles 1896.g.
  1. Latviešu svarcēlājs,kas piedalījies 3 Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  2. Latviešu BMX riteņbraucējs,kas ieguvis 2 zelta medaļas Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  3. Pilsēta,kur Olimpiskās spēles notikušas 3 reizes.
  4. Pilsēta,kur notiks 2021.g.vasaras Olimpiskās spēles.
  5. Pilsēta,kur pirmo reizi pacēla balto karogu ar Olimpisko spēļu emblēmu 1920.g.
  6. Pilsēta,kur 1912.g.vasarā pirmo reizi Olimpiskajās spēlēs piedalījas sportisti no Latvijas.
  7. Latviešu daudzcīņniece,kas piedalīsies 2021.g.Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  8. Olimpisko spēļu himnas mūzikas autors,grieķu komponists.
  9. Riņķu skaits Olimpiskajā emblēmā.
  10. Katrs aplis simbolizē vienu apdzīvotu...
  11. Latviešu kamaniņbraucēji,brāļi,kas ieguvuši 3 Olimpiskās medaļas.
  12. Vienīgā valsts,kas piedalījusies visās Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  13. Latviešu soļotājs,kas 1932.g. ieguva pirmo Olimpisko medaļu.
  14. Latviešu vingrotājs,kas 2000,g.Sidnejā izcīnīja Olimpisko zelta medaļu.
  15. Latviešu kamaniņu braucēja,kas ieguvusi zelta medaļu ziemas Olimpiskajās spēlēs 1980.g.
  16. Šveices pilsēta,kurā atrodas Olimpiskais muzejs.
  17. Latviešu skeletonists,kas izcīnījis divas sudraba medaļas ziemas Olimpiskajās spēlēs.

30 Clues: Riņķu skaits Olimpiskajā emblēmā.Katrs aplis simbolizē vienu apdzīvotu...Šveices pilsēta,kurā atrodas Olimpiskais muzejs.Pilsēta,kur Olimpiskās spēles notikušas 3 reizes.Valsts,kur notika pirmās ziemas Olimpiskās spēles.Pilsēta,kur notiks Ziemas Olimpiskās spēles 2022.g.Pilsēta,kur notika pirmās Olimpiskās spēles 1896.g....

sports 2021-01-15

sports crossword puzzle
  1. needabatlikebaseball
  2. needatablewithanet
  3. needtogetstronger
  4. needapool
  5. needahighnet
  6. youcanuseyourhands
  7. needahop
  8. myfavortiesport
  1. racket
  2. feildgoal
  3. needtositdown
  4. robotsthatfight
  5. needarod
  6. needabat
  7. needahorse
  8. needlotsofice
  9. needaheavyball
  10. oreskovich
  11. needtohaveanetlikevolleyball
  12. needaring

20 Clues: racketneedarodneedabatneedahopfeildgoalneedapoolneedaringneedahorseoreskovichneedahighnetneedtositdownneedlotsoficeneedaheavyballrobotsthatfightmyfavortiesportneedtogetstrongerneedatablewithanetyoucanuseyourhandsneedabatlikebaseballneedtohaveanetlikevolleyball

Sports 2020-10-10

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. a ball game similar to baseball, played chiefly in British schools.
  2. the activity of being moved quickly in a raft.
  3. the sport skilled in riding and horsemanship.
  4. the sport or activity of riding a bicycle.
  5. light spear thrown in a competitive sport or as a weapon.
  6. a game played on a large open course, the object of which is to hit a ball using clubs.
  7. any of 28 small oblong pieces marked with 0–6 dots (pips) in each half.
  8. a game in which you throw rings over a small post, often played on ships.
  9. the sport or pastime of flying in a balloon.
  10. a game in which two players use rackets to hit a small, soft rubber ball against the walls of a closed court.
  11. a sport,The level of skill a person has is shown by what colour belt they wear.
  12. a game played hitting a small ball across a central net using a racket.
  13. find your way to somewhere on foot as quickly as possible by using a map and a compass.
  14. a game with seven players on a side, similar to basketball.
  15. a game use their hands to hit a ball forwards over a high net without allowing the ball to touch the ground.
  16. the sports is vehicle like a bicycle with only one wheel.
  1. the sport or activity of climbing mountains.
  2. a set of physical intended to give control over the body and mind.
  3. sport in which individuals, pairs, or groups perform on figure skates on ice.
  4. the sport of fishing using as bait. a rod and an artificial fly.
  5. the sport of rolling downhill inside an orb, typically made of transparent plastic.
  6. a lawn game similar to boules, played chiefly in Provence.
  7. a game played in which the players roll a large black or brown ball as close as possible to a smaller white ball.
  8. short for ice hockey or field hockey. variant spelling of oche.
  9. a form of Basque pelota. Equipment includes a racquet and a ball.
  10. the sport or skill of shooting with a bow and arrows, especially at a target.

26 Clues: the sport or activity of riding a bicycle.the sport or activity of climbing mountains.the sport or pastime of flying in a balloon.the sport skilled in riding and horsemanship.the activity of being moved quickly in a raft.light spear thrown in a competitive sport or as a weapon.the sports is vehicle like a bicycle with only one wheel....

SPORTS 2020-10-10

SPORTS crossword puzzle
  1. a game in which you throw rings over a small post, often played on ships.
  2. Zorb football is a team sport that was derived from association football in which players are encased in an inflated bubble called a Zorb, covering the entire upper body from waist up including the head.
  3. the sport or activity of climbing mountains.
  4. the sport or activity of sailing yachts.
  5. Xare is one of the disciplines of the sport Basque pelota. It is played with a racquet and a ball in a court called a trinquete. Xare is very popular in South America and is played by both men and women of all ages.
  6. a sport in which two people fight using their arms and legs and hands and feet, and try to throw each other to the ground.
  7. a sport played by two teams of seven players, usually women or girls, in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a net hanging from a ring at the top of a pole.
  8. the activity or sport of swimming.
  9. a type of skating that involves circular patterns and often includes jumps.
  10. an oblong piece of wood etc marked with spots with which the game of dominoes is played.
  11. a huge balloon floating in the air.
  12. a vehicle like a bicycle with only one wheel.
  13. the activity of riding a bicycle.
  14. the art or sport of shooting with a bow.
  15. Horse riding activity.
  1. the activity of being moved quickly in a raft (= small boat filled with air) along rivers where the current is very strong.
  2. a game played between two teams who ride horses and carry long wooden hammers with which they hit a small, hard ball, trying to score goals.
  3. a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a large ball backwards and forwards over a high net without allowing the ball to touch the ground.
  4. a game played either outside on smooth grass or inside on an artificial surface, in which the players roll a large black or brown ball as close as possible to a smaller white ball.
  5. a sport, originally from Japan, in which people fight using their arms, legs, hands, and feet. The level of skill a person has is shown by what colour belt they wear.
  6. a game played between two or four people on a special playing area that involves hitting a small ball across a central net using a racket.
  7. a game for two teams of eleven players, played with clubs which are bent at one end (ˈhockey-sticks) and a ball, or in ice hockey, a round flat disc called a puck.
  8. the sport of fighting with (blunted) swords.
  9. a game in which a small white ball is hit across open ground and into small holes by means of golf-clubs.
  10. an activity in which you have to find your way to somewhere on foot as quickly as possible by using a map and a compass
  11. a sport where two teams try to score points by carrying an oval ball across a particular line or kicking it over and between an H-shaped set of posts.

26 Clues: Horse riding activity.the activity of riding a bicycle.the activity or sport of swimming.a huge balloon floating in the air.the sport or activity of sailing yachts.the art or sport of shooting with a bow.the sport or activity of climbing mountains.the sport of fighting with (blunted) swords.a vehicle like a bicycle with only one wheel....

Sports 2020-10-10

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. A walking sport that uses both a map and a compass
  2. another word for ping pong
  3. another word for soccer
  4. strike!
  5. short for ice hockey or field hockey
  6. Involves the main character’s weapons in the movie the hunger games
  7. sports that use horses as a main part
  8. Traces of intricate patterns on the ice
  9. a vehicle that has a single wheel and is usually propelled by pedals
  1. A sport that moves itself through water using the limbs
  2. form of Basque pelota. Equipment includes a racquet and a ball
  3. a light spear thrown in a competitive sport or as a weapon
  4. A team sport that originated from the Football Association where players are encased in an inflatable bubble called the Zorb
  5. recreational outdoor activities which use an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other body of water
  6. Throw a steel ball from a distance
  7. shuttlecock
  8. It's an original game that involves throwing metal
  9. the sport or activity of climbing
  10. martial arts born in japan
  11. The sport or hobby of car racing
  12. a ball game similar to baseball, played chiefly in British schools
  13. Basketball-like sports
  14. it is a vehicle that can be used for a vacation or sporting event
  15. Hit a small white ball into the hole
  16. any of 28 small oblong pieces marked with 0–6 dots
  17. A large ball hits a hand on a high net

26 Clues: strike!shuttlecockBasketball-like sportsanother word for socceranother word for ping pongmartial arts born in japanThe sport or hobby of car racingthe sport or activity of climbingThrow a steel ball from a distanceshort for ice hockey or field hockeyHit a small white ball into the holesports that use horses as a main part...

Sports 2020-11-10

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. You need to be very tall
  2. you have to throw the ball into the hole
  3. you need know to swim
  4. You play with a green ball and a racket
  5. Her players are a very acrobats
  6. This sport use arrows
  7. the race is with formula cars
  8. in this sport you use a net and hands
  9. You need to run for a bases
  10. in this sport you need know ice skate
  1. This is playing with the mind
  2. The champion is Usain Bolt
  3. They walk fast
  4. You plays whit foots
  5. is similar to football but without helmets
  6. In this sport you use a ping pong ball
  7. In this sport you must ride a bicycle
  8. Is a sport of contact with a helmet
  9. the Drivers down in the curves
  10. Other sport of contact but gloves

20 Clues: They walk fastYou plays whit footsyou need know to swimThis sport use arrowsYou need to be very tallThe champion is Usain BoltYou need to run for a basesThis is playing with the mindthe race is with formula carsthe Drivers down in the curvesHer players are a very acrobatsOther sport of contact but glovesIs a sport of contact with a helmet...

Sports 2020-12-31

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. a modern Korean martial art similar to karate
  2. a game that is played with a bat and ball on a large area of grass by two teams of eleven players
  3. a game for two or four people in which players hit a type of light ball with feathers (a shuttlecock) over a high net, using a piece of equipment (a racket) which is held in the hand
  4. a game for two or four players who hit a ball over a net using a piece of equipment (a racket) that is held in one hand
  5. physical exercises that are done indoors, often using special equipment such as bars and ropes
  6. the activity or sport of riding a skateboard
  7. the sport of riding on waves while standing on a narrow board (a surfboard)
  8. a game that is played outdoors on a large area of grass (golf course) and in which you use a stick (golf club) to hit a small hard ball (golf ball) into a series of holes (usually 18)
  9. a form of football that is played by two teams of 13 or 15 players with an oval ball that can be carried, kicked or thrown
  10. a sport in which two people fight by hitting each other with their hands inside large gloves
  11. a game in which two teams of six players hit a ball over a high net with their hands while trying not to let the ball touch the ground on their own side
  1. a game for two teams of five players. There is a net (basket) fixed to a metal ring high up at each end of the court and the players try to throw a ball through the other team’s net in order to score points (baskets)
  2. catching fish as a job, sport or hobby
  3. game in which two teams of 11 players, using any part of their bodies except their hands and arms, try to maneuver the ball into the opposing team's goal
  4. a form of martial art which combines boxing with elements of karate, in particular kicking with bare feet
  5. a style of fighting originally from Japan in which the hands and feet are used as weapons
  6. a game that is played by two teams of eleven players who try to kick a round ball into a goal
  7. to move your body through water
  8. an object like a small arrow. It is thrown in a game or shot as a weapon
  9. a game in which you roll a heavy ball down a special track (a lane) towards a group of wooden objects (pins) and try to knock them all down
  10. the activity or sport of moving on skis
  11. the sport of shooting arrows
  12. a sport from Asia in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground
  13. the sport of fighting with long thin pointed weapons (foils)
  14. a team game that is popular in the US in which players hit the ball with a bat and run round four points (bases)
  15. the activity or sport of moving over snow using a snowboard

26 Clues: the sport of shooting arrowsto move your body through watercatching fish as a job, sport or hobbythe activity or sport of moving on skisthe activity or sport of riding a skateboarda modern Korean martial art similar to karatethe activity or sport of moving over snow using a snowboardthe sport of fighting with long thin pointed weapons (foils)...

Sports 2020-12-30

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. india shared gold medal with which country in the first online Chess Olympiad 2020
  2. which nation will host Asian Boxing Championships 2020?
  3. Wembly is a famous football stadium in
  4. name of the MASCOT of 2018 FIFA World Cup
  5. Bunting, Diamond and Ant rubber are the terms associated with the game of
  6. where the Winter Olympic Games 2022 will be organized?
  7. who was the first recipient of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award, the highest sports honour in India?
  8. birdie and Eagle are two terms related to which sports
  9. Chukker and Mallet terms are associated with the game of
  10. first Indian to win an Olympic medal
  11. who became the first cricketer to violate ICC's 'saliva ban' rule?
  12. Deodhar Trophy is a prestigious tournament of -
  1. the official mascot of Khelo India Youth Games, 2020?
  2. the winner of Orange Cap in the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020?
  3. champion of the US Open 2020 Women's Singles Tennis title?
  4. thomas Cup and Uber Cup are prestigious trophies of
  5. current champion of the AFF Championship
  6. world’s highest Hockey ground is located in
  7. tennis Player has won the US Open Men's Title 2020?
  8. in which city the 2028 Summer Olympic Games will be organized?

20 Clues: first Indian to win an Olympic medalWembly is a famous football stadium inname of the MASCOT of 2018 FIFA World Cupcurrent champion of the AFF Championshipworld’s highest Hockey ground is located inDeodhar Trophy is a prestigious tournament of -thomas Cup and Uber Cup are prestigious trophies of...

Sports 2021-03-24

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. il luogo dove si sono tenute le prime olimpiadi di pallacanestro
  2. lo è il tipo di difesa nella pallamano
  3. nel basket è il giocatore più alto
  4. il campionato di basket più famoso al mondo
  5. è il comportamento sportivo nei confronti dell'avversario
  6. indossa una maglia diversa durante le partite di pallavolo
  7. nella pallavolo può essere dall'alto o dal basso
  8. nella pallavolo è un fallo quando palla gira troppo su se stessa
  9. è il numero di giocatori in campo di ogni squadra di basket
  10. serve a dividere in due il campo durante una partita di pallavolo
  11. lo è quando fischia l'arbitro nel calcio
  1. nel calcio è un veloce rovesciamento del gioco
  2. nel basket è la contestazione di un tiro avversario
  3. è il tipo di mappa che viene consegnata alla partenza di una gara di orienteering
  4. luogo dove è stato inventato il basket
  5. nel calcio è la partita giocata tra due squadre della stessa città o regione
  6. è il colore utilizzato per indicare i boschi nelle mappe dell'orienteering
  7. una delle tipologie delle gare di orienteering
  8. è il nome a livello internazionale del calcio a cinque
  9. è il numero massimo di tocchi che può eseguire una squadra durante una partita di pallavolo

20 Clues: nel basket è il giocatore più altoluogo dove è stato inventato il basketlo è il tipo di difesa nella pallamanolo è quando fischia l'arbitro nel calcioil campionato di basket più famoso al mondonel calcio è un veloce rovesciamento del giocouna delle tipologie delle gare di orienteeringnella pallavolo può essere dall'alto o dal basso...

Sports 2021-04-19

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. térdvédő(k)
  2. golfpálya
  3. olimpiai láng
  4. dobogó
  5. hastánc
  6. teniszütő
  7. futópálya
  8. fáklya
  9. ejtőernyő
  10. íjászat
  11. focipálya
  1. súlyemelés
  2. hokiütő
  3. teniszpálya
  4. sárkányrepülőzés
  5. sisak
  6. búvárkodás
  7. sípcsontvédő
  8. baseballütő
  9. stoplis cipő

20 Clues: sisakdobogófáklyahokiütőhastáncíjászatgolfpályateniszütőfutópályaejtőernyőfocipályasúlyemelésbúvárkodásteniszpályatérdvédő(k)baseballütősípcsontvédőstoplis cipőolimpiai lángsárkányrepülőzés

Sports 2021-09-15

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. aeroobika
  2. kaugushüpe
  3. kergejõustik
  4. tõkkejooks
  5. maraton
  6. staadion
  7. aerutamine
  8. purjetamine
  9. seitsmevõistlus
  10. jooksurada
  11. maadlus
  12. kohtunik
  13. kõrgushüpe
  14. kümnevõistlus
  15. teivashüpe
  1. vehklemine
  2. murdmaa
  3. iluvõimlemine
  4. odavise
  5. triatlon
  6. kuulitõuge
  7. iluuisutamine
  8. kohtunik (tennis, cricket, baseball)
  9. kettaheide
  10. väljak

25 Clues: väljakmurdmaaodavisemaratonmaadlustriatlonstaadionkohtunikaeroobikavehkleminekaugushüpekuulitõugetõkkejooksaerutaminejooksuradakettaheidekõrgushüpeteivashüpepurjetaminekergejõustikiluvõimlemineiluuisutaminekümnevõistlusseitsmevõistluskohtunik (tennis, cricket, baseball)

Sports 2021-09-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Protective gear used in footy
  2. Hockey on ice
  3. Popular event featuring multiple sports
  4. A position in Footy
  5. A sport played with a bat
  6. exercises designed to increase cardiovascular efficiency
  7. A sport where 2 players punch each other in a ring
  8. includes the skill of aim
  9. Played with a small orange ball
  10. includes a long flexible pole
  11. A water sport played between 2 teams of 7.
  12. The sport or activity of paddling a light, narrow boat
  13. A sport played on a smooth green field and has a small white ball
  14. riding waves with a board
  15. An organized sport involving the use of a sword
  16. A sport where you have to be flexible
  1. A Korean martial art
  2. hitting a ball with a stick, the ball stays on the ground
  3. A game in which two teams hit an inflated ball over a high net using their hands
  4. Sport including netted sticks
  5. A game where you have to throw a ball into a hoop
  6. The act of moving very fast having the usage of your feet
  7. A sport related to horse riding
  8. where you have to throw a ball to knock down 10 pins
  9. When players take a break in the middle of a match
  10. Hide-and-seek activity utilizing GPS
  11. A Japanese martial art
  12. A sport where you use a broom to direct a big rock
  13. A sport which includes hitting a shuttlecock over a net
  14. Includes a specific rhythm of movement in the water

30 Clues: Hockey on iceA position in FootyA Korean martial artA Japanese martial artA sport played with a batincludes the skill of aimriding waves with a boardProtective gear used in footySport including netted sticksincludes a long flexible poleA sport related to horse ridingPlayed with a small orange ballHide-and-seek activity utilizing GPS...

Sports 2021-05-18

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. kiiver
  2. meeskond
  3. pesapall
  4. käterätt
  5. murdmaasuusatamine
  6. spordijalatsid
  7. purjetamine
  8. kergejõustik
  9. kinnas
  10. võrkpall
  11. jalgpall
  1. korvpall
  2. võistlus
  3. vibusport
  4. sulgpall
  5. võitma
  6. uisutamine
  7. viik
  8. kaotama
  9. hoki
  10. võitluskunstid

21 Clues: viikhokikiivervõitmakinnaskaotamakorvpallvõistlusmeeskondpesapallsulgpallkäterättvõrkpalljalgpallvibusportuisutaminepurjetaminekergejõustikspordijalatsidvõitluskunstidmurdmaasuusatamine

sports 2021-07-25

sports crossword puzzle
  1. Simone Biles
  2. sword
  3. backstroke
  4. Kobe Bryant
  5. stick and puck
  6. table tennis
  7. Dodgers
  8. Tom Brady
  9. catch a wave
  10. marathon
  1. punching
  2. knock down pins
  3. Tour de France
  4. jumping horse
  5. girl's baseball
  6. Serena Williams
  7. bump, set, spike
  8. WWE
  9. Alex Morgan
  10. shuttle
  11. Tiger Woods
  12. pole and jump

22 Clues: WWEswordshuttleDodgerspunchingmarathonTom BradybackstrokeAlex MorganKobe BryantTiger WoodsSimone Bilestable tenniscatch a wavejumping horsepole and jumpTour de Francestick and puckknock down pinsgirl's baseballSerena Williamsbump, set, spike

SPORTS 2021-10-21

SPORTS crossword puzzle
  1. kayak yapma
  2. genellikle
  3. güvenlik
  4. raket
  5. takım
  6. dalış
  7. antreman
  8. her zaman
  9. spor ayakkabısı
  10. kaybetmek
  11. iç mekân
  12. yüzücü-kayak gözlüğü
  13. bisiklet sürme
  14. sakatlık
  15. bazen
  16. kort, saha
  17. oyuncu
  18. kaykay
  19. eldiven
  20. atlet, sporcu
  1. sık sık
  2. madalya
  3. paten
  4. iki kere
  5. ekipman
  6. dış mekân
  7. seyirci
  8. spor salonu
  9. yüzücü
  10. tempolu koşu
  11. başarmak
  12. top
  13. bireysel
  14. mayo
  15. egzersiz yapmak
  16. berabere
  17. başarı
  18. kar kayağı
  19. asla, hiç
  20. nadiren
  21. yenmek
  22. ağ, file
  23. bir kere
  24. stadyum

44 Clues: topmayopatenrakettakımdalışbazenyüzücübaşarıyenmekoyuncukaykaysık sıkmadalyaekipmanseyircinadireneldivenstadyumiki keregüvenlikbaşarmakantremanbireyselberabereiç mekânsakatlıkağ, filebir keredış mekânher zamankaybetmekasla, hiçgenelliklekar kayağıkort, sahakayak yapmaspor salonutempolu koşuatlet, sporcubisiklet sürmeegzersiz yapmakspor ayakkabısı...

Sports 2022-05-12

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Cik apļu ir olimpiskajā simbolā?
  2. Cik minūtes basketbolā ilgst viena ceturtdaļa?
  3. Ar ko pārvietojas hokejisti spēles laika?
  4. Kā sauc sporta veidu kuru var spēlēt gan iekštelpās, gan pludmalē?
  5. Sporta veids kuru pārstāv Mairis Briedis.
  6. Cik minūtes hokejā ilgst vien trešdaļa
  7. Kā sauc Rīga Dinamo kapteini?
  8. Cik tiesneši apkalpo futbola maču?
  9. Kuri norisinājās ziemas olimpiskās spēles 2022?
  10. Sporta veids kurā, skrien īsā attālumā ar ķermeņa maksimālo ātrumu ierobežotā laika posmā.
  11. Kā sauc sporta veidu kurā piedalās ar dzīvnieku?
  12. Kādu medaļu pasniedz pirmās vietas ieguvējam?
  13. Hokejists (vārtsargs), kurš 2021. gadā gāja bojā nelaimes gadījumā?
  1. Kā sauc paaugstinājumu (ar dažāda augstuma pakāpieniem), uz kura nostājas apbalvojamie, godināmie sporta sacensību uzvarētāji.
  2. Cik spēlētāju ir vienā futbola komandā?
  3. Kura ir pasaules populārāka komandu spēle sportā?
  4. Kā sauc sporta veidu kurā sportists ar velosipēdu veic noteiktu distanci?
  5. Kā sauc priekšmetu, kuru hokejā spēlētāji cenšas trāpīt pretinieku vārtos?
  6. Kādu medaļu pasniedz otrās vietas ieguvējiem?
  7. Kā sauc priekšmetu kuru sportistam jāgrūž vieglatlētikas mešanas disciplīnā?
  8. Ar ko hokejisti pārvietojas spēles laikā?
  9. Kā sauc laukumu ar vieglatlētikas sektoru, skatītāju sektoru un palīgbūvju kompleksu, kas domāts sporta un citu pasākumu rīkošanai.
  10. Viegla metāla caurule, ko novieto uz statņiem augstuma iezīmēšanai augstlēkšanā.
  11. Kā sauc sporta veidu kuru agrāk pārstāvēja Rebeha Ibrahima (Koha)?
  12. Kura valsts tiek uzskatīta par hokeja dzimteni?
  13. Kura valsts tiek uzskatīta par futbola dzimteni?
  14. Kādu medaļu pasniedz trešās vietas ieguvējiem?
  15. Kā sauc pilsētu kur atrodas vienīga kamaniņu un bobsleja trase Latvijā?
  16. Cik spēlētāju hokejā atrodas uz laukuma spēles laikā? (vienā komandā)

29 Clues: Kā sauc Rīga Dinamo kapteini?Cik apļu ir olimpiskajā simbolā?Cik tiesneši apkalpo futbola maču?Cik minūtes hokejā ilgst vien trešdaļaCik spēlētāju ir vienā futbola komandā?Ar ko pārvietojas hokejisti spēles laika?Ar ko hokejisti pārvietojas spēles laikā?Sporta veids kuru pārstāv Mairis Briedis.Kādu medaļu pasniedz otrās vietas ieguvējiem?...

Sports 2022-05-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Konstrukcija volejbolā, pa vidu laukumam, lai atdalītu divu komandu laukumus.
  2. Kāds sporta veids tiek dievēts par karaļu sportu?
  3. Kādas ķermeņa daļa nedrīkst pieskarties bumbai futbolā?
  4. Kāda valsts piedalījās visos pasaules kausos futbolā?
  5. Komanda, kurā pašreiz spēlē Dāvis Bertāns
  6. Cik cilvēku ir beisbola komandā?
  7. Rokasbumbas cits nosaukums.
  8. kādā pilsētā bija Olimpiskās spēles, kurās pirmo reizi bija 3x3 basketbols?
  9. Vispopulārākais sporta veids pasaulē
  10. Cik valstīs, kuras vairāk neeksistē notika Olimpiskās spēles?
  11. Loma, ko spēlē Elvis Merzļikins Latvijas hokeja izlasē.
  12. Kāda valsts no Āfrikas pirmā kvalificējās uz futbola pasaules kausu?
  13. Sporta veids, kuru pārstāv brāļi Dukuri
  14. Cik tajās Latvija ieguva medaļu?
  1. Materiāls, no kā tika izgatavotas 1. vietu medaļas pirmajās mūsdienu Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  2. Kura bija pirmā pilsēta, kur Olimpiskās spēles notika 2 reizes?
  3. Kāda valss pirmā uzvarēja pasaules kausu futbolā?
  4. Sporta veids, kurā tiek izmantots tīkls, reķete un volāniņš.
  5. Kuras pēc kārtas bija 2022. gada ziemas Olimpiskās spēles?
  6. Kā sauc sporta veidu, kur divas komandas cīnās par bumbu un mēģina iesviest to pretinieka grozā?
  7. Situācija sportā, kad parasti bumba tiek ārā no spēles laukuma.
  8. Kā sauc sporta veidu, kurā Latvija spēlēs ar Norvēģiju 16. maijā?
  9. Skriešanas distance 42,195 km garumā vieglatlētikā.
  10. Kuru komandu Luiss Hamiltons pārstāv formula 1 sacīkstēs?
  11. Cik medaļu uzvarēja Ķīna Pekinas 2008.gada Olimpiskajās spēlēs?
  12. Situāciji boulingā, kad tiek nosisti visi 10 ķegļi.
  13. cik daudz MMA cīņu UFC zvaigzne Konors Makgregors savas karjeras laikā ir zaudējis?

27 Clues: Rokasbumbas cits nosaukums.Cik cilvēku ir beisbola komandā?Cik tajās Latvija ieguva medaļu?Vispopulārākais sporta veids pasaulēSporta veids, kuru pārstāv brāļi DukuriKomanda, kurā pašreiz spēlē Dāvis BertānsKāds sporta veids tiek dievēts par karaļu sportu?Kāda valss pirmā uzvarēja pasaules kausu futbolā?...

Sports 2022-05-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Kura bija pirmā pilsēta, kur Olimpiskās spēles notika 2 reizes?
  2. Rokasbumbas cits nosaukums.
  3. Situāciji boulingā, kad tiek nosisti visi 10 ķegļi.
  4. Komanda, kurā pašreiz spēlē Dāvis Bertāns
  5. Kādā pilsētā bija Olimpiskās spēles, kurās pirmo reizi bija 3x3 basketbols?
  6. Kāds sporta veids tiek dievēts par karaļu sportu?
  7. Kādas ķermeņa daļa nedrīkst pieskarties bumbai futbolā?
  8. Kuru komandu Luiss Hamiltons pārstāv formula 1 sacīkstēs?
  9. Kur notiks nākamās olimpiskās spēles?
  10. Kāda valss pirmā uzvarēja pasaules kausu futbolā?
  11. Sporta veids, kurā tiek izmantots tīkls, reķete un volāniņš.
  12. Kuru vietu latvija ieņēma 3x3 basketbolā 2020. gada Olimpiskajās spēlēs?"
  13. Sporta veids, kuru pārstāv brāļi Dukuri
  14. Cik valstīs, kuras vairāk neeksistē notika Olimpiskās spēles?
  15. Konstrukcija volejbolā, pa vidu laukumam, lai atdalītu divu komandu laukumus.
  1. Cik cilvēku ir beisbola komandā?
  2. Cik medaļu uzvarēja Ķīna Pekinas 2008.gada Olimpiskajās spēlēs?
  3. Loma, ko spēlē Elvis Merzļikins Latvijas hokeja izlasē.
  4. Kāda valsts no Āfrikas pirmā kvalificējās uz futbola pasaules kausu?
  5. Cik daudz MMA cīņu UFC zvaigzne Konors Makgregors savas karjeras laikā ir zaudējis?
  6. Kā sauc sporta veidu, kurā Latvija spēlēs ar Norvēģiju 16. maijā?
  7. Kuras pēc kārtas bija 2022. gada ziemas Olimpiskās spēles?
  8. Skriešanas distance 42,195 km garumā vieglatlētikā.
  9. Vispopulārākais sporta veids pasaulē
  10. Situācija sportā, kad parasti bumba tiek ārā no spēles laukuma.
  11. Cik tajās Latvija ieguva medaļu?
  12. Materiāls, no kā tika izgatavotas 1. vietu medaļas pirmajās mūsdienu Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  13. Kā sauc sporta veidu, kur divas komandas cīnās par bumbu un mēģina iesviest to pretinieka grozā?
  14. Kāda valsts piedalījās visos pasaules kausos futbolā?

29 Clues: Rokasbumbas cits nosaukums.Cik cilvēku ir beisbola komandā?Cik tajās Latvija ieguva medaļu?Vispopulārākais sporta veids pasaulēKur notiks nākamās olimpiskās spēles?Sporta veids, kuru pārstāv brāļi DukuriKomanda, kurā pašreiz spēlē Dāvis BertānsKāds sporta veids tiek dievēts par karaļu sportu?Kāda valss pirmā uzvarēja pasaules kausu futbolā?...

Sports 2022-05-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Konstrukcija volejbolā, pa vidu laukumam, lai atdalītu divu komandu laukumus.
  2. Kāds sporta veids tiek dievēts par karaļu sportu?
  3. Kādas ķermeņa daļa nedrīkst pieskarties bumbai futbolā?
  4. Kāda valsts piedalījās visos pasaules kausos futbolā?
  5. Komanda, kurā pašreiz spēlē Dāvis Bertāns
  6. Cik cilvēku ir beisbola komandā?
  7. Rokasbumbas cits nosaukums.
  8. Kādā pilsētā bija Olimpiskās spēles, kurās pirmo reizi bija 3x3 basketbols?
  9. Vispopulārākais sporta veids pasaulē
  10. Cik valstīs, kuras vairāk neeksistē notika Olimpiskās spēles?
  11. Loma, ko spēlē Elvis Merzļikins Latvijas hokeja izlasē.
  12. Kāda valsts no Āfrikas pirmā kvalificējās uz futbola pasaules kausu?
  13. Sporta veids, kuru pārstāv brāļi Dukuri
  14. Cik 2022.gada ziemas Olimpiskajās spēlēs Latvija ieguva medaļu?
  1. Materiāls, no kā tika izgatavotas 1. vietu medaļas pirmajās mūsdienu Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  2. Kura bija pirmā pilsēta, kur Olimpiskās spēles notika 2 reizes?
  3. Kāda valss pirmā uzvarēja pasaules kausu futbolā?
  4. Sporta veids, kurā tiek izmantots tīkls, reķete un volāniņš.
  5. Kuras pēc kārtas bija 2022. gada ziemas Olimpiskās spēles?
  6. Kā sauc sporta veidu, kur divas komandas cīnās par bumbu un mēģina iesviest to pretinieka grozā?
  7. Situācija sportā, kad parasti bumba tiek ārā no spēles laukuma.
  8. Kā sauc sporta veidu, kurā Latvija spēlēs ar Norvēģiju 16. maijā?
  9. Skriešanas distance 42,195 km garumā vieglatlētikā.
  10. Kuru komandu Luiss Hamiltons pārstāv formula 1 sacīkstēs?
  11. Cik medaļu uzvarēja Ķīna Pekinas 2008.gada Olimpiskajās spēlēs?
  12. Situāciji boulingā, kad tiek nosisti visi 10 ķegļi.
  13. Cik daudz MMA cīņu UFC zvaigzne Konors Makgregors savas karjeras laikā ir zaudējis?

27 Clues: Rokasbumbas cits nosaukums.Cik cilvēku ir beisbola komandā?Vispopulārākais sporta veids pasaulēSporta veids, kuru pārstāv brāļi DukuriKomanda, kurā pašreiz spēlē Dāvis BertānsKāds sporta veids tiek dievēts par karaļu sportu?Kāda valss pirmā uzvarēja pasaules kausu futbolā?Skriešanas distance 42,195 km garumā vieglatlētikā....

Sports 2022-05-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Kādas ķermeņa daļa nedrīkst pieskarties bumbai futbolā?
  2. Skriešanas distance 42,195 km garumā vieglatlētikā.
  3. Vispopulārākais sporta veids pasaulē.
  4. Konstrukcija volejbolā, pa vidu laukumam, lai atdalītu divu komandu laukumus.
  5. Kuru komandu Luiss Hamiltons pārstāv formula 1 sacīkstēs?
  6. Komanda, kurā pašreiz spēlē Dāvis Bertāns
  7. situāciji boulingā, kad tiek nosisti visi 10 ķegļi.
  8. Sporta veids, kuru pārstāv brāļi Dukuri.
  9. Cik cilvēku ir beisbola komandā?
  10. Cik medaļu uzvarēja Ķīna Pekinas 2008.gada Olimpiskajās spēlēs?
  11. Cik daudz MMA cīņu UFC zvaigzne Konors Makgregors savas karjeras laikā ir zaudējis?
  12. Loma, ko spēlē Elvis Merzļikins Latvijas hokeja izlasē.
  13. Kur notiks nākamās olimpiskās spēles?
  14. Kura bija pirmā pilsēta, kur Olimpiskās spēles notika 2 reizes?
  15. Sporta veids, kurā tiek izmantots tīkls, reķete un volāniņš.
  16. Situācija sportā, kad bumba tiek ārā no spēles laukuma.
  1. Visvairāk zelta medaļas(8) izcīnījušais sportists vienās Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  2. Materiāls, no kā tika izgatavotas 1. vietu medaļas pirmajās mūsdienu Olimpiskajās spēlēs.
  3. Kuru vietu Latvija ieņēma 3x3 basketbolā 2020. gada Olimpiskajās spēlēs?"
  4. Kā sauc sporta veidu, kur divas komandas cīnās par bumbu un mēģina iesviest to pretinieka grozā?
  5. Kāds sporta veids tiek dievēts par karaļu sportu?
  6. Cik 2022. gada Olimpiskajās spēlēs Latvija ieguva medaļu?
  7. Kuras pēc kārtas bija 2022. gada ziemas Olimpiskās spēles?
  8. Rokasbumbas cits nosaukums.
  9. Cik valstīs, kuras vairāk neeksistē, notika Olimpiskās spēles?
  10. Kā sauc sporta veidu, kurā Latvija spēlēs ar Norvēģiju 16. maijā?
  11. Kādā pilsētā bija Olimpiskās spēles, kurās pirmo reizi bija 3x3 basketbols?
  12. Kāda valsts piedalījās visos pasaules kausos futbolā?
  13. Kāda valsts no Āfrikas pirmā kvalificējās uz futbola pasaules kausu?
  14. Kāda valss pirmā uzvarēja pasaules kausu futbolā?

30 Clues: Rokasbumbas cits nosaukums.Cik cilvēku ir beisbola komandā?Vispopulārākais sporta veids pasaulē.Kur notiks nākamās olimpiskās spēles?Sporta veids, kuru pārstāv brāļi Dukuri.Komanda, kurā pašreiz spēlē Dāvis BertānsKāds sporta veids tiek dievēts par karaļu sportu?Kāda valss pirmā uzvarēja pasaules kausu futbolā?...

sports 2022-06-08

sports crossword puzzle


Sports 2022-08-06

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Bulls vs Lakers
  2. Your own record
  3. Go out or forfeit
  4. Super strong people do this
  5. To go up a mountain
  6. Swimming, walking; strenghten your lungs
  7. In the water, Mac Miller album
  8. Boring and expensive
  9. Like a championship
  10. Swing, batter!
  1. When you are in first place
  2. Punches and kicks
  3. Racket ;3
  4. The best of all times in one thing
  5. Aerial pirouettes
  6. You can get food out of this sport
  7. Ball on the feet
  8. Can do this in the park or mountain; on two wheels
  9. I like to do _____ in the morning
  10. Play this at your house
  11. A nice first date idea
  12. Do this at the beach
  13. Breathing excercise

23 Clues: Racket ;3Swing, batter!Bulls vs LakersYour own recordBall on the feetPunches and kicksAerial pirouettesGo out or forfeitTo go up a mountainBreathing excerciseLike a championshipDo this at the beachBoring and expensiveA nice first date ideaPlay this at your houseWhen you are in first placeSuper strong people do thisIn the water, Mac Miller album...

Sports 2022-10-12

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. both genders play. uses a course and different clubs to hit the ball
  2. a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players on a field at the center of a field. pitch with a wicket at each end.
  3. males play. uses a 100 yard fields. tackling or flag
  4. both genders can play. You kick the ball into a goal.
  5. an activity in which the participants cheer for their team as a form of encouragement
  6. sports males play. you play on a ice rink
  7. girls mainly play this. you can play this one the beach or on a court
  8. both genders can play. you hit a ball over a net back and forth
  9. two teams of players use long-handled, racket like implements to catch, carry, or throw a ball down the field or into the opponents' goal.
  1. a sport that includes athletic contests based on running, jumping, and throwing skills
  2. A girls sport where you hit the ball and field it
  3. a sport that involves two teams of swimmers competing to get a ball into the opposing team's goal in order to score the most points
  4. both genders can play this sport, but uses a basket and a net
  5. not limited only to perform asanas, but also includes the practice of kriyas, Pranayama, Mudras and Meditation by the participants.
  6. The object of the game is to ground the ball behind the opponent's try line, into what is called the in-goal area
  7. teaches participants how to move, roll, jump, swing and turn upside down.
  8. sport of riding or traveling by bicycle, motorcycle, etc
  9. a sport that involves strategically punching an opponent while defending yourself from their return punches
  10. a boys sport where you hit the ball and field it
  11. both genders can play. you go laps back in forth till you when. has to do with water

20 Clues: sports males play. you play on a ice rinka boys sport where you hit the ball and field itA girls sport where you hit the ball and field itmales play. uses a 100 yard fields. tackling or flagboth genders can play. You kick the ball into a of riding or traveling by bicycle, motorcycle, etc...

Sports 2022-10-10

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Like badminton
  2. American football
  3. Sand Haikyu
  4. Play on ice
  5. Like tennis
  6. Florentino
  7. Haikyu
  8. John Cena
  9. Game
  10. Jump high
  11. Buoyancy force Fb=DVg
  1. Ultra instinct
  2. Use hand to do something
  3. UFO
  4. Do something on table
  5. Base + ⚾️
  6. NBA
  7. Jump long
  8. FIFA
  9. The Flash

20 Clues: UFONBAFIFAGameHaikyuBase + ⚾️Jump longJohn CenaThe FlashJump highFlorentinoSand HaikyuPlay on iceLike tennisUltra instinctLike badmintonAmerican footballDo something on tableBuoyancy force Fb=DVgUse hand to do something

Sports 2022-09-07

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. played on the beach with a ball and a head-high net
  2. moving up and down a pool in water
  3. an equestrian sport involving riding a horse
  4. a sport that was only played at 1 Olympic Games, in 1900
  5. played with an oval ball
  6. also known as ping-pong
  7. a game played with mini arrows in aim to get 500 points first
  8. an Olympic sport to lift the most weight
  9. hitting a ball at a wall with a tennis bat
  10. a form of basketball, commonly played by girls
  11. a popular sport where you hit the ball over a net to score points
  1. riding a bike
  2. a 10 pony game where the maximum score is 300 points
  3. a form of tennis, played with a shuttlecock
  4. also considered a martial art, punch the opponent to knock them out
  5. played with a spherical ball
  6. a sport where you can hit a half century or a century by making runs
  7. the NBA is a league of this sport
  8. running a long distance
  9. a marathon involving swimming, cycling and running
  10. jumping off a plank into a pool
  11. could be a game or sport, but mainly strategy based
  12. Tiger Woods plays this
  13. throw the ball nearest the jack

24 Clues: riding a bikeTiger Woods plays thisrunning a long distancealso known as ping-pongplayed with an oval ballplayed with a spherical balljumping off a plank into a poolthrow the ball nearest the jackthe NBA is a league of this sportmoving up and down a pool in wateran Olympic sport to lift the most weighthitting a ball at a wall with a tennis bat...

Sports 2016-11-14

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Segling
  2. Mål
  3. Basketboll
  4. Cykel
  5. Fotboll
  6. Baseboll
  7. Tennis
  8. Judo
  9. Träningsöverall
  10. Sport
  11. Lag
  12. Boxning
  1. Skidåkning Skidor
  2. Boll
  3. games olympiska spel
  4. Skridskoåkning
  5. Fotbollsskor
  6. Tennis Bord Tennis
  7. Målvakt
  8. Badminton
  9. Rugby

21 Clues: MålLagBollJudoCykelSportRugbyTennisSeglingMålvaktFotbollBoxningBasebollBadmintonBasketbollFotbollsskorSkridskoåkningTräningsöverallSkidåkning SkidorTennis Bord Tennisgames olympiska spel

Sports 2017-01-14

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Most playoff games in a row with a home run
  2. 2015 #1 NCAA football team
  3. 9 French Open Wins
  4. 2015 4th best NCAA football team
  5. Last Triple Crown in Horse Racing
  6. Most NCAA basketball championships
  7. Won 1986 world series
  8. Best 2015 NBA record
  9. First world series winner (name now)
  10. Ronaldo's team
  11. Sport returning in the 2020 summer olympics
  12. In 1918 _____ won the Stanley Cup
  13. 1982 #1 NCAA football team
  14. 7 Wimbledon wins
  15. 2022 winter olympic place
  16. Won 2016 world series
  1. 2015 Heisman Trophy winner
  2. 1992 and 1991 NCAA championships
  3. Worst MLB 2015 win-loss record
  4. MLB player broke his leg because some moron slid into him
  5. In 1993 _____ won the Stanley Cup
  6. Won 2015 world series
  7. Has 4 PGA champ.
  8. 46 gold metals in the 2016 summer olympics
  9. 4 bronze medals in the 2016 summer olympics
  10. Won 2002 Super Bowl
  11. 100-62 MLB 2015 win-loss record
  12. QB that passed for 36 TD in 2015
  13. Messi's team
  14. 800m freestyle world record
  15. QB inducted into in 2016
  16. 1968 Super Bowl winner
  17. Won 2015 NBA championship

33 Clues: Messi's teamRonaldo's teamHas 4 PGA champ.7 Wimbledon wins9 French Open WinsWon 2002 Super BowlBest 2015 NBA recordWon 2015 world seriesWon 1986 world seriesWon 2016 world series1968 Super Bowl winnerQB inducted into in 20162022 winter olympic placeWon 2015 NBA championship2015 Heisman Trophy winner2015 #1 NCAA football team...

Sports 2018-02-15

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. pozicija
  2. jump tallekšana
  3. events sporta notikums
  4. pretinieks
  5. airobika
  6. slidotava
  7. kapteinis
  8. komandas biedrs
  9. serfotajs
  10. futbolists
  11. tiesnesis
  12. volejbols
  13. up uzņemt ātrumu
  14. ledus hokejs
  15. galda tenis
  16. vieglatletika
  17. fināls
  18. regbijs
  19. motokross
  20. race soļošanas sacensibas
  21. fans
  22. karatē
  23. turnirs
  1. judo
  2. iegūt punktu
  3. burāšana
  4. komplekts
  5. golfa zāle
  6. slēpošana
  7. sancensis
  8. rezultats
  9. skatitajs
  10. stadions
  11. lok šausana
  12. vārtsargs
  13. vadība
  14. līga
  15. hokeja nūja
  16. tenis
  17. cīkstēšanās
  18. treneris
  19. boks
  20. kvalificeties
  21. peldēšana
  22. rings
  23. growtopija
  24. sporta zāle
  25. atlēts
  26. medaļa
  27. spēlētajs
  28. skvošs

51 Clues: judolīgaboksfanstenisringsvadībafinālsatlētsmedaļaskvošskaratēregbijsturnirspozicijaburāšanastadionsairobikatreneriskomplektsslēpošanasancensisrezultatsskatitajsslidotavakapteinisvārtsargsserfotajstiesnesisvolejbolspeldēšanamotokrossspēlētajsgolfa zālepretinieksfutbolistsgrowtopijalok šausanahokeja nūjacīkstēšanāsgalda tenissporta zāleiegūt punktu...

SPORTS 2017-10-04

SPORTS crossword puzzle
  1. Play on an ice rink
  2. Team of 2 members, play outdoor, usually on the beach
  3. Tour of France, need a bike
  4. Combat sport, need protective gloves
  5. Winter sport, have to jumpimg ramp
  6. Winter Olympic game, need snow, have to be fast, slaloms
  7. On ice rink, using skates, practice with music
  8. Need a car, have to be the first at the end
  9. American typical sport, league MLB
  1. 15 members in a team, play outdoor, leagues RSL,NRFL
  2. Dance in the water
  3. 7 players, use hand or arm, two period of 30 minutes, need a ball
  4. Race with horses
  5. Play with shuttlecock
  6. Need a ball, most famous sport in the world
  7. Have to be fast in the water
  8. Can be played single or doubles, need a racket
  9. Run fast
  10. Sport indoor, 5 members per side, NBA sport
  11. Play outdoor, need clubs and balls

20 Clues: Run fastRace with horsesDance in the waterPlay on an ice rinkPlay with shuttlecockTour of France, need a bikeHave to be fast in the waterWinter sport, have to jumpimg rampPlay outdoor, need clubs and ballsAmerican typical sport, league MLBCombat sport, need protective glovesNeed a ball, most famous sport in the world...

Sports 2019-04-23

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. / Hands up
  2. / Goalie or Keeper
  3. / Bars and back hand spring
  4. Skating / Figure eights
  5. / Touchdown
  6. / To the mats
  7. / Round the bases
  8. / Serve the ball
  9. / short distance or long distance
  10. / Black Belt
  1. / Strike
  2. / Rackets
  3. / Just keep ...
  4. / Nothing but net
  5. / Fast and slow kind
  6. / Hole in one
  7. Riding / Galloping
  8. / Dead Center... 10 points
  9. Climbing / Rock Scaling... climb the wall
  10. Hockey / Pucks on ice

20 Clues: / Strike/ Hands up/ Rackets/ Touchdown/ Black Belt/ Hole in one/ To the mats/ Just keep .../ Serve the ball/ Nothing but netRiding / Galloping/ Round the bases/ Goalie or Keeper/ Fast and slow kindHockey / Pucks on iceSkating / Figure eights/ Dead Center... 10 points/ Bars and back hand spring/ short distance or long distance...

Sports 2019-04-22

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. / Just keep ...
  2. / Goalie or Keeper
  3. / short distance or long distance
  4. / Touchdown
  5. / Back hand spring or bars
  6. / Hole in one
  7. / Rackets
  8. / Black Belts
  9. / Dead center... 10 points
  10. / Serve the ball
  1. / Strike
  2. / Bulls eye
  3. Skating / Figure eights
  4. / To the mats
  5. Riding / Galloping
  6. / Nothing but net
  7. / Fast and slow kind
  8. / Round the bases
  9. Hockey / Pucks on ice
  10. / Arms up

20 Clues: / Strike/ Rackets/ Arms up/ Touchdown/ Bulls eye/ Black Belts/ To the mats/ Hole in one/ Just keep .../ Serve the ball/ Nothing but netRiding / Galloping/ Round the bases/ Goalie or Keeper/ Fast and slow kindHockey / Pucks on iceSkating / Figure eights/ Back hand spring or bars/ Dead center... 10 points/ short distance or long distance

Sports 2019-04-23

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. / Dead Center... 10 points
  2. / Hole in one
  3. / Bars and back hand spring
  4. / Rackets
  5. Hockey / Pucks on ice
  6. / short distance or long distance
  7. / Round the bases
  8. / Black Belt
  9. / Serve the ball
  1. Climbing / Rock Scaling... climb the wall
  2. / Strike
  3. / To the mats
  4. / Just keep ...
  5. / Hands up
  6. / Touchdown
  7. / Nothing but net
  8. / Fast and slow kind
  9. / Goalie or Keeper
  10. Skating / Figure eights
  11. Riding / Galloping

20 Clues: / Strike/ Hands up/ Rackets/ Touchdown/ Black Belt/ To the mats/ Hole in one/ Just keep .../ Serve the ball/ Nothing but net/ Round the basesRiding / Galloping/ Goalie or Keeper/ Fast and slow kindHockey / Pucks on iceSkating / Figure eights/ Dead Center... 10 points/ Bars and back hand spring/ short distance or long distance...

Sports 2019-05-23

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. piłka nożna
  2. spadochroniarstwo
  3. koszykówka
  4. kolarstwo
  5. lotniarstwo
  6. boks
  7. bejsbol
  8. jazda konna
  9. kręgle
  10. ścigać się
  11. łyżwiarstwo
  1. siatkówka
  2. wspinaczka
  3. żeglarstwo
  4. przeciąganie liny
  5. jazdaq na deskorolce
  6. aerobik
  7. skakać do wody
  8. hokej
  9. pływać

20 Clues: bokshokejkręglepływaćbejsbolaerobiksiatkówkakolarstwowspinaczkażeglarstwokoszykówkaścigać siępiłka nożnalotniarstwojazda konnałyżwiarstwoskakać do wodyspadochroniarstwoprzeciąganie linyjazdaq na deskorolce

Sports 2018-10-31

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. a board game of strategic skill for two players
  2. a sport of unarmed combat derived from jujistu and intended to train the body and mind
  3. the athletic event or sport of throwing the javelin
  4. the sport or activity of lifting barbels or other heavy weights
  5. a game with racket in which a shuttlecock is played back and forth across a net
  6. a game for two teams usually six players
  7. a game played on a large open- air course
  8. a lawn game similar to boules, played chiefly in Provence
  9. the sport or practice of fighting with the fists
  10. a game played on billiard table with pockets
  1. the sport of fighting with swords
  2. the sport of pastime climbing rock faces
  3. a modified form of soccer played with five players per side on a smaller
  4. a game played between two teams of five players
  5. a long-distance running race
  6. a game in which two or five players strike a ball with rackets over a net stretched across a court
  7. British term for soccer
  8. the activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs
  9. the sport or activity of swimming or exploring water
  10. a game in which participants simulate military combat using air guns to shoot capsules of paint at each other

20 Clues: British term for soccera long-distance running racethe sport of fighting with swordsthe sport of pastime climbing rock facesa game for two teams usually six playersa game played on a large open- air coursea game played on billiard table with pocketsa game played between two teams of five playersa board game of strategic skill for two players...

SPORTS 2019-10-22

SPORTS crossword puzzle
  1. sports testing set
  2. it is played with a bate and a ball
  3. japan traditional combat sport
  4. bull
  5. it is played with a ball and two baskets
  6. it is played with a stik and a ball
  7. it's an american sport
  8. poll
  9. sakte
  1. it is played with a ball,rakets and a net
  2. ARTS sel defense sport
  3. it is played with a ball and a stadium
  4. it is played with a ball and a net
  5. it si practicide in the sea
  6. it is played with a table and
  7. sport surfing with a kite
  8. bike
  9. physical and mental discipline
  10. RIDING horse
  11. it is done in winter

20 Clues: bullbikepollsakteRIDING horsesports testing setit is done in winterARTS sel defense sportit's an american sportsport surfing with a kiteit si practicide in the seait is played with a table andjapan traditional combat sportphysical and mental disciplineit is played with a ball and a netit is played with a bate and a ball...

sports 2019-10-22

sports crossword puzzle
  1. you can see a lot of fishs
  2. the players are veryb tall
  3. it consist on sliding on a skateboard
  4. people dance with rollerblades on hockey
  5. the balls of these sport are green
  6. if a person hits you too mighty it will hurt you
  7. you need a lot of flexiblity
  8. you make different postures
  9. is a bat-and-ball game
  10. it's like football with your hands
  11. the board is full of black and withe squares
  1. if you haven't got rollerblades you can't do this
  2. you need a racket and a pair to play these
  3. the terrain is full of grass mounts
  4. sharks can hurt you
  5. there are 11 players
  6. you have to run very fast because is a race
  7. is like hockey but on ice
  8. there are thiferent corridors and diferent balls to play these
  9. you need an arc to practice this sport

20 Clues: sharks can hurt youthere are 11 playersis a bat-and-ball gameis like hockey but on iceyou can see a lot of fishsthe players are veryb tallyou make different posturesyou need a lot of flexiblitythe balls of these sport are greenit's like football with your handsthe terrain is full of grass mountsit consist on sliding on a skateboard...

SPORTS 2019-12-08

SPORTS crossword puzzle
  1. You have to run anda jump as far you can.
  2. You have tothrow the javalin and get it thrown as far as possible.
  3. It's an elegant sport, you need to be flexible.
  4. A team plays against another team and it usually plays onthe beach with a ball and a net.
  5. You have to do rhythm movements with music.
  6. There are two players and you play with a racket a net but you don't use a ball, you use another thing.
  7. You have to put the small ball in the hole in the ground and you use a golf stck for hit the ball.
  8. You play with the hand and a wood ball, you have to hit the ball against the wall.
  9. Two people fight until one falls to the ground.
  10. You have to hit the ball with a bat and run.
  11. It's similar to tennis but on a covered track and with a different type of racket.
  1. You use roller skaties and you do jumps and pirouettes.
  2. It consists of knowing how to defend.
  3. You do in the water and it consists of getting from one place to another in different ways.
  4. Consists of running very fast.
  5. You play with the hands, you need a ball and a hoop.
  6. There are two or four players, it plays on a table, you need paddles and a net to put on the table.
  7. You play with the foots, it's very famous because you can watch it on the TV and the people like it.
  8. you play on an ice rink and you use ice skaties.
  9. There are two or four players, you need a racket, a ned and a ball.

20 Clues: Consists of running very fast.It consists of knowing how to defend.You have to run anda jump as far you can.You have to do rhythm movements with music.You have to hit the ball with a bat and run.It's an elegant sport, you need to be flexible.Two people fight until one falls to the play on an ice rink and you use ice skaties....

sports 2023-05-10

sports crossword puzzle
  1. the place were football matches are played
  2. a place where you can build muscle
  3. a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team
  4. to stop a flying ball
  5. the person in charge of a sports team
  6. In an illegal position ahead of the ball
  7. a group of sports clubs which play each other over a period for a championship
  8. a sport that is played with 11 people in 1 team
  9. shoes with spikes on it
  10. to win from somebody
  11. a sport that is played with a oval shaped ball
  1. the form or shape of a person's body
  2. skating on water
  3. a cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success.
  4. to finish a contest or game with an even score; tie
  5. the ball you trow in hoops
  6. the interval between the first and second halves of a game
  7. activity requiring physical effort
  8. a person whose paid occupation is playing a sport
  9. a person who takes part in a competition or a sporting contest
  10. a person who supports a particular sport, team or player

21 Clues: skating on waterto win from somebodyto stop a flying ballshoes with spikes on itthe ball you trow in hoopsa place where you can build muscleactivity requiring physical effortthe form or shape of a person's bodythe person in charge of a sports teamIn an illegal position ahead of the ballthe place were football matches are played...

sports 2023-05-16

sports crossword puzzle
  1. Hit the ball into the hole
  2. pass a ball using their hands with the aim of throwing it into the goal of the other team
  3. Hit the ball over the net
  4. Prix motorcycle racing is the premier class of motorcycle road racing
  5. usually wearing protective gloves, throw punches at each other for a predetermined amount of time in a boxing ring.
  6. Throw the ball into the hoop
  7. pitch with a wicket at each end, each comprising two bails balanced on three stumps
  8. Race down the mountain
  9. Race with bikes to finish line
  10. Shout as loud as you can and support your team
  11. race a distance on horses
  1. QB throws ball to WR
  2. Knock the pins down with the ball
  3. Hit the stripes or solid ball into the hole
  4. throws and takedowns, joint locks, pins and other grappling holds.
  5. using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net.
  6. Do flips for points
  7. Aim in the middle of the board
  8. Hit the pucket into the net
  9. Hit the ball with a racket
  10. Kick the ball into the net
  11. Time limit to see how fast you can swim
  12. Steal the componnets pieces
  13. Race to the finish line

24 Clues: Do flips for pointsQB throws ball to WRRace down the mountainRace to the finish lineHit the ball over the netrace a distance on horsesHit the ball into the holeHit the ball with a racketKick the ball into the netHit the pucket into the netSteal the componnets piecesThrow the ball into the hoopAim in the middle of the board...

Sports 2023-05-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. a sport played at the collegiate level
  2. Someone who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise.
  3. The activity or condition of competing.
  4. fair and generous behavior or treatment of others, especially in a sports contest.
  5. a game in which a small hard ball is struck with a club into a series of small holes in the ground
  6. a team game played with an oval ball that may be kicked, carried, and passed from hand to hand. Points are scored by grounding the ball behind the opponents' goal line
  7. an unfair or invalid stroke or piece of play, especially one involving interference with an opponent.
  8. a ball game played between two teams of nine on a field with a diamond-shaped circuit of four bases.
  9. a game played by two teams in which each team tries to kick, run with, or throw the ball across the opposing team's goal line to score
  10. a game with rackets in which a shuttlecock is played back and forth across a net.
  11. a game in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed above each end of the court.
  12. an official, in a variety of sports and competition, responsible for enforcing the rules of the sport
  1. a game in which players in a circle try to hit opponents inside the circle, thus eliminating them, with an inflated ball.
  2. a fast contact sport played on an ice rink between two teams of six skaters, who attempt to drive a small rubber disk into the opposing goal
  3. a game played by two teams of eleven players with a round ball that may not be touched with the hands or arms during play except by the goalkeepers.
  4. the removal of a participant from a contest due to a violation of the sport's rules
  5. sports leagues, tournaments and competitions held within one university
  6. (a sporting event) taking place after the end of the regular season.
  7. a game in which a large ball is hit by hand over a high net, the aim being to score points by making the ball reach the ground on the opponent's side of the court
  8. an additional game or period of play that decides the outcome of a tied contest.
  9. the portion of one year in which regulated games of the sport are in session
  10. a game where you strike a ball with rackets over a net with a felt-covered hollow rubber ball
  11. the action of resisting attack.
  12. action of attacking or engaging an opposing team with the objective of scoring points or goals.
  13. a game played inside, in which you roll a heavy ball down a track to try to knock down a group of pins

25 Clues: the action of resisting attack.a sport played at the collegiate levelThe activity or condition of competing.(a sporting event) taking place after the end of the regular season.sports leagues, tournaments and competitions held within one universitySomeone who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise....

Sports 2023-05-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. uses a medium size ball and has to get it over a net
  2. A broad game that uses a king and a queen
  3. Someone that teaches the players
  4. Like lawn bowling but played on a shorter and trying to get the ball closer to the jack(ball)
  5. you are aiming at a target to hit and use a bow and arrow
  6. You are outside and race people to the finish line
  7. You use a small racket and try to get the birdy over the net
  8. You play this outside and have to wear a helmet and American sport
  9. A person that is athletic and plays sports
  10. A sport that involves flipping, tumbling and swinging in 4 events
  11. You are in the water
  12. You are on a matt and try to pin your opponent down
  1. A sport that uses a racket and small neon yellow ball
  2. You use a club and a and it is played outside
  3. you play this outside and use your feet and call GOAL when you make a point
  4. You use an orange medium size ball and get it in the hoop
  5. You are in a car and race other people
  6. On ice and use a puck and a stick
  7. you are in a ring and use gloves and fight someone
  8. Use a wicket and ball played against two teams
  9. you use a small white ball with red stitches, a glove, and a bat
  10. People that are on the same team playing together
  11. A sport that uses a small neon yellow ball and girls play it
  12. A sport that involves body movements to music
  13. the ball is thrown, caught, and carried with a long-handled stick having a curved L-shaped
  14. You are inside and use a heavy ball to knock over some pins

26 Clues: You are in the waterSomeone that teaches the playersOn ice and use a puck and a stickYou are in a car and race other peopleA broad game that uses a king and a queenA person that is athletic and plays sportsA sport that involves body movements to musicYou use a club and a and it is played outsideUse a wicket and ball played against two teams...

Sports 2023-05-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. has arrows and a target
  2. orange/black ball
  3. bat and ball but not baseball
  4. has courses on hills
  5. deals with a bike
  6. use of a sword that bends
  7. deals with the water
  8. deals with rallying
  9. oversized ping pong
  10. bright highlighter balls
  11. grappling with people in matches
  1. has pucks and ice
  2. deals with beams/mats
  3. has pom poms, chants, and routines
  4. has bats
  5. has a birdy
  6. deals with waves
  7. deals with the snow/uses sticks
  8. net-like stick for catching/throwing the ball
  9. heavy ball that knocks down pins
  10. every player wears a helmet
  11. has weights
  12. ball has mini hexagons on it
  13. can be on ice or on a sidewalk
  14. has padded gloves

25 Clues: has batshas a birdyhas weightsdeals with waveshas pucks and iceorange/black balldeals with a bikehas padded glovesdeals with rallyingoversized ping ponghas courses on hillsdeals with the waterdeals with beams/matshas arrows and a targetbright highlighter ballsuse of a sword that bendsevery player wears a helmetball has mini hexagons on it...

Sports 2023-05-14

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. (Stroke to roll a golf ball into the hole)
  2. (Contest between two individuals or teams)
  3. (One stroke under par in golf)
  4. (Forceful downward hit in volleyball)
  5. (Retrieving a missed shot in basketball)
  6. (A barrier to be cleared in track and field)
  7. (Score in American football by carrying or catching the ball over the opposing team's goal line)
  8. (Ski race with gates)
  9. (Athletics event where a spear is thrown)
  10. (A perfect serve in tennis)
  1. (Stroke in tennis or table tennis played with the non-dominant hand)
  2. (Controlled movement of a ball with feet or hands)
  3. run (A hit that allows the batter to score a run in baseball)
  4. (Small disc used in ice hockey)
  5. (Short, fast race)
  6. (Beginning shot in tennis or volleyball)
  7. (Punishment for breaking a rule in a sport)
  8. (Soccer player who defends the net)
  9. (A rule violation in any sport)
  10. (Official who enforces the rules in a sport)

20 Clues: (Short, fast race)(Ski race with gates)(A perfect serve in tennis)(One stroke under par in golf)(Small disc used in ice hockey)(A rule violation in any sport)(Soccer player who defends the net)(Forceful downward hit in volleyball)(Beginning shot in tennis or volleyball)(Retrieving a missed shot in basketball)...

sports 2023-05-25

sports crossword puzzle
  1. jazda na nartach
  2. zły
  3. bieżnia
  4. nurek
  5. szermierka
  6. zawstydzony
  7. kolarz
  8. znudzony
  9. lekkoatletyka
  10. zdenerwowany
  11. konkurs
  12. bramkarz
  1. kolarstwo
  2. wdzięczny
  3. sędzia
  4. rozczarowany
  5. boisko
  6. kij basebollowy
  7. nurkowanie
  8. zmieszany
  9. przerażony
  10. podekscytowany
  11. przestraszony
  12. pewny siebie

24 Clues: złynureksędziaboiskokolarzbieżniakonkursznudzonybramkarzkolarstwowdzięcznyzmieszanyszermierkanurkowanieprzerażonyzawstydzonyrozczarowanyzdenerwowanypewny siebielekkoatletykaprzestraszonypodekscytowanykij basebollowyjazda na nartach

Sports 2023-05-21

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. - Japanese martial art based on throwing and grappling techniques.
  2. - Team sport where a ball is shot into a hoop.
  3. - Sport in which players hit a ball with sticks.
  4. - Physical activity involving rhythmic movements and acrobatics.
  5. - Team game with physical contact and an oval ball.
  6. - Water activity that involves moving through the water.
  7. - The most popular sport in the world, played with a ball.
  8. - Korean martial art focusing on high-speed kicks.
  9. - Activity involving sliding on wheels or blades.
  10. - Combat sport involving grappling and takedowns.
  11. - Water sport in which waves are ridden.
  12. - Team game where a ball is hit over a net.
  1. 1 - High-speed car racing sport.
  2. - Combat sport where opponents punch each other.
  3. - Collection of sports including running, jumping, and throwing.
  4. - Sport practiced on bicycles.
  5. - Played with rackets and a ball on a divided court.
  6. - Game in which players hit a ball into holes using clubs.
  7. - Sport in which individuals ascend walls or mountains using specific techniques.
  8. - Martial art emphasizing punches and kicks.
  9. - Racket game where a shuttlecock is hit over a net.
  10. - Art of combat with bladed weapons.
  11. - Activity in which individuals glide over snow using skis.
  12. - Activity in which arrows are shot at a target using a bow.
  13. - Team game with bats, balls, and bases.

25 Clues: - Sport practiced on bicycles.1 - High-speed car racing sport.- Art of combat with bladed weapons.- Team game with bats, balls, and bases.- Water sport in which waves are ridden.- Team game where a ball is hit over a net.- Martial art emphasizing punches and kicks.- Team sport where a ball is shot into a hoop....

sports 2023-06-01

sports crossword puzzle
  1. A sport that performs to motivate sports teams, to entertain the audience, or for competition
  2. You run and some times do hurdles depending on which one you do
  3. Having a four run homer in this sport is called a grand slam
  4. Players use wax on the ball to keep grip
  5. This sport includes pullups,squats,lifting weights
  6. A poplar athlete in this sport is Muhammad Ali
  7. A winter sport involving a board
  8. A popular athlete in this sport is Michael Phelps
  9. This sport has the the highest average attendance in the world
  10. A sport that is played between 60 and 90 minutes and includes up to 3 sets being played
  11. This sport is popular in India that is played with a wooden paddle
  12. The finals are called world cup
  13. you play 18 holes
  14. This sport was originally a form of transportation in the mountain of Europe
  1. Played with a a wiffle ball
  2. Serena Williams is the highest paid women in this sport
  3. They do beams,bars,floor and vault
  4. They wear a tight cap playing handball in the water
  5. A game of many names that is played with two paddles and a ball
  6. The game was invented by James Naismith
  7. They wear tutus to dance
  8. A martial arts sport that shows the objective to pin the opponent
  9. the goal is triangular shaped

23 Clues: you play 18 holesThey wear tutus to dancePlayed with a a wiffle ballthe goal is triangular shapedThe finals are called world cupA winter sport involving a boardThey do beams,bars,floor and vaultThe game was invented by James NaismithPlayers use wax on the ball to keep gripA poplar athlete in this sport is Muhammad Ali...

Sports 2023-06-22

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Combat sport involving punching and defensive techniques
  2. arts Various combat sports or systems of self-defense, like karate or judo
  3. Sport involving exercises to display agility, strength, and flexibility
  4. Popular sport played with a round ball
  5. Racquet sport played with a shuttlecock over a net
  6. Bat-and-ball sport played on a diamond-shaped field
  7. Racquet sport played on a court
  8. Sport or activity of grappling with an opponent using holds and techniques
  9. Collection of sporting events including running, jumping, and throwing
  10. Sport played on a large outdoor course using clubs and balls
  1. Sport of riding bicycles, either competitively or recreationally
  2. Sport or activity of moving through water
  3. Team sport played on ice or field with sticks and a puck or ball
  4. Bat-and-ball sport played on a grass field
  5. Team sport played with a ball and a net
  6. Team sport played with an oval ball, primarily in Europe and Oceania
  7. Team sport played with a ball and hoops
  8. Sport of riding ocean waves on a surfboard
  9. skating Sport of performing jumps, spins, and other moves on ice
  10. Sport or activity of gliding over snow on skis

20 Clues: Racquet sport played on a courtPopular sport played with a round ballTeam sport played with a ball and a netTeam sport played with a ball and hoopsSport or activity of moving through waterBat-and-ball sport played on a grass fieldSport of riding ocean waves on a surfboardSport or activity of gliding over snow on skis...

Sports 2023-08-13

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Arrows and bullseye precision.
  2. Flips, balance, and routines.
  3. Tackles, tries, and tough play.
  4. Dribbling and hoops in a dynamic court game.
  5. Speeding through races.
  6. Arts Disciplines of self-defense and skill.
  7. Grappling and physical contests.
  8. Shuttlecocks and fast-paced court fun.
  9. Pedals and bike races.
  1. Nets, spikes, and team play.
  2. Pucks, sticks, and high-speed action.
  3. Racquets, serves, and court battles.
  4. Wickets, runs, and strategic matches.
  5. Global sport, no hands allowed.
  6. Gliding on blades or wheels.
  7. Holes, clubs, and precision.
  8. Diamonds, innings, and bat-and-ball.
  9. Strokes and water athleticism.
  10. Ropes, jabs, and the ring.
  11. Oars and water challenges.

20 Clues: Pedals and bike races.Speeding through races.Ropes, jabs, and the ring.Oars and water challenges.Nets, spikes, and team play.Gliding on blades or wheels.Holes, clubs, and precision.Flips, balance, and routines.Arrows and bullseye precision.Strokes and water athleticism.Global sport, no hands allowed.Tackles, tries, and tough play....

Sports 2023-07-10

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. ドッジボール
  2. ボクシング
  3. 野球
  4. 陸上 (りくじょう)
  5. テニス
  6. 水泳 (すいえい)
  7. サーフィン
  8. ボウリング
  9. スケートボード
  10. 空手 (からて)
  11. サイクリング
  12. ラグビー
  13. ソフトボール
  14. ダンス
  15. 卓球 (たっきゅう)
  16. 剣道 (けんどう)
  17. アーチェリー
  18. チア (チアリーディング)
  1. バレーボール
  2. ゴルフ
  3. フィギュアスケート
  4. クリケット
  5. 柔道 (じゅうどう)
  6. スノーボード
  7. スキー
  8. 体操 (たいそう)
  9. バスケットボール
  10. フェンシング
  11. サッカー
  12. バドミントン
  13. アイスホッケー

31 Clues: 野球ゴルフテニススキーダンスサッカーラグビーボクシングクリケットサーフィンボウリングバレーボールドッジボールスノーボードフェンシングサイクリングバドミントンソフトボールアーチェリースケートボードアイスホッケーバスケットボール空手 (からて)フィギュアスケート水泳 (すいえい)体操 (たいそう)剣道 (けんどう)柔道 (じゅうどう)陸上 (りくじょう)卓球 (たっきゅう)チア (チアリーディング)

Sports 2023-07-07

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. A South Korean Martial Art
  2. Tennis with baguettes
  3. National Sport of Thailand
  4. International Competition where people compete to be the best in all sports
  5. Not Futbol
  6. water
  7. The sport that starts with a kickoff
  8. blend of all martial arts
  9. tennis but deep fried
  10. Tiger Woods
  11. Martial Art where you can win by ippon
  12. Brazilian version of japanese martial art
  13. Tennis but in the Down Under
  14. Best Competitive Eater
  15. America's Pastime
  16. International Competition of Soccer(not Futball)
  17. Mike Tyson but with legs
  18. Brain and Brawn
  1. tennis competition that is played on grass
  2. "Float like a Butterfly, Sting like a bee"
  3. Whoever lifts the heaviest weight wins
  4. water but in a boat
  5. rocks
  6. International Competition where people compete to be the best in all sports, but special
  7. Not Real Athletes that live in their mom's basement in their 40s
  8. Brain
  9. It is Known as the Art of Eight Limbs
  10. The sport that pandas do
  11. Grappling Based martial art that comes from Russia
  12. Sport where you spike balls over a net
  13. Jumpman
  14. Serena Williams
  15. Ronnie Coleman

33 Clues: rockswaterBrainJumpmanNot FutbolTiger WoodsRonnie ColemanSerena WilliamsBrain and BrawnAmerica's Pastimewater but in a boatTennis with baguettestennis but deep friedBest Competitive EaterThe sport that pandas doMike Tyson but with legsblend of all martial artsA South Korean Martial ArtNational Sport of ThailandTennis but in the Down Under...

Sports 2023-07-05

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. home of Seahawks
  2. hockey arena
  3. UW teams
  4. Kraken
  5. baseball league
  6. Sounders
  7. hockey team
  8. women's basketball league
  9. football
  10. WSU teams
  11. hockey league
  1. home of Mariners
  2. soccer
  3. football league
  4. quarterback
  5. Seahawks
  6. baseball team
  7. Mariners
  8. football coach
  9. women's basketball team

20 Clues: soccerKrakenSeahawksUW teamsSoundersMarinersfootballWSU teamsquarterbackhockey teamhockey arenabaseball teamhockey leaguefootball coachfootball leaguebaseball leaguehome of Marinershome of Seahawkswomen's basketball teamwomen's basketball league

sports 2023-07-06

sports crossword puzzle
  1. HOCKEY - Fast-paced sport played on ice, involving skating and shooting a puck into the opponent's net.
  2. - Bat-and-ball sport played between two teams, known for its long matches.
  3. - Sport played with a bat and ball between two teams, involving fielding and hitting.
  4. - Popular team sport played with a round ball and goals.
  5. - Combat sport involving grappling techniques and pinning an opponent to the ground.
  6. ONE - High-speed auto racing sport featuring specialized open-wheel racing cars.
  7. - Sport played with racquets and a shuttlecock, over a net, in singles or doubles matches.
  8. - Sport involving physical exercises, flexibility, balance, and coordination.
  9. TENNIS - Indoor sport played on a table, involving small paddles and a lightweight ball.
  10. - Game in which players use clubs to hit a small ball into a series of holes on a course.
  1. - Sport or recreational activity of riding and performing tricks on a skateboard.
  2. - Collection of sporting events including track and field, sprints, jumps, and throws.
  3. - Winter sport that involves descending a snow-covered slope on a board.
  4. - Sport or activity of riding bicycles, often in races or long-distance rides.
  5. - Game played with two teams aiming to score points by shooting a ball through a hoop.
  6. - Contact team sport played with an oval-shaped ball, involving tackling and scoring tries.
  7. - Team sport played with a ball over a net, involving passing, setting, and spiking.
  8. - Activity or sport of moving through water using one's limbs.
  9. - Sport played with rackets and a ball, usually in singles or doubles matches.
  10. - Combat sport involving punching and defense within a roped square ring.

20 Clues: - Popular team sport played with a round ball and goals.- Activity or sport of moving through water using one's limbs.- Winter sport that involves descending a snow-covered slope on a board.- Combat sport involving punching and defense within a roped square ring.- Bat-and-ball sport played between two teams, known for its long matches....

sports 2023-12-14

sports crossword puzzle
  1. punteggio
  2. avversario
  3. partita
  4. calciare la palla
  5. fischietto
  6. mazza (da baseball)
  7. arbitro
  8. piacevole
  9. disabilità
  10. campo (da pallavolo)
  11. tiro con l'arco
  12. velocità
  13. sedia a rotelle
  14. creare/inventare
  15. perdere
  16. arrivare ultimo/a
  17. pista da pattinaggio
  18. praticare uno sport (ex: skiing)
  19. sport individuale
  1. compagno di squadra
  2. ciclismo
  3. racchetta
  4. vincere un premio
  5. coraggio
  6. mazza da golf
  7. dolore
  8. rimanere in forma
  9. praticare uno sport (ex: athletics)
  10. lanciare la palla
  11. giocare (ex: volleyball)
  12. determinato
  13. allenatore
  14. modello di riferimento
  15. appassionato
  16. ping pong
  17. ottenere
  18. campo (da calcio)
  19. passione

38 Clues: dolorepartitaarbitroperdereciclismocoraggiovelocitàottenerepassionepunteggioracchettapiacevoleping pongavversariofischiettodisabilitàallenatoredeterminatoappassionatomazza da golftiro con l'arcosedia a rotellecreare/inventarevincere un premiocalciare la pallarimanere in formalanciare la pallacampo (da calcio)arrivare ultimo/asport individuale...

SPORTS 2023-11-14

SPORTS crossword puzzle
  9. BIKE
  12. DANCE
  5. TEAM
  10. PLAY
  11. SWIM
  12. RUN
  13. GOLF


sports 2023-12-13

sports crossword puzzle
  1. What sport did Wagner famously play?
  2. what is it called when a person loses control of the ball before they get tackled,have a chance to score, or go out of bounds?
  3. how many points does it take to bowl a perfect game?
  4. If you had tickets to Game 5 of the NBA Finals on June 11, 1997, you would witness Michael Jordan's iconic "flu game" in what city?
  5. what sport was the movie 'Creed' based off of?
  6. how many sports exist
  7. What sport joins ice hockey as one of two national sports of Canada?
  8. What part of the body can't touch the ball in soccer?
  9. What since-relocated baseball team did Babe Ruth coach for a year after retiring?
  10. How many MLB teams are there?
  11. what is the oldest sport
  12. In what sports league do the Minnesota Lynx play?
  13. how many NFL teams are there?
  1. What is the feline name of the sports teams of Northwestern University?
  2. Locals often refer to what NFC East football team affectionately as "the birds?"
  3. what exercise that draws on the pectoral muscles?
  4. what sport does the chiefs play
  5. most popular sport
  6. What San Francisco sports team has a seal mascot appropriately named Lou Seal?
  7. what movie is based off one of the biggest hockey games?
  8. What sports legend's autobiography, published in 1975, was titled "The Greatest: My Own Story?"
  9. how many players are allowed on the soccer field for a team?
  10. Yzerman is a Detroit sports icon in which sport?
  11. What professional sports league did Nike begin to provide the uniforms for in 2015, taking over from Adidas?
  12. how many bases are on a baseball field

25 Clues: most popular sporthow many sports existwhat is the oldest sportHow many MLB teams are there?how many NFL teams are there?what sport does the chiefs playWhat sport did Wagner famously play?how many bases are on a baseball fieldwhat sport was the movie 'Creed' based off of?Yzerman is a Detroit sports icon in which sport?...

Sports 2023-09-25

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. The players play in a four-walled court.
  2. The players ride on a two-wheeled vehicle.
  3. This sport uses sword.
  4. The players use a stick to score a point on field by hitting a ball in opponent's goal
  5. This sport has a pitcher and a catcher.
  6. The players travel with a four-wheeled board.
  7. The players are racing in the water.
  8. The players wear a pair of shoes with blade.
  9. This sport is also known as soccer in America.
  10. The sport uses a tool stick call club.
  1. This sport can be in single or doubles.
  2. This sport uses a shuttlecock.
  3. The players wear a heavy protective gear for their upper body.
  4. The tool for this sport is a huge and round ball.
  5. This sport needs precise targeting and arm strength
  6. The net is taller than most of the players in the game.
  7. The players are diving on the sky in this sport.
  8. The players wear headgear and gloves.
  9. The players slide on snow.
  10. The players play in their own lanes.

20 Clues: This sport uses sword.The players slide on snow.This sport uses a shuttlecock.The players are racing in the water.The players play in their own lanes.The players wear headgear and gloves.The sport uses a tool stick call club.This sport can be in single or doubles.This sport has a pitcher and a catcher.The players play in a four-walled court....

sports 2023-09-14

sports crossword puzzle
  1. obbiettivo nel rugby
  2. parte della mano
  3. disciplina francese outdoor
  4. esercizio di rinforzo per arti inferiori
  5. E dite pure che sono dove???
  6. piccolo attrezzo o di plastica o di tessuto
  7. punti della meta nel rugby
  8. osso al centro del torace
  9. gioco tradizionale dove si prende...e si ruba
  1. prof, io oggi mi...
  2. grande attrezzo della ginnastica artistica
  3. il regista nel basket
  4. sport strano con disco volante
  5. muscolo della coscia che stende il ginocchio
  6. pratica di concentrazione negli sportivi
  7. vietato
  8. a volte puzzano
  9. la frutta secca è ricca di....
  10. azione difensiva di gruppo nel volley
  11. un tipo di rotolamento

20 Clues: vietatoa volte puzzanoparte della manoprof, io oggi mi...obbiettivo nel rugbyil regista nel basketun tipo di rotolamentoosso al centro del toracepunti della meta nel rugbydisciplina francese outdoorsport strano con disco volantela frutta secca è ricca di....azione difensiva di gruppo nel volleypratica di concentrazione negli sportivi...

Sports 2023-08-24

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. A sport in which you sail on water standing on a board.
  2. A sport in which you hit a small hard ball with a stick into a goal.
  3. A sport in which you race moving your feet as fast as you can.
  4. A sport in which you go up mountains or rocks.
  5. A sport in which you pass a small ball with a racket over a net.
  6. A sport in which you move on the water.
  7. A sport in which you move over snow with boards.
  8. A sport in which you pass a ball with your hands over a net.
  9. A sport in which there are two teams that kick the ball into a goal.
  10. A sport in which you race on top of a horse.
  1. A sport in which you move over snow with one board.
  2. A sport in which you ride waves with a board.
  3. A sport in which you ride a bike.
  4. A sport in which you move with boots with wheels or a blade.
  5. A sport in which there are two teams that throw the ball into a net.
  6. A sport in which you travel in a boat with sails.
  7. A sport in which you hit the ball with a bat and run around four bases.
  8. A sport in which you use a net to catch fish.
  9. A sport in which you pass a small plastic ball with a bat over a net.
  10. A sport in which you are riding on a board with wheels.
  11. A sport in which you hit a small hard ball with a stick into a hole.

21 Clues: A sport in which you ride a bike.A sport in which you move on the water.A sport in which you race on top of a horse.A sport in which you ride waves with a board.A sport in which you use a net to catch fish.A sport in which you go up mountains or rocks.A sport in which you move over snow with boards.A sport in which you travel in a boat with sails....

Sports 2023-08-24

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. A sport in which you are riding on a board with wheels.
  2. A sport in which you move on the water.
  3. A sport in which there are two teams that kick the ball into a goal.
  4. A sport in which you race moving your feet as fast as you can.
  5. A sport in which you pass a small ball with a racket over a net.
  6. A sport in which you go up mountains or rocks.
  7. A sport in which you move over snow with one board.
  8. A sport in which you pass a small plastic ball with a bat over a net.
  9. A sport in which you race on top of a horse.
  10. A sport in which you use a net to catch fish.
  1. A sport in which there are two teams that throw the ball into a net.
  2. A sport in which you travel in a boat with sails.
  3. A sport in which you hit a small hard ball with a stick into a hole.
  4. A sport in which you ride a bike.
  5. A sport in which you pass a ball with your hands over a net.
  6. A sport in which you sail on water standing on a board.
  7. A sport in which you move over snow with boards.
  8. A sport in which you hit the ball with a bat and run around four bases.
  9. A sport in which you ride waves with a board.
  10. A sport in which you move with boots with wheels or a blade.
  11. A sport in which you hit a small hard ball with a stick into a goal.

21 Clues: A sport in which you ride a bike.A sport in which you move on the water.A sport in which you race on top of a horse.A sport in which you ride waves with a board.A sport in which you use a net to catch fish.A sport in which you go up mountains or rocks.A sport in which you move over snow with boards.A sport in which you travel in a boat with sails....

sports 2024-01-12

sports crossword puzzle
  1. only one person has died playing this sport
  2. punch
  3. longest playing field of any sport
  4. Very physical, played on grass
  5. run fast
  6. pull back and let it fly, target
  7. magnus carlsen, more of a mental game
  8. run far
  9. to win you have to pin
  10. smaller tennis
  11. on snow two boards
  12. like baseball
  13. 18 holes
  14. the boys in the boat, water, strength
  15. furry green ball
  16. gnarly dude! water
  17. on snow, one board,
  18. bump, set, spike!
  19. orange goal
  1. spares and strikes
  2. 16 balls required
  3. divided by net, related to tennis
  4. push, brush
  5. giddy up!
  6. on ice, jump, spin
  7. athletic, flip, jump, roll, strength
  8. tread water, goal, swim
  9. swing hard
  10. long distance, pedal
  11. wet
  12. don't get "tired"
  13. soccer on a hard floor, skills
  14. hard green ball with holes
  15. lots of squeaks
  16. quick, two people, swords
  17. Played with no ball, cold
  18. most popular sport in the world
  19. like baseball, worldwide

38 Clues: wetpunchrun farrun fast18 holesgiddy up!swing hardpush, brushorange goallike baseballsmaller tennislots of squeaksfurry green ball16 balls requireddon't get "tired"bump, set, spike!spares and strikeson ice, jump, spinon snow two boardsgnarly dude! wateron snow, one board,long distance, pedalto win you have to pintread water, goal, swim...

Sports 2023-12-25

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Scored on Rajai Davis homer G7
  2. Offensive offsides
  3. Luka's home country
  4. Fought Matt Kemp in 2018
  5. Led the Astros in ejections in 2023
  6. Kevin has a love-hate relationship w/ him in The Show
  7. Two girls
  8. 2019 Colts RB
  9. JJ Watt sacked him the most
  10. Eats pizza with a fork
  11. Mahomes' receiver in college
  12. Ball exploded on the tracks
  13. First team that drafted Judge
  14. Darren Waller's bae
  15. Catfish
  16. Super Bowl no looker
  17. Space Cowboys' manager
  18. Walk off for grandad
  19. Damon's throw is intercepted!
  1. First name of legacy WR on LSU 2019 squad
  2. Eric Kay supplied drugs that ended up killing him
  3. Bang!
  4. Hall of famer with 1 made 3 pointer
  5. 7/11
  6. PJ Tucker's alma mater
  7. Red Sox announcer
  8. Tackled Laureano to the ground
  9. Texans 1st overall pick in 2006
  10. Astros 1st rounder in 2009
  11. Duked it out w/ Aaron Gordon in dunk contest
  12. Lizzo's new man
  13. Baby shark
  14. 2003 1st overall pick from USC (NFL)
  15. Padres announcer
  16. Show me what you got
  17. Halftime show performer in SB 52
  18. Kick six
  19. Diontae Johnson's alma mater

38 Clues: 7/11Bang!CatfishKick sixTwo girlsBaby shark2019 Colts RBLizzo's new manPadres announcerRed Sox announcerOffensive offsidesLuka's home countryDarren Waller's baeShow me what you gotSuper Bowl no lookerWalk off for grandadPJ Tucker's alma materEats pizza with a forkSpace Cowboys' managerFought Matt Kemp in 2018Astros 1st rounder in 2009...

sports 2024-01-29

sports crossword puzzle
  1. the place where you play football
  2. perform or exercise repeatedly in order to improve
  3. the act of sailing a boat
  4. a wooden contraption attached t
  5. skates shoes that have wheels on them
  6. propel with force through the air by a moving of the arm and hand
  7. defeat someone in a game
  8. equipment that divides a tennis court in half
  9. the thing you win
  10. attempt to hit something with a wide curving movement of the arm
  1. sit on and control the movement of something
  2. a game between two teams
  3. a person that participates in a game
  4. an organization constituted to play games in a sport
  5. usually a wooden contraption which you ride on snow
  6. a sport where you must hit balls into holes
  7. when you score in football
  8. the activity of catching fish
  9. centre a location which you can participate in a variety of sports
  10. fail to win
  11. to be victorious
  12. the act of hitting something with your leg

22 Clues: fail to winto be victoriousthe thing you wina game between two teamsdefeat someone in a gamethe act of sailing a boatwhen you score in footballthe activity of catching fisha wooden contraption attached tthe place where you play footballa person that participates in a gameskates shoes that have wheels on them...

sports 2023-10-27

sports crossword puzzle
  1. you can play this on the beach or in a gym
  2. serena Williams is famous for this sport
  3. Messi plays this sport
  4. this is the most popular sport in the USA
  5. this sport requires lots of stamina for running
  6. this sport requires lots of percision and lots of clubs.
  7. dancing on ice
  8. Requires good technique and mental strentgh
  9. this sport is similar to tennis
  1. The Yankees play this sport
  2. this requires lots of arm strength and ropes and coords.
  3. this sport athletes support football players on the sideline.
  4. this sport is in the water and needs stamina
  5. a sport played on ice and pucks
  6. its like pickleball and soccer combined
  7. this sport requires having a fast car
  8. your objective is to try and knock down all the pins.
  9. Lebron James is most known for this sport
  10. the british version of football
  11. and Feild this sport has many events

20 Clues: dancing on iceMessi plays this sportThe Yankees play this sporta sport played on ice and pucksthe british version of footballthis sport is similar to tennisand Feild this sport has many eventsthis sport requires having a fast carits like pickleball and soccer combinedserena Williams is famous for this sportthis is the most popular sport in the USA...

Sports 2024-04-21

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Popular court sport among Australian women, played in Commonwealth countries.
  2. Foul consequence in rugby or soccer.
  3. Event where Australia fiercely competes every four years.
  4. Combat sport focusing on throws, part of the Olympic and Commonwealth Games.
  5. Competitive event in Australia involving swimming, cycling, and running.
  6. Commencement of an NRL game.
  7. Rapid race, often 100 meters, featured in the Commonwealth Games.
  8. Track event obstacle, measured in meters.
  1. Sport demanding balance and flexibility, featured in the Commonwealth Games.
  2. Field sport gaining traction in Australia, played with bats and bases.
  3. Field sport with a growing following in Victoria.
  4. Playmaking position in American football, less common but known in Australia.
  5. Key trait for participants in the Sydney Marathon.
  6. Aussie competitor known for physical prowess.
  7. A grueling 42.195-kilometer race.
  8. Refers to AFL, played with goals on an oval pitch.
  9. Guiding an Aussie Rules team or athlete to victory.
  10. Segment of play in a cricket match.
  11. Tool used in tennis, which has a big following in Melbourne.
  12. Sport involving acrobatic plunges, often seen at the Commonwealth Games.

20 Clues: Commencement of an NRL game.A grueling 42.195-kilometer race.Segment of play in a cricket match.Foul consequence in rugby or soccer.Track event obstacle, measured in meters.Aussie competitor known for physical prowess.Field sport with a growing following in Victoria.Key trait for participants in the Sydney Marathon....

sports 2024-05-30

sports crossword puzzle
  1. Kurā valstī aizsākās Olimpiskās spēles?
  2. Kurā sporta veidā sacensības notiek ringā?
  3. Futbola komanda, kas uzvarēja 2018. gada FIFA Pasaules kausu?
  4. Peldēšanas aprīkojums, lai nosegtu matus?
  5. Kurš futbolists ir guvis visvairāk vārtu Čempionu līgas vēsturē?
  6. Kurā sporta veidā spēlētāji cenšas nogāzt ķegļus?
  7. Valsts, kurā notika pirmais FIFA Pasaules kauss?
  8. Latvijas hokejists, kurš spēlē NHL?
  9. Rīga Latvijas sporta zāle, kurā notiek daudzas starptautiskas sacensības?
  10. Kāds ir peldēšanas stils, kurā peldētājiem ir jāizmanto abās rokās vienlaicīgi pārvietojoties uz priekšu?
  11. Peldēšanas aprīkojums, ko izmanto, lai aizsargātu acis?
  12. Cik spēlētāju ir basketbola komandā uz laukuma?
  13. Sporta veids, kurā spēlētāji izmanto nūjas un ripu?
  14. 100 metru sprinta pasaules rekorda turētājs?
  1. Visvairāk Olimpisko zelta medaļu ieguvējs peldēšanā?
  2. Kurā valstī radās sumo cīņas?
  3. Senajā Romā, kur norisinājās gladiatoru cīņas?
  4. Kas ir basketbola laukuma laukuma vidusdaļas nosaukums?
  5. Latvijas basketbolists, kurš spēlē NBA?
  6. Kurš sporta veids tiek uzskatīts par vecāko?
  7. Latvijas hokeja komanda, kas spēlē KHL?
  8. Latvijas sportists, kurš uzvarēja olimpiskajās spēlēs šķēpmešanā?
  9. NBA spēlētājs ar visvairāk čempionātu uzvarām?
  10. Kurā valstī tika izgudrots basketbols?
  11. NBA komanda no Losandželosas?
  12. Cik periodu ir basketbola spēlē?
  13. Sporta veids ar mazu dzeltenu bumbiņu un raketi?
  14. Hokeja līga, kurā spēlē labākās Ziemeļamerikas komandas?
  15. Latvijas futbola klubs, kas izcīnīja vairākus Virslīgas titulus?
  16. Latvijas basketbolists, kurš spēlēja Eirolīgā un NBA?

30 Clues: Kurā valstī radās sumo cīņas?NBA komanda no Losandželosas?Cik periodu ir basketbola spēlē?Latvijas hokejists, kurš spēlē NHL?Kurā valstī tika izgudrots basketbols?Kurā valstī aizsākās Olimpiskās spēles?Latvijas basketbolists, kurš spēlē NBA?Latvijas hokeja komanda, kas spēlē KHL?Peldēšanas aprīkojums, lai nosegtu matus?...

Sports 2024-05-03

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Game Where You Can Get A Hole In One
  2. Starting Position of the Pitcher in Baseball
  3. Where College Students Play Their Sports
  4. Basically Moving Through Water
  5. What a Tennis Player Serves Over
  6. AKA The Rim and Net in Basketball
  7. Game with a Cesta
  8. Knocking Over All The Pins At Once In Bowling
  9. Hockey Disc
  10. Position Which Usually Hikes The Football to the QB
  11. Professional North American Hockey Organization
  1. You Throw Jabs, Uppercuts, and Haymakers in This Sport
  2. AKA The Keeper in Soccer
  3. Professional American Football Organization
  4. Professional Auto Racing Organization In America
  5. Basically Jumping Into Water
  6. A player Hits a Sharp Downward Shot Over the Net in Volleyball
  7. Professional North American Baseball Organization
  8. Professional North American Basketball Organization
  9. Bow and Arrow Contest
  10. International Governing Body for Football (AKA Soccer)
  11. AKA Table Tennis

22 Clues: Hockey DiscAKA Table TennisGame with a CestaBow and Arrow ContestAKA The Keeper in SoccerBasically Jumping Into WaterBasically Moving Through WaterWhat a Tennis Player Serves OverAKA The Rim and Net in BasketballGame Where You Can Get A Hole In OneWhere College Students Play Their SportsProfessional American Football Organization...

Sports 2024-05-08

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. a track type activity taken in water
  2. a sport for girls involving dancing
  3. a special kind of shoes worn in soccer/football
  4. the objects worn on your feet in all sports
  5. the area that you play on in many sports
  6. popular sport in America often played by tall people
  7. the area in which you play in hockey
  8. ice skaters performing dance moves
  9. a spear like object thrown in track
  10. the way you score in basketball
  11. a sport played by Canadians
  12. the area that you swim in in swimming
  13. frequently called something different by most of the world
  14. a fighting sport
  15. the thing that you hit the ball with in baseball
  16. the object that you hit the ball with in golf
  1. things that you wear on your eyes in swimming
  2. sweaty men fighting on a floor
  3. the thing you shoot in in soccer
  4. the lined field that you run on in track
  5. the wooden area that you play on in basketball
  6. the classic American sport played by tough people
  7. an old but popular American sport
  8. an old people sport
  9. the thing you hit with in boxing
  10. the object that you score in in basketball
  11. a track event that involves throwing a ball
  12. running very fast
  13. the object you hit in hockey to score with
  14. the object used in almost every sport to score points

30 Clues: a fighting sportrunning very fastan old people sporta sport played by Canadianssweaty men fighting on a floorthe way you score in basketballthe thing you shoot in in soccerthe thing you hit with in boxingan old but popular American sportice skaters performing dance movesa sport for girls involving dancinga spear like object thrown in track...

Sports 2024-09-18

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Riding waves on a board in the ocean.
  2. A fast-paced game with small paddles and a lightweight ball, played on a table.
  3. Competitive racing in water using various strokes.
  4. Hit a small ball into a series of holes on a course using clubs.
  5. A tough, contact sport played with an oval ball, scoring by touching down or kicking.
  6. Descending snow-covered hills on a single board, similar to surfing but on snow.
  7. Horse riding competitions, including jumping and dressage.
  8. A sport that involves performing acrobatic and balance routines.
  9. A striking martial art that uses kicks, punches, and open-hand techniques.
  10. Hit the ball over a net, trying to make it touch the ground in the opponent’s area.
  11. Played with rackets, hit a ball over a net into the opponent’s court.
  12. Shoot the ball through a hoop to score points on a court.
  13. Shoot arrows at a target using a bow.
  1. Performing tricks or racing using a small board with wheels.
  2. A combat sport with swords, trying to land touches on the opponent.
  3. A combat sport where two participants fight using punches within a ring.
  4. Teams or individuals propel a boat using oars in a race.
  5. A race that combines swimming, cycling, and running.
  6. A martial art focused on throws and submission holds to defeat an opponent.
  7. Players advance the ball down the field by running or passing to score touchdowns.
  8. Played with a round ball, aim to score by kicking into a goal.
  9. Played with a shuttlecock, hit it back and forth over a net using rackets.
  10. A grappling combat sport where opponents try to pin each other down.
  11. Race on bicycles, either on tracks or roadways.
  12. Played on ice with skates, using sticks to hit a puck into the opponent’s goal.
  13. Sliding down snow-covered slopes using skis.
  14. Hit the ball with a bat and run around four bases to score.

27 Clues: Riding waves on a board in the ocean.Shoot arrows at a target using a bow.Sliding down snow-covered slopes using skis.Race on bicycles, either on tracks or roadways.Competitive racing in water using various strokes.A race that combines swimming, cycling, and running.Teams or individuals propel a boat using oars in a race....

sports 2024-10-14

sports crossword puzzle
  1. A practice that involves physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation.
  2. A sport where you shoot arrows at a target.
  3. A game where players use a racket to hit a shuttlecock over a net.
  4. A sport of sliding down snow-covered hills using long, flat pieces of wood or plastic attached to your feet.
  5. An activity of gliding on ice or another surface using skates.
  6. A sport where two teams use sticks to hit a puck into the opponent’s goal.
  7. A sport that involves performing exercises that show strength, balance, and coordination.
  8. A martial art where you use punches, kicks, and other techniques for self-defense.
  9. A sport where players hit a small ball into holes using clubs.
  10. A game where players use a racket to hit a ball over a net.
  1. A team sport where players carry, pass, or kick a ball to score points.
  2. A sport played by kicking a ball into the opponent’s goal.
  3. A team sport where you try to score points by throwing a ball into a high hoop.
  4. An activity that involves moving through water using your arms and legs.
  5. A combat sport where two people throw punches at each other.
  6. A game where two teams hit a ball over a net without letting it touch the ground.
  7. An activity where you ride waves on a board.
  8. A team sport where players try to hit a ball and run to bases to score points.
  9. A sport or activity of riding a bicycle.
  10. An activity of catching fish using a rod and line.

20 Clues: A sport or activity of riding a bicycle.A sport where you shoot arrows at a target.An activity where you ride waves on a board.An activity of catching fish using a rod and line.A sport played by kicking a ball into the opponent’s goal.A game where players use a racket to hit a ball over a net....

Sports 2024-11-20

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. A round object used in many sports, like soccer or basketball.
  2. A version of hockey played indoors with a ball instead of a puck.
  3. These people cheer loudly from the stands to support their team."
  4. To bounce or control the ball while running, especially in sports like basketball or soccer.
  5. This sound signals the start, stop, or a foul during a game.
  6. To throw or kick the ball to a teammate in a sport.
  7. A contest or event where athletes or teams try to win against each other.
  8. The area where you try to score points in sports like soccer, hockey, and basketball.
  9. A group of players who work together to compete in a sport.
  10. A sport played with a round ball where players try to score by kicking the ball into the net.
  11. A small storage space where athletes keep their belongings and change clothes.
  12. The large outdoor area where sports like soccer and football are played.
  13. The clothes that athletes wear during a game or competition.
  1. This person runs, kicks, and tries to score goals on the field.
  2. The past tense of making a point in a game or competition.
  3. This is the event where players compete to win, often played in halves."
  4. A short, fast run or race.
  5. The action that starts a soccer or football game, or restarts it after a goal or touchdown.
  6. A sport where players dribble and shoot a ball into a hoop to score points.
  7. A punishment in a sport given for breaking the rules, often resulting in a free kick or points for the other team.
  8. Working together with others to achieve a common goal in a sport.
  9. The player whose job is to stop the opposing team from scoring by guarding the goal.
  10. A sport played on ice (or a field) where players use sticks to hit a puck or ball into the goal.
  11. The number of points a team or player has earned in a game.
  12. This person trains and gives instructions to the team."

25 Clues: A short, fast run or race.To throw or kick the ball to a teammate in a sport.This person trains and gives instructions to the team."The past tense of making a point in a game or competition.A group of players who work together to compete in a sport.The number of points a team or player has earned in a game....

Nate Carter 3.2 Vocab 2018-05-02

Nate Carter 3.2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. What you try to score on in soccer
  2. Protects the head
  3. Where most sports are played
  4. Used to hit a baseball
  5. Board with wheels
  6. What you use to hit tennis balls
  7. Used to skate on ice
  8. As much as
  9. Sport where you hit a ball with a bat
  10. Worn on head while playing baseball
  11. Where pro sports are played
  12. Game played on ice using a puck
  1. Grass surface where many sports are played
  2. Ball used in baseball
  3. Sport using a ball and basket
  4. Used to field baseballs
  5. A sports competition
  6. Something that is not safe
  7. Sphere shaped object used in many sports
  8. Sport where you try to kick a ball into a goal

20 Clues: As much asProtects the headBoard with wheelsA sports competitionUsed to skate on iceBall used in baseballUsed to hit a baseballUsed to field baseballsSomething that is not safeWhere pro sports are playedWhere most sports are playedSport using a ball and basketGame played on ice using a puckWhat you use to hit tennis balls...

23 2024-07-13

23 crossword puzzle
  1. Acura's three-row luxury SUV
  2. Genesis luxury SUV
  3. Lexus flagship luxury sedan
  4. Tesla's smaller luxury sedan
  5. Hyundai's former luxury sedan
  6. Hyundai's luxury brand
  7. Luxury electric sedan from Lucid
  8. Acura luxury sports sedan
  9. Acura's hybrid supercar
  10. Popular Lexus luxury SUV
  11. Genesis mid-size luxury sedan
  12. Acura luxury crossover SUV
  13. Electric sedan from Polestar
  1. Lexus compact luxury hybrid SUV
  2. Electric SUV from Fisker
  3. Genesis full-size luxury sedan
  4. Hybrid sports car from Polestar
  5. Tesla's luxury electric SUV
  6. Kia's sports sedan
  7. Lexus high-performance sports car
  8. Toyota's sports car developed with BMW
  9. Lexus luxury coupe
  10. Electric truck from Rivian
  11. Tesla's compact electric SUV
  12. Kia's luxury sedan

25 Clues: Genesis luxury SUVKia's sports sedanLexus luxury coupeKia's luxury sedanHyundai's luxury brandAcura's hybrid supercarElectric SUV from FiskerPopular Lexus luxury SUVAcura luxury sports sedanElectric truck from RivianAcura luxury crossover SUVLexus flagship luxury sedanTesla's luxury electric SUVAcura's three-row luxury SUV...

Sports equipment 2023-06-24

Sports equipment crossword puzzle
  1. goggles Eyewear worn while swimming to protect the eyes and improve visibility underwater.
  2. A tool with a handle and a head used to strike a ball in sports like golf or hockey.
  3. A circular object used as a target in sports like basketball.
  4. A round object used in various sports to play and score points.
  5. A tool with a handle and a wide, flat surface used in sports like table tennis or canoeing.
  6. A structure or area in sports like soccer or hockey where players aim to score points.
  7. Boots with blades attached to the bottom, used for ice skating or roller skating.
  8. pads Protective gear worn on legs by cricket players while batting.
  1. guards Protective gear worn on the lower legs in sports like soccer or field hockey.
  2. rope A long, flexible rope used for jumping and skipping in physical activities.
  3. A flat, rigid surface used in sports like skateboarding or snowboarding.
  4. A protective headgear worn in sports like football or biking.
  5. A long, wooden or metal stick used to hit a ball in sports like baseball or cricket.
  6. Hand coverings used for protection or grip in sports like baseball or boxing.
  7. An implement with a handle and a net or strings used in sports like tennis or badminton.
  8. A meshed fabric stretched across a frame used in sports like volleyball or tennis to separate teams or players.

16 Clues: A circular object used as a target in sports like basketball.A protective headgear worn in sports like football or biking.A round object used in various sports to play and score points.pads Protective gear worn on legs by cricket players while batting.A flat, rigid surface used in sports like skateboarding or snowboarding....

events3 2024-05-27

events3 crossword puzzle
  1. America's Cup competition.
  2. Tenevent athletic competition.
  3. Horse racing's top achievement.
  4. Top college sports teams.
  5. Dallasbased bowl game.
  6. Miamibased bowl game.
  7. Professional water sport.
  8. Second leg of Triple Crown.
  9. Major college football bowl game.
  10. Third leg of Triple Crown.
  1. NCAA basketball climax.
  2. Award for top college football player.
  3. Highest honor in sports.
  4. Globetrotters' basketball team.
  5. Minor league or younger athletes.
  6. Winning all major tennis events.
  7. Fiveevent sports contest.
  8. College sports association.
  9. NFL's championship trophy.
  10. New Year's Day football game.

20 Clues: Miamibased bowl game.Dallasbased bowl game.NCAA basketball climax.Highest honor in sports.Fiveevent sports contest.Top college sports teams.Professional water sport.America's Cup competition.NFL's championship trophy.Third leg of Triple Crown.College sports association.Second leg of Triple Crown.New Year's Day football game....

Sports 2024-01-18

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. The American version of football
  2. A person who trains a team in a sport.
  3. A circular course around which runners race.
  4. A synonym of 'dangerous'
  5. A long wooden stick which is used to hit the ball in some sports.
  6. A pair of special glasses which are used when you swim.
  7. A marked place where you can play sports such as football, rugby and cricket.
  8. A leather sit which you sit on when you ride a horse.
  9. The adjective you can use to describe sports such as tennis, swimming, fencing.
  10. A person who swims well, often as a competitor.
  11. A set of leather bands which are used in sports such as climbing.
  1. The sport which involves shooting arrows from a bow.
  2. The adjective you can use to describe sports such as climbing, football and rugby.
  3. Sports such as running and jumping.
  4. A place where you can play games such as tennis.
  5. A sports involving physical exercises and movements which need skill, strength, and control.
  6. An area of steep ground covered with snow where people ski down.
  7. A long thin metal stick which is used to play golf.
  8. A thick object which is used to protect a part of your body.
  9. A building for public events, especially sports and large music concerts.
  10. A surface where you can ice-skate.

21 Clues: A synonym of 'dangerous'The American version of footballA surface where you can ice-skate.Sports such as running and jumping.A person who trains a team in a sport.A circular course around which runners race.A person who swims well, often as a competitor.A place where you can play games such as tennis....

Sports 2023-12-19

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. “Cīņas sports ar meistarību (japāņu izcelsmes).”
  2. “Populārs bumbas sports.”
  3. “Galda spēle un sporta veids, ko spēlē divi cilvēki uz kvadrātveida galdiņa.”
  4. “Ziemas sports uz kalniem (ietver dažādus slēpošanas veidus).”
  5. “Ātrgaitas pārvietošanās veids.”
  6. “Spēle, kurā komandas cīnās, mēģinot iemest bumbu pretinieka grozā.”
  7. “Priekšmets, kuru met ar strauju kustību kādā vieglatlētikas disciplīnā.”
  8. “Sporta veids, kurā piedalās izgājiens, skriešana un šaušana (šaušana notiek ar paintbola ieročiem).”
  9. “Sporta rīks - tievs koka vai cita materiāla stienis, ko izmanto par atbalstu augstlēkšanā.”
  10. “Sporta veids, kurā izmanto raketes.”
  11. “Cīņas sports ar sitieniem ringā.”
  12. “Sacensības par titulu (var būt dažādu sporta veidu).”
  13. “Sportisti ar motocikliem sacenšas speciālās bezceļa trasēs (speciālās trasēs).”
  1. “Bumbas sports ūdenī.”
  2. “Sportisti, kas kāpj kalnos (ietver dažādus kāpšanas veidus).”
  3. “Vieglatlētikas disciplīna, kas sastāv no vairākām disciplīnām (ietver 10 dažādas sacensības).”
  4. “Ūdens sporta veids, kas prasa labu ritma izjūtu un tehniku.”
  5. “Mešanai paredzēts plakans, apaļš sporta rīks ar biezāku vidusdaļu (tiek izmantots vieglatlētikā).”
  6. “Sporta veids, kur komanda cenšas pārsist bumbu pāri tīklam pretinieka laukumā.”
  7. “Sporta veids, kur sportisti mēģina uzstādīt labāko laiku ar automašīnām (sacensībās).”
  8. “Garais skriešanas pasākums (42,195 km).”
  9. “Starptautisks sporta pasākums.”
  10. “Sports, kur slido un mēģina iesist ripu pretinieka vārtos (var būt uz ledus vai uz zālāja).”
  11. “Cīņas sports, kur sit ar rokām un kājām (pievienot komatu pēc “cīņas sports”).”
  12. “Sportisti sacenšas ātrskriešanā.”
  13. “Brīvās cīņas sporta veids (ietver dažādas cīņas mākslas).”

26 Clues: “Bumbas sports ūdenī.”“Populārs bumbas sports.”“Ātrgaitas pārvietošanās veids.”“Starptautisks sporta pasākums.”“Sportisti sacenšas ātrskriešanā.”“Cīņas sports ar sitieniem ringā.”“Sporta veids, kurā izmanto raketes.”“Garais skriešanas pasākums (42,195 km).”“Cīņas sports ar meistarību (japāņu izcelsmes).”...

Deportes y Fútbol 2023-03-01

Deportes y Fútbol crossword puzzle
  1. Soccer field
  2. Keeper,Goalie
  3. Half
  4. Sports Shoes,Sneakers
  5. Spectator
  6. Score,Point
  7. Fan
  8. Goal (score)
  9. Game,Match
  1. Team,Equipment
  2. Player
  3. Soccer
  4. Soccer Net
  5. Game,Match
  6. Shorts
  7. Sports Jersey,T-Shirt
  8. Ball (big equip.)
  9. Long Socks
  10. Sports

19 Clues: FanHalfPlayerSoccerShortsSportsSpectatorSoccer NetGame,MatchLong SocksGame,MatchScore,PointSoccer fieldGoal (score)Keeper,GoalieTeam,EquipmentBall (big equip.)Sports Jersey,T-ShirtSports Shoes,Sneakers

Sports 2020-12-09

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Go Bluejays!
  2. Called Football in other countries
  3. Go down a snowy hill
  4. Super bowl Game
  5. Requires balance, speed, flexibility and agility
  6. Go Raptors!
  7. Weapon that is flexible and sharp
  8. Balance on a board in water
  9. Helps to calm some people
  10. In a bathing suit
  11. Knocks down pins
  12. In a canoe or boat using a worm
  1. Mini tenis
  2. Winter sport
  3. Canada's national sport
  4. Dogs like to chew this ball
  5. Go up a mountain or rock wall
  6. opposite of walking
  7. Team of 6 on a court
  8. Use of bows
  9. Wear fancy costumes
  10. Grass is cut very nice for this sport and uses a flag
  11. Rock on ice
  12. Like Football but with no padding
  13. Day after Christmas

25 Clues: Mini tenisUse of bowsGo Raptors!Rock on iceWinter sportGo Bluejays!Super bowl GameKnocks down pinsIn a bathing suitopposite of walkingWear fancy costumesDay after ChristmasTeam of 6 on a courtGo down a snowy hillCanada's national sportHelps to calm some peopleDogs like to chew this ballBalance on a board in waterGo up a mountain or rock wall...

Sports 2021-06-09

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. pinky and thumb out both hands move forward
  2. flicking two fingers out onto another closed fist
  3. 2 closed fists with thumbs out
  4. both hands moving around in a circle
  5. curved index finger on flat palm
  6. looks like the swing of a bat
  7. looks like taking a shot at goal
  8. two fingers downwards tapping on chest
  9. the motion of rowing
  10. looks like dribbling
  1. two closed fists moving away from each other
  2. blowing of the whistle
  3. Closing fist in the upper signing space
  4. hitting both index fingers like a kick
  5. Closed fist at top of the head
  6. the motion of the sticks
  7. Open hands moving downwards twinkling fingers
  8. closed fists thumbs up moving in a circle
  9. curved index finger down side of cheek
  10. palms downward moving from together to apart
  11. curved hands facing upwards moving side to side

21 Clues: the motion of rowinglooks like dribblingblowing of the whistlethe motion of the stickslooks like the swing of a bat2 closed fists with thumbs outClosed fist at top of the headcurved index finger on flat palmlooks like taking a shot at goalboth hands moving around in a circlehitting both index fingers like a kick...

Sports 2021-04-16

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. забить гол
  2. пропустить пенальти
  3. перчатки
  4. каток
  5. бассейн
  6. воланчик
  7. корт
  8. ракетка
  9. выиграть игру
  10. бросить мяч
  11. гидрокостюм
  1. ударить по мячу
  2. вёсла
  3. участвовать в гонке
  4. капа
  5. поле
  6. шлем
  7. шайба
  8. пнуть мяч
  9. плавательные очки
  10. проиграть матч
  11. стрела
  12. сетка
  13. бита
  14. ринг
  15. лук
  16. клюшка

27 Clues: луккапаполешлемкортбитарингвёслакатокшайбасеткастрелаклюшкабассейнракеткаперчаткиволанчикпнуть мячзабить голбросить мячгидрокостюмвыиграть игрупроиграть матчударить по мячуплавательные очкиучаствовать в гонкепропустить пенальти

Sports 2022-09-07

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. a sport that was only played at 1 Olympic Games, in 1900
  2. played with an oval ball
  3. could be a game or sport, but mainly strategy based
  4. a form of basketball, commonly played by girls
  5. a marathon involving swimming, cycling and running
  6. a 10 pony game where the maximum score is 300 points
  7. the NBA is a league of this sport
  8. played on the beach with a ball and a head-high net
  9. a sport where you can hit a half century or a century by making runs
  10. a form of tennis, played with a shuttlecock
  11. an equestrian sport involving riding a horse
  12. throw the ball nearest the jack
  13. also considered a martial art, punch the opponent to knock them out
  14. a game played with mini arrows in aim to get 500 points first
  1. Tiger Woods plays this
  2. riding a bike
  3. a popular sport where you hit the ball over a net to score points
  4. moving up and down a pool in water
  5. played with a spherical ball
  6. an Olympic sport to lift the most weight
  7. also known as ping-pong
  8. running a long distance
  9. jumping off a plank into a pool
  10. hitting a ball at a wall with a tennis bat

24 Clues: riding a bikeTiger Woods plays thisalso known as ping-pongrunning a long distanceplayed with an oval ballplayed with a spherical balljumping off a plank into a poolthrow the ball nearest the jackthe NBA is a league of this sportmoving up and down a pool in wateran Olympic sport to lift the most weighthitting a ball at a wall with a tennis bat...

Sports 2022-09-07

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. an equestrian sport involving riding a horse
  2. also known as ping-pong
  3. could be a game or sport, but mainly strategy based
  4. a game played with mini arrows in aim to get 500 points first
  5. throw the ball nearest the jack
  6. played on the beach with a ball and a head-high net
  7. a popular sport where you hit the ball over a net to score points
  8. moving up and down a pool in water
  9. played with a spherical ball
  10. riding a bike
  11. a 10 pony game where the maximum score is 300 points
  12. a marathon involving swimming, cycling and running
  1. a sport where you can hit a half century or a century by making runs
  2. a sport that was only played at 1 Olympic Games, in 1900
  3. played with an oval ball
  4. a form of basketball, commonly played by girls
  5. a form of tennis, played with a shuttlecock
  6. hitting a ball at a wall with a tennis bat
  7. an Olympic sport to lift the most weight
  8. jumping off a plank into a pool
  9. running a long distance
  10. Tiger Woods plays this
  11. also considered a martial art, punch the opponent to knock them out
  12. the NBA is a league of this sport

24 Clues: riding a bikeTiger Woods plays thisalso known as ping-pongrunning a long distanceplayed with an oval ballplayed with a spherical ballthrow the ball nearest the jackjumping off a plank into a poolthe NBA is a league of this sportmoving up and down a pool in wateran Olympic sport to lift the most weighthitting a ball at a wall with a tennis bat...

Sports 2022-09-07

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. a sport that was only played at 1 Olympic Games, in 1900
  2. a 10 pin game where the maximum score is 300 points
  3. a sport where you can hit a half century or a century by making runs
  4. a game played with mini arrows in aim to get 500 points first
  5. a marathon involving swimming, cycling and running
  6. jumping off a plank into a pool
  7. moving up and down a pool in water
  8. played on the beach with a ball and a head-high net
  9. riding a bike
  10. the NBA is a league of this sport
  11. also known as ping-pong
  12. an Olympic sport to lift the most weight
  1. an equestrian sport involving riding a horse
  2. hitting a ball at a wall with a tennis bat
  3. a form of basketball, commonly played by girls
  4. throw the ball nearest the jack
  5. Tiger Woods plays this
  6. a form of tennis, played with a shuttlecock
  7. played with a spherical ball
  8. also considered a martial art, punch the opponent to knock them out
  9. a popular sport where you hit the ball over a net to score points
  10. played with an oval ball
  11. could be a game or sport, but mainly strategy based
  12. running a long distance

24 Clues: riding a bikeTiger Woods plays thisrunning a long distancealso known as ping-pongplayed with an oval ballplayed with a spherical ballthrow the ball nearest the jackjumping off a plank into a poolthe NBA is a league of this sportmoving up and down a pool in wateran Olympic sport to lift the most weighthitting a ball at a wall with a tennis bat...

Sports 2022-06-09

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. fencing in Italian
  2. cycling in Italian
  3. basketball in Italian
  4. swimming in Italian
  5. boxing in Italian
  6. game in Italian
  7. gymnastics in Italian
  8. coach in Italian
  9. gymnast in Italian
  1. Race car driving in Italian
  2. basketball player in Italian
  3. skiing in Italian
  4. race in Italian
  5. Soccer in Italian
  6. tennis player in Italian
  7. soccer player in Italian
  8. stadium in Italian
  9. athlete in Italian
  10. tennis in Italian
  11. boxer in Italian

20 Clues: race in Italiangame in Italianboxer in Italiancoach in Italianskiing in ItalianSoccer in Italianboxing in Italiantennis in Italianfencing in Italiancycling in Italianstadium in Italianathlete in Italiangymnast in Italianswimming in Italianbasketball in Italiangymnastics in Italiantennis player in Italiansoccer player in Italian...

Sports 2022-11-17

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. wrestling
  2. bowling
  3. volleyball
  4. swimming
  5. softball
  6. dance
  7. tennis
  8. game
  9. soccer
  10. horse racing
  11. archery
  12. exercising
  1. baseball
  2. roller skating
  3. football
  4. water polo
  5. jogging
  6. gymnastics
  7. diving
  8. weight lifting
  9. fencing
  10. basketball
  11. ice skating
  12. athletics
  13. boxing
  14. climbing
  15. badminton

27 Clues: gamedancedivingtennissoccerboxingbowlingjoggingfencingarcherybaseballfootballswimmingsoftballclimbingwrestlingathleticsbadmintonwater polovolleyballgymnasticsbasketballexercisingice skatinghorse racingroller skatingweight lifting

Sports 2022-11-22

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. Cardinals Shortstop
  2. Saints QB
  3. chiefs WR
  4. Rams WR
  5. Chiefs TE
  6. Cardinals First Baseman
  7. Saints RB
  8. Lakers Small forward and power forward
  9. Padres Shortstop
  10. Cardinals Catcher
  1. Browns WR
  2. Warriors Point Guard
  3. Padres Left Fielder
  4. Dolphins WR
  5. Cheifs QB
  6. Angles Pitcher
  7. Ravens QB
  8. Browns RB
  9. Seahawks WR
  10. Buccaneers QB

20 Clues: Rams WRBrowns WRSaints QBchiefs WRCheifs QBChiefs TERavens QBBrowns RBSaints RBDolphins WRSeahawks WRBuccaneers QBAngles PitcherPadres ShortstopCardinals CatcherCardinals ShortstopPadres Left FielderWarriors Point GuardCardinals First BasemanLakers Small forward and power forward

Sports 2020-05-30

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. jamaican athlete champion in 11 times
  2. champion of f1 in 2019
  3. last champion of super bowl
  4. he have 15 majors in golf
  5. with which football is played
  6. colombian player that plays in bayer munchen
  7. Cocuh of real madrid
  8. Champion of rolan garros in 2018
  9. name of the team soocer of huila
  1. is with you play soocer in feets
  2. played with a bat and a glove
  3. biigest award winner in swimming
  4. played with a racket a net and a ball
  5. team with the most soccer championships in Colombia
  6. argentine player that plays in barcelona
  7. final match of national league fottball
  8. champion of the world cup in 2002
  9. Year in that once caldas won the libertadores cup
  10. country with most olympics medalls
  11. what is the zapote tennis court made of?
  12. low car racing

21 Clues: low car racingCocuh of real madridchampion of f1 in 2019he have 15 majors in golflast champion of super bowlplayed with a bat and a glovewith which football is playedis with you play soocer in feetsbiigest award winner in swimmingChampion of rolan garros in 2018name of the team soocer of huilachampion of the world cup in 2002...

Sports 2020-05-20

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. laukums tenisa spēlēšanai
  2. strītbola spēles laikā uz laukuma katrā komandā jābūt _____ spēlētājiem
  3. kustību trūkums
  4. sporta daudzcīņas sacensības, kurās jāveic peldēšanas, riteņbraukšanas un skriešanas distances
  5. amerikāņu peldētājs, izcīnījis visvairāk zelta medaļu mūsdienu olimpisko spēļu vēsturē, kopā izcīnījis 28 olimpiskās medaļas (uzvārds)
  6. ziemas sporta veids, kurā apvienota slēpošana un šaušana
  7. sporta veids, kurā divas komandas cenšas gūt punktus, izmetot bumbu cauri stīpai
  8. basketbola ielas versija, kas tiek spēlēta divreiz mazākā laukumā nekā basketbols
  9. olimpiskie apļi simbolizē 5 ______ daļas
  10. latviešu BMX braucējs, divkartējs olimpisko spēļu čempions (uzvārds)
  1. basketbolā _____ driblēt vienlaikus ar abām rokām
  2. latviešu basketbolists, NBA draftēts 2015. gadā, tagad pārstāv klubu Dalasas "Mavericks" (uzvārds)
  3. slēpošanas sporta dzimtene
  4. ekstrēmais sporta veids, izveidojies 1940. gadu beigās, pirmo reizi vasaras olimpiskajās spēlēs iekļauts 2020. gada spēlēs Tokijā
  5. latviešu basketbolists, NBA ticis draftēts 2011. gadā, bet tagad pārstāv NBA klubu Vašingtonas "Wizards" (vārds)
  6. uz laukuma basketbola spēles sākumā jābūt _____ spēlētājiem
  7. viela, kam piemīt īpašība uz laiku paaugstināt ķermeņa fiziskās un garīgās spējas
  8. latviešu šķēpmetējs,1968. gada Vasaras Olimpisko spēļu čempions (uzvārds)
  9. pasaules vispopulārākā komandu sporta spēle
  10. latviešu svarcēlāja, 2018. un 2019. gada Eiropas čempione svara kategorijā līdz 59 kg (uzvārds)
  11. PSRS basketboliste, Divkārtēja olimpiskā, trīskārtēja pasaules, desmitkārtēja Eiropas čempione.Uzņemta Pasaules basketbola, Sieviešu basketbola un FIBA Slavas zālēs. (uzvārds)

21 Clues: kustību trūkumslaukums tenisa spēlēšanaislēpošanas sporta dzimteneolimpiskie apļi simbolizē 5 ______ daļaspasaules vispopulārākā komandu sporta spēlebasketbolā _____ driblēt vienlaikus ar abām rokāmziemas sporta veids, kurā apvienota slēpošana un šaušanauz laukuma basketbola spēles sākumā jābūt _____ spēlētājiem...

Sports 2020-05-20

Sports crossword puzzle
  1. wheel art
  2. speed in the water
  3. two rackets and a mesh
  4. orange ball inside the ring
  5. swords and masked costumes
  6. small cement court and a ball
  7. ice, speed and scores
  8. descent and adrenaline by bicycle
  9. arrows and aim
  1. best-known martial art in the world
  2. track, speed, 100 meters
  3. legs like wheels
  4. Two teams with eleven players
  5. blows with large gloves
  6. Colombian icon Nairo Quintana
  7. speed and motor on two wheels
  8. you go to the holes by car
  9. two rackets and a bouncing ball
  10. throws martial art
  11. ball on the beach in the air

20 Clues: wheel artarrows and aimlegs like wheelsspeed in the waterthrows martial artice, speed and scorestwo rackets and a meshblows with large glovestrack, speed, 100 metersyou go to the holes by carswords and masked costumesorange ball inside the ringball on the beach in the airTwo teams with eleven playersColombian icon Nairo Quintana...