vampire diaries Crossword Puzzles

Halloween-French 2015-10-30

Halloween-French crossword puzzle
  1. night before
  2. black cat
  3. to carve
  4. another word for candle (hint: it goes in a pot)
  5. bat
  6. to be afraid
  7. mummy
  8. to dress in a costume
  9. candy
  1. broom
  2. magic
  3. pumpkin
  4. candle
  5. scarecrow
  6. ghost
  7. All Saints' Day
  8. vampire
  9. witch
  10. devil

19 Clues: batbroommagicghostwitchmummydevilcandycandlepumpkinvampireto carveblack catscarecrownight beforeto be afraidAll Saints' Dayto dress in a costumeanother word for candle (hint: it goes in a pot)

Vampire Vocab 2014-10-30

Vampire Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. long life
  2. wisdom
  3. irritate, frustrate
  4. beginner
  5. over-the-top, showy
  6. boring, common
  7. dishonor, disgrace
  1. pleasure-seeker
  2. not important
  3. short-lived
  4. temporary, fleeting
  5. hateful
  6. high praise
  7. impulsive

14 Clues: wisdomhatefulbeginnerlong lifeimpulsiveshort-livedhigh praisenot importantboring, commonpleasure-seekerdishonor, disgracetemporary, fleetingirritate, frustrateover-the-top, showy

Halloween frenchy wenchy 2024-10-31

Halloween frenchy wenchy crossword puzzle
  1. autumn
  2. to yell
  3. vampire
  4. october
  5. candle
  6. cemetary
  7. mask
  8. skull
  1. to haunt
  2. leaf
  3. black cat
  4. to be afraid
  5. zombie
  6. devil
  7. skeleton

15 Clues: leafmaskdevilskullautumnzombiecandleto yellvampireoctoberto hauntcemetaryskeletonblack catto be afraid

BLOODY 2022-10-05

BLOODY crossword puzzle
  1. Birth name of Universal Pictures’ original Dracula actor. (Last name)
  2. Actor turned reluctant vampire hunter in 1985’s Fright Night. (Full character name)
  3. Perhaps the most famous vampire sightings of modern times occurred in this London cemetery in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
  4. Protein which serves as an anticoagulant in the saliva of vampire bats.
  5. Alaskan town beset by a horde of vampires in the 2007 film “30 Days of Night.”
  6. What the “Rh” in “Rh Factor” references in blood typing.
  7. Set in a coastal town in this state, the initial movie in the “I Know What You Did Last Summer” franchise was actually one of the better films to come out of the 1990s slasher film revival. (Postal abbreviation)
  8. Official name of Sesame Street’s resident ghoul. (Full character name)
  9. Portrayed by Tom Cruise in 1994, Stuart Townsend in 2002, and Sam Reid in 2022.
  10. Michael Myers’s psychiatrist and Halloween movie protagonist. (Last name)
  11. Technical term for animals that survive on blood.
  12. Victim turned adopted daughter in novel/movie Interview with The Vampire. (First name)
  13. Teeth that are typically elongated as vampire fangs.
  14. Nickname shared by separate killers across the Scream slasher movie franchise.
  15. Cursed campground from the Friday The 13th movie series. (Two words)
  16. Considered by many to be the “Scream Queen” in her own right, this actress’s mother appeared in one of film’s most famous slasher movie scenes. (Last name)
  17. Title of campy 2020 body-swap slasher film with easter eggs suggesting it shares continuity with the Happy Death Day movie series.
  18. Eccentric filmmaker whose relationship with Bela Lugosi would be explored onscreen by Tim Burton’s film of the same name. (Full name)
  19. The siege environment and rapid uncontrolled transformations of this 1996 vampire movie make it reminiscent of modern zombie films. (Full title)
  20. Last name of vampire tormenter of teenager Charley Brewster.
  21. TV series set in a near-future where vampires can coexist with humans due to the availability of artificial blood.
  22. Despite her iconic association with Wes Craven’s 1996 movie Scream, this actress appears on screen for less than 12 minutes of the film and spent only 5 days on set. (Last name)
  23. While a seemingly unlikely setting for a vampire tale, this is the home of “David” and the eponymous Lost Boys. (Two words)
  1. Ernestly named titular vampire from a popular penny dreadful of the 1840s.
  2. Early folk tales about people afflicted by vampirism may have stemmed from rabies or this blood disorder that renders sufferers pale and sensitive to sunlight.
  3. Stephen King vampire novel set in modern New England. (Two words)
  4. Marvel Comics (and movie) vampire slash vampire hunter.
  5. A broad-bladed knife often used as a farm implement or for clearing brush; it is used with great frequency by Jason Voorhees in the Friday the 13th movie series.
  6. Fictional Illinois home to slasher movie antagonist Michael Myers. (Town name)
  7. Townspeople fearing vampires would often scatter these in front their homes; it was believed that a vampire would have to count each one spilled on the ground before entering a home.
  8. Primary setting of the Twilight book and movie series. (Town name)
  9. Stoker’s working notes for Dracula show that his research included a history of Moldavia and this historical principality.
  10. RAF intelligence officer turned actor who anchored Hammer Horror’s Dracula franchise. (Full name)
  11. Powerful antibiotic compound found inside garlic
  12. A German court ruled that all copies of this film be destroyed because of infringement of Bram Stoker’s theatrical copyright; luckily for modern audiences, they missed one
  13. Name of woman whose exhumation helped to fuel the New England vampire panic of the 1890s. (Full name)
  14. Castle Dracula may have been based not on any Transylvanian landmark but rather this Scottish castle well known to the author.
  15. Author, doctor and friend of Lord Byron whose short story The Vampyr served as one of Bram Stoker’s inspirations for writing Dracula. (Last name)
  16. Number of vacancies at the time of Marion’s arrival at the Bates Motel, according to proprietor Norman
  17. Gothic soap opera of the 1960s and 1970s set in Collinsport, Maine. (Two words)
  18. Portrayed by both Kristy Swanson and Sarah Michelle Gellar. (First name)
  19. Brand of corn syrup used as a substitute for pig’s blood in the 1976 movie Carrie.
  20. Vampire Chronicles author. (Full name)
  21. First name of killer in 1980’s Friday The 13th.

44 Clues: Vampire Chronicles author. (Full name)First name of killer in 1980’s Friday The 13th.Powerful antibiotic compound found inside garlicTechnical term for animals that survive on blood.Teeth that are typically elongated as vampire fangs.Marvel Comics (and movie) vampire slash vampire hunter.What the “Rh” in “Rh Factor” references in blood typing....

Halloween 2012-10-29

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. Witch
  2. Haunted house
  3. Pumpkin
  4. Bat
  5. Skeleton
  6. Zombie
  7. Vampire
  1. Spider
  2. Cobweb
  3. Frankenstein
  4. Ghost
  5. Mummy
  6. Black cat
  7. Owl

14 Clues: BatOwlWitchGhostMummySpiderCobwebZombiePumpkinVampireSkeletonBlack catFrankensteinHaunted house

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Crossword Puzzle 25 Pts. 2016-12-22

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Crossword Puzzle 25 Pts. crossword puzzle
  1. Vladimir's ex-girlfriend
  2. Vladimir's best friend
  3. The world in which Vampires live in
  4. A worker most vampires have to do there work
  5. Vladimir's girlfriend
  6. The city Vladimir lives in
  7. The school Vladimir attends; no spaces
  8. Vladimir's Dad
  9. A book about vampires from Elysia
  10. The main character of The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
  1. The ability that allows Vladimir too read minds
  2. Vladimir's Uncle and one of his teachers
  3. The prophecy of a half vampire, half human who will enslave the human race and rule over vampirekind
  4. Vladimir's former enemy
  5. Ability that Vladimir has not fully mastered and allows him to hover.
  6. Vampyria Book of Vampire laws from Elysia
  7. Vampire who wanted Vladimir's blood
  8. The person who takes care of Vladimir
  9. Vladimir's old friend, now enemy
  10. A creature that feeds on blood;what Vladimir is
  11. Vladimir's great-grandmother and also the leader of the Council of Elders in Elysia

21 Clues: Vladimir's DadVladimir's girlfriendVladimir's best friendVladimir's former enemyVladimir's ex-girlfriendThe city Vladimir lives inVladimir's old friend, now enemyA book about vampires from ElysiaThe world in which Vampires live inVampire who wanted Vladimir's bloodThe person who takes care of VladimirThe school Vladimir attends; no spaces...

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Crossword Puzzle 25 Pts. 2016-12-22

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Crossword Puzzle 25 Pts. crossword puzzle
  1. Vladimir's former enemy
  2. Vladimir's great-grandmother and also the leader of the Council of Elders in Elysia
  3. Vampyria Book of Vampire laws from Elysia
  4. A creature that feeds on blood;what Vladimir is
  5. Vladimir's ex-girlfriend
  6. A worker most vampires have to do there work
  7. Vladimir's girlfriend
  8. The prophecy of a half vampire, half human who will enslave the human race and rule over vampirekind
  9. Ability that Vladimir has not fully mastered and allows him to hover.
  10. Vampire who wanted Vladimir's blood
  11. Vladimir's old friend, now enemy
  1. A book about vampires from Elysia
  2. Vladimir's best friend
  3. The school Vladimir attends; no spaces
  4. The ability that allows Vladimir too read minds
  5. The main character of The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
  6. The world in which Vampires live in
  7. The city Vladimir lives in
  8. The person who takes care of Vladimir
  9. Vladimir's Dad
  10. Vladimir's Uncle and one of his teachers

21 Clues: Vladimir's DadVladimir's girlfriendVladimir's best friendVladimir's former enemyVladimir's ex-girlfriendThe city Vladimir lives inVladimir's old friend, now enemyA book about vampires from ElysiaThe world in which Vampires live inVampire who wanted Vladimir's bloodThe person who takes care of VladimirThe school Vladimir attends; no spaces...

Halloween 2022-10-06

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. momie
  2. monstre
  3. alien
  4. fantôme
  5. cowboy
  6. chauvesouris
  7. citrouille
  8. bonbons ou sort
  1. astronaut
  2. pirate
  3. superhéros
  4. sorcière
  5. octobre
  6. vampire

14 Clues: momiealienpiratecowboymonstrefantômeoctobrevampiresorcièreastronautsuperhéroscitrouillechauvesourisbonbons ou sort

Fast French: l'Halloween 2023-10-24

Fast French: l'Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. spiderweb
  2. mask
  3. fullmoon
  4. hauntedhouse
  5. warewolf
  6. vampire
  7. monster
  8. witch
  1. horrormovie
  2. costume
  3. squeleton
  4. jack-o-lantern
  5. broom
  6. skull

14 Clues: maskbroomskullwitchcostumevampiremonsterfullmoonwarewolfspiderwebsqueletonhorrormoviehauntedhousejack-o-lantern

Katya's 3rd French Crossword 2021-01-07

Katya's 3rd French Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. House
  2. Chicken
  3. Rabbit
  4. Alien
  5. Train
  6. Juice
  7. Dolphin
  8. Owl
  9. Temperature
  10. Clock
  11. 100
  12. Shoulder
  13. Factory
  14. 5
  15. Tooth
  1. Tiger
  2. Lamp
  3. Robot
  4. Sixteen
  5. Vampire
  6. Books
  7. Pants
  8. Zero
  9. Game
  10. Cloud
  11. Leg
  12. Angel
  13. Igloo
  14. Elephant
  15. Hand
  16. Storm
  17. Queen
  18. Pig
  19. Bear

34 Clues: 5LegOwl100PigLampZeroGameHandBearTigerHouseRobotBooksPantsAlienTrainCloudJuiceAngelIglooStormClockQueenToothRabbitSixteenVampireChickenDolphinFactoryElephantShoulderTemperature

Halloween Creatures 2023-11-01

Halloween Creatures crossword puzzle
  1. mummy
  2. skeleton
  3. werewolf
  4. ghost
  5. pumpkin
  6. October
  1. jackolantern
  2. vampire
  3. monster
  4. spider
  5. black cat
  6. witch
  7. zombie
  8. bat

14 Clues: batmummywitchghostspiderzombievampiremonsterpumpkinOctoberskeletonwerewolfblack catjackolantern

Vampires 2023-12-05

Vampires crossword puzzle
  1. where was nosferatu made
  2. kills vampires
  3. nocturnal animal
  4. where Dracula migrated to
  5. canine
  6. wooden weapon
  7. marking to remember the dead
  8. vampire food
  9. archaic Romanian word, synonymous with "vampire"
  10. lack of sun
  11. zombies ghosts and vampires
  12. Bram Stoker’s vampire
  13. in the night sky
  14. veggie repellant
  1. action of being no more
  2. director and actor in What We Do in the Shadows movie
  3. Harvey Guillén's role in the What We Do in the Shadows show
  4. where the dead lay
  5. Region in Romania
  6. doctor on board of the ship with Dracula
  7. where the dead sleep
  8. boat that transported Dracula from Romania to England
  9. where vampires bite

23 Clues: caninelack of sunvampire foodwooden weaponkills vampiresnocturnal animalin the night skyveggie repellantRegion in Romaniawhere the dead laywhere vampires bitewhere the dead sleepBram Stoker’s vampireaction of being no morewhere was nosferatu madewhere Dracula migrated tozombies ghosts and vampiresmarking to remember the dead...

Dracula Pg 207-263 2022-12-17

Dracula Pg 207-263 crossword puzzle
  1. What Seward uses to keep his diary.
  2. What Dracula needs to get into any place.
  3. What Arthur drove through Lucy's heart in order to kill her.
  4. What Lucy turned into.
  5. The version of Dracula Quincey Morris was trying to shoot off the window
  6. The whole gang gets together to discuss Dracula and have what meal?
  7. The vampire that was killed
  8. The man who killed Lucy
  9. The flower that repels vampires
  10. The box Dracula sleeps in
  1. The Eastern Europe name for vampires.
  2. Who Lucy met while staying with Dr.Seward.
  3. The cowboy who returned
  4. Who listened to Dr.Seward's diary and learned of how Lucy died.
  5. What Helsing was calling Lucy instead of "Vampire".
  6. The building that Lucy's coffin resides in.
  7. Where Helsing and Seward staked out looking for Vampire Lucy.
  8. The religious symbol that repels vampires
  9. the number of children lucy tried to/did hurt in this section
  10. A four-legged animal that Dracula can turn into that likes the moon

20 Clues: What Lucy turned into.The cowboy who returnedThe man who killed LucyThe box Dracula sleeps inThe vampire that was killedThe flower that repels vampiresWhat Seward uses to keep his diary.The Eastern Europe name for vampires.What Dracula needs to get into any place.The religious symbol that repels vampiresWho Lucy met while staying with Dr.Seward....

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Crossword Puzzle 25 Points 2016-12-22

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Crossword Puzzle 25 Points crossword puzzle
  1. Vladimir's great-grandmother and also the leader of the Council of Elders in Elysia
  2. The world in which Vampires live in
  3. The school Vladimir attends; no spaces
  4. Vladimir's best friend
  5. Ability that Vladimir has not fully mastered and allows him to hover.
  6. A worker most vampires have to do there work
  7. The person who takes care of Vladimir
  8. Vampire who wanted Vladimir's blood
  9. The main character of The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
  10. Vladimir's Dad
  11. Vladimir's girlfriend
  1. Vampyria Book of Vampire laws from Elysia
  2. Vladimir's old friend, now enemy
  3. The prophecy of a half vampire, half human who will enslave the human race and rule over vampirekind
  4. A creature that feeds on blood;what Vladimir is
  5. Vladimir's ex-girlfriend
  6. The city Vladimir lives in
  7. A book about vampires from Elysia
  8. The ability that allows Vladimir too read minds
  9. Vladimir's former enemy
  10. Vladimir's Uncle and one of his teachers

21 Clues: Vladimir's DadVladimir's girlfriendVladimir's best friendVladimir's former enemyVladimir's ex-girlfriendThe city Vladimir lives inVladimir's old friend, now enemyA book about vampires from ElysiaThe world in which Vampires live inVampire who wanted Vladimir's bloodThe person who takes care of VladimirThe school Vladimir attends; no spaces...

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Crossword Puzzle 25 Pts. 2016-12-22

The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Crossword Puzzle 25 Pts. crossword puzzle
  1. The person who takes care of Vladimir
  2. A worker most vampires have to do there work
  3. Vladimir's best friend
  4. Vladimir's old friend, now enemy
  5. The prophecy of a half vampire, half human who will enslave the human race and rule over vampirekind
  6. The main character of The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
  7. Vladimir's former enemy
  8. The school Vladimir attends; no spaces
  9. The world in which Vampires live in
  10. The ability that allows Vladimir too read minds
  11. Vampire who wanted Vladimir's blood
  12. Vladimir's great-grandmother and also the leader of the Council of Elders in Elysia
  1. Vladimir's ex-girlfriend
  2. Ability that Vladimir has not fully mastered and allows him to hover.
  3. Vampyria Book of Vampire laws from Elysia
  4. A creature that feeds on blood;what Vladimir is
  5. Vladimir's girlfriend
  6. The city Vladimir lives in
  7. A book about vampires from Elysia
  8. Vladimir's Uncle and one of his teachers
  9. Vladimir's Dad

21 Clues: Vladimir's DadVladimir's girlfriendVladimir's best friendVladimir's former enemyVladimir's ex-girlfriendThe city Vladimir lives inVladimir's old friend, now enemyA book about vampires from ElysiaThe world in which Vampires live inVampire who wanted Vladimir's bloodThe person who takes care of VladimirThe school Vladimir attends; no spaces...

Spark Your Mind Halloween edition 2019-10-30

Spark Your Mind Halloween edition crossword puzzle
  1. where pumpkins are grown
  2. say whoo whoo
  3. rides a broom
  4. Flying mammal
  5. a sound made when frightened
  6. halloween month
  7. kind of bullet to kill a werewolf
  8. might be half full or new
  9. a walking corpse
  10. frightens birds
  11. a disquise
  12. witches cast these
  13. opposite of alive
  1. a bigger version of a mouse
  2. wears a sheet
  3. a spider spins this
  4. unlucky number
  5. a boney sort of fellow
  6. wrapped up monster
  7. cemetery markers
  8. trick or treat for this
  9. sucks your blood
  10. a type of house you visit at Halloween
  11. where a vampire sleeps
  12. sharp teeth of a vampire

25 Clues: a disquisewears a sheetsay whoo whoorides a broomFlying mammalunlucky numberhalloween monthfrightens birdscemetery markersa walking corpsesucks your bloodopposite of alivewrapped up monsterwitches cast thesea spider spins thisa boney sort of fellowwhere a vampire sleepstrick or treat for thiswhere pumpkins are grownsharp teeth of a vampire...

Halloween Crossword 2022-10-10

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a vampire turns into a ________ at nights.
  2. they wear a white sheet and scare people.
  3. he lives in the Carpathians.
  4. it is found in Pyramids.
  5. it comes out on full moon nights.
  6. frankenstein made one.
  7. ________ or treat?
  8. a ________ house is full of ghosts.
  9. he hates garlic.
  10. if you see a ________ cat, it is bad luck.
  1. she wears a pointed hat and makes potions.
  2. frightening
  3. it is celebrated on October 31st.
  4. playground for ghosts.
  5. it may be full, half or new.
  6. where a vampire sleeps.
  7. many bones make a ________ .
  8. we carve scary faces on in.
  9. ________ o' Lantern!
  10. what a spider spins.

20 Clues: frighteninghe hates garlic.________ or treat?________ o' Lantern!what a spider spins.playground for ghosts.frankenstein made one.where a vampire is found in Pyramids.we carve scary faces on in.he lives in the may be full, half or new.many bones make a ________ .it is celebrated on October 31st....

Halloween 2021-11-07

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. chauve-souris
  2. sorcière
  3. araignée
  4. citrouille
  5. bougie
  6. rat
  7. fantôme
  1. chat
  2. balais
  3. bonbons
  4. vampire
  5. squelette
  6. serpent
  7. monstre

14 Clues: ratchatbalaisbougiebonbonsvampireserpentmonstrefantômesorcièrearaignéesquelettecitrouillechauve-souris

Halloween Crossword 2022-10-20

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. masque
  2. tombe
  3. vampire
  4. crâne
  5. chapeau
  6. chauve-souris
  7. araignée
  8. chaudron
  1. diable
  2. citrouille
  3. bonbons
  4. fantôme
  5. squelette
  6. sorcière

14 Clues: tombecrânediablemasquebonbonsfantômevampirechapeauaraignéesorcièrechaudronsquelettecitrouillechauve-souris

PLURAL 2023-06-13

PLURAL crossword puzzle
  1. Leaves
  2. wolves
  3. Stories
  4. echoes
  5. Candies
  1. Calves
  2. Shelves
  3. Loaves
  4. Cargoes
  5. Diaries

10 Clues: CalvesLeavesLoaveswolvesechoesShelvesCargoesStoriesDiariesCandies

Dracula Crossword Puzzle 2023-04-07

Dracula Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what vampire drink
  2. The vampire can switch in this animal
  3. The things that look like a trail of blood behind the vampire
  4. The region off Dracula
  5. The vampire can switch in this second form
  1. The children of the night
  2. The a big manor that makes you uncomfortable
  3. The first vampire
  4. A religious cross that make the vampire feal weak
  5. A plant thah make vampire feel weak

10 Clues: The first vampirewhat vampire drinkThe region off DraculaThe children of the nightA plant thah make vampire feel weakThe vampire can switch in this animalThe vampire can switch in this second formThe a big manor that makes you uncomfortableA religious cross that make the vampire feal weakThe things that look like a trail of blood behind the vampire

Unit 2 Week 2 Crossword 2016-05-20

Unit 2 Week 2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. he would
  2. will not
  3. what is
  4. that is
  5. journals
  6. you have
  7. did not
  8. we have
  9. should not
  10. does not
  11. we are
  12. she would
  13. are not
  1. do not
  2. is not
  3. put into practice or put to use
  4. was not
  5. there is
  6. having liquid falling in drops
  7. I have
  8. would not
  9. could not
  10. they are
  11. you are
  12. we will

25 Clues: do notis notI havewe arewhat iswas notthat isdid notwe haveyou arewe willare nothe wouldwill notthere isjournalsyou havethey aredoes notwould notcould notshe wouldshould nothaving liquid falling in dropsput into practice or put to use

Twilight 2020-09-30

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. The town where bella moved to
  2. The last name of The family of Vampires
  3. A freind of Bella, Billy Jack's son
  4. Bella's dad
  5. The vampire that can see the future
  6. A vampire that falls in love with Bella
  7. The vampire that can sense and manipulate the emotions of people
  8. Wife of Doctor Carlisle
  1. The author of twilight
  2. The vampire thats a doctor
  3. moved from Arizona to Forks and falls in love with Edward
  4. The vampire that hunted bella

12 Clues: Bella's dadThe author of twilightWife of Doctor CarlisleThe vampire thats a doctorThe town where bella moved toThe vampire that hunted bellaA freind of Bella, Billy Jack's sonThe vampire that can see the futureThe last name of The family of VampiresA vampire that falls in love with Bellamoved from Arizona to Forks and falls in love with Edward...

Halloween Vocabulary 2024-11-03

Halloween Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. crâne
  2. vampire
  3. loup-garou
  4. sorcière
  5. sang
  6. citrouille
  7. fantasmagorique
  1. créature
  2. pierre tombale
  3. araignée
  4. squelette
  5. cauchemar
  6. effrayant(e)
  7. potion

14 Clues: sangcrânepotionvampirecréaturearaignéesorcièresquelettecauchemarloup-garoucitrouilleeffrayant(e)pierre tombalefantasmagorique

The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare 2021-06-20

The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare crossword puzzle
  4. HUMAN


DRACULA 2024-10-25

DRACULA crossword puzzle


In the Haunted Castle 2023-11-30

In the Haunted Castle crossword puzzle
  1. chambre
  2. fantome
  3. momie
  4. salle a manger
  5. cuisine
  6. the capital of Scotland
  7. jardin
  8. the capital of Wales
  1. salle de bain
  2. effrayant
  3. citrouille
  4. vampire
  5. sous sol
  6. salon
  7. the capital of England
  8. grenier

16 Clues: momiesalonjardinchambrefantomevampirecuisinegreniersous soleffrayantcitrouillesalle de bainsalle a mangerthe capital of Walesthe capital of Englandthe capital of Scotland

May 10, 1994 2023-02-10

May 10, 1994 crossword puzzle
  1. A vampire that doesn’t burn in the sun, a wolf that is not slaved to the moon, a witch with unbeatable powers
  2. A Witch that has no Powers
  3. Damon’s Specialty
  4. The mix between a vampire and witch
  5. Damon’s Best friend
  6. Comes from a bloodline
  7. The way to escape the Prison World
  8. Stefan’s Wife
  1. The mix between Vampires and Werewolves
  2. Part of the coven
  3. The oldest Salvatore Brother
  4. Jo Laughlin’s Twin
  5. The original Hybrid
  6. The Main Town
  7. When you die, you become a
  8. The Main Witch
  9. Damon’s Girl Friend
  10. Damon and Stefan’s Mom
  11. The younger Salvatore Brother

19 Clues: The Main TownStefan’s WifeThe Main WitchPart of the covenDamon’s SpecialtyJo Laughlin’s TwinThe original HybridDamon’s Girl FriendDamon’s Best friendDamon and Stefan’s MomComes from a bloodlineWhen you die, you become aA Witch that has no PowersThe oldest Salvatore BrotherThe younger Salvatore BrotherThe way to escape the Prison World...

Internet nouns and verbs 2024-06-01

Internet nouns and verbs crossword puzzle
  1. online pages
  2. share
  3. the internet
  4. keep
  5. leave a note online
  6. copy
  1. take digital notes
  2. where you read, write and reply
  3. option
  4. online diaries
  5. explore
  6. click them to go to another web

12 Clues: keepcopyshareoptionexploreonline pagesthe internetonline diariestake digital notesleave a note onlinewhere you read, write and replyclick them to go to another web

Powerful Females 2023-12-11

Powerful Females crossword puzzle
  1. A hot slytherin
  2. Snow White
  3. One of the first Heritics
  4. Vampire Barbie
  5. Josies first love
  6. serpent queen
  7. Rumples Girlfriend
  8. Elenas Doppleganger
  9. Harvest Witch
  10. A crazy Ravenclaw
  11. The scarlett witch
  12. A ravenclaw
  13. Henery's mom
  14. Tribrid
  15. The evil queen
  1. A vampire Slayer
  2. Black widow
  3. Definition of a killer queen
  4. A lodge
  5. Last living gemini
  6. Cresent wolves alpha
  7. A bad Vampire Slayer
  8. Serpent
  9. Barbie Klaus
  10. Boring
  11. The most loyal Deatheater
  12. Hot red head
  13. A goddess
  14. Pheonix
  15. The last living Heritic
  16. The slayer's Sister
  17. A direct descendent of Questia
  18. Original Witch
  19. Hunger games
  20. Powerfull Muggle

35 Clues: BoringA lodgeSerpentPheonixTribridA goddessSnow WhiteBlack widowA ravenclawBarbie KlausHot red headHunger gamesHenery's momserpent queenHarvest WitchVampire BarbieOriginal WitchThe evil queenA hot slytherinA vampire SlayerPowerfull MuggleJosies first loveA crazy RavenclawLast living geminiRumples GirlfriendThe scarlett witchElenas Doppleganger...

Halloween 2023-11-13

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. crâne
  2. citrouille
  3. zombie
  4. bonbon
  5. chauve-souris
  6. sorcière
  7. monstre
  8. squelette
  9. fantôme
  1. araignée
  2. momie
  3. werewolf
  4. vampire
  5. maison hantée

14 Clues: crânemomiezombiebonbonvampiremonstrefantômearaignéewerewolfsorcièresquelettecitrouillechauve-sourismaison hantée

Séries 2021-09-29

Séries crossword puzzle
  1. vida da jovem Clary Fray muda completamente quando ela descobre fazer parte de uma raça de humanos que caçam demônios e têm sangue de anjo.
  2. meu pai foi morto pelo pai da minha namorada
  3. A série gira em torno de seis fadas populares que devem aprender a controlar seus poderes mágicos frequentando uma escola em um mundo fantástico. Alfea é uma escola situada no Outromundo que tem por objetivo formar as fadas.
  4. explora o surrealismo da vida em uma pequena cidade e mostra a estranheza que se esconde atrás da fachada saudável de
  5. série de zumbi
  6. escola de sexo
  7. uma menina que ganha um trabalho em paris
  1. O vampiro Klaus retorna a Nova Orleans, que sua família ajudou a construir, para investigar rumores de uma conspiração contra ele, nesta série baseada em "The Vampire Diaries".
  2. Uma adolescente acidentalmente descobre um mundo mágico e ganha poderes. Ela então precisa unir fadas, elfos e humanos para salvar todos de uma ameaça inesperada.
  3. Séries de médicos que se passa em Seattle
  4. Uma mulher casada e mãe de dois filhos não consegue parar de pensar no passado tórrido com o ex.
  5. eles deve para agiotas e bancos
  6. série de lobo adolescente

13 Clues: série de zumbiescola de sexosérie de lobo adolescenteeles deve para agiotas e bancosSéries de médicos que se passa em Seattleuma menina que ganha um trabalho em parismeu pai foi morto pelo pai da minha namoradaUma mulher casada e mãe de dois filhos não consegue parar de pensar no passado tórrido com o ex....

Halloween Cross Word 2022-11-01

Halloween Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. A carved Halloween pumpkin is called a ___-o-lantern
  2. Who hates garlic?
  3. _____ House
  4. At which the wolves howl
  5. Bubble bubble, ____ and trouble
  6. All the bones in your body
  7. Where a vampire sleeps
  8. Rides a broom
  1. Playground for ghosts
  2. What vegetable is carved on Halloween
  3. A big black pot that witches use to make potions
  4. Also known as the living dead
  5. October 31st
  6. A vampire can also fly by turning into a?
  7. What a spider spins
  8. Mary Shelley's book

16 Clues: _____ HouseOctober 31stRides a broomWho hates garlic?What a spider spinsMary Shelley's bookPlayground for ghostsWhere a vampire sleepsAt which the wolves howlAll the bones in your bodyAlso known as the living deadBubble bubble, ____ and troubleWhat vegetable is carved on HalloweenA vampire can also fly by turning into a?...

Bunnicula 2021-11-28

Bunnicula crossword puzzle
  1. a story or event recorded by a camera
  2. a feline animal
  3. a canine animal
  4. a cat
  5. the home of Dracula
  6. a mythical creature that burns in daylight
  7. a vampire rabbit
  8. something weird going on
  1. awake at night and sleeps during the day
  2. a food that has no seeds
  3. a hare
  4. a color not part of the rainbow
  5. a famous vampire
  6. a dog
  7. the family
  8. structure of bars that animals are kept in

16 Clues: a cata doga harethe familya feline animala canine animala famous vampirea vampire rabbitthe home of Draculaa food that has no seedssomething weird going ona color not part of the rainbowa story or event recorded by a cameraawake at night and sleeps during the daystructure of bars that animals are kept ina mythical creature that burns in daylight

La Veille de la Toussaint 2013-10-22

La Veille de la Toussaint crossword puzzle
  1. Chat
  2. Cimetiere
  3. Monstre
  4. Gobelin
  5. Bonbon
  6. Sorciere
  7. Tombe
  1. Effrayant
  2. pie Tarte a la citrouille
  3. Vampire
  4. Automne
  5. Fantome
  6. Chauve-souris
  7. Pomme

14 Clues: ChatPommeTombeBonbonVampireAutomneMonstreGobelinFantomeSorciereEffrayantCimetiereChauve-sourispie Tarte a la citrouille

Owl Diaries 2020-05-20

Owl Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. What animal can smell of to 6 miles away?
  2. What Grows on the Farm?
  3. What is Eva's Teachers name?
  4. What is Eva Wingdales favorite season?
  5. Who taught them to pick apples?
  6. What do chickens have more of than Giraffes?
  7. What is the horses name?
  1. What is Pigsty?
  2. What road does Eva Live on?
  3. Who is Eva's Best Friend?
  4. Where did the class go?
  5. What is Baxter?
  6. What marks the first day of fall?
  7. Who to the Pumpkin Farm?

14 Clues: What is Pigsty?What is Baxter?What Grows on the Farm?Where did the class go?Who to the Pumpkin Farm?What is the horses name?Who is Eva's Best Friend?What road does Eva Live on?What is Eva's Teachers name?Who taught them to pick apples?What marks the first day of fall?What is Eva Wingdales favorite season?What animal can smell of to 6 miles away?...

anime movies/songs 2022-09-01

anime movies/songs crossword puzzle
  1. of the titan
  2. secret diaries
  3. slayer
  4. hurts
  5. a friend
  1. Better
  2. go
  3. young
  4. hero academia
  5. of the elite

10 Clues: goyounghurtsBetterslayera friendof the titanof the elitehero academiasecret diaries

L'halloween Vocabulaire 2022-10-30

L'halloween Vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. le vampire
  2. une maison hantée
  3. le fantôme
  4. l’araignée
  5. un squelette
  6. le déguisement
  7. un crâne
  1. la toile d’araignée
  2. une citrouille-lanterne
  3. la sorcière
  4. le chaudron
  5. un loup-garou
  6. la citrouille
  7. un lutin
  8. la chauve-souris
  9. un monstre
  10. un masque

17 Clues: un lutinun crâneun masquele vampirele fantômeun monstrel’araignéela sorcièrele chaudronun squeletteun loup-garoula citrouillele déguisementla chauve-sourisune maison hantéela toile d’araignéeune citrouille-lanterne

My crossword 2013-09-10

My crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Mr. Emmerich
  2. hospitals provide this
  3. Evil character inside book
  4. A project
  5. vampire council
  6. raising vlad
  1. Power
  2. parent
  3. October 31st
  4. Grade im currently in
  5. main character
  6. night blood sucker
  7. Uncle
  8. parent
  9. best friend
  10. Vlads school
  11. otis
  12. plasma in your body

18 Clues: otisPowerUncleparentparentA projectbest friendMr. EmmerichOctober 31stVlads schoolraising vladmain charactervampire councilnight blood suckerplasma in your bodyGrade im currently inhospitals provide thisEvil character inside book

Halloween Movies 2022-10-17

Halloween Movies crossword puzzle
  1. The friendly ghost
  2. Vampire hunter
  3. Family pugsly and wednesday
  4. Serial killers from the South
  5. Chucky
  6. Priest performing a ritual
  7. Black and white striped demon
  8. Killer Clown
  9. real-life witch hunting
  1. slimer
  2. Pinhead
  3. Pumpkin King
  4. Original Vampire
  5. Jason Voorhees
  6. Michael Myers
  7. Chicago urban legend
  8. 3 witches
  9. Freddy Kreuger
  10. little girl from the well
  11. gizmo

20 Clues: gizmoslimerChuckyPinhead3 witchesPumpkin KingKiller ClownMichael MyersJason VoorheesVampire hunterFreddy KreugerOriginal VampireThe friendly ghostChicago urban legendreal-life witch huntinglittle girl from the wellPriest performing a ritualFamily pugsly and wednesdaySerial killers from the SouthBlack and white striped demon

Mots Croisés - Halloween 2022-10-21

Mots Croisés - Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. toad
  2. spider
  3. web
  4. vampire
  5. decorate
  6. scarecrow
  7. candy
  8. witch
  1. broom
  2. pumpkin
  3. skeleton
  4. cauldron
  5. ghost

13 Clues: webtoadbroomghostcandywitchspiderpumpkinvampireskeletoncauldrondecoratescarecrow

1 2024-08-21

1 crossword puzzle
  1. Masked villain
  2. Split man
  3. Circus horror
  4. Voodoo film
  5. Unseen villain
  6. Paris horror
  7. Obsessive surgeon
  8. Spooky mansion
  9. Opera ghost
  10. Vampire classic
  11. Feline curse
  12. Mystery killer
  13. Poe film
  14. Giant ape
  15. Poe-inspired
  1. Lagoon monster
  2. Created monster
  3. Wrapped terror
  4. Deadly beam
  5. Horror sequel
  6. Clay creature
  7. Human experiments
  8. Quasimodo tale
  9. Cursed man
  10. Silent vampire

25 Clues: Poe filmSplit manGiant apeCursed manDeadly beamVoodoo filmOpera ghostParis horrorFeline cursePoe-inspiredCircus horrorHorror sequelClay creatureLagoon monsterWrapped terrorMasked villainUnseen villainSpooky mansionQuasimodo taleMystery killerSilent vampireCreated monsterVampire classicHuman experimentsObsessive surgeon

Twilight 2023-07-16

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Vampires do not ___ on their birthday
  2. At night vampires do not do what
  3. Most beautiful vampire
  4. Vampires cannot die because they are
  5. Main female character
  6. Edwards eyes are what color
  7. Eye color when needing to feed
  1. Jacob is a
  2. Edward is a
  3. VAmpires will ______ when in the sunlight
  4. Who is the strongest vampire
  5. Werewolves come out at a full
  6. Main werewolf character
  7. Vampires like to suck
  8. Bella starts out as a
  9. Main male Character

16 Clues: Jacob is aEdward is aMain male CharacterMain female characterVampires like to suckBella starts out as aMost beautiful vampireMain werewolf characterEdwards eyes are what colorWho is the strongest vampireWerewolves come out at a fullEye color when needing to feedAt night vampires do not do whatVampires cannot die because they are...

Guardian Tales 2025-02-04

Guardian Tales crossword puzzle
  1. skill badai topan darah
  2. kakak perempuan miya
  3. nama lain Beth
  4. kakek skin loli
  5. anak perempuan Claude
  6. ratu Raid
  7. tank terbaik
  8. healer element api
  1. mode pvp
  2. kakak perempuan LP
  3. dokter wabah
  4. boss world 11
  5. weapon Knight
  6. tank element dark
  7. Guardian wajah bodoh
  8. tank element light
  9. ratu ekspedisi
  10. vampire world 1
  11. NPC balap lari
  12. vampire kesayangan Player

20 Clues: mode pvpratu Raiddokter wabahtank terbaikboss world 11weapon Knightnama lain Bethratu ekspedisiNPC balap larikakek skin lolivampire world 1tank element darkkakak perempuan LPtank element lighthealer element apikakak perempuan miyaGuardian wajah bodohanak perempuan Claudeskill badai topan darahvampire kesayangan Player

L'halloween 2024-10-29

L'halloween crossword puzzle
  2. CANDY
  2. GHOST
  3. MOON
  4. WITCH


DIARIES 2025-02-14

DIARIES crossword puzzle
  1. hair tied up high at the back of the head
  2. a liquid that smells nice used on the body
  3. pants that are wide at the bottom
  4. a round flat object that plays music
  1. a very short skirt that women wear
  2. shoes with tall heels
  3. a fun event where people meet dance and celebrate
  4. hair on a man's chin and cheeks

8 Clues: shoes with tall heelshair on a man's chin and cheekspants that are wide at the bottoma very short skirt that women weara round flat object that plays musichair tied up high at the back of the heada liquid that smells nice used on the bodya fun event where people meet dance and celebrate

Everything Everly-Servant of the Blood 2022-11-11

Everything Everly-Servant of the Blood crossword puzzle
  1. Alexius' son.
  2. Alexius the _______
  3. Everly age in Servant of the Blood.
  4. AKA Claire
  5. Type of vampire Everly is.
  6. Creepy Master vampire that took over Jacob's nest.
  7. "Package" Rupert sent as a great help for Everly.
  1. Vampire "friend" of Everly who double crossed her.
  2. City name where Everly had her condo.
  3. Everly's vampire uncle.
  4. City Alexius lives in.
  5. Edwin's unstable secret offspring.

12 Clues: AKA ClaireAlexius' son.Alexius the _______City Alexius lives in.Everly's vampire uncle.Type of vampire Everly is.Edwin's unstable secret offspring.Everly age in Servant of the Blood.City name where Everly had her condo."Package" Rupert sent as a great help for Everly.Vampire "friend" of Everly who double crossed her....

TVD 2022-02-16

TVD crossword puzzle
  1. Klaus is a...
  2. He has hero hair
  3. blood-sucking species
  4. The older vampire brother
  5. Klaus Is an ___ vampire
  6. elena's brother
  1. Tyler is a...
  2. She turned into a vampire in season four
  3. the best witch
  4. one of bonnies lovers
  5. longest human alive/annoying

11 Clues: Tyler is a...Klaus is a...the best witchelena's brotherHe has hero hairblood-sucking speciesone of bonnies loversKlaus Is an ___ vampireThe older vampire brotherlongest human alive/annoyingShe turned into a vampire in season four

The Guardian's Curse Crossword 2023-09-29

The Guardian's Curse Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the Blade of ____, the vampire court to which the series' heroes belong
  2. capital of France, consummate flirt
  3. the setting of the Cursed Blood series
  4. Shoshanna's ex-boyfriend, now a vampire
  5. J.D. ____ writes the Cursed Blood series ;)
  6. a grumpy vampire who helps Shoshanna with her dead battery
  7. canines, how vampires bite
  8. Eduardo ____ the head of the Blade of Auberon
  1. half vampire, half human hybrid
  2. Midnight ____, a fictional suburb where reclusive vampires live
  3. the musical instrument both Alistair and Shoshanna play
  4. the name of Shoshanna York's cat
  5. the red beverage of choice for vampires
  6. the surname of the reclusive Alistair, the beast of Book 1
  7. the nightclub where Eduardo and his court hang out

15 Clues: canines, how vampires bitehalf vampire, half human hybridthe name of Shoshanna York's catcapital of France, consummate flirtthe setting of the Cursed Blood seriesthe red beverage of choice for vampiresShoshanna's ex-boyfriend, now a vampireJ.D. ____ writes the Cursed Blood series ;)Eduardo ____ the head of the Blade of Auberon...

how 2021-11-10

how crossword puzzle
  1. destroy vampire
  2. epic ice fairy
  3. doll maker girl
  4. samurai gardener
  5. yukari's shikigami
  6. selfish witch
  7. moon princess
  8. usa usa
  1. element magic
  2. make dark
  3. ran's shikigami
  4. time stopping maid
  5. gap hag lol
  6. fate vampire
  7. lazy shrine maiden
  8. oni strength
  9. death ghost

17 Clues: usa usamake darkgap hag loldeath ghostfate vampireoni strengthelement magicselfish witchmoon princessepic ice fairydestroy vampireran's shikigamidoll maker girlsamurai gardenertime stopping maidyukari's shikigamilazy shrine maiden

Halloween 2023-10-29

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. Something carved
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Worn on Halloween
  4. Has fangs
  5. Popular food
  6. Halloween color
  7. Scary creature
  8. Witch's transportation
  9. Pumpkin carving
  10. event
  1. Something that is haunted
  2. Long, warty nose character
  3. Wrapped creature
  4. Animal associated with Halloween
  5. Vampire food
  6. Popular phrase
  7. Opposite of soothing
  8. Howls at the moon
  9. Insect associated with Halloween
  10. Creature that says "Boo"

20 Clues: eventHas fangsVampire foodPopular foodFlying mammalPopular phraseScary creatureHalloween colorPumpkin carvingSomething carvedWrapped creatureWorn on HalloweenHowls at the moonOpposite of soothingWitch's transportationCreature that says "Boo"Something that is hauntedLong, warty nose characterAnimal associated with Halloween...

Halloween Custom 2024-12-13

Halloween Custom crossword puzzle
  1. - Face cover.
  2. - Broom rider.
  3. - Disguise outfit.
  4. - Vampire teeth.
  5. - Haunting spirit.
  6. - Magic words
  7. - Witch's pot.
  8. - Bony figure.
  9. - Undead walker.
  10. - Web weaver.
  11. - Scary genre.
  12. - Graveyard.
  13. - Sweet treats.
  14. - Dusty web.
  1. - Bloodsucker.
  2. - Full moon beast.
  3. - Nocturnal flyers.
  4. - Carved squash.
  5. - Wolf transformation.
  6. - Burial site.
  7. - Spooky house.
  8. - Jack-o'-____.
  9. - Wrapped figure.
  10. - Or treat.
  11. - Witch's brew.

25 Clues: - Or treat.- Graveyard.- Dusty web.- Face cover.- Magic words- Web weaver.- Bloodsucker.- Broom rider.- Burial site.- Witch's pot.- Bony figure.- Scary genre.- Spooky house.- Jack-o'-____.- Witch's brew.- Sweet treats.- Carved squash.- Vampire teeth.- Undead walker.- Wrapped figure.- Full moon beast.- Disguise outfit.- Haunting spirit....

Literary Movements 2021-08-29

Literary Movements crossword puzzle
  1. A realistic view of reality and interpretation of reality is more important
  2. Oral tradition of stories mainly involving nature
  3. Authors from diverse backgrounds that promotes acceptance
  4. Themes of alienation and isolation by writers disillusioned by WWI, the Great Depression, and WWII
  5. Writers alienating themselves and the promotion of jazz music, drugs, sexuality, etc.
  6. Promoted facts over intellectual or emotional reasoning; Stories of everyday people
  7. Stories in distant times or places that focused on individualism and nature.
  1. Political and philosophical writings about reason and common sense
  2. Consentrated outburst of African-American art, writing, and music
  3. Beliefs about the natural and spiritual world; God, humanity, and nature share a universal soul
  4. Letters and diaries from immigrants arriving in America
  5. Stories, poetry, and diaries from immigrants who left Europe to find religious freedom
  6. Post-modernism but focused on relationships, connections between people and evoking emotion
  7. Social issues caused by industrialization

14 Clues: Social issues caused by industrializationOral tradition of stories mainly involving natureLetters and diaries from immigrants arriving in AmericaAuthors from diverse backgrounds that promotes acceptanceConsentrated outburst of African-American art, writing, and musicPolitical and philosophical writings about reason and common sense...

Halloween 2023-10-15

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. travels our veins
  2. all 216 bones
  3. becomes a vampire
  4. lives under your bed
  5. hates dogs
  6. disguise
  7. spirit with no body
  8. orange squash
  9. sweet treat
  10. slow crawler
  1. witches ride
  2. yell
  3. Trick or ___?
  4. might be haunted
  5. vampire teeth
  6. unsettling mood
  7. body wrap for Egypt's dead
  8. to frighten
  9. can cast a spell on you

19 Clues: yelldisguisehates dogsto frightensweet treatwitches rideslow crawlerall 216 bonesTrick or ___?vampire teethorange squashunsettling moodmight be hauntedtravels our veinsbecomes a vampirespirit with no bodylives under your bedcan cast a spell on youbody wrap for Egypt's dead

halloween 2023-10-15

halloween crossword puzzle
  1. ghost
  2. cauldron
  3. bat
  4. candies
  5. vampire
  6. sweets
  1. hauntedhouse
  2. skeleton
  3. pumpkin
  4. cobweb
  5. witch
  6. mommy
  7. monster

13 Clues: batghostwitchmommycobwebsweetspumpkinmonstercandiesvampireskeletoncauldronhauntedhouse

Halloween 2023-10-18

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. cat
  2. candle
  3. broom
  4. spider
  5. coffin
  6. vampire
  7. pumpkin
  1. cauldron
  2. candy
  3. ghost
  4. mummy
  5. skeleton
  6. witch

13 Clues: catcandyghostbroommummywitchcandlespidercoffinvampirepumpkincauldronskeleton

h1 2024-06-23

h1 crossword puzzle
  1. Living dead
  2. Hockey mask killer
  3. Nightmare stalker
  4. Created a monster
  5. Halloween slasher
  6. Japanese monster
  7. Space horror creature
  8. Transforms under the moon
  9. Opera ghost
  10. Famous vampire film
  1. Telekinetic prom queen
  2. H.G. Wells' unseen man
  3. Bates Motel killer
  4. Silent vampire classic
  5. Overlook Hotel horror
  6. Man eating shark
  7. Possessed girl
  8. Found footage terror
  9. Wrapped in bandages
  10. Killer doll

20 Clues: Living deadKiller dollOpera ghostPossessed girlMan eating sharkJapanese monsterNightmare stalkerCreated a monsterHalloween slasherBates Motel killerHockey mask killerWrapped in bandagesFamous vampire filmFound footage terrorOverlook Hotel horrorSpace horror creatureTelekinetic prom queenH.G. Wells' unseen manSilent vampire classic...

Dracula 2021-03-25

Dracula crossword puzzle
  1. Dracula called their howls, music
  2. the saint mentioned by the old lady
  3. Dracula lives in this country
  4. Dracula lived in a huge, ruined...
  5. Dracula's clothes are this colour
  6. vampire bites leave two ... wounds
  7. the name of Jonathan's fiancé
  8. Dracula's castle is built on a sheer ...
  9. Dracula disguised himself as a small cloud of ...
  10. Dracula's Cloak spread about him like enormous ...
  11. vampires hate this sacred object
  12. Jonathan never saw Dracula eat or ...
  1. Jonathan's surname
  2. this girl became a vampire after Dracula attacked her
  3. Lucy was killed with one of these through her heart
  4. a vampire does not have one of these in a mirror
  5. a set of beads that kept Jonathan safe
  6. Van Helsing broke into Dracula's home with a skeleton...
  7. Helsing, the famous vampire hunter
  8. pointed teeth are often called...
  9. a strong smelling herb that repels vampires
  10. Dracula changed form into this animal
  11. Dracula's ... were sharpened to points
  12. Dracula used to climb out of this
  13. vampires sleep in these
  14. vampires are weakest between sunrise and ...
  15. a title Dracula uses

27 Clues: Jonathan's surnamea title Dracula usesvampires sleep in theseDracula lives in this countrythe name of Jonathan's fiancévampires hate this sacred objectDracula called their howls, musicpointed teeth are often called...Dracula's clothes are this colourDracula used to climb out of thisHelsing, the famous vampire hunter...

halloween 2022-09-20

halloween crossword puzzle
  1. venom
  2. arachnid
  3. prehensile
  4. black rat
  5. vixen
  6. barn owl
  1. vertebrae
  2. teeth
  3. pumpkin
  4. vampire
  5. amphibian
  6. armadillo
  7. camouflage

13 Clues: teethvenomvixenpumpkinvampirearachnidbarn owlvertebraeamphibianarmadilloblack ratprehensilecamouflage


GOTHIC FICTION crossword puzzle
  1. cimetière
  2. vampire
  3. monstre
  4. château
  5. fantôme
  6. surnaturel
  7. histoire
  8. hanté
  1. personnage
  2. forêt
  3. mystère
  4. sorcière
  5. lieu/endroit

13 Clues: forêthantévampiremonstremystèrechâteaufantômesorcièrehistoirecimetièrepersonnagesurnaturellieu/endroit

Halloween 2023-10-12

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. masque
  2. crâne
  3. châpeau
  4. sorcière
  5. squelette
  6. tombe
  7. araignée
  8. chauve-souris
  1. citrouille
  2. bonbons
  3. vampire
  4. chaudron
  5. fantôme

13 Clues: crânetombemasquebonbonsvampirechâpeaufantômechaudronsorcièrearaignéesquelettecitrouillechauve-souris

Dork Diaries 2015-12-16

Dork Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. The school the main character attended
  2. The last name of the authors name
  3. The main character in the story
  4. The mother of the pups
  5. The last name of the main character
  6. The main character's sister
  7. The first spot the story stated in
  8. What the main character loves to write in
  1. What the main character took care of
  2. The person the main character has a crush on
  3. One of the main character's best friends
  4. One of the main character's best friends
  5. The main Character's rival
  6. What the main character's dad killed for a living
  7. Brandon's friend

15 Clues: Brandon's friendThe mother of the pupsThe main Character's rivalThe main character's sisterThe main character in the storyThe last name of the authors nameThe first spot the story stated inThe last name of the main characterWhat the main character took care ofThe school the main character attendedOne of the main character's best friends...

Corona Diaries 2020-12-21

Corona Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. People with the COVID-19 virus sometimes feel pain or pressure in the ____.
  2. An important warning sign of COVID-19 is difficulty in _____ or shortness of breath.
  3. Always cover your mouth when you ___ or sneeze.
  4. Use of ___ is must to keep your hands disinfected.
  5. If possible, open ___ to increase ventilation.
  6. ___community spread is dangerous!
  1. Stay ___ if you are feeling sick.
  2. Do not shake _____.
  3. Entire world is waiting for ___to fight against CORONA.
  4. ____ your hands frequently.
  5. Limit close contact with others, staying about ___ feet apart.
  6. Avoid large _____ of people.
  7. Wear your ___ all the time.
  8. Try not to touch your ____.

14 Clues: Do not shake _____.____ your hands frequently.Wear your ___ all the time.Try not to touch your ____.Avoid large _____ of people.Stay ___ if you are feeling sick.___community spread is dangerous!If possible, open ___ to increase ventilation.Always cover your mouth when you ___ or sneeze.Use of ___ is must to keep your hands disinfected....

Owl Diaries 2020-05-20

Owl Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Avenue, What road does Eva Live on?
  2. What is Pigsty?
  3. Featherbottom, What is Eva's Teachers name?
  4. Who is Eva's Best Friend?
  5. What is Eva Wingdales favorite season?
  6. Bones, What do chickens have more of than Giraffes?
  7. What is Baxter?
  8. What is the horses name?
  1. Leaves, What marks the first day of fall?
  2. Who taught them to pick apples?
  3. What Grows on the Farm?
  4. Who to the Pumpkin Farm?
  5. Farm, Where did the class go?
  6. What animal can smell of to 6 miles away?

14 Clues: What is Pigsty?What is Baxter?What Grows on the Farm?Who to the Pumpkin Farm?What is the horses name?Who is Eva's Best Friend?Farm, Where did the class go?Who taught them to pick apples?Avenue, What road does Eva Live on?What is Eva Wingdales favorite season?What animal can smell of to 6 miles away?Leaves, What marks the first day of fall?...

Owl Diaries 2020-05-20

Owl Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. What animal can smell of to 6 miles away?
  2. What is Eva's Teachers name?
  3. What is the horses name?
  4. What marks the first day of fall?
  5. Who to the Pumpkin Farm?
  6. Where did the class go?
  1. What road does Eva Live on?
  2. What Grows on the Farm?
  3. What is Baxter?
  4. What do chickens have more of than Giraffes?
  5. Who is Eva's Best Friend?
  6. What is Eva Wingdales favorite season?
  7. Who taught them to pick apples?
  8. What is Pigsty?

14 Clues: What is Baxter?What is Pigsty?What Grows on the Farm?Where did the class go?What is the horses name?Who to the Pumpkin Farm?Who is Eva's Best Friend?What road does Eva Live on?What is Eva's Teachers name?Who taught them to pick apples?What marks the first day of fall?What is Eva Wingdales favorite season?What animal can smell of to 6 miles away?...

MONSTERS 2013-04-12

MONSTERS crossword puzzle
  1. When dead, becomes the slave of a vampire
  2. Doctor and creature have the same name
  3. Greek mythology monster with snakes instead of hair
  4. Blood sucker
  5. Greek mythology monster half man with bull head
  6. When dead, the body comes back
  7. Lake creature near New York
  8. Lake creature in Scotland
  9. Indian legend creature half man, half ape
  10. A man with evil powers
  11. Cave creature of northern lands
  1. Monster celebration in USA
  2. Dangerous creature in Latin America legend
  3. Greek mythology monster with three dog heads
  4. Indian legend creature, half wolf, half skeleton
  5. Sea creature, woman with fish tail
  6. The most famous vampire
  7. When dead, the spirit comes back
  8. Lake creature in Canada
  9. A woman with evil powers

20 Clues: Blood suckerA man with evil powersThe most famous vampireLake creature in CanadaA woman with evil powersLake creature in ScotlandMonster celebration in USALake creature near New YorkWhen dead, the body comes backCave creature of northern landsWhen dead, the spirit comes backSea creature, woman with fish tailDoctor and creature have the same name...

Vampire 2022-10-19

Vampire crossword puzzle
  1. Peter Pan's crew
  2. Bella Swan's boyfriend
  3. Great for cooking and repelling vampires
  4. Wesely Snipes alter ego
  1. Stephanie Myer's claim to fame
  2. You can find Sookie Stackhouse on ____
  3. Bram Stoker's ____
  4. Baseball stick

8 Clues: Baseball stickPeter Pan's crewBram Stoker's ____Bella Swan's boyfriendWesely Snipes alter egoStephanie Myer's claim to fameYou can find Sookie Stackhouse on ____Great for cooking and repelling vampires

vampire 2024-05-08

vampire crossword puzzle
  1. a large building or group of buildings usually having high walls with towers and a surrounding moat for protection
  2. to order not to do or to be done or used
  3. one that is troublesome, unwelcome, or dangerous.
  1. a sudden strong emotion often accompanied by a tingling sensation
  2. a very hard stone of crystallized carbon that is used as a precious gem
  3. a place or state of great happiness
  4. showing lack of experience or knowledge
  5. the time from birth to a specified date

8 Clues: a place or state of great happinessshowing lack of experience or knowledgethe time from birth to a specified dateto order not to do or to be done or usedone that is troublesome, unwelcome, or dangerous.a sudden strong emotion often accompanied by a tingling sensationa very hard stone of crystallized carbon that is used as a precious gem...

Hungarian Vampire 2023-12-01

Hungarian Vampire crossword puzzle
  1. red liquid that oozes
  2. death
  3. takes place in a courtroom
  4. young females who were not rich
  5. painful activity for people to experience
  6. kings and queens live here
  7. person who draws blood
  1. locked somewhere away from others
  2. taken away in cuffs
  3. skin
  4. high ranking noble
  5. *cackle cackle*
  6. buzz buzz

13 Clues: skindeathbuzz buzz*cackle cackle*high ranking nobletaken away in cuffsred liquid that oozesperson who draws bloodtakes place in a courtroomkings and queens live hereyoung females who were not richlocked somewhere away from otherspainful activity for people to experience

5 2024-08-15

5 crossword puzzle
  1. Black magic
  2. Evil spell
  3. Ritual practice
  4. Ghostly residue
  5. Magical brew
  6. Witch’s craft
  7. Corpse-eater
  8. Marks the dead
  9. Hidden monster
  10. Secretive magic
  11. Sinister force
  12. Underworld ruler
  13. Ghostly phantom
  14. Vampire sustenance
  1. Noisy spirit
  2. Caster of spells
  3. Vampire tooth
  4. Curse or spell
  5. Ominously threatening
  6. Spooky cemetery
  7. Non-corporeal being
  8. Extreme fear
  9. Spirit board
  10. Werewolf weapon
  11. Illusory ghost

25 Clues: Evil spellBlack magicNoisy spiritMagical brewCorpse-eaterExtreme fearSpirit boardVampire toothWitch’s craftCurse or spellMarks the deadHidden monsterSinister forceIllusory ghostRitual practiceSpooky cemeteryGhostly residueSecretive magicWerewolf weaponGhostly phantomCaster of spellsUnderworld rulerVampire sustenanceNon-corporeal being...

CROSSWORDS BOOK1- LESSONS 05-11 2024-04-04

CROSSWORDS BOOK1- LESSONS 05-11 crossword puzzle


Vocabulaire de l'Halloween 2023-11-02

Vocabulaire de l'Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. a unicorn
  2. a werewolf
  3. another word for candy
  4. a ghost
  5. a vampire
  6. monsters
  7. candies
  1. a mermaid
  2. a pumpkin
  3. a costume
  4. a demon
  5. a zombie
  6. a mask
  7. a robot
  8. a fairy
  9. a clown

16 Clues: a maska demona robota ghosta fairya clowncandiesa zombiemonstersa mermaida pumpkina unicorna costumea vampirea werewolfanother word for candy

Popular Book Titles 2023-10-09

Popular Book Titles crossword puzzle
  1. A series of diaries following a teenage girl by the name of Nikki Maxwell
  2. The story follows the lives of the four March sisters
  3. A romantic retelling of the Greek myth of Achilles
  4. an 11 year-old boy finds out he's a wizard
  5. The main character's sidekick is called Sancho
  1. A pair of star-crossed lovers are forced to fight for their lives in this trilogy
  2. A royal of small size
  3. A series of diaries following a teenager by the name of Greg Heffley
  4. A mortal girl usurps the throne in the magical land of Farie
  5. Grishas

10 Clues: GrishasA royal of small sizean 11 year-old boy finds out he's a wizardThe main character's sidekick is called SanchoA romantic retelling of the Greek myth of AchillesThe story follows the lives of the four March sistersA mortal girl usurps the throne in the magical land of FarieA series of diaries following a teenager by the name of Greg Heffley...

T 2024-01-04

T crossword puzzle
  1. "crossing the ___" (river)
  2. initials of the person who invented the telephone
  3. diaries
  4. supernatural book series
  5. biggest bone in your body
  6. what's white and black all over
  7. 17th president
  8. __ de Janeiro
  9. nose in spanish
  10. dr. victors heart bleeds
  1. good for tooth-aches
  2. my favorite color
  3. Dr. (children's author)
  4. the golden state
  5. pooh's friend
  6. married elizabeth bennett
  7. bird that doesn't fly
  8. NFL team from denver
  9. 'plead the'
  10. brit's bathroom

20 Clues: diaries'plead the'pooh's friend__ de Janeiro17th presidentnose in spanishbrit's bathroomthe golden statemy favorite colorgood for tooth-achesNFL team from denverbird that doesn't flyDr. (children's author)supernatural book seriesdr. victors heart bleedsmarried elizabeth bennettbiggest bone in your body"crossing the ___" (river)...

Characters 1 2024-02-15

Characters 1 crossword puzzle
  1. FBI agent
  2. Sarcastic teen
  3. Dawson's pal
  4. Radio shrink
  5. Quirky musician
  6. Simpson son
  7. Bayside nerd
  1. Vampire slayer
  2. Warrior princess
  3. Paleontologist friend
  4. Brooding vampire
  5. Sarcastic friend
  6. Nerdy Steve
  7. Seinfeld's ex
  8. Springfield dad

15 Clues: FBI agentNerdy SteveSimpson sonDawson's palRadio shrinkBayside nerdSeinfeld's exVampire slayerSarcastic teenQuirky musicianSpringfield dadWarrior princessBrooding vampireSarcastic friendPaleontologist friend

English Crossword 2024-08-04

English Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what animal did the author of vicious vampire have an intense dislike for
  2. what Sudha Murthy called her grandmother in Kannada
  3. The place where the author of vicious vampire met Jagdish for the first time
  4. The name of the caretaker in the vicious vampire
  5. The name of the person who asked the author of a vicious vampire about vampires
  6. A famous Kannada author
  7. The author of vicious vampire's fathers friend
  8. A place where people with severe mental health issues are sent
  1. Name of the god that hindus worship in Kashi
  2. Name of Sudha Murthy's grandmother
  3. The name of the magazine in which Kashi Yatre was published
  4. The deadline by which Sudha Murthy's grandmother wanted to be able to read and write by
  5. where did sudha murthy go the day that the magazine was released
  6. where did the author of a vicious vampire go to conduct his research project
  7. I am touching the feet of my _______

15 Clues: A famous Kannada authorName of Sudha Murthy's grandmotherI am touching the feet of my _______Name of the god that hindus worship in KashiThe author of vicious vampire's fathers friendThe name of the caretaker in the vicious vampirewhat Sudha Murthy called her grandmother in KannadaThe name of the magazine in which Kashi Yatre was published...

26 2024-08-16

26 crossword puzzle
  1. Dream killer
  2. Amorphous horror
  3. Puzzle box demon
  4. Giant ape
  5. Ghostly figure
  6. Undead walker
  7. Animated clay
  8. Clown terror
  9. Silent vampire
  10. Cannibal doctor
  11. Fanged vampire
  12. Killer doll
  13. Cenobite leader
  1. Tokyo terror
  2. Howling beast
  3. Wailing spirit
  4. Eldritch god
  5. Sea monster
  6. Hockey mask slasher
  7. Puzzle master
  8. Mischievous creature
  9. Wrapped in bandages
  10. Graveyard fiend
  11. Shadowy specter
  12. Stitched monster

25 Clues: Giant apeSea monsterKiller dollTokyo terrorDream killerEldritch godClown terrorHowling beastPuzzle masterUndead walkerAnimated clayWailing spiritGhostly figureSilent vampireFanged vampireGraveyard fiendShadowy specterCannibal doctorCenobite leaderAmorphous horrorPuzzle box demonStitched monsterHockey mask slasherWrapped in bandages...

37 2024-08-16

37 crossword puzzle
  1. Haunting spirit
  2. Undead sorcerer
  3. Mischievous demon
  4. Evil spirit
  5. Water horse
  6. Irish trickster
  7. Shadowy spirit
  8. Witch of folklore
  9. Non-corporeal being
  10. Ghostly figure
  11. Horror hostess
  12. Spell-caster
  1. Reanimated corpse
  2. Snake-woman hybrid
  3. Romanian vampire
  4. Mischief-maker
  5. Mischievous spirit
  6. Seductive demon
  7. Noisy ghost
  8. Magical being
  9. Male witch
  10. Male demon
  11. Winged folk
  12. Classic vampire
  13. Wrapped undead

25 Clues: Male witchMale demonEvil spiritWater horseNoisy ghostWinged folkSpell-casterMagical beingMischief-makerShadowy spiritGhostly figureWrapped undeadHorror hostessHaunting spiritUndead sorcererSeductive demonIrish tricksterClassic vampireRomanian vampireReanimated corpseMischievous demonWitch of folkloreSnake-woman hybridMischievous spirit...

Tanz der Vampire 2024-12-15

Tanz der Vampire crossword puzzle
  1. Welche Farbe trägt Sarahs Kleid, wenn sie vom Grafen verführt wird?
  2. Welche Rolle spielt der Charakter Chagal?
  3. Wie lautet der Name des Professors, der Vampire erforscht?
  4. Wer schrieb die deutschen Liedtexte des Musicals?
  5. In welchem Land fand die Uraufführung von Tanz der Vampire statt?
  6. Welche Rolle spielt die Figur Magda?
  7. Wie nennt man die blutsaugenden Wesen des Musicals?
  8. Wer ist der Sohn des Grafen von Krolock?
  1. Welche Stadt war 1997 der Ort der Uraufführung?
  2. Welche Musikrichtung prägt die Komposition des Musicals?
  3. Welches Land ist Schauplatz des Musicals?
  4. Wie lautet der Name von Chagals Frau?
  5. Welche Farbe wird häufig mit Vampiren und Dunkelheit assoziiert?
  6. Wie heißt der Komponist, der die Musik für Tanz der Vampire schrieb?
  7. Wie heißt die Tochter des Wirts, die sich nach Freiheit sehnt?
  8. Wer ist der naive Assistent des Professors?
  9. In welchem Lied wird die Abwehr von Vampiren durch einen bestimmten Gegenstand besungen?
  10. Wie lautet der Titel des Tanzes, der dem Musical seinen Namen gibt?

18 Clues: Welche Rolle spielt die Figur Magda?Wie lautet der Name von Chagals Frau?Wer ist der Sohn des Grafen von Krolock?Welches Land ist Schauplatz des Musicals?Welche Rolle spielt der Charakter Chagal?Wer ist der naive Assistent des Professors?Welche Stadt war 1997 der Ort der Uraufführung?Wer schrieb die deutschen Liedtexte des Musicals?...

Spelling 2022-10-07

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. He ________the bandage to his wound
  2. they are
  3. will not
  4. do not
  5. we have
  6. we were
  7. could not
  8. did not
  9. he had
  10. are not
  11. the water was _________
  12. was not
  13. we will
  14. should not
  15. she would
  1. He wrote all his thoughts in his _______.
  2. I have
  3. that is
  4. you have
  5. you are
  6. would not
  7. does not
  8. there is
  9. what is
  10. is not

25 Clues: I havedo nothe hadis notthat isyou arewe havewe weredid notare notwhat iswas notwe willthey areyou havewill notdoes notthere iswould notcould notshe wouldshould notthe water was _________He ________the bandage to his woundHe wrote all his thoughts in his _______.

Tanz der Vampire 2024-12-15

Tanz der Vampire crossword puzzle
  1. In welchem Land fand die Uraufführung von Tanz der Vampire statt?
  2. In welchem Lied wird die Abwehr von Vampiren durch einen bestimmten Gegenstand besungen?
  3. Welche Farbe wird häufig mit Vampiren und Dunkelheit assoziiert?
  4. Welche Farbe trägt Sarahs Kleid, wenn sie vom Grafen verführt wird?
  5. Welche Rolle spielt die Figur Magda?
  6. Wie lautet der Name des Professors, der Vampire erforscht?
  7. Wie lautet der Titel des Tanzes, der dem Musical seinen Namen gibt?
  8. Wer schrieb die deutschen Liedtexte des Musicals?
  9. Wie heißt der Komponist, der die Musik für Tanz der Vampire schrieb?
  1. Welche Stadt war 1997 der Ort der Uraufführung?
  2. Welche Musikrichtung prägt die Komposition des Musicals?
  3. Wer ist der naive Assistent des Professors?
  4. Wer ist der Sohn des Grafen von Krolock?
  5. Welches Land ist Schauplatz des Musicals?
  6. Wie heißt die Tochter des Wirts, die sich nach Freiheit sehnt?
  7. Wie lautet der Name von Chagals Frau?
  8. Welche Rolle spielt der Charakter Chagal?
  9. Wie nennt man die blutsaugenden Wesen des Musicals?

18 Clues: Welche Rolle spielt die Figur Magda?Wie lautet der Name von Chagals Frau?Wer ist der Sohn des Grafen von Krolock?Welches Land ist Schauplatz des Musicals?Welche Rolle spielt der Charakter Chagal?Wer ist der naive Assistent des Professors?Welche Stadt war 1997 der Ort der Uraufführung?Wer schrieb die deutschen Liedtexte des Musicals?...

Gothic Crossword 2022-08-26

Gothic Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. something that makes you scared is-
  2. signals trains
  3. a type of spirit
  4. the end of life
  5. scary genre
  6. sleep upside down
  7. a terrifying creature
  8. unalive
  9. grim xxxxxx
  10. xxxxx Alan Poe
  1. gothic bird
  2. out of the ordinary
  3. leaves webs
  4. opposite of day
  5. a type of literature
  6. famous vampire
  7. dead and brainwashed human
  8. drinks blood
  9. opposite of light
  10. Edgar Allan xxx

20 Clues: unalivegothic birdleaves websscary genregrim xxxxxxdrinks bloodsignals trainsfamous vampirexxxxx Alan Poeopposite of daythe end of lifeEdgar Allan xxxa type of spiritsleep upside downopposite of lightout of the ordinarya type of literaturea terrifying creaturedead and brainwashed humansomething that makes you scared is-

The Vampier Diaries 2023-05-18

The Vampier Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Stefans bestfriend
  2. The big bad wolf
  3. Kills regular vampires
  4. Elenas little brother
  5. Elenas aunt
  6. The sheriff
  7. Bar in mystic falls
  8. The history teacher
  9. Newby Hybrid
  10. senior Bennet witch
  1. Matts sister
  2. Stefans love in another lifetime
  3. Elena's birth mother
  4. The main character
  5. Fav quarterback
  6. Elena best friend
  7. Elena's vampire boyfriend
  8. Klaus is half
  9. Elena's birth father
  10. Stefans brother

20 Clues: Elenas auntThe sheriffMatts sisterNewby HybridKlaus is halfFav quarterbackStefans brotherThe big bad wolfElena best friendStefans bestfriendThe main characterBar in mystic fallsThe history teachersenior Bennet witchElena's birth motherElena's birth fatherElenas little brotherKills regular vampiresElena's vampire boyfriend...

how 2021-11-10

how crossword puzzle
  1. death ghost
  2. lazy shrine maiden
  3. moon princess
  4. element magic
  5. yukari's shinigami
  6. doll maker girl
  7. make dark
  1. time stopping maid
  2. usa usa
  3. samurai gardener
  4. fate vampire
  5. gap hag lol
  6. oni strength
  7. epic ice fairy
  8. selfish witch
  9. destroy vampire

16 Clues: usa usamake darkdeath ghostgap hag lolfate vampireoni strengthselfish witchmoon princesselement magicepic ice fairydestroy vampiredoll maker girlsamurai gardenertime stopping maidlazy shrine maidenyukari's shinigami

Birthday Crossword 2020-09-23

Birthday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Sound of happiness
  2. her Secret keeper
  3. The month in which I came
  4. Zui’s zodiac sign
  5. COVID times
  6. is famously called by her
  7. splash Colourful &Frozen
  8. Card requesting attendance for party
  9. —— and Kisses
  10. cards The last game she learnt
  1. Her last vacation
  2. My partner in crime
  3. Academy Current favourite show
  4. rice Zuis favourite food
  5. Dark sweet
  6. Zui’s fearful of
  7. Weekend biggest task
  8. Her Writing instrument

18 Clues: Dark sweetCOVID times—— and KissesZui’s fearful ofHer last vacationZui’s zodiac signSound of happinessher Secret keeperMy partner in crimeWeekend biggest taskHer Writing instrumentrice Zuis favourite foodsplash Colourful &FrozenThe month in which I cameis famously called by herAcademy Current favourite showcards The last game she learnt...

bats crossword 2012-10-27

bats crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ----- bats are found in North America
  2. bats are the only flying------
  3. bats have-----------on their wings
  4. helps bat in dark
  5. their are -----species of vampire bats
  1. bats spread disease called ----
  2. bats go hunting at--------
  3. ------bats are 5ft 7in
  4. bats are found in every------expect Antartica
  5. bats use----------to nurse their babies
  6. bats live in a------
  7. bats it bugs so it will keep the-------------down
  8. a group of bats are called-------
  9. they use-----to hear echolocation
  10. vampire bats have ten---------

15 Clues: helps bat in darkbats live in a------------bats are 5ft 7inbats go hunting at--------bats are the only flying------vampire bats have ten---------bats spread disease called ----a group of bats are called-------they use-----to hear echolocationbats have-----------on their wings----- bats are found in North America...

VO 和别的练习 2014-09-12

VO 和别的练习 crossword puzzle
  1. queen (王后)
  2. 宿舍
  3. get out of English class
  4. right now, RIGHT now
  5. 已经(了)
  6. 上汉语课
  7. Please tell me!
  8. 可是
  9. 3 diaries (use MW!)
  1. handsome guy (literally "handsome brother")
  2. read diary aloud
  3. to get out of bed
  4. text of the lesson recording
  5. to usually shower
  6. 早上!
  7. 生活

16 Clues: 宿舍可是生活早上!上汉语课已经(了)queen (王后)Please tell me!read diary aloudto get out of bedto usually shower3 diaries (use MW!)right now, RIGHT nowget out of English classtext of the lesson recordinghandsome guy (literally "handsome brother")

The History of Vampires 2024-10-21

The History of Vampires crossword puzzle
  1. Greek god of the underworld
  2. Metal that burns vampire skin
  3. Substance toxic to humans when consumed regularly
  4. Goddess of the moon and hunting
  5. Condition caused by excessive blood consumption
  6. City where the first Vampire Clan was created
  7. Oracle who gave the cryptic prophecy
  1. Maiden of the temple who fell in love with Ambrogio
  2. Greek sun god who cursed Ambrogio
  3. Element that makes blood toxic when consumed
  4. Type of bat that feeds on blood
  5. Name of the first vampire
  6. City home to the Oracle of Delphi

13 Clues: Name of the first vampireGreek god of the underworldMetal that burns vampire skinGoddess of the moon and huntingType of bat that feeds on bloodGreek sun god who cursed AmbrogioCity home to the Oracle of DelphiOracle who gave the cryptic prophecyElement that makes blood toxic when consumedCity where the first Vampire Clan was created...

The Romance Diaries 2015-11-22

The Romance Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Who owns the bookshop where ruby works?
  2. Who is Tom dating?
  3. What do they give Nat for her Birthday?
  4. Who does Lucas date?
  5. Who does nat date towards the end of the book?
  6. Who were the flowers sent to?
  7. Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?
  8. What movie does Ruby take to meet Cyrano?
  9. What does dullsford mean?
  10. Who is cryno?
  11. When is Nat's Birthday?
  12. What is in Ruby's diary?
  13. Where do Ruby and will have their first kiss?
  1. What does will give Ruby on their anniversary?
  2. What instrument do Ange and Tom play?
  3. What does RAP stand for?
  4. Who is Bella really dating?
  5. Who is dating Simone?
  6. Where does Ruby work?
  7. Who is tom related to?

20 Clues: Who is cryno?Who is Tom dating?Who does Lucas date?Who is dating Simone?Where does Ruby work?Who is tom related to?When is Nat's Birthday?What does RAP stand for?What is in Ruby's diary?What does dullsford mean?Who is Bella really dating?Who were the flowers sent to?Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?What instrument do Ange and Tom play?...

The Turner Diaries 2021-01-15

The Turner Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. ,ask questions of (someone) closely, aggressively, or formally,
  2. based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed,
  3. relating to money or currency,
  4. an act of retaliation,
  5. evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret,
  6. happen,
  7. moral or cultural decline as characterised by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury,
  8. in a way that attempts to avoid notice or attention,
  9. accept or act in accordance with,
  10. a portion of territory surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct,
  1. conceal the origins of (money obtained illegally), typically by transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses,
  2. create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice,
  3. miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity,
  4. a failure of an electrical power supply,
  5. offensive a person of mixed descent,
  6. an organization which consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league,
  7. coming after something in time; following
  8. deserving blame
  9. a meeting at an agreed time and place,
  10. based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system,
  11. hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed,

21 Clues: happen,deserving blamean act of retaliation,relating to money or currency,accept or act in accordance with,offensive a person of mixed descent,a meeting at an agreed time and place,a failure of an electrical power supply,coming after something in time; followingevoking a keen sense of sadness or regret,hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed,...

Halloween 2022-11-03

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. owl
  2. mummy
  3. jackolantern
  4. skeleton
  5. bat
  6. spider
  1. ghost
  2. witch
  3. monster
  4. hauntedhouse
  5. vampire
  6. blackcat

12 Clues: owlbatghostwitchmummyspidermonstervampireskeletonblackcathauntedhousejackolantern

vocabulary 7.rocnik 2013-11-18

vocabulary 7.rocnik crossword puzzle
  1. feather
  2. castle
  3. kangaroo
  4. reporter
  5. headache
  1. dolphin
  2. bear
  3. temperature
  4. meat
  5. vampire
  6. grass
  7. basket

12 Clues: bearmeatgrasscastlebasketdolphinfeathervampirekangarooreporterheadachetemperature

Halloween 2023-10-25

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. witch
  2. pumpkin
  3. monsters
  4. vampire
  5. skeleton
  6. bat
  7. werewolf
  1. candies
  2. zombie
  3. mummy
  4. ghost
  5. devil

12 Clues: batwitchmummyghostdevilzombiecandiespumpkinvampiremonstersskeletonwerewolf

Hotel Transylvania 2024-11-01

Hotel Transylvania crossword puzzle
  1. momie
  2. loups
  3. aube
  4. ennemis
  5. amis
  1. famille
  2. humains
  3. monstres
  4. vampire
  5. loup
  6. plage
  7. crépuscule

12 Clues: aubeloupamismomieloupsplagefamillehumainsvampireennemismonstrescrépuscule

40 2024-08-16

40 crossword puzzle
  1. Forest maiden
  2. Slavic water spirit
  3. Slavic nymph
  4. Mermaid spirit
  5. Norse undead
  6. Irish wailer
  7. Filipino cryptid
  8. Slavic house spirit
  9. Horse demon
  10. Winged vampire
  11. One-eyed giant
  1. Cannibal spirit
  2. Witch of folklore
  3. Irish giants
  4. Filipino demon child
  5. Tree giant
  6. Wise head
  7. Festive demon
  8. Detroit devil
  9. Moon-cursed being
  10. Lures sailors
  11. Possessing spirit
  12. Norse giant
  13. Filipino vampire
  14. German nightmare

25 Clues: Wise headTree giantNorse giantHorse demonIrish giantsSlavic nymphNorse undeadIrish wailerForest maidenFestive demonDetroit devilLures sailorsMermaid spiritWinged vampireOne-eyed giantCannibal spiritFilipino cryptidFilipino vampireGerman nightmareWitch of folkloreMoon-cursed beingPossessing spiritSlavic water spiritSlavic house spirit...

19 2024-08-27

19 crossword puzzle
  1. Loyal ant
  2. Time manipulator
  3. Black Organization spy
  4. Demon King
  5. Vampire Digimon
  6. Malevolent vampire
  7. Dark sorceress
  8. Homunculus thief
  9. Shinjuku manipulator
  10. Spying plant
  11. Vigilante killer
  12. Evil mentor
  13. Ghost hacker
  14. Desert warlord
  1. Phantom thief
  2. Frozen warrior
  3. Cold-hearted general
  4. God complex
  5. Fist of the North Star
  6. War starter
  7. Scheming genius
  8. Demon butler
  9. Pirate traitor
  10. Galactic overlord
  11. Saiyan invader

25 Clues: Loyal antDemon KingGod complexWar starterEvil mentorDemon butlerSpying plantGhost hackerPhantom thiefFrozen warriorDark sorceressPirate traitorSaiyan invaderDesert warlordVampire DigimonScheming geniusTime manipulatorHomunculus thiefVigilante killerGalactic overlordMalevolent vampireCold-hearted generalShinjuku manipulatorBlack Organization spy...

mov45 2024-07-01

mov45 crossword puzzle
  1. Killer clowns
  2. Teen vampire slayer
  3. Fear experiment
  4. Teens fight invasion
  5. Demonic portal
  6. Of Darkness
  7. Haunted abode
  8. Animated fantasy
  9. Mollusk terror
  10. Horror show sequel
  11. Deadly carnival
  12. Computer world
  13. Chinatown adventure
  14. Space vampires
  1. Psychic warfare
  2. Highlander series
  3. High school revenge
  4. Warrior action
  5. Revenge flick
  6. Rabid teen
  7. Stallone's tough cop
  8. Vampire town
  9. NewtonJohn's musical
  10. Party massacre
  11. Rabid dog

25 Clues: Rabid dogRabid teenOf DarknessVampire townKiller clownsRevenge flickHaunted abodeWarrior actionDemonic portalMollusk terrorParty massacreComputer worldSpace vampiresPsychic warfareFear experimentDeadly carnivalAnimated fantasyHighlander seriesHorror show sequelHigh school revengeTeen vampire slayerChinatown adventureTeens fight invasion...

Tanz der Vampire 2024-12-15

Tanz der Vampire crossword puzzle
  1. Wie lautet der Name des Professors, der Vampire erforscht?
  2. Wie heißt die Tochter des Wirts, die sich nach Freiheit sehnt?
  3. Welche Musikrichtung prägt die Komposition des Musicals?
  4. Wie lautet der Name von Chagals Frau?
  5. Steinman Wie heißt der Komponist, der die Musik für Tanz der Vampire schrieb?
  6. Kunze Wer schrieb die deutschen Liedtexte des Musicals?
  7. Welches Land ist Schauplatz des Musicals?
  8. Wie nennt man die blutsaugenden Wesen des Musicals?
  1. In welchem Lied wird die Abwehr von Vampiren durch einen bestimmten Gegenstand besungen?
  2. Welche Rolle spielt der Charakter Chagal?
  3. In welchem Land fand die Uraufführung von Tanz der Vampire statt?
  4. Wie lautet der Titel des Tanzes, der dem Musical seinen Namen gibt?
  5. Wer ist der Sohn des Grafen von Krolock?
  6. Welche Farbe wird häufig mit Vampiren und Dunkelheit assoziiert?
  7. Wer ist der naive Assistent des Professors?
  8. Welche Rolle spielt die Figur Magda?
  9. Welche Stadt war 1997 der Ort der Uraufführung?
  10. Welche Farbe trägt Sarahs Kleid, wenn sie vom Grafen verführt wird?

18 Clues: Welche Rolle spielt die Figur Magda?Wie lautet der Name von Chagals Frau?Wer ist der Sohn des Grafen von Krolock?Welche Rolle spielt der Charakter Chagal?Welches Land ist Schauplatz des Musicals?Wer ist der naive Assistent des Professors?Welche Stadt war 1997 der Ort der Uraufführung?Wie nennt man die blutsaugenden Wesen des Musicals?...

TEST Halloween 2024-11-05

TEST Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. sorcière
  2. balai
  3. chapeau de sorcière
  4. bonbons (UK)
  5. araignée
  6. sorcier
  7. vampire
  1. loup garou
  2. chauve-souris
  3. fantôme
  4. bonbons (US)
  5. citrouille
  6. chaudron

13 Clues: balaifantômesorciervampiresorcièrearaignéechaudronloup garoucitrouillebonbons (US)bonbons (UK)chauve-sourischapeau de sorcière

HALLOWEEN 2023-10-04

HALLOWEEN crossword puzzle
  2. MUMMY
  6. WITCH
  7. CAT
  2. BAT
  5. GHOST