vampire diaries Crossword Puzzles

Almas To Zorigami 2014-10-28

Almas To Zorigami crossword puzzle
  1. Chinese Unicorn
  2. Animated Clock
  3. Shrek Species
  4. Mongolian Bigfoot
  5. Hawaiian Warrior
  6. Christmas Legolas
  7. Australian Bigfoot
  8. Algonquian Cannibal
  9. Labyrinth Dweller
  10. Egyptian Phoenix
  11. Fireball Vampire
  12. Earth Elemental
  13. Male Night Demon
  14. Korean Fox
  15. Winged Horse
  1. Undead Wolfman
  2. Water Elemental
  3. Chinese Phoenix
  4. Aztec Drought Spirit
  5. Reanimated Corpse
  6. Ninja Bird
  7. Chinese Vampire
  8. Wizened Female Senior
  9. Polyphemus Race
  10. Smokeless Fire
  11. Air Elemental

26 Clues: Ninja BirdKorean FoxWinged HorseShrek SpeciesAir ElementalUndead WolfmanAnimated ClockSmokeless FireWater ElementalChinese UnicornChinese PhoenixChinese VampireEarth ElementalPolyphemus RaceHawaiian WarriorEgyptian PhoenixFireball VampireMale Night DemonMongolian BigfootReanimated CorpseChristmas LegolasLabyrinth DwellerAustralian Bigfoot...

28 2024-08-16

28 crossword puzzle
  1. Scream slasher
  2. Goat-sucker
  3. Island of horrors
  4. London slasher
  5. Faceless stalker
  6. Man unseen terror
  7. Hooded figure
  8. Skyscraper climber
  9. Beowulf’s foe
  10. Lord of the flies
  11. Pine Barrens beast
  12. Shadowy vampire
  1. Exorcist demon
  2. Mad creation
  3. Scottish monster
  4. Nosferatu vampire
  5. Fallen angel
  6. Transylvanian count
  7. Winged cryptid
  8. Giant shark
  9. Lycanthrope
  10. Fiery demon
  11. Masked cannibal
  12. Cannibal spirit
  13. Hook-handed killer

25 Clues: Goat-suckerGiant sharkLycanthropeFiery demonMad creationFallen angelHooded figureBeowulf’s foeExorcist demonScream slasherWinged cryptidLondon slasherMasked cannibalCannibal spiritShadowy vampireScottish monsterFaceless stalkerNosferatu vampireIsland of horrorsMan unseen terrorLord of the fliesSkyscraper climberPine Barrens beastHook-handed killer...

Dork diaries 2021-11-10

Dork diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Dork diaries initals
  2. Mackenzie is Nikki's
  3. Opposite of popular
  4. At school Mackenzie's is next to Nikki's
  5. A visiting student in book 12
  6. Type of songs Nikki sings
  7. Chloe and Zoey are Nikki's
  8. How many puppies does Nikki need to hide in book 12
  1. Nikki's doodles in one
  2. Calling Mackenzie a mean girl is an
  3. let your inner Dork shine through
  4. Miss Penelope is a
  5. One of Zoey quantities

13 Clues: Miss Penelope is aOpposite of popularDork diaries initalsMackenzie is Nikki'sNikki's doodles in oneOne of Zoey quantitiesType of songs Nikki singsChloe and Zoey are Nikki'sA visiting student in book 12let your inner Dork shine throughCalling Mackenzie a mean girl is anAt school Mackenzie's is next to Nikki's...

The Role of an Administrator 2023-10-05

The Role of an Administrator crossword puzzle
  1. Sorting the m______.
  2. Photocopying d________.
  3. Making t______ for staff.
  4. F_______ documents.
  5. Taking m________ during meetings.
  6. Gathering i________.
  7. Organising d________.
  1. Maintaining databases and f_____.
  2. Answering the p______.
  3. Preparing rooms for m________.
  4. Receiving v_______ into the office.
  5. Ordering office s________.

12 Clues: F_______ documents.Sorting the m______.Gathering i________.Organising d________.Answering the p______.Photocopying d________.Making t______ for staff.Ordering office s________.Preparing rooms for m________.Maintaining databases and f_____.Taking m________ during meetings.Receiving v_______ into the office.

Halloween 2022-10-06

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. costume
  2. spider
  3. cobweb
  4. broom
  5. skull
  6. witch
  7. scary
  8. carve
  9. trick
  10. werewolf
  11. ghost
  12. tombstone
  13. owl
  14. treat
  15. potion
  16. superstition
  17. haunted
  18. mummy
  19. magic
  20. party
  1. bat
  2. bones
  3. cemetery
  4. warlock
  5. vampire
  6. cauldron
  7. spirit
  8. goblin
  9. shadow
  10. jackolantern
  11. skeleton
  12. spell
  13. pumpkin
  14. hollow out
  15. creepy
  16. coffin
  17. spooky
  18. frightening
  19. scream
  20. candy

40 Clues: batowlbonesbroomskullwitchscarycarvetrickghostspelltreatmummycandymagicpartyspidercobwebspiritgoblinshadowcreepycoffinspookypotionscreamcostumewarlockvampirepumpkinhauntedcemeterycauldronskeletonwerewolftombstonehollow outfrighteningjackolanternsuperstition

Vampire Dating Sim 2023-02-25

Vampire Dating Sim crossword puzzle
  1. Something that lurks beyond the mist other than vampires...
  2. Irina's Vistani friend from the tavern in Barovia
  3. The town in Elland closest to the Svalich Woods
  4. The name of the group of teenage hooligans that Torin was a part of
  5. The name of Emrys' pet wolf
  6. The abandoned keep you rescued Gabriel from
  7. Vampire Mommy
  8. The vampire that Irina fed a little sippy of her blood to in the undercroft of the church
  9. The town Eli's... boyfriend(?) is from
  10. Adira's weapon of choice
  11. A colloquial word for a Vistani; also an alias for Nikolai
  1. The name of the guard you rescued from some teenage hooligans
  2. The archmage of Seacliffe (Fun Fact: her father's the high archmage of the dynasty!)
  3. The name of the tavern near the University District that the God Squad frequents
  4. Apprentice peace cleric in Ellesmere
  5. Katja and Eli are this subset of mage
  6. The Lost Fief
  7. Irina's younger brother
  8. The god of love, passion, kindness, and joy
  9. The capital of Elland; the God Squad teleported here!
  10. The PC you haven't met yet!
  11. A symbol of the death deity in Kasmira; some people think they're bad omens!
  12. Emrys'... boyfriend?

23 Clues: The Lost FiefVampire MommyEmrys'... boyfriend?Irina's younger brotherAdira's weapon of choiceThe name of Emrys' pet wolfThe PC you haven't met yet!Apprentice peace cleric in EllesmereKatja and Eli are this subset of mageThe town Eli's... boyfriend(?) is fromThe god of love, passion, kindness, and joyThe abandoned keep you rescued Gabriel from...

Bunnicula 2021-12-12

Bunnicula crossword puzzle
  1. a plant that supposedly keeps vampires away
  2. a mythical nocturnal creature
  3. a vampire bunny
  4. something weird going on, difficult to
  5. a light made by the moon
  6. something that bunnies love to eat
  7. the most famous vampire
  1. a region known for vampires
  2. when you sleep
  3. man's best friend
  4. a color that is not in the rainbow
  5. something that sleeps during day
  6. a feline animal
  7. used in cooking

14 Clues: when you sleepa vampire bunnya feline animalused in cookingman's best friendthe most famous vampirea light made by the moona region known for vampiresa mythical nocturnal creaturesomething that sleeps during daya color that is not in the rainbowsomething that bunnies love to eatsomething weird going on, difficult to...

Birthday Crossword 2020-09-23

Birthday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Sound of happiness
  2. her Secret keeper
  3. The month in which I came
  4. Zui’s zodiac sign
  5. COVID times
  6. is famously called by her
  7. splash Colourful &Frozen
  8. Card requesting attendance for party
  9. —— and Kisses
  10. cards The last game she learnt
  1. Her last vacation
  2. My partner in crime
  3. Academy Current favourite show
  4. rice Zuis favourite food
  5. Dark sweet
  6. Zui’s fearful of
  7. Weekend biggest task
  8. Her Writing instrument

18 Clues: Dark sweetCOVID times—— and KissesZui’s fearful ofHer last vacationZui’s zodiac signSound of happinessher Secret keeperMy partner in crimeWeekend biggest taskHer Writing instrumentrice Zuis favourite foodsplash Colourful &FrozenThe month in which I cameis famously called by herAcademy Current favourite showcards The last game she learnt...

Bunnicula crossword 2021-10-27

Bunnicula crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The movie that the Monroes found Bunnicula at
  2. A wooden stick to kill a vampire
  3. The Monroe's dog's name
  4. The wife of Mr.Monroe
  5. The other Monroe child
  6. Chester blanks a lot of books
  7. This repels vampire
  8. Chester reads a lot of blank
  9. what animal was bunnicula
  10. Chester think Bunnicula is what animal
  11. Bunnicula ate this leafy vegatable a lot
  12. Chester is what animal
  1. what did toby think the reason was for the white vegatable
  2. The Monroe's cat's name
  3. Chester tried to kill bunnicula with what
  4. the origin of dracula is from blank
  5. The Monroe child who stay up Friday night to read
  6. The husband of Mrs. Monroe
  7. Harold is what animal
  8. The name of the Monroe's bunny's name

20 Clues: This repels vampireThe wife of Mr.MonroeHarold is what animalThe other Monroe childChester is what animalThe Monroe's cat's nameThe Monroe's dog's namewhat animal was bunniculaThe husband of Mrs. MonroeChester reads a lot of blankChester blanks a lot of booksA wooden stick to kill a vampirethe origin of dracula is from blank...

Les créatures imaginaires 2019-01-20

Les créatures imaginaires crossword puzzle
  1. fantôme
  2. il (humain)
  3. nous
  4. vous
  5. elle (humain)
  6. vampire
  7. je
  8. grand
  1. personnage
  2. ils ou elles
  3. être
  4. maléfique
  5. il ou elle (non humain)

13 Clues: jenousvousêtregrandfantômevampiremaléfiquepersonnageil (humain)ils ou elleselle (humain)il ou elle (non humain)


  1. toile
  2. sorcière
  3. citrouille
  4. araignée
  5. chauve-souris
  6. bonbons
  1. squelette
  2. vampire
  3. chat
  4. chaudron
  5. fantome
  6. os

12 Clues: oschattoilevampirefantomebonbonschaudronsorcièrearaignéesquelettecitrouillechauve-souris

Hello hello. Trick or treat? 2021-10-03

Hello hello. Trick or treat? crossword puzzle
  1. mermaid
  2. princess
  3. pirate
  4. bumblebee
  5. cowboy
  6. ghost
  1. monster
  2. dinosaur
  3. werewolf
  4. vampire
  5. astronaut
  6. witch

12 Clues: witchghostpiratecowboymonstermermaidvampiredinosaurwerewolfprincessastronautbumblebee

Totally Lame Vampire 2023-04-04

Totally Lame Vampire crossword puzzle
  1. Nigel and Mr.Jenkins have a
  2. Students call Nigel's mom
  3. Who is dating Chloe
  4. Nigels does not have like his family
  5. What does Nigel drink to survive
  6. What color clothes does Nigel own
  7. Nigel cant feel
  8. Nigel is allergic to
  9. When did Nigel get turned
  10. What type of blood does Chloe have
  11. What group does Nigel hang with
  12. What day was No School Uniform on
  13. The place of Nigel´s parents' anniversary
  1. Person who is called flea-ridden
  2. How old is Nigel
  3. Who is the mean PE teacher
  4. Where Nigel met Chloe
  5. How does Nigel act to get out of PE
  6. What color does Nigel's shirt turn after washing
  7. Who likes Chloe
  8. What did Nigel and his sister play
  9. Nigel can´t ____ so it gets boring
  10. What did Nigel write to Chloe
  11. What family member's house did Chloe go to
  12. A girl Nigel saw in the fifties

25 Clues: Who likes ChloeNigel cant feelHow old is NigelWho is dating ChloeNigel is allergic toWhere Nigel met ChloeStudents call Nigel's momWhen did Nigel get turnedWho is the mean PE teacherNigel and Mr.Jenkins have aWhat did Nigel write to ChloeA girl Nigel saw in the fiftiesWhat group does Nigel hang withPerson who is called flea-ridden...

Nate's Time Vampire 2017-09-12

Nate's Time Vampire crossword puzzle
  1. survival food
  2. helps with your sore skin - hint: rodent
  3. ware around your neck?
  4. fav toy growing up
  5. get this on xmas
  6. fav video game
  7. your rank
  8. don't step on this
  9. call when injured on the battle field
  10. thanks ______
  11. 16th president
  12. Fav Sisters age
  13. communicate with your friends via this app
  14. graduation month
  1. Fav Sis
  2. after serving you are one of these
  3. go here to eat
  4. cant live without them
  5. army attire
  6. you make sweet music with these
  7. DS hit you on this when gun jammed
  8. nothing runs like a ___
  9. soon you'll repair these
  10. they deliver - fav pizza joint
  11. did this to join
  12. fav nephew
  13. standard issued rifle
  14. where you go next
  15. you do this often hint: b-day

29 Clues: Fav Sisyour rankfav nephewarmy attiresurvival foodthanks ______go here to eatfav video game16th presidentFav Sisters ageget this on xmasdid this to joingraduation monthwhere you go nextfav toy growing updon't step on thisstandard issued riflecant live without themware around your neck?nothing runs like a ___soon you'll repair these...

Trollhunter Desember 2022 2023-01-04

Trollhunter Desember 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. Mantra untuk melawan Vampire bat
  2. Bagian tubuh dari kelelawar untuk kebutuhan pembuatan ramuan
  3. Penulis muggle yang menulis novel berjudul Dracula
  4. Keistimewaan dari vampire bat yang berbeda dengan jenisnya yang lain
  5. Salah satu benda yang tidak disukai oleh Vampire
  1. Penyakit yang dapat timbul akibat gigitan kelelawar vampire
  2. Toko yang menjual lolipop dengan rasa darah yang bisa dinikmati Vampire
  3. putra dari vampire yang mengilhami penulis Bram Stoker untuk menciptakan karakternya yang terkenal, Count Dracula dalam novel ‘Dracula’.
  4. Gigitan vampir mungkin tidak dapat disembuhkan adalah sebuah kalimat yang disampaikan oleh...
  5. Salah satu vampire yang merupakan tamu sekaligus teman dari Eldred Worple, seorang penulis penyihir

10 Clues: Mantra untuk melawan Vampire batSalah satu benda yang tidak disukai oleh VampirePenulis muggle yang menulis novel berjudul DraculaPenyakit yang dapat timbul akibat gigitan kelelawar vampireBagian tubuh dari kelelawar untuk kebutuhan pembuatan ramuanKeistimewaan dari vampire bat yang berbeda dengan jenisnya yang lain...

Les créatures imaginaires 2019-01-20

Les créatures imaginaires crossword puzzle
  1. elle (humain)
  2. il (humain)
  3. vampire
  4. grand
  5. être
  6. vous
  7. ils ou elles
  1. personnage
  2. maléfique
  3. il ou elle (non humain)
  4. je
  5. fantôme
  6. nous

13 Clues: jeêtrevousnousgrandvampirefantômemaléfiquepersonnageil (humain)ils ou elleselle (humain)il ou elle (non humain)

Les créatures imaginaires 2019-01-20

Les créatures imaginaires crossword puzzle
  1. fantôme
  2. il (humain)
  3. ils ou elles
  4. vampire
  5. je
  6. grand
  1. personnage
  2. elle (humain)
  3. être
  4. nous
  5. maléfique
  6. vous
  7. il ou elle (non humain)

13 Clues: jeêtrenousvousgrandfantômevampiremaléfiquepersonnageil (humain)ils ou elleselle (humain)il ou elle (non humain)

39 2024-08-16

39 crossword puzzle
  1. Fox spirit
  2. Fiery dog
  3. World tree
  4. Six-headed beast
  5. Sea leviathan
  6. Dragon of greed
  7. Trickster raccoon dog
  8. Riddler creature
  9. Goat-sucker legend
  10. Babylonian dragon
  11. Stone guardian
  12. Greek vampire
  1. Death personified
  2. Japanese demon
  3. Japanese ghost
  4. Headless rider
  5. Norse chooser of slain
  6. Faceless ghost
  7. Whirlpool monster
  8. Slavic vampire
  9. Indian demon
  10. Water imp
  11. Petrifying gaze
  12. Spider woman
  13. Fallen angel

25 Clues: Fiery dogWater impFox spiritWorld treeIndian demonSpider womanFallen angelSea leviathanGreek vampireJapanese demonJapanese ghostHeadless riderFaceless ghostSlavic vampireStone guardianDragon of greedPetrifying gazeSix-headed beastRiddler creatureDeath personifiedWhirlpool monsterBabylonian dragonGoat-sucker legendTrickster raccoon dog...

Anne Hathaway 2024-10-08

Anne Hathaway crossword puzzle
  1. 2
  2. Shulman
  3. in Wonderland
  4. Diaries
  5. hathaway
  1. Knight Rises
  2. winked!
  3. Through the Looking Glass
  4. the

9 Clues: 2thewinked!ShulmanDiarieshathawayKnight Risesin WonderlandThrough the Looking Glass

Halloween 2023-10-19

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. werewolf
  2. haunted
  3. bat
  4. ghost
  5. pumpkin
  6. zombie
  7. cat
  1. witch
  2. Frankenstein
  3. vampire
  4. skeleton
  5. mummy

12 Clues: batcatwitchghostmummyzombievampirehauntedpumpkinwerewolfskeletonFrankenstein

halloween 2023-10-19

halloween crossword puzzle
  1. vampire
  2. spider
  3. mummy
  4. jackolantern
  5. trickortreat
  6. ghost
  7. bat
  1. zombie
  2. skeleton
  3. monster
  4. blackcat
  5. witch

12 Clues: batmummywitchghostzombiespidervampiremonsterskeletonblackcatjackolanterntrickortreat

The Vampire Puzzle!! 2015-03-29

The Vampire Puzzle!! crossword puzzle
  1. E' tossica per i vampiri
  2. La bella vampira originale
  3. Stefan è il suo doppelganger
  4. Materia insegnata da Alaric al liceo
  5. Un potere dei vampiri
  6. Ha trasformato Stefan e Damon
  7. Katherine la beve e diventa umana
  8. Famiglia di streghe
  9. Una famiglia fondatrice
  10. Madre naturale di Elena
  11. Per le fan è il più bello della serie
  1. Prima doppelganger di Amara
  2. Tipo di magia nera
  3. La protagonista della serie
  4. Si trasforma nelle notti di luna piena
  5. Il minore dei fratelli Salvatore
  6. La prima famiglia di vampiri
  7. Lo sono i fratelli Salvatore
  8. Metà vampiro e metà licantropo
  9. L'originale che mantiene sempre la sua parola

20 Clues: Tipo di magia neraFamiglia di stregheUn potere dei vampiriUna famiglia fondatriceMadre naturale di ElenaE' tossica per i vampiriLa bella vampira originalePrima doppelganger di AmaraLa protagonista della serieStefan è il suo doppelgangerLa prima famiglia di vampiriLo sono i fratelli SalvatoreHa trasformato Stefan e Damon...

Halloween Corssword 2014-10-20

Halloween Corssword crossword puzzle
  1. They prey on humans
  2. Bag of?
  3. Famous vampire
  4. A witch's laugh
  5. The walking?
  6. Dont let it cross your path
  7. month of Halloween
  8. No garlic
  9. Nail this shut
  10. Casper the friendly?
  11. Wrapped in cloth
  1. Spiders make these
  2. Eight legs
  3. Trick or?
  4. "bonehead"
  5. a carved pumpkin
  6. what kids beg for on Halloween
  7. what a witch rides on
  8. The current season

19 Clues: Bag of?Trick or?No garlicEight legs"bonehead"The walking?Famous vampireNail this shutA witch's laugha carved pumpkinWrapped in clothSpiders make thesemonth of HalloweenThe current seasonThey prey on humansCasper the friendly?what a witch rides onDont let it cross your pathwhat kids beg for on Halloween

Basketball Diaries 2017-03-15

Basketball Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Jumpman, Jumpman, Jumpman, that boy's up to something
  2. Special structure derived from Greek word for "trees"
  3. Applications in biomedical to transport drugs
  4. General name for large "hoop" polymers
  5. Building core first and then attaching arms
  6. ____ is life
  7. Major type of chemistry to form "hoop" polymers
  1. Molecular distribution that is not narrow, also ____ in Atlanta
  2. Application to pick up specific analytes
  3. Best team in the NBA
  4. Mimicking what's naturally seen in biological systems
  5. Arms first, also Shailene Woodley
  6. Related to the laminar flow, name of first speaker today

13 Clues: ____ is lifeBest team in the NBAArms first, also Shailene WoodleyGeneral name for large "hoop" polymersApplication to pick up specific analytesBuilding core first and then attaching armsApplications in biomedical to transport drugsMajor type of chemistry to form "hoop" polymersJumpman, Jumpman, Jumpman, that boy's up to something...


CUPCAKE DIARIES crossword puzzle
  1. sprinkled vanilla
  2. type of brown cake
  3. birthday
  4. type of white cake
  5. sweet and white color
  6. goes on top of a cake
  7. synonym for delicious
  1. type of dessert
  2. cookies and cream
  3. to blow out
  4. colors of the rainbow
  5. used to bake cupcakes
  6. flower is the homophone

13 Clues: birthdayto blow outtype of dessertsprinkled vanillacookies and creamtype of brown caketype of white cakecolors of the rainbowsweet and white colorused to bake cupcakesgoes on top of a cakesynonym for deliciousflower is the homophone

Twilight Crossword Puzzle 2018-01-31

Twilight Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Main character who Edward falls in love with
  2. Most vampires have covens but the Cullens are a ______.
  3. Bella and Edward's daughter
  4. Title of the first novel
  5. Title of third novel
  6. Bella's best friend(and werewolf)
  7. Title of second novel
  8. chief of police and Bella's dad
  1. Bella's sister-in-law who can see into the future
  2. Edward is always concerned about Bella's ______.
  3. The mythical creature that drinks blood to survive
  4. Edward's last name
  5. Title of fourth novel
  6. What Edward would normally be considered
  7. The mythical creature that huts vampires
  8. The only "Vampire Royalty" there is
  9. Bella falls in love with this vampire
  10. Edward wants Bella to stay _____.

18 Clues: Edward's last nameTitle of third novelTitle of fourth novelTitle of second novelTitle of the first novelBella and Edward's daughterchief of police and Bella's dadBella's best friend(and werewolf)Edward wants Bella to stay _____.The only "Vampire Royalty" there isBella falls in love with this vampireWhat Edward would normally be considered...


  1. Nick Robinson in Noi siamo tutto
  2. Mascella storta di Teen Wolf
  3. BANNER Il vero nome di Hulk
  4. Nome del povero moroso della Giorgia Pozzobon
  5. La protagonista di Once upon a time
  6. Blake Lively in Gossip Girl
  7. Attuale cancelliere tedesco (nome+cognome)
  8. Sorella di Luca Durighel
  9. Era la nostra maestra quando facevamo le ginnaste
  10. Il maggiore dei fratelli Shelby
  11. Voleva lanciare la moda del viola alle medie, ma purtroppo solo lei lo indossava
  12. Il bambino che picchiavi alle elementari (nome+cognome)
  13. Il dottore super bello di Criminal Minds
  14. Il riccone di Jane the virgin
  15. Nome di Ungaretti
  16. Vuole lanciare i missili in giro per il mondo
  1. Il gay ispanico di 13 Reasons why
  2. The cutiest character dei Guardiani della Galassia
  3. Cole Sprouse in Riverdale
  4. La traditrice di The maze Runner
  5. Il tedesco sempre nudo in Sense8
  6. BLACK Padrino e tutore di Harry Potter
  7. Oltre alla Busato, un'altra patita di musica era la professoressa...
  8. Diceva "I have a dream"
  9. Era andato in culo alla balena
  10. e' venuto via con noi all'unica cena di classe delle medie.
  11. Il soprannome più lungo del tuo gatto
  12. Professoressa di tecnica delle medie
  13. I fratelli di The Vampire Diaries
  14. La ragazza scomparsa in Pretty little liars
  15. La ragazza senza volto di Game of Thrones
  16. Il pompiere latin lover di Chicago Fire
  17. Nome del gatto storico della Giulia B.
  18. E' il proprietario del Re Gelato
  19. Il primo cancelliere di The100
  20. La sorella di Finn in Stranger Things

36 Clues: Nome di UngarettiDiceva "I have a dream"Sorella di Luca DurighelCole Sprouse in RiverdaleBANNER Il vero nome di HulkBlake Lively in Gossip GirlMascella storta di Teen WolfIl riccone di Jane the virginEra andato in culo alla balenaIl primo cancelliere di The100Il maggiore dei fratelli ShelbyNick Robinson in Noi siamo tutto...


  1. e' venuto via con noi all'unica cena di classe delle medie.
  2. E' il proprietario del Re Gelato
  3. Il tedesco sempre nudo in Sense8
  4. Vuole lanciare i missili in giro per il mondo
  5. Oltre alla Busato, un'altra patita di musica era la professoressa...
  6. Il bambino che picchiavi alle elementari (nome+cognome)
  7. Mascella storta di Teen Wolf
  8. I fratelli di The Vampire Diaries
  9. Il soprannome più lungo del tuo gatto
  10. Voleva lanciare la moda del viola alle medie, ma purtroppo solo lei lo indossava
  11. BLACK Padrino e tutore di Harry Potter
  12. Nome di Ungaretti
  13. Blake Lively in Gossip Girl
  14. Cole Sprouse in Riverdale
  15. La ragazza scomparsa in Pretty little liars
  16. Era andato in culo alla balena
  17. La traditrice di The maze Runner
  18. Il riccone di Jane the virgin
  19. The cutiest character dei Guardiani della Galassia
  1. BANNER Il vero nome di Hulk
  2. La protagonista di Once upon a time
  3. Nome del gatto storico della Giulia B.
  4. Era la nostra maestra quando facevamo le ginnaste
  5. Diceva "I have a dream"
  6. Attuale cancelliere tedesco (nome+cognome)
  7. Il pompiere latin lover di Chicago Fire
  8. Il gay ispanico di 13 Reasons why
  9. Professoressa di tecnica delle medie
  10. Il primo cancelliere di The100
  11. Il dottore super bello di Criminal Minds
  12. Sorella di Luca Durighel
  13. Nome del povero moroso della Giorgia Pozzobon
  14. La ragazza senza volto di Game of Thrones
  15. La sorella di Finn in Stranger Things
  16. Il maggiore dei fratelli Shelby
  17. Nick Robinson in Noi siamo tutto

36 Clues: Nome di UngarettiDiceva "I have a dream"Sorella di Luca DurighelCole Sprouse in RiverdaleBANNER Il vero nome di HulkBlake Lively in Gossip GirlMascella storta di Teen WolfIl riccone di Jane the virginIl primo cancelliere di The100Era andato in culo alla balenaIl maggiore dei fratelli ShelbyE' il proprietario del Re Gelato...

halloween 2019-10-26

halloween crossword puzzle
  1. Big black bird
  2. the opposite of good
  3. In what month is halloween?
  4. a man transforming himself into a wolf
  5. makes cobweb
  6. a scary creature
  7. haunts the house
  9. Flying mammal
  10. Howls at the moon
  1. Rides a broom
  2. Drinks blood
  3. consists only of bones
  4. living dead
  5. there are graves there
  6. vampire teeth
  7. it's orange
  8. Trick or...
  9. it is make of wax

19 Clues: ...houseliving deadit's orangeTrick or...Drinks bloodmakes cobwebRides a broomvampire teethFlying mammalBig black birda scary creaturehaunts the houseit is make of waxHowls at the moonthe opposite of goodconsists only of bonesthere are graves thereIn what month is halloween?a man transforming himself into a wolf

4 2024-08-15

4 crossword puzzle
  1. Grim and eerie
  2. Werewolf bane
  3. Guardian spirit
  4. Vampire repellent
  5. Uncannily spooky
  6. Sudden terror
  7. Horrifyingly frightful
  8. Magical hex
  9. Witch’s pot
  10. Burial vault
  11. Wicked being
  12. Vampire’s fear
  1. Triggers transformation
  2. Unseen stalker
  3. Ghost’s domain
  4. Spell or curse
  5. Witching hour
  6. Living dead
  7. Turn to stone
  8. Cast a spell
  9. Ghostly figure
  10. Vampire deterrent
  11. Magic user
  12. Creator of Dracula
  13. Ghost’s motive

25 Clues: Magic userLiving deadMagical hexWitch’s potCast a spellBurial vaultWicked beingWitching hourWerewolf baneTurn to stoneSudden terrorUnseen stalkerGhost’s domainSpell or curseGrim and eerieGhostly figureVampire’s fearGhost’s motiveGuardian spiritUncannily spookyVampire repellentVampire deterrentCreator of DraculaHorrifyingly frightful...

Owari Seraph/ Seraph of the end. 2023-10-20

Owari Seraph/ Seraph of the end. crossword puzzle
  1. Queen of the Vampire City.
  2. The first friend that Yuichiro made in school.
  3. What is the name of the Vampire City?
  4. what is the name of the aboveground Vampire City?
  5. Considered Yuu and Mika as her brothers.
  6. Second progenitor in charge of Russia.
  7. Who devours Asuramaru so that he can become stronger.
  8. what are everyone from the city in the past?
  9. What was yu originally?
  10. Told Yuichiro to run when their family was dead and he was dying from a wound inflicted by Ferid Bathory.
  11. The Vampire whom Ferid turned using a Second Progeniters blood.
  12. The type of demons that almost all of Yuichiro´s squad uses.
  13. what does past kica want to share with his father?
  14. The Vampire who killed Yuichiro and Mikaela´s families
  15. Who is Krul Tepes brother.
  16. The mountain that Yuu and Mika climb after they leave the rest of the team.
  17. The first person that Yuichiro fights in the school other than Guren.
  18. what is the cause of the virus that killed everyone 13 and up?
  1. One of the vampires that you find with Crowly when you see him second she can't stop drinking human blood.
  2. Saves Yuichiro when he escapes the Underground Vampire City.
  3. Watched his whole family die before him and counts Mikaela and his squad as his family.
  4. what were the angels building?
  5. What is Asuramaru´s last name.
  6. Yuu´s Black Demon weapon.
  7. what is the group of people that the Hiragi Family is in charge of?
  8. What country supported the Hyakua Sect to make it the biggest group in japan.
  9. What was crowely eusford before he became a vampire
  10. The Team of Black Demon Series wielders.
  11. Fights with a demonic scythe and is part of Yuichiro´s squad.
  12. The fifth member of Yuichiro's squad.
  13. prefers to drink Crowly´s blood more than she does humans.
  14. Mika´s birth father.
  15. what is the name of the monsters that appeared after the virus started?
  16. what is the family that is in control of the Imperial Japanese Demon Army?
  17. The tower in which Yuu climes and ¨accidently¨ falls off of after He and Mika leave the group.
  18. where were that angels to?
  19. Why does yu keep having to stop when he and mikaela are on the run?

37 Clues: Mika´s birth father.What was yu originally?Yuu´s Black Demon weapon.Queen of the Vampire City.where were that angels to?Who is Krul Tepes brother.what were the angels building?What is Asuramaru´s last name.What is the name of the Vampire City?The fifth member of Yuichiro's squad.Second progenitor in charge of Russia....

Twilight Saga 2022-02-09

Twilight Saga crossword puzzle
  1. The singer and songwriter of the song that plays in the end credits of BD:pt2
  2. The Cullen that can change the mood of anyone
  3. What Jacob did to Renesmee
  4. What Bella said Edwards skin was like when he revealed himself as a vampire
  5. The adoptive father of all Cullen's
  6. The vampire that went after Bella for three films
  7. The group of vampires that target the Cullen's, Aro is apart of this group
  8. The main human protagonist of the series
  9. The actor who played Edward
  10. The buffest looking Cullen
  11. The female of Jacob's rogue pack
  12. The main vampire protagonist of the series
  1. Bella's father and Chief of Police
  2. The main wolf protagonist of the series
  3. The actress that played Bella
  4. The first thing Bella ate after her turning
  5. The Cullen that can see the future
  6. What Bella feared the most
  7. The Cullen who disliked Bella and didn't want her changed
  8. The thing that kills Bella
  9. The daughter of Bella and Edward
  10. What the Cullen's eat
  11. The youngest of Jacob's rogue pack
  12. The actor who played Jacob
  13. The bad vampire that targets the Cullen family

25 Clues: What the Cullen's eatWhat Jacob did to RenesmeeWhat Bella feared the mostThe thing that kills BellaThe buffest looking CullenThe actor who played JacobThe actor who played EdwardThe actress that played BellaThe daughter of Bella and EdwardThe female of Jacob's rogue packBella's father and Chief of PoliceThe Cullen that can see the future...

HALLOWEEN 2022-10-24

HALLOWEEN crossword puzzle
  1. spider
  2. zombie
  3. vampire
  4. skeleton
  5. witch
  6. wizard
  7. ghost
  1. pumpkin
  2. cat blackcat
  3. potion
  4. werewolf
  5. bat

12 Clues: batwitchghostspiderzombiepotionwizardpumpkinvampireskeletonwerewolfcat blackcat

Bozo l'orignal vampire 2016-01-14

Bozo l'orignal vampire crossword puzzle
  1. animal brun avec panache
  2. aime le sang comme repas
  3. fete ou l'on ramasse des bonbons
  4. groupe de maison ou habite des personnes
  5. confiserie
  6. petits de l'homme
  7. fee de l'histoire
  8. ce que l'on utilise pour aller a la chasse
  9. elle vole sur son balais
  10. la baquette est...
  11. nom d'un des chasseurs
  12. fais d'arbre et animaux sauvage
  1. insect a 8 pattes
  2. nom d'un des chasseurs
  3. sorciere de l'histoire
  4. personage principale
  5. sorciere de l'histoire
  6. fais parti de l'arbre
  7. blanc et transparent et qui fais peur
  8. celles qui prend des dents pour de l'argent
  9. personne qui pratique la chasse
  10. ce qu'un sorcier fais
  11. sport pratiqué par le chasseur
  12. fais de globules rouge
  13. ce que tu retrouve sur la tete de l'orignal

25 Clues: confiserieinsect a 8 pattespetits de l'hommefee de l'histoirela baquette est...personage principalefais parti de l'arbrece qu'un sorcier faisnom d'un des chasseurssorciere de l'histoiresorciere de l'histoirefais de globules rougenom d'un des chasseursanimal brun avec panacheaime le sang comme repaselle vole sur son balais...

Vampire: The Masquerade 2022-08-02

Vampire: The Masquerade crossword puzzle
  1. The Joker
  2. Schmidt's mind-altering drug
  3. Leader of the NY vampires
  4. Gabriel's surname
  5. Incarcerated Pastor
  6. New Orleans detective
  7. Son of the devil
  8. Red Ninja Turtle
  9. Purple Ninja Turtle
  10. The Raven Queen
  11. Kurt's name in Munich circus
  1. Cemetery in Troy
  2. Rebecca Joy's company
  3. Giant robot
  4. NY Cathedral Saint _____
  5. Psychiatric hospital
  6. Xenophobic General
  7. Orange Ninja Turtle
  8. Blue Ninja Turtle
  9. Remy's nickname
  10. Gifted school professor

21 Clues: The JokerGiant robotRemy's nicknameThe Raven QueenCemetery in TroySon of the devilRed Ninja TurtleGabriel's surnameBlue Ninja TurtleXenophobic GeneralIncarcerated PastorOrange Ninja TurtlePurple Ninja TurtlePsychiatric hospitalRebecca Joy's companyNew Orleans detectiveGifted school professorNY Cathedral Saint _____Leader of the NY vampires...

Halloween 2021-10-18

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. sûr
  2. bonbons
  3. vampire
  4. entre
  5. citrouilles
  6. derrière
  7. loup-garou
  1. fantôme
  2. à l'intérieur
  3. chauve souris
  4. sorcière
  5. sous

12 Clues: sûrsousentrefantômebonbonsvampiresorcièrederrièreloup-garoucitrouillesà l'intérieurchauve souris

Dracula Crossword puzzle 2022-05-17

Dracula Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Cowboy extraordinare
  2. The first animal in Renfield's scheme to "gain souls"
  3. The items the Vampire council must search for before taking on Dracula directly
  4. The leader of the Vampire Council, loves his Jesus crackers
  5. First to meet Dracula, husband of Mina
  6. The animals that Renfield is forced to stop at in his scheme, ends up eating them himself
  7. How the Van Helsing and Dr. Seward attempt to keep Lucy alive
  8. previous apprentice of Van Helsing, also contributes heavily to the writing
  9. One of the main writers, initially cheated out of her place on the Vampire council
  10. Dracula's servant of sorts, never got his cat
  11. All one needs to scare off a vampire, along with some Jesus crackers
  1. Van Helsing's favorite snack, also ends up being useful against vampires
  2. Baby eater, the first to be turned by Dracula
  3. the group of people assembled to defeat dracula
  4. What Dracula and later Lucy eat out of people to stay alive
  5. Dracula's hometown
  6. Where the main events of the story take place
  7. Jonathan's day job
  8. Lucy, Dracula, and anything else that Should-Be-but-Technically-Isn't-Dead
  9. Dracula's biggest weakness
  10. The main antagonist, can summon wolves

21 Clues: Dracula's hometownJonathan's day jobCowboy extraordinareDracula's biggest weaknessFirst to meet Dracula, husband of MinaThe main antagonist, can summon wolvesBaby eater, the first to be turned by DraculaWhere the main events of the story take placeDracula's servant of sorts, never got his catthe group of people assembled to defeat dracula...

Bunnicula 2021-12-12

Bunnicula crossword puzzle
  1. something that sleeps during the day
  2. man's best friend
  3. a plant that supposedly keeps vampires away
  4. a vampire bunny
  5. a color that is not in the rainbow
  6. something that bunnies love to eat
  1. a region known for vampires
  2. when you sleep
  3. a feline animal
  4. the most famous vampire
  5. a light made by the moon
  6. a mythical nocturnal creature
  7. difficult to explain

13 Clues: when you sleepa feline animala vampire bunnyman's best frienddifficult to explainthe most famous vampirea light made by the moona region known for vampiresa mythical nocturnal creaturea color that is not in the rainbowsomething that bunnies love to eatsomething that sleeps during the daya plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

Halloween Crossword 2024-10-29

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. “____” or treat
  2. The Walking Dead monster
  3. Where a vampire sleeps
  4. “___” house
  5. Ghastly figure
  6. Carved decoration
  7. “____” stories
  8. October holiday
  9. Blood loving creature
  1. Comes out on a full moon
  2. Used to play quidditch in Harry Potter
  3. Bone structure
  4. Found in Egypt
  5. Antagonist in the Wizard of Oz
  6. Hates garlic
  7. Disguise
  8. Movie name with a masked antagonist
  9. What spiders spin

18 Clues: Disguise“___” houseHates garlicBone structureFound in EgyptGhastly figure“____” stories“____” or treatOctober holidayCarved decorationWhat spiders spinBlood loving creatureWhere a vampire sleepsComes out on a full moonThe Walking Dead monsterAntagonist in the Wizard of OzMovie name with a masked antagonistUsed to play quidditch in Harry Potter

Halloween Crossword 2024-10-29

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. “____” or treat
  2. The Walking Dead monster
  3. Where a vampire sleeps
  4. “___” house
  5. Ghastly figure
  6. Carved decoration
  7. “____” stories
  8. October holiday
  9. Blood loving creature
  1. Comes out on a full moon
  2. Used to play quidditch in Harry Potter
  3. Bone structure
  4. Found in Egypt
  5. Antagonist in the Wizard of Oz
  6. Hates garlic
  7. Disguise
  8. Movie name with a masked antagonist
  9. What spiders spin

18 Clues: Disguise“___” houseHates garlicBone structureFound in EgyptGhastly figure“____” stories“____” or treatOctober holidayCarved decorationWhat spiders spinBlood loving creatureWhere a vampire sleepsComes out on a full moonThe Walking Dead monsterAntagonist in the Wizard of OzMovie name with a masked antagonistUsed to play quidditch in Harry Potter

14 2024-08-16

14 crossword puzzle
  1. Chainmail armor
  2. Good witch costume
  3. Amphibian costume
  4. Cat** Grinning feline
  5. Famous vampire
  6. Bigfoot costume
  7. Underwater princess
  8. Detective costume
  9. Bookish costume
  10. Court fool
  11. Opera ghost
  12. Puppet master
  1. Black-and-white bear
  2. Cape-wearing undead
  3. Mouse** Iconic cartoon costume
  4. Nature priest
  5. Graveyard dweller
  6. Straw-filled figure
  7. Fairy costume
  8. Black bird costume
  9. Striped shirt seeker
  10. Lycanthrope costume
  11. Wailing spirit costume
  12. Shuffling undead
  13. Silent performer

25 Clues: Court foolOpera ghostNature priestFairy costumePuppet masterFamous vampireChainmail armorBigfoot costumeBookish costumeShuffling undeadSilent performerAmphibian costumeGraveyard dwellerDetective costumeGood witch costumeBlack bird costumeCape-wearing undeadStraw-filled figureUnderwater princessLycanthrope costumeBlack-and-white bear...

Halloween Crossword 2022-09-23

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. witches transportation
  2. spooky month
  3. "Night before ________"
  4. sweet treats
  5. jack'o lantern
  6. your final destination
  7. "spooky scary _____"
  8. "i put a _____ on you"
  9. "he's alive"
  1. another name for ghost
  2. "the ___ bride"
  3. "that was a _______ scream"
  4. "___ or treat"
  5. rituals preformed by satanists
  6. blood sucking demon
  7. popular vampire
  8. dress up in a...
  9. the witch brewed a...
  10. i need a ____ for my pirate costume
  11. "we'er going to a Halloween ___"

20 Clues: spooky monthsweet treats"he's alive""___ or treat"jack'o lantern"the ___ bride"popular vampiredress up in a...blood sucking demon"spooky scary _____"the witch brewed a...another name for ghostwitches transportationyour final destination"i put a _____ on you""Night before ________""that was a _______ scream"rituals preformed by satanists...

Marked 2022-03-10

Marked crossword puzzle
  1. what zoey is part of
  2. Zoeys last name
  3. Vampire that marked Zoey
  4. Blood sucker
  5. Mark
  6. elite club
  7. where the school is
  1. Ex-Boyfriend
  2. School for vampires
  3. Author
  4. Zoeys age
  5. Vampires bodies
  6. Bully
  7. Main character
  8. Powerful creatures

15 Clues: MarkBullyAuthorZoeys ageelite clubEx-BoyfriendBlood suckerMain characterZoeys last nameVampires bodiesPowerful creaturesSchool for vampireswhere the school iswhat zoey is part ofVampire that marked Zoey

Notes From A Totally Lame Vampire 2022-12-06

Notes From A Totally Lame Vampire crossword puzzle
  1. Secretly a vampire bent on revenge
  2. Where Main Character and Chloe go for lunch
  3. Main Characters Vampire Age
  4. Group of Vampires
  5. Vampiric power of appearance
  6. Vampiric power of Control
  7. Vampiric Power of Muscle
  1. Usually Used to Slay a Vampire
  2. Moronic Love rival to the Main Character
  3. Vampires all need it to survive
  4. The titular love interest
  5. Local Handsome guy who stirs up rumors a bunch
  6. Where Mr. Jenkins is banished to
  7. Main Character and guy who can´t get a girlfriend
  8. Doesn't kill vampires but gives them blisters

15 Clues: Group of VampiresVampiric Power of MuscleThe titular love interestVampiric power of ControlMain Characters Vampire AgeVampiric power of appearanceUsually Used to Slay a VampireVampires all need it to surviveWhere Mr. Jenkins is banished toSecretly a vampire bent on revengeMoronic Love rival to the Main Character...

10. Horror Books 2020-05-28

10. Horror Books crossword puzzle
  1. Henry James classic, The Turn of the...
  2. 2004 Johnny Deep film based on Stephen King book, Secret...
  3. Peter Straub novel: ... Story
  4. Norman Bates' place of work in Psycho
  5. Clive Barker's Hellraiser book, The ... Heart
  6. Monsters in World War Z
  7. ... Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  8. Richard Matheson book, I am...
  9. The Woman in Black's haunted house: Eel ... House
  10. Patrick's surname in American Psycho
  1. Who had the Devil's baby in Ira Levin's 1967 novel?
  2. First name of The Exorcist author
  3. Annie - Paul Sheldon's number one fan
  4. Poe's book The Murders in the Rue...
  5. Thomas, creator of Hannibal Lecter
  6. Frankenstein's first name
  7. Let the which one in? 2004 vampire novel
  8. Evil clown in Stephen King's It
  9. British seaside town that Dracula visits
  10. Main vampire in Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles books

20 Clues: Monsters in World War ZFrankenstein's first namePeter Straub novel: ... StoryRichard Matheson book, I am...Evil clown in Stephen King's ItFirst name of The Exorcist author... Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr HydeThomas, creator of Hannibal LecterPoe's book The Murders in the Rue...Patrick's surname in American PsychoAnnie - Paul Sheldon's number one fan...

Twilight Crossword 2024-05-10

Twilight Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - ____ Angeles
  2. - What is the surname of Bella’s Trigonometry teacher?
  3. - the eternal life granted to vampires at the cost of their humanity
  4. - What high school event did Edward and Bella attend towards the end of the book?
  5. - Renée’s husband
  6. - a cunning tracker vampire obsessed with Bella Swan
  7. - Rosalie’s lover
  8. - who took Bella to dinner in Port Angeles?
  9. - vampire’s diet
  10. - In the summer of 1918, Edward was dying to the Spanish _________.
  11. - the color of Edward’s eyes when he’s satiated
  12. - the make of the car Edward drives
  13. - deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others
  14. - which mountain did Laurent travel to after James started tracking Bella?
  15. - sworn enemies of vampires
  16. - a highly respected and talented medical doctor
  17. - Bella’s mom is her ____ friend
  1. - During their encounter, Bella was ______ by James, causing the vampire venom to spread throughout her body.
  2. - an instrument Edward has mastered
  3. - Charlie’s best friend
  4. - the period when day transitions into night
  5. - a special place (grassland) where Edward and Bella occasionally spend time together in the forest
  6. - the Cullen’s favorite sport
  7. - the city where Bella lived her childhood
  8. - Edward’s special ability
  9. - Who is the only vampire to ever escape James when he is hunting?
  10. - Out of Carlisle’s foster children, which vampire resents Bella?
  11. - the city where Bella’s dad resides
  12. - What Native American tribe does Jacob belong to?
  13. - the surname of Bella’s science teacher
  14. Swan - who do the people of Forks know Charlie as?
  15. - which vampire can manipulate and control emotions?

32 Clues: - ____ Angeles- vampire’s diet- Renée’s husband- Rosalie’s lover- Charlie’s best friend- Edward’s special ability- sworn enemies of vampires- the Cullen’s favorite sport- Bella’s mom is her ____ friend- an instrument Edward has mastered- the make of the car Edward drives- the city where Bella’s dad resides- the surname of Bella’s science teacher...

Halloween Crossword 2022-09-27

Halloween Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. witches transportation
  2. the witch brewed a...
  3. blood-sucking corpse
  4. sweet treats
  5. "spooky scary _______"
  6. "____ or treat"
  7. another name for ghost
  8. "the _____ bride"
  9. I need an _______ for my pirate costume
  1. dress up in a...
  2. "that was a _______ scream"
  3. "we're going to a Halloween ____"
  4. "he's alive"
  5. spooky month
  6. jack'o lantern
  7. your final destination
  8. popular vampire
  9. the cult members preformed a ______ ritual
  10. "Nightmare Before ______"
  11. "I put a _____ on you"

20 Clues: "he's alive"spooky monthsweet treatsjack'o lanternpopular vampire"____ or treat"dress up in a..."the _____ bride"blood-sucking corpsethe witch brewed a...witches transportationyour final destination"spooky scary _______""I put a _____ on you"another name for ghost"Nightmare Before ______""that was a _______ scream""we're going to a Halloween ____"...

Halloween 2022-10-19

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. On Halloween, children knock on people's doors to ask for these.
  2. During which month is Halloween celebrated?
  3. Famous vampire.
  4. A large rounded orange vegetable.
  5. What spiders make.
  6. What you need to wear during Halloween.
  7. Where a vampire sleeps.
  1. The spirit of a dead person.
  2. It is made of bones.
  3. A man who has magical powers.
  4. Frightening.
  5. He drinks blood.
  6. You wear this to cover your face.
  7. A house inhabited by ghosts is ...
  8. A witch's transportation.
  9. A person who changes into a wolf when there is a full moon.

16 Clues: Frightening.Famous vampire.He drinks blood.What spiders make.It is made of bones.Where a vampire sleeps.A witch's transportation.The spirit of a dead person.A man who has magical powers.You wear this to cover your face.A large rounded orange vegetable.A house inhabited by ghosts is ...What you need to wear during Halloween....

Halloween 2022-10-19

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. A witch's transportation.
  2. You wear this to cover your face.
  3. The spirit of a dead person.
  4. During which month is Halloween celebrated?
  5. A person who changes into a wolf when there is a full moon.
  6. He drinks blood.
  7. A large rounded orange vegetable.
  8. On Halloween, children knock on people's doors to ask for these.
  9. A man who has magical powers.
  1. Famous vampire.
  2. A house inhabited by ghosts is ...
  3. It is made of bones.
  4. What you need to wear during Halloween.
  5. What spiders make.
  6. Where a vampire sleeps.
  7. Frightening.

16 Clues: Frightening.Famous vampire.He drinks blood.What spiders make.It is made of bones.Where a vampire sleeps.A witch's transportation.The spirit of a dead person.A man who has magical powers.You wear this to cover your face.A large rounded orange vegetable.A house inhabited by ghosts is ...What you need to wear during Halloween....

Carbon Diaries 2024-05-07

Carbon Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. A break of the rules
  2. A certain amount of something that you can use
  3. A look into something
  4. to strongly push for something
  5. a limit on something
  6. To be hurt
  1. A gas that hurts the environment
  2. Shameless
  3. Stealing
  4. a shaking sound or action
  5. A scientific machine that removes impurities
  6. A violent group of people fighting for a cause

12 Clues: StealingShamelessTo be hurtA break of the rulesa limit on somethingA look into somethinga shaking sound or actionto strongly push for somethingA gas that hurts the environmentA scientific machine that removes impuritiesA certain amount of something that you can useA violent group of people fighting for a cause

Bunnicula 2021-12-12

Bunnicula crossword puzzle
  1. a light made by the moon
  2. man's best friend
  3. a region known for vampires
  4. the most famous vampire
  5. a color that is not in the rainbow
  6. when you sleep
  7. a vampire bunny
  1. difficult to explain
  2. something that bunnies love to eat
  3. something that sleeps during day
  4. a feline animal
  5. a mythical nocturnal creature
  6. a plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

13 Clues: when you sleepa feline animala vampire bunnyman's best frienddifficult to explainthe most famous vampirea light made by the moona region known for vampiresa mythical nocturnal creaturesomething that sleeps during daysomething that bunnies love to eata color that is not in the rainbowa plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

Bunnicula 2021-12-12

Bunnicula crossword puzzle
  1. a light made by the moon
  2. man's best friend
  3. a region known for vampires
  4. the most famous vampire
  5. a color that is not in the rainbow
  6. when you sleep
  7. a vampire bunny
  1. difficult to explain
  2. something that bunnies love to eat
  3. something that sleeps during the day
  4. a feline animal
  5. a mythical nocturnal creature
  6. a plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

13 Clues: when you sleepa feline animala vampire bunnyman's best frienddifficult to explainthe most famous vampirea light made by the moona region known for vampiresa mythical nocturnal creaturesomething that bunnies love to eata color that is not in the rainbowsomething that sleeps during the daya plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

Bunnicula 2021-12-12

Bunnicula crossword puzzle
  1. something that sleeps during the day
  2. man's best friend
  3. a plant that supposedly keeps vampires away
  4. a vampire bunny
  5. a color that is not in the rainbow
  6. something that bunnies love to eat
  1. a region known for vampires
  2. when you sleep
  3. a feline animal
  4. the most famous vampire
  5. a light made by the moon
  6. a mythical nocturnal creature
  7. difficult to explain

13 Clues: when you sleepa feline animala vampire bunnyman's best frienddifficult to explainthe most famous vampirea light made by the moona region known for vampiresa mythical nocturnal creaturea color that is not in the rainbowsomething that bunnies love to eatsomething that sleeps during the daya plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

Checkpoint: English 2 2024-09-09

Checkpoint: English 2 crossword puzzle
  1. endorsed by
  2. La Linea is on the border of Gibraltar (UK) and...
  3. H.G. Wells wrote The Time
  4. pg. 11 reading for
  5. and journals
  6. semi
  1. and legends
  2. chapter 1 - ...writing
  3. pg. 13
  4. printed in
  5. pg. 124

11 Clues: semipg. 13pg. 124printed inendorsed byand legendsand journalspg. 11 reading forchapter 1 - ...writingH.G. Wells wrote The TimeLa Linea is on the border of Gibraltar (UK) and...

Reports and Diaries 2020-09-18

Reports and Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. We play sport with people in a ........
  2. Students were ...... into different teams.
  3. All
  4. Works in a an office.
  5. The winning team has the most .......
  6. Glasses we wear to see well.
  7. People playing music together.
  8. We read this for news.
  9. Dropped
  10. It is important to have a bus ...........
  1. Not deliberately
  2. Go to other places.
  3. It was not my ........ He broke the glass!
  4. News about what happened.
  5. A train that does not stop at all stations.
  6. Past, present or future .... of a verb.
  7. Where children play.
  8. I want a good ..... for my exam.
  9. A big room where people meet together.
  10. Shakespeare could write a good .........

20 Clues: AllDroppedNot deliberatelyGo to other places.Where children play.Works in a an office.We read this for news.News about what happened.Glasses we wear to see well.People playing music together.I want a good ..... for my exam.The winning team has the most .......A big room where people meet together.We play sport with people in a ...........

Aphmau (Minecraft Diaries) 2016-12-16

Aphmau (Minecraft Diaries) crossword puzzle
  1. Kiki's daughter
  2. Leona's Mom
  3. was in the jury of nine
  4. Gene's brother
  5. Aphmau's frist adopted child
  6. In Zane's shadow
  7. The kawaiiest of them all
  8. He had orange hair
  9. the Lady killer
  10. Soon to be Katelyn's daughter
  1. Dante's brother
  2. The chicken King
  3. Aphmau's adopted girl
  4. Shad
  5. High Priest
  6. Main character
  7. The Witch
  8. Lord's brother (was a ghost before)
  9. Zane's and Garroth's brother
  10. Longan's son

20 Clues: ShadThe WitchHigh PriestLeona's MomLongan's sonGene's brotherMain characterDante's brotherKiki's daughterthe Lady killerThe chicken KingIn Zane's shadowHe had orange hairAphmau's adopted girlwas in the jury of nineThe kawaiiest of them allAphmau's frist adopted childZane's and Garroth's brotherSoon to be Katelyn's daughter...

The Romance Diaries 2015-11-22

The Romance Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Who owns the bookshop where ruby works?
  2. Who is Tom dating?
  3. What do they give Nat for her Birthday?
  4. Who does Lucas date?
  5. Who does nat date towards the end of the book?
  6. Who were the flowers sent to?
  7. Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?
  8. What movie does Ruby take to meet Cyrano?
  9. What does dullsford mean?
  10. Who is cryno?
  11. When is Nat's Birthday?
  12. What is in Ruby's diary?
  13. Where do Ruby and will have their first kiss?
  1. What does will give Ruby on their anniversary?
  2. What instrument do Ange and Tom play?
  3. What does RAP stand for?
  4. Who is Bella really dating?
  5. Who is dating Simone?
  6. Where does Ruby work?
  7. Who is tom related to?

20 Clues: Who is cryno?Who is Tom dating?Who does Lucas date?Who is dating Simone?Where does Ruby work?Who is tom related to?When is Nat's Birthday?What does RAP stand for?What is in Ruby's diary?What does dullsford mean?Who is Bella really dating?Who were the flowers sent to?Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?What instrument do Ange and Tom play?...

The Potion Diaries 2023-03-01

The Potion Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. the dried flower heads, often used in making tea and that yield an essential oil possessing medicinal properties
  2. equivalent as in value, force, effect, or signification:
  3. ready to take place : happening soon
  4. the quality given to a sound by its overtones
  5. to make out the meaning of despite indistinctness or obscurity
  6. full of lively activity
  7. a rolling mass (as of flame or smoke) that resembles a high wave
  8. to throw into disorder or confusion
  9. a heavy handwoven reversible textile used for hangings, curtains, and upholstery
  10. an instance of excess or prodigality
  11. causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment
  1. an effect or impact that resembles an echo
  2. something prepared or devised by combining different ingredients
  3. a system of weights used chiefly in compounding and dispensing drugs
  4. one who is learning by practical experience under skilled workers a trade, art, or calling
  5. to free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty
  6. a mythical, usually white animal generally depicted with the body and head of a horse with long flowing mane and tail and a single often spiraled horn in the middle of the forehead
  7. a noisy clearing of the throat.
  8. to ridicule by imitation
  9. to come out from a source

20 Clues: full of lively activityto ridicule by imitationto come out from a sourcea noisy clearing of the throw into disorder or confusionready to take place : happening soonan instance of excess or prodigalityan effect or impact that resembles an echothe quality given to a sound by its overtonescausing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment...

The Heroin Diaries 2012-12-14

The Heroin Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. / Nikki's friend from Guns N' Roses
  2. / Where Nikki kept his stash of heroin
  3. Lee / Motley Crue's drummer as well as Nikki's "toxic twin"
  4. / How Nikki felt growing up as a young child
  5. / Nikki's girlfriend
  6. / The type of car Nikki crashed in 1983
  7. / A generic psychiatric term for a mental state
  8. / What Nikki used to do heroin
  9. Out / How Nikki felt after the heroin worn off
  10. / Where nikki would inject heroin into his body
  11. Crue / The band Nikki was in
  12. Mars / Motley Crue's lead guitarist
  1. Cooper / Nikki's musical hero when he was growing up
  2. / A semi-synthetic opioid that is obtained from morphine
  3. / How Nikki often described himself
  4. / Where Nikki would right down his day to day events
  5. / Practice the day of a concert
  6. / The main ingredient that gets your drunk
  7. / The illness Nikki Sixx suffered from
  8. Neil / Motley Crue's lead singer
  9. / What Nikki now calls himself when talking about his past

21 Clues: / Nikki's girlfriendCrue / The band Nikki was in/ What Nikki used to do heroin/ Practice the day of a concertNeil / Motley Crue's lead singer/ Nikki's friend from Guns N' Roses/ How Nikki often described himselfMars / Motley Crue's lead guitarist/ Where Nikki kept his stash of heroin/ The illness Nikki Sixx suffered from...

The Demigod Diaries 2013-05-09

The Demigod Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Attendants of parties of Dinosyus
  2. Giant that Percy and Annabeth fought
  3. School This book is dedicated to ______________
  4. Son of magic
  5. A strong net that Hephaestus used to catch Aphrodite and Ares
  6. ________ Bronze
  7. Sacred animal of Zeus
  8. Patroness of magicians
  9. Walking table
  10. Mother of Annabeth
  1. Demigod who gave the diary to Luke
  2. Roman form of Hecate
  3. Name of the male snake on Hermes tool
  4. All in one tool for Hermes that got lost
  5. Luke's father
  6. Piper's Dagger
  7. Mother of Titans, Mother Earth(Greek Form)
  8. Debut Story
  9. 7 year old girl that Luke and Thalia find
  10. Creator of mist
  11. In charge of making the warship
  12. Name of the female snake on Hermes tool
  13. Shield with Medusa's picture
  14. The masthead of the warship
  15. Warship that Greeks create to sail to Rome

25 Clues: Debut StorySon of magicLuke's fatherWalking tablePiper's Dagger________ BronzeCreator of mistMother of AnnabethRoman form of HecateSacred animal of ZeusPatroness of magiciansThe masthead of the warshipShield with Medusa's pictureIn charge of making the warshipAttendants of parties of DinosyusDemigod who gave the diary to Luke...


  1. lights up the sky at night
  2. hole made from a large impact
  3. large area full of planets
  4. a glowing object in the sky
  5. a gas humans and animals breath out
  6. transportation device to get to other planets
  7. are galaxy's name
  8. talking about something with out a person not knowing
  9. a force that holds you to the ground
  1. mechanical human
  2. a suit that keeps you alive in space
  3. the USA way of measuring distance
  4. a person who fly's a plane or ship
  5. something a person that cant walk uses to move around
  6. the planet we live on
  7. forth planet from the sun
  8. controls the body
  9. lights up all the planets
  10. the leader of the USA
  11. the gas animals and humans breath in
  12. book you write in

21 Clues: mechanical humancontrols the bodyare galaxy's namebook you write inthe planet we live onthe leader of the USAforth planet from the sunlights up all the planetslights up the sky at nightlarge area full of planetsa glowing object in the skyhole made from a large impactthe USA way of measuring distancea person who fly's a plane or ship...

The Romance Diaries 2015-11-22

The Romance Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Who owns the bookshop where ruby works?
  2. Who is Tom dating?
  3. What do they give Nat for her Birthday?
  4. Who does Lucas date?
  5. Who does nat date towards the end of the book?
  6. Who were the flowers sent to?
  7. Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?
  8. What movie does Ruby take to meet Cyrano?
  9. What does dullsford mean?
  10. Who is cryno?
  11. When is Nat's Birthday?
  12. What is in Ruby's diary?
  13. Where do Ruby and will have their first kiss?
  1. What does will give Ruby on their anniversary?
  2. What instrument do Ange and Tom play?
  3. What does RAP stand for?
  4. Who is Bella really dating?
  5. Who is dating Simone?
  6. Where does Ruby work?
  7. Who is tom related to?

20 Clues: Who is cryno?Who is Tom dating?Who does Lucas date?Who is dating Simone?Where does Ruby work?Who is tom related to?When is Nat's Birthday?What does RAP stand for?What is in Ruby's diary?What does dullsford mean?Who is Bella really dating?Who were the flowers sent to?Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?What instrument do Ange and Tom play?...

The Princess Diaries 2023-05-19

The Princess Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. carousel dad
  2. official fruit
  3. mia’s school
  4. lana, anna, and __
  5. forbidden nickname
  6. cat sidekick
  7. pre-limo transportation
  8. reasonable reaction to being told you’re a princess
  9. school mascot
  10. mean girl karaoke song
  11. hiding spot (where is she going?)
  12. get off the
  13. lilly’s show
  1. mia’s baby
  2. restraining scarf
  3. stylist, fashionable
  4. ice cream vengeance cheer
  5. made up country (but we love it)
  6. please don’t crush my
  7. setting, city
  8. choir song
  9. iconic opening song
  10. mia’s last name
  11. we’ve all got that one neighbour

24 Clues: mia’s babychoir songget off thecarousel dadmia’s schoolcat sidekicklilly’s showsetting, cityschool mascotofficial fruitmia’s last namerestraining scarflana, anna, and __forbidden nicknameiconic opening songstylist, fashionableplease don’t crush mymean girl karaoke songpre-limo transportationice cream vengeance cheermade up country (but we love it)...

The Bachelorette Diaries 2024-06-27

The Bachelorette Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. k-pop band from the 2000s
  2. favorite couple activity
  3. the beloved dog
  4. Groom's ethnicity
  5. Bride's ring size
  6. Honeymoon destination
  7. zodiac sign
  8. actress that inspired Bride's name
  9. first pet together
  1. Gossip Girl character
  2. comfort food for the Bride
  3. no. of years Bride has worked at the Y
  4. first trip together
  5. Groom's eye colour
  6. Bride's favorite animal
  7. middle name of the Bride
  8. Groom's hometown
  9. Groom's favourite sport
  10. Pride Rock
  11. a favourite love song

20 Clues: Pride Rockzodiac signthe beloved dogGroom's hometownGroom's ethnicityBride's ring sizeGroom's eye colourfirst pet togetherfirst trip togetherGossip Girl characterHoneymoon destinationa favourite love songBride's favorite animalGroom's favourite sportfavorite couple activitymiddle name of the Bridek-pop band from the 2000scomfort food for the Bride...

Bunnicula 2021-12-12

Bunnicula crossword puzzle
  1. a light made by the moon
  2. man's best friend
  3. a region known for vampires
  4. the most famous vampire
  5. a color that is not in the rainbow
  6. when you sleep
  7. a vampire bunny
  1. difficult to explain
  2. something that bunnies love to eat
  3. something that sleeps during the day
  4. a feline animal
  5. a mythical nocturnal creature
  6. a plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

13 Clues: when you sleepa feline animala vampire bunnyman's best frienddifficult to explainthe most famous vampirea light made by the moona region known for vampiresa mythical nocturnal creaturesomething that bunnies love to eata color that is not in the rainbowsomething that sleeps during the daya plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

twilight 2023-01-19

twilight crossword puzzle
  2. the main vampire, bellas love
  3. bella's dad
  4. hes very smart, dating alice and newest vamp
  5. edward and bella's child
  6. the vampires' foster mom
  7. married to rosalie, VERY STRONG
  1. main character, girl
  2. jacobs friend wolf
  3. didnt wanna be a vampire, married to emmett
  4. the vampires' foster dad
  5. the best vampire sister, dating jasper
  6. bellas mom

13 Clues: bellas mombella's dadjacobs friend wolfmain character, girlthe vampires' foster dadedward and bella's childthe vampires' foster momEW. NOT HIM NOT THE WOLF GUYthe main vampire, bellas lovemarried to rosalie, VERY STRONGthe best vampire sister, dating jasperdidnt wanna be a vampire, married to emmetthes very smart, dating alice and newest vamp

Halloween 2024-10-15

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. chauve-souris
  2. maison-hantée
  3. squelette
  4. vampire
  5. fantôme
  6. chaudron
  7. monstre
  1. citrouille_d'Halloween
  2. citrouille
  3. sorcière
  4. araignée
  5. balai

12 Clues: balaivampirefantômemonstresorcièrearaignéechaudronsquelettecitrouillechauve-sourismaison-hantéecitrouille_d'Halloween

Halloween 2018-10-24

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. bat
  2. pumpkin
  3. scarecrow
  4. hat
  5. ghost
  6. monster
  7. spider
  1. vampire
  2. jack-o-lantern
  3. skeleton
  4. cat
  5. witch

12 Clues: batcathatwitchghostspidervampirepumpkinmonsterskeletonscarecrowjack-o-lantern

Bunnicula 2021-12-12

Bunnicula crossword puzzle
  1. something that sleeps during day
  2. man's best friend
  3. a plant that supposedly keeps vampires away
  4. a vampire bunny
  5. a color that is not in the rainbow
  6. something that bunnies love to eat
  1. a region known for vampires
  2. when you sleep
  3. a feline animal
  4. the most famous vampire
  5. a light made by the moon
  6. a mythical nocturnal creature
  7. something weird going on, difficult to

13 Clues: when you sleepa feline animala vampire bunnyman's best friendthe most famous vampirea light made by the moona region known for vampiresa mythical nocturnal creaturesomething that sleeps during daya color that is not in the rainbowsomething that bunnies love to eatsomething weird going on, difficult toa plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

The Demigod Diaries 2013-05-09

The Demigod Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. _______ Bronze
  2. A strong net that Hephaestus used to catch Aphrodite and Ares
  3. All in one tool of Hermes that got lost
  4. Son of Magic
  5. Sacred animal of Zeus
  6. 2 Name of the warship that Greeks create to sail to Rome
  7. Name of the male snake on Hermes' tool
  8. Creator of mist
  9. Fire breathing giant(Percy and Annabeth fought him)
  1. Patroness of magicians
  2. In charge of making the warship
  3. Person who wrote a debut story
  4. The book is dedicated to _______________
  5. Name of the demigod that gave the diary to Luke
  6. Luke's father
  7. Roman form of Hecate
  8. Mother Earth, Mother of the titans
  9. Name of the female snake on Hermes tool
  10. Name of the dragon Leo created
  11. Walking table
  12. Attendants of parties of Dinosyus
  13. Piper's dagger
  14. 7 year old girl that Luke and Thalia find
  15. Mother of Annabeth
  16. Shield with Medusa's face

25 Clues: Son of MagicLuke's fatherWalking table_______ BronzePiper's daggerCreator of mistMother of AnnabethRoman form of HecateSacred animal of ZeusPatroness of magiciansShield with Medusa's facePerson who wrote a debut storyName of the dragon Leo createdIn charge of making the warshipAttendants of parties of DinosyusMother Earth, Mother of the titans...

The Romance Diaries 2015-11-22

The Romance Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Who owns the bookshop where ruby works?
  2. Who is Tom dating?
  3. What do they give Nat for her Birthday?
  4. Who does Lucas date?
  5. Who does nat date towards the end of the book?
  6. Who were the flowers sent to?
  7. Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?
  8. What movie does Ruby take to meet Cyrano?
  9. What does dullsford mean?
  10. Who is cryno?
  11. When is Nat's Birthday?
  12. What is in Ruby's diary?
  13. Where do Ruby and will have their first kiss?
  1. What does will give Ruby on their anniversary?
  2. What instrument do Ange and Tom play?
  3. What does RAP stand for?
  4. Who is Bella really dating?
  5. Who is dating Simone?
  6. Where does Ruby work?
  7. Who is tom related to?

20 Clues: Who is cryno?Who is Tom dating?Who does Lucas date?Who is dating Simone?Where does Ruby work?Who is tom related to?When is Nat's Birthday?What does RAP stand for?What is in Ruby's diary?What does dullsford mean?Who is Bella really dating?Who were the flowers sent to?Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?What instrument do Ange and Tom play?...

The Romance Diaries 2015-11-22

The Romance Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Who owns the bookshop where ruby works?
  2. Who is Tom dating?
  3. What do they give Nat for her Birthday?
  4. Who does Lucas date?
  5. Who does nat date towards the end of the book?
  6. Who were the flowers sent to?
  7. Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?
  8. What movie does Ruby take to meet Cyrano?
  9. What does dullsford mean?
  10. Who is cryno?
  11. When is Nat's Birthday?
  12. What is in Ruby's diary?
  13. Where do Ruby and will have their first kiss?
  1. What does will give Ruby on their anniversary?
  2. What instrument do Ange and Tom play?
  3. What does RAP stand for?
  4. Who is Bella really dating?
  5. Who is dating Simone?
  6. Where does Ruby work?
  7. Who is tom related to?

20 Clues: Who is cryno?Who is Tom dating?Who does Lucas date?Who is dating Simone?Where does Ruby work?Who is tom related to?When is Nat's Birthday?What does RAP stand for?What is in Ruby's diary?What does dullsford mean?Who is Bella really dating?Who were the flowers sent to?Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?What instrument do Ange and Tom play?...

MAUS: CHAPTER 6 2013-10-07

MAUS: CHAPTER 6 crossword puzzle
  1. What of Anja's does Vladek burn?
  2. Where do Vladek and Anja try to get smuggled into?
  3. What famous cartoonist does Vladek think Art could be like one day?
  4. How much money does Vladek give Mala per month?
  5. Art calls his father a ______ at the end of chapter 6 for burning his mother's diaries.
  6. What animal does Anja freak out over while in hiding from Mrs. Motonowa"s husband?
  1. What language did prisoners have to write letters in?
  2. Where is the black market Vladek was told to go to? (Three words, spell out numbers).
  3. How old is Mrs. Motonowa's son? (Spell out the number).
  4. What is the title of chapter?
  5. Where did Vladek and Anja go from Srodula?
  6. Hundred How many prisoners were pushed into the trucks to go to the camps? (Two words, spell out the number).

12 Clues: What is the title of chapter?What of Anja's does Vladek burn?Where did Vladek and Anja go from Srodula?How much money does Vladek give Mala per month?Where do Vladek and Anja try to get smuggled into?What language did prisoners have to write letters in?How old is Mrs. Motonowa's son? (Spell out the number)....

Challenge 2 2017-03-16

Challenge 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Gets you across a river.
  2. Make something.
  3. Drive to work.
  4. Very old.
  5. Protect, save.
  6. You use it when you get a cut or graze.
  7. Another way of writing a fraction or percentage.
  8. Give up; back down.
  9. Won't break down.
  1. What's left over.
  2. Books; diaries.
  3. Change; transformation.
  4. A book about a real person.
  5. Eats meat and plants.
  6. To do with society.
  7. An ant's jaws.

16 Clues: Very old.Drive to work.Protect, save.An ant's jaws.Books; diaries.Make something.What's left over.Won't break down.To do with society.Give up; back down.Eats meat and plants.Change; transformation.Gets you across a river.A book about a real person.You use it when you get a cut or graze.Another way of writing a fraction or percentage.

Vampires 2022-02-04

Vampires crossword puzzle
  1. After war, he opened Second Life Vinyl Shop
  2. Attended East Point High School
  3. Stole Marcel's daylight ring at the gala
  4. Was killed by Stefan as an offering to Cade
  5. His beliefs and doctrines eventually led to the creation of the vampire purist group, the Nightwalkers, who saw his teachings of vampire superiority as a way of life
  6. The only survivor out of his family from a werewolf attack
  7. Before transitioning into a vampire she was known for her insecurities causing her to be very competitive
  8. TVD character turned by Anna's blood
  9. The city Enzo was denied passage onto the ship in
  1. After being freed from the Hollow's possession, it left her in a catatonic state
  2. Made it into the history books because of his relentless killings.
  3. Marcel found this person near death in a war hospital and turned him
  4. Saved Damon from Sampson
  5. Faked her death in 1858
  6. Vampire who was trapped in the Phoenix Stone
  7. Her mother died while giving birth to her so she never celebrated her birthday
  8. Son of a preacher
  9. Hayley called this person a witch whisperer

18 Clues: Son of a preacherFaked her death in 1858Saved Damon from SampsonAttended East Point High SchoolTVD character turned by Anna's bloodStole Marcel's daylight ring at the galaAfter war, he opened Second Life Vinyl ShopWas killed by Stefan as an offering to CadeHayley called this person a witch whispererVampire who was trapped in the Phoenix Stone...

Solve this! 2021-04-17

Solve this! crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu dari 12 Royal Families.
  2. Half-human, half-vampire, all muscle.
  3. Musuh para vampire di akademi yang menyerupai vampire atau monster dengan penampilan menyeramkan.
  4. Siapakah nama Matrona Dhampir yang ke-11?
  5. Siapakah nama pendiri Saint Vladimir Academy?
  6. Salah satu nama petrik Air Element.
  1. Tempat bagi para Vampire Baru mendapatkan segala informasi seputar SVA.
  2. Bank tidak melayani transaksi di hari ...
  3. Miss Feronica Voda adalah vampire berkebangsaan?
  4. Asrama Moroi dilambangkan dengan?

10 Clues: Asrama Moroi dilambangkan dengan?Salah satu dari 12 Royal Families.Salah satu nama petrik Air Element.Half-human, half-vampire, all muscle.Bank tidak melayani transaksi di hari ...Siapakah nama Matrona Dhampir yang ke-11?Siapakah nama pendiri Saint Vladimir Academy?Miss Feronica Voda adalah vampire berkebangsaan?...

The Vampire Diaries (Season 3) 2012-04-09

The Vampire Diaries (Season 3) crossword puzzle
  1. Who goes to Tennessee with Alaric to find Klaus in episode 2?
  2. Who transforms into a werewolve in front of his mother to show her that Caroline is not a Monster?
  3. At the start of Season 3, who is looking for werewolves so they can turn them into vampire hybrids?
  4. Who do Klaus and Stefan realise has been tracking them at the start of Season 3?
  1. Who kills Ray in the second episode of the season?
  2. Who saves Stefan from being tortured by Gloria in the 4th episode of season 3?

6 Clues: Who kills Ray in the second episode of the season?Who goes to Tennessee with Alaric to find Klaus in episode 2?Who saves Stefan from being tortured by Gloria in the 4th episode of season 3?Who do Klaus and Stefan realise has been tracking them at the start of Season 3?...

Halloween costumes 2023-10-06

Halloween costumes crossword puzzle
  1. A vampire.............a bat
  2. nice
  3. a witch has..........
  4. A witch has a.............hat
  5. A princess has a................
  6. A..............has a broomstick
  1. A witch has long.................
  2. A vampire and a zombie are..........
  3. A zombie is.............
  4. A witch has a fly in the sky
  5. mean
  6. A vampire...........a coffin

12 Clues: a witch meanA zombie is.............A vampire.............a batA vampire...........a coffinA witch has a.............hatA..............has a broomstickA princess has a................A witch has long.................A vampire and a zombie are.............

mov38 2024-07-01

mov38 crossword puzzle
  1. School drama
  2. Teen slasher
  3. Teenage stardom
  4. Teen vampire
  5. Teen romance
  6. Teen masquerade
  7. Karate Kid antagonist
  8. Michael J. Fox werewolf
  9. Ferris Bueller's setting
  10. Love note film
  11. College friends reunion
  12. Overcoming odds
  13. Wealthy teen's driver
  1. Gymnastics romance
  2. "Just One of the Guys"
  3. Dance off
  4. Rob Lowe hockey
  5. Teenage vampire killer
  6. Teen suspense
  7. Breakdancing drama
  8. Rebel kids
  9. Pool party film
  10. Teen heartbreak
  11. Teenage skateboarding
  12. Rebellious DJ

25 Clues: Dance offRebel kidsSchool dramaTeen slasherTeen vampireTeen romanceTeen suspenseRebellious DJLove note filmRob Lowe hockeyTeenage stardomTeen masqueradePool party filmTeen heartbreakOvercoming oddsGymnastics romanceBreakdancing dramaKarate Kid antagonistTeenage skateboardingWealthy teen's driver"Just One of the Guys"Teenage vampire killer...

L'Halloween 2020-10-25

L'Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. un chat noir
  2. une squelette
  3. une chauve-souris
  4. une araignee
  5. une sorciere
  6. une maison hantee
  7. un balai
  8. un chaudron
  1. un vampire
  2. un fantome
  3. la lune
  4. une toile d'araignee
  5. un epouvantail
  6. un chat noir
  7. des bonbons

15 Clues: la luneun balaiun vampireun fantomedes bonbonsun chaudronun chat noirune araigneeun chat noirune sorciereune squeletteun epouvantailune chauve-sourisune maison hanteeune toile d'araignee

Twilight 2021-05-18

Twilight crossword puzzle
  3. school in forks washington
  11. BAD GUY


26 2024-09-05

26 crossword puzzle
  1. Talk show terror
  2. Classic vampire film
  3. Airbnb nightmare
  4. Haunted toy
  5. Tech-driven horror
  6. Corporate killer
  7. TV-induced terror
  8. Clown horror slasher
  9. Cave exploration horror
  10. Isolated madness
  11. Immortality gone wrong
  12. Shining sequel
  13. Angel of death
  1. Catacomb horror
  2. Deadly game of survival
  3. Supernatural perfection
  4. Deadly dining experience
  5. X prequel
  6. Third in slasher series 3
  7. Pagan festival horror
  8. Creepy grandparents
  9. Psychological horror
  10. Revenge thriller
  11. Vampire town terror
  12. Alien hunt in the wild

25 Clues: X prequelHaunted toyShining sequelAngel of deathCatacomb horrorTalk show terrorAirbnb nightmareCorporate killerIsolated madnessRevenge thrillerTV-induced terrorTech-driven horrorCreepy grandparentsVampire town terrorClassic vampire filmClown horror slasherPsychological horrorPagan festival horrorImmortality gone wrongAlien hunt in the wild...

The Originals 2021-03-26

The Originals crossword puzzle
  1. branch that is able to kill an original
  2. The first ever vampire family
  3. Powerful witch and harvest girl
  4. wants to live life, feel free, and find love
  5. Is misunderstood and has trust issues
  6. The ability to make someone do something with your eyes
  7. Daughter of Hayley and Klaus
  8. wears suits and keeps his word
  9. has abandonment issues
  10. combination of being werewolf and vampire
  1. combination of being werewolf, vampire, and witch
  2. promise they made and stood by
  3. sister of Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, and kol
  4. Husband of Davina, and brother of Klaus
  5. Klaus's soulmate
  6. the curse that separated the family apart

16 Clues: Klaus's soulmatehas abandonment issuesDaughter of Hayley and KlausThe first ever vampire familypromise they made and stood bywears suits and keeps his wordPowerful witch and harvest girlIs misunderstood and has trust issuesbranch that is able to kill an originalHusband of Davina, and brother of Klaussister of Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, and kol...

Serial Killer Crossword 2022-05-27

Serial Killer Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The last name of one of his victims before he got caught
  2. When facing punishment for the crime, this is how he was executed
  3. The Vampire of Hanover would sell his victim's severed body parts and claim that the meat was actually this instead
  4. The first name of the Vampire of Hanover
  5. The preferred method of how he killed his victims
  1. The method the Vampire of Hanover used to kill his victims, literally torn them apart
  2. in addition to being the Vampire of Hanover, he was also called (name of another mythology figure)
  3. The country of origin for the Vampire of Hanover
  4. The preferred target for the Vampire of Hanover's killing spree
  5. The total number of victims the Vampire of Hanover had

10 Clues: The first name of the Vampire of HanoverThe country of origin for the Vampire of HanoverThe preferred method of how he killed his victimsThe total number of victims the Vampire of Hanover hadThe last name of one of his victims before he got caughtThe preferred target for the Vampire of Hanover's killing spree...

Bunnicula 2021-12-12

Bunnicula crossword puzzle
  1. a region known for vampires
  2. something that bunnies love to eat
  3. man's best friend
  4. something that sleeps at day
  5. a light made by the moon
  6. a plant that supposedly keeps vampires away
  7. a feline animal
  1. something weird going on, difficult to
  2. when you sleep
  3. a mythical nocturnal creature
  4. a vampire bunny
  5. the most famous vampire
  6. a color that is not on the rainbow

13 Clues: when you sleepa vampire bunnya feline animalman's best friendthe most famous vampirea light made by the moona region known for vampiressomething that sleeps at daya mythical nocturnal creaturesomething that bunnies love to eata color that is not on the rainbowsomething weird going on, difficult toa plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

Bunnicula 2021-12-12

Bunnicula crossword puzzle
  1. a light made by the moon
  2. man's best friend
  3. a region known for vampires
  4. the most famous vampire
  5. a color that is not on the rainbow
  6. when you sleep
  7. a vampire bunny
  1. something weird going on, difficult to
  2. something that bunnies love to eat
  3. something that sleeps during day
  4. a feline animal
  5. a mythical nocturnal creature
  6. a plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

13 Clues: when you sleepa feline animala vampire bunnyman's best friendthe most famous vampirea light made by the moona region known for vampiresa mythical nocturnal creaturesomething that sleeps during daysomething that bunnies love to eata color that is not on the rainbowsomething weird going on, difficult toa plant that supposedly keeps vampires away

Vampire Animal, Chupacabra 2024-01-29

Vampire Animal, Chupacabra crossword puzzle
  1. a person, animal, or object supposed to bring good luck
  2. a room with special equipment for doing scientific tests
  3. either one of the two bones of the face
  4. goods that are brought and sold
  5. an animal that is killed and eaten by another animal
  6. parts of an animal used as food
  7. the red liquid that flows through the bodies of people and animals
  8. one part in a hundred
  9. animals kept or raised
  10. to be similar to someone or something else
  1. an individual injured or killed
  2. an animal that has hair or fur and drinks milk from its mother
  3. resembling or made to resemble leather
  4. a bat that sucks the blood of people and animals
  5. a procedure carried out under controlled conditions
  6. not many but more than one
  7. strange, unknown, or difficult to understand
  8. to see or notice
  9. a creature that comes from outer space

19 Clues: to see or noticeone part in a hundredanimals kept or raisednot many but more than onean individual injured or killedgoods that are brought and soldparts of an animal used as foodresembling or made to resemble leathera creature that comes from outer spaceeither one of the two bones of the faceto be similar to someone or something else...

Halloween crossword ! 2022-10-16

Halloween crossword ! crossword puzzle
  1. castle
  2. pumpkin
  3. witch
  4. spiderweb
  5. broom
  1. skeleton
  2. vampire
  3. ghost
  4. sweet
  5. werewolf
  6. bat

11 Clues: batghostsweetwitchbroomcastlevampirepumpkinskeletonwerewolfspiderweb

Nashita 2023-11-02

Nashita crossword puzzle
  1. Best '05 movie see 2 down
  2. Favorite series no matter how old I get- with 1 down
  3. favorite place, consumerism
  4. fav movie
  5. Been one since '06
  6. favorite fruit
  7. Attended 3 of these in one year
  8. favorite taylor album
  9. Job Title
  10. favorite place, nature
  1. see 6 across
  2. See 5 across
  3. Employer
  4. Favorite type of shoes
  5. Fill-in the blank "I love___"
  6. Prefers her nails
  7. favorite dessert
  8. dream job

18 Clues: Employerfav moviedream jobJob Titlesee 6 acrossSee 5 acrossfavorite fruitfavorite dessertPrefers her nailsBeen one since '06favorite taylor albumFavorite type of shoesfavorite place, natureBest '05 movie see 2 downfavorite place, consumerismFill-in the blank "I love___"Attended 3 of these in one year...

who am i 2021-06-19

who am i crossword puzzle
  1. her middle name is her Grandma's first name, she plays viola, has 3 brothers
  2. she is afraid of heights, she is the only daughter, her favorite TV show is Vampire Diaries, she loves anime
  3. she loves to bake, her favorite subject in school is history, all her sister's name starts with the letter "E"
  4. her favorite game is Secret Hitler, her favorite TV show is Merlin, one of her favorite books is Percy Jackson, she loves sour airheads
  1. her favorite sport is beach vball, her favorite scripture story is Job, has a pet named Lucifer
  2. Wants to serve a mission in Europe, her favorite movie is The Notebook, has a pet named Bernie
  3. She is the oldest child, she wants to serve a mission in Greece, her favorite TV show is Stranger Things
  4. has a pet named Owen, plays the piano and violin, she is a middle child
  5. Her Birthday is May 31st, her favorite scripture story is Samuel the Lamanite
  6. Her favorite book is Twilight, her favorite primary song is I'm trying to be like Jesus

10 Clues: has a pet named Owen, plays the piano and violin, she is a middle childher middle name is her Grandma's first name, she plays viola, has 3 brothersHer Birthday is May 31st, her favorite scripture story is Samuel the LamaniteHer favorite book is Twilight, her favorite primary song is I'm trying to be like Jesus...

Halloween Spooktacular 2019-10-23

Halloween Spooktacular crossword puzzle
  1. jackolantern
  2. demon
  3. nightmare
  4. werewolf
  5. witch
  1. pumpkin
  2. hauntedhouse
  3. wizard
  4. vampire
  5. zombie
  6. ghost

11 Clues: demonghostwitchwizardzombiepumpkinvampirewerewolfnightmarehauntedhousejackolantern

Final E Syllable Crossword Puzzle 2024-11-06

Final E Syllable Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. costume
  2. sunshine
  3. tadpole
  4. explode
  5. milkshake
  6. cupcake
  1. confuse
  2. mistake
  3. reptile
  4. remote
  5. vampire

11 Clues: remotecostumeconfusemistakereptiletadpoleexplodevampirecupcakesunshinemilkshake

Halloween costume 2023-11-07

Halloween costume crossword puzzle
  1. A zombie is...........
  2. nice
  3. a witch has long....
  4. A ...........has a broomstick
  5. A zombie is mean
  6. A vampire ...........mean
  1. A witch has a fly in the sky
  2. A witch has a ...............hat
  3. A vampire.............a coffin
  4. A vampire and a zombie are.........
  5. A witch has.........on her nose
  6. A princess has a ............

12 Clues: A zombie is meana witch has long....A zombie niceA vampire ...........meanA ...........has a broomstickA princess has a ............A vampire.............a coffinA witch has.........on her noseA witch has a ...............hatA vampire and a zombie are.........A witch has a fly in the sky

Sea Creatures 2012-08-20

Sea Creatures crossword puzzle
  1. isopod What creature has four sets of jaws?
  2. What fish can inflate its body?
  3. What can giant tube worms detect?
  4. What animal has the scariest teeth?
  5. What is a type of crown jellyfish?
  6. What creature reaches a maximum total body length of 30cm?
  7. What physical adaption provides protection from predators?
  8. what is the type of light produced by Vampire squids called?
  9. What creature has no mouth?
  10. What is at the tip of the Gulper Eels tail?
  1. What creature has a snake like body?
  2. What is the fangtooths best weapon?
  3. Scientific name for the Pacific viper fish
  4. "......... of the deep"
  5. What creature has a small body with a big head?
  6. Vampire squids are not fast ...........
  7. The atolla jellyfish has 20 .........
  8. What protects the vampire squid, their ........
  9. What is the biggest creature in this book?
  10. Animals not only have phyical adaptations but also ..........

20 Clues: "......... of the deep"What creature has no mouth?What fish can inflate its body?What can giant tube worms detect?What is a type of crown jellyfish?What is the fangtooths best weapon?What animal has the scariest teeth?What creature has a snake like body?The atolla jellyfish has 20 .........Vampire squids are not fast ..............

Twilight 2013-09-29

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Where the book takes place
  2. Edward and Bella's daughter
  3. Edward's brother from the civil war
  4. Edward's vampire father figure
  5. Sam's imprint
  6. Bella's human best friend
  7. Bella's father
  8. Bella's mother
  9. 1st book in series
  10. Co-leader of Victoria's newborn army
  11. Bella's vampire bofriend
  12. Bella's werewolf best friend
  13. Edward's bear of a brother
  14. the leader of the pack
  15. Edward's pixie sister
  1. Edward's blonde sister
  2. 4th book in the series
  3. 2nd book in series
  4. Edward's vampire mother figure
  5. 3rd book in the series
  6. Evil group of vampires
  7. Bella's step-father
  8. Bella's first friend in Forks
  9. Tried to kill Bella and the Cullens in Eclipse
  10. Other male in James's coven
  11. Part of the newborn army and fell in love with Diego
  12. Tried to kill Bella's in Twilight
  13. main character
  14. Angela's boy friend
  15. Edward's human annoyance

30 Clues: Sam's imprintBella's fatherBella's mothermain character2nd book in series1st book in seriesBella's step-fatherAngela's boy friendEdward's pixie sisterEdward's blonde sister4th book in the series3rd book in the seriesEvil group of vampiresthe leader of the packBella's vampire bofriendEdward's human annoyanceBella's human best friend...

SPOOKY SEASON 2024-08-02

SPOOKY SEASON crossword puzzle
  5. A TREAT
  10. "WHO YOU GONNA CALL?" (FILM 1984)
  6. "THEY'RE HEEERE"(FILM 1982)
  10. HAY MAN
  20. ___ MASH (SONG-1962)


Six Impossible Things 2019-10-07

Six Impossible Things crossword puzzle
  1. a person who is socially awkward
  2. a female parent
  3. Failing ____ business
  4. book in which you write down personal thoughts
  5. work you do to earn money on a daily basis gay
  6. Dan works at ______
  7. to touch (someone)with your lips as a greeting
  8. female main character
  9. companion
  1. causes loss of trust
  2. gay
  3. school social event
  4. Estelle's friend
  5. 90's rock band
  6. finacially troubled
  7. satisfactory, enjoyable, pleasant
  8. bully

17 Clues: gaybullycompanion90's rock banda female parentEstelle's friendschool social eventfinacially troubledDan works at ______causes loss of trustFailing ____ businessfemale main charactera person who is socially awkwardsatisfactory, enjoyable, pleasantbook in which you write down personal thoughtsto touch (someone)with your lips as a greeting...

Ammi 2023-09-17

Ammi crossword puzzle
  1. Finn Mikaelson’s girlfriend
  2. Who killed Jenna
  3. In what state is the fictional town of Mystic Falls located?
  4. In season 3, where do Alaric and Elena (and unknowingly, Damon) go to look for Stefan?
  5. Original Vampire
  6. Name of the bar
  7. Name of the curse that klaus wanted to break
  8. Bonnie’s Grammy
  9. Who was the witch who cast the spell sealing the vampires in the tomb under the church
  10. Who turned Katherine into Vampire
  1. Creator of immortality spell
  2. Elena was ___ of April Young
  3. Last name or Katherine
  4. What is the name of the supernatural species that can control dreams and thoughts
  5. Who kills Jeremy for the first time
  6. Who turned Enzo
  7. Who turned Caroline
  8. Who is the first character in the series to transition into a vampire
  9. What is Stefan Salvatore’s profession
  10. Who said this “I was feeling Epic”

20 Clues: Who turned EnzoName of the barBonnie’s GrammyWho killed JennaOriginal VampireWho turned CarolineLast name or KatherineFinn Mikaelson’s girlfriendCreator of immortality spellElena was ___ of April YoungWho turned Katherine into VampireWho said this “I was feeling Epic”Who kills Jeremy for the first timeWhat is Stefan Salvatore’s profession...

Halloween 2024-10-23

Halloween crossword puzzle
  1. A playground for ghosts
  2. Who comes out on a full moon
  3. What color of cat is associated with Halloween
  4. Where does a vampire sleep
  5. What time do ghosts come out to play
  6. What a spider spins
  7. People like to tell _______ stories around the campfire
  8. Flying mammal associated with Halloween
  9. Who is known for wearing a black pointy hat and flying on a broom
  10. Main ingredient in a pie that is eaten in the Fall
  11. What type of monster hates garlic
  12. Some people watch these types of movies on Halloween
  1. A skeleton is made of these
  2. Holiday that is on October 31
  3. The name of a famous vampire
  4. What type of house does a ghost live in
  5. People wear these on Halloween to disguise themselves
  6. Another word for scare
  7. What does a witch fly on
  8. Finish the phrase: ______ or treat

20 Clues: What a spider spinsAnother word for scareA playground for ghostsWhat does a witch fly onWhere does a vampire sleepA skeleton is made of theseThe name of a famous vampireWho comes out on a full moonHoliday that is on October 31What type of monster hates garlicFinish the phrase: ______ or treatWhat time do ghosts come out to play...

The Romance Diaries 2015-11-22

The Romance Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Who owns the bookshop where ruby works?
  2. Who is Tom dating?
  3. What do they give Nat for her Birthday?
  4. Who does Lucas date?
  5. Who does nat date towards the end of the book?
  6. Who were the flowers sent to?
  7. Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?
  8. What movie does Ruby take to meet Cyrano?
  9. What does dullsford mean?
  10. Who is cryno?
  11. When is Nat's Birthday?
  12. What is in Ruby's diary?
  13. Where do Ruby and will have their first kiss?
  1. What does will give Ruby on their anniversary?
  2. What instrument do Ange and Tom play?
  3. What does RAP stand for?
  4. Who is Bella really dating?
  5. Who is dating Simone?
  6. Where does Ruby work?
  7. Who is tom related to?

20 Clues: Who is cryno?Who is Tom dating?Who does Lucas date?Who is dating Simone?Where does Ruby work?Who is tom related to?When is Nat's Birthday?What does RAP stand for?What is in Ruby's diary?What does dullsford mean?Who is Bella really dating?Who were the flowers sent to?Where are Cyrano and Roxane from?What instrument do Ange and Tom play?...