vocabulary Crossword Puzzles

Vocabulary 2022-11-30

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. veto
  2. old people give you
  3. to scold someone in a worried tone
  4. arrogant
  5. shout
  6. embargo act
  7. my sky is like an angel
  8. Pink Castle Rock
  9. mX + B
  10. big ego like yourself
  11. Trail of Tears
  1. repeated words or phrases
  2. you are a sun
  3. restricted
  4. provoked
  5. Mississippi Compromise
  6. smug
  7. a positive atom
  8. puzzled
  9. I have a dream

20 Clues: vetosmugshoutmX + Bpuzzledprovokedarrogantrestrictedembargo actyou are a sunI have a dreamTrail of Tearsa positive atomPink Castle Rockold people give youbig ego like yourselfMississippi Compromisemy sky is like an angelrepeated words or phrasesto scold someone in a worried tone

Vocabulary 2022-12-08

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. 1/4, 1/4, 2
  2. transferred to a sheet pan and baked after being cut into the desired shapes.
  3. mixture of sugar and liquid thin enough to be poured.
  4. Combining sugar and fat.
  5. Gluten is less likely to overdevelop using this method because flour is added last.
  6. To treat a substance with heat to make it safe for consumption.
  7. Mixed salad dressed with mayonnaise or a similar dressing.
  8. 1/4, 1/4, 1/4
  9. baked in a pastry crust.
  10. Biscotti are an example of...
  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl at once and mix.
  2. A knife with a round end flexible blade for scraping and spreading.
  3. heavy duty knife for chopping through bones and meat.
  4. multi-purpose kitchen tool that can be used to slice, dice, and chop ingredients.
  5. 3/4, 3/4, 3/4
  6. One primary ingredient and tossed with garnish and dressing.
  7. 1/2, 1/2, 1/2
  8. Shredded or finely cut vegetable leaf to use as garnish.
  9. 1/8, 1/8, 2
  10. sweet baked good which combines a better with a foam type cake.
  11. Special cookie press
  12. The weight of the ingredient without the container.
  13. Brownies are an example of...

23 Clues: 1/4, 1/4, 21/8, 1/8, 23/4, 3/4, 3/41/2, 1/2, 1/21/4, 1/4, 1/4Special cookie pressCombining sugar and fat.baked in a pastry crust.Brownies are an example of...Biscotti are an example of...Combine all ingredients in a bowl at once and mix.The weight of the ingredient without the container.heavy duty knife for chopping through bones and meat....

Vocabulary 2022-12-09

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. все равно
  2. ждать с нетерпением
  3. мочь
  4. выбрасывать
  5. заботиться о
  6. перетягивание каната
  7. канцелярские принадлежности
  8. распознавать
  9. сухой
  10. проходить
  11. присматривать
  12. мокрый
  13. нанимать
  14. оказать услугу
  15. смутить, стыдить
  16. на 7 небе от счастья
  17. сбываться
  18. confuse on thing ___ another
  19. говорить громче
  20. отмечать
  21. ___a meeting
  22. беспокоить
  23. тянуть
  24. намерение
  25. неожиданно
  26. выздоравливать
  27. странный
  28. принимать участие в
  29. говорить правду
  30. опыт
  31. гирлянда
  32. окружать
  33. определение
  34. закат
  35. иногда
  36. уснуть
  1. кнопка
  2. перила
  3. ___classes
  4. смотреть на
  5. ____the promise не сдержать обещание
  6. ожидать
  7. елочный шарик
  8. беспорядочный
  9. ___an exam
  10. I'm ____ - я хочу пить
  11. стать сконфуженным
  12. вместо
  13. искать
  14. влюбиться в
  15. отстань
  16. готовиться к
  17. прикреплять
  18. соревноваться
  19. сомневаться
  20. веревка
  21. You'll____it
  22. веточка
  23. ___sb's mind
  24. ответственный за
  25. прижимистый
  26. больной
  27. неожиданно
  28. to____oneself оказаться
  29. obstetrics
  30. площадь
  31. mend
  32. говорить неправду
  33. восход
  34. мишура
  35. толкать
  36. ___the promise сдержать обещание
  37. увольнять
  38. портить

74 Clues: мочьmendопытсухойзакаткнопкаперилавместоискатьмокрыйтянутьвосходмишураиногдауснутьожидатьотстаньверевкаветочкабольнойплощадьтолкатьпортитьнаниматьотмечатьстранныйгирляндаокружатьвсе равнопроходитьсбыватьсянамерениеувольнять___classes___an examбеспокоитьнеожиданноobstetricsнеожиданносмотреть навыбрасыватьвлюбиться вприкреплятьсомневатьсяприжимистый...

vocabulary 2023-01-24

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to swim
  2. to read email
  3. write a letter
  4. to walk
  5. to ski
  6. to win
  7. skateboard
  8. una revista to read a magazine
  9. to sun tan
  1. to ride a bike
  2. team
  3. game
  4. scuba
  5. to write a text
  6. to read a newspaper
  7. cycling
  8. to go on an escurursion
  9. to skate
  10. athietic
  11. climb mountains

20 Clues: teamgamescubato skito winto swimto walkcyclingto skateathieticskateboardto sun tanto read emailto ride a bikewrite a letterto write a textclimb mountainsto read a newspaperto go on an escurursionuna revista to read a magazine

Vocabulary 2023-01-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. of falsified or erroneously attributed origin.
  2. having or showing shrewdness and an ability to notice and understand things clearly; mentally sharp or clever.
  3. eager to argue, quarrel, or fight
  4. having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement.
  5. causing fear, dread, or apprehension.
  6. is a fancy word for feeling or showing no fear at all, to be brave and fearless.
  7. Present, appearing or found everywhere
  8. to abrogate; annul; revoke; repeal.
  9. lading flavor, zest, interest, animation, or spirit.
  10. having or showing knowledge of events before they take place
  11. to warn someone firmly
  12. showing great knowledge or learning, clever, intelligent
  13. a sudden and ignominious failure; a flasco
  14. not certain or fixed; provisional
  15. inferior, trashy, mean, despicable
  16. rapid and often superficially performed or produced
  17. to send forth new growth.
  18. easily fooled, or cheated out of something.
  1. Experienced or realized through imaginative or sympathetic participation
  2. causing excitement, wonder, or awe
  3. one who claims they have the same skill or special knowledge that they do not.
  4. is a person who can endure pain or hardship
  5. is something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified; something anomalous
  6. Unreasonable person or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition
  7. belonging or native to particular people or countries.
  8. A person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions.
  9. involving or requiring strenuous effort.
  10. an often intense natural inclination or preference
  11. coming or having recently come into existence
  12. fallacy is a mistaken belief, especially one based on an unsound argument
  13. To express disapproval of something
  14. contradictory doubleness of thought speech, or action

32 Clues: to warn someone firmlyto send forth new growth.eager to argue, quarrel, or fightnot certain or fixed; provisionalcausing excitement, wonder, or aweinferior, trashy, mean, despicableto abrogate; annul; revoke; repeal.To express disapproval of somethingcausing fear, dread, or apprehension.Present, appearing or found everywhere...

Vocabulary 2023-01-29

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a high peak
  2. to eave or flourish in a menacing way
  3. bending easily
  4. comfort or relief
  5. to yield to
  6. unfavorable, threatening
  7. growing without check
  8. lacking in
  9. suggesting an incongruity between what might be expected happens
  10. open to or marked by bribery or corruption
  11. dignified, majestic
  1. to include or contain
  2. definite
  3. considered beforehand
  4. coming at a bad time
  5. to stop by force
  6. to tear up by the roots
  7. meddling
  8. stale, moldy
  9. skillful or nimble

20 Clues: definitemeddlinglacking ina high peakto yield tostale, moldybending easilyto stop by forcecomfort or reliefskillful or nimbledignified, majesticcoming at a bad timeto include or containconsidered beforehandgrowing without checkto tear up by the rootsunfavorable, threateningto eave or flourish in a menacing way...

Vocabulary 2023-01-09

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a body part you eat with.
  2. a word that means not ever.
  3. something you have to open to enter a room.
  4. it means intelligent.
  5. they are at the bottom of your legs.
  6. the opposite of give.
  7. it means so.
  8. means to view.
  1. can mean currently.
  2. this word is commonly used when you describe where you originated.
  3. it's a type of building people live in.
  4. the opposite of ferme.
  5. another word for problems.
  6. another word for this is ina addition.
  7. in english, this means goodbye.
  8. a feeling you tend to have when you think something is nice.
  9. this can mean however.
  10. the female version of he.
  11. teachers assign this to work on at home.
  12. this means a male sibling.

20 Clues: it means so.means to view.can mean currently.it means intelligent.the opposite of give.the opposite of ferme.this can mean however.a body part you eat with.the female version of he.another word for problems.this means a male sibling.a word that means not ever.in english, this means goodbye.they are at the bottom of your legs....

Vocabulary 2023-01-25

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. noeud
  2. plein
  3. se demander
  4. pris
  5. repas
  6. légume
  7. aujourd'hui
  8. père-noël
  9. cheveux
  10. collier
  11. ordinateur
  12. pain
  13. bague
  14. maintenant
  1. croire
  2. demain
  3. renne
  4. laisser
  5. occupé
  6. parler
  7. vouloir
  8. entendre
  9. miroir

23 Clues: prispainnoeudpleinrennerepasbaguecroiredemainlégumeoccupéparlermiroirlaisservouloircheveuxcollierentendrepère-noëlordinateurmaintenantse demanderaujourd'hui

Vocabulary 2023-01-12

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. unbeatable
  2. to have ambition for a higher goal
  3. to perform
  4. rough, irregular, severe, strong
  5. without energy, sluggish
  6. blame, scold
  7. swampy ground, or to get stuck
  8. careless, sloppy
  9. to develop, make use of something for profit, or a feat
  10. inclined to doubt, slow to accept something as true
  1. dreary, dismal
  2. worthy of scorn; contemptible
  3. an introduction to a speech or piece of writing
  4. without preparation
  5. small
  6. incorrect
  7. to free from slavery; liberate
  8. to make imperfect, damage, harm
  9. forward
  10. thoroughly skilled; an expert

20 Clues: smallforwardincorrectunbeatableto performblame, scolddreary, dismalcareless, sloppywithout preparationwithout energy, sluggishworthy of scorn; contemptiblethoroughly skilled; an expertto free from slavery; liberateswampy ground, or to get stuckto make imperfect, damage, harmrough, irregular, severe, strongto have ambition for a higher goal...

Vocabulary 2023-01-12

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. believed right to rule should be decided by the consent of the governed
  2. service provided by strong families to weaker families for allegiance
  3. The U.S has this government
  4. the term proposed by Lenin for an “equal” society
  5. a movement that questioned the authority
  6. power is held by citizens and their voted representatives
  7. a government in which citizens directly vote for laws/decisions and leaders
  8. the constitution is the _________ of this country
  1. the first step France took towards a republican gov.
  2. a feature of true democracy in New England
  3. Balances with liberty
  4. the belief amongst the Greeks that the people should be governed by nature
  5. believed in the majority rule/vote is the best rule
  6. Disease The founding fathers’ view of democracy
  7. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity were the foundation of revolt here
  8. the balance with equality
  9. has had a representative democracy since the 17th century
  10. a leader by generation, King or Queen who protects citizens at the cost of their freedom
  11. the place where Rome held meetings and voting
  12. french judge and philosopher who believed separate branches of government would check power

20 Clues: Balances with libertythe balance with equalityThe U.S has this governmenta movement that questioned the authoritya feature of true democracy in New Englandthe place where Rome held meetings and votingDisease The founding fathers’ view of democracythe term proposed by Lenin for an “equal” societythe constitution is the _________ of this country...

Vocabulary 2023-04-20

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. lab a lab or room where science experiments and studies are conducted
  2. to rest on the surface of or be suspended in fluid
  3. a group of listeners or spectators
  4. same amount, the state of being equal
  5. chart a chart consisting of a circle that is divided into parts to show the size of the different amounts
  6. to tell in or reduce to a summary
  7. a liquid substance, fluid
  8. to go down below the surface of water, mud, etc.
  9. container an object used to hold something and is made from glass
  10. when heat is applied to liquid (water), it changes to a gas
  11. coats white productive coat worn by workers in a laboratory
  12. experiment where something is being tested and compared
  13. investigation into a subject in order to revise facts, theories, applications
  14. a long, hollow cylinder of metal, plastic, glass for holding or transporting something, mainly liquids
  15. to give an order or command to
  16. a public notification or declaration,
  17. having had an existence of many years
  18. something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing
  1. a device used to produce music
  2. a part of a whole expressed in hundredths
  3. trial in science to test
  4. reason something is done
  5. an institution devoted to care, study, and display objects of interest or value.
  6. to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable
  7. your stand, claim, opinion
  8. relating to a subject in an appropriate way
  9. to cause (something) to increase in size, range, or amount: to make (something) bigger
  10. to come up with a new useful process, machine, improvement etc.
  11. community center a place where members of a specific community can come together as a group to obtain social support, public information, or any other purpose that will enrich the lives of citizens.
  12. creator, a person who invented a particular process or device
  13. graph a graph/chart that uses columns of different heights to show and compare different amounts
  14. an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks
  15. an act of choosing
  16. to direct for information
  17. to look at and examine all parts of (something)
  18. the act of contributing or giving input
  19. to arrange in a pile
  20. to say that something is true when some people may say it is not true
  21. a way of doing something
  22. to happen

40 Clues: to happenan act of choosingto arrange in a piletrial in science to testreason something is donea way of doing somethinga liquid substance, fluidto direct for informationyour stand, claim, opiniona device used to produce musicto give an order or command toto tell in or reduce to a summarya group of listeners or spectators...

Vocabulary 2023-04-20

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. same amount, the state of being equal
  2. the act of contributing or giving input
  3. to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable
  4. a part of a whole expressed in hundredths
  5. reason something is done
  6. something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing
  7. to come up with a new useful process, machine, improvement etc.
  8. to direct for information
  9. to give an order or command to
  10. relating to a subject in an appropriate way
  11. an institution devoted to care, study, and display objects of interest or value.
  12. creator, a person who invented a particular process or device
  13. an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks
  14. to say that something is true when some people may say it is not true
  1. to look at and examine all parts of (something)
  2. a public notification or declaration,
  3. an act of choosing
  4. to tell in or reduce to a summary
  5. a way of doing something
  6. to cause (something) to increase in size, range, or amount: to make (something) bigger
  7. investigation into a subject in order to revise facts, theories, applications
  8. trial in science to test
  9. experiment where something is being tested and compared
  10. having had an existence of many years
  11. a group of listeners or spectators

25 Clues: an act of choosinga way of doing somethingreason something is donetrial in science to testto direct for informationto give an order or command toto tell in or reduce to a summarya group of listeners or spectatorssame amount, the state of being equala public notification or declaration,having had an existence of many years...

Vocabulary 2023-04-24

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. El equipo contrario
  2. Incluye
  3. Competir
  4. Contener
  5. Evento
  6. Competición
  7. Gimnasta
  8. Tenis de mesa
  9. Jugar
  10. Líder
  11. Juego
  12. Ropa de deportes
  1. Escalador
  2. Equipo
  3. Partido
  4. Actividad
  5. Deporte
  6. Defender
  7. Clase
  8. Portería
  9. Campo
  10. Involucra
  11. Capitán
  12. Aficionado

24 Clues: ClaseCampoJugarLíderJuegoEquipoEventoPartidoDeporteIncluyeCapitánDefenderCompetirContenerPorteríaGimnastaEscaladorActividadInvolucraAficionadoCompeticiónTenis de mesaRopa de deportesEl equipo contrario

Vocabulary 2023-02-20

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. funkcija
  2. precīzs
  3. lāzers
  4. skatītājs
  5. pa nakti
  6. stratēģija
  7. uzmanība
  8. ietekme
  9. biedējošs
  10. sērija
  11. virsma
  12. ierasts
  1. viedtālrunis
  2. neizturams
  3. okeāns
  4. ekvivalents
  5. pārmērīgs
  6. augums
  7. uzreiz
  8. iespējams
  9. spēja
  10. sensors
  11. atmiņa
  12. drāma

24 Clues: spējadrāmaokeānslāzersaugumsuzreizatmiņasērijavirsmaprecīzssensorsietekmeierastsfunkcijapa naktiuzmanībapārmērīgsskatītājsiespējamsbiedējošsneizturamsstratēģijaekvivalentsviedtālrunis

Vocabulary 2023-02-20

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. looking or sounding sad and dismal
  2. difficult to understand; obscure
  3. denoting a sin that is not regarded as depriving the soul of divine grace
  4. deceitful and untrustworthy
  5. having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain
  6. excessive concern with minor details and rules
  7. a private meeting
  1. an external form, appearance, or manner of presentation, typically concealing the true nature of something
  2. a person of the middle class, typically with reference to perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes
  3. grossly unfair and morally wrong
  4. childishly silly and trivial
  5. showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks
  6. rude in a mean-spirited and surly way
  7. harshness of tone or manner
  8. an inhabitant or occupant of a particular place
  9. erase (a mark) from a surface
  10. an unhealthy pale appearance
  11. a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity
  12. public shame or disgrace
  13. extreme poverty; destitution

20 Clues: a private meetingpublic shame or disgraceharshness of tone or mannerdeceitful and untrustworthychildishly silly and trivialan unhealthy pale appearanceextreme poverty; destitutionerase (a mark) from a surfacegrossly unfair and morally wrongdifficult to understand; obscurelooking or sounding sad and dismalrude in a mean-spirited and surly way...

Vocabulary 2023-02-26

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. John had a _____ look on his face after he let the team down in the championship.
  2. The man spoke with an ____ accent, we could barely make out what he was saying.
  3. The pastor helped with a man's _____ sin.
  4. Nobody trusted the ______ man after they found him to be lying,
  5. He wanted everything in the world for himself, he was ______.
  6. The lady acted with ____, she had OCD.
  7. The conspirators met at a ____, to stay secret.
  1. The secretive man acted kind and calm-spirited, a ____ for his true intentions, burning the town.
  2. The Jones Family lived an average life, as ____.
  3. The supervillain was going to kill all of the children, his plan was _____.
  4. The parents laughed with ______, they brought out their inner child
  5. The man lived an _______ life, he believed you only live once.
  6. Chris talked to his peers whom he thought he was much better than, he was _______.
  7. The woman spoke to her coworkers with _____, she was a rude woman with little ethics.
  8. Susie was a _____ of France, she lived there her whole life.
  9. The teacher asked which student would _____ the board, each kid wanted to erase it for her.
  10. Timmy's skin turned _____ after he realized he missed the deadline for his field trp form.
  11. Janet faced a _____ of crying when she heard of her grandma's passing.
  12. The child faced _____ after the class found him to be the snitch.
  13. The homeless man faced _____, he could not buy anything to keep himself afloat.

20 Clues: The lady acted with ____, she had OCD.The pastor helped with a man's _____ sin.The conspirators met at a ____, to stay secret.The Jones Family lived an average life, as ____.Susie was a _____ of France, she lived there her whole life.He wanted everything in the world for himself, he was ______....

Vocabulary 2023-02-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. (the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation
  2. showing admiration for someone or something
  3. to find or show the connection between two or more things
  4. not taking or showing enough care and attention
  5. in a way that is not true
  6. liking to talk a lot in a friendly, informal way
  7. showing agreement and giving encouragement
  8. to refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone
  9. to need a particular thing or the help and support of someone or something in order to continue, to work correctly, or to succeed
  10. too quick to criticize people
  11. shy, quiet, and preferring to spend time alone rather than often being with other people
  12. becoming annoyed or angry very easily
  13. in a way that is very attractive
  14. happening, done, or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan
  15. according to the facts and what is possible
  16. nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you or your actions
  17. deserving respect, admiration, or support
  18. based on or acting on good judgment and practical ideas or understanding
  19. as stated by
  20. used to remark that something is surprising but true
  1. knowing and understanding yourself very well
  2. to say something that is not completely honest in order to make someone or something seem better than it really is
  3. not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own
  4. If someone feels left out, they are unhappy because they have not been included in an activity
  5. in a careful way that involves a lot of effort
  6. to try to make someone like you and treat you well by behaving in a way you think will please them
  7. to notice something that is partly hidden or not clear, or to discover something, especially using a special method
  8. in a happy way
  9. to behave in a way that makes people believe that you have a particular characteristic
  10. hoping or believing that good things will happen in the future
  11. willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own
  12. knowing a lot
  13. Someone who is selfish only thinks of their own advantage
  14. an energetic person who enjoys being with other people
  15. to fight or argue

35 Clues: as stated byknowing a lotin a happy wayto fight or arguein a way that is not truetoo quick to criticize peoplein a way that is very attractivebecoming annoyed or angry very easilydeserving respect, admiration, or supportshowing agreement and giving encouragementshowing admiration for someone or somethingaccording to the facts and what is possible...

Vocabulary 2023-02-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. 藍色
  2. 耳朵
  3. 番茄
  4. 彩色的
  5. 桃子
  6. 漢堡
  7. 鼻子
  8. 灰色
  9. 綠色
  1. 牙齒(複)
  2. 生日
  3. 頭髮
  4. 顏色
  5. 餅乾
  6. 橘色
  7. 派對
  8. 黃色
  9. 灰色
  10. 咖啡色
  11. 榴槤
  12. 眼睛

23 Clues: 藍色生日耳朵頭髮番茄顏色餅乾橘色桃子派對黃色漢堡灰色鼻子灰色榴槤綠色眼睛彩色的咖啡色牙齒(複)

Vocabulary 2023-02-27

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. shift the focus of activity from the teacher to the learners.
  2. already know, want to know, and ultimately lear
  3. the focal point of a lesson plan
  4. backward design, the practice of looking at the outcomes in order to design curriculum units, performance assessments, and classroom instruction
  5. simple strategy to allow a teacher to quickly check for student understanding of a lesson or a particular concept
  6. student-centered pedagogy that involves a dynamic classroom approach in which it is believed that students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems.
  7. when students move from elementary school to middle school, from middle school to high school, and from high school to college.
  8. It can be used to help students form individual ideas, discuss and share with the others in-group
  9. curriculum by setting goals before choosing instructional methods and forms of assessment
  10. classification of educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity
  1. statement that will describe what the learner will be able to do after completing the instruction
  2. instructor-prepared handouts that provide students with background information and standard cues with specific spaces to write key facts
  3. those which require students to remember and recall
  4. the part of the lesson cycle where students are given the opportunity to practice the concept presented during the Introduction to New Learning
  5. require answers that go beyond simple information and as such both the language and thinking behind them is more complex.
  6. collection of terms or concepts related to the target topic placed randomly around the topic heading
  7. pedagogical tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge and concepts through relationships between them.
  8. learning situations in which the teacher asserts control over the material that students study and the ways in which they study it
  9. produce ideas and ways of solving problems.
  10. refers to two specific practices where instructors deliberately pause.
  11. interactive instruction between the teacher and students
  12. describes what effective teachers do in their classrooms to engage students in intellectually challenging work.
  13. measurement of time for a course
  14. Activities enables students to engage with a facilitator to learn the knowledge or skills required to achieve the desired educational outcome.
  15. knowledge and skills students should possess at critical points in their educational career.
  16. roadmap teachers create to structure daily activity in their classrooms.
  17. puzzle consisting of a picture printed on cardboard or wood and cut into various pieces of different shapes that have to be fitted together
  18. essential part of designing any course and helps communicate the core values and goals of the course you'll be teaching

28 Clues: the focal point of a lesson planmeasurement of time for a courseproduce ideas and ways of solving problems.already know, want to know, and ultimately learthose which require students to remember and recallinteractive instruction between the teacher and studentsshift the focus of activity from the teacher to the learners....

Vocabulary 2023-02-28

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Point of view
  2. Drain a source of energy
  3. Pressuring to cause problems
  4. Nervous of an odd situation
  5. Accept/Agree with a command
  6. To bother
  7. Gather/Own many of
  8. Lack or not have
  9. Prosperous amount of an item
  1. Related to the current topic
  2. Highly professional
  3. Strive to be the best
  4. Distributing items in specific amounts
  5. Mind blowing or extraordinary
  6. Secure a rope or chain
  7. Stubborn to doing something
  8. Gripping or grabbing
  9. Measuring wide spans
  10. To act together as one
  11. Bold, Brave and Daring

20 Clues: To botherPoint of viewLack or not haveGather/Own many ofHighly professionalGripping or grabbingMeasuring wide spansStrive to be the bestSecure a rope or chainTo act together as oneBold, Brave and DaringDrain a source of energyStubborn to doing somethingNervous of an odd situationAccept/Agree with a commandRelated to the current topic...

Vocabulary 2023-02-09

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. She laid abed and was watching tv.
  2. After Christmas dinner my mom was cleaning the plates, forks and the _____ because everyone was drinking from them.
  3. Sally was at the mall,and cut in front on Bob. Bob gave her a _______ look.
  4. Every day Adian goes searching for food. He only finds a _____ amount of food.
  5. at my grandma's funeral everyone had _______.
  6. Sarah was depressed. She always sounds________.
  7. A white van pulled up to me and said they had candy inside the van. I had to ______.
  8. In Sherk, the main character is a big man-eating giant. In other words he is an _______.
  9. In the winter its gets cold in New York. When the people come from Florida in the winter they are ______.
  10. I was in the city looking for the supermarket and I saw a sign that said _________. I saw them lending money to someone.
  11. When I talk for a while people say I am ______.
  12. When I asked my mom where my purse is she gave a _________ answer.
  13. In the workshop the _______ try on the hats to see if they fit.
  1. I was having a dream and when I woke up it has still not _____.
  2. I regret sneaking out of the house with Jenna. Jenna has ________.
  3. Even if I had to pay ____ for it, I do not care.
  4. My name is Mr. Copper. I am the ________ of Mr. Copper.
  5. Cam was being very _____ with scissors.
  6. My dad was _________ that the bird is sleeping and is not dead.
  7. Yesterday I got home from school and I _______ homework.
  8. the cleaning lady came yesterday and cleaned everything. The fireplace, the _____ and the chimney.
  9. Joe told Jonny to high five him hard. When Joe high fived him hard they both laughed. When Jonny got home he told hit mom Joe hit him. Jonny's mom told Joe's mom and Joe's mom knew he would not do that. Joe's mom ________ Jonny.
  10. My 100-year-old hands were very ________. I had to put lotion on them.
  11. My friend won the lottery. He was very ____________.

24 Clues: She laid abed and was watching tv.Cam was being very _____ with scissors.at my grandma's funeral everyone had _______.Sarah was depressed. She always sounds________.When I talk for a while people say I am ______.Even if I had to pay ____ for it, I do not care.My friend won the lottery. He was very ____________....

Vocabulary 2023-02-09

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Scrooge was like an _____ when his servant brought the wrong shoe.
  2. They drank pepsi out of the _____.
  3. The man next door was very _____.
  4. My principle was _____ if he should suspend the student.
  5. My family and I _____ the death of my dog.
  6. The _____ borrowed $1,000,000,000 from Scrooge.
  7. Back in my day we paid with _____.
  8. My dad _____ me after I lost my soccer game.
  9. I found the _____ and I knew I would be rich.
  10. The _____ made my mom her favorite hat.
  11. There was a _____ amount of gas in the car.
  12. The magician _____ the straw from the bag.
  1. I felt great _____ when my friend got grounded.
  2. The boys English was very _____.
  3. The man was _____ after he lost his watch.
  4. I was _____ during the scary movie.
  5. My teacher had to _____ from yelling at her students.
  6. The woman spoke _____ when his dog died.
  7. My mother expressed _____ when she was wrapped in a blanket.
  8. The shell was _____ because it was very old.
  9. I _____ doing my homework since last month.
  10. The mother was _____ after her husband died.
  11. The group of friends were sitting around the _____.
  12. I am always happy when I am ____.
  13. My friend was _____ when we shopping at the GUCCI store.

25 Clues: The boys English was very _____.The man next door was very _____.I am always happy when I am ____.They drank pepsi out of the _____.Back in my day we paid with _____.I was _____ during the scary movie.The _____ made my mom her favorite hat.The woman spoke _____ when his dog died.The man was _____ after he lost his watch....

Vocabulary 2023-02-15

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a substance, such as a liquid, that flows
  2. great or high in amount
  3. a fungal growth on bread
  4. a raised platform in a theater
  5. a waterway
  6. a vertical section of a page
  7. a part of a play or movie
  8. an idea that is meant to explain facts or events
  9. a length of time
  10. a hundred years
  11. a part of the ocean or sea that goes into land
  12. a part that someone plays
  13. a plan or proposal
  14. gentle
  15. a deep feeling
  16. a space that is cut off from light and darkened
  17. a mark that means something
  18. germs
  1. belief without proof
  2. an act
  3. a situation that requires quick action
  4. a group of people living in the same area
  5. good to taste
  6. a way to ask for something be done
  7. broad or not long
  8. constructive
  9. attention
  10. a possibility
  11. a certain kind of something
  12. a general direction of change
  13. feeling or showing no fear
  14. a trial of marks or prints of something
  15. an underground passage
  16. to connect

34 Clues: germsan actgentleattentiona waterwayto connectconstructivegood to tastea possibilitya deep feelinga hundred yearsa length of timebroad or not longa plan or proposalbelief without proofan underground passagegreat or high in amounta fungal growth on breada part of a play or moviea part that someone playsfeeling or showing no fear...

vocabulary 2023-03-30

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. cou
  2. yeux
  3. coude
  4. épaule
  5. cheveux
  6. orteils
  7. dents
  8. front
  9. doigt
  1. sourcils
  2. genou
  3. lèvres
  4. bouche
  5. cils
  6. jambes
  7. poignet
  8. langue
  9. oreilles
  10. pied
  11. main
  12. nez
  13. bras

22 Clues: counezyeuxcilspiedmainbrasgenoucoudedentsfrontdoigtlèvresboucheépaulejambeslanguepoignetcheveuxorteilssourcilsoreilles

vocabulary 2023-03-30

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The idea that a nation should be congruent with state
  2. A person of mixed European and Black descent, especially in the Caribbean
  3. The process of being set free
  4. A political/military leader
  5. the differential survival and reproduction of individuals due to differences in phenotype
  6. Wealth in the form of money or other assets
  7. An artistic movement characterized by subjects painted from everyday life in a naturalistic manner
  8. A person of mixed Spanish and indigenous descent
  9. Artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement.
  10. The German word for "Emperor"
  1. Parts that are identical
  2. The transformation of people/a society from identification with traditional formal belief systems or religious values and institutions toward unacknowledged belief systems or seemingly non-religious values and secular based belief systems
  3. A type of voting to change the Constitution/government
  4. A person who creates and runs a business, taking on a high risk
  5. A political philosophy characterized by social ownership of the means of production
  6. The wide scale development of industries across a country/region
  7. The movement to end slavery
  8. Native Spaniards living in Spain
  9. A business/manufacturing activity run out of a person's home
  10. The belief/desire of a government that a state should maintain a strong military and use it aggressively to defend

20 Clues: Parts that are identicalThe movement to end slaveryA political/military leaderThe process of being set freeThe German word for "Emperor"Native Spaniards living in SpainWealth in the form of money or other assetsA person of mixed Spanish and indigenous descentThe idea that a nation should be congruent with state...

Vocabulary 2023-04-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Done badly in the exam.
  2. Something that is not funny.
  3. Place where happened the crime.
  4. Not tell the truth.
  5. Something that is distinguished or refined.
  6. You can travel under the city with it.
  7. Person who steal something.
  8. Achieve something that no one has been able to do.
  9. You can travel in this when you go on vacation with your family.
  10. Only the military used this vehicle.
  11. Something not in danger.
  12. You put it on your head.
  13. You wear this for sport.
  14. Not remember things.
  1. The man put his money in it.
  2. Person who suffered/died for the murdered.
  3. Something that is special.
  4. Not know where you are.
  5. Person who killed someone.
  6. Only one/two people can travel in it.
  7. You can travel in the air with this transport.
  8. The women put her money in it.
  9. Signal that allows to advance in the investigation.
  10. You can see the time here.
  11. Something that is easy to be comfortable with.

25 Clues: Not tell the truth.Not remember things.Not know where you are.Done badly in the exam.Something not in danger.You put it on your head.You wear this for sport.Something that is special.Person who killed someone.You can see the time here.Person who steal something.The man put his money in it.Something that is not funny.The women put her money in it....

vocabulary 2023-03-30

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. easy
  2. seventh
  3. first
  4. tenth
  5. fifth
  6. english
  7. to teach
  8. science
  9. technology
  10. social studies
  11. i need
  12. interesting
  1. fourth
  2. practical
  3. second
  4. difficult
  5. sixth
  6. to talk
  7. mathematics
  8. third
  9. to study
  10. spanish
  11. ninth
  12. lunch
  13. class
  14. eighth
  15. art

27 Clues: arteasysixthfirsttenththirdfifthninthlunchclassfourthsecondeighthi needseventhto talkenglishsciencespanishto teachto studypracticaldifficulttechnologymathematicsinterestingsocial studies

Vocabulary 2023-04-06

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. park
  2. pool
  3. synagogue
  4. countryside
  5. gym
  6. afterwards
  7. on tuesdays
  8. from, of
  9. free time
  1. at home
  2. generally
  3. I am going to
  4. church
  5. on mondays
  6. house
  7. cafe
  8. movie theater
  9. alone
  10. beach
  11. after

20 Clues: gymparkpoolcafehousealonebeachafterchurchat homefrom, ofgenerallysynagoguefree timeon mondaysafterwardscountrysideon tuesdaysI am going tomovie theater

Vocabulary 2023-04-11

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. mRNA is formed
  2. Punnet square forms
  3. Pairs with thymine
  4. Part of cell cycle that's not mitosis
  5. 3rd stage of mitosis
  6. Two identical alleles
  7. COmbine to form part of nucleotide
  8. Process of creating protein molecules
  9. Capital letter in punnett square
  10. Correspondence of DNA bases
  11. Form DNA is in
  1. 4th stage of mitosis
  2. Lowercase letter in punnet square
  3. Pairs with Adenine
  4. Pairs with Guanine
  5. Genetic Code
  6. last stage of mitosis
  7. Cell division
  8. Part of nucleotide
  9. When tRNA turns mRNA into amino acid chain
  10. 1st stage of mitosis
  11. Two different alleles
  12. 2nd stage of mitosis
  13. Changes in animals that can benefit or harm
  14. PArt of nucleotide
  15. Growth phase
  16. Pairs with Cytosine
  17. Building block of nucleic acid

28 Clues: Genetic CodeGrowth phaseCell divisionmRNA is formedForm DNA is inPairs with AdeninePairs with GuaninePart of nucleotidePairs with thyminePArt of nucleotidePunnet square formsPairs with Cytosine4th stage of mitosis1st stage of mitosis2nd stage of mitosis3rd stage of mitosislast stage of mitosisTwo different allelesTwo identical alleles...

Vocabulary 2023-04-26

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. help, make easier
  2. understand, a unit of depth, usually measuring water
  3. foolishness
  4. pellets of ice, rain down with force, signal, greet, call out, praise
  5. theory, guess
  6. seriousness
  7. belief that goes against the established opinion
  8. symbol of a country or institution, point out, signal, draw attention to, become tired or weak
  9. a small group within a larger group
  10. careful painstaking
  1. ranking, classification
  2. begin or cause to grow
  3. welcoming, friendly
  4. sneaky
  5. mistaken belief, faulty reasoning
  6. general, not specific
  7. someone driven by pleasure
  8. icy, related to glaciers, cold, unfriendly, extremely slow
  9. having a red or flushed face, flowery, elaborate
  10. safe place or shelter, particularly for boats, keep or hold in mind, give a home to, shelter, or hide someone

20 Clues: sneakyfoolishnessseriousnesstheory, guesshelp, make easierwelcoming, friendlycareful painstakinggeneral, not specificbegin or cause to growranking, classificationsomeone driven by pleasuremistaken belief, faulty reasoninga small group within a larger groupbelief that goes against the established opinion...

Vocabulary 2023-04-28

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Grandmas in Florida are this...
  2. opposite of diverge
  3. dictators can be like this
  4. the kind of rights the colonists wanted in 1776
  5. Sly as a fox, for example
  6. you could be one, or you could do it
  7. the opposite of agreement
  8. arrogant and dictatorial
  9. the ego of an egomaniac
  10. Some kids get it at 18
  1. what you might do to a mountain range on a trek
  2. mmmm steak and potatoes is my favorite
  3. Licking your fingers at the dinner table
  4. When a guest arrives, you should be _________.
  5. fancy writing
  6. time travel could be described as this
  7. A little kid is this
  8. arrange and systemize
  9. don't be an ignorant tourist, do this instead
  10. get the stain out or a tyrant
  11. January 6 riots where an example

21 Clues: fancy writingopposite of divergeA little kid is thisarrange and systemizeSome kids get it at 18the ego of an egomaniacarrogant and dictatorialSly as a fox, for examplethe opposite of agreementdictators can be like thisget the stain out or a tyrantGrandmas in Florida are this...January 6 riots where an exampleyou could be one, or you could do it...

Vocabulary 2023-05-01

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. An activity of choosing someone or something through an election.
  2. believe or think something will happen, or someone will arrive
  3. in a way that relates to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition.
  4. A plan or drawing that shows the look and function of something
  5. The act of looking carefully for something
  6. a painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person’s face
  7. the degree of excellence of something
  8. relating to the whole world
  9. worth a great deal of money or extremely useful or important
  10. situated far from the main centers of something
  11. a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment.
  12. cause someone to remember something or someone
  1. To work together on an activity or project to achieve a common goal.
  2. to go on or keep on without interruption or stopping
  3. A form of energy that can be used for heating and lighting
  4. information used to prove something
  5. a person or animal that lives in or at a specified place
  6. a formal occasion celebrating a particular event, achievement
  7. a public display of works of art
  8. direct someone’s attention towards something
  9. ready, eager, or prepared to do something or to help
  10. to try very hard to do something that is difficult
  11. a reaction to something; an act of responding; a verbal or written answer
  12. sad or displeased because someone or something did not meet your expectations; upset
  13. treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination
  14. A good or helpful outcome or result or effect
  15. Group of people who live in the same place and share a common culture.
  16. something that is given in return for good done or received

28 Clues: relating to the whole worlda public display of works of artinformation used to prove somethingthe degree of excellence of somethingThe act of looking carefully for somethingdirect someone’s attention towards somethingA good or helpful outcome or result or effectcause someone to remember something or someone...

Vocabulary 2017-03-16

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. not a solid and not a liquid
  2. not quiet
  3. to choose by voting
  4. one hundred years
  5. areas near equator
  6. a piece of hard money
  7. something bad happen
  8. a liquid fuel
  9. to become liquid from being solid
  10. as spoken or written by
  11. less than
  12. horrible
  13. very
  14. the reason for doing something
  15. time of a year
  16. a 25 cent piece of money
  17. paper money and coins
  18. having control over decisions
  19. to give an opinion
  20. better
  21. a kind
  22. common
  23. not liquid or gas
  24. dried grass
  1. to put things together
  2. a place in a bank to put money
  3. to command
  4. cows raised for meat
  5. to tell someone about something
  6. not made by people
  7. sure or true
  8. a game or competition
  9. having no errors
  10. new
  11. to want
  12. a person
  13. a one cent piece of money
  14. too much
  15. to be
  16. country area
  17. in place of
  18. a poor farmer
  19. not wide
  20. able to hurt a person
  21. a high level of skill
  22. not usual
  23. to fill a need
  24. all of something
  25. more than necessary
  26. to go

50 Clues: newveryto beto gobettera kindcommonto wanta persontoo muchhorriblenot widenot quietless thannot usualto commandin place ofdried grasssure or truecountry areaa liquid fuela poor farmertime of a yearto fill a needhaving no errorsall of somethingone hundred yearsnot liquid or gasnot made by peopleareas near equatorto give an opinionto choose by voting...

Vocabulary! 2017-03-20

Vocabulary! crossword puzzle
  1. Enfermera
  2. Cita
  3. Teatro
  4. Caer
  5. Dibujo
  6. Hambriento
  7. Pantalla
  8. Hervir
  1. Anuncio
  2. Exposición
  3. Estanteria de libros
  4. Taza
  5. Asar
  6. Salud
  7. Hornear
  8. Entrenador
  9. Dulces
  10. Peligro
  11. Patatas (de bolsa)
  12. Cuello

20 Clues: TazaAsarCitaCaerSaludTeatroDulcesDibujoCuelloHervirAnuncioHornearPeligroPantallaEnfermeraExposiciónEntrenadorHambrientoPatatas (de bolsa)Estanteria de libros

Vocabulary 2017-05-25

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. domini
  2. ita vero
  3. You (sg.) can
  4. ubi
  5. nuper
  6. aeger
  7. I was getting to know
  8. quam
  9. I do or make
  10. He/she/it kills
  11. I wound
  1. the Romans
  2. quod
  3. vita
  4. They carried
  5. boys - dative plural
  6. merchant - dative singular
  7. diligenter
  8. -que
  9. I arrive
  10. I can
  11. king

22 Clues: ubiquodvita-quequamkingnuperaegerI candominiI woundita veroI arrivethe RomansdiligenterThey carriedI do or makeYou (sg.) canHe/she/it killsboys - dative pluralI was getting to knowmerchant - dative singular

Vocabulary 2017-09-28

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. plural form of the word woman
  2. plural form of the word wolf
  3. eat _______ (phrasal verb/ preposition)
  4. without anywhere to live
  5. Nationality of a person from Britain
  6. very big
  7. a person who does someone's hair
  8. protest __________ (key words)
  9. antonym to easy
  10. plural form of the word foot
  11. antonym of the word fast
  12. a man who is going to get married
  13. to have ___________ (plural; to fight with words)
  14. Past Simple form of the verb "see"
  15. a characteristic of a person who lies a lot
  16. Get up ________ in the morning.
  17. not able to see
  18. get _________ (phrasal verb/ preposition)
  19. ______ a week (one time)
  1. Past Simple form of the verb "fly"
  2. kamēr
  3. a person who repairs different types of cars, tractors, etc.
  4. Nationality of a person from Greece
  5. antonym of the word strong
  6. 1/4 (fraction/ceturtdaļa)
  7. fruits and _______________
  8. plural form of the word mouse
  9. bored _____ (preposition)
  10. antonym of the word expensive
  11. antonym of the word interesting
  12. līgavas māsas
  13. antonym to full
  14. move your body in the rhythm of the music
  15. plural form of the word scarf
  16. pēkšņi
  17. vēlāk
  18. antonym to bad

37 Clues: kamērvēlākpēkšņivery biglīgavas māsasantonym to badantonym to fullantonym to easynot able to seewithout anywhere to liveantonym of the word fast______ a week (one time)1/4 (fraction/ceturtdaļa)bored _____ (preposition)antonym of the word strongfruits and _______________plural form of the word wolfplural form of the word foot...

Vocabulary 2017-03-30

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to ride on waves
  2. shed the outer hair or skin
  3. rested in pleasent warmth
  4. ripped or torn away with great force
  5. communities for animals and plants
  6. huge;as big as a mountain
  7. blown about
  8. the line where the earth and sky seem to meet
  9. a dock where ships are loaded and unloaded
  10. a picture made by a mirror or smooth water
  11. formed again
  12. a project that involves photography
  1. a long wave that moves without breaking
  2. moved with a sudden sweeping motion
  3. wide, flat, paddle like limbs used for swimming
  4. a kind of shellfish that can be eaten
  5. focused on;directed his attention toward
  6. something that is felt
  7. equipment for breathing underwater
  8. to feel sudden fear
  9. empty and without life
  10. broken up; dissappeared
  11. a small saltwater fish

23 Clues: blown aboutformed againto ride on wavesto feel sudden fearsomething that is feltempty and without lifea small saltwater fishbroken up; dissappearedrested in pleasent warmthhuge;as big as a mountainshed the outer hair or skincommunities for animals and plantsequipment for breathing underwatermoved with a sudden sweeping motion...

Vocabulary 2017-05-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Forgive, overlooked, extenuate, or justify another’s offense, shortcomings.
  2. adj- tearfully or drunkendly sentimental.
  3. A technician trained to design, verify and fit eyeglass lenses and frames, contact lenses, and other devices to correct eyesight.
  4. Has a trunk
  5. ) a small sin
  6. liar- A liar known for lying.
  7. speaking fluently
  8. a person who does not believe in God.
  9. Man's best friend
  10. noire- ; (b) something or someone strongly disliked and avoided
  11. exclaiming, noisy, clamorous
  12. sophisticated and cultivated
  13. A person who practices psychoanalysis that is a therapy based on the observation that individuals are often unaware of many of the factors that determine their emotions and behavior.
  14. characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning:
  15. noun. one whose personality type is in between extrovert and introvert.
  16. ) a solo sung in an opera
  17. pro quo a deal in which something is exchanged for something else
  18. Likes to chase mice
  19. liar- Readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, unnecessarily so.
  20. a specialist who provides medical diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle problems, including, but not limited to sprains and fractures, bunions, heel pain/spurs, hammertoes, neuromas, ingrown & fungal toenails, warts, corns and calluses.
  21. Prohibit;
  22. having the qualities of chivalry , as courage, courtesy, and loyalty.
  23. fide genuine
  24. An early short-barreled pocket pistol.
  25. friendly and sociable
  26. populi public opinion
  27. a person who is excessively and blindly patriotic
  28. an ill-temper or violent woman
  29. noun. a conceited, boastful person.
  30. one who is morbidly anxious about his health or suffered imagine illness
  31. one who challenges cherished beliefs
  32. liar- Outrageous in a striking or prominent manner.
  33. adj. characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning,, deception, expediency or dishonesty.
  34. given to talking too much
  35. much in fewer words
  36. Flying mammal
  37. accompli something that is already done
  38. Flying mammal
  39. pas an embarrassing social error
  40. a person who is exaggerated interested in one thing
  41. fixe an idea that you can’t get out of your mind
  42. adj. luxurious; showy and costly; elegant
  43. a rigid disciplinarian
  44. A person that studies handwriting.
  45. an inferior substitute
  46. A specialist in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities.
  47. a lewd man
  48. fearless
  49. quo the existing state of things
  50. very generous in forgiving others
  51. vt. Expurgate or paraphrase prudishl; censor.
  52. poor
  53. having a wide range of skills
  54. noun.a person who leads an austerely simple life, especially one who abstains from normal pleasures of life or denies himself or herself material satisfaction.
  55. ) creative people. ideas, or techniques that are ahead of everyone else
  56. liar-a liar who brings his lie to a state of perfection where the lie (s) are so convincing.
  57. liar- A person who has been lying since birth.
  58. noun. A shy person; a person characterized by the concerned primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings.
  59. Speak ill of; defame
  60. servile flatterer
  1. Meet and clear away, as difficulties; make unnecessary.
  2. Have weight or force, against or for; to influence or have an effect upon.
  3. of or like a corpse; page ghastly
  4. :harmless
  5. talkative
  6. resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly.; noisy, clamorous, or boisterous:
  7. not articulate
  8. noun.hatred of marriage.
  9. Fond or addicted to drink/alcohol
  10. one who pursues art or literature for amusement
  11. witty. brilliant conversationalist
  12. or haute ) high or first class
  13. Speak slightingly of; discredit.
  14. forbidden
  15. use ambiguous expressions; evasive
  16. commonplace, trite
  17. saying little, reserve in speech
  18. haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression.
  19. A health care professionals who specializes in the field of aging related dimensions of change over the lifespan.
  20. Likes to chase mice
  21. noun.a self-centered or selfish person
  22. deprived of contact with the outside world
  23. liar-liar that it is not by conscious.
  24. the spirit of the times
  25. ) pleasingly frank and simple
  26. having unlimited energy
  27. hater of humankind.
  28. ) anxiety
  29. perfect calmness
  30. Pacify; conciliate
  31. full of, expressing, or causing pain or sorrow; grievous; mournful
  32. noun. a person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others
  33. adj. In a frenzy; amuck; deranged, wild
  34. liar- a liar who has does not care of the repercussions of his lies.
  35. Tickle; excite.
  36. very insightful and perceptive
  37. bearing troubles bravely
  38. Large marsupial
  39. a practitioner of the system of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints.
  40. A specialist that focuses on developing a system of medical care that would promote the body's innate ability to heal itself.
  41. (noun) a person who hates women.
  42. A professional who evaluates and studies behavior and mental processes.
  43. liar- a liar who’s lying became a deep-rooted habit.
  44. using more words than necessary, wordy
  45. up to date
  46. liar- liar that lies due to some physical or mental disease.
  47. full of complaints; complaining
  48. to know how to do
  49. feeling of having done or seen something before
  50. Show feigned devotion to; flatter servilely.
  51. adj. Rigorous; usually severe or cruel; Draconian forms of punishment.
  52. convincing, forcible
  53. brash courage or gall
  54. liar-liar who lies continuously.
  55. blanche the power to do whatever one wants
  56. fresco outside in the fresh air

116 Clues: poorfearless:harmlesstalkativeforbiddenProhibit;) anxietyup to datea lewd manHas a trunkfide genuine) a small sinFlying mammalFlying mammalnot articulateTickle; excite.Large marsupialperfect calmnessspeaking fluentlyMan's best friendto know how to doservile flatterercommonplace, tritePacify; conciliateLikes to chase miceLikes to chase mice...

Vocabulary 2017-05-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Forgive, overlooked, extenuate, or justify another’s offense, shortcomings.
  2. adj- tearfully or drunkendly sentimental.
  3. A technician trained to design, verify and fit eyeglass lenses and frames, contact lenses, and other devices to correct eyesight.
  4. Has a trunk
  5. ) a small sin
  6. liar- A liar known for lying.
  7. speaking fluently
  8. a person who does not believe in God.
  9. Man's best friend
  10. noire- ; (b) something or someone strongly disliked and avoided
  11. exclaiming, noisy, clamorous
  12. sophisticated and cultivated
  13. A person who practices psychoanalysis that is a therapy based on the observation that individuals are often unaware of many of the factors that determine their emotions and behavior.
  14. characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning:
  15. noun. one whose personality type is in between extrovert and introvert.
  16. ) a solo sung in an opera
  17. pro quo a deal in which something is exchanged for something else
  18. Likes to chase mice
  19. liar- Readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, unnecessarily so.
  20. a specialist who provides medical diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle problems, including, but not limited to sprains and fractures, bunions, heel pain/spurs, hammertoes, neuromas, ingrown & fungal toenails, warts, corns and calluses.
  21. Prohibit;
  22. having the qualities of chivalry , as courage, courtesy, and loyalty.
  23. fide genuine
  24. An early short-barreled pocket pistol.
  25. friendly and sociable
  26. populi public opinion
  27. a person who is excessively and blindly patriotic
  28. an ill-temper or violent woman
  29. noun. a conceited, boastful person.
  30. one who is morbidly anxious about his health or suffered imagine illness
  31. one who challenges cherished beliefs
  32. liar- Outrageous in a striking or prominent manner.
  33. adj. characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning,, deception, expediency or dishonesty.
  34. given to talking too much
  35. much in fewer words
  36. Flying mammal
  37. accompli something that is already done
  38. Flying mammal
  39. pas an embarrassing social error
  40. a person who is exaggerated interested in one thing
  41. fixe an idea that you can’t get out of your mind
  42. adj. luxurious; showy and costly; elegant
  43. a rigid disciplinarian
  44. A person that studies handwriting.
  45. an inferior substitute
  46. A specialist in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities.
  47. a lewd man
  48. fearless
  49. quo the existing state of things
  50. very generous in forgiving others
  51. vt. Expurgate or paraphrase prudishl; censor.
  52. poor
  53. having a wide range of skills
  54. noun.a person who leads an austerely simple life, especially one who abstains from normal pleasures of life or denies himself or herself material satisfaction.
  55. ) creative people. ideas, or techniques that are ahead of everyone else
  56. liar-a liar who brings his lie to a state of perfection where the lie (s) are so convincing.
  57. liar- A person who has been lying since birth.
  58. noun. A shy person; a person characterized by the concerned primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings.
  59. Speak ill of; defame
  60. servile flatterer
  1. Meet and clear away, as difficulties; make unnecessary.
  2. Have weight or force, against or for; to influence or have an effect upon.
  3. of or like a corpse; page ghastly
  4. :harmless
  5. talkative
  6. resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly.; noisy, clamorous, or boisterous:
  7. not articulate
  8. noun.hatred of marriage.
  9. Fond or addicted to drink/alcohol
  10. one who pursues art or literature for amusement
  11. witty. brilliant conversationalist
  12. or haute ) high or first class
  13. Speak slightingly of; discredit.
  14. forbidden
  15. use ambiguous expressions; evasive
  16. commonplace, trite
  17. saying little, reserve in speech
  18. haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression.
  19. A health care professionals who specializes in the field of aging related dimensions of change over the lifespan.
  20. Likes to chase mice
  21. noun.a self-centered or selfish person
  22. deprived of contact with the outside world
  23. liar-liar that it is not by conscious.
  24. the spirit of the times
  25. ) pleasingly frank and simple
  26. having unlimited energy
  27. hater of humankind.
  28. ) anxiety
  29. perfect calmness
  30. Pacify; conciliate
  31. full of, expressing, or causing pain or sorrow; grievous; mournful
  32. noun. a person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others
  33. adj. In a frenzy; amuck; deranged, wild
  34. liar- a liar who has does not care of the repercussions of his lies.
  35. Tickle; excite.
  36. very insightful and perceptive
  37. bearing troubles bravely
  38. Large marsupial
  39. a practitioner of the system of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints.
  40. A specialist that focuses on developing a system of medical care that would promote the body's innate ability to heal itself.
  41. (noun) a person who hates women.
  42. A professional who evaluates and studies behavior and mental processes.
  43. liar- a liar who’s lying became a deep-rooted habit.
  44. using more words than necessary, wordy
  45. up to date
  46. liar- liar that lies due to some physical or mental disease.
  47. full of complaints; complaining
  48. to know how to do
  49. feeling of having done or seen something before
  50. Show feigned devotion to; flatter servilely.
  51. adj. Rigorous; usually severe or cruel; Draconian forms of punishment.
  52. convincing, forcible
  53. brash courage or gall
  54. liar-liar who lies continuously.
  55. blanche the power to do whatever one wants
  56. fresco outside in the fresh air

116 Clues: poorfearless:harmlesstalkativeforbiddenProhibit;) anxietyup to datea lewd manHas a trunkfide genuine) a small sinFlying mammalFlying mammalnot articulateTickle; excite.Large marsupialperfect calmnessspeaking fluentlyMan's best friendto know how to doservile flatterercommonplace, tritePacify; conciliateLikes to chase miceLikes to chase mice...

Vocabulary 2017-03-08

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. manh plants grown by someone
  2. with no hills or mountains
  3. paper money and coins
  4. new of the present time
  5. a letter or picture that means somenthing
  6. too much
  7. a plan of laws of a country
  8. not to have
  9. cows raised to meat
  10. to fill a need
  11. the science of raising food and animals
  12. as spoken or written by
  13. very
  14. a place in a bank to put money
  15. to tell someone about something
  16. to give part of what you have
  17. a 25cent piece of money
  18. a middle part of a place or thing
  19. a one cent piece of money
  20. the city where the country is located
  21. very bad
  22. noisy
  23. very nice
  24. having no errors
  25. to command
  26. in place of
  27. to receive money from a job
  28. a type
  29. more than necessary
  30. to go
  31. a piece of hard money
  1. too much water on the land
  2. to want
  3. a liquid fuel
  4. to give an opinion
  5. to be
  6. having control over decisions
  7. about many countries
  8. able to hurt a person
  9. a poor farmer
  10. one hundred years
  11. 2x2=4
  12. something bad
  13. a place to buy and sell crops
  14. not wide
  15. dried grass
  16. the reason for doing something
  17. country side
  18. to put things together
  19. to choose by voting
  20. all of something
  21. a machine that make something move
  22. something use to produce heat or movement
  23. to work with numbers
  24. small hard part of the plant

55 Clues: veryto be2x2=4noisyto goa typeto wanttoo muchnot widevery badvery niceto commandnot to havedried grassin place ofcountry sidea liquid fuela poor farmersomething badto fill a needhaving no errorsall of somethingone hundred yearsto give an opinioncows raised to meatto choose by votingmore than necessaryabout many countriesto work with numbers...

Vocabulary 2017-03-09

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. with no hills or mountains
  2. noisy
  3. not wide
  4. having no errors
  5. a liquid fuel
  6. a type
  7. very bad
  8. to give an opinion
  9. as spoken or written by
  10. having control over decisions
  11. to command
  12. a poor farmer
  13. a 25cent piece of money
  14. about many countries
  15. to want
  16. country side
  17. able to hurt a person
  18. to work with numbers
  19. to choose by voting
  20. too much
  21. the reason for doing something
  22. to give part of what you have
  23. cows raised to meat
  24. a one cent piece of money
  25. to be
  26. to put things together
  1. dried grass
  2. a piece of hard money
  3. too much water on the land
  4. a place in a bank to put money
  5. to go
  6. a middle part of a place or thing
  7. not to have
  8. very
  9. a letter or picture that means somenthing
  10. one hundred years
  11. a plan of laws of a country
  12. new of the present time
  13. manh plants grown by someone
  14. to receive money from a job
  15. in place of
  16. the science of raising food and animals
  17. the city where the country is located
  18. to tell someone about something
  19. 2x2=4
  20. something bad
  21. something use to produce heat or movement
  22. more than necessary
  23. all of something
  24. a place to buy and sell crops
  25. a machine that make something move
  26. paper money and coins
  27. to fill a need
  28. very nice
  29. small hard part of the plant

55 Clues: verynoisyto go2x2=4to bea typeto wantnot widevery badtoo muchvery niceto commanddried grassnot to havein place ofcountry sidea liquid fuela poor farmersomething badto fill a needhaving no errorsall of somethingone hundred yearsto give an opinionmore than necessaryto choose by votingcows raised to meatabout many countriesto work with numbers...

Vocabulary 2017-05-09

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  2. PECTORIS Pain in the chest due to constrictions of arteries around the heart
  3. An agent that promotes the clotting of blood
  4. Red blood cells
  5. Under the tongue
  6. A drug that produces sleep HYPNOTIC
  7. SHOCK A severe allergic reaction
  8. A lid to prevent food from entering the lungs
  9. Fainting
  1. pressure First sound heard when taking blood pressure
  2. Voice box
  3. An abnormal loss of large quantities of blood
  4. Vessel that carries blood back to the heart
  5. pressure Last sound heard when taking a blood pressure
  6. Drug that counteract an allergic reaction
  7. increased level of sugar in the blood HYPERGLYCEMIA
  8. The study of drugs
  9. General term a drug the destroys bacteria and other microorganisms
  10. Seizure
  11. A sac enclosing the heart

20 Clues: SeizureFaintingVoice boxRed blood cellsUnder the tongueThe study of drugsA sac enclosing the heartSHOCK A severe allergic reactionA drug that produces sleep HYPNOTICDrug that counteract an allergic reactionVessel that carries blood back to the heartAn agent that promotes the clotting of bloodAn abnormal loss of large quantities of blood...

Vocabulary 2017-03-01

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to be the correct size
  2. informal call for a man
  3. to be on top of or in front of
  4. a material made from the white part
  5. to control
  6. material made from cotton, wool etc
  7. use to destroy the buildings
  8. worn on winter
  9. to take care of
  10. to go down under the water
  11. to make someone pay
  12. correct or right type
  13. to damage something completely
  14. to hurt things
  15. use in the waist
  16. to take care of yourself when you are attacked
  17. something that you usually do
  1. fitting close to the body
  2. appropriate for important times and places
  3. walk in a parade
  4. big from side to side
  5. a covering for the foot
  6. an important person in the military
  7. what something is made of
  8. something that is inexpensive but good
  9. the one that you like most
  10. to stop fighting because you are losing
  11. how important a person in the group
  12. not thin
  13. more than two or three
  14. over
  15. to move on top of water
  16. to lose or beat

33 Clues: overnot thinto controlworn on winterto hurt thingsto take care ofto lose or beatwalk in a paradeuse in the waistto make someone paybig from side to sidecorrect or right typeto be the correct sizemore than two or threeinformal call for a mana covering for the footto move on top of waterfitting close to the bodywhat something is made of...

Vocabulary 2017-02-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a group of criminals
  2. to stop living
  3. a group
  4. to try to hurt someone
  5. to not tell the truth
  6. the daughter of your brother or sister
  7. a doctor for teeth
  8. a need of food
  9. a sweet baked food
  10. to frighten
  11. to make
  12. a person in a family
  13. to cook in an oven
  14. not married
  15. the end of a marriage
  16. expensive or important
  17. something used to food in
  18. of the same family
  19. going to have a baby
  20. to steal
  21. happiness
  1. with no one else
  2. to hit someone many times
  3. a man and woman
  4. to shut a door with a key
  5. a person who has a bad experience
  6. with no noise
  7. a sickness
  8. to not work or not move
  9. to make a disease better
  10. use to carry things
  11. with a lot of sugar
  12. to make your body work
  13. not able to see
  14. a machine to make food cold
  15. try not to go somewhere
  16. to hold him, done by the police
  17. when two people get married
  18. to hurt to a body

39 Clues: a groupto maketo stealhappinessa sicknessto frightennot marriedwith no noiseto stop livinga need of fooda man and womannot able to seewith no one elseto hurt to a bodya doctor for teetha sweet baked foodto cook in an ovenof the same familyuse to carry thingswith a lot of sugara group of criminalsa person in a familygoing to have a baby...

Vocabulary 2017-07-01

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. difficulty in starting or maintaining sleep and may manifest as difficulty falling asleep waking up frequently at night or waking up very early in the morning, ahead of schedule.
  2. Anger, especially one that is caused by a lack of obedience, obligation or respect.
  3. A pathological condition characterized by excessive or excessive accumulation of fat in the body
  4. rate is the number of breaths that a living person makes in a specific time span
  5. is a type of psychotherapy that uses guided methods of relaxation and intense concentration, focusing the client's attention to achieve an elevated state of consciousness that is sometimes called a trance
  6. Measurement of this property of bodies
  7. A curative method of some diseases that is based on the effects produced by the aromas in the organism
  8. Therapy Use of Music for Psychotherapeutic Purposes
  9. A state of mental fatigue caused by the requirement of a performance much higher than normal; Often causes various physical and mental disorders.
  10. medicine medicinal practices that are left out or are not recognized by Western medicine and which may be based on other medicinal cultures such as those from the East
  11. drug is applied to the medicament or medical procedure to prevent or decrease inflammation of tissues.
  12. oximeter is a device consisting of a thimble and a computer that charts oxygen saturation in the blood. These devices non-invasively monitor oxygen saturation, and can be expressed in percentage or decimal
  13. pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries
  1. is a plant of the family of the zingiberáceas, whose ground-stems is a rizomahorizontal well appreciated for its aroma and spicy taste.
  2. is the increase in body weight above a given pattern
  3. pulse of a person is the pulsation caused by the expansion of their arteries as a result of the blood circulation pumped by the heart
  4. is the use of water for therapeutic purposes, whether thermal, mechanical (exerting pressure) or chemical. It is a form of physiotherapy and serves for the treatment of various diseases, injuries and disorders.
  5. saturation is the measure of the amount of oxygen available in the bloodstream. When blood is pumped from the heart to the body, it first passes through the lungs, where oxygen molecules are attached to the red blood cells (erythrocytes) in order to be carried to the rest of the body
  6. a type of alternative medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the skeletal muscle system, especially the spine, under the belief that these disorders affect the general health through the nervous system and that its correction improves or Restore health
  7. Severe headache that usually affects one side or a part of it and is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  8. is the swelling (inflammation) of the appendix, a small sac that is attached to the large intestine.
  9. instrument used to measure temperature; The most usual consists of a glass capillary tube closed and finished in a small tank containing a certain amount of mercury or alcohol, which dilates with increasing temperature or shrinks when decreasing and whose volume variations are read on a scale Graduate
  10. for auscultation or to hear the internal sounds of the body. It is usually used for auscultation of heart sounds or breathing sounds, although sometimes it is also used to objectify bowel sounds or murmurs by abnormal blood flows in arteries and veins. The examination using the stethoscope is called auscultation
  11. scale allows to measure the intensity of pain described by the patient with maximum reproducibility among the observers. It consists of a horizontal line of 10 centimeters, at the extremities of which are the extreme expressions of a symptom
  12. temperature is the degree of body heat

25 Clues: Measurement of this property of bodiestemperature is the degree of body heatTherapy Use of Music for Psychotherapeutic Purposesis the increase in body weight above a given patternpressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteriesrate is the number of breaths that a living person makes in a specific time span...

Vocabulary 2017-03-16

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a recurring image, symbol, theme, character type, or subject that becomes a unifying element in an artistic work.
  2. language figures of speech used to better an essay
  3. a fatal flaw that leads to the downfall of a character
  4. irony when the events contradicts the expectations of the characters or the reader
  5. a source is trustworthy and accurate
  6. statement a short statement that summarizes the main points of an essay
  7. gerunds, participles, and infinitive phrases
  8. a short saying about the general truth
  1. the way a writer or speaker uses words and tone to express ideas
  2. when a statements contradicts a previous claim
  3. a phrase, quotation, or poem that is set at the beginning of a document or component.
  4. combination of ideas to form a theory
  5. a source a truthful and has good quality
  6. a story originating in a culture that is spread verbally
  7. a literary device that exploits a reader's expectations
  8. irony when the reader or audience knows more about future circumstances or events than the characters within the story do
  9. Bibliography a list of sources used to comment on another source
  10. an original that has been imitated
  11. irony when a character says one thing but means the opposite
  12. a reference to a well-known person,event, or place of history, music, art, or another literary work

20 Clues: an original that has been imitateda source is trustworthy and accuratecombination of ideas to form a theorya short saying about the general trutha source a truthful and has good qualitygerunds, participles, and infinitive phraseswhen a statements contradicts a previous claimlanguage figures of speech used to better an essay...

vocabulary 2017-05-30

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. pain: headache.
  2. method that organizes the attention of the people according to the existing resources and the needs of the individuals.
  3. Upper body of man and superior or anterior of many animals, where some sense organs and the brain are found.
  4. Increase a body part by volume for pathological reasons.
  5. It is the feeling that you may faint.
  6. accident or event that happens in an absolutely unforeseen way.
  7. sized instrument consisting of a handle and an iron bearing embossed signs and figures.
  8. A set of phenomena that affect mainly the skin, respiratory and digestive system, produced by contact or absorption of substances that cause in the body a special sensitivity has allergy to pollen.
  9. and subjective sensory perception that may be more or less intense, annoying or disagreeable and felt in a part of the body; Is the result of an excitation or stimulation of specialized sensory nerve endings.
  10. fleshy and rounded parts located in the lower part of the back of humans.
  11. A person whose job is to assist or care for the sick, injured or injured under the prescriptions of a physician, or to assist the physician or surgeon.
  12. is an uneasiness of the stomach that often comes before vomiting.
  13. A substance used to cure or prevent a disease, to reduce its effects on the body or to relieve physical pain.
  14. That is in active service without destiny, but can be given immediately..
  1. refers to the part of the body that hurts or suffers from a previous pain has a sore muscle.
  2. That causes physical or moral pain.
  3. Grab or grasp something by hand or with something else.
  4. Part of medicine that deals with curing diseases, malformations, trauma, etc., by manual or instrumental operations.
  5. External part of the human body and other vertebrates corresponding to the joint of the humerus with the clavicle.
  6. back:Tilt the body by supporting it somewhere.
  7. pain
  8. forcing the contents of the stomach to rise through the esophagus and out through the mouth
  9. Lower extremity of the human body, which runs from the trunk to the foot; In some contexts it is considered that it also includes the foot, and in others the thigh is excluded from it.
  10. That makes a pain or discomfort less intense or disappear, without causing loss of consciousness or knowledge.
  11. labor pain.
  12. pain: It is the pain that is felt in the area between the chest and groin, often called the stomach or belly region.
  13. A headache is a pain or discomfort in the head, scalp or neck.
  14. Adverbial locution with the adversative sense 'in spite of it' that functions as a discourse marker.

28 Clues: painlabor pain.pain: headache.That causes physical or moral pain.It is the feeling that you may faint.back:Tilt the body by supporting it somewhere.Grab or grasp something by hand or with something else.Increase a body part by volume for pathological reasons.A headache is a pain or discomfort in the head, scalp or neck....

vocabulary 2017-05-30

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. method that organizes the attention of the people according to the existing resources and the needs of the individuals.
  2. and subjective sensory perception that may be more or less intense, annoying or disagreeable and felt in a part of the body; Is the result of an excitation or stimulation of specialized sensory nerve endings.
  3. pain: headache.
  4. A person whose job is to assist or care for the sick, injured or injured under the prescriptions of a physician, or to assist the physician or surgeon.
  5. That is in active service without destiny, but can be given immediately..
  6. fleshy and rounded parts located in the lower part of the back of humans.
  7. A substance used to cure or prevent a disease, to reduce its effects on the body or to relieve physical pain.
  8. labor pain.
  9. It is the feeling that you may faint.
  10. External part of the human body and other vertebrates corresponding to the joint of the humerus with the clavicle.
  11. is an uneasiness of the stomach that often comes before vomiting.
  1. Upper body of man and superior or anterior of many animals, where some sense organs and the brain are found.
  2. A set of phenomena that affect mainly the skin, respiratory and digestive system, produced by contact or absorption of substances that cause in the body a special sensitivity has allergy to pollen.
  3. pain
  4. Increase a body part by volume for pathological reasons.
  5. sized instrument consisting of a handle and an iron bearing embossed signs and figures.
  6. That makes a pain or discomfort less intense or disappear, without causing loss of consciousness or knowledge.
  7. That causes physical or moral pain.
  8. forcing the contents of the stomach to rise through the esophagus and out through the mouth
  9. Lower extremity of the human body, which runs from the trunk to the foot; In some contexts it is considered that it also includes the foot, and in others the thigh is excluded from it.
  10. pain: It is the pain that is felt in the area between the chest and groin, often called the stomach or belly region.
  11. accident or event that happens in an absolutely unforeseen way.
  12. Grab or grasp something by hand or with something else.
  13. A headache is a pain or discomfort in the head, scalp or neck.
  14. Part of medicine that deals with curing diseases, malformations, trauma, etc., by manual or instrumental operations.
  15. refers to the part of the body that hurts or suffers from a previous pain has a sore muscle.

26 Clues: painlabor pain.pain: headache.That causes physical or moral pain.It is the feeling that you may faint.Grab or grasp something by hand or with something else.Increase a body part by volume for pathological reasons.A headache is a pain or discomfort in the head, scalp or neck.accident or event that happens in an absolutely unforeseen way....

Vocabulary 2017-06-01

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. tarcza
  2. porzucić
  3. kaptur
  4. śrubokręt
  5. widelec
  6. bezchmurny
  7. kaleka
  8. należności
  9. wierzytelności
  10. zasadzka
  11. głodować
  12. upalnie
  13. młotek
  14. niepewny siebie
  15. nieszczery
  16. odmawiać
  17. zaprzeczać
  18. radzić sobie
  19. odrzucać
  20. los
  21. gwóźdź
  22. rura
  1. spawacz
  2. odległy
  3. przekonać
  4. giełda
  5. faktura
  6. papiery wartościowe
  7. obrażony
  8. wilgotno
  9. rondo
  10. nieszczęśliwy
  11. skrzyżowanie
  12. pozostawać
  13. w paski
  14. drabina
  15. zaskoczony
  16. serwetka
  17. przypominać

39 Clues: losrurarondogiełdatarczakapturkalekamłotekgwóźdźspawaczodległyfakturawidelecw paskidrabinaupalnieporzucićobrażonywilgotnozasadzkagłodowaćserwetkaodmawiaćodrzucaćprzekonaćśrubokrętbezchmurnynależnościpozostawaćzaskoczonynieszczeryzaprzeczaćprzypominaćskrzyżowanieradzić sobienieszczęśliwywierzytelnościniepewny siebiepapiery wartościowe

vocabulary 2017-05-31

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. It hurts, usually because of being resentful because of a strong pain felt previously.
  2. orman part of the limbs of the human body, being the fourth segment of the upper limb or thoracic. They are located at the ends of the forearms, are prehensile and have five fingers each. They range from the wrist to the fingertips in humans.
  3. pain it is produced by an irritation of a trunk or nerve root, the patient notices the pain in the territory whose sensitivity this root or trunk picks up, and not in the place where it is being compressed.
  4. a method that allows to organize the attention of the people according to the existing resources and the needs of the individuals.
  5. That is in active service without destination, but can be destined immediately.
  6. localized and subjective sensory perception that can be more or less intense, annoying or unpleasant and that is felt in a part of the body; Is the result of an excitation or stimulation of specialized sensory nerve endings.
  7. violent, spasmodic expulsion of the contents of the stomach through the mouth. Although possibly evolved as a mechanism to expel ingested poisons from the body, it may appear as a symptom of many diseases not related to them, not even to the stomach (gastritis) as cerebral or ocular pathology.
  8. to the accident or event that happens in an absolutely unforeseen way.
  9. Feeling of discomfort in the stomach that is experienced when you feel like vomiting and that usually culminates in vomiting.
  10. Lower extremity of the human body, which runs from the trunk to the foot; In some contexts it is considered that it also includes the foot, and in others the thigh is excluded from it.
  11. pain more frequent discomfort these days. It may appear suddenly (acute abdominal pain) or be maintained for a longer period and repeated over time (chronic abdominal pain).
  12. Part of medicine that deals with curing diseases, malformations, trauma, etc., by manual or instrumental operations
  1. is a professional who practices medicine and seeks to maintain and recover human health by studying, diagnosing and treating the patient's illness or injury
  2. upper body of man and superior or anterior of many animals, where some sense organs and the brain are found.
  3. A set of respiratory, nervous or eruptive alterations that occur in the immune system by an extreme sensitivity of the organism to certain substances to which it has been exposed, and that in normal conditions do not cause those alterations.
  4. Which is deep or penetrates deep into a body.
  5. is a term that is often used to describe two different symptoms: dizziness and dizziness.
  6. A substance used to cure or prevent a disease, to reduce its effects on the body or to relieve physical pain.
  7. That makes a pain or discomfort less intense or disappear, without causing loss of consciousness or knowledge.
  8. Send this page to a friend Print Facebook Twitter Google+ It is a pain or discomfort in the head, scalp or neck. The serious causes of headaches are rare. Most people with headaches can feel much better by making changes in their lifestyle, learning ways to relax and, sometimes, taking medication.
  9. A person whose job is to assist or care for the sick, injured or injured under the prescriptions of a physician, or to assist the physician or surgeon.

21 Clues: Which is deep or penetrates deep into a body.to the accident or event that happens in an absolutely unforeseen way.That is in active service without destination, but can be destined immediately.It hurts, usually because of being resentful because of a strong pain felt previously....

Vocabulary 2017-04-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. tapfer, mutig
  2. Formular
  3. Schlagzeug
  4. Was ist denn?
  5. Meinung
  6. auswählen
  7. Turnhalle, Sporthalle
  8. Aufführung
  9. Üben
  10. einmal
  11. Flöte
  12. aufräumen
  13. wirklich
  1. scheinen
  2. genug
  3. Schlagzeuger
  4. Keller
  5. Schulleiter
  6. arrogant
  7. Stück
  8. holen
  9. Gerümpel
  10. Ergebnis
  11. tragen

24 Clues: ÜbengenugStückholenFlöteKellertrageneinmalMeinungscheinenFormulararrogantGerümpelErgebniswirklichauswählenaufräumenSchlagzeugAufführungSchulleiterSchlagzeugertapfer, mutigWas ist denn?Turnhalle, Sporthalle

Vocabulary 2017-09-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. ausleihen
  2. leihen,verleihen
  3. Konzert
  4. Thunfisch
  5. schreien
  6. plötzlich
  7. wieder
  8. zum Mitnehmen
  9. eifersüchtig
  10. beenden
  11. besuchen
  1. Punktestand
  2. Hochzeit
  3. vorsichtig
  4. verwirrt
  5. entspannt
  6. Treppe
  7. heute Abend
  8. Hosentasche
  9. Haltestelle

20 Clues: TreppewiederKonzertbeendenHochzeitverwirrtschreienbesuchenausleihenThunfischentspanntplötzlichvorsichtigPunktestandheute AbendHosentascheHaltestelleeifersüchtigzum Mitnehmenleihen,verleihen

Vocabulary 2017-09-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Konzert
  2. ausleihen
  3. Hochzeit
  4. plötzlich
  5. zum Mitnehmen
  6. schreien
  7. eifersüchtig
  8. Treppe
  1. Thunfisch
  2. vorsichtig
  3. Haltestelle
  4. heute Abend
  5. verwirrt
  6. leihen,verleihen
  7. beenden
  8. entspannt
  9. Hosentasche
  10. besuchen
  11. Punktestand
  12. wieder

20 Clues: TreppewiederKonzertbeendenverwirrtHochzeitschreienbesuchenThunfischausleihenentspanntplötzlichvorsichtigHaltestelleheute AbendHosentaschePunktestandeifersüchtigzum Mitnehmenleihen,verleihen

Vocabulary 2017-08-31

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. really ugly
  2. dangerous
  3. cramped
  4. to hide ready to attack
  5. thirsty or dry
  6. to eat
  7. really hot
  8. not clean
  9. big and beautiful
  10. going up and down like a wave
  11. orange
  12. good and kind
  13. really busy
  14. a bird's claws
  1. yellow
  2. far away from other places
  3. sad
  4. really big
  5. really hungry
  6. Really cute
  7. boring voice
  8. pretty as a picture
  9. evil
  10. a gentle breeze
  11. wanting to get revenge
  12. to cry loudly
  13. red

27 Clues: sadredevilyellowto eatorangecrampeddangerousnot cleanreally bigreally hotreally uglyReally cutereally busyboring voicereally hungryto cry loudlygood and kindthirsty or drya bird's clawsa gentle breezebig and beautifulpretty as a picturewanting to get revengeto hide ready to attackfar away from other placesgoing up and down like a wave

Vocabulary 2017-09-01

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. beide
  2. Witz
  3. freundlich
  4. opposite of ask
  5. reparieren
  6. erlaubt
  7. earphones
  8. warten
  9. heizen
  10. receive
  11. Kunde
  12. werden
  13. opposite of wet
  14. nichts
  15. jemand
  16. bedeutsam
  17. country
  18. up to
  19. immer mehr
  20. advertising
  21. use
  22. vergessen
  23. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
  24. Es ist wie
  25. clear
  26. ringtone
  27. earn
  28. Termin
  29. immer
  30. Geld ausgeben
  31. Firma
  32. schon
  1. kurz
  2. verlassen
  3. bestehen
  4. billiger
  5. Nachricht
  6. PLZ
  7. zuhören
  8. die ganze Zeit
  9. avoid
  10. Nachmittag
  11. vor wenigen Jahren
  12. Staaten
  13. kochen
  14. Milliarde
  15. Regel
  16. never
  17. beschäftigt belebt
  18. anschalten
  19. Mit freundlichen Grüßen
  20. Lieblings
  21. coat
  22. opposite of poor
  23. member
  24. really
  25. sicherlich
  26. every day

58 Clues: PLZusekurzWitzcoatearnbeideavoidKundeRegelneverup toclearimmerFirmaschonwartenheizenkochenwerdennichtsjemandmemberreallyTerminzuhörenerlaubtStaatenreceivecountrybestehenbilligerringtoneverlassenNachrichtearphonesMilliardebedeutsamLieblingsvergessenevery dayfreundlichreparierenNachmittaganschaltenimmer mehrsicherlichEs ist wieadvertising...

Vocabulary 2017-09-21

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. temporary state of mind or feeling
  2. Take action
  3. Situation of having exposure to danger
  4. Sudden and extreme fear
  5. Feeling of being jealous
  6. Injury or harm that reduce value or usefulness
  7. Unavoidable danger or risk
  8. Joyful,happy
  9. Action of keeping away from or not doing something
  10. Able to prevented or avoided
  11. Fail to remember
  12. Strong desire to do or achieve something
  13. Inner feeling or voice view as acting as a guid to righness or wrongness of one behavior
  14. Belief and worship superhuman
  15. Go in specified direction
  16. The action of a state in violating by force the right of another state
  17. Act of protecting or state of being protect
  18. The state of being varied or diversified
  1. The condition of being young
  2. Body's responding to any kind of demand or threat
  3. strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence
  4. The attractive or exciting quality that make curtain people or thing seem appealing or special
  5. Action or process for forgiving
  6. state of being free from illness or injury
  7. State or fact of being responsible
  8. Person who lack the courage to do or endure dangerous
  9. Necessary for health
  10. To feel sorrow or remorse for an act
  11. Accomplishment of an aim or purpose
  12. sound
  13. Person who is addicted to a particular substance typically an illegal drug

31 Clues: soundTake actionJoyful,happyFail to rememberNecessary for healthSudden and extreme fearFeeling of being jealousGo in specified directionUnavoidable danger or riskThe condition of being youngAble to prevented or avoidedBelief and worship superhumanAction or process for forgivingtemporary state of mind or feelingState or fact of being responsible...

Vocabulary 2017-09-21

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Injury or harm that reduce value or usefulness
  2. Situation of having exposure to danger
  3. temporary state of mind or feeling
  4. To feel sorrow or remorse for an act
  5. Person who lack the courage to do or endure dangerous
  6. state of being free from illness or injury
  7. Action or process for forgiving
  8. Strong desire to do or achieve something
  9. Person who is addicted to a particular substance typically an illegal drug
  10. Action of keeping away from or not doing something
  11. strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence
  12. Necessary for health
  13. State or fact of being responsible
  14. Act of protecting or state of being protect
  15. Feeling of being jealous
  16. Go in specified direction
  1. Sudden and extreme fear
  2. The attractive or exciting quality that make curtain people or thing seem appealing or special
  3. Accomplishment of an aim or purpose
  4. The condition of being young
  5. Able to prevented or avoided
  6. The state of being varied or diversified
  7. Belief and worship superhuman
  8. The action of a state in violating by force the right of another state
  9. sound
  10. Unavoidable danger or risk
  11. Inner feeling or voice view as acting as a guid to righness or wrongness of one behavior
  12. Take action
  13. Body's responding to any kind of demand or threat
  14. Fail to remember
  15. Joyful,happy

31 Clues: soundTake actionJoyful,happyFail to rememberNecessary for healthSudden and extreme fearFeeling of being jealousGo in specified directionUnavoidable danger or riskThe condition of being youngAble to prevented or avoidedBelief and worship superhumanAction or process for forgivingtemporary state of mind or feelingState or fact of being responsible...

Vocabulary 2017-09-21

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The attractive or exciting quality that make curtain people or thing seem appealing or special
  2. Situation of having exposure to danger
  3. Joyful,happy
  4. Action or process for forgiving
  5. sound
  6. Able to prevented or avoided
  7. Unavoidable danger or risk
  8. Fail to remember
  9. Person who is addicted to a particular substance typically an illegal drug
  10. Accomplishment of an aim or purpose
  11. Action of keeping away from or not doing something
  12. temporary state of mind or feeling
  13. Strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence
  14. Go in specified direction
  15. Body's responding to any kind of demand or threat
  16. Belief and worship superhuman
  17. state of being free from illness or injury
  1. Necessary for health
  2. State or fact of being responsible
  3. Inner feeling or voice view as acting as a guid to righness or wrongness of one behavior
  4. The condition of being young
  5. To feel sorrow or remorse for an act
  6. Sudden and extreme fear
  7. Person who lack the courage to do or endure dangerous
  8. Act of protecting or state of being protect
  9. The action of a state in violating by force the right of another state
  10. Take action
  11. Feeling of being jealous
  12. Strong desire to do or achieve something
  13. Injury or harm that reduce value or usefulness
  14. The state of being varied or diversified

31 Clues: soundTake actionJoyful,happyFail to rememberNecessary for healthSudden and extreme fearFeeling of being jealousGo in specified directionUnavoidable danger or riskThe condition of being youngAble to prevented or avoidedBelief and worship superhumanAction or process for forgivingState or fact of being responsibletemporary state of mind or feeling...

vocabulary 2017-09-18

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. ludzkość
  2. odrzucić
  3. odmówić
  4. nietoperz
  5. ...... and quiet
  6. powierzchnia
  7. widnownia, słuchacze
  8. statek kosmiczny
  9. sus
  10. podniosły
  11. odcisk stopy
  12. poczuć ulgę - to be ....
  13. ...... or later
  1. kolejka
  2. rozpraszać
  3. all or ......
  4. chusteczka
  5. zawiesić kogoś
  6. praktykant
  7. kołdra
  8. pamiętny
  9. rozporek
  10. bread and .....
  11. ...... or wrong
  12. usunąć
  13. more or ......

26 Clues: suskołdrausunąćkolejkaodmówićludzkośćodrzucićpamiętnyrozporeknietoperzpodniosłyrozpraszaćchusteczkapraktykantpowierzchniaodcisk stopyall or ......zawiesić kogośmore or ......bread and ........... or wrong...... or later...... and quietstatek kosmicznywidnownia, słuchaczepoczuć ulgę - to be ....

Vocabulary 2020-04-03

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. ловить
  2. предложение
  3. synonym to situated
  4. надежда
  5. странный
  6. наслаждаться
  7. тем не менее
  8. synonym to tasty
  9. synonym to right
  10. предпочитать
  11. безразличный
  12. привлекательность, притяжение
  13. antonym to poor
  14. создавать
  15. театр
  16. курить
  17. соседство
  18. synonym to society (общество)
  1. объявление
  2. север
  3. нанимать
  4. you might have it when you sleep
  5. описывать
  6. полезность
  7. synonym to contrast (сравнивать)
  8. запад
  9. сообщать, информировать
  10. окружающая среда
  11. взрослый
  12. верить
  13. привычка
  14. 16th December

32 Clues: северзападтеатрловитьверитькуритьнадеждананиматьстранныйвзрослыйпривычкаописыватьсоздаватьсоседствообъявлениеполезностьпредложениенаслаждатьсятем не менеепредпочитатьбезразличный16th Decemberantonym to poorsynonym to tastysynonym to rightокружающая средаsynonym to situatedсообщать, информироватьпривлекательность, притяжение...

Vocabulary 2020-02-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. way to express your thoughts
  2. step up in a store or other location
  3. develope something positive
  4. somewhere with someone
  5. collected for test
  6. that is said or replay
  7. attention
  8. difficult that you need a skill
  9. adress a problem
  10. to the government
  11. qualities of being similar or the same
  12. accepted idea that explains why certain things happen
  13. who live in a place
  1. measurement used starting at the top
  2. is free
  3. end
  4. not a whole group
  5. that something is true
  6. come to a conclusion based on data
  7. errors or faults.
  8. to live
  9. supply of materials used to complete tasks
  10. uncomfortable
  11. something to different people
  12. thats not friendly
  13. way to use words letters or numbers
  14. way of doing something or dealing with
  15. or support
  16. behavior that hurts someone physically
  17. or useful
  18. that prevent you from doing something

31 Clues: endis freeto liveattentionor usefulor supportuncomfortableadress a problemnot a whole grouperrors or faults.to the governmentcollected for testthats not friendlywho live in a placesomewhere with someonethat is said or replaythat something is truedevelope something positiveway to express your thoughtssomething to different people...

Vocabulary 2020-03-02

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Position of text on page.
  2. Set of characters with specific style.
  3. text and graphics included on a web page.
  4. Set of colors that are used consistently on a website.
  5. Amount of pixels on a monitor.
  6. Picture element single point in a graphic image.
  7. Tells users what type of organization uses the address.
  8. When the owner has the right to sell his or her own work or allow someone else to sell it.
  9. Area with no content on it.
  10. Pyramid that is upside down.
  11. Locate info about web pages and then store the info into a database.
  12. Style, arrangement, and appearance of text.
  1. All the people you want to visit your website.
  2. Rules for interacting over the internet.
  3. Unit of measurement.
  4. Contains the date, copyright, contact, and any links.
  5. Symbol used to rep a business or organizations.
  6. Brief statement that describes the purpose and audience of a web site.
  7. Contains graphics and text and helps users identify where they are in a website.
  8. Identifies the entity that sponsors the web site.
  9. A board that you use to get a rough draft of a website.

21 Clues: Unit of measurement.Position of text on page.Area with no content on it.Pyramid that is upside down.Amount of pixels on a monitor.Set of characters with specific style.Rules for interacting over the internet.text and graphics included on a web page.Style, arrangement, and appearance of text.All the people you want to visit your website....

Vocabulary 2020-03-02

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Places most important info at the beginning and least important info at the bottom
  2. Text and graphics on web page
  3. Set of characters that have a specific shape and style
  4. Space with no content
  5. Who you want viewing your website
  6. Style and arrangement of text
  7. Set of colors that are consistent in a website. Should be no more than 3-4 colors
  8. Describes the purpose and audience of your website
  9. Amount of pixels that display on a monite=or
  10. Unit of measurement for your font
  11. Date info, contact info, other links
  1. Identifies the entity that sponsors the website
  2. The owner has the right to sell or allow someone else to sell their own work
  3. Graphics and text that helps users identify where they are in a website
  4. Tells users what type organization uses it
  5. Single point in any image
  6. The position of text on a page
  7. Locate info about web pages and then store info into searchable database
  8. Rules for interacting on the internet
  9. Visual representation of your website
  10. Symbol used to represent a business or organization

21 Clues: Space with no contentSingle point in any imageText and graphics on web pageStyle and arrangement of textThe position of text on a pageWho you want viewing your websiteUnit of measurement for your fontDate info, contact info, other linksRules for interacting on the internetVisual representation of your website...

Vocabulary 2020-03-02

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. date information , copyright information, contact information in any links
  2. when the owner has a right to sell his/her work or allow someone else to sell it
  3. audience all the people that you want to visit your website
  4. identifies the entity that sponsors the website (name for website)
  5. tells users what type of organization uses it
  6. statement brief statement that describes purpose and audience of website
  7. visual representation of your website
  8. contains graphics and texts that helps the user identify where they are in a website
  9. a picture element, a single point in any image
  1. symbol used to represent a business or an organization
  2. locate information about web pages and then you store that information into searchable databases
  3. the set of characters that have a specific shape in style
  4. the unit of measurement for your font
  5. space area without any content on it
  6. the position of the text on your page
  7. amount of pixels that display on a monitor
  8. set of colors that you use consistently on your website
  9. rules for interacting over the internet/encourages users to respect each other online
  10. the style arrangement and appearance of text
  11. the text and graphics included on a webpage

20 Clues: space area without any content on itthe unit of measurement for your fontthe position of the text on your pagevisual representation of your websiteamount of pixels that display on a monitorthe text and graphics included on a webpagethe style arrangement and appearance of texttells users what type of organization uses it...

VOCABULARY 2020-03-03

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. To believe in someone
  2. To look for something
  3. A sudden event that causes damage
  4. A smell
  5. A sudden and serious situation
  6. To do what you are told
  7. To do something without getting upset
  8. A good feeling
  9. Teach someone how to do something
  10. a group that works together
  11. The type of work a person does
  12. Something you do for money
  1. Something you do to help someone
  2. Something that protects you
  3. A farm worker
  4. A worker
  5. Something that is hard to do
  6. Can be trusted to do the right thing
  7. The knowledge or skill that comes from doing something
  8. A part of a larger group or business
  9. To keep doing something
  10. To make a choice
  11. A storm
  12. A specific area

24 Clues: A smellA stormA workerA farm workerA good feelingA specific areaTo make a choiceTo believe in someoneTo look for somethingTo keep doing somethingTo do what you are toldSomething you do for moneySomething that protects youa group that works togetherSomething that is hard to doA sudden and serious situationThe type of work a person does...

Vocabulary 2020-05-04

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. stress
  2. dumbshow
  3. confrontation
  4. perforation
  5. stellar
  6. fraud
  7. saga
  8. temper
  9. killjoy
  1. safeguard
  2. payback
  3. commandeer
  4. happy
  5. nourishing
  6. beam
  7. mad
  8. put on trial
  9. boorish
  10. information
  11. lower

20 Clues: madbeamsagahappyfraudlowerstresstemperpaybackboorishstellarkilljoydumbshowsafeguardcommandeernourishingperforationinformationput on trialconfrontation

Vocabulary 2020-05-04

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. God's favour and protection
  2. shouting in other way
  3. drawn books
  4. daughter's or son's son
  5. he says the mass
  6. bright, astute
  7. something secret
  8. boy in a relationship
  9. mother or father
  10. films for children
  11. mother's or father's brother
  12. place of worship in Japan
  1. event in the church
  2. sister's daughter
  3. lauthing in other way
  4. man who got married
  5. person who writes novels
  6. breaks during a movie on TV
  7. your mother's doughter for you
  8. written in prose
  9. conversation in the movie
  10. gesture of raising shoulders
  11. bravery in other way
  12. uncle's son
  13. women who is a member of monastery
  14. brother's son

26 Clues: drawn booksuncle's sonbrother's sonbright, astutehe says the masswritten in prosesomething secretmother or fathersister's daughterfilms for childrenevent in the churchman who got marriedbravery in other waylauthing in other wayshouting in other wayboy in a relationshipdaughter's or son's sonperson who writes novelsconversation in the movie...

vocabulary 2020-05-15

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. you do it with your boy/ girl friend.
  2. 365 days makes that up.
  3. you buy stuff when you do it.
  4. you use it to cut stuff.
  5. your aunt and uncle's son
  6. 12 of them in a year, one of them have 28 days in it.
  7. when you get done with your paper you are____?
  8. learn about math equation.
  9. when you find something new.
  10. you got number one in a race or competition.
  11. learn about places on the world map.
  12. you have to use your mouth when your doing it.
  13. your mother's sister
  14. when you make something new.
  15. when you ask some one to your house.
  1. you catch or kill animals when you do it.
  2. past events.
  3. your mom and dad is your___?
  4. when the election happens people do that to elect the president.
  5. when you are being apart of a job or doing something.
  6. you wear it on your head.
  7. a teachers job.
  8. you swim in it.
  9. you draw in the class.
  10. teachers goes to work at a____?
  11. your grandma's daughter is your___?
  12. when you go see your grandma you are _____?

27 Clues: past events.a teachers job.you swim in it.your mother's sisteryou draw in the class.365 days makes that up.you use it to cut stuff.your aunt and uncle's sonyou wear it on your head.learn about math equation.your mom and dad is your___?when you find something new.when you make something new.you buy stuff when you do it....

vocabulary 2020-05-15

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. disfigure.
  2. imagine a beach right below the sunshine.
  3. its a video game.
  4. Spite with nba.
  5. Alan of two and a half men.
  6. Gerardo corrales.
  7. Zendaya.
  8. its like chandler, never stop...
  1. ugliness.
  2. Hurry.
  3. Confuse.
  4. Spite on fornite.
  5. Literatura
  6. dishonor.
  7. The hobbit.
  8. Usain bolt.
  9. Jesús after eating tacos.
  10. Acho.
  11. A shirt.
  12. Monica geller.
  13. i give my wife a very nice set of earrings.

21 Clues: Acho.Hurry.Confuse.A shirt.Zendaya.ugliness.dishonor.disfigure.LiteraturaThe hobbit.Usain bolt.Monica geller.Spite with nba.Spite on fornite.its a video game.Gerardo corrales.Jesús after eating tacos.Alan of two and a half men.its like chandler, never stop...imagine a beach right below the sunshine.i give my wife a very nice set of earrings.

Vocabulary 2020-05-15

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Don´t…
  2. She goes...stairs.
  3. Want you a...?
  4. My first…!
  5. Are you...at this paper?
  6. I loves to speak… .
  7. I Need it...the Solutions.
  8. I have the best...on the World!
  9. What can the mother say to Show...?
  1. Don´t...and say bad Things!
  2. In your...
  3. She can stay there…!
  4. I need...
  5. ...I ask my parents, they don´t say anything!
  6. I...my Team.
  7. I´m werry… .
  8. I check... .
  9. I can...textmessages.
  10. He...all his Money.
  11. Web...

20 Clues: Don´t…Web...I need...In your...My first…!I...my Team.I´m werry… .I check... .Want you a...?She goes...stairs.I loves to speak… .He...all his Money.She can stay there…!I can...textmessages.Are you...at this paper?I Need it...the Solutions.Don´t...and say bad Things!I have the best...on the World!What can the mother say to Show...?...

Vocabulary 2020-04-30

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Peter _ his books to school.
  2. _ the music is good, you can dance.
  3. He can touch his nose with his _.
  4. Can I _ your bike tomorrow?
  5. At school Mr White is my favourite _.
  6. They __ a black hat.
  7. Jessica is my _.
  8. kitzeln
  1. She has a good _.
  2. I _ noddles.
  3. Detectives _ crimes.
  4. Loch
  5. wer
  6. His skateboart isn't new. It's very _.
  7. He can _ his ears.
  8. She rides her _ at weekends.
  9. tragen
  10. passen
  11. This is my band. _ name is Project 11.
  12. She _ play the drums.

20 Clues: werLochtragenpassenkitzelnI _ noddles.Jessica is my _.She has a good _.He can _ his ears.Detectives _ crimes.They __ a black hat.She _ play the drums.Can I _ your bike tomorrow?Peter _ his books to school.She rides her _ at weekends.He can touch his nose with his _._ the music is good, you can dance.At school Mr White is my favourite _....

Vocabulary 2020-12-27

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. adj. downright, utter, total
  2. v. to give up (usu. power or a position)
  3. v. to put into law or formally declare
  4. adj. bare, barren, empty
  5. v. to become less active, less intense, or less in amount
  6. v. to support, strengthen, or fortify
  7. n. a firm belief in something
  8. v. to make a secretive or indirect mention of something
  9. adj. undecorated, plain
  10. v. to refuse to recognize as true, to cast off
  11. v. to think deeply about
  12. adj. pulled tight
  13. v. to be forced to agree or surrender
  14. adj. thrilling, exciting, stimulating
  15. n. the arrival or creation of something (usu. historic)
  16. n. a lack of respect and strong dislike (toward something or someone)
  17. adj. actively interested in or enthusiastic about something
  18. v. to stimulate or incite
  1. v. to feel sorrow for; to mourn
  2. adj. publicly shameful or humiliating
  3. adj. cranky, pouty, irritable
  4. v. to prove to be reasonable
  5. v. to make worse or increase the severity of
  6. adj. not enough in degree or amount
  7. n. the state of being uncertain or stuck between two or more options
  8. n. influence or power
  9. n. disagreement
  10. v. to involve or include
  11. adj. having knowledge or skill (usu. in a particular area)
  12. v. to belittle or speak down to
  13. adj. almighty and all powerful
  14. adj. firmly established
  15. v. to use up (as in energy or money)
  16. adj. superior or distinguished; high in position or status
  17. n. the quality of being brief or terse

35 Clues: n. disagreementadj. pulled tightn. influence or poweradj. undecorated, plainadj. firmly establishedadj. bare, barren, emptyv. to involve or includev. to think deeply aboutv. to stimulate or inciteadj. downright, utter, totalv. to prove to be reasonableadj. cranky, pouty, irritablen. a firm belief in somethingadj. almighty and all powerful...

Vocabulary 2021-01-27

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to show signs of strain
  2. to talk or act with noisy with swagger effects
  3. continuance in time
  4. mysterious and scary, unearthly
  5. unable to feel in a certain area
  6. to delay or be tardy in acting or doing
  7. one that occupies a particular place regularly
  8. a series of explanations or interpretations
  9. highly self-satisfied
  10. directed by ungovernable will
  11. the quality or state of being faithful
  1. a condensed statement or outline
  2. an angle under 90 degrees
  3. a checking of progress
  4. very eager or greedy for food
  5. to prove wrong with evidence
  6. to restore to a tranquil state
  7. to act or work clumsily and awkwardly
  8. a small plane surface
  9. a bad distress rising from a sense of guilt

20 Clues: continuance in timea small plane surfacehighly self-satisfieda checking of progressto show signs of strainan angle under 90 degreesto prove wrong with evidencevery eager or greedy for fooddirected by ungovernable willto restore to a tranquil statemysterious and scary, unearthlya condensed statement or outlineunable to feel in a certain area...

Vocabulary 2021-01-13

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. j
  2. n
  3. t
  4. s
  5. k
  6. d
  7. g
  8. a
  9. i
  10. m
  11. p
  12. l
  13. o
  1. q
  2. c
  3. b
  4. h
  5. r
  6. e
  7. f

20 Clues: jqcntbskhdrefgaimplo

Vocabulary 2021-01-18

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Concept that we have in our mind.
  2. Stands for : Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
  3. Being more than an animal or a machine.
  4. A things that can change you from bad to good
  5. Powder or seed that we use to make our food have aromas.
  6. The country that you’re registered at
  7. A journal that you write per-day or weeks
  8. When the citizens try to change something from the past.
  9. Like helping others when they need help
  10. Not stopping or not changing
  11. The order of events that would happen
  12. Like when we make something.
  13. When we respect others.
  1. It stands for : Badan Penyelidik Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia.
  2. Bhineka Tunggal Ika of Indonesia,the one that has 5 principals.
  3. When we treat people fairly.
  4. To support our action or idea when we're talking to somebody else.
  5. When we were in one group,the synonym of unit.
  6. A fruit with sour taste
  7. Island that is surrounded by sea.
  8. A set ideas where economic is based
  9. A plant like mint that can make a taste for food.
  10. Something that you do in the past years
  11. When one country colonizes another.

24 Clues: A fruit with sour tasteWhen we respect others.When we treat people fairly.Not stopping or not changingLike when we make something.Concept that we have in our mind.Island that is surrounded by sea.A set ideas where economic is basedWhen one country colonizes another.The country that you’re registered atThe order of events that would happen...

Vocabulary 2020-10-15

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. seat
  2. turn in
  3. discuss
  4. stapler
  5. memorize
  6. nobody
  7. word
  8. on time
  9. transparent tape
  10. ask for help
  11. locker
  1. pay attention
  2. explain
  3. ID card
  4. report
  5. answer
  6. get a good grade
  7. ask a question
  8. laboratory
  9. respect
  10. forbidden
  11. arrive late
  12. someone
  13. project
  14. scissors
  15. materials
  16. rule

27 Clues: seatwordrulereportanswernobodylockerexplainID cardturn indiscussrespectstaplersomeoneprojecton timememorizescissorsforbiddenmaterialslaboratoryarrive lateask for helppay attentionask a questionget a good gradetransparent tape

Vocabulary 2020-10-15

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. seat
  2. turn in
  3. discuss
  4. stapler
  5. memorize
  6. nobody
  7. word
  8. on time
  9. transparent tape
  10. ask for help
  11. locker
  1. pay attention
  2. explain
  3. ID card
  4. report
  5. answer
  6. get a good grade
  7. ask a question
  8. laboratory
  9. respect
  10. forbidden
  11. arrive late
  12. someone
  13. project
  14. scissors
  15. materials
  16. rule

27 Clues: seatwordrulereportanswernobodylockerexplainID cardturn indiscussrespectstaplersomeoneprojecton timememorizescissorsforbiddenmaterialslaboratoryarrive lateask for helppay attentionask a questionget a good gradetransparent tape

Vocabulary 2020-10-08

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a mixture where you can not see the different things in it
  2. able to be dissolved in a particular solvent
  3. particle model of matter
  4. a thing composed of two or more elements
  5. solid to liquid
  6. a mixture in which a something is added to stop the particles from settling
  7. solid to gas
  8. liquid to gas
  9. the measure of how fast a fluid will flow
  10. a solution where more solute can be dissolved in it
  11. a heterogeneous mixture in which particles do not settle
  12. a heterogeneous mixture in which particles settle slowly after mixing
  1. liquid to solid
  2. a mixture in which you can see the different things in it
  3. a solution where more solute is dissolved in the solution then would normally dissolve
  4. a pure substance
  5. a substance the dissolves a solute
  6. a thick, sticky consistency between a solid and a liquid
  7. a solution where no more solute will dissolve
  8. not able to be dissolved in a particular solvent
  9. a combination of two or more pure substances
  10. a substance that dissolves in a solvent
  11. gas to liquid
  12. characteristics that describe matter

24 Clues: solid to gasliquid to gasgas to liquidliquid to solidsolid to liquida pure substanceparticle model of mattera substance the dissolves a solutecharacteristics that describe mattera substance that dissolves in a solventa thing composed of two or more elementsthe measure of how fast a fluid will flowable to be dissolved in a particular solvent...

Vocabulary 2020-10-21

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. stop
  2. walk
  3. excuseme
  4. newspaper
  5. road
  6. internetcafé
  7. aquarium
  8. tenthfloor
  9. the avenue
  10. theblock
  11. factory
  12. turn
  13. cathedral
  14. office
  15. getlost
  1. parkinglot
  2. getoff
  3. sidewalk
  4. hospital
  5. floor
  6. intersection
  7. corner
  8. HowcanIgetto
  9. subwaystop
  10. embassy
  11. highway
  12. fourthfloor

27 Clues: stopwalkroadturnfloorgetoffcornerofficeembassyfactoryhighwaygetlostsidewalkexcusemehospitalaquariumtheblocknewspapercathedralparkinglottenthfloorthe avenuesubwaystopfourthfloorintersectioninternetcaféHowcanIgetto

Vocabulary 2020-10-21

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. factory
  2. internet café
  3. get lost
  4. walk
  5. floor
  6. hospital
  7. the avenue
  8. stop
  9. office
  10. embassy
  11. get off
  12. aquarium
  13. turn
  14. road
  1. How can I get to
  2. parking lot
  3. newspaper
  4. corner
  5. intersection
  6. sidewalk
  7. subway stop
  8. the block
  9. highway
  10. cathedral
  11. excuse me

25 Clues: walkstopturnroadfloorcornerofficefactoryhighwayembassyget offget lostsidewalkhospitalaquariumnewspaperthe blockcathedralexcuse methe avenueparking lotsubway stopintersectioninternet caféHow can I get to

VOCABULARY 2020-10-21

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power to do a particular type of work
  2. websites and computer programs that allow people to communicate and share information on the internet using a computer or mobile phone
  3. (the study and knowledge of) the practical, especially industrial, use of scientific discoveries
  4. a secret word or combination of letters or numbers, used for communicating with another person or with a computer to prove who you are
  5. to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals an action, movement, or sound that gives information, a message, a warning, or an order
  6. the outer or furthest point of something
  7. to depend on or trust someone or something
  8. protection of a person, building, organization, or country against threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries
  9. to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused
  10. (the act of) dishonestly taking something that belongs to someone else and keeping it
  11. to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you say or do
  1. happening immediately, without any delay
  2. facts about a situation, person, event, etc.
  3. a place or position
  4. to (cause something to) get better
  5. to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful
  6. to cut into pieces in a rough and violent way, often without aiming exactly
  7. the physical or mental power or skill needed to do something
  8. the method or possibility of getting near to a place or person
  9. a name or other word that you sometimes need to type in along with a password before you are allowed to use a computer or a website
  10. to add to something in order to make it bigger or longer
  11. main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest
  12. only for one person or group and not for everyone

23 Clues: a place or positionto (cause something to) get betterhappening immediately, without any delaythe outer or furthest point of somethingto depend on or trust someone or somethingfacts about a situation, person, event, etc.only for one person or group and not for everyoneto add to something in order to make it bigger or longer...

Vocabulary 2020-10-13

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. area around the nucleus of an atom where the atom’s electrons are most likely to be found
  2. sum of the number of protons and neutrons in an atom’s nucleus
  3. a molecular bond, is a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms
  4. chemical element that mostly lacks the characteristics of a metal.
  5. monatomic metal cation and a monatomic nonmetal anion
  6. number of protons in an atom’s nucleus
  7. way of presenting information about the chemical proportions of atoms
  8. fewer electrons than protons
  9. charged particle that has either more or fewer electrons than protons
  10. indicate the number of atoms of the element immediately
  11. column of elements in the periodic
  12. particles surrounding the center of an atom that have a change of -1
  13. atom or molecule or group that has lost or gained one or more electrons
  14. row of chemical elements.
  15. atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
  16. neutral particle, composed of quarks, inside the nucleus of an atom.
  17. outer shell electron that is associated with an atom
  18. region of space, throughout which all physical properties of a material are essentially uniform.
  1. Cation, atom or group of atoms that bears a positive electric charge.
  2. distribution of electrons of an atom or molecule in atomic or molecular orbitals.
  3. specific patterns in the properties of chemical elements
  4. complete transfer of valence electrons a stable subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity, found in all atoms and acting as the primary carrier of electricity in solids.
  5. formation of a chemical bond between two or more atoms
  6. the mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units.
  7. an element (e.g. arsenic, antimony, or tin) whose properties are intermediate between those of metals and solid nonmetals or semiconductors.
  8. particle, composed of quarks, inside the nucleus of an atom
  9. an element that readily forms positive ions (cations) and has metallic bonds.
  10. The smallest particle of an element that still retains the properties of the element.
  11. chemical substance composed of many identical molecules composed of atoms from more than one element held together by chemical bonds.
  12. whose lightest members are represented by helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine as arranged in the periodic table of the elements.
  13. tabular display of the chemical elements, which are arranged by atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties.
  14. vertical column of the periodic table tabular display of the chemical elements
  15. a group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.

33 Clues: row of chemical elements.fewer electrons than protonscolumn of elements in the periodicnumber of protons in an atom’s nucleusouter shell electron that is associated with an atommonatomic metal cation and a monatomic nonmetal anionformation of a chemical bond between two or more atomsindicate the number of atoms of the element immediately...

Vocabulary 2020-10-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. its the opposite of healthy
  2. a person who steals from a pocket
  3. we go right here to avoid downtown traffic
  4. its a material from the trees
  5. lack of food causes many children to die from this
  6. A glasss with different colors (two words)
  7. a person that doesn´t have enought money
  8. its like a little trip in a new place that we dont know
  9. its produce by the contamination of the cars
  10. without hope
  11. to falsify money or documents
  1. when a person is angry every time
  2. a person who kill
  3. plays the main part in a movie
  4. be dismissed from a job
  5. its on the top of the house internally
  6. a city that have a more varied cultural scene
  7. you use that to go up in your house
  8. the act of stealing
  9. its a person that doesn+´t have job
  10. is not delicious
  11. its a durable material and its bright
  12. a person who uses violence to hurt someone
  13. unusual images or sounds created for a movie
  14. is not useless

25 Clues: without hopeis not uselessis not deliciousa person who killthe act of stealingbe dismissed from a jobits the opposite of healthyits a material from the treesto falsify money or documentsplays the main part in a moviewhen a person is angry every timea person who steals from a pocketyou use that to go up in your house...

VOCABULARY 2020-10-22

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.
  2. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
  3. stop the continuous progress of (an activity or process).
  4. an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.
  5. websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
  6. share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
  7. the outside limit of an object, area, or surface; a place or part farthest away from the center of something.
  8. the state of being free from danger or threat.
  9. an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
  10. the action or crime of stealing.
  1. take part or intervene in an activity without invitation or necessity.
  2. happening or coming immediately.
  3. facts provided or learned about something or someone.
  4. depend on with full trust or confidence.
  5. a particular place or position
  6. the center of interest or activity.
  7. make or become better.
  8. cut with rough or heavy blows.
  9. possession of the means or skill to do something.
  10. a means of approaching or entering a place
  11. an identification used by a person with access to a computer, network, or online service.
  12. belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only.
  13. cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider

23 Clues: make or become better.a particular place or positioncut with rough or heavy blows.happening or coming immediately.the action or crime of stealing.the center of interest or activity.depend on with full trust or confidence.a means of approaching or entering a placeshare or exchange information, news, or ideas....

Vocabulary 2020-11-07

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. native
  2. The theory that two cultures will eventually more like each other the more they interact with each other.
  3. urban region with several large cities and suburbs that join each other
  4. human activities across a landscape
  5. several culture in one society
  6. A culture becoming different over time
  7. people that encourage a population to leave its home
  8. Different cultures or beliefs within a group.
  9. The number of people , animal , plants , or even objects
  10. energy sources that are flow limited but are replenishing
  11. fog / dust covering the air
  1. a natural fuel that was formed in the past from dead organisms
  2. people who draw another into a new area or place
  3. The statics of the age , gender , race , marital status , number of children, occupation , annual income , and education level of the country or state.
  4. where a small group of people stay and more and people come to where it becomes a city
  5. The spread of a culture (practices , beliefs , items)
  6. A rainfall that causes environmental harm to forest and lakes
  7. the introduction of new methods or ideas
  8. a residential area in another part of the city
  9. seasonal movement of animals from one place to another
  10. Plains a region that is dry and has very little rainfall

21 Clues: nativefog / dust covering the airseveral culture in one societyhuman activities across a landscapeA culture becoming different over timethe introduction of new methods or ideasDifferent cultures or beliefs within a group.a residential area in another part of the citypeople who draw another into a new area or place...

Vocabulary 2020-11-05

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who is very intoxicated
  2. Someone strong with well-defined muscles
  3. very rainy
  4. Show disrespect towards someone
  5. very good
  6. very funny
  7. very intelligent
  8. very poor
  9. very angry
  1. very confused
  2. very sure
  3. very scared
  4. very terrible
  5. very crowded
  6. very important
  7. very beautiful
  8. very loud
  9. very full
  10. very bad
  11. Attempt to learn a lot of information in a short amount of time

20 Clues: very badvery surevery loudvery fullvery goodvery poorvery rainyvery funnyvery angryvery scaredvery crowdedvery confusedvery terriblevery importantvery beautifulvery intelligentSomeone who is very intoxicatedShow disrespect towards someoneSomeone strong with well-defined musclesAttempt to learn a lot of information in a short amount of time

Vocabulary 2020-11-18

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to need
  2. connected to a computer
  3. a love story
  4. tolearn something at school or university
  5. performance of a play or film that isn't in the evening
  6. what you must pay to the state
  7. the work that an engineer does
  8. sea area where the West Indies are
  9. to send from one place to another
  10. someone in a film or a theatre play
  11. the story of a film
  12. a movie
  13. to ask for a job
  14. a person who sells things or helps someone
  1. where you come from
  2. it helps you to get a good result.
  3. the people who wathc a film or a play
  4. someone who learns a job or skill at work
  5. a person who buys something
  6. a money problem is a ... problem.
  7. a person who can repair cars or machines
  8. the opposite of 'real'
  9. a very popular film or a best-selling book
  10. a part of an organization or company
  11. a public music festival where people wear colourful clothes
  12. a place where small children and babies are looked after
  13. the continent where you can India and China
  14. it's part of a computer and part of a cinema
  15. person who can walk on a high rope

29 Clues: to needa moviea love storyto ask for a jobwhere you come fromthe story of a filmthe opposite of 'real'connected to a computera person who buys somethingwhat you must pay to the statethe work that an engineer doesa money problem is a ... problem.to send from one place to anotherit helps you to get a good result.sea area where the West Indies are...

Vocabulary 2020-11-17

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The holiday time can be ______________ with too much obligation.
  2. When the Grinch started thinking with his heart, instead of being _______________, he learned to enjoy Christmas.
  3. The excitement of the holidays sometimes ______s as you get older.
  4. It's important to drive carefully around here in the winter; there is no room for ___________ in winter driving.
  5. I love to recite that movie ______________ when we watch it every year!
  6. My mom always has the most ______________ decorations she puts up in December.
  7. It can be a challenge to decorate a place that is ________________, but there are all different sizes and shapes of trees and other decorations, so it can be done!
  8. The children waited in ______________ to see Santa.
  9. He waited with ______________ to see if she would like the gift that he had picked out.
  10. It's nice when the snow hides all the _______________ graffiti and dirt.
  1. Scrooge would probably be considered _________ in his manner of dealing with others, but he had an abundance of money.
  2. The stockings were __________ because they were filled to the brim and no longer hanging straight.
  3. Some people try to _____________ the holidays, but I look forward to them.
  4. It would be rather weird to celebrate Christmas where it was ____________ because I'm so used to a white Christmas.
  5. Receiving a surprise gift someone is quite a/n _______________.
  6. It's difficult to decide what to do when there are so many activities happening _____________ly.
  7. Rudolph would not let anyone _____________ his place as the lead reindeer.
  8. When people are caroling and you don't want to be cheered, it can sometimes sound like a/n ____________.
  9. Around here we don't let the weather _____________ us from getting to school.
  10. It's a/n _________________ certainty that the holidays are tough for some people every year.

20 Clues: The children waited in ______________ to see Santa.Receiving a surprise gift someone is quite a/n _______________.The holiday time can be ______________ with too much obligation.The excitement of the holidays sometimes ______s as you get older.I love to recite that movie ______________ when we watch it every year!...

Vocabulary 2020-11-09

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to read throughly and carefully
  2. connected with or related to the matter at hand
  3. to make valueless, take away all force or effect
  4. to yield to a request or command
  5. not having or using, lacking
  6. long life, long duration, length of life
  7. sturdy, not easily worn out or destroyed; lasting for a long time; consumer goods used repeatedly over a series of years
  8. showing concern care; fearful or anxious
  9. bold, adventurous, reckless daring
  10. to reduce to nothing to make ineffective or inoperative; to declare legally invalid or void
  11. in very great numbers; a very great number
  12. cordial, pleasantly cheerful or warm
  13. stubbornly self- willed; done on purpose, deliberate
  1. harm or loss; injury, damage; a disadvantage; a cause of harm, injury loss, or damage
  2. described in well- known stories; rather than real life
  3. connected with or related to the matter
  4. having to do with morals, values, right and wrong; in accordance with standards of right conduct; requiring a prescription for purchase.
  5. to cripple, disable, injure, mar, disfigure, militate
  6. appearing true, reasonable, or fair
  7. to assign or distribute in shares or portions
  8. withdrawn, standing apart from others by choice
  9. full of tiny holes; able to be penetrated by air or water
  10. a sounding together; agreement or accord
  11. a remainder, that which remains when a part has been up or removed
  12. tp deprive of strength or ability; to make legally ineligible
  13. a thing that is added an appendix to a book or written document
  14. immense; extraordinary in bulk, size, or degree
  15. to remove, drive out of a position or place
  16. to compete; to strive for victory or superiority
  17. economical, avoiding waste and luxury; scanty, poor, meager
  18. to trouble, make uneasy; to disturb greatly; to throw into confusion

31 Clues: not having or using, lackingto read throughly and carefullyto yield to a request or commandbold, adventurous, reckless daringappearing true, reasonable, or faircordial, pleasantly cheerful or warmconnected with or related to the matterlong life, long duration, length of lifea sounding together; agreement or accord...

Vocabulary. 2020-11-12

Vocabulary. crossword puzzle
  1. Do it right now!
  2. An outline or shadow
  3. To be resistant to something
  4. Errr can you say that again?
  5. To destroy completely
  6. Dark, gruesome
  7. To give a demanding order
  8. A great fire out of control
  9. Hidden
  10. To feel slightly nervous
  11. To be completely excused
  1. To give things out
  2. To be contagious
  3. Based on theory with a lack of evidence.
  4. The king struck down and ______ his enemies.(past)
  5. To not care either way
  6. The parts of the body furthest away from the torso
  7. Antonym of comprehensible
  8. Something deep and meaningful
  9. repeated forever

20 Clues: HiddenDark, gruesomeDo it right now!To be contagiousrepeated foreverTo give things outAn outline or shadowTo destroy completelyTo not care either wayTo feel slightly nervousTo be completely excusedAntonym of comprehensibleTo give a demanding orderA great fire out of controlTo be resistant to somethingErrr can you say that again?...

vocabulary 2020-12-13

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. bread
  2. salt
  3. apple
  4. chest
  5. suit
  6. blouse
  7. coat
  8. doctor
  9. the flu
  10. tomato
  11. purse
  12. cheese
  13. desert
  14. milk
  15. fiber
  1. diet
  2. ice cream
  3. cup
  4. skirt
  5. jeans
  6. dress
  7. tshirt
  8. boots
  9. to wear
  10. juice
  11. tie
  12. tea
  13. sweet
  14. coffee
  15. pie
  16. ball cap
  17. grapes

32 Clues: cuptieteapiedietsaltsuitcoatmilkbreadskirtapplejeansdresschestbootsjuicesweetpursefibertshirtblousedoctorcoffeetomatocheesegrapesdesertto wearthe fluball capice cream

Vocabulary 2020-12-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. butcher
  2. baker
  3. businessman
  4. writer
  5. mayor
  6. clown
  7. musician
  8. painter
  9. driver
  10. servant,maid
  11. actor
  12. flight attendant
  13. surgeon
  1. archaeologist
  2. coach
  3. model
  4. housewife
  5. engineer
  6. actress
  7. salesman
  8. veterinarian
  9. photographer
  10. carpenter
  11. farmer
  12. cook
  13. journalist
  14. gardener
  15. translator
  16. pilot
  17. mechanic

30 Clues: cookcoachmodelbakermayorclownpilotactorwriterfarmerdriverbutcheractresspaintersurgeonengineersalesmanmusiciangardenermechanichousewifecarpenterjournalisttranslatorbusinessmanveterinarianphotographerservant,maidarchaeologistflight attendant

Vocabulary 2020-12-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. mouse in Croatian
  2. to know in Croatian
  3. to be allowed in Croatian
  4. to wait in Croatian
  5. house in Croatian
  6. sister in Croatian
  7. clock in Croatian
  8. shoe in Croatian
  9. doctor in Croatian
  10. woman in Croatian
  11. bag in Croatian
  12. to plan in Croatian
  13. pencil in Croatian
  14. to swim in Croatian
  15. 100 in Croatian
  16. mom in Croatian
  17. I in Croatian
  18. we in Croatian
  19. brother in Croatian
  1. to have in Croatian
  2. boy in Croatian
  3. child in Croatian
  4. man in Croatian
  5. dog in Croatian
  6. to need in Croatian
  7. flag in Croatian
  8. singer in Croatian
  9. mountain in Croatian
  10. beer in Croatian
  11. to draw in Croatian
  12. letter in Croatian
  13. 5 in Croatian
  14. papers in Croatian
  15. cheese in Croatian
  16. island in Croatian
  17. cat in Croatian
  18. brigde in Croatian

37 Clues: 5 in CroatianI in Croatianwe in Croatianboy in Croatianman in Croatiandog in Croatianbag in Croatian100 in Croatianmom in Croatiancat in Croatianflag in Croatianbeer in Croatianshoe in Croatianmouse in Croatianchild in Croatianhouse in Croatianclock in Croatianwoman in Croatiansister in Croatiansinger in Croatianletter in Croatiandoctor in Croatian...

Vocabulary 2021-02-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Susan had to sit down after the Tilt-a-Whirl because she had a bad case of ___________.
  2. I saw a/n __________ looking mother at the checkout trying to manage 2 smallchildren and her groceries.
  3. The movement towards a peaceful settlement has been a long and ________ process.
  4. The dispute had reach a/n ________, as neither side would compromise.
  5. A late frost __________ the orange crops, causing a shortage of oranges.
  6. I could hear the patient spouting her ______ delusions and I laughed.
  7. The city plans to _______ a row of old, dilapidated buildings.
  8. My friend is the most ________ person. If you say "hi" in a wrong tone, he will scream at you.
  9. It is important for a football team to become a/n ______________ during summer practice to ensure unity.
  10. After a short and refreshing break, I returned to the task with renewed _________ and enthusiasm.
  11. Lightning split the old oak tree ________.
  1. When I made a wrong turn, the GPS system told me I had gone ________.
  2. Susan found the coffee shop to have a/n __________ and cheerful atmosphere.
  3. Sometimes even an art _________ can have a hard time telling the difference between an original and a fake.
  4. They stood _________ at the sight of the plane crashing.
  5. Mother will ________ us for eating cookies before dinner.
  6. His entire speech was proven _______ when scientific evident disproving it was made public.
  7. Romeo and Juliet is set in the ________ of Verona, Italy.
  8. Students tend to be ___________ with enthusiasm on the last day of school.
  9. After debating for hours, the group decided to _______ the topic for a later date.

20 Clues: Lightning split the old oak tree ________.They stood _________ at the sight of the plane crashing.Mother will ________ us for eating cookies before dinner.Romeo and Juliet is set in the ________ of Verona, Italy.The city plans to _______ a row of old, dilapidated buildings.When I made a wrong turn, the GPS system told me I had gone ________....

vocabulary 2021-02-28

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. friedlich
  2. politisch
  3. Schlacht
  4. westlich
  5. Meeresküste
  6. Volksstamm
  7. Revolution
  8. sich scheiden lassen
  9. jedoch
  10. Herzog
  11. Reich
  12. Herrschaft
  1. Fabrik
  2. Kolonie
  3. vollständig
  4. Stickerei
  5. Wikinger
  6. angreifen
  7. Einfluss
  8. überfluten
  9. erobern
  10. Leder

22 Clues: LederReichFabrikjedochHerzogKolonieerobernSchlachtwestlichWikingerEinflussfriedlichpolitischStickereiangreifenVolksstammüberflutenRevolutionHerrschaftvollständigMeeresküstesich scheiden lassen

Vocabulary 2021-03-08

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. turned pale
  2. not necessary; dispensable
  3. rough; coarse; harsh
  4. to harass; to surround
  5. harsh sounding
  6. extremely thin; wasted away
  7. basic
  8. to regret
  9. to undermine; to corrupt
  10. to make right, correct
  11. (v.) to give way to superior force, yield
  12. unable to be calmed down or made peaceful
  13. look or gaze in an unpleasant or malicious way
  14. anger as a result of something unjust
  15. suffocating; oppressively close
  16. when two or more objects share the same center point
  17. public treasury
  18. Lacking good manners
  19. (adj.) habitually silent or quiet, inclined to talk very little
  20. prevent or hinder the progress of
  21. deceitful
  22. come together and form one mass or whole
  23. to be slow in leaving or going away
  24. existing in great numbers
  1. having a pleasant and friendly disposition
  2. practical
  3. absence of government
  4. too fussy or picky
  5. deprived of; made unhappy through a loss
  6. To persuade or urge in a gentle way
  7. very enthusiastically or passionately
  8. violent ripping apart
  9. easily irritated or annoyed
  10. dull; monotonous; bland
  11. abruptly; steeply
  12. A false claim or show
  13. the act of conquering or bringing under control; enslavement
  14. obligated loyalty or faithfulness
  15. grimly mocking or cynical
  16. Rhythmic rise and fall
  17. expanding or growing rapidly
  18. ridicule
  19. likely
  20. bold, impudent behavior
  21. (n.) the act of restoring someone or something to the rightful owner or to a former state or position; making good on a loss or damage
  22. hard to do, requiring much effort
  23. soil composed of a mixture of sand, clay, silt, and organic matter
  24. (adj.) clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving
  25. ridiculing, mocking
  26. falling apart or ruined, run-down
  27. (adj.) overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling
  28. carefree; dashing; jaunty
  29. impressively great in size, force, or extent
  30. praise or flattery that is excessive
  31. different
  32. blocked; obstructed

56 Clues: basiclikelyridiculepracticalto regretdifferentdeceitfulturned paleharsh soundingpublic treasuryabruptly; steeplytoo fussy or pickyridiculing, mockingblocked; obstructedrough; coarse; harshLacking good mannersabsence of governmentviolent ripping apartA false claim or showto harass; to surroundto make right, correctRhythmic rise and fall...

Vocabulary 2021-03-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The Mona Lisa is a very famous __ .
  2. He __ goes to bed at 9:30 P.M.
  3. Children wear __ for Halloween.
  4. Some Native Americans lived in a __.
  5. My friends and I are __ at the bake sale today.
  6. Native Americans used many animals in their art. This __ animals were very important to them.
  7. You can __ old clothes instead of throwing them away.
  8. Cats run away from dogs by __ .
  9. He rides his __ to school.
  10. The Chinese flag is an important symbol in China.
  11. It is important to wear a __ when you ride a bicycle.
  1. Some animals can also use a __ to get food.
  2. She has a very good __ for studying.
  3. Drinking water __ people's health.
  4. His grandmother made a beautiful __ from different materials.
  5. The police could not find any __ that he committed the crime.
  6. Jane Goodall was a __ who helped chimpanzees.
  7. Scientists think of a __ and then do experiments to try and prove it is true.
  8. Some Native Americans wore a __ in the winter to stay warm.
  9. Scientists work in a __ .
  10. Children wear a __ on Halloween.

21 Clues: Scientists work in a __ .He rides his __ to school.He __ goes to bed at 9:30 P.M.Children wear __ for Halloween.Cats run away from dogs by __ .Children wear a __ on Halloween.Drinking water __ people's health.The Mona Lisa is a very famous __ .She has a very good __ for studying.Some Native Americans lived in a __....

Vocabulary 2021-03-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Teachers __ the students' homework.
  2. Many parts of the Great Wall of China were __ recently.
  3. They are going to have the marriage anniversary __ tomorrow.
  4. My parents __ me when I do something well.
  5. The thief thought of a cunning __ to steal the diamonds.
  6. This movie is a remake, the __ was made many years ago.
  7. My __ is to get a perfect score on the quiz.
  8. I am not __ about you. I'm sure you will do well on the quiz.
  9. My mom is a very good __. She plants many flowers.
  10. What is the __ of the experiment?
  11. The squirrel __ up the tree to get away from the fox.
  1. I __ this water too quickly. It made me cough.
  2. When students talk in class, it affects everyone Mr. Robert does not start the class until __ is quiet.
  3. Many people use face creams to __ their youthful appearance.
  4. It is important to __ bad habits when you are young.
  5. Some students do not see the __ of studying, but it is very important.
  6. Never trust someone whose words are only meant to __ you.
  7. Being __ is very important. When you are older you will need to solve many different kinds of problems.
  8. I planted a __ in my garden, it grew into a pepper.
  9. This location will be the __ of a new building.
  10. The old building is covered in long __ .
  11. Can you please give me some __, I don't know what to do.
  12. __ all around the world are trying to protect the environment by recycling.
  13. Which __ designed the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai.
  14. Some people believe that the __ of a tree are the tree's brain.

25 Clues: What is the __ of the experiment?Teachers __ the students' homework.The old building is covered in long __ .My parents __ me when I do something well.My __ is to get a perfect score on the quiz.I __ this water too quickly. It made me cough.This location will be the __ of a new building.My mom is a very good __. She plants many flowers....

VOCABULARY 2021-03-06

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. table
  2. three
  3. tiger
  4. ten
  5. dog
  6. home
  7. chair
  8. light
  9. calf
  10. six
  11. four
  12. eight
  1. cow
  2. door
  3. nine
  4. tree
  5. one
  6. two
  7. farm
  8. garden
  9. house
  10. seven
  11. lion
  12. lamp
  13. cupboard
  14. cat
  15. five

27 Clues: cowonetwotendogsixcatdoorninetreefarmhomelionlampcalffourfivetablethreetigerhousechairsevenlighteightgardencupboard

vocabulary 2021-03-10

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. organic matter builds up
  2. a community of living things
  3. organism that eats other organisms
  4. movement of water
  5. broad leaf
  6. can be used to trace flow of energy
  7. is a partly closed body of water
  8. gets food by breaking down dead things
  9. a place where the climate depends on the animals
  10. a place an organism lives within a ecosystem
  11. area of land that is saturated
  12. the feeding relationships
  13. uses energy to make its food
  14. biome with grassy field
  15. eats both plants and meat
  16. movement of nitrogen
  1. ability to cause change
  2. anything with mass
  3. a push or pull
  4. has low average temp
  5. the 1st ones in that area
  6. is an event that changes an ecosystem
  7. when energy changes
  8. of conservation of mass mass cant be created or destroyed
  9. eats meat
  10. trees with evergreen needles
  11. the slow development of change of a community
  12. of conservation of energy states energy can't be created or destroyed
  13. eats plants
  14. transfer of energy
  15. the path of energy transferred through producers and consumers
  16. biomes very dry
  17. the variation of a species within a area

33 Clues: eats meatbroad leafeats plantsa push or pullbiomes very drymovement of wateranything with masstransfer of energywhen energy changeshas low average tempmovement of nitrogenability to cause changebiome with grassy fieldorganic matter builds upthe 1st ones in that areathe feeding relationshipseats both plants and meata community of living things...