vocabulary Crossword Puzzles

Vocabulary 2022-05-24

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. looking exhausted and unwell
  2. stare openly in a stupid or rude manner
  3. selflessness
  4. complementary medicine
  5. - organų nepakankamumas
  6. having only one purpose, goal, or interest : focused on one thing.
  7. difficulty
  8. minor pains and discomforts, typically in the muscles.
  9. overcome
  10. submit
  11. something from other country
  12. the action of staying away from school without good reason
  13. punishment for breaking the law
  14. - the exchange we engage in when seeking self-satisfaction
  15. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
  16. exams - an examination taken as practice before an official examination
  17. the state of being grossly fat or overweight.
  1. gathering
  2. paying close attention to something
  3. - usual medicine
  4. taking place or progressing slowly or by degrees.
  5. many, several
  6. in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city
  7. reach, succed
  8. the charge or fee for instruction, as at a private school or a college or university
  9. junior school
  10. the quality of being clever, original, and inventive.
  11. short, lack of something, little
  12. mental disorder,a morbid tendency to repeat the same action

29 Clues: submitovercomegatheringdifficultyselflessnessmany, severalreach, succedjunior school- usual medicinecomplementary medicine- organų nepakankamumaslooking exhausted and unwellsomething from other countrypunishment for breaking the lawshort, lack of something, littlepaying close attention to somethingstare openly in a stupid or rude manner...

vocabulary 2022-06-20

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. rarement
  2. aller au cinéma
  3. prendre un bain
  4. souvent
  5. faire mes devoirs
  6. d'ahbitude
  7. prendre une douche
  8. aller sur internet
  9. s'habiller
  10. promener le chien
  11. aller au lit
  12. écouter de la musique
  13. lire
  1. jamais
  2. me brosser les dents
  3. le repas de midi
  4. jouer aux jeux vidéos
  5. se réveiller
  6. se détendre
  7. aller à l'école
  8. se lever
  9. le petit déjeuner
  10. le repas du soir
  11. manger
  12. parfois
  13. toujours
  14. faire des courses
  15. regarder la télé
  16. boire

29 Clues: lireboirejamaismangersouventparfoisrarementse levertoujoursd'ahbitudes'habillerse détendrese réveilleraller au litaller à l'écolealler au cinémaprendre un bainle repas de midile repas du soirregarder la téléle petit déjeunerfaire mes devoirspromener le chienfaire des coursesprendre une douchealler sur internetme brosser les dents...

vocabulary 2022-06-20

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind
  2. a stanza in a poem that has exactly four lines
  3. of sound between words or the endings of words
  4. a poem expressing the writers emotions
  5. 2 consecutive lines that rhyme
  6. use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities
  7. regularly recurring phrase or verse especially at the end of each stanza or division of a poem or song
  8. A word or phrase applied to a object or action
  9. the ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of the lines of a poem or verse
  10. attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman
  11. visually descriptive or figurative language
  1. a formation word from a sound
  2. the verse of 3 long and 2 short lines rhyming
  3. strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound
  4. the expression of ones meaning using normal language
  5. poetry that does not rhyme
  6. exaggerated statments or claims not meant to be taken literally
  7. group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse
  8. is when a single word or phrase is used multiple times
  9. repition of letter sounds at the begining of words
  10. figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction
  11. a spoken or written account connected to a event or story
  12. a japanese poem of 17 syllambles in 3 to 5 lines

23 Clues: poetry that does not rhymea formation word from a sound2 consecutive lines that rhymea poem expressing the writers emotionsvisually descriptive or figurative languagethe verse of 3 long and 2 short lines rhyminga stanza in a poem that has exactly four linesof sound between words or the endings of wordsuse of symbols to represent ideas or qualities...

Vocabulary 2022-06-03

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. happened a short time ago
  2. a small lump thats wet and soft
  3. do what you are told
  4. very enjoyable and nice
  5. newly made, not rotten, unused
  6. become less
  7. be thankful for something
  8. protect or save something from being wasted
  9. sad
  10. to cure or help someone who is sick
  11. not do what you are told
  1. give something
  2. very important to you or worth a lot of money
  3. scream loudly
  4. not easy, has many steps
  5. get bigger and swell out
  6. weak crying noises
  7. drop or fall heavily
  8. something one of a kind
  9. needing lots of energy, effort, strength
  10. a choice to have or do
  11. tell someone good job or your happy for them
  12. very very happy

23 Clues: sadbecome lessscream loudlygive somethingvery very happyweak crying noisesdo what you are tolddrop or fall heavilya choice to have or dovery enjoyable and nicesomething one of a kindnot easy, has many stepsget bigger and swell outnot do what you are toldhappened a short time agobe thankful for somethingnewly made, not rotten, unused...

Vocabulary 2022-06-13

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. een korte uitroep, vaak met ellips. Vb. Wat een tijden, wat een zede ! (maakt meer indruk dan te zeggen dat het slechte tijden zijn.)
  2. een concrete, gedetailleerde beschrijving van personen of zaken; de beschrijving kan ook gebeuren aan de hand van een illustratie of een voorbeeld. Vb. Een computer is niet meer dan een door de mens uitgevonden, hersenloze machine, die door de mens gemaakte programma's snel, krachtig en foutloos kan uitvoeren.
  3. Consequente herhaling van een voegwoord in een reeks van minstens drie woorden, zinnen. Vb. Caesar was veldheer en redenaar en schrijver en politicus en rokkenjager.
  4. bewust kwetsend of grof taalgebruik (het tegengestelde van eufemisme) Vb. Ik heb die twee klootzakken en hun teven in elkaar geramd.
  5. overeenkomst tussen twee opeenvolgende teksteenheden doordat equivalente woorden in de beide constructies eenzelfde positie innemen. Het wordt beschouwd als een 'onvolledige herhaling', waarbij de identiteit én het verschil van de aldus geplaatste tekstelementen worden beklemtoond. Vb. De vingers aan je hand, de bladeren van een plant.
  6. betekenisvolle stilte om de draagkracht van het gezegde tot de luisteraar te laten doordringen. In een tekst kan een retorische stilte worden weergegeven door het gebruik van het beletselteken of het nemen van een nieuwe alinea. Vb. Of ik morgen overhoring geef? Wie weet..
  7. het herhalen van eendezelfde woord(groep) aan het begin van twee of meer opeenvolgende zinsdelen om meer nadruk te leggen. Vb. niemand kent u, niemand gelooft u, niemand vertrouwt u.
  8. de spreker kondigt uitdrukkelijk aan dat hij iets niet zal bespreken, maar vernoemt het daardoor juist wel. Deze stijlfiguur heeft een dubbel effect: enerzijds verstigt ze de aandacht op een zogezegd te verwaarlozen onderwerp en anderzijds wordt het slecht terzijde vermelde onderwerp beklemtoond. Vb. (bij een oudercontact)... en dan zwijg ik nog over het irritante gedrag van uw dochter tijdens de lessen biologie en scheikunde.
  9. het geven van het antwoord op een zelfgestelde vraag aan een toehoorder of tegenstander. Vb. Zag niemand dan wat er gebeurde? Tuurlijk wel ! iedereen zag het !
  10. het vaak met zachte dwang aansporen van de luisteraar tot het ondernemen van een actie of het innemen van een bepaald standpunt. Vb. Ga niet bij de pakken neerzitten ! Het is tijd voor actie!
  11. Een geciteerd voorbeeld, vaak met als bronvermelding een persoon die of een instituut dat een zeker gezag heeft, waarmee een argument wordt ondersteund. Is vaak een erg krachtig retorisch middel. Vb. Een onderzoek uit 2006 toonde dit aan: professoren aan de universiteit van Berlijn stelden vast dat er geen enkele correlatie bestaat tussen het veelvuldig beluisteren van klassieke muziek als kind en wiskundig inzicht op latere leeftijd.
  12. een schijnbare tegenstelling. De uitspraak bevat op het eerste gezicht een tegenspraak, maar na nader onderzoek ontdekt men een dieperliggende waarheid die de tegengestelde componenten met elkaar verzoent. Vb. Als ik wakker word naast jou, dan droom ik nog. / Je kunt de stilte horen. / Strijden voor de vrede.
  13. de opstelling van woorden, woordgroepen en zinnen in stijgende lijn, wat betekenis of lengte betreft. Vb. Ga, loop, vlieg !
  14. de spreker of schrijver richt het woord rechtsreeks tot een of meer personen, terwijl die niet aanwezig zijn. Vb. Maar, meneer de minister, is dat werkelijk de koers die u wil hanteren?
  15. combinatie van twee of meer in wezen tegenstrijdige begrippen (beknopte paradox) Bv. deze levende dood / de stilte was oorverdovend
  16. een door te frequent gebruik versleten beeld, wending of idee. Het is voorspelbaar, niet origineel. Vb. Zo groen als gras
  17. het zonder voegwoorden naast elkaar plaatsen van woorden, zinsdelen of zinnen. Deze stijlfiguur is oa nuttig om tegenstellingen aan te scherpen. Vb. Niet ik, hij heeft het gedaan.
  18. de spreken stelt een vraag waarop niet moet geantwoord worden. hij druk zekerheid of verontwaardiging uit. Vb. Hoe lang nog, Catilina, zul jij ons geduld op de proef stellen?
  1. het ene woord wordt door een ander vervangen op grond van een betekenisrelatie, maar niet op basis van vergelijking. Er zijn verschillende vormen van mogelijk: 1. Deel voor het geheel: welkom onder mijn dak, ipv huis (pars pro toto), 2. Geheel voor een deel: het huis stortte in, ipv het dak (totum pro parte), 3. de maker ipv het gemaakte: Hij ligt in de armen van Morfeus (god van de slaap), 4. de oorzaak voor het gevolg: het heeft zijn tong verloren ipv zijn spraak, 5. enkelvoud ipv meervoud: de hedendaagse vrouw is geëmancipeerd, 6. De plaats ipv de bewoners: Parijs is in opstand.
  2. een begrip wordt omschreven door het tegendeel te ontkennen Vb. Martine is inderdaad niet lelijk.
  3. een overeenkomst of gelijkaardigheid; als verschillende analoge feiten naast elkaar worden geplaatst, kunnen ze de grondslag vormen van een redenering. Vb. Wie als Erasmusstudent naar het buitenland trekt, moet vaak een nieuwe taal leren. Dat is als een nieuwe gsm kopen of een nieuw computerprogramma onder de knie krijgen: in het begin even wennen, maar na een tijdje de gewoonste zaak van de wereld.
  4. het samenplaatsen van woorden met een overeenkomstige betekenis om een bepaald effect te bereiken (nadruk, bezwering enzo) Vb. er was geen licht, geen vuur, geen water, geen lucht.
  5. Sterke overdrijving Vb. Een oceaan van tranen / Ik wacht hier al een eeuw.
  6. veralgemening. Uit enkele specifieke, sprekende voorbeelden wordt een veralgemenende conclusie getrokken. Veralgemeningen worden vaak gebruikt als retorisch stijlmiddel, maar zijn vaak onjuist of niet logisch te staven. Vb. De terreuraanslagen van 11 september hebben duidelijk aangetoond dat vliegen niet langer veilig is.
  7. Het weglaten van vanzelfsprekende woorden Vb. Hij (was) blij.
  8. betekenisoverdracht tussen twee termen. Het kan gezien worden als een vergelijking waaruit het vergelijkend woord (als, zoals, gelijk aan) weggelaten is. Vb. Mijn geliefde is (als) een engel.
  9. een vorm van ironie die gebaseerd is op het contrast tussen de bedoelde werkelijkheid en de verwoording ervan. Het effect wordt bereikt door een afzwakking of verkleining. Vb. een bescheiden optrekje (voor een riant landhuis)
  10. tegengestelde woorden of begrippen die met elkaar verbonden worden. Vb. Dood of leven, goed of slecht.
  11. kruisstelling, stijlfiguur waarbij twee paren van woorden in kruis gesteld worden. Vb. In vredestijd vraag je om oorlog, in oorlog verlang je naar vrede
  12. heilwens of lofprijzing bij het begin van een redevoering met de bedoeling de aangesprokene gunstig te stemmen. Vb. Beste kameraden, het is een eer en een genoegen na zovele jaren weer in uw midden te zijn.
  13. Omschrijving van iets onaangenaams in bedekte termen. Vb. Heengaan, sterven / proletarisch winkelen, stelen
  14. een woord of zinswending wordt bewust ongewijzigd herhaald. Dit kan gedaan worden om dat zinsdeel bijzondere nadruk te geven of om het in een veranderende context een andere betekenis te geven. Vb. Dag na dag na dag blijven wij dit onrecht accepteren?
  15. men zegt het tegengestelde van wat men in werkelijkheid bedoelt. Vb. Morgen hebben we examen wiskunde, mijn geluk kan niet op !
  16. bewuste navolging van stijl (woorden, zinnen) die in een vroegere taalperiode thuishoren. Ze hebben meestal een plechtstatige effect, maar kunnen daardoor vaak met ironische bedoelingen gebruikt worden. Vb. Wist je dat er van Pamela een vrij onthullende lichtdruk (foto) in een bepaald herenblad verschenen is?
  17. een reeks vragen, veelal gericht aan het adres van een of meerdere specifieke personen, volgen elkaar in snel tempo op. Die vragen kunnen retorisch zijn, maar zijn veelal concreet. Vb. Wat is er precies gebeurd? Wie heeft dat toegelaten? Wie was verantwoordelijk?
  18. een nieuw woord in een taal. Men kan dat hoofdzakelijk gebruiken om esthetische of expressieve redenen. Verder kan men eveneens een humoristische of origineel effect mee beogen. Vb. de kans op vogelgriep heeft ons maandenlang opgezadeld met ophokplicht / is het waar dat jongeren al te lang gepamperd worden?

36 Clues: Het weglaten van vanzelfsprekende woorden Vb. Hij (was) blij.Sterke overdrijving Vb. Een oceaan van tranen / Ik wacht hier al een eeuw.een begrip wordt omschreven door het tegendeel te ontkennen Vb. Martine is inderdaad niet lelijk.tegengestelde woorden of begrippen die met elkaar verbonden worden. Vb. Dood of leven, goed of slecht....

Vocabulary 2022-06-13

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Something that is easy to remember
  2. Doing more than one thing at the same time
  3. A positive thing, a privilege
  4. Wordlwide sports events
  5. Unable to stop doing something
  6. Major holiday in many parts of the world
  7. Famous person
  8. Reason for doing something
  9. To change people's way of thinking or acting
  10. To make less
  11. Not cheap
  12. A place where you can borrow books
  13. Talking about private details about someone's life
  14. Leader of a country or a company
  1. Peaceful, not stressful
  2. Not optional
  3. People born and living within a certain period of time
  4. Where people vote on new leaders
  5. Where some students study after high school
  6. Not in person, but instead over the Internet
  7. Cars and trains are examples
  8. The lowest possible
  9. Can speak or write easily
  10. The area around where you live
  11. Good for the body
  12. Giving some extra money for good service
  13. Singing to music with the lyrics removed
  14. A kind of shop where you can buy used things

28 Clues: Not cheapNot optionalTo make lessFamous personGood for the bodyThe lowest possiblePeaceful, not stressfulWordlwide sports eventsCan speak or write easilyReason for doing somethingCars and trains are examplesA positive thing, a privilegeUnable to stop doing somethingThe area around where you liveWhere people vote on new leaders...

vocabulary 2022-06-14

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. - to deal with things sensibly and realistically
  2. - appear to be true,but not necessary so
  3. a person who loves reading books
  4. - a false show or pretense
  5. a forceful, passionate, or intense manner; with great feeling.
  6. - something that is Slanting;niether parallel,- nor at right angles to a specific line
  7. - an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something
  8. - the scientific study of language
  9. -to move or make something move lightly and quickly
  10. - to contiue to exist
  11. - he quality of bieng thankful
  1. - to indicate a good chance of success;favorable
  2. a mobile operating system
  3. - to lose or lack vitality;grow weak
  4. -a voilent and needless disturbance
  5. showing or motivated by sympathy
  6. - to show the ability to speak fluently and coherently
  7. - a short sleep or rest that people take in the afternoon
  8. a shape like the moon in its first and last stages
  9. - the knowledge on which to base belief
  10. person or thing that is a perfect example of something
  11. -to be hidden or concealed

22 Clues: a mobile operating system- to contiue to existshowing or motivated by sympathy- a false show or pretense-to be hidden or concealed- the scientific study of language-a voilent and needless disturbance- he quality of bieng thankfula person who loves reading books- the knowledge on which to base belief...

Vocabulary 2022-12-12

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. noun; a mixture of various ingredients or elements
  2. verb; listening secretly to a conversation
  3. noun; self confidence in time of crisis
  4. noun; pieces of scattered broken loose material especially broken rock
  5. adjective; slightly salty, of water, most likely a mixture of river water and seawater in the mouth of a river
  6. noun; a false display of strength or confidence (to deceive)
  7. verb; to move out or away from something to come into view
  8. verb; to make someone feel happy, elated, or animated
  9. noun; the ability to learn or understand something quickly (Ability test in Divergent)
  10. noun; the understood use of a word, not its dictionary definition
  11. adjective; depressing or dreary, disgraceful, terribly bad (has the word for bad in Spanish in it)
  12. adjective; extremely tiring and demanding
  13. adjective; trying to avoid the attention of because of guilt, believing discovery will lead to trouble, being secretive
  14. noun; the location something or someone is going to
  15. overly bad, shocking, disgusting
  16. verb; to start to lose momentum or strength
  17. adjective; clever, crafty, sly
  18. verb; to speak or act in opposition to someone or something else
  1. verb; to absorb/attract all the attention of something
  2. verb; make a doubt, feeling, or belief disappear (release)
  3. verb; to make or become less
  4. adjective; anxious or fearful
  5. noun; the feeling that something or someone is below one's consideration or respect, having contempt
  6. noun; a small piece of smoldering/glowing wood/coal in a dying fire
  7. adjective; demonstrating neat and swift in one's movements
  8. verb; to wave or flourish, probably a weapon, in a threatening way
  9. noun; unguarded resistance to an opposing force or authority
  10. noun; a feeling of intense annoyance or irritation
  11. noun; the distance around a circle
  12. noun; being in a twisted condition or form, bending one's body into unnatural positions for entertainment
  13. adjective; standing out to be seen or to attract attention
  14. noun; a sweet or pleasant smell
  15. noun; opponent or enemy

33 Clues: noun; opponent or enemyverb; to make or become lessadjective; anxious or fearfuladjective; clever, crafty, slynoun; a sweet or pleasant smelloverly bad, shocking, disgustingnoun; the distance around a circlenoun; self confidence in time of crisisadjective; extremely tiring and demandingverb; listening secretly to a conversation...

vocabulary 2022-12-12

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. push or shove
  2. trash
  3. torment
  4. famous
  5. setting
  6. move with great speed
  7. doubting
  8. a ceremonial act
  9. rubble
  10. well-spoken
  1. favorable
  2. to devise clearly
  3. minor
  4. next in line
  5. untidy
  6. important part
  7. false statements
  8. tint
  9. another territory
  10. to condemn
  11. gloomy

21 Clues: tinttrashminoruntidyfamousrubblegloomytormentsettingdoubtingfavorableto condemnwell-spokennext in linepush or shoveimportant partfalse statementsa ceremonial actto devise clearlyanother territorymove with great speed

Vocabulary 2022-12-12

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a group of teams playing a sport who take part in competitions between each other
  2. not joking or intended to be funny
  3. strong and powerful
  4. to feel or show admiration for someone or something that you believe has good ideas or qualities
  5. relating to work that needs special training or education
  6. the act of inviting someone to go to an event
  7. making a very high sound
  8. separate
  9. telling the truth or able to be trusted
  10. to praise someone by expressing pleasure at that person's success or happiness
  1. praise, approval, or honor
  2. a movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling
  3. the power and ability to be physically and mentally active
  4. personality
  5. to show great respect for someone, especially in public
  6. to take part in special enjoyable activities in order to show that a particular occasion is important
  7. hobby
  8. to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you say or do
  9. to tell someone another person's name the first time that they meet
  10. physical activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy
  11. someone who supports an activity or famous person

21 Clues: hobbyseparatepersonalitystrong and powerfulmaking a very high soundpraise, approval, or honornot joking or intended to be funnytelling the truth or able to be trustedthe act of inviting someone to go to an eventsomeone who supports an activity or famous personto show great respect for someone, especially in public...

Vocabulary 2022-12-06

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Definition: A rhetorical term for the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses.
  2. Definition: a sentence containing a series of words or clauses in close succession, linked without the use of conjunctions (replaces conjunctions with commas)
  3. An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.
  4. Definition: A written phrase of words in memory of someone who died. Usually engraved on a tombstone.
  5. Definition: the action of proving a statement or theory to be wrong or false.
  6. Definition: A scene in a movie, novel, television show, etc., that is set in a time period prior to the original time period of the main story.
  7. Definition: Placed in or occupying a lower rank, class, or position, Identifying an idea as less important than others, or Connecting two ideas together to show one is more important.
  8. Definition: Self contradictory statement that results in circular reasoning
  9. language designed to have a persuasive or impressive Definition: effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
  10. Definition: written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical (or rhyming) structure, as distinguished from poetry or verse.
  11. Definition: The author's or speaker’s distinct vocabulary style and sentence structure
  12. Definition: Refers to when a conclusion is drawn from two prepositions that have something in common.
  13. Definition: A short witty sentence that expresses a general truth or a comment
  14. Definition: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
  15. Definition: A contrast between two things that are the opposite of each other or oppose each other.
  16. Definition: A logical fallacy in which the reasoner begins with what theyŕe going to end with.
  17. Definition: The part of a sentence or clause containing a verb and stating something about the subject
  18. Definition: A manner of speaking in an ordinary or familiar way/tone; informal speech.
  19. Definition: highly critical and insulting speech
  20. Definition: a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.
  1. Definition: Figure of speech in which a word is used in two different senses
  2. Definition: A metaphor (which is a comparison in which one subject is applied to the other but not literally) that extends over a course of multiple lines.
  3. Definition: A word or phrase that only a particular professional group of people understand or know.
  4. Definition : a point yielded to an opposing perspective during an argument or acknowledging defeat
  5. Definition: A comparison between 2 things that allows a reader to see a phrase or something in a different light. It is typically argumentative.
  6. Definition: a rhetorical device that consists of repeating a sequence of words at the beginnings of neighboring clause, creating emphasis
  7. Definition: the most intense, exciting, or important point of something; a culmination or apex.
  8. Definition: the formation of a word that resembles a certain sound (e.g. pow, splash, boom)
  9. Definition: Formal writing, speech, or literature that praises someone or something
  10. Definition: Asserts that a proposition is because it has not been proven false
  11. Definition: Intended to teach, particularly in moral instruction as an ulterior motive.
  12. Definition: Words that describe the qualities / states or quantity of nouns
  13. Definition: A figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa.
  14. Definition: A figure of speech where two or a group of words contradict each other
  15. Definition: Obvious and intentional exaggeration. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally / extravagant exaggeration
  16. Denotation: An ________ is a story, poem, or piece of art that use symbols in order to convey or let the reader interpret a hidden meaning, that is usually political or moral.
  17. Definition: a rhetorical or literary figure in which words, grammatical constructions, or concepts are repeated in reverse order, in the same or a modified form
  18. Definition: the implied meaning behind something
  19. a variety of a language which has different pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary than the standard language of the culture.

39 Clues: Definition: highly critical and insulting speechDefinition: the implied meaning behind somethingDefinition: Self contradictory statement that results in circular reasoningDefinition: Words that describe the qualities / states or quantity of nounsDefinition: Figure of speech in which a word is used in two different senses...

Vocabulary 2022-12-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. in a way that arouses or deserves respect
  2. made in a detailed design
  3. the expression of holding of options at variance with those previously
  4. slang
  5. deprive someone or something
  6. set free
  7. a scene of uproar & confusion
  8. being a part of a whole
  9. express severe dissaproval of
  10. offical rules
  11. unable to be taken away
  12. happy
  1. an official pardon
  2. in favor of or against someone or something
  3. suffering from nervousness
  4. make physically stronger
  5. small
  6. yielding to the authority of another
  7. showing great attention to detail
  8. a final demand
  9. a person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable
  10. a habitual gesture or way of speaking, behaving.
  11. mercy
  12. Not having
  13. a feeling that makes one unable to relax
  14. a written statement
  15. introduction to something more important
  16. exist in large numbers or amounts
  17. a crack split
  18. required by law or rules, compulsitory

30 Clues: smallslangmercyhappyset freeNot havingoffical rulesa crack splita final demandan official pardona written statementbeing a part of a wholeunable to be taken awaymake physically strongermade in a detailed designsuffering from nervousnessdeprive someone or somethinga scene of uproar & confusionexpress severe dissaproval of...

Vocabulary 2022-09-29

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Vrecko
  2. Miestny
  3. Jedovatý
  4. Záhradník
  5. Jeseň
  6. Pohovor
  7. Polnoc
  8. Kengura
  9. Mlieko
  10. Cesta
  11. Dáždnik
  12. Kvety
  13. Tanier
  14. Február
  15. Cestujúci
  16. Jahňa
  1. Nezvyčajný
  2. Rozbaliť
  3. Svadba
  4. Dedina
  5. Starší
  6. Precvičovať
  7. Veverička
  8. Parlament
  9. Pamäť
  10. Trúbka
  11. Čašník
  12. Zvyčajne
  13. Diaľkový autobus
  14. Cesta
  15. Čerstvý
  16. Ťava
  17. Rozbiť
  18. Poštár

34 Clues: ŤavaJeseňPamäťCestaCestaKvetyJahňaSvadbaDedinaVreckoStaršíPolnocMliekoTrúbkaČašníkTanierRozbiťPoštárMiestnyPohovorKenguraDáždnikČerstvýFebruárRozbaliťJedovatýZvyčajneVeveričkaZáhradníkParlamentCestujúciNezvyčajnýPrecvičovaťDiaľkový autobus

Vocabulary 2022-09-29

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to go away from
  2. marked by lots of bloodshed
  3. a disease for plants that makes them wither
  4. a difficult puzzle with many paths
  5. clarity and accuracy
  6. to cause something
  7. to pay back
  8. an idle wanderer
  9. very rough and noisy
  1. to preserve
  2. a list of whats going to happen
  3. extra space
  4. a first public appearance
  5. willing to do what someone wants
  6. flexible
  7. someone or something that can predict the future
  8. friendly and mostly good nature
  9. a strong supporter
  10. to confuse
  11. Coarse or vulgar

20 Clues: flexibleto confuseto preserveextra spaceto pay backto go away fromCoarse or vulgaran idle wanderera strong supporterto cause somethingclarity and accuracyvery rough and noisya first public appearancemarked by lots of bloodsheda list of whats going to happenfriendly and mostly good naturewilling to do what someone wants...

Vocabulary 2022-09-27

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. uncle
  2. wife
  3. husband
  4. grandpa
  5. good morning
  6. brother
  7. good afternoon
  8. cousin
  9. drandma
  10. grandson
  11. niece
  12. mother
  13. granddaughter
  1. how are you
  2. see you tomorrow
  3. nice to meet you
  4. sister
  5. aunt
  6. good evening
  7. bye
  8. nehpew
  9. son
  10. father
  11. daughter

24 Clues: byesonwifeauntuncleniecesisternehpewcousinfathermotherhusbandgrandpabrotherdrandmagrandsondaughterhow are yougood eveninggood morninggranddaughtergood afternoonsee you tomorrownice to meet you

Vocabulary 2022-09-30

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. She's the one w called you.
  2. You have to be b to sing on Superstar.
  3. Of course I read his message i
  4. The song (Perfect) is sung b Ed Shee
  5. I'm sorry, he said when he e the shop.
  6. I had my favourite m last night. Pizza!
  7. He was wearing h and listening to music
  8. They organised a concert for the v of the accident.
  9. the sun is strong, wear s.
  10. D what happens next
  11. Wafter The police stopped the show after onlz 42 minutes
  12. There were c about the noise from neighbours.
  13. You've lost my mobile phone? How careless of you!
  14. D some money to support our organisation.
  15. We bring this programme d.
  16. The plane had 200 p.
  17. She became the victim of a shark attack.
  18. One reached numer one in many countries, i Germany, Spain and Canada.
  1. The w were very high in the storm last night.
  2. Let me pay the b.
  3. She didn't n that the door was open.
  4. M you'll win.
  5. Let me finish. Please don't i.
  6. I like songs with a good t.
  7. The highest d this evening was $ 10,000.
  8. I lost my s at the airport.
  9. Many people wanted to j the organisation.
  10. Five m of the crew were asleep.
  11. My wallet is gone! What s I do?
  12. It's a c they crashed into each other's car.
  13. The Rolling Stones had lots of f songs
  14. That story is i.
  15. They have always been a very s band.
  16. I want to write an article to s her.
  17. She has a h over her shoulder.
  18. Make sure you d the telephon number correctly.

36 Clues: M you'll win.That story is i.Let me pay the b.D what happens nextThe plane had 200 p.the sun is strong, wear s.We bring this programme d.She's the one w called you.I like songs with a good t.I lost my s at the airport.Of course I read his message iLet me finish. Please don't i.She has a h over her shoulder.Five m of the crew were asleep....

Vocabulary 2022-09-30

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Wafter The police stopped the show after onlz 42 minutes
  2. We bring this programme d.
  3. This song has a great m.
  4. Make sure you d the telephon number correctly.
  5. D some money to support our organisation.
  6. You've lost my mobile phone? How careless of you!
  7. I want to write an article to s her.
  8. The plane had 200 p.
  9. She didn't n that the door was open.
  10. I like songs with a good tune. I don't care about the l.
  11. The song (Perfect) is sung b Ed Sheeran.
  12. The Rolling Stones had lots of f songs
  13. She's the one w called you.
  14. One reached numer one in many countries, i Germany, Spain and Canada.
  15. M you'll win.
  16. The w were very high in the storm last night.
  17. That story is i.
  18. Let me pay the b.
  19. D what happens next
  20. The highest d this evening was $ 10,000.
  21. Five m of the crew were asleep.
  22. She became the victim of a shark attack.
  1. There were c about the noise from neighbours.
  2. I had my favourite m last night. Pizza!
  3. My wallet is gone! What s I do?
  4. I lost my s at the airport.
  5. He was wearing h and listening to music
  6. Many people wanted to j the organisation.
  7. Of course I read his message i
  8. the sun is strong, wear s.
  9. I like songs with a good t.
  10. They have always been a very s band.
  11. Some say their first r was the best.
  12. I think it looks a.
  13. It's a c they crashed into each other's car.
  14. I'm sorry, I a. You're not our next Superstar.
  15. I'm sorry, he said when he e the shop.
  16. Let me finish. Please don't i.
  17. You have to be b to sing on Superstar.
  18. They organised a concert for the v of the accident.
  19. She has a h over her shoulder.

41 Clues: M you'll win.That story is i.Let me pay the b.I think it looks a.D what happens nextThe plane had 200 p.This song has a great m.We bring this programme d.the sun is strong, wear s.I lost my s at the airport.I like songs with a good t.She's the one w called you.Of course I read his message iLet me finish. Please don't i....

Vocabulary 2022-10-12

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A violent slave uprising in 1831.
  2. A change in the way Americans made, bought, and sold goods.
  3. development of industry.
  4. Invented by Eli Whitney, separates cotton from seeds, led to an increase in the use of slave labor.
  5. An ongoing effort over many decades to increase production by using machines.
  6. An 1835 uprising of the Seminoles, led by Osceola against the United States. Won by the U.S.
  7. Parts that are exactly alike, and can be easily replaced.
  8. A practice where the winner of an election chose who would fill government jobs, regardless of qualifications.
  9. The powers neither given to the federal government nor
  10. Told the rest of the world to stay out of all affairs in the western hemisphere.
  11. A piece of paper that the bank issues to their customers.
  12. A Supreme Court Case where the court ruled that states cannot interfere with private contracts.
  13. The use of machinery to make goods.
  14. A 116 day forced march of the Cherokee people to the Indian territory. 1 out of every 4 Cherokees died.
  15. distinct region of the country.
  16. Money that a business spends in hopes of a future gain.
  17. A Supreme Court case where the court ruled that the powers of the Federal government went beyond those spelled out in the Constitution.
  18. a work stoppage.
  19. The practice of rewarding political backers with government jobs.
  1. An organization of workers formed to protect the interests of its members.
  2. A license from the government giving an inventor the sole right to make, use, and sell an invention for a certain period of time.
  3. An economic system in which companies compete for profits.
  4. A system in which each worker performs just one part of an entire production process.
  5. to the states.
  6. To withdraw
  7. An 1830 law giving the President authority to move Native tribes from the homeland to territories in the west.
  8. areas made up of farms and countryside.
  9. cities.
  10. A single factory where all tasks involved in making a product are carried out.
  11. of 1828 A heavy tax on imported manufactured goods, designed to
  12. A war between natives, led by Black Hawk, and the U.S. in Illinois. Won by the U.S.
  13. American business.
  14. A band of states stretching from South Carolina to Texas.
  15. A plan to make America economically independent.
  16. crowded apartments with poor standards of sanitation.
  17. The Supreme Court case where the court ruled that states could not interfere with the Federal government’s regulation of interstate commerce.
  18. To reject.

37 Clues: cities.To reject.To withdrawto the states.a work stoppage.American business.development of industry.distinct region of the country.A violent slave uprising in 1831.The use of machinery to make goods.areas made up of farms and countryside.A plan to make America economically independent.crowded apartments with poor standards of sanitation....

vocabulary 2022-10-11

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a character or force against which another character struggles
  2. When a character says something to the audience that isn’t heard by the other characters
  3. the play wright's instructions to the actors
  4. the invisible division between the characters and the audience
  5. an introductory speech that introduces background information or characters
  6. A character's main drive or purpose
  7. A subdivision of an act – one event or conversation
  8. A conversation between two or more characters
  9. A group of characters (esp. in a Greek tragedy) who act like narrators and comment on the action without participating
  10. The main chararcter in the literary work-the one we "root for"
  11. A secondary character whose situation parallels the main character’s
  12. A type of drama in which characters experience a reversal in fortune, usually for the worse a type of drama in which
  1. The major division in a play;can be divided into scenes
  2. A character who undergoes little to no inner change
  3. This person undergoes an important change or development during the play
  4. the events in the play
  5. A dramatic work in which the main theme is triumph over adverse circumstances
  6. lines spoken by only one character
  7. the arrogant pride in a character that will ultimately lead to his/her downfall
  8. A type of drama in which characters experience a reversalin fortune, usually for the worse
  9. A secondary character whose situation parallels the main
  10. A parallel or smaller plot that coexists with the main action of the play

22 Clues: the events in the playlines spoken by only one characterA character's main drive or purposethe play wright's instructions to the actorsA conversation between two or more charactersA character who undergoes little to no inner changeA subdivision of an act – one event or conversationThe major division in a play;can be divided into scenes...

vocabulary 2022-11-18

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Wilt
  2. Bragg
  3. Wise
  4. Not real
  5. Field of Knowledge
  6. Anger
  7. Different
  8. Ambush
  9. Puzzling
  1. Rapid
  2. Occupation
  3. Push to goal
  4. No War
  5. No to this
  6. Biast
  7. The whole world
  8. Line
  9. Appoint
  10. Promise
  11. Bring to an end

20 Clues: WiltLineWiseRapidBiastBraggAngerNo WarAmbushAppointPromiseNot realPuzzlingDifferentOccupationNo to thisPush to goalThe whole worldBring to an endField of Knowledge

Vocabulary 2022-12-02

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. works in an office
  2. you wear this in the winter
  3. you use this to tell time
  4. the season with snow
  5. the color of a banana
  6. you wear these in summer
  7. how you feel when you watch a horror movie
  8. Sunset Park school color
  9. the weather when there are no clouds
  10. a little bit angry
  1. the place students eat lunch
  2. the current month
  3. a room in a school for books
  4. you use this when you make a mistake
  5. you use this to cut paper
  6. sharpener when your pencil is flat
  7. the weather you don't want
  8. question word for a person
  9. works on the first floor at SPHS
  10. a question word when their is more than one
  11. nine times ten
  12. eight plus ten

22 Clues: nine times teneight plus tenthe current monthworks in an officea little bit angrythe season with snowthe color of a bananayou wear these in summerSunset Park school coloryou use this to cut paperyou use this to tell timethe weather you don't wantquestion word for a personyou wear this in the winterthe place students eat lunch...

vocabulary 2022-10-14

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. responsavel
  2. problemas com peso
  3. intolerante
  4. irresponsavel
  5. liberdade
  6. isolamento
  7. interessado
  8. impulsivo
  9. aventuroso
  10. money mesada
  11. diferença de geração
  12. aceitação social
  13. temperamental
  1. inseguro, inibido
  2. imagem do corpo
  3. rebelde
  4. moda
  5. talentoso
  6. inseguro
  7. rebelião
  8. coração aberto
  9. escola
  10. inteligente
  11. mente aberta
  12. bullying
  13. pressure pressão dos amigos
  14. corajoso
  15. mudança de humor
  16. indisposto
  17. energetico

30 Clues: modaescolarebeldeinsegurorebeliãobullyingcorajosotalentosoliberdadeimpulsivoisolamentoaventurosoindispostoenergeticoresponsavelintoleranteinteligenteinteressadomente abertamoney mesadairresponsaveltemperamentalcoração abertoimagem do corpomudança de humoraceitação socialinseguro, inibidoproblemas com pesodiferença de geração...

Vocabulary 2022-10-13

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. when i work all day i feel ____
  2. i ____ in touch with my friend
  3. i______ to my mom in buy me a car
  4. twitter its my favorite ___
  5. the instagram ___ its a camera
  6. in a argue i ___ my opinion
  7. i recive a ____ from my friend
  8. safari its a ___
  9. when i finish my ___ im gonna be a lawyer
  10. The elefants are
  11. the career is ___ for work
  12. the climate of antartic is
  1. its ____ to learn new languages
  2. my friend ___ me a joke the another day
  3. my ___ fall and now its broken
  4. my ____ is @jorgeperez09 in facebook
  5. i forget my ____ so i have to change
  6. i ___ three lenguage
  7. the pizza is
  8. when you are really mad
  9. the shoes of my baby are
  10. my mom ___ a new shoes
  11. the trate of the waiter was
  12. when i desagree with someone i ___
  13. my child is ____ in the school

25 Clues: the pizza issafari its a ___The elefants arei ___ three lenguagemy mom ___ a new shoeswhen you are really madthe shoes of my baby arethe career is ___ for workthe climate of antartic istwitter its my favorite ___in a argue i ___ my opinionthe trate of the waiter wasmy ___ fall and now its brokeni ____ in touch with my friend...

vocabulary 2022-10-18

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. being destroyed, damaged or ruined
  2. rude; cranky; ill-tempered
  3. supply sparingly and with restricted quantities
  4. showing deep-seated resentment
  5. a flamboyant deceiver; one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
  6. (prep) or (adv.) that expresses movement of something
  7. a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions
  8. of heaven or the spirit
  9. in addition to or more.
  10. feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious
  1. a shackle for the ankles or feet
  2. showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings
  3. eager to surpass others
  4. the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary
  5. turn pale, as if in fear
  6. rest; tranquility; relaxation Mitigate lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  7. be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity
  8. a period of rest or relief
  9. to treat with contemptuous disregard
  10. lot lot lots or many of something
  11. accorded a great deal of respect especially because of age, wisdom or character
  12. most unfortunate or miserable
  13. a number.
  14. to appropriate for a special purpose, or to divide or distribute something

24 Clues: a number.eager to surpass othersof heaven or the spiritin addition to or more.turn pale, as if in fearrude; cranky; ill-tempereda period of rest or reliefmost unfortunate or miserableshowing deep-seated resentmenta shackle for the ankles or feetbeing destroyed, damaged or ruinedto treat with contemptuous disregard...

vocabulary 2022-10-19

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
  2. rude, cranky, ill-tempered
  3. to treat with contemptuous disregard
  4. a period of rest or relief
  5. that expresses movement of something
  6. turn pale, as if in fear
  7. of heaven or the spirit
  8. showing deep-seated resentment
  9. supply sparingly and with restricted quantities
  10. a shackle for the ankles or feet
  11. a flamboyant deceiver, one who attracts customers with tricks or jokes
  12. being destroyed, damaged or ruined
  13. be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity
  14. in addition to or more.
  1. feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious
  2. rest; tranquility, relaxation
  3. accorded a great deal of respect especially because of age, wisdom or character
  4. showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings
  5. a number.
  6. most unfortunate or miserable
  7. eager to surpass others
  8. the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary
  9. a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions
  10. to appropriate for a special purpose, or to divide or distribute something

24 Clues: a number.eager to surpass othersof heaven or the spiritin addition to or more.turn pale, as if in fearrude, cranky, ill-tempereda period of rest or reliefrest; tranquility, relaxationmost unfortunate or miserableshowing deep-seated resentmenta shackle for the ankles or feetbeing destroyed, damaged or ruinedto treat with contemptuous disregard...

Vocabulary 2023-01-05

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society
  2. work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something.
  3. an excessively abundant supply of something.
  4. prevent from happening; make impossible.
  5. closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.
  6. disagreeing or conflict
  7. change direction suddenly.
  8. a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth. “Many hands make light work.”
  1. prevent from functioning in a normal way.
  2. simple and plain and costing little.
  3. push, elbow, or bump against (someone) roughly, typically in a crowd.
  4. an expression of praise or approval
  5. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view
  6. a person who makes slow progress and falls behind others.
  7. a countless or extremely great number.
  8. large in quantity; abundant
  9. (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked.
  10. a fortress, typically on high ground, protecting or dominating a city.
  11. tie (an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement.
  12. foolish, outrageous, or amusing behavior.

20 Clues: disagreeing or conflictchange direction suddenly.large in quantity; abundantan expression of praise or approvalsimple and plain and costing little.a countless or extremely great number.prevent from happening; make impossible.prevent from functioning in a normal way.foolish, outrageous, or amusing behavior....

vocabulary 2023-01-13

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. angry
  2. trace
  3. prayer
  4. potential
  5. gives up
  6. changed
  7. sign
  8. argue
  9. greed
  10. immoral
  11. theory
  12. excitement
  1. roads
  2. depressed
  3. expertly
  4. aware
  5. glowing
  6. disturbance
  7. respectfully
  8. ridiculous
  9. joyous
  10. trying
  11. small
  12. not see through
  13. listen

25 Clues: signroadsangryawaretracearguesmallgreedprayerjoyoustryingtheorylistenglowingchangedimmoralexpertlygives updepressedpotentialridiculousexcitementdisturbancerespectfullynot see through

Vocabulary 2023-01-13

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. angry
  2. trace
  3. prayer
  4. potential
  5. gives up
  6. changed
  7. sign
  8. argue
  9. greed
  10. immoral
  11. theory
  12. excitement
  1. roads
  2. depressed
  3. expertly
  4. aware
  5. glowing
  6. disturbance
  7. respectfully
  8. ridiculous
  9. joyous
  10. trying
  11. small
  12. not see through
  13. listen

25 Clues: signroadsangryawaretracearguesmallgreedprayerjoyoustryingtheorylistenglowingchangedimmoralexpertlygives updepressedpotentialridiculousexcitementdisturbancerespectfullynot see through

Vocabulary 2020-04-04

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to begin again
  2. shy
  3. weak
  4. restoring confidence
  5. roar
  6. onlookers
  7. pay no attention
  8. ability
  9. overconfident
  10. threatening
  11. backbones
  12. optional course
  13. serious
  14. ceremony to join a group
  15. offer
  16. flood
  17. fail to take care of
  1. at the same time
  2. dangerous
  3. impressive
  4. strong belief
  5. seeming
  6. hateful
  7. cause a change
  8. very important
  9. a strange device
  10. courage
  11. without much thought
  12. far away
  13. a widespread disease
  14. guilty person
  15. acceptable
  16. fate
  17. clearly
  18. poor person
  19. detailed
  20. tasteless
  21. force out of hiding
  22. sharp smell
  23. frown

40 Clues: shyweakroarfateofferfrownfloodseeminghatefulcourageabilityclearlyseriousfar awaydetaileddangerousonlookersbackbonestastelessimpressiveacceptablethreateningpoor personsharp smellstrong beliefguilty personoverconfidentto begin againcause a changevery importantoptional courseat the same timea strange devicepay no attentionforce out of hiding...

vocabulary 2020-05-29

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The sea is full of ...
  2. An animal with eight tentacles.
  3. An activity or sport that involves climbing walls, flips and running.
  4. What you walk on.
  5. A sweater and some pants are ...
  6. You get books at the ...
  7. Something to place food on.
  8. You sleep in a ...
  9. The coulour of grass.
  10. A man's best friend.
  11. Something to sit on.
  12. I hang my clothes in my ...
  13. Red or orange flames.
  14. A subject in school that involves numbers.
  15. One, two, three, ...
  16. Broek.
  17. The colour of a pinecone.
  18. A fruit that hangs from a tree and is often red.
  19. A device to take pictures with.
  20. An animal with lots of wool.
  21. When you are from another country or state you are an ...
  22. The colour of the sky is ...
  23. The mother of your mother.
  1. An animal you can ride on is a ...
  2. You put your delicious milk in the ...
  3. When you want to be alone you want ...
  4. A game that you play mostly with friends where you use a board.
  5. It has two legs and can't fly.
  6. An item that you use to write in ink.
  7. An animal with a very long neck.
  8. When you sleep you can ...
  9. I like to drink ... because it's healthy.
  10. A place you can store money.
  11. The biggest animal that humanity currently knows of and exists to this day.
  12. The Lord of the Rings movies are ... movies.
  13. A flower that resembles love.
  14. When you are in the sea you are ...
  15. Something to write on..
  16. If you don't want any sunlight you close the ...
  17. It has two legs, oh no, it has four. It produces the most delicious thing ever! Milk.
  18. If you want to go shopping, go to a ...!
  19. I like to buy cabbages and carrots at the ... store.

42 Clues: Broek.What you walk on.You sleep in a ...A man's best friend.Something to sit on.One, two, three, ...The coulour of grass.Red or orange flames.The sea is full of ...Something to write on..You get books at the ...The colour of a pinecone.When you sleep you can ...The mother of your mother.Something to place food on.I hang my clothes in my ......

Vocabulary 2020-04-03

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. an action which is against the law and punishable.
  2. an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life
  3. bring (something) into existence.
  4. telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat, or lie
  5. able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances.
  6. leave one's job, typically because of reaching a certain age.
  7. all of the people born and living at about the same time
  8. be present at (an event, meeting, or function).
  9. a person who ranks below a senior person.
  10. contaminate (water, the air, etc.) with harmful or poisonous substances.
  1. the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.
  2. an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.
  3. look closely at or examine (someone or something).
  4. successfully complete an academic degree or a course of training
  5. a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis.
  6. a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage.
  7. a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something
  8. different from one another
  9. a task or action that one is required to perform as part of one's job.
  10. known about by many people.

20 Clues: different from one anotherknown about by many people.bring (something) into existence.a person who ranks below a senior person.be present at (an event, meeting, or function).an action which is against the law and punishable.look closely at or examine (someone or something).all of the people born and living at about the same time...

Vocabulary 2020-06-08

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. alone
  2. to visit
  3. news
  4. would like
  5. boyfriend
  6. shorts
  7. cap
  8. sunglasses
  9. tennis shoes
  10. cruise
  1. to paint
  2. the bone
  3. dust
  4. girlfriend
  5. camping
  6. the flower
  7. picnic
  8. bermuda shorts
  9. to install
  10. the candle
  11. sandals
  12. the offering
  13. last
  14. gossip
  15. to believe

25 Clues: capdustnewslastalonepicnicshortscruisegossipcampingsandalsto paintthe boneto visitboyfriendgirlfriendthe flowerto installwould likethe candlesunglassesto believethe offeringtennis shoesbermuda shorts

vocabulary 2020-06-10

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. mercancía
  2. sorfear
  3. información
  4. tema
  5. mascota
  6. piso
  7. organizar
  8. ciudad
  9. barrer
  10. hornear
  1. mar
  2. musica
  3. pintura
  4. caminar
  5. apartamento
  6. rutina
  7. roca
  8. lugar
  9. rezar
  10. enseñar

20 Clues: marrocatemapisolugarrezarmusicarutinaciudadbarrersorfearpinturacaminarmascotaenseñarhornearmercancíaorganizarinformaciónapartamento

vocabulary 2020-06-17

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Go in large numbers.
  2. Try to get as much as possible (sometimes unfairly).
  3. What did you say about my mom? ____________ it ___________! Say you are sorry!
  4. Make something less important.
  5. Makes a lot of money.
  6. Provide people with what they want.
  7. She is so (ADVENTURE- adj.)! She travels with no guide to dangerous places.
  8. She is so (PREDICT- adj.)! I knew she was going to do that.
  9. I love dancing with my friends, so every weekend we want to go ______________.
  1. Give the idea for.
  2. Smoking is (HARM- adj.) for you. You shouldn't do it.
  3. This quarantine will be over soon. I feel (HOPE- adj.)
  4. Very poor.
  5. Discourage.
  6. I ___________ ____________ my father. We are so similar!
  7. Susan is absolutely (RELY- adj.). You can always be sure she'll be on time to do her job.
  8. Continue
  9. Show something is definitely true.
  10. Spend a lot of money.
  11. You have to be very (CAUTION- adj.) when driving during a snow storm.
  12. He always understands my feelings. Tom is so (SYMPATHY- adj.).
  13. What a________________! This is extremely cheap.

22 Clues: ContinueVery poor.Discourage.Give the idea for.Go in large numbers.Spend a lot of money.Makes a lot of money.Make something less important.Show something is definitely true.Provide people with what they want.What a________________! This is extremely cheap.Try to get as much as possible (sometimes unfairly)....

Vocabulary 2020-05-15

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. boring
  2. distinct
  3. secular/worldly
  4. dirt/filth
  5. this chair takes up a lot of space.
  6. anger
  7. linger
  8. endless
  9. halt
  1. talkative
  2. attractive
  3. decorate
  4. dull
  5. refuge
  6. joyful
  7. detect/recognize
  8. friendliness
  9. charming
  10. the man was covered in gold.
  11. glory
  12. slow

21 Clues: dullslowhaltangergloryboringrefugejoyfullingerendlessdecoratedistinctcharmingtalkativeattractivedirt/filthfriendlinesssecular/worldlydetect/recognizethe man was covered in gold.this chair takes up a lot of space.

Vocabulary 2020-02-25

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. feel or show deep sorrow
  2. bet
  3. special ability
  4. straight forward
  5. calm down
  6. not allowed by law
  7. hug
  8. more than enough
  9. trip from one place to another
  10. truth or reality
  11. sure
  12. place
  13. biggest; greatest
  14. bad luck
  15. routine that cannot to stop
  16. easy to bend
  17. unable to hear
  18. discover
  19. unable to feel
  20. go through into something
  21. husband; wife
  22. happy;cheerful
  23. rare; in short supply
  24. 100 years
  25. 10 years
  26. uncooked
  27. one of it's kind; special
  28. not enough or insufficient
  29. run away
  30. city
  31. mix together
  1. peak; the highest point
  2. confirm
  3. raise; lift up
  4. another country
  5. respect to women
  6. famous
  7. prisoner
  8. dry period; lack of rain
  9. compute
  10. bad dream
  11. throw away
  12. hide
  13. a red spot on your skin; allergy
  14. protect or maintain
  15. very cold
  16. life story
  17. messy; not clean
  18. fall down or break down
  19. high knowledge or skills
  20. poor person
  21. promise
  22. quit or stop from working
  23. unable to speak
  24. to start again
  25. a group that helps the poor
  26. countryside
  27. danger
  28. strange
  29. worried or troubled
  30. new

61 Clues: bethugnewsurehidecityplacefamousdangerconfirmcomputepromisestrangeprisonerbad luckdiscover10 yearsuncookedrun awaycalm downbad dreamvery cold100 yearsthrow awaylife storypoor personcountrysideeasy to bendmix togetherhusband; wiferaise; lift upunable to hearunable to feelhappy;cheerfulto start againanother countryspecial abilityunable to speak...

VOcabulary 2020-01-23

VOcabulary crossword puzzle
  1. - where you can put info
  2. - larger smartphone
  3. - makes it possible that multiple people can share info
  4. - they hold information / permanent storage
  5. - the physical components that make the computer system
  6. - consists of electronic chips that are temporary storage.
  7. - A computer with input and output devices
  8. - FitBit
  9. - fast, powerful, and expensive.
  10. - data is entered, processed, then stored.
  11. - converting data into information
  12. - a device that converts information into a communication device.
  13. - the info that is created
  14. - data in words
  15. - processed data
  1. - digital output
  2. - a collection of facts from which conclusions must be drawn
  3. - program. Instructions that give direct operation of the computer system and it tells users to perform different tasks.
  4. - data in movies
  5. - Phone
  6. - one person at a time
  7. Tells the computer how to function
  8. - connected to the computer
  9. - a single user computer that is high performing
  10. - physical output
  11. - cellphones that are smart.
  12. - many users at the same time
  13. -
  14. - can accommodate hundreds of thousands of users
  15. - Samsung Smart Fridge
  16. - a powerful computer that accommodates several computers.
  17. - entering data into computer
  18. - data in pictures
  19. - when the computer’s circuits creates info
  20. - data in music

35 Clues: -- Phone- FitBit- data in music- data in words- digital output- data in movies- processed data- physical output- data in pictures- larger smartphone- one person at a time- Samsung Smart Fridge- where you can put info- the info that is created- connected to the computer- cellphones that are smart.- many users at the same time...

vocabulary 2017-03-06

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. empty
  2. to be literal
  3. animal that preys on other animals
  4. to surrender unconditionally
  5. used in poetry to describe thoughts
  6. constant effort to accomplish a goal
  7. to desguise it's true self
  8. to prevent to use
  9. to be punished or disciplined
  10. full of negative events
  11. something that is necessary
  12. bird feathers
  1. to out do in shouting
  2. to express in words but meaning not direct
  3. regular pattern of sounds in poem line
  4. to reach a goal
  5. to cave in
  6. capable of expressing oneself
  7. a very stormy situation
  8. a paragraph in a poem
  9. being true
  10. to linger around
  11. to shrivel or decay
  12. situation where there is no escape

24 Clues: emptyto cave inbeing trueto be literalbird feathersto reach a goalto linger aroundto prevent to useto shrivel or decayto out do in shoutinga paragraph in a poema very stormy situationfull of negative eventsto desguise it's true selfsomething that is necessaryto surrender unconditionallycapable of expressing oneselfto be punished or disciplined...

Vocabulary 2017-03-02

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. an important person in military
  2. not open to all people
  3. required
  4. a short message
  5. with no noise
  6. to stop fighting
  7. to teach
  8. not liking to work
  9. happy with something
  10. not more
  11. attempts to work,study or do things
  12. something that is inexpensive but good
  13. a sweet baked food
  14. above the water
  15. not in class
  16. big from side to side
  17. a mistake
  18. a thing use to destroy the buildings
  19. to employ
  20. over
  21. open to all people
  22. to take care of yourself when you are attacked
  23. very very good
  24. to succeed
  25. to control
  26. not thin
  27. to make disease better
  28. going to have a baby
  29. once a year
  30. the need for food
  31. to write with a machine
  32. to stop living
  33. a lot of sugar
  34. to make someone pay
  35. how big something is
  36. to make something better
  37. a group of bad people
  38. to be a correct size
  1. to damage something completely
  2. to steal
  3. easy to use
  4. to beat or lose
  5. used in winter
  6. a sickness
  7. up to a time
  8. go down under water
  9. to make your body work
  10. open to use
  11. the one that you like most
  12. expensive or important
  13. not to succeed
  14. not to move
  15. the end of marriage
  16. to frighten
  17. to hurt to a body
  18. more than two or three
  19. a good feeling of doing well
  20. not to tell the truth
  21. to not go to class
  22. to walk in a parade
  23. with no one else
  24. what something made of
  25. a part of a city
  26. covering for the foot
  27. to take care of
  28. once a month
  29. to hurt things
  30. fitting close to the body
  31. a man and woman
  32. to have
  33. a doctor for teeth
  34. to make
  35. to hit someone many times
  36. to choose
  37. something that you usually do
  38. near not far
  39. a small city
  40. informal name for a man

78 Clues: overto haveto maketo stealrequiredto teachnot morenot thina mistaketo employto choosea sicknessto succeedto controleasy to useopen to usenot to moveto frightenonce a yearup to a timenot in classonce a monthnear not fara small citywith no noiseused in winternot to succeedvery very goodto hurt thingsto stop livinga lot of sugarto beat or lose...

Vocabulary 2017-01-31

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. wehtun
  2. Mittagessen
  3. gewöhnlich
  4. fehlend
  5. werden
  6. Lehrer
  7. alt
  8. Pferd
  9. Frühstück
  10. passen
  11. Socken
  12. nie
  13. Rock
  1. nur
  2. Loch
  3. kitzeln
  4. manchmal
  5. brauchen
  6. Bluse
  7. Hut
  8. borgen
  9. Fischen, Angeln

22 Clues: nuraltHutnieLochRockBlusePferdwehtunwerdenLehrerborgenpassenSockenkitzelnfehlendmanchmalbrauchenFrühstückgewöhnlichMittagessenFischen, Angeln

vocabulary 2019-01-27

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. taux
  2. incitation
  3. cueillir
  4. enclos
  5. avoir droit
  6. balai
  7. souffle
  8. appartenir
  9. effacer
  10. tailler
  11. beau/belle
  1. fléau
  2. prêtre
  3. livrer
  4. enfance
  5. problème
  6. reculer en rampant
  7. pas
  8. salir
  9. prêt
  10. couper en deux
  11. évêque
  12. parmi
  13. éclat
  14. supplémentaire

25 Clues: pastauxprêtfléausalirbalaiparmiéclatprêtrelivrerenclosévêqueenfancesouffleeffacertaillerproblèmecueillirincitationappartenirbeau/belleavoir droitcouper en deuxsupplémentairereculer en rampant

Vocabulary 2019-04-02

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. pair: A pair of numbers used to locate a point on a coordinate plane
  2. Angle: An angle less than 90 degrees
  3. Triangle: A triangle with at least two sides of equal length
  4. A shape with 4 sides
  5. The answer to an addition problem
  6. The answer to a subtraction problem
  7. A shape with straight closed sides
  8. (0,0)
  9. Triangle: A triangle with 3 equal sides
  10. measurement of length
  11. Tax: the tax added to the price of goods or services
  12. the number being divided
  13. A shape with one pair of parallel sides of equal length
  14. L X W
  15. L + L + L + L
  16. Taz: the tax on property that you own and are required to pay
  17. angle: An angle equal to 90 degrees
  18. the money a person earns or receives
  19. Looks like a diamond
  1. L X W X H
  2. notation: writing a number or showing the value of each digit
  3. the ability to divide one number by another without having a remainder
  4. the answer to a division problem
  5. (), [], {}
  6. A shape with two pairs of parallel sides
  7. Shape with 5 sides
  8. tax: the tax paid by a company based on the amount of money that the company spends paying all of its employees
  9. Angle: An angle greater than 90 degrees
  10. Not equal
  11. a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis to an employee
  12. The numbers you multiply by to get the product
  13. The answer to a multiplication problem
  14. the cost required for something
  15. Income: the total amount of money a person receives after deductions are taken out
  16. Income: the total amount of money a person receives before any deductions are taken out
  17. tax: the tax paid on the money that a person receives

36 Clues: (0,0)L X WL X W X HNot equal(), [], {}L + L + L + LShape with 5 sidesA shape with 4 sidesLooks like a diamondmeasurement of lengththe number being dividedthe cost required for somethingthe answer to a division problemThe answer to an addition problemA shape with straight closed sidesThe answer to a subtraction problem...

vocabulary 2019-04-01

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. an activity that has a winner
  2. movement
  3. people at an event
  4. a way to keep from danger
  5. a safe place
  6. a punishment given by magic words
  7. amazing, wonderful
  8. to make someone stop for a moment
  9. cannot be true
  10. a strong interest
  11. clearly, easily
  12. sweet and delicious
  13. fix
  14. something you do well
  1. fat, chubby
  2. to say sorry
  3. feeling silly in front of people
  4. very good
  5. in a hurry
  6. cannot happen
  7. the way
  8. liked by many people
  9. a smell
  10. to attack
  11. a long talk

25 Clues: fixthe waya smellmovementvery goodto attackin a hurryfat, chubbya long talkto say sorrya safe placecannot happencannot be trueclearly, easilya strong interestpeople at an eventamazing, wonderfulsweet and deliciousliked by many peoplesomething you do wella way to keep from dangeran activity that has a winnerfeeling silly in front of people...

Vocabulary 2019-04-24

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. used to keep people or animals in or out of a certain area
  2. decoration such as ribbon
  3. an area of ground that is covered with short grass
  4. a place in a wall or a fence which can be opened or closed like a door
  5. a paved area of ground in a garden
  6. a decorative design along the edge of something
  7. a heavy fabric floor covering
  8. pasted to walls instead of painting
  9. a block of baked clay used as building material
  10. board put around the bottom of a wall
  11. to put something over, on top of, or in front of something else
  12. a string of flags or decorations
  13. the top layer of earth in which plants grow
  1. a row of shrubs or small trees planted close to each other
  2. a large grassy area for sports or where animals are kept
  3. use on walls in various colours
  4. a border round a photograph or picture
  5. to make something more attractive by painting etc
  6. a long, flat surface on which food is prepared in a kitchen
  7. general word for materials used on floors
  8. a narrow piece of material used for decoration
  9. a thin, usually square or rectangular piece of baked clay, used for covering roofs, floors, walls, etc.:
  10. a clear liquid painted on a surface to protect it
  11. another word for border
  12. the cover or top of a building, vehicle, etc.

25 Clues: another word for borderdecoration such as ribbona heavy fabric floor coveringuse on walls in various coloursa string of flags or decorationsa paved area of ground in a gardenpasted to walls instead of paintingboard put around the bottom of a walla border round a photograph or picturegeneral word for materials used on floors...

Vocabulary 2019-02-09

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. ความรุนแรง
  2. ความสามารถ
  3. ท้าทาย
  4. อยู่ในความทรงจำ
  5. การจำศีล
  6. มีจิตใจจดจ่อ
  7. พูดเกินจริง
  8. ยิ่งกว่านั้น
  9. ว่างเปล่า
  10. ความทรมาน
  11. วัตถุประสงค์
  12. ประชุมสุดยอด
  13. ความรุนแรง
  14. ทำลายล้าง
  15. เหนือกว่า
  16. สลับซับซ้อน
  1. ถูกต้องแม่นยำ
  2. อ่อนน้อม
  3. แหวกแนว
  4. ถ่ายโอน
  5. อ่านไม่ออกเขียนไม่ได้
  6. องค์ประกอบ
  7. ไถ่ถอน
  8. เด่น
  9. ประชุมสุดยอด
  10. ชนะ
  11. สรุป
  12. การใช้เครื่องจักร
  13. เปลี่ยนแปลงได้
  14. เสนอ
  15. เฉื่อยแฉะ

31 Clues: ชนะเด่นสรุปเสนอท้าทายไถ่ถอนแหวกแนวถ่ายโอนอ่อนน้อมการจำศีลว่างเปล่าความทรมานทำลายล้างเหนือกว่าเฉื่อยแฉะความรุนแรงความสามารถองค์ประกอบความรุนแรงพูดเกินจริงสลับซับซ้อนประชุมสุดยอดมีจิตใจจดจ่อยิ่งกว่านั้นวัตถุประสงค์ประชุมสุดยอดถูกต้องแม่นยำเปลี่ยนแปลงได้อยู่ในความทรงจำการใช้เครื่องจักรอ่านไม่ออกเขียนไม่ได้

vocabulary 2019-10-01

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the gaining of knowledge through teaching
  2. something that is used to confirm an argument
  3. what's needed in order to be a part of something
  4. a document you sent with your resume
  5. a form you fill out with your information
  6. the amount of time you have spent knowing how to do something
  7. the ability to be very good at something
  8. a document that provides information needed for employment paperwork
  9. basically a folder with important stuff
  1. a profit gained
  2. something you rethink a lot to improve what you’ve done in the past and fix your errors.
  3. your goal
  4. someone who comments about your qualifications
  5. really short speech about yourself
  6. something smene is a part of
  7. someone who's being considered for a job
  8. the prize you receive
  9. a little summary of someone's educational and work experience
  10. the advertisement for a product
  11. a person that gets hired to work
  12. the amount of money you receive

21 Clues: your goala profit gainedthe prize you receivesomething smene is a part ofthe advertisement for a productthe amount of money you receivea person that gets hired to workreally short speech about yourselfa document you sent with your resumebasically a folder with important stuffsomeone who's being considered for a job...

Vocabulary 2019-09-04

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. raide
  2. racines
  3. carré
  4. chauve
  5. clair
  6. rendez-vous
  7. ondulé
  8. coiffure
  9. soin
  10. couettes
  11. bouclé
  1. espèces
  2. remise
  3. brillant
  4. sèche cheveux
  5. frange
  6. teindre
  7. foncé
  8. aider
  9. disponible
  10. barbe
  11. pourboire

22 Clues: soinraidecarréfoncéclairaiderbarberemisefrangechauveonduléboucléespècesracinesteindrebrillantcoiffurecouettespourboiredisponiblerendez-voussèche cheveux

Vocabulary 2019-08-05

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. cover wide area
  2. use again
  3. let
  4. feel thankful
  5. get a new one
  6. not able to do/happen
  7. have the ability to do something
  8. display of historical items
  9. changing
  10. not cheap
  11. quietness
  1. wet
  2. suddenly become angry
  3. everyday
  4. enjoy event
  5. knowledgeable
  6. place to make things
  7. eating place
  8. wake from sleep/not sleeping
  9. created

20 Clues: wetletcreatedeverydaychanginguse againnot cheapquietnessenjoy eventeating placeknowledgeablefeel thankfulget a new onecover wide areaplace to make thingssuddenly become angrynot able to do/happendisplay of historical itemswake from sleep/not sleepinghave the ability to do something

Vocabulary 2019-10-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. hoek
  2. puin
  3. aanpassen
  4. vermaard, beroemd
  5. stand houden
  6. sluiten, dichtdoen
  7. je schcuders ophalen
  8. uitdagen
  9. de belangrijkste veronderstelling
  10. vertrouwen op
  11. overleving
  12. munten
  13. afdruk
  14. een snuifje zout
  15. doos
  16. speculatie, gespeculeer, gissingen
  17. met korte mouwen
  18. overvloedig
  19. iets dat emotionele waarde heeft
  20. herstel
  21. verdelen
  22. bezaaien (verwekken)
  23. de ruimte, het heelal
  24. een stuk vol actie/avontuur
  25. onderwerp, vak
  26. een plaag, ziekte (ook: meeldauw: een plantenziekte)
  27. burgeroorlog
  28. schadelijk
  29. verzamelen
  30. onderdrukken
  31. iets dat je altijd bij je draagt
  32. evolueren
  33. noodlottig, verdoemd
  34. vergunning
  35. nadruk
  36. onthullen
  37. onderscheiden, waarnemen, bespeuren
  38. iets klaarspelen
  39. onderzoek
  40. kwistig, verkwistend
  41. rand
  42. onderzoeker
  43. telefoon
  44. koesteren
  45. getuige
  46. poging, inspanning (onderneming)
  47. iets dat een cadeau was
  48. concaaf, hol
  49. opspringen (stuiteren, kaatsen)
  50. iets dat je leven omschrijft
  51. sober
  52. schroeven
  53. gemakkelijk zijn
  54. afbeelden, verbeelden (tonen)
  55. uitstrekken
  56. rekening houden met
  57. onwaarschijnlijkµ
  58. (in/over)spannen, forceren
  59. negeren
  60. hoekig, kantig
  61. buis
  1. moedig
  2. zacht
  3. bouwsteen
  4. bankbiljet
  5. voorkomen
  6. op kleine schaal
  7. kar
  8. zwaartekracht
  9. vervorming
  10. overleven
  11. poepsimpel zijn
  12. krabben
  13. broeikaseffect
  14. krant
  15. troosten
  16. (doen) draaien
  17. iets met een korreltje zout nemen
  18. naar voren komen, actie ondernemen
  19. pin, speld
  20. duiken
  21. glijden in
  22. vooringenomenheid, vooroordeel
  23. overschaduwd worden door
  24. overdreven
  25. uitroeien
  26. draaien, wervelen
  27. in een baan draaien rond de aarde
  28. rijbewijs
  29. kromtrekken, verdraaien, vervormen
  30. maken, in elkaar knutselen
  31. het ander woord voor zwaartekracht dan gravity
  32. de agenda bepalen
  33. streven, trachten
  34. uitdagend
  35. vastplakken
  36. iets realiseren, bereiken
  37. giechelen
  38. toespreken, aan de orde stellen (behandelen)
  39. genoegen nemen met
  40. zich schrap zetten
  41. maïs
  42. oppervlakte
  43. foto
  44. soort, soorten (levensvormen)
  45. aannemelijk, waarschijnlijk
  46. schroef
  47. een beredeneerde/berekende gok
  48. kelder
  49. het synoniem van 'stress'
  50. veeleisend, kritisch, scherpzinnig
  51. lichtjes
  52. begraven
  53. wezenloos
  54. verzegelen
  55. enthousiast
  56. dicht, compact

117 Clues: karhoekpuindoosmaïsfotorandbuiszachtkrantsobermoedigmuntenafdrukduikennadrukkelderkrabbenherstelschroefgetuigenegerenuitdagentroostenverdelentelefoonlichtjesbegravenbouwsteenaanpassenvoorkomenoverlevenuitroeienrijbewijsuitdagendgiechelenevoluerenonthullenonderzoekkoesterenschroevenwezenloosbankbiljetvervormingoverlevingpin, speldglijden in...

vocabulary 2019-10-14

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. burgeroorlog
  2. one’s neck (je nek) strekken
  3. uitdagend
  4. met korte mouwen
  5. onderdrukken
  6. uitdagen
  7. overleven
  8. veeleisend, kritisch, scherpzinnig
  9. overleving
  10. onderscheiden, waarnemen, bespeuren
  11. wezenloos
  1. moedig
  2. zich schrap zetten
  3. iets klaarspelen
  4. de agenda bepalen
  5. effect broeikaseffect
  6. spannen, forceren
  7. naar voren komen, actie ondernemen
  8. een kar
  9. duiken
  10. giechelen
  11. glijden in
  12. onderwerp, vak
  13. je schouders ophalen
  14. opspringen (stuiteren, kaatsen)

25 Clues: moedigduikeneen karuitdagenuitdagendgiechelenoverlevenwezenloosglijden inoverlevingburgeroorlogonderdrukkenonderwerp, vakiets klaarspelenmet korte mouwende agenda bepalenspannen, forcerenzich schrap zettenje schouders ophaleneffect broeikaseffectone’s neck (je nek) strekkenopspringen (stuiteren, kaatsen)naar voren komen, actie ondernemen...

Vocabulary 2019-11-25

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. zvadnout
  2. případ
  3. klenot
  4. vyřešit
  5. opravit
  6. zatknout
  7. nudný
  8. chytrý
  9. chtít
  10. svatba
  11. slavný
  12. zmizet
  13. obléct si
  14. zákazník
  15. někdo
  16. obvykle
  17. mezinárodní
  18. oženit se
  19. vyrůst
  20. plachtění
  21. bojovat
  22. zlobivý
  1. zloděj
  2. stěhovat
  3. šplhat
  4. docela
  5. potřást
  6. balík
  7. skvělý
  8. čekat
  9. dávat přednost
  10. náhrdelník
  11. ukrást
  12. neobvyklý
  13. následovat
  14. stýskat
  15. strana
  16. pravidelně
  17. spřátelit se
  18. zahradník
  19. kancelář
  20. vzrušující
  21. manželka
  22. pláž
  23. zůstat

45 Clues: plážbalíkčekatnudnýchtítněkdozlodějpřípadšplhatdocelaklenotskvělýukrástchytrýsvatbaslavnýstranazmizetvyrůstzůstatvyřešitpotřástopravitstýskatobvyklebojovatzlobivýzvadnoutstěhovatzatknoutzákazníkkancelářmanželkaneobvyklýobléct sizahradníkoženit seplachtěnínáhrdelníknásledovatpravidelněvzrušujícímezinárodníspřátelit sedávat přednost

Vocabulary 2019-09-28

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. losjes
  2. onsterfelijkheid
  3. circumspect
  4. onvermijdelijk
  5. accessible
  6. citizen
  7. karaktertrek
  8. dubbelzinnig
  9. gravely
  10. superfluous
  1. feature
  2. perplexed
  3. ultimate
  4. bald
  5. menigte
  6. oppervlak
  7. traumatisch
  8. berucht
  9. burglar
  10. oxygen

20 Clues: baldlosjesoxygenfeaturemenigteberuchtcitizenburglargravelyultimateperplexedoppervlakaccessiblecircumspecttraumatischsuperfluouskaraktertrekdubbelzinnigonvermijdelijkonsterfelijkheid

Vocabulary 2019-09-25

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. what you have done prior to that job
  2. collection of your experience
  3. total overview
  4. sheet used for jobs
  5. makes someone suitable for a certain job position
  6. person who pays you for your work experience with their business
  7. pitch a short saying explaining the company's purpose
  8. overview of your accomplishments and background
  1. a good thing included
  2. letter extra information attached to resume
  3. catching attention of customers
  4. explanation of applicants actions for a potential job
  5. request filled out with applicants information
  6. a person eligible for a job position
  7. a goal to be achieved
  8. beneficial tasks
  9. yearly income
  10. knowledge taught
  11. proof of what you are claiming
  12. tasks mastered
  13. earned recognition

21 Clues: yearly incometotal overviewtasks masteredbeneficial tasksknowledge taughtearned recognitionsheet used for jobsa good thing includeda goal to be achievedcollection of your experienceproof of what you are claimingcatching attention of customerswhat you have done prior to that joba person eligible for a job position...

Vocabulary 2020-09-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Good morning
  2. When is your birthday?
  3. How are you(informal)?
  4. Hello
  5. How's it going?
  6. Where are you from?
  7. Good evening/night
  8. See you soon
  9. See you tomorrow
  10. How old are you?
  11. My birthday is
  1. I do not like
  2. See you later
  3. Ms./Miss
  4. What is your name?
  5. Good afternoon
  6. What is his/her name?
  7. How are you(Formal)?
  8. Mrs.
  9. Mr.
  10. Nice to meet you.
  11. I like
  12. Same here/ Likewise

23 Clues: Mr.Mrs.HelloI likeMs./MissGood morningSee you soonI do not likeSee you laterGood afternoonMy birthday isHow's it going?See you tomorrowHow old are you?Nice to meet you.What is your name?Good evening/nightWhere are you from?Same here/ LikewiseHow are you(Formal)?What is his/her name?When is your birthday?How are you(informal)?

Vocabulary 2020-09-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to go by bus
  2. to go by car
  3. to play cards
  4. airplane
  5. to camp
  6. to pack (one's suitcase)
  7. to go shopping
  8. to go by airplane
  9. to fish
  10. departure;arrival
  11. beach
  12. to be on vacation
  13. to go by motorcycle
  14. to go by boat
  15. landscape
  16. bus station
  17. (round-trip) ticket
  18. sea
  19. to go by taxi
  1. to ride a horse
  2. surfboard/sailboard
  3. traveler
  4. to go on vacation
  5. countryside
  6. to take photos
  7. luggage
  8. subway station
  9. customs inspector
  10. train station
  11. travel agent
  12. to confirm a reservation

31 Clues: seabeachto campluggageto fishtravelerairplanelandscapecountrysidebus stationto go by busto go by cartravel agentto play cardstrain stationto go by boatto go by taxito take photosto go shoppingsubway stationto ride a horseto go on vacationcustoms inspectorto go by airplanedeparture;arrivalto be on vacationsurfboard/sailboardto go by motorcycle...

Vocabulary 2020-08-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the relationships between the air, land, water, animals, plants, etc., usually of a particular area, or the scientific study of this.
  2. to continue to live after almost dying because of an accident, illness, etc.
  3. the job of working on a farm.
  4. a secret word or combination of letters or numbers.
  5. chasing and killing an animal or bird for food, sport, or profit.
  6. the instructions that control what a computer does.
  7. to stop living.
  8. the protection of plants and animals, natural areas, and interesting and important structures and buildings, especially from the damaging effects of human activity
  9. the act of destroying something, or the fact of being destroyed.
  10. an act of keeping someone or something safe from something dangerous or bad.
  11. a form of energy that can be produced in several ways and that provides power to devices that create light.
  1. expensive
  2. to not be able to find someone or something.
  3. the companies and activities involved in the process of producing goods for sale, especially in a factory or special area.
  4. to become less, or to make something become less.
  5. past events considered together, especially events of a particular period, country, or subject.
  6. to officially stop a person or many people from doing something.
  7. a statement that you will harm or punish someone if that person does not not do what you want.
  8. a violent act intended to hurt or damage someone or something.
  9. to remove something, especially on a computer.

20 Clues: expensiveto stop living.the job of working on a farm.to not be able to find someone or something.to remove something, especially on a computer.to become less, or to make something become less.a secret word or combination of letters or numbers.the instructions that control what a computer does....

Vocabulary 2020-08-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. idea based the scientific
  2. i need to enter my email
  3. I want to climb to the top
  4. the person is crazy
  5. the person visited the city
  6. Always my father bring big crops
  7. they take clothes everything place
  8. specially og books
  9. has skin hairy
  10. The vote is a fact in the country of?
  1. the students remember the acctions past
  2. my laptop have icfected
  3. fresh food
  4. Went you talk to other person
  5. has different peaks
  6. bokk collection
  7. In may house i share more
  8. the posibility of stealing it
  9. the image frozen
  10. eat the stems

20 Clues: fresh foodeat the stemshas skin hairybokk collectionthe image frozenspecially og bookshas different peaksthe person is crazymy laptop have icfectedi need to enter my emailidea based the scientificIn may house i share moreI want to climb to the topthe person visited the cityWent you talk to other personthe posibility of stealing it...

VOCABULARY 2020-08-18

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.
  2. relaxed and easy-going.
  3. withdraw or resign from an important position or office.
  4. concentrating on only one aim.
  5. causing laughter or amusement; humorous.
  6. wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.
  7. having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.
  8. relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner.
  9. very relaxed
  10. having or showing great effort or energy.
  11. having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.
  12. to happen or develop in a particular way
  1. be overwhelmed with a very large quantity of something, especially work.
  2. having or showing great effort or energy.
  3. nervous or timid in the company of other people.
  4. diligent and hard-working.
  5. directing a great deal of attention, interest, or activity towards a particular aim.
  6. start enjoying something, or to become enthusiastic about it.
  7. giving pleasure or satisfaction; pleasant or attractive.
  8. free from tension and anxiety.
  9. having the required qualities; of a high standard.
  10. intelligent and quick-witted.
  11. the way in which something, especially an organization or equipment, is organized, planned, or arranged.
  12. having lived for a long time; no longer young.

24 Clues: very relaxedrelaxed and easy-going.diligent and hard-working.intelligent and quick-witted.concentrating on only one aim.free from tension and anxiety.causing laughter or amusement; humorous.to happen or develop in a particular wayhaving or showing great effort or energy.having or showing great effort or energy....

Vocabulary 2020-07-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness.
  2. Being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before.
  3. Wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.
  4. Migration from a place (especially migration from your native country in order to settle in another)
  5. Frightening or unpleasant, and usually involving death
  6. Naive and easily deceived or tricked.
  7. Very shocking and unacceptable.
  8. Having influence or power.
  9. Tending or liking to hide your thoughts, feelings, actions, intentions etc. from other people.
  10. Considered by other people to be strange or unusual.
  11. having strong relationships with each other and looking after one another.
  12. Showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another's advantages.
  13. ​people who do not often ​talk about or show ​their ​feelings or ​thoughts.
  1. Belonging to a class of words that refer to male people or animals and often have a special form.
  2. Not capable of being changed or altered.
  3. Not clear enough to be read.
  4. A large group of related families who live in the same area and share a common language, religion, and customs.
  5. In socially or economically deprived circumstances.
  6. To win a victory over someone in a fight, war or competition.
  7. To start a conversation with someone
  8. Associated with women and not with men.
  9. To know something as a result of considering the information or evidence that you have.
  10. Very noticeable or easy to see, especially because of being unusual or different.
  11. To develop gradually
  12. Not fake, being or reflecting the essential character of something.
  13. Very confident and not afraid to express one's opinion and stick to it.

26 Clues: To develop graduallyHaving influence or power.Not clear enough to be read.Very shocking and unacceptable.To start a conversation with someoneNaive and easily deceived or tricked.Associated with women and not with men.Not capable of being changed or altered.In socially or economically deprived circumstances....

VOCABULARY 2020-07-11

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. PAÍS
  3. OLÁ
  7. LER
  8. COMER
  9. HOJE
  10. FALAR
  11. AMIGO
  6. ONTEM
  7. PAIS


Vocabulary 2020-10-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. giving off or reflecting light
  2. to withstand the action
  3. part of a building, under a roof
  4. to point so that the thing discharged or thrown will hit a target
  5. a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law
  6. the outside, upper covering of a building
  7. the crime of deliberately setting fire to property
  8. something given or paid over and above what is due
  9. a famous or well-known person
  10. a school held in the evening
  11. a profession that is one's most important work in life
  1. to recapture
  2. the place at which two things or parts are joined
  3. a curved construction over an opening
  4. having or giving out moderate heat
  5. having or showing ability
  6. the sound recorded on a film
  7. a period during which one does not have to report to one's regular activities
  8. to become lively as after decline
  9. to steal as a shoplifter
  10. a system permitting flexibility of working hours at the beginning or end of the day
  11. to give because of merit
  12. the ability or power to speak
  13. a phrase identified with a particular product
  14. the overhead inside surface of a room

25 Clues: to recaptureto withstand the actionto steal as a shoplifterto give because of merithaving or showing abilitythe sound recorded on a filma school held in the eveningthe ability or power to speaka famous or well-known persongiving off or reflecting lightpart of a building, under a roofto become lively as after decline...

Vocabulary 2020-10-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. it is something that can burn in the air.
  2. are those that do not depend on the mass or size of a body.
  3. is a scalar quantity referred to the amount of mass in a certain volume of a substance or a solid object.
  4. Chemical reaction that occurs between oxygen and an oxidizable material.
  5. it is a physical process that results in the phase transition of a substance from a solid to a liquid.
  6. it is the opposition offered by materials to physical alterations such as penetration, abrasion and scratching.
  7. are those which under the action of a force, can be plastically deformed in a sustainable way without breaking
  8. a fluid state similar to the gaseous state but in which a certain proportion of its particles are charged.
  9. it has energy and is subject to changes in time and an interaction with measuring devices.
  1. phase in which a liquid turns into a solid when its temperature drops
  2. a particular type of matter with uniform properties.
  3. It is the ability of a substance to dissolve in another called solvent.
  4. Space occupied by a body.
  5. That it can return to a previous state or situation.
  6. Its particles are together and they also look correctly arranged.
  7. it is a physical quantity and fundamental property of matter.
  8. a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, with a consistency similar to that of water or oil.
  9. That he cannot return to a previous state or situation.
  10. a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.
  11. is any property that is measurable.
  12. Fluid without its own shape or volume, require that they separate from each other and present greater mobility than those of liquids.

21 Clues: Space occupied by a body.is any property that is measurable.it is something that can burn in the air.a particular type of matter with uniform properties.That it can return to a previous state or situation.That he cannot return to a previous state or situation.are those that do not depend on the mass or size of a body....

Vocabulary 2020-02-12

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. go through
  2. promise
  3. feel or show deep sorrow or regret
  4. persuade
  5. warning or sign of possible harm
  6. to take part in a contest or competition; dare
  7. amount or number
  8. take part in a contest; play
  9. refuse or decline
  10. 100 years
  11. a habit that is hard to stop
  12. restless or disturbed
  13. not enough or insufficient
  14. straight forward
  1. a long story; new or strange
  2. strange
  3. imagine or think; high quality
  4. pay no attention
  5. increse in size or larger
  6. be excellent
  7. bad luck
  8. break down or to fall in
  9. easily bent
  10. the process or period of gathering in crops
  11. 10 years
  12. tell or disclose
  13. sure; some not all
  14. place
  15. prohibited or not allowed
  16. a break out of red spots on skin

30 Clues: placestrangepromisebad luckpersuade10 years100 yearsgo througheasily bentbe excellentpay no attentionamount or numbertell or disclosestraight forwardrefuse or declinesure; some not allrestless or disturbedbreak down or to fall inincrese in size or largerprohibited or not allowednot enough or insufficienta long story; new or strange...

VOCABULARY 2020-03-02

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. frytki
  2. jajka
  3. kredka
  4. buzia
  5. mięso
  6. uszy
  7. pizza
  8. babcia
  9. mama
  10. linijka
  11. ser
  12. temperówka
  13. palce u rąk
  14. Podnieś rękę!
  15. palce u stóp
  16. czyścić, sprzątać podłogę
  17. case piórnik
  18. nakrywać do stołu
  19. brokuł
  20. plecak
  21. siostra
  22. ścielić łóżko
  23. Wstań!
  24. widzieć
  25. kurczak
  26. brat
  27. mleko
  28. nos
  29. dotykać
  1. słyszeć
  2. banany
  3. ryba
  4. czuć, wąchać
  5. woda
  6. niemowlę
  7. sprzątać
  8. ręce
  9. marchewki
  10. gumka
  11. Spakuj rzeczy!
  12. dziadek
  13. tata
  14. oczy
  15. Proszę, bądź cicho!
  16. stopy
  17. truskawki
  18. ołówek
  19. jabłka
  20. gruszka
  21. Siadaj!
  22. kanapka
  23. książka
  24. ciasto
  25. chleb
  26. smakować

55 Clues: sernosrybawodauszyręcetatamamaoczybratjajkabuziamięsogumkapizzastopychlebmlekofrytkibananykredkababciaołówekjabłkabrokułplecakWstań!ciastosłyszećdziadeklinijkagruszkaSiadaj!kanapkasiostraksiążkawidziećkurczakdotykaćniemowlęsprzątaćsmakowaćmarchewkitruskawkitemperówkapalce u rąkczuć, wąchaćpalce u stópPodnieś rękę!ścielić łóżkoSpakuj rzeczy!...

Vocabulary 2020-10-23

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider.
  2. Taking something by force that does not belong to you.
  3. media: Is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks.
  4. Have the power to enter a certain place.
  5. An identification used by a person with access to a computer, network, or online service.
  6. An insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
  7. Possession of the means or skill to do something.
  8. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
  9. Depend on with full trust or confidence.
  10. Use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
  11. The center of interest or activity.
  1. Make a thing started but not finished not continue permanently or for a limited time.
  2. An apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function.
  3. Belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only.
  4. Line that limits the outer part or furthest from the center of a thing.
  5. A secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.
  6. Share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
  7. It refers to the absence of risk or trust in something or someone.
  8. Happening or coming immediately.
  9. Develop or increase in mental capacity by education or experience.
  10. Take part or intervene in an activity without invitation or necessity.
  11. Facts provided or learned about something or someone.
  12. A particular place or position.

23 Clues: A particular place or position.Happening or coming immediately.The center of interest or activity.Have the power to enter a certain place.Depend on with full trust or confidence.Share or exchange information, news, or ideas.Possession of the means or skill to do something.Cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider....

VOCABULARY 2020-10-22

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider
  2. the action or crime of stealing.
  3. media, websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
  4. a means of approaching or entering a place
  5. an identification used by a person with access to a computer, network, or online service.
  6. an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
  7. possession of the means or skill to do something.
  8. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
  9. depend on with full trust or confidence.
  10. cut with rough or heavy blows.
  11. the center of interest or activity.
  1. stop the continuous progress of (an activity or process).
  2. an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.
  3. belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only.
  4. the outside limit of an object, area, or surface; a place or part farthest away from the center of something.
  5. a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.
  6. share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
  7. the state of being free from danger or threat.
  8. happening or coming immediately.
  9. make or become better.
  10. take part or intervene in an activity without invitation or necessity.
  11. facts provided or learned about something or someone.
  12. a particular place or position

23 Clues: make or become better.a particular place or positioncut with rough or heavy blows.the action or crime of stealing.happening or coming immediately.the center of interest or activity.depend on with full trust or confidence.a means of approaching or entering a placeshare or exchange information, news, or ideas....

VOCABULARY 2020-10-22

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider
  2. a secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.
  3. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
  4. stop the continuous progress of (an activity or process).
  5. an apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.
  6. share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
  7. depend on with full trust or confidence.
  8. the outside limit of an object, area, or surface; a place or part farthest away from the center of something.
  9. the state of being free from danger or threat.
  10. an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
  11. the action or crime of stealing.
  1. take part or intervene in an activity without invitation or necessity.
  2. media websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
  3. happening or coming immediately.
  4. belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only.
  5. facts provided or learned about something or someone.
  6. a particular place or position
  7. the center of interest or activity.
  8. make or become better.
  9. cut with rough or heavy blows.
  10. possession of the means or skill to do something.
  11. a means of approaching or entering a place
  12. an identification used by a person with access to a computer, network, or online service.

23 Clues: make or become better.a particular place or positioncut with rough or heavy blows.happening or coming immediately.the action or crime of stealing.the center of interest or activity.depend on with full trust or confidence.a means of approaching or entering a placeshare or exchange information, news, or ideas....

Vocabulary 2020-11-04

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. skillfully avoid
  2. author’s choice of words and the way he or she puts those words together
  3. thought deeply
  4. ability to understand another person’s emotional experiences
  5. urgent; desperate
  6. related to the thinking process
  7. Lenses is a way of looking at a particular work of literature by focusing on style choices, plot devices, and character interactions and how they show a certain theme
  8. meant to harshly ridicule
  9. to do away with, put an end to, annul, make void
  10. behavior that helps others; selflessness
  11. in its broadest sense, is any written work.
  12. was an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th century
  13. showing or representing
  14. sometimes called naturalism, in the arts is generally the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding speculative fiction and supernatural elements.
  15. aware of specific circumstances
  16. lasting forever
  17. be filled with sound
  18. assumed
  1. agreeable; neither too hot nor too cold
  2. calmness in a difficult situation
  3. a disagreement or argument about something
  4. stretched out
  5. nameless; unidentified
  6. formally forbid something by rule or law
  7. riche people who have recently acquired wealth
  8. steadily worsens
  9. lively; energetic
  10. a change
  11. obstacles that make it difficult to accomplish something
  12. developed
  13. is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx
  14. person who uses authority or power harshly
  15. having a positive expectation of the future
  16. extreme joy
  17. withdrawal from a political state
  18. outward color and appearance especially of the face
  19. ignoring

37 Clues: assumeda changeignoringdevelopedextreme joystretched outthought deeplylasting foreverskillfully avoidsteadily worsensurgent; desperatelively; energeticbe filled with soundnameless; unidentifiedshowing or representingmeant to harshly ridiculerelated to the thinking processaware of specific circumstancescalmness in a difficult situation...

Vocabulary 2020-11-10

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. 누구
  2. 누나,여동생
  3. 아빠
  4. 선물
  5. 노래
  6. 이름
  7. 인형
  8. 보다
  9. 연필
  10. 가지다
  1. 무엇
  2. 지우개
  3. 기차
  4. 장난감
  5. 할아버지
  6. 풍선
  7. 안녕하세요
  8. 엄마
  9. 케이크

20 Clues: 누구무엇아빠기차선물노래이름풍선인형엄마보다연필지우개장난감케이크가지다할아버지안녕하세요누나,여동생

Vocabulary 2020-11-11

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a member of band who plays alone
  2. actors in a movie
  3. place where musicians are before going on stage
  4. a picture or a painting of a person(usually face)
  5. after recording, song goes into a ...
  6. a painting of nature
  7. a person who makes up songs
  8. conversation between two people
  9. place where movie is based in
  10. a statue
  11. drummer gives ... to band
  1. a film genre about a conflict between characters
  2. a musical piece
  3. painting tool that blends well together
  4. camera movement
  5. main theme of sth
  6. a person who plays piano
  7. two people singing together
  8. contest for a role
  9. funny movie
  10. action movie
  11. dance move arrangement

22 Clues: a statuefunny movieaction moviea musical piececamera movementactors in a moviemain theme of sthcontest for a rolea painting of naturedance move arrangementa person who plays pianodrummer gives ... to bandtwo people singing togethera person who makes up songsplace where movie is based inconversation between two peoplea member of band who plays alone...

Vocabulary 2020-10-18

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. inward
  2. change
  3. escape
  4. like a seesaw
  5. behind
  6. high
  7. in front
  8. extend
  9. opposite
  10. under-over
  11. on the ground
  12. sustained
  13. darting
  14. big
  15. light and lively
  16. against time
  17. reversed
  18. to fall
  19. opened
  20. moving forward
  21. to bend
  22. bow
  23. moving backward
  24. tossed step
  25. in a walk
  26. running
  27. in the shape of a cross
  1. step of the cat
  2. enveloped
  3. jumping
  4. whirl
  5. caper
  6. giving away step
  7. chain
  8. ball bounciness
  9. pricked
  10. passed
  11. outward
  12. neck of the foot
  13. shaded
  14. entrance
  15. beaten
  16. leaning
  17. stretched
  18. to unfold
  19. beating
  20. at ease
  21. to melt
  22. raised
  23. arched

50 Clues: bigbowhighwhirlcaperchaininwardchangeescapebehindextendpassedshadedbeatenopenedraisedarchedjumpingprickedoutwarddartingleaningto fallbeatingto bendat easeto meltrunningin frontoppositeentrancereversedenvelopedsustainedstretchedto unfoldin a walkunder-overtossed stepagainst timelike a seesawon the groundmoving forwardstep of the catball bounciness...

Vocabulary 2020-10-26

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider.
  2. Taking something by force that does not belong to you.
  3. media: Is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks.
  4. Have the power to enter a certain place.
  5. An identification used by a person with access to a computer, network, or online service.
  6. An insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
  7. Possession of the means or skill to do something.
  8. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
  9. Depend on with full trust or confidence.
  10. Use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
  11. The center of interest or activity.
  1. Make a thing started but not finished not continue permanently or for a limited time.
  2. An apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function.
  3. Belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only.
  4. Line that limits the outer part or furthest from the center of a thing.
  5. A secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.
  6. Share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
  7. It refers to the absence of risk or trust in something or someone.
  8. Happening or coming immediately.
  9. Develop or increase in mental capacity by education or experience.
  10. Take part or intervene in an activity without invitation or necessity.
  11. Facts provided or learned about something or someone.
  12. A particular place or position.

23 Clues: A particular place or position.Happening or coming immediately.The center of interest or activity.Have the power to enter a certain place.Depend on with full trust or confidence.Share or exchange information, news, or ideas.Possession of the means or skill to do something.Cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider....

Vocabulary 2020-10-26

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The center of interest or activity.
  2. Take part or intervene in an activity without invitation or necessity.
  3. Make a thing started but not finished not continue permanently or for a limited time.
  4. A secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to something.
  5. Taking something by force that does not belong to you.
  6. Share or exchange information, news, or ideas.
  7. Line that limits the outer part or furthest from the center of a thing.
  8. It refers to the absence of risk or trust in something or someone.
  9. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
  10. An insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
  1. Facts provided or learned about something or someone.
  2. media Is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks.
  3. Happening or coming immediately.
  4. Belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only.
  5. Develop or increase in mental capacity by education or experience.
  6. Use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
  7. Have the power to enter a certain place.
  8. An apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function.
  9. An identification used by a person with access to a computer, network, or online service.
  10. Depend on with full trust or confidence.
  11. Possession of the means or skill to do something.
  12. A particular place or position.
  13. Cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider.

23 Clues: A particular place or position.Happening or coming immediately.The center of interest or activity.Have the power to enter a certain place.Depend on with full trust or confidence.Share or exchange information, news, or ideas.Possession of the means or skill to do something.Cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider....

Vocabulary 2020-10-21

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. cut shortcuts digitally
  2. request a big complaint
  3. object that performs a function
  4. platform to chat with other people
  5. getting something inappropriate
  6. revolutionary means for life
  7. special name you use for tech gadgets
  8. a place where is something someone
  9. allows you to enter
  10. break up a conversation or space
  11. have faith
  12. protection against bad
  13. something enlarge
  1. report something
  2. data about something or someone
  3. something personal
  4. something right away
  5. interrupt
  6. key that prevents easy access
  7. the limit of an object
  8. modify something for the better
  9. can do something
  10. fixate on someone in a focused way

23 Clues: interrupthave faithreport somethingcan do somethingsomething enlargesomething personalallows you to entersomething right awaythe limit of an objectprotection against badcut shortcuts digitallyrequest a big complaintrevolutionary means for lifekey that prevents easy accessdata about something or someoneobject that performs a function...

VOCABULARY 2020-10-21

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. A secret word that allows you to do something, especially to use a computer.
  2. A place or position.
  3. Facts about a situation, person, event, etc.
  4. A piece of equipment with moving parts that uses power to do a particular job.
  5. A name or other word that you sometimes need to type in along with a password before you are allowed to use a computer or a website.
  6. To make something bigger or longer.
  7. The fact of being able to use or see something.
  8. The person or thing that is getting most attention in a situation or activity.
  9. The skill or qualities that you need to do something.
  10. (Often with in, with) to (try to) become involved in etc, when one’s help etc is not wanted.
  1. The things that are done to keep someone or something safe.
  2. To talk or write to someone in order to share information with them
  3. A strong request or need for something.
  4. Happening immediately.
  5. The action or crime of stealing something.
  6. The part around something that is furthest from the center.
  7. To get better or to make something better.
  8. A secret word that allows you to do something, especially to use a computer.
  9. To use a computer to illegally get into someone else’s computer system.
  10. Knowledge, equipment, and methods that are used in science and industry.
  11. To depend on or need.
  12. Media, Websites and computer programs that allow people to communicate and share information on the internet using a computer or mobile phone.

22 Clues: A place or position.To depend on or need.Happening immediately.To make something bigger or longer.A strong request or need for something.The action or crime of stealing something.To get better or to make something better.Facts about a situation, person, event, etc.The fact of being able to use or see something....

Vocabulary 2020-11-12

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. adjective to nutrient
  2. I am ____________ your reply!
  3. make a picture
  4. to go in the right direction in life
  5. to get sth in order
  6. to do sth more quickly
  7. nearly the same
  8. brave, good person
  9. give sb an official position
  10. things that are not seen
  11. sign up for a race
  12. normal
  13. many different things
  14. opposite of not...yet
  15. to grow
  16. BE for resume
  17. sth that changes sb/sth
  18. part of a country
  19. go separate ways
  20. noun to social
  21. opposite of wild
  22. to improve
  23. become emotional, to lose control
  24. verb of proof
  25. to hurt, injure
  1. not to be okay
  2. to study
  3. a statue/place to remember a special person/time
  4. opposite of dangerous
  5. noun of to state
  6. sequence
  7. to make less progress
  8. That______ like a great plan!
  9. route
  10. Nachforschungen
  11. private, about yourself
  12. noun of to choose
  13. journey
  14. on the other side
  15. to start
  16. opposite of to lose weight
  17. so who welcomes guests
  18. e.g. touch,taste,smell
  19. to survive
  20. bemerken
  21. occur
  22. to put sb under _______
  23. I have to _________ my siblings today
  24. king, queen, prince
  25. sich für etw bewerben

50 Clues: routeoccurnormaljourneyto growto studysequenceto startbemerkento surviveto improveBE for resumeverb of proofnot to be okaymake a picturenoun to socialNachforschungennearly the sameto hurt, injurenoun of to statego separate waysopposite of wildnoun of to chooseon the other sidepart of a countrybrave, good personsign up for a raceto get sth in order...

vocabulary 2020-11-18

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. darte ganas
  2. la integridad de acciones
  3. lo que uno debe hacer según el derecho o la ley
  4. darte muchas ganas
  5. la característica de una persona comprensiva y tolerante
  6. darte muchísimas ganas
  7. la inclinación de portarse con compasión y comprensión
  8. la tendencia a portarse de una manera generosa
  9. el atributo o carácter positivo de una persona
  10. ser un uso negativo de tu energía
  1. parecerte muy interesante
  2. lo contrario de divertirte
  3. la inclinación amistosa entre personas
  4. parecerte fasinante
  5. no gustarte nada
  6. el sentimiento de fidelidad
  7. la obligación que uno tiene porque dio su palabra de honor
  8. molestarte
  9. el respeto a las ideas, creencias o prácticas de los demás
  10. la inclinación natural hacia el bien

20 Clues: molestartedarte ganasno gustarte nadadarte muchas ganasparecerte fasinantedarte muchísimas ganasparecerte muy interesantela integridad de accioneslo contrario de divertirteel sentimiento de fidelidadser un uso negativo de tu energíala inclinación natural hacia el bienla inclinación amistosa entre personas...

Vocabulary 2020-11-18

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. performance of a play or film that isn't in the evening
  2. a person who buys something
  3. the continent where you can India and China
  4. the opposite of 'real'
  5. a very popular film or a best-selling book
  6. it's part of a computer and part of a cinema
  7. to ask for a job
  8. a public music festival where people wear colourful clothes
  9. a love story
  10. the story of a film
  11. where you come from
  12. it helps you to get a good result.
  13. the work that an engineer does
  1. someone in a film or a theatre play
  2. a money problem is a ... problem.
  3. to need
  4. tolearn something at school or university
  5. a place where small children and babies are looked after
  6. sea area where the West Indies are
  7. what you must pay to the state
  8. a person who sells things or helps someone
  9. a person who can repair cars or machines
  10. to send from one place to another
  11. person who can walk on a high rope
  12. connected to a computer
  13. a part of an organization or company
  14. someone who learns a job or skill at work
  15. the people who wathc a film or a play
  16. a movie

29 Clues: to needa moviea love storyto ask for a jobthe story of a filmwhere you come fromthe opposite of 'real'connected to a computera person who buys somethingwhat you must pay to the statethe work that an engineer doesa money problem is a ... problem.to send from one place to anothersea area where the West Indies areperson who can walk on a high rope...

Vocabulary 2020-04-11

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The final act or climax
  2. The act of keeping something
  3. To put into law or formally declare
  4. Formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief
  5. To get on top of or overcome
  6. Overall agreement
  7. To use to your advantage
  8. Revoke formally
  9. Very large in amount or degree
  10. A fear of foreigners or strangers
  1. Involving quantities (numbers and amounts)
  2. Completely new and never having happened before
  3. Having unlimited power
  4. a threadlike strand of DNA that carries genes
  5. Dangerous and unstable
  6. cranky, pouty, irritable
  7. Insufficiently, meagerly, or in a restricted manner
  8. Teach and impress by frequent repetitions
  9. To make a secretive mention of something
  10. To support, strengthen, or fortify

20 Clues: Revoke formallyOverall agreementHaving unlimited powerDangerous and unstableThe final act or climaxcranky, pouty, irritableTo use to your advantageThe act of keeping somethingTo get on top of or overcomeVery large in amount or degreeA fear of foreigners or strangersTo support, strengthen, or fortifyTo put into law or formally declare...

Vocabulary 2020-04-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. / present, appearing, or found everywhere.
  2. /raise objections or show reluctance.
  3. (a place) with defensive works as protection against attack.
  4. /(of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.
  5. /causing or affected by anxiety or stress.
  6. action of absorbing and continuing to hold a substance.
  7. /(of land) used or suitable for growing crops.
  8. / a passionate expression of grief or sorrow
  9. /no longer produced or used; out of date.
  10. /causing great horror or fear.
  11. /too powerful to be defeated or overcome.
  12. /the arrival of a notable person or thing
  1. /the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time.
  2. /written or spoken communication or debate.
  3. /a person who insists on a certain quality or type of behaviour.
  4. /ability to work successfully.
  5. severe or strict in manner or attitude.
  6. /method of composition using series of pitches, rhythms, dynamics, timbres or other musical elements
  7. /
  8. /producing a great deal of profit
  9. / a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation.

21 Clues: //ability to work successfully./causing great horror or fear./producing a great deal of profitsevere or strict in manner or attitude./raise objections or show reluctance./no longer produced or used; out of date./written or spoken communication or debate./causing or affected by anxiety or stress./ a passionate expression of grief or sorrow...

Vocabulary 2020-09-01

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to download
  2. username
  3. to take notes
  4. to turn in homework
  5. to google
  6. to explain
  7. to cut and paste
  8. to distribute
  9. grades
  10. to translate
  11. sentence
  12. take out a pencil
  13. to understand
  14. folder
  15. to fill
  16. password
  17. to keep
  18. paragraph
  19. to mark
  20. to click
  21. to grade
  22. home page
  23. bookmark
  1. at
  2. to identify
  3. app
  4. to delete
  5. link
  6. to pay attention
  7. due date
  8. word
  9. a bottle
  10. to start
  11. to underline
  12. story
  13. question
  14. quiz
  15. page
  16. file
  17. icon
  18. to go online
  19. address

42 Clues: atapplinkwordquizpagefileiconstorygradesfolderto fillto keepto markaddressusernamedue datea bottlesentenceto startquestionpasswordto clickto gradebookmarkto deleteto googleparagraphhome pageto explainto identifyto downloadto translateto underlineto go onlineto take notesto distributeto understandto pay attentionto cut and pastetake out a pencil...

Vocabulary 2020-05-11

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. when I was child, I could.............
  2. My English teacher can ........English
  3. I like to..............on the skate lane
  4. when I was a child, I could.............
  5. when I go to the farm, I......................
  6. I can.......very fast
  7. The girls can ....... soccer
  8. At school, we ...........in the notebook
  9. I like to .......fast food
  1. On Christmas, we can......................
  2. when I go to school, I............
  3. The magic likes................
  4. when it's rain, I like to...............
  5. I like to ............my series
  6. On vacations I like.................
  7. My sister likes to.......on Saturdays
  8. When we are adults, we want a drive's license to ......
  9. I .......many books
  10. I can .......tea every day
  11. When I was a child, I...................

20 Clues: I .......many booksI can.......very fastI can .......tea every dayI like to .......fast foodThe girls can ....... soccerThe magic likes................I like to ............my serieswhen I go to school, I............On vacations I like.................My sister likes to.......on Saturdayswhen I was child, I could................

Vocabulary 2020-05-11

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. When I was child, I could.............
  2. My English teacher can ........English
  3. I like to..............on the skate lane
  4. When I was a child, I could.............
  5. When I go to the farm, I......................
  6. I can.......very fast
  7. The girls can ....... soccer
  8. At school, we ...........in the notebook
  9. I like to .......fast food
  1. On Christmas, we can......................
  2. When I go to school, I............
  3. The magic likes................
  4. When it's raining, I like to...............
  5. I like to ............my series
  6. On vacations I like.................
  7. My sister likes to.......on Saturdays
  8. When we are adults, we want a drive's license to ......
  9. I .......many books
  10. I can .......tea every day
  11. When I was a child, I...................

20 Clues: I .......many booksI can.......very fastI can .......tea every dayI like to .......fast foodThe girls can ....... soccerThe magic likes................I like to ............my seriesWhen I go to school, I............On vacations I like.................My sister likes to.......on SaturdaysWhen I was child, I could................

Vocabulary 2020-11-25

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. gaidīt
  2. māja
  3. gatavot ēst
  4. runāt
  5. virve
  6. šķīvis
  7. pirkt
  8. grīda
  9. lielveikals
  10. doties iepirkties
  11. mazgāt
  12. drosmīgs
  13. ķert
  14. bibliotēka
  1. taisīt
  2. zemene
  3. durvju zvans
  4. mācīties
  5. garlaikots
  6. apstāties
  7. zvanīt
  8. kustēties
  9. garšot
  10. kino
  11. zaglis

25 Clues: mājakinoķertrunātvirvepirktgrīdataisītzemenegaidītšķīviszvanītgaršotmazgātzaglismācītiesdrosmīgsapstātieskustētiesgarlaikotsbibliotēkagatavot ēstlielveikalsdurvju zvansdoties iepirkties

Vocabulary 2020-11-26

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. korv
  2. maapind
  3. lehvitama
  4. pärastlõuna
  5. redel
  6. karjuma
  7. järjekord
  8. mäletama
  9. - kallis, armas
  10. klassikaaslane
  11. naljakas
  12. neid
  13. ring
  14. reegel
  15. puur
  16. kaotama
  17. lärm
  18. pillama
  19. vikerkaar
  20. õpik
  21. märkama
  1. seespool
  2. pakend
  3. nähtamatu
  4. raske
  5. tegu
  6. kingapael
  7. pabertaskurätik
  8. eriti
  9. saladus
  10. kitsi/ahne
  11. kaaslane
  12. sada
  13. väiksem
  14. sukelduma
  15. lõvi
  16. homme
  17. loosung
  18. trampima(jalgu)

39 Clues: korvtegusadaneidringlõvipuurlärmõpikraskeredeleritihommepakendreegelmaapindkarjumasaladusväiksemkaotamapillamaloosungmärkamaseespoolmäletamakaaslanenaljakasnähtamatulehvitamakingapaeljärjekordsukeldumavikerkaarkitsi/ahnepärastlõunaklassikaaslanepabertaskurätik- kallis, armastrampima(jalgu)

Vocabulary 2020-12-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Bánh nướng pi za
  2. bánh kem
  3. Cái cây
  4. tuyết
  5. bức hình, ảnh
  6. Bánh mì
  7. room phòng học vẽ
  8. cầu trượt
  9. Cái kệ
  10. Con ếch
  11. room phòng vi tính
  12. Bông hoa
  13. đôi găng tay
  14. Cỏ
  15. Xe tải
  16. màu xanh
  17. Quả nho
  18. Giường
  19. thiệp
  20. Chăn, mền
  21. hàng xóm
  22. Môn vẽ
  23. Cái bình, chậu, lọ
  24. đôi dép
  25. tranh treo tường
  26. Món gà
  27. Bàn
  28. Con cáo
  1. Món sữa lắc
  2. ngăn kéo, ngăn tủ
  3. Món mì
  4. đám mây
  5. Cái đĩa, dĩa
  6. cười
  7. cột, cà vạt, cái nơ
  8. hạt, đậu
  9. Tủ nhiều ngăn
  10. Tấm thảm
  11. Bàn chải, cọ
  12. quả mận tím
  13. Đĩa ném
  14. đồng hồ
  15. Con cua
  16. Cái trống
  17. Món rau trộn
  18. Bút màu
  19. keo dán
  20. ngôi sao
  21. Cái gối
  22. Mặt trời
  23. Con bọ
  24. Ghế
  25. bong bóng
  26. món quà
  27. bâu trời
  28. yard sân trường
  29. Nhảy (không phải jump)
  30. Lá cờ

58 Clues: CỏGhếBàncườituyếtthiệpLá cờMón mìCái kệXe tảiGiườngCon bọMôn vẽMón gàđám mâyCái câyBánh mìCon ếchĐĩa némđồng hồCon cuaBút màukeo dánQuả nhoCái gốiđôi dépmón quàCon cáobánh kemhạt, đậuTấm thảmBông hoangôi saomàu xanhMặt trờihàng xómbâu trờicầu trượtCái trốngChăn, mềnbong bóngMón sữa lắcquả mận tímCái đĩa, dĩaBàn chải, cọMón rau trộnđôi găng tay...

vocabulary 2021-01-25

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. - list of websites visited
  2. - two or more computers linked together which share and exchange information
  3. page - single web document which opens in a browser
  4. - first portion of a web name; often “www.”
  5. - websites used to share, post and exchange information in an informal format through several differing channels
  6. - combination of words and symbols unique to each web page
  7. - collection of web pages which have a common theme or focus
  8. - computer program which replicates and spreads itself from one computer to another
  9. - adult Internet user who uses social networking sites, chat rooms or other cyberspace to approach and eventually hurt other people
  10. - companies which provide Internet connections for a fee
  11. - words, phrases or graphics in a web page which targets another location
  12. Network - networks or websites which require a password or security code to gain access
  1. - computer user who attempts to acquire unauthorized entry to servers and computer systems
  2. - last portion of a web name; includes examples such as “.com”, “.org” or “.net”
  3. - middle portion of a web name; unique to the web name
  4. - hardware which checks information coming from the Internet or a network and either turns it away or allows it to pass through to the computer
  5. (www) - portion of the Internet consisting of computer sites containing billions of documents called web pages
  6. - software program retrieving and presenting data using the Internet
  7. - descriptive words or phrases which accompany photos to identify what the image is when the image will not open or load
  8. - web page which automatically opens when the web browser is opened
  9. or Bookmarks - feature which can be used to store and organize a list of web pages which can be revisited easily
  10. - software program which searches the Internet for words or phrases and returns a list as to where each is located
  11. - allows equipment such as fax machines, printers and files to be served to multiple computers
  12. - worldwide collection of networks which allow people to communicate and share information quickly and easily

24 Clues: - list of websites visited- first portion of a web name; often “www.”page - single web document which opens in a browser- middle portion of a web name; unique to the web name- companies which provide Internet connections for a fee- combination of words and symbols unique to each web page- collection of web pages which have a common theme or focus...

Vocabulary 2021-01-20

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. be accustomed to (doing) something
  2. very concerned about small, usually unimportant details, and difficult to please
  3. very good, enjoyable, or unusual, and worth remembering
  4. when you carefully listen to, look at, or think about someone or something
  5. wanting to protect someone from harm or danger
  6. behaving in a calm polite way, and not being rude or violent
  7. serious study of a subject, in order to discover new facts or test new ideas
  8. if something or someone is predictable, you know what will happen or what they will do – sometimes used to show disapproval
  9. your first born child
  10. complete, not separated into smaller parts
  11. funny enough
  1. having no worries or problems
  2. the belief that you have the ability to do things well or deal with situations successfully
  3. listening to or watching someone carefully because you are interested
  4. used to describe something that is surprising because you were not expecting it
  5. a meeting at which people try to improve their skills by discussing their experiences and doing practical exercises
  6. someone who is argumentative often argues or likes arguing
  7. at the beginning
  8. someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or depended on
  9. a brother or sister
  10. happening, coming, or done quickly or when you do not expect it

21 Clues: funny enoughat the beginninga brother or sisteryour first born childhaving no worries or problemsbe accustomed to (doing) somethingcomplete, not separated into smaller partswanting to protect someone from harm or dangervery good, enjoyable, or unusual, and worth rememberingsomeone who is argumentative often argues or likes arguing...

vocabulary 2021-01-05

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. any person of mixed blood
  2. consequences on the globe
  3. identification withe a persons nation
  4. a system of politics
  5. information biassed or misleading
  6. a condition of deep suffering
  7. general offspring of a black and white parent
  8. a person mixed European and black
  9. moving from nation to nation
  10. the process of being united
  1. region in Europe
  2. a formal of explicit statement
  3. acquiring full or partial control of another country
  4. people that are descendants of africans in America
  5. a movement ai med to create a more unified state
  6. were people who came from Iberian peninsula
  7. fortress
  8. French for philosophers
  9. overthrowing a government
  10. country in carribean

20 Clues: fortressregion in Europea system of politicscountry in carribeanFrench for philosophersany person of mixed bloodconsequences on the globeoverthrowing a governmentthe process of being unitedmoving from nation to nationa condition of deep sufferinga formal of explicit statementinformation biassed or misleadinga person mixed European and black...

Vocabulary 2021-02-02

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The first level in Kohlberg’s theory of moral development in which people make decisions based on whether or not they will be punished or rewarded.
  2. Being able to achieve and maintain a state of balance while performing an activity such as jumping.
  3. The tendency of young children to focus on just one aspect of something seen.
  4. Refers to word structures and formations.
  5. The inability to take another person’s perspective.
  6. A reaction that has developed because of the immune system’s overreaction to a norm harmless substance in the environment.
  7. Disease that causes inflammation of the airways in the lungs.
  8. Children participate in constructive play together.
  9. Food guidance system created by the USDA to help people ages 2 and older make healthful food choices.
  10. A developmental disability that leads to problems with social behaviors and communication.
  11. Formal or logical processes that are organized mental processes.
  12. Refers to the sounds that make up words.
  13. Perception or insight based on feelings.
  14. Food triggering a response by the body’s immune system which can lead to severe reactions.
  15. Piaget’s second stage of cognitive development in which young children are beginning to use more rational thought processes.
  16. Children interact while involved in parallel play.
  1. Erikson’s stage when young children begin to be productive for themselves.
  2. Government funded preschool program which focuses on preparing disadvantage children for school.
  3. A child’s sense about being a boy or a girl.
  4. Parenting style that offers support with firm expectations also called authoritative parenting style.
  5. Thinking about memory.
  6. Using repetitive motions in play such as moving a toy car in circles.
  7. Learning disability that includes hyperactivity also a difficult staying on task (ADHD).
  8. Play that involves creating something.
  9. Thinking about thinking processes.
  10. Using visual input to guide a hand activity.
  11. Understanding transformation of view objects.
  12. Parenting style that gives children control of situations with few limits.
  13. Parenting style that tends to be controlling and corrective.
  14. Using language properly.
  15. Expectations about what is expected of boys and girls.
  16. Children between the ages of 3 through 5.

32 Clues: Thinking about memory.Using language properly.Thinking about thinking processes.Play that involves creating something.Refers to the sounds that make up words.Perception or insight based on feelings.Refers to word structures and formations.Children between the ages of 3 through 5.A child’s sense about being a boy or a girl....

VOCABULARY 2021-01-26

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. console:
  2. đăng nhập
  3. tải lên, đăng tải
  4. máy tính bảng
  5. hại
  6. nhận thấy, nhận thức
  7. tai nghe bluetooth
  8. gửi
  9. công nghệ thông tin và truyền thông
  10. thiết kế và công nghệ (?)
  1. máy quay
  2. cập nhật
  3. đạo hàng về tinh
  4. stick: giấy nhớ
  5. đánh giá
  6. kịch
  7. nghiện
  8. giáo dục tôn giáo
  9. thiết lập

20 Clues: hạigửikịchnghiệnmáy quayconsole:cập nhậtđánh giáđăng nhậpthiết lậpmáy tính bảngstick: giấy nhớđạo hàng về tinhtải lên, đăng tảigiáo dục tôn giáotai nghe bluetoothnhận thấy, nhận thứcthiết kế và công nghệ (?)công nghệ thông tin và truyền thông

Vocabulary 2020-12-18

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. suit
  2. dress
  3. to sell
  4. hat
  5. to pay
  6. jacket
  7. to cost
  8. sandals
  9. pants
  10. shirt
  11. sweater
  1. wallet
  2. to give
  3. clothes
  4. to wear
  5. gloves
  6. boot
  7. tie
  8. skirt
  9. raincoat

20 Clues: hattiesuitbootdressskirtpantsshirtwalletto payglovesjacketto giveto sellclothesto wearto costsandalssweaterraincoat

Vocabulary 2021-09-20

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. move too fast
  2. difficult to climb because it goes almost straight up
  3. tasks that take time and effort to complete
  4. imagine ideas and invent new things
  5. directs a group of people who sing or play musical instruments
  6. write a short note in a diary or a book
  7. an outdoor pipe firefighters use to get water to put out fires
  8. pictures or patterns made from smaller pieces of glass, stone, or other materials
  9. special clothes that people may wear to pretend that they are from another time or place
  10. a section of a community with streets on all of its sides
  1. he or she has something and keeps it
  2. show what you feel and think
  3. wishes for certain things to happen
  4. gave you some work to do, a task
  5. important or valuable to you
  6. tear down or destroy buildings
  7. a recording of movements and actions that you can see on a television or computer screen
  8. you can feel the wind softly blowing
  9. story or account of a series of events
  10. communicate or make an idea understandable to someone
  11. walk with even steps, often in a group

21 Clues: move too fastshow what you feel and thinkimportant or valuable to youtear down or destroy buildingsgave you some work to do, a taskwishes for certain things to happenimagine ideas and invent new thingshe or she has something and keeps ityou can feel the wind softly blowingstory or account of a series of eventswalk with even steps, often in a group...

Vocabulary 2021-09-22

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. collection of tissues that do a certain task
  2. where photosynthesis occurs
  3. an atoms central region
  4. helps in cell movemnt shape and division
  5. does specific functions for the cell
  6. region includes the fluid and cytoskeleton
  7. small bodies found in the cytoplasm
  8. contains air to digest food
  9. where ribosomes are made
  10. helps materials be shipped out of cell
  11. a fiber found in eukaryiotic cells
  12. all living things are made up of cells
  13. provides support to the cell
  14. a group of similar cells that perform a function
  15. single celled organism
  16. cell's outer boundary
  1. soulble portion of cytoplasm
  2. group of organs that work to do a phospholipid-bilayer double layer of phosopholipids
  3. composed of RNA and protein
  4. multi-cell organism
  5. enables the cell to move
  6. plays a part in cell structure and movement
  7. contain digestive enzymes
  8. produces, processes, and transports protein
  9. produces ATP
  10. gives plants cells green color
  11. double membrane around the nucleus
  12. active during mitosis
  13. made up of DNA and protein or just DNA
  14. contains components for photosynthesis
  15. hair like structures on the outside of cells
  16. smallest unit that can perform all life processes

32 Clues: produces ATPmulti-cell organismactive during mitosiscell's outer boundarysingle celled organisman atoms central regionenables the cell to movewhere ribosomes are madecontain digestive enzymescomposed of RNA and proteinwhere photosynthesis occurscontains air to digest foodsoulble portion of cytoplasmprovides support to the cell...

Vocabulary 2021-09-12

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. focusing all the attention
  2. the last part of a science report
  3. to go missing
  4. a type of paint
  5. the opposite of major
  6. words in a song
  7. a proof
  8. rice and noodles belong to this macronutrient
  9. a place to live
  10. the capacity to develop into something in the future
  1. coming up with something on spot
  2. another word for also
  3. the opposite of portrait
  4. moral sense of right and wrong
  5. the change in volume of a piece of music
  6. a group of listeners at a concert
  7. commercial trade
  8. to trust someone
  9. your favourite word
  10. the speed of a piece of music

20 Clues: a proofto go missinga type of paintwords in a songa place to livecommercial tradeto trust someoneyour favourite wordanother word for alsothe opposite of majorthe opposite of portraitfocusing all the attentionthe speed of a piece of musicmoral sense of right and wrongcoming up with something on spotthe last part of a science report...

Vocabulary 2021-09-13

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. (adj.) near, next to, adjoining
  2. (v.) to rush violently, dash headlong; to fling or hurl forcefully
  3. (adj.) evil, bad; spiteful; having bad habits or an ugly disposition; painfully severe or extreme
  4. (v.) to begin to grow, come into being
  5. (v.) to ask questions, examine by questioning
  6. (v.) to get down from, step down from; to come down from the air; land (adj.) lighted up
  7. (v.) to suggest or hint slyly; to edge into something indirectly
  8. (n.) a pause in fighting, temporary peace
  9. (adj.) endless, so long as to seem endless
  1. (v.) to pay back; to give a reward;(n.) a payment for loss, service, or injury
  2. (n.) a powerful family or group of rulers that maintains its position or power for some time
  3. (v.) to repair, restore to good condition, make new again
  4. (n.) an advance indication, sample, or warning
  5. (adj.) silent or brooding because of ill humor, anger, or resentment; slow-moving, sluggish
  6. (adj.) not productive, bare
  7. (v.) to break up, disturb
  8. (adj.) ordinary, dull, routine, without variation
  9. (adj.) not important, minor; ordinary, commonplace
  10. (n.) a brief summary; a short written account of one's education working experience, or qualification for a job
  11. (v.) to flow or fall by drops or in a small stream; (n.) a small, irregular quantity of anything

20 Clues: (v.) to break up, disturb(adj.) not productive, bare(adj.) near, next to, adjoining(v.) to begin to grow, come into being(n.) a pause in fighting, temporary peace(adj.) endless, so long as to seem endless(v.) to ask questions, examine by questioning(n.) an advance indication, sample, or warning(adj.) ordinary, dull, routine, without variation...

Vocabulary 2021-09-13

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. one of the first cities in Mesopotamia
  2. past of 'found'
  3. a nation that is ruled by an emperor
  4. exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money
  5. verb of origin
  6. disappear
  7. noun of 'devote'
  8. middle ages
  9. invade
  10. the doctrine or belief that there is only one God
  11. mention or royal residence
  12. conventional
  13. dig out
  14. ancient Egyptian system of writing
  15. a person who copies out documents
  16. kingdom
  17. noun of 'believe'
  18. impact
  19. plural of 'millennium'
  20. noun of 'achieve'
  21. a name of the Indus Valley people
  22. past of 'rise'
  23. your teacher's family name
  24. verb of 'weak'
  25. native
  26. mummification
  27. verb of 'fertile'
  28. huge
  1. participate
  2. widespread
  3. noun of 'bury'
  4. opposite of fertile
  5. vanished
  6. cuts or carves on a hard surface
  7. the land between two rivers
  8. opposite of 'obedience'
  9. silent letters in 'drought'
  10. a Sumerian invention
  11. ability to read and write
  12. predecessors
  13. peak
  14. tomb
  15. opposite of 'few'
  16. any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors
  17. noun of 'preserve'
  18. decode
  19. past of ‘seek’
  20. ancient
  21. hundreds of years
  22. a science which deals with celestial objects, space and the physical universe as a whole
  23. verb of 'rich'

51 Clues: peaktombhugeinvadedecodeimpactnativedig outkingdomancientvanisheddisappearwidespreadparticipatemiddle agespredecessorsconventionalmummificationnoun of 'bury'verb of originpast of ‘seek’past of 'rise'verb of 'weak'verb of 'rich'past of 'found'noun of 'devote'opposite of 'few'noun of 'believe'hundreds of yearsnoun of 'achieve'verb of 'fertile'...

Vocabulary 2021-09-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. (adj.) near, next to, adjoining
  2. (v.) to rush violently, dash headlong; to fling or hurl forcefully
  3. (adj.) evil, bad; spiteful; having bad habits or an ugly disposition; painfully severe or extreme
  4. (v.) to begin to grow, come into being
  5. (v.) to ask questions, examine by questioning
  6. (v.) to get down from, step down from; to come down from the air; land (adj.) lighted up
  7. (v.) to suggest or hint slyly; to edge into something indirectly
  8. (n.) a pause in fighting, temporary peace
  9. (adj.) endless, so long as to seem endless
  1. (v.) to pay back; to give a reward;(n.) a payment for loss, service, or injury
  2. (n.) a powerful family or group of rulers that maintains its position or power for some time
  3. (v.) to repair, restore to good condition, make new again
  4. (n.) an advance indication, sample, or warning
  5. (adj.) silent or brooding because of ill humor, anger, or resentment; slow-moving, sluggish
  6. (adj.) not productive, bare
  7. (v.) to break up, disturb
  8. (adj.) ordinary, dull, routine, without variation
  9. (adj.) not important, minor; ordinary, commonplace
  10. (n.) a brief summary; a short written account of one's education working experience, or qualification for a job
  11. (v.) to flow or fall by drops or in a small stream; (n.) a small, irregular quantity of anything

20 Clues: (v.) to break up, disturb(adj.) not productive, bare(adj.) near, next to, adjoining(v.) to begin to grow, come into being(n.) a pause in fighting, temporary peace(adj.) endless, so long as to seem endless(v.) to ask questions, examine by questioning(n.) an advance indication, sample, or warning(adj.) ordinary, dull, routine, without variation...

Vocabulary 2021-09-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. near
  2. to rush violently, dash headlong
  3. evil, bad; spiteful;
  4. to begin to grow
  5. to ask questions
  6. (v.) to get down from(adj.) lighted up
  7. to suggest or hint slyly
  8. a pause in fighting
  9. so long as to seem endless
  1. to payback
  2. a powerful family or group of rulers
  3. restore to good condition
  4. an advance indication
  5. silent or brooding because of ill humor, anger, or resentment
  6. not productive
  7. to disturb
  8. ordinary, dull
  9. not important, minor
  10. a brief summary
  11. to flow or fall by drops or in a small

20 Clues: nearto paybackto disturbnot productiveordinary, dulla brief summaryto begin to growto ask questionsa pause in fightingevil, bad; spiteful;not important, minoran advance indicationto suggest or hint slylyrestore to good conditionso long as to seem endlessto rush violently, dash headlonga powerful family or group of rulers...

Vocabulary 2021-09-19

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. insinyur
  2. kamis
  3. 44
  4. sepak bola
  5. orang Indonesia
  6. tukang listrik
  7. orang jepang
  8. domba
  9. selasa
  10. restoran
  11. sepupu
  1. dokter gigi
  2. kamus
  3. pulang rumah
  4. sikat gigi
  5. pasien
  6. koran
  7. keledai
  8. dokter hewan
  9. keponakan (laki-laki)
  10. anak perempuan
  11. suami

22 Clues: 44kamuskamiskorandombasuamipasienselasasepupukeledaiinsinyurrestoransikat gigisepak boladokter gigipulang rumahdokter hewanorang jepanganak perempuantukang listrikorang Indonesiakeponakan (laki-laki)