world war 2 Crossword Puzzles

Cold War 2021-04-13

Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. the hostile but nonviolent struggle for power between the United States and the Soviet Union, as well as their respective allies, from the end of World War II to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991
  2. a Soviet plan, initiated by Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov in 1949, to aid in the economic recovery of Eastern Europe after World War II by establishing the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance to create two-way trade agreements between the Soviet Union and other COMECON members and to integrate members' economies
  3. the ideological barrier that existed between Eastern and Western Europe from 1945 to 1990
  4. a panel established by the United Nations in 1946 to propose ways to control atomic energy and restrict the development of nuclear weapons
  5. in July and August 1945 in the German city of Potsdam, a conference of the main Allied leaders—U.S. president Harry S. Truman, British prime minister Winston Churchill and later his successor Clement Atlee, and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin—to finalize post-World War II plans for Europe
  6. the working class in a society
  7. the dominating influence of one country or group over others
  1. an economic system in which the people, often under supervision of the state, jointly own the means of production and distribution
  2. held in February 1945 in the Soviet city of Yalta, a conference of the main Allied leaders—U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt, British prime minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin—to plan the future of post–World War II Europe
  3. a U.S. foreign policy, established in 1947 by President Harry S. Truman, of providing economic and military aid to countries—initially Greece and Turkey—that were attempting to resist communism
  4. a U.S. plan, initiated by the Secretary of State George Marshall and implemented from 1948 to 1951, to aid in the economic recovery of Europe after World War II by offering certain European countries substantial funds
  5. a nation that is so powerful that it influences or controls less powerful states
  6. the power released by a nuclear reaction
  7. after World War II, the U.S. foreign policy practice of attempting to restrict the expansion of Soviet influence around the world

14 Clues: the working class in a societythe power released by a nuclear reactionthe dominating influence of one country or group over othersa nation that is so powerful that it influences or controls less powerful statesthe ideological barrier that existed between Eastern and Western Europe from 1945 to 1990...

Cold War Cross Word 2021-04-13

Cold War Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. hostile but nonviolent struggle for power between the United States and the Soviet Union, as well as their respective allies, from the end of World War II to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991
  2. a Soviet plan, initiated by Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov in 1949, to aid in the economic recovery of Eastern Europe after World War II by establishing the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance to create two-way trade agreements between the Soviet Union and other COMECON members and to integrate members' economies
  3. the ideological barrier that existed between Eastern and Western Europe from 1945 to 1990
  4. a panel established by the United Nations in 1946 to propose ways to control atomic energy and restrict the development of nuclear weapons
  5. in July and August 1945 in the German city of Potsdam, a conference of the main Allied leaders—U.S. president Harry S. Truman, British prime minister Winston Churchill and later his successor Clement Atlee, and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin—to finalize post-World War II plans for Europe
  6. the working class in a society
  7. the dominating influence of one country or group over others
  1. economic system in which the people, often under supervision of the state, jointly own the means of production and distribution
  2. in February 1945 in the Soviet city of Yalta, a conference of the main Allied leaders—U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt, British prime minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin—to plan the future of post–World War II Europe
  3. a U.S. foreign policy, established in 1947 by President Harry S. Truman, of providing economic and military aid to countries—initially Greece and Turkey—that were attempting to resist communism
  4. a U.S. plan, initiated by the Secretary of State George Marshall and implemented from 1948 to 1951, to aid in the economic recovery of Europe after World War II by offering certain European countries substantial funds
  5. a nation that is so powerful that it influences or controls less powerful states
  6. the power released by a nuclear reaction
  7. after World War II, the U.S. foreign policy practice of attempting to restrict the expansion of Soviet influence around the world

14 Clues: the working class in a societythe power released by a nuclear reactionthe dominating influence of one country or group over othersa nation that is so powerful that it influences or controls less powerful statesthe ideological barrier that existed between Eastern and Western Europe from 1945 to 1990...

Unit 9 Puzzle 2023-04-21

Unit 9 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Not wanting to get involved in a war between other powers
  2. this country was blamed for the war.
  3. A government that tries to assert total control over the people
  4. The coalition led by Great Britain, France, the United States, the Soviet Union, and China during World War II.
  5. They supported slavery during the war
  1. the treaty that ended WWI
  2. The place that Japan bombed which made the US join WWI
  3. A feeling of anger/displeasure towards someone or something
  4. The coalition led by Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II.
  5. They opposed slavery during the Civil War
  6. A government where the people have power

11 Clues: the treaty that ended WWIthis country was blamed for the war.They supported slavery during the warA government where the people have powerThey opposed slavery during the Civil WarThe place that Japan bombed which made the US join WWINot wanting to get involved in a war between other powersA feeling of anger/displeasure towards someone or something...

1920's Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-03

1920's Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. american white supremacist hate group
  2. Young ladies known for wearing shorter dresses and bobbed hair for encouraging freedom from traditional societal constraints.
  3. A saloon that sells without a license
  4. When women were able to vote
  5. A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests from other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.
  6. abstinence from alcoholic beverages
  7. the movement of AA from the South to the North
  8. When a new invention gets put into a company it causes a lot of workers to lose their job.
  1. A federal law that prevented immigration from Asia
  2. The ability to vote in political events
  3. a production process that breaks the manufacture a good into steps that are completed in pre-defined
  4. A time period of rich cross-disciplinary artistic and cultural activity among african americans between the end of World War 1 and the onset of the great depression and lead up to World War 2.
  5. legal prevention of the manufacture, sale,and transportation of alcoholic beverages
  6. grants the States virtually complete control over whether to permit importation or sale of liquor and how to structure the liquor distribution system.
  7. enforce racial segregation
  8. guidebook to help African Americans travel

16 Clues: enforce racial segregationWhen women were able to voteabstinence from alcoholic beveragesamerican white supremacist hate groupA saloon that sells without a licenseThe ability to vote in political eventsguidebook to help African Americans travelthe movement of AA from the South to the NorthA federal law that prevented immigration from Asia...

Lesson 38 Vocab! 2021-04-20

Lesson 38 Vocab! crossword puzzle
  1. the hostile but nonviolent struggle for power between the United States and the Soviet Union, as well as their respective allies, from the end of World War II to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991
  2. a Soviet plan, initiated by Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov in 1949, to aid in the economic recovery of Eastern Europe after World War II by establishing the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance to create two-way trade agreements between the Soviet Union and other COMECON members and to integrate members' economies
  3. the ideological barrier that existed between Eastern and Western Europe from 1945 to 1990
  4. a panel established by the United Nations in 1946 to propose ways to control atomic energy and restrict the development of nuclear weapons
  5. in July and August 1945 in the German city of Potsdam, a conference of the main Allied leaders—U.S. president Harry S. Truman, British prime minister Winston Churchill and later his successor Clement Atlee, and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin—to finalize post-World War II plans for Europe
  6. the working class in a society
  7. the dominating influence of one country or group over others
  1. an economic system in which the people, often under supervision of the state, jointly own the means of production and distribution
  2. held in February 1945 in the Soviet city of Yalta, a conference of the main Allied leaders—U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt, British prime minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin—to plan the future of post–World War II Europe
  3. a U.S. foreign policy, established in 1947 by President Harry S. Truman, of providing economic and military aid to countries—initially Greece and Turkey—that were attempting to resist communism
  4. a U.S. plan, initiated by the Secretary of State George Marshall and implemented from 1948 to 1951, to aid in the economic recovery of Europe after World War II by offering certain European countries substantial funds
  5. a nation that is so powerful that it influences or controls less powerful states
  6. the power released by a nuclear reaction
  7. after World War II, the U.S. foreign policy practice of attempting to restrict the expansion of Soviet influence around the world

14 Clues: the working class in a societythe power released by a nuclear reactionthe dominating influence of one country or group over othersa nation that is so powerful that it influences or controls less powerful statesthe ideological barrier that existed between Eastern and Western Europe from 1945 to 1990...

Cold War Key Terms 2022-01-27

Cold War Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. policy of reducing Cold War tensions that was pursued by the US and USSR in the 1970s
  2. US foreign policy aimed at stopping the spread of communism
  3. Chinese leader whose economic reforms introduced capitalist elements to China's communism
  4. alliance between USSR and Eastern European countries
  5. term for the Cold War division between the Soviet-dominated East and the U.S.-dominated West.
  6. father of communism
  7. Soviet policy that rejected Stalin's repressions and called for openness and more freedom
  8. Soviet attempt to starve out the allied powers in Berlin, Germany after World War 2
  9. alliance of democratic western countries
  1. the modernization and industrialization of Japan in the late 1800's
  2. attempt in the 1980s to improve the Soviet economy (which failed)
  3. Soviet leader who unsuccessfully attempted to reform the economy
  4. Independent, Communist nations in Eastern Europe on friendly terms with the USSR and thought of as under the USSR's control
  5. a war instigated by a major power which does not itself become involved.
  6. first communist leader of China, founder of the Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward
  7. idea that a nuclear attack by one superpower would be met with an overwhelming nuclear counterattack such that both the attacker and the defender would be destroyed
  8. treaty aimed at limiting nuclear arms

17 Clues: father of communismtreaty aimed at limiting nuclear armsalliance of democratic western countriesalliance between USSR and Eastern European countriesUS foreign policy aimed at stopping the spread of communismSoviet leader who unsuccessfully attempted to reform the economyattempt in the 1980s to improve the Soviet economy (which failed)...

World War 1 Crossword puzzle 2016-12-14

World War 1 Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. France, Britain, and Russia allies.
  2. The development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy.
  3. a barren expanse of mud pockmarked with shell craters and filled with barbed wire.
  4. Men register randomly chosen for service.
  5. A barren expanse of mud pockmarked with shell craters and filled with barbed wire.
  6. Germany agreed to a cease-fire and signed the _______, or truce, that ended the war.
  7. Person who opposes war on moral grounds.
  8. Bloodiest war in history to date.
  9. Three sets; front line supports reserve, Between each sides trench; “No Man’s Land”.
  10. May 7, 1915, a U-boat sank the British liner ________ off the southern coast of Ireland.
  1. A devotion to the interests and culture of one's nation.
  2. Famous fighter pilot of world war 1.
  3. By 1907 there were two major defense alliances in Europe. the triple entente, later known as the _____, consisted of France, Britain, and Russia.
  4. The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories.
  5. The american expeditionary force was led by ______.
  6. Telegram from German ambassador to Mexico.
  7. General John J. Pershing led the ______.
  8. Destroyers escort merchant ships across Atlantic.
  9. The original name of world war 1.

19 Clues: Bloodiest war in history to date.The original name of world war 1.France, Britain, and Russia allies.Famous fighter pilot of world war 1.General John J. Pershing led the ______.Person who opposes war on moral grounds.Men register randomly chosen for service.Telegram from German ambassador to Mexico.Destroyers escort merchant ships across Atlantic....

chapter 14-Dylan 2015-10-15

chapter 14-Dylan crossword puzzle
  1. who gathered taught universes.
  2. selling of church positions
  3. revolution expansion of trade change in business practices
  4. Effort by christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain.
  5. of representatives that makes laws for nation.
  6. Co pet founder of dynasty ruled France from 987 to 1328.
  7. 2-Pope who called for 1st crusade.
  8. 2 English king who added French lands to English holdings by marrying Elanor of Aquitaine.
  9. Muslim leader of 1100's.
  1. 2 one of the most powerful Capetian kings.
  2. language.
  3. plague deadly disease spread across Asia Europe in 14th century.
  4. A holy war.
  5. field system Farmland dived into 3 equal sized fields.
  6. law body of rulings by English judges.
  7. year war war between England and France from 1337 to 1453.
  8. the lion English king who fought Saladin in 3rd crusade.
  9. class person who lived in a town.
  10. of arc English peasant who led french army to victory at Orleans.
  11. general council of representatives advise the French king.

20 Clues: language.A holy war.Muslim leader of 1100's.selling of church positionswho gathered taught universes.class person who lived in a town.2-Pope who called for 1st body of rulings by English judges.2 one of the most powerful Capetian kings.of representatives that makes laws for nation.field system Farmland dived into 3 equal sized fields....

book report 2022-04-11

book report crossword puzzle
  1. plans they drooped bombs from the sky
  2. to carry goods around fast
  3. Hitler made kids to make bombs and everything to help him win the war
  1. something in world war 2
  2. something used to hurt people called a heater in the 30s
  3. something to ride around to travel faster
  4. camp lost people to get food and heath
  5. people busing in house and taking people

8 Clues: something in world war 2to carry goods around fastplans they drooped bombs from the skycamp lost people to get food and heathpeople busing in house and taking peoplesomething to ride around to travel fastersomething used to hurt people called a heater in the 30sHitler made kids to make bombs and everything to help him win the war

ww2 2022-10-21

ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. Harbor Surprise attack by the Japanese on December 7, 1941 that resulted in the United States' entry into world war 2
  2. Prime minister of Great Britain during world war 2Joseph Stalin the Dictator of the soviet union during world war 2Non-Aggression Pact Agreement between Germany and the USSR not to fight each other. They also agreed to divide Poland
  3. HItler The dictator of Germany during world war 2Benito Mussolini the Dictator of Italy during world war 2Winston Churchill
  1. Interment In 1942 the U.S. Government removed more than 100,000 people of Japanese birth and ancestry from their homes on the pacific coast to relocation centers
  2. of Britain The German air force launched an all-out air battle to destroy the British Royal Air Force
  3. Depression The economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s

6 Clues: of Britain The German air force launched an all-out air battle to destroy the British Royal Air ForceDepression The economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930sHarbor Surprise attack by the Japanese on December 7, 1941 that resulted in the United States' entry into world war 2...

Classical Civilizations 2024-09-16

Classical Civilizations crossword puzzle
  1. Greek city-state known for war/conquering and superior warriors
  2. From the peninsula of Attica, leaders of the Greek world
  3. period of time when the Greek language and ideas were taken to the non-Greek world
  4. "the rule of few", a form of government in which only a select few hold control
  5. the early Greek city-state consisting of a city or town and its surrounding countryside
  6. Greeks and Spartans held off a Persian army for 2 days before being betrayed and outflanked
  1. a gathering place at the top of a hill, sometimes the site of a temple
  2. a wall of shields created by foot soldiers marching side by side in a rectangle formation
  3. War between Athens and Sparta, Sparta won
  4. A Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Athena
  5. "the rule of many" government by the people or people representatives
  6. son of King Phillip king at age 20 helped spread Hellenistic culture across Europe
  7. a long poem that tells the deeds of a great hero
  8. a state with political and economical control over the surrounding countryside
  9. Famous scientist of the Hellenistic era, discovered geometry of cylinders and spheres
  10. Indo-europeans civilization who lived in modern day Iran

16 Clues: War between Athens and Sparta, Sparta wonA Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Athenaa long poem that tells the deeds of a great heroFrom the peninsula of Attica, leaders of the Greek worldIndo-europeans civilization who lived in modern day IranGreek city-state known for war/conquering and superior warriors...

So You Think You Know Peterborough !! 2019-01-03

So You Think You Know Peterborough !! crossword puzzle
  1. The only engineer to be honoured in Westminster Abbey
  2. Victorian writer with a dim view of railway catering facilities
  3. First person to use Morse Code to send a distress signal at sea
  4. Prisoner of war camp during the Napoleonic Wars
  5. Maker of modern Fletton
  6. RAF base
  7. World War One nurse
  8. Scottish-born American steel magnate who funded the library
  1. Surname of the last man to be executed in Peterborough
  2. The man who attempted to fly across the River Nene
  3. A second World War Hollywood connection
  4. Erasure pop singer who attended the King's School
  5. A local Ewok
  6. Cycle route around Peterborough
  7. Mother and son Mayoral duo

15 Clues: RAF baseA local EwokWorld War One nurseMaker of modern FlettonMother and son Mayoral duoCycle route around PeterboroughA second World War Hollywood connectionPrisoner of war camp during the Napoleonic WarsErasure pop singer who attended the King's SchoolThe man who attempted to fly across the River Nene...

World War 1-Gene Kim Mr. Sloan 2nd period 2021-03-12

World War 1-Gene Kim Mr. Sloan 2nd period crossword puzzle
  1. an international institution created to enforce the treaty ending the war and prevent future wars
  2. building up of military forces to scare other countries
  3. Way the U.S. Government drafted men
  4. a message from the german foreign secretary to mexico proposing an alliance
  5. manipulating public opinion with posters
  6. payments made by defeated nations to winner of war
  7. Agreement between two countries to give each other help/protection
  8. Belgium Russia, France, Britain, Serbia, U.S.
  1. Taking control of a foreign territory to build an empire
  2. staying out of world affairs.
  3. the agreement that ended world war 1 and created new countries
  4. Fighting in connected ditches
  5. german empire, austro Hungarian empire, ottoman empire, bulgaria
  6. not taking sides with any nation or alliance during war
  7. to provide a specific and fixed portion of food to soliders

15 Clues: staying out of world affairs.Fighting in connected ditchesWay the U.S. Government drafted menmanipulating public opinion with postersBelgium Russia, France, Britain, Serbia, U.S.payments made by defeated nations to winner of warbuilding up of military forces to scare other countriesnot taking sides with any nation or alliance during war...

Unit 5- Sub-Saharan Africa 2023-05-18

Unit 5- Sub-Saharan Africa crossword puzzle
  1. What is the longest river in the world
  2. The Hutus massacred and killed the Tutsis in a genocide located in this country
  3. This person is responsible for ending Apartheid & being the first black president of South Africa (first & last name)
  4. What did the Europeans do during colonization to create fighting between native tribes and groups
  5. 40% of people living in Africa live in less developed areas and rely on ______ _____ to provide food for their families (2 words)
  6. Lack of access to clean water can cause widespread illnesses also known as ____
  1. People fleeing war (like Salva) often found themselves living in this temporary place to avoid war (2 words)
  2. Northern Africans primarily practice this form of religion
  3. Both the Sahara and Kalahari are these types of landforms
  4. This racist ideas adopted into law in South Africa
  5. What type of growth would you typically see on a population pyramid for most African countries
  6. The average person makes $685 per year in Chad. Chad would be considered what level of development? (2 words)
  7. Environmental impact resulted from overfarming, overgrazing, and droughts
  8. What statistic helps people to understand how much the average person makes in a country (3 words)

14 Clues: What is the longest river in the worldThis racist ideas adopted into law in South AfricaBoth the Sahara and Kalahari are these types of landformsNorthern Africans primarily practice this form of religionEnvironmental impact resulted from overfarming, overgrazing, and droughts...

History Terms 2024-05-21

History Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Loans from citizens to the government during wartime
  2. 1960s militant African American organization
  3. Teddy Roosevelt's volunteer cavalry
  4. 1930s drought stricken Great Plains region
  5. Northern states in the Civil War
  6. Belief that communism would spread if not stopped
  7. Groups differing from the majority population
  8. Authoritarian and nationalistic political system
  9. 1920s women known for their bold fashion and behavior
  10. North American Free Trade Agreement
  11. 1929 stock market crash
  12. Devices for raising and lowering boats in a canal
  13. Corrupt New York political leader
  14. Country with 50 state
  15. Easing of Cold War tensions
  16. Strong pride in one's country
  17. Insures bank deposits in the U.S.
  18. Areas of land for Native Americans
  19. Political movement for the common people
  20. Economic system of private ownership
  21. Formerly enslaved person
  22. Southern states in the Civil War
  23. Policy promoting equal trade opportunities in China
  24. Separation based on race
  25. Middle Eastern country involved in 1979 hostage crisis
  26. International organization founded in 1945
  1. Unfenced grazing land
  2. Genocide of Jews during World War II
  3. Giving money for public good
  4. Groups advocating for workers' rights
  5. Wealthy and unscrupulous industrialists
  6. Couple executed for espionage in the 1950s
  7. Complete control of a product or service
  8. Moving to a new country to live
  9. Period of alcohol ban in the U.S.
  10. Workers' protests for better conditions
  11. Laws limiting the rights of freed slaves
  12. Post-World War II increase in births
  13. Fear of communism in the United States
  14. Civil Rights group advocating for racial equality
  15. Volunteer program established by Kennedy
  16. Theodore Roosevelt's domestic policy
  17. Favoring native born citizens over immigrants
  18. Fee required to vote
  19. Organization for youth and community services
  20. Use of violence for political aims
  21. Withdraw formally from a union
  22. Rapid Fire automatic weapons
  23. Law aimed at assimilating Native Americans
  24. Soviet leader during and after World War II

50 Clues: Fee required to voteUnfenced grazing landCountry with 50 state1929 stock market crashFormerly enslaved personSeparation based on raceEasing of Cold War tensionsGiving money for public goodRapid Fire automatic weaponsStrong pride in one's countryWithdraw formally from a unionMoving to a new country to liveNorthern states in the Civil War...

History Terms 2024-05-21

History Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Separation based on race
  2. Teddy Roosevelt's volunteer cavalry
  3. Strong pride in one's country
  4. Southern states in the Civil War
  5. Loans from citizens to the government during wartime
  6. Post-World War II increase in births
  7. Complete control of a product or service
  8. Insures bank deposits in the U.S.
  9. Formerly enslaved person
  10. promoting equal trade opportunities in China
  11. Laws limiting the rights of freed slaves
  12. Genocide of Jews during World War II
  13. Workers' protests for better conditions
  14. Unfenced grazing land
  15. Corrupt New York political leader
  16. Belief that communism would spread if not stopped
  17. International organization founded in 1945
  18. Middle Eastern country involved in 1979 hostage crisis
  19. Economic system of private ownership
  20. Northern states in the Civil War
  21. Fee required to vote
  22. Organization for youth and community services
  23. Political movement for the common people
  24. Rapid Fire automatic weapons
  1. Groups differing from the majority population
  2. Easing of Cold War tensions
  3. Law aimed at assimilating Native Americans
  4. Period of alcohol ban in the U.S.
  5. Fear of communism in the United States
  6. Devices for raising and lowering boats in a canal
  7. Civil Rights group advocating for racial equality
  8. Moving to a new country to live
  9. Areas of land for Native Americans
  10. 1929 stock market crash
  11. Volunteer program established by Kennedy
  12. 1930s droughtstricken Great Plains region
  13. Wealthy and unscrupulous industrialists
  14. Use of violence for political aims
  15. 1960s militant African American organization
  16. Couple executed for espionage in the 1950s
  17. Authoritarian and nationalistic political system
  18. Withdraw formally from a union
  19. Theodore Roosevelt's domestic policy
  20. Favoring nativeborn citizens over immigrants
  21. Groups advocating for workers' rights
  22. 1920s women known for their bold fashion and behavior
  23. Giving money for public good
  24. Soviet leader during and after World War II
  25. Country with 50 statea
  26. North American Free Trade Agreement

50 Clues: Fee required to voteUnfenced grazing landCountry with 50 statea1929 stock market crashSeparation based on raceFormerly enslaved personEasing of Cold War tensionsGiving money for public goodRapid Fire automatic weaponsStrong pride in one's countryWithdraw formally from a unionMoving to a new country to liveSouthern states in the Civil War...

End of Year Social Studies 2012-04-19

End of Year Social Studies crossword puzzle
  1. to give up your job
  2. the shortage resulting from spending more money than is received
  3. doing away with the laws and practice of having separate schools and other facilities for different races
  4. financial or other aid given by the government to people in need
  5. a plan for saving and spending income
  6. the use of violence against ordinary people to achieve a political goal
  7. removal of an official rule about what may or may not be done
  8. a war hero who had led the Allied troops in Europe during World War II and who became President
  9. a group of allies working together to achieve a goal
  10. the U.S. President who led the country through the final months of World War II and brought his Fair Deal program to Congress
  1. an agreement reached after discussion or negotiation by two or more groups
  2. an inoculation to provide immunity against a specific disease
  3. economic success, wealth, or good fortune in life
  4. developed a vaccine to prevent polio
  5. a person who moves from place to place looking for work, particularly farm work
  6. a person who has served in the armed forces
  7. a public meeting or march to protest something
  8. remove from power
  9. boom the sharp increase in the number of births in the United States after World War II
  10. a period of 10 centuries, or 1,000 years
  11. a group of people all born and living about the same time

21 Clues: remove from powerto give up your jobdeveloped a vaccine to prevent polioa plan for saving and spending incomea period of 10 centuries, or 1,000 yearsa person who has served in the armed forcesa public meeting or march to protest somethingeconomic success, wealth, or good fortune in lifea group of allies working together to achieve a goal...

Cold War 2023-05-11

Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Conflict between Communist and non-Communist forces that began in Vietnam. In 1973, the United States pulled its forces from Vietnam. Afterward, the nation became united under a communist government.
  2. ________________ warfare is when there are ambushes, raids, traps and underground tunnels.
  3. An alliance of Western democratic nations formed after World War 2 to defend themselves against communist aggression.
  4. took place between 1947-1991 between the USSR and US over political influence in Europe.
  5. government owns and controls everything
  6. competition to see who can stockpile the most nuclear weapons
  7. The military operation led by the United States after World War 2. The residents of West Berlin, Germany were blockaded by the Soviet Union. Led by the United States, Western nations delivered food and supplies to them by airplane.
  1. A conflict between communist North Korea hoping to unify the country under a Communist government and democratic South Korea. Ended in a stalemate.
  2. US will aid any country threatened by communist aggression.
  3. To stop people from East Berlin from escaping to West Berlin this was built to divide the two.
  4. US policy to stop the spread of Communism
  5. competition to see who had the most advanced space exploration and technology.

12 Clues: government owns and controls everythingUS policy to stop the spread of CommunismUS will aid any country threatened by communist aggression.competition to see who can stockpile the most nuclear weaponscompetition to see who had the most advanced space exploration and technology....

April 10 Crossword 2018-02-07

April 10 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for the Union's army
  2. Leader of the most trained Confederate corps that was at the battle of Shiloh (2 words)
  3. State in which Shiloh is located
  4. Cautious second-in-command of the Confederate forces at Shiloh
  5. Bloodiest battle of the Civil War so far
  6. Timberclad Gunboat used by the Union at Shiloh (2 words)
  7. The only Confederate Brigadier General to lead a corps at Shiloh (3 words)
  8. Union General at Shiloh (2 words)
  9. Union Brigadier General that lead around 50 cannons against the Confederates at Shiloh (2 words)
  10. Army lead by Johnston at Shiloh
  11. Union General who's reputation bloomed after Shiloh
  1. Most important commander of either side to die in combat (2 words)
  2. Name of a creek near Pittsburg
  3. Amount of casualties from the battle of Shiloh
  4. Army lead by Buell at Shiloh
  5. President of the Confederate States of America (2 words)
  6. Converted merchant ship used by the Union at Shiloh (2 words)
  7. Most common rifle type used by both sides in the Civil War
  8. Union defensive line that was held for seven hours (2 words)

19 Clues: Army lead by Buell at ShilohName of a creek near PittsburgArmy lead by Johnston at ShilohState in which Shiloh is locatedAnother name for the Union's armyUnion General at Shiloh (2 words)Bloodiest battle of the Civil War so farAmount of casualties from the battle of ShilohUnion General who's reputation bloomed after Shiloh...

History - Unit 7 - (Part 2) 2023-05-27

History - Unit 7 - (Part 2) crossword puzzle
  1. statement of British support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” It was made in a letter from Arthur James Balfour, the British foreign secretary, to Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild (of Tring), a leader of the Anglo-Jewish community.
  2. the government that replaced the Romanovs.
  3. peace document signed at the end of World War I by the Allied and associated powers and by Germany in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, France, on June 28, 1919; it took force on January 10, 1920.
  4. An incident in which 200 thousand Russian workers went to protest their working condition to their czar, the czar has his soldiers fire on the unarmed crowd. Also known as the October Revolution.
  5. The political party that would eventually control the USSR. (Communist Party).
  6. declaration by U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson during World War I outlining his proposals for a postwar peace settlement.
  7. the process by which a group of people, usually possessing a certain degree of national consciousness, form their own state and choose their own government.
  1. The policy that Germany practiced during World War One, they sunk ships without warning that were in British waters.
  2. A telegram sent from Germany to Mexico offering to help reclaim American lands
  3. an organization for international cooperation established on January 10, 1920, at the initiative of the victorious Allied powers at the end of World War I.
  4. opened on January 18, 1919, the Paris Peace Conference was the international meeting that established the terms of peace after World War I.
  5. also called Asia Minor Agreement, (May 1916), secret convention made during World War I between Great Britain and France, with the assent of imperial Russia, for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. The agreement led to the division of Turkish-held Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine into various French- and British-administered areas.
  6. Local councils consisting of workers, peasants, and soldiers. In many cities, they had more influence than the provisional government.
  7. Conflict in the late 1800’s between Russia and Japanese over Korean territories, Russia’s lost made people grow angry.
  8. the working class.

15 Clues: the working class.the government that replaced the Romanovs.A telegram sent from Germany to Mexico offering to help reclaim American landsThe political party that would eventually control the USSR. (Communist Party).declaration by U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson during World War I outlining his proposals for a postwar peace settlement....

1.3 Revolution in the Colonies 2024-09-25

1.3 Revolution in the Colonies crossword puzzle
  1. ______ troops prevented British victory in the South
  2. The _______ of 1763 was considered an act of tyranny
  3. The _____ were a group that formed the Sons of Liberty to protest the Stamp Act
  4. The American Revolution impacted other parts of the world by encouraging other nations to ____ for their independence
  5. The goal of the First Continental Congress was to find a _________ to the conflicts with Great Britain
  6. People are born with _____ rights as described in the Declaration of Independence
  7. _______ (2 words)gained territory in North America as a result of the FIW
  8. A ______ of the Continental army at the start of he war was supply shortages
  9. At the ____ Continental Congress, the decision was made to form an army
  10. ____ became an ally after the victory battle at Saratoga
  11. George Washington was chosen to be a military leader because he had __________
  12. The British government had a large war _____
  13. ________ (2 words), a patriot, gave a famous speech that ended with the words “give me liberty, or give me death!”
  14. American defeat in Brooklyn, New York, in August 1776 was caused due to ______ soldiers
  1. European countries came to the aid of America as an effect of the American victory battle at _______
  2. The ________ (2 words)Petition was sent by the Second Continental Congress to ask King George to make peace with the colonies
  3. Many people in Britain not support the war because the ____ to taxpayers was too high
  4. ____ (2 words) was given to the events of March 5, 1770, in order to create anti-British sentiment
  5. The ________ Acts were an effect of the Boston Tea Party
  6. Washington’s military strategy after 1776 was to fight a _________ ware & tire the British out
  7. The Declaration of Independence was _______ on July 4, 1776
  8. According to Thomas Jefferson, the power to rule comes from _______
  9. The mood of most colonies was_____ immediately after the events at Lexington and Concord
  10. Several colonies began to take steps to ____ slavery as an effect of African Americans helping the cause for independence
  11. Parliament responded to the colonists' protests against the Stamp Act by having it_____

25 Clues: The British government had a large war ___________ troops prevented British victory in the SouthThe _______ of 1763 was considered an act of tyrannyThe ________ Acts were an effect of the Boston Tea Party____ became an ally after the victory battle at SaratogaThe Declaration of Independence was _______ on July 4, 1776...

Geography of Asia 2017-01-13

Geography of Asia crossword puzzle
  1. It is a small sea that is bound by Russia
  2. weather in the region is marked by violent monsoons
  3. One of the richest farming areas
  4. Is the arm of the Indian ocean
  5. over 600 miles in length
  6. Second largest river
  7. 3rd largest of the worlds 5 oceans
  8. begins in the tibetan plateau
  1. Asia's Largest dessert
  2. has been divided into two countries since the end of world war 2
  3. is the arm of the pacific ocean
  4. worlds highest mountain region
  5. India's most important river
  6. Largest and longest river in china

14 Clues: Second largest riverAsia's Largest dessertover 600 miles in lengthIndia's most important riverbegins in the tibetan plateauworlds highest mountain regionIs the arm of the Indian oceanis the arm of the pacific oceanOne of the richest farming areasLargest and longest river in china3rd largest of the worlds 5 oceans...

World War 1 2023-12-08

World War 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Main reason U.S. entered World War 1
  2. Animals that would get into trenches
  3. When it rained trenches got very
  4. Great Britain, Russia, France
  1. Wars were fought in
  2. Franz Ferdinand was
  3. What continent did the war take place
  4. Inroduced by Germany
  5. Advanced weapon used in World War 1
  6. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

10 Clues: Wars were fought inFranz Ferdinand wasInroduced by GermanyGreat Britain, Russia, FranceGermany, Austria-Hungary, ItalyWhen it rained trenches got veryAdvanced weapon used in World War 1Main reason U.S. entered World War 1Animals that would get into trenchesWhat continent did the war take place

What has Mzansi given to the world? 2018-09-27

What has Mzansi given to the world? crossword puzzle
  1. The have the Rain Queen as the ruler of one of the tribes
  2. Soweto gave this comedian to the world (2 words)
  3. LV couldn’t rest blanket blanket theme range including R33k shirt
  4. Subjects of the only remaining absolute Monarch in Africa
  5. Mzansi’s flagship golf event in this resort (2 words)
  6. The only pure Afrikaans radio station in Mzansi
  7. Their language is different - French of Mzansi
  8. Marula tree gave this drink to the world
  9. The Soulful Sundays are (2 words)
  10. Out of Mzansi this now world renown DJ (2 words)
  1. What Radio station would Mzansi’s president be listening to (2 words)
  2. The Gods must be crazy's tribe
  3. The largest Radio station in Limpopo (2 words)
  4. Mceka is their traditional dress
  5. The oldest radio station on the country
  6. From Musina to Cape Point Radio station

16 Clues: The Gods must be crazy's tribeMceka is their traditional dressThe Soulful Sundays are (2 words)The oldest radio station on the countryFrom Musina to Cape Point Radio stationMarula tree gave this drink to the worldThe largest Radio station in Limpopo (2 words)Their language is different - French of Mzansi...


  1. I was wounded in the American Revolution.
  2. I lived for many years in a house with a dirt floor and was a Sailor in the 2nd World War.
  3. I led the first group of Pilgrim's to the America's.
  4. I died on Christmas night and the youth in the school were very sad.
  5. My father and I owned a large flour mill in Sugarhouse.
  6. I was born on the ship SS Rhine and was married 5 times.
  7. I was a famous newspaper man in England.
  8. I was in Italy during the 1st World War and suffered from mustard gas poisoning.
  9. I had long black hair and married a Sargent.
  10. My Swedish name is Johann and I live with my 2 wives in Gunnison, Utah.
  11. Joseph Smith was given a revelation regarding me in the Book of Mormon.
  12. I worked at the Church meat market in Salt Lake.
  13. I was the recorder of the Salt Lake Temple and a bishop for 25 years.
  14. I was the first rope maker in the Utah Territory.
  15. I was born in Turin Italy.
  16. You are a descendant of royalty from this country.
  1. I married Priscilla Mullins in the Plymouth Colony.
  2. I was the 1st fire fighter in our family.
  3. I was a carpenter and hung the last door in the Nauvoo Temple.
  4. I was the Utah handball champion for 5 years.
  5. While on my mission I wrote many articles for the Millennial Star.
  6. I was killed in the Civil War from a hip wound.
  7. The love of my life died on the ship Windermere from small pox while traveling to America.

23 Clues: I was born in Turin Italy.I was a famous newspaper man in England.I was the 1st fire fighter in our family.I was wounded in the American Revolution.I had long black hair and married a Sargent.I was the Utah handball champion for 5 years.I was killed in the Civil War from a hip wound.I worked at the Church meat market in Salt Lake....

Bebop Crossword 2021-02-24

Bebop Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Historic Event During The Creation of Bebop
  2. where Charlie Parker was from
  3. Friend of Charlie Parker
  4. A Style That Preceded it
  5. Another preceding style
  6. Most Common Instruments in Bebop
  7. Another Characteristic of Bebop
  8. When Was Bebop Popular
  1. A famous Bebop musician
  2. Where Bebop Originated
  3. What Is your Jazz Style
  4. Bebop has a lot of these
  5. famous musician/ great influencer of bebop
  6. Became more popular with Bebop because of key changes

14 Clues: Where Bebop OriginatedWhen Was Bebop PopularA famous Bebop musicianWhat Is your Jazz StyleAnother preceding styleBebop has a lot of theseFriend of Charlie ParkerA Style That Preceded itwhere Charlie Parker was fromAnother Characteristic of BebopMost Common Instruments in Bebopfamous musician/ great influencer of bebop...

Arab countries 2023-06-15

Arab countries crossword puzzle
  1. the capital city is Khartoum
  2. pyramids
  3. chill
  4. almost won the world cup
  5. war
  1. got invaded by Iraq
  2. the capital city it Beirut
  3. war for 72 years
  4. World Cup
  5. the capital city is Baghdad

10 Clues: warchillpyramidsWorld Cupwar for 72 yearsgot invaded by Iraqalmost won the world cupthe capital city it Beirutthe capital city is Baghdadthe capital city is Khartoum

Veterans Day 2021-11-06

Veterans Day crossword puzzle
  1. We celebrate the _____ who served in our military
  2. What does VA stand for? (2 words)
  3. Daniel was ____ (2 words) from the military because he was Japanese American
  4. 2.8 million veterans served during this war
  5. What group was Daniel Inuoye the first Japanese American to serve in?
  6. There are approximately 23.2 million military veterans in the ______ (2 words)
  1. 1.8 million veterans are
  2. The original name of Veterans Day (2 words)
  3. 33% of veterans served during this war
  4. The memorial is a tribute to Indigenous people's "_______ and deep commitment to this country."
  5. A holiday to celebrate the living brave men and women who served our country (2 words)
  6. Indigenous people have served in the United States military since the (2 words)
  7. A moment of ______ is used to reflect and remember those who have served our country
  8. November 11 is the anniversary of this war ending (3 words)

14 Clues: 1.8 million veterans areWhat does VA stand for? (2 words)33% of veterans served during this warThe original name of Veterans Day (2 words)2.8 million veterans served during this warWe celebrate the _____ who served in our militaryNovember 11 is the anniversary of this war ending (3 words)...

US/VA SOL 11 2024-04-08

US/VA SOL 11 crossword puzzle
  1. This man was the prime minister of Great Britain during WWII:
  2. This man was the leader of the Soviet Union during WWII:
  3. In the 1930s in Asia, this nation was invading neighboring nations such as Manchuria and China:
  4. This battle was the turning point of the eastern front:
  5. The landings at this beach marked the turning point in the western front:
  6. This was the penultimate major battle in the Pacific:
  7. The U.S. supported Britain early in the war with this act:
  8. These were considered some of the finest pilots of the entire war:
  9. Dwight D. Eisenhower and George Patton were military leaders for the:
  10. Where was the first atomic bomb dropped?
  11. This man was the emperor of Japan during WWII:
  12. This man was the U.S. military leader in the Pacific during WWII:
  13. This was the last major battle of the island hopping campaign:
  14. This man was president of the U.S. during World War II:
  15. This was the U.S. military strategy in the Pacific:
  16. This group was placed in internment camps during WWII in fear of them aiding the enemy:
  1. This is the name given to Hitler's "Final Solution" that involved the genocide of Jews, Gypsies, and other groups:
  2. This incident involved the transport of 75,000 prisoners by the Japanese and 16,000 Pilipino deaths:
  3. This battle was the turning point in the Pacific:
  4. The U.S. entered World War II after being bombed by Japan at this naval base:
  5. These were sold by the government to help fund the war effort:
  6. This battle was Germany's last major stand against the Allies:
  7. "Code Talkers" from this tribe allowed the U.S. to communicate without fear of the Japanese cracking the code:
  8. World War II started in Europe when Germany invaded this nation:
  9. This man was the leader of Germany during WWII:
  10. Where was the second atomic bomb dropped?

26 Clues: Where was the first atomic bomb dropped?Where was the second atomic bomb dropped?This man was the emperor of Japan during WWII:This man was the leader of Germany during WWII:This battle was the turning point in the Pacific:This was the U.S. military strategy in the Pacific:This was the penultimate major battle in the Pacific:...

30 2024-08-28

30 crossword puzzle
  1. Dark world
  2. Hall of warriors
  3. Realm reborn
  4. Tech wonderland
  5. Kingdom of magic
  6. City on the moon
  7. Technological underworld
  8. Land of alchemy
  9. Dangerous planet
  10. Eternal city
  11. Urban chaos
  12. Crime-ridden city
  1. War-torn land
  2. Spirit world bathhouse
  3. Spirit-filled town
  4. Haunted city
  5. Arabian nights
  6. Hellish prison
  7. Dark dimension
  8. Secret village
  9. Underwater empire
  10. Mysterious moon
  11. Legendary capital
  12. Demon kingdom
  13. Island in the sky

25 Clues: Dark worldUrban chaosHaunted cityRealm rebornEternal cityWar-torn landDemon kingdomArabian nightsHellish prisonDark dimensionSecret villageTech wonderlandMysterious moonLand of alchemyHall of warriorsKingdom of magicCity on the moonDangerous planetUnderwater empireLegendary capitalIsland in the skyCrime-ridden citySpirit-filled town...

Arab countries 2023-06-15

Arab countries crossword puzzle
  1. war for 72 years
  2. chill
  3. World Cup
  1. pyramids
  2. the capital city is Khartoum
  3. the capital city it Beirut
  4. war
  5. the capital city is Baghdad
  6. got invaded by Iraq
  7. almost won the world cup

10 Clues: warchillpyramidsWorld Cupwar for 72 yearsgot invaded by Iraqalmost won the world cupthe capital city it Beirutthe capital city is Baghdadthe capital city is Khartoum

syria, afghanistan, and more 2022-02-09

syria, afghanistan, and more crossword puzzle
  1. global support, anger, and sorrow granted __________ to the American decision to invade Afghanistan.
  2. when the soviet union and united states were the two strongest powers in the world, the world was _______ in terms of balance of power.
  3. _____________ terrorism is made of insurgents and guerilla groups that try to gain legitimacy.
  4. realists prioritize their state's ________ above all else.
  5. _____ aims to attack the infrastructure of global power
  6. The ICC is located in The _____, Netherlands.
  7. according to the Geneva Conventions, uniforms must be worn by soldiers to allow _____ between soldiers and civilians.
  8. the Syrian government failed to respond to a _____, which made civilians angry.
  9. In 2004, the U.S. helped Afghanistan write a new ________.
  10. when a state acts alone on foreign policy, it is acting _______ (adverb)
  11. After the _____ Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, they were supported with $ and weapons by the U.S. in a proxy war.
  12. ______ is the lack of a world government and is the basis of realist and liberal theories.
  13. Syria's president belongs to this minority group within the country.
  1. liberalism emphasizes _______ between states to achieve peace and prosperity.
  2. due to ______ jurisdiction, war criminals can be captured in any state and sent to the ICC.
  3. a ____ issue is different than a domestic one since it deals between two or more states.
  4. bin Laden fled to ______ and was killed here in 2011.
  5. The War in Afghanistan was America's ________ war.
  6. The IRA, Hamas, and ETA are examples of ______ terrorism.
  7. Osama bin Laden didn't lead the ______, but actually led al-Qaeda
  8. terrorism is seen as illegitimate because only the _____ has the legitimate authority to use force and violence.
  9. The war in Yemen is a ____ war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
  10. Syrian President Bashar al-_____.
  11. Spring The ___ _____ was a series of demonstrations that started in Tunisia and sparked the Syrian and Yemeni Civil Wars.

24 Clues: Syrian President Bashar al-_____.The ICC is located in The _____, Netherlands.The War in Afghanistan was America's ________ war.bin Laden fled to ______ and was killed here in 2011._____ aims to attack the infrastructure of global powerThe IRA, Hamas, and ETA are examples of ______ terrorism....

Women in World War 1 (social change) 2024-01-23

Women in World War 1 (social change) crossword puzzle
  1. leisure
  2. a dog's best friend, maybe?
  3. an excess
  4. hub for mass production
  5. elect
  6. women's social political union
  7. first woman to take a seat in Parliament
  8. not rich, not poor
  9. for whom professional opportunities opened for during World war 1
  10. soccer
  1. to produce
  2. military attire
  3. women struggled to find these during the war
  4. women's political movement in the early 1900s
  5. "make love not _____"
  6. group of owls

16 Clues: electsoccerleisurean excessto producegroup of owlsmilitary attirenot rich, not poor"make love not _____"hub for mass productiona dog's best friend, maybe?women's social political unionfirst woman to take a seat in Parliamentwomen struggled to find these during the warwomen's political movement in the early 1900s...

WW1 2022-05-05

WW1 crossword puzzle
  1. powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces.
  2. policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  3. belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
  4. Lenin-a Russian communist revolutionary and head of the Bolshevik Party
  5. Franz Ferdinand-His assassination cause WW1
  6. or organization formed for mutual benefit
  7. vehicles designed to combine the military factors of fire, maneuver and protection.
  8. of the main participants in the outbreak and fighting of World War I.
  9. Hungary-often referred to as the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Dual Monarchy
  10. with one's own nation and support for its interests
  11. to try to make people think a certain way
  12. Front-the line of fighting that occurred along the eastern border of Germany with Russia.
  13. constitutional monarchy and great power in Central Europe between 1867 and 1918
  14. by hand and aimed by the naked eye
  15. name given to the economic system that existed in Russia from 1918 to 1921
  16. new kingdom expanded its territory during the Balkan wars
  17. leading Allied Power during the First World War of 1914–1918
  18. British passenger ship that was owned by the Cunard Line and was first launched in 1906.
  19. Front-he contested armed frontier between lands controlled by Germany to the east and the Allies to the west.
  1. Germany used to destroy surface merchant vessels.
  2. Note-a coded note sent by Germany's Foreign Minister, Arthur Zimmermann, in January 1917 with a message for the Mexican government.
  3. military's heavy firearms.
  4. assault weapon that projects a stream of blazing oil or thickened gasoline against enemy positions.
  5. to could kill the enemy underground or behind cover.
  6. Guns-fully automatic weapons that fired bullets rapidly, up to 450 to 600 rounds a minute.
  7. Gas-a liquid or a solid giving off poisonous vapors designed (as in chemical warfare) to kill, injure, or disable by inhalation or contact.
  8. Mortars-a portable, muzzle-loaded mortar, usually having a smooth bore, fired at high angles of elevation to reach concealed enemy targets.
  9. gun, especially one fired from shoulder level, having a long spirally grooved barrel intended to make a bullet spin and thereby have greater accuracy over a long distance.
  10. kind of airship that was used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
  11. war that began on the 28th of July, 1914 and ended on the 11th of November, 1918.
  12. of Versailles-signed in June 1919 at the Palace of Versailles in Paris at the end of World War I
  13. Warfare-a type of land warfare using occupied lines largely comprising military trenches, in which troops are well-protected from the enemy's small arms fire and are substantially sheltered from artillery.
  14. Alliance-an agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  15. Help Serbia in the War
  16. knife, dagger, sword, or spike-shaped weapon designed to fit on the end of the muzzle of a rifle, musket or similar firearm, allowing it to be used as a spear-like weapon.
  17. the leader of the Central Powers
  18. Plan-a name given after the First World War to pre-war German war plans,
  19. of Nations-an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes.
  20. 14 Points- a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I.
  21. of Brestlitovsk-a separate peace treaty signed on March 3, 1918, between the new Bolshevik government of Russia and the Central Powers

40 Clues: Help Serbia in the Warmilitary's heavy firearms.the leader of the Central Powersby hand and aimed by the naked eyeor organization formed for mutual benefitto try to make people think a certain wayFranz Ferdinand-His assassination cause WW1Germany used to destroy surface merchant vessels.with one's own nation and support for its interests...

Unit 2.1 Terms 2017-02-23

Unit 2.1 Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Nickname for the Spanish-American War.
  2. Created to have a shorter and safer route from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
  3. Unsuccessful revolt of Chinese citizens.
  4. William Taft's foreign policy; used military influence to achieve US goals.
  5. Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy that the US will use military force if necessary to protect interests.
  6. 1898 Treaty ending the Spanish-American War.
  7. Navy commander during the Spanish-American War.
  8. Wilson's foreign policy; use of force to promote democracy and freedom throughout the White House.
  9. Mexican revolutionary; raided US border towns killing US citizens; never caught or brought to justice
  10. Volunteer cavalry regiment; Theodore Roosevelt and Leonard Wood.
  11. Addition to Monroe Doctrine that US is an international police.
  12. Idea of Josiah Strong: Anglo-Saxon's mission to civilize the world and teach them Christianity.
  13. Extreme form of nationalism; creates an aggressive foreign policy.
  14. Protestant minister; advocated mission work; introduced and strengthened Christianity.
  1. Last queen or monarch of Hawaii.
  2. Publishers of the NY World and NY Journal; used yellow journalism.
  3. Nickname given to the US purchase of Alaska.
  4. Statement (Congress) that effectively made Cuba a US protectorate.
  5. Ship exploded in Havana harbor; cause of the Spanish-American War.
  6. Proposal (Congress) that US wouldn't keep Cuba for ourselves.
  7. Policy towards China to promote US trade interests.
  8. "History of Sea Power Upon History"; inspired US to build a powerful navy and colonize the world.

22 Clues: Last queen or monarch of Hawaii.Nickname for the Spanish-American War.Unsuccessful revolt of Chinese citizens.Nickname given to the US purchase of Alaska.1898 Treaty ending the Spanish-American War.Navy commander during the Spanish-American War.Policy towards China to promote US trade interests....

Countries 2022-04-07

Countries crossword puzzle
  1. This country resembles a boot.
  2. This European country with a reputation of staying neutral in world conflicts has four official languages.
  3. This country will host the next Olympic Games.
  4. This country is referred to as the "horn of Africa."
  5. This country was formed in 1947 as a safe haven for South Asian Muslims.
  6. This country is home to the only one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World that is still standing.
  7. When someone says 'down under,' they are referring to this country in the Southern Hemisphere.
  1. This country, whose capital is Belgrade, played a pivotal role in starting World War II.
  2. Ankara is the capital of this transcontinental country.
  3. The Bolshevik Revolution on November 6 and 7, 1917 occurred in this country.
  4. This country was formerly called Persia.
  5. At 2 million soldiers, this Asian country has the largest armed forces in the world by active military personnel.
  6. This counry, the smallest in the world, is home to the Sistine Chapel and the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
  7. This country, the largest in Central Asia, is the world's number one exporter of uranium.
  8. This South Asian country is the source of 70% of all the world's spices.

15 Clues: This country resembles a boot.This country was formerly called Persia.This country will host the next Olympic Games.This country is referred to as the "horn of Africa."Ankara is the capital of this transcontinental country.This country was formed in 1947 as a safe haven for South Asian Muslims....

Hawksword 2016-04-13

Hawksword crossword puzzle
  1. God of War
  2. 1974 World Cup Champion
  3. 2020
  4. Nevermore
  5. Debris Around the World
  6. Geordi La Forge
  7. Coined the Term "Spaceship Earth"
  8. 1973 Abbotsford Superintendent
  9. Dunkin
  10. Peace
  11. Russian Secret Service
  1. Abbotsford's Mayor
  2. Co-Founder of Apple
  3. Born 1989
  4. He said "Everything in life is luck"
  5. Famous German Composer Born 1685
  6. Pierre Trudeau's Son
  7. Luxembourg's Capital
  8. The Third Planet
  9. The "King"

20 Clues: 2020PeaceDunkinBorn 1989NevermoreGod of WarThe "King"Geordi La ForgeThe Third PlanetAbbotsford's MayorCo-Founder of ApplePierre Trudeau's SonLuxembourg's CapitalRussian Secret Service1974 World Cup ChampionDebris Around the World1973 Abbotsford SuperintendentFamous German Composer Born 1685Coined the Term "Spaceship Earth"...

Human Rights Vocabulary Review 2023-05-08

Human Rights Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. allowed
  2. policies or rules people follow without being told to
  3. natural or fundamental
  4. the Declaration of Rights of __ was written during the French Revolution and demanded that the French government give certain privileges to the people.
  5. international organization created to keep peace after World War II.
  6. mass murder of Jews and others during World War II
  1. international organization created to keep peace after World War 1. It was replaced by the UN.
  2. the UN ___ of Human Rights was written after World War II to guarantee human rights to all people.
  3. rights and freedoms you have just because you are a person.
  4. document signed in England in 1215 that limited the king's power and granted rights to the people
  5. the first part of the UN Declaration says that all humans are born free and ___.

11 Clues: allowednatural or fundamentalmass murder of Jews and others during World War IIpolicies or rules people follow without being told torights and freedoms you have just because you are a organization created to keep peace after World War II.the first part of the UN Declaration says that all humans are born free and ___....

WW1 2022-05-05

WW1 crossword puzzle
  1. powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces.
  2. policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  3. belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
  4. Lenin-a Russian communist revolutionary and head of the Bolshevik Party
  5. Franz Ferdinand-His assassination cause WW1
  6. or organization formed for mutual benefit
  7. vehicles designed to combine the military factors of fire, maneuver and protection.
  8. of the main participants in the outbreak and fighting of World War I.
  9. Hungary-often referred to as the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Dual Monarchy
  10. with one's own nation and support for its interests
  11. to try to make people think a certain way
  12. Front-the line of fighting that occurred along the eastern border of Germany with Russia.
  13. constitutional monarchy and great power in Central Europe between 1867 and 1918
  14. by hand and aimed by the naked eye
  15. name given to the economic system that existed in Russia from 1918 to 1921
  16. new kingdom expanded its territory during the Balkan wars
  17. leading Allied Power during the First World War of 1914–1918
  18. British passenger ship that was owned by the Cunard Line and was first launched in 1906.
  19. Front-he contested armed frontier between lands controlled by Germany to the east and the Allies to the west.
  1. Germany used to destroy surface merchant vessels.
  2. Note-a coded note sent by Germany's Foreign Minister, Arthur Zimmermann, in January 1917 with a message for the Mexican government.
  3. military's heavy firearms.
  4. assault weapon that projects a stream of blazing oil or thickened gasoline against enemy positions.
  5. to could kill the enemy underground or behind cover.
  6. Guns-fully automatic weapons that fired bullets rapidly, up to 450 to 600 rounds a minute.
  7. Gas-a liquid or a solid giving off poisonous vapors designed (as in chemical warfare) to kill, injure, or disable by inhalation or contact.
  8. Mortars-a portable, muzzle-loaded mortar, usually having a smooth bore, fired at high angles of elevation to reach concealed enemy targets.
  9. gun, especially one fired from shoulder level, having a long spirally grooved barrel intended to make a bullet spin and thereby have greater accuracy over a long distance.
  10. kind of airship that was used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
  11. war that began on the 28th of July, 1914 and ended on the 11th of November, 1918.
  12. of Versailles-signed in June 1919 at the Palace of Versailles in Paris at the end of World War I
  13. Warfare-a type of land warfare using occupied lines largely comprising military trenches, in which troops are well-protected from the enemy's small arms fire and are substantially sheltered from artillery.
  14. Alliance-an agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  15. Help Serbia in the War
  16. knife, dagger, sword, or spike-shaped weapon designed to fit on the end of the muzzle of a rifle, musket or similar firearm, allowing it to be used as a spear-like weapon.
  17. the leader of the Central Powers
  18. Plan-a name given after the First World War to pre-war German war plans,
  19. of Nations-an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes.
  20. 14 Points- a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I.
  21. of Brestlitovsk-a separate peace treaty signed on March 3, 1918, between the new Bolshevik government of Russia and the Central Powers

40 Clues: Help Serbia in the Warmilitary's heavy firearms.the leader of the Central Powersby hand and aimed by the naked eyeor organization formed for mutual benefitto try to make people think a certain wayFranz Ferdinand-His assassination cause WW1Germany used to destroy surface merchant vessels.with one's own nation and support for its interests...

cold war 2020-02-14

cold war crossword puzzle
  1. this decision alarmed soviets leaders who responded by organizing a military alliance
  2. between the two countries that lasted from about 1946 to 1990(two words)
  3. willingness to go to the brink to force the other side to back down
  4. came to be known as the person to write the longet telegram explaining his views of the soviets
  5. family's built them the protect them from radiation(two words)
  6. known as flimsy evidence and irrational fears and damaging reputations unfounded changes
  7. the world war 2 era had came to an end the cold war is about begin (two words)
  8. as the long telegram explaining his message on his views of the soviets(two words)
  9. between 1947 to 1951 over 6 million federal employees were screened for loyalty a term difficult to find(three words)
  10. chambers claimed proved that he was telling the truth a jury agreed that he was lying under oath
  11. used to be threatened with nuclear weapons if communists state tired to seize territory by force (two words)
  12. duck and cover might have made them safe not from nuclear radiation blast some survived but later died
  1. he served in roosevelt's administration and sued him for libel chambers and gave them secret documents from the state department(two words
  2. best known to give europeans nations america aid to rebuild their economy (two words)
  3. the communist countries of eastern europe came to be called (two words)
  4. the war against japan still raging turnan finally met stalin at
  5. despite criticism truman remained committed to fight for a limited objective containing communism
  6. known as the most serious criticisms it can level against members
  7. declaring that world communism has as its sole purpose (two words)
  8. the very first satellite to orbit around the earth

20 Clues: the very first satellite to orbit around the earthfamily's built them the protect them from radiation(two words)the war against japan still raging turnan finally met stalin atknown as the most serious criticisms it can level against membersdeclaring that world communism has as its sole purpose (two words)...

Semester 1 Final Study Guide 2023-12-12

Semester 1 Final Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. Author of "The Wealth of Nations"
  2. Reason for population growth during the Industrial Revolution
  3. The Eastern and Western Front in World War I
  4. Naval vessel sunk by a German submarine, contributing to U.S. entry into WWI
  5. Economic system advocated by Adam Smith
  6. Treaty that ended Russian participation in World War I
  7. Theory used to justify European imperialism
  8. Revolution that led to the establishment of a communist government in Russia
  1. Plan devised by Germany to quickly defeat France and then focus on Russia in WWI (
  2. Diplomatic communication that pushed the United States toward entering WWI
  3. Policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
  4. Belief in the inherent superiority of certain races
  5. Event that marked the transition from agrarian societies to industrial ones (
  6. Led the United States to abandon its neutrality and join World War I
  7. Idea that wealthy nations have a duty to help and rule over less developed nations
  8. Meeting that regulated European colonization and trade in Africa
  9. concept associated with the idea that only the fittest societies survive and prosper
  10. Political theory associated with Karl Marx

18 Clues: Author of "The Wealth of Nations"Economic system advocated by Adam SmithPolitical theory associated with Karl MarxTheory used to justify European imperialismThe Eastern and Western Front in World War IBelief in the inherent superiority of certain racesTreaty that ended Russian participation in World War I...

World War 1 by Emma 2020-10-21

World War 1 by Emma crossword puzzle
  1. Joining the army was called ___
  2. Dug by soldiers for protection
  3. The Western and Eastern ____
  4. 'Pack up your troubles' in it
  5. Used as messengers, transport and comfort
  6. German pilot who shot down 80 Allied planes
  7. An illness brought on by the horror of war
  8. Archduke
  9. Flower of remembrance
  1. Britain, France, Russia were known as the____
  2. Worn to protect against gas
  3. Powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary
  4. Countries who did not take part in the war.
  5. Area between opposing armies
  6. WW1 was known as the ____ War
  7. Years World War 1 lasted
  8. Troops at sea

17 Clues: ArchdukeTroops at seaFlower of remembranceYears World War 1 lastedWorn to protect against gasArea between opposing armiesThe Western and Eastern ____'Pack up your troubles' in itWW1 was known as the ____ WarDug by soldiers for protectionJoining the army was called ___Powers of Germany and Austria-HungaryUsed as messengers, transport and comfort...

Russian Revolution 2022-03-04

Russian Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. 3 year war
  2. period of mass starvation and disease in 1845
  3. The biggest country in the world
  4. Medically problematic son
  5. one of the chambers of the Russian parliament
  6. Bolsheviks take over democracy to dictatorship
  7. Studied Karl Marx
  8. Joesph Vissarionovich Jugasgvili's nickname
  9. I didn't steal that horse!
  10. lost control of Russia
  11. workers killed for protesting for better work conditions
  1. Stalin made it so you had to agree with the government of you get killed
  2. women textile workers led citywide strike that included 200,000 workers
  3. Made himself dictator
  4. Government with King and Queen
  5. treaty between Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Transcaucasia
  6. Other name for Gulag labor camps
  7. japan invades korea
  8. Frida Kahlo's lover
  9. first world war

20 Clues: 3 year warfirst world warStudied Karl Marxjapan invades koreaFrida Kahlo's loverMade himself dictatorlost control of RussiaMedically problematic sonI didn't steal that horse!Government with King and QueenThe biggest country in the worldOther name for Gulag labor campsJoesph Vissarionovich Jugasgvili's nickname...

WW1 by Dariia Kozynets 2022-11-06

WW1 by Dariia Kozynets crossword puzzle
  1. an area between opposing armies, over which no control has been established.
  2. Tipping point persuading the U.S. to join the war
  3. Which country made the first declaration of war
  4. The greatest number of casualties and wounds in World War I were caused by what?
  1. Ottoman Empire capital
  2. Why did Russia quit fighting World War I?
  3. Operation between France and Britain against Germany, first battle where tanks was used.
  4. Germany’s attack upon which country directly provoked Britain to go to war?
  5. What is the name of the World War I battle that occurred in what is now Stębark, Poland, and ended with a Russian defeat by the Germans in August 1914?
  6. Which battle was the first major victory for American troops?

10 Clues: Ottoman Empire capitalWhy did Russia quit fighting World War I?Which country made the first declaration of warTipping point persuading the U.S. to join the warWhich battle was the first major victory for American troops?Germany’s attack upon which country directly provoked Britain to go to war?...

Happy Birthday Munchkin! 6 2024-07-30

Happy Birthday Munchkin! 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Your Chinese Zodiac Sign
  2. You were born a _______ baby
  3. Best fried chicken
  4. ______Quarter
  5. Where I live
  6. Your favorite animal
  7. Come as you are
  8. Monument just you and I saw (in the rain)(2 words)
  9. A factor of evolution (2 words)
  1. Worst company in New Orleans
  2. Best crawfish bread
  3. Where you want me, you, and Shauna to live
  4. Daughter, Jeremy, Alive (2 words)
  5. 2022 World Cup Champs
  6. Where you live
  7. Sledge
  8. Your Rising sign
  9. 2018 World Cup Champs
  10. Your Sun sign

19 Clues: Sledge______QuarterWhere I liveYour Sun signWhere you liveCome as you areYour Rising signBest fried chickenBest crawfish breadYour favorite animal2022 World Cup Champs2018 World Cup ChampsYour Chinese Zodiac SignWorst company in New OrleansYou were born a _______ babyA factor of evolution (2 words)Daughter, Jeremy, Alive (2 words)...

The Challenges of Victory p562-565 2022-05-20

The Challenges of Victory p562-565 crossword puzzle
  1. Conference where leaders would try to establish an organization to keep the peace
  2. Political system of the U.S. that conflicts with communism
  3. Legal procedure where war criminals were sentenced to death
  4. Chairperson for the Committee of Human Rights
  5. World Organization set up to keep peace in the world
  6. The first U.S. representative of the United Nations
  7. After the war Japan was ____________ by the U.S.
  8. Russia had promised it would allow these to happen
  1. These people were put on trial for war crimes after WWII
  2. The Atomic Bomb brought the World into this era
  3. At the Potsdam Conference Germany would be split into this
  4. The two most powerful countries in the UN used it as a way to spread this to other countries
  5. McArthur introduced this economic system to Japan
  6. The first goal of the UN was to declare this for each person
  7. The trials proved that people are responsible for this
  8. the UN soon became dominated by the U.S. and this country

16 Clues: Chairperson for the Committee of Human RightsThe Atomic Bomb brought the World into this eraAfter the war Japan was ____________ by the U.S.McArthur introduced this economic system to JapanRussia had promised it would allow these to happenThe first U.S. representative of the United NationsWorld Organization set up to keep peace in the world...

American History Review 2022-01-05

American History Review crossword puzzle
  1. A form of government where the leaders are elected by the people.
  2. This describes the sharing of items between the Old and New World
  3. The first cash crop of the 13 Colonies.
  4. President of Northern America during the Civil War
  5. This battle is often called the turning point of the Civil War.
  6. This proclamation freed all the slaves in America.
  1. The name of a person fighting to get rid of slavery
  2. This country helped the colonists during the American Revolution
  3. The name of someone who supported the British in the American Revolution
  4. Where the Witch Trials were held and many women lost their lives for being witches.
  5. Often called "The shot heard around the world", this is where the first shots of the American Revolution were fired.
  6. The reason settlers of the new world were upset at the British.
  7. People taken from Africa and forced to work in the New World for free
  8. The leader of the Northern army in the Civil War

14 Clues: The first cash crop of the 13 Colonies.The leader of the Northern army in the Civil WarPresident of Northern America during the Civil WarThis proclamation freed all the slaves in America.The name of a person fighting to get rid of slaveryThis battle is often called the turning point of the Civil War....

1st World War by Jake Harnett 2012-10-13

1st World War by Jake Harnett crossword puzzle
  1. 1st July 1916 was the start of England's...
  2. Month of start of 1st world war
  3. England's Alliance, Triple...
  4. Front line home
  5. Name of man who was shot to start the war Franz...
  6. Who surrendered
  1. Germany's Alliance, Triple...
  2. Name of man you shot Franz, Gavrillo...
  3. Who needed you?
  4. Last month of 1st world war

10 Clues: Who needed you?Front line homeWho surrenderedLast month of 1st world warGermany's Alliance, Triple...England's Alliance, Triple...Month of start of 1st world warName of man you shot Franz, Gavrillo...1st July 1916 was the start of England's...Name of man who was shot to start the war Franz...

Social 20-1 Course Crossword 2023-06-10

Social 20-1 Course Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. (2)Supranational union which integrated countries primarily in Europe and prevents any disputes between countries. Nation-states affiliated with this union have a common currency(Euro), privileges regarding movement between countries and financial help from other nations.
  2. (1) The number of powerful countries that are permanent members of the Security Council responsible to maintain international peace and security.
  3. (1)a word that means “separateness” but it was also a system in South Africa which was discriminative against black people through dismissing their rights in the political and economic sector.
  4. (1)The one sided intervention that countries such as United States enforce in which they intervene with other countries’ affairs without getting approval; countries such as Vietnam experienced US unilateralism.
  5. (1) Pierre ______ was a premier who impacted Canada through the development of bilingualism and multiculturalism; In addition, he also contributed to the removal of the Canadian constitution out of British Parliament(passed as an act of Canada’s Parliament) meaning Canada had full Independence.
  6. (2)The leader of the African National Congress which fought to combat Apartheid at an attempt to restore African Rights in South Africa. He was later on elected as the first Black President of South Africa.
  7. (1) The idea that was implemented in pre-French Revolution which was then rejected during Napoleon’s reign in which individuals in the society were labeled in through birth and wealth instead of one’s abilities.
  8. _______ Trials(1): The trials that the Allied Nations held to punish individuals who were major war criminals who were affiliated with the Axis countries. Many war criminals were killed and some innocent individuals were also wrongfully killed
  9. (1)Lester B.____: The individual which proposed the idea of sending supply forces to keep the peace which rooted one of the main functions of the United Nations. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and enhanced the Canadian Pride.
  10. (1) The Congress of _______ were composed of the Victorious Nations against Napoleon’s reign in which the congress tried to build a lasting peace by restoring the balance of power.
  11. (1) The Organization which secures the peace and prosperity of nations in Europe and North America through cooperation and collective action on international disputes and act on nation’s that are labeled as aggressors regardless if they are part of the Organization or not; for example, Russia’s invasion on Ukraine.
  12. (2) The event in history that set the precedent for the Enlightenment ideas of life, liberty and property around the world which started with the movement of “no taxation without representation” from it’s own colonists; which then led to the independence of states.
  13. (1*) The abbreviation of the group filled with radical activists which carried out terrorist activities in the name of French Canadian nationalism.
  14. (1) This idea was used to separate the similarities of individuals of different nations by demonizing and dehumanizing those classified as enemies
  15. (1)This is the type of internationalism the the 19th Century British Empire displayed in which they have complete dominance over other nation-states.
  16. (1)The right and power which each permanent members possess when making decisions proposed by the General Assembly in which they could prevent any decisions that may counter the interest of the permanent member’s country.
  17. (1)The type of internationalism that was the catalyst for events such as the Russian revolution in which the conflicts within the society was determined by international factors such as the pursuit of “world revolution.”
  18. (1)The type of internationalism that organizations such as NATO pursues through their interventions in international affairs in order to achieve peace and prosperity.
  19. for Jews. This idea was prominent in Germany through citizens, soldiers, war leaders and places such as schools to educate students.
  20. (4)The time in the French Revolution when the movement took a radical turn in which the society turned on it’s own people and guillotined those who are against the revolution; this event was later extinguished after the death of Robespierre.
  21. (1) The genocide that Germany committed against the European Jews during World War Two. The event in which the persecution of over 6 million Jews occurred in ways such as mass shootings or gas chambers.
  22. (6) The event in which Parisean women took initiative to march to the King in Versailles regarding the issue of the scarcity of resources such as bread; This event led to the creation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.
  23. (1)Anti ______: The idea that Hitler proposed the German population to increase the
  24. (1)The Great _______ War was the event which Germany surrendered to a communist Russian country.
  25. (1) Woodrow______: The individual that introduced the 14 points speech in the Paris Peace Conference solely to propose a way to ensure world peace by pursuing the individual points.
  26. (1) Gavrilo ______ was the man who was a Serbian nationalist who was the catalyst for World War One by assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  27. (2) The First Estate are composed of the Clergy, those who served god and administered church and the schools. The Second Estate are composed of the Nobility, those who serve the state through military or the government. Both First and Second Estate never payed taxes. Lastly, The Third Estate is composed of the rest of the society, those who work as merchants, bourgeoisie, the poor and the peasants. These individuals are composed of 98% of the population and payed the most taxes.
  28. (1*) A shortened term for an idea which population plays a major role in areas in the sector of decision making. For example, the area which possess a lower population will have less of an impact in voting compared to an area with a larger population.
  1. (2)The war against Iraq which the United Nations and the international community took initiative to stop Sadam Hussein and support the invaded Kuwait. At an attempt to use diplomacy, the failure of these negotiations led to the use of military force through coalition forces in which they successfully liberate Kuwait.
  2. (1) The event in which the Soviet Union took control of farms and forced farmers to produce crops, for the state to fund their industrialization programs. This funding project led to the death of 7 million Ukranians due to the famine caused by the exports and the persecution for those who opposed the Soviet Union.
  3. (1) A member that proposed the idea of the League of Nations, although withdrew from it and didn’t become a member due to the Treaty of Versailles being unjust.
  4. (1) America was accused of acting unilaterally when it led an invasion into this country in 2003 under the belief that the country had weapons of mass destruction. America was accused of wanting to assure its access to oil.
  5. (3)The system which Napoleon established in order to aid in the unstable economy which provided loans to businesses, prices of goods were stabilized and had a professional tax collection system.
  6. (3) With the formation of the National Assembly this oath was taken as promise to the movement that “we will not disband until we have a constitution.”
  7. (8) A declaration which ensured the citizens of the nation’s equality,liberty, freedom, human rights and property.
  8. (3 words)Treaty that ensured peace through demilitarization, reclaiming German’s colonies/land, creation of new nation states, the War Guilt Clause and Reparations from Germany.
  9. (3 words)Worldwide organization that aims to secure world peace and end war improving the lives of individuals through ideas such as employment, trades, and disarmament of possible opposition. Yet it failed to prevent World War II.
  10. (2) The event in history in which colonists were killed by the British soldiers in a peaceful protest regarding taxation on it’s own citizens; this started the movement for independence in the colonies across America.
  11. (1) The agreement between Britain, France, Germany and Italy that Czechoslovakia must surrender the lands of Sudetenland which Germany later on took over
  12. (3) The event which gained Napoleon the recognition from the Directory in which he shut down a pro royalist riot.
  13. (2 words) This organization was created after the horror of World War Two to avoid the scourge of war. Its fundamental belief is peace can be achieved through multilateralism.
  14. (1) The idea which countries such as Canada established through processes in which they were free from British rule and Canada developed the ability to make their own decisions.
  15. (3) The act which allowed Canada to no longer follow the British foreign policy allowing Canada to have control over their domestic and foreign affairs.
  16. (1) The act that declared France a republic completely voiding the ideas of social status meaning the power is held by the people.
  17. (2)The book that Adolf Hitler wrote that discussed the idea of the reunion of German peoples, loyalty to Germany, German expansion and the triumph of the Aryan race
  18. (1) This policy was championed by Neville Chamberlain to avoid a potential war. At the Munich conference, Chamberlain gave into Hitler’s demand for the Sudetenland.
  19. (2) The tactic/system that Napoleon enforced in hopes to defeat Britain through banning other nations from trading with Britain; consequently, this system weakened the French economy and angered the nations that were prohibited from trading with Britain.
  20. (2) The ideals which Napoleon put forth in the territories he ruled which reflected the principles of the French Revolution; Although it advocated for equality and freedom it’s weaknesses were regarding those who were women and minors.
  21. (1) Statements of government policy which the United States enforces through military affairs and it’s main purpose is to highlight the key goal that each president wants to accomplish whether if it’s for the safety of the citizens or participation in the global community.
  22. (2)The representative assembly that was called by the King in order to deal with the problem of Taxation within France which resulted in the opposition of paying taxes of the first and second estates thus ultimately having the third estate pay the increased taxes within the society.
  23. (1) The imprisoning of Japanese individuals in camps separating them from their families and forced to do physical labor following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

51 Clues: (1)Anti ______: The idea that Hitler proposed the German population to increase the(1)The Great _______ War was the event which Germany surrendered to a communist Russian country.(3) The event which gained Napoleon the recognition from the Directory in which he shut down a pro royalist riot....

Mariska Mack - The Atlantic World 2023-10-12

Mariska Mack - The Atlantic World crossword puzzle
  1. War between the British and the French
  2. Slaveships route across the Atlantic
  3. Credited with discovering the Americas
  4. Leader of the Incas
  5. Transfer of goods between the old world and the new world
  6. Theory that Nations wealth = Nations power
  7. Disease brought to the new world by slave ships
  8. Trade route between Europe, Africa, And the New World
  9. Trade changed from a diverse exchange of commodities to slaves
  1. Conquered the Aztecs
  2. First British Colony
  3. Ninth Aztec Emperor
  4. Slaves shipped across the Atlantic to The New World
  5. Conquered the Incas
  6. Conquerers
  7. Mix between the spanish and the Native Americans
  8. Company owned by Shareholders
  9. Land owned by a different nation
  10. Private Ownership
  11. Spanish forcing labor upon the Natives

20 Clues: ConquerersPrivate OwnershipNinth Aztec EmperorConquered the IncasLeader of the IncasConquered the AztecsFirst British ColonyCompany owned by ShareholdersLand owned by a different nationSlaveships route across the AtlanticWar between the British and the FrenchCredited with discovering the AmericasSpanish forcing labor upon the Natives...

Intro to Cold War 2016-04-10

Intro to Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Leader of the Soviet Union during World War II and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
  2. This was the physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991.
  3. The action of surrendering or ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.
  4. The _________ _____ was an American initiative to give aid to Western Europe after the end of World War II.
  5. A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
  6. The _________ Doctrine was an American foreign policy to stop Soviet imperialism during the Cold War.
  1. This was the principal policymaking committee of a Communist Party.
  2. A ___________ economy is an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.
  3. An Act created in 1947 to promote the national security of the United States by reorganizing intellegence organizations after World War II.
  4. An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
  5. A state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare, in particular.
  6. Abbreviation for Central Intelligence Agency.
  7. A ___________ economy is an economy in which prices and wages are determined mainly by supply and demand, rather than being regulated by a government.
  8. Revolutionary socialist thinker whose theories and ideas became popular during the 19th century. His ideas are considered the foundation of communism.

14 Clues: Abbreviation for Central Intelligence Agency.This was the principal policymaking committee of a Communist Party.The action of surrendering or ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.The _________ Doctrine was an American foreign policy to stop Soviet imperialism during the Cold War....

WWI Review 2021-03-22

WWI Review crossword puzzle
  1. Emerged as a world power after WWI. They didn't join the League of Nations which weakened the organization. This country also didn't suffer as many causalities since they joined the war later than most.
  2. The ____ ______ clause placed sole responsibility for the war on Germany and forced them to have $33 billion in reparations to the Allies.
  3. This occurs when countries are devoting all their resources to the war effort.
  4. This side of the war includes Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.
  5. The idea that people should be allowed to decide for themselves under what government they wished to live.
  6. This side of the war includes Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, the U.S., and more.
  7. Alliance made up of Britain, France, and Russia at the onset of WWI.
  8. One-sided information designed to boost morale and encourage people to support or join the war
  9. identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
  10. Alliance made up of Germany and Austria-Hungary at the onset of WWI.
  11. Style of warfare mostly seen on the Western Front; characterized by opposing armies digging trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire.
  12. A truce; an agreement to stop fighting
  13. One example of a military technology that was introduced during WWI. Today, countries around the world use this and even have branches of their military dedicated to this. (Hint: U.S. Air Force)
  14. Considered the "powder keg" of Europe. Nationalistic sentiments in this region led to assassination of Franz Ferdinand, archduke of Austria-Hungary.
  15. International organization dedicated to maintaining peace.
  1. Situation where neither side of the war can make progress.
  2. The glorification of military power and desire for a country to always have a standing army.
  3. The treaty created after World War WWI. Called the "Treaty of ___."
  4. German policy that began in 1917. German submarines would sink any ship without warning if it was around Britain. Their goal was to establish a naval blockade.
  5. An action taken by a strong nation to control another country; empire building.
  6. The "final straw" that caused the U.S. to join the war. This was a secret telegram sent by Germany to Mexico in an attempt to have Mexico ally with them.
  7. Money that has to be paid back to someone because they were wronged.
  8. Was an important part of the Allied war effort. This country fought against Germany on the Eastern Front and later left the war as they underwent their own revolution.
  9. American President who asked Congress to declare war on Germany. Also responsible for his 14 Points plan about how to establish peace after the war.
  10. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand set off a chain reaction (think alliances) that led to WWI.
  11. Passenger ship that was sunk in 1915. 128 Americans died on board. This was the first instance of American outrage for the war.
  12. People could only buy limited amounts of items needed for the sake of the war effort.

27 Clues: A truce; an agreement to stop fightingSituation where neither side of the war can make progress.International organization dedicated to maintaining peace.The treaty created after World War WWI. Called the "Treaty of ___."Money that has to be paid back to someone because they were wronged....

World War Crossword Puzzle 2022-04-11

World War Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A war involves all of governments, economies and populations.
  2. Political orientation of a people or a government to maintain a strong military force, preparing to use it to aggressively defend the country.
  3. How is an event related to modern events or contemporary concerns.
  4. The emperor of Russia who is resistant to change.
  5. A policy of expanding a nation's power, and influencing others through its military forces.
  6. The first battle with tanks, and in which British failed to break the German lines.
  7. This leads to India a center of ocean trade.
  8. Treaties took after the World War I.
  9. is established to become a place which countries can come together for resolving a problem before a war.
  10. Telegram sent fromzimmerman to Germany and is used to convince United States to declare war on Germany.
  1. A prolonged war which has the purpose of causing more casualties to the opponent.
  2. A belief that people should support their own nations, and strengthen the exclusion to the interests of other nations.
  3. The friendly relationships between two or more countries.
  4. A dynasty of China ended the period of troubles.
  5. Inventions by German used to defeat British Navy and cut off their supplies
  6. The reason of an event being dicussed and the single element of focus of commemorations.
  7. What an event achieved that had not been done
  8. A dynasty which China invents gun powders.
  9. The way that people have been affected by an event.
  10. Longest battle in world war I

20 Clues: Longest battle in world war ITreaties took after the World War I.A dynasty which China invents gun powders.This leads to India a center of ocean trade.What an event achieved that had not been doneA dynasty of China ended the period of troubles.The emperor of Russia who is resistant to change.The way that people have been affected by an event....

World History Crossword Puzzle 2022-04-11

World History Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A war involves all of governments, economies and populations.
  2. Political orientation of a people or a government to maintain a strong military force, preparing to use it to aggressively defend the country.
  3. How is an event related to modern events or contemporary concerns.
  4. The emperor of Russia who is resistant to change.
  5. A policy of expanding a nation's power, and influencing others through its military forces.
  6. The first battle with tanks, and in which British failed to break the German lines.
  7. This leads to India a center of ocean trade.
  8. Treaties took after the World War I.
  9. is established to become a place which countries can come together for resolving a problem before a war.
  10. Telegram sent fromzimmerman to Germany and is used to convince United States to declare war on Germany.
  1. A prolonged war which has the purpose of causing more casualties to the opponent.
  2. A belief that people should support their own nations, and strengthen the exclusion to the interests of other nations.
  3. The friendly relationships between two or more countries.
  4. A dynasty of China ended the period of troubles.
  5. Inventions by German used to defeat British Navy and cut off their supplies
  6. The reason of an event being dicussed and the single element of focus of commemorations.
  7. What an event achieved that had not been done
  8. A dynasty which China invents gun powders.
  9. The way that people have been affected by an event.
  10. Longest battle in world war I

20 Clues: Longest battle in world war ITreaties took after the World War I.A dynasty which China invents gun powders.This leads to India a center of ocean trade.What an event achieved that had not been doneA dynasty of China ended the period of troubles.The emperor of Russia who is resistant to change.The way that people have been affected by an event....

Gillies June Crossword 2021-05-27

Gillies June Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The bees do this and help our food supply
  2. It's officially here; time to play in the sun
  3. June flower; think bee product
  4. enjoy these on summer evenings; be sure to get a permit first
  5. 24 hours for this guy
  6. Treaty of ___________;June 28, 1919; signing of this ended the First World War
  7. don't forget this when you're out in the sun
  8. plant these annual flowers in your veggie beds for some natural pest control
  1. National_______People's Day
  2. Big plants we need to breathe
  3. June 2, 1953; Queen Elizabeth II; first day on the job
  4. corn, bean, squash; plant together; native garden tradition
  5. June 25, 1950; beginning of this far off war
  6. pick these from your garden and have 7-10 servings a day for an adult
  7. June 6, 1944; France; Operation Overlord

15 Clues: 24 hours for this guyNational_______People's DayBig plants we need to breatheJune flower; think bee productJune 6, 1944; France; Operation OverlordThe bees do this and help our food supplyJune 25, 1950; beginning of this far off wardon't forget this when you're out in the sunIt's officially here; time to play in the sun...

"Vietnam Conflict" 2022-05-09

"Vietnam Conflict" crossword puzzle
  1. before World War Two what were Vietnam a part of.
  2. what republic was south vietnam led by.
  3. how much money was the war costing the US a year.
  4. conflict in Vietnam that developed following World War II can best be described as this type of War.
  5. which President sent a half a million US combat troops to Vietnam?
  6. what was the first Asian Nation to fall to Communism?
  1. what republic was north vitenam led by.
  2. Who was the leader of the communist Vietnamese resistance movement?
  3. what year did the vietnam war end.
  4. who was the US Secretary of defence.
  5. who led south vietnam.
  6. describe the type of military force President Kennedy sent to Vietnam.
  7. who was a corrupt leader who refused to give peasants land.

13 Clues: who led south vietnam.what year did the vietnam war end.who was the US Secretary of defence.what republic was north vitenam led by.what republic was south vietnam led by.before World War Two what were Vietnam a part much money was the war costing the US a year.what was the first Asian Nation to fall to Communism?...

conkes little maple 2022-04-19

conkes little maple crossword puzzle
  1. believed to be the best German tank of the Second World War.
  2. mass murder of jewish people
  1. invasion of nordmende
  2. Germany"s dictator during world war 2
  3. holes dug out for the purpose of combat

5 Clues: invasion of nordmendemass murder of jewish peopleGermany"s dictator during world war 2holes dug out for the purpose of combatbelieved to be the best German tank of the Second World War.

The Iron Curtain 2021-06-03

The Iron Curtain crossword puzzle
  1. leader of Great Britain and gave speech about the Iron Curtain
  2. the country that stood in the way of East Germany and Hungary
  3. operated throughout Southern and Western Europe
  4. a barrier that was created to separate European countries
  5. something that divided Berlin and signified the Iron Curtain
  6. provided listeners behind the Iron Curtain with uncensored news
  1. what Joseph Stalin called Winston Churchill's speech
  2. created the Iron Curtain after World War 2
  3. war that led to the creation of the Iron Curtain
  4. Russian leader during this time
  5. state where speech was given about the Iron Curtain
  6. current President during this time
  7. people who supported the idea of the Soviet Union and Iron Curtain
  8. the way the Soviet Union ruled over Eastern Europe
  9. a period of tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union

15 Clues: Russian leader during this timecurrent President during this timecreated the Iron Curtain after World War 2operated throughout Southern and Western Europewar that led to the creation of the Iron Curtainthe way the Soviet Union ruled over Eastern Europestate where speech was given about the Iron Curtain...

Per 6 The Challenges of Victory p562-565 2022-05-20

Per 6 The Challenges of Victory p562-565 crossword puzzle
  1. At the Potsdam Conference Germany would be split into this
  2. The first U.S. representative of the United Nations
  3. The two most powerful countries in the UN used it as a way to spread this to other countries
  4. The first goal of the UN was to declare this for each person
  5. Political system of the U.S. that conflicts with communism
  6. These people were put on trial for war crimes after WWII
  7. World Organization set up to keep peace in the world
  1. Legal procedure where war criminals were sentenced to death
  2. Chairperson for the Committee of Human Rights
  3. The trials proved that people are responsible for this
  4. Conference where leaders would try to establish an organization to keep the peace
  5. Russia had promised it would allow these to happen
  6. The Atomic Bomb brought the World into this era
  7. After the war Japan was ____________ by the U.S.
  8. McArthur introduced this economic system to Japan
  9. the UN soon became dominated by the U.S. and this country

16 Clues: Chairperson for the Committee of Human RightsThe Atomic Bomb brought the World into this eraAfter the war Japan was ____________ by the U.S.McArthur introduced this economic system to JapanRussia had promised it would allow these to happenThe first U.S. representative of the United NationsWorld Organization set up to keep peace in the world...

WORLD WAR TWO 2017-11-30

WORLD WAR TWO crossword puzzle
  1. these were thrown at Desmond in the night
  2. The doss family believed in this religion
  3. desmond fought in this battle in Phillipines
  4. The army that started world war 2
  1. doss main character in hacksaw ridge
  2. Desmond's wife
  3. This captain died in battle
  4. dorthy gave this to Desmond
  5. Desmond doss didn't bring this important thing into battle
  6. A job in the army

10 Clues: Desmond's wifeA job in the armyThis captain died in battledorthy gave this to DesmondThe army that started world war 2doss main character in hacksaw ridgethese were thrown at Desmond in the nightThe doss family believed in this religiondesmond fought in this battle in PhillipinesDesmond doss didn't bring this important thing into battle

Impact of Hitler's rule 2016-07-11

Impact of Hitler's rule crossword puzzle
  1. merged powers of president with chancellor and proclaimed himself _________.
  2. adolf ________
  3. a part of a city where people of a particular race or class live separately from the main population, usually in poor conditions
  4. _________ was one important way of reducing unemployment
  5. ______ during world war 2
  6. ________ of power
  7. ______ with no opposition to challenge their rule.
  1. the Nazis used _________ to control what the germans read,watch and listen
  2. _______ of jewish people
  3. this created many jobs for men as war materials were needed
  4. _______ was the Nazis secret police force
  5. the Nazis wanted to use ______ to improve the quality of Aryan race
  6. the _______ fire of 27 February 1933 help consolidate hitler's power
  7. to secure their hold on power, hitler used __________ to win people over to support them

14 Clues: adolf ________________ of power_______ of jewish people______ during world war 2_______ was the Nazis secret police force______ with no opposition to challenge their rule._________ was one important way of reducing unemploymentthis created many jobs for men as war materials were needed...

APUSH World War 1 2023-02-22

APUSH World War 1 crossword puzzle
  1. significant cause of ww1, intense form or patriotism
  2. empire that still exists during world war 1 and one of the central powers
  3. they took factory jobs during ww1
  4. competition for colonies
  5. competition for best army
  6. international organization created to resolve international disputes
  7. plan established by the germans to avoid 2-front war
  8. British passenger ship from U.S. sunk by Germans for carrying and delivering munitions to England
  1. one of the prominent causes of ww1, alliances kick in because of this
  2. agreement to give warnings before sinking merchant ships
  3. modern weapon to be first utilized during ww1, wreaked havoc
  4. revolution that forced russia to leave ww1
  5. a telegram from german minister sent to Mexico proposing military alliance against the U.S.
  6. they opposed the involvement in ww1 and were jailed during ww1
  7. competition for market

15 Clues: competition for marketcompetition for coloniescompetition for best armythey took factory jobs during ww1revolution that forced russia to leave ww1significant cause of ww1, intense form or patriotismplan established by the germans to avoid 2-front waragreement to give warnings before sinking merchant ships...

Countries 2023-05-16

Countries crossword puzzle
  1. has Eiffel tower
  2. bridges Europe and Aisa
  3. 50 states
  4. the amazon rain forest
  5. tacos
  6. won football world cup
  7. country right next to Niger
  8. lots for deadly animals
  9. curry
  1. very cold
  2. very cold
  3. biggest country in the world
  4. know for there mythology
  5. at war right now
  6. national animals is beaver
  7. made pyramids
  8. no mosquitos
  9. Tokyo
  10. pasta
  11. sushi

20 Clues: tacosTokyopastasushicurryvery coldvery cold50 statesno mosquitosmade pyramidshas Eiffel towerat war right nowthe amazon rain forestwon football world cupbridges Europe and Aisalots for deadly animalsknow for there mythologynational animals is beavercountry right next to Nigerbiggest country in the world

Natural Disasters 2022-03-08

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. a Big Bang in the ground
  2. Lot’s of fire explode
  3. a big,strong gust of snow.
  4. July 2012 in London
  5. slide Something that people ride on
  6. it is as tall as a mountain
  7. sucks up everything in it’s way
  1. In a big fog mixed with cole and ash
  2. 2 of December 1997
  3. 1918 after the world war 1

10 Clues: 2 of December 1997July 2012 in LondonLot’s of fire explodea Big Bang in the ground1918 after the world war 1a big,strong gust of is as tall as a mountainsucks up everything in it’s wayIn a big fog mixed with cole and ashslide Something that people ride on

Global Citizenship Review Year 8 2022-06-01

Global Citizenship Review Year 8 crossword puzzle
  1. an organization created after World War 2 to prevent war
  2. a neutral area which separates hostile forces or nations
  3. to give the other party what they want and give up your own needs or desires
  4. a charitable organization which works independently from any government
  5. having pride in one’s nation or ethnic group
  6. an area with little to no access to healthy food
  7. developing and managing relations between countries
  8. a person who tries to help people in a conflict come to an agreement
  9. when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs
  1. the distance your food travels before it gets to you
  2. able to maintain a process continuously over time
  3. a war between citizens of the same country
  4. the amount of profit (money) a country makes each year
  5. a person who tries to promote and maintain peace
  6. an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need
  7. a craving or urgent need for food
  8. the targeted mass killing of a specific group of people with a shared ethnicity or race
  9. an agreement when both sides give up something to get something

18 Clues: a craving or urgent need for fooda war between citizens of the same countryhaving pride in one’s nation or ethnic groupa person who tries to promote and maintain peacean area with little to no access to healthy foodable to maintain a process continuously over timedeveloping and managing relations between countries...

The War That Saved My Life 2024-04-08

The War That Saved My Life crossword puzzle
  1. What is Jamie's cats name.
  2. Who is Ada's brother
  3. foot what is Ada's disability
  4. Who is Ada&Jamie mom name?
  5. what did Ada make Susan for Christmas
  1. War 2 What event happened during the book
  2. what country bombed England
  3. Who is the main character's name?
  4. What is there horses name
  5. What did Ada catch for her to be called a hero

10 Clues: Who is Ada's brotherWhat is there horses nameWhat is Jamie's cats name.Who is Ada&Jamie mom name?what country bombed Englandfoot what is Ada's disabilityWho is the main character's name?what did Ada make Susan for ChristmasWar 2 What event happened during the bookWhat did Ada catch for her to be called a hero

WWI 2012-11-16

WWI crossword puzzle
  1. the Selective Service Act created the _____________
  2. Commanded American Expeditionary Force
  3. forced to admit guilt for the war
  4. His assassination started the war (last name only)
  5. Treaty ending W.W.I.
  6. first country to pull out of the war
  7. Original U.S. position on the war
  8. _________ was used to try to get American's to support the war effort
  9. France, Great Britain, and Russia made up the ____________________.
  1. Wilson's ______ points for world peace
  2. __________Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire
  3. Unoccupied area between armies (three words)
  4. British liner sunk by U-boat
  5. Warfare in ditches
  6. _____________ Note suggesting Mexico-Germany alliance
  7. During the Great Migration, African Americans moved _____
  8. the League of ____________
  9. 1918 epidemic claiming 500,000 American lives

18 Clues: Warfare in ditchesTreaty ending W.W.I.the League of ____________British liner sunk by U-boatforced to admit guilt for the warOriginal U.S. position on the warfirst country to pull out of the warWilson's ______ points for world peaceCommanded American Expeditionary ForceUnoccupied area between armies (three words)...

Puzzle 1 2015-10-17

Puzzle 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 1976 grand prix competitor to James Hunt
  2. surname of the inventor of the telephone
  3. long running itv soap
  4. tony the tiger says they're great
  5. hello en francias
  6. a train engine
  7. 150 years of Alice in ...
  8. surname of a World War 2 UK prime minister
  9. celebrating a hundredth anniversary
  10. Homer Simpson's wife
  11. the wind in the ... Kenneth Grahame novel
  1. a place full of books
  2. a large car company in recent news
  3. the fastest steam train in the UK
  4. surname of the actor of Mr Bean
  5. when a new monarch takes the throne
  6. multi flavoured ice cream
  7. one ... in the grave comedy
  8. a portable computer
  9. Jeremy Clarkson's tool of choice
  10. a famous unsinkable ship

21 Clues: a train enginehello en franciasa portable computerHomer Simpson's wifea place full of bookslong running itv soapa famous unsinkable shipmulti flavoured ice cream150 years of Alice in ... in the grave comedysurname of the actor of Mr BeanJeremy Clarkson's tool of choicethe fastest steam train in the UKtony the tiger says they're great...

Mythology Vocab 2021-09-05

Mythology Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Daughter of Loki, Norse Goddess of the Dead
  2. open delight or pleasure
  3. To put out a fire
  4. Odin's 6 legged horse.
  5. one of Thor's 2 sons. His name means mighty.
  6. Norse God of War
  7. A sudden and powerful upward movement.
  8. Certain to happen
  9. The Norse God of Vengeance. Son of Odin.
  10. Son of Loki, The Great Wolf who ate the world.
  1. Extremely angry
  2. Shining with a sparkling light.
  3. Wife of Loki, Norse Goddess
  4. Squirming and contorting as if in agony.
  5. a vast horde or multitude
  6. A situation where no progress is possible.
  7. a feeling of intense desire
  8. The Gods of Asgard
  9. To mix or cause to mix together
  10. The rainbow bridge between Asgard and Midgard

20 Clues: Extremely angryNorse God of WarTo put out a fireCertain to happenThe Gods of AsgardOdin's 6 legged delight or pleasurea vast horde or multitudeWife of Loki, Norse Goddessa feeling of intense desireShining with a sparkling light.To mix or cause to mix togetherA sudden and powerful upward movement.Squirming and contorting as if in agony....

ww1 2023-01-11

ww1 crossword puzzle
  1. the leader was assassinated whichstartedww1
  2. the queen died
  3. what the soldiers got due to harsh
  4. germany ottoman empire austria bulgaria
  5. used to sway peoples opinions in war
  6. fell apart after the war
  7. was sent a telegram by germany
  8. france Uk japan Italy and later the U.S
  1. stayed neutral most of the war
  2. what they fought in
  3. the person who was assassinated
  4. main threat
  5. HON HON baguette
  6. world ___ 1
  7. what germany sent to Mexico

15 Clues: main threatworld ___ 1the queen diedHON HON baguettewhat they fought infell apart after the warwhat germany sent to Mexicostayed neutral most of the warwas sent a telegram by germanythe person who was assassinatedwhat the soldiers got due to harshused to sway peoples opinions in wargermany ottoman empire austria bulgaria...

Natural Disasters 2022-03-08

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. a Big Bang in the ground
  2. Lot’s of fire explode
  3. a big,strong gust of snow.
  4. July 2012 in London
  5. slide Something that people ride on
  6. it is as tall as a mountain
  7. sucks up everything in it’s way
  1. In a big fog mixed with cole and ash
  2. 2 of December 1997
  3. 1918 after the world war 1

10 Clues: 2 of December 1997July 2012 in LondonLot’s of fire explodea Big Bang in the ground1918 after the world war 1a big,strong gust of is as tall as a mountainsucks up everything in it’s wayIn a big fog mixed with cole and ashslide Something that people ride on

Modern World History - Final Exam Review 5 2024-04-22

Modern World History - Final Exam Review 5 crossword puzzle
  1. This treaty brought World War I to a conclusion.
  2. A group of the United States, Canada, and 10 other nations to counter Soviet aggression in Europe after WW2.
  3. Until the war in Afghanistan, this was America's longest war.
  4. Site of MacArthur's desperate invasion to relieve US and UN forces in Korea.
  5. Communist leader of North Vietnam.
  6. Iraqi dictator that invaded Kuwait in 1990.
  7. This is fought with words, diplomacy, and ideologies.
  8. First black leader in South Africa.
  9. This city was the 2nd Japanese city to be hit by an atomic bomb.
  10. Russian word for "openness" and signaled a softening of previous Soviet rhetoric.
  11. This battle was fought without the battleships ever sighting one another.
  12. First and only female prime minister of India.
  13. Site of the first city hit by atomic weapons in World War II.
  14. Reformer who became Soviet Premier in 1985.
  15. Terrorist group formed against Israel to create a Palestinian homeland inside of Israel.
  16. Father of the Hydrogen bomb.
  17. One of the early leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
  18. This was was so named because of its longevity and saw Israel take the Sinai peninsula and the West Bank.
  1. Soviet premier after Stalin's death; took power in 1956.
  2. First woman to lead Great Britain and the longest tenured prime minister in the 20th century.
  3. Volcanic island in the Pacific that saw some of the most desperate fighting in World War II.
  4. Site of the historic peace agreement between Israel and Egypt in 1979.
  5. Communist revolutionary who took over Cuba in 1959.
  6. Radical Muslim cleric who became the head of Iran after the Iranian Revolution.
  7. This battle was considered the turning point of the war in the Pacific.
  8. Cuban dictator that was overthrown in 1959.
  9. Largest amphibious invasion in human history.
  10. Husband/wife team that were arrested, tried, convicted, and executed for treason when they passed nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.
  11. Leader of South Vietnam
  12. This war started during the holiest of Jewish holidays.
  13. Conservative president of the United States from 1981-1989.

31 Clues: Leader of South VietnamFather of the Hydrogen bomb.Communist leader of North Vietnam.First black leader in South Africa.Cuban dictator that was overthrown in 1959.Iraqi dictator that invaded Kuwait in 1990.Reformer who became Soviet Premier in 1985.Largest amphibious invasion in human history.First and only female prime minister of India....

The Book Thief 2022-09-30

The Book Thief crossword puzzle
  1. Rudy's favorite game to play
  2. Hans' job
  3. Rosa calls Liesel this
  4. where the Hubermann's live
  5. sees Liesel steal a burning book
  6. Erik Vandenberg gives this to Hans
  7. what the Hubermann's are forced to eat
  8. a Jew who becomes Liesel's friend
  9. Liesel's nickname
  1. Liesel's mother was sent here
  2. Rudy's idol
  3. The Grave Digger's Handbook
  4. saves Max's life
  5. the protagonist of the story
  6. constantly motivated to help others
  7. the only thing Liesel knows about her father
  8. the Fuhrer
  9. has blond hair, blue eyes; athletic
  10. what Rudy wants from Liesel
  11. appreciated by both Hans and Death
  12. the narrator of the story
  13. kind and caring under a tough exterior
  14. Germany during World War 2

23 Clues: Hans' jobthe FuhrerRudy's idolsaves Max's lifeLiesel's nicknameRosa calls Liesel thisthe narrator of the storywhere the Hubermann's liveGermany during World War 2The Grave Digger's Handbookwhat Rudy wants from LieselRudy's favorite game to playthe protagonist of the storyLiesel's mother was sent heresees Liesel steal a burning book...

Sigificant People 2019-06-16

Sigificant People crossword puzzle
  1. Youngest person elected into parliament
  2. born 1885
  3. She was remembered as an aboriginal hero
  4. He became PM for 18 years a record.
  5. First female PM
  6. 2nd PM of australia
  7. Got hit by a wave and disappeared
  8. 1st PM of Australia
  9. in 1977 was promoted into the cabinet
  10. Very first general secretary of the FCAATSI
  11. died very recently
  1. fought in world war 2
  2. Made a partition to let women vote
  3. got elected PM after campaigning for 6 years
  4. A pioneer for womens rights
  5. won the human rights medal
  6. is on the $50 note
  7. Gives jobs to many women who ant to vote
  8. born in 1971
  9. first women in federal cabinet

20 Clues: born 1885born in 1971First female PMis on the $50 notedied very recently2nd PM of australia1st PM of Australiafought in world war 2won the human rights medalA pioneer for womens rightsfirst women in federal cabinetGot hit by a wave and disappearedMade a partition to let women voteHe became PM for 18 years a record....

Number the Stars 2023-05-26

Number the Stars crossword puzzle
  1. Annemarie's best friend
  2. cow
  3. Johansen, Annemarie's mother
  4. numbs dog noses
  5. Johansen, Annemarie's dad
  6. Lise's almost husband
  7. Rosen, Ellen's dad
  8. a cupcake lover
  1. war two, sad thing
  2. main character
  3. of war, happy part
  4. Annemarie's sister
  5. stopped Annemarie and Ellen
  6. dead, sad part
  7. Henrik, fisher
  8. king of thunder
  9. Rosen, Ellen's mother
  10. dead, said part
  11. aunt berry, had fake death
  12. Christian, leader of Denmark

20 Clues: cowmain characterdead, sad partHenrik, fisherking of thundernumbs dog nosesdead, said parta cupcake loverwar two, sad thingof war, happy partAnnemarie's sisterRosen, Ellen's dadRosen, Ellen's motherLise's almost husbandAnnemarie's best friendJohansen, Annemarie's dadaunt berry, had fake deathstopped Annemarie and EllenJohansen, Annemarie's mother...

The Vietnam War 2024-05-02

The Vietnam War crossword puzzle
  1. name of the main character in Apocalypse Now
  2. decade during which the peace movement developed
  3. director of the movie Apocalypse Now
  4. 36th US president who became unpopular because of the Vietnam War
  5. state which was in ideological tension with the US
  6. iconic music festival created in 1969
  1. members of a counterculture movement for peace and freedom
  2. name given to the communist government of North Vietnam
  3. author of the song "Masters of War"
  4. conflict between 2 poles of the world during the 2nd half of the 20th century
  5. chemical weapon used by the American army
  6. large public meeting, made to criticise or oppose something
  7. ideology opposed to capitalism, combatted by the US in the 1950s and 1960s

13 Clues: author of the song "Masters of War"director of the movie Apocalypse Nowiconic music festival created in 1969chemical weapon used by the American armyname of the main character in Apocalypse Nowdecade during which the peace movement developedstate which was in ideological tension with the USname given to the communist government of North Vietnam...

WWW 4b Crossword puzzle 2018-04-11

WWW 4b Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. At the school assembly the principal used a ______ so that we could all hear her.
  2. People who are scared of being in small spaces have _______.
  3. Our teacher ______ us on what to do.
  4. At the funeral the child of the person who died read a ______.
  5. When I was ordering pizza they asked me to _____ my credit card number.
  1. Me and my family had a _____ on where we should go to dinner.
  2. An _______ is a creature that can go on both land and sea.
  3. Every human on earth has an _______.
  4. Earth's ______ grows everyday.
  5. The view from the Willis tower was _______.
  6. An _____ is someone who straightens your teeth.
  7. My grandma is the ______ matriarchy of our family.
  8. World War 2 was a very sanguinary war.

13 Clues: Earth's ______ grows everyday.Every human on earth has an _______.Our teacher ______ us on what to do.World War 2 was a very sanguinary war.The view from the Willis tower was _______.An _____ is someone who straightens your teeth.My grandma is the ______ matriarchy of our family.An _______ is a creature that can go on both land and sea....

Cold War: Superpowers Face OffWar 2021-04-28

Cold War: Superpowers Face OffWar crossword puzzle
  1. military alliance of the United States, Canada, and Western Europe
  2. curtain division between Eastern and Western Europe during the Cold War
  3. aggression
  4. Doctrine policy of giving aid to countries threatened by communism
  5. Pact military alliance between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
  6. War state of tension and mistrust between the United States and the
  7. Union
  1. U.S. foreign policy aimed at preventing the spread of communism
  2. policy of threatening to go to war in response to an
  3. Nations world organization formed in 1945 to prevent war among nations
  4. Plan U.S. plan to help European economies recover after World War II

11 Clues: Unionaggressionpolicy of threatening to go to war in response to anU.S. foreign policy aimed at preventing the spread of communismmilitary alliance of the United States, Canada, and Western EuropeDoctrine policy of giving aid to countries threatened by communismPact military alliance between the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe...

Financial Institutions 2022-10-25

Financial Institutions crossword puzzle
  1. the use of computers and other technology for banking activities (abbr)
  2. funds for paychecks and government payments are deposited electronically into specified customer accounts and are available automatically (2 wds)
  3. a secured postal box used to receive customer payments (2 wds)
  4. the process of buying and selling government securities (3 wds)
  5. paying checks among different banks in different cities
  6. the rate the Fed charges on loans to member banks (2 wds)
  7. the percentage of funds that a bank is required to hold (2 wds)
  8. the legal agreement for one party to control property for the benefit of another
  9. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; created in 1944 to provide loans for rebuilding after World War II (2 wds)
  10. a bank for banks; created to supervise and regulate member banks to help them serve the public efficiently (3 wds)
  1. bank card that allows user to obtain or use money from a checking account (2 wds)
  2. boxes in well-guarded bank vaults, used by customers to store valuable objects and documents (3 wds)
  3. a type of financial institution offering a complete range of services (2 wds)
  4. loans to business enterprises for various company needs (2 wds)
  5. an organization of several countries created to provide financing for economic development to countries in a region (2 wds)
  6. a Federal Reserve Bank; one of which is located in each Federal Reserve district (2 wds)
  7. electronic banking service machine, more commonly called a cash machine (abbr)
  8. banks that belong to the Federal Reserve System (2 wds)
  9. an agency that helps promote economic cooperation by maintaining an orderly system of international trade and exchange rates (3 wds)

19 Clues: banks that belong to the Federal Reserve System (2 wds)paying checks among different banks in different citiesthe rate the Fed charges on loans to member banks (2 wds)a secured postal box used to receive customer payments (2 wds)loans to business enterprises for various company needs (2 wds)...

US History of Expansion 2019-04-30

US History of Expansion crossword puzzle
  1. The explorer who discovered the New World was Christopher ________________
  2. In 1845, __________________ was annexed by the US.
  3. The first shot fired became known as the shot heard round the _____________.
  4. The ___________________ defeated the British and by 1783 signed the Treaty of Paris officially ending the war.
  5. The area of the disputed territory was called the ____________.
  6. By 1853, the US had accomplished __________________ Destiny.
  7. In 1607, England settlement of _____________________.
  8. On April 18th, 1775, a shot was fired between English soldiers and American militia. _______________ knows who fired it but it started the war.
  9. America declared __________________ from England on July 4th, 1776.
  10. John ____________ was the second US president from 1797-1801.
  11. In 1848, Mexico surrendered a large area of land which became known as the Mexican _________________.
  12. Spain was the first __________________ to control vast territories in the New World.
  13. English colonist began to rebel against English rules and would become the American _______________.
  14. The disputed territory was west of the ___________________ Mountains.
  15. The Louisiana Purchase _______________ the size of US territory.
  16. In 1846, the territory of ____________ became part of the US.
  17. The Pilgrims settled their colony for ________________ reasons.
  18. The three major European countries that controlled large areas of the Americas were England, Spain, and _____________.
  19. In 1819, Spain ceded ______________ to the US.
  1. In 1497 ________________ began exploring North America.
  2. In 1620, the Pilgrims settled the colony of ___________________.
  3. Jamestown became the colony of ____________________.
  4. In 1803, Jefferson purchased the _________________ territory from _______________.
  5. Thomas _______________ became the third US president from 1801-1809.
  6. In 1789, George _______________ was inaugurated as the first US president.
  7. From 1607 to 1733, England controlled _______________ colonies.
  8. American England and the colonies defeated the French and took control of its ______________________ holdings.
  9. In 1846, the US declared war on __________________.
  10. The conflict became a war called the French and _______________ War.
  11. ____________________ were Spanish explorers who conquered empires in the New World for Spain.
  12. Explorers ____________ and Clark were sent to explore the new territory.
  13. In 1609 Henry Hudson explored North America for the ___________________.
  14. In 1753, _______________ erupted between England and France over territory.
  15. The pilgrim ship was called the _________________.
  16. Jamestown almost failed but became successful after the growing of ____________________.
  17. _____________ was the European country that began exploration of the New World.

36 Clues: In 1819, Spain ceded ______________ to the US.In 1845, __________________ was annexed by the US.The pilgrim ship was called the _________________.In 1846, the US declared war on __________________.Jamestown became the colony of ____________________.In 1607, England settlement of _____________________....

WW2 2023-10-05

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. naval submarines operated by Germany, particularly in the First and Second World Wars.
  2. a swift-moving British cruise liner traveling from New York to Liverpool, England.
  3. the type of land warfare using occupied lines largely comprising military trenches, in which combatants are well-protected from the enemy's small arms fire and are substantially sheltered from artillery.
  4. a naval battle fought between Britain's Royal Navy Grand Fleet, under Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, and the Imperial German Navy's High Seas Fleet, under Vice-Admiral Reinhard Scheer, during the First World War.
  5. the deadliest battle in human history
  6. was an American military officer and statesman who served as the 34th president of the United States
  7. a Marshal Admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy and the commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet during World War II.
  8. German Empire, Austria Hungary, and Italy
  9. the formal position taken by a State which is not participating in an armed conflict or which does not want to become involved.
  10. a situation in which neither side in an argument or contest can make progress.
  11. as a Soviet revolutionary and political leader who led the Soviet Union
  12. French victory Failure of the Schlieffen Plan Beginning of trench warfare Beginning of the Race to the Sea Helmuth von Moltke dismissed
  1. an American politician and academic who served as the 28th president of the United States from 1913 to 1921.
  2. an American military leader who served as General of the Army for the United States, as well as a field marshal to the Philippine Army.
  3. was a Japanese politician, military leader and convicted war criminal who served as prime minister of Japan and president of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association
  4. an American politician who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.
  5. is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda
  6. France, Russia and England
  7. was an American Politician and farmer who served as the 33rd president of the United States
  8. Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945.
  9. was a promise made by Germany to the United States in 1916, during World War I before the latter entered World War I.

21 Clues: France, Russia and Englandthe deadliest battle in human historyGerman Empire, Austria Hungary, and Italyas a Soviet revolutionary and political leader who led the Soviet Uniona situation in which neither side in an argument or contest can make progress.a swift-moving British cruise liner traveling from New York to Liverpool, England....

Beginning and Ending Events of World War 2 2022-03-27

Beginning and Ending Events of World War 2 crossword puzzle
  1. On September 1, 1939, Germany invades what country and starts World War 2
  2. The US drops an atomic bomb on this Japanese city on August 6
  3. This was a cause of World War 2 because prices of goods and services kept going up
  1. The US drops an atomic bomb on this Japanese city on August 9
  2. This is what European leaders tried to do to prevent Hitler from taking over other countries by giving Hitler land
  3. On December 7, 1941, this country attacks the US at Pearl Harbor

6 Clues: The US drops an atomic bomb on this Japanese city on August 9The US drops an atomic bomb on this Japanese city on August 6On December 7, 1941, this country attacks the US at Pearl HarborOn September 1, 1939, Germany invades what country and starts World War 2This was a cause of World War 2 because prices of goods and services kept going up...

American Revolution 2020-02-06

American Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. Prussian military adviser at Valley Forge
  2. Believed in freedom
  3. What we did on July 4, 1776
  4. lax enforcement of regulations & trade laws, imposed on the American colonies
  5. Ended the war established 1st republic since Rome fell in 476 AD
  6. Issue after the war until 1865
  7. Riot propaganda
  8. Revolts against civil authority
  9. Print Tax
  10. sweet tax in 1764
  11. No search and seizure
  12. 1st ten "changes" were the...
  13. Believed in the monarchy
  14. Needed by Britain after the Seven Years War
  15. Last battle...Brits gave up
  1. Murica!
  2. The second one of these named Washington commander of the colonial army
  3. Wanted the colonies unified...solidarity
  4. Influenced the writers of The Declaration of Independence
  5. Free Speech Amendment
  6. #2 & defended those accused in the Boston Massacre
  7. T Paines book
  8. Not a barracks but soldiers were allowed to stay in your house
  9. Where the shot heard round the world was fired
  10. Locke's idea in the Declaration of Independence
  11. Primary author of Declaration
  12. Britain tried cut the debt by using these
  13. Led to 1st Continental Congress & Intolerable Acts
  14. The sneaky people helped USA win
  15. Turning point
  16. 1791 finally
  17. No cruel or unusual punishment
  18. The lack of this in the militia put them at a disadvantage vs Redcoats
  19. Last battle Cornwallis surrenders

34 Clues: Murica!Print Tax1791 finallyT Paines bookTurning pointRiot propagandasweet tax in 1764Believed in freedomFree Speech AmendmentNo search and seizureBelieved in the monarchyWhat we did on July 4, 1776Last battle...Brits gave upPrimary author of Declaration1st ten "changes" were the...Issue after the war until 1865No cruel or unusual punishment...

Twentieth Century History - Cold War Confrontation (BBC) 2021-07-18

Twentieth Century History - Cold War Confrontation (BBC) crossword puzzle
  1. Number of Soviet soldiers post WWII (2 words)
  2. Limited amount
  3. Month Berlin Blockade ended in 1949
  4. Invading state in Korean War
  5. June 1950 saw the commencement of the… (2
  6. Place of negotiations following Germany’s defeat
  7. Number of highways from west to Berlin
  8. Number of sectors in Post WWII Germany
  9. US General dismissed by Truman
  10. US General at end of Korean War
  11. Famous Berlin monument … Gate
  12. Place of Korean peace talks
  1. Treaty organization of western nations
  2. July 14 1949 saw explosion of … A-bomb
  3. Month WWII victory in Europe took place
  4. Leader of South Korea during Korean War
  5. American aid plan to Europe post WWII
  6. Alternate name for a flight path route
  7. Korea was divided at the 38th …
  8. Berlin airlift airport
  9. Speech by Churchill about European division

21 Clues: Limited amountBerlin airlift airportPlace of Korean peace talksInvading state in Korean WarFamous Berlin monument … GateUS General dismissed by TrumanKorea was divided at the 38th …US General at end of Korean WarMonth Berlin Blockade ended in 1949American aid plan to Europe post WWIITreaty organization of western nations...

Lesson 25 Vocab 2023-12-18

Lesson 25 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a system in which a group of countries commit to jointly dealing with a nation that threatens the peace or security of any one of the countries.
  2. at the close of World War I, one of 16 Republican senators who opposed the Treaty of Versailles.
  3. at the close of World War I, one of the Democratic senators who strongly supported the Treaty of Versailles.
  4. rivalry between political parties based on strong disagreement about political principles.
  5. the principle that merchant ships have a right to travel freely and unthreatened in international waters in times of peace and war.
  1. at the end of World War I, a 14-part plan for peace presented by President Woodrow Wilson to Congress on January 8, 1918.
  2. an international organization established by the Allied powers at the close of World War I to promote international peace and security.
  3. the former colonies given over by the League of Nations to France and Britain to administer.
  4. at the Paris peace conference, the nickname for the leaders of the four largest victorious nations of World War I.
  5. a weapon or piece of equipment used in war.

10 Clues: a weapon or piece of equipment used in war.rivalry between political parties based on strong disagreement about political principles.the former colonies given over by the League of Nations to France and Britain to the close of World War I, one of 16 Republican senators who opposed the Treaty of Versailles....

Chapter 16: The Civil War Begins ADV 2021-04-12

Chapter 16: The Civil War Begins ADV crossword puzzle
  1. conditions and practices that promote health
  2. warship covered with iron (2 words)
  3. confederate battle cry (2 words)
  4. confederate capital (483 map)
  5. creek in Maryland and the site of the bloodiest battle
  6. soldiers on horseback
  7. gun with a grooved barrel
  1. soldiers in training elected these
  2. Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri (2 words, check the map)
  3. it had greater strength in population and industry
  4. largest city in south fell to union (2 words)
  5. if it seceded, Washington DC would be cut off
  6. Union general who won in the West
  7. biggest killer of civil war soldiers
  8. occupation of many soldiers before the war
  9. Confederate commander

16 Clues: soldiers on horsebackConfederate commandergun with a grooved barrelconfederate capital (483 map)confederate battle cry (2 words)Union general who won in the Westsoldiers in training elected thesewarship covered with iron (2 words)biggest killer of civil war soldiersoccupation of many soldiers before the war...

Unit 6 Vocab Menu 2024-03-19

Unit 6 Vocab Menu crossword puzzle
  1. agency that collected info on soviets
  2. Committee that investigated communist activity
  3. Border between the 2 Korea
  4. President during end of Vietnam War
  5. Process to require military contribution by Americans by going in the Army
  6. ____Conference decided how Germany was divided
  7. Cuban____Crisis closest to Nuclear war in History
  8. alliance that stops spread of communism
  9. _____Wall quarantined Berlin from the rest of the world
  10. ___State was a shooting at a college against anti Vietnam war actiists
  11. _____Theory that meant if one country fell to communism the rest would
  12. Gulf of_____ Resolution gave LBJ power to increase mIlitary action in Vietnam
  13. _______Accords decided France to leave Vietnam
  14. ___Scare was the fear of communist spread mainly in US Society
  15. _____War that left Korea divided
  1. 38th____ Divided Korea
  2. First Sattelitte ever launched by USSR
  3. _____Plan was a plan to rebuild wartorn countries
  4. ____Lai Vietnam village massacred by US
  5. _____Nations was a group of countries to discuss forien disputes
  6. ____Papers revealed US had bombed Laos and Cambodia
  7. _____Offensive was the military action against US in Vietnam
  8. Fidel___ Leader of Cuba during Cuban Missile Crisis
  9. Force that went against US in Vietnam
  10. President during end of Vietnam War
  11. President During Space Race
  12. President during H-Bomb Development
  13. Alliance that supported communism

28 Clues: 38th____ Divided KoreaBorder between the 2 KoreaPresident During Space Race_____War that left Korea dividedAlliance that supported communismPresident during end of Vietnam WarPresident during end of Vietnam WarPresident during H-Bomb Developmentagency that collected info on sovietsForce that went against US in Vietnam...

Prelude to War- 4th Period 2022-05-09

Prelude to War- 4th Period crossword puzzle
  1. followers of the fascist govt in Germany
  2. allowed Germany to take more land (2wds)
  3. Hitler defied this treaty
  4. leader of Japan
  5. leader of Italy who brought fascist govt
  6. also known as the Führer
  7. made nonaggression pact w/ Germany
  8. Czechoslovakia land taken by Germany
  9. conquered by Japan
  10. govt ruled by a dictator, denying rights
  1. not supporting any countries at war
  2. Jewish hatred
  3. led revolt against Spanish govt
  4. avoiding war by giving in to demands
  5. expanded empire w/ Aust & Czech (2 wds)
  6. painted horrors of bombing of Guernica
  7. attack on Jewish community 11/9/38
  8. secret police in Germany
  9. laid out Germany's future plans (2 wds)
  10. alliance b/w Japan, Italy, & Germ 2 wds

20 Clues: Jewish hatredleader of Japanconquered by Japanalso known as the Führersecret police in GermanyHitler defied this treatyled revolt against Spanish govtattack on Jewish community 11/9/38made nonaggression pact w/ Germanynot supporting any countries at waravoiding war by giving in to demandsCzechoslovakia land taken by Germany...

Midterm Exam 2020-12-15

Midterm Exam crossword puzzle
  1. Who ran against Mckinley in the 1896 election?
  2. Period after the civil war that rebuilt america
  3. boat sunk by german submarines
  4. railroad that stretched from the Pacific to the Atlantic
  5. who were slaves
  6. created standard oil and made a huge monopoly
  7. policy of extending a country's power through military force
  8. The first president to be impeached
  9. Nicknamed the trust buster
  10. US president called weak by a Spanish Ambassador
  1. the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
  2. The development of industries
  3. who freed the slaves
  4. Group of white supremacists
  5. Who owned the biggest steel industry in the 1800s
  6. What battleship exploded during the Spanish American War?
  7. Big banker that ran a monopoly
  8. what country started 2 world wars and lost both
  9. What country was the Spanish war fought over?
  10. He was heir to the throne of asustria and was assasinated
  11. List of employees who were deemed bad
  12. Laws put in place for African American's to restrict their freedom
  13. Alliance composed of germany
  14. What country wanted to take new Mexico, texas, and Arizona?
  15. exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service
  16. besides Guam and Puerto Rico what other country did the US get

26 Clues: who were slaveswho freed the slavesNicknamed the trust busterGroup of white supremacistsAlliance composed of germanyThe development of industriesBig banker that ran a monopolyboat sunk by german submarinesthe Ottoman Empire and BulgariaThe first president to be impeachedList of employees who were deemed bad...

American Revolution 2020-02-06

American Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. Prussian military adviser at Valley Forge
  2. Believed in freedom
  3. What we did on July 4, 1776
  4. lax enforcement of regulations & trade laws, imposed on the American colonies
  5. Ended the war established 1st republic since Rome fell in 476 AD
  6. Issue after the war until 1865
  7. Riot propaganda
  8. Revolts against civil authority
  9. Print Tax
  10. sweet tax in 1764
  11. No search and seizure
  12. 1st ten "changes" were the...
  13. Believed in the monarchy
  14. Needed by Britain after the Seven Years War
  15. Last battle...Brits gave up
  1. Murica!
  2. The second one of these named Washington commander of the colonial army
  3. Wanted the colonies unified...solidarity
  4. Influenced the writers of The Declaration of Independence
  5. Free Speech Amendment
  6. #2 & defended those accused in the Boston Massacre
  7. T Paines book
  8. Not a barracks but soldiers were allowed to stay in your house
  9. Where the shot heard round the world was fired
  10. Locke's idea in the Declaration of Independence
  11. Primary author of Declaration
  12. Britain tried cut the debt by using these
  13. Led to 1st Continental Congress & Intolerable Acts
  14. The sneaky people helped USA win
  15. Turning point
  16. 1791 finally
  17. No cruel or unusual punishment
  18. The lack of this in the militia put them at a disadvantage vs Redcoats
  19. Last battle Cornwallis surrenders

34 Clues: Murica!Print Tax1791 finallyT Paines bookTurning pointRiot propagandasweet tax in 1764Believed in freedomFree Speech AmendmentNo search and seizureBelieved in the monarchyWhat we did on July 4, 1776Last battle...Brits gave upPrimary author of Declaration1st ten "changes" were the...Issue after the war until 1865No cruel or unusual punishment...

History 2024-05-07

History crossword puzzle
  1. First Roman emperor
  2. Victor in the Spanish Civil War and leader of Spain
  3. Mongol ruler from the early 13th century
  4. Leader of the Free French during World War II
  5. 3 kings of England, including the current one
  6. Roman emperor who converted to Christianity
  7. Late 18th century Empress of Russia
  8. Communist ruler of Cuba from 1959 to 2008
  9. Son of Philip II and student of Aristotle
  10. Current leader of North Korea
  1. Last name of a US president, first name of a Confederate one
  2. American president who was an actor in the 1930s and 40s
  3. General and French emperor in the early 19th century
  4. Only state with a president on its flag
  5. He came to power in a namesake 'Restoration' in 1860s Japan
  6. He was president during the US Civil War
  7. The 'Liberator of America' and president of Gran Colombia
  8. Leader of the Russian Revolution and the USSR
  9. First president of South Africa after apartheid
  10. Last name of 2 leaders of Canada
  11. He led an independence movement in India
  12. Current leader of China
  13. The 'Iron Lady' of the UK
  14. Ruler of the Mauryan Empire who converted to Buddhism
  15. Ramesses II was a ruler of this ancient kingdom

25 Clues: First Roman emperorCurrent leader of ChinaThe 'Iron Lady' of the UKCurrent leader of North KoreaLast name of 2 leaders of CanadaLate 18th century Empress of RussiaOnly state with a president on its flagMongol ruler from the early 13th centuryHe was president during the US Civil WarHe led an independence movement in India...

Welcome! Where are you from? 2020-07-04

Welcome! Where are you from? crossword puzzle
  1. Parthenon
  2. protector
  3. cultural
  4. marble
  5. right (direction)
  6. war
  7. democracy
  8. ancient
  1. Greeks (people)
  2. today
  3. Acropolis
  4. left (direction)
  5. historical
  6. city
  7. monument
  8. world
  9. front (in)
  10. video

18 Clues: warcitytodayworldvideomarbleancientculturalmonumentParthenonAcropolisprotectordemocracyhistoricalfront (in)Greeks (people)left (direction)right (direction)

Alex's WWI and Jews 2021-05-19

Alex's WWI and Jews crossword puzzle
  1. This is what jews had to wear on there clothes
  2. only thinking of ones self and never about others
  3. declared war on Russia
  4. dislike of a certain feature before you even meet a person with it
  5. these were the first step to get rid of jews
  6. Grabbing land for resources and using factories to produce weapons and things.
  7. amount dead in world war one
  8. Belief your country is the best.
  9. watched abuse but did not stop it
  10. The man who is known for being a genius
  1. treaty of this place
  2. ____ can't marry non-Jews
  3. tools used to harm being
  4. the archduke of the Hungary-Austria empire
  5. what Germany wasn't allowed to build
  6. ________ means against Jews
  7. a system where if you mess with one country on a team you mess with the whole team
  8. is used to convice people to do something and is made by the government
  9. countries in world war one
  10. general amount Germany paid

20 Clues: treaty of this placedeclared war on Russiatools used to harm being____ can't marry non-Jewscountries in world war one________ means against Jewsgeneral amount Germany paidamount dead in world war oneBelief your country is the best.watched abuse but did not stop itwhat Germany wasn't allowed to buildThe man who is known for being a genius...

The Rise of Communism & Nazism 2023-10-03

The Rise of Communism & Nazism crossword puzzle
  1. Archduke Frances Ferdinand the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne was assassinated
  2. Germany owed $33 Billion
  3. Suffered from the Great Depression
  4. Germany to limit its military
  5. Mainly negotiated and written by the leader of the Allies
  6. When a country increases it power and wealth by acquiring new lands under its control
  7. Hitler was elected leader of the party
  8. Germany lost all of its colonies
  9. signed on June 28, 1919
  10. Countries had built strong militaries to protect themselves
  11. Countries around the world fell into it
  1. The Treaty of Versailles also created
  2. Europeans felt fierce pride in their countries
  3. Began in June 1914
  4. Book written by Hitler
  5. When the war began, on one side were the Allies: Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Belgium
  6. Many Germans began protesting
  7. The war had left them almost bankrupt
  8. When citizens feel fierce pride in their home country
  9. November 11, 1918
  10. was a German soldier who fought in world war 1

21 Clues: November 11, 1918Began in June 1914Book written by Hitlersigned on June 28, 1919Germany owed $33 BillionGermany to limit its militaryMany Germans began protestingGermany lost all of its coloniesSuffered from the Great DepressionThe Treaty of Versailles also createdThe war had left them almost bankruptHitler was elected leader of the party...

Chapter 4 Crossword Puzzle 2024-09-25

Chapter 4 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. an analogy for what america was becoming due to all of the new settlers from around the world
  2. the state where pauper servitude was most used
  3. a connecticut farmer that had a spiritual awakening after 2 years of depression
  4. every american settler from around the world brought different _____
  5. the quaker ran state
  6. this war ended with the French being kicked out of North America
  7. New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania
  1. brought people from georgia to Massachusetts to preach evangelicalism
  2. beliefs that came from the great awakening and pietism
  3. this movement brought massive change to all culture in an attempt to explain the natural world
  4. the method of free labor that takes children from homes deemed unfit, and puts them in other homes on contracts to work
  5. an evangelical christian movement

12 Clues: the quaker ran statean evangelical christian movementNew York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvaniathe state where pauper servitude was most usedbeliefs that came from the great awakening and pietismthis war ended with the French being kicked out of North Americaevery american settler from around the world brought different _____...

Chapter 30 2024-03-27

Chapter 30 crossword puzzle
  1. a list of people or groups who are under suspicion for something and are thus excluded from certain opportunities
  2. Who became president in 1981
  3. A competition to develop and manufacture more and more powerful weapons
  4. What crisis did Cuba have
  5. an economic system based on the idea that farms and businesses should be owned in common by the workers who do the labor
  6. How did communism end
  7. a U.S. aid plan designed to promote economic recovery in Europe after World War II
  8. Why did America fight the USSR
  9. What was Russia called
  1. Who was President
  2. an international organization founded in 1945 to promote peace, security, and cooperation among the world's nations
  3. Who became the Soviet leader in 1986
  4. It was called the Cold War because America and the USSR had no direct what _____.
  5. What did both Americans and Europeans protest
  6. the global struggle for power and influence between the United States and the Soviet Union that followed World War I
  7. What did the US adopt because of an overwhelming threat
  8. Who was the leader of the USSR
  9. an economic system based on private ownership of farms and businesses.
  10. Who was Kart Marx
  11. War a war in which the superpowers backed different sides, which acted as substitutes for the superpowers themselves

20 Clues: Who was PresidentWho was Kart MarxHow did communism endWhat was Russia calledWhat crisis did Cuba haveWho became president in 1981Who was the leader of the USSRWhy did America fight the USSRWho became the Soviet leader in 1986What did both Americans and Europeans protestWhat did the US adopt because of an overwhelming threat...

cold war vocab 2024-01-10

cold war vocab crossword puzzle
  1. competition between who can achieve superior spaceflight
  2. collective defence treaty established by the Soviet Union
  3. sovient forces blockaded allied control areas
  4. support allies states
  5. period of geopolitical tension
  6. give economical assistance
  7. purposes are to maintain international peace
  8. political theory in which all property is publicly owned
  9. one country goes down so do the others
  10. political boundary dividing Europe
  11. intergovernmental military alliance
  1. people afraid of others for they might be spies
  2. first atrifical earth satellite
  3. benifits returning world war 2 soldiers
  4. competition between nations for superiority
  5. began on 25 June 1950
  6. system of government by the whole population
  7. prevents the spread of communism
  8. the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  9. birth rates increased drastically

20 Clues: began on 25 June 1950support allies statesgive economical assistanceperiod of geopolitical tensionfirst atrifical earth satelliteprevents the spread of communismbirth rates increased drasticallypolitical boundary dividing Europeintergovernmental military allianceone country goes down so do the othersbenifits returning world war 2 soldiers...

Prelude to War- 4th Period 2022-05-09

Prelude to War- 4th Period crossword puzzle
  1. led revolt against Spanish govt
  2. followers of the fascist govt in Germany
  3. laid out Germany's future plans (2 wds)
  4. made nonaggression pact w/ Germany
  5. painted horrors of bombing of Guernica
  6. Jewish hatred
  7. allowed Germany to take more land (2wds)
  8. conquered by Japan
  9. also known as the Führer
  1. Czechoslovakia land taken by Germany
  2. Hitler defied this treaty
  3. govt ruled by a dictator, denying rights
  4. leader of Italy who brought fascist govt
  5. leader of Japan
  6. secret police in Germany
  7. avoiding war by giving in to demands
  8. attack on Jewish community 11/9/38
  9. alliance b/w Japan, Italy, & Germ 2 wds
  10. expanded empire w/ Aust & Czech (2 wds)
  11. not supporting any countries at war

20 Clues: Jewish hatredleader of Japanconquered by Japansecret police in Germanyalso known as the FührerHitler defied this treatyled revolt against Spanish govtmade nonaggression pact w/ Germanyattack on Jewish community 11/9/38not supporting any countries at warCzechoslovakia land taken by Germanyavoiding war by giving in to demands...

Revolutionary Crossword 2022-02-02

Revolutionary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. peace talks in paris
  2. defended freedom of speech
  3. stamp that taxed colonists
  4. at war with spain and france
  5. bloodless rebellion
  6. reps from all colonies
  7. gave east India company advantage
  8. fought with parliament for money
  9. asked to overthrow James II
  10. hated absolute monarchy
  11. ended french and Indian war
  12. Impact of French and Indian war
  1. closed Boston harbor
  2. British troops killed five
  3. conflict over British expansion
  4. republican form of government
  5. Thomas Jefferson, 1776
  6. convened in Philly
  7. Prince Charles was voted to be king
  8. war waged in england over charles.I
  9. tried to overthrow charles.I
  10. protected citizens from government
  11. "shot heard around the world"
  12. Died in 1603
  13. he fled to France

25 Clues: Died in 1603he fled to Franceconvened in Phillybloodless rebellionclosed Boston harborpeace talks in parisThomas Jefferson, 1776reps from all colonieshated absolute monarchyBritish troops killed fivedefended freedom of speechstamp that taxed colonistsasked to overthrow James IIended french and Indian warat war with spain and france...

Red Scare Quiz on Monday 2023-12-01

Red Scare Quiz on Monday crossword puzzle
  1. this was the United States' strategy to keep communism from spreading
  2. Stalin refused the pull his Red Army out of this part of the world after WWII
  3. this country had a civil war and as a result of it, communists prevailed in 1949
  4. the Cold War was so scary because both the capitalists and the communists had this type of bomb
  5. this country became communists AFTER WWII, as the Soviets liberated it from the Japanese and installed a communist dictator
  6. this country was split after WWII - there was a capitalist half and a communist half
  7. future US president who made a name for himself hunting communists in HUAC
  8. this country was invaded by North Korea, starting the Korean War
  9. this country came to the defense of North Korea in the Korean War and successfully pushed the US and South Korea back
  10. if you are summoned before HUAC and you refuse to cooperate, what will likely happen to you professionally
  11. this was a military alliance of all the capitalist countries in Europe and in North America - if the Soviets attacked one, all committed to each others' defense
  12. this part of the Bill of Rights allows you to have whatever political beliefs you want, as long as you don't take violent action
  1. what we call highways that cross state borders
  2. long (45 year) period of tension and hostility between capitalist US and communist Soviet Union
  3. spying, the Rosenbergs were executed for conspiracy to commit this crime
  4. this was a series of loans and grants to help western Europe rebuild after WWII; those countries would be allies during the Cold War
  5. what we call this 1950s period of communism paranoia and wild accusations in US culture and politics
  6. US citizens had a real fear that this was spreading throughout the world during the Cold War
  7. the Korean War ended with one of these, where no side was gaining ground
  8. Wisconsin senator who name is now synonymous with unfounded accusations and a reckless witchhunt
  9. House committee that subpoenaed suspected communists in Hollywood and academia
  10. Soviet dictator at the start of the Cold War
  11. McCarthy and other Republicans accused Democrats of being ______ on communism and letting it spread throughout the world

23 Clues: Soviet dictator at the start of the Cold Warwhat we call highways that cross state bordersthis country was invaded by North Korea, starting the Korean Warthis was the United States' strategy to keep communism from spreadingspying, the Rosenbergs were executed for conspiracy to commit this crime...