ww2 Crossword Puzzles
WW2 Crossword 2023-05-01
- an attack by an armed force to conquer another country
- A graphic novel by Art Spiegelman detailing his fathers' life through the Holocaust and time spent in concentration camps in 1940's Europe.
- a large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter; a burnt offering
- June 6th 1944, Invasion of the beaches of Normandy France (Largest amphibious invasion ever)
- City in Japan, the first to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, on August 6, 1945. The bombing hastened the end of World War II.
- United Nations
- "Lighting war", type of fast-moving warfare used by German forces in WWII. "Lighting war", type of fast-moving warfare used by German forces in WWII.
- the deliberate killing of a large group of people, based on race, ethnicity, or religion.
- Was opposed by the Allied powers
- A device in literature where an object represents an idea.
- Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.
- a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force.
- A general and progressive increase in the prices of goods and services.
- Belief that one race is superior or inferior to another
- a political movement that puts the needs of the nation above the need of the individual.
- Japanese city in which the second atomic bomb was dropped (August 9, 1945).
- Prejudice against Jews
- Satisfying the demands of dissatisfied powers in an effort to maintain peace and stability.
- Japanese suicide pilots who loaded their planes with explosives and crashed them into American ships.
- the German air force before and during World War II
20 Clues: United Nations • Prejudice against Jews • Was opposed by the Allied powers • the German air force before and during World War II • an attack by an armed force to conquer another country • Belief that one race is superior or inferior to another • A device in literature where an object represents an idea. • ...
WW2 Crossword 2023-05-11
- Mussolini's followers
- A lighting war
- American Air Force defeated attackers Japan when they tried to take Midway Island (dont include "battle of")
- Ruler of Britain during WW2
- The day on which the allies began their invasion of the European mainland
- Harbor in Hawaii that was bombed by Japan
- Hitler's followers
- A political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, a denial of individual rights, and a dictatorial rule
- Battle in which allied forces turned back the last major German offensive (dont include "battle of")
- The fascist policies of the National German Workers Party
- Includes the US and Australia in their alliance
- Japanese suicide pilots
- Royal Air Force
- The battle in which Germany was defeated in their attempt to capture Stalingrad (dont include "battle of")
- Man that started nazism in Germany
- A series of battles between German and British air forces (dont include "battle of")
- One of the founders of the fascism movement
- The act of letting other countries continue to engage in war and just letting them do it
- German currency
- The United States did this ism up until they joined the war
- Race that Hitler hated
- Germany, Italy, and Japan
22 Clues: A lighting war • Royal Air Force • German currency • Hitler's followers • Mussolini's followers • Race that Hitler hated • Japanese suicide pilots • Germany, Italy, and Japan • Ruler of Britain during WW2 • Man that started nazism in Germany • Harbor in Hawaii that was bombed by Japan • One of the founders of the fascism movement • Includes the US and Australia in their alliance • ...
Post WW2 2022-12-12
- general fired for disobeying orders
- accurate way of measurement of somethings age
- first satellite sent by U.S.
- The U.S. central intelligence agency
- Jfk's vice president
- comic strips starring snoopy charlie brown and lucy among others
- aka the forgotten war
- russian version of the CIA
- first satellite sent by Russia
- tv comedy hit
- North atlantic treaty organization
- new bomb that is 500 times more powerful then the atomic bomb
- ratifying the president to 2 terms or 10 years
- make civil rights push by refusing to sit in the back of the bus
- A standoff with two countries but no shots are fired
- president that was assassinated
- worlds first digitally electronic computer
- first nuclear submarine launched by the U.S.
- largest public works project in the U.S.
- futuristic book written by George
20 Clues: tv comedy hit • Jfk's vice president • aka the forgotten war • russian version of the CIA • first satellite sent by U.S. • first satellite sent by Russia • president that was assassinated • futuristic book written by George • North atlantic treaty organization • general fired for disobeying orders • The U.S. central intelligence agency • largest public works project in the U.S. • ...
WW2 terms 2022-12-21
- the political view supreme race
- the leader of Japan
- ruled by a dictator and government
- the belief that a country should have a strong military force
- Hitlers book
- other counrties could buy american made goods if they paid cash and transported items on their own ships
- Hitler's group of violent soldiers
- the US could lease military equipment to other countries
- Hitlers method of attack
- Hitlers emblem
- leader of the Soviet Union
- leader of Italy
- Mussolini's army
- first military battle fought by airforces
- Great Britain,Soviet Union,USA
- 32nd president of USA
- the leader of Great Britain
- Japan,Germany,Italy
- classless society, state controlled
- leader of Germany
20 Clues: Hitlers book • Hitlers emblem • leader of Italy • Mussolini's army • leader of Germany • the leader of Japan • Japan,Germany,Italy • 32nd president of USA • Hitlers method of attack • leader of the Soviet Union • the leader of Great Britain • Great Britain,Soviet Union,USA • the political view supreme race • ruled by a dictator and government • Hitler's group of violent soldiers • ...
WW2 Crossword 2022-05-31
- A branch of Canada’s military played a huge role in many battles especially ones with air combat involved. (Acronym)
- This man was a popular industrialist and nicknamed the “Minister of everything”.
- of the Netherlands This battle caused the Dutch to regard Canadians as heroes and because of the allied victory it saw many people be saved from the Germans. (4 Words)
- The first battle of the Italian campaign, it took place on an island. (3 Words)
- In 1940 the opposition government demeanded more troops be sent to fight the Nazis. This led the prime Minister to enlist this act that gave the federal government complete control over Canada’s resources and made home conscription necessary. (Acronym)
- In the Battle of Hong Kong every Canadian soldier was either killed or put in a ____ camp. These camps were known for horrendous human rights abuses and caused a lot of people to hate the Japanese. (POW)
- A nickname for a program created by the Prime Minister to provide people with social security throughout their entire lives. (3 Words)
- The battle was fought near a famous German River and the place itself was demilitarized because of the Treaty of Versailles before WW2.
- An issue that divided Quebec and the rest of Canada even during the first world war. It was an a one of the Prime Ministers big issues.
- Name of German air force it participated in many battles against the allies.
- An immigrant who’s home country is at war with the country they are living in presently. In Canada these meant Germans, Italians and Japanese. (2 Words)
- Around 340k commonwealth soldiers were rescued from this Port because of heavy bombing from the Germans and this battle led to France surrendering to Germany.
- About 48000 of these women immigrated to Canada at the end of the war. (2 Words)
- After to nuclear bombing Japan stopped fighting and signed a treaty to end the war on the U.S.S Missouri. This day finally marked the end of the war. (Acronym)
- A derogatory term aimed at men who made it through home conscription but did not go to fight overseas voluntarily. It shares the same name as a monsters that eat brains.
- The whole battle was extremely bloody and fighting was house to house. It took place on the mainland of Italy. (3 Words)
- A nickname given to to women serving in the navy in Canada.
- Popular form of government for Europe in the second world war across the left and the right.
- A group of countries that the U.S joined after the attack on Pearl Harbor and the U.S.S.R joined after operation Barbarossa.
- Nearly 10k pilots from the Canadian Air Force lost their lives because of this battle. The battle is very controversial because cities were bombed and many civilians lost their lives and it took place in Germany. (2 Words)
- A tactic where walls were knocked down it was named after a rodent.
- of Hong Kong The end of this battle was nick named “Black Christmas. This battle also caused lots of disdain towards Japanese in Canada because of the brutality of the imperial army. (4 Words)
- A political association between Britain and it’s colonies.
- Canadians and the allies spent many years decoding these secret messages. The effort of which led to the development of the first computer. (2 Words)
- Also referred to as a referendum this type of vote proposes laws on any certain issue.
- Specialized soldiers that were meant to infiltrate a position from the air.
- This tactic was used since the first world war by the Canadian government in order to control the way people thought.
- This group consisted of three major countries and the countries were led by three ruthless dictators.
- We see many of these corporations today they were designed to do a better job than privately owned corporations. (2 Words)
- Men who wore baggy and padded clothes that rebelled against social norms. (2 words)
- This attack was nick named operation Sea Lion by Hitler and it consisted of heavy bombings. Many innocents lost their lives and Britain responded with the exact same type of attack to their aggressor. (3 Words)
- This battle took place in France and it was supposed to be a small attack in order to test out new equipment and tactics. However, the troops were spotted and poor planning caused this little attack to turn into a blood bath with many Canadian casualties. (2 Words)
- People viewed as a threat were often ______ back to their own country.
- A boat with the same name as a car. These ships helped Canada win the battle of the Atlantic.
- This branch of the military played a huge role in the battle of the Atlantic and it specialized in water based battles. (Acronym)
- Locating device heavily used by Canadians to avoid German vehicles.
- Training program that the prime minister made to try and stay out of overseas conscription. This program ended up training about 130k air personnel and cost the government 2.2 billion dollars. (Acronym)
- Nick named after an apex predator that always travels in groups. The nick name itself referred to a special group of the German navy. (2 Words)
- This man started off as the leader of the National Socialist Workers Party and quickly gained popularity in Germany just before the second world war. ( 2 Words)
- This day was one day after Hitler commited suicide in a bunker facing certain defeat. It marked axis defeat in Europe. (Acronym)
- Targeted mass killing and torture used by Germany to get rid of non-Aryans.
- of the Atlantic This battle from lasted from 1939 to 1943 and saw the Germans trying to cut off a vital supply route from the allies in order to starve the British. This battle saw many new tactics and technology be developed by the allies in order to outwit the German navy. (4 Words)
- Named operation Overlord it saw the allies land on the beaches of Normandy opening up a second front from the West to sandwich Germany, with the Soviet Union attacking from the East. (2 Words)
- A very important act in Canada that gave the government full control over mail, transportation and important industries. This act was first introduced in the first world war. (3 Words)
- An investment urged by the government to buy and hold that aided canada in the war. (2 Words)
- War This way of thinking was increasing in demand in Canada. It is defined by an extreme mobilization of all a countries resources. (2 Words)
- The battle took place in Belgium and the allied victory resulted in allies being able to bring supplies for their final assault on Germany. (4 Words)
- Semetism A form of discrimination towards Jewish people that fueled Germany’s leader but was also in the mainstream in Canada during the 1930’s. (2 Words)
- A policy that the Prime Minister put in place that limited popular items such as meat, tea and sugar.
- This man was leader of the liberal party throughout the second world war. His GrandFather was William Lyon Mackenzie. (2 Words)
- Campaign A series of attacks in the so called soft underbelly of Europe. It consisted of two main battles and the fighting was in close quarters. (2 Words)
- Lead by an Austrian who enjoyed painting earlier in his life.
52 Clues: A political association between Britain and it’s colonies. • A nickname given to to women serving in the navy in Canada. • Lead by an Austrian who enjoyed painting earlier in his life. • Locating device heavily used by Canadians to avoid German vehicles. • A tactic where walls were knocked down it was named after a rodent. • ...
WW2 Terms 2022-05-13
- country invaded on Sept. 1, 1939
- biggest concentration camp
- was bombed Dec. 7, 1941
- 2nd Japan bombing
- Italian dictator
- killing of Jews
- German code that needed to be deciphered
- American president for most of WW2
- European country in the Allied powers
- policy to gain something in return of no hostility
- bombing of London
- Germany and Soviet Union agreement in Aug. 1939
- president that decided to drop atomic bombs
- 1st Japan bombing
- German air force
- three countries against Axis
- broke enigma
- German dictator
- British prime minister
- used to create the Third Reich
20 Clues: broke enigma • killing of Jews • German dictator • German air force • Italian dictator • 1st Japan bombing • 2nd Japan bombing • bombing of London • British prime minister • was bombed Dec. 7, 1941 • biggest concentration camp • three countries against Axis • used to create the Third Reich • country invaded on Sept. 1, 1939 • American president for most of WW2 • ...
WW2 Facts 2024-09-26
- Winston Churchill took __’s place as P.M. of the UK in 1940.
- Both __ were nuked by the US in order to end the war.
- The attack on __ was one of the worst air to naval attacks.
- The __ contributed the most troops, and deaths to the war by far.
- The “war” that occurred between the US and USSR shortly after WW2.
- The war started because Germany was extremely __.
- The Germans took most of France’ land and turned what remained into __ France.
- A landing in Normandy that changed the tide of war.
- The strategy used by the Germans to take the Lowlands and France.
- Germany bombed __ to try and oust the UK out of the war.
- The potential German ally of __ couldn’t participate as they were recovering from their civil war.
- The hilariously named tanks produced by the Germans with __ then the version number, exp. __ 2.
- __ Atoll was fought over in the battle of __, where the Japanese faced a major loss.
- The first victim country of Germany.
- The forest that the Germans moved through that the Allies thought was impenetrable.
- The UK employed the strategy of __ to delay war and rearm.
- The last ditch effort for Germany to win the war.
- The US ended the war by dropping __ nukes on Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) killing thousands.
- The __ Republic was poor before the war.
- The first name of the ruler of Germany during WW2.
20 Clues: The first victim country of Germany. • The __ Republic was poor before the war. • The last ditch effort for Germany to win the war. • The war started because Germany was extremely __. • The first name of the ruler of Germany during WW2. • A landing in Normandy that changed the tide of war. • Both __ were nuked by the US in order to end the war. • ...
WW2 Armory 2025-01-15
- German dive bomber known for its wailing sirens.
- Famous German battleship sunk in 1941.
- Soviet tank renowned for its efficiency and effectiveness.
- Famous American long-range fighter plane (P-51).
- Soviet rocket artillery nicknamed "Stalin's Organ."
- Main battle tank used by American forces.
- Agile Japanese fighter plane.
- Lightweight semi-automatic rifle used by US troops.
- Iconic British fighter plane of the Battle of Britain.
- British version of the Sherman tank equipped with a 17-pounder gun.
- British fighter plane that supported the Spitfire during the Battle of Britain.
- German Air Force during World War II.
- German medium tank known for its balance of firepower and armor.
- American anti-tank weapon.
- German heavy tank, a formidable foe on the battlefield.
- British submachine gun used for close combat.
- Soviet assault rifle prototype during late WWII (though officially post-war).
- British twin-engine plane used for bombing and reconnaissance.
- Standard bolt-action rifle for British soldiers.
- American heavy bomber nicknamed the "Flying Fortress."
20 Clues: American anti-tank weapon. • Agile Japanese fighter plane. • German Air Force during World War II. • Famous German battleship sunk in 1941. • Main battle tank used by American forces. • British submachine gun used for close combat. • German dive bomber known for its wailing sirens. • Famous American long-range fighter plane (P-51). • ...
WW2 Terms 2021-12-16
- country that wanted power or revenge
- secret police of Germany
- that tried to stop axis powers from taking over
- German air force
- leader of Russia
- leader of Italy
- germany against britain over a channel of water
- leader of Great Britain
- charter FDR set boundaries in the Atlantic where U.S. could help without joining war
- doesn't want to get involved in war
- not on either side of the war
- U.S. lended Britain weapons and supplies to help in war and then they would repay U.S. back later
- government is in control
- president of the United States
- prosecute opponents
- policy where if you wanted to buy from other countries you had to travel there and pick it up with cash
- Hitler’s new attack strategy
- only the country matters
- leader of Japan
- leader of Germany
20 Clues: leader of Italy • leader of Japan • German air force • leader of Russia • leader of Germany • prosecute opponents • leader of Great Britain • secret police of Germany • government is in control • only the country matters • Hitler’s new attack strategy • not on either side of the war • president of the United States • doesn't want to get involved in war • ...
WW2 equipment 2021-12-16
- American Attack Plan
- British submachine gun
- Russian service handgun
- American machine gun
- American fighter plane
- Tank used by Americans
- American Heavy bomber
- Russian infantry rifle
- Russian dive bomber Plane
- German machine gun
- German fighter plane
- American bomber
- German submachine gun
- German handgun
- Late War German Fighter Plane
- American Pacific fighter plane
- Russian Fighter Plane
- German infantry rifle
- German assault rifle
- Tank used by Russians
- Tank used by Germans
- German Heavy bomber Plane
- German bomber plane
- American submachine gun
- Russian submachine gun
- British infantry rifle
- American clearing device
- American infantry rifle
- American handgun
- British fighter plane
- Russian Heavy bomber Plane
- British LMG
- American Rocket launcher
- American squad automatic weapon
- Russian Attack plane
35 Clues: British LMG • German handgun • American bomber • American handgun • German machine gun • German bomber plane • German assault rifle • American Attack Plan • Tank used by Germans • American machine gun • German fighter plane • Russian Attack plane • Tank used by Russians • American Heavy bomber • British fighter plane • German submachine gun • Russian Fighter Plane • German infantry rifle • ...
Allies (WW2) 2021-12-03
- When did Canada declare war?
- Technique invented in Octona by Canadians
- What raid was "doomed from the start"?
- The atomic bomb was set off in this city.
- The invasion of Europe by the Allies.
- He was the Italian dictator.
- The atomic bombs were dropped on ________ cities.
- When did Brittain and France declare war?
- Area flooded by germans to try and halt Canadian troops.
- What Italian island did the allies attack?
- Rome was taken in this year.
- What does RCN stand for?
- D-Day was also called operation ________.
- A slaughter at the English Channel.
- When the Luftwaffe attacked Brittain.
- What country was captured in 1940?
- Once Mussolini was killed his body was disrespected by the citizens and Allied soldiers.
- These were popular to buy (government).
- One of the last major pushes in the war.
- The ____ training camp was located in Canada.
20 Clues: What does RCN stand for? • When did Canada declare war? • Rome was taken in this year. • He was the Italian dictator. • What country was captured in 1940? • A slaughter at the English Channel. • The invasion of Europe by the Allies. • When the Luftwaffe attacked Brittain. • What raid was "doomed from the start"? • These were popular to buy (government). • ...
WW2 crosswords 2022-05-05
- One who wrote about his father's time at the holocaust
- Leader of germany
- a german army
- switched places to the allies
- First city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
- where the german army took the jews at
- Had Germany, Italy, and Japan
- Had the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain
- Where Japan attacked the U.S.
- A riot that rioted against jews
- Second city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
- gave the order to drop the bomb
- Leader of Italy
- Took away rights from jews
- Killed 17 million people
- a country was shared with the soviet union and germany but later belong to germany
- leader of Japan
- The German security force
- Germanys target
- a weapon that ended ww2
20 Clues: a german army • Leader of Italy • leader of Japan • Germanys target • Leader of germany • a weapon that ended ww2 • Killed 17 million people • The German security force • Took away rights from jews • Where Japan attacked the U.S. • switched places to the allies • Had Germany, Italy, and Japan • A riot that rioted against jews • gave the order to drop the bomb • ...
WW2 Terms 2022-05-17
- major turning point in Pacific war
- German dictator
- killing of Jews
- president who wanted to launch atomic bombs
- Germany and Soviet Union promise not to attack each other
- US president for most of WW2
- 2nd Japan bombing
- prime minister of UK
- 1st Japan bombing
- history´s greatest naval invasion
- place bombed on Dec. 7 1941
- Italian dictator
- policy that allows someone to gain what they want in return of no hostility
- what Hitler violated
- Germany, Japan, Italy
- race that was used to create Third Reich
- German air force
- major Soviet industrial center
- biggest German concentration camp
- German bombing in the UK
20 Clues: German dictator • killing of Jews • Italian dictator • German air force • 2nd Japan bombing • 1st Japan bombing • what Hitler violated • prime minister of UK • Germany, Japan, Italy • German bombing in the UK • place bombed on Dec. 7 1941 • US president for most of WW2 • major Soviet industrial center • biggest German concentration camp • history´s greatest naval invasion • ...
WW2 Vehicles 2022-11-09
- New Zealand's most feared tank
- First conventional tank design as we know it today
- Biggest cat according to German tank naming conventions
- French tanks lacked this critical piece of equipment
- Heavy tank known to scale steep hills
- All female Soviet night bombers
- armour piercing high explosive
- German tanks were known for their weak...
- The S199 was a modified version of the Bf109, created by Czechoslovakia and exported to ...
- tactics used by American pilots to counter the zero
- M3 nickname
- miniature Soviet tank destroyer
- Line of Italian SPGs
- Dehavilland produced what iconic warplane
- B17 nickname
- ... armor was out of date by the start of the war
- Largest combined arms battle of WW2
- Iconic Japanese fighter
- Secret ingredient in panzerschokolade
- German superweapons
- Russian Rocket truck
- Soviet tank designers believed that a good tank had these 3 qualities: armour, firepower, and ...
- Nation that created the second-ever jet plane
- P38 nickname
- The IS abbreviation in the IS tank series stands for...
- P47 nickname
- Centre of American motor industry in WW2
- Ansaldo and ... produced most Italian armour
- Spitfire manufacturer
- Plane with the most kills in WW2
- Produced the He111
- nickname of first ever tank
- Country that designed and produced the panzer 38(t)
- Unique suspension featured in the BT series and the crusader
- Torpedo bomber that disabled the Bismark
- HMS... was a battleship famously destroyed by the Bismark
- Desert queen
- The CV33 was produced to fight in this terrain
- The t34 was well known for its ... armor
- Produced the most tanks in the war
- I16 nickname
- Company created a seminal, commonly exported tank that was never used domestically
- Train manufacturer contracted to make British tanks
- Tank armor covering the side of tracks
- Produced the "cat" line of American naval aircraft
- British tank destroyer variant of the Sherman
- Most effective German tank type of WW2
- Workhorse of the battle of Britain
- Fearsome Japanese battleship that never fought
- Unfinished German super heavy
- British variant of the M3
- Tank commanded by Girls und Panzer protagonists
52 Clues: M3 nickname • Desert queen • I16 nickname • B17 nickname • P38 nickname • P47 nickname • Produced the He111 • German superweapons • Line of Italian SPGs • Russian Rocket truck • Spitfire manufacturer • Iconic Japanese fighter • British variant of the M3 • nickname of first ever tank • Unfinished German super heavy • New Zealand's most feared tank • armour piercing high explosive • ...
WW2 Crossword 2024-02-13
- the new Prime Minister of Britain
- the Battle of _________ involved Germany bombing cities
- German war strategy to quickly strike against enemies
- this technology helped Britain identify incoming airplanes
- Prime Minister of Britain that appeased Hitler
- Italian dictator during WW2
- the first target of Hitler's expansion
- the second target of Hitler's expansion
- meeting between leaders to try to avoid war
- this alliance contained France, US, Soviet Union, and Britain
- these were French people who worked with the enemy
- Soviet strategy of burning everything as they retreat
- location of massive escape led by civilian boats
- southern France after Hitler takes over
- Britain and France would declare war if Hitler invaded this country
- western edge of Czechoslovakia (3rd target)
- fascist dictator of Spain
- this operation was the codename for the German invasion of USSR
- non aggression agreement between Hitler and Stalin
- city in Poland that became Hitler's final target
- Hitler's fourth target
- strategy to give in to Hitler's demands
- this alliance was Germany, Italy, and Japan
- this country expanded into Eastern Europe
- wait and see period before the start of war
25 Clues: Hitler's fourth target • fascist dictator of Spain • Italian dictator during WW2 • the new Prime Minister of Britain • the first target of Hitler's expansion • southern France after Hitler takes over • strategy to give in to Hitler's demands • the second target of Hitler's expansion • this country expanded into Eastern Europe • western edge of Czechoslovakia (3rd target) • ...
WW2 Crossword 2024-12-17
- secret police in Russia
- media put out by the government (to play the opposers as the bad guys and themselves as the good guys)
- followers of Hitler ( in Germany )
- Hitler's way of battle/breaking through the front lines by going full force all in one spot
- Leader of Germany
- Unification of Austria and Germany
- the symbol of the nazis
- secret police in Geramany
- enforcers for the dictators; made people behave
- President of the USA
- Leader of Italy
- Leader of the USSR
- Air Force of Germany
- countries have to send their own ships to pick up goods and have to pay in cash
- removal of government officials seen as threatening
- a battle between Britain and Germany in the air, Hitler's first defeat
- where the treaty of Versailles was created after WW1 to punish Germany
- Leader of Japan
- committed both nations to a postwar world of democracy, nonaggression, free trade, economic advancement, and freedom of seas
- the government owns everything
- media prohibited by the government
- Leader of Great Britain
- the government holds all the power/ Italy's government/ the country's progression is most important; you don't matter
- followers of Mussolini ( in Italy )
- the military takes over the government
- Japan, Germany, Italy
- France, Great Britain, USA (later USSR)
- what Hitler wrote in prison (his book of beliefs)
- Allowed the US to lend or lease arms to any country considered “vital to the defense of the US”
- Not taking a side (ex. Switzerland)
- giving someone whatever they want in over to avoid a war or fight (France & Great Britain to Hitler)
- the national socialist german worker's party
32 Clues: Leader of Japan • Leader of Italy • Leader of Germany • Leader of the USSR • President of the USA • Air Force of Germany • Japan, Germany, Italy • secret police in Russia • Leader of Great Britain • the symbol of the nazis • secret police in Geramany • the government owns everything • followers of Hitler ( in Germany ) • media prohibited by the government • ...
Chap 11 crossword 2023-05-02
- ________ 1, 1939, WW2 started.
- political system that calls for nationalism, racism, and no tolerance of opposition.
- giving into unjust demands in order to avoid all-out conflict
- this act allowed the US to lend arms to any country considered "vital to the US's defence"
- ________ materials are items needed for fighting a war.
- a farm formed from many small holdings collected into one unit joint operations under government supervision.
- the act that permitted the sale of weapons but only on a “cash carry” business.
- started the fascist movement in Italy
- the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
- national policy actively trading with foreign countries to foster peace and prosperity.
- America joined the war _______ 1941
- _______ camps had people detained and confined.
- Invasion of ______ caused WW2
- The german dictator during WW2
- _______ camps where men, women, and children sent to die.
- took over the Soviet Union in 1926
- joined the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
17 Clues: Invasion of ______ caused WW2 • The german dictator during WW2 • ________ 1, 1939, WW2 started. • took over the Soviet Union in 1926 • America joined the war _______ 1941 • started the fascist movement in Italy • _______ camps had people detained and confined. • joined the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor. • ________ materials are items needed for fighting a war. • ...
Chap 11 crossword 2023-05-02
- ________ 1, 1939, WW2 started.
- political system that calls for nationalism, racism, and no tolerance of opposition.
- giving into unjust demands in order to avoid all-out conflict
- this act allowed the US to lend arms to any country considered "vital to the US's defence"
- ________ materials are items needed for fighting a war.
- a farm formed from many small holdings collected into one unit joint operations under government supervision.
- the act that permitted the sale of weapons but only on a “cash carry” business.
- started the fascist movement in Italy
- the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
- national policy actively trading with foreign countries to foster peace and prosperity.
- America joined the war _______ 1941
- _______ camps had people detained and confined.
- Invasion of ______ caused WW2
- The german dictator during WW2
- _______ camps where men, women, and children sent to die.
- took over the Soviet Union in 1926
- joined the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
17 Clues: Invasion of ______ caused WW2 • The german dictator during WW2 • ________ 1, 1939, WW2 started. • took over the Soviet Union in 1926 • America joined the war _______ 1941 • started the fascist movement in Italy • _______ camps had people detained and confined. • joined the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor. • ________ materials are items needed for fighting a war. • ...
American Crossword 2024-06-11
7 Clues: Germany's air force • Germany, Italy, Japan • Caused U.S to enter WW2 • Invasion that started WW2 • Leader of Britain during WW2 • Leader of Soviet Union during WW2 • Britain, United States, Soviet Union
World war 2 2013-01-28
- the land that hitler reclaimed before WW2.
- rumors or information spread by a group to promote its idea.
- international system set up by the allied powers.
- area taken from Germany to create the buffer zone.
- 14 part plan for peace.
- vegetable gardens planted to increase food production during a war.
- the forced relocation of Japanese nationals and Japanese Americans during WW2.
- system of trading where goods are paid for in full at the time of purchase and taken by the purchaser.
- government policy to not take part in economic and political alliances.
- agreement allowing Germany to areas along the countries main border lands.
- clause that included the treaty of Versailles that held Germany responsible for the war.
- cultural icon representing women who worked in factories during WW2.
- payments demanded of the nation defeated by the victorious nation.
- the US base in Hawaii attacked by the Japanese on Dec. 7, 1941.
- the right of people of other nations to determine their own government.
- lending arms (weapons) to Britain.
- strongly agreeing with your own government and no other government.
- treaty signed on June 18, 1919.
- a system of limiting supplies so that they last.
- debt securities issued by the government.
20 Clues: 14 part plan for peace. • treaty signed on June 18, 1919. • lending arms (weapons) to Britain. • debt securities issued by the government. • the land that hitler reclaimed before WW2. • a system of limiting supplies so that they last. • international system set up by the allied powers. • area taken from Germany to create the buffer zone. • ...
Cold War 2023-04-25
- Industrial system in which businesses are privately owned
- Allied powers which opposed the spread of Communist control in the East
- developed during arms race
- US’s system of government
- Government which built off of and implemented the system of Communism
- foreign policy of the U.S. Until post WW2
- international alliance which united Western European states against a Communist Threat
- Powerful nation allied with Britain and the US during WW2, which possessed a Communist Government
- Churchill’s coined term for division of the democratic West and the Soviet-controlled Eastern-European nations
- Nations with the most political and economical influence (post WW2)
- Stalin’s attempt to force Allied Western control out of Berlin
- Generous donations from the US to nations in need of economic and financial support
- Policy of containment issued by the United States
- Conference following the one at Yalta
- USSR’s system of government
- US’s Response to the Berlin Blockade
- weakened due to ideological differences between US and USSR
- Areas of land/nations which were directly and strongly affected by communist control
- Formed to protect Soviet States from Western Aggression
- Pacifying an aggressive nation by compliance to prevent war
- Supported the Truman Doctrine by providing economic assistance to nations in post-war Europe
21 Clues: US’s system of government • developed during arms race • USSR’s system of government • US’s Response to the Berlin Blockade • Conference following the one at Yalta • foreign policy of the U.S. Until post WW2 • Policy of containment issued by the United States • Formed to protect Soviet States from Western Aggression • ...
Crossword Club 1 2024-09-20
- The second book of the bible
- Whose broom had 3 new heads and five new handles?
- Capital of Kenya
- Actor who played Luke Skywalker (4/6)
- American football team based in Pittsburgh
- AC/Dc's Original bass player. (5/8)
- Author of Jurassic Park
- WW2 British fighter plane
- Dad's army town (_____-on-sea)
- Jackie's favourite aviators.
- Budget airline
- Glasgow's premier gig venue.
- The current F1 champion
- Such as Spartan Russet and Pippin
- Fireworks.
- Actor who played Rooster Cogburn (4/5)
- US guitar manufacturer
- Army unit
- What type of drink is a "Sauterne"(7/4)
- US President at the end of WW2
- The king of beers
- Where was the "baby eating bishop from? (4/3/5)
- Beetroot soup
- The Stranglers 3rd album. (5/3/5)
- Michael Caine 1964 film
- Japanese delicacy consisting of fresh raw fish
- Murder capital of the USA (2/5)
- Rendered fat of cattle and sheep
- 33 and 45 for records (abb)
- Foo Fighters dead drummer.
- UK PM at the start of WW2
- A type of soft leather predominantly made from lambskin
- The outer husk of a nutmeg
- Japanese motorbike manufacturer
- Prison time
- Garlic, Basil, Pine nuts and oil together make?
36 Clues: Army unit • Fireworks. • Prison time • Beetroot soup • Budget airline • Capital of Kenya • The king of beers • US guitar manufacturer • Michael Caine 1964 film • Author of Jurassic Park • The current F1 champion • WW2 British fighter plane • UK PM at the start of WW2 • Foo Fighters dead drummer. • The outer husk of a nutmeg • 33 and 45 for records (abb) • The second book of the bible • ...
Cold war crossword puzzle Andy C 2025-02-05
- Americans love this
- What divides North and South Korea
- Russian space satellite
- Hey you see that homeless guy? Give him a ton of guns and money
- You were born here
- A pact where if you attack one of those nations, that's considered an attack on all of them
- The worst country on planet earth
- One guy with absolute power over a country
- Winston churcil once said that this had fell upon europe
- You use this to avoid a nuke
- They thought the best way of preventing communism was to contain it
- Communist NATO
- I wonder who this US spy could be in my Russian territory
- North korea hates these guys
- The USSR's puppet countries
- This country hates Ukraine for some reason
- Where you go if you're getting nuked
- He exposed a spy ring and nothing else
- The president that led the US during WW2
- Most populated country in the world
- Hey you see that disabled guy? Give him a mansion and 24/7 healthcare
- The leader of russia after WW2
- How the US gave West berlin supplies without trains or trucks.
- The equivalent to a US secret police
- The conflict after WW2
25 Clues: Communist NATO • You were born here • Americans love this • The conflict after WW2 • Russian space satellite • The USSR's puppet countries • North korea hates these guys • You use this to avoid a nuke • The leader of russia after WW2 • The worst country on planet earth • What divides North and South Korea • Most populated country in the world • Where you go if you're getting nuked • ...
Crossword about the school 2022-10-06
- subject which needs calulations
- the school logo
- science tecnology engineering & math day
- well know for romeo and juliet
- after primary
- where you get your daily food
- where our childhood begins the slides of our life
- community environment are one set of _________
- the lesson we learn about space and time
- reading is key
- the lesson we learn about churchill (ww2)
- e=mc²
- peace bro ww2
13 Clues: e=mc² • peace bro ww2 • after primary • reading is key • the school logo • where you get your daily food • well know for romeo and juliet • subject which needs calulations • the lesson we learn about space and time • science tecnology engineering & math day • the lesson we learn about churchill (ww2) • community environment are one set of _________ • ...
Expanding Rights of Various Populations 2024-01-30
- Acted as propaganda to get women to fight
- Writes Encryption Codes
- Transmitted secret messages in the war
- Being held prisoner
- Japanese-American service in WW2
- Took jobs in factories
- Independent and didn't spread
- More than 10 million troops
- Isolated or divided
- African American pilots in WW2
- Defended airstrips and cargo ships
- War II Worldwide conflict from 1939-1945
12 Clues: Isolated or divided • Being held prisoner • Took jobs in factories • Writes Encryption Codes • More than 10 million troops • Independent and didn't spread • African American pilots in WW2 • Japanese-American service in WW2 • Defended airstrips and cargo ships • Transmitted secret messages in the war • Acted as propaganda to get women to fight • ...
cold war so far 2022-07-11
- political ideology in which everything is owned by the state and not individuals
- capital of iran, first conference between east and west powers
- british pm in ww2
- Kennan (USA) and Novikov (USSR) sent these to inform their home countries about the attitudes of the other country
- capital of Russia
- the situation in which a country or place is surrounded by soldiers or ships to stop people or goods from going in or out
- in ww2 america and the ussr had an ........
- acronym for the group of nations controlled from moscow
- an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
- council for mutual economic assistance
- the president that replaced Roosevelt
- a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of people who do not trust each other
- communist information bureau
- the type of bomb used by the USA on Japan in WW2
- limiting the spread of something
- a political system in which a nations leaders are chosen in free elections
- second conference
- capital of germany
- when the western powers
- payments in money or goodsafter a war from the losing country to the victors
- a set of shared beliefs
21 Clues: british pm in ww2 • second conference • capital of Russia • capital of germany • when the western powers • a set of shared beliefs • communist information bureau • limiting the spread of something • the president that replaced Roosevelt • council for mutual economic assistance • in ww2 america and the ussr had an ........ • the type of bomb used by the USA on Japan in WW2 • ...
Cold War 2023-04-25
- Nations with the most political and economical influence (post WW2)
- Industrial system in which businesses are privately owned
- Government which built off of and implemented the system of Communism
- Churchill’s coined term for division of the democratic West and the Soviet-controlled Eastern-European nations
- Pacifying an aggressive nation by compliance to prevent war
- Generous donations from the US to nations in need of economic and financial support
- Allied powers which opposed the spread of Communist control in the East
- US’s system of government
- Formed to protect Soviet States from Western Aggression
- Stalin’s attempt to force Allied Western control out of Berlin
- Areas of land/nations which were directly and strongly affected by communist control
- Policy of containment issued by the United States
- Powerful nation allied with Britain and the US during WW2, which possessed a Communist Government
- US’s Response to the Berlin Blockade
- USSR’s system of government
- Conference following the one at Yalta
- weakened due to ideological differences between US and USSR
- developed during arms race
- international alliance which united Western European states against a Communist Threat
- foreign policy of the U.S. Until post WW2
- Supported the Truman Doctrine by providing economic assistance to nations in post-war Europe
21 Clues: US’s system of government • developed during arms race • USSR’s system of government • US’s Response to the Berlin Blockade • Conference following the one at Yalta • foreign policy of the U.S. Until post WW2 • Policy of containment issued by the United States • Formed to protect Soviet States from Western Aggression • ...
Europe Crossword 2025-02-01
- A region but also an economic alliance
- Major issue in Europe; related to refugees
- Europe's tallest mountain range
- Debatably a part of Europe, spans 2 continents
- Region known for high standards of living
- WW2 Genocide of millions of people
- Region of Europe with a more democratic history
- Event that started World War 2
- growth of cities as people move from rural areas
- Region of 'Sisters' in Northern Europe
- Temple to Athena in Greece
- Physical Representation of Cold War division
- Region of Europe with historical ties to Communist regimes
- Economic system focused on equality and collective ownership
- Large sea that borders southern European countries
- Only part of the British Isles still in the EU
- City of Lights, the Notre Dame, and the Lourve
- Historically large empire with colonies across the world
- Post WW2 Conflict between East and West
- Type of bomb created during WW2
- Event that started World War 1
- Land where Spain and Portugal live
- Europe is called the _____ of _____
- Leaning Tower of _______
- Term that refers to the recent departure of a country from the EU
- Western economic system focused on private ownership
- Mt. Range that splits Europe and Asia
27 Clues: Leaning Tower of _______ • Temple to Athena in Greece • Event that started World War 1 • Event that started World War 2 • Europe's tallest mountain range • Type of bomb created during WW2 • Land where Spain and Portugal live • WW2 Genocide of millions of people • Europe is called the _____ of _____ • Mt. Range that splits Europe and Asia • A region but also an economic alliance • ...
The Devil's Arithmetic Vocabulary 2022-01-13
- person who gave up on living in WW2
- synagogue
- a place meant to keep in Jewish people
- name of newcomers to concentration camps
- comedian at Jewish wedding ceremonies
- country that joined the Axis powers in WW2
- jewish prayer recited in the daily ritual
- dunghill or refuse heap
- pure, proper, suitable for consumption
- angel of death
- small jewish town in Europe
- liberation of people of Israel from Egypt
- Hitler's autobiography
- term describing someone who is not Jewish
- physician that did inhumane experiments
15 Clues: synagogue • angel of death • Hitler's autobiography • dunghill or refuse heap • small jewish town in Europe • person who gave up on living in WW2 • comedian at Jewish wedding ceremonies • a place meant to keep in Jewish people • pure, proper, suitable for consumption • physician that did inhumane experiments • name of newcomers to concentration camps • ...
Chap 11 crossword 2023-05-02
- ________ 1, 1939, WW2 started.
- political system that calls for nationalism, racism, and no tolerance of opposition.
- giving into unjust demands in order to avoid all-out conflict
- this act allowed the US to lend arms to any country considered "vital to the US's defence"
- ________ materials are items needed for fighting a war.
- a farm formed from many small holdings collected into one unit joint operations under government supervision.
- the act that permitted the sale of weapons but only on a “cash carry” business.
- started the fascist movement in Italy
- the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
- national policy actively trading with foreign countries to foster peace and prosperity.
- America joined the war _______ 1941
- _______ camps had people detained and confined.
- Invasion of ______ caused WW2
- The german dictator during WW2
- _______ camps where men, women, and children sent to die.
- took over the Soviet Union in 1926
- joined the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
17 Clues: Invasion of ______ caused WW2 • The german dictator during WW2 • ________ 1, 1939, WW2 started. • took over the Soviet Union in 1926 • America joined the war _______ 1941 • started the fascist movement in Italy • _______ camps had people detained and confined. • joined the war after the attack on Pearl Harbor. • ________ materials are items needed for fighting a war. • ...
Ww2 Vocabulary 2023-01-19
- Countries United States Great Britain France
- a person with total power over a country
- Countries Germany Italy Japan
- camps where many people were sent to die during WW2
- dictator of Germany during WW2
- to give up something to keep peace
- Roosevelt President of US during WW2
- to take over or win control of a country
- of Versailles The peace plan that ended WW1
- base where the navy keeps its ships an planes, usually by the sea
10 Clues: Countries Germany Italy Japan • dictator of Germany during WW2 • to give up something to keep peace • Roosevelt President of US during WW2 • a person with total power over a country • to take over or win control of a country • Countries United States Great Britain France • of Versailles The peace plan that ended WW1 • camps where many people were sent to die during WW2 • ...
only to BB 2023-11-09
21 Clues: voi • ww2 • egg • rafu • volvo • metal • liisa • rekka • apina • monkey • banana • cooper • ei-pakoa • pahasana • virtahepo • pizza-maa • tentaakeli • pyörätuoli • nuggettila • vladmir-pudding • wons-chigagoBlack-hawks
SPELLING LIST #4 2017-04-18
- pellets with poison gas used in concentration camps to kill or murder prisoners
- countries joined together Germany, Italy, Japan - axis of evil WW2
- an underground movement formed during WW2 to fight German occupied forces
- countries against Germany - USA, Britain, USSR, Canada, France - WW2
- ovens to burn dead bodies
- a Jewish place of worship
- Anti Jewish laws under Hitler
- coming of age religious ceremony for Jewish boys aged 13
- unfair, unequal, violation of rights
- regret, feel bad fro past actions
10 Clues: ovens to burn dead bodies • a Jewish place of worship • Anti Jewish laws under Hitler • regret, feel bad fro past actions • unfair, unequal, violation of rights • coming of age religious ceremony for Jewish boys aged 13 • countries joined together Germany, Italy, Japan - axis of evil WW2 • countries against Germany - USA, Britain, USSR, Canada, France - WW2 • ...
SVĚT PO WW2 2024-03-27
- Obě strany stále ___________, aby ukázaly svoji sílu.
- Doplň slovem zbytek roku, ve kterém přistáli Američané na Měsíci 196?.
- Probíhaly závody o to, kdo jako první vyšle člověka do ________.
- Období po konci WW2 nazýváme _________ válka.
- Na území komunistických států byl většinou ________ zboží.
- Na území SSSR a později i ČSR byl v té době _____________.
- Město_____________ bylo po WW2 rozděleno mezi vítězné státy.
- Po konci WW2 měly dvě mocnosti k dispozici_______ zbraně.
- Zjednodušeně můžeme říci, že USA a západní státy byly _________.
- Berlín byl po válce rozdělila tzv. Berlínská ____.
- Mezi hlavní velmoci této doby patří USA a _________.
11 Clues: Období po konci WW2 nazýváme _________ válka. • Berlín byl po válce rozdělila tzv. Berlínská ____. • Mezi hlavní velmoci této doby patří USA a _________. • Obě strany stále ___________, aby ukázaly svoji sílu. • Po konci WW2 měly dvě mocnosti k dispozici_______ zbraně. • Na území SSSR a později i ČSR byl v té době _____________. • ...
Cold War 2023-04-25
- Nations with the most political and economical influence (post WW2)
- Industrial system in which businesses are privately owned
- Government which built off of and implemented the system of Communism
- Churchill’s coined term for division of the democratic West and the Soviet-controlled Eastern-European nations
- Pacifying an aggressive nation by compliance to prevent war
- Generous donations from the US to nations in need of economic and financial support
- Allied powers which opposed the spread of Communist control in the East
- US’s system of government
- Formed to protect Soviet States from Western Aggression
- Stalin’s attempt to force Allied Western control out of Berlin
- Areas of land/nations which were directly and strongly affected by communist control
- Policy of containment issued by the United States
- Powerful nation allied with Britain and the US during WW2, which possessed a Communist Government
- US’s Response to the Berlin Blockade
- USSR’s system of government
- Conference following the one at Yalta
- weakened due to ideological differences between US and USSR
- developed during arms race
- international alliance which united Western European states against a Communist Threat
- foreign policy of the U.S. Until post WW2
- Supported the Truman Doctrine by providing economic assistance to nations in post-war Europe
21 Clues: US’s system of government • developed during arms race • USSR’s system of government • US’s Response to the Berlin Blockade • Conference following the one at Yalta • foreign policy of the U.S. Until post WW2 • Policy of containment issued by the United States • Formed to protect Soviet States from Western Aggression • ...
Crossword Club 1 2024-09-17
- The second book of the bible
- Whose broom had 3 new heads and five new handles?
- Capital of Kenya
- Actor who played Luke Skywalker (4/6)
- American football team based in Pittsburgh
- AC/Dc's Original bass player. (5/8)
- Author of Jurassic Park
- WW2 British fighter plane
- Dad's army town (_____-on-sea)
- Jackie's favourite aviators.
- Budget airline
- Glasgow's premier gig venue.
- The current F1 champion
- Such as Spartan Russet and Pippin
- Fireworks.
- Actor who played Rooster Cogburn (4/5)
- US guitar manufacturer
- Army unit
- What type of drink is a "Sauterne"(7/4)
- US President at the end of WW2
- The king of beers
- Where was the "baby eating bishop from? (4/3/5)
- Beetroot soup
- The Stranglers 3rd album. (5/3/5)
- Michael Caine 1964 film
- Japanese delicacy consisting of fresh raw fish
- Murder capital of the USA (2/5)
- Rendered fat of cattle and sheep
- 33 and 45 for records (abb)
- Foo Fighters dead drummer.
- UK PM at the start of WW2
- A type of soft leather predominantly made from lambskin
- The outer husk of a nutmeg
- Japanese motorbike manufacturer
- Prison time
- Garlic, Basil, Pine nuts and oil together make?
36 Clues: Army unit • Fireworks. • Prison time • Beetroot soup • Budget airline • Capital of Kenya • The king of beers • US guitar manufacturer • Michael Caine 1964 film • Author of Jurassic Park • The current F1 champion • WW2 British fighter plane • UK PM at the start of WW2 • Foo Fighters dead drummer. • The outer husk of a nutmeg • 33 and 45 for records (abb) • The second book of the bible • ...
Japanese airforce 2022-05-13
- scared china with their military
- b-29s were lost in the war
- japan had a big airforce
- was in the army of japan in ww2
- collapsed in japan from the military losing there stuff in the fights
- blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor
- did ten war crimes in ww2
- was the leader of japan in ww2
- was how much japan had to pay after the war was over
- was the leader of the air force
10 Clues: japan had a big airforce • did ten war crimes in ww2 • b-29s were lost in the war • was the leader of japan in ww2 • was the leader of the air force • was in the army of japan in ww2 • scared china with their military • blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor • was how much japan had to pay after the war was over • ...
Japanese airforce 2022-05-13
- scared china with their military
- b-29s were lost in the war
- japan had a big airforce
- was in the army of japan in ww2
- collapsed in japan from the military losing there stuff in the fights
- blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor
- did ten war crimes in ww2
- was the leader of japan in ww2
- was how much japan had to pay after the war was over
- was the leader of the air force
10 Clues: japan had a big airforce • did ten war crimes in ww2 • b-29s were lost in the war • was the leader of japan in ww2 • was the leader of the air force • was in the army of japan in ww2 • scared china with their military • blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor • was how much japan had to pay after the war was over • ...
The Story Of D-Day 2021-12-08
- A German Politician and Dictator over German
- soldiers of a certain German party during WW2
- A invasion and a attempt to push the Nazis back and to end WW2
- Were three great powers consisting of the Germany,Italy,and Japan in WW2
- A on a important beach during WW2
- A boat like transport for troops/soldiers during WW2
- Were three great powers consisting of the USA,Great Britain,and the Soviet Union in WW2
7 Clues: A on a important beach during WW2 • A German Politician and Dictator over German • soldiers of a certain German party during WW2 • A boat like transport for troops/soldiers during WW2 • A invasion and a attempt to push the Nazis back and to end WW2 • Were three great powers consisting of the Germany,Italy,and Japan in WW2 • ...
WW2 Crossword 2022-05-20
- president who decided to launch atomic bombs
- killing of Jews
- US president for most of WW2
- lightning war
- German, Italy, Japan
- German air force
- 2nd Japan bombing
- major turning point in Pacific war
- Italian dictator
- race that was used to create Third Reich
- US, Soviet Union, Britain/UK
- German bombing in Britain
- German dictator
- what Hitler violated
- biggest German concentration camp
- prime minister of UK
- major Soviet industrial center
- place bombed on Dec. 7 1941
- policy that allows someone to gain what they want in return of no hostility
- history´s greatest naval invasion
- 1st Japan bombing
- Germany and Soviet Union promise not to attack each other
22 Clues: lightning war • German dictator • killing of Jews • German air force • Italian dictator • 1st Japan bombing • 2nd Japan bombing • what Hitler violated • prime minister of UK • German, Italy, Japan • German bombing in Britain • place bombed on Dec. 7 1941 • US, Soviet Union, Britain/UK • US president for most of WW2 • major Soviet industrial center • biggest German concentration camp • ...
WW2 Terms 2022-05-17
- 2nd Japan bombing
- major Soviet industrial center
- race that was used to create Third Reich
- history´s greatest naval invasion
- what Hitler violated
- Italian dictator
- German air force
- biggest German concentration camp
- German dictator
- Germany and Soviet Union promise not to attack each other
- place bombed on Dec. 7 1941
- 1st Japan bombing
- US president for most of WW2
- policy that allows someone to gain what they want in return of no hostility
- major turning point in Pacific war
- Germany, Japan, Italy
- president who wanted to launch atomic bombs
- killing of Jews
- German bombing in the UK
- prime minister of UK
20 Clues: killing of Jews • German dictator • Italian dictator • German air force • 2nd Japan bombing • 1st Japan bombing • what Hitler violated • prime minister of UK • Germany, Japan, Italy • German bombing in the UK • place bombed on Dec. 7 1941 • US president for most of WW2 • major Soviet industrial center • history´s greatest naval invasion • biggest German concentration camp • ...
WW2 crosswords 2022-05-04
- switched places to the allies
- gave the order to drop the bomb
- where the german army took the jews at
- Had the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain
- Took away rights from jews
- Killed 17 million people
- a country was shared with the soviet union and germany but later belong to germany
- leader of Japan
- Leader of Italy
- Second city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
- A riot that rioted against jews
- First city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
- One who wrote about his father's time at the holocaust
- a weapon that ended ww2
- a german army
- Where Japan attacked the U.S.
- Germanys target
- Leader of germany
- Had Germany, Italy, and Japan
20 Clues: a german army • BOOM BOOM BOOM • Germanys target • leader of Japan • Leader of Italy • Leader of germany • a weapon that ended ww2 • Killed 17 million people • Took away rights from jews • switched places to the allies • Where Japan attacked the U.S. • Had Germany, Italy, and Japan • A riot that rioted against jews • gave the order to drop the bomb • where the german army took the jews at • ...
WW2 crosswords 2022-05-04
- One who wrote about his father's time at the holocaust
- Leader of germany
- a german army
- switched places to the allies
- First city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
- where the german army took the jews at
- Had Germany, Italy, and Japan
- Had the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain
- Where Japan attacked the U.S.
- A riot that rioted against jews
- Second city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
- gave the order to drop the bomb
- Leader of Italy
- Took away rights from jews
- Killed 17 million people
- a country was shared with the soviet union and germany but later belong to germany
- leader of Japan
- The German security force
- Germanys target
- a weapon that ended ww2
20 Clues: a german army • Leader of Italy • leader of Japan • Germanys target • Leader of germany • a weapon that ended ww2 • Killed 17 million people • The German security force • Took away rights from jews • Where Japan attacked the U.S. • switched places to the allies • Had Germany, Italy, and Japan • A riot that rioted against jews • gave the order to drop the bomb • ...
WW2 crossword 2023-05-29
- France and Britian were going after Germany but there was no actual fighting
- German type of submeraine
- Found Nazis and put them to jail for there crimes
- King He broke his promise about the conscribition
- This plan quickly trained soldiers to be pilots to replace the ones who lost their lives.
- Speaical day to attack the Germans and end the war
- Japen bommed the U.S army base then invaded and captured this place
- Media was being controlled to minipulate poeple to join the war effort
- Canadian plan to travel across the Atlantic safely.
- Longest battle of ww11 was fought on this ocean
- Last island thta the U.S took from the Japense
- he thought germans to hate and kill jewsih people
- These people were sent to prison by the government on suspicion of being traitors.
- Nuclear weapon that hit two places and killed 70,000
- 330,000soilders rescued
- Jewish people were sent here when there was no room in consentration/death camps
- Jewish people were sent to this place and never came back alive
- Media controlled by the government to hide the progress of the war from citizens.
- Canadian saving supplies for poeple at war
- Bloodiest war in WW11
20 Clues: Bloodiest war in WW11 • 330,000soilders rescued • German type of submeraine • Canadian saving supplies for poeple at war • Last island thta the U.S took from the Japense • Longest battle of ww11 was fought on this ocean • Found Nazis and put them to jail for there crimes • he thought germans to hate and kill jewsih people • ...
WW2 crossword 2023-05-29
- Bloodiest war in WW11
- France and Britian were going after Germany but there was no actual fighting
- First country in Europe that Hitler attacked and invaded.
- Found Nazis and put them to jail for there crimes
- These people were sent to prison by the government on suspicion of being traitors.
- Canadian plan to travel across the Atlantic safely.
- Japen bommed the U.S army base then invaded and captured this place
- 330,000soilders rescued
- Media controlled by the government to hide the progress of the war from citizens.
- Longest battle of ww11 was fought on this ocean
- Nuclear weapon that hit two places and killed 70,000
- German warfare tactic meaning "lightning war."
- Speaical day to attack the Germans and end the war
- Media was being controlled to minipulate poeple to join the war effort
- Jewish people were sent to this place and never came back alive
- This plan quickly trained soldiers to be pilots to replace the ones who lost their lives.
- King He broke his promise about the conscribition
- Jewish people were sent here when there was no room in consentration/death camps
- Canadian saving supplies for poeple at war
- Last island thta the U.S took from the Japense
- he thought germans to hate and kill jewsih people
- German type of submeraine
22 Clues: Bloodiest war in WW11 • 330,000soilders rescued • German type of submeraine • Canadian saving supplies for poeple at war • Last island thta the U.S took from the Japense • German warfare tactic meaning "lightning war." • Longest battle of ww11 was fought on this ocean • Found Nazis and put them to jail for there crimes • he thought germans to hate and kill jewsih people • ...
WW2 Generals 2024-12-12
- U.S. Air Force general known for strategic bombing.
- American general known for "I shall return" in the Pacific.
- German general and pioneer of armored warfare.
- Soviet marshal who played a key role in Eastern Front battles.
- Soviet general involved in the capture of Berlin.
- German field marshal who served in the Mediterranean and Italy.
- British general known for his leadership in North Africa.
- German field marshal known as the "Desert Fox."
- American general who commanded in the D-Day invasion.
- French general and leader of the Free French Forces.
- American general who endured the Bataan Death March.
- British general in Southeast Asia known for his leadership.
- Renowned American tank commander.
- British general who served as Chief of the Imperial General Staff.
- German field marshal on the Western Front.
- Admiral who commanded U.S. naval forces in the Pacific.
- Admiral who led U.S. Pacific Fleet in naval battles.
- Russian general known for his military campaigns.
- Supreme Allied Commander in Europe.
- German field marshal on the Eastern Front.
20 Clues: Renowned American tank commander. • Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. • German field marshal on the Western Front. • German field marshal on the Eastern Front. • German general and pioneer of armored warfare. • German field marshal known as the "Desert Fox." • Soviet general involved in the capture of Berlin. • Russian general known for his military campaigns. • ...
Countries 2019-09-24
8 Clues: Started WW2 • Blue,White,red • Origin of Pizza • Split apart in 2 in WW2 • Famous Footballer was born there • 'The lungs of the earth' Are in ... • Revolted against Britain in 1765 to 1783 • In the biggest continent, Supported Germany in WW2
Crossword Puzzle 2023-05-18
- Hierarchy of Needs
- Lugar na Sentro ng Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig
- Dami ng produktong nais at bilhin ng mga mamamayan
- Ama ng Kasaysayan
- Developed Country
- Pagitan ng dalawang ilog
- Bansang nabuo pagkatapos ng WW2
- Communist Leader ng China
- Organisasyong nabuo pagkatapos ng WW2
- Pinuno ng Germany
- Kampihan ng mga bansang may parehong paniniwala at hangarin
- Dating pangalan ng Myanmar
- Nangangahulugang sambahayan
- Isa sa mga tradisyong Hindu o ang pagpapakamatay ng balong babae sa pamamagitan ng pagsama sa cremation
14 Clues: Pinuno ng Germany • Ama ng Kasaysayan • Developed Country • Hierarchy of Needs • Pagitan ng dalawang ilog • Communist Leader ng China • Dating pangalan ng Myanmar • Nangangahulugang sambahayan • Bansang nabuo pagkatapos ng WW2 • Organisasyong nabuo pagkatapos ng WW2 • Lugar na Sentro ng Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig • Dami ng produktong nais at bilhin ng mga mamamayan • ...
WW2 2021-04-20
11 Clues: weapons. • Power struggle. • Held in Poland. • Big brother plan. • Powerful influence. • Conference in German city. • Restrict of development of • Offering Europe substantial • A barrier of west and east. • Restrict expansion influence. • Established 1947 military aid.
WW2 2022-12-22
- what did the canada invent to stp glide bombs
- how did the worlds dictators gain power within their countries
- the treaty of __ ruined germany's economy
- the role of women was to __ the gaps
- where was fascism invented
- appeasement was to stop what?
- leader of germany
- __ were taken of hitler to create a bond
- who was the leader of italy
- what is a story about fascist countries
- what side did the king stand on?
11 Clues: leader of germany • where was fascism invented • who was the leader of italy • appeasement was to stop what? • what side did the king stand on? • the role of women was to __ the gaps • what is a story about fascist countries • __ were taken of hitler to create a bond • the treaty of __ ruined germany's economy • what did the canada invent to stp glide bombs • ...
Peace and Conflict 2022-12-12
- A Christian war that took place between 1095 and 1291
- The name of a Christian who was originally a pacifist but planned to kill Hitler during WW2
- Blessed are the...
- The word used to described the conflict between two sides
- Fair behaviour or result
- When a protest becomes violent
- A Christian denomination who do not believe in violence
- The type of weapon America used against Japan at the end of WW2
- This can be done peacefully or not in order to object to something
- Turn the other...
- The surname of a 7 day adventist who was a famous pacifist that worked as a medic during WW2
- Someone who does not believe in war
12 Clues: Turn the other... • Blessed are the... • Fair behaviour or result • When a protest becomes violent • Someone who does not believe in war • A Christian war that took place between 1095 and 1291 • A Christian denomination who do not believe in violence • The word used to described the conflict between two sides • ...
SPELLING LIST #4 2017-04-18
- Anti Jewish laws under Hitler
- a Jewish place of worship
- ovens to burn dead bodies
- regret, feel bad fro past actions
- unfair, unequal, violation of rights
- pellets with poison gas used in concentration camps to kill or murder prisoners
- countries joined together Germany, Italy, Japan - axis of evil WW2
- an underground movement formed during WW2 to fight German occupied forces
- coming of age religious ceremony for Jewish boys aged 13
- countries against Germany - USA, Britain, USSR, Canada, France - WW2
10 Clues: a Jewish place of worship • ovens to burn dead bodies • Anti Jewish laws under Hitler • regret, feel bad fro past actions • unfair, unequal, violation of rights • coming of age religious ceremony for Jewish boys aged 13 • countries joined together Germany, Italy, Japan - axis of evil WW2 • countries against Germany - USA, Britain, USSR, Canada, France - WW2 • ...
Japanese airforce 2022-05-13
- scared china with their military
- b-29s were lost in the war
- japan had a big airforce
- was in the army of japan in ww2
- collapsed in japan from the military losing there stuff in the fights
- blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor
- did ten war crimes in ww2
- was the leader of japan in ww2
- was how much japan had to pay after the war was over
- was the leader of the air force
10 Clues: japan had a big airforce • did ten war crimes in ww2 • b-29s were lost in the war • was the leader of japan in ww2 • was the leader of the air force • was in the army of japan in ww2 • scared china with their military • blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor • was how much japan had to pay after the war was over • ...
Japanese airforce 2022-05-13
- scared china with their military
- b-29s were lost in the war
- japan had a big airforce
- was in the army of japan in ww2
- collapsed in japan from the military losing there stuff in the fights
- blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor
- did ten war crimes in ww2
- was the leader of japan in ww2
- was how much japan had to pay after the war was over
- was the leader of the air force
10 Clues: japan had a big airforce • did ten war crimes in ww2 • b-29s were lost in the war • was the leader of japan in ww2 • was the leader of the air force • was in the army of japan in ww2 • scared china with their military • blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor • was how much japan had to pay after the war was over • ...
Ww2 Vocabulary 2023-01-19
- leader of Great Britain
- a person with total power over a country
- to give up something to keep peace
- military dictator of Japan
- where the navy keeps its ships and planes
- to take over or win control of a country
- Countries Germany Italy Japan
- dictator of USSR
- president of US during WW2
- dictator during ww2
- WW1 peace negotiation
- camps where many people were sent to die
- US Great Britain France
13 Clues: dictator of USSR • dictator during ww2 • WW1 peace negotiation • leader of Great Britain • US Great Britain France • military dictator of Japan • president of US during WW2 • Countries Germany Italy Japan • to give up something to keep peace • a person with total power over a country • camps where many people were sent to die • to take over or win control of a country • ...
Cold War 2022-05-27
- president of USA after WW2
- system where businesses are free to do whatever they want
- leader during the cold war during cuban missile crisis
- Openess
- leader of Soviet after WW2
- where US & USSR indirectly fought
- opponent of USA
- ____ curtain. term coined by Winston Churchill
- missiles in cuba which almost
- physical wall seperating east/west berlin
- north atlantic treaty organizationalliance between US/Canada & Western Europe
- political ideology that focuses on equality among the community
- war fought between north/south korea
- Scandal which made Nixon resign
- leader of US during cuban missile crisis
- unpopular war that ended in 1975 in vietnam
- response to Stalin's blockade
- communist leader of cuba
18 Clues: Openess • opponent of USA • communist leader of cuba • president of USA after WW2 • leader of Soviet after WW2 • missiles in cuba which almost • response to Stalin's blockade • Scandal which made Nixon resign • where US & USSR indirectly fought • war fought between north/south korea • leader of US during cuban missile crisis • physical wall seperating east/west berlin • ...
Remembrance Day Crossword 2020-11-11
- country involve in WW1 and WW2
- Stone the weight of the packs that they had to carry in WW1
- country involved in WW1 and WW2
- the legal age you could enlist/join the army in WW1
- country involved in WW2
- Day What do we call the day where we remember people who lost their lives in war?
- what WW1 was fought in
- country involved in WW1 an WW2
8 Clues: what WW1 was fought in • country involved in WW2 • country involve in WW1 and WW2 • country involved in WW1 an WW2 • country involved in WW1 and WW2 • the legal age you could enlist/join the army in WW1 • Stone the weight of the packs that they had to carry in WW1 • Day What do we call the day where we remember people who lost their lives in war?
WW2 Crossword 2022-05-06
- A Ruler Of A Country
- The Dictator Of The Soviet Union
- The Dictator Of Germany
- A Time Where People Lost Money And Stock Prices Rise Up
- A Horrible, Tyrannical Leader Of Germany
- A Group Of Military
- The Emperor Of Japan
- The 33rd President Of The U.S.
- To Not Go To Another Place
- The Dictator Of Italy
- A Organization Made To Make Peace
- The Actions of Appeasing
- The Prime Minister Of The U.K.
- A Way Of Being Controlled By A Dictator
- The 32nd President Of The U.S.
- A Way Of Paying A Country For Damage
- Compulsory Recruitment By Military Force
- An Act To Aid Another Country
- The Way Of Living By A Ruler Or President
19 Clues: A Group Of Military • A Ruler Of A Country • The Emperor Of Japan • The Dictator Of Italy • The Dictator Of Germany • The Actions of Appeasing • To Not Go To Another Place • An Act To Aid Another Country • The Prime Minister Of The U.K. • The 32nd President Of The U.S. • The 33rd President Of The U.S. • The Dictator Of The Soviet Union • A Organization Made To Make Peace • ...
ww2 2023-03-29
- born from 1946 1964
- Japanese airplanes attack
- major sea battle fought after japan attack
- produced the first nuclear weapons
- setting limits on goods
- Presley Rock and Roll- the king is born
- genocide of jews
- preparing troops
- celebration marking end of ww2 in Europe
- Failure caused ww2
- one of the major death camps
11 Clues: genocide of jews • preparing troops • Failure caused ww2 • born from 1946 1964 • setting limits on goods • Japanese airplanes attack • one of the major death camps • produced the first nuclear weapons • Presley Rock and Roll- the king is born • celebration marking end of ww2 in Europe • major sea battle fought after japan attack
JB PRIESLY 2018-07-13
- the type of political party the common wealth was
- the prime minister during WW2
- the duke of...
- his political party
- merged with the common wealth party
- what got him injured
- he fought front lines in this war
- the percent of adult listeners
- the years was he at war
- the podcast ran by JBP
- the play he wrote
- the war he started the postscripts
- someone who disagreed with JBPs views
- the year the postscripts were cancelled
14 Clues: the duke of... • the play he wrote • his political party • what got him injured • the podcast ran by JBP • the years was he at war • the prime minister during WW2 • the percent of adult listeners • he fought front lines in this war • the war he started the postscripts • merged with the common wealth party • someone who disagreed with JBPs views • ...
Random 2023-09-14
18 Clues: omar • Biden • covid • weird • Italy • child • trump • lonely • Bouncy • Among us • Christian • palindrome • metal disk • WW2 leader • water solid • undead creature • Luigi's brother • skinwalker ranch
SPELLING TEST #4 2017-04-18
- Anti Jewish laws under Hitler
- ovens to burn dead bodies
- unfair, unequal, violation of rights
- a Jewish place of worship
- coming of age religious ceremony for Jewish boys aged 13
- pellets with poison gas used in concentration camps to kill or murder prisoners
- an underground movement formed during WW2 to fight German occupied forces
- countries against Germany - USA, Britain, USSR, Canada, France - WW2
- countries joined together Germany, Italy, Japan - axis of evil WW2
- regret, feel bad fro past actions
10 Clues: ovens to burn dead bodies • a Jewish place of worship • Anti Jewish laws under Hitler • regret, feel bad fro past actions • unfair, unequal, violation of rights • coming of age religious ceremony for Jewish boys aged 13 • countries joined together Germany, Italy, Japan - axis of evil WW2 • countries against Germany - USA, Britain, USSR, Canada, France - WW2 • ...
Japanese airforce 2022-05-13
- scared china with their military
- b-29s were lost in the war
- japan had a big airforce
- was in the army of japan in ww2
- collapsed in japan from the military losing there stuff in the fights
- blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor
- did ten war crimes in ww2
- was the leader of japan in ww2
- was how much japan had to pay after the war was over
- was the leader of the air force
10 Clues: japan had a big airforce • did ten war crimes in ww2 • b-29s were lost in the war • was the leader of japan in ww2 • was the leader of the air force • was in the army of japan in ww2 • scared china with their military • blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor • was how much japan had to pay after the war was over • ...
Japanese airforce 2022-05-13
- scared china with their military
- b-29s were lost in the war
- japan had a big airforce
- was in the army of japan in ww2
- collapsed in japan from the military losing there stuff in the fights
- blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor
- did ten war crimes in ww2
- was the leader of japan in ww2
- was how much japan had to pay after the war was over
- was the leader of the air force
10 Clues: japan had a big airforce • did ten war crimes in ww2 • b-29s were lost in the war • was the leader of japan in ww2 • was the leader of the air force • was in the army of japan in ww2 • scared china with their military • blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor • was how much japan had to pay after the war was over • ...
Japanese airforce 2022-05-13
- scared china with their military
- b-29s were lost in the war
- japan had a big airforce
- was in the army of japan in ww2
- collapsed in japan from the military losing there stuff in the fights
- blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor
- did ten war crimes in ww2
- was the leader of japan in ww2
- was how much japan had to pay after the war was over
- was the leader of the air force
10 Clues: japan had a big airforce • did ten war crimes in ww2 • b-29s were lost in the war • was the leader of japan in ww2 • was the leader of the air force • was in the army of japan in ww2 • scared china with their military • blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor • was how much japan had to pay after the war was over • ...
WWll Vocab Crossword 2024-01-26
- Group of african military men
- Man of the holocaust
- gardens vegetable and fruit planted by civilians
- civilian mobilization, rationing and changes characterized ww2
- 32nd President
- People rushing beach
- Group of native men that made a code
- Form of government characterized by a single person
- ration food and other items
- Japan attack United states in Hawaii
- the killing of the jews
- Various goods were not easy to get during ww2
- a place where americans or jews were held during the war
- Extermination of certain people
- a type of explosive
- group of american volunteer fighter pilots
- Top secret research and development project
- instrument used by government to raise funds
- Where people were held during war or conflict
19 Clues: 32nd President • a type of explosive • Man of the holocaust • People rushing beach • the killing of the jews • ration food and other items • Group of african military men • Extermination of certain people • Japan attack United states in Hawaii • Group of native men that made a code • group of american volunteer fighter pilots • Top secret research and development project • ...
World War 2 Crossword 2021-05-28
- everyone in America had a feeling of unity and ____
- this country wanted to conquer Asia and the islands of the Pacific
- the country where Germany wanted to divide
- the first country to surrender to the Allies
- the last name of the U.S president during WW2
- May 7, 1945 is ____ in Europe Day.
- the last name of the commander of Allied forces during WW2
- the Americans were shocked to hear the news “Pearl Harbor has been bombed!” by ____
- an important United States navy base was called ___ harbor
- an American bomber dropped an ____ bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- the last name of the German leader during WW2
- Germany, Japan, and Italy were called ___ Powers
- Germany attacked Norway and this country in April 1940
13 Clues: May 7, 1945 is ____ in Europe Day. • the country where Germany wanted to divide • the first country to surrender to the Allies • the last name of the German leader during WW2 • the last name of the U.S president during WW2 • Germany, Japan, and Italy were called ___ Powers • everyone in America had a feeling of unity and ____ • ...
SPELLING LIST #4 2017-04-18
- regret, feel bad fro past actions
- unfair, unequal, violation of rights
- a Jewish place of worship
- Anti Jewish laws under Hitler
- ovens to burn dead bodies
- an underground movement formed during WW2 to fight German occupied forces
- countries joined together Germany, Italy, Japan - axis of evil WW2
- pellets with poison gas used in concentration camps to kill or murder prisoners
- coming of age religious ceremony for Jewish boys aged 13
- countries against Germany - USA, Britain, USSR, Canada, France - WW2
10 Clues: a Jewish place of worship • ovens to burn dead bodies • Anti Jewish laws under Hitler • regret, feel bad fro past actions • unfair, unequal, violation of rights • coming of age religious ceremony for Jewish boys aged 13 • countries joined together Germany, Italy, Japan - axis of evil WW2 • countries against Germany - USA, Britain, USSR, Canada, France - WW2 • ...
Japanese airforce 2022-05-13
- scared china with their military
- b-29s were lost in the war
- japan had a big airforce
- was in the army of japan in ww2
- collapsed in japan from the military losing there stuff in the fights
- blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor
- did ten war crimes in ww2
- was the leader of japan in ww2
- was how much japan had to pay after the war was over
- was the leader of the air force
10 Clues: japan had a big airforce • did ten war crimes in ww2 • b-29s were lost in the war • was the leader of japan in ww2 • was the leader of the air force • was in the army of japan in ww2 • scared china with their military • blamed hirohito for the bombing of pearl harbor • was how much japan had to pay after the war was over • ...
Expanding rights of Various Populations 2024-01-30
- Womens Propaganda to support war economy and to support womens effort in war.
- Someone who makes or breaks code. (Code Breaker)
- Prevented Japs from translating their code.
- Pilots who flew planes in WW2.
- Tuskegee Airmen who fought in WW2 in planes.
- A country's armed forces.
- Separating people on the basis of race.
- Japanease American women in the military during WW2.
- putting a person in prison.
- First-Gen Japanease Americans who helped in combat and with the language barrier.
10 Clues: A country's armed forces. • putting a person in prison. • Pilots who flew planes in WW2. • Separating people on the basis of race. • Prevented Japs from translating their code. • Tuskegee Airmen who fought in WW2 in planes. • Someone who makes or breaks code. (Code Breaker) • Japanease American women in the military during WW2. • ...
europe 2024-01-22
- What country has the largest forest cover in Europe.
- What country has the shortest coastline.
- What country invented ski jumping.
- What country still has monarchy.
- What country is the biggest in Europe.
- Which country is Paris in.
- What is the warmest country in Europe.
- What is the oldest country in Europe.
- What country is shaped like a boot.
- What country is the newest in Europe.
- Biggest landlocked country in Europe.
- Dublin is the capital of what country.
- Lisbon is the capital of what country.
- What country was neutral in WW2.
- What countries capital is Madrid.
- Bucharest is the capital of what country.
- Which country is the smallest.
- Which country started the Olympics.
- Budapest is the capital of what country.
- what country started WW2.
20 Clues: what country started WW2. • Which country is Paris in. • Which country is the smallest. • What country was neutral in WW2. • What country still has monarchy. • What countries capital is Madrid. • What country invented ski jumping. • Which country started the Olympics. • What country is shaped like a boot. • What country is the newest in Europe. • ...
WW2 2021-09-27
11 Clues: USA mot... • President i USA • Konen til Hitler • Leder for Waffen-SS • Leder over Tyskland • Kjent engelsk jagerfly • Norges konge under WW2 • Tettstedet der Vemork lå • Kodenavnet for oppdrag Norge • Statsminister i Storbritania • Våpen som for første gang var i bruk
WW2 2024-04-16
- Napad na Sovjetski Savez naziva se
- Njemačko zauzimanje Austrije
- Savez Njemačke, Italija i Japana
- Najkrvavija bitka Drugog svjetskog rata naziva se
- SAD ulazi u rat zbog bombardiranja luke
- Najveći koncentracijski logor
- Vođa talijanskih fašista
- Britanski ministar za vrijeme rata
- Vođa nacističke partije
- Koja je država napadnuta 1. rujna 1939.
- Sustavno progonjenje židova
11 Clues: Vođa nacističke partije • Vođa talijanskih fašista • Sustavno progonjenje židova • Njemačko zauzimanje Austrije • Najveći koncentracijski logor • Savez Njemačke, Italija i Japana • Napad na Sovjetski Savez naziva se • Britanski ministar za vrijeme rata • SAD ulazi u rat zbog bombardiranja luke • Koja je država napadnuta 1. rujna 1939. • ...
WW2 2023-04-18
World War 2. 2022-02-08
- ban on trade with a country
- german air force
- plan to rebuild Europe afer WW2
- penalties imposed on a country
- world peacekeeping force created afer ww2
- a japanese suicide pilot
- genocide of the Jews
- lightning war
- controlling a country with force
- to pacify or give in to
- strong nationalistic leader that limits the rights of a countries public
- germany japan and italy
12 Clues: lightning war • german air force • genocide of the Jews • to pacify or give in to • germany japan and italy • a japanese suicide pilot • ban on trade with a country • penalties imposed on a country • plan to rebuild Europe afer WW2 • controlling a country with force • world peacekeeping force created afer ww2 • ...
US History Crossword 2023-05-17
- a subgroup of women in the 1920s known for their energetic freedom and "immoral" behavior
- the policy of preventing the spread of communism after WW2
- an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country
- an intense pride in one's own country
- high inflation with a stagnant or shrinking economy and high unemployment
- the idea that people should buy more goods and services
- a military alliance created during the Cold War to contain communism
- legal prevention of the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages.
- during WW2, the country did this to prepare for the war effort
- launched in 1957 the first artificial Earth Satellite
- insures your money in your bank account
- a person who organizes and operates a business taking on greater than normal financial risks
- the rise of these types of dictatorships led to the start of WW2
- a thawing of relations in the Cold War begun by Nixon
- the fear of communism sparked by a Senator
15 Clues: an intense pride in one's own country • insures your money in your bank account • the fear of communism sparked by a Senator • launched in 1957 the first artificial Earth Satellite • a thawing of relations in the Cold War begun by Nixon • the idea that people should buy more goods and services • the policy of preventing the spread of communism after WW2 • ...
ww2 2024-01-30
- 1, 1939,
- female member of a workforce, team, etc.
- Airman is singular and is a rank matched to paygrade E-2. Airmen is plural and can be applied to all Air Force members
- study of cracking codes
- handmade rugs and silversmith work.
- apart from each other; isolated or divided.
- to the armed forces of a country.
- state of being confined as a prisoner, especially for political or military reasons.
- and independent not depending on or influenced by others.
- a person born in the US or Canada whose parents were immigrants from Japan.
- person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.
11 Clues: 1, 1939, • study of cracking codes • to the armed forces of a country. • handmade rugs and silversmith work. • female member of a workforce, team, etc. • apart from each other; isolated or divided. • person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft. • and independent not depending on or influenced by others. • ...
German-Soviet War 2021-05-31
10 Clues: homeland • A Russian town • an alliance in WW2 • German word for "tank" • a very powerful attack • German word for "realm" • likely to happen very soon • Acronym participant in WW2 • a German offensive operation • the line of contact of two opposing forces
WW2 2013-03-13
- Another type of people killed in the holocaust
- What the holocaust was
- The symbol of the Nazis
- Loads of bombs dropping on London (4)
- These were handheld things that were used kill people
- German leader. World War two(6)
- The main target of the holocaust
- British leader in the second half of the second world war
- Dropped from planes
- The poisen that Hitler used to kill him
- The baddies
11 Clues: The baddies • Dropped from planes • What the holocaust was • The symbol of the Nazis • German leader. World War two(6) • The main target of the holocaust • Loads of bombs dropping on London (4) • The poisen that Hitler used to kill him • Another type of people killed in the holocaust • These were handheld things that were used kill people • ...
WW2 2021-04-20
11 Clues: weapons. • Power struggle. • Held in Poland. • Big brother plan. • Powerful influence. • Conference in German city. • Restrict of development of • Offering Europe substantial • A barrier of west and east. • Restrict expansion influence. • Established 1947 military aid.
Crossword- Parallel Journeys 2022-01-06
- the military coalition in WW2 that opposed the Axis powers
- german air force
- code for the invasion of Normandy in WW2
- first five books of the Hebrew bible
- political principles of the national socialist german party
- an organized killing of an ethnic group
- German for lightning war
- German people militia
- a small remaining quantity of something
- branch of armed forces that uses large-caliber guns
- walk with effort
- a sharp vibrating sound
- German word for "pure" or "clean" of Jews
- living places in concentration camps
- the women's concentration camp Helen attended
- a person of high-ranking or title
- hostility or prejudice towards Jewish people
- place where heat turns bodies to ash
- German word for leader
- dirty and dishelved
20 Clues: walk with effort • german air force • dirty and dishelved • German people militia • German word for leader • a sharp vibrating sound • German for lightning war • a person of high-ranking or title • living places in concentration camps • first five books of the Hebrew bible • place where heat turns bodies to ash • an organized killing of an ethnic group • ...
WW2 Vocab 2022-03-10
- a military alliance during WW2 between Germany, Italy, and Japan
- a canal in east Egypt that connects to the Meditteranean and Red Seas
- german worker's party
- loyalty and enthusiasm a person or group has about something at a particular time
- only providing people with a certain amount of things on a regular basis
- supporting or calling for aggressive military policies from the government
- the government ban on trade with countries
- the policy of remaining separated
- Japanese code of morals and honor
- having a bad reputation
- to change a factory to make something new
- northeastern province in China
- the separation of different racial groups
- African American fighter plan that fought during WW2
- imprisoning or fighting people without trial
- a battle when the US invaded and captured this certain island from the Japanese
- where Jews were required to live
- members of the national
- the systematic destruction of racial, political, religious, and cultural groups
19 Clues: german worker's party • having a bad reputation • members of the national • northeastern province in China • where Jews were required to live • the policy of remaining separated • Japanese code of morals and honor • to change a factory to make something new • the separation of different racial groups • the government ban on trade with countries • ...
WW2 crossword 2024-01-30
- america volunteer in china
- bad things that happen to jews
- farming
- Badass president
- military food
- country get money
- native american morse code
- funny mustache man
- lack of resources
- incarcerated concentration camps
- african american pilots
- Normandy beach
- japanese attack
- men leave women take over
- kim jong un
- big boom project
- canadians without there hocky
- P-O-W camp/Jewish camp
19 Clues: farming • BIG BOOM • kim jong un • military food • Normandy beach • japanese attack • big boom project • Badass president • lack of resources • country get money • funny mustache man • P-O-W camp/Jewish camp • african american pilots • men leave women take over • america volunteer in china • native american morse code • canadians without there hocky • bad things that happen to jews • ...
WW2 CrossWord 2025-01-24
- members of an aircraft
- women who worked during ww2
- makes codes or breaks them down
- a quiet and independent person
- isolated or divided
- the second major war of the world
- confinement as a prisoner
- a member of north american people
- soldiers or armed forces
- people who fly planes
- Opposite of a man gender
- immigrant from japan, born in the US
12 Clues: isolated or divided • people who fly planes • members of an aircraft • soldiers or armed forces • Opposite of a man gender • confinement as a prisoner • women who worked during ww2 • a quiet and independent person • makes codes or breaks them down • a member of north american people • the second major war of the world • immigrant from japan, born in the US
World War One, World War Two, Cold War 2024-05-12
- The US remained this for the first two years of WW2.
- The Germans used these to blow up ships, leading to the US involvement.
- This wanted the "containment of communism" to be the main focus of the war- did not want communism to spread to more countries.
- Created by the US after World War One, US never joined due to senator objection.
- Wilson's plan to get rid of the causes of war.
- Panic selling of this led to the stock market crash and mass removal of money from banks.
- The Cold War was against this federation.
- This was formed after WW2 to try to prevent another world war from ever happening again.
- This country was split into two with its capital city being split by a wall.
- Used by Roosevelt to talk to American people over the radio.
- This was used by the US military where they would take over islands close to Japan to use as bases.
- Japanese Americans were forcibly relocated to these in the US due to the fear that they were helping the enemy.
- This plan was created by the US to help rebuild Europe after WW2.
- Created international rules making countries treat POWs (prisoners of war) humanely.
- Created by Roosevelt's program, this offered safeguards for workers and is still used today.
- The reason why the US did not want to join the First World War.
- Harbor The attack on this place made the US join WW2.
- After the stock market crash of 1929, the US and the world was thrust into this due to a lack of money.
- This program by Roosevelt led to the country recovering after the stock market crash and the Great Depression.
- This was the form of government that the Soviet Union had.
20 Clues: The Cold War was against this federation. • Wilson's plan to get rid of the causes of war. • The US remained this for the first two years of WW2. • Harbor The attack on this place made the US join WW2. • This was the form of government that the Soviet Union had. • Used by Roosevelt to talk to American people over the radio. • ...
Prisoner B-3087 2023-06-05
World War One, World War Two, Cold War 2024-05-12
- The US remained this for the first two years of WW2.
- The Germans used these to blow up ships, leading to the US involvement.
- This wanted the "containment of communism" to be the main focus of the war- did not want communism to spread to more countries.
- Created by the US after World War One, US never joined due to senator objection.
- Wilson's plan to get rid of the causes of war.
- Panic selling of this led to the stock market crash and mass removal of money from banks.
- The Cold War was against this federation.
- This was formed after WW2 to try to prevent another world war from ever happening again.
- This country was split into two with its capital city being split by a wall.
- Used by Roosevelt to talk to American people over the radio.
- This was used by the US military where they would take over islands close to Japan to use as bases.
- Japanese Americans were forcibly relocated to these in the US due to the fear that they were helping the enemy.
- This plan was created by the US to help rebuild Europe after WW2.
- Created international rules making countries treat POWs (prisoners of war) humanely.
- Created by Roosevelt's program, this offered safeguards for workers and is still used today.
- The reason why the US did not want to join the First World War.
- Harbor The attack on this place made the US join WW2.
- After the stock market crash of 1929, the US and the world was thrust into this due to a lack of money.
- This program by Roosevelt led to the country recovering after the stock market crash and the Great Depression.
- This was the form of government that the Soviet Union had.
20 Clues: The Cold War was against this federation. • Wilson's plan to get rid of the causes of war. • The US remained this for the first two years of WW2. • Harbor The attack on this place made the US join WW2. • This was the form of government that the Soviet Union had. • Used by Roosevelt to talk to American people over the radio. • ...
Novel Project 2023-10-10
- Camps where Jews were brought during WW2
- A battle
- Someone who escaped a country
- A floating way of transportation
- A way of voicing your opinions
- A war torn country in the Middle East
- A socialist type of government
- Prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control
- An armed force will do this to an enemy country
- A state of being protected
- A way to describe something that isn't safe
- A state of living in which you don't have shelter
- A country in the Gulf of Mexico
- A large body of water
- Can't be found
- A country in Europe responsible for WW2
- A brass instrument
- A force that prevents and stops crimes
- A Jewish celebration for a young boy
- A sea creature known for killing
20 Clues: A battle • Can't be found • A brass instrument • A large body of water • A state of being protected • Someone who escaped a country • A way of voicing your opinions • A socialist type of government • A country in the Gulf of Mexico • A floating way of transportation • A sea creature known for killing • A Jewish celebration for a young boy • A war torn country in the Middle East • ...
World War II 2024-05-15
- the making of articles on a large scale using machinery; industrial production
- a women who started a organize a women's support section for the Army in ww2
- a tank used by the Americans in ww2
- an admiral in ww2.
- a German war plane in ww2
- African-American hero of World War II, was born Doris Miller in Waco, Texas
- people who are called in Germany
- blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence
8 Clues: an admiral in ww2. • a German war plane in ww2 • people who are called in Germany • a tank used by the Americans in ww2 • blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence • African-American hero of World War II, was born Doris Miller in Waco, Texas • a women who started a organize a women's support section for the Army in ww2 • ...
German-Soviet War 2021-05-31
10 Clues: homeland • A Russian town • an alliance in WW2 • German word for "tank" • a very powerful attack • German word for "realm" • Acronym participant in WW2 • likely to happen very soon • a German offensive operation • the line of contact of two opposing forces
WW2 2013-05-21
WW2 2024-02-13
- the first country germany invaded
- the main medium tank used by the united states during the war
- the country germany went through to get to france
- what ended the war
- the gun designed to break through the magnot line
- germanies initial ally until hitler betrayed them
- germany, italy, and japan
- the french bunker line to protect from germany
- the place japan bombed getting the us into the war
- united states, britain, french, and russia
- what island was a huge part of the pacific theater and turned the course of the war
11 Clues: what ended the war • germany, italy, and japan • the first country germany invaded • united states, britain, french, and russia • the french bunker line to protect from germany • germanies initial ally until hitler betrayed them • the country germany went through to get to france • the gun designed to break through the magnot line • ...
WW2 Vocab. 2024-04-10
- economic condition when money loses it’s value and prices go up
- Hitler’s fascist party
- Great Britain, the USA, the USSR, and France.
- (systematic killing) of European Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II.
- Fearful of Japanese spies, more than 100,000 West Coast Japanese - Americans were sent to detention centers.
- Germany Italy Japan
- Prison and work camps for civilians.
- An often negative preconceived opinion or feeling towards someone due to race, gender, religion
- Government where everything is decided by one dictator
- A fictional character appearing on government posters encouraging women to help in the war effort.
- A leader who rules with total authority in a cruel or brutal manner
- Hatred, hostility, and discrimination toward and against Jews.
- Hitler’s “Final Solution.”
- The belief that a “pure” blood German with blonde-hair and blue eyes was superior to all other races.
- A political philosophy that denies individual freedom
- The U.S. helped Great Britain by supplying ammunition & old warships in exchange for several military bases in Bermuda & the Caribbean.
- Consumers could buy only certain number of goods so that the majority of these goods could be sent abroad to aid in the war effort.
- Site of Japanese surprise attack on December 7, 1941
- Accepting demands to avoid conflict
19 Clues: Germany Italy Japan • Hitler’s fascist party • Hitler’s “Final Solution.” • Accepting demands to avoid conflict • Prison and work camps for civilians. • Great Britain, the USA, the USSR, and France. • Site of Japanese surprise attack on December 7, 1941 • A political philosophy that denies individual freedom • Government where everything is decided by one dictator • ...
The Lost Generation 2014-02-10
- Inventor of the short story
- American president during WW2
- The most famous author of the Lost Generation
- Japan attacked...
- 'The sun also...'
- Which theory is invented by Ernest Hemingway?
- America drops atomic bomb on...
- minister of GB during WW2
- Who created the term 'Lost Generation'?
- The ... does not allow alcohol
- Many young authors went to...
11 Clues: Japan attacked... • 'The sun also...' • minister of GB during WW2 • Inventor of the short story • American president during WW2 • Many young authors went to... • The ... does not allow alcohol • America drops atomic bomb on... • Who created the term 'Lost Generation'? • The most famous author of the Lost Generation • Which theory is invented by Ernest Hemingway?
WWII 2023-02-07
- This was the first major Japanese defeat and the turning point of the war in the Pacific.
- A form of government that is Nationalistic to the Extreme
- hitlers program of systematically killing the entire Jewish people
- The day the allies began their invasion of the European mainland during WW2
- Major Manufacturing center after WW1
- Czechoslvakians were not invited to this conference
- This country owed the Allies 33 billion dollars
- agreement in which nations promise not to attack one another
- an iconic poster of a female factory worker promoting and suggesting women to join the American WW2 effort.
- Hitlers book were he blames Jews and the Communist for the loss of WW1(answer is written in german)
- political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that created and supported the ideology of Nazism.
- German Chancellor 1933-1945
- military strategies used by the allies in WW2 of concentrating Japanese islands that did not have good defense.
- the making of concessions to an aggressor in order to avoid war
- Elimination of political opponents, consolidation of power, fear of counterrevolution, fear of party infiltration
- Japanese military general at the time of WW2
- The Night of Broken Glass
- a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.
- Japanease attack on Hawaii
- Hatred, hostility, and discrimination toward and against Jews
- Capitol of Germany
- Germany had to accept blame for WW1 because of this treaty
- a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.
- Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union
- Germany, Italy, and Japan
- the US government could lend or lease her supplies deemed ¨vital to the defense of the US¨
26 Clues: Capitol of Germany • The Night of Broken Glass • Germany, Italy, and Japan • Japanease attack on Hawaii • German Chancellor 1933-1945 • Major Manufacturing center after WW1 • Japanese military general at the time of WW2 • This country owed the Allies 33 billion dollars • Czechoslvakians were not invited to this conference • ...
History crossword puzzle 2022-11-28
- What happened to the man who stopped clapping during a standing ovation for a dictator?
- canada was the dynamite of
- on?
- who was the main country in the Axis
- germany was in a bad state after
- who spoke about the germans when they were too
- who relied on Elsie Macgill
- dictatorship= strong charismatic leader
- what caused WW2 germany invaded
- The leader of Germany during WW2
- the treaty reunited germany's
- who promised a strong government italy
- who was prime minister during WW2
- canada produced weapons and war vehicles
- what was the appeasement trying to avoid
- surrounding nations received german
- june 6th 1944 was known as war on the
17 Clues: on? • canada was the dynamite of • who relied on Elsie Macgill • the treaty reunited germany's • what caused WW2 germany invaded • germany was in a bad state after • The leader of Germany during WW2 • who was prime minister during WW2 • surrounding nations received german • who was the main country in the Axis • june 6th 1944 was known as war on the • ...
WW2 Crossword 2021-05-09
- First battle where aircraft carriers engaged each other and the opposing ships did not fire directly on one another was known as the Battle of the ___________
- The last major and bloodiest battle of WW2.
- Allied invasion of French North Africa.
- Air and sea battle that permitted U.S. invasion of the Philippines.
- The codename for the Battle of Normandy.
- Name for early months of WW2 with no major hostilities.
- Means lightning war in German and was a fast attack strategy used in WW2.
- Estimated 2 million deaths from this battle between Germany and the Soviets over this city.
- German offensive campaign launched through the Ardennes region.
- American invasion that was designated as Operation Detachment.
- Planned attack on U.S. naval base near Honolulu Hawaii.
- The successful defense of Great Britain against air raids by the German Luftwaffe.
- This battle was a defense and evacuation of Allied forces against Germany.
- First air operation to strike the Japanese archipelago.
- American B-29 bomber dropped world's first atomic bomb over this city.
- Major naval battle in Pacific that took place in June of 1942.
16 Clues: Allied invasion of French North Africa. • The codename for the Battle of Normandy. • The last major and bloodiest battle of WW2. • Planned attack on U.S. naval base near Honolulu Hawaii. • First air operation to strike the Japanese archipelago. • Name for early months of WW2 with no major hostilities. • American invasion that was designated as Operation Detachment. • ...
Early Cold War 2022-05-31
- Where everyone is equal.
- Replaced Stalin as Soviet leader.
- A large supply of weapons.
- An ally of the USA.
- The Soviet Union wanted to destroy this country after WW2.
- Hitler and Stalin were examples of these.
- A set of political ideas.
- Another word for spying.
- An Eastern European country that became Communist after WW2.
- A very strong country.
- Country where Stalin was born.
- President Truman's first name.
- A set of rules by which a country is run.
- This big country became Communist in 1949.
- Another term for the Soiviet Union.
- There was a war here 1950-53.
16 Clues: An ally of the USA. • A very strong country. • Where everyone is equal. • Another word for spying. • A set of political ideas. • A large supply of weapons. • There was a war here 1950-53. • Country where Stalin was born. • President Truman's first name. • Replaced Stalin as Soviet leader. • Another term for the Soiviet Union. • A set of rules by which a country is run. • ...
European History 2013-02-21
- Structure put up to separate East and West Germany after WW2.
- Church that grew during the middle ages lead by the Pope.
- Leader of the Frankish Empire
- Economic Alliance created between the nations of Europe.
- Invasions by this group lead to the fall of the Roman Empire.
- Name of time period after the Roman Empire fell and innovation regressed.
- Greek city-state that had the first idea of democracy.
- Famous philosopher and scholar who created the Mona Lisa.
- Doctrine stating that the U.S. would support Greece from falling under Soviet control.
- Time period where new ideas were introduced to Greece through the information highway.
- Type of government that appealed to the poor and allowed leaders with malicious intentions the reign.
- Nations of Great Brittan, France, the United States, etc. that defeated the central powers in WW2.
- The act of charting across the seas to colonize
- Tensions with this middle eastern terrorist group have risen recently.
- Process of land distribution after the fall of the Franks.
- Sailed the ocean blue in 1492
- Prison camps for Jews started by the Nazis and their leader Adolf Hitler.
- Type of volunteer military that lead to the downfall of the Roman army.
- Famous conqueror for Greece in during the Classical Period.
- New type of warfare introduced by the U.S. in WW2.
- Empire that rose to power in the Dark Ages.
- Section of the Roman Empire that stayed alive after the fall.
- Naval vessels used by Germany during WW2.
- Time period where literature, philosophy and the arts were cherished.
- Document that re-introduced democracy in 1215.
- Religion that was spread during the Middle Ages through crusades.
- Plague that killed over 1/3 of Europe's population.
- Conflict between the United States and Russia.
28 Clues: Sailed the ocean blue in 1492 • Leader of the Frankish Empire • Naval vessels used by Germany during WW2. • Empire that rose to power in the Dark Ages. • Document that re-introduced democracy in 1215. • Conflict between the United States and Russia. • The act of charting across the seas to colonize • New type of warfare introduced by the U.S. in WW2. • ...
WWII 2023-02-07
- This was the first major Japanese defeat and the turning point of the war in the Pacific.
- A form of government that is Nationalistic to the Extreme
- hitlers program of systematically killing the entire Jewish people
- The day the allies began their invasion of the European mainland during WW2
- Major Manufacturing center after WW1
- Czechoslvakians were not invited to this conference
- This country owed the Allies 33 billion dollars
- agreement in which nations promise not to attack one another
- an iconic poster of a female factory worker promoting and suggesting women to join the American WW2 effort.
- Hitlers book were he blames Jews and the Communist for the loss of WW1(answer is written in german)
- political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that created and supported the ideology of Nazism.
- German Chancellor 1933-1945
- military strategies used by the allies in WW2 of concentrating Japanese islands that did not have good defense.
- the making of concessions to an aggressor in order to avoid war
- Elimination of political opponents, consolidation of power, fear of counterrevolution, fear of party infiltration
- Japanese military general at the time of WW2
- The Night of Broken Glass
- a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.
- Japanease attack on Hawaii
- Hatred, hostility, and discrimination toward and against Jews
- Capitol of Germany
- Germany had to accept blame for WW1 because of this treaty
- a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.
- Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union
- Germany, Italy, and Japan
- the US government could lend or lease her supplies deemed ¨vital to the defense of the US¨
26 Clues: Capitol of Germany • The Night of Broken Glass • Germany, Italy, and Japan • Japanease attack on Hawaii • German Chancellor 1933-1945 • Major Manufacturing center after WW1 • Japanese military general at the time of WW2 • This country owed the Allies 33 billion dollars • Czechoslvakians were not invited to this conference • ...