ww2 Crossword Puzzles

World War One, World War Two, Cold War 2024-05-12

World War One, World War Two, Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. The Cold War was against this federation.
  2. Created international rules making countries treat POWs (prisoners of war) humanely.
  3. Created by Roosevelt's program, this offered safeguards for workers and is still used today.
  4. This plan was created by the US to help rebuild Europe after WW2.
  5. Harbor The attack on this place made the US join WW2.
  6. This was the form of government that the Soviet Union had.
  7. The Germans used these to blow up ships, leading to the US involvement.
  8. Created by the US after World War One, US never joined due to senator objection.
  9. This was formed after WW2 to try to prevent another world war from ever happening again.
  10. Wilson's plan to get rid of the causes of war.
  1. Japanese Americans were forcibly relocated to these in the US due to the fear that they were helping the enemy.
  2. After the stock market crash of 1929, the US and the world was thrust into this due to a lack of money.
  3. This was used by the US military where they would take over islands close to Japan to use as bases.
  4. This wanted the "containment of communism" to be the main focus of the war- did not want communism to spread to more countries.
  5. This country was split into two with its capital city being split by a wall.
  6. This program by Roosevelt led to the country recovering after the stock market crash and the Great Depression.
  7. The reason why the US did not want to join the First World War.
  8. The US remained this for the first two years of WW2.
  9. Used by Roosevelt to talk to American people over the radio.
  10. Panic selling of this led to the stock market crash and mass removal of money from banks.

20 Clues: The Cold War was against this federation.Wilson's plan to get rid of the causes of war.The US remained this for the first two years of WW2.Harbor The attack on this place made the US join WW2.This was the form of government that the Soviet Union had.Used by Roosevelt to talk to American people over the radio....

History and conflicts 2024-05-10

History and conflicts crossword puzzle
  1. an empire between 753 bce-476 ad
  2. greek philosopher
  3. ideology in USA believing that the eastern territory is theirs
  4. Germanys first loss in WW2
  5. French invention during the French Revolution
  6. the begining of WW2
  7. the biggest empire in history
  1. Napoleons family name
  2. a war between Sweden and Russia
  3. period of cultural movement in Europe
  4. the final tsar of russia
  5. German invasion strategy in Poland, France and Russia

12 Clues: greek philosopherthe begining of WW2Napoleons family namethe final tsar of russiaGermanys first loss in WW2the biggest empire in historya war between Sweden and Russiaan empire between 753 bce-476 adperiod of cultural movement in EuropeFrench invention during the French RevolutionGerman invasion strategy in Poland, France and Russia...

Origins of the Cold War 2024-05-13

Origins of the Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Place where meeting was help in February 1945 to decide how to deal with Europe after WW2.
  2. Leader of the USSR from 1924.
  3. Ideology of the USA.
  4. President who died in 1945.
  5. Phrase which Winston Churhill used to describe the divide in Europe.
  1. Country which became Communist after WW2 after Stalin forced non-Communist leaders into exile.
  2. Ideology of the USA.
  3. City that was split into 4 zones after WW2.
  4. The name of the economic scheme which gave $17billion to countries in Europe at risk of turning to communism.
  5. Became president in April 1945.
  6. Ideology of the USSR.
  7. Vehicles used to supply West Berlin after it was blockaded,

12 Clues: Ideology of the USA.Ideology of the USA.Ideology of the USSR.President who died in 1945.Leader of the USSR from 1924.Became president in April 1945.City that was split into 4 zones after WW2.Vehicles used to supply West Berlin after it was blockaded,Phrase which Winston Churhill used to describe the divide in Europe....

World War II 2022-06-15

World War II crossword puzzle
  1. The causes of WW2
  2. Great Britain, USA, France, etc.
  3. IN WW2 there was a ... shortage
  4. second city in which the nuclear bomb was thrown
  5. an extreme devotion to a nation
  6. political system, in which a dictator takes total control of a government
  7. When a Hewish person was captured, they were tasked to a ...
  8. Germany´s leader
  1. City first in which the nuclear bomb was thrown
  2. organization formed after World War One.
  3. Germany, Italy, Soviet Union, Japan
  4. Jewish people had to ...
  5. The party that followed Hitler
  6. Soviet Union´s leader
  7. World War II began because Hitler invaded ...
  8. To leave somewhere due to a lack of safety
  9. Iltaly´s leader
  10. All ... boys had to enlist into the army.

18 Clues: Iltaly´s leaderGermany´s leaderThe causes of WW2Soviet Union´s leaderJewish people had to ...The party that followed HitlerIN WW2 there was a ... shortagean extreme devotion to a nationGreat Britain, USA, France, etc.Germany, Italy, Soviet Union, Japanorganization formed after World War One.All ... boys had to enlist into the army....

Irag war 2022-02-04

Irag war crossword puzzle
  1. Men
  2. awe
  3. fly
  4. car
  5. ww2
  6. weapons
  7. gun
  8. c4
  1. weapons
  2. propel
  3. usa
  4. country
  5. uniform
  6. Bin laden
  7. Hussein

15 Clues: c4usaMenaweflycarww2gunpropelweaponscountryuniformweaponsHusseinBin laden

Contemporary Crossword 2022-05-23

Contemporary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. leader of the bosheviks and october revolution
  2. statement by the british indorsing the establishment of a home for the jewish people in palestine
  3. detection system that uses radio waves to determine distance, many uses including aviation and military, first introduced in 1904
  4. multi-pourpose computer meant for personal use, introduced in 1975
  5. chemical weapon first used in ww1 during trench warfare
  6. leader of soviet union during ww2, known for cruelty
  7. spanish flu outbreak that killed over 30 mil during ww1
  8. genetic modification of an organism, used in green revolution to enhance seeds
  9. a constitutionalist backed by the US in order to overthrow huerta
  10. system of computer networks that is used for many reasons from commercial to governmental, first introduced in 1969
  11. naval submarines used by germany during ww1
  12. overthrow of provisional government by the bolsheviks, ended in creation of ussr
  13. communist revolutionary who was a key figure of the cuban revolution and served as president of cuba
  14. facist leader of germany during ww2
  15. armored vehicle first introduced by britain in ww1
  16. death of austro-hungarian royalty that started ww1
  17. communication device that uses radio waves to trasmit sound long distances wirelessly, first introduced in 1906
  1. weapon capable of destroying cities, first used in ww2 by the us on japan
  2. leader of us during ww1 and author of 14 points
  3. first to come to power during mexican revolution, rose to power after government collapsed due to miner uprising
  4. method to tell what blood type someone has for blood transfusion or donation, first indroduced in 1901
  5. international economic decline caused by ww1
  6. communist revolutionary who lead guerrilas to fight the nationalist and founded the people’s republic of china
  7. law enacted by the british that granted india regional autonomy, direct elections, and expansion of voting rights
  8. civil rights leader who used non-violent resistece to protest british colonial rule over india
  9. anti-imperialist demonstration caused by treaty of versailles’ provision on the Shadong peninsula
  10. facist pm of italy during ww2
  11. japanese attack on a us naval base that caused the us to join the allies in ww2
  12. drug that gives aquired immunity to fight flu, first introduced in 1945
  13. non-violent protest of british rule by ghandi and his followers, they marched over 240 miles to access salt
  14. encirclement of the nationalist by the communist guerrillas during chinese revolution

31 Clues: facist pm of italy during ww2facist leader of germany during ww2naval submarines used by germany during ww1international economic decline caused by ww1leader of the bosheviks and october revolutionleader of us during ww1 and author of 14 pointsarmored vehicle first introduced by britain in ww1death of austro-hungarian royalty that started ww1...

Iron Curtain 2024-02-02

Iron Curtain crossword puzzle
  1. Russian Dictator
  2. President of US after WW2
  3. Other Germany Part occupied by UK, France, and US
  4. Organization that had countries in need and Democratic Countries
  5. Invisible divider on map after WW2
  6. A situation of Communist Cuba launching Missiles at the US
  7. Part of Iron Curtain, but visible
  8. The belief of equal pay and public ownership
  1. Older and Bigger Russia
  2. Communist Countries group name
  3. Other Russian Dictator
  4. Tensions between US and Soviet during 60s
  5. Germany Part divided and controlled by Russia
  6. The Idea of self own, sell, and purchase
  7. Communist Invasion of South Korea from North Korea

15 Clues: Russian DictatorOther Russian DictatorOlder and Bigger RussiaPresident of US after WW2Communist Countries group namePart of Iron Curtain, but visibleInvisible divider on map after WW2The Idea of self own, sell, and purchaseTensions between US and Soviet during 60sThe belief of equal pay and public ownership...

The Lost Generation 2014-02-10

The Lost Generation crossword puzzle
  1. The ... does not allow alcohol
  2. The most famous author of the Lost Generation
  3. Inventor of the short story
  4. American president during WW2
  1. minister of GB during WW2
  2. Who created the term 'Lost Generation'?
  3. Which theory is invented by Ernest Hemingway?
  4. Many young authors went to...
  5. Japan attacked...
  6. America drops atomic bomb on...
  7. 'The sun also...'

11 Clues: Japan attacked...'The sun also...'minister of GB during WW2Inventor of the short storyMany young authors went to...American president during WW2The ... does not allow alcoholAmerica drops atomic bomb on...Who created the term 'Lost Generation'?Which theory is invented by Ernest Hemingway?The most famous author of the Lost Generation

WWII 2021-11-16

WWII crossword puzzle
  1. how many woman served in ww2 from the americans
  2. what did disney make for world war two
  3. what was the operation called when they opened it
  4. who served in segregated units
  5. what act did america create to help the allies
  6. how many ships could america not save
  7. who joined the allies after being attacked
  8. Who did germany invade in 1939
  9. What was caused by a drought
  10. What fleet did china attack
  11. Where was Germany,Italy, and japan gaining territories
  12. Who was the last president inaugurated on march 4th
  13. what did the chinese fail to bring down
  14. who really wanted to open the westen front
  15. how long did it take to bring back the sunken ships
  16. how long did the chinese think the american pacific fleet would take to rebuild
  1. how many american served in ww2
  2. How many ships did the Chinese sink
  3. who volunteered more than any other minority group for the war
  4. who took the place of the mens jobs when they went to war
  5. what got opened on june 6th, 1944
  6. what did china attack
  7. who volunteered on farms during ww2
  8. what did Europe, Africa, and Asia create
  9. Who was elected as chancellor
  10. what does everyone call the operation now

26 Clues: what did china attackWhat fleet did china attackWhat was caused by a droughtWho was elected as chancellorwho served in segregated unitsWho did germany invade in 1939how many american served in ww2what got opened on june 6th, 1944How many ships did the Chinese sinkwho volunteered on farms during ww2how many ships could america not save...

Hitler’s Lighting War According to Mira 2019-05-20

Hitler’s Lighting War According to Mira crossword puzzle
  1. This was the leader of Germany at the time
  2. This country took 11 days to fall after Germany invaded
  3. What was the affect of winston Churchill’s speech
  4. This country took 2 months to fall after a German Invasion.
  5. Due to the UK’s advance in___________, it helped turn the tide into their favour
  6. At the beginning of the war, what was Italy’s position in the war
  7. This was the losing party of WW2 with Germany, Italy, Japan etc.
  8. This was the name of the operation in which hitler would take over the Soviet Union
  9. A major part in why ITALY was interested in Egypt was because of this (two words)
  10. This country fiercely defended their country against the soviets.
  1. Before ITALY took over Egypt, who occupied it?
  2. a This was the name of Germany’s airforce
  3. This was Germany’s first test of their newest military strategy.
  4. also known as the sitzkrieg, this was one the most boring and pointless battles (three words)
  5. Million’s of allies soldiers were trapped here
  6. This was the winning party of WW2 with France, Britain, Russia etc.
  7. this was the leader of the UK during WW2
  8. This was the first fascist leader
  9. Despite this country’s “great” efforts in the war, they eventually lost
  10. This dictator signed a ten-year nonaggression pact with Hitler.
  11. A great strength of Germany’s army were its _________.

21 Clues: This was the first fascist leaderthis was the leader of the UK during WW2a This was the name of Germany’s airforceThis was the leader of Germany at the timeBefore ITALY took over Egypt, who occupied it?Million’s of allies soldiers were trapped hereWhat was the affect of winston Churchill’s speech...

Flynn Davidson 2023-04-03

Flynn Davidson crossword puzzle
  1. endedin1945
  2. supportedGermany
  3. civilrightsactivist
  4. Britiangeneral
  5. liutenantgeneral
  6. Germandictatorer
  7. workedwithchurchill
  8. sovietcommander
  1. abwehargeneral
  2. airchief
  3. planebuilder
  4. President
  5. Texaspolitician

13 Clues: airchiefPresidentendedin1945planebuilderabwehargeneralBritiangeneralTexaspoliticiansovietcommandersupportedGermanyliutenantgeneralGermandictatorercivilrightsactivistworkedwithchurchill

Korea Crossword 2023-04-27

Korea Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Kim Jong- Un's title
  2. supplied South Korea with troops during the Korean War
  3. what industry does North Korea invest most of their money in
  4. A promise that the U.S. would send military defense to countries being threatened by a communist country
  5. zone, a border between two countries where there is no military equipment or people allowed to exist
  6. started the Korean war by invading another country
  7. theory, the idea that if one country fell to communism the surrounding countries would as well
  8. Allied leaders decided they would help occupy country's they had troops in at the end of WW2 and help them rebuild
  9. military alliance between democratic nations
  10. controlled the Korean peninsula before WW2
  11. a war of words, threats and tension, with no direct fighting
  12. first president of South Korea
  13. South Korea invests in _________________, which is why they have more paved roads than North Korea
  1. South Korea's biggest export
  2. South Kore leans towards a _______________ economy
  3. policy where countries tried to stop the spread of communism
  4. fought on the side of the communists in the Korean War
  5. occupied North Korea after WW2
  6. North Korea leans towards a __________________ economy
  7. Financial aid from the US to European Countries that were destroyed in the war
  8. starting your own business
  9. a "deadlock" where there is no winner
  10. a cease fire or truce
  11. the Koreas are a ___________________

24 Clues: Kim Jong- Un's titlea cease fire or trucestarting your own businessSouth Korea's biggest exportoccupied North Korea after WW2first president of South Koreathe Koreas are a ___________________a "deadlock" where there is no winnercontrolled the Korean peninsula before WW2military alliance between democratic nations...

History vocab #5 2024-02-15

History vocab #5 crossword puzzle
  1. The president who chose to drop the Nuclear bomb on Japan twice. Harry S. Truman Learned about the nuclear bomb only when he became president a few month before
  2. When Germany attacked Russia for Stalingrad during the winter. Russia used the winter to their advantage and won against Germany putting them onto the defense.
  3. The largest war prep in history including land, naval, and air defenses. America was defending from a German attack America knew was coming
  4. A deliberate genocide against Jews during WW2
  5. When Germany attacked Britain and destroyed London. Ultimately Britain won with a more superior air force and made Germany want revenge which made him aim his focus at the eastern front
  6. America’s top secret nuclear bomb project during WW2
  7. (The night of broken glass) The night Germans ransacked a town forcing the Jews out into Poland.
  8. The two cities America dropped Nuclear bombs on.
  9. Germany attacked American defenses. Germany ended up losing this battle because they couldn't replenish their troops as fast as America could.
  10. “the father of the Nuclear bomb” Was a leader of the Manhattan project during WW2, helped produce the nuclear bomb
  1. This is the battle between Japan and America.
  2. This was America’s first battle on Japanese soil. This brought America closer to Japan’s Mainland and left the U.S with the option to invade or drop the nuclear bomb
  3. These trials held Nazis at fault for the holocaust for acts against humanity
  4. Where Jews were held and killed during the Holocaust in WW2
  5. The 34th President of America and was also a military leader during WW2 who tricked Germany with an inflatable army.
  6. This is when Japanese troops would committing suicide by crashing their planes into American ships.
  7. Victory in Japan. This is when Japan surrendered
  8. Victory in Europe is when the Germans surrender.
  9. This is the strategy America used attacking Japanese islands. this is where America would attack the smaller islands under Japanese control instead of attacking the biggest one first.
  10. This was Japan’s attempt to finish what they started at Pearl Harbor. America was able to set a trap in anticipation of this attack though because America was able to decipher the code Japan was using to send messages.
  11. Limiting the use of a certain resource to either put to another cause or make it last longer. This happened in America with many resources to help America in the war
  12. Slums surrounded by barbed wire that the Germans put Jews into.

22 Clues: This is the battle between Japan and America.A deliberate genocide against Jews during WW2Victory in Japan. This is when Japan surrenderedVictory in Europe is when the Germans surrender.The two cities America dropped Nuclear bombs on.America’s top secret nuclear bomb project during WW2Where Jews were held and killed during the Holocaust in WW2...

Jigsaw HW Crossword 2019-03-22

Jigsaw HW Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Image of women workforce during ww2
  2. Rounds of Ammo produced
  3. Volunteer Women Air Force
  4. Additional
  1. Year the War Ended
  2. organization joined by 3million women during ww2
  3. Word used to describe the wartime production of people in US
  4. Amount of Women who joined the workforce in ww2

8 Clues: AdditionalYear the War EndedRounds of Ammo producedVolunteer Women Air ForceImage of women workforce during ww2Amount of Women who joined the workforce in ww2organization joined by 3million women during ww2Word used to describe the wartime production of people in US

Final unit 8 review 2024-05-09

Final unit 8 review crossword puzzle
  1. helped build state parks and gave jobs to young men
  2. "father of the sea"
  3. Helped aid Americans during the great depression
  4. gave electricity to rural areas
  5. made ships
  6. helped the sick during WW1
  7. got attacked by japan
  8. aircraft used in WW2
  1. everyone stopped buying things
  2. aided weapons to allied powers during WW2
  3. Boll weevil ate all of this.
  4. led to the great depression
  5. stopped farmers growing certain crops
  6. world powers fought for the second time
  7. world powers fought for first time

15 Clues: made ships"father of the sea"aircraft used in WW2got attacked by japanhelped the sick during WW1led to the great depressionBoll weevil ate all of this.everyone stopped buying thingsgave electricity to rural areasworld powers fought for first timestopped farmers growing certain cropsworld powers fought for the second time...

WW2 crosswords 2022-05-04

WW2 crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. gave the order to drop the bomb
  2. First city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
  3. a weapon that ended ww2
  4. a country was shared with the soviet union and germany but later belong to germany
  5. Leader of germany
  6. Had Germany, Italy, and Japan
  7. Took away rights from jews
  8. leader of Japan
  9. Second city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
  10. Germanys target
  1. A riot that rioted against jews
  2. switched places to the allies
  3. Leader of Italy
  4. One who wrote about his father's time at the holocaust
  5. where the german army took the jews at
  6. Had the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain
  7. a german army
  8. Killed 17 million people

18 Clues: a german armyLeader of Italyleader of JapanGermanys targetLeader of germanya weapon that ended ww2Killed 17 million peopleTook away rights from jewsswitched places to the alliesHad Germany, Italy, and Japangave the order to drop the bombA riot that rioted against jewswhere the german army took the jews atHad the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain...

WW2 crosswords 2022-05-04

WW2 crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. gave the order to drop the bomb
  2. First city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
  3. a weapon that ended ww2
  4. a country was shared with the soviet union and germany but later belong to germany
  5. Leader of germany
  6. Had Germany, Italy, and Japan
  7. Took away rights from jews
  8. leader of Japan
  9. Second city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
  10. Germanys target
  1. A riot that rioted against jews
  2. switched places to the allies
  3. Leader of Italy
  4. One who wrote about his father's time at the holocaust
  5. where the german army took the jews at
  6. Had the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain
  7. a german army
  8. Killed 17 million people

18 Clues: a german armyLeader of Italyleader of JapanGermanys targetLeader of germanya weapon that ended ww2Killed 17 million peopleTook away rights from jewsswitched places to the alliesHad Germany, Italy, and Japangave the order to drop the bombA riot that rioted against jewswhere the german army took the jews atHad the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain...

WW2 Battles 2024-04-24

WW2 Battles crossword puzzle
  1. Nickname for the British Royal Air Force
  2. USS _____, aka the "Indestructible Ship"
  3. US state attacked during Pearl Harbor
  4. Nickname of the MG42: "Hitler's ___"
  5. lead ship in the British Flower Class
  6. first city an atomic bomb was dropped on
  7. Side of the war Yamamoto Isoroku was on
  8. Side of the war that attacked on D-Day
  1. Name for the Combined Bomber Offensive: "Black ___"
  2. German Air Force
  3. Inventor of the Mitsubishsi A6M Plane
  4. operation where Germany invaded the Soviet Union
  5. what type of land is Iwo Jima
  6. U.S. army general George, Commander of the U.S. Army
  7. Type of Tank used by German with a 88mm gun
  8. Country that lost the Battle of Midway
  9. Job of Robert J. Oppenheimer
  10. River where Battle of Stalingrad was fought

18 Clues: German Air ForceJob of Robert J. Oppenheimerwhat type of land is Iwo JimaNickname of the MG42: "Hitler's ___"Inventor of the Mitsubishsi A6M PlaneUS state attacked during Pearl Harborlead ship in the British Flower ClassCountry that lost the Battle of MidwaySide of the war that attacked on D-DaySide of the war Yamamoto Isoroku was on...

Early Cold War 2022-05-31

Early Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Capital of the USSR.
  2. Where everyone is equal.
  3. Country where Stalin was born.
  4. A set of rules by which a country is run.
  5. A very strong country.
  6. There was a war here 1950-53.
  7. This big country became Communist in 1949.
  8. President Truman's first name.
  9. A set of political ideas.
  1. The Soviet Union did not allow fair ones of these to occur in Eastern Europe.
  2. A large supply of weapons.
  3. Hitler and Stalin were examples of these.
  4. An Eastern European country that became Communist after WW2.
  5. Another word for spying.
  6. The Soviet Union wanted to destroy this country after WW2.
  7. An ally of the USA.
  8. Another term for the Soiviet Union.
  9. Replaced Stalin as Soviet leader.

18 Clues: An ally of the USA.Capital of the USSR.A very strong country.Where everyone is equal.Another word for spying.A set of political ideas.A large supply of weapons.There was a war here 1950-53.Country where Stalin was born.President Truman's first name.Replaced Stalin as Soviet leader.Another term for the Soiviet Union....

Hitler’s Lighting War According to Mira 2019-05-20

Hitler’s Lighting War According to Mira crossword puzzle
  1. This country took 11 days to fall after Germany invaded
  2. What was the affect of winston Churchill’s speech
  3. This country took 2 months to fall after a German Invasion.
  4. Millions of allies soldiers were trapped here
  5. Due to the UK’s advance in___________, it helped turn the tide into their favour
  6. A great strength of Germany’s army were its _________.
  7. this was the leader of the UK during WW2
  8. This was the name of the operation in which hitler would take over the Soviet Union
  9. This was the leader of Germany at the time
  10. This country fiercely defended their country against the soviets.
  11. Before ITALY took over Egypt, who occupied it?
  12. This was the winning party of WW2 with France, Britain, Russia etc.
  1. This was Germany’s first test of their newest military strategy.
  2. A major part in why ITALY was interested in Egypt was because of this (two words)
  3. Despite this country’s “great” efforts in the war, they eventually lost
  4. also known as the sitzkrieg, this was one the most boring and pointless battles (three words)
  5. At the beginning of the war, what was Italy’s position in the war
  6. a This was the name of Germany’s airforce
  7. This was the first fascist leader
  8. This dictator signed a ten-year nonaggression pact with Hitler.
  9. This was the losing party of WW2 with Germany, Italy, Japan etc.

21 Clues: This was the first fascist leaderthis was the leader of the UK during WW2a This was the name of Germany’s airforceThis was the leader of Germany at the timeMillions of allies soldiers were trapped hereBefore ITALY took over Egypt, who occupied it?What was the affect of winston Churchill’s speechA great strength of Germany’s army were its _________....

World War ll 2022-05-16

World War ll crossword puzzle
  1. What was the Japanese army called
  2. Leader of japan in world war 2
  3. the name of the side the US was on
  4. 2 countries join forces in war
  5. cause of world war two
  6. country where the first battle was
  7. japanese city the US bombed
  8. US entry into World War two
  9. What country did germany surrender in
  10. Leader of the Nazis
  11. what were american troops called
  12. how many countries fought in the war
  1. the amount of people who died in ww2
  2. leader of france in world war 2
  3. the name of the side germany was on
  4. How many years apart were ww1 and ww2
  5. General in charge of d-day
  6. a ditch dug for protection
  7. Japanese suicide pilots
  8. First president of World War two
  9. The people the Nazis targeted
  10. How many countries fought with germany

22 Clues: Leader of the Naziscause of world war twoJapanese suicide pilotsGeneral in charge of d-daya ditch dug for protectionjapanese city the US bombedUS entry into World War twoThe people the Nazis targetedLeader of japan in world war 22 countries join forces in warleader of france in world war 2First president of World War two...

WW2-Hour 1-U.S. History-Pummil 2024-02-13

WW2-Hour 1-U.S. History-Pummil crossword puzzle
  1. the alliance between 26 countries
  2. facist leader of Italy
  3. president who dropped Hiroshima and Nagusaki
  4. boats used during pearl harbor
  5. president during ww2
  6. "lighting war"
  1. the war with the soviet union was known as this byt he Germans
  2. battle on december 7, 1941
  3. made up of Italy, Germany,Japan
  4. the evacuation of British and French troops
  5. where ww2 started on Sep. 1,1939
  6. japan leader

12 Clues: japan leader"lighting war"president during ww2facist leader of Italybattle on december 7, 1941boats used during pearl harbormade up of Italy, Germany,Japanwhere ww2 started on Sep. 1,1939the alliance between 26 countriesthe evacuation of British and French troopspresident who dropped Hiroshima and Nagusaki...

Flynn Davidson 2023-04-03

Flynn Davidson crossword puzzle
  1. endedin1945
  2. supportedGermany
  3. civilrightsactivist
  4. Britiangeneral
  5. liutenantgeneral
  6. Germandictatorer
  7. workedwithchurchill
  8. sovietcommander
  1. abwehargeneral
  2. airchief
  3. planebuilder
  4. President
  5. Texaspolitician

13 Clues: airchiefPresidentendedin1945planebuilderabwehargeneralBritiangeneralTexaspoliticiansovietcommandersupportedGermanyliutenantgeneralGermandictatorercivilrightsactivistworkedwithchurchill

Early Cold War 2022-05-31

Early Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Capital of the USSR.
  2. Where everyone is equal.
  3. Country where Stalin was born.
  4. A set of rules by which a country is run.
  5. A very strong country.
  6. There was a war here 1950-53.
  7. This big country became Communist in 1949.
  8. President Truman's first name.
  9. A set of political ideas.
  1. The Soviet Union did not allow fair ones of these to occur in Eastern Europe.
  2. A large supply of weapons.
  3. Hitler and Stalin were examples of these.
  4. An Eastern European country that became Communist after WW2.
  5. Another word for spying.
  6. The Soviet Union wanted to destroy this country after WW2.
  7. An ally of the USA.
  8. Another term for the Soviet Union.
  9. Replaced Stalin as Soviet leader.

18 Clues: An ally of the USA.Capital of the USSR.A very strong country.Where everyone is equal.Another word for spying.A set of political ideas.A large supply of weapons.There was a war here 1950-53.Country where Stalin was born.President Truman's first name.Replaced Stalin as Soviet leader.Another term for the Soviet Union....

WW2 Vocab 2024-04-26

WW2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Laws
  2. Delano Roosevelt
  3. Project
  4. Churchill
  5. Plan
  6. Conference
  7. State
  8. Franco
  9. S. Truman
  10. Mussolini
  1. Macarthur
  2. Hideki Tojo
  3. Republic
  4. Camps
  5. Deal
  6. Stalin
  7. Hitler
  8. Depression
  9. Conference

19 Clues: LawsDealPlanCampsStateStalinHitlerFrancoProjectRepublicMacarthurChurchillS. TrumanMussoliniDepressionConferenceConferenceHideki TojoDelano Roosevelt

WW2 crosswords 2022-05-04

WW2 crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. gave the order to drop the bomb
  2. First city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
  3. a weapon that ended ww2
  4. a country was shared with the soviet union and germany but later belong to germany
  5. Leader of germany
  6. Had Germany, Italy, and Japan
  7. Took away rights from jews
  8. leader of Japan
  9. Second city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
  10. Germanys target
  1. A riot that rioted against jews
  2. switched places to the allies
  3. Leader of Italy
  4. One who wrote about his father's time at the holocaust
  5. where the german army took the jews at
  6. Had the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain
  7. a german army
  8. Killed 17 million people

18 Clues: a german armyLeader of Italyleader of JapanGermanys targetLeader of germanya weapon that ended ww2Killed 17 million peopleTook away rights from jewsswitched places to the alliesHad Germany, Italy, and Japangave the order to drop the bombA riot that rioted against jewswhere the german army took the jews atHad the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain...

SS8H9 Review 2024-02-13

SS8H9 Review crossword puzzle
  1. this international conflict was from 1914-1918.
  2. worse economic event in history started when the stock market crashed in 1929. Many people lost their jobs.
  3. governor of Georgia who opposed the New Deal Programs
  4. On December 7, 1941 this military base in Hawaii experienced a surprise at the hands of Japan.
  5. Georgia had the most _____________ than any other state.
  6. This man was a Senator of Georgia during WW2. He was also influential in bringing or maintaining 15 military bases in the state, along with many other research facilities, including the Centers for Disease Control
  7. Americans assisted the Allies (France, Britain, Russia and China) with weapons and supplies for WW2.
  8. insect that destroys cotton and in the 1920s came to Georgia.
  1. This factory was created in Marietta, Georgia to make bomber aircrafts for WW2.
  2. President Franklin Roosevelt visited this Georgia location frequently to treat his polio. He later died there.
  3. The Civilian Conservation Corps, Social Security Administration, Agriculture Adjustment Act and the Rural Electrification Administration
  4. Georgia had two of these in Savannah and Brunswick. They were created to make wartime cargo ships.
  5. this man was President of the United States during the Great Depression and created the New Deal Programs.
  6. This man was a United States House Representative for 51 years. He is known for providing U. S. military support in Georgia and throughout the nation and world.
  7. this international conflict started in 1939 and ended in 1945. Deadliest war in history.

15 Clues: this international conflict was from 1914-1918.governor of Georgia who opposed the New Deal ProgramsGeorgia had the most _____________ than any other state.insect that destroys cotton and in the 1920s came to Georgia.This factory was created in Marietta, Georgia to make bomber aircrafts for WW2....

WW2 Crossword 2022-10-05

WW2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Japanese attacked this place on 12/7/1941
  2. Country Germany invaded to start WW2
  3. Dictator of Italy
  4. Prime Minister of Great Britain
  1. Land given to Germany through "Appeasement"
  2. Hitler's "living space" agenda
  3. President of the United States
  4. Germany's method of war during WW2
  5. The extermination of the Jewish People
  6. Leader of the Soviet Union
  7. Dictator of Germany

11 Clues: Dictator of ItalyDictator of GermanyLeader of the Soviet UnionHitler's "living space" agendaPresident of the United StatesPrime Minister of Great BritainGermany's method of war during WW2Country Germany invaded to start WW2The extermination of the Jewish PeopleJapanese attacked this place on 12/7/1941Land given to Germany through "Appeasement"

WW2 crossword 2023-05-02

WW2 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Last name of Italian Dictator
  2. religion that was targeted
  3. First name of German Dictator
  4. Where large amounts of jews were killed
  5. Last name of spanish military general
  6. armed forces
  7. First name of Italian Dictator
  8. Events that lead to US joining the team
  9. Meaning of catastrophe in hebrew
  1. Where large amounts of jews were forced to work and were killed there
  2. People with blond hair and blue eyes in charge of the termination of jews
  3. German style of lightning war
  4. Where extermination camps were located
  5. Rebuilding of the German Military was a violation of the treaty
  6. Last name of German Dictator
  7. a state of armed conflict between different nations
  8. The killing of millions of Jews
  9. First name of spanish general

18 Clues: armed forcesreligion that was targetedLast name of German DictatorLast name of Italian DictatorGerman style of lightning warFirst name of German DictatorFirst name of spanish generalFirst name of Italian DictatorThe killing of millions of JewsMeaning of catastrophe in hebrewLast name of spanish military generalWhere extermination camps were located...

WW2 crosswords 2022-05-04

WW2 crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. gave the order to drop the bomb
  2. First city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
  3. a weapon that ended ww2
  4. a country was shared with the soviet union and germany but later belong to germany
  5. Leader of germany
  6. Had Germany, Italy, and Japan
  7. Took away rights from jews
  8. leader of Japan
  9. Second city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
  10. Germanys target
  1. A riot that rioted against jews
  2. switched places to the allies
  3. Leader of Italy
  4. One who wrote about his father's time at the holocaust
  5. where the german army took the jews at
  6. Had the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain
  7. a german army
  8. Killed 17 million people

18 Clues: a german armyLeader of Italyleader of JapanGermanys targetLeader of germanya weapon that ended ww2Killed 17 million peopleTook away rights from jewsswitched places to the alliesHad Germany, Italy, and Japangave the order to drop the bombA riot that rioted against jewswhere the german army took the jews atHad the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain...

history 2022-12-19

history crossword puzzle
  1. the special police force commanded by Hitler
  2. the air force of Germany in ww2
  3. a symbol used to represent hitler
  4. was the fascist dictator of Italy
  5. a form of persuasive tool to change beliefs
  6. a secret police organization
  7. the allowing of only a certain few programs and media
  8. the lightning war
  9. the leader or dictator of the USSR
  1. this group contained italy and germany
  2. the belief of all being equal and sharing items
  3. Ireland and Spain
  4. a voluntary militia made by Mussolini
  5. this group contained britain and france
  6. France and England used this to control Adolf
  7. the people who followed adolf hitler
  8. dictator and leader of germany
  9. the president of the united states during WW2
  10. a detailed book written by hitler about his views

19 Clues: Ireland and Spainthe lightning wara secret police organizationdictator and leader of germanythe air force of Germany in ww2a symbol used to represent hitlerwas the fascist dictator of Italythe leader or dictator of the USSRthe people who followed adolf hitlera voluntary militia made by Mussolinithis group contained italy and germany...

World War ll 2023-05-26

World War ll crossword puzzle
  1. What was the Japanese army called
  2. Leader of japan in world war 2
  3. the name of the side the US was on
  4. 2 countries join forces in war
  5. cause of world war two
  6. country where the first battle was
  7. japanese city the US bombed
  8. US entry into World War two
  9. What country did germany surrender in
  10. Leader of the Nazis
  11. what were american troops called
  12. how many countries fought in the war
  1. the amount of people who died in ww2
  2. leader of france in world war 2
  3. the name of the side germany was on
  4. How many years apart were ww1 and ww2
  5. General in charge of d-day
  6. a ditch dug for protection
  7. Japanese suicide pilots
  8. First president of World War two
  9. The people the Nazis targeted
  10. How many countries fought with germany

22 Clues: Leader of the Naziscause of world war twoJapanese suicide pilotsGeneral in charge of d-daya ditch dug for protectionjapanese city the US bombedUS entry into World War twoThe people the Nazis targetedLeader of japan in world war 22 countries join forces in warleader of france in world war 2First president of World War two...

Various population 2024-01-30

Various population crossword puzzle
  1. Japanese-Americans in jail camps
  2. tribe
  3. pilots trained to fly Warhawks
  4. between axis power and allies
  5. soldiers
  1. who cracks code
  2. racial
  3. who was trained to fly aircrafts
  4. gen japanese americans
  5. the workforce in WW2

10 Clues: triberacialsoldierswho cracks codethe workforce in WW2gen japanese americansbetween axis power and alliespilots trained to fly WarhawksJapanese-Americans in jail campswho was trained to fly aircrafts

WWII 2021-11-16

WWII crossword puzzle
  1. how many woman served in ww2 from the americans
  2. what did disney make for world war two
  3. what was the operation called when they opened it
  4. who served in segregated units
  5. what act did america create to help the allies
  6. how many ships could america not save
  7. who joined the allies after being attacked
  8. Who did germany invade in 1939
  9. What was caused by a drought
  10. What fleet did china attack
  11. Where was Germany,Italy, and japan gaining territories
  12. Who was the last president inaugurated on march 4th
  13. what did the chinese fail to bring down
  14. who really wanted to open the westen front
  15. how long did it take to bring back the sunken ships
  16. how long did the chinese think the american pacific fleet would take to rebuild
  1. how many american served in ww2
  2. How many ships did the Chinese sink
  3. who volunteered more than any other minority group for the war
  4. who took the place of the mens jobs when they went to war
  5. what got opened on june 6th, 1944
  6. what did china attack
  7. who volunteered on farms during ww2
  8. what did Europe, Africa, and Asia create
  9. Who was elected as chancellor
  10. what does everyone call the operation now

26 Clues: what did china attackWhat fleet did china attackWhat was caused by a droughtWho was elected as chancellorwho served in segregated unitsWho did germany invade in 1939how many american served in ww2what got opened on june 6th, 1944How many ships did the Chinese sinkwho volunteered on farms during ww2how many ships could america not save...

WWII 2021-11-16

WWII crossword puzzle
  1. who joined the allies after being attacked
  2. what did china attack
  3. what was the operation called when they opened it
  4. what act did america create to help the allies
  5. what did disney make for world war two
  6. What was caused by a drought
  7. how long did the chinese think the american pacific fleet would take to rebuild
  8. who took the place of the mens jobs when they went to war
  9. who volunteered on farms during ww2
  10. how many american served in ww2
  11. Where was Germany,Italy, and japan gaining territories
  12. how many men were apart of d-day
  13. who volunteered more than any other minority group for the war
  1. what got opened on june 6th, 1944
  2. what did the chinese fail to bring down
  3. Who did germany invade in 1939
  4. How many ships did the Chinese sink
  5. how long did it take to bring back the sunken ships
  6. Who was the last president inaugurated on march 4th
  7. who served in segregated units
  8. what does everyone call the operation now
  9. Who was elected as chancellor
  10. what did Europe, Africa, and Asia create
  11. who really wanted to open the westen front
  12. how many woman served in ww2 from the americans
  13. how many ships could america not save
  14. What fleet did china attack

27 Clues: what did china attackWhat fleet did china attackWhat was caused by a droughtWho was elected as chancellorWho did germany invade in 1939who served in segregated unitshow many american served in ww2how many men were apart of d-daywhat got opened on june 6th, 1944How many ships did the Chinese sinkwho volunteered on farms during ww2...

Choice Board Crossword 2022-03-30

Choice Board Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. was grown very little after WW2 because of overproduction and low demand
  2. Wanted to build a stadium for major league sports
  3. was a new farming technique after WW2
  4. Made farming much easier and led to less farmers and more farms
  1. Made the quote "City to busy to hate"
  2. Was grown after WW2 and replaced cotton
  3. Biggest city in Ga
  4. played at FCS from 1966-1996
  5. Was a Ga governor from 1993-1997

9 Clues: Biggest city in Gaplayed at FCS from 1966-1996Was a Ga governor from 1993-1997Made the quote "City to busy to hate"was a new farming technique after WW2Was grown after WW2 and replaced cottonWanted to build a stadium for major league sportsMade farming much easier and led to less farmers and more farms...

Cold War 2024-04-30

Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Captial of Germany during and after WW2
  2. meeting in the Crimea
  3. vote to decide on an issue
  4. Atom bomb used for the first time
  5. Soviet leader during WW2
  1. US President at Potsdam
  2. First meeting of Grand Alliance members
  3. Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam
  4. union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  5. Japan, Germany , Italy

10 Clues: meeting in the CrimeaTehran, Yalta, PotsdamJapan, Germany , ItalyUS President at PotsdamSoviet leader during WW2vote to decide on an issueAtom bomb used for the first timeunion of Soviet Socialist RepublicsCaptial of Germany during and after WW2First meeting of Grand Alliance members

the most random crossword puzzle 2022-10-04

the most random crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. when did cold war end
  2. in what year did ww1 end
  3. when did vietnam war end
  4. in what year was Cranston high school east built
  5. in what year was coffee milk invented
  1. when did ww2 end
  2. in what year was salt water taffy invented
  3. in what year did ww1 start
  4. when did cold war start
  5. how old is Mrs.DiMaio
  6. when did vietnam war start
  7. when did ww2 start

12 Clues: when did ww2 endwhen did ww2 startwhen did cold war endhow old is Mrs.DiMaiowhen did cold war startin what year did ww1 endwhen did vietnam war endin what year did ww1 startwhen did vietnam war startin what year was coffee milk inventedin what year was salt water taffy inventedin what year was Cranston high school east built

LH 2022-02-04

LH crossword puzzle
  1. men
  2. iraq
  3. awe
  4. uniform
  5. car
  6. fly
  7. used as weapon
  8. ww2
  1. weapons
  2. c4
  3. propel
  4. weapons
  5. bin laden
  6. usa
  7. country

15 Clues: c4menaweusacarflyww2iraqpropelweaponsweaponsuniformcountrybin ladenused as weapon

World War 2 2022-05-16

World War 2 crossword puzzle
  1. winston
  2. british royal airforce
  3. hirohito was an emperor of this country
  4. mussolini was leader of this country
  5. when millions of jewish people were killed by the nazis
  6. leader of the soviet union
  7. dropped on hiroshima and nagasak
  8. jewish people were put into ____ camps
  9. ww2 began when germany invaded this country
  1. president of the united states during ww2
  2. the battle of the _____ was one of the final battles fought on the western front in europe
  3. president who decided to drop the atomic bomb
  4. blitzkrieg _____ means
  5. us general of the invasion of normandy who later became president
  6. the us general in charge of the pacific theater of war
  7. attack by armed forces
  8. germany,italy and japan
  9. leader of germany
  10. britain, united states and soviet union
  11. another name for the invasion of normandy

20 Clues: winstonleader of germanyblitzkrieg _____ meansattack by armed forcesbritish royal airforcegermany,italy and japanleader of the soviet uniondropped on hiroshima and nagasakmussolini was leader of this countryjewish people were put into ____ campshirohito was an emperor of this countrybritain, united states and soviet union...

Battles and Wars the US Fought 2021-07-11

Battles and Wars the US Fought crossword puzzle
  1. AKA as the Battle of Sharpsburg
  2. Decisive battle of Texas Revolution
  3. AKA Operation Desert Storm
  4. First full scale battle of the Civil War
  5. Harbor WW2 attack on US soil
  1. Largest amphibious invasion: WW2
  2. Well known Civil War battle
  3. AKA as the French and Indian War
  4. Codenamed Operation Iceburg
  5. Largest military campaigns of Vietnam War
  6. Famous siege in San Antonio

11 Clues: AKA Operation Desert StormWell known Civil War battleCodenamed Operation IceburgFamous siege in San AntonioHarbor WW2 attack on US soilAKA as the Battle of SharpsburgLargest amphibious invasion: WW2AKA as the French and Indian WarDecisive battle of Texas RevolutionFirst full scale battle of the Civil WarLargest military campaigns of Vietnam War

States/Countries Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-28

States/Countries Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Origin Trail!
  2. Crazy house prices
  3. Tacos
  4. Chicago
  6. Pine trees
  7. Anime
  8. Immigrants
  1. Flat State
  2. LoveLand
  3. WW2
  4. Greek Mythology
  5. Does not have a very good leader
  6. Memes
  7. Hurricanes
  8. Granite
  9. Pasta/Pizza
  10. A desert
  11. Broadway
  12. Tea

20 Clues: WW2TeaTacosMemesAnimeChicagoGraniteLoveLandA desertBroadwayFlat StateHurricanesPine treesImmigrantsPasta/PizzaOrigin Trail!Greek MythologyCrazy house pricesFIRE THE MAPLE SYRUP TURRETS!!Does not have a very good leader

Choice Board cross word puzzle 2024-05-13

Choice Board cross word puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. which president was involved with the water gate scandal
  2. which party was nixon a part of
  3. what is the last name of the man who assassinated jfk
  4. one of the cities that America dropped an atomic weapon on japan during ww2
  5. what did America along with other countries make in Panama
  6. the other city that America dropped an atomic weapon on during ww2
  7. wich state did rosa parks refuse to give up her seat in
  8. the initials of the president who has most recently been assassinated
  1. the main scientist who lead the development of Americas atomic bomb
  2. where did the missile crisis during JFK's presidency occur
  3. one of the things this president is known for is big stick diplomacy
  4. which part were truman, JFK, and roosevelt apart of
  5. wich country did America fight for cuba and the Philippines
  6. where did America race the Soviet Union
  7. wich president had the sign with the phrase "the buck stops here" on his desk
  8. wich city did rosa parks refuse to give up her seat in
  9. wich country had a emperor named hiro hito during ww2
  10. what are the initials of the person who gave the famous I have a dream speech

18 Clues: which party was nixon a part ofwhere did America race the Soviet Unionwhich part were truman, JFK, and roosevelt apart ofwhat is the last name of the man who assassinated jfkwich country had a emperor named hiro hito during ww2wich city did rosa parks refuse to give up her seat inwich state did rosa parks refuse to give up her seat in...

WW2 2021-06-10

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. russian leader
  2. the short name of hitlers party
  3. Leader of Italy at the time
  4. killed 6 million people
  5. famous german tank
  1. germans liked to kill them
  2. last name of hitlers right hand
  3. himmlers first name
  4. invented by mussolini
  5. Hitlers hobby

10 Clues: Hitlers hobbyrussian leaderfamous german tankhimmlers first nameinvented by mussolinikilled 6 million peoplegermans liked to kill themLeader of Italy at the timelast name of hitlers right handthe short name of hitlers party

WW2 2022-05-20

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. A beach on D-Day
  2. Bomb
  3. Rosie
  4. City bombed in Japan
  5. A day which will live in…
  6. Code Talkers
  1. Political compromises that avoid conflict
  2. Released from service
  3. POW
  4. Used in fire bombs

10 Clues: POWBombRosieCode TalkersA beach on D-DayUsed in fire bombsCity bombed in JapanReleased from serviceA day which will live in…Political compromises that avoid conflict

WW2 2021-11-08

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. The attached bomb to this animal
  2. special effects
  3. A German tank
  4. a very tall animal
  5. A German medium tank
  6. it LEVES A LAKE
  1. A disposable Anti-tank weapon
  2. What is the name of person from Germany
  3. A common British plane
  4. A animal

10 Clues: A animalA German tankspecial effectsit LEVES A LAKEa very tall animalA German medium tankA common British planeA disposable Anti-tank weaponThe attached bomb to this animalWhat is the name of person from Germany

WW2 2023-02-28

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. He loved to drink wine
  2. German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.
  3. Dictator of Germany
  4. His first son died of scarlet fever at age 3
  5. Promised a new deal to americans
  6. Major hall battle between japan and USA
  1. did not have any biological children
  2. was the 33rd president of the United States
  3. He once lived in a homeless shelter
  4. holocaust

10 Clues: holocaustDictator of GermanyHe loved to drink winePromised a new deal to americansHe once lived in a homeless shelterdid not have any biological childrenMajor hall battle between japan and USAwas the 33rd president of the United StatesHis first son died of scarlet fever at age 3German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.

WW2 2014-10-29

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. det som Ronald Reagan kaldte et ondt imperium
  2. Stalins by
  3. det som vandt krigen
  1. Hitler kaldte det Germania
  2. han kunne ikke lide jøder
  3. unionen
  4. Ruslands bedste militære stateg
  5. operations navn til invasion af Rusland
  6. USSR leder
  7. verdenshistoriens største landinvasion

10 Clues: unionenStalins byUSSR lederdet som vandt krigenhan kunne ikke lide jøderHitler kaldte det GermaniaRuslands bedste militære stategverdenshistoriens største landinvasionoperations navn til invasion af Ruslanddet som Ronald Reagan kaldte et ondt imperium

ww2 2014-01-15

ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. shelters a shelter that you hide in
  2. take another country
  3. a hole you hide in
  4. balloons stop plane coming down
  5. air force
  6. hitler a leader
  1. bombs
  2. break a building
  3. leaving a country
  4. they fly

10 Clues: bombsthey flyair forcehitler a leaderbreak a buildingleaving a countrya hole you hide intake another countryballoons stop plane coming downshelters a shelter that you hide in

WW2 2018-12-16

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. First country to be invaded
  2. All lights off!
  3. Anne's last name
  4. Movement of children from city
  5. First name of Prime Minister
  1. Aerial bombardment of Britain
  2. Attack of Britain by sea
  3. Only hearing certain news
  4. The sharing of supplies
  5. The part of war where nothing happened

10 Clues: All lights off!Anne's last nameThe sharing of suppliesAttack of Britain by seaOnly hearing certain newsFirst country to be invadedFirst name of Prime MinisterAerial bombardment of BritainMovement of children from cityThe part of war where nothing happened

WW2 2024-01-29

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. the Riveter After school, 19-year-old Rosalind began working as a riveter on fighter planes.
  2. Nisei Regiments an infantry regiment of the United States Army
  3. who writes the encryption code used for data security
  4. “second-generation”), son or daughter of Japanese
  1. protect the country's sovereignty, defend its territory and borders, and maintain internal security and stability.
  2. six Navajo Code Talker Marines successfully transmitted more than 800 messages without error
  3. A war fought from 1939 to 1945 between the Axis powers — Germany, Italy, and Japan
  4. The Army, Navy, and Marine Corps all segregated African Americans
  5. defend the airstrip and the cargo ships offloading supplies
  6. The first internment camp in operation

10 Clues: The first internment camp in operation“second-generation”), son or daughter of Japanesewho writes the encryption code used for data securitydefend the airstrip and the cargo ships offloading suppliesThe Army, Navy, and Marine Corps all segregated African AmericansNisei Regiments an infantry regiment of the United States Army...

WW2 2023-12-05

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. German Government
  2. Where the war took place
  3. German Leader
  4. The winners of the war
  5. Concentration Camps
  1. Chambers Torture Technique used by the
  2. What Germany and Italy used
  3. Japan Bombing
  4. Italy's Leader
  5. Group that was targeted by the Germans

10 Clues: Japan BombingGerman LeaderItaly's LeaderGerman GovernmentConcentration CampsThe winners of the warWhere the war took placeWhat Germany and Italy usedChambers Torture Technique used by theGroup that was targeted by the Germans

WW2 2024-01-30

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. a member of a North American people of Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Airmen:a pilot or member of the crew of an aircraft, especially in an air force
  2. relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces.
  3. complete, or having all that is needed, in itself.
  4. A diminutive of Rose, Rosemary and of other female names related to the rose.
  5. separated or divided along racial, sexual, or religious lines.
  1. is someone who makes or breaks coded messages.
  2. a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.
  3. a person born in the US or Canada whose parents were immigrants from Japan.
  4. the act of putting someone in prison for political or military reasons, especially during a war
  5. an adult female human being.

10 Clues: an adult female human being.is someone who makes or breaks coded messages.complete, or having all that is needed, in itself.a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces.separated or divided along racial, sexual, or religious lines....

WW2 2024-11-04

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. where Felix used to live
  2. Another word for war,fight
  3. hitlers parties name
  4. the main character in the once book
  5. where all the Jews went
  1. where the Jews were sent to get killed
  2. Place where laws are made
  3. the leader of the nazis
  4. big fight between countries
  5. the religion hitler was against

10 Clues: hitlers parties namethe leader of the naziswhere all the Jews wentwhere Felix used to livePlace where laws are madeAnother word for war,fightbig fight between countriesthe religion hitler was againstthe main character in the once bookwhere the Jews were sent to get killed

WW2 2024-11-06

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. The sustained bombing campaign against London and other cities by the German Luftwaffe.
  2. Slang for a person who profited from the black market during rationing
  3. Site of British code-breaking operations
  4. British heavy bomber used extensively by the RAF
  5. Site of a major evacuation of British troops in 1940
  1. General who led the British Eighth Army during the North African campaign.
  2. Iconic British fighter plane used in the Battle of Britain
  3. Wartime lighting restrictions to prevent enemy bombing accuracy
  4. The famous codebreaker at, known for his work on the Enigma machine.
  5. Technology used by the British to detect enemy aircraft

10 Clues: Site of British code-breaking operationsBritish heavy bomber used extensively by the RAFSite of a major evacuation of British troops in 1940Technology used by the British to detect enemy aircraftIconic British fighter plane used in the Battle of BritainWartime lighting restrictions to prevent enemy bombing accuracy...

WW2 2025-02-26

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. a group of countries working together in the war
  2. a time/month of year when leaves fall
  3. the leader of the Nazis or Germany in WW2
  4. when a country come into another country with their tanks and guns and takeover
  5. a time when two or more countries fight with guns and other equipment for a period of time
  6. a direction opposite from west
  1. when a country gets blown up with explosives
  2. a weapon used by soldiers and other people
  3. a number.
  4. a name given to soldiers

10 Clues: a number.a name given to soldiersa direction opposite from westa time/month of year when leaves fallthe leader of the Nazis or Germany in WW2a weapon used by soldiers and other peoplewhen a country gets blown up with explosivesa group of countries working together in the war...

WW2 2025-02-05

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. Armed forces in WW2 that fought against Germany
  2. Iconic poster to empower women to work.
  3. son or daughter of Japanese immigrants who were born and educated in the United States.
  4. Tool used to read enemies' messages.
  5. U.S. had to lure these individuals to work when they had never worked before.
  6. group of primarily African American military pilots
  1. Native American group that helped the U.S military
  2. Nazis separated Jews because they believed Jews were beneath them.
  3. relocation centers that house certain individuals
  4. Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Allies going to war

10 Clues: Tool used to read enemies' messages.Iconic poster to empower women to work.Armed forces in WW2 that fought against Germanyrelocation centers that house certain individualsNative American group that helped the U.S militaryGermany, Italy, Japan, and the Allies going to wargroup of primarily African American military pilots...

Lasting impacts of territorial area 2023-11-14

Lasting impacts of territorial area crossword puzzle
  1. The place Japan wanted to draw attention away from to attack
  2. Built to bring oil to the continental US
  3. plot of land given to pioneers
  4. buildings the natives were held hostage in during WW2
  5. Castner's ___
  6. Metal most searched for
  7. First gold mining settlement in Alaska
  8. Valley in which the settlers settled
  1. Islands fought over by Japan and US
  2. practice of farming
  3. a person who searches for mineral deposits
  4. a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area
  5. Settlement abandoned after original excitement
  6. old-timer/experienced miner
  7. region of the territory of Yukon, in northwestern Canada
  8. long Road built during WW2

16 Clues: Castner's ___practice of farmingMetal most searched forlong Road built during WW2old-timer/experienced minerplot of land given to pioneersIslands fought over by Japan and USValley in which the settlers settledFirst gold mining settlement in AlaskaBuilt to bring oil to the continental USa person who searches for mineral deposits...

WW2 Homefront 2019-01-08

WW2 Homefront crossword puzzle
  1. A Japanese American that refused to leave the restricted area. He believed his constitutional rights had been violated. The Supreme Court upheld his arrest and conviction.
  2. An African-American fighter group in the Air Corps.
  3. One of the most important developments of the war was new medicine such as penicillin.
  4. Also known as (WACS) large amounts of women joined the army mostly in clerical jobs.
  5. Issued to each family, based on their size.
  6. Also known as the (OWI) they controlled the content and imagery of war messages also anti-axis propaganda (Movies, Posters, and Radio)
  7. Americans from traveling on the ships of nations at war. (1935-1937)
  8. A research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons in July 1945.
  9. Vegetable gardens used to help make sure that an adequate food supply was available for both troops and civilians. Normally grown in individual yards.
  10. Leading world powers agreed to limit the size of their navies. (1921)
  11. Bonds issued by the government in which citizens would buy to help pay for the war.
  1. signed by 62 nations, all agreeing not to use war for gain after the result of WWI. (1928)
  2. Permitted military commanders to require Japanese Americans to relocate to interior internment camps away from Western coastal regions.
  3. The United States promised to not interfere in the internal affairs of Latin America.
  4. Famous scientist who convinced President Roosevelt that Germany was developing an Atomic Bomb.
  5. Regulating the amount of goods that a consumer could obtain. (Gasoline, Meat, and Milk)
  6. The action of occupying or being occupied by military force.

17 Clues: Issued to each family, based on their size.An African-American fighter group in the Air Corps.The action of occupying or being occupied by military force.Americans from traveling on the ships of nations at war. (1935-1937)Leading world powers agreed to limit the size of their navies. (1921)...

Early Stages of the Cold War 2023-05-17

Early Stages of the Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Pushed to help contain communism
  2. Truman desegregated the US army
  3. Overturned Plessy Vs. Ferguson
  4. US backed this half of the Peninsula
  5. Winner of the 1952 and 1956 presidential election
  1. Zedong Leader of China's communist uprising
  2. Helped rebuild post war Europe
  3. The Russian satellite that started the space race
  4. First country in civil war after WW2
  5. Caused massive spy investigation for Communist's
  6. Built to focus on technological advancements
  7. Soviets controlled this half of the peninsula
  8. First 9 black students to go to a white school in Arkansas
  9. US and European fight to contain communism
  10. Helped WW2 veterans get back into normal life

15 Clues: Helped rebuild post war EuropeOverturned Plessy Vs. FergusonTruman desegregated the US armyPushed to help contain communismFirst country in civil war after WW2US backed this half of the PeninsulaUS and European fight to contain communismBuilt to focus on technological advancementsSoviets controlled this half of the peninsula...

Unit 8 Social studies 2024-05-20

Unit 8 Social studies crossword puzzle
  1. Great for transportation during war; Like a port
  2. Opposed the new deal program, former governor of Georgi
  3. Helped the expansion of the navy
  4. The attack which caused the US to join WW2
  5. Allowed the US to lend or lease war supplies
  1. Helped train new soldiers here, Many in georgia
  2. Government forced diversity in crops
  3. The bug in Georgia that ate all the cotton
  4. Mass Produced WW2 Military Aircraft
  5. Social Insurance for elders
  6. Provided Electricity to rural areas
  7. Nature Relief Program
  8. Worst economic downturn in history
  9. A prolonged period of dryness
  10. The first modern day world wide war

15 Clues: Nature Relief ProgramSocial Insurance for eldersA prolonged period of drynessHelped the expansion of the navyWorst economic downturn in historyMass Produced WW2 Military AircraftProvided Electricity to rural areasThe first modern day world wide warGovernment forced diversity in cropsThe bug in Georgia that ate all the cotton...

World History 2021-05-27

World History crossword puzzle
  1. The only building that was left standing after the nuclear bombing
  2. Markets lost over a billion dollars
  3. The group that made significant gains
  4. The country Italy invaded in 1936
  5. Code name to build the atomic bomb
  6. Orchestrated WW2
  7. invaded Poland, causing WW2
  8. Remained neutral until 1941
  1. Wanted peace after the events of WW1
  2. The nation that wanted international peace
  3. Countries building up their armory
  4. The empire the U.S declared war on after the attack on Pearl Harbor
  5. The genocide of European Jews
  6. The city Hitler wanted to take
  7. Political theory that wants to overthrow a part of society
  8. One type of nationalism that caused WW1
  9. The country japan overran in 1937

17 Clues: Orchestrated WW2invaded Poland, causing WW2Remained neutral until 1941The genocide of European JewsThe city Hitler wanted to takeThe country Italy invaded in 1936The country japan overran in 1937Countries building up their armoryCode name to build the atomic bombMarkets lost over a billion dollarsWanted peace after the events of WW1...

World War 2 2022-03-03

World War 2 crossword puzzle
  1. The final major battle in Germany that would end
  2. 33rd U.S who dropped the bombs on japan
  3. German Invasion that triggered WW2
  4. A Genocide that took place in Germany consisted of killing only Jewish people.
  5. Suprise Military Strike By the Japanese Navy That entered the U.S in the war.
  6. Another bombing took place after the bombing of Hiroshima on this Japanese city
  1. An act that would lend supplies to any country whose defense was critical to the U.S
  2. An alliance that consisted of the countries Germany, Italy, and Japan.
  3. During World War II (1939-45), an American Bomber dropped the world's first atomic bomb over a Japanese City
  4. A oversees naval air battle With the U.S navy against the Imperial Japanese navy.
  5. A battle that took place in Normandy
  6. Dictator of Germany during WW2
  7. Barbarossa An invasion by the Germans against Russia that failed.
  8. 32nd U.S president that led the U.S during the start of WW2
  9. powers An alliance that consist of the soviet union, Great Britain, and the united states.

15 Clues: Dictator of Germany during WW2German Invasion that triggered WW2A battle that took place in Normandy33rd U.S who dropped the bombs on japanThe final major battle in Germany that would end32nd U.S president that led the U.S during the start of WW2Barbarossa An invasion by the Germans against Russia that failed....

World War 2 2022-03-03

World War 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A oversees naval air battle With the U.S navy against the Imperial Japanese navy.
  2. Barbarossa An invasion by the Germans against Russia that failed.
  3. The final major battle in Germany that would end
  4. An act that would lend supplies to any country whose defense was critical to the U.S
  5. German Invasion that triggered WW2
  6. A battle that took place in Normandy
  1. An alliance that consisted of the countries Germany, Italy, and Japan.
  2. Suprise Military Strike By the Japanese Navy That entered the U.S in the war.
  3. 33rd U.S who dropped the bombs on japan
  4. Dictator of Germany during WW2
  5. During World War II (1939-45), an American Bomber dropped the world's first atomic bomb over a Japanese City
  6. A Genocide that took place in Germany consisted of killing only Jewish people.
  7. Another bombing took place after the bombing of Hiroshima on this Japanese city
  8. powers An alliance that consist of the soviet union, Great Britain, and the united states.
  9. 32nd U.S president that led the U.S during the start of WW2

15 Clues: Dictator of Germany during WW2German Invasion that triggered WW2A battle that took place in Normandy33rd U.S who dropped the bombs on japanThe final major battle in Germany that would end32nd U.S president that led the U.S during the start of WW2Barbarossa An invasion by the Germans against Russia that failed....

States/Countries Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-28

States/Countries Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Origin Trail!
  2. Crazy house prices
  3. Tacos
  4. Chicago
  6. Pine trees
  7. Anime
  8. Immigrants
  1. Flat State
  2. LoveLand
  3. WW2
  4. Greek Mythology
  5. Does not have a very good leader
  6. Memes
  7. Hurricanes
  8. Granite
  9. Pasta/Pizza
  10. A desert
  11. Broadway
  12. Tea

20 Clues: WW2TeaTacosMemesAnimeChicagoGraniteLoveLandA desertBroadwayFlat StateHurricanesPine treesImmigrantsPasta/PizzaOrigin Trail!Greek MythologyCrazy house pricesFIRE THE MAPLE SYRUP TURRETS!!Does not have a very good leader

Japan 2023-12-08

Japan crossword puzzle
  1. The alliance that Japan joined in WW2
  2. Arthur The port that Japan wanted in Manchuria
  3. Name of the Japanese puppet state in Manchuria
  4. Commodore sent to open Japan
  5. Anti-Communist alliance that Japan joined in 1937
  6. The alliance that Japan joined in WW2
  7. Japan used this instead of money
  8. Peninsula that Japan took from China
  1. The incident which halted the Russian navy in the UK
  2. Restoration of power to the emperor
  3. Weapons of elite warriors
  4. Province that Japan took in 1931
  5. rebellion Japan helped to quell this revolt
  6. The alliance that Japan joined in WW1
  7. The Japanese military dictator in WW2
  8. Elite warriors in society
  9. one The amount of demands Japan sent to the Chinese

17 Clues: Weapons of elite warriorsElite warriors in societyCommodore sent to open JapanProvince that Japan took in 1931Japan used this instead of moneyRestoration of power to the emperorPeninsula that Japan took from ChinaThe alliance that Japan joined in WW2The alliance that Japan joined in WW1The Japanese military dictator in WW2...

World War 2 2022-05-03

World War 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Location of European trials after WW2
  2. Thick line of defenses in eastern France
  3. Symbol worn by Nazis as well as on their flag
  4. First Japanese city to be struck by atomic bomb
  5. Forest through which Germany invaded France
  6. Operation where Hitler invaded Soviet Union
  7. City invaded by Japan in 1931 prior to WW2
  8. Slovakia, Morovia, and Bohemia are here
  1. German offensive battle strategy
  2. Short-legged brown marsupial native to Australia
  3. The taking of Austria
  4. Chinese city violently invaded by Japan
  5. Mass genocide of Jews in Europe by the Germans
  6. United States, Britain, and Russia's alliance
  7. Eastern dictator who killed all his adversaries
  8. Germany, Japan, and Italy's alliance

16 Clues: The taking of AustriaGerman offensive battle strategyGermany, Japan, and Italy's allianceLocation of European trials after WW2Chinese city violently invaded by JapanSlovakia, Morovia, and Bohemia are hereThick line of defenses in eastern FranceCity invaded by Japan in 1931 prior to WW2Forest through which Germany invaded France...

World History 2021-05-27

World History crossword puzzle
  1. The only building that was left standing after the nuclear bombing
  2. Markets lost over a billion dollars
  3. The group that made significant gains
  4. The country Italy invaded in 1936
  5. Code name to build the atomic bomb
  6. Orchestrated WW2
  7. invaded Poland, causing WW2
  8. Remained neutral until 1941
  1. Wanted peace after the events of WW1
  2. The nation that wanted international peace
  3. Countries building up their armory
  4. The empire the U.S declared war on after the attack on Pearl Harbor
  5. The genocide of European Jews
  6. The city Hitler wanted to take
  7. Political theory that wants to overthrow a part of society
  8. One type of nationalism that caused WW1
  9. The country japan overran in 1937

17 Clues: Orchestrated WW2invaded Poland, causing WW2Remained neutral until 1941The genocide of European JewsThe city Hitler wanted to takeThe country Italy invaded in 1936The country japan overran in 1937Countries building up their armoryCode name to build the atomic bombMarkets lost over a billion dollarsWanted peace after the events of WW1...

8th Grade Review 2021-05-23

8th Grade Review crossword puzzle
  1. an event where the Nazis killed more than 6 million Jews
  2. allied commander in WW2
  3. Luther King, famous Civil rights activist also was a minister
  4. Roosevelt, fought for women's rights during her time as First Lady
  5. president of the Confederacy during the Civil War
  6. X, a black Muslim Minister
  7. Confederate general
  8. known for writing books about the Great Depression era
  1. made an investment in the Steel industry
  2. Project, code name for the Atomic Bomb
  3. prime minister of the UK during WW2
  4. President for three terms
  5. journalism, exaggerated headlines and stories
  6. Robinson, first African American baseball player in the MLB
  7. Maine, Us Naval ship in 1898
  8. first Catholic president
  9. first African American on the Supreme Court
  10. president during Civil War
  11. Courthouse, where the Civil War ended

19 Clues: Confederate generalallied commander in WW2first Catholic presidentPresident for three termspresident during Civil WarX, a black Muslim MinisterMaine, Us Naval ship in 1898prime minister of the UK during WW2Courthouse, where the Civil War endedProject, code name for the Atomic Bombmade an investment in the Steel industry...

WW2 Crossword 2021-03-11

WW2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The type of government the Axis (Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan) had during WW2.
  2. Surprise attack done by the Japanese on December 7, 1941.
  3. The second and final leader of America during WW2, had to decision whether to drop the atomic bomb and chose to use it.
  4. The First leader of the US during WW2, also known for the "New Deal" that got America out of the Great Depression.
  1. Attitude of America before joining WW2 related to not wanting to get involved in wars/conflicts.
  2. Notorious (famous for negative reasons) last name of the German leader during WW2.
  3. The nickname of the beach attack at Normandy, France done by the Americans to begin their invasion of Europe in WW2.

7 Clues: Surprise attack done by the Japanese on December 7, 1941.The type of government the Axis (Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan) had during WW2.Notorious (famous for negative reasons) last name of the German leader during WW2.Attitude of America before joining WW2 related to not wanting to get involved in wars/conflicts....

WW2 2013-05-10

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. 6 million jews killed
  2. places of confindment
  3. december 7th 1941
  4. term for women who worked in wartime factoires
  1. congressional bill to provide funds for college education, home buying loans and other benefits for armed service veterans
  2. manhattan project
  3. allowed US to sell and lend war marterials
  4. policy giving into an aggressor's demands to keep peace
  5. roosevelt met with churchill to plan "victory of all fronts"
  6. 1945-1964 population growth

10 Clues: manhattan projectdecember 7th 19416 million jews killedplaces of confindment1945-1964 population growthallowed US to sell and lend war marterialsterm for women who worked in wartime factoirespolicy giving into an aggressor's demands to keep peaceroosevelt met with churchill to plan "victory of all fronts"...

WW2 2021-11-08

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. The attached bomb to this animal
  2. A German tank
  3. A disposable Anti-tank weapon
  4. A German medium tank
  1. What is the name of person from Germany
  2. a very tall animal
  3. special effects
  4. A common British plane
  5. A animal
  6. it LEVES A LAKE

10 Clues: A animalA German tankspecial effectsit LEVES A LAKEa very tall animalA German medium tankA common British planeA disposable Anti-tank weaponThe attached bomb to this animalWhat is the name of person from Germany

WW2 2021-05-11

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. The Allied countries had a large attack against the Germans and landed on French beaches - June 6, 1944
  2. A powerful weapon that uses nuclear energy to create mass destruction
  3. Agroup that still exists today and tries to keep the world peaceful
  4. Trying to eliminate an entire group of people; Jews and other groups were targetsof theHOlocaust, and example genocide
  5. Germany, Italy, and Japan the losing side of WW2
  1. An attack on this American naval base made the United States join WW2
  2. Prejudice against people who are Jewish
  3. Britian, Russia, and the United States the winning side of WW2
  4. The germans used large fast-moving armies to quickly defeat other nations; this means Lightning War
  5. People used less resources so that certai n foods and supplies could be used in the war

10 Clues: Prejudice against people who are JewishGermany, Italy, and Japan the losing side of WW2Britian, Russia, and the United States the winning side of WW2Agroup that still exists today and tries to keep the world peacefulAn attack on this American naval base made the United States join WW2...

WW2 2023-02-28

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. He loved to drink wine
  2. German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.
  3. Dictator of Germany
  4. His first son died of scarlet fever at age 3
  5. Promised a new deal to americans
  6. Major hall battle between japan and USA
  1. did not have any biological children
  2. was the 33rd president of the United States
  3. He once lived in a homeless shelter
  4. holocaust

10 Clues: holocaustDictator of GermanyHe loved to drink winePromised a new deal to americansHe once lived in a homeless shelterdid not have any biological childrenMajor hall battle between japan and USAwas the 33rd president of the United StatesHis first son died of scarlet fever at age 3German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.

WW2 2023-04-26

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. man's best friend
  2. fast warship that is smaller than a battleship
  3. planned killing of a race/ethnic peoples
  4. The method Japan used to attack Pearl Harbor
  5. German government building
  1. Russia's system of government
  2. a tyrannical leader
  3. dictator of Germany
  4. to take control of a country
  5. type of bomb used on Japan

10 Clues: man's best frienda tyrannical leaderdictator of Germanytype of bomb used on JapanGerman government buildingto take control of a countryRussia's system of governmentplanned killing of a race/ethnic peoplesThe method Japan used to attack Pearl Harborfast warship that is smaller than a battleship

ww2 2024-04-12

ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. (USA president)
  2. a Race in prion )
  3. (Killing of a race)
  4. (german leader)
  1. (jews being killed and tourchered)
  2. (Modifing genetics and DNA)
  3. (Trench warfare at the beach)
  4. (After war nazis put on trial in court)
  5. (japan attack on the US in hawii)
  6. (USA retaliation to japan)

10 Clues: (USA president)(german leader)a Race in prion )(Killing of a race)(USA retaliation to japan)(Modifing genetics and DNA)(Trench warfare at the beach)(japan attack on the US in hawii)(jews being killed and tourchered)(After war nazis put on trial in court)

WW1 and WW2 2021-06-02

WW1 and WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. The first plane (6,5)
  2. Who won the battle of pearl harbour(5)
  3. What French army was used in the battle of Marne(5)
  4. Here is Gavrilo from(6)
  5. Who invented trenches(9)
  6. The best tank
  7. Japanese for divine wind(8)
  8. Who invented the Tank(8)
  1. Who did Hitler send on patrol in Normandy(5)
  2. Where U.S dropped a bomb in japan (9)
  3. The first tank (6,6)
  4. The most remembered battle of WW2(4)
  5. The country with the most deaths in WW1(6)
  6. Who did Gavrio assassinated (5,9)
  7. What job would you have to be in the Ghost Army(5)
  8. Hitler's rank(6)
  9. What country got attacked by Germany and started WW2(6)
  10. The event where the Luftwuffe bombed London(5)

18 Clues: The best tankHitler's rank(6)The first tank (6,6)The first plane (6,5)Here is Gavrilo from(6)Who invented trenches(9)Who invented the Tank(8)Japanese for divine wind(8)Who did Gavrio assassinated (5,9)The most remembered battle of WW2(4)Where U.S dropped a bomb in japan (9)Who won the battle of pearl harbour(5)...

Europe 2022-10-24

Europe crossword puzzle
  1. a kingdom of islands
  2. A religion mainly found in West Europe
  3. a continent near Europe
  4. a union that has 27 countries in it
  1. Where WW1 started
  2. where WW2 started
  3. a religion popular throughout Europe
  4. Blamed for WW1 and WW2
  5. A country in West Europe that is religious
  6. a religious city in Italy

10 Clues: Where WW1 startedwhere WW2 starteda kingdom of islandsBlamed for WW1 and WW2a continent near Europea religious city in Italya union that has 27 countries in ita religion popular throughout EuropeA religion mainly found in West EuropeA country in West Europe that is religious

Crossword WW2 2023-03-20

Crossword WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. Which Italian general lead the North African Campaign?
  2. Who was the supreme commander of the Allied forces?
  3. What was the bloodiest battle on the Eastern Front?
  4. Who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
  5. Which operation invaded Southern France?
  1. Which city formerly known as St. Petersburg was sieged by Finnish and German forces?
  2. Who was the Emperor of the Japanese Empire during WW2?
  3. Which harbor was bombed by Japanese forces, having the US join WW2
  4. Which country was invaded by Germany, starting WW2?

9 Clues: Which operation invaded Southern France?Who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?Who was the supreme commander of the Allied forces?What was the bloodiest battle on the Eastern Front?Which country was invaded by Germany, starting WW2?Which Italian general lead the North African Campaign?Who was the Emperor of the Japanese Empire during WW2?...

WW2 crosswords 2022-05-04

WW2 crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. Second city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
  2. Leader of germany
  3. Had the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain
  4. a weapon that ended ww2
  5. Leader of Italy
  6. where the german army took the jews at
  7. One who wrote about his fathers time at the holocaust
  8. a country was shared with the soviet union and germany but later belong to germany
  9. union switched places to the allies
  1. Germanys target
  2. A riot that rioted against jews
  3. Took away rights from jews
  4. leader of Japan
  5. First city to be bombed by the atomic bomb
  6. Had Germany, Italy, and Japan
  7. a german army
  8. gave the order to drop the bomb

17 Clues: a german armyGermanys targetleader of JapanLeader of ItalyLeader of germanya weapon that ended ww2Took away rights from jewsHad Germany, Italy, and JapanA riot that rioted against jewsgave the order to drop the bombunion switched places to the allieswhere the german army took the jews atHad the U.S., Soviet union, Great Britain...

Hiroshima/Nagasaki Crossword 2022-03-10

Hiroshima/Nagasaki Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A secret program to develop nuclear weapons
  2. Name of Japanese suicide pilots
  3. The plane that dropped Fat Man
  4. The town where Oppenheimer and his team worked to make the atomic bomb
  5. The plane that dropped Little Boy
  6. Last name of the man who invented the atomic bomb
  7. Dictator of Germany at the time
  1. The atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
  2. Emperor of Japan at the time
  3. The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
  4. Cruiser that carried the atomic bombs
  5. Did Japan surrender after the second bombing?
  6. The month Nakasaki and Hiroshima got bombed
  7. Second city in Japan to be bombed
  8. The president of the US during WW2
  9. The month of the first successful atomic device test
  10. President during WW2, before Truman.
  11. Did Japan surrender after first bombing?
  12. Type of bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  13. First city in Japan to be bombed

20 Clues: Emperor of Japan at the timeThe plane that dropped Fat ManName of Japanese suicide pilotsDictator of Germany at the timeFirst city in Japan to be bombedSecond city in Japan to be bombedThe plane that dropped Little BoyThe president of the US during WW2The atomic bomb dropped on NagasakiThe atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima...

ww2 2021-10-28

ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 7
  3. 4
  4. 2
  1. 10
  2. 6
  3. 5
  4. 9
  5. 3
  6. 8

10 Clues: 65931874210

ww2 2021-11-15

ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. road build from Canda to Alaska
  2. Swamps that would sink their machines
  3. the island that was destroyed by Japanese
  4. bombed, brought the U.S. into WWII
  5. Japs secretly left through here
  1. Used to melt through frozen ground
  2. A 1600 mile road approved by Roosevelt
  3. many soldiers suffered this due to inadequate clothing
  4. keep feet warm in freezing temp
  5. Leader of Germany

10 Clues: Leader of Germanyroad build from Canda to Alaskakeep feet warm in freezing tempJaps secretly left through hereUsed to melt through frozen groundbombed, brought the U.S. into WWIISwamps that would sink their machinesA 1600 mile road approved by Rooseveltthe island that was destroyed by Japanesemany soldiers suffered this due to inadequate clothing

WW2 2022-03-10

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. was Chief of Staff of the United States Army during the 1930s Douglas MacArthur
  2. president of the United States Harry S truman
  3. Joseph stalin
  4. a British statesman who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 Winston churchhill
  5. president of the United States Dwight D Eisenhower
  6. a senior British Army officer
  1. the Seventh United States Army George S Patton
  2. Adolf hitler
  3. emperor of Japan Hirohito
  4. who founded and led the National Fascist Party Benito Mussolini
  5. served in the First World War Benard Montgomery

11 Clues: Adolf hitlerJoseph stalinemperor of Japan Hirohitoa senior British Army officerpresident of the United States Harry S trumanthe Seventh United States Army George S Pattonserved in the First World War Benard Montgomerypresident of the United States Dwight D Eisenhowerwho founded and led the National Fascist Party Benito Mussolini...

WW2 2013-06-07

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. the southern and southwestern region of the us
  2. suicide bomber
  3. to cut a small supply of food into pieces
  4. jelly like substance used to fire bombs
  5. a government contract to pay a manufacture
  1. conference between weston churchill and roosevelt
  2. an lvt /vehicle that was used in ww2
  3. deprived of power
  4. system= it was used to protect US ships with guns
  5. garden= they are war gardens and food gardens too

10 Clues: suicide bomberdeprived of poweran lvt /vehicle that was used in ww2jelly like substance used to fire bombsto cut a small supply of food into piecesa government contract to pay a manufacturethe southern and southwestern region of the usconference between weston churchill and rooseveltsystem= it was used to protect US ships with guns...

ww2 2014-01-15

ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. shelters a shelter that you hide in
  2. take another country
  3. a hole you hide in
  4. balloons stop plane coming down
  5. air force
  6. hitler a leader
  1. bombs
  2. break a building
  3. leaving a country
  4. they fly

10 Clues: bombsthey flyair forcehitler a leaderbreak a buildingleaving a countrya hole you hide intake another countryballoons stop plane coming downshelters a shelter that you hide in

WW2 2024-01-30

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. a member of a North American people of Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Airmen:a pilot or member of the crew of an aircraft, especially in an air force
  2. relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces.
  3. complete, or having all that is needed, in itself.
  4. A diminutive of Rose, Rosemary and of other female names related to the rose.
  5. separated or divided along racial, sexual, or religious lines.
  1. is someone who makes or breaks coded messages.
  2. a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.
  3. a person born in the US or Canada whose parents were immigrants from Japan.
  4. the act of putting someone in prison for political or military reasons, especially during a war
  5. an adult female human being.

10 Clues: an adult female human being.is someone who makes or breaks coded messages.complete, or having all that is needed, in itself.a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces.separated or divided along racial, sexual, or religious lines....

ww2 2024-05-14

ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. german airforce
  2. a union between Austria and Germany
  3. was a location in northern France where British and french soldiers were trapped
  4. river the river going across the rhineland
  5. Reich other name for the german empire that the nazis proposed
  6. a defensive line along the borders of Germany and France
  7. a german military technique that requires fast movement
  1. a french hero from ww1 leader of vichy france
  2. German name for the phony war
  3. a location in northern France that the germans travelled through to surprise the allied forces

10 Clues: german airforceGerman name for the phony wara union between Austria and Germanyriver the river going across the rhinelanda french hero from ww1 leader of vichy francea german military technique that requires fast movementa defensive line along the borders of Germany and FranceReich other name for the german empire that the nazis proposed...

ww2 2023-01-24

ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. leader of natzi germany
  2. dictator of japan during ww2
  3. leader of italy
  4. russian dictator during World War II.
  5. headed the Senate war investigating committee
  6. a ruler with total power over a country,
  1. a pact including germany,japan,italy,ect
  2. a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
  3. event that started ww2
  4. pushed for economic support of the allies with the lend lease program

10 Clues: leader of italyevent that started ww2leader of natzi germanydictator of japan during ww2russian dictator during World War II.a pact including germany,japan,italy,ecta ruler with total power over a country,headed the Senate war investigating committeepushed for economic support of the allies with the lend lease program...

ww2 2025-03-04

ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. when countries fight against each other
  2. flies over you
  3. have bullets
  4. they blow up
  5. big and round
  1. ties around your feet at night
  2. tell time
  3. fought in war
  4. mask put over your face so you don't get blinded by mustard gas
  5. German soldiers

10 Clues: tell timehave bulletsthey blow upfought in warbig and roundflies over youGerman soldiersties around your feet at nightwhen countries fight against each othermask put over your face so you don't get blinded by mustard gas

Winston Churchill 2018-11-26

Winston Churchill crossword puzzle
  1. Ruler of the Country
  2. Britans WW2 Leader
  3. Germanys Facist Leader
  4. another word for the central powers
  1. A conflict
  2. What Germany did in WW2 and WW1
  3. A French costal city
  4. When you win
  5. The Winners Of Both World Wars

9 Clues: A conflictWhen you winBritans WW2 LeaderRuler of the CountryA French costal cityGermanys Facist LeaderThe Winners Of Both World WarsWhat Germany did in WW2 and WW1another word for the central powers

WW2 2022-04-06

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. Historical figures
  2. The last thing you could do
  3. A building in which plays
  4. Huge explosion
  1. To prepare and organize for war
  2. A pogrom against Jews
  3. Groups of culture
  4. Death of a large group of people
  5. slum area
  6. Surprise attack

10 Clues: slum areaHuge explosionSurprise attackGroups of cultureHistorical figuresA pogrom against JewsA building in which playsThe last thing you could doTo prepare and organize for warDeath of a large group of people

WW2 2023-04-21

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. strongest country at the time
  2. german leader who came in power in 1938
  3. ------- arms race
  4. leader of the one of the permanent security force
  1. separated east and west bloc
  2. military force assembled
  3. leader of the enemy
  4. main accused country
  5. ----- race (political race)
  6. main enemy of the cold war

10 Clues: ------- arms raceleader of the enemymain accused countrymilitary force assembledmain enemy of the cold war----- race (political race)separated east and west blocstrongest country at the timegerman leader who came in power in 1938leader of the one of the permanent security force

WW2 2023-02-28

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. He loved to drink wine
  2. German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.
  3. Dictator of Germany
  4. His first son died of scarlet fever at age 3
  5. Promised a new deal to americans
  6. Major hall battle between japan and USA
  1. did not have any biological children
  2. was the 33rd president of the United States
  3. He once lived in a homeless shelter
  4. holocaust

10 Clues: holocaustDictator of GermanyHe loved to drink winePromised a new deal to americansHe once lived in a homeless shelterdid not have any biological childrenMajor hall battle between japan and USAwas the 33rd president of the United StatesHis first son died of scarlet fever at age 3German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.

WW2 2023-02-28

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. He loved to drink wine
  2. German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.
  3. Dictator of Germany
  4. His first son died of scarlet fever at age 3
  5. Promised a new deal to americans
  6. Major hall battle between japan and USA
  1. did not have any biological children
  2. was the 33rd president of the United States
  3. He once lived in a homeless shelter
  4. holocaust

10 Clues: holocaustDictator of GermanyHe loved to drink winePromised a new deal to americansHe once lived in a homeless shelterdid not have any biological childrenMajor hall battle between japan and USAwas the 33rd president of the United StatesHis first son died of scarlet fever at age 3German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.

WW2 2023-02-28

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. He loved to drink wine
  2. German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.
  3. Dictator of Germany
  4. His first son died of scarlet fever at age 3
  5. Promised a new deal to americans
  6. Major hall battle between japan and USA
  1. did not have any biological children
  2. was the 33rd president of the United States
  3. He once lived in a homeless shelter
  4. holocaust

10 Clues: holocaustDictator of GermanyHe loved to drink winePromised a new deal to americansHe once lived in a homeless shelterdid not have any biological childrenMajor hall battle between japan and USAwas the 33rd president of the United StatesHis first son died of scarlet fever at age 3German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.

WW2 2023-02-28

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. He loved to drink wine
  2. German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.
  3. Dictator of Germany
  4. His first son died of scarlet fever at age 3
  5. Promised a new deal to americans
  6. Major hall battle between japan and USA
  1. did not have any biological children
  2. was the 33rd president of the United States
  3. He once lived in a homeless shelter
  4. holocaust

10 Clues: holocaustDictator of GermanyHe loved to drink winePromised a new deal to americansHe once lived in a homeless shelterdid not have any biological childrenMajor hall battle between japan and USAwas the 33rd president of the United StatesHis first son died of scarlet fever at age 3German police do nothing. Young German who destroyed Jews community.

WW2 2021-03-03

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. a weapon that fires projectiles/bullets intended to harm people
  2. the act of telling something that isn't true
  3. A conflict between 2 or more nations where deaths and fighting are often involved.
  4. a place where illegal items are sold and other stuff.
  5. a time where all lights must be tuned of and windows must be covered to prevent bombers from seeing citys
  6. a weapon that fires large projectiles inteded to destoy planes or large ground objects such as tanks or bases. ALso known as AA guns
  1. Scamming a person of a group out of something such as money
  2. a group of people that control a country or city.
  3. Holding information about someone else and using it to control a person
  4. a house of sorts intended to shelter people from bombs, commonly made out of concrete

10 Clues: the act of telling something that isn't truea group of people that control a country or city.a place where illegal items are sold and other stuff.Scamming a person of a group out of something such as moneya weapon that fires projectiles/bullets intended to harm peopleHolding information about someone else and using it to control a person...

Ww2 2022-06-17

Ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. a very big hole where soldiers hide
  2. enemy of the USA
  3. catastrophic weapons that exploded
  4. the countries against the nazis
  5. the nazis sent them to death camps
  1. a flying vehicle used to drop bomb 💣
  2. a water vehicle with a big cannon
  3. a armored vehicle
  4. under ground bombs used to defend borders
  5. the USA and allies attack Germanys outpost on the French beach

10 Clues: enemy of the USAa armored vehiclethe countries against the nazisa water vehicle with a big cannoncatastrophic weapons that explodedthe nazis sent them to death campsa very big hole where soldiers hidea flying vehicle used to drop bomb 💣under ground bombs used to defend bordersthe USA and allies attack Germanys outpost on the French beach

ww2 2023-06-19

ww2 crossword puzzle
  1. Jamie's and Ada's mum
  2. The place that got bombed
  3. Ada's best friend
  4. Ada's Pet horse
  5. Ada age
  6. Jamie's age
  1. Ada's brother's name
  2. The place the kids escaped too
  3. Maggie's mother
  4. Jamie's pet cat

10 Clues: Ada ageJamie's ageMaggie's motherAda's Pet horseJamie's pet catAda's best friendAda's brother's nameJamie's and Ada's mumThe place that got bombedThe place the kids escaped too