www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

8 класс стр.84 2017-02-02

8 класс стр.84 crossword puzzle
  1. ööbik
  2. etendus
  3. suurim
  4. ligi tõmbama, meelitama
  5. kuulus olema
  6. rahvustoidud
  7. talu
  8. вид kaunis vaade
  9. varemed
  1. loss
  2. Ööbikuorg
  3. maakond
  4. au, uhkus
  5. ligi tõmbama, meelitama
  6. omalaadne
  7. maastik
  8. meelispaik
  9. elatanud inimesed
  10. kõige suurem

19 Clues: losstaluööbiksuurimmaakondetendusmaastikvaremedÖöbikuorgau, uhkusomalaadnemeelispaikkuulus olemakõige suuremrahvustoidudвид kaunis vaadeelatanud inimesedligi tõmbama, meelitamaligi tõmbama, meelitama

Selesaikan silang nombor 2023-05-05

Selesaikan silang nombor crossword puzzle
  1. 50% + 28% =
  2. 76% + 25% +93% + 8% =
  3. 406% - 248% - 77% =
  4. 800% - 47% - 209% =
  1. 84% + 39% + 60% =
  2. 217% + 304% =
  3. 320% - 95% =
  4. 101% - 36% =

8 Clues: 50% + 28% =320% - 95% =101% - 36% =217% + 304% =84% + 39% + 60% =406% - 248% - 77% =800% - 47% - 209% =76% + 25% +93% + 8% =


  1. 76%+25%+93%+8%=
  2. 217%+304%=
  3. 406%-248%-77%=
  4. 101%-36%=
  1. 320%-95%=
  2. 800%-47%-209%=
  3. 84%+39%+60%=
  4. 50%+28%=

8 Clues: 50%+28%=320%-95%=101%-36%=217%+304%=84%+39%+60%=800%-47%-209%=406%-248%-77%=76%+25%+93%+8%=


OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD crossword puzzle
  1. D&C 84:38
  2. Galations 4:1-7
  3. Luke 12:42-44
  4. D&C 88:107
  5. Revelations 3:21
  6. Revelations 21:7
  1. D&C 50:26-28
  2. Romans 8:14-18
  3. D&C 152:19-20
  4. Corinthians 3:18
  5. 3 Nephi 28:10
  6. D&C 76:92-95

12 Clues: D&C 84:38D&C 88:107D&C 50:26-28D&C 76:92-95D&C 152:19-203 Nephi 28:10Luke 12:42-44Romans 8:14-18Galations 4:1-7Corinthians 3:18Revelations 3:21Revelations 21:7

Stepsisters Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-08

Stepsisters Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What Isabelle found out to be creating ruckus in the chicken coop (Page 84)
  2. The word that Felix used to describe his thoughts towards Isabelle (Page 325)
  3. This is what Maman told Isabelle to cut off to fit the glass slipper (Page 10)
  4. What the Lieutenant felt when he found out what was in the trunk of the carriage(Page 316)
  5. How the prince felt after seeing that the slipper fit Ella Perfectly (Page 21)
  6. How Ella felt after understanding how her sisters felt (Page 22)
  7. What Isabelle thought of the nutshell Tanaquill gave to her(Page 75)
  8. The wish that Isabelle gave to Tanaquill( Page 321)
  9. The Animal that shot at Isabelle when she fought the burglar (Page 88)
  10. The weapon that Isabelle pulled out of her pocket ( Page 85)
  1. What Isabelle thought of the Seapod Tanaquill gave her (Page 75)
  2. What Isabelle's sister Tavi was observing with her magnifying glass ( Page 80)
  3. The “gift” that Isabelle compared to herself, calling it ugly(Page 75)
  4. What Isabelle considered her sister to be (Page 21)
  5. The carved figure that the group needed to complete the army (Page 322)
  6. What Isabelle called the man when she found out why he was in the coop (Page 84)
  7. The Object Isabelle gave to Tanaquill to create her Army (Page 321)
  8. This word is what Maman called her daughter Isabelle as (Page 10)
  9. How Isabelle Felt when she showed the glass slipper to the prince(Page 17)
  10. What Isabelle felt when Tanaquill gave her the three “gifts (Page 74)

20 Clues: What Isabelle considered her sister to be (Page 21)The wish that Isabelle gave to Tanaquill( Page 321)The weapon that Isabelle pulled out of her pocket ( Page 85)What Isabelle thought of the Seapod Tanaquill gave her (Page 75)How Ella felt after understanding how her sisters felt (Page 22)...

I Numeri da 0 a 100 2022-11-22

I Numeri da 0 a 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 25
  2. 72
  3. 52
  4. 98
  5. 38
  6. 85
  7. 17
  8. 58
  9. 47
  10. 21
  1. 14
  2. 92
  3. 19
  4. 83
  5. 64
  6. 79
  7. 76
  8. 12
  9. 9
  10. 55
  11. 33
  12. 61

22 Clues: 9149219836425727976529838128555173358614721

Unité 1 - A7-C2 2024-02-22

Unité 1 - A7-C2 crossword puzzle
  1. Abendessen
  2. Abitur
  3. niemand
  4. einschließen
  5. meiner Meinung nach
  6. nichts
  7. nur
  8. stressen
  9. lügen
  10. ändern
  11. nur/bloß
  1. Nummer/Ausgabe
  2. erinnern
  3. deshalb
  4. Refrain
  5. motivieren
  6. teilen
  7. nützen/dienen
  8. Anzeige

19 Clues: nurlügenAbiturteilennichtsänderndeshalbRefrainniemandAnzeigeerinnernstressennur/bloßAbendessenmotiviereneinschließennützen/dienenNummer/Ausgabemeiner Meinung nach

Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma 2020-08-16

Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma crossword puzzle
  1. many Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma spp. are both normal flora of the human __________ tract that can be transmitted via sexual contact
  2. 10B __________ is used to culture Ureaplasma urealyticum
  3. Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma spp. are both completely resistant to this class of antibiotics
  4. U. urealyticum is positive for this biochem (take one guess...)
  5. Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma are both fastidious, slow-growing, and facultative __________
  6. this Mycoplasma spp. is spread through respiratory secretions and attaches strongly to mucosal cells, causing walking pneumonia
  7. M. hominis will grow on this agar, while U. urealyticum will not
  8. this Mycoplasma spp. is the second most common STD, and it causes penile urethritis, cervicitis, and endometriosis
  9. colonies of M. pneumoniae growing on SP-4 agar have a __________ appearance and are salmon to yellow in color
  1. this Ureaplasma spp. is the primary pathogen of the genus, and is associated with spontaneous abortion
  2. in general, Mycoplasma spp. and Ureaplasma spp. can be treated with this antibiotic
  3. SP4-agar contains __________ and is used to culture M. pneumoniae and other Mycoplasma spp.
  4. 50-60% of people with walking pneumonia will have this blood abnormality
  5. A7 and A8 agar contain __________ and are used to isolate Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis
  6. both Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma lack this common cell feature
  7. this Mycoplasma spp. can cause PID, UTIs, and vaginosis
  8. when grown on special media, U. urealyticum colonies appear dark __________ in color

17 Clues: this Mycoplasma spp. can cause PID, UTIs, and vaginosis10B __________ is used to culture Ureaplasma urealyticumboth Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma lack this common cell featureU. urealyticum is positive for this biochem (take one guess...)M. hominis will grow on this agar, while U. urealyticum will not...


DARING DIVISION! crossword puzzle
  1. 173 divided by zero
  2. How many 6s in 18?
  3. 18 divided by three
  4. 77 divided by 7
  5. How many 9s in 90?
  6. Half of 40
  7. How many nines in forty-five?
  8. Half of twenty-four
  1. How many fours in sixteen?
  2. 81 divided by 9
  3. half of fifty
  4. 64 divided by 8
  5. 84 divided by 12
  6. Half of four

14 Clues: Half of 40Half of fourhalf of fifty81 divided by 964 divided by 877 divided by 784 divided by 12How many 6s in 18?How many 9s in 90?173 divided by zero18 divided by threeHalf of twenty-fourHow many fours in sixteen?How many nines in forty-five?

Hgtfffhhgf 2022-11-03

Hgtfffhhgf crossword puzzle
  1. kaidah (8e)
  2. golongan 3a
  3. golongan 6a
  4. unsur dengan dengan energi ionisasi terbesar
  5. hubungan konfigurasi
  6. spu
  7. kaidah (2e)
  8. energi untuk menangkap elektron
  9. unsur-unsur di kelompokan berdasarkan massa atom
  10. nama unsur besi
  11. golongan 1a
  1. elektronegativitas
  2. golongan8a merupakan unsur
  3. golongan 2a
  4. unsur golongan 8a
  5. unsur-unsur yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan kemiripan sifatnya
  6. energi ionisasi paling tinggi
  7. golongan 3b
  8. sifat periodik unsur
  9. golongan 6a

20 Clues: spukaidah (8e)golongan 2agolongan 3agolongan 6agolongan 3bgolongan 6akaidah (2e)golongan 1anama unsur besiunsur golongan 8aelektronegativitashubungan konfigurasisifat periodik unsurgolongan8a merupakan unsurenergi ionisasi paling tinggienergi untuk menangkap elektronunsur dengan dengan energi ionisasi terbesar...

The numbers 2022-08-26

The numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 20
  3. 64
  4. 7
  5. 27
  6. 60
  7. 31
  1. 96
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 12
  5. 14
  6. 84
  7. 3

14 Clues: 62473962064121427846031

Los Numeros 2022-08-26

Los Numeros crossword puzzle
  1. 20
  2. 3
  3. 27
  4. 60
  5. 7
  6. 12
  7. 6
  8. 84
  9. 96
  10. 2
  1. 14
  2. 64
  3. 31
  4. 4

14 Clues: 37642142064276031128496

HazCross #1 2017-03-06

HazCross #1 crossword puzzle
  1. The name of division 6.2
  2. Acronym for the International Air Transport Association
  3. The name of class 7
  4. Title of section 2 of the IATA DGR
  5. The name of class 8
  6. Measure an articles or substances degree of danger
  7. Column 1 of the HMT
  1. Section 171.8 of 49 CF
  2. The name of class 1
  3. The name of division 5.1
  4. The name of class 2
  5. The name of class 9
  6. The name of division 6.1
  7. Column 8c of the HMT
  8. Columns K & L of the IATA DGR are utilized for this type of aircraft
  9. PSN of UN1203
  10. Acronym for the International Civil Aviation Organization
  11. Column 8a of the HMT

18 Clues: PSN of UN1203The name of class 1The name of class 2The name of class 9The name of class 7The name of class 8Column 1 of the HMTColumn 8c of the HMTColumn 8a of the HMTSection 171.8 of 49 CFThe name of division 5.1The name of division 6.2The name of division 6.1Title of section 2 of the IATA DGRMeasure an articles or substances degree of danger...

CROSS WORD 2021-06-17

CROSS WORD crossword puzzle
  1. 8 X 5
  2. 5 X 5
  3. 100-1
  4. 3 X 100
  5. 5^3
  6. (40 X 2 X 100)+ 76
  7. 2 X 100
  8. 43.5 x 2
  9. 3.44 X 100
  10. (25 X 2)+ (4 X 8)
  11. 0.384 X 1000
  12. 50 X 2
  13. 2341-1885
  14. 2 X 11
  15. 50% OF 100
  16. 132 / 12
  1. 10% OF 300
  2. 1299 X 2
  3. the amount of interior angles added up in a square
  4. 237+3021
  5. 6^2
  6. 10 X 10 x 10
  7. (7 X 100)+ 48
  8. 3 X 8
  9. 3/4
  10. 201 X 2
  11. (6 X 7) X 2
  12. 6^2
  13. 7 x 7
  14. 1/2 OF 64
  15. 502 / 2

31 Clues: 6^25^33/46^28 X 55 X 5100-13 X 87 x 750 X 22 X 113 X 1002 X 100201 X 2502 / 21299 X 2237+302143.5 x 2132 / 122341-18851/2 OF 6410% OF 3003.44 X 10050% OF 100(6 X 7) X 210 X 10 x 100.384 X 1000(7 X 100)+ 48(25 X 2)+ (4 X 8)(40 X 2 X 100)+ 76the amount of interior angles added up in a square

KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30

KIMIA UNSUR crossword puzzle
  1. Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
  2. Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
  3. Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
  4. Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
  5. Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
  6. Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
  7. Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
  8. Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
  1. Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
  2. Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
  3. Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
  4. Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
  5. Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
  6. Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
  7. Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
  8. Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api

16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kalengUnsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringanUnsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidupUnsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kacaUnsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapurUnsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (...

84.Numbers 2023-06-18

84.Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. - The number that comes after ten.
  2. - A dozen or the number of months in a year.
  3. - The number of sides on a square.
  4. - The highest single-digit number.
  5. - Often considered an unlucky number.
  1. - A hand's worth of fingers.
  2. - A number considered lucky by many.
  3. - A score or twice the number of fingers.
  4. - A magic number, also the number of blind mice.
  5. - The first number, a single unit.
  6. - A symmetrical digit, resembling infinity.
  7. - A lucky number, often associated with dice.
  8. - A decade or the basis of our number system.
  9. - A couple or a pair of things.

14 Clues: - A hand's worth of fingers.- A couple or a pair of things.- The number that comes after ten.- The number of sides on a square.- The first number, a single unit.- The highest single-digit number.- A number considered lucky by many.- Often considered an unlucky number.- A score or twice the number of fingers....

6 2017-01-06

6 crossword puzzle
  1. 6a
  2. 2d
  3. 4a
  4. 8a
  1. 7a
  2. 3d
  3. 5d
  4. 1a

8 Clues: 7a3d5d6a2d1a4a8a

On UAE flag 2024-10-31

On UAE flag crossword puzzle
  1. MOHAMMED: Starts at row 2, column 3.
  2. EMIRATES: Starts at row 3, column 8.
  3. 1971: Starts at row 11, column 5.
  4. ABDULLAH: Starts at row 8, column 1. Intersects with 9D. BURJKHALIFA at the letter "L" in column 7.
  5. GREEN: Starts at row 8, column 9.
  6. GULF: Starts at row 1, column 5.
  7. RED: Starts at row 2, column 10.
  8. DESERT: Starts at row 5, column 7.
  9. ABUDHABI: Starts at row 5, column 3.
  10. NOVEMBER: Starts at row 4, column 5.
  1. BURJKHALIFA: Starts at row 1, column 7.
  2. RACES: Starts at row 6, column 2.
  3. FALCON: Starts at row 10, column 7.
  4. SHEIKH: Starts at row 9, column 3.
  5. OIL: Starts at row 10, column 5.
  6. TRADITION: Starts at row 2, column 11.
  7. WHITE: Starts at row 7, column 9.
  8. BLACK: Starts at row 12, column 7.
  9. ARABIC: Starts at row 4, column 6.
  10. UNITY: Starts at row 13, column 5.

20 Clues: OIL: Starts at row 10, column 5.GULF: Starts at row 1, column 5.RED: Starts at row 2, column 10.RACES: Starts at row 6, column 2.1971: Starts at row 11, column 5.GREEN: Starts at row 8, column 9.WHITE: Starts at row 7, column 9.SHEIKH: Starts at row 9, column 3.BLACK: Starts at row 12, column 7.DESERT: Starts at row 5, column 7....

RSA Core Values and Trivia 2021-09-10

RSA Core Values and Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. what classes are in the 600 wing?
  2. Team 84
  3. We hold ourselves accountable for overcoming obstacles and achieving excellent results for all students. ​
  4. We act with honesty, respect, and responsibility
  5. what classes are in the 100 wing?
  6. what classes are in the 300 wing?
  1. Team 72
  2. We are unified by our shared vision, mission, commitments and culture. ​
  3. We work hard and give 100% effort, never giving up on our goals. ​
  4. Team 83
  5. last name of RSA's principal
  6. We are entrusted and responsible for carrying out our school’s mission and ensuring that student learning is our priority.
  7. Team 71
  8. We work hand in hand to support one another and achieve our goals. ​

14 Clues: Team 72Team 83Team 84Team 71last name of RSA's principalwhat classes are in the 600 wing?what classes are in the 100 wing?what classes are in the 300 wing?We act with honesty, respect, and responsibilityWe work hard and give 100% effort, never giving up on our goals. ​We work hand in hand to support one another and achieve our goals. ​...

TTS BAHASA BALI 2023-02-07

TTS BAHASA BALI crossword puzzle
  1. Wirama
  2. Satyaning Ati
  3. Kanda
  4. Buka bantene, masorohan
  5. Tembang
  1. 4a-8i-6a-8i-8a
  2. Sastra lisan
  3. Epos
  4. Susastra Bali purwa
  5. Gancaran

10 Clues: EposKandaWiramaTembangGancaranSastra lisanSatyaning Ati4a-8i-6a-8i-8aSusastra Bali purwaBuka bantene, masorohan

Numbers 2! 2020-04-07

Numbers 2! crossword puzzle
  1. 55
  2. 84
  3. 100
  4. 47
  5. 26
  6. 18
  7. 73
  1. 12
  2. 62
  3. 91
  4. 14
  5. 23
  6. 39

13 Clues: 126291145584233947261873100

Los numeros 0-100.000 2021-10-13

Los numeros 0-100.000 crossword puzzle
  1. 1000
  2. 653
  3. 2
  4. 426
  5. 15
  6. 0
  7. 70
  8. 28.000
  9. 232
  10. 999
  11. 1
  12. 501
  13. 106
  14. 314
  1. 2500
  2. 40.700
  3. 1980
  4. 15.000
  5. 300
  6. 65
  7. 17
  8. 141
  9. 50.000
  10. 765
  11. 100
  12. 84

26 Clues: 201651715708430065314176542623210099950110631425001000198040.70015.00050.00028.000

MS Excel 2019-12-12

MS Excel crossword puzzle
  1. dokument u programu MS Excel
  2. podaci poravnati po lijevoj strani
  3. kombinacija oznake stupca i oznake retka (npr. A7)
  4. omogućuje računanje s podacima
  1. znak kojim započinje pisanje formule
  2. podaci poravnati po desnoj strani
  3. dio radne knjige
  4. nastavak dokumenta u MS Excelu
  5. dio prozora MS Excela u kojem se pišu formule
  6. program za izradu proračunskih tablica

10 Clues: dio radne knjigedokument u programu MS Excelnastavak dokumenta u MS Exceluomogućuje računanje s podacimapodaci poravnati po desnoj stranipodaci poravnati po lijevoj straniznak kojim započinje pisanje formuleprogram za izradu proračunskih tablicadio prozora MS Excela u kojem se pišu formulekombinacija oznake stupca i oznake retka (npr. A7)

Die Zahlen bis 100 2023-03-09

Die Zahlen bis 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 44
  2. 64
  3. 13
  4. 2
  5. 62
  6. 29
  7. 27
  8. 11
  9. 72
  10. 48
  11. 23
  12. 65
  1. 36
  2. 39
  3. 97
  4. 89
  5. 19
  6. 7
  7. 59
  8. 12
  9. 57
  10. 84
  11. 3
  12. 100
  13. 80
  14. 70

26 Clues: 72336443997641389196259125784298070271172482365100


TEKA TEKI STATISTIKA crossword puzzle
  1. Diberikan data berikut: 4, 8, 6, 5, 3. Hitunglah mean (rata-rata) dari data tersebut.
  2. Seorang guru matematika mencatat nilai ujian dari 10 siswa sebagai berikut: 78, 85, 92, 88, 79, 84, 91, 73, 87, 90 Hitunglah nilai rata-rata dari data tersebut.
  3. Hitung simpangan baku dari data berikut: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
  4. Data berikut menunjukkan nilai ulangan matematika 25 siswa70,85,92,88,77,68,95,81,75,84,66,71,90,87,80,84,93,72,80,97,81,82,85,70,78, 1,53 Carilah panjang interval dari data di atas
  5. Hitunglah nilai rata-rata 80,75,90,85,72,92,88,78,87,92 Hitunglah median dari dara tersebut
  6. Data berikut menunjukkan nilai ulangan matematika 25 siswa 70,85,92,88,77,68,95,81,75,84,66,71,90,87,80,84,93,72,80,97,81,82,85,70,78 Carilah kelas dari data di atas
  7. Sebuah kelas terdiri dari 20 siswa. Nilai rata-rata matematika mereka adalah 75. Jika seorang siswa baru bergabung dengan nilai 85, berapakah nilai rata-rata kelas yang baru?
  1. Nilai ulangan matematika dari 5 siswa adalah 85, 90, 80, 70,dan 95 hitunglah kuartil ketiga (Q3) dari data tersebut
  2. Hitung range dari data berikut: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
  3. Diberikan data sebagai berikut: 15, 18, 16, 14, 16, 20, 18, 16.Hitung simpangan rata-rata dari data tersebut.
  4. Data berikut menunjukkan nilai ulangan matematika 25 siswa 70,85,92,88,77,68,95,81,75,84,66,71,90,87,80,84,93,72,80,97,81,82,5,70,78 Carilah jangkauan dari data di atas
  5. Nilai rata-rata mata pelajaran fisika dari 10 murid laki-laki adalah 7.50, sedangkan nilai rata-rata dari 5 murid perempuan adalah 7.00. Jika nilai murid laki-laki dan perempuan digabungkan, maka nilai rata-ratanya menjadi .
  6. Carilah median dari data berikut ini 72,75,78,80,85,88,89,90,92,95
  7. Dalam sebuah tes, 30 siswa memperoleh nilai rata-rata 70. Jika 5 siswa dengan nilai terendah dihapus dari data, nilai rata-rata baru menjadi 72. Berapakah jumlah total nilai dari 5 siswa yang dihapus tersebut?

14 Clues: Hitung range dari data berikut: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30Hitung simpangan baku dari data berikut: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.Carilah median dari data berikut ini 72,75,78,80,85,88,89,90,92,95Diberikan data berikut: 4, 8, 6, 5, 3. Hitunglah mean (rata-rata) dari data tersebut.Hitunglah nilai rata-rata 80,75,90,85,72,92,88,78,87,92 Hitunglah median dari dara tersebut...

Crabbe: Journal 12 & 13 2012-04-25

Crabbe: Journal 12 & 13 crossword puzzle
  1. Crabbe didn't think the pipe would work but was willing to try it because she was giving him something of ________ to her (94)
  2. Means something; Crabbe finds that when you live in the bush, everything becomes this (82)
  3. Mary took a precaution and had Crabbe work back and forth on this to keep him safe (89)
  4. Crabbe's attitude towards 'ma nature' (82)
  5. The symbol on Mary's gift carved by a briar in China symbolizing unity of life and harmony of inner peace (93)
  6. Crabbe is amazed he can find where he is if lost, by simply using a map and this (84)
  7. Crabbe passes his test and feels ___________ (89)
  1. Mary's big test is for Crabbe to lead them here (83)
  2. Crabbe felt like nothing he did in the city truly ___________ (83).
  3. Crabbe thinks a lot about this when he's on his big test rolled up in old blankets (87)
  4. Mary gives Crabbe this as a gift (91)
  5. If things are important and you do them well, you get this feeling (83)
  6. Crabbe's big problem is that he's missing this pal (90)

13 Clues: Mary gives Crabbe this as a gift (91)Crabbe's attitude towards 'ma nature' (82)Crabbe passes his test and feels ___________ (89)Mary's big test is for Crabbe to lead them here (83)Crabbe's big problem is that he's missing this pal (90)Crabbe felt like nothing he did in the city truly ___________ (83)....

KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30

KIMIA UNSUR crossword puzzle
  1. Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
  2. Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
  3. Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
  4. Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
  5. Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
  6. Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
  7. Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
  8. Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
  1. Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
  2. Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
  3. Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
  4. Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
  5. Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
  6. Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
  7. Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
  8. Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api

16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kalengUnsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringanUnsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidupUnsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kacaUnsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapurUnsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (...

guess who 2023-03-03

guess who crossword puzzle
  1. ketua osis
  2. koreaboo
  3. pacar irene
  4. jawline
  5. actor
  6. goodman
  7. ayang leroy
  8. adek dari kembar 3
  9. sumber catetan
  10. om-om di kelas endearly
  11. segar
  1. istri haerin
  2. keselek tulang ikan sampe nangis
  3. waketos tahun lalu
  4. gay
  5. adek kelas yang gw simp in (cewe)
  6. si paling 30 juta
  7. pacar jisoo
  8. terpinter di 8a
  9. pacar oscar
  10. exg 7g, now 8g
  11. gw
  12. ketua mpk
  13. dbd

24 Clues: gwgaydbdactorsegarjawlinegoodmankoreabooketua mpkketua osispacar irenepacar jisoopacar oscarayang leroyistri haerinexg 7g, now 8gsumber catetanterpinter di 8asi paling 30 jutawaketos tahun laluadek dari kembar 3om-om di kelas endearlykeselek tulang ikan sampe nangisadek kelas yang gw simp in (cewe)

A1-C20 Competencies 2024-04-29

A1-C20 Competencies crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for a selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interest, aptitudes and abilities
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interest, aptitudes and abilities to appropriate occupations
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Select an immediate job goal
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewAppropriately quit a jobComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

Jag Competencies 2024-04-29

Jag Competencies crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for a selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interests,aptitudes, and abilities
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Select an immediate job goal
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewAppropriately quit a jobComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

words unit 16, p. 84-85 2019-02-27

words unit 16, p. 84-85 crossword puzzle
  1. Seide
  2. bewältigen, fertigbringen
  3. Schmerz, Schmerzen
  4. Personal
  5. Empfang, Rezeption
  6. sich erholen, genesen
  7. more thront
  8. Tablette
  9. Besichtigung von Sehenswürdigkeiten
  10. Pullover
  11. klug, schick
  12. Strumpfhose
  1. erzielen
  2. Papiertaschentuch
  3. up einwickeln, einpacken
  4. Schmerzmittel
  5. passend, angemessen
  6. Handtuch
  7. ermitteln, bestimmen
  8. aus Wolle
  9. während
  10. Koffer
  11. Nationalität
  12. Drogerie, Apotheke
  13. Anzug

25 Clues: SeideAnzugKofferwährenderzielenHandtuchPersonalTablettePulloveraus Wollemore throntStrumpfhoseNationalitätklug, schickSchmerzmittelPapiertaschentuchSchmerz, SchmerzenEmpfang, RezeptionDrogerie, Apothekepassend, angemessenermitteln, bestimmensich erholen, genesenup einwickeln, einpackenbewältigen, fertigbringenBesichtigung von Sehenswürdigkeiten

hall county, georgia 10 codes 2024-02-13

hall county, georgia 10 codes crossword puzzle
  1. emergency
  2. assist motorist
  3. weather/road conditions
  4. disregard
  5. direct traffic
  6. enroute
  7. rape
  8. meet w/in person
  9. in the area
  10. delayed due to
  11. blockade
  12. chase (foot/vehicle)
  13. drag racing
  14. busy unless urgent
  15. negative
  16. drug activity/suspect material
  17. ending tour of duty
  18. phone number
  19. resume normal operations
  20. body found
  21. domestic
  22. fire
  23. suicide attempt or threats
  24. driver's license inquiry
  25. escort
  26. riot
  27. wreck
  28. out of service
  29. mental subject
  30. transport prisoners
  31. relay msg/item
  32. subj/prisoner in custody
  33. in-progress
  34. officer needs help immediately
  35. in contact with
  36. wrecker or wrecker needed
  37. transporting liquor
  38. call by phone
  39. suspicious
  40. special detail
  41. prowler
  42. caution
  43. traffic stop
  44. prepare to copy
  45. needs assistance
  46. wanted/stolen
  47. murder/homicide
  48. check if wanted/stolen
  49. correct time
  1. emergency road repair
  2. abanadoned vehicle
  3. drunk pedestrian
  4. prison jail break
  5. radio signal check
  6. bank alarm
  7. signal's good
  8. arrived/on scene
  9. drowning
  10. weapon involved
  11. unnecessary use of radio
  12. speeding motorist
  13. location
  14. mechanical breakdown
  15. return to
  16. beginning tour of duty
  17. reply to msg
  18. notify coroner
  19. in service
  20. fight
  21. vehicle registration
  22. eta
  23. completed last assignment
  24. blood/urine test
  25. intox test
  26. hourly status check
  27. unable to copy
  28. op/off on duty
  29. work/school crossing
  30. repeat
  31. burglary
  32. animal case
  33. if not stolen, check w/owner
  34. hold evidence for gbi
  35. stop transmitting
  36. improperly parked vehicle
  37. armed robbery
  38. livestock/livestock in roadway
  39. acknowledge
  40. unable to locate
  41. standby
  42. traffic light out/malfunctioning
  43. quickly
  44. bomb/bomb threat
  45. drunk driver
  46. road blocked
  47. ambulance/ambulance needed
  48. msg received
  49. detaining subject
  50. hit and run

99 Clues: etarapefireriotfightwreckescortrepeatenroutestandbyquicklyprowlercautiondrowninglocationblockadenegativedomesticburglaryemergencydisregardreturn tobank alarmin servicebody foundintox testsuspiciousin the areadrag racinganimal casein-progressacknowledgehit and runreply to msgphone numbertraffic stopdrunk driverroad blockedmsg receivedcorrect time...

US 2024-07-18

US crossword puzzle
  1. Actriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. Sugy
  2. Cantante argentina famosa por su música pop. Laura
  3. Cantante y actor colombiano, exintegrante de "Piso 21". Tommy
  4. Actriz y cantante argentina, conocida por sus roles en telenovelas. Priscilla
  5. Cantante infantil mexicana conocida como "La Reina de los Niños". Tatiana
  6. Actriz y cantante colombiana, famosa por su papel en "Betty, la fea". Tatiana
  7. Presentadora y modelo colombiana. Alejandra
  1. Actriz mexicana conocida por su papel en "La Usurpadora". Alejandra
  2. Actor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". Kevin
  3. Escritora chilena autora de "La casa de los espíritus". Priscilla
  4. Actriz y cantante puertorriqueña, protagonista de "La Isla Bonita". Sugy
  5. Cantante y actor argentino conocido por su papel en "Casi Ángeles". Kevin
  6. Personaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". Tommy
  7. Actriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura

14 Clues: Presentadora y modelo colombiana. AlejandraCantante argentina famosa por su música pop. LauraActriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. SugyActor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". KevinPersonaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". TommyActriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura...

Game 2024-10-03

Game crossword puzzle
  1. Greece
  2. place to be
  3. passion in the rocks
  4. your birthday month
  5. your favorite animal
  6. straat home
  1. Croatia
  2. Projecting 8a
  3. boy's trip
  4. Saga
  5. the place that gives you the most fomo every Wednesday
  6. feeling
  7. the opposite of warm

13 Clues: SagaGreeceCroatiafeelingboy's tripplace to bestraat homeProjecting 8ayour birthday monthpassion in the rocksthe opposite of warmyour favorite animalthe place that gives you the most fomo every Wednesday

Fractions Activity 2021-04-30

Fractions Activity crossword puzzle
  1. 1/2 * 3/4
  2. 5/6 * 5/7
  3. 2/6 - 1/5
  4. 3/7 + 5/12
  5. 3/8 + 2/5
  1. 4/5 / 7/8
  2. 7/9 * 9/11
  3. 12/13 / 1/2
  4. 5/7 + 4/5

9 Clues: 1/2 * 3/44/5 / 7/85/6 * 5/72/6 - 1/53/8 + 2/55/7 + 4/57/9 * 9/113/7 + 5/1212/13 / 1/2

Numbers to 100 2023-03-07

Numbers to 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 74
  2. 44
  3. 22
  4. 13
  5. 89
  6. 84
  7. 99
  8. 67
  9. 11
  10. 19
  1. 87
  2. 14
  3. 25
  4. 12
  5. 5
  6. 33
  7. 61
  8. 15

18 Clues: 57487441422251213893361841599671119

Basic Math Operations 2023-01-27

Basic Math Operations crossword puzzle
  1. 8 ____ 8 = 64
  2. 84 ___ by 12 = 7
  3. The area of a rectangle that measures 7m x 4m is equal to ______ square meters.
  4. A math operation that uses this symbol: + is called an ______.
  5. ______ / 5 = 11
  6. 20 - _____ = 11
  7. 8 x _____= 56
  8. _____ - 4 = 4
  9. 36/4 = ______
  10. 152 ___ 91 = 243
  11. ______ + 23 = 45
  12. 9 x 7 = ______
  13. An octagon has 8 _______.
  14. 9 x 5 = ______
  15. 25 / 25 ____ 1
  16. 3 x ____ = 39
  1. 20 + 12 = ____
  2. A math operation that uses this symbol: - is called a ______.
  3. 105 ___ 105 = 0
  4. A ____ has 3 sides.
  5. The perimeter of a pool that measures 13m x 5m is equal to _____ meters.
  6. The space that an object covers is called the ____.
  7. 12 + _____= 36
  8. The distance around an object is called the _____.
  9. A square has ____ equal sides.

25 Clues: 8 ____ 8 = 648 x _____= 56_____ - 4 = 436/4 = ______3 x ____ = 3920 + 12 = ____12 + _____= 369 x 7 = ______9 x 5 = ______25 / 25 ____ 1105 ___ 105 = 0______ / 5 = 1120 - _____ = 1184 ___ by 12 = 7152 ___ 91 = 243______ + 23 = 45A ____ has 3 sides.An octagon has 8 _______.A square has ____ equal sides....

Character Review Part 2 2023-04-24

Character Review Part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. James 3:17
  2. Proverbs 6:6-8
  3. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
  1. Proverbs 25:28
  2. Colossians 3:23-24
  3. Proverbs 12:22

6 Clues: James 3:17Proverbs 25:28Proverbs 12:22Proverbs 6:6-8Colossians 3:23-241 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Our Class 2015-12-13

Our Class crossword puzzle
  1. Máté rarely washes the ________ beacuse he alwasy runs to play video games.
  2. Lili is sitting ________ the door.
  3. Miss Eiben is ________ us now.
  4. Kata never ________ shen she needs to talk.
  5. Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.
  6. You are reading this line at the moment.
  7. Liza never takes the dog for a ________ beacuse she has a cat.
  8. Kardos always ________ during lessons.
  1. Dorottya ____ wearing shoes on her feets today.
  2. Rozi usually listens to rock music when she ________ her homework.
  3. Franciska often does the ________ at the weekends.
  4. Petra sits ________ Krisztián and Kata in class 8a.
  5. Krisztián is ________ this example now.
  6. Anna always help at home. She is really ________.
  7. Hentes usually ________ with Szalmás before the trainings.
  8. Peti hardly ever ________ dinner beacuse he can't cook.

16 Clues: Miss Eiben is ________ us now.Lili is sitting ________ the door.Kardos always ________ during lessons.Krisztián is ________ this example now.You are reading this line at the moment.Kata never ________ shen she needs to talk.Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.Dorottya ____ wearing shoes on her feets today....

Our Class 2015-12-13

Our Class crossword puzzle
  1. Peti hardly ever ________ dinner because he can't cook.
  2. Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.
  3. You are reading this line at the ________.
  4. Dorottya is wearing ________ on her feets today.
  5. Krisztián is ________ this example now.
  6. Miss Eiben is ________ us now.
  7. Kardos always ________ during lessons.
  8. Kata never ________ when she needs to talk.
  1. Lili is sitting ________ the door.
  2. Hentes usually ________ with Szalmás before the trainings.
  3. Franciska often does the ________ at the weekends.
  4. Rozi usually listens to rock music when she ________ her homework.
  5. Máté rarely washes the ________ because he alwasy runs to play video games.
  6. Petra sits ________ Krisztián and Kata in class 8a.
  7. Liza never takes the dog for a ________ because she has a cat.
  8. Anna always help at home. She is really ________.

16 Clues: Miss Eiben is ________ us now.Lili is sitting ________ the door.Kardos always ________ during lessons.Krisztián is ________ this example now.You are reading this line at the ________.Kata never ________ when she needs to talk.Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.Dorottya is wearing ________ on her feets today....

fractions crossword puzzle 2014-01-26

fractions crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 6/20 x 3/8
  2. 6/7 - 9/12
  3. 9/12 + 2/3
  4. 6/7 x 14/15
  5. 3/6 + 12/18
  1. 9/14 x 7/12
  2. 3/4 - 1/2
  3. 9/13 x 1/3
  4. 3/4 + 15/16
  5. 1 5/12 - 6/7
  6. 6/7 - 2/14

11 Clues: 3/4 - 1/26/20 x 3/86/7 - 9/129/13 x 1/39/12 + 2/36/7 - 2/149/14 x 7/123/4 + 15/166/7 x 14/153/6 + 12/181 5/12 - 6/7

Mathematics Grade 5 2025-01-05

Mathematics Grade 5 crossword puzzle
  1. KPK dari 8 dan 12
  2. KPK dari 20 dan 32
  3. Luas Persegi dengan panjang sisi 4cm
  4. Hasil dari 8²
  5. Sembilan puluh delapan ribu lima ratus lima puluh
  1. Keliling persegi dengan panjang sisi 21cm
  2. Keliling persegi dengan panjang sisi 5cm
  3. Hasil dari 100 x 16
  4. Hasil dari 6²
  5. Hasil dari 7²
  6. Keliling persegi panjang dengan p=150cm dan l=75cm

11 Clues: Hasil dari 6²Hasil dari 8²Hasil dari 7²KPK dari 8 dan 12KPK dari 20 dan 32Hasil dari 100 x 16Luas Persegi dengan panjang sisi 4cmKeliling persegi dengan panjang sisi 5cmKeliling persegi dengan panjang sisi 21cmSembilan puluh delapan ribu lima ratus lima puluhKeliling persegi panjang dengan p=150cm dan l=75cm

End of the Year 2024-06-04

End of the Year crossword puzzle
  1. when you are somewhere you are not supposed to be it is called
  2. what we have all together on Monday mornings
  3. where we went for ice cream
  4. who runs groups during WIN?
  5. the season when we don't have school
  6. 75-84%
  7. math and reading pathways are on this
  8. gym teacher
  9. math game that everyone just started playing
  10. state testing we just took
  11. who runs the school
  1. 74% or less
  2. when you have a month of 80% or better behavior
  3. what Ms. K, Ms. Maduri, and Dr. Pinho have to drink to stay awake
  4. where you go when you feel sick
  5. fluffy and soft toys sometimes in raffle
  6. class that Dr. Pinho and Ms. Maduri teach
  7. the name of our school
  8. where recess is on Tuesdays
  9. 85% or higher
  10. can I see my ____?

21 Clues: 75-84%74% or lessgym teacher85% or highercan I see my ____?who runs the schoolthe name of our schoolstate testing we just tookwhere we went for ice creamwho runs groups during WIN?where recess is on Tuesdayswhere you go when you feel sickthe season when we don't have schoolmath and reading pathways are on this...


BULMACA ZAMANI crossword puzzle
  1. bütün maddelerinin ortalama kinetik enerjisi
  2. 8A grubuna verilen isim
  3. ekmeğin küflenmesinde meydana gelen değişim
  4. perıyodık tablonun yatay sıralarına verilen ad
  1. ekmeğin kesilmesindeki madde değişimi
  2. ph 8 den büyük olan maddelere verilen ad
  3. periyodik tablonun altına iki sıra eklemiştir
  4. periyodik tabloda düşey sıralara verilen ad

8 Clues: 8A grubuna verilen isimekmeğin kesilmesindeki madde değişimiph 8 den büyük olan maddelere verilen adperiyodik tabloda düşey sıralara verilen adekmeğin küflenmesinde meydana gelen değişimbütün maddelerinin ortalama kinetik enerjisiperiyodik tablonun altına iki sıra eklemiştirperıyodık tablonun yatay sıralarına verilen ad

Spotlight 4 Unit 2 (numbers) 2021-06-25

Spotlight 4 Unit 2 (numbers) crossword puzzle
  1. 70
  2. 25
  3. 79
  4. 50
  5. - 84
  6. 41
  7. 97
  1. 30
  2. 90
  3. 100
  4. 32
  5. 20
  6. 53
  7. 40
  8. 80
  9. 60

16 Clues: 7030903225207953504041806097100- 84

Unova Pokédex (B2W2) 0-100 2024-01-20

Unova Pokédex (B2W2) 0-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 27 Electric II
  2. 82 Grass V
  3. 30 Normal III
  4. 92 Water I
  5. 18 Bug/Grass V
  6. 3 Grass V
  7. 64 Poison I
  8. 50 Electric/Steel IV
  9. 95 Psychic II
  10. 32 Water II
  11. 76 Ground V
  12. 67 Psychic/Flying V
  13. 79 Normal III
  14. 34 Fighting/Steel IV
  15. 80 Normal IV
  16. 31 Water II
  17. 29 Water I
  18. 61 Poison/Flying I
  19. 100 Ground/Dark V
  20. 72 Steel/Ground II
  21. 28 Water I
  22. 13 Dark V
  23. 53 Fire II
  24. 84 Grass V
  25. 15 Normal/Flying V
  26. 99 Ground/Dark V
  27. 49 Electric/Steel I
  28. 1 Grass V
  29. 23 Normal V
  30. 43 Bug/Poison V
  31. 65 Poison I
  32. 90 Normal I
  33. 37 Grass V
  34. 60 Normal I
  35. 66 Psychic/Flying V
  36. 16 Normal/Flying V
  37. 97 Grass IV
  38. 93 Electric I
  39. 10 Normal V
  40. 57 Electric I
  41. 44 Bug/Poison V
  42. 48 Electric/Steel I
  43. 45 Bug/Poison V
  44. 35 Normal II
  45. 9 Water V
  46. 17 Bug/Grass V
  47. 5 Fire/Fighting V
  1. 14 Normal/Flying V
  2. 46 Poison I
  3. 55 Fire IV
  4. 89 Normal I
  5. 25 Electric II
  6. 36 Normal V
  7. 71 Rock/Ground I
  8. 75 Fighting V
  9. 40 Fire V
  10. 47 Poison I
  11. 68 Rock V
  12. 4 Fire V
  13. 62 Poison/Flying I
  14. 41 Water V
  15. 11 Normal V
  16. 87 Psychic V
  17. 51 Fire I
  18. 21 Grass II
  19. 63 Poison/Flying II
  20. 59 Normal I
  21. 88 Normal II
  22. 42 Water V
  23. 38 Grass V
  24. 19 Bug/Grass V
  25. 54 Fire I
  26. 96 Dark II
  27. 81 Normal IV
  28. 0 Psychic/Fire V
  29. 83 Grass V
  30. 69 Rock V
  31. 2 Grass V
  32. 39 Fire V
  33. 85 Grass V
  34. 73 Fighting V
  35. 74 Fighting V
  36. 33 Fighting IV
  37. 91 Normal I
  38. 98 Ice IV
  39. 26 Electric II
  40. 86 Psychic V
  41. 7 Water V
  42. 8 Water V
  43. 22 Normal V
  44. 77 Ground/Steel V
  45. 52 Fire I
  46. 24 Normal V
  47. 94 Fire I
  48. 58 Electric IV
  49. 56 Electric II
  50. 70 Rock V
  51. 20 Grass II
  52. 12 Dark V
  53. 78 Normal III
  54. 6 Fire/Fighting V

101 Clues: 4 Fire V40 Fire V68 Rock V3 Grass V51 Fire I54 Fire I13 Dark V69 Rock V2 Grass V39 Fire V1 Grass V98 Ice IV7 Water V8 Water V52 Fire I94 Fire I70 Rock V12 Dark V9 Water V55 Fire IV82 Grass V92 Water I41 Water V29 Water I42 Water V38 Grass V28 Water I96 Dark II83 Grass V53 Fire II84 Grass V85 Grass V37 Grass V46 Poison I89 Normal I36 Normal V...

Math Crossword 2012-10-22

Math Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 249-50
  2. 2x31
  3. 23x3
  4. 9,609-9542
  5. 12x2
  6. 32+38
  7. 1,549-566
  8. 4x176
  9. 327x2
  10. 237-179
  11. 325,869/57
  12. 2,816/64
  13. 5x877
  14. 233x3
  15. 1,553x59
  16. 123,372/18
  17. 6x31
  18. 3,600/48
  19. 5x134
  20. 135,895-58,191
  21. 26-11
  22. 108/9
  23. 1,311/69
  24. 999/27
  25. 8,214/3
  26. 92,305-10,023
  27. 62-26
  28. 17x5
  29. 7,220-1,359
  30. 39,527-18,665
  31. 137+140
  32. 3,660/61
  1. 9x2
  2. 1,846-847
  3. 324/6
  4. 95-31
  5. 7,569-6,975
  6. 8,778/11
  7. 1,598/34
  8. 182+563
  9. 2058/6
  10. 244x4
  11. 9x97
  12. 3672/68
  13. 1,385+1,209
  14. 4714+2957
  15. 230,571/3
  16. 3x33
  17. 1,687-801
  18. 152/2
  19. 6x1,172
  20. 78,685-36,843
  21. 32,273/59
  22. 6+11
  23. 83-45
  24. 4,265-783
  25. 347-261
  26. 44,404/68
  27. 14+17
  28. 12,699-5,889
  29. 585/9

61 Clues: 9x22x3123x312x29x973x336x316+1117x5324/695-3132+384x176244x4327x25x877233x35x134152/226-11108/983-4562-2614+17585/9249-502058/6999/27182+563237-1793672/686x1,1728,214/3347-261137+1408,778/111,598/342,816/641,553x593,600/481,311/693,660/611,846-8471,549-5664714+2957230,571/31,687-80132,273/594,265-78344,404/689,609-9542325,869/57123,372/18...

Molecular Structure 2023-10-06

Molecular Structure crossword puzzle
  1. A negatively charged ion; they take the -ide suffix on the name of the atom from which they came.
  2. A __ bond is one in quich a shared pair of valence electrons hold atoms together in __ (same word) compounds.
  3. __ have a tendency to "lose" electrons in ionic bonding.
  4. A positively charged ion; they take the same name as the atom from which they came.
  5. A measure of how strongly an atom attracts extra electrons to itself.
  6. ___ electrons are in the highest energy level and largely determine an element's chemical properties.
  1. __ energy is the amount of energy needed to take an electron away from an atom.
  2. ___ gases are group 8A elements with full outer energy levels.
  3. The __ rule refers to group 1A - 8A elements (except H & He) having "full" outer energy levels when they have 8 valence electrons.
  4. Atoms that have gained or lost one or more electrons, becoming electrically charged.
  5. A characteristic of atoms that varies regularly across the periodic table.

11 Clues: __ have a tendency to "lose" electrons in ionic bonding.___ gases are group 8A elements with full outer energy levels.A measure of how strongly an atom attracts extra electrons to itself.A characteristic of atoms that varies regularly across the periodic table.__ energy is the amount of energy needed to take an electron away from an atom....

Numbers 0-100 2018-04-11

Numbers 0-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 18
  2. 45
  3. 24
  4. 59
  5. 51
  6. 83
  7. 30
  8. 0
  9. 27
  1. 15
  2. 86
  3. 97
  4. 20
  5. 13
  6. 60
  7. 64
  8. 75
  9. 48
  10. 5
  11. 36
  12. 50
  13. 40
  14. hundred 100

23 Clues: 501586972013606418754845243659505140833027hundred 100

Numbers 2023-07-16

Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 25
  3. 20
  4. 42
  5. 84
  6. 15
  1. 71
  2. 68
  3. 53
  4. 60
  5. 93
  6. 16
  7. 50

13 Clues: 716853609325162042845015100

THE BOOK OF PSALM (2) 2024-08-26

THE BOOK OF PSALM (2) crossword puzzle
  1. Savior (Psalm 19:14)
  2. Defense (Psalm 91:4)
  3. Ruler (Psalm 24:8)
  4. Fairness (Psalm 89:14)
  5. Adoration (Psalm 95:6)
  6. Accuracy (Psalm 25:5)
  7. Sacred promise (Psalm 116:14)
  8. Rescue (Psalm 34:17)
  9. Elevated land (Psalm 125:2)
  10. Sound (Psalm 29:4)
  1. Adversaries (Psalm 23:5)
  2. Brightness (Psalm 27:1)
  3. Confidence (Psalm 56:3)
  4. Agreement (Psalm 89:3)
  5. Filled with joy (Psalm 100:1)
  6. Insight (Psalm 111:10)
  7. Hymn (Psalm 96:1)
  8. Calmness (Psalm 29:11)
  9. Unmerited favor (Psalm 84:11)
  10. Sacred (Psalm 99:9)

20 Clues: Hymn (Psalm 96:1)Ruler (Psalm 24:8)Sound (Psalm 29:4)Sacred (Psalm 99:9)Savior (Psalm 19:14)Defense (Psalm 91:4)Rescue (Psalm 34:17)Accuracy (Psalm 25:5)Fairness (Psalm 89:14)Agreement (Psalm 89:3)Adoration (Psalm 95:6)Insight (Psalm 111:10)Calmness (Psalm 29:11)Brightness (Psalm 27:1)Confidence (Psalm 56:3)Adversaries (Psalm 23:5)...

PSALMS (2) 2024-10-31

PSALMS (2) crossword puzzle
  1. Accuracy (Psalm 25:5)
  2. Hymn (Psalm 96:1)
  3. Sacred (Psalm 99:9)
  4. Defense (Psalm 91:4)
  5. Filled with joy (Psalm 100:1)
  6. Insight (Psalm 111:10)
  7. Calmness (Psalm 29:11)
  8. Adversaries (Psalm 23:5)
  9. Rescue (Psalm 34:17)
  10. Unmerited favor (Psalm 84:11)
  11. Confidence (Psalm 56:3)
  1. Adoration (Psalm 95:6)
  2. Brightness (Psalm 27:1)
  3. Agreement (Psalm 89:3)
  4. Elevated land (Psalm 125:2)
  5. Sound (Psalm 29:4)
  6. Sacred promise (Psalm 116:14)
  7. Fairness (Psalm 89:14)
  8. Savior (Psalm 19:14)
  9. Ruler (Psalm 24:8)

20 Clues: Hymn (Psalm 96:1)Sound (Psalm 29:4)Ruler (Psalm 24:8)Sacred (Psalm 99:9)Defense (Psalm 91:4)Savior (Psalm 19:14)Rescue (Psalm 34:17)Accuracy (Psalm 25:5)Adoration (Psalm 95:6)Agreement (Psalm 89:3)Fairness (Psalm 89:14)Insight (Psalm 111:10)Calmness (Psalm 29:11)Brightness (Psalm 27:1)Confidence (Psalm 56:3)Adversaries (Psalm 23:5)...

PSALMS (2) 2024-10-31

PSALMS (2) crossword puzzle
  1. Sacred (Psalm 99:9)
  2. Sacred promise (Psalm 116:14)
  3. Fairness (Psalm 89:14)
  4. Defense (Psalm 91:4)
  5. Agreement (Psalm 89:3)
  6. Unmerited favor (Psalm 84:11)
  7. Adversaries (Psalm 23:5)
  8. Confidence (Psalm 56:3)
  1. Rescue (Psalm 34:17)
  2. Adoration (Psalm 95:6)
  3. Insight (Psalm 111:10)
  4. Brightness (Psalm 27:1)
  5. Filled with joy (Psalm 100:1)
  6. Calmness (Psalm 29:11)
  7. Hymn (Psalm 96:1)
  8. Sound (Psalm 29:4)
  9. Savior (Psalm 19:14)
  10. Ruler (Psalm 24:8)
  11. Elevated land (Psalm 125:2)
  12. Accuracy (Psalm 25:5)

20 Clues: Hymn (Psalm 96:1)Sound (Psalm 29:4)Ruler (Psalm 24:8)Sacred (Psalm 99:9)Rescue (Psalm 34:17)Defense (Psalm 91:4)Savior (Psalm 19:14)Accuracy (Psalm 25:5)Adoration (Psalm 95:6)Insight (Psalm 111:10)Fairness (Psalm 89:14)Calmness (Psalm 29:11)Agreement (Psalm 89:3)Brightness (Psalm 27:1)Confidence (Psalm 56:3)Adversaries (Psalm 23:5)...

KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30

KIMIA UNSUR crossword puzzle
  1. Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
  2. Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
  3. Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
  4. Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
  5. Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
  6. Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
  7. Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
  8. Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
  1. Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
  2. Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
  3. Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
  4. Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
  5. Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
  6. Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
  7. Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
  8. Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api

16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kalengUnsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringanUnsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidupUnsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kacaUnsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapurUnsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (...

Bless me, Ultima Chapter 10 2022-04-13

Bless me, Ultima Chapter 10 crossword puzzle
  1. How long were Antonio and his uncle in the room for? (105)
  2. What other force do the witched take? (87)
  3. What does the owl represent in the book?
  4. What haunted Antonio's dreams? (83)
  5. Ultima asked Antonio to make a _____
  1. What did Antonio see Ultima make for his Uncle? (99)
  2. Who is Ultima going to lift a curse from? (88)
  3. Who did Ultima try to reason with? (94)
  4. Who cursed Lucas? (86)
  5. Ultima took Lucas's _____ to lift the curse (103)
  6. Who's power does the priest have? (85)

11 Clues: Who cursed Lucas? (86)What haunted Antonio's dreams? (83)Ultima asked Antonio to make a _____Who's power does the priest have? (85)Who did Ultima try to reason with? (94)What does the owl represent in the book?What other force do the witched take? (87)Who is Ultima going to lift a curse from? (88)Ultima took Lucas's _____ to lift the curse (103)...

Numeri 0-100 2022-04-26

Numeri 0-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 49
  3. 94
  4. 61
  5. 36
  6. 51
  1. 58
  2. 99
  3. 42
  4. 84
  5. 79
  6. 38
  7. 66

13 Clues: 589942498479943866613651100

Los numeros 0-100.000 2021-10-13

Los numeros 0-100.000 crossword puzzle
  1. 1000
  2. 653
  3. 2
  4. 426
  5. 15
  6. 0
  7. 70
  8. 28.000
  9. 232
  10. 999
  11. 1
  12. 501
  13. 106
  14. 314
  1. 2500
  2. 40.700
  3. 1980
  4. 15.000
  5. 300
  6. 65
  7. 17
  8. 141
  9. 50.000
  10. 765
  11. 100
  12. 84

26 Clues: 201651715708430065314176542623210099950110631425001000198040.70015.00050.00028.000

Teka-teki for youu 2023-10-11

Teka-teki for youu crossword puzzle
  1. Siapa cowok yang jarang masuk dan langganan kena omel pak Supri?
  2. Guru yang buat kita gak kebagian nasi kuning
  3. Siapa cowok yang prik garing terpanjang masa di 9b?
  4. Siapa ketua kelas di kelas 8a?
  5. Guru yang maksa gua masuk OSIS pas kelas 8?
  6. Siapa cewek yang caper dan pernah ngelabrak gua waktu di kelas 8?
  7. Siapa cowok yang tengil banget di 9b?
  1. Siapa cowok yang pernah gua sukain selama 8 bulan?
  2. Siapa orang yang paling cantik?
  3. Siapa yang gamonin cowok yang tidak effort?
  4. Siapa nama wali kelas waktu kelas 7 semester 2
  5. Siapa cowok yang pernah disukain 3 anak cewek di 9b?

12 Clues: Siapa ketua kelas di kelas 8a?Siapa orang yang paling cantik?Siapa cowok yang tengil banget di 9b?Siapa yang gamonin cowok yang tidak effort?Guru yang maksa gua masuk OSIS pas kelas 8?Guru yang buat kita gak kebagian nasi kuningSiapa nama wali kelas waktu kelas 7 semester 2Siapa cowok yang pernah gua sukain selama 8 bulan?...

Los números 2020-08-31

Los números crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 46
  3. 15
  4. 30
  5. 11
  6. 100
  7. 20
  8. 99
  9. 71
  10. 13
  11. 5
  12. 22
  13. 55
  1. 70
  2. 15
  3. 17
  4. 33
  5. 60
  6. 12
  7. 50
  8. 68
  9. 1
  10. 0
  11. 80
  12. 14
  13. 90
  14. 40
  15. 84

28 Clues: 105701517103346601250681530118020149990407184132255100

Deutsch Hallo Dialog 2023-10-24

Deutsch Hallo Dialog crossword puzzle
  1. pilkas
  2. vėliau
  3. dedu, guldau
  4. juodas
  5. esu
  6. 21
  7. atsiprašau
  8. Vokietija
  9. laisvas
  10. gerai
  11. Kaip sveikintumeis su draugu?
  12. 84
  13. metai
  1. žalia
  2. 37
  3. klausti
  4. naktis
  5. šalis
  6. žinoma
  7. Širdingai
  8. atvykau
  9. ačiū
  10. linksmumas, džiaugmas
  11. nuostabu
  12. pažįstu

25 Clues: 372184esuačiūžaliašalisgeraimetaipilkasvėliaujuodasnaktisžinomaklaustiatvykaulaisvaspažįstunuostabuVokietijaŠirdingaiatsiprašaudedu, guldaulinksmumas, džiaugmasKaip sveikintumeis su draugu?


TEKA TEKI SILANG KIMIA crossword puzzle
  1. unsur golongan 1A yang terdapat dalam garam dapur dan sangat penting untuk kesehatan manusia
  2. Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas paling melimpah di atmosfer Bumi
  3. Unsur golongan 7A yang merupakan gas beracun
  4. Unsur golongan 6A yang digunakan dalam pembuatan lilin dan merupakan simbol "C"
  5. Unsur golongan 7A dengan simbol "F"
  6. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah nonlogam
  7. Golongan 4A dalam tabel periodik, memiliki simbol "Be"
  8. 4A unsur-unsur karbon (C) dan silikon (Si) termasuk dalam golongan
  9. unsur golongan 3a yang memiliki simbol Al
  10. Unsur golongan 5A yang sering digunakan dalam pembuatan kertas dan bahan peledak
  1. unsur golongan 2A yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kaca dan bahan peledak
  2. Unsur kimia dengan simbol "N"
  3. unsur golongan 3a yang digunakan dalam pembuatan bahan peledak dan korek api
  4. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah logam transisi,sangat penting dalam pembuatan baja.
  5. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah gas mulia,
  6. unsur golongan 1A yang memiliki simbol k
  7. unsur yang merupakan anggota golongan 2A dan memiliki simbol ca
  8. Unsur golongan 6A dengan simbol "O"
  9. Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas mulia
  10. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang bersifat logam

20 Clues: Unsur kimia dengan simbol "N"Unsur golongan 7A dengan simbol "F"Unsur golongan 6A dengan simbol "O"unsur golongan 1A yang memiliki simbol kunsur golongan 3a yang memiliki simbol AlUnsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas muliaUnsur pada periode ke-3 yang bersifat logamUnsur golongan 7A yang merupakan gas beracun...

TTS KIMIA 2023-10-30

TTS KIMIA crossword puzzle
  1. Unsur golongan 7A yang merupakan gas beracun
  2. unsur golongan 1A yang terdapat dalam garam dapur dan sangat penting untuk kesehatan manusia
  3. Unsur kimia dengan simbol "N"
  4. Golongan 4A dalam tabel periodik, memiliki simbol "Be"
  5. 4A unsur-unsur karbon (C) dan silikon (Si) termasuk dalam golongan
  6. Unsur golongan 7A dengan simbol "F"
  7. unsur golongan 3a yang memiliki simbol Al
  8. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah logam transisi,sangat penting dalam pembuatan baja.
  9. Unsur golongan 6A dengan simbol "O"
  1. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang bersifat logam
  2. Unsur golongan 6A yang digunakan dalam pembuatan lilin dan merupakan simbol "C"
  3. unsur golongan 1A yang memiliki simbol k
  4. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah gas mulia,
  5. Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas paling melimpah di atmosfer Bumi
  6. unsur yang merupakan anggota golongan 2A dan memiliki simbol ca
  7. Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas mulia
  8. Unsur golongan 5A yang sering digunakan dalam pembuatan kertas dan bahan peledak
  9. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah non logam
  10. unsur golongan 2A yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kaca dan bahan peledak
  11. unsur golongan 3a yang digunakan dalam pembuatan bahan peledak dan korek api

20 Clues: Unsur kimia dengan simbol "N"Unsur golongan 7A dengan simbol "F"Unsur golongan 6A dengan simbol "O"unsur golongan 1A yang memiliki simbol kunsur golongan 3a yang memiliki simbol AlUnsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas muliaUnsur pada periode ke-3 yang bersifat logamUnsur golongan 7A yang merupakan gas beracun...

Juanita-Adj/Num 2021-09-16

Juanita-Adj/Num crossword puzzle
  1. Scared (F)
  2. 93
  3. 48
  4. Funny (F,Pl)
  5. Grey (M)
  6. Crazy (M)
  7. 52
  8. Bad (M)
  9. 36
  1. Fat (M)
  2. 84
  3. Mean (M)
  4. Purple (M)
  5. 61
  6. 25
  7. 79
  8. Brown (M,Pl)
  9. Cheap (M)
  10. Stinky (M,Pl)
  11. Green (M)

20 Clues: 8461932548795236Fat (M)Bad (M)Mean (M)Grey (M)Crazy (M)Cheap (M)Green (M)Scared (F)Purple (M)Funny (F,Pl)Brown (M,Pl)Stinky (M,Pl)

DEVINA PUZZLE 2023-02-23

DEVINA PUZZLE crossword puzzle


Les nombres 2020-08-26

Les nombres crossword puzzle
  1. 50
  2. 48
  3. 67
  4. 4
  5. 18
  6. 7
  7. 1
  8. 2
  9. 80
  10. 8
  11. 15
  12. 0
  13. 9
  14. 70
  15. 12
  16. 40
  17. 77
  18. 13
  19. 24
  20. 16
  21. 11
  22. 96
  1. 99
  2. 30
  3. 84
  4. 72
  5. 10
  6. 56
  7. 17
  8. 20
  9. 3
  10. 90
  11. 21
  12. 100
  13. 19
  14. 14
  15. 6
  16. 60
  17. 5
  18. 33

40 Clues: 47123809655099304867847218105617208090157021191412407760132433161196100

Մաթեմատիկա_2 2017-05-27

Մաթեմատիկա_2 crossword puzzle
  1. / 896 x 84
  2. / 4900 - 703
  3. / 843281 - 44189
  4. / 8455:5
  5. / 43000 - 9322
  6. / 7458 x 6
  7. / 5236:2
  8. / 822450 - 80124
  9. / 8400 - 5422
  10. / 78 x 95
  11. / 3670:5
  12. / 3695:5
  13. / 94 x 37
  14. / 36 x 55
  15. / 6840:9
  16. / 731 x 39
  1. / 1204:7
  2. / 70215 - 32458
  3. / 7266:7
  4. / 10236 + 785236
  5. / 993563 - 796376
  6. / 7848:8
  7. / 66000 - 8909
  8. / 366 x 92
  9. / 80 x 71
  10. / 74765 - 26591
  11. / 2835:5
  12. / 71224 - 24433
  13. / 388 x 81
  14. / 7227:9
  15. / 71 x 26
  16. / 937 x 97

32 Clues: / 1204:7/ 7266:7/ 7848:8/ 8455:5/ 2835:5/ 5236:2/ 7227:9/ 3670:5/ 3695:5/ 6840:9/ 78 x 95/ 71 x 26/ 94 x 37/ 36 x 55/ 896 x 84/ 366 x 92/ 80 x 71/ 7458 x 6/ 388 x 81/ 937 x 97/ 731 x 39/ 4900 - 703/ 8400 - 5422/ 66000 - 8909/ 43000 - 9322/ 70215 - 32458/ 74765 - 26591/ 71224 - 24433/ 10236 + 785236/ 843281 - 44189/ 822450 - 80124/ 993563 - 796376

KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30

KIMIA UNSUR crossword puzzle
  1. Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
  2. Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
  3. Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
  4. Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
  5. Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
  6. Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
  7. Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
  8. Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
  1. Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
  2. Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
  3. Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
  4. Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
  5. Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
  6. Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
  7. Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
  8. Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api

16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kalengUnsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringanUnsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidupUnsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kacaUnsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapurUnsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (...

KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30

KIMIA UNSUR crossword puzzle
  1. Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
  2. Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
  3. Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
  4. Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
  5. Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
  6. Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
  7. Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
  8. Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
  1. Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
  2. Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
  3. Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
  4. Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
  5. Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
  6. Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
  7. Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
  8. Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api

16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kalengUnsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringanUnsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidupUnsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kacaUnsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapurUnsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (...

TTS Bahasa Bali Kasusastraan 2023-02-01

TTS Bahasa Bali Kasusastraan crossword puzzle
  1. Togok kretain
  2. nada panjang
  3. kaiket uger-uger
  4. Bali anyar
  5. Sastra
  1. tan kaiket uger-uger
  2. 8a,8i
  3. Sekar Madya
  4. sekar agung
  5. prosa Bali anyar

10 Clues: 8a,8iSastraBali anyarSekar Madyasekar agungnada panjangTogok kretainkaiket uger-ugerprosa Bali anyartan kaiket uger-uger

84 2022-02-08

84 crossword puzzle
  1. Place where the bus boycott happened in America
  2. The state that said they would not accept the outcome of Brown vs Board
  3. When you do not allow people to mix based on their skin colour
  4. When name of the set of laws that affected black people more
  5. Name of a prominent person who went on to have an important speech
  1. Person who the media used for the bus boycott
  2. The name of the boy who was killed in Mississippi
  3. What did Linda brown want the right to have

8 Clues: What did Linda brown want the right to havePerson who the media used for the bus boycottPlace where the bus boycott happened in AmericaThe name of the boy who was killed in MississippiWhen name of the set of laws that affected black people moreWhen you do not allow people to mix based on their skin colour...

Numbers 20-99 2022-03-01

Numbers 20-99 crossword puzzle
  1. 50
  2. 78
  3. 84
  4. 70
  5. 30
  6. 65
  7. 80
  1. 40
  2. 56
  3. 90
  4. 47
  5. 99
  6. 20
  7. 33
  8. 22
  9. 60

16 Clues: 40565090477899842070333022606580

The Fault In Our Stars - Book Club Meeting Two - Chapters 5 - 10 2024-01-16

The Fault In Our Stars - Book Club Meeting Two - Chapters 5 - 10 crossword puzzle
  1. so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145)
  2. without showing ones feelings or complaining about pain or hardship (88)
  3. somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65)
  4. complete, absolute (pg 83)
  5. someones nickname (pg. 64)
  1. within the skull (105)
  2. wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84)
  3. excessively sweet, rich, or sentimental to a disgusting level (pg 75)
  4. a state in which you feel excited or very alert as a result of anger, stress, or fear (93)
  5. a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67)

10 Clues: within the skull (105)complete, absolute (pg 83)someones nickname (pg. 64)a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67)wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84)so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145)somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65)...

The Fault In Our Stars - Book Club Meeting Two - Chapters 5 - 10 2024-01-16

The Fault In Our Stars - Book Club Meeting Two - Chapters 5 - 10 crossword puzzle
  1. so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145)
  2. without showing ones feelings or complaining about pain or hardship (88)
  3. somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65)
  4. complete, absolute (pg 83)
  5. someones nickname (pg. 64)
  1. within the skull (105)
  2. wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84)
  3. excessively sweet, rich, or sentimental to a disgusting level (pg 75)
  4. a state in which you feel excited or very alert as a result of anger, stress, or fear (93)
  5. a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67)

10 Clues: within the skull (105)complete, absolute (pg 83)someones nickname (pg. 64)a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67)wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84)so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145)somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65)...

Multi-year Competencies 2024-04-29

Multi-year Competencies crossword puzzle
  1. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  2. Practice effective human relations
  3. Construct a resume
  4. Complete a job interview
  5. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  8. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
  9. Identify problems of new employees
  10. Complete application forms
  1. Select an immediate job goal
  2. Follow directions
  3. Develop a letter of application
  4. Demonstrate time management
  5. Appropriately quit a job
  6. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  7. Develop a career path for a selected occupation
  8. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
  9. Understand what employers expect of employees
  10. Conduct a job search

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewAppropriately quit a jobComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationPractice effective human relationsDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employees...

teka-teki silang b.jawa bab 1 dan bab 2 2024-10-04

teka-teki silang b.jawa bab 1 dan bab 2 crossword puzzle
  1. drama yaiku...
  2. bedane drama tradisional lan modern...
  3. Gatra saben sapada diarani...
  4. Jawa sing ora wenang nganggo sandhangan Pepet...
  5. iku mujudake...
  6. Laporan kudune tumata,saengga gampang diwaca lan dipahami dening pamaos Iki ngebaki prinsip...
  7. asil observasi iku ditulis adhedhasar...
  1. Dudu mujudake ciri-ciri laporan asik observasi iku...
  2. iku disusun kanggo...
  3. paragane ludruk iku lumrahe...
  4. dumadi 6 Gatra=8u,8i,8a,8i,Iki mujudake paugerane tembang...
  5. mas iku mujudake..pak karta lan Bu Karta...
  6. isi timun sama ibune,sing disebarake timun emas kasebut,banjur dadi...
  7. lagu yaiku...
  8. macam-macam drama sing perlu diweruhi lan dimengerteni,yaiku...

15 Clues: lagu yaiku...drama yaiku...iku mujudake...iku disusun kanggo...Gatra saben sapada diarani...paragane ludruk iku lumrahe...bedane drama tradisional lan modern...asil observasi iku ditulis adhedhasar...mas iku mujudake..pak karta lan Bu Karta...Jawa sing ora wenang nganggo sandhangan Pepet...Dudu mujudake ciri-ciri laporan asik observasi iku......

Christmas Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-13

Christmas Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Gingerbread structure
  2. Plant to kiss under
  3. Sleigh pullers
  4. Another word for 'gifts'
  5. 7d's helpers
  6. Decorations for a tree
  7. Red-Nosed 8a
  8. Sock hung up
  9. Alt. spelling of 1d
  1. Celebration of Jesus' birth
  2. Month that 1d is celebrated
  3. Day that 1d is celebrated
  4. Greeting used with 1d
  5. Jolly old man
  6. Where 7d lives
  7. Day before an event
  8. "____ Frost"
  9. Figure built with snow

18 Clues: 7d's helpers"____ Frost"Red-Nosed 8aSock hung upJolly old manSleigh pullersWhere 7d livesPlant to kiss underDay before an eventAlt. spelling of 1dGingerbread structureGreeting used with 1dDecorations for a treeFigure built with snowAnother word for 'gifts'Day that 1d is celebratedCelebration of Jesus' birthMonth that 1d is celebrated

8A 2022-12-08

8A crossword puzzle
  1. bias
  2. dates Kristian
  3. isis controlled country
  4. who/what/where/when/why
  5. mascot
  6. math teacher
  7. principal
  8. english Teacher
  1. master of the 3pt shot
  2. "Shades"
  3. shi'anna's twin
  4. supporting evidence

12 Clues: biasmascot"Shades"principalshi'anna's twinmath teacherenglish Teacherdates Kristiansupporting evidencemaster of the 3pt shotisis controlled countrywho/what/where/when/why

US 2024-07-18

US crossword puzzle
  1. Actriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. Sugy
  2. Cantante argentina famosa por su música pop. Laura
  3. Cantante y actor colombiano, exintegrante de "Piso 21". Tommy
  4. Actriz y cantante argentina, conocida por sus roles en telenovelas. Priscilla
  5. Cantante infantil mexicana conocida como "La Reina de los Niños". Tatiana
  6. Actriz y cantante colombiana, famosa por su papel en "Betty, la fea". Tatiana
  7. Presentadora y modelo colombiana. Alejandra
  1. Actriz mexicana conocida por su papel en "La Usurpadora". Alejandra
  2. Actor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". Kevin
  3. Escritora chilena autora de "La casa de los espíritus". Priscilla
  4. Actriz y cantante puertorriqueña, protagonista de "La Isla Bonita". Sugy
  5. Cantante y actor argentino conocido por su papel en "Casi Ángeles". Kevin
  6. Personaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". Tommy
  7. Actriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura

14 Clues: Presentadora y modelo colombiana. AlejandraCantante argentina famosa por su música pop. LauraActriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. SugyActor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". KevinPersonaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". TommyActriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura...

8A Kreuzworträtsel 2014-01-23

8A Kreuzworträtsel crossword puzzle
  1. klein (small)
  2. Mantel (coat)
  3. Hose (pants)
  4. Rock (skirt)
  5. Hemd (shirt)
  6. lässig (casual)
  7. Sandalen (sandals)
  8. Strumpfhose (stockings)
  9. Stiefel (boot)
  10. Turnschuh (sneakers)
  11. Schuh (shoe)
  12. Armbanduhr (wristwatch)
  13. Halskette (necklace)
  14. Kleid (dress)
  1. Bluse (blouse)
  2. Blazer (blazer)
  3. groß (big)
  4. Kleidung (clothing)
  5. Schal (scarf)
  6. Krawatte (tie)
  7. Pullover (sweater)
  8. Jacke (jacket)
  9. Gürtel (belt)
  10. scheußlich (hideous)
  11. Handschuh (glove)
  12. sportlich (sporty)
  13. Stirnband (headband)
  14. Ohrring (earring)
  15. Baumwolle (cotton)
  16. Badehose (swim trunks)
  17. Klamotten (clothing)
  18. schick (stylish)

32 Clues: groß (big)Hose (pants)Rock (skirt)Hemd (shirt)Schuh (shoe)klein (small)Mantel (coat)Schal (scarf)Gürtel (belt)Kleid (dress)Bluse (blouse)Krawatte (tie)Jacke (jacket)Stiefel (boot)Blazer (blazer)lässig (casual)schick (stylish)Handschuh (glove)Ohrring (earring)Pullover (sweater)Sandalen (sandals)sportlich (sporty)Baumwolle (cotton)Kleidung (clothing)...

8A Crossword 2014-05-08

8A Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. I used to live in Sabie, South Africa
  2. I like going to the beach and pools
  3. Love chocolate
  4. I like Sour Patch Kids
  5. My last name is a type of orange
  6. I love Miley Cyrus and the colour blue
  7. I love Pakour
  8. I am a dancer and I love it
  1. I really really really really (etc) like, love, want to marry guitars, piano, violin and drums
  2. I like rats
  3. I have 3 siblings
  4. I hate staplers
  5. Obsessed with socks
  6. I am thin and light as
  7. My family is from Scotland
  8. I love castles and awesome architecture
  9. I was born in England
  10. I like birthday cake with the words happy birthday Kiara on it. Oh and I like chocolate
  11. I like to be active
  12. I have blonde hair
  13. I like South Park
  14. I like singing, when Im alone

22 Clues: I like ratsI love PakourLove chocolateI hate staplersI have 3 siblingsI like South ParkI have blonde hairObsessed with socksI like to be activeI was born in EnglandI am thin and light asI like Sour Patch KidsMy family is from ScotlandI am a dancer and I love itI like singing, when Im aloneMy last name is a type of orange...

8A-9A 2022-05-02

8A-9A crossword puzzle
  1. eye
  2. read
  3. side
  4. roll
  5. care for
  6. pull
  7. fit
  8. wonder
  9. rock
  10. touch
  11. not
  12. write
  13. faith
  14. law
  15. backward
  16. know
  17. half
  18. carry
  19. mind
  1. bad
  2. different
  3. holy
  4. voice
  5. twist
  6. feeling
  7. beyond
  8. hand
  9. laugh
  10. rock
  11. make
  12. together
  13. appearance
  14. name
  15. right
  16. feel
  17. change

36 Clues: eyebadfitnotlawholyreadsiderollpullhandrockrockmakenameknowfeelhalfmindvoicetwisttouchwritelaughfaithrightcarrybeyondwonderchangefeelingcare fortogetherbackwarddifferentappearance

Kanada 8a 2022-11-22

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
  2. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  3. Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas „Toronto ...“
  4. Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
  5. Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
  6. Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
  7. Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
  8. Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
  9. Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
  10. Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
  11. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  1. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  2. Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
  3. Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
  4. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
  5. Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  6. Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
  7. Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
  8. Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
  9. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  10. Kanados sostinė
  11. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  12. ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
  13. Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
  14. Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę

25 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiStambus Kanados miškų gyvūnasSu Kanados vėliava susijęs medisGyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolisKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaStambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintojaVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųKanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardėValstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje...

Kanada 8a 2022-11-22

Kanada 8a crossword puzzle
  1. Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
  2. Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
  3. Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
  4. Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
  5. Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
  6. Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
  7. Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
  8. Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
  9. Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas „Toronto ...“
  10. Kanados sostinė
  11. Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
  12. ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
  13. Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
  1. Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
  2. Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
  3. Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę
  4. Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
  5. Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
  6. Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
  7. Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
  8. Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
  9. Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
  10. Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
  11. Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
  12. Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka

25 Clues: Kanados sostinėPirmieji Kanados gyventojaiStambus Kanados miškų gyvūnasSu Kanados vėliava susijęs medisGyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolisKanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šakaStambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintojaKanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardėVienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestųValstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje...

8A Students 2023-05-01

8A Students crossword puzzle
  1. this student's last name is Ryan
  2. this student's last name is Koranda
  3. this student's last name is Barnes
  4. this student's last name is McCormick
  5. this student's last name is Gerber
  6. this student's last name is Taber
  7. this student's last name is Winn
  8. this student's last name is Summers
  9. this student's last name is Jarvis
  10. this student's last name is Green
  11. this student's last name is Thompson
  12. this student's last name is Tillotson
  13. this student's last name is Schmidt
  14. this student's last name is Koranda
  1. this student's last name is Jury
  2. this student's last name is Finney
  3. this student's last name is Klaassen
  4. this student's last name is Hoch
  5. this student's last name is Thomas
  6. this student's last name is Giffin
  7. this student's last name is Knowles
  8. this student's last name is Bowlin
  9. this student's last name is McCullough
  10. this student's last name is Taylor
  11. this student's last name is Wright

25 Clues: this student's last name is Jurythis student's last name is Ryanthis student's last name is Hochthis student's last name is Winnthis student's last name is Taberthis student's last name is Greenthis student's last name is Finneythis student's last name is Barnesthis student's last name is Thomasthis student's last name is Giffin...

Unit 8A 2024-04-20

Unit 8A crossword puzzle
  1. უიღბლობა
  2. თითქმის
  3. აღწერა
  4. შეკვეთა
  5. ხელნაწერი
  6. მონა
  7. შესაძლებლობა
  8. განძი
  9. ბორანი
  10. განუჭვრეტელი
  11. ისარი
  12. შორეული ადგილი
  13. ინტერესი, ცნობისმოყვარეობა
  14. საკუთრება
  15. მოედანი
  16. შეტევა
  17. საუკუნე
  18. მოსამართლე
  19. სანაპირო
  20. განზრახვა
  1. მომგებიანი
  2. შეთავაზება
  3. მიმოფანტვა
  4. ჯარისკაცი
  5. სიბრძნე
  6. თუმცა
  7. საბედნიეროდ
  8. კუთხე
  9. თავგადასავალი
  10. to ამის გამო
  11. უამრავი
  12. წარმოუდგენელი,არაჩვეულებრივი
  13. ჩათვლა,მიჩნევა
  14. შენახვა
  15. დასაქმება
  16. ძებნა
  17. განზრახვა
  18. მიტოვება

38 Clues: მონათუმცაკუთხეგანძიისარიძებნააღწერაბორანიშეტევათითქმისსიბრძნეშეკვეთაუამრავიშენახვამოედანისაუკუნეუიღბლობამიტოვებასანაპიროჯარისკაციხელნაწერიდასაქმებაგანზრახვასაკუთრებაგანზრახვამომგებიანიშეთავაზებამიმოფანტვამოსამართლესაბედნიეროდშესაძლებლობაგანუჭვრეტელითავგადასავალიto ამის გამოჩათვლა,მიჩნევაშორეული ადგილიინტერესი, ცნობისმოყვარეობა...

8A Crucigrama 2024-07-15

8A Crucigrama crossword puzzle
  1. monument
  2. ticket
  3. by train
  4. by bus
  5. to visit
  6. national park
  7. attraction
  8. to ride a horse
  9. impressive
  10. sea
  11. to go on vacation
  12. country
  13. to scuba dive/snorkel
  14. monkey
  15. amusement park
  16. zoo
  17. to return
  1. by boat
  2. tell me
  3. play
  4. to rest
  5. theater
  6. to travel
  7. to leave, to go out
  8. bear
  9. animal
  10. it was a disaster
  11. late
  12. early
  13. to go boating
  14. by plane
  15. bird
  16. to sunbathe
  17. city
  18. lake
  19. stadium
  20. to learn
  21. tree
  22. souvenirs
  23. museum

40 Clues: seazooplaybearlatebirdcitylaketreeearlyticketby busanimalmonkeymuseumby boattell meto resttheatercountrystadiummonumentby trainto visitby planeto learnto travelsouvenirsto returnattractionimpressiveto sunbathenational parkto go boatingamusement parkto ride a horseit was a disasterto go on vacationto leave, to go outto scuba dive/snorkel

Test A7 2014-10-08

Test A7 crossword puzzle
  1. 4+20+32+12
  2. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
  3. 90+9
  4. 2,5 * 2
  5. 70-45
  6. 24/2
  1. 58-26
  2. 12+14
  3. 601-1
  4. 50+8-1

10 Clues: 90+924/258-2612+14601-170-4550+8-12,5 * 24+20+32+121+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1

Les nombres français (70 à 1,000,000) 2021-09-28

Les nombres français (70 à 1,000,000) crossword puzzle
  1. 70
  2. 99
  3. 83
  4. 1000
  5. 77
  6. 86
  1. 87
  2. 91
  3. 73
  4. 95
  5. 1,000,000
  6. 100

12 Clues: 87917370959983778610010001,000,000

Periodic Table Elements 2020-03-19

Periodic Table Elements crossword puzzle
  1. discovered by marie curie and is a alkaline earth metal
  2. atomic number is 2
  3. is a metalliod and the atomic number is 85
  4. atomic number is 24
  5. atomic weight is 162.50
  6. the symbol is Au
  7. the symbol is Cu
  8. is a noble gas with an atomic weight of 20.180
  9. the symbol is Ru
  10. is a actinoid metal and the symbol is Bk
  1. is a other nonmetal and atomic number is 35
  2. the atomic number is 16 and the atomic weight is 32.06
  3. atomic weight is 204.38 and is an post-transition metal
  4. is an alkaline earth metal and atomic weight is 24.305
  5. also discovered by marie curie and atomic number is 84
  6. atomic weight is 207.2
  7. the atomic weight is 95.95
  8. is a lanthanoid and the atomic weight is 144.24
  9. is a transition metal and the atomic weight is 186.21
  10. the symbol is Rh

20 Clues: the symbol is Authe symbol is Cuthe symbol is Ruthe symbol is Rhatomic number is 2atomic number is 24atomic weight is 207.2atomic weight is 162.50the atomic weight is 95.95is a actinoid metal and the symbol is Bkis a metalliod and the atomic number is 85is a other nonmetal and atomic number is 35is a noble gas with an atomic weight of 20.180...

Les Nombres 2023-02-16

Les Nombres crossword puzzle
  1. 72
  2. 692
  3. 83
  4. 132
  5. 455
  6. 66
  7. 78
  8. 59
  9. 97
  1. 274
  2. 62
  3. 53
  4. 837
  5. 85
  6. 92

15 Clues: 72625385839266785997274837692132455

14 numbers 1-100 2018-10-27

14 numbers 1-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 5
  3. 11
  4. 9
  5. 7
  6. 84
  7. 15
  8. 20
  1. 3
  2. 78
  3. 90
  4. 1
  5. 96
  6. 42

14 Clues: 351977890119684421520100

Lord of the Flies Vocab Ch. 1-9 2021-09-22

Lord of the Flies Vocab Ch. 1-9 crossword puzzle
  1. (adj.): feeling and showing offense and annoyance (145)
  2. (n.): a very large or powerful thing; a sea monster (biblical)(118)
  3. (n.): confidence or a show of confidence intended to impress (138)
  4. (n.): the condition of being annoyingly slow to understand; not sharp or pointed, blunt (125)
  5. (adj.): curious (177)
  6. (adj.): intangible; unable to be felt by touch (65)
  7. (adj.): proper; well-behaved (11)
  8. (n.): hatred (10)
  9. (adj.): ridiculous (85)
  10. (adj.): mysterious; incomprehensible (51)
  11. (adj.): abhorrent; hateful (175)
  12. (n.): a large number (65)
  1. (adj.): not allowing fluid to pass through; unaffected by (137)
  2. (adj.):penitent; sorry (52)
  3. (adv.): regrettably; sadly (84)
  4. (adv.): shyly; timidly (116)
  5. (adj.): mad; insane (174)
  6. (adj.): secretive; stealthy (19)
  7. (adj.): expressing contempt or ridicule (94)
  8. (v.): to offer (3)
  9. (n.): opposition; resistance (54)
  10. (adv.): in a rebellious manner (122)
  11. (adj.): implicit; unspoken, but understood (58)

23 Clues: (n.): hatred (10)(v.): to offer (3)(adj.): curious (177)(adj.): ridiculous (85)(adj.): mad; insane (174)(n.): a large number (65)(adj.):penitent; sorry (52)(adv.): shyly; timidly (116)(adv.): regrettably; sadly (84)(adj.): secretive; stealthy (19)(adj.): proper; well-behaved (11)(adj.): abhorrent; hateful (175)...

JAG 2024-04-30

JAG crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for a selected occupation.
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes and abilities.
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interests, aptitudes,and abilities to appropriate occupations.
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal.
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations.
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Select an immediate job goal.
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Construct a resumeFollow directionsAppropriately quit a jobConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewDemonstrate time managementComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate appropriate appearanceSelect an immediate job goal.Develop a letter of application...

Jag competencies crossword 2024-04-29

Jag competencies crossword crossword puzzle
  1. develop a career path for a selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interest, aptitudes, and abilities
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interest, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupation
  6. Complete employment test
  7. Select an immediate job goal
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewComplete employment testAppropriately quit a jobComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

Competencies A1 - C20 2024-04-29

Competencies A1 - C20 crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for a selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specification of the job goal
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
  6. Complete employment tests
  7. Select an immediate job goal
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewAppropriately quit a jobComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

Competencies A.1 - C.20 2024-04-29

Competencies A.1 - C.20 crossword puzzle
  1. develop a career path for a selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Develop a letter of application
  4. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
  5. Complete employment tests
  6. Appropriately quit a job
  7. Conduct a job search
  8. Demonstrate time management
  9. Select an immediate job goal
  10. Complete a job interview
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  3. Practice effective human relations
  4. Complete application forms
  5. Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupation
  6. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  7. Follow directions
  8. Construct a resume
  9. Understand what employers expect of employees
  10. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchAppropriately quit a jobComplete a job interviewComplete employment testsComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

Church History #8 2021-01-27

Church History #8 crossword puzzle
  1. walk in the ____ of my Spirit (D&C 19:23)
  2. I come ____. I am your Lord (D&C 34:12)
  3. I will ____ my name (D&C 132:64)
  4. Spirit giveth light to ____ man (D&C 84:46)
  5. Look unto me in every _____ (D&C 6:36)
  6. you have treated ____ the things you have received (D&C 84:54)
  1. Holy Ghost, which ____ all things (D&C 18:18)
  2. visit the house of each ____ (D&C 20:47)
  3. I am the ____ which shineth in darkness (D&C 6:21)
  4. no one can assist in this work except he shall be ____ and full of love (D&C 12:8)

10 Clues: I will ____ my name (D&C 132:64)I come ____. I am your Lord (D&C 34:12)Look unto me in every _____ (D&C 6:36)visit the house of each ____ (D&C 20:47)walk in the ____ of my Spirit (D&C 19:23)Spirit giveth light to ____ man (D&C 84:46)Holy Ghost, which ____ all things (D&C 18:18)I am the ____ which shineth in darkness (D&C 6:21)...


NUMERI ITALIANI crossword puzzle
  1. 18
  2. 29
  3. 16
  4. 84
  5. 95
  1. 31
  2. 15
  3. 62
  4. 47
  5. 51
  6. 78
  7. 23

12 Clues: 311518622947165178849523

Egész számok_ráhangolódó 2024-09-23

Egész számok_ráhangolódó crossword puzzle
  1. (-240)-(-91)=
  2. Se nem negatív, se nem pozitív szám.
  3. érték Minden szám esetében nem negatív.
  4. (-14)+(84)=
  5. A legnagyobb negatív szám.
  1. Ezek a számok biztosan oszthatók kettővel.
  2. Ennyi kétjegyű szám van.
  3. A legkisebb pozitív egész szám.
  4. (+17)-(+8)+(+23)-(+17)=
  5. (+73)+(+11)=
  6. A pozitív számoké negatív, a negatívaké pozitív.

11 Clues: (-14)+(84)=(+73)+(+11)=(-240)-(-91)=(+17)-(+8)+(+23)-(+17)=Ennyi kétjegyű szám van.A legnagyobb negatív szám.A legkisebb pozitív egész szám.Se nem negatív, se nem pozitív szám.érték Minden szám esetében nem negatív.Ezek a számok biztosan oszthatók kettővel.A pozitív számoké negatív, a negatívaké pozitív.

Our Class 2015-12-13

Our Class crossword puzzle
  1. Kata never ________ she needs to talk.
  2. Anna always help at home. She is really ________.
  3. Dorottya is ________ shoes on her feets today.
  4. Miss Eiben is ________ us now.
  5. Krisztián is ________ this example now.
  6. You are reading this line at the moment.
  7. Kardos always ________ during lessons.
  8. Hentes usually ________ with Szalmás before the trainings.
  1. Lili is sitting ________ the door.
  2. Franciska often does the ________ at the weekends.
  3. Liza never takes the dog for a ________ beacuse she has a cat.
  4. Petra sits ________ Krisztián and Kata in class 8a.
  5. Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.
  6. Máté rarely washes the ________ beacuse he alwasy runs to play video games.
  7. Peti hardly ever ________ dinner beacuse he can't cook.
  8. Rozi usually listens to rock music when she ________ her homework.

16 Clues: Miss Eiben is ________ us now.Lili is sitting ________ the door.Kata never ________ she needs to talk.Kardos always ________ during lessons.Krisztián is ________ this example now.You are reading this line at the moment.Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.Dorottya is ________ shoes on her feets today....