www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles
8 класс стр.84 2017-02-02
19 Clues: loss • talu • ööbik • suurim • maakond • etendus • maastik • varemed • Ööbikuorg • au, uhkus • omalaadne • meelispaik • kuulus olema • kõige suurem • rahvustoidud • вид kaunis vaade • elatanud inimesed • ligi tõmbama, meelitama • ligi tõmbama, meelitama
Selesaikan silang nombor 2023-05-05
12 Clues: D&C 84:38 • D&C 88:107 • D&C 50:26-28 • D&C 76:92-95 • D&C 152:19-20 • 3 Nephi 28:10 • Luke 12:42-44 • Romans 8:14-18 • Galations 4:1-7 • Corinthians 3:18 • Revelations 3:21 • Revelations 21:7
Stepsisters Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-08
- What Isabelle found out to be creating ruckus in the chicken coop (Page 84)
- The word that Felix used to describe his thoughts towards Isabelle (Page 325)
- This is what Maman told Isabelle to cut off to fit the glass slipper (Page 10)
- What the Lieutenant felt when he found out what was in the trunk of the carriage(Page 316)
- How the prince felt after seeing that the slipper fit Ella Perfectly (Page 21)
- How Ella felt after understanding how her sisters felt (Page 22)
- What Isabelle thought of the nutshell Tanaquill gave to her(Page 75)
- The wish that Isabelle gave to Tanaquill( Page 321)
- The Animal that shot at Isabelle when she fought the burglar (Page 88)
- The weapon that Isabelle pulled out of her pocket ( Page 85)
- What Isabelle thought of the Seapod Tanaquill gave her (Page 75)
- What Isabelle's sister Tavi was observing with her magnifying glass ( Page 80)
- The “gift” that Isabelle compared to herself, calling it ugly(Page 75)
- What Isabelle considered her sister to be (Page 21)
- The carved figure that the group needed to complete the army (Page 322)
- What Isabelle called the man when she found out why he was in the coop (Page 84)
- The Object Isabelle gave to Tanaquill to create her Army (Page 321)
- This word is what Maman called her daughter Isabelle as (Page 10)
- How Isabelle Felt when she showed the glass slipper to the prince(Page 17)
- What Isabelle felt when Tanaquill gave her the three “gifts (Page 74)
20 Clues: What Isabelle considered her sister to be (Page 21) • The wish that Isabelle gave to Tanaquill( Page 321) • The weapon that Isabelle pulled out of her pocket ( Page 85) • What Isabelle thought of the Seapod Tanaquill gave her (Page 75) • How Ella felt after understanding how her sisters felt (Page 22) • ...
I Numeri da 0 a 100 2022-11-22
Unité 1 - A7-C2 2024-02-22
19 Clues: nur • lügen • Abitur • teilen • nichts • ändern • deshalb • Refrain • niemand • Anzeige • erinnern • stressen • nur/bloß • Abendessen • motivieren • einschließen • nützen/dienen • Nummer/Ausgabe • meiner Meinung nach
Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma 2020-08-16
- many Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma spp. are both normal flora of the human __________ tract that can be transmitted via sexual contact
- 10B __________ is used to culture Ureaplasma urealyticum
- Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma spp. are both completely resistant to this class of antibiotics
- U. urealyticum is positive for this biochem (take one guess...)
- Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma are both fastidious, slow-growing, and facultative __________
- this Mycoplasma spp. is spread through respiratory secretions and attaches strongly to mucosal cells, causing walking pneumonia
- M. hominis will grow on this agar, while U. urealyticum will not
- this Mycoplasma spp. is the second most common STD, and it causes penile urethritis, cervicitis, and endometriosis
- colonies of M. pneumoniae growing on SP-4 agar have a __________ appearance and are salmon to yellow in color
- this Ureaplasma spp. is the primary pathogen of the genus, and is associated with spontaneous abortion
- in general, Mycoplasma spp. and Ureaplasma spp. can be treated with this antibiotic
- SP4-agar contains __________ and is used to culture M. pneumoniae and other Mycoplasma spp.
- 50-60% of people with walking pneumonia will have this blood abnormality
- A7 and A8 agar contain __________ and are used to isolate Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis
- both Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma lack this common cell feature
- this Mycoplasma spp. can cause PID, UTIs, and vaginosis
- when grown on special media, U. urealyticum colonies appear dark __________ in color
17 Clues: this Mycoplasma spp. can cause PID, UTIs, and vaginosis • 10B __________ is used to culture Ureaplasma urealyticum • both Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma lack this common cell feature • U. urealyticum is positive for this biochem (take one guess...) • M. hominis will grow on this agar, while U. urealyticum will not • ...
14 Clues: Half of 40 • Half of four • half of fifty • 81 divided by 9 • 64 divided by 8 • 77 divided by 7 • 84 divided by 12 • How many 6s in 18? • How many 9s in 90? • 173 divided by zero • 18 divided by three • Half of twenty-four • How many fours in sixteen? • How many nines in forty-five?
Hgtfffhhgf 2022-11-03
- kaidah (8e)
- golongan 3a
- golongan 6a
- unsur dengan dengan energi ionisasi terbesar
- hubungan konfigurasi
- spu
- kaidah (2e)
- energi untuk menangkap elektron
- unsur-unsur di kelompokan berdasarkan massa atom
- nama unsur besi
- golongan 1a
- elektronegativitas
- golongan8a merupakan unsur
- golongan 2a
- unsur golongan 8a
- unsur-unsur yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan kemiripan sifatnya
- energi ionisasi paling tinggi
- golongan 3b
- sifat periodik unsur
- golongan 6a
20 Clues: spu • kaidah (8e) • golongan 2a • golongan 3a • golongan 6a • golongan 3b • golongan 6a • kaidah (2e) • golongan 1a • nama unsur besi • unsur golongan 8a • elektronegativitas • hubungan konfigurasi • sifat periodik unsur • golongan8a merupakan unsur • energi ionisasi paling tinggi • energi untuk menangkap elektron • unsur dengan dengan energi ionisasi terbesar • ...
The numbers 2022-08-26
Los Numeros 2022-08-26
HazCross #1 2017-03-06
- The name of division 6.2
- Acronym for the International Air Transport Association
- The name of class 7
- Title of section 2 of the IATA DGR
- The name of class 8
- Measure an articles or substances degree of danger
- Column 1 of the HMT
- Section 171.8 of 49 CF
- The name of class 1
- The name of division 5.1
- The name of class 2
- The name of class 9
- The name of division 6.1
- Column 8c of the HMT
- Columns K & L of the IATA DGR are utilized for this type of aircraft
- PSN of UN1203
- Acronym for the International Civil Aviation Organization
- Column 8a of the HMT
18 Clues: PSN of UN1203 • The name of class 1 • The name of class 2 • The name of class 9 • The name of class 7 • The name of class 8 • Column 1 of the HMT • Column 8c of the HMT • Column 8a of the HMT • Section 171.8 of 49 CF • The name of division 5.1 • The name of division 6.2 • The name of division 6.1 • Title of section 2 of the IATA DGR • Measure an articles or substances degree of danger • ...
CROSS WORD 2021-06-17
- 8 X 5
- 5 X 5
- 100-1
- 3 X 100
- 5^3
- (40 X 2 X 100)+ 76
- 2 X 100
- 43.5 x 2
- 3.44 X 100
- (25 X 2)+ (4 X 8)
- 0.384 X 1000
- 50 X 2
- 2341-1885
- 2 X 11
- 50% OF 100
- 132 / 12
- 10% OF 300
- 1299 X 2
- the amount of interior angles added up in a square
- 237+3021
- 6^2
- 10 X 10 x 10
- (7 X 100)+ 48
- 3 X 8
- 3/4
- 201 X 2
- (6 X 7) X 2
- 6^2
- 7 x 7
- 1/2 OF 64
- 502 / 2
31 Clues: 6^2 • 5^3 • 3/4 • 6^2 • 8 X 5 • 5 X 5 • 100-1 • 3 X 8 • 7 x 7 • 50 X 2 • 2 X 11 • 3 X 100 • 2 X 100 • 201 X 2 • 502 / 2 • 1299 X 2 • 237+3021 • 43.5 x 2 • 132 / 12 • 2341-1885 • 1/2 OF 64 • 10% OF 300 • 3.44 X 100 • 50% OF 100 • (6 X 7) X 2 • 10 X 10 x 10 • 0.384 X 1000 • (7 X 100)+ 48 • (25 X 2)+ (4 X 8) • (40 X 2 X 100)+ 76 • the amount of interior angles added up in a square
KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30
- Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
- Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
- Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
- Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
- Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
- Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
- Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
- Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
- Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
- Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
- Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
- Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
- Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
- Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
- Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
- Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api
16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng • Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan • Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup • Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca • Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur • Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk ( • ...
84.Numbers 2023-06-18
- - The number that comes after ten.
- - A dozen or the number of months in a year.
- - The number of sides on a square.
- - The highest single-digit number.
- - Often considered an unlucky number.
- - A hand's worth of fingers.
- - A number considered lucky by many.
- - A score or twice the number of fingers.
- - A magic number, also the number of blind mice.
- - The first number, a single unit.
- - A symmetrical digit, resembling infinity.
- - A lucky number, often associated with dice.
- - A decade or the basis of our number system.
- - A couple or a pair of things.
14 Clues: - A hand's worth of fingers. • - A couple or a pair of things. • - The number that comes after ten. • - The number of sides on a square. • - The first number, a single unit. • - The highest single-digit number. • - A number considered lucky by many. • - Often considered an unlucky number. • - A score or twice the number of fingers. • ...
6 2017-01-06
On UAE flag 2024-10-31
- MOHAMMED: Starts at row 2, column 3.
- EMIRATES: Starts at row 3, column 8.
- 1971: Starts at row 11, column 5.
- ABDULLAH: Starts at row 8, column 1. Intersects with 9D. BURJKHALIFA at the letter "L" in column 7.
- GREEN: Starts at row 8, column 9.
- GULF: Starts at row 1, column 5.
- RED: Starts at row 2, column 10.
- DESERT: Starts at row 5, column 7.
- ABUDHABI: Starts at row 5, column 3.
- NOVEMBER: Starts at row 4, column 5.
- BURJKHALIFA: Starts at row 1, column 7.
- RACES: Starts at row 6, column 2.
- FALCON: Starts at row 10, column 7.
- SHEIKH: Starts at row 9, column 3.
- OIL: Starts at row 10, column 5.
- TRADITION: Starts at row 2, column 11.
- WHITE: Starts at row 7, column 9.
- BLACK: Starts at row 12, column 7.
- ARABIC: Starts at row 4, column 6.
- UNITY: Starts at row 13, column 5.
20 Clues: OIL: Starts at row 10, column 5. • GULF: Starts at row 1, column 5. • RED: Starts at row 2, column 10. • RACES: Starts at row 6, column 2. • 1971: Starts at row 11, column 5. • GREEN: Starts at row 8, column 9. • WHITE: Starts at row 7, column 9. • SHEIKH: Starts at row 9, column 3. • BLACK: Starts at row 12, column 7. • DESERT: Starts at row 5, column 7. • ...
RSA Core Values and Trivia 2021-09-10
- what classes are in the 600 wing?
- Team 84
- We hold ourselves accountable for overcoming obstacles and achieving excellent results for all students.
- We act with honesty, respect, and responsibility
- what classes are in the 100 wing?
- what classes are in the 300 wing?
- Team 72
- We are unified by our shared vision, mission, commitments and culture.
- We work hard and give 100% effort, never giving up on our goals.
- Team 83
- last name of RSA's principal
- We are entrusted and responsible for carrying out our school’s mission and ensuring that student learning is our priority.
- Team 71
- We work hand in hand to support one another and achieve our goals.
14 Clues: Team 72 • Team 83 • Team 84 • Team 71 • last name of RSA's principal • what classes are in the 600 wing? • what classes are in the 100 wing? • what classes are in the 300 wing? • We act with honesty, respect, and responsibility • We work hard and give 100% effort, never giving up on our goals. • We work hand in hand to support one another and achieve our goals. • ...
TTS BAHASA BALI 2023-02-07
Numbers 2! 2020-04-07
Los numeros 0-100.000 2021-10-13
MS Excel 2019-12-12
- dokument u programu MS Excel
- podaci poravnati po lijevoj strani
- kombinacija oznake stupca i oznake retka (npr. A7)
- omogućuje računanje s podacima
- znak kojim započinje pisanje formule
- podaci poravnati po desnoj strani
- dio radne knjige
- nastavak dokumenta u MS Excelu
- dio prozora MS Excela u kojem se pišu formule
- program za izradu proračunskih tablica
10 Clues: dio radne knjige • dokument u programu MS Excel • nastavak dokumenta u MS Excelu • omogućuje računanje s podacima • podaci poravnati po desnoj strani • podaci poravnati po lijevoj strani • znak kojim započinje pisanje formule • program za izradu proračunskih tablica • dio prozora MS Excela u kojem se pišu formule • kombinacija oznake stupca i oznake retka (npr. A7)
Die Zahlen bis 100 2023-03-09
- Diberikan data berikut: 4, 8, 6, 5, 3. Hitunglah mean (rata-rata) dari data tersebut.
- Seorang guru matematika mencatat nilai ujian dari 10 siswa sebagai berikut: 78, 85, 92, 88, 79, 84, 91, 73, 87, 90 Hitunglah nilai rata-rata dari data tersebut.
- Hitung simpangan baku dari data berikut: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
- Data berikut menunjukkan nilai ulangan matematika 25 siswa70,85,92,88,77,68,95,81,75,84,66,71,90,87,80,84,93,72,80,97,81,82,85,70,78, 1,53 Carilah panjang interval dari data di atas
- Hitunglah nilai rata-rata 80,75,90,85,72,92,88,78,87,92 Hitunglah median dari dara tersebut
- Data berikut menunjukkan nilai ulangan matematika 25 siswa 70,85,92,88,77,68,95,81,75,84,66,71,90,87,80,84,93,72,80,97,81,82,85,70,78 Carilah kelas dari data di atas
- Sebuah kelas terdiri dari 20 siswa. Nilai rata-rata matematika mereka adalah 75. Jika seorang siswa baru bergabung dengan nilai 85, berapakah nilai rata-rata kelas yang baru?
- Nilai ulangan matematika dari 5 siswa adalah 85, 90, 80, 70,dan 95 hitunglah kuartil ketiga (Q3) dari data tersebut
- Hitung range dari data berikut: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
- Diberikan data sebagai berikut: 15, 18, 16, 14, 16, 20, 18, 16.Hitung simpangan rata-rata dari data tersebut.
- Data berikut menunjukkan nilai ulangan matematika 25 siswa 70,85,92,88,77,68,95,81,75,84,66,71,90,87,80,84,93,72,80,97,81,82,5,70,78 Carilah jangkauan dari data di atas
- Nilai rata-rata mata pelajaran fisika dari 10 murid laki-laki adalah 7.50, sedangkan nilai rata-rata dari 5 murid perempuan adalah 7.00. Jika nilai murid laki-laki dan perempuan digabungkan, maka nilai rata-ratanya menjadi .
- Carilah median dari data berikut ini 72,75,78,80,85,88,89,90,92,95
- Dalam sebuah tes, 30 siswa memperoleh nilai rata-rata 70. Jika 5 siswa dengan nilai terendah dihapus dari data, nilai rata-rata baru menjadi 72. Berapakah jumlah total nilai dari 5 siswa yang dihapus tersebut?
14 Clues: Hitung range dari data berikut: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 • Hitung simpangan baku dari data berikut: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. • Carilah median dari data berikut ini 72,75,78,80,85,88,89,90,92,95 • Diberikan data berikut: 4, 8, 6, 5, 3. Hitunglah mean (rata-rata) dari data tersebut. • Hitunglah nilai rata-rata 80,75,90,85,72,92,88,78,87,92 Hitunglah median dari dara tersebut • ...
Crabbe: Journal 12 & 13 2012-04-25
- Crabbe didn't think the pipe would work but was willing to try it because she was giving him something of ________ to her (94)
- Means something; Crabbe finds that when you live in the bush, everything becomes this (82)
- Mary took a precaution and had Crabbe work back and forth on this to keep him safe (89)
- Crabbe's attitude towards 'ma nature' (82)
- The symbol on Mary's gift carved by a briar in China symbolizing unity of life and harmony of inner peace (93)
- Crabbe is amazed he can find where he is if lost, by simply using a map and this (84)
- Crabbe passes his test and feels ___________ (89)
- Mary's big test is for Crabbe to lead them here (83)
- Crabbe felt like nothing he did in the city truly ___________ (83).
- Crabbe thinks a lot about this when he's on his big test rolled up in old blankets (87)
- Mary gives Crabbe this as a gift (91)
- If things are important and you do them well, you get this feeling (83)
- Crabbe's big problem is that he's missing this pal (90)
13 Clues: Mary gives Crabbe this as a gift (91) • Crabbe's attitude towards 'ma nature' (82) • Crabbe passes his test and feels ___________ (89) • Mary's big test is for Crabbe to lead them here (83) • Crabbe's big problem is that he's missing this pal (90) • Crabbe felt like nothing he did in the city truly ___________ (83). • ...
KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30
- Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
- Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
- Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
- Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
- Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
- Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
- Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
- Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
- Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
- Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
- Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
- Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
- Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
- Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
- Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
- Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api
16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng • Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan • Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup • Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca • Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur • Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk ( • ...
guess who 2023-03-03
- ketua osis
- koreaboo
- pacar irene
- jawline
- actor
- goodman
- ayang leroy
- adek dari kembar 3
- sumber catetan
- om-om di kelas endearly
- segar
- istri haerin
- keselek tulang ikan sampe nangis
- waketos tahun lalu
- gay
- adek kelas yang gw simp in (cewe)
- si paling 30 juta
- pacar jisoo
- terpinter di 8a
- pacar oscar
- exg 7g, now 8g
- gw
- ketua mpk
- dbd
24 Clues: gw • gay • dbd • actor • segar • jawline • goodman • koreaboo • ketua mpk • ketua osis • pacar irene • pacar jisoo • pacar oscar • ayang leroy • istri haerin • exg 7g, now 8g • sumber catetan • terpinter di 8a • si paling 30 juta • waketos tahun lalu • adek dari kembar 3 • om-om di kelas endearly • keselek tulang ikan sampe nangis • adek kelas yang gw simp in (cewe)
A1-C20 Competencies 2024-04-29
- Develop a career path for a selected occupation
- Identify problems of new employees
- Conduct a job search
- Identify occupational interest, aptitudes and abilities
- Complete a job interview
- Relate interest, aptitudes and abilities to appropriate occupations
- Understand what employers expect of employees
- Use the telephone to arrange an interview
- Demonstrate time management
- Develop a letter of application
- Demonstrate appropriate appearance
- Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
- Follow directions
- Complete application forms
- Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
- Complete employment tests
- Select an immediate job goal
- Appropriately quit a job
- Construct a resume
- Practice effective human relations
20 Clues: Follow directions • Construct a resume • Conduct a job search • Complete a job interview • Appropriately quit a job • Complete employment tests • Complete application forms • Demonstrate time management • Select an immediate job goal • Develop a letter of application • Demonstrate appropriate appearance • Identify problems of new employees • Practice effective human relations • ...
Jag Competencies 2024-04-29
- Develop a career path for a selected occupation
- Identify problems of new employees
- Conduct a job search
- Identify occupational interests,aptitudes, and abilities
- Complete a job interview
- Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
- Understand what employers expect of employees
- Use the telephone to arrange an interview
- Demonstrate time management
- Develop a letter of application
- Demonstrate appropriate appearance
- Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
- Follow directions
- Complete application forms
- Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
- Complete employment tests
- Select an immediate job goal
- Appropriately quit a job
- Construct a resume
- Practice effective human relations
20 Clues: Follow directions • Construct a resume • Conduct a job search • Complete a job interview • Appropriately quit a job • Complete employment tests • Complete application forms • Demonstrate time management • Select an immediate job goal • Develop a letter of application • Demonstrate appropriate appearance • Identify problems of new employees • Practice effective human relations • ...
words unit 16, p. 84-85 2019-02-27
- Seide
- bewältigen, fertigbringen
- Schmerz, Schmerzen
- Personal
- Empfang, Rezeption
- sich erholen, genesen
- more thront
- Tablette
- Besichtigung von Sehenswürdigkeiten
- Pullover
- klug, schick
- Strumpfhose
- erzielen
- Papiertaschentuch
- up einwickeln, einpacken
- Schmerzmittel
- passend, angemessen
- Handtuch
- ermitteln, bestimmen
- aus Wolle
- während
- Koffer
- Nationalität
- Drogerie, Apotheke
- Anzug
25 Clues: Seide • Anzug • Koffer • während • erzielen • Handtuch • Personal • Tablette • Pullover • aus Wolle • more thront • Strumpfhose • Nationalität • klug, schick • Schmerzmittel • Papiertaschentuch • Schmerz, Schmerzen • Empfang, Rezeption • Drogerie, Apotheke • passend, angemessen • ermitteln, bestimmen • sich erholen, genesen • up einwickeln, einpacken • bewältigen, fertigbringen • Besichtigung von Sehenswürdigkeiten
hall county, georgia 10 codes 2024-02-13
- emergency
- assist motorist
- weather/road conditions
- disregard
- direct traffic
- enroute
- rape
- meet w/in person
- in the area
- delayed due to
- blockade
- chase (foot/vehicle)
- drag racing
- busy unless urgent
- negative
- drug activity/suspect material
- ending tour of duty
- phone number
- resume normal operations
- body found
- domestic
- fire
- suicide attempt or threats
- driver's license inquiry
- escort
- riot
- wreck
- out of service
- mental subject
- transport prisoners
- relay msg/item
- subj/prisoner in custody
- in-progress
- officer needs help immediately
- in contact with
- wrecker or wrecker needed
- transporting liquor
- call by phone
- suspicious
- special detail
- prowler
- caution
- traffic stop
- prepare to copy
- needs assistance
- wanted/stolen
- murder/homicide
- check if wanted/stolen
- correct time
- emergency road repair
- abanadoned vehicle
- drunk pedestrian
- prison jail break
- radio signal check
- bank alarm
- signal's good
- arrived/on scene
- drowning
- weapon involved
- unnecessary use of radio
- speeding motorist
- location
- mechanical breakdown
- return to
- beginning tour of duty
- reply to msg
- notify coroner
- in service
- fight
- vehicle registration
- eta
- completed last assignment
- blood/urine test
- intox test
- hourly status check
- unable to copy
- op/off on duty
- work/school crossing
- repeat
- burglary
- animal case
- if not stolen, check w/owner
- hold evidence for gbi
- stop transmitting
- improperly parked vehicle
- armed robbery
- livestock/livestock in roadway
- acknowledge
- unable to locate
- standby
- traffic light out/malfunctioning
- quickly
- bomb/bomb threat
- drunk driver
- road blocked
- ambulance/ambulance needed
- msg received
- detaining subject
- hit and run
99 Clues: eta • rape • fire • riot • fight • wreck • escort • repeat • enroute • standby • quickly • prowler • caution • drowning • location • blockade • negative • domestic • burglary • emergency • disregard • return to • bank alarm • in service • body found • intox test • suspicious • in the area • drag racing • animal case • in-progress • acknowledge • hit and run • reply to msg • phone number • traffic stop • drunk driver • road blocked • msg received • correct time • ...
US 2024-07-18
- Actriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. Sugy
- Cantante argentina famosa por su música pop. Laura
- Cantante y actor colombiano, exintegrante de "Piso 21". Tommy
- Actriz y cantante argentina, conocida por sus roles en telenovelas. Priscilla
- Cantante infantil mexicana conocida como "La Reina de los Niños". Tatiana
- Actriz y cantante colombiana, famosa por su papel en "Betty, la fea". Tatiana
- Presentadora y modelo colombiana. Alejandra
- Actriz mexicana conocida por su papel en "La Usurpadora". Alejandra
- Actor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". Kevin
- Escritora chilena autora de "La casa de los espíritus". Priscilla
- Actriz y cantante puertorriqueña, protagonista de "La Isla Bonita". Sugy
- Cantante y actor argentino conocido por su papel en "Casi Ángeles". Kevin
- Personaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". Tommy
- Actriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura
14 Clues: Presentadora y modelo colombiana. Alejandra • Cantante argentina famosa por su música pop. Laura • Actriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. Sugy • Actor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". Kevin • Personaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". Tommy • Actriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura • ...
Game 2024-10-03
13 Clues: Saga • Greece • Croatia • feeling • boy's trip • place to be • straat home • Projecting 8a • your birthday month • passion in the rocks • the opposite of warm • your favorite animal • the place that gives you the most fomo every Wednesday
Fractions Activity 2021-04-30
Numbers to 100 2023-03-07
Basic Math Operations 2023-01-27
- 8 ____ 8 = 64
- 84 ___ by 12 = 7
- The area of a rectangle that measures 7m x 4m is equal to ______ square meters.
- A math operation that uses this symbol: + is called an ______.
- ______ / 5 = 11
- 20 - _____ = 11
- 8 x _____= 56
- _____ - 4 = 4
- 36/4 = ______
- 152 ___ 91 = 243
- ______ + 23 = 45
- 9 x 7 = ______
- An octagon has 8 _______.
- 9 x 5 = ______
- 25 / 25 ____ 1
- 3 x ____ = 39
- 20 + 12 = ____
- A math operation that uses this symbol: - is called a ______.
- 105 ___ 105 = 0
- A ____ has 3 sides.
- The perimeter of a pool that measures 13m x 5m is equal to _____ meters.
- The space that an object covers is called the ____.
- 12 + _____= 36
- The distance around an object is called the _____.
- A square has ____ equal sides.
25 Clues: 8 ____ 8 = 64 • 8 x _____= 56 • _____ - 4 = 4 • 36/4 = ______ • 3 x ____ = 39 • 20 + 12 = ____ • 12 + _____= 36 • 9 x 7 = ______ • 9 x 5 = ______ • 25 / 25 ____ 1 • 105 ___ 105 = 0 • ______ / 5 = 11 • 20 - _____ = 11 • 84 ___ by 12 = 7 • 152 ___ 91 = 243 • ______ + 23 = 45 • A ____ has 3 sides. • An octagon has 8 _______. • A square has ____ equal sides. • ...
Character Review Part 2 2023-04-24
Our Class 2015-12-13
- Máté rarely washes the ________ beacuse he alwasy runs to play video games.
- Lili is sitting ________ the door.
- Miss Eiben is ________ us now.
- Kata never ________ shen she needs to talk.
- Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.
- You are reading this line at the moment.
- Liza never takes the dog for a ________ beacuse she has a cat.
- Kardos always ________ during lessons.
- Dorottya ____ wearing shoes on her feets today.
- Rozi usually listens to rock music when she ________ her homework.
- Franciska often does the ________ at the weekends.
- Petra sits ________ Krisztián and Kata in class 8a.
- Krisztián is ________ this example now.
- Anna always help at home. She is really ________.
- Hentes usually ________ with Szalmás before the trainings.
- Peti hardly ever ________ dinner beacuse he can't cook.
16 Clues: Miss Eiben is ________ us now. • Lili is sitting ________ the door. • Kardos always ________ during lessons. • Krisztián is ________ this example now. • You are reading this line at the moment. • Kata never ________ shen she needs to talk. • Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now. • Dorottya ____ wearing shoes on her feets today. • ...
Our Class 2015-12-13
- Peti hardly ever ________ dinner because he can't cook.
- Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.
- You are reading this line at the ________.
- Dorottya is wearing ________ on her feets today.
- Krisztián is ________ this example now.
- Miss Eiben is ________ us now.
- Kardos always ________ during lessons.
- Kata never ________ when she needs to talk.
- Lili is sitting ________ the door.
- Hentes usually ________ with Szalmás before the trainings.
- Franciska often does the ________ at the weekends.
- Rozi usually listens to rock music when she ________ her homework.
- Máté rarely washes the ________ because he alwasy runs to play video games.
- Petra sits ________ Krisztián and Kata in class 8a.
- Liza never takes the dog for a ________ because she has a cat.
- Anna always help at home. She is really ________.
16 Clues: Miss Eiben is ________ us now. • Lili is sitting ________ the door. • Kardos always ________ during lessons. • Krisztián is ________ this example now. • You are reading this line at the ________. • Kata never ________ when she needs to talk. • Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now. • Dorottya is wearing ________ on her feets today. • ...
fractions crossword puzzle 2014-01-26
Mathematics Grade 5 2025-01-05
- KPK dari 8 dan 12
- KPK dari 20 dan 32
- Luas Persegi dengan panjang sisi 4cm
- Hasil dari 8²
- Sembilan puluh delapan ribu lima ratus lima puluh
- Keliling persegi dengan panjang sisi 21cm
- Keliling persegi dengan panjang sisi 5cm
- Hasil dari 100 x 16
- Hasil dari 6²
- Hasil dari 7²
- Keliling persegi panjang dengan p=150cm dan l=75cm
11 Clues: Hasil dari 6² • Hasil dari 8² • Hasil dari 7² • KPK dari 8 dan 12 • KPK dari 20 dan 32 • Hasil dari 100 x 16 • Luas Persegi dengan panjang sisi 4cm • Keliling persegi dengan panjang sisi 5cm • Keliling persegi dengan panjang sisi 21cm • Sembilan puluh delapan ribu lima ratus lima puluh • Keliling persegi panjang dengan p=150cm dan l=75cm
End of the Year 2024-06-04
- when you are somewhere you are not supposed to be it is called
- what we have all together on Monday mornings
- where we went for ice cream
- who runs groups during WIN?
- the season when we don't have school
- 75-84%
- math and reading pathways are on this
- gym teacher
- math game that everyone just started playing
- state testing we just took
- who runs the school
- 74% or less
- when you have a month of 80% or better behavior
- what Ms. K, Ms. Maduri, and Dr. Pinho have to drink to stay awake
- where you go when you feel sick
- fluffy and soft toys sometimes in raffle
- class that Dr. Pinho and Ms. Maduri teach
- the name of our school
- where recess is on Tuesdays
- 85% or higher
- can I see my ____?
21 Clues: 75-84% • 74% or less • gym teacher • 85% or higher • can I see my ____? • who runs the school • the name of our school • state testing we just took • where we went for ice cream • who runs groups during WIN? • where recess is on Tuesdays • where you go when you feel sick • the season when we don't have school • math and reading pathways are on this • ...
- bütün maddelerinin ortalama kinetik enerjisi
- 8A grubuna verilen isim
- ekmeğin küflenmesinde meydana gelen değişim
- perıyodık tablonun yatay sıralarına verilen ad
- ekmeğin kesilmesindeki madde değişimi
- ph 8 den büyük olan maddelere verilen ad
- periyodik tablonun altına iki sıra eklemiştir
- periyodik tabloda düşey sıralara verilen ad
8 Clues: 8A grubuna verilen isim • ekmeğin kesilmesindeki madde değişimi • ph 8 den büyük olan maddelere verilen ad • periyodik tabloda düşey sıralara verilen ad • ekmeğin küflenmesinde meydana gelen değişim • bütün maddelerinin ortalama kinetik enerjisi • periyodik tablonun altına iki sıra eklemiştir • perıyodık tablonun yatay sıralarına verilen ad
Spotlight 4 Unit 2 (numbers) 2021-06-25
Unova Pokédex (B2W2) 0-100 2024-01-20
- 27 Electric II
- 82 Grass V
- 30 Normal III
- 92 Water I
- 18 Bug/Grass V
- 3 Grass V
- 64 Poison I
- 50 Electric/Steel IV
- 95 Psychic II
- 32 Water II
- 76 Ground V
- 67 Psychic/Flying V
- 79 Normal III
- 34 Fighting/Steel IV
- 80 Normal IV
- 31 Water II
- 29 Water I
- 61 Poison/Flying I
- 100 Ground/Dark V
- 72 Steel/Ground II
- 28 Water I
- 13 Dark V
- 53 Fire II
- 84 Grass V
- 15 Normal/Flying V
- 99 Ground/Dark V
- 49 Electric/Steel I
- 1 Grass V
- 23 Normal V
- 43 Bug/Poison V
- 65 Poison I
- 90 Normal I
- 37 Grass V
- 60 Normal I
- 66 Psychic/Flying V
- 16 Normal/Flying V
- 97 Grass IV
- 93 Electric I
- 10 Normal V
- 57 Electric I
- 44 Bug/Poison V
- 48 Electric/Steel I
- 45 Bug/Poison V
- 35 Normal II
- 9 Water V
- 17 Bug/Grass V
- 5 Fire/Fighting V
- 14 Normal/Flying V
- 46 Poison I
- 55 Fire IV
- 89 Normal I
- 25 Electric II
- 36 Normal V
- 71 Rock/Ground I
- 75 Fighting V
- 40 Fire V
- 47 Poison I
- 68 Rock V
- 4 Fire V
- 62 Poison/Flying I
- 41 Water V
- 11 Normal V
- 87 Psychic V
- 51 Fire I
- 21 Grass II
- 63 Poison/Flying II
- 59 Normal I
- 88 Normal II
- 42 Water V
- 38 Grass V
- 19 Bug/Grass V
- 54 Fire I
- 96 Dark II
- 81 Normal IV
- 0 Psychic/Fire V
- 83 Grass V
- 69 Rock V
- 2 Grass V
- 39 Fire V
- 85 Grass V
- 73 Fighting V
- 74 Fighting V
- 33 Fighting IV
- 91 Normal I
- 98 Ice IV
- 26 Electric II
- 86 Psychic V
- 7 Water V
- 8 Water V
- 22 Normal V
- 77 Ground/Steel V
- 52 Fire I
- 24 Normal V
- 94 Fire I
- 58 Electric IV
- 56 Electric II
- 70 Rock V
- 20 Grass II
- 12 Dark V
- 78 Normal III
- 6 Fire/Fighting V
101 Clues: 4 Fire V • 40 Fire V • 68 Rock V • 3 Grass V • 51 Fire I • 54 Fire I • 13 Dark V • 69 Rock V • 2 Grass V • 39 Fire V • 1 Grass V • 98 Ice IV • 7 Water V • 8 Water V • 52 Fire I • 94 Fire I • 70 Rock V • 12 Dark V • 9 Water V • 55 Fire IV • 82 Grass V • 92 Water I • 41 Water V • 29 Water I • 42 Water V • 38 Grass V • 28 Water I • 96 Dark II • 83 Grass V • 53 Fire II • 84 Grass V • 85 Grass V • 37 Grass V • 46 Poison I • 89 Normal I • 36 Normal V • ...
Math Crossword 2012-10-22
- 249-50
- 2x31
- 23x3
- 9,609-9542
- 12x2
- 32+38
- 1,549-566
- 4x176
- 327x2
- 237-179
- 325,869/57
- 2,816/64
- 5x877
- 233x3
- 1,553x59
- 123,372/18
- 6x31
- 3,600/48
- 5x134
- 135,895-58,191
- 26-11
- 108/9
- 1,311/69
- 999/27
- 8,214/3
- 92,305-10,023
- 62-26
- 17x5
- 7,220-1,359
- 39,527-18,665
- 137+140
- 3,660/61
- 9x2
- 1,846-847
- 324/6
- 95-31
- 7,569-6,975
- 8,778/11
- 1,598/34
- 182+563
- 2058/6
- 244x4
- 9x97
- 3672/68
- 1,385+1,209
- 4714+2957
- 230,571/3
- 3x33
- 1,687-801
- 152/2
- 6x1,172
- 78,685-36,843
- 32,273/59
- 6+11
- 83-45
- 4,265-783
- 347-261
- 44,404/68
- 14+17
- 12,699-5,889
- 585/9
61 Clues: 9x2 • 2x31 • 23x3 • 12x2 • 9x97 • 3x33 • 6x31 • 6+11 • 17x5 • 324/6 • 95-31 • 32+38 • 4x176 • 244x4 • 327x2 • 5x877 • 233x3 • 5x134 • 152/2 • 26-11 • 108/9 • 83-45 • 62-26 • 14+17 • 585/9 • 249-50 • 2058/6 • 999/27 • 182+563 • 237-179 • 3672/68 • 6x1,172 • 8,214/3 • 347-261 • 137+140 • 8,778/11 • 1,598/34 • 2,816/64 • 1,553x59 • 3,600/48 • 1,311/69 • 3,660/61 • 1,846-847 • 1,549-566 • 4714+2957 • 230,571/3 • 1,687-801 • 32,273/59 • 4,265-783 • 44,404/68 • 9,609-9542 • 325,869/57 • 123,372/18 • ...
Molecular Structure 2023-10-06
- A negatively charged ion; they take the -ide suffix on the name of the atom from which they came.
- A __ bond is one in quich a shared pair of valence electrons hold atoms together in __ (same word) compounds.
- __ have a tendency to "lose" electrons in ionic bonding.
- A positively charged ion; they take the same name as the atom from which they came.
- A measure of how strongly an atom attracts extra electrons to itself.
- ___ electrons are in the highest energy level and largely determine an element's chemical properties.
- __ energy is the amount of energy needed to take an electron away from an atom.
- ___ gases are group 8A elements with full outer energy levels.
- The __ rule refers to group 1A - 8A elements (except H & He) having "full" outer energy levels when they have 8 valence electrons.
- Atoms that have gained or lost one or more electrons, becoming electrically charged.
- A characteristic of atoms that varies regularly across the periodic table.
11 Clues: __ have a tendency to "lose" electrons in ionic bonding. • ___ gases are group 8A elements with full outer energy levels. • A measure of how strongly an atom attracts extra electrons to itself. • A characteristic of atoms that varies regularly across the periodic table. • __ energy is the amount of energy needed to take an electron away from an atom. • ...
Numbers 0-100 2018-04-11
Numbers 2023-07-16
THE BOOK OF PSALM (2) 2024-08-26
- Savior (Psalm 19:14)
- Defense (Psalm 91:4)
- Ruler (Psalm 24:8)
- Fairness (Psalm 89:14)
- Adoration (Psalm 95:6)
- Accuracy (Psalm 25:5)
- Sacred promise (Psalm 116:14)
- Rescue (Psalm 34:17)
- Elevated land (Psalm 125:2)
- Sound (Psalm 29:4)
- Adversaries (Psalm 23:5)
- Brightness (Psalm 27:1)
- Confidence (Psalm 56:3)
- Agreement (Psalm 89:3)
- Filled with joy (Psalm 100:1)
- Insight (Psalm 111:10)
- Hymn (Psalm 96:1)
- Calmness (Psalm 29:11)
- Unmerited favor (Psalm 84:11)
- Sacred (Psalm 99:9)
20 Clues: Hymn (Psalm 96:1) • Ruler (Psalm 24:8) • Sound (Psalm 29:4) • Sacred (Psalm 99:9) • Savior (Psalm 19:14) • Defense (Psalm 91:4) • Rescue (Psalm 34:17) • Accuracy (Psalm 25:5) • Fairness (Psalm 89:14) • Agreement (Psalm 89:3) • Adoration (Psalm 95:6) • Insight (Psalm 111:10) • Calmness (Psalm 29:11) • Brightness (Psalm 27:1) • Confidence (Psalm 56:3) • Adversaries (Psalm 23:5) • ...
PSALMS (2) 2024-10-31
- Accuracy (Psalm 25:5)
- Hymn (Psalm 96:1)
- Sacred (Psalm 99:9)
- Defense (Psalm 91:4)
- Filled with joy (Psalm 100:1)
- Insight (Psalm 111:10)
- Calmness (Psalm 29:11)
- Adversaries (Psalm 23:5)
- Rescue (Psalm 34:17)
- Unmerited favor (Psalm 84:11)
- Confidence (Psalm 56:3)
- Adoration (Psalm 95:6)
- Brightness (Psalm 27:1)
- Agreement (Psalm 89:3)
- Elevated land (Psalm 125:2)
- Sound (Psalm 29:4)
- Sacred promise (Psalm 116:14)
- Fairness (Psalm 89:14)
- Savior (Psalm 19:14)
- Ruler (Psalm 24:8)
20 Clues: Hymn (Psalm 96:1) • Sound (Psalm 29:4) • Ruler (Psalm 24:8) • Sacred (Psalm 99:9) • Defense (Psalm 91:4) • Savior (Psalm 19:14) • Rescue (Psalm 34:17) • Accuracy (Psalm 25:5) • Adoration (Psalm 95:6) • Agreement (Psalm 89:3) • Fairness (Psalm 89:14) • Insight (Psalm 111:10) • Calmness (Psalm 29:11) • Brightness (Psalm 27:1) • Confidence (Psalm 56:3) • Adversaries (Psalm 23:5) • ...
PSALMS (2) 2024-10-31
- Sacred (Psalm 99:9)
- Sacred promise (Psalm 116:14)
- Fairness (Psalm 89:14)
- Defense (Psalm 91:4)
- Agreement (Psalm 89:3)
- Unmerited favor (Psalm 84:11)
- Adversaries (Psalm 23:5)
- Confidence (Psalm 56:3)
- Rescue (Psalm 34:17)
- Adoration (Psalm 95:6)
- Insight (Psalm 111:10)
- Brightness (Psalm 27:1)
- Filled with joy (Psalm 100:1)
- Calmness (Psalm 29:11)
- Hymn (Psalm 96:1)
- Sound (Psalm 29:4)
- Savior (Psalm 19:14)
- Ruler (Psalm 24:8)
- Elevated land (Psalm 125:2)
- Accuracy (Psalm 25:5)
20 Clues: Hymn (Psalm 96:1) • Sound (Psalm 29:4) • Ruler (Psalm 24:8) • Sacred (Psalm 99:9) • Rescue (Psalm 34:17) • Defense (Psalm 91:4) • Savior (Psalm 19:14) • Accuracy (Psalm 25:5) • Adoration (Psalm 95:6) • Insight (Psalm 111:10) • Fairness (Psalm 89:14) • Calmness (Psalm 29:11) • Agreement (Psalm 89:3) • Brightness (Psalm 27:1) • Confidence (Psalm 56:3) • Adversaries (Psalm 23:5) • ...
KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30
- Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
- Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
- Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
- Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
- Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
- Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
- Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
- Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
- Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
- Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
- Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
- Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
- Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
- Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
- Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
- Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api
16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng • Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan • Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup • Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca • Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur • Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk ( • ...
Bless me, Ultima Chapter 10 2022-04-13
- How long were Antonio and his uncle in the room for? (105)
- What other force do the witched take? (87)
- What does the owl represent in the book?
- What haunted Antonio's dreams? (83)
- Ultima asked Antonio to make a _____
- What did Antonio see Ultima make for his Uncle? (99)
- Who is Ultima going to lift a curse from? (88)
- Who did Ultima try to reason with? (94)
- Who cursed Lucas? (86)
- Ultima took Lucas's _____ to lift the curse (103)
- Who's power does the priest have? (85)
11 Clues: Who cursed Lucas? (86) • What haunted Antonio's dreams? (83) • Ultima asked Antonio to make a _____ • Who's power does the priest have? (85) • Who did Ultima try to reason with? (94) • What does the owl represent in the book? • What other force do the witched take? (87) • Who is Ultima going to lift a curse from? (88) • Ultima took Lucas's _____ to lift the curse (103) • ...
Numeri 0-100 2022-04-26
Los numeros 0-100.000 2021-10-13
Teka-teki for youu 2023-10-11
- Siapa cowok yang jarang masuk dan langganan kena omel pak Supri?
- Guru yang buat kita gak kebagian nasi kuning
- Siapa cowok yang prik garing terpanjang masa di 9b?
- Siapa ketua kelas di kelas 8a?
- Guru yang maksa gua masuk OSIS pas kelas 8?
- Siapa cewek yang caper dan pernah ngelabrak gua waktu di kelas 8?
- Siapa cowok yang tengil banget di 9b?
- Siapa cowok yang pernah gua sukain selama 8 bulan?
- Siapa orang yang paling cantik?
- Siapa yang gamonin cowok yang tidak effort?
- Siapa nama wali kelas waktu kelas 7 semester 2
- Siapa cowok yang pernah disukain 3 anak cewek di 9b?
12 Clues: Siapa ketua kelas di kelas 8a? • Siapa orang yang paling cantik? • Siapa cowok yang tengil banget di 9b? • Siapa yang gamonin cowok yang tidak effort? • Guru yang maksa gua masuk OSIS pas kelas 8? • Guru yang buat kita gak kebagian nasi kuning • Siapa nama wali kelas waktu kelas 7 semester 2 • Siapa cowok yang pernah gua sukain selama 8 bulan? • ...
Los números 2020-08-31
Deutsch Hallo Dialog 2023-10-24
25 Clues: 37 • 21 • 84 • esu • ačiū • žalia • šalis • gerai • metai • pilkas • vėliau • juodas • naktis • žinoma • klausti • atvykau • laisvas • pažįstu • nuostabu • Vokietija • Širdingai • atsiprašau • dedu, guldau • linksmumas, džiaugmas • Kaip sveikintumeis su draugu?
- unsur golongan 1A yang terdapat dalam garam dapur dan sangat penting untuk kesehatan manusia
- Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas paling melimpah di atmosfer Bumi
- Unsur golongan 7A yang merupakan gas beracun
- Unsur golongan 6A yang digunakan dalam pembuatan lilin dan merupakan simbol "C"
- Unsur golongan 7A dengan simbol "F"
- Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah nonlogam
- Golongan 4A dalam tabel periodik, memiliki simbol "Be"
- 4A unsur-unsur karbon (C) dan silikon (Si) termasuk dalam golongan
- unsur golongan 3a yang memiliki simbol Al
- Unsur golongan 5A yang sering digunakan dalam pembuatan kertas dan bahan peledak
- unsur golongan 2A yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kaca dan bahan peledak
- Unsur kimia dengan simbol "N"
- unsur golongan 3a yang digunakan dalam pembuatan bahan peledak dan korek api
- Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah logam transisi,sangat penting dalam pembuatan baja.
- Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah gas mulia,
- unsur golongan 1A yang memiliki simbol k
- unsur yang merupakan anggota golongan 2A dan memiliki simbol ca
- Unsur golongan 6A dengan simbol "O"
- Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas mulia
- Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang bersifat logam
20 Clues: Unsur kimia dengan simbol "N" • Unsur golongan 7A dengan simbol "F" • Unsur golongan 6A dengan simbol "O" • unsur golongan 1A yang memiliki simbol k • unsur golongan 3a yang memiliki simbol Al • Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas mulia • Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang bersifat logam • Unsur golongan 7A yang merupakan gas beracun • ...
TTS KIMIA 2023-10-30
- Unsur golongan 7A yang merupakan gas beracun
- unsur golongan 1A yang terdapat dalam garam dapur dan sangat penting untuk kesehatan manusia
- Unsur kimia dengan simbol "N"
- Golongan 4A dalam tabel periodik, memiliki simbol "Be"
- 4A unsur-unsur karbon (C) dan silikon (Si) termasuk dalam golongan
- Unsur golongan 7A dengan simbol "F"
- unsur golongan 3a yang memiliki simbol Al
- Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah logam transisi,sangat penting dalam pembuatan baja.
- Unsur golongan 6A dengan simbol "O"
- Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang bersifat logam
- Unsur golongan 6A yang digunakan dalam pembuatan lilin dan merupakan simbol "C"
- unsur golongan 1A yang memiliki simbol k
- Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah gas mulia,
- Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas paling melimpah di atmosfer Bumi
- unsur yang merupakan anggota golongan 2A dan memiliki simbol ca
- Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas mulia
- Unsur golongan 5A yang sering digunakan dalam pembuatan kertas dan bahan peledak
- Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah non logam
- unsur golongan 2A yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kaca dan bahan peledak
- unsur golongan 3a yang digunakan dalam pembuatan bahan peledak dan korek api
20 Clues: Unsur kimia dengan simbol "N" • Unsur golongan 7A dengan simbol "F" • Unsur golongan 6A dengan simbol "O" • unsur golongan 1A yang memiliki simbol k • unsur golongan 3a yang memiliki simbol Al • Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas mulia • Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang bersifat logam • Unsur golongan 7A yang merupakan gas beracun • ...
Juanita-Adj/Num 2021-09-16
20 Clues: 84 • 61 • 93 • 25 • 48 • 79 • 52 • 36 • Fat (M) • Bad (M) • Mean (M) • Grey (M) • Crazy (M) • Cheap (M) • Green (M) • Scared (F) • Purple (M) • Funny (F,Pl) • Brown (M,Pl) • Stinky (M,Pl)
DEVINA PUZZLE 2023-02-23
Les nombres 2020-08-26
Մաթեմատիկա_2 2017-05-27
- / 896 x 84
- / 4900 - 703
- / 843281 - 44189
- / 8455:5
- / 43000 - 9322
- / 7458 x 6
- / 5236:2
- / 822450 - 80124
- / 8400 - 5422
- / 78 x 95
- / 3670:5
- / 3695:5
- / 94 x 37
- / 36 x 55
- / 6840:9
- / 731 x 39
- / 1204:7
- / 70215 - 32458
- / 7266:7
- / 10236 + 785236
- / 993563 - 796376
- / 7848:8
- / 66000 - 8909
- / 366 x 92
- / 80 x 71
- / 74765 - 26591
- / 2835:5
- / 71224 - 24433
- / 388 x 81
- / 7227:9
- / 71 x 26
- / 937 x 97
32 Clues: / 1204:7 • / 7266:7 • / 7848:8 • / 8455:5 • / 2835:5 • / 5236:2 • / 7227:9 • / 3670:5 • / 3695:5 • / 6840:9 • / 78 x 95 • / 71 x 26 • / 94 x 37 • / 36 x 55 • / 896 x 84 • / 366 x 92 • / 80 x 71 • / 7458 x 6 • / 388 x 81 • / 937 x 97 • / 731 x 39 • / 4900 - 703 • / 8400 - 5422 • / 66000 - 8909 • / 43000 - 9322 • / 70215 - 32458 • / 74765 - 26591 • / 71224 - 24433 • / 10236 + 785236 • / 843281 - 44189 • / 822450 - 80124 • / 993563 - 796376
KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30
- Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
- Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
- Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
- Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
- Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
- Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
- Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
- Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
- Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
- Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
- Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
- Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
- Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
- Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
- Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
- Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api
16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng • Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan • Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup • Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca • Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur • Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk ( • ...
KIMIA UNSUR 2024-10-30
- Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur
- Unsur dari golongan 7A, digunakan sebagai desinfektan di kolam renang
- Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk (
- Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup
- Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca
- Unsur golongan 6A yang berbentuk gas dan sangat penting untuk kehidupan
- Unsur logam ringan dari golongan 1A, digunakan pada baterai elektronik
- Unsur golongan 3A yang sangat ringan dan digunakan dalam konstruksi pesawat
- Unsur 5A, berwarna putih kebiruan dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat korek api
- Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan
- Unsur non-logam dari golongan 5A, unsur utama dalam udara yang kita hirup
- Unsur gas mulia dari golongan 8A yang digunakan pada lampu neon
- Unsur dari golongan 2A yang penting bagi kesehatan tulang
- Unsur 7A, zat berwarna kuning dan dapat mencair pada suhu ruangan
- Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng
- Unsur golongan 2A yang sering digunakan dalam kembang api
16 Clues: Unsur 3A yang ditemukan dalam produk kaleng • Unsur golongan 8A, gas mulia yang paling ringan • Unsur 4A yang ditemukan dalam semua makhluk hidup • Unsur golongan 4A, komponen utama dari pasir dan kaca • Unsur dari golongan 1A yang digunakan dalam garam dapur • Unsur 6A, sering memiliki bau busuk seperti telur busuk ( • ...
TTS Bahasa Bali Kasusastraan 2023-02-01
84 2022-02-08
- Place where the bus boycott happened in America
- The state that said they would not accept the outcome of Brown vs Board
- When you do not allow people to mix based on their skin colour
- When name of the set of laws that affected black people more
- Name of a prominent person who went on to have an important speech
- Person who the media used for the bus boycott
- The name of the boy who was killed in Mississippi
- What did Linda brown want the right to have
8 Clues: What did Linda brown want the right to have • Person who the media used for the bus boycott • Place where the bus boycott happened in America • The name of the boy who was killed in Mississippi • When name of the set of laws that affected black people more • When you do not allow people to mix based on their skin colour • ...
Numbers 20-99 2022-03-01
The Fault In Our Stars - Book Club Meeting Two - Chapters 5 - 10 2024-01-16
- so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145)
- without showing ones feelings or complaining about pain or hardship (88)
- somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65)
- complete, absolute (pg 83)
- someones nickname (pg. 64)
- within the skull (105)
- wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84)
- excessively sweet, rich, or sentimental to a disgusting level (pg 75)
- a state in which you feel excited or very alert as a result of anger, stress, or fear (93)
- a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67)
10 Clues: within the skull (105) • complete, absolute (pg 83) • someones nickname (pg. 64) • a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67) • wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84) • so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145) • somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65) • ...
The Fault In Our Stars - Book Club Meeting Two - Chapters 5 - 10 2024-01-16
- so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145)
- without showing ones feelings or complaining about pain or hardship (88)
- somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65)
- complete, absolute (pg 83)
- someones nickname (pg. 64)
- within the skull (105)
- wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84)
- excessively sweet, rich, or sentimental to a disgusting level (pg 75)
- a state in which you feel excited or very alert as a result of anger, stress, or fear (93)
- a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67)
10 Clues: within the skull (105) • complete, absolute (pg 83) • someones nickname (pg. 64) • a person who lives a solitary life (pg. 67) • wrong or inaccurate name or designation (pg 84) • so foolish, unreasonable or out of place as to be amusing (145) • somewhat inactive, tending to spend to much time seated (pg.65) • ...
Multi-year Competencies 2024-04-29
- Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
- Practice effective human relations
- Construct a resume
- Complete a job interview
- Demonstrate appropriate appearance
- Complete employment tests
- Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
- Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
- Identify problems of new employees
- Complete application forms
- Select an immediate job goal
- Follow directions
- Develop a letter of application
- Demonstrate time management
- Appropriately quit a job
- Use the telephone to arrange an interview
- Develop a career path for a selected occupation
- Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
- Understand what employers expect of employees
- Conduct a job search
20 Clues: Follow directions • Construct a resume • Conduct a job search • Complete a job interview • Appropriately quit a job • Complete employment tests • Complete application forms • Demonstrate time management • Select an immediate job goal • Develop a letter of application • Practice effective human relations • Demonstrate appropriate appearance • Identify problems of new employees • ...
teka-teki silang b.jawa bab 1 dan bab 2 2024-10-04
- drama yaiku...
- bedane drama tradisional lan modern...
- Gatra saben sapada diarani...
- Jawa sing ora wenang nganggo sandhangan Pepet...
- iku mujudake...
- Laporan kudune tumata,saengga gampang diwaca lan dipahami dening pamaos Iki ngebaki prinsip...
- asil observasi iku ditulis adhedhasar...
- Dudu mujudake ciri-ciri laporan asik observasi iku...
- iku disusun kanggo...
- paragane ludruk iku lumrahe...
- dumadi 6 Gatra=8u,8i,8a,8i,Iki mujudake paugerane tembang...
- mas iku mujudake..pak karta lan Bu Karta...
- isi timun sama ibune,sing disebarake timun emas kasebut,banjur dadi...
- lagu yaiku...
- macam-macam drama sing perlu diweruhi lan dimengerteni,yaiku...
15 Clues: lagu yaiku... • drama yaiku... • iku mujudake... • iku disusun kanggo... • Gatra saben sapada diarani... • paragane ludruk iku lumrahe... • bedane drama tradisional lan modern... • asil observasi iku ditulis adhedhasar... • mas iku mujudake..pak karta lan Bu Karta... • Jawa sing ora wenang nganggo sandhangan Pepet... • Dudu mujudake ciri-ciri laporan asik observasi iku... • ...
Christmas Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-13
- Gingerbread structure
- Plant to kiss under
- Sleigh pullers
- Another word for 'gifts'
- 7d's helpers
- Decorations for a tree
- Red-Nosed 8a
- Sock hung up
- Alt. spelling of 1d
- Celebration of Jesus' birth
- Month that 1d is celebrated
- Day that 1d is celebrated
- Greeting used with 1d
- Jolly old man
- Where 7d lives
- Day before an event
- "____ Frost"
- Figure built with snow
18 Clues: 7d's helpers • "____ Frost" • Red-Nosed 8a • Sock hung up • Jolly old man • Sleigh pullers • Where 7d lives • Plant to kiss under • Day before an event • Alt. spelling of 1d • Gingerbread structure • Greeting used with 1d • Decorations for a tree • Figure built with snow • Another word for 'gifts' • Day that 1d is celebrated • Celebration of Jesus' birth • Month that 1d is celebrated
8A 2022-12-08
12 Clues: bias • mascot • "Shades" • principal • shi'anna's twin • math teacher • english Teacher • dates Kristian • supporting evidence • master of the 3pt shot • isis controlled country • who/what/where/when/why
US 2024-07-18
- Actriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. Sugy
- Cantante argentina famosa por su música pop. Laura
- Cantante y actor colombiano, exintegrante de "Piso 21". Tommy
- Actriz y cantante argentina, conocida por sus roles en telenovelas. Priscilla
- Cantante infantil mexicana conocida como "La Reina de los Niños". Tatiana
- Actriz y cantante colombiana, famosa por su papel en "Betty, la fea". Tatiana
- Presentadora y modelo colombiana. Alejandra
- Actriz mexicana conocida por su papel en "La Usurpadora". Alejandra
- Actor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". Kevin
- Escritora chilena autora de "La casa de los espíritus". Priscilla
- Actriz y cantante puertorriqueña, protagonista de "La Isla Bonita". Sugy
- Cantante y actor argentino conocido por su papel en "Casi Ángeles". Kevin
- Personaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". Tommy
- Actriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura
14 Clues: Presentadora y modelo colombiana. Alejandra • Cantante argentina famosa por su música pop. Laura • Actriz venezolana reconocida por sus telenovelas. Sugy • Actor chileno protagonista de la serie "Los 80". Kevin • Personaje de la serie mexicana "El Chavo del 8". Tommy • Actriz y cantante mexicana, exintegrante de "RBD". Laura • ...
8A Kreuzworträtsel 2014-01-23
- klein (small)
- Mantel (coat)
- Hose (pants)
- Rock (skirt)
- Hemd (shirt)
- lässig (casual)
- Sandalen (sandals)
- Strumpfhose (stockings)
- Stiefel (boot)
- Turnschuh (sneakers)
- Schuh (shoe)
- Armbanduhr (wristwatch)
- Halskette (necklace)
- Kleid (dress)
- Bluse (blouse)
- Blazer (blazer)
- groß (big)
- Kleidung (clothing)
- Schal (scarf)
- Krawatte (tie)
- Pullover (sweater)
- Jacke (jacket)
- Gürtel (belt)
- scheußlich (hideous)
- Handschuh (glove)
- sportlich (sporty)
- Stirnband (headband)
- Ohrring (earring)
- Baumwolle (cotton)
- Badehose (swim trunks)
- Klamotten (clothing)
- schick (stylish)
32 Clues: groß (big) • Hose (pants) • Rock (skirt) • Hemd (shirt) • Schuh (shoe) • klein (small) • Mantel (coat) • Schal (scarf) • Gürtel (belt) • Kleid (dress) • Bluse (blouse) • Krawatte (tie) • Jacke (jacket) • Stiefel (boot) • Blazer (blazer) • lässig (casual) • schick (stylish) • Handschuh (glove) • Ohrring (earring) • Pullover (sweater) • Sandalen (sandals) • sportlich (sporty) • Baumwolle (cotton) • Kleidung (clothing) • ...
8A Crossword 2014-05-08
- I used to live in Sabie, South Africa
- I like going to the beach and pools
- Love chocolate
- I like Sour Patch Kids
- My last name is a type of orange
- I love Miley Cyrus and the colour blue
- I love Pakour
- I am a dancer and I love it
- I really really really really (etc) like, love, want to marry guitars, piano, violin and drums
- I like rats
- I have 3 siblings
- I hate staplers
- Obsessed with socks
- I am thin and light as
- My family is from Scotland
- I love castles and awesome architecture
- I was born in England
- I like birthday cake with the words happy birthday Kiara on it. Oh and I like chocolate
- I like to be active
- I have blonde hair
- I like South Park
- I like singing, when Im alone
22 Clues: I like rats • I love Pakour • Love chocolate • I hate staplers • I have 3 siblings • I like South Park • I have blonde hair • Obsessed with socks • I like to be active • I was born in England • I am thin and light as • I like Sour Patch Kids • My family is from Scotland • I am a dancer and I love it • I like singing, when Im alone • My last name is a type of orange • ...
8A-9A 2022-05-02
36 Clues: eye • bad • fit • not • law • holy • read • side • roll • pull • hand • rock • rock • make • name • know • feel • half • mind • voice • twist • touch • write • laugh • faith • right • carry • beyond • wonder • change • feeling • care for • together • backward • different • appearance
Kanada 8a 2022-11-22
- Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
- Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
- Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas „Toronto ...“
- Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
- Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
- Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
- Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
- Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
- Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
- Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
- Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
- Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
- Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
- Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
- Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
- Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
- Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
- Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
- Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
- Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
- Kanados sostinė
- Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
- ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
- Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
- Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę
25 Clues: Kanados sostinė • Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai • Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas • Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis • Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis • Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka • Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja • Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų • Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė • Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje • ...
Kanada 8a 2022-11-22
- Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje
- Šiame Kanados mieste prancūzakalbiai sudaro daugumą
- Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai
- Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja
- Žymaus Kanados aktoriaus, kuris filme „Beverli Hilsas 90210“ vaidino vieną pagrindinių vaidmenų, pavardė
- Kanados roko atlikėjo grupės pavadinimas „Arcade ...“
- Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas
- Šalis, kurioje gimė Kanados himno kompozitorius
- Kanados krepšinio komandos pavadinimas „Toronto ...“
- Kanados sostinė
- Aukščiausio kalno Kanadoje pavadinimas ir filmo „Ernis” pagrindinio veikėjo vardas
- ritulys Kanadoje populiarios žiemos sporto šakos pavadinimas
- Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų
- Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis
- Kanadoje populiarus patiekalas, kuriam reikia bulvyčių
- Ledų pavadinimas, primenantis žymios Kanadietės dainininkės, kurios dainos garso takelis skambėjo filme „Titanikas“, pavardę
- Kanadiečio išradėjo, kuris būdamas 15 metų išrado sniegomobilį, pavardė
- Populiaraus Kanados pop muzikos atlikėjo slapyvardis
- Kanados krantus skalaujanti jūra šiaurės vakaruose netoli Hadsono sąsiaurio
- Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė
- Kanados metalo grupės pavadinimas „Finger ...“
- Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis
- Kanados žymaus komedijos žanro aktoriaus, kuris vaidino filme ”Kaukė”, pavardė
- Kanadoje kalbama dviem oficialiomis kalbomis: anglų ir ...
- Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka
25 Clues: Kanados sostinė • Pirmieji Kanados gyventojai • Stambus Kanados miškų gyvūnas • Su Kanados vėliava susijęs medis • Gyvūnas - populiarus Kanados simbolis • Kanados oficiali nacionalinė sporto šaka • Stambi Kanados maisto ir gėrimų gamintoja • Kanados 15-ojoministro pirmininko pavardė • Vienas iš šešių didžiausių Kanados miestų • Valstybė Šiaurės Amerikos šiaurinėje dalyje • ...
8A Students 2023-05-01
- this student's last name is Ryan
- this student's last name is Koranda
- this student's last name is Barnes
- this student's last name is McCormick
- this student's last name is Gerber
- this student's last name is Taber
- this student's last name is Winn
- this student's last name is Summers
- this student's last name is Jarvis
- this student's last name is Green
- this student's last name is Thompson
- this student's last name is Tillotson
- this student's last name is Schmidt
- this student's last name is Koranda
- this student's last name is Jury
- this student's last name is Finney
- this student's last name is Klaassen
- this student's last name is Hoch
- this student's last name is Thomas
- this student's last name is Giffin
- this student's last name is Knowles
- this student's last name is Bowlin
- this student's last name is McCullough
- this student's last name is Taylor
- this student's last name is Wright
25 Clues: this student's last name is Jury • this student's last name is Ryan • this student's last name is Hoch • this student's last name is Winn • this student's last name is Taber • this student's last name is Green • this student's last name is Finney • this student's last name is Barnes • this student's last name is Thomas • this student's last name is Giffin • ...
Unit 8A 2024-04-20
- უიღბლობა
- თითქმის
- აღწერა
- შეკვეთა
- ხელნაწერი
- მონა
- შესაძლებლობა
- განძი
- ბორანი
- განუჭვრეტელი
- ისარი
- შორეული ადგილი
- ინტერესი, ცნობისმოყვარეობა
- საკუთრება
- მოედანი
- შეტევა
- საუკუნე
- მოსამართლე
- სანაპირო
- განზრახვა
- მომგებიანი
- შეთავაზება
- მიმოფანტვა
- ჯარისკაცი
- სიბრძნე
- თუმცა
- საბედნიეროდ
- კუთხე
- თავგადასავალი
- to ამის გამო
- უამრავი
- წარმოუდგენელი,არაჩვეულებრივი
- ჩათვლა,მიჩნევა
- შენახვა
- დასაქმება
- ძებნა
- განზრახვა
- მიტოვება
38 Clues: მონა • თუმცა • კუთხე • განძი • ისარი • ძებნა • აღწერა • ბორანი • შეტევა • თითქმის • სიბრძნე • შეკვეთა • უამრავი • შენახვა • მოედანი • საუკუნე • უიღბლობა • მიტოვება • სანაპირო • ჯარისკაცი • ხელნაწერი • დასაქმება • განზრახვა • საკუთრება • განზრახვა • მომგებიანი • შეთავაზება • მიმოფანტვა • მოსამართლე • საბედნიეროდ • შესაძლებლობა • განუჭვრეტელი • თავგადასავალი • to ამის გამო • ჩათვლა,მიჩნევა • შორეული ადგილი • ინტერესი, ცნობისმოყვარეობა • ...
8A Crucigrama 2024-07-15
- monument
- ticket
- by train
- by bus
- to visit
- national park
- attraction
- to ride a horse
- impressive
- sea
- to go on vacation
- country
- to scuba dive/snorkel
- monkey
- amusement park
- zoo
- to return
- by boat
- tell me
- play
- to rest
- theater
- to travel
- to leave, to go out
- bear
- animal
- it was a disaster
- late
- early
- to go boating
- by plane
- bird
- to sunbathe
- city
- lake
- stadium
- to learn
- tree
- souvenirs
- museum
40 Clues: sea • zoo • play • bear • late • bird • city • lake • tree • early • ticket • by bus • animal • monkey • museum • by boat • tell me • to rest • theater • country • stadium • monument • by train • to visit • by plane • to learn • to travel • souvenirs • to return • attraction • impressive • to sunbathe • national park • to go boating • amusement park • to ride a horse • it was a disaster • to go on vacation • to leave, to go out • to scuba dive/snorkel
Test A7 2014-10-08
Les nombres français (70 à 1,000,000) 2021-09-28
Periodic Table Elements 2020-03-19
- discovered by marie curie and is a alkaline earth metal
- atomic number is 2
- is a metalliod and the atomic number is 85
- atomic number is 24
- atomic weight is 162.50
- the symbol is Au
- the symbol is Cu
- is a noble gas with an atomic weight of 20.180
- the symbol is Ru
- is a actinoid metal and the symbol is Bk
- is a other nonmetal and atomic number is 35
- the atomic number is 16 and the atomic weight is 32.06
- atomic weight is 204.38 and is an post-transition metal
- is an alkaline earth metal and atomic weight is 24.305
- also discovered by marie curie and atomic number is 84
- atomic weight is 207.2
- the atomic weight is 95.95
- is a lanthanoid and the atomic weight is 144.24
- is a transition metal and the atomic weight is 186.21
- the symbol is Rh
20 Clues: the symbol is Au • the symbol is Cu • the symbol is Ru • the symbol is Rh • atomic number is 2 • atomic number is 24 • atomic weight is 207.2 • atomic weight is 162.50 • the atomic weight is 95.95 • is a actinoid metal and the symbol is Bk • is a metalliod and the atomic number is 85 • is a other nonmetal and atomic number is 35 • is a noble gas with an atomic weight of 20.180 • ...
Les Nombres 2023-02-16
14 numbers 1-100 2018-10-27
Lord of the Flies Vocab Ch. 1-9 2021-09-22
- (adj.): feeling and showing offense and annoyance (145)
- (n.): a very large or powerful thing; a sea monster (biblical)(118)
- (n.): confidence or a show of confidence intended to impress (138)
- (n.): the condition of being annoyingly slow to understand; not sharp or pointed, blunt (125)
- (adj.): curious (177)
- (adj.): intangible; unable to be felt by touch (65)
- (adj.): proper; well-behaved (11)
- (n.): hatred (10)
- (adj.): ridiculous (85)
- (adj.): mysterious; incomprehensible (51)
- (adj.): abhorrent; hateful (175)
- (n.): a large number (65)
- (adj.): not allowing fluid to pass through; unaffected by (137)
- (adj.):penitent; sorry (52)
- (adv.): regrettably; sadly (84)
- (adv.): shyly; timidly (116)
- (adj.): mad; insane (174)
- (adj.): secretive; stealthy (19)
- (adj.): expressing contempt or ridicule (94)
- (v.): to offer (3)
- (n.): opposition; resistance (54)
- (adv.): in a rebellious manner (122)
- (adj.): implicit; unspoken, but understood (58)
23 Clues: (n.): hatred (10) • (v.): to offer (3) • (adj.): curious (177) • (adj.): ridiculous (85) • (adj.): mad; insane (174) • (n.): a large number (65) • (adj.):penitent; sorry (52) • (adv.): shyly; timidly (116) • (adv.): regrettably; sadly (84) • (adj.): secretive; stealthy (19) • (adj.): proper; well-behaved (11) • (adj.): abhorrent; hateful (175) • ...
JAG 2024-04-30
- Develop a career path for a selected occupation.
- Identify problems of new employees
- Conduct a job search
- Identify occupational interests, aptitudes and abilities.
- Complete a job interview
- Relate interests, aptitudes,and abilities to appropriate occupations.
- Understand what employers expect of employees
- Use the telephone to arrange an interview
- Demonstrate time management
- Develop a letter of application
- Demonstrate appropriate appearance
- Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal.
- Follow directions
- Complete application forms
- identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations.
- Complete employment tests
- Select an immediate job goal.
- Appropriately quit a job
- Construct a resume
- Practice effective human relations
20 Clues: Construct a resume • Follow directions • Appropriately quit a job • Conduct a job search • Complete a job interview • Demonstrate time management • Complete employment tests • Complete application forms • Demonstrate appropriate appearance • Select an immediate job goal. • Develop a letter of application • ...
Jag competencies crossword 2024-04-29
- develop a career path for a selected occupation
- Identify problems of new employees
- Conduct a job search
- Identify occupational interest, aptitudes, and abilities
- Complete a job interview
- Relate interest, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
- Understand what employers expect of employees
- Use the telephone to arrange an interview
- Demonstrate time management
- Develop a letter of application
- Demonstrate appropriate appearance
- describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
- Follow directions
- Complete application forms
- identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupation
- Complete employment test
- Select an immediate job goal
- Appropriately quit a job
- Construct a resume
- Practice effective human relations
20 Clues: Follow directions • Construct a resume • Conduct a job search • Complete a job interview • Complete employment test • Appropriately quit a job • Complete application forms • Demonstrate time management • Select an immediate job goal • Develop a letter of application • Demonstrate appropriate appearance • Identify problems of new employees • Practice effective human relations • ...
Competencies A1 - C20 2024-04-29
- Develop a career path for a selected occupation
- Identify problems of new employees
- Conduct a job search
- Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
- Complete a job interview
- Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
- Understand what employers expect of employees
- Use the telephone to arrange an interview
- Demonstrate time management
- Develop a letter of application
- Demonstrate appropriate appearance
- Describe the condition and specification of the job goal
- Follow directions
- Complete application forms
- Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
- Complete employment tests
- Select an immediate job goal
- Appropriately quit a job
- Construct a resume
- Practice effective human relations
20 Clues: Follow directions • Construct a resume • Conduct a job search • Complete a job interview • Appropriately quit a job • Complete employment tests • Complete application forms • Demonstrate time management • Select an immediate job goal • Develop a letter of application • Demonstrate appropriate appearance • Identify problems of new employees • Practice effective human relations • ...
Competencies A.1 - C.20 2024-04-29
- develop a career path for a selected occupation
- Identify problems of new employees
- Develop a letter of application
- Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
- Complete employment tests
- Appropriately quit a job
- Conduct a job search
- Demonstrate time management
- Select an immediate job goal
- Complete a job interview
- Demonstrate appropriate appearance
- Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
- Practice effective human relations
- Complete application forms
- Relate interests, aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupation
- Use the telephone to arrange an interview
- Follow directions
- Construct a resume
- Understand what employers expect of employees
- Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
20 Clues: Follow directions • Construct a resume • Conduct a job search • Appropriately quit a job • Complete a job interview • Complete employment tests • Complete application forms • Demonstrate time management • Select an immediate job goal • Develop a letter of application • Demonstrate appropriate appearance • Identify problems of new employees • Practice effective human relations • ...
Church History #8 2021-01-27
- walk in the ____ of my Spirit (D&C 19:23)
- I come ____. I am your Lord (D&C 34:12)
- I will ____ my name (D&C 132:64)
- Spirit giveth light to ____ man (D&C 84:46)
- Look unto me in every _____ (D&C 6:36)
- you have treated ____ the things you have received (D&C 84:54)
- Holy Ghost, which ____ all things (D&C 18:18)
- visit the house of each ____ (D&C 20:47)
- I am the ____ which shineth in darkness (D&C 6:21)
- no one can assist in this work except he shall be ____ and full of love (D&C 12:8)
10 Clues: I will ____ my name (D&C 132:64) • I come ____. I am your Lord (D&C 34:12) • Look unto me in every _____ (D&C 6:36) • visit the house of each ____ (D&C 20:47) • walk in the ____ of my Spirit (D&C 19:23) • Spirit giveth light to ____ man (D&C 84:46) • Holy Ghost, which ____ all things (D&C 18:18) • I am the ____ which shineth in darkness (D&C 6:21) • ...
Egész számok_ráhangolódó 2024-09-23
- (-240)-(-91)=
- Se nem negatív, se nem pozitív szám.
- érték Minden szám esetében nem negatív.
- (-14)+(84)=
- A legnagyobb negatív szám.
- Ezek a számok biztosan oszthatók kettővel.
- Ennyi kétjegyű szám van.
- A legkisebb pozitív egész szám.
- (+17)-(+8)+(+23)-(+17)=
- (+73)+(+11)=
- A pozitív számoké negatív, a negatívaké pozitív.
11 Clues: (-14)+(84)= • (+73)+(+11)= • (-240)-(-91)= • (+17)-(+8)+(+23)-(+17)= • Ennyi kétjegyű szám van. • A legnagyobb negatív szám. • A legkisebb pozitív egész szám. • Se nem negatív, se nem pozitív szám. • érték Minden szám esetében nem negatív. • Ezek a számok biztosan oszthatók kettővel. • A pozitív számoké negatív, a negatívaké pozitív.
Our Class 2015-12-13
- Kata never ________ she needs to talk.
- Anna always help at home. She is really ________.
- Dorottya is ________ shoes on her feets today.
- Miss Eiben is ________ us now.
- Krisztián is ________ this example now.
- You are reading this line at the moment.
- Kardos always ________ during lessons.
- Hentes usually ________ with Szalmás before the trainings.
- Lili is sitting ________ the door.
- Franciska often does the ________ at the weekends.
- Liza never takes the dog for a ________ beacuse she has a cat.
- Petra sits ________ Krisztián and Kata in class 8a.
- Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now.
- Máté rarely washes the ________ beacuse he alwasy runs to play video games.
- Peti hardly ever ________ dinner beacuse he can't cook.
- Rozi usually listens to rock music when she ________ her homework.
16 Clues: Miss Eiben is ________ us now. • Lili is sitting ________ the door. • Kata never ________ she needs to talk. • Kardos always ________ during lessons. • Krisztián is ________ this example now. • You are reading this line at the moment. • Botond is sitting ________ to krisztián now. • Dorottya is ________ shoes on her feets today. • ...