www.abozeb.com/video/%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b7%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a8-%d9%8a%d9%86%d9%8a%d9%83-%d9%85%d8%b9%d9%8 Crossword Puzzles

TTS Aljabar 2022-09-27

TTS Aljabar crossword puzzle
  1. 10 (1/2 b-1)
  2. 70y∶(-7)
  3. 4a-6a
  4. 2(2x+4)-5(x-3)
  1. (x+3)/2×10
  2. (20y-12) ∶4
  3. 8a-9-2a+6
  4. (4b+8) ∶ 2/3

8 Clues: 4a-6a70y∶(-7)8a-9-2a+6(x+3)/2×10(20y-12) ∶410 (1/2 b-1)(4b+8) ∶ 2/32(2x+4)-5(x-3)

1 à 100 2024-01-30

1 à 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 58
  2. 79
  3. 73
  4. 84
  5. 66
  6. 42
  7. 100
  8. 21
  9. 26
  10. 87
  11. 40
  1. 91
  2. 19
  3. 33
  4. 16
  5. 55
  6. 61
  7. 37

18 Clues: 9119583316795573846661423721268740100

Solving Equations Puzzle 2024-09-12

Solving Equations Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -243 = -9(10 + x)
  2. 10 - 6v = -104
  3. 2(n + 5) = -2
  4. 8 + b/-4 = 5
  1. 7(9 + k)= 84
  2. (v + 9)/3 = 8
  3. 6 = a/4 + 2
  4. (x - 9)/3 = 4
  5. -6 = n/2 - 10
  6. (n + 5)/-16 = -1

10 Clues: 6 = a/4 + 27(9 + k)= 848 + b/-4 = 5(v + 9)/3 = 8(x - 9)/3 = 4-6 = n/2 - 102(n + 5) = -210 - 6v = -104(n + 5)/-16 = -1-243 = -9(10 + x)

SpO Int u-7 SUCCESS 2020-07-20

SpO Int u-7 SUCCESS crossword puzzle
  1. 9receive a prize or recognition of success (3, 2, 5)
  2. 5say you aren’t satisfied with (something) (8, 5)
  3. 13a person who is very successful in all parts of their lives (4, 8)
  4. 2depend on (4, 2)
  5. 8a natural ability (8)
  6. 12skilled (6)
  7. 11be suggested for prize (9)
  1. 3be owned by someone (6, 2)
  2. 10a few people being considered for a prize (9)
  3. 14time working for a company so you can learn to do a job (14)
  4. 1a prize for doing well, usually a metal circle (5)
  5. 7an exam or course you have completed (13)
  6. 4a skill you have (7)
  7. 6to be very bad at something (7)
  8. 15a university course (6)

15 Clues: 12skilled (6)2depend on (4, 2)4a skill you have (7)8a natural ability (8)15a university course (6)3be owned by someone (6, 2)11be suggested for prize (9)6to be very bad at something (7)7an exam or course you have completed (13)10a few people being considered for a prize (9)5say you aren’t satisfied with (something) (8, 5)...

Tekanan Darah 2024-04-03

Tekanan Darah crossword puzzle
  1. tekanan pada dinding salur darah semasa otot jantung berehat
  2. alat mengukur tekanan darah
  3. digunakan dalam tolok tekanan pertama yang mengukur tekanan darah dengan tepat
  4. tekanan pada dinding salur darah semasa otot jantung mengecut
  5. bacaan tekanan darah yang tinggi dan berlarutan
  6. merkuri unit untuk mengukur tekanan darah
  1. (kurang daripada 120/kurang daripada 80)
  2. bacaan tekanan darah yang rendah
  3. (130-139/85-89)
  4. simbol bagi unit mengukur tekanan darah
  5. pengukuran tekanan darah membantu mengukur tahap ______ badan
  6. (120-129/80-84)
  7. masalah tekanan darah tinggi yang tidak dikawal dengan baik boleh menyebabkan

13 Clues: (130-139/85-89)(120-129/80-84)alat mengukur tekanan darahbacaan tekanan darah yang rendahsimbol bagi unit mengukur tekanan darah(kurang daripada 120/kurang daripada 80)merkuri unit untuk mengukur tekanan darahbacaan tekanan darah yang tinggi dan berlarutantekanan pada dinding salur darah semasa otot jantung berehat...


ORTHO SEJAWATLC crossword puzzle
  1. alat fungsional SNA 86 SNB 80
  2. protaksi gigi ante
  3. mesialisasi gigi
  1. alat fungsional SNA 78 SNB 80
  2. alat fungsional SNA 82 SNB 84
  3. alat fungsional SNA 82 SNB 76

6 Clues: mesialisasi gigiprotaksi gigi antealat fungsional SNA 78 SNB 80alat fungsional SNA 86 SNB 80alat fungsional SNA 82 SNB 84alat fungsional SNA 82 SNB 76

i,Robot 2019-11-10

i,Robot crossword puzzle
  1. Name of DV-5 subsidiaries (84)
  2. Susan Calvin Robopsychologist (xii)
  3. Robot that Susan Calvin called Liar (135)
  4. Name that QT-1 game himself (66)
  5. Brain Two foot globe with helium atmosphere (180)
  6. Name of the robot QT-1 (57)
  1. 10 Name of robot told to lose himself (152)
  2. Age of Susan Calvin when she died (272)
  3. Name of the robot DV-5 (85)
  4. Name of robot that got "drunk" (43)
  5. Gloria's playmate (1)

11 Clues: Gloria's playmate (1)Name of the robot DV-5 (85)Name of the robot QT-1 (57)Name of DV-5 subsidiaries (84)Name that QT-1 game himself (66)Susan Calvin Robopsychologist (xii)Name of robot that got "drunk" (43)Age of Susan Calvin when she died (272)Robot that Susan Calvin called Liar (135)10 Name of robot told to lose himself (152)...

Integers 2017-10-08

Integers crossword puzzle
  1. LCM means lowest common what?
  2. 8 x 6
  3. what is the difference between -12 and 12?
  4. another word for sum or total
  5. all odd numbers have a _______ of 1 when divided by 2
  6. -9 + -9 + -9 = ___ x -9
  7. all even numbers are _______ by two
  8. 84 is written in _________?
  9. a negative number divided by a negative number is
  10. 8 more than the product of 5 and 2
  1. (-10)4 = ?
  2. 90 + (-8)
  3. 25 x -4 x -1
  4. -14 + __ = 0
  5. (-2)3
  6. the next prime number after 5
  7. (-5)2
  8. 46 - (-3)
  9. the _______ of 9 is 3
  10. the HCF of 24 and 36

20 Clues: 8 x 6(-2)3(-5)290 + (-8)46 - (-3)(-10)4 = ?25 x -4 x -1-14 + __ = 0the HCF of 24 and 36the _______ of 9 is 3-9 + -9 + -9 = ___ x -984 is written in _________?LCM means lowest common what?the next prime number after 5another word for sum or total8 more than the product of 5 and 2all even numbers are _______ by two...

MATHS ACTIVITY-1 2020-10-02

MATHS ACTIVITY-1 crossword puzzle
  1. Successor of 5374
  2. 4732×8
  3. 5734-2312
  4. Smallest 4-digit number
  5. 27×84
  1. 9240+6756
  2. 7432-0
  3. Best estimation of 649+782
  4. Nearest 100 of 788 is
  5. 8432+2788

10 Clues: 27×847432-04732×89240+67565734-23128432+2788Successor of 5374Nearest 100 of 788 isSmallest 4-digit numberBest estimation of 649+782

Mengenal Unsur Kimia 2022-10-12

Mengenal Unsur Kimia crossword puzzle
  1. unsur dengan lambang S
  2. bagian atom yang tidak bermuatan
  3. unsur yang memiliki nomor massa 26,9
  4. unsur kimia dengan lambang Ca
  5. bagian atom bermuatan negatif
  6. unsur kimia dengan nomor atom 16
  7. unsur kimia dengan nomor atom 1
  1. unsur yang terletak pada golongan 1A periode 4
  2. banyak elektron yang terdapat di kulit terluar atom disebut elektron ...
  3. unsur kimia dengan lambang Na
  4. bagian aton bermuatan positif
  5. unsur yang memiliki nomor massa 107,87
  6. unsur kimia dengan lambang C
  7. unsur dengan lambang Mg
  8. lambang unsur iron/besi
  9. unsur yang terletak pada golongan 8A periode 3
  10. lambang dari unsur chlorine
  11. kaidah elektron dengan jumlah 8

18 Clues: unsur dengan lambang Sunsur dengan lambang Mglambang unsur iron/besilambang dari unsur chlorineunsur kimia dengan lambang Cunsur kimia dengan lambang Nabagian aton bermuatan positifunsur kimia dengan lambang Cabagian atom bermuatan negatifunsur kimia dengan nomor atom 1kaidah elektron dengan jumlah 8bagian atom yang tidak bermuatan...

Los Números 2021-12-08

Los Números crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 72
  3. 27
  4. 15
  5. 39
  6. 84
  7. 2000
  8. 71
  9. 13
  10. 100
  11. 0
  12. 62
  13. 89
  1. 45
  2. 64
  3. 53
  4. 41
  5. 55
  6. 96
  7. 38
  8. 12
  9. 11

22 Clues: 0456453144155722796153938847113121162891002000

Die Nummern 2015-02-08

Die Nummern crossword puzzle
  1. 60
  2. 13
  3. 50
  4. 46
  5. 11
  6. 43
  7. 30
  8. 15
  9. 12
  10. 60
  1. 14
  2. 72
  3. 55
  4. 84
  5. 27
  6. 64
  7. 21
  8. 16

18 Clues: 146072135055844627642111433016151260

Spanish Numbers 1-100 2022-09-08

Spanish Numbers 1-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 50
  2. 64
  3. 27
  4. 3
  5. 96
  6. 12
  7. 90
  8. 84
  1. 60
  2. 20
  3. 72
  4. 7
  5. 6
  6. 14
  7. 31
  8. 4
  9. 2

17 Clues: 76342605020726414273196129084

The numbers 2024-09-22

The numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 2
  2. 1000
  3. 62
  4. 5
  5. 3
  6. 20
  7. 84
  8. 91
  9. 11
  10. 13
  1. 77
  2. 30
  3. 100
  4. 49
  5. 18
  6. 0
  7. 80
  8. 12
  9. 4
  10. 22

20 Clues: 20534773049621880122084911113221001000

armure de Silence 2021-01-25

armure de Silence crossword puzzle
  1. partie de l'armure qui recouvre le buste
  2. vêtement extensible couvrant les jambes
  3. pièce métallique attachée au pied
  4. p.84 en soie
  5. partie du heaume percée pour respirer
  6. arme défensive
  7. arme offensive dans la main droite
  8. enseigne de guerre, drapeau
  1. pierre précieuse p.84
  2. coiffure rigide qui recouvre la tête.
  3. Celle de Silence est en soie violette
  4. cheval de bataille
  5. casque couvrant la tête et le visage du chevalier
  6. bouclier tenu dans la main gauche
  7. tunique en maille pour les chevaliers
  8. partie qui préserve le nez
  9. arme blanche

17 Clues: p.84 en soiearme blanchearme défensivecheval de bataillepierre précieuse p.84partie qui préserve le nezenseigne de guerre, drapeaupièce métallique attachée au piedbouclier tenu dans la main gauchearme offensive dans la main droitecoiffure rigide qui recouvre la tête.Celle de Silence est en soie violettepartie du heaume percée pour respirer...

Les Nombres 2021-09-20

Les Nombres crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. 57
  3. 21
  4. 34
  5. 84
  6. 12
  7. 102
  8. 88
  9. 67
  1. 73
  2. 129
  3. 16
  4. 20
  5. 55
  6. 1
  7. 97
  8. 100,000
  9. 46

18 Clues: 3173162055572197463484128867129102100,000

Los numeros 2014-11-19

Los numeros crossword puzzle
  1. 64
  2. 84
  3. 50
  4. 14
  5. 72
  6. 7
  7. 60
  8. 2
  1. 27
  2. 20
  3. 12
  4. 45
  5. 3
  6. 4
  7. 96
  8. 6
  9. 31
  10. 90

18 Clues: 3467227201264459684501472319060

May 2018 2018-02-11

May 2018 crossword puzzle
  1. (Psalm 89:49)
  2. (Isaiah 58:6)
  3. (Isaiah 60:18)
  4. (Psalm 84:10)
  1. (Isaiah 65:9)
  2. (Isaiah 62:11)
  3. (Psalm 82:8)
  4. (Isaiah 55:3)
  5. (Psalm 87:3)
  6. (Isaiah 57:9)

10 Clues: (Psalm 82:8)(Psalm 87:3)(Isaiah 65:9)(Psalm 89:49)(Isaiah 58:6)(Isaiah 55:3)(Isaiah 57:9)(Psalm 84:10)(Isaiah 62:11)(Isaiah 60:18)

May 2018 ILJ 2018-02-11

May 2018 ILJ crossword puzzle
  1. (Psalm 82:8)
  2. (Isaiah 55:3)
  3. (Isaiah 58:6)
  4. (Psalm 89:49)
  5. (Isaiah 60:18)
  1. (Isaiah 57:9)
  2. (Psalm 84:10)
  3. (Psalm 87:3)
  4. (Isaiah 65:9)
  5. (Isaiah 62:11)

10 Clues: (Psalm 82:8)(Psalm 87:3)(Isaiah 57:9)(Psalm 84:10)(Isaiah 55:3)(Isaiah 65:9)(Isaiah 58:6)(Psalm 89:49)(Isaiah 62:11)(Isaiah 60:18)

May 2018 ILJ2 2018-02-11

May 2018 ILJ2 crossword puzzle
  1. (Isaiah 65:9)
  2. (Psalm 84:10)
  3. (Isaiah 57:9)
  4. (Isaiah 62:11)
  5. (Psalm 87:3)
  1. (Psalm 89:49)
  2. (Psalm 82:8)
  3. (Isaiah 58:6)
  4. (Isaiah 55:3)
  5. (Isaiah 60:18)

10 Clues: (Psalm 82:8)(Psalm 87:3)(Isaiah 65:9)(Psalm 89:49)(Isaiah 58:6)(Isaiah 55:3)(Psalm 84:10)(Isaiah 57:9)(Isaiah 60:18)(Isaiah 62:11)

Die Nummern 2015-02-08

Die Nummern crossword puzzle
  1. 13
  2. 14
  3. 16
  4. 11
  5. 84
  6. 50
  7. 27
  8. 30
  9. 12
  10. 72
  1. 21
  2. 64
  3. 43
  4. 55
  5. 46
  6. 15
  7. 60
  8. 60

18 Clues: 216413431455161146845015273012607260

Spanish Numbers 1-100 2022-09-08

Spanish Numbers 1-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 50
  2. 64
  3. 27
  4. 3
  5. 96
  6. 12
  7. 90
  8. 84
  1. 60
  2. 20
  3. 72
  4. 7
  5. 6
  6. 14
  7. 31
  8. 4
  9. 2

17 Clues: 76342605020726414273196129084

FIFA crossword 2022-04-22

FIFA crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Base position is RWB
  2. Rulebreakers RB
  3. 97-rated TOTS in FIFA 20, Spanish in Serie A
  4. 83-rated Rulebreakers CDM in FIFA 21 (which I kept fucking packing)
  5. 85-rated Fantasy LB
  6. French in Turkish League
  7. PIM position change from CAM to LM
  8. Egyptian midfielder
  9. 99-rated ST card in FIFA 21
  10. Polish with 5* WF
  11. 82-rated German GK
  1. American midfielder in Bundesliga
  2. First name Zack
  3. 75-rated striker from Freiburg
  4. Winter Wildcards position change LM -> ST
  5. 83-rated non-rare striker
  6. German RM from Dortmund
  7. CB, has 85-rated Featured TOTW
  8. South American with 90 shooting
  9. Afro

20 Clues: AfroFirst name ZackRulebreakers RBPolish with 5* WF82-rated German GK85-rated Fantasy LBEgyptian midfielderBase position is RWBGerman RM from DortmundFrench in Turkish League83-rated non-rare striker99-rated ST card in FIFA 2175-rated striker from FreiburgCB, has 85-rated Featured TOTWSouth American with 90 shootingAmerican midfielder in Bundesliga...

Vitamins 2024-01-25

Vitamins crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the isotretinoin REMS program required to dispense it to prevent birth defects.
  2. Vitamin D3, used for osteoporosis 800 units daily along with calcium.
  3. Vitamin B6, used to treat morning sickness in first trimester pregnancy.
  4. Vitamin B2
  5. Vitamin B1 deficiency
  6. Topical ascorbic acid, Vitamin C, is used in skincare to help stimulate production of _____.
  7. Vitamin C deficiency
  8. Vitamin-D deficiency causing weak bones.
  9. Injectable Vitamin B12, which treats a deficiency called pernicious anemia.
  1. Vitamin B7
  2. Brand of phytonadione, Vitamin K1, warfarin reversal agent, 5 mg oral tablet.
  3. Vitamin K deficiency can cause ____ due to the inability to coagulate.
  4. Brand of isotretinoin, Vitamin A retinoid oral capsules for acne.
  5. Generic Retin-A, a topical Vitamin A retinoid used to treat acne.
  6. Vitamin B3, used to treat high cholesterol.
  7. Vitamin B9, used to prevent birth defects, taken pre-natally.
  8. Type of birth defect that occurs from lack of Vitamin B9.

17 Clues: Vitamin B7Vitamin B2Vitamin C deficiencyVitamin B1 deficiencyVitamin-D deficiency causing weak bones.Vitamin B3, used to treat high cholesterol.Type of birth defect that occurs from lack of Vitamin B9.Vitamin B9, used to prevent birth defects, taken pre-natally.Brand of isotretinoin, Vitamin A retinoid oral capsules for acne....

Wit Brew 2020-04-24

Wit Brew crossword puzzle
  1. My number is [59 83 51 40 84]<- in big endian
  2. What does the cow drink?
  3. minimum number of steps to solve 4*4 egg restore problem(CodeKarNa)
  4. Danlaw founding member
  5. The Queen who never let us go hungry.
  6. Product from danlaw
  1. Our sister company
  2. He was humble, he was fool. Topcoders from the world honoured him with 625th room. What is his first name?
  3. Protects us and known by courage.
  4. Identify famous indian brand from figure(Check mail/figure-2). It is also mentioned in a hindi song from a Salman Khan movie.
  5. y = 1/x, x^2 + y^2 = 9, y = |-2x|, x = -3|sin y|
  6. Ad by which corporation? (logo in picture) figure(Check mail/figure-1)
  7. If 'QHZV' can decode a 'NEWS', decode 'GDQODZ'
  8. Two are there, one is 'senior' but other one is not 'junior', he is 'chottu'.
  9. find out the magical letter. figure(Check mail/figure-3) --> 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13, 34/21, 55/34, 89/55,.....

15 Clues: Our sister companyProduct from danlawDanlaw founding memberWhat does the cow drink?Protects us and known by courage.The Queen who never let us go hungry.My number is [59 83 51 40 84]<- in big endianIf 'QHZV' can decode a 'NEWS', decode 'GDQODZ'y = 1/x, x^2 + y^2 = 9, y = |-2x|, x = -3|sin y|...

ASL Numbers 2024-10-18

ASL Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 73
  2. 33
  3. 7
  4. 97
  5. 65
  6. 49
  7. 59
  8. 44
  9. 92
  10. 42
  11. 10
  12. 75
  13. 15
  14. 8
  15. 23
  16. 32
  17. 21
  18. 11
  19. 72
  20. 3
  21. 5
  22. 100
  23. 20
  24. 7
  25. 91
  1. 12
  2. 37
  3. 25
  4. 86
  5. 68
  6. 83
  7. 40
  8. 78
  9. 18
  10. 47
  11. 99
  12. 1
  13. 60
  14. 4
  15. 28
  16. 22
  17. 2
  18. 61
  19. 29
  20. 13
  21. 19
  22. 16
  23. 76
  24. 14
  25. 6

50 Clues: 71482357673123733258668976583407849185944479299421075601528226123291332211911167672142091100

10 Codes 2023-07-14

10 Codes crossword puzzle
  1. 10-67
  2. 10-22
  3. with, 10-43
  4. occupants, 10-45
  5. 10-96
  6. 10-4
  7. 10-6
  8. 10-20
  9. stop, 10-44
  10. robbery, 10-92
  11. on scene, 10-23
  12. in area, 10-84
  13. service, 10-8
  14. 10-95
  15. by phone, 10-21
  16. 10-89
  17. in progress, 10-90
  18. 10-98
  19. at home, 10-42
  20. 10-40
  21. 10-9
  22. 10-12
  23. 10-80
  24. further assistance, 10-36
  25. 10-13
  26. hot, 10-39
  27. clear, 10-64
  28. accident, 10-48
  1. 10-28
  2. 10-41
  3. traffic, 10-33
  4. 10-97
  5. 10-3
  6. 10-19
  7. injury accident, 10-47
  8. in in progress, 10-91
  9. 10-93
  10. good, 10-2
  11. code 100
  12. 10-32
  13. ambulance, 10-49
  14. 10-14
  15. break, 10-99
  16. 10-29
  17. threat, 10-94
  18. dui, 10-46
  19. 10-17
  20. license, 10-27
  21. contact, 10-77
  22. 10-15
  23. of service, 10-7
  24. 10-10
  25. with call, 10-24
  26. poorly, 10-1
  27. alarm, 10-85

55 Clues: 10-310-410-610-910-2810-6710-4110-2210-9710-9610-1910-9310-2010-3210-1410-2910-9510-1710-8910-9810-1510-4010-1210-1010-8010-13code 100good, 10-2dui, 10-46hot, 10-39with, 10-43stop, 10-44break, 10-99poorly, 10-1alarm, 10-85clear, 10-64service, 10-8threat, 10-94traffic, 10-33robbery, 10-92in area, 10-84license, 10-27contact, 10-77at home, 10-42...

Evans Week 5 Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-09

Evans Week 5 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Who succeeded Vladamar IV 104
  2. Ruled for fifteen years in the northern settlement 86
  3. Rollo`s Christian name 80
  4. The system that made central government impossible 120
  5. Where Rurick made made his capital 84
  6. What did Vladamar unit when he died 102
  7. Olaf introduced what religion to Sweden 104
  1. The person who carried out the conquest of Sicily 95
  2. The king who was a fierce Barbarian fighter and had some statesmanship 109
  3. Leader of the Northmen 78
  4. The person who established rule over England 114
  5. The viking queen 99
  6. A great soldier,statesmen and Priest 101
  7. Who was elected king in 1319 106
  8. Harold`s youngest son 110

15 Clues: The viking queen 99Leader of the Northmen 78Rollo`s Christian name 80Harold`s youngest son 110Who succeeded Vladamar IV 104Who was elected king in 1319 106Where Rurick made made his capital 84What did Vladamar unit when he died 102A great soldier,statesmen and Priest 101Olaf introduced what religion to Sweden 104...

Led, faktorer og reduktion 2023-03-01

Led, faktorer og reduktion crossword puzzle
  1. Hvor mange faktorer er der i -4*a*b*c*(-d)*e
  2. Hvad er fortegnet på 3. led i 4a+5b+3c-8d+e (negativ/positiv)
  3. Hvor mange led er der i -3x+4y-5
  4. Hvad er fortegnet på 4. led i 4a+5b+3c-8d+e (negativ/positiv)
  5. Reducér udtrykket (2a+4b)/2
  6. Reducér udtrykket 3(a+b)
  7. Reducér udtrykket (3a+3b)/3
  1. Hvad er fortegnet på 3. faktor -4*a*b*c*(-d)*e (negativ/positiv)
  2. Hvor mange led er der i 4a+5b+3c-8d+e
  3. Hvor mange faktorer er der i 2*(3+x)*x*y
  4. Reducér udtrykket 8a-2b+6b+a
  5. Reducér udtrykket 4b+9a-7b
  6. Reducér udtrykket 4a+3b-2a
  7. Reducér udtrykket -8a+4b+3a

14 Clues: Reducér udtrykket 3(a+b)Reducér udtrykket 4b+9a-7bReducér udtrykket 4a+3b-2aReducér udtrykket (2a+4b)/2Reducér udtrykket -8a+4b+3aReducér udtrykket (3a+3b)/3Reducér udtrykket 8a-2b+6b+aHvor mange led er der i -3x+4y-5Hvor mange led er der i 4a+5b+3c-8d+eHvor mange faktorer er der i 2*(3+x)*x*yHvor mange faktorer er der i -4*a*b*c*(-d)*e...

Elements 2024-04-08

Elements crossword puzzle
  1. Period 4 Group 1
  2. Has 18 Protons
  3. Period 4 Group 8
  4. Has 3 Protons
  5. Period 3 Group 15
  6. Group 2 Period 2
  7. Atomic Mass 14 AMU
  8. Atomic Mass 64 AMU
  9. Period 2 Group 17
  1. Has 6 Electrons
  2. Group 11 Period 6
  3. Has 20 Protons
  4. Group 16 Period 3
  5. Atomic Mass 24 AMU
  6. Has 13 Protons
  7. Group 17 Period 5
  8. Atomic Mass 84 AMU
  9. Period 1 Group 18
  10. Has 33 Electrons
  11. Group 18 Period 2
  12. Has 5 Electrons
  13. Period 2 Group 16

22 Clues: Has 3 ProtonsHas 20 ProtonsHas 18 ProtonsHas 13 ProtonsHas 6 ElectronsHas 5 ElectronsPeriod 4 Group 1Period 4 Group 8Has 33 ElectronsGroup 2 Period 2Group 11 Period 6Group 16 Period 3Group 17 Period 5Period 3 Group 15Period 1 Group 18Group 18 Period 2Period 2 Group 17Period 2 Group 16Atomic Mass 24 AMUAtomic Mass 84 AMUAtomic Mass 14 AMU...

a7 2022-06-15

a7 crossword puzzle
  1. Դարձրեք այն գեղեցիկ:
  2. Գիտելիքների, հմտությունների և դատողության փոխանցման գործընթացը.
  3. Ընկալել կամ հայտնաբերել աչքերով կամ կարծես տեսողությամբ:
  4. Այն, ինչ արժանի է կամ արժանի. արդար պատիժ կամ պարգև.
  1. Գործողություն կամ բացատրության գործընթաց:
  2. Խորության մեջ, խորության մեջ:
  3. Դարձեք քնկոտ կամ հոգնած:

7 Clues: Դարձրեք այն գեղեցիկ:Դարձեք քնկոտ կամ հոգնած:Խորության մեջ, խորության մեջ:Գործողություն կամ բացատրության գործընթաց:Այն, ինչ արժանի է կամ արժանի. արդար պատիժ կամ պարգև.Ընկալել կամ հայտնաբերել աչքերով կամ կարծես տեսողությամբ:Գիտելիքների, հմտությունների և դատողության փոխանցման գործընթացը.

Los números en español 2021-08-22

Los números en español crossword puzzle
  1. 513
  2. 108
  3. 10
  4. 620
  5. 20
  6. 38
  7. 296
  8. 74
  9. 84
  10. 19
  11. 31
  1. 97
  2. 146
  3. 29
  4. 1200
  5. 2300
  6. 320
  7. 830
  8. 45
  9. 56
  10. 12
  11. 1

22 Clues: 197291020384574845612193151314610862032029683012002300

KANTO 2024-10-20

KANTO crossword puzzle
  1. 49
  2. 62
  3. 24
  4. 69
  5. 30
  6. 97
  7. 6
  8. 110
  9. 41
  10. 95
  11. 244
  1. 74
  2. 17
  3. 27
  4. 56
  5. 37
  6. 10
  7. 33
  8. 105
  9. 165
  10. 235
  11. 256
  12. 84

23 Clues: 674172756493762103324693097418495105165235256110244

MS Excel 2019-12-12

MS Excel crossword puzzle
  1. omogućuje računanje s podacima
  2. znak kojim započinje pisanje formule
  3. dokument u programu MS Excel
  4. tablica u kojoj radimo različite izračune
  5. okomiti dio tablice označen slovom
  6. program za izradu proračunskih tablica
  1. podaci poravnati po desnoj strani
  2. vodoravni dio tablice označen brojem
  3. podaci poravnati po lijevoj strani
  4. dio prozora MS Excela u kojem se pišu formule
  5. dio radne knjige za rad i spremanje podataka
  6. nastavak dokumenta u MS Excelu
  7. presjek stupca i retka
  8. kombinacija oznake stupca i oznake retka (npr. A7)

14 Clues: presjek stupca i retkadokument u programu MS Excelomogućuje računanje s podacimanastavak dokumenta u MS Excelupodaci poravnati po desnoj stranipodaci poravnati po lijevoj straniokomiti dio tablice označen slovomvodoravni dio tablice označen brojemznak kojim započinje pisanje formuleprogram za izradu proračunskih tablica...

Fact Tracker Abe Lincoln Ch 6 Pages 79-87 2022-11-08

Fact Tracker Abe Lincoln Ch 6 Pages 79-87 crossword puzzle
  1. The North had more cities and _________ than the South. P. 85
  2. Most people in the South were farmers who grew rice, tobacco, _________, and cotton. P. 85-86
  3. Tad and Willie often burst into cabinet meetings to tell their Dad “___________” things. P. 83 (Cabinet meetings are private, closed-door sessions with the president, vice president and every other executive officer in the line of presidential succession are found in the same room).
  4. Along the railroad tracks, people lined the tracks to wave and _______ the new president well. P. 80
  5. A ________ is a huge farm whose owners depended on slave labor. P. 86
  6. Southern states were called the ____________. P. 87
  7. Southern states began to vote to ________ from, or leave, the United States and become a separate nation. P. 87
  8. The Southerners felt that the government was too powerful and taxed them _________. P. 87
  9. Tad and Willie kept the White House in an _________, racing through the halls and up and down the stairs. P. 83
  1. These seven southern states named their new nation the Confederate States of America and named ________ Davis as their president. P. 87
  2. The halls of the White House were filled with people there to ask the president for ________ jobs. P. 80-81
  3. Northern states were called the __________. P. 87
  4. The Washington ____________ was only half finished when President Lincoln lived in the White House. Built to honor George Washington, the United States' first president, the 555-foot marble obelisk towers over Washington, D.C. P. 82
  5. This river of the eastern U.S. rises in the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia and flows about 285 miles through Washington, D.C. into Chesapeake Bay. P. 82
  6. This word means “full of constant or frantic activity.” P. 80
  7. Lincoln’s oldest son, __________, was with him, as he headed to Washington, D.C. P. 79
  8. After South Carolina seceded, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, ____________ and Texas seceded as well. P. 87
  9. This word means “ill-feelings, or friction; a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of people who do not trust each other.” P. 85

18 Clues: Northern states were called the __________. P. 87Southern states were called the ____________. P. 87The North had more cities and _________ than the South. P. 85This word means “full of constant or frantic activity.” P. 80A ________ is a huge farm whose owners depended on slave labor. P. 86...

Fact Tracker Abe Lincoln Ch 6 Pages 79-87 2022-11-08

Fact Tracker Abe Lincoln Ch 6 Pages 79-87 crossword puzzle
  1. Southern states began to vote to ________ from, or leave, the United States and become a separate nation. P. 87
  2. Tad and Willie often burst into cabinet meetings to tell their Dad “___________” things. P. 83 (Cabinet meetings are private, closed-door sessions with the president, vice president and every other executive officer in the line of presidential succession are found in the same room).
  3. Northern states were called the __________. P. 87
  4. This word means “ill-feelings, or friction; a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of people who do not trust each other.” P. 85
  5. The Washington ____________ was only half finished when President Lincoln lived in the White House. Built to honor George Washington, the United States' first president, the 555-foot marble obelisk towers over Washington, D.C. P. 82
  6. This word means “full of constant or frantic activity.” P. 80
  7. Tad and Willie kept the White House in an _________, racing through the halls and up and down the stairs. P. 83
  8. A ________ is a huge farm whose owners depended on slave labor. P. 86
  9. These seven southern states named their new nation the Confederate States of America and named ________ Davis as their president. P. 87
  1. The halls of the White House were filled with people there to ask the president for ________ jobs. P. 80-81
  2. The North had more cities and _________ than the South. P. 85
  3. After South Carolina seceded, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, ____________ and Texas seceded as well. P. 87
  4. Southern states were called the ____________. P. 87
  5. This river of the eastern U.S. rises in the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia and flows about 285 miles through Washington, D.C. into Chesapeake Bay. P. 82
  6. The Southerners felt that the government was too powerful and taxed them _________. P. 87
  7. Most people in the South were farmers who grew rice, tobacco, _________, and cotton. P. 85-86
  8. President Lincoln’s oldest son, __________, was with him, as he headed to Washington, D.C. P. 79
  9. Along the railroad tracks, people lined the tracks to wave and _______ the new president well. P. 80

18 Clues: Northern states were called the __________. P. 87Southern states were called the ____________. P. 87The North had more cities and _________ than the South. P. 85This word means “full of constant or frantic activity.” P. 80A ________ is a huge farm whose owners depended on slave labor. P. 86...

Die Nummern 2015-02-08

Die Nummern crossword puzzle
  1. 46
  2. 21
  3. 55
  4. 13
  5. 43
  6. 84
  7. 11
  8. 72
  1. 27
  2. 16
  3. 15
  4. 64
  5. 60
  6. 12
  7. 30
  8. 50
  9. 14

17 Clues: 4627162155151343646084123011501472

Die Nummern 2015-02-08

Die Nummern crossword puzzle
  1. 13
  2. 64
  3. 27
  4. 50
  5. 12
  6. 30
  1. 55
  2. 84
  3. 21
  4. 43
  5. 15
  6. 11
  7. 16
  8. 72
  9. 46
  10. 14
  11. 60

17 Clues: 5584214313156411167227465012143060

Flavio 84 2020-04-24

Flavio 84 crossword puzzle
  1. volo in alto
  2. corro come una …
  3. ho solo un corno e sono grigio
  4. ho le orecchie grandi e il naso lungo
  5. sono arancione e nera
  6. mangio carote
  7. spatucchio
  8. li guarda sempre marco in tv
  1. faccio il latte
  2. volo di notte
  3. striscio
  4. graffia e soffia
  5. vivo nelle paludi
  6. ho due gobbe
  7. faccio behh
  8. traino la slitta di babbo natale

16 Clues: strisciospatucchiofaccio behhvolo in altoho due gobbevolo di nottemangio carotefaccio il lattecorro come una …graffia e soffiavivo nelle paludisono arancione e nerali guarda sempre marco in tvho solo un corno e sono grigiotraino la slitta di babbo nataleho le orecchie grandi e il naso lungo

Numbers!! 2020-08-19

Numbers!! crossword puzzle
  1. 12th
  2. 5th
  3. 632
  4. 60th
  5. 111
  6. 1st
  7. 32nd
  8. 55th
  9. 84
  10. 20th
  1. 79
  2. 15
  3. 4th
  4. 99
  5. 28
  6. 47

16 Clues: 7915992847845th4th6321111st12th60th32nd55th20th

Los Números 2021-12-08

Los Números crossword puzzle
  1. 55
  2. 11
  3. 14
  4. 96
  5. 45
  6. 71
  7. 13
  8. 53
  9. 62
  10. 64
  11. 89
  12. 38
  13. 84
  1. 15
  2. 93
  3. 0
  4. 39
  5. 12
  6. 2000
  7. 72
  8. 41
  9. 100
  10. 27

23 Clues: 015559311391214967241452771135362648938841002000

Numbers 1 to 100 2023-09-25

Numbers 1 to 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 25
  2. 55
  3. 74
  4. 36
  5. 77
  6. 19
  7. 84
  8. 92
  9. 38
  10. 21
  11. 13
  12. 4
  1. 92
  2. 60
  3. 53
  4. 59
  5. 75
  6. 61
  7. 43
  8. 47
  9. 80
  10. 47
  11. 100
  12. 88
  13. 2

25 Clues: 2492605325557459367775614347198047848892382113100

Elements 2013-05-13

Elements crossword puzzle
  1. 17
  2. 75
  3. 87
  4. 23
  5. 43
  6. 54
  7. 81
  8. 82
  1. 78
  2. 84
  3. 13
  4. 32
  5. 7
  6. 53
  7. 4
  8. 2

16 Clues: 74278841332177587235343548182

Page 1 2024-09-13

Page 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 58
  2. 29
  3. 66
  4. 179
  5. 158
  6. 175
  7. 84
  8. 87
  1. 49
  2. 114
  3. 131
  4. 161
  5. 119
  6. 206
  7. 25
  8. 19

16 Clues: 4958296625841987114131161119179158175206

Muppet Mania 1 2021-02-22

Muppet Mania 1 crossword puzzle
  1. This Muppet show ran on CBS from 84-91
  2. LaVerne, the lost mother of this wild Electric Mayhem band member.
  3. Miss Piggy's alter ego when Lynda Carter hosted.
  4. Ate fire to Flight of the Bumble Bee in ep101 of TMS.
  5. Henson Team member Kirk Thatcher designed the characters for this 90's prehistoric puppet family sitcom.
  6. This character got his name by literally putting his money where his mouth was.
  1. Brian Henson was Lead Puppeteer for '86 Little Shop of ___.
  2. Beauregard drove a 1959 Austin A35 in this '86 film. (last word of film)
  3. Creator of the Muppets
  4. Voice of Fozzie and many others.
  5. Hormel tried to sue Jim Henson Company over this pig character in Muppet Treasure Island.
  6. The Muppet Show was produced by ATV in Borehamwood, ___

12 Clues: Creator of the MuppetsVoice of Fozzie and many others.This Muppet show ran on CBS from 84-91Miss Piggy's alter ego when Lynda Carter hosted.Ate fire to Flight of the Bumble Bee in ep101 of TMS.The Muppet Show was produced by ATV in Borehamwood, ___Brian Henson was Lead Puppeteer for '86 Little Shop of ___....

French 1 Vocab. Review Crossword 2012-10-02

French 1 Vocab. Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. dog
  2. uncle
  3. 90
  4. friend (m)
  5. 96
  6. friend (f)
  7. 75
  8. 100
  9. father
  10. grandmother
  1. 40
  2. 50
  3. 70
  4. aunt
  5. 60
  6. 84
  7. cat
  8. brother
  9. grandfather
  10. 80
  11. sister
  12. mother

22 Clues: 405070609084968075dogcat100auntunclesistermotherfatherbrotherfriend (m)friend (f)grandfathergrandmother

ISTBOPH Pages 81-91 2021-04-12

ISTBOPH Pages 81-91 crossword puzzle
  1. This word means “a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful government.” P. 89
  2. An air raid _______ is a building or structure designed to protect people from bombs dropped during air raids. P. 81
  3. America joined forces with England and France. This ___________, which eventually included Russia, became known as the “Allied forces.” P. 91
  4. Many people, even top military ___________ refused to believe that it was Japan dropping the bombs. P. 90
  5. America was at war with both Japan and Germany _____________. (A word that means “at the same time.” P. 82
  6. This word means, “the state of being well-known for some bad quality or deed.” P. 91
  7. World War II became the _______ war in history. P. 91
  8. Japan, Italy and Germany were known as the “______ powers.” P. 91
  9. Danny was glad not to feel numb so that he could experience positive emotions such as when Aki would rush by with his crazy ___________ smile. P. 83
  10. This word means “to have enrolled in the armed services.” P. 83
  11. The attack on Pearl Harbor was committed by men who __________ for months to cause as much destruction as possible.” P. 87
  1. This word means “to make a series of small, weak sounds expressing pain or unhappiness.” P. 84
  2. By bombing our ships and planes on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese believed they would ________ America as a threat. P. 90
  3. This word means “to remove anything offensive from books, films, etc., or to remove parts considered unsuitable from private letters, especially ones sent during war or from a prison.” P. 84
  4. Danny compared the feeling of being in a sealed-up house to being in a ________, buried alive. P. 82
  5. This word means, “highly complicated or developed: complex.” P. 90
  6. The purpose of black-out curtains was so that the Japanese wouldn’t see any ________ from the sky. P. 82
  7. This word means “the capability of a military force, unit, or weapons system as measured by the amount of gunfire, number of missiles, etc., deliverable to a target.” P. 89
  8. Often known for his initials, he served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. P. 90
  9. Mack had recovered almost enough to start running ________ missions in his B-17. P. 82
  10. The U.S. reacted in shock because experts had __________ the skill of the Japanese military and the sophistication of their planes. P. 90
  11. Danny felt scared that Mr. Sudo might get ________ again. P. 83
  12. Danny and his mother wanted Mrs. Mills to spread the word in the __________ that she and Danny were safe. P. 83

23 Clues: World War II became the _______ war in history. P. 91Danny felt scared that Mr. Sudo might get ________ again. P. 83This word means “to have enrolled in the armed services.” P. 83Japan, Italy and Germany were known as the “______ powers.” P. 91This word means, “highly complicated or developed: complex.” P. 90...

ISTBOPH Pages 81-91 2021-04-12

ISTBOPH Pages 81-91 crossword puzzle
  1. This word means “a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful government.” P. 89
  2. An air raid _______ is a building or structure designed to protect people from bombs dropped during air raids. P. 81
  3. America joined forces with England and France. This ___________, which eventually included Russia, became known as the “Allied forces.” P. 91
  4. Many people, even top military ___________ refused to believe that it was Japan dropping the bombs. P. 90
  5. America was at war with both Japan and Germany _____________. (A word that means “at the same time.” P. 82
  6. This word means, “the state of being well-known for some bad quality or deed.” P. 91
  7. World War II became the _______ war in history. P. 91
  8. Japan, Italy and Germany were known as the “______ powers.” P. 91
  9. Danny was glad not to feel numb so that he could experience positive emotions such as when Aki would rush by with his crazy ___________ smile. P. 83
  10. This word means “to have enrolled in the armed services.” P. 83
  11. The attack on Pearl Harbor was committed by men who __________ for months to cause as much destruction as possible.” P. 87
  1. This word means “to make a series of small, weak sounds expressing pain or unhappiness.” P. 84
  2. By bombing our ships and planes on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese believed they would ________ America as a threat. P. 90
  3. This word means “to remove anything offensive from books, films, etc., or to remove parts considered unsuitable from private letters, especially ones sent during war or from a prison.” P. 84
  4. Danny compared the feeling of being in a sealed-up house to being in a ________, buried alive. P. 82
  5. This word means, “highly complicated or developed: complex.” P. 90
  6. The purpose of black-out curtains was so that the Japanese wouldn’t see any ________ from the sky. P. 82
  7. This word means “the capability of a military force, unit, or weapons system as measured by the amount of gunfire, number of missiles, etc., deliverable to a target.” P. 89
  8. Often known for his initials, he served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. P. 90
  9. Mack had recovered almost enough to start running ________ missions in his B-17. P. 82
  10. The U.S. reacted in shock because experts had __________ the skill of the Japanese military and the sophistication of their planes. P. 90
  11. Danny felt scared that Mr. Sudo might get ________ again. P. 83
  12. Danny and his mother wanted Mrs. Mills to spread the word in the __________ that she and Danny were safe. P. 83

23 Clues: World War II became the _______ war in history. P. 91Danny felt scared that Mr. Sudo might get ________ again. P. 83This word means “to have enrolled in the armed services.” P. 83Japan, Italy and Germany were known as the “______ powers.” P. 91This word means, “highly complicated or developed: complex.” P. 90...

ISTBOPH Pages 81-91 2021-04-12

ISTBOPH Pages 81-91 crossword puzzle
  1. This word means “a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful government.” P. 89
  2. An air raid _______ is a building or structure designed to protect people from bombs dropped during air raids. P. 81
  3. America joined forces with England and France. This ___________, which eventually included Russia, became known as the “Allied forces.” P. 91
  4. Many people, even top military ___________ refused to believe that it was Japan dropping the bombs. P. 90
  5. America was at war with both Japan and Germany _____________. (A word that means “at the same time.” P. 82
  6. This word means, “the state of being well-known for some bad quality or deed.” P. 91
  7. World War II became the _______ war in history. P. 91
  8. Japan, Italy and Germany were known as the “______ powers.” P. 91
  9. Danny was glad not to feel numb so that he could experience positive emotions such as when Aki would rush by with his crazy ___________ smile. P. 83
  10. This word means “to have enrolled in the armed services.” P. 83
  11. The attack on Pearl Harbor was committed by men who __________ for months to cause as much destruction as possible.” P. 87
  1. This word means “to make a series of small, weak sounds expressing pain or unhappiness.” P. 84
  2. By bombing our ships and planes on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese believed they would ________ America as a threat. P. 90
  3. This word means “to remove anything offensive from books, films, etc., or to remove parts considered unsuitable from private letters, especially ones sent during war or from a prison.” P. 84
  4. Danny compared the feeling of being in a sealed-up house to being in a ________, buried alive. P. 82
  5. This word means, “highly complicated or developed: complex.” P. 90
  6. The purpose of black-out curtains was so that the Japanese wouldn’t see any ________ from the sky. P. 82
  7. This word means “the capability of a military force, unit, or weapons system as measured by the amount of gunfire, number of missiles, etc., deliverable to a target.” P. 89
  8. Often known for his initials, he served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. P. 90
  9. Mack had recovered almost enough to start running ________ missions in his B-17. P. 82
  10. The U.S. reacted in shock because experts had __________ the skill of the Japanese military and the sophistication of their planes. P. 90
  11. Danny felt scared that Mr. Sudo might get ________ again. P. 83
  12. Danny and his mother wanted Mrs. Mills to spread the word in the __________ that she and Danny were safe. P. 83

23 Clues: World War II became the _______ war in history. P. 91Danny felt scared that Mr. Sudo might get ________ again. P. 83This word means “to have enrolled in the armed services.” P. 83Japan, Italy and Germany were known as the “______ powers.” P. 91This word means, “highly complicated or developed: complex.” P. 90...

ISTBOPH Pages 81-91 2021-04-12

ISTBOPH Pages 81-91 crossword puzzle
  1. This word means “a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful government.” P. 89
  2. An air raid _______ is a building or structure designed to protect people from bombs dropped during air raids. P. 81
  3. America joined forces with England and France. This ___________, which eventually included Russia, became known as the “Allied forces.” P. 91
  4. Many people, even top military ___________ refused to believe that it was Japan dropping the bombs. P. 90
  5. America was at war with both Japan and Germany _____________. (A word that means “at the same time.” P. 82
  6. This word means, “the state of being well-known for some bad quality or deed.” P. 91
  7. World War II became the _______ war in history. P. 91
  8. Japan, Italy and Germany were known as the “______ powers.” P. 91
  9. Danny was glad not to feel numb so that he could experience positive emotions such as when Aki would rush by with his crazy ___________ smile. P. 83
  10. This word means “to have enrolled in the armed services.” P. 83
  11. The attack on Pearl Harbor was committed by men who __________ for months to cause as much destruction as possible.” P. 87
  1. This word means “to make a series of small, weak sounds expressing pain or unhappiness.” P. 84
  2. By bombing our ships and planes on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese believed they would ________ America as a threat. P. 90
  3. This word means “to remove anything offensive from books, films, etc., or to remove parts considered unsuitable from private letters, especially ones sent during war or from a prison.” P. 84
  4. Danny compared the feeling of being in a sealed-up house to being in a ________, buried alive. P. 82
  5. This word means, “highly complicated or developed: complex.” P. 90
  6. The purpose of black-out curtains was so that the Japanese wouldn’t see any ________ from the sky. P. 82
  7. This word means “the capability of a military force, unit, or weapons system as measured by the amount of gunfire, number of missiles, etc., deliverable to a target.” P. 89
  8. Often known for his initials, he served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. P. 90
  9. Mack had recovered almost enough to start running ________ missions in his B-17. P. 82
  10. The U.S. reacted in shock because experts had __________ the skill of the Japanese military and the sophistication of their planes. P. 90
  11. Danny felt scared that Mr. Sudo might get ________ again. P. 83
  12. Danny and his mother wanted Mrs. Mills to spread the word in the __________ that she and Danny were safe. P. 83

23 Clues: World War II became the _______ war in history. P. 91Danny felt scared that Mr. Sudo might get ________ again. P. 83This word means “to have enrolled in the armed services.” P. 83Japan, Italy and Germany were known as the “______ powers.” P. 91This word means, “highly complicated or developed: complex.” P. 90...

Career development,Job attainment and survival 2024-04-29

Career development,Job attainment and survival crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for selected occupation.
  2. Identify problems of new employees.
  3. Develop a letter of application.
  4. Identify occupational interest,aptitudes,and abilities.
  5. Complete employment tests.
  6. Appropriately quit a Job
  7. Conduct a job research.
  8. Demonstrate time management.
  9. Select an immediate job goal.
  10. Complete Job interview.
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance.
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal.
  3. Practice effective human relations.
  4. Complete application forms.
  5. Relate interest,aptitudes and abilities to appropriate occupations.
  6. Use the telephone to arrange an interview.
  7. Follow Directions.
  8. Construct a resume
  9. Understand what employers expect of employees.
  10. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations.

20 Clues: Follow Directions.Construct a resumeConduct a job research.Complete Job interview.Appropriately quit a JobComplete employment tests.Complete application forms.Demonstrate time management.Select an immediate job goal.Develop a letter of application.Demonstrate appropriate appearance.Identify problems of new employees....

Solve Me!! 2012-09-24

Solve Me!! crossword puzzle
  1. the popular dance 'Dandia'
  2. Indian to beat the computers in mathematical wizardry
  3. is a popular cartoon character. LS associate's first name.
  4. first Asian Winner of Nobel Prize
  5. she acted the lead role in the film 'The Bandit Queen'
  6. ;-)
  7. which company’s new baseline is Go Further?
  8. first airline to allow flyers to surf the net
  9. Solve me.You may be the winner. 3 18 15 19 19 23 15 18 4
  10. main source of India's classical dances
  1. cause Minimata disease
  2. The words 'Satyameva Jayate' are taken from
  3. Glass is made out
  4. Celebrex is the block buster drug of
  5. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
  6. headquarters of a diversified pharmaceuticals and health care products company
  7. India House is located in
  8. ǝƃɐɯıɹoɹɹıɯ sı ɹǝʍsnɐ ǝɥʇ
  9. lays its eggs in other birds nests
  10. Read Me &#86;&#73;&#67;&#84;&#79;&#82;&#89;

20 Clues: ;-)Glass is made outcause Minimata diseaseIndia House is located inthe popular dance 'Dandia'ǝƃɐɯıɹoɹɹıɯ sı ɹǝʍsnɐ ǝɥʇfirst Asian Winner of Nobel Prizelays its eggs in other birds nestsCelebrex is the block buster drug of"A thing of beauty is a joy forever"main source of India's classical dancesThe words 'Satyameva Jayate' are taken from...

BBlocals lesson 1 unit 1 (plus introduction) 2019-08-07

BBlocals lesson 1 unit 1 (plus introduction) crossword puzzle
  1. Books in psalms
  2. 1 Cor.10:31 and psalm 73:24-26 way to worship God
  3. Hebrew word for worship
  4. Liturgical expression of praise to God
  1. Word for God in psalm 84:3
  2. Study passage for lesson 1
  3. Hebrew word for God in psalm 84:2
  4. Books in the bible
  5. Hebrew word for Lord in Psalm 84:1

9 Clues: Books in psalmsBooks in the bibleHebrew word for worshipWord for God in psalm 84:3Study passage for lesson 1Hebrew word for God in psalm 84:2Hebrew word for Lord in Psalm 84:1Liturgical expression of praise to God1 Cor.10:31 and psalm 73:24-26 way to worship God

TTS KIMIA 2023-10-30

TTS KIMIA crossword puzzle
  1. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah nonlogam
  2. Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas mulia
  3. Unsur golongan 7A dengan simbol "F"
  4. Unsur golongan 6A yang digunakan dalam pembuatan lilin dan merupakan simbol "C"
  5. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah gas mulia,
  6. unsur yang merupakan anggota golongan 2A dan memiliki simbol ca
  7. Golongan 4A dalam tabel periodik, memiliki simbol "Be"
  8. Unsur golongan 6A dengan simbol "O"
  9. unsur golongan 1A yang terdapat dalam garam dapur dan sangat penting untuk kesehatan manusia
  10. Unsur golongan 5A yang sering digunakan dalam pembuatan kertas dan bahan peledak
  11. unsur golongan 2A yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kaca dan bahan peledak
  1. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang bersifat logam
  2. unsur golongan 3a yang digunakan dalam pembuatan bahan peledak dan korek api
  3. Unsur kimia dengan simbol "N"
  4. Unsur golongan 7A yang merupakan gas beracun
  5. Unsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas paling melimpah di atmosfer Bumi
  6. 4A unsur-unsur karbon (C) dan silikon (Si) termasuk dalam golongan
  7. unsur golongan 1A yang memiliki simbol k
  8. unsur golongan 3a yang memiliki simbol Al
  9. Unsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah logam transisi,sangat penting dalam pembuatan baja.

20 Clues: Unsur kimia dengan simbol "N"Unsur golongan 7A dengan simbol "F"Unsur golongan 6A dengan simbol "O"unsur golongan 1A yang memiliki simbol kunsur golongan 3a yang memiliki simbol AlUnsur golongan 8A yang merupakan gas muliaUnsur pada periode ke-3 yang bersifat logamUnsur pada periode ke-3 yang adalah nonlogam...

Puzzle 2024-11-30

Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Capital Gains Tax - Tax on profit from asset sales (Down)
  2. Determination - The process of establishing something (Across)
  3. Income Tax - Tax on individual earnings (Across)
  4. Inflation - Rise in general price levels (Across)
  5. Annual Basic Tax - Standard tax paid yearly (Down)
  6. Regressive - Tax where the rate decreases as income increases (Across)
  7. Principal Amount - Initial sum of money borrowed (Down)
  8. Exchange Rate - Value of one currency against another (Down)
  9. Tax Taxable Income - Income on which tax is calculated (Across)
  10. Real Estate - Property consisting of land and buildings (Down)
  11. Minimum Wage - Lowest legal wage (Across)
  12. Tax Computation - Calculating tax owed (Down)
  13. Estate Tax - Tax on inherited wealth (Down)
  14. Classification - Grouping based on characteristics (Across)
  15. Fixed - Not subject to change (Down)
  16. Specific - Clearly defined or identified (Down)
  17. Mutual Funds - Investment vehicle pooling money from many investors (Down)
  18. Appreciation - Increase in value over time (Across)
  19. Value Added Tax - Tax on the value added at each stage (Down)
  20. Price Inelastic Supply - Supply that doesn't change with price (Across)
  1. Collectibles - Items valued for their rarity (Across)
  2. Location - Place where something is situated (Down)
  3. Revenue - Total income received (Down)
  4. Risk - Exposure to uncertainty or potential loss (Down)
  5. Unit Elastic Supply - Supply changes proportionately with price (Down)
  6. Donors Tax - Tax on gifts given (Across)
  7. Tax Due - Amount of tax owed (Down)
  8. Price Elastic Supply - Supply that changes with price (Down)
  9. Nominal Interest - Interest rate before inflation is considered (Across)
  10. Taxable Income - Income subject to taxes (Across)
  11. Sounds - Noise or auditory signals (Across)
  12. Population - Total number of people in an area (Across)
  13. Index Funds - Funds that track market indices (Across)
  14. Regulatory - Relating to rules or laws (Across)
  15. Excise Tax - Tax on specific goods (Across)
  16. Inflation Rate - Percentage increase in prices over time (Down)
  17. Price Elasticity Supply - Responsiveness of supply to price change (Down)
  18. Stocks - Shares of ownership in a company (Down)
  19. Price - Amount paid for a good or service (Across)
  20. Unit Elastic Supply - Supply that changes proportionately with price (Across)

40 Clues: Tax Due - Amount of tax owed (Down)Fixed - Not subject to change (Down)Revenue - Total income received (Down)Donors Tax - Tax on gifts given (Across)Minimum Wage - Lowest legal wage (Across)Sounds - Noise or auditory signals (Across)Estate Tax - Tax on inherited wealth (Down)Excise Tax - Tax on specific goods (Across)...

Puzzle 2024-11-30

Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Capital Gains Tax - Tax on profit from asset sales (Down)
  2. Determination - The process of establishing something (Across)
  3. Income Tax - Tax on individual earnings (Across)
  4. Inflation - Rise in general price levels (Across)
  5. Annual Basic Tax - Standard tax paid yearly (Down)
  6. Regressive - Tax where the rate decreases as income increases (Across)
  7. Principal Amount - Initial sum of money borrowed (Down)
  8. Exchange Rate - Value of one currency against another (Down)
  9. Tax Taxable Income - Income on which tax is calculated (Across)
  10. Real Estate - Property consisting of land and buildings (Down)
  11. Minimum Wage - Lowest legal wage (Across)
  12. Tax Computation - Calculating tax owed (Down)
  13. Estate Tax - Tax on inherited wealth (Down)
  14. Classification - Grouping based on characteristics (Across)
  15. Fixed - Not subject to change (Down)
  16. Specific - Clearly defined or identified (Down)
  17. Mutual Funds - Investment vehicle pooling money from many investors (Down)
  18. Appreciation - Increase in value over time (Across)
  19. Value Added Tax - Tax on the value added at each stage (Down)
  20. Price Inelastic Supply - Supply that doesn't change with price (Across)
  1. Collectibles - Items valued for their rarity (Across)
  2. Location - Place where something is situated (Down)
  3. Revenue - Total income received (Down)
  4. Risk - Exposure to uncertainty or potential loss (Down)
  5. Unit Elastic Supply - Supply changes proportionately with price (Down)
  6. Donors Tax - Tax on gifts given (Across)
  7. Tax Due - Amount of tax owed (Down)
  8. Price Elastic Supply - Supply that changes with price (Down)
  9. Nominal Interest - Interest rate before inflation is considered (Across)
  10. Taxable Income - Income subject to taxes (Across)
  11. Sounds - Noise or auditory signals (Across)
  12. Population - Total number of people in an area (Across)
  13. Index Funds - Funds that track market indices (Across)
  14. Regulatory - Relating to rules or laws (Across)
  15. Excise Tax - Tax on specific goods (Across)
  16. Inflation Rate - Percentage increase in prices over time (Down)
  17. Price Elasticity Supply - Responsiveness of supply to price change (Down)
  18. Stocks - Shares of ownership in a company (Down)
  19. Price - Amount paid for a good or service (Across)
  20. Unit Elastic Supply - Supply that changes proportionately with price (Across)

40 Clues: Tax Due - Amount of tax owed (Down)Fixed - Not subject to change (Down)Revenue - Total income received (Down)Donors Tax - Tax on gifts given (Across)Minimum Wage - Lowest legal wage (Across)Sounds - Noise or auditory signals (Across)Estate Tax - Tax on inherited wealth (Down)Excise Tax - Tax on specific goods (Across)...

10 CODES 2021-08-07

10 CODES crossword puzzle
  1. 88
  2. 82
  3. 89
  4. 91
  5. 99
  6. 80
  7. 97
  8. 87
  1. 95
  2. 100
  3. 98
  4. 92
  5. 104
  6. 81
  7. 96
  8. DETAIL 84
  9. 94

17 Clues: 9588989282819689919994809787100104DETAIL 84

Giulia Mari 2022-01-30

Giulia Mari crossword puzzle
  1. 800 : 2 x 2
  2. 33 + 667 + 245 - 124
  3. 108975 + 9074 -7402
  4. 581 x 9 - 164
  5. 18178 x 5 : 2 -1870 +242
  1. 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 + 9 x 9 x 9 x 9
  2. 9786 x 8 + 607 - 84
  3. 865 : 2 x 6
  4. 321 + 867 - 667
  5. 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10

10 Clues: 800 : 2 x 2865 : 2 x 6581 x 9 - 164321 + 867 - 6679786 x 8 + 607 - 84108975 + 9074 -740233 + 667 + 245 - 12410 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 1018178 x 5 : 2 -1870 +2428 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 + 9 x 9 x 9 x 9

Los números 20-99 2024-10-27

Los números 20-99 crossword puzzle
  1. 34
  2. 78
  3. 83
  4. 89
  5. 96
  6. 74
  7. 76
  8. 72
  1. 87
  2. 99
  3. 63
  4. 43
  5. 92
  6. 85
  7. 57
  8. 61
  9. 65
  10. 94
  11. 22

19 Clues: 87347899836343928557618996657494227672

8A 2024-12-04

8A crossword puzzle
  1. adj. having a position in the past
  2. adj. relating to a particular area or place
  3. v. give sb. sth. or allow them to have sth. that they have asked for
  4. n. something that connects two or more people, places or things
  5. v. get worse in some way
  6. n. sb. who lives in a town or city
  7. adj. extremely important
  1. n. something that is often done
  2. v. get or gain
  3. n. suggest sth. as a plan
  4. v. completely destroy a building
  5. n. the action of repairing a building or old furniture so that it is in good condition again
  6. n. a building, statue or other large structure that is built to remind people of an important event or famous person

13 Clues: v. get or gainv. get worse in some wayadj. extremely importantn. suggest sth. as a plann. something that is often donev. completely destroy a buildingadj. having a position in the pastn. sb. who lives in a town or cityadj. relating to a particular area or placen. something that connects two or more people, places or things...

Periodic table 2024-12-12

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. #100
  2. #50
  3. #19
  4. #31
  5. #83
  6. #23
  7. #86
  8. #4
  1. #66
  2. #61
  3. #14
  4. #87
  5. #46
  6. #80

14 Clues: #4#66#61#14#87#50#46#19#31#83#80#23#86#100

2. del "Min mor siger" af Stine Pilgaard 2022-09-02

2. del "Min mor siger" af Stine Pilgaard crossword puzzle
  1. Hvad sammenligner hun erindringerne på nethinden med - et...? (s. 106-108)
  2. Hvad er morens historie om brystkræft? (s. 114-115)
  3. Hvordan beskriver hovedpersonen sine associationer? (s. 65-66)
  4. Fra hvilken sans kommer disse erindringer fra? (s. 120-121)
  5. Hvad støtter hovedpersonen ikke? (s. 61-62)
  6. Fra hvem kommer referencen "We don't need no education. We don't need thought control"? (s. 96-98)
  7. Fra hvilken kropsdel er erindringerne fra i dette afsnit? (s. 86-87)
  8. Hvad mener moren at hovedpersonen drømmer om? (s. 112-113)
  9. Hvad forestiller hovedpersonen vi går i ring i inde i navlen? (s. 67-68)
  10. Hvem fortæller hovedpersonen at hun har ringet til i løbet af dagen? (s. 71-72)
  11. Hvem giver hovedpersonen en julesok? (s. 69-70)
  12. Hvilken sygdom faker hovedpersonen for lægen? (s. 116-117)
  13. Hvad mener hovedpersonen at hun måske ikke er egnet til? (s. 75-77)
  1. Hvor vågner hovedpersonen op? (s. 80-81)
  2. Hvad er hovedpersonen "endnu ikke rigtig kommet i gang med"? (s. 94-95)
  3. Til hvad vil faren gerne have hendes hjælp til at synge? (s. 63-64)
  4. Hvem vil hovedpersonen skrive om i sit speciale? (s. 109-111)
  5. Hvad drejer ekskæresten samtalen over på når hovedpersonen gerne vil tale om følelser? (s. 118-119)
  6. Hvor er hovedpersonen på vej hen mens hun tænker over lægernes familieliv? (s. 92-93)
  7. Hvad føler hovedpersonen sig som? (s. 78-79)
  8. Hvad kalder Mulle hovedpersonen mens de sidder og kigger på lægen og vennerne? (s. 90-91)
  9. Ekskæresten mener at hovedpersonen taler...? (s. 103-105)
  10. Hvad bebrejder hendes mor hende for at have været i sin barndom? (s. 73-74)
  11. Hvad hjælper faren hovedpersonen med at hente hos ekskæresten? (s. 101-102)
  12. Hvem besøger hovedpersonen i den nye lejlighed? (s. 99-100)
  13. Hvor har hovedpersonen tænkt sig at rejse hen henover julen? (s. 82-83)
  14. Hvem møder hovedpersonen på værtshuset? (s. 88-89)
  15. Hvad beskylder moren hende for at være? (s. 84-85)

28 Clues: Hvor vågner hovedpersonen op? (s. 80-81)Hvad støtter hovedpersonen ikke? (s. 61-62)Hvad føler hovedpersonen sig som? (s. 78-79)Hvem giver hovedpersonen en julesok? (s. 69-70)Hvem møder hovedpersonen på værtshuset? (s. 88-89)Hvad beskylder moren hende for at være? (s. 84-85)Hvad er morens historie om brystkræft? (s. 114-115)...

Numbers 11-100 2022-12-08

Numbers 11-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 23
  2. 66
  3. 53
  4. 16
  5. 15
  6. 84
  7. 20
  8. 50
  9. 92
  10. 100
  1. 13
  2. 37
  3. 17
  4. 45
  5. 18
  6. 79
  7. 30
  8. 14
  9. 12
  10. 50
  11. 11

21 Clues: 1337172345186679533016141512845020501192100

3čave pjesme 2023-05-31

3čave pjesme crossword puzzle
  1. 5arda
  2. gru2
  3. 6ine
  4. 5lja
  5. tre5
  6. 3kovi
  7. 3bina
  8. je2
  9. 3pice
  10. 3angl
  11. 8a
  12. 100pala
  13. o5
  14. raz2jati
  15. razmo3ti
  16. 100lnjak
  17. 3glav
  18. na5
  19. 100čar
  20. 100breč
  1. 6ar
  2. pedija3
  3. z2jati
  4. minis3
  5. 5eljka
  6. re5irati
  7. 100matolog
  8. te3jeb
  9. 5ak
  10. 5rinja
  11. po2liti
  12. 100žer
  13. 100lar
  14. 5a
  15. o5ovano
  16. 100lica
  17. za5ti
  18. 3ler

38 Clues: 8a5ao56ar5akje2na5gru26ine5ljatre53ler5arda3kovi3bina3pice3anglza5ti3glavz2jatiminis35eljkate3jeb5rinja100žer100lar100čarpedija3po2liti100palao5ovano100lica100brečre5iratiraz2jatirazmo3ti100lnjak100matolog

Les chiffres 2023-05-16

Les chiffres crossword puzzle
  1. 71
  2. 84
  3. 67
  4. 73
  5. 90
  6. 93
  7. 72
  8. 99
  9. 68
  10. 79
  11. 100
  12. 70
  13. 97
  14. 96
  1. 91
  2. 78
  3. 77
  4. 60
  5. 65
  6. 61
  7. 89
  8. 66
  9. 81
  10. 74
  11. 82

25 Clues: 917871847760656761897366819093727482996879709796100

Los números 0-100 2024-09-24

Los números 0-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 30
  3. 72
  4. 13
  5. 7
  6. 50
  7. 84
  8. 90
  9. 25
  10. 18
  11. 15
  12. 33
  13. 23
  1. 66
  2. 70
  3. 20
  4. 60
  5. 10
  6. 4
  7. 95
  8. 14
  9. 80
  10. 40
  11. 51
  12. 38

25 Clues: 7466702030726013105095841490802518405138153323100

ข้อสอบกลางภาค ตารางธาตุ (II) 2021-08-06

ข้อสอบกลางภาค ตารางธาตุ (II) crossword puzzle
  1. ใช้เรียก คอลัมน์ในตารางธาตุ
  2. สัญลักษณ์ของธาตุ คือ P
  3. ใช้เรียกกลุ่มธาตุที่มีการจัดเรียงเวเลนซ์อิเล็กตรอนใน f-orbital
  4. ความสามารถในการดึงดูดอิเล็กตรอนเข้าหาตัวเองของธาตุ
  5. สัญลักษณ์ของธาตุ เงิน
  6. สัญลักษณ์ของธาตุ คือ Lv
  7. กลุ่มธาตุที่มีการบรรจุเวเลนซ์อิเล็กตรอนใน d-orbital
  8. สัญลักษณ์ของธาตุ คือ K
  1. ตารางที่รวบรวมธาตุต่าง ๆ เข้าเป็นหมวดหมู่ โดยแบ่งออกเป็น 18 หมู่
  2. ธาตุที่มีสถานะของเหลว
  3. ใช้เรียกกลุ่มธาตุที่มีการจัดเรียงเวเลนซ์อิเล็กตรอนใน d-orbital
  4. ชื่อเรียกเฉพาะของธาตุหมู่ 2A
  5. ชื่อเรียกธาตุหมู่ 8A
  6. แปลว่า ธาตุ
  7. ชื่อเรียกเฉพาะของธาตุหมู่ 7A
  8. กลุ่มธาตุที่มีการบรรจุเวเลนซ์อิเล็กตรอนใน s-orbital และ p-orbital
  9. ตารางธาตุในปัจจุบัน ปรับปรุงมาจากตารางธาตุของใคร

17 Clues: แปลว่า ธาตุชื่อเรียกธาตุหมู่ 8Aธาตุที่มีสถานะของเหลวสัญลักษณ์ของธาตุ เงินสัญลักษณ์ของธาตุ คือ Pสัญลักษณ์ของธาตุ คือ Kสัญลักษณ์ของธาตุ คือ Lvใช้เรียก คอลัมน์ในตารางธาตุชื่อเรียกเฉพาะของธาตุหมู่ 2Aชื่อเรียกเฉพาะของธาตุหมู่ 7Aตารางธาตุในปัจจุบัน ปรับปรุงมาจากตารางธาตุของใครความสามารถในการดึงดูดอิเล็กตรอนเข้าหาตัวเองของธาตุ...

BSA 2 2020-05-26

BSA 2 crossword puzzle
  1. If cats are feline, what are sheep (5)
  2. A BSA Named to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of King George V (6-4)
  3. Vodka, Galliano and orange juice are used to make which classic cocktail (6-10)
  4. Nigel's quiz (4-2-3-3)
  5. Andy's bunkhouse (4-6)
  6. Before telescopic forks (6)
  7. Hill climb event (8)
  8. What is the name given to a locked case in which decanters can be seen but not used (8)
  9. BSA 750cc (5-5)
  10. In literature, who was the best known pupil of Greyfriar's School (5-6)
  1. Where we won best club stand (8-7-4)
  2. In which film did Roger Moore first play James Bond (4-3-3-3)
  3. D14 (6)
  4. In which county is the UK prime minister's official country residence Chequers (15)
  5. Eddie's Boxing day Run (6)
  6. For which fruit is the US state of Georgia famous (5)
  7. WW2 aircraft and BSA (8)
  8. A7 with a swinging arm frame (12)
  9. Which children's classic book was written by Anna Sewell (5-6)
  10. What is converted into alcohol during brewing (5)
  11. Carburetor (4)
  12. National club publication (3-4)
  13. What does a numismatist study or collect (6)
  14. Diode (5)
  15. Which Briton won an ice-skating Gold at the Lake Placid Olympics (5-7)

25 Clues: D14 (6)Diode (5)Carburetor (4)BSA 750cc (5-5)Hill climb event (8)Nigel's quiz (4-2-3-3)Andy's bunkhouse (4-6)WW2 aircraft and BSA (8)Eddie's Boxing day Run (6)Before telescopic forks (6)National club publication (3-4)A7 with a swinging arm frame (12)Where we won best club stand (8-7-4)If cats are feline, what are sheep (5)...

Percentages 2023-04-01

Percentages crossword puzzle
  1. 8% of 100
  2. 10% of 100
  3. 84% of 100
  4. 100% of 100
  5. 3% of 100
  1. 39% of 100
  2. 1% of 100
  3. 18% of 100
  4. 2% of 100

9 Clues: 8% of 1001% of 1002% of 1003% of 10039% of 10018% of 10010% of 10084% of 100100% of 100

Competencies A.1- C.20 2024-04-29

Competencies A.1- C.20 crossword puzzle
  1. Develop career path for selected occupation
  2. Identify problems of new employees
  3. Conduct a job search
  4. Identify occupational interests, aptitudes, and abilities
  5. Complete a job interview
  6. Relate interests,aptitudes, and abilities to appropriate occupations
  7. Understand what employers expect of employees
  8. Use the telephone to arrange an interview
  9. Demonstrate time management
  10. Develop a letter of application
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal
  3. Follow directions
  4. Complete application forms
  5. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations
  6. Complete employment test
  7. Select an immediate job goal
  8. Appropriately quit a job
  9. Construct a resume
  10. Practice effective human relations

20 Clues: Follow directionsConstruct a resumeConduct a job searchComplete a job interviewComplete employment testAppropriately quit a jobComplete application formsDemonstrate time managementSelect an immediate job goalDevelop a letter of applicationDemonstrate appropriate appearanceIdentify problems of new employeesPractice effective human relations...

Vitamins 2024-08-14

Vitamins crossword puzzle
  1. vitamin B7
  2. vitamin B9
  3. vitamin B3
  4. vitamin C
  5. vitamin b2
  6. FD & C Yellow #6
  7. Vitamin B12
  8. Vitamin b2 (solid)
  9. FD & C Yellow #5
  10. Vitamin E
  11. Polysorbate 80
  12. Acetylsalicylic acid
  13. Nicotinic acid
  14. FD & C Red #40
  15. Glycerin
  1. vitamine B6
  2. PVP K-30
  3. Corn starch
  4. refine sugar
  5. Vitamin b2 (syrup)
  6. Sorbitol
  7. Niacinamide
  8. vitamin B1 (solid)
  9. Phenylpropanolamine HCl
  10. Salbutamol
  11. vitamin B1 (liquid)
  12. Vitamin D3
  13. vitamin B5
  14. Alcohol
  15. Dicycloverine
  16. vitamin A
  17. FD & C Red #3
  18. vitamin B1
  19. Macrogol

34 Clues: AlcoholPVP K-30SorbitolMacrogolGlycerinvitamin Cvitamin AVitamin Evitamin B7vitamin B9vitamin B3vitamin b2SalbutamolVitamin D3vitamin B5vitamin B1vitamine B6Corn starchNiacinamideVitamin B12refine sugarDicycloverineFD & C Red #3Polysorbate 80Nicotinic acidFD & C Red #40FD & C Yellow #6FD & C Yellow #5Vitamin b2 (syrup)vitamin B1 (solid)...

Los Numeros 2022-08-26

Los Numeros crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 64
  3. 4
  4. 20
  5. 6
  6. 96
  7. 3
  8. 2
  1. 84
  2. 7
  3. 14
  4. 60
  5. 27
  6. 31
  7. 72

15 Clues: 7463284121464602027319672

numbers 2019-11-05

numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 46
  2. 12
  3. 27
  4. 59
  5. 19
  6. 355
  1. 63
  2. 78
  3. 11
  4. 13
  5. 17
  6. 14
  7. 84
  8. 31
  9. 92

15 Clues: 6346781113122717148459319219355

upload s02 2023-02-14

upload s02 crossword puzzle
  1. pic.2a
  2. pic.3a
  3. pic.7a
  4. pic.8a
  1. pic.1d
  2. pic.2d
  3. me __
  4. pic.5d
  5. pic.6d
  6. pic.7d

10 Clues: me __pic.1dpic.2apic.2dpic.3apic.5dpic.6dpic.7apic.7dpic.8a

Zahlen 0-100 2013-11-18

Zahlen 0-100 crossword puzzle
  1. 98
  2. 92
  3. 40
  4. 83
  5. 41
  6. 71
  7. 77
  8. 16
  9. 33
  10. 51
  11. 11
  12. 27
  13. 86
  14. 12
  1. 18
  2. 113
  3. 3
  4. 100
  5. 15
  6. 36
  7. 6
  8. 57
  9. 9
  10. 79
  11. 0
  12. 17
  13. 4

27 Clues: 369041898924083411536717757163379511127178612113100

Solve Me!! 2012-09-24

Solve Me!! crossword puzzle
  1. Solve me.3 18 15 19 19 23 15 18 4
  2. ;-)
  3. a popular cartoon character. LS associate's first name.
  4. The words 'Satyameva Jayate' are taken from
  5. India House is located in
  6. Indian to beat the computers in mathematical wizardry
  7. cause Minimata disease
  8. the popular dance 'Dandia'
  9. which company’s new baseline is Go Further?
  10. main source of India's classical dances
  1. lays its eggs in other birds nests
  2. she acted the lead role in the film 'The Bandit Queen'
  3. ǝƃɐɯıɹoɹɹıɯ sı ɹǝʍsnɐ ǝɥʇ
  4. first Asian Winner of Nobel Prize
  5. first airline to allow flyers to surf the net
  6. headquarters of a diversified pharmaceuticals and health care products company
  7. Read Me &#86;&#73;&#67;&#84;&#79;&#82;&#89;
  8. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
  9. Glass is made out of
  10. Celebrex is the block buster drug of

20 Clues: ;-)Glass is made out ofcause Minimata diseaseIndia House is located inǝƃɐɯıɹoɹɹıɯ sı ɹǝʍsnɐ ǝɥʇthe popular dance 'Dandia'Solve me.3 18 15 19 19 23 15 18 4first Asian Winner of Nobel Prizelays its eggs in other birds nests"A thing of beauty is a joy forever"Celebrex is the block buster drug ofmain source of India's classical dances...

Solve Me!! 2012-09-25

Solve Me!! crossword puzzle
  1. headquarters of a diversified pharmaceuticals and health care products company
  2. first airline to allow flyers to surf the net
  3. cause Minimata disease
  4. Celebrex is the block buster drug of
  5. The words 'Satyameva Jayate' are taken from
  6. ǝƃɐɯıɹoɹɹıɯ sı ɹǝʍsnɐ ǝɥʇ
  7. Glass is made out of
  8. main source of India's classical dances
  9. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
  10. Solve me.3 18 15 19 19 23 15 18 4
  11. Read Me &#86;&#73;&#67;&#84;&#79;&#82;&#89;
  1. she acted the lead role in the film 'The Bandit Queen'
  2. lays its eggs in other birds nests
  3. which company’s new baseline is Go Further?
  4. India House is located in
  5. first Asian Winner of Nobel Prize
  6. Indian to beat the computers in mathematical wizardry
  7. the popular dance 'Dandia'
  8. a popular cartoon character. LS associate's first name.
  9. ;-)

20 Clues: ;-)Glass is made out ofcause Minimata diseaseIndia House is located inǝƃɐɯıɹoɹɹıɯ sı ɹǝʍsnɐ ǝɥʇthe popular dance 'Dandia'first Asian Winner of Nobel PrizeSolve me.3 18 15 19 19 23 15 18 4lays its eggs in other birds nestsCelebrex is the block buster drug of"A thing of beauty is a joy forever"main source of India's classical dances...

C4 Multiplying Polynomials 2021-10-20

C4 Multiplying Polynomials crossword puzzle
  1. (6n+3)(6n-4)
  2. (4n+1)(2n+6)
  3. (7r^2-6r-6)(2r-4)
  4. (x-3)(6x-2)
  5. (4a+2)(6a^2-a+2)
  6. -4(v+1)
  1. (7k-3)(k^2-2k+7)
  2. (3m-1)(8m+7)
  3. 7(-5v-8)
  4. 2x(-2x-3)
  5. (8p-2)(6p+2)
  6. (2n+2)(6n+1)
  7. (3x-4)(4x+3)
  8. (6p+8)(5p-8)
  9. (6n^2-6n-5)(7n^2+6n-5)
  10. 6v(2v+3)

16 Clues: -4(v+1)7(-5v-8)6v(2v+3)2x(-2x-3)(x-3)(6x-2)(3m-1)(8m+7)(6n+3)(6n-4)(8p-2)(6p+2)(2n+2)(6n+1)(3x-4)(4x+3)(6p+8)(5p-8)(4n+1)(2n+6)(7k-3)(k^2-2k+7)(4a+2)(6a^2-a+2)(7r^2-6r-6)(2r-4)(6n^2-6n-5)(7n^2+6n-5)

multistep equations 2022-10-04

multistep equations crossword puzzle
  1. 8(1x+3)=96
  2. 11x-8-6x=22
  3. 15x-10-5x=40
  4. 13x+6-8x=16
  5. 4(3x-2)=40
  6. 23x-8+5x=188
  1. 6(2x+4)=84
  2. 10x+4-8x=2
  3. 12x+9-14x=1
  4. 16x+2+5x=65

10 Clues: 6(2x+4)=8410x+4-8x=28(1x+3)=964(3x-2)=4011x-8-6x=2212x+9-14x=113x+6-8x=1616x+2+5x=6515x-10-5x=4023x-8+5x=188

Solve Me!! 2012-09-24

Solve Me!! crossword puzzle
  1. cause Minimata disease
  2. ǝƃɐɯıɹoɹɹıɯ sı ɹǝʍsnɐ ǝɥʇ
  3. which company’s new baseline is Go Further?
  4. India House is located in
  5. first Asian Winner of Nobel Prize
  6. first airline to allow flyers to surf the net
  7. Indian to beat the computers in mathematical wizardry
  8. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"
  9. lays its eggs in other birds nests
  1. main source of India's classical dances
  2. she acted the lead role in the film 'The Bandit Queen'
  3. Celebrex is the block buster drug of
  4. Solve me.3 18 15 19 19 23 15 18 4
  5. the popular dance 'Dandia'
  6. a popular cartoon character. LS associate's first name.
  7. The words 'Satyameva Jayate' are taken from
  8. ;-)
  9. headquarters of a diversified pharmaceuticals and health care products company
  10. Glass is made out of
  11. Read Me &#86;&#73;&#67;&#84;&#79;&#82;&#89;

20 Clues: ;-)Glass is made out ofcause Minimata diseaseIndia House is located inthe popular dance 'Dandia'ǝƃɐɯıɹoɹɹıɯ sı ɹǝʍsnɐ ǝɥʇSolve me.3 18 15 19 19 23 15 18 4first Asian Winner of Nobel Prizelays its eggs in other birds nestsCelebrex is the block buster drug of"A thing of beauty is a joy forever"main source of India's classical dances...

The impossible puzzle 2021-09-29

The impossible puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 3x(65/9)=
  2. (576/84)x(68/357)=
  3. 4+(7/2)=
  1. (39/2)+(21/4)=
  2. (81/16)/(91/18)=
  3. (19/1)x(51/9)=
  4. 3x(7/2)=
  5. 3-(4/3)=
  6. 18-(4/3)=
  7. 13-(95/8)=

10 Clues: 3x(7/2)=3-(4/3)=4+(7/2)=3x(65/9)=18-(4/3)=13-(95/8)=(39/2)+(21/4)=(19/1)x(51/9)=(81/16)/(91/18)=(576/84)x(68/357)=

Numbers 2020-09-29

Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 64
  2. 11
  3. 10306
  4. 18
  5. 112
  6. 8000
  7. 78
  8. 13
  9. 12
  1. 15
  2. 14
  3. 25
  4. 50
  5. 92
  6. 3
  7. 84
  8. 40
  9. 29
  10. 30

19 Clues: 3156414255092118440182930781312112800010306

Coxiella burnetii 2022-05-25

Coxiella burnetii crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 10d
  3. 3b
  4. 8b
  5. 2c
  6. 9b
  7. 1c
  8. 3c
  9. 12b
  10. 12a
  11. 9d
  12. 1b
  13. 17
  14. 10b
  15. 11c
  16. 8d
  17. 15
  18. 11b
  19. 9a
  20. 10a
  21. 2a
  22. 7a
  23. 1a
  24. 14b
  1. 5
  2. 8a
  3. 2d
  4. 1d
  5. 2b
  6. 10c
  7. 14c
  8. 9c
  9. 6a
  10. 11a
  11. 7c
  12. 14a
  13. 16
  14. 13
  15. 7b
  16. 8c
  17. 3a
  18. 6b

42 Clues: 548a2d1d2b3b8b2c9c6a9b1c3c7c9d161b13177b8d158c9a2a3a7a1a6b10d10c14c11a12b12a14a10b11c11b10a14b

cruciverba matematico 2021-03-02

cruciverba   matematico crossword puzzle
  1. figura geometrica con 4 lati uguali
  2. 91 è il seguente di quale numero?
  3. trova il numero formato da 6da
  4. la figura geometrica con 3 lati
  5. quale numero corrisponde a 13u e 4da
  6. operazione matematica con il segno -
  7. 39+22=
  8. se ripeto il 6 quattro volte ottengo..
  9. cosa significa "u" in matematica
  10. che numero c'è al posto del -: 96 - 88 84
  1. operazione matematica con il segno x
  2. 61 è pari o dispari
  3. a 48 aggiungi 20 e togli 9
  4. operazione matematica con il segno +
  5. 51-11=
  6. è pari,maggiore di 84,minore di 88
  7. che numero c'è al posto del - : 74 - 88 95
  8. cosa significa "da" in matematica
  9. qual è il risultato di 4x5=

19 Clues: 51-11=39+22=61 è pari o disparia 48 aggiungi 20 e togli 9qual è il risultato di 4x5=trova il numero formato da 6dala figura geometrica con 3 laticosa significa "u" in matematica91 è il seguente di quale numero?cosa significa "da" in matematicaè pari,maggiore di 84,minore di 88figura geometrica con 4 lati ugualioperazione matematica con il segno x...

cruciverba matematico 2024-11-18

cruciverba   matematico crossword puzzle
  1. figura geometrica con 4 lati uguali
  2. 91 è il seguente di quale numero?
  3. trova il numero formato da 6da
  4. la figura geometrica con 3 lati
  5. quale numero corrisponde a 13u e 4da
  6. operazione matematica con il segno -
  7. 39+22=
  8. se ripeto il 6 quattro volte ottengo..
  9. cosa significa "u" in matematica
  10. che numero c'è al posto del -: 96 - 88 84
  1. operazione matematica con il segno x
  2. 61 è pari o dispari
  3. a 48 aggiungi 20 e togli 9
  4. operazione matematica con il segno +
  5. 51-11=
  6. è pari,maggiore di 84,minore di 88
  7. che numero c'è al posto del - : 74 - 88 95
  8. cosa significa "da" in matematica
  9. qual è il risultato di 4x5=

19 Clues: 51-11=39+22=61 è pari o disparia 48 aggiungi 20 e togli 9qual è il risultato di 4x5=trova il numero formato da 6dala figura geometrica con 3 laticosa significa "u" in matematica91 è il seguente di quale numero?cosa significa "da" in matematicaè pari,maggiore di 84,minore di 88figura geometrica con 4 lati ugualioperazione matematica con il segno x...

Celebrating 90 2016-04-23

Celebrating 90 crossword puzzle
  1. summer kitchen
  2. 8-21-49
  3. 6-17-80
  4. 1-9-13
  5. 3-24-91
  6. dancing
  7. location
  8. 6-26-10
  9. 2-8-45
  10. genoa city
  11. 8-5-75
  12. listening device
  13. 9-2-77
  14. 3-27-87
  15. keep it straight
  16. 3-8-53
  17. 1-15-57
  18. 10-29-05
  19. carried after dark
  20. 5-5-11
  21. 2-5-82
  22. 6-10-83
  23. hilby
  24. 5-11-77
  25. 5-27-79
  26. 9-3-12
  27. 4-15-83
  28. dry marshmallows
  1. 11-24-85
  2. hand & machine work
  3. likes bags
  4. good ____
  5. combo day
  6. 2-8-79
  7. blowing in the wind
  8. late night card game
  9. 12-9-58
  10. favorite cake
  11. 5-27-51
  12. hole in the door
  13. many hours
  14. pastime
  15. twice a day
  16. favorite flower
  17. 7-21-73
  18. 9-3-81
  19. 5-23-11
  20. 4-1-04
  21. 4-24-64
  22. 12-20-14
  23. 3-24-12
  24. 12-21-13
  25. 5-20-10
  26. 6-12-75
  27. 4-9-81
  28. 5-14-55
  29. chickens reside

57 Clues: hilby2-8-791-9-132-8-458-5-759-3-819-2-774-1-043-8-535-5-112-5-824-9-819-3-128-21-496-17-803-24-9112-9-58dancing5-27-51pastime6-26-107-21-733-27-875-23-111-15-574-24-643-24-126-10-835-20-106-12-755-11-775-14-555-27-794-15-8311-24-85location10-29-0512-20-1412-21-13good ____combo daylikes bagsmany hoursgenoa citytwice a dayfavorite cakesummer kitchen...

Persona Q2 Compendium Tower Arcana 2024-02-24

Persona Q2 Compendium Tower Arcana crossword puzzle
  1. 78
  2. 25 (DLC)
  3. 12
  4. 20
  5. 40 (DLC)
  6. 69
  1. 47
  2. 83 (Special Fusion)
  3. 30
  4. 5
  5. 23
  6. 39
  7. 55
  8. 60
  9. 86

15 Clues: 5477830122339552060866925 (DLC)40 (DLC)83 (Special Fusion)

Career development,Job attainment,and survival 2024-04-29

Career development,Job attainment,and survival crossword puzzle
  1. Develop a career path for selected occupation.
  2. Identify problems of new employees.
  3. Develop a letter of application.
  4. Identify occupational interest,aptitudes,and abilities.
  5. Complete employment tests.
  6. Appropriately quit a Job.
  7. Conduct a job research.
  8. Demonstrate time management.
  9. Select an immediate job goal.
  10. Complete Job interview.
  1. Demonstrate appropriate appearance.
  2. Describe the condition and specifications of the job goal.
  3. Practice effective human relations.
  4. Complete application forms.
  5. Relate interest,aptitudes and abilities to appropriate occupations.
  6. Use the telephone to arrange an interview.
  7. Follow Directions.
  8. Construct a resume
  9. Understand what employers expect of employees.
  10. Identify desired lifestyle and relate to selected occupations.

20 Clues: Follow Directions.Construct a resumeConduct a job research.Complete Job interview.Appropriately quit a Job.Complete employment tests.Complete application forms.Demonstrate time management.Select an immediate job goal.Develop a letter of application.Demonstrate appropriate appearance.Identify problems of new employees....

División de fracciones 2023-06-09

División de fracciones crossword puzzle
  1. 21/20
  2. 28/27
  3. 14/14= 1
  1. 84/36
  2. 84/14= 6
  3. 8/12

6 Clues: 8/1284/3621/2028/2784/14= 614/14= 1

Nuclear Energy & Radioactive Materials 2024-10-24

Nuclear Energy & Radioactive Materials crossword puzzle
  1. 104
  2. 106
  3. 91
  4. 95
  5. 102
  6. 114
  7. 61
  8. 105
  9. Uses He + H
  10. 88
  1. 103
  2. 89
  3. 113
  4. 87
  5. 93
  6. 116
  7. 96
  8. 97
  9. 100
  10. 115
  11. Uses Uranium
  12. 107
  13. 84

23 Clues: 89879391969795618488103104113106116100115102107114105Uses He + HUses Uranium

Konstytucja 2018-06-12

Konstytucja crossword puzzle
  1. W którym artykule jest mowa o tym, że konstytucja jest najwyższym prawem w Polsce? W...
  2. wg konstytucji władzę wybiera...
  3. Art. 41 mówi o nietykalności...
  4. Art. 57 mówi o wolnośći...
  5. art. 54 ust. 1 Konstytucji mówi o wolności głoszenia...
  6. rozdział 10 mówi o...
  7. Art. 73 zapewnia wolność tworzenia...
  8. nazwa konstytucji wydanej przed ustaleniem teraźniejszej konstytucji
  9. Do jakiej religii odwołuje się preambuła?
  10. po łacinie konstytucja
  11. konstytucja jest najważniejszym aktem...
  12. Trybunał...
  13. 25 maja 1997 odbyło się... dotyczące konstytucji
  14. wstęp do konstytucji
  15. Art. 68. 1 Mówi o ochronie...
  16. 2 kwietnia 1997 roku po naradach konstytucja została przyjęta przez ... narodowe
  17. Według art. 3 Konstytucji Polska jest państwem...
  18. Art. 86 Mówi o obowiązku dbania o stan...
  1. Pierwszy rozdział konstytucji mówi o... państwa
  2. Art. 50 zapewnia nienaruszalność...
  3. Art. 49 Mówi o wolności
  4. Art. 84 Mówi o obowiązku płacenia...
  5. zasada... politycznego, zawarta w 11 artykule
  6. Art. 70 mówi o obowiązku...
  7. Konstytucja ustala, że Polska jest krajem...
  8. imię prezydenta podpisującego konstytucję
  9. wprowadzanie zmian lub uzupełnień do obowiązujących ustaw i zarządzeń
  10. Czy konstytucja ma największą wagę, jako dokument w Polsce?
  11. uchwala konstytucję
  12. Art. 118 Mówi o inicjatywie...
  13. Art. 2 Konstytucji wprowadza zasadę sprawiedliwości...
  14. Art. 85 Mówi o obowiązku jakim jest... Polski
  15. jest pod konstytucją w szczeblu wagi
  16. nazwisko prezydenta podpisującego konstytucję
  17. Art. 87 Mówi o obowiązujących źródłach...
  18. Ile jest rozdziałów konstytucji? (Podaj słownie)
  19. art. 30-76 wspomina o gwarancji...

37 Clues: Trybunał...uchwala konstytucjęwstęp do konstytucjirozdział 10 mówi o...po łacinie konstytucjaArt. 49 Mówi o wolnościArt. 57 mówi o wolnośći...Art. 70 mówi o obowiązku...Art. 68. 1 Mówi o ochronie...Art. 118 Mówi o inicjatywie...Art. 41 mówi o nietykalności...wg konstytucji władzę wybiera...Art. 50 zapewnia nienaruszalność......

Numeros 2017-09-29

Numeros crossword puzzle
  1. 100
  2. 40
  3. 60
  4. 51
  5. 87
  6. 15
  7. 7
  8. 22
  9. 90
  1. 7
  2. 23
  3. 35
  4. 50
  5. 84
  6. 92
  7. 10

16 Clues: 7723403560508492518715221090100

Järjestysluvut 2023-03-01

Järjestysluvut crossword puzzle
  1. 55.
  2. 63.
  3. 1000.
  4. 32.
  5. 27.
  6. 20.
  7. 84.
  8. 70.
  1. 50.
  2. 40.
  3. 100.
  4. 30.
  5. 90.
  6. 80.
  7. 101.

15 Clues:

Los Números 0 - 100 2017-11-05

Los Números 0 - 100 crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 13
  3. 11
  4. 15
  5. 32
  6. 90
  7. 100
  8. 40
  9. 20
  10. 84
  11. 60
  12. 63
  13. 95
  14. 12
  1. 58
  2. 30
  3. 70
  4. 0
  5. 29
  6. 46
  7. 17
  8. 51
  9. 79
  10. 50
  11. 80

25 Clues: 01458307013111529463217904051795020846063958012100

multistep equations 2022-10-04

multistep equations crossword puzzle
  1. 11x-8-6x=22
  2. 8(1x+3)=96
  3. 23x-8+5x=188
  4. 13x+6-8x=16
  5. 4(3x-2)=40
  6. 16x+2+5x=65
  1. 6(2x+4)=84
  2. 15x-10-5x=40
  3. 10x+4-8x=2
  4. 12x+9-14x=1

10 Clues: 6(2x+4)=848(1x+3)=9610x+4-8x=24(3x-2)=4011x-8-6x=2212x+9-14x=113x+6-8x=1616x+2+5x=6515x-10-5x=4023x-8+5x=188

I numeri cardinali & ordinali (Cardinal & Ordinal numbers) 2019-10-29

I numeri cardinali & ordinali (Cardinal & Ordinal numbers) crossword puzzle
  1. 19
  2. 73
  3. 78°
  4. 10°
  5. 12°
  6. 40°
  7. 14°
  8. 0
  9. 91°
  10. 1000°
  1. 50
  2. 48
  3. 27
  4. 84
  5. 39
  6. 61
  7. 62°
  8. 23°
  9. 18
  10. 15
  11. 99
  12. 17
  13. 100°

26 Clues: 050482784396119731815991762°23°78°10°12°40°14°91°100°1000°

NFL Players 2023-01-26

NFL Players crossword puzzle
  1. Wide Receiver #18
  2. Wide Receiver #83
  3. Safety #6
  4. Tight End #46
  5. Linebacker #47
  6. Defensive Tackle #98
  7. Running Back #27
  8. Long Snapper #56
  9. Guard #74
  10. Quarterback #10
  11. Tight End #81
  12. Safety #20
  13. Wide Receiver #82
  14. Linebacker #91
  15. Cornerback #43
  16. Defensive Tackle #95
  17. Tight End #89
  18. Cornerback #22
  19. Safety #31
  20. Defensive Tackle #93
  21. Punter #16
  22. Linebacker #58
  23. Linebacker #53
  24. Wide Receiver #87
  25. Quarterback #12
  26. Offensive Tackle #72
  27. Wide Receiver #13
  28. Tight End #84
  29. Linebacker #59
  30. Cornerback #41
  31. Cornerback #21
  32. Safety #24
  33. Offensive Tackle #79
  34. Tight End #85
  35. Linebacker #7
  36. Running Back #28
  37. Cornerback #35
  38. Cornerback #25
  1. Wide Receiver #80
  2. Linebacker #45
  3. Cornerback #NA
  4. Safety #36
  5. Center #65
  6. Offensive Tackle #78
  7. Safety #NA
  8. Defensive Tackle #90
  9. Placekicker #NA
  10. Linebacker #51
  11. Defensive Tackle #99
  12. Cornerback #29
  13. Center #71
  14. Linebacker #54
  15. Cornerback #23
  16. Offensive Tackle #73
  17. Guard #50
  18. Safety #38
  19. Linebacker #55
  20. Center #67
  21. Placekicker #2
  22. Defensive End #94
  23. Guard #76
  24. Offensive Tackle #69
  25. Running Back #33
  26. Offensive Tackle #75
  27. Linebacker #52
  28. Defensive Tackle #97
  29. Offensive Tackle #63
  30. Safety #26
  31. Offensive Tackle #70
  32. Running Back #39
  33. Tight End #49
  34. Wide Receiver #9
  35. Quarterback #19

73 Clues: Safety #6Guard #74Guard #50Guard #76Safety #36Center #65Safety #NASafety #20Center #71Safety #38Safety #31Center #67Punter #16Safety #26Safety #24Tight End #46Tight End #81Tight End #89Tight End #84Tight End #49Tight End #85Linebacker #7Linebacker #45Cornerback #NALinebacker #47Linebacker #51Cornerback #29Linebacker #54Cornerback #23Linebacker #91...

Prisoner B-3087 2023-12-19

Prisoner B-3087 crossword puzzle
  1. What did Yanek find that was lose when he was on the ground?(88)
  2. What was the first item bought with the money Yanek found?(83)
  3. Who were the people that had no life left in them?(82)
  4. What type of mine was it?(98)
  5. When they were under the floor what sound did they use to tell that it was time to get out?(91)
  6. The Jews had to where the star of _____.(65)
  7. What chambers was the truck full of people including Yanek thought to be taken to?(117)
  8. What was Yanek trying to eat on the truck?
  9. Who did Yanek find dead in the flats?(76)
  10. What policeman was killed in the mines?(103)
  11. Where was Yanek deported to when he was in Krakow?(62)
  1. What place did the truck Yanek was in say on the side?(121)
  2. What animals did Goeth take around with him?(93)
  3. What was in the room they were brought into from their long journey?(127)
  4. What did Yanek find in his fathers jacket?(78)
  5. What is one thing Yanek had to be to survive in the camp?(85)
  6. Yanek,Thomas, and ______ hid under the floor together.(89)
  7. What did Yanek wish would come alive and free them?(100)
  8. Who woulen’t tell Yanek about his uncle and the score?(84)
  9. At the camp who do Uncle Moshe and Yanek have to avoid and hide from?(71)

20 Clues: What type of mine was it?(98)Who did Yanek find dead in the flats?(76)What was Yanek trying to eat on the truck?The Jews had to where the star of _____.(65)What policeman was killed in the mines?(103)What did Yanek find in his fathers jacket?(78)What animals did Goeth take around with him?(93)Who were the people that had no life left in them?(82)...

Math- answers in numbers 2023-09-01

Math- answers in numbers crossword puzzle
  1. 84 / 3 + 16 x 20
  2. 27 x 15 / 3
  3. 200 x 5 + (32 / 2)
  4. 44 x 2 (8 / 4)
  5. 29 x 4 + 37 - 1
  6. 2000 / 2 x 10 / 2
  7. 24 / 3 x 30
  1. 3000 / 3 - 46
  2. 525 / 5 x 6 - 7
  3. 33 / 11 x 120 - 4
  4. 1000 / 2 + 17 - 5
  5. 25 x 10 / 2
  6. 25 + 75 - 30 + 100
  7. 10 + 30 x 20
  8. 45 x 2 + 30
  9. (629 + 1) / 3 + 17

16 Clues: 27 x 15 / 325 x 10 / 245 x 2 + 3024 / 3 x 3010 + 30 x 203000 / 3 - 4644 x 2 (8 / 4)525 / 5 x 6 - 729 x 4 + 37 - 184 / 3 + 16 x 2033 / 11 x 120 - 41000 / 2 + 17 - 52000 / 2 x 10 / 2200 x 5 + (32 / 2)25 + 75 - 30 + 100(629 + 1) / 3 + 17

Los numeros 2023-01-23

Los numeros crossword puzzle
  1. 59
  2. 96
  3. 72
  4. 44
  5. 83
  6. 48
  7. 31
  8. 20
  9. 100
  10. 27
  11. 52
  1. 95
  2. 61
  3. 39
  4. 76
  5. 85
  6. 64

17 Clues: 59959661723944837648853164202752100